#why go through the trouble if we aren't expected to get more from them in canon
nightofmiracles · 1 month
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(shakes af) U
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bridgertonbabe · 5 months
I’m popping this here in case you get the urge
But the great Cluedo incident of ‘19…
I need to know what happened!!
BSSG Group Chat
Penelope: So other than all of that
Penelope: How did you enjoy your first game night @ Phillip @ Michael?
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Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆
Michael: To say I didn't enjoy a single second of last night would be an understatement
Simon: Yeah sounds about right.
Phillip: I can't lie.
Phillip: I did google how to go about getting a restraining order.
Penelope: Honestly Phil that's fair
Simon: I did the same thing after my first game night with them
Phillip: Did you actually go through with it?
Simon: I really was on the verge of it ngl
Simon: But alas, I knew it would be far more trouble than it's worth.
Simon: And besides I should have known what I was marrying into after my first game of pall mall 💀
Penelope: And look as much as we love you guys, if the events of last night were enough to scare you off we'd completely and whole-heartedly understand if you wanted to go NC with the rest of the fam.
Phillip: Just one question
Phillip: Is it just game nights and pall mall that sets them all off like that?
Michael: Yeah we really need to know now if they're triggered like that by anything else
Michael: Because if so...
Simon: It's only anything competitive that sets them all off in that way.
Simon: You have my word on that.
Penelope: ⬆⬆⬆
Penelope: Yes and they're particularly at their worst when they're playing as a family.
Penelope: They really know how to push each others buttons but none of them know when to draw the line
Michael: Yeah no shit
Michael: I managed to pick up on that last night when I was trying to put out an actual fucking fire
Simon: I do have to say that last night was an all time low
Simon: They really were all at their absolute worst
Simon: Even I didn't think they could collectively be that bad, especially after the Pictionary incident of '16
Phillip: I mean I guess it's somewhat of a relief to hear that last night wasn't just a bog standard Bridgerton game night
Phillip: Though from the way you guys are talking about it and now with the mentioned "Pictionary incident", it seems their game nights are always a cause for concern and never fun in general
Michael: Very that
Kate: What?!
Kate: What are you talking about?
Kate: Of course game nights are fun!
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Simon: Kate
Simon: Are you actually insane
Kate: Just because last night got a little bit crazy doesn't mean game nights on the whole aren't fun!
Phillip: A little bit crazy????
Penelope: Kate multiple people had to go to hospital last night
Kate: Yeah and?
Kate: It's not like it's the first game night we've ended up in A&E
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Michael: What do you mean this isn't the first game night that you've ended up in A+E?????
Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
Phillip: ???????????????
Penelope: Kate 2 casualties as a result of a Bridgerton game night is to be expected but 9 is still nine more than any of us would like
Michael: 2 casualties...
Phillip: I
Kate: Omg Pen it wasn't 9 casualties
Kate: The doctors were just covering their arses with keeping most of them in over night
Kate: They were fine
Simon: They had smoke inhalation Kate
Michael: Your husband had his eyebrows burnt off
Penelope: Which is what happens when you and Anthony throw a tandem strop and set the kitchen alight
Kate: Objection!
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Kate: If you want to point the finger at who caused the fire then look no further than your wife @ Simon
Simon: First of all I wasn't pointing fingers
Simon: And secondly I was too busy trying to stem Greg's bleeding to notice the fire happening or who caused
Kate: Deflect all you want but your wife was the firestarter 🔥🔥🔥
Kate: The number of casualties was only so high because of her
Penelope: God I just hope Sophie's ok
Michael: Yeah ngl she's the only one I'm concerned for
Kate: I'm sure she's perfectly fine
Kate: Seriously you guys need to chill
Kate: I don't know why you're all being so negative about last night
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Kate: Omg why are you so mad?
Kate: It's not like she attacked you
Phillip: Oh and I should be so fucking grateful should I???
Phillip: That after attacking 3 others Anthony wrestled it off of her before she could get to me????
Michael: Who tf even let her have a switchblade in the first place???
Penelope: I did tell Colin he'd live to regret getting it for her
Phillip: And he got it for her because?!?!
Penelope: It was the one thing she asked him for when he was in Japan and he thought she just wanted it for ornamental reasons even though I explicitly warned him that definitely wasn't the case
Sophie sent a photo
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Omg Sophie!!!!
Penelope: 😍
Sophie: Everyone, meet Alexander 💙
Simon: Oh thank god, congrats Soph! x
Michael: Aw made up for you Soph, he's a right lil beauty! 😘
Phillip: Congrats Sophie 🤗
Penelope: He's so beautiful 🥰 how did it go?
Sophie: As smoothly as it could be considering he's 3 weeks early
Michael: I have to say Ben's rocking that eye patch
Sophie: I mean it's not exactly the get up I expected our son to meet his dad wearing but c'est la vie
Simon: How's Charlie finding being a big brother?
Sophie: I think he's more delighted with his dad looking like a pirate than with his baby brother tbh
Sophie: He very excitedly went to his dress up box and put on his pirate costume so he could be just like his daddy and refused to take it off when we were taking photos of him with Alex.
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Oh bless him he looks pleased as punch
Sophie: He couldn't hand Alex back to me fast enough so he could have a sword fight with Ben and make him walk the plank
Phillip: Btw just wanted to say Sophie that I'm really sorry that El accused you of faking your water breaking just to get out of the game.
Penelope: I'm sorry on Colin's behalf too Soph
Sophie: It's ok guys, I appreciate it and besides you were the ones who called the ambulance for me.
Simon: Unlike someone.
Michael: @ Kate
Kate: Omg Alex is absolutely gorgeous, congrats Soph! x
Simon: ...
Simon: Anything else you'd like to say?
Penelope: Yeah any apology to extend?
Kate: Ok ok ok
Kate: Sophie I know I didn't believe you were in labour and refused to call an ambulance
Kate: But from my side of things it just seemed really convenient that your contractions started just as you were losing
Michael: This isn't an apology???
Simon: Your newborn nephew isn't evidence enough that you were clearly in the wrong???
Kate: Ok fine I'm sorry for not calling an ambulance when you needed it Sophie!
Sophie: K.
Kate: But I will add, who's to say she didn't fake contractions and then get induced once she got to the hospital?
Sophie has left the chat.
Michael: Jesus fucking Christ
Simon has removed Kate from the chat.
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Don't worry I removed her.
Sophie: Thanks Simon x
Phillip: One more question.
Phillip: Did the Bridgertons corrupt Kate to be like that or was she god forbid like that anyway?
Penelope: Unfortunately Kate married in being equally as deranged as them in any competitive setting 😔
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Simon: Very that.
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reashot · 1 year
Trouble with Baby.
Baby: Wahhhh!!!
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Ruby: Oh no the baby is crying, what do we do?! 😵
Yang: Wow, wow! What are you looking at me for. I'm supposed to be the wild and irresponsible one, remember?
Blake: *ugghh* Would someone please do something about it. I'm trying to read here.
Weiss: I'm trying to find a nanny through this app. Is 3000 lien a week sounds reasonable to you girls?
Ruby: *smell something* Eww.... The baby just pooped! 😨
Baby: Wahhh!!!
Blake: And... That's my cue to bail out. Sorry sisters but this is where the bond of sisterhood absolutely doesn't matter.
Yang: Oh no you don't. You don't get to take the easy way out and run away like you usually do.
Weiss: Whose great idea was it to babysit other people's baby?
BY: *Points towards Ruby*
Ruby: *Gulp* But his parents are in the hospital right now and they need someone to watch over the baby for them in the meanwhile. 😣
Weiss: That doesn't mean it should be us. You dolt. There's must be someone more capable to take care of a baby.
Ruby: But everyone is busy with the Vytal festival. And I just can't say no. 🥺
Weiss: So instead you volunteer the entire team to take care of a baby without asking us before hand?
Ruby: Well what's done is done and you seems to forget the most important thing here. That someone still have to change the baby's diaper.
Weiss: Well it won't be me that's for sure.
Yang: Eeehhh. Is it too late to run away with you Blake?
Blake: I know I'm the last person that should say this but you can't run away from your responsibility.
Ruby: I can't believe you girls would just abandoned a baby like this. And you call your self a hero. 😠
Blake: Uh... No we never call ourselves that.
Weiss: Quit dragging us to your problem. And if you will excuse me I have a date with Neptune.
Yang: And I also gotta go do... Polishing my bike, I guess?
Baby: Wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruby: Wait please don't go! 😭
Jaune: Don't go where Ruby?
Ruby: Jaune. You came. 🤤 And why is Ciel holding your arm like that? 🤨
Ciel: Hello again Miss. Rose. As you can see Jaune and I are on a date together.
Ruby: D-d-date?! Both of you are on a date?! 😳
Jaune: What no. I'm just showing Ciel around the festival. And what is that smell?
Ruby: Uh I have a baby... I mean I'm taking care of someone's baby for a while. And I might have bitten off more than I can chew. 😞
Jaune: Ah I see. Well Ruby if you are having trouble taking care of the baby then I can help you with that.
Ruby: You sure? I don't want to trouble you or anything like that. 😟
Jaune: It's my pleasure Ruby. *effortlessly changes the Baby's diaper* All done. You are brave boy aren't you. Yes you are.
Baby: Yay!!
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Yang: How do you know how to do that?
Jaune: Oh. I just have a lot of younger sibling growing up. So I'm expected to pick up the slack and help take care of them. Not limited to just changing diaper and that's include cooking, cleaning and other things. And I don't mind it because I really-really like babies.
RWBY+C: *The collective sounds of their uterus descending*
Blake: LEWD!!!
Weiss: No-no it can't be right I did not just think about Jaune like that...
Yang: Gods damn Vomit Boy. You got me worked up like when the time Ruby visit a gun store... Isn't that right Ruby... Eh, Ruby why are you looking like that?
Ruby: Heh... Heh.... Heh... Heh...
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Jaune: Ruby are you feeling okay. Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?
Ruby: Yes... Yes... We can do it in the infirmary... I mean take me there. There's probably a clean bed we can use... I mean a bed you can put me in. (While I close the door behind you.) 😶‍🌫️
Ciel: Oh Jaune you are so nice to offer her. But I think she is too busy with the baby stuff. And you promised me first to show me around Vytal. And Jaune I think we should end the tour in my room. There's something I want to show you later. What do you say?
Jaune: Your room? I don't know what you are trying to show me, but okay. I'm sorry Ruby I have to finish giving Ciel a tour. Call me in my scroll if you need anymore help.
Ciel: Oh I think we would find it rather enjoyable. *turns towards Ruby* (Get a hint brat he's mine.)
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Ruby: Stay away from him! I saw him first! 😡
Ciel: All is fair in love and war.
Baby: Wah!!!!!
Jaune: Stop it you two are scaring the baby!
So the Rusted Knight reveal... Yeh. I think gonna write something about it.
So what do you guys think should my next post be Lancaster fluff or Angst? And by Angst I mean Angst - Angst. I mean heartbreaking and wrenching stuff here. The fluff is just okay.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I always get ticked off from people who keep trying to push for the monetization of AO3 because that's my favorite thing about the site, honestly. 1) No one here, i don't believe, said fanfic/fanart isn't real art. 2) Fan-made products are taken off of etsy all the time. Every single day this exact thing happens. Etsy shop owners get their shops taken off the site for this! exact! thing! 3) Japan has different copyright laws than in the USA, where AO3 is based. Doujinshi does get some creators in copyright trouble in Japan if they try to create new characters based on the pre-existing work. It happens fairly often. 4) Writers always improve the same way: they write often, read often, edit, repeat, over and over again. We expect writers to break into commercialization the same way the people before them have: you write a novel or a short story anthology, edit, rewrite (rinse repeat), send queries to agents, wait for agents to come back with good news from publishers, then market the hell out of your book along with the publisher (if the publisher has the money to do it). And if none of that is your thing, self-publish. You don't get to monetize your fellow fans' labor just because you're too lazy to figure out how to market your work to let people know it exists. It's easier than ever with the internet. And I wish entitled crybaby fans would get this through their heads: no👏🏽one👏🏽 has the right, or should have the right, to make money off of someone else's story, hard work, or imaginative work. If you're a writer, create something new and do the market research to figure out how to best market it. No one has the responsibility to fund your creative dreams but yourself. Why should anyone care to follow a writer of original works who's most known for writing derivatives of others' IP? Now that we're in the age of IP and copyright ownership of art, why does this need to constantly be repeated? AO3 is free and open for everyone to use. If you want to market yourself and your work, you'll have to do it somewhere else. The internet is vast. Stop being lazy and put in the work like other writers do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah. Fandom is where I honed my craft.
That's the great thing about fandom! People read so much kind of half-baked stuff and genuinely enjoy it. They wouldn't give that same leeway to commercial products. There's also more space for niche interests. That allows a writer to figure out what they actually like instead of just chasing the thing that someone else says sells best.
Lots of people who go pro, including me, write very fandomy stuff. You pick up almost any m/m self- or indie-pub book, and you know in five minutes this is a fic writer. But if we're any good, we can build enough scaffolding for our own worlds and characters. Change the names. Beef up your own setting. Write a complete plot that doesn't rely on being a missing scene from something else. It's not that complicated.
Frankly, if someone "needs" to sell fic, that makes me think they aren't confident in their writing being attractive to others without a major crutch.
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Downward Spiral
Summary: Managing work-life balance as a superhero is hard in the best of times.
These are not the best of times.
Author's Note: So turns out, this didn't take nearly as long as I expected and there also aren't nearly as many chapters as I expected there to be (just three), so uh, here's the first chapter! Have fun with it like Danny won't!
At an actually decent suggestion from Jazz, Danny starts going home before going on patrol, just because too often if he tries to patrol first, he misses his much earlier much stricter curfew, and he really can’t afford to do that right now.
Jazz comes with him a lot of the time.  She brings a thermos or strategies in regards to the ghosts they’re most likely to find.  She catches the ghost sometimes, and Danny always feels grateful that her aim has gotten better.  Ghost fighting is more than a little easier with backup.
Tonight, however, nothing much helps, as there’s so many ghosts out and about it doesn’t matter how efficient or well-planned they are, they still get home after midnight.  Danny phases them both through the walls and up to his bedroom, and then collapses onto his bed and changes back without moving.
“That’s it,” he groans.  “I’m sleeping for a week.”
“Unfortunately we still have school tomorrow,” Jazz says, but he can tell she’s exhausted too.  She flops down on the bed next to Danny, but doesn’t bother looking at him as she keeps talking.  “At least it’s almost Friday.”
Danny manages a weak laugh.  “Never thought I’d live to see the day you’d be excited to see the weekend,” he says.
“I’m excited to be well rested,” Jazz mutters, and Danny looks over to find her eyes are already shut and she seems half asleep already.  He doesn’t want to make her move when they’re both this tired, but he doesn’t know if he has the strength to walk to her bedroom either.  So instead, they both end up falling asleep sideways on the bed, with Danny having just enough time to shove the thermos under his pillow to deal with in the morning before he passes out too.
A knock on his door wakes them both, but there’s barely any pause before it opens and Mom walks quickly in, looking nervous about something.
“Danny have you seen— oh, Jazz, you’re in here!”
Danny blinks blearily, trying to push himself upwards.
“Sorry Mom,” Jazz says, already awake and two steps ahead like usual.  “I was helping Danny study last night, and we both just kind of fell asleep.”
“Oh no worries, sweetie, I just didn’t know where you were,” Mom says.  And Danny expects that to be the end of it, but instead Jazz stands up and walks across the room, then gives Mom a quick hug.
Danny blinks in surprise, but Mom hugs Jazz tightly back for a second before giving her a smile and heading back out, with a call that she’d see them downstairs for breakfast.
“Uh, you guys good?” Danny asks, and Jazz turns to face him, blinking a couple times.  Maybe she’s not as awake as he thought she was.
“Oh, Mom and Dad just get more nervous when they don’t know where we are now,” Jazz says.  “That’s why I suggested coming home before patrol.  It’s not your fault, but we shouldn’t get in trouble for it.”
Danny narrows his eyes in concern.  “That’s why you suggested coming home before patrol?”
“Well, that and it’s generally easier to patrol if we’ve already had dinner,” Jazz says.  “It’s really okay, Danny.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“I wasn’t,” Danny says, sitting upwards and stretching his arms above his head in an effort to wake himself up.  “Meet you downstairs for breakfast.”
“Sure thing,” Jazz says, heading out to her own room.
Danny still isn’t quite awake when he does make it downstairs, but he sort of feels like he can make it through the day while feeling only slightly like a zombie.  As long as nothing happens, anyway, like Dash getting on his case or some large assignment being given or another ghost attack.
Oh who is he kidding, he’s doomed.
Someone nudges him in the shoulder, and Danny turns to see Jazz approaching from his side.  “I can drive you to school today if you want,” she says.  “Just so you don’t have to rush quite as much.”
“Yes please,” Danny says.  “You’re a lifesaver.”  He grabs one of the pieces of toast sitting on the plate in the center of the table, then takes a bite without bothering to put any butter or jam on it.
He manages to get ready with just a little time to spare, which gives him time to grab the thermos and head down to the lab.  Danny manages to send the ghosts stuffed into the thermos through the portal back into the ghost zone, where they’ll hopefully be for a while.
He’s about to turn around and head back upstairs when he hears the lab door open, and he freezes.
“Danny?” Mom asks, as she walks down the steps.  “What are you doing in the lab, don’t you need to be getting ready for school.”
“Uh, I think I left a pencil down here when I was cleaning,” Danny says, turning to the nearby cluttered lab table as an excuse, and starting to shift through papers.
Mom looks around with a raised eyebrow, lingering on the messy tables and scattered papers and beakers.  “Maybe you should take another crack at the cleaning part,” she says.
“Uh, totally,” Danny says, grabbing the first pencil he lands on and heading back upstairs.  “You got it Mom!  Sorry, I was just super busy with studying.”
“No, that’s alright, hun, studies come first.  Just make sure you make some time to do your chores too, okay?”
“Sure thing,” Danny calls as he runs back up the stairs.  He waits until he’s out of earshot to mutter to himself, “I’ll add it to the list of priorities, right under the ghost fighting.”
He shakes it off and moves to grab his bag, then heads out front to meet Jazz, who’s already waiting in the car.
“Ghosts taken care of?” she asks as Danny shuts the door.
“Yep,” Danny says as she pulls away.  “Thanks for the ride.  I don’t think I would have had time otherwise.”
“No problem.  I love it when there isn’t a thermos full of malicious entities stuck under your pillow all day.”
“It is one of my favorite decorative habits,” Danny says, giving an admittedly still exhausted smirk.
Apparently a little more exhausted than he thought, because he ends up falling asleep on the way to school, and Jazz shakes him awake when they get there.
“You sure you’re up for this?” she asks as Danny drags himself and his bag from the car.
“So up for this,” Danny says, waving her off.  “I’m gonna take a nap in homeroom and probably during lunch.  I’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” Jazz says.  “If you’re sure.”
“I’m definitely not.  How are you so awake by the way, that’s not even fair.”
“I wasn’t the one that did all of the actual fighting last night,” Jazz says as they start towards the school.  “And I also have a good sleep schedule the rest of the time.”
“Good sleep schedules are for chumps.”
“Yeah see, that’s probably part of your problem.”
They split up as Danny reaches homeroom, where he does in fact put his head on his desk and sleep until the bell rings again.
He really can’t afford to sleep through his algebra class, though.  That one had taken the biggest hit while he’d been off doing crimes for Freakshow, and algebra has never been his strong suit.  He’s managed to get his grade back up to a somewhat decent C-, but it’s a shaky C-, one he can’t afford to slack on.  So in passing period, he splashes some water on his face, smacks himself in the face a couple of times, and then heads in to force himself to focus on numbers.
He sits near the window next to Tucker, who has algebra the same time as him, and who looks significantly less exhausted than he does, which is probably why he feels okay with whispering to him as class starts.
“Hey, did you get the homework done?”
Danny’s head snaps over to him.  “What?”
There isn’t homework due today, is there?  How did he forget that?
Oh, what does it matter?  He wouldn’t have had time to do it last night anyway, between getting slammed into concrete walls, or through store windows, or into other ghosts.
Tucker, next to him, holds up an entire packet of quadratic equations, all of which he’s done, and all of which look complicated.
Danny slams his head down on his desk.  “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Sorry dude,” Tucker says with a sympathetic frown.
Danny looks hopefully towards him.  “Could you help me make it up after school?”
Tucker winces, which doesn’t seem to bode well for his chances.
“Uh, sorry,” he says, looking away.  “Sam wants to, uh, do a thing.”
“A thing?”
“Yeah, at the park.  And you’re still grounded, so���”
Danny sighs, looking back at his desk.  “Right, yeah.  Thanks anyway.”
Tucker doesn’t say anything, and then the bell rings, and the teacher up front calls for everyone to pass in their homework.
There’s a two day late policy which doesn’t make exceptions for the weekend, meaning Danny’s gonna have to figure out some way to get it done today so he can turn it in tomorrow.  Maybe he actually will be up late to study that night.  Ghost fighting comes before homework, but homework tends to find a way to come before sleep.
And if he doesn’t want to piss off his mom, he’s gotta fit cleaning the lab in there somewhere.
Whatever, he can sleep all day Saturday.  It’ll be fine.  He’s grounded anyway.
Lunch seems to take forever to get there, and by the time Danny finally makes it to their usual table, Sam and Tucker are already there and talking.  Danny sets his tray down, then drops his backpack down on the table next to it and buries his head in it.
“Late night?” Sam asks.
Danny makes a grumbled noise of agreement.
“I thought you caught up on all your homework from being gone.”
“That does not stop me from forgetting about new homework, apparently,” Danny says, managing to pull his head up.
“Yikes,” Sam says.  “Good luck with that.”
“I’m gonna need it,” Danny mutters.  He grabs the apple from his tray and takes a bite a split second before he remembers why he doesn’t eat the terrible mealy school apples and spits it back out onto the tray.
“Geez Danny, you think you could try being a functional human today?” Sam asks, pulling her tray back towards her.
“Apparently not,” Danny says, giving a short laugh.  He covers the bite of the apple with a napkin to throw away when he finishes the rest of it.  “Sorry Sam, I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
“I can tell,” Sam says with a roll of her eyes.  There was a short pause before Sam says, “You’re not alone in that, though.  There were ghosts fighting all night, they kept waking me up.”
Danny winces.  “Sorry, Sam.  That sucks,” he says.
“I bet it was Invis-o-bill again,” Sam says, turning to look at Tucker, probably trying to include him in the conversation, since he’s been pretty quiet through most of lunch, looking down at his PDA.  “Did you guys see how much damage he caused last night?  He needs to pay more attention.”  She nudges Tucker.  “He woke you up too, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Tucker says, looking down and tapping something on his PDA.
Danny doesn’t say anything, and instead takes a drink of his chocolate milk.  He probably should have paid more attention last night.  He and Jazz have been trying to cut down on the property damage as a way to help his image a bit.  The only problem being last night he was still out fighting at 11PM and he was achy and exhausted.  He’s still achy and exhausted.
Still, if Sam’s noticed that’s a problem.  The main point for all of this is to show her Phantom in a new light.  If that’s not working, then he needs to be doing something he’s not.
“I’m just saying,” Sam says to Tucker, apparently taking his agreement as more than it seemed to Danny.  “I’m getting a little tired of not getting enough sleep just because of a bunch of stupid ghosts.”
Danny snorts, taking another sip of milk to cover it as a cough.  That makes two of them.
Sam drops the ghost fighting after that, but Danny has trouble shaking off the sour tinge it adds to his mood for the rest of lunch.  He tries to reason his way out of feeling crummy about it while walking to his next class.
Of course Sam’s irritated she didn’t sleep well.  Danny’s irritated he didn’t sleep well too.  And of course she blamed it on Phantom.  That’s nothing new for her.  He’s just not in a great mood because he’s tired, and things will be more bearable tomorrow.
Chapter Two
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einloukrativesangebot · 4 months
February 2024 Destiel Fic Recs
Fics that were written in february of 2024, that I really loved.
Bad Day at the Office by nephiliminality
Castiel has successfully retrieved Dean Winchester from Hell, and now all he has to do is resurrect him, introduce himself and persuade him to serve Heaven. Should be an easy job, right?
Unfortunately, keeping this particular human alive is a lot harder than he expected. If Gabriel would stop laughing, that would really help.
(Lazarus Rising meets Mystery Spot. That's it, that's the fic)
This was is so good, awesome doesn't even begin to cover it.
Piece of Mind by golbygloom
Castiel has only been human for a few weeks when he experiences his first 'headache,' as Dean calls it. At first, he thinks it's nothing, as Sam and Dean said, but as they begin happening more and more frequently, he becomes convinced that this is Naomi's doing as she tries to rip him away from everything he's worked so hard to get. Why else would his head be aching almost constantly, with the pain originating so close to his eyes?
This fic is very angsty, but who doesn't love angst?
room for one more troubled soul by an_ardent_rain
“I’m here looking for Sam Winchester.”
“Yeah,” he says. “That’s me. What can I do for you?”
“I’m… sorry for bothering you,” Castiel says. He clears his throat, and then takes a deep breath, pulling himself together. “I need your help. It’s about your brother.”
Sam’s eyebrows raise in surprise, though he keeps his expression mostly blank. Castiel licks dry lips. “Dean went on a hunting trip,” he says. “And he hasn’t checked in in a few days.”
The concept is so intriguing and the writing is amazing.
dawn breaks overhead by dykeydean
So he finds himself standing in the middle of a run-down motel, letting himself be dressed by a human.
He doesn’t quite remember getting from there to here, but it doesn’t matter. This human’s soul is good, and so he trusts. There is nothing else to do.
“I only got one bed, but, uh, we can share,” the human says. He radiates nervous energy, and Castiel supposes that a bloody angel- fallen angel- showing up on your doorstep would be quite disorienting. Then again, humans used to worship angels almost to the level that they worshiped God. Perhaps times have not changed, and the human is simply awe-struck.
“I don’t sleep,” Castiel says, and then he blacks out.
Again, amazing concept and the writing is superb.
spanner in the works by casdoms (moffwithhishead)
 “You have to choose, Castiel. Us, or them.”
Them. It was always going to be them.
Definitely worth the read, especially for Cas-fans.
Candy-crushing the angel way by FreyaBlackthorn
Dean is a bit uncomfortable with Cas staring at him during the night; he convinces the angel to download Candy Crush.
Because Dean is a candy and Cas is crushing, right? (I'm sorry).
This one is hilarious.
Steady As The Night Goes by Angel_With_A_Shotgun (CalmWaters)
“Yeah. Here,” Dean lifted one of the blankets from the stack beside the bed, “you kept kicking them off earlier.” Cas took it quickly. Wrapped himself up in it. Wide, blue, fevered eyes stared into Dean’s. More alarm bells rang inside of Dean’s head.
Or, a newly human Cas struggles with a fever, while Dean struggles with his feelings.
It's just very sweet and very in character for Dean.
True Blue by adeptune
Based loosely off of this tweet:
"Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we don't even know each other ?"
Or Sam bets Dean a thousand dollars that he and Cas can't go to couple's therapy for a week without the therapist noticing they aren't a couple...
These guys really do need therapy...
feather and nest by orphan_account
Early November comes and goes. Dean tries to hold on through the winter.
Starts angsty, but the ending is really cute.
Cowboy Blues by tollie
“I’ll take this,” Dean dropped a beaded bolo tie on the counter, “and he’ll wear the hat.” “I will?” Cas said, but Dean appeared not to hear as he swiped the Charlie card and pocketed the receipt.
Episode coda for 13x06 "Tombstone" in which Dean buys Cas that absurd hat and Cas wonders what the real cause is for Dean's good mood.
This is very fluffy and such a nice fanfic gap-fic.
Kitchen Table Conversations by Owco
“So let me summarize,” Sam began, still somewhat hoping he’d wake up and this would be a bizarre dream he’d never tell anyone about, “Dean was asking for it so hard it turned into a prayer, causing you to accidentally jump into his body. You were so cozy next to his soul that you left your vessel dead on the bed for over ten minutes. Have I got that right?”
This one's very funny.
Here are the January Recs
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crazysodomite · 1 year
i see a ton of issues with 'creativity' in art online spaces on social media... not just the 'adoptables' community or whatever but it's REALLY bad in there. and i think i know why... man it's hard to structure my thoughts...
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'originality' is actually extremely narrow in art spaces specifically on social media. people get extremely fixated on having an 'original art style' but at the same time all art is being funneled into 1 specific way of making it. and when someone DOES go outside of the norm it becomes their 'thing'. their 'brand'. read: what sells their art/gets them popular.
a few examples: so many posts on the internet complaining about hating drawing lineart, having to redo the line 100 times, etc.
lineart is immediately suggested for beginners and most art is based on lineart first, which makes some people hate art. and they end up thinking doing it any other way is 'wrong' or 'too difficult'. beginners feel like they must make their art like this. sketch > lineart > color fill > shading > detail. when in reality you really don't have to do any of this at all. your art can truly be anything and anything that you hate about creating art can just be removed from the process. am i making any sense? i think i went through this process too. i started out doing lineart and i fucking hated it. i couldn't initially realize that painting is the easiest and most fun way for me to do art. because most art advice on social media (how most people nowadays try to learn i think) is aimed at this specific way to do it.
we aren't giving advice on how to explore art and creativity but only how to make your art most appealing...
same thing with smaller stuff like not being able to do the second eye in art. you don't even HAVE to make your art symmetrical. you can obviously desire that result but i feel like some people aren't even considering the possibility. and this isn't just because people are just lacking in creativity. if your art is 'too weird' and 'not pretty' 'outside of the norm' you will get bullied and made fun of viciously. your art can only venture outside the norm if it's still appealing. and most people aren't up to taking that risk because a few horrible words about a persons art can end their desire to do it completely!!! am i making any sense. when you venture and see art outside of what's popular on social media it's like your eyes are wide open...
and then, when someone does venture out of the norm in a creative and appealing way, it suddenly becomes 'their brand' and if someone creates something remotely similar to it, it's considered 'plagiarism' and drama and harassment follows. it's MY THING to draw this in that way. you can't get inspired by it. it's MY BRAND.
so we come to the conclusion of people trying to claim ideas as their own only and try to make profit out of it. and attack anyone who threatens 'their thing'. the endless battles over adoptable markings and palettes. the 'style theft'.
the 'my artstyle is so inconsistent'. it's okay to want to feel like your art is truly your own but the reality often is that. 'i need a concrete style so people expect this one specific thing from me and will pay for it' which obviously there's no blame in people trying to make money but the way it affects artists is just horrible.
the 'artist branding' thing is really fucking bad in adoptable spaces. if you're an 'in demand' artist a lot of attention is paid to your art not because people really enjoy it but because it has trade value. and even really gorgeous designs from people are looked over and devalued because they're not a high trade value artist...
im tired of trying to make my art appealing and popular instead of what i like to do. and im also tired of people not being able to appreciate art outside of it's most appealing form and calling ANYTHING outside what appeals to them bad or boring or whatever the fuck. i can really say more but i have trouble structuring my thoughts...
Mommy needs cigarettes 🚬 i just ranted on facebook.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
I just wanted to write something cause im bored
characters: Jack Bright, Alto Clef, Kondraki, Draven, Iceberg, Gerald
✦ Jack strikes me as a funny guy when in a relationship, dates with him aren't fancy and shit, he doesn't want to go to a place where you have to waste tons of money for food
✦ She prefers going to McDonald, convencing the staff to give both of you balloons if they have any. Maybe go to an arcade or go bowling, fun dates are her thing.
✦ If you want to, she can book some fancy restaurant so you both can go, but it really isn't his thing. I'm so sure Bright just loves goofing around when not in the foundation cause those are the few times he gets to be out of the place.
✦ Don't get me wrong, he's loyal to the Foundation but it can be a bit too much plus the whole being inmortal thing, he preferes dates that involve going out and to places where you will have a fun story to tell.
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♫ Similar to Jack, he preferes fun dates, fancy never was and never will be his thing.
♫ But contrary to Jack, he prefers being indoors, that being said, he loves dates where you two cook together.
♫ HE IS going to mess with whatever you are doing, and YOU WILL have to try and stop him from putting weird shit into the mix.
♫ If you are baking a cake, he's going to try to put gummy worms in it, if you are making dinner, he'll try to put chocolates in the spaguetti.
♫ But that's perfect with you, because that's your man.
♫ If you both already planned to have a date but that day was kinda of shitty for him, he'll try to put through it anyways, most likely you will notice and it wil be time for cuddles and maybe a movie that is just there for background noise while both of you sleep.
♫ I headcannon Clef as a pretty clingy guy when in private, he needs constant praise but he'll prefer dying before admiting it, Lily left some pretty nasty scars on him (both mentally and phsically), so this 'dates' are more of a schedule for both of you, they happen once a week.
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⌛︎ So this one depends on how much you support his drinking habit.
⌛︎ If you are ok with it you both will go to a bar and have a few drinks, but make sure they are actually a few because he doesn't know when to stop.
⌛︎ If you aren't okay with it, then you'll have dinners in your home, same as Clef, Kondraki prefers dates indoors rather than outdoors, he craves that domestic life. Hell! he may even invite Draven and Talloran if it's cool with you.
⌛︎ If Draven comes, he is not buying any alcoholic drinks, not even beer.
⌛︎ If he doesn't, he'll buy probably two cans of beer or vodka, enough to not get him wasted.
⌛︎ Dates with him are filled with talking about this and that, a new book he got into, some dumbass in the Foundation, a guy you don't like from your work and so on.
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➳ Anything will do good with him, wanna go to the beach? Okay! Want to try out food in this new restaurant? Sure, let's go! Wanna do a picnic? HE'S ON HIS WAY.
➳ He likes to have dates at night time, maybe have some take-out and eat in a park while you both talk, walk around holding hands.
➳ He likes to gossip, no you can't change my mind. He'll call you up and will tell you to come to his apartment, when you are there, there are a lot of bags of chips, candies and sodas
➳ You'll paint his nails while he tells you about some weird break up that happened in the foundation, you will ask him to stay still because he uses his hands so much to get his point across.
➳ Probably the only one that will take you to a fancy place with no trouble, yeah it's not his thing but it doesn't hurt to act like you are both rich and important people for one night.
➳ 10/10 would date again.
❆ "Why do you wanna go out if we see each other every day"
❆ Don't expect going out with him, he has to be in a really good mood to take you out, if you wanna go alone or with friends he has no trouble paying for you.
❆ But he's just, not going out, not his thing at all.
❆ Similar to most in this list, preferes staying inside, he'll make breakfast for you and you can watch a movie on the mornings.
❆ At night time, he'll order something from your favourite place and probably some dessert, he'll tell you he got it because it was cheap and it was for him, but since he was going to get something might as well feed you too.
❆ He got himself something else tho, he didn't ate desseart because it was for you.
❆ This one also craves domesticity, but he won't say it. He loves kisses in the morning when making coffee, holding hands when coming home and cuddling at night.
❆ Hell! He may even tell you that he loves you, and verbal affection from him is one hell of an achievement.
⚠︎ Everything he gets is from the market, if he cooks he'll burn everything down and he just wants dates with you to be perfect, he feels like he doesn't deserve you and feels bad because there are so many guys out there that are better than him.
⚠︎ So he tries, he really tries to make these dates perfect, there is no way anything can go wro-
⚠︎ So, most of the time you end up going home and having the picnic on your backyard.
⚠︎ He gets attacked by bears, beers, steps on snakes by mistake, everything that could go wrong goes wrong.
⚠︎ He may even cry.
⚠︎ When you are in your backyard he'll try to feed you parts of the cake he bought, only to attract more fucking bees.
⚠︎ You'll feed him a strawberry and he'll choke on it, but that's to expect.
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(Persona 5) Makoto, Ann, Haru, and Hifumi's S/O knowing they're a Phantom Thief
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I normally don't write folks who aren't playable, but I'm willing to make an exception for Hifumi!
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Makoto is shocked when S/O tells her the truth.
(Makoto) "Y-You knew?"
(S/O) "The day we became a couple. I mean, that bully suddenly apologizing to me after I told you their name? I think that's a little too convenient."
(Makoto) "Ah...fair enough."
She can't help but feel embarrassed. Thankfully, it was just her S/O, but she needs to be more careful in the future.
(Makoto) "You won't tell anyone?"
(S/O) "Of course not. Your secret is safe with me."
Makoto feels immense relief. At least they know the times she had to cancel their dates was because of important work, and not for any petty or stupid reasons.
But now that the secret is out, she vows to protect them. After all, the less they know, the better.
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Ann completely short circuits when S/O tells her that they know she's a Phantom Thief.
(Ann) "...Wha...-HUH?!"
(S/O) "Ann, you've been hanging out with that transfer student, Ryuji, Madarame's student. How could I not guess that?"
She begins stuttering, trying to formulate some kind of excuse.
(S/O) "I've known since the beginning. But, you've saved so many people. I couldn't be prouder, I just thought you should know the truth so that way I don't stress you out-"
(S/O) "...F-Fair enough. But how else do I go about this, "Hey babe, you're a phantom thief! That's badass!"
(Ann) "YES! WAIT, NO! AUGH!"
She attempts to calm herself down, but feels a sense of relief too. At least that was one cat out of the bag.
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Haru is completely calm when S/O tells her what they know.
(S/O) "You seemed...happier than usual. And I know why now, at least."
(Haru) "My apologies, I didn't want to keep secrets from you but-"
(S/O) "Don't worry. I know. After what happened to your father, I don't blame you for not saying anything."
S/O puts their head on her shoulder, as she wraps an arm around them and sighs.
(Haru) "...Then you know I'll do everything to protect you."
(S/O) "Not just me, but everyone you give hope to. I'm glad you aren't alone as you go through this, Haru."
(Haru) "Thanks to you and my friends, I haven't been. Not anymore."
She figured this would get out eventually.
Haru didn't expect this to be the way she told S/O about her true nature, but still, this was nice.
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(Hifumi) "O-Oh..."
Hifumi's eyes are wide open when S/O's words sink in.
She is extremely quiet as they tell her how they knew. In fact, they knew since day one.
S/O had troubles of their own that were miraculously solved when they told Hifumi the names of the people causing trouble.
(S/O) "I don't know who exactly you're working with, but don't worry. Not a soul is going know from me."
The kiss they put on her cheek makes her smile.
(S/O) "Besides, the love of my life is helping others. I couldn't be happier to be with someone like that."
Hifumi gives S/O a hug as she relaxes.
(Hifumi) "Thank you for understanding, S/O. I won't let you down."
(S/O) "You never have."
Hifumi just stays in their arms for a while, not moving. She can't help but wonder how long they've been waiting to tell her about how they knew.
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mirren sketches >:)
lyrics are from Mixed Messages and Red Flags btw
OH ALSO i wrote some dialogue stuff, see under the read more! warning for some humor that's way more nsfw than i'd usually post (i mean. come on. it's dialtown. they're awkward as hell. they're obviously gonna say something questionable /lh) also some more serious stuff (self hate issues, depression, anxiety)
Nice/Fun stuff:
- They say pretty much everything that comes to mind, and once they get a train of thought it doesn't take long for it to derail and crash through a small community, leaving a trail of destruction behind it. TLDR they're really rambly.
"Birthdays are kinda weird. Like obviously there's the whole counting down to your death thing, but also, like. You're basically celebrating the anniversary of you getting evicted from your mom's, uh. You know. Okay that sounded REALLY, extremely, UNCOMFORTABLY Freudian. Can we PLEASE pretend I never said that? Thanks. Oh, right, the murder case."
- They have a tendency to just accept things and move on without commenting further.
"Oh. You lay eggs. Anyways, can you help me break into the ticket booth? I need to check the entry records."
- They're a fucking dork /pos (They're really sweet, but in a convoluted way)
"I, uh, please don't think this is weird, but I made characters for both of us! This one's named May, and they're kinda a failure. They failed their parents, they failed their old best friend, they failed their job. They used to think they had no redeeming qualities. Then, one day, they meet the other character, Ginger. Ginger seems terrifying initially, and even if it isn't obvious at first, they're not actually human. Ginger and May go on a journey in which May tries to learn magic in order to protect people and redeem themself for their past actions, even though they despise the idea of learning magic, but, eventually... Ginger helps them see their own value, helps May see that they're a person too. They are allowed to be selfish sometimes, they're just as worthy of happiness as anyone else. And, uh, maybe... Maybe that saved their life a bit. And maybe, May is allowed to do things for themself sometimes. Ginger means a whole lot to May, even if they have trouble expressing it, and... uh, I guess that's everything. Um. What do you think?"
Serious, bad stuff:
- They see very little value in themself, and tend to expect others to insult or make fun of them. To combat this, they typically are quick to insult themself, in an attempt to get there before anybody else can. It hurts less if they're the one saying it.
"And before you say it! I know it's super annoying when people are constantly insulting themselves, cause like it comes off as compliment seeking, right? I promise that's not what I'm trying to do, I'm just kinda trying to warn you I guess? But, uh, that's still no excuse, and I can totally just shut up if you want! Or, wait, I shouldn't have assumed it's annoying you, I could just be restating what you're thinking? I mean, the things I'm saying about myself aren't exactly incorrect- Just, let me know if I'm being annoying. I'd rather shut up than annoy you, haha. ha. Wow, that sounded fake."
- They tend to blame everything on themself, and act very self destructively.
"Oh god, this is all my fucking fault, I'm so sorry. It's okay if you hate me- or, no, you SHOULD hate me! Fuck, I'm- Why did you even talk to me in the first place?! Do you realize- If you just- You would've been better off if you just walked past me and ignored me! I need to- This is for your wellbeing, being around me is only gonna make things worse for you. I'll be fine, just- Don't follow me. I mean, I don't know why you would in the first place."
- They put everyone else before themself.
"I need to make it up to them, even if I ruin my life in the process. It's not like my life was looking particularly bright in the first place, which is entirely my own fault, so, y'know. Yeah."
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fateinthestars · 8 months
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You know what Karno? You probably are one of the few I'd actually trust to do that. You'd listen to what MC was saying for a start.
Thaaaat said, this has got me thinking on how the others would handle this so...
What would happen if MC asked [God] to help redecorate her apartment? (Thoughts under cut)
Karno: Well he's the one that bought it up so lets start with him. As I said he'd actually listen which would be a help for a start, and no doubt his amplification power will come in handy here too. You want slgihtly brighter lighting? Easy.
Aigonorus: Did you mean redecorating as in fill the place with pillows and maybe get a larger bed? Because honestly that's what I'd imagine Aigo doing. If you wanted to decorate other parts of the apartment, like the kitchen, I don't think he'd get why. Maybe if you can persuade him it'd help you make better marshmallows?
Leon: Oh good God, no. Even if MC is with Leon, whatever the hell you do don't let her ask him to do this. If IF he can even see the point in why he should bother to do this, I can imagine him getting the completely wrong idea. I guess it might be alright if you offer Meatballs and stick to decorating the kitchen. If I talk about other areas I'm gonna end up having to put this under the mature label aren't I?
Tauxolouve: Lou, hon, I love you but he can't even work out what to put in his own room even now. If MC has a clear idea what she wants though, he'd arguably be second choice over Karno from the Wishes Gods... although, that said:
Huedhaut: If you want some input from someone other than yourself and some brainstorming, then yeah Hue's probably gonna be more use than either of them. Trouble is I can also imagine him somewhat stressing MC out by saying "Are you sure THAT is the right colour?" when he doesn't even mean it. How much teasing is MC up for? Hue's end result could be the best but I can't see it being the smoothest journey (even if that is why we all love him). On the other hand, as I have already seen several posts here on tumblr mention - Hue's room is full of books and a pool! Maybe he's somehow made the books waterproof else he's probably not the one to go for for functionallity.
I'm missing someone... oh, oh dear...
Teorus: Uhh... I cannot imagine this at all. I guess maybe he would cycle through a load of different designs but not give MC a chance to really see any of them and then get upset when she can't seem to chose one.
Oh... oh boy. Where the heck to start with this?
Partheno: Well he might be able to utilise his beauty skills to work out what would look good but... you know I said don't ask Leon if MC is with him and definitely not if not? With Partheno I feel it's the other way around - it'd be worse if he was the one with MC. If not you might just get away with it as long as whoever MC is with is intimidating enough... or better yet doesn't leave you on your own with him. (No I still don't want to make this a mature post get out of my head)
Dui: Dui is actually the only one of the punishments Gods I'd expect to 100% listen, though it might be a bit awkward if both sides of his personality have slightly different feelings. That may make for a better end result though.
Krioff: I... I dunno really... like there's listening and there's not giving any clue about what you think back? Like with Lou, MC would have to be 100% sure what she already wants the place to look like because I absolutely cannot imagine Krioff inputting anything at all. At least not to the colours or objects he's already seen. Maybe if you add something new he'd be curious about that at least.
Scorpio: You want it done quickly but maybe with some shouting? Yeah Scorpio could probably do this. He wouldn't really get why you're trying to alter your filthy human place but he'd change it. Again you'd really need to know exactly what you want... although if it doesn't come out exactly as you'd envisioned, Scorpio will at least be able to tell if he's touching you. Which in this scenario he probably would be holding onto your hand or arm because if MC isn't with Scorpio, he would have told her in no uncertain terms to go and bother somebody else.
Ichthys: Oh... oh no. What are you doing? No really, what are you doing? Not only would Ichthys have ideas of his own, I can easily imagine him persuading MC to at least keep a few of his more outlandish choices.
That said, there's a reason I didn't leave him till last... no much as I love him dearly the avoid on this one has to go to...
Zyglavis: MC has a clear idea what she wants the redectorating to be like? Well she's clearly wrong, things would be more efficient if instead it was x, y, z. And it would be easier to dust and keep tidy if there was less knick-nacks not more. I feel like with Zig MC might get the apartment she needs but not actually the one she wants. Oh and for christ's sake don't ask Zig if MC is dating anyone else - depending on who that is there may be something added to deliberately wind them up. If MC is dating Zig, she might be able to get through to him... eventually.
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kaneaken · 1 year
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ii. hello, my name is shikanoin heizou
previous × masterlist × next
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" hello, my name is shikanoin heizou and i think i am being followed. "
" that makes it my issue because-? "
heizou groans, smacking his head against the desk.
" help a buddy out here, scara, " heizou grumbles, " i hope you know that if you were ever in my position, i'd be on the culprit's tail in a second "
" oh, yeah? then, go be your own detective, sherlock, and stop bothering me, " scaramouche retorts
" at least be my watson? " heizou pleads
" no. "
" pretty please? "
" i already said- "
" i'll leak those photos of you at our last sleepover. i bet your fangirls would love those "
and thus, began the investigation of shikanoin heizou and his trusty assistant, scaramouche.
" and how exactly do you plan to find your stalker sitting around in the band room? " scaramouche grumbles, scrolling through his phone as heizou paces around
" well, a good detective should never start an investigation without gathering prior information first"
heizou takes a seat next to scaramouche, pulling out his notepad and pen. he scribbles a few names down and some notes next to them
" you already have suspects? " scaramouche asks, glancing at the scribbled names
" not exactly suspects, more like witnesses who are likely to answer a few questions or even spill the beans "
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" 'sup, kuki! " heizou waves to the arataki gang member to which she sighs, already shaking her head
" what did the boss do this time? "
" nothing that i'm aware of. we aren't here to get him in trouble. we just wanna have a chat "
" it definitely sounds like trouble to me when you say that "
" i agree with her," scaramouche pipes in
" anyways, ignoring what my partner here says, we just wanna know where he's at "
" the boss left a bit ago mumbling about studying for his math quiz, so i'd say he's by the vending machines, " shinobu sighs, " probably stress eating, which, by the way, if he is, would you stop him? he'll get sick like that "
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" itto, what's- "
" it wasn't me! "
heizou watches as itto almost chokes on his granola bar. he pats itto's back until he calms down.
" sorry for the scare there, bud, but i've got some questions for you "
" about what? "
" well, i just so happen to have attracted some unwanted attention and i was wondering if you happened to know about it?"
" uh, well, i wouldn't call the attention unwanted, " itto mumbles
" and why do you say that? "
itto pauses and, nervously, avoids eye contact with heizou.
" well, i'm sure it's just someone who wants to get to know you. not that i know who it is, but maybe they're just scared that you're playing with their feelings and they're just scared to actually approach you to get to know you. just a guess though, haha "
heizou blinks, not expecting such a specific answer.
" i wouldn't happen to know this person, would i? "
" ... "
" ... "
the bell rings, cutting off the conversation between the two males.
" oh, well, that's the bell! gotta run, buds! " itto hurries away from the duo, almost tripping over his own two feet.
scaramouche looks over at heizou, pondering over what itto told said.
" afraid of me playing with their feelings... who have i talked to that would think that...? "
scaramouche grabs heizou's collar to drag him to class as he mumbles to himself
once they reach their classroom, scaramouche turns back to see a bright red heizou
" what got into you? "
" i figured it out "
" and? "
" it's y/n "
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author's note; heizou dragged along scara for the scary dog privileges 😔 hope you guys enjoyed this installment :) taglist is open if anyone's interested <3 see you guys next time (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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frootloopscos · 2 months
3) First Day of School Gone Wrong
 Tag list: @naompspsps @bagofburntcreampuffs @lemon-koii @bluerosegardens @lost-woods-rabbit @friskybee
Want to be added to the tag list?
Chapter 3) Why Can't Grim Stay Out of Trouble?
After supper was ate, yuu left to the bedroom they and their Pokemon cleaned up, opening the closet they were greeted by their usual attire they wore while traveling. They smiled taking off the robe they had been wearing and hung it inside before releasing their pokemon once more. "Sorry it's not much guys, but it's what we have for now." They said picking up Grumpy and hugging him close. "Let's get some sleep."
NOW. . .
Yuu groaned as a ghost cackled floating above them. "Hehehe aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?" He asked with a grin making Grim groan. "Mmmm, five more minutes Ma. . ." Yuu sat up rubbing one of their eyes, "mmm, Mimi, Rem. Wake Grim up please." They said getting out of the bed and setting the Mimikyu and Hattrem where they had slept. "Myah?! Yuu why would you have them wake me?!" Grim yelled at the trainer as they went through the closet and getting their travel clothes.
(Basically imagine Bede's outfit but a bit more feminine)
"So I hear you'll be living here from now on?" The ghost asked, "Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!" It laughed making Yuu roll their eyes. "I'm used to Ghost types pranks." Grim grumbled, "we gotta get rid of those things for good!" He yelled as Crowley walked into the room. Yuu's eyes widen and Agent fired a Snipe Shot at his face. "Ever hear of knocking?! What if I was changing?" They asked with a glare, Crowley ignored them as he spoke. "Good morning, Yuu. Did you sleep well?"
"No! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how old is Ramshackle? And worse yet, I got woken up by Yuu's pokemon!" Yuu shook their head, "it's better than sleeping on the ground outside. But this place does suck." They said crossing their arms. Crowley put his hands on his hips, "moving on let's discuss your assignment for today. You will be cleaning the area from the front gates to the library. Yuu, I expect you to keep Grim and your creatures" "Pokemon" they corrected. "Ahem, your Pokemon in line, I do not want another incident like yesterday."
You simply nodded, "do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria." Crowley said with a smile, "I eagerly await the fruits of your labor." And with that the male left, Grim grumbled crossing his arms "I ain't cleaning anything! I'm here to study magic so I can be blasting off spells left and right!" Yuu shook their head, "I'm going to change, we can study after cleaning." Grim left the room going down to the living room.
After Yuu finished getting ready they met Grim downstairs, “alright, we’re cleaning so Agent and Rem will be coming with. Everyone else return for now, I promise I’ll figure out some way to get you all a nice open space to be in.” They said as they returned the other five Pokemon to their pokeballs. “Right then, Grim lets go.” Grim grumbled still not wanting to clean but followed the trainer regardless. They came to a stopping point when their dirt path turned to stone.
‘Statues,’ Yuu thought looking at the seven statues around them. “Wow, so this is Main Street huh? This is incredible!” Grim said looking all around them with interest shining in his eyes, “I didn’t get to see much of it yesterday. What’s the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary.” “They remind me of powerful ancient trainers, they could each have their own signature pokemon as well.” Yuu said as they walked up to the closest statue of a male that looked to have fire for hair. “He could have a shiny Umbreon or a Houndoom.”
Grim went over to one of the two royal looking statues, “what pokemon would this lady here have? She looks like she’s got some reeeal anger management issues.” He said crossing his arms, Yuu looked over but before they could answer a male spoke up as he joined the two of them. “You don’t know the Queen of Hearts?” He asked, “Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?” Grim asked, “Hatt.” Rem said as she looked up at the Royal elegant statue across from the one they were currently at.
The boy nodded to grim, “she was a queen who lived in a maze-like garden of roses long, long ago. “She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn’t tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled o we a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was off with your head! Immediate decapitation!” He said with a grin making Grim hide behind Yuu, “s-scary!”
“It’s pretty cool, right? I’m a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen who was kind all the time? I certainly wouldn’t.” Yuu crossed her arms and glanced over to Agent who stood next to her, “just who are you?” They asked, the boy smiles, “oh my bad. Name’s Ace. I’m a first year student here as of today! Pleased to meetcha!” He said extending a hand, Yuu shook it as Grim spoke. “I’m Grim! I’m a prodigy who’s planning to be the greatest mage who ever lived. This is my far lest interesting henchman Yuu and their henchmen Agent and Rem.”
“Not my henchmen,” they corrected before Ace crossed his arms after letting go of their hand. “Yuu? Odd name, got a weird ring to it.” He said, “well, I’m not from this world. Regardless, it’s nice to meet you, Ace.” They said picking Rem up off the the statue labeled as ‘The Beautiful Queen’, Ace continued to explain each statue to Grim as Yuu listened with suspicion noticing his tone change slightly after explaining the last statue. “Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”
“Knew it,” Yuu mumbled turning back to Ace with a glare. “Myah?!” Grim asked before Ace burst out laughing, “pffft. . . Ha ha ha! I can’t hold it back anymore! Come on, you’re the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The one summoned by the Dark Mirror, who can’t even use magic. And the monster that no one summoned at all. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!” He said with a smug grin on his face.
Grim growled, “h-hey! You don’t gotta be a jerk about it!” “So in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now you’re janitors? Ha ha ha that’s so lame!” Ace kept going, making not only Grim, but Rem and Agent angry too. “What did you just call me?!” Grim yelled, “and you’re both so clueless you don’t even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”
“Ace, I suggest you stop,” Yuu warned, yet Ace ignored them. “Anyway, just thought I’d tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It’s been a blast!unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I’ll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!” And to add more insult to injury he dropped a plastic bottle cap on the ground before attempting to leave. Only for Grim to shoot his fire magic at the ginger. “Woah! Watch where you’re aiming! You wanna throw down with me shorty? You’ve got some guts. I’ll shave you like a toy poodle!”
As the two continued to throw insults at eachother they added spells along with them causing students around to notice the fight picking up. “Grim, Ace, that’s enough.” Yuu tried to intervene getting fed up with being ignored. Grim shot his fire at Ace once more only for the boy to deflect it with his wind. Seeing where the flames were now directed to Yuu’s eyes widened, “Agen use Snipe Shot quick!” They yelled pointing at the fire, only for them to be a few seconds too late.
“Shit! Now the Queen of Heart’s statue has been charred!” Ace yelled, “that’s your fault for trying to divert it! You shoulda just let it burn you to a crisp!” “Who in their right mind would ever do that?!” And that’s when the shit hit the fan, Crowley was here. “What is going on here? Cease this at once!” He demanded making the males flinch. “Headmage. . .” Grim quickly tried to run away, “no more lashings! We gotta get outta here!”
It was no use, the boys cried out in pain as they both got tied up in Crowley’s whip. “As if the likes of you could even flee from me! Haaah. . . Did I not just warn you Yuu, “no more incidents”? And now you’ve charred one of my statues?! It’s almost as though you want to be expelled!” He yelled at the boys and Yuu, they put their hands up in fake surrender. “I didn’t think that there would be a Mudbray that would get Grim into a fight.”
“As punishment for today’s infractions, Yuu, Ace, and Grim are all hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!” Crowley declared with a glare, “you will all meet in the cafeteria after your classes. Are we clear?” “Yes sir.”
Dang, that actually was really easy to write! I’m gonna try and get my two Pokemon crossover fics (this one and my new one) caught up to my demon slayer one.
Word count: 1612
Published: April 28th, 2024
Edited: n/a
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 5 Review & Running Commentary
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My freak flag is waving and I'm here to review for my fellow kinksters and the vanillas that want to be informed. For those that are new here, I do have previous reviews that can be found here. I've been asked how I feel about the lack of discussion and guidelines. I think this is a lifestyle couple from Thailand, which most Asian countries already have a soft D/s lifestyle. From what I've seen of the Asian relationships around me is that they are similar to the US South. Where someone in the relationship always holds more control. Which means there is already an expectation of figuring out who is in charge. In which case there is a softer way of doing guidelines and harder on consent commands. You'll see this same play out in more experienced D/s relationships because they are already familiarized. Also going over guidelines can take days, nobody wants to wait and go through that in their show. Okay, clearly some people do but not me. I'd rather skip to the good part.
Speaking of good part. We ended on a really good part last week. I just want to remind everyone of that before we get to the drama, lol. Okay, so there is just something about seeing the day after when they are still in the bed. It just instantly puts you into that moment. It's this warm and fuzzy feel. And he is sick. By the way I got a lot of answers to the Sick In The Rain comment but basically the rain comes during cold/flu season, which makes them more susceptible. Really interesting. I appreciate everyone who answered my question.
So back to Rain being sick. NO! But now that Rain belongs to Payu, he'll take care of him. Omg, Payu caring before almost killed me, now that he'll be more open about it. I'm gonna die! By the way... That hair. 👀 It's so fucking hot. Oh bless him, I know what it's like to wake up with a headache. Sucks ass and not in a good way either (if you didn't catch my Vegas reference, you most go straight to jail and you do not get to pass go). Yeah Rain, you didn't stand a chance luckily for us. Mom is valid. I don't care who you are, child or roommate. If you aren't coming home, call. So people don't worry, it's not about age, it's about respect and safety. These are top priority in BDSM too.
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Stole pic from @liyazaki. I'm dead. The show is officially killing me. Take his clothes baby boy, I promise he won't mind. A Dom will give their sub the shirt off their back in a heartbeat. Smell me, smell like me. Yes, wear my claim. Que goofy smile on face from the coconut and damn right he a coconut he left while Payu is working out. Doesn't say anything. Oh baby boy, you gonna be in some trouble. You really like a sore ass and you don't care which way you get it.
Seriously Payu, was last night not enough of a work out. You couldn't you know, stick close to your newly acquired and sick sub. "I won't let you escape." Hell to the nah you won't. "You've long lost your chance." Go get your boy. OH, sick boy, you are really in for a sore ass. smh
The Calm Before The Storm
And the Storm has arrived. I would tell you to run but you already got some of the primal instincts going in your Dom. Your safest course at this point is to freeze. "Why are you raising your voice to me?" You know why he raising his voice. I mean, he is sick, I'm sure in his head he thought what he was doing was valid. Just explain it Payu. "Do you know how worried I am? You had a fever this morning so I let you rest. But you suddenly disappeared. What would I do if you had an accident?" I know what you would do. You would snap and cry. A lot. but nobody is asking me. "You don't understand my feelings, do you?" Um. No. I think you should spell it out for him in great detail while I watch. Ohhhhh, Rain that submission was so 💋 He took two seconds to realize where Payu is coming from and then is reaching out and apologizing, begging. I won't tell you how turned on I am right now because that would probably be too tmi. Okay, never mind, turn your head. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, he is begging and oh damn, why do I love begging soooo much. Luta, you're at work, take deep breaths. They'll notice if your panting.
Ugh! The hug. "Don't disappear on me again." This is a gentle correction but also a command. There will be serious consequences if he breaks it. I'm still banking on him getting a sore ass.
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gif stolen from @gunsatthaphan "You got sick. Rain away from me. Didn't answer my calls. Are you ready to be punished?" He may not be but I am! Do it!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fever reducing, rectal suppository! I'm choking you guys, choking. I really like the way you think Payu. See you guys! I told you there would be some ass soreness. Did he really call for his mom! OMG, sweet fucking jeezabell. I love you Rain aka @suga4mycoffee. That's a total you move.
I love that he keeps telling him, he will kick him. Payu is like, do it but Rain can't! This tussle is killing me. Fuck, submit Rain just submit. 🤣Here comes mommy dearest with snacks. Moms and food, it's a tradition. That brow lift of Payu, like yes please, please wipe him in front of me. Oh look at that charming Dom talent come out. If you got it, flaunt it. Ahhh, he has no pants on!! hahahahaha. Love It!
Prapai!!! ahahaah "Well, it's the day that a certain cutie will be caught in the devil's trap." Tell me again that you don't think the brother knows. "Cause if he is the devil, than I'm the beast." Niiiiiice, I like it. Bonds well for Sky. Okay, maybe not Sky but it does for us and really that's what matters. Alright now did you pay attention to the verbiage used? "If you are a beast then what am I? I wanna be an angel." "Being ordinary suits you best." What does it mean? What does it mean? Is he calling him a vanilla? Are Prapai and Sky going to perhaps be D/s as well?
Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Um, yes. As a matter of fact someone is talking about you. A lot of us actually. I would like to put in a special request for more hickeys.
I mean, I got to agree with him Rain. That was totally germ spreading. Ahhh, Payu smooth talked Rain's mom. Letting her know that Rain will be spending lots of time with him. "Why did you put a triangle in a glass case?" "That's my lucky charm during the entrance exam." "Don't address yourself as Rain any more." "Should I address myself as wife instead?" "No, because we're just senior and junior. Your time to win me over has come and gone." Payu, you ass. I'm gonna beat you. You about to have a sore ass. I know you are an emotional Sadist but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Rain isn't the only one effected here.
Can I just say that I have mad respect for how Rain doesn't let shit get in his way. He wants it, he gets it. He is good with begging if it gets him what he wants. "It's raining like the first day we met." "Don't cry. What I'm saying is from now on, I'll be the one pursuing you." Emotional Sadists are the worst.
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pic stolen from @thenerd10
You sir, deserve to be beat with a pillow. Oh, scratch marks. Go little kitty go. "But I think I have already won you over." Yeah, you've both fallen off rainbow bright bridge together. "Don't flatter yourself. You won't succeed until your next life." Denial is not the river in Egypt. But it's a river baby boy really drinks from. "I want you to choose." ugh the kiss. The kisses melt me! "Choose what?" "Between you becoming my wife or having me as your husband." So he is recognizing that they fell into this relationship and that Rain just became, his wife, but he wants Rain to choose him. "What will you choose." "Answer me!" "Wait, you call those choices?" "Whether you'll be wife or I'll be your husband. I'll take good care of you and won't let anyone bully you. Because I'll be the one to bully you. I won't make you cry. But it's another thing if you cry from embarrassment. I can help you with model making, CAD drawings, and your thesis. I'm giving you such a hard sell. You've got to buy me now." OMG is this such a Sadist vow or what. "I'm not going to choose because I'll have both." Baby boy chooses him. He chose last night and he chose again, he just wants Payu.
"Cunning." "Not as much as you." "How about a reward for this cunning boy." Ugh. okay let's talk about how Payu talks when he is being sexy. There is like a sing song to his voice with a Dom growl and I'm instantly wet. Sorry if that's tmi, the exit is to your left. But seriously, his voice. I would play the video of those two having sex and just listen to him talk. Cause damn. It reminds me of the sound of a Harley Davison. That's the best way to describe it. Normally I'm about a deep voice but shit this one just unique. What did you whisper! Whattttttt?! How dare you keep it from us. Ohhh yeah, they are using tongue. No half ass kisses for them.
Payu in a good mood. Woot. I would be too. "Are you sure the love struck one isn't you?" Good sir, I do believe you are right. Lucky for us. So Rain has texted Payu to let him know where he is and what he is doing. Appropriate sub behavior. Payu offering a reward if Rain gets good marks and Rain wanting to know what will happen if he doesn't. Sounds familiar, I won't call you out but you know who you are. *stink eye* Anyways back to Payu who tells him, get ready to be punished. Sore ass! He has been a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad boy and needs to be punished. Shhhh, don't call me out.
Sky, I love you. That's right, get Rain's head out of the clouds.... Okay, Okay, I know that was lame but I mean. You have Payu which means Storm, then Rain, and Sky. There needed to be a joke. HE TOLD HIM HE LIKED HIM!!!!! *screams internally because my co-workers don't want to hear that* That squeaky voice. Do people really do that? Go away Ple, don't ruin my mood. Sky. Sky. Sky. Your boy came to you about catching a guy and you did not blink an eye. Now you talking about spring. You fit right in with Rain. You is a lovely bunch of coconuts you is.
Ugh Ple. Omg Rain, if you hadn't just got yourself a husband 🤣 Oh, she wants your husband's number. Hahahahaha. Please tell her, please. I mean I don't want to burst nobodies bubble, I just can't wait for you to say it. Brother and sister like the same guy. hahahaha. Damn these fruity siblings. I totally snorted. This is awesome.
Oh! Rain is totally gonna take this out on Payu. I love it. "I'm just annoyed with a certain charmer." Payu teases him about not taking him to the movies and Rain is like, hell no bitch, that is my reward. Commands "Then smile, I want my boyfriend to be happy." To which Rain gives him the flash of teeth but hey he tech followed the command, right. Okay Rain, the bike is right there, how else did you think you were going to get there. Walking. Fucking white crayon.
Aww, he fixes his hair. That is so fucking cute. "Hold on tight. If you touch something you shouldn't. I won't guarantee your safety tonight." Touch something! Touch! Something! For the love of all that is unholy, touch something! Oh! The EGO! I don't think there is enough room on the bike for it and Rain.
Thank you Rain! Bless you and your wandering hands. May you have the sorest ass but it be totally worth it. Okay, so they are coming out of the movies and Payu asks if Rain enjoyed it. Then asks him where he wants to eat. Rain is suspicious of his motives. "What if I get spoiled?" "Then I'll be the one to straighten you out." Hmm, that's hot. I'm not gonna lie, I feel like I should be taking some notes. @ellaspore lie to me and tell me I'm this charming. Aww, fuck it, at least I'm pretty. That's right Rain, tell him how you were a good boy. Okay, it's getting deep. You are not obedient and you for sure talk back.
Ahh, they are so freaken stinken cute! Ohh Sky!! oh oh what's gonna happen. I'm scared. Can my second hand embarrassment take this. OMG! OMG! I love you, Sky! Okay that time he gave me @curiositykilledd vibes. Cause I've pictured you looking this exact same way at us on a few occasions. Like every time I save another gif porn video to our chat so I won't lose it. I'm not the only one that does that right? Anyways, back to Sky. Sky be like, spit it out. Rain confesses and Sky admits to having known. Then he talks about Rain chasing after Ple. Then says he was just waiting for Rain to tell him and that he doesn't care that it's with a man. Well duh. Stating the obvious there considering your ex but okay.
Love that Payu doesn't just get jealous. He recognizes the bestie love. It's a special bond that is very important. Oh! Ple being brought up. hahahaha. Payu and Sky together as compadres is the best. Lawd, his ego is big enough Rain, don't take it too far. "oh, my friend has become silly after getting a boyfriend."
Don't mention the fight club, I mean the race. Payu is like, fuck Ple, you claimed me. I'm good. Rain just keeps on claiming him. Oh boy you gonna get railed. Oh! Oh! Oh! We are getting the singing part. Yes! Ahhhhh, he's already dog tired because of you Payu. Love it! Get it boy! Now sing! Opps, Rain commanding and Payu gave a gentle correction. He in a good mood. I wonder why, hmmmm. We got commands and then negotiations. I like it. What's this panning shit we are doing. Why am I looking at slippers. WTF. Ohhhh, okay. So the lyrics are literally do you know how my life has changed and then it's panning to call the couple stuff. Okay, I'm with ya now. Awww, look at the storm and rain drawing next to the pencils. So cute! They're so cute!
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Pic stolen from @massiveweirdo They are in love your honor. The brother is like, not in front of me tea. Oh, brother do you want to get knocked out. Do you really think that Payu wants to bring Rain into danger? He is right, too many assholes. Rich kids ARE assholes. Sorry not sorry. "If anyone asks just say that you are Payu's wife." Don't mistake it guys, he isn't falling into misogynistic speech. He is being a Sadist about it.
I don't want to watch any more. I know something bad happens. I just know it. Ahhh OMG they are fated! He gave him the triangle that brought him luck and is in his glass container!! Don't nobody piss in my corn flakes. Yes, I believe in fated mates. I believe in kindred spirits and I believe in soulmates. I love soulmate shows!!!!!
And we've come to the end. For those who stuck around and didn't exit side right. Thank you 💜💜💜 Sorry these seem to keep getting longer and longer but I hope it was as fun for you as it was me.
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partypoisonzz · 2 years
singing vows before we exchange smoke rings (mikey way x reader smut)
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Era: Bullets/Van Days (2003)
Reader Pronouns: She/her
- Recreational drug use (weed)
- An endearingly awkward first time
- Lots of position switching
Word Count: 4,334
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
You return to the van after the show, expecting to find the whole band. It isn't that you can't carry the remaining boxes of merch back by yourself, — you totally can, — but having four extra sets of hands generally helps a ton.
Alas, when you shift the box you're currently carrying onto your hip and slide the door open, you find that only one of the guys is accounted for. That one guy happens to be spindly, uncoordinated Mikey.
Though you know that he's hardly any better at carrying merch boxes than you are, thirteen pound bass be damned, you'll take whatever help you can get. "Hey, Mikey?"
He startles at the sound of your voice, looking up from his cell phone. "Oh. Yeah?"
You struggle to keep the box balanced. God knows that you don't want to spill half a box of CDs in the parking lot. "Can I get a little help here?"
"Yeah. Absolutely." He stands up, only to hit his head on the top of the van. "Ow! Shit..." he grumbles, ambling to a stop in front of you. "I'll get that."
He takes the box from you. Though he still struggles to keep it leveraged, he has less trouble carrying it around to the back of the van and lifting it into the trunk than you would. He turns to look at you after setting the box down, pushing his glasses up on his nose. "Got any more?"
"Just a few, over by the merch tent," you reply. "I'll buy you a candy bar if you come help me with them."
He flashes you a boyish grin. "Deal."
The two of you head towards the merch tent. "The T-shirts were pretty thoroughly picked through," you say. "CDs got gone, too. I  think we just brought out too many."
"Yeah, well. We can get overzealous sometimes." Mikey stops in front of the table, surveying the remaining few boxes. He picks up the fullest one before heading back towards the van.
You pick up another box and follow him. "So, where did everybody else go?" you ask.
"Out partying," he replies. "Gerard's still messed up over that girl. No matter how many times we tell him that we didn't like her anyway, he still feels the need to mope and drown his sorrows in alcohol."
"Well, he liked her. That makes all the difference." You shove the second box into the trunk. "Alright. One more and I'll get out of your hair."
Mikey places his own box down and turns towards you. "Who says I want you out of my hair?"
You feel your face heating up. Thank God that it's dark outside, or he would see that you're blushing.
You shrug. "I just kinda figured you wanted to be alone, since you stayed back..."
"No," he cuts you off. "You're good. Seriously. I was getting kind of lonely, anyway."
"You aren't just saying that to make me feel better?" you press, following him back to the tent.
He shakes his head. "Nope. In fact, I'd enjoy the company."
Your face grows hotter.
The fact that Mikey might enjoy your company means more to you than you would really like to admit.
"So, why are you stuck on parking lot duty while the rest of the guys have a night out on the town?" You lift the last box full of shirts. "Not to pit you against your bandmates or anything, but that hardly seems fair."
Mikey laughs as he picks up the other box. "You wanna know the truth?"
"I'm kinda hungover right now," he says. "Just the thought of looking at liquor makes me want to puke. Not to mention having to spend the rest of my evening with Bert."
You mock-gasp. "Michael!" You jostle him lightly with your shoulder. "How dare you speak ill of your brother's boyfriend?"
Mikey responds to your joking inquiry with a question of his own. "Do you really think watching Bert serve as Gerard's rebound would do anything good for my persistent nausea?"
You pretend to think about it before sighing in mock defeat. "No. I guess not."
"That's what I thought."
With the last merch boxes secured in the back of the van, the two of you are finally left up to your own devices.
"So, what now?" You lean against the side of the van, crossing your arms over your chest. The February night's air has a definite bite to it. "It's about eleven o'clock. We don't have to be in Massachusetts until the day after tomorrow, so who knows when the rest will be back." You cast Mikey a curious glance. "You got any ideas?"
Though you assume that his shrug is intended to seem noncommittal, he has a guilty look about him as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Uh... I might have something..."
You raise your eyebrows at him, but you know better than to ask if he's thinking what you're thinking.
Whatever you hope he might have in mind probably won't be the case. Besides, if he rejects you, you're going to be alone with him for the foreseeable future. How awkward would that be?
"Something like what?" you ask, attempting to keep any hint of hope out of your voice.
Mikey's eyes dart around the parking lot. Once he has apparently decided that he's in the clear, he reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a balled-up plastic bag. "Me and Frank, um... We met a guy before the show..."
You let out an incredulous laugh. "You mean to tell me that you played an entire show with a baggie of weed in your pocket?"
"Uh, kinda... Well, yeah." He doesn't crack a smile. For the moment, he is totally and completely, almost laughably serious. "So, are you in?"
"You're a brave man, Mikey Way." You nod at him. "Sure."
"Great." He pushes the door of the van open and steps back inside. "Just let me grab my stuff..."
You peek your head around the corner. "Don't you want to do it in there?"
"Nah." You hear him rustling around, searching for something. "I don't particularly want to add pot to the stench in here. Brian would kill me." He finally seems to locate what he's looking for, stuffing it into his pocket before carefully working his way down the middle aisle again. "This place is just one big smoke cloud, anyway. As long as we're careful, we'll be fine."
You grin. "Living dangerously, I see. I wouldn't have pegged you for the type."
"You'd be surprised." He closes the door and turns to look at you. "So. You wanna sit on the hood of the van?"
"Is that one the big dipper?"
"No. That's the little dipper." You point off into the distance. "The big one's over here, see?"
You turn your head to the side, watching as Mikey squints up at the sky. He appears to be genuinely concentrating.
Finally, he shakes his head. "I don't see a thing," he admits. "But those are definitely stars."
You laugh, reaching to swipe the joint from between his fingers. He lets you take it without putting up a fight.
You take a deep pull, sucking the smoke in until you let out a cough. You pass it back to Mikey, who immediately takes a drag himself.
You try not to think about the fact that the two of you are technically swapping spit right now, albeit not in the way that you would like.
"Was this on your agenda for tonight?" you ask him. "Getting high in the parking lot with the merch girl?"
He pulls away from the joint, passing it back to you as he blows a rather impressive smoke ring. "You aren't just the merch girl, y'know."
"No?" You take a shallower drag before pulling away. Your head already feels fuzzy. Everything around you moves slower, seems gentler. "What am I, then?"
"You're my friend." He sounds so earnest as he takes the joint back, allowing it to burn out between his fingers.
Your chest tightens. Still, you don't give yourself the luxury of believing it. "You really think that?" you ask dubiously. "We barely get the opportunity to get two words in to each other most of the time. Plus, you're a rockstar, and I'm just some loser, trying to scrape through college..."
"I am not a rockstar," he cuts you off. "The rest of the guys could be, I guess. Gerard's got the stage presence. Frank's got the work ethic. Ray's... Well, he's the best guitarist I've ever met, really. But me?" He shrugs. "I just had the vision. I know we're a glorified garage band. I'm just happy to be in a band at all."
He shoots you a shy smile. "If I had any sense about me, I'd be in your shoes right now," he says. "Maybe we'd share a class or something."
You shake your head vehemently. "No."
"No what?" Mikey giggles, reaching a finger out to poke you in the ribs. "You think you're too smart to share a class with me?"
Christ, he's stoned. Not that you aren't, too.
"No," you repeat. "You shouldn't be in my shoes right now. And you're definitely not in a glorified garage band." You meet his eyes through the dark.
"You're gonna make it, Mikey," you tell him. "Not just your band. You. There's more to you than you give yourself credit for."
At first, he just blinks at you.
Your stomach sinks. If he hadn't figured out that you had a crush on him before, he definitely knows now.
Finally, he laughs. There's no malice in it, nor discomfort. He sounds... Well, happy.
"Thank you," he says quietly. "That, ah... That means a lot."
You sigh, turning away from him. Your face feels like it's about to catch fire. Even though the compliment lit him up, you still feel so stupid. Like you shouldn't be sitting here next to him, smoking his weed, taking up his time.
You like him. You've liked him since the moment you first met him. Knowing that the band is going to take off, — you can feel it in your bones that they will, — and that you'll have to trade in your merch-selling gig for something more substantial, you know that this is a dumb thing to put yourself through. Mikey will be able to go after anyone he wants, and he won't think twice about that one merch girl back in Jersey ever again.
A cold gust of air passes by, causing you to shiver.
"Are you cold?" Mikey scoots closer to you. "Here."
You watch as he shrugs out of his coat. "You don't have to do that," you protest. "I'm okay."
He shakes his head. "You're freezing," he argues. "I can tell."
"Mikey..." You trail off as he holds his coat out to you.
His eyes are red and sleepy, but they're also full of hope.
You sigh and pull your arms through the sleeves.
Mikey practically beams as you pull the coat tighter around you. "There we go."
Before you can stop it, the question that is currently nagging at you slips from your tongue. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
Mikey blinks at you. "What do you mean?" he asks. "Am I not always nice?"
"Yeah, but..." You reach up, nervously running a hand through your hair before listing off all the things he's done tonight that have fucked with your head.
"Helping me with the merch was one thing. I figured you were just being decent," you start. "But then you asked me to stay with you and invited me to smoke and listened to me talk about constellations and called me your friend and said I was smart and..."
"Hey." You startle at the feeling of his hand on your shoulder at first. Just when he's about to pull away, however, you melt into his touch. Just like you've been dying to do forever.
Mikey sighs, staring across the parking lot. "I'm sorry," he says. "I don't wanna, like... make you uncomfortable, or give you the wrong idea, or anything..."
"It isn't anything like that," you say. "I'm just..." You look down at the ground, huffing out a broken laugh before looking back up at him.
"I know that you have other people you could call," you go on. "So why me?"
He looks at you like you've grown an extra head. "What do you mean, why you?"
"I didn't think you knew I existed," you blurt out. "Well, I mean, you knew I existed, obviously, since I've been working for your band, and I've hung out with you guys a few times after shows. But the fact that you care enough to want to hang out with me... To listen to me talk about nothing... To give me your jacket..." You give another watery laugh, pulling your knees up to your chest. "It just doesn't make sense to me."
For a few moments, Mikey seems to mull over everything you've just told him, absentmindedly rubbing gentle circles against your shoulder all the while.
Finally, he breaks the silence. "You know what you said earlier about there being more to me than I give myself credit for?"
You give him a shaky nod.
He smiles gently at you. "I think the same could be said about you," he continues. "You know why I asked you to hang out with me tonight?"
"Because there's nobody in my contact list who I would rather keep me company. I want to get to know you."
"You aren't bullshitting me?"
"Not at all. You've always been so good to me and the band... Always have something nice to say... Everyone else just talks, but you..." He chuckles.
"You listen," he continues. "Sometimes I just look at you and know that you're taking it all in, y'know? That you care about other people. That you're here for us just as much as you're here for yourself." He squeezes your shoulder before pulling his hand back. "Basically, what I'm trying to say is... If you're just the merch girl, then you're the greatest merch girl alive. But I see you as a little more than that."
You're taking it all in right at this very moment. You swallow, your throat cotton-dry. All that comes out is his name. "Mikey..."
You take another moment to gather your thoughts, then clear your throat before trying again.
Somehow, you manage to meet his eyes. "Thank you," you tell him. "Really."
"Thank you." Maybe you're just high, but it feels like he's genuinely looking into your soul. This delights you just as much as it scares you.
"For what?"
"For being you."
At some point, one of you moved a little closer to the other. You don't know which one of you it was, but that doesn't really matter.
Whatever the case, both of you are inching even closer to one another now, your lips coming this close to touching.
It's no longer a matter of whether or not the feelings you have for him are mutual. It's fairly obvious that they are.
At this point, the only question is which one of you will close the distance between you.
As it would turn out, it's Mikey.
He places his hand on your cheek before leaning in and pressing his mouth to yours. His lips are a little rough, — chapped from the cold, — but the way that he kisses you is so soft. He's gentle, tender. You close your eyes, placing your hands on the back of his neck.
Rather than coming to an end, the kiss just keeps deepening. You let out a squeak of surprise as your back hits the hood of the van.
You swear that this all feels like a dream. You're splayed out on top of the van beneath the stars, your head fuzzy, with Mikey on top of you. You're making out with the guy you've had your eye on for months, and you're wearing his coat, and...
And he's pulling on the bottom of your shirt. Wow. Okay.
He pulls back, looking down at you tentatively. His hand still lingers at the hem of your T-shirt. "Is this okay?"
You nod before leaning in to kiss him again.
You jerk back as soon as his hand meets your skin.
Mikey gives you a look of concern, pulling his hand away. "You alright?"
"Fine. Your hands are just really cold."
"Sorry." He rubs his palms together before placing a hand on your arm. "What about now?"
You laugh. "Yeah. That's better."
"Good." His hand climbs up your shirt again, and the two of you go right back to kissing.
Before you know it, his hand is climbing under your bra. You reach up to bury your hands in his hair as his fingertips explore your skin.
He presses his entire body closer to yours, moaning into your mouth.
You feel him, hard beneath his jeans and pressing against your thigh.
In a split second, you make a decision.
You pull away, managing to pant out two words. "Hey, Mikey?"
Struggling to regulate his own breathing, he looks down at you, pupils blown wide. "Hmm?"
"If this is gonna go any further, we've gotta get in the backseat," you say. "I am not about to fuck you on top of this van."
It doesn't take him long to come up with a response to this. "Alright," he says. "Backseat, it is."
As soon as the two of you climb into the backseat, you're kissing again. Mikey pulls you onto his lap, tugging his coat off of you and tossing it aside. You grind your hips down against his experimentally as his tongue explores the inside of your mouth.
"Fuck," he curses quietly, pulling away from you.
You grin down at him. He gives you a shaky laugh. "C'mere," he murmurs, hands gripping your hips. "Let me see you."
His hands reach for the bottom of your shirt again, pulling it over your head.
He sucks in a sharp breath as his eyes scan over your bare skin. "Beautiful."
The way that the word falls from your lips is almost enough to make you believe it.
"And what about you?" you ask, tugging on his own shirt. He shifts, allowing you to pull it off of him.
You smile, running your hands over his chest. "You're not so bad yourself, y'know," you murmur before pressing your lips to his neck and sucking.
He throws his head back, giving you access to more of his skin. His low groan is music to your ears as your mouth travels over his skin.
"You're unreal," he says, voice high and desperate.
You pull back with a sly smile. "If that's what you think after second base, I'm curious to know what you'll have to say after you hit the homerun."
He chuckles. "Well, why don't we just find out?"
He reaches for the button of your jeans. You lift your hips after he pulls down the zipper, allowing him to tug them off.
You gasp as his hand slips down the front of your underwear.
"You're soaked already." His remark carries notes of genuine awe. "Thought I was gonna have to finger you before we could..."
You roll your hips into his hand, whimpering. "Please," you beg him. "Need you now, Mikey. Just go ahead and fuck me."
He exhales shakily. If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were driving him just as crazy as he's driving you. "Okay," he breathes. "Yeah. That can be arranged."
You reach down, undoing his own jeans as you kick your underwear away. Just before you toss them into the floor, he stops you. "Wait."
You freeze, watching as he fishes his wallet out of his pocket. He reaches inside and pulls out a foil packet.
You can't look away as you watch him pull down his boxers and roll on the condom. Your breath hitches as your gaze settles on his cock.
Just as you imagined, he's big. Still, your imagination didn't quite do it justice. You can only wonder how it will feel inside of you.
Pretty soon, you won't have to wonder.
"Alright," he breathes.
You inhale shakily, lowering yourself down on him.
You moan shakily as he presses into you. You slide down slowly, relishing the feeling of him filling you up, until you finally take him all the way.
"Holy shit," you mutter before rolling your hips. Mikey groans, thrusting up into you.
You gasp, fingernails scraping down his shoulders.
The two of you move against each other, attempting to establish a tentative rhythm. As good as it feels, you soon find that your position isn't doing you any favors.
Your legs are spread awkwardly across the van's back aisle. If Mikey's arms weren't wrapped around your waist, you might go careening backwards into the floor. Every now and then, Mikey accidentally hits his head on the roof of the van, causing him to mutter a low curse under his breath before going back to what he was doing.
Finally, you speak up. "Mikey?" you ask.
He freezes underneath you with a quiet groan. "Yeah?"
"The position that we're in," you say. "I don't think that it's very... practical."
He looks down, huffing out a laugh. "You're right." He meets your eyes with a soft smile. "I've got an idea. Lay on your back."
You lift your hips, whining slightly as he slips out of you. Mikey shifts slightly as you stretch across the seat. "Like this?"
He positions himself over you, arms coming to rest on either side of your head. He presses a kiss to your lips as he pushes back inside of you before pulling back. "Is this good?"
"Y-yeah. It is."
And for a while, it really is. Until he begins to fuck into you faster, causing the seatbelt fastener to dig into your back with every thrust.
"Wait, wait, wait... Ow, my back," you manage. 
Mikey stops once again. Though he's breathing even harder this time, — getting close, you know, — he gives you the same gentle look of concern. "You okay?"
"I am, but can we just..." You shift underneath him slightly. "Can we readjust a bit?"
"Of course. Lemme help you, actually." He grabs your hips, pulling you towards him. You gasp, feeling him plunge deeper inside of you.
"Better now?" he asks, forehead resting against yours.
You nod. "Much better."
With that, he picks up his pace again. Not only are you in an actually comfortable position now, but he manages to hit your G-spot with nearly every thrust.
You loop your arms around his neck, holding onto him as he speeds up. As worried as you were about the weed, you know that the van is probably rocking back and forth, and if someone caught you like this, it would probably be even worse.
You let out a soft moan as his hand slides between the two of you. He circles your clit in time with his thrusts, causing the pull between your hips to intensify quickly.
"Mikey..." you whimper.
"Feel good?" he asks.
"Uh huh," you say. "Filling me up so good, Mikey, Jesus Christ..."
He chuckles, a deep rumble in his chest as his head dips down towards your neck. He presses a kiss there, his teeth scraping slightly over your skin before he pulls back.
"You're so pretty," he murmurs in your ear. "Didn't think I was gonna get to see you like this tonight. Do you know how long I've been thinking about this?"
Your heart beats faster at this tidbit of information. How long had it been since he first noticed you in that light? "N-no," you say. "How long?"
"Not long after I first met you," he replies. "I nearly passed out every time you so much as smiled at me. Never thought you'd give me the time of day."
You struggle to keep your composure as your breathing speeds up, your climax approaching quickly. "But here I am."
His lips brush against your collarbone. "Here you are."
The waves of pleasure begin rolling through you, threatening to take over completely.
You say his name again, a desperate cry. "Mikey. I'm gonna..."
Just as you feel yourself tightening around him, his head falls to your shoulder. He releases inside of you with a deep groan.
You close your eyes, relishing the feeling of losing control at the exact same time that he does. What are the odds?
You don't mind when Mikey pretty much collapses on top of you. The weight of his ribs pressing against yours is comforting, in a way. A reminder that this is all real.
"Wow," he murmurs. "That was... You were..."
You brush a kiss across his jaw. "Unreal?"
He gives a raspy laugh. "Yeah. That sounds about right."
Your lips meet one more time before he pulls out. "We should probably get dressed before the others get back," he says.
"Probably," you agree. Though there's a part of you that longs to lay in his arms a little longer and soak up the moment, you tell yourself to be realistic.
Still, you feel a surge of hope when he asks you: "Wanna do that again sometimes?"
"Sure," you reply quickly, pulling your jeans back on. "When?"
He pauses to think for a moment. "How about after the next show?"
"Sounds like a plan."
You know the way that this will go if you keep doing this. You know that isn't a smart idea. You're halfway to falling for him already. You'll want more in no time.
Still, when he leans over to kiss your cheek, only to hit his head on the roof and huff out what must be his hundredth 'fuck' of the night, you decide that this is more than enough for now.
Taglist (Ask to be included!): @mysunfishpeedinmyroom @xocasper @clichedlovers @yachiiko
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forestshadow-wolf · 9 months
[Long Post] the rewritten zombie au post (part 1)
Tav Journal - Alpha
Sanity log 1:
Something happened a few days ago, we're not sure what to call it yet. People have gone mad, it's a miracle that all four of us made it off base alive. To be honest I'm not even really sure what went down. That's why im even starting this, so I can keep it all in order. I think I'd much prefer a verbal log, but with the way things have gone I think this is more logical since devices have limited storage and usually aren't water friendly. And in any case wilderness survival training in boot taught how to make string from plants, and I went down a rabit hole af few years back on how to make books from scratch, so I know how to do that. The only problem would be finding things to write with, but there's probably an easy solution.
I've never done this before, I'm not really sure where to start, but I guess the beginning would be good.
The beginning felt like ages ago to me, so I'm a bit hazy on the details. Ghost says we were in his room watching a movie (note: it might be good to start getting the others side of things too, not sure for what, but maybe it'll be useful later). And then I think we heard lots of noise, screaming maybe, or just a stampede perhaps, I know I definitely heard a gunshot. We opened the door to see what the hell was going on and ,honest to god, the halls were packed fulled than I've ever seen them, with a moving hoarde.
After that it gets much clearer. Kinda. Ghost pulled out a go bag from, I don't even know, and the knife he keeps under his bed. It was like he was prepared for something like this, he was so fast (though I suppose if you go through as much shit as he has then you learn to stay prepared, I guess). He pushed me us out the window, and then we were running into the woods. Well ghost was running to the woods, I was following ghost.
He shoved us down under the shrubbery and the just laid there for, I don't even know how long, but it must've been a quarter of the day easily. He started peaking his head up when the sun hit the tree line, at this point we still have no idea what's up with gaz and/or price. I think ghost had us wait another hour or two, until it really got dark, before we actually got up. And then we're apparently heading to the armory, remember, I'm still just following ghost at this point.
Ghost hands me one of the tac bags and tells me to load it with whatever ammo I could grab. The bags are meant to hold guns, so there's a lot of space to fill up. Honestly I hardly even looked at it all, I just started tossing stuff in. Ghost was filling up his own bag of whatever gun was compatible with the rounds I was grabbing. (Side note: the base is only allowed to keep a certain amount in the armory at a time, so I grabbed it all). He also, apparently, grabbed 2 sets of the combat knives, which he would hand later to me once we got off the base.
After that we went to the cafe, loaded up on food. I wonder if ghost knew what was actually happening or if he was working off of instinct? We got off base after that, Wandered until night fall. Wandered most of the next day as well. Ran into price and gaz as the sun was setting.
There's more to add. A lot more. Important details I skipped to get the main points down. But we're moving on early tomorrow morning, I took watch last night, so I need sleep tonight.
"Hit the hay, Johnny, we're moving gone as soon as the sun's up"
"Aye, right on it, LT. Don't get too borded without me." He gave the man a mock salute, to which he got an unimpressed look. He settled with his head on his arm and let his eyes fall shut.
If soap woke up in the morning a little earlier that price and gaz so he could cuddle with ghost... well that's neither here nor there.
"I think we're crossing the city today, so... you know... expect trouble." Ghost says quietly.
"Cans 'n' gum? Or something else?"
"Maybe pick up a bag or two. Gotta be extra careful though, I think price said he saw squatters when he was out scouting with with gaz yesterday."
"Zombies ghost. Brain eating zombies, like the dumb movies." Soap giggles.
"Fine. Zombies." Ghost humors him with an exasperated sigh at soap's antics.
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