#wolfstar please
me, reading my own incomplete writing : *gasp* and then what happened?
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del-stars · 4 months
james getting really stressed out when regulus and sirius are speaking heatedly in french meanwhile they're just discussing where they want to go to dinner
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maladaptivewriting · 15 days
james is the kind of man to buy sirius and regulus matching pajamas but then not tell them that they’re wearing matching pajamas in their separate homes.
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ilophilia · 6 months
Sirius: So it turns out I am gay.
Remus: Oh, congrats.
Sirius: Now I just need to find a bloke to shag.
Remus: I'm a bloke who shags.
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regeditt · 8 months
*everyone eating dinner*
sirius: so, how was everyone’s day?
regulus: *playing with james’ foot underneath the table*
james: *trying to hold back giggling*
remus: *stares between james and regulus*
sirius: *bangs his hand on the table* WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO ME
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messervixen · 2 months
Guys, you know the whole “James’ type is people who are mean to him” thing?
I think it’s because they make him feel like a real person.
I am forever pushing the “James struggles with feeling like a real person agenda” and I think that initially Lily/Regulus genuinely didn’t like him as a person and that is what made him initially attracted to them. James is one of those “everyone loves him, he’s a literal ball of sunshine” people. But James is nothing if not a people pleaser so he’s always trying to be someone that people like and sometimes he’s not sure that the person he is, is real or just an act.
But they don’t like the person that he shows everyone (because they can subconsciously feel that something is off with James). And no one (excluding Snape and people he doesn’t like because he’s not performing for them) has ever told James that they don’t like him.
So he tries to win both of them over but it doesn’t work because he’s trying to win them over with this not-real-person side of himself and he only wins them over once they see the real James. So by not liking this fake person and seeing through his mask they’re inadvertently helping him learn how to be himself and not be putting on a show all the time.
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lyr-caelum · 11 months
Happy birthday to sirius 💫
In my mind they are always like this. 🫠
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doctor who but i've never watched it
and so it begins again. the people asked for it. the people got it. i will ensure the people regret it.
i have never watched this show, or seen an edit, but i am a thorough researcher and i feel that i've got the essence of it.
this is what i have gathered. academicians worldwide take note.
Firstly, so I don't anger anyone, I accept and acknowledge that the tardis is blue and not yellow. My misinformation was from a Drarry fanfiction, and I had hitherto regarded Drarry fanfiction as the absolute truth.
There are doctors, and there are at least fifteen of them. At least two of them are David Tennant, which I can respect.
I'm not sure why the doctors are doctors, because I can find no trace of any medical procedure except for one doctor who licks things, which he learned from the previous doctor. If this is sufficient reason, I apologise for doubting their credentials.
On the other hand, if they are doctors thanks to a postdoctoral degree, this is also fine, though I have never seen anyone study anything. There is however a doctor, and there were people upset about her, but the fandom pointed out she set the tardis on fire, which is apparently a very doctor thing to do. Setting things on fire is absolutely something any research scholar would love, so again, apologies for doubting their credentials.
At least one doctor is gay. It is probably one of the David doctors, which checks out. He says someone, I think a dentist, is hot. I envy the maybe-dentist.
A t least one doctor is trans. I was unable to find them. But they exist. Oh yes, the fandom assures me they exist.
David Tennant as well as Ncuti Gatwa were fanboys, first of the show, and second of David Tennant, and thus they got into acting. Just a fun tidbit from me, since I am now the authority on this fandom.
There are time machines with which the doctors have sex by piloting them, which is questionable because the time machines are only partially sentient. I am not sure if the time machines are the tardis. But the tardis is blue, and not yellow, of that I am certain.
There was a stage play. Or maybe that was a metaphor for the production budget of the early seasons. I am not sure, but toddler David Tennant watched it. I assume no one took a 3 year old to a stage play, so through scientific deduction, it must have been a metaphor.
At some point, Death is an agony aunt and they have to spill secrets to it, or drown in a lake of human skulls. Who is this they? It's so obvious that the fandom sees no need to explain it, and neither do I. I do know it though. Of that you may remain certain.
A David doctor has a niece and she likes being his niece.
A David doctor has a best friend named Donna. He kisses her head. She supports his fruitiness. It is wholesome. It killed him when he lost her.
Slight tangent, but younger David doctor looks like Andrew Garfield. Current David in photos does give Ben Barnes energy. Any Wolfstar shippers, I believe you've found the Wolfstar kid. It is David Tennant.
A lot of people are David Tennant. A reliable Pinterest post on Doctor Who, clearly well researched, gave me the statistic that 15% of Doctor Who is David Tennant. From the amount of David Tennant that I ran across in my research, I don't understand it but I don't doubt it, either.
Speaking of Andrew Garfield, he in involved in this somehow. I am not sure how, but you cannot escape Andrew Garfield. He is even a part of fandoms he never acted in.
There is an individual named Catherine, I think she is the actress, but she could be a character. She seems to have much less knowledge about Doctor Who lore than I do. David Tennant finds it funny. Maybe he would find me funny, too.
The doctors installed some things in the tardis, from a wheelchair ramp to a jukebox. I don't know why a jukebox was needed. If I'm honest I don't know what a jukebox is. I don't know what the tardis is. But it is blue, and not yellow.
There is a French catchphrase.
Something happens in Wales. I don't know what it is, but something always seems to be happening in Wales in these fandoms, so I don't doubt it.
There is an old Doctor Who in a wheelchair, and he is happy to see a David doctor.
They go around in space, and do things. Who is this they? You and I both know the answer, so we needn't talk about it.
The show intro is "doo wee doo".
There is an alien who is not a mouse, the alien is The Meep, and uses the definite article as pronouns. David doctor is supportive of this, which is very good.
I found baby Yoda in the show, but apparently they call it a 'goblin' there, and someone doesn't like it.
There is a lot to do with time. There is a time hole, and things happen, and people die and are resurrected. There is danger, but it is fun.
They have CGI, and it is not good, which is the best thing about it. Who is they? Please stop asking me. It is rather obvious and something I definitely know.
Someone's boyfriend dies and the boyfriend is then resurrected but then gets lost with his boyfriend but then is reincarnated as a girl who would still call herself the someone's boyfriend but then she is replaced by the boyfriend but he's different now. I apologise for any errors that have crept it, but the tardis is blue and not yellow.
Someone named Martha is a doctor, and someone is very proud of her for it.
The eleventh and twelfth doctors like bow ties.
David Tennant wants to be ginger. David Tennant always gets what he wants. Who can refuse David Tennant? David Tennant is then ginger.
A David doctor gets a happy ending.
Someone yelled at Neil Gaiman about this. It was a mistake. He said that since it had already been done, he wouldn't want to give David's character a happy ending in S3, that would be a trifle unoriginal.
A lesson to be learned, Good Omens fandom, just a bit of advice from your son, do not yell at Neil Gaiman, it does not go well. Rumour has it he murdered the people who complained about him always wearing black. Of course, there is the fact that he doesn't exist, but that doesn't seem to have stopped him.
The doctors manifest in the previous doctor's clothes, which is apparently so last season. The tardis also manifests. I don't know where, or how. But it is blue, and not yellow.
I know, there was a lot of lore, so many of you thought I wouldn't be able to gather it all. But look how much research I did! I've got it better than maybe-actress-maybe-character Catherine, I'm sure :"]
Anyway, all the major plot points are covered above, so anyone who hasn't watched Doctor Who, feel free to refer to this and impress your Whovian friends with your knowledge! [not to be judgemental, but what a dreadfully Dr Seuss name, I rather like it]
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
“i fucked my way into this situation and i will fuck my way out!”
-sirius black probably
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
The thing about the Black brothers is that they both want the same things in a way. Sirius wants to be accepted by the order. He wants them to see that he’s not like the rest of his family, that he’s a good person, who’s capable of doing good things.
Regulus wants to be accepted by his family. He wants them to be proud of him. To prove that he won’t be a disappointment like his brother. That’s why he does everything they say, following along blindly (until it’s too late).
They both want so badly to be loved, they do everything to appeal to others. And what do they get in return? Nothing. Sirius gets thrown into Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit, making him seem like just another member of the Black family. Regulus finally realizes his family will never love him and tries to make things right, resulting in his death. They’re two sides of the same coin.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
reblog this if you believe in loser remus who loves his boyfriend and isn’t a dick towards him supremacy so i can follow you and curate the content i engage with
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starchaserfanatic · 1 year
Does anyone else read fics that have absolutely zero conflict? And it’s all just nice and sweet?? Because reality is just such a kick in the teeth?? No? Just me?
Like let me have my silly little guys and let them be in love with no trauma whatsoever, okay? Okay, great. Just let them be silly.
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northlt03 · 2 years
Remus used to call Regulus “Baby Black” at first but eventually the nickname turned into just “Baby”
Regulus usually wouldn’t like it but it drives James and Sirius mad
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fourquartertoast · 24 days
Before Wolfstar Got Together
Peter: wait, so Sirius, what's your sexuality? Sirius: uhhh Sirius: one sec Sirius: *turns to Remus* what gender do you identify as? Remus: *chewing on chocolate* the boy one Sirius: okay thx Sirius: *turns back to Peter* Sirius: gay. Remus: *chokes on chocolate*
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thief-of-eggs · 7 months
No, I don’t need therapy, I need my OTP to become canon
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leahsdoodles · 2 years
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A late morning lie in the summer after 7th year because they deserve some rest :)
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