#writers' inktober 2017
museaway · 1 year
Happy 10th anniversary to my beloved Free! fandom. When I was struck down by a fever in late 2017 and decided to watch the anime, I had no idea the ways the fandom would influence me. So since @rinharumemories is a memory event, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to finally write a love letter to the fandom! 💙❤️ 
(Adapted from this twitter thread!)
After my fever-inspired crash-course, Free! fell out of my head for a while, but Rin never did. The following year, I watched a cosplay tutorial for him on YouTube and decided to watch Take Your Marks. I saw The Bench Scene. Suddenly I had an OTP!
My first-ever rinharu friend, Rubi, encouraged me to write fic and kindly beta read for me! I was neck-deep in anxiety at the time because of another fandom and Free! was refreshing. My anxiety was so bad that she actually screened the comments on that first fic to make sure I could read them without spiraling.
I found more shippers & joined the Sakura Pool discord, where I would meet my dear SweetHeaven! Su & the other friends I made there helped shape @ficwip's early days as a hashtag game, and (along w/friends from SPN & VLD) were some of our discord's initial members.
When I was designing the ficwip discord, Aenya was kind enough to share tips for role-based channel permissions & let me pick her brain about modding a year-round space! Her advice was invaluable, an absolute lifesaver. 🙏🙏🙏 
Around this time, through the original #ficwip game on Twitter, I met fellow writer @matsuoka-lin and we got to be friends. (During the pandemic, Lin would join the ficwip server and we would recognize our Aquarius bond ♒)
Late into 2018, I was still writing rinharu fic, and I also participated in Inktober, with a good number of the images being rinharu themed. It had been years since I’d drawn, but those two brought it out of me. Sadly, that December, the VLD finale hit during my very first @rinharuweek and launched me back into the VLD fandom for a couple of years. I never finished my RHW '18 entry. But I never forgot Free! or rinharu, and definitely not Rin, who was my profile pic more often than not. 
Flash forward to 2021. Su won a fic giveaway & prompted me to write a rinharu amnesia fic. I worked on it across 11 months. That awoke my muses, and I ended up writing rinharu hanahaki for @ficwip's 5k!
Last August, I was days away from announcing a fandom-wide SPN event when I recalled my dream of a rinharu bang and mentioned it in passing to Lin. We talked for eight hours straight. By the end of the conversation, @thenightpool had been born. 
We started TNP with the humble goal of five participants in our first event, a mermaid-themed fic & art fest. We had months to prepare! Then something happened with FS2 and we scrambled to launch a Halloween fest that we pulled off thanks to incredible contributors. They formed the foundation of the TNP discord, which is set up a lot like ficwip’s to be a year-round little creative community. We’ll actually be launching our own version of fw’s writing retreat weekends later this month! 
The merfest, which got renamed Unleashed Blue, blew past our expectations — as did Sakurathon, a dormant event that we revived for a weekend in April. UB ended up with 52 entries; we’d hoped for maybe 15. Sakurathon was such a success that we rescheduled it immediately. Right now, we have a prompt meme running, and have events scheduled through 2024! 😅 
In addition to @thenightpool, we’ve formed @iwatobievents to promote events across the Free! fandom. And we’re running events there too, for Nagisa and Soumako. Because what is sleep!! 
So the TL;DR is that the rinharu fandom helped give @ficwip life, has inspired me as a writer and artist, led me to my best and dearest friends, and will make a big dream come true later this year: I’ll finally be running a rinharu bang! 💙❤️
And I still have a Rin Matsuoka icon.
(eta: I did, up until the day I posted this. It may temporarily be changed to another favorite character!)
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luthienblacks · 11 months
Celebrating my favorite time of the year, I bring you some of my most ambicious art projects when it comes to traditional art. I did these for 2017's Inktober, using china ink and watercolors... I picked my favorites to add to this compilation though, mostly 'cause I am quite ashamed of my past artworks.
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Bela Lugosi's iconic Dracula, emerging from the shadows.
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Kayako from Ju-on, my all time favorite J-horror ghost.
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Stephen King's Carrie
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My favorite Creepypasta, Slenderman.
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Another awesome Creepypasta, Laughing Jack... I drew him mostly because of his cool looks.
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Frankenstein's Monster and The Bride
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Eleven and a Demogorgon (I love how El turned out here)
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Jason Voorhees readdy to kill some horny teenagers.
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My man Nemesis, one of Resident Evil most iconic villains.
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Sadako from Ringu, 'cause J-horror is never enough.
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The Babadook, slay queen.
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Last, but not least. my favorite horror writer, Edgar Allan Poe. ‼️❌ PLEASE DO NOT TRACE/COPY/DOWNLOAD/REPOST THIS ARTWORK WITHOUT PERMISSION! ❌‼️
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doorbloggr · 2 years
Inktober Part 2
Motivation and Stress
Sunday 20/11/22
(All art in this post are my own creations)
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Linktober 2022 Day 25: Zelda
As an artist, a constant struggle is finding the time and effort to sit down and just do the thing. Be it motivation or inspiration, it is difficult for creatives to start (or finish) pieces of art. This applies to writers, visual artists, musicians, and any other type of creative.
This year in particular, I had multiple months where I produced maybe one or two pieces of art if I was lucky. This is because art is a hobby for me, and there is no revenue in it. Maybe it is because of my motivation that there isn't? But from experience is past years, I know that nothing gets me in the mood for creativity like a deadline.
But that mood isn't always a good one...
I first participated in Linktober in 2018, where I just did the regular challenge. And as someone who doodled sporadically in my spare time, it was a refreshing change to have structure to my art. The first issue I usually have when I want to sit down and commit to illustrating is... what do I draw?
Linktober, as discussed in my previous post, is a variation on the Inktober format. For every day in October, artists will post a drawing. Each year the folks at Linktober will cook up one or more Calenders of prompts to follow, so that I have a direction to follow for each drawing. Each prompt is still up to interpretation for what specifically you draw, but it's something.
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Linktober prompt listsfor 2018, 2020, and 2022
So there's two aspects of a month long challenge that help my artistic drive. 1) The direction, and 2) the quota. Now for a while, in particular last October, I have thought of Point 2 being more "Deadline", but I think it is better to think of it as a Quota, and we'll get into that soon.
So a lot of the struggle to start doing art is to do with inspiration. In 2020 I had a fairly consistent inspiration for art since that was the year my D&D group played the most regularly. But this year, adult scheduling has meant that we haven't played as much, and as a result, less D&D art happened.
And it wasn't just that I could call on D&D as a loose concept to do the art, since these "session arts" were pieces based on highlights from our sessions. Before I did Linktober, I did a month long Pokémon drawing challenge, where each day gave me a Pokemon Type, or category of Pokémon (e.g. starter, eevee, legendary). Now sometimes when I was in the mood, I would draw Pokémon anyway, but with this challenge, I was given instructions for 31 drawings.
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POKEDEXY, a Pokémon drawing challenge I did in 2017
All this to say, although good art can happen spontaneously, I personally found that I have the best artistic drive if I already know what I'm drawing.
The Quota
Again to use the D&D session arts as an example, part of the reason I was so consistent with my posting of those arts was because I wanted to get last week's art out before we had our next session.
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Session Arts for Chapters 9-18 for our D&D "Everift" campaign.
Part of the artist's motivation problem is... why finish? Sure if you have the direction for a piece, you know what you're making. But when will it be complete? Unless you have a client, most artists are not working to a strict deadline, so it is up to the artist when (or if) a piece is completed, and when/if it's shared to the world.
The pro of a month-long challenge like Inktober is that you are given the when. For Inktober, it's October. You'll be aiming to finish and post your artwork during October, and if you're on schedule, that'll mean you release your first drawing Octover 1st, your 10th drawing by October 10th etc.
The Struggle
I've highlighted the benefits of a monthly challenge to an artist's drive, by they can also be detrimental if approached in a suboptimal way. I wanna discuss how my relationship with Linktober has changed.
When I started Linktober in 2018, Breath of the Wild had come out the year before, and a combination of DLC and challenge runs meant I was still playing the game regularly. The Legend of Zelda has long been one of my favourite fandoms, so of course the next year, I did it again.
In 2020, Age of Calamity came out, and I was playing competitive Smash Bros all the time, with Link as my main, so Zelda was still regularly a part of my downtime entertainment. So 2020, I doubled down on Linktober, and actually made 31 days of art for two separate challenges (occasionally crossing over). I was able to keep up that year because that time of year, I wasn't working a lot, and always prepared ahead of time.
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My Linktober 2020 (left) and Linktober Shadow 2020 (right)
When it came to October 2021, I had stopped playing Smash Bros, and had been waiting for new Zelda content for a while. I told myself I would restrict myself to a simpler art and colouring style, so that I would be able to complete the challenge with less prep time. As a result, I was almost always preparing art on the day it was due. And the most unfortunate part was that I didnt enjoy Zelda as much as i used to. It was the most stressed I'd ever been about art. Linktober had become a job, and nothing kills creativity more than making it work.
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I usually post updates during Linktober on my Instagram story. For Day 27 in 2021, I did not finish in time, and posted it a couple days later. It made me very upset.
So the point I made earlier about a schedule being good had it in fact killed the fun of art in 2021. I was creatively drained and didn't enjoy it.
Linktober 2022
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This year, I made Linktober more enjoyable by removing any restrictions I had on myself. No uniting artstyle, no expectation that I finish the 31st piece by October 31st, and since the last week of September fell during School Break, I had a solid week of preparation time. And once I hit my stride, I actually got way ahead of schedule. Finishing 30 pieces before October 1st. That final piece stumped me for the same reason I had been stumped for art the rest of the year. The final prompt for Linktober is always Free For All; artist's choice.
Usually this is my Smash Bros Day, but I had left the Smash competitive scene on a bitter note. And the bigger problem I had the previous year was still present. The lack of new Zelda content meant that I didn't enjoy Zelda as much as I used to. My new main "fandom" was D&D. So although I am happy with my art for October this year, it may be my last Linktober.
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Free For All this year I ended up making it about Mario Kart, since I play MK8 regularly with family.
Even if I fixed the Deadline issue, the original draw of Linktober, that it's all Zelda, became a restriction. Why all Zelda if I don't enjoy Zelda as much as I used to?
What to learn from this?
Direction and Quota can be great for art motivation. Having that push to tell you what art to do and when to finish it is great. But don't let that become the only time you do art. If you don't have the time to do art every day, weekly challenges are just as valid. And if the subject matter of a prompt list doesn't appeal to you anymore, feel free to change it up every once in a while. For October 2023, I think I might do a different iteration of Inktober that better reflects my current interests.
Have fun and do art.
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iriel3000 · 2 years
Friday Recs - Halloween 2
Happy Friday! Some reading recommendations for your enjoyment. No particular order and more to come.
Happy Halloween Weekend🎃👹! Creepy costumes, scary fairy tales and fun pumpkin carving all in one! What are you dressing up as this year?
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Pumpkin by @scaarletwiitch (mellowasinyellow)/@scaarletwiitch
Written for the be_compromised Halloween Trick or Treat Challenge! Prompt: Treat 9 - Pumpkin. Clint has big plans for Lucky this Halloween!
Monster AU [!Moodboards] by @DarthBloodOrange (DepressingGreenie)/@darthbloodorange
The world is a dark place, but it is not the monsters that are the curse on the land. It's people who are the monsters.
i never watch the stars (there's so much down here) by @archers_and_spies and @ashlearose13
Clint’s mission is simple: stop the evil witch who’s apparently been terrorizing cities along the East coast for months now. What he finds instead is Natasha Romanoff (aka the most gorgeous human Clint has ever met).
River Child by @Merfilly/@merfilly
A case in Russia leads Natasha to confront fairy tales
2017 Inktober for Writers Fills: Chapter 9: Strings [Clint/Natsha] by @27dragons/@@everyworldneedslove
Chapter Tags: creepy, couple’s costume
If you are one of the authors or know them on tumblr and they are not properly tagged, please let me know in comments and I'll add them. Please feel free to click the Iriel3000fridayrecs link below to browse more categories.
Next week's category: Autumn 2
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For today’s @all-writers-eve prompt, my favorite setting in the horror genre comes from The Ritual (2017).
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creatingnikki · 7 years
Dear 2018 me
No resolutions. No concrete plans. No detailed lists. You know what is important. You know you have to put in the work. You know if you're doing something consistently for a few months, the benefits that you will reap will be for years.
I know you want to change a lot of habits. Maybe 90% of your current lifestyle. But let's pick one. One a month. They say if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. I give you 30 days. Make it a good one. Work on one habit at a time. At the end of the year you will have improved in 12 areas and that's something.
I know you don't understand much about physics or remember any of it from school but remember gravity? How you studied that every object and person in the universe is attracted to each other by some gravitational force. You are attached by a force to everything you want and everything you don't want. Think and say things you want to give them more power. Focus more on the things you desire than the things that scare you. Strengthen the force of the things and people you want in your life. It's that simple. I get that it's hard to believe in self help books but believing in physics is a lot easier, no?
Math. Let's talk about simple math. You have limited time and energy. For the longest time you have devoted so much of it to people and for that I'm proud of you. All those hours you spent making cards as a child and all those hours you spent listening to people - best friends and strangers - cry. I am glad you were that person. But now I need to be more aware of your own needs. The more you give the more is deducted out of the total time and energy you have. Love may be infinite but your personal time and energy aren't.
Don't buy more than 3 books a month because you never end up reading them. Don't feel intimidated by the plans your friends have for after graduation. Use your typewriter more often. Learn Korean. It's okay if it won't be as useful as French in the Global context.
And in case you mess up, in case situations I cannot anticipate now arise in the future, don't wait until 2019. Don't wait until a new year or a new month. Begin again. Rectify your existing plan. Take corrective action. Begin again. It's okay.
Love Always,
2017 me
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thegothicalice · 7 years
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Inktober again! This year I’m sketching some of my favorite poets and authors: today is John Keats.
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mayolo · 7 years
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Perfect ========================== A burning kiss, a lasting touch My heart can only take so much Your hand in mine, intertwined I still can’t make sense of it in my mind. / A glance so deep, your eyes on fire Electricity passing through the wire You memorize my imperfect lines Say, “Perfect, you’re my one desire.” / Slow, deep breaths, whisper sweet nothings This rhythm is all but ours The ticking, listen to the unravelling We don’t even notice the hours. / Every sigh is a story, every second makes us one Can we stay like this a little more? The walls are protecting, the outside is gone No one’s walking out of that door. / Arresting, caressing clandestinely How can I say no? Embracing the moment, embracing me I let myself go. / Jump in, we’re in too deep The current’s just too strong Barely searching for some air to breathe Letting the water drive us along. / Exhausted, let me lay on your chest Let me hear the metronome inside Disoriented, my thoughts are undressed There is nothing left to hide. / The room is still, the lights are dark Yet, we lay reveling in the invisible fire Perfectly still, framed in your arms Perfect, you’re my one desire. #WrittenByAnnie ========================== words by my best friend @writtenbyannie on Instagram! (Check her out for more creative writing pieces straight from the heart ❤) https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ5-baqF803/ drawing by me muhehe~
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koalala1031 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone’s New Semester of Killing
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Gokuhara Gonta & Yumeno Himiko, Ouma Kokichi/Yumeno Himiko, Gokuhara Gonta/Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki/Saihara Shuuichi, Momota Kaito & Ouma Kokichi & Saihara Shuuichi
Additional Tags: Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Butterflies, Jealousy, Momota Kaito Swears a Lot, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa)
Word Count: 1422
Summary: Gonta and Himiko go to the Butterfly Park, as both are oblivious of two people’s jealousy.
Part of Inktober for Writers 2017 on Tumblr – Day 19: Nature
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my-desire-fantasy · 7 years
Nia and Tate (1)
Kia: I’m going to make sure you never forget this vacation
Nia: right
Kia:  who knows, you might find-
Nia:* puts her headphones on*
Kia: Rude.
*In Airplane*
“I’m sorry, I think you’re in my seat”
Kia: No, I’m not
“Yes, my seat number is 335, which is where you’re sitting”
Kia: But-
Nia: What is your number?
Kia: I want to sit next to you
Nia: Please find your seat, you’re only one row ahead
Kia:*move to her seat*
Nia: I’m really sorry about that
“that’s okay, I’m Tate”
Nia: I’m Nia
Tate: Nice to meet you
*getting ready for taking off*
Nia:*nervously tapping her nails on the side of the chair* [MORE]
Tate: you nervous?
Nia: yeah, not really a fan of flying
Tate: First time flying?
Nia: no, I just don’t like it, I’m more of a road trip type of person
Tate: It’s not that bad just don’t think about it
Nia: I’ll take it you fly a lot?
Tate: Yeah, a lot more than I like, but you get used to as the time goes by
Nia: Oh, I see
Tate: You going on vacation?
Nia: I guess you can call it that, what about you?
Tate: I guess I can call it both business and pleasure
Talking to him I didn’t realize that the plane had already taken off. *smile*  thanks for the distraction. I guess I fell asleep staring at the window. I wake up feeling more relax than expected-
Tate: had a nice nap?
Nia: *realizing that her head is on his shoulder* Oh my- I am so sorry
Tate: you don’t have to apologize for that, look at this you wake up just in time for lunch.
Nia: do you have anything that doesn’t have shellfish?
“I’m not sure”
Nia: Oh.. okay then
“ I’m really sorry about that, I will go check in the back to see if I find something for you”
Nia: You don’t have to worry about it
“ Are you sure? ”
Nia: *smile* I am
Tate: you can’t eat seafood?
Nia: yes
Tate: then why didn’t you take it?
Nia: My body responds to food differently when I’m under a lot of stress, I just didn’t want to take the risk with it.
Tate: Oh, I guess that’s understandable. On the plus side, we’ll be landing in 30minutes
Nia: awesome, I’m just going to listen to some music in the meantime.
Tate: Mind if I? I have my own headphones
Nia: Uhm… I’m not sure if you’d like my kind of music
Tate: It can’t be that bad
I bought one of the double headphone plugs for me and Kia, but she’s not here I guess it still comes handy My playlist is on shuffle, I’m not really sure what will play when, but good luck sir Tate.
*30 minutes later*
The plane is about to land so I have to pack everything in.
Tate: I’m impressed with your taste in music.
Nia: Thanks
Tate: I was expecting a bit more millennials
Nia: I’m slightly offended
Tate: I didn’t mean to, it’s just that you look so young I wasn’t expecting such mature playlist
Nia: I guess I should take it as a compliment
Tate: You should
Nia: *smile*
After we get out of the plane, he stayed with me to wait for Kia.
Tate: so which hotel you guys are going to?
Kia: We’re going to “Le Fontaine Bleu”
Tate: Oh, we’re going to the same place
Kia: are you a stalker? you’re just saying that because we’re going there.
Nia: Kia can you not?
Tate: Not a stalker, I’m going over there for a business conference
Nia: sorry about that
Tate: My ride is already waiting on the outside, do you guys need a ride since we’re going to the same place?
Nia: No thank you
Tate: well it was nice meeting you, Nia
Nia: It was nice meeting you too Tate
After he left, we made our way out. It took us so long to find a taxi, and when we get to the hotel it was pack, like what is going on? By the time we get to the hotel, I was beyond annoy. I booked the rooms a week ago, now this lady’s telling me that the rooms are still occupied
“I am so sorry about that, but you’re gonna have to wait for a few minutes”
Nia: Okay
few minutes
few minutes
few minutes
few minutes turns to 30, 40,60, 80 and so on
I am furious, I’m starving, my head hurt
Nia: *walks up to the concierge*  excuse me, you said a few minutes, it’s been two hours
“I know, I’m so-”
Kia: Sorry is not helping anything or anyone. I saw multiple people checked in, but we’ve been waiting here for the past two hours and still haven’t been able to check in yet. If you’re actually sorry you will get us our rooms. I am not going to sit back down again, they’re already paid for, I do not want a refund I want the room I paid for.
“Ma'am, can you please calm down?”
Kia: This is as calm as I get, I want to see your manager.
While Kia going off, I’m just sitting here letting it happen because I will go off if I go up there.
Tate: Nia?
Nia: hey
Tate: what are you doing here? you just got here?
Nia: I’ve been here for almost 3hours, the rooms I booked a week ago are not ready. The lady said to give her a few minutes, it’s making it’s way to three hours.
Tate: how come?
Nia: I have no idea
Tate: hold on let me check.
Nia: good luck
Tate:*walks up next to Kia*  what’s seems to be the problem?
“Well sir, the rooms that they booked are still busy”
Tate: That actually has nothing to do with them, you’re going to make them wait until the rooms are ready? what if it takes two days? are you going to let them wait out here?
“I’m doing my best”
Tate: I am aware that you have the whole conference thing going on, but come on
“ Those were booked ahead of time”
Tate: I booked my room last night, it was ready as soon as I got here. they booked their rooms a week ago. Look, like I said you have a lot going on, how about you give them two different room until their rooms are ready?
The manager had to come and give us the room, I’m not sure why, but that lady was not having it.
Manager: Again I’m really sorry about that
Kia: You should really talk to your employees to be a bit nicer to your guests, I will personally write a good review for your hotel.
Nia: thank you again for your help
Kia: yeah, thanks. You know maybe later after we settle we can go for a drink?
Tate: I’d love that
Kia: Well I’m going up
Nia: Well, I guess that’s my cue to leave.
Tate: You might want to eat something first
Nia: I am beyond over the whole eating thing. I’m just going to take a shower and sleep.
Tate: That’s not really healthy
Nia: I know, but not really feeling it.
Tate:  Okay, how about this?
Nia: what?
Tate: have dinner with me
Nia: uh
Tate: I’m going to the conference, that’s going to be about 3hours. you can sleep, and when you wake up have dinner with me
Nia: I’m-
Tate: I’ll take that as a yes. Meet me back here at 9:30 *walks away*
I am just done for today.
My room is awesome, I guess they make up for the wait. I have the best city view, I wonder what it’ll look like at night. I showered and head to sleep.
*hour’s later*
So I think I missed my dinner appointment since it’s 10:15. I throw on a dress and a converse and head downstairs. I walked around everywhere until I find him in a bar
Nia: hey
Tate: Hi
Nia: I’m sorry about that, I guess I overslept.
Tate: That’s okay, you had a long day.
Nia: Is that offer for dinner still on the table?
Tate: of course, shall we?
Nia: after you
We got to the restaurant, I was beyond starving.
Nia: I really hope the food is good, I am starving
Tate: It smells nice
Nia: it better taste as good
*moments later*
Tate: so tell me about yourself
Nia: There isn’t really much to know about me
Tate: well I’m here for work and you?
Nia: well I’m here for- honestly I’m not even sure why I’m here. I was just, going through a lot, and I agreed to come here without even thinking about it.
Tate: want to talk about it?
Nia: no
Tate: Okay, well how about a personal life, boyfriend, Fiance, husband?
Nia: Well I had a fiance, but turns out I was not the only person he was with
Tate: damn
Nia: Its fine
Tate: are you alright?
Nia: It hurts, but life goes on right?
Tate: I’m sorry 
Nia: it’s okay, what about you?
Tate: me?
Nia: yes, dating?
Tate: I’m not dating
Nia: why don’t I believe that?
Tate: why is that so hard to believe?
Nia: Well, you’re good-looking, successful, what are you a psychopath?
Tate: Well thank you for that compliment, but since you’re being honest, I am not seeing anyone, and I’m not a pshycho either.
Nia: then why not?
Tate: I just haven’t found the right person to commit to 
Nia: I see
After we finish eating, we went to the bar for a drink.
Tate: you’re a drinker?
Nia: not really no.
Tate: So what’s your plan for tomorrow?
Nia: I’m not really sure yet, but I think it’ll involve a lot of sleep.
Tate: well I’m having a brunch meeting tomorrow, and then I’m free
Nia: Well I might need to check with Kia first.
Tate: she can come with us
Nia: I need to check first.  You seem like you had a long day,  you should probably go to sleep now.
Tate: I’m fine, besides I’m really enjoying your company.
Nia:*looks at him and smile*
Tate: what? Do I have something in my teeth?
Nia:*laughs* no
Tate: do you like your room?
Nia: yeah, the view is fantastic.
Tate: that’s awesome.
We talk and talk about random stuff until I push him to go rest.
Tate: you know I still have energy right?
Nia: yeah, save it for your brunch tomorrow.
Tate: okay, I’ll see you later.
*next morning*
Kia: you look awfully smiley today, did something happened?
Nia: no
Kia: are you sure? You’ve been poking this waffle for a minute. What’d you do last night?
Nia: Well after you went up to your room, Tate asked me to have dinner with him
Kia: did you?
Nia: Well.. yeah
Kia: how was it?
Nia: it was pretty good, we went to the bar afterward and just talk… it was very comforting I would say.
Kia: that’s great
Nia: Well he wants to go walk around later this afternoon, I told him I would check in with you
Kia: come on you and I both know that I don’t like to walk, I heard the spa is off the hook, that’s where I’m going to spend the afternoon.
Nia: are you sure?
Kia: I’m positive go enjoy yourself you deserve it. Just keep your phone on, I’m going to download a tracker on the just in case.
Nia: I need one for you as well.
After breakfast with Kia, we went to the gym and then hit the pool. After hanging out there, I went back up to shower and get ready.
I don’t have his number so I have no idea how I will get in touch with him.
It’s about 3:45 right now I’m going to wait downstairs. For some weird reason, I feel very anxious and looking forward to talking to him.
Getting in the elevator I find him losing out his tie.
Tate: Hey, I’m sorry that took a bit longer than I expected.
Yea I’ve only been waiting for two hours.
Nia: oh no it’s okay, I was with Kia.
Tate: she’s not going with us?
Nia: she’s not really a fan of walking.
Tate: I’m just going up to change my clothes
Nia: Okay
Tate: want to come with?
Nia: no thank you
Tate: it’ll be a second *pulls her out as the elevator stops*
Nia: I’ll just wait outside the door
Tate: I think that’ll be a little weird.
I got in, his room is just wow, did he pay for it? Why did he sit in the regular seat on the plane if he can afford first class seats?
Nia: what do you do for a living?
Tate: I’m a businessman
Whatever business he’s in, he needs to hook me up.
Tate: you ready to go?
Since this morning.
Nia: sure
Tate: do you want to take a taxi or walk?
Nia: what you think?
Tate: whatever you want to do
Nia: Well I guess can walk for now.
Tate:*chuckles* okay but let me know if you’re tired.
Nia: okay, how was the brunch?
Tate: it was alright, the food was good.
Nia: that’s always a good thing.
We walk, talk to look at stuff.
Nia: *stops at a window they sell kitty headbands*
Tate: we are not going in there
Nia: come on *pout and blinks uncontrollably*
Nia:*holds his hand a pulls him inside*
I feel very uncomfortable with how comfortable I am with him. You know when you meet someone and you instantly click or connected, besides Kia I have not had this feeling in a while.
Nia: do you want-
Tate: you are not putting that on my…head
Nia: *puts it anyway, and started laughing*
Tate: haha very funny
Nia: wait I gotta take a picture of this. *takes a picture of both of them in kitty headband*
Tate: how many pictures have you taken today?
Nia: enough
We did more walking, we eat street food along the way.
Tate: think we should head back now
Nia: yea, I need to use the bathroom first since we’re kind of far away.
*back at the hotel*
Nia: I had soo much fun
Tate: I’m glad you did
Nia: Well, I guess that’s goodnight?
Tate: going to sleep already?
Nia: Well I just thought, you had quite a day and stuff, you might need to rest or something
Tate: oh okay then I’ll see you later
Nia: yeah
Getting to my room I throw myself on the bed and well I feel both good and disgusted since I’ve been walking all day I’m kind of musty
*Tate’s Views*
I meet up with my buddy Rick just to chill by the pool, I’ve been drinking since I got here I’m taking a break from it.
Rick: what have you been up to? you’ve been extremely busy, and I’m not talking about the whole business and conference thing either.
Tate: I met this girl and we just hit it off
Rick: you cannot hit it off with anyone you work with, everyone here is your competition
Tate: You don’t understand, it’s been a while since I’ve felt so comfortable with anyone like that. I went out for a walk, we had junk food, I spent almost six hours talking about random stuff and especially with the whole business thing, it feels refreshing not talking about it.
Rick: okay first of, you hate walking, and second where did you even meet her? most of the chicks I see here are not all that.
Tate: I actually met her on the plane, her friend sat on my seat, I tried to calm her down and this leads to that we end up in the same hotel and I guess there it is.
Rick: so what now?
Tate: What do you mean?
Rick: You’re not the serious in the relationship type, what you planning on doing just smash and pass?
Tate: not this time, the girl got cheated on by he fiance, I’m not going to be that much of a douche.
Rick: You still didn’t say what you are going to do?
Tate: I don’t know
Rick: so you’re not messing with her, but you also don’t want to get serious with her, yeah that explains nothing.
Rick: why don’t you call her down here
Tate: I don’t have her number
Rick: Why not?
Tate: I just lose it whenever she’s around  
Rick: do you even know her name?
Tate: yes, of course-
Nia:  you know I thought you would be sleeping by now
Tate: Nia, I guess I should say the same about you
Kia: hello again
Tate: Hey, what are you guys doing down here?
Kia: well it’s a wonderful night I don’t see why not
Tate: oh Right, this is my friend Ricky. Ricky this is Kia and Nia
Rick: are you guys twins or something?
Kia: no, My name is Kiara her name is Nia it spells N-I-A pronounce N-A-Y-A, and I’m a year older-
Nia: anyway, we’re just going to go to the pool
Rick: Mind if we come along?
Tate: Dude
Rick: what? do you know how hard it is just sitting here with just you?
Tate: if it’s okay with you guys
Kia: sure why not
So we’re sitting here, Ricky and Kia are going at it. Nia just sitting here zoning out, I’m guessing she’s not that much of a talker either.
Tate: well what do you think Nia?
Nia: about what?
Tate: the whole thing.
Nia: Well I think the whole thing is base on the person’s preference whether they want to date an older man or not. Both older and younger man has their fair share of immaturity. The same goes for the women, you might meet a 25-year-old who’s more mature than people who are 5-10 years older than they are, also some people in their 40s still can’t get their acts together. I think arguing about that is totally useless. In my opinions, I think it’s just about how you feel about the person, age is just a number.
Tate: Well what do you think sex wise?
Nia: what do you mean? look if it’s what I think you’re talking about, a man’s ego thinking they have to have sex with a woman to prove that they are a man or something.
Tate: and what do you think? do you think that’s true?
Nia: *looks in his eyes* do you think a man has had to have sexual intercourse with a woman to prove how manly he is?
Tate: there are plenty other ways to do that, with just the right touch-
Kia: are you both finish?
Tate:*looks at her smirking*
Nia: I’m done, you?
Tate: not even close.
Kia: good, Nia ready to get out of the water?
Nia: yeah
Rick: Where are you guys going?
Nia: I’m going to change and go get some fresh air. *both walk away*
Rick: okay I see why you like her, and I also see why you can’t be with her
Tate: *gets out of the water*
Rick: You going after her?
Tate: yup
Rick: YO Tate, you never listens to me
after changing I found her in the elevator looking as perfect as it gets.
Tate: You look nice
Nia: thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself
Tate: thanks, so where are you heading?
Nia: well the sky is clear, I think it’s the perfect time to check out the beach across the street
Tate: Mind if I join you?
Nia: sure
*at the beach*
Nia: This feels nice
Tate: It does
Nia: I wish I could stay here forever
Tate: Don’t wanna go home?
Nia: more like what’s waiting for me back home.
Tate: trouble with the fam?
Nia: The fam, his family, my job, if I still have one.
Tate: sounds like a lot
Nia: I know. Just the thought of going home tomorrow drives me crazy
Tate: You’re going home tomorrow?
Nia: yes
Tate: why?
Nia: Well some of us are not big businessman, I have to go back home to make sure I still have a job, if not I can’t max out my card. as much as I want to stay here forever, I have to go back home and be an adult.
Tate: what about your parents?
Nia: I moved out of my parents'’ house to be an adult, I’m not going to ask them for help *sigh* I don’t want to talk about that.
Tate: anything I can do to help?
Nia: we can stop talking about me.
Tate: fair enough
Nia: what about you when you go home?
Tate: well my business is meetings are over, so I’m just going to hang around for a bit. you should stick around a to
Nia: did you hear anything I just said?
Tate: loud and clear.
Nia: since today is the last day I’m going to see you, wanna tell me a bit more about yourself, like your full name or something.
Tate: Well My full name is Larenz Tate, I’m a businessman, I don’t have a girlfriend or a wife. I love to have fun, and that’s about it.
Nia: Larenz Tate
Tate: yes
Nia: nice name
Tate: Thank you
Nia: Well I should go pack
Tate: You’re really leaving me?
Nia: I did not come with you, and besides Kia can’t  go home by herself
Tate: then she can stay with us
Nia: us?
Tate: Look, I know all of this is sudden, but would you go on a date with me?
Nia: what?
Tate: I’m asking you on a date
Nia: Look, you’re a nice guy, nicest I’ve met in a while, but I just don’t think-
Tate: don’t think just say yes. Look this is strange for me I have not asked a girl out in almost a decade
Nia: cause you’re a psycho?
Tate: *laughs* no, I don’t like women who are too forward and that’s all I’ve been getting over the past decade, women these days are just too focus on useless stuff like a title or the whole social media thing
Nia: what makes you think I’m not like that?
Tate: where is your cell phone?
Nia: In my pocket, why?
Tate: you haven’t taken it out since you’ve been out here, and we’ve been here for almost an hour and you haven’t checked your phone. we went out earlier not once did you check any social media app, you just enjoy doing outdoor stuff.
Nia: how do you know I’m not some silent killer?
Tate: this has been the best weekend I’ve had in years, but you know what I guess I’ll try to satisfy with that.
Nia: does this guilt card work on every female?
Tate: only the one who turns me down, is it working?
Nia: no not working, I have to go pack *start walking away in then stops* by the way, I didn’t say no
Tate: *smile*
Nia: you coming?
Tate: yeah
*walking back*
Tate: you really don’t want to stay an extra two days? If it’s about the money, I can pay for you both to stay.
Nia: the irresponsible we want to, but the responsible me, have a lot of things to settle back home.
Tate: and about the date?
Nia: are you stalling so I wouldn’t go back inside?
Tate: Maybe
Nia:*smiles*  fine I’m going to sit here a bit longer, but if I miss my flight, you’re gonna have to deal with a very angry Kia.
Tate: I’ll gladly take the fall for it. You know it’s kind of chilly out, we should go back to the hotel and watch a few movies.
Nia: Okay, wait didn’t you want to stay out here?
Tate: Well, since you say okay to stay out, I figure I should put the time to better use.
Nia: wow, you’re sharp
Tate: thank you
Nia: I’m going to check on Kia I’ll see you in a bit.
Tate: okay, I’ll go set things up on my computer.
*knocks on Kia’s door*
Kia: Hey you good?
Nia: yeah, did I wake you?
Kia: no, I was just watching something. How was the beach?
Nia: interesting
Kia: *confuse*
Nia: what do think about Tate?
Kia: what do you mean?
Nia: what do you think about him? As a person
Kia: He seems like a pretty good guy, from what I’ve seen. I didn’t talk to him a lot I can’t really tell. He’s good-looking, smart, and from what I’ve seen very successful, Why?
Nia: he wants us to stay another two days, and that he’d pay
Kia: hell yeah…. wait what did you say?
Nia: I said no, I need to go home and settle a few things.
Kia: Nia sweety there isn’t much to settle, from the look of it we’re both fired, we left three days ago without requesting the days off, going home now isn’t going to change anything, besides, don’t you have the money for you wedding saved up?
Nia: yes, but I can’t use it
Kia: yes you can, are you going to marry him when you go back?
Nia: of course not
Kia: there you have it, used that money to pay all the bills that you can for the next month, and besides you’ll find a job before you run out of money. We still have one more paycheck.
Nia: I’m not sure what’s crazier, the fact that you said that or just the thought of me considering it.
Kia: relax, our parents will probably kill us anyway.
Nia: are you sure?
Kia: yes, the main thing was for you to come here and have fun.
Nia: weren’t you supposed to be entertaining me?
Kia: yeah I’m glad he beat me to it, you know I hate walking. But if he’s paying, I can use two more nights on this bed.
Nia: you mean days? Cause you don’t really get out of this room.
Kia: where are you going now?
Nia: Well he wants to watch a movie, so I was checking on you before I go.
Kia: Okay be careful
Nia: I will
I’m beginning to think that she stood me up, it’s been almost an hour-
*knocks on his door*
Tate: I thought you stood me up
Nia: no, I was talking to Kia
Tate: Oh, did you asked her about the staying two extra days?
Nia: yeah, I’m upset that she’s okay with it
Tate: two against one, majority rules
Nia: so what are we watching?
Tate: I’m not sure, I was waiting for you.
Nia: Okay let’s see what you got, you have Netflix?
Tate: yeah, but I don’t really use it as much.
Nia: are you kidding? Netflix is the go to when you want to just binge. You know Friday Kia stays overnight on Saturday morning we would spend the whole day just eat and binge on some stupid shows,
Tate: that sound fun
Nia: you look a bit tense you should relax sometimes. Get out of your tight suits, wear some sweatpants and breath.
Tate: I will keep that in mind  
Nia: you should, we should watch Moana
Tate: Moana? what’s that?
Nia: you don’t know what Moana is? I’m ashamed of you that’s my shit, I guess that what we’re watching
Tate: we’re gonna watch cartoon?
Nia: not just cartoon, high-quality cartoon. huddle up.
So in all, we watched Moana, Mulan, we watched animations all night.
*Next morning*
Nia’s still sleeping, in the meantime, I’m going to get some work done on the balcony.
*hour later*
Nia:*walks out and sit* You working?
Tate: No, I was just waiting for you to wake up *looking at his computer*
Nia: you still looking at the computer
Tate: I’m sorry, now you have my 100% attention *puts the computer to the side* what would you like to do? you know breakfast sounds good.
Nia: sounds good to me
We had breakfast talk and more talking.
Nia: I guess I should go take a shower.
Tate: don’t wanna take one here?
Nia: I’d rather take one in my room, thanks for the offer though.
Tate: okay, so I’ll see you in a bit
Nia: yeah, see you
I am doing my best holding so many things in.
*3hours later*
*Nia’s views*
Kia: does shopping count in this two days deal?
Nia: I don’t know, you should ask him that yourself
Kia: maybe I will, so what movie did you guys watch?
Nia: well we watched Mulan, Moana and I think something else.
Kia: you get him to watch animations?
Nia: yup
Kia: you couldn’t get your fiance to watch a regular movie
Nia: I know right, but he seems like a workaholic
Kia: really?
Nia: I found him working this morning
Kia: well to be able to afford all of this, he has to work
Nia: he’s probably waiting for me, I said I’d be out in a bit almost four hours ago.
Kia: why are you still here?
Nia: I don’t know
Kia: you stalling
Nia: no, it’s just whenever I’m around him, I feel fuzzy inside.
Kia: you mean horny?
Nia: you don’t have to say it like that
Kia: What? you haven’t had sex in like 8 months.
Nia: 6months Kiara
Kia: as if it makes a difference. I read that it is great to have sex regularly it’s good for the brain.
Nia: I’m just going to leave
Kia: Pshh I’m coming with you
I’m going to lose my mind.
*moments later*
Nia: I am so sorry
Kia: it’s not her fault we were talking about sex
Tate: *smirk*
Kia: So since we’re staying two extra days for you, well more like her than me, but does the package include shopping?
Nia: Kia?
Kia: what? I said I would ask, and you said go ahead
Nia: yes, I didn’t think you’d actually ask him *walks away*
Kia: where are you going?
Nia: to get a damn drink
Kia: well is that a yes or no?
Tate: whatever you want, it’s on me just name it.
Kia: sweet, well you two have fun.
Tate: where are you going?
Kia: I’m going to get ready to go shopping
Tate: you’re not coming with us?
Kia: and be the third wheel? no thank you
Tate: Okay, when you finish just ask for a guy name Ruben at the front desk
Kia: Okay
Tate:*starts walking away*
Kai: hey
Tate: yeah
Kai: you know I’m gonna have to threat you at some point of the day right
Tate: It’s expected from a best friend
Kai: glad you know that
Tate: You’re not much of a drinker are you?
Nia: why’d you say that?
Tate: no lipgloss around the glass, you got it cause your friend was getting on your nerves but still can’t get yourself to do it.
Nia: do I look that predictable?
Tate: not really predictable, just an easy guess.
Nia: Well, I’m sorry about her, now, and for the rest of tomorrow.
Tate: it’s okay, we all have one friend like that.
Nia: do you only wear suits?
Tate: you don’t like it?
Nia: it’s just a bit- *looks at herself wearing jeans and a shirt* should I go change?
Tate: no no no you look perfect like that
Nia: you sure, I mean you’re wearing a suit and I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt
Tate: are you comfortable?
Kia: yes but-
Tate: then that’s all that matter, shall we?
Nia: where are we going?
Tate: I’m not sure where, but I rented us a car
Nia: okay
Tate: okay
*25minutes later beachside restaurant*
Tate: you okay?
Nia: yeah, why?
Tate: you’ve been really quiet
Nia: I’m not really much a talker actually, I’m more of an ask question and I’ll answer
Tate: what are your favorite things to do?
Nia: I love listening to music, read, binge on movies.
Tate: I was expecting shopping in that list.
Nia: I do that.. sometimes
Tate: sometimes?
Nia: yeah
Tate: what about your fiance?
Nia: ex-fiance, and what about him?
Tate: didn’t he ever take you out?
Nia: sometimes
Tate: okay
Nia: What about you?
Tate: what about me?
Nia: your last time with a woman?
Tate: last night, with you
Nia: I meant in an intimate way
Tate: honestly?
Nia: yes
Tate: the night before and the morning before I came here
Nia: oh
Tate: yup
Nia: I see
Tate: what about yourself?
Nia: 6 months
Tate: *whistles* you sure you had a fiance? or did you guys make some sort of pack or something?
Nia: No, he was too busy with his assistant
Tate: see that’s why I don’t always  have assistants
Nia: why? because you don’t have self-control?
Tate: I have self-control, I know how to keep my thing in my pants. I just haven’t had the need to do so in a while.
Nia: why’s that?
Tate: because I haven’t been in a relationship in a while, I just don’t see the point in doing so.
Nia: I see
Tate: are you upset?
Nia: why’d you say that?
Tate: well you don’t look too happy
Nia: I’m fine
Tate: the universal word of saying you’re not okay.
Nia: I’m okay, you know maybe we should head back at to the hotel.
Tate: already?
Nia: I think I lost my appetite, I’m going to use the bathroom.
Tate: okay, I’ll clear things here and wait in the car.
Nia: okay
*back at the hotel*
*Tate’s views*
So She’s mad, I’m not really sure what I said that upsets her, but the whole drive back she did not say one word.
Tate: Hey are you sure you’re alright?
Nia: I think I need to reset
Tate: reset?
Nia: Yeah, as in taking a nap
Tate: you call that reset?
Nia: yes, kind of like starting the day over
Tate: Will I be able to see you later?
Nia: we’ll see depend on what time I wake up
Tate: well I hope to see you later.
*her room*
Kia: so how was it?
Nia: straight
Kia: okay, why you look so miserable, and back so soon?
Nia: well we were talking and I didn’t like what I heard
Kia: what were you guys talking about?
Nia: I asked him when was the last time he was intimate with anyone?
Kia: and?
Nia: he said the night before, and the morning before he got on the plane
Kia: Okay, so what?
Nia: I don’t know I guess, I just didn’t like that
Kia: you asked him a question, he answered and you got mad. and besides, what does that have to do with you? you met him afterward. The guy is good looking, successful who wouldn’t throw themselves at him? at least he’s being honest about it. look You got cheated on, you have every right to be cautious, or annoying asking stupid questions
Nia: you think that was a stupid question?
Kia: I’m not saying that the question was stupid, being mad about the answer you got was stupid. You’re not his girlfriend, why are you acting like he cheated on you?
Nia: Okay I need to take a nap
Kia: you kicking me out?
Nia: yeah
Kia: just letting you know you’re being very immature right now
Nia: thanks, I’ll go sleep it off.
*meanwhile Tate*
Sitting in the bar with Rick, Kia walks in, I’m really not sure what’s up with her and this bar.
Rick: so where are you going with this?
Tate: with what?
Rick: Nia, what’s going on? This vacation is temporary
Tate: and?
Rick: what about when you go back home?
Tate: what about it?
Rick: come on don’t  play stupid with me, are you going to look for her when we go back? What if she doesn’t want to see You? What if she has a boyfriend already?
Tate: her fiance cheated
Rick: so you’re the white knight?  Do you like her?
Rick: Wow, so soon?
Tate: I don’t know man
Rick: T you have two girls for every day of the week, you think you’ll be able to give that up for just one?
Tate: you never know, it might work out
Rick: and if it doesn’t?
Tate: life goes on. I rather give it a shot than wondering what if.
Rick: You know that’s not going to be easy right?
Tate: you don’t have to tell me, I already see how jealous she is. *smile* it’s cute though.
After talking to Rick, I went back to the room to do some work.
*hours later*
Getting out of the bathroom I hear a knock on my door. I ordered room service cause I am starving, they come really fast.
Tate: wow that was really fast I was expecting-*opens the door to see her* Nia? What are you doing here?
Nia: bad timing? *seeing him wrap in a towel*
Tate: uh no, I thought you were room service
Nia: disappointed?
Tate: of course not, come in
Nia: thanks
Tate: how was your nap?
Nia: it was okay.
Tate: you feeling better now?
Nia: look I come to apologize for earlier, I’m sorry.
Tate: what are you sorry for?
Nia: I don’t know if I acted rude or anything I’m sorry. That’s all I came to say.
Tate: Do you want to have dinner with me?
Nia: Nah, Kia bought me a book *holds up the book*, so I’m going on the rooftop with a drink
Tate: drink?
Nia: without alcohol
Tate: why don’t you read in here?
Nia: I don’t like being disturbed when I’m reading?
Tate: I promise I won’t talk to you
Nia: why?
Tate: why what?
Nia: why do you want me to stay here?
Tate: I want to look at you
Nia: are you always this honest?
Tate: is it a problem? is that why you were upset earlier today? because I was being honest about the last time I had sex? you were being honest with me, I didn’t see the need to lie to you.
Nia: How many are there
Tate: women?
Nia: yes
Tate: are you gonna go back to take a nap?
Nia: you going to tell me or no?
Tate: more than I would like to tell you the truth.
Nia: Why don’t you just pick one out of the bunch?
Tate: picking one isn’t as easy as it sounds
Nia: why’s that?
Tate: in my opinion, I think you have to find the right person to balance it all out. Getting out means the person must not be judgmental about my past life. she has to accept me just as I am, it’s not going to be easy either. Just like flying here for business meetings, there’s plenty of that, except if I had a woman, I’d fly back home the same night I was done with my business.
Nia: what about the ones you have back home?
Tate: I don’t have any, emotional connections with them so their happiness isn’t really my concern.
Nia: that sounds a little harsh
Tate: It’s not like they care about me anyway, they’re only in it for the money anyway, and I’m not the only they sleep with, we sleep together, they get pay well no strings attached.  
Tate: Nothing? no comments?
Nia: well… uh
Tate: I’m sure you have more to say.
Nia: I thought that too, but I guess not.
Tate: I’m not looking for that sympathy look
Nia: why are you telling me all of this?
Tate: I don’t want you to judge me, and you asked. *sigh* all this honesty shit is tiresome now I need a drink
Nia: I’m sorry
Tate: there’s nothing to be sorry about, I just never have to explain myself to anyone in a while
Nia: In a while?
Tate: you know, you can have a seat right?
Nia: hum *looks at the book*
Tate: come on
Nia: okay *sits on the side of the bed* what did you mean by in a while?
Tate: Well I wasn’t always single.
Nia: I’m not surprise
Tate: why’s that?
Nia: you’re pretty good looking
Tate: thank you, but yeah I had a girlfriend
Nia: what happened?
Tate: Well, my work got the best of me. Like they say, more money more problem.
Nia: the money got into your head?
Tate: Yeah, the money, women, alcohol, the job. she left me
Nia: You missed her?
Tate: I used to
Nia: used to?
Tate: yeah, she’s married now, I let go.
Nia: any favorite memories?
Tate: cooking
Nia: cooking?
Tate: yeah, she loves to cook. I planned to send her to cooking school once my business takes off, but that never happened.
Nia: That sucks
Tate: Not really, I look at it as a lesson for the next time I’ll know better
Nia: Well I really do hope you treat your next little lady better in the future.
Tate: yeah, I hope she won’t judge me either.
Nia: Well, If you pour all of this out and you get judged well she won’t really suits you.
Tate: what about you?
Nia: Me? what about me?
Tate: would you date me after hearing all of this?
Nia: I should go get a drink *walks to the door*
Tate: Nia, you get what I’m trying to say right?
Nia: Tate listen, I’m glad that you feel comfortable and all but-
Tate: I know, this is all too soon, I mean you don’t know me I don’t know you, we met on an airplane, to tell you the truth, I don’t remember the last time I get this comfortable with anyone to spill out my gut like that, I know it’s been 5 days, but-
Nia: four days
Tate: all it takes is just one look-
Nia: you know, now I can use a drink
Tate: you don’t even drink
Nia: I’m going to get juice *walks out*
*laughs* she’s going to drink juice. note to self, no alcohol
*Nia’s views*
I can’t drink alcohol but I can use some useless advice right now
*knocking on Kia’s door*
Nia: I know you’re not sleeping *knocks on the door *
Kia: *opens the door* Nia I hope you have a good reason to be knocking on my door
Nia: can I come in?
Kia: not really a good idea
Nia: you have someone with you?
Kia: yes
Nia: oh okay
Kia: wait, what’s up?
Nia: nothing
Kia: Nia if you feel the same way go for it, unexpected things happen in life all the time, you don’t have anyone to answer to.
Nia: How did you-?
Kia: I know you I’m your best friend, maybe when you go back home you’ll have at least one good thing to look forward to. I know how miserable you’re going to be when we go back home, you can’t start your 30th years of life miserable, that’s not going to happen. maybe it won’t work, but you never know if you don’t try, and trust me I know it’s only been 5 days but-
Nia: It’s been four days, can’t you guys count? who are you sleeping with anyway?
Kia: do you really want to know?
Nia: no
This is all too much for me, I’m going to call it a day.
*Next day*
waking up the next day, I spend the entire time on my bed in my room, and also the next day didn’t really feel the need to get out of the room.
*next day*
Finally going back home it feels like the longest five days of my life, now time to go back to reality. Packed my stuff, ready to leave.
Kia: I hope she’s not overslept
Rick: try calling her
Kia: been doing that since yesterday, she didn’t even bother to get out of her room or answer any of the messages that I sent her.
Nia:*walks in* her you ready to go?
Kia: Okay, first of all, good morning to you too, and yes we’ve been waiting for you. what the hell happened anyway?
Nia: what are you talking about?
Kia: you went MIA yesterday, I called you and you never answered your phone.
Nia: oh, I slept the whole day, well half of it. The other half I had to mentally prepare myself for going home
Kia: did you think about what I told you?
Nia: yes, and?
Kia: you’ll be alright
Nia: I know, come on
Kia: okay, I think we should ride back to the airport with them since we’re all going to the same place anyway, but if you don’t want to, you and I can take a cab.
Nia: It’s fine, I’m just going to get a bagel and then we can head out.
Kia: Okay, I’ll take your stuff to the car.
Nia: thank you
*minutes later*
Tate: Nia
Nia: what are you doing here?
Tate: I want to apologize
Nia: for what?
Tate: If tell you all those things made you uncomfortable, I’m really sorry. it’s just been a while since I was this comfortable talking to anyone about something other than business, if I made you uncomfortable I’m sorry *walks away*
Nia: wait *walks towards him* I don’t know how to cook that well, I can’t drink alcohol, I don’t know anything about business math wasn’t my thing in school. I don’t wear fancy clothes, I’m not much of a party person, I’d rather stay home and just literally do nothing, I don’t like to ask for help no matter how bad I need it. Whatever this is, if it’s even something…I don’t want to rush it.
Tate: *smile* okay we can take all the times we need
Nia: okay let’s go *walks back out to the car*
Tate: you forget your breakfast. *chuckles*
*in the car*
Kia: where’s the bagel?
Nia: what bagel?
Kia: the one you went for?
Nia: oh, right I forgot-
Tate: I got it, *hands her the bag* here
Nia: thank you
We got to the airport get settle, check our things and now we’re up high. For some reason, he weasels his way next to me again. I’m going to make the time go by fast the only way I can sleep.
Tate: you missed lunch
Nia: it’s okay, I probably wouldn’t like it anyway. Are we there yet?
Tate: in a few
Nia: good, I’m ready to go reconnect with my bed.
Tate: Lucky you, I’m just going to change, and head to my office.
Nia: sucks
Tate: I know.
Plane lands shortly afterward. Of course, he has his fancy driver waiting for him.
Tate: Well it was fun, back to reality now?
Nia: yup
Kia: it was really fun..shopping with your card Tate
Nia: Kiara just go get the car
Kia: why do I have to go?
Nia: you parked it
Kia: oh right, I’ll be back
Tate: so
Nia: so
Tate: when will I be able to see you?  Any plans for this week?
Nia: Well, tomorrow I’m going to check to see if I still have a job fingers crossed, and maybe do some spring cleaning.
Tate: we’re in October?
Nia: fall cleaning and I guess life goes back to normal, what about you?
Tate: work, work, more work, sleep, back to work again.
Nia: what do you do for fun? Do not say work
Tate: *laughs*
Nia: besides on women, what else you spend money on?
Tate: cars, I buy houses and put them for rent
Nia: are you happy with it that way?
Tate: it’s alright
Kia: sooo
Nia: Kia where is the car?
Kia: funny story
Nia: save it for later, where’s the car?
Kia: I think they might’ve towed the car
Nia: say what now?
Kia: well I parked it over there, and it now it’s not there
Nia: isn’t this a handicapped spot?
Kia: there was no sign when I parked it
Nia: you know, maybe we should go back to the hotel
Kia: Nia-
Nia: I’m taking a cab home
Kia: you’re just going to leave me here?
Nia: what do you want me to do? I didn’t drive, from the look of it, I should’ve.
Kia: Hey can you give us a ride?
Tate: sure
Nia: no, give her a ride to get her car. I’m ready to go home. Thank you and it was very nice to meet you. *walks away*
Kia: she really left me…
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radarsteddybear · 7 years
Fictober Day 4--Compliment
If you prefer reading on AO3
If you prefer reading on ff.net
How to make friends:
Step 1: Introduce yourself.  Be friendly!  Don’t forget to smile!
Step 2: Ask them about themselves.  This makes you sound really interested!  Make sure you really listen to their answers!
Step 3: Pay your new friend a compliment.  Nobody can resist a good compliment.
Webby stared at the book for the hundredth time.   It made it sound so easy to make friends.  Webby was sure she could do it if she had the chance.
But that was the problem.  She never had the chance.
Grammy never let her leave the Manor without her, and as Mr. McDuck’s live-in housekeeper, Grammy just about never left.  And when she did leave, each outing was prefaced with the review of a long list of rules, emphasis on “stay by my side” and “don’t talk to strangers.”  But if Webby couldn’t talk to strangers, how would she make friends?
“Strangers can be dangerous, dear.  I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Come along, Webby, let’s go.”
A conversation that would repeat itself every time they went out until Webby turned eight and gave up.
Things got a little better a few months later when Grammy took her to the Money Bin.  The “don’t talk to strangers” rule was relaxed quite a bit--it turned out that most of the people who worked at the Money Bin weren’t strangers at all.  Sure, these people weren’t exactly her age, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t put Making Friends Plan A (and Plans B and C, if necessary) into effect.
It wasn’t long before everyone at the Money Bin knew her name.  Of course, some were much happier to see her than others.  
“Hi, I’m Webby!  Do you work here?  I like your shoes!”  
The duck working at the desk looked down at her feet in surprise.  “I’m not wearing shoes, but thanks?” she said.
Webby hardly noticed her response as she bounded over to the next desk.  “Hi, I’m Webby!  Do you work here?  Ooooh, I like your pen!”  Webby took it off the desk and drew a flower on her hand before continuing on to the next desk.
“Hi, I’m Webby!  Ooooh, what’s that?  Can I try it?” Forgetting the second part of step 2, Webby climbed onto the desk and started pushing buttons on the adding machine.  “Hey, this is fun!”
A pair of arms took hold of her and carried her to the doorway.
“Hi, I’m Webby!  Do you work here?  Where are we going?  Is this like a ride?  Ooh, or some sort of adventure?  Do you want to be my--oof!”  The arms dumped her outside the accounting room and slammed the door shut behind her.
Not to be deterred, Webby continued on.  The next door she came across was labeled with a few really big words that she didn’t bother to take the time to read. 
“Hi, I’m Webby!  Do you work here?  I like your hat!” she said to a tall chicken tinkering with some metal.
“Hmph,” the chicken said, turning away.  
Webby moved around to his other side.  “Whatcha makin’?  It looks really cool!”
“I don’t have time for children,” he said.
“That’s ok.  I’m not really a child.  I’m Webby!” the duckling introduced herself again.
“Right,” said the chicken, turning back the other way.
Webby followed again.  “What’s it going to do?” she asked.
“It’s a security robot prototype,” he said.
“What’s that mean?” asked Webby.
“It means it’s going to protect Mr. McDuck’s Money Bin,” he said.
“That little thing?  That’s so cool!  What does it do?  Does it shoot lasers?  Oh, oh, does it have a rocket launcher?”
Gyro Gearloose looked at the duckling before him and blinked.  No one had ever been so interested in his inventions before.  Mr. McDuck’s board all thought it was a waste of time, Mr. McDuck himself was indulgent at best, his father and grandfather had always been too busy with their own inventions and repairs to give him much attention, and his mother didn’t know the first thing about mechanics, so her praise was always superficial (that is, when she wasn’t yelling at him for inadvertently destroying the kitchen.  Again).  
A smile slowly grew on Gyro’s face as he started to explain, piece by piece, the prototype he was building (starting with what a prototype was).  The duckling (Webby, wasn’t it?) listened to him with rapt attention, asking all the right questions and even giving him some well-intentioned-but-childish-and-unusable (wait a second, maybe he could do that…) suggestions.
And that was about the biggest compliment Gyro had ever been given.
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astoryillnevertell · 7 years
We the people - In a parallel universe.
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the-lonely-heart-11 · 7 years
I will never ask for
My old self back,
Being rotten and broken
With thorns and shits.
I love being how I'm
Now with what I know
Better about people
And me..
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hajiiwa · 7 years
wit day 17: jubilant  [first] [previous] [next]
The drop of the ball on the other side of the court echoes through the gymnasium, and following it, there are tumultuous roars.
Ushijima’s breath catches in his throat and his chest swells as someone-- a teammate-- tackles him into a hug, laughing, praising his serve that had finished off the game. Blood rushes in his ears as teammates crowd in around him, voices hoarse from cheers and on-court support; even Oikawa is there, eyes shining with furious pride, his hand roughly smacking Ushijima’s back, over that famed red jersey.
“We fucking did it, Ushiwaka,” he crows, grinning wildly and wiping at his eyes. Ushijima merely gives a stunned nod, clenching both of his fists and inhaling shakily.
We won.
A figure streaks out of the lower bleachers, shouldering past the people stationed to keep him out and sprinting towards them. Iwaizumi tackles Oikawa into a hug that sends them both stumbling, spinning slightly on the spot while unable to contain their euphoria. Ushijima hears you made it and god, you’re amazing and I love you, I love you, I love you.
Ushijima tears his eyes away from them. Bokuto and Kuroo are locked into a hug that then relaxes to admit a few others, their coach is excitedly talking to the referee, and all around him the joy, the jubilance is palpable.
He glances up toward the bleachers. No one else had been allowed to spill down onto the court, and he sees no shock of red hair, no Cheshire grin. That’s fine, he supposes. After what had happened, seeing Tendou probably wouldn’t have been good for him anyway.
The rest is sort of a blur of fierce congratulations and tight handshakes. They bow, they thank their opponents, they help clean up.The team (along with a few extras, Iwaizumi’s hand is still clasped tight in Oikawa’s) gets herded into the locked room and they’re all abuzz with chatter, making plans of where to grab dinner before they reconvene at the gymnasium. Ushijima stands in the shower for longer than he ever has before, letting the hot water soothe his aching muscles. The number of people sharing the space with him trickles down.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa are still there, and both of them glance over as he steps out of the stall with a towel around his waist. “Is something wrong or does he always look like that?” Iwaizumi asks quietly. Oikawa waves a hand.
“Oi, Ushiwaka.” Oikawa slaps a towel over his shoulder and leans against the lockers. “Have you talked to him?”
Ushijima slowly retrieves his clothes. “I do not know who you mean.”
“Tendou. Satori. The one who looks like a chipmunk and who is probably the reason you’re not fully enjoying yourself.” Oikawa leans down and squints at him. “You really haven’t talked to him since you confessed?”
Iwaizumi chokes on air and Ushijima sighs. “It was not a confession.”
“Bullshit it wasn’t,” Oikawa challenges. “What else could you have said to piss him off so much?”
“He was not ‘pissed off’,” Ushijima says, voice a little irritated. “He was confused. Maybe… disappointed.”
He half expects the other two to mock him, but neither of them do. Ushijima sighs and stands, slipping on boxers under his towel. “It is in the past,” he says, dropping the towel and slipping on a shirt and shorts. “And if he wants nothing more to do with me, I will respect his…”
The door opens and Ushijima blinks. A figure steps through-- tall, lean, familiar, with crimson hair a little better tamed than he remembers and a bouquet clutched in one freckled hand. “... Satori?”
Tendou visibly swallows and lifts his other hand, waggling a few fingers. “Heya, Wakatoshi,” he says, voice soft.
Ushijima’s mouth feels dry. Oikawa and Iwaizumi share an obvious glance at one another and they’re quick to round up the last of their belongings, slipping out the door past Tendou, who had stepped aside. “Satori, what are you doing here?”
“Apologizing,” Tendou says sheepishly, holding out the bouquet of carnations. “I… I wanted to come watch your big winning game, but my midterm ran long. Some of it played on the train, though.”
Ushijima takes the flowers, still puzzled. “Are you not…?”
“Mad?” Tendou shakes his head and sighs, looking almost regretful. “Nah, I… I was being super childish, Wakatoshi. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.”
Tendou halts. “It’s been about a year now, hasn’t it?”
“A little over,” Ushijima says, lips pursed. Tendou looks up at him with an odd look in his eyes, brows knitting together. He takes a step closer.
“Are you mad?” he asks tentatively. A bit of the rigidity eases from Ushijima’s spine.
“No,” he answers honestly. He looks down at the flowers. “I’m not.”
He sees Tendou grin in his peripheral. “Good,” he says, and suddenly he’s a lot closer.
Tendou’s fingers-- knobbly and a little calloused, covered in scars-- press to his cheeks. Ushijima’s eyes widen just slightly and he’s given no time to react before Tendou kisses him, uncoordinated and off-center and so stereotypically perfect.
Tendou rocks back on his heels after a moment. There’s a pretty flush growing behind the constellations of freckles splattered over his cheeks. “Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on that,” he says, the memory of Ushijima gently kissing Tendou’s cheek and murmuring heartfelt words after a nostalgic evening of visiting their old town swimming through both of their minds. “I was afraid.”
Fear was something Tendou would seldom admit, especially not in such a direct way. Ushijima blinks and swallows down the quiet happiness threatening to close up his throat. “Afraid of what?”
“Of losing you,” Tendou tries, then frowns slightly. “Well, not of… you. I knew we were going to different universities and all so I was prepared for that, but…”
Ushijima understands. Things wouldn’t have been easy with the distance between them, and their busy schedules wouldn’t allow frequent visits. “Are you still afraid?” he asks softly, reaching down and taking Tendou’s hands in both of his own. Lord, at this rate, he’s almost forgotten his big win-- all he can see is Tendou, gaze at the fluttering of his eyelashes as their eyes meet and the curl of his mouth into a wide grin.
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disneyphantomlover · 7 years
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Inktober: Underwater
I originally drew this on the appropriate prompt day, but never got to finish until literally 30 minutes ago.
But yes. I remember drawing a picture of Greg Murider drowning years ago, and the urge to re-draw it came up when I saw the prompt. 
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Part 1 - Swift and the sword art (my inktober challenge) finally getting around to posting it on here :P after many weeks later thanks to uni :P
check out the creation of these art at youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjh7G1y6PfIb4CM-ownOnig
as well as the tale on wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/478366326-swift-and-the-sword-inktober-2017-complete-chapter
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