#yea all the flowers have meanings OOPS
artbysarf · 1 year
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POV you run into the mean popular kids at prom
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starfilled-galaxy · 3 months
ok so
aubrey and girl omori were in otherworld and aubrey found omori stuck. omori was like help pls i have been stuck here for weeks i am starving :<
aubrey doesnt know what to do to help so omori tells her to find hero, she leaves, comes back, and is like SO I COULDNT FIND HERO. OR ANYBODY. AT ALL....
she goes looking for the others in otherworld, where omori soon joins her "yea apparently all i had to do to get out is jump. i feel stupid. anyway-"
SO. they both split up to search, aubrey looking in pyrefly and omori looking in vast forest. aubrey finds hero who had gotten lost and was very scared of the spiders, she takes him to the playground picnic (after he has a panic attack over the fact mari is missing) and leaves him there while she goes to omori
omori apparently got distracted watering basil's flowers however, so aubrey goes to orange oasis to search while omori continues watering basil's flowers. At orange oasis aubrey finds kel, who says he will go to the playground and sell.... "something"......... which aubrey asks what he means and then he runs away while aubrey screams after him to not sell drugs. anyway kel had also told her that he saw mari somewhere in orange oasis but he forgot where, so aubrey continued looking
she then finds mari who was stargazing with a telescope, we do a ooc ritualistic dance with items for like 30 minutes before eventually continuing the roleplay, where mari goes to the playground with the others and tells aubrey she saw basil in vast forest
aubrey goes back to vast forest and finds omori who said she found basil and saw mari come from the same direction as aubrey. THEN they go to the playground and omori finds kel selling...... "something"......... she drinks it and. um. uh. hm. yeah so kel put drugs in the drink and now omori has been drugged. oops. and she's also hungover....
so aubrey goes to find mari to tell her that her little sister has been DRUGGED by fucking KEL OF ALL PEOPLE. mari says she'll go take care of omori and tells aubrey to go to the beach where hero is and tell him that his LITTLE BROTHER FUCKING FOUND OUT WHAT DRUGS ARE
anyway we had to end it there bc fusi had to get off screens but. holy shit what is even happening anymore
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nessieart · 1 year
TEETH pt. 12
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|| Before the Fall part 4 ||
WC: 5.5k, im so sorry this is so long
AN: Ok um, look. It’s a lot and uh oops? And listen here, CA:TWS is my favorite mcu movie ok? And we’re in it now. I wasn’t really sure i wanted to go this route, but now i am. Don’t worry, there’ll be more Tony soon! Promise! Thanks for following along with me and my writing journey! It means a lot to me! Enjoy.
Eventual Tony Stark x Reader.
Warnings: Canon level violence, cursing, depictions of violence, blood, guns, made up fantasy elements most likely. No y/n used. Nickname usage: Flowers, Poppy.
Summary: Chasing Ghosts might not have been the best decision after all.
Previous || First || Next
Tony had talked you down from your - anger? Panic? - episode. Now you sat on the floor of the dark hospital room, Natasha pulled Steve off to the side while you murmured answers to Tony’s questions. Your appearance returned to normal after Tony’s voice floated around the room.
“What the hell was that, Rogers?” Natasha whispers to Steve, she has her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.
Steve sighs, his hands also on his hips, he looks at you for a moment. Your knees are drawn up and your arms are crossed over them. There’s a small smile on your face while you talk to Tony, he notices there’s a light in your eyes that wasn’t there before. You look up to Steve then, and give him an apologetic look. He can only smile down at you.
Steve looks back at Natasha, “She’s…different. Special. Supernatural,” he shrugs when she gives him a look. “She’s been a really good friend these past few days and she didn’t have to be.”
Natasha nods, "I've had my fair share of run-ins with supernaturals." Now it's Steve's turn to give her a look. And Natasha shrugs in response. She then pulls the flash drive out from her pocket, “Going after him is a dead end. I know, I’ve tried,” she looks over at you as you giggle at something Tony said. Natasha smirks, “Like you said, he’s a ghost story,” she turns her attention back to Steve.
Steve takes the flash drive from her, his eyebrows lowered and tone serious, “Then let’s find out what the ghost wants.”
“I just worry about you, Pop,” Tony says quietly. You rest your head in your arms as you play with the wristband. “I know you can handle yourself. But god knows you don’t have to do it alone.”
“I’m not alone, Tony,” you say softly. You look up at Steve and Natasha, they’re whispering to each other, you try not to listen. “I’m with Steve, and his friend. The red head.”
Tony groans, “Spangles and Triple Imposter, great.” You giggle a little, his nicknames for others were always amusing to you. You didn’t care for his coyote puns.
“There’s something I need to take care of before I can come home,” you say without thinking.
“Home, huh?” You can tell he’s smirking and your cheeks heat up a little. “I like the idea of you calling the Tower home.”
“I meant you, dumbass,” you snort. Tony’s quiet for a moment. “Two of my favorite people are in New York anyway,” you shrug.
“Peter and Bruce, duh.” Tony makes an offended noise and you laugh from your chest and it’s full and freeing. It feels good to talk to Tony, he always makes you feel better. Even if you haven’t seen him in months.
A throat clears across the room and you look up at Steve and Natasha, it seems their conversation has ended. Steve has a soft look on his face, Natasha has her arms crossed over her chest with a smirk.
“Hey, Tony,” you say, and he hums. “I have to go, I’ll call you later, ok?” You tell him as you get up off the floor, dusting your pants off after you stand.
“Of course, sweetheart, be careful,” you both say goodbye and the light turns off on your wristband. Two pairs of eyes are on you as you look at them, your face heats up again and you duck your head to look at the floor.
“So Stark, huh?” Natasha smirks, one perfect eyebrow raised.
You chuckle lightly, brushing your palms down your shirt, “Hm, yeah.”
“We’re heading out, you coming?” She asks and your head shoots up to look at her.
“Now, wait a minute,” Steve interrupts, “I can’t ask you to do this, Flowers,” one hand on his hip as the other is pointed towards you.
Your eyebrows lower, “You don’t have to ask, Steve, I’m with you on this. Wherever it goes. I’m here to the end, no matter what.”
Steve's lips part, and his eyebrows raise. He takes in your determined face and posture. He sighs once and nods, “Alright.”
You decided that waiting outside the mall was best for everyone. Two people trying to be covert was better than three, Natasha had said. You wondered if Leon was ok, or if he was part of the team that was trying to chase you down.
“JARVIS?” You say quietly to your wristband. Yes, Miss? He responds almost immediately.
“You can track people, right?” Of course, what is it you need? “Could you find my brother, Leon?” You chew your bottom lip as you wait.
There’s a dial tone, and then after a few seconds Leon answers.
“Hello?” Leon's voice sounds out from the wristband and you sigh.
“Sunny, it’s me,” you say quickly. “I don’t have a lot of time, where are you?”
“Where am I?! Flowers, you have me worried sick. Where are you?”
You chew your lip again, “Safe,” is all you say, and Leon heaves a sigh. As you’re talking, JARVIS brings up a holo-image. It must be Leon’s location. He was still at the Triskelion.
“You and Rogers have all of SHIELD on high alert because they think you know something about the Director’s death,” he says quickly and quietly.
“There has to be more going on here, Sunny, I think-,” you stop mid sentence, Leon’s dot on the mini map has started moving. You can hear shuffling and people talking in the background. Then a few car doors slam, and the rev of an engine can be heard over the speaker. “Sunny…?”
“I really hope you aren’t with him,” he says your name softly and you can see his dot move quickly out of SHIELD HQ. “I’ll do everyth-“ the call cuts out, and you’re left with tears welling in your eyes.
I’m sorry, Miss. I thought it prudent to end the call. It seems SHIELD was trying to locate you via Leon’s cell phone. Though they would have a difficult time with me in the way.
“That’s ok, J, thanks,” you sniffle. “Keep an eye out, will you?”
Anything for you, Miss. And you smile a little at that.
Five minutes later Steve and Natasha are rushing out of the mall exit near you. Steve ushers you away and into a truck, breaking in and hot wiring it and taking off out of the mall parking lot.
“Rogers, Steven. Born ,1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born, 1984. Jones. Born, 1923.”
“It’s some kind of recording,” says Natasha, she eyes you a little when she hears your birth year.
“I am not a recording, Fräulein. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am.” The computer voice echoes slightly in the giant room. The camera on top of the monitors goes back and forth, zeroing in on each of you.
It’s a little unsettling, you think.
On the monitors, a few pictures of a short man with glasses appear, “You know this thing?” Asks Natasha.
Steve paces around the hulking computer system, examining it, “Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He’s been dead for years.”
“First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive. In 1972, I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body, my mind, however, that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks. You are standing in my brain.”
Steve rounds back to his starting position, looking at the camera, “How did you get here?”
“Invited,” he sounds like he’s smiling. Creepy computer matrix face guy. You shuddered.
“Operation Paperclip, after World War II, SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value,” Natasha informs the group.
“They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own.”
“HYDRA died with the Red Skull,” Steve growls out.
“Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.” An image of a skull and tentacles appears on one of the monitors, then doubles.
“Prove it,” Steve commands. You’re a little on edge, Steve is furious, you can smell it, but he’s hiding it well. You want to comfort him but you don’t know how or if you should.
“Accessing archive,” Zola confirms. The screen flashes with old propaganda footage, someone you assume is Red Skull - because really? “HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize, was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.
After the war, SHIELD was founded and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew. A beautiful parasite inside SHIELD. For 70 years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war.
And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.” Zola finishes smugly.
Natasha steps forward, “That’s impossible, SHIELD would have stopped you.”
“Accidents will happen,” the large monitor shows targets killed by HYDRA. A few assassinations, an old newspaper clipping shows Howard Stark and his wife killed in a car crash.
Tony’s parents. It was all staged. They were murdered. Did he know? Oh Gods.
And you’re very keenly aware that one of the images that flashes is the masked man you met a lifetime ago. The Winter Soldier, they had said.
The final image is of Nick Fury with a big red [DECEASED] stamp over his face.
“HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom,” another array of photos go by. Bloodied corpses of giant wolves, big cats, and - oh - coyotes. Some of them look like poachers with their kill, but you know better.
You aren’t aware of the snarl that lets loose from your throat, or your skin rippling with want to Shift. HYDRA was behind your family’s murders, and those of your friends. You’re heaving in gulps of breath and only come out of it after Steve punches the monitor to get rid of the images that were flickering through dozens of Supernatural killings.
“What’s on this drive,” Steve demands, he puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Project Insight requires…insight. So I wrote an algorithm.”
“What kind of algorithm? What does it do?” Natasha steps closer to the monitor display.
“The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it.” The blast doors start to close suddenly, and Steve goes to chuck his shield to jam it, but it’s too late. Your wristband beeps rapidly as does Natasha’s phone.
“Steve, we got a bogey. Short range ballistic, 30 seconds tops,” she looks worried.
“Who fired it?”
“SHIELD,” you and Natasha say together.
As the computer Zola taunts you all, Steve finds a drainage cover and pulls it off an ushers you and Natasha in, he crowds in on your both and lifts his shield over you all like an umbrella, yelling at the force of holding it aloft.
You had Shifted to escape the incoming STRIKE team. It was easier keeping up with Steve and weaving through the rubble of the destroyed Camp Lehigh buildings.
Steve placed Natasha’s unconscious form in the backseat of the pickup truck, and you took the front. Steve sped away as fast as the truck would take you all, foot to the floor on the gas pedal.
It was early morning by the time you made it back to D.C. Steve had ditched the truck somewhere off of i-95 a few miles outside the city, and you trotted beside him as he carried Natasha.
By the time you made it to your destination, Natasha had awoken and walked the rest of the way. Steve knocked on the door and a few moments later a figure appeared and answered.
“Hey, man,” Sam hedges, eyeing Steve and Natasha.
“I’m sorry about this. We need a place to lay low,” Steve said apologetically.
“Everyone we know is trying to kill us,” Natasha was leaning on you slightly, your shoulder blades coming up to her waist. She had an arm draped over you.
Sam pauses for a moment to take in the sight of you all. His eyes land on you, and his brows furrow. You lower your head a bit, ears pulled back.
“Not everyone,” he says, and moves to the side to let your group into his house. “There’s a shower in the back bedroom, if ya’ll wanted to get cleaned up. I have some spare clothes in there as well, so help yourself.” Sam looks like he’s just come back from a run, his shirt is damp with sweat and it sticks to him.
Steve nods, “Thank you, Sam, really,” he holds out his arm for Natasha to go ahead of him.
You help Nat down the hallway until she reaches the bedroom door, she puts her hand on your head and says a quiet thank you. Your ears go up and your tail wags just a little bit. When you enter Sam’s small living space he’s eyeing you, and you let out a small yip.
Steve takes notice of Sam’s unease, “Oh, right, you wouldn’t happen to have spare clothes now? Sweatpants and a shirt maybe?” He rubs the back of his neck and Sam just nods a few times and goes to a different room in the back. A few moments later he hands the garments to Steve, who nods in thanks.
Natasha is out in less than 5 minutes, she seems like a whole new person. Steve follows you into the back bedroom and puts the clothes on the bed. He places his hand on your head before he leaves.
You shift back to human and stretch out your limbs, your joints crack in relief and you slip into the clothes Sam let you borrow. Coming back out into the living space, Sam nearly chokes and spits out his orange juice when he sees you.
Steve chuckles softly as he goes into the back room to get cleaned up, Natasha following shortly after, she pats your shoulder as she goes by.
“Hi, Sammy,” you say with a wave. Sam’s eyes are huge as he stares at you, mouth slightly ajar and arms out wide.
He sputters as he tries to speak, his arm up and pointing to the back room, like a giant ass dog didn’t just strut down the hall and come back a tiny woman in oversized clothes.
“You eat breakfast yet?” You ask innocently as you come to stand next to him in his kitchen. He shakes his head at you, eyes still wide in disbelief. “Good, let’s get started!”
“That supernatural shit is real? Like Vampires and werewolves? True Blood?” Sam hasn’t stopped asking questions once you all finished eating breakfast. You’re very amused at his reaction, he’s taking it better than you thought he would.
You chuckle a little, “yeah, it’s all real, give or take a few things,” you smile over at him. Sam puts a hand on his head and paces around the living space. “You’re actually taking it pretty well, honestly.”
“There were literal aliens in New York a few years ago,” Sam says, turning around to face the group. “So, who’s to say what is or isn’t real anymore.”
They steer back to the conversation at hand, Sam interrupts every now and then to ask you questions about Supernaturals, which you answer.
“So, the real question is: how do the three most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?” Steve and Natasha had deduced that Zola’s Algorithm was on the Lemurian Star, a ship that was overtaken by pirates - who Fury had hired - and so was Jasper Sitwell, said SHIELD officer.
Sam puts a file down on the table in front of Steve and Natasha, “The answer is: you don’t.”
Steve picks the file up and you lean over his shoulder to get a look at it, “What’s this?” He asks.
Sam crosses his arms over his chest, puffing up a little, “call it a resume.”
Nat - she told you to call her that, all her friends do - leans in and takes a photo from the top of the file, “Is this Bakhmla? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you?” She looks up at Steve, “you didn’t say he was a para-rescue.”
You lift up a few pages in the file, a photo standing out of Sam and someone next to him, “is this Riley?” You ask. Sam nods.
“I heard they couldn’t bring in the chippers because of the RPGs,” Nat speaks up, “What did you use, a stealth chute?”
Sam hands Steve another file, “No, these.”
Steve smirks, “I thought you said you were a pilot.”
Sam chuckles lightly, “I never said pilot.”
Steve sobers suddenly, putting the files down on the table, “I can’t ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason.”
“Dude, Captain America needs my help,” Sam exclaims. “There’s no better reason to get back in!”
You’re enjoying a nice iced tea with Sam outside a restaurant, seated near the end of a row in full view of an expensive restaurant, when he looks over at you and lowers his sunglasses and winks.
You’ve changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt, that Nat may or may not have stolen off a rack as you all made your way downtown. Ok, she did, but in her defense, you can’t save the world in gray men’s jogging pants.
You smile over at Sam, “what? Food in my teeth?” And your fangs extend only a little bit, but he notices and he shakes his head at you, laughing.
“Can you two stop flirting for 5 minutes?” Nat’s voice comes over your ear piece. “Or do I have to tell Stark?” You can hear the smirk in her voice and you laugh a little, pretending Sam said something funny so you wouldn’t attract attention.
“Oh please,” Sam says, he turns in his chair and kicks his feet up on the chair you aren’t sitting in. “You’d know when I was flirting, and that wasn’t it.” He looks at you again and winks.
Steve sighs over the comms audibly, “Can we focus please? We got incoming.”
Sam grabs his cell phone and dials the number Nat had given him, holding it up to his ear. “Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? I hear the crab cakes here are delicious.
The good looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o’clock… your other 10 o’clock. There you go,” Sam lifts his tea in the air and you wiggle your fingers at Sitwell. After a beat Sam continues, “You’re gona go around the corner, to your right. There’s a grey car, two spaces down. You, the pretty lady and I are gona take a ride.”
Across the street Nat shines a cheap laser pointer on Sitwell’s chest.
“Because that tie looks really expensive, and I’d hate to mess it up,” Sam says and then hangs up the phone. You follow him to the car, Sitwell between you both on the sidewalk. Every couple feet Sitwell looks over his shoulder at you.
“Got something to say?” You raise an eyebrow at him when he turns around again.
Sitwell shakes his head, a smirk on his lips, “You’ll be sorry once SHIELD finds you.”
“I think you mean, HYDRA, get in,” Sam shoves Sitwell into the backseat of his car, "and shut up," and you push him aside and sit with him as Sam goes around the driver's side.
Sitwell turns to you, you really want to punch his stupid face in. “Pierce put a KOS on you, you know.”
You sneer at him, “I’ve lived this long, I’m sure I’ll be just fine.” When he goes to speak again your eyes flash at him and he promptly closes his mouth and faces forwards.
Steve pushes Sitwell through the roof exit of the high rise you all entered not too long ago, Nat following and you standing by the door.
“Tell me about Zola’s Algorithm,” Steve pushes Sitwell further.
“Never heard of it,” Sitwell smirks.
“What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?”
“Throwing up, I get seasick,” he almost falls and stumbles off the edge of the roof, but Steve grabs the lapels of his suit. “Is this little display meant to insinuate that you’re gonna throw me off the roof? Because it’s really not your style, Rogers.”
Steve smooths Sitwells suit down, all smiles, “You’re right. It’s not. It’s hers.”
And as Steve steps to the side, Natasha comes forward and kicks Sitwell in the chest and he plummets off the rooftop. You come over to look over the edge, grinning.
“Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura …?” Natasha snaps her fingers, trying to remember a name. Your head snaps up to stare at Steve.
“Lillian, lip piercing, right?” Steve supplies. You’re grinning up at him and he's trying not to pay you any attention.
“Yeah, she’s cute,” Nat answers.
“Yeah, I’m not ready for that.”
You hear the whirring of a jet pack over the edge and a second later, Sam’s in his Falcon suit, wings spread out wide as he carries Sitwell and drops him onto the roof a few feet from where you’re standing. Sam lands gracefully and his wings fold into the pack on his back.
As you approach Sitwell, he sits back on his heels with his hands held up, “Zola’s Algorithm is a program.. for choosing Insight’s targets!”
Steve puts his hands on his hips, “What targets?”
“You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, all kinds of 'supers. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who’s a threat to HYDRA! Now or in the future!”
“The future?” You ask, “How could it know?”
Sitwell laughs, “how could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it.”
You share confused looks with your group.
“Your bank records,” Sitwell continues, “medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola’s algorithm evaluates people’s past to predict their future.”
“And what then?” Steve says seriously, his eyebrows lowered.
Sitwell starts panicking, “Oh, my god. Pierce is gonna kill me.”
“What then?!” Shouts Steve, he’s getting impatient.
Sitwell audibly gulps, “Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time,” he swallows thickly.
You’re in the backseat of Sam’s car with Nat and Sitwell, you’re in the middle of the two. Steve up in the passenger seat next to Sam, who’s driving.
“HYDRA doesn’t like leaks,” Sitwell says.
“So why don’t you try sticking a cork in it,” Sam snarks back.
Nat leans forward in the seat to come up between Steve and Sam, “Insight’s launching in 16 hours, we’re cutting it a little bit close here.”
“I know,” Steve says, he glances back at her and then you, “we’ll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly.”
“What!? Are you crazy!? That’s a terrible—“ Sitwell gets cut off as something hits the roof of the car and the glass of the window next to him shatters and he’s yanked from his seat and tossed across the highway into oncoming traffic.
You push Natasha to the side as a gunshot is fired into the car from the roof, then Nat pushes you to the side so you avoid getting shot. She jumps into Steve’s lap, pulls his head forward so he avoids a bullet, and then kicks Sam away from another bullet. Nat returns fire from her gun and Steve pulls up the parking brake and flings the person that was on the roof from the car and the figure tumbles a few feet away and corrects himself by digging his hand into the asphalt.
Your eyes grow wide, it's him. The masked man. Natasha goes to shoot at him, and your claws come out as you grip the seats, but before either of you can do something a large vehicle rear ends Sam’s car and you’re all pushed forward.
You're about to crash into the masked man, when he leaps up and latches onto the hood of the car, his knees kicking in the rear windshield spraying you in glass.
Natasha's still in Steve's lap, reaching on the floor for her dropped gun, and as you go to help, the front windshield is smashed in and a metal arm rips the steering wheel out of the car.
"Shit!" Same yells, his hands in the air because he has nothing left to hold onto. Nat finds her gun and fires a few times and the masked man jumps from your car to the hummer behind.
It rear ends the car again and the car begins to roll sideways.
Steve grabs Sam and pulls him, he slams his shield against the door and the trio glide on the broken door as the car flips over them. All you can do is watch as you're taken with the car across the highway.
When the car finally stops rolling, you crawl out of the back window. Cuts and scrapes and pieces of broken glass litter your skin. There's a gash above your eyebrow spewing blood, and you wipe it from your eye.
You barely have a second to catch your breath before there's a hail of bullets in your direction. You've lost sight of Steve and the rest in the chaos, and then you hear a thump, and an explosion from a grenade launcher. Your head swings around and you can see a flash of red ducking behind a car as Nat runs from bullets.
Another explosion and she's leaping the median into oncoming traffic and jumping off the side of the bridge. You can't see Sam in the confusion and decide to follow Natasha. What's a 20ft drop anyway?
You're about to jump when a bullet grazes your leg and you slip and fall 20 feet down, landing on the hood of a car on your back. The wind is knocked out of you as you try and gain your bearings. Down the block, you can hear bullets spray and ricocheting off cars, and you groan and roll off the hood of the car. Yep, that’s a broken rib - no make that two. You wince when you land on your feet and hobble towards the gunfire.
As you look over, you see Steve charging a man with a machine gun, shield raised, and he jumps the car and double kicks the man off the hood. Steve shouts your name and you follow his finger behind you, Natasha’s running from someone and you make your way over to her. As you near her a shot rings out and just when you push her out of the way, the bullet lodges in your stomach, you clutch it and crumble to the ground next to Nat.
You grunt and moan as Nat pulls you next to her to lean against the car, “You idiot, what were you thinking?” She rips a piece off the bottom of her shirt and presses it into your stomach.
You cough up a little blood as you try to speak, it's thick as it coats your tongue, “It’s… fine,” you pant out, “I’ve had worse. It’ll heal eventually. Get out of here!”
She gives you a concerned look, but she doesn’t make a move to leave. So you push her away, “Go!” Your eyes flash and you double over, and spit out more blood. Nat reluctantly leaves your side and runs down the street for better cover.
On the other side of the car you’re leaning on, you can hear fighting. It’s probably Steve, you think. You grab onto the window of the car and pull yourself up, it's a struggle, but you finally manage to do it. When you look through the car window you can see Steve fighting the Masked Man - the Winter Soldier.
You go to Shift, it’ll be easier to fight that way, you’re no use to anyone in your current injured state. Your skin ripples and the fur comes through in waves and disappears. You stumble back, it’s not working.
“What the fuck,” you mumble to yourself. Then there’s a piercing pain where the bullet entered, it shoots through you and you feel it all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. No. It can’t be.
Silver. The bullets were silver cast. Your brow furrows and you try to Shift again, the pain is excruciating and you fall to your hands and knees, gritting your teeth through the pain. The blood hasn’t stopped oozing out of the wound and you’re starting to feel light headed, your vision going cloudy and dark around the edges when you try to stand back up.
“Bucky?…” you hear Steve say, and your head snaps up at him through the broken window. There, not even 10 feet from Steve is the Winter Sold— no, his long lost, thought to be dead best friend, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes. It makes your head spin and you hold onto the car with both hands, panting through the pain again.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” And before you can blink, Sam swoops down and kicks the Soldier out of the way before he can fire at Steve - who is too dumbstruck to do anything but stare. The Soldier regains his composer to fire his gun again, when Natasha fires the grenade launcher and you lose sight of them and fall back to the ground.
Rumlow and the rest of his STRIKE team had come in not a minute later, and detained and arrested your group. Steve, Sam, and Natasha in one armored vehicle and you in a large van. Steve and Sam protested and said you needed a hospital, or to at least let one of them accompany you in your truck. They were swiftly silenced and the doors to your van slid closed without a word.
You must have passed out on the car ride. Because the next thing you see are pale lights above you, and you're very aware that your torso is bandaged and your shirt is gone. The sports bra you have on feels damp and sticky. The table you're laying on is cold on your back and you move to sit up, groaning at the effort.
You go to touch your wristband and it's gone, small panic begins to rise in you because you can't get ahold of Tony. Did you lose it in the car crash? Did it fall off between then and here? Or is some HYDRA lackey messing with it and trying to get access to JARVIS?
In the corner of your eye you catch something silver and shining as it moves in the pale lights. When you look over, the Soldier is staring at you. There's a far off look in his eyes, like he's seeing you but not. You look around the room, it looks like an old run down bank vault. No one else is around, but you can hear voices from another room speaking softly.
There’s what looks like a dentist’s chair in the room with you both, there’s cables and wires and a halo of something you can’t place above it. Monitors around the back are blank, it looks like the cables connect to the chair.
You look back at his face, his hair is a little greasy and longer since the last time you've seen him. The tight black shirt he's wearing strains on his chest as he inhales sharply at your gaze.
You shuffle on the table and slowly swing your legs off the side, clutching at your injured stomach.
"D-do you remember me?" You ask, your voice a little hoarse. Your mouth still has a faint taste of blood and you swallow around the lump in your throat.
The Soldier's eyes refocus and zero in on you. He stares at you for a moment before he shakes his head ever so slightly. Only once. You grit your teeth as you go to stand, holding onto the table for support. You pant as you make your way over towards him. He's standing in the middle of the room and his brows furrow like he's confused.
When you reach him, you have to crane your head back to look into his vacant crystal eyes, "you killed my family." You punch him in his chest, but he doesn't budge. You go to slam your fist into him again but he catches it, in his flesh hand.
The tears you were holding back fall freely as you glare up at him. The Soldier tilts his head and watches the tears fall down your face, he goes to lift his metal arm but it whirs and groans with effort and only a cold metal finger catches the tear at your chin.
It's off putting, the gentle way he touches you. The hand that caught your fist doesn't squeeze or try to keep you there.
"James?" You ask softly, because you see it now. Through his curtain of long dark hair, you can see Steve's best friend from those grainy black and white photographs from the museum. And there's a far off look in his eyes again, like he's looking through you, or maybe he's seeing you and nothing really registers behind his eyes.
His brows crease and his eyes refocus and examine your face, "Petal…?"
AN: it was a long one and I appreciate you for taking the time to read! thank you for reading! It means so much to me! Comment, likes, RB<3
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autocann1bal · 2 years
part four of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 &lt;- part 2 &lt;- part 3 <- back into the soup we dive
somewhere only we know - keane lockwood takes them to a special spot and they have a nice picnic on a hill and cuddle on a picnic blanket <3 we're ignoring how sad the song actually is <33.
brooklyn baby - lana del rey oh please lockwood is so brooklyn baby by lana del rey you cant tell me hes not hes a posh little london boy and lucy's a girl who grew up in a rural town in the north theyre so brooklyn baby.
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex we're ignoring the sexual aspect of this song entirely <3 anyway theyre wandering around a park just before the sunset, just being silly and cute <333. like real people do - hozier look i know we've had plenty of locklyle sleepy morning and sleepy nights but this one is DIFFERENT OK. they wake up in lockwoods bed after a rough night of panic attacks from both of them, they fell asleep in eachothers arms. lucy tries to get up without disturbing him and he, still asleep, holds her tighter and kisses her forehead. she stays till he wakes up and they kiss <333 domesticity my beloved. its called: freefall - rainbow kitten surprise george and lucy talking methinks. it just feels like a serious conversation between them. my kind of woman - mac demarco lockwood just heart-eyes-ing at lucy while she files papers in the basement or smth idk just lockwood pathetic simp mode, as usual <33. i was all over her - salvia palth lmao lockwood hopeless simp time but sad edition. the way he looks at her, like shes all hes ever wanted, all he ever will want, but the knowledge that she may never be his. this gets even worse after she starts helping him with his panic attacks, he feels like hes using her. francis forever - mitski lockwood, alone in his room, every night after lucy left. he cant get her out of his head and hes to afraid to ask george for help, for fear george will tell him to suck it up and move on (which of course would never happen). those where some rough nights for lockwood. the beer - kimya dawson lucy breakdown song (real) (not clickbait) (im definitely not writing this instead of my essay waht are you talking about) i want you - mitski lucy, longing for lockwood more than anything, but shes so deathly afraid that holly is replacing her. diet mountain dew - lana del rey ok it doesnt. really fit their dynamic i dont think but it just sounds so right ykwim? good looking - suki waterhouse hes her good looking boy!!! this song is so them just read the lyrics <33. 4 morant - doja cat erm. uhm. haha. i mean. yea. erm. so. hee hee. lockwood vibes. harness your hopes - b-side - pavement that whole 'hold me just like the morning paper' line is so simp-y lockwood <3333. dirty night clowns - chris garneau different. vibe from the last song uhhh. do i have to explain. move me - half.alive THEY ARE SO HALF.ALIVE I CANT EXPLAIN IT ITS JUST THEM. i mean the literal first line of this song is 'i never told, you never asked' which is quite literally them in episode 6 so. i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys just lockwood being a simp again and who can blame him lucy is so <333. britrock - mccafferty uh oh more mccafferty time. this song is just so lucy i dont know why it just is im sorry. im not sorry. after dark - mr. kitty sad vibes. theyre both in the dark just lying together in lockwoods bed. not even talking just together. thinking. ill call you mine - girl in red do i have a personal vendetta against this song?? yes. will it stop me from using it for Them TM?? absolutely not. cute domestic roadtrip vibes fight me. i want to be with you - chloe moriondo this one is self explanatory. bedroom ghost - flower face oops different vibe. lucy shower breakdown? no, lockwood shower breakdown :sunglasses:. privately owned spiral galaxy - crywank (specifically the lovejoy cover tho) mmm lockwood thinking alone in his room song methinks. christ alright, part 5 ig im so sorry this is so long i feel so bad dfhgfkjg
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intynidad · 4 years
Hi hi!! Could I request the dorm leaders (if that’s too many, your favorites!) with a child MC? (Parental or older sibling sorta relationship) (also by child I mean 8-10 years old) Have a wonderful day, drink some water and eat protein! 💕
@moomoo-mochi OMG THANK YOU??
I love this so much I’m just a sucker for this kind of prompt!!
Also, this will be based on how I acted as a toddler (spoiler I was a stupid kid)
a health potion with risu giggles for a fellow merchant!
(also sorry I didn't know what to write for iidia or vil and I didn't want to write something that I wasn't satisfied 
The beginning 
-you careless puppy, How many times I told the two of you to be careful!- professor crewel was scolding you and your lab partner...well at your lab partner more than you, you were kinda busy trying to get out of the cauldron to listen 
You and your lab partner were assigned to do a regression potion that was supposed to work in reviving dead plants or turning rotten food into edible again but when you were measuring the exact amount of the last ingredient to finish the potion, somebody accidentally pushed you making you spill all of the ingredients...and yourself into the cauldron.
so now there you are extremely confused about what just happened and incapable of taking care of yourself for the 3 days the potion was supposed to last and now your lab partner has to take care of you until the potion wore off or mister crewel finds an antidote
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has an abusive mother and no younger siblings so our dear tomato is lost, he doesn’t know any rules that would help him take care of a little child so he asks trey for help (like most of heartsalybul when they have problems).
trey lets you eat pastries while riddle does his dorm leader duties but he looked away for a second and oops no child in sight...ok time to panic.
riddle was scolding some heartsalybul students that spilled all of the red paint in one of the chairs so now not only the other members of the dorm couldn’t continue painting but now the unbirthday party had to cancel and you know what happens when you break one of the queen’s rules
-OFF WITH YOUR- Riddle swung his magic pen
-wead!- riddle turn around to see you with a rose in your hand pretending it to be a magic pen
-off widd your wead!- you repeated swinging the rose up and down
riddle was stroked by your cuteness like a truck; he was speechless (also because picking roses was against the rules but lest ignore it) the two students he was scolding ran away because their dorm leader was picking you up and giggling at your little imitation of him 
-nono Off, with, your, head!-
-off wid your wead!-
Leona kingschoolar
-agh how annoying- the savanaclaw dorm leader wasn’t a big fan of children and much less taking care of them, he probably was gonna throw you at Ruggie or jack, both of them had younger siblings so they could probably take care of you better but there is one thing he didn’t count off
-LEONA OJI-TAN-...fuck, today was the day Cheka came to visit his dear oji-tan, now Leona is not only stuck with a brat but with a furball too.
-who are them uncle?-(owo who this) Cheka waved at the child that was behind his uncle’s legs-hi I am Cheka, wanna play tag?!-oh ho ho this gives him an idea
-Cheka this is Y/N, your new playmate-the lion cub had a little sparkle in his eyes
-you two can play all day and ill be watching you from that tree so have fun-hell yea he was a genius Cheka and you are entertained, and he can nap is a win-win situation for everyone
-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH- and there it goes his perfect plan
-oi, what happened- you were in  sitting on the ground while hugging your knee and crying your heart out and Cheka kneeled beside you trying to comfort you 
-I’m-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to push you it was an accident- now he looked like he wanted to cry 
-agh you two cut it out-Leona said in a low growl while kneeling beside you-is just a scratch don’t worry just let me-he picked you up.
now all of you were in his room he gently  bandages your knee while Cheka was holding your hand for “moral support”
-kiss to make it better Leona oji-tan!-
-only if both of you promise to be more careful-Cheka nodded- ok “pain, pain go away *woshh*, there you go- you moved your knee and started to giggle while Cheka was already dragging you to continue playing, the two of you were lucky that both were cute because not everybody can see this side of Leona and live for telling it 
Azul Ashengrotto
-Come, come everyone!-the leader of octaville tapped his fedora-For the price of 25 madol you can have for a limited time only a  photo of our dear Y/N as a toddler!-
and of course, our dear capitalist Ursula is taking profit from this situation.
you were sitting in a little chair all dolled up while jade took pictures of you with different students and Floyd was taking the money from dose poor unfortunate souls
An hour passed and there were still about 50+ students in line for a photo when Azul notice something about you.
your hands were in the form of a tiny fist and your eyes were watery and you haven’t smiled at the camera for the last photos even when Floyd made funny faces behind jade you weren’t enjoying this.
usually, he wouldn’t care about it, he was making some good money and that was the important thing but you were different, you were his friend
-the lounge is closed, everyone get out, Floyd take care of that and jade-he looked for a second at you-make something warm for our little guest-
all of the students in line emitted different protest sounds but a look at Floyd grin and everyone was already on the exit
-sorry for all that little one- he lightly patted your hair-what about I pay you for your work with some treats?-
-*happy gasp* YESH!!-you hugged his leg with a strong grip-
-nee~ nee~, why Azul can have a hug from shrimpy and I cant?-
-FWOYD!! :D-
Kalim al asim
-Kalim, please calm down-Jamil said looking like he is gonna pop up a blood vessel
-Remember to breathe Kalim and please calm down you are scaring them-Jamil said while kneeling to be on your level
-*gasp* I’m sorry y/n, I’m just so happy to be with you, are you hungry?-you give a quick nod
for the surprise of Jamil, the fact that you turned into a child made Kalim more independent???
he knew that crewel sensei asked Kalim to take care of you but he kinda assumed he is the one who will end up taking care of both of you.
-emmm Jamil-and here we go-have you seen Y/N around?-
-excuse me whAT??!!- Jamil shouted- HOW DO YOU LOSE A CHILD?-
-I didn’t lose them I just….temporally misplace them...OK YES, I LOST THEM BUT IS NOT MY FAULT WE WERE PLAYING HIDE N SEEK!-
-sure sure Kalim never anything is your fault-Jamil said between teeth-
Kalim could be a literal ray of sunshine but one of his bigs flaws were his “rich person behavior”
because he was spoiled and lived in a bubble he didn’t understand that his actions had consequences, in the good side he was working on it.
two hours had passed since that moment are you were nowhere to be found
now the scarabia duo was starting to panic
-Jamil,...did that pillow made a sound?-
-I think so ?-
and there you were sleeping under a big mountain of pillows you fell asleep while playing so that, why you didn’t, respond to the calls of the two boys
-ok Kalim we found them and I hope this had taught you a lesson about taking care of things...well taking care of people-
-oh for the great seven I thought I was gonna have a heart attack-
-now you know how I feel and I really would appreciate it if you used this experience to-
And now Kalim was sleeping beside you
great seven give Jamil patience and have mercy on both of you when morning comes 
Malleus draconia
-arent you a little thing fufufufuf-
-old man be careful with them-silver said
you might be wondering, I thought malleus would take care of toddler Y/N?
Well, that was the plan...malleus is a reserved man, with no friends more than his two guards and the older fae that raised him, that was until he meets you, you looked at him in the eyes with no fear just a hint of curiosity.
you gave him his first nickname,”tsunotaro” a childish name that was almost disrespectful to the heir of the valley of thorns and one of the most powerful wizards of all twisted wonderland, yet you called him that silly name, you hugged him, you listen to him and he listened to you, you were his friend and precisely because that he left you at the care of Lilia, the mere thought of you screaming and running away from him made his heart ache
that always happened…
Malleus is used to that, since he was a child people looked at him with fear or caution but never with kindness except for one person, you
and he was determined to let that like that, but he couldn’t stop thinking what if something happens to you?
what type of friend he would be if he lets somebody take advantage of you in this vulnerable state?
a peek wouldn’t hurt
there you were, in the flower bed of ramshackle dorm both planted, taking dandelions from around and with inexperience and tiny hands crafting a flower crown too small for anyone except you.
he looked at you from the shadows carefully to not being spotted warding you like the dragon he is.
-hewo-small and tired eyes fixed behind a large tree
malleus was behind that tree…
-whats yowr name?-now standing up and slowly walking to the tree in question-are you shy?, is oke I won’t hurt yow-
like if a child could do any damage to him
-I made thwis fow you-you said reveling a second flower crown that was just a little bit bigger than the one in your head 
you let the flower crown on the floor near the tree and waited, malleus knowing how stubborn you were he knew you wouldn’t leave so he left his hiding spot thinking about the screams and the fear your little face will have
-waaaa, you big! (giggles)-again, no signs of fear-uppa uppa!-you said while rising your hands to the sky and opening and closing your little fists
malleus emitted a low chuckle and picked you up, when you got to his eye level immediately went for his horns  touching and grabbing all your little hands could
-you sure are a strange thing, little child of man-
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babymilkawa · 4 years
grocery shopping headcanons with:
kaminari denki & kirishima eijiro
gn!reader :)
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kaminari denki
as soon as you walk in the store and get the shopping cart, he offers to push it while you sit inside
and you ✨ respectfully ✨decline with a flick to his forehead 
then he offers to do it the other way around, getting another flick to the forehead because “there will be no room for groceries if your ass is in there” you say
you leave him rubbing his forehead, pouting
the WHOLE time I swear he’s making these ridiculous puns with every brand of food he sees
you end up just ditching him in an aisle, snickering, and you can hear him calling your name
you’re buying for the class so there’s a specific list to refer to but denki is literally sneaking snacks into the cart when you’re not looking
when you guys pay, you notice and you wack him in the head with them and make him go all the way back to put them where they belong
“but y/n, it’s faarrr” he whines, “and you’re just gonna ditch me againnnn :(”
he’s right tho
he’s also the type to take every single sample there is and both his hands will be full with them
if you’re pushing the cart, he’ll feed you the samples
he’ll also try to sneak another one from the booth and use the excuse of “Oh, they’re for my s/o” even though you never mentioned wanting it
when you’re at the produce area, you ask him to get those plastic bags and he’s just rolling and rolling it like “how am I supposed to rip this off?”
sry idk if this is just an American thing or not
DO NOT give him the list and split up the items with him because boy knows nothing about groceries
you’ll ask him to get the eggplant and he gets an actual egg carton and some mint leaves
you ask him to get milk and he gets the cream you put in coffee
at one point, he offers to push the cart and you let him cos he wouldn’t stop whining 
you see him push himself off the ground and ride behind the cart and next thing you know, you hear a crash in the aisle next to you
and the place isn’t even that big, you literally leave him for 2 seconds and he goes to the cashier to have them call your name on the speakers
when you see him, he’s sitting on the counter all pouty
in conclusion, don’t take him grocery shopping 
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kirishima eijiro
instead of pushing a cart, he’ll take a basket to flex his muscles and impress you
which means that every time you put something in there, you add your own weight to it and he’s there struggling to keep it from falling HAHAH bully y/n
kiri brought his own money too (along with the class’s) and lets you pick any snack you want
when you’re not looking, he takes cute pictures of you grocery store aesthetic
it honestly just ends up like a date for the two of you cos you’re having sm fun
he’ll chase you around the aisles while carrying the basket to his chest 
once he’s caught you, he’ll do the kabedon move and knock a couple things off the shelf oops
the two of you are laughing and picking things up while a worker threatens to kick y’all out
at the cashier, he suggests the two of you split up to pay for your separate orders and while he’s paying, he sneaks a flower bouquet in
y’all are walking out of the store and you offer to take one of the bags by holding your hand out but kiri just moves them to one hand and takes your hand with his free one OMIGD JSHDJFHJH
you don’t head back to the dorms right away, though
he’s got some money left so he takes you out for dinner
the place isn’t fancy but it’s one of your favs
before you go back in the dorms, he gives you the flower bouquet he bought and said that it reminded him of you 
you’re walking in and mina and Kaminari immediately go to you like “looks like y’all did more than grocery shopping huh” 😏 nudge nudge
“yea we almost got kicked out” 🤪
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bnha masterlist
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awsugawara · 4 years
bnha hcs with an artsy s/o [2/?]
part two of this series! i will continue with maybe 2 more sets of bnha characters, so if i don’t touch basis with one you really like, then don’t be afraid to send a request! i can also do pt. 2s or scenarios for these, if y’all want as well :)
note: your quirk will be the same all around, if implied you have one!
Quirk: AMBIENT ILLUSION - with a single touch of your hand or glance, you are able to make your opponent think that they’ve been taken to another “realm,” but in actuality their body movements mimic those in the illusion; it’s a quirk that can be used for good or for bad; your creativity isn’t limited, but the side effects are headaches, nausea, and sometimes insanity for a short period of time until your stamina runs out or unless someone knocks you out
Hero Name: Chiaroscuro or Chiasu [for short]- referring to the major contrast of light and dark in an image; in italian it is said to literally mean light-dark
enjoy :)
i. midoriya
> you both go way back to childhood years, but you moved away
> you two only reunited because you knew mirio and he told you about izuku
> “wait- does he have a broccoli like hair?” 
> nevertheless, izuku was ecstatic to reunite with you and vise versa
> he noticed the subtle changes to your appearance, such as your choice of clothing
> you talked a lot about your newfound love for art and aesthetics, he found it cute
> he told you about all might and his new quirk becuz something seemed off about him
> being quirkless, you make the most of being kind to people all around the world and to those you meet
> that’s one of the qualities that izuku likes a lot about you
> he isn’t really there after moving to the dorms, so you try to make the effort to come see him and that’s how the rest of his friends met you
> he feels bad you’re always spending time alone, while he was training really hard
> as an artist, you do get insecure, so losing deku to his dream was kinda a harsh reality check and you needed to find another outlet
> you worked at a nearby art teacher at the night painting sessions and you loved it
> gaining better critiques and learning about different potential styles made you so much more confident
> when izu saw you after long grueling training for the provisional license exam, he saw you were glowing with confidence and he was convinced he was going to one day marry you
k. bakugo
> he keeps you a hidden secret from the rest of his nosy friends. PERIODT.
> katsu is kinda embarrassed to admit he has a BIG soft spot for your artsy self
> you work at an art store and one day kirishima and kaminari decided to grab some materials for an art project that aizawa assigned
> you happened to be there helping out a flirty kaminari and an enthusiastic kirishima
> he was just kinda there...staring at you and your cute HANDMADE grenade earrings
> “you good bakugo?” -kirishima asked when they left
> “tch whatever.” 
>  he was forced to go BACK THE NEXT DAY because he broke some of the markers when he was getting riled up
> he ACTUALLY made a compliment to your flame earrings that day and you wrote your number on the back of his receipt
> fast-forward, he takes the time to escape the dorms during the weekends to see you
> his mom LOVES you to DEATH
> she knows you’re the one and pesters baku about marrying you NOW
> neway, you’ve made cute little charms for your boom boom boi as good luck
> BONUS: you have matching charms that he keeps in a display case in his dorm room in his desk drawer
s. todoroki
> since he’s fairly quiet, he never really mentions you, except to his sister or izuku
> he collects the scrapbook pages you put together in a safe scrapbook
> for once, his dad is actually proud of his son’s gf and as he proclaims “his-future wife”
> your quirk is something that his dad practically fangirls about
> your family doesn’t really like the idea of quirk marriages just because they value trust and love
> shouto loves that and so he can be seen coming over often on the weekends
> he admires all the art pieces you draw in your sketchbook that you carry around for your quirk
> the more details you can memorize of a scene, the more the victim becomes more entranced
> he admires the fact that you like making art not only for your hero courses, but because you value making others happy with your gift
d. kaminari
> den asks himself how and why he ended up with such a cute and gifted girl
> you like making him small gifts and art pieces because it brightens his day
> but you attend seiai academy, which you extremely dread
> but when it comes down to it, you aren’t one to associate yourself with saiko intelli, just because she’s kind of in over herself with her fancy teas
> you spend a lot of time drawing and such that you never really socialize with the other girls
> you only attend seiai because you had gotten a recommendation from your old art teacher, and suddenly...you feel out of place
> all the girls in seiai seem to be snotty rich girls with nothing else better to do other than gossip and drink leaf juice
> denki tries to make you feel better after talking about his day and then asking about yours, which you respond to as “the same old lonely dorm room day”
> he feels really bad and tries to make you happy
> the day of the sports festival, he invited you to attend a week before since it was a really big deal coming from class 1-A
> you met his friends and eraserhead at the provisional license tournament, which you had finished pretty quickly, considering how you broke away from your peers and kinda just went for some unlucky chump
> eraserhead was impressed oop-
> anyway, when you saw their performance, you got literal chills and was pretty jealous of denki, you made some excuse to go home
> you ended up crying by yourself, but that crying sess ended when you found den at your dorm room, hugging the daylights out of you
> “i have a suggestion for you...how about you ditch these rich girls and come eat the rich with the rest of us at U.A.?”
f. tokoyami
> edgy boi + soft aesthetic s/o = b a l a n c e
> fumi isn’t one to outwardly express himself in the love dept, so how he ended up with you was simply being classmates
> being a transfer from shiketsu high school was probably the most nerve wrecking
> after everyone had gotten their provisional license, your dad came back from overseas and didn’t like that you weren’t at U.A., so...yea
> ANYWAY, fumi is soft edgy boi for you, and really admires your pieces
> he gives you ideas for some dark pieces that could help you spook more people 
> fumi does little thoughtful things to help you through commission surges like bringing you flowers, snacks and dinner
> when you moved into the dorms, the rest of class 1-A had convinced you to let them into your room, which consisted of a lot of ORGANIZED art supplies and...PETS????
> apparently you had gotten permission from aizawa to bring some of your pets to the dorms, such as a cat, a puppy and a couple of birds
> “i couldn’t possibly come up with my pieces without having them”
> **cue cuteness overload**
> class 1-A didn’t pick up on your relationship with him and when they did, they were like......!!!!
> it was all thanks to your polaroid and printed photos of all your friends and some of your dates with fumi
e. kirishima
> you met during one of his patrols with fatgum and tamaki
> fatgum recognized you as you frequently came from seiai to visit, since fatgum was your relative
> kiri was curious about you since you go to seiai, an all girls academy
> fatgum had taken you along with his two interns to patrol and let me say kiri began simping after seeing you in action
> as a prep girl, you spend quite some time in the art room for your quirk
> having been prepared, it wasn’t any big deal to have you take down the bad guy within mere 15 minutes
> you were close with tamaki, but even closer with kiri
> at one point, you both started dating and you met his friends when you came from seiai to drop off some food you made for him
> “you go WHERE???” -denki
> lemme say that a lot of class 1-A was skeptical of you, but kiri convinced them that you meant no harm and was just visiting him
> “it’s okay, kiri! i’m sorry to intrude! i’ll be heading out now!”
> **cue dejected kiri for the rest of the week**
> his classmates felt bad seeing him in such a downer state, and apologized to him
> “nah, it’s okay...i was kinda hoping you guys would like her too and i’m sorry i’ve been down lately...so not manly.”
> but they learnt that kiri’s gf had been getting bullied for dating someone from U.A. and they had to go and make it worse
> “kirishima?” -mina
> “oh hey, what’s up?”
> “how’s s/o?” -denki
> “do you think that s/o would want to come to U.A.?” -midoriya blurted out
> mission: get s/o to attend U.A.
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Azusa Mukami–(Chapter 3)
[O1] [O2] [O3] [O4] [Final] [Care for Vampire]
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Place: Grimmer Main Street, Wagon Street 
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Yui: (For some reason, I was worrying because his behave was rather suspicious… however...)
Vampire Child B: Excuse me. Is there any bouquet of Gerbera here?
Flower Boy: Yes, there are! These are for presents and you need these kinds of flowers, right?
Yui: (Certainly, I have been depressed lately for everything we went through yesterday...but I think my prediction for him was wrong)
Azusa: Eve, I wonder if he’s hiding his real attitude…
Yui: Who knows...I have noticed that he’s behaving much more cheerful than yesterday...
Azusa: As expected...we better...accompany him...right?
Yui: Yeah, it’s important to search where Butler San is but...we just can’t leave him alone.
(What on the Earth shall we do…?)
Flower Boy: Thank you for your efforts. You can go for the bath right now if you prefer.
Yui: Um...but…
Flower Boy: Please, leave the shop to me! It’s because you were always giving a hand until now...
Today, the stall of Kebab will be released at the plaza and definitely look forward to that!
Azusa: ...
Yui: …kh...
Place: ディアマンテの泉 / Diamante Fountain
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Yui: ...Haa…
Azusa: Eve...the kebab we get after a long wait...will get cold...
Yui: Oh, you are right.
Sorry. Even though we are having lunch only two of us together...I was making a gloomy expression.
Azusa: No...it couldn’t be helped…
The boy of that flower-shop...I am also confused about... what to do about him…
Yui: I think we will go crazy making a decision…
(Looks like the people who are having meals and conversations nearby are having fun and enjoying themselves...It’s only us who are not enjoying it at all.)
Yui: Huh…? Come to think...that woman?
(I am not sure whether she is that woman from earlier or not but, I am feeling like I’ve seen this woman before…)
Vampire Woman G: ―So, guess what? That guy was screaming, I think?
(I just want to see your smile. That is the only thing that makes me smile too. Won’t you let me meet you again?)
*Continuing conversations* 
Vampire Woman: Right~? It’s making me to laugh...fufu!~
Vampire Woman C: Then? Did you bring him back after all, huh?
Vampire Woman G: No, I didn’t! I want to spoil him one more time!
He said, “If you follow me around like this, I will sue you like a stalker” ya’ know?
Vampire Woman C: Uwaa―… You also do rigorous things like him, afterall~...
Vampire Woman G: I did the right thing! That nonsense boy, he was playing around from the beginning.
Rather, I want him to think it like he is able to play with such a beautiful woman like me.
Yui: (Those women are having conversations about a man…...how cruel…!)
Azusa: Hey...they are talking about...the boy from the flower shop…?
Yui: Yes...it looks like so.
(Their talking’s already enough to make me hurt… moreover, they are having a conversation about him putting on such a smiling face...unforgivable… )
*Yui stands*
Azusa: Eve...why…? Standing up so suddenly…
Yui: Sorry, Azusa Kun. Me...I can’t tolerate this kind of gossiping about him…
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Azusa: You can’t...If you want to tell them something...then I will go….
Yui: No, I will go.
*Yui starts walking*
Yui: Um...Can I say something....
Vampire Woman G: Haah? Who’s it, a lil’ girl. Hey, have we met before?
I don’t think I have met such a tiny woman before.
Yui: Are you talking about the boy from the flower shop?
Vampire Woman C: Fu!...Is this girl talking about your ex-boyfriend? Seriously~!
Yui: You are free to ignore your boyfriend’s feelings if you want to, don’t answer to him.
But, talking bad about him by laughing like that…! I don’t think it's a good thing to do…!
Vampire Woman G: Tch!...Annoying. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere and starting to grumble about this?
Won’t you disappear from our sight already? You are a disturbance.
Yui: Impossible…! Apologize to him!
Vampire G: I can’t apologize! It’s stupid to get easily melted just for receiving a little bit kindness from him.
Yui: ...ugh…
Vampire Woman G: What with those eyes? Do you still have any business?
I strongly hate justice minded women like you, ...ya’ know?
Good lil’ girl or whatever, just disappear from here―― AAH!!
Yui: (― I am gonna get hit?)
Azusa: You can’t...I won’t forgive them who will raise a hand pointing at her…
Yui: …!? Azusa kun…
Azusa: You withdraw and step back...I will manage to do something…
Yui: ―...Yes!
Vampire Woman G: You are planning to be “Knight-like”, huh? If it’s the case, then you are ultra super annoying than her!
Vampire Woman C: Two of us were just having fun chatting and you guys are just being troublesome. Why’s that?
Azusa: Your…way of talking was not fun…
Speaking about his feelings... like mud-painting...will turn out bad. That’s all.
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Vampire Woman G: Haa? What are you saying? She’s the one who’s the most disturbance.
Vampire C: We meant we won’t withdraw! Do you know that all the complaints we have is about this little girl!
Azusa: I won't accept that.
Because... Yui san is my precious person…
It’s my responsibility to protect...the person I love...if she is facing with evil people
I think...the people who haven’t loved anyone before...won’t understand this spirit…
Vampire Woman G: What’s now...Every single one of you is just raising the facts about the boy that I have thrown away…!
Could it be...that you are just having objections to me because that guy asked you to do so?
Azusa: You are wrong...We are doing it for our own convenience…
He...used to love you...For this...he won’t want you to get hurt…
Same goes for you...you should also...consider to...accompany him more…
If you just continue to hurt others...someday...you will have to...face a critical situation…
Vampire Woman G: ...ugh…
Tch!...I got it. You don't have to say anything.
Vampire Woman C: Hey?...Are you sure?
Vampire Woman G: It’s ‘cuz, they have come here for bending for their own selfish reason. Plus, I am tired now.
Yui: Ah…!
Thank you so much!
Azusa: Yes...Thank you…
Vampire Woman G: .......
What are ya’ saying..? How stupid!?
Really you guys are stupid to go that far for that boy.
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Azusa: That’s because...he is a nice person...as far I know…
Yui: We are showing our gratitude for him…
Vampire Woman G: Haa, let’s go.
I don’t want to breathe in the same air.
Vampire C: Isn’t it? Let’s go to our usual cafe~.
Yui: (Even though they don’t understand anything right now, but someday, they should come to realize his feelings.)
Thank you for helping me, Azusa kun.
Azusa: No, you don’t have to thank me...but…
By doing this...we can’t say that he will become...satisfied…
Yui: (Azusa kun…)
Don’t worry...I am sure that he will understand if you explain everything…
Azusa: I wonder…
Flower Boy: ....uuh..*Crying* I understand...everything!...guh, uuh! *Crying*
Yui: Huh? Why are you here...—
Oh no! Are you okay…!?
(Flower boy...His face full of tears is becoming more crumpled…)
Flower Boy: I am sorry…*still crying* I ended up hearing everything…
Azusa: I am so sorry...I couldn’t do anything for you…
Flower Boy: It’s not something like that! Just with those feelings...ugh!...
And also...I am a clear conception now…
I will forget about that person at once…!
I will start finding a new route!
Yui: Now way...which means that you will not continue the flower shop?
Flower Boy: No, I won’t.
I am a dumb who is good for nothing but, together, we were continuing to handle the flower shop in a artistic way.
I was inspired...I will drag myself to work even more…
More importantly, everything you did until now, I must have to thank you for those efforts…
I don’t know whether I will be useful or not, however, please let me join with you for searching Butler san…!
Yui: Thank you so much! Same here, you are very welcome to join us.
*After a while*
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Yui: (Like this, we three of us are searching Butler san, but…)
Azusa: Well...I think the best idea will be...to split ourselves into groups…
Flower Boy: Yeah, but remember that he is thought to appear in unexpected places…
Since, at the same time, you have to look for the places where there are strange things at the same time.
Yui: (Places of strange things…)
Flower Boy: I will also have a look one more time at the Saint Honore park, where I saw him yesterday.
You two don't know much details about this street, so, at first, we will divide it into two.
Yui: Then, we will search on the mountain side….
Azusa: Um...come to think of it...I never went there...not even...once…
Flower Boy: In that place, if you manage to find him, then you can use familiars out there to contact me.
Azusa: Yes, understood…
Flower Boy: See you again!
*They split in groups for searching Butler*
Place: 湖 / Lake
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Yui: (This is the famous Tilkeys lake...)
(Certainly, this has become a popular date spot for couples…)
Azusa: Even though this place is...quite...but there’s a...lot of people…
Yui: I am somehow...tired…
(As expected...looks like Butler san is not here…)
*Azusa gets closer*
Azusa: Eve, I think that’s…
Yui: That’s a swan boat.
Looks like there’s a huge number of couples who are riding on that. Once two people will swing the paddle, it will take you directly onto the water.
Azusa: Two people…?
Yui: (Azusa kun’s is staring like he has freezed...Did he get interested in that?)
Do you want to ride?
Azusa: Is that okay…?
Yui: It’s fine. We can search Butler san from the lake.
Azusa: Thank you...Eve...
*Fades into CG*
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Azusa: Uh!... ...Is it okay like this?
Yui: Yes, it’s perfect I think.
Azusa: Thank you… …. It’s so fun...
Yui: Fufu! That’s true.
(Looks like Azusa lun liked it. I am glad that we were invited for this.)
Azusa: Hey, Yui san… ... Let’s go to the opposite shore now.
Yui: Yea, I got it… ...Oops.
….!Ah! Azusa kun!
Azusa: What is it?
Yui: There is a man who is drinking tea on the opposite shore, his forehead! There is a red Granate
Azusa: Red Granate on his forehead….Butler san!?
*Changed to CG (2)*
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Azusa: Let’s go, Yui san….
Since I will paddle.... with all my might. Follow me.
Yui: Follow you?ーー...Ah!?
Much faster than before..! Is Azusa kun paddling?
(His paddle is moving too fast...I can’t keep up with this speed…)
Azusa: Try your best. There is … just a little left...
Yui: (ーー! Yes…!)
*CG Fades*
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Yui: (ーkh, Phew...Finally we’ve reached the shore...)
Azusa: Eve, hold on...Before going any further...let’s send a familiar to the flower boy.
Yui: Got it.
*Flying sound of bats*
Azusa: Let’s go now, Eve…
Unlike usual days, we can’t chase after him by RUNNING. Don’t let your guard down…
Yui: (Uuh...this time, I have to approach as smoothly as I can…!)
Azusa: Um...excuse me
Butler: Uh… ...It’s you…?
Azusa: I am apologizing at first...I am sorry for chasing after you…
Yui: M-me too!. I am so sorry for suddenly scaring you like this…!
Butler: Ugh…
Azusa: But, we have a serious request to you…
Yui: Anyhow, please accept us as workers for the castle…!
Even if it is an odd job...we will do anything! But let us work for the castle…!
I am begging you…! 
Butler: ...haa…
I am really apologizing but currently, we have enough manpower.
By the way, I am not the authority for labourers. I want you to give up already.
Yui: Such a…
Azusa: I won’t give up…!
I can’t move from here...until I say it to you...over and over again…!
Butler: Even if you say that…
???: Isn’t it fine, if you hire them?
Yui: You are…!
(So, the familiars have reached our message to him successfully.)
Flower Boy: Never mind for interrupting you so suddenly.
I work at a flower shop in the castle town.
It should be fine if you give a little time to listen to our story, right?
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[Afterwards, the flower boy opened his mouth to the Butler san.
He said that he has been working for a flower shop for the past few days, but he’s very grateful for the work.]
[The number of customers has increased several times, and the products in the store had a good reputation. 
[If you try that work even though it’s for only one time, you will be able to understand it’s merit…” We all were complimenting him for saying this.]
End of Monologue
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Butler: I see. Umm...how many laborers can be available right now…
Azusa: We want to work for the castle in any condition…
Butler: I want to fulfil your wish, but my priority is not sufficient to do it all by myself…
No...By the chance, my manager may have an interest in accepting something...then you may give it a try..?
Azusa: The thing that Earl has interest…?
Butler: Yeah. He has the treasure that is unique in this world...by some chance…
Yui: (What it could be? We don’t have such a treasure…)
Azusa: I understand. Well then...tomorrow...I will bring that treasure with me…
Yui: Wha!?
(He has declared these words without even hesitating...is that gonna be alright!?)
Azusa: Please...tell Earl that...we will meet with him tomorrow…
Best wishes for you…
Butler: Ho...Seeming like you are well prepared.
I got it. I will pass your words to him.
Place: Rubean Canal / ルビーン 運河
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Yui: (The view scenery is so beautiful from the gondola…. ) (boat, esp.in Venice)
Umm...Really thank you so much for earlier…!
Azusa: Thanks to you...I was rescued from trouble…
Flower Boy: Nope...it was just a little thank you that I showed.
More importantly, it’s AZUSA SAN who is wonderful! It’s because you accept the deal without any hesitation.
Azusa: Me…?
Yui: ...Oh that’s...at that time, Azusa kun, you were having so much confidence. Do you really have treasure?
Azusa: No...I don’t
Yui: Huh? Then why did you tell him such a thing…!?
Azusa: I didn’t see any chance but this one... in order to help you…
For this...I didn’t want to miss...even though I had to lie…
Yui: (He was thinking it like that...even though in that kind of situation, he thought about me..)
Flower Boy: That’s really amazing…
I also want to become cool like you…
Azusa: I…
Yui: You were cool, Azusa kun.
Azusa: Oh, yes...thank you…
Place: Hotel • Mortstein Guest Room / ホテル • モーントシュタイン 客室
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Yui: (Since we come in the parade, I am seeing Azusa’s showing so many unusual sights, I think.)
(He has become more like a man, much more reliable than before…)
(But, these are still the nice Azusa…)
*Azusa appeared*
My new pair of shoes is already dirty.
and me. 
Azusa: What’s wrong, Eve. You haven’t slept yet.
Yui: Ah, sorry for that. You can sleep before me, Azusa kun.
Azusa: I want us to sleep together...I will be awake…
*Azusa hugged Yui*
Yui: ….uuh…
Azusa: So, if you have any distress...tell me...I want to be a little helpful…
Yui: Umm...Actually, there’s nothing which is bothering me or something…
I am always thinking about you...Azusa kun…
Azusa: About me…?
Yui: Yes...I was thinking that, I am seeing a different Azusa than before…
Ofcourse that Azusa kun was friendly but...the Azusa kun of now is much stronger and reliable, I feel…
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Azusa: Say...that means I am cool right…?
Yui: Yes, But I think both Azusa kun are nice…
Azusa: Okay, tell me then, Yui san…
*Azusa get more closer*
Azusa: Which one of you do you like the most…?
Yui: Eeh!?
Azusa: I want to know...what are you thinking about it…
Yui: That’s…
I like the Azusa of before
I like the Azusa of now (+Correct)
Yui: Certainly, I used to like the Azusa before, but…
I also like Azusa Kun now…
Azusa: Thank you Eve...I am happy…
Yui: Uuh! Suddenly thanking me like this…
Azusa: You like any side of me, this is why...I'm thanking you…
Yui: That’s…! Despite these, I am also happy that you said something like these to me…
Azusa: Ne~ Eve, what about “this me right now”?
*Azusa undresses Yui*
*Bed creaking sound*
Yui: …!?
Yui: (I was pushed down by Azusa kun!?)
Azusa: Hehe!...I haven't  done it before...looking at you from the above…
Even if you said earlier...I wonder how do you feel...about my unexpected side…?
*Touch her more*
Azusa: Ne~ I want you more…*kiss*
Yui: …nh!?
Azusa: A kiss is not enough for me...Ne~ I want your blood next...nh…
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Yui: (ーKh, this time, he’s digging his fangs around my neck…!)
Azusa: Nh…...nnh ...nh...Haa ...
Your face is...turning red...fufu~ how cute…
Yui: ...!?...
(No! It’s embarrassing…!)
Azusa: Don’t refuse...don’t hide your face...just look at me…
You each and every expression is cute...I like only you…
Yui: I also like you, Azusa kun…
Azusa: Yes...Thank you…!
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ー The End of Chapter O 3 
22 notes · View notes
bittywitches · 4 years
Ask: 6. Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room. w gray ? 🤍
Oops forgot to post a lot of these 😅 (also I just realized this said heel but I didn’t do that exactly I’m sorry)
6. Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room 
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(for reference lol)
You honestly didn’t expect to find yourself in this situation, especially on your mother’s wedding day. This was supposed to be the best day of her life, she’d spent months planning this day for hours on end. She wanted it to be completely perfect, and you did all that you could to ensure that it would be. And you loved your Mom’s fiancée, she was literally the sweetest woman you’d ever met (aside from your momma). You already knew her pretty well, but in the weeks leading up to the wedding, you guys became even closer. She literally felt like one of your closest friends (even though she was a few decades older than you). So when the day finally arrived and you found out that you basically had no role to play in it? It hurt a bit.
You were already a bit furious with the fact that your sister was the one who got to be the maid of honour. Sure she was a lot older, and could probably handle the role a lot better, but it didn’t make you any less bitter. And even though you were still a bridesmaid, you were practically locked out of her dressing room for most of the night. And since you guys had gotten to the venue earlier than the wedding was scheduled, you just spent your time moping around the almost finished wedding hall.
It was only about an hour later did you have your phone ringing, a call from your sister. You sighed, picking the phone up reluctantly.
“Finally remembered that I exist?”
“Don’t be an ass. We need you to run an errand.”
“Of course. I knew my own family wouldn’t think of me unless they needed me for something.”
“Would you stop being petty for one second? There’s been an issue with the bouquets. Apparently, nobody remembered to go pick them up.”
“What? Isn’t the wedding supposed to start in-“ your phone away from your ear to look at the time. “Fifteen minutes?”
“Yea, that’s why I need you to GO.”
“Weren’t the bouquets supposed to be your responsibility?”
“Will you please just go get it?”
“What do I get out of this?”
“The satisfaction of giving mom the wedding of her dreams?”
She sighed over the phone. “I’ll pay you.”
“How much?”
“Twenty dollars.”
“What, do you think I’m twelve? No deal.”
“Do you want my help?”
“Ugh, fine. Thirty.”
“Fifty or you’re on your own.”
“What? I’m not paying you fifty dollars just to-”
“Alright, good luck with-”
“God, FINE! Fifty!”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
“Fuck you. I’ll text you the address.”
Seconds later your phone vibrated in your hand, the location of the florist popping up in your notifications. You stuffed your phone into your purse and headed for the coatroom.
As you approached the door, you were confronted with  a few dozen faces pouring in through the front doors and drifting into the coatroom, in quite a disorganized fashion. You groaned. You guys were really cutting this close.
You pushed your way through the hectic sea of guests, making it through the coatroom door with a bit of ease, but after that, it was literally as if you were drowning in hairspray and cologne.
“How does my mom know so many people?” You grumbled, throwing out an ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ every half a second, but eventually just trying to push your way through the group of people.
Your eyes landed on your coat, so you began treading towards it, but just before you could grab it, the heel of your pump dug into something that most definitely was not the hardwood floor, causing your ankle to jerk sideways and you stumbled over.
“Woah,” Your shoulder jabbed into the side of a lavender dress shirt, and you definitely would’ve toppled over if it weren’t for the large hands that came up to catch you. You looked up to see who the voice was, and saw the face of a handsome young man staring back down at you.
“Jesus, I’m so sorry.” You fumbled, trying to stand up straight but another elderly woman rammed into your backside as she headed for the door, shoving your right back into the man’s arms.
“At least try to look where you’re going?” You yelled after her, but she only gave you a dirty look before leaving.
You sighed, looking away from her to see that you were still clutching onto the man’s shoulders, his black polyester slipping in your fingertips.
“God, hold on-” You leaned up and behind the man to reach up and grab your coat, your chest flushed against his when you did so, and his arms naturally came to rest on your lower back.
You leaned away, holding your coat in one hand and then grabbing his wrist with the other, yanking him to get him to follow you. You pulled him out of the coatroom, gasping when you finally got to breathe something that didn’t smell like fancy fabric softener.
“Felt like I was gonna drown in there,” You turned around to look at the man with you, colour returning to your face when you noticed his disheveled look.
“God, I’m really sorry,” you walked up to him and adjusted his blazer, straightening out the collar.
“It’s no big deal, really.” He placed his hands on your shoulders to get you to stop.
“No, you look so nice and I just,” You looked down at his black leather dress shoes to see the left one was creased right at the tip, a large cut where your heel had stepped on him.
“Oh my god, no!” You bent down at his feet, wiping at the top to see if it was just a smudge or not, and you blew air out of your nose in annoyance when you confirmed that the cut was there.
“Hey, it’s seriously not a problem.” He bent down to grab you by the shoulders and pull you back up.
“No, I ruined your shoes, and they look really expensive-”
“It’s fine, I promise.”
“Jeez, I’m sorry.” You got up on your toes to fix his ruffle hair, a result of the pandemonium that had occurred within the coat room. “You’d think a place like this would have a bigger place to leave your coats.”
He laughed, and you smiled when he did. You noticed a gem on his canine tooth when he chuckled, almost looking similar to the two shiny studs in his ears. His hand came up to rub his stubble, trailing up his chin. You were right. He looked really nice.
He looked back at you, an eyebrow quirked. “You’re one of the bridesmaids, right? I saw a few girls wearing that dress outside when I came in. Seemed like they were in a rush.”
You sighed. “Yeah, apparently things aren’t going as smoothly as we’d hoped.” You tilted your head. “Well, as smoothly as they’d hoped.”
He scrunched his nose at you in confusion.
You stuck your hand out. “I’m Y/N. Daughter of the bride. Er, well, the bride that proposed.”
He laughed when you said that, and took your hand, giving it a firm shake. “Grayson.”
“My sister is the maid of honour.”
“Oh.... ouch.”
“Yea, pretty much sucks ass. She’s practically planned the whole thing without any of my help. Except now, because things are going off the rails, I’m the one who has to save everyone’s ass.” You blinked. “Speaking of, I should head to the florist’s. Bouquet mishap and whatnot.”
“Oh, okay.” He said, a bit disappointed. “Maybe I’ll see you la-”
“Wait!” You grabbed his arm, startling him a bit. “There’s a small formal wear store that’s literally in the same plaza as the florist! I can make up for ruining your shoes.”
His eyebrows raised. “Y/N, it really isn’t necessary-”
“Nonsense! I’m not going to let my mother have guests wearing improper attire to her own wedding.” You winked at him.
He chuckled. “Alright, we better leave quickly then. The wedding’s gonna start soon.” He held out his arm for you, his elbow jutting out to the side.
“My, what a gentleman.” You smiled, hooking your arm around his and gripping his bicep as you led him out to your car.
・ ・ ・
“So, how do you know Lindsey?” You said as you hopped out of your car, locking it behind you as Grayson followed suit. “I’m assuming you're a guest from her side.”
“Yea. My dad used to work with her, and they were pretty close. Recently drifted apart, but he was very excited to be invited to the wedding. She also used to babysit me.” He held the door to the florist open for you, and you walked inside.
“Hah, I bet you were a cute kid.”
“You think so?” He asked, the door jingling as it fell closed behind him.
“Well I can’t imagine that anyone could be ugly as a kid and then grow up to look like-” You looked over your shoulder at him to see him chewing on his bottom lip, his eyes resting gently on yours.
“What I mean is,” you fumbled, pulling the straps of your dress higher up your shoulder. “Nobody could have that big of a glow up.” You gave him a small smile, turning back to the counter to hide your gradually growing pink face.
“Well, thanks.” You heard his feet pacing behind you, snaking through the rows of beautiful flowers. It was pretty late, so nobody else was in the store except you two and the Clerk.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up an order. Should be under ‘Lindsey and Nia’.”
“Ah, yes. One moment.” The clerk disappeared through a door, and you laid your elbows onto the counter, your face resting on one hand while the other tapped your fingers on the cool marble.
“Hey,” You felt a tap on your shoulder, and you looked around to see Grayson gently holding a beautiful pink peony right in front of your nose.
You breathed in, taking in the wonderful scent, opening your eyes and looking up to meet Grayson’s soft ones.
“It matches your dress,” He said simply, but his sweet tone somehow made it feel like he was serenading you with a love song.
“It does.”
“Kinda looks like you,” He said, gesturing towards your low bun, tiny white flowers peeking out of it. He handed the flower to you, and you took it, holding it gently in your fingertips.
“It’s beautiful.”
“That’s what I said.” Your eyes widened as you looked up at him, a small but playful simper on his lips.
“Here you are, miss.” You suddenly turned away from Grayson to look at the vendor, your eyes landed on the two pink plumeria bouquets.
“Oh, they’re gorgeous, thank you.” You took them from him, closing your eyes to inhale their scent.
“Do you plan on buying that, miss?” You looked at where he was pointing, and saw he was talking about the peony in your hand.
“Oh, no, I was just-”
“Actually, no. But I was.” Grayson stepped up to the counter, taking his wallet out of his pocket. You stepped back to give him some room, looking at him with a bit of wonder in your eyes.
“Five dollars.”
“For ONE flower-” You interjected, but Grayson rested his hand on your arm, and for some reason it silenced you.
Grayson handed the man a five-dollar bill. The vendor asked if he wanted a bag, and Grayson refused, wishing the man a good night after the exchange. He turned to you, handing you the flower then heading for the door.
“You coming?”
It felt like you’d been watching this happen from somewhere out of your body, and had to blink to get yourself to return to Earth. “Yea, coming.”
・ ・ ・
“Y/N, we seriously don’t have to do this.”
“Yes, we do. I owe you for two things now.”
“The shoes were an accident, and the flower was barely anything, you don’t-”
“Just shut up and choose a pair of shoes.” You demanded, and he put his arms up in defeat, walking back up towards the display of shoes on the wall. You sat down on one of the stools, absent-mindedly smelling the beautiful pink flower that Grayson had gifted you.
“These look pretty good, don’t you think?” He gestured towards a pair that had two different shades of brown on it.
“You’re kidding right? Do you think my mom’s wedding theme is ‘the wild west’?”
“Jeez, it was just a suggestion.” He said with an exaggerated tone, and you giggled.
“How about these?” You walked up and picked up a jet black pair, almost resembling the ones he was wearing except for the seams lining the sides.
“They’re basically the same as these.” He wiggled one foot in the air.
“Yea, but these don’t have a cut in them.”
He chuckled, picking up the box that had those shoes, then taking them out to try them on. They fit perfectly.
“Dang, these are nice.” He sat down to slip them off and place them back in the box, but his eyes bulged when he saw the price tag. “No way, these are way too expensive.”
“Lemme see.” You read the label, and you had to chew the inside of your cheek to prevent you from making any sort of remark. “It’s not that bad.”
“Are you serious?”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m paying for it.”
“That’s exactly why it does matter-”
“Grayson come on, I don’t have the time for this!” You took your phone out of your purse to check the time, and instead saw a stream of texts from your sister asking where you were. “I was supposed to be back like ten minutes ago. Just pick a pair of shoes!”
“But I can’t let you buy these! It’s too much!”
“You bought me something too.”
“It was a flower! For five dollars!”
“Okay, time’s up, we’re choosing these ones.” You grabbed them back from him, running for the front of the store as you heard Grayson call behind you.
You slammed the shoes down on the counter, startling the cashier. “Is this all, ma’am?”
“Yep.” Grayson stumbled up behind you, slipping on his creased shoe and sighing as the cashier scanned the box.
“At least let me pay for it.”
“What? No! Then I’d still owe you!”
“You don’t owe me anything-”
“Jesus, you’re more annoying than my mom and Lindsey bickering over what centerpiece they want.”
At that he finally dropped it, laughing. “Lindsey is pretty picky about her flowers.”
“Yeah.” You inserted your credit card and put in the pin. “I was surprised they were even able to make a decision on the bouquets. I was so sure they were going to choose different flowers.” You sighed, looking at him. “But Lindsey knew mom would die for these, and that was all she needed to know to make her decision.”
“Guess they really love each other, huh?” Grayson mused as you took your credit card back. The cashier handed you the bag with the shoes as well as a receipt, and you thanked her before walking out with him.
“Yea. They really do.” You remarked, looking down at the single peony still in your hand.
“Hey, your car is that way.” He grabbed your arm, then took the bouquets from you as you laughed at your disorientation.
・ ・ ・
After rushing to the dressing room to find half the exasperated bridesmaids as well as a finally stress-relieved sister, your mother gave you a huge sloppy kiss on the cheek that you squirmed away from, but you were happy all the same that she was able to get her bouquets. One of the other bridesmaids rushed off to give the second bouquet to Lindsey.
Of course you were pushed out a few minutes later, but this time you weren’t as upset. Your mind was lingering on other things… so when your sister pushed you out the door, you were quick to snatch the pink peony that you’d left lying on the dresser.
・ ・ ・
Ceremony over, bouquets thrown, tears wept and first dance completed; After it was all over, you found yourself hovering near the back of the hall, watching as your Mom and Step-mom danced the night away, carefree as ever with the biggest smiles on their faces. You sighed, happy at how this night had turned out. It was perfect, it was gorgeous, it really was everything you’d all dreamed of and more. The love of the two oozed out of their very pores, filling the room with a bubbly feeling that you quite easily caught on to you. You found yourself with eyes roaming the room, looking for a certain someone with a lavender dress shirt, but your shoulders slumped when you couldn’t find it through the haze of pink lights dancing across the room. You looked down, and took another whiff of the flower you still held in your hands, not daring to let go of it after your bridesmaid duties had been accomplished. You looked up again, hoping to find the disheveled hair and shiny studs.
“Looking for me?” A voice caught you from behind, and you looked behind you to see Grayson, his arms casually held behind his back, but a small smirk played on his lips when he noticed the flower in your hands. “Still have that?”
You bit your lip, slowly shifting your way over to him amidst the music and laughter. “It’s too pretty to get rid of.” You looked down to see he’d changed into the new shoes you’d bought him, and it brought a smile to your lips. “They look good.”
“They’re great. You have great taste.” You met his eyes, them dark and wonderful as they glazed over you. “I really wish you didn’t pay for them though.”
“I’m happy I did.”
“But now I owe you.” His fingertips met yours as he took the delicate flower from you, bringing it up to his face to smell it, smiling at the fact that it still had that wonderful scent.
“Maybe you can make it up to me…” Your hands came up to his, your fingers first tracing the petals of the flower, then down the stem, then dragging across his large hands.
He wrinkled an eyebrow. “How so?”
You gestured towards the dance floor, that now had many bodies moving to the music on it.
He smiled, taking a step back from you just so he could lean forward with one hand behind his back, the other holding the peony out for you. “May I have this dance?”
You grinned, taking the flower from him, but letting your fingers linger a little while longer this time. “Of course.”
He chuckled, holding his elbow out for you once more, and you gripped it, leading him towards the dance floor.
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vegetalass · 4 years
if you dont mind, maybe some cute fluff of RDR2 boys getting ready for a first date with their s/o? 🥰
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG but yes, anything for u!! I hope u enjoy!!
long post ahead!
The fact that Arthur even agreed to a date in the first place is a little weird
He thinks that just asking if you want to be a couple is enough
The moment you start dating he turns into an old man who thinks you’ve been married for years 
It’s like... Arthur… Buddy… It’s been like two weeks, bruv
That’s why you have to be the one to ask him to go on a date, because then there’s no way he’d be able to say no 
He’s not against them, but in his mind, it’s just that in his mind, dates are things that people like him Do Not do
Mostly because he’s tried them in the past and either ended up disappointing someone or being disappointed 
Besides, you already know that you have fun with each other so it’s not like you need to do anything special 
Charles probably asks him if he’s nervous and he’s laughs because of course he’s not
But the moment he wakes up on the day of the date… Oh Lord… 
He was totally chill and relaxed about it up until this point, and it’s literally only then that he starts to panic
Mostly just because he begins to second doubt himself 
And not just himself but everything
Maybe you won’t like the shirt he picked out... Or maybe you won’t like his face shaved... Or maybe you don’t want to be seen in public with him... 
The list is endless 
Eventually, he gets so worked up that he has to call Charles, who reminds him that it’s been fine up until that point, and it’s not like you would ask him to go on a date or even admit to liking him back if you DIDN’T want to go out with him… So, what’s his problem? 
He then has to spend like 3 hours in the bathroom trying to make himself look presentable 
Most of this time is spent deciding whether or not he needs to shave
(Yes, he does)
And if he should wear the blue or red shirt 
Or… Maybe the white one
He spends a long time picking out flowers because he thinks most of them are either too gaudy or not gaudy enough 
He didn’t have the forethought to order them in advance, though 
He’s still a little nervous when he does finally pick you up, but seeing how happy you are to just to be out with him soothes his worries one hundred times over
And if you kiss him on the way home, he considers that your first REAL kiss 
Nothing else even compared
How well does he shower before getting ready? - He doesn’t want to disappoint you in any way, so he scrubs himself real good. 10/10 
Very similar to Arthur in how he feels about dates 
He thinks they’re fine and great… But doesn’t really see why he should participate in them 
Especially since every time he tried to go on ones with Abigail, something would go wrong
And after Jack, she honestly probably just didn’t want to go on them anymore
Which was 100% fine with him because they’re both pretty busy people
That being said, with you it’s a little different 
He still doesn’t really care much about the actual date part, but he also doesn’t want you to slip through his fingers the way Abigail did 
He wants you to know that you’re loved and valued in the beginning of the relationship before it’s too late to tell you 
That’s why it’s his idea to suggest the date 
He probably says something like, “Hey…… Uh…… Now that we’re….. You know….. *cough*…….. Would you want to……… Possibly………. Maybe………”
Cue you sitting there like ?????? 
If you tell him that he doesn’t need to go to the effort of taking you out, he’s like “Uh, Yes I Do! >:(“
Even if you never expected him to in the first place 
Basically because you assumed being with him would be pretty lowkey
But that doesn’t mean he’s not going to try and put the work in 
Honestly, probably doesn’t know if he should be nervous or not
Realistically, he thinks that he should be, but for some reason, can’t muster up the nerves and is overall pretty chill about it 
But that doesn’t mean getting ready for the date itself is any less of an Experience (TM) 
Probably spends the whole day thinking “Date tonight… You have a date tonight…. First date IS TODAY…. Don’t forget to get ready….. THERE’S A DATE” that he does end up getting ready late 
Suddenly it’s 4PM and he’s like *squidward opening eyes meme*
He does manage to get ready in time, though
Despite arriving with his shirt half buttoned and the flowers slightly wilted
It makes you laugh to see him trying so hard to be a good boyfriend
Just because I love John with his haircut… Yes, he gets a haircut before the date
He did this before the day of, though
And lowkey you probably don’t recognize him at first
This time, John is the one who’s like ?????? 
How well does he shower before getting ready? - A solid shower. Nothing to really complain about. 7/10 
You’ve probably been dating for two days and he’s already The Best Boyfriend in the Entire World
He’s always trying to make any time you spend together special so dates just… aren’t at the top of his list
Charles is like… “A date??? Every day is a date with you…”
Literally I have to go cry about this now because he’s too sweet
Regardless, he does want to take you out, so of course the first time is going to be important!
He’s not so much nervous about going on the date as he is about you enjoying yourself on it, so the preparation itself is pretty important 
The night before, he runs through everything in his head to make sure all his plans seem solid
And when he wakes up, starts getting ready immediately just to make sure everything goes smoothly 
Eats a healthy breakfast, sends you a text, picks up flowers, etc.
It’s not a busy day, but he likes not having to rush
Doesn’t have a problem choosing an outfit because he doesn’t think it’s that important 
He’s not going to show up in pajamas, but he’s not going to go overboard thinking about what he should wear 
His only criteria for it is that it’s appropriate for the situation and he it suits him
(This is also good because it means that you don’t have to try very hard for him to think you look good in whatever you end up wearing, too)
When he’s finally ready to pick you up, he hypes himself up in the mirror just to get rid of any last minute jitters that he may be feeling
For the most part, he’s really calm and hides his nerves pretty well, but that doesn’t mean you don’t give him butterflies 
And he just wants your first date to be memorable
The flowers he brings you are specially ordered from the local florist 
And he writes a cute note to go with them
How well does he shower before getting ready? - He takes a good, respectable shower. 8/10
Honestly, the likelihood of Micah ever having been on a date before is very small
He knows that they’re a thing that couples do but probably thinks everyone’s descriptions of them are exaggerated or silly
Why would he need to take you on a date if you already know that he likes you since he asked you out in the first place…?
Isn’t being nice to you enough? 
That’s why you have to be the one to suggest going on a date, and even then, he probably scoffs or laughs at the idea
But that doesn’t mean the suggestion doesn’t haunt him 
Goes to bed every night and is like… “Maybe… we should be going on dates?” 
Eventually it gets to the point where he feels… G-g-guilty almost
Probably mentioned the fact that you brought up going on a date to Dutch and he was like, “You mean you haven’t had one yet?” 
So then he immediately sets one up 
And feels bad that he didn’t do it sooner when he sees how happy you are when he asks
Ironically, he ends up getting super excited for the date, too 
Mostly because he’s realizes that he’s just happy someone agreed to go out with him in the first place and actually wants to do things with him 
It’s a pretty unusual feeling for him, but definitely not bad 
This doesn’t mean that he will wear anything special or buy you flowers, though
He’s not getting that sappy
How well does he shower before getting ready? - He doesn’t. 0/10
He’s not dirty or anything though, he just doesn’t think he needs to take one 
Honestly, the only reason you’re dating is probably because he asked you out on a date
It was a calculated move on his part because he knew you already liked him, but still… 
He’s someone who takes things like dates very seriously
Even if they are a rare occasion due to how busy he is
He’s like a little kid with how excited he gets just thinking about it
And he definitely spares no expenses when planning it
Even if you told him that he didn’t need to do anything special, he wouldn’t listen 
Hosea gets tired of him talking about it and asking if his plans seem alright
He’s like, “Dutch, I’ve told you no on the limo five times already” 
And still Dutch is like “Mmmmmm, are you sure, though?” 
Extravagances aside, he is really just trying to make you happy and declare his love for you 
Especially since he doesn’t know how often he’ll be able to in the future
And since he wants you to have at least a few fond memories of him in case something happens to him 
But that’s just in case, right? 
On the day of the date, from the moment he wakes up, he’s thinking about it
Keeps checking his watch to make sure he has enough time to get ready 
And is surprised when only 20 minutes have gone by since the last time he checked
Spends an hour just trying to make sure his hair looks right 
And probably cycles through four different shirts a bunch of times just because he can’t decide 
Sends a text to Hosea with 4 different selfies asking which is best 
Gets left on read
Translation: All of them look fine
Though he did end up deciding against the limo, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show up ready to show you off 
Buys you the biggest bouquet he can find
You end up having to hold it in both arms
How well does he shower before getting ready? - He showers but is so excited that it’s not as thorough as it could’ve been. 6/10
The date itself is kind of a mutual idea
The relationship probably isn’t even official yet despite the fact that you’re already 100% exclusive 
A silent agreement, of sorts
You probably end up giving him some sort of hint that you “wouldn’t mind doing something with him, sometime...” and he takes it from there 
Dates are something that he thought he’d never have to worry about 
Mostly because he associates them with people who are a lot different from him
But also because he thought that he’d never really have the chance to meet someone he’d want to start a serious relationship with 
Hence why he’s so new to the whole situation, but still determined to change this
He wants to go one dates like the ones he’s always heard about
He’s both excited and worried because…
1. This means that you do, in fact like him back, but…
2. He could also fuck everything up 
Doesn’t sleep at all the night before
Spends the entire night running through every scenario of what could happen 
Also thinking about how you met and how lucky he is to be with you 
He had to plan his outfit in advance because he needed a lot of time to figure out how to balance casual wear with something date worthy
But, with the outfit out of the way, he manages to get ready pretty quickly and ends up just sitting around waiting to leave 
Spends the extra time praying that he didn’t choose the wrong thing to wear
He’s so cute… Twiddling his thumbs and everything
Sends you a cute “On my way!” text with one of those cute dancing stickers 
His flower choice is a single rose tied up with a ribbon 
And he nearly faints when you kiss his cheek in thanks
How well does he shower before getting ready? - He tries really hard to take a good one. 8/10
Dates are very important to him
To him, they signify dedication and compassion 
And overall, just that he’s willing and wants to put in the work to show you that he cares
That’s why he asks you out on a real date the moment you become official 
He’s super excited because it’s not everyday that you get to go on a FIRST date with someone 
Which is why he’s also a meticulous planner
It’s not just about making you happy, but impressing you and proving (mostly to himself) that he’s a good lover 
Even if he knows that you wouldn’t mind something more lowkey 
It’s just that whatever you do has to be special 
He’s nervous, not because he’s afraid, but because he wants things to go as well as they possibly could
Out of everyone, spends the most time thinking about what he’s going to wear
Tries to plan ahead of time but still hasn’t made any final decisions on the day of the date, either 
Has to try things on to be certain if he likes them or not 
And when he’s finally decided, he still needs to shave and to fix his hair
It’s a long day to say the least 
And when he finally picks you up, brings you an entire bouquet of roses
When you have to bury your face in them to hide your blush, his heart swells with pride
And yes, he thinks that you’re the best dressed couple anyone’s probably ever seen 
How well does he shower before getting ready? - His showers are always of the finest quality. 10/10
The moment he thinks you’ve started liking him back, he starts thinking about what your first real date should be like
And the moment you start dating for real, he has to make his thoughts (*cough* dreams*) a reality
Dates are definitely something he has some experience with 
Even if he hasn’t been on a crazy amount of them… He definitely thinks about them a lot 
Deep down, under all his womanizing tendencies, he’s probably a hopeless romantic
And dates are the perfect way to show someone that you care about them
Honestly probably doesn’t give two craps about what he wears or how he looks
The only reason he even bothers to look presentable is because he doesn’t want to ruin anything by showing up in something ridiculous 
But he definitely doesn’t spend any extra time choosing an outfit than he has to
This is good though because it means he also doesn’t care about what you showed up looking like, either
To him, all that matters is that your first date is enjoyable 
And you both end up looking fine, anyway
(Well, you look a little better than him, but in his eyes, that’s always the case)
He’s so excited that he calls you to tell you that he’s on the way
The way that you laugh when you pick up has him speeding to your house
Gives you the biggest, more beautiful flowers that he can find
They’re not at large as Dutch’s, but a lot more vibrant
How well does he shower before getting ready? - It’s his usual, totally average and normal shower, if not a little quicker. 5/10
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anonil88 · 4 years
Wynonna Earp s4 e2 liveblog
Nakey nicole
Again I love zombie actors
This kid is pretty funny and reminds me of Wynonna but smaller. Itsy bitsy Earp.
Um something isn't right with this Nicole....uh oh. Double uh oh.
Haha scissor one in. Nick-hole.
Flower power.
I don't like this Nicole.
A door ?
Her legs or back or something has to be broken.
.....ooooo yea I no like this at all also Waverly is like um we are in the garden of Eden maybe we should not mock God.
Sis you have boots on trust me he can't bite through that, now your leg on the other hand.
Lmfao I love loopy Wynonna.
Let's go Doc!
Called it broken leg and lmfao a bunch of dicks on her cast.
Awww she said yes and um yea Nicole y'all are loud as fuck like extremely loud. Echoing through thin ass walls and out the house loud.
Eve!!!! Wait ✋ but is she really eve though?
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Also I'm watching on syfy's website so minimal commercials
Wyno bouta pull out that gat like blough blough.
Lmfao polygamist...no, but idk if Waverly would even share Nicole if she had the choice.
Waverly use your damn angel powers.
Even tastes like sulfur so she is more likely to be Lilith, which I hate. And I mean that because Lilith gets a terrible wrap.
Omfg child really?
Nicole you are so dumb 🙄
This is way too emotional all that talking for what.
Oop a Spiderman moment
Wyclone-a, orphan whack
I feel like nothing will happen to waverly if she sits.
Exactly like being stone didn't mean literal stone.
Damn Lilith is already out
Wynonna now is not the time for final words to Eden lmfao.
Oop and I oop and I oop
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Told yall they are verses
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obeymeaskme · 5 years
Man Eating Orchids Leviathan x Reader (SFW) (Long)
A/N: Welcome to our (Noelle’s and Espie’s) Very first Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All boyfriend Scenario! You’ve been going to the school for a while now, and you’ve been given the chance to be with Levi! Perhaps too much of a chance! What devilish plan has Asmodeus cooked up for the two of you?
Rolling over out of bed, you had started your daily morning ritual. Still slightly trying to get used to having to wake up in the morning with no sunlight from the constant moon hanging in the Devildom skies. The noise of a couple demon brothers was the sound that aroused you from sleep. As usual they were being rowdy, there was never a dull moment in the House of Lamentation. Usually there was a seat open next to Mammon but then you noticed there was an empty seat next to Levi for once. As you walked closer to the table you noticed Levi waving toward you to come over. “You can sit here if you want, although I won’t really care if you do or don’t.” He said while glancing to the side. Deciding to sit next to Levi who looked happy to see that you chose to sit next to him. “Be grateful for this opportunity to sit next to...mwah, I usually don’t let normies sit near me.” He said while smiling slightly. “Oh? And what makes MC any different?” Asked Lucifer teasingly. “Yea If MC iS SuCh A NoRmIe?” Mammon asked mockingly, with a slight crack in his voice. “Shut- Shut up! At least I’m not poor!” Levi replied glaring at him. “There was an empty seat and I thought it’d be a once and a lifetime offer for MC to sit next to the one and only, Leviathan! The greatest gamer on the Interwebs!” Said Levi. “Hmmm….That’s all there is to it?” Questioned Lucifer obviously trying to tease him. “Of course!” He said, not sounding too sure of himself. And in true 'saved by the Bell fashion' everyone's phone either buzzed or dinged, except Satan and Asmodeus'. Looking down at your DDD you saw a text message from the RAD newspaper club.
For one day, and one day only, the human world decides to celebrate their affection towards each other on a holiday called 'Valentines day'! In support of our exchange students from said world, we shall be selling Poisoned dart frogs covered in chocolate, white chocolate covered tarantulas, Weasel snout charms, and moonlight grown Man eating Orchids! Make sure to stop by the main lobby and get your special Incubus or Succubus that delectable treat or tool to sacrifice humans!
A quick update: the man eating Orchids are actually made of plastic, so they will not be useful for human sacrifices!
 Everyone at the table turned their heads toward Asmodeus staring at him. “What? I know I’m beautiful and all but all these gazes are over stimulating~” He said innocently. “Asmodeus…..why do you think we’re staring at you?” Asked Lucifer giving a downcasted gaze. “Isn’t it obvious, because I’m the most beautiful thing you’ve laid your eyes upon~” he replied confidently. Lucifer looked fed up. “What he is trying to say is that you planned this, didn’t you Asmodeus?” Replied Satan. “Maybe~” Said Asmodeus while everyone continued to stare at him. “I thought it would be fun! Think about it, a whole day dedicated to me, Basically~ I am the avatar of lust after all~” Levi face palmed while the rest of the brothers looked unamused. 
Everyone all went back to eating breakfast in moderate silence apart from the occasional comment or two and the clinking of silverware. After that it was off to school. That in itself wasn't anything out of the ordinary. No one seemed all too happy about the Valentine's day "merchandise". You even saw a slouching Asmodeus dragging himself through the halls, probably disappointed over the fact he wasn't getting any food or flowers. You felt kind of bad for him but couldn’t do anything about it anyways. As you walked through the halls on your way to class one of the items in the Valentine’s cart caught your eye. It was the man eating orchid and the chocolate poison dart frogs that was mentioned in the school notification from earlier. You thought back to the kindness Levi showed you this morning and were considering repaying the favor. He was picked on quite often from his brothers after all….maybe this would cheer him up? You decided to purchase the two items and made your way to class. It excited you to think about what reaction he would have towards the gifts. As you entered the classroom you saw Mammon already sitting in his seat behind you. Levi still wasn’t there yet, lucky for you as you wanted it to be a surprise. You took your seat and Mammon began bombarding you with questions. “Who’d ya’ get that for?” He asked. “Lemme guess, you wanna repay the great Mammon for all the kindness I’ve shown you? Well in that case I’ll gladly take it!” He said while smiling. “Um...sorry but it’s for Levi.” You replied trying not to sound rude. His mood immediately dropped and became gloomy. “Oh I see….” He said looking disappointed while looking down. “I’ll make it up to you later and buy you that limited edition keychain you wanted.” You said trying to cheer him up. “If you think that’s gonna work…well ok fine.” He replied while trying to hide his smile. You saw Levi enter the classroom and beamed in excitement. His gaze was cast down and he looked upset as usual. Probably didn’t want to be at school, I don’t blame him. As soon as he took his seat beside MC he looked at the gifts on the desk. “What’s all this for?!” He asked in curiosity. “For you!” You said while handing him both items. “Woooah seriously?! You're the best!!!” He said while smiling at you with a slight blush. His mood immediately improved. “I wanted to return the favor this morning, and cheer you up as well. so…” You replied while smiling at him. “For what? Oh! Letting you sit next to me! That was nothin’! You even got me the man eating orchids, seriously so cool!!! I would share with you but….seeing as the frog is poisonous and all, you’d probably die LoL!” He blabbered on excitedly while his eyes lit up. “What’s going on in here~?” Questioned Asmodeus while entering the classroom. “Oooo Levi has a secret admirer? Who is it, tell me, tell me, tell me!” He said excitedly. “It’s nothin like that.” Replied Levi. “MC just wanted to return the favor from earlier this morning and cheer up Levi.” Said Mammon. “Hmmm, it doesn’t look like that to me~” Replied Asmodeus. “What do you mean?” you had asked. “Oh poor, innocent MC, there’s so much you don’t know. But don’t worry, allow the expert Asmo-chan to help you~” He replied while pulling something from behind his back. Uh oh...not good. The next moment you found yourself handcuffed to Levi. “Hey Asmo, what the hell is this…what do you think you're doing???”  Asked Levi angrily. “I’m just helping~” He replied while smiling innocently. “This is a joke right?”You hollered. The bell rang indicating class had begun. “Oops gotta sit down, have fun~” said Asmodeus waving before sitting in his chair. How would the two of you deal with class handcuffed like this? 
         Throughout the entire class lesson it was getting increasingly difficult to write and concentrate. It made it even harder for you since Asmodeus had handcuffed your dominant hand. Turns out Levi was ambidextrous. Probably due to all the games he played, or something. Thankfully the teacher eventually noticed, and after embarrassing the two of you in front of everyone in class, had asked Asmodeus to unlock the cuffs…
That statement in itself made it obvious that the two of you were gonna be stuck together until he found a key to unlock the handcuffs...
The rest of the school day passed fairly quickly with no other encounters from Asmodeus luckily… Thankfully. Although Levi looked quite embarrassed after what happened, blushing the whole time which you thought was cute. After finding the right rhythm to swing your connected (and now sweaty) hands too whilst walking, you managed to make it back to the House of Lamentation. From there on everyone went in their rooms, or in Beelzebub case, to the fridge. You and Levi hunted down Asmo demanding him to free the both of you. Eventually he had pulled out a spare set of cuffs, and thankfully all the keys where the same, and you two were set free. On your way upstairs to your room, you stopped when you heard Levi call out for you. “Hey um….MC can you meet me at the observatory later? You better be there ok?! I mean it...it’s not like I’m asking to spend time with you or anything. Whatever, just be there ok!” He said looking flustered. He walked away while blushing, shutting his door quickly behind him. So you passed time in your room doing your homework like the good student you were, didn’t want to disappoint ‘LoRd DiAvOlO’ now did we? Time passed and it soon became night time. A little bit later on, You got up to head to the observatory like Levi asked wondering why he asked to meet there. You made your way into the observatory seeing Levi already there looking like he was waiting for you. “You came! Ahem….I mean it’s not like I was waiting for you or anything.” He said while looking away from you. “So...why did you wanna meet up here?” You asked out of curiosity, walking over to where he was. “Listen, I don’t tell normies this so you better appreciate it! Thanks for the gifts earlier, it was nice of you….” He mumbled the last part covering his face to try and hide his blush. “Also…..I think you're pretty cool…..so...so...will you be my Valentine?” He asked hesitantly while handing you an orange rose. “Wow, how’d you get this, I thought they didn’t grow here!” You asked in amazement. “You like it?! Well you better be grateful because I looked everywhere for one of these.” He said. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” You said, expressing your gratitude. “And of course I will!” you replied while smiling at Levi engulfing him in a hug. “Hey what do you think you’re- fine only this once is ok, I guess.” He said while hugging you back. “I also have one more gift for you MC.” Levi said while looking at you. “Hm what is it?” MC asked. Giving MC a peck on the cheek Levi quickly turned away in embarrassment. “There….it’s not like I like you or anything! I just think you are better than normies and slightly better than Ruri-chan.” Levi said while his face went red. “But- But Levi.” You stated flirtatiously “-Tsunderes are out of style” You winked at him and walked away, hearing him call after you.
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tommyxhoran-blog · 5 years
NH: Sunday Traditions
based off a prompt i found on pinterest lol: “well, we would watch shows together if one of us didn’t always fall asleep.”
warnings: none; just some fluff and soft niall
word count: 751 ; she’s a short one! 
summary: lazy day= snuggles and giggly banter
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sunday was your favorite day. for one reason: niall was all yours. after a long six busy days for niall, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle with his favorite person all day. luckily for you, you were his favorite person, which means all the horan hugs you want. 
this particular sunday morning, niall was awake before you, so he quickly ran to the nearest donut shop. he bought a dozen donuts and two coffees. when he returned home a mere ten minutes later, you had awoken, albeit you were still snuggled up between the sheets. niall couldn’t stop the small smile that was forming on his lips. you were breathtaking, especially when you have only been awake for a short five minutes.
“i woke up, and you weren’t there,” you pouted, patting his side of the bed, signalling for him to join you. 
“sorry, pet, i was out getting breakfast,” he explained, kissing your head before heading to the kitchen, despite your angry grumbles, to bring you the donuts and coffee. he came back with a proud grin on his stubbly face. 
“donuts!” you yelled with extreme excitement, which was niall’s overall goal and purpose of the short breakfast run, so truthfully, he was more than content with your giggly reaction. 
“i knew you’d like ‘em, darlin’,” he chuckled, sitting down next to you to enjoy not only your company, but also the delicious breakfast delicacy. 
“thank you, bubba,” you responded, giving him a slow peck on the cheek. 
“you’re more than welcome. so, y/n, what are the plans for today?” he asks, imitating a sportscaster. 
“well, first, i was thinking we could finish these donuts, then cuddle and watch tv. maybe a stroll through the park? the options are endless,” you joked, pretending to also be a sportscaster. 
“sounds amazing, love.”
with that, you laid your head on his shoulder, leaving a light kiss before replacing it with your head, and ate your donuts. his arm was wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, and his other arm was occupied chowing down on the breakfast he bought for your delight. 
after a short while, the donuts were gone, and it was fair to say that you both felt like you might explode, but in the most glorious way possible. you looked up to niall with a goofy grin plastered on your face, and he mimicked your expression happily. you moved your head down to his chest and wrapped your arm around his adorable belly. he clung onto you like a koala, and you giggled at his childish antics. he kissed the top of your head, and turned the television on. 
“what shall we watch today, sweets?” niall questioned, looking down at your relaxed figure. 
“’friends’?” you suggest giddily, both of you knowing it was your favorite show. 
“whatever you want, hun,” he agreed, secretly happy that you chose that show as it was one of his favorites, too, though he would never admit that to you. 
“why do you have so many nicknames for me?” you pondered. 
“i don’t know, love,” he shrugged, truly not knowing why he had hundreds of nicknames for his wonderful girlfriend. 
“i mean, i’m not complaining. i love them all, i really do. i just don’t understand how you come up with all of them,” you confessed. 
“well, that part’s pretty simple. i call you sweets and hun because you’re as sweet as honey. i call you princess because you’re my princess, and you deserve to be treated like one; petal because you smell like a flower, and flowers are pretty, but not nearly as pretty as you; love and pet because i love you more than anything in the world. you are my love.”
“niall,” you cooed. “i love you so much.”  you reached up to softly peck his lips. 
“i love you, too, pet. more than you will ever know.”
an hour passed, the two of you warm in the other’s embrace and ‘friends’ playing in the background. quiet chuckles filled the comfortable silence whenever someone did or said something funny, usually joey or chandler. 
“this is fun. why don’t we ever do this?” you voiced, breaking the silence. 
“well, we could if one of us didn’t always fall asleep,” he laughed. “plus, that would take away from our sunday traditions.”
“that’s true. wouldn’t wanna take away those sunday traditions,” you smiled. 
“i love ya, princess,” niall confessed, kissing the top of your head.
“i love you, too, bubba.”
okay so this has been in my drafts for like 2 months & i just now got back to it but i didn’t know how to end it so yea oops :) thanks for reading! ❤️
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Roadtrip~CNCO Headcanon
OMG GUYS THERES 300 OF YOU FOLLOWING ME LIKE WTF IM SHOOK!!!! In celebration of that I decided to finally finish a request I received MONTHSSS ago! But I hope you guys enjoy! I LOVE YOU ALL 🥰❤️
Requested: “headcanon about the guys going on a long drive with them being the driver” by @cedanana 3 MONTHS AGO ASLKGSHFL I’M SOOOO SORRY!!! I started working on this forever ago and welp here we are now, and it’s not even good 🙃and it’s not even what you really asked for sorry bby 😔
Warnings: horrible writing skills LMAO
Author’s Note: this is wayyyyy too long to post as one so I’m posting one half today and the other half tomorrow when I finish it! So sorry for the inconvenience!
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Zabdiel: Sightseeing as much of Puerto Rico!-several hours and stops
It’s your first time visiting Puerto Rico and Zabdi is sooo excited for his amor to explore his island with him
Neither of you slept much because y’all stayed up late going over your route plan for the 10th time
He wakes up earlier than you to make breakfast
Brings it to you in bed like the gentleman he is...but you’re two bites in when he starts rushing you out of pure excitement lol
You ask him to pick out your outfit bc 1.) he knows the weather and activities so he can dress you appropriately and 2.) you want him to enjoy EVERY little thing about your trip...he thinks this trip is about you but to you it’s all about him, seeing him so happy and excited makes your heart melt UWU BITCH 😭
Your first stop is to get snacks obvio
He takes you to all the cool spots close to his house to get them out of the way *insert small photo shoot*
The next destination is about an hour away so cue the carpool karaoke!!
Of course he’s singing like an angel on Earth and well let’s just say you were not that impressive YIKES
You got videos of both but only the ones of him are posted so you can keep some of your dignity lol
Zabdi being Zabdi, he randomly pulls over to the side of the road, jumps out of the car, picks a pretty flower, and gives it to you, “una belleza pa’ mi bellisima novia”
Little do you know that he has been taking secret pictures and videos of you to add to the album on his phone so whenever he has to go away on tour he can always have a piece of his amor
By the end of the trip you are completely IN LOVE with the island, appreciating all of its beauty with the love of your life
When you get back, after you’ve had a shower and are in bed you get a notification that Zabdiel De Jesus has uploaded a picture….you look over at him and he has a tiny smirk on his face and he lets out a giggle bc he uploaded the LEAST flattering picture of you from when you caught him taking a picture so you made an ugly face at him
Butttt don’t worry he also posted nice ones bc he’s nice like that
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Joel: Disneyland!-Hesperia to Disneyland-under 2 hours depending on traffic
It’s Christmas time and it’s your first year spending it with Joel and his family (ok but who wouldn’t want to spend it with them?! It looks so fun!)
They all find out you’ve never been to Disney and it’s like a bullet to the chest to them LMAO
Soooo Joey has taken it upon himself to take your Disney virginity lol
He likes to be very organized so of course he made a list of which rides y’all are gonna go on and in what order
He makes sure you’re all asleep at a good time bc he knows how you get if you don’t get enough sleep lol
You two wake up a little earlier to help his mom make sandwiches and snacks for the journey
Since there are so many of y’all going you have to take two cars, his mom driving one and him driving the other
He asks everyone for songs to add to the playlist he created and y’all jam tf out
The music is so loud his mom has his little brother call you and tell y’all to TURN THAT SHIT DOWN cause they can hear it from their car OOPS
When you make it there, barely alive bc Joelito decided to get distracted by some freakin birds...yea...birds... you’re a little worried if his plan will work because it’s PACKED, I mean c’mon what did he expect around Christmas
He knows it too and he has a sad little pout on his cute face making you sad too because who wants to see this baby sad???
He just wants this to be the best first experience
What he doesn’t realize is that you could literally just sit in silence with him and you would be over the moon
You spend the day, holding hands, walking around, riding the rides, just having an amazing time
You’re having sooo much fun you don’t even think about getting some pictures together but don’t worry his brothers and cousins have it handled lmao
Your favorite is a video of you and Joel dancing when he twirls you around and pulls you back into his chest for a hug, and you definitely feel like a princess
During the drive back home, everyone in the back seats are asleep and you whisper to Joel how much fun you had and how much you love and appreciate him for everything
Homeboy wants to cry deadass lol
He holds your hand while he drives and every so often he brings it up to his mouth so he can give it a kiss
When you get home he makes you a hot chocolate and you stay up for a while just talking and enjoying each other’s company before snuggling up to go to sleep
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Richard: Universal Resort!-Miami to Orlando-3 ½ hours
This papi wants to take his 2 girls out for a fun weekend, and where can you have fun all day without getting tired..? UNIVERSAL!! (not that I would actually know bc i’ve never actually been LMAO)
The 3 of you are beyond excited, although you might be a bit more excited than Aaliyah, but shhh no one has to know
The night before, you sit in Aaliyah’s room, asking her about certain outfits before putting them in her little ‘going-away-bag’, before tucking her into bed, not noticing that Richard has been watching with a smile on his face, until you hear him walking towards his baby girl to kiss her goodnight OOF
Soft Papi Richard makes you swoon™️
You guys then move to your room to pack your stuff
We all know he would take longer to pack his stuff because “this shirt matches these pants, but so does this one...i’ll take both...but what shoes tho?”
Since you’ve been so excited you already mentally planned your outfits lol and maybeee,just maybe, you bought 2 new swimsuits that you know he would drool over
You’re already in bed by the time Rich is finally done, you’re halfway asleep when he gets into bed so he just kisses your forehead and plays with your hair
In the morning, you get up a few minutes earlier than planned so you can make a few sandwiches and a few other snacks, but you already know they’re gonna be gone within the first hour so a pitstop for food is a must lol
CNCO is playing the entire ride because Aaliyah wants to hear Papa sing, but who are you kidding, you want to hear your angel sing too
When you finally get to Universal you quickly get to your room and leave just as fast as you got there lol
Y’all spend the entire first day going on rides and just walking around admiring all the beautiful things
You and Richard are both half asleep on the way back to the room, and Aaliyah is asleep in his arms
The next morning (almost lunch because y’all wore yourselves out lmao) you have brunch in bed and watch a movie for a while before getting ready to go to the pool!
Let’s just say that your man’s jaw drops real quick, and he most def can’t keep his hands off of you
You spend a few hours at the pool, enjoying the water and the sun before heading back to the room to take a nap before dinner
Y’all were going to a somewhat fancier restaurant so you spent a bit more time doing your hair and makeup before putting on a beautiful dress
You then get Aaliyah into her dress and you do her hair all cute and shit while Richard is finishing getting ready
After dinner comes desert obviously so back to the park you go to find some ice cream!
You quickly but thoroughly enjoy it before heading back to the room to change into comfy clothes for the drive back home
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astrozones · 5 years
Sanders Behavioral Health, Chapter 4: Mother Logan
three hours bouta be gone
discord for only the truest Lads. gender dont matter- Astro’s Zone
Three hours.
Fifteen minutes.
Another hour.
Another break.
And so on and so forth, until it was exactly 8:45 p.m. and Logan would get ready for bed, and when 9:00 came around he would ideally be sleeping, no electronic devices in sight.
It was the perfect schedule for a weekend of study. And Logan sure did need it, he was only a couple months ahead in the curriculum, which was a month less than where he should be right now.
But just as Logan sat down to start, his phone chimed. Logan was 100% prepared to ignore it, but the voice told him he had to pick it up. The metaphorical voice, of course. Now that he knew how to identify it, he knew it was either his OCD or anxiety, and oftentimes both.
Logan stared at the book in front of him, not moving in the slightest. He knew it was stupid, he didn’t have to check anything. But, he could still anxiety rushing through his body.
He picked up the phone and went through his texts, feeling relief almost instantaneously.
{ We should all hang out today!!! }
[ Wait whend the chat name change ]
| like last night roman where were you |
[ Sleeping??? ]
| sleep? who’s she never heard of her |
[ And going back to Patton i am free today ]
{ Yay!!!! }
| my parents are gonna force me to do homework if I don’t, so sure |
{ !!!! }
{ Logan? }
{ We can see you’re online!! }
( I’m afraid I am busy today. I’m studying. )
{ I thought you were ahead in the class?? }
( Yes, I am. But I am not where I want to be. )
{ Aw, Logan!! You should take time to not overwork yourself!!! }
( I do. And I was under the impression that you were busy this weekend. )
[ And i oop- ]
| i can’t believe roman’s a vsco girl |
[ sksksksk ]
| that wasn’t an invitation. |
{ I am for most of the day!! I was thinking we could have a sleepover!!!! ^-^ }
| wait so i do have to do my homework? |
| i’m willing to do it if it means i get to punch roman when he acts like a vsco girl again |
[ Id like to see you try ]
{ I would very much prefer there to be no punching, but it’s great to see you’re both in!!! }
{ And Logan? }
( ... )
( I suppose I can think about it. )
{ OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }
{ We have the whole famILY :3!!! }
| huh I thought roman would’ve had something to say about that. |
{ I do have some bad news though ;-; }
{ My parents are repainting our living room and don’t wanna risk anyone messing it up :( }
{ So I was wondering if either of you were willing to host? Not Logan because he’s still considering it }
| ugh i should’ve been more picky about it and I wouldn't have to go through this |
| well my room’s too messy and it’d take more than the day to clean |
{ Well, Roman??? }
{ Roman?????????? }
[ Wait what ]
[ Sorry one of my posters fell down and i had to fix it ]
[ Lemme read through the chat ]
| lmao |
[ … ]
[ asdkfldsaihateyouvirgildksfl i suppose i can do it ]
| hey i see that |
[ My parents are out for the weekend so yea ]
{ !!!! YAY!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }
-- --
Logan’s anxiety was yelling at him once more, telling him he needed to put the phone down. Ever compliant to the voice, he put it in a drawer under the desk. A little unnecessary, sure, but it made him feel better.
Logan shook his head, the voice driving into him once more. He was off-schedule! That’s 10 minutes of studying, wasted . He was certainly going to fail, all it would take was one set off his system and he’d get addicted to the freedom it promised.
He took out his pencil, and arranged the books around him to be exactly how he wanted. If it wasn’t, it would be unbalanced, and that certainly wouldn’t do.
Because everyone knows you can’t study unless you have a perfect workspace.
Logan was outside his house, door in front of his face. He huffed.
His parents had kicked him out for a couple hours, telling him he had to go outside for once instead of staying holed up in his study room.
They didn’t get it.
They didn’t get why it was wrong .
According to them, Ramona Steers, a staff from Sanders, had told them all the ins and outs of what they needed to help Logan get better, and that making him go outside was one of them.
Originally, they said he’d have to be out for 5 hours, but once he told them about the sleepover situation, they had agreed to take an hour off.
So, he was going to a sleepover, he had 4 hours outside, $100 to spend as he wished, and nowhere to go.
Logan walked into the popular local café, The Lolapad, known for it’s fantastic drinks, welcoming aesthetic, and it’s kind owner, Lola Adams.
Lilo was at the counter today, alongside her coworker… Patton?! Logan narrowed his eyes, Patton had never talked about a job, and Logan was a frequent visitor to The Lolapad. Logan knew he had to question him about it.
Well, once he got through this excruciatingly long line, anyway.
The only downside to The Lolapad was its popularity. With it being this early in the morning, it was full of daytime workers preparing for the long day ahead of them. Logan sighed.
He admired the decorations. The floor was a deep blue, to mimic water. The tables were designed like lilypads, and the chairs had a flower pattern. The walls were purple, with painted vines crawling up in some corners of the room.
The ceiling decor was the most impressive, though. Soft, blue lights and glass hung on wires from the ceiling, almost like bubbles flying towards the sky. There was no competition that would ever pass The Lolapad, at least not anywhere nearby.
He recognized a few students lounging in chairs, mostly consisting of the upbeat, extroverted club members.
And, if he was right, one Vanessa Cordill, with her boyfriend, Jace Lendell.
God, he despised Vanessa. She had been a huge bully in the past, only stopping after he stopped reacting to it. Logan hardly had anything to do in class, having learned all of this in his own time, and his teachers would yell at him the moment he picked up a book to study ahead of the curriculum. So, seeing what his classmates were doing was the only interesting option.
And oh, Logan saw .
He was never one for gossip, but he remembered so many things.
And most of it had to do with Vanessa.
Like that time she had snuck a gun into the bag of the boy beside her- Victor Jackson. Victor was taller, and larger, and had a mean-looking face. For anyone who got to know him, though, he was very sweet, and hated hurting people.
Victor was expelled the next day.
Logan had, of course, defended Victor. But Vanessa was convincing, lying her way through her nice girl act until the principal was convinced.
So, Logan did what he did best. He collected evidence. And, once he felt as though he had enough, he would report her.
But until then, he was forced to stand by and watch as Vanessa got to do whatever she wanted.
She was like a villain out of a bad movie, or a crappy fanfiction.
“Oh, Logan!” Patton’s voice dragged him out of his thoughts. Logan was at the front of the line, apparently. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Neither did I,” he responded. “When did you start working here?”
“Oh, no, I don’t usually work here! Jessalyn asked me to replace her today, well, she asked last week- so I’m working here for a couple hours! Lola was okay with it, she’s really nice y’know? And-”
“Are you getting paid?” Logan asked. It would be rather selfish of Jessalyn to keep all of the money, at least in his opinion.
Patton shook his head. “Nuh-uh. But I’m okay with it though! I like helping people. Now, what can I get ya?”
Logan found himself on a swing at an empty park. He had finished his drink, and was now letting himself go back, and forth, back, and forth. He wasn’t the biggest fan of attempting to do anything… potentially dangerous, but he found softly letting himself go back and forth was a good way to collect his thoughts.
The birds chirped in the background as the sun shone above him. Everything was as it should be, but he couldn’t stay too long at the risk of getting a sunburn.
He heard a text come in, and he pulled out his phone.
{ If your son gets burnt by the sun, is it a sonburn? }
-- --
Logan smiled slightly as the replies came in from his friends, all exclamations of distaste as Patton sent a plethora of emojis, that mostly being-
His friends .
Not that he was against that, of course, but the immediate reaction of calling them his friends was, well, a little unnerving. He had always been the quiet one, and had a few friends in the past, though they had all moved away to other towns or cities or whatever . He didn’t care.
And if his new friends did the same, he would be okay with that. Yes, he would definitely be okay with that. If they cared, they would contact him, and if they didn’t, he was okay with that. There was no use fighting it, after all that would only give him more time to study.
As it should be.
He put his phone away, no use replying, as he had already agreed to go to their sleepover.
He heard giggling from behind him. He was brought back to the real world, only to find that he had slowed to a stop. Logan turned his head around.
There stood a small being, maybe 6-7 years old, and definitely a child. He had a light brown mop of hair on his head, and donned a red-black-green coat and tiara. He stood to face… it.
“Hi! I’m Adrian!” the kid said, stuttering over the ‘r’. “What’s- did you just get done from a- a-
‘businesses’ meeting or somethin?”
Logan looked down at himself. He wasn’t even wearing a tie today… he had a simple black button-up shirt, and jeans. What about this screamed ‘professional’?
“No,” was all he said in response.
“Are you- are you gonna go to a businesses meeting?”
“No. I’m still in high school.” At this, the miniature human named Adrian grinned, and he could practically see the metaphorical sparkles.
“That’s so cool! I’m only in firs’ grade, but Mommy says I’m gonna be 7 in-” Adrian started counting on his fingers. “15 months!”
“What… do you mean 15 days?” he asked, it was either that or 15 weeks. Adrian nodded excitedly. What he was excited for, Logan couldn’t tell.
“YEAH! I’m gonna be so smart!” Adrian boasted, causing Logan to smile slightly. “Do you wanna come play wif me?”
“I- er-” he was cut off as the 6-year-old grabbed his hand and tugged him along towards a large willow tree.
“I’m gonna show you my friend- her name is Joy! She has two dads, isn’t that so cool! Some people make funs of her for it- but I find it cool! She’s really funny, there she is!” He pointed towards a girl, presumably 6 as well, in a princess costume, and very red hair.
“JOY! I FOUNDS US A FRIEND FOR OUR TEA PARTY!” hold on, tea party ?!
“It’s Princess Joy now,” the girl stated, surprisingly strict for someone so small. “Who is he?”
“Dis is Logan!” Adrian said, adding in a whispered, “he’s a buisnesses man”
“Hold on-” Logan tried. He suddenly found the purple princess in front of him, eyebrow raised. Was he about to get judged by a child?
“Hmm,” Joy said, looking him up and down before nodding. “He may stay.”
She turned around and strutted back to where she was sitting before. She dusted off her skirt before plopping down on the ground, gesturing for them to sit near her.
“We don’t have an actual table, so we gotta pretend.” Adrian whispered to him before skipping over and sitting near Joy. Logan reluctantly joined them.
“Princess Adrian, may you please pour the tea?” Joy instructed. Adrian nodded, miming the actions of pouring.
“Yes, Peasant Logan,” Logan jerked his head back, this kid - “Princess is longer than prince so’s it’s better than a prince. Princess Adrian and me are both princesses.”
“Prince and princess are equal titles.” Logan said. Joy actually looked offended .
“Yeah!” Adrian chimed in, sitting himself down in his spot. “Everyone knows that.”
“Princess Adrian! That’s rude, Logan’s a peasant so he didn’t know.” Joy said, taking a ‘sip’ of imaginary tea.
“Oh! Sorrys Logan.” Adrian’s voice lowered, and if Logan was right he was on the verge of tears?
“Er… It’s okay Adri- Princess Adrian.”
Adrian brightened. “YAAAY!” he cheered, getting up and bouncing around him. Logan didn’t know what to do-
“That is not princess behavior, Princess Adrian.” Joy said, turning up her nose. Adrian looked confused.
“It isn’t?”
“Princesses are more quiet. I’m 7, so I know better.”
“I’m 17,” Logan cut in. Joy turned to him.
“And? You’re still a peasant, Logan. I don’t makes the rules,” Joy put her cup of tea down. “I only knows them.”
Logan was about to respond, when-
“Woah, hey what’s going on here?” another voice said. Turning around, Logan saw Roman enter their little… area behind the leaves. He sighed.
Adrian gasped from beside him, nearly tripping over his feet in order to get to Roman. He peered up at him.
“Are yous a prince?” He asked, practically vibrating where he stood. Roman scoffed.
“Of course I am, I’m Prince Roman! I just lost my crown.” Roman announced. Adrian glanced at Joy, who nodded, causing Adrian to smile.
“I’m Princess Adrian! That’s,” he turned back around to point at Joy and Logan. “Princess Joy and Peasant Logan.” Roman, the bastard, hid his giggles behind his hand. Logan glared.
“Peasant Logan didn’t knows that princesses are higher than princes cause princess is longer. That’s true, right?” He asked, dragging Roman along to sit with them. Roman looked at Logan, smug.
“Of course! It’s common knowledge! For shame, Logan!” Roman exclaimed as he sat.
“For shame!” Adrian repeated. Logan groaned, shoving his face into his hands. This is not how he thought his day would go.
He felt a small hand pat his knee, and he looked up to see Joy looking at him with a sympathetic frown.
“It’s okay, Logan. Not all of us can be royalty.” She said, before returning to her princess persona and commanding, “Princess Adrian, would you may please pour Prince Roman some tea?”
Adrian nodded, standing up and dashing around the ‘table’ to give Roman his… ‘tea’.
“Thank you, Princess Adrian, I am forever in your debt.” Roman mock bowed from his sitting position. Adrian giggled before returning to Joy.
“Once we are done with our tea, we shall help you find your crown, Prince Roman.” Joy said before taking another sip.
“Of course. Thank you, Your Highness,” Roman faked taking a sip of his tea. “I must say, this tea is quite delicious! I commend your skills, Princess Joy.”
Joy preened at the praise, resituating the tiara on her head. “Thank you, Prince Roman. It is greatly appra- appre- appreciated.”
Minutes of his free time went by as they all mimed sipping tea and making small talk. Well, all except Logan. That quickly changed once Joy prompted him to start drinking, with Adrian and Roman piping up in agreement. Begrudgingly, Logan followed through.
Eventually, Joy stood up and announced that they had all finished their tea, and had to search for Roman’s crown. Logan argued that Roman’s crown didn’t exist. Joy said he was just a peasant and didn’t know what he was talking about. That shut Logan up pretty quick.
So, he was dragged around on the search for a crown he was certain didn’t exist. Joy separated them into teams, Roman and Joy on one, Logan and Adrian on the other. She said her reasoning was ‘one to search and one to protect’, with both her and Adrian on the search side.
Logan silently followed Adrian around as he set out to find it, looking in the places it couldn’t even be at times.
“Logan!” Adrian whispered, tugging on his sleeve. “Logan look! Issa bunny.”
And it was. A cream colored rabbit was frozen staring at them, ready to move at any sudden movement. Hm, that reminded him of Virgil… or was that rude?
He watched as Adrian slowly crept up on the rabbit. Logan looked around to find Joy and Roman. He saw Joy’s bright purple dress… in a tree? Roman was right next to her, carefully following to catch her if she fell while she was searching the tree.
He turned once more to Adrian, only to find him cuddling the bunny. Odd… if it were wild, it would have bolted the moment he came too close, so this one must be socialized. He walked towards Adrian and the rabbit.
Adrian smiled at him as he approached.
“I named him Jerry!” Adrian whispered, extending the rabbit towards Logan. “Wanna pet ‘im?”
Logan reached out to Jerry, only to jump back when it tried to bite him.
“Bad Jerry! Don’t bite people!” Adrian reprimanded the animal, as if it were a dog and not a clearly aggressive rabbit.
Well, at least when they brought it over to the other two it attempted to bite them, so at least it wasn’t exclusively Logan. It seemed to only like Adrian, to Adrian’s delight and Joy’s distaste. They were quickly corralled into a game of House by Joy, the quest for Roman’s crown forgotten.
Joy claimed herself as the father, saying, “I have two dads so I have to be the dad!”. Both Roman and Adrian nodded in agreement at her claim. She pointed to Logan.
“You shall be the mom!”
“ What- ”
“You act like a mom so you are a mom.” She cut him off, turning to Adrian and Roman for confirmation. They both agreed, Roman looking amused at Logan’s sneer.
“I’ll be the kid!” Adrian announced. Joy nodded and pointed to Roman.
“You can be the dog! Because you remind me of the golden dogs.” She said. Logan would’ve laughed if he hadn’t been put in a worse situation. Roman nodded, looking determined.
“Woof,” was all he said. Joy nodded once more.
So Logan found himself playing a game of House, something he hadn’t done in years . He interacted as little as they would let him, dear god if another student came and saw him like this, he wouldn’t survive.
He ended up there for far longer than he had wanted, a total of 6 hours since he was kicked out. Yet he was reluctant to leave, he knew it would break the kids hearts if he did.
He was finally freed from his metaphorical prison when a voice called,
“Adrian! Come on, we gotta drop off Joy at her dads’ house!” A woman called. Logan glanced at Adrian.
“Is that your mom?” he asked. Adrian nodded, turning to the two older men. He gave them both hugs, first Logan, then Roman. He even gave Roman his tiara, saying he was sorry they couldn’t find his crown, and he had more tiaras at home. He turned as Joy stood up and they both sprinted towards Adrian’s mom, well, only after Adrian had picked up Jerry.
Both of the remaining boys watched, amused, as Adrian seemed to argue with his mother before she gave up and let Jerry in the car. Before Adrian got in the car, though, he turned to the boys.
“Bye-bye Logan! Bye-bye Prince Roman!” he shouted, before disappearing into the car.
“So,” Roman started, and Logan mentally prepared to be poked fun at.
“See you at my house in a couple hours?” Logan blinked, once, twice, before he realized that he wasn’t being made fun of for playing with children for several hours. Well, he supposed that made sense, as Roman had done the same.
“Uh… sure.” Was all he said before making his way back home.
Logan was stressed, to say the least, when he got home. His parents were happy that he stayed out for longer than they had offered, but all Logan’s mind would acknowledge was that he went off schedule. He was going to be so behind, this is why you don’t go off schedule, Logan! You get looped into it, and you’ll never get out of it.
He dedicated the rest of his free time to studying.
As it should be.
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hyycks · 5 years
100 reasons to love lee donghyuck
[repost cause i remade oops; ill be posting part two for his birthday!]
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“hAEllo my name is Haechan :D”
his raw talent and passion for performing.
he’s always ready to jump on stage and for his very best, and you can see it everytime he smiles at the end of his performance
as a trainee he was one of the best rappers since he had such an amazing sense of rhythm as doyoung mentioned  
music is more than just his job, it’s his passion and he genuinely enjoys learning and experiencing music
his undying love for Michael Jackson
his heart shaped smile that really rivals the sun itself.
his smile is so pure and sincere it can make anyone’s day better
his confidence in his tanned skin, even though some people tease him for it he’s always so loving about his own skin color.
his constant need for physical affection whether it be hugging his members or trying to give Mark cheek kisses
hes not afraid to show his love adoration for members
his laugh and the way he almost falls over from laughing too hard
the fact that he cooks for the members from time to time, showing how much he truly cares for them
mood maker of the group!!! he’s always trying to make everyone happy and keep the team energized with his jokes or random acts!
he’s more considerate than people make him out to be. although people keep teasing Jeno for being “No Jam” he said Jeno is really one of the funniest members as a compliment and Jeno was so smiley throughout the rest of the vlive.
the way he smiles so fondly at the younger members and is always looking out for them
his passion for dancing. even though he’s the vocalist in the group, his dancing skills are truly commendable. he has sharp memory when it comes to dance and he enjoys learning to choreo to sooo many songs!!
the way he calls himself fullsun in English!
HIS ENGLISH! *cue donghyuck saying marshmallow*
his taste in music, he listens to amazing songs across so many different genres, and loves recommending songs to us as well which is so adorable
the way he styles himself! he knows what looks good on him but he’s not afraid to try new things
the fact that he collects LPs! he loves collecting LPs of his favorite albums, and you can see the glimmer of excitement in his eyes when he spotted a few of his fav in LA
his cute tarot readings! also in LA he bought a pack of tarot cards and did some readings for the members and he was so engrossed and into it!
when he’s deeply invested in something, he suddenly goes all quiet and concentrates.
his love for video games! he keeps complaining saying he’s not the best at them but he still tries regardless and enjoys himself!
his voice. his voice is so soothing and gentle, it’s honestly so angelic sm pls let him release a solo track
he can play the piano really well and it’s one of his favorite hobbies !!
he respects shinee a lot, and especially adores Taemins music and he looks up to them!
he grew up so much!! he used to be short and really cute during chewing gum but since then he’s grown really tall!
not just physically, he’s grown so much more mentally. as a person he’s more responsible and careful and he’s so kind and loving
he loves playing with children, and he’s so kind and careful when playing with them!!
even when he’s going through a hard time he tries his best to stay the smiley donghyuck we know of!
his talent doesn’t just stop at performing he does his own eye makeup and shines in his own special way
he wants to be a singer-songwriter and I truly believe he his capable of writing beautiful and amazing music !!
he’s improved so much since the start! he keeps practicing and learning more day by day
he’s so so so caring, when Jisung couldn’t dribble the ball, he kept causing disturbances so that he could redo it!!
the tinie way he kept repeating I love you to sicheng during the 2 year anniversary olive
his giggles!!
dongsookie and the way he laughs while covering his mouth
the way his skin glimmers when he wears the color red
he looks so good in red, when he had red hair or whenever he wears red items of clothing his features just stand out so much more!!
he’s been playing football since he was in elementary school and is good at it too!
he’s so good with his words and could easily become a well known variety!dol with his wit and sharp comments
sm make hyuck an MC or send him to a variety show please he’s so funnie and quick witted I’m sure he’ll do a great job!
his acting skills! ask him to be dramatic, he’s your guy he can portray multiple emotions in 0.003 seconds what a legend
his lines in paradise :(( (they’re so beautiful I love his voice)
whenever hyuck wears SnapBacks and you can see his cute forehead it just makes me want to give him a thousand tinie kisses
when he gave jeno a kiss on the cheek during the shooting of ‘go’ and just bolted away and how the dreamies remembered it as a memory from shooting the MV
when he harmonizes with Jaehyun and both of their voices sound like angels singing together
on his phone cover he has stickers of all the 127 members from the chain album :(( how … cute
his verses in heartbreaker and angel are the reason why I still breathe they make me feel all giddy inside his voice is so so nice?!
that gif… of donghyuck wrapped up in a blanket and giggling makes my heart jump around like a fool I might as well join the olympics
his high note in ‘go’ is single handedly the best thing ever (renjun singing that part is second)
NCT members said that donghyuck can make delicious food with wtv is in the fridge we love a king of improv cooking
when his hair has his natural waves and he suddenly looks so much more adorable I don’t know how to explain it but .. that photo shoot of his wavy hair … I love it
that aside the dreamies choreos aren’t simple they all put in a lot of work and effort and I’m so proud of all of them, especially my first and last the choreo is so detailed !!
“hErE iS kORea mAN.” “don’T fOrGet okAY?”
him trying to give spoilers for ‘go’ and being pushed off by the other members because he was overdoing it soo much fshsh
whenever they do yaja time, hyuck is either the one having the most fun or suffering the most
when he’s with 127 doing yaja time, he really doesn’t hold back but then karma gets it when jisung picks on him when he’s with the dreamies
when he was directing the boy video for mark and chenle and he kept asking them to change the ‘mood’ of the shoot after every few seconds making everyone laugh
when he held that same eye batting cute smile through most of the live (´。• ω •。`)
the fact that he makes up different handshakes with each member and showed them to us too!
behind video for joy and hyuck kept pretending to be lifted up by the helium balloon in the background
Johnny’s love for hyuck and hyucks love johnny, we don’t talk enough about this, they’re both just adorable and so precious
his “hi girls ;D” in the momo x video
when chenle said “sea” in Chinese and hyuck replying “hi :D” cause they sound similar
his cute frustrated face when chenle said he didn’t know what shadow was in korean and he lost the game
when he clung on to mark and said “hyung, I’m hungryyy.” in the most adorable voice ever
“booming system up uh ty track uh ty track”
when doyoung asked hyuck to sing a song from his ost to prove that he heard it and he just sang “APADO GWENCHANA.”
he’s savage and a teasing mess a lot of the times but he’s secretly really sweet and caring and that makes him just so endearing
he may tease mark relentlessly but mark sees him as a younger sibling which shows just how close these two are :((
when his karaoke got voted the most not fun event during NCT life in Paju but instead of just complaining he got up and made a nice breakfast for all of the members
his cover of smooth criminal on weekly idol [plus his cute lisp]
this five seconds at the end of the 00+00+00+00=LOVE vlive where hyuck plays a cover of a thousand miles
when he couldn’t break his chopsticks and taeyong gave him his instead, the way he smiled out of love is just so warm???
he’s honestly so so so talented I mean he’s even good at archery he went on isac and did his very best I was so proud?
when he did a freestyle to whiplash? like where does his talent stop? he’s so talented and skilled in so many areas?
those tiny video which he posts on twitter looking like the cutest boy ever
the way he looks when he wears glasses is just so cute and adorable?
that clip of him jumping around in the feathers for the touch MV
his eyes that are shaped like tony almonds that hold the glimmer of all the stars in this universe combined
his strong stage charisma that has the ability to leave everyone stunned
his scar next to his eye that just makes him all the more human and all the more lovable
all of the moles on his body that deserve to kissed and loved over and over again
he’s really sweet and kind but he loves prancing his members tbt NCT life in Paju when he pranked the members with salted sprite and soy sauce cola and half the members didn’t trust him because they’re used to his pranks
that time when he and Jeno pranked jisung by changing his iPad wallpaper to a cockroach
the way he giggles is so soft and loving it makes flowers bloom all over the world
That time when Chenle and Hyuck relentlessly pushed away members in NCT Dream School Mate to win the game. “yEA ChEnLE BaBY”
he’s actually so thoughtful, he bought a radio just because Johnny and Jaehyun host a radio show to show how much he loves and supports them
when he was singing “baby don’t like it” live on NCT night night but forgot the lyrics it was so cute? (not to mention how blessed his voice was)
kept dancing to other groups choreos instead of their own when dreamies were doing the let’s dance and mark got so frustrated
NCT 127 on Ah!Nimdle where he kept rushing to the front to answer questions about the members by “giving up on looking handsome” (we’d all do it for food thanks)
his commentary on the soccer vlive he did with Jisung and Jungwoo and Yuta! (sm he’s so talented look)
he cuddles people in his sleep which is why he wanted to room with Jeno because he’s comfortable with him but when Jeno exposed hyuck he got so so so so so shy owo
In general he’s such an amazingly talented and wonderful person. He deserves so much more love and I just wish he’d get the appreciation he deserves because even through all the hardships he manages to stay the fullsun we all know and love.
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