#yes i adress him as his highness
waywardgirl75 · 5 months
i can't stop thinking about what His Highness, the cat king said about edwin and how in just a few meetings he fell in love with him most ardently.
"Edwin has been through more pain than you or I could ever imagine."
"And when he escapes Hell again, I'll be waiting for him.
God, I am such a romantic, I hate it."
like sir, can you not? think about my heart?
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hi! my first req so i apologise if it's incredibly awkward >.< saw you were looking for ts x hp requests and i would love to see 'mine' with james, if possible? tysm!! <3
❥ pairings; james potter x fem!reader
❥ summary; after a failed marriage of your parents, your views on love are pessimistic. however, a certain handsome waiter makes you believe in it again.
❥ warnings; muggle au
❥ a/n; this is so bad n short but i have a writer's block so i'm sorry yall :(
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"and what can i get you?" the waiter turned to you and gave you a smile he didn't give your friend.
you weren't stupid. you knew this boy— james — was flirting with you. you knew this since the very first time you walked into this café and he was there. but you had to act clueless. you didn't want to give him a chance just to get your heart shattered.
"cappuccino would be good," you said with a small smile. it was the kind of smile that shouldn't get his hopes high.
he nodded and winked at you. "i'll be right back."
your friend dorcas elbowed you harshly in the ribs and you let out a groan of pain.
"what was that for?"
she placed her hands on your shoulders and started shaking with you.
"wake up! that bloke's totally into you!"
you slapped her hands away. "well, i know that!he's not being really secretive about it."
"then why aren't you flirting back? he's really handsome, i'd totally go for him if he was a girl."
you rolled your eyes. "he probably just wants to get into my pants anyway."
"he's been flirting with you for weeks! if he really only wanted to sleep with you, it would already happen."
you didn't respond to that because james was back with your order.
you looked up and thanked him and he gave you that smile again, not even bothering to glance at dorcas before walking away.
when he was gone and dorcas started talking about her new job, you noticed a piece of paper on the small plate under your cup.
you furrowed your eyebrows and read it.
call me;
his number was scribbled bellow.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
when you got home that day, you placed the piece of paper on your bedside table and stared at it. you wondered all afternoon and evening if you should call him and give him a chance or not.
as you were lying in bed, trying to fall asleep with that handsome waiter in your mind, you thought about it all.
you hated to admit it but your heart did in fact skip a beat when he smiled or winked at you and you really wanted to see that more often and not only in the café.
before you knew what you were doing, you propped on one of your elbows and reached for the piece of paper and your phone.
you dialed it, your heart beating fast and your palms getting sweaty.
it was only after one ring you heard his voice.
you opened your mouth but no sound was coming for about a second before you managed to stutter, "h-hi..."
he must have recognised your voice because the next thing he said was, "thank god, i was already thinking i made a complete fool out of myself!"
you let out a small laugh. "no, not at all. i'm sorry i'm calling this late but i had a lot of things to...consider."
you imagined him nod even though you couldn't see it.
"no, that's completely alright. i'm very glad you called. . ." when you didn't say anything, he continued, "this is the part where you say your name."
your eyes widen. "oh, right! sorry. my name's y/n."
"y/n," he repeated. "pretty name for a pretty girl."
it was cliche and you knew it but it made you blush anyway.
"i was wondering if you wanted to. . maybe grab a coffee or go to the cinema or something."
you smiled. "i'd like anything."
"okay! it's a surprise then. how about i pick you up tomorrow at four?"
you quickly thought if you have any plans for tomorrow at four but you knew if there were any, you'd cancel them.
"yes, sounds great. i'll text you the adress."
"awesome!" even though you couldn't see him, you swore you heard a smile in his voice. "all settled then. see you tomorrow, y/n."
"see you, james. goodnight!"
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the next day at four, just as he promised, james's car was outside your flat building.
you practically ran out of the door and soon regretted to giving into dorcas pleads to wear dress when it was almost autumn already but you didn't want to go back to change now that james saw you.
he got out of his car and like a true gentleman he opened the door for you.
"hi!" he beamed when you reached him. "you look beautiful."
blood rushed into your cheeks. "thank you. you don't look bad yourself."
to say james was good looking would be an incorrent statement. he was so goddamn beautiful with his black curls in his eyes and you didn't regret anything.
you got into the passenger's seat and james got into his driver's one.
"ready to go?"
you nodded.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the whole way to wherever james was taking you, you both spend it by saying the most basic things about yourselves. you found out he's a college student and he plays rugby and that he'd like to be a professional rugby player in the future and at that moment you decided you were going to watch his nearest game to surprise him.
you yourself talked quite a lot during the care ride which was unusual because you only talked a lot with people close to you.
you arrived at a lake you haven't been at before. it was surrounded by forest and grass. as you were looking around, james pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket out of the car. when you turned back to him, the blanket was laid on the grass by the water and james finished pulling out all the food he brought. you suddenly realised that he must have remembered everything you ever ordered because that's what was lying on the blanket; all your favorite donuts, croissants, ice creams...
"wow," you gasped quietly.
you started to believe for the first time.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
"can you believe it?" you said, looking up at james from your place on his chest.
you two were lying on his couch in his flat just minutes after your first fight. it was a silly one, you knew it but you still were surprised it didn't end up with you slamming the entrance door of his flat.
he chuckled. "i do." he pressed his lips to the topof your head and intertwined his fingers with yours. "we'll never make your parents mistakes."
that was the most comforting sentence anyone could ever say to you and you thought, i can see it now.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
flash forward and you and james were taking on the world together. you two went so far that you started sort of living together (you spent most of your time at his place and you couldn't remember the last time you were at yours).
your relationship with james was sky-high. you told him everything and you started to think he may already know you better than you knew yourself. it was scary at first but you soon realised it could be the best thing you had ever done.
however, even the best things come to end.
or so you thought.
you still remembered it. 2:30am, screaming at james because of something stupid but he didn't even raise his voice at you. he was completely calm and that was maybe what made you so angry.
you ran out crying out into the streets and the realization hit you harder than ever. James was trying to talk things out and all you did was shout and then ran out without giving him a chance.
you could feel an ache in your heart that you knew so very well.
was he going to leave me now?
your hands began to shake, the rain mixing with your tears as you began thinking of the worst scenarios ever; a future without james.
but that's when you saw him; he was running towards you with his hair wet and his shirt glued to his body.
he stopped in front of you, breathing heavily. he brought his hand to your face and you didn't flinch. you knew you didn't have to. he got some of your hair out of your face and looked straight into your eyes. he knew what you were thinking. he always did.
"i'll never leave you alone."
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nessieartss · 9 months
About your jjk sibling au
I know you made sukuna a student in Kyoto but what would interactions between him and gojo would be like?
Oohh i haven't thought about gojo that far. One thing for sure, sukuna never adresses him (or anyone in general) with honorifics. He would just call him gojo or that damn six eyes. Gojo was the one that recruited sukuna to jujutsu high to learn how to control his curse energy because apparently it was too strong that it attracts curses and would endanger him and yuuji. The latter refused at first but reluctantly agreed for the sake of his brother.
I'd like to think sukuna favors geto more than gojo (yes geto is alive and well in this au). Because of his personality, (calm and more importantly, knows personal space), while gojo is just straight up annoying and sometimes drives sukuna mad lol.
Gojo then would send sukuna for a student exchange program in kyoto for 6 months and it was the best 6 months of his life.
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
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summary : You decide to mock Charles after the ''almost hitting a fan with his car'' video.
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'' You want to go and grab breakfast, amour? Charles said. He was laying his body on the bathroom's door frame while you were brushing your teeth with half-open eyes. You caught his gaze from the mirror. His lips were curled into a wide grin while watching you try to start the day.
'' Aren't we going to eat in the hotel? Or is it already lunch time?'' You said. You were trying not to sound so disappointed. Because you were not in the mood to leave the hotel until the GP.
'' Je suis désolé Y/N but yes its almost lunch time'' He said, while laughing at your 'eagerness'.
'' Why didn't you wake me up, did you miss the breakfast too?'' You said when toothpaste was still inside your mouth. It was high time you spit it.
As he approached you in the bathroom, he said. "I slept with you last night, and you were exhausted. I've gotten used to it, but jet lag is no joke." While you were rinsing your mouth, he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You turned to face him and flashed a wide smile, revealing your pearly whites, inviting him to give you a quick kiss.
'' Okay, wear something and then we'll leave, I can't wait much longer.'' He said before leaving a kiss to the crown of your head. It always made you happy, that little interaction. Charles always managed to make you feel comfortable, safe and loved. You smiled at him as to answer before he left.
'' I am going to check on Carlos, we'll meet outside D'accord, bébé?'' He said when you were busy getting clothes out of your luggage.
'' Sure, I'll be there quickly.'' You said while taking off your hoodie in order to wear the red jumper you chose to wear. Charles left the room after he got an answer from you. You were still so tired and sleepy that you couldn't find the energy to wear something showy, or do your makeup. Also you were not going to an event, you were going to grab breakfast so you decided to wear your leggings with your sneakers. You grabbed your bag and applied sunscreen before leaving the room.
Charles was inside of the car, you could hear the hoarse sound of the music that was coming from the radio. You opened the door, but instead of placing yourself on the passenger seat, you looked at Charles from the open window.
'' Amour, why aren't you sitting? Something wrong?''He said when he stucked his head out of the car window. Save Your Tears were playing on the radio.
'' You know what, I'll get a taxi, send me the adress will you Charles?'' You said while trying to act serious.
''Êtes-vous sérieux? What's the matter?'' Charles said worriedly, you wished you had your camera ready to film his reaction. He raised his eyebrows before lowering the volume of the radio.
'' Yes, I saw the way you drove, you were almost gonna kill your fan, Charles. This is not a race track, you just can't overtake people on the road.'' You said this time mockingly. Your lips were curled into a halfway grin with his reaction.
'' I am worried for my life amour, I am sorry.''
Charles this time closed his eyes and rest his head on the driver seat before bursting into laughter.
'' You saw the video?'' He said when he opened the passenger door for you to sit.
You took a deep breath and placed on to seat, fastened your seatbelt aggresively and fast in order to mock Charles for the last time that afternoon.
'' Maybe, I will be fine like this, I am still not sure tho-'' You said before giving a look at Charles who was leaving the parking lot.
''Yeah, yeah maybe wear a helmet and googles next time huh? amour?''
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strwbwoo · 1 year
this smut is a lik fluffy bc its my bday
cw : idol gyu and famous yn, piv, praises, fluff smut, very not like what i write, very fluff. like very. 500 words, soft service dom mingyu for my birthday tehe
looking thru mail, you find a letter adressed to you.. something about a acting gig, well known studio, “babe, look somebody offered a acting gig?” he shout across the open dining room to the living room, “should i do it?” mingyu now hugging you from the back, arms wrapped low on your waist, head in your neck, inhaling your scent, “why not” he mumbles. you stare at the paper a little more, “ehh i dont think i should..” now his nose is in your freshly washed hair, vanilla shampoo. “well i was gonna do acting gig.” now turning to face him at the mere thought of actor gyu. mingyu was well known and handsome, so it was well known that hes handsome. no one even for an act gets your handsome man,“mingyu..” hands on his chest, “yer okay with me kissing other boys?” you say to get the predictable response you want. hands tighten on your sides. head now in your chest, hiding his pink face but not his raging boner, “no” he muffles. you pick his head up, “and i dont wan’ other girls kissing you” you say before pecking his lips. only with mingyu its never just a peck, a hand on the back of your head to keep you in place. the kiss is deep, hot, and a little sloppy mingyu style. only when he asks th question “can i?” does he end the kiss. your pants turn him on more especially when you dont even bother to say yes and just nod. playing with the hem of your shorts and panties until shimmying them both down to one ankle in one motion. too eager to pull his pants all the way down before he hooks your legs on his shoulders while you lay your back on the table, papers spread everywhere now inorganized “m’gonna put it in..” he groans at the sight of your heavenly body splayed out like that just for him, “mkay.. go slow” you remind because hes still to big for you to fit him comfortably. and he listens to his pretty girl, every couple inches stoping and asking if your okay until hes snug in your pussy. mingyu is king of making intimate moments even with your legs folded by his big build, “so pretty…” he whispers while swiping hair away from your eyes and forehead. only you start clenching around him and squirming does he move. slow lazy thrust -to him atleast- thats still go deep enough to hit your sweet spot. gripping at his biceps he works hard for you to mark. you start to whine, “g-gyu..” his focus now on your face and soft voice, “wanna cum..” thats all you have to say for him to complay, “whatever you want princess” and his thumb on you slit covered in your juices, and he picks up the pace of his hips. eyes shut and brows furrowed when you hit your high. when you come down form such euphoria he pulls out slowly to get a rag, cleaning the sweat on your forehead, your pretty hole, soft thighs before getting your favorite chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge and settling you down the couch with you favorite blanket to watch one of your all time favorite movies..
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sanriokamabodo · 1 year
college!bf douma
A/N: im struggling w writers block + had a heavy day so i decided to write smth i conjured up instead of a request!i will be back in business soon my sweets!heehee<3 if y'all want a part two feel free to ask djdjd
CW's: hes kinda sleazy in the beginning, reader sucks at math. suggestive themes>:) douma is goth in my college au bc i said so. the day i proofread is the day i die!
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A psychology major with a minor in religious studies. Doesn't practice any religion himself but finds the subject interesting nevertheless.
Barely studies but somehow manages to pass with flying colours.
That one hookup you regret with all your might, let me elaborate;
Douma tutors math and it's no coincidence he slept with majority of the people he tutored.
No, you're not an exception. Cute try though!
Something about Douma's piercings, his choppy hair that he probably cut himself and his 'don't give a fuck' attitude managed to dissolve your IQ and last bit of self respect around him.
He knows how to give you just enough attention to keep you interested, but little enough for you to purposely screw up your math tests for an excuse to see him.
Yes, he mocked your intelligence by asking if rats ate your brain or whether you were just born this stupid, but the way he ruffled your hair as he fake-pouted at you made something bubble in your stomach.
It's no surprise you ended up with Douma in the men's restroom, a hand smacked tightly over your mouth that day.
You weren't allowed to ride the high of having hooked up with the hottest guy on campus for long.
Throughout the night you were bombarded with messages from your friends, all of them being about Douma. Why didn't you tell them? Was he good? ... Was he big?
You thought your heart was going to thump out of your chest. Sweaty hands refreshing the messages five, ten, twenty times.
This had to be a sick joke, right? Was this Douma's true nature?
About to throw your phone away in defeat, it vibrated once more. You didn't want to look but curiousity got the better of you.
[Douma, 11:06]: I think we need to talk.
Your chest thundered with anger at the message.
[Y/n, 11:07]: You think!?
[Douma, 11.07]: I know you don't owe me anything, but can we please meet somewhere?
[Y/n, 11.08]: I don't feel like showing my face today, thanks:)
We're you being dramatic? Maybe a little. But you were an introverted person. Being known by everyone on campus wasn't on your to-do list, and the reason why just made it that much worse.
[Douma, 11.08]: Text me your adress, I'm coming over.
[Y/n, 11.09]: No.
[Douma, 11.10]: Please, give me a chance to set things straight. I'll fix it, I promise.
You pondered for a moment. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? You texted him the address of your dorm and within an hour you heard a knock on your door.
Opening the door Douma stood on your doorstep, looking rather apologetic. You waved him inside, a thankful smile grazed his lips.
"I like what you did with the place."
"Shut up."
"Fair enough." He nodded.
"I did tell my friends we hooked up." He said, making you scoff. He threw his hands up defensively, before you could say anything.
"But! But! I didn't want them to tell everybody else..! They know I like you... a lot."
A small blush across up your cheeks at the sudden confession.
"You like me?"
Now you've done it, Douma started rambling.
"I get really fucking dumb about crushes. I wanted to text you all the time but I didn't want to come across as creepy. I thought we could just... hook up and I would forget about my stupid little crush and of course it just made me like you even more, because c'mon you're hot as fuck." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically. "So what I'm trying to say here is that I would really like to make it up to you because I'm really fucking sorry and I would also really, really like to take you on a date and have a fresh start, please?" A shy smile painted his features.
You laughed. You were stupid if you were to deny him like this, especially considering you really liked him too.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
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randomnameless · 6 months
Revisiting Yuri and Dee's support in Nopes :
It has bonkers things like :
Yes, and it's also got me thinking about how best to help those of more meager standing. Originally, I'd thought that establishing medical facilities or investing in the church were the best pathways to this cause. But after seeing the people here, I realize they are not indigents standing around with open hands awaiting salvation.
What are you talking about Dee? Medical facilities aren't anything like "salvation", it's just a place where people are healed?
Sure, some people want to participate in their life, decisions and politics so to associate them to those processes is an interesting thing... but they'd still need somewhere/someone to help/heal them, right?
And it's really where Yuri shines - and reminds us that this support can only happen in AG - because he completely corrects Dimitri, if Dimitri wants to associate commoners to decision-making, they should at first receive education :
Of course, they're already fully capable of telling you when they're hungry or if taxes are too high... But they'll need education to understand the policies and laws established by their lords and hold any kind of thoughtful opinion on them.
I love this last sentence, because man does it ring differently when you consider Yuri was the de facto guy in charge of the Abyss - where people complained in every explore section about Church/Nobles BaD - special mention to Hapi "CoS BaD they promised me they'd cure me but it has been a year since I'm here, I know I am a danger to the people living on the surface, I most likely never told them who experimented on me nor where she was nor what kind of stuff she did to me, and I haven't been cured since!"
Thoughtful opinions on policies and decisions uh?
Problem is, people aren't in the mood to learn anything when they don't know where their next meal is coming from or where they'll sleep that night.
I know some politician I love to joke about once said "morality don't feed your belly", but this is in the same vein - people can think about education/doing the "right thing" and whatnot... only when their lives aren't in immediate danger, like, say, because they're starving or on the streets.
That's where I think we have the closest "thoughts" Yuri has about the Abyss - sure it's not all roses and daisies, far from that, but it's still a place where people who have nowhere to go, well, can go, and eat.
Regardless of the Abyss...
Yuri is here to remind Dimitri that people still need to survive before receiving proper education, aka, they need "support" to be able to walk on their own legs, or decide to do what they want.
Compare this to Supreme Leader's "if the weak remain weak it's because they're too used on rely on others" and while I really dislike how Dimitri was teetering to close to that edge on his own and only reconsidered when Yuri reminded him of, uh, something that should be common sense - for a Fodlan game, I still find it very nice that this issue was adressed (and it even recontextualises the Abyss from FE16, something FE16 couldn't do bcs, Church BaD).
Now, I know Yuri can join Tru Piss and Supreme Bullshit, but is it any wonder that his paralogue is AG oriented, his supports are AG oriented (save for the ones who are always available + Marianne) and he has no interaction with members of the Empire?
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Pedri x Black Reader - Our Secret Part 3/10
*Pedri's POV
⚠️Warning ⚠️
*mentioning of needles
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The story of Marcella and Pedri. As students of the most prestigious high schools in the country, the two are very focused on developimg their indvidual talents. Marcella has music whilst Pedri has football. However, worlds collide when Pedri's secret is revealed, he has diabetes.
A  day in the life of Pedri. He woke up to the sunlight invading his bedroom. He yawned and turned over, reaching for his phone to confirm that "Jupp" he had indeed slept through his alarm.
After taking a few minutes to say goodbye to his bed, Pedri stood and made his way towards the bathroom. He brushed his teeth in front of the mirror in the same way he always did, from the bottom left to the bottom right. Followed by the top right, to the top left. This routine has never changed in his eighteen years of life. One thing had changed however, and Pedri hated this part of his morning routine. He back up in front of the bathroom mirror, viewing his full body. Alot of people like what they saw, outlined abs, tanned skin and a hairless chest. Pedri however, hated it, because only he knew that his body was broken.
He sighed clipping the lid if his insulin pen. The nurses in the hospital showed him how to do it correctly, but it never managed to feel right. He pinched the skin on his belly and pierced the needle through it. It hurt and would never seize to hurt. The doctors recommend that he brought at least three or four needles with him to school, Pedri however, only brought one.
Good morning cariño, did you sleep well?"
"Yes Mami."
She put a plate of scrambled eggs on the table, pulling out a chair for him to take a seat. Since his diganos of type 1 diabetes last year, his mother made it clear that eating breakfast was not negotiable. She kissed him on the cheek once he sat down. "Don't forget to help your father at the restaurant after school. He's gonna need all hands on deck to prepare for Martina's quinceanera this weekend."
"Isn't Martina a little too old to be having a quinceanera?"
She was about Pablo's age and Pedri only knew that because his friend had a huge crush on her and wouldn't stop talking about her during training.
"Yes, but Martina and her family moved from Mexico when she was fifteen and did not have time to throw her one then, so your father and I are helping them throw one now."
"Why can't Fernando help? I have training this afternoon."
His mother left the sink and returned to him, kissing the top of Pedri's head. I know you do cariño. But you know how your father is, he wants you and your brother to get along again."
"Making us decorate the whole restaurant in pink won't bring us closer together, trust me."
To Pedri his older brother was dead to him. He died when he got put in jail for drinking and driving, and stayed dead upon his release three months ago. No. Pedri only had one brother and that was Pablo Gavi.
The little bastard had yet gotten his driver's license so every morning Pedri took the liberty to pick him up and drive him to school.
"It's a beautiful day, no?" Pablo walked down his driveway, hair still dripping from his shower as he got into the passenger seat.
"You're in a surprisingly good mood, why?"
"Love, Pedrito. I'm in love."
"Of course you are."
"Guess who invited me to a party this weekend."
Pablo frowned. "How did you know?"
"Her family is throwing her quinceanera at the restaurant. I'm suppose to go down there this afternoon and help decorate."
"Can I come?"
"She won't be there Pablo."
"She might." He said, draping the seat belt over himself. "And what have I told you about calling me by my first name. I'm known as Gavi now."
It was an honor for any player to make it into the Estudios Filántropos football squad. Being formally adressed by once last name came along with that honor, that's how people in the streets knew that you could play.
"How about you stop calling me Pedrito, then we can talk."
Pablo chuckled. "Don't make me get rid of Pedrito. It sounds so cute."
"Cute, eh?"
"Yes. Isn't that what Rosie shouts when you make her..."
Pedri's hand left the steering, smacking his friend upside the head.
"Puta!" Pablo rubbed a hand where it hurt the most.
"Don't talk about her like that."
"It was a joke. A joke man."
"Yeah, but we don't joke about stuff like that."
Locker room talk. Pedri had worked hard to get rid of the misogyny within his football squad. As the captain he worked to install the players to focus only on what was important during training. What they did and how they behaved outside of the pitch he couldn't careless. Although he cared how Pablo spoke about women outside of training. To him Pablo was his successor and needed the right values handed to him as soon as possible, even if it meant handing out a slap or two now and then.
"Why are we just standing here." His friend complained. "We'll be late for school, drive!"
Pablo was right, however Pedri's car remained parked alongside the sidewalk. His attention was drawn to the house next door to Pablo's. The house where she lived.
"What is it, what are you waiting for?"
Just as his friend asked the question she emerged out of her house, grabbing the bike parked in her driveway.
"You've got to be kidding me." Pablo sighed. "Not this again."
Pedri rolled down the window. "Hey Marcella!"
Passing his car she looked to him with furrowed brows. "What do you want?"
"You need a ride?"
"No." She snorted and waited until she got on the road to mount her bike, disapearing with it down the street.
"Everyday." His friend shook his head. "Everyday since, what, Tuesday? Everyday day since Tuesday you've been waiting for Marcella to come out of her house, asking her if she wants to ride with us to school. Why? Is it because I hit her with the ball? Is that it, do you feel bad for her? Because I told you that she was crazy, didn't I?"
Pedri smirked as he reached for the button to push the car to a start. The two of them left Pablo's driveway on their way to school.
"Like what's your deal, you're into crazy chicas now?"
Pedri found it funny, letting Pablo's words slide without a slap.
"I mean she not ugly." He said. "But did I tell you about the time she glued my hand to a wall."
There were many stories like that, of Pablo and Marcella. Apperently the two had been neighbors all their lives, thier parents even throwing cookouts together in the summer. Pedri had asked alot about Marcella lately. If Pablo could tell him about what she was like. Her personality and such. "Crazy." Was his friends answer.
"If you're dumping Rosie for Marcella can I have a shot with her incase Martina rejects me this weekend?"
Pedri smiled, "What makes you think you have a shot with a girl like Rosie?"
"She's into footballers, no? I'm ten times better player than you are."
"You wish."
"Watch me play a full ninety minutes on Friday. At least coach won't sub me off after halftime like he does you. Shouldn't that be illegal, subbing off the team captain? They should make Rodriguez captain, he's a goalkeeper, he never gets subbed off."
Pedri let Pablo go on with his rambling, not knowing that his words had struck him right where it hurts. Yes, Pedri's diabetes was discovered after one of his coaches suggested he got checked out for his worsened stamina. It had all come up on his first visit,  the reasons for suddenly feeling drowsy and unable to perform during training. The doctor told him that his body had stopped producing a hormone called insulin, causing his glucose levels to drop, resulting in his severe health problems. The day Pedri found out that his body was broken was the day he started fearing for his dreams of becoming a football player.
"Hola clase, today's lessons is...."
School went by in a flash. Pedri didn't share any lessons with Pablo since the two weren't in the same grade. However, he did share most of his lessons with Rosie. Apart from the occasional hook up, she was also a good friend.
"Guess what?" She said, stopping him in the hallway to peck his lips with her own.
"What?" He smiled, as she was quick to wipe away the excess lipstick that had rubbed off on him.
"Angie and I made a bet."
"A bet? Sounds fun."
"It is. I bet that I will make out with whichever player scores the winning goal on Friday."
Pedri raised a brow.
She nipped a few hairstrands off his t-shirt. "Make sure it's you."
With that she strutted down the hallway, looking back to make sure that Pedri was checking her out.
He was.
"Man, did you hear?"
There was commotion as Pedri joined his teammates. Most of them sat gathered around one table during lunch hour.
"What?" He asked Pablo, who looked to want to fill him in on what was going on.
"Coach is gonna make us run windsprints for today's warm up. WARM UP."
"Windsprints." Pedri frowned. "In April?"
"Yeah, and we have a game on Friday,  I can't be sore for that."
"Strange, must be something up."
"It doesn't matter. The team wants you to talk to him, tell him to cancel the warm up, or at least change it."
"Why me?"
"You're the captain, aren't you?
And it came with his perks. All eyes were on him, his teammates nodding their heads, agreeing with Pablo.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do?"
He left lunch early, although his mother would curse him out for that. However it was best to get his rest now incase coach wouldn't change his mind about the windsprints this afternoon. He made it to the far ends of the building, where the school had its auditorium. There was a classroom near by, the door unlocked. Pedri plotted down on the old sofa behind a dusty keyboard. There he could hear señor Garcia tinkering away on his piano, and Marcella, warming up her throat as she was getting ready to sing. There were others singing along with her,  but Pedri preferred to focus on Marcella's voice. It brought him comfort as he removed the lid off his insulin pen with his teeth, pinching the skin of his belly. Pedri squinted his eyes as the needle went into him, followed by the pain of inserting the insulin. He fell back against the warn out pillows, relaxing his muscles after tensing up during his shot. He drifted off to sleep to the sound of her voice, Marcella, with a voice like no other.
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jienem · 1 year
His Human
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Part 1 Part 2
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Y/N kept herself busy for the most part. Her parents own a shop in their hometown, selling different types of dishes, and she sometimes chirps in to help in the kitchen, cleaning, or managing the customers. Epel Felmier her childhood friend, sometimes spends time with her by carving apples. When she had free time, she would often spend it writing letters, though she didn't send them to whomever she had written them to. After weeks of coming into their cabin, she forgot to ask about their address, so now she was in this dilemma of how she could contact them. She asked her mother if she had a contact name for Zigvolt and Vanrouge. But her parents reaction surprises her.
They said the last name she mentioned was pretty much held as a noble in fae society. So much so, even if they would receive the letters, there is a chance it would buried deep into other letters adressed into their family. Lilia Vanrouge on the other hand, both her parents didn't know where he lived. Y/n felt saddened by this revelation and still asked for Zigvolt's addresses. After much consideration, her parents reluctantly gave her their address. As soon as she got them, she made her way to her room and wrote a letter. She soon sent it in the same day, waiting for weeks for a response despite knowing the possibilities of a non-response. Still, she didn't get discouraged and still sent letters, hoping Sebek or Silver would respond. Days turned into weeks, and there was still no letter. And the letters she is writing turn into drafts at her table.
"Y/N dear, would you mind helping me sew the unfinished shawl I made in the living room?" Her grandmama knocked on the door while speaking on the other side.
"Yes, of course," she responds, dropping the quill at the stand before following suit. She passed through the hallway until she noticed the window was opened. It would be chilly in here if this continued. She was about to close it when she noticed the mail boxes were full from the outside.
"Ah, grandmama? Didn't you get the mail earlier?" Y/N called, still staring at the mail box.
"Yes I did hon, why?"
"Nothing grandmama."
Curious, she went outside and pulled the mailbox lid, and many letters soon started to pour out. "What?" bewildered. Y/N picked up the fallen letters one by one, to her amazement. Most of the letters were from Sebek and Silver. She honestly felt excited as she picked it up and dragged it into her bedroom, passing by her grandmother, and yelled that she would come back.
She laid down the letters, categorizing them one by one, even the date they were made. She picked up the letter addressed to her parents, laid it down in their bed chambers, and headed back into her room. She read them one by one, and nostalgia soon took its place. Silver's letter often talks about the animals that have helped him or how drowsiness always seems to consume him, and judging by his handwriting here, he was half asleep when he wrote it. And then he told her about his training and how it went well every single day. At the end of the letter, he put a reminder at the bottom, saying, Don't push yourself too hard. He knew her too well.
Sebek's letter made her laugh or chuckle. She could practically hear his voice boom, ' I have received your letter, human! How forgetful you are- You should learn from Waka-sama-'
Amused, she moves on to the next letters he has sent. He wrote about his library back at Zigvolt's estate, proud of having so many books, and kept rubbing it against her face as she read. He talked about his highness Malleus and how majestic he was. He didn't write a lot, but she was content. What she didn't expect was that Lilia Vanrouge himself wrote a letter addressed to her.
His letter was about Silver and Sebek, who waited for a letter from her. When she didn't in the first week, Sebek threw a fuss. He talks about how maybe she has forgotten them and will soon move on with her life. Lilia must be amused by Sebek because he exposed too much about him in this letter. He mentioned that Sebek exclaims every day.
-I'll grow into a successful Knight!
-I'll grow stronger every day for Waka-sama!
-grr just you wait! I'll grow taller the next time you see me!
Y/N had a fond smile written in her face, she laughed even more when Lilia mentioned how dumbfounded Sebek was when his grandfather visited them in the cabin accompanied by letters from her in a basket hanging into his grandfather's arms. He was stuttering even after receiving it, just staring at his hands wide-eyed. And then closed himself and bombarded his room with papers and ink, writing nonstop.
Y/N laughed when she indeed received a number of letters from Sebek ranting about her carelessness. At the end of the paper, Lilia made a request to her to write for his highness Malleus. Y/N was surprised and nervous. She hadn't met his highness before, so she didn't know what pleased him. But she did try in the end, she wrote as politely as possible but still treated him like a person.
She took her draft papers and began to resume them. She sent them to the mail station the next day while the sun was at its peak. When she returned to her home, she was tackled by both of her parents and grandma, screaming.
"You're going to be a big sister!!! "
At least she got to know why they wanted her to leave the house before.
Summer turns into fall, and fall turns into winter. With just a few more months, she could return. But judging from her parents, they didn't seem to plan on going back to the valley of thorns. They were too preoccupied with her little brother here at home. Y/N didn't mind and loved her months-old brother, but she didn't have the heart to ask them, thinking she was too selfish. But her parents didn't go unnoticed.
"You wanted to come, didn't you?"
"I... yes," Y/N admitted as she cradled her brother. "But I do not mind being here with all of you, she added.
"Sweetheart, you didn't have to be so modest. Pack your things; we would be leaving in the next few days."
"Really?! Thank you, thank you! "
"Your welcome hon, always."
She didn't tell any of them about her coming, but she knew they knew. This was around the time she met them almost a year. With excitement bursting into her body, she woke up as early as possible and packed the foods she made before kissing her sleeping brother behind and leaving a note for her parents, careful not to awoke them and head her way.
She walked slowly. reminiscing about her time here a year before. The scene looks the same as if nothing has changed. The scent of the wood and the breeze greet her with glee. She was finally here. Her feet carried her to a familiar lake. She stops and looks at the reflection on the water while she gets lost in her mind. She was afraid.
What if it gets awkward?
What if they didn't really consider her a friend anymore?
What if they thought it was a chore to write her a letter?
But then again, they would mention it.
But what if?
What if?-
"Oya? Well well, miss L/N. Welcome back. "
Y/N moved her figure so fast, and happiness was written all over her face. Worries disappeared in her mind as she turn to malleus. She was back. "Yes Malleus-san!"
"Se- Sebek?!" Y/N gasped as she took in Sebek's physical form. His hair wasn't down anymore, but he replaced it with a slick back. He was also buffer than the last time she saw him, and he was nearly her height.
"HUMAN?! HOW DARE YOU MAKE AN APPEARANCE WITHOUT TELLING A WORD!" His voice had gotten pretty louder than before, making her flinch before shaking her head. Chuckling softly.
"I did want to make a surprise, don't you see?" She went ahead and was about to ruffle his head as a greeting when he held it before it happened. His hands were much more rough and callous than before, she noted. His familiar glare greeted her, and she braced herself for what was coming.
"Silver! It was nice to see you!" y/n greeted when silver appeared a few moments later. His eyes widened in surprise before he greeted her with a simple smile and nod.
"Welcome back, Y/N."
"Hmm? Oh? What a surprised, Welcome back, dear L/N." Lilia's figure appeared behind Silver, floating. Y/N manage to hide her surprised and greeted him.
"Lilia-san! It was nice seeing you again."
Y/N brought out her basket and moved it in front of them. The scent of the food pouring from the inside "Here, I figured you all needed this before your activities for today." 
The two of them were surprised. The scent was too tempting, Lilia was more delighted. "Fufufu, how can we refuse such a treat?"
She was bored. She knew the two were focused on their training, while Lilia and Malleus were nowhere to be seen. She watches Sebek launch himself upward to Silver, who dodges in time and plans for a counterattack when his opponent defends himself to clash his sword with his. Y/N's not gonna lie; they improved a lot compared to before. But watching them spar was much more tiring when she worried about them. She was here for days, with a routine of getting up early, making breakfast, greeting her parents and brother before making her way towards here, giving them food, watching them until nighttime, and so on and so forth.
Reading books was making her more sleepy than normal, so she switched to knitting, only to leave it back at her abode and was too tired to go back.
Sighing, she moved away from the scene and began dozing off. She found a tree branch nearby, climbed herself upward, and sat on it. Her eyes fluttered closed despite the loud sparing they were having, and she drifted to sleep.
"Hey, wake up." Someone nudges her in the shoulder while she sleeps. Y/N, in her half-asleep state, swat their hand and continued sleeping. She was dreaming. A really good one, she couldn't bring herself to move. Often drifting unconsciously. She could hear the person nudging her as she sighed in annoyance before a pitched boom woke her up.
"Ah! Okay, okay. Geez, please tone your voice down." Startled, Y/N positioned herself upward and held Sebek's shoulder for support.
"What... What time is it?"
"It was late in the afternoon."
"Ah... I see. Well, I guessed I have time."
"What do you mean you have time?! I do not want to escort you again late at night just like the last time!"
"My apologies, dearest knight, will you join me this late afternoon? This lady in distress wanted to hear about your achievements you've made so far this year. May I?"
"Oh? Why not? You see, I have been dying to get to know since last year about your achievements. I must admit, your letters read nothing about it, and here I was, waiting." Y/N knew she was blackmailing him at this point, but she was curious. His letter indeed showed nothing about himself, and that was weighing on her mind.
Sebek joined her by her side while the sun was glistening up in the trees. Sebek was the one initiating conversations, while Y/N made a few comments here and there. Even teasing him from time to time before adding her own story. By then, it was already sunset. Sebek, in the end, escorted Y/N back into her house, much to his dismay. Y/N waved a goodbye before heading back to help her parents until nighttime. She fell into her bed with a smile painted on her face.
"Silver?! Did you see Sebek around here?!" Y/N asked, panting and almost stumbling forward in exhaustion.
"No, I didn't; why? Is something the matter?"
"Nothing happened! Thank you and goodbye!" she quickly replied before sprinting away while he looked confused. Before he remembered what today was.
"Ah, it seems I have lost track of time again."
"Lilia-san, Malleus-san, greetings! Have you seen Sebek?" Y/N exhaled after running around for so long. Lilia stared at her and knowingly shifted his eyes to Malleus, who also had a knowing look on his face.
"He went that way, he was also waiting for you."
"O-oh! Really? Thank you and have a nice day!" She blushed for being so obvious before sprinting again.
"YOU ARE LATE!" Sebek's voice boomed behind her, making her yelp in surprise.
"I'm sorry! I got caught up in something before I went here, she excuses, but Sebek notices her hesitation and is about to accuse her when suddenly his face is merely inches away with a cake.
"Happy 13th birthday, Sebek! To the dearest crocodile~ I wish you a happy birthday."
He couldn't even be mad at her when she was so shy when she held the cake in front of him. His eyes lit up, and an appreciated smile graced his face something that was rare from him.
"Thank you, human."
"Huh?! You can paint?! " Sebek repeated.
"Was it so hard to believe?" Y/N asked, tilting her head while furrowing her eyebrows. "Other than reading, I enjoyed making art in my free time."
"Hmm, not bad for a human like yourself."
"You are also a part human you crocodile!"
Y/N watches as Sebek glares at the cut page on the book that he was reading. Currently, they were at the spot they met a year ago when he brought out a book about histories and noticed a small cut on the side of the paper.
"Sebek, it was just a small piece. Let's continue, shall we?"
"I refused! I want to know who was the one behind this! Human! Help me find this person!" Oh boy.
"You know I am capable of defending myself, Y/N exclaimed happily.
"If you counted running away when a deer was following you, I guessed you are."
Y/N sat down with her legs hanging from the end of the lake while she hummed. She was taking a break from Sebek's teaching her self-defense. She had to admit that she was exhausted already, but he was a strict teacher, she had to give him that one, and he kept her on her toes before allowing herself to rest after she had committed it to her memory. Just a few more weeks until she goes home. She was starting to feel sad again.
"The next time we all meet, I hope you all are at your highest..."
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chaeinedup · 1 year
Welcome Home
Being an adult is shitty. Specially when you don't feel like one. What do they mean, getting a job, paying bills and constant responsabilty??!! This is exactly why you couldn't live alone for long, you were fast to let your thoughts take over you and because of that spiralling was quite frequent.
You tried convincing some of your friends to move in with you, offered to do all the dishes for an entire month, accepted to move into the smaller bedroom, but in the end no one wanted or could accept the offer. Hope was starting to fade but you're not a quitter, at least that's what you try to tell yourself in situations like these. The last resort was to advertise it online.
Surely someone would accept it, however there's many risks that come with that possibility and you want to live for a long time. Despair and frustration, the worse pair, was teaming up against you, and they had a very high chance of winning if you look at their record sheet. A ping made you jump off of your chair, you weren't talking to anyone so this was definetely unexpected, but not unwanted, you could use the company.
Are you still looking for a housemate?
No sorry ahaha But i have a friend who is interested.
Do I know them?
Kinda? I mean you've guys spoken to each other before, at my birthday I think. It's wooyoung.
That name is familiar, as you started to search through your memories, Yunho's birthday party folder showed up, a brief replay of the moment you introduced yourself to everyone and there he was, sitted next to San. You only have good things to say about him, super approachable, funny, helpful... This situation was starting to fix itself.
Give him my adress and my number. Oh and tell him to meet me here tomorrow at 11am. So he can see the place and we get to know each other.
Okay, he said he'll be there.
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9:00am and you were wide awake, you wanted to leave the apartment spotless, look good and also grocery shopping. The plan is to make him lunch, something easy because you don't intend to burn the place down. So off to the supermarket you were.
The walk home was much worse due to the heavy bags but nothing could discourage you. You exude happiness ever since you got Yunho's text yesterday, cloud9 was so close, the only thing left was wooyoung saying yes.
Food prep? Done, House duties? Done, last step, getting ready. You already had chosen the outfit in your mind, nothing too fancy just an oversized t-shirt and a pair of jeans. The special element was your kuromi socks since the neutral ones were in the wash.
11:00am finally comes around and your excitment can't contain itself, you're walking from one side of the living room to the other, looking at the clock every 5 seconds, wondering when he'll get here. After almost 100 laps around the couch your phone rang.
"Hi, it's Wooyoung, I'm downstairs, I didn't know which floor it was so I decided to call you instead."
"Oh yeah, second floor on your right."
"Thanks, I'll be right there."
As soon you hung up, you threw your phone back on the couch and ran to the door. You put your head on the peep hole to see him from the elevator. The doors opened and he stepped outside, heading torwards your place, but something was different, his hair was longer. A knock on the door woke you back up and you opened the door.
"Welcome to your future home, please come on in." you said while smiling.
"What makes you think I'll want to stay here?"
"Great area, spacious apartment, plenty of transportation, close to Yunho's house and an amazing housemate. You'll be dumb if you pass up this opportunity."
"Not even 5 minutes in and you're already insulting me?" he acted shocked.
"If I didn't know you better, I'd actually feel guilty about my comment and besides, it only counts as an insult if you don't end up wanting to stay. So choose wisely."
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"So tell me about you." He spit out.
You gave him a tour, told him the house rules and so far so good. He seemed very pleased, your hope was growing by the minute. Your food was also tasting extra good, you couldn't tell if it was your skills improving or the delusion speaking.
"Me? Well there's not much to tell."
"Then why were you so desperate to get a house buddy?"
You choked on your food.
He couldn't stop laughing he even put his fork down to clap.
"No need to get embarassed I was just wondering. I wanted to be closer to the center of Seoul for professional reasons but also to experience more of the city life. But everything is expensive nowadays and what isn't is already taken or doesn't have that much of great conditions."
"So we met at each other at the right time! Well sure we first interacted at Yunho's house but you know... officially."
"I must say I really liked you at that time, you were very cheerful and loud kinda like me. I mean when he said you'd show up I was a little scared cause we can be a looot but you handled us pretty well."
"Yah did I ever look weak to you Jung Wooyoung!!"
The conversation flowed so well he stayed ever until it was dark outside. It's safe to say that in the end he said yes.
previous// //next
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anidiotwithfanfiction · 5 months
"How is their company still going? Who knows. They had one brain cell and they lost it at the stock market."
- cofeewithaleks on tiktok
Bright florescents hum obnoxiously, the red velvet walls encasing are starting to feel stuffy.
Nervously, the redhead preens himself in the mirror behind.
Over the top extravagance crammed in every nook and cranny. Expensive marble statues, expensive leather chairs, expensive suits and ties.
It was like everything in the building needed to wear a price tag to get in.
And Pickles could not feel more out of place.
Stuffed into his thrifted tux, he played with cheap cuffs as the elevator went up.
He really didn't know how he landed this job. His resume was far from impressive. Fired from three jobs in the last four months, he applied to this one out of delusional hoping. He was nowhere near qualified. The job required and extensive background check, random drug tests, and 5 years of experience.
And he had a good one and a half at best. From a shit job he took back when he'd just graduated high school.
The elevator dings, and he spins around to face the front. His stomach swirling, he really needs this job...
The light is blinding, pouring through drawn crimson curtains. Windows from the floor to the ceiling, like a wall of glass, illuminate the figure hunched over at a large mahogany desk. He blinks hard, and steps into the room, suddenly feeling all eyes on him.
Nervously, he clears his throat.
"Uh, hi. 'M here for tha job."
Another figure emerges as green eyes adjust.
"Welcome, ah" the man moves beside the one sat, adjusting glasses as he peers down at a stack of papers "Pickles, is it?" He glances back up and it strikes the redhead that this isn't a rhetorical question.
"Yes- sir, uh- I'm s'posed to start my training today for-"
"Security, I'm well aware. It's a pleasure to be seeing you again"
And as the man steps forward, holding out a hand, it clicks just how familiar that voice is.
"Charles, right?" He asks, nervous to get it wrong.
"Yes, you may remember me from the interview." He retracts his hand. "You made quite the impression" he looks up, as Pickles pulls his hand back. God he hoped his it wasn't too sweaty.
There's a pause, the room quiets for a moment too long and green eyes drift to the left, the shadowy man beginning to form into something tangible.
"Ah, and this is Mr. Explosion, our CEO"
A freckled hand reaches out, as he stands in front of the desk now.
"Pleasure ta meet ya sir"
Shoulder length black strands part, as mossy green eyes greet his.
He glances at the outstretched hand, before awkwardly seizing it with a grip a bit too tight.
"I told you to call me Nathan" he looks over to Charles annoyed.
The man simply rolls his eyes.
Mr. Explosion turns back to Pickles, those intimidating eyes boring into his soul.
"Call me Nathan."
"Nat'an', got it" dry lips crack a smile.
This job might not be so bad.
"So you're like, my body gaurd?"
"Not yet" Charles interrupts "we still have to train him. But yes, Mr. Explosion, he will be your body guard."
Nathan does a once over of the poor ginger again, his eyes trailing a little too long for comfort.
Charles simply sighs, before adressing Pickles directly.
"If you'll follow me, I can begin to show you your on shift duties."
The rest of the day goes by uneventful. For the most part anyways. Following Charles around like a lost puppy was far from interesting. But there was a moment in the breakroom that felt odd to Pickles. Even now, as he lays in his shitty little bed, he keeps thinking about it.
Everything was fine, standard "I say jump, you say how high". Learning safety protocols, the itinerary, how Nathan likes his coffee.
Straight black. No sweeteners, no creams. Just a plain Jane coffee. And though Pickles could never sip on something so tasteless, he could respect it.
But it was as they were pouring a fresh cup he noticed Charles tense up.
And it was so fast, he wasn't even sure he saw it correctly. It was like pure instinct. The redhead heard some shuffling, a few beeps, and then a metallic clink.
By the time it clicked and he finally turned around it took a moment to process what he was looking at.
In part, due to the much-taller-than-he-thought CEO himself standing there beside the microwave. He hadn't really gotten a good look at him earlier, but the guy was easy on the eyes. He had sharp features, his eyes, mouth, nose. Like he was chiseled from marble.
But the most distracting feature was just how unserious he seemed.
Every other suit walking around this place carried themselves like they owned the joint. Practically shoving their wealth and entitlement down your throat in just the way they walked.
But here was the guy running the place, slouched over with piss poor posture, trying to heat up some Ramen in the microwave.
"Nathan" Charles cleared his throat, bringing the redhead back to earth. "What have I told you about putting metal in the microwave"
"To uh, not do it" he looked over at Charles confused, before looking back to the microwave. Swiftly the elder man moved forward, picking his pen from the floor and reaching into the appliance.
"Can you tell me why you put a fork in there just now?"
The raven haired man just stared. Like a laggy computer screen processing indefinitely.
Charles sighed, set the fork on the counter, and started his food up again. Metal free this time.
It was a stupid thing to fixate on, but it showed him a lot about the pair.
Like Charles, he came off as just another bureaucrat. But he was smart. Smart as hell. It was something he tried to downplay, but Pickles noticed it. Even in his little mannerisms, the way he tapped his pen against the paper instead of the clipboard. Or how he changed his style of speaking depending on who he was talking to. Proper and strict with the managers. Softer with the regular guys, the janitors, the cafeteria ladies, even him. He just spoke different.
And then there was Nathan.
He seemed to lean more into "Well meaning but exhausted father" when he spoke to him.
And Nathan was something else.
Quiet, for sure. He'd hardly spoken. He seemed to have a bit of a staring problem too. Those vibrant eyes boring into him whenever they found themselves in the same room.
And he was a total mystery.
Pickles had heard of him before, he did his research when applying. Kid's made it on the top 30 under 30 for the last three years. The details were a bit unclear, he didn't take many interviews. But from what Pickles could tell he had inheritaded the business from his grandfather, and somehow quadrupled profits in the first year.
He couldn't help but pull out his phone and type in a quick Google search. Because honestly, he just couldn't fathom how. Like the guy seemed cool, not one of those stuffy jack asses Pickles had had the displeasure of bumping into today. But he also seemed... aloof? In a way. Like sticking a fork in the microwave. He'd be lying if he said he'd never done it. But the way the guy looked at Charles, like fork and metal were two separate objects.
It just wasn't adding up.
And Google gave him nothing of substance. Just gossipy tabloids extensively covering his dating history. And it felt weird, but Pickles was a nosey guy. If he's gonna be spending every day glued to this guy's side he might as well get an idea of who he is.
Countless pictures of expensive dates, interviews of scorned lovers, tasteless speculation on the man's "prowess". He was starting to feel bad for the dude, these chick's were ruthless in their reviews.
But there was one that caught him off guard. No pictures, no proof, she choose to stay anonymous. But the way she spoke about him just felt too genuine to be faked.
"What was it like, dating the Nathan Explosion?"
"Well at first, a dream come true. He really is a sweet guy. More than generous, he even helped me pay off my student loans."
"Was that common for him? Using his wealth to make problems go away?"
"I don't know about that... he just. He didn't like to see people struggle. Not when he had the means to help."
"Well it must have been hard, dating someone like him"
"What exactly do you mean by that?"
"Well, someone of such high status. Someone so sought after."
"It was different for sure. He really is a romantic, despite the playboy persona he gives off. In real life, he's nothing like that at all."
"So then, why did things end?"
"He just... it didn't work."
"How so?"
"I don't want to speak ill of him, he truly is an incredible guy. We just... didn't click. We want different things in life and, well, honestly, things were just going too fast for me."
He rubbed his eyes, glancing at the time.
With a sigh, Pickles tossed his phone to the side. Pulling the scratchy comforter over his small frame.
He had a long day ahead of him.
"So uh, how long 've yew been runnin the place?"
"Couple years"
The red velvet of the elevator is beginning to feel like the interior of a coffin. Self contained and suffocating.
He knew he was expected to be around his new boss constantly. But he wasn't expecting the guy to be waiting at the door for him.
After an awkward exchanged they had shuffled into the quiet ride to the top.
"Yew grow up round here?"
His smile stretches thin.
"Yew don't talk much huh?"
Nathan break his short responses, turning to him.
"Depends on what we're talking about"
He looks so nonchalant, like there's not a thought behind those gorgeous eyes.
"What kinda stuff do ya like?"
The Ceo turns back towards the door, his shoulders raised as he contemplates the question.
"Chips, I guess. Fuckin love chips."
Sometimes Pickles thinks about bashing his skull in. The mirror in here would probably do the trick.
But before he can fully entertain the idea, the elevator door chimes, as they begin to part.
He's ready for the light this time, unwilling to be blinded by the massive windows view.
They step into the office, finally free of their awkward confinement.
"What about you?"
"Huh?" The question catches Pickles off gaurd.
"What do you, um, like?"
Theres an antsy fidget in the looming man's demeanor. Like a shy school girl introducing herself to the class.
It strikes something endearing in him.
"I dunno. 'M pretty kick ass on the drums."
"Yeah?" Nathan turns his head back, after pacing towards the curtains. He begins to tug one side closed with his eyes still locked on the red head.
"Yeah, I mean. Me an' my friends had this band back in highschool. Weren't nothing big, but we uh. Played a lot of parties, couple a' dive bars." His eyes cast down to freckled fingers clawing at themselves. He's rambling too much. "It was fun" he's too old to be reminiscing about high school.
"That's fucking metal"
It catches him by surprise. The room much dimmer than before as the CEO pulls the second curtain closed.
"Thanks? That was forever ago though-"
"How old are you?"
Wow this young man was brave.
"Twnety eight" There's no point in lying. He's pushing thirty working a menial job.
Nathan finally rests in his cushioned throne, rummaging through the drawers.
"You're older than me."
"Five years" he clicks his tongue, his piercings clinking against chipped teeth.
Nathan stops for a moment, dark eyes raising to meet his. The redhead felt his heart drop. Did he say something wrong?
"How the fuck do you know my age?" The CEO's voice deadpans, something terrifying in that flat tone. Those expressionless eyes.
His face grows bright red
"I was- shit" God this is embarrassing "it's just, like, yer in the news. I've seen it mentioned before" no way was he outright admitting he was fucking googling the guy.
The pair froze for a moment, either unmoving. Something tense in the air.
"Huh." Cold eyes calculating, prying him apart.
"That makes sense." He shrugs his shoulders, turning back to his desk.
Pickles could feel the air return to his chest. His heart still pounding. Christ that was nerve wracking.
This was a side he hadn't seen.
He's brought back to earth by the flick of a lighter.
He looks up, finding his new boss sparking up a joint.
Brilliant puffs of white pour from thick lips.
He turns to the new hire, holding it out.
"You smoke?"
His mind runs wild.
This is a joke right? Or like, some weird test designed to get his ass fired?
"I uh"
But what if it's not? What if he offends his cool ass boss's offer and is marked the lame ass square for the rest of his time here?
"I dunno bout that. Tha job listing mentioned yew guys drug test randomly."
Nathan pushes back in his chair, chuckling.
"Dude that's for like, meth and shit. Nobody gives a fuck if you smoke."
"I-" His face feels warm again "is this like a test?" He can't beat around the bush any longer. There's no way this guy is for real.
Nathan sits up, pulling himself towards the desk, a red button beneath his fingertip.
"Watch this" He's grinning as he presses down, the intercom clicking on.
"Hey Charles. Tell the new guy it's cool to smoke"
He sounds so done with him.
"Don't be an asshole. Tell him it's cool."
"Tell me you aren't smoking right now. On the job."
"Quit being a square. Just tell him."
With a heavy sigh, Charles responds.
"While we do not test specifically for Marijuana, it is highly discouraged to engage in getting high at work."
Nathan laughs as he releases the button.
"Told you dude. We don't give a shit."
Pale hands outstretch again, passing the torch. It feels like he's in middle school again, the cool kids giggling as they hand him the bud.
He swallows hard, fingers brushing against rough digits.
"Fuck it" he pulls in deep, his lungs set ablaze.
"Fuck yeah" Nathan's eyes light up "Finally someone fucking cool."
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lovecanbesostrange · 5 months
X-Men '97 keeps being amazing. Now one more episode to nail it all. Not gonna put everything in tags, so let me ramble on about Tolerance is Extinction Part 2:
What I love most already is that every decision makes absolute sense from a character's pov. Which kinda is the most important thing. Tensions are running high, emotions are cranked up to 11 and some words hit like very painful slaps. But everything makes sense. And this isn't about one character being totally right and the other being totally wrong (except Bastion of course, the ultimate villain and all).
Oh yeah, starting with him. When he cries in the opening you want to spit on him. He is responsible for all the suffering the Prime Sentinels - including his mother - are going through. But wow, when he says that everything is silent, because the blackout has killed all electricity and in that moment Bastion knows a new kind of peace? Great. Jumping ahead here, gonna be honest. If my great plan to save the world would hinge on putting some tech on my very powerful oponent, I would put the teleporter on that team. I'm not saying this lightly. I love Second Coming very much and the panels of Nightcrawler's death in X-Force #26 still haunt me. So I don't want my precious Elf anywhere near Bastion, but... I mean... he has the best chance to use the element of surprise, while Jean would deal with a powerful distraction. Which didn't happen because of Sinister, but from a planning stage Kurt was more needed there. He didn't even go up against Rogue in space to hammer on the connection there.
Now, I'm glad to see that Magneto's worldwide EMP does have consequences. This is however the second thing I'm a tiny bit miffed about. Thousands upon thousands people are probably dead because of this total blackout. Just think about every ICU in any hospital anywhere just for starters. And the truth is, Magneto did kill mutants with that move as well. He sure saved some by shutting down the Sentinels, yes, but also mutants are definitely among the... collateral damage. And this is where "Magneto is right" is very important to me. I think a lot of people like to run with that slogan, but don't see that what Magneto is right about is his fear. Not his methods. Charles is too idealistic, believing in the very best of humankind to win. He is too naive. Magneto is proven right over and over. And that is a sad thing, nothing empowering about it.
What I like is how Erik describes his feelings, how he focuses on Leech. That little mutant boy clinging to him in his final moments. Who believed that Erik could save him... Magneto's anger makes sense. Ultimately his actions fall under cool-motif-still-murder, but oh the motif is heartbreaking (I will not steer into real world territory and the topic of radicalization).
So Rogue is my fav. She is my absolute favorite character in any superhero comic I have ever read. She is one of my top tier alltime favorite characters in anything ever. I have been with her through a lot with so many writers and so much bs... AND I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF HER THIS EPISODE!!! Starting with the costume, which is just asdksdnfälsdmrfäüwe4foip34jtfpowmf I LIVE for her green hoodie outfits, from her villain era to later variations. To step away from THE 90s costume (which was put back in the comics, because it is her most iconic look), uhuhuhuhuhuhuhu I knew something was up. Again I do believe that ultimately Magneto is doing far more harm than good, but I understand why Rogue went with him. The one unfair thing was that Kurt was actually there with her on Genosha. He even saved Magneto and Rogue from a blast. But she kinda ignored him and adressed everybody else. But the one thing she's been living with is that yes, she chose Magneto when offered to be with him on Genosha as his chosen Queen. BUT romantically after that dance and kiss, her heart chose Remy. And poor Gambit died without even knowing. I am very happy with how they retconned the whole prior Rogue and Magneto encounter into it all. His dreams of a mutant island nation and Rogue wanting to see such a place. For a few minutes they had all of that on Genosha. It would have meant to leave the X-Men. Which would have been interesting. To leave behind her spot on the superhero team, but Kurt was part of Genosha, also Madelyne. I like the way they greeted each other in Ep 5. Rogue was ready to change the whole direction of her life once again -- even though her heart definitely belonged to Gambit. And then there was death everywhere.
I like that Rogue and Cyclops both question the Professor, but come to different conclusions on how to deal with it. I have to say it, while it was fun when the whole stick of Professor Xavier training a few mutant teens was examined more and the dark underbelly of what he was doing was revealed, it was refreshing. But a part of me is soooooooooo over all the shady-Charles-stuff over the years (ugh, Krakoa... DUDE). The character was crushed under the weight of his pursuit of peace. I like when there is some nuance and a spotlight on how he is the embodiment of "meaning well". One person alone can't fix everything. Humans (mutants) make mistakes. All this to say I liked the talk Charles and Scott had. That Charles believed so much that his old friend Erik could be persuaded to try (he was right, it did take a whole genocide to push him over the edge, that's something) and that this sorta betrayal would push a door open for Scott and Jean to walk away. To have a life. He acknowledges that he put so much burden on them... but he miscalculated. Scott can't walk away from responsibilities. He couldn't sit back and raise a son when the world was still on fire (even if nothing bad had happened with Nathan). It's too late. Charles already raised him to care.
When Roberto stepped forward to go with Magneto I wasn't surprised. He hid his powers for so long, always in fear of what his parents might say - and they fucking let the Sentinels take him. Wow. Of course he feels betrayed and this peaceful talk from the X-Men... it's hard to not choose violence. But it was even better that when the time to fight came, it was clear he never wanted to hurt Jubilee. Or really any of the others. Not when he knows people. And oh, poor Jubilee, burned up his card (Claremont Avenue, I saw that XD ), because of course from her perspictive he's just being dumb.
I have a question about that Muir Island base - do the mannequins for Cyclops and Wolverine have wigs under those masks? Who sat down and made those for Storm, Jean and Rogue?? Also kinda funny to see those costumes, when... well Rogue was already wearing a version of that. (AND SHE WORE GAMBIT'S COAT THAT SHE LEFT BEHIND OMG THE FEELINGS I HAVE...)
Anyway, Storm and Jean - the mutant wives!!!!! Aaaaahhhh, even more feels. Storm was... not treated well this season. I mean the depowering story is great, but she was missing from so much stuff, that was terrible. But when she is on screen, she is her best version, love it. And I also loved how angry she was when the tech to take away a mutant's power was mentioned. So personal. This is the true meaning of "wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy". A Goddess! With this Storm it's even possible to portray someone who is Lawful Good to a fault.
And then they casually pull Fatal Attractions out of the hat. Well, parallels work before that. Gambit's death compared to Illyana's in the comics, so Rogue takes Colossus' place. And now Wolverine had the displeasure of the adamantium being ripped from his skeleton. Fuck. They used so many storylines this season (for the record, I am waiting for Apocalypse and am also in the camp of people who believe he might bring Gambit back as Death).
So many things happened. Morph as Hulk was a treat. That they are able to copy physical traits, thus powers, makes them S-tier. And yet, I would have put Kurt in that spot. That Morph thought disguising themself as Sinister would get them close was sorta funny. "that cowardly weasel would never"
Then there was Jean vs Sinister and Cable. AND HOW SHE TALKED TO CYCLOPS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The emotional pummeling left and right...
But really it's great that everybody has a reason for what they are saying and doing. Including Wolverine, being the best at what he does - a SNIKT in the back when the fight is too dire. Although killing Magneto is a problem if you want to save earth (yes, hallo, Polaris, we could need your help).
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boookfreeak · 1 year
I just found out through coincidence that Jaskier's Season 3 song "The Ride of the Witcher" is already out so I immediately dived in to listen to it and I have Thoughts.
Already the first line 'Ride, Witcher, Ride' is so significant. It's a parallel to "Burn, Butcher, Burn". A song Jaskier wrote with clear intent to hurt Geralt. He is adressing him as Butcher which we all know has a very deep effect on Geralt and brings up many bad memories, even if he tries to hide it. And Jaksier is the one doing it. Jaskier, the bard who spent decades composing songs and trying to show humans that witchers aren't monster and that they musn't fear them. Jaskier, the guy willing to beat up men stronger than him for mistreating Geralt. Jaskier, Geralt's friend, one of the only people willing to show up for Geralt over and over again and to prove to him that he is worth sticking around for.
And then Geralt went and lashed out and hurt him. And I gotta say, Jaskier's reaction is justified. He spent the better part of his life next to Geralt, joining him on his Path, sharing his bread and coin, making a friend. But for the most part, Geralt didn't really reciprocate. He acted annoyed by Jaskier's constant chatter and singing, never admitted they were friends and was very distant in general. No matter how much or how little that reflected his actual feelings towards Jaskier, he still acted this way and even someone like Jaskier, with his strong hubris and optimism, will eventually crack under all that.
And he did. And I don't really blame him.
So it's so nice to see that, apparently, season 3 will hold very much-needed healing for both Jaskier and Geralt. 'Ride, Witcher, Ride' is a very big change from 'Burn, Butcher, Burn'. He calls him Witcher again and instead of wanting to see him hurt, Jaskier is encouraging Geralt. Again, he is advising him to take care of his Child Surprise. I'm also very excited to see the relation between Jaskier and Ciri blossom.
Just everything I've heard and seen about season 3 so far sounds very positive and I have high hopes.
Only that thing with Jaskier and Radovid broke something in me but I could write a whole other paragraph about that, yes our bard is bisexual now but at what price
The fact that there are multiple voices next to Jaskier's and (I think) in a different language (at least I don't understand/recognize it) makes me wonder under which circumstances the song was made and in what setting it was performed.
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
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Two kings for a bride
Qin Shi Huang x Reader x Hades
(For the first time , my mind can finally imagine something😭)
The emperor of China vs The emperor of Helheim fighting over a human who will win
Reader will be a female
In this AU ! Nobody died here ! Adamas is still alive ! The Ragnarok never happened!
Song : Chris Brown Under the Influence
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Part : 1
Really ? Friends? I dont
Think so...
"Fuck it Robitussin , i dont know how this
shit got me lazy right now , yeah"
"(Name) please would you come right now i need you to help me with something!" The emperor of China called "Yes your majesty im coming" you answered and went to the room where Qin Shi Huang was standing as you arrives the emperor where it all begun was ,the emperor was sitting at his desk tired from all the paperwork he had , "could you please help me with finishing the papers " he asked next to him there was a huge pile of papers that needs to be finished
"Can't do Prerocet or Molly"
"Of course i dont mind your majesty" you answered cheerfully , as you start to read the the royal documents , as Qin was lost in his thought and he spoke to you : "hey y/n", "yes your highness?" The girl next to him answered "Please just call me Qin or Ying when we're alone , i do not like when people adress me as your majesty , your highness..." Qin asked seriously "why ? You-i mean Qin" Y/N asked "No i just wanna let you know , that you're the only one i trust and your the only one who can call me like that when we're alone" the emperor said
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"I'm turnin' one, tryna live
it up here right, right, right"
After finishing the paper , Qin dismissed you in the night everybody were asleep instead of two person , the emperor where it all begun and Y/N as Qin sneak out of his private chambers and Y/N has heard footsteps and you' re trying to see who dare to enter the Emperor's palace , as the hears of the footsteps fade you felt a little earthquake , scared you opened slowly the doors , trying not to wake evryone and you started searching for the person who was trying to introduce in the palace without permission
As you passed past Qin's meeting room , you heard whispering as she opened the door a tall shadow was standing in front of you , and you punched the shadow and the silhouette dodged it and since you were attackin the undiscovered person so fast the shadow hit you and you went unconscious
And another shadow appeared infront of (name) : "Why you knocked her out!?" The two shadows were none than Hades and Qin and the one who got mad at the other it was Hades "She got me by surprise" responded the emperor with a grin
"Baby you can ride it ooh yeah "
As h/c-ette was snoozing in the emperor arms as he took you , the god of underworld cant help himself but blush like a madman he FELL in love with her here and right now just like Qin was
"Bring it over to my place, and you'll be
Like baby who cares , so i know you care"
As they brought you to your room and Qin placed you on your bed carefully as Hades took your hand and kissed it as he said : "Goodnight my nighting gale" and Qin kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear : "Wăn'ān wō de ài (=Goodnight my love)"
[Don't come fr me i used Google traduction fr that😭😭since i dont know Chinese😭😭]
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The morning after you woke up in your bed , you dont remember what happened last night until you felt the pain in your chest , then you remembered suddenly what happened a shadow suddenly attacked you and knocked you out of your mind . And you got ready , thinking that Qin might need you , and at the end of the day he didnt called you at all which it was slightly scaring you , as you were reading in the library a book about mythology , you were very fondly into mythology
"Bring it over to my place , you
Dont know what you did , did to me"
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In the Olympus , four brothers were discussing about something , the eldest has found the love of his life but the only problem was.......the future girlfriend of the eldest brothers wasn't a deity just like them.
"What the hell!? Brother !? She is a mere , filthy mortal" Adamas yelled
And yes the four brothers were none than the Four Greek Brothers Hades God of the Underworld . Adamas God of the Conquest . Poseidon God of the Seas also known as the Tyrant of the seas and finally Zeus the God of Cosmos
(Please imagine Tsireys was Adamas lover she 's a mortal just like Y/n)
"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO TALK ABOUT Y/N THAT WAY ! HOW ABOUT TSEIREYS !? SHE'S A MORTAL TOO!" Hades snarled , Adamas didn't respond to this cause he knew his brother was right about this . "Both of you are too noisy today , mind telling me the reason of your argument" Poseidon spoke calmely , not looking at his eldest brothers like always , "It is none of your buisness for now" The God of Conquest said . "That's about Y/n , i supposed " The Tyrant of the Seas asked "Affirmatif , it is about her and Poseidon look at us , when you're talking to us" sighed Hades , "So it is real our dearest elder brother has found his love" Zeus appeared with a mischievous grin . "Yes it might be a unreal for you all , but yes i found her" Hades answered to his little brother's remark and then the God of the Underworld tried to resonate his little brothers , Adamas was the first one to gave up since he knew that his beloved Tsireys was just a mortal , why can't his brother love a mortal ? Zeus accepted easily ...(But he will not leave his future wife with his lil brother cuz yk what might happen) and Poseidon it was quite hard but he finnally gave up
Back to ✨️ChInA✨️
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"Your body language speaks to
You were so intrigued by the book of mythology , you were reading that you felt asleep and when you woke up , you were not in your bed but in Qin Shi Huag's bed. As you stood up , you were exploring Qin's room when you got out of the emperor's room you saw him sitting next to the little pond singing a song :
《 When the moon will rise , the stars will shine just like when we met , once our fate will be sealed together , you were destined to be mine and i was destined to be yours , my beautiful jade , my precious jade.... 》
Song invented by me , sorry if it sucks😭
And as he heard someone clapping , he blushed as you can see it was the first time you heard Qin singing , his voice sounded like a melody to your hear. you went sat down next to him , and you asked to him , how in the world you ended in his bed , he cant help but chuckle , he answered that he found you asleep when he was looking for an old book , while you two were chatting peacefully in Qin's garden . In the darkness , theres was a shadow lurking , who was watching you like a predator "Once you will be alone , you will be mine see you soon my dove"
Part : 2
Coming soon
♫︎🇳 🇪 🇽 🇹  🇵 🇦 🇷 🇹 ♫︎
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In the next part
"Why do you want to be with her ! When she have to be with someone like me"
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"She will be mine whatever you like it or no!"
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Credits to : @itssimpforeternity
"Please ! Stop it ! BOTH OF YOU! "
Next part coming soon!
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lilacella · 2 months
So this will start out a little spooky and graphic but then it's mostly lighthearted fluff and comic relief so if you're not in the mood for the former scroll past the orange **.
I am aware that Booktok werewolf fiction probably wasn't a thing in the 90s so just imagine the timeline pushed into the future.
Also, Sirius is a dramatic hero again in the first part so...I would say I'm sorry but I have no regrets
This is NOT the last chapter. I know, I said there would be 10 but there will be one more after this.
Chapter 10: In sickness and In health
First Previous Next
It was the summer after Harry's 4th year in
Hogwarts. Sirius and Remus had spent almost the entire day at the Potters backyard, chatting and eating and enjoying the sun. But now it had started to rain and the sun was setting so they had gone in, sharing one last drink in the living room. Harry had been out of the house all day, meeting his friends, had only recently returned and was now ransacking the kitchen for a snack.
"Didn't you eat dinner at the Weasleys?" Lily called to him.
"Yes but I'm still hungry!"
Lily shook her head.
"How can he eat so much and still be so skinny?"
"He's a teenager, Honey. He invests it all into growing upwards." James smiled over his drink.
Their conversation was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. Who could that be at this time?
"I'll go!" Harry called and they heard his footsteps in the hallway. Sirius frowned.
"Are you expecting anyone?"
James and Lily shook their heads and James peered towards the entrance door.
They heard a low voice but Sirius couldn't make out what it said.
"Oh, sure of course. Step in, I'll get my..."
James suddenly jumped to his feet.
"Harry, no!"
The lights went off and an eerie silence surrounded them, only interrupted by the front door slamming shut with a bang. Sirius blood ran cold. The rain. The darkness. A stranger by the door.
When late at night with pouring rain
A stranger asks to be let in
Don't be friendly, don't be polite
Close the door, and run and hide.
A fucking wraith. They only had seconds.
Sirius quickly got up and drew his wand, going to get Harry but James had already run past him and hastily dragged his son into the living room. His face was a ghostly white in the darkness.
"Get Harry out the chimney," he told Sirius. "Quickly."
Sirius nodded.
"Get in the fireplace." He turned to the others. "Hold onto each other. Don't let go! And dull all the surfaces!"
"What is going on?" Harry asked with a trembling voice. "Where's the old lady? She just disappeared!"
"That wasn't a lady. That was a wraith. Harry, listen to me carefully!" Sirius put his hands on Harry's shoulders, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible while at the same time being quick and precise. Time was sparse. "I will send you through the chimney. It's the only way out but it will collapse after I sent you through. You will probably end up in the backyard. Call the knight bus. Let it take you to the Cursbreaker Quarters. Tell them there is an active wraith. Tell them the adress. Tell them there's people still alive. Now go, in there. Hold your arms up."
Harry looked frightened but followed Sirius' directions. He threw one last fearful look over to his mother, searchingfor reassurance. Then Sirius' spell dragged him upwards trough the chimney. Bricks crashed into the fireplace as it collapsed. Sirius let out a breath. At least Harry was safe. He saw a shadow lurking at the doorway. Then everything went really fast.
The wraith lunged forward. Its twisted limbs flailing around as it shot towards Sirius at a terrifying speed. He barely managed to dodge out of its way but in the next moment, he heard a high pitched scream.
Sirius shook his hair out of his face only to see how James was dragged to the ceiling, flying around like a puppet. A precisely shot spell hit the deformed figure, causing it to shriek in anger and drop James. James hit the floor with a loud thump. He felt sick.
Lily and Remus immediately rushed to check on James and Merlin, did Sirius want to do the same, but the wraith was still hanging on the ceiling above them, just waiting for the right moment to strike again. Sirius pointed his wand at it in warning, knowing that there wasn't much he could do. Their chances to survive this were slim, the statistics were pretty clear: Only 2% of victims survived the first thirty minutes in a wraith house. 0% for Muggles. But they weren't just people. James and Lily were capable Aurors and he was a cursebreaker. This wasn't the first wraith he saw eye to eye to. But usually, wraithes were a five people job. And he was alone.
He shot a look over to the others. Remus and Lily tried to wake up James but he seemed knocked out. And by the way Lily was crying and the bloody spot on the ceiling, Sirius could imagine what his face looked like. He swallowed hard. It was way more difficult to remain focused when your own loved ones were on the line.
"Try to get underneath something. A table maybe!"
While he tried to stay in between the wraith and the group, the others dragged James towards the kitchen door. Sirius didn't think about it until it was to late. Lily screamed again. But this time not in fear, but in pain. The wraith vanished from the ceiling like a fleeting shadow. Sirius spun around only to see how she dropped James, her right forearm twisted by 180 degees.
"Get down, out of the kitchen!" He yelled in a panic.
There were a few rules regarding wraiths, that had been hammered into their heads during training. One of them was: Never go into the kitchen. There were just too many reflective surfaces.
The wraith, once in the house, took over all mirrors. If you were reflecting in anything, the wraith could control you and bend and break your body at its will. That was how most people died.
Remus dragged Jamed back into the living room by his feet, cowering next to the couch. Lily didn't move. Sirius could see how her head slowly turned, inch by inch. She had been trapped. The wraith was trying to break her neck.
Sirius stormed towards the kitchen and threw dulling spells at everything he could see, yelling at Remus to help him. Remus appeared next to him and finally, with a pained moan, Lilys head snapped back forward and she slumped to the ground.
"Fuck! Get back to James. I'll take Lily," Sirius commanded and helped the half conscious Lily over to the couch. Remus looked terrified, clasping his wand tightly.
"Is there nothing we can do? It's going to come back here!"
"It will. I will try a ban circle but I don't know if it will hold up long enough."
Sirius crawled over to the fireplace and picked up a piece of coal, trying to find a good place on the floor to draw the circle. He had just begun with the banning symbols when a greyish arm reached over the couch, grabbed Remus by the neck and roughly pulled him away, out into the hallway. Sirius put the coal into Lilys left hand, hoping that she'd be able to finish the ban without him and ran.
It had Remus. Not Remus! Please, not Remus. The horror spread through Sirius body like icy water. If he lost Remus... He shook his head violently to drive away the thoughts and stormed after the wraith and Remus' screams.
The wraith had dragged Remus down the stairs to the basement. The door had slammed shut and wouldn't budge. Again, Sirius found himself separated from Remus - Remus who needed him desperately - by a bloody door! He didn't think much about it and made a radical decision.
The explosion ripped out the offending piece of wood and the adjoining wall, splinters and chipped stone flying around, hitting him in the face. Sirius didn't care and hastily climed trough the hole.
"Remus!" He yelled, terrified of what he would find downstairs.
At first, he could see nothing. Only hear: a rythmic thumping sound coming from one direction, which he followed. He reluctantly conjured a Lumos, unsure if he wanted to see what was in front of him. When the light appeared, the thumping stopped abruptly.
Sirius stomach turned. Before him, Remus was lying on the floor, his face covered in blood, his nose broken and crushed at a nauseating angle. The wraith had apparently smashed his head against the wall, repeatedly. That must have been the sound he'd heard. Sirius pulled himself together, but just when he wanted to kneel down next to Remus, his husband slowly blinked at him and then averted his gaze to something above his head.
Sirius didn't have time to react before the wraith landed on his head, long cold limbs wrapping around him, squeezing like a vice, threatening to crush his skull. He could feel his jaw snapping out of it's joint and his cheekbones breaking. Yet all he could think about was Remus. If he died right now, so would Remus. Maybe James and Lily would make it, if they got the ban circle right and help showed up in time. But Remus would die. He would die and he would die in pain and Sirius could not let that happen.
He blindly pointed his wand upwards, the wraith immediately grabbed his arm but he managed to hit it anyways. His head was brutally torn backwards, together with the wraiths body and he slammed on the basement floor. He hastily shot spells at the writhing figure in quick succession until it trampled up the stairs, retreating.
Sirius sat on the ground, panting. Blood was pooling in his mouth, his head was throbbing and he could barely see through the veil of pain.
"Sirius? Are you hurt?" Remus voice sounded weak and and nasal.
Sirius could only groan. He couldn't speak. Remus couldn't see this. Don't look at me. He gestured towards the stairs, keeping his head turned away from Remus.
"What is wrong? Are you alright?" Remus came crawling towards him. Sirius shoved him roughly to the side and pointed at the stairs again.
"Sirius..." Sirius grabbed his husband and quickly spun him, so he was now behind Remus back, pushing him up the stairs with shaking legs.
They stumbled out of the hole, back into the hallway. When they made their way towards the livinc room, Sirius heard a sound, coming from behind them. He pushed Remus further towards the door - where he was hoped, safety would await - and turned to face the creature that was thrashing towards him.
He only had a split second to decide what to do. A regular stun spell would drive it back but then it might target the others instead. He had to stop this thing. Binding a wraith technically required four people, one on each side. But this time he would have to do.
He aimed and hit, a powerful surge of magic rushing through his arm through his wand. Thin tendrils of light wrapped around the wraith and held it in place. The creature shrieked and struggled and Sirius felt the tearing in his arm. He wouldn't be able to hold it for long.
Remus cowered next to James and Lily in the darkness, eyes fixed anxiously at the door leading to the hallway where Sirius was fighting with the wraith. Remus knew Sirius was hurt. He hadn't been able to see the full extent of his injuries but he had heard the noise...
A loud, wall shaking bang sounded through the house, accompanied with a sizzeling flash, shining through the doorframe.
"What was that?" Lily hissed.
In the next moment, the wraith crawled trough the door, speeding towards them again. It crashed against the ban circle and recoiled in anger.
In the next second, the front door burst open and they heard a loud voice, yelling commands. Help had come. They had made it.
Remus followed the healer into the room. His face was still hurting a little but his broken nose was already healing, thanks to the tending of the healers - and his lycanthropy. A rare upside of his condition. But he barely felt his own pain as he stepped to Sirius' bedside and looked at his mangled body.
He was alive. That had been the biggest relief, after James, Lily and he had been guarded out of the house into the rain. Half of Sirius face was wrapped in bandages and so were his right hand and arm. His broken wand was laying on his bedside table.
Split lengthwise, almost all the way through. Remus remembered the grave words of the cursebreakers, as they had carried Sirius past him. Recoil injury.
Recoils were one of the nastiest side effects you could get from magical misuse. They only occured when extremely strong magic either hit an impenetrable barrier and was thrown back or when the conjured magic was overloading the wand. Usually the latter could be easily avoided, since there were telltale signs before a wand broke from too strong magic, giving you sufficient time to abort the casting. But Sirius hadn't stopped. He must have casted something and held it, even as his wand started to vibrate and crack, menacingly. He must have known this would happen. Remus of course knew, why.
He gingerly traced his fingers over Sirius shoulder, terrified of hurting him, eventhough he was still unconscious.
"When will he wake up?" He asked, turned to the healer.
"I can't say. He might wake in a few days, he might wake in a month. But he will wake. I assure you."
Sirius woke up on the following day. But Remus somehow wished he didn't. Because when Sirius woke up, he was in agony. He could barely move or talk. It took weeks until Remus could finally take him home.
"When can I use my hand again," Sirius asked lowly, sitting on the bedside, rubbing the gnarly scar on the palm of his hand. The recoil had split his hand down the middle, the tears reaching up his arm almost to his elbow.
"You can try, once you've got a new wand. But keep in mind, that your magic might need a bit to fully come back."
Remus nodded, at the words of the healer. He had spent a lot of time in the past weeks to search every medical volume he could find for information about recoil injuries. He wanted to be prepared to take good care of Sirius, the way he had always taken care of him after the moons.
Sirius frowned deeply. "I know." He looked up to Remus, Remus eyes inadvertently got drawn to the thick scar on his face, reaching from his forehead, through his eyebrow, barely past his eye over this lips. Somehow, he still looked perfect to him. Remus offered his hand, helping Sirius up.
"You want to get one right now?" Remus wasn't sure this was the best idea. But Sirius was determined to go to Ollivanders' straight away.
"I need a wand. I have had a wand since I was three! I will not go another day without one!"
"Right, of course love. But we'll go home after that straight away."
They entered the shop, setting off the tingling of the door bell.
"Good morning," Remus called into the empty shop room and Mr. Ollivander appeared abruptly from behind a shelf.
"Morning. What can I do for you?"
"I need a new wand," Sirius said and put the remnants of his last one on the counter.
Mr. Ollivander gasped in shock.
"What did you do with this one?!"
Mr. Ollivander glanced at Sirius hand and then nodded, slowly, still seemingly shocked. He took off to the back, inspecting the wand, mumbling to himself.
"Dragonheart string and English Oak, interesting combination..."
Sirius impatiently tapped his fingers on the counter while bouncing his knee. Remus put a calming hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. Sirius looked over, caught, and stopped, leaning slightly against Remus instead.
"It won't, work, why won't it work," Sirius yelled in frustration, throwing his wand onto the table and angrily shook out his trembling hand.
"Sirius," Remus hurried towards him, wrapping him in his arms. "Give it some time, love. It's only been a few days. Your magic will come back!"
"But I can do nothing! Not even a small Lumos! I can't even turn into Padfoot!" Sirius sobbed into Remus shoulder. His sudden inability to use magic was affecting him greatly. Remus had feared for this, as soon as he had read that that could happen. Sirius, the one who had already effortlessly mastered 5th grade spells in first year, without any magic just seemed unthinkable.
"What are we gonna do at the moon? Fuck, I...I'm sorry, Moony..."
Remus pulled Sirius off his shoulder and cupped his face in his hands.
"Don't worry about that! I've got the wolfsbane, I'll be just fine. You need to focus on yourself. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Maybe you should just leave the wand alone for a couple of days."
Sirius didn't seem convinced and pulled a face like a sullen child. Remus kissed his cheek.
"You will be okay, love."
Sirius was sitting on the couch, staring grumpily out of the window. It had been sixteen weeks since his injury, Harry had long returned to Hogwarts, but Sirius magic still wasn't working. They had went back to St. Mungo's but the Healer had just told them to wait. That it would eventually come back, but there was no way of telling when. Sirius really hadn't liked that answer. In addition to that came the nightmares. They both regularly dreamt of the events of that fateful night. The bloodied faces and screams of their loved ones. There had been weeks where Sirius had woken up every single night, barely being able to go back to sleep with Sleeping Draught and Remus holding him tightly, because he kept seeing things in the shadows of their bedroom. Sirius mood had deteriorated quickly. He lashed out more easily and seemed to have lost interest in pretty much everything.
So when Remus approached him now, he did so with caution:
"Do you want to go on a walk? The weather is quite nice today?
"No Remus, I do not want to go on a stupid walk! Why would I want to do that? To remind me that I can no longer turn into a dog? That I can't conjure an umbrella in case it rains?"
"We could take an umbrella with..."
"NO! I don't want to go on a fucking walk! I'm not that old that that's all I want to do!"
"So what do you want to do?" Remus asked gently, hoping to diffuse the situation.
"I want to use my bloody wand, that's what I want to do! Now do me a favour and stop asking me stupid questions!" Sirius snarled and turned back to the window.
Remus sighed.
"Don't leave it out on me."
He got up but suddenly felt Sirius' hand on his, stopping him.
"Remus...I'm sorry," Sirius said in a small voice. His expression had softened. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry...I know it's not your fault."
Remus sank back into the seat. Sirius leaned onto him.
"It is just such a weird feeling and I...It scares me. I feel so...powerless. And I just don't know what to do with myself. I can't work and everything I liked to do involved magic. Or magic was what made it fun."
"So no more hikes?"
"I don't know. Maybe. But when we go out I feel like people stare at me." Sirius pointed at his scarred face. Remus smirked.
"People have always stared at you."
Sirius rolled his eyes, fondly.
"Well but now I notice it."
"I could glare at them for you," Remus offered galantly. Sirius laughed.
"My glare is more effective than yours and you know that."
"Then we'll both glare at them. That should scare them off." He pressed a kiss against Sirius temple. Sirius giggled and leaned back against Remus chest while tenderly playing with his fingers. He turned his head lightly.
"I love you, Remus."
"I love you too, Sirius."
"This will cheer you up, I am so sure," Lily said gleefully while handing Sirius his christmas present. They all had done what they could to lighten Sirius mood and Lily had suggested - after Sirius had complained that he couldn't even read because all the books about wizards or magic made him more depressed - that he could try Muggle fiction. Since then, Sirius had made his way through a bunch of famous authors:
Orwell (made him very angry and also very confused about muggle technology), Jane Austen (to many fancy people), Kafka ("Doesn't this man want to find out who turned him into a bug? That would be my first concern"), Tolkien (tricky territory because of Gandalf, but overall a success) and recently Agatha Christie which he loved, to everyones surprise("Ms Marple is just such a lovely lady. I'd love to tag along with her."). But now, Lily had claimed that she had found the perfect genre to keep Sirius entertained.
Remus and James watched intently, as Sirius unwrapped the book and then inspected it with raised eyebrows.
" 'Ravaged by the Wolf?' What the fuck is this? And why is the dude on the cover undressed?"
Remus snatched the book from Sirius hands.
"Erotic werewolf fiction? Lily are you serious?"
Lily laughed like a maniac.
"No, but he is."
Sirius groaned and James cackled.
"Good one, honey."
"This is great. You will love it. Basically describes your life." Lily trailed off into a giggle.
Sirius spent the entire next day snort-laughing about the accursed book, reading the defenseless Remus passages from it.
" 'Alpha Matthew pinned my wrists against the walls, rendering me motionless. <<Know your place, pup.>> he growled lowly into my ear. I could feel my arousal...' "
"Stooop! Please, I'm begging you, this is unendurable!" Remus covered his ears in desperation. Sirius laughed.
"But don't you want to hear what Alpha Matthew does to her? I mean they are 'mates' after all! Don't you want to know what mates do? So you can do it to me?" He smirked suggestively and then burst back into laughter as he saw Remus running his hands over his blushing face.
"I can't believe you've put up with my behaviour so far," Sirius mocked further. "I should have been calling you Alpha Remus this whole time! I apologize profusely!"
Remus groaned in annoyance.
"I don't think I would be an Alpha. Didn't you say they have ranks?"
"Yes, but you'd definitely be a 'top wolf'. You've got the spirit for it!"
"I am taking this as an insult, since you've so far only made snide remarks about all of these people!"
Sirius chuckled.
"But never about you. See, we share a special kind of bond. Since we're mates and all..."
"Nooo not this guy, he's ugly!" Sirius yelled at the TV Lily had gifted them, judging the choices of the young charming lady looking for love in a questionable muggle format. Remus was glad, that Sirius had found something to keep occupied but while he did find Sirius commentary entertaining, he couldn't quite get behind the shows himself. He still watched them with Sirius, since it gave them more cuddle time.
He turned to his husband, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth and asked:
"I'm ugly. Would you not have chosen me, if we'd been on a format like this?"
Sirius gave him an irritated look.
"You know I don't care about things like that. And you are not ugly! Stop saying that. Anyone that calls my husband ugly, catches hands and I really don't want to hit you."
Remus grinned but insisted.
"But you just called that guy ugly, so you must care a little bit."
"I care because he is simultaneously a douchebag! Ugly inside and out. This man should have no game at all! Really, this woman needs to raise her standards before someone steps on them!"
Remus snorted and almost choked on his popcorn. Sirius was really a force to be reckoned with, even without magic.
Winter and spring had passed in a blur and summertime was gracing them with the first thick heat of the year. The kind that rendered you tired and sluggish. Remus was sitting on the couch, Sirius' head in his lap, watching the latest episode of their favourite home make-over show, windows wide open to at least attempt to let in some fresh air.
" 's so ugly. If someone did this to my house I'd hex them," Sirius murmured sleepily. Remus smiled down at him.
"Don't you like animal print?"
"Not in this extent."
Remus dug his fingers deeper in Sirius hair, massaging his scalp with his fingers. Sirius sighed with enjoymen, then turned his head so Remus would gently scratch under his chin. Remus chest filled with warmth and he chuckled.
"You really are like a dog sometimes."
"Be careful, I might turn into one," Sirius responded and, without warning, suddenly did.
Remus stared. Padfoot stared back. Then he barked, experimentally.
"You...you turned!" Remus exclaimed in excitement.
Padfoot rolled of the couch, examined his paws and then set off zomming through the house. Remus looked after him fondly. It had come back. Of course it had.
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fire-kitty-lol · 2 years
More Pale King Headcannons
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Anatomy HCs
Wyrm’s are hermaphrodites, not too shocking, a common hc!
As you can see, I draw Pk to have a very long, fluffy tail. I like to think that The wastes are a cold place, so it’s probably used to help keep warm
Pk has sharp spines along his back and joints as added protection. Wyrm’s don’t have a lot of predators when they’re big, but when they transform greater protection is a must!
Is day vision is shit. Wyrm’s are cave creatures, the burrow and live mostly in the dark, so they primarily have night vision. They’re eyes tend to be reflective. Lights, like lumafly lanterns, can make it more difficult for them to see, as it goes from just enough for effective night vision, to too much light.
Man can’t see during the daytime, so he’s a nocturnal goblin for the most part.
While there are warm blooded Wyrm’s, PK’s species specifically is cold-blooded. Or more accurately, like a whip tail anole, where they are warm-blooded while young, and cold-blooded when fully matured. (Interesting phenomenon, look it up)
Legs made for running and climbing at high speeds
Genral HCs
He’s fully matured (clearly) but grew up in a more isolated canal island, causing something called “island dwarfism”, meaning competition for limited resources caused metabolic efficiency to go up, and size to go down.
He doesn’t eat much surprisingly, doesn’t need to, as he doesn’t digest at the same rate as most bugs.
He’s got some scars from battles, One from Xero getting a hit on one of his legs, and one from the BlackWyrm managing to nick his tail.
He’s an efficient healer, adept with soul usage, so it’s not a suprise he heals most wounds before they scar
He does have a scar from Ghost hitting him in the dream palace. And a broken horn. He doesn’t much care though, never was one for appearances.
He did cut off his own wings, a) as a punishment for his actions and b) they were deteriorating due to void getting in them
He has a mask that suppresses his glow, he’s able to live pretty normally thanks to that.
Long as hell claws
When Xero tried to assassinate him, he let the man get a few hits, just for entertainments sake. Then when Xero actually did damage (leg scar) he fucking mauled him. Was furious at himself after, but it did set a good example. Don’t attack the king unless you want to die.
Sleeping facing you is a major sign of trust
Aftermath AU
No, he doesn’t take the throne back, it rightfully belongs to Ghost now. Though If Ghost wants, he will give advice and support.
He’s trying his best to be a good parent, he’s not very good at the whole “emotions” thing though, and being a socially awkward hermit doesn’t help either when trying ti comfort upset children
Sleep?? What’s sleep??
He does still have his torn up old robes somewhere, it’s mostly uses as extra fabric in case he needed to patch a hole in something. He doesn’t care to wear royal things anymore.
He will always choose comfort and function over style.
(Yes, he has clothes I was just too lazy to draw them)
He’s trying ok?
Is relationship with Ghost is tense at best
Hornet doesn’t know how to feel, on one hand she missed him, on the other she’s angry, she’s giving him another chance tho.
Pk is way to anxious to really adress the situation
Hollow has separation anxiety, and is always by PK’s side, much to the Wyrm’s worry.
WL is…..conflicted. As is Pk, they loved each other, but in the end WL abandoned him and he shut her out. They decided they’re better off not speaking anymore.
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