mira-kairos · 2 days
You love him, with everything you have, yet he prefers the one he couldn't have, all these years of endless devotion to his very soul, but when asked he says he prefers his first love, he preys to high heavens above, every second, he says she's the one he loves, she's the one he craves, she's the one he would have, in this very life and every other to come, she's the one he would sacrifice for, she's the one he would protect, she's the one he would cherish, she's the one he would do.... everything for, to you..., he would just do his duty, and yet... yet... yet.
©Mira Kairos
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definii · 27 days
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Forgot to post this here. An AU where Bill Cipher isn't a complete pyscho (yes I took abit of the silly out of him. Trust me, he's still unhinge, but with the bonus of Bill having empathy). This AU mostly takes place where the Stan Twins are fairly young adults, same goes with Bill.
Short comic below:
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beautysnake · 2 months
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quick warmup since I dont have time for a full blown art fight attack today! Little cat things :>
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radiance1 · 5 months
Danny has been reincarnated.
Which was an odd thing to realize, it wasn't even a slow one he just... snapped into it one day. One moment he was staring at a wall out of boredom the next, well, he was staring for an entirely different reason.
It was a task for his now young -he thinks around three years old?- mind to work its way through the memories, but it wasn't like he had much else to do honestly. So, what does he know?
His name is Danny, like, his actual name and not just a moniker. He was once a halfa and he already knows he's going to be missing invisibility and intangibility. He, well, died. For like, a second time which actually makes sense because reincarnation-
He was a clone of two people from this thing called the Justice League which, weird name but probably some government or activist group. Wonder Woman and Superman. Which were pretty weird names to name your kids but eh.
He doesn't really remember much besides that from this life, or the one from before but he's an adult! He'll figure things out once he gets out of this containment tube thing.
Did he mention he was in a test tube? He's a tube baby now. He thinks? Or maybe it's more like he's being contained.
So he breaks out. Thank you apparent superstrength that he has no idea why he has but he's not going to complain! He then wandered around all of the other test tubes, able to remember just enough of English to see that yea, they're dead.
He probably was too, before he had memories zapped into him. Or a vegetable.
He then finds this really big container, checks it out, then opens it because the clone inside isn't dead!
'Project Match' it said. He'll just call him Match.
Was he thanked for helping him? Nope. You would think that he would be thanked or at least somewhat respected for saving this guy but nope!
He was, quite literally, held up by his leg and dangled in the air. Who dangles a three-year-old?! Well, he was technically and adult but still! The next few things were a blur but after pulling off the old Fenton charm he found him and Match outside as he tried to stop him from attacking random people.
Luckily the charms and privilege of the youngest (he's assuming he's the youngest, because he's physically three) was more than enough to get through to him. Sure, the guy couldn't form words, really aggressive for literally no reason, really weird but also absolutely cool looking eyes. But he worked around the first issue by developing their own personal language from like grunts and stuff, the second he once again used his youngest privilege to boss him around and the third a pair of sunglasses easily fixed.
He just had to steer Match clear of those random S crest mark thingies. Which was a weird thing to hate but hey, he's not there to judge.
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emthimofnight · 7 months
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Stellar's first word(s)!
(alternative title: Stellar betrays Shadow in HD)
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svetochey · 7 months
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fanart i drew of odysseus
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malacandrax · 7 months
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Somebody asked where kidstarion got the teddy and I went uh. too far drawing dad content.
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thekinkymadscientist · 3 months
I've written a new phone app to control the user.
You don't need to worry about it day-to-day. Don't bother opening it, it just has a single big red button to revoke consent.
But it runs in the background, always. And I can log into it from my computer at any time.
Sometimes, I'll type a few words on my computer. And the next time you open your phone, a few words will flash on the screen -- although after a second or so you'll forget they appeared.
With all the triggers already in your lovely head, I can edit your mind during the day. I'll change your arousal levels, implant thoughts you'll think are your own, give you any command I please.
Of course, you'll enjoy this immensely. I'll tell you to.
So what do you say? Would you like to download it?
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princip1914 · 1 year
A little hopeful moment which I missed on the first watch, but which I think is so important. Nina and Maggie come to have their talk with Crowley. Now, we all know that Crowley is Maggie—yes, sure, Nina is sarcastic and suave and cool and calls Maggie angel—but it’s obvious that Crowley is Maggie and Nina is Aziraphale. Crowley even admits it himself in the very beginning of this conversation when he tries to justify meddling to get Maggie and Nina together:
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“Nina needed rescuing.” Yeah, you know who else always “needs rescuing”? Anyway, moving on.
Nina says she just got out of a relationship and it would be a disaster to get into another one right away. And then this happens:
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Nina says she hopes Maggie will still be around, but she knows she can’t ask Maggie to just wait while she figures out her own baggage. There's no guarantee. And then Maggie interjects—
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The parallel between Maggie/Nina and Crowley/Aziraphale is so intentional as to feel heavy handed. So what does it mean that we get this exchange in at this particular moment in the script—buried within the conversation which is the catalyst for Crowley confessing his feelings, occurring in the lull immediately before the spectacular dissolution of everything the first two seasons were building towards?
“We could have been us,” Crowley says. Crowley walks out of the bookshop. Crowley turns off their song in his car. Whatever tentative blooming thing has been building between him and Aziraphale for six thousand years appears to be very clearly over. Aziraphale presses the kiss to his lips and knows there is no guarantee they will ever have a chance to be together. There's no guarantee that Crowley will ever want to forgive him, that he will keep on waiting for him.
There is.
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r3ynah · 1 month
Yoo, same
Kon stood nervously beside the shut front door of his family home (which was currently empty due to every single family member of his were busy), he fiddled with his fingers, his senses seemingly becoming more and more sensitive as time went on, glancing up at the grandfather clock Mr. Bruce Wayne gifted to them every so often.
This was the day, the day Kon will tell his first ever long time 'normal' best friend his secret, finally after so many years he could really free himself from the guilt of lying and hiding his identity to Dani, he imagines the hilarious shocked face Dani will make when Kon tells her his Super boy, and how excited she will be not even sparing him a minute to answer her dozens of questions, Kon chuckled to himself as the idea swam in his mind.
But his chuckles, were stopped as a thought floated up in his head 'What if it'll be the other way? what if she'll never talk to me ever again?' Kon silently thought as he tapped his foot overwhelmed by the thought of his best friend not seeing him as a regular human being anymore and just a clone freak, he didn't want that the black hair blue-eyed girl despite her features was not part of the Wayne family, which shocked Kon upon their first meeting due to the fact Dani also lived in Gotham.
But Kon found out soon enough that Dani lived with her older siblings, a cool older sister named Jazz, Jazz had red hair, but her smile was the same as Dani's, and an odd older brother who Kon thought at first was her Twin brother, it didn't help that their names was also very similar Dani having an i, while her older brother Danny had a Y, they were cool people, Kon would like to hang out with them more often, but that'll will only happen if Dani still sees Kon as Kon after this discussion.
But is it all worth it? to just reveal it his life, his identity? after all Dani was the only time Kon ever felt normal, he wanted to be happy, he wanted to be understood, he wanted to be normal, he wanted to be selfish, he wanted Dani.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door which startles him greatly, he knows who's at the opposite of door, after all only one person can ever go sneak up on him a surprise him to death, 'Dani' was the only thing he can think about as he turned the doorknob to open the front door.
And "Dani" was the only thing he breathed out as he faced the girl that stood Infront of him, Dani always liked to put on comfy and edgy clothes that makes people mistake her for a boy if it weren't for her long hair, which Kon realized Dani never cared if she was called the opposite gender she finds it as a compliment, her regular long side bangs that usually resides on the right side of her face was put up with a hair clip, her face was in full view, and even the gods can't fathom on how pretty she was.
She smiled at him with her oddly crooked sharp teeth, and Kon knew he was in danger right there and then, but for the reasons you don't think it is.
"Heya Konnie, what made you call me in like the middle of the semester?" Dani asked as she tilted her head, "Just want to talk with you." Kon stated as he moved to the side to give her room to head in, after letting Dani walked in Kon closed the door behind her.
"Come follow me, let's go to the balcony" Kon said as he grabbed Dani's wrist to drag her where she complied easily and just let Kon do his thing, Kon breathed out the trust Dani had in him, made him want to just breakdown right there in the middle of the living room floor, because he knows that after this there will be a chance Dani won't want to be there to spend the life they had imagined in the past together in the near future.
But he kept himself strong after all there was still the other positive half.
They had reached the balcony in less than 3 minutes, Kon sat silently on one of the sofas placed, Dani following and sitting on the left side, Dani put her head on top of Kon's shoulder, and Kon let's her, Dani took Kon's hands and played with them putting his ring on different fingers, Kon let's her, she tangles her hands with Kon's, and Kon let's her.
"Dani..." Kon let out, Dani hummed in response
"I need to confess to you about something." Kon mumbled, this time Dani looked up at him.
"What is it?" Dani asked, Kon looked down at her, meeting her eyes was hard, did it ever get this suffocating when talking to her in the past?
definitely not. there was no time, place, or event Kon ever felt uncomfortable with her next to him. Kon slowly got onto his knees Infront of Dani making her confused.
"Konnie? why are you kneeling" Dani giggled as she found the scene Infront of her utterly funny but stopped when she saw how serious Kon looked and how his hands that were still holding onto Dani's was trembling. "Kon, are you okay?"
"Danielle, I have been hiding something from you for a very long time, and I can't handle keeping it for much longer" Kon's voice trembled, there was no turning back the consequences can come later, he needs to let this guilty burden out of his chest. he looks up at Dani with her eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes that glinted in worry.
she looks ethereal and only heaven knows on how Kon yearns for his best friend.
"I'm Super boy" Kon uttered out his voice cracking but only slightly.
He yearns to tell her the truth.
"I have been Super boy even before we met"
He yearns for her approval
"Not only that, but I'm also a clone of the one and only Superman"
He yearns for her acceptance
"I'm sorry for lying and hiding my identity from you."
He yearns for her forgiveness
"Dani, I love you so much it hurts." he went quiet his body full of anxiety his knees became weak as he observed any signs of emotion in the black-haired girl's face.
He yearns for her.
And he has a feeling she know it too.
Is this it? everything they worked hard for this friendship disappearing just like that, on this day, here in the balcony? please no, his heart couldn't possibly take that, she wants her beside him, he'll take any route of destiny as long as she stays, even if she turns to despise his very being, he'll take it with no hesitation.
As long as she's with me, everything's worth it.
He didn't even realize he was crying until he felt a pair of hands caressing his face wiping his tears in the process, Dani made him look at her, she smiled at him softly then she opened her mouth and uttered "It's okay I forgive you, thank you for telling me." Dani held him close and let Kon's head rest on her chest. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere, after all any place I'll go will be painstakingly boring without you beside me."
Finally letting go of the mixed emotions that had built inside of him, Kon cried, he cried until his throat became sore and his eyes became red from the tears, and Dani stayed until the very end just like she promised.
Kon laid on the sofa tired and lazily staring at the ceiling, a random cartoon show played from the TV, one of his hands was holding onto to Dani's Hand, as the girl looked focused on the show, Kon let his eyes close for a second succumbing to the peace, until Dani opened her mouth.
"You said earlier that you were a clone, right?" Dani asked her eyes remained on the TV
Kon hummed "yeah why?"
"Yoo, same" Dani laughed, her reply made the exhaustion from Kon's body leave immediately, he sat straight up and his mouth open as he looked at Dani in surprise.
"Excuse me, WHAT??" Kon stated in disbelief, Dani bent over clutching her stomach as she laughed at his reaction.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
"Acolyte" Michelangelo has joined the group chat
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THANK U AGAIN TO @anixolt for accepting this commission request!!! Looks like 'Dino'-tello has unexpected company 👀
Hailing from his own alternate reality, "Acolyte" Mikey & his brothers had a very different childhood than the mad Dogs we all know and love. Set in a feudal Japan-esque world, Mikey and his brothers were raised under the Ninja Tribunal in a remote temple as future protectors of humanity...
However, fate was unkind to the lackadaisical Michelangelo who doubted the legend of the foretold 'Krang Invasion'-- let alone it happening much sooner than anticipated.
[link to twitter thread]
More lore below! (but heed the content warnings!!)
CW: implied family death, implied child abuse
Inspired by the 2003 "Acolyte" Arc, Mikey and his brothers were given to the Ninja Tribunal as children to raise as warriors on account of being gifted with mystic abilities; something very rare and unheard of in their universe.
Mikey was the most mystically inclined of his brothers. Because of this, he doesn't take training very seriously. He's also the oldest brother in his universe, but takes that role very, very seriously.
Splinter was their "father"... however, he was the one who gave them to the Ninja Tribunal. And they weren't exactly 'lenient' with children. Not when their purpose was to become warriors to defend the world. Because of this, Mikey hates Splinter. With every fiber in his body.
But despite their upbringing, Mikey was fun and kind.
But homie cannot cook to save his life
However, due to events during the invasion... Mikey is the last man standing. On the whole planet.
And he Snaps
With elevated powers and grief, Mikey traverses the heavens to hunt Krang and their settlements.
He uses dried Krang blood as his mask, having lost his in battle (and Krang blood dries orange when oxidized)
He dots his yellow spots with a drop of Krang blood to mirror Krang eyes. Using mystic abilities, the faux eyes can move and "look" around too. Terrifying.
However, due to classic Hamato shenanigans— 'Acolyte' Mikey may find himself drawn to a very, very different place than a Krang settlement 👀👀👀
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knxfesck · 3 months
I hate when anti communists are actually funny "you talk like you want a soviet missile up your ass" I have to give you points for that. I have to.
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hazieash · 4 months
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Crop top Deathbit
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bramblequeen · 11 months
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I’ve been meaning to do redraws from this great post for ages with some of the TWST boys. Doing these reminded me how goofy House of Mouse was in hindsight and true lightning in a bottle
I didn’t draw all of them in the post because I ain’t got time for it sadly. Be glad I didn’t curse y’all with Bald Idia (Baldia? Bidia?), but you do get Jamil’s Funky Dance Moves, what is probably Idia’s worst nightmare and Dire Crowley getting a well deserved slap for…being himself.
Please forgive the quality of the drawings and how crunched I made the screenshots. I just wanted these finally drawn and out of my hair
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whtsyours · 1 year
Losing my mind because Kaz always looks for people's tells/weaknesses, and he does this with Ohval too, he finds her husband. Then she says "He's not my weakness. He's my universe." and Kaz Brekker, who believes Inej Ghafa to be his weakness and almost constantly pushes her away because of it, hears that and it changes his perspective and he allows himself to open up to Inej about his hallucination, dares to beg her to stay in the finale, admits out loud that he wants her. Ohval's words gave him hope and–
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dragonroilz · 1 year
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Red Hot Ranger
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