#your colors make me so happy i'm going to consume them
drawbauchery · 7 months
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<3 (imborredandwanttolookatthings)
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thedensworld · 2 months
Stupid Cupid | K.Mg
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Pairing: Mingyu x Reader
Genre: fluff, love at first sight
Summary: You must be the reason why he's been nervous for tonight's event. There must be something that Cupid has been doing.
Author note: Happy birthday to the charming man, Kim Mingyu! You deserve the world, and I can't wait to see your amazing work and improvements in the future. Thanks to your mother for raising such a gentleman and kind son. Thank you for being born and setting such high standards for men. I can't stop falling in love with you. Every girl needs man like you mingooooooos🥰
Mingyu raised his hand and placed it on his chest, exhaling deeply, which caught the attention of his diligent manager who was navigating them to the venue. Despite Mingyu's seasoned experience with fashion events on an international level, his heart seemed to thump twice as fast for this particular occasion.
"You nervous?!" His manager's surprised tone rang out, to which Mingyu could only chuckle, adjusting his suit and shirt sleeves.
Mingyu shot his manager a look via the rearview mirror that said, "Don't ask me that question. Because I am, and I'm trying hard to pretend I'm not."
Closing his eyes, Mingyu silently thanked his manager when he switched the playlist to a more calming one, silently praying that his heart would follow suit and calm down too.
Once Mingyu entered the event, nothing particularly eventful occurred besides the incessant flashlights popping here and there as he made his way into the venue. Guided by professionals, much like previous events he'd attended, Mingyu found himself experiencing the same routine. Yet, despite the familiarity, his heart continued to pound.
"Mingyu, can we take a photo?" a voice interrupted his tour of the venue, and Mingyu nodded, obliging the request before taking a moment to rest and engage with other guests.
Offering his best smile, Mingyu's attention suddenly shifted as he noticed a figure in a stunning red wine bodycon dress making her way towards him. Though the person thanked Mingyu, he found himself momentarily speechless, captivated by her confidence and the radiant smile she shared while conversing with the director.
"This is Kim Mingyu, you might already know him," the director said, introducing Mingyu to you.
Suddenly, Mingyu felt like he was malfunctioning, barely able to raise his hand to accept the handshake as the world seemed to slow down. His focus was stolen away by your face, your eyes, and the charming sound of your voice as you introduced yourself. He knew you, but he hadn't realized just how attractive you were.
"Y/n and I worked together while she was filming her last movie," the director continued.
Mingyu barely heard the director's words, offering only nods as his senses were consumed by your presence. You looked breathtaking in person, and he didn't mean that you were unphotogenic.
"Yeah... I shot an ad with Seungcheol, Mingyu's member," you added.
Mingyu cursed Seungcheol in his head for gatekeeping you from him all this time.
"I'll let you two talk, I have to go," the director said, excusing himself.
Mingyu and you bowed to the director before facing each other awkwardly. Mingyu couldn't believe this was happening; he felt foolish for acting so awkwardly in front of a girl. He always knew how to handle himself in front of fans, but now he was frozen.
"Seungcheol talked a lot about you," you said, breaking the silence and starting a conversation.
Mingyu nodded, trying to hide the embarrassment coloring his face. "Is it a good thing?"
"Sure, he spoke highly of you. He even said you're his favorite," you replied, offering a reassuring smile.
Mingyu silently rescinded the curse he had mentally placed on Seungcheol. But now he couldn't help but wonder about the nature of your relationship with Seungcheol. Had you two grown close? Were you something more than friends? Mingyu's mind raced with questions.
"Did you two meet regularly?" he asked, attempting to subtly probe for information without breaking the bro code.
You tilted your head before shaking it. "Not really. We met a few times, but we both got busy. He's like a brother,, really."
Mingyu raised his brows, recalling something Seungcheol had mentioned about having a new sister. It must have been you.
Mingyu felt a wave of relief wash over him at your response, glad to hear that there wasn't anything romantic between you and Seungcheol. He couldn't deny the flutter of hope that sparked within him at the realization that there might be a chance for him to get to know you better.
"I watched your movie, Exhuma. Amazing," Mingyu complimented your acting, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
You looked genuinely surprised by the praise. "Thanks. It means a lot to me," you replied, a hint of humility in your tone.
"Actually, one of our members, Vernon, watched it twice just in case he missed anything," Mingyu added, a smile playing on his lips as he shared the anecdote.
You gasped in disbelief, clearly touched by the dedication. "Please convey my gratitude to him," you said earnestly.
Mingyu nodded, making a mental note to pass along your message to Vernon. "Sure," he replied with a warm smile.
"Y/n... Can we take a photo with you?" Two people approached both you and Mingyu. Mingyu gestured for them to take a photo with you, and you smiled and nodded, posing for the camera. Your wavy hair danced in the air as the photo was taken.
Once they left, Mingyu invited you to join him in watching the fireworks, a highlight of the event. He positioned you in front of him, standing closely behind you, almost touching your back. As the night grew colder in the outdoor venue, Mingyu removed his suit jacket and gently draped it over your shoulders. You looked surprised by the gesture, but a warm smile spread across your face as Mingyu gave you an assuring nod.
The tender moment between them was accompanied by the dazzling display of fireworks overhead, casting a magical glow over the scene as Mingyu's gesture of chivalry warmed both your bodies and hearts amidst the chilly night air.
"The fireworks matched the music," Mingyu whispered to you, and you nodded in agreement, turning your head to smile at him.
"This event has a great playlist, by the way," you remarked playfully, eliciting a soft laugh from Mingyu.
"The DJ deserves a raise," Mingyu joked, and you nodded in agreement, sharing a lighthearted moment.
As you two conversed, people nearby couldn't help but take pictures and record videos of the charming interaction between you and Mingyu. The ease and comfort between you both were evident, drawing the attention of the media and onlookers alike.
Mingyu looked genuinely at ease with you by his side, and vice versa, creating a captivating dynamic that sparked interest and admiration from those around them.
The aftermath of that night buzzed with chatter and speculation. Whispers circulated about how Mingyu looked at you adoringly, and how your presence seemed to perfectly complement his energy. Yet, amidst the gossip and rumors, only three individuals truly understood the dynamics at play: Mingyu, you, and probably Seungcheol.
Together, you shared a secret bond, hidden from the prying eyes of the world. Mingyu's affectionate glances and your seamless connection spoke volumes, but the truth remained known only to those within the inner circle.
Perhaps it was the work of Cupid, orchestrating the fateful encounter between you and Mingyu that night, weaving together the threads of destiny in a tapestry of love and intrigue. Whatever the case, the memories of that enchanted evening lingered, etched into the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness the magic unfold.
Scoups hyung: Mingyu!
Scoups hyung: You might be my favorite, but I won't let you hit on my Y/n! She's like a sister to me.
Scoups hyung: Okay, I mean, you might have a chance if Y/n says okay. But I won't let you off that easily!
Scoups hyung: I saw that cheap stare you threw at her!
Scoups hyung: We better meet after this, and you buy me soju!
Scoups hyung: I'm not kidding, okay!
Mingyu: Hyung, chill! Okay, let's meet. But not on Saturday, I have a date with Y/n already ;)
Scoups hyung: You little—
Kim Mingyu of SEVENTEEN Confirms Relationship with Actress Ji Y/n
In a surprising turn of events, Kim Mingyu, a beloved member of the popular K-pop group SEVENTEEN, has confirmed his relationship with actress Ji Y/n. The dating news has been officially acknowledged by both Pledis Entertainment, Kim Mingyu's label, and BHEntertainment, Ji Y/n's label, putting an end to speculations surrounding the couple.
In their joint announcement, Pledis Entertainment and BHEntertainment expressed their support for Kim Mingyu and Ji Y/n, emphasizing that the two artists deserve happiness in their personal lives. The agencies also urged fans to continue showing love and support for the couple as they embark on this new chapter together.
Fans of SEVENTEEN and Ji Y/n have flooded social media with messages of encouragement and well-wishes for the newly revealed couple. Many have expressed their delight at seeing their favorite idols find love and happiness, pledging unwavering support for their relationship. Fans are eagerly anticipating any updates or glimpses into their blossoming romance.
The end. Delulu is soluluヾ(^-^)ノ
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jeankluv · 1 month
I love you, it’s ruining my life - Geto Suguru
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Words: 1,5k
Summary: You stood besides Geto for over a decade but despite loving him so much, it was ruining you.
Tags: heavy angst, canon, set during 2017-2018, blood, mentions of death, no happy ending, a bit of Gojo x reader but not romantic, no use of y/n, gn!reader
Notes: a request and a one shot in a single day, yep 🤭
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
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When he decided to leave, you left with him.
More than 10 years had passed since then, you were no longer kids, you had changed. Even though there were mornings where you looked in the mirror and still saw the 17 year old student you once were. But when you looked at him, there was nothing left of that 17 year old boy.
You still loved him and you would probably always, but that love was consuming you.
But that day, you didn't see the 17 year old girl, what you saw in the mirror was a tired young woman, with a dull face and dark circles under her eyes. You felt like all your color was completely gone.
Existing your room, you walked through the hallway until you spot Suguru’s silhouette, I was talking to Miguel, apparently there was a course that Suguru was interested in obtaining. Passing by, you walked and saw a couple of people waiting for Suguru to serve them. Your heart was squeezed when you thought about the fate they would have.
You had accompanied Suguru for all these years, but you had never been able to agree with his ideas and until that day they continued to make you nauseous.
You sighed and went outside, where you sat on one of the benches there. In the distance you could see Tokyo and the memories of when you were a teenager began to come to you. Would you be there if you had realized earlier how Suguru was? If you had tried harder? If I had supported him more? Everything was what ifs... That they would never be, you answered and you could only imagine what could have been.
“You are here.” A deep voice, spoke behind your back. “Geto is looking for you.”
You stood up and nodded slowly. Walking towards where Suguru was, you felt your heart flutter nervously. You opened the door and found him sitting on his “throne”. When you entered you could see traces of blood on the floor. You turned your head, feeling the vomit rise in your throat.
"I'm sorry." Suguru murmured from his seat. “I thought it would take you longer so you wouldn't see the blood of that dirty monkey, but you came.”
“Suguru…” You tremble. “Don't you think that's enough…?”
"What do you mean?" He rose from his throne.
“What I mean…” Your heart fluttered. “Let's go Suguru, let's go away.” You approached him. “You, the girls and me. Far from everything…”
Suguru's gaze was cold. “Do you hear yourself?” He smiled zinicly. “Do you want to run away? After all these years? Of my progress? Don’t be foolish.”
“Suguru… please…” Your eyes stung.
Suguru snorted and moved away from your touch and it was then, seeing his back, that the boy who once swore he would love you forever, died long ago.
“I know you loved me.” You looked down. “But you don’t love me anymore.” Those words were heavy on you, it felt like stones being thrown at yourself.
“That’s what you think?” Suguru asked
“I don’t think that, it’s what it is, Suguru.” You held back your tears, not wanting to cry in front of him. “The only times we are intimate it’s when you want to have sex, the rest of the time… I don’t even see you because you are to focus on killing people.”
“Monkeys, those are not people, they are monkeys.” You shook your head trying to ignore his words. “Don’t tell me you don’t agree with what we are doing.” He approached you and you took a step back.
“I don’t think I ever did Suguru.”
“Then why? Why did you follow me?” His tone was clear, he was angry.
“Because I love you!” You raised your voice. “I love you Suguru, I always did. And you needed me back then… you needed someone and I… I couldn’t leave you.”
“So you never truly believed in what I was doing…”
“That’s what matters to you?” You raised your gaze facing him. “If I agree with what you are doing?”
“Yes!” He was the one to shut this time. “You were the… the only one who stayed and I thought it was because you agreed but it was because you loved me.” A hoarse laugh came from his throat. “You thought that if you came with me and with that love of yours I was going to change?”
He looked at you and you said nothing, because yes, your foolish self really thought it was going to be able to change him, to make him go back and try to find a solution to what he did. But you were a fool and even 10 years later you were still a fool, because deep down you were still hoping you could make him understand.
“I won’t change, I will never change, I will kill all those monkeys and create a world where only sorcerers exist.” He sat down. “If you want to leave, I won’t stop you.”
The first tear rolled down your cheek. “I love you Suguru.” You said. “But it’s ruining my life.”
Suguru stayed silent, not saying a word, not saying anything. This wasn’t the guy you fell in love with, years ago, that boy wouldn’t stare at you and do nothing.
You stepped away and turned around to leave the room. Before exiting the room, you look at him one last time.
“I love you Suguru, I will always love you.” You whipped the tears away and left the room.
After that last look, the days passed and turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. Suguru never looked for you, you were alone. You couldn't go back to where you were once happy because that would doom you and you couldn't go back to the person you loved because she was long dead.
You looked up and saw the snow falling. The new year had begun with snow. You hugged your body and walked through the new streets of the small town you had moved to. There you could simply be you and help those like you who could see curses and didn't understand it.
“The ground is slippery over there.” A voice spoke behind you.
You stopped dead when you heard it, how many years had it been since you had heard that voice? You didn't even know it anymore.
You carefully turned to confirm that the owner of that voice was the one who was once your best friend. And indeed, a few meters away from you was Gojo Satoru. Taller than the last time he saw it that October afternoon. Unlike that time, his eyes were completely covered by a white blindfold.
“Satoru…” You murmured.
“You lost weight.” He simply said.
Ignoring his words, you went straight to the point. “Are you here to execute me?” You asked him, trying to pretend that your voice was shaky.
Satoru shook his head. “Why would I?” Before you could answer he continued. “There is no execution order for you, so there is no reason for me to execute you.”
“What?” You said stunned. "How is that possible? I spent years with him, they should…”
“You were never considered a threat like him and I asked them not to include you on the list of cursed sorcerers.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. "Thanks, I guess." You hugged yourself tighter, to stop yourself from shaking. “What are you doing here then Satoru?”
"He is dead."
Your breath caught and your heart skipped a couple of beats before it began to break. Suguru was dead… Suguru… You stifled a cry, not wanting to cry in front of Satoru.
“I’m sorry…” Satoru whispered.
“Why are you sorry for?” Your voice coming out like a whisper from your throat.
“It was me…”
And then a cold breeze hit your face.
You shook your head and looked up at the sky trying to stop the crying. “It’s what you had to do…” You heard Satoru's footsteps approaching you. “Did he say something before he died?”
“He gave me this.” Satoru took your hand and placed an object on it. “He told me he was sorry and that I love you until the last moment.” You carefully opened your hand, finding a ring.
You clenched your fist to your chest and began to sob. You felt Satoru's warm body wrap around you and try to calm those sobs that didn't stop coming out of you. After a few minutes, you managed to calm down and separated from Satoru.
“Thank you…” You said.
Satoru handed you a folded piece of paper. “My number and Shoko's are written down. Call us when you need it or if... if you want to come back there again. Yaga won’t care and if the old guys say something, I’ll take care of it.”
You looked at the paper and then at Satoru. “I'll keep that in mind Satoru… thank you.”
“Take care.” He said and turned around to walk off.
You saw his silhouette get into a car and then disappear. Opening your hand again, you looked at the ring again.
“I love you Suguru.” You murmured kissing the ring and letting once again your tears flow.
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mrclairdycat · 1 year
Slight gore warning, I think?
People waxing and plucking their hair.
Nail art. He would love it.
Tumblr. If you gave him tumblr he would end up scrolling all day to see art, and spam post his own. I'm sure he would also feel obliged to comment under every post to compliment the art, he's such a nice little fella
Organs. He would find them silly and interesting. You would show him pictures of organs and he would ask things like:"do you have different colored organs? Can I see yours?"
The fact that we have to go to the bathroom? Imagine being like: "Yeah whenever we consume things we need to make it go out of our bodies aswell." He would be like: "... Neat." He would then play by flushing the toilet numerous times, he would find it fun. He probably would end up clogging it up because he tries to see how many things it can flush.
Human teeth.
Iphones. He would like it since the logo is an apple. He wouldn't play with the phone he would just add it to his collection of apple things.
Videogames? He thinks that the character in the screen is real and he's controlling them. You explain how they don't exist. "How can you be sure about that?" he asks, "cause we make them, they're just codes." "But how can you be sure they just dont know they're alive since they can't tell you?" he asks again: you start rethinking the many times you tortured characters in The Sims.
Pokemon. He would think the creatures are real too. He would lose his shit to Applin. He would ask: "Can I have him?" and you'll buy him the plushie and say they don't live here cause you don't have the heart to tell him it doesn't exist.
Certain animals?? He would be confused on why don't they speak. He sees them as people, he would be like "Why did you lick me? That's weird," to a dog... and then lick him back cause he thinks its a human world thing. You say:"thats just how he communicates affection, " and he would start licking people too to show his affection in this language.
Emojis. If he started messaging he would spam emojis. Probably thinks audio messages are like calls, and you're left with a spam of audio messages that are like: "Hello? Hellooo? Why aren't you saying anything?"
Digital art. He would look in awe. "I have unlimited colors? That's fun."
Sensory videos. He would be like an ipad kid. His face is on the screen watching the videos all day. ShApeS anD CoLoRs.
Sensory toys. He would love them aswell.
Deodorant. "We spray this on our armpits," you say. "Why?" he asks. "Because we sweat and produce smelly liquids," you reply. "... Ew."
Showers. He would be like a cat, he would hate showers at first. He doesn't understand why you would want to be wet. You would then randomly find him standing in the shower with an intense fixiated look on his face as the warm/hot water pours down on him. He likes the feeling.
Speaking about warmness, he would absolutely love how warm humans are. He would just randomly hug you cause he likes how warm and comforting it feels. Probably would like sleeping with you aswell and cuddle.
Human movies and tv shows. He would think those are things happening for real. You explain that it's like theatre. "... Wow, your theatre is very realistic," he says.
Wars. He would be so confused. "Why would you hurt your neighbours? That's bad, just discuss things pacifically." Probably would make him sad. He wants everyone to be friends and an happy community.
Meat. I'm pretty sure in Welcome Home they only eat fruits and vegetables? Idk. He would ask:"Since humans are also animals, do you eat eachoth-" "No. That's illegal," you reply. "... What's an illegal?" he asks. "It's a rule: humans are prohibited from eating each other," you respond. "... Since I'm not a human can I eat one-" "NO."
People making out. He would stare at them. He finds it gross but interesting, he doesn't view it as a intimate sexual thing just a weird thing human do.
Certain social rules. Why can't you just say hi to someone and speak to them as if they're your friend? Why is it rude to stare?
An apple factory. Like the fruit. So... many... apples. He would be sad some apples get thrown away and tries to 'save' them.
Blood. You would try to explain it, he understands it as just red water circuling inside your body. He would play with blood or finger paint with it and won't understand why that is an horrifying image.
Spotify. Unlimited music?? You can save your favourites to listen to them whenever you want? Wow.
Pollution. He would go crazy and blow up. WHY WOULD YOU HARM AND LITTER YOUR HOME?? AAAARGH!!
Homeless people. You're telling me there are people who don't have a home? Everyone needs a home! Why don't they give them a home?!
Preschool. A place where you spend your entire day fingerpainting, reading books, making stuff and dancing? All of the things he loves the most. He would infiltrate into one, the teacher would probably call the police, he would get asked questions. He just wanted to have fun too....
Discovering that in grammar saying "the most" without anything else is just incorrect and doesn't make sense. He doesn't like being corrected about it. It's his thing. Don't correct him.
Cuss words. He would be shocked at how many cuss words he hears daily: watch your profanity.
Space?? People being on planets?? His mind would blow up.
Birth. You... make humans?? You create yourself? What do you mean they grow inside of you? How? Does it just randomly happen? You would rather die than teach him about sex. You say that you were kidding and a stork brings the babies for those who want one, it's their job. "Ohhh, that makes more sense," he says. Then he sees a cat or dog giving birth and just implodes.
Therapists. He would like them cause they would be the closest thing to his neighbours. He doesn't understand, however, why they demand to get paid for being friendly.
History. You're telling me there was a time when your kind didn't exist? And you know that because of just... history? How? What??
Earrings. To him it just looks like you're stabbing yourself.
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imagineredwood · 4 months
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7. Macarons 🍪
Summary: Manny likes you, has for a while, but he's gotten mixed signals from you and isn't sure if the feeling is mutual. That's ok though. Nothing a few laced cookies can't solve.
Pairing: Manny x female reader (did he have a last name? Can’t remember)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI Sexual content, they do not have sex, just grinding and touching, Dark!Manny DRUGGING - the reader is drugged without her consent with a 'truth serum' type drug in her gifted macarons to get her to tell him how she feels. The reader does like him and does want to be with him/be sexual with him, she's just been shy and didn't dare to be upfront; the drug helps it come out. So their interactions are technically consensual, but she has been drugged against her will/knowledge and is under the influence. Just want to make that clear for everyone. If it's not your cup of tea or triggers you or anything like that, please don't read it. I would never want anyone to be upset by/hurt/triggered by my work, but at the same time, we're also responsible for the content that we choose to consume. So if it doesn't sound like something you would like or enjoy reading, please don't read it. I won't take it personally if you sit this one out. Also please let me know what other tw I should tag it as if there are any you feel it should be under
Word count: 1.6K
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You beamed as you looked into the box, the selection of pastel treats looking delightful. They were expensive for their size, one of the main reasons you never really splurged on them. You'd had one or two here and there, but a box of 24? You had never spent that kind of money on a cookie. That didn't mean that you couldn't admire them though. You'd saved some aesthetic tiktoks of them, opting to one day spoil yourself with a beautiful box of them. You hadn't ever told Manny about your desire to have them, knowing that if you merely mentioned it, he would've splurged on the most beautiful and expensive ones he could find. He was just like that when it came to you. So you'd kept it to yourself, deciding that you would get yourself a small box for Valentine's Day, seeing as you didn't have a Valentine. 
But Manny had beat you to the punch. 
He grinned as he watched your eyes light up, happy that his gift had paid off. At first, a few months ago when he was trying to plan out what he would do for the special day, he wasn't sure if the treat was one you would be into. He wanted to make sure that whatever treat he got you for Valentine's Day, was one you would enjoy and preferably one you would remember.
When he saw the saved tiktoks, he was thankful that he'd had the idea to hack your phone a few weeks before. 
His intentions had been innocent enough, really. He just wanted to be able to know what you liked. He always got you gifts, eager to please. He had already decided he was going to put together a Valentine's Day basket for you, but he needed to make sure everything was perfect and to your liking. He needed you to see how much he cared about you and wanted you to be happy. Wanted you to be his. All of his previous gifts had warmed you and gotten you closer to him, but you still weren't his. His hope was that this gift would change that. 
So scrolling through your likes and saves, he'd found a handful of videos of the delicate treat and knew then that was his way into your heart. And right he had been. 
You smiled eyes raking over all of the colors, the sweet aroma wafting up to your nose in a swirl of vanilla and raspberry and cinnamon and-
"I'm glad you like it."
The Mayan looked proud as he eyed you, happy with his decision. Your mouth was practically watering at the smell and he knew you couldn't wait to try them. 
"Go 'head, mama. Let me know how they taste."
Your fingers hovered around the box, all of them looking so good you were having trouble picking which one you wanted. You settled on a baby pink one and picked it up, admiring it. 
"This one looks just like one I saw a video of." 
Manny nodded, knowing the exact tiktok you were speaking of. He didn't say that though. He knew that was the one you were going to have picked first. He knew you'd be excited and enthusiastic to dig into them.
That was why he had paid to have a little something slipped into the filling. 
He wasn't going to hurt you, of course not, he would never do that. He just wanted you soft and compliant. Honest. Needed to know if you felt the same way. Needed to know how you felt about him wanting you to be his and only his. So he'd gotten the idea from one of his brothers, 'truth serum cookies' he'd called it. The company made desserts for different purposes. Some had aphrodisiacs for couples to ramp up their sex life, others like the ones he had ordered had a drug known to make people relaxed and forthcoming, perfect for those who struggled with shyness when it came to dirty talk. 
In Manny's case, he just wanted you to be relaxed and open enough to tell the truth about if you wanted him as much as he wanted you. He needed to know if you would be his, and if you didn't want to be, then why. He'd brought it up to one of the Yuma brothers and he'd sold him on the idea. 'She won't even know. You can't taste it, no one would buy them if they tasted weird. They crush it up and mix it with some sugar, then add it to the cookie's filling. She won't have a clue. And you'll get to figure out whether she wants to have your crazy ass or not.' he had said.
He watched as you brought the macaron to your mouth and took a bite, catching a crumb in your hand as you licked the rest from your lips. Manny licked his own instinctively, eyes raking over your face as he watched you eat, almost in a trance. You smiled, covering your mouth as you chewed, not wanting to make more of a mess. 
"It's delicious." 
He smiled, then shook his head as you held it up to him for him to take a bite. 
"Not a fan of raspberry. Enjoy it." 
He lied cooly, and you bought it, taking another bite. You pushed the box towards him and motioned for him to take one as you both stood there at your kitchen counter. He obliged, not wanting you to suspect anything, and grabbed the cream-colored one with light brown filling, taking a bite. 
He held it out for you to take a bite of your own and you did, enjoying that one just as much as the other. You both stood there together, eating and chatting, a whole row missing before you knew it. You'd eaten most of them, and he wasn't worried about being affected. He didn't have anything to hide. You let out a yawn, and grabbed the lid, covering up the box with a laugh. 
"The crash after a sugar rush always sucks."
Manny nodded, his eyes on you as he watched your eyes grow a little heavier, your lids moving a little slower as you blinked. 
"Maybe we could go chill on the couch." 
You nodded and offered him a relaxed smile, that idea sounding wonderful. 
"Yeah, that sounds good." 
He followed you as you walked, hands itching to grab your hips as they swayed in front of him. You were a goddess in his eyes. A treasure that was meant to be his, but was always just out of his reach. But he was also a gentleman, despite his unorthodox methods of gaining the truth. So he kept his hands to himself, sitting down beside you on the couch. He angled his body towards you slightly like he always did, except this time it was because he was keeping an eye on you. 
Your eyes were soft, your face smooth and relaxed. He looked you over, not worried about you thinking he was weird or creepy for how long he stared at your face. He took in the angle of your nose, how your lashes fluttered on the tops of your cheeks. The softness of your lips. Your voice was gentle when it spoke, and his eyes were watching your lips as they parted, but it still caught him off guard. 
"Do you think I'm pretty, Manny?"
There it was. The serum already going into effect. His eyes drifted away from your lips and locked with yours.  
"I do, mama. I think you're gorgeous." 
You smiled softly. 
"I hoped you did." 
He inquired even though he knew exactly what you meant. 
"Hoped I did what?"
You shrugged, head tilted to the side as you gazed at him. 
"Hoped you found me pretty." 
He swallowed, his fingers wiggling as they screamed to touch you. 
"Well, I do. I think you're the prettiest little thing I've ever fuckin' seen." 
He watched as your throat moved, your swallow audible and pulling a smile from him. 
"What about you? You think I'm handsome?"
You didn't hesitate to nod. 
"I think you're very handsome. I think you're sexy." 
He adjusted himself in his seat, pants starting to feel a little snug. 
"That so?"
You stared at him, fingers twiddling with the hem of your shirt. 
"I wanna sit in your lap. If that's ok." 
He melted, his nod sharp as he lifted the arm that was toward you, inviting you in. 
"C'mon then."
He felt his pulse quicken as you crawled over, a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you tossed your leg over his and then settled down in his lap, his eyes peering up at you. Your hands rested on his chest, fingers reaching up slightly, the tips tracing over the tattoo on his throat. 
"Wanted to sit like this for a while." 
The Mayan allowed his hands to finally drift over onto your hips, fingers digging in ever so slightly into the plush skin. 
"Wanted you to sit like this for a while too." 
Your giggle was breathless and it took everything in him not to start dragging your hips back and forth on him. 
"Anything else you been wanting?"
 You looked at him, fingers still stroking the ink. 
"Been wanting you to touch me."
Manny groaned, his hands gripping you tighter. 
"Oh yeah? Where?"
You shrugged and he shook his head, sucking his teeth. 
"Nah, none of that. Where you want my hands at, pretty girl?"
He slid his hands down further, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass, gripping and pulling at your cheeks. 
You nodded, your hips rocking slightly. You pulled one hand away from his throat and instead gripped your own breast, your nipple hard under your palm already. 
"Maybe here too." 
He cursed quietly under his breath and pulled only one hand away to replace yours, squeezing at the soft swell of your breast, feeling like he was in heaven. 
"Yes ma'am." 
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Spending Valentine's Day with him
notes: i just noticed i haven't written anything for cater yet except for my dystopian au. also if you guys like my writing, comments in the tags or anon asks are appreciated! feedback motivates me to write more!
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship in some but not all
characters included: cater diamond, leona kingscholar, jade leech, malleus draconia
warnings: mention of gruesome death in jade's part (this is about a mushroom he grew and talks about), accidental marriage proposal
dark content creators and consumers dni
Cater, of course, is more than familiar with Valentine's Day. He's always up to date with the latest trends and on this day, Valentine's Day is trending on Magicam. Every year, Cater participates in this holiday even though he didn't have a crush on anyone for the past few years. He at least always posts some themed photos and sends chocolates to his friends. Sometimes he also does little events on his Magicam page where he prompts people to ask him Valentine's Day related questions or post their own stories they've had with this day and he'll comment on it.
But this year was different.
Having fallen for you quite a few months ago, Valentine's Day was the perfect opportunity to finally ask you out on a date. Cater knew so too but Trey was the one who had to convince him. "You're always so flirty with them, why don't you ask them out already?", Trey smiled and shook his head in confusion. "Well, that's different...", Cater replied awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. "How exactly is that different?", Trey chuckled and proceeded making a Valentine's Day cake for the Heartslabyul dorm.
Indeed, Cater had flirted with you quite a few times but given his usual demeanor, there was no reason for you to suspect this wasn't just what he was like in general.
Cater eventually asks you out with a box of chocolate from Sam's store. He's happy when you say yes and the two of you agree to go to the cinema together.
Cater buys the two of you colorful drinks and a box of nachos. He takes a picture of the food and asks you if you'd like to take a photo with him as well, which he'd post on Magicam with the caption "Spending today with my valentine ❤️ #cinemadate #valentinesday #nightravencollege ❤️" if you let him. He'd tag you in the picture as well. Cater loves to take pictures but there's a couple of them that's just you two laughing together and having fun and he decides that even though they'd probably get a lot of likes, they're special to him and he just keeps them on his phone to remember this day with you fondly.
He originally intends to take you to a romance movie and bought tickets for it....but life had other plans for you.
"This uh....this doesn't look like the movie we asked to watch", Cater sunk back into the seat and had to be careful not to drop his 3D glasses when the horrifying forest creature from the screen seemed to charge directly at him. You fished the movie tickets out of your pockets. "Uh yeah I think the employee mixed something up...we have tickets for something called 'The Unspeakable Horrors'", you explained before looking back at the screen. "Oh god I don't like or subscribe to this", Cater lets out a slightly distressed sigh. He wondered whether it was too late to watch the other movie and get the actual tickets he wanted but you taking his hand in yours when he seemed scared changed his mind. Maybe watching the unspeakable horrors was indeed a way to get closer to you.
"I'm going to have vivid nightmares of this for days to come", Cater chuckled awkwardly as the two of you left the cinema, still holding hands. "Maybe I can help with that", you chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
Cater asks you to be his significant other after your date. He explains how he had a crush on you for a while now and how all the attempts he had made at flirting with you were actually genuine. "Oh yeah I knew", you smirked and pulled him into a hug, "and yes... I'd love to be your valentine every day from now on."
"How about we finish this date with a kiss?", he suggests, nervousness now having left his voice. You nod and he cups your cheek and presses several soft kisses to your lips; the horrors from the movie already forgotten.
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If Leona didn't have have a deep-rooted distaste for a lot of celebrations his older brother hosted in his homeland, Valentine's Day would be right up there on the list of Leona's least favorite holidays. He really doesn't like anything cheesy and seeing people being all lovey-dovey gets on his nerves. For Leona, it's pointless to dedicate an entire holiday to appreciating your lover when you could just be doing that whenever.
You enter Leona's room on Valentine's Day, finding your boyfriend sleeping in bed. You smile and sit down beside him, gently rubbing his ears and watching him instinctively snuggle close to your lap and his tail swishing back and forth. "Pspspspsps Leona", you whisper and poke his cheek.
His eyes open slowly and he looks at your face with a confused expression before stretching his limbs like a cat and sitting up. "Why'd you wake me up, herbivore?", he asks calmly and rests against your shoulder. To anyone else he would have said this with an annoyed tone and a frustrated facial expression but with you his tone was gentle and like he was actually interested in the answer.
"I got you something", you say and pull out a small yellow box from your bag, tied neatly with a black ribbon. "Did you get me one of those Valentine's chocolates Sam sells around this time of year?", he asks as he takes the box from you. "Well, not really. I know you don't really like Valentine's Day so I got you this instead", you explain and Leona lifted the cover of the box, instantly snorting and letting out a laugh. Instead of chocolate hearts there were pumpkin-shaped chicken nuggets in the box and the inside of the cover was decorated with a sparkling, cursive "Happy Halloween!" surrounded by stickers of ghosts and bats. The little greeting card that came with it had a distorted "Congratulation!" written on it that started in the middle of the card and the letters became more and more squeezed the closer the writing got to the edge, to make sure that the whole word still fit on it.
Leona was wheezing and patted your head. "Okay that's funny, you got me", he chuckled and plopped one of the nuggets into his mouth, pleased that you had given him meat instead and attempted to make him laugh rather than trying to feed into convention and giving him a red box of Valentine's chocolates.
He ate all of the nuggets in the box and then put it aside, pulling you into his arms and laying down in bed with you. He mumbled a "thank you" and buried his face in your shoulder. You started gently caressing his ears and kissed his forehead.
Leona would just hold you in his arms for a while and maybe spend the day in bed cuddling with you or playing chess with you.
If Valentine's Day is important to you, Leona would adapt and actually try to celebrate it with you. But in general, as your relationship grows, Leona learns of all the things you like and dislike and he takes you out on dates once in a while when he feels like you'd appreciate it. Whether that's Valentine's Day or just any other day. After all, who would he be if he didn't put in any effort after you were the one to put him first?
He definitely keeps your affectionate gestures in mind and who knows? He might take you out a couple days later to have a nice walk on the beach and have a picnic there as the sun sets.
Jade is relatively new to Valentine's Day as it's not a holiday that exists under the sea. They have a similar holiday that's dedicated to celebrating the union of the mermaid princess and her human lover but it's not quite the same as Valentine's Day on land.
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"What a curious custom", Jade thought at first when he heard about it during his first year. Ever since the twins and Azul knew about it, they've been using the opportunity to sell overpriced Valentine's gifts and specials at Mostro Lounge.
Ever since he started dating you, Jade has wondered whether he'd be celebrating Valentine's Day with you this year. He gets you some rare flowers he grew himself (actually making sure none of them are poisonous) and if he feels like you'd like it, he'll make you a terrarium like the ones he has. He puts a bunch of plants and small sea animals in there that he collected himself while scavenging the ocean around Sage's Isle. He makes sure to include everything he thinks you might like. He promised you to take you to the Coral Sea and show you his home one day but for now the opportunity hasn't arisen yet so he wants to show that you're part of his world by giving you a part of his.
He puts psathyrella aquatica in your terrarium which is the first and only known underwater mushroom.
Jade shows you how to take care of the terrarium and sometimes the both of you take care of it together.
For Valentine's Day, Jade takes a free day from work and reserves a table at Mostro Lounge for you and himself. He gets the special Valentine's Day mocktails and dishes for half the price so you're in luck. "It took you this long to prepare it?", Jade teases his twin brother as Floyd brings you your meals. Floyd glares at his brother angrily and then turns to you. "Jade used to be scared shitless of the sun when he was a kid. He thought it was gonna fall out of the sky and kill him", Floyd snickered, now being the one to earn a glare from his brother. You laugh at the mental image of a small Jade being scared to swim to the surface of the ocean because the sun was there. "We'll sort this out later, Floyd", Jade replies with a bright smile on his face. The shady, threatening kind.
"For the record, Floyd was the one who told me that the sun was going to fall out of the sky and kill me", Jade explained and sighed, "he kept that prank up for 2 whole years." You chuckle. "Somehow that makes it even funnier", you took his hand on the table and held it in your own, "did you think you were safe underwater?" Jade nodded. "I thought it was just going to go out when it falls into the water", he chuckled, "looking back on it, it was quite curious what we'd come up with to explain what was above the surface and on land before we started going to school and learnt the real facts."
He makes sure to inquire whether you enjoyed your meal or not and gives Azul his feedback. He wraps an arm around your shoulder as he walks out of the restaurant with you.
He later takes you to the greenhouse after all classes have ended for the day and no one was in there anymore. "I have to show you something", he explains and leads you to the window where several plants were standing, "this is an entirely new mushroom species I've created. It's very fascinating. I named it after you." You look at the mushrooms that were moving slightly in a way that looked almost threatening. "Let me guess, they're poisonous?", you ask and lean against Jade. "Probably the most poisonous ones we have on this entire island. Actually they'd make your organs explode within a couple of hours of eating them." He said that with such a joyful smile on his face that it was almost unsettling. But don't worry, Jade naming the creepy mushrooms after you is a sign of his love for you.
You're like "is this even allowed?" and Jade is like "that depends on how you interpret the rules :) "
Valentine's Day with Jade ends with some comforting cuddles in his room and few sharing chocolates after stopping by at Sam's shop and buying some.
Malleus is completely unaware of Valentine's Day. Straight up didn't know what it is.
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You've liked him for a while but you were quite unsure whether the two of you could even work out because he's the crown prince of a whole country and meant to be king one day and you're a commoner. Nevertheless, you hoped he would become aware of your feelings for him and give you the answers you needed. You considered just telling him and talking to him about this but you didn't know how appropriate it was to just confess your love to Briar Valley's heir apparent and you were also worried it might make your friendship awkward.
So you decide to take your chances on Valentine's Day. If he rejected the idea of being involved with you romantically, you could always say you gave him flowers and chocolate because he's a great friend.
You get him a personalized bouquet with flowers you associate with him and a box of Valentine's chocolates. He doesn't get why you're giving him gifts and he's just like "thank you, my dear friend :) "
He's really happy about it but he only learns about the intention behind the gifts when Lilia educates him later. "Valentine's Day is a celebration in human society that is dedicated to appreciating the one you love", he explains. "Oh...like a best friend?", Malleus smiles. Lilia sighs. "Uh...sometimes...but I think y/n wanted to express that they're in love with you", he puts Malleus out of his misery. Cue the surprised Malleus face™.
Malleus is so unfamiliar with romantic relationships that he doesn't notice he has a crush on someone until someone else makes him aware of it, in this case Lilia.
So Malleus, with his newfound clarity about his feelings for you, decides to make the best out of the rest of Valentine's Day and get you some gifts in return to attempt to court you. Lilia recommends that he stops by the Mystery Shop, since Sam is selling a lot of typical Valentine's gifts today. So Malleus heeds the older fae's advice and buys 3 bouquets of red roses, which Lilia told him are the ones most associated with romantic love, along with a box of chocolates for you too.
There's also a stand in Sam's shop with a bunch of silver rings in ring boxes. The picture above it shows a man going down on one knee and presenting the ring to his significant other. The caption on it says "Give your loved one the ultimate proof of your love". And Malleus finds one with a subtle dragon-themed design and he's like :)
So he goes to you after classes and presents you with the bouquets and the chocolate first. "Y/n....perhaps it took me some time to realize, but I love you. Would you allow me to court you?", Malleus asks. The three bouquets are a bit much but he's got the spirit. You accept and put the bouquets aside for a moment, pulling him into a hug.
Then he pulls out the ring and gets down on one knee in front of you, presenting it to you. You're shocked for a moment, not knowing how to even process what is happening. Three students walk by and stare at the two of you in bewilderment as you frantically try to gesture to them "this is not what it looks like".
You guide Malleus to stand up again and take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. "I love you, Malleus. But we've only started dating a couple of minutes ago...I can't possibly agree to marry you yet...", you explain softly. Malleus is like "wait what?"
He explains to you how the rings were advertised in the shop and you laugh, putting one on your finger and the other one on his. "Well, an accidental proposal was not on my list of things I expected to happen today, but I will never forget about this", you snicker and Malleus laughs along with you, glad you're taking his awkward mistake with humor, "let's take these rings as a promise of our love for now. We'll worry about the future when we get there."
You gently cup his cheek. "May I kiss you?", you ask and Malleus nods, leaning close until his lips meet yours in a soft and loving kiss. He holds you gently in his arms and looks into your eyes with a happy smile. "I love you, my dearest. Next year you should show me all about celebrating Valentine's Day."
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Call of Duty Werewolves🐺 - Part 2!
{Author's Note} Since y'all loved the first part so much, here's a second for you to enjoy! I've included more lore and some cute werewolf snippets for each of the characters I mentioned in the first post so hopefully I managed to write them all accurately. I'll probably do a fic for one of them at some point so let me know who you'd like to see! Thank you for all the love and please feel free to write/ask for more headcanons for this AU! I'm having so much fun with it❤️ Happy Halloween! 🎃🧟‍♂️👻 >Call of Duty Werewolf AU -> Part 1 >Shadow Company Snippet by @http-paprika -> SC Werewolf AU (she's also writing her own werewolf AU fic so go give it some love👀)
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>Werewolves have fangs in both forms. The human canines are replaced by longer, sharper teeth when natural werewolves lose their baby teeth. In bitten werewolves, the human canines are pushed out within their first month of being turned. While in human form, only the sharper tips are visible, resulting in fanged smiles (just imagine your favorite boy flashing you a fanged grin👀). When transforming, the teeth extend from the gums as the muzzle forms.
>Werewolf hair and nails grow faster and are usually thicker, requiring more frequent trimming, especially after a transformation.
>Werewolves heal faster than their human counterparts. Cuts heal in a few minutes, broken bones take days rather than weeks. Most tissues can be fully regenerated, except for entire limbs. The canine teeth will always be replaced if lost.
>Bones and muscles are thicker and heavier than those of humans, resulting in increased strength and stamina.
>Werewolves digest meat more easily than humans and prefer carnivorous diets. It's healthier for them to consume more meat on a regular basis.
>Werewolf senses are far more acute than humans'. They have great night vision and colors are more vivid to them, as if the saturation has been increased. Their enhanced hearing, however, can be problematic and a werewolf will often have to learn how to tune out certain sounds so they're not completely overwhelmed. Scent is also important to them as it denotes health, emotional state, and belonging. Familiar smells offer comfort, whether they belong to people, places, or things.
>While transformed, werewolves can't really speak. The fangs and muzzle tend to prevent intelligible human speech. On the other hand, their unique vocal cords allow for animalistic grunts and growls, even in human form.
>Transformations will always be painful for both werewolf types. With practice, the process can become smoother and faster but it will always have a pinch, especially as the face changes. Heightened emotions can trigger the beginnings of the change, though it takes a conscious effort to completely transform, unless a werewolf is suffering from moon blindness. Bitten werewolves tend to be more reactive but transform more slowly as it takes longer for their bodies to get used to the shift in comparison to natural werewolves, who are specially built for it from birth.
>A werewolf's transformed state is so dependent on their human traits that they don't always look very wolfish. Some can look like coyotes, foxes, or even bears because of differing body types, features, and hair colors.
>Poisonous to humans, wolfsbane also has an adverse effect on werewolves. It clouds their senses and prevents them from transforming but it won't kill them. It's often used to control a werewolf and keep them in line. However, it can also be mixed into a poultice to treat wounds caused by silver.
>Silver causes mild allergic reactions in werewolves. It only becomes fatal when enough of it pierces the skin and enters the bloodstream, which is why hunters lace their weapons and bullets with silver. Despite this, many werewolves still revere the metal for its association with the Moon.
🌙 🐺 🌙
💲Price is the fluffiest. His iconic beard remains when he's transformed, making him easily recognizable, though he has been mistaken for a bear in the past. If you laugh at that fact, he'll simply huff in feigned annoyance and lay on top of you to prevent you from escaping. Being a natural werewolf, not only does he have more hair but Price's transformations are about as easy as they can be so he'll often use his time with you to relax and catch up on sleep. He sleeps the most soundly when you're cuddled into his chest or back, your face pressed to his fluffy mane. He loves hearing about how much you love his fluff and secretly takes pride in it.
💀Ghost is the biggest. As a 6'4 mountain of a man, he's even larger when transformed. It'll take some getting used to, especially when he transforms in your living space. If you try to make the area more comfortable for him, he'll be especially grateful for your effort. More than anything, he'll just want to be close and feel your touch. His body aches after he transforms and he's more easily overwhelmed so the gentleness of your hands helps him settle into this second shape. No matter how many times you've seen him transformed, he'll always feel some degree of shame around you so make sure he knows just how adored he is.
🧼Soap is the most playful. His transformations tend to energize him rather than exhaust him so expect him to be bouncing off the walls for a bit. If you match his energy level, he'll never let you go. He'll want to chase you and wrestle around but he's hyper-aware of his own strength so any change in your attitude will make him settle down. Once he's burned through that extra energy, he'll just want to listen to you ramble about anything that comes to mind, even if he can't really respond.
🧢Gaz is the sweetest. In the field, he’s known for his level-headedness and clever quips. When he gets home, he’s nothing but a big softie with you. His favorite place to be is in your lap, his wolfish head snuggled against your stomach as you card your fingers through his hair. To know that you accept and love this side of him warms his heart and he'll let you know just how happy it makes him with plenty of cuddles and kisses. He absolutely loves hearing you giggle and does just about anything he can to get that reaction from you.
🦿Alex is the most sensitive. All werewolves tend to be very in-tune with their surroundings, especially in the military, but Alex is even more so. His job as a secret agent of sorts has honed his ability to pick up on the tiniest changes in his environment and, when it comes to you, he's even more aware of your reactions. A slight change in your scent or heartbeat will immediately have him hurrying to your side to check in. More often than not, he can tell if he's actually needed but you're always grateful for his attentiveness and respond with a reassuring hand to his head or chest so he knows you're alright. When you're not, prepare for some inescapable werewolf cuddles.
🪦Graves is the most stubborn. As the Commander of Shadow Company, one of the most notorious groups of werewolves around, he's used to getting his way. When it comes to you, however, he tends to give in far more easily, especially so when he's transformed. A simple scratch around his ears or under his chin will make him melt in seconds and he'll never be able to resist when you run your fingers through the sandy blond hair covering his neck. The usually snarling and snapping werewolf commander will want nothing more than to hold you close, peppering your skin with gentle kisses and warm huffs of breath. Just don't let his Shadows know or he’ll withhold his cuddles.
🐺 🌙 🐺
*BONUS: Werewolf features! Thought it'd be fun to do short descriptions of how I imagine the boys! This includes height, eye color, and hair color for each of them. Pretty straightforward lol
💲Price - 6'2" -> 7'2" ; blue eyes ; brown hair w/ strands of gray
💀Ghost - 6'4" -> 7'4" ; brown -> yellow-amber eyes ; dirty blond/brown hair
🧼Soap - 5'10" -> 6'10" ; blue eyes ; dark brown hair
🧢Gaz - 5'11" -> 6'11" ; dark brown -> orange eyes ; black hair
🦿Alex - 6' -> 7' ; blue -> silvery-gray eyes ; light brown hair
🪦Graves - 6' -> 7' ; blue eyes ; sandy blond hair
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comfy-writer · 13 days
Warning: Cute! Fluff! Kinda sad! Slight cussing! xreader! xMy Hero Academia Boys! xkinda angst! Aged up!
Info: Y/N means your name, and f/c means your favorite color. e/c means your eye color, h/c means hair color.
A/N: My fourth post!! RAAAHHH!!! I'm SO SO happy! This is something small I whipped up and my first oneshot at making all my hero academia boys! All of the My Hero Academia boys got hurt when they were fighting a villain and the villain hurt them or they overused their quirks fighting a villain.
Also: My requests are always open so please please please ask me anything! If you check out my very first post it tells you everything I can do and any mha characters I WILL right about!!!
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku scratches the back of his head, his scarred fingers messing with his green wavy hair. Izuku’s green emerald eyes look at his apartment as a sigh escapes his lips.
His green hero suit has holes in it, and burn marks as he struggles to shut the door to his house. Sweat drips from his forehead as he winces in pain, tears welling up in his eyes as he locks his door. “How can I be so stupid. I am literally in pain and can barely move. I had to help the civilians today though.” He mutters to himself, his breathing slowing down.
He struggles to his room and he showers. Once he is done his aching muscles still need the warmth of running against the water. Izuku groans out in pain and he tries to not cry as his body shakes with pain. His breathing consumes him and his feet patter against his carpet as he gets to his closet changing into green and black plaid pajama pants that are soft. He throws his shirt over his body changing into a black t-shirt.
Another wince escapes the hero as he runs a hand through his tousled hair. “My gosh. It hurts so bad.” Izuku stutters in pain. He slowly gets to his bed and he climbs in the sheets in pain. His head lays against the bed and he can feel a hand brush against his forehead. *Y/N is here, finally. I always go to her house.* Izuku thinks to himself as his breath catches in his throat.
“Izu. baby, why didn’t you tell me this happened?” You ask him as you look down at your boyfriend. Izuku smiles warmly at you before gesturing to himself, “Y/N I promise you I am okay.”
“Izu you’re not!” You argue back as you feel warm tears pile in your eyes. You look down at him feeling terrible. Strands of your h/c locks frame your face, and Izuku smiles at you still as he presses his hand against your cheek. “You are so beautiful.” You see his eyes glimmer with happiness as he retracts his hand and he jolts in pain.
“Oh gosh!” Izuku mumbles. Your e/c eyes widen and you press a kiss to his damp forehead since he just got out of the shower and you run off to the kitchen. You grab an ice pack for him, and you whip up some Katsudon.
You finish and hurry to his room before you help him sit up, his back leans against the bedframe and you give him the Katsudon, “There Baby, this should help.” You softly smile, also handing him the ice pack, your hand cold and red as you hold it, passing it over to him.
Izuku flashes you his happy thankful smile before lightly bending his back bowing to you. Tears bubble in his eyes and they go wide as he whimpers in pain. “Izu!” You say quickly rushing to him. He waves you off and his soft chuckles fill his bedroom.
“Y/N I am okay.” He smiles, you give him your girlfriend a look before he gestures to you to sit in the bed. It has been a long time since you came to see him so of course you did. You sit on his left side and scoot over towards him, careful not to touch him.
Izuku watches the tv playing an All Might video as his eyes are filled with happiness. He eats his Katsudon happily as he finally gets done and you don’t even notice. He places it over on his nightstand and you feel an arm drape over your shoulder.
Your e/c eyes look at him and you feel your body tense up once he quickly lays down as his hands wrap around you. Your right side of your body and your cheek softly hit the pillow as Izuku buries his face in your neck, smelling your scent as his body aches in pain.
“Izuku, you shouldn't be holding me-” You start off your voice laced with worry. His eyes go wide and he smiles against your skin as he mumbles in your neck, his breath reassuring to you in some way. “Y/N, babe I promise it’s okay. Just let me hold you. I needed this today.” You nod your head as he pulls you closer.
You feel darkness want to consume you and your eyes flutter close softly with each breath you feel against your skin. You fall asleep and Izuku’s snores bounce off the walls of his apartment.
You feel happy knowing Izuku is okay and you shake the feeling away. You have a fuzzy feeling in your heart like you always do. Being so close to your loved one, and knowing he is now safe at home. With you in his arms.
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Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki groans in pain as he dries his hair. He was extremely careful not waking you up. His body tenses in pain and a pained expression crosses his face as he looks at himself in the mirror. He slightly cusses under his breath as he stays in his bathroom.
He wears gray sweatpants and he holds a black hoodie that has a picture of you two together on the back in large print. You pose with your h/c locks tousled everywhere as you both are in your hero suits sweating. His hand is around your waist as your leg is up a little and you do a peace sign in your hand. Katsuki’s red eyes look at you as the picture is angled upward looking down at both of you, his gloved bomb hand holding the phone. He kisses the side of your cheek and his face is seen slightly red in the picture. Your e/c eyes look at him in the corners of the picture as you smile super big and happy. The pearly whites you show off happily with your partner.
Katsuki looks at the picture of you two posing on the back of his hoodie and he smiles before he softly chuckles, “Plump lips is so cute.” (I know it sounds stupid but I don’t know what other cute/kinda rude name he would use for you. You can replace it with whatever you want.)
Katsuki pulls it over his body and it brushes against his skin. The wounds still there and he winces in pain, “F*ck. That hurts!” He curses. His red hues go wide and his body pauses as he hears shuffling in the bed. He walks over to the door slightly creaking it as he sees you walking towards the bathroom. You rub your eyes sleepily as you wear the same hoodie except white and f/c poka dot pants underneath as they drag against the wooden floor.
“Damn it.” Katsuki curses as he feels himself angered by waking you up. He didn’t want to but he did by his erratic behavior. You rub your eyes as your feet drag you to the bathroom. You sleepily yawn as your eyes look at the slightly opened door.
“Kat, babe? Why are you home so late and why are you so silent?” You ask trying to pry the door open but Katsuki quickly pushes you gently as he shuts the door. Your e/c pupils dilate and you feel worry cross over you and a little bit of anger. “Katsuki Bakugou. Why the heck did you push me! Babe you are worrying me!” You respond as your tone raises with worry.
You hear shuffling behind the door after that it opens with you seeing Katsuki bundled up in toilet paper around the hoodie  and sweatpants. You eye him as he waddles to the room shutting the light off in the bathroom. You grab his muscle arm and stop him. “Kat, answer me. You are being extremely weird.”
“Says you.” He gruffs trying to pry you off of him. “Please, answer.” You beg as your lip quivers with worry. Katsuki looks at you and his crimson eyes peirce into yours as they soften. He takes the toilet paper off as then says, “Don’t freak out dove, please.” You glance at him before his hands remove his hoodie as he holds it in one hand.
You turn the hallway light on unable to see and make it out in the darkness. A gasp escapes your lips and your hand lightly touches his skin that has wounds all over. Katsuki smiles softly running a hand through his hair as he tries to not let out a groan of pain. His lips betray him and he does so.
“Kat, what happened?” You ask worried as you lead him out of the hallway and shut the light off as you make your way to your shared room. “I had a fight and my quirk took a toll on me.” He responds taking the hoodie from you and draping it over his skin. “Babe-”
“I said no freaking.” Katsuki smirks shaking his finger like a teacher would scold a student. You huff a breath and roll your eyes. “I am okay, I promise dove.” You just walk over to the bed alongside, worry glooms over your body as you roll over on your left side and you curl up in a ball.
You feel the bed on one side press in the mattress, and warm hands wrap around your stomach as you barely have time to react the hands pull you closer, to their chest. “Kat, I swear to god-”
“Y/N, let me just hold you. I needed you, but I didn’t want to sound like a whimp so now I am going to. Let me.” He whispers his voice shaky a little as he gently presses a  kiss on the top of your head with a kiss and his chin rests in your hair.
You just smile softly and you listen to him ramble about the villain and all the heroes that didn’t help and saw what happened. Soon after both of you fell asleep. Yours and his snores mix in with one another.
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Shoto Todoroki
Shoto’s gray and turquoise eyes look at his significant other who runs up to him. He tries to look at his other hero members avoiding you as he knows how you react. He doesn’t like worrying you and it makes him feel terrible.
You wear f/c flats with a f/c sun dress that has prints of butterflies on it. The sun dress is flowy and goes down to your ankles with a little slit that goes up to your knee cap. It has a ruffle like shoulder pattern as you wear it. You have black sunglasses on your head that has a little gold in writing that writes, ‘Gucci’ on it. You have a Gucci bag on your arm as you run up to Shoto, your h/c locks framing your face nicely. 
“Sho!” You say, worry in your voice as Shoto’s eyes widen and guilt trembles over him. He fixes himself up quickly before looking at you. Your eyes look into his with tears, your trembling lips, and a panic sets on your face.
Shoto takes it in and he has to refix himself once more going to his normal stoic self, not wanting to worry you. “Sho, what happened?” You ask as you walk over to him and your thumb brushes against his cheek as you smear off all of the dirt that was on his cheek.
“Snowflake, I am okay.” He says putting his hands up and his face falters. “Is he okay?” You ask your neck snapping over to look at Deku who is freaking out with Bakugou. Bakugou and Deku both look at you and their faces fall. In the corner of your e/c eyes you see Shoto take his thumb and make it look like he is slices his neck open before he points at both of the heroes.
You turn around and look at your boyfriend with a raised brow. “Shoto!” You say as you put your hand on your hip. Shoto looks at you and flinches before blinking a little regaining composure. “Y/N I am okay.” He smiles slightly trying to get you off his back.
“No your not!” You argue before looking back at Bakugou and Deku and you ask again, “Tell me, is he okay.” Deku shakes his head no and Bakugou smacks Deku’s head. “What the heck Kacchan!” Deku eyes Bakugou.
“Deku are you trying to get us in deep sh*t?!” Bakugou asks with a serious tone. You look over at Shoto before grabbing his hand and pulling him away from his workers. “Shoto Todoroki! You are going to tell me what happened now!” You look at him as you wait for an answer. Shoto’s eyes look into yours and he searches yours for something as he sighs and rolls up his hero sleeves. “A villain got out of hand and I am like this. Don’t worry, there are very minimal scratches on my body,” he reassures you trying his best.
Sweat drips down his body and he looks like he is shaking in his boots. “Not good enough.” You eye him crossing your arms your Gucci purse still on your arm. “I promise that is all.” He tries once more. You just nod and your hand brushes against one of the open wounds on his cheek. Your touch is gentle and your e/c eyes soften.
You let out a sad breath and Shoto’s hand just places his hand on yours, holding your loving touch on his skin. “I promise I am okay Snowflake. How about this we can talk more about this at home.” You give him your look before nodding your head. “Okay we can.”
With that, you leave and let him continue. Later that night you both talk and cry of course. You surround each other with love and comfort and that is all Shoto could have asked for later on.
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Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro’s breathing is erratic as he bandages up his wounds on his chest. They were gushing out blood and each breath he took it hurt his chest and his body alone. He continues finishing up before throwing his workout clothes on. *I have to cover it up. I don’t want Y/N to worry she already does a lot.* He thinks to himself changing into red basketball short and a white tank top.
His muscles flex and he laughs to himself a little. Eijiro hops in his car and drives to the gym he got a membership at.
~~~~2 hours later~~~~
Sweat is all over Eijiro making his body sticky, and his chest rises and falls quickly. His own mouth agape as he gasps for air. He has  airpods in his ears and he walks over to the huge mirror where he poses. It became his thing to take a picture and send it to you so he did. Eijiro poses and his muscles flex in the picture, but one of the bandages comes undone without Eijiro noticing.
The pro sends it to you and your phone goes off. You swipe on your phone and you smile softly at seeing your man-. You pause as worry and fear wash over you, your e/c hues glance over the wound you see in the picture and you shut the lights off before marching down to the gym.
You wear your f/c leggings and a simple white t-shirt with a  gold necklace on your neck that says, Eijiro x Y/N on it. Your h/c hair is thrown into a bun as you shove your phone in your pocket of your leggings. You march to the gym and spot Eijiro doing the plank.
Your eyes furrow as you see the pained expression on his face. Your e/c eyes meet his red ones and he jumps up in a motion that causes him to stumble back. “Pebble! What are you doing here?” Eijiro asks you walking to you and scratching the back of his neck nervously. You squint at him and cross your arms.
“So, when were you gonna tell me of those wounds?! Huh?!” You question angrily as you glare at him. Eijiro’s eyes widen and he feels worry take over him. He glances at you and the spot he was doing the plank as he smiles nervously, “Let’s go home and talk.” You nod your head grabbing his arm and the both of yours footsteps patter out of the gym. His earbuds are out of his ears and he fully pays attention to you.
You stay silent as Eijiro smiles nervously, he opens the car door for you and you mutter a “thank you.” Eijiro nods and he gets into the driver’s seat where he drives, backing out and looking back. Just that act alone made his body go into pain, he aims for the  You see pain on his face and the blood gushes out of the bandages making your eyes go wide.
“Eijiro, Babe. Stop.” You say softly your expression becomes more sad as fear just consumes you. Eijiro pulls over and he looks out the window hiding his face as you see tears fall on his lap. Your gaze steadies on him and you feel water in your own. His lips part but nothing comes out except a pained, soft, sad, sob. 
You stay in the seat of the car not knowing what to do as you lightly touch his wounds and a wince escapes him. He flinches back from your touch and his red, crimson eyes meet your e/c ones. “Pebble I’m sorry.” He says before he reaches out for you and pulls you in his arms. You sit on his lap and he cries into your chest as your own tears fall on to his hair. Gently, you rest your chin on the top of his head and press kisses against it.
Eijiro softly smiles and chuckles as he cries. The blood on the bandages keeps pooling but not in a life-threatening way. You play with his hair and every time you feel his breathing speed up or more winces and sobs that escape him you kiss his forehead. Whispering sweet nothings in his ears or little things like, “It’s okay, Eijiro.” to “Babe, talk to me please.”
That last sentence made him falter and he cries into your neck as his strong arms pull you closer. The two of you grasping each other, pulled off on the side of the road. One strong hero is talking about a villain he couldn’t beat, and the other is listening to his pain.
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Denki Kaminari
Denki touches his head with his fingers as he groans in pain. “Dang it. Sparks gonna be mad. I overworked myself, with my quirk. Denki sighs before he puts the key in the lock to unlock his door. Just like that sweat drips from his forehead and his hero clothes feel sticky and so small as he looks at you. His girlfriend in his home preparing a meal. In the kitchen, with your h/c hair clipped back in a f/c clip. Your e/c eyes looking at the Soba you are making.
You softly huff a breath and your apron that is a light green clings to your body as you look up. Your gaze meets Denki’s and you smile at him. “Hey babe!” Denki smiles back and you see his eyes droop slightly. “Denki!” You react running over to him, turning off the stove and you catch him in your arms. You feel his breathing slow against your chest as you stand there. With a man that is heavy as hell, asleep.
Denki’s golden locks of hair frame his face nicely as you move his locks from his face. His golden eyes close but his face is in a pained expression. You lean back as your arms hold his arms and his feet drag against the wood ground. You walk backwards to your guys’s shared bedroom and you open the door gently plopping him on the bed. Once you do so you let out a sigh of relief to know Denki is next to you.
His body jolts in pain and his eyes weakly open as he stutters your name, his golden eyes showing into yours. “Spark… can you help me?”
You nod your head as you kiss him on his lips. His golden eyes have mischievous in them and you roll yours. Your soft and delicate hands pull his hero outfit off him and you pull out his yellow hoodie that has Zap~ written on the back in large black print. Denki sits up wincing in pain and your gaze studies his. “Denki, be careful please.”
"Always am~” Denki manages to say still having that look but his quirk is on the verge of betraying him. Denki lightly pulls on the sleeve of your shirt showing your shoulder.
“No, no, no, no, no shhhh…” Denki smirks putting his finger against your lips. Your lips part and you bite his finger causing Denki’s eyes to go wide in pain “OWWW! OW!!!!” He yells pulling back from you and you throw him his black sweatpants. “Change.” You demand looking away. Denki does so and each time he lets out a groan of pain along with a wince. “Ow.” He comments on each move he makes.
You do feel worry set in but you just stay silent. Right when Denki is done you lay him on his back in the bed on his side. He mouths off to you but you know how his quirk is affecting him so he can barely think straight. You walk away your foot steps pattering out of yours and his room. You come back with a blue ice pack and set in on his forehead. “Baaabe~,” Denki says once again.
You shake your head and you see his expression falter. His golden locks sprawl onto the pillow and you kiss his lips again before whispering, “I am gonna finish dinner. Tomorrow me and you can talk about this. Along with you overworking yourself.” You softly smile against his lips pressing another warm one against his lips. Denki smirks into it and his hand holds the back of your head as he kisses you more than you wanted.
You playfully smack him away and you laugh, “Pikachu don’t!” You run off finishing up dinner and leaving Denki alone in his own pain. The following morning you did talk, and it was nice to surround him with love and comfort when his quirk goes too high.
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trafficlife · 10 months
drown me in your love
The last time Tango and Scott were the last "peaceful" colors on the server, it was Scott who died first. Now, the tables have turned and Tango died first. Which meant he was red, and his emotions amplified tenfold… Including his love for Scott. Yet, Tango didn't expect to be able to satisfy his bloodlust and passion in one fell swoop. But this game was known for being unpredictable.
word count: 1925
ao3 link
(inspired by this artwork)
TangoTek fell from a high place.
Now, the first thing Tango should've said when respawning was "damn it Martyn!" Or "I need to get some time back."
Instead it was "Where's Scott? I need him!" in response to opening his communicator and seeing that Scott was the last yellow.
It could've been up to interpretation, but Tango already knew it didn't mean "I need to kill him" or "I need his time."
Tango needed to hold Scott in his arms, to kiss him until he was gasping for air once they pulled away, but quickly going in for more. Maybe it was possible for Tango to bring Scott down to red by suffocating him with his kiss. It'd probably kill Tango as well but that would be quite the way to go, drowning in the kisses of the person you loved.
He needed to gently rub his thumb along Scott's cheeks to feel his scales, and feel the aquatic man shudder at the touch.
Tango didn't realize how far his thoughts were spiraling until he saw patches of grass that were scorched by his fiery tail.
Oh dear.
In the words of Scott Smajor himself, "oh Jesus."
Being red meant that all emotions and thoughts were intensified, making it difficult for some players to think straight. Of course, being a red life didn't affect everyone the same way. Some people were completely consumed by their bloodlust (such as Joel and Pearl); other people were able to weaponize their bloodlust, wielding it like it was a sword (this also applies to Joel and Pearl).
Tango and his bloodlust just co-existed. He didn't need a kill to be satisfied, and really only acted when he wanted to. It didn't mean he was immune to the intense emotions that came with being a red life. And of course, because the universe definitely wants to see him make a fool out of himself, that included his love for Scott
The fact that Tango and Scott loved each other wasn't a secret. After all, pretty much half the server walked in on them making out before turning yellow (Scott blamed Grian for that). Jimmy was very happy to hear that his ex-husband and his ex-soulmate were hitting it off and even messaged Tango during the short-lived Yellow Peace and asked "isn't Scott a great kisser?" (Tango almost burnt down a forest while figuring out how to respond while still appearing sane).
Tango inhaled sharply, staring down at his communicator. Scott seemed to be hanging with team T.I.E.S and Martyn, probably since they were on okay terms with each other. But that meant Scott wouldn't be alone, especially if Martyn is trying to protect him.
Tango knew for a fact that he could never beat Martyn in a fight. PVP was not his specialty.
He opened the chat in his communicator to send Scott a text. But where could they meet up? Wherever they met, it couldn't be anywhere around Skynet, should the bad boys feel extra bad and drop more TNT minecarts. The T.I.E.S base was their safest bet; it seems that the other members were busy, so Tango and Scott would be alone together.
The smell of smoke snapped Tango out of his thoughts. His tail dragged along the grass, leaving a scorched trail behind him. He yelped and stomped on the flames, scolding his tail for having a mind of its own. "Calm down, Tango. It's literally just Scott... And he's going to be hunted down by the entire server for his time." Tango chuckled to himself. "Guess I'm not the only one who wants Scott..." He bit down on his lip, a wave of heat creeping up his neck and blooming on his cheeks and ears. "... This man is going to be the death of me."
"Not unless I kill you first, Tango!" A sing-song voice called from behind him, followed by a bang! from a firework.
"Scar- Scar, don't!" Tango shouted, pulling out his bow to fire back. "I had nothing to do with it!"
"You're a part of T.I.E.S, you must die," Scar responded smugly. He looked up to Bdubs and Cleo, who were standing on top of a mountain. "Get him!"
"NOPE!" Tango rushed through the dark forest, with the Clockers' arrows beating down on him like hail. He had just turned red, couldn't he get at least a few minutes of peace? "Nope-nope-nope, WHERE IS MY TEAM?!"
He pulled out a piece of bread to eat it, turning around to make sure Scar wasn't on his tail.
That was simultaneously a bad and good idea.
An arrow hit him right in the chest, causing him to wince and stumble backwards, falling into someone.
Now, who could he possibly fall into?
Definitely not the cyan-haired Scottish fish hybrid currently being hunted down by the rest of the server. Definitely not Scott Smajor, the person that Tango found himself falling head over heels for. Definitely not the person that Tango was raving about not even a few minutes ago.
Fate was such a funny thing.
Tango's breath hitched as he stared down at Scott. His scales were more prominent on his skin, cyan fins replaced his ears, and there was a tail swaying on his side. Thankfully, Tango didn't have Scott laying directly on his tail. Scott smirked a bit, his cheeks a soft shade of pink. "Hey, Tango. Nice to see you dropping in."
"Hey- That's my line!" Tango did his best to ignore the cracks in his voice as he smiled down at Scott. They were so close, it was driving Tango insane. Scott could probably hear his heart thumping against his ribcage.
"Do you need help with anything?" Scott asked, pointing to the arrow in Tango's chest. "I thought I heard you screaming 'no' earlier."
"Ah, yeah. The Clockers are trying to find me, but..." He leaned in a little closer to Scott, tail swaying in the air. "I don't really care that much. 'Cause they led me into you."
Scott raised a brow. "It sounds like you missed me."
"I might've."
"More like you missed my lips, with how much you're staring at them."
"Ah, I... Might have?"
Scott chuckled, the sound music to Tango's ears. "If you really wanted to kiss me..." He brushed his fingers along the nape of Tango's neck, causing him to shiver. "You could've just asked."
"I was hoping we could be alone..." Tango's thumb brushed against Scott's lower lip. "But at the same time, pretty much everyone knows about us. And half the server walked in on us last time—"
"Just shut up and kiss me before the other half of the server walks in on us—"
Tango quickly obeyed, swallowing the rest of Scott's words for himself. This kiss felt much more passionate and heated than the previous ones, thanks to Tango's additional (blood)lust. The blazeborn refused to waver in his advances, his hands all over Scott's face. One moment, they were caressing his cheeks and thumbing his scales, the next they were tangled in the coral and seaweed in his hair.
For a nanosecond, Tango parted his lips in a smile before he began softly nibbling on Scott's lower lip. Scott's breath hitched, as he wrapped his arms around Tango's neck to pull him closer. The taste of Scott's lips was still so delectable, still so addicting. At this point, Tango was going to swallow Scott whole.
However, he felt Scott flinch and shudder underneath him as if he were taking damage. If this were Double Life, Tango would've assumed that Scott's soulmate got into an accident. But it was just them now and there was no explanation, unless Tango was accidentally hurting Scott.
Tango pulled away from a reluctant Scott who whined insistently and tried pulling the blazeborn in for another round. He took one of the fish hybrid's hands, inspecting it for burns or cuts. "Tango..." Scott rasped, still struggling to catch his breath.
"Sorry," Tango murmured. "I thought I was hurting you. It seemed like you were taking damage."
"No- No, you weren't"—Scott took several deep breaths— "you weren't hurting me." His fingers were entangled in Tango's golden hair, chest rising and falling as he recollected himself. Tango watched him, waiting for Scott to recover before diving in for more. The last thing Tango wanted to do was kill him—
Was that what he was taking damage to?!
In all honesty, the thought had crossed Tango's mind in the form of a joke. He did not think dying from asphyxiation via making out was possible but a lot of things didn't make sense in this game.
He snapped out of his thoughts, at the feeling of Scott lightly tugging at his hair. Tango chuckled seductively. "And I thought I was impatient... But you do realize, I could probably kill you and bring you down to red if I keep kissing you, right?"
Scott nodded eagerly, eyes half-lidded but full of desire. "I know. And, well, if I'm going to turn red... I'd rather die at your hands. Or, your lips."
"That's making me wonder, what the death message is going to look like..."
"Only one way to find out," Scott whispered as he pulled the blazeborn down into another kiss. Their lips were permanently locked this time, with the only key being Scott's death. It was a good thing that drowning didn't take too long so they had some time before Scott disappeared.
The fish hybrid whimpered as Tango slipped his tongue into the kiss, starting to shudder underneath. Scott gripped Tango's hair more rougher, as if trying to take him down as well. Tango wasn't affected by the drowning—either because he had a larger lung capacity or Scott had a smaller one (now that he was a fish hybrid). Tango cupped Scott’s scaled face with one hand, and his hip with the other, making comforting circles to lightly massage them. Tango relished in the muffled line that escaped Scott’s lips, though it was slightly strained from the lack of oxygen.
Eventually, Tango face-plummeted into the grass once Scott disappeared. His communicator buzzed a couple times in his pocket and he pulled it out, biting down on his lip. How was he already missing Scott's lips? He stifled a smirk upon reading the chat.
Smajor1995 drowned whilst kissing TangoTek  <Skizzleman> HAHAHA  <Bigbst4tz2> thats one way to go to red lol  <SmallishBeans> way to go tango!  <Inthelittlewood> of course its tango who brings scott to red  <Grian> YESSSSSS  <Grian> I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD DIE LIKE THAT  <Grian> this is legendary  <Ethoslab> thats the best death of the season  <ZombieCleo> me killing etho several times in one session is a close second  <Ethoslab> thanks gem  <Ethoslab> i mean cleo  <SolidarityGaming> when can i be next  <SmallishBeans> tim please you're already low
Yup. That was the best death of the season. If not for the death game setting, Tango would definitely do it a thousand times over. And he had a feeling that Scott wouldn't be upset with it either.
Tango pulled out his clock to find that he had gained 30 minutes and was now yellow again. Which meant the target was slapped on his back again.
Then again, Jimmy did say he wanted to be next. And he was already low, so why not kill two birds (or a blaze and a canary) with one stone?
<TangoTek> jimmy <TangoTek> want an extra 30 minutes?
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tinytinyblogs · 8 months
Obsession: His Point Of View
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His love for you is overwhelming, and it is starting to consume you. You feel like you are being pulled into his world, and you are afraid that you will never be able to escape.
⚠unhealthy relationship⚠
The Boyz masterlist here
Your pov His pov
"I've already told you that I'm going out with my friends, Sunwoo. They're not a threat to our relationship."
Your friends, that it makes him mad when you spend time with them, but that's not true. He can see for himself that they want more than friendship from you. They have love in their eyes when they talk to you. Is that what you call a friend? He doesn't like it. He doesn't like you being out of his sight with anyone else. He follows you everywhere to make sure you're safe from the world. He wants to protect you from anyone who could hurt you.
You are sensitive and kind, and that makes you vulnerable to the harshness of the world. That's why your boyfriend is there for you. He loves you and wants to protect you. But you still want to spend time with your friends, even though they don't understand you the way he does. Maybe you're just too independent to let him lead you.
"Sunwoo, he's just asking for directions. There's no need to be harsh with him."
He only asked for directions, but you gave him your beautiful smile. He didn't want anyone else to see that smile, because it was meant for him only. He doesn't want to lose you, and the thought of it scares him. He wants to have a happy ending with you by his side, and he doesn't understand why it has to be so complicated. Why can't you make it happen? Is it really that hard?
He loved all the love stories in movies and books. When he first saw you, he knew that you were the one for him. No one else had ever made him feel that way. It was as if you had cast a spell on him. His love for you grew stronger and stronger every day. He loved you more than anyone else in the world, even his parents. He will never stop showing you how he feels, and he will never stop telling you about it. He will never be silent about his feelings for you because they feel so right.
"Sunwoo, I know you love me, but I'm asking you to please stop making things so difficult for us. I need you to believe in me. You're starting to act differently, and it's making me worry."
Sunwoo is feeling jealous and insecure because you are so beautiful and other people want you as much as he does. He is afraid that you will find someone better than him. Even though he knows that you are meant to be together, he doesn't want you to get hurt by someone else. He wants to believe in you, but he is worried that you will be taken advantage of in this world.
you said Sunwoo made everything so difficult? No. He made it easier to be honest, but you didn't get it. you could be so silly sometimes. you must have been so embarrassed to admit that you loved him that much, poor little thing. Sunwoo is getting so much different now? Maybe he is because he just realized that he should take care of you even more. He realized that you needs him that much, that's why he acts like that.
"Sunwoo, please stop. You're scaring me."
He didn't understand why you had tears in your eyes. Was he scaring you? Why would he? He thought you were joking. After all, he was living in the dream he had always wished for. He woke up to see your beautiful face beside him, and you greeted him with your cute voice. He ate his favorite food, watched his favorite TV show with you, and held you close. He was in cloud nine. You two were perfect together.
He was confused about the tears in your eyes. He thought that your beautiful eyes should not have tears in them. Was that how you showed him that you loved him? Did he need to make you cry even more? He loved life with you. It was so colorful and he enjoyed his time with you so much. Having you was a treasure he had always found in his life. He could not describe how happy he was.
"I think it's time for us to break up. I don't feel like we're in love anymore, and I don't think this is what we're meant to be."
Sunwoo was furious when you said you wanted to break up. He couldn't believe that you would even consider ending their relationship. He told you that he would never let you break up with him, and that he would make you forget about the idea altogether. He loves you very much, and he doesn't understand why you would even think about leaving him. Are you seriously considering leaving him? Leaving him all alone to suffer without you? How dare you? This is the first and last time you will ever be so foolish. He will make sure that you never utter those words again.
The tears streamed down your face that day, and it seemed like they would never stop. But he didn't care. He didn't mind, because it was worth it. He wanted you to understand, and he could tell that you did by the tears on your cheeks. He was so happy for you, even though he didn't like to see you cry. But he knew that it was necessary.
He was finally able to watch you walk slowly along his path. He was so happy about it. He had always dreamed of this moment, of building a kingdom for the two of you. And now, you were there, loving him as he loved you. He could never express how happy he was. He believed that you would eventually love him as much as he loved you. Maybe not right now, but you had plenty of time to learn about love. And one day, you would understand how precious you were to him. You would never think about leaving him again. This life was all about the two of you.
"i...i love you too Sunwoo"
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Get to Know Me!
Tagged by @rockingtheorange
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Last song: Mi Gente - J. Balvin & Willy William 🎶 From my playlist, because I'm not counting "If I Loved You" by Vagabond even though my tv happens to be playing that scene right now.
Last film: Red, White & Royal Blue because I'm currently watching it as usual. (but if I have to choose one that isn't that... Oh yeah, I introduced my mom to The Beat Beneath My Feet a couple of days ago. A non-Nick movie? Probably Barbie in the theater months ago.
Currently reading: "Rojo, Blanco y Sangre Azul" by Casey McQuiston
Currently watching: It's a theme here. I'm watching "Red, White & Royal Blue", to be specific, it's the museum scene.
Currently consuming: queso and chips
Currently craving: strawberry milkshake
Were you named after anyone?
No, and I suppose in a way, I named myself.
When was the last time you cried?
While I was writing a fic today, there are just some things that my characters must go through, but I go through it with them.
Do you have kids?
No, but I am a very proud aunt.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I've played many, none of them well though. My favorite was something I haven't played since junior high called "Volley Tennis", it was so fun.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but I try to tone it down, though it's a go-to defense and a go-to ice breaker that I probably use way too often.
What's the first thing people notice about you?
Usually that I look much younger than I actually am? Because it seems to be a thing that always comes up a few minutes into a conversation? I think anyway. I honestly am not sure though.
What's your eye color?
Green, but maybe more like a sea glass green.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all day! But oh please give me truly understandable angst and slow burn first.
Any talents?
I believe I'm a talented writer and baker, maybe I have some other ones, but I'm not sure anymore what they are as mostly those are the things I do most often.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
I have so many, maybe too many. Writing, reading, arts & crafts, building miniatures, going to SPN cons, collecting RWRB books in all languages available, singing, listening to music, road trips, watching baking shows.... probably a lot more.
Do you have any pets?
Right now, I have one dog. But it hurts to say that because I will always have more than that in my heart.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
Art, because that was my reprieve from the otherwise hellish experience. Even if I wasn't good at it, it never mattered to my teacher.
Dream job?
I would like to be a published author who makes enough money not to do anything else but write. Or, I would like to work in the film industry as the person who organizes and keeps track of props and clothing. I've heard so many different titles for that role, so I won't be specific, lol. I just love organizing and doing that job would be awesome.
I'm tagging @radberryz @didsomeonesaybuffet @poisonfayri @sunnysideprince
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samieree · 1 year
Hello! I'm here with another shot with Heimdall 🥰
Requested by anonim, I hope you all gonna like it ♥
Heimdall x reader (female)
You just found the item Odin asked you for. You come back from a mission that took you much longer than you thought it will, and Heimdall seems angry about it... You already had a specific relationship and spent the night together from time to time, but what is he up to now?  And you?  Is it just "friendship" with benefits for you, or did you see something more in Heimdall?
The task that Odin gave you wasn't complicated, but it took you a lot of time. You would never expect that finding a single artifact in Midgard could be so time consuming.  You've been living in this winter-covered world for about eight weeks now, but finally… You finally got what you came here for.
Now just find Huginn where he was supposed to be waiting for you and you can go back to warm Asgard...
Walking through the forest you better covered yourself with a warm, fur coat.  It was windy and snowing all the time.  On your belt you had both the artifact you obtained and the sword you kept your hand on all the time in case someone attacked you. You've already had a close encounter with someone's knife, luckily it was quite blunt… Thanks to that, you only had a shallow gash on the side of your cheek, not a deep gash across half your face.
 You were slowly approaching your destination, but suddenly you heard some sounds of fighting deeper in the forest.  Grabbing your sword tighter, you decided to check it out - after all, you've already spent eight weeks in this cold, another fifteen minutes won't make a difference, will it?
 It turned out that near a house, a strange boy was fighting with Hel-Reavers. You thought that since you came, you would help him.  So you drew your sword and together you quickly dealt with everyone.
 "Thanks for your help, em..." he said when it was over and you were holstering your gun.
 “Y/n.” You gave your name, smiling slightly.  “And you? And what are you doing here?”
 “My name is Loki. And... It's complicated.  I need to get somewhere.” He explained, clearly not sure if he could trust you to tell you everything.
“Me too, I need to get home.” You sighed softly, looking around.  Why did you come to help him?  Because you have such a good heart?  It seems so… You were about to throw some farewell text when suddenly you heard cawing and a raven flew out of the house you were fighting next to. “Huginn?  What are you doing here, you were supposed to wait for me to take me back to Asgard!”
“Wait, you live in Asgard? Really?  That's where I was going!”
“Really? Why?” Loki didn't have time to answer you, Huginn explained everything to you.  You've only been gone eight weeks and Odin's already bringing in more people to do work for him? “Let's go, I'm sick of this cold.”  You shivered as the icy wind blew once more.
Loki got a little closer to you and after a while Huginn transported both of you to Asgard.  Happy that you finally felt the warmth of the sun again, you took off the hood from your face, but your joy did not last long, because instead of familiar houses and cities, you saw... fields and a huge wall.
“Seriously, Huginn? I know you can take us behind the wall!”  The raven answered you briefly, no, and began to fly away. “Hey, wait! I'm not done talking to you yet!”  but it was too late, you were forced to get behind the wall by yourself.
You turned to Loki, who finally had a chance to see your face in all its glory and seemed to associate you with something.
“Oh yes, that y/n!  How could I not figure it out?”  You rolled your eyes.  He probably recognized you just because of them, and more specifically because of their completely black color.
“You'd better save your strength, because we've got quite a long way up.”  You sighed softly, looking at the huge wall once again. It will be a long and demanding climb…
* * *
As you predicted, it was a very tiring climb, but you finally saw your destination.  Loki was practically at the top, you had maybe two meters to climb. You had already smiled to yourself that you were finally at home again when you heard a familiar voice.
 “Hello.” You paused for a moment to look up. You saw none other than Heimdall with his smirk on his face.  He held an apple in one hand and held Loki's wrist with the other.  “So… What part of the enormous wall made you think: 'Oh, visitors must be welcome'?"  Then the stones under the boy's feet fell off and he was only holding on with one hand, and of course Heimdall was holding him.
 “Leave him, Heimdall.”  You said as you were practically on top, all you had to do was pull yourself up.
 "Who do my eyes see?  Y/n herself! Did you train or race with this kid?”  You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself up, finally sitting on top of the wall.
Your relationship with Heimdall was… complicated.  You didn't seem to like each other very much (at least he didn't like you) and you actually loved to tease each other on a daily basis, especially him you. You had peace for too long?  You could be sure he was about to show up next to you with some unflattering comment, ready to ruin your day.
But on the other hand... Well, that's where the complexity of your relationship started.  He seemed to despise you differently than the others because you had a kind of… arrangement and sometimes you spent nights together in yours or his room.
Maybe it was a stupid move on your part to get into this arrangement, but hey - you liked him overall, so why not?  Besides - you never told him, but you also didn't rule out that he figured it out himself - you saw possibly more in him than everyone else.  That was the reason why you often ignored his comments or didn't take them personally, because you knew how Odin treated him and everything around him was overwhelming.
Maybe… You wanted to be the one person in his life he could trust? Who would like him no matter what?
 “I prefer to train in the evening, it's cooler then.”  you replied, taking a deep breath after the hard climb.  “Honestly, I think Huginn just took offense at me.”
 “Oh, yes. He said you threatened to rip all his feathers off.”
 “I didn't say anything like that!”  you shouted back. You may have thought about this from time to time, but you certainly never said it. And the damn bird can't read minds like Heimdall, can it?
 “Hey,think you could pull me up or…?” Loki spoke suddenly, reminding about himself.
 “No, I don't think I will. I think maybe I’ll drop you”
 “Pull him in, he's the All-father's guest.”  You said as you stood up after your short rest.  “Huginn told me. Let's go.” You didn't wait for them anymore, you just headed straight forward.
 But you heard Heimdall's heavy sigh behind you and how he pulled Loki up after all, just like you said.
Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't pay much attention to how Heimdall treated Loki in his traditional way.  When you were already down in the city, you said that you don't need a ride to the All-father's house, after all, you have legs, they haven't given up yet after climbing.
Besides, on the way you could say hello to all the Asgardians you know and watch the Valkyrie’s training for a while.  As soon as you see Thrúd, you'll have to ask her how her training is going, after all, she dreamed of becoming a Valkyrie. Oh how glad you were to finally be back home...
You slowly went to the All-father's house, where something was going on... You saw Odin himself, involved in this action, he was talking to Loki.  Beside him were Heimdall and Thor, the former covered a little in some mud.
You already knew that this asshole will probably get himself into something as soon as you left.  You might have guessed from the way he spoke to Loki…
You sighed heavily and walked over to this little gathering, after all, you had a case with the All-father of your own.
“What are you up to? Dismissed! Go!”  he said to Thor, who just muttered something under his breath and happily left.  “And you - clean yourself up.”  He turned to the blonde here.
 “But... All-father…”
 "All-father?"  You chimed in too, joining the conversation.  Odin looked at you for a while, then returned to Heimdall for a moment.
 "Heimdall, will you just relax? He wasn't going to barge in here and kill me the first thing.” he still didn't seem convinced, whatever it was… “What, that’s not good enough for you? Get outta here.”
 For someone, Heimdall's expression as he left might have been simply disbelief and mild disappointment, but you saw something more. You saw how sad he was, you might even venture to say that he was very close to crying.  He already seemed to be getting worse at his father's treatment as he tried to do his best and prove his worth. But now…
 You had to admit that you felt sorry for him.
 “Y/n, you don't even know how happy I’m to have you with us again! I see you've made it, and you've already met my guest Loki.” Odin turned to you, smiling slightly. In your hand you already held the pouch with what you set out on the mission for.
 “Yes, we met in Midgard.” You replied, handing him the pouch with the artifact.
“Perhaps you'd like to show him around a bit with me?” You looked at the two of them quickly thinking about this proposal and made a decision.
“I would love to, but forgive me All-father… These last eight weeks have been very tiring.  I wish I could finally get a good night's sleep in a safe place.”  You smiled slightly and Odin nodded understandingly.
You nodded at him and walked towards the house. You weren't even lying, you really wished you could finally rest.  Most of all, of course, you were glad that Asgard was warm.
In your room, you immediately unhooked the sword from your belt, the weight of which you had become accustomed to on your hip.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and realized it was definitely time to comb your hair and change into clean clothes.  You dreamed of throwing yourself on the bed and going to sleep, but instead you pulled yourself together and after a short rest you left the room. You headed to the Mead Hall, because there you expected to meet the person you wanted to talk to.
 “Oh, you haven't left for another few weeks yet?”  Even before you turned to where the voice came from, you knew exactly to who it belonged.  You moved a little closer to Heimdall, who was sipping mead, leaning against the wall.  You turned to him and leaned against the wall too.
 “I doubted it for a moment, but it seems like you really missed me.”  you smiled.
“I? Missed you?”  He chuckled briefly and took another sip.  “I'd sooner fatten like Thor than miss you."
You raised an eyebrow and stepped a little closer to him, reaching out to pat his belly, but he caught your hand just in time, giving you a meaningful look.
“It's going to take you a while, babe.”  You didn't care that he stopped you because you used it to intertwine your fingers. “Are you mad at me for being gone so long?”  you asked, lowering your voice a little. He studied you intently for a while, paying attention to every feature of your face, but he lingered the longest on your cheek cut, you could feel it.
“I don’t want to talk.”
 It hurt.
For a moment you wanted to speak again, say that you see how he feels, that if he needs someone, you are next to him. You can be a support for him, he can trust you, you’ll always listen to him.
But you didn't say any of that.  You were afraid you'd make him even angrier after he was already annoyed by the situation between him and Odin.
 “We'll meet tonight…?”  you asked uncertainly, looking at Heimdall, but he just looked away.
You nodded and sighed softly, starting to walk away, but suddenly he gripped your hand tighter as your hands were about to fall apart.
“If you want, then... You may come…” he said quietly, looking at your still connected hands.  You smiled and squeezed his hand for a moment before walking away.
* * *
You've been standing at his door for a good few moments and wondering how you're going to start a conversation at all, so that he would listen to you, let you explain that he can't hold everything inside of him forever. How to keep him from interrupting you by reading all your intentions in your mind at once?
You took one last deep breath and stepped inside, finding Heimdall in the middle of unraveling his braids.  He was standing in front of the mirror, so you walked over to him and stood right behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist lightly, hugging to him. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you also noticed cotton wool and a bandage lying on the table next to the bed, which surprised you.
 “Did you do something to yourself, Mr. Perfect? You got a bump and I didn't see it?” You asked in a playful tone, ruffling his already loose hair.
“It's not for me.”  He replied without much emotion, removing your hands and walking to the table.  “Sit down.”
At that moment, you remembered the wound that you had on your cheek all the time and you still haven't been able to take care of it.  You had no doubt that he had noticed it, but that... He will want to bandage it for you? You didn't expect it, but it made you feel good...
“I'm not nice, I just can't look at it.” You smiled anyway as you sat down on the bed.  Heimdall sat next to you, brushing your hair from your face to behind your ear, and began to gently disinfect the wound using soaked cotton.
Even though you already knew how he can be, it still surprised you how gentle he can be.  Once upon a time, you'd expect him to throw mud in your face or something instead of tending to your wound.
The first time you met his delicacy was the first time you were close, at the very beginning of your complicated relationship, the first night together. Since then, you've started to wonder what he really is like. That's when you wanted to get to know this asshole better, you started to be interested in his behavior and what caused it.
As you got to know him better, you understood.  He saw the worst in everyone and had no one to lean on, say everything, talk about everything. And then you wanted to become that person in his life.  You wanted to gain his full trust, to be always there when you saw that he needed it. Even if he didn't seem to notice or ignore it.
You just loved that damn man, and even if it was just unrequited love until the end of the world, you weren't going to leave him.
“Stop…” It was only when he spoke that you remembered that you don't even know when he reads your thoughts and when he doesn't. You instantly felt yourself blush.
“I…” you started but didn't finish as he abruptly stood up, throwing a used piece of cotton on the table. “I just…”
“Stop.  Just stop.”  You looked down and nervously flexed your fingers. Applause for you, sitting centrally in front of him, you mentally admitted that you love him. If he hadn't figured it out before, or had guessed but ignored it, now… Now you saw his true reaction to such a confession from you.
He didn't want it. It hurt like nothing else before, you felt tears starting to gather in your eyes.
“I hate to say this, but…” he began, but you didn't look up at him, even as he crouched in front of you. “You’re right.”  He finished and took you by your hand and stroked it gently with his thumb. Then you looked into his purple eyes, in which strangely you didn’t find any anger or disappointment. “I was worried because… Because I think I need you, y/n…”
You stared at him, surprised at first.  Heimdall, the same mischievous Heimdall admitted, that he needed you, that he wanted you in his life, that he was worried about you.
You slid your free hand slowly through his hair, running it gently through it a few times.  You smiled softly at the memory of how many times you had tied his soft hair into braids...
“You can braid them whenever you want, sunshine.”  You smiled a little more as you heard him call you that, the first time he'd called you like that since you came back.
Suddenly, he got up from the ground and leaned over you, knocking you onto the bed.  You wanted to kiss him so much when your faces were so close, but you had to ask something first.
“Is it private or still part of the deal?”  You placed your index finger on his lips to stop him from kissing you.
“Do we still need a deal?”  You smiled and let him kiss you, entwining your hands in his hair and wrapping your legs around his hips.
 Your nights together will never be the same again. They will be much better.
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
Just finished this and now I'm going to write a second part of Heimdall x reader (Greek Goddess) 😏😘
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Sebek, Trey: Sugar Sweet and Bitter Step
Finally 👀 Sebek interacting with the dude that reminds him of his father… This is the juicy content I’ve been waiting for 😌 (It fucking slapped btw, did NOT disappoint 🦷 ✨ I especially loved when Sebek was describing the new candies he has tried and he describes pop rocks as candies that fucking attack you asduqbdoas) ASHDBAIDAIDqwehqbyoe8y IT WAS REALLY CUTE WHEN MALLEUS, LILIA, CATER, AND VIL'S VAS WISHED SEBEK-KUN HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN THE TWST YEAR III ANNI LIVESTREAM...
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What do you do on your days off?”
"Hmph, I'm glad you asked, human!" Sebek's laughter was smug and resounding. "I spend days off training!"
"You... train to relax? That sounds like an oxymoron."
The birthday boy scoffed. "As a knight and an attendant, there is no such thing as 'relaxing'! I must remain vigilant so as to best protect and serve the young master!!"
"I get that, but... your muscles would be sore after working out so much, right? You'd need to take some time off to recover, otherwise you'd be pushing your body to the brink and risk injuring yourself," Trey calmly pointed out. "I used to train back when I played soccer. Had to cut that short when I worked myself too hard, so I wouldn't want that to happen to you."
A sound like rumbling thunder collected in Sebek's throat. "O-Of course I know something as basic as that! I know to take breaks!! Don't belittle me, human!!
"When I say 'training', I don't mean it purely in a physical capacity! If I am not able to train my body, then I train my mind! As Lilia-sama says, tactical might has changed the course in many critical battles in the history of--"
"Oooh, I get it. You mean general self-improvement." His interviewer snapped his fingers as the clues all neatly fit together in his head. "So you like to read? What sorts of things do you usually go for?"
"A variety. I frequent the Mystery Shop to browse their selection, but Diasomnia and the school archives also contain a number of older volumes.
"Lilia-sama has advised that I expand my worldview, so I have taken it upon myself to read literature from many genres and eras. 'Even picture books have merit, Sebek! You should open your heart to them!' ... so he said."
"No kidding." Trey raised his brows. It certainly sounds like something Lilia would say... though I'm not sure how serious he was about it. "Hey, I've read some books to my little brother and sister before, so I could recommend a few to you."
"Picture books from the Queendom of Roses... I've yet to read those. I dislike having to make requests of others, but... on Lilia-sama's orders, I have no other option. You will provide a list of acceptable readings to me the day after today, understood?!"
"Sure, leave it to me." Trey offered a patient smile. "I gotta say though, I didn't think you'd be concerned about being so worldly. You seem a little too set in your own ways."
Ace and Deuce described him as hard-headed. Even Riddle said Sebek has a hard time handling horses in Equestrian Club because of his attitude.
Sebek looked as though he'd be struck in the heart. He recoiled, his face crumpling with upset.
"Hnngh!! I-I've heard as much from Lilia-sama that this would be a detriment if I am to serve the young master, who will no doubt face many diplomatic issues with other countries. That is why I'm making efforts to expand my horizons by diversifying my reading materials and experiencing new things."
"Such as...?"
"I have read in some texts that a good way to learn about other cultures is to consume their cuisine. I have taken to snacking on baked goods and sweets from different regions of Twisted Wonderland to this end. Cookies, muffins, and candies that the Mystery Shop stocks.
"There are lollipops in various shapes, candy so sour it makes your mouth bleed and colors it bright blue, and little granular candies that assault the taste buds with explosions when they hit your tongue...! Hard candies flavored with apples from different farms in Harveston, chewy taffies made with salt from the Coral Sea, gummy bugs from the Afterglow Savanna that gets stuck between my teeth, candied flowers from the Queendom of Roses..."
"Has the snacking helped you learn anything new about those places or the people that live there?" Trey asked, cocking his head.
Sebek paused to think. Moments later, he, with his full chest, proudly replied, "An Octavinelle student was monopolizing all the peppermint sticks in the shop, so I saw it fit to liberate them from his grasp!!"
"... In other words, you picked a fight with him." Trey sighed. "It’s… a start. A small one, but still a start if it gets you to interact with those outside of Diasomnia. You'll just have to keep working on that—baby steps now so you can be where you want to be in the future, yeah?"
"Indeed...!!" Sebek slammed the end of his broom into the ground, the motion hard and resolute. "If I wish to stand by Malleus-sama's side, I must do all that I can to be worthy of him. To go wherever the young master is... that is my greatest dream!!"
He grinned with his teeth, displaying prominent canines. poking out from between two rows of pearly whites. It was a smile as radiant as the sun.
"Oh, that reminds me." Trey indicated his own mouth. "I hope you're remembering to properly floss and to brush your teeth well after eating all those candies. It's important to take care of your dental hygiene, especially after eating sugary snacks."
"Grrgh...!! Where do you get off on, giving me orders!?"
"I wouldn't call them orders. They were just suggestions--though I think your teeth would be happier if you followed them," Trey joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sebek's expression creased all the same.
"That you would see fit to suggest anything of the sort to me is offensive!!" the birthday boy grumbled. "My father makes similar remarks, no matter how often I remind him that I am a grown man!"
"Ahahah... I'm sure that's just his way of showing you that he cares. It's hard for any parent to watch their kid grow up. To them, that kid will always be their baby.
"Hmph! R-Ridiculous," Sebek declared. He haughtily turned away, his cheeks tinged pink. There was hesitation, and then an uncharacteristically quiet voice that slipped out. "You... really are like him in every conceivable way. I cannot fathom humans like you sort."
"Exactly why you're trying so hard now." Trey nodded to the sky above. It was a cornflower blue morning with a healthy sprinkling of clouds. "You've been training hard, so let's see you in action."
"D-Do not presume to understand my skill! I'll show you just how powerful I am!! Faster than light, stronger than lightning... I AM HE WHO HAS SWORN TO PROTECT THE YOUNG MASTER!!"
The vow was made, his ambitions announced.
In response to his decree, the broom fizzled to life. It lifted off the ground in a single strong stroke, Sebek easily swinging on. His robes fanned out behind him, fabric flapping loudly in an errant spring breeze.
Magic crackled in the air around them, hot as sparks, bright as stars. His spells matched his energy: loud and proud.
His grip on the handle was as steady as his resolve.
His fierce gaze, focused on the future.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Sebek Zigvolt Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 3
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Trey: Next we have the final question.
Trey: "How do you spend your days off?"
Sebek: I will do my daily training, review my notes, and prepare for the next class. When not doing that, I tend to be reading.
Sebek: Whenever there are no equestrian club activities, I will see if the Mystery Shop or the town at the base of the mountain have any new books available.
Trey: Oh, so you like books, then. Hm, but still… Don't you feel a little stifled, just training and studying all the time?
Sebek: As one of my lord's retainers, I must be diligent at all times. However, I do make sure to have a proper respite here and there. There is no need to worry over me.
Trey: That's good, then. So, how do you take those respites, then?
Sebek: Whenever I hunger, I will consume sweets. I often eat cookies, muffins, and other simple baked goods.
Sebek: Recently, in order to broaden my palette, I've been trying some of the popular items in the Mystery Shop, but…
Trey: Looks like something's nagging at you.
Sebek: The other day, when I ate this one candy while studying, the inside of my mouth turned completely blue.
Sebek: It both looked and tasted like an ordinary piece of candy. …Perhaps I shouldn't have bitten down on it without thinking.
Trey: Ahahah, that's just one of those candies that changes the color of your tongue! I sometimes used to eat those back when I was a kid.
Sebek: I see. So there was no issue with the way I attempted to consume it.
Sebek: Another one that surprised me was a candy that inflicted physical damage to my person.
Trey: Inflicted physical damage…? I have no idea what you mean.
Sebek: Do you not know of these either? From the outside, it seemed like normal cotton candy, but…
Sebek: In addition to the cacophonous sound, I could feel this slight stinging in my mouth.
Trey: Ah, well if it's that, yeah, I've had some before. That's a candy that's made with carbonated gas.
Trey: I can see why it could be surprising when trying it for the first time. Based on your reaction to it, is that a snack they don't have in Briar Valley?
Sebek: It's possible that there was a similar snack there, but… If I were to have eaten such a snack, my grandfather would not be thrilled.
Trey: Ah, I see. Well, it's good to enjoy some new sweets…. But make sure you don't forget to brush your teeth after you eat.
Sebek: I am simply replenishing my carbohydrates before and after training, and during my studies. It is not as if I am eating the snacks because I enjoy them!
Trey: Oho, is that so?
Sebek: THAT IS SO!!
Sebek: However, for him to say to not to "forget to brush your teeth after you eat"… Whenever I speak with Trey-senpai, I cannot help but be reminded of my father.
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Trey: That's the end of the interview. Here, Sebek, take this broom.
Trey: The light green gives it a nice and refreshing feeling. It rather suits you.
Sebek: I'll concede that the design is well done. If this broom does not fly as well as I deserve it to…
Trey: You'll be fine, Sebek. Just go and give it your all as you normally do.
Sebek: …Right, I'm off.
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Sebek: Just as Trey-senpai said, I will absolutely be fine.
Sebek: Alright, here I go. Time to show them all what Sebek Zigvolt is capable of!
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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Get to Know Me
Hi! I got tagged in two different getting to know people tag games so I am combining them into one :) thanks will be at the bottom :)
Tags below the cut :) but also everyone that I tagged in an answer is welcome to play!
First Set
Last song: Dear Theodosia (@user-anakin, @saintlynomenclature @read-and-write- and I were being emo about all the Hamilton and RWRB parallels, listen to this song & think of Burr as Ellen/Oscar and Hamilton as Arthur)
Last film: Ferrari
Currently reading: Fic, lol, rn I am not chipping away at my tbr and instead slowly rereading Made the Right Selection by @clottedcreamfudge b/c @affectionatelyrs and I love cheerleader Alex/football player Henry
Currently watching: i don't really watch TV besides sports, but I guess Percy Jackson counts ???
Currently consuming: the last thing I ate was a ton of crunchy seasoned chickpeas
Currently craving: dark-chocolate covered honeycomb candy from Sprouts and also cheeto puffs. always, to both.
Next Set
1. Were you named after anyone?
birth name, no, but Rhys is a family name
2. When was the last time you cried?
i literally never cry but listening to dear theodosia in the car and thinking about the rwrb parallels made me tear up???? wild
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
soccer, basketball, lacrosse, swimming, volleyball, softball, track, cross country, tennis, kickball (I come by sporty spice nickname honestly). tbh I feel like I'm missing some, but I have played all of these at some point
5. Do you use sarcasm?
yeah (and then follows the anxiety that people think I'm being serious)
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their smile, probably, and general facial expressions
7. What’s your eye color?
grey/blue/green to be interpreted by others based on what I'm wearing or the lighting lol
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
sucker for love stories so probably happy ending, but scary movies are fun in big groups
9. Any talents?
see 4 aka sports, I'm kind of a jack of all trades master of none athletically. i can also do a pretty good array of voices or impressions, but not on command as much as when I'm reading something (when I was teaching kids would beg to me to read aloud, which was cute)
10. Where were you born?
this feels doxxy so I shall go southern USA
11. What are your hobbies?
writing, reading, watching basketball or f1, falling down a youtube spiral
12. Do you have any pets?
two dogs, two cats
13. How tall are you?
5' 4" i'm just a little guy
14. Favorite subject in school?
history or english, but i also love ap calc lol
15. Dream job?
i mean i'd love to just be a writer and get to travel/work from anywhere, but also people say making a hobby your job can be dangerous so maybe it's for the best (that's what I tell myself)
This was fun! Thanks for the tags for one or both of these @myheartalivewrites @firenati0n @cultofsappho @suseagull04 @14carrotghoul!!!
In addition to those already tagged, tagging @littlemisskittentoes @inexplicablymine @rockyroadkylers @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys :)
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freckledjoes · 3 months
I got tagged by the lovely @babydollbaron :)
Are you named after anyone?
Not that I know, they just liked the name and that was that. To make this more interesting, my name would've been Tim if I had been a boy, but they named our dog Timmy instead, when I turned out to be a girl.
When was the last time you cried?
I feel like two days ago? Sad tiktok stuff.
Do you have any kids?
Do you play/have you played any sports?
Just danced for a bit when I was younger. The most you'll see me do now is lift weights lol. I like sports, even if I'm not good at them, but I don't like the commitment of joining a team and needing to win blabla. I'd just do it casually.
Do you use sarcasm?
I would never be sarcastic in my life, ever. What is the sarcasm even.
What do you notice about people when you first meet them?
Their face.
What's your eye color?
Blue with the laziest specks of green (like I know they're there but you wouldn't really been able to tell unless we're like about to kiss maybe).
Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Depends on the mood what I'd go for but I'm an any kinda gal.
Any talents?
I'm creative in several ways, I'd say. Digital art, photo manipulation, whatever gifs are classified under, photography, writing.
Where were you born?
The Netherlands.
What are your hobbies?
Let's repeat my 'talents' and then add gaming and watching shows.
Any pets?
Not anymore no, but I want two cats in the future. :)
How tall are you?
A mere 5"3 (162).
What are your favorite school subjects?
Languages, though I only really got Dutch and English (and German very briefly), but I always enjoyed it. And well, creative subjects too.
What is your dream job?
One where I can have a creative outlet without it being so consuming that I don't have any creative space in my brain left after work hours. Ideally I'd have my own small business, but I crave stability, especially right now, so I'd much rather do something on the side at the moment. tagging: @softasawhisper @dreamboysteve @mrprettywhenhecries @stevesxyellowxsweater @witchcovenboys @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx + anyone else reading this and wanting to do it, you're tagged too bestie. No obligations to the people I did tag, obviously. :)
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