iwashidraws · 1 year
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Zattana doodle for a friend's birthday
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trashblog07 · 1 year
Remember that tiktok audio from shark tale where it’s like “at least she treats me like i’m somebody. Would she love you if you were nobody. nobody loved me when i was nobody”
Idk why but it reminds me of chalant for some reason
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So the GIW finds a way to preform a huge scan in the town in order to find any hiding ghosts.
But unfortunately, the entire town reads liminal, and the GIW panics, thinking that they are dangeruos (even though they aren’t)
So what do they do? Fake an explosion.
The explosion originated from the FentonWorks lab, wiping out the entire town. But because everyone is a liminal and not a ghost, they all die.
People passing through the town see it in ruins with (green?) flames and calls the fire department from the next town over. Turns out the town has enough radiation that the JL was called.
The government tells them that it was a lab explosion. They look for survivors, finding none
There are however 5 missing bodies from the total count
After checking the town population, counting bodies, the JL realizes that Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Dash Baxter, Daniel and Jazz Fenton bodies are missing.
After a bit of digging, Dash is found in Gotham visiting his cousin Stephanie Brown and his aunt Crystal Brown.
Batman, Superman and Zattana have to break the news to the 16 yo that his entire town, his entire life, his entire family went up in green flames. The government told them that, and they don’t have any reason to not suspect foul play.
They tell him that the radiation form the FentonWorks lab made the portal explode. Dash knows better. The Fentons were crazy, but they were geniuses. They wouldn’t let that happen in 100 million years. Something’s up.
Crystal Brown is his new guardian, but maybe Crystal can’t take care of him fully (remember Dash in liminal too) so Bruce Wayne offers his home.
Batman finds the entire thing sketchy, but doesn’t have enough evidence that something is wrong. Maybe Dash Baxter can fix that
After a couple months, Bruce gets a call from Diana about a teen girl and adult boy who claim to be from Amity Park
Apparently the Fentons had two undocumented children. Dan(te) And Dani(Elle) Fenton. (Dante (19) was in the ghost zone, and Elle (14) was traveling, the government kept the entire thing under wraps, so she doesn’t know about the explosion)
Bruce ends up inviting them to live in the manor, and the moment Dash sees them, he knows something up because the Fentons only had 2 kids, and Dante and Elle look exactly like Danny.
Bruce took DNA samples of Dante and Elle and compared it to Jack and Maddie Fenton’s bodies to see if they share DNA. They do.
Dante and Elle find out that Danny’s and Jazzes bodies are missing, and instantly think that the GIW have them (they do. The GIW found that these five kids have the highest radiation levels and took them for experimentation.
Just basically an entire conspiracy about ghosts, the government, and an explosion
Kinda different than what I usually post, but I like this a lot
Any media is welcome as long as you tag and comment :))
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Daniel J Nightingale is the absolute bane of John Constantine's existence, and yet here he sat, in the watchtower, talking to zattana, and eating John's fucking sandwich.
"I'm sorry, why is the fucking youtuber here, and why is he eating my food?" He asked, feeling pretty pissed.
Zattana sighed, "I know he has a less than credible internet presence, but he does have information about the Lazarus pits." She looked over her shoulder back at Nightingale, who was staring back at her with false innocence. "And I have no idea where he got that sandwich."
"Sorry man, I was pretty hungry."
"Oh mate, I'm sure you were!"
Zattana put her hand on his shoulder, giving what probably looked like a reassuring squeeze, but actually felt like a fucking vice on his trapezius. "We are trying to have a conversation about the pits, John."
"What in the everloving fuck is some trendy, backrooms influencer going to know about dimensional runoff??!"
"Hey," said Daniel, putting down the now half finished sandwich, "Do you actually think what people call 'the backrooms' are actually part of this dimension?"
"The fuck does that mean?"
"Okay," He said, putting his hands flat on the table and looking like he was getting ready to go on a rant. "So in the 90's to early 2000's a couple of scientists were able to discover a new energy source that existed in very faint portions all over the world, but mostly in graveyards and like, battlefields where people died. This energy would connect with the emotions of the recently dead and form extradimensional beings right here on earth-prime."
And the realization dawned on John, "No." He said, but Daniel nodded. "Not the Fentons, there's no way those nutcases were right?"
He nodded uncomfortably, "Well, they were psycho but they were right. Found a thinspot between dimensions over in Illinois and punched a hole right through, forming our fist stable portal to the Infinite Realms. AKA the dimension where both 'the backrooms' and your little Lazarus Pits originate."
Daniel picked the sandwich back up and let that new information sink in for a bit, picking up a stray piece of lettuce off the table.
Constantine felt like slamming his head into the nearest wall. The insane occult scientists had been right the whole time and now some fucking youtube hack was their best lead to taking down what was basically a magic crime ring.
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schwarz-san · 1 year
A Revenant for The Red Knight
Your typical Dp x Dc Summoning AU, but with a twist.
Jason is having a bad time.
The most of the family to be honest.
Why? Cultist. In Gotham.
One that worship some kind of All Powerful Eldritch Death Outer God from Beyond and plans to summon the Thing to this plane of existence.
The worst part? Most of the bats are being use as sacrifice. Wait no, the worst part is that Jason is the main sacrifice.
They did contemplate whether to use Jason or the Demon child, but end up deciding to use Jason instead. Something about being having essence of Death and the Multiverse in his veins and you know what? He's not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole. Nope.
The demon child is lashing out like the unvaccinated feral racoon that he is, Dick is trying to escape and so does Bruce as well as trying to make sense of the Summoning circle that the cultist were using. The replacement is snoring, the asshole.
Hah. Thats what he get for drinking five mugs of expresso instead of sleeping then gatting tranq.
Also, fuck Bruce for not calling Constantine or Zattana the moment they smelled something supernatural.
God, he hates magic.
The cultist started chanting by then, speaking in a language that no one understood—huh? Well look at that. He could apparently. He could hear them chanting in that unknown language and english at the same time, its over lapping. Weird, its like it was being translated especially for him since the others didnt seems to show any recognition with the words the cultist was using.
Except maybe the demon child, but the others? Nada.
"—Ruler of the inbetween, Heed our call. Defeater of the Dark Tyrant. Master of Space, The bridge between Every Realms, The Great One, The Balance—"
Thats a fuck ton of titles.
The circle began glowing green and fucking Lazarus waters began to pour out and thats not fucking good.
Pillar of unnaturally Neon Red Fire emerge from the Circle and destroyed the ceiling and shook the entire ware house.
A tall armoured figure emerge as the pillar of fire began to settle out. It was floating above the circle, looming over everything in a terryfing manner. Temperature began to rise as the being's Unnayurally white gaze fell upon them.
It was… a knight? A knight cross over a biker??? It also had guns which is weird and is that a fucking Bat Insignia on its chest?
Pressure from all side crash over them as the beings gaze intensified before vanishing all together the moment its gaze fell on jason.
After what seems to be eternity, the being finally spoke.
"Huh. His majesty was right, I really was that stinky and fuck up before he find me."
The knight biker then remove his helmet to reveal his own face with a domino mask with his color pallete just inverted.
The doppelganger then pull out his gun and began shooting down the cultist all against the other bats protest. One by one the cultist vanished in to tin air as if they didn't exist all together.
He snapped his fingers and the rope that tying the burst in the same crimson flames and vanished all together.
"What the absolute fuck is going on here?!"
Or cultist used kidnap batfam and use jason as a sacrifice to the ghost king to summon him.
They summon Alternate version of jason who is a halfa and work as one of Danny's Fright knight: Red Knight.
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Helen Jordan: Hey uncle Hal
Hal Jordan: Helen?
Ooc) aka The Reunion. Helen being a Lost Child along with Hal jr Jordan her cousin.
Due to being supernaturally sensitive, raised by Spectre Hal and several other Supernatural caretakers. She naturally wanted to learn more.
She did and when she was heading home, things reset. Lost outside of time, only aging a bit as she naturally resisted the influence of the island.
She faded in the background, Salem and her trading magical knowledge and story's.
She was so scared sometimes, she wanted to go home. She wanted to be a kid again.
And as the girls all brushed each other's hair, white falls out from her ponytail. Sighing she kept it down, Secret aka Greta being the most "modern" of them knew what it meant.
No she wasn't possessed by any fear being, she was just stressed and her form reflected that in a way she knew well, being slightly genetically disposed to it too.
(hc that most magic users reflect their inner voice physically. Hence Zattana being her performer self and Constantine being a hot mess. Helens more sensitive to this phenomenon because of how magically charged her younger life was spent. Not to mention the trips to the afterlife lol)
When Stargirl and Emiko Queen came to the island, she stepped back to allow them to lead. Battle was not her strength, understanding and deduction being her best strengths.
Also Yellow eyed Hal. They stuck with him. I hate green eyed Hal and he's always still a little Eldritch. His hair is more wild because he just woke up and flew over. Man's a bit depressed but he runs immediately over and hugs his niece and nephew.
My Helen is about Dukes age and Gen. She's very much like the Dead boy detectives but alive and kicking.
Those three butt heads like yowling cats over any spirit cases.
Her Hero Alias is Kindness.
What do you want to be when you're grown up?
... Kind./Ref
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a-echo-of-gotham · 2 months
Currently 17, and my closest Counterpart would be Red Robin.
Call Me Echo, I am a Mage hero. No I don't preform like Zattana. No I am not a Magic Love Child of ANY John Constantine. Ew.
Small details bout me. I Am Cursed, Hence the Snake look. Yes those are tattoos, got them illegally.
Here's me n my team judging your fashion choices 😜
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(Ooc: sup I'm Mod Kore. This is a personal au. But y'all can interact and fuck with this Tim. I encourage it)
My other blogs are @crystalline-tim and @bee-punk-in-gotham
DPxDC au
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naphiatra · 6 months
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Doodles for Zattana from FR on my pwyw doodle thread
Shop thread in my pinned post.
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diosoup · 2 years
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🪄 Zattana icons 🪄
Like or reblog if you use/save
Requests are open
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ollyvxz · 2 years
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✧---------------------୨♡Zattana ♡୧--------------------------✧
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John Constantine in Hellblazer #66 
John Constantine in Zattana & the Ripper #43
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im sure there are more please put in comments...
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Lex Luthor drains The Light's bank account
June 8, 23:30
Vandal Savage: What the hell, what happened to my 100k?
Queen Bee: Uhh, I don't know, maybe Luthor did something.
Klairon: Yeah, he spends every single penny on his useless inventions that could be made with magic for free.
Lex Luthor: Alright fine I spent it on Genshin Impact, but refresh your Paypal, I already gave it back.
Vandal Savage: Yeah, you did, but...
Deathstroke: But what? my gun is always ready to fire and all...
Vandal Savage: No, don't kill him, he manages our expenses and all. BUT we gotta cure him of the Genshin Impact.
Lex Luthor: What the hell does that mean?
Vandal Savage: We gotta make you forget the game.
Lex Luthor: Dont, or else I will stop funding you.
Vandal Savage: Remember, we have bombs on your Lexcorp building.
*Lex Luthor is silent*
Vandal Savage: Also, I know just the perfect guy, or I'd say gal. Any of you remember Black Manta?
Deathstroke: So you're planning to control Miss Martian? That would be like essentially bombing this base right here, right now.
Vandal Savage: Don't worry, I have a plan with some magic.
New York City
June 9, 4:20
Miss Martian: Vandal! You will not hurt ANYONE as long as I am here.
Vandal Savage: po dna elam amgis yrev si tnassap ne osla ssehc ni eceip tseb eht si koonk eht (this is backwards language, aka zattana's spell language btw)
Miss Martian: What is your order, Master?
Vandal Savage: Come with me.
June 9, 9:10
Vandal Savage: No, she's under my control. Miss Martian, you have 24 hours to make Lex Luthor forget Genshin Impact.
Miss Martian: Alright.
*she enters Lex Luthor's mind*
Miss Martian: There you go, the genshin part, just have to destroy it and all.
*she does that and leaves instantly*
Lex Luthor: Oh my god, who installed this genshin impact thing on my phone?
Klairon: get pranked baldy
Lex Luthor: That's impressive, you somehow managed to crack my 420 digit password.
Klairon: magic and all lmao
Vandal Savage: I think I can keep Martian with me for a while. but THANK GOD that he was actually cured in 10 minutes.
Miss Martian: Actually, I just wanted to see how this was going. I faked being controlled, and when you told me that you want to cure Luthor of Genshin Impact, I just did because according to my friends, it is very morally correct. Or based. Now, I'll leave. Bye, Luthor.
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koyoi-band · 3 months
2024.7.25 thu
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下北沢ERA ERA presents A Day in The Life
W / sleep through life neu zattana monsa momostolen
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 前売/当日 ¥2200/¥2700(+1D¥600)
お取り置きフォーム https://forms.gle/KgDMce4TzuADXhEx8
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Can I get some chaotic fucking danny? Not like quirky weirdo, but like erratic behavior, too many teeth, laughing at inappropriate times, twitchy, unstable thermodynamic lawyer vibes?(strangers think he's an addict)
In the time since amity park was destroyed, danny slowly became less and less human. Felt no need to act normal or to try to spare the delicate constitutions of the poor humans who found themselves interacting with him. Just pure, unhinged eccentricity.
He's a powerful ally to the JLD, but not one often called on. Zattana finds herself dealing with him when they have to cross paths bc if she let John do it he'd try to strangle the damn thing.
But one day they have no choice and have to summon him on a mission that includes the young justice or teen titans team which has them super fucking worried about how he would interact with kids, but as soon as he sees the baby team he just acts,,, normal????
And after that they're never able to convince their sidekicks that there is a genuine reason that they don't like Danny bc to them he's a run of the mill teenage super, nothing weird gross or unsettling to be seen, meanwhile the Justice league regularly has to put up with a nightmare taken human form.
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decadent-dc · 2 years
Backs a trucks worth of left over Halloween candy into Zattanas yard. *special delivery!!!*
"Ooh how lovely. You must be hungry anon, if you've brought this much candy to the best feeder in the area~" Zatana grinned mischievously at the anon, her eyes glinting as she looked over all the candy.
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