comicwaren · 2 months
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From Star Wars: Darth Vader #045, “The Martyrium of Frozen Tears”
Art by Adam Gorham, Paul Fry and Federico Blee
Written by Greg Pak
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makaidraws · 4 days
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prinnyposting · 1 year
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oh noer!11!!!
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demonlordcosnime · 1 year
lets play disgaea 6 part 7
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mothmothwoth · 4 months
so with the Wilbur situation happening and more people talking about Shubble I thought it’d be a good time to recommend and talk about Shubble stuff that I’ve loved and have lived rent free in my head for years. (All of which are older stuff, Shubble was my jam like 6 years ago)
Agents - This is a series that started out as the typical comedy bit where Shelby and their friend Max (Mithzan) pretend to be Secret agents on a mission. They play old Minecraft mini games and challenges and are just a really funny duo together and they play off really well. However they start to incorporate lore and returning characters into the videos which create an overarching story to the Agents series. The original series that came out in 2016 (ish?) Ends with the end of the world and many mysteries unexplained. However there is a prequel series Shubble made after the Original Agents which explore Agent Shed and Zeds backstory, how they met, and gives Shelby’s love interest (Death (or well actually its deaths son?? In the prequel he hasn’t taken over for his father yet) also yes Shelbys character has a crush thing on death) a personality and character as well. I loved this thing, honestly I still do love this series it’s silly and the mystery made me lose it as a kid. It honestly is still my jam I will most likely rewatch this one soon.
Mystery Hotel - This is a roleplay mystery series Shubble did that has less of the comedy and buddy cop duo of Agents but more story and an almost haunting vibe. It has Shelby as a person walking into a hotel hoping to get a room to crash for the night and being trapped in the hotel and the other guests rooms. The guests are all her friends and they play games and challenges and when they succeed the guests are free from their rooms. This one is more actually one off than agents but it has a really nice vibe and the people all seem to be having a good time doing this. There is also a heavy sprinkle of lore between the fun so it leaves you with questions and wanting to find out more. I honestly do not remember the ending because I watched it when it came out and it was a long time ago.
Shelby almost dies in a stairwell - This story time video has been in my head for 7 years. I NEED to tell someone about this. Shelby got trapped in the stairwell and this is her video about that. This video turned me off of conventions forever and gave me permanent paranoia of being stuck in a stairwell. I think I watched this video like 18 times when I first saw it and I cannot tell you why. AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I cannot explain why these videos are so special to me they just are. Someone please tell me you share the experience of watching these I’m going to lose my mind.
but anyways Go watch Shubble they are silly, go watch her new content. Just. go bananas. Support Shubble (thumbs up)
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ramenwaitr3ss · 4 months
My personal headcannons for Characters and listeners from some of the fandoms I’m in!
(Because I’m bored)
Redacted Headcannons^^^
David has a photo of him and Angel in his wallet, whereas Angel has a photo of them and David as their wallpaper.
When Damian gets flustered he also lets off steam slightly.^^
Milo will make SH coffee in the morning in the way they like, with a small note telling them to have a good day at work.
My freelancer has a stomach tattoo that’s under their navel of a heart. And Gavin loves to kiss it^^
Sam and Vincent catch up over tea and wine on occasion, and they mostly talk about their partners lol.
Sweetheart takes naps in the most uncomfortable places, but makes it work somehow.
Baabe and Asher do skincare together every night.
Good Boy Audio headcannons!!
Personal headcannon that the Guardian and Mirin have a noticeable height difference with Mirrin being a foot shorter than them.
Adding onto that I see the Guardian being around 7’ 0-7’ 1 and Mirrin being like 6’ 8-6’ 7
Faithful will sing Karrano to sleep sometimes and Devlin will listen in with a small smile
Albus and Hipswitch are drinking buddies(I don’t know if Hipswitch can even drink, but if he can’t he just is there for the vibes lol).
The Guardian kept a Souvenir they got with Zed when they left, and keeps it in good shape.
Makkaro and his wife, have slow dances on special nights.
I’ve always imagined for me, that Pandora likes to sleep a lot and they’ve fallen asleep on Hades’ shoulder countless times, and now with her having Cerberus she’ll fall asleep with them on occasion.
Escaped Audios!
Jean and intern literally could not keep their hands off each other after everything that happened. Badabing and Badaboom kept saying “Ewwww�� each time the two would cuddle, kiss, or anything cutesy.
Benji has a tattoo of his and his wife’s anniversary^^
Crow liked having his hair played with.
Raven constantly plays with her hair as a nervous stim or subconsciously when she’s sitting down watching Tv, or reading, working etc.
Alphonso was one of those really cringy emo kids, and is definitely embarrassed about it lol.
Personal headcanon for my Intern is that they were a singer and dancer, before the events of New Jersey rats.
I forget her name since I’m still new to the series- But the listener for Der Wolfsjäger, is terrified of dogs, and is learning how to deal with them thanks to the series lol.
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Just realized how unstable my type is when I listed my top 10 celebrity/fictional crushes.
1. Mycroft Holmes (Mark Gatiss)
2. Loki Friggason (Tom Hiddleston)
3. Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott)
4. Raymond Reddington (James Spader)
5. Martin whitley/Aziraphale (Michael sheen)
6. Crowley/Alec Hardy (David Tennant)
7. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr)
8. Zed (Milo Manheim)
9. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie)
10. Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig)
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cattimeswithjellie · 10 days
Liveblogging Scar Stream 6/8/24, Part III
1:15:00 The witch is in place. It continues poisoning Scar. Scar polls the chat about taking it out of the minecart, but reaches no consensus.
1:16:50 A wild Zedaph appears (signs on)! Scar comments he is almost never online with Zed because their timezones are so different. Same with Joel. Scar begins to compliment the Imagineers at Toyko Disney Springs. He likes very many things about Tokyo Disney. While he talks, he disassembles the witch track. He also likes the themed Disney food, and Disney food in general.
1:23:30 Scar attempts to remove the witch from the minecart. It poisons him again. He accidentally hits it with a shovel. A chatter suggests invisibility potion, but Scar is skeptical. The witch kills him. He respawns in the train engine.
1:25:20 Scar returns to the villain car and collects his bits. He drops a bow, which concerns the chat, but it is not the HotGuy bow. Scar teases the coming TCG set and says the art is going to be very cool. He checks to see if a shield blocks potions. The witch poisons him again.
1:27:40 Scar successfully frees the with from the minecart. It poisons him again. He flies away and scolds the witch from a safe distance for throwing potions on Frank.
1:29:30 Chat demands lava for Frank. Scar says Frank will get lava. Scar takes the chat to his creative world and warns of spoilers ahead. He shows chat several potential designs for villain cars, but the one he wants isn’t there. He is confused. Chat suggests that maybe the other tower was the friends we made along the way. Scar shows off some of the train designs he used while preparing to build the zoo train, including trains he build in Scarland, Empires, Season 7, etc. The original engine design for the circus train was much more compact and cartoony. There are at least 20 trains and partial trains floating in this area.
1:33:45 Scar says that this test world is extremely old. He flies over to an area where he learned how to make beds and pieces of furniture back in 2011 or 2012. He shows us what he believes may be the first-ever Minecraft toilet. He gives chat a tour of some kitchen and living room designs from 2012 and the introduction of terracotta. He shows chat the first “realistic” house he tried to build. It is perfectly fine, but he does not like it now. He counsels chat that everything takes time, practice and commitment. He flies past a boat he hates and commands chat not to look at it. He shows mockups of the courthouse from Season 4, planes from Season 7, and HotGuy HQ from Season 9. Many recognizable builds from various seasons are visible. Scar tells chat that you need to fail and fail and fail before you ever get where you want to go.
1:38:45 Scar tries to find a particular build and cannot, detours to show his experiments with ghostly glass from Season 6. He shows a mockup of his Season 5 roads from Scar City. He shows the prototype of a never-enacted prank on False involving “Jelliefish.” He shows some redstone experiments from back in the day, including a scrapped enchanter from the first Scarland survival world.
1:42:00 A chatter suggests Scar make the creative world available as a world download. Scar says he wishes there was more in it, that he often uses a HC world download these days. He shows off a Kingdomcraft build he designed while he was in the hospital but could not complete because the series ended.
1:45:20 Scar shows off many prototype Swaggons and describes trying to figure out the scale of the very large wagons. He encourages the chat to persevere through times when everything seems ugly and wrong, because things will eventually start to click.
1:47:10 Scar shows off a half-built structure he liked and never built. He shows off two building prototypes for the Pirate Cove. A chatter asks about world edit, and Scar shows how he uses World Edit to copy and paste in process builds so he can make alterations to builds he likes without risking ruining the structure in the process. He talks about how working with Bdubs has made him more willing to take extreme design risks and see what happens, and World Edit helps him do that.
1:51:45 Scar says most World Edit tools don’t make sense to his creative brain so he doesn’t use brush tools or things like that. Being in creative, chilling, building and having fun are one of his favorite things to do. He shows off gradient tests from when tuff and dripstone were new. He says he practices shapes and color patterns in creative so he can do them quicker and better in his survival worlds.
1:55:00 Scar shows off a set of color and gradient tests from the beginning of the nether update. He interrupts a trio of villagers talking, one of whom is wearing a dragon head. He finds a redstone device but cannot figure out what it was supposed to do. He gets very excited when he finds “something very interesting,” the original color layout for his magical crystals. Red crystals were supposed to be health before he turned it into a rage crystal for Tango. He says the saddest thing about Season 7 was that he wanted to take the crystal thing way further, but is happy that he was able to use the idea again in Last Life. He shows off the prototypes of his bell prank on Grian from Season 8. He finds several more ambiguous redstone pieces.
1:59:40 Scar shows off several more prototypes from early season builds. He is charmed by finding an alligator he does not remember building. He pop quizzes chat on one prototype, chat correctly guesses “haunted mansion.” He finds his mockup of the “modern fishing cabin” from 2014 and is very excited about it. He shows off mockups of ‘digital trees’ from Mumbo’s Season 6 landscaping.
2:04:00 Scar returns to Hermitcraft. He asks chat if they liked the visit to the test world, chat is enthusiastic. Scar says that sometime he will do a tour of Scarland, the survival world he built before joining any SMPs. He returns to contemplating the villain car and wants to get an evoker and/or a ravager. He is also going to build some farms under the train. He says he’s still going to build a roller-coaster in Magic Mountain even though now it’s destined for volcano-hood, and also that he’s going to add some villagers. He envisions a train barn design that houses either a super smelter or a villager trading hall.
2:08:00 Scar explains that he wants all his cars to have functions, but he is not sure of a function for the aquarium car. He solicits ideas from the chat. A chatter asks about the recording studio and Scar tells them to go watch the most recent video. A chatter suggests putting a dolphin in the aquarium car. Scar says that’s probably a bad idea. He says he may flood a portion of the land near the train to remove unused land, then terraform a new shoreline.
2:11:40 Scar returns to studio view and draws the stream to a close. He says his next step is to trigger a raid to get the ravager and evoker, and contemplates getting help from Doc, so long as Doc has his mini pizzas first this time. He admits that he’s going to need to go get new headphones and is sad about it. One headphone cup appears to be actively trying to escape his head. Scar raids into Ren and ends his stream.
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danthepest · 2 months
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The Green Lantern corps. and Green Lantern villains as seen in the DC Animated Universe. In order:
The Guradians of the Universe - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #1 (1960).
Abin Sur - First Appearance in Showcase #22 (1959).
Hal Jordan - First Appearance in Showcase #22 (1959).
John Stewart - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #87 (1971).
Kyle Rayner - First appearance in Green Lantern v3 #48 (1994).
Jessica Cruz - First appearance in Justice League v2 #30 (2014).
Katma Tui - First appearance in Green Lanternv2 #30 (1964).
Kilowog - First appearance in Green Lantern Corps v1 #201 (1986).
Tomar Re - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #6 (1961).
Arkkis Chummuck - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #130 (1980).
Barreer Wot - First appearance in Green Lanternv4 #4 (2005).
Salakk - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #149 (1982).
Galius Zed - First appearance in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 (1981).
Larvox - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #9 (1961).
Spol - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #168 (1983).
Sinestro - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #7 (1961).
Star Sapphire - First appearance in Showcase #22 (1959).
Vandal Savage - First appearance in Green Lantern v1 #10 (1943).
The Manhunters - First appearance in Justice League of America v1 #140 (1977).
Sonar - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #14 (1962).
Dr. Polaris - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #21 (1963).
Goldface - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #38 (1965).
Evil Star - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #37 (1965).
Sportsmaster - First appearance in All-American Comics #85 (1947).
The Tattooed Man - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #23 (1963).
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whumptober · 10 months
is there a list of what songs all the lyrics in the prompt list are from? some of them feel really familiar but I can't place it
They’re all in order on our YouTube and Spotify playlists, but here is a plain text version!
Day 1: Collapse — Zeds Dead, Memorecks
Day 2: Dead to Me — Melanie Martinez
Day 3: Old Wounds — Taryn Hadfield
Day 4: JUMP! — Only The Poets
Day 5: why you gotta kick me when i’m down — Bring Me The Horizon
Day 6: Welcome to the Black Parade — My Chemical Romance
Day 7: Control — Halsey
Day 8: All These Things That I’ve Done — The Killers
Day 9: Sweet Heroine — YUNGBLUD
Day 10: Cirice — Ghost
Day 11: MAYDAY — TheFatRat, Laura Brehm
Day 12: You’d Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out To Get You) — Waterparks
Day 13: Underdog — You Me At Six
Day 14: Liquid State — Muse
Day 15: Stupid — STONE
Day 16: Chasing Cars — Snow Patrol
Day 17: Passive Aggressive — GIRLI
Day 18: Not My Own — Caleb Hyles
Day 19: Hate Me — Nico Collins
Day 20: People Don’t Change People, Time Does — The Wombats
Day 21: Death of Me — SAINT PHNX
Day 22: Hit and Run — LOLO
Day 23: Demons — Hayley Kiyoko
Day 24: Dream in a Little Less Colour — Lacey
Day 25: Demons — Frank Turner
Day 26: Done Try'na (Save A Life) — Jessarae
Day 27: cardigan — Taylor Swift
Day 28: Dirty — grandson
Day 29: Ship in a Bottle — fin
Day 30: I’m Not Okay — Chris Catalyst
Day 31: These Drugs — Sugar Pine 7
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wellntruly · 5 months
Oh right yes, we're back with my top ten movies of 2024
1 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (Altman, 1971) Recommended for: easy but, Leonard Cohen fans
2 Sherlock, Jr. & Steamboat Bill, Jr. (Keaton, 1924 & 1928) Recommended for: Tarsem's The Fall fans
3 Shanghai Express (von Sternberg, 1932) Recommended for: noir fans
4 Solaris (Tarkovsky, 1972) Recommended for: people with a poetry tag
5 My Darling Clementine (Ford, 1946) Recommended for: people who have been told they have an old soul
6 3 Women (Altman, 1977) Recommended for: the witchy wlw Lana Del Rey fans
7 Sorcerer (Friedkin, 1977) Recommended for: Mad Max fans
8 The Apartment (Wilder, 1960) Recommended for: sad girl Christmas!
9 Harold and Maude (Ashby, 1971) Recommended for: Edward Gorey's Gashlycrumb Tinies fans
10 A Zed & Two Noughts (Greenaway, 1985) Recommended for: Bryan Fuller's Hannibal fans
As before, links go to my original Letterboxd “review” (comment), and if you click the poster or title there you’ll be taken to the short synopsis, cast & crew, wide header image for some vibes, etc.
And then the next ten too why not, it was a Good Year in Watching:
12 Angry Men (Lumet, 1957) After Hours (Scorsese, 1985) Lady Vengeance (Chan-wook, 2005) The French Connection (Friedkin, 1971) A New Leaf (May, 1971) Leave Her To Heaven (Stahl, 1945) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Ōshima, 1983) The Lion In Winter (Harvey, 1968) Women On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Almodóvar, 1988) Fail Safe (Lumet, 1964)
I loved all these as well
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comicwaren · 6 months
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From Star Wars: Revelations Vol. 2 #001
“A Trick of the Mind”, by Charles Soule (W), Andrea Di Vito and Rachelle Rosenberg (A)
“Tall Tales”, by Alyssa Wong (W), David Baldeón and Jay David Ramos (A)
“Stolen Hope”, by Ethan Sacks (W), Will Sliney and Nolan Woodard (A)
“Showdown at Ocean’s Deep”, by Marc Bernardin (W), Chriscross and Andrew Dalhouse (A)
“Tool of the Empire”, by Greg Pak (W), Salvador Larroca and Nolan Woodard (A)
“All the Republic”, by Cavan Scott (W), Marika Cresta and Chris Sotomayor (A)
“Duel of the Reprobates”, by Marc Guggenheim (W), Salva Espín and Israel Silva (A)
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thefallling · 7 months
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Zed week day 2 :D As normal more under cut :D
OK FIRST THING I KNOW THE OTHER PROMPT IS 5-6 not 6-7 but im too lazy to go and fix it and it doesnt really affect the drawing so whatever.
I decided to do the contraptions/shenanigans prompt today and picked a CLASSIC zed shenanigan in my opinion. I loved watching zed do this one SO MUCH and I've seen alot of cool art centered around it so I figured WHY NOT.
This exposion took WAY too long to get to this which im still not very happy with but fuck it we ball and post anyway. I played around with like 15 other varients but this was the least worst.
Tmmr probably going to be a small doodle because unfortunately I'm not feeling so hot today.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 4 months
wally’s size. That’s it. that’s the short question.
Good thing he's not short in height or length lmaoo. To answer a short question with a short answer: he's boasting a stunning 6-7 inches. He has around 4 inches of girth (in terms of cir-cum-ference) that never thins, he's consistently thick from base to tip.
I know I sound biased to Zed because of my previous post, but he's from a more fantastical world so I have to be real and give Wally a real number lmao. Plus, that's usually what I imagine when writing my fics (even tho i don't say it cause I like y'all to imagine it however you want🤭)
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
(Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.)
Hi! Hello! How are you? :]
Let me just say, your work is simply incredible.
I've been binge-reading your TTSBC series for a few days now, as you can probably tell from all the kudos (you deserve them!), and I have been going crazy
First of all, I think this was the first Hermitcraft ship fic I've read. Conclusions/thoughts;
1) You've made me a flower husbands fan, great job, I am now obsessed with them
2) the relationship between Scott and Martyn is so precious to me, you have no idea
3) I am now a fan of ALL the relationships you've written; flower husbands, treebark, desert duo, Tango/Zed, Lizzie/Joel, Shelby/ Katherine, Etho/Doc (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
4) PEARL IS A MENACE AND I LOVE HER. SHE IS MY FAVOURITE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She is the big sister™ and she is the best
5)Scar is a sweetheart and that is a FACT. HE WAS SO SWEET TO CUB?? AND TO GRIAN?? I LOVE HIM
6) I absolutely love mom Cleo, her and Bdubs are so kind and thoughtful and caring to each other, I will simply explode
8) I need more Scott as a journalist. I need to see his hunger to get all the details. I need to see him use his silver-tongue skills on someone, and I need to see Jimmy(or anyone) be scared but also fascinated. I need to see more Scott and Pearl fighting for the best interview.
I don't even watch cc!Scott, and now look at me. Im obsessed with his character.
10) I also,,, kinda,,, want to see someone react a bit badly to seeing their partner being from the under-city. Maybe,,, Martyn being angry with being lied to? Maybe,,, Scott screaming at him that what he's doing is helping no one? Maybe, maybe,,,,
(im secretly an angst-girlie at heart, what can I say. I love me some good hurt/comfort)
12) please let zed and tango have a happy ending pleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLE-
13) also the titles have all been so cool! I saw a post of yours that said you use terms of endearment, and I thought that was really cute :)
In conclusion, I am crazy for your work, please feed us more.
To show you how crazy I've been over this series;
I went completely nuts, explaining to my friend some basics about it the moment I was sure I've read everything, and Im probably gonna make them read it too. I've already sent them the link to the series.
They are not even a Minecraft fan. They don't know what Hermitcraft is.
Anyway, this was all to say; you're amazing, your work is truly fantastic, your writing style is one of the best I've ever seen/read (and I've read a lot of fics, do not doubt me)
Please don't feel forced to write anything I've said! I'm just throwing ideas that came over my head when reading!
(your traveling thieves series is also amazing! Im just currently full of ttsbc thoughts rn, its eating me alive /pos)
Hope my spam liking was not annoying!
Have a great day!
It was not annoying in the SLIGHTEST!
Hello hello, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad TTSBC has been so enjoyable for you and that you've had fun binge reading all of it!
I am delighted and honored to be the first author you've read that has written Hermitshipping and that you've enjoyed it and it's caused you to love all my ships! That's a great day for a fanfic author!!!
FLOWER HUSBANDS ARE MY FAVORITE! More people who like Flower Husbands? HAPPIER I AM! It is a DIRECT correlation!
Someone commented at some point that they reminded them of drunk girls comforting each other in the bathroom after a party, and I think that's exactly accurate 😆
Pearl is the Big Sister ™️ of the group and if anyone hurts any of her little siblings it is game over!
Scar is SUCH a sweetheart in this AU! He's a superhero, he's a boyfriend, he's a best friend, he's a professor, and he's just doing his best to juggle it all!
Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick. Only the best combo!
Katherine said "Wait crap I think that was the love of my life!" and dove back in!"
Journalist Scott will be making a return in several pieces of the future, don't you worry! We'll get to see him strut his stuff! I'm very glad I've gotten you to love c!Scott even if you don't watch cc!Scott, that's just the best!
ooooo there's an angsty take. Hm. Well, there is certainly more angst on the docket for everyone, I assure you, and while I can't promise that brand of angst in particular, there is other stuff left to unpack! Please look forward to it!
Zedango will return! That is all I shall say!
I'm so glad you like the titles! I think it's very cute but I have to admit I'm starting to struggle to come up with terms of endearment I haven't used before 😆
I'm so glad you're trying to get your friend into TTSBC! The nice thing is I don't think it's too terribly difficult to spring into without context of watching any of the CCs because the characters all pretty much explain themselves within the AU. Maybe looking up some fanart for what everyone ought to look like, but it's not the worst thing!
Glad to hear you also like Traveling Thieves! I was gonna point you that way when you said you were an angst girlie so good that you're already there!
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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skylerorionx · 8 months
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Asexual Awareness Week (for some reason it’s “asexual” and not “asexuality”) is 22-28 October. So near the end of the week, here’s the first of two posts for a not-quick introduction to what asexuality is, and also what it isn’t. Next post here.
Also, if I am wrong, add it in the comments.
Image text below:
It’s asexual awareness week, so it’s time for a crash course into asexuality. Part one of two cause I have a lot to say. 
Asexuality means a lack of sexual attraction. 
A- is a prefix meaning “not” or “without,” so the definition of asexual is quite literally “not sexual.” 
It does not mean a lack of willingness to have sex, a lack of romantic attraction, or an inability to love. It is also not synonymous with celibacy, and, like many things queer, exists on a spectrum. 
Asexual is often shortened to “ace.” 
To understand asexuality, first I’m gonna need you to unlearn some presumptions you might have about attraction in general. 
1. There are multiple types of attraction: sexual, romantic, sensual, platonic, aesthetic, and queerplatonic, among others. We tend to bundle sexual and romantic together but we shouldn’t because… 
2. Some people experience some types of attraction but not others. 
3. Some people experience one type of attraction more or less intensely than another type, or just compared to how someone else experiences that same type of attraction. 
It’s rather simple once you wrap your mind around it. 
Also… Not everyone is sexually attracted to the same gender(s) of people as they are romantically attracted to. That is called “varioriented.” The term “split attraction model” can also be used here or for the other points. There’s also a term “sensualarian” meaning the lines between types of attraction are blurred. …I’m not really gonna talk about these things cause I’ve probably confused the allos enough so if you wanna know more, just google it or ask me.
Sexuality exists on a spectrum. Yes, there is a spectrum from hetero to homo — it’s called the Kinsey Scale — but there’s also a spectrum for the intensity of attraction, a scale from asexual to its opposite, zedsexual / allosexual (someone who does experience sexual attraction). It’s called the “asexual spectrum,” “ace spectrum,” or “a-spectrum”. It’s often used as the Y axis alongside the X axis Kinsey Scale. 
[asexual — zedsexual]
Someone can exist at a specific point or fluctuate within an area. (In addition to being a specific point on this spectrum, the word “asexuality” can also be a general term for anyone who exists on the left side of this spectrum. Also you — yes, you, the person reading this — also exist on this spectrum whether you’re ace or zed.)
Side note about the word “zedsexual”: Like a lot of things, “asexual” (the word) was invented to describe a group of people who are different from the norm, but referring to the “normal people” as such would imply asexual people are abnormal, which they aren’t, so someone invented the word “allosexual” to mean someone who does experience sexual attraction. The problem with the prefix “allo-“ is that it technically means “attraction to others” and its opposite is “auto-,” meaning “attraction to the self,” which is not what asexuality is. Because we often think of things as opposites, someone else thought to replace the word allosexual with “zedsexual” because “zed” (the non-American pronunciation of the letter “z”) is at the opposite end of the alphabet. Still, most people say allosexual. They usually know it technically has a weird origin but it’s the word that stuck, and they’re not being mean, it’s just the more common word. I use both zed- and allo-.
Here are some common labels for people within the ace-spectrum but not fully at the asexual end: 
Cupiosexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction but still desires a sexual relationship.
Demisexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction until a deep emotional connection is made. example, not feeling sexual attraction until falling in love. 
Freysexual: someone who feels sexual attraction towards people with whom they are not deeply connected, and loses the feeling as connection happens; sometimes called “reverse demi-”. 
Greysexual: someone who experiences sexual attraction infrequently, rarely, or weakly. 
Lithosexual / Akiosexual: someone who experiences sexual attraction but does not want it reciprocated
Quoisexual: someone who does not know if their feelings are sexual, romantic, platonic, something else, or nothing at all; someone who feels as if the concept of romantic/sexual/whatever attraction is inapplicable or nonsensical to them.
Aegosexual / autochorissexual is another common label, that’s more of a bonus label and less of a spot on the spectrum. It means someone who experiences a disconnection between attraction and arousal, which is the fancy way of saying an asexual who wanks. 
Why does someone experience these kinds of sexual attraction? Well, this is a two-part post so read the next post! 
More on the next post. Got questions? Just ask me, I have all the answers. 
Also, I know to actually sound like I know what I’m talking about, I need sources, so: 
Slightly uncreditable but first-person sources: 
My existence on Tumblr for twelve years
AVEN and people’s stories there
“Proper” sources: 
“ACE: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex” by Angela Chan
“The ABCs of LGBT+” by Ash Hardell (published under their old first name and “maiden” name)
“Boston Marriages: Romantic but Asexual Relationships among Contemporary Lesbians” edited by Esther D. Rothblum and Kathleen A. Brehony
“The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality” by Julie Sondra Decker
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