#<- many can say anything and be insulting with some driver because it’s like that
Mc stuck in a Car with the Dateables & Luke
doesn´t know how to drive and even if he did he wouldn´t be allowed to which means your the one forced to drive and honestly driving around with Diavolo feels like driving around with a toddler who never left their hometown and is incredibly curios about everything
if you would ever come across a tourist trap Diavolo would beg you to stop and look at it and with his puppy eyes it´s hard to say no
and as much as you want to say your annoyed with his behavior in a really weird way it´s kinda adorable how excited he is about everything
but you definitely have to stop him from buying everything they have to bring back for the others
the Car might be big but not big enough to fit everything in there that Diavolo wants to buy
honestly it´s a surprisingly nice drive
Barbatos is the one driving and will throw you out if you try to get behind the wheel, he´s very insistent about this fact
but besides that he´s the perfect drive, granted his normal look freaks people out but he doesn´t do anything
but he might need some pointers on how normal people act because acting like a Butler would seem pretty odd to most people
and the fact he decided to use his creepy smile most of the time, one person even thought he wanted to rob them which Barbatos just scoffed at, it was a kinda funny situation because the then where insulted that he didn´t want to rob them
he´s kinda in between in terms of driving partners but at least it will be an interesting journey
also he brings some self made sweets for you so no complaining here, even if he did throw you out of the Car because he thought he saw a mouse
horrible driving partner and should not be allowed to be behind the wheel
like you get into so many Car incidents with Solomon but for some reason both of you are always fine???
the Car was flipped, literally on fire and you were pretty sure you landed in the remains of the wind shield but nothing was wrong with you, no concussion, no scraps or anything bleeding, hell you didn´t even get any bruises!
you have no idea how he does it because he swears that he doesn´t use Magic and you believe him because you didn´t notice any which just makes everything worse
at this point you´ll just believe that universe wants him to survive and when you´re with him your included with that
he´s definitely the worst person to drive with when he´s the driver, he´s kinda okay as passenger but he does want you to try some of the “food” he made
he´s a perfect driver but that might be because Luke´s in the backseat, why is Luke with you? because that´s a family trip
also the only person who could have watched him would have been Solomon and neither of you are cruel enough to leave Luke alone with Solomon for an extended period of time , especially if Solomon wants to cook him something
but it´s pretty nice to drive with Simeon even if he did ignore the rules nobody would stop him, the only thing you could ever complain about is that he drives like an old man
multiple speedsters just stopped to scream at you and were confused why he looks so young and Simeon took as a compliment
at least if somebody would have gotten to rude you were there to put them in their place
after that they won´t be so rude, maybe they won´t do anything at all after your “talk” with them
but then you would have to deal with Simeon giving you a disproving look
Simeon is the one driving, you sitting besides Simeon and Luke is in the background in his Child seat being bored because he´s forced to sit still and doesn´t want to play any games and he´s honestly just a 10 year old going “are we there yet?”
but despite being bored he doesn´t want to play any games you brought and the puzzle he wants to do is impossible because the Car moves to much which kinda makes Luke a bit cranky, which he would never admit but it´s clear to you and Simeon
Luke is going to be so happy when you take a break and he can finally stretch his legs, but you and Simeon do have to keep a look on him he sometimes wanders off
at least he´ll tire himself out and falls asleep while you and Simeon have to keep driving
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Then I ran to the window and cried to them. They looked up at me stupidly and pointed, but just then the "hetman" of the Szgany came out, and seeing them pointing to my window, said something, at which they laughed. Henceforth no effort of mine, no piteous cry or agonised entreaty, would make them even look at me. They resolutely turned away.
Looking at this through a lens of "hey maybe they aren't all racist stereotypes and actually would like to help". Admittedly the laughter and deliberate ignoring makes it harder this time around to interpret their reactions as anything but mocking. But it's that last line which I find most compelling. Resolutely. It can imply a sort of effort being put into turning away, that it might be very difficult to do. Like they find it genuinely painful to have to ignore someone screaming and begging for help. But they know they do have to.
Who knows what the hetman said. The laughter makes it seem like a joke, though a mean-spirited one. But maybe this is more of that black humor the coach driver showed on May 5 when he made jokes about Jonathan likely meeting many fierce dogs before he sleeps. He "looked round to catch the approving smile of the rest" with this line, and I think that making macabre jokes is a very human reaction to being force to deal with/live under the rule of Dracula. To a certain extent, what else can you even do but try to laugh about it? So perhaps the hetman says something along the lines of, "The Count's beloved guest is not so excited to continue his stay," and everyone laughs because yeah, you can say that again. But they all stop looking at him right away, because he is the Count's beloved guest and they know what that means. If Dracula wants to keep him then trying to help in any way would only bring danger down on their own heads. Also, by trying to ignore him, they're trying not to acknowledge that they are leaving someone in this situation.
If we go with the "the guy last time genuinely tried to deliver Jonathan's letter but Dracula took it from him by force" interpretation then perhaps one person has already been harmed or even killed for trying to aid this 'guest'. Maybe they've been warned about him prior to their arrival, even, told specifically not to acknowledge him. Who knows. Meanwhile, from Jonathan's POV, of course their laughter feels mocking, of course their avoidance is painful - not only because another shot at hope is slipping away but because they seem to be playing right into the view of them which Dracula himself worked to predispose Jonathan towards: loyal to Dracula and not caring about his plight.
But I personally like this interpretation much better. Not only is it less of a caricature, but it reinforces the trend of people/side characters for the most part being basically good and wanting to either help or just do their jobs, but getting used by/unable to stand up to Dracula along the way. Also, the disconnect between them feeling deeply uncomfortable and cracking jokes/avoiding looking at Jonathan to try and deal with that - but as a result of these actions being read by him as showing evidence of genuine amusement/lack of care - is honestly really good tragic horror to me.
Especially when it comes after this line: "With joy I hurried to the window..." I'm pretty sure that's the only time Jonathan has used the word 'joy'. Even despite his failure last time (and despite using some racist/insulting descriptions of them), he was initially delighted to hear and see other people. And then it all came crashing down, once again. The impact hits even harder if you choose to believe they didn't want this either, I think.
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lestappenforever · 11 months
this is directed to you social-psychological anon (my goat <3)!!
you’re so right. max literally cares soooo much about what charles thinks of him. when anyone has anything bad to say about max, he doesn’t really care, has a short and cold response to it, or just laughs it off (if it’s someone he knows doesn’t mean it, like lando joking “max ruins everything”). point is he doesn’t really care that much. however, a few years ago an interviewer asked charles what was annoying about max and they made max respond to it, which is so weird but we roll anyways lol. charles goes “annoying? i don’t know. i guess he can say weird things to the media. but that’s okay, he has personality. personality is important.” (this isn’t an exact quote but it’s along the lines of what he said!). he barely even says anything bad, and he immediately compliments max right after. however, max got so upset about it. he immediately goes “I DON’T CARE WHAT HE THINKS!! >:(“ he took it much deeper than he usually does about not great comments toward him. whole country booing him? he doesn’t give a fuck. charles says a barely insulting (not even) comment? he takes that shot so personally 😭 it just shows how important charles’ opinion is to him. fascinating….
Social-psychological anon, another admirerer who shares their own wonderful insight to this analysis. ❤️
And I'd like to throw in my own two cents here, because there is absolutely something truly marvellous about how Max could not give less of a fuck about what other people think of him, no matter who it is. But with Charles? There is some deeprooted urge within him, a desperate desire for Charles' approval, that just gives him a whole other response to anything that may even be slightly interpreted as negative if it comes from Charles.
Your example with that video of Charles being asked if Max is annoying, and Max's clearly bothered response is excellent. Had that been anyone else — a reporter, another driver, literally anyone who is not Charles Marc Harvé Perceval Leclerc — he wouldn't even have batted an eye. Hell, he probably would have grinned as if whoever it was had just given him a massive compliment. But because it was Charles, and because Max for some reason decided that Charles was sort of insulting him (even when he absolutely was not — quite the contrary, the way I personally view it), just gives away just how much Charles' opinion of him means to him. And that is a huge deal, given how Max Emilian Verstappen is very well-known for not giving a flying fuck about what other people think of him.
I think a lot of this boils down to the fact that it's Charles. The guy Max has fought against for most of his racing life, the boy who grew up alongside him in karting, the guy his own father believed was predestined to fight him on track forever, even in F1. (Which is high fucking praise from Jos Verstappen.) Max and Charles have been tied together for as long as Max can remember, and for as long as they're both competing in the same league, Max will think of Charles as the rival to beat. He will think of Charles as the one driver on the grid with the biggest chance of giving him a proper fight, even when he so clearly can't.
Take this season, for example. We haven't gotten to see many battles between Max and Charles for obvious reasons (Ferrari being absolutely abysmal for most of the season), but the few times we have gotten to see it? Max will go fucking wheel-to-wheel with Charles as if they're both in the running of winning the WDC and the winner will be decided based on who comes out victorious out of that particular turn. It doesn't matter that Max knows that he's going to get past Charles. It doesn't matter that Max knows that Charles won't actually be able to fight him for a race win unless Max is starting from far back on the grid and Charles isn't. It doesn't matter that Max knows the car Charles is driving and the strategies his own team are throwing at him aren't up to par. None of that matters, because fighting Charles Leclerc and seeing him as his biggest rival is so deeply ingrained into Max's entire racing identity that he will treat every battle he gets against Charles as if it's a battle that will decide the title even if it fucking kills him.
And that right there? That deep-rooted respect and admiration for Charles? The same kind of deep-rooted respect and admiration Charles has for him? That connection that has taken them from "hating" each other in karting, to civil colleagues in F1, to an actual, genuine friendship that they so clearly both treasure incredibly dearly, as proven by the blatant shift in the vibe between them recently? That's the reason as to why Max, despite clearly not giving a flying fuck about what anyone else thinks of him, will always care about what Charles thinks of him. That's why Max goes to such extreme lengths to behave differently around Charles than he does with any of the other drivers, and why he treats Charles so differently from everyone else. Because not only does Max know and respect Charles' boundaries and his preferred way of being treated, but he wants to do it right. He wants to exist within the same space as Charles and do it well. He wants Charles to enjoy and look forward to their interactions as much as Max himself does. And to this day he craves that approval from Charles as much as he probably did when they were kids, but back then he was too hot-headed and stubborn to realize that the "hate" he felt towards Charles was actually nothing more than the excitement and slight fear of seeing such a massive part of yourself reflected in someone else — someone you were supposed to hate.
I've seen it mentioned so many times in different posts on Tumblr, but it's absolutely true what they say: Max is so much softer around Charles than he is around anyone else, and treats Charles with a sense of care I am yet to see with any of the other drivers. Which, to me, is such a testament to just how much he values Charles' opinion of him.
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
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Part 11
“Y/N I have something to tell you” he says, his left eye clearly twitching a little. 
“Sure what is it?” I question. 
“Well it's just over the past two weeks I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I think I have developed strong feelings for you” 
I'm taken aback by his declaration, it's not that I don't feel the same way, it's the fact I don't know how I feel. I'm just starting to free myself from the stress and constraints of dating Max. I don't think I'm ready to even think about dating another driver. Plus Ollie would go mad if I started dating his friend, it would ruin his and Kimi's friendship as Ollie feels a sense of duty to protect me from everyone I have ever dated. 
“Kimi I have feelings for you too but I'm only getting over Max and I don't want to rush into anything prematurely” 
“It's fine, I understand it will take time,” he says. 
I'm kind of shocked as to how well he has taken the rejection, well it's not really a rejection it's more of a “keep that thought for later on”. I pull out my phone and put on a Netflix show and we sit by the lake engrossed on the screen. With the sounds of the occasional bird and grasshopper chirping echoing around the lake. As it's not that far from the motorhomes I can still hear some of the drivers and then I hear an obnoxiously loud females laugh and I'm not one to be egotistical but I know every driver's girlfriend's laugh but this is one I don't recognise until I look up and see Kelly and Max engaged in a water fight around 15 feet from me and Kimi abruptly disrupting the tranquillity. 
“Let's go back” I suggest. 
“No,” Kimi says, grabbing my arm as I stand about to get up. 
“He's trying to make you jealous and antagonise you. He has all that space behind his own motorhome but decides to do that infront of you it's just a ploy to upset you, don't let him get to you” 
I sigh, easing up and sitting back down before turning up the volume on my phone in an attempt to drown out the obnoxiously loud laughter from behind us that is ringing in my ears. It's at times like these I wish Ollie was here and not Kimi because by now he would have gone up to Max and insulted him a few times and we would have left, not having to endure the pain of hearing them two kissing passionately. When we broke up and Ollie found out he sent a text to Max saying:
“Stay away from my friend you Sid the sloth looking dick”
Needless to say Max didn't reply and Ollie didn't need to do that but for some reason he feels it's his duty to protect me despite me being older than him. He's like a parent away from home. Constantly checking up on me and trying to shield me from the real world despite me being a fully grown and independent adult, although many would disagree with the second point. 
After a while the sun has really set and the breeze is starting to pick up so I suggest heading back. On our way back the ground beneath us still soaking from Max and Kelly throwing water at each other, providing yet another reminder of their presence outside my head as well as inside it. 
As we approach my door I see a letter on the floor and pick it up before Kimi notices, my delusional brain thinking it would be a love letter or something from Max, him apologising and saying he made a mistake but then I remember there are 2 things on earth Max Emilian Verstappen has never done and that'd apologise and admit he was the one in the wrong. 
As I pull the paper out of the envelope I see the VCARB logo and see that it's just my copy of the contract for next year. I kind of forgot I told Laurent to drop it by today. 
“What's that?” Kimi questions. 
“It's my VCARB contract for next year” I say, shoving the paper back in the envelope, it only has the typical Red Bull family performance clauses like “you must finish the year no more than 5 places less than your teammate” and how many points I should be scoring over the course of the weekend. 
“Do you want to go out tomorrow? He proposes. 
“Sure, where do you want to go?” I ask.
“Well I actually saw a flyer today for skydiving” 
“Absolutely not,” I shout. 
“Come on, it will be fun,” he pleads. 
“There is nothing fun or appealing about jumping from a plane by yourself”
“You aren't by yourself you will be strapped to an instructor” 
“Male instructors?” I have a question. 
“If you want” 
“Say less I'm in” 
The next day I am stood in a plane thousands of feet up in the air and now I'm really starting to regret saying yes to this. It's not that I'm afraid of heights. I think it's very reasonable to be scared of jumping out of a plane and having your life depend on a sheet of fabric to stop you from plumbing to earth and dying. The instructor said that nothing ever goes wrong but the videos I watched on YouTube last night and this morning say otherwise. 
Kimi of course goes first because this was his idea so if anyone should get hurt it should be him. After this goes well it's my turn. It takes me 5 minutes just to crawl to the open door and when I look down I can just feel my stomach sink. We swing our legs over the side of the aircraft and move to sit on the edge of the floor, the instructor counts us down and as he says “1” I tense up my muscles and close my eyes. It seems like an eternity of weightless drifting through the sky before the ground comes into clear view and I've never been so happy to see a patch of dead grass. 
When we land I take a moment to just lay on the ground and become more appreciative of it. Kimi however asks me if I want to go again. 
“I would rather sign a contract with Alpine than jump out of a plane again” 
We take off all the gear and walk back to the car, well I attempt to walk as my legs feel like jelly and I can't walk in a straight line.
“So what do you want to do now?” Kimi says, fastening his seatbelt.
“I want to sit down for at least a few hours” 
“It wasn't that bad, you're overreacting” 
“Did we not do the same thing because last time I checked we jumped out of a plane thousands of feet up in the air.” 
Ollie texts both of us asking if we can go out and do something together so we agree to meet up and go to a karting track although my legs still don't feel very strong so I don't have high hopes. 
Ollie Is waiting for us when we get there and he looks pissed because we are late but the traffic is not our fault. 
“I don't want to know why you two are so late” Ollie says in a suggestive tone indicative of something other than the real reason. 
“Calm your tits Ollie there was traffic, if this wasn't last minute we would have been here on time”
“It's fine we have got the track for an hour anyway” 
We choose our karts and get changed into our race suits and helmets and head to the start line. We chose our  starting position by doing rock paper scissors and obviously I won with Kimi being P2 and Ollie P3. Ollie of course wasn't very happy but I said it will be a very realistic race for him not starting on pole. 
Immediately as we get underway I am spun by Ollie who does a dive bomb into the first turn so when I catch up to him I return the favour and push him wide but our fighting allows Kimi to capitalise and take the lead but I let him have a false sense of security until the last lap. As I pass him I maintain eye contact with him and watch his face change when he realises he hasn't won. 
“That's not fair, I want to go again. He distracted me by looking into my eyes with his amazing eyes,” Kimi complains. 
“Mate, that's my best friend, don't talk about him like that, it's disgusting”.
Ollie's comment definitely takes Kimi aback a little but he soon realises that Ollie was just joking and didn't actually mean it so he eases up. 
“You know if you two are dating you can tell me I'm not going to kill him” 
“Ollie I can reassure you we are not dating yet”
“Yet?” Kimi and Ollie say in unison.
“Well you can never tell the future and Kimi is rather good looking”
“Stop right there Y/N you are going to make me be sick” Ollie says fake gagging a little whilst Kimi’s face flushes fully red. 
After dropping Ollie off me and Kimi head to a park that's nearby to watch the sunset. It's quiet and beautiful. I watch Kimi's face increasing in engrossment. 
“Kimi” I say breaking the silence causing him to turn his face towards me. 
“I've been thinking and I would like to give us a go” 
“Are you serious?” He exclaims. 
“More than ever”
He immediately lunges onto me wrapping his arms around my torso slightly restricting my breathing before placing a delicate kiss on my lips.
“I promise I won't be a dickhead like Max”
“I know you won't because Ollie would make your life hell” 
We decide to take a photo of us in front of the sunset and post it on Instagram and immediately the comments start flooding in. 
“They are definitely dating”
“Kimi Is way better than Max”
“So did Max not matter at all to him for him to move on so quickly” 
“Some of you seem to forget Max is literally dating Kelly so I have no idea why you are coming for Y/N” 
Then Ollie phones us shouting down the other end “Kimi if you hurt my friend I will put you in a box in fact worse I will sabotage your car on a race day”. 
With the Spanish Grand Prix rapidly approaching I can't help but feel glad that the triple header is coming to a close it certainly has been a long few weeks of endless meetings, mistakes and interviews and I can't wait to have a weeks break and then come back and do it all again, but me and Ollie are going to Italy during the off week and i'm sure I can convince him to let Kimi tag along as well.
The entire paddock is pretty much packed up with just the motorhomes being left behind but even some of them have been moved along with most of the drivers. Sauber is leaving tomorrow, but the great thing about having a motorhome is that I don't have to pack up any of my stuff. I can just leave it where it is, and hope none of it falls out of the cupboards during transportation. 
When Kimi and I approach the door we can see Max stumbling around obviously drunk, which has become a reoccuring theme for him lately. Anyone would have thought he was miserable in his new relationship with Kelly, but that's not my problem. He sees me holding hands with Kimi and immediately approaches us. As he gets closer the stench of alcohol and sweat increases and when he speaks the pungent smell of alcohol radiates from his breath.
“Well what’s going on here” he says practically shouting for all the remaining drivers to hear. 
“Go to bed Max you are drunk”
“See Kimi he still cares about me” 
“No, I don’t, its just annoying having a dick stand outside your door and harass you” 
“You know what your problem is Y/N?” 
“I really don't, do enlighten me Max”
“You still love me because if this is anyone else you would have told them to fuck off by now but you havent”
I turn around and enter the motorhome leaving Max to endure the stench of alcohol by himself. When we enter the motorhome Kimi just gives me a slight smile and I walk off into the bathroom dowsing my face with cold water to bring me out of this nightmare that is my life.
At some point in the night I hear a lightly tapping against the thin metal sheets of the motorhome and assume its a branch from one of the overhanging trees swaying the wind, but it gets louder and turns into a loud knocking sound and somehow kimi is still fast asleep so I can't help but wonder how this man would act if someone was breaking in. I get out of the bed and go outside which goes against everyone's natural instinct because who goes outside when it's dark, windy and there is a strange sound. It's like the start of every horror movie to exist.  When I do eventually pluck up enough courage to go to the place where I heard the sound I soon realise its max throwing little rocks against the side.
“What the actual fuck are you doing?” I exclaim, trying not to raise my voice above a whisper. 
“Throwing stones”
“Yeah no shit Sherlock I can see that but why?”
“To get your attention”
I look around into the 3 AM darkness and look down at myself only wearing a baggy t-shirt and underwear and say “well it worked, What do you want?”
“This” he declares.
Before I can even question what “this” is he makes our lips collide and he wraps his arms around my waist and begins to pull me closer into him. The stench of alcohol from earlier has reduced, indicative of him sobering up a little. I feel the urge to pull away but my body isnt letting me. He begins to bite my lip a little causing me to groan and he seems to find ecstasy in my pain. He then moves down to the neck , biting at it whilst his hands simultaneously play with my underwear's elasticated band and that's what causes me to push him off. 
“Max I can't do this im sorry”
I then run off back into the motorhome and get back into the bed like nothing ever happened and pray that that's the last time I fall victim to Max Verstappen's charms and upfront nature. 
The Spanish Grand Prix has always been one of my favourites but that might have something to do with the fact that Fernando Alonso is my racing idol and the fact I dedicated my childhood to supporting him and attending every race I could to see him, so it's a great honour to race against my hero at his home race but it doesn't mean I'm going to go any easier on him. 
During the press conference it's me, Alex and Max and I'm in the middle of the two. Me and Max haven't said a word since the whole whatever you want to call it outside the motorhome. I'm praying he was still drunk at that point and can't remember anything from it but I keep on seeing him smiling at me from the corner of my eye. The interviewer keeps on directing questions at us that require me and Max to speak together like: “How Is Sauber bringing the fight to Red Bull?” It's almost like the media want to see us speak after breaking up. 
“That interviewer really wanted you and Max to speak” Alex comments as we walk across the paddock. 
After the press conference interview I go and sit with Kimi as he's a little pissed at how much the interviewer was trying to get me and Max to talk he was also pissed at how Max was looking at me and I can't understand why because I was getting annoyed in the interview with Max constantly staring at me. 
Ollie pulls me aside and for some reason he looks angry as well. He pulls me into some side room and makes me sit down before he starts speaking. 
“You need to get Max in line”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean tell him there's no chance of you two getting back together because if he continues like this it's only going to hurt Kimi and you may be my best friend but Kimi is also my friend” 
“I can't tell Max what to do” 
“Tell him you don't love him and to leave you alone” 
“I can't” 
“Why not?”
“Because I still love him” 
Ollie looks stunned and confused at how I could even still live Max but even though he hurt my feelings I couldn't just stop loving him overnight after all I loved this man since day one so it's a bit hard to just turn off my feeling for him 
There is about 5 minutes of just pure silence before Ollie speaks up again. 
“You need to decide between Kimi or Max and fast”
Race day. The past 2 days have been hell Ollie has been on my case every 5 minutes asking me about my decision between Max and Kimi and I'm not going to lie he's starting to annoy me which is something he's never really done before. My head was full of thoughts yesterday during qualifying and my performance reflected that only being good enough for P5 on the grid today. 
We get off the line well and I make up a place straight away as Charles had a poor start that allows me to capitalise. 
On the very last lap I'm fighting for first against Lewis when Max comes up behind us and he dives into the turn hitting me and nearly taking himself out. 
“What a fucking idiot” 
Thanks to Max winning the Spanish Grand Prix is off the table but if he thinks I'm letting him get second he must be deluded. I return the favour and make a brave dive on the last turn to take back second and whilst it's not the race win I still beat him which is more than enough for me. 
In the cooldown room when he walks in I don't even acknowledge his existence. In the interview less than 5 minutes ago I called him “reckless” and “childish” so I doubt I'm the last person he wants to talk to. 
“good race out there” he says, extending his hand for a fist bump but I leave him hanging. 
“It was until you tried to take me out” I say quietly so the cameras can't pick my comment up. 
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
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Swimming Lessons
Part 1/3
A/N: Soo I did it thanks to @mal-urameshi for the idea.
Summary; Okoye puts Riri in swimming lessons. Okoye meets er daughter's swimming coach Attuma. Okoye isn't going to do anything except look at him that's all.
Tag gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty
Okoye would say she is a pretty okay mom. The greatest but enough that her daughter wouldn't die by her negligence. And like any helicopter parent Okoye put her three-year-old in swimming lessons. As much as she loved her daughter, Riri was a menace in a loving way. Riri couldn't sit still when she gets her hair done or sitting her car seat. So what does any parent do when they have an active child putting in classes.
Okoye had her daughter in ballet, karate, and piano lessons. The young mother was doing everything to keep miss.busybody from being too busy in her room. Plus on some mommy blog it said it was important for Riri’s age group to socialize with their peers. And her daughter was a genius but she just read the room incorrectly sometimes.
“Oh Riri,” Aneka greeted as she wrapped her arms around the young girl. Aneka took her job as the fun auntie very seriously always trying out for her niece.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you,” Aneka commented as she glared at her sister,” It’s almost like someone is keeping you away from me.”
"She needs to run this energy," Okoye reasoned to Aneka as she rolled her eyes. Her sister squahed down to Riri's height as she gave her a piece of candy.
"Thank you, Auntie!" Riri shouted as she hug her aunt. Okoye rolled her eyes, "That's why she is in so many classes."
Aneka scoffed at the insult, "Hey she's needs some fun in her life. And it's not like you and Ayo are going to do it?"
"She's needs structure-“ Okoye started.
"in her life. This is the foundation she needs and going to rely on when she gets older, I know I know," Aneka finished her sister's statement.
"It's good to know you listen to me every once and while," Okoye responded. Aneka waved her hand not taking what her sister was saying to her seriously, "So what's the next class that my Riri have to go to now? How to detonate a bomb?"
Okoye rolled her eyes before she can tell her sister about her daughter's next class. Riri jumped up and down, "I'm going to learn how to swim!"
Aneka's lighten up around her niece, "Really? That sounds like fun."
Riri nodded, "Yeah and I'm learning how to swim like swordfish because they swim really fast."
"Really where did you learn about that?" Aneka asked Riri puffed her chest loving the special attention that her aunt was giving her, "Mama and me went to the library today."
"Can you show me the book you got from the library?" Aneka asked Okoye inwardly groaning knowing her sister was going to give her unneeded advice from the peanut gallery. Aneka stood back up to her normal height, "I'm just saying I find it funny how you're the only one entertaining and taking care of her while you know who isn’t doing his share of the work.”
Okoye could only pressed her lips together as she waited for her sister to finish with rant with her good for nothing ex-husband. From Okoye’s view they went into marriage too fast and were pressured by their parents and traditions that their relationship just frizzed out.
“I mean the only good thing that happened from that relationship was having Riri,” Aneka commented as she was finally getting to the end of her rant. Okoye just nodded along letting her sister finish her ranting about her ex-husband. Okoye's eyes followed her daughter's movements between her bouncing on her toes while reading.
"Thanks for your unneeded advice," Okoye said as she moved closer to take her daughter's hand quickly leaving her sister's apartment.
"Are you ready for your swimming lesson?" Okoye asked her pebble as she buckled her in. Riri nodded, "Yeah, I can't wait to tell VIv and Miles about it."
Okoye went to the driver's seat. She looked through the reflection mirror at Riri, "Let's go, swordfish."
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transdragonlira · 1 month
I normally don't have that much of a strong negative opinion on most things but sometimes there is a single fucking thing about something that can just RUIN the entire thing for me. And you know sometimes is just a thing where it's like. Yeah this is just something minor that's just a deal-breaker for me, like Scrub's blatant transphobia, Hazbin hotel's bad comedic timing or Seinfeld's/Friend's (and many more sitcoms) reliance on second hand embarrassment. I can see why people like the show and can appreciate the parts that aren't the deal-breaker for me (even though I still wouldn't watch the show as a whole).
But sometimes, oh sometimes there is that one aspect of something that is just. SO OFFENSIVELY TERRIBLE that the entire thing is just completely tainted for me. And by god, Neons White's ending is exactly that. If the game didn't have this ending I would say that it is like a 5/10 game. It tries to do something, and it sorta succeeds, but at the same time all the enemies and the level start to very easily blend together and the game forces you into a very specific playstyle. HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THAT DAMNED ENDING, I AM NOW OF THE OPINION THAT NEON WHITE IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST GAME I'VE EVER TOUCHED.
For the next paragraph: spoiler warning for the ending for neon white. You shouldn't be scared to read further because it's so bad you'll be glad I spoiled it so you won't be disappointed as much.
It's hard to illustrate just how utterly abysmal the ending for neon white is because a big reason as to why it fails is because of the buildup along the entire game. Basically from the moment you start up the game there is just this theme of forgiveness. Like it's reiterated time and time again to the point where it actively begins to annoy you. And it's like obvious that this is foreshadowing for later. We have to forgive someone later on, yeah no biggie. So then I start playing through the game, and like. The story starts out awfully mediocre. Like run of the mill romantic dating sim mediocre. But then the story escalates and tbh, it had me intrigued at that point. It was my main driver to continue playing as the gameplay loop got pretty stale. The secrets were often just tedious to find, so even though the secret levels were cool, it was not worth grinding through all the levels to find them all. The story continues and it keeps reiterating that, oh yeah! Remember kids! Forgiving people is important! Remember to forgive! This will be on the quiz later!
And then you finally get to the ending. There's like a climatic bossfight against the main villain. And then you beat him but then uh oh! Plot twist! You now have to face a choice! You can either NOT forgive, or forgive your rival! What a goddamn surprise. /s. BUT UH OH! REMEMBER ALL THOSE SECRET LEVELS YOU DIDNT DO BECAUSE THEY WERE TEDIOUS AS ALL HELL TO UNLOCK? Well as it turns out, you need to have beaten those levels to unlock the option to forgive your rival! And it's not like the game could have just given you the bad ending, oh no no no, that would have been far too kind for this game. This game tempts you with the option to forgive, only to spit in your face and cross out the OBVIOUSLY CORRECT OPTION.
Jesus motherfucking Christ. The feeling of disgust that ran through me when I begrudgingly selected the bad option because I had no other choice and wow! The bad ending is bad! And very unsatisfactory! Who would've guessed. After that I immediately uninstalled the game because I am not about to grind for the true ending (if there's anything that can make me hate a game if it's grindy)
So yeah! My last impression about the game was the absolute worst part of the game! Now this game is my absolute most hated game of all time. Don't insult your own fucking players kids, you'll seriously piss some people off.
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Let's get some things clear because I am honestly tired of seeing these statements related to Lance and it's just frustrating to see it every race when he does good/bad:
- Lance likes/loves being an F1 driver. You can't blame him for seeming unenthusiastic when the car just seems to keep getting worse. He wanted to be an F1 driver and just because sometimes he seems lack luster doesn't mean that still isn't his dream. In fact he has made it clear multiple times that his time to F1 is limited (we don't know how long) and if he didn't want to be there anymore he would just leave.
- Lance isn't boring. Just because someone is not as talkative to the media or has such a marketable personality like Lando/Daniel doesn't mean they are boring. In fact if you listen to any podcast/interview he feels comfortable in he is such adorably passionate about sharing information/talking to others.
- Is Lance there because of his father's financial situation? Obviously. But no driver would be in F1 without money. Whether it be the parents money, sponsors or an academy driver, F1 is such an expensive sport that once you are there you are almost guaranteed to be a multimillionaire. No one there is poor and no one got there just by pure talent.
- He has no talent. Just plain wrong. He won so many junior championships that Ferrari took him on as a junior at such a young age. He has as one of the only non top team drivers achieved people in the last 5 years and he isn't one of the youngest podium sitters for nothing.
- He crashes a lot. Yes, Lance has had his fair share of DNFs maybe more than your average. But if you truly look at crashes many especially in 2020 where accidents where he simply just a victim of bad circumstances. Maybe he had some crashes with others (most also been able to be seen as race accidents or even having been seen as that.) But the whole he "has no spacial awareness" thing is just painting a wrong narrative. Like every driver he has obviously grown but even in his first year the fault more often than not was not his. And there's certainly many more likely candidates you could use this argument pretty strongly for.
- He's only in F1 because of the money. Again, look at his junior career. So impressive. Besides money and talent are both required for F1.
- He is always blaming others. An argument that I weirdly enough have seen a lot. Don't know how or where it even came from. I have never seen Lance outright blame any driver. Never. Saying "I gave someone space" is literally a standard race driver answer.
- The various forms of insults for locks. Listen, I get it we all have different tastes and think different things when seeing someone. All of us internally comment on appearance. And I don't need everyone to find another person attractive. I am sure I myself have used harmful nicknames to refer to drivers which I deeply regret. But can we stop acting like just because someone is not conventionally attractive that automatically makes them ugly? Everyone finds different things attractive. Hell, I have never understood the appeal for drivers like Daniel/Charles (sure I see they are good looking but I just personally don't feel anything when acknowledging that. ) And yet I have never commented on that because it's just unnecessary? If I just don't see an appeal I accept that and move on?
- The weird shame spiral thing about finding Lance attractive? Listen if you just now find him attractive, that's okay! Taste changes, sometimes certain circumstances affect attractiveness etc. There's nothing wrong with only later on seeing someone as attractive. But don't act like you committed a crime by doing it. It makes it seem like there is something shameful, that there is something wrong with finding him attractive. It is harmful and frankly disgusting.
- Stroll is stupid. The amount of times I hear this or see some from of this if Lance dares to speak for more than 4 words is astonishing. Just because someone tends to repeat words doesn't make them stupid. Just because someone has a voice that's different doesn't make them weird? I for one find Lance talking manners really charming. There's something about his almost boyish-enthuasim that is very endearing to me. And if it isn't too you that's fine! But making fun of someone's speaking manner or even voice when you know perfectly well that nothing can change about that is just hurtful.
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takadanobaba · 1 year
If you don't mind me making another long post, I'll talk about the current view I had for a part 2 and the what I thought of the characters first thought of the twins. Feel free to correct anything I miss interpretate, we currently don't have too much about the town's folks individual options on the twins and their Pokémon.
I sorted the town's folks into categories based on their opinion on Pokémon instead of the twins themselves but quite a few probably would be cut from the actual chapter unless I made a part 3
Likes Pokémon:
Jas, Vincent, Evelyn, George, Wizard
(George likes Pokémon but doesn't appear to, kinda like the dog owner who insults their dog but still gives it a treat. He might like their Pokémon but he doesn't like the twins because he doesn't want them to mess up the train station.)
Lukewarm about Pokémon:
Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Emily, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Clint, Gil, Gunther, Linus, Marlon, Marnie, Robin, Willy
(Alex, Elliott, Emily, Maru and Penny are all scared of Pokémon but think they're interest/cool but will observe from a safe distance. Penny is the most scared but also most intrigued)
(Harvey, Leah, Caroline, Linus, Marnie and Willy are scared of Pokémon but have more a neutral option of them and see they more like unprodicatable animals. Harvey favours Klinklang since its the least dangerous looking (and I like to think the Klink line is associated with anything with mechanics like the air force). Linus has mixed feelings about Garbodor, he feels a kinship since they're outcast but has a dislike since she might steal his dinner.)
(Clint, Gil, Gunther, Marlon and Robin are scared of Pokémon but aware that they can be tamed and are often used in their jobs outside of Stardew. Clint would like Boldore. Robin would like Gurdurr. Gunther is aware of fossil Pokémon.)
Plain fear of Pokémon:
Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, Hailey, Gus, Jodi, Lewis
(Sam, Sebastian and Lewis try not to show their fear but would run away if a Pokémon got too close.)
Hostility towards Pokémon:
Shane, Demetrius, Kent, Pam, Pierre
(All hostility mainly stems from parental overprotectiveness but witha small. Since Pam was the original bus driver, she possibly had seen some Pokémon battles outside of Stardew and seen how strong they could get. Kent is probably the only one to never fully like Pokémon.)
HI! Doctorsparkle here! Takadanobaba showed me your ask and well ... he is letting me take the stage on this main replay! I got to say tho Kraken! You are on the right tracks! I have to say you are amazing for paying attention to so many details and nuggets we have placed throughout various posts!
Your fanfic based on the mod is amazing as well and we are glad for all the ideas you have thrown at us. It really helps us when we are stumped.
Few things about some characters.
George - George’s relationship with Submas Twins is - Tolerating their presence.
Ingo and Emmet have a good relation with their wife, Evelyn, and they know that Evelyn adores Pokémon. (He knew she had one, as did he... when they where in their younger years before Stardew got rid of them. Evelyn had a Bellosom. While George problem had a a Crab-Related Pokemon. Like Krabby or Dwebble, really family Pokémon. They weren't trainers, just average folk.)
And since they have a good relation with the wife, well, you know the saying, happy wife. Happy life. As for his views on the train station.. he really doesn’t care… simply due to his age, him being wheelchair bound... and there has been dialogue related to him how he isn’t religious but since he is up there in age he preys to Yoba. (To which I can relate to, George and Evelyn as characters based on my own personal experiences with older family members.)
So really he doesn’t like the twins but as long as his wife is happy and the Pokémon are nice. He doesn’t care what they do… He's probably glad to have some form of company.
Harvey - Harvey is most definitely going to like Klinklang, however, he still views it as dangerous. Every Pokémon the Submas twins has is dangerous in their own way…. For Klinklang tho… well... giant spinning gears. And moving parts. If anyone who has worked with heavy equipment or machinery. Gears and sharp can be dangerous. Get your clothing stuck in there and well— RIP your arm or leg. Or your favorite outfit. He will still be wary and cautious about all moving parts on a Pokémon. Organic or Mechanical. Hence why he harps on the twins about their health more than anything. It's a hate-love relationship. Think of a nagging parent. He doesn’t outright dislike Pokémon but he just can’t turn off his doctor brain. Ya know?
Views on Job Related Pokemon
(Robin, Clint, etc) - LOVE THIS TO BITS! However, do keep in mind that Stardew Valley is isolated… it is a separate region. So, unless you're someone like Pam who travel across Stardew Valley. You're not going to see a Pokemon. Or a Pokemon Battle. I bet you no one even knows what a Pokemon Battle is.
I think they would learn about how Pokemon can help them with their own professions through casual talks with the Submas Twins when they have to say ask Robin for a commission or head down to Clint's to get some metal work done. The knowledge of Pokémon is lacking…. Which feeds into the fear and stigmatization of them. Knowledge is power. The government will most likely be censoring Pokémon related media... except for a few things that fall through the cracks like fashion magazines.
Which we’ll segway into… Hailey and Emily - They will most definitely fear Pokémon, however, we have some plans for the two with Elesa! They will know a little bit about Pokémon but only through fashion magazines. So think cute Pokémon like Happiny or Pachirisu. Anything bigger then a cat… forget it. They will be terrified of all of Submas Pokémon but over time it’ll dull down… they’ll still be jumpy but its not an outright dislike. Just... they prefer to see them from afar or in fashionable clothing in a book or magazine.
Gus - Definitely a fear of Pokemon... however! There are some exceptions. Joltik. And Garbador. Joltik I won’t go into details just yet, but one shows up in an event where Gus is. Garbador tho, think of Linus. Gus will most likely think of Garbador like Linus… so he isn’t scared of them. Plus. They keep the trash clean… so no raccoons or rats near the establishment. Lol. He'd be happy that no food/trash would go to waste and they make less of a mess than the other scavengers, so it's better to have it go to them.
Demetrius - Now he is a complicated one. I would say yes to hating Pokémon HOWEVER, there is definitely some character growth and development with him simply due to how Maru interacts with Pokémon and how much Stardew Valley is changing.
There is dialogue about Demetrius saying it's better that Stardew Valley- or this case the Ferngill Republic- is isolated. He could hate the Pokémon and dislike the twins at first because they are breaking the norm.
Maru, on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated about the changes. Scared and wary, but in awe of the Pokémon. The scientist in her is wanting to challenge the norm, while Demetrius is conservative and stuck in his ways… we’re also not a 100% concrete on this concept yet due to needing to double check dialogue and how his personality is in game but for Demetrius definitely a character development kinda guy.
As for how Stardew Valley relates globally with the Pokémon world stuff, I have been going off of the Setting article on this Wiki here
It shows a very pixel crude map of Ferngill Republic and Gotoro Empire. They are both continents or in this case regions.
You can’t drive to Ferngill Republic through Unova or any other Pokémon region. Only way to get there is by flight and then travel by bus. However when the train-station is up and running there will be Surfliner Routes, theoretical underwater train lines, or a giant bridge.
In Black and White and Black and White 2 there are the Wifi-Lines. I believe these to be international lines that connect to other regions. So, say for example, a train from Kalos deciding to go to Unova via this Wifi-Line or the Cyan Line. etc. etc. since Stardew Valley and Ferngill Republic has been isolated, banned on Pokémon etc. Passenger lines cannot travel on these train lines… also with the state of the station in Stardew, it probably isn't the best either.
The Ferngill Republic, however, conducts Agricultural and Economic trade with the other regions. Tomatos, meat, etc. due to possibly how taboo it is in some regions to kill and to eat Pokémon. Even though Magikarp and Slowpoke Tails might be a delicacy... the culture surrounding Pokémon as being our friends, family, partners in life... well you wouldn't want to murder Mr. Mittens now would you. That wouldn't sit right with some people.
So with the train station being rebuilt, expect a lot more economical benefits etc. and trade.
Hope this least clears up some things but also.. I just info-dumped like Ingo LOLOL. Aaaaaah…. Theres definitely a lot more I can write. Guess you can say… i’m like Lore Keeper Dani from Criticalrole. Anyway! Hope you enjoy this long reply to chew on!
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vro0m · 1 year
How do you think George would fit into your “Lewis breaks his teammates” essay? Do you reckon he still has the same power or do you think it is more likely that it would be the opposite this time? I am asking because we have seen many times how the young guy wears out the older one (Vettel-Leclerc dynamic for comparison) but I cannot quite my finger on Lewis yet in this situation (not necessarily race performance but mentally)
Anon, you're kinda throwing me in a minefield!
It's extremely difficult to make predictions, so many things can happen. The short answer is : I don't know. The long answer is under the cut.
I'm biased as fuck, because I want Lewis to win his 8th, finish on a high, and be able to retire with at least some level of peace of mind but I tried to be fair.
I know you said 'not necessarily race performance but mentally', but these two things go hand in hand. They're both good, although at very different points of their career, and they're both hungry. That's basically what I said about them in the Lewis breaks his teammates essay. That and the fact that it had obvious potential for drama. Their results are weirdly on par, excluding the rare mishaps they've each had these two seasons. When you look at the graph of their respective results, the curves are so similar! And that's admittedly throwing me a bit because despite knowing George is a good driver, I honestly didn't expect him to be able to keep up with Lewis that well, especially from the get-go. I know some people claim it's proof Lewis is past his prime but I think that's bullshit and also a bit insulting for George, tbh.
Ultimately, I think if one of them has to come out on top, it's gonna be the one who manages to not get devoured by his own hunger.
George needs to learn what Lewis has learnt in his own time, what all young drivers need to learn when they get into cars that allow them to at least somewhat race : self-control. Don't rush, wait for the gap. Don't get too greedy, remember the big picture. Don't overdo it, know when to push and when to lift. Don't let it get to your head, think before you talk. Where he can struggle if it comes down to it, is making too many mistakes in a row and losing confidence, on or off track. Especially if they manage to fix the stupid car, and he finds himself sparring with Lewis on the regular for good positions, he's gonna need to be able to stay calm and stand his ground without getting into trouble because Lewis has been doing it for a while, and he's not gonna spare him. I know we like to paint him as very kind — and he might be, off track — but on track he's ruthless. He is a mostly clean racer nowadays, I truly believe so, but that's because he's received so many penalties over the years that he knows exactly where the limit of what's allowed, or can be argued as allowed, is and he will drive right on that edge without even having to think about it. George is gonna have to figure out the rules of this game on his own, like they all do. Lewis is not gonna teach George the ropes. He's not gonna give him the answers. He's not gonna foster him. He might help the team but he's not gonna help him. He's not a mentor. He's a racer. And while George is figuring himself out, Lewis is gonna race.
Lewis has a lot of shit to prove, again. People have been saying he's too old, people have been claiming he's about to retire, people have been saying nobody's ever won a race after their 300th start, people don't want Schumacher's record to be beaten and especially not by him, and let me not get into AD21. On top of that, the car is bad. However hard it is for George, it's still an upgrade for him. It's a definite downgrade for Lewis. He needs to be patient but he's running out of time. He needs to adjust his expectations but he's barely ever known anything but the top. He needs to be a leader for the whole team but George is becoming a threat. He needs to stay calm, composed, and confident but he's always been a paranoid control-freak with a justified chip on his shoulder. As much as George might trip over himself, I believe Lewis' weakness is Mercedes. Just like George's struggle is currently showing here and there in his racecraft, Lewis' struggle is currently showing here and there in his relationship to the team. He's struggled with having to rely on other people doing their thing for him to do his thing forever. As long as it worked it worked, but now it's not working. First of all he has to grapple with the reality that his teammate is not a throwaway anymore. But I believe (tentatively) that as long as it's a fair fight, he won't get destabilised on track. However, if he feels like they keep fucking up the strategy or that they're favouring or being too lenient with George... As soon as he gets it into his head that they don't have his back, it's over for him. It might become a real test of his maturing and growth.
As for how it's gonna end, time will tell.
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slow-button-off · 1 year
As a Ferrari fan, does all the clown jokes ever annoy you? Like yesterday I was so irritated with all the "one team won't be able to count to 18, you know which one" and "oh no, Ferrari have to do 6 pitstops" etc, etc. Like if people have actually been paying attention, their pitstops this year have been some of the best, and they haven't really made any big strategy blunders this year iirc. I hope the team doesn't see any of this, because it can be so demoralizing to have improved in these areas and actually outperform your rivals in pitstops, but then be the one that's having memes made about you. I get it will take a while for opinions to change after so many years of mess ups and I know the same rules dont apply to Ferrari as it's the biggest/most successful team etc, but there are other teams who have bigger mess ups more often - alpine, AM, McLaren, all the back marker teams. Like I would be more worried about a Mercedes pitstop than a Ferrari pitstop this year, yet they don't get all the jokes. Even their strategies and indecisiveness is questionable at times, and has been so for years. It's just when they had a dominant car, they could take long to make decisions and could take longer for pitstops. Anyway, its also why it annoys me when people say carlos is the one making the strategy just because they see selective team radios being played. There's a whole team that's worked very hard to improve and yes, at times it's like "hmm, what you doing", but for the most part they haven't had any noticeable screw ups like last year and to attribute all that hard work to a driver who talks too much on team radio and had his ass saved by the strategy team more often than he's made good decisions must be annoying for the team.
it annoys me a lot. because sometimes it is 100% justified but people make mistakes out of things that weren't actually mistakes.
Mercedes aren't better at strategy the only reason it's not a talking point is because nobody noticed while they were dominating because their car was so good it didn't matter. And even know it hasn't caught on yet but they've made more and worse strategy mistakes than Ferrari this year.
The Carlos thing pisses me off because a) like you said is discredits the entire rest of the team and b) it's not based on facts. Every single time people credit Carlos with a strategic decision it wasn't actually his decision and most often he didn't even have anything to do with it.
and particularly using Qatar and saying "oh Carlos did the strategy that's why it worked" would be an insult if you think Carlos is good at strategy because this was the simplest strategy ever. max out all the tyres you have. hardly an achievement.
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gothmikasagf · 7 months
HIHI! can I get a hazbin hotel matchup?????
Specify your gender preference; preferably male, but I geniuenly don't care much. Panromantic demisexual
your pronouns; he/him
your style or aesthetic; I dress like Adam Sandler 99% of the time, bc im wayyy to tired t. Get changed in the morning, but if i do get dressed it's like if grungy/punk had a odd love child with a hippie fairy
your hobbies; crochet, drawing, read, writing. I also like live theater and was is stagecrew ✌️ also I ✨️sing✨️
Personality;im very quiet and reserved until i decide to befriend you, and then I become the most bubbly and chaotic gremlin. I'm also like if the fresh outta jail uncle and overconcerned mom friend and airport dad mixed all together. Very kind and caring, and sometimes forget to filter what I think,, so I say random shit.. (an example is me geniuenly going into specs oh how use can use a silicone d1ld0 as a chew toy, like chewlery)
Im also blunt a lot, but yent to bite my tongue if I don't see the convo going well. Also overly anxious and paranoid but hide it behindhumor.. im an angel dust kinnie if that says anything
some likes/dislikes;
Likes- books, tmnt, hazbin (obvi), doomscrolling tiktok, crochet reels on insta, discovering new music, watching musicals, drawing, looking at ideas for character designs, watching dnd related memes/info videos, internet deep dives about iconic moments in pop history or just history in general, those like.. lore video you watch at three am about the illuminate and shi, talking shit about people I don't like, or just shit talking, watching drama unfold, sometimes those dramatic reality tv shows, current online drama and discourse (I never interact I just read and laugh), also those bread sheeran memes, psychology, archeology, history, literature
Dislike- shitty people, slow walkers, people who just should not be allowed to walk in crowded hallways, bad walkers, shitty ass bad ass walkers-, horrible drivers, waking up before 9am, anything that triggers my sensory issues
if you have a type; someone who wont be Mean to me, and will listen to me when I rant a million miles a minute about one of the many obscure topics I know way to much about
I match you with...
Tumblr media
best listener, rant to him and even if he looks like he doesn't care he's always following what you say and ready to answer it
omg if you crochet him something he will treasure it forever, maybe he won't even actually use it because he's scared to ruin it
always more than ready to talk shit with you about people you don't like. He becomes soo smug if you insult Alastor, just don't do it when he's near
knows every musical, song you like but won't admit it's for you. He just likes it, okay?
enjoys dramatic reality tv shows more than anything but won't watch them if you don't do it first. Please do.
Hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is always appreciated.
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a-random-weeb · 1 year
Super excited you’re doing this! Thank you in advance 💘 could I have some general relationship head cannons for Chuuya please? I’m obsessed with him. This is so long I’m so sorry 💀
Name: Zoe; sweetheart for a nickname
Eye color: blue, and I wear glasses because I have terrible eyesight lol
Hair color: blonde
Height: 5’1
Hobbies: playing video games, reading, drawing, going out to clubs when I can afford it, and I LOVE to crochet
Likes: soda, sleeping, making custom crochet pieces for people I care about, perfumes, listing to music and singing at the top of my lungs lol, drinking, night drives,ghost shows (like ghost adventures, twin paranormal, Sam and Colby, etc.)
Dislikes: stupid drivers (road rage ceo over here), working my serving job bc people are so MEAN and I don’t get paid what I should, people who don’t respect boundaries, not being listened to/interrupted /not taken seriously, intentionally making me feel stupid
Personality: I tend to have a very blank resting face, and when I first meet someone I tend to come off as serious. Once I get even the slightest bit comfortable I’m very talkative and I will talk about damn near anything, and I LOVE having deep conversations. I tend to place others happiness before my own, and I’m very in tune with facial expressions and body language. In relationships my love language for sure is acts of service.
I love witchy/paranormal stuff and all of the darker themed things that go with that, but I also LOVE pink girly pop softgirl™️ I like both, so I try to embody both (that’s called range baby 😎)
I try to be happy and keep everyone around me happy, but I’m mentally ill as fuck lol. Ptsd, severe social anxiety, depression, and adhd gang lol. I’ve been through a lot and because of that I try to treat the people I love gently and softly, because even though many people in my past did terrible things to me I refuse to let that rule my actions. I want intimacy and love, and by giving that I’ll hopefully get it in return. I’m extremely loyal but I have a lot of trauma in around people stabbing me in the back and insulting my intelligence :/
Alcohol deletes my social anxiety and helps to distract from the bad thoughts, which is why I like going to parties/clubs. The alcohol works, and it’s so fun to dance and let loose for a while.
I’m such a hopeless romantic. Give me flowers, slow dance with me whenever and wherever, press your forehead against mine and we can breathe each other in and savor the moment, kiss me gently and hold my hand and tell me that I’m everything you’ve ever wanted. Nothing else matters when I have my entire world in my arms. Sigh that would be so nice 😭
Thank you again sorry it’s so long💘
I can definitely relate to you with some of the things you've said, which definitely helps. I mean, I'm too young to drink alcohol (I'm 19), but still.
•He's so happy that you're shorter than him.
•He constantly tells you you're short because he's always wanted to say that instead of being the one who's being called short.
•You like going out to clubs you say? This man will pay for everything
•he tries to convince you to get off alcohol hypocrite
•He thinks it's so cool you crochet
•He tries to learn, but fails miserably 😭
•He definitely plays video games with you
•He definitely gets some cool consoles you can play on
•Game nights and movie nights are very common for you two
•He loves all the crochet stuff you make him
•He makes sure they never get ruined
•He definitely doesn't like how you put his happiness before your own
•he loves spoiling you
Sorry this is short (almost as short as Chuuya)
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whumpster-fire · 1 year
More Threats and Insults
"Son, you're dumb as dirt and you ain't half as good looking."
"What, is this supposed to be some sorta joke?"
"Hilarious. You're about to be the funniest corpse at the cemetery."
"Jesus. I was about to say you're as useful as a slime mold, but you've made me reconsider. At least a slime mold can solve a goddamn maze, and I don't think you could find your way out of an empty room if they opened the door and knocked down the other three walls."
"Milford! Fetch me my ass-kicking boots! It seems I have some riff raff to deal with! Now, why don't you three take a seat and consider the poor decisions that got you into this situation?"
"When they throw you in prison they won't even have to lock the cell. They can just put a handle on a door that opens by pushing and you'll be there 'til the day you die."
"Put that thing away, kid: you'll do more damage to your own eardrums than you will to me."
"Attention: Driver of the blue Kia Sedona! If you go any slower there'll be tectonic plates overtaking you! Get the FUCK OUT OF THE PASSING LANE!"
"I'm sure you've all heard the stories about me: the conqueror of Keratopolis and Telfon, the destroyer of Marazzo. The man who slew King Aribaldo and drove his legions into the sea?"
"Yeah. We've heard. That's why we're here. But your army isn't here to save you now, are they? Just give it up and come quietly."
"My army? Oh, you silly, naive children. Think back to those stories more carefully... did they ever mention me having an army?"
"You're talking shit about my face? Bro, you look like a taxidermy accident. Look in a fucking mirror, why don't you?"
"You're like a bank robber trying to use a gumball machine. Too many dollars, not enough sense."
"Hey, Cap'n Crunch: you sure you're qualified to pilot that fucking ocean liner?
"If you fuck anything like you fight, you must've disappointed a lot of women in your time. I've already taken one weapon from you, now stay the fuck down or on all of their behalf I'll remove the other."
"Hey, man, when's the demolition derby you're training for? I wanna buy a ticket."
"What the fuck are you talking about, there's no demolition derby!"
"Shit, could'a fooled me the way you drive."
"Fuck you, asshole."
"From what I hear you couldn't shoot yourself in the foot if you used a revolver as a shoehorn."
"Well, I guess I gotta give you credit for having the balls to say that to my face. Now you're gonna see why you shouldn't."
"I'm gonna rip your arm off and beat you to death with it, and the last words you ever hear are gonna be 'Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?' If you think that sounds like an embarrassing way to die then better get outta here fast."
"Why don't you make like a tree and shut the fuck up? You know, because trees don't talk."
"You best hope your feet can cash those checks your mouth's writing, 'cuz I'll tell you right now your fists are insolvent."
"Why don't you make like a tree and get slowly eaten alive by beetles over the next 3-5 years until the city declares your rotting corpse an eyesore and has you cut up, run through a woodchipper, and hauled away?"
"Oh my God, I don't have time for this. Look, here's some crayons and a juice box, go keep yourself entertained and let me do my job, you arrogant little prick."
"Why don't you make like a tree and stand still while I make like a lumberjack?"
"Jesus Christ, 'non violent conflict resolution,' who the fuck do you think I am, Mr. Rogers? I can practice nonviolent conflict resolution from my fucking office: if you make me come all the way out here to deal with your shit I'm not having a beautiful day in your fucking neighborhood."
"You're about to find out why they used to call me 'Undefeatable-With-Conventional-Weapons Melvin' in high school."
"Just take the bus in February dude, you handle unexpected ice like the fucking Titanic."
"I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you choke on your own tailbone."
"If you were a Monopoly piece you'd be the thimble. Or the shoe, or one of those other shitty pieces that are only in the box so somebody can get screwed over before the game even starts."
"I'm gonna kick your ass so hard the shock wave travels up your spine like a Newton's Cradle and your head flies off."
"The other day I saw a coffee mug that said 'This End Up,' and it made me think of you. I was going to buy it for you, because I thought you could use something like that since God knows you'd never remember the open end goes on top otherwise, but I didn't want to assume you could read."
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abthepoet · 2 years
Valentine's Day 2023.
I've kept tumblr all these years because no matter how much I post no one from my real life comes here. Even if I tell them about it, no one comes here. Back in the early days we used to say your Tumblr was like the Batman to your Bruce Wayne; no one really knew who you were. All that mattered was the content you shared and the audience that resonated with it.
And while my focus and audience have changed significantly throughout the years, one thing stays true; I do not fear people from my real life showing up and ruining my honest freedom.
It's Valentine's Day 2023 and I've intentionally abstained from celebrating it. There is a person in my life who I wasn't very sure about last year and I'm definitely sure I don't want to be romantic partners with this year. We're barely making it as a friends. I'm doing all I can to be a nice, hospitable friend to this person but it's been a non stop stress fest and it's always at my expense. The problem is I can't be honest with them because I fear for my safety. I've told them I've experienced intimate partner violence before and I've set clear boundaries on what's not ok to do- but they never respect those boundaries and then blame it on autism.
Autism community I have genuine questions. At what point does an autistic person need to claim responsibility for their actions and stop blaming it on being autistic? For example if an adult, a full grown tax payer over 30, becomes so dysregulated they engage in physically abusive behaviors like grabbing, pushing,and screaming .....is it safe to say they're just a powder keg who's not safe to be around? So much so they've left bruises and broken skin. Because any time I bring up my own concerns about their behavior and it's impact on my mental health and my lack of feeling safe around them I get shamed and berated for "making them feel ashamed." And then things start to escalate quickly into a violent place. Even if I keep my voice low and calm- they escalate and escalate. Somehow I don't think that's how a healthy dynamic works. I can't say anything that might upset them because it turns into a long spiral of shame and guilt that usually ends up with me being screamed at or worse. Is it fair to blame autism when the neighbors have called the police on Three Separate occasions because this person has become so out of control the neighbors thought someone was in the middle of a domestic violence assault case?
Is it fair to blame autism when it's clear there is unprocessed trauma and other mental health issues festering here and they outright refuse all help and then say it's autism with a side of PDA? I feel like I spend all of my time putting band aids on a boat that keeps ripping holes into its own hull and the swirl of despair keeps trying to suck me down with the ship. I set so many boundaries about how it's not ok to scream at me. It's not ok to start slamming things and throwing things. It's not ok to grab me. (I was sitting in the car, driver seat, seatbelt on- they were standing outside of the passenger side door raging. They angrily reached in thru the open passenger window & grabbed me by the wrist) it's not ok to clap so loud I jump back and my ears ring. It's not ok to slam doors so hard things fall off walls and the pets hide under furniture. They once took the car so I couldn't get to work. They once tied a bag of cat shit to my front door. I have been called more insults and slurs than I care to repeat.
Oh what was my role in this behavior some of you may ask? One time they got so mad at the Automated customer service Robot on the phone it turned into a day long screaming meltdown rage. I spent the afternoon being verbally abused. It had absolutely nothing to do with me but I got hurt anyway. Am I wrong for insisting this person learn how to regulate their fucking emotions and get help? Because any time I do it turns into another massive meltdown.
Is it fair to blame autism when they constantly talk about wanting to un-alive themselves and refuse to get help?
They said when we met they were masking 24/7 and they don't think I like the unmasked version of them. I said when we met, you acted like a completely different person and it felt like a bait and switch. In the short time we've known each other this person has been in constant crisis and a stones throw away from homelessness. The person I met acted like they had their shit together. They had goals. They could support themselves. The second we got together they threw all that out the window for this emotionally turbulent existence on the verge of collapse.
I don't know what to do anymore. I've been supporting this person because they came into my life, unmasked, and said, I'm too tired to work anymore I physically can't do it. Ok fine, but the timing is convenient right after you find a way into my life and then never generate income again. And when i said "I was never expecting to support another adult on my one income this isn't fair to me." I'm told "stop making me feel guilty." I don't MAKE you feel anything but I sure have felt the stress of supporting you and your cat (including food and vet bills) while also being treated like fucking trash. Because I had the audacity to say "we don't have fun anymore" (because we don't- every day is them spiraling into despair about the state of the world) I'm told "you're bullying me and making me feel ashamed" .....What the actual fuck? I can't keep doing these mental gymnastics and I'm so tired of walking on eggshells to keep myself safe. I'm genuinely afraid this person could snap and do real bodily harm to me. Little by little the physical violence has gotten worse. From loud banging and claps to putting their hands on me and leaving marks. They're staying with me temporarily until they can get themselves moved to their next place because they lost their last apartment due to not paying rent. But they're not doing anything to raise funds for a moving truck. They start a part time job in a month from now. That's not soon enough and I already work 2 jobs 6 days a week as it is while single- handedly paying for the food and supplies of all the pets out of pocket. I'm afraid this will go on indefinitely and it will only drag me further and further down. What say you, Autism community? I need your input and support. I need a perspective other than my own.
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primrosebitch · 7 months
My dad is such an interesting person, like he has had such a wide variety of jobs (i'm not gonna mention them to avoid doxxing myself) but i have no clue how he managed that because he went to college then law school and then did lawyering for over 20 years so WHERE DO ALL THE OTHER JOBS FIT IN, like i know one of them was concurrent with the lawyering and one was while he was in college but the others would be very hard if not impossible to do at the same time
And then this man used to take regular all nighters playing a goddamn video without realizing that he was taking regular all nighters, he has since stopped after i pointed it out to him, but like still wtf (one time he stayed up for like 3 or 4 days straight, i don't know how he didn't pass out)
I have no doubt that if he cooked his own food he would eat like a slightly healthier college student, why am i so confident in this you ask. Because when he was making his own food he would take a raw chicken breast, microwave it till fully cooked and then eat it, he did not add anything, he ate plain microwaved chicken for lunch, he did not see anything wrong with this. To add insult to injury he is a great chef, like he's really good at making great food, but he chooses to eat like this.
He somewhat recently got really into pickle ball and i have no doubt that he would play into the a.m.'s if it wasn't for the fact that the lights at the courts turn off and that everyone else leaves then, and by really into pickle ball i mean really into pickle ball, like he bought a good scale to weigh his rackets, he bought special shoes, he got lots of other stuff that i don't know the name or function of.
He once went through a philosophy phase and got really into this one philosopher, i can't say much about this endeavor of his because i am personally very uninterested in the philosopher he liked but i can say that he knew lots about that guy and was talking about him for several months.
He reads scientific journals in his spare time, which isn't weird or anything but in combination with everything else just makes him even more baffling.
When i started drivers ed he told me about how he passed the written part of the driving test, what this man did was he didn't study he took the test, failed, looked over his answers and checked what he got right and wrong, did the test again, failed again, looked over his answers again, did the test a final time, and passed. You were only allowed to take the test 3 times, and my father basically used the first 2 tries to figure out all the answers so he didn't have to study or put in extra work, I did not follow in his footsteps to say the least.
He told this story from when he was in college, he had developed insomnia and so he went to the doctor to help and the doctor asked about if he drank caffeine like coffee or coke etc and turns out my dad had been drinking a diet coke every day in the afternoon and he didn't know that coke had caffeine in it.
Another story from college, he was at a party and was offered cocaine and he decided to taste it (for some reason?) and his entire mouth went numb from just a tiny taste and so he decided not to do the cocaine because of that, i do not understand this man (fun fact, cocaine is a local anesthetic and used to be used in medical procedures before better anesthetics were discovered, so the cocaine numbing his mouth was completely normal)
He's recently gotten into ai like chat gpt and has started to learn to code, this man has so many random skills and knowledge.
It took him 56 years to find out he has adhd, i got diagnosed years before him, i have no clue how he didn't find out sooner because he presents pretty typically (ex losing his keys and them being found in the kitchen sink, the varied interests that change semi frequently, losing track of time, losing stuff often, forgetting to do stuff like he puts stuff on the stove and then it burns because he forgot about it, etc etc), tbh i had assumed that he had adhd and it was like a known thing that just didn't come up in conversation before he came home one day saying that he just found out he had adhd.
There are probably more stories about my dad that i don't remember at this time, so i might post them if i remember them, but i hope my fathers antics entertained you, my dads great but he's also weird as hell lol
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percontaion-points · 7 months
Clawless chapters 17 & 18
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 17
Not when the man trusted me so little, he had to collar me like a stray dog.
The only consolation is that at least Vail seems to understand (even a little) how fucking shitty Jasper is. 
“Oh, wow, Vail. Just wow. I mean, Jasper’s going to flip, but maybe he needs to take a moment. I know he still really cares about you…”
Putting an ancient alpha-wolf torture device around her neck isn’t him saying “I care about you.” It’s him saying that he can control her, and there’s nothing she can do to stop him. 
It’s 100% a power move. It’s so anti-romantic that Christian Grey called up to challenge Jasper to a “shittest love interest” showdown. 
“It’s your fault for making me watch Fifty Shades of Grey on pizza night.”
Chapter 17 summary: They spend the night in the hotel, although it’s only sleeping. Jasper tries to comfort the crying Vail, but she sucks it up and hides her tears from him. 
In the morning, she tells herself that she’s done playing around with Jasper. She finds a note from him saying that he had to leave on pack business, but that his driver was waiting to take her back to school. She uses the time to write two letters, but then gets angry when the person downstairs says that all letters must go through Jasper. 
In the car, Vail wastes no time in trashtalking the driver, and also insulting Jasper himself. 
At the school, Nadia is waiting for Vail, and is quick to take her to a room so that Vail can calm down and collect herself. She tells Vail that she’d read about the kind of collar Vail has on now: it’s an ancient thing alphas used to put on omegas to protect them. It basically sends out jolts of alpha power to discourage other alphas from getting too close. Vail is angry over the entire thing, and simply wants to get it off from her neck. 
She then explains that she wrote a letter to her grandfather, the Marrow alpha, basically introducing herself, explaining her situation, and inviting him to come visit her at the school. But she didn’t know the address, so she’s not sure if the letter would ever reach its intended target. (My guess is that we’re going to meet gramps sometime before this book is over.)
Chapter 18
“Den Night. It’s when the pack’s pups are brought in and assigned to omegas for the night. Kind of like that robot baby thing the humans do, only way less weird.”
Except that you’re supposed to practise on the dolls first, so that the adults know that you’re ready to help care for an actual baby.
Because let me tell you that I’ve heard more than enough horrible things people did to those dolls that should put them on some sort of “do not fly” list for parenting. 
Something tells me that a girl who is being forced to take care of a bunch of pups is not somebody that you should rely upon. 
Somehow, that was almost worse than hearing them urge Jasper to breed my ass. I got that bit. Shifters saw omegas as brood mates. Sometimes they felt a stronger bond and claimed them as permanent mates, but other times it was for the sole purpose of breeding pups. The concept seemed pretty shitty until you acknowledged how many more male wolves there were than females. 
But breeding wasn’t on Jasper’s mind. I’d let him tie me up and strip me down, and even that hadn’t tempted him. All he’d cared about was punishing me. By containing me. I felt nausea pool in my belly at that word. Those guards were doubly wrong, because Jasper hadn’t looked miserable when he’d snapped the collar around my neck. If anything, he’d looked as radiant as the fucking sun. 
This is quickly turning into a Horace the Dead horse with this series, I think. 
Jasper isn’t actually interested in being with Vail; he’s simply upset that he can no longer control her. 
“It’s not like I can toss one of my betas into the lion’s den. This way, if the crazy asshole objects, he can bring his bullshit straight to me.”
Chapter 18 summary: Vail mopes around with her friends and complains about her new class schedule. The girls are like “the classes aren’t that bad. You’re going to love “den duties”. This is basically the babysitting part of home ec, but with werewolf pups instead of human babies. That instead of having to take care of the baby that cries and you need the key to make it stop, it’s an actual puppy. 
The girls then decide that they aren’t going to be able to find anything about the collar in a book, so they send Vail out to talk to the guards, and for her to offer them a cupcake. They get really angry with her, and tell her that they’re going to report her. Vail is all like “Over a cupcake? WTF.” 
Then they have an omega meeting, where Reed reads off the new adjustments. That they’ve decided to put more guards on campus, rather than to implant tracking chips in the omegas. However, this will be revisited if there’s another incident. Vail knows that Jasper’s decision is because he’s collared her, and that the other omegas were simply caught in the crosshairs of his anger with Vail. One of the other new things is that the girls are to do one-on-one self-defence lessons with a beta twice weekly. 
After Reed leaves, Vail goes after him. He’s shocked to see her collar (it had been hidden under her shirt), and gets angry at Jasper for having done this. Which makes me squarely “Team Reed”, since he actually gives a shit about Vail, and is looking out for more than simply his own dick. But there’s nothing he can do for Vail right now. He tells her that with her collar on, he can’t send a beta in to train her, so he’s going to be her self-defence instructor. 
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