#🌱 anon friend <3
berrymoos · 1 year
Yess PLEASE do agrere hc’s for Marc 🥹 - 🌱
holy hell i almost lost this post AAAAAA 🫠 3 hip-hips for tumblr imploding on itself!!! (i am This Close to losing it)
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🌙 — regressor marc headcanons!
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need i go into detail about why he regresses? i feel like you can click on literally any moon knight episode & use whatever he goes through AT ANY POINT during those ~45 minutes as a reason /hj
his regression is mostly fueled by trauma. even when he's regressed just to relax after a taxing day, it's very easy for it to turn negative in the blink of an eye if he's left alone with his thoughts for too long :(
age range is in between 1 - 4 years old, usually sticking right in the middle at 2, BUT if somebody asks, he's gonna say he's 4, no matter what. even if he's Babey, he will find a way to communicate that he's 4, he is! ... the mooncule can see right through him & his lies
speaking of — jake, steven, & layla (aka, three-fourths of "the mooncule") are his cgs, though i guess you can say the former two are his "main" considering they're always with him..? REGARDLESS, the 3 of them share the title & you BEST believe they dote on him like crazy!! he'll make a teensy noise & layla's CRASHING through the door like “what's wrong, sweetheart?!” while steven & jake r in his ears like “what do you need, love?” / “i'll beat ‘em up, kid, don't even worry about it!” ... the noise in question was unintentional
layla is “laywa”. jake is “jay” or “jay-jay”. steven is “steeben”, “stebie”, or “bubby” / “buba”. he's got a lot more for steven but it's just various shortenings of his name 💀
usually, when he actually is 3 / 4, it's either because he's been feeling particularly playful & carefree, OR his environment makes him feel too uncomfortable to allow himself to properly drop. in the case of the former, he moves around so much more; running away from layla in a game of tag, seeking for her during hide-n-seek, causing chaos with a regressed steven & jake ... he's a lot more talkative too! not as much as steven (regressed or not), but tons more than baby marc
in the case of his environment, marc retreats to the backseat until things are all okay again. usually he'll regress fully afterward if he's comfortable enough, but there r some times when he just stays at that 3 - 4 age range!
BABY moo, on the other hand? ohhh he's such a little sleepy koala (*´˘`*)♡ all he wants to do is snuggle with his stuffies & fall asleep to his show playing in the background. he's not a loud regressor to begin with, but in this smallspace he's reduced to small hums, whines, coos, n just other quieter noises in general. the sleepy-cuddles come from the main reason why he most likely dropped that far in the first place: bad triggers :(( being triggered by something is already draining to begin with, so add regression to the mix & woop, an upset baby on board ... but bad feelings such as that don't last forever <3
naptime, his beloved <3 baby moo or toddler marc, doesn't matter; if jake suggests naptime in any way he can pick up on, there's no tantrum, no stubborn “i don’ wanna...”, no hiding to avoid it, none of it. he might even suggest it himself if he gets sleepy in the middle of the day. only requirement is a bedtime story
oh yeah! the mooncule calls him moomoo (or moo, for short)! for a while, layla thought it was because marc took his stuffed cow everywhere he went after he got her, but low and behold, jake came up with it on the fly one day & steven picked it up shortly after; he's taken to calling marc by that nickname in all scenarios except when there's important information he needs to tell him now ... or when he's big, but yknow
(sometimes he slips up & calls him moo when he isnt small - results r a blushy boy fighting off a sudden impending fuzziness 🫣)
because of that, baby moo genuinely thinks that's his name 😭 layla put this to the test one day when she asked him to spell his name & he put moo. as adorable as that may be, it's also really funny
he has 3 stuffies to his name: mocha, the brown-and-white longhorn cow, miffy, the white bunny, & an eeyore plush. mocha was the product of a build-a-bear visit & miffy is a childhood gift from a cousin. eeyore came in a pack of other winnie the pooh stuffies steven had purchased — he has winnie, layla has piglet, & jake has tigger. miffy in particular gets carried around everywhere when he's regressed, so it's a key way to tell if he's dropped / starting to drop
prefers chewing on specifically steven's sweaters than using a paci?? like veeeery specifically the ones he own. they have to be his or else it doesn't feel the same – partially because steven has a knack for finding the most interesting designs & the softest ones, & partially bc steven just oozes comfort to begin with. if the body has one on, chances are marc has just abandoned his paci to chew on the sleeve. if it's not on while he's in sweater-nom mode ,,, well, he's raiding the closet to find one to nibble on
steven has caught him in the act on multiple occasions — probably more times than he can count on his fingers HFUISDHSIF ,,, he doesn't mind that much, but would prefer him just .. wearing or simply cuddling it instead of chewing on it like a teether (・_・ヾ quite unsanitary
sweaters are not the only thing unsafe from marc's nibbly tendencies!! other things include, but are not limited to (from most normal to weirdest): his thumbs, the sleeve of his own shirts, miffy's right ear, mocha's left horn, steven's knitted scarves, jake's cab hat, jake's crayons, steven's sock that matched a specific outfit, & layla's hair. the hair happened ONCE when he was Very Babey & both of them hated it
if anybody asks if he wants to watch "His Show", they mean Sailor Moon. doesn't matter what side of the spectrum his age range is at that moment; that's his show, don't take it away from him, you will feel his wrath (whining until it's turned back on)
he pretends to dislike being carried around, but when layla demonstrated how easy it was for her to prop him on her hip & go without breaking a sweat, it was impossible for her to put him down again. he doesn't ask for uppies much but layla can tell (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
marc actually pretends to dislike a lot of little things out of shame about his regression, tbh :( lots of reassurance & patience is needed for him bc he's v sensitive about this part of him as a whole (he's v sensitive when he's small in general; grab some tissues bc man, little buddy is kinda perpetually glossy-eyed /hj)
that being said, he's still a lot more honest about his feelings than big him is. while marc hides what's wrong most of the time to deal with it on his own, moo is nudging jake to co-consciousness bc he spilled juice on his shirt & he's rlly sad about it :(
constantly apologizes for the littlest things, bc he automatically thinks he's done something wrong & he's the one causing great misfortune ... when all he did was drop a plate ( ;´ - `;) he'll apologize for things that have nothing to do with him at all – exhibit a: the time steven stubbed his toe on the corner of his desk & moo automatically said “ ’m sorry!” from headspace, even tho he hadn't taken control of any body part in any way
mumbles so so much, ohhh my goodness *´ㅅ`)゙♥︎ oftentimes even the mumbles r muffled behind his sleeves bc his hands r hovering over his mouth. jake calls him mumblebee 🫶
his favorite game is pattycake (that handclapping game), especially when he's on his younger end. steven n layla love incorporating little tummy tickles at the “put it in the pan!” part (steven wiggles his fingers in the mirror hehe) – they do it every time, & it gets marc giggling like crazy without fail
marc's body doesn't always listen to him as a result of stress & PTSD in a general sense, so it definitely doesn't when he's in his smallspace — to combat that, he wears diapers for extra protection. they give him another source of warmth & security too, but he's so shy abt wearing them for the longest time. jake & steven cheered the day marc decided, on his own, that he was gonna need a dip ,,, 🥹🫶
can't pronounce his r's, l's, or v's right, but he catches himself in the midst of saying them wrong & corrects himself. for example: “hi, ’teeb– ’teevie” or “can't do it wi– right! >:[”. layla is an interesting example bc she has 2 l's in her name, but he only consciously corrects the first. the only time he doesn't correct himself at all is when he's super-duper little ... & that's primarily because he doesn't use words (-ω-;)
coffee is gross now, get it out of his face, ew, yucky, no! very stark contrast to big marc, who's canned two cups of black coffee with a straight face on multiple occasions. but no matter how much sugar & creamer & even coffee flavoring he puts in it, moo just Can Not get it down w/o wrinkling his nose n goin “bleugh”
now ... no one would say they think moo has a massive sweet tooth, but it deff grows in size significantly as if trying to compensate for the lack of coffee (/j). layla's walked in on him w his hand halfway in the cookie jar & he tried to pretend it was steven's doing by putting on a british accent (that wasnt rlly all that bad but definitely Not Steven). she "believed" him, but later in the day when steven is fronting they'll exchange a silent yet knowing glance
self-indulgent pkmn au hc: marc's lunatone doesn't need any kind of outward tell to know when marc is regressing – yknow how psychic-types are! it proves to be a rlly good companion when marc is unable to tell the others - mainly layla, given jake & steven r his headmates - he's feeling small for any reason (sick, in public, etc...). it also proves to be a rlly bad companion when marc is trying to ward off his headspace / keep it a secret, but lunatone is hovering over him w a sippy & a stuffie floating beside it hsisidiekd
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gyeheoni · 2 years
2 & 10?
2.) newest photocard
HELP not that you were trying to expose me but…
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10.) what idol(s) do you collect (bonus - how extensively)
as of right now i don’t think i actively collect for anyone but i think i have pretty extensive collections for svt’s joshua, tbz’s haknyeon, tbz’s kevin, and tbz’s chanhee ! even then i don’t have all of their album pcs, i do have quite a lot for them ! and with vrvr’s dongheon and gyehyeon i just collect the pcs i want + a handful of their recent album pcs ! i also have some various pcs from other idols which fit into a 9 pcs binder page ^^
photocard ask game !
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. comfort. headcanons. warnings. this is honestly so messy, not rly sure how well it flows or how good it is so sry abt that. mention of burnout, academic stress, self doubt, etc. pairing. scoups x reader. wc. 548. request. requested by 🌱 anon a/n. even though i'm the youngest i kind of relate to a lot of these especially academic ones :( to everyone who feels this way not just oldest children, know that you're all doing amazing and i'm so proud of you just for being you, you don't have to be perfect all the time, and your achievements don't reflect how valuable you are as a person
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as the oldest in Seventeen himself, Seungcheol would probably be all too used to the stress and pressure of setting an example and living up to people’s expectation
especially since he’s also the leader and has to represent Seventeen to the public, he deals with his own share of pressure
he hates that you have to feel that way too, but he would be the best person you could ever ask for to help with it
he knows that some days you just need extra kisses and cuddles and encouragement
he knows that even just him saying that he’s proud of you is enough
he doesn’t need to be over the top, he just needs to be there for you
he’ll especially try to do extra small things for you
“grades don’t define your self worth”
he’s repeated that so many times to you that now it’s constantly circling in your head
and it’s been so helpful for you to give yourself a little bit of grace
of course it doesn’t always work— some days are just shit and it feels like everyone in the world is disappointed in you and that no matter how hard you try, it’ll never be enough for them
sometimes it even feels like Seungcheol himself is also disappointed in you
when you tell him, he washes the thought away so quickly, it’s almost as if it was never there to begin with
he’s always proud of you, no matter how much you do in a day
instead of looking at your achievements— your grades and projects and work— he looks at your every day life
he’s proud of you when you wake up in the morning and shower
he’s proud when you eat 3 meals a day and actually get dressed enough to feel pretty
he’s proud when you do the things he knows are so hard but so necessary
Seungcheol is always so observant as well
he can tell immediately when you get uncomfortable around your family or friends
he knows when you feel like they’re judging you
and he’ll make up an excuse to take you home every time
even just an reassuring smile from across the room from him can allow you to breathe and relax
when it comes to studying when you absolutely cannot take breaks even if you want to, Seungcheol will make sure to be right by your side as much as he can
one thing he’s best at is being able to make you laugh even when you’re stressed
sometimes Seungcheol doesn’t think that he does that much to help
he’s sure that he could do so much more and he would in an instant if you needed it
but he already does so much more than any other person you’ve ever had in your life
the smiles, the laughter, the encouragement, the closeness, the comfort, the stability
he’s relentless at times when it comes to you taking care of yourself (depriving you of kisses is his best method for making you take care of yourself) but it’s exactly what you need and you couldn’t be more thankful to him for it
Seungcheol slowly but surely did everything that no one else had been able to do in the past: he made everything feel okay
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @minholing,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @wonwooz1,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @haecien,, @amara-mars
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twstgarden · 6 months
❀ ❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗯𝗶𝘁 ❞
━ riddle rosehearts x gn! heartslabyul! reader x trey clover (separate) ━ you would have never thought that your precious childhood friend would have a crush on you. (f/n means first name)
requested by: anonymous <3 request type: oneshot requester's message: Hello! I see your request are open🌱🌱 May i request oneshots or scenarios romance with Trey Clover and Riddle Rosehearts, with crush [Reader] who was their childhood friend and based on white rabbit from alice in wonderland. The Reader are in Heartslabyul dorm as well! Feel free to ignore this request if its make you uncomfortable or breaking the request rules. I hope you have a good day💙💙 florist's note: hello, dear anon! i wasn't sure if you wanted them together or separately, but here it is! apologies for the wait~
this work does not contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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— 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 —
painting the roses was always a regular task, but painting one with your dearest childhood friend and crush made the task even better than usual.
riddle’s recent incident was a lot to handle. you were there when riddle lost control and overblotted right in front of your very eyes, and you had to fight hard alongside the other involved parties to make sure he comes back to his senses and stop the mess he was creating.
the attempt was successful, save for the fatigue you and the others felt right after battling a magician in their overblot state. since then, riddle has been getting the medical attention he needed to ensure his entire state is well and healthy, and things in the dormitory were starting to return to its usual joyful chaotic state.
it has been a few days since that incident, and you were all preparing for the unbirthday party once more. you stood alongside trey with a clipboard in hand as you checked out all the required items, “white tablecloth, check; pastries including the tarts, check; tea set, check; chairs, check. okay, what else?”
as you continued to mumble under your breath, trey laughed a little as he spoke, “you’ve been going back and forth with the preparations for hours ago. everything is all set now. no need to be nervous.”
“well, yeah, but… it’s my duty to make sure all is well and done,” you spoke with a sigh as you glanced at your vice leader, making him hum in response. “your sense of duty is always admirable, but take it easy, f/n. riddle wouldn’t have your head if one spot goes wrong… i hope…”
trey mumbled the last two words under his breath, but you were well-aware of the words he said, causing you to grow even more nervous as you spoke, “aaaahhh… i better recheck everything!”
before he could say anything else, you ran off and inspected the venue.
“…and there they go.”
after assessing the venue, you checked on your pocket watch to see the time, realizing the party starts soon. you quickly went back to where the venue was and held your trumpet, blowing it as you announced, “make way for our leader, the red ruler: prefect riddle rosehearts!”
right after announcing, the crowd started cheering, “three cheers for prefer riddle!”
riddle then came into view as his eyes scanned the entire area, nodding his head in satisfaction, “perfect. the roses are red and the tablecloths are white. truly a perfect unbirthday party. i assume the dormouse is inside the teapot as expected? …well, i guess it doesn’t really matter now.”
“you don’t have to change so suddenly, you know?” spoke trey, “and we can use the jam on the scones, if you’d like. we don’t have to stop altogether at once. we can take things slowly.” riddle hummed in response as he glanced at trey, “yes, you’re right.”
you sighed in relief, causing riddle to glance back at you as you quickly straightened your posture and kept quiet. riddle smiled at you before looking around, “…wait!” he then pointed at one rose that was white in the sea of red roses, “that white rose…”
immediately, cater panicked and started questioning ace and deuce if they forgot to paint the other roses. at that moment, it seemed like chaos was about to erupt and trey was quite ready to console riddle, but unexpectedly, riddle smiled.
“i’m joking~ i won’t get mad over every little thing now,” spoke riddle, causing you to smile a little in response, “and it will be quicker if we painted it all.” the other heartslabyul students were relieved and thrilled to know their heads won’t be chopped this time.
you and riddle stood side by side as he held his staff and used his magic to quickly colour an entire rose bush red in a blink of an eye, making your eyes twinkle in admiration. “woaah~ you were always so cool when it comes to magic!” you stated as you painted the roses with him, “hehe, i remember when you tried to make a tart appear out of the blue, but you couldn’t!”
your giggles were met with riddle’s embarrassed huff as he spoke, “i was not as advanced as i am now, n/n…”
“but you’re still cool!”
riddle blushed lightly as you kept complimenting him, ‘and you’re beautiful…’
you two continued painting the roses as he grabbed one red rose and took off its thorns, making you pause your painting as you looked at what he was doing to the flower.
before you could speak, he tucked the rose behind your ear with a small smile – you could sense how nervous he was at that point.
“there… you look nice…”
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— 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 —
losing your precious pocket watch is actually a blessing in disguise.
“where is it? where is it?!”
you fumbled around your belongings in search for your pocket watch that you lost earlier. you had remembered placing it on the lounge as you were working on something over there, then you went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and came back with no pocket watch beside your study notes.
“i can’t lose it, no. maybe i was imagining things…” you told to yourself as you rushed back to the lounge and started taking off the cushion and even lifting the flower vase settled atop the table. during your search, the vice leader came across the lounge and feigned curiosity, “what are you doing, n/n?”
hearing the familiar voice made you look up as you sighed, “i lost my pocket watch. can you help me find it?” you were frowning as you said those words, and he immediately agreed to your request. you spent a few minutes in the lounge until trey suggested some other place, “maybe you left it outside and you did not remember? let’s check the tea garden.”
you were a little hesitant.
“i had it in my possession when i was in the lounge, though… it would be impossible to see it in the garden…” you spoke, causing him to smile at you reassuringly. “trust me, n/n,”
and so, you did.
you were quick to reach the tea garden as you were naturally a fast walker and runner. upon arrival, you saw a single table that was set up so perfectly as if someone was about to have tea with a partner. the tablecloth was laid perfectly along with the flower vase, the plates, the utensils, and of course, the sweets for dessert.
and right there, beside the sweet platter, was your precious pocket watch.
you gasped and immediately rushed to the table, grabbing your pocket watch before looking at the table. from your side of the seat, there was a folded piece of paper that had a smiley face on, making you glance back at trey to see him smiling at you.
you instantly knew what he was doing. you laughed a little as you crossed your arms, “you sneaky little guy.”
he laughed in response as he spoke, “sorry, n/n. i initially wanted to properly ask you out, but i… kind of chickened out. i didn’t mean to make you anxious, though!”
light-hearted laughter was heard from you two as you replied, “don’t worry, if anything, i like the way you executed this. it gives me a sense of adventure and the result was sweet. well then, shall we?”
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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silentwhispofhope · 1 year
*Limping to your request box* I MISSED YOU AND I WANT TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA FILLED WITH FLUFF!! Is it okay to request?
💞[Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU]✍️ 🖌️ - Reader is an artist and constantly draws many art in their skin because it's just so satisfying! Their soulmate Vash feels appreciated, in love, and beautiful whenever Reader's drawing appear on his skin. Their art just gives him a reason to love his skin despite skin scars 🥺 🖋️ - Reader does calligraphy, and they sometimes quote the bible doing it cause why not? Soulmate Wolfwood just looks with a soft, maybe teasing smile as he sees his soulmate's work. 😎 📜 - Reader is a poet and they randomly have ideas and prompt all throughout the day, so they grab a pen and start writing all the poetry from their head. Soulmate Knives who's intellectual and curious admires whenever his soulmate's writing appear on his skin, he just covers it from others eyes because pest don't deserve to see this beauty. 🌱
- Sugar Plum Anon 💟
A/N: Just for you Sugar Plum Anon, I’ll do all three <3 I do hope you’re alright though! Please do stay safe! Since I’m doing all three, I hope you’re alright with headcanons instead of normal lil’ one shots. :)
Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU Headcanons
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He was absolutely scared out of his mind when he first saw the ink appear on his skin. He even went as far as to try to scrub his skin raw, and the ink was still fresh as ever. Poor blondie is wondering how the hell something like this is happening.
Meanwhile, you’re doodling like there’s no tomorrow with your ballpoint pen, tracing the outlines of your veins and doodling smiling faces.
Over time, Vash learns to just accept the random appearance and disappearance of drawings across his body. At the end of the day, it’s like a fun little game to see what’s been sketched on him underneath his turtle neck.
It takes a while for Vash to realize that it’s his soulmate doodles appearing on his skin. Warmth floods his heart each time he thinks of this, causing him to lovely trace the marks across his own skin.
He would laugh sometimes at the sudden ink smear appearing on his skin before new sketch marks appeared, your work hypnotizing him. He especially loved when you used different colors, almost painting his skin like a canvas. Eventually, he makes the move to respond.
So imagine your surprise when you find a poorly drawn flower appear on your skin. Ensue the same panic Vash experienced when you remembered you didn’t draw that.
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Scrubbing his skin did nothing. Seeing the scripture on his forearm made him wonder if he had perhaps gotten too drunk the night before and had gotten a tattoo.
The fancy calligraphy was choice, especially with that proverb. For the lips of the adulterous woman drop honey, and her speech is smoother than oil. Wolfwood decided that there could be worse things etched into his skin from that old religion.
You, on the other hand, were giggling to yourself. Oh, the irony of something appearing to beautiful but naughty. A snort escapes from one of your nearby friends.
He didn’t put anymore thought into it until the next day when the ink disappeared. Lowkey, thought he was super dehydrated for him to imagine that, but nope, even after drinking tons of water, the ink was no longer on his skin.
Cue some praying. He nearly has a heart attack when more ink appears on his skin. He has to go back to the orphanage and ask the elders for help on understanding the situation. Turns out it’s a soulmate thing, one which they didn’t even bother to mention until now.
Overtime, he appreciates the calligraphy he appears on his skin, particularly when new motifs appear. Wolfwood liked seeing you test new things and watch as the ink appear on his skin.
However, he was very glad to wear long sleeves when you would write down a particularly dirty proverb like 5:19. He would always end up blushing a bright red like a tomato, a huge contrast to his normal, stoic personality.
Imagine, your surprise when you notice fresh ink on your skin. For your ways are in the full view of the LORD in basic script.
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He almost didn’t see the script appear on his arms, the ink nearly blending into his suit and pale skin. His fingers traced the letters he could make out. Knives immediately knew what this meant, it was his soulmate reaching out- most likely not knowing what was happening.
He tried to ignore it the best he could and kept himself covered with his cloak. Having someone would just drag him down, make it harder to reach his goal of eradicating humanity. However, his curiosity got the best of him.
Taking another look, the bleach blond quickly recognized the letters as chords with their denoted accidentals. Luckily for him, he new how to play. It was child’s play, really.
Meanwhile, your trying to understand how to play different songs only by listening too them. You were too stubborn to look them up, very confident in your ability.
And so it became a pattern for him to decipher your song you had written on his arm. He would spend hours playing the piano, watching the notes on his arm be crossed out and replaced. The composition rarely stayed imprinted on his skin for longer than a day.
Often, Knives would see lyrics being written with the chords. A little artist are we now? His small joke to himself caused a small smile. He would end up humming them, his low voice cutting through the air. It was for the sake of rhythm, he told himself.
Imagine your surprise when you saw a new. mark you knew you hadn’t inscribed into your skin, a word marked out for another.
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mothkids-funky-art · 5 months
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Jeremiah (ACNH) Stimboard w. rainy and water themes for anon!
This one was genuinely so fun to do, and I hope i can do more animal crossing ones soon! Enjoy friends! :3
Gif credits:
Banner by @findadnibanner !
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divijohm · 10 months
Guess who?
Is me! 🌱anon!
back again
I've been thinking and was gonna write myself BUT sharing is caring so BEN drowned with a ghost reader and they game but most importantly they torment jeff, for fun. Yk? He be walking and they just be popping out the walls with lighers: >:D. He avoids them like the plauge, poor thing.
Hope you get more requests, you write so well you deserve them
BEN and a ghost reader tormenting Jeff
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A/N: THE CHAOS I LOVE IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:3 ALSO THANK YOU 😭😭😭😭 this is the first time I'm sharing my writing and is getting this much attention it's giving me a reminder that I'm not invisible and people can actually like me lmao
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👻 You both meet in an online chat (duh) and BEN decided to scare/kill/torture you. But when he did go through the internet and stuff to get to your house... It was in a grave yard and you were already dead...
👻 He was taken back a little bit because of it, there isn't that many ghosts in earth, let alone ghosts that still interact with the technology and humans.
👻 He shrugged it off and continued playing games with you from time to time
👻 then this gaming sessions started to be more and more frequent and eventually you became friends, so he (in secret from slender) started to take you to the mansion. You meet Jeff there and with the kind of asshole personality he has you didn't really like him
👻 one time you and BEN were chilling in the mansion and Jeff pulled a prank on both of you. BEN was already in getting back at Jeff but you convinced him to do it 1000x worse
👻 So your plan started in the next day you were in the mansion. Started simple with you and BEN glitching and malfunctioning any eletronic object he wanted to use from his phone to the toaster.
👻 Then you guys started spooking him like traditional ghost, you know? Flickering lights, moving objects etc. At this point Jeff was already pissed off
👻 The cherry on top of this prank cake came when you noticed some lighters scattered around the mansion (thanks to Masky and any other creep that smoke) and decided to light one or two and run around Jeff with them on. BEN joined right away too.
👻 You guys Laughed so much this day that you both decided to do this again and again.
👻 You don't come often to the mansion, otherwise slender would figure out and consequences would take place. But everytime you do come, you and BEN team up to annoy Jeff
👻 He now avoids you two like the plague poor thing he deserves it this is a great bonding experience for the 3 of you though. BEN started to like you more because of it :3
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rusmii · 5 months
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#( 𝑹𝑼𝑹𝑼’𝒔 𝑳𝑼𝑽𝑹𝑺 🫐. ) — mutuals/anons
** note; come ask to be mutuals (via. ask box) !!!! i love making new friends :D. especially other bsd lovers like me 💬❕
•~ names & users in bold are centered around writing <3 if i break the mutual, there are no hard feelings. we just haven’t interacted even once (or as much) as moots and i’d feel uncomfortable/awkward if i still saw your stuff on my dash:(
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keep in mind that some of them are MDNI-18+ BLOGS!!!
#( 𝐚~𝐟. ) || amber @lotomber // ani @ishqani // atlas @atlasnessie // ava @amanoava // ava @chocsra // briar @briarbabyxo // cait @walking-simp // celine @little-miss-chaoss // chiyo @osachiyo // cinna @saelique // eurydice @euryfix
#( 𝐠~𝐦. ) || kai @hikikaimar // lar @bellodazai // leo @kaeyx // miyu @atzuhi // muse @guacamoleroll-main
#( 𝐧~𝐬. ) || niki @chuuyrr // mai @lovedazai // opie @opieluvs // raven @ravencincaide // red @cheriiyaya // reverie @aureatchi // ruka @blueberrisdove // rua @ruanais // rue @heartsfourdazai // rylie @kentopedia // sakira @justcallmesakira // silver @silverbladexyz // slinky @squigglewigglewoo
#( 𝐭~𝐳. ) || tsu @tsuunara // violet @violetfruity // wendy @wendythejiangshi // xia @bfdazai // yusra @yusrasyang // chiara @chiara-hotel // zai @sproutzai
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anons || #🍮. tsu, #⭐️, #🐝, #🌱, #🍄, #🧠
want to know who i ship my favs with? check here ;)
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zhongrin · 5 months
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🎁 ᴢʜᴏɴɢʀɪɴ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ᴡʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ 🫶🏻
ー just a little thing i wanted to make as the year ends 💗
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𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲 💍
① 👑 zhongli 👑 ✼ best husband, best comfort f/o, best everything. my ultimate blorbo 🧡
② al haitham 🌱 & wriothesley 🐾 ✼ he's such a silly guy. i love him so much. ✼ who's a good puppy! who's the goodest boy! yes you areeee~! <3
ⓧ runner up // neuvillette 🦦 ✼ his en voice almost made me simp. almost. damn you ray chase /lh
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𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 🎶
ー✼ the ebg back in february and october! so so so so much chaos fun! both took all the creative juices and sleep i had, but it was all so worth it! i got to connect with more people and interactions were off the charts for the whole week. and coviello... my precious babie <3 i'm pretty sure i'll join another ebg next year given the opportunity.... or perhaps even host one, but with a twist-
ー✼ got matched up T W I C E (well, thrice in total) with mr. i am here's alternate universe selves al haitham. thanks @/ansy-tea / @/kopidense 👍🏻 i shall endeavor to make an effort to discombobulate and fool the silly sprout man in 2024 if there are any other matchup events open lmao
ー✼ teyvatweets! it was so much fun compiling everyone's tweets and coding the website hehe it didn't really blow up or anything due to how 'personal' that project was, but i think about it from time to time. such a fun lil thing!
ー✼ that 1 pity c0 al haitham who came right after ayato.... thanks dad for gracing me with your birthday luck 🙏🏻
ー✼ finally treating myself and indulging in all the selfship commissions. i'm grateful i have the ability to indulge and i'm hoping to do the same next year. and the way everyone just gifted me things for my birthday made me feel so so loved. i couldn't celebrate it with anyone since i wasn't at home, and it was on a weekday meaning my friends were all busy - so it felt like a mini-party... truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much ;w;
ー✼ personally, i'm super happy and kind of proud of getting very comfortable with sharing my art and improving on it! i used to go back and forth whenever i'm trying to post art, but now i'm confident enough to not think too much about it! naturally i have lots to improve and i'm nowhere near 'good' but that's fine with me! i owe it all to yall's support and lovely comments <3
ー✼ all the anon drabbles and charanons!!!! always such a nice sight to wake up to. they're like surprise gifts whenever i open tumblr because i don't have notifications on, and i adore them so much! big big big shoutout to @/floraldresvi, @/crystalflygeo, and @/soleillunne yall are amazing ;w;
ー✼ all the super sweet messages all of you left in my christmas tree.... i'm cradling all the wishes and silliness and messages from my f/os so close to my heart!! ceo!haitham tho. bruh you're still making me work LEAVE ME ALONE- /silly
ー✼ that zhongli birthday celebration series... they're not much, and even with all posts combined they have way less notes than a random vent drabble i dropped in the middle of it lol but i had lots of fun writing, designing, and inserting all the 'golden threads' across the fics nonetheless!! i'll highlight them later so the people who have been following the little series can go 'OH' lol
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 🫂
@ainescribe ❀ @silentmoths ❀ @crystalflygeo ❀ @moraxsthrone ❀ @floraldresvi ❀ @sheepmc ❀ @zhxngii ❀ @localplaguenurse ❀ @mysnowmanandmebaby ❀ @the-travelling-witch ❀ @watatsumiis ❀ @kurikurikurisu ❀ @leftdestiny-posts ❀ @kaeffeinee ❀ @queen-belial ❀ @abyssmal-skies ❀ @dawndelion-winery ❀ @yinyinggie ❀ @silkjade ❀ @dustofthedailylife ❀ @scarasmood
@euniveve ❀ @soleillunne ❀ @faesther ❀ @ansy-tea ❀ @vennnnn-diagram ❀ @navxry ❀ @celestetalkstoomuch ❀ @minhosairfryer ❀ @xeraeus ❀ @pearlywritings ❀ @ryuryuryuyurboat ❀ @mochinon-yah ❀ @asoulsreverie ❀ @xiaosonlybeloved ❀ @mooncreates ❀ @jingyuansbird ❀ @tearskillstardust
i love you all and i'm so so glad to have made a connection with you! be it knowing each other from mutual friends, from a drawing/writing commission, or even if we just stumbled onto each other randomly by pure chance - know that i appreciate you! every single one of you are so talented and so wonderful. thank you for being the threads that shaped the comfy sweater that is 2023 for me <3 ps. and for my former moots who are minors but have respected my boundaries, i'm sorry i didn't tag you but i had fun befriending you lot. my best wishes for you in the years ahead too! pps. some of you might know me from my main @/meimeimeirin instead! i separated the list into 2 paragraphs bc tumblr isn't letting me have that many texts in one block apparently hsldfjsd also, if you're not in the list i either 1) forgot, bc i have the memory of a goldfish, or 2) remembered, but felt like it would be intrusive for me to tag you <- (more likely tbh) 😔
@/jjovin3221, @/starffox, @/syrenkitsune, @/finleyrambles, @/dr-birb, @/smokipoki, @/1117sblog, @/virdiaura, @/lawnfei, @/lady-alexis-salt, @/local-ragamuffin, @/the-knaves-world, @/alhaithams-fanfic-stash, @/interpretpages, @/magicalink, @/starlingcore, @/lyralibra, @/crazyrichdaughter, @/winterhuntsman, @/ladycoleigh, @/bettybeako
ALSO, HUGE SHOUTOUT to the people who frequent my notifs. i can't remember most of yall's handles accurately (and for some of you i remember by your pfp instead hskdhskd) but whenever your username pops up, know that i always go "!!!!!" and my imaginative dog ears perks up and my metaphorical tail just starts thumping on the floor <3 thank you so much for your continuous support!! (and i know some of you wrote in my tree so thank you for that too hehe) note: that wasn't an exhaustive list, but more like the blogs i remember seeing a lot on top of my head!!
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 🧡
thank you for such a lovely 2023! thank you for being here and for always supporting my works, my silliness, and myself as a person. here's to more fun shenanigans ahead, and i hope 2024 will be a year that makes us all a better person <3
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ꕥ xmas dividers © cafekitsune
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deadboystims · 25 days
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌱 ꒱ ) he / him ┊ billy , 17 ┊ autihd , gay , bpd ⚣
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🦀 ꒱ ) inbox : 6 - requests : open - divider
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐛 ꒱ ) read rules & blacklist before requesting
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍁 ꒱ ) feel free to claim an anon sign off!
*rules & blacklist under cut ( keep reading ) divider : @kiyaedits
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# do not interact : terfs , kink/nsfw , ddlg & variants , proship & anti-antis , proana/anti-recovery , loli/shotacon , dsmp fans , zoophiles , radinclus , radexclus , radqueer , maps/pedos , procontact harmful para . also : endo sys/supporters , scott cawthon supporters/defenders
# claimed anons :
🎁 anon > 1 , 2 , 3
✨🐀 anon > 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
🧟 anon > 1 , 2 , 3
📼 anon
🎐 anon > 1 , 2 , 3
🌈 anon > 1
🔥 anon > 1
💗🎤 anon > 1
# request rules :
i’ll only take ship requests from fandoms i know
feel free to send in multiple requests but do it separately, do not do multiple requests in one ask, this makes it easier for me
be specific ! tell me what stims, colors you want, as well as anything u dont want ! i’m more likely to deny a request if u aren’t specific !
i have trouble reading typing quirks, if possible avoid using them / include a translation at least
i’m not comfortable using full body stims unless its someone showing off outfits / fursuiters
my blacklist isn’t a moral judgement on all of these , some i just don’t wanna do
# blacklist :
dsmp - any & all members , qsmp
t0mmyinnit , jschl@tt , r@nboo , etc ( censored to avoid coming up in search )
south park , helluva boss , hazbin hotel , harry potter , the amazing digital circus
danganronpa , boyfriend to death , omori , fnf
boyfriends ( webcomic ) , killing stalking , homestuck
hetalia , country humans
factkin , nsfw , proship , kpop
anything in my dni
# whitelist :
i’m very willing to do ( unproblematic ) niche media !!! don’t worry abt being too niche
anything in and out of my interest list, as long it isn’t in the blacklist
boards based off of names
otherkin, fictkin + therian boards
pride boards, like sexualities, genders + xenogenders, etc
character lgbtq headcanons, as long it doesn’t go against their canon (lgbtq) identity
oc boards
music/album stimboards (with specific stims to include)
aesthetics and -cores
i’m willing to do (sfw) agere boards but only for fandoms i know
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# tags :
#stimboard - my stimboards
#request - requested stimboards
#not a stimboard - txt posts
#posted - replies to requests
#denied - request rejects or boards i need more info on
#my gifs - gifs i’ve made
#<3 - boards for my friends or boyfriend
#pride - lgbtqia+ related boards
#kin - kin related boards
#ship - ship related boards
#my favs <3 - favorite boards i’ve made
#sfw agere - agere boards
# trigger tags :
will not be censored (i.e. “bl00d” or “kn1fe”)
please filter out tags/content that trigger you
tags will be formatted as #cw (trigger) , but i will also provide a base tag as well
things i trigger tag : (fake) blood , bugs , knife , gun , snake , blade , scopophobia , flashing , fast moving gifs , horror , eyestrain , fake gore , weed , implied drug use
i do my best to tag everything with food with #food , sometimes i forget , sorry in advance
i am not responsible for your triggers if you refuse to use the filter features
while i do post agere content occasionally, this blog isn’t entirely safe for those who are regressed - be careful, filter out triggers
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list of my interests !! bold & blue = current hyperfix/fav medias
# special interests :
fnaf ,
marine biology ( sharks esp ) ,
scream ( movie franchise )
# shows :
craig of the creek , adventure time , good omens , bee and puppycat , supernatural , gotham , moon knight , total drama , spongebob , gravity falls , amazing world of gumball , live action one piece , mlp (fim) , fionna and cake , star vs the forces of evil , impractical jokers , ed edd n eddy
# games :
DDLC , roblox , minecraft , kirby , thats not my neighbor , papa louie games
# general :
horror media , bugbo , monster high , sonic , cats , clowns , lps , pusheen , laceygames , rob zombie , horror movies
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# 17 posts scheduled for pride month
# inbox :
shiny raichu [pokemon] ( anon ) - thunder , yellow , pumpkin themes
falco lombardi [Star Fox/SSBM] ( anon ) - blue , red , some yellow
The Narrator [Slay The Princess] ( 🐇 [🪶🪞] ) - crows , (broken) mirrors/glass , writing , black/white
Miles Upshur x Waylon Park [Outlast] ( anon ) - themes of poetry , stars , cozy stuff (blankets, plushies, etc) , bandages , green/cream/brown
Blue [M&M Spokescandy] - blue moon , music , candy , books
# pride requests :
transmasc w/ horror themes ( puffpal7 )
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daddycassie · 2 months
same anon who request the intersex reader one!! You can totally make the reader mtf :3
Spring Breeding 🌷🌱🪻
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Pairing: Sub!Breeding kink!Lucy Gray Baird x Dom!Trans(mtf)!Reader 
Warning(s): Smut, breeding kinks, THERE IS A PENIS, very slight transgender sadness 😔, p in v sex, mentions of drinking/drunkness, bam! Strangers with benefits, yeah reader and LG just met
You’d hardly known Lucy Gray Baird for more than an hour when you found yourself under the sheets with the charmer. See — you went to the Hob with your friends for a little break from everything, work, stress, sobriety, everything. They told you about a good band that liked to play there some days, and were playing tonight. The music was nothing short of a delight, but that voice, that voice did it for you.
When you made eye contact with the pretty singer she smiled, dark, beautiful eyes shining. It was like a little hello just for you. She twirled, and was soon dancing around the little stage. You’d gotten there late unfortunately, so you only got about six songs from them before the show was over, however, you refused to leave it at that.
You asked around your friends and some drunken peacekeepers and discovered that they were the covey band, and the singer was Lucy Gray Baird, they also told you where to find them. You were worried that Lucy Gray wouldn’t want to see or talk to you, she probably smiled at crowd members all the time, but to your surprise her eyes lit up when she saw you. You two clicked fast, and made friendly conversation and you unconsciously followed her as she walked through the seam. The whole atmosphere shrouded with the dark of nighttime.
Almost like a siren, she lead you to her bed, of course, by the time you reached her home and she invited you in you knew what was happening. You were not opposed in the slightest, though a little worried about how she may react to your body. 
Lucy Gray’s eyes glazed over as you lined up with her pretty cunt. “Is this okay?” You whisper against the skin of her neck, making her shiver. “M—mhm..” she whimpers out.  You slowly press into her, it’s difficult, and she’s painfully tight. Tears well up in her eyes but she squeezes them shut, whimpering under you.
“Shh…” You hush her softly and she covers her own mouth to prevent the noise. “M’sorry..” she whispers, letting out a squeak when you press deeper. You groan out a curse, and push in the rest of the way. Lucy Gray’s eyes widen and her back arches up nearly instantly. Hearing her muffled whimpers, you thrust slowly, trying to be at least a little bit gentle.
“Is that good? Do you like that?” You hiss in her ear, she tightens her grip on your back. “Fuck me harder.” She pleads, and you certainly aren’t one for denial. You press in and out, in and out, over and over in a way that has both of you panting and moaning in passionate pleasure. “Mmmph…” she moans, muffled against your shoulder. 
You spread her legs wider and fuck her harder, feeling yourself getting closer. You’d have to pull out soon, surely that would be for the best. You feel sweat on the back on your neck and pant out raggedly, “Good girl, almost there.” Lucy Gray whines at your praise, and her legs suddenly wrap around your waist pinning you against her warm cunt. You grit your teeth, unable to hold on much longer. 
“Lucy Gray,” you speak to her, “Lucy Gray I have to pull out—“ you try to say in a panic. Lucy Gray locks her ankles together and tightens her grip. “Breed me.” She moans the words breathily. Those words make you grind into her, and your vision go white, you vaguely register the sensation of warm wetness. Lucy Gray’s back was arched when you came back to, still slowly rocking against her. You force yourself to stop and pull away from her, untangling her legs from around you.
“Did you cum?” You ask her in a hush voice, and she nods, still panting. “Good, that’s good.” You respond, collapsing on the bed beside her. She leans her face into your arm with a little sigh. “That was nice, I liked it. Even if we made a mess.” You can hear the smirk in Lucy Gray’s voice. “I feel like you planned that.” She shrugs with a smile. “Maybe, it’s a mystery sweetheart, just like me.”
Note: Hihiii! Sorry this too so long sweetheart I’ve had some work! Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy it even if it’s a little short <3
@losingmymindrn @torturedcoveydepartment @noooooooop-e
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cinnamonsodaa · 2 months
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Blog Info <3
Just because the art I post is cute in style, there’s no telling when I might post nsfw. Same thing goes for my writing, and possibly voice acting, too.
Hi there! My name is Tsumugi (Mugi). I also go by Lavender (Lav).
₊ ⊹🫐she/they₊ ⊹🫐20₊ ⊹🫐lesbian₊ ⊹🫐aries₊ ⊹🫐infj / infp₊ ⊹🫐 "quiet" BPD ₊ ⊹
➵ sapphic nsft sideblog :: cherriesodaa (proceed with caution<3)
On my blog there will be art/animation, poetry, and voice acting. I ask that everyone here be kind to each other, and especially me, as I have a heart for brains. My tags are: #cinnamonsodaa.ramblings, #cinnamonsodaa's.art, #tsumugi.thepoet? #lavender's☁️dreamscape, #mugiwrites, #mugi's asks, #mugi.voices, 💜Tsumugi's.Audio.Diary💜, and #mugi’s quotes <3.
➵ I am now taking anons! (will blush if anon'd)
Anons List: 🩻🦁💀
➵ I plan on opening requests for writing at some point.
Rules for requesting a Voice Note / Audio
Poetry Masterlist <3
.˚✧Character voices I can do
.˚✧Friend Codes !!
.˚✧And some extra, more personal facts, if you’re hungry ;
☂︎ I play the bass guitar! And kalimba.
☕ I am canonically married to Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact) and Nico Robin (One Piece).
☂︎ I always have baby fever. I just wanna be a mama so bad! ( ՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞ ) I could go on forever about the future I dream of.
☕ I’m a vampire, and a cat. That’s me. My demeanor, my personality, my sleeping habits… so much more but hopefully you get the idea.
☂︎ I’m 5’2. AND A HALF! (…That detail is mandatory.)
☕ I’m not very drawn to degradation. It gets in my head.
☂︎ My music taste is indifferent. I don’t care what I’m listening to, as long as it plays loud in my headphones. However, what I listen to the most would fall under the category of indie/soft rock, and bimbocore/hyperpop.
☕ My highest kins are Tsumugi Kotobuki (K-ON!), Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa), Layla (Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact), Collei (Genshin Impact), Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer), and Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
☂︎ I love sugar. And especially pastries. Favorites would be dark chocolate, cheesecake, and anything cherry or pumpkin flavored. This goes for drinks, especially. My favorite's are cherry soda, pumpkin chiller, and iced peach tea. If it has sugar in it, it’s gone. Watch out, roommates.
☕ I love to bake, but if you let me cook I will set the house on fire.
☂︎ I’m a maladaptive daydreamer.
☕ I’m hypersexual but the fact that I am, makes me seethe.
☂︎ I am training in witchcraft.
☕ I have a very dark mind. It’s pretty when you look inside, though.
☂︎ I can see apparitions and hear whispers from the darkness. Help.
☕ I have a naturally very high body temperature.
☂︎ I just want to be loved.
my type :0
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant and Marc Spector x fem!reader)
Warning: fluff, swear words, misunderstanding situations, Marc and Steven being overprotective, cringy dialogue because I can.
A/n: this was requested by my 🌱 anon, I hope you like it (and so sorry for the wait!)
Summary: It's always a mess to stuck with 3 person at the same time.
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"Ugh, where the hell is the first aid kit...these are all books" Jake grunted in frustration while dragging his body around the flat. 
It's 8am in the morning for god's sake, his body is all bloody from fighting, Khonsu is right behind his ears telling him the mission is not over, and now he doesn't know where the fuck is the first aid kid. Can this get any worse?
"Steven? Marc?!" A voice called out from outside, along with a knock on the door.
Great, it just gets worse. Jake praised God that the woman would just leave after hearing no answers whatsoever. He even held his breath and stood still like a statue.
"Are you guys okay?!! Why don't you answer your phone? And I see a huge blood trail leading to the flat! I swear to God if you did something stupid-" Y/n's voice was cut off when Jake opened the door, shirtless and still bloodied.
2 pair of eyes met each other and Jake swears he has seen the most beautiful woman in his life, while you, on the other hand, think the man in front of you is the grossest man ever.
"eW-ew, Marc! There is blood all over you. Oh the smell... The first aid kit is on the top shelf, and you can't keep getting away with this Marc, do you know how many times Steven has complained to me?" Y/n passed through Jake and continued rambling, oblivious to the fact that the man in front of her is not her beloved friend.
Jake can't help but turn around. His eyes watch each step of Y/n like a predator watching its prey. "Eres hermoso (you're beautiful)'' Jake blurted out.
"Hm? What did you just said Marc?"
"I'm not Marc princesa (princess)"
"And Steven would never let the blood stick on his face, shut it Marc"
"I'm Jake"
This time, Y/n is the one holding her breath (and standing still like a statue). The man in front of her is Jake. The one Marc and Steven are very well aware exists but don't know much about?
'Shit' you can't help but think of what this man is capable of, god, maybe he will kill you, shoot you right here if he wants to.
Jake rolled his eyes looking at Y/N. Yea, she is cute, but the first aid kit is cuter right now. Having remembered what you had said, Jake reached for the top shelf and felt relieved when his hand touched a small box, but before he could even do anything with it, you rushed to him and forced him to sit down on a chair.
"I don't know you, but I have helped Marc and Steven with injuries like this countless times. I...I can help" Y/n said while refusing to meet Jake's eyes.
Her eyes slowly trailed down to his chest...and his abs...okay maybe the floor is more reasonable to look at (A/n: girl just say you like it 💀).
The two of them stay silent as Jake too tired to give a damn and Y/n too shy to say anything.
The whole flat is filled with awkward tension, so thick to the point you can cut it with a knife, that it's until Jake decided to speak up, "Don't tell Marc and Steven about me, I'm trying to keep my identity low."
Y/n was a bit taken back when she heard it, but she still agreed with a small nod, giving Jake the satisfaction of having the upper hand, and it also gave him the need to give Y/n a compliment.
Only one, but enough to make her knees wobble.
"Good girl"
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
Ever since that day, Y/n has been secretly hoping Jake would 'appears' again. There is something about him that she can't see in her 2 friends, maybe because of his manner. Or his personality? Whatever it is, Y/n is so doomed.
She has been avoiding Steven and Marc because they keep reminding her of Jake, but this didn't go unnoticed by the two men, and that led to a mischievous plan.
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"Guys? Hellooo, it's me" Y/n knock on the door while waiting anxiously for her friends to open it. She wants to apologize for her recent rude behavior and maybe (just maybe) tell them a little bit about Jake.
The door slowly creaked open, and before Y/n could say anything, she was met with an intense glare. So intense, and so familiar to the point she 'accidentally' yelled out "J-JAKE?"
But to Y/n's surprise, the man yelled out even louder than her, "I KNEW IT, STEVEN, YOU WERE RIGHT, THE GLARE WORK"
What is happening right now? Is Marc yelling? And did Steven also participate in this? So many thoughts flooded into Y/n's mind, but one thing was for sure: they know she has met and interacted with Jake.
While you are busy thinking of anything to say, Steven has already taken over the body and is now running to the bed, chaining his foot to the old shackle.
"Bloody hell, I'm doing this. I'm going to chain myself up, that way the evil guy can't hurt you Y/n, you can't stop me!" Steven said frantically with shaky hands.
Y/n can't help but let out a long sigh with a fake cry. First Steven and Marc knew about Jake, then they knew SHE knew about Jake, and now they're convinced Jake is going to murder her at any given moment.
It's going to take a whole day to explain everything, and you're definitely not amused with it.
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sutheworld · 2 years
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Hi! Let’s be friends <3
About me:
Hii my name is su !
she/her, 15, subuser, kpop stan, asian, enfj
I want to form my own rules and beliefs and stop following the ones of others. So i made this account. I love you guys sm !
homophobic, islamophobic, racist, fat phobic, nsfw accs, ed accs, you ship real people/idols and read their fanfics, ableists
My Posts:
★ introduction to the law -> if you know little about the law/ complicate the law read it~
★ 4D is the present, 3D is the past.
★ why your manifestation is not ruined
★ you already have it !
★ how to decide~ [also a method]
★ what you should NEVER manifest [ask]
★ are you a fraudster? NO YOURE NOT.
★ „Unwanted and desired reality are ideas”  & THE EXPLANATION
★ imagination = reality
★ It’s not you but you’re it
★ Don’t get perceived by maras daughters!!
★ The law and her laws
★ Big manifestations don’t exist
★ my messy opinion on 10k affs challenge
★ everything is you
-> (*'▽'*)METH0DS
★ the mbti method
★ empowering kpop songs with empowering affirmations~
——-» ASKZ
-> „Can i manifest being rich in a week?”
-> „Do we need to repeat affirmations?”
-> If you struggle with the law, affirmations and persisting; read this
-> „Should i manifest with the void or should i manifest with my thoughts?”
-> „Can i manifest going back in time?”
-> „Manifesting but not believing in affs?”
-> „What to assume, in future or present?”
-> „How long to persist?”
-> „What’s the sabbath”
-> „How to manifest in a time crunch?”
-> „3D triggers me! Now what?”
-> „I did everything, but i still don’t have it!?”
I recommend you read these!/ reblog links:
☆ how to live your entire life in the end
☆ manifesting methods list
☆ manifesting perfectly explained + affirming
[♡-> their asks are prioritised]
🐳 - 💅🏾- 🎀 -🌱 …
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stim-burrow · 4 months
hihihihiii! would you be able to make a nyon stimboard? (randal's friends webcomic)
and and.. themes with stuff like (optionally crunchy) slime, the colour blue, and cats.. /nf
i read your pinned and wasn't totally sure if you were OK doing characters from ranfren, cuz you never specified anything about it.. i completely understand if you aren't comfortable with it thooo! :3 —🎣
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Nyon (Randal's Friends Webcomic) stimboard for 🎣 anon! 🌱
🐱 🐱 🐱
💙 💙 💙
🐾 🐾 🐾
Hope I got this right haha
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merotwst · 2 years
. about —- [ merotwst ]
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⇝read the rules before you follow.
hello! my name is elizabeth but you can call me whatever nickname you like! usually my friends call me ellie. im 18+ using she/her pronouns and a member of @twstnexus.
my writing tag is #. merowrites and my art tag is #. meropyonsan in case you've come here for either one of those. oc and doodle dump account is @meromessy.
current fandoms: twisted wonderland & obey me!
occasionally nsfw so make sure to keep that in mind before following. though most of my works are fluffy, there's the sprinkle of thirst there for when im having a bad day and i encourage minors and ageless blogs to please avoid interacting with certain posts that i put warnings on. thank you! :>
feel free to send stuff in my askbox! unfortunately, i might not be able to write for all the requests sent in but if it's something i find interesting, i definitely will find time for it. you may also send in just random messages you like ! i'd love to respond and interact with you lovelies !
inconsistent uploads because i will only be able to write depending on my mood or if i get a stroke of inspiration. i also only write on mobile because the dorm's wifi doesn't reach my computer (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠).
credits for decorating my external blog go to @/spadecentral!!!!! thank u, pookie
my timezone is gmt +8. i take art commissions you'll find in my website (link is down below).
thank you for reading &lt;3
。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵
⇝ twisted wonderland masterlist
⇝ jamil summer contest 2023 fic entries masterlist
⇝ art masterlist
⇝ art commissions [ OPEN! ]
。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵
© merotwst/meropyonsan 2022 · do not copy or edit any of my written or illustration works anywhere ! art reposts ok with credits
[ tags & moots utc :
#. merotalks = just general ellie things
#. ellie's darlings = followers and moots
#. ellie's lovelies ♡ = moots
#. meromess = my trash everywhere
#. meropyonsan = art
#. merowrites = writing
#. ellienon ! = anons
#. meroreblog = reblogs
#. meroreads = fic recs
#. merowrites = my own written works
#. ellie's creations = ocs
#. rmop = reblogging my own posts bcs im shameless
specific moots and anons that interact with me often will get their own personalized tags !
[ ★ - artist friends, ♪ - writer friends, • - other, ° - twst moots, † - tokyorev moots ]
#. iyaa 🌻 { @/seitasaurus } ¦ she/her ★•°
#. eli 🪐 { @/spadecentral } ¦ they/them ♪°
#. aster 🌠 { @/v-anrouge } ¦ he/they ♪ •°
#. demon🔥 { @/demonichikikomori } ♪°
#. vivi 🎀 { @/trplas } ♪°
#. rosa ☁️ {@/kalims } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. quu🪶 { @/quuma } ★°
#. ciel ⚔️ { @/love-thanotopsis } ¦ any prns ♪°
#. cupid 🍎 { @/cupids-chamber } ♪°
#. astrea 💭 { @/astrea-archive } ♪°
#. ellis 🍓 { @/starry-night-rose } ¦ she/her ★ •°
#. angel 🙊 { @/a-hollow-angel } •°
#. ari 🍤 { @/shinmon-c } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. amora 🏹 { @/amorisqasayid } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. tori 🍡 { @/vtoriacore } ♪°
#. enzen 💌 { @/enzendoll } ♪°
#. pando 🕺 { @/pandoa } ♪°
#. skai 🍄 { @/mellyteddy } ¦ she/they♪ •°
#. ian 🕸️ { @/atcordare } ¦ any prns ★°
#. pers 🎊 { @/personrandomized } ★°
#. cereal 👑 { @/cerealboxlore } •°
#. dummy 🌚 { @/the-dumber-scaramouche } ¦ she/her •°
#. ren 🌱 { @/bunnwich } ★°
#. marri 🎬 { @/stringed-puppet } ♪°
#. briar 🖤 { @/thomanok } ¦ he/him •°
#. belial 🫀 { @/hebidanshi } ¦ he/him ★°
#. kiran 🐸 { @/kirans-wonderland } •°
#. cleu 🥞 { @/cleumuu } ★°
#. day 🦇 { @/daebreaker } ★°
#. salmon 🍱 { @/leonaism } ♪°
#. nath 🐊 { @/zgvlt } ♪°
#. lye ☕ { @/ickychi } ♪°
#. belle ❤️‍🩹 { @/bloodiegawz } ★°
#. tart 🥧 { @/tartppola } ★°
#. remy 🍙 { @/tinyletterz } ♪°
#. kida 🌿 { @/keedas} ♪°
#. pionie 🧸{ @/peonie } ♪°
#. ray 🌙 { @/rayisalive } •°
#. strawbie 🍰 { @/riddlelvr } ♪°
#. scar 🍩 { @/ruggiethethuggie } ¦ she/her ♪ • †°
#. aya 🐈‍⬛ { @/bajiissofine } ¦ she/her ♪†
#. emily✌️ { @/wakasacutie } ¦ she/her ♪†
#. pibbs🩸{ @/kakujis } ♪†
#. brookie 🍪 { @/k0rek1yos} ¦ she/her ♪°
#. hydra 🌊 { @/twistedchatterboxed } ★°
#. auburn 🐚 { @/azulashengrottospiano } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. ashi 🌺 { @/ashipiko } ¦ she/her ★°
#. sippy ☀️ { @/siphoklansan } ¦ she/her ★°
#. dibbs 🍨 { @/dibbledoodle } ¦ she/her ★°
#. ceru 🎩 { @/ceruleancattail } ¦ they/them ♪°
#. rev 📒 { @/moonlight-phobia } ¦ she/they ♪°
#. slav 🧊 { @/the-v-lociraptor } ¦ she/her ★°
#. deppy 🦐 { @/drdepper } ¦ she/her ★°
#. taru 🍬 { @/taruruchi } ¦ she/her ★°
#. may 🌸 { @/maythearo } ¦ they/them ★°
#. milky 🛎️ { @/robo-milky } ¦ she/her ★°
#. siren 🍒 { @/siren-serenity } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. erin 🐑 { @/yuyumaru } ¦ she/her ♪°
#. renny 🐁 { @/oheyfox } ¦ she/her ★°
for anons !
#. 🦔 anon
#. 🥠 anon
#. 🐇 anon
#. blue rose anon
#. 🪱 anon ]
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