#(headcanon // isabella)
mymanyfandomramblings · 2 months
Headcanon: at some point in high school while Isabella was trying (and failing) to get over Phineas, and Phineas liked her but was an absolute oblivious bean, they reached an agreement as best friends that if they got to thirty and weren't married, they would marry each other. And all of their friends facepalmed and muttered 'so close, and yet, so far'
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moonlavenders · 3 months
More Batfam Stuff
Jason Todd’s dad was Irish but his mom was the ginger
Dick likes geocaching and sometimes he brings Kory and Wally
Tim’s natural hair color is brown but he started dying it when he was younger to look more like Robin and he still does it because he likes looking like Dick
Stephanie is allergic to bees (not just being stung by bees but like if a bees within three feet of her, her eyes start to water)
Duke doesn’t wear his glasses, not because he thinks he looks bad with them, but because he’s just too lazy. Plus he doesn’t need them to see (everyone can tell he needs them, he’s always squinting, but he doesn’t notice)
All Damian’s social media accounts are for his animals (Alfred the Cat is beating the second place by 200 followers though Jerry the Turkey has been working hard to become first)
Cassandra loves the Sonic franchise. She binged Sonic Prime. Her favorite character is Big the Cat, she likes how calm he is. Cass loves how calm and easygoing he is
Bruce has a little candy jar at his office in WE so whenever his kids visit him at work they always have snacks
Cassandra and Tim have sweet tooth’s. Tim likes chocolate while Cass prefers gelatin and they both despise licorice (Dick love licorice though)
Damian has a bunch of OC’s his favorite is Julius Nightshaker-قاتل الوحوش. Julius is the Child of Princess Delilah قاتل الوحوش and Knight Sylvan Nightshaker.
Duke enjoys anime conventions. Once he and Izzy went dressed as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask
Jason and Dick love the first two How to Train Your Dragon movie. Jason read the books and Dick watched Race to the Edge
Stephanie’s favorite cartoon is the 2017 Ducktales
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abcwordsurge · 11 days
asking the real questions now. this is about to get intense
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radvimes · 6 months
My Phinabella Headcanon -or- Why Phinabella Wouldn't Drift Apart Before Getting Together
(edit: as a neurodivergent person, I'm probably going to just keep adding to this post, like, forever...)
I know I'm, like, almost a decade late to the party, so I don't know who's left around here to read this, but after watching most of Phineas and Ferb, including AYA, hearing other people's analysis of Phinabella, particularly in light of Isabella's bday episode, the picnic episode, the haunted house episode, NOTLP, and Summer Belongs to You, binging a large amount of Phinabella fanfics and art over the last week, and pondering on all of that, I just really feel the need to write out how I see those 2 crazy kids' relationship progressing through their preteen/teen years and into adulthood.
First off, as a technically inclined male (I'm a software engineer, and always loved tech as a kid) with ADHD/the neurodivergent grab bag who had to train himself to pick up on social cues, particularly cues from the girls in my life, I identify so strongly with Phineas. He is, in many ways, the kid I would have wanted to be growing up. Smart, capable, charismatic, with a good friend group, and best friends with the amazing girl next door. It really sounds like a dream life for an ADHD kid like me.
I bring this up to say that, speaking from experience, those relationships, particularly the ones with Ferb and Isabella, would be everything to Phineas. We see this with how he wants to include as many of his friends as he can in his adventures. We see this in the fact that his adventures and inventions almost always have to do with helping a friend/family member or are inspired by them. And, as the show progresses, we see that this is never more true than with him and Isabella. Yes, it would likely take him a few years to pick up on what Isabella's crush meant, but we can see that, even from a young age, he absolutely recognizes that she is a close friend, wants to spend time with her and do things with/for her more than he does the rest of his friends, and is frequently and regularly attentive to her needs as he perceives them. He recognizes that she is important to him, even if romance isn't consciously a part of that for him when they are younger, which is fine, because he's just a kid. He'll get there. To say it a different way, the kid is neurodivergent, and has his passion projects. Once it registers that she's important to him, that fact becomes a bedrock of his existence, of how he experiences the world. That's just how his brain works. It then becomes a permanent passion project to demonstrate how she is important to him. The important thing is that their foundation of friendship is firmly established, and he will spend the rest of his life building on it if she lets him.
On the other side of that, I think we see, through moments like during Isabella's bday, the picnic, NOTLP, and on the desert island at the end of Summer Belongs to You, that Isabella is beginning to recognize this dynamic. She's learning to accept that he's not there yet romantically, and that the things she's loves about him don't require him to be there yet. She loves his dedication, his attention, and how he brings out the best in her. He always says and does things to build her up and show that she is important to him. He depends on her in many ways, and they always have each other's back and their best interests in heart. She can meet him halfway, accept the good in their relationship as it is, and let it progress naturally. I particularly see this in the desert island moment, when Phineas, who isn't used to things going wrong pretty much ever, finally sputters out and sits down. He could have had a breakdown or an explosive fit that things weren't going his way, could have continued to frantically brainstorm with Ferb, but he didn't. He sat down and quietly sought solace in a peaceful moment alone with Isabella. You can see the mix of emotions she felt as she processed what that moment meant, and then realized that she needed to meet him halfway and inspire him to get back up and keep moving, even though she had just said that she so wanted that quiet moment alone with him. And in so doing, as he leapt back up and gave her a big hug in thanks, that really cemented their relationship all the more. While part of her would love him to reciprocate her crush in similar fashion to how she wants to express her feelings, ultimately, she just wants him to show her she's special to him via preferential treatment, quality one on one time, and words of affirmation, and he can and does do those things all the time. She is learning she can wait for the rest. Also, let's not forget that she's been to the future. She knows that she gets to be Aunt Isabella eventually! Between that and the care that she sees him give her as kids, while it might be hard to wait sometimes, I have to believe that she would stick with her best friend.
The other piece I would throw in here is that, while society often puts a big wall between being friends and being lovers, my experience is that the best romantic relationships are founded on strong friendships first, before infatuation and physical attraction ever enter into the equation in a meaningful way. As such, I think it's really reasonable to assume that their path forward is what I recently saw described as the "friends to idiots to lovers" trope. They would absolutely continue to be best friends, having each other's back and confiding in one another, for years. Isabella would continue to try to profess her feelings from time to time as we saw her do in the show, and Phineas would probably assure her that he likes and appreciates her, too. If she felt down about things from time to time, he would absolutely sense that, even if he didn't understand the complete significance of it, and he would reach out, probably with an invention or adventure or ice cream date or 2, because those things always helped her out of her funks before, and she would appreciate his attentiveness and attention.
Then, somewhere along the line, I imagine that their friendship would naturally begin to evolve into something a bit more tender, though they would both be in denial about it. Isabella would have spent so long telling herself to keep expectations low that she would have conditioned herself not to consciously read too much into anything Phineas says or does, and Phineas would be all "we're just really close friends, this is just how we've always acted". Meanwhile, they, like, eat lunch together every day, work their schedules to have a bunch of the same classes, walk/drive to school together every day, etc. They have a standing weekly movie/dinner night where, over the course of years, they now pretty much always end up snuggling on the couch while Phineas tries out fancy new massage tools and techniques he's developed because he knows Isabella gets sore muscles from sports and Fireside Girl-related activities. They stay over at each other's houses until all hours of the night, and regularly sleep on each other's couches when it gets too late. He gives her lots of hugs when she does something he really appreciates or when she's down. She gives him little chaste kisses on the cheek when he does something particularly thoughtful (the first time she did it, she thought she was pushing the boundaries a little. It quickly became habit). Lots of unconscious hand holding. Of course, regular trips to the ice cream parlor to celebrate or just for a change of scenery. Along the way, he's just always making thoughtful things for her, new sports/outdoor equipment, a custom bike/scooter/car, accessories and stationary with butterflies on them because he noticed that she often makes comments about him giving her butterflies, and he thinks it's some sort of cute inside joke. She starts regularly baking treats for him (and Ferb), and before long, it seems like there's always something she made on the Flynn-Fletcher kitchen counter/in the shed. They work together to decorate the tree in each of their back yards, and probably also each other's tree houses. Pictures of them together are everywhere, and they kind of just roll their eyes and blush a little about it. No angst is needed, because their love isn't unrequited, it's just not fully recognized. Isabella wouldn't pull away, because as soon as she did, he would notice and reach out to try to understand what's wrong, and to comfort her and raise her spirits, and I truly believe that she would respond positively to that. Love comes in many forms, after all, and they would ensure that they both felt loved. In a lot of ways, they would fairly quickly get to the point where they are a single good DTR away from officially dating, with a lot of momentum in the way of making time for that DTR. On the other hand, as soon as that DTR starts, it's gonna go for hours, because they would both have plenty to say on the topic of their relationship, and I get the sense that both of them would exhibit the neurodivergent trait that this would be a topic of particular interest for them, so they would naturally be inclined to discuss it indefinitely.
As they get older, they both vehemently push back whenever someone makes a reference to their boyfriend/girlfriend, but neither one ever ends up going on a date with anyone else. They either don't go to dances because they have other plans, or they go in a group with, like Ferb, Baljeet, Ginger, and whoever Ferb has asked out that time. Then something happens. Either there's a dance where the rest of the group conveniently goes separately, or someone new makes a comment about them dating, or Ferb or Buford or Candace or someone finally gets tired of it and starts pointing out to Phineas all things they do that are totally the sort of thing you do with a girlfriend. Phineas' immediate reaction is to deny it like always, but then something kind of clicks in his head. It's not that the kid is totally oblivious to romance and dating, he's just never really thought seriously about how it applies to him and Isabella, because they've just always been them, and it's been great. Now, though, as he thinks back, things start to recontextualize in his mind, and he starts to wonder. Some time later, maybe a while as he ruminates on it for a bit, maybe the next time he sees her, he brings it up, mentions that people keep saying they're dating, or that it might look like they are dating, and are they? Should they? What would that change? He's trying to make some sense of the social cues and the intricacies of their relationship, you see. Or maybe this conversation gets triggered by emotions running unusually high and tender at one of their movie nights or something, and maybe they were suddenly looking at each other in a new light, maybe they even kissed. At this, Isabella is shocked and delighted, and asks if he is saying that he wants to define their relationship, if he's asking her to be his girlfriend. She sees it as him actually asking her directly about their relationship for once. He probably responds "well, yeah, kinda, maybe?" She might respond that, really, nothing much has to change, they would get to keep doing what they're doing, just as boyfriend and girlfriend, except that if she's his girlfriend, she can do stuff like this: and then she leans in for a kiss and/or an intentional snuggle, etc.
After that, they are truly insufferable/inseparable. They've been unofficially together for years at that point, after all. Now, it's just open and official and mutually understood how much they really mean to each other, forever. They probably spend a fair bit of time, at least at first, reminiscing about past moments where one or both were oblivious or in denial, thinking about how long they really have loved each other. Again, no angst in these conversations, just some wistfulness about missed opportunities, and joy in their shared history and future.
Don't get me wrong, I've read many fanfics that I've loved, including "Can't Help Falling In Love", "Is This About a Girl", "Sugar Rush", and "In Two Weeks", that deal with them realizing their feelings and/or confessing to each other after some time pining/growing apart, and what it means/how wholesome it is once they are together. The thing I love most about each of those stories, though, is the way each of them taps into how important their friendship and commitment to each other is to their relationship, and how, no matter the stage of their relationship, Phineas has a singleminded determination to consistently, matter-of-factly, thoughtfully show Isabella how much she means to him through everything he does. I would love to see more stories that explored the "idiots" phase I described above, though, since most of the ones that I have come across that do explore a similar theme do so assuming that separation/pining/unrequited feelings/obliviousness must be part of it, and I don't think it has to be. Speaking as a neurodivergent person, I can say with certainty that he wouldn't be oblivious forever, and the instant he noticed a cue or emotion or comment from her that he didn't understand, or started trying to figure out his own feelings, he would be talking to absolutely everyone about it, trying to get people who understand these things to clue him in on what he's trying to understand, and venting at them about the same. People would clue him in for sure. He'd be relentless in bugging them until they did.
As such, at the end of the day, I just have a hard time seeing them drifting apart in the first place. They are far too committed to each other for either one to bear letting it happen. They embody the sentiment shared by Harry at the end of "When Harry Met Sally": "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start right now!" That, to me, is Phinabella. I welcome your thoughts on this topic.
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l3xdrigo · 9 months
Under the Oak tree
The wilderness of the suitcase is an expanding space of forests, lakes and rivers, no one knows how it formed but we know that it's been there since the beginning. In a specific place of the wilderness, there is a large oak tree, its branches swaying in the wind, taking a closer look, there are things placed under the tree. It looks like a small makeshift of graves, rocks used as the tombstone,twigs tied together in the form of a small cross, flowers sprouted from these graves, slowly swaying in the breeze. All graves were slightly different, be it having different colored flowers or having tiny trinkets that have seen better days. Two trinkets standout from the others, one is a giant ring, placed on the cross slightly slanted, the other was a pair of glasses, that have small cracks placed on the rock. It was a somber and peaceful sight, it was clear that whoever placed this had made this as a memory for them and a way to grieve the loss. The grave of a boy who had an adventurous spirit, who grew curious of the outside. The grave of a girl who was shy and timid but had the soul of purity and was courageous till the very end. The graves of children who sought freedom of the outside but in truth were just lambs to the slaughter, being used as a sacrifice for a plan of manipulation and repentance to one of their kind who stands alone in the rain. Isn't it scary to die at such an age, the unexpected feeling of death as you felt raindrops on your skin for the first time, it's not all bad, at least you now have now met peace and freedom. For the lone sheep who's still standing, the chains have broken, but the shackles are still heavy. The door is open yet freedom is still so far.
(Or I personally headcanon that in the wilderness, Vertin has made makeshift gravestones for her fallen classmates when she first became the timekeeper, to keep their memory and as also a way to grieve the loss and guilt that she still faces till this day)
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lightbulb77724 · 2 years
X-virus: *watching toby*
Toby: if you aren’t supposed to drink lava lamps then why does it come with a shot glass and a bottle cap
X-virus: I suppose technically yes but in reality no
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lonely-cereal · 9 months
Like mother, like son.
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he hated his eyes, the eyes that resembled his mother's
Ray and Isabella with ray purple eyes au 💜
Art is made by Me, I'm @raysgasolninecann on YouTube. Do not repost without permission
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dystopianam · 4 months
I have the headcanon that Patrizio always say to his grandchildren that when he was young he was as cool and handsome as them (for the beauty canon of his time), but he looked nothing like them. In fact, Mercutio and Romeo always laugh in his face when they look to his old photos, and Patrizio gets very offended.
Instead, when they look at old photos of Isabella, they start complimenting her, hugging her and giving her lots of kisses on the cheek to cuddle her. This makes Patrizio jealous. Mercutio and Romeo know this and do it on purpose because it is fun to see their grandfather offended and jealous.
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reclusivebookslug · 1 year
Bella Swan is Autistic: An Analysis
(Disclaimers: I enjoy Twilight in spite of its problematic elements, not because of them or in ignorance of them. There are as many different ways to be autistic as there are autistic people. Many allistic people will relate on some level to some aspects of the autistic experience; this does not make them autistic. This is all just my opinion, based on my experience as a late-diagnosed, low-support-needs autistic woman. I am aware this is not a brand-new original idea.)
I reread Twilight (I think for the first time since getting diagnosed 4 years ago) and I found a bunch of things I relate to Bella about. Below the cut is a list of some of her autism-related character traits with quotes for textual evidence. The links lead to articles explaining how these traits relate to autism. The list is ordered chronologically based on page number of the accompanied quotes. Page numbers are based on the paperback edition with ISBN-13: 9780316015844. A backslash in a quote signifies a paragraph break. I’ll update if I read any of the other books or rewatch the movies and anything new comes up.
Bella has trouble regulating her emotional expressions: she has to put conscious effort into how she presents herself
"I'd always been a bad liar" (p. 4). "For some reason, my temper was hardwired to my tear ducts. I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency" (p. 25). "I had never been enormously tactful" (p. 31). "'My face is so easy to read -- my mother always calls me her open book'" (p. 50).
Bella is shy and a bit socially awkward: she avoids attention for fear of embarrassment
"Charlie wasn't comfortable with expressing his emotions out loud. I inherited that from him" (p. 7). "Mr. Varner... was the only one who made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I stammered, blushed, and tripped over my own boots on the way to my seat" (p. 17). "To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of the week" (pp. 68-69).
Bella feels different from other people: she doesn’t know how to connect with others and feels pressure to fit in
"I didn't relate well to people my age. Maybe the truth was that I didn't relate well to people, period. Even my mother, who I was closer to than anyone else on the planet, was never in harmony with me, never on exactly the same page. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain" (pp. 10-11). "I answered honestly, instead of pretending to be normal like everyone else" (p. 47). “'My mind doesn't work right? I'm a freak?' The words bothered me more than they should -- probably because his speculation hit home. I'd always suspected as much, and it embarrassed me to have it confirmed" (p. 181).
Bella has a unique sense of humor: other people don’t get her jokes and she doesn’t get other peoples’ jokes
"'You don't look very tan.' / 'My mother is part albino.' / He studied my face apprehensively, and I sighed. It looked like clouds and a sense of humor didn't mix. A few months of this and I'd forget how to use sarcasm" (p. 16). “Bella was being unintentionally funny” (p. 367).
Bella finds comfort in routine: the change in routine from moving was difficult for her, and she felt better once the new routine became familiar
"I fell into the pattern of the familiar task gladly" (p. 33).
Bella is academically gifted: she finds assignments easier than her peers do, she has already read the books assigned in her English course
"'Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?' / 'Yes'" (p. 47).
Bella enjoys being alone: she is introverted and enjoys solitary activities
"In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was like having my own place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely" (p. 54). "I've never minded being alone" (p. 241).
Bella has motor difficulties: she is clumsy, uncoordinated, accident-prone, and bad at sports
"Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress" (p. 55). "My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings" (p. 136).
Bella has special interests: Edward and books
"... no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was. No one else watched him the way I did" (p. 69). "I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me" (p. 135)? "... they didn't know how preoccupied I could get when surrounded by books; it was something that I preferred to do alone" (p. 156).
Bella is perceived as different by others: a history of social exclusion is hinted at, Edward’s mind-reading doesn’t work on her
"'It's better if we're not friends,' he explained. 'Trust me.' / My eyes narrowed. I'd heard that before” (pp. 74-75). "He enunciated every syllable, as if he were talking to someone mentally handicapped" (p. 83). "'My mom always says I was born thirty-five years old and that I get more middle-aged every year'" (p. 106). ".'.. maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM'” (p. 181). "'You're not like anyone I've ever known. ... / ... 'I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. But you ... you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise'" (p. 245).
Bella has sensory differences: she notices and is bothered by things others don’t and aren’t, she engages in sensory-seeking and sensory-avoiding behavior when stressed
"'People can't smell blood,' he contradicted. / 'Well, I can -- that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust ... and salt" (p. 100). "I put in my headphones, hit Play, and turned up the volume until it hurt my ears. I closed my eyes, but the light still intruded, so I added a pillow over the top of my face" (pp. 129-130). "'You're always crabbier when your eyes are black ... I expect it then' ... 'I have a theory about that'" (p. 171). “For three and a half hours I stared at the wall, curled in a ball, rocking” (p. 425).
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veryblushyswitch · 9 months
Phineas x Isabella ~ 🎀(relationship/tickle hcs)
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I need more tickle content for this show and if I have to make it myself then so be it 🎀
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*These two are crazy for each other 💖
*Once they start dating, Phineas becomes just as obsessed with Isabella as she was for him when they were younger.
*He starts to realize just how much he really valued and loved her when they were kids.
*Isabella loves being on the other end of it for once. She’ll be the one sitting down doing something and Phineas will come up behind her and rest his head on top of hers and say her iconic “Wactha doin’?” line.
*Phineas gives Isabella lots of behind hugs. She adores them 💖 Except for when he gives her some side squeezes or pokes her ribs.
*She always makes sure to get him back.
*Isabella is definitely more of a ler and prefers to be on the tickler end of the tickle fights. But she can’t deny that it doesn’t make her all full of butterflies when Phineas tickles her.
*She just loves making her boyfriend laugh. And she’s for sure stronger than Phineas. Therefore, Phineas is on the receiving end 80% of the time.
*Phineas is the curl up into a ball kind of lee when he gets tickled while he randomly tries to grab or swat at his offenders hands.
*Or he’ll hold Isabella’s hand while covering his face with the other when she gets a melt spot.
*Isabella’s heart melts every time because she knows he genuinely loves the affection 💖
*She can’t help but cover his face in kisses when that happens which just makes Phineas keep giggling and blush even more than he already was.
*I love the idea of Phineas having a ticklish face!
*He’s so susceptible to multiple kisses along his face and neck as well as when Isabella wants to practice makeup on him.
*Phineas is such a chill guy. He lets Isabella practice different makeup looks on him and he genuinely gives notes and compliments. He also lets Isabella do his nails. 💖
*She gave him a pedicure once and he almost kicked her in face-
*Ferb and Candace spill all of Phineas’s ticklish secrets to Isabella. They’ve all teamed up on him before too. Poor Phineas 💖
*He gets his revenge though by asking the fireside girls for intel.
*Isabella is a great baker and Phineas is a great cook. They both show each other their favorite recipes and coordinate dinners with their friends.
*They always win at game nights with their friends and family if they’re partners.
*You better believe that Phineas has made tickle inventions. He found an old tickle belt he made when he was a kid with Ferb and gave it to Isabella to see if it still worked.
*It worked. And Isabella got him back tenfold.
*I feel like Phineas is really ticklish on his feet, stomach, neck/face, and the bottom of his ribs.
*Isabella is really ticklish on her shoulders, thighs, sides, and arms/hands.
*I can see Isabella tackling Phineas onto their bed and latching onto his lower ribs and scribbling to her hearts content. It’s a killer spot for Phineas.
*Anticipation kills Phineas. He will try and bargain his way out or just go “Nononono! Isabella c’mon!”
*Phineas squeals and Isabella snorts 💖
*They both lovingly tease each other about it.
*Isabella getting help from Ferb to make tickle machines. She’s a sweet evil ler guys.
*She will innocently give Phineas a new pair of socks or a shirt then they’ll be watching a movie and she turns them on to watch Phineas absolutely lose his mind.
*He falls for it every time. He’s oblivious and loves that his girlfriend got him something 💖
*Phineas loves giving Isabella random thigh squeezes when they’re out with their friends to make her jump. She shoves his shoulder while he giggles about how she jumps every time.
*She can’t be mad though because it makes him happy.
*Phineas definitely seems like the kind of guy to say “Tickle tickle tickle!” while tickling Isabella.
*He also comments on how she’s blushing almost as pink as her bow 🎀
*Isabella comments on how adorable Phineas looks which makes him cover his face and kick his legs. Teases get to him so badly!!
*He just gets so giddy and flustered 💖💖💖
“What my adorable, ticklish Phineas~”
*Cue him trying to roll over into his side or stomach which just makes Isabella lay on top of him and kiss his face and neck which makes him die even more!!
*Phineas likes to pick Isabella up bridal style and spin her around to make her laugh!! He treats her like a princess.
*Phineas’s stomach is his melt spot. The two will be cuddling together and she’ll lightly run her fingers under his shirt along his stomach to make him melt into happy giggles.
*Then she’ll quickly lift up his shirt and burry her face into his stomach and give him multiple little raspberries and kisses.
*Phineas is a morning person and Isabella is a night owl. Therefore, Isabella gets wake up tickles and Phineas gets sleepy tickles.
*Sometimes it’s hard for Phineas’s brain to turn off at night to go to sleep, so Isabella will turn on some music or their favorite YouTube videos and gently tickle him until he’s all relaxed.
*Isabella is woken up by tickles almost every morning. But Phineas makes her breakfast in bed a lot so it makes up for it in her mind.
*Candace taught Phineas and Ferb how to braid hair when they were little so Phineas can do a bunch of different braids for Isabella.
*He could make an invention to do it for her, but he loves the quality time and how relaxed it makes Isabella. She loves it too 💖
*Playing with Isabella’s hair is a great way to help her feel better when she’s having a bad day.
*He found this out when she had a bad day at work and started ranting angrily while he brushed and played with her hair. After she was done and took some deep breaths she said she felt a lot better and melted into his hands.
*For Phineas when he’s not having a good day, he needs some time to himself. Maybe reading a book or just taking a break from everything.
*Then he’ll approach Isabella when he’s ready for a hug and to talk. They’re both really great at communicating what they need 💖
*Phineas gets into lee moods for tickles, but lots of ler moods specifically just because he loves Isabella’s laugh.
*Isabella gets ler moods constantly because she loves reducing her boyfriend to a giggly puddle.
*Phineas is all cuddly and shy after he’s tickled.
*Isabella acts all pouty then proceeds to smile at her boyfriend through her fake pouts.
*Their friends have all witnessed them having tickle fights and always bet on Isabella to win.
Overall, I love these two so much. I hope we get to see more of their dynamic in the new seasons that are being made. Maybe even another future episode!! 💖
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pisscrossiant · 5 months
My Dragon age two Sexuality headcanons
(I finally got to this 😭)
Marian Hawke - Lesbian
Garrett Hawke - Gay
Bethany Hawke - Abrosexual
Carver Hawke - Straight
Varric Tethras - Bisexual, no pref, Trans ftm
Isabella - Bisexual, Fem lean
Anders - Pansexual
Merrill - Lesbian
Fenris - Bisexual, Male lean, Demisexual
Aveline - Straight
Sebastian vael - Aromantic, Trans ftm
Male and Fem Hawke always give me Gay older sibling vibes, also I feel like Garrett slept with most of the templar's in lothering to get them to leave him and Bethany alone.
Bethany just screams Abrosexual too me I don't really have a reason she just gives that vibe.
Look at Carver and tell me he wouldn't call you a slur, he definitely calls Hawke slurs when he's mad. (I'm joking but I could see it)
VARRIC. He screams Transgender, I wish we could've romanced him but he would've made every other companion absolutely bitchless in comparison to him. I know because I would've romanced him every time.
Isabella is cannon Bi but she definitely prefers women I can't get over the Banter she had with Bethany where she said "You see, sweetness, men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six." Like you can't tell me she doesn't prefer women.
Anders would flirt and fuck anyone regardless of their gender (esp if its DAA Anders)
I've made a post about Merrill and how I find all the da elf girls lesbians and there's no acception for her. She is a LESBIAN, I would say Pansexual but I could never see her being with a man in either a romantic or sexual sense.
Fenris would have a romantic lean towards men, however he would feel wary about having sex with them since yk.. Danarious... But would prefer them in a romantic relationship, He would rather have a woman as a sex partner rather than a man, but he'd rather have a man as a romantic partner rather then a woman.
Aveline would call you every slur in the book, if you tried getting with her as a woman after the whole her fucking the guy she liked thing (Idk his name) she would definitely call you a L*sbo for thinking she'd be with you. I could see her throwing around Queer slurs and everyone else in the party is staring at her like "Oh.. you can't.. say that..." Like girl you are friends with a bunch of QUEERS do not be throwing those slurs around..
Sebastian is trans I can see it in his eyes... Also I don't think he'd ever have a partner in a romantic sense.
I did it guys 🥺🙏🏻 I finally got to this post 😭, I wrote this out like FULLY and Tumblr did not save it when I saved it in my drafts so I had to start OVER.
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abcwordsurge · 21 days
buford and isabella should've been besties send post
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galaxina-the-pyro · 2 years
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Headcanon: Isabella has a habit of talking over movies, whether consciously or unconsciously. Phineas is the only one who isn’t annoyed by her ramblings, and actually rather enjoys it.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐬/𝐨
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ So, she ended up breaking it off with Edward. Or he never came back in New Moon. That was because, during the time that he was away, Bella made that friendship with Jacob, but she also met you. 
⭑ Nothing romantic happened, actually. Not for a year. (Yeah I know, slow burn...)
⭑ Bella saw you as a friend, a neighbour. Someone that came over from time to time to hang out. You weren’t on her foremind for a while. 
⭑ Not until she had a huge fight with Jacob - 
⭑ Where her curiosity for the supernatural was too much for him, and he snapped at her 
⭑ Bella was offended, and upset that her desire for this whole other world, was shut down
⭑ She came to you, and ranted about it (you grew up in Forks, so you knew all about the supernatural, and the wolves. You came from a long line of witches) 
⭑ You consoled her. Because you completely understood - our curiosity is such a big factor in witchcraft. Without it, what would be the point of being a witch? 
⭑ She went home that day, with a new perception of you 
⭑ Someone who was more important in her life now 
⭑ And from there, she hung out with you a LOT. There wasn’t more than a day where she wouldn’t see you
⭑ Bella became interested in witchcraft, and wanted to learn 
⭑ And so, Bella became a witch
⭑ There are a lot of protection spells, especially around Charlie’s house. 
⭑ There would still be the threat of Victoria, but the wolves along with your magic, would keep Bella safe. 
⭑ Her favourite witch-book is the ‘5000 spells’ by Juika Illes
⭑ She actually loves astrology, and asks Charlie exactly when and where he was born
     “And the time too-”
“Why the time Bella?”
       “I just need ... the time ...the exact time.” 
⭑ Being with you means that Bella actually gets a normal life while being close to the supernatural. It’s a win-win
⭑ She wants to learn tarot reading, but feels as if she’s not too good at it 
⭑ Oh but she LOVES having many jars of various herbs’ angelica, cloves, frankincense, dandelion, bay leaves etc
⭑ And there are so many plants - especially when you do move in together. There are plants EVERYWHERE; potted plants, but also outside there’s a flower, herb and vegetable garden. Bella learns that she has a green thumb. 
⭑ Maybe you stay in Forks, or maybe you go travelling together? And you both wear protection amlets
⭑ Gifting her some crystals and she loves labradorite, mookaite and lepodolite 
⭑ You introduce her to witchy movies; ‘The Craft,’ ‘Practical Magic,’ ‘
⭑ Any movies, media or literature with Vampires are a bit touchy with Bella. But overtime, she finds them humorous
⭑ She makes up with Jake, and it becomes a love triangle because he thinks Bella should be with him. 
⭑ But you put Jake in his place. 
⭑ Autumn/Fall is Bella’s favourite, because she’ll jump to put on Gilmore Girls or Practical Magic, light some candles and make some hot chocolate for the both of you 
⭑ She loves spells about protection, better dreams(!) and healing: 
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(source: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/)
Theme Song: 
‘Spellbound’ by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Relationship Tropes: 
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bella) x Star (individual/unique, curious, hopeful, imaginative) (You)
Initially Distant but Turns Into Mutual Pining 
Aggressively Supportive  
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sleep-y-avi · 4 months
Kai and isabella's
~Bachelorette party
(Isabella's Bachelorette)
Isabella and the girls decided on Hawaii for the Bachelorette party (yay)
Viviana leaving Josie with Luca and Leaf much to Dantes discontentment...he wanted to take her (both) with him :(
Dominic (reluctantly) letting Alessandra go with the girls during her pregnancy
(after reassuring him a thousand times + Isabella swearing on her life to not go feral on the trip)
Isabella threatening telling Sloane that she will throw her phone off the jet if she checked it one more time
Them actually having a well deserved rest and enjoying their time in hawai
Going to beaches , sunbathing, binge watching cheesy Hawaiian romcoms (Sloane insisted) , renting yachts (and a cruise later as Isabella insisted)
Playing drinking games ( Alè drank mocktails) dirty games (ifykyk) male strippers (this idea was shot down before it could leave the owners mouth)
and ofc reviewing isabella's ever famous dildos and other weird sex toys that only she could have.
All in all isabella's Bachelorette was a weirdly successfully therapeutic vacation for the girls
(meanwhile Kai's Bachelorette)
Ok..right of the bat ,me and you both know that ain't no one wanna be here
they're all Billionaires with a capital B and have things to do that are better than this crap (as said by some of the men)
But..they also have wives/girlfriend/fiance
That means if Isabella and friends are having a bachelorette party
then Kai and friends (?) will also have to have a bachelorette party
Kai very depressingly enthusiastically decided on London for the Bachelorette party.....yay...so.. innovative...
So now here they are sitting in one of the most luxurious penthouse in London doing..... nothing... :D
(they are doing something but it's boring as fuck)
Dominic drowning himself in work ! Who would have thought that !
(also him Calling alè hundred times to check on her but her not being able to because of the " don't pickup calls from husband for one week")
(him looking at the ultrasound and literally counting down to when Alè and their baby will come back)
Dante on a 4 hour video call with Josephine seeing her draw... something that is so out of the box ! that he had to brainstorm for 2 hours on what exactly was it that his daughter was drawing with green and red!!
(he also tried calling Vivian but she had to also follow the "don't take calls from husband for one goddamn week" rule)
Kai trying to translate that one book that Isabella said he couldn't translate in Latin ever. ( It was Kamasutra ರ⁠_⁠ರ )
(giving up after the 1st chapter because he wanted to bleach his eyes ")
(not him also calling Isabella who blocked him btw (bcs she set the rules duh it was girls vacation dum bish)
And finally Xavier (who was forced into this trip because Sloane thought that he needed to hang around "decent" people once in a while )
(Also he missed her too much to stay in the same house without her...London was a great distraction....maybe 😃)
Xavier doing sad single things that people do nowadays....
I can see him going "what do un-single people do nowadays ?!.... Other than responsibly being in a relationship ?!"
Not him giving up and just binge watching cheesy romcoms...feeling single again....sad golden retriever :(
Being the sly fox he is he decided to text Sloane..which she texted him back to....it continued for a while until Isabella found out.....need less to say Sloane now has a new phone and number 😀...
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lightbulb77724 · 2 years
Kage: I don’t think we can manipulate, mansplain, or malewife our way out of this one
Toby: [cracks knuckles]
Land: Manslaughter it is
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