gritsandbrits · 8 months
Speaking of disney i have a couple of f/os 👉👈
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masterhallmark · 6 months
Rant incoming
I feel like the problem with a lot of Disney's live action remakes (and arguably Wish) is they're trying to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists, namely the people who used to claim that the Disney Princesses were sexist.
All the interviews tend to include, "Well she's not chasing a MAN anymore" which...almost no one sees the princesses like that, anymore. Virtually NO ONE still believes the princesses are man-chasing sexist caricatures of women.
Cinderella is now hailed as an abuse victim who stayed strong long enough to get help to get out of her situation. Anyone who says she should have saved herself is basically regarded as a victim blamer. And it's very clear in the film she wasn't looking to marry the prince, she just wanted a night off. She was the only one who wasn't in line to meet him. She didn't find out she met the prince until he went looking for her!
Snow White is now hailed for her negotiation skills, ability to calm down after extreme stress (she had a moment of panic and had to cry for a bit, but who wouldn't after finding out The Queen hired someone to kill you?), and ability to take charge of a house of adult men. And again, she was an abuse victim, this time trying to escape ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS. While she dreamed of her prince, it was secondary to her main goal of SURVIVAL. There are also entire video essays about how Snow White gave hope to people during The Great Depression.
Everyone acknowledges that Ariel wanted to be human BEFORE meeting Eric. We all know she was a nerd hyperfixating on humans, and also standing up to her prejudiced father.
We understand Sleeping Beauty wasn't the main character, the Three Good Fairies were, AND PHILLIP WOULD NEVER HAVE BEATEN MALEFICENT WITHOUT THEM! He literally depended on them! WOMEN SAVED THE DAY! But even then, is it really such a sin for a girl to fantasize about romance and fall for someone with corny pickup lines?
We all understand Jasmine just wanted someone to treat her LIKE A PERSON. She rejected every Prince before Aladdin because they treated her like a prize. So why did they need her to want to be Sultan? How did that make her more feminist when she already wanted to be treated like an equal and have a say in her future? Is it only empowering if you want a career in politics?
We admire that Belle, despite living in a judgemental village, was kind to everyone (even though she found the village life dull), and her story teaches girls that the guy everyone else loves isn't always a good guy. What's sexist about teaching girls about red flags? And she didn't start being nice to The Beast until he started treating her with respect and kindness.
Do I really NEED to defend Mulan or Tiana? I think they speak for themselves.
Rapunzel was yet another abuse victim who just needed a little help to get out of her bad situation. In this case, she also needed to learn that she was an abuse victim, and that what Mother Gothel did WASN'T normal, much like many victims of gaslighting.
And don't get me started on the non-princess animals.
Perdita had a healthy relationship with Pongo to the point she was open to express her pregnancy fears to him, and was ready to TEAR APART Cruella's goons for daring to touch her puppies as well as adopting the other puppies. Like, she was so ferocious the goons mistook her for a hyena! She's basically that "I AM THAT GIRL'S MOTHER!" scene from SpyXFamily if Yor were a dog. She and her husband were a TEAM.....but they made a Cruella live action to turn her into a girlboss?! The literal animal abuser!? THAT'S the woman you wanted to put on a pedestal when Perdita was RIGHT THERE!?
Duchess kept her kittens calm after they had been catnapped and was classy as heck. Nice to everyone regardless of social class during a time period where that was uncommon.
Lady stood up to Tramp when she believed he had abandoned her and didn't really care about her. She found out he was a heartbreaker and was like, "Nuh uh. No. You are not doing that to me! You put me through enough."
Miss Bianca from The Rescuers was IN CHARGE the whole movie, and was willing to risk life and limb to save an innocent child. THAT TINY MOUSE TOOK ON ALLIGATORS! And she picked Bernard to accompany her because he was the only one who wasn't ogling her. And then in the sequel SHE DID IT ALL AGAIN! I wish I were as brave as her.
Like, the public haven't accused these ladies of being sexist caricatures since 2014 (Actresses and actors don't count, they're out of touch like the rest of Hollywood) yet Disney is operating under the assumption that the public still thinks that way, hence all the "sHe'S nOt AfTeR a MaN iN ThIs VeRsIOn" talk.
The live action remakes are trying to attract an audience that doesn't really exist much, anymore, and back when it did exist, was comprised mainly of people who didn't actually watch the films. The Disney princesses are no longer seen as sexist, and feminine qualities are no longer seen as weak or undesirable.
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goforshexgo · 9 months
Smart one
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You were up studying for a test, strange maybe for your other vk peers except for Carlos, but you cared about your academics and liked to do well academically. Halfway through your notes you heard someone start knocking hard on your window, it was Jay Al Jafar, one of your closest friends and the boy you had the fattest crush on. Not like you'd admit that, though. You rolled your eyes as you got up and opened it.
"Man, how many times do I have to tell you not to knock so damn hard, Jay." You scolded as the long haired boy climbed through your window, grinning.
"Yea yea, 'It's held together by broken hopes and dreams.'" He quoted as he walked further into your gloomy room before sitting on the dilapidated footboard of your bed and crossing his arms as he gazed at you with his signature smile. Rolling your eyes again, this time with an additional head shake and a smile. You sat back down at your desk and started your studying again.
"What do you want Jay ?" You asked but it sounded more like a statement, earning a pout from your dark haired friend.
"How lowly do you think of me to think that I came over to see you just because I wanted something from you ?" Jay pouted as he feigned hurt before a charming smile overtook his again as he walked over to the run down desk you sat at
"Very. Now what do you want ?" You questioned again not bothering to look up at Jay, who was now standing next to you, his hands planted firmly on the desk as he looked down at you.
"Anthony got this new watch, I want it." Jay confessed with his signature smile, the smile that you loved hated. "And he's throwing a hellraiser tonight."
"I'm not going to a party just to help you steal his watch." You told him flatly continuing to look down at your tattered text book and notes that smelled of mildew.
"Oh c'monnn, you owe me anyway." Your head snapped up to him upon hearing his words. You didn't owe Jay shit.
"I don't owe you shit, Jay." You asserted pushing back in your chair to cross your arms across your chest. Jay chuckled before moving his face closer to yours.
"Oh come one, just this once ?" Jay pleaded, looking at you with the prettiest brown eyes you swore you ever saw.
Hiding the flustered feeling you feel at his proximity you spoke.
"Oh, just this once ? You know it funny because I remember you said that when you asked me to try to steal one of Cruella's coats ? Oh, or when you tried to steal from Gothel and you got me to distract her ? Oooo, or what about the time you tried to convince me to sneak you into-"
Jay cut you off before you could finish the long list of "Just this once's"
"Okay okay, so it's not just this once but I swear it's worth it."
You stare at him with a bored expression as he talks
"And why is that Jay ?"
"Uh, because you get to spend time with me."
"Get the fuck out Jay."
"Come on, you know you want to spend time with me."
His voice sing-songy
You wanted to spend time with him, bad. Like embarrassingly bad. You'd never admit that though.
"Nah, I'm good."
You rejected
"C'mon... please ?"
Jay begged as he grasped at your hands, and VK's never said "please."
"Fine, but you owe me Al Jafar ."
You asserted as you stood, a finger pointed at his chest
"Yes ma'am."
When you got to Anthony's party it was already in full swing. The lights were dim and moody, the music was blaring and kinda shitty because of the busted speakers that the people of Auradon threw away to the people of the isle, and the air smelled of mold, sweat, and expired perfume along other expired hygiene products. Bodies danced and grinded, others stood in corners and chatted or tried their best look as evil and pretentious as possible.
"What now Jay ?"
You questioned as you looked around at the party that went on before you
"Gotta find Tremaine."
Jay answered as he grabbed you hand and walked into the party.
You felt your stomach leap as he made contact with you, frantically looking down where you two were now connected, then smiled to yourself small-ly
The two of looked around for three minutes tops, Jay still holding your hand, before he turned around to you.
"Can't find him, wanna dance ?"
He offered casually.
"We looked for less than five minutes."
"And we couldn't find him, so do you want to dance."
With a roll of your eyes, you agreed and began to dance.
"Was this your plan all along, Al Jafar ?"
"You really are a smart one, huh?"
I changed my mind for the plot of this fic last minute so I'm sorry the ending is lackluster. Also I haven't written fanfic in years. ISN'T HE JUST DREAMY THO 😍😍
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fanartlover1234 · 2 months
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Y/n is ready to get revenge on Bridget and her boyfriend Hook is all in for it
Captain James Hook × Cruella de vil sister!reader
Based on a request from my dm
Hook x VK girlfriend where instead of just Uliana who turns into a flamingo it's also the reader who turns into a flamingo and plans to get revenge on Bridget
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Y/n truly was never the one to go extreme on revenge, but now she was fuming.
It was barely past morning when Bridgets flamingo faethers, thosr stupid feathers turned her into a flamingo.
She and the rest where minding their own buisness in shadows when they noticer poor little Bridget handing out treat bribe as usual.
Uliana and Y/n couldnt help but justess with her a little.
Uliana snached the cupcakes and took off the feathers as Y/n slowly made her way there, her black heals clicking as her black mini dress hughed her curves.
"Thats Y/n De Vil, Cruellas younger sister and maybe the only one worse then Uliana" Bridget explained but quieted down when the girl steped infront of her and kicking the fallen tray of cupcakes at her, smearing Bridgets shoes.
"Oops" sound left from her lips before she steped back leaning on Ulianas shouldr and they split the feather four amd four.
"Wait thats too much" Bridget mumbled.
"Be silenent you little -" cough followed by another as all stepes back when Uliana and Y/n both began turning pink and not few seconds later both were chasing Bridget as the pink haired girl ran for her life.
Both girls ran to the side couryard before a push on they backs made them tumble into the fountain.
When they dove up Uliana kepr screaming about getting revenge while Y/n only cursed under her breath in annoyance.
She stumbles over as Hook steped forward taking his jacker off amd placing it over her shoulder.
"Im gonna kill her, im gonna make her pay for what she did" she mumbled all the way to the dorm while Hook only stayed silent too afraid fo get between her anger and her.
When they finaly reached her dorm she stood as the boy leaned on the door frame.
"Well if you need help ploting, y'know where to find me darling" he said reaching in her hair to pull out a feather.
A smirk on his lips as she annoyingly smiled when she blowed the feather from hims friends.
When she said goodbye and closed the door, she was met with Uliana.
"You know what im thinking?" She asked as she poped a candy in her mouth with a tenickle.
"Meet with the rest by the lagoon in 2 " Y/n said before walking in the bathroom when Uliana left.
In two hours the girl was making her way to lagoon and into the fish cave.
"You are late" Uliana said as she crossed her arms.
"Quit scolding and start ploting, you sound like merlin otherwise" Y/n said before walking over to Hook who swing his hooked arm over her soulder.
"How about we make her walk the plank" Hook questioned.
"Darlin' thats too easy" Y/n said brushing under her boyfriends chin with her red nails "we need something worse"
"Prick her with a thousand thorns" Malificent said.
"And what she fall asleep?" Uliana asked annoyed.
"Let burn her to a crisp" Hades obviously said while he's hair set in blue flames.
"Yeah let burn her to crisp" Morgie voted in on what hades had said but Y/n steped in annoyed.
"No, it should be worse, worse, worse than all of these" she said walking up the stairs as Uliana casted a spell so it would bring a perfect punishment for the pinky girl.
"Revenge should be vicious in whatever we do to that poor unfortunate soul should be ten times more cruel" Uliana said as she performed the spell "Calling all spirits of the Black Lagoon show me your recipe fit for her doom toxically sweet with a side of pure spite i need the perfect revenge that will bite"
The light opened as it showed a book and Y/n screamed in annoyance.
"What's this? A book, that's it? Iasked for a painful punishment"
Uliana stoped her when the plan begin to show itself "But hold up, wait, this might be evil on a plate. So I'ma serve her what she deserves, what she deserves "
"And that's justice, dressed up like the sweetest dessert. Perfect" Y/n voted in as she laughed out.
After figuring out revenge Hook and Y/n walked to the dorms.
Hook sat on the girls bed while she got ready, she pulled her black silk sleeping dress on and walked over to Hook who watched her intesly.
"If you keep eye-fucking me, i might not make it tomorrow" she said as she steped arma reach away from him.
"I dont need to eye fuck you, i do it in person rather my sweetling" he said pulling her on his lap both her leg on either side of him.
"Well perhaps after, i wish to see her poor little face when she turns" Y/n said as sne brushed her hand through his brown hair.
The boy smirked at her pulling her closer as he fell back on the bed now both laying down as the girl still sat on his lips.
"Oh i love it when you're wicked" he said.
"Is that so?" The girl asked mockingly before kissing the boy under her.
This was so fun to write and i hope i did a good job at this :)
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armysantiny · 9 months
Perfect Little Pet – KHJ
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P: Hongjoong x afab gender neutral reader | G: smut, oneshot | Inc: cruella!au, cruella!hongjoong, assistant!reader, 'Captain', 'pet', Felix mention, journalist!Wooyoung, Yunho mention, Wooyoung/Yunho mention, set in the UK, Trafalgar Square, flaring tempers i.e. Hongjoong's, fashion studio, cruella movie-esque fashion show, Hongjoong occasionally abusing his power, wet dreams, fwb ending, a lot of British references and general mannerisms, two smut scenes | Wc: 5.9k
W: d/s tones, 'Captain' used during sex, bent over the desk, dom!Joong, sub!reader, overstim, begging, wet dreams, blowjob, cumshot on face, backshot during sex, one/two uses of the word slut, 'pet' used during sex (please let me know if I've forgotten anything, I'm writing this post up at 1 am)| R: 18+ mdni
Summary: Captain. Anyone who’s anyone knows who that is; none other but the rising name in fashion and making a name for himself for his eye-catching and punk-inspired shows. And right there in the back, is obedient little y/n, the childhood friend. The assistant to the Captain and one of the few to know Hongjoong for who he is behind the scenes, uptight and frantic and so achingly desperate to be perfect. Good thing they’re the Captain’s perfect little pet.
Min's notes: We're starting the year off strong! And you may have figured it out already, but @hee0soo, I'm your secret santa! I had so so so much fun writing this, you have no idea. When I tell you I was giggling like an idiot when you answered my question in the server, it was perfect. I hope you like reading this! And this happens to be my longest fic <33 also, 'on the dole' = on benefits hehe
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There’s graphite on his hands, smudged all over the sketchbook, and Hongjoong takes another look at the plain mannequin standing by its lonesome in his office. Something’s missing, he knows it. Is it the hem? The length of the sleeves? Whatever it is, Hongjoong can’t bloody tell and it’s driving him up the wall. The designer groans, dissatisfied with own progress and discards the sketchbook on his desk. He gets up with just as much frustration, boots stomping across the floor in the direction of the balcony. His production facility looms below him, hard at work.
Almost taunting him.
“Just one more…” he mutters, taking a reluctant step back into his seat, “one more of the bloody things and I’ll be ready for runway…” Sure, it is self-imposed encouragement, but it is encouragement. Hongjoong isn’t a beggar. He’ll take what he can get. And take, of course. Until his pencil simply drags along the paper with no real goal and he snaps the dastardly thing between his sleek fingers, throwing its remains against the closest wall. It clatters to the floor just as the frustrated designer storms towards the door to his office, opening it and unleashing a powerful tension upon the production floor.
“Bring y/n up here!”
Y/n shivers from where they stand, helping move a box of supplies into the stock room. No matter how long they’ve stood by Hongjoong’s side, there is nothing that will help them get used to the sound of him barking out a command like that. A frustrated Hongjoong is a live wire – temperamental, snappy, and not someone to be approached without caution. They freeze with the box for just a moment before it’s taken out of their hands by one of the new starters.
“Captain sounds pretty miffed,” they say, pulling on the sleeve of their hoodie, “go on, I’ve got this!”
“If you’re sure…”
“Course I am luv, go on already~” And y/n is all but gently shoved out of the stock room, left to face their employer. And childhood friend.
All eyes are on y/n as they walk through the building towards those ever-familiar stairs, trying to ignore the weight of everyone’s gaze. It’s just Hongjoong, our Joongie, there’s nothing to be anxious over, their mind repeats, heels clicking along the wooden panelling amongst the unusual human silence. Seconds go by excruciatingly slowly, and finally, y/n stands in front of Hongjoong’s office. One steadying breath, and then another.
The door opens before they have a chance to knock, Hongjoong all but yanking his assistant inside and locking the door behind them both. There’s an impatient energy in the room, furthered even more by the fact y/n watches their friend pull them along to the mannequin and frantically go about putting his prized mannequin back by the window where it overlooks the production floor.
“Lean against the wall for me, will ya?” Hongjoong asks, reaching for his sketchbook once again, certain he’s found a muse in y/n. They have this gait around them that would work just so well with his new line, it would be criminal if he doesn’t capture it on paper at least once. Well, perhaps a few times, because the creativity comes back with a vengeance. His pencil glides along the cartridge paper with ease, framing y/’s silhouette perfectly and a grin erupts on his face.
Finally. Finally, he can make a start on creating the showstopper piece.
Time is but an illusion as Hongjoong works on his piece, occasionally looking up to really solidify the vision he’s got in mind. Y/n’s holding themselves just the way he needs them to, providing just the right amount of feedback and silence he needs, and Hongjoong might as well be inside a creative paradise of his own making. He’s found the right formula. He’s found his new muse, perfectly shaped in the image of y/n, his little assistant. The outfit seems to come together all on its own as he draws, each stroke of the pencil working in tandem with each other to create a look he knows will absolutely shock the viewing public in Trafalgar Square.
It’s around an hour later when the design is finally complete, Hongjoong’s mind at ease as he does one last look over everything. He’s done it. The look is perfect. There is just one thing…
He’s rather hungry now.
“Right,” he starts, setting his sketchbook down, “that’s us done here y/n, thanks again pet~”
“O-oh, it’s no prob—”
“But do get us a spot of lunch, would you? I’ve been dying to try out that new brunch café. I want either a chicken alfredo or a chicken Caesar salad, understood?” He tosses y/n his wallet as they begin to leave, turning on his heel and collapsing into his office chair with a yawn.
“Your regular coffee too, Captain?” Y/n asks. Oh, what a darling they are.
“You know me too well~ of course I want my coffee. I want them both here by the half hour.”
“Yes, Captain.”
Checking the time as they leave the café, y/n breathes a sigh of relief: they’ve got at least another fifteen minutes to make it back to the factory if they can get to Hongjoong’s favourite coffee spot before the lunchtime rush, otherwise they’ll be late. So, they make a break for it, taking extra care to leave their Captain’s lunch flat in their bag lest they have alfredo decorate the inside of the gifted Nevada Leather Weekender slung over their shoulder. The coffee spot itself is only a few metres away, less than a few minutes to run, but every second counts in the world of the Captain.
Lady Fate is on their side it seems, because there absolutely no sign of a queue, or even the beginnings of one, when y/n makes it to the coffee shop. Aurora, a quaint little place y/n remembers Hongjoong spending almost every free minute in before they watched their friend shoot to success, when they were still just two friends with a dream. Their running slows to a brisk walk as they enter, greeting the barista with a smile and getting a card ready as soon as they confirm they’re after the usual iced latte with two extra shots of espresso and a shot of vanilla. Once payment goes through and the coffee is in their hands, y/n is out of there in a heartbeat, eager to make it back in time.
“Look at you~ exactly two minutes early,” Hongjoong muses as he sees y/n walk into his office. He pockets his stopwatch, hangs his custom-made coat on the coatrack and takes his coffee. “If there’s anyone I trust to make coffee the way I like it, it’s that pretty one with the deep voice. Face of an angel, but, God, that voice?”
 Oh. His lunch is on the desk, but y/n is still here.
“Well, are you waiting for me to say something? Run along now, pet, go… oh, I don’t know, busy yourself until I need you.” He chuckles, shooing them away and waving with his fingers once y/n is finally out of the door and Hongjoong can eat his lunch in private, just the way he likes.
Y/n’s bag slides down their arm and onto the floor of their studio flat as they step inside, well-earned exhaustion lacing their bones and pulling a yawn out of their mouth as they fall onto their sofa. They’re used to running all over London for Hongjoong, sure – hell, their daily step count always passes ten thousand – but it’s the weeks leading up to one of his planned fashion event-hijackings that y/n truly feels the burn. Where they truly feel pushed to their tether.
 But it’s always worth it in the end, they remind themselves in between making themselves a cup of tea, watching the kettle boil. Together, they will achieve worldwide success, their brand – Silver Light – will be in every boutique and everyone will know who the Captain is. Y/n spoons a teaspoon of sugar into the mug, pops in the teabag and pours the boiling water and milk, huffing at the connection their mind puts together.
They’re the teaspoon of sugar. Not the main event, no, but an addition to make things sweeter. To make Hongjoong’s plans sweeter.
“New sources and evidence have since come to light regarding the hijacking of Oxford Circus last week. The impromptu fashion show was caused by the organisation called Silver Light, headed by someone calling themselves the ‘Captain’, who witnesses say was armed with a cane, yet no one has been harmed. Following an insider comment…”
The rest of the news story plays on tv, y/n’s interest piqued when they recognise the journalist behind it all. One of Hongjoong’s newer friends, a trusted insider working for the BBC that y/n’s met a good few times. They grab their phone from its charger, unplugging it and dialling the number they’re looking for. It’s a few seconds before they hear the call pick up on the other end of the line.
“Can it be~?” Wooyoung’s voice sings through the phone, “the Captain’s assistant is calling little ol’ me~?”
“Good evening to you too, Wooyoung.” Y/n laughs, ever fond of the charming journalist. “I’m watching your news report tonight, my… you know just how to create the right kind of excitement. A master with words, one would say. Just how do you it~?”
“Y/n, darling,” y/n can almost see the playful rolling of the journalist’s eyes, “you’re flattering me, you know? But flattery gets you everywhere with me, so thank you ever so much.”
The conversation goes on for another half hour, y/n giving Wooyoung all the subtle information he needs to create the next buzz around Silver Light’s next big show. There needs to be a sizable crowd for Trafalgar next week, and Wooyoung is just the right person to weave his words and create that buzz y/n knows Hongjoong is looking for. All manner of press and paparazzi should be there; Silver Light needs to be on the front cover of every broadsheet and tabloid in England.
And when they switch to video call so Wooyoung can jot everything down, y/n chooses to ignore the knowing glance sent their way. They’ve had this conversation before, plenty of times even – concern that all of y/n’s efforts aren’t their own will, that Hongjoong’s somehow forcing them to be his assistant. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
They make themselves another cup of tea, and sigh when Wooyoung still refuses to back down.
“Woo, I know that look,” they sigh, already knowing what comes next. The concern, the lecturing. The you’re being his servant, y/n, you deserve more than that. “This isn’t something Hongjoong is making me do, I really do want Silver Light to succeed. This is my dream too, even if it doesn't look like I want it as much as he does, or it looks like he’s forcing me.”
“Have a little faith in me, hm?” They bargain. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“If you say so—” Wooyoung’s gaze snaps to something above the camera, “oh, Yunho’s home, he brought food! See you soon y/n~”
“See you soon, say hi to Yunho for me.”
The call ends, and y/n is left with their thoughts, a hot cup of tea, and a muted news channel playing on their tv. Rather than let themselves succumb to the impeding thoughts on the horizon, y/n sips on their tea, unmutes their tv and scrolls through BBC iPlayer until they find the most recent unwatched episode of MasterChef and hits play. The thought manages to persist, though.
Are they just Hongjoong’s errand runner? A simple cog in the machine that Hongjoong pays just that bit more attention to than the others?
Hongjoong’s footsteps echo along the floor as he walks through the production floor, inspecting every station as he passes them by. The Trafalgar show is but days away and he cannot afford a single error whatsoever. He’s counting on this one to be a success; Wooyoung’s articles have created the right kind of stir he needs, y/n’s been busting their ass helping him with the finer details, the last thing Hongjoong needs is his plan falling apart.
So why the fuck can he see someone stitching a button incorrectly?
“You!” He barks, storming over to the unsuspecting employee, fury lining his brows. It stuns the rest of the room into silence, terror in their eyes as they watch. “Are you trying to ruin this week’s show?! Just what the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!”
They shiver, the poor thing, watching as Hongjoong furiously inspects the garment for any more errors. It’s a simple mistake really, a small oversight but they know better. Everyone at Silver Light knows better:
Captain doesn’t give second chances.
But then Hongjoong smiles. Not a genuine one by any means, no, but something that’s a little too sweet.
“What’s your name, darling?”
“M-my name is Felix, Captain—” whatever Felix tries to say is cut off by a heart-attack inducing bang, Hongjoong’s cane slamming down on their workstation in the blink of an eye. The shock sends Felix tumbling, and they prick their thumb on a fashion pin, droplets of blood staining the floor where they stand.
“Oh, just get out!”
“Captain, wait! P-please!”
“You’re fired, get out!”
A pin-drop silence echoes through the building, Hongjoong’s frustration palpable to everyone watching. The workstation is unmanned now, no one remaining to take the task, yet the buttons still need to be taken out and resewn on. Properly, this time. Exhaling, Hongjoong slips his cap off in favour of brushing his hand through his hair, the black and white split-dye messing up and framing his face.
What he needs right now, is y/n to make his problem go away. To be his reliable ally and fix the problem in his way.
He pats his coat down, looking for his phone and almost wants to cry out in relief when he finds the infernal device in his back pocket. A deep breath slips past his lips, and he calls y/n.
And like the angel they are, y/n picks up.
“…Joong?” They rasp out, clearly still tired. “It’s my day off, is everything alright over there?”
No, everything is not alright, Hongjoong wants to rant, the stress itching away at under his skin.
“I really, really wish it was, pet. How fast can you get here?” He asks, praying that the rustling he hears from the other end is y/n changing into their usual work outfit.
“Y/n? Pet?”
“Still here!” They call out, and Hongjoong has half the mind to kiss them when they arrive. “Just checked the traffic, I can make it in twenty?”
“Make it fifteen and I’ll get you that pretty gem of a car you’ve had your eye on.” Hongjoong offers, huffing out a laugh when y/n readily agrees, and the line goes dead seconds later. They’re on their way to Silver Light, and all his problems will be solved. For whom else can Kim Hongjoong rely on other than his y/n?
The clock ticks by agonisingly slowly, teasing Captain with every second that y/n is still on their way. Sure, he can fix this specific coat that Felix so wonderfully fucked up, but there’s a whole line of these that need to be done, and the designer is only human. He can’t do this alone. But he can relax because as soon as Captain resigns himself to hand-stitching every coat, y/n comes in through the door, hurrying over to the workstation and shoo-ing Captain away.
“And you fired him?! Over a button?!” Y/n asks, completely baffled as they listen to Hongjoong rant while they’re stitching the buttons properly. “You really have lost your marbles, Kim Hongjoong.”
“But you still came to my aid! Y/n, you know I couldn’t do all of this without you~” They deadpan, scoffing with smile they can’t control when Hongjoong latches himself onto their back in gratitude. “You’ll be able to handle doing the rest of the coat buttons, right?
Y/n rolls their eyes. They can handle it.
“Bring Felix back, and I’ll stay until the end of the day,” they bargain.
Y/n doesn’t regret offering to help Hongjoong, really, they don’t, but they have a day off in the middle of the week for a reason. Exhaustion nips away them as they finish the last of the coat buttons, hanging the last one on the rack and patting the sleep out of their face as best they can. Felix is back inside, replacing y/n at his workstation with a meek smile and y/n doesn’t know whether to be happy the young man is back or give the split-dyed designer running the entire outfit a piece of their mind—
And Hongjoong’s calling them into his office.
There’s a corkboard standing when they enter, Hongjoong pinning post-its with various last-minute details. It’s chaotic — more so than usual. Y/n takes a few steps towards the board, reading Hongjoong’s ideas and avoiding the eccentric designer running circles around them.
“Why the last-second rush around?” They ask, still obediently helping Hongjoong sort out his mismatch of written thoughts. “I thought we figured all the details? You’re going to smash the event, Joong, I know what you’re capable of.”
“Awe, thanks y/n~” Hongjoong pats their shoulder. “Your unwavering faith in me is awe inspiring~”
“Oh, shut up,” y/n laughs, then yawns. Bloody hell, they’re tired. “I know I said I was going to stay for the rest of the day, but I’m asleep on my feet here... I can come in tomorrow?” It’s a risky bargain trying to convince Hongjoong like this, but it’s worth a try.
“Y/n, pet... You’re just fine, just sit in here for a bit,” and there goes their chance at rest as Hongjoong admonishes them. “And I need that brilliant mind of yours for later; can’t have you sitting at home, now can we~?”
 No, no he can’t apparently. So, y/n stays, because of course they do.
But now it’s a day before the big hijack, at the god-awful time of one in the morning and Hongjoong is still deliberating over what to wear for the event, lovingly dubbed Project Trafalgar by his darling y/n. Y/n, who answered his messages only half an hour before and watches Hongjoong run around from their spot on his bed, legs crossed and looking oh so cute.
So easily corruptible. But he stores that thought away.
Hongjoong holds up one of his favourite blazers for y/n, a navy cropped piece he’s admittedly worn far too many times. It’s supposed to go with the rest of his outfit that’s already spent a good few hours working on, one that’s going to blow people’s minds away when he reveals himself once Project Trafalgar finishes successfully. Y/n tilts their head, examining the clothing and giving a sleepy thumbs up, nodding their head as they approve of his choices.
“You know~” Hongjoong sings as he goes to hang the blazer up in preparation for tomorrow. “Sometimes I think you’re the true genius behind our success, you always know just how to make everything look absolutely perfect.”
Y/n laughs, and Hongjoong wants to hear more of it.
“Is that Kim Hongjoong appreciating me I hear?” They tease, and Hongjoong gets to hear more of that endearing laugh when he mock-glares in their direction. “I’m just taking the mick, relax. I appreciate what you said, this is important to me. Silver Light and yourself.”
“You’re important me to me too, pet.” And it’s true.
His outfit hung up and decided, Hongjoong finally starts to feel the pull of exhaustion himself. Y/n really wasn’t lying when they said the designer was going to crash from his adrenaline high. He stretches, lithe and cat-like, and disappears into his ensuite to change into something a bit more… suitable for sleeping after an all-nighter putting together his outfit. His cleanser and other nighttime hygiene products are on the shelf above the sink, and Hongjoong figures that he might as well get started removing the stress of the day from his face.
“Y/n, darling,” he starts, “do you think that—”
Hongjoong stops talking when he gets no answering noise in return, and he pokes his head out of his bathroom. Y/n is asleep. He chuckles; of course, y/n is asleep because unlike himself, y/n actually has a normal sleep schedule.
So, he forgoes the question was going to ask them in favour of heading to his bed, lifting’s y/n’s head and resting it on his lap after he sits down. Their hair is soft, he finds, loosely getting his fingers tangled as he finds a strange comfort in the moment he's found himself in. The silence doesn’t help either; letting Hongjoong’s mind spill out words of gratitude he knows his pride would never let him say. It’s better that way, anyway.
But Captain isn’t entirely devoid of basic human empathy.
“Get some rest, pet,” he mutters, “you earned it, my busy little assistant.”
Hongjoong shivers, his head thrown back on the sofa of his flat as he watches y/n through near-shut eyes. They’ve got the head of his cock in their mouth, swirling their tongue around the tip and good lord does Hongjoong want to just buck his hips into y/n’s warm, pretty mouth and—
Not yet. Not if he wants to stretch this out and enjoy it just that little bit longer.
But apparently, he isn’t the only impatient one in the room because y/n wastes no time in getting more of his length inside their mouth, hand wrapping around the remainder. Cold hands and a warm mouth are a killer combination, and Hongjoong shivers with a groan, bucking his hips forward and enjoying the sound of y/n’s muffled surprise.
“Don’t you start acting like that, pet,” he says, reaching down to grab their hair. He gives a few testing thrusts and fuck does he want more. “You’re just as eager as I am, you and I both bloody well know that.”
A rhythm develops, one that has sinful noises bouncing around Hongjoong’s flat and a coil of heat building in his abdomen, his orgasm drawing closer by the minute. Y/n’s moans send vibrations up his cock, and it’s really not all that fair. Not when he’s trying so hard not to just shoot his load down y/n’s pretty throat.
But fuck if y/n isn’t trying to suck his soul out, their criminally talented tongue making his cock twitch. Higher and higher his voice climbs, until his hips are twitching, breaking his rhythm and Hongjoong wraps his legs around y/n’s back, gently forcing them to look him in the eye.
“Where do you want it, pet?” He’s met with y/n’s questioning blink before they tap their face and their chest. “Fucking tease, want me to paint you in my cum? That right, baby?”
They nod, pulling themselves of Hongjoong and yanking off their top in record time. His cock is in their mouth again, twitching as the coil builds and builds, until Hongjoong pulls out, pulling y/n’s face back and coming with a shout of their name.
“Fuck, darling...that was—"
Y/n’s startled awake when Hongjoong shoots up out of bed, watching through tired eyes as the frazzled man looks around the bedroom. They do the same, deciding under the cloud of sleep to not question how and why they ended up in the same bed, but whatever time it is, is no humane time to be awake. So, y/n pads around for their phone, checks the time, and groans.
It’s three in the morning.
“Joong...everything okay?” They ask, shrugging the cover over their face, eager to return to sleep.
“Hm? Oh— yes, yes... everything’s fine, just have Trafalgar on my mind.” Of course, he does. They roll their eyes, an affectionate chuckle and reach over to yank him back down, filing away the sound of Hongjoong’s squeak in the depths of their mind.
“Go back to sleep, love…it’s too early for you to fret.” Y/n says, the comfort of their words wrapped in the inviting warmth of sleep. They fall back asleep just as well, quickly enough that they miss the tint on Hongjoong’s face and his mumbled agreement.
There is all but one precious hour until Project Trafalgar is underway, and Captain has been fidgeting with his hands for the last half of it. He goes through every step of the process once, twice and he’s about to go through it a third time when Captain feels a hand on his shoulder. It’s y/n, and he takes a few deep breaths as per their instructions as his mind hits the breaks on his fretting.
“Captain, you’re doing it again.” They admonish. He blinks; he’s doing what? “Bloody hell, you’re the greatest fashion visionary in British history, this will go perfectly. Ok?”
“Ok.” Captain nods, maintaining eye contact. Reliable little y/n, always by his side. He keeps up with the eye contact, looking into the eyes watching him with so much confidence and unbridled trust that he can feel the confidence resurface under his own skin.
And then y/n leans forward to peck his lips, and his heart does a thing.
“Go on, show them all who Silver Light’s captain is.” Y/n chuckles.
“Are you saying they forgot, pet?” Hongjoong counters, the need to fret over last minute details gone entirely. “Tonight, will be unforgettable, I can promise you that much pet. Make sure you’re watching, hm?”
And watch, y/n does, as they stay hidden away from the obvious police presence Silver Light seems to attract and watch as Captain’s show begins. The music is loud, attention-grabbing and y/n feels excitement light up every nerve in their body. Months. Months and months of sweat, blood and tears has gone into every moment, and they watch the models come into view, each wearing an individual piece from Captain’s new line. It’s gorgeous. Utterly stunning, and y/n can’t help but snap a few pictures and record a quick video.
They’re going to need material to send to Wooyoung, after all.
The next half of the models make their appearance, and y/n very much joins the crowd’s cheering, clapping as each piece is given its moment and basking in the theatrics of it all. Everything sings with Hongjoong’s personal touch. It’s dramatic and elegant and everything that y/n knows to be the essence of Hongjoong’s taste and the Silver Light brand. The crowds are loud, and y/n uses the opportunity to slip away unnoticed from the police and the general public, back into the safehouse Silver Light had so kindly borrowed for tonight’s event. Sure, they’re going to miss when Hongjoong reveals himself and scatters leaflets inviting everyone to purchase an item from his collection, but they’ve seen that all before.
And then they fall asleep on the closest sofa.
Hongjoong bounces in with excitement as he pushes the door of the safehouse wide open, the leftover adrenaline coursing through his veins. He laughs, victorious and gleeful before yanking a now wide-awake y/n.
“Someone looks happy~” they comment, and Hongjoong stops outside his makeshift office, letting his adrenaline take the lead and planting a kiss on their lips.
“Oh, y/n,” he exclaims, pushing open the door and pulling y/n inside. “You have no idea! My darling pet, I~ will be making good on that promise I made.”
And almost immediately he has y/n pressed against the wall as he captures their lips in a kiss, eager and finally getting to act on that bundle of unspoken desire in his chest. A hand is cupping their cheek, tilting y/n’s head as Hongjoong’s tongue pushes past their bottom lip, demanding entry in the only way he can. He explores the warmth he had dreamt about, a chuckle sounding in his throat as y/n’s mouths feels just as good as he had imagined.
“Perfect…” he whispers, a trail of saliva connecting their mouths as he pulls away. “my perfect, perfect y/n…”
Hongjoong gasps in pleasant surprise when y/n makes the move to attack his neck, kissing and sucking on his skin with vigour. He relents, exposing his neck for his darling y/n and busies himself with the task of removing their clothes. By simply ripping them clean off, enjoying the surprised whimper that vibrates against his neck. He pulls them back just that little bit, running his gaze across their exposed body and—
Oh, how pretty his y/n is.
The hairs on the back of y/n’s neck stand up under Hongjoong’s eyes as heavy breaths leave their lips. This is happening now, and they want it, no matter what tonight will do to their friendship with the man in front of them. Whatever lingering hesitations they’ve ever had go out the window, and y/n wastes no time themselves in removing Hongjoong’s clothes, just that bit gentler about it than him.
“Pretty little pet,” they shiver as Hongjoong whispers in their ear. “Want to be good for me, don’t you?”
And they do. They really, really do.
Somewhere in between heated touches and the new hickeys being made on their skin, y/n watches as Hongjoong sinks to his knees, grabbing the inside of their thighs and getting dangerously close to their cunt. He’s taking his time, kissing just close enough to their folds, making y/n twitch in anticipation, but it’s not enough. They want more. Y/n needs more. So, they buck their hips, chasing the feeling but whimper the moment Hongjoong pulls himself away and holds them still.
“You said you’d be good for me, pet, didn’t you?” They nod.
“Then beg. Beg for me to get my mouth on that gorgeous little cunt like the good little slut we both know you are for me.”
So, y/n begs. Pleads with Hongjoong to shove his face in between their legs and eat them out until their knees buckle, for him to push his lithe fingers inside and wring cries out of their mouth. For Hongjoong to fuck them.
Satisfied, Hongjoong digs his fingers into y/n’s thighs as he pulls their legs apart, tutting as his favourite little pet tries closing their legs, suddenly shy. What, did they think he was joking?
“Still or I leave you like this, understand?”
“Yes, yes Captain…” And Hongjoong likes that.
“You keep calling me that, pet.” He says, and wastes no time in pulling himself closer, licking a fat stripe along y/n’s folds. They’re wet, and Hongjoong goes to town, indulging himself and sucking on the sensitive flesh until his nose is buried in y/n’s cunt, drinking up the sounds of his pet’s gasps and whines, his title a song on their lips. He keeps going, bringing his fingers to y/n’s untouched clit, rubbing against the bud in achingly slow circles.
He spends minutes like this, slipping two of his fingers inside y/n’s sopping cunt and sparing little mercy as he coaxes them closer and closer to orgasm. Hongjoong’s cock is stiff in his dress pants, straining against the fabric and the taste on y/n on his tongue is going to make him fucking come if he isn’t careful. He peers up from where he’s kneeling between their legs, hooded eyes making contact with the desperation looking back at him.
“Hong— Captain! Please!” Y/n cries when Hongjoong slips a third finger inside them, hands scrambling for purchase against the wall of the office. They’re close, so achingly close and fucking dammit they need to come so badly. But Hongjoong doesn’t relent, raising a brow and watching them writhe where they stand.
“Please, what, pet?” He taunts. “Use your words like the good pet you are.”
“I— I want to come! Please, Captain, I’m so— fuck, fuck— so close, I need—” Whatever words they want to say are stolen out of their throat, replaced instead by an overwhelming pleasure that has them squeezing their eyes shut, at the mercy of Hongjoong’s will. It’s unrelenting, and soon enough their orgasm is crashing through them, shooting stars through their vision all the while Hongjoong makes them ride it out on his fingers, the man getting off his knees and pulling them into a heated kiss. They can taste themselves on his lips, and it only spurs on another wave of desire.
They’re bent over the desk when the last of the first aftershocks leave their systems, head held back by neck as Hongjoong whispers dirty promises and slides his cock into their inviting – and only a little sensitive – cunt. A second goes by, the designer allowing y/n to only just get used to it before he starts thrusting, a leisurely quick pace.
“All this time, darling,” Hongjoong groans from above them,” all this time I could have had this perfect body of yours bent over my desk. Made for me, you were, absolutely made for me.”
And fuck, aren’t they just?
Hongjoong can’t hold back anymore, and he presses his chest against y/n’s back, pounding away into their tight hole and groping their chest in his hands, nipples caught in between thumb and index finger. Y/n’s cries are only motivation, and in the few seconds it takes for him to figure out the best angle, Hongjoong decides he’s allowed to chase his own high, giving into the devil on his shoulder and biting on the soft flesh of y/n shoulder.
“It’s so much, oh god—”
“Fuck- just a little longer pet, c’mon,” he rasps, his own orgasm well within reach. “Where do you want it, hm? You can answer that much, can’t you?”
“Yes, yes, fuck— on my back, I want it on my back!” And what else is Hongjoong to do, but oblige? He fucks them into them with the slightest hint of abandon, holding y/n impossibly closer and the orgasm builds, and builds, until he’s pulling out and coming onto their back with a drawn-out moan, his hips stuttering as the waves of pleasure begin to die down.
Exhaustion makes its way into the room, but it’s welcome this time, as Hongjoong very graciously helps y/n rest on the sofa he’d luckily had moved inside the office. There’s some wipes and a towel, and he makes quick work of cleaning the both of them up, ruffling up y/n’s hair when they watch him, almost surprised.
“And what’s that look for?” He huffs, tossing the used wipes away and patting them both dry. “I’m not that bad.”
Y/n simply laughs and shakes their head. They’re rather cute sometimes.
“Just,” they gesture to the office and between the two of them, “all of this; the event, the sex, the… us, I guess? I’m going to be sore tomorrow but fuck, that was amazing.”
Hongjoong nods along as he heads over to his desk and pulls out two water bottles, handing one to y/n as he sits down beside them, the pair donning robes. Nothing but the finest cotton, of course. There’s a silence that overcomes the rooms, and Hongjoong welcomes it – y/n too, sinking into the plush cushions and eying the evidence of sex in the room.
And then Hongjoong breaks the three minutes of silence, because his mind suddenly craves an answer.
“Y/n, pet… do you think this will change anything?”
“Between us, you mean?” He nods.
“Well, you’re treating me the same way you normally do, I don’t exactly want to date you…seems pretty same-y to me.” Y/n reasons, but then they pause. “Though, the sex continuing would be a pretty nice bonus~”
Hongjoong laughs, “so our little relationship is on the dole then, is it?”
“Oh shut up, you.”
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2024-2025
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @ultkpopnetwork, @whipped-kpop-creators, @ateezlovenet, @cromernet
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unknown--author · 7 months
Sewing Clothes and Drinking Tea
I apologize for being gone so long, life got busy. I finished this WIP while in science class because I hate science and decided to post it.
Feedback and criticism are welcome! Just please be nice about it.
QUICK SYNOPSIS or whatever it's called: Professor Crewel and Prefect Yuu bonding over sewing and tea because of a secret influence (you'll know by the end).
CW: Yuu is anxious (probably, it's just my thought process, they might just come off as nervous), I don't know how to describe tea or sewing, this takes place before Book 5 (VDC is referenced but Yuu doesn't know what it is)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
It's the day of my people :D
Yuu trudged toward the school store, their messenger bag shrugged over their shoulder. Ace and Deuce had torn holes into their uniforms by getting into a scrap with Octavinelle students (read: Floyd). Not only that, but Grim had a spat with Leona, tearing his bow.
Now the trio was employing the prefect to fix their clothes. Yuu sighed and pinched the bridge of their nose. They were going to end up in debt because of their idiots.
As soon as they entered the store, Mr. S was at their side, an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry, little devil. We just ran out.”
Yuu had learned not to question how he knew these things. Though, they suspected the shadows had something to do with it. “Really?” Sam always had what they needed in stock. “Did a delivery not come in?”
He shook his head. “No, Divus bought the last of the sewing materials. From how much he got, he’s either working on a new project or a large group of imps wrecked their clothes.”
“Oh.” The prefect clicked their tongue. Dammit, tomorrow was Monday. If Grim didn’t have his bow fixed, Crowley wouldn’t be pleased with them. And while Ace and Deuce weren’t in Ramshackle and, technically, weren’t their responsibility, Yuu would rather not let their friends down. Also, hearing Ace whine about a collar for a week sounded like hell.
“Well, little devil, I’m sure if you asked politely enough, Divus would lend you some.” Sam had obviously noticed their downcast expression.
Yuu perked up. “Do you think?”
“Yes, yes.” Sam went back to stocking behind the counter.
“Wait.” They deflated a bit. “Won’t Professor Crewel be at home? It is the weekend, Mr. S.”
"He keeps all his projects and sewing materials at his school office."
Sam shot a small smile their way. "He works on them in between classes and after school."
"Doesn't he have paperwork to do during those times?" Yuu asked, feeling bemused.
His small smile turned into a cheeky one. "Maybe," he shrugged.
They shook their head in amusement. "Thank you, Mr. S." They turned to leave. "I'll tell you how it goes!"
"There's no need; I'll know," Sam chuckled.
As Yuu walked through the desolate halls, some doubts filled their mind. What if Professor Crewel wasn't there? And if he was, would he listen to them? Would he help? Or would he turn them away with the flick of his wrist? The prefect was quite intimidated by the fur-coat-wearing teacher. And for good reason!
Divus Crewel had a strict way of teaching. He never stood for tardiness or horsing around. Any student who went against him would be punished severely. He taught with a whip and a terrifying glare. And last but not least, he reminded Yuu of Cruella De Vil. She had scared them shitless as a kid. With her freaky design and her intent to kill puppies and skin them for their coats, how could she not have?
They hesitated outside the alchemy classroom door. If they wanted, they could turn back now. They could buy a new bow for Grim. Ace and Deuce aren't precisely their problems, the duo have a housewarden and should know how to care for themselves.
A voice cut off their thoughts. "Come in, pup!" It called through the door.
Yuu creaked the door open at the invitation. The infamous Professor Crewel sat at a desk at the front of the room. He had a needle in his hand while fabric floated around him. "Hello, professor."
"Sam told me you were coming." The shadows seemed to dance when he said that. "What is it that you need?"
"Um, well..." Yuu looked at his forehead, avoiding eye contact. "Uh, you see, Grim and my friends tore a few stitches in their clothing and asked me to fix it up, again. I ran out of the thread and patches I needed, so I went to Mr. S's shop. And, well, you got the last of it.
"Mr. S then said that you maybe, probably, might let me borrow some of the materials?" Their rambling got quicker and quieter the more they went on.
Divus quirked an eyebrow. It was obvious that the prefect was nervous around him. It was no wonder considering his reputation with the student body. "Let me take a look at the damage those pups have done."
Yuu fumbled with their bag before pulling the torn clothing out. They walked over and handed it over to the teacher. He inspected the tears.
Most of Grim's vow was now shredded ribbons, Leona had got him good. Ace had gotten the brunt of Floyd's attack; Deuce's uniform wasn't as bad. Their clothes were torn from a force pulling at them and there were claw marks here and there.
Divus sighed. These pups were always so reckless. "I'll mend these. Pull up a chair." He waved his hand to the side, gesturing toward a seat.
Yuu immediately grabbed one, bringing it over to the side of the teacher's desk. They sat down, watching Professor Crewel work silently.
Some of the black fabric overhead floated down and scissors cut patches out of it. Magic threaded the needle for Divus. He grabbed it out of the air and began sewing the uniforms back into their proper form. The Ramshackle prefect watched in awe at the teacher's skill, but they felt a bit confused.
"Professor," they said, pulling his concentration away from his work. "Why don't you just use magic to sew?"
He sighed, expecting this question. "I don't want to build up too much blot."
"But you're making the fabrics and material float?"
"It's easier to organize them if they're not all dumped on my desk," he answered, a loud snip coming from his scissors. One patch down.
The prefect was about to ask another question but Crewel interrupted them. "Would you like some tea, pup?"
Yuu, caught off-guard by the sudden question, takes a moment to answer. "Um, yes please." After the whole Azul fiasco, they were suspicious of any free things offered to them.
Divus opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a teapot and two teacups seemingly out of nowhere. From Yuu's perspective, the drawer looked like a void. "How did you do that?" they blurted out, amazement on their face.
The teacher stifled a chuckle. "It's an enchantment so the drawer has unlimited space. I cast it back when I started teaching here." He poured tea into the two cups and pushed one toward the teen.
The smell wafted up to their nostrils. They could've died happy then and there; it smelt so wonderful. They couldn't quite put their finger on it even though it was familiar. "What type of tea is this? It smells fantastic!"
"It's a walnut and almond green tea. I had it imported from the Queendom of Roses," Divus said proudly, taking a sip before going back to work.
Yuu took a sip as well, humming in delight. "Is it specially made there?"
He nods, focusing on the needle in his hand. "It's said that the Mad Hatter drank it at his unbirthday parties. Only the people of the queendom know how to brew it."
They muttered something about Riddle and his mother before speaking again. "Hmm, green tea's quite common back home. It's easy to get; you don't need to import it from another country."
"How interesting, pup." Two more loud snips sounded through the room. Two more patches done.
After his indifferent response, Yuu goes quiet. They take a sip of their tea and inspect the cup for something to do. It was plain white with little green leaves attached to thin vines. Each leaf was different in shape and size, but still similar. As they examined the teacup, they realized it looked authentic.
"Professor Crewel, is this handmade?" They held the teacup up so he knew what they were talking about.
Snip. Snip. Snip. Three patches and two uniforms done. "Yes, this set was handmade by an old friend of mine," he said as he grabbed his magic pen. The black fabric floated back up into the air. In its place, strips of grey and white fabric dropped onto the professor's desk.
Yuu watched with fascination as Divus lined up the material meticulously. "Who was the friend?"
"A friend from college, Ansel. He actually went to RSA. We met when I was in my second year and he was in his first." He sounded nostalgic as he spoke. "We met at that year's VDC. Ansel was performing for his team while I was a costume for mine. We went all out that year," he chuckled, now sewing the strips together.
"VDC?" the prefect mumbled before shaking their head. They'll ask about what that is later. "Were you good friends with him? Do you both still talk?"
The man sighed. "Yes, we were good friends. No, I don't talk with him much anymore, pup. We still text every once in a while. Before you ask, the last time we actually talked was at his wedding." He had finished fashioning the strips into a grey and white striped ribbon. Instead of fixing Grim's old bow, he had made a new one.
Yuu quickly downed the rest of their tea before they were handed the new and improved school uniforms. "Ah, thank you, sir."
Divus nodded curtly. "You're welcome, pup. Now run along." He got right back to work mending other clothing articles.
The prefect was about to walk out the door when he called out to them. "Pu- Prefect Yuu?"
They turned around to face him. "Yeah?"
"My door is always open if you need anything." He shot them a small, warm smile.
"Okay, thank you," they said, smiling brightly back at him before leaving.
Unbeknownst to the two, a certain shadow darted out of the room.
Sam was closing up shop when a shadow appeared next to him. It looked lively as it waved its arms around and seemingly danced.
Same glanced at it every now and then, wiping the store's front counter as he "heard" what took place in the alchemy teacher's classroom.
He chuckled afterward. "I knew they'd get along!"
The shadow shook its head in response.
"Look, I know it was bad to lie to the little devil, but hey, it ended up benefitting them. Now they have someone responsible that they can rely on." The shopkeeper bent under his counter and pulled out sewing materials.
"I better go put these back now, huh?"
Thank you for reading! I'm sorry for any OOC behavior and anything I get wrong about the slight mention of VDC. I haven't made it past book 4 yet. This is my second time writing an actual fic for this fandom and my first time actually posting one! On Sunday, I might post a drawing/painting that goes with this fic. I don't have my sketchbook on me right now.
Belongs to @unknown--author
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST ON TUMBLR, AO3, WATTPAD, OR ANY OTHER SITES (yes, I'm this cocky that my work could be stolen)
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multific · 2 years
If He doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing will
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Cruella!Helmut Zemo x Reader
Words: 5.5K
Summary: Helmut Zemo, the best designer, a cold and manipulative man. You, a barista, a kind and gentle person. Nothing common between you two yet fate had its ways to toy with you.
A/N: None of the above pictures are mine, all rights go to their owners, especially the beautiful work of art by @enstatia which inspired this whole story.
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Baron Helmut Zemo is the best fashion designer in the entire world.
He was rich, smart and elegant. He was adored by some and hated by many.
He wasn't a gentleman, he was rude and cunning, and he always got what he wanted. In the name of fashion, he had done many terrible things.
The Sokovian noble born became a well-known name in the entire world after his first collection.
Most people knew him for his famous furs, others knew him because he liked to crush the competition, literally.
He always said, fashion isn't kind, so why should he be?
You were always fascinated by fashion, even if you didn't have a taste for it or the money to afford it.
But Zemo's collections always stood out for you, you spent many many hours looking at his clothing. His taste and creativity were beyond everything you could ever imagine.
But you will never be able to afford anything of his, working in a coffee shop certainly didn't give you the paycheck of your dreams, if you were honest you barely made enough to live but you dreamed big.
You let out a long sigh as you were getting ready to close the store finally. A long shift and you were the only one remaining to close it all up.
Just as you were sweeping the floors, a man came rushing in, he was heaving, he clearly had a run, but who would run in a suit like that?
"We are cl-"
"PLEASE! I need a double espresso urgently."
"Sorry, Sir."
"I NEED that coffee or my boss will kill me! Please! I pay extra, double, triple whatever but I need that coffee." he was desperate, probably a new started who was trying to impress their boss.
"Okay." you ended up saying. "But! This is the first and only time! You have to come next time during open hours!"
"Thank you! THANK YOU!"
You made the coffee as best as you could in your tired state before handing it to him.
He really did leave a nice tip for you and was soon out the door, running.
You shook your head and closed up.
The next day, everything went normally. Customers came, left, some leaving you nice tips.
Then, when you stood behind the bar, he arrived again.
"Hello. Coming this time during normal hours." he laughed lightly. "Look my boss really liked the coffee you made for him, so I'll have to come here regularly from now on, maybe even more than once a day. So, I'll always order the same, double espresso, like you made yesterday and for me a cappuccino."
And just like he said, he came to the store every morning at 7:50 sharp, ordered the same thing every time and occasionally, he arrived in the afternoon.
"I do see why Boss likes your coffee, the cappuccino you made for me was amazing."
He was your first regular customer. He told you he worked for a big company and had a husband and a german shepherd. He was talkative as if he didn't have anyone to talk to about these things during the day.
Then, one day, he didn't come in the morning.
It was strange coming from someone sharp.
But, you went on with your day, and just as you were ready to close, the front doorbell sounded off.
It gave you deja vu.
"Sorry, but we are closi-" you stopped immediately when you noticed the man in front of you.
Baron Helmut Zemo.
The leading man in fashion, in this little store.
"I didn't have my espresso today, you see my assistant got sick."
That explained a lot, like how he was always so dressed and in a hurry.
You didn't know what to do. To deny him coffee would be a death sentence.
He sat down at a table like it was the most casual thing.
You made him the coffee, just like you always did.
"Anything else I could get you?" you asked as you placed the mug in front of him.
"No, thank you." as he picked up the mug his hand brushed against yours.
He was much nicer than people made him in their stories. Maybe he was having a good day, you didn't want to poke around, so you left and went back to whipping tables and cleaning the floor.
When he finished, he left you a good tip and without another word, he was off.
Everything happened so fast, you wondered if it was even real.
In the end, you convinced yourself that it couldn't possibly be Baron Zemo, and you just moved on.
The next day, the assistant guy didn't come nor did Zemo so you really must have been imagining things.
However on the third day, just before closing time, both arrived.
"We are still in time right?" asked the assistant, whose name you just remembered being Bucky. "Can I also get a slice of that chocolate cake please?" he asked as he ordered while the Baron sat down. You knew better so you acted like a professional and served them both.
And while they talked about work, you cleaned the tables.
"Y/N." you heard your name being called, nearly making you jump. "Can you help us?"
"No need to bother her, James, I know what I want."
Bucky rolled his eyes as you walked over, you looked at the drawings in front of them.
Two beautiful suits, one dark with fur around the neck, white with black dots, reminded you of dalmatians, the other suit just as beautiful, dark green with gold embellishments. Both are similar styles for a very very rich man.
"Which one do you think is better?" you looked at both of them.
"Both look really nice."
"You have to pick." said the Baron and you picked up both papers.
"I like this one better." you said placing the dotted one back on the table. Zemo had a smirk on his face while Bucky huffed. "But it's missing something." you said as your eyes were glued to the paper.
"Boss said the same thing." said Bucky before taking the other drawing and putting it away.
"Is it for a man or woman?" you asked as it wasn't clear from the drawing, your question was for Bucky but Zemo answered.
"It's for me. It will be made out of fur, real fur, but as you said, it's missing something. And I'm not going to the fashion show with an incomplete piece."
Then you remembered something.
"Do you have pencils?" you asked and Bucky nodded, he gave you the box of coloured pencils.
They both watched you as you did something.
You showed them both.
You added red gloves. Ones that were missing on the fingers.
They both went silent. Completely silent and you knew you messed up.
"I-I'm sorry. I ruined it." you were about to place it on the table when the Baron grabbed it and looked at it.
"He loves it." said Bucky. "He always has that face when he loves something.
"Incredible! You have an eye for fashion!"
"I really don't, Sir. I just-"
"Come with me to the fashion show in Rome! I need your eye, your talent is impeccable."
You tried to refuse, you really did. But it was hard to argue with a Baron. And in the end, you had to go. Because who were you to say no?
You told your boss you are sick, so you won't be able to make it for two weeks.
You couldn't believe you were going to miss work, but the nice check the Baron put into your hands was twice as much as you made in three months.
"For your time." he said when he placed it into your hands. And you nearly doubled over at the amount written on it.
"This is too much."
"Not at all. It's barely anything for your time." he said as he left.
You learned he loved to have the last word.
And now here you were, looking into your wardrobe, realizing just how poor you were.
You didn't even have decent clothes to wear to work let alone to the biggest fashion event!
Then the packages arrived.
Clothes, some were so new they weren't even announced just yet.
And a simple note that the delivery guy handed you as Bucky carried the boxes into your tiny apartment.
'Wear these. H.Z.'
A simple message, you couldn't question it. Then you realized you never even tell him your address let alone your sizes to be able to send you clothes.
"Bucky? How did you know where I live?"
"Oh, easy, Boss told me, he had a feeling you wouldn't have any dresses for a fashion event, so he sent me along, you should try them on."
He sat down on your couch sipping a glass of wine.
Just where did he get the wine from? And how did his boss know where you lived?
And again, you couldn't say no, so you tried everything on. If you were honest you were impressed and also happy to have Bucky there, you had a great time.
Then, the day came.
But instead of Bucky, a driver came to pick you up. It was a luxurious car which drove you to the airport.
You didn't even dare to talk to him, but you do remember his name when he introduced himself, Frederick.
He looked like the kind of intimidating guy who was actually really sweet and kind. But you rather not push his buttons.
"Here she is." said the Baron as you got out of the car, a luxurious jet awaiting the two of you. "James sadly couldn't make it, his husband had an accident and he wanted to stay with him. But fashion doesn't wait so it will be the two of us on this trip, I hope that is okay with you."
"Most certainly." you said as he lead you into the jet and showed you where everything was.
You weren't sure why you were even there, because he liked your idea of red gloves? Because you made good coffee? Why were you there?!
"I can almost hear you thinking, how about we do something creative instead of your worries." he thought you were scared of flying. You weren't. But it was a better excuse than the fact that you had a very handsome and rich man sitting right across from you and it made you nervous.
He placed a couple of drawings in front of you, all with women's clothing this time, gorgeous gowns and suits.
"Which one should be the centrepiece of my show?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair, watching you closely
You looked at him for a moment before looking at the table, why was he asking you? He must have one already.
Collections don't come out unless you have one, do they?
You looked at him as he was sipping some champagne before your eyes moved across the drawings.
Was this a test? It had to be. He had to be toying with you. Or it could be genuine, but you had your doubts.
You picked the dress you liked the most and he nodded.
He didn't comment or ask anything, he just simply nodded and left it at that.
When you arrived in Rome, your breath was taken away. This lifestyle. This level of luxury that came so naturally for him was something you never even imagined.
You got a room in the most expensive hotel, your room was more like an apartment. The view was gorgeous.
And again, you asked yourself, what were you doing there?
Then the phone in the room rang, and you picked it up.
"Ah, Darling, let's go and get something to eat, you must be hungry from the flight." It was Zemo.
"Oh, sure."
"Let's meet in the lobby, 10 minutes?"
And sure enough, ten minutes later, there he was, standing in the middle like a King in a gorgeous deep wine-red suit. While you had jeans and a shirt on... great. You should have changed.
As he turned and saw you, he did make a face, he hoped you didn't see, but you surely did.
Half of the things on the menu, you couldn't even pronounce, so you stuck with something you knew, hamburgers and fries. It also worried you that you couldn't find the prices.
Zemo got something very Italian. By the sound of it.
It looked really nice, some nice pasta, cheese, but your burger, oh, your burger was everything.
It was so delicious, you nearly went blind eating it. And the fries were beyond this world.
"I hope you are enjoying yourself, is your room appropriate?"
"More than that. I have a huge balcony, I can see the Colosseum from there!"
"Glad to hear that you enjoy it. What about the dresses? I sent you a couple, do you not like them?" his brows furrowed as he pointed at your top.
"Oh, they are beautiful, but I just wasn't sure when to wear them."
"Whenever you see fit. They are yours after all." he said that but he clearly didn't mean it. He wanted you to wear those dresses, it was clear.
"They cannot be mine, they are way too expensive." you argued as you thought he only gave them for the trip.
"I made them just for you, they only fit you." you really didn't want to believe him.
But you went along with it.
You knew better than to argue with Baron Zemo himself.
Later that evening, you sat out on the balcony, taking in the view then suddenly something hit you.
"Did he say he MADE them just for me?" sudden realization hit you like a train.
The first day of the fashion show, you felt really out of place. Even with the beautiful dress you had on, you didn't feel comfortable at all.
You were nervous as you entered the car and you were even more nervous when you realized that there are paparazzi.
"Take deep breaths, don't look into the flash and you'll be fine. And smile." Zemo said as he put his arm around you and guided you through the crowd. People were trying to ask questions but he only waved and smiled.
And then, you were inside.
The first show wasn't Zemo's. It was a woman's collection. Filled with colour and texture. Not really your style, but you just sat there, not making any faces. There were too many cameras watching, if they caught you at the wrong time, your life could be over.
"What do you think?" asked Zemo as he leaned over and into your ear. You were in the middle of watching another oversized coat walk down the runway.
"Not my favourite. Everything is too big, it swallows them." you said honestly, turning to him, hoping no one heard you.
"Quite right, My Dear." he said before leaning back and continuing to watch.
About three more collections later, that day was done.
And the fact that you didn't like anything... worried you. Zemo asked every time, how you like it, but you could never say a good thing.
How can someone be exhausted after such a day?
All you had to do was sit and smile occasionally when Zemo introduced you to people.
Oh, the number of men and women who could kill you with their eyes just to be standing next to the man who kept his arm around your waist.
He always introduced you as a friend, but the looks you received from people were not meant for a friend. They saw you as a threat.
But now, you were back at the hotel, sitting on the balcony, still in that gorgeous dress as you enjoyed your view.
You promised yourself that morning that you are going to enjoy your time here. After all, who knew if you would ever be able to make it back to Rome anytime soon or ever in your life for that matter.
"Darling?" the voice came from the room and it made you jump in your seat.
"Here you are. I see you do enjoy the view." he sat down next to you in another chair, looking at you, not the view.
"It's beautiful. How did you get into my room?"
"It is breathtaking. I came to ask if you are ready for dinner, I see you didn't change." he just completely ignored your question.
"I like this dress. And yes, I'm ready for dinner." you said as you looked at him, eyes shining but he didn't smile, he simply nodded and guided you to the dining hall.
Dinner was as delicious as the day before. You were a bit more daring regarding the food you ordered.
"Tell me about yourself." he suddenly said. Now you were glad you didn't have any food or drink in your mouth.
Why would he be interested?
But he genuinely looked like he cared, and what harm would it be to tell him?
Not like he really cared, he probably just wanted you to ask the same from him and after you told your story, you did ask him.
But he dodged the question and instead told you how tomorrow will go down.
A three-day fashion event. Was that too much or too little? You weren't sure.
But your second day was much like the first, except it was longer.
The day before Zemo made you promise that you'd wear the pink dress he sent you.
Much like the day before, he came to pick you up in the morning, complimenting you while he looked like a nicely wrapped box of bonbons.
The man looked way too good for his own good.
He sat in the car with you, looking out the window, you enjoyed the view.
"Hopefully today we will see something we actually like. What would you like to see?" he asked.
"I want to see yours." you said without any hesitation.
"Hm, you do have good taste." he said just before the car stopped.
Another day without seeing any interesting pieces. You did see one thing, a kind of duo chrome gown, it looked promising, but the back of it... horrible.
You made a face which amused Zemo. He did notice how hopefull you were and then you saw the back.
And now you learned that Zemo's collection will be tomorrow, the last day, the grand finale.
You were about to get dressed when there was a knock on your door, a woman came in with a gorgeous dress, you recognized it from the sketches Zemo showed you on the plane.
"Miss, Mr Zemo send us as he was required before the show. He sent us to get you there, we have a car ready."
The fact that you had to go alone scared you a tad bit. But you did understand why he would be there earlier.
You felt like a Goddess honestly, the dress was perfect. You can imagine him in his room, perfecting every detail before sending it over to you.
You knew he wouldn't give out anything less than perfect from his hands.
"To us." he said lifting his champagne, "To the perfect show." he said as you clicked your glass against his. You smiled as you lifted the glass to your lips.
"To you." you said. "Your amazing collection."
"Precisely." he said and nodded. "Wouldn't have been able to do it without you, Darlin’."
And then you suddenly realized.
It was your last day there, last dinner with him and you knew you were going to miss him.
You'll have to go back to the life of a barista. And you were okay with that. You never expected this to happen, so even the fact that it did give you a reason to go forward.
"Can I ask you something?" you asked when the waitress left after she poured you two glasses of wine.
"Go ahead." he said as he lifted his glass.
"Why did you invite me? What is your real reason? Because I'm still confused by it."
"Beauty is something I always thrived for. I always wanted to achieve perfection. With my clothes especially. When Bucky mentioned this new shop with the kind barista I didn't think much. But he started to mention you more and more. And then I went to see you for myself, you took my breath away. You inspired me as a muse would. Something I have never had. I always worked for myself, but now, now I create for you, Darlin’."
You still didn't want to believe him. You weren't that beautiful, you weren't even thin.
"I know you doubt yourself. I see it in your eyes. But there is nothing to doubt. Your beauty is extraordinary. You might not see it, your body, and your curves would drive any man crazy, including me. And your personality, you are shining my Darling. Like today, in that dress, I couldn't stop looking at you. Breathtaking, you always look breathtaking but when I see you wear something I made, it does something to me."
You were not sure if this was some weird kink of his. Picking up unsuspecting broke women and then living a fantasy through them. But the way his eyes shined told you he wasn't lying nor was this a weird kink. Adoration is what you saw. But then, why didn't you believe him? Why couldn't you? Could it be what he said before? The way you doubt yourself, it can be getting in your way.
"I'm not that special."
"You don't see what I see. Do you think I get everyone on a plane to Rome because they thought of adding red gloves to a suit? You are exquisite, and I planned on seducing you. I'm not really good at the love department, but you are special."
Seducing you? Love? Well, the black suit he had on certainly didn't help your situation. He looked way too delicious for his own good. You couldn't think straight.
"Are you serious or are you playing with me? Is this some game rich people play?"
"No game, Darling. I'm serious about my feelings." this is when the waitress arrived with your food. He studied your face. "You do not believe me."
"It's hard to. It's hard to believe that a man of your level would ever be interested in someone like me. I'm a simple woman, a barista while you are the best fashion designer in the entire world."
"Do titles bother you that much?"
"When it's this huge, yes. What will people think? You with me? Me with you? They will think I blackmailed you, that I'm a golddigger or something."
"Don't be silly, Love. I do not care what others say about me. My work speaks for itself. But if you really are not interested, I'll understand."
"It's not..." you looked around, no one was paying any attention. "It's not that I'm not interested in you. It's just hard to process your declaration of love when your face barely moves."
"I trained myself. So I wouldn't get wrinkles."
Of course, he did.
"How can I prove myself? How can I prove that my feelings are true?"
"I don't know, honestly."
"I brought you on many dates. Every day, I saw every lunch, breakfast and dinner as a date. Even if you didn't. Which now I realize you might not have. I should have told you from the beginning, but I needed to know who the angel who made those amazing espressos was. And I really found an angel. I watched you as you worked, cleaned the store when you were ready to close and I walked in."
"I need to think." you said honestly.
"Of course, I never expected you to be ready with an answer. But please know, I am serious."
Rest of the dinner, you spent quietly, eating and trying to think.
Why did he have to look so delicious in his suit?! It wasn't fair.
Your mind couldn't even register that evening or the next morning, nor the flight nor when you stood in front of your apartment while Zemo's driver got your suitcases out. You arrived with more than you left with.
You turned and looked at Zemo.
"Thank you again for the opportunity and the amazing memories." he only nodded once before you walked away from him.
Zemo had a cold heart. His industry and past made him this way, but he could feel his cold heart break into millions of pieces as he watched you walk away and the door closed behind you. He got back into the car and headed home, home into the cold mansion where he lived all alone.
You couldn't even unpack. Your suitcases have been in the same place as you left them days ago when you arrived home.
So many thoughts yet your mind was blank, and your heart hurt.
But why was it hurting so badly? The look in his eyes as you said goodbye. It was as if he was a different person, not the kind Zemo you saw at the shows, not the Zemo who laughed with you as you looked at all the dresses and discussed them at dinner.
It was the cold and old Zemo who walked into your work many days ago.
Today was your day off.
You haven't seen or heard about Zemo or Bucky at all. You figured they were busy after such an amazing show.
You pulled out your phone and smiled as you looked at all the photos you took.
During many days you and Zemo went around Rome, being tourists he guided you through the streets as if he was living there for years.
How did you fail to see the look in his eyes? He took so many photos of you at your request and then you stopped at one.
It was a selfie of you and Zemo. You remember how grumpy he was but you ended up getting a picture where he was in the background.
Then photos of the last show, his show.
You took many photos of him.
And then, as if someone poured cold water all over you.
He was wearing the suit. THE SUIT, with the red gloves.
"You picked this one out." he said when you complimented him. At the time you only laughed it off not believing him.
And you realized your many mistakes.
You were too blind to realize what was happening right in front of you.
You fell in love.
You fell in love with him and you didn't even know it.
Now, the place on your waist where he always had his hand felt hot, burning. You couldn't believe how stupid you were.
How could you ignore his feelings? The way he looked at you, the way he held you and walked with you.
"I wouldn't have anyone else by my side, Love." he said one day and it all came crushing down.
You wanted to yell. Scream.
How could you done this?! Who cares about titles? Who cares about who he was.
All you cared about was him.
The way he looked at you, the way he smelled and the way he cared for you.
You rushed out of your apartment and got a taxi.
Only when you stood in front of the building you realized you had no idea what you were doing. You walked in and the receptionist gave you a look.
She probably had a strong feeling towards the crocks you wore, the sweatpants and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt.
"How may I help?"
"I'm here to speak with Helmut Zemo? I have an urgent matter." she gave you another look.
"Sure, I'll call security."
"No, please I'm serious, can you at least call him? Or his assistant? Bucky Barnes? They know me, I promise."
She only raise her brow as security started to walk towards you.
"Ma'am, please." one man said and you really didn't want to cause a scene.
"Please, just call Bucky at least, I really-"
"Y/N?" all of you looked at Bucky who just exited the elevator. "What are you doing here?"
"Mr Barnes we are about to get this lady out, I apologize for the scene."
As the bodyguard grabbed your arm Bucky almost growled at the man.
"HEY, let her go. I really don't think your boss would appreciate you touching her and you," he continued pointing at the receptionist. "You throw people out without confirming if we expect them or not?"
"Sir, sorry but I didn't think-"
"Exactly, you didn't think, but you wouldn't know so, I suggest you do your job properly from now."
"Yes, Sir. I apologize."
Bucky got you into the elevator as he looked at you. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk with Helmut."
Bucky smirked. "Oh it's just like a romantic movie, the heroine realizes her love for the cold hearted man and rushes to confess to him." Bucky said with a dreamy voice. "But wait! What are you wearing?!"
"I was home! what am I supposed to wear at home?"
"You need to change." he said as he pushed a different button on the elevator. "Hair, make up and dress."
And again, you knew better than to argue with Bucky.
About two hours later, you felt and looked like a completely different woman.
"Much better."
"I don't even want to know how much the clothes cost."
"Then don't ask. He's free now, probably in his office mopping."
"Why would he be cleaning?"
"Not that kind of mopping. He is sad because he let you go. SO ROMANTIC."
"Bucky." you said as you went up the elevator, top floor to finally do what you were ready to do 2 hours ago. "I'm nervous."
"Don't be. You wouldn't even have to say anything just go in, kiss him and boom. Wedding." you wanted to laugh. "Good luck." he said as he stopped in front of a huge door. He knocked before rushing off like a child.
"Come in." you heard his voice inside and you slowly opened the door.
He was sitting in his chair, his back to you. "What do you need Bucky, I told you I don't have the dresses, I don't even have ideas."
"Looks like you lost your muse." you said, your heart hammering in your chest.
"I did but why are you saying that?" did he really not realize that you were not Bucky?
"Why don't you get it back?"
"I told you I-" this time he turned and noticed you. He was, of course, wearing a suit, he look at you as if you were a ghost. "Darlin’? Am I imagining things?"
"No, and I'm sorry for being so blind. I came to tell you that if you want to, I'd like to try... us." you watched as he stood up from his chair.
"Are you serious?"
You nodded as he took steps towards you. He placed his palm against your cheek, leaning down to kiss you.
A kiss to make sure you were real, a kiss to finally mend and melt his heart.
When he pulled back, you smiled at him.
"You look stunning."
"Thank Bucky."
"Of course."
"But I do want my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt back!" he couldn't even comprehend what you just said. He was way too happy to fully process it.
That Christmas, you were already living with him.
You had a rather difficult time finding something for him as a gift, but then you came up with the perfect one and with the help of Bucky, you got just the thing.
You couldn't wait for his reaction to see it.
You smiled as you opened all of your gifts, clothes, jewellery, and a trip to Japan. Everything is absolutely amazing.
"Thank you, Babe, now, it's your turn."
"We said nothing serious." he said motioning towards the huge box you had in your hand which you just brought it.
"I know, open it."
Helmut looked at you and then at the box. He opened it, and then immediately looked up at you.
You reached into the box and pulled out the small puppy and handed her to him.
"You can name her, she is a nine week old-"
"Dalmatian." he finished your sentence as he took the puppy from you. The puppy immediately started to lick his face. You smiled.
"You like her?"
He looked up at you and nodded.
"I thought I already had the best present be you, but this is amazing. Thank you, Love."
You pulled out your phone and took many many photos of him and the dog.
"What should be her name?" you asked as you watched the puppy sleep while you and Helmut cuddled on the couch.
"Cruella De Vil." you laughed slightly.
"Of course, you'd pick a name like this." you shook your head. "Cruella it is then."
You leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips as he pulled you even closer before another movie started on the TV.
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Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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epelletea · 1 year
A Song For You!~
A/N: Its been months since I’ve written something but I have the urge to write about this man. I love Cruella Deville and her song so thats what this is inspired by.
Crewel x Music Teacher! Reader
Gender Neutral Reader
Suggestive Near the End
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“La da da tum tum!~”
You hummed softly as your nimble fingers danced gracefully across the piano keys. Cater, one of your students, raised his hand, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "Um, Teacher? Don't most songs have lyrics?"
A gentle chuckle escaped your lips as you swiveled around in your chair, facing your attentive students. With a playful twinkle in your eyes, you stood up and positioned yourself in front of them, ready to share your wisdom. "Patience, my darlings," you said, your voice carrying a soothing tone. "When it comes to crafting a song, one must first discover the melody before finding the perfect words to accompany it."
With chalk in hand, you approached the whiteboard, ready to visually depict the melody for your students to review. Carefully, you began to trace the notes, forming the musical arrangement before their eyes. "Now, who would like to lend their voice to this tune?" you asked, turning your gaze towards the eager faces before you. Kalim's hand shot up, his enthusiasm contagious. "Ooh! Oh! Pick me, please!" he exclaimed, waving his hand excitedly. You chuckled warmly, acknowledging his enthusiasm. "Alright, Mr. Al Asim, the stage is yours," you declared, giving him the opportunity to showcase his singing prowess. Kalim confidently sang the melody displayed on the board, albeit with minor mistakes, yet his performance remained commendable. A wide grin spread across your face as you applauded him wholeheartedly. "Very well done, Mr. Al Asim!" you praised, clapping your hands in appreciation. Kalim beamed with pride, returning to his seat with a renewed sense of accomplishment.
"Now, I want all of you to come together and sing the tune as a group," you commanded, settling back into your seat beside the piano. The students rose from their seats, eager to join their voices in unison. You nodded in approval and began playing the melody on the piano, setting the rhythm for their collective performance. As the harmonious notes filled the air, you swayed your head in time with the beat, fully immersed in the melodic symphony produced by your students.
However, amidst the musical bliss, your attention was momentarily drawn to the classroom door. Your gaze locked with that of a familiar figure, Divus Crewel. He stood outside, engaging in conversation with other students. It was apparent that he was in his element, employing his signature stern expressions and wielding his pointer with a sharp smack against his hand, imparting discipline in his own unique way.
You let out a frustrated sigh and abruptly stopped playing, rising from your seat with determination. "Hold on a moment, children," you said, making your way out of the classroom and standing directly in front of the door. With hands firmly planted on your hips, you called out in a playful yet assertive manner, "Oh, yoohoo! Mr. Crewel!" The sound of his name being called caught his attention, causing him to halt his scolding. A sigh escaped his lips as he turned around to face you, his expression tinged with annoyance. "May I help you?" he retorted.
"Leave those poor students alone, you little devil," you retorted back, standing your ground. "I'm quite certain whatever they did does not warrant your cruel scolding." The students beside Crewel glanced between him and you, sensing an opportunity to escape. Seizing the moment, they quickly made their getaway, fleeing the scene. Crewel glanced at the departing students and then glared back at you. "And how would you know? You weren't the one observing them," he hissed with a sharp tone. "Misbehaving pups deserve to be disciplined," he added, forcefully smacking his pointer against his hand in frustration.
"Oh, you and your ‘puppy’ talk," you responded, rolling your eyes playfully. "Whatever, Mr. Crewel. Run along now before I decide to scold you," you teased, playfully dismissing him as you turned and walked back into your classroom, leaving Crewel to contemplate his next move.
After reentering the classroom, you felt the weight of all eyes on you. "My apologies for the sudden disruption, students. Now, let's get back to our lesson," you sincerely apologized, settling back into your seat. Resuming your position at the piano, you resumed playing the rhythmic accompaniment as the students resumed singing the song in unison.
As the familiar melody filled the room, a spark of inspiration ignited within you. A creative idea began to take shape in your mind. "Crewel... and Devil..." you muttered to yourself, contemplating the connection between the words. Your eyes widened with excitement as the idea fully flourished in your thoughts. Unable to contain your enthusiasm, you exclaimed, "That's it!" The students looked at you with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, intrigued by your sudden outburst.
“Crewel De Vil!~ Crewel De Vil!
If he doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will!
To see him is to take a sudden chill!
Crewel Crewel!
He’s a like a spider waiting for the kill!
Look out for Crewel De Vil!~”
You sang out with passion, playing the lively tune on the piano. "You see, students! Once you've got the melody down, the lyrics come to you!" you exclaimed, filled with excitement. The students chattered among themselves, giggling at the humorous lyrics you composed about your workmate. Snap! You snapped your fingers, and the piano continued playing on its own, providing a lively background.
With a spring in your step, you walked around the room, visiting each student in turn, weaving creative lyrics as you went along:
"At first, you think Crewel is the devil
But after time has worn away the shock
You’ve come to realize you’ve seen his kinda of eyes
Watching you from underneath a rock!"
You continued on, adding playful lines for each student, capturing their unique personalities and quirks. The room filled with laughter and delight as the impromptu song unfolded, making the learning experience all the more enjoyable.
“This vampire bat, this inhuman beast
He ought to be locked up and never released
The world was such a wholesome place until
Crewel, Crewel De Vil!~”
As the song came to an end, you returned to your seat next to the piano, gently stopping the keys from playing themselves. Malleus offered a compliment, appreciating the amusing nature of the song. "Why, thank you, Mr. Draconia," you responded with a contented smile. The positive feedback continued as Cater enthusiastically chimed in, praising the catchiness and ease of learning the song. He even hummed it with joy. The rest of the students eagerly shared their compliments and expressed their opinions on the song, creating a cheerful atmosphere within the classroom.
"Alright, settle down, children!" you called out, seeking their attention. "I'm thrilled to hear that you appreciate the song! Now, for your homework, I want each of you to create your own tune and share it with the class," you instructed, fostering their creativity and encouraging their musical abilities. The students nodded eagerly, ready to embark on their own musical adventures.
As the day drew to a close and the students had departed for their respective dorms, you gathered your belongings and stepped out of the classroom. To your delight, you were greeted by the familiar face of Crewel, who had become your beloved fiancé. A playful smirk adorned your lips as you acknowledged his presence. "Oh, Crewel, what a pleasant surprise," you remarked, teasingly.
Crewel chuckled in response, his handsome features lighting up. "Is it truly a surprise anymore? I come to pick you up every day, darling," he quipped, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
"Well, it still feels like a surprise because I get to lay my eyes on this devilishly handsome face of yours," you cooed affectionately, planting a gentle peck on his cheek. He rolled his eyes playfully and offered his arm for you to hold onto. With a joyful smile, you gladly accepted his gesture, intertwining your arm with his as the two of you walked together, ready to embark on the next chapter of your day.
“I heard the most strangest thing today. I heard some students singing a song about me today.” Crewel says causing you to raise your eyebrow at him curiously. You raise an eyebrow at Crewel, intrigued by his words. His revelation about the students singing a song captures your attention. As he continues, you can't help but stifle a chuckle, trying to suppress your amusement. "Oh, really? Singing a song about you?" you respond, feigning innocence.
Crewel's suspicion grows evident as he locks his gaze onto you, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "If I recall correctly," he muses, "the lyrics they were singing referred to me as... what was it again? Ah, yes. A devil." He stops in his tracks, turning towards you and leaning in closer. With a playful smirk adorning his face, he challenges you, "Now, where have I heard that peculiar word being associated with me before?"
You meet his gaze, your eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, darling, it must be a mere coincidence," you reply, barely containing your laughter. "After all, who would ever think of calling you a devil? It's simply preposterous, isn't it?" You say continuing to play innocent.
As Crewel cups your chin and forces you to meet his intense gaze, you feel a surge of both anticipation and intrigue. His thumb delicately brushes against your lip, causing a subtle shiver to run down your spine. The room suddenly feels charged with his presence.
His hands sneak around your waist, drawing you closer to him. You can feel his warm breath tickling your ear as he leans in, his voice low and intimate. The proximity of his body and the intimacy of his touch sends a wave of excitement through you.
"Now, you know I don't appreciate dishonesty, darling," he whispers, his words tinged with a mixture of seduction and warning. The closeness of his voice against your ear sends a shiver down your spine, causing your heart to race.
“Liars get punished.”
In that moment, the playful banter is replaced by a charged tension, and you find yourself caught up in the intensity of the moment. The world around you fades away, leaving only the magnetic connection between the two of you.
His words were enough to make your imagination run wild. A low chuckle escape Crewel lips, as he lets go of you leaving you a blushing mess. “Guess, we’ll have to wait until we get home to see if your telling the truth or not my dear.” He says now laughing.
“Besides the best song you could ever sing for me is when you are in bed.”
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bucket-barnes · 11 months
Memories: Harry Hook
(That’s right, I’ve done it again, this time in my psych class. Have fun)
Harry has a few memories of his mother. He remembers her watching as his dad taught him to sword fight, how she always called him “kiddo”… and how she was the only person he ever heard say “I love you”
Harry was six when he started hearing things. It started small, hearing someone call his name when no one was there, hearing clock ticking when he wasn’t anywhere near his family’s shop…but then he started seeing things too. As he got older the voices became louder and the visions more clear, he’d always seem out of it, his maniacal laughter scaring people away and seeming unable to focus…but then there was Uma. Uma wasn’t afraid of him, she trusted him, she saw him as an ally, someone to be kept around…Harry liked having Uma around
Harry was ten when his mother died…sickness, a terrible way to go, really. He would always sit with mother while she lied in bed, he’d always tell her about what was happening that day, sometimes even bring her back a little gift that he “bought” from Jafar’s junk shop. His favorite thing he ever got her was a little pocket watch, it was damaged and stuck at 11:30, but it had a little design engraved on the back… a swan craning out it’s neck, surrounded in a frame of vines and roses, he always loved that watch
The day his mother died, Harry sat with her and told her about what happened that day, how he and Uma pulled a prank on Cruella deville and didn’t get caught, how Harriet beat up a guy who called Captain Hook weak, and how he even saw a little dove by the docks…though that one wasn’t real, just him seeing things again. When his mother died, Harry saw his father cry for the first time, Harriet tried so hard to shield him from everything, but there was no hiding him from that. Harry hugged his father tight and tried to tell him it’s ok and that everything will be alright, just like Harriet would do for him…but then the voices came, and it wasn’t just whispering, they were loud and saying terrible things, it eventually got so bad he had to let go of his father and sit in his room with his sisters until it got silent again
Harry was eleven when he gained a reputation. Harriet always told him that if the voices got bad to go find her, but Harry added an extra step, if the voices got bad…play it up, laugh, smile, whatever, just act insane so people stay out of the way. Harry had gained the reputation of “Hook’s psycho son” though that didn’t stop his classmates from giving him heart eyes, so he also became the Isle’s heartbreaker, which wasn’t necessarily a bad reputation to have once he got a little older. Always feared, or a fantasy
Harry was sixteen when the hallucinations were at their worst. Everyday there were visions of violence and carnage, and the voices…the voices were the worst part, always yelling, always saying horrible, horrible things. Harry’s day always started with whatever strange medications Harriet found on the barges, and ended with him throwing up over the edge of the lost revenge. Uma and Gil would always stay close to him, tell him when what he was seeing was or wasn’t real, guide him away from prying eyes when the visions and voices got bad, and would help sell the act of his insanity…he had a reputation to keep up after all. One voice always stood out from the others, it wasn’t loud or vicious, it was soft and gentle…always saying “I love you”, it was the one voice Harry didn’t mind…reminded him of his mother
Harry was eighteen when he joined his father for a drink. He had indulged plenty of times, always with Uma and the rest of the crew, but never with his father. Harry’s vision of his father had been shattered long ago after he caught his father three bottles deep, swearing him out for a menagerie of things he did or didn’t do through mournful cries, though Harry didn’t really hold it against him…he knew his father was just trying to numb the pain of well, everything. The barrier has been down for a few months and Harry was getting overwhelmed, Auradon was a lot to take in and the hallucinations weren’t helping. On a crisp autumn night, Harry went down to the Jolly Rodger, sat down next to his father, and took a swig of rum. The two men talked through the night, about Auradon, Harry’s visions and the voices in his head, and about all the things Hook tried to numb, the pain of losing his wife, the pain of his oldest daughter growing up to fast, the pain of his only son hearing and seeing things that weren’t there, and the pain of his youngest daughter never truly knowing her mother.
That night, Harry barely slept, his mind was rattled by the rum and the voices were so loud, and yet, he could still here one… “I love you”
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The Thief That Stole My Heart - Jasper Badun X GN Reader
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Title: The Thief That Stole My Heart
Jasper Badun X GN Reader
Additional Characters: John, Cruella, Wink, and Artie (Mentioned)
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi!!
WC: 2,386
Warnings: Anxiety, nervousness, slight-embarrassment on both parts, Cruella is her own warnings, confession, and fluff
You quickly rushed down the long pebble driveway, your legs burning from all the walking you had to do to get to the Manor in the first place. Your day had started terribly. You woke up late, so you only had a little bit of time to get ready. You forgot your bag, so you had to get back into your apartment to get it. And you couldn't for the life of you get a taxi, so you had to walk all the way from your apartment to Hell Hall. Overall, you were having a terrible day, and you were hoping you wouldn't get fired on your first day. 
You met the amazing fashion designer, Cruella de Vil when you had been sketching at a small park. Somehow, by some miracle, the Cruella de Vil was in that very same park and had seen your work. And then, she offered you a job. You'd accepted immediately, and after the initial shock, and after she left, you almost screamed with joy. It was an odd experience, you never thought you would ever meet your fashion idol. 
So, here you were, out of breath, at the large double doors of the manor, and you were beyond nervous and hoped that you weren't late. Knocking on the door, you brushed your hair out of your face, and stood up straight. Brushing the nonexistent dust and grime from your outfit, the door opened. A man, whom you thought was possibly the butler or valet, gave you an odd look, probably because you were still slightly out of breath. 
"May I help you?" He then asked, and you nodded, giving the man a small sheepish smile.
"I'm Y/N L/N. I was recently hired by Miss de Vil as her designer assistant. I was told to meet her at eleven-thirty at Hell Hall." You explained quickly, before shrugging one shoulder, "Uh, I'm not late, am I?" He looked at you curiously again, but then shook his head slowly.
"No. You are ten minutes early," He said, looking down at his watch briefly before opening the door wider for you to enter. "Miss de Vil will see you now. I'll take you to her office."
"Um, thank you!" You replied, a tiny smile crossing your lips. "Um," You continued, clearing your throat, and entering the giant entranceway, "May I ask your name?"
"John." He answered simply, "Please, follow me."
You nodded, clutching your bag in front of you and following the man around the manor and up the lavish stairs. You couldn't stop staring at the beautiful masterpieces on the wall, and the elegant furniture in the hallways. Stopping at a door, John knocked on it, and your heart began to race when you heard Cruella say 'enter'. John opened the door for you and you gave him another small smile as a thank you before you entered the room. 
Cruella sat at her desk, writing or sketching something before she lifted her gaze, her brilliant eyes meeting yours. "Oh! Darling, you made it." She exclaimed, before gesturing for you to take a seat in a chair before her desk. 
You walked over, giving her a smile as you sat, "Yes, I'm sorry I'm a bit early." You laughed awkwardly as Cruella waved her black-gloved hand, dismissing your thoughts.
"Oh, never mind that. Better early than late. Now, let's get down to business." She spoke, clasping her hands together on her desk as she gave you a small smirk. "I'd like you to be my personal designer assistant. You'd help me with a few design choices, and run a few errands for me, nothing too strenuous. You may wear what you desire, just as long as it is professional. And you'll be working nine to five. And your break will be at twelve to one just like my other designers." Cruella finished, "Any questions?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. 
You shook your head rapidly, feeling your mouth go dry as you fought to form words. "No, ma'am."
Cruella smiled slightly at your reaction, "Please, call me Cruella, darling. Now we can move on to more interesting topics. I know you live rather far from my workshop, so I have a... Proposition for you." You gulped, staying quiet as she continued, "You would start tomorrow, designing and making dresses with the rest of my team. You’ll meet Artie later, an absolute gem. And, I was thinking you could move in here.”
Your jaw dropped, 'Live... Here?" You asked, and Cruella nodded. "What about my apartment?" 
"Well," Cruella began, grabbing a few pieces of paper from her desk and handing them to you, "I already have spoken with a close friend of mine, and he will be able to hold a payment down on a house near Buckingham. So, once you are done working for me, you can move into this home." 
You looked at the paperwork in your hands, a few of the papers were written documents about your work plan, and the others were blueprints of the home, and the payment finalization. The home, from the pictures, was beautiful. You could imagine yourself living there, and being able to draw and paint all day. You looked up at Cruella, who watched you with a smirk on her red painted lips, "I don't want to intrude on anyone. And this is beyond kind but-" You said quietly, glancing around the room once again.
"My dear," She began, giving you a look, "This isn't some charity project. Instead of running back and forth from your apartment, you can stay here. I have the space. And, lastly, the home… Think of it as a gift.”
You felt like a fish out of water, as you looked up from the paperwork to Cruella, "That doesn’t really make any sense… But… Are... Are you sure?"
“Of course, darling!" Cruella exclaimed, "I don’t want you to have extra work."
You nodded slowly, looking to the side to think. It would be easier to live in the manor. Not having to walk back and forth, to and from everywhere you had to go. Plus, you would get to live in a Manor, that’s something not everyone has the chance to do. Looking back to Cruella, you smiled and nodded. “Alright.”
“Marvelous.” She clapped her hands together, standing up from her seat, she walked around her desk as you stood up. “Shall we find you a room?” She asked and you nodded.
Maybe, just maybe... You'd like it there...
Oh, who were you kidding? You loved it.
For the past couple of weeks, you drove with Cruella every weekday to work, running around London to bring her things she needed, giving her your opinion and input on certain designs she may have problems with. It was exciting, and you enjoyed helping her immensely. It was also very relaxing since Cruella didn't yell, or put you down, like your prior employers. Instead, she listened. Listened to you talk about your drawings and sketches, and cared about your opinions. Cruella even allowed you to design one of the outfits in her Summer Collection.
Sitting at your desk in your own small but special office, you sketched in your sketchbook. Humming to a song that was playing on the radio beside you, gently brushing your pencil across the page. Unconsciously sketching the man that you had your mind on. Your pencil softly shaded in his curly hair, before sketching the finishing touches of his eyes. At a soft knock at the door, your heart skipped a beat and you instantly smiled, looking up to see Jasper at your door, holding a brown paper bag. Jasper quietly entered, a small smile on his face.  
"Hello, Y/N.” He greeted you softly. You smiled brightly at him, and Jasper seemed to feel his smile grow slightly. Smiling back at you, Jasper closed the door behind him as he walked over to sit opposite you, placing the brown paper bag on the table in front of him. He glanced at your sketch of him, his stomach filling up with butterflies. "I see you missed me."
"Hi, Jasper," You sighed, before you quickly glanced at your drawing, shutting your sketchbook, "What's for lunch today?" You asked as Jasper opened the bag to reveal two sandwiches. 
Jasper sat the brown bag on the ground. "Sandwiches, for both of us." He replied and you nodded, sitting up in your chair, "I hope that's alright?" Jasper asked carefully, watching you curiously as he ate his sandwich.
You shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me." You said before taking a bite out of your sandwich. "It's delicious, though." You added, closing your eyes and humming contently as you chewed. Jasper watched you for a moment before continuing to eat his own meal. For the past couple of weeks, after you met Jasper, he'd come by to bring you and Cruella lunch. And most times he'd come by with tea or coffee. But, after a few weeks of that, Jasper would end up staying with you during lunch, eating his lunch with you. It was starting to become a routine. A wonderful routine you hoped would never end.
As you ate with Jasper in sweet silence, you thought back to when you first met him... 
As you walked down the stairs, Cruella had said John would take you home for the night, where you then could pack your belongings, and John would help with the rest. Waiting for John to return with your coat, you clasped your hands together as you rocked back and forth on the heels of your shoes. Looking around the very spacious room, when your attention landed on the scurrying Chihuahua, Wink. Waddling up to you, you bent down, and gently scooped up the dog, holding the small pup in your arms. As you softly pet the dog, you heard footsteps and glanced up, seeing a tall man awkwardly standing in the entryway.
You tilted your head slightly, finding the man in front of you rather handsome. Him, being tall, lean, with slight stubble. But most importantly... His piercing brown eyes... They were almost hypnotizing.
“Hi…” He spoke up for the first time, rubbing the nape of his neck.
“Hello…” You greeted softly, continuing to pet Wink. You had seen him around the manor for the past three days, but never had the time to say hello.
“So, I just wanted to introduce myself properly…" He spoke, stepping forward a bit. “My name is Jasper, it’s nice to meet you.” He spoke with a smile and you giggled.
“Well, my name is Y/N, it’s nice to meet you too.” You spoke, passing Wink to one side and reaching your hand out and the man took it with a soft shake.
Cruella then walked in with John, who was holding your coat, and greeted the two in the entryway. John handed you your coat after you gently placed Wink down. 
"All ready to go ma’am?” John asked and you nodded.
Turning back to Jasper, you smiled. “It was nice talking to you, Jasper.”
With a shy smile, Jasper nodded and walked backward, continuing the eye contact. “Uh yeah. It was nice talking to you too-.” He spoke, bumping into the wall behind him. Biting your bottom lip, you tried to hide your smile, as Jasper pointed behind him to the door, Jasper sputtered his words nervously. “Um, yeah. I’m just… I’m just gonna go.” He spoke before scurrying out the door into another room, Wink following close behind.
Gazing at the doorway where he had left, you quickly realized that John and Cruella were still there and were waiting for you. Turning around, you blushed heavily, brushing your hair away from your face, glancing from Cruella and to the ground. “Um, sorry. Shall we?”
Cruella smirked and nodded as John grabbed his hat.
The both of you then put on your coats and headed out the door. Hopping into the car, you looked down at your hands, nervously tangled together, again. Her mind was racing with embarrassment, and worry. Cruella watched you with a knowing gleam in her eyes, smirking.
Jasper watched you, curious about what you were thinking about. Your eyes were on your sketch, a small smile on your face. Jasper sighed, leaning his hand on his chin, gazing at you. "What are you thinking about?"
You looked up, blinking momentarily, realizing he was speaking to you. "Oh, um, nothing really." You responded softly, "Just when I met you." You smirked lightly as Jasper's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, turning his gaze away from you.
"Really?" He asked, trying to sound surprised. The way that you looked at him, made his stomach twist with excitement and nervousness.
You nodded, smiling brightly, "Yeah, I guess I just can't believe it's real, you know?" You asked, looking up at him. Your eyes were bright and happy, as you gazed at him.
Jasper felt his cheeks flush as he spoke, "Real, love?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah." You answered softly, "And not just in my dreams... But right here and now..." You sighed, fiddling with the plastic wrapper of your now-eaten sandwich, "I am just so happy that I met you, Jas." You muttered as Jasper's blush deepened as he stared at you. Feeling himself get lost in your eyes once more, he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
"Y/N/N," He started, "I'm glad I met you too." A small smile crossed his lips, as he held the back of his neck, watching you. "I'm really glad." He whispered and you smiled, nodding your head. He chuckled softly. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" He asked, shifting slightly.
You hummed, tapping your fingers against your thigh. "No, why?"
He grinned and shifted again. "Well... I was hoping that maybe you and I could go to dinner. You know, when I watched you walk in the room for the first time, my heart went boom." Jasper admitted, glancing towards the window, avoiding meeting your gaze.
"Dinner?" You repeated, raising an eyebrow at Jasper. Jasper looked down, feeling slightly awkward, and slightly scared. "Like... Like a date?" You teased, nudging Jasper's hand playfully with yours.
"If you want it to." He murmured and you laughed softly, nodding your head.
"I would love to."
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You think the Descendants books are canon? And who's you're least fave AK and why?
Yes and no. I think the books color in canon, and things like the shrimpy debacle and Cruella’s abhorrent parenting certainly seem to fit in very well with the movies, but I don’t think they’re straight up 100% canon. Mostly because the rotten four in the movies are very close and behave like they’ve been besties since birth. They have a clear, deep bond and behave like they’ve known each other since forever. You cannot tell me with a straight face that they met in the same year that the movies happened. Also, their parents live together in the movies and they don’t in the books. Well I guess it’s not explicitly stated that they do, but how else do we explain them being together whenever they’re onscreen, and stuff like Evil Queen knowing how the “safe” works? It’s the most logical conclusion to me. Aside from that, Ben and Mal give no indication of recognizing each other in the movies, so the dreams aren’t canon either unless I’m supposed to believe that Ben made a declaration based on his dream, partially to get that one girl off the isle, and then didn’t recognize her when she stood in front of his face. To me it seems some parts of the books are canon, some are canon-esque, and the rest are creative liberties for the sake of telling a good story.
My least favorite AK is Chad, I hate his guts. Or rather his lack thereof.
It was a tossup between him and Audrey, but Audrey has redeeming qualities and a reason to be the way she is. I briefly considered going with Jane but she’s only kinda unlikeable in the first movie and just like Audrey has good qualities and a reason to be Like That. Chad does not. Like- at all. He doesn’t have a single good thing about him, he doesn’t do anything other than act horribly, and his only merit is that he’s so unlikeable we can laugh at him every time he face plants into the mud. His main character trait is that he’s mean, he’s judgmental, and he uses his good looks and status to get what he wants (like making girls do his homework and then dumping them/not following through on his end of a deal). Then in D3 he’s lost all the charming front and has turned into a pathetic coward who licks Audrey’s (fabulous) boots and that’s it. That’s all he has. His reason for being that way?
Good question, I’d love to know too!
Actually no at this point I honestly don’t care, but I guess I’d hear it out if we ever got anything. That’s why I dislike Chad so much though, there’s nothing to him. He’s an antagonist making our villain protagonists’ lives harder because he can and he’s something for the audience to laugh at or yell at, but he’s got nothing beyond that. I can’t analyse him, I can’t really talk about him in any meaningful way because there’s nothing to talk about. Audrey, I can talk about for days, because she’s fascinating and a lot deeper than you’d think in the first movie, but Chad just isn’t. Jane was only kinda mean in the first movie and it’s clear that it’s because she’s been an outcast all her life. Of course she’ll do anything to keep her newfound popularity once she’s finally accepted! When you get what you’ve wanted all your life you’ll do stupid shit to not lose that again, especially if you’re an insecure teenager. And Audrey was told since birth she’d be the queen of Auradon, her grandma (who she clearly cares about a lot) puts a lot of pressure on her and even talks down to her when Ben breaks up with her in a way I’d say borders on verbal abuse.
"A lifetime of planning gone. Our family status gone. Audrey you were supposed to be his queen and you let him slip through your fingers."
"Your mother could hold on to a prince her sleep."
Imagine someone you love deeply telling you that because your boyfriend broke up with you. Look at that and tell me queen Leah hasn’t been pushing Audrey to become queen since forever. Audrey herself says she and Ben were supposed to be a couple from an early age, practically betrothed, that whole thing was not her idea and I can imagine her boyfriend singing a love song for another girl in front of the entire school isn’t gonna inspire nice behavior. Was Audrey a little vain? Yes, but again she’s clearly had much pressure put on her to be perfect (she and my Anthony would get along great with the instilled perfectionism, I might write about them bonding one day 👀). Her behavior can be explained, and given her lyrics in Queen of Mean we can assume that she was very nice to people who weren’t the VK’s. As you can tell by the length of this, there’s a lot to talk about with Audrey. I can’t do that with Chad because there’s nothing there. He’s not a good person, and that’s all we get.
The most I can do is tell you he’s a representation of the nature vs nurture themes, with his parents being heroes and him being the way that he is, but not only is that very obviously his purpose in the story aside from driving the drama of the plot, he’s also not the only character serving that purpose. Queen Leah does it better than he does given the way she treats Audrey (her grievances with Mal and her behavior towards here are unjustified, but they do have a basis), and Audrey is just a more interesting angle to take in that theme. Jane’s little “mean girl” phase is better than Chad’s whole character, because it shows in just a few scenes how good people can become assholes in certain circumstances.
So yeah fuck Chad, at least he’s an easy pick for when I wanna write drama and need an inciting incident. He’s perfect for that if nothing else.
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dees-writing-corner · 2 years
museum date
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pairing: hongjoong x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1242
a/n this is the second part of this, but can be read on its own
I am back and pain-free for the first time in 6 months 🎉
main masterlist
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Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car and up the stairs towards the entrance of the museum.  
Okay, you can do this. It's just Hongjoong. Nothing to worry about, so just calm down.  
As I got closer to the entrance, I looked around to see if I could see a familiar mop of Cruella-inspired hair, and lo-and-behold, there he was, leaning against a pillar as he scrolled through his phone.  
Walking up the last couple of steps, I made my way towards him, "Hongjoong."  
Hearing someone call him, he looked up from his phone, a smile making its way across his face when he spotted me, "You made it."  
Grinning, he pushed himself off of the pillar and pulled me into a brief hug.  
"Of course I made it. Have you been waiting long?"  
Pulling me along with him, we made our way into the museum, "Not really, just got here 5 minutes ago."  
Walking through the museum, we made our way to a new exhibit that showcased some pieces of art from modern artists.  
Stopping in front of a large slate of bone china, I held back the urge to smile.  
Hongjoong stepped closer, inspecting the artwork on it carefully, "Woah. This is amazing. I didn't realise you could print on ceramic at such a large scale."  
Standing next to him, I looked at the art, "This is a pretty recent development, like, only within the last decade or so. The machine they used to print the art wasn't actually meant for doing this. I think it was originally meant for larger rolls of ceramic fibre paper."  
Raising an eyebrow, Hongjoong looked at me, "And you know this because?"  
Grinnng, I turned to him completely, "Because my dad was the one who did the printing. His company did a collaboration with the artist who wanted his artwork on bone china instead of a normal canvas. They are actually the only company that is using the machine to print on ceramic, and my dad is one of the few people in the country who knows how to run the machine properly."  
"Wait. For real?"  
Laughing slightly, I pointed towards the introduction plate underneath, "That's my dad's name right under the artists, and if we look down slightly, there's my name because I was the one who wrote the introduction."  
Hongjoong just stood there for a moment before shaking his head, "Yeah, I shouldn't be so surprised, Wooyoung did tell me that you came from a rather wealthy family that dabbled with art and whatnot."  
Moving away from the pieces, we made our way further into the museum.  
"Oh? You've asked about me, have you?"  
Grinning, I watched as the tips of his ears slowly changed from a light shade of pink to full-on red. 
"No, well yes, but like-" 
Fumbling over his words a little, he stopped trying to explain when he caught sight of the teasing glint in my eyes. 
"You know what? You're as bad as Wooyoung." 
Shoving him slightly, I let out a dramatic gasp, "Excuse me? Do not compare me to the actual spawn of Satan. I am nothing of the sort." 
Pursing my lips, I jokingly tilted my head upwards, looking down my nose at him, before I broke out into a fit of laughter. 
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Walking around the museum, I stopped in front of a sculpture as Hongjoong went ahead to look at some paintings.  
The sculpture was of two people, a man and a woman. They were standing back-to-back with one of their hands intertwined between them. The man was looking forwards while the woman had her eyes cast down, sad smiles etched on their faces.  
"Do you want to know the story behind the sculpture?"  
Turning my head to the side, I saw an elderly woman standing beside me, a warm smile on her face.  
Smiling lightly, I nodded, "Yeah, I'd like that."  
"Her father was one of the highest-ranking military personnel at the time. Growing up, she had the best things money could buy besides the most basic things. Her parents were busy all the time and were rarely home. The friends that she had were only there because being seen with her would give them social status. She was lonely until she met him. He grew up poor, his parents barely made enough to keep a roof over their heads, but they were always there for him. They taught him how to love, and he taught her how to love. As time went on, they fell in love with each other but they knew that her parents would never approve of him."  
Glancing at the woman, I could see her eyes glistening as a sad smile made its way onto her face. Her eyes forever stayed on the features of the man.  
"This sculpture depicts the moment her father caught them together, seconds before blood was shed. The man stared ahead, not fearing anything as she looked down, not wanting to face what was going to happen. They both knew what would happen if they got caught. A shot was fired and the woman felt her lover gradually fall to his knees. She never found another lover after him."  
With soft eyes, I turned to her, "The woman, she's you, isn't she?"  
"She is. I come here every single day."  
Taking a seat on one of the benched, she patted the space next to her.  
"The young man you came with, is he your boyfriend?"  
Slightly flustered, I shook my head, "No, we actually only met yesterday through a friend."  
"Well, my dear, I can tell that something's going to happen between you two. He has the same look in his eyes as my Edward held in his when we first met."  
With a knowing smile, she got up and walked away, leaving me sitting there staring after her.  
A few moments later, I felt someone sit down next to me, "What's got you so deep in thought?" 
Turning, I stared straight into Hongjoong's eyes, noticing that they did indeed hold something different in them.  
"Nothing, I just talked to a wonderful old lady and she left me thinking over something, that's all."  
"Hmm, if you say so, come on, let's go grab a coffee or something."  
Standing up, Hongjoong held out his hand for me to take. Holding his hand, I let him lead me out of the museum and down the bustling streets.  
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By the time we finished the coffee and dinner, it was already 8 in the evening and Hongjoong had offered to walk me back home.  
Stopping in front of the house, I turned to Hongjoong.  
"This is me."  
Smiling, I watched as he scratched the back of his neck.  
"I really had fun today, and I was hoping we could do it again?"  
Nodding, "Yeah, I'd like that."  
A smile made its way to his face, "Great!"  
He hesitantly leaned in and pressed a kiss on my cheek, "I'll talk to you later?"  
"Talk to you later."  
Bidding each other goodnight, I entered the house and leaned against the door before taking my phone out to call Wooyoung.  
"Dude! You should've introduced us sooner! He's literally perfect!"  
That night, I spent on the phone with Wooyoung, squealing every so often when Hongjoong texted me.  
"You do know that you're currently acting like a schoolgirl right now talking to her crush, right?" 
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wingsofimagery · 1 year
Healing Aurora | Prologue
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❂ Summary: Supernatural Inn & Spa Owner/Keeper!MC x Multi-route (haha... ik) ❂ Characters: ATEEZ, Stray Kids, TXT, Lee Chaeryeong, Miyawaki Sakura, Huening siblings ❂ Genre: General/Supernational ❂ Warnings: N/A ❂ Word Count: 760 ❂ A/N: Don't yall just love that I disappear for a long time and come back with a new work that's either never updating again or is a disappointment? LOL JK... Life's been a bit—way—rough lately but please enjoy! I'd appreciate likes and/or reblogs. Please give my works some love! Comments not mandatory~ ** TO THE IMPORTANT PART: Please note this story can be read out of order... kinda. ** Banner credit to my friend, she was so sweet to help me make simple mood banners for each chara so just you wait~ LOL
One moment, your eyes were closed to take a nap; the next, they opened to meet the eyes of a fennec fox. Round and glossy, the eyes peered deep into you. You blinked, and it blinked back in response. What it does next freaked you out. 
“Oh good! I’m going to tell Chan-hyung you woke up!” it chirped.
“YOU SPEAK!” you screeched, sitting up immediately in shock. 
“What do you mean? Oh no, you lost your memories, didn’t you? We were warned about this. I was hoping it wasn’t true! S-stay right there!” 
The fox did not wait for you to respond. Instead, it ran straight out toward the destination it had in mind. 
While you sat there contemplating whether to make or break for it; you paused to take in what the fox said. Lost memories? You looked around the room and realized how different it was from the one you were accommodated to. Indeed the color was your favorite color, but everything else seemed different from your own room. You were highly confused about where you were, but somewhere in your heart, this place feels like home. 
The door slid open, and in walked three additional figures, though the fox was nowhere to be seen. They were humans, but something told you they were not so simply put. The one with pointed ears (you found yourself curious but not surprised) took your hand in his. He watched your eyes twinkle with recognition.
“It seems I don’t have to reintroduce myself. How do you feel, my princette?” 
You shifted from your position, then shrugged your shoulders. You could not give him a proper answer. You did not feel terrible, but you did not feel good either. You were in a state between indifference and confusion, but you knew his name and who he was to you. You wish you could say the same for the other two.
“I am not really sure, Soobin. I’m feeling so out of it. It’s not even funny,” you scoffed in disbelief when his name left your lips. How were you able to suddenly remember his name?
“Well, princette, let’s start with something easy. Like, do you remember us?” 
Your gaze fell upon the half-black half-blond-haired individual who questioned you. You shook your head. You then looked at the person next to him, his orange hair stood out but, again, you shook your head, unable to recognize him. 
“How did you know who Soobin is?”
“I don’t,” you replied, “I touched Soobin’s hand and suddenly I know who he is.”
“Just his name?” 
“Everything that has to do with him.”
“Is that why your eye sparkled like a shooting star passing through the sky?” The cruella-haired asked. 
“You noticed that too,” orange noted, “let’s test it out.” 
He walked forward and asked for your hand, to which you wordlessly placed on top of his. Once again, a dim white light flashed across your eyes, catching all three’s attention. 
A smile was shared between the two of you before the cruella-haired male asked for his turn. You obliged and, for the third time in moments, your eyes gleamed in the exact way Hongjoong had described it. So that was his name.
“Welcome back, Princette,” he softly kissed the back of your hand before pulling back to stand with Chan and Soobin.
“Looks like we’re going to have to reintroduce you to everyone through touch slowly. It’s a good thing the method of regaining memory is discovered early,” Chan nodded, happy to know the problem was not that big of a problem to begin with.
“It will be a bit of a journey since there’s quite a many of us,” Soobin commented with a sigh but was smiling nonetheless.
“Let’s get a head start then. Are you ready to get out of bed, Princette? It’s about time we got you some food as well,” Hongjoong presented you with his hand again. 
Grabbing hold of his hand, you walked with him, Chan, and Soobin out of the room you were staying in. Whatever awaited you on the other side was surely going to be a feat, but you had a feeling nobody here would harm you. Questions arose, many of which were answers that would not be so simply answered by yourself— or quite possibly the others. Just how long will it take to regain the memories of this life? Will you retain the memories of the other life? You were deep in thought, allowing Hongjoong to guide you to wherever you guys were heading. 
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
Say the Name!
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Yes, yes, the box office for SHAZAM! THE FURY OF THE GODS is dismal and has pulled in less money than its predecessor but for my tastes, it's the superior film and is now among my favourite DC films. I've had to qualify things when I talked about AQAUAMAN or the WONDER WOMAN films and even the first SHAZAM! but this one I don't have such caveats. It's fun, it's funny; the humour and the action hits its mark. The big plus? You can actually see the action. It's not darkly lit like it was filmed in a cavern.
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THE GOOD - What I love about DC Comics comics is that there are writers who have really driven home the familial bonds amongst the characters whether they are related or it's a found family situation so I love that this is a film about family.
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The film already comes in at 2 hours so while I would have liked to see a bit more of that dynamic (especially Billy's worry about aging out - a great plot point), I think they were able to utilize what minor screen time they had to delve into that well.
-A lot of cheers in the theater when Pedro came out to his family.
-We had little time with the Marvel family in the first film so I couldn't appreciate how perfectly cast Adam Brody is as the hero version Jack Dylan Grazer and Meagan Good as Hero Darla.
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-I would think separating Freddy so much from the general storyline with Billy and Marvel Family would feel uneven but the character worked equally well with Rachel Zegler's Ann/Anthea and Djimon Hounsou's Wizard.
-Leaning more into the magic. This has been my biggest issue with the DC theatrical side - DC has fantastic mages and magic wielders who are not named John Constantine and they don't utilize them so it was great seeing the world of magic built up with a library and sentient pen worthy of the Wizarding World.
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was a creative way to cut back on wall of exposition by doing it in a witty way via Steve the Pen.
-Giving Diedrich Bader who voiced Batman in BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD a small role was cute.
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-Helen Mirren was great. She gave a perfectly modulated performance. She didn't take it too over the top and campy.
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-So glad Michael Gray who played Billy Batson in the 70s SHAZAM series got to make an appearance. He was unmissable in the classic red and yellow.
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-Glad to see Mark Strong back. I had a feeling Dr. Sivana was going to return because Mark Strong doesn't have a poker face and when doing promo for CRUELLA he didn't sound very convincing when he said he wasn't returning.
-I understand the need and desire to want Wonder Woman in the film and at least there was a logical reason for her to appear, but it still felt clunky. I liked the fake out in that we had "seen" her earlier in the film from the back so it stood to reason that it would end like Superman's appearance in the first film but nope, we got Gal Gadot -albeit filmed separately from the actors, hence the clunkiness.
-I am so tired of Batman. I don't remember but is Batman supposed to be Billy and/or Freddy's favourite hero because there's a Batman emblem on the lamp in the Rock of Eternity and a Batman drawing in Billy and Freddy's room. Where's the love for Superman?!
-Are they actually going to go anywhere with Billy joining Justice Society or was this just another way to put Harcourt and Economos into something?
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I see the Authority (mentioned by Shazam) but no JSA in Gunn's Chapter One.
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Them and Amanda Waller being the Nick Fury of the DCEU should be over. We don't need a joint universe because it obviously hasn't worked for them. The ungenerous part of me feels this is just a way for James Gunn to keep his wife employed since, but honestly they should stay relegated to PEACEMAKER.
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burpfrog · 1 year
Beauty and a Beat | Part 1
Still sleep deprived, still writing. Let’s do this.
CB pranced into the empty dance studio and plopped her duffel bag down in the corner. She’s half an hour early to the workshop but she’s already been waiting anxiously outside for an hour and the security guard have started to taken a notice of her. She stood in front of the floor length mirror and gave herself one last fit check and nodded reassuringly at the reflection. After all she’s made sure to put on the right kind of over sized hoodie and sweatpants (she even got those caps that dancers likes wearing) to make sure she blends right in. “You got this, fake it till you make it,” she said to the reflection, pointing finger guns right back at herself. Hopefully no one saw that.
Someone saw that.
“You got this,” they said reassuringly.
CB turned around, mortified. Upon realising who was standing at the door, she turned a shade of barbie pink. “Kirsten?”
Kirsten chuckled, “Don’t be so nervous love, you must be the newest member to Jam?”
With a deep inhale an exhale, CB bashfully made her way towards the beauty. “Hi hello hi, lovely meeting you! I am the newest member to Jam, I’ve never thought I’d meet you in person but I think I might be here by mistake…” she trailed off. Seeing the slight confusion on Kirstin’s face, CB continued her rambling. “I am not really supposed to be here - I’d love to be here - but I don’t think I’m a dancer dancer.”
“Okay now you’ve lost me, I need more context. You are CB though?” Kirsten remained her graceful and welcoming composure, albeit a little more puzzled as CB continues to word vomit.
She nodded. “Well yes to being new to the team, yes to being CB, yes I am supposed to be here for the Jam Republic team workshop, but no I am not a dancer.” She paused, realised how convoluted she has made this whole situation. “Okay I think I should rewind - I’m technically hired to be a sound producer for JR, but during the hiring process I was asked if I can dance and I said yes. He then asked if I would like to join the dance workshop for team building and I said yes, but I didn’t get a chance to explain that I was an… exotic dancer during my college years.”
“Oh my god this is amazing,” Kirsten bursted out in laughter, “we love a good variety. I’m so glad you’re here. Don’t sweat about it!” The blonde gave CB a firm hug, “once a dancer always a dancer, no shame in stripping. Is that why you’re in those massive heels?”
CB chuckled and followed Kirsten’s gaze to the 8 inch platforms. “Pretty much yeah, they said to bring comfortable dance shoes so I brought Chloe along. It’s the only thing I know how to move in, really.”
“You named them?” Kirsten said amusedly, “At this height you might just be on Bada’s height. She should show up soon, she’ll be thrilled to not be the only giraffe in the room.”
The studio door opened once again, behind which the slender girl with perfectly pin straight fringe walked in. Elevator turtle neck? Bada thought to herself. “Speak of the devil!” Kirsten pranced over, guiding CB towards her. They briefly greeted each other before turning towards CB. “Here’s our newest, CB this is Bada, Bada, CB.”
Bada turned to the newbie, briefly stunned by the heels. How does she move in those?
CB beamed back, taking in the gorgeous face with effortless coolness. Her hair tied up in a messy bun, her streaky fringe a blend of cool grey and black, with her signature cap sitting on top. She then quickly followed her gaze down to the heels. “Hello there! I’ve heard plenty about you - and this would be Chloe. Pleasure meeting you,” CB tried to sound as approchable as possible, knowing her tendency of having a notorious resting bitch face when seeing a stunner.
Bada chuckled at Chloe. “Hi! I think we’ve met but never got the chance to introduce myself,” she said as she remembered the elevator encounter. The girls were right, she is her type. Her split dyed blue and black hair resembling a gothic Cruella, cold eyes with eyeliner sharp enough to kill, and her towering figure had Bada catching herself staring at her jawline. Under those oversized utilitarian hoodie must hide a very choke-able neck, Bada couldn’t help but think. Feeling a flush of redness rising to her cheeks, she quickly looked back down at the leather heels and feign a massive interest in them.
“Right,” CB quickly recalled the encounter, “I was just stopping by the other day to get the studio’s location, Jam Republic have sent me there in hopes that I can find you before they’ve set up the recording studio in Seoul for me. They thought I’d get lonely in a new country all by myself.” The Cruella impersonator chuckled, “but I got all flustered seeing all you ladies there that day and couldn’t bring myself to introduce myself. Sorry about that, I don’t do well in groups.” I don’t do well in front of pretty ladies, CB thought to herself, but managed to swallow that line before she made a fool of herself.
“Don’t be silly, we were actually wondering when did we get another dancer in the studio,” Bada reassured, pleasantly surprised by how warm and fuzzy CB sounds despite her almost mafia-like appearance the other day. “We even have a nickname ready for you in case you’ll be joining BEBE.”
The small group was interrupted as the remaining members of Jam Republic joined the room, ready for the workshop to begin. CB took a seat next to Bada on the oak dance floor, the duo exchanged a smile before turning their attention to Kirsten, who led the first day of workshop. Glad I went along with the misunderstanding, CB thought to herself as she checked out Bada one last time before focusing on the dance training.
The ten hour day went on as each member took a 2 hour slot sharing dance moves and exchanging pro-tips. Four hours in, during Latrice’s turn, Bada can’t help but to stare at CB as she quickly learned Latrice’s skilful footwork in those seemingly impractical shoes, moving like a graceful gazelle. CB noticed her intense eye contact and grinned back, “I doubt I’ll be able to move by the end of today. I’m surprised I even lasted this long with all you pro dancers,” CB whispered, laughing at her own rusty moves. Bada repeated Latrice’s moves alongside, which much better precision and body control, CB’s eyes widen at the demonstration, trying hard to not drool at the sight of her fluent dance grooves.
As soon as the lunch break was announced, CB sprawled onto the floor, panting heavily from the exercise. “I have no idea how you do it,” CB said shakily, “I am so out of shape it’s not even funny.”
Bada laughed at the slump on the ground, “you’re not doing too bad, probably just not your genre. What is your usually dance style anyways?”
CB smirked mischievously as she unzipped her hoodie, “stripping.”
Bada felt her cheeks flushed red as she continued to pulled off the oversized clothing, revealing the singlet underneath. Thank god for the practice, at least I can chalk that one up to Latrice’s full body workout. Before she even had the time to register the stunning body, she was quickly distracted by impressive patchwork tattoo collection CB had covering almost the entirety of her body, from the base of her neck to as far as Bada can see under all the hoodies’s coverage. She fought back the urge to gulp hard but failed.
CB noticed the lingering gaze and decided to tease a little more, winking at the already blushing Bada. What a cutie, she thought to herself, maybe I’ll take a shot.
The workshop continued after the hour long break. CB kept the hoodie off, tossing it to the corner along with the remainder of her belongings. Bada couldn’t stop stealing glances at CB, she’s never realised how fast hours can pass. On the other hand, CB is not cut out for these high intensity dance sessions but refused to be the only one to tap out and embarrass herself, especially when Bada won’t stop looking over at her. I gotta make a good impression, she thought as she gritted her teeth to push the remaining hours; hours felt like days as every inch of her muscles threatened to give out at any given time.
As soon as day one of workshop ended, CB crawled her way towards her bag to reach for a grinder and a pouch. She rolled a joint in record speed and searched for the nearest smoking area. Kirsten caught a glimpse of a pink grinder and squatted down next to CB. “Sharing is caring,” she said half joking, half very much wanting some greens.
CB motioned at her travel sized smoke goodies and inched towards the exit. “Help yourself, I desperately need a smoke after today. I might have to show up tomorrow in crutches.”
As the duo giggled towards the smoking area, Bada wondered where CB vanished to, determined to make more conversations the next day.
“I didn’t know you smoke,” Kirsten asked as she took a draw.
“I was a stripper in Melbourne, or course I smoke.” CB responded. “Just glad the workshop is here and not Korea, I don’t think I’ll have enough ouid pen to last me through this. There is some really cute girls to keep me motivated though, I’ll have to say.”
Kirsten laughed, clicking her tongue. “Bada? She really is the infamous heartthrob isn’t she.”
CB nodded, taking another deep long draw. “Caught her looking my way a few times, you reckon I have a chance?”
“I think so, pretty sure Redy is out of the picture…” Kirsten trailed off, enjoying the company. “Careful with that one, she’s can be a real womaniser,” Kirsten said jokingly, her tone laced with a hint of warning.”
CB’s eyes flickered under the street lights, “I do like a challenge.”
Aight guys I am very sorry for the inconsistencies in writing, it has been so long since I last birthed a fic and I am behind rusty. Thanks to my brilliant ~depression~ I really can’t decide between fluff or angst (I have the tendency to lean towards sabotaging relationships whenever my mother is in town to visit, I wonder why…), so I’ll probably be writing some hard-to-get long burns for the time being? If you have a preference feel free to let me know~ Anyhoo thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far ^_^
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emospritelet · 2 years
Closing the Circle - Chapter 14/15
Sorry I've been AWOL. Did not have a good December, but things are looking up.
Last time, Ruby asked the wolves to help track Belle and Emma, who have been imprisoned by Zelena. Gold is not pleased...
AO3 link
The sun had already ducked beneath the canopy of trees, long wisps of cloud streaked with gold and rust. The temperature had dropped further as the snow clouds had retreated, and Ruby’s breath formed billows of white in the air as she stood motionless, gazing out at the woods and waiting for the wolves to return. Gold paced impatiently, cane poking holes in the thin layer of snow, shoes scuffing up dead leaves as he tried to hide his rising fear.
“This is taking forever!” he snapped, and Ruby rolled her eyes.
“Give them a chance,” she said. “There’s a wide area to search, and it’s not like they can knock on people’s doors and show a Missing Persons poster, is it?”
“I understand that, but we’re heading towards dusk!”
Ruby held up her wrist, shaking the silver cuff.
“This seems to be working, if it makes you feel any better,” she said. “I’d have felt that old tickle before now, if I was gonna change.”
“Really?” asked Aurora, sounding interested. “So you can feel when the change is going to happen? Can you describe it?”
“Can we leave the research until the rescue mission is over?” Gold asked, his words clipped and terse. “I’d like our sole lead in this case to pay attention to what she’s doing.”
Ruby looked him up and down, an amused twist to her mouth.
“You’re really sweet on her, aren’t you?” 
He was spared having to think of a convincing denial by the rustle of bushes off to her left, which made her head snap around. A wolf emerged, and Ruby dropped down to sit on her heels as it loped over, tail wagging. There was a brief moment of silence, and then Ruby sighed and scratched the wolf behind the ears before it shook itself and sat beside her. She caught Gold’s eye, shaking her head, and he felt himself sag a little. It didn’t find her.
More wolves arrived, each apparently delivering the same news, and Gold’s anxiety grew. The wolves made a semicircle at Ruby’s back, eyeing Gold and the others with a detached sort of interest. He wondered how they would react if Ruby was not there with them. She was looking anxious, chewing her lip and bouncing on her toes as she scanned the woods, and another wolf bounded up to her, tail wagging briskly. Ruby was smiling even before she squatted down, and Gold felt a spark of hope.
“He found her,” she said, getting to her feet as she petted the wolf. “Caught the scent, and says he saw a dark-haired female, so Belle’s there for sure. He also saw another female human with pale hair. Could be Emma?”
“Where?” asked Gold quickly.
“A large stone house at the edge of the forest,” said Ruby. “West of here.”
“Sounds like the Mayor’s mansion,” said Cruella, and Gold felt a flare of rage burn through him.
“Zelena,” he said grimly. “I’ll fucking kill her.”
“You think Zelena took Belle?” asked Mulan. “Why? I mean, she’s unpleasant, but why would she want to kidnap Belle and Emma?”
“Because she clearly has a fucking death wish,” he growled. “Beyond that, I don’t know and I don’t fucking care. We need to get to the mansion.”
“That was the scent!” said Ruby suddenly. “I knew I’d smelt it before, but I couldn’t remember—”
The wolf nosed her hand with a whine before letting out a snort and shaking its head. Ruby closed her mouth suddenly, looking uncertain.
“What?” snapped Gold, and she wrinkled her nose.
“There’s something else,” she said. “He said they’re underground. Maybe a cellar?”
Ruby hesitated. 
“He said - he said there was a werewolf there, too.”
“Why would Zelena have a werewolf in her cellar?” asked Aurora, and Ruby shook her head.
“I don’t know, but we’re losing daylight. Belle and Emma could be in real danger.”
“Then we’d better stop fucking talking and move!” snapped Gold, and nodded to the wolves. “Thank your friends for us, Miss Lucas. Quickly.”
He set off in the direction they had come, fear and rage burning through him. What the hell is Zelena up to?
By the time they reached the cars, dusk had fallen, and Gold wrenched open the door of the Cadillac, barely waiting for Cruella and Jefferson to take their seats before reversing out and heading back towards town with a squeal of tires. Jefferson had been talking to someone on his phone, and he slipped it into his pocket, almost ending up in Cruella’s lap as Gold took a corner at speed.
“One of my contacts confirmed that Zelena took Emma from the Rabbit Hole,” he said. “Emma was on her feet, but walking like she was possessed, and as soon as they were outside she got into the trunk of Zelena’s car nice as you please.” 
“And Belle?” asked Gold grimly.
“Just rumours, nothing solid. Seems to match up with what the wolves told Ruby though, right?”
Cruella sat forward, one hand on Gold’s shoulder.
“What’s the plan when we get there, short stuff?”
“The plan,” he said evenly, “is that we march through the front door, find Belle, and kill however many witches in that bloody family are behind this.”
“Should be fun!” she said cheerfully. “I really wish you’d told me before we came out. I’d have worn something red. Blood is such a bugger to get out.”
Gold grunted, pressing his foot down as the car neared the edge of town. The Mayor’s mansion was close. He only hoped they would get there in time.
Belle pushed up from her seat on the stone floor, working her teeth against the insides of her cheeks to get some saliva into her parched mouth. Emma was pacing restlessly, thick-soled boots going back and forth across the cell. The sun had crawled towards the horizon with alarming speed, and Belle had watched shadows lengthen across the cellar floor, stretching out beneath the bars and into the cell opposite as dusk fell. Philip had retreated into the corner, arms wrapped around his knees, the blankets draped over his head and shoulders so that his face was in shadow. He seemed paler, his skin having taken on a waxen look, and his hands were trembling.
“Are you okay?” asked Belle, and he shook his head.
“I can feel it, when the change is near,” he said. “Like a tickling under my skin. Like something’s living under there. It won’t be long, now.”
His voice was dull, hopeless, and Belle clutched at the bars.
“I told you, we’re gonna get out of here!”
“No one’s coming,” he said tonelessly. “When that wolf came, for a moment I thought he - he knew what I was. I thought he might help. Stupid thing to think.”
“It’s not stupid!” she insisted. “Our friends will find us, and until then, we just have to take care of each other.”
“Yeah, I’m not going out without a fight,” announced Emma. “Zelena has to let us out of this cage at some point, and the moment she does I’m gonna smack her in her stupid, smirking face!”
Philip smiled sadly. 
“I hope you do,” he said. “And if you get the chance, you should run. Both of you. Lock the cellar door behind you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but wolves run fast, and I won’t be able to help myself.”
“We’re all gonna get out of here!” said Belle firmly. “We won’t leave you behind, I promise!”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he said.
“Sensible advice, on the whole.”
Belle felt her fists clench at the sound of Zelena’s voice, and Emma grabbed at the bars, thrusting her chin forward as Zelena walked closer. The cellar key dangled from one finger, swaying in time with her hips.
“Open this door!” shouted Emma. “Our friends are on their way, and if you don’t let us go—”
“No one knows where you are,” said Zelena dismissively. “No one could.”
“Are you stupid?” demanded Belle, making Zelena’s nostrils flare. “Aurora is a witch. She can cast a locator spell in her sleep! Ruby’s a werewolf, and if you think she can’t track us—”
“Your friend’s locator spell won’t get past my shield,” interrupted Zelena. “And as for the wolf - the sun has almost set, and the moon will soon be rising. Even if she does manage to find her way to you, it might not be to free you.”
She was grinning, pale eyes glinting, but the sound of footsteps on the stairs outside made her turn towards the door. Regina marched in, a high-collared black coat flaring out as she walked. She wore a neat black trouser suit and leather boots, and there was an irritated twist to her mouth that became open-mouthed shock as she took in the scene.
“Zelena, what—?” She eyed the occupants of the cells, shock seeming to turn to outrage. “What the hell is going on here?”
“Ah, you’re here,” said Zelena carelessly. “I told you to bring Lily.”
“She’s coming, but—”
“Good.” Zelena turned to face her properly. “And Mother and Mal?”
“They’ve gone to prepare the ritual site, of course, like we should be doing.”
Zelena looked irritated.
“I wanted them here!”
“Never mind that!” Regina put her hands on her hips. “What the hell are Miss French and Miss Swan doing locked in the cellar? And who the hell is that guy?”
“She kidnapped us,” said Emma bluntly. “And she’s planning on feeding us to Philip. Who’s a werewolf, apparently.”
Regina closed her eyes, briefly squeezing them shut before shaking her head and opening them again.
“What?” Her voice was dangerously soft, and Zelena rolled her eyes.
“I’m doing this for Lily,” she said. “You and Mother and Mal have been coddling her for too long. If you want her to get control of her powers, she needs a decent incentive, wouldn’t you agree?”
Regina raised her arms and let them fall against her legs with a slap, her expression incredulous.
“So - what, you think feeding her girlfriend to a werewolf is the motivation she’s been lacking all these years?”
“Of course not!” said Zelena scornfully. “I thought, once she sees what the werewolf is capable of, she’ll do whatever it takes to keep her friend safe.”
“Capable - oh!” Regina glanced between Emma and Belle, shaking a finger. “You mean Miss French. You’re going to feed her to the werewolf.”
“Got it in one.” Zelena smirked, tossing her hair. “Perhaps Mother’s faith in you isn’t entirely misplaced.”
Regina shook her head, looking incredulous.
“What are you thinking?”” she demanded. “She wouldn’t stand a chance!”
“Then it’ll be an effective demonstration.”
“You want her to be killed?” Regina looked outraged. “You can’t possibly think that Lily getting control of her powers is worth someone’s life!”
Zelena shrugged.
“You know the saying about omelettes and eggs…”
“You must be out of your mind,” said Regina flatly. “I’m not getting mixed up in this! If Gold finds out you had his girlfriend killed, he’ll rip your throat out, and I wouldn’t blame him!”
“She’s not his girlfriend!” snapped Zelena. “And she won’t be too pretty when the werewolf is done with her, I doubt he’ll care.”
The flat, dismissive way she said it made Belle’s stomach lurch. Emma fumbled for her hand and squeezed it, and Belle squeezed back, grateful for the comfort.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Philip, looking desperate. “Please! I can feel the change coming! Let me go, I don’t want you to be in danger!”
“I’m letting them out,” said Regina firmly. “We’ll find another way to cure Lily.”
She took a step towards the cells, and Zelena lashed out, face twisting in an ugly grimace as she hurled green fire. Regina was slammed back against the cellar wall with a thump, wheezing as the breath was knocked from her.
“What are you doing?” she choked, nails scrabbling at the bricks as she tried to move, the green light binding her arms and torso to the wall.
“Taking back my birthright!” snapped Zelena. “Once Lily is free of the ridiculous barrier she’s put between herself and her power, we’ll be a proper, fully-functioning coven! No one will be able to stand in our way! The town will respect us for the powerful women that we are, and it’ll be my doing!”
“What’s going on?”
Lily had appeared at the door, dark eyes widening in shock as she clutched at the door frame.
“Lily!” shouted Emma. “Lily, she’s crazy! She wants to kill us!”
“Ah, just in time!” said Zelena brightly. “Come in, Lily dear. Tonight’s the night you truly become one of us.”
“What?” Lily looked nervously from Zelena to Emma to Regina. “What is this? Why are they trapped?”
“It’s a test,” said Zelena. “A test that I have every confidence you’ll pass.”
“Zelena, let them go!” said Regina through her teeth.
“All in good time,” said Zelena, grinning. “Lily, as you’ve seen, your good friend Emma and the librarian are trapped in a cage. If you concentrate, you may be able to save them from a terrible fate.”
A groan from their right made Belle’s head whip around. Philip had bent forward, curled in a ball with his head on his knees. The blankets had slipped from around his shoulders, exposing pale skin stretched across taut muscles. He was shaking, his slender fingers tented on the stone floor, and a low growl came from him that made Belle shiver.
“What’s wrong with him?” Lily’s voice was trembling. “What are you doing to them?”
“Me?” Zelena pressed a hand to her heart, looking shocked. “Nothing at all. I’m simply letting nature take its course. Predators kill prey, so that others may thrive. It’s the circle of life. Rather beautiful, if you think about it.”
“You’re insane,” said Belle, her voice shaking.
Philip’s shoulders hunched, and Belle and Emma gasped as his spine seemed to push upwards, his back curving. He let out a scream of pain that turned to a bellow and then to a low howl that made Emma clutch at Belle’s arm so tightly it hurt. Dark hair sprouted, spooling out of his skin, a thick coat of fur spreading down his body as his muscles stretched and grew.
“Holy shit!” gasped Emma.
“It seems our special guest is about to arrive,” said Zelena, with relish. “Time for dinner to be served.”
She marched over to the cell, fingers flicking out ropes of green fire. Emma shouted obscenities as the magic pushed her back against the far wall, and Zelena unlocked the cell, a green, gleaming noose winding around Belle’s neck and pulling her out. Belle stumbled on the stone floor, clutching helplessly at her throat. Philip was rising up, shaking off the blankets that had covered him. Long, dark brown fur covered his body, his limbs heavily muscled, his toes and fingers tipped with sharp claws. Amber eyes gleamed above a pointed snout, his mouth open in a wide snarl. Belle tried to kick out as Zelena dragged her towards his cell, and almost stumbled forward before catching herself.
“This is madness!” Regina sounded terrified. “Stop this!”
“Lily can make it stop,” said Zelena coldly.
“I can’t!” Lily wept. “I don’t know how!”
“Of course you do!” snapped Zelena. “You’re a witch! You’re one of us! You were born with the power, you just need to embrace it!” 
“I don’t want power!” sobbed Lily. “Not if it’s like this! Not if it hurts people! I don’t want to be like you!”
Zelena curled her lip.
“Yet another member of this coven with a worrying lack of ambition!” she said, with derision. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one actually born into this family. After this pathetic demonstration, Mother will see that I’m the only one worthy of leading the town when she decides to step aside.”
Regina shook her head, looking bewildered. 
“Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed. “You’re trying to prove to Mother that you’re better than me?”
“I am better than you!” spat Zelena, stepping forward with a stamp of her foot. “I’m older, I’m stronger, I got control of my magic more easily than you! And yet she continues to treat you like you’re the heir-apparent! If I didn’t live in this house I think she’d forget I exist!”
“So you think a double murder’s the way to go?”
“I’m not killing anyone, it’ll be the werewolf!”
“You mean the werewolf you trapped here and set loose on them?” Regina shook her head. “You think the Covenant will hold if you do this? Why the hell should anyone trust us again? It’ll be open season!”
“It’ll be a chance to remove the opposition and consolidate our power.”
“Gold won’t look past this!” 
Zelena chuckled. “You underestimate me. It’s the one thing you have in common with Mother.”
“Mother knows exactly who you are,” said Regina, a layer of disdain coating her voice. “And so does Gold. This isn’t something you can charm your way out of, Zelena.  He’ll kill you!”
“Oh, she’s right about that.”
Five words, spoken calmly, softly, but with an air of menace that made the light seem to dim. Belle felt her heart soar as she glanced towards the doorway. Gold stood there, dressed from head to toe in black and looking as though he was ready to tear his way through entire armies. His eyes met hers, and she wanted to laugh in Zelena’s face. We’re saved!
With a shriek of rage, Zelena lifted a hand, making a wave of green light fly at the doorway. Gold cursed loudly, pushed backwards by the magic as Mulan and Aurora ran into his back.
“Belle!” shouted Mulan. “Emma! Oh my God, just - hang on, we’ll get you out of there!”
Gold was pounding on the barrier, eyes boring into Zelena as though he was imagining her violent death. Belle tugged at the magical rope around her neck. It held tight, but Zelena was distracted by Gold and the others. Perhaps she would lose concentration enough to let Belle and Emma escape their bonds.
“Zelena, stop this!” shouted Regina.
“Why don’t you stop!” snapped Zelena, striding over to glare at Regina. “Stop trying to drag me down to your pathetic level! I’m ashamed Mother even thought of promoting you over me!”
“Well, maybe she just didn’t want a psychopath in charge of City Hall!”
Gold tuned them out, punching at the magical barrier in front of him and sending ripples of bright green energy out from his fist. No bloody good. It’ll take a witch to break this down.
“Stand aside!” snapped Mulan, and there was the sound of a sword being unsheathed.
“You can’t cut your way through!” he said impatiently.
She ignored him, whipping the sword above her head and bringing it down in a piercing, stabbing thrust. A blast of green energy sent her stumbling backwards into Jefferson and Cruella, the three of them collapsing to the floor.
“Told you,” he said, trying not to smirk. “We need magic here, not brute strength. Aurora?”
“I can try,” said Aurora, sounding uncertain. “I’m not sure I know a spell that can break through, I’ve never seen a barrier this strong before.”
“Oh, Miss Mills is certainly a capable witch,” he said, his voice pitched loud enough for Zelena to hear. “But she lacks finesse. Not to mention sanity.”
As expected, Zelena’s head whipped around, and she stopped arguing with Regina and stomped towards the door. Gold glanced at Belle. She was still tugging at the magical rope around her neck, her eyes on Zelena. Good girl. Wait for her to get distracted.
“Which is why Mother wanted me to succeed her,” said Regina, her voice taking on a taunting lilt that made Zelena’s nostrils flare. Gold tried hard not to grin.
“Perhaps she could see that you were the only one who understands the importance of power,” he said, as Zelena approached. “And how to wield it.” 
“Power is everything!” declared Zelena. “Mother taught me that! Seems I took her lessons to heart, wouldn’t you agree?”
Gold smiled.
“You mistake strength for power,” he said. “You always have. You have no concept of what it means to hold the power of life and death, and to control it.”
Zelena stepped up to the barrier, looking him up and down before shaking back her hair.
“Then give me your power,” she said, and raised her chin. “Make me an immortal.”
Gold snorted.
“You must be fucking joking.”
“Immortality,” said Zelena, her eyes fixed on his. “I know you can do it.”
“The fact that something is possible doesn’t mean it’s in any way palatable,” he said, lip curling in a sneer. “I have a hard time spending five minutes in your company. Why would I make you immortal?”
“Immortality,” she repeated, “in exchange for the life of the woman you - well, whatever it is you feel for her.”
Gold glanced at Belle. She was staring at him, wide-eyed. The werewolf in the cell near her was swiping at her through the bars, snarling, but she was staring at him. Brave and beautiful. And too good. Far too good for the likes of me.
He swallowed hard, tearing his eyes from Belle reluctantly and looking back at Zelena. 
“You’re asking me to kill you,” he said. “You do realise that?”
“In order to be reborn as an immortal,” she said. “The end of this fleeting human life is a small price to pay, wouldn’t you agree?”
Gold exhaled with a tiny, humourless smile, shaking his head.
“You don’t understand the price,” he whispered. “People like you never do.”
“Then think of the fun you’ll have teaching me,” she said, a grin twisting her features.
“Zelena, no!” shouted Regina, but Gold held up a hand, cutting her off.
“If I agree,” he said evenly. “You let both of them go. Miss French and Miss Swan.”
Zelena pulled a face, huffing air out through pursed lips.
“Oh, alright then,” she said. “Do we have a deal?”
“Let them out of this cellar,” he said, “and you can bid farewell to your – fleeting human life – as you call it.”
Zelena smirked, turning on her heel and marching across the cellar as Regina pleaded with her. Gold felt Ruby sidle closer.
“You can’t be serious,” she whispered. “Zelena as a vampire? That’s - terrifying.”
“It’s not over,” he said quietly. “I’ve dealt with far worse than her in my time.”
Zelena flourished the keys to the cell where Emma clutched at the bars, and tugged at Belle’s magic rope, pulling her to the side and perilously close to Philip’s cell. Belle had to move nimbly to stay away from his grasping claws, and Zelena was grinning as she unlocked the cell door. 
Quicker than Gold could have imagined, Emma punched her hard in the face. Zelena staggered back with a cry, and Philip hurled himself against the bars, snarling as he clawed at her. He managed to clutch at her hair, ripping out some of it and making her shriek, and Emma grabbed Belle’s hand, pulling her past Zelena. Green light seemed to pulse around her, exploding outwards and sending Emma and Belle tumbling to the floor, and Gold slammed his hands uselessly against the barrier.
“Belle!” he shouted.
“Emma!” cried Lily.
Zelena’s magic had blasted Philip back into his cell, but he seemed unhurt, claws scrabbling through the bars again as she pushed to her feet. Her hair was messy, her nose broken and bleeding and her eyes flashing with fury.
“You little bitch!” she shrieked, face twisted to ugliness and clenched fists crackling with green light. “I’ll make you wish you were in hell!”
Lily screamed, a hoarse, desperate shriek, and flung her hands out as twin bolts of violet light flew at Zelena, punching into her chest and sending her hard into the wall. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she slumped to the ground, and the barrier across the doorway winked out. Gold and Ruby stumbled forwards into the cellar, and Lily fell to her knees, retching.
Emma raced to her side, squatting down and pulling her into a hug, and Lily started to cry, clinging to her as though she was afraid Emma would slip away if she let go.
Regina pushed herself up on hands and knees, having tumbled to the floor when Zelena lost consciousness. She got to her feet, dusting herself off and looking shaken. 
“You’d better get out of here,” she said. “All of you. Quickly!”
“Not yet,” said Gold grimly.
He strode over to where Zelena was crumpled on the floor, and Regina hurriedly got between them, hands raised.
“Gold, no!”
“She has to die!” he spat.
“Not like this!” she begged. “Please! At least let me explain things to Mother!”
“You can take out an obituary in the Storybrooke Mirror for all I care!” he snapped. “She breached the Covenant.”
“Nobody died!”
“Much to her disappointment, I’m sure!” he snapped. “And despite her best efforts. Along with kidnapping two innocents, she trapped a supernatural creature in order that one of the Coven could kill it! You of all people should know what that means.”
“I do!” Regina seemed to sag, shoulders slumping. “I do, it’s just - please. Mother doesn’t know.”
Gold stepped closer, noting that Regina’s breathing quickened with fear.
“Which is why I’m only saying one of you witches has to die,” he said evenly, and she swallowed hard.
“Please,” she repeated. “Give me until tomorrow.”
Gold heaved a breath. His gaze flicked to Belle, and she was watching him, her breath heaving, an unreadable expression on her face. He rolled his eyes with a growl of annoyance before fixing Regina with a glare. I’ve gone soft. I’ve gone fucking soft, and it’ll be the death of me.
“The next time I see her, I kill her,” he said quietly. “Do we understand each other?”
“Perfectly,” she said softly.
“Fine,” he said, his voice cold. “In that case, we’ll leave you with the werewolf.”
“No!” Belle and Emma shouted as one.
“His name’s Philip,” added Belle urgently. “And it’s not his fault! He didn’t want to hurt us, he was a prisoner, just like we were! He’s been here for over a week, only a few blankets to keep him warm!”
“We promised him we’d take him out of here!” added Emma. “We can’t just leave him! Zelena’ll kill him!”
“We can’t take a bloody werewolf with us!” said Gold in exasperation, and Ruby cleared her throat. “No offence,” he added.
Ruby gave him a level look, and held up her wrist to show the cuff.
“You can take him with you if you put this on him,” she said. “Let me try. Once it’s on, I’ll make a run for the woods, get out of your way before I change.”
He sighed before nodding and waving her towards the cell. Philip was still snarling, clawed fingers swiping through the bars, but as Ruby squatted down in front of him he grew quiet, his growls fading away. He sat down, licked his snout, and eyed her calmly as they seemed to communicate without a sound. Ruby reached through the bars, and Gold heard a sharp intake of breath from everyone in the room, but Philip merely sniffed her hand, licked it, and let out a brief whine. Smiling, she tugged the cuff from her wrist and clamped it around his. It took a bit of work to get it on; a werewolf’s wrists were somewhat bigger than her human ones, but once it was on, Philip let out a heavy, growling sigh and slumped to the floor of the cell, eyes closed.
Ruby pushed to her feet, glancing down at her hands before looking at the others with a nervous expression on her face.
“I gotta go,” she said hurriedly. “I can feel it coming.”
She ran for the door, pausing briefly in the doorway to catch Gold’s eye.
“Tell Granny I said to give him a room,” she added. “Tell her he’s one of us. He’s welcome to stay at the inn as long as he wants.”
He nodded, and she was gone, sprinting away from them and out into the night.
Belle rushed over to Philip’s cell, and Gold watched as he began to change, his shaggy wolf pelt shrinking, drawing back within his skin as his sharp claws retreated. The heavy muscles of his limbs and shoulders shrank, a line of dark fur between his shoulder blades the last trace of the wolf to disappear, and he let out a groan, his eyelids fluttering.
“The key!” said Belle urgently.
Mulan stomped over to where Zelena lay motionless, but Lily rose to her feet, squeezing Emma’s hand before stepping forward. She flicked her fingers, sending out a thin stream of purple light, and the lock clicked, the cell door swinging open. Lily beamed excitedly.
“I wasn’t sure that would work!”
“Very good,” said Regina, casting a nervous glance at Gold.
Emma hurried to Belle’s side, both of them entering Philip’s cell and pulling blankets over him. He blinked drowsily at them, and looked at the silver cuff on his wrist with an expression of wonder.
“It really works,” he said, his voice a little hoarse.
“It really does,” said Belle, with a smile. “I have a feeling Ruby may want to keep that one, but I’m sure we could make one for you.”
“Get me something silver and we can make it tomorrow,” piped up Aurora.
His eyes were shining, his face crumpling a little, as though he was going to cry.
“I can have a normal life,” he whispered.
Belle hugged him, Emma piling in to join them, and Philip hugged them both fiercely.
“Thank you,” he breathed. “Thank you.”
“Well!” said Cruella brightly. “I enjoy a cold, dank cellar that smells of werewolf piss as much as the next woman, but what do you say we go to the Rabbit Hole and have a gin and tonic instead?”
“Took the words out of my mouth,” said Mulan.
“As I’m being denied a perfectly reasonable vengeance killing, perhaps a few terrible whiskies will take the edge off,” said Gold dryly. “Shall we?”
He headed for the stairs without looking back, even though every cell in his body wanted to go to Belle, take her in his arms and ensure that she was unhurt. His earlier fear was fading, leaving only a dull, throbbing weight in the middle of his chest. He concentrated on his path up the stairs, through the kitchens and along the tiled hallway to the front door. The night was frigid, tiny flakes of snow kissing his nose and cheeks as he waited. Jefferson and Cruella were next out, sauntering towards him arm-in-arm as though they’d just been attending a dinner party. Mulan, Aurora and Philip emerged just behind them, and Emma, Lily and Belle brought up the rear. Philip’s feet were bare, and he winced at the cold ground, a blanket tied around his waist and another wrapped around his shoulders
“Ruby said to get you a room at Granny’s,” Mulan was saying. “If you want, you can always bunk at our place tonight and head over there tomorrow.” 
“We can make you something like that cuff,” added Aurora.
“D’you think I could get something to wear before we do anything else?” asked Philip. “I don’t know what that Zelena woman did with my backpack. Or the clothes I was wearing, come to that.”
Jefferson stepped up and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Can’t have you flashing Granny by accident, right?” he said cheerfully. “Although she’d probably enjoy it, the old vixen. If Gold can make a stop at my place, I’ll lend you some things.” 
“Fine, get in,” said Gold impatiently. “Jefferson’s place, and then that dreadful bar.”
He gestured towards the Cadillac, and was about to step forward when Belle hit him like a whirlwind. She threw herself into his arms, hugging him tight, and Gold froze in panic. Her body was warm and soft, pressed against his, the scent of fresh air and a hint of her perfume in her hair. She was clinging to him as though she was afraid he would disappear. How long had it been since he had been hugged? Since someone had turned to him for comfort? Not since—
He swallowed hard, glancing around with what was no doubt a helpless expression on his face. Cruella had a satisfied smirk on her face, and Jefferson was grinning. Even Mulan seemed to be amused. Gold cleared his throat, patting Belle’s shoulder awkwardly.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, his voice rough.
She raised her head, eyes gazing up at him, and shook her head with a smile.
“No, I’m not hurt,” she said. “You came. You came to rescue me, and I’m fine.”
Her eyes were sparkling, her face alight with joy, and he wanted to kiss her. 
Tell her. Tell her, you idiot.
“I’m glad,” he said, his voice sounding oddly hollow in his ears. “I take breaches of the Covenant extremely seriously. After all, I’ve worked hard to keep this town peaceful. I won’t have an upstart witch endangering that.”
It was Belle’s turn to freeze. Her face fell, and it was as though clouds had covered the moon. 
“I - I see,” she said. “You were - you were concerned about the threat to your - authority.”
“Why else would I be here?” 
He heard the words leave his mouth as though someone else had spoken them, and immediately wanted to take them back. There was an expression on Belle’s face that he hadn’t seen before. An awful sort of sad resignation. To his left, he heard Jefferson groan softly. 
“Of course,” said Belle, almost to herself. “Why else?” 
She pulled back, and he automatically took a step towards her, missing her warmth. Belle moved further away, keeping distance between them.
“Thank you for what you did,” she said, her tone stiff and formal. “I won’t forget it.”
Her lips twitched in an odd, tremulous half-smile, but that terrible sadness was in her eyes again. She ducked her head, turning away from him, and fell into step between Mulan and Aurora, linking arms with them as they headed back towards Mulan’s car. Emma and Lily each hugged Philip before hurrying to catch them up. 
Gold watched Belle go, frost-rimed leaves crunching beneath her boots, and felt a strange weight sinking down through his chest. He felt someone approach from behind, and caught a whiff of perfume and cigarette smoke moments before Cruella rested her chin on his shoulder, mouth close to his ear.  
“You really are the biggest, blindest idiot I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet,” she said softly. 
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