#Al is so girly pop
ouijeebies · 7 months
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Ladies Man | A Girl's Girl ✨
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helen-with-an-a · 22 days
Beautiful Girl Headcanons
Hiiiiii - these are some random hcs that I’ve come up with to supplement the main story cos I couldn’t sleep; if you have any questions, ideas or suggestion please send them in
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Beautiful Girl Masterlist
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I have decided to call Reader Amor during these so no one gets confused because that’s what Alexia calls her in the stories
Amor met Alexia the day she signed for Barça and it was just game over for both of them
Initially, Ale was ‘in charge’ until she did her ACL - she found that Amor giving her simple instructions to follow helped her cope with everything and it just went from there
Amor is a midfielder just like Alexia (more defensive though) and is on track for the Ballon d’Or
Ingrid and Mapí were heavily involved in getting the pair of them together (Amor went to Ingrid and Ale went to Mapí; Ingrid and Mapí conspired to get them together and they were dating within a month)
Alexia is the passenger princess
Despite how easily Amor hands out compliments, she is horrific at taking them - she stutters and stammers and blushes like crazy
Alexia’s favourite colour is dark blue/navy, Amor’s is dark red - Ale views it as a sign they’re soul mates because together they make Blaugrana
Amor is really hates the feeling of sand but Ale loves spending time at the beach - Amor will take this secret to the grave because she just wants to see Alexia happy all the time
Amor starts to call Alexia beautiful/beautiful girl because Drunk!Alexia told Amor that her past relationships on ever called her pretty/hot and sometimes she doesn’t feel beautiful because she’s muscular and plays football
The first time Amor experienced a full, proper orgasm was with Alexia - before she always used to take a while getting there and got really self-conscious so just faked it or was the one giving
Amor wears no. 66 for club and country - when she signed for her first club as a kid she was asked if she wanted a number and she initially she wanted 666 (a dad of a boy she used to play against called her the devil once) but she wasn’t allowed and this was the next thing she could think of and it’s just stuck
Amor gets really nervous before matches but you wouldn’t know it unless you look really hard - she bites the inside of her lip and fixes her hair a lot
When they go out (either on a date, to an event or just to training) Alexia always wants to match Amor in some way (hairstyles, shoes, colours, vibes, anything as long as she matches)
Amor started calling Ale my beautiful girl after Ale said it helps her relax knowing that she is Amor’s and Amor will take care of everything for her - Amor just wants Ale to be happy all the time
Ale gets possessive over Amor very quickly but it comes out as very cute clinginess rather than jealousy or anger
Amor doesn’t feel the need to get possessive because she can just call Alexia over and she will come running back and abandon the conversation immediately
When Amor and Alexia go away to tournaments or camps longer than a week, Amor gives Ale little letters to read and small gifts to open at specific times and dates
Alexia was scared Amor would replace her in midfield after she did her ACL and it sometimes still pops up in her mind when she’s feeling down about her performance
Amor only calls Ale my beautiful girl if they’re in private, otherwise it’s Ale, beautiful or baby; Ale only ever calls Amor Mi Amor no matter where or when she’s saying it
Amor’s a vanilla girlie through and through - if there’s some vanilla, Amor needs it. Alexia is a coconut girl in the same way (their house smells amazing)
Amor stress bakes
Big black cat/golden retriever energy (in public Ale is the black cat)
Amor has 1 1 1 1 tattooed (the first 11 is blue and red for Barça, the second 11 is red and yellow for Spain) - she says it’s her angel numbers if anyone asks but it’s actually for Alexia; Mapí did the tattoo for her; she hasn’t even told Alexia what it actually means (she just said it’s her angel numbers and she liked the colours)
Alexia got a 66 tattooed on her hip right were Amor likes to kiss before she goes down on her during sex
Ale gives Amor Spanish and Catalan lessons - each time she answers a question correctly, they make out for 10 minutes (not much studying actually happens)
The only time Amor got jealous/insecure in their relationship was just before they separated for the 2022 Euros - Ale had been getting stressed over the Spanish team situation and was confiding in Mapí/Patri/Aitana but didn’t tell Amor what was going on (it ended up in a big blowout argument and Amor ended up crying thinking that Ale had fallen out of love with her)
Amor proposes to Ale in fluent Catalan - it took her ages to learn it all properly because she didn’t want to go to anyone to help her with it so that way the first person to know that Amor was going to propose was Ale when she got down on one knee
Alexia already has baby names picked out (Talia for a girl, Jaume for a boy, unless Alba has a son first (it’s also Alba’s baby boy name) then it’s Eliá) - Amor has said that her family has to be able to pronounce the names/have a translation into her language that Alexia doesn’t mind her family using instead (beyond that she’s not too fussed over the names)
Amor really wants to use Ale’s egg at least once when they have children so she can have a big Alexia holding her hand and a mini Alexia on her hip (she doesn’t mind who carries the baby though)
This is the first wlw relationship Amor has been in and doesn’t really want to label her sexuality just yet - she’s been with other women before but it’s always been one-night/casual stuff
Amor hates bananas but loves banana flavoured things (eg ice cream, sweets, etc)
They have a superstition that Amor kisses Ale’s bad knee to help it play well - the one time they didn’t do it in the 23/24 season was when Amor had the flu and couldn’t play in the loss to Chelsea in the UWCL
If Amor is stressed she scratches the inside of her right elbow - Ale notices almost immediately and will hold onto Amor’s left hand without really thinking (professionalism be damned)
Amor scored the last goal against Wolfsburg in Eindhoven and the first goal against Lyon in Bilbao - Alexia thinks them both scoring against Lyon proves they’re soulmates even more
Amor is more of a cat person but doesn’t mind dogs whereas Ale is a dog person through and through - since Nala died Amor has been looking into getting another dog but hasn’t found the perfect one just yet
There is always 2 bouquets of fresh flowers in the house - one on Alexia’s bedside table (gifted by Amor every Friday night) and one on the coffee table in the kitchen (chosen by Alexia and handed to Amor on their off day)
Amors go to coffee order is an iced vanilla latte and hates that iced coffee isn’t really a thing in Spain
Every time Amor is in the room, whoever is talking to Alexia has to wait until Amor has left again because Ale isnt taking anything in - she’s just staring with heart eyes
The quickest and easiest way to get them to do something is say that the other asked for it
Amor is very much of the idea that on time is late and 30 mins early is on time (it’s lead to a lot of deep car chats)
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Eddie thinks he’ll be the one to corrupt her, little does he know she’s already kinkier and more depraved than his wildest dreams.
Eddie x Bambi Masterlist
Minors DNI
I keep getting carried away with these, this is over 7000 words! I tried to balance fluffy, sweet and goofy with filthy, smutty and kinky, hopefully I pulled off the combo and it’s not too cringy lol.
@hard-candy-writing​ is to blame for this one, she put the idea in my head with this post and I just ran with it. It’s maybe not quite exactly the same as that post, but still in the same spirit. Also, check out her fics too they’re brilliant!
Contains: Perv!Eddie/Not So Innocent!Girly!Reader, Fluff, Mutual Masturbation, Corruption Kink, Unprotected Sex, Sex Toys, Bondage/Handcuffs, Mentions of Oral/Hints of Oral Fixation, Cum Eating, Dirty Talk, Honorifics/ Petnames (Sir, Bambi, Baby, Sweetheart, Princess), Collaring, Praise Kink, The Slightest Degredation/Name-calling (Slut), Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader
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You practically skip over to his table where he sits surrounded by the rest of the Hellfire Club. Eddie can’t imagine what you’d want with him as you approach him, all frills and ruffles, your hair tied into pigtails with little bows. You come to stand beside him bouncing on the balls of your feet, hands clasped together in front of you over your little, pleated snow-white skirt.
“Hi Eddie!” Your tone sweet as sugar, giving him a bright, dazzling smile.
“Uh… hi there, sweetheart. What can I do for you?” He asks, eyeing you quizzically.
“I was wondering if you’d wanna go out for milkshakes with me?” You ask shyly glancing down, toying with the charm bracelet around your wrist. What Eddie doesn’t realise though, is that your eyes end up glued to his little handcuff belt buckle as your mind races… wondering if he’d have an actual set of cuffs or if that was just part of his ‘style’.
He looks at you sceptically, “Me? You wanna go out… with me?” he points to his chest.
You look back up at him giggling, “Duh, silly that’s why I asked you.”
“Really? This isn’t some kind of joke or something?” His eyes narrow at you.
It breaks your heart to hear him say that, “Of course not, that would be horrible! I would never do that!” You insist, pouting at him.
“Alright. If you say so.” He shrugs, still can’t believe his ears.
“Ok, so I guess I’ll meet you by your van after school?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies unconvinced.
“Ok, well bye guys! See you later Eddie!” You wave to the group before bouncing away.
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He spends the whole day thinking this had to be some sort of prank, there’s no way you’d actually be waiting for him. But lo and behold there you are leaning against the side of his van at the end of the day, he watches as you bend to peer in a sidemirror, reapplying your lip-gloss and smacking your lips.
As you stand back upright you catch sight of him, grinning and waving with your arm stretched up high, calling his name excitedly. He almost has to pinch himself, he can’t believe his eyes.
“So… milkshakes, was it?” He confirms as he approaches you.
“Yes, please.” You nod hopping into his van as he holds the door open for you.
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The pair of you sit in the diner in a booth opposite one another, he orders chocolate, you order strawberry. When your milkshakes arrive, topped with whipped cream and cherries, Eddie picks his cherry off placing it beside his glass on a napkin. 
You pluck the cherry off of yours popping it between your lips, humming in delight, “Mmmh, my favourite.” Then swiping a finger through the cream and sucking it off the tip. 
Eddie gapes at you, you can’t know what you’re doing right, there’s no way, but you barely notice his reaction. You eye his cherry greedily, “You gonna eat that?” You point to it.
Eddie chokes in response, “Nope… uh, all yours.”
“Thanks.” You reply swooping in to steal it off his napkin without hesitation.
He’d never tell you, but he’d actually been saving the cherry for last.
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He soon finds that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for his little princess. All too quickly becoming your personal chauffeur anywhere you wanted to go. He’d even let you listen to all your girly pop music, just to see how happy it made you. Not that he’d ever even pretend to like it, but he tolerates it, for you.
Until one day when you suggest, “Hey, Eds. Why don’t we listen to some of your music for a change?”
And he leaps at the chance, scrambling to find one of his cassettes popping it in for you. He’s surprised to find you actually like it, as you nod along, tapping your foot to the beat.
“What’s this song, Eds?” You hum curiously.
“Oh, uh it’s called Rainbow in the Dark, it’s by Dio.”
“Oh, like on your back patch, right?” You ask eagerly.
His chest swells more than he thought possible, full of happiness, “Yep that’s right, sweetheart. Can’t believe you remember things like that.”
“Is this the sort of music your band plays?”
“Yeah, I guess kinda.” He shrugs.
“Maybe I could come see you guys play at that bar you guys perform at.” You suggest hopefully.
He shakes his head, “Oh, no, no, no sweetheart The Hideout isn’t the type of place for you and plus it’s on a school night.”
You pout in response, going to protest, “But…”
Your protests die on your lips as he offers, “But you could come to band practice… if you wanted.”
“Really? That’s perfect, thanks Eds.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t think to invite you sooner. I guess I just thought you wouldn’t be into it.”
“Of course I’m into it. You’re my boyfriend, why wouldn’t I want to support you?”
He jerks in his seat, stuttering awkwardly, “I’m your… your boyfriend?”
Your stomach drops, was it too early, you’d only been on a handful of dates, this’d be your fourth, “Oh, uh yeah… unless… unless you don’t want to be…”
“No! I mean I do… want to be your boyfriend… want you to be my girlfriend … I just… it’s… never-mind. Yeah, I’m your boyfriend.” He settles back into the seat goofy grin plastered across his face.
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When you get to your destination, he leaps out trotting around the hood of the van to open your door for you as usual, offering you his hand to help you down. You giggle and take his hand, he shuts the door behind you and you lead him away from the van, his hand still clasped in yours.
An idea strikes him all of a sudden, tugging on your hand gently and spinning you to face him. He’s blurting out, stumbling over his words, “Uhhhh, hey sweetheart, I know it’s not really your style or whatever, but uh… I want… now you’re like officially my girlfriend I want to… to give you something. Show everyone you’re mine.”
He fishes around under the collar of his shirt as he speaks. You bite your lip, without even knowing it, he’s got you pegged right from the start. You wanna be his, let everyone know it, let him claim you.
He pulls out his guitar pick necklace and twists your hand so that it faces palm up. He drops the pick into your hand, slowly lowering the chain to coil up alongside it.
He looks into your eyes nervously, hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck “You don’t have to wear it or anything if you don’t want. I can get you something better once I save a bit more money-”
You cut him off with a short kiss to his lips, before slipping the chain over your head, squealing, “No! Eddie, I love it! I’m going to wear it all the time!”
He stares down at your chest as his pick settles between your breasts, wrapped up as they are in your snug, little pink cardigan before gazing back up at you.
He breathes out a sigh of relief, she likes it, thank fucking Christ, he thinks to himself with a dopey grin. Floating back down to earth his grin fading slightly, but not disappearing, he clears his throat, “Alright, come on let’s go before we’re late for the movie.”
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He swaps positions with you now taking the lead, making sure he stands curb-side as he pulls you to walk alongside him. You tug on his arm and he pauses turning to you as you speak, “Wait… I wanna give you something too.”
You reach into your hair tugging on the end of a ribbon, you’d had wrapped around like a headband. It falls away and you bring his hand closer to you, looping it around his wrist beside the chain bracelet that’s already there and tying a bow.
He glances down, watching your nimble fingers working the soft, pink material. It stands out on his arm, a pop of colour amidst the darkness. He feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest, still can’t believe any of this is real.
He stares at his wrist for a beat, before you break him out of it, “Ok, now let’s go.”
“Yeah, sure thing Bambi.” He mumbles.
He’d started in with that nickname a little while ago, but you’re still not quite sure why. All the little nicknames he called you brought you so much joy. Every ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘princess’… you cherished them all.
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Despite being your boyfriend now, he’d never felt like more of a perv than when he’s around you. He wants to take it slow with you, not rush you into anything you’re not comfortable with. 
However, he finds he can’t contain himself, stealing your dirty panties, peeping on you in the shower, jerking off into your lotion imagining you rubbing it into your skin the next day.
When you offer up your shower to him one day with a, ‘…why don’t you just shower here, silly. I don’t mind’, he does the same with your body wash this time. He’s surrounded by you, your scent, absolutely falling to pieces.
The smell of you clings to him for the rest of the day, can’t resist twisting his hair in front of his face, smelling your shampoo grinning stupidly. He ends up jerking off about three more times that day.
He feels conflicted about it though, he shouldn’t be thinking of you like that, cute, innocent little y/n. There’s a part of him that wants to corrupt you, give in to all his devilishly, sinful thoughts, have his way with you. But it’s wrong, so wrong and the guilt eats him up.
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It takes a while before you convince him to let you visit him at his place, he’s never been embarrassed about where he lives per se but when he compares his trailer to your perfectly, picturesque white picket fence suburbia he feels he doesn’t quite measure up. You on the other hand couldn’t care less.
“Oh, look Eds! A puppy!” You squeal pointing at the dog behind the fence trotting off to get a closer look, dirtying your white trainers in the mud without even noticing.
You bend at the waist offering your hand for the dog to sniff before scratching at its head. Your skirt rides up and flutters with a gust of wind, Eddie catches sight of the black ink at the junction of your hip, eyes bulging out of his skull, almost choking on his own tongue, “You have a tattoo?!”
“Mhmm.” You hum distractedly, fully focused on the dog in front of you.
“Can… can I see it?”
“Oh, yeah sure.” You stand turning to face him.
You scan the street for any potential witnesses, seeing none, you flip your skirt up, the little, trussed up kitten on full display beside your little lilac and white polka dot panties. Eddie chokes out a gasp, barely getting a glimpse at it before he’s rushing over to you pulling your skirt back down to cover you, “Bambi, you can’t just do that in the middle of the street!” He shrieks in a pitchy voice.
“What, why not? There’s no one here.”  You protest, his hand grips your wrist and he’s dragging you into his trailer.
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As soon as he gets you inside, he rounds on you, answering, “Anyone could see you out there, you don’t know the kinda pervs that live here!”
“Awww, you one of those pervs Eds?” You giggle.
He splutters, “What? No! Why would you think that?”
“It’s ok, I’m only teasing.” You prod at his shoulder, “Hey, uh I wanted to ask… um, can I paint your nails?” You give him your very best puppy dog eyes.
He looks down at you quizzically, “Uh, why?”
“I think it’d look hot, especially with your rings. Don’t worry I got black, got it special just for you.”
“Oh, sweetheart that’s adorable, you got it just for me?”
You nod eagerly, “Uhh huh. What do you think? Can I?”
He smirks, “You really think it’d be ‘hot’?”
“Yeah, sooo hot Eds, you have no idea.”
“Ok then. Did you wanna do it now?” He concedes.
“Yes, please!” You bounce, unable to contain your excitement and he chuckles at you.
“Come on, let’s head into my room then.”
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He leads the way and you trail along behind him, he’d tidied up his room specially for you, hiding away a few choice items he thought you shouldn’t see. You don’t notice when he stiffens a little as he realises there’s something he missed. He spots a pair of your panties, stained with his cum poking out from under his bed he surges forward kicking them further under before doing an odd twirl spreading his arms and shouting a little louder than necessary, “Well, this is it!”
You grin at him, looking around the room you announce, “It’s great Eds, very you, I like it.��
Slipping your little powder blue backpack off your shoulders, setting it down on his bed and digging through it to pull out that bottle of black nail polish. You hold it up triumphantly before sitting on the edge of his bed, waving him over, “ You got some tissues or something around, don’t wanna ruin my skirt.”
“Yeah, just a sec.” He mumbles rushing off.
You take another glance around his room, giddy with excitement, you were in his room, on his bed.
He tumbles back in clutching a box of tissues, thrusting it into your arms, “Here ya go.”
You set the box down beside you, pulling a couple out and laying them over your thigh before looking up at him, “Sit please. On the floor, just there would be good.” You spread your legs a little giving him a space to slot into in front of you.
“Oh… uh… ok I guess.” He sinks to the floor on his knees.
“Thank you.” You grin at him sickly sweet. “Now I just need your hand.”
He nods offering you one and you grip it gently, bringing it to rest on your thigh over the tissue there. His fingers tremble slightly, breath catching in his throat as you let go of his hand leaving it there to open the nail polish. 
He’s suddenly hyperaware of his position between your legs, his hand on your thigh. His thoughts drift to the panties under his bed as a blush spreads over his cheeks, down his neck and his dick swells between his legs.
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You get to work painting his nails, tongue poking out between your teeth in concentration. When you finish one hand you bring it up to your lips, blowing over his fingers gently. His eyes dart between your glossy lips and your eyes, he has to fight back a moan.
“Next please! And careful with that hand it’s not going to be completely dry yet. Don’t want it to smudge.” You instruct him.
He nods mutely, painted hand dropping to rest on the bed beside you, you grab at the other and repeat the process.
“All done!” You hum smiling at him, “Now you gotta let them dry, you can blow on ‘em too. How about we put on one of your records and just relax for a bit?” You suggest.
He nods in agreement and you extricate yourself from your spot on the bed. Moving over to his record player that you’d spotted earlier, flipping through his collection and picking out one at random you set it up. Music fills the room, through the crackly speaker and you flop back onto his bed. He remains on the floor beside you.
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You lean back sighing contentedly staring up at the ceiling when a thought occurs to you, propping yourself up on one arm you turn to him, “Hey, Eds?”
“Why do you call me ‘Bambi’ all the time?”
“Well, it’s cause you’re all cute and innocent.” He states matter-of-factly.
“But I’m not though.” You pout back at him.
“What do you mean, sweetheart?”
“‘M not innocent, don’t know why everyone thinks I am.”
“But you are.” He insists.
“I’m not, you’ll see.” You protest.
He chuckles to himself, “Ok, sweetheart, if you say so.”
“You will see, next time we’re at my place. I promise.”
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He scrambles up the trellis outside your bedroom, hoisting himself onto the roof. Just as he pops his head around to peer into your window, hand raised to knock against the glass he sees you. Completely bare… scratch that, bare except for the frilly little panties tangled around your ankle and his guitar pick bouncing around between the swell of your breasts. 
His breath catches in his throat, did you forget that you had invited him over? He can finally get a good look at that tattoo on your thigh by your hip. A fluffy kitten, paws under its chin, all knotted up in baby pink rope, a shibari design, the tail end of the rope clasped in its mouth, golden bell hanging off of it, surrounded by berries and leaves. Cute and innocent but also so very filthy at the same time, his mouth waters at the sight.
You’re sitting atop your large stuffed white tiger, Mr Stripes as he recalls from when you’d spread out all your stuffies introducing them all to him by name, one by one. 
You’re thrusting away with abandon, grinding against the tigers back, clutching at the stuffed head in front of you, your head thrown back moaning wantonly. He can hear it even through the glass, then suddenly your eyes are drawn to the window and you spot him, crouched there staring at you slack jawed. 
You hop off the tiger eyes lighting up, your panties slip away onto the floor as you bounce over to the window calling out his name. Pushing it open you pull him in with a hand scrunched into the front of his shirt. 
He stumbles through the window and you drag him over to sit on the edge of your bed. He grabs for the nearest item to shove into his crotch, hiding his raging erection.
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“Wh-what’re you doing?” He gasps.
“Eddie don’t be silly, you know what I’m doing, I was just about to cum when you got here… can I… can I keep going?”
“Bambi, I don’t think I should… we shouldn’t…”
“Please, Eds wanna finish. I want you to watch.” You pout at him
“Fuck… I… ok, yeah you can finish.”
You squeal and kiss the tip of his nose, “Thank you. Now watch, ok… and you don’t need to hide behind Miss Flopsy ya know, I already know you’re hard.”
He glances down at his lap and realises he had in fact grabbed your fluffy, floppy eared bunny, slowly removing it and placing it to the side a little awkwardly.
You hop back on top of the stuffed tiger resuming the roll of your hips and bringing one hand up to tweak at your nipple as you look directly into his eyes. He balls his hands into fists at his knees, clenching and unclenching them, swallowing harshly his Adam’s apple bobs up and down.
You moan and whine grinding into the fuzz beneath you, when an idea springs to your mind, “Edddiieee… can you take your cock out for me, please? Wanna watch you touching yourself when I cum.”
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He splutters and chokes at your words, hesitating before he responds, despite everything in him screaming to do exactly what you just asked for, “Are you sure? Like really, really sure?”
You pout at him, “Yes Eds, I told you I’m not as innocent as everyone thinks I am, ok. Please I want this.”
“And you’re not just doing this to prove a point right? I don’t want you doing anything you’ll regret.”
“No, Eddie please just let me watch you, let me give you a show.”
His hands fumble at his belt as he breaths out heavily, “Jesus Christ Bambi, where is all this coming from?”
“Hurry up Eds, need to see you, ‘m so close.”
He hurriedly pulls his cock free of its confines, his wet tip glistens and you gasp at the sight, “Yes Eddie, thank you.”
His hand glides up and down his length with ease, precum already bubbling up at the head adding to the slick shlucking sound that is produced as he fists his cock desperately, he’s almost embarrassed at how close he is already.
You moan encouragingly, “Such a pretty cock, look how pink it is… and shiny. Just wanna suck on it. Bet it’s sweet like a lolly, will you let me taste it?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… I’m gonna cum… you gonna cum with me Bambi?”
“God yes! Eddiiieee…” You wail as your hips move to match his pace, the dam inside you breaking and giving way to your body wracking orgasm. Your head thrown back, eyes rolling into your skull, hands digging into the stuffed toy beneath you in a vicelike grip as you ride it out.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans coating his fist in his release as it sprays all over the blush pink duvet on the bed. He falls back limply, eyes drooping, gasping as he tries to catch his breath.
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You pant, chest heaving, as you look at his messy hand still clasped around his cock. You slide off the stuffed toy inching closer to him, you grasp his wrist pulling his hand up to your face. His eyes snap open, looking at you curiously. You lick away his thick, white cream, your tongue laving over each digit, paying extra special attention to his ring-clad fingers. He lets out a guttural moan and you suck his pointer finger all the way into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
He pulls his hand away, gasping “Stop, stop. What are you doing?”
His reaction stings, an awful feeling settling in your belly… you’d done it again, gone too far. Tears well up in your eyes, and you blubber, “S-s-sorry…”
The urge to comfort you overtakes all else and he’s scooping you into his lap, completely forgetting that you’re totally naked, that he’s still got his pants rolled down, cock out. He pulls you against his chest, you press your face into the crook of his neck, shoulders shaking as he rubs your back soothingly.
“Hey, no, no, don’t cry. I should have stopped it sooner. You were too far gone, I should have known better.”
All at once he becomes acutely aware of your wet, puffy folds on top of him, his dick swelling in response… Oh god, no not now, not like this, not when she’s so distraught and crying… fuck… that’s it, he’s done for, he thinks.
“No, I’m sorry… I-I…”You whimper.
“Bambi, talk to me. Tell me how I can make it better.”
“Wh-what…?” You look up at him blinking away tears, “You’re… you’re not mad at me? You don’t think I’m gross?”
“What?! Why on earth would I think that?”
You can’t hold back the weepy tirade, and he lets you blubber on, “W-well my… my last boyfriend he… he couldn’t handle the stuff I was into either… he called me a freak, said he never wanted to see me again… an-and I tried to take it slow, hold back with you.”
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You take a big, shaky breath before continuing, “Didn’t wanna scare you o-off too… cause I really, really like you Eds… b-but you’ve barely even tried to touch me li-like that and we’ve been dating for weeks now… I was going crazy, I just had to do something.”
He holds up a hand huffing angrily, “Hold up. First of all, what do you mean ‘scare me off’, who said I can’t handle this? That was hot as fuck. And second of all, who the fuck was that creep, there has got to be something seriously wrong with him… if he-he…”
You cut him off squeezing his shoulder, “Eddie, it’s ok, it’s fine forget about him. Please, tell me why you stopped me. Why do you think we should have stopped sooner?”
“Come on Bambi, why do you think? Look at you always so cute and innocent. I shouldn’t corrupt you like that… I shouldn’t be dragging you down with me like this… turning you into some pervert.”
“Eddie, enough with the ‘cute and innocent’ stuff… and I can feel that, by the way. The way your dick twitched when you talked about ‘corrupting’ me…” You grind down on him and he whimpers hanging his head in shame.
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be, this is what I wanted, ok. Wait. Wait here a minute let me show you what I really mean.” You slide out of his grip trotting off into your walk-in wardrobe.
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You emerge carrying what you had affectionately dubbed the treasure chest, a moderately sized wooden box that you’d covered in stickers. You’d been dying to do a little show and tell with him, just like you had with all your stuffies. Again, in the interest of not scaring him off you’d held off, but now seemed a good a time as any to really make your point.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“More toys.” You grin at him.
“I thought you showed me all your toys, told me all their names and everything.”
“Yeah, I did show you all those toys, but I didn’t tell you everything about them. Let’s start there, ok? So, you saw me riding Mr. Stripes. He’s one of the best for that, firm but soft and fuzzy. Perfectly shaped cushion to sit on, something to grab on to, it’s like he was made for it.”
“Fuck, yeah saw the way you were bucking against him.” You notice his hand twitching, making slight moves towards his fat dick resting between his thighs.
You nod towards his crotch, “You can keep touching yourself if you want.”
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“God, sweetheart I don’t know if I can take much more of this. My poor little heart might just give out. How did you keep all of this hidden away for so long?”
“Told ya didn’t wanna scare you off, I care about you too much Eds. Anyway, Mr. Stripes was my favourite stuffie for a long time, but then you gave me my little Eddie Bear.”
He gasps, hand drifting towards his cock gripping it lazily, “Yeah, uhh huh. I remember Eddie Bear.”
He recalls the day he’d gifted that to you, he’d cut a small hole into the bear and fucked it ‘til he came deep inside. Stitching it up carefully afterwards so you’d never notice.
“And when you did, he smelled just like… you. And then I rode him so much, over and over, just thinking of you. So many times, ‘til he didn’t smell like you anymore. I was a bit sad about that, though.” You lament.
He groans, a rumbling sound deep from his chest, as he continues stroking his throbbing cock, thumbing at the tip, “Yeah, what else? Tell me more, Bambi.”
“Well, sometimes I like to make all the other stuffies watch while I ride one of them, but the really fun toys are in here…” You hold up the chest.
“What’s in there sweetheart, you gonna show me like you did with all your other toys?”
You nod eagerly, placing the box on the bed and take a seat in front of it cross-legged, he chuckles at you, “Um these ones don’t really have names… except one. That one is my absolute favourite! Do you want me to show you that one first?”
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.” His hand drops to fondle his balls for a moment as you continue.
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You swing back the lid of the box on its hinges, holding so it blocks his view of everything inside, “Ok, so I call this my little treasure chest…”
“That’s cute, Bambi, I like that.” He remarks as you shuffle around the box in search of a particular item.
“Ok get ready, this one is called Mr. Flopsy…”
He grins at you, but that falters and his hand moves to squeeze the base of his cock firmly, eyes widening as you pull out a six-inch, translucent pink, sparkly rabbit vibrator, it’s almost the same circumference around as it is long. It’s not the most intimidating one in your collection but it is one of your favourites.
He inhales sharply before groaning out, “God fucking damn! That is not what I was expecting when you said ‘toys’. Jesus H Christ Bambi if you asked me yesterday, I wouldn’t have even thought you knew what one of those was!”
“Well, I do mister, so now do you believe I’m not just little Miss Innocent?”
He nods and hums in a strained way, “Uh huh, yep mm hmm.”
“So, see Mr. Flopsy is my favourite cause he’s all pink and sparkly and look a little bunny… that’s why I call him Mr. Flopsy.” You flick the ears on the toy and Eddie groans in response, just the thought of where those little ears have been drives him wild.
“He might not be the biggest in the collection, but he makes up for it in every other way.”
He resumes stroking along his length, whining, “Please can I see you use Mr. Flopsy?”
“Yeah, you really wanna?” You smile up at him sweetly, eyes lighting up.
“Fuck, absolutely sweetheart. You gonna do it for me?”
“Yes, but not now, there’s still a whole lot more to show you first.”
“Can’t we do that some other time?”
“Nope.” You reply cheekily.
“Ugh, do we have to go one by one though? Can’t you just dump it all out?” He groans frustratedly.
“Ok, I guess… for you, but you’ll have to help me pack up later.” You concede, tipping over the chest and letting everything tumble out.
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Piles of rope and collars and nipple clamps and chains and dildos and fuzzy handcuffs, and more, in all shades of pastel colours cascade over the bed. He drops his slick, leaky cock, wiping his hand off along the duvet before rummaging through the pile in front of him. His cock bobs up and down in his lap desperate for attention.
“Oh, this is so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. Who knew you were such a kinky, little…” He pauses abruptly, you can tell he’s holding back.
“Go on Eds, call me dirty names, tell me I’m a kinky, little slut… is that what you were going to say? ‘Cause I’ll be your little slut, all yours, just for you. I’ll be your little present all wrapped up in bows, let you tie me up, split me open on your cock…”
He cuts you off pulling you in by the back of your neck, his lips colliding with your own over the paraphernalia laying beneath you. You break apart breathlessly, whining “Need you Eds, please…”
He rushes to strip off his clothing, tossing his jeans clear across the room in his haste. He glances down into the items scattered before him, in search of something…
“You gonna tie me up?” You ask hopefully.
“Sorry, Bambi not this time…” he spots what he was looking for, “…but I will be using these… if that’s ok?” He holds up a pink, fluffy pair of handcuffs, dangling them off a finger.
“Oh, that is more than ok Eddie.”
“I’m going to guess you’re familiar with the traffic light system, right?”
You nod proudly, “Uh huh, sure am.”
“Good, we’ll use that for now, ok?”
“Ok, Eddie, all green from me.” You offer him your wrists without him even asking.
“Oh, what a good girl you are, but first I’m going to need you to make some room on the bed. Just scoop all of that back into its box and set it on the floor, we can deal with it later…” 
You nod mutely and do as you’re told while he continues, “… and you can tell me all about every little thing in there while we do. Your stuffies can stay and watch the show though.” He smirks at you.
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Once the bed is clear, you kneel in the centre, resting back on your heels, all your stuffies and flowery, fluffy pillows propped up behind you. You look up at him through your long lashes waiting with baited breath for his next move. He cups your cheek, caressing it with a thumb, “You wanna be my good girl, my good little slut?”
“Y-yes please. Can I… can I call you ‘sir’?”
“Oh, Bambi so precious, so cute… yes, you may call me ‘sir’.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Anything for you princess. Now, how would you like to be cuffed… hands behind your back or to your bed frame?”
“To the bed, please.” You scoot back closer to the head of the bed, bringing your knees to your chest and squishing up against the toys and pillows.
“Such good manners. Did your mummy and daddy teach you that? Are they home now?” Coming up beside you he guides your hands one at a time, first closing a fluffy cuff around one wrist, then looping it through the bed frame and cuffing the other hand.
You shake your head, sinking down into the mattress your legs falling open, “Nuh uh, they’ve gone out. Won’t be home for hours.”
He moves to rest between your spread legs, humming in your ear, a finger brushing stray wisps of hair away from your face. “Hmmm, that’s strange why did you tell me to come in through the backyard then? Why’d you ask me not to use the door?”
“‘Cause… ‘cause I wanted you to catch me, thought maybe if you did…” You trail off distracted by his breath heating the side of your face.
Drawing back slightly he questions, “What did you think sweetheart? Did you think I wouldn’t be able to control myself? That I’d just take you right there as soon as I saw you?”
“Maybe… something a little like that.” You admit shyly.
“Well, aren’t you lucky then, that worked out quite nicely for you, didn’t it? I think it was very naughty though, don’t you?” He teases with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“I think someone needs to be… punished.” He proceeds cautiously.
“No, sir please I’ll be good. I’m your good girl remember.”
He gives you a slightly concerned look, “Colour?”
You grin back at him, “Green, sir.”
He runs a hand over your thigh, you shiver in response squeezing your legs together around him, “Ok, I have an idea… maybe more of a fun punishment. How’s that?”
“O-ok.” You agree shakily.
He continues “Well, since you decided to tease me with Mr. Flopsy, how about I use him on you… but you’re not allowed to cum.”
You pout, “Aww, that’s not fair.”
“Ah, ah, thought you said you were going to be my good girl?” He tuts at you, “The next time you cum I want that tight little pussy wrapped around my cock. Want you to get it all wet and sloppy for me.”
“I-I can do that for you.” You assure him breathily.
“I know, just wait right there for me while I find Mr. Flopsy.” He leans over the edge of the bed and riffles through the ‘treasure chest’.
You giggle, jiggling the cuffs around your wrist, “I can’t go anywhere Eds.”
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“Ha got it!” He pulls out the toy holding it up proudly, before fiddling with the buttons on its base.
You’re practically shivering with anticipation as he cycles through the settings getting familiar with it. When he finds the button that makes the shaft thrust back and forth, with a gasp his head snaps to you, “I didn’t know it did that!”
You smirk at him, “Yeah, it’s good, isn’t it?”
“Why, don’t we see just how good it is, sweetheart?” He turns off the vibrations and the thrusting tip before making his way back to you. He trails the toy over your body slowly, lingering when he brings it up between your breasts alongside his guitar pick.
He looks up into your eyes, his pupils blown wide with lust, “Why don’t you start by getting Mr. Flopsy all nice and wet for me with your mouth?”
You nod in agreement and he holds the toy against your lips, they part. You lick up and down the shaft, letting your drool dribble all over it before wrapping your lips around the tip giving it a suck.
He groans in response as you try to take more of the shaft into your mouth. He pulls the toy away, “I think that’s enough now, are you still trying to tease me? Still being a naughty girl?”
You shake your head, “No just… just like having something to suck on. It feels good for me too… really like sucking on dick… ‘s like a little treat, like a lollipop, but better.”
“Fuuuuck, baby we are going to have to explore that a whole lot more soon-”
You interrupt him eagerly adding, “Balls! I like balls too! Wanna worship every inch of you Eds.”
A strangled groan escapes his lips, he grits his teeth, “God you really are gonna give me a heart attack ya know.”
“How’re… how’re you doing Eds?” You ask, checking in with him too.
“Oh, I’m green. I’m so fucking green I’m an emerald, ‘bout as hard as one too.”
You giggle at the comparison, “Well, come on let’s get to my… funishment then.”
“Oh, little princess thinks she can give orders now. Well, you’ll soon learn to be careful what you ask for, sweetheart.”
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He takes the slobbery toy and runs it through your folds, prodding at your clit a few times before turning it on. The vibrations start out gentle as he continues his motions, slowly he begins easing the toy into your slick entrance. You gasp at the intrusion, sighing as he eases it in further and further. The little rabbit ears press into your clit and he starts the vibrations on those to.
“Oh, Eddie feels so good.” You whine.
“Remember no cumming on your toy this time.” He warns.
“I promise Eds, I’ll be good.”
He groans along with you and increases the intensity of the vibrations, “Let me know when you’re close ok?”
“Yes, sir,”
He gives an experimental thrust with the toy gauging your reaction, your wrists pull on their restraints and you moan. He ups the intensity yet again before remembering the thrusting feature, he pushes the toy all the way in and you feel your wetness flood around it.
He starts the thrusting action of the toy then waves his hands around grinning, “Look Bambi, no hands.” 
Your giggle turns into a broken moan as he increases the speed of the thrusting toy inside you. His hands moving to cup your breasts, kneading them and rolling your nipples between his fingers.
Your hips begin to raise off the mattress, attempting to match the movements of the toy buzzing away inside you. You gasp, “Please, sir… please, please, please. I’m so close…”
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And then all at once all sensation is gone, ripped away from you right at the precipice as he removes the toy. You whine at the loss, hips still bucking away in search of more.
“Oh, I know, I know…” He coos down at you, pressing your hips back down into the mattress.
“Fuck… Eddie, please I need you. Please fuck me.”
“If only I knew what a little slut you really were, we could’ve been doing this ages ago, you know that right?” He switches off the toy and licks it clean of your juices before dropping it down on the bed beside you.
You whimper beneath him, “Yes, sir I know. ‘m sorry I made you wait. Please I need you now, we can make up for all the lost time.”
“Oh, my pretty little princess, we will be making up for it…” he growls before guiding his slick cock into your wet heat. He slams in all at once. The toy is nothing compared to him and his impressive length, but the preparation and all your arousal is enough to have him sliding in with ease.
He rests there for a moment gazing down at you, before checking in breathlessly, “You… hmmm… you good down there?”
You look up at him nodding, “… mhmmmm… perfect Eds, green.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs before he’s pulling his hips back and slamming into you once more. “Don’t… don’t know if I’ll be able to last long… ya got no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He manages to pant out. Head hanging forward his hair flopping into his face as he braces himself with his hands on the bed frame by your own.
“I-I think I have some idea… hey, Eds?”
“Yeah, sweetheart? You still good?”
“Yep, just… hngh… just… can you cum inside me, please?”
His hips stutter and he groans, “God fucking damn, you really are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
You look up at him desperate and needy, “Please, sir. Please, wan’ it nice and deep.”
“Fuuuuck… shit yeah, yeah gonna cum soon. Gonna give it all to you.”
You strain at the cuffs in a pathetic attempt to grab a hold of something… tug on his long hair that dangles in his face, crumple the sheets, squeeze your stuffies, a pillow… anything. Instead, you wrap your legs around him, drawing him in deeper mewling desperately with each thrust.
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“Are you close?” He pants above you.
“So close Eds, so close… you gonna cum with me when I soak that perfect cock of yours?”
He lets out the most hopeless, pathetic whine, “God… fuck… yes, yes, yes…”
He grabs the discarded vibrator turning it on and pressing it into your clit sending you into orbit, you pulse around him rhythmically, gushing all over his length with a scream and call out his name.
It doesn’t take long for him either, the feeling of you clamping down around him, the added vibrations from the toy. He unloads into you with a cry of his own. The feel of his warm, thick cum painting your walls only prolongs the sensation for you. When he slides his dick out, your combined fluids dribble out, running between your cheeks and pooling on the bed beneath you.
He’s still holding the toy against you as you tremble with aftershocks, “S-stop, ‘m sensitive Eds, please.” You gasp out.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” He grins sheepishly, removing the toy, turning it off and tossing it aside.
He hooks a finger into the chain linking your cuffs, “Keys?”
“Bedside table. Top drawer. They’re pink.”
“Of course they are.” He chuckles and leans over to retrieve the keys.
He undoes the restraints and rubs at your wrists soothingly before scooping you up into his arms and manoeuvring you to lay against his chest.
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His fingers trail along the chain draped over your neck, settling on the guitar pick, toying with it, “So, you kept this on, huh?”
“Yeah, uh it’s… it’s kinda like a collar in a way, but… more. More personal. More special. Been wearing it more than my actual collars now. More than any pretty little ribbon too.”
He gives it a gentle tug and you whine in response.
“You like wearing it, like it’s your own little special collar showing everyone who you belong to?”
“Yes Eds, God yes.” You breath out, pausing for a beat before asking hopefully, “What about you, do you still have the ribbon I gave you?”
“I could never part with my lady’s favour.” He declares, spinning the bracelet around his wrist to show the chain side where he’d woven the ribbon through the links.
You reach down running your fingertips over it, overwhelmed by your emotions, it has you blurting out, “I love you, Eddie.”
He sighs, “I love you too.”
“Do you think after we clean up, we can go for milkshakes?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart... with whipped cream and extra cherries too.”
You squeal in delight, “Thank you, Eddie! Best boyfriend ever!”
He pulls you in for a lingering kiss, before pulling away whispering, “Alright, then better get up if we’re gonna get to the diner.”
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Me : well maybe it's not that bad?
Me : looking for radioapple art and immediately get hit with big buff Alastor and tiny shorter than in canon Lucifer, Lucifer in a dress getting fucked by Alastor, Lucifer in a dress getting fucked by big buff Alastor, Lucifer who look like 5 yo and 'suave sugar daddy' Alastor who holds him and each with thousands of likes and absolutely zero of anything else than that
Me : nope 🙃😔
Save me Vox/Al artists, save me
Man, I love Vox/Alastor art so much.
I just love the Vox/Alastor ship as a whole, be it one-sided, mutual, or anything in between, and a lot of it stems from Alastor still feeling like he's Alastor.
I mean, I think people make Alastor a little more cruel and heartless towards Vox sometimes, but overall he still feels like himself. He gets to be dangerous and manipulative and he gets to be silly and whimsical. It's perfect.
Adding a cut right here because this post got WAY longer than I anticipated ⬇️
I think with RadioApple, when it comes to Alastor, people lean too much into this:
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And not enough into this:
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It feels like his fun, sassy, and whimsical side gets stripped away and he's turned into a stereotypically tall, dark and menacing love interest.
Where's his flamboyancy? His razzamatazz! As Susan would say, "Where's the showmanship? Where's the pizzaz? Fucking mediocre."
If I'm reading a fic or looking at art and I can't imagine their Alastor doing one of his girly-pop wrist flicks -
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- then I can't keep going. His girly-pop vibes are too important to me.
Of course, when it comes to tone in both fics and art, sometimes fun and whimsical aren't what the artist is going for. But even outside of NSFW art and stories, so often Alastor just feels...bland. He feels too stiff. Too much like a suave, old fashioned, smooth talking gentleman, and not enough like a fun, silly, and sassy little freak who loves trolling people.
And with Lucifer if feels like they lean too much into this:
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And not enough of this:
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I feel like any, if not all, of Lucifer's flaws are brushed aside so often and so easily.
He feels softened and watered down. Like he's either a sad & awkward UwU boi all the time, or he's the most flamboyant, seductive little minx there is. And to be fair, he is both a very sad boi and a seductive little minx.
But rarely does he ever come across as powerful to me. A lot of the time he feels too normal. Or too sad and naive. Literally, like he could be any other sinner if I didn't already know he was the kind of Hell. And that's so funny to me because we've seen him openly and extravagantly display his powers multiple times in the show--not to the extent that he did in the finale--but he was definitely flaunting all the things he could do, make, or summon for Charlie during his musical-battle with Alastor. He was 100% showing off how powerful he is.
Not only that, but, honestly, Lucifer feels too open and sincere because that man is judgmental as fuck.
Going back to the "Dad Beat Dad" episode, there are multiple examples of him being a self-righteous little shit: 1) he was incredibly critical of Charlie's hotel the moment he stepped inside, even if he tried, and failed, to cover it, 2) he didn't even try to hide his disgust for Alastor's bar, which he didn't even know was incorporated by Alastor (who he hadn't even met him yet) and could've been incorporated by Charlie or Vaggie, for all he knew, 3) he wasn't taking Charlie's hotel or her plan for redemption seriously from the start, he didn't even have his mind open to the possibility, he wasn't there to hear about her plans he was only there to see her, and 3) when the hotel was attacked by the loan sharks, instead of making them go away or preventing the hotel from being damaged - which he could have very easily done with no amount of effort - he hung back and smugly reiterated that he was right and sinners can't be redeemed and Charlie should just give up on her goals/dreams because it's just not possible so there's no point in trying.
Like, Charlie was very clearly in distress over her hotel being attacked and destroyed, but he was too busy boasting about how he'd been "proven" right to see that.
He's very easy to anger and his ego is so easily bruised. Alastor got under his skin immediately and effortlessly - though I also believe that's on part that Lucifer doesn't have a high opinions of sinners anyway - and Lucifer 100% escalated the conversation/argument he had with Alastor during their first meeting.
See the whole scene of him referring to Alastor as a "has-been" and insulting the name he'd given the hotel, especially when you take into consideration that until Alastor said that he named the hotel, Lucifer thought it was Charlie who came up with it.
And I'm not going to say that Alastor was an innocent, picked on little baby in that scene, he was 100% riling up Lucifer from the start, but also, like...Alastor's lines weren't outright antagonist like Lucifer's were. They were more subtle, slightly needling and passive aggressive, but nothing that could really be taken as a insult.
This is literally the dialogue, word for word, of their very first interaction:
Lucifer: What in the unholy Hell is that?!
Alastor: Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit if color, don't you think?
Lucifer: And you are?
Alastor: Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, Sir, quite a pleasure. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life.
Lucifer: Who is this? Who is this now - are you the bellhop?
Alastor: Ah-ha, no! I am the host of the hotel. You might've heard of me from my radio broadcast.
Lucifer: Hmm, nope! I guess that's why Charlie called it the "has-been" hotel, hahaha!"
Alastor: Ha ha ha, it was actually my idea.
Lucifer: Ha ha, well it's not very clever.
Alastor: Ha ha, fuck you.
Like. That's their first interaction. And if you go back and actually pay attention to facial expressions and body languages, this was the first time he's seen Alastor, and Lucifer was immediately disdainful.
I went back and screenshotted Lucifer's face, right after Alastor's first line (which was a relatively innocent in and of itself and didn't even sound that antagonist), and:
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That's a lot of disesteem for someone he literally just met. At most, you could argue that it was Alastor's smirk or tone that set him off ⬇️:
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But even that is such a small thing to get upset over.
I'd say the only time Alastor really started getting openly hostile towards Lucifer was when he wiped his hand after shaking Lucifer's cane (which Lucifer didn't even see as he was too busy fixing his hat) and commenting on Lucifer's height (as a shortie myself, can confirm, that'll get on the nerves very fast).
My point is, Lucifer was immediately unfriendly towards Alastor and escalated the situation just as quickly, if not quicker, than Alastor did. Alastor implied that Lucifer might know of his radio broadcast, and Lucifer jumped right to calling him a "has-been." He doesn't even know him. This is their very first meeting. He was judgy and dismissive of Alastor at first sight, and, let's be honest, he kind of threw the first punch with that "has-been" line. Alastor said Lucifer was shorter than expected, but it's not like he laughed, pointed at him and called him a undercooked little chicken nugget. I'm sure a lot of demons/sinners who've never seen Lucifer would also assume he would be taller and more menacing at first glance, and I doubt this is the first time someone was surprised with his height (still not cool, Alastor. We vertically challenged folk have feelings too).
But Lucifer was prejudice from the start and antagonized Alastor just as quickly, and way more openly, than Alastor did to him. And don't get me wrong, this isn't me saying that's a bad thing on Lucifer's part! This isn't me criticizing or scorning him for it. I think it speaks so much of him as a character!
Cause we've seen the soft and tender moments he has with Charlie. We know how much he loves and cares for her. But he's also egotistical, antagonistic, and judgmental as hell, and that's what makes him such a fun character to write about. He's awkward yet showy, smug yet caring, depressed yet prideful. And by god, this man will show off his power without hesitation. He knows he's hot shit. He knows he's the strongest person in all of Hell. He knows he's the top dog and he can do whatever he wants - even if he has no love or interest in interacting within the Pride Ring (as far as we've been shown).
He's got a lot of multi-facets to him and I adore it, and that's why I get so annoyed when all of that is stripped away and he's turned into this soft little sunshine UwU boi who's just a sad, sweet lil lamb who's done no wrong.
No! He has done many wrongs! There's a reason he and Charlie were estranged and I don't think it was Lilith's fault - or, at least, I don't think it was all her fault (I have many thoughts about Lucifer and Lilith's divorce, okay)
I didn't mean for this to turn into a full-blown character analysist post LOL but alas I tend to get carried away. This was all to say, I really enjoy RadioStatic because Alastor typically gets to keep his sadistic and whimsical side, and I appreciate that. His silliness means a lot a to me, and if he comes off as too stiff or formal, it takes me out of a story.
Lucifer's flaws and sheer power also mean a lot to me, and I wish there were more fics and fan-art that showed that. If Lucifer reads too much like a normal, every-day person, I lose interest. I like the idea of people getting used to him, and getting comfortable around his presence, only to get a sudden and overwhelming reminder that he is, in fact, an ancient and immortal being with immense power that their brains wouldn't even be able to comprehend.
I have so many headcanons about Lucifer as a fallen angel and how his habits and lifestyle developed over the thousands upon thousands of years he's been in Hell. Habits he's adopted that unconsciously help him duplicate the mannerisms and behavior of sinners and demons, but also those small, indistinct tells that are quick and subtle reminder that he could destroy everyone in Pentagram City with ease if he decided to; and also, those times if you were to look closely and really pay attention, you get the faint, unsettling feeling that there is something very un-human about him. A subtle, unnerving shiver down your spine as your instincts yell at you that this person is not a person at all, he's just passing off as one.
That shit gets me. Give me ancient, eldritch Lucifer and I'll love you forever.
I am sorry Anon, I did not mean for this response to get so big 😅 You gave me a paragraph and I gave you a novel. But yeah, save me RadioStatic artists, save me 🙏 I rarely have to worry about Alastor turning into a big, buff alpha man or a soft little UwU when he's with Vox, and I appreciate that.
Edit: Adding a screenshot of my tags here because apparently I wrote down too many and it cut off the character tags.
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justanotherhh · 3 days
What characters from helluva boss would the hazbin characters get on best with. I've seen fizz suggested for Angel and Millie for Alastor, but I've seen surprisingly little discussion of it.
Ooh yeah, funnily enough I don't know if I think that Millie would get on with Alastor that much -- I think his old-school Southern Charm might tickle her, but also lowkey she'd think he was.... kinda creepy (which, he is). Alastor would be charmed by her for sure! Her go-gettem take-no-shit attitude, her effortless sweetness, yeah. I think while I say "not get on" I don't mean necessarily in a bad way, just... cautious. Alastor has an ever-growing girl-gang around him, I could see Millie as part of it, but not like. the super friendliest
Fizz and Angel is such a no-brainer, seen a bunch of art and read some fic, these two have so much in common (showbiz! performance! abusive bosses! sex appeal! etcetc) I can't imagine them not getting on, and there's a bunch of scenarios where I think Fizz would want to help Angel out of a bad situation. yeah. there's not much more for me to say on this one that hasn't already been said
I think Cherri (who we don't know too much about in terms of various dynamics at the hotel yet, but I want her and Al to get on so badly....) and Millie would get on like a house on fire. and... set houses on fire. I also think Loona would be in awe of Cherri's whole Everything and Cherri would be kind of touched by the whole idea of "oh I'm a motherfucking Mentor now!!!!" (and they'd set houses on fire) -- but I think there could be a downside in that Loona has some anxieties around partying and drinking and while Cherri might be very helpful with the first in terms of confidence, I think the latter could go badly. but yeah. Cherri and Millie take out Loona. Millie keeps more of a watchful eye on her -- now I've written all of this, I think Millie would initially be quite taken with Cherri, but Millie is in the end a more caretaking person (not of herself, we've seen her and her sister out and about!) + as far as I can tell not super into drugs, so there could be friction there if Loona was in the mix. But it'd be a friction that ultimately works itself out
Verosika, I think, is another character who could get on with Cherri. Gosh I'm just building a Mean Girls extraordinaire group here. I think because both Cherri and Verosika are very Trash Pop Girlies (and I mean that only as a compliment) they'd have so much fun on the dance floor, they'd do karaoke together, lament shitty exes -- Angel would be there also, I cannot take Cherri out to the town and not include Angel. you know he's emo about Verosika's music + again, the showbiz connection there. Verosika so so drunk and so so earnestly telling Angel she's gotten off to his movies and he's incredibly flattered. Those three have a dream team feel to them. but watch out! (nobody to say when to stop)
Also I've written a bunch about Alastor and Striker getting on. that's my pet headcanon. aroace4aroace, both of them aplatonic and loveless, both of them with such an outsiders view of the world around them that they just... end up hanging out. they're not friends, gross, they're just people who understand the inherent terribleness of existence together over a drink every Tuesday
Charlie's difficult because she's at odds with so much of the jadedness that the characters feel in HB, but... I mean she and Moxxie and musicals is right there! I think it'd have the potential to be a very cute friendship that also provides an outlet for two very very nerdy people who frequently get judged by their peers for being rambly and overly sincere. Charlie would fuckin eat up Les Mis
Also I do like the idea that Asmodeus babysat Charlie when she was younger. nothing much to add here, just think that's Neat
Niffty! D'you know I think Niffty and Millie also? (Millie is also a Creechur) and maybe even moreso, Niffty and Sallie May? I think these sisters would be taken by the oddity that is Niffty and also feel a little protective over her. I think Niffty's habit of crawling on people she likes would be well-accepted by them and they'd encourage her hobbies. they might be a little surprised by her puppet shows, but all three of them enjoy sadomasochism
Stolas... I've seen some Stolas and Angel also, which I think would be interesting. They're both characters who are quite dissociated from their own bodily needs/wants and trying to learn about them (possibly for the first time), they've both experienced some identity-based punishment around being gay men, they've both got Style, albeit differently inspired. I think Angel might be taken by Stolas' overt constant sincerity, while Stolas... I mean firstly Stolas has also watched a couple of Angel's movies ofc, and so starts off being quite starstruck (they maybe both have this, considering Stolas is a prince) and Angel has a sweet side that takes ever less prodding to get out and I think faced with Stolas he'd take down his mask pretty quickly
Vaggie! I mean Vaggie is sooooooo difficult to get under the armour of. I think perhaps Sallie May would want to (hit that) know more about her/be quite intrigued and I think Vaggie would be pretty shy but taken with her forthrightness and once she's more comfortable Sallie May takes her hunting or something suitably violent like that. I choose in this scenario to forgo jealousy tropes, and go with Charlie is just super happy that Vaggie is making friends with similar interests!!! (the exclamation marks are Charlie).
Blitzo. Blitzooooooooooooooo. It depends on where in his journey he is I gueeess, but. Okay but what if Blitzo and Husk though, because they're both done-with-this-shit alcoholics who wouldn't need to talk, but also Blitzo is a drunk-talker and Husk knows how to get people to open up, because he's a bartender and Husk kinda feels for the guy, Blitzo's having the worst time and that sure is saying something considering Husk is literally enslaved by a deal. so Now I'm almost imagining this as one of Husk's good deeds, he talks to Charlie and the hotel takes Blitzo out for a good time
but honestly so many Blitzo dynamics would be fun here -- Blitzo and Charlie (unlikely besties, where Charlie's irrepressible optimism meets Blitzo's unstoppable depression and nihilism and he finds that he genuinely is trying not to swear around her out of politeness and it Unnerves him, but hey, you can't disappoint a kid who does puppy-dog eyes like that + her daddy's the king of hell), Blitzo and Niffty (there's a lil undercurrent of brother-gotta-protect vibes in both these shows and Niffty, for all her competency, is a Lil Creechur and Blitzo wouldn't want her to get hurt), Blitzo and Vaggie (fuck this afterlife), Blitzo and Angel (BLITZO HAS ALSO WATCHED HIS MOVIES, YES EVERYONE HAS WATCHED AND ENJOYED ANGEL'S MOVIES, and Blitzo wants to make a good impression... here comes my One Night Stand Blitzo And Angel Sudden HC. I think they would)
gosh there's still characters I haven't mentioned o-kay, knuckle down!
Sir Pentious and Moxxie -- both like machinery, both nerrrds, both dress similarly, both tinkerers, both prefer weaponry to hands-on fighting, both underestimated a lot, both very polite Gentlemen, both dating total Baddies Cherri and Millie (oh wait, there's an episode in this that ties to Cherri and Millie going out, where while the latter have a whole Arc, SP and Moxxie are just chilling so hard the entire time). Vibesssss
Octavia is another one I can see in a lot of configurations. Octavia and Charlie kind of a good one, princesses hanging out, I think initially there'd be a bit of personality friction, but I think Via could benefit from a Charlie in her life + they both have daddy issues. Via would also get on really really well with Vaggie I think, so if we've got a Cherri+Millie+Loona constellation, then we've got a parallel Charlie+Vaggie+Via one, where Vaggie kinda balances out the two very intensely in different directions energies and the three of them have a much quieter night, ultimately, than the other three (why is this all ending up as one big headcanon where everyone meets up and it's a party and some people go out and others stay in and there's a bunch of character development?)
Fizzie btw could go either way in this scenario. he has a foot in both worlds, but I read him as more of a homebody than a partygoer. he's just a very flamboyant homebody, so I think he'd prefer to do his nails with Charlie and Vaggie and Via than to go dancing/burning shit up with Cherri and Angel and Millie and Verosika and Loona. Stolas, I just realised, also hanging out and doing nails and the like, I think also good bonding time for him and Via + he and Charlie would bond over bursting into song and yearning
dyou think Alastor would be incredibly charming with Verosika also and she'd be a lil flustered by it? I want that too. like he kisses her knuckles and says he admires her work and it's a lil, oh boy oh boy (and then she asks Angel and Cherri what Al's deal is, like is he gay or what because she's been flirting with him all evening and nothing, and they're like *shrug* whatever his deal is, it ain't sex that's for sure and she sighs and says all the good guys are too busy committing atrocities, and Angel and Cherri squint, because her taste in men... clearly missing some Red Flags for her to respond to)
Octavia would be fascinated by Niffty also -- Niffty generally has the energy of that gina linetti meme in b99 where all the psychologists are hunkered around her desperate to study her:
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whomst am I missing. Kinda skipping the sins+Lucifer, also the villains (minus Striker), and most of the tertiary characters. I think that's it then? *wipes brow*
feel free to add more thoughts/dynamics!
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lemonmaid · 2 years
I'm liking having a mental breakdown and stuffing my fatass with popeyes anyways here is...
Chick Flicks that I think the Dorm Leaders have a guilty pleasure for.
Do to that this a different world everything that is popular reference is going to be different! I don't think TWST world has guns or bombs?? So Legally Blonds JFK reference could refer to a King in Port o' Bliss (since Sam is from there, which is a reference to New Orleans). Heather's reference to the Vietnam War could be an overbolt war between kingdoms (obviously for the very very wrong reasons) and JD could've overbolted and Veronica had to kill him.
And I think TWST do have its own fairytale, Enchanted is one of them like "omg what if magic doesn't exists and someone from our world goes there!"
Riddle Rosehearts : Legally Blonde
I feel like he was forced to 'catch up' on pop culture, Cater showed him ( this world's equivalent movie). Out of all the movies he was shown, he liked this one the most.
"So what what's you're favorite part?"
"I loved the fact she proved to everyone that she wasn't a bimbo. Like, seriously? Fashion merchandising is a business school, she wasn't taken seriously because of her greek fraternity? I'm sorry that pink is "too girly" to be taken seriously".
Leona Kingscholar : Heather's
He only watched it because he crashed moive night at Ramshackle. He actually stayed awake for the musical.
"I didn't take you for someone who liked musicals"
"I don't but this moive was enjoyable. You're not supposed to cheer for the cast but to see their flaws which I understand wanting to fit in"
"So you wanna see the live performance?"
"This is on Broadway?".
Azul Ashengrotto : Mean Girls
Azul wanted more guest to come into the lounge so he opened a moive night, Mean Girls was a popular request so popular it is played every Wednesday.
"You know what Azul, you remind me of the mean girls group"
"How so?"
"Well, you're not a fashion statement but you, Jada, and Floyd are kinda of the "It" group. As in "don't fuck with us".
Kalim Al-Asim : Enchanted
Kalim has forced everyone who befriends him to watch this movie, he is obsessed with this type of romance, the very naive and the smitten serious type.
"Oh Yuu! My favorite scene is obviously the dancing in the city!"
"Aww that's so cute Kalim!"
"Yeah! I love this moive! My parents funded the company to make a second one!"
"Oh... Kalim that's .. precious"
Vil Schoenheit : Crazy Rich Asains
This is definitely Vil's favorite moive, like, we've both cried to it. Because for real best romance movie in decades.
"Vil why are you crying?"
"Shut up, you're crying too! I wished I had someone who didn't care about my appearance or my background. I wish I had someone who stood by my side untill the curtain fell"
Idia Shroud : A Slient Voice
I couldn't think of a live-action Idia would genuinely liked, but this counts. Anyways, we had to show him this movie.
"but he... and she....AHHH"
"You know this is rumored to be based off a true story but the guy actually died"
Malleus Draconia : Twilight
You wanted to try and binge watch this entire franchise with the gang one night for a goof, you happened to see Malleus outside and invited him to watch with the gang. To say he was very very interested in this series was a understatement.
"Child of man, explain to me this. Why is she choose the guy who wants nothing to do with her but stalks her?"
"Malleus, I couldn't tell you but don't be an obsessive dick who tries to have an off and on relationship. That's toxic".
"I think I see, but can you explain why the grown man imprints on a literal baby?"
"I cannot tell you".
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twstinginthewind · 15 days
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Joker Carder: Pop Music Club Audition
"Kaliiiiim, can you pass me a juice?" Cater reached lazily across the club room table, scrolling through his Magicam feed on his phone with his other hand. "Anything but the apple, that's too sweet for me."
His bright-eyed underclassman nodded, and started going through the cans that were stacked up on his end of the table. "Sure thing, Cater! Lilia, do you want one too? I don't have any tomato, but there's cherry lemonade, and that's red, too."
"It's not the color that's important, dear boy," laughed Lilia. "But I'll take whatever, the cookies that Cater brought seem to go with just about everything. In fact—"
He was cut off by the club room door swinging open, banging against the wall. In the doorway was a girl. She wore checkered slip-on shoes, uneven knee socks beneath her uniform skirt, and her long brown curls were tied up into a ponytail with a red ribbon. In one hand, she carried what looked like a suitcase, and the other had a bright yellow flyer. She breathed heavily, as if she had run all the way there. "Is... is this the... hah... sorry. Is this the right room for the Pop Music Club?" she panted, holding the flyer up in front of her.
"Red vest," murmured Lilia. "This is one of yours, Cater." He turned a brilliant, wide smile towards the newcomer. "This is the place, young lady. Welcome!"
Cater looked up, his cheerful face on. "Mmhm! This is one of our freshies. Guys, this is Joker Carder, who just started over in Heartslabyul~. Jojo, this is Lilia Vanrouge," he intoned as he waved a hand towards the small fae, whose face crinkled into a grin, "and Kalim al-Asim!" He gestured towards the white-haired boy, who hopped to his feet.
"Hi Joker! Or can I call you Jojo? Jojo sounds really cute! I think it suits you, haha! Do you want a juice? I think we have enough. I wasn't expecting company today but I always make sure that Jamil packs me some extras before I go. Did you bring a change of clothes or something? That's a big suitcase!" An enthusiastic Kalim stepped over to the girl. “You found our flyer!”
“Hi, yes I did! Cater, I wish I had known you were part of this before, I could have asked you stuff back at the dorm.” The girl, Joker, stuffed the flyer into her jacket pocket and put the case onto a desk. “And it’s not a suitcase, it’s a case for my instrument.”
“I didn’t know if you’d be into this,” Cater shrugged. “I thought you were more of a, um. A bit more of a traditional, old-fashioned girly.”
“Oh, not at all. Well, okay. Maybe a little. But I am into modern stuff even more. So, um.” Joker looked around the room, resting her hand on the case. “Where is everyone? I was thinking I was gonna walk into a rehearsal in full swing…”
“This is everyone,” Lilia replied, taking another cookie from the box on the table, while Cater laughed behind his hand. “It’s just us three.”
“Just us three, and this is what we do,” Cater echoed. “I mean, yeah, we do make some music. Sometimes. Not every day.”
“We usually just have snacks and hang out!” Kalim beamed.
“I…. see.” Joker pouted. “And here I was thinking I’d get to work on playing with other musicians, work on my live skills, that kinda thing.” Her fingers drummed against the outside of the case. “Guess that’s gonna be just a daydream…”
“Hey, hey. No one said we didn’t play, Jojo.” Cater sat up straight, a little defensive. “I know we def recorded a couple things for the ‘cam, some stitches on someone singing and stuff like that.”
“So you weren’t lying on the flyer, you really are looking for musicians?” Joker raised an eyebrow.
“The more the merrier! It’s like a party!” Kalim nodded. “But what do you play, Jojo? What kind of an instrument do you have in that suitcase?”
“I am intrigued, as well.” Lilia also got up, and picked up a large bass guitar, adjusting the strap. “You seem to be quite serious about your music, miss. But that is a little small for a guitar, and the wrong shape for most brass, so my interest is piqued.”
Cater chuckled to himself. He knew; in fact, Joker had spent an afternoon collared for a noise violation according to the Queen’s rules recently, and he had been the one to pack the instrument away until the Odd-Numbered Thursday Quiet Time Hours had passed. “Why don’t you show the boys, Jojo? I’ll get my guitar set up. And we’ll see how well you fit in.”
“Sure thing, Cater!” Reassured that he was taking this seriously after all, Joker flipped open the latches on the case and raised the lid. She took off her jacket, cracked her knuckles, and lifted out a bright red accordion. She shrugged her way into the shoulder straps, and gave it a few preliminary squeezes in and out nervously. “How about if I start a song, and if you start feeling it, you can play along? I guess it’s a weird proposal for an audition but it’d definitely tell us if I’m on the same page as everyone else, right?”
“It’s non-standard, to be sure,” laughed Lilia. “Kalim, to your drums. Let’s hear what this young lady can do.”
Joker waited until the boys were in position, and took a deep breath. She placed her hands on the keys and began to play.
Lilia recognized the tune first, coming in with his bass just as the music began to speed up. Kalim was quick to follow, falling in with the beat and laughing. Even though he didn’t know the song, he was still able to follow along with the rhythm easily.
Cater was the last to join in, shaking his head and smiling. “Modern, she says. I forgot. Queendom modern is Shaftlands’ retro, om7.” His guitar began to fill in the sound on the chorus, bright and full.
The four of them reached the end of the song in glorious synchronicity, and Joker gave her three upperclassmen a hopeful look. “So, um. Did I do it? Am I in?”
Cater looked at Lilia, who looked at Kalim, who looked at Cater. The three boys nodded.
“Welcome aboard, Joker,” Lilia said with a smile.
“Yeah, Jojo! Welcome to the Pop Music Club!” Kalim tapped out an enthusiastic rhythm on his drum.
“Looks like we’re all in agreement! #AllIn! We got a new club member.” Cater adjusted his guitar strap. “Now, while we’re still set up, what should we play next?”
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
Hi! These matchups you do are really fun so I thought I’d give it a go :)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I’m a Megan Thee Stallion fan! I love her songs, they get me so pumped. Right now I love one of her older songs Plan B. It makes me feel confident and reminds me not to take sh*t from anyone!
“Ladies, love yourself 'cause this shit could get ugly That's why it's, "Fuck n***** get money" And I don't give a fuck if that n**** leave tonight. Because, n****, that dick don't run me”
What is your Enneagram type?
I’m an ENFP :)
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Yes I do! I love to listen to them like a podcast while I scroll on Pinterest or draw. I enjoy watching Wendigoon. I’m a horror gal so I love urban legends and creepy stuff. My particular favorite is “The Deal With The Devil That Created Rock And Roll”
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
never had one
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Listening to bf asmr or reading some fanfics
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
The funny thing about my name is that nobody calls me by my government one. It’s one of those long, slightly formal names. So when I was baby I was given a nickname. Now everyone in my life knows me by that nickname. I didn’t pick it, but i like my nickname and I feel like it fits :)
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
Oooh that’s a hard choice. I like so many of them. But I’d have to pick Gavin’s first confession audio. It’s so sweet and I’m a sucker for confessions.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Hmm, I think Asher. just doesn’t appeal to me. I think our personalities are too similar
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
”The Parent Trap” with Linsey Lohan! or “Clueless”
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I think Guy. He’d be a fun bestie, and he’d make me cry laughing
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Not rlly. I get more quiet when I’m sleepy.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Combo pretzel and cheese chips and a Coke!
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
It’s titled ‘Bad Bitch’ and it’s filled with Kim Petras, Twice, Kali Uchis, and ofc Megan Thee Stallion :)
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Cheesy rom coms and romance books. Also Studio Ghibli movies
Extra info:
I’m an extrovert
I love the sunshine x grumpy trope
I’m a fashion girlie and I must have a cute outfit at all times if I’m going out
that’s all, thank you!
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Easy peasy! I think you and your match would have a lot of shared interests, but it’s the love of fashion that cinched it. There’s no better match for that than Gavin.
Like, literally, you’d like so many of the same things; horror, K-pop, Megan Thee Stallion, romance novels. The music especially is such a fun thing you two share; he knows all the choreography, maybe even all the words. (I think he’s a Girls Generation fan if I had to pick. Given his age, I think Gavin stans the classics.) You also share a book collection, the incubus often getting saucy and using them as inspiration or quoting them.
All in all, you’re a very compatible couple, an extroverted pair who looks good together. I can see y’all going on really cute mall dates, thrifting cute clothes, buying new books, going to see the new horror movie of the week, and Gavin laughing at it to everyone in the theater’s surprise. (Because of his demonic, supernatural nature, I like to hc Gavin as enjoying horror but not being scared by it in the least.) (Also, I really love that both of you go by nicknames instead of your birth names; it’s meant to be.)
I'm talkin' all around clock/ I'm talkin' hope nobody knocks/ I'm talkin' opposite of soft/ I'm talkin' wild, wild thoughts/ You gotta keep up with me/ I got some young energy/ I caught the L-O-V-E/ How do you do this to me?
Once you get Gavin properly acclimated to pop culture and music, he becomes the king of it, always his finger on the pulse. I love to think of him as a pop idol, Sabrina Carpenter fan- especially of this fun, flirty song and how it’s performed. He loves to play this while doing chores around the house, coming up with his own naughty refrains like how Sabrina does during live performances.
Given your love of fashion, I had to put Milo somewhere in your big three. Anton, in contrast, is a runner-up because of how adorably you’d contrast. I love a good introvert/extrovert pairing, and I really get a giggle out of imagining Anton flustered at hearing WAP for the first time.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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female-buckets · 1 month
No because I definitely came in with the new wave of fans but there's such a glaring difference between how I and the fans I interact with operate and how cc fans operate that it makes me pause sometimes.
And I can't say too much because I've seen some sane fans and I'm a paige fan and it still needs to be seen how much her hype translates outside of her personal bubble because I've seen quite a few people being stupid about her when it comes to uconn goats and you just immediately know they don't know shit about anything that's not her face but she made it click for me so im always gon be a little biased in my take that she actually does grow it outside of her.
Like I had been to my nba home games a handful of times throughout my years on earth and they were fun but it didn't make me give a rats ass outside of the time I spent in the arena so I thought I was safe in my hatred of sports and just liked the atmosphere of live events (true) and not basketball and I was a casual Angel defender whenever she popped up on social media because the massive racial backlash that put her on my radar was insane but I wasn't a fan I wasn't riding for her day in and day out I didn't tune in on purpose or by accident through the algorithm it still didn't make me realize I actually liked basketball yet but now, now it's like wow I'm literally the target audience I was supposed to end up here the whole time. Mind you I became a fan of Paige in April this year so every basketball game I've ever seen in real time has yet to actually involve her. She even got me mildly interested in the nba even though I still object on principle because I'm poor in both money and time and women > because she makes it unavoidable, she's so immersed in everything basketball.
That's the real difference between cc and Paige and the other girlies fanbases imo She's a very insulated person and obviously she had a different starting point than Paige with all the uconn alumni but p has put in the work for the connections with non alumni over the years and you see Juju and Flau'jae doing the work to immerse themselves right now and that's just never been her thing which is fine because I support doing your job and going tf home but it leads to a very different and largely insufferable fandom culture in this case because they have no respect for anyone thats not her they occasionally like people who exist on the peripheral of her life but the respect is little to nothing and its even easier to see now that she's on a professional team because they be talking crazy.
Paige is the chosen one. Paige Atreides. She's the Kwisatz Haderach. And Wasserman is the Bene Gesserit. Lindsay Kagawa Colas is the Reverend Mother arranging all the prophecies that Paige will fulfill.
Paige Atreides must come to WNBArrakis and learn our ways. And then she must liberate us from the Clarkonnens. Lisan Al Gaib! Lisan Al Gaib!
Okay but seriously I can't wait for Paige to come to the league. We need a fresh infusion of UConn fans to counteract all the negativity from CC's fanbase.
And as usual I have to put a disclaimer here. Disclaimer: not all Clark fans are Clarkonnens. But we need to be honest about the fact that Clarkonnens outnumber regular people in her fanbase. And many regular people are getting radicalized and turning into Clarkonnens because they're fed so much propaganda.
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jyoongim · 3 months
I was just coming to pop in an check on you and I was watching Interview With a Vampire as one does and it clicked for me fren. If Al ever dropped his radio voice he’d sound like Louis and maybe it’s cuz I’m a little gassed but I just find it so tickling that the world has provided me with two comfort characters from Louisiana. Sigh…..anyways girlie hope you’re doing good!!!
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Hi pookie🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 thanks for checking in on me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 IM ALIVE!!!!
No because why can I see the vision???????
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washymylifeaway · 1 year
hi rye how have you been spending your time LET ME TELL YOU.
kavetham? haikaveh? idk idc but them..
for starters i just want to put out there that if kavetham is my sakuatsu then cynonari is the sunaosa because i love them and if the bestie agenda isn't alive between at least one pair in the four i get so sad. anyways kavetham has taken over my ao3 and it's so bad LOL. this is mostly for me because i like having consolidated lists of fics i've read to go back to but i'll be kind and give the tumblrinas (?) a little taste too. anyways list under the cut also don't follow me for genshin i'm not a genshin girlie (famous last words)
pre warning, i think it goes without saying that there's like alcohol mentioned in like almost every single fic.. kaveh is (apparently but what would i know) not the healthiest when it comes to coping habits so .. forgive him..
check the warnings and the tags before you read!
truck, barter, and trade by Seungshi03 (T) 20.7k // when i tell you if you're going to read one fic on this list it should be this one. the humor. the plot. the kid. this needs to be framed and immortalized. they're so stupid they're so silly THEY'RE SO IN LOVE
rumors, fame, and reputation by rysarium (T) 27k // THIS. READ IT PLEASE. it's so so funny and very entertaining. you go from loving them to wanting to punch them so bad to loving them again. i will say i thought it was so unfair for kaveh to get the movie wrong because technically he heard it from source so what there was an interview 1034209384 years ago let al-haitham lie in peace (ALSO CYNO IM YOUR BIGGEST FAN YOURE SO FUNNY KING SPEAK YOUR TRUTH)
The Fall, the Rise, and Everything In-between by writingrosez (T) 22.9k // i really did dread the divorce arc in this one i knew it was coming but i really was hoping it wouldn't but it happened (when i say i verbally said NO so many times while reading this LMFAO embarrassing.. i'd do it again...) also poor lumine LMFAO
if i wake up and you're still here by alcyonenight (M) 8.4k // no because why did this fic literally have me punching my screen (completely real) while i was reading it. they both are so silly and dear to me (said in tears) but i love the hanahaki trope so bad and this was *chefs kiss*
burn up, burn out by alcyonenight (T) 8.6k AND pockets full of stones by alcyonenight (T) 11.6k // ELEAZAR AU!!! baby's first eleazar fic and it ruined her. miserably. i loved both of these so much, wonderful reads truly (they both made me so sad)
get on your nerves (to get your attention) by acynthe (M) 3.9k // what better way to get to know a character than by reading him pine over one person for way too long? right? anyways this fic really set me up into understanding that haikaveh = watching ice melt in the arctic during winter..
Work engagement by gwendee (G) 3.6k // silly little boys in their silly little parties with their silly little plans.. the line that stuck with me was bringing their love to new heights because cyno was right.. it was funny..
and yet by luminvies (G) 11.8k // this fic was so poetic and eloquent to me it was a wonderful read and kaveh is so silly girlie pop in it HAHA. but really, it was a wonderful read and i loved how fleshed out kaveh felt despite this being written before he was released LMFAO
In a Language He Understands by Maeyari (G) 13.2k // this was so funny and Kaveh becoming a homewrecker is so insane whaat (totally not fake and not clickbait) that aside, it was a very light hearted read and i enjoyed it very much
what are we by lionkeychain (T) 5.1k // if i had to re route you to Kaveh being the silliest dude alive it's this one right here. i would send you here. he is so . i am so . about him. AHHHHHHHHHH. anyways, he's just a dude with a lot of love ykwim?
inertia by smallghosts (T) 3.6k // i think it's funny how al-haitham plays fetch with Kaveh in like 85% of fics (this one included) anyways the summary was so funny i just had to read it and in context it's even funnier to me. Kaveh you're so funny ily king ('being in love with you is gross.' me: HELPDKLNLEEE?GLD>SD>? literal definition of boom roasted).
first love, worst love by caniculeo (M) 11.6k // babe wake up. the circus is back in town. babe go back to sleep. the girlies broke up.. again.. anyways. had to take a laugh break when al-haitham hit on nilou. literally put my device down and had to catch my breath. then when kaveh pointed behind al-haitham. oh god. ALSO highly recommend the second fic in the series with cynonari. cyno i love u my funny king.
Burgeon by gloomyparfait (T) 8.2k // another hanahaki fic rye? really? YES. please i love irrationality. they're so chewable in this fic i love them dearly. i need to blend them. mince them up like beef tartare.
okay this is not an extensive list (def missed some good ones i've read) and i have more i want to consume (!!!) but i haven't gotten around to some of the longer ones just cause my attention span is bad these days. i'm very excited for some of my future reads and so perhaps there will be a part two because i am down in the trenches right now. regardless, i hope you enjoyed this list and now it's time for me to disappear again. bye bye
also if you've written a fic on this list and you would prefer for it to not be on this list/on tumblr, just lmk and i'd be more than happy to remove you!
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landograndprix · 11 months
been barking extra hard at all of the lando content from the past few days. I'm just so damn fond of him!!
have you been well? I hope you've had a good weekend and this weekend is treating you kindly 😌😌😌 I very much enjoyed your last story update too <333 I don't expect any real details but ahh what happened between milou and charles that left her so bitter? I get their relationship ended but why? what is her damage 😭😭
lando borrowing her phone.. peak gremlin behaviour. nobody has the time or energy for that much sex though msdmdl now maybe if he ate the 😻 every day, I could go for that 😳
- 🌹🩷
Girlie I'm still not over this picture, like..I can't explain but ugh
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I've been doing well, actually have two days off so that's nice! Hope you're doing good too!
...and well get into milou as a character soon & then well Al say, yeah..good thing charles ran 🏃 😂
nah girl, imagine having sex every single day, like girl I'm sore just thinking about it..no doubt I'm my mind gremlin is up for it but girlie definitely had to tell him she's tired of his dick lmfao, like they've got the stamina but girlie still has to hit the gym and drive her silly little car around a track, that's a full work out already, she ain't 18 anymore, her knees be popping after giving him some head and she's done for the day 💀
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buggysimp · 1 year
Kenman angst
I don't know if this is good, I don't know if it makes sense, all I know is a demon came over me and I wrote this instead of doing the dishes. Is this ooc? Maybe. Do I care? Not reallay
Not beta read, emetophobia, drinking, drug ment, unhealthy coping
Lmk if there's anything else I should tag
It was highschool. The time of their lives. Meant for fun memories and crazy stories. For parties and convenience store runs. For stupid dares and awkward confessions. These were the years meant to be the most fun.
Yet here was Eric Cartman, surrounded by people cheering him on as he got..an uncomfortable level of fucked up.
Kenny McCormick felt his insides tumble and compress painfully as he watched his best friend stagger around, face well past rosy and his movements labored. It seemed like every time they went to one of these parties now this was how Eric ended up.
Turning away he went to go get a refill on his own drink, meandering through the groups of people before ending up in the Donovan residence's kitchen. Soon the red cup in his white knuckle grip was full of some mix of shit that he didn't care to know, sipping at it at a much more leisurely pace than Eric had.
Going to parties used to be fun. They would drink and smoke and sing stupid girly pop songs while shuffling back to Kenny's shithole to sleep off the multiple highs before walking to the bus stop like a couple of zombies. Now it wasn't fun. Now it was Kenny dragging Eric home every weekend. Now it was Eric getting so fucked up he couldn't talk let alone sing. Now it was Kenny following Eric like a ghost, just there to make sure he was safe.
He remembers exactly when it changed.
When Mrs Cartman got into that accident. When Eric inherited an empty house junior year.
Back in the present, a loud crash came from behind him followed by squeals and shouts. Whether they were concerned or still cheering him on Kenny couldn't tell. What he could tell was that Eric had just busted his ass and it was time to haul him home.
"Kiiinnnyyyy..!" It wasn't hard to guess who that particular squeal came from.
The drink in his hand suddenly didn't taste that great, settling in his stomach like molten lead and leading him to the sink. Unceremoniously dropping it in he watched the vaguely pink fluid rush down the drain. Taking a deep breath he willed his nausea away, not wanting to throw up a mix of that same pink fluid and whatever junk he'd eaten.
After a minute to collect himself he was back in the living room, arms around Eric's shoulders and guiding him to the front door. People groaned and waved him off, shouting slurred goodbyes to the two while Kenny went through the motions of leaving.
"See you next week McCormick!" Came the send off from the party host himself, Clyde raising his cup in a farewell.
"See ya." Came his own gruff reply, not particularly caring about pleasantries at the moment.
The change in Eric brought with it a change in how Kenny viewed people he'd known all his life. People he'd considered his friends. People who goaded on Eric's self-destruction, who didn't care how bad it was for him as long as, in typical Cartman fashion, it was entertaining.
It felt like Kenny versus the world, like he was the only one who gave a fuck what happened to Eric at these parties. It felt like he was the only one there for his best friend. However the only people Kenny couldn't blame were Stan and Kyle.
He knew that himself and Kyle were going through very similar things in regards to their best friends.
For that reason he felt a kinship with the ginger.
Finally out of the house Kenny relished the cool air enveloping his and Eric's unpleasantly hot bodies. Kenny began the hour-long trek to his house; it would usually only take twenty minutes but when Eric was like this that number tripled.
No words were spoken between the two for a while, the only sounds breaking the silence were Eric's displeased groans and Kenny's labored grunts. About 30 minutes in and almost halfway to his house Eric finally broke out of his hold and stumbled towards the treeline before throwing up all over the ground and himself.
Kenny sucked in a breath through his teeth, rushing over to hold Eric's greasy brown hair out of his face while his other hand rubbed soothing circles on his back. He was a wreck, vomit and sweat and spilled alcohol on the front of his red t-shirt, tears streaking down his cheeks and snot smeared under his nose, his eyebrows screwed up in an absolutely pitiful display.
Kenny led him a bit away from his sick, helping him sit down in the damp post spring grass. Taking his own seat he watched the woods on the other side of the road, the odd squirrel catching his eye while he waited for Eric to calm down enough to continue walking.
Except that never happened.
Instead his breaths got wetter and heavier, his sniffling more frequent until finally he pressed into Kenny's side, smearing a mix of bile and snot on his parka as Eric sobbed into his shoulder.
Before Kenny could react Eric was talking, his slurred words further muffled by fabric.
"Everyone thinks that I'm jus like- like her! Everytime they look at me is like I can see their thoughts, 'oh there's Cartman he's jus like that skank, look at him he's a fuckin mess, he'll do whatever you say, what a joke', and the worst part is that I don.. I don't even know if they're wrong." If it hadn't been for the fact that Kenny was used to deciphering even the most unintelligible words he wouldn't have understood any of that.
"Oh God Kinny, I'm jus like my mom."
His crying had somehow worsened, his fingers dug painfully into Kenny's boney back and ribs, spit joining the mix of fluids on him as Eric practically wailed.
"I'm jus fucking like her! A fuckin drunk, a fuckin druggie, what's nex-next? I'm gonna become a fuckin crack whore juss like her too?" He spent a minute just crying and breathing until he could speak clearer. "She was all of that and worse, but-but I miss her so much Kinny. I miss her. I- fuck- I juss want my mom.." He whispered the last part, punctuating the end with a wet sniffle.
Kenny sat there, one arm loosely around Eric as he absorbed what he said. This was the most he had opened up about how the death of his mother made him feel and it left him reeling, searching for answers and words of comfort that he didn't have.
Kenny had his own fair share of parental issues, his own fears of winding up just like his own drunken, drug addicted parents. But never once did he consider that Eric had that same fear. And then it clicked.
Eric was coping the same way he watched his mother cope. He was doing all this shit to try and feel close to her again.
In what felt like a split second Kenny's own facade crumpled, his hands fisted in the back of Eric's shirt as he held him and cried. He cried because as fucked up as he was, Eric had never judged Kenny, he allowed him to also be fucked up and mean and stupid and he was his best friend and he was hurting and Eric always helped him and he was his best friend.
And in that moment Kenny McCormick did not know how to help Eric Cartman.
And it broke his heart.
And even though no words of comfort were spoken, no shift in the universe happened, no problems were truly solved, there was a blanket of understanding covering two boys as they sobbed together on the side of a wet Colorado road.
For just one second they were the only people in the world.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
manlyman al/uwu lucifer, buff al/skinny lucifer, lucifer in a drag with al dressed in a suit - all the same crap, it's also very noticeable how much of luci in dress with al in a suit there is and how little the other way around or when they both in dresses and also luci in dress? 10000+ likes, while rare alastor in dress? well, barely 1000 or 2000. Same with any reverse of usual fandom versions of them. Very telling if you ask me. Blond, short, goofy, did a sad face few times? Of course it's the one who's we gonna make a girly girl here and there's can be only one in our mlm ship 🙄 People want fanon charlastor but without charlie in it because she's actually a female
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Damn, you came in swinging.
But, like...I see no lies here. It is kind of funny that people put Lucifer in dresses more than Alastor when Alastor literally wore a nun outfit in the show. It's such a shame too because with Al's long legs and slim waist, DAMN he'd look so good in dresses.
It is very telling that in every fandom space, with at least one pairing - usually a very popular one - one of two becomes a girly girl and the other a darker, menacing, and more intimidating manly man. There's nothing wrong with feminine male characters, nor them being in mlm relationship, but when it happens to every. Single. Ship. where the characters are stripped down to basic archetypes.... ಠ_ಠ
It really is funny, because going by what we've seen in the show, Alastor is so much more of a girly pop than Lucifer is. Him and all his little wrist flicks and sassy remarks.
I mean
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Look at this guy
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Look at him
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How can people see this man as a super serious big bad muscle daddy? I don't understand. He's so unserious. So full of whimsy. He's a clowning troll. And I'm telling you, look at that thin waist and those long legs. He'd look amazing in a dress.
This actually reminds me of a previous ask I got a while back. The topic was centered around some fans saying that Alastor would never bottom and the over all characterizations of him and Lucifer, and this line here sums it up perfectly:
"shows such a patriarchal-ly drenched heterosexual view of sex, that they then apply to a MLM ship that drives me INSANE."
Particularly, the drenched in a patriarchally heterosexual view. Having one man in a mlm relationship be more feminine than the other is totally okay, there is nothing wrong with that, and there are a lot gay relationships like that.
But the way a lot of radioapple is depicted feels weirdly heterosexual, and it's because of the behaviors and archetypes that get assigned to them. Lucifer becomes this teeny tiny, wide-eyed, awkward little waif and Alastor this big dark possessive boyfriend who's always looming over his shoulder and glaring at anyone who looks at Lucifer. It reads like every other cringy straight romance I've read. Add in the trope of Alastor drinking Lucifer's blood and it's basically "Twilight" set in Hell.
Okay, not to derail, but there was this one AU that I was obsessed with. It's a Hades/Peresphone AU for radioapple, and it sounded amazing, but there were so many depictions of Alastor as Hades and Lucifer as Persephone and I was just...
I was flabbergasted.
You have Lucifer, the king of Hell, the DEVIL himself, be the goddess of spring instead of the Lord of the Underworld. I'm....whut?!!?!?! Alastor is literally a deer, he would be perfect to play Persephone. That guy would be hunting down all the people poaching and harming his domain and making them suffer, and I can totally see Niffty as a psycho little nymph that tags along on his "hunting trips."
I've seen one or two au's where Alastor is Persephone and Lucifer is Hades, and they are glorious, but every time I see the opposite I feel like I'm taking psychic damage. A year of my life gets taken away. I fear I'll be on my death bed soon.
Also this line "People want fanon charlastor but without charlie in it because she's actually a female" it's so true to fandom it hurts, but it's so fucking funny, I'm wheezing
You ate with this ask 🤌
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zeroducks-2 · 6 months
Zero, I need to rant about DC's mistreatment of my son.
Why can't Tim craft his own identity outside of Robin and Batman? Every other member in the Batfamily (not Damian just yet but idk if DC wants to do that considering all their writers are pushing for him to be either Ra's Heir or Batman's heir) who has been Robin is has distanced their new heroic identity away from their time as Robin.
For whatever reasons, the writers seem to be allergic to Tim growing as a character and stepping away from his identity of Robin. They couldn't even give him an original NAME. WTF IS RED ROBIN?? I'm so pressed about it because a alias is so important and unique to the hero and mostly tied to the core of their character, origin, or development.
Bruce chose Batman because he feared bats, and he wanted to be the fear that scared straight the criminals of Gotham.
Dick chose Robin because it was a way to carry on his parent's memory and legacy, and Nightwing was chosen due to Superman (Someone who Dick looks up to) telling Dick about the Kryptonian myth of Nightwing and Flamebird.
Clark got his superman alias from his father, one of the only parting gifts he has from him.
So Timmy, my dude, wtf is Red Robin about? I feel like it's such a cop out to him as a character. Like, we get why Robin was so important to him due to him being a freaky little lonely fanboy. But during his Robin run, he grew so so so much. Why would the DC Writers not let his growth show? Why also reduce and retie his identity to Robin?
Tim is known to be a great detective, it's one of his shining marks as a Batman protegee. Ra's al Ghul even states that Tim is a better detective than The Batman himself. Hell, when Tim was 14 he discovered that Dick was Nightwing and Robin, because his freaky loner obsession and past trauma of witnessing the flying Grayson's murder made him connect the dots when Dick was flipping and doing acrobatic feats that no one but an extremely skilled and gifted acrobat could do (Tricks that have only been successfully done by a fucking FLYING GRAYSON - note how silly and girlie pop Dick was for that one).
Like, fr DC, why not tie Tim's new identity with his amazing detective skills?
Honestly, I think DC could have taken some inspiration from an Edgar Allan Poe character and given Tim a detective-associated. Because, Poe's character C. Auguste Dupin, is literally the first ever detective we see in fiction and the backbone of how so many other detective character's created.
Like a name that inspired from the first ever detective himself would be so damn cool. And it would tie into Tim's origin as I'm pretty sure Tim is the first person who actually discovered Dick and Bruce's identities with just his raw and untrained detective skills. So a name like New August would be so damn cool.
Or hell, if DC didn't want to be even that level of creativity into his name and stick with the bird theme (because we all remember the Drake incident so well). Nightingale would be a cool (given not so original) name unless they wanted to spell it like Knightingale. They're one of the few birds who hunt at night, and it could also be a call back to the nurse Florence Nightingale who was a badass and known for the Nightingale theory of nursing:
"A nurse must use her brain, heart and hands to create healing environments"
AS IF that could translate into the hero world. Mister-Dropped-Out-Of-Med-School-Bruce-Wayne is foaming at the mouth.
To conclude, fuck DC and fuck them for doing my TimTam dirty. Let him be his own man :/
I don't agree with all of this but Tim does deserve better that's true. He's sort of stuck in limbo and his growth should have happened a long time ago tbh.
He could have been Flamebird like Dick is Nightwing to name one. Dick has always been his inspiration. Maybe Red Robin for a time (since back then he and Dick had grown apart), and then Flamebird after they reconciled.
It's sad because some of the main things with Tim are that love for him is conditional because of his shitty parents, and that he has a hard time crafting his own identity, and DC doesn't let him grow out of any of this and keeps using him as a chew toy. It's sad.
(and no being queer isn't character development)
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loetise · 7 months
character interview.  ˎˊ˗
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name: valentine "allie" hope fleur. 
nicname/s: allie, al, als, allie cat, allie pie, allie belly, tiny, teeny, little flower, little fairy, little cupid, little dove, dove, little fae, little wing, angel, angel dust, angelfish, doe eyes, starfish, sunshine barbie, mouse, birdie, sweetheart, darling flower, princess, sunflower, fairy baby, ladybug, chickadee, lotus, cupcake, lamb, tinkerbell, pocket fairy, pretty girl.  (yes these are all rp ones and real i made a list of them like 2 years ago)
age: 18 - 22.
species: half-fae / half-human.
morality: lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
religion: whatever the fae got goin on.
sins: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
known languages: english, minimal fae.
secrets:  she really isn't a person with any secrets, and is a very open book besides keeping her full name close to her. she's kind of scared to talk about her trauma in fear of bothering people. at least, she doesn't talk about the trauma that she knows is trauma. she's very frequently dropping concerning information about her childhood without thinking of it.
build: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average
height: 4′11″
scars / birthmarks: two scars down her back, in line and along her shoulder blades, where wings should be, though she's very insecure about them and she covers them with magic treatment that puts a glamour over them to hide them. she also gets little scabs and bruises a lot because of her clumsiness and frequent time spent in the woods among sharp branches and thick roots. / she has one on her left hip that she swears looks like a heart. (it does not actually look like a heart but you will break her heart if you tell her that, she’s very proud of it.)   
abilities / powers: magic affinity, being able to detect magic without meaning to, affinity for nature, communicating with plants and animals, somewhat unconscious allure, especially to humans (ex: she's harder to refuse, normally very easy to be drawn to in a crowd, unnaturally charming), she has somewhat of a temperature resistance, or at least she has one on feeling alone. (meaning, her body may suffer from the effects of the temperature and her not realize it) she also has a high alcohol tolerance and strong immune system (both due to fae blood as well as her experiences) for human alcohol and human diseases.
restrictions: iron and silver, though she really tries to stray from metal of any kind. iron and silver, specifically, poison her and her skin, making her feel ill and burning her. her senses are heightened and more sensitive than the average human, and while that alone isn't a weakness, allie finds that harsh smells and sounds bother her to a point of almost pain. meat also makes her ill.
favorites.            i'll let you know right now this was a flop. there are hardly any favorites just vibes, she so rarely has favorites.
food: she kinda just loves food and trying new things, there aren't really any flavors that she doesn't like, besides she just doesn't eat meat and actually doesn't enjoy any substitutes that claim to taste like meat. no favorites here i think but she loves fruits and sweets always and forever.
drink: sweet and fruity things <3 again <3.
pizza topping: i don't think she really has favorites for this but she doesn't eat meat, otherwise she likes everything.
color: she loves pastels, and pinks and greens and yellows and oranges and greens and purples and blues. she does not care for red, black or dark colors. 
music genre: she enjoys pop n dream-pop but she'll listen to anything. very much a top 40 girlie by default just because it's what is always on.
book genre: she's not a book girlie 😔
movie genre: rom-com's/chick flicks primarily i imagine, she just loves fun movies. not a big fan of horror movies but she's never Opposed to anything. you will just need to hold her hand. 
curse word: she really doesn't swear. she doesn't even like,, fake swear. 
scents: flowers......
fun stuff.
songs: matilda + harry styles, you're on your own, kid + taylor swift,  wildest dreams + taylor swift, cry baby + melanie martinez, all you wanna do + SIX, aimee atkinson, 13 beaches + lana del rey, sober + p!nk, nonsense + sabrina carpenter, because i liked a boy + sabrina carpenter, hey blondie + dominic fike, what was i made for? + billie eilish, earthangel + the penguins, moonlight + kali uchis
aesthetic: dainty jewelry, friendship bracelets, dancing in the rain, parties, loose curls, hair ribbons, cuddling with your friends, sundresses, kicked off shoes, meadows filled with flowers, fun patterned rolling papers, playful love, barefoot in the grass, colorfully painted fingernails, glitter everywhere, baked goods, forest floors covered in blossoms, intense feelings said casually, holding hands, petting wild animals and cradling them like babies, talking and singing to your plants, lots and lots of kisses, sparkly lipgloss.
sings in the shower: absolutely!
likes puns: yes! she thinks they are so fun and clever and will always laugh. 
tagged by;   stolen <3 from nearly an actual year ago &lt;3 tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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