#Allen is PISSED
banesberry-anomoly · 8 months
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
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I never really wanted the heroes to be in this but I thought this time it would be funny. You may or may not see them again idk yet
Part 6 master-post
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thief-of-eggs · 8 months
Bart Allen would unironically wear these shoes I just know it
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sunriseabram · 2 months
i like to think that neil adapts his accent to match whoever he is talking to...so does that mean in the nest he spoke in a slight french accent
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hellonerf · 3 months
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mestruazioni · 4 months
i want everyone to know that I've been smoking almost a pack of cigs a day for 14/15 years (since I was 12ish to now) and i stopped about 3 days and 17 hours ago
im very proud of myself
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junespriince · 4 months
Flowers floating in the dark void au
Dick, at his desk overwhelmed:
Wally, walking in: ah, found him Jay, thanks for the help.
Jason (Thanos): yeah, yeah, happy to help, just get him out of there.
Wally, smile: of course. *Shuts the door, walks over to Dick leaning on the desk* hey my love, it's spring time, ya know.
Dick, still doing paperwork, not listening: I'll get to it later, put it in the pile Jay.
Wally, sighs and grabs Dick's face: I don't like being ignored, my love.
Dick, blushing again (and he'll do it again!!): o-oh, sweetheart, I didn't know you were coming to visit, it's spring isn't it?
Wally, smiles again: yes, that's why I came down here. Now put this paperwork up and be with me instead.
Dick: I would, but I can't go on a date right now, I have to get these all sorted out and —
Wally, let's go of his face: I don't need you for a date, I need you to be my little bee and pollinate me, honey.
Dick, confused:
Dick, still confused:
Dick, got it: OH! I uh... *Throws paper work to the floor not caring and got up* of course, why didn't you lead with that.
Wally: thought I was being obvious.
Next meeting with the gods, minus Wally working hard that day
Dick, looking at the floor, very disheveled, bite marks and hickeys on show: I uh, I didn't get to finish my work.
Bruce, glaring at him, thinking some human has distracted him: I can see.
Jason, trying hard not to laugh:
Tim (Ares), looking away because he can't hide his grin:
Damian (Hermes), sighs in disappointment:
Steph (Artemis): oh we're so gonna have to meet this, wildflower, of yours.
Duke (Ouranos): damn,,, and I thought Hal (Dionysus) was bad.
Hal: rude!
Cass (psyche): well, at least you're not stressed anymore.
Kori (Aphrodite), smirking: I'll say.
Dick, blushing even harder: sh-shut up....
Iris (Demeter), glaring: so that's where he went.
Bruce, confused: you know which human did this to him?
Iris: he's not human.
Bruce: oh.
Bruce: OH! Iris, please, don't kill my son we don't have a replacement for his work, and I love my kid.
Dick, glares at Bruce: why my work at front? Why is it important, dad?
Iris, glaring at Bruce: yeah, Bruce, why ain't your love for your child not first?
Bruce, scared: I-I... I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Dick and Iris: good.
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jynjackets · 8 months
I am just so happy that the most popular people right now are all across the board genuinely very talented, smart and super kind. Like I don’t have to suffer hearing about somebody simply because they’re quirky or british anymore. When they win, I WIN. Literally dreamed of times like this.
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It's possible that I've talked about this before butcha know how speedsters occasionally turn into lightning and energy balls and stuff? And they can't always talk while they're energy?
I think it'd be neat if a speedster was stuck in energy form but not 'a human body but glowy', no, a full on living lightning bolt/ball. Just for a story or something. And no one else knew it was them
So it's just everyone else being on a mission or something and they're all stressed out cause the speedster ran off somewhere and didn't come back, oh and also here's this funny lil lightning thing :) They just met it and it keeps following them and it's kinda cute maybe! And it's being very helpful by taking out enemies.
Anyway I just think it'd be funny cause it'd drive them absolutely nuts. Like, imagine Bart trying to get it across to YJ that no, Cassie, he's not some ancient Greek lightning nymph, he's Bart and he really needs someone to go get another speedster for help! But everyone is just like... "wow that's a funky dude. Anyway-" because they're desensitized af to stuff like this. So Bart just kinda has to tag along and try to play charades with people who don't know they're playing charades.
Ooo. Or Wally with the Titans. He would electrocute someone at some point. Probably Dick because "fuck him, he knows, he's just pretending not to know because it's pissing me off" and like... he's right lmao
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maricoelquelolea · 1 year
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Recently decided to re-read Impulse because he’s my fav and this particular character development has been living in my head for years and years
(Issue 23- Issue 66)
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
Young justice 1998 gives me power rangers vibes. They just all need magic girl transformations, and like for the dog to start talking
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coldinpantsreboot · 7 months
I've immersed myself in Star Wars again and read a lot of obikin fanfics, so now I have a completely different dynamic in my head for Coldflash. We're used to Leonard flirting with Barry most of the time while he either doesn't realize it, or is embarrassed, or other. But what if a young and very confident superhero is desperate to flirt with an adult villain? I want to see Barry shower Snart with rose petals when they meet and say something like: hey babygirl, don't be so cold to me, come with me and I'll show you all the perks of being nice ;) And Leonard: what did you just call me...?
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dayurno · 7 months
omg reverse riko au is making me feel so ill..... please let us know if you have any more thoughts abt riko kayleigh and kevin legend.....
I DO my idea is that its around the same age kevin and riko met in canon so tetsuji kicks the bucket when riko is 7/8 and riko is (very forcibly) removed from the nest and sidelined to kayleigh as a new moriyama asset from the main branch takes over the nest. riko struggles a lot with the change because he is very young and very scared and he’s used to horrible things at tetsuji’s hand, which means that he doesn’t trust kayleigh and finds kevin entirely too weird. it’s honestly really cute because i think at this point obviously 7 year old kevin wants to befriend him but riko is such an anxious ball of anger that most of their interactions are like
baby riko: what do you WANT from me. go AWAY!!!! NOW
baby kevin: (heavy irish accent) nothing i think. do you want a bite of my sandwich?
anyway i think riko and kayleigh do get along but he never really considers her his mother or even godmother, for a long time he thinks of her as his Benefactor until the child therapy starts hitting and she becomes Aunt Kayleigh and then after a few more years he can be loosely convinced to refer to her as auntie once or twice a year. his second son syndrome never really leaves him; in the upcoming years riko struggles with the idea that he’s anything But an add-on to the days and still overworks himself to death trying to be acknowledged by kengo, but it’s leaps better just from being outside the nest and having people to look out for him
riko and kevin have some rough patches, especially during riko’s first years with the days. because kevin is an easy target and riko is afraid of kayleigh he ends up letting a lot of that anger out on kevin, though obviously at this point they are children and riko’s anger manifests in some mild bullying and name calling. i think kevin doesn’t even understand it most of the time 😭 riko has been around grown ups his entire life so his adult level insults make no sense to kevin’s seven year old mind. nevertheless after kayleigh tells him to stop picking on kevin riko does respect it (first out of fear, then later because they actually get along) and they go on to become brothers with only a slight tendency towards antagonism. riko’s jealousy of kevin is still a big part of their relationship and i think even more so when college applications roll around, and he’s even more worried when wymack comes into the picture, but it never culminates into anything as horrible as hand breaking because riko has an actual outlet and a support system :) it’s mostly a yelling match that eventually turns to getting scolded by kayleigh for acting like barbarians
#i know kayleighs sermons go hard kevin and riko are sitting there head bowed like yes maam…..#i havent yet decided where they both go to college in this au#but i think for one that the nest still exists and jean still gets sold to the moriyamas but it’s the main branch now#however without riko there jean’s experience in the nest is. Hard but not brutal#anyway i think riko would apply to edgar allen but he would be rejected on the account of being second branch raised by foreigners#but how horrifying to think about jean in the nest bossing riko around right. kind of a slay though#i think kevin goes to palmetto still Because he wants to reconnect with wymack and riko is very divided but ultimately chooses usc#because they’re the best and he doesn’t want to play second fiddle to kevin and his father#also i imagine his time in usc sucks a lot for the first months because it’s so different LOL#and he’s never been alone before like this with kayleigh and kevin so far out of reach#but :) hed make friends. maybe even… captain jeremy knox….. whos to say?#!#meanwhile kevin (a normal boy at this point) has to deal with the foxes being a trainwreck and the new serial killer dad recruit#he’s got a lot on his hands#ANYWAY this is entirely unrelated and indulgent but i want this kevjean to meet so bad#riko on the phone: we played against the ravens that jean moreau is a scoundrel and a monster and he almost broke my arm kevin: woaw#he’s gonna be so pissed off three years down the line when jean moreau shows up at christmas dinner with the days#you think theres any worse dynamic for jean and riko than master and slave? of course. Brothers in law#wouldnt you just kill to be a little fly buzzing around that christmas supper#asks#riko#kevin&riko
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mollywobbles867 · 2 months
I am writing this on my laptop so you know I'm srs
So, I am going to out myself as a former hardcore real people shipper. OGs remember. @ginasaurrr, @gleefullysupernaturalpop, @risti7, @wholove
It was 2009 and my dad had died two years prior. I was a fucking mess. I was a teacher when he died, two months into my first teaching job (that I started a month into the school year so I was fighting for my life when it came to lesson plans). I went back for two weeks after he died, but I was experiencing heavy suicide ideation and was fighting tears through every class. (Note to alert bots, I am okay now after a lot of therapy and medication). I was of no use to those kids and I am so sorry that they had such a shitty teacher that year. My principal was extremely unsupportive, so I went to my union rep and got out of my contract post haste. I started having panic attacks on the regular (figured out much later that I have PMDD so that's why it came in two week cycles).
Anyway, I was unemployed, living with my mom, and extremely lost. Then one night in 2009 my sis was over and insisted on watching American Idol because she was obsessed with Adam Lambert. I loved his voice so I started watching every week and grew to love a few of the other contestants too. I paid attention to the American Idol posts on ONTD on LJ. There were soon posts shipping Adam and Kris Allen, even though Kris was married to a woman.
ONTD got annoyed with all the posts, so someone started ontd_ai where we posted to our heart's content, a good many of them about shipping the two singers. We broke the fourth wall way too much for sure. (#gokeyisadouche). I have actually blocked out a lot of the details, but one thing I remember is that soon there was an AIM chat (yeah I'm old) dedicated to talking about our ship. And unfortunately, we also talked about Kris's wife's mental health struggles. No idea how we ever even knew about them. While I expressed empathy for her in the chat as did most of us, someone took screenshots and said we were bashing her. It blew up and made it to fandomwank. At some point we started our own LJ community too. We put tinhats on our profile pics, etc. We were tinhatters instead of delulus. I wrote Kradam rpf as well as flashfic for other fandom ships. Astolat herself wrote Kradam fic! (shout out to the cowboy fic, that hurt my feelings).
All this is to say that I know how you can get obsessed with solving some sort of story you have invented, looking for clues in song lyrics, performances, interviews, etc... and ignore reality. Really what you're searching for is answers for your own life.
Through post after post saying how it would be totally okay for Kris to come out as bi, I finally came out to myself, then my bff, then my sis, then my mom and nephews, and now whenever I feel safe with someone and online strangers.
After a year I applied to grad school and got my life back on track; went back to therapy, got on meds, found other hobbies, made new friends, eventually started working again even if it was just retail.
What are you searching for?
What are you struggling with?
What about Luke and Nicola's interactions or as individuals draws you to the ship? Are you projecting your own insecurities and identity struggle onto her? Are you projecting someone who hurt you onto Luke? I promise that Nicola is not crying herself to sleep every night because she's not with Luke or because he's with a thin woman. Luke is not a fuckboy or disingenuous just because he's with a thin woman.
I encourage you to take a step back and self-reflect because you are the ones who are doing the hurting.
P.S. We tinhatters were always publicly nice to Kris's wife on his and SM pages and when we met him after concerts and she was there. Why? Because she's a person too and I honestly hope they are the happiest they have ever been. Kris still makes (great) albums and they have kids (two unless they had another and I didn't know). Adam has been touring with Queen and I have no clue about his love life. It's nice.
However, I do think our fourth wall breaking made it so they stopped being public with their friendship. Just sayin'.
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Look at the beauty we deprived the world and weep.
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loreoftheforgotten · 1 year
wally doesn’t die in young justice, no, him and dick get married and adopt a baby and two dogs. artemis was dicks best woman bc she’s supportive and also aroace
the baby is named jason (in honour of jason bc they don’t know he’s alive yet) and when jason comes back to life no one is allowed to tell him about baby jason bc dick knows his brother will be insufferable about it.
(ironically it’s dick who spills the beans while drunk one night)
the dogs, crash and flash, were named by bart (he kept joking about how it wasn’t fair for baby jason to be named after jason and demanded he should name their dogs) (they said yes) (he panicked and named them crash and flash bc he wasn’t prepared) (it’s too late the dogs respond to nothing but crash and flash)
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
I will never understand why people hate Cisco because of that one time he got mad at Barry for indirectly causing his brother's death. First of all, that was a very short period of time, he forgave him VERY quickly, and that doesn't define his entire character or his entire relationship with Barry. And second, HIS BROTHER FUCKING DIED. Like, that's kind of a big deal. Does no one in this fandom have siblings??
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