#Also hello Mr Lavender
mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
I noticed your tags and I genuinely didn't realize I forgot to follow you mijnhubgyvftcdrx my apologies. Also, I don't use she/her pronouns
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
Hello! I know that your asks are closed right now, but this idea just popped into my mind and I needed to get it to you before it disappeared. Please feel free to ignore this until your asks reopen or just ignore it in general. I don't want you to feel forced to do anything, especially when I'm breaking your blog rules!
Jack Howl × Gorou M! Reader
I just noticed that you didn't have anything for Jack where he's by himself; so I wanted to give you a bit of inspiration! Have a wonderful day, Mr. Benny.
Jack Howl - With Gorou-Like Male Reader
Originally I was going to do all of the asks from franchises that I hadn't written for before first, but then I saw this and remembered that Jack didn't have any stand-alone content on my blog yet, so I just had to right this injustice. —Benny🐰
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🍐  Jack first met you at the orientation ceremony. He sort of already felt comfortable around you because of your canine traits and the way you carried yourself with such seriousness and determination. The white-haired boy also thought you smelled kind of nice; like the ocean and water-logged wood, but there was also a bit of sweetness in there that he couldn't quite identify. As orientation ended and all the Savanaclaw students made their way to the mirror chamber, Jack's curious eyes stayed glued to your cloaked form.
🍐 Coincidentally, you and Jack ended up sharing a dorm room, how nice for him. He was a bit shocked when you told him right off the bat that if he needed help or just someone to talk to you would readily lend an ear. The fact that he was bunked with such a supportive person was incredibly relieving for the wolf-eared boy. While it would take him a little while to open up to you more, considering you just met, Jack would be sure to act on your offer in the future.
🍐  Jack loves exercising with you! After learning about your previous status as a general before your enrollment in the NRC, he requested to know your exercise routine during that time, to which you happily agreed. You both have a habit of waking up at the crack of dawn and going for a run which made you decide to ask him to accompany you instead of heading out separately. Your skills with a bow and arrow also caught Jack's attention, often watching you practice and occasionally catching glimpses of a certain weird Pomefiore third-year hiding in the bushes.
🍐 During one particularly hot day, you and Jack ended up staying in your shared dorm room after class instead of going outside or to the dorm's indoor gym to exercise; far too hot to will yourselves to move. This is when the wolf beast-man learned of your shared habit of your extra appendages giving away your emotions, your orange-brown, and white ears drooping with exhaustion from the heat. When Jack suggested going to the dorm kitchen and making smoothies, he had to hold back a chuckle at how your ears perked up and how your tail began to sway. Although, when you saw where his gaze was directed you grew embarrassed and covered your butt with a pillow.
🍐 Speaking of sweet things, Jack discovered that his dorm mate had a fondness for sweets, he remembered you mentioning that you didn't get them very often while you were a general. He actually whipped up some pear jam on toast for you once to see what you thought about the taste and was happy that he found a fellow pear enjoyer in you. You did tell him that your favorite fruit was something called lavender melon, a tree fruit that was native to the cluster of islands that you grew up on. The fruit was on his mind for a while after that, Jack may or may not have made plans to eat it with you in the future.
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hjparisian · 1 year
speak now or forever hold your peace- harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x reader (she/her pronouns) w: not proofread, bit of swearing, mean ginny (it's for the plot i swear i love her shes so slay) a/n: in honor of speak now tv being announced (and exams being over) i decided to write this lil thing. pls note i have not been to a wedding so excuse how its written.
It was the day that (Y/N) was dreading the most. Harry and Ginny's wedding day. She was honestly shocked that she was even invited, though she assumes it was cause of Harry. Though she was friendly with the Weasley's, she was never really close with Ginny.
(Y/N) and Harry briefly dated during fourth year but decided to remain friends. But the feelings never really left (Y/N). Even after she saw him go after Cho and Ginny, there was always a part of (Y/N) that would always love Harry.
She was debating on just staying home, wallowing in pity while eating her favorite ice cream and watching whatever was on the telly. But (Y/N) knew that Harry wanted her to go, and she couldn't ignore her best friend's wishes.
So now here she was, at the venue in a lavender colored dress, deciding if she should just run away now. As she ready to back out, she heres a voice calling her name.
(Y/N) turns around and sees Harry walkings towards her with a grin on his face. Well, fuck. So much for escaping.
"Hey Harry." She responds, forcing a smile on face. He looks good, she thought. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt underneath the jacket. Even though it was simple, he made it look beautiful.
"I didn't think you'd come," Harry says sheepishly. (Y/N) speaks, "Well I couldn't miss my best friends wedding. Also, I didn't think you'd let me stay home." Harry chuckles at that.
"So," (Y/N) started. "How are you feeling? It's your big day after all."
"In all honesty, I'm really nervous," He says. "I just have a feeling that maybe this isn't right." (Y/N) was shocked at that part.
"What do you mean? Isn't this what you've been wanting? You were crushing on Ginny since sixth year and now you got her."
Harry sighs. "I know, I know. But I can't help but think that it should've someone else. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have done this."
Someone else? As much as (Y/N) wanted to know who he was thinking, it wasn't important. "Harry, the Weasleys would probably kill you if you called off the wedding. Besides, it's probably just nerves like you said, so don't let it get to you."
"But I can't get this feeling to go away," Harry says. "I think it would be just as bad if I were to marry Ginny while thinking about someone else than calling off the wedding.
He examines (Y/N), eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes. "(Y/N), I think I-"
"Harry!" The two turn to see who it was, finding Hermione running towards the two. "Oh hello, (Y/N)!" She smiles before turning back to Harry. "Do you know where Ginny's bouquet is? We can't find it. Oh, and Ron thinks he's lost the rings. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley have gone mad and won't stop yelling."
Harry lets out a groan, "I better go figure this out. (Y/N) I'll catch you in a bit." He runs off, leaving (Y/N) and Hermione alone.
Hermione turns to look at (Y/N) before speaking. "How are you feeling?"
"If I'm being honest Hermione. I feel like shit," (Y/N) complained.
Hermione was always there for (Y/N) and vice versa. She was there when (Y/N) and Harry first got together and when they ended it. She watched as (Y/N) gazed at Harry with Ginny during sixth year. Hermione knew that (Y/N) still loved Harry.
"You know, I was kind of thinking it would always be you and Harry." Hermione said. "I think Ron did too. Don't get me wrong, Ginny is a good girl, but I could never really see her and Harry together."
(Y/N) spoke, "Well, I guess that's how it's gonna be. But Harry's not sure if he wants to go through with it. Says he feels like there's someone else. As much as I don't want to see Harry getting married to someone else, I don't want the Weasleys to hate him for calling it off." There seemed to be a flicker of realization through Hermione's eyes, seeming to piece some unknown puzzle together.
"(Y/N), have you ever thought that maybe he misses you? I saw the way he was looking at you when I was looking for him, and it's definitely not a way friends normally look at each other."
Before the two could say anything else, there was a faint "Hermione! Where are you?" Hermione sighed. "I should go back. But (Y/N), think about it, and think about what you want." She turns and runs off, leaving (Y/N) alone.
(Y/N) began to walk around the venue, not ready to sit down and anxiously wait for the worst thing to happen. "What do I truly want?" She thought. She certainly didn't want to see Harry marry Ginny. And is there really a chance he misses her?
While deep in her thoughts, she bumps into the man that she was thinking about. "Oh! I'm sorry Harry, I should've been looking," She says.
"It's alright (Y/N)." He smiles at her. "I should prolly get going though, you should too, the wedding is about to start." He starts to leave, but a hand grabs his wrist before he could keep going.
"Wait, Harry," (Y/N) says. "What if you don't go through with this? Let's just leave, we can sneak out the back door!"
"But (Y/N), you said-" (Y/N) cuts him off. "I know what I said, but you should follow your intuition. If there's really someone else you're thinking about, you can't marry Ginny!"
"It's too late-" "It's not too late Harry! You can still back out!"
"(Y/N) I-" There a voice that cuts him off.
"Hey, Harry!" It was Ron. "We gotta go mate, the weddings about to start."
"Oh right," Harry says. "(Y/N) I'll see you." He smiles sadly as both him and Ron leave.
(Y/N) decides to go inside and take her seat between two people she didn't know. It seemed like everyone in the world was here just for this one wedding. Well, it is the wedding of the Chosen One so, guess it makes sense.
The wedding music began playing. Out comes Ginny in a big poofy wedding dress, strutting with high confidence. If it weren't for the fiery orange hair contrasting it, (Y/N) would've thought she looked like some sort of pastry.
She turns to look at Harry, only to see him looking back at her. Upon seeing she noticed, he move his gaze to Ginny as she now stood in front of him.
The priest began speaking. "We are gathered here today to..." But (Y/N) could barely listen. Worried for her friend who was about to marry someone he no longer loved. And even though Harry managed to defeat Voldemort, there's no way this man is going to back out of a wedding to the family that took care of him during his Hogwarts years.
"...to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Ginny smiles before saying, "I do!" The priest turns to Harry. "And do you, Harry James Potter, take Ginerva Molly Weasley to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
There was a moment of silence, everyone excited to hear Harry say those two words. "I um," he mutters out. If one looked closely at Ginny Weasley, they could see her eyes almost glaring at him. "Come on Harry." She quietly says to him.
"I-er, I do," Harry says.
"If there is anybody in this room who can show just cause why these two should not join in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Silence. The one and final chance to stop this from happening.
The priest began to speak, "Well I-" A figure in a lavender dress stands up, shaking visibly. Loud gasps fill the room, everyone wondering who is this girl that's stopping the event of a lifetime. Ginny was fuming. Mrs. Weasley looked like she could faint. Hermione looked shocked but started to seem somewhat proud at the girl. And finally Harry, looking both stunned and relieved.
"I object." (Y/N) exclaims. "I'm sorry Weasleys but, I can't let Harry get married without hearing how I feel about him." She turns to Harry. "Harry, I've been in love with you since the moment we met on the train when we were eleven. Even when we broke up in fourth year and decided to stay friends, I still loved you. Seeing you with Cho and Ginny hurt me, but I never wanted to say anything because you looked so happy. But I'm still in love with you. If you still love me, I'll be outside if you want to join me. But if you love Ginny more, I understand and support your choice, and I hope you'll have a great marriage."
She walks away, not looking back to see what he might say. The audience looks at Harry and Ginny, who looks ready to burst.
"I cannot believe the audacity of that bitch! She just shows up and ruined our wedding!" She screams. "Thank goodness she fucking left. Now we can finish this, right Harry?"
Harry was staring at the door where (Y/N) exited. The one girl that was there during every single adventure at Hogwarts, was in love with him. The one girl he's been thinking about and missing lately, was so close to being in his arms.
"Harry!" His eyes land on Ginny. "They're waiting! Just one kiss and we're finally married."
"Ginny, I can't marry you."
The crowd gasps and Harry's ninety-nine percent sure Mrs. Weasley fainted this time.
Tears started lining Ginny's eyes. "Why not?! Cause of her? You're gonna leave me for her?"
Harry felt somewhat bad for the girl. She was about to get married to the man of her dreams only for him to end it. "I'm sorry Ginny, I still love her. And it wouldn't be fair for me to marry you when I'm missing someone else. You're a nice girl, Ginny and you deserve someone better."
Harry starts running out to find (Y/N). "Harry don't you dare!" He hears Ginny scream, but he doesn't turn back. Only focusing on finding the one he loves.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) where are you!" He screams.
He hears his named being called by her. "Harry!" He sees (Y/N) running towards him. "Absolutely stunning" he thought to himself.
(Y/N) jumps into Harry's arms, almost knocking them over. "I still love you (Y/N)," Harry says to her. "I love you. You're the one I want to be with."
Harry smashes his lips against (Y/N)'s. Proving to her that he's all hers. She kisses back, hands on his shoulders while Harry's was on her waist.
Harry was the first to pull back, staring at how beautiful (Y/N) looked. Lips and cheeks tinted from the kiss, the sparkle in her eyes, the way her lavender dress fit her perfectly. She was beautiful, and she was Harry's.
"I love you Harry." She breathes out.
"I love you too (Y/N)," He says.
"Let's run away."
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lokimobius · 2 months
💆‍♀️ head scritchessss
This prompt was also sent in by @ilaytrapsfortroubadours! I hope that you both enjoy it hehe 💖
His phone pinged. A message from Loki appeared on his lock screen, saying simply, “I’m on my way home.”
He tapped on the notification and pulled up his emoji keyboard, ready to reply with a thumbs up, but then thought better of it when he remembered that Loki didn’t like it. He said that it felt passive-aggressive to receive only a thumbs up in reply to his messages. Mobius didn’t quite understand what he meant by that, but he had taken it out of rotation for Loki’s messages, settling instead for the green heart emoji—one Loki loved.
He hit the green heart a few times, then a couple more times for good measure before he pressed send. He sat back and watched as a chat bubble appeared, signifying that Loki was typing a reply.
It took awhile for him to respond. Mobius laid back on the sofa and stared at the bubble as it appeared, disappeared, and reappeared again. Loki was obviously trying to decide how best to reply, pausing and deleting his text while crafting his message to Mobius.
When it finally came through, the grey text bubble was a wall of green hearts. The message was so long that Mobius had to tap on it for it to unravel to its full length.
He laughed out loud at the absurdity of the God of Mischief and Time sending him a message entirely composed of emojis. He imagined Loki walking back home, his grocery bag hanging from his arm while he ferociously tapped away at his keyboard, trying to fill the screen with hearts just to make him smile. It worked.
The door opened, and before Mobius even had the chance to greet him, Loki instantly began to rant.
“I was held captive by Mr. Johnson in the corner shop.” Loki sighed, dropping his bag to the floor. “I only went in for those indigestible sweets that you enjoy so much but instead heard more about his tractor than I ever cared to.”
He left the bag where it was, not bothering to put anything away, and walked straight over to Mobius on the sofa.
“I don’t know what made him think that I would care about this vehicle of his.” He said as he flung himself down on top of Mobius, resting his head comfortably on his chest.
“I honestly couldn't care less, but I had to be nice to him because Gwendoline from the post office told me that he makes enemies out of people very easily, and I cannot be bothered to argue with an old man who isn’t you. Thank the gods it was closing time, or I might still be there now.”
Mobius huffed, and Loki lifted his head so that his chin rested on his chest. “Hello, by the way.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to Mobius’ lips and gazing into his eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he replied, looking back at his partner with what he assumed was the most head-over-heels, love-struck look of all time.
Even after all this time, it was the simple moments like this that caught Mobius off guard. His heart thumped rapidly in his chest whenever he remembered that this was his life now. He was married, he lived on the timeline, and Loki was his life partner. To this day, he was unequivocally smitten with Loki.
No matter what, Loki always looked gorgeous, and he couldn’t help but stare at his husband in silence, struck by his beauty.
Enough time passed that Loki tipped his head to the side questioningly, eyes softening as his black hair fell across his face.
Mobius reached to brush the stray hair, threading his fingers through it and pushing the strands away from his eyes, gently grazing his scalp with his nails as he did so. Loki shivered at the touch.
“Come here,” he said, cupping Loki’s face and pulling him into a deep kiss.
“I missed you.” He murmured against Loki’s lips.
Loki smiled, kissing him softly before pulling back to look him in the eyes. “Mobius, I was only gone for 45 minutes.”
He held Loki close to his chest, tucking his head under his chin.
“I missed you.” He repeated.
Loki snuggled into Mobius, humming delightedly as he wrapped his arms around his waist.
“I missed you, too.”
Late afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, tinging their living room with a warm, golden glow. The sun’s rays shone off Mobius’ wedding band as he lifted his hand to stroke through Loki’s soft curls.
He smiled when he heard Loki hum in satisfaction. Laying on the sofa like this had become a routine of sorts. Loki sought out physical contact constantly, and Mobius was more than happy to give that to him.
A comfortable silence stretched between them before Mobius spoke again.
“I can’t believe anyone could hold you hostage. Not now, anyway.”
“You don’t understand,” Loki began. “The level of pettiness Mr. Johnson has achieved is above what I’m willing to put up with. I’m retired, you know; I don’t need that kind of energy.”
Mobius played with the hair next to Loki’s ear, then rubbed the pads of his fingers against his temple comfortingly.
“Can you retire if you never had a job, Your Highness?” He smirked.
“I think you’ll find that I had quite possibly the most important job in the universe.” Loki retorted, with no real bite.
Mobius’ heart clenched whenever he thought about the role that Loki had taken on. He had known that Loki was always capable of good, but holding together all of time was something he never imagined anyone being able to do. He was so proud of Loki for finally being able to be the person he’d always wanted to be, even if it wasn’t how he’d originally envisioned.
He pressed a kiss to the top of Loki’s head, breathing in the floral scent of his shampoo.
“You know a lot about the people in the town…” He started, scratching against Loki’s scalp in the way that he loved so much, totally not fishing for more information.
Loki sighed happily. “Oh, you must get into the drama of the people here, Mobius. It’s delightful!”
Mobius laughed, “Delightful, you say?”
He always joked that he didn’t care about the town drama, which was partially true, he just didn’t care to hear about it from anyone but Loki. He loved how excited he got spilling people's secrets to him. There was always something new going on and Mobius lived for the moments that he could listen to Loki talk uninterrupted.
“Precisely. You know Pat from the butchers? Well, apparently, she allowed one of the trees in her garden to grow too high, and Mr. Johnson took that personally.”
“What’s that got to do with him?” Mobius huffed, continuing to stroke through Loki’s hair absent-mindedly.
“The tree blocked his view, so he reported her to the council,” Loki cackled. “Oh, it’s wonderful that this is what they constitute as drama. Imagine if they heard about how you reacted after I went to Lamentis. Now that was real drama.”
“Hey!” Mobius grumbled, scratching his nails playfully against Loki’s scalp, “Stop bringing that up. If you’re allowed to be dramatic, then so am I.”
He felt Loki relax further as he continued to tease his hair and scalp with his fingers. If Loki were a cat, he would be positively purring right now.
“Let a man live, OK? It’s not every day you get betrayed by the first real friend you’ve made in centuries.”
Loki mumbled something into his neck and giggled playfully.
“What was that?”
“I said,” Loki lifted his head, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “You betrayed me.”
Mobius put on the most dramatic, fake offended gasp of his life.
“This again?” Mobius huffed fondly. “You’re lucky that I love you.”
Loki placed his hand against Mobius’ cheek and pulled him into a lazy kiss.
“Yes,” he said, resting his forehead against Mobius’, “I am lucky indeed.”
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justkennadi · 1 year
Black and purple
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Notes: Part 2 to my previous post 🤭 This time it’s more headcannons
Content: Shinso x Fem!Blk!Goth! reader , slight mention of making out at the end…
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- Shinso asked you out after a few months of hanging out. Both of you were accepted into the hero department and you both had never been happier with life.
- You really turned his life around.
- It was no secret he had the biggest crush on you either. Almost everyone in the school could tell.
- You hid your crush on him a little better.
- You noticed he started bulking up after the festival. He was looking…🫣
- You wondered how he got even more attractive?
- And the more he looked at you.. It’s like he fell more in love everyday
- You, next to his parents, was the only one to see his biggest smile and and silliest laughs
- You both knew so many secrets of each other
- Most people saw you two as the introverted besties with an obvious crush on each other by now
- He took you to a cat cafe one day after school
- You were ecstatic. You loved cats and coffee.
- After a while of sitting and petting cats he slipped you a note on a napkin
- It was so cheesy but you never smiled so big
- On the napkin it read, “Will you be my girlfriend? Yes or No” And of course the little check mark boxes.
- He didn’t give you the marker he wrote on it with so you just kissed your answer and handed it back to him.
- He chuckled when he saw a black kiss stain on top of the yes.
- You two walked out the cafe holding hands. It was a beautiful evening. The sunset was never more beautiful.
-After that day you started to spend even more time with him. You watched as he trained with Pro hero arrastre head, aka Mr Aizawa. He watched you train with Tokoyami and Pro hero Lady Nagant.
- He’d spend time with you in your room as you played Sisters of mercy and painted your nails black. You’d offer to paint his too but he would most of the time decline.
- He’d let you practice different types of makeup styles on his face. You’d play with eyeliner a lot.
-“You look really good like this, Shin.” You whisper.
- He thought about showing up to school one day with a bit of eyeliner on just to look nice for you. It also kinda grew on him.
- When you finally saw his room you were really impressed. It was nice and dark just like yours with touches of purple.
- It smelled like a hint of cologne and lavender
- He had a couple of plants in his window too which you really liked.
- In his room you’d watch him play video games or you two would just talk.
- Plentlyyy of sleepovers after a while of this
- You love to cuddle with him but he loves it even more than you to be honest
- He bought you two matching hello kitty pajamas❤️❤️
-Speaking of kitty’s his contact name for you on his phone is “Kitty🐱”
- He would also start calling you his Raven as another cute nickname
- You two shared your first kiss one cold fall day in his room.
- You did not know how you ended up in his lap but you two were just talking and then he placed his hands on your hips.
- You were shocked as he moved one hand up to palm one side of your face and stare into your eyes.
- Then you both leaned in and well, yeah.
- It didn’t go any further than a mini make out sesh though but you couldn’t sleep that night. You were so happy he picked you.
- Little did you know, your purple haired boyfriend felt the same exact way…..
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
One Night Only - MSG
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Prompt: When Brittany met Harry
Warnings: none
If you would like to get two week early release, exclusive content/tropes, among other benefits - consider signing up for my Patreon for $3 a month :)
Despite everyone thinking Harry had a secret tiktok account, he really didn’t, sometimes YN would show him funny videos but he didn’t have the app.
YN obviously knew who Brittany Broski was because she was so famous on the app, first from the kambucha video and then for her love of Harry.
They were throwing around ideas of who should host the One Night Only in New York for Harry’s house and YN had thrown her name in the ring because she thought it would be amazing.
When Brittany accepted, she was already in New York for the show luckily, and YN was ready to greet her with her friend when they were led backstage before the show.
As soon as Brittany spots YN, who is waiting near the dressing rooms, the tiktoker gasps and looks at the camera that’s filming her.
“Oh my god, she’s more gorgeous in real life,” Brittany whispers to the camera, “I’m about to meet YN Styles better known as the luckiest girl in the world. She gets to kiss that man whenever she wants. Life goals.”
Brittany’s obviously nervous as she walks towards YN who is chatting with Lambert and Jeff, they haven’t noticed her yet.
Unfortunately the first thing she blurts out when she arrives in front of them and they look at her is (all in a British accent), “Hello, I’m Brittany. Harry’s future second wife. It’s a pleasure.”
She wishes she could swallows those words back up, her face turning bright red, and her eyes widen comically - terrified she just offended the real Mrs. Styles.”
“Thank god, you can have him. He’s a pain in my ass,” YN laughs loudly, ignoring Brittany’s handshake and pulling her into a hug, “Thank you for agreeing to host this tonight for Instagram!”
Brittany relaxes a bit, hugging her back tightly, and when they pulls away, Brittany speaks to the camera and says, “Note to the viewers, YN smells like vanilla and lavender. It’s amazing.”
Then Brittany is pulling out her phone, remembering she has a job to do, “Okay, I am supposed to ask you some fan questions. But can I ask you a few first?”
YN still has a wide smile on her face, Brittany can’t help but notice her large diamond ring sparkling in the light, “Ask away.”
“What is it like to have your name tattooed on Harry Styles’ arm and your wedding anniversary on his thigh?”
A startled laugh comes from YN, Jeff and Lambert also chuckling in good spirits, YN pauses not quite sure how to answer, “It’s nice. They were actually both a surprise to me. He got my name one random day in LA when he was touring there for Take Me Home with the band. And got our wedding date on our honeymoon in Italy.”
“Nice nice, what a romantic lad,” Brittany responds before asking, “Harry Styles’ recently told Rolling Stones Magazine that nearly every song he’s written is about you. Thoughts?”
“I think he was just trying to get on my good side,” YN jokes fondly before becoming more serious, “We’ve been through a lot together. We’ve gone through these good and bad experiences as we were growing up together. Most of our time and memories are intertwined and that really influences his music.”
“Awesome, one finally question,” Brittany states and is still nervously giggling because YN was so pretty and nice, “What does Harry do that gives you the ick? TikTok argues that he doesn’t do anything that can give anyone the ‘ick’”?
YN purses her lips as she thinks, “He sometimes takes a nap after he works out, still sweaty and gross. That definitely gives me the ick.”
“You heard it here first, ladies and gents,” Brittany announces to the camera before hugging YN again and cutting the video.
It was made clear to Brittany that she wouldn’t have the chance to meet Harry because he was too busy before the show - which honestly she was okay with she always joked that she couldn’t meet him.
Management and the camera crew had led Brittany to a set of doors where they told her she would be interviewing some fans but when she walks in, she freezes when she sees none other than Harry Styles.
She automatically walks away, giggling wildly and not knowing what to do for a moment before walking back in where he greets her warmly with a hug and laughs at her fake British accent.
Harry thanks her for hosting the pre-show and coming to the show - sincerity in his voice as he makes eye contact with those glimmering green eyes.
Brittany can’t help but say, “Honestly, this is so exciting. I got to meet YN earlier and she’s even hotter in person.”
That makes Harry bark out a laugh, looking back to where YN is sitting on the couch with Glenne, beckoning her over.
“I can definitely agree with you on that one,” He chuckles before wrapping his arm around YN’s shoulder and kissing her temple - they’re so cute she could cry.
Later on, Brittany hops on live as she’s wiping off her makeup and back in her hotel room.
“It was the best experience ever. I’m actually glad I met them. They are by far the most unfairly attractive couple on this earth.”
“Harry smelled just like the Tom Ford cologne. YN smelled like vanilla and lavender,” Brittany responds as she peels off her fake eyelashes.
“I saw Harry grab her ass like ten times in a matter of minutes. They are definitely not a fake couple. They’re married for Christ sake. It’s blatantly obvious how in love they are, Harry followed her around and kept kissing her.”
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dayloid · 6 months
Hi and hello there! I wanted to give a little introduction of myself and yes, i know it sounds boring to put here but…
I’m an shy, introverted female who is both an artist and an editor (with a hint of being a “beginner” writer). I am also into nature and learning new things I am interested in ^^
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I love mint, lavender, early vaporwave enjoyer, sweets, and fashion <3
My hyerfixations are Lil Squeaky (he’s just my fav artist now gahh), Parappa (probably), Maplestory, and Mr. Driller <3
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Please DNI if you’re a grøøm3r, into fetish/n$fw content, against christianity (i’m christian btw), and ppl under 16. Thank you ~v~
Uhh…BYF, I’m black and mild autistic. - If I may confuse you while having conversations, I’m sorry haha, just please be nice and aware of that. Thanks! - I’m also half-weird/normal
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Now, ehh…where do I go from here?
Oh! Most of them are parappa stuff so here are some of my artworks I’ve made as an example. :)
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You can also find my art on other socials:
Twitter/X: ponliestar66
IG: day.loid
I have discord so feel free to contact me if you like (I’m somewhat active there): duskidawnuwu
That’s all I can show you. cya ^_^
.•*stay unique my dear*•.
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nothwell · 7 months
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hello my name is Sebastian Nothwell and i have written queer romance books. learn all about them under the readmore.
you can find more info on my author site.
and my drawerfic on my patreon.
there is also a podcast.
thank you for your time.
Mr Warren’s Profession - mm Victorian romance; a wealthy baronet falls for a clerk in a textile mill; aristocrat x commoner, hurt/comfort, angst, lavender marriage, engineering.
Throw His Heart Over - equestrian sequel to Mr Warren’s Profession; hurt/comfort and horses.
Hold Fast - mm Victorian whaling romance; a harpooner inherits a baronetcy and falls for the estate agent tasked with turning him into a gentleman; hunting, angst, dance lessons, Pygmalion, hurt/comfort.
The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall - ff Gothic romance; sapphic yearning, lavender marriage, haunted house, ghosts or gaslighting?
Oak King Holly King - mm Victorian fae romance; fae warrior fated to die x mortal clerk destined to save him; hurt/comfort, fae x mortal, antlers, homoerotic duels.
Tales from Blackthorn Briar - sequel to Oak King Holly King; polyamory, creative anatomy, fae x mortal, hurt/comfort.
Fiorenzo - mm fantasy-of-manners romance; hurt/comfort, royal x commoner, masquerade, homoerotic duels, dance lessons, creative anatomy, fantasy!Venice.
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jwirecs · 2 years
Recommended NCT Fics of January 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of january! hopefully these beautiful stories will have more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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3, 2, 1 || @justalildumpling​💕✅
at this point of your pathetically unrequited crush on your popular friend, it didn’t faze you when you found out that he wasn’t going to be at the same NYE party as you. but when he suddenly turned up to come find you did you start wondering that maybe you weren’t the only one with harboured feelings.
Designer’s Dream || @woozten-x​💕💔✅
You lived a different life with your best friend. He is the prince with a reputation due to his social status and you are a university student with a dream to become a fashion designer…To you, he is a flower with thorns you grown to love.
Hit Or Miss || @hyuckbeam​ 💕💔✅
you’re given a bet by your own best friend to finally earn you some kissing experience at the ripe age of 18, but what if he’s the one you’ve been wanting to kiss all along?
Lavender Haze || @springdaybreaks​💕✅💯💯
your subscribers anonymously agree that they could see the progress of you and jeno's relationship in your videos. / or in which jeno appears in your youtube videos.
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The Moon and Stars Seem Awfully Cold and Bright || @p0ckykiss​💕✅
mark wouldn't call himself a christmas hater, but this year all this just doesn't feel right. until it does.
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Bucket List || @ooshu​ 💕💔✅💯
you created one last fairytale in new york city. doyoung was never good with words. you asked him to hold your hand until the clock strikes 12 am. he was willing to play your prince charming.
Forever Yours || @lisired​ 🔞💔✅
Thirst for exhilaration and a stupid dare brings you, your boyfriend Haechan, and your friends to the eerie camping grounds of Chimera - the name of a town rumored to be occupied by a number of vengeful, lurking spirits. But nothing is as it seems in this ghost town.
Free Trial Wedding Style || @liliansun​ 💕🔄
when a random, cute, guy comes up to you and practically asks for you to follow along, you do so without much thought. that is until you get home and see he’s your new neighbor who just might need your help a little more than you expected.
We Met In April || @onyourhyuck​💔✅💯
Yuta finds you crying in the boys locker rooms and finds out why.
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Dear Mr. Cupid || @justalildumpling​ 💕✅💯💯
it’s no lie that haechan only started his college matchmaking business due to his nosy personality. it’s also no lie that he was a little jealous of everyone he had helped out as he had no love life of his own. well, that was until his childhood friend moved back and mysterious love notes started appearing in his matchmaking inbox… addressed to HIM?!
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Perfect Little Toy || @loudstan​ 🔞💔✅💯
Mark was looking forward to meeting his mate, but he was not expecting to find her in a sex shop.
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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chacolatepocky · 5 months
Drama club mishap
Story: Costume mishap at the nrc drama club
Characters: Ace trappola, Deuce spade, Jack howl, Epel felmier, Jack howl, Lilia vanrouge, Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy & Yeri
CW: None probably unless you're scared of kpop girl group red velvet, OOC probably
A/n: I submitted this fic for a grade and it got a 98💀💀💀💀💀💀
The group of friends were sitting in a circle in the courtyard, limbs stretched out on the plush grass as they nervously waited for an email stating their costumes for the annual school play had come in, hoping they would fit correctly. Epel left out a huff, followed by the sound of his thick southern accent, "You know, I thought they said that we would get the costumes around three, It's already four now. "
"Just be patient, Epel. I'm sure they'll be sent out soon. " Jack said in a low tone of voice, trying to make his lavender headed friend didn't do anything too brash this time to avoid embarrassment, he definitely didn't want a rerun of what happened the previous year.
"Why do you even care anyway? Don't tell me you actually enjoy doing this. " Ace asked mockingly, not taking his attention from tapping away on his phone. "No I don't enjoy it, I just don't want to have another one of Vil's lectures because my costumes haven't come in yet. " Epel grumbled.
"Touche, " Ace said before opening his mouth again "Oh yeah, Sebek, bro, why are you here too? I thought you had a job to protect Malleus or somethin'? " The ginger questioned him, eyebrow slightly raised. "Well yes I do have a very important job of being a retainer to the great Malleus! But it just so happens that Master Lilia enjoys these plays and wanted me to participate this year. I tried to reason against it but he insisted obstinately. " Sebek sighed, threading a hand through his mint green hair.
A loud ping then rings out from a phone, another member of the group wakes up from his nap rather startled "Huh? Where am I? " He questions, Navy blue hair stuck slightly to his forehead from accumulated sweat. "Chill out, Juice, It was just a notification from your phone. Speaking of that you should probably check it. " Deuce grabbed his phone, Accidentally dropping it on the ground from his hands being clammy but quickly picking it up again and typing in his passcode.
He looked at the notification at the top of his phone, a email from the schools drama club director, Mr crewel. Giving them a notice to come and pick up their costumes for the play. "Guys, The costumes are done! " Deuce yells in excitement.
The group gets up and walks through the familiar hallways of the school until they reached the brown double doors leading to the theatre. They walked around to behind the stage where they saw Mr crewel, His assistant, Mr Kang and a few other students in the play, recognizing the one near the boxes of clothes as Lilia Vanrouge, Sebeks grandfather and mentor.
"Master Lilia! We have arrived to pick up our stage costumes. " Sebek announces loudly, Lilia turned around giving a wide smile, receiving his sharp canine teeth. "Hello son! I was just about to check with Mr crewel if you had shown up yet to retrieve your costumes. " Lilia turned around again, picking up a large cardboard box and shoving it in Sebeks hands "Now, Go try them on! " He insists. The five boys walk back into the dressing area to unbox their costumes.
"Geez, I can't wait to finally see em'. " Epel says "Me too. " Jack agrees. Sebek opens the box slowly, getting ready to see normal outfits, but they got something most unexpected instead. Inside the box was five, sparkling outfits, some two pieces and some in a piece, mostly in silver but with accent colours. One in a bright red, a blinding yellow, a darker blue shade, a electric lime green and a dusty purple.
Epel gasped, "What in tarnation are those things? " He exclaims in shock, Sebek eyes also widened in disbelief, Ace only chuckled. "Well come on men, we need to try on our outfits. " Epel glared but picked up his garment, trying to remain unflappable but ultimately failing. They retreated back to the dressing rooms for a short moment before stepping out in their outfits.
Shimmering stones and glitter shine from the lights pointing down in the dressing rooms, Deuce looks at himself in the mirror and says to his friends "Well I guess that we're rather adaptable. " trying to make the mood less disappointing but suddenly, a shout comes from behind them. "Hey? What are you doing with our outfits? " One of them asks, the boys turn around and are met with the faces of their female actresses, Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri.
It then dawned on the boys that Lilia had fortunately grabbed the wrong boxes unknowingly. Ace started laughing "I got scared for a second that you were going to make us really wear these dresses! " He wipes a tear from the corner of his eye, Epel and Jack let out a breath of relief simultaneously, Deuce chucked slightly and Sebek stood there. But alas a crisis was avoided.
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kittzuxp · 1 year
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS, racists, xenophobes, anti-therians, anti-furries, radqueers, proshippers, 'superstarights' etc and any hate groups in general.
Also @/guess-who-69 sorry
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube. Oh and comics can't forget about those (currently reading homestuck)
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Mob psycho 100
Homestuck [NEW!]
Ghost eyes
Sally face
The song of achilles
Ouk an lavois para tou mi ehontos (if you know this one lets get married/j)
Lacey games
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @/officialclangen)
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
God troubles me!
An extremely goofy movie
The Boiled One Phenomenon (PHEN-228 is my pookie ❤❤)
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things ☹️☹️ (I'm trying to not to associate the actors with the characters as to not ruin the show 4 me. I will be boycotting s5 tho)
Sonic prime
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
My Artfight >ω<
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzu's argos plushie = i am legally forced to put this tag under the mr plant one.
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
storytime with kittzu = me sharing my memories and expiriences with the world. I want to leave a mark that i was here and that my existance is not forgotten. Philosophical much?
kittzu's ocs = working on a masterpost abt my ocs but there's this tag too
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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[🔼by @/oxceen]
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mythical-bookworm · 11 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
(Thanks to @bg-sparrow and @professorsaber for tagging me)
1) Spell your name in songs (Songs I enjoy to listen to. Also 3 songs with the letter O and a K song??? This was hard)
Bushes of Love (Star Wars) by Bad Lip Reading
One Way or Another by Blondie
Oh Wonder - Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix)
Karma by Vocaloid
Where is Your Rider by The Oh Hellos
One Mint Julep by the Clovers
Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
2) Why did you choose your URL?
My URL is derived from MythicalBookWorm. I wanted this to be it originally but it was already taken :( I created it back in 2020 when I joined a little kids coding website called Scratch. Now how I came up with it? No fun story there. Just stared at the sign-up pages for a while, trying to come up with characteristics about me before this popped into my head. Ever since then this has been my user online. After all, Scratch got me into art and animation, and online in general. I still really like the URL and it is officially me online.
3) What is your middle name?
I don't feel comfortable saying it as it is apart of my real name. However: In the context of my full name, I like my middle name. It flows extremely nicely and is the reason my parents gave me it, along with the name being in the family once before. By itself though? Never liked it. In or out of context I have always hated the name. Put it on anyone, anything, don't like it.
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
Isn't funny how I have contemplated this a lot? Now if we were going by personality, I would definitely be a phoenix. However, this is choice. So 100% dragon! Think about it: flight, fire, and fingers! It's the best combination of fun, powerful, and convenient/realistic. Plus wouldn't it be cool to roll your throat and make those super intimidating throat growls?
5) Favorite color?
Magenta! 2nd is Lavender, 3rd is Teal/Cyan.
6) Song you love right now?
Well, recently watched and fell in love with the Back to the Future Musical, so Hello, is Anybody Home? and Teach Him a Lesson (That he'll always forget! <Never forget>) Also found Crane Wives recently so I've been enjoying their songs as well. :)
7) Top four fandoms?
Back to the Future
Wings of Fire
Gravity Falls
Back to the Future and Amphibia are pretty interchangeable though. Currently it's BttF but Amphibia was on top for a lot longer before it.
8) Tag nine people
Hope you guys don't mind, don't feel pressured or anything ':)
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin boy’s Scenario’s
(When you wear a wedding dress pt:1)
Hello everyone! So, this is a new idea of mines to do, basically I'll be doing some of these genshin scenario’s for both the guys and the girls! I hope you guys enjoy this! This a modern AU as well~ :3
I’ll be adding what wedding dresses you guys would wearing as well! Although if you don't like them then you are free to imagine what type of wedding you want! :3 You guys are also fiancé’s~
Including: Diluc & Kaeya
REMINDER: These characters do not belong to me they belong to Hoyoverse. The reader here is female(she/her) If any of the characters I write are occ or inaccurate I apologize for that. Sorry if it might be a bit cringe hehehe...also the pictures (the wedding dresses) present here belong to their rightful owners :3 A little suggestive at Kaeya’s part but its kaeya lol
~Diluc Ragnvindr~
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It's been a month since you and your future husband Diluc have been engaged and you both were really happy! Right now, you both were at a Bridal shop, picking out some dresses that you think would look nice on you, you found one that was a beautiful color of light lavender...it was so beautiful...so you went to a changing room and put it on. Meanwhile Diluc was sitting on a couch talking with his brother, Kaeya.
‘’Kaeya...I keep telling you that I don’t want a pink colored suit....’’ The red-haired said with a sigh and Kaeya on the other side of the phone just chuckled
‘’Whatever you say dear brother~, Oh! I have to go now..I have a meeting starting bye~’’ Before Diluc could say bye Kaeya hanged up making Diluc irritated at his brothers' behavior...seriously can't he be at least polite?
‘’Mr. Ragnvindr!’’ The shops keeper called out to him; He looked up from his phone raising a brow 
‘’Mrs. y/n would like you to come to the fitting room~’’ The lady said with a smile He nodded and got from the couch and went to the fitting rooms 
‘’Love? Are you there?’’ He asked ‘’Yea....come in!’’ He heard your voice at the other side of the door. 
He nodded and opened the door.....
Master Diluc has stopped working exe.
There you were...in all your beautiful glory....
You wearing a beautiful light lavender dress that fitted you so perfectly, He almost fell on his knees by just looking at you...how could you be so beautiful? You were just standing there awkwardly, thinking that he doesn't like it...
‘’Uhm...do you not like it?’’ You asked looking at him, He widened his eyes and quickly said ‘’no’’ 
He went closer to you and held your hand with your wedding ring on and he kissed it blushing slightly....
‘’You've got it all wrong love...your...so beautiful. That I almost forgot to breath’’ he said with so much love and admiration in his eyes
This time it was your turn to blush....oh Diluc...making you fall involve with him all over again....
~Kaeya Alberich~
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‘’Hmm...how about this one babe?’’ Kaeya said while holding a dress in front of you, ‘’eh..no..too much.’’ You said shaking your head and looking back at the pile of wedding dresses.
You both currently at a bridal shop shopping for dresses for you guys' wedding! Even if your wedding was in June which was months away...you both couldn’t contain your excitements~
Suddenly Kaeya’s phone started ringing, ‘’Oh! Sorry baby I gotta take this’’ he said as he takes out his phone from his pocket.
You nod not taking your attention off the dresses and he took off somewhere private at the shop. Even when planning your wedding you both were still busy with work which you guys didn’t mind since Kaeya wanted you guys' wedding to be amazing..but...in all honesty you just wanted it to be simple and just get married to him...but it makes him happy..it makes you happy too...
You sigh getting up to stretch ‘’None of these dresses are my type...hmm..’’ You looked around and spotted the shops keeper, you called out to her, and she went over to you asking if you need any assistance.
‘’May I know where your other dresses are?’’ You asked politely with a small smile She nodded and you guys started walking to another side of the shop which had more wedding dresses, but this time they were all less decorated and bumpy
You looked through some and...whoa! Your eyes sparkled as you held a very beautiful ivory pink it was simple yet very pretty and you liked it! 
You asked where the fitting room was to the shop's keeper, and she happily directed it to you. You went to the fitting room and changed excited to see Kaeya’s reaction to it....
Kaeya said goodbye to his employee at work and hanged up, going by the place where you were supposed to be, but you were gone....he looked around and asked the shops keeper where you were she told him that you went to the fitting room to change into a wedding dress that you found~
Instantly his eyes widened and sparkled, and he rushed to get to the fitting room knocking on the door calling out your name....
When you said he could come in....he couldn’t contain his excitement and opened the door widely...and he couldn’t believe his eyes....
You were standing there...smiling..whilst holding your eyes together....
omg...you looked amazing...
‘’Are you..an angel?’’ He asked as he walked over to you, you blushed and giggled ‘’Your so corny hehehehe..’’ He smiled and pulled you by the waist and kissed you passionately
He broke off the kiss and looked at you in the eyes with love and admiration...as well as...something else....
‘’How can you be so sexy and so beautiful at the same time?’’ He asked kissing you once more this time with lust...
I hope you're not too loud y/n....
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You guys made it to the end!
I hope you guys enjoyed this :3
See you guys on my next post~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are appreciated! :3
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Lavender and Starflower (Mobster AU) - Chapter 1
The Dekarios Clan reigns over Waterdeep as the city’s protector for centuries. Suddenly, the Clan gets challenged by Cazador, the head of the Szarr Clan that rules over Baldur’s Gate. Of course, such an attack won’t be tolerated and the intruder must be forced back and out of the City of Splendors. While fixing destroyed protection sigils, Gale, wizard prodigy and heir of the Dekarios Clan, meets a charming stranger called Astarion. And Gale makes the biggest mistake of his life; he invites the pale elf into his home.
Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, graphic description of violence, non-con/rape, smut, angst, emotional rollercoaster, mobster AU
I have no idea where I'm going with this one yet, but I was inspired to start writing it when I saw this artwork by @arczism (I hope you like this mobster AU, Arczi <3)
The poem's my own, but is inspired by 'The Starry Night' by Anne Sexton. Also, I named the poet after her, lol.
This is obviously an AU that isn't related to my other work.
Ah, yes, Waterdeep. The City of Splendors. It was especially beautiful at this time of the year: autumn.
Gale Dekarios, wizard prodigy and heir of the Dekarios Clan, watched the pigeons on the balcony's parapet as he drank his cup of lavender tea. When he caught a motion in his peripheral vision, he smiled and said: "Not today, Tara. Leave the pigeons be."
The calico tressym – it's a tressym, not a cat, mind you – huffed.
"Can't a lady have hobbies?" she asked, miffed.
"You can hunt as many pigeons as you want, my dear Tara, but not the ones on my balcony because some of them are carrier pigeons and I need them."
The addressed sighed deeply, but walked back to the fluffy pillows in front of the crackling fireplace.
"Alright, I'll leave them be – for you. Because I love you oh-so much, Mr. Dekarios," she said, long-sufferingly.
"Thanks, Tara," chuckled Gale and finished his tea.
Right on time, as always, there were three quick knocks at the door.
"Come in!" the wizard prodigy shouted while he stood up and took the jacket from the back of his chair.
A massive half-orc entered, long, black hair in a messy bun and a pair of glasses on his big nose.
"Good evening, Murk. How are you?"
"'m good, Gale, Sir. Are ya ready to go? The boss wants to see ya."
The addressed sighed, but nodded. While he followed his quasi-bodyguard across the halls of the Dekarios Estate, Gale straightened the collar of his black jacket. Modern formal wear. That's all the boss got today. Gale wasn't in the mood to don the traditional robes for the visit.
Murk knocked at the office door, opened it, and stuck his head in.
"Uhm, boss? Yer son's here."
"Excellent. Come in – both of you."
Murk held the door open and Gale took a deep breath before he entered the spacious office.
Morena Dekarios, head of the Dekarios Clan and Archmage of Waterdeep, stood in front of the window and watched the vespertine hustle and bustle of the harbour. Her long, brown hair flowed over her shoulders and her back, spilling and curling like the sea. The dark purple robe she wore – she demanded to call it a robe even though it was more of a dress in Gale's opinion – hugged her curvy body and looked absolutely stunning. Morena was a gorgeous woman and anyone who claims that women over forty are unattractive has no idea what they're talking about.
Gale indicated a small bow.
"Hello, mum, how can I help?"
His mother smiled, closed the short distance between them, and stroke Gale's cheek tenderly.
"My darling boy," Morena said, "you look dashing tonight – even without the family robe."
She kissed his cheek – she was a rather tall woman – and hugged him tightly. Gale returned the warm embrace happily, but muttered: "What's wrong, mum?"
The addressed sighed.
"It's that pretentious prick of Baldur's Gate. That greedy bastard of a clan leader. Cazador." Morena spat his name like it was putrid. Then, she finally let go of her son, with furrowed brows and visibly enraged. "He already reigns over all of Baldur's Gate, but no, that's not enough for that utter prick! Now, he's waltzing into our city and thinks he can take it too! How dare he!"
"But," Gale furrowed his brows, "what's he doing here? The Szarr Clan never tried to expand their territory before. Why now?"
"I don't know, and that's what worries me," replied Morena. "As Waterdeep's Archmage family, it is our duty to keep the city safe. Szarr's lackeys already tried to break multiple protection sigils in the city. And for some reason, they're attacking brothels first." Morena frowned. "I don't know what Cazador's goal is exactly, but I won't let him run around in our city and frighten our prostitutes! They're very important for our business and the best unconventional way to receive certain information. I won't tolerate Cazador's behaviour and we will show him where he belongs and with whom he's messing with." She sighed and brushed a stray hair behind her ear. She looked at Gale and continued in a much softer tone. "Dear, I'd like you to check on the brothels and fix the broken protection sigils. Meanwhile, I'll have some meetings to attend to calm down certain politicians, nobles, clerics, and other people in power who act like scared chicken."
"But, mum, it's Friday night. Everybody's out partying with their friends," Gale objected.
"Dear," Morena look at him with raised eyebrows, "you neither have friends, nor do you like partying."
"Well, don't try to fool your mother. See you later, my darling boy."
"See you later, mum."
Chuckling, Gale kissed his mother goodbye and left the Dekarios Estate with Murk. Together, they made their way through the city, from brothel to brothel, and took a look at the damage.
Gale was confused about Cazador's attempts to break the protection sigils of brothels. It would make much more sense to do this to spells cast on the bank, government buildings, or the homes of nobles instead.
Maybe, it's some kind of reverse psychology trick, pondered Gale. What else would the Szarr Clan want to achieve with unsafe brothels?
After repairing the last protection spell, Murk fidgeted around, slightly bashful.
"Uhm, Gale, Sir? Since we're done with work, could I stay here and order a drink or two? And maybe a girl?"
"Of course, Murk. I'll find home by myself," Gale answered with a chuckle. He waved everyone goodbye and left through the back door. Sighing deeply, Gale looked up at the small strip of the night sky that was visible between the buildings' roofs.
"Lovely night, isn't it?"
Startled, Gale turned to find the man who'd spoken the words - and the sight took his breath away.
There were silver-white curls, striking eyes, pale skin, and black leather. So much black leather.
The man, an elf, smirked. A haughty little thing that didn't show his teeth (which were probably perfect too, Gale imagined).
"Cat got your tongue?" the stranger teased.
"No." Gale cleared his throat. "I simply didn't expect company for my stargazing.
'And the day drowns in the darkness of the sky,
while the night boils with sparkling stars.
Painted with fae dust and magic in jars,
oh, starry night, this is how I want to die.'"
"Hmm... Annelore Nixton. I love her poems," the elf mused. "They always have a certain inclination towards the macabre."
Gale beamed at him, asking: "You know her poems? You have no idea how rare it is to meet someone who knows her. I mean, sure, Elven poets aren't popular with most humans, but -"
He paused when he heard the stranger chuckle.
"An admirer of Elven poetry. How droll." The handsome stranger smirked again and held out his hand. "My name's Astarion and with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
"Gale. Gale of Waterdeep," replied the wizard and shook the offered hand. It was cool to the touch and Gale wondered for how long Astarion had been standing out here.
"Well then, Gale of Waterdeep, how about a drink? Or something else?" the pale elf asked.
"Something else?"
"Mh, yes, darling." Astarion placed a hand on Gale's upper arm and stepped closer. A wave of rosemary, bergamot, and brandy wafted over, and Gale inhaled deeply. Gods, Astarion smelled so good. Smirking knowingly, the latter leaned in, purring: "You could recite more poetry to me. Or, we could have some fun."
Gale swallowed thickly.
"Fun?" he squeaked.
"Sex, darling. Only if you want to, of course."
Gale paused, looking Astarion up and down.
"Are you a prostitute? I mean nothing against said profession, I'm very openminded. You're just very blunt about your approach and –"
"Even if I would be a prostitute, I wouldn't charge you," interrupted Astarion. "You caught my eye and I think you're endearing and sweet. I can even imagine that you have a library at home."
"I do, in fact," Gale said proudly. After a moment of hesitation, he asked the one thing his mother forbade him to ask. "Would you like to see it?"
The elf's smirk widened.
"I'd loved to, darling. Take me home."
And Gale opened a portal and, for the very first time, invited a stranger into his home.
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frodothefair · 6 months
Drunk Mûmakil Cream: The Most Dreamy Cream in All of Middle Earth
by Marigold (Gamgee) Baggins
(probably edited for spelling and grammar by Frodo Baggins)
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(image from sephora.com) (the premise)
Hello, everyone!
Mr. Frodo, Sam, and my sisters all thought that it would be a good idea for me to write an account of my favorite gift that I got for my wedding, so here we are!
We got so many wonderful things that it was difficult to pick just one, but in the end, I settled on the "Drunk Mûmakil" cream from Queen Arwen. Apparently, trade with Harad has resumed, and so the creams made with exotic oils from the South can be found in Gondor once again! Lady Arwen wrote a very kind letter saying that the cream was meant to preserve my youth, and that is no bad thing, I think, even if Mr. Frodo always tells me that he will love me even when I am old and wrinkled.
I don't know who came up with such a funny name, "Drunk Mûmakil," but that's the first wonderful thing about it! Mr. Frodo and Sam say that they saw a Mûmakil, or an Oliphaunt as we call it in the Shire, and they think that an Oliphaunt or a Mûmakil is a fearsome thing to behold at the best of times. I also reckon that a drunk mûmakil would wreak perfect havoc wherever it went, so I was a little worried at first. I certainly hoped that it was only a name meant to attract the eye, and no indication of the substance of the thing!
I was also a wee bit worried about trying it at first because it came from so far away, and from such noble givers, and I am not yet used to fine things at all. But in the end, I was not disappointed.
The lavender box is such a lovely color, but beneath the lid, there is a special pump, and all you have to do is press it, and it will dispense just as much as you need. No waste at all with this little box, and this alone would earn it top marks in my book. On top of that, though, the cream itself is the most wonderful, creamy, dreamy concoction! My skin immediately felt like the ground, thirsty and soaking up water from a summer rainstorm!
I must admit, I am always running here and there, taking care of my husband and other folks, and it's always either the sun or the cold or the steam that's putting my skin through the paces. I make my own creams with oil, tallow, and soothing herbs, but nothing I've ever made can hold a candle to this stuff.
Lady Arwen's letter said that there is a serum and an eye cream, too, that Drunk Mûmakil makes, and if I have a mind, there is a place I can write and they can be shipped to me. I have to own, I'd dearly love to have it, but I hardly wish to waste Mr. Frodo's money!
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Texas Roadhouse (Jake "Hangman" Seresin X Koko) 👩🏾👨🇨🇱🤟🏽👢🤠🐴
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Jake Seresin X Koko (Black Curvy/Plus-Size Reader)
Warning: Fluff and probably some little angst
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On a summer day, y'all flew to Jake's hometown to see his mom for the first time while you in Austin, Texas so while y'all there, Jake took y'all to side seeing around the town especially the horses, the festivals, etc.
"Wow, so this is Texas. No wonder why you always represent your hometown, I'm ain't mad at ya." You chuckled
"Yup, this is my safe haven. Besides what you think, I'm listening to country music and having this accent?" He smirked to you.
"I'm can see that." You smirk back to him
"Hey, Mama?" The child said to you
"Yes baby?"
"This is daddy's hometown?" The child asked you
"Yes honey, this is Daddy's hometown."
"Mama, look! A horsey!" The child said to you while she pointed and saw the animal.
"See, I'm told you the kids are gonna enjoy it so far." Jake grins.
You just happy to be with your little family while your husband is on the vacation to visiting his mom in Texas, but you know that you looking forward to meet your mother-in-law, especially bringing your kids to see their grandma for the first time in person.......
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The following day, y'all at the hotel, both of y'all gotten up, you already washed up the night before so while Jake in the bathroom showering, you getting the kids up, making sure they ate some breakfast, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed up. So afterwards your husband got out the bathroom from showering and you smell the vanilla & lavender body wash that he has on and also you couldn't help that he looks handsome without clothes on especially he have a towel wrap around his wrist like that, but you have to get your dirty thoughts out of your mind for right now because we are wasting time a little bit, and we have to get going so after we already got dressed and we are heading out to his mom's house.
So after hours & hours on the road, we arrived at the place, Jake parked the driveway, killed the engine and we got out of the car and rings the doorbell and we saw his mom and her outfit it's scream southern bell because of how they dressed especially cause of they raised in a old money Texan way versus me as a Georgian woman like myself I'm more into black culture way because of where I from so he understand knows where I'm come from after we first met before we starting dating.
"My baby Jacob, how are you?" His mom hugs Jake
"Hey mama, how are ya?" He hugged her back after he greeted her.
So after she greeted Jake, she saw me and the kids, she stepped closer towards her, immediately she hugged her & the children.....
"Hello Koko, it's so nice finally to meet you, and you are really beautiful as well." She smiles at you while greeting.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Seresin. " You greeted her back.
"Please call me Shelley or Ms. Shelley, whatever you like to call me, though, and this must be my lovely grandkids as well."
It's didn't hit you the fact that those kids are yours & Jake's because the children is more resemble like their father because of their green but hazel eyes but hey you can't help that it's those Seresin genes though but anyway your little girl is not the shy type, sure she has it but she more adventurous like her father and your son is so handsome, he probably gonna have the charm effect from his father and you know when he gets little older those girls probably gonna call up the house and asking him if he a available.....
"So this is my grandchildren, huh? Y'all are so adorable, and how are you loves?" Ms. Shelley compliments the kids.
"Hi grandma, I'm good, and I am glad to see you in person." Jade said hello and introduced herself to her.
"Hi Jade, I'm glad to see you in person as well and you just a cute pie."
"Thank you" she smiles at her grandmother
"And who this handsome prince also as well?" Ms. Seresin asking you.
"This is James Jacob, the middle name, that I'm named him after his father." You tell her about the name.
"So I see and the name is perfect for him but hey come on in, make yourself at home, I'm make some fresh made of cookies."
"Well thank you Ms. Shelley, come on Jade."
"Okay mama" she follows you in the house
"So how long yall gonna be here in Austin though?" She asked y'all.
"Oh we gonna stay here about 3 more days and then we head out back to California." Jake have James on his hip.
"Ohh okay, well it's so good to see you my Jacob."
"You too ma, but anyway where grandma at?"
"She outside on the patio." She told where she at."
"Okay but hey sweetheart I'm gonna see my grandmother alright?"
"Yeah sure, no problem go head" you tell to go head since you have the kids.
"So Koko, how you and Jacob met if you don't mind asking?" She brought out the cookies & tea
"Well I'm met him in a navy bar back in San Diego, California." You told Ms. Seresin how you & Jake met.
"Oh okay, so where you from though love?"
"I'm from Atlanta, Georgia"
"Ohh a big city."
"Yup, I'm from the south and I'm a proud Georgian." You told her that you proud of what city where you from though.
"That understandable darlin', so what you do though?" She asking you
"I'm a stay-at-home mom."
"Okay but look I'm have to tell you something and it's nothing personal, listen what your tensions with my son?" She ask for curiously.
"I'm love your son, more than ever, I'm not expecting anything from him all I want is understanding, morals, respect, and openly minded, that what I want, I'm don't care about the money, that not who I am all that I'm want it to want someone to loves me and let me be myself, that'll all I'm ever wanted." You poured your heart to Mrs. Seresin
"Wow love, I'm never expected that from you to pour your heart out like that." She was surprised
"Sorry I'm just, I in love with Jake and I'm never felt this way before in my life especially how he treated me as a woman."
"Well I'm glad he treated you well and y'all treating each other well too." She understood you.
"Mama!! We saw more horses too, can I'm ride one of them please?" Jade asked you
"Tell your father if it's okay for you."
"Okay mama." Jade running towards back to her father.
"I'm sorry, she like animals so much." You smiled
"That okay honey, kids being kids, but look I'm let you go back to Jacob and it's was a nice conversation with you Koko." She hugged you
"Okay and you too Ms. Shelley." You hugged her back.
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And so you went outside with James on your hip and Jake saw you standing there while holding y'all son, and he got him so you can keep a eye on Jade.....
"Hey Babe, how you like it so far?" He asked about the vacation.
"It's perfect, I'm wouldn't be anywhere but you, there no place I rather be here." You kiss him on the lips with a passionate.
"I'm wouldn't trade anything else in the world because of you, I'm really happy that I'm glad we found each other." He kissing you more.
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A/N: This is a another long one-shot story and also this is a alternate universe if Koko married to Jake and have children with him.
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