#Arsenal x batsis!reader
queenmxkealson · 1 year
I’ve seen people use Taron Eagerton as a Roy face claim
OooOo I like him, this him tho? Usually people use Colton Haynes, thanks for responding 。^‿^。
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butwhyduh · 3 years
B, I was rereading your content again (sometimes you just have to revisit the greats) and the pregnancy scare headcanons are always great to me. So, we know how the boys would react to being directly involved in said scare, but what if it was batsis and one of their friends?
I don't have any specific friend in mind for this idea, so it's kind of like. A free space? Like, it could be Dick finding out about Garth or Wally (I know you're still working on figuring him out, so there's no pressure there) and his sister, or Jason with Roy (or Kyle, I've seen them be friends in some fics but I don't know a lot about them) or like. Tim with Kon. Older Damien with Older Jon is also a possibility if you're feeling up to it, since the prompt isn't inherently sexual beyond how pregnancy comes to be (facts of life and all) but I'd totally understand if you wanted to rule that one out entirely right out of the gate. Literally any pairing fits. Hell, you could even do something with Bruce's sister (a bat aunt I guess??) with anyone in the league.
There's something about the concept of the "brother's best friend" thing that's hilarious because the brother gets the whiplash of like "I'm glad it's you because I know you and I know you would never hurt my siblings on purpose but also this definitely feels like a HUGE violation of the bro code, and I might need to think about punching you a tiny bit until I get used to the thought of you two being a thing, let alone possibly making an entire baby together"
Oooooo drama
Okay so I’m gonna go with
Reader x Roy Harper w/ Dick finding out
Reader x Kyle Rayner w/ Jason finding out
Reader x Kon Kent w/ Tim finding out
Reader x Ghost Maker w/ Bruce finding out
Stories under the cut, this got long with a lot of different stories so please let me know what you think!!
Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Again. It happened again. Roy felt frozen. Then he looked at you. It was different. You were together. It wasn’t a fling. It was totally different. And he couldn’t help but pull you into a hug. Your eyes were wet and you looked so scared.
“Hey, don’t worry. Whatever you want, I’m there. Don’t worry,” he said wiping tears from your face. You nodded and closed your eyes while leaning into him. Roy hugged you close.
A knock at the door broke your hug.
“Shit, Dick is here to pick me up,” Roy said.
“I- okay. I’m just gonna wash my face and it’ll be fine,” you said. You hurried to the kitchen and splashed water on your face as Dick walked in.
“Hey,” he said to you both. “What’s the matter? You’ve been crying.”
Dick turned to look at Roy critically. Damn his perceptiveness.
“Sad movie we just finished. I’m a sucker for them,” you said and he nodded, appeased.
“Hey I’m gonna use your bathroom real quick before we leave,” Dick said before jogging to the bathroom. Your eyes widened as you realized the test. The pregnancy test on the counter. Oh fuck.
“What the shit? Are you- did you get my sister pregnant?? Someone answer me,” Dick said walking in the room with the pee stick. You winced.
“Dick, calm down,” you said moving towards him but he was faster than you and landed a right hook to Roy in the jaw. He fell back hard. You shrieked.
“Dick!” You gasped. Roy sat up and rubbed his jaw from the floor.
“You knocked up my sister? You didn’t learn how that shit works the first time,” Dick roared.
“Dick, quit,” you pleaded.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t- this isn’t-“
“I’m on the pill. I don’t know how it happened,” you told him. Dick looked at you softly. Concern was written all over his face. “It’s not his fault.”
“Seriously? You’re- you’re pregnant?” Dick asked you. He walked closer.
“Maybe? We don’t know. I haven’t been to the doctor or anything,” you shrugged shyly.
“Add you gonna- don’t answer that. You don’t have to tell me,” he corrected himself. Dick looked over you to Roy that was standing to the side.
“If you do not treat her right and be a good dad if she’s pregnant, I’ll make sure the only bow you’ll be able to touch is the ones Lian puts in your hair because you’re in a body cast,” Dick threatened.
“I wouldn’t. You know I wouldn’t do that. I’m here for anything,” Roy said seriously. Dick stared at him.
“I know you’re good for Lian. Come on. We got a job. And you owe me dinner. And a beer,” Dick added. “For like a month.”
“Aw, alright, alright,” Roy added seriously after he started to joke. He gave you a hug and kiss on the cheek before dashing out the door.
Kyle Rayner x batsis!reader
“Go buy the box. Just at the corner store, Ky. I felt like I’m gonna throw up for like the last 3 mornings and now I’m freaking out. Please,” you said, shooing him to the door.
“Okay, yeah babe, which one?” Kyle asked looking more flustered than when he fights intergalactic monsters.
“Literally any. Actually 2 of any variety. Pretty sure they all work the same,” you said and he ran out the door before coming back.
“My wallet,” he said before running back out.
Kyle ran in the store and looked at the variety of tests. Pink, purple, early, ovulation, gender tests. You can learn that from a test?? Fuck was there too many choices. He grabbed 2 at random and hurried to the register. As his bag was being handed to him and his credit card was being swiped, Kyle felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned quickly.
“Woah bro. You alright? I called your name.”
If Kyle could think of a worse person to see at this exact moment it would only be Batman. There he was with a bag containing only a pregnancy test for his girlfriend and her brother, his friend, was right there. His detective trained friend. Kyle was glad he wore the lantern ring at that moment.
“No, I wasn’t paying any attention,” he said with an awkward laugh.
“My sister at home?” Jason asked walking beside Kyle.
“Yeah, yeah she is,” Kyle answered. He could feel himself sweating. It was hot but not that hot. What if Jason noticed him sweating too much?
“Cool. I’ll walk with you,” Jason said with an easy grin “you getting sick?”
“What?! No. I’m fine. It’s just hot. Today,” he said pushing the elevator button back at the apartment building.
“Yeah, you’re like real sweaty, Bro. What’s in the bag?” Jason asked. “Like if you’re sick and I got on the elevator with you, I’m kicking your ass because I can’t handle being sick.”
“I’m not sick. I’m fine,” Kyle said a little too forcefully.
“Okay,” Jason said side eyeing Kyle. Kyle’s fingers were white with grip on the bag and Jason subtly eyed it but couldn’t tell anything.
“Hey you’re- Jason!” You yelped as you saw your brother right behind Kyle. Kyle gave you the bag quickly with a wide eyed look.
“Hey, how are you?” Jason asked while giving you a hug.
“Good. Good,” you said with a new level of stress. Why the fuck was your brother here now?
As if by the magic of luck in a series of unfortunate events, through the cheap quality of the bag to begin with and the tightness Kyle had been holding it, to the slight way you swung it away from you when hugging Jason; it broke. The content flopped on the floor slightly behind you and yo the right which just happened to be the perfect angle for Jason to view the contents.
“…. Is this a… a pregnancy test??” He asked after automatically picking up what you dropped. And that felt like the moment you’d soul left your body. The moment your brother held a pregnancy test and asked if it was yours when you both already knew the answer.
“Uhh- well, yes,” you said. He stared at you for a second.
“And…” he promoted.
“Nothing. Nothing,” you tried to play it off.
“Holy shit. That’s why you look sick. You knocked my sister up. Holy shit,” Jason says turning to Kyle. Kyle stood back a little.
“Jay,” you said putting your hand on his shoulder. Jason frowned heavily at you. “Don’t get mad.”
“I’m already mad. I’m deciding if I’m going to shoot him,” Jason said with a horrible smile at Kyle. Kyle’s ring started to glow a little.
“No. There will be none of that. Jason don’t even think about it,” you said. He glared at Kyle.
“When you least expect it, Lantern,” he said nastily. “I gotta go before I break his pretty face.”
“Love you did but gotta go,” he said before leave. As he left out the door he grabbed a set of keys and threw them and hit Kyle directly between the eyes.
“Ow,” Kyle said rubbing his face.
“Okay I’m gonna take that test now,” you said.
“Oh god. Wait. Wait,” Kyle said walking over to you. “Whatever. I’m here.”
“Yeah,” he said nodding.
3 days later Jason just shoots a whole damn clip at Kyle while he holds up a green lantern construct guard.
Kon Kent x Batsis!reader
Kon woke up one day to a sound he didn’t quite understand. Heart beats. Fast heart beating. First he looked over at you sleeping but no you had a steady normal beat you always had. He listened closer and with a little maneuvering, realized what he heard. Kon fell out of bed in shock. What had he done?
You rolled over to look at him on the floor in sleepy confusion.
“What’s the matter, my alien lover?” You said with a grin.
“Yeah, yeah, speaking of. There is something we need to talk about,” he said. Kon didn’t know how to bring it up. It worked the other way where the woman announced she was pregnant.
“What’s the matter?” You asked with a frown.
“Nothing bad like that. Well, maybe. Uhh that’s up to you and your choices, that I totally support-“
“Conner, what are you talking about,” you asked fully awake.
“You have two heartbeats,” he said and you stared at him for a second.
“I have an irregular heartbeat?”
“No, you have 2 different heartbeats. In your body,” he said and you froze at the realization.
“Are you- are you saying I’m pregnant???” You asked sitting up and feeling nauseous suddenly.
“Probably. Yes. I haven’t been wrong about this yet. I won’t do any x ray viewing for safety,” he said. Kon climbed back on the bed and took your hand that was shaking.
“I just- I didn’t think it was be this soon. I thought we’d be…” you trailed off before you finished your sentence but Kon got what you meant. You’d been together for 2 years and living together for almost a year so the talk wasn’t a complete surprise.
“Married?” He filled in and you nodded. “We can, if you want.”
“Not like this,” you frowned. Your alarm on your phone rang. “Oh shoot. I’ve got to pick up Tim from the airport!”
You got up and started changing clothes. Kon froze while watching you for a second before throwing clothing on over the boxers he wore. He couldn’t help if he thought you were smoking hot.
The hot summer air hit different when you knew you were going in a perfectly climate controlled car that Bruce had bought you. Kon threw on some shades and laid back the passenger seat as you pulled out of the driveway.
“We tell Tim nothing,” you said. “He’s a worrier. We’ll tell him when we have a plan and he won’t freak out.”
“Okay. You aren’t- you aren’t freaking out,” Kon asked watching you. He was listening to both heartbeats coming from your body and noted yours was slightly faster than normal.
“I’m definitely freaking out. But we can figure things out later,” you said. Kon just nodded before looking out the window. Bat emotion suppression ran in the family.
“Timmy,” you cried before pulling him in a tight hug. He smiled and let you pull him around. “I haven’t seen you in months!”
“We’ll, somebody had to move to California,” he teased. “Hey Kon.”
“Somebody could use a tan,” he teased while also giving Tim a hug before climbing in the car.
“Not a thing in Gotham. Plus, I’m only going to be here for a week,” Tim answered. “But I do want to have some fun. I heard parasailing is great. What do you think?” He asked you.
“No! I mean- that’s a bad idea,” Conner said. Tim turned and looked at him.
“What are you talking about? Aren’t you the one that likes to drag her to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge to make out?” Tim asked.
“Well- uhh…”
“I’m getting over a stomach bug,” you lied.
“Okay, tell me the truth,” Tim said looking between you both. “Both of you are acting weird.”
“We’re not,” you protested.
“Then go parasailing with me.”
“She can’t,” Kon answered too quickly and you palmed your face. Tim looked at you dryly as you pulled in to the parking garage of your building.
“Fine. We’ll tell you inside,” you said after a pause. Tim grabbed his bag and nodded.
“We will?!” Kon asked with wide eyes. He was literally floating off the ground. You pulled his arm and he touched down.
“I can’t lie to Tim,” you shrugged. Tim sat his bags down and looked at you expectantly.
“Alright. I’m pregnant,” you said, holding the counter nervously.
“I knew it! That was my first thought,” he says triumphantly. “You’re pregnant. Oh god, you’re pregnant?”
“Yeah?” You said and Kon watched Tim closely.
“How far along? Have you been to the doctor? Do you take vitamins?” Tim said pacing. He pulled his phone out in a rush as if he was going to immediately order some.
“Woah, we just found out today so I don’t know. Actually we found out because Kon heard a heartbeat,” you said.
“Okay. You really got her pregnant?” He asked again.
“Uh, yeah?” Kon said waiting for Tim to do something. Tim laughed. Loudly. Kon was even more scared.
“Oh god, when Bruce finds out you’re gonna end up strung up with Kryptonite so bad that not even Supes can save you,” he said before laughing again. “And that’s if Dick or Jason or Damian doesn’t get to you first. You got Batman’s daughter pregnant.”
“Ah man. I didn’t even think of that,” Kon groaned.
“It’s okay, the body cast will be off by the time the baby is born,” Tim teased while placing a hand on Kon’s shoulder a little too tightly. “Ass,” he added while manhandling Kon.
A few hours later
“Steph, I need your help. My sister is pregnant,” Tim said over the phone on the balcony.
“No! She’s dating you. My other sister,” he said with an eye roll.
“That makes more sense. Go on, bird boy,” she said.
“I need advice and help-“
“Say no more. Bring your credit card and we’ll buy everything she needs,” Steph said.
“Thank you so much.”
Ghost Maker x bat aunt!reader (idk what I think of that description but I guess it works??)
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yeah, K, I am,” you said. He tapped his fingers on the table in the massive penthouse apartment he rented.
“Well, then you will need proper nutrition and the best medical care and-“
“Woah woah. That’s it?” You asked shocked.
“Yes. It’s important for developing fetus-“
“I am aware K. But I thought you’d be… I don’t know…”
“Emotional? I don’t have much of that,” he said with a smile. “I’m practical. I see a problem and i fix it. You can either have the best medical care money can buy, an abortion, or adoption. I will pay for anything you want of course. It is your body.”
“Sometimes I forget you are a psychopath,” you admitted with a dry smile. “Repressed emotions run in the family so your actions seem practically normal. But moments like this are… tough.”
“I apologize,” he said. “I would not make a good father in a traditional sense but I would provide any worldly needs you or the child would need. You don’t have to decide today. This situation is unfortunate luck as we were using protection but I have never abandoned responsibilities.”
“Yeah,” you said grimly looking out at the Gotham skyline. “I have to tell Bruce soon. I’m supposed to help him with his work and I can’t do that now.”
Ghost Maker watched you carefully. He imagined that regular emotions would make this situation easier for you.
“We can meet him if you would like. He will probably fight me,” he commented.
“Yeah… but you both do that anyways,” you answered.
4 hours later you sat in a booth on the other side of town overlooking the bay. Bruce was sitting across from you talking about some business or another that you frankly weren’t listening a word to. You were too busy tearing your napkin apart.
“What is wrong with you?” Bruce said suddenly. You looked up at him startled. “You’re anxious.”
“I’m not,” you retorted.
“You’re nervously wringing at your napkin, your breathing is shallow, skin moist, pupils slightly dilated, and you are refusing wine with dinner. And the way you look to the door tells me you are expecting someone at the restaurant you had me rent out.”
“I hate that you do that,” you muttered. “Fine. I am expecting someone. I want you to promise civility first.”
“Interesting. You can bring them out. I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say and you needn’t worry about what I’ll think,” Bruce said. You blinked.
“You do? And you aren’t mad,” you asked. Most big brothers weren’t exactly fond of these situations.
“Of course not. I support my sister’s choices in life. And that includes anyone you bring in your life,” he said with a little smile.
“Oh,” you said leaning back in relief. Foot steps announced an arrival and you looked to see K with his mask on and a nice, of course white, suit.
Bruce had his wine glass pressed to his lips but didn’t take a drink. He lowered it and looked between you both. “What is this?”
“We have been seeing it other-“
“He is incapable of feeling love,” Bruce said with a glare at K.
“It wasn’t that kind of thing,” K answered before sitting beside you.
“I don’t need to know the men my sister takes to bed but I must say that I’m shocked,” Bruce said looking at you. “I admittedly thought you were lesbian.”
“That’s what you thought I was announcing?” You smiled and shook your head. “Bi. But there is something I need to tell you,” you said and were you sweating? “Uhh, well… I’m- I’m pregnant.”
Before you could say or do anything else, Bruce had sprung across the table and grabbed K by the collar and slammed him to the floor. It didn’t take much before they were exchanging blows in a fury that most people couldn’t hardly see.
“Stop,” you said angrily. “You’re both acting like children!”
Silverware was thrown at each other and tables flipped. You sighed heavily and grabbed a piece of bread and started tearing and eating it. A huge mirror was broken.
“Bruce, you are paying for any damages,” you said almost conversationally.
Finally they both stopped after thoroughly ruining the room. Both men stood panting. Shirts and jackets were ripped and K had a busted lip. The waiters hadn’t returned to the room probably out of self preservation.
“Look, I am going to decide what I want but I can’t do that if you two are fighting like idiots,” you said angrily and Bruce had the decency to look ashamed. “I’m leaving and neither of you are coming with me until you grow up and clean your mess.”
I didn’t write Jon kent x reader with Damian finding out because I can’t imagine it. I can only see him dating Damian so I couldn’t imagine him getting with any woman but especially Damian’s sister! But for any situation, Damian would have broken a sword on Jon even tho it didn’t hurt but just because it made Damian feel better.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
"Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."-with roy or kyle and batsis please? (you write them so good istg, i can't get enough) thank you :)
Have a Batsis x Roy one where Kyle is the other man! And thank you! <3
"Don't go on that date."/"Why?"/"You know why."/"Say it."
She took one last look in the mirror, a smirk gracing her lips at the confidence that burst through her body as she saw herself reflected, the tight black cocktail dress, the flashy earrings and sparkly heels, hair and makeup perfected. I look good. She thought, and grabbed her phone and wallet, strutting to the door.
Grasping the handle, she pulled it open, only to gasp as she was met with the one and only Roy Harper, a panicked look on his face, though she could see the shock at being met as well. “Roy, what—”
“Please don’t go on that date,” he begged. “Please, don’t go.”
She shook her head with incredulity. “Roy, what on earth are you talking about?”
“Your date,” he reiterated. “The one with Kyle. Please, I’m begging you, don’t go on it.”
Cocking a brow, she crossed her arms over her chest and retorted, “And why the hell shouldn’t I?”
Roy swallowed thickly, running a hand through his ginger tresses. “You know why.”
“Do I?” she shot back. “Maybe take a page out of my book and grow a pair.” She stared him down. “Say it. Or I’ll walk past you and leave you here to grovel.” He stared into her eyes, jaw tightening as he considered his options, and she made a show of looking at her watch. “I’ve got places to be, so I should be—”
“Fuck it,” he hissed, reaching out to grabbed her around the waist. “I love you and I should’ve told you a long time ago, but I was scared of your brothers but if I have to choose between being worried about Dick and Jason stomping mudholes in my ass or losing you to Kyle, Goddamnit, I’m choosing you.”
Roy breathed in and out deeply. “I love you.”
For a moment, her expressions only held a blank mask, then it split into a grin, and she looped her arms around his neck, pulling him inside the apartment. “Took you long enough.”
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aliasimagines · 4 years
If You Hurt Her // R. H.
Roy Harper x batsis!reader
a/n: so, sad news, no lian in this. good news i definitely probably will write a sequel to this where batsis and lian meet for the first time. also double post today cause I was lazy all week. anyways hope you enjoy reading! ❤️
word count: 1169
warnings: a lil bit of making out in the beginning, Jason being a protective brother, some swearing because...it's me.
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You shut the supply closet and pushed Roy against the wall. You slammed your lips against his. He smiled at your eagerness as he cupped your cheeks. Your hearts raced faster than a race car and neither of you could care less about the mission you were on. Roys lowered his arms, slightly brushing your shoulder before wrapping them around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Your brother's gonna kill me..." he mumbled against your lips. You pulled apart to catch your breath for a brief moment. You chuckled at his comment as you ran your fingers through his long ginger hair. You leaned in again, placing soft kiss on his jaw line.
" Don't worry about Jason, I can handle him." you whispered. "Worry about Damian."
Even though Damian was much younger than you, he was extremely protective of you. Roy could almost saw the little Wayne running towards him with a sword twice as big as the boy himself.
"Fuck.." Roy breathed out, still panting slightly.
Just as you were about to press your lips together again you heard Jason through your income.
"Guuuys, I could really fucking use some help over here!!"
You let go of Roy and turned your mic back on while busting out of the closet with Roy following close behind.
"On my way, Hood." you said running towards from where you heard the sound of gunshots
"Me too." Roy spoke getting his bow ready.
You ran in and helped Jason take out the bad guys along with Roy. Once the last man was down too Jason took off his helmet, leaving him only in his red mask.
"Where the fuck were you anyways? The two of you supposed to come here after turning off the security system."
Roy's cheeks suddenly matched the color of his mask and suit.
"Well, uhm we got into some diversion.." he said hand playing with his bow. You rolled your eyes under the mask.
"We got caught and had to fight off a few guards." "Okay, let's get what we came for." your brother turned around and walked out the door, leaving the two of you behind. Roy turned to you with a sad expression.
"I can't keep lying to him Y/N!" he whisper yells. You exhale loudly. It did feel wrong to you too, lying to your brother. In the beginning you didn't tell because what if the relationship didn't work out and then it would make things awkward and all but... You really fucking liked Roy. And things were going peachy. Maybe it was time to tell Jason too.
"Allright. After the mission we'll tell him, ok?"
He nods and goes after Jay .
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Roy and Jason packed the stuff in the car while you leaned against the vehicle and watched them. They joked around causing you to smile. Roy was one of those few people who your brother trusted and you knew that he would approve of your relationship. Eventually. He sure as hell will start a fight first.
Soon you all climbed in the car, Jason in the driver's seat you next to him and Roy in the back.
"This was a nice job, guys." Jason said as he drove off. You hummed in agreement and put on some music.
"Yaaas, Bowling for Soup! I love you sis!" yelled Jason. You smiled at your brother and automatically reached back to grab Roy's hand. You felt his fingers intertwine with yours. You strengthened your grip in a reassuring way and he run his thumb your hand.
"Jay.." you called over the music, interrupting Jason's mini concert.
"..she was gonna be an actress, she was gonna be a star, she was gonna shake her ass on the hood of Whitesnake's car, her yellow... Yeah?" he looked at you for a second questioningly before turning his attention back on the road while continuing to humm the song.
"Well I would... We would like to tell you something." you began.
"What did the two of you broke?"
You and Roy laughed nervously.
"Nothing... I think." you thought for a second. Taking a big breath you said it.
"Jay, Roy and I are dating."
There was a brief moment of silence in the car, well expect for the music. To your suprise Jason broke into a loud laughter. His laugher echoed in the car and drowned the music. You glanced back at Roy and he stared back at you with wide eyes. Before you knew what was going on Jason pulled over and was out of the car pulling Roy out  as well.
By the time you jumped out too Jason pushed Roy against the car and raised his fist. You grabbed his arm.
"Jay come one. It's Roy." you tried.
"Yeah, man. It's me." Roy's words were rewarded by a glare from your brother. "Sorry..."
"What the fuck, Harper?! My sister?!"
"Jaybird let me explain.." Roy said with his hands raised. Jason looked at you for a moment before stepping back and nodding.
"I'm all ears."
Roy stretched out, straightening his clothes and adjusting his cap.
"Look, man I am so sorry. I shouldn't have gone behind your back like this it's just.. Neither of us wanted to make things wierd, cause what if it didn't turn out to work and it would be awkward and you would beat the shit out of me but... You know I don't care about that now. Jason, I fucking love her. I seriously never thought I could be be in love this much."
Jason didn't even have time to say anything because you stepped in between the two.
" You...you love me?" you haven't yet said the L word to each other. Roy flashed a smile at you.
" Of course I do. " you, suddenly forgot about your brother and wrapped your arms around Roy.
"I love you too."
Jason watched you burry your face in Roy's neck as the of you embraced. He sure as hell was still pissed, mainly because you didn't tell him right away but looking at the two of you put a smiled on his face. But just small one, ok?
You were his baby sister no matter that you were older or younger, you are always gonna be his baby sister and he'll always want to protect you. But he knew you were in good hands with Roy. He was his best friend, someone he could rely on so in a way he was happy you were dating Roy and not some stranger.
"Okay, that's cute and all but if you're thinking about kissing in front of me, than think again." you pulled away from Roy laughing.
"So.. You're cool?" you asked. Jason shrugged.
"Yeah. I just wish you would have told me sooner"
You all went to climb back in the car but Jay pulled Roy close before he could get in.
"You are my best friend but if you hurt her I will kill you."
Roy noded. "I'm aware."
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astralis01 · 4 years
Bat Family X Batsis: Work
Tim: What's it like working with Wally, Dick and Roy?
Y/N: Imagine working with completely civilized, responsible, and mature people.
Tim: Okay.
Y/N: Now throw that idea out the window.
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Batsis!reader x Roy Harper (HC)
Requested by a marvellous Anon:
Headcanons for batsis being really close to Jason and her dating Roy? (his best friend)
A/N: For the sake of the story, Roy and Jason have already been friends when he was still Robin 
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You and Jason have been siblings since even before Bruce adopted both of you
In fact, you both lived on the streets together and when Bruce caught Jason trying to steal the Batmobile's tire (you’ve been in your hide-out since Jason didn’t want you in danger), Jason insisted on you getting adopted too 
And so you became a Wayne and Y/S/N 
You loved all your siblings, but Jason and you had a special bond. 
Now let’s finally mention Roy 
Since he’s your brothers best friend, the both of you are on pretty good terms
Not quite friends, but also not unfamiliar 
That changed when Jason was killed
Not only did you detach yourself from your family (you didn’t really hate Bruce, but you couldn’t help yourself from blaming him and yourself for your brother's death), you also started to get more self-destructive
You stayed out way longer than you usually did, went into the most dangerous districts during your patrols and neglected school 
Bruce wanted to help you, but you’ve changed so much 
Your usual cheery and talkative personality did and 180° turn 
Now you rarely talked and he hadn’t seen you smile since Jason died
Roy came over to the mansion one day to bring you one of Jason’s Sweaters he had left at Roy’s place
He was sure you’d take it, thank him and close the door again, but when you took the sweater, you broke down crying
At first, Roy had no idea what to do, but soon, he took you in his arms and calmed you down
After that, both of you became closer, bonding over your mutual grief over Jason
And soon, you found yourself blushing when he hugged you and had Butterflies in your stomach when his hand brushed yours
You cursed yourself out for feeling like that, not knowing that Roy felt the same if not even more for you, and tried to suppress it
At least until Bruce talked to you about it
He was not really happy that his little girl was growing up (especially not if that meant you’d come together with someone like Roy), but he hadn’t seen you so happy since your brother passed away, so he knew that it was the best for you 
So, one evening, you and Roy were walking through Gotham, talking about every- and anything, you decided that it was the closest you’d ever come to the perfect moment 
So, when both of you were standing in one of the parks in Gotham (in front of a fountain, y’know, ‘cause: Romance) you took his hands and took a deep breath 
“I have to tell you something.” “Is everything okay?” “Yes. More than okay...I- I think I’m in love with you.”
Guess who loves you too: HE DOES!!!
What followed was not only your first but also the most intense kiss you ever had 
When you came back home, you couldn’t wipe the smile away from your face
You were so sure that you and Roy would finally be together as the couple you hoped for so long you’d be
Well...it didn’t really come out like that
Because Jason came back and with him came the Drama 
When everything was somewhat normal again, you’d already filed your kiss and love-confession as the past 
But at least you had Jason again
In fact, you became even closer (if that was even possible) 
Now you both lived together in an apartment in Gotham 
And Roy came over almost every day
When you’ve seen him again for the first time, you’d hoped you got over your feeling for him, but nope. You still loved him
So now, every time the both of saw each other the mood was kinda odd
You thought he had moved on 
The level off misunderstanding is painful
You were an (In Hindsight) pretty bold, talkative drunk, so one night when the three off you were sitting around, just chilling with some alcohol, you just straight out told the both of them that you still loved Roy
To bad that you were the only one who was already drunk 
“Roy, my friend, Can you tell me why my dear, lovely sister is in love with you?” “Uhm...”
Let’s just say a quite violent fight ensured 
But Roy somehow managed to convince your brother that he also loved you 
After he also endured the questions from your other siblings and your father the both of you finally became the power-couple you are to this day
Let’s just say it has ups and downs to date your best brothers friend
Ups: You don’t have to worry that he keeps something serious from you since he talks to Jason about everything and Jason talks to you about everything
Downs: both of them team up to prank you 
Ups: Fewer people to invite to your wedding
Downs: Fewer people at your wedding, so you can’t hide from that one friend of his that always got a bit to touchy when drunk (He’s not his friend anymore)
But all in all, everyone included in the situation was pretty happy about it
Jason is only a bit pissed that he can’t be the godfather of his best friends child since he is now also the uncle 
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secondratefiction · 5 years
Hi! Just an idea. I'd love anything with Roy Harper. Maybe a Roy x batsis where they're broken up but because of the fact that reader and Jason are very close and Roy is his best friend, reader and Roy slowly warm up to each other again and end up together?? Maybe some overprotective brother Jason? :) Love u!
-It had been for the most part and amicable break up. At least as little fall out as the end of a relationship could bring.
-Now granted things could still get a little awkward if just the two of you were left alone together; but over all you and Roy were fine.
-And then there was the fight with Dick. And you decided that any awkwardness that might come from cohabiting with your ex was a WAY better alternative to having to look at your brother's stupid face.
- Also, you were way less likely to give into the urge to punch Roy in the face right now.
- Jason of course was thrilled to have you staying. He didn't see you nearly enough since you moved back into the manor.
- Honestly, you fit in so well with the two of them it was almost comical
- Didn't matter how smart the two of them were, they had one collective brain cell, and after you got there, you were mainly the one in charge of it.
- Things only really took a turn one night when Roy came back early. Alone and bloody.
- Some wise guy got lucky with a busted bottle, and you spent the better part of an hour digging out shards of glass and stitching him up.
- Lecturing him the whole time, of course.
"Careful Y/N, someone might get the impression you still care about me."
You glowered up at him and pinched his thigh, "I never stopped caring, ass."
- Roy only hummed noncommittally but stayed quiet from there and let you work.
- Things even went back to normal for a while... well as normal as can be anyway
- ... except... Jason seemed to be a lot more on edge not that long after.
- You thought he was just getting antsy and was thinking about changing safe houses again. But almost a week later that still hadn't happened, so...
- After a very long game of "it's not that big of a deal"/"don't bullshit me" J finally breaks down and admits he's noticed Roy staring at you again "like before"
- You're not entirely sure what to do with that information, but Jason's not happy at all
"Look, I known you two say you're ok, but I was the one dealing with the crying and the 3 am phone calls. I don't want to see either of you like that again, and I don't want to have to pick sides."
▪︎the 'it would be you' is silently implied
- And that's when you start to notice it: subconsciously, you and Roy are slipping back into some very domestic habits...
▪︎handing eachother things you need right as or almost before they ask
▪︎picking up snacks and stuff you know the other likes, even if you're not all that fond of it
▪︎Short-hand communication that the two of you understand perfectly, but leaves Jason confused, out of the loop, and slowly growing annoyed with the both of you.
- By the end of your third week there you're begging to wonder if it might be better for all people envolved if you just pack up and go home... this has turned into incredibly murky territory.
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Batsis!Reader x Harley Quinn - “Too Demanding”
Batsis gets kidnapped by Harley Quinn so that she can prove a point to her Mr J, but once she reveals the reason behind your kidnapping, you tell her how similar the both of you are. You both end up the having the best sleepover you have had in a while until your brothers had to ruin it.
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Requested by anon: “Hi can you do a batsis reader where the reader gets kidnapped by Harley quinn and instead of hurting her they are having a conversation bashing on the joker and batman and the batboys come in and it turns into a sleepover bashing superheroes and villians Thank you!”
A/N: I kinda voiced my opinion on men and Jarley so sorry about that! And there's an Agent of SHIELD reference... Hope you like it!
Word count: ~1.2k
"I'll take the West side tonight!" I informed angrily, revving my motorcycle violently and speeding out of the cave. God, they are insufferable! I mentally groaned. I sped down the semi-deserted roads of Gotham, in search of any living punching bag I could release my anger on. Why am I always the one yelled at? An alarm interrupted my thoughts as it pierced through the air. I braked, turning into a neighbouring alley and ran up the rooftop, inspecting the scene. 
"Damn it you asshat, I told you to take care of the alarm!" One of the robbers sneered. 
"I-" A knee kick to the back of the second robber made him fall to the floor, nearly falling unconscious as I threw a Batarang to the first robber. Grabbing his arm and pulling him to me, I proceeded to slam him onto his friend.
"Too quick," I grumbled, dropping a little locating device that would signal the GCPD immediately.
"And too reckless!" A Brooklyn voice giggled behind me. My eyes widened as my head snapped to a figure in the shadows, but was quickly met with a hard hit to the cheek as I fell to the floor, my brain becoming fuzzy as I started seeing spots, before being engulfed in darkness.
"She's not answering her com." Robin grumbled as he jumped over an air vent.
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"Well, we did piss her off before patrol!" Red Robin informed as he mimicked the youngest's action.
"What?" Nightwing asked as he stopped running and watching his younger brothers keep up with him.
"Well, we told her that this job was too dangerous and that she should stop," He clarified.
"So? We state the obvious, big deal!" Red Hood scoffed.
"Before we left, Alfred talked to me about our behaviour..."
"He said it sounding like she was incapable and not skilled enough to be a vigilante," He mumbled.
"That's not true!" Nightwing interjected.
"That's what I told him but he said that's what it sounded like," 
"Shit!" Red Hood yelled.
"She'll come around soon, we're nearly finished patrol anyway, we don't need to go find her." Nightwing sighed.
I groaned as my eyes slowly opened, trying to adjust to the light.
"Harley?" I choked out, my throat sore from its dryness. "Why am I here?" 
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"I want to prove to my Mistah J that I can do things well, not like I'm some backup that he can use when he wants!" She explained passionately.
"I can relate!" I muttered.
"What?" She asked, snapping out of her daze.
"Batman and the boys are so annoying, they said I was incompetent, god I hate them, they keep treating me like I'm a fragile little girl!" I explained coldly.
"Batsy puts you down too huh?" She asked, not in her usual teasing manner but with a hint of hopefulness like she was not the only one suffering.
"All the time, Joker does the same for you doesn't he?" I asked pitifully.
"Mmh hmm," She nodded slowly, her eyes staring at the ground, "Do you want a glass of water?" 
"I'd love that Harley!" I smiled gratefully up at her.
"It's been 3 hours since patrol ended!" Jason stated irritatedly. 
"We're looking Jase, Tim just needs to activate her tracking device since she turned it off," Nightwing reassured.
"Too long, that clown asshole might have something to do with this!" He yelled, yes he was hard on his sister but it was only because he cared deeply about her and wouldn't be able to carry the burden if something happened to her.
"Found her!" Tim cried out.
"Let's move." 
"This is fun!" Harley squealed as she threw me a pillow.
"Your clothes are so comfy," I giggled, tugging at the sweatshirt, glancing at the print on it before smiling and putting the pillow behind me. Harley had lent me some comfy clothes, something more comfortable than a spandex suit. I kept my mask on though, secret identity and all. She turned on the TV, putting the first movie on and shifting closer to me.
"Quilt!" I informed, handing her one side of it. She pulled it to her.
"Screw them," I mumbled.
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"Huh?" She asked, gazing towards me.
"Screw them! They make us miserable little shits even when we're so much better than that!"
"Yes!! Go, solo girl!!" 
"Then you split from Joker!"
"No, I can't do that to my Mistah J, he needs me."
"That what he makes you think Harls! He beats you! You're in an abusive and toxic relationship, and I know technically we're not on the same side but we girls have to look out for each other. Men are controlling, manipulative and we're inferior to them, society is a reflection of that so if no good men are going to help us, we need to do the dirty job!" I exclaimed. She stared at me in shock, mouth slightly agape as the words processed in her head.
"Look, I want to help you, you're a bad person Harley but even you don't deserve this treatment." 
"You're right, Oswald is annoyin' too, his squeaky voice ugh, and Jonathan too with his stupid riddles, wow, men are somethin' else aren't they? Is Batman and the Justice League like this too?" 
"Oh my gosh yes, Batman is always 'ehh so serious, you're not doing good enough, ehh I don't trust you, my smile is creepy”. Red Hood and Arsenal, oh my god, they're like 'ehh we're so hot but we love killing’, I'm Red Hood, I can shoot the legs off a flee from 500 yards, as long as it's not windy!!" I mocked in a low voice.
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"Is that really how you see me?" A growl echoed from behind us. We screamed as my head snapped in the direction of the voice. Red Hood stepped out of the shadows along with Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin.
"Get out!!" I sneered, pointing towards the door.
"No honey," Harley whispered as she came over to me, pulling my arm to another door.
"That's the front door, you were pointing to the bathroom." She chuckled.
"We thought you were kidnapped!" Nightwing exclaimed.
"Was, moving on, I'm having a great bonding time with another ‘underestimated lady’ for your information, now if we'll excuse you," I pushed them out of the door and slammed it shut.
"Do you think she'll forgive us?" I heard a voice murmured.
"Let's hope she does after tonight!" Another responded 
“Who were we bashing again Harls?” I asked, smiling at her laying figure on the couch as my attention reverted to her.
Comments and reblogs are deeply appreaciated!
Want to be tagged? Ask Away!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @xlatinaaxx @plethora-of-things @ohhthatsjxsontodd
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megasoma-elephas · 7 years
DC - Werksliste 2/2 - Others
Well... Tumblr has some kind of rule that you can only add a certain amount of links in one post. And seemingly my other list has reached that amount. So I decided to divide my lists in two categories: Batfam and Others. That might change again sometime soon (probably as soon as my exams are over) but for now it’ll stay that way.
Also: The following stuff applies to this list of course as well: These are all stories about DC (excluding the Batfam) I reblogged so far. They’re all in alphabetical order and not in some kind of ranking. And although it might sound a bit cliche, it’s true: I love every single one of those stories and every single one of them is a masterpiece in it’s own way. I’m more than happy to be able to read those works. So thank you, dear author, for publishing those stories. For bringing up the courage to share them with the world.
Arthur Curry / Aquaman x Reader
What we find in the water by @bubble-tea-bunny
Barry Allen / The Flash x Reader
Unnamed / I’m sorry by @youngjusticewritings
Shut up by @nataliehasanimagination
Chato Santana / El Diablo x Reader
Warm embrace by @jellantria
Clark Kent / Superman x Reader
Eight times the charm by @ellana-ravenwood
Happy (belated) 4th of July by @ellana-ravenwood
Connor Kent / Superboy x Reader
You’re kind of an asshole [batsis!reader] by @ellana-ravenwood     Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman x Reader
The best christmas gift by @myriadimagines
Empty by @baked-bean-bekah
Imagine... Teaching Diana how to celebrate Halloween by @myriadimagines
Unnamed / Pets by @outside-the-government
John Constantine x Reader
Easy by @narnian-neverlander
Take a break by @tgwltw
Jon Kent / Superboy x Reader
Wind carries by @writingtheworks
Oliver Queen / Green Arrow x Reader
The Calvary by @dcvalentineexchange
Unnamed / Just scared by @tvd-spn-imagines
Rick Flag x Reader
Nightmares by @fearthespork
Roy Harper / Arsenal x Reader
Heartstrings by @addicted-to-dc
If you don’t want your story to be mentioned on this list, feel free to message me. I will delete it as soon as possible :)
Here you can find my other list about every other story within the DC Universe (only Batfam)
Here you can find my other lists about Marvel, Star Trek, etc.
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queenmxkealson · 1 year
i haven’t seen anyone say this but glen powell is my favorite roy face claim. his hair is naturally a reddish-blonde and he can serve buzzcut!roy, long haired greasy!roy, clean cut!roy (i am very biased)
That’s a good one too especially since not a lot of people use him as fc. Bonus is his hair.
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queenmxkealson · 1 year
I need help finding a face claim for arsenal aKa Roy Harper.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Hair Bows
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Summary: a date turned into a play date turned into work. Basically Lian taking over Titans tower. And canon has no home here.
“I’m just about to head out the door,” you said over the phone, still doing your hair. Roy wasn’t the most punctual guy and this was your way of coping. If you were also always late, it didn’t bother you as much.
“Wait,” Roy said and you heard a muffled sound like him running his hand down his face. “I can’t go.”
“Why not?”
“My babysitter punked out at the last minute so I can’t leave Lian. I’m sorry,” he said.
“Oh, uhhh, bring her,” you suggested, hopefully sounding casual. You’d met her a few times but nothing big and your date was just a walk in the park. Nothing a kid couldn’t do. And you were hoping to be a little more seriously dating.
“Seriously?... on a date?” He asked.
“Not if you don’t want to. But I just thought we were going to the park and we can let her run around. You know what? Never mind, if you need to stay home it’s cool. I don’t know anything about kids-“
“Hey, it’s a good idea,” he said stopping your ramble. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Most people don’t want someone else’s kid on their date.”
“Most people shouldn’t date people with kids if they can’t be around them,” you answered, finishing up. “Now am I meeting you both at the park or..”
“Now I know why I’m dating you,” Roy said and you could hear the smile through the phone. “I’ll pick you up. Lian’s not a fan of riding in other people’s car so Uber is out.”
“Can’t blame her. See you soon,” you answered.
You had changed into a slightly less sexy and more family friendly top and sensible shoes by the time Roy picked you up. Can’t chase a kid in heels.
Roy looked nice in a button down and jeans with no holes in them. Not a trucker hat in sight. And of course, Lian was a doll in a spring themed dress and leather bottomed sandals. The first thing she showed you was an impressively high kick.
“And it’s okay because dad makes me wear shorts under it. For taking out punks,” she said knowingly. You nodded.
“For punks. Good idea.”
“In case they get fresh,” Roy said to you as she ran to a slide.
“Fresh? She’s 5. Maybe Lian should teach me that move. I know this guy that’s always trying to get fresh,” you said as he wrapped an arm around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Hmmm, should I kick his ass,” Roy said playfully.
“I’d pay to see you kick your own ass,” you said with a laugh.
“Ouch, and I thought you liked me,” he said, sounding dramatically wounded. You laughed again.
“The entertainment value tho. Hard to beat.”
“So many ‘hard to beat’ jokes I would make right now,” he whispered in your ear and you pulled out of his arms. You were rolling your eyes but the grin ruined the disapproving air you were trying to have.
“Not that kinda date,” you reminded him and as if on cue, Lian ran over to Roy and grabbed his hand. She started dragging him to a food truck.
“Can we get a funnel cake? Or ice cream? Or a hotdog?” She asked excitedly.
“Hotdog and then ice cream on top of a funnel cake,” he said in a mock serious tone as he bent down beside her. She grinned widely. “We aren’t animals!” She squealed and dragged him to food truck.
You grinned as you watched them. Roy had fucked up a ton but this was not one of those times. Nope, he was a great dad. He looked back at you confused as why you hadn’t joined them and you jogged over to them.
“Sorry, just lost in thought,” you said as they made your food. Roy had a hand casually around your waist as Lian tried to swing on his other arm.
“Bout what?” He asked.
“How good a dad you are,” you admitted. He gave you a shy crooked smile before kissing your forehead.
“You bats are always in your head too damn much. But thanks,” Roy ended softly. He handed Lian a giant hotdog that she promptly started eating before giving you your food and he his. “Let’s find a spot to sit before you drop that giant hotdog.”
As Lian licked sticky sweet ice cream coated funnel cake pieces off of her arm, Roy’s phone went off. He smiled apologetically before getting up to answer it. A few minutes later he came back to the table looking even more apologetic.
“Titans business. I have to go but...” he started, running a hand through his red hair. “I don’t have a babysitter.”
“I could watch her,” you suggested and Lian looked up at him kinda sad. “I could watch her at the tower. You’d be right there but we’d stay out of the way.”
“You sure? That isn’t too much?” He said unsure, looking between you both.
“Yeah, I’ve watched kids before. And I know the tower really well. We’ll watch movies and fall asleep. Do you want a sleep over?”
“Yeah! Go on dad, I’m fine,” she said waving a hand at him. You both laughed. “Dads,” Lian said rolling her eyes playfully. Yep, she’s Roy’s alright. “Do you have popcorn?”
“Yep! And I know where my brother Tim keeps the good imported stuff,” you said and she grinned.
“Not too much. Or staying up too late. Or anything scary or too grown up,” Roy said on the way to the tower. “And if anything happens. Anything. Get to the panic room.”
“I know the procedures,” you said putting a hand on his shoulder. “And I can keep her safe. Don’t worry. We’ll have fun.”
“And I can kick punks!” Lian said proudly.
“And she’ll kick punks! I’m hoping she hits Gar first. Did you know he can turn into any animal? He just chooses to be a punk,” You said and she giggled.
“Alright. No kicking punks unless it’s really important because-“
“My body is a weapon. I know, dad,” she said, rolling her eyes.
Roy repeated the same sort of things up in the living quarters of the tower before giving you both a kiss. “Stay safe,” he said before going downstairs.
Some of the younger Titan recruits didn’t leave on the mission and were hanging out or training. You walked Lian over to the couch and went to find a movie she might like. You dusted off the dvds they had. Probably hadn’t added any new ones in many years with the extensive funding of Batman giving them every streaming service ever.
“How about this movie,” you asked, holding up a sun bleached dvd case. “Space jam?”
Lian looked at it carefully before nodding. You put it in the player and came back. “What about popcorn? Dad says movies are crap without it.”
“Oh,” you said. “Right. I’ll make some.”
“Popcorn?” Came a voice around the corner before the next you saw was a wind of red. “Hey kiddo,” Bart aka impulse said to Lian before shaking her hand. “Let’s pick a movie. There are some pretty good ones I haven’t seen. I’ve seen 12 movies.”
“Only 12,” she frowned skeptically and you took the opportunity to go in the kitchen and make popcorn.
“Hey, did you let Lian have speedster piggy back rides,” Tim aka Robin said ducking his head in the kitchen.
“No,” you said quickly running in the living area quickly. “Okay, enough of that. I don’t think her dad would be cool with this,” you said pulling her off of him. She pouted a little.
“Why does it smell like fire,” Cassie asked from the hall and you hurried back in the kitchen to see a flaming bag turning in the microwave. Before you could do it say anything, Bart opened the microwave and tossed the bag into the sink where the sponge lit on fire. Lian shrieked and you jumped up turn on the water to put them both out.
“That popcorn smells ewwie,” Lian noted. You sighed and pinched your brow. This is fine.
“I’ll make more and you go pick out a movie. And nothing else,” you emphasized.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bart said with a salute. Tim winced.
“Sorry, he’s a lot.”
“One minor kitchen fire is not too bad. Have you heard from the mission?” You asked as you cooked the popcorn.
“Not yet. But no news is usually good news,” he reminded you and you nodded. That’s what Roy always said. You grabbed the bag and went in the living room to see an entire hot pink tackle box filled with every kind of hair tie and bows and baubles. Bart was sitting on the floor and Lian was currently tying a bright yellow bow in his huge mass of red hair.
“She wanted to do his hair so I got my stuff,” Cassie said.
“She’s a natural. She doesn’t rip out half as much hair as Cassie,” Bart said with a grin. You sat on the couch near them and started the movie as the popcorn passed around.
Halfway through the movie, Tim’s phone goes off. He looks at it and frowns. “Alright guys, we got to suit up.” They grumble but get up. Bart does a quick shake that reminds you of a dog and all the bows vibrated out of his hair. Lian laughed and tried to catch them as they fell out.
“Lian, give me just a minute to talk to Tim,” you told her and she nodded before putting a red barrette in Cassie’s hair. You walked in the kitchen with Tim.
“Is everything okay? Dick? Roy?” You asked quietly.
“I’m not sure. We’re just being called in. I’ll try and let you know more,” he said. You nodded and hugged your baby brother.
“Be safe out there.”
Lian was sitting on the couch as the cartoon played and she had moved on to putting bows on the fuzzy blanket on the couch. She yawned as she put bows in your hair and you looked at the time. It was probably close to bed time for her.
“Lian, do you want to lay down while watching your movie?”
She yawned again and nodded. “Yeah, dad will be home late again, hu? Work?” She was pretty used to his hero duty.
“Yeah, but I’m here.”
“Yeah, you’re here,” she said before laying on you. You froze for a second before feeling your heart warmed. She rubbed her popcorn greasy face into your shirt before getting comfortable. After a short while she was asleep and you pulled out your phone to take her photo.
You wanted to send Roy the photo but didn’t dare disturb him. You kept worrying about him and Dick and now even Tim as they fought. Why had they needed the back up? Were they hurt? In too deep? You had a hard time doing anything but worry.
Lian turned in her sleep and all but pinned you to the couch with her little fists gripping your shirt. You pulled the blanket over her. You tried to stay awake but once it hit 2 am and you were trapped on a couch with no lights on, you fell asleep.
Around 4 am, the team wandered in the tower slowly. They hushed one another as they saw you and Lian on the couch. Roy came in and stopped to look. He took out his phone and took a bunch of pictures of you both with a smile before he hobbled to the medical bay to be cleaned and patched up.
“Hey,” he whispered while gently tapping your shoulder a little while later. You woke up blinking in the light. “I’m going to carry her to the car. Are you coming?”
“Oh, yeah,” you whispered back. Roy carefully pulled the little girl off of you and she clung to his shirt in sleep. He grabbed his bag of gear as you got up with a stretch. You waved bye to everyone before leaving.
Halfway down the road, Roy turned to you. “She really seemed comfortable on you.”
“Yeah, she climbed up herself. I was a little surprised. I guess I didn’t mess up tonight,” you said with a little self deprecating laugh.
“Nah, you did great. I had to hear all about it from the kid heroes on the way back. The hair bows was genius,” he said. The car quietly pulled in his driveway.
“That was Cassie. And when Lian saw all of Bart’s hair her eyes went wide like a cat at a ball of yarn,” you laughed.
“Yeah, she’s a fan of long red hair. Ask me how I know,” he said shaking his hair and you laughed. Lian moved in her sleep.
“So she ripped out your hair so Bart’s could survive,” you said quietly.
“Something like that. Can you get the door,” he said before scooping Lian out of her car seat. You held the door as he carried her to her room and laid her in her toddler bed that currently had a Superboy blanket. She had just about any hero you could image in some product or another.
Roy met you in the kitchen. “Thanks, you know. For watching her today. I appreciate that,” he said. You tossed him a water bottle.
“Yeah, she’s awesome. We had fun,” you said, leaning on the counter with your elbows. Roy came up behind you and rubbed your shoulders.
“Not everyone is cool with dating a dad so thanks,” he said. You turned your head to look at him.
“Well, they are missing out. Got my own DILF,” you teased.
“Oh god, I’m a DILF,” Roy said with a hint of horror in his voice. “Speaking of ILF... I know someone I’d like to ILF,” he said kissing your neck and pressing himself against your back. His hands moved under your shirt and up to your chest. “Wanna take it to my room?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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butwhyduh · 3 years
New Place
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Warning: hints at sexy stuff
Roy reached over your body to grab a glass of water and chug it. You didn’t even move but laid boneless in bed. A very nice fluffy bed, mind you. He sat the glass down and kissed the corner of your lip. You smiled but otherwise didn’t even respond. Roy looked at you proudly. You were thoroughly wore out.
He had just moved into his own apartment in Star City. Boxes littered the floor and he had barely unpacked anything. But you were in his bed, in his place. And that was worth all the work. He had been living with Jason and Kori would sometimes stay over and Jason would have Isabel over and Dick and Babs would visit. Which was great. But you lived an hour away from Gotham in Star City going to college and he was getting tired of Gotham’s madness anyways.
But the real reason was that he couldn’t see you whenever. It’s impossible to hide the fact that he was dating Jason’s sister when he lived in the same house. Both of you agreed that your brothers wouldn’t take it well. Dick had ‘accidentally’ broken the hand of your prom date when his hand slipped too low. And Jason have every guy the shovel talk. You didn’t even want to think about what Bruce would say. Especially with Roy’s history of drug abuse.
It didn’t help that Roy was 5 years older. You’d had a crush on him as a kid. Roy had to meet up with your professor of history for a ‘theoretical’ artifact that definitely wasn’t something of importance that they needed to understand for a mission. He had barely recognized you waiting in the office before meeting the teacher but didn’t hesitate to accept your help for his mission. He asked you to coffee and one thing led to another.
“Baby,” Roy said softly, pulling you to his chest. You usually traced his tattoos but you just laid on him with a little pleased smile. “Did I tire you out?” He teased. You groaned and gave him a little scowl before closing your eyes again.
“Some would say 5 is excessive,” you mumbled.
“And yet all I heard was ‘don’t stop! Oh god- don’t stop!’” He said with a smirk. You lightly hit his chest with your hand. Roy laughed. “Alright, I’ll let you sleep, baby doll.”
You drifted off before his words truly even registered in your brain. Roy rubbed your back before falling asleep as well with your nude exhausted bodies tangled together.
A few hours later Roy woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. He groaned and went to move but realize you were asleep on him. His girlfriend at his place. He smiled before slowly sliding out from under you. The knocking continued and Roy almost hoped that it was a food delivery he forgot that he ordered. He threw on some pants before leaving the bedroom to open the front door.
“Hello,” he opened to see Jason standing there. Jason looked over his body with an eyebrow raised.
“Somebody had fun last night. Did you sleep with a vampire?” Jason said amused. Roy tried to not blush because he wasn’t usually shy but if Jason knew it was his sister leaving purple hickeys that definitely led directly to Roy’s dick... yeah, Roy would be dead.
“Yeah, you know,” He shrugged trying to act casual when it was anything but. Jason shrugged too even though he too was complete bullshit with him dating Isabel. He stepped in the apartment and closed the door. Roy thanked his luck stars that the bedroom door was closed.
“So, you wanna go get some lunch later or are you too busy?” Jason asked. Roy thought about it. He really wanted to stay all day with you but Jason would get suspicious if Roy wanted to stay all day with what he must assume is a one night stand.
“Uh yeah. I’ll meet you around 1? I’ve gotta shower and-“
“Cover up those vampire bites? Alright, hold on my phone’s ringing,” Jason answered his phone. “Alright Dickie, I’ll call her. That’s fine. I’ll see if she can do lunch. Do you mind Roy? If y/n meets us at lunch? Okay, talk to you later,” Jason said hanging up and dialing another number.
“That’s fine,” Roy said. And before he can do or say anything, your phone rang in the apartment on the kitchen counter. You pulled on his robe and came into the living room. The one where Jason and Roy were currently standing. Jason stood silent with his mouth slightly open.
“What. In the. Actual. Fuck,” Jason said with a deadly quietness to his voice.
“Jason!” You yelped and pulled the robes closer to your body, wishing it was longer. But Jason had already seen red bruises on your chest and neck. He was currently staring at one right above the robe.
“You? Him?” He said, lost for words. “You slept with my sister?” Jason asked roughly turning towards Roy.
“Jason, just calm down,” you said quickly stepping in front of Roy. Roy put up his hands in surrender but the look on Jason’s face was pure murder.
“You had a fucking one night stand with my sister? And she did that,” he motioned to the hickeys on Roy. Roy shrugged his shoulders with a ‘come on man’ look.
“It isn’t one night-“
“So you’re fuck buddies with her? My baby sister?”
“Jason, quit,” you said. Baby sister was an exaggeration as Jason was only 2 years older than you. “We’re dating.”
“You’re- what?” He said lost.
“I’m dating Roy. We are boyfriend and girlfriend, okay?” You said and Jason’s face went through the entire spectrum of human emotions.
“Ouch bro. That’s mean,” Roy said with a wince.
“Well she’s smart, pretty, successful. And you’re... you,” Jason said with a shrug. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, and I love him,” you said looking at Roy softly. “And if you can’t support that... then- then don’t talk to me.” You sounded more assertive than you felt.
“Hey, woah. I never said anything like that,” Jason said, his eyes softened. “Fuck. I don’t like this. And if you hurt my sister, I’ll break all your bones. But I guess I support you. Only because I trust you,” he said pointedly looking at you instead of Roy.
“Thanks,” Roy said dryly.
“No,” Jason said. “Just never let me see anything like this again. The fact that you did that is something I can’t forget.” He shuddered while looking at Roy.
“So are we good, Bro?” Roy asked with a hopeful half smile.
“Sure. Bring it in,” Jason said with his arms open as if wanting a hug. Roy looked him suspiciously but came in to hug him. Jason rewarded him with a quick jab to the nose. “For fucking my sister. Just standard practice,” he shrugged.
“Fuck,” Roy groaned, holding his nose that was starting to bleed.
“Jason! Really?” You said grabbing a hand towel and holding it over his nose.
“What did you expect? Don’t fuck my sister,” Jason said with a shrug.
“We’re dating. What do you think will happen?” You said rolling your eyes.
“Lots,” Roy added and Jason moved to throw another punch before you moved between the pair. You smacked Roy on the back of the head.
“Don’t antagonize him,” you said.
“Baby,” Roy pouted. “I’m still bleeding. Don’t hit me.”
“I can make you bleed more. Keep talking,” Jason threatened.
“Okay, Jason we’ll meet you at lunch after we change, okay?” You said. He glared at Roy one last time before nodding in agreement.
“Don’t test me, Harper. I’m debating if I want to kick your ass still,” Jason said walking to the door. “And for god sake put on a shirt.”
After the door closed, Roy turned to you and pulled you close by the waist. “Wanna have some fun before we meet him for lunch,” he asked kissing your neck. You pulled back.
“Not a chance. I’ve got to put makeup on these marks already,” you said. Roy pouted. “Plus Jason will just know and kick your ass.”
Roy nodded and moved to find clothing.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
girl ion know how fff works but please give me my boi roy :) w batsis
“I’m dying,” he moaned. “Call the funeral home and start sorting out my last rights and will.”
She rolled her eyes, shifting the cold cloth on his head. “You’re not dying, Roy. You’re just sick.”
“Sickness leads to death.” The redheaded archer muttered, gazing at her with unfocused evergreen eyes. “I’m dying my love. It’s probably pneumonia too.”
“Oh my God, it’s the flu not pneumonia,” she sighed in exasperation. “You’re like Dick when he gets a cold.”
Roy glared at her. “I am not a baby.”
“You are the biggest baby drama king right next to my baby brother.” She gently thumbed his cheek, smiling when he pressed into her palm and nuzzled his lips to her skin. “You’re going to be fine, Roy.”
“You promise?” he asked, big green eyes wide and worried.
She sighed with humor. “I promise, baby. I’m taking care of you.”
He exhaled through his nose, resting back on the pillows. “There’s no hands I’d rather be in.”
“There better not be!”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“Don’t push me away again” with Roy please? Also I hope your day is going well!
We're combining two asks to make one--Also, thank you! I hope yours is too! Can you do ‘why are you avoiding me’ with Roy Harper xx
When she opened her bedroom door, the last thing she expected was to see Roy sitting on her bed. She blinked, dropping her purse, not even bothered that everything had spilled out as she asked, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He stared at her with an unreadable expression. “Why are you avoiding me?”
“Excuse me?” she questioned. “What do you mean avoiding you?”
Roy shrugged. “We told each other we loved each other three weeks ago and you haven’t spoken to me since the night we slept together.”
She scowled and bent down to gather the contents of her purse. “Well excuse me for being a busy woman. I kind of have a job to do every day.”
“You literally work for your dad’s company,” Roy shot back. “You can take breaks whenever you want. No one is going to stop you.”
“What do you want from me Roy?” she questioned, staring at him. “Like legitimately, what do you want from me?”
He stood from the bed and walked over, the way she tensed when he got next to her not going unnoticed; he took her hands and rubbed his thumbs over the backs of them. “I don’t want you to push me away again.”
She pursed her lips and looked away. “Roy…”
“Please, baby, just…let me prove it to you.” He begged, taking her chin in his hands. “I promise I won’t mess this up.”
Looking back at him, she gazed into his evergreen eyes for a moment, then she sighed heavily. “Alright…you win.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
101 ways : 93 or 82 with roy and batsis hehe.🥺 thank you again! (drink your water 🥺🥤👉)
That drink looks like Kool-Aid
82. "You look just like your mom/dad."
“You look just like your dad, you know that?”
She looked up from the dinner plate and across from her to him, eyebrows drawn in confusion. For a moment she merely stared at him then leaned back in her chair, glancing at herself in the mirror on the wall; she looked back at him. “I don’t see it, Roy-boy.”
He snorted. “It’s in the face.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m a woman, my dad is a man. Secondly, the only time I look like Bruce Wayne is when we’re both dressed in a bat-suit.” She looked at him with a pinched expression. “I look nothing like my dad.”
Roy merely smiled. “You do to me.”
“I feel like the implications of that statement mean you’ve got the hots for my dad.”
“He is pretty,” Roy admitted. “And I say that in a very bi way.”
“Don’t worry baby,” he cooed. “You’re my old lady all the way.”
“Thanks,” she griped. “I’m literally twenty-eight.”
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