#Dear Ana
futurebird · 1 year
Ana, the loser.
Miserable women and girls have been calling their eating disorder by the nickname "Ana" online for over two decades. Writing sad letters "to Ana" asking for help "from Ana." I never got in to it, but after all these years I do have a few things I'd like to say to the desperate clingy bitch:
"Ana? You are such a loser." Ana is a coward. She's so worried what other people think, but lacks the courage to ask. When someone insults her? She just accepts it, no matter if it makes sense or not. So your aunt said "Be careful eating that cake you'll get fat." ? You know what Ana does? She's like "It's true. We're fat. Let's listen to this woman who is dressed like a bad flower print curtain got in an accident with sequin machine." And it's not just body advice she's like that about. Boss said that your recent work "just didn't have the same punch as the stuff from last month." Ana overlooks the fact you turned him down for a date and that he's probably just being sour about it-- and says "It's true, we should stay late and work till 8pm all week long." She's a push-over a rag doll. The worst kind of "Dear Ana" posts are all the teen girls who to this damn day seem to think she's like a river goddess you can summon and then you'll have and eating disorder. They also think having an eating disorder is a way to get get skinny. I mean it might be. But eating disorders can make you gain weight too. They can make you die. And it's miserable either way.
But nonetheless you see these posts that are like "help me Ana! Help me please!" I have no doubt these young people (to be fair it's not all girls, there have always been some boys and nonbinary people too) are in great very real distress. To wish that you were mentally sick, and unhappy just to "fix" the bad feelings about your body... it's awful. But... you don't need to ask "Ana" for help, giving yourself an eating disorder is the easiest damn thing in the world. Just keep digging in to those negative feelings. Keep making everything you eat an emotional issue. Or better yet don't. I mean if you can. It might be that you discover that you aren't really making a choice at all. In that case it's time to ask for help. Don't ask Ana though. She won't do shit. Did I mention she's lazy? Lazy and useless. Hateful and cowardly. Dishonest and clingy. Bad news all round.
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anorexicbb · 1 year
dropped 6.6 lbs in less than a week lets gooooooo
currently on a liquid fast
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how do you know when you’re actually hungry and not just bored
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analyna · 1 year
você não COMEU porquê você é gorda, você é GORDA porque você comeu.
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soleillady · 3 months
Eu quero ser delicada como ela...
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urfriendash · 10 months
me watching the one side of studyblr that genuinely love studying, are always caught up, posting happy updates:
me watching the side full of burnt out gifted kids, late on work, don’t like studying much but want to, here for motivation and documentation (me):
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inahochi · 1 year
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SATORU GOJOU dedicated to @gojosattoru ✧ happy birthday ana ♡ ✧
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caloriedior · 8 days
my whole tumblr is a lie.
i eat. like i eat 3 healthy meals a day. i am no way ana. it’s all a lie. im perfectly healthy and normal, yet i come on tumblr and post ed content. im a lie.
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thedeadthree · 5 months
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⚖️ 𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐘 -`. fo(tv) • 🥂 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀 “𝐃𝐎𝐓” fo(tv)
🩺 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀 -`. fo3 • 💄 𝐀𝐍𝐀 -`. fo4
🌞 𝐂𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀 -`. the witcher • 🌌 𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 -`. asoiaf
🐇 𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐀 -`. bg3 • 🐦‍⬛ 𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 -`. vtm
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 @marivenah, @rhettsabbott, @kyber-infinitygems, @crownrots, @loriane-elmuerto, @risingsh0t and @a-treides to use this 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰!! ty sm!!
@girliefailure, @bloodofvalyria, @shadowsofrose, @hartsvale, @jendoe
@queennymeria, @faerune, @rosenfey, @grapecaseschoices, @griffin-wood
@carlosoliveiraa, @aezyrraeshh, @avallachs, @florbelles, @unholymilf
@katsigian, @hookhearted, @theelderhazelnut, @rolangf, @shellibisshe
@loriane-elmuerto, @jennystahl, @roberthouse69, @lavampira, @celticwoman
@aceghosts, @imogenkol, @zevlor, @vanoefucks, @shadowglens
@confidentandgood, @adelaidedrubman, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @full---ofstarlight and you!!
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val-on-pawz · 3 months
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Elena Gilbert
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my-secret-diary-again · 2 months
looking at thin$p0 on pinterest is actually making me sick. why don’t i look like that??? like im 95 lbs i should look like that right??????
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livingisboring · 4 months
A couples diet plan I found. If anyone is willing to try this with me, please let me know🥰
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food log
one slice thin crust veggie pizza- 240 cals (roughly)
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soleillady · 6 months
Oi gente, boa noite! Queria agradecer pq do nada eu vi que estou com 531 seguidores, e há uns 3 ou 4 dias eu estava com 400 e pouquinho, subiu muito rápido. Fico feliz de saber que existem tantas pessoas que se identificam comigo, quer dizer, feliz eu não fico pq é ruim viver assim, mas isso mostra que eu não estou sozinha e que vocês também não. Eu sempre quis ser famosa quando era pequena, depois que eu cresci eu parei de ligar pra isso, mas ver o tanto de seguidores q eu tenho faz a Sol de 10 anos ficar muito feliz, e eu acho 500 seguidores bastante coisa pra 3 meses aqui no Tumblr e estando em uma comunidade mais escondida kkkk. Desculpa pelo tamanho do texto, eu sei que eu falo muito, meus posts sempre são gigantescos, mas é o meu jeitinho 😻
E queria agradecer também pelo sucesso que esse post tem, fiz de madrugada, pesquisando muito, mas não achei que iria ter tanta repercussão
↓ (sim, esse post é meu amigos)
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urfriendash · 1 year
i have a confession
guys i’m done w aesthetic note taking; they take so much time and i have no motivation for it. this is my TRUE SELF;
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messy handwriting, quickly made scrawls of information, doodles in the margins.
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softkillerz · 26 days
29 sierpnia 2024 (dzien 1)
w@aga: 67,2kg (- ok. 5kg!)
Wróciłam w końcu do domu z kasą w łapie po ponad 2 miesiącach użerania się z npcetami. Jadłam same śmieci jako 2 posiłki dziennie kosztem dobrego samopoczucia i dobrej kondycji skóry. Nie ufam sobie z pieniędzmi, nienawidzę ich mieć, bo mój wewnętrzny overkonsumpcjonizm szepta mi do uszka jak fajny jest dopaminowy rush po kupieniu gówna, którego nie potrzebuje...
Kocham instrukcje - takie krótkie i proste, które pomagają mojemu przepalonemu mózgowi się skupić. Łatwo daje się popaść w panikę, a szczególnie gdy mam za dużo do zrobienia, nie jestem w stanie się skupić na jednej rzeczy przez 5 minut w zegarku w ręku jeśli chodzi o obowiązki. Napotkałam się gdzieś na reelsach na laskę, która żyje wg "Points system lifestyle" (@shuilily) co jest po prostu niesamowite i genialne, mogę się teraz tylko bić po głowie, że nie wpadłam na coś takiego wcześnie - łatwy reward system, który pomoże mi zaoszczędzić i w sumie osiągnąć moje cele. Jedną nóżką powoli do przodu.
PKT START!!! +90p za obowiązki (pranie, umycie samochodu, gotowanie, utrzymanie kcal)
-100p za wizytę w lumpie, kupiłam taką bluzę!! ma polar więc w ogóle supi + 2x za małe na mnie spodnie, może wcisnę się w nie jak schudnę do 55kg?
chciałabym taki super krem od cetaphila a jednak ok. 120zł za zestaw ://
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Jeszcze jakoś sobie poukładam dokładnie jak co po podliczać i uniknąć kupowania bezużytecznego gówna tylko po to żeby poczuć trochę dopaminy
rozplanowałam sobie jutrzejszy dzionek także życzcie mi powodzenia!
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Śniadanie: 2 żółtka z majonezem (niedogotowałam jajka XD)
Lunch: kawa z mlekiem 2x
Obiad: placki z cukinii z dipem szczypiorkowym
Kolacja: pita z warzywami i mięsem mielonym
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