#Either way is valid!
southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 15: Strong
Strength came in many forms, not just physicality. Strength of character, of heart was just as important. Being a hero, Jackie had strength in spades. But it was times like this that tested it, as he stared unflinchingly up into toxic green from where he was holding up the wall of a building to let the inhabitants get outside.
He should’ve known Anti would show up, he always did when there was trouble or things had been too calm. The hero had to grit his teeth in a low growl as the glitch’s face twisted with that demented Cheshire grin of his and he giggled.
“Having a bit o’ trouble hero?~”
Jackie huffed out a breath and he bit his tongue, as much as he wanted to snap at Anti he had more important things to worry about right now. He felt the integrity of the wall crumbling more under his hold, more weight added onto his arms. He exhaled as he heard the bricks hit the ground, the startled shrieks of the crowd from the impacts. The sound of the rescue workers rushing as fast and safe as they could inside to get the civilians out.
He tensed, hair rose on the back of his neck as he heard crackling electricity close to his ear. He shuddered and felt his heart pick up in adrenaline fueled nerves as claws curled around one shoulder.
“Ignorin me now are we? Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Ye know t’at’s a bad idea Jackieboy….I t’ought ye had learned by now. Might have to teach ya anot’er lesson.”
Jackie felt bile crawl up his throat and resisted the urge to gag at the thought of another ‘lesson’. The last one had left him coughing up blood and his ribcage ached in phantom pain. He didn’t move, he didn’t acknowledge Anti. He couldn’t afford to have his focus split-pain lanced down one arm as those deadly claws sunk into his shoulder.
He grit his teeth as muscles spasmed and tightened, he held back the instinct to twist his arm to dislodge them. He dug his fingers into brick and mortar instead in an attempt to stay singular focused. The glitch hummed, the sound brought a smirk to the hero’s mind as the only kind of warning he got.
Then everything lit up in white hot agony.
Jackie clenched his jaw as tight as he could not to scream, his body wanted to convulse but he didn’t let it. He held himself in position as the wall creaked and groaned, bricks tumbled down around him onto the street. His heart skipped beats and stuttered in his chest as his ears rang with the sound of harsh static mixed with panicked screams, the racing footsteps in the building. He felt like his teeth would crack under the pressure as the voltage amped up in response.
Anti didn’t want his attention on anything else but the pain, but him as he struggled to keep his hands still. He couldn’t falter, he couldn’t let go, he had to be strong. His vision swam and began to blur, thoughts fuzzed and tormented. The hero didn’t know how long he could take this, the pain just kept coming and it increased with every second that passed- the force of nature hissed smugly against his skin like it read his mind.
“I can stop Jackie, make all t’e pain go away~ All ye gotta do is one little thing~”
Anything, he’d do anything if it meant the pain stopped. There was a pleased hum that brought to mind a cat with prey before a twisted croon against his ear.
“Say my name Jackieboy~ Say my name and it stops~”
Jackie barely remembered his own name, he couldn’t think- the pain was so bad. His muscles locked in place from his stubbornness not to move, not to scream. His senses all transmitted suffering, torment, the crackling and hissing of the lightning the only sound he heard above his own heartbeat. The hero couldn’t focus…everything started to dim. His eyes fluttered and he caught a flash of feral, wicked neon green…he felt a hand on his cheek, claws softly traced his face and teased the edges of his mask. It felt like his mouth moved on its own and his voice forced itself out barely above a breath. Only heard between the two of them.
The pain stopped instantly, he started to sway midair as his body began to go limp. The wall crumbled and collapsed against his body and he hit the street hard, unable to hold himself up. As Jackie slid into the darkness of unconsciousness there was a chuckle among the shouting of civilians and workers who scrambled to his side to tend to him.
“Sleep well hero, see you soon~”
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redysetdare · 5 months
I think queer stories would be better if people stopped assuming that queer representation hinges on if two characters are romantically involved at all. Like the moment you accept characters as being queer without needing romance to prove said queerness then i think we'd find ourselves with a lot more unique, nuanced, and interesting queer stories. but by limiting queerness to only romance you are stifling queer stories.
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spacedace · 1 year
The one where Elle keeps having to deal with her boyfriends’ family members breaking into her home Part 1 (Jon/Damian/Elle secret dating nonsense):
Dick finds out about Damian’s girlfriend at the same time he meets her for the first time.
Normally something as momentous as discovering that his babiest brother had a dating life would have been cause for excitement and joy. Damian had grown a lot from those early years, but Dick still worried about him. Since moving out and into his own apartment he seemed more likely than ever to avoid people, even - maybe especially - the family. He still came over to the manor regularly, but it was rare than at anyone outside of Alfred even saw him outside of patrol or working on cases. He showed up, spent time with Batcow and Alfred-the-Cat and Ace, then left before anyone saw him.
So finding out that Damian had a girlfriend - let alone one he was serious enough about that they lived together - should have been the highlight of the week, maybe even the month!
Unfortunately for him, however, the excitement of it all was rather dimmed by the concussion of said girlfriend hitting him over the head with a baseball bat with the force of a freight train after assuming he was a stranger breaking into her home.
In hindsight secret live in girlfriend may have been the reason Damian had been so squirrelly about any of them coming over to his place.
Secret Live In Girlfriend - name pending - was currently dialing someone on the phone, most likely the police. Which meant that Babs’ system was going to flag a B&E at Damian’s apartment mere minutes after he’d told her he was crashing at Baby Bird’s apartment. Which meant that Secret Live In Girlfriend wasn’t going to be so secret anymore since Robin was on patrol and would have never called the cops anyway if he had been home when someone broke in. Provided half a dozen Bats didn’t come crashing in via the balcony door the second they get wind something was happening at Damian’s place before Robin could even try and explain what was happening. And wouldn’t that be a cherry on top of the embarrassing sundae his first impression with Damian’s significant other was shaping up to be so far.
“Hey, so uh.” Secret Live In Girlfriend said from her place perched on top of the kitchen island, Titus at her feet and bright green bat - or no, was that a collapsible baton? It was hard to tell, he hadn’t been hit that hard since the last time Bane went on a rampage, it was honestly impressive such a petite woman had that kind of strength in her - held securely in her other hand. Her eyes never left Dick from where he was bound and gagged on one of the kitchen chairs. “Sorry to call so late Day, but a fucking cop just broke into the apartment.”
Well, at least he didn’t have to worry about how they were going to explain why half the vigilantes in Gotham were busting in to her boyfriend’s apartment in response to a break in. He was slightly concerned at the fact that she had apparently swiped everything from his pockets at some point while she’d been maneuvering him into the kitchen chair without him noticing, but she had hit him pretty hard and the concussion was bad enough that he was pretty sure he was going to be benched by Alfred for a while once he got checked out. He probably just hadn’t noticed with how badly his ears were ringing and he was fighting the sudden intense urge to vomit.
More important than all that though, Secret Live In Girlfriend called Damian Day, and even though she was glaring daggers at Dick her face softened as she focused in on listening to Damian’s voice and awww she really was completely smitten with his baby brother that is the cutest shit ever and he can’t wait to tell everyone about it as soon as she lets him go.
“Want me to take care of him?”
Provided she doesn’t let him go in an entirely more permanent way.
Holy fuck she didn’t even hesitate before asking her boyfriend if Damian wanted her to kill a man for him. That was her first question out the gate. No hey should I call the police or do you know this man no just straight for do you want me to make him disappear? She’d even tucked her phone between her ear and shoulder so she had a free hand to pet Titus while she asked, the big ol’ hellhound leaning in happily to the ear scritches and entirely unbothered by Dick’s predicament, casual as anything as she asked Damian if he wanted her to murder his brother for him.
Dick watched as Secret Live In Girlfriend listed to whatever it was Damian was saying, her hard glare easing a little as she did. At length she let go of the day-glow-green baton and plucked up Dick’s wallet, flipping it open to peer at his license.
“ID says Richard Grayson.” She said, pausing again to listen to Damian again, eyes flicking up towards Dick again as she did. “Oh shit, your brother Richard?” Secret Live In Girlfriend’s eyes went wide, face losing all traces of that frigid distrust she’d been leveling at him, expression rapidly turning towards surprised and embarrassed. “…I think I gave him a concussion.” She said, looking sheepish. “You uh…you finish up at work. I’m going to just…untie him and uh…get him to a hospital.” Whatever Damian said next made the young woman laugh, eyes sparkling as she looked down at Titus. “I’ll let him know. Be safe out there.” Her expression turned warm and soft at what Damian said next over the phone, “Love you too, Day.”
Oh shit. Oh shit. I love you too. As in, Damian had said I love you. Like, obviously they had probably gotten to that point of their relationship to break out the L word if they were living together, but Dick could count on one hand the number of times Baby Bird had said that to someone in their family in all the years since he’d moved in. And he said it first! Without prompting! Or someone being about to die!
Dick was still riding the wave of that stunning revelation of his little brother’s emotion growth when Secret Live In Girlfriend came into focus in front of him, the gross, now slightly damp sock she’d shoved in his mouth earlier in hand and a concerned furrow in her brow and - ah shit he lost time there for a bit didn’t he? Yeah, Alfred was definitely going to bench him for this one. Seriously Dami’s girlfriend was no joke with that baton of hers.
“I’m so sorry again about this,” Secret Live In Girlfriend said, “I just heard the door and I knew Day wasn’t going to be back home for hours yet and Jon is doing that thing with his dad tonight -“ She’d tossed the sock over her shoulder and Titus happily snatched it up and carried it off to his bed in the living room to destroy. “Are you - actually I’m not going to ask that, you’re for sure not okay. I hit you pretty hard.”
Oh, so Jon knew about Secret Live In Girlfriend. Yeah that made sense.
He and Damian had been best friends since they were kids - as much as Damian had tried to deny it when they were still little - and even if Dami had been successful in keeping his family of detectives off the scent of his love life, there was no way that he was going to keep that from Jon Kent. Superboy Jr. practically lived at Damian’s place. They were practically attached at the hip, there was no way Dami could sneak something as big as that past Jon.
“No worries!” He tried to wave her concern off - she’d untied him during his little lapse in memory, that was nice, she tied knots better than most rogues in the city and even without a head wound he probably wouldn’t have been able to get out of them on his own - but it made him sway a little which probably wasn’t all that reassuring. “I did break in. I didn’t tell Damian I was coming over or anything, I just figured I’d crash on his couch for the night. Sorry to scare you!”
He flashed his most charming smile and hoped that the blood dripping down his face didn’t diminish it too much. This was already a disaster of a first impression, and Damian had said he loved her Dick was not going to be the one to chase her off.
Secret Live In Girlfriend - he really hoped she didn’t introduce herself during that minute or two he couldn’t remember - rolled her eyes. “It’d take a lot more than some cop breaking in to my house to scare me.” She said, voice so sure that even if Dick hadn’t heard her casually offer to murder him on Damian’s whim he would believe her. “Here, let me grab the first aid kit so we can at least clean you up a bit and then I can take you to the hospital.”
Dick gave what he hoped was a brilliant smile and a thumbs up before tipping sideways and throwing up all over her shoes.
So much for salvaging the first impression.
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happy mother's day lmfao
bonus (the girls are fightiiing):
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i am begging one single person in this entire show to consider, for perhaps one single second, THE POSSIBILITY THAT THERE IS A REASON HOUSE HATES HIS DAD THIS MUCH
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the-habitat-sysblog · 26 days
using or not using tools like pluralkit or simplyplural or lighthouse or anything like that does not add or take away from your validity as a system/someone with a CDD.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
yeah u can put "i hate jkr" and "fuck terfs" in ur tumblr bio but. can u listen + reflect when a trans woman criticizes hp fandom without immediately getting defensive.....
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eightyuh · 3 months
I like how there's just two types of people
1 - Glen is so cool omg wanna cherish him let the guy have his pride
2 - Glen is so cool omg wanna put him in a cage and feed him nuts or something
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SO happy to hear you're deranged over him 🖤🖤
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yuanology · 10 months
You write for jjk right? So tender/soft sex w Gojo ,like imaging him actually having scars yknow with this “I’ll kiss all the scars on your skin” ,I’m down bad for that man ,like he is secretly begging for someone to praise him in the way he deserves yknow ,that man needs someone to love the weak and hurt gojo behind his facade of the strongest 😩😩😩 im going insane 🐸
yes, i do write for jjk and yes, i do write for gojo satoru and yes, i am going fucking feral
gojo satoru who finds his scars to be a sign of his failure as the strongest, a reminder of all of the people whom he failed to protect. he treats each scar not as a trophy of his survival but rather as a sign of weakness. a foolish thought, truly, but even the strongest has his faults at times.
( and there is a reason, after all as you so often joke, why he is called the strongest and not the wisest )
it's rare that you have the time to simply exist together and so, you both try and take as much advantage of it as possible. on the times when you can linger, you always do. even as he begs for you to go faster, tells you over and over again that he can take whatever you give him, that he won't break, but you still go slow. you ensure that he stays still — not that it takes much convincing; all you have to do is ask and he's eager to be your good boy. wanna be your good boy. am i your good boy, yet? — and that he feels every inch of you all over him.
this is one of the rare occasions in which satoru is self-conscious of himself, and you're more than aware of that. so, you ease him into it. first, you keep yourself quiet — easier to be agreed to if you don't give anything to rebuke — choosing instead to focus all your attention on kissing him all over. his throat, his lips, his cheek, his eyelids, his chest, his tits, his stomach, his thighs, his calves, everything. satoru, ever the perfect, pliant boy that he is for you, never tries to stop you. his muscles strain from his efforts to keep still, to take everything you give him, but he's so good at it that you barely even notice. you're too busy peppering kisses all over, hands on his skin so that you can feel more of him.
only once he's calmed down, used to the feeling of your mouth on him, do you begin to talk. you've learned a long time ago that a man like gojo satoru may preen under the attention, but the lonely boy in satoru will always shy away from honest compliments. so, you have to find another way to appreciate him without having him shrink away from you.
so, you kiss his hips, turning a blind eye on the way his breath hitches as your thumb brushes along a dent on his skin there, and you softly murmur, "you're so pretty." right against his skin.
so, you kiss the scar over his chest, right above where his heartbeat echoes through his ribs, ignoring the way he squirms and his gaze averts from you, and you tell him, "your heart's pounding, baby."
so, you kiss at the inside of his thigh, pretending not to feel the way his thighs tremble when you press a little too hard on an old jagged mark on his skin there, and you whisper, "you're so damn perfect." and you forget to tell him that you don't mean it in the way that he's the strongest, but because he's your satoru, but you know that he understands it all the same.
so, you kiss the most recent scar on his throat, the one from one close call or another, and you catch his chin in your hand and force him to meet your gaze so that he listens when you say, "i'm glad you came home."
sex with satoru after that is never the rough, harsh tumble that you would often do when you're chasing after time and desperate to have each other one last time. it's never just a good fuck, one with greedy hands and very little devouring mouths.
sex with satoru after that is always slow, tender, as if you're trying to meld your bones with each other until your entire existence becomes one and the same. it's always nails digging into your back, satoru's low sobs echoing in your ears, and your mouth peppering kisses and gentle worship against his skin.
the world can have tough, perfect gojo "the strongest" satoru.
but you?
you'll have scarred, beautiful, vulnerable satoru, and that is all the more precious.
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friendofthecrows · 2 months
As always, (no pressure) reblog for more votes, etc. <3
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wowzoerz-blog · 1 year
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To everybody not voice training that should be…
do it now
Or if your comfortable with your voice then that’s okay too!
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ju-ji · 4 months
Regarding the discourse about day regaining vision: no, regaining ability doesn’t negate the journey one went on to come to terms with losing it but I think the important end to this statement is “in real life.” Obviously real live human beings have more inherent value and meaning to their lives than… narrative value I guess? Last twilight tho, as fiction, as a story that was set up to depict this journey of acceptance and growth and to show on screen that disabled people can and do live happy lives (which you should know already honestly but it does seem like that was the message they intended to send) sort of… doesn’t have value outside of the narrative? Like a story’s purpose is to tell a story, obviously, water is wet, I don’t know how to say this. Do you get what I mean? So to have a story built on one barrier REMOVE the barrier at the very end is just like. Ok??? Why??? No it doesn’t invalidate day’s growth (his non-disability related regression does tho) but it’s like why exactly did someone want to tell this story?? What WAS the message then? It doesn’t invalidate day but it kinda does invalidate the story as a whole….
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be-queer-do-arson · 1 year
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
saw it being discussed but while i don't usually go so far into the "alien biology" aspect of flatland analysis, i actually do have a headcanon about how lines give birth to shapes
(again, going with the assumption that abbott, a victorian man, was probably thinking that the "women" of his made-up alien species give birth and almost definitely not thinking about gender any further than that all lines are "women")
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a blatantly lying salesdrake. "imported directly from the Shallows", they say. sure, dude, sure...
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Leonardo: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Dazai: *upends the bottle*
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