#Torture TW
intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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I just posted a thread on the history of colonialism and ongoing oppressive Indonesian occupation of West Papua. If you have time, please read the educational slides. This is absolutely horrendous, and has been going on for decades. The Indonesian government and military must be held accountable. Free West Papua.
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genderkoolaid · 2 months
So happy this man and his husband are safe now but good God he experienced some horrific shit.
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sayruq · 3 months
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Palestinian children in the Israel military detention system face physical and emotional abuse, with four out of five (86%) of them being beaten, and 69% strip-searched, according to new research by Save the Children. Nearly half (42%) are injured at the point of arrest, including gunshot wounds and broken bones. Some report violence of a sexual nature and some are transferred to court or between detention centres in small cages, the child rights organisation said.
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nerdpoe · 4 months
While Tim was setting up the final touches to rig Ra's base to blow, he finds someone that could be his carbon copy in the dungeons. The guy is unconscious, chained to the wall with multiple chains, and branded.
Tim, obviously, grabs Pru for a last minute extraction and gets the prisoner the hell out of there.
He knows this isn't a clone, because the earlobes are different, as is the brow shape and hair thickness. This is just...someone that apparently looked enough like Tim that Ra's, unconfirmed but APPARENTLY, decided to use to take out his aggression. Probably whenever Tim didn't listen.
They get the doppleganger out, get him treated, and he still isn't waking up. Tim takes him back to Gotham. The dude doesn't wake up. Gets him secured in the Bunker with Alfred. Alfred reports that the under-fed teen isn't waking up.
They get Bruce back.
Bruce goes to take a look at the ex-prisoner once he's recovered. Bruce gets Zatanna.
Zatanna tells them that the brand is acting as a seal, and the only way to get the kid to wake up is to disrupt the seal. But warns them that said seal only works on Beings from the Realm between Realms, and that to unleash one that had been abused would surely lead to the destruction of their own.
Tim calls bullshit.
Or; Danny was tricked and trapped by Ra's, who was siphoning blood out of him to add to the Pits and increase their efficacy. Tim finds Danny, misreads the situation, and rescues him. Now, even though Danny would probably just roll over and go back to sleep, JLD is telling the Bats that if they break the seal then he'll destroy the world. Tim disagrees.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I died and went to Hell (hell was a bland but somewhat cozy townhouse) and they tried to torture me but none of their torture methods worked on me so I decided I had nothing to lose and tried to seduce the Devil (did not work - he is asexual).
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becauseofthebowties · 11 months
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12.02 - Mamma Mia
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cascigarette · 5 months
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"whatever you do, you will always end up... here."
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frownyalfred · 2 months
So during bruce getting tortured by clark, to not give out information or let the pain affect him, bruce instantly directs his mind somewhere else, completely stops thinking, listening, almost like deleting all that is in his memory.
And now that he's healed, he can't stop his mind from doing that around the now normal clark. His mind goes completely blank the first few times me he sees clark after he is saved.
I imagine he has mental routines he can call on when being tortured, but the biggest hurdle isn't withstanding the pain. It's accepting that Clark is the one torturing him and causing it. Clark of all people, who wanted Bruce's approval over anyone else's when he found out Lois was pregnant.
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hmshermitcraft · 28 days
(Tw, implied experimentation on people)
Ren doesn't know what's with the number on Doc's neck.
He doesn't know why Doc sometimes flinches away.
He doesn't know why Doc is covered in scars.
All he knows, is he wants doc to be happy. Maybe that means helping him to fall asleep after a nightmare, maybe that means getting Doc to open up about what happened. But it means one thing for sure: he can't just ignore it.
No matter how much doc wants to, Ren can't just stay silent after seeing his boyfriend wake up for the thousand time begging to not go back "There", wherever "there" is
Even if Ren knows nothing about what happened to Doc, and he doesn't have to, really, then he wants to know what he can do to help. When Doc wakes up after a nightmare, when his eyes grow distant or his hands tremble. Ren wants to know what he can do.
He doesn't need to know the problem for that. But Doc is still reluctant to tell him, and Ren doesn't know how far he can push Doc on this before he snaps.
So that means he has to learn by himself.
He learns that Doc likes when Ren draws circles on the back of his hand. He likes Ren's arms around him as Ren breathes deeply. He likes listening to Ren talk, no matter what it's about. Ren's started keeping books by his bed, just for that reason.
Doc might never open up to Ren about his past, and that's okay. Ren doesn't see it as something necessary. He just wants to make sure Doc isn't shouldering it alone.
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getvalentined · 2 months
I've never done a full breakdown of everything that happened to my version of Vincent while he was under the knife (although there is a partial breakdown from like 12 years ago on Ask Vincent Valentine), but @spinejackel tagged my recent Vincent doodle gushing about autopsy scar (Vincent Has a Y-Incision headcanon supremacy!) so I figured it was probably a good time. This is also probably the best method, since I can apply the right tags and trigger warnings to hopefully keep it from hitting the people who would be disturbed.
For anyone who doesn't know, figuring out the fucked up physiology of victims of science is like my entire jam. I think this is what happens when you let a chronically ill child watch Akira and the original Bubblegum Crisis OVA and most of the works of Masamune Shirow. All that before FF7 even existed. This means that the explanation under the cut may seem excessive, and this post is very long. I've been building it over over a quarter century, I don't think there's any avoiding it at this point.
Warnings for body horror, nonconsensual body modification, medical horror and torture. Basically, if there's anything you can think of related to becoming a victim of science under the rule of an unethical sci-fantasy oligarchy, it's probably in here to some degree. It's explained plainly and simply, in clinical but not visceral detail.
My headcanons for what Hojo did to Vincent are pretty specific, albeit not precisely comprehensive; 27 years later I still don't really have a particularly solid concept for how he turned Vincent into a shapeshifter, although at least we know it's not something entirely specific to Vincent—Hojo repeated that facet of the experiment in Azul, but not in any other SOLDIER operative even in DeepGround, implying that it's only possible if very specific physiological conditions are met. The minimal concept I do have involves a twisted application of the concept of incarnate summoning as it appears in FFXIII-2, but it's very vague and also not the topic of this post. Maybe later.
Regarding the Y-incision/autopsy scar, my headcanon is that once Hojo tweaked Vincent into being able to regenerate from any injury—an enhancement that is confirmed to be entirely Hojo's work in Dirge—the professor of course felt it necessary to run various tests quantify the usefulness of his handiwork. He did this first by inflicting various surface injuries, then by causing more extreme bodily trauma, which eventually culminated in Hojo removing the majority of Vincent's internal organs in order to measure how long it took them to grow back and, assuming they did grow back, how the new ones compared to Vincent's original parts.
To be able to observe this as closely as possible, Hojo kept Vincent's torso open for the entire process—which he repeated twice more in order to check the weight, size and structure of the newly-grown organs in comparison to the originals. This study proved that most of them did grow back, but the majority of them stopped developing much earlier than was appropriate for Vincent's age and size. The difference was consistent, Hojo just never figured out why most of them grew back smaller and less-developed.
The reason this happened is based the fact that most of the organs in the human trunk are used in digestion and other related processes, and Vincent's regeneration means he doesn't need to eat or drink anymore. His body only expended as much energy as was completely necessary to develop those organs to the point of being functional rather than normal, because they're not really necessary. Vincent is glad he still has them, though, because he does still occasionally eat (usually in social situations) and also he'd be really sad if he couldn't even have coffee.
Vincent's brain activity remained normal during the entire process, although that may have something to do with Hojo driving a bunch of fluid lines into his head and flooding the inside of his skull with mako to keep him awake the whole time even while deprived of oxygen. (Rebirth spoilers, but seeing the bit in the Nibelheim Protorelic questline where Hojo does something super similar to this, after this has been my headcanon for decades, was a trip.)
Two organs didn't grow back at all: Vincent's appendix and one kidney. This was also the result of efficient energy expenditure, as the human appendix isn't necessary for survival, and only one kidney is really required. (Each time Hojo removed the new kidney, the one that grew back would be on the opposite side, which bothered Hojo to no end.)
His lungs grew back a little larger, possibly because his skeletal structure never quite recovered after his first transformation into Galian—his arms and legs are noticeably too long for his body, although not to the point of looking impossible, and likewise his ribcage settled to breadth that would allow for larger lungs. He doesn't really need these anymore either, related to his brain being exposed to so much mako during the process that it can now operate without oxygen if necessary, but switching himself over from aerobic to anaerobic respiration is really unpleasant and Vincent tries to avoid it when he can.
His heart was pretty normal by the time Hojo was done with him, although his heartrate had dropped to like 20bpm even when elevated. Again, if respiration isn't necessary, there's not much reason for the system to be active. (By the time Lucrecia was done this had dropped to around 5bpm on average, although it's completely arrhythmic and jumps all over the place when he's not either particularly active or on the verge of a transformation.)
This was the experiment that left Vincent susceptible to degradation, which Hojo didn't realize until after finally closing him back up. Upon realizing that Vincent's body wasn't responding properly to a different test (a repetition of an earlier experiment related to the regeneration of external tissues and features), Hojo just kinda threw him in a tube to be disposed of at a later date, kinda like that scene in Arrested Development where there's that dead dove in a bag in the fridge. The incision healed at some point during the period that Lucrecia was working on him, but early enough in her work that the tissue couldn't flawlessly regenerate (like it does in the present), leaving him with one more gnarly scar on top of all the rest.
Vincent is self-conscious about all the physiological changes brought on by what was done to him, often to the point of loathing. His left arm is the worst—it rotted off while he was in the throes of degradation and grew back as something that he hesitates to call his arm—but Vincent hates that Y-incision scar almost as much. Some days they tie.
(It has come up in appropriately horrified conversation with Shalua that, considering how his regeneration works, Vincent could probably get rid of all the scars on his chest if he somehow peeled the skin off his torso in a single swath. He will not be doing that. Besides, it might grow back the wrong color/texture/etc, like his left arm. Not worth the risk, much less the suffering.)
Also I gotta finish off this entry with the extremely stupid headcanon reveal that Vincent's (honestly fairly impressive) dick was cut off during the first round of bodily trauma regeneration tests—and Hojo has never felt the sort of rage he experienced upon discovering that it grew back bigger than before. This occurred early enough in the experiments that Vincent was not awake for it, and thus has no idea how the fuck this happened, and does not want to talk about it ever thank you very much. I've never mentioned it in public anywhere because it is extremely stupid, but I hope someone out there finds it as funny a concept as I do.
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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⚠️tw: for torture, abuse, and brutality in the following posts⚠️:
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
I wrote this a few months ago for Febuwhump...Day 13 I think? I was super excited about sharing it. But when my schedule got crazy I had to change my plans and didn't get a chance to post it.
So here it is now!
CW for blood, injury, vomiting, and torture (including sleep deprivation)
Another slap snaps Time’s head back, stinging across his face. Stars explode before him and turn the semi-darkness spotty. He grits his teeth against the rising tide of nausea.
“I asked you a question.” A wiry, whiskered man leans forward, malice glinting in his small, rat-like eyes. “And you will answer me.”
Time drags in a breath. The air is stale, tinged with the sickening iron scent of metal chains and his blood. His attackers loom over him, knuckles red from their assaults upon him, faces sneering.
He ignores them. He has seen quite enough of them, after all, in the past few days. And he doesn’t doubt that he will be seeing quite a bit more. 
He has no plans to give in anytime soon. It doesn’t matter how they pressure him, or how many torture methods they try. He will never give up one of their own.
“I told you,” he croaks, “I do not know anyone with the power to resurrect Ganon.”
A meaty fist grasps his shoulder, fingers digging into the stab wound there. Time just barely manages to bite off a scream. 
“Wrong answer!”
The man steps closer. The magic that emanates from him is all wrong. Upside down and inside out and not his own in the least. The people he has dragged it out of, stolen it from, cry out with every movement he makes. It is all Time can do not to gag as the sounds and smells of it smother him.
“I am a sorcerer– ” 
“You’re a thief and a coward,” Time spits. Fingers turn into a fist, slamming into his wound with a ferocity that makes him lightheaded. He hardly hears his own cry. 
“I am a sorcerer,” the man repeats. He grabs Time’s chin, forces his head up so he has no choice but to look at him. “One who has sworn his very life to the Demon King. I have the power to do what must be done. I will bring him back and help him take his rightful place as ruler of Hyrule. I need only for you to give me the answer I seek.”
A bitter smirk lifts Time’s lips, even as blood drains down from them. 
“Ganondorf would be ashamed to have a follower such as you. How long have you held me here now? Four days? And you have wasted that time on repeating the same question. Perhaps, you should use that skill with magic you pretend to possess and find another avenue to resurrect him. Because searching for someone who can do it for you is a fool’s errand.”
Another blow knocks his head back. It hits the damp stone wall with a nauseating crack. Time pitches forward, retching, and the wizard steps back and out of the way. 
“You are full of pride, hero,” he sneers. “You forget your place, you ignore your situation.”
Time skewers him with as severe a glare as he can muster. “I have not forgotten either. In fact, I know them quite well. Which is why I have told you the truth. No person exists with the blood that can resurrect Ganon.”
“Truth? What truth? You have done nothing except to mock me and spew lies.”
The sorcerer whirls away and a streak of flame zips through Time’s veins. He cannot restrain his harsh cry as agony washes over him. But just as quickly as it comes, it is gone. And he has a split second to drag in a few, desperate wheezing breaths. Then, the sorcerer begins to speak once more, every word like another assault. 
“You are correct in one way, however. I have consistently used the same methods to pry the words from you. No torture, whether by magic or physical harm, has moved you from your stance of silence.” He pauses, hand held to his chin in contemplation. “Perhaps, it is time to try another avenue. Bring in the other one.”
With a wave of one bony hand, his companions jolt into action, rushing from the room, and slamming the leaden door behind them. 
Time’s eye widens, fear slicing through him. He had thought he was the only one the thugs had captured. He had been alone, after all, scouting the far perimeters of the camp, when they had knocked him out. 
The sorcerer looks back at him, now, a sly grin stretching his wide mouth.
“Your little friend happened to spot us dragging you away and decided to try and be a hero. Fortunately, my little sleeping spell worked as effectively to knock him out as it did with you.”
The door slides open with an eerie creak and Time turns toward it, heart in his throat.  
“Ah.” The sorcerer sets a hand on his shoulder, fingernails digging through his tunic. “And there was another fortunate development for us. You well know that my spells are excruciating. Wonderful for convincing, to be certain. But you spared me the trouble of exerting too much magical energy on you two. You are quite the collector of masks, it seems. And while some were childish at best, others have proven…very useful.”
A familiar form stumbles over the threshold, wrists clasped in the unforgiving grip of manacles. His tunic and trousers are splotched with dirt and dried blood and his shoulders sag with exhaustion. His long, blonde hair has been freed from its hair band and falls limply forward to hide his features. But his ears peek through it and the sight of them makes Time’s stomach turn. 
They are encased in a prison of wiry black metal. Time would recognize that sight anywhere. 
“No,” he breathes.
Wild lifts his head and the leaden weight in Time’s gut twines itself tighter. 
The cage of unyielding obsidian extends to the rest of his face, curving in web-like strands across his cheeks and forehead. Eyes once the same shade as Malon’s are now blood red and rimmed in white. They stare wide and terrible, fixed in an expression of permanent horror. 
Despite it all, a shaky grin quirks Wild’s lips. 
“H-hey, old man,” he slurs, fumbling to keep his feet beneath him.
His captor practically drags him the rest of the way into the room. They hurl him down beside Time and he lands on the hard floor with a grunt. 
Laughter rings out, echoing off of the walls of the cell and Time drags his attention away from his cub to scowl at the wizard. The man meets his stare without fear.
“I don’t have to explain the implications of this little development to you, do I? You know full well what that horrid device of yours does.”
He turns away, arms crossed and a victorious smirk on his face. “It has been four days for him as well. Four without a wink of sleep. I wonder…how long can one go without slumber? I will leave you both to ponder that.”
The door screams as it is once again pulled open. And the sorcerer glides out in a rush of nauseating power and swishing robes.
“What a creep,” Wild mumbles, gazing at the spot where he had stood. He lists slightly to the side, bumping against Time’s uninjured shoulder. Time wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. 
“Have they truly forced you to wear that for four days?” He asks, worry turning his tone sharp. His own pain seems inconsequential now, the ache of his wounds a far-off thing. All that matters is the broken boy slumped against him.
Jerkily, Wild nods. A small sniffle sounds from beneath the mask. 
Time’s heart clenches. “Oh, cub, I’m so sorry.”
The champion shrugs, weakly. “Least it doesn’t…doesn’t put me to sleep. Rather be kept ‘wake.” He giggles, drunk on exhaustion, fighting against the tears Time hears in his voice. “And ‘sides…got hundred years of sleep under m-my belt. Gotta count…right? Be fine.”
With a sigh, he shifts, head slipping down to rest on Time. The harsh edges of the mask bite into his abused flesh. But he doesn’t move away. The least he can do is act as Wild’s makeshift pillow. 
If he could, he would tear the mask off of him and shatter it on the hard ground. But once the cursed thing has latched onto its victim’s face, only the one who put it there can remove it. And if the blood visible beneath its dark edges is any indication, Wild has already learned what happens to anyone else who attempts it.
“They hur-hurt you too,” the champion murmurs, after a pause. His tone is more somber now and fearful. Like a lost child, pleading with a parent for reassurance. “I…I can’t really see straight anymore but…they told me…they told me they were. ‘M sorry.”
Time shakes his head. “Don’t worry about me, cub. I’m alright.”
Gently, he brushes Wild’s bangs back, trying not to wince as his fingertips touch icy metal rather than warm skin. The champion leans into his touch, curling up like the barn cats do when they are seeking warmth. Any other time, the older hero would find it amusing. Now, it only makes his heart ache.
“Can’t tell them,” Wild mumbles, barely audible now. “Can’t tell ‘bout Rule.”
Time draws in a trembling breath. “No.”
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to save his cub from this terrible fate. And by the goddesses, he is going to find them. Even if he has to burn the place down.
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sayruq · 3 months
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Superboy wakes up in a prison. In the cell, sitting across from him, there's a teen that looks like another offshoot clone of Clark.
He learns in bits and pieces that he's been captures by a shadow government organization hellbent on ridding the world of anyone "ecto-contaminated", or anyone who has ever been dead.
Since he'd died before, even though he came back, he set off their sensors.
He doesn't remember how he got caught, doesn't remember what he was doing prior, but the walls are made of a weird material that glows green and cancels out his powers. It also doesn't hurt him.
Diluted kryptonite? He'll have to steal some and give it to Tim.
According to the kid, they've been forcibly detained to "serve their sentence for illegal immigration from the Realm of the Dead to the Realm of the Living" by way of routinely allowing themselves to be subjected to medical procedures. They are always being watched, they aren't the only ones captive, that apparently his entire high school had been condemned to it as well as some literal ghosts, and if he struggles then they won't give him the mercy of sedation while they do their experiments.
And Kon can't use his power to escape, or free this kid, or free any of the other prisoners. It's the worst case scenario.
Thank fuck he's best friends with a paranoid Bat that might have more contingencies than the Big Bat Himself.
Kon activates the only subdermal tracker he'd allowed Tim to place under his skin, and settles down to wait.
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A prison of this design, but more high tech and with less privacy. Apparently the idea behind it was that you couldn't see the guards, but they could see you, and the lights would move at random to make you think they were paying attention all the time.
So psychological torture on top of imprisonment.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 21 days
I was in a secret military run organization that experimented on teens and tweens and broadcast their screams in Red Rooms. My karate teacher, my color guard captain, even my own mother didn't believe me. There was also a TV show based on the organization.
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Could you do the gang with a stage magician reader
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Circus Crew x Stage Magician Reader
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TW: Mentions of sawing people in half (painless), drowning (magic trick), bullying
Type: Headcanons; platonic.
A/N: "Caine, Bubble, and the digital six's reactions to a stage magician reader." I combined the two asks because they were very similar.
He's so happy. A real stage magician in the digital circus? Incredible! Immediately upon arrival and finding out who you were, he sets you to work showing off all your skills. He just wants to see what level you're at so he can help you to be the best magician in the whole circus!
However, it'll come at the cost of you having to actually do real magic instead of just illusions. The sawing people in half one definitely is traumatising the first time you do it (Kinger assures you he'll be fine). Once you get used to using somewhat-real magic, you actually get to do some pretty mind-bending stuff.
"A human? With skills in circus work? What a wonder!"
Bubble doesn't really mind. You were a stage magician? That's good! You must be able to help Caine out then. To be honest, I don't know enough about bubble to say its (or she's? He's? They're?) anything more than just an AI assistant to Caine that is really, really annoying to him.
Either way, it helps out in traumatising you (see: sawing people mentioned in Caine's section).
If you join when Pomni's first there, she's too focused on the exit to care as much. You were a stage magician? That's great! Good for you, genuinely! But would there be any way that could help her get to the exit somehow? Do you know any magic tricks or something? No? Just illusions? Oh, okay.
But if you join when she's started to give up, she does treat you a lot more like a friend. She does admire your tricks a lot either way and is quite impressed by them, she's just too sidetracked with her crisis to focus on you that much. Once she calms down, however, she compliments you on your skills and is interested in learning some herself. She still freaks out when you have to "drown" yourself, though.
"Hey, hey, wait! Get them out of there! Hey!"
Ragatha thinks it's fun that there's a proper circus performer in the circus. Well, maybe you didn't work in circuses exactly, but it's close enough. Ragatha's long given up on finding the exit, and just tries to enjoy her time in the digital world as much as possible. She compliments you on your skills.
She also helps you out when Caine is pushing for you to "run" an activity. Because let's be honest, he'd totally force you to be the lead star of some stuff due to your skills. She also reassures you everything will be fine when your profession forced you to do some less-than-pleasant, honestly traumatising things.
"Don't worry, new stuff. Everything going to be just fine! Kinger won't feel a thing!"
Jax is absolutely using this to his advantage. Well, when you're friends, of course. When he first meets you, he's really just focused on being a jerk. He'll make fun of you for choosing to try and do "magic" and how you must just miss childhood wonder. He's not that dumb, and can work out (or at least he thinks he can work out) the "deeper meaning" to why you chose your profession.
Once you're friends though, he tries to use it to his advantage. You two will prank the other circus members by getting Ragatha to pull a centipede out of the magician's hat instead of a rabbit, or having an aggressive rabbit be pulled out by Gangle. It's all very fun for him.
"So, you're a magician, hm? Still clinging onto your childhood? To bad you can't go back there--or back home!"
He's the "victim" to all your tricks. He's the type to go "no" when asked if he will be the assistant/person performed on when he goes up on stage anyway. In reality, yeah, he doesn't want to do it, but he also knows nobody else will and just does it anyway. He knows it won't hurt.
Outside of shows, Kinger is pretty entranced by some of your tricks. He's very impressed with your never-ending handkerchief one in particular. He asks you to teach him some tricks, perhaps to help fortify his impenetrable fortress or for his acting shows.
"No, I don't really want to do this."
Gangle really likes your magic tricks. I imagine she's someone to have two diaries in her room at all times. She writes the day's happenings in one, and keeps a log of everything about herself she remembers in the other. Gangle would happily get a diary for you so you could write down all your tricks!
Your magic tricks always bring a smile to her face. Whenever she's got her comedy mask on, of course. When the tragedy mask is in use, she usually resorts to crying about how much she misses seeing magic shows in the real world. Best to keep it to just the comedy mask times, when she'll thoroughly enjoy it.
"I can feel my memories of the comedy show slipping!"
Zooble's cool with it. They know it's all just pretend in the real world, so he's initially not to phased about it. Still, she's impressed with the level of your skill. And when the wacky reality-warping nature of the circus comes into play, you really can do some cool stuff that he enjoys.
To me, Zooble doesn't seem like one that would be very interested in learning all too much about doing magic tricks themself. However, they do enjoy hearing about your shows. It comes with a lot of exciting stories and also gossip, which makes him feel closer connected with the real world.
"So, you're a stage magician? That's cool."
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