#Even though I know who the winner is gonna be but I wanna see if they solo or if there's a runner-up
jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
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echantedtoon · 19 days
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch8 A Scarred Heart
(How many hearts can Y/n conquer? Let's find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z- Jk. Warnings for death mentioned.)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
@miniverse-zen @mysteri0uz @jjamsbangtan
@the-unknown-fandom @lavenderdropp
@mimisweetz. @purplesoulsapphire
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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Your heart was fluttering. Soaring like a plane even. As you walked down the road with your head leaned against Gyomei's arm, arm wrapped around his own, and holding hands. It was the perfect start to your new morning and walking outside only to be surprised by Gyomei patiently waiting to walk you to work.
Although you both did stop by the cafe where you had your first date to grab some coffee and something to eat. Chasing after kids all day meant you'd be needing the energy, however you were surprised by seeing a small box next to the cash register. A sign above it advertised some kind of raffle.
"What's that?," you asked pointing towards the box out to the cashier.
He brightly smiled. "It's a raffle to celebrate Kimetsu Academy's fiftieth anniversary! If you leave your name and contact info, you get a chance to win a thousand dollars and a certificate for free cafeteria meals for the rest of the year! Only registered students can enter though." He nudged the box closer to you. "Would you like to enter? I just need to see a student ID to confirm you're a student and you can enter for free!"
"It's going on today?"
"Actually students have until classes are over this Friday to enter, and the winner's gonna be drawn Saturday. How about it? Wanna enter?"
A thousand dollars AND free lunches for the rest of the year!? You could use a thousand dollars to help pay off your car! Or pay bills for a while! Or get Gyomei a great present! And free lunches for the rest of the year would save you SO much money!...Buuut the chances of you getting picked within like thousands of other students was slim. Oh what the heck. It was a free raffle. Even if you didn't win what's the harm?
You did end up digging your student ID out of your bag to confirm your student status to the cashier before writing your contact info on a piece of paper, slipping it into the box, grabbing your coffee, and then leaving with Gyomei.
He himself felt his cheeks and ears burn up a bright happy pink as the smaller hand squeezed his. He was still half convinced that it was all just a dream and he'd wake up to no one being there. But as she held onto him as they crossed the campus and towards your workplace. You were surprised to see that he came inside with you until your coworker came up to you with a baby currently nomming on their hand in her arms.
"Y/n, there you are! Practically everyone dropped their kids off already and we've been swamped!," she grumpily said. "It's about time you and the new guy got here!"
You blinked staring at her confused. "New guy?"
He gestured to Gyomei behind you bouncing the drooling baby on her hip. "Yeah? Himejima. The boss liked his application so he got the job."
You blinked in surprise blinking before turning to Gyomei who still only smiled at you. "Is that what you meant by 'the job interview ' you had?"
He nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you beforehand but I didn't know if I would get the job here. It's only going to be for a year anyways before I finish my last year and earn my degree."
You beamed. "Are you kidding?! That's amazing! I'd love to work with my boyfriend! This is like a dream come true for me-"
"Then would you two PLEASE get changed and help me with playtime?," your coworker interrupted with a raised brow.
"Oh! S-Sorry."
You two quickly got changed into the signature pink aprons (honestly you were surprised they were able to find one that fit Gyomei-) and quickly just got to work helping your coworker take care of the infants that the parents dropped off before going to classes as your manages escorted Gyomei somewhere else. Guess she wanted to walk him through his first day on the job, and help out considering the increase of children that came into the daycare last month. But I digress. You only busied yourself by helping in the infantry wing of the daycare. Getting to work changing one crying baby's diaper before going on to sit down and attempt to rock a stubborn baby down for a nap. However he was stubborn and kept waking up just as he started to nod off and give an angry babble in protest.
"Stubborn little guy aren't you?," you asked him still gently rocking him in the chair.
Again the baby made a noise pouting and waving his tiny hands in protest making you chuckle-
Until the front desk bell rang out. The noise caused you to stop rocking and your coworker to look up from counting the diaper supply in the nearby closet, both of you looking towards the doorway.
The noise came back louder than before and one of the sleeping infants gave a small noise of protest in their sleep.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Your coworker mumbled before lightly placing her head on the closet door.
The constant dinging of the bell made her inhale deeply and turn to you. "Give me the baby and go see who the heck is there before I go and ding that thing against their heads!" She was already holding out her hands for the baby in your arms just as another two ding sounds sounded from up the hall. "And tell them to shut up before they wake up these babies!" She hissed already plucking the half asleep baby boy from your arms and heaving him onto one shoulder.
"Sure." You stood up with a smile. "I'll get right on th-"
Your head whipped behind you as finally the previously stirring baby woke up and started crying. Your coworkers eye twitch as only more dinging came from the front desk. You only quickly scurried out promising to come back soon and help her.
A rapid ringing sounded as someone repeatedly just mashed the bell at the front desk making you frown annoyed. What kind of Karen were you going to be dealing with today? With a frown you poked your head out the doorway making out half the figure of a man turned away from you looking around the front lobby, a toddler on his hip and two bags slung over his shoulders. You frowned before inhaling deeply and forcing a customer service smile on your face.
"I'm coming!," you called out making your way towards him to which he turned around sharply.
"Oh thank fu-.." He paused looking at the boy in his arms. "..Fudge! Thank FUDGE!! I've been standing here forever and I'm late for my da-..DARN classes! It's doesn't usually take this-.."
He paused seeing who came out from the back hallway and you also paused seeing who it was. You blinked once. Twice. Before the realization that SANEMI was the one standing in front of you hit you. The same thing must've been happening to Sanemi because he slowly blinked, face surprised. You both probably would've continued if the little boy in his arms didn't look up from his toy and gasped happily!!
"Y/N!!," he cheered tugging on Sanemi's shirt and pointing the toy at you. "Nemi it's da nice lady!!"
Sanemi jumped as his little brother squealed out and looked at him. "What?"
"Hi, Sanemi," you greeted making him look back to you sharply however you just smiled. "It's nice to see you again. Were you looking for Gyomei?"
He seemed to finally snap out of it before shaking his head. "No. I'm dropping off my baby brother for my mom. She's busy trying to fix an emergency at work." Without saying anything he leaned his little brother forward into your awaiting arms. "And I'm already late for my dam classes-"
"SWEAR!," Koto tattled pointing back to his brother hurrying to get the diaper bag off his shoulder.
"Here! He's got some clothes n' stuff. I'll pick 'em back up when my classes are done!" The bag dropped on the counter with a plop sound before reaching out to ruffle his little brother's head. "Be good. I'll see you later."
With that he turned and practically ran out with Koto waving at his big brother. "Bye bye, Nemi!" A toy was shoved up to your face. "Play?"
"Not right now. I have to work but I'll drop you off somewhere you can play with the other nice kids."
In the end you dropped off both Koto and his bag with your manager in the daycare room before you left back to help your frustrated coworker in the infantry wing. Luckily it wasn't too much of a problem afterwards to get both babies to sleep again and help her with a supply count. It was a bit of a pain to have so many children with a few workers but somehow you all made it. However you can't say you weren't happy when the day started to tick closer to a close and slowly parents started filing in, some carrying backpacks or books from classes, and picking up their kids after showing confirming identities. You waved goodbye to a little girl who was picked up by her tired dad after coming back from chemistry class and waved goodbye to you with a smile! You couldn't help but wave back with a chuckle before returning to the back to help clean up and disinfectant everything else for tomorrow, passing by your coworker hauling out some trash and stopping by one room which lead to what was essentially a giant playroom bigger than your kitchen and bedroom combined.
A few people were already in there sweeping, and picking up toys, and wiping down things with wet wipes. One being your boyfriend who was still holding a familiar toddler in one arm and wiping spilt grape juice off a table with the other.
"How was your first day?" His head turned to you with a smile already on his face as you leaned on the doorway. "By the looks of it, you had a wild snack time."
He chuckled and you swore his deep chuckles would make anyone blush. "Just an accident with a leaky juice box. Overall it was rather well." He slowly stood back up turning his head in your direction. "They seemed to like story time."
"You should've seen him!" Your boss proudly looked at him from spraying the toys with a disinfectant spray. "The kids all adored him! And he put them all down for naps in record time! I knew I had a good feeling when I saw you!"
He chuckled a bit flustered at the older woman's praise. "I thank you for the compliment."
"Is he the last one here?," you asked nodding at Sanemi's brother in his arms.
"Yes," Gyomei confirmed, "But Sanemi might be a bit behind today. He's been really busy with classes and helping his family these days."
"Oh no. I hadn't known about that."
It was then Koto looked up at you and gasped. "NICE LADY!!" He cheered making Gyomei blink at him. "Now we play?!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the two year old. "No sorry. I have to help clean up."
A loud whine escaped his throat but Gyomei only hummed. "I had no idea you already knew Sanemi's family."
"I don't. Well not all of them." You gestured to the boy in his arms still giggling in his arms. "I've been working here since Koto was a baby, but I had no idea that Sanemi was his older brother."
He nodded wiping the table again. "Yes. His mother uses his student discount for the daycare since his other siblings are already school aged. I'm afraid Koto still can't attend the local preschool until he's four or five years old."
"Oh, that's why he was dropping him off. But it's strange I've never seen him drop Koto off before."
He hummed brows furrowing slightly. "Well it could be because of the recent strain his family is going through."
Recent strain? What recent strain? You didn't think Sanemi looked stressed yesterday when you all went to the onsen. Other than arguing with Obanai on horror movies but with how those two acted you got the sense that's how they were all the time. So what could it possibly be? 
"He didn't seem that stressed when I saw him Friday or yesterday even. Is he alright?"
Gyomei looked at you before again his head tilted at the boy playing with a toy car. "... We'll talk later."
You weren't sure what he meant by that but you respected his choice. For now you you left to go help clean up the nursery room before it was time before you all left. By the time you got done helping to wash and change the sheets and wiping down the surfaces, Gyomei was already standing outside waiting for you still in his giant pink apron and still holding Onto who looked like he tuckered out and decided to take a nap in his large arms. He turned towards the directions of your footsteps and smiled brightly. 
"Ah. There you are. Are you finished with your duties?," he asked politely.
You nodded. "Yes. Oh." You stopped seeing Koto still asleep in his arms. "Has Sanemi not arrived yet?"
He shook his head no. "No but he'll probably be running a little late. He also tutors for an hour after classes to help make some extra money."
"What does he do for a living anyways?" 
"He tutors math lessons and currently works online part-time for a telemarketing company that sells magazines."
"Oh. He must be really good at math then."
"The best actually. He's smarter than he looks."
"I don't doubt that." You giggled at the memory of him using those skills to get more girls on Tengen's back Friday. "Did you want to come over to my house for dinner tonight? I can make a mean spaghetti with mushroom sauce."
He hummed and was about to say something but before he could say anything a loud shout from up the hall caused both of you to snap your heads to the left towards the front lobby. It sounded like a woman's voice.
"No identification! No pick up! Now leave before I call security!"
You knew that voice. Your coworker.
"Fucking hell! That's my student ID! You want my dam driver's license too?!"
Uh oh. You definitely knew THAT voice. Quickly you approached the front peeking around the corner and sure enough found the sources of the cussing. Sanemi was looking annoyed down at your coworker with gritted teeth and his student ID was laid out on the counter by his hand. You coworker looked angry but slightly intimidated by the way he was leaning over the counter. She remained firm crossing her arms.
"You're not on the registry for pick up or emergency contacts. You're not allowed to take any child unless you're on the registry or the guardian calls to confirm alternative pick ups which neither have happened."
"Fucking-" A hand gripped his hair before running down his face. THUD! She jumped as both of his hands slammed down on the counter and he leaned farther onto it to shout at her face. "We have the same fucking last name! I dropped Koto off this morning!! What other fucking 'confirmation' do you want?!"
"S-Sir, if you don't calm down a-a-and leave I-Ill  call campus security."
Oh no. This was escalating quickly. You had better step in before things got out of control.
"Lacey." Said woman jumped up and both of their heads snapped up as you smiled walking in calmly. "Is everything ok?"
"Oh thank fuck! It's you!" Sanemi sounded relieved before snapping Lacey another accusing look. "This walking clown is refusing to give Koto back! Tell 'er that I dropped him off!"
"Sanemi, we are a daycare. I'll have to ask you not to use cuss words and foul language or I'll have to ask you to wait outside." You lightly scolded him with a smile which caught him off guard with a blank blink. You just hummed turning to Lacey. "Now what seems to be the problem?"
Lacey scowled. "He's not on the registry. No registry or guardian notice means no pick up."
Sanemi looked about ready to combust with an eye twitch and a few viens popping up on his body. 
"Here. Let's just take a look at it to confirm just in case." With a hum you just gently nudged her out of the way so you could have access to the computer. Humming to yourself you just typed into it with both watching you. "Koto Shinazugawa. Right here. Now let's see...Oh. it does look like only his mom is listed." Lacey sent a smug look at- "Let's see if we had any missed calls from her." You continued into your database and with a few clicks of a mouse found something. "Oh. It looks like we have two missed calls from Mrs. Shinazugawa."
"Yeah! My mom tried calling you guys to let you know I'd be here!"
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let's just call her back real quick just to make sure everything's lined up. Alright?" You stayed professional smiling at him as he continued to glare but slowly relaxed. Leaning off the counter and crossing his arms as you grabbed the phone and redialed the number. A few rings went by your ear before you perked up. "Hello, Mrs. Shinazugawa! I'm sorry to call you-...Yes. I know you are probably busy with deliveries. No. Your son is fine! Sleeping like a baby! I just wanted to call you back to make sure Sanemi was supposed to pick up his brother....Really? Great! Sorry for the missed calls. We were swamped today. You have a nice day, Ma'am. Sorry for bothering you." The phone hung up with a click as you smiled at Sanemi. "Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll go get Koto's bag for you."
Lacey's face dropped as Sanemi huffed. "It's about time."
"You're really going to give him the kid?"
You turned to Lacey. "Their mom confirmed it just now." She opened her mouth- You pointed at her. "You know you're supposed to check the database before denying or confirming anyone who comes in here. We provide good customer service which means we check first. You know that from training."
"It's not my fault." She hissed at you. Before half nodding back towards the now much calmer man. "Have you seen him?"
"I have actually. What are you getting at?"
She looked at you like you were crazy. "uh-..Are you blind? He looks like he just got out of jail!" Sanemi's eyes shifted over. "By the way he acts, I wouldn't be surprised if he's done some crap too-"
"Lacey. Do me a favor. Shut up."
Her face blinked at your happy smiling one. "I-..What?"
"You heard me. Shut up. I don't care what you think, discriminating someone just because he has scars is as stupid as saying that someone is dumb because they're blonde. And if I hear that again I'm telling our manager. So why don't  you just get the broom and start sweeping the front like you're supposed to?"
She didn't say anything as you turned to leave- Blinking at Gyomei standing there still with the sleeping toddler in his arms and tilting his head down at you. However you only patted his arm with a smile and informed him that you were going to grab Koto's overnight bag before leaving to go grab it from the cubby closet. He stood there still before tilting his head at Sanemi and could guess the surprise that was plastered all over the other man's face right now. Staring wide eyed in silence. 
You returned a moment later with the bag Sanemi left with you and by then Gyomei was already handing him back his baby brother. Koto yawned half way woken up by the jostle however lit up when he saw his big brother.
"Nemi!" He tiredly reached out to him and tiredly curled up on his shoulder with a yawn.
"Here's his bag." You smiled handing him the duffle bag he just slumped over his shoulder with a blank look.
"Yeah. Thanks."
"Sanemi, are you going home after this?"
Said white haired man looked at Gyomei with a frown. "My mom doesn't get off work for another three hours. Genya and Teiko can watch the other three for a little longer. I'm just gonna work on my project until my mom picks up Koto."
"In that case do you want to join us for dinner?" The loom Sanemi gave you was like if you just slapped him. "I'm making spaghetti tonight."
"Sketti!" Koto peeked up immediately turning around to you with a smile. "YUM!"
Sanemi continued to stare at you.. before he shook his head and turned. "No. Kanae's picking up something. I'll see ya round Gyomei."
You frowned at him. Was it something you said? Koto waved at you from his big brother's shoulder and you waved back until they left out the door. Well safe to say that was strange, but you supposed that since he's been going through a lot it wasn't that out of the ordinary. You also decided not to pry Gyomei for answers. That was between Sanemi and his family and partners so you'd respect that privacy. Although you couldn't say you weren't curious about it all.
Tuesday went by better. This time you got there early enough to be informed that Sanemi and Koto's mom called. Apparently Sanemi would be dropping off and picking up Koto for the foreseeable future until she became available and to put him down as an emergency contact in the daycare's registry. You remembered Mrs. Shinazugawa. She was a middle aged woman who was oddly small and always looked tired when she came in starting to drop off Koto as a baby three years ago. At the time you assumed that she was going back to college to earn a degree and that's why she was using Kimetsu University's daycare.
But finding out she was using Sanemi's status as a student for a discount on childcare was both a more believable answer and only more curious about it. But again you respected their boundaries and only tended to Koto and the other kids until it was time for his big brother to pick him up. You thought it was adorable. He'd get so excited and shout 'NEMI' every time he saw him regardless of just seeing him that morning. 
Each time he'd give you a strange look before just taking his brother and leaving. You were confused about the looks but they weren't angry looks just almost confused. He probably just was still getting used to Gyomei having a new girlfriend. You were still getting used to having a boyfriend yourself so it was understandable. Lacey continued to give him and you dirty looks..but hadn't done anything since Monday's fiasco so you didn't worry about her anymore. It wasn't until Thursday morning that your curiosity was finally sated. You forgot your lunch at home while fishing out to work one morning, so again you decided to stop by the campus cafe to grab a sandwich to eat later when you ran into two familiar faces. One was a woman with long black hair and pink eyes. The other was a tall man with white hair and red wine eyes. They were shuffling around the side of the register as people walked by. 
Hey. Wasn't that-
"Kanae?" Your voice asked before the woman turned her head around with a blink followed by the white haired man. "Tengen?"
On cue he smiled. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the future Mrs. Himejima." He winked sending you a finger gun making you chuckle. "What's cooking good looking?~"
You couldn't help but giggle at him. "I forgot my lunch at home so I was just grabbing a sandwich for later. What are you guys doing here?"
"Entering that raffle. Tomorrow's the last day you can enter."
"Oh. Planning on getting that paint set you mentioned if you win?"
Tengen frowned shaking his head. "Actually it's for-" He paused looking back to Kanae and jabbing a thumb to you. "Actually it's ok to tell 'er right? Or is that stepping over a boundary?" She looked at him then at you.. before nodding. "Alrighty then." Red eyes looked back to you. "It's actually for Sanemi."
You blinked. "What?"
"Well if any of us win that is. No guarantee that any of us will." He waved a hand. "But the more of us that enter, the better chances there are of us actually getting it."
"Why does Sanemi need it?" You didn't think he was anymore broke than you were.
"It's not exactly for him really. It's so his mom can pay off that debt faster." 
That's when it all clicked. The mentioning of Mrs. Shinazugawa struggling, Sanemi helping to take his brother to daycare, Gyomei's reluctance to talk about it- You almost didn't catch what Tengen said next with a distasteful bite to his voice.
"Ever since that asshole died, his family's been having nothing but a hard time."
"Let's not speak ill of the dead Uzui," Kanae lightly scolded him. "He's still Sanemi's father."
"Wasn't much of a father in the first place."
"Wait. His father passed away?" You went wide eyed at them when Kanae nodded.
"It was an accident. A hit and run driver ran him over when he was crossing the road at night-"
"Right as he was coming back from the casino." Kanae shot Tengen a scowl this time. "Oh come on, Kanae. Don't sugarcoat it. If we're gonna tell her might as well tell it how it is." He looked at you with a mad look. "The greedy rats ass was killed coming back all high strung from the casino. Good riddance I'd say but because his mom wasn't divorced yet from the deadbeat now she has to pay off his gambling debt! At least they didn't have to pay for the funeral."
You could only stare at him in shock. "That's awful. How much was it?"
"Seven thousand dollars." Tengen threw up his hands. "How do those debt collecting sharks expect her to just magically come up with that money?! She's already trying to raise like six other kids!"
"Seven thousand dollars?!"
That was a lot of money! If Mrs. Shinazugawa was already struggling then this would've put a lot of strain on her already. 
"A thousand dollars ain't much but it'd be a thousand dollars she doesn't have to pay. ...*sigh* Anyways you said you wanted to get a sandwich?"
"Uh.. Y-Yeah. I was."
You made sure to be extra nice to Sanemi after that and play with Koto when he asked, despite the confused looks Sanemi still gave you. He wasn't ever mean to you and after finding out about his family situation you didn't have any reasons to be mean back. Soon Thursday and Friday turned into Saturday morning and you FINALLY got a day off to yourself to finish up some real work.
"Are you sure you don't want to come join us at the park? I heard there's going to be a vendor that sells delicious homemade ice cream."
You smiled one shoulder holding up your phone to your ear as you continued to write down on a piece of paper. "Sorry, Mei. I'd love to but I have to get this report done before Monday and I already planned on cleaning my house today. Maybe tomorrow."
"I understand completely. I'll swing by later today to make sure you're not overwhelming yourself."
You smiled. If there was one thing that you already loved about your boyfriend is was how understanding of you he was. "Alright. Have fun on your date with Giyuu and Shinobu. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun."
With that out of the way you were able to get your project mostly done. Mostly because of a second phone call you got right in the middle of trying to finish up your health class report. Which honestly did annoy you a little bit. You wanted to get this done TODAY and then get all of your household chores done TODAY so you could have TOMORROW off with your boyfriend! It continued to ring so with a sigh you dropped your pencil to pick it up and hold to your ear.
"Y/n L/n?"
"Yes. Who is this?" You frowned but soon that frown disappeared and your eyes widened. "Shut up. You're kidding? Wha- No! I'm not busy! I can come over right now and pick it up! Where?" You stood up quickly nearly knocking over the papers on your table as you ran to grab your shoes. "Dean's office! Right! Are you sure this isn't a prank call?....Ok! Im on my way right now! Holy cow this is unbelievable! Yeah! I'll see you soon! Bye!"
You squealed in utter astonished happiness as you ran to go grab your shoes! What should you do first?! Pay off your car? Get that pet ferret you always wanted? Maybe take Gyomei out for a really fancy dinner? The possibilities were endless! You happily skipped out of your house and ran down the road towards the academy. Running and running and running...
But slowly your running slowed.
And the giddy smile turned to a thin line.
And you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
Staring at nothing in particular until you blinked and looking back to your house.
"Nemi, chill! You're gonna give yourself brain damage if you keep that up!"
Two small hands on his head stopped Sanemi in his pursuit of hitting his head against the table repeatedly. Only stopping so he didn't painfully smash Suma's fingers between his forehead and Tengen's table. Not like it'd do anyone good even if they stopped him. 
"I just found out Genya and Hiroshi got a part time job to help my mom pay bills and Teiko started babysitting for money." His head lifted up to glare angrily at nothing. "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM?! THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO WORRY ABOUT BEING KIDS NOT HAVING TO HELP MY MOM PAY BILLS!! NOW TEIKO IS STUCK TRYING TO WATCH THE OTHERS AND OTHER BRATS AT OUR HOUSE AND MY BROTHERS ARE FLIPPING BURGERS AT A WACKDONALDS!!"
He ended his rant by slamming his fists on the table and letting veins bunch up in anger. Most people would flinch but considering how used to his anger they were, his girlfriend and Suma only looked on in growing concern than actual fear.
"Honey, it's not going to be forever." Kanae attempted to soothe her boyfriend with a gentle hand softly rubbing his back. A small kiss pressing to his cheek. "They promised you it's only going to be until that big debt bill is paid off, and you guys already paid off a good portion of it."
That seemed to calm him down somewhat as he ate least unclenched his teeth and relaxed back a little bit. "I know. I just don't want them to get it in their heads that they have to work at an early age! They should be worried about school and getting good grades not paying bills... Maybe I should drop out and get a full time job."
"WHAT?! NEMI, NO!!" Sum hopped from one foot to the other. "You came so far! And you'll graduate after next year!"
"She's right! You only have a year and a half more then you'll graduate. Your mom wouldn't want you to quit."
"Maybe that's not what she wants.." Body deflated. Head hung. "But that might be what she needs."
There was silence as both women stared at him then at each other in lost. He couldn't just quit. He worked so hard to get to where he was at, already sacrificing lots of things. If he did this now..then he'll regret it later. But with his family struggling as it was how could they ask him to change his mind? They would've continued to sit there in silence if there wasn't a loud knock on the door that had them all look up. Again there was silence before the knocking came again but a bit louder. After exchanging looks, Suma eventually stop up and went to go answer the door. Pulling it open, blinking...and then beaming into a smile.
"Y/N! Oh my gosh! Hi! What are you doing here!?"
"Hi, Suma. Is Sanemi here?" Said white haired man perked up hearing his name. "Gyomei told me I could find him here."
"Yeah! You wanna come in?"
"Can't. I have to go pay some bills and finish cleaning my house. But can you give him this for me? It's really important he gets it."
"Sure! I'll do that right now!"
"Thanks! You're a life saver!"
They were surprised when Suma closed the door a moment later before turning and revealing a large manilla envelope in her hand.
"The hell is that?"
She shrugged. "No idea. Y/n said it's for you. OOH!! Maybe it's the recipe for that ohagi you liked! Y'know she ones she made that weekend."
"Tch. That'd be one good thing outta this dam day."
He mumbled under his breath as Suma walked over to him and he just bluntly took it from her. Giving a look at the front and back before just tearing off the top and peeking inside. In an instant his face went from bored and annoyed to cartoony shocked in one second. Both girls watched his expression change rapidly, looked at one another, before Kanae just reached over to pull the opening up more to look inside and VERY quickly gained the same shocked expression.
"Oh my," was all she managed to say.
"What is it?! Tell me!"
"What?!" Suma quickly joined the two gasping out. "HOLY COW!! LOOK AT THE ZEROS ON THAT CHECK!!"
Sanemi continued to stare at the envelope blankly until Kanae pried it from his hands to peer inside with a raised brow. "There's a card in here too." Holding it up, narrowed pink eyes were able to read it. "It's a gift card of some sort."
"Hey. Wasn't this stuff like...the prizes for that raffle or something?"
Again there was silence as a realization of what exactly was sitting in Kanae's hands washed over them all...until a loud scraping of a chair caused both ladies to jump as Sanemi abruptly stood up and just..stared at the table. Silently stirring something around in his head before both hands landed with a loud thud sound on the table. 
"Sanemi?" "Honey, are you ok?"
"I'll be damned...Kanae."
"If Gyomei doesn't marry that woman we will."
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Nineteen)
previous: eighteen
next: twenty
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liked by trevorzegras, frank_vatrano, and 11,453 others
yourusername hello laid-eez! my name is y/n wannabe zegras, and i am your host to the trevor zegras postgame penalty box update show!
just like thursday’s game, z is now at the same amount of games since his last penalty as the number of goals scored by the ducks tonight— three!
i really digged your game day suit today, babe! and good job playing on your cute lil (big) ass! i love you, always <3
p.s. congratulations on your first nhl goal, nesty! here’s to many more! @_nester_8
p.s.s super congrata to frank the tank and his beautiful wife for welcoming their baby girl, ophelia, into the world today! we can’t wait to meet her! @frank_vatrano
p.s.s st. lewis blues gave me the blues tonight :(
(aren’t i funny? pls tell me i’m funny)
tagged trevorzegras
view all 348 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever (ur not funny)
yourusername QUUIIIIINNNN @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes i legally have to say she’s funny
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes blink twice for help
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras there’s no blinking emoji
user1 four Ls in a row… what a time to be a ducks fan
jamie.drysdale so if he keeps this up…
yourusername knock on wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras give me your head i need to knock on it
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale you do that and i’ll knock on your wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras this is a family show!
yourusername *in harry styles’ voice* or is it?
user2 i think you’re funny y/n!!
trevorzegras don’t encourage her
yourusername encourage me!!
user3 “digged”
frank_vatrano thank you, y/n! we can’t wait for everybody to meet her!
yourusername me first though right?
frank_vatrano of course
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras do you know how to play hockey?
yourusername quintin, what did we talk about?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you must be a hockey god if you can play on your ass
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes they don’t say i’m magic for nothing
yourusername @/trevorzegras heeeellll yeah you are, baby!!
user4 rude of the blues to win on nesterenko’s first goal day
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i see we’re both suffering losses today
trevorzegras your team won 8-2?
colecaufield i’m suffering your loss because we’re soulmates
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/jackhughes look guys i have a soulmate, too!
jamie.drysdale excuse me?
jackhughes @/trevorzegras @/colecaufield nothing compares to what me and y/n have
yourusername i’m not getting involved in this one sorry babies
_nester_8 thank you, y/n! and i think you’re funny!
yourusername you’re officially my second favorite duck congratulations!
trevorzegras @/yourusername who’s your favorite? and even though you are lying to my girlfriend, congrats nester!
yourusername @/trevorzegras take a guess
trevorzegras @/yourusername troy?
yourusername @/trevorzegras ding ding ding! we have a winner! love my dad
user5 are we not gonna talk about troy in the eighth slide??? i wanna talk about troy
_alexturcotte all hail the king
yourusername does that make me the queen?
jackhughes @/yourusername technically it would make you the queen consort
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes why do you know that?
jackhughes @_alexturcotte y/n decided to learn all the kings and queens of england from henry the eighth to now while drunk in vegas
trevorzegras @/yourusername you gorgeous dork, i am so in love with you
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras sap
yourusername @_quinnhughes that’s my line you whore
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername what did we talk about name calling?
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale if quintin can’t control me, you certainly can’t
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale i’m working on it
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Can i please request a Cody Rhodes "Come with me" drabble where Cody leaves AEW and wants reader to go with him but she declines opting to stay at AEW with her father Taz and brother. Tyler/Hook. However months later she makes the decision to go and be with Cody and she hopes to surprise him during his WWE return at Wrestlemania 38. But will he see her sitting ringside behind Samantha Irvin 🤷‍♀️
Reader is Taz's daughter and Tyler/Hook's older sister
A/N: Of Course, But I've added a little touch here. Y/N and Tyler/Hook are in a tag team set up by their father Taz, and Y/N used to be a ring announcer for The WWE, so she asks if she can announce Cody as the winner of the main event of WM 38 :)
☆~Come with Me....~☆
{Rating: Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, Hugging}
{Pairing: AEW!Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
You and your brother were a tag team In AEW, HOOK and Y/N. Climbing the ranks thanks to team Taz..
Your father, You, and your little brother had the day off of work. It was a Tuesday so yeah you had some time.
While your father was busy, you were sitting on the couch next to your brother, who was busy Scrolling his phone.
"Hey don't you ever get tired of that shit? You're literally a day away from a massive title shot Ty!" You spoke
"Ehh, You gotta pass time, You gotta pass time. Ya get me?" Hook sighed.
You went to argue, but suddenly your phone rang... so you stepped away to your room.
"What's Up Cody?"
"Will you come to the WWE with me? I'm going back.. since my contract was kinda up..."
"Cody, I know you're gonna be upset. But I'm choosing my younger brother and my father.. my family kinda means more currently, since I used to barely see them"
"Y-Y/N... Can we even still?"
"Yes, we can continue to date.. even though it's gonna be long distance-"
"O-Ok... I gotta go now, they want to see me for the contract shit..."
Cody abruptly hung up after those words..
"Hey Bro, you wanna go to the gas station with me? Figure you might wanna get out of the house a little... maybe let dad breathe?" You spoke, Hook nodded as he stood up.
You both went to the gas station and then drove around town a little. You kept thinking about Cody though... how would he react if he saw you at wrestlemania 38?
Fuck it. You bought a ticket, you got super hyped up.. and you sat in your seat. Behind the ring announcer. Heh... you remember being a Ring Announcer For WWE...
No one there knew you for your AEW career, and it was a year after that brutal cell match and Seth wasn't ready for Cody's return...
You decided on the perfect way to surprise Cody...
You hid behind the commentary desk through the entire match, so when Cody won... you asked to announce it..
You got the okay, and Samantha handed you the Mic..
You took it and inhaled and looked towards the ring.
Your soft voice that Cody recognized instantly said confidently
"Here's your winner: "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes!"
Cody looked towards where Samantha was usually, and saw you instead... his smile grew wider and he actually slid out of the ring to come see you, he kissed you and hugged you.
Muttering a small "I fucking missed you.."
You smiled and hugged him back, whispering a small "I missed you too..."
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
at midnight
summary: bringing in the new year with a drastic change was definitely not on your bingo card but here you were.
pairing: xavier thorpe x reader
a/n: hi welcome to the last day of ficmas! i’ve enjoyed writing these everyday and i’m glad everyone else enjoying it too. also merry christmas loves!
the nightshades decided to come back to the school early in order to celebrate the new year with a party. it wasn’t only the members but close friends were allow to come too. principal weems deemed it okay to have it in the nightshades library. bianca, yoko, divina and you were in charge of the decorations while the boys were in charge of food and music.
with the party in full swing, you went to get a slice of pizza after quietly removing yourself from the previous conversation you were in with enid and yoko. “can i have a bite of your pizza?” you didn’t have to even turn around to know that it was xavier, your best friend.
“xavi you can literally get your own pizza.”
“i wanna bite out of yours though,” he shrugs his shoulders not caring about the other slices of pizza. you narrowed your eyes at him and saw that he wasn’t gonna let it go.
huffing, you held out the pizza for him to bite. he grins before leaning down to bite the pizza slice keeping his eyes on you while he did it. why was that so attractive? you always thought xavier was attractive but you knew that you didn’t want to risk the friendship you had with him. so what does one do when in love with their best friend? try to ignore it and hope for the best.
“why are you like this?”
“we always share stuff, why stop now?” he did have a point, you guys shared a lot of stuff. art supplies, notes, homework answers, xavier’s clothes and so much more. people often commented on how you guys were always attached to the hip.
“whatever loser. are you excited for the new year?” you take a bite out of your pizza only for xavier to then take another bite out of said pizza. he nods his head while chewing on the cheesy goodness.
“yeah, i think it’s gonna be a better year then this one.”
“i agree.” you guys ended up just taking turns biting the pizza until it was gone.
“i could go for another slice. you?”
“eh why not.” xavier went to grab another slice before ajax called both of your names to get your attention.
“hey lovebirds, come over here we’re playing uno!” quickly grabbing another slice of pizza and putting it on the plate in your hand, xavier pulls you to the group.
it was the biggest uno game ever. from left to right sat ajax, enid, wednesday, kent, you, xavier, yoko, divina and bianca.
“do you guys always share food like that?” divina pointed to the shared plate between you and xavier.
“don’t ask. they do this all the time for people that claim to not be dating,” ajax shakes his head making eye contact with xavier. xavier felt like he could kill ajax because the boy was the only one who knew of his feelings for you. seeing as he was his best friend besides you.
“focus on the game and how i’m gonna whoop your asses in.”
“oh y/n, tough talk for someone whose gonna lose!” bianca sends a smirk your way. that was your friendship though, super competitive but not too serious. enid dealt the cards and the competitive game began.
“xavier stop looking at my cards!”
“y/n, we’re supposed to be best friends. best friends show each other their cards.”
“no they fucking don’t,” you laughed and gently pushed his face from yours with your free hand that wasn’t hiding your cards.
the game went on for about an hour before the winner called uno and out. it ended up being kent, who wasted no time in bragging. you threw your cards on the floor in front of your legs.
“aww baby, are you mad?” pet names also weren’t unusual in your friendship with xavier. he just didn’t know that the times he called you a pet name, your stomach fluttered and made you melt inside.
“yes. very mad.”
“you’ll be fine. it’s just game.” he wraps your arms around you bringing you into a hug.
“i know i know,” you cuddled a little bit more into his side returning the hug.
everyone grabbed a red cup to prepare for the countdown. you took your place in a small corner of the library because your exhaustion was kicking in. xavier sees you and decided to join you.
“can’t believe it’s about to be a new year.”
“me neither it seemed like christmas came and gone by so quickly.” xavier nods with you agreeing that the end of the year felt so short.
“i’m totally not ready for school to end though.”
“why y/n?”
“i don’t know, just not ready to leave yet?” it was more of a question than a statement. how do you tell him you weren’t ready to not spend pretty much every day together. he steps a little closer to you.
“i understand you to an extent. it’s gonna be weird not seeing everyone every day.” it was like he read your mind, super freaky.
“exactly! i’m gonna miss everyone in the summer even if i’ll see them next school year.”
xavier takes another step closer to you still keeping a small gap in between. “will you miss me?”
“oh xavier, you know i’m gonna miss you. you’re my best friend.” you felt shy under his gaze with those beautiful green eyes.
“what if i don’t wanna be best friends anymore?” your heart dropped at his words. not be best friends anymore? he steps closer to where your noses are almost touching.
“what do you mean by that?” xavier licks his lips glancing down at yours.
“this,” he quickly places his free hand and tugged you into a kiss. it was needy mainly full of tongue and you didn’t mind this at all. you could hear the fireworks go off from the town but all you could focus on was the boy that had your heart.
“i meant that.” he leans his forehead on yours. you were breathless and couldn’t be more happier than right now.
“happy new year xavi,” your whisper fell on his lips making him want to kiss you again and again.
“happy new year sweetheart.”
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eris-snow · 3 months
𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
Tags: Revelation (Deku's birthday series 2024), izuku x fem!reader, angst, Starlight, Starlight standing up for herself, tags what
8th July. Sun, Stars and Light.
“Are you joking? I thought you’d be dead by now. Or given up.” Isamu Suzuki complains you step into the blinding white room.
Another year, another visit.
“Well boohoo,” you murmur, rolling your eyes as you sit down on the armchair opposite him. “Thought you would have died by now, old man. How’s prison life treating you? From the looks of it, not great. Hey, wanna bet to see who dies first? Winner gets bragging points and a one-way trip to hell. You look like the kind of guy who’d die the next day, honestly. You should consider pulling the plug, if you know what I mean. Hold your breath and count to a thousand. End your misery, you know?”
The haggard man blinks at you.
Running a hand through your hair, you slump down on the chair.
“I need…I need sleep.”
A nasty smirk curls onto Isamu’s lips. “Finally getting worn down, hm? And from the looks of it, little blondie cracklefire has left your side too.”
“He’s gonna get Zuku killed.” You muse. “I wanna stop it, but at the same time, I don’t really. Once Izuku sets his mind on something—“
“He never wavers,” The villain finishes impatiently. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve used me as your therapist way too many times. Don’t you have one back at your prestigious school? Just because I’m tied down here, doesn’t mean I want to listen to your hormonal problems. You fuck up my life 7 years ago. I ain’t giving you shit.”
“Well, you threw mine into the 4th dimension.” You grumble. “You reap what you sow, and then some.”
“I still have my brother fighting for his life out there,” Isamu says, and at that moment, even strapped down and crusty in a white suit he doesn’t own, he looks a little more…human. “Yeah, that’s right. Your glitter sparkles hero society have holes in big blabber mouth security guards.” The villain hums. “You’ve had trouble tracking him down, right?”
In the truth of the matter, you didn’t know much. After apprehending Isamu’s brother from the attack last year, you’d handed him off to the police for questioning. With school and internships, you’d barely paid attention to it when he went missing again. Apparently, Chisuke Suzuki snuck out using his Quirk, and by the time backup had arrived, there was simply a blood bath and three stacks of officers.
When they woke up, all officers were chronically depressed.
Chisuke’s Quirk was the erasure of one emotion from a victim. Or at least, that’s what it was last year. You should probably check the files more.
“My brother’s Quirk is more powerful than mine, and he knows how to get by,” Isamu says proudly. “At least if I hold on, I know he’ll be out there, waiting for me.”
His words slip a small pin to your heart, specifically and thoughtfully chosen. It hurt more than you thought, but you couldn’t let him drag you down now.
“What, no snarky feedback?” His eyes are blue, cold, hard and searching. “Never thought there’d come the day.”
A twig breaks. A tree falls. The camel’s back snaps in two.
“Is that what you want?” You explode, slamming a hand on the glass. Everything is hot, from your fingertips to your toes. “Me to give you a speech about how even though I royally fucked up, Izuku will find a way to regain his memories through the skin of his teeth because he’s Deku? Heroes give up too, god dammit! And maybe I deserve it, alright? What? What do you want to hear, asshole?”
You back down to the safety of your chair and heave a breath. “I need…” You whisper, shaking your head, “to give up properly.”
Isamu barks out a laugh. “7 years and finally, something interesting. Nah, keep going. I’ve waited too long for this.”
Watch me break.
Watch me crumble.
“Hey,” Isamu says cheerfully. “If you do want to be put out of your misery, let’s make a deal. You get me in touch with my brother, and I can get him to use his Quirk on you.”
Now, it was your turn to laugh. Maybe this guy has gone off the deep end. “Why would I do that?” you scoff.
“Because,” Isamu smirks. It’s an ugly smirk, with his yellowed, misaligned teeth.
“He can erase your love for that brat, you rascal.”
After school that day, Izuku takes the liberty of racing back to his room to dump out the Post-It notes on the floor of his dorm.
It was mind-boggling, and an out-of-body experience.
Scratchy scrawls line every note, his handwriting and his words all spilling out like it was a ritual he’d take part in come fire or hail.
I’m scared to die.
I don’t want to fight Shigaraki. I want to forgive him.
I’m scared I get left behind.
Personal feelings Izuku had never penned down were inked on yellow stickies, little nooks of his own insecurities all laid bare.
It’s difficult for me to admit these things.
Ochaco and I aren't a thing anymore, we fell out of love.
Slowly, Izuku pieces together who you once were to him.
Someone trustworthy, someone kind.
But not all were appropriate triggers, and those that were are diamonds in a mineshaft. Most things were trivial, and the few that caused bone-shattering agony to his mind never tripped anything right.
Gasping, he tugs his necktie off and closes his eyes in frustration. Sweat stains his wooden floor a darker brown, and his hope starts to fade. The last trigger has him seeing stars as he gently eases himself back down from insanity.
“Give them back…!” He whispers, scarred hands squeezing his head as he glares at himself in his standing wall mirror. “Give my memories back!”
In a fit of rage, he swings the tin box holding the systematically stacked notes against his bed.
A flurry of Post-it notes flutters around him as the box slams loudly against his bed frame. A false bottom pops out, and so does a new section of Post-its.
15 of them, and they’re dated from July 1st to 15.
“Erase my love for Izuku?” You had to give it to Isamu, his hunches were always spot on.
“You’re always so adamant about keeping your memories. Heck, I think if I find a way to use my Quirk on you, you’d find a way to resist its effect as you heroes do best. But emotions…” Isamu laughs. It’s not a nice laugh. “You can pay the price of millions of memories with just one emotion. It’d end your suffering.”
You falter, and he sees it like it’s white on black. “You won’t forget him, but you won’t know pain, either. It’d go poof,” Isamu says, eyes electrifying as he dishes out the offer with the finesse of a conman.
It’s tempting, of course it is. This whole time, Izuku had always stood by your side not knowing who you really were. You couldn’t bring yourself to love him properly, just as he deserved. He deserved someone there, someone who could enrapture him like the Aurora borealis instead of someone as plentiful as the stars in the night sky. Someone who could share memories with him for a long long time.
That someone wasn’t you.
Accepting this deal meant moving on. It meant leaving your feelings in your glade and finally…
be free.
Not free from the memories, but…in a different way.
But then, your resolve hardens like steel. “You have some nerve trying to bribe me over with that.”
You stand up, anger cooled to an eerily calm. The world is silent, it’s the ocean's depth at the seabed. “Every inch of me, I cherish it. The good, the bad, the terrible. To rip a feeling out of me? Using heartbreak as manipulation? That’s low even for you.” You scoff, fingers sliding over the glass. “If I move on from Izuku, that’s by me, and me alone. I will never accept your side payback that’s dressed up as charity, because I will never let Izuku go through the pain I did.”
Fire burns, a torch of eternal flame; your love for Izuku, cast out because even though it’s pretty, even though it hurts, no one will ever admire its beauty.
“Izuku’s strong, and so am I.” You whisper, eyes locking with his. “I do not need you.”
The note that triggers it is not the one he imagined.
I don’t like Kacchan calling you Shortie. Kacchan’s amazing and all, but he shouldn’t make fun of your height. P.s. I like the nickname Zuku, too! You don’t have to tell me why you started calling me that, I’m just glad you do. I can’t imagine you calling me anything else.
Even so, he thinks through it. Zuku? No one has ever called him that before. Kacchan calls you Shortie, he knows that. But why does he say he can’t imagine you calling him anything else?
“Nicknames from first year?” He whispers under his breath. “Maybe I lost my memories last year? My birthday, obviously…”
Where does this point to?
Why the Post-it notes?
What did he call you?
His brain explodes as he writhes in agony again. Blinding hot pain, wax melting his skull—
Starlight, His mind lapses.
There’s another image this time, one of a willow tree in the same field. The branches of it sway hypnotisingly slow, and he can feel the breeze even though he’s not present there.
In a sandbox, building sandcastles under the night sky. Your name is Starlight.
“Your name is Starlight.” He whispers, his mouth echoing the word as easy as he were to say Kacchan.
The fluorescent lights sizzle, and something breaks.
The next thing he knows, everything is black.
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Because I think it would be really interesting and funny - can you rank the Pit Babe characters on your Alan&Pete scale? I'm curious to see where you're at with some of them lmao. Least to Favorite (though I know who your fave already is, lol).
Only if you want to tho, lol.
@slayerkitty, honestly, this list could just be these two lying bitches:
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Big Red is not on this list since he is the big bad, but since I have no idea what the plot actually is, take all of this with a grain of salt. I wrote that I think all of them have superpowers since Big Red was collecting them like X-Men's William Stryker for his super mutant army, so I think Charlie's superpower is mind control, and I think Way's is controlling people's emotions.
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Babe was the prized super kid, so I think Big Red is pulling out all the stops to get his trophy racer back including sending all the other super kids to manipulate Babe with their superpowers, so let me rank them from dead-to-me to love-of-my-life:
The One I'm Ready to Box - Charles
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Charles keeps moving Barbie's head and body to face him. He never lets Barbie turn away from him. Then, when Barbie is clearly upset, Charles continues to kiss him, which is why I think he his mind controlling Barbie. When his arm was in the sling, Babe could push him away before Charles could start his mind control bullshit. Sometimes, it's noticeable when Babe's face softens, which should come off as sweet like "ah, look how he drops his defenses around Charlie" BUT LOOK AT THE WAY HE DROPS HIS DEFENSES AROUND CHARLIE! Charles doesn't even know how to drive, yet Babe gave him a car. Charlie's dick game may be strong, but mind control is stronger.
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10/10 Petes - It's on sight.
The One I'm Disappointed In - Waymond
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Waymond had me the first two episodes. I was in his second-lead-syndrome corner, then he flipped the script in the third episode, and now I can't unsee the red flags. In episode four, I noticed twice how he touched Barbie, which prompted a shift in Barbie's demeanor. Much like Charles, I would love to believe that Waymond brings happiness to Babe's life, which is the reason Babe looks less sad when Waymond touches him, but HE LOOKS LESS SAD WHEN WAYMOND TOUCHES HIM! I think Waymond is controlling Babe's emotions, yet Babe still doesn't love him. It's the only saving grace for Waymond. Charles is using his powers to make Barbie love him, but Waymond isn't.
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9/10 Alans - I'm gonna yell at him, then punch him.
The One Who Is Obvious - Jeffery
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Jeffery is going to be with Alan, so I can't fully hate him since I love Alan. His superpower is apparently seeing the future, which makes sense why he was opposed to touch in the second episode, and that makes him useful in my touch=superpower theory for Charles and Waymond, so I hate him a little less. BUT if he had anything to do with Barbie's car going up in flames, so he could ensure Charles got a racing spot, -murder-
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8/10 Petes - One wrong move and I'll end him where he stands.
The One Who Just Sucks - Winifred
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Winifred is just a little bitch, but God is he annoying. I don't wanna know what he is saying because I'm sure it's as annoying as his face whining all the time. Only five episodes in, and the man still ain't tired of getting his ass handed to him by Barbie and Kimberly. Whatever he is plotting is dumb. Whatever he is complaining about is stupid. Whatever he is doing is already a failure.
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7/10 Alans - I'm gonna push him into a real Christmas Tree, so he'll get scratched up and cry about it.
The One Who Is Gonna Suck - Decanus
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Dean has yet to do anything solid, which means he is just waiting to fuck us over. I haven't seen him race or work on a car, so I'm thinking he'll be pissed that Charles is doing all the things he wanted to do, and screw over the entire team regardless of the race's outcome. Jealously makes people do crazy things, but he is going to be with Winner, so homie is going to go full crazy.
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6/10 Petes - Anyone who fucks Whiny Winifred deserves to be slapped.
The Ones Who Ain't Loyal - North & Sonic
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I simply don't trust them. They are too colorful in a show that's whole visual plot hinges on red versus blue. They need to pick a color. NOW.
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5/10 Alans - I'll threaten them on work time, so they'll know I'm not afraid to lose my job if it means I can fight them.
The One Who Is Gonna Kill His Shitty Boss! - Kenta
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Why is he still fucking with Big Red?! He would be much higher on this list but when Babe was fighting Big Red (both times), Kenta looked sad. If the flashback wouldn't have just showed Babe as a kid with his dad, I'd think Kenta was his actual brother. The way Babe yelled at him in the parking lot makes me think they have a long history, so I'm hoping once Kenta teams up with Kimberly, he'll be the good guy I know he can be.
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4/10 Petes - If he kills his boss, he'll be number one in my heart forever.
The Pretty One - Peter
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Pete is like a Lord of the Rings' elf. He is pretty. He is an archer. He is kinda sus. And he is the perfect ally. Much like those beautiful elves, I don't think he joined up with the blue team because he is a kind dude. This is for his own personal gain, which means he must have beef with Big Red; therefore, he has a superpower too. I think he heard Kenta or smelled Kenta's cigarette because Peter didn't turn around until Kenta turned around. He knew Kenta was there. And he sensed Waymond's emotion-changing powers too, so I'm okay with them being together (as long as he punches Waymond too).
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3/10 Alans - Watching his every move . . . because I think he is pretty. Not because I think is he bad.
The One Who Will Solve It - Kimberly
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Kim is a real one. He presents as red. He works for the reds. He is a red, and isn't ashamed of it. He hasn't faked his color, and in a perfect world, he'd be with Babe. I don't think he has a superpower, but if he did, it would be the power of common sense. He hates his coworker, Winifred, as any sane person would, so he gets the passenger seat in my car. He also got a handshake from Babe, so he already made friends with Babe. They would make a perfect pair. Barbie x Kimberly Ghost Ship is being captained by me.
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2/10 Petes - We're frenemies!
The Main One - Barbie
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Babe is the title character, and he is being manipulated and controlled by everyone around him, but . . . the boy is un pendejo. The first two episodes, he was a little too macho, and in episode three and four, he was un pendejo. He argued with Kenta when Kenta could have just kidnapped him, then he punched everyone on his way to Big Red's office, which makes no sense to walk directly up to the man who is going all out to get you back. He is in need of a good hug that does NOT lead to sex, and for someone to tell him he is more than his superpower (which is . . . being awesome at everything?).
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1/10 Kanghans - I'm upset at him and for him all at once.
The One I Love - Alan
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My man has committed no wrongs. He is amazing. He is fantastic. He is beauty. He is grace. He should slap all these fucking liars in the face.
But he won't because he is too pure for this world.
No Petes. No Alans. No Kanghan. Just love.
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incessanttranquility · 11 months
(this was actually supposed to be my request for moot @takitafulily but I don't want to crush their motivation into pieces so I decided to do this myself since I can write and I have motivation:33)
Gehenna's First Ever Cook-Off! (Part One)
OM!MC : Today, we will be having our first ever cook-off in Gehenna, our contestants will be cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for our judge, WHB!MC, the scoring will be from 1 to 5 stars and whoever gets the most stars, wins the cook-off. We shall introduce you to our contestants for this cook-off.
WHB!Satan : I'm really confident that I'll win this cook-off, their mind will be real fucking blown once they get to taste my cooking.
Minhyeok : I am not that confident about winning this actually, I am pretty nervous, but I'll try my best.
Sitri : I'll definitely try my best to cook the best breakfast, lunch and dinner for Solomon, I hope they'll like my cooking. *Secretly glares at Minhyeok as if he's challenging him.*
OM!MC : Great, now that we have introduced you to all of our contestants, we will be having a short message from our judge.
WHB!MC : I don't even wanna know why you guys got this idea out of your heads and decided to ACTUALLY do it, I just hope Satan won't get real mad if he loses.
OM!MC : Thank you for your message, now we will be also having messages from our guests who would be watching this cook-off, here are some messages that came from them.
TWST!Yuu : This will be so fucking entertaining, I am already so goddamn excited about this. *Eats popcorn*
LTD!MC : I was actually not expecting my idea to actually really happen right now, but I am curious to see what they'll cook and who'll be the winner so I'll stay here and watch.
WHB!Mammon : I went here because I was curious to see what would happen next and what will they cook, If I were to be in this cook-off, I'll definitely cook something even better than Satan, don't tell him I said this though, The short king might come after me once this cook-off is finished, haha.
WHB!Beelzebub : I came here because, why the fuck not? Just like TWST!Yuu said, this'll be so goddamn entertaining I think I'm gonna burst.
Malleus : Child of Man invited me to this cook-off, they said that this cook-off will be very entertaining, so I complied and accepted their offer. Fufu, I do want to know what would happen next.
OM!MC : Good, now are you excited for this cook-off? Because it's about to start right now! Let the cook-off begin!
—To Be Continued.
Note : I am not sure if Mammon and Beel here are acting OOC here, because I have not met them yet, I don't know much about their personalities and I am still in chapter 2, so please tell me if they are 😭, I will be making part 2 tomorrow:33 I also apologize if this is kind of short and horrible(?) 😭
Part 2 !
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x-0ophelia0-x · 1 year
A true hearts message.
Pairings: Ezra Bridger x F!Reader Warnings: Ahsoka S1 Spoiler! This was written at 3 AM -> should be proofread now
word count: I‘ll add it tomorrow
summary: you always felt strange feelings when Ezra was around you. Just when you finally decided to listen to your heart, it was too late. You were never able to tell him what you felt, and the same goes for him. When you finally found him alongside Ahsoka and Sabine, you both felt finally complete again.
authors note: thank you @densenubi for the idea! I hope you like it, had so much fun writing it, especially the beginning 😭😭 considering that it’s 3 AM right now, I’ll go to sleep and correct the mistakes tomorrow if there are any major mistakes c:
well then, this one even has a little bit of angst <3
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Our everyday life’s are filled with various kinds of what if‘s. 
They became important parts of our lives, accompany us throughout our most important decisions and even define us.
What if‘s belong to the greatest questions we could ever ask ourselves.
And what makes them so great? So individual? So special?
The fact that even we don’t and never will know the answer to them.
But most importantly. 
The fact that depending on what we chose, the ‚what could have been‘ will automatically be replaced into a ‚what‘ll never be‘. Destroying the chances of the opposite one to ever exist again.
„I don’t understand how they can be this oblivious towards each other“
Hera whispered, watching you two closely from afar. 
„Who? y/n and Ezra?“
Kanan asked while he leaned himself against the wall, looking at Hera. 
„Who else? Of corse I mean them!“
He chuckled at her. She was kind of the crews mother figure, she saw y/n, Ezra and Sabine as her own. Which was kind of the reason why she always got so excited when they were so close towards each other. 
But they were oblivious, even Kanan saw the tension between them and he is blind!
„I mean you can’t really see them.. but the way they look at each other or act around each other.. it’s painful to watch“
She sighed but Kanan only chuckled at her. 
And as if there wasn’t any better timing to her shipping you with Ezra, your faces moved dangerously close as you sorted the crates, gazing into each others eyes. 
The blue of his eyes always mesmerized you, and the same applys to Ezra with your e/c ones. 
You both stood still, basically panicking inside.
And Hera couldn’t contain her excitement any longer while she was still observing the scene.
„Oh my force! I think that they’re gonna kiss!!“
She whisper-yelled at Kanan. He shrugged it off.
„Wanna bet?“
„Bet on what?“
„I don’t know, choose something. If they kiss you win, if they won’t I win“
He said while grinning. 
„Okay then, the winner gets to eat a breakfast prepared by the loser to tomorrow. Prepare yourself though.. I‘m sure that this time they will finally feel the tension between them“
She said proudly, so sure that she’d win that bet. 
You felt your heart pounding faster, heat rising into your face and he felt the same. After staring into each others eyes for who knows how long you both moved your heads always from one another. Staring to the ground as if to avoid to lock gazes again.
„sorry I-„
„I didn’t mean-„
You both began simultaneously and then stopped, getting nervous now.
„You first“
You both started again, still avoiding eye contact. 
After hearing the same words from the other, you both started to laugh. 
Finding it funny how you both fell into each others words.
„I‘m sorry, I didn’t mean to come to close“
Ezra then said catching up his breath.
„Me too, I guess we‘re just both clumsy“
She replied while feeling the feeling of unease wash away and be replaced by a newfound happiness. 
„Clumsy you say? That was a perfectly synchronized attempt of a conversation“
He joked, also feeling how the unease was fading away as they continued talking. 
Hera at the other hand was dumbfounded. 
How where you two so blind? 
Her excitement washed away as she heard Kanan clear his throat. 
„Seems like I win“
He said victoriously.
„Just because you don’t see their bond and think of the negative!“
She whined, struggling to believe that once again, you both friendzoned each other. 
„I don’t always think of the negative“
He shrugged.
„I just know my Padawan and his inner struggles very well, I‘m his mentor after all, he tells me everything“
Kanan continued while he ‚looked‘ at her direction.
„So, you make the breakfast tomorrow?“
He asked with a smirk. 
You were back in your cabin now, laying on your bed while reading some reports on your datapad. 
Everything you could think of right now was the short moment you had with Ezra earlier. 
You couldn’t help but notice some kind of strange feeling taking over everytime you spent time with him. Sometimes it was warm, other times it was a rush of excitement but once again you didn’t know what it was or why it was there when you were around him. 
He is your best friend, of corse you’d spent time together or organize pranks against Zeb and Chopper.
But as of lately you noticed a change.
Whenever you walked close side by side your fingers were barely touching each other.
Whenever you talked about your stories, being your life when you where still small or his life back in Lothal, you felt as if you could trust him everything. 
Knowing that he wouldn’t judge you or see you any less. 
Whenever you had a mission you found yourself concerned for Ezra. 
Well, you were concerned for the whole crews well being, but Ezra kind of was the first person you had in mind when you heard an explosion or someone starting the blaster fire. 
And as if those observations weren’t enough, you noticed the crews strange behavior towards both of you. Always grinning whenever you where close. 
Being excited when you and Ezra hugged or trained together. 
But he was your friend. He didn’t see you in that way. 
And that was totally fine. While you still tried to decipher that strange feelings meaning, you were happy with how the things between you two where. 
Not thinking too much into it. 
The day had other days for you though when you heard someone knocking at your cabin door.
You asked.
„Can I come in?“
The voice asked, who you recognized as Ezra’s.
„I don‘t know if you can but you can try“
You answered, closing the datapad and sitting up, stretching your arms while he opened the door.
„Didn’t know that you were on your joker era“
He said, chuckling when all you did was to shrug.
„just one of my many mysteries“
You joked, looking at him and noticing that he was hiding something behind his back.
„Care to share?“
Ezra nodded, looking kinda proud of what he was about to show her.
„Zeb and Sabine returned from the mission and..“
He revealed what he was hiding behind his back.
It was a stormtroopers helmet. A new one.
„Didn’t have this one yet, it’s perfect for my collection! What do you think??“
He asked her, his excitement evident in his voice.
„You sure do love those helmets“
You laughed, looking at it while you tried to take in it’s features. 
„Well, I‘m Ezra the collector Bridger, loved by most, feared by stormtroopers“
He said proudly, acting as if he was twice the height he had, deepening his voice while he held the helmet high. 
Everything you could to was to watch in awe as he spoke about his collection, starting to feel the familiar feeling again. 
Nearly one year passed and a lot of things changed. 
First, that strange feeling you had grew stronger.
Whenever you and Ezra spent time together you felt some kind of tension between you two. 
At first you shrugged it off, thinking that it was just.. not gonna lie you didn’t even know what you where thinking.
But you for sure knew that you found comfort in Ezra’s presence, feeling safe around him, knowing that he’d always be there for you when you needed him, and the same counted for him. 
And just as you started to understand that strange feeling you felt whenever you were around him, everything changed. 
A lot happened to be honest, but the most important thing right now was that Ezra was on that ship.
The very one that was now being ‚held‘ and moved by the many purrgils you all saw through the window. 
It has to be Ezra’s doing. You were sure, connecting with creatures through the force is kind of his signature move. 
Everything that happened after that was just a blurr of memories. 
You could only remember seeing that the purrgils where preparing themselves to jump into hyperspace.
The panicked voices of everyone, trying to convince Ezra to leave the ship.
Your attempt to bring him back.
The extra amount of concern you always felt for him was stronger then ever back then. Deep down you knew that he wouldn’t come back, not as long as Thrawn was still there. This was his chance to get rid of him and you knew that Ezra wouldn’t back down from this.
He wanted to keep his family safe.
But unbeknownst to you, he even more wanted to keep you safe. 
“…. and remember, the Force will be with you. Always...”
And just like that he was gone.
There were no traces to where the purrgils could have taken the ship.
No known planets where they could have been.
Not a single hint to where he was now.
Ezra was gone and just when you saw the ship disappearing into hyperspace, you immediately felt a peng of pain in your heart. 
The closeness you felt, the warmth and the little excitement were gone.
As if they never existed. 
In that moment you just felt numb, slowly starting to understand everything.
Putting pieces together, recalling your memories with him, everything you felt.
All of that was gone now, replaced by a sudden worry, fear and emptiness.
It was just then when you realized that you started to fall in love with him.
That everything you felt was your body trying to tell you to listen to your feelings, to your heart instead of your brain. 
It all slowly came back to you and it was just that moment when you realized that you ignored the feelings for over a year now, while he was still by your side.
You had the chance to tell him.. but instead you chose to betray your feelings, keeping your mouth shut about this, scared of you he’d react. 
And now you realized that you ignored your heart for to long.
The moment you accepted your feelings for him, was the moment you lost him for maybe forever.
He was gone now and you never had the chance to tell him that he was loved. 
And all you could think about was about the ‚what could have been‘, followed by the bitter truth of ‚what‘ll never be‘.
The Version you'd be living now.
10 years passed by and they were the longest ones of your life. 
The events on Lothal plagued your mind.
His voice was a constant part of your dreams.
The memories from before that day replaying endlessly in your head.
The regret you felt since that day, of not telling him sooner or in fact just tell him about your feelings being unbearable. 
The mere thought that he could be dead by now, or suffering, making you even sadder.
And now?
Ten years later, after everything that happened, you found yourself on a Planet called Perridea. 
It was the purrgils’s cemetery, a destination they all had when they felt that their time had come to an end.
And now you were here, with Sabine and Ahsoka by your side. 
Finally fulfilling your personal mission, finding Ezra and to bring him back where he belonged. 
It was a chaotic reunion. 
Some kind of crab people found you, recognizing the sign on Sabines armor.
Even if you had troubles with communicating with them, they knew Ezra’s name.
Sabine then somehow asked them if they could lead us to him, telling them that we were his friends.
And that’s how we ended up here.
Standing in between the houses of the crab creatures, looking around, taking in the sight while trying to understand that this was the place where Ezra was living for 10 years now.
„I knew I could count on you..“
The group then heard, immediately turning around to lock gazes with the person in front of them.
He stood there, leaning himself against a wall while He had a warm smile, one she didn't see in a while now.
It was him.
Ezra was here.
Just when Sabine and Ahsoka hugged him, holding him into a tight embrace which seemed to be never ending, it was your turn.
Ezra had in fact the same struggle like you.
After he was stranded here, managing to escape from Thrawns flagship, hiding himself from his troopers, he had more then enough time to think and meditate.
And one thing that he noticed was that he felt that something was missing.
Not the fact that he was trapped in another galaxy, but a certain someone.
This someone being you. 
He also felt a new kind of feeling when he was around you and this feeling disappeared when he left Lothal, or well, his galaxy behind.
He realized that the only time where he followed his heart was when he sent himself away with Thrawn, straight into another galaxy.
Only to keep his family and his planet safe.
Especially you.
And just like you he was too late to accept that earlier.
One question left him sleepless during nights.
What if he had told you about his feelings before it was too late?
It all didn’t matter now though. 
You were the next, looking straight into his eyes while walking closer to him. 
You both pulled each other into a tight embrace, holding onto one another as if your life’s depended on it.
Taking each others warmth, scent, heartbeat and presence in.
You both were too scared to say something, not knowing what to say in the first place after all those years.
Instead you stood there, enjoying the moment and each others presence.
Ahsoka and Sabine stood before you, watching you as your hug now really seemed to be endless. 
The tension between you two was undeniable, but at the same time you both were just happy to finally relax under one another’s welcoming embrace.
They both grinned, just waiting for you two to kiss already. 
Sabine already shipped you both with Hera, back when Kanan was still alive.
Ahsoka started to ship you some time later, seeing you now though, reunited and relieved really filled their hearts. 
For the first time in a decade now you felt complete again, and the same went for Ezra.
When you pulled apart, you both started to take in each others features.
He was a man now, the boy you once knew grew up.
„you‘ve grown..“
You whispered, a hint of hapiness in your voice.
„would be worried if not.. it’s been some time“
He tried to joke.
„Even have a beard now.. now you’re not longer Ezra the collector Bridger but Ezra Bridger the wise“
You replied, returning to his sense of humor. 
„Hey..! I‘m not that much older!“
He then laughed, gesturing to his hair.
„See? Not one grey hair here. Totally young“
Ezra continued, giving you the proof you didn’t need to understand that he was mentally the same person you knew 10 years ago.
As for him, he was just happy that you managed to find him.
And when he showed you the small village, walking around and explaining them how they found him when he was in danger, he and you once again walked side by side. Very close even.
So close that your fingertips were touching his. 
This time you both didn’t pull away, but you also weren’t confident enough to walk hand in hand. 
Ahsoka and Sabine noticed that and couldn’t help but share knowing looks. 
Old habits die hard after all.
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blackhakumen · 3 months
Mini Fanfic #1216: Small Beach Crush (Sonic X SSBU)
4:42 p.m. at the Smash Local Beach..........
A race has been going on in the bright, sunny day at the Smash Beach, that specializes in Extreme Gears founded and provided by the Babylon Rogue Inc.
The two racers, Sonic The Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk, appear to neck to neck towards the Finish Line, in the last lap.....That is until the final racer swoops in outta nowhere, with more vigorous speed, sweeping both of his competition off their boards and onto the sandy ground, much to their surprise.
The crowd begins to roar in applause the very moment he crossed that Finish Line before sticking a gnarly, perfect landing on the ground. It wasn't long before a Shy Guy announcer runs in to announce the winner helping him holding his own arm up, which just so happens to be...I...
Announcer: The Winner of the 5-Lap Riders Prix.....FUUUUNKY KOOOOOOONG!!!
'Even More Applause'
Sonic: (Groans a Bit While Getting Himself Back on his Feet) Darn...... The folks weren't kidding when they say he's the Best Extreme Gear rider of this part of town.
Jet: (Sighs While Getting Up From the Ground as Well) The guy's a natural born surfer. He can make even the most uncontrollable board a cakewalk to ride on.
Sonic: (Begins to Stretch his Back Forward Befire Stretching his Arm Up Next) Welp! If that's the case, I'm gonna that means I gotta to work a little harder next time. Can't afford to be in 2nd Place forever, you know?
Jet: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) More like 3rd Place...
Sonic: (Turns to Jet With a Raised Eyebrow) Pardon?
Jet: You heard me! 3rd! The place- (Points at Sonic) YOU are currently in!
Sonic: Oh get real. (Starts Butting Heads with Jet) I clearly crossed that line before you could even get close to me!
Jet: Big talk for a guy who's tip of his board Isa millimeter shorter than mines!
Sonic: Oh, so we're measuring boards now?
Jet: If it proves that I'm better than you, why the hell not at this point?
Sonic: (Shrugs) Alright. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Still can't beat me in a fist fight though.
Jet: (Angrily Cracking his Knuckles at his Rival) Wanna bet? I been wanting to pulverize that stupid face of your some time now!
Sonic: (Waves Both his Hands Back to Him in a Very Competitive Fashion) Well, bring it then, Birdbrain. I ain't got all-
????: BOYS!
The rivals turns to see the Certified Moms giving both of them their collective Motherly Glares in the mid.
Samus: What the hell did we say about being civil?
Peach: This is a place for fun and relaxation.
Sonic: (Sighs in Defeat Along with Jet) Yes, ma'ams......
Jet: Won't happen again.....(Turns to Sonic) Forgot how scary your moms are..........
Sonic: (Shrugs) They gotta take their jobs seriously somehow....
?????: Hey now!
The duo turns to see the winner of their race, Funky Kong, walk over to them along with the crowd, with a bright, chill smile on his face.
Funky: No need to fuss n' fight now. You both did great out there. Actually had me to workin' up a sweat just to keep up.
Sonic: (Smiles Softly at Funky) Thanks, man. Congratulations on the win.
Jet: Yeah, congrats. But uh...('Clears Throat') Who would you say is the fastest between the two of us here, hm?
Sonic: (Rolls his Eyes at Jet) Could you not waste his time asking that dumb question? The answer's obviously me.
Jet: (Glares at Sonic) Lies! It's me and everyone out here knows it.
Sonic: Yeah, keep telling yourself that you-
Funky: (Breaks Up the Potential Fighting Between Hedgehog and Bird) Hey-Hey-Hey! No more of that now. We're a the fastest here in this wicked beach time. (Holds Both Sonic and Jet's Hands Up) AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE!?
'Uproarious Cheers and Applauses'
Tails: (Watches the Crowd in the Distance With Amy and Coco Sitting Next to Him) Never thought I'd see the day someone would actually out speed Sonic in anything, but...here we are.
Amy: (Sighs Dreamingly at her Man) He may have lost the race, but he'll always be The Fastest, Most Handsomest Thing in my eyes and heart~ (Takes a Look at the Time on her Phone) What is taking Wave so long to get here? (Starts Pouting a Bit) If her boss starts picking fights with Sonic again, there's gonna be heck to pay!
Coco: You know Wave: Have to make extra sure her work is completely done before she could do anything else. (Notices Something) Ooh, speaking of which- (Points Tails and Amy to Their Swallow Friend Walking in the Distance) There she is right now. (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Looking a lot more girlier than usual......
Tails: Girlier?- (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Realization) Wait s second! Is she looking pretty for someone?
Amy: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) A secret admirer perhaps?~
Coco: (Casually Shrugs While Forming a Teasing Smirk on her Face) It's the only reason I can think of~
Funky: (Happily Greets Wave) Yooo, Wave, you finally made it!
Wave: Yeah, sorry it took me so long to get here. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) You know how I am when it comes getting everything done down in the workplace....B-But I was able to catch some of your racing highlights on stream. (Starts Blushing a Bit) You were.....pretty gnarly out there, I must admit~
Funky: (Chuckles Lightly) Appericate the wicked feedback, little lady. And here I was worried that I ticked you off for outstaging your boss out there.
Wave: (Playfully Scoffs) Please. There's a lot of things that would drive me up the wall. But winning a race against Jet is definitely not one of them.
Funky: Good, good. So, now that you're out and about, what you plan on doing from here on out?
Wave: Well, I-
???: Ohhh Waveee!~
Wave turns around to see Amy giggling softly and Coco and Tails waving at her with teasing grins on each of their faces before letting out an annoyed sigh and turning back to Funky.
Wave: I have a couple of twer-I mean-('Sigh') Friends I gotta to hang out with.
Funky: (Smiles Brightly) Nice! Friends are the one thing that could help build up your character after all, especially in an awesome place like this!
Wave: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit in Annoyance) To an egregious sense maybe.....(Puts on a Small Smile on her Face) Catch you later then?
Funky: (Happily Nodded) Sure thing. Go out and enjoy yourself, Wave! You've earned it after all the work you've done.
Wave: Thanks, Funky. You too. (Walks Away)
Funky: (Watches Wave Leave Before Going Back to the Crowd) Now, which one of you crazy people are up for a game of LIMBO!!?
'Even More Applause'
Wave: (Walks Ovver to the Trio, Already Annoyed) ('Sigh') Alright. Get it all out of your systems already.
Coco: Why hello here, Wave~
Tails: Whatever do you mean exactly?~
Wave: (Glares at her Felliw Tech Friends) Oh don't even try and play the innocent card on me, you little twerps! I can tell by the look in your dumb faces that you're gonna the annoy the hell outta me over this.
Coco: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, considering all the times you tease us on being a potential couple, it's only fair we find some way to return a flavor~
Tails: All's fair in love and harmless teasings~
Wave: ('Ugh') Whatever. (Turns to an Giddied Up Amy Rose) And what are you smiling about over there?
Amy: Oho nothing too noteworthy!~ Just admiring the fact that a bookworm like you is having yourself a school girl crush~
Wave: (Was About to Ipen her Mou-)
Amy: Don't even try to deny it. (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk of her Own) We seen the way you look and talk to him over there. You're in looove~
Tails and Coco hold onto to each other hands and starts making kissy noises just to get under Wave's skin.
Wave: (Comically Glares at the Duo Again) Will you cut that out!? I'm not crushing over Funky!....At...least not completely!
Amy, Coco, and Tails stares at their blushing swallow friend, unconvinced on everything she's telling them.
Wave: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, so maybe I do have a tiny bit of mushy feelings for him these days. We've been working together on a few business projects as of late. Didn't care for him at first glance, but the more days we work, the....(Starts Blushing a Bit) More I started to enjoy his company a bit. He nice, compassionate with his craftsmanship and profession, and a lot more intelligent than I gave him credit for. He's incredible~
Amy: And just your tyyyyype?~
Wave: ('Sigh') I dunno. Maybe? He's a lot more laid back and outgoing, despite him not being a fan of going out on adventures all that much, oddly enough. Meanwhile, I'm as boring as they come, or as Storm would irritatingly put it...."A Killjoy".
Tails: (Gives Wave a More Reassuring Smile Along with Coco) Come on, Wave, you're none of those things.
Coco: Yeah. I mean, you can be a real pain sometimes, but you're still cool be around in our books.
Wave: (Turns to Coco With Genuine Surprised on her Face) Wow. That.....might be the most nicest thing you've ever said about me yet, kid. Thanks.
Coco: No problem. Don't expect this to be a recurring thing though. (Smirks Again) You're still a nagging know-it-all in my eyes.
Wave: (Smirks Back at Coco) ('Hmph') And you're still a half pint brat.
Coco: Better than being bossy.
Wave: Better than being annoying.
Coco: Better than being an eyesore.
Wave: Takes one to know one, brat.
Coco: Hey, I am PLEASANT to be around!
Wave: Could've fooled me.
Coco: Yeah, well....(Continues Arguing with Wave)
Tails: (Sighs While Watching his Two Tech Friends Bickering With One Another Again) It was fine to see two get along while it lasted, albeit a few seconds. (Turns to See Amy Writing Something Down on her Mini Notebook) Whatcha writing over there, Amy?
Amy: A few confessional and romantic ideas. I'm gonna help make Wave's dating dream come to reality and I want you and Coco to help me.
Tails: (Gives Amy an Uncertain Look on his Face) You sure you want our help on this? We're not really that knowledgeable when it comes to anything romance related.
Amy: Yeah, but you guys know Wave way better than I do these days, so you're crucial for this operation. (Gives Tails the Sad Puppy Dog Look) Plus, I really want us to spend more time together these days~ I miss you-
Tails: ('Sigh') Lower those eyes, Ames, we'll help out. Just.....don't expect this operation to go as flawlessly as you hoped.....Also, I missed you too.
Amy happily pulls Tails into a loving hug as they continue to enjoy their time at the beach together.
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Award show
A/n: I know I haven't been posting but writers block is a real thing fr, also requests are open
Summary:where the reader is Kylian's plus 1 to the football awards
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I'm nervous, because although Kylian is my Husband we've never actually made a public appearance and people don't know we're married
Which has taken a strain on our marriage because I feel like he's ashamed to be seen with me in public and he says he wants to protect me
As if he can sense my nervousness he walks into the room and wraps his hand around me.
"You smell good" he say planting kisses on my neck
"Thank you"
"You also look very gorgeous"
"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself, seems like I'm gonna be fighting a lot of women tonight"
He laughs and I smile at his laughter
"You don't have to worry about them, I'm all yours"
I smile and he pecks my lips
"C'mon let's go we don't wanna be late"
We walk out the door and into the car where our driver was waiting on us
The ride to the event was very nerve wrecking and my leg keeps bouncing
Kylian must have noticed because he places his hand on my thigh
"Hey don't worry,I'm right here and I'm not leaving your side side at all ok?"
We arrive and the driver opens the door for Kylian to get out and he reaches for my hand and steps out the car
As soon as we step out we're met with flashing lights and cameras
We make our way to the red carpet where we get interviewed by a blonde lady who looks very gorgeous
"Monsieur Kylian, ça va?"
"Merci et toi"
"Bien, I see you have brought a plus one today, who is this stunning lady?" She asks referring to me
"She's a very close friend of mine and I decided to bring her along today, cause I thought why not"
I look at Kylian in almost disbelief, but quickly cover up the face and put a smile on
"Yeah Kylian and I have known eachother for a long time now"
"Oh ok that's very nice and so sweet, so Kylian how are you feeling about tonight?" The interviewer asks putting her had on Kylian's Bicep
He pulls away and answers "really nervous but all I hope for is a smooth evening as well as a relaxed one"
"Well you heard it here folks Kylian is hoping for a smooth and relaxed night"
We walk away from the interviewer and make our way to our seats
I let go of him and he turns to me and asks "are you ok?"
"I don't wanna talk to you"
"Babe, I'm sorry"
"For what? Not claiming me in front of that interviewer or for letting her touch you like that"
"You look so hot when you're Jealous you know that"
"stop, this is very serious Kylian let go of me" I let go of his arm and the award ceremony starts
After a few awards are handed out the category Kylian is nominated for comes up
"Now for the youngest football player award"
The nominees are called out and Kylian grabs my hand
Just because I'm upset with him doesn't mean I don't care
"And the winner is ... Kylian Mbappe"
My heart drops with excitement, and he turns to me and hugs me and walks to the stage to collect his award
"Wow, thank you very much for the award it really means a lot to me, firstly I would like to thank my family for all the support they have given me through out my life, then l'd like to thank my fans all over the world, and thank you for being my support , and lastly, My Wife Y/n, thank you for always being my emotional and physical support, no matter how many times I wanted to give up, you were always pushing me and encouraging me to continue on this path even though it got tough, it was better because you were by my side cheering me on, thank you and I love you je t'aime mon amour"
He walks of the stage and comes back to his seat, he sits next to me again and I kiss him not caring we're in public, I've been wanting to do this ever since we started dating
"I love you too"
After the ceremony, I go online and see people freaking out about the news about Kylian and I's Marriage
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When we got home Kylian couldn't stop smiling at me and neither could I
"Thank you for that" I said
"Don't thank me it was something I should have done a long time ago, and I'm sorry for making you feel like I was ashamed of you, if anything I'm actually very proud to call you my wife and I want the whole world to know that" he says
I smile at him and start kissing him very passionately
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starchildren220 · 25 days
Labour VIII
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Labour Masterlist
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Finally, Atara had a turn with training. She was outside close to where Eriks training was, but it had a few benches and a tree canopy.
“So, what’re we gonna be doing?” Atara asked Charles.
“Well, I don’t know what I’m dealing with. So, tell me, how does *your* mutation work.” Charles words were full of intrigue.
“Basically-” Atara started before being interrupted.
“I don’t wanna hear the basics I wanna hear everything about your mutation.” Charles clarified his statement.
“Ok?” Atara was confused to why he was so interested. “Well, when my body is injured, it pulls itself back together. Like if you tore off my arm it wouldn’t just grow back, my arm would come back.” Charles was nodding along, seemingly hypnotized.
“Is there like a distance that it won’t come back?” Charles questioned.
“No, but most of the time my blood doesn’t come back, my blood replenishes much faster than a normal human, so I bleed a lot faster, and a lot more but it never runs out. If you were to try and trap a piece of me in like a jar or something, it kinda just vanished through the object and comes back to me. It's really weird."
"There isn't really a way to train that, especially since I don't want to hurt you so I think we can just stick to combat and stuff." Charles told Atara who looked slightly shocked.
"I have other mutations." She reinformed him.
"I know that, but, you said that it hurts to use them, again I don't want to hurt you." Charles smiled sweetly at her. She felt sickly feeling, like she was gonna throw up. But the feeling also kind of felt nice, no one but Riptide had really been nice to her.
“So what types of combat?” Atara inquired.
“Well just basic hand to hand, you know. Though we’ll have to find someone who can, I can’t do much of that stuff.” He chuckled scratching the back of his neck.
“Sounds good just get me when you’ve found someone.” With that Atara left the bench and headed back to the house. Charles watched her walk away, he still couldn’t believe how someone could be so perfect.
꧁ ꧂
Turns out Erik was the only one who knew anything about actual fighting. Sean tried to convince Charles that he knew cause of the amount of action movies he watched would suffice for training.
Everybody had ended up gathered around the makeshift area in the grassy lawn. Atara had changed into black shorts, a black tank top, and some tennis shoes Raven had let her borrow.
Erik had the same grey sweat pants he was wearing earlier but decided to take off the jacket to reveal a white tank.
Atara wasn’t too excited to be fighting her little brother but she did have to train at least a little bit. Charles had gone over a few basic rules, no bone breaking, obviously no fatal wounds even if Atara could heal herself, and try not to knock the person out.
Charles had decided to be referee to make sure these rules were followed, though he also didn’t think they would break the rules. Alex, Sean, Hank, and Raven had made bets to see who would win. Hank, and Alex had bet against Erik, thinking Atara would win. Sean and Raven bet against Atara thinking Erik would win. Each person bet ten dollars and winners would split the winnings.
“Get ready.” Charles called out to the two fighters. Atara had decided to start with defense rather than using on her offense. “Get set.” Charles words had cast a stillness over everybody watching. Atara and Erik started in a classic fighting position.
“Go!” Charles announced. Erik was the one who threw the first punch, she dodged and waiting for Erik’s next attack. He goes for a forward kick, Atara went to block before Erik’s leg switched angles and he changed to a side kick, the blow lands on the side of her upper arm, the blow caused her to grunt. Charles stiffened in worry, and he moved a step closer.
Atara threw another punch, Erik dodged and countered. She dodged by dropping down, kicking Erik’s legs out from under him. He grunted as the wind was taken from his lungs. Atara to this time to pin him down by putting her foot against his throat.
Erik tried to push her foot off, squirming and pushing his feet into the ground to try and help. Atara pushed further before Charles interrupted.
“That’s enough now!” He called out and Atara moved her foot off and leaned down offering her hand to Erik. He used her hand to help him. She pulled him into a hug, she pulled back at looked him in the eyes.
“You okay?” She asked, he nodded and pulled out of her arms. Charles walked up to her.
“That was amazing darling.” He complemented, she noticed the pet name and the feeling in her stomach came back.
“Darling?” She asked raising her brow. Charles blushed.
“Oh! I apologize, it just slipped out.” He tried to cover up his slip up.
“I don’t mind.” She told him and he smiled, trying to make his blush go away.
“I think it best if you teach self defense lessons, it could help greatly in the fight.” Charles offered changing the subject.
“I’m not against the idea.” Atara thought about the option before shrugging. “Sure I’ll do it.”
“Excellent.” Charles smiled while clasping his hands together, “We’ll start training tomorrow.” Atara nodded, a small smile appearing on her face at Charles enthusiasm.
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The next day started early, Atara started with Hank at 7. Hank was a fast learner, he had the basics down in an half an hour and was able to keep up with her going easy on him.
The next hour was Sean, he was definitely interesting. It took him the hour to learn how to punch right.
Next was Alex, he seemed to have more street fighting abilities, she just helped him clean up his weak spots.
Raven was next, she had started off in her ‘human’ form, eventually Atara convinced her to use her blue form and she became quite a lot stronger and quicker. The lesson ended a half hour later than it was supposed to because of Raven and Atara chatting at the end.
Atara took a lunch break before starting up again at one with Erik, his session lasted the longest, about three hours. It took this long because it was the first to win five rounds, Atara had ended up winning but it had been close.
She took a nap due to her tiredness from the full day of teaching. Then dinner started, ending at seven. At seven thirty Atara started training with Charles.
“So what do you know?” She asked, crossing her arms, dressed in a tank and some shorts.
“Almost nothing.” Charles admitted, “But i could easily find out.” He motioned his two fingers to his head. Atara chuckled before gently stopping his hand from reaching his temple.
“No need, you’re gonna learn the old fashion way. First lesson, how to throw a punch.” She set her stance in front of the bag, throwing a punch she stopped when her hand hit the bag, she pointed at her thumb, instructing him.
“You wanna make sure to have your thumb over your fingers, putting your fingers over your thumb will cause you to break your thumb.” She moved back from the bag, pointing to her hips. “Make sure to move your body with the punch, that’s where the power comes from, obviously to make it to where you fall but still a good bit.” Charles was nodding along as you spoke to him.
“And make sure you punch through the thing you’re punching, not just the thing. I’ll demonstrate both.” She punched the bag, it stopped as soon as contact was made and it seemed to do nothing to the bag. “That was just punching the object now i’ll show you punching through the object.” Her punch this time was powerful and made the bag swing back pretty far, coming back fast she caught it before turning to him. “You understand?”
“I think so.” He seemed skeptical on his ability to demonstrate his comprehension.
“Well come on then.” Atara moved from in front of the bag letting him take her spot. “Don’t throw a punch yet, get in your stance.” He nodded before stepping into a stance similar to her own. She critiqued his pose before nodding for him to continue.
He threw his first punch, it was good but he didn’t follow through. “Push through the bag.” She suggested, he went back to his stance and tried again, this time it was close to perfect. “Nice.” She complemented, “Now do it again.”
This repeated for a while, she eventually taught him how to uppercut and hooks, then kicks. She didn’t even realized how late it got, nine o’clock.
“Since you know the basics, I’ll test you.” She walked over to the ring. Charles didn’t move and she stop while stepping through the rope. “You coming?” He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and started walking to the ring.
“I’ll go easy on you, promise. Just try to use what you know.” She smiled setting herself into her stance.
“Doesn’t make me feel any better darling.” He smiled nervously, shakily getting into his own stance.
“You’ll be great, just trust yourself.” Atara tried to ease his nerves. “You ready?.” She asked.
“Not particularly.” Charles answered. She chuckled.
“Go!” She started the match, she waited for him to throw the first punch, he did eventually and she dodged it. “Anticipate where your opponent will go and make sure you have a second shot ready.”
“It’s a lot harder than you say.” Charles shot back frustrated.
“Don’t be like that already you’ve only thrown one punch.” She teased. He rolled his eyes and threw another punch, she dodged amit again but had to block the kick he almost landed on her side.
“Good job, you did it.” She praised. “Though I better fight back shouldn’t I?” She chuckled, getting slightly more serious. She threw a light punch that hit his side, making him move that way slightly. He went for a right hook and she ducked using his moment of unbalance to sweep his legs, causing him to fall onto his back.
He landed with a grunt and she straddled him to keep him down, pinning his arms above his head . “Do you think you know how to get out of your situation?” She asked grin wide, Charles was panting under her.
“Don’t know if I want to.” He smirked watching her cheeks turn a light rosy pink. She stayed stuck like that, her eyes boring into his, she leaned forward and kissed him. Immediately she pull back and stood up, his head followed her as to not break the kiss.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” She stressed.
“It’s fine if didn’t not want it.” He chuckled his own cheeks a rosy color.
“Oh god.” She complained before practically running out of the room.
“Wait!” Charles called out for her but she didn’t stop. He stood there for a few minutes just trying to process what just happened, before his heart started to hurt at her reaction, did she not like him?
꧁ ꧂
1918 words
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redisaid · 11 months
A WIP list for me, you all can see it too I guess
Reminding myself of what I have to work on this fine morning, as I am starting to feel guilty about not being productive again:
Approximately 8 million D&D shorts I said I would do, started, and utterly hated and never tried again (the voice isn't right, she said, on her own characters whose voices she decided on)
Beneath the Blue Moon (this has become the hardest fic in the world to write even though it's extremely interesting, there's just too much lore)
That bonus Sylvaina smut I was gonna do, whoops (this is the likely winner because I'm afraid to tackle anything established)
Welcome Home (Valadrin, not nice)
Equanimity (Valadrin, kinda nice, lots of setting I gotta do, but I like that, who am I kidding)
Pitter Patter Goes the Rain (I hate it here, also likely but for opposite reasons)
I wanna write something BG3 but I can't decide on what. I had my heart set on Karlach/Shadowheart, but now Minthara's pure lawful evil toxic waste ass has taken up residence in my brain.
I'm gonna consider that Zelda fic temporarily abandoned because I'm just not into it anymore. I don't really think anyone else is either.
Let me know if I promised something else that's missing from this list. I know I probably did.
Here's to hoping one of these sparks my guilt enough to be creative again.
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anzynai · 2 years
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Scaramouche Hcs
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helloooo this is a super SUPER old request but i thought now would be a good time for these since he’s finally here hehe i hope u guys enjoy bc this is my man
y’all also i haven’t posted in so long so here’s this lol pls love me ALSO i am aware that “lee:” is in there three times but idk something is wrong with the post cuz it’s not going away ugh anyways 😭
warnings: tickling, contains 3.3 spoilers!
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
his pale ass face gets so FREAKING flushed cuz it’s so embarrassing cuz the big and scary scaramouche??? ticklish??? no way!!!
he once asked childe to tickle him to increase his tolerance (who ofc agreed cuz who wouldn’t want the chance to tickle THE balladeer) but.. never again. childe is a ruthless tickle monster and scara is too ticklish for his own good.
he is.. uh slightly violent so if u wanna tickle him, be careful. it’s not even like he could help it, but he will kick, hit, do literally anything to get away LOL
honestly one of his biggest weaknesses (to him at least), ESP since his worst spot are his hips and sides (and knees but no one rlly knows that) and that’s like the general tickle spot! though, his thighs definitely aren’t a bad spot.
this poor man has the most adorable shriekiest, squeals and giggles that u would never expect from a man like him like literally everyone who has heard it cannot stop teasing him for it.
FOLLOWING THE 3.3 UPDATE, imagine whenever he’s thinking bad thoughts or is upset, nahida tickles him bc she just knows the way to cheer him up and even tho he’s never verbally thanked her, she knows it works
he actually rlly enjoys those soft tickles on like his chin and ears, he’s not too sensitive in those spots and it gets him lightly giggling and on most days, he will swat at ur hand to make u stop but occassionally… he will let u and he will love every second of it
bro gets into tickle fights a lot and when he loses, it’s funny because u can literally watch him crumble under ur touch LOL
probably obvious but he’s a very sadistic tickler LOL like if he says he won’t stop until u scream for mercy, he means it
he loves watching his “victim’s” reactions most of all. this is why he tends to tickle their neck on random because he likes their neck scrunching up
ok so what about since he’s all good now (ehh well more an anti-hero) he vents his frustration with.. get this… TICKLING instead of violence?! so if he’s angry or if he’s had a bad day, he will tickle u until he’s satisfied
i know what i said about him being sadistic but what if i say.. gentle. bro he’s kinda gentle because on most of the people he’s tickled, gentle tickles work wonders so it’s just kinda become a thing.
teasy teasy teasy!!!! bros not gonna relent hntil ur face is bright red and ur blushing like crazy, just another one of the things he likes to see so he always wants to see it.
he’s typically the winner in tickle fights (by using backhanded tricks), and once he has u… uhh. just good luck! he has a lot of experience with childe and now, traveler.
if he’s not absolutely wrecking someone with tickles, it doesn’t mean ur safe. he typically will swipe a finger down ur spine or neck whenever ur occupied and just catch u off guard.
sometimes, he thinks it’s funny to tease u and be like “you wanna be tickled, don’t u?” or “you wanna be tickled so bad, it’s pathetic” and then, scribble somewhere on ur body until u begin to laugh. and then, stop. and walk away. just because he thinks it’s funny to see u all shocked (and sometimes even a little disappointed) and he just laughs until he eventually tickles u.
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shiningmystic · 2 years
Your strength/inner power
PAC General Tarot reading
Hey hey, been feeling kinda down and tired so probs not gonna post for a bit but I wanted to get this reading out to the ones who need some self empowerment. I always get super hyped when I read one of these so I hope and bless this reading to reach the people who need a pick me up❤️
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When I choose a pile I close my eyes and see which pile is coming towards me. Never be afraid to pick multiple piles for they may all apply to you :)
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Pile 1
Page of pentacles
10 of pentacles
High priestess
Omg you are seriously a wonderful person. I see you spreading your lovely energy even if you don’t actively try, just your presence is enough to lighten a room! You may hold yourself back and are more of the observer type. You like analyzing the situation before jumping into anything especially when it comes to important work or projects. I see you as an intuitive person and can catch on to things quite easily, def a fast learner when you are shown what to do.
One of your many strengths come from your thoughts and analysis; you care for your health and wealth like a true winner. You have a keen eye for detail and someone I see many look up to even secretly. You may be a curious person/philosophical and want to discover secrets to life to share to others; this doesn’t have to be spiritual either, could be life hacks, self care regimes, healthy meals. just things that could make others lives brighter and much more fulfilling. You are willing to try and discover new things. Many of you are young but I can see old soul energy where you have much wisdom to share to the world in any art form that aligns with you. Whenever I see the high priestess I can’t help but mention the third eye, you guys can’t help but see many sides to people you don’t wanna see or even being able to relate to both sides of an argument and knowing both are right and wrong. You know the world isn’t black and white, I respect the heck out of you. Knowing both sides to a situation though needs to not cloud your own emotions. spirit asks for you to know this strength may be holding you back on your emotions and feeling them out instead of logically thinking through it (I do this a lot too haha) Even if it’s not right for you to feel a certain way doesn’t mean that feeling isn’t valid! Sorry had to squeeze this message in there 😂 I have a feeling many of you are studying philosophy or something that puts to question reality and it’s ideals/priorities if not you do ponder about it. I mean having the high priestess out I’m assuming many who pick this will be fellow witches or are spiritual in your own way, hi hello 😂 Keep being you please your really cool!
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Pile 2
The chariot (rx)
the hanged man (rx)
the hermit
You see a lot of sadness, my empath group. There’s a lot you try to take in and you see this as a weakness, it is not. this is a strength reading and that means this IS a strength so here is some advice; you being able to see people for who they truly are is such a magical thing and you see people truly for there good even if you also see the bad. I can also see you being able to balance yourself and keep level head in heavy/dramatic situations but after all the intensity you need to come back to yourself and let it out. You may be more of a homebody and this allows you to really understand yourself and discover your wants and needs. You put things on hold for others, you sacrifice your time and energy for them especially people you are close to 🥹 you’re so lovely I can’t describe it. Even spirit is telling me you have so many more gifts hidden waiting to be discovered and learned. Your such a heavy giver it is a blessing to have you amongst us but I can see another strength you are developing is balancing that giver and take energy, give yourself that credit please you are such a fighter. If you felt connected to pile 1 go check it out 😉
You see this world so differently from others my love and there is nothing wrong with that, we need people like you and pile 1 where you can see both sides to a situations and figure out what the root could be. You may also be analytical like pile one being able to pick up little details here and there in many types of situations. Your power is your perspective and opinion, you have a strong one at that. I can feel many of you kind souls don’t want to share your opinion in fear it may hurt others; love comes from truth and can be framed in a gentler way. If those people take your opinion personally then they are only projecting their insecurities; I see you only want to help you gorgeous being . I see you do hide away a lot from the hermit, it’s good to know when you need space and I see you still learning to find that balance. You are the group that takes on a lot of others energy I’m hearing you should exercise and get out more this will release the excess you absorb. You are being acknowledged for your effort to balance your life in a harmonious way, good job ❤️ your resilience is incomparable. I can see you keep getting back up even when you fall and it’s always going to be hard to get up but you do anyway, you make me so proud to be here and you have the ability to know when something is to much, your empathic powers have evolved I’m hearing so keep learning knew methods to find peace my love. You have unwavering belief on what you want and are willing to share your riches with others. You may be at a low atm and you need to be aware you are enough, all the effort is enough and the world or you may say otherwise. Listen to me, YOU ARE SO WORTHY and will receive what you deserve and that is the world. I wanna cry for some reason because some of you do be struggling. Take a break when you need to you know what is best for you lovely.
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Pile 3
7 of cups
Knight of cups (rx)
What a multi talented person you are pile 3! I can see you have a soft spot for your freedom and will fight anyone for it. You may be over emotional in certain situation but because this is about your strength I see these emotions working for you and showing the world you are not a person to be trifled with. This is my extroverted pile haha you guys know who you are and will take every step it takes to get to your destination wether it be a goal or just a fun on and off project. From this emotional body of yours it seems to drive you in certain directions you may have never taken; you follow the flame and even wander off sometimes. We need people like you to show the world what else is out there, you guys are eccentric and find new ways to do things; work smarter not harder. As a lion tamer you all have a beast within that you hold at bay (this is probs tied to your emotional body) and with focused power you can change anyone’s mind and even inspire others to do similar things.
Because you have multiple talents I see you spread yourself thin. Don’t take this as a weakness because all you have to do is figure out how to make it work, an I see you discovering it like how pile 2 is learning to balance their strength as well. I can see you strengths comes from your dreams and ideals; your standards are high for the world because you a king/queen who will rule it one day ✨You have certain expectations for the world and if they don’t meet them then you will let them KNOW and leave them in your path of flames 🔥
I can see another side to you that honors peace and protects those who provide it, you help the underdogs and lift them up. You are just well rounded person good on you! Keep developing your emotional body and keep fighting the good fight!
I hope this helped pump you up for you next day, week or month!!! I’ve been getting so motivated, I have been exercising and even though I’m kinda forced to make better choices (because of my stomach issues) I’ve been feeling like a new me is being created. I’m breaking away from old habits my energy is probably chaos right now 😂 good luck my loves! Slay the world 🌎
The deck I used was Modern Witch Tarot deck by Lisa Sterle
- ShiningMystic 🪴
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muserryy · 1 year
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☆•° Harry, Louis with his broken wrist and their Little kitten, blue. hope you enjoy :)
James invited Harry and Louis as well as some of his other friends for a fun and light-hearted lunch. Everything was going well and good but then they both ended up at the hospital.
Louis William Tomlinson is quite a sass-master and though he may be sassy and unapologetic, he's also one of the kindest folks you'll ever meet. He appreciates a good joke now and then but when people get on his nerves and tease him and make fun of his physical attributes, more specifically; his height. He always knew how to fire back with a sassy quip. 
After lunch, everyone moves to the outdoor space of the house and gets busy gossiping and stuff. The sun is up but the weather is still pleasant and comfortable. The sound of soft music playing in the background and chatting provides a delightful environment. Harry is sitting there being kind and all smiley, having simple talks with anyone while Louis is busy with his own friends and mutuals as he stirs the glass in his hand.
Harry's head turns to Louis when he hears his voice carried by a loud laugh.
"wanna bet? I am very speedy, you know?" Louis says as his fellows tease him. 
Harry frowns not knowing what they are on but he goes to Louis and stands beside him when a guy starts calling out everyone.
"What's going on?" He asks him in a whisper.
"A race." He replies.
"A race?" Harry frowns.
"They think, they can win against me just because I’m short… I need to prove them wrong."
Harry sighs and shakes his head. "You know you don't have to do it just to prove them?" 
"Harold!" Louis fake gasps. "Do you think I'm gonna lose?"
"I never said that," Harry rolls his eyes.
Louis sweetly smiles at him, his eyes almost shutting.
"You, my love, just hold my beer and enjoy the race." He says, handing him his glass and walking away as the race is about to start. 
The garden is approximately 30 metres long. They decide that the one end of the garden will be the scratch line and the rear end will be the finish line. 
"The first one to touch the wall will be the winner." A guy says, seeming more than excited ever. He then smirks at louis.
Louis keeps a straight face, not showing much of his expression as they take their positions. 
"on the count of three. "
one. two… three! 
Louis starts dashing as others do the same. Shouting started and the names of the sprinters were being yelled.
Harry places the glass down and intensely watches, especially Louis who is at the very first. His celerity is actually so high that his body doesn't slow down when he gets near to the wall. His palms make contact with the wall and his body jerks back from the impact and he falls to the ground. 
Harry immediately slaps his palm over his eyes. He already knew something was about to happen. When there is louis, there is a happening but little did he know it's even worse this time. Nothing like slipping into the pool when one day Louis and some of his mates were drunk and tried walking in a straight line on the edge of the pool or trying new skateboard tricks in front of his friends but end up falling on ground, that caused him a minor backache. 
Harry sprints to where the lads are now crowded.
"You see I won, I told you, I told you!" Louis stands up and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his wrist, causing him to yelp but that doesn't stop him from shading them.
"So now.. I thought I was shorty? I beat you. It must mean that you're shorter than me, right?" Harry hears his sarcastic tone as he gets near them. 
The guy, who challenged Louis, laughs breathlessly and pats on his shoulder.
Harry comes to the front, seeing Louis shaking his right hand. "Ow!" He again yelps in pain.
"What happened? " Harry asks, moving closer to him. 
"Broke my wrist maybe." He giggles as shakes his hand again. "fucking hell, it hurts!" 
"Don't do that!" Harry stops him. "Is it hurting too much? let me check!"
"I guess it's just a little pain from the sudden crash." He tries to assures but he himself knows it's something worse as the pain starts getting unbearable.
"Louis, just let me see." Harry carefully takes his right hand and lightly presses his fingers to his forearm and then his touch wanders down around his wrist. That's when Louis again curses in pain.
"Maybe it's really broken…" James murmurs to Harry, pursing his lips and shaking his head.
Harry looks at him worriedly, "we should go to the doctor. right now!"
The doctor takes an x-ray to assess the damage. He then immobilizes his wrist in a splint for support and so that bones can grow back together properly. 
After 2 days, the doctor discharged Louis and ensured a successful recovery. and now they just got home from the hospital.
"Oh C'mon Harry," Louis whispers but giggles while sitting on the bed. "I did win."  
Harry glares at him and his voice gets deeper. "congratulations! you proved them wrong but they don't even care. guess your wrist is just collateral damage, huh?"
"Well fuck, I didn't know this would happen. Did I?"
Harry keeps looking at him, he is not the one to shout or yell when he gets angry. He does become frustrated but he tries not to raise his voice or use profanity.
Louis tries to remove his pants with his uninjured hand. He did and threw it on the floor leaving himself in his boxers. Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, he is familiar with his lover's habit.
He is about to remove his sling. "Don't!" Harry interrupts.
"I need to change. It smells like shit from the hospital."
Louis removes his sling carefully and tries to pull his shirt up but it was difficult with one hand.
Harry glares at his boyfriend, knowing he won't ask for his help so he just goes to him and kneels down in front of him. Carefully grabbing the hem of his shirt and helping in the process making sure not to make his wrist jerk in any way.
Now the shirt is finally off. Harry stands up taking Louis's shirt and his pants, which he threw on the floor not too long ago. He puts it aside. 
Louis just watches him like a child, shifting the fringes on his forehead to the side. 
Harry takes out his grey tshirt, which is obviously big for Louis. Walking back, and kneeling down he puts the fresh shirt on him. It wasn't typical like before as the shirt was big and loose. He then put on his sling. 
Still kneeling down, Harry stares at Louis, who was sitting on the bed, staring back at him. 
"Look, I'm not sorry, " Louis starts. "Because I didn't know this would happen. But if I had known and still decided to race and broke my wrist anyway, then maybe I would've apol-" Harry stops him from rambling by cupping his face with his hands and putting his thumb on his lips.
"There's nothing to be sorry about." He says, caressing under his lower lip with his thumb. "I know that you take jokes but there's no need of proving anything to those people. They just like seeing you annoyed."
True. His sarcastic humour and hilarious comebacks would've been enough for them. 
After a moment, Harry brings his face closer to him and kisses him on his lips, their nose nudges. Louis kisses him back softly and sighs as they pull away. 
"I'll make you some tea." They both stare into each other's eyes again. 
"I'm sorry.." Louis says, pursing his lips when he sees Harry frowning. "We had to cancel our evening trip to the flower shop because of me."
oh, the little evening trip to the flower shop. Harry smiles, knowing that he's genuinely sorry. 
Louis knows how much Harry likes to visit random stores and places such as flower shops, books and stationery stores even if he doesn't make much purchases, he just likes to admire such places and stuff. It's peace for him and Louis always likes to accompany his man. 
"it's not your fault… and we can do that any other time." Harry pecks his lips again. Standing up, he walks to the kitchen and Louis follows him.
Harry sets the kettle on the stove and begins making tea while Louis sits on one of the stools near the counter. Harry serves his homemade cookies on a plate and sets it in front of Louis.
They were talking when they heard a mewl sound, making their heads turn towards the tiny kitten. She crawls near Harry's feet and starts snuggling into it.
"Aye kitty, saw you after a long day." Harry crouches down and picks the little creature in his hands. Harry did come back to check up on her when Louis was at the hospital.
"This lil' shit!" Louis rolls his eyes as the kitten comes into his view.
"Loueh!" Harry scolds him, softly.
"You know I don't like her, we brought her here just because you wanted."
"At Least don't call her such names." murmures Harry. "Just look at her," He brings the cat near louis' face.
"Keep her away from me." Louis turns his face away, making a look of disgust as Harry laughs, pulling the kitten back.
"She's gonna be a great company during your broken wrist phase."
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Harry is done writing in his journal for today. He keeps it inside his closet and walks in the living room to find Louis sitting on the couch watching some unknown entertainment on TV. But what surprises him the most is the kitten sitting on his lap. Harry squints his eyes on the cat to see one of her tiny legs covered in a gauze.
"What am I missing?" Harry asks, surprised.
"Well, she is a great company and… is cute." Louis runs his uninjured hand over the cat's little but soft furry head.
"Told ya, didn't I?" Harry sits next to Louis. "And what happened to your leg?" He asks the cat.
The cat lifts her gauze covered leg and looks at Harry, making her usual sounds.
"We were just bored so I did it." He looks down at her and smiles "yeah, blue?" Who replies with a meow.
"That's her name."
"Why blue, though?"
"Because…" Louis shrugs. "She likes the colour of my eyes."
"Okay, now how do you know?" Harry turns his body to him, getting amused by this conversation.
"Because She kept our eye contact without breaking it at any point."
"Oh really?" Harry chuckles and shakes his head "so you thought she likes the colour blue?"
"yeah, she even likes it when I flip her off." Louis adds, making Harry laugh even more.
"I'm serious! you don't believe me? well...look at this." Louis puts his middle finger right in front of her face and she takes a hold of his mid finger with her front legs and snuggles her face in his hand. 
Harry covers his face with his hands, he can't stop laughing.
He cups Louis's face from the side and kisses him on his cheekbone. He presses his cheeks against louis' and they both smile down at their kitten, blue.
The 3 of them got busy as the TV was already being ignored for a long time.
thank you for reading <3
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