#Extra Strength Metabolism
Dominate the Diabetes
Glucose: A Powerful Ally in My Diabetes Management.
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I've been battling type 2 diabetes for a few years now, and it can be a constant struggle. I've tried various methods to manage my blood sugar levels, but nothing seemed to give me the consistent results I craved. That is, until I discovered Gluconite.
Taking Control of My Blood Sugar
Gluconite is a natural supplement specifically formulated to support healthy blood sugar levels. Since incorporating it into my routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in how my body regulates sugar. My blood sugar readings are far more stable now, and I experience fewer spikes throughout the day. This newfound control has given me a much greater sense of well-being and confidence.
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What truly impressed me about Gluconite is its focus on natural ingredients. Unlike some medications that can come with a laundry list of side effects, Gluconite utilizes a blend of herbs and vitamins known for their beneficial properties. This natural approach gives me peace of mind, knowing I'm supporting my body in a healthy way.
Feeling Energised and Revitalised
Managing diabetes often leads to fatigue and sluggishness. However, since using Gluconite, I've noticed a remarkable boost in my energy levels. I feel more revitalised throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my daily activities with renewed vigour. This newfound energy has significantly improved my overall quality of life.
A Valuable addition to My Diabetes Management Toolkit
Gluconite isn't a magic bullet, but it has undoubtedly become a valuable asset in my diabetes management toolbox. It has helped me achieve better blood sugar control, increased my energy levels, and provided a natural approach to managing my condition. If you're searching for a way to take charge of your diabetes and experience the benefits of natural support, I highly recommend giving Gluconite a try
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ricomola · 1 year
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A redraw of the latests stenka squad merch bc I keep thinking about these guys having different body compositions.
🌲 Hero type, pretty shredded from high metabolism. 🐻 Built fat. Muscular but also gained fat from those extra meals :3 🌙 Built. It's mostly due to training and genetics rather than diet (he's always had good physical health). 🎏 Moderate muscle and healthy fat. His training is focused on strength instead of mass gain.
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
DC Santa is a troll so when he knows he's going to die and he sends his powers to the young heroes he knows he's about to traumatize, he tweaks things just a little, he's got the time after all, he goes all over the world in a night, the comet is in slow motion to him, not that he'd move, and these little chaotic gremlins have been so good despite everything life has thrown at him and he really owes them quite a backlog of gifts
While Santa may go to apocalypse every year, he goes nowhere near Gotham
To Tim, Tim knows everyone's deepest desire with a look, this ability is especially effective in December. Tim becomes the master of picking out the best holiday and birthday presents
Cassie can speak and understand ALL the languages she comes across
People now automatically have some level of trust towards Greta, know that she's a nice person who would protect them to the best of her ability, had she stayed in the superhero community, she would have attained dick grayson levels of trust among the other capes
Kon has a sense of who's on the naughty list and who's on the nice list, makes it easier to steer away from creepers now who would take advantage of him since it's not like he has a grown up to help him figure that out
Bart is even faster and yet his metabolism is evened out a bit, he's less desperately hungry all the time, can get away with just snacks instead of eating an entire all you can eat buffet, though he's still capable of that, and he has even more of a sweet tooth than before
Slobo is capable of lifting even more than Lobo, the sort of strength and balance one would need to carry a sack filled with presents for the world, or the universe
Anita gets a knack for Christmas magic, the little illusions that bring a little extra joy to a person's life and when she and Tim collaborate they find they can put into motion butterfly effects, tiny actions that cause huge, joyous results, and Anita's gingerbread houses never rot
Cissie gets the anonymity, there are so many Santas but no one could ever tell you which one is real, in the future she never has to worry about someone connection her heroic past to her civilian present, except for her friends of course
I love this AU/hc so much, and how you included more than just the core four for it.
For Tim, I know he's absolutely using that power of his for no good. He uses it to make villains (and some Bats) cry when he mentions or even gets them their deepest desire. I am curious if the deepest desire is only for physical stuff or for the unattainable too (like I bet Dick would love to do a Flying Graysons routine with his parents one more time).
I love Cassie's cause she probably freaks the JL out when she starts speaking thr same dialect of an alien species no one has even heard of before.
Greta's is perfect. I hope she finds lots of use for it in her retirement. I would love a spin off of her just utilizing that power when she goes to college, gets a job, etc.
Kon's makes me want to cry. It's amazing for him, but the reasoning is so sad. I hope YJ is able to help him and that he's better able to take care of himself with this.
I like to imagine Anita's parents/kids looking up to her in amazement as her gingerbread house still stays standing after 5 months.
I'm glad Bart has more choice in his need to eat. Tim probably helps him by buying lots of food, but it's nice that Bart, in this AU, doesn't have to constantly be eating as much.
I don't know as much about Slobo (which is a damn right shame), but it seems DC did him dirty (something about him slowly dying and then sacrificing himself???). Anyways, I hope his strength helps him feel more reassured with himself and confident. I hope he can use it to uplift those he cares about.
Cissie's sounds great. There's tons of stories about the price of fame being a lack of privacy. With this, maybe she'll be able to have a normal life as well
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sciderman · 3 months
Quick Question, does Wade need to eat, as in is eating necessary for his survival need to eat? Forgive me if I'm wrong but in my head the way his powers work is all of his cells dying and regrowing all at once, so he wouldn't really need to eat because of that, the newly alive cells already have the energy/nutrients/etc etc. that food provides. Not sure if I'm reading him wrong but I imagine eating might actually make him sick? If they're all regrowing and dying I don't imagine they're actually working to digest the food he's eating, so it would stay there for a lot longer than is probably healthy. It would probably cause all sorts of digestive problems? Please correct if I'm wrong but in my head that's a cause of why he has a low metabolism and that lovely extra cushion, just very curious. <3
i think you might be putting a little too much thought into it,, the comics certainly don't put that much thought into it. wade eats, like any normal guy. in fact, i think it's been mentioned a few times that the reason wade is so high-appetite a lot of the time is because he needs it to heal. just like normal humans. i don't think his body, in the way it's described, works all too differently than ordinary humans do. except that his skin and brain are in constant flux. i know that on paper, they say his entire body is in flux, whatever that means, but, functionally, it's just his brain and his skin. if we thought about all the ramifications of his entire body being in flux, well, that's just about as good of a time as thinking about how ben grimm's organs work now that he's made out of rock. how does he digest food? he still eats! generally, when posed the question, it's shown that, actually, it's just his skin that's rock and his organs are still fleshy and pink underneath. (i don't like to think about it, so we don't think about it.)
i think the way i approach wade - which, you know, definitely isn't how most people approach him - is that, on terms of abilities he's basically normal. he isn't low metabolism, he's pretty normal. pretty average. he's getting soft in places the same way any man his age with his diet would. it's just that in typical circumstances, his body would be healing from injuries and he'd be, you know, fighting, doing backflips. doing whatever this is.
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his metabolism works in overtime when he's pushing his body to the limit. when he's healing from injuries. since he's not doing deadpool stuff, his body is getting all soft. in the way any normal human who is not doing backflips and healing from injuries might.
in a same vein, i know his wiki says "super strength, stamina" yadda yadda, but i don't think so. i think, sure, he's definitely capable of feats of strength and stamina that no normal human would be capable of, but not because he physically is that strong but - that he can push his body beyond what normal humans can, because a normal human worries that if they push themselves beyond their limits they'll suffer injury. but wade doesn't care how many muscles he pulls or bones he breaks. so a normal human couldn't stop a helicopter with sheer strength without sustaining irreparable damage. but wade can. not because he's, like, as strong as spider-man, but because he can take the damage.
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i think that's why i kind of write peter as being kind of wary whenever wade says something is "n.b.d" because he knows wade isn't super-strong, and things aren't actually "n.b.d", and that it costs wade just as much as it would cost any normal human, it's just that wade's convinced that he'll heal. ergo, no big deal.
peter knows wade tries to diminish the strain that he's under, and doesn't like peter to know just how much harm or pain he's feeling - whether it be physical or emotional. but peter knows that wade suffers. just as much, or more than any normal, frail, not-blessed-by-spider-bite human being. and so peter tries to protect wade, just as much as he would any normal, frail, not-blessed-by-spider-bite human being. healing factor or non.
i do think the thing that keeps wade's healing factor fighting so hard is that it constantly has something to fight. i think, in my head - in a way that some might think is tragic, but others might think is bittersweet, that if wade doesn't keep exerting himself to his limits and having to heal from physical injuries and, say, decides to retire and live a normal, docile life where he's not putting himself into the line of fire all the time then - well, his healing factor, not having to work so hard, eventually starts to slow down in the same way his metabolism does. his body doesn't have to fight so hard anymore. it gets lazy. he puts on weight, he ages. like any normal human guy. he grows old. the cancer does, eventually, beat out his healing factor. he dies. like any normal human man.
BUT! if he DOES have to put the suit back on, and get back into form for any reason, to say, i don't know, protect eleanor from her inevitable stupid future superhero shenanigans, then i'm sure his drive to be an unbearable dad for his daughter for the rest of all time will keep him from dying a slow, humble death.
RIP to peter, though, eventually. (though i do think, with his spider-longevity, peter could live well into his 100s. I think he'd look amazing, even in his 70s. like cher. (if he doesn't get his stupid ass killed prematurely.)
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
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Falling victim to madness in the Chilaios Discord part one (with a link to the post mentioned at the end). Part 2 linked here (note: slightly more nsfw text). Transcript below cut.
A Discord conversation between three discord users - us, nicknamed Speculative Vore Cookbook, Cup of Chilaios Soup, and Oh Kay! (wormlette).
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Experiencing the impulse to rewrite the changeling chapters for fun and profit. Do you think that considering that half-foots apparently see dwarves as Extremely Attractive Laios sparks some kind of Thing in Chilchuck as a dwarf
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Listen considering Us there will be spec bio about this but. Listen. Since we've been doing the species as "uncanny-valley-type not quite Like You" for the most part with just a little bit of increased compatibility within "families". Do you think that it would be fun if he can suddenly see all of Laios's features in this new light of this particular species. Where all of the tallman features abruptly come into focus in a format far more recognizable and all of a sudden he can draw some Very Certain Lines to someone who is abruptly several times more recognizably attractive rather than, like, would be very attractive if it weren't for the subtle distortion of species.
Cup of Chilaios soup: my third eye has opened
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Do you think being a tallman himself would help with that? An abrupt distortion of the brain. Do you think he would be able to draw back those memories to abruptly have the uncanny-valley barrier splinter under the force of, y'know, he knows precisely what that translates to, and with the added perspective it seems much less alien, and much more "for the love of god he's not supposed to be getting crushes on the job"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We need to make elves Weirder for this also. They're like the only race on the chart right now that Doesn't have a close-relation group where things like attraction translate more easily we need to make them more fucked up Absently rotating the idea of dwarves having an excellent sense of smell compared to their other close relatives both for enhancing their appreciation for Good Food (a surprising amount of taste is tied up in your sense of smell) and for underground navigation & communication And Laios will absolutely be Weird About It
Cup of Chilaios soup: Laios: wow Chilchuck why do you smell so breedable (gets crushed by a rock)
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Walks up to Chilchuck and starts sniffing him unprompted so he can deliver a food-critic review of his scent Breedable waits for whenever we actually get ourself to do sex pollen heatfic and can also do cool spec bio stuff but like with reproductive cycles Still rotating the idea of making DM tallmen Weirder. We already know they're taller than IRL humans we need to add like some extra fuckshit in there We've got to do the speculative biology first you see. Make it more fucked up. We've already set it up so they're fairly closely related to orcs we might as well add some fantasy bullshit in there.
Cup of Chilaios soup: Tallmen have slower metabolisms maybe? And they need to at A Lot to support their mass? You are so correct eat A Lot*
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to initial message): wait hold on holy fuck man.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: So far what we have for them as their Thing They're Known for is like. Endurance. Tallmen Specifically are known to be able to walk for hours without growing too tired. Not quite as strong as orcs or ogres, of course, but they're tall enough that they practically eat up ground with every stride, and they just don't stop moving.
Cup of Chilaios soup: passing the braincell around like it's a joint KINGS OF TIRING THEIR PREY OUT
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Orcs and ogres are ofc known for their brutal strength, which is Significantly Less Pronounced in humans - but all that strength burns energy, and they'll tire out far faster. Humans just keep going, far beyond what they really should be capable of.
Cup of Chilaios soup: guys who will climb a fcking mountain and be like ":D wanna walk back to town on foot"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that the Big Thing People Know for elves would be their magic but we think that the magic thing is less about being naturally predisposed to it or whatever and more on the fact that enough of their society circles around it that pretty much any elf you meet's been deliberately raised to cultivate their magic, We think that their actual primary feature, like, physically, would be like. We're basing them on ungulates, right? Elves have long, willowy limbs, especially compared to their bodies. Look very graceful as adults who have had centuries of experience walking around and like wretched ganglebeasts at any point when they haven't gotten the hang of it yet. ABSURDLY fast in a sprint, because those long-ass legs are useful for Something, and that Something is being on runnable stilts. Not much stamina, though. (we are returning to this because we are fond of Marcille and we want her to be, like, Weird but in a way where they pass it off as Normal Elf Weird until the Changeling Thing happens and they have to cope with the fact that actually, elves are way weirder, and Marcille is weird in how close she is to other races as opposed to. Uhh. That Fucking Setup
Speculative Vore Cookbook (replying to Cup of Chilaios soup": "guys who will climb a fcking mountain"): Tallmen will climb a mountain carrying equipment on their back and need like a thirty minute breather tops before they're back up and at it like "okay now time to go down the other side" We think it's fun if it's a thing like the half-foot/dwarf/gnome cluster's enhanced senses, where the Absurd Stamina is part of what their other close relations have going for them, but whereas orcs and ogres have it to a Reasonable degree, Tallmen specialize really hard into doing this One Thing and get it in spades. Much like how half-foots spent all of their stat points in their ridiculously sensitive senses, to the detriment of things like strength and durability, tallmen have stupid amounts of stamina. Don't have to be as strong as your close relatives when you can simply outlast them!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to Speculative Vore Cookbook "returning to this because we are fond of Marcille): really like learning abt elf weirdness in the context of marcille, specifically as a half elf. really liked how that reveal was handled, since fionil is also a half-elf i didnt notice for a LONG time that she was perhaps different than other elves. i really like that!!! tall-men just have a lot of stamina. basically canon re: how much shit laios carries around. particularly in a good dog RIP they're like. alaskan mal specced. they just keep going and going forever
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that her, like, subtly softer features and such get Very Fun especially with the potential familiarity aspect vs what full elves have going on if we go full weird on elves because we fucking love how Absolutely Fucked ungulate anatomy is and it scratches a little itch in the back of our brain to let the Graceful Forest People overlap with, like. You Know The Specific Flavor Of Creepypasta Beast
Oh Kay! (wormlette): ^forever comparing everything to dog breeds
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We casually mention that Falin's wrist bones are shorter than elf wrist bones in Drain Your Well Dry and we really need to elaborate on that some day Marcille is like the shetland pony of elves in that she's got like WAY more just… bulk, compared to an elf that's normally like 98% gangle 2% meat And she's still, like, insanely boney compared to human standards. We like to think she has the build of a greyhound. Insanely long for no reason.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "casually mentioned Falin's wrist bones are shorter): I NOTICED!!! I LUV THAT… marcille studying ennervation and everything… it kills me… i always thought of her as so carefree looking in her little spellbook and walking around and now im haunted by like. how much of it was her studying human anatomy for what she feared was inevitable!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "like to think she has the build of a greyhound"): oh yeaaaag sighthound build would be GOOD for elves.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: But she still looks… More Similar To Other Races, y'know. You can see the similarities to her and other races and it makes it a tiny bit easier to slowly feel more at ease around her. Elves are weird and you don't see them often, but y'know, you've been around This One Elf long enough to start picking up on stuff, y'know? She's not that different from you, when it comes down to it, and sure she's a bit childish but that's probably normal for longer-lived races who're in the first halves of their lives, honestly. Aging slower and all. You can draw the lines if you pay enough attention, you've spent enough time socializing with other species that you can figure out the basic key, and though there are some things in there that really throw you off, as with any other race, it's not like you're handling an entirely new skull structure like with kobolds, right? It's readable, with enough time. Similar enough to tallmen that you can use your experience there and then fill in the gaps. And then you meet full-blooded elves when the Canaries come knocking and these guys are WAY more offputting than you thought actually. What the fuck is up with them? What the hell?
Cup of Chilaios soup: They have the reflective deer eyes from those horror edits
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Putting elves as a weird isolated branch in the humanoid evolution tree was a galaxy brain decision for us tbh. Their whole Weird Superiority Thing very much gets worse when they're the only people who don't have close relatives they can reference from. The other long-lived races seem to mingle FAR easier than them, and though we know it's The Attitude and such, it's fun to make them just… offputting.
Oh Kay! (wormlette): your miiiind
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "not like reading an entirely new skull structure like kobolds): btw dont you love the thingie about kobolds having a vocal chord structure that doesnt realy support them speaking common. so no matter how smart they are they seem "animalistic" to humans. i love that a lot it's like. hmm. i really like when it's not body horror by itself but put into a societal context, it BECOMES horrifying. u know? it would be fine. except the dehumanization it leads to
Speculative Vore Cookbook: YESSSS it slaps so hard. We think that there should be more bonus subtle differences with just random other races we think it's SO fun when biology fucks you over just as firmly as society.
Cup of Chilaios soup: SO TRUE KAY Rotating all these thoughts in my mind
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's not that something is wrong with you. It's that you weren't built for this world the same way that everyone else was.
Cup of Chilaios soup: The parallels,,,,, the themes,,,,, Biting my leg
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Anyways do you think that part of the reason Kabru is so Like That is because he went from normal human body language to a bunch of elves with the same general bauplan but next to no shared body language vocabulary, Do you think he had to like manually learn how elves express social emotions with a race so isolated that they're probably developing whole separate methods of socialization completely divorced from anything the short-lived races even do and then had to relearn how to act like a Human when he went back into the world.
Cup of Chilaios soup: OH MY GOD Also sorry but Idk how far some of the peeps reading the manga are, perhaps it would be nice to spoiler the Kabru thing:0 BUT I AGREE THIS IS SCRATCHING MY BRAIN KABRU MY BELOVED THIS HEADCANON IS SUCH GOOD BRAIN FOOD
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We love making fantasy races like just a little bit more fucked up
Cup of Chilaios soup: As you should!!!!!!!
Speculative Vore Cookbook: TBH it widens the gap between species if they're, like, similar enough that you think you Should be able to interpret the signals they're giving off because they look Just Similar Enough that they should emote and socialize and such like you, right? But the similarity is, as they say, mostly just skin-deep, because it does so much more to widen cultural differences when the cultures also work on different biology. Anyways we think half-foot communities should be really dense in population because they descended from an ancestor with the Meerkat Strategy of having a fuckton of people with very sharp senses all looking out for the same colony in such a way where there's always at least one person awake to raise the alarm and we think it's fun if half-foots are set up for a significantly more tactile & densely-populated community than most other species.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "part of the reason Kabru is so Like That): I DO. I DO THINK THAT. DO YOU THINK THAT tallman socialization feels so coarse and simple and easy-to-read by comparison.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's cool & fun if Chilchuck has to deliberately avoid almost all forms of touch to avoid being demeaned and seen as Lesser And Childish while also being wired to have like minimum five hours of skin contact with colony members per day tbh. Touch starve that man in ways that are difficult to understand for his party that he will actively have to muffle if he wants to be taken Seriously because most other races see it as Childish to cling
Speculative Vore Cookbook (quoting Oh Kay "I DO THINK THAT"): YES and we think it's very fun if him having to manually relearn tallman socialization also makes it so he finds it easier to interpret other races because he already has to like work out what Everyone's thinking from a pre-prepped body language dictionary and it's just so much easier to interpret when he doesn't have to re-invent the wheel every time
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "childish to cling": @_@ im so FUCKING normal
Speculative Vore Cookbook: :333 The changeling chapter constantly lives rent-free in our brain we think it's fun if like anyone who gets half-footed starts experiencing the intense skin hunger cravings like less than an hour in and have no idea what the Fuck it is because they've never lived in a body made to be that Social before and Chilchuck has to like take over to offer a bit of touch even if it's undignified since. Y'know. He knows how it feels. No reason to subject them to that, even if it's gonna cost a bit of dignity. It'll cost them more dignity if they start freaking out over it. It's efficient :333 Dealing with senses cranked up so high that you can tell when someone's moving around clear on the other side of the building probably makes it a whole lot harder to handle even More stimuli in a normal and dignified manner Something something we're grabbing a cool post we made
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Welcome back! :D
So I just read the papa Hercules and daughter Mitsuri headcanons and is it possible if you can do another crossover but this time Mitsuri being the daughter of Hades and a Persephone!Reader?.
I understand if you can't and I hope you had a wonderful vacation!
-The day you were born was the day the underworld kingdom was full of joy, celebration, and life, and it was one of the few times in his life, that Hades wept tears of joy.
-It was also the day that Hades realized what responsibilities came with having a daughter. Persephone on the other hand was much calmer, but she was amused to see Hades being so protective about you.
-As you grew, they realized that you were extra special, as your strength rivaled Hercules’ own by the time you were five, something your much older cousin loved and found amusing, and your hair became a bright combination of pink and green, similar to the beautiful flowers your mother grew, but your father thinks it’s from you constantly eating Sakura Mochi, your favorite food, but either way it made you look adorable.
-Speaking of eating, Hades was stunned, but not at all bothered, by your appetite which was tremendous, being able to eat multiple portions in one sitting.
-When you were old enough for a checkup with the doctors of Valhalla, the three of you learned that your strength and appetite went hand in hand and weren’t actually part of your goddess abilities. Your muscles were extremely dense, giving you your strength, and due to them being so dense, your metabolism was very high which led to your large appetite.
-Your parents were supportive and very protective of you, both of them fiercely defended you when someone would insult your appetite or unnatural strength or your oddball hair color.
-Hades wouldn’t hesitate to pull out his bident and threaten those who insulted you, having to be pulled back, usually by Persephone, but as you grew older, your mother grew more protective of you, as she wanted to raise you with happiness and freedom, choosing a different path from her mother, but if someone insulted you and if you cried especially, she would be the attacking force while you and Hades hugged each other, terrified of your mother.
-As you grew older, you blossomed into a stunning beauty, even your aunt Aphrodite said so, in awe of your refreshing, natural beauty.
-This came with new problems for the king of the underworld, suitors come from all over Valhalla to ask for the princess’s hand, all of which were refused of course, because in Hades’ eyes, there is nobody good enough for you.
-Persephone tried to talk to him about this, as you were at that age where you were curious about boys, and Hades chasing them all off were making things hard for you.
-Hades was firm and determined, not willing to lose his precious little princess to anyone!!
-It was your mother who introduced you to a nice young man, a minor snake god, named Obanai, who was stunned by your sweet and gentle nature, your stunning good looks, and that you weren’t scared of him at all.
-Persephone wanted you to be happy and she was willing to run interference with Hades while you and Obanai got to know each other.
-She would be your support if things moved forward and you wanted to introduce Obanai to your parents, something you warned Obanai about early on.
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pishifuzul · 11 days
agree w the last anon, ur gym posts are inspiring!! the info abt eating is genuinely new to me, i thought the protein powder was just.idk. for bodybuilders. and u saying it's just normal to eat it for muscle gain?? like that's something u need to do if u wanna gain muscle at all??? life changing info. i thought i didn't gain muscle just bc of genetics or something. in retrospect it makes sense!! ofc we need extra protein to bulk up! but somehow i never made the connection
there are, of course, going to be endogenous differences in tendency toward muscle development between people that make it easier for some to put on muscle than others, but there are really only two things to understand for the biomechanics of muscle development:
muscle is metabolically expensive. it requires a constant supply of protein to maintain (let alone build), and on evolutionary timescales protein has been a much harder macronutrient to acquire than carbs or fat. the body's maintenance of metabolic balance means that muscle mass is always going to be kept as low as is judged (forgive the lamarckian idiom) adaptively necessary. in other words: bodies typically don't just put on muscle, and they will sacrifice it before digging into other reserves of energy.
the body responds adaptively to mechanical stimulation. if a muscle is repeatedly used up to its limit, the microscopic damage and increased stimulation that this entails encourages more resources to be dedicated to the development of that muscle, if these resources (protein!!) are available. this is the body recognizing (again, forgive the idiom) that strength is needed, and therefore that it must be built. but it will only be built and maintained so long as that near-limit stimulation and metabolic supply is a regular occurence, because if it is not—see #1 above
in short: the body maintains musculature as a function of the mechanical demands (work, tension, weight) placed on it and the metabolic resources (sleep, calories, protein) made available to it
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝕽𝖊𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊
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July 26 - December 29, 2024
Chiron, the asteroid, is named after Chiron, the centaur, and the story of Chiron can help us to understand the energy it radiates.
The myth goes that Chiron was abandoned at birth and left to fend for itself. Chiron was unwanted and unloved, but it was through this painful wound of abandonment and difficult upbringing that he was able to rise up and turn his wounds into powerful portals of healing.
It was Chiron’s wounds that paved the way for his role as a powerful healer, teacher, psychic, and philosopher.
Chiron was able to take his wounds and allow them to guide him in the direction of power. Chiron knew his wounds would never leave him, but he allowed them to become portals of wisdom, compassion, and learning. This is why Chiron is referred to as the wounded healer.
Chiron travels retrograde from July 26 to December 29, 2024, in the sign of Aries. Chiron spends around five months of the year in retrograde, so this is a natural part of its cycle. However, what makes this retrograde extra noteworthy is the addition of Eris.
Eris is known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife, and while that name seems a lot to live up to, Eris highlights discord in our lives so we can create harmony. Eris is considered the sister to Mars, so she carries a similar energetic imprint. She is fearless, doesn’t care what others think, and has been linked to many women’s rights movements.
Eris and Chiron traveling so close together is going to shape how we experience both these retrogrades. Chiron Retrograde is generally a very healing time when we can go back through our wounds of the past and find ways to better manage and cope with them. The addition of Eris will perhaps give this healing journey more strength and fire. We may find that we are called to stand up for ourselves, put on our warrior masks, and perhaps even confront something or someone who has held power over us.
Chiron’s role in astrology is pretty profound. As “the wounded healer,” its job is to reveal our personal and collective pain and guide us toward a high-vibe transformation. Looking within can be hard, but it’s worth it! Chiron may hold the key to your alchemical gifts, but to access them, you must turn inward and push past your own stumbling blocks.
Chiron in Aries reveals where fear of conflict is keeping you stuck in self-destructive patterns. Conversations about generational trauma, healthy boundaries, attachment styles and other personal psychology. Simultaneously, you may be processing family trauma along with anger and grief you never fully metabolized. Pull back from triggering situations as needed. The Chiron retrograde in Aries is a great time to do deep work with professional practitioners, both traditional and mystical.
This passage forces us to introspect, study our own boundaries and responses to the triggering stimuli.
In conclusion, the Chiron retrograde transit of 2024 offers an opportunity for profound healing and growth in all areas of life. By confronting and addressing old wounds with courage and self-awareness, individuals can pave the way for greater self-acceptance, transformation, and personal fulfillment along their journey of self-discovery.
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sterekchub · 1 month
Scott’s hunger as Alpha grows more as he swells and grows. Influence encouraging the town to pamper him as he eats and grows. Towering taller as his werewolf strength keeps him mobile even when he outsizes a truck.
Totally tracks with Scott and his True Alpha complex. Between Derek telling him the bite is a gift and all the supernatural beings seemingly in awe that he’s a true alpha, and in combination with his new abilities? Scott gets a bit of an ego and a little lazy. He doesn’t need to try hard- he’s a werewolf! (I’m being harsh a bit but I’m admittedly not the biggest fan of Scott)
Derek and Stiles do the work in the background assisted by Parish and the Sheriff- but it looks better to give the credit to Scott. The crime record free, all American hometown hero teenage werewolf. So naturally, he’s getting showered in free meals or “extra generous” portions.
And I refuse to believe Stiles wouldn’t absolutely trying putting Scott’s werewolf appetite to the test. Just to see if he buys 5 pizzas and leaves them near Scott? They all slowly disappear even though Scott said he wasn’t hungry.
Or Scott during college knowing he can’t get drunk- enjoys showing off how many kegs of beer he can finish, chugging and chugging until his belly is stretched and sloshing.
So naturally- despite a werewolf metabolism- he blimps up. “Mobile” is a strong word- I would say with Scott? Barely mobile at best. Because sure, the werewolf strength helps a ton- if Scott can lift a car, he can lift his belly to waddle around!
But it doesn’t happen overnight. I feel like the werewolf strength and healing kicks in when it’s needed. Meaning Scott gets to the “belly hanging to his knees, waddling around slowly and complaining his thighs rub together” and then he wakes up a few inches taller.
Which really gives him the green light to gain more. And the wider and taller Scott gets, the more doorways and restaurant booths and cars he’s stuck in.
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growingstories · 1 year
Part 2: Jack, star of the field, the making of (NEW PICTURES)
Once a successful 40-year-old football coach, Johnson found himself divorced and seeking a new purpose in life. His passion for the game burned strong, but it was his desire to nurture and shape young talent that led him down an unexpected path.
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One day, news broke about a promising young football player named Jack, who possessed immense potential but struggled with gaining weight and building strength. Johnson saw this as an opportunity to not only help Jack fulfill his dreams but also reign to his own coaching career.
Coach Johnson approached Jack's parents and proposed an unorthodox plan. He would take Jack into his own home, dedicating his time and effort to guide the young athlete towards success. Without persuasion, Jack's parents agreed, recognizing the dedication and expertise Coach Johnson carried.
The first few weeks were rigorous for both Johnson and Jack. They followed the same fitness routines, pushing their limits to improve strength and endurance. Coach Johnson was with Jack every step of the way, providing guidance and motivation. But lost track on his own fitness and food intake.
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However, as time went by, Coach Johnson found himself overwhelmed with coaching responsibilities. Balancing his professional duties with personal goals became increasingly challenging. Recognizing the importance of Jack's development, Coach Johnson refused to back down and kept pushing Jack by leading by example.
Determined to help Jack reach his full potential, Coach Johnson immersed himself in research, seeking alternative methods to support Jack's weight gain. He discovered that nutrition played a vital role in building muscle. Thus, he decided to take matters into his own hands and adopt a new approach.
Coach Johnson started cooking larger and more nutritious meals both for himself and Jack. He dove headfirst into understanding meal plans, caloric intake, and macutronrient ratios. With every meal, he aimed to provide Jack with the right nutrients to support his growth and with Jack’s also his own…
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The consequences of Coach Johnson's new focus on food started to manifest in his own body. As a 40-year-old, his metabolism had slowed, making it more difficult to shed extra pounds. With his attention primarily on Jack's progress, Coach Johnson gains were very noticeable, especially as he was used to parade his chiseled upperbody shirtless on the trainingfield. The gains were so fast that he was still blind for it himself. Eventhough he started to be out of breath fast which he blamed on the heath.
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Over time, Jack football's career flourished, thanks to Coach Johnson's dedication and their shared efforts. From being a scrawny athlete struggling to gain weight, Jack transformed into a professional player determined to leave his mark on the sport.
But as Jack celebrated his accomplishments Coach, Johnson faced a different reality. He had gained 50 pounds during their journey, inadvertently sacrificing his own fitness and health for the sake of Jack's growth.
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Jack, now aware of the toll it had taken on his mentor, expressed his gratitude and shared his intentions of taking care of Coach Johnson. Inspired by his own transformation, Jack took it upon himself to help Coach Johnson regain his health.
Together, they developed a new fitness routine for Coach Johnson, focusing on weight loss and overall well-being. Jack's understanding of fitness and nutrition, honed through his own journey, gave him the tools to support Coach Johnson's reclamation of himself.
Months passed, and with Jack's guidance and unwavering support, Coach Johnson gradually shed the weight excess he had gained. As he found himself reclaiming his physical and mental strength, Coach Johnson realized how intertwined their journeys had been. But no matter how hard he tried, he never lost the last few pounds…
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themculibrary · 4 months
Flash Thompson Redemption Masterlist
A Soft Place to Land (ao3) - Ink_Vault betty/ned, flash/peter N/R, 98k
Summary: "With great power comes great responsibility." Yeah, right. More like, with great power comes stab wounds and bloody sheets and a hero complex that could take down even the strongest of men. And Peter, well, he isn't the strongest of men. Not to mention that Peter's hero complex doesn't exactly extend to himself.
May still doesn’t know that he’s Spiderman. Because of this, she also doesn’t know about his increased metabolism, hunger, strength, sensitivity, everything. He didn’t really notice, for the first few weeks, until he hears May on the phone with one of her work friends discussing how she didn’t realize how much teenage boys eat. Peter immediately stopped eating.
Flash knows something is up. He knows the signs, or at least he thinks he does. And he's going to get to the bottom of things, one way or another.
Bad Reactions (ao3) - orphan_account M, 5k
Summary: Flash finds Peter mid-panic attack, and for once, isn't an idiot about it.
don't you forget about me (ao3) - OnlyForward G, 8k
Summary: peter parker, ned leeds, michelle “mj" jones, cindy moon & flash thompson are all in school for saturday detention. as secrets get spilled, they get to know each other a lot better over the course of the nine hour day.
aka the breakfast club but midtown high edition
end of beginning (ao3) - webss312 mentioned peter/mj, pepper/tony G, 126k
Summary: Eight months ago, Spider-Man was killed in an explosion orchestrated by HYDRA, leaving behind his mourning friends and family.
Eight months ago, Peter Parker opened his eyes in an underground bunker, in a room with Director Fury.
The only one who knows of Peter’s continued presence in the land of the living is Fury himself, and he offers Peter a proposal— becoming an undercover SHIELD agent.
Fury's motivation: a HYDRA computer disk containing critical information– and Peter (enhanced, anonymous, and seemingly deceased) is the perfect undercover agent.
Peter’s motivation: protect his friends and family, and continue his duties as Spider-Man, in order to take down one of the most infamous supervillain organizations in the world. No biggie.
Everywhere you go (there’s someone after you) (ao3) - Spider_enthusiast pepper/tony T, 22k
Summary: And just like that Peter’s entire world collapsed. With all his luck, all of the gods, and all of the odds, he got placed with the one person he didn’t want. He turned to Ned and they shared a devastating look.
“Well, what are you all waiting for? Get to work!” Mr Harrison said, spinning his chair back to his desk.
Ned and Peter stood up, both grabbing their things. “We jinxed ourselves.” Ned mumbled.
Peter sighed, “I know.”
Or; Peter is placed in a science project group with Ned and FLASH, just his luck. Now he had to figure out how to get through this project while dealing with Flash’s sudden extra-passive-agressive-ness. What the hell was his problem??
Little did he know Flash wasn’t too excited about this either, especially not while finding files on Peter Parker in his own house. Why the hell did his dad have files about Peter and Spiders at OsCorp? And what the hell was an “enhanced one”??
Flash Thompson, First Aid Extraordinaire (ao3) - angels_creative, Brentinator T, 9k
Summary: Just barely managing to stumble through, Peter had all but a second before his knees buckled and he fell face-first into the rug beneath him. Breathing heavily, he could feel someone placing a hand on his shoulder, someone turning him over, but his eyes had already started to shut and he couldn't figure out who it was.
"Parker?" he heard, before he lost consciousness. "What the f—?"
(Or, Peter tries to get help after being injured on patrol, and accidentally reveals his identity in the process.)
Fosters, Brothers, Friends (ao3) - JAWorley G, 34k
Summary: Flash's parents die and he doesn't have any other family to go to, so he goes into the system. He's upset about his family, but also can't believe his luck when the social worker tells him he's going to be fostered by none other than Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. But then he gets up to the penthouse and is confused as hell to find Peter Parker there.
Flash can’t figure out what Parker’s deal is. He doesn’t understand why Peter has a bedroom in Tony Stark’s house, or why he is there every weekend, or why he gets to spend time in Tony’s lab, but Flash doesn’t. Flash isn’t a bad guy, even if he is sometimes a jerk. He learns that perfection doesn’t equal love, but sometimes imperfection is what makes a family whole. This is an Iron Dad fic through and through, but in an outsider POV format as Flash is discovering what's going on.
how to return home (ao3) - JBSForever T, 10k
Summary: Flash Thompson is a good person, but not a great one, so when Peter Parker accidentally gets drunk at his house party, all he can do is say, “Shit.”
- - -
Or: the one where Flash is just trying to be a decent person and get a drunk Peter home. Peter, on the other hand, has different plans.
Letters I Can Never Send (ao3) - Misscar past peter/mj T, 55k
Summary: Set post NWH.
For the first time in Peter’s life, he is alone. No friends, no May, no other Avengers, and no one that remembers who he is. All he has left is Spider-Man. So he starts over. If he keeps writing letters to May, nobody needs to know. There’s no one for him to tell anyway.
How Peter Parker rebuilds his life one month at a time.
Show Me a Piece of Your Heart (ao3) - happybeans T, 15k
Summary: Peter considers the pros and cons of telling Mr. Stark something important about his past. Meanwhile, he's busy with an investigation as Spider-Man and a Robotics project for which he's been paired up with Flash Thompson, of all people! How's he going to survive this one?
Smiling to the Mirror (ao3) - ambivalentangst G, 5k
Summary: Tony Stark meets Flash Thompson at a formal event neither of them wants to be at. He's not exactly expecting to see himself in the kid dressed to the nines and doing calculus at a back table, but life is full of surprises that way.
He's also not expecting the two of them to have a mutual friend, of sorts, but he's good at rolling with the punches—or knives, as it were.
Or, Tony Stark and Flash Thompson meet without knowing what they have in common, and this leads to some interesting situations.
Under the Surface (ao3) - Dwoality G, 10k
Summary: Flash overworks himself to sickness but luckily Peter, the angel that he is, is there to take care of him.
Walls (ao3) - faerialchemist T, 7k
Summary: “Miss Jones-Watson, you’re partnered with Mr. Thompson.”
Flash’s eyes found hers from across the classroom, and MJ gave him a curt nod to acknowledge their pairing. When his upper lip curled in distaste, she fought the urge to roll her eyes.
MJ was not looking forward to this.
We Can't Have Faith For Everybody (ao3) - Hale13 peter/mj T, 38k
Summary: It starts like this:
MJ and Flash, hands cuffed to each other and Peter, wrists and ankles held to the wall by thick metal cuffs and dangling in a way that’s surely to leave his shoulders aching.
The first week Peter, verbally, gives as good as he gets. He never lashes out physically and always does what their captors want the first time they ask. He still spends most of his time that he is in the cell chained uncomfortably to the wall. After the first week someone, apparently, decides that Peter is weak enough from the constant abuse and malnourishment that he is no longer chained up after his sessions; just dropped unceremoniously onto the dirty floor and left for MJ and Flash to care for.
Peter, Michelle and Flash get kidnapped to get information on Tony Stark.
You Will Be Found (ao3) - faerialchemist T, 13k
Summary: Peter snickered, shaking his head as he tucked his phone into his backpack before Ms. Ricci could catch him with it out in class.
Seriously, though, who would’ve thought?
Maybe “nice” was a word to describe Flash after all.
Or: 5 times Flash made an effort to be better, and 1 time he realized kindness begets kindness. After all, there’s plenty of love in the world for those searching with open arms.
(A Flash Thompson-centric 5+1 set between the events of There’s a Fine, Fine Line and If I’m What You Choose.)
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sappy-witch · 1 year
do you know of any weight loss / metabolism boosting spell/spell jars? i've been trying to lose weight for a year now, and i really need a boost. i don't need a miracle worker, just something to put out into the universe that is something i desire and have been working towards. blessed be! :)
Hello darling 🥰
Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope you’re proud of all the wonderful work you’ve already put in!
While, of course, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, I understand that sometimes we need a little extra help from the universe to reach our goals.
Before I start yammering on, I hope you don’t need reminding that our worth is never determined by our physical embodiment, but what this beautiful temple holds within it. Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat our bodies with the respect and kindness they deserve, so here we go ✨
Here is a simple spell jar recipe that you can try to help boost your metabolism and aid in your weight loss journey:
✨🫙 Metabolism Boosting Spell Jar 🫙✨
1. A small jar with a lid
2. Dried ginger - increases energy, strength, and confidence. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.
3. Dried red pepper flakes - for motivation, courage, and passion, red pepper flakes are believed to bring fiery energy and vitality to a spell. They are also known to have numerous health benefits, including boosting.
4. Dried dandelion root - wish fulfillment and manifestation. Also a powerful diuretic that can aid in weight loss by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to support liver health and digestion.
5. Dried cinnamon - for love, success, and prosperity. It is also believed to have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and boosting brain function.
(Feel free to alter as you see fits - based on your preferences or accessibility)
1. Begin by cleansing your jar by rinsing it with saltwater or leaving it in the light of the full moon for a night.
2. Add a tablespoon of each herb into the jar, visualizing yourself reaching your weight loss goals as you add each ingredient.
3. Close the jar and seal it with the wax of a green candle - a symbol of health. You can also use any other color that resonates with you.
4. Hold the jar in both hands and visualize the energy of the herbs filling the jar and flowing into your body, boosting your metabolism and aiding in weight loss.
5. Place the jar on your altar or another safe space in your home.
I would also recommend focusing on positive affirmations and visualization during your weight loss journey. Try visualizing yourself at your ideal weight, feeling confident and healthy. Repeat affirmations to yourself such as "I am strong and capable of achieving my weight loss goals" or "I release excess weight with ease and joy."
Remember to approach this spell with a positive mindset and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. A spell can be a great tool, but it is not a substitute for hard work and dedication.
And once again, remember to always treat yourself and your body with kindness on your journey towards your health goals. Your worth is not determined by your weight or size, and your body deserves love and care no matter what. Incorporating positive affirmations and self-love rituals into your routine can help shift your mindset towards a more positive and empowering perspective. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy and balanced meals, practicing movement that feels good for you, and celebrating your progress no matter how small.
I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey 💕 Best of luck to you!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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Because I'm thinking about HIM again at 3:30 am:
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Alcohol tolerance? Through the ROOF....and it infuriates him. Beer no longer does what it used to, and now he has to admit he isn't fond of how it tastes, and he and Eddie are too broke to get hard liquor.
Weed? Still works, but only indica blends really work. Sativa speeds up his already over-tuned metabolism, making his body process it before the high even has time to hit, which leads to-
Mushrooms. Due to the nature of the spores from the Upside Down, like it or not, Billy's part of the mycelium network there... which means Psilocybin is an entirely new, incredibly wonderful trip for him- shrooms actually hijack/rewire his internal network for the duration, and it silences the hive mind. It's an equal mix of a good high, and an off switch for the constant whispering in the back of his head.
Heat tolerance? None. Nil. Nada. Anything over 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) has him breaking out in a sweat. During the summer, he's either in the Upside Down, or he's locked himself in the second-hand deep freezer Eddie bought just for the purpose of keeping his monster boyfriend cool- or he's hiding in the morgue while Eddie's working with Gary. (And during the winter, after the first snow, it takes all of Eddie's strength to hold him back from flopping face first into the snow butt ass naked.)
Ridiculous sense of smell- Billy can memorize scent, and can hone in on it better than a bloodhound, with a range of 20-30 miles, similar to a bear. (And like a polar bear... water won't help you shake him.) Like a demogorgon, he can smell blood when he's in the Upside Down, and hone in on it.
The space under his jaw, near where his extra mandibles attach, is very sensitive. Eddie learned this by accident, and witnessed his 14 foot tall monster boyfriend turn into a purring, rumbling puddle.
His face has sensitivity, despite being bare bone- and he loves having his forehead and muzzle stroked/petted. (He loves it when Eddie wraps his arms around his head, so that his chest is pressed against Billy's forehead- he can feel Eddie's heartbeat against the bone and it soothes him.)
In his monster form, Billy has a larynx similar to a male elk, and a set of velar vocal folds, which lets him make some really terrifying sounds to intimidate enemies or threats. (Think combination of an elk bugle and an overlay of a rumbling hiss similar to an alligator) It also allows him to purr/rumble- and he does so a LOT when Eddie pets him.
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
Hi so this is gonna be weird but I need to freak out about ur g/t au. I love it sooo much you have no idea.
I just wanted to ask, since in a tweet you said giant bones are hollow, does this mean they follow bird bone rules? Like hollow but still dense to provide strength?(for example a bird and mammal that are roughly the same size will have a very similar weight despite the mammal having solid bones!)
Also it is believed that hollow bones help with air circulation during flight via pneumatic sacs connected to the respiratory system located in the bones themselves. So (if your giants follow this rule) does this mean they have amazing "lung" capacity? I imagine that their proportional lungs already compensate enough for the oxygen requirement but it is interesting to think about the implications. Being able to hold their breath for longer? Heavily oxygen saturated blood? How buoyant would they be?
Another thing I thought of! You already addressed the calcium requirement, but do your giants also need extra collagen? Since collagen is a primary component in bones and ligaments (and a bunch of other stuff but i need to keep mostly on track) and provides structure to your bones and joint support.
Anyway. That's all for now. Im sorry for the long message. I wish I could blend your AU and drink it. Also science is my jam. Thank you for your content!
this is a super fun ask!! thank you for bouncing biology ideas off of me!!
under a cut bc we get a lil long here:
so, to your first point: i'd like to point out that i'm going off of what we've seen in the past with dinosaurs, wherein these huge creatures had hollow bones to reduce the weight they would otherwise be carrying. i will admit i arbitrarily picked a weight scale factor for giants (12x instead of 15.6x), & am working in the hollow bones/additional air sacs/slimmer build in to make that work.
that being said! i would agree that giants have a (proportionally) different lung capacity than humans! probably bigger, more efficient lungs (taking advantage of those extra air sacs), which would help their metabolic efficiency. given their slower metabolisms ,too, i would wager that giants could probably hold their breath for a bit longer than humans.
hippos, which outweigh my giants, & are also fully warm-blooded, can hold their breath for about 5 minutes at a time. so, somewhat arbitrarily, i'd say that giants can maybe hold their breath for 5-7 minutes at once. still longer than a human for sure, but this ties into another question of yours & point of mine:
i have it in my mind/headcanons that giants in my au cannot swim well. they're somewhat like other great apes, like chimps, in that they don't maintain a lot of body fat––at least not so much to offset the density of their muscles, so they are more likely to sink in water, despite all the evolutionary adaptations to keep them light-weight. i touched on this a little in one of the MitB chapters where ghost & soap were bickering about ghost's ability to swim, where he asserted that he could, which wasn't common among giant kind. those that are dedicated can swim––ghost is able to & does know how to swim––but it is incredibly strenuous & exhausting & not sustainable.
which does tie into another aspect of giants! while they are undeniably bigger & stronger than humans, they don't have as much stamina. it's kinda impossible to maintain the same degree of stamina that humans have evolved at a giant size. so, while giants do have relatively more stamina than the average mammal, humans can still smoke them in terms of distance running. so, the the olden days, humans would wound & chase their prey animals into giant ambushes, where humans would chase the animals to exhaustion into a team of giants that would then take them down, or pursue them in the last few miles until they fully dropped.
moving back onto your points!: collagen! i find research on the consumption of collagen to be dubious at best, & have had college professors tell me that collagen "supplements" are just a bunch of bs, so... idk, i feel like whatever requirements giants need to maintain themselves is largely found in their diets. they do have very fibrous diets (mostly plant matter), & eat most of the less desirable parts of animals, like skin & bones.
but hey!! thank you for the ask!! i love thinking about stuff like this!! even if some of it has to be hand-waved, it's still fun to consider in a way that might make it semi-realistic!
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rita-rae-siller · 3 months
Garmoran Culture: Tahli: Blood Marks
Sacred Garmoran tattoos that are given only to soldiers of the four religious military factions: Silent Sisters, White Cloaks, Silver Strings, Red Legionnaires. More on these in separate docs. 
They have various effects, and different soldiers are given different markings to enhance their abilities
The main effects are:
Eagle Vision: Pros: They can see extremely well at a distance, and are excellent daytime marksmen. Cons: Their close up vision isn’t as great so they’re usually archers. 
Night Vision: Pros: They can see at night. Their eyes subsequently glow silver in the dark. The color determines rank: silver for the military, gold for royalty. Cons: They are very sensitive to the daylight. Most have to wear special lenses to cope with how bright the light is. 
Speed: Pros: you can move really fast. Heightened reflexes make deadly soldiers. Cons: many with  heightened speed fatigue slowly. As a result, they often suffer insomnia
Physical strength: Pros: This grants superhuman strength. For some, this also increases the overall size of the individual. Alura is a prime exactly of how much the markings can alter an individual. She’s a lot bigger than she would have ended up naturally . Cons: Artificially increased body mass greatly increases the metabolism. These soldiers require a lot more food. As a result, very few but commanding officers are blessed with these markings. Extra food cannot be spared in the desert where rations are strict. 
Tahli are all incredibly painful to receive, and those that alter strength and speed can cause a lot of aches and pains associated with the growth they induce. People have died because of them, which is believed to weed out the unworthy from Gora’s ranks. (Religion is so great). Tahli are also bestowed upon horses that the cavalry branch, the Red Legion, ride. 
They enhance the horses’ speed, agility, strength, and stamina. The higher ranking the soldier, the better the horse.
Tahli are written in the language of the gods. In a sense, it is. Old Akarii is one of the ancient magical languages. Magic isn’t widely accepted in Garmoran culture though, so it is exclusively used by the priesthood in subtle ways. The Garmorans brought the language with them from their motherland of Akar across the ocean. More on that in a separate doc.The scripture is similar to written morse code, consisting of dots and dashes in varying combinations to represent phonetic sounds. Only the priesthood reads the scripture. The common people use New Garmoran, though most of the population is illiterate. 
Regardless of religious faction, the color is the same: red, the color of blood. But there is one color variant reserved only for the emperor and his heirs. The golden tahlivora are gradually added to the princes' bodies as they grow, enhancing them to the point that it is easy to believe that they are the host of a deity’s spirit. 
ONLY men receive the tahlivora. This is part of why Alura is such an unpopular figure to a lot of high ranking Garmorans. She’s seen as an insult to the gods, despite how obviously bad ass and capable she is. 
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