reblogglelog · 1 year
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i can't believe hal put a ring on it
feat: ollie's new cryptid husband
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themyscirah · 1 year
This is how this went right?
Parallax!Hal: I miss being a hero... wish I had my ring back
Kyle: oh well you can have mine then! That way you can have a second chance : )
Kyle, now ringless: .................huh. im gonna be honest here I really didn't see that coming
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emma-d-klutz · 7 months
Clark telling someone on the Daily Planet who only knows him vaguely as a coworker that, sorry, he really cant take any of that Wayne Ent job off him. Why? Well he sure would like to be of help but journalistic integrity and all. Oh you don't know? Wayne is one of his best friends. No for real. No really! Like probably slot 5 of his top 5 favorite people in the world if he's ranking. (No, Lois isn't first. His mom is first. Which Lois knows but don't like say that I said that.) Right Wayne! No yeah for real love the idiot. You haven't seen him come around? Yeah and he always calls Clark the wrong name as a joke because we're friends. Dude I'm not lying to get out of this! Why would I lie? Ok yeah it is an annoying assignment...
Hang on.
Clark texts someone on his phone. Waits a beat. Gets a text back. Calls someone. It's ringing. It picks up.
"You're on speaker, B."
"Sorry just had to get somewhere quieter-" It is so loud in the background Wayne is nearly screaming into the phone. "Oh yeah Clark was with me all last week. Whatever you saw was someone else. In fact, he saved my life up there. I broke part of my spine on a fall and was partially paralyzed instantly, and he had to carry me over his shoulder. But then after five hours of carrying me, his adrenaline gave out, and so did his legs. So we're both on the ground in a pile right near the ledge, and we start sliding that direction, and I think to myself -I distinctly remember- I think to myself that if we're going to die, at least I get to die looking at intrepid reporter Clark Kent, who is waaay more ripped than he looks with a shirt on and has the most soulful blue eyes. And then we were saved or something because he's such a genius that he rewired his phone and rigged it to get a signal even in the middle of nowhere on the fly and called for a helicopter. Or something like that. I don't know. But yeah thats why Clark's been gone, and if you thought you saw him, you saw someone else. I mean that haircut is everywhere. Did you know he set that trend? Anyway I gotta go."
The line goes dead. Clark and the coworker look blankly at each other for a moment.
".....You were here all last week."
"Sorry. I didn't text him why I needed him to say he knows me, so I think he just.... tried to cover all the bases."
(Bruce is in several layers of method acting ofc but Jimmy, Hal, Ollie, Dinah, Kara, and several more all gleefully corroborate it immediately when given the opportunity and even yes-and onto it, and now Clark's journalistic integrity is going towards reminding his coworker that he was here last week I promise they're all doing bits )
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ok but what do you think of demiromantic hal?? someone mentioned that he's aro coded and it's something I didn't knew but needed it 😭
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As someone who is on the ace spectrum (demiromantic and asexual), I really like when people write about some of my favorite characters having the same sexualities as me.
I do headcanon him as demiromantic, and also pansexual.
(Down below is me explaining him being demiromantic when it comes to his feelings and also Barry + Carol...)
HOWEVER, he is... as Ollie says a space tomcat, he takes on emotions much more seriously in my hc. He can do whatever, but when it comes to how he feels romantically it became a lot harder for him to express himself romantically too. <- Trouble with love genuinely but with trying to tell people anything related with love has been a topic for him. Which is also an explaination of the acts that he does for the people he cares about because it REPLACES him trying to explain his feelngs. When you think about it, the way Hal shows his love towards people or showing that he cares comes into a lot of wild acts or making sure that he'll come to the ends of the Earth when it comes to someone. (Like in your post, which I forgot to reblog and add to it :3, in DC vs Vampires, how Hal wanted to rule the world with Barry....) ------ Unrelated but related-- While yes, he does save people, Hal is deepened through emotional bonds both platonically and romantically... (I like to take this literal, as a form of being bonded by lantern ring emotion such as Carol with holding to Star Sapphire and Barry with being expressed by HAL to hold the mantle of hope, because it took years with these two for Hal to be linked with them in some type of way -> Sorry, I'm kinda normal about the bond Carol and Hal have, there's many levels of a relationship that these two have -- Including Barry and Hal together. There's a lot of things to talk about these two.)
This first occurs with Carol. As they grew older (Teen years to Adulthood <- Before JL), it gave Hal time of falling for her. Whether it was those long talks out on drives or opening up to each other about the deeper things. Plus, bringing in the things they face together and the collaborations these two agree on or disagree or OVERALL the way they communicate through different forms when it came to both in suit and out of suit. One of my thoughts for my Demiromantic Hal hc. Not only this but they also have a deep connection together later when it comes the Star Sapphire Possessions + Hal being Reborn in Spectre while Carol has presumably moved on. Although it took a bit to figure himself out, he both cares and loves Carol in impossible ways that could be explained. Which leads me to the next case...
(I had to ramble about them... They are like the best friends ever + including Barry and Iris when they come along.)
Sharing to add on for your post... But this is ALSO an idea I've been having for a fic... But I don't have time to write it ALL because I want to make it to many chapters. Be Prepared because I like when you mention HalBarry to me, I get happy because I don't talk about it to people. I also love to hear HalBarry thoughts because I project things that people don't get much like what I'm about to write..
The way Hal feels when it comes to being in love, is partially dumbfounded, it's something that sets him back when he realizes that there's an elephant in the room. One he describes as longing in a way where he didn't know he felt this fast. When in reality it has been years since this friendship. Yes, feelings for one of his best friends. One that he's been friends with since the beginning of the Justice League formation. Which was long... His hair is grey and the smile that was once without wrinkles now forms lines whenever he smiles or laughs.. In his mind, it feels that the feelings that are coming into play feel dangerous. How it makes his palms sweat just being near Barry. How when he isn't being occupied by anything busy, he's thinking about a fond memory with Barry. How Barry makes him smile, the way everything about his friend just makes him giddy like some teenage puppy love. Something he never got to experience but god, when he's with Barry, he feels so young. That even imagining them growing old together is just one step to keeping Hal feeling so young. It's like being awkward when you have no idea where to put your hands. Especially with a friend you've had for many years. A friend who's been there by his side that Hal now begins to think an eye for god knows how many minutes. The friendship teasing between the two and the playful chases that they would take on those evenings when everything just seemed perfect. How standing on that cliff when they were younger, the intimacy of the stare they held. Their deep connection that brings Hal to appreciate every moment he's had with him. How they're practically linked in color. How hope filled the willpower that settled in his personality. That when it came to Barry, it felt like he might have something to lose. Something and someone he's lost before. He knows what it felt to lose Barry. Which one proved his love for Barry to be a lot stronger than what he first thought when it came to the last glimpse of friendship. How that bond turned into a strong form for what Hal should keep fighting for. It was so unexpected. So unexpected to be in love with your best friend.
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dove00 · 4 months
Stephcass wedding short?
(Hi! Thank you for the ask! I love StephCass! They’re awesome! I hope you (and everyone) enjoys the story!)
Send me a wlw and nblw dc ship and I’ll write a story for it!
No warnings—other than a lot of fluff.
1 month before the Wedding
“I personally think it would be hilarious to sit Bruce and Ollie together.” Steph said with a smile and a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Cass laughed, making Steph’s smile widen.
Cass moved the chair to put Ollie next to Hal and Dinah. Barry was also at that table, so that’s going to be fun.
“Compromise.” Cass said.
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
“Tell me again.”
“I love you.” Steph said with a kiss on Cass’ forehead.
“I love you, too.”
1 week before the Wedding
Cass can handle a lot, but when the person marrying them got sick, the florist quit, and the bakery won’t call them back, Cass feels herself start to panic.
Barbara must see it on her face because she promises Steph and Cass that she’ll figure something out and just worry about their vows.
The vows.
Cass has never been good with words, especially in front of so many people. She’s sitting in front of her computer and trying to think of what to say. She loves Stephanie—like she’s never loved anyone before. Cass types, deletes, types more, closes the computer, then gets out of the chair.
She stretches and starts dancing around the room.
When she’s out of breath, she stops and sits back down with an idea.
The Day of the Wedding
Steph has no idea how many favors Babs had to call in but she’s not complaining.
The wedding is outside and there are sunflowers and tulips all around them.
There’s bouquets, flower statues, and rose petals on the ground in the center. She sees the cake in the kitchen.
“Not half bad, huh?” Babs said, appearing behind her in her chair.
“This is great. How did you…”
“I have my ways.”
“What about the official person?”
“He’ll be on time.”
Soon, it was time and Steph watched Tiffany Fox walk down the aisle with flowers, their courts, and then Steph and finally Cass. Steph reached the end and looked at Dick.
She looked back at Cass and nearly started crying.
She looks beautiful. She always looks beautiful, but especially with that smile. Even in a room of people, it feel like they were the only two in the room.
They held hands.
“You may be seated.” Dick said. Everyone sat. “I know you love each other but nobody wants to hear it from me, so it’s time for the vows. Steph?”
“Cass. We didn’t have a love at first sight but our love story is still my favorite. It’s filled with tragedy and pain, yes, but also filled with so much love. You are my rock, my closest friend, and the love of my life. I promise to keep loving you forever. We will find each other in every time, place, and every life and I love you.”
Cass squeezed her hands and then let go. She pulled out a paper from her suit and gave it to Dick.
“I have trouble with words so…” Cass trailed.
Dick opened the paper and began reading. “Steph.” He said and Cass got in her first pose. “Words have never been my strong suit.” Cass started dancing. “So I’ll have to show you through dance. My life has been defined by hurt and pain before I met you. Since then, my life has been filled with friendship and later love. You helped me accept all of myself. When I look at you, when I hear your voice, I am filled with joy and my heart is full. I promise to love you even when death tries to separate us. I will find you. I love you.”
Cass stopped dancing and took a breath. She took Steph’s hands back and Steph squeezed them.
Dick smiled. “If there is anyone who has reason to object on why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Nobody spoke. “Then may I have the rings?” Damian gave him the rings, who gave it to Steph first. She held Cass’ hand. “Do you Stephanie Brown take Cassandra Cain to have and to hold, to cherish forever?”
“I do.” She put the ring on her finger.
“Do you Cassandra Cain take Stephanie Brown to have and to hold, to cherish forever?”
“I do.”
“Then it is the power vested in me and the internet and the state of New Jersey that I pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss.”
The kiss had everyone jumping to their feet with cheers and applause.
Cass and Steph walked down the aisle and Cass caught a hint of her mother hidden in the forest. Her mother smiled and disappeared in the next second.
Inside, the reception was really entertaining.
Too bad Cass and Steph snuck away to make out under the stars before they had to go in.
“No! Barry, put down the fork!”
(Hope you enjoyed!)
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khazadspoon · 1 year
Superlantern week day 4 - singles cruise
Hal sat at the bar and thought about his life choices. He thought about his youth; getting into trouble and out of it again by the skin of his teeth, never being the one his father was proud of, being teased by his brothers.. He thought about the military, how his mother had hated him going. He thought about Carol and the mess that had been, how they had worked until they didn’t and nothing would change that.
He thought about Ollie and Dinah giving him this ticket as a sort-of-but-not-really joke. About him taking it and actually going on a singles cruise.
He rubbed his hands over his face with a groan. “What am I doing…”
“Rough night?” A kind voice asked him.
He looked up into a friendly, strangely open and sympathetic face. Strong jaw, thick out of date glasses, dark hair that fell in waves. The kind of face he wouldn’t have had second thoughts approaching at this event if it hadn’t been on the other side of the bar.
“Is it that obvious?” He gave the man a sardonic half-smile. “Yeah, I guess it is. Not even sure why I came here, to be honest…”
The barman hummed and busied himself with putting bottles back under the bar. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Mr. Jordan.”
“How’d do you…? Oh, yeah.” He looked down, plucked the name badge from his shirt and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Do you want a drink?” It wasn’t a dismissal, didn’t sound like the barman was trying to get rid of him.
“Uh, soda and lime, please.”
A smile, slow and easy. “Coming right up.”
The man turned to grab a glass. His white dress shirt moved over his broad back and Hal allowed himself a moment to oggle, keeping his eyes above the waist for at least a show of self-restraint. “So,” he said, “anything interesting from your point of view this evening?”
“Not really. Last time I was working one of these a married couple ended up meeting each other here, that was entertaining.”
Hal laughed and leaned forward. “You’re kidding; sounds like a mess.”
“Oh it was. There was a fight, the captain had to come and break things up. Pretty sure they’re still married, though.” The barman placed a full glass on the bar and wiped at a condensation ring with a cloth. “Maybe it was their way of spicing things up? Here you go, Mr. Jordan.”
“Maybe,” Hal smiled and took a sip of his drink, rubbing his finger up and down the water beading on the glass. “Please, just call me Hal.”
The man smiled at him, another one of those slow smiles that made Hal’s gut trip over itself. “Nice to meet you Hal, I’m Clark.”
The man, Clark, held his hand out. Hal shook it. The guy had a firm grip that surprised him. They stared at each other for a long moment and Hal thought maybe the night had managed to be a success after all. Not a date, perhaps, he wasn’t going to be that guy who asked for the staff’s number, but he had at least met someone… nice. Someone friendly.
It was only when he got home he found the note in his jacket pocket with no idea how it got there:
‘Call if you want a quiet drink, no ticket needed - Clark.’
He saved the number in his phone and went to bed with a smile on his face.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
I will never not stand by the fact that Jason Todd and Piper McLean are the bestest of friends
Jay and Leo too
Mechanics? Beauty queens? Yessir
Dick and Piper too
Can you imagine like half the JL finding out they’re demigods?
”THAT’S WHY SO MANY ‘ALIENS’ HATE ME,” at least six of them exclaim angrily
Diana is very amused 
They collided when Mount Olympus relocates… right on top of the Daily Planet
That momentary panic when Annabeth steps out of the elevator after some architect work on Olympus and isn’t even in fucking Manhattan anymore 
A very nice man notices her distress and asks her if she’s okay
”Uhh…” Annabeth looked up at him warily. He sort of looked like a god- she wondered if this was some type of test. “I’m… fine.”
”Well hi there, Fine, I’m Clark,” he joked, extending a hand the size of her head to shake
Anyways, Annabeth and Clark were fast friends
CHB didn’t even have to relocate- Gotham and, by extent Metropolis, are literally on the other side of Manhattan. You know who did have to relocate? Percy Jackson 
The gods wanted him close by, and unfortunately that meant Percy and the family were moving into a new apartment 
It’s, like… fine. It’s definitely nicer, being paid for by the Olympians and magically protected
Still. You know what really sucks?
Gotham fucking Prep.
Percy’s kind of used to terrible, but living in Gotham is a whole other story
Oh but Tim Drake
Tim Drake makes things much better
They met on the first day of school. These two idiots saw someone who looked very similar to them, Tim went ‘who are you?’ and Percy said ‘I’m you but I have a sword’ (he wasn’t joking but Tim doesn’t need to know that yet) and they became besties
(When the seven meet all the Wayne’s, Damian said casually aloud “Zhang, if I bested you in ritual combat, would I acquire your powers?” and poor Frank looked ready to faint in horror)
Anyways we know Diana is a child of Zeus (she and Jason fist bump for that one, but Thalia is the extra jazzed one)
Barry is a son of Hermes- explains why he survived the lightning bolt and it gave him speed 
Hal is a son of Athena, which is why the ring chose him. Wisdom. Power. Strength of will.
To the shock of no one, Olly-blond-hair-bright-smile-Prince-Charming-Queen AKA Green Arrow is a son of Apollo 
B… is an Apollo kid as well, believe it or not. Sparkly famous playboy also with the darkest streak ever? Dresses up and fights crazy theater kids every night? Yeah
Some of the JL’s partners are too actually- Selina is an Aphrodite kid, Lois is Athena’s, Dinah is also a daughter of Aphrodite
Jason is Ares’
Dick is Aphrodite’s
Tim is Athena’s
Damian is actually Artemis’- she was under a spell at the time and, horrified, transferred the kid to Talia. It’s a long story, tell ya later
Steph is also Athena’s
Cass is Ares’
Babs is Athena’s
Duke is  Apollo’s
It’s so funny but so in character that every Wayne is a demigod
Did it surprise literally anyone that Harley is Dionysus’ and Ivy is Demeter’s? No 
(You know 90% of Gotham’s rogues are Dionysus’ actually)
Moving away from the who’s what hcs
The seven showed the Batboys CHB, and they were blown away
The littles of the camp were asking how all of them had gone for so long without being attacked by monsters, and Jason and Dick and Tim had to wince and be like “actually,”
There was capture the flag that night, but Jason was sulking because they wouldn’t let him use any type of gun
Dick kicked ass tho
Really all of them but they were split in half- Jason and Tim for red, Dick and Damian for blue
Because the hunters were there as well, they were split in half as well, between Thalia and Reyna
The campers had never had to work with the hunters before. It was weird
And then Greeks v Romans of the seven
Lots of dividing ANYWAYS
The red, Greek, Thalia’s team won, but only barely. Those Romans have good strategy
Now the other bit
Percy and Tim
What happened there? Where do they come in?
See, I was writing the bit just for fun where Percy starts at Gotham Prep
And… I accidentally gave them good chemistry
The issue is that it’s terrible writing and I’m too lazy to redo it so essentially here’s what happened:
On the first day of school, Tim Drake stumbled into his first period class ten minutes late, backpack halfway unzipped, Starbucks in one hand and a Monster in the other, running on approximately 36 minutes of sleep from two days ago.
Percy is right behind him, unsure of where to go. He slipped in right as the door was closing.
They both scan the room for threats, a habit of both of theirs, before turning to the teacher.
”Drake. Boy I’ve never seen before,” she says coldly. They both shift uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room. “Care to explain?”
Percy and Tim exchange a look, and as the hyper-intelligent dumbass heroes they are, they simultaneously come to the same conclusion.
”He’s new,” Tim explained, gesturing with his coffee and taking a swig of Monster from the other side.
”And, uh, he was showing me around,” Percy said nervously, reaching over to save the water bottle that was about to fall out of Tim’s bag.
The teacher regarded them both suspiciously. “Name?” she finally asked.
Percy winced. With his record, she probably already knew him, and… well, so much for first impressions.
”Percy Jackson,” he sighed.
As Mrs. Algebra Teacher was typing things into the attendance sheet, Tim leaned over and whispered, “Cool name. I’m Tim, by the way.” He shifted his drinks over to one side and extended an arm.
Percy grinned, shaking his hand. “We make a pretty good bullshitting team. Honestly impressive.”
”Boys,” the teacher interrupted. “Sit down. Since you’re such good friends already, you’ll enjoy afternoon detention together. Don’t be late again.”
They both suppressed groans, but sat down beside each other, knees brushing.
The rest of the school day went by, and they didn’t have any more classes together. Detention rolls around, and it’s just the two of them, because who the fuck else is getting detention on the first day of school.
They talked and flirted the whole time (mostly without even realizing they were doing that second one) and when their time was up, Tim stumbled in front of Percy on their way out, holding his arms out like he was directing traffic, blocking his exit. “Um,” he said nervously, cheeks slowly descending into the color of strawberries, “so I- I’m bi and I don’t really know how to ask people if they’re straight but if you wanted to get coffee sometime that would be cool or even just as friends is fine too because-“
”Tim.” Percy was shocked into laughing, grabbing the Batboy’s shoulders and shaking him lightly. “Chill. Same here. Coffee sounds great, although I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you. Caffeine and ADHD don’t mix well.”
”O-Oh.” Tim was sort of dazed, but also really on Cloud 9. He’d never really asked people out before, and they definitely don’t say yes. “I- that’s. Yeah. What days work for you?”
Percy grabbed his hand and slowly started to drag him down the hallway. His mother was waiting, after all, and he also didn’t really want to spend the night in the detention room (even if it was with Tim). “Hmm. This weekend is fine, but I really am new. You’re gonna have to pick the place.” They stopped just inside the front doors. Sally was idled there in Paul’s Prius, and Tim’s motorcycle was still parked where he left it that morning, the only vehicle left in the lot. Percy grinned, and Tim got lightheaded. “You need my number for that, right?”
”Y-Yeah…” Tim handed over his phone, not even remotely worried about what Percy might find out- secret identities, Wayne Enterprises secrets, mission plans. He could take it all and Tim wouldn’t care in the slightest.
Anyways they had a lovely coffee date and held hands and walked around Gotham for a bit for Tim to show Percy around and it was a fantastic time, might write it sometime
For now, I’m tired, this isn’t edited, I’m out✌️✌️
Good morning night or 4am y’all
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kiseiakhun · 2 years
GuyHal, JohnKyle
who hogs the duvet
Again. Hal is from California. Guy is from Baltimore. Hal would ALWAYS like more warmth. He is so cold. Give blanky.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Guy texts Hal about his day and then gets butthurt when Hal doesn't reply back. Hal, meanwhile, doesn't notice Guy giving him the cold shoulder. He's already forgotten Guy texted him in the first place. He's moved on.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Guy puts more thought and effort into his gifts but Hal's gifts are more weird, which Guy likes.
who gets up first in the morning
Guy gets up first and then takes approximately 20 naps during the day. Hal gets up and stays up.
who suggests new things in bed
Hal. Once again, freak.
who cries at movies
who gives unprompted massages
Hal, he and Kyle are the lantern Corps' creepy backrub guys
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Guy makes a big deal out of NOT fussing over Hal like some fucking nanny, and then proceeds to fuss over Hal like a fucking nanny while coming up with increasingly unconvincing excuses. Hal would try to take care of Guy responsibly and then make out with him and also get infected.
who gets jealous easiest
Guys been jealous of Hal for half his life, he has plenty of jealousy to spare.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Guy. He's the white guy you think of when you think white guy music.
who collects something unusual
Guy collects all the gifts Hal gives him. He's the only one with a permanent residence.
who takes the longest to get ready
Hal must primp and preen like a peacock. Guy gave up on primping after his second broken nose.
who is the most tidy and organised
Hal, because he owns 2 things. Guy likes his spaces filled with clutter, but he's not messy about it.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Guy, and he makes Hal celebrate every single one despite Hal's unenthusiasm. Guy never passes up an excuse to party.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Hal is the big spoon at the start of the night but sometimes they migrate to him being little spoon at the end of the night and they never mention it in polite company. Guy teases him mercilessly about it though in private.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
who starts the most arguments
Also yes. They argue more than they make love.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Guy gets an ugly naked cat when Hal is away on a months long mission and every time they argue they're like THE CAT LIKES ME MORE
what couple traditions they have
what tv shows they watch together
I Don't Watch Shows
what other couple they hang out with
John and Kyle. Ollie and Dinah. Tora and Beatrice.
how they spend time together as a couple
Fighting. Sometimes aliens, sometimes each other. Also being the gross old married couple at warriors, once they're more secure in their relationship. They are NOT subtle.
who made the first move
Guy because Hal got it into his head he's not good enough (he's right)
who brings flowers home
Guy brings normal flowers, Hal brings the sex pollen flowers by accident
who is the best cook
Guy, he finds cooking fun. Hal can cook but he doesn't enjoy it like Guy does.
who hogs the duvet
Kyle hogs the duvet and he crawls on top of john like a menace
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
They are both constantly texting each other. John does it more consistently, Kyle sometimes texts John 40 times in a row when they're away from each other and John is asleep.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Kyle's thing is literally creativity. John is more careful about his gifts though. He really thinks about what the other person would like, meanwhile Kyle can get lost in his own grandiose ideas.
who gets up first in the morning
John, Kyle would sleep in into 2pm if left to his own devices.
who suggests new things in bed
who cries at movies
BOTH OF THEM. Hal and Guy refuse to go to the movies with them. They're embarrassing.
who gives unprompted massages
Kyle, he is the creepy massage guy at parties
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Kyle fusses over john constantly but he's useless. John fusses less than Kyle but he's useful.
who gets jealous easiest
Kyle gets jealous, john just gets sad ):
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Kyle has embarrassing taste in music and he's not afraid to admit it. John pretends he has good taste and hides his embarrassing music at the bottom of his cd drawer. No one can know he listens to Carly Rae Jepsen.
who collects something unusual
Kyle collects dead girlfriends John collects stab wounds yeah I'm just giving up on this one.
who takes the longest to get ready
KYLE. By a mile. Though john gets into phases where he wants to grow out his hair every 5 years and he takes 3 hours to get ready in the mornings and Kyle is dying.
who is the most tidy and organised
John by a WIDE margin. Kyle doesn't believe in tidiness. His dishes grow new and exciting breeds of alien microflora. John made Kyle move in with him because he was horrified at his living situation.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Kyle sees a holiday and he's like ANOTHER CHANCE TO SHOW MY LOVE and then he promptly forgets until the very last second. They go to EVERY holiday party guy throws.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Kyle IS the little spoon and he is NOT ASHAMED.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Kyle gets competitive in a fun bro way. John gets actually competitive and Kyle finds it really hot and then they get distracted.
who starts the most arguments
Kyle. He is unreasonable <3 john, however, is reasonable, and arguments fizzle out before they really start.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Kyle comes home with a pet and he's like 🥺😀😅 can we keep him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
what couple traditions they have
Kyle comes up with sappy traditions and forgets about them within a week. John remembers, though. Every single one.
what tv shows they watch together
I'm just gonna skip this question.
what other couple they hang out with
Guy and Hal and all the lanterns and Kyle's 600 friends. Sometimes they are on the justice league together and they hang out with the other leaguers and make them all uncomfortable with their massive amounts of pda. Kyle's Titans friends don't mind because they're all freaks.
how they spend time together as a couple
Being the most gross, romantic, sappy couple you can imagine. Kyle calls john honeybuns and Guy makes audible gagging noises.
who made the first move
Kyle because he is a lovely dovey fool
who brings flowers home
who is the best cook
John. Kyle tries but he is so bad at cooking. He can only make scrambled eggs.
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barffy-writes · 3 years
Odd, Terrifying, and Wonderful: Ch.3
Summary: It's no secret that Batman and Green Lantern don't like each other. But no one could have seen this coming...
Read on AO3, or just keep reading below!
Ch.1 // Ch.2
Oh my fucking God, this couldn’t possibly be any more boring.
Hal glared at Batman, standing at the head of the table, who was holding a meeting.
Less of a meeting, more of a hostage situation.
Hal looked at the others sitting around the table. Clark was trying his best to look interested, which was only half-convincing; Diana was folding origami, something she’d recently become obsessed with when Hal gave her a paper lantern; Barry was pretending to write notes, but was truly just doodling; and Ollie and Dinah both went to the "restroom”, meaning they had made a lucky escape from Batman’s dictatoresque meeting.
Hal opened up a small portal to the pocket dimension beneath the table and grabbed his phone. He switched it on and saw that he had a DM on Twitter. Unfortunately, the phone illuminated his face, and before he could check the message, Batman slammed his fist on the table. Everyone jumped, including the paper crane that flew from Diana’s hands.
Batman looked directly at Hal and walked over to him. He stood over him, with a looming presence like a stone grotesque. Before Hal could react, Batman swiped the phone from his grasp.
“Hey, asshole, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” objected Hal.
“Oh, I’m the asshole?” Batman shouted. “I’m trying to talk to you all and no one is paying any goddamn attention at all to anything I’m saying!”
“Maybe you should take a hint! Aren’t you the World’s Greatest Detective?”
Batman, with a look of rage that Hal had never seen on a human face before, crushed Hal’s phone in his grasp. Hal went quiet, and silence suffocated the room.
Hal stood up, but before he could retaliate, Clark stepped in between the two and forced them apart, then said, “I think this is a good time to call the meeting to an end.” He tried to smile, but it fooled no one.
Hal didn’t want to let Batman win, but Clark looked at him and shook his head as if he was asking him to not do anything more. Hal nodded, unhappily obliging.
Batman looked down at Clark’s hand on his chest, and pushed it away, forcing his way in between the two men. He grabbed Hal’s hand, pulling him closer in.
What the fuck is this bastard doing?
Batman unfurled his hand into Hal’s, pouring the remnants of the phone into Hal’s unsteady palm.
Hal’s rage was burning bright, as white as Batman’s eye shields. Only in passing had Hal seen his true eye colour, when the mask was damaged; despite the lack of colour, Hal saw life in his grey irises. The cowl dehumanised him: Hal wondered if it was purposeful.
Control your breathing. Don’t freak out. Don’t let him win.
Batman leaned away, and just as he was turning, he smirked with an air of superiority. Hal dropped the collection of glass and circuitry, his scowl darkening into a grimace.
Last straw, you son of a bitch.
Hal tightened his grasp, and as he swung, he used his ring to emphasise the power and speed of the punch. Before Batman could react, he got struck by a green fist, colliding with his left eye, partially breaking the cowl - Hal could see the skin around his revealed grey eye already bruising.
Hal would’ve gone in for a second punch to even out the left and right, but before he could, Batman caught his hand.
As blood trickled from his nose, Batman said, “Even now, you don’t use your full power? You could hurt me irreparably, yet you decide to use your ring of goddamn infinite power to do that?” He didn’t have a sarcastic tone in his voice, it was genuine - as if he was truly disappointed.
The construct faded away, and Hal looked away from Batman, whose grasp didn’t loosen. Hal tried to move his hand, but he only brought Batman closer, their noses almost touching.
“Unlike you,” said Hal, “I actually give a fuck about people.” Batman's look softened when he saw Hal’s lip quivering, unsure if it was out of fear or if he was crying, Hal's mask obscuring his emotions.
Batman let go of his hand and walked to the door. As he did, Hal (who had attempted to compose himself) said, “You better buy me a new phone, asshole.” He was trying to joke, uncertain what else to do, but he instantly regretted saying it when he heard his voice falter.
Batman stopped in the doorway but didn’t turn to face Hal. He couldn’t.
He nodded, then walked out, his cape flaring behind him.
Hal considered Clark to be one of his closest friends, even when they weren't wearing morph suits and speedos. He knew that many other people probably felt this way as well. He’s just a likeable guy. He’s always kind, he listens, and he’s emotionally available.
That’s extremely rare to find among superheroes.
Clark knew that Hal lived alone, in a studio apartment in a dodgy area, so he often invited Hal round to his house for dinner - and Hal always accepted. He loved seeing Lois, she gives the best hugs in the universe; and Conner, who, while technically being a clone of Clark and Lex Luthor, is strikingly similar in personality to Hal; and Jon, who loves listening to Hal’s stories, hoping to grow up to be like him (which Hal heavily discourages).
Hal walked alongside Clark as they strolled through the park. They always went on walks together, but today’s was awkward, due to the events that occurred earlier in the day. Hal could tell that Clark was desperate to talk about everything that happened, but was too polite to bring it up, so Hal decided to bite the bullet and bring it up himself.
“I don’t really know what happened, Clark. I know I shouldn’t have retaliated, but I just couldn’t help myself. He had that smug look on his face, the one that says ‘I’m better than you.' And…” Hal sighed, “I don’t know. Maybe he is better than me. Do you know why he is the way that he is? Why he’s so angry? What made him that way?”
Clark shrugged in response. “I honestly have no idea. I’m pretty much in the same boat as you: behind the mask, I have no clue who he is. If I did, I might be able to understand him a little better. Or even just if he let us talk to him, like how regular people do. I just want to get to know him better.”
“Why the Hell would anyone want to do that?” laughed Hal.
“I feel like he could use someone to talk to.”
“You’re too kind.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“Bro, he decimated my phone.”
“Yeah… That was certainly something.”
Hal cleared his throat, looking a little sheepish. “Hey, can I tell you something?”
“Of course, Hal! I’m always here, either as a helping hand or as an open ear.”
Wow, he is the definition of ‘too good for this world’.
“Thanks, I’ve been needing to get this off my chest. Did you see that photo of Bruce Wayne talking to a shirtless dude?”
“Yeah, I was actually told to write that article for the Daily Planet. I was a little surprised that it qualified as headline news. I tried to write a bit more about the shootings and all, but that didn’t make it into the final print. Anyways, why do you ask?”
“Well…” Hal told him the entire story, while Clark’s jaw dropped more and more as he continued.
“So, yeah, that’s pretty much it. My back looked pretty muscular though in the photo, right?” said Hal.
Clark laughed, still in shock. “Yep, I guess all those hours that you spend at the gym have finally paid off: your back is now nationally - no, internationally - famous!”
Hal grinned, then posed and flexed his muscles. “Yeah, I was channelling a bit of Arnie.”
“Do you reckon your Herculean good looks wooed Bruce Wayne at all? As part of my job, I’ve met him a few times, and I think he might’ve flirted with me a tad? It was quite nice, I’ve never been the kind of person who gets a lot of romantic attention.”
“What about Lois?”
“She actually declined me at first, in favour of Superman.” Clark laughed, rubbing his neck with his palm, obviously embarrassed.
“Oh yeah, Superman is such a hunk, I don’t blame her!” teased Hal. “Anyways, I wish he was flirting with me. I don’t think giving me his blazer and wiping the blood off my hands with a handkerchief counts as a romantic gesture.”
“Maybe, we don’t know his habits. He could be seriously messed up in the head!”
“Said by an alien and a man with a magic ring.”
“There are people who are more messed up than us, Hal.”
“Oh yeah? Who?”
Hal choked on his laughter, as he said “Clark, you’re supposed to be the nice one!”
“I’m sorry! But he did go a little crazy on us earlier. I think I’m allowed to be a little mean, just this one time?”
“He knows everything, Clark, we’ll show up at the next Justice League meeting and he will absolutely despise you the entire time.”
“Don’t say that!” pleaded Clark, who began to look worried.
“Oh come on, don’t tell me that he scares you.”
“No, he doesn’t. No offence to Batman, but I could easily take him. What bothers me more is that I hate it when people don’t like me.”
“To be fair, it is kinda weird when people don’t like you. There’s not anything about you to dislike.” Clark smiled in response, appreciative of Hal’s kindness. “Anyways, he will have emotions, somewhere deep down in that cold thing he calls his heart. I think he regretted what he did earlier. At least he promised to buy me another phone?”
“And that makes you forgive him?”
“Fuck no! But hey, maybe he’ll get me the new iPhone or something. My old phone was shit anyways.”
As Hal and Clark walked further, they came across a café and decided to sit down together. They ordered their drinks (Clark asking for an Americano and Hal asking for a Coke), then Hal remembered the notification he had gotten, the one he didn’t get time to read before Batman obliterated his phone.
“Clark, can I log onto Twitter on your phone real quick?”
“Of course!”
Hal, upon logging in, gasped as he clicked onto the most recent message. Clark looked at Hal, confused as to what was happening.
Hal passed him the phone and Clark asked, in disbelief, “Did… Did Bruce Wayne just slide into your DMs?”
“It sure seems that way.”
“So maybe he was flirting with you after all.”
“I haven’t read the actual message yet, but I doubt he’s asking me on a date. He probably just wants the blazer back. It looks super expensive and is way too big for me anyway. Right, Clark, what does it say?”
“He said that it was nice meeting you and then he asked if you’d like to get coffee with him sometime.”
“Oh shit,” said Hal, as Clark passed the phone back to him.
At Wayne Enterprises, Bruce sat in a meeting. A very important meeting, he assumed. He wasn’t sure exactly how important it was, because his mind was not focused even the slightest amount on what he was meant to be listening to. Hal Jordan plagued his mind as if he was written in Exodus.
Jesus Christ, I don’t know if I can bear this much longer.
Bruce felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and carefully took it out, ensuring that none of the various business partners and advisors around the table could see.
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Bruce cleared his throat then said, “Sorry everyone, but something important has just come up. Family emergency, you know how it is. Continue the meeting, and I’m sure you,” he waved to Lucius, “can pass it on to me?” Lucius nodded, pointing to notes that he had already been taking (evidently, he noticed Bruce’s daydreaming).
Thank God for Lucius. If I had a nickel for every time he has saved my ass, I’d probably be a millionaire! Oh, wait, I already am. Not a billionaire either… I guess I’d be a trillionaire? Yeah, a trillionaire. Take that, Bezos!
Bruce calmly walked out of the room, but as soon as he was out of sight, he broke into a sprint towards the elevator. He went up to his penthouse office and sat on his chair, ignoring the view of the Gotham skyline through the floor to ceiling windows. He never let anyone into this room: Bruce considered it his haven from all the sharks he had to talk to daily. And occasionally, he hid in here from his family when they became a little overbearing.
I love them, but they can certainly be a lot to handle. I suppose no one ever said that fatherhood would be easy.
He sighed, and began to type:
That’s alright, don’t worry about it.
But just as he was about to press send, Hal messaged again.
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Bruce shot out of his chair and did a literal fist bump in the air, Breakfast Club style. He would’ve been embarrassed if anyone else had been in the room; but right now, Bruce found that just the thought of seeing Hal again justified his fist bump. He replied, typing faster than what seemed humanly possible.
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This is too good to be true. Surely this is a dream! Have I been doomed to suffer delusions inseparable from reality?
Bruce looked out the window and his cheeks subtly rouged as he nervously tapped on the arm of the chair. He looked up, and smiled, trying to not get his hopes up too high, though he knew that it was too late for that.
It’s not a date, Bruce. Just two people seeing each other. Not a date.
Oh God, I wish it was a date.
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pluckyredhead · 3 years
WIP snippets meme
I was tagged by @irolltwenties! This doesn’t count the WIPs that are semi-abandoned or live solely in my head.
1. Working Title: jondami fwb | Fandom: DC Comics/Super Sons/Robin | JonDamian (E) A slowburn of Damian figuring out what he wants and that he’s allowed to want it. It’s currently about 14K and maybe...1/4 to 1/3 of the way finished? This is gonna be a long one.
Damian stared. “Do I what?”
“Date,” Jon said. “I mean, that’s a thing people do. They go on dates. They date. And you’re…”
He trailed off. Damian waited. “I’m what?”
Now Jon’s cheeks and the bridge of his nose looked faintly pink, although that might have been the last of the sunrise. “Well, you’re really good-looking, you’re insanely rich, and you’re living it up at college. I would have thought you’d be carrying on the whole billionaire playboy tradition. Isn’t it part of the disguise? Like my glasses.”
Damian had always found those both to be idiotic traditions. Dating a string of socialites, mostly for show, sounded exhausting. And he’d never understood how people could look at Jon in a cheap pair of plastic frames and not see what he really was.
2. Birds All Sing As If They Knew Chapter 4 | Fandom: DC Comics/Red Hood and the Outlaws | JayRoy (G) The Batfamily finds out, plus more Arrowfam fluff.
Ollie’s basement, however, was big enough to house not just a fully equipped gym, complete with plenty of room for sparring, but also the workshop of Roy’s dreams. Literally—Ollie had claimed a corner to work on the hand-carved yew recurve bows and straight pine arrows he preferred, and made Roy design the rest to suit his own needs.
“You’re the one who likes experimenting with new trick arrows and I don’t know what else,” he’d said, waving a hand at the empty half of the basement soon after he’d bought the house. “Might as well put you to work making them for me and the kids. Just tell me what they are before I put them in my quiver, and don’t blow up my house.”
The fact that he’d framed it like a cranky demand hadn’t really disguised that he was gifting Roy with carte blanche to build his own playground, but they’d both pretended it did.
3. Love for Sale coda | Fandom: DC Comics/Red Hood and the Outlaws | JayRoy (E) This one’s just gonna be porn, folks, I don’t know what else to tell you.
“Did you have fun at the supermarket?” Roy asked, trying not to sound too amused.
“Well, I didn’t kill anyone.” Jason raked an unhappy hand through his wet hair.
Roy slid a couple of boxes of dino nuggets into the freezer. Jason had been converted to their allure pretty quickly. “Always a plus.”
“Not always,” Jason said, scowling.
“Poor baby,” Roy said, and closed the freezer. “Want me to make it up to you?”
Jason’s eyebrows went up as Roy sashayed into his space. “Sorry, but as soon as this stuff is put away, I’m passing out until dinnertime.”
Roy snagged his shirt with a finger and tugged him toward the bedroom, flashing a suggestive smile over his shoulder. “The groceries can wait.”
Jason sighed, but let Roy tow him into their room. “This is pretty optimistic, you know. I’m dead on my feet.”
Roy knew he could drop it - offer to finish putting the groceries away and let Jason sleep. His surprise would keep, and it wasn’t like Jason hadn’t earned a little rest.
But he wanted to show Jason he could give him more than rain and drudgery and chores. He wanted to prove he’d been worth leaving Gotham for.
4. Working Title: jayroy shifter au | Fandom: DC Comics/Red Hood and the Outlaws | JayRoy (E) The epic werewolf/werefox saga no one asked for!
Roy and Jason both froze. Roy looked over the top of Jason’s head to see Bruce and Dick standing in the doorway. Dick had his hands clapped over his mouth - to hide horror or amusement, Roy wasn’t sure. Bruce, on the other hand, looked even less happy to have Roy there than he’d looked before, which was saying something.
Roy sat very still. Jason slowly eased back, and Roy caught an expression of pure chagrin on his face before he turned to face Bruce.
“Exactly what did you think you were doing?” Bruce asked.
“I...uh…” Jason tried, before apparently giving up on explaining himself verbally. Suddenly there was a black and russet wolf cub sitting on the couch next to Roy.
5. Working Title: guykyle | Fandom: DC Comics/Green Lantern | GuyKyle (E) Exactly what it says on the tin.
Guy made himself look away, scowling down at the glasses in front of him instead as he finally put the one he’d been holding down and reached for another. This was becoming a problem.
He wasn’t really sure when it had started. It wasn’t like Kyle looked any different than he’d always looked, really. It had been years and he hadn’t changed a bit since the day he’d first shown up wearing Hal’s old ring and looking overwhelmed. Since Guy had given him an appraising once-over and thought no way in hell is pretty boy here gonna last.
Kyle had lasted. And he was still pretty.
Not that Guy gave a shit. So Kyle always looked like he’d just stepped off the cover of Tiger Beat or something, even when he was running on days without sleep and covered in alien ichor. Guy’s sensitive Pollyanna of an artist was a fucking badass. He still couldn’t throw a punch worth a damn, but he’d mix it up with bruisers ten times his size like he knew what he was doing, and no one could touch him when it came to constructs. Hell, he’d been a god three or four times and given it up without even a whiff of going mad with power. There was no one in the cosmos Guy trusted more at his back.
But he was so fucking pretty.
Tagging: @queenitsy, @purls-of-lizdom, @returnsandreturns, @theladyragnell, @atasteforsuicidal, and anyone else who would like to play!
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flashfuture · 3 years
I’m a bit of an outsider but it seems like the 90’s were a very paradoxical time for dc because from everything I’ve read Wally and Kyle’s runs are right bangers but like...I’ve also heard...other things about how other characters were written thats...less than flattering.
It’s okay the thing is lol that it depends on the character itself. The 90s was actually going to be a swap over and retiring period that well it didn’t happen. So here is my character break downs of the take over characters.
The Flash
Wally was a silver age character. He was Barry’s legacy and Flash was already a legacy from golden age Jay Garrick. Wally took over in the late 80s. Barry was gone and Wally took up his mantle. The Flash Team knew this was coming.
He got an entire series about himself settling into his own without really anyone to help him. Rudy and Mary were terrible. Barry and Iris were dead. It was Wally and some friends he made.
Wally remained the solo Flash until 2010 ish when they brought back Barry. But Wally is currently the Flash again and hopefully DC will stop harming my baby boy. 
Batman & Robin
Dick Grayson was growing up. And post crisis Bruce went from a overprotective father who Dick wanted space from to an abusive manipulative father who Dick was essentially running from.
Nightwing was Dick coming into his own. Connection to Clark’s mythos. At this point Dick was both a legacy to Bruce and Clark.
But Robin oh Robin. That was a symbol that didn’t fit with their new dark(er) Knight. So Golden Age Robin had to die. But Dick is busy.
Well who was just Robin right before Crisis? The Dick Grayson copy- Jason Todd.
So they bring back Jason and give him a quick revamp. They make him all chirpy and happy so Golden Age. But dark enough that he’s similar enough to NTT age Dick. Then they kill him. Like okay people say it was the vote but DC always wanted Jason or more accurately Golden Age Robin dead.
Which paved way for Tim Drake’s Robin. Someone who was made for this new darker Bruce. But would have also been paired with Dick’s more efficent Batman. However this failed when Azrael fucked hard with Tim’s character and bolstered Tim’s importance beyond the normal Robin levels. 
He was there to validate every bullshit thing Bruce was doing. He was there to validate child soldiers and reset the narrative from partner to general and soldier.
The issue for many fans comes from Tim’s character being a dork who siphoned off Dick’s chip on his shoulder colder more analytical mind.
Tim was just super eager and happy to help. (His backstory was pretty much just Bette Kane redone as a friend pointed out to me)
So Dick started to morph into happy big brother here. But the Batfam was changed in Crisis so the Batfam angle didn’t fit.
Dick wasn’t as hostile to Jason as some people would think but they weren’t close.
Dick was very close to Tim. I think original Tim paired with non altered Dick was a very good pair who worked well together.
It’s just when Tim became more and more popular he was given the traits that made Dick so popular and work so well.
Dick gave back the mantle to Bruce and Tim well Tim get siphoning more and more of Dick as time went on. 
Barely recognizable to their 90s and before counterparts
Green Lantern
Kyle is actually more controversial than I might lead people on this blog to believe lol. Due to my undying and biased love for him.
He came in as a character who was going to put a new spin on Green Lantern. He was younger and fresher faced. But Hal’s Parallax arc as many might not know was quick as fuck. He just turned evil after Coast City and went for Genocide. 
Kyle was yeeted the ring and he went in to try and help save the world. Kyle was the one who talked down Hal. Hal handed him the ring and said you’re the green lantern. The passing of the torch really. 
But Kyle wasn’t beloved by everyone. Many people found his entry too quick. They thought he was too good with the ring too quick. They didn’t like his character. Thought he was too emotional to be a GL not enough Will. Lot’s of different takes. 
Also Guy and John were there and many people would have preferred to see them if it wasn’t gonna be Hal. 
Kyle and Donna was another thing that was alienating. Many people would have preferred to see her with Roy (plus I hate her with Kyle but that’s me) 
Kyle remained the sole GA until 2005 ish so about 10 years. And he continues to be a major player to this day.
Green Arrow
Chuck Dixon hated Ollie and wanted him dead. So in came Connor Hawke. Ollie’s bastard son and a really talented martial artist that Ollie met at the Ashram. 
Ollie acted ooc as fuck during this run but he died in a plane crash. 
And Conn took over his place as the Green Arrow. Roy was doing Checkmate and Titans stuff anyways but no one asked him. 
Connor is my baby boy my favorite DC character. But he also wasn’t that popular. 
Obviously racism. They couldn’t even agree on a skin color. Many people were turned away by the perceived ‘preachiness’ of you know bringing up real world issues. 
A lot of people also didn’t like Conn being presented as a better martial artist than a lot of the Batfam (the fanon bias has always been strong) 
He was main GA until 2001 when Ollie came back. 
Okay we got Kon way back when Clark ate it and then he was sort of here. Younger than the above kids but obviously the intended take over for Clark. 
But then Clark came back. And it was just the take over didn’t happen here. 
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Making Music
“Honey, I’m home!” Hal yelled as walked through front door of Oliver’s mansion. 
“Hal!” Roy shouted as he ran around the corner at top speed. “Look what I got!” He proudly held out the plastic lightsaber, presenting the toy on his palms like it was Excalibur. “It lights up and makes the real sounds!” 
“Wow! That’s so cool. So I take it your Star Wars party was a success?” 
Roy nodded. His birthday had been a few days before and he’d badgered Oliver for several months about a Star Wars themed party. “I wish you had been there, though.”
“I know, kiddo. But when the little, blue men call, I have to answer. It comes with the job.” 
“I know...” 
Hal smiled sadly at the disappointed look on Roy’s face. “But...I think this will make up for it.” He brought out a small bag decorated with birthday balloons from behind his back. 
“Ollie! Hal brought a gift!” Roy snatched the bag from Hal’s hands and ran off. 
Hal chuckled as he followed, shaking his head. It wasn’t hard to follow the sound of Roy’s feet slapping against the floor as he ran. The noise led Hal to the living room, where Oliver lounged on a couch. “Way to roll out the welcome wagon.” 
Oliver rolled his eyes as Hal threw himself down next to him. “Roy ran out of here so fast he probably gave Barry a run for his money,” he said in explanation. A second later he smirked. “Heh. Run for his money.”
“You promised!” Roy reminded his guardian as he tried tearing through the layers of tissue paper Hal had wrapped the present in. 
“What did he promise?” Hal asked. 
“No lame jokes during my party.”
“It’s not your party anymore,” Oliver reminded him. “And that joke was comedy gold.” He chuckled when Roy threw balled-up tissue paper at him. He looked at Hal. “How was the mission?”
“Boring,” Hal replied with sigh. “Just some tough-guys who were only brave until the guy with the glowing, green ring showed up.” 
“At least you got home early.”
“What is it?” Roy asked, interrupting the two men. 
Oliver looked back at the boy and groaned. “Oh...tell me you didn’t...” 
“What?” The toy in Roy’s had was a metal rectangle. Most of it was red, except for a strip that silver on one long side. “What is it?”
“It’s called a harmonica,” Hal explained. “You use it to make music. Come here I’ll show you.” Brow furrowed in confusion, Roy walked over and handed the harmonica to Hal. He took it and blew, playing a few short notes his dad had taught him. Roy’s face lit up. 
“Cool!” He snatched it back, took a deep breath, and blew into it as hard as he could. Oliver cringed and Hal seemed unaffected. “I’m going to make up some songs. Thanks, Hal!” Roy ran out of the room, playing loud, discordant notes on his harmonica. 
As soon as he was gone, Oliver looked at Hal. “Get out,” he said. 
“What?” Hal asked innocently, a wide grin on his face. “I thought the kid could use a creative outlet.”
“And they were all out of crayons at the store?”
“Oh, Ollie, nothing can compare to sharing music with the people you love.”
“Bold of you to assume anyone here loves you.” 
“I can call Roy back in here and ask him.”
“God, no!”
Hal rolled his eyes. “If you hate it so much, I’ll return it. Just go take it away from Roy.” His grin widened as Oliver sat back grumbling. “Thought so.”
“Shut up.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Green-Eyed Monster (Green Lantern Male!Reader x Batman)
Requested by @yesthetrashbin
Okay, let’s just put it out there.
You’re not proud of it.
And it shouldn’t matter.
You’re not defined by whom you have dated (or not dated) in the past.
...But you used to date Hal Jordan.
You had a weakness for men in uniform, it was a long time ago, you were young, you hadn’t met Bruce yet, yadda yadda yadda.
You became Green Lanterns independently of one another because this Corps doesn’t seem to know what it’s doing.
But like I said, it was a long time ago, you’ve since gone your separate ways, and he’s not a part of your life like that anymore.
And Hal’s with Carol now, it’s not like he’s an unfaithful kind of guy.
At least, that’s the explanation you gave Bruce.
Not that he believes a word of it (about Hal. He knows you’d never do anything like that to him)
So, of course, Bruce feels the need to protect your honor.
Let me explain...
So, before you even came to Gotham, you had gone out for a few dates with Hal.
And by “a few,” I mean you two went steady for a year or so.
It’s not awkward being around Hal at the Watchtower or at League meetings.
And you two share a power set, so it’s just tactical to put you together to come up with strategies.
And, you saw no reason to let Bruce know about your former relationships
The way you guys never talk about Selina. Or Talia. Or that one time with Diana that no one thinks you know about.
But Bruce, being Bruce, finds out.
And he is immediately un-subtle about it.
He sits between you and Hal during meetings.
He alters schedules so that you and Hal are never alone together
He “establishes dominance” whenever Hal is around, which means he gets awfully touchy-feely.
Arm always over your shoulder or around your waist
Surprising moments of PDA while on duty
More offers than usual to join him in whatever he’s doing - which is how you’re clued in: Bruce is mostly a solitary worker.
But of course, things come to a head in an embarrassingly public forum
Every two months, someone in the League hosts a barbecue that everyone else is invited to
Clark’s barbecues always have the best food because he gets his mom to make pies, and his dad works the grill.
Diana’s is never in the same place twice, and somehow she always books the Nine Muses to play live music
Ollie and Dinah hire Texas pitmasters for a smokehouse-style barbecue, although they also accommodate alternative diets
Iris dreads when it’s Barry’s turn because every time she gets a look at the estimated food bill, she feels her hair turning white. You and Bruce always foot the bill for them
But this time is Hal’s turn.
You meet Carol, and of course Hal mentions you used to be his boyfriend.
Hal has been casually flirting with you just to mess with Bruce, but he never comes on strong enough to make you uncomfortable
Carol compliments him on his taste, and you all laugh. Except Bruce. 
Hal makes some comment about how you’re famous as Bruce Wayne’s boyfriend, and how he put you on his list of five celebrities he’s allowed to sleep with and Carol can’t get mad
And Bruce sucker-punches him
And of course your immature colleagues form a schoolyard ring and start chanting “Fight, fight, fight”
They are led by Ollie.
Barry has been sneaking food this whole time
Diana and Dinah help you break up the brawl.
You carry Bruce away using your ring to hold him in a giant glowing fist. You don’t often use your powers so casually, so everyone is instantly serious
Ollie gives a “somebody’s in trouble...” to which Dinah smacks him upside the head.
You toss Bruce in the fancy car you drove here in and there is silence on the way back to the Manor.
Silence as you grab Bruce again and walk through the house, nodding tightly at Alfred, who simply blinks once at Bruce’s situation and walks away without a word.
Finally you set him down in the bedroom.
The two of you sit down on yours and Bruce’s shared bed and you point to your Green Lantern Ring.
“Bruce, you see this ring? You know what it means?”
He sighs. “Of course I do, Y/N.”
“It’s a symbol of willpower. Now, do you think I’d ever let myself try to be with anyone but you?”
“No. You’d never.”
“Exactly. Now, Hal has the same ring. Same deal. Got it?”
“Bruce. Got it?”
“Good. Now come here and show me just how much I belong to you, huh?”
“Now that I can do gladly.”
Bruce gets better after that.
But he definitely still remains extra-affectionate towards you.
And that, at least, you can deal with.
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willforged · 5 years
I'm not super familiar with Hal Jordan's character but can you tell me if he actually enjoys being a superhero? Like why does he continue to help people and protect earth? What's his motivation to keep being a green lantern?
he does! he enjoys being a superhero. he likes the freedom of flying, not tethered down by control towers to follow and having to use a throttle to fly like in an aircraft. but it's not all rain and sunshine as he'd thought, because he made a lot of mistakes along the way. mistakes he still feels guilt about, like failing to be there when barry and ollie died, losing coast city, losing his mother, etc. but a big part of it was him going on the downwards path towards becoming parallax because of his overwhelming grief over losing coast city and the guardians reprimanding him for using his ring's powers for personal use ( as a coping mechanism ). the guardians pit other lanterns and his friends against him and he killed them all and took their rings, and as a last ditch effort, pitted sinestro against him too, who he killed by snapping his neck. then he also killed all the guardians ( iirc I think they all gave their energy to ganthet or something ) and emerged from the central power battery as parallax.
then as parallax he did many other terrible things, like killing hank henshaw ( cyborg superman ) and wanting to kill his past self due to space time shenanigans. he tried to reset the universe to restore coast city and also tried to kill uh... whatshisname I really gotta reread zero hour at some point
he then eventually starts to redeem himself for his deeds by sacrificing himself to save everyone on earth. but that's only the beginning. timeskip, he becomes spectre, then comes back to life, but even though the corps came back hal still feels guilt over supposedly killing them. so all of his deeds as a green lantern are both to help people ( I hc that he's good to kids because he doesn't want them to suffer the same path as he did ) as well as to pay back for the sins he's committed, even if he can never repay them in this lifetime or even ten. but he still wants to try anyway, shouldering responsiblity and taking the blame for things that weren't even his fault to begin with. he refuses to let other members of the league get involved with his duties because parallax is his burden, it's his choice.
tldr; hal enjoys being green lantern. he continues to do what he does because he feels like he has to make up for all the wrong he's committed. at the same time, being a green lantern means fighting for what's right and that's the rule he lives by.
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iwritethat · 6 years
Hal Jordan: Room Service
Request: Don't know if you write for this character(if you don't you could just ignore and write it w/ someone else) but I'd like to request an imagine w/ Hal Jordan where reader has a mad crush on him and vice versa so Barry (or Oliver) try setting them up.
A/N: I apologise that it’s so late
As a member of the Justice League you believed crushes were borderline illegal, I mean with Batman as one of your main leaders it seemed appropriate to accept. So when you were acquainted with Hal Jordan thanks to 'best friend' Oliver Queen, you didn't find the growing feelings for the Green Lantern very reassuring.
Time passed and the dreaded connection grew strong albeit unwillingly, Hal was overjoyed with the development although found your closeness with Green Arrow mildly disconcerting as rumours floated around that you'd dated - are dating??? Who knew? Batman probably did but refused to comment on the personal lives of Teammates regardless of how much pestering Hal managed. Barry on the other hand had found the ordeal painfully humorous and confronted his partner based on his behaviour ASAP. The Hal Jordan, charming womaniser, had actually fallen for you in more ways that one and it was obvious to every member but your oblivious self. Sure there were odd encounters that you couldn't avoid, like when Barry bailed due to obligations in Central City leaving you both alone together. Like when Oliver suggested to send you two undercover as a team on missions. Hopeless.
Either way, you were currently booked up in a 4 star Las Vegas hotel pacing the stretch of emasculate glass that lined your suite and offered a beautiful late evening skyline view. A resonating knock brought you back to reality, your mind lingering on how bringing down a Mafia Boss with a gambling problem would play out.
"No thank you!" You echoed, alas the knocking persisted so with a huff, you strode to the door finding none other than Hal Jordan.
"Ah - uh, hey (Y/n) so my room is just next door but can I come in?" The brunette ran a hand through his hair and offered that charming sheepish smile.
Obviously you couldn't refuse but rolled your eyes as a display of your protest before stepping aside. The Lantern brushed past you with a "Thanks beautiful." before taking seat on the couch, menu in hand and phone ringing to reception. You gave a cocked brow, silently asking for an explanation.
"Oh right, Olly blocked service to my room and since you're his favourite person, of course you get anything on him so..." Hal was partly embarrassed and somewhat hesitant to bring up your relationship with Olly as he trailed off. The fact acted as a reminder to keep his feelings private, despite how his heart ached for you.
"So... you're ordering dinner to my room on Oliver's payroll, how considerate of you Hal." It was an attempt to encourage a conversation on your part.
Hal directed his gaze to the floor with a smile before being abruptly interrupted by the receptionist on the other line. "Hi yeah, could I have the BBQ ribs meal and uh do you want anything?"
"Well, a (f/m) would be nice I guess. Y'know only if you're okay with that or whatever." The urgency of the mission reentered your mind yet on the other hand you truly valued one on one time spent with him.
"A (f/m)... and a bottle of your cheapest wine please - two glasses." He was smirking, if you didn't know any better you would say he was enjoying the inconvenience of the situation and Oliver's precautions.
"Seriously? You wanna throw some chocolate covered strawberries in there too, add to the romantic setting." You responded sarcastically, shaking your head and turning back to the window with a laugh.
"And some chocolate covered strawberries, thanks." At his smug words, you briskly turned around to be met with a playful smirk as he put down the phone that elicited a hopeless sigh from your lips.
"You're such a bad influence."
The next 20 minutes was spent filled with playful banter and a recap on the missions premises.
"If I knew Green Arrow was going to do this, I would've stayed with you from the beginning."
"Easy for you to say, Olly isn't going to be interrogating you." Was your comeback, the higher bill being an anomaly in your usual behaviour.
"Because you're having dinner with someone else... or???" Hal refused to meet your gaze as he spoke, his body language lead you to believe that Jordan thought your relationship with Oliver Queen extended beyond friendship.
"Huh, no why would that bother him - it's not like we're dating, he offered to pay for me and I'm here drinking wine." You explained further, completely missing the flash of pure happiness fly across Hal's features at the confirmation.
"Hey, it's the cheapest one. I'm paying for it."
"Y'know the 'cheapest' stuff here is $60 a bottle right." You countered, raising your brow meanwhile your partner choked on his drink and at that point you couldn't hold in your laughter and assured him you were joking.
Just then your phone illuminated with Oliver's image being displayed, Hal stood up knowing it was mission related before you'd even answered.
"(Y/n) our targets on the move, grab Hal and let's go. I'll send you the coordinates."
With that he hung up and you'd updated Hal as you rushed him out of your room so could change which would approximately take 5 minutes.
With everything prepared, you slid open your window ready to set off before a glowing emerald light almost startled you into falling back into your room. Your grip was tight on the window ledge as you glared at a sheepish Green Lantern hovering before you.
"Hey, want a lift?"
"Can't you just glow me up or whatever you do?"
"And waste the rings energy? No way, besides I don't mind if you don't." Hesitantly, you nodded thus allowing the Lantern to lift you into his arms - your grip tightening around his neck.
"I promise I won't let you fall (Y/n), except for me obviously. Speaking of, how would you feel about grabbing dinner again when we're back home?" His flirty attitude was appealing but you also found that getting him flustered was a cute sight too.
"Ooh like a celebratory meal for completing the mission? Sounds nice, we'll have to ask Olly and Barry if they'd be up for it."
"Uh right yeah, totally... wait no I meant like -"
"I know, I'd love to Hal."
In the midst of awaiting your arrival, Oliver proudly updated Barry on the progress of their secret side mission.
"Your plan worked Barry, I'll hand it to you."
"Knew it, Hal just needed an excuse to man up. No room service worked like a charm but you think it'll be enough?" Despite the initial glee, their past failures reminded Barry to remain indifferent due to your obliviousness.
"If not, we always have Plan E - at least I think that's what setup plan we're on now..."
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lysical · 7 years
can you say more about jason's titans team in the art of subtlety? (I love happy AUs)
I’m sorry it took so long to get to this, I’m drowning in asks atm. 
Here are some facts about Jason’s team of Titans: 
Jason had spent time with Dick’s team on a few occasions despite Bruce being very :/ about it (as he was in Post-Crisis canon). Connor Hawke was the next to show up and did much the same thing, on Dinah’s recommendation (Roy and Ollie were, uh, not speaking). Eddie was the third one and it was at that point that the idea of them forming their own team happened and Dick thought it would be good for them. 
Batman was like ‘uh, no’ but who listens to Batman? Not Dick Grayson. 
Dick’s generation had lots of freedom but Jason’s team has more ‘supervision’ from the older Titans. Jason complains to complain, Eddie thinks the Titans are cool so doesn’t mind, and Connor is chill. It works out pretty well because the older Titans know what it’s like to have overbearing mentors and so don’t act like that–generally. 
Rose Wilson turned up one day after Nightwing and Jericho had a confrontation with Deathstroke and came back to the Tower very confused and with a teenage girl and no one has ever pried the full story out of either of them. She bonded for life with Jason very fast and at some point a rule was put in place that they must keep Connor between them at all times in hopes that his chill would rub off and stop their hivemind. 
It didn’t really work. 
Kyle was the last member to join and it was a sunny day and the Titans were hanging out when Hal Jordan showed up with a kid who had a Lantern ring. Hal gave them a frazzled look and left the kid with them ‘for like five minutes i promise’ and then he never came back. 
He actually went to go talk to Kyle’s mom but that didn’t go so well and he had to negotiate between the Guardians and Kyle’s mom but Kyle prefers to leave that part out. 
All of them are collectively and individually banned from a certain room on the second floor of the Tower after an incident during their first year as a team that all of them (Dick’s team and theirs) signed an oath in blood to never, ever mention again. 
:D ? 
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