#Honestly scared for MC dear life
route-to-eutopia-if · 11 months
Hi hi! Just came across your IF and I’m instantly locked my eyes on Vegaris!!! The premise is promising and V really interesting to me. Can I know a bit more about Nemesis route? Does it mean we cannot romance V if we go down this route or
Hi, oh wow, awesome, tysm for taking interest in RtE, really!
Now that's a nice question.
As far as my current draft, you can still romance any ROs on any of their routes. Just because your purpose clashes with theirs doesn't mean you cannot harbor romantic feelings for them. Or them to you.
Ngl tho that path wouldn't be all candles and roses. Esp not with Vegaris. They're already difficult as an individual. As a RO... well, let's wait and see when the demo is out.
Hope I don't disappoint with a reply that not actually answer anything lol can't afford to spoil more than I alr have. Unfortunately.
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6okuto · 1 month
Hi dear I have and idea for touch starved ais and vere.
WHAT IF- what if the reader (MC) is like a single parent?????
Mc's like a mild or dilf or something like that?!
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gn!mc | meow. this (doing old reqs) is my parting gift(?)..
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his ear flicks up when mc mentions their kid for the first time. where are they? why are you here? who's the other parent?
not a guy who spends time around kids. probably not a guy who should spend time around kids /hj what swear words and scary stories will he share...
^ tbf he also gives some solid life advice, even if it's a bit blunt, or something the kid doesn't understand just yet
if mc's kid is witty / snarky he finds them amusing (especially if it's at mc) and easier to be around! whether that's good for mc or not is not up to mc Lmao
it varies depending on mc's relationship with their kid but if mc's kid is grown up, vere is more of his usual self. swearing, analyzing them, taunting them, etc.
vere never thought of himself as a possible father-figure. or even like, a fun uncle. but he likes mc, and despite his complaints or denial, has grown a little fond of their child.
^ possible angst if vere's like, do you really want to be with me? am i the role model you want them to have in their life? i'm chained up for god's sake etc
gets soft/quiet when mc talks to him about their kid. he sees the fondness in their expression, and even if he can't really relate, he can still sympathize
would make a couple pilf...? jokes. sorry. it isn't necessary though. he does enough flirting and innuendos that the pilf(?) thing doesn't come up that often
brings up their kid when mc is about to do something dangerous or stupid, when they succeed at said dangerous or stupid thing, or when their kid also tries doing something dangerous and or stupid. "well it's no surprise who you got your confidence from."
vere questioning mc's parenting tactics LOL. mc is like And what do you know about parenting and vere's like. enough to judge yours. they find common ground eventually
really doubles down on his warnings about the seaspring when he finds out they're a parent. he doesn't have to know how old, what their relationship is like, etc—he's already asking how much they're willing to risk and telling them to think about their kid
otherwise he doesn't really treat mc differently—they're a grown and capable adult, and being a parent doesn't change or weaken that
ais would pick his pets over hanging out with a kid, but he doesn't give himself enough credit with how well he can get along with one
if mc's kid is old enough that he can play pranks on mc with them. well. he will. mc looks at the both of them and they both shrug like What? it wasn't us? (the kid is grinning and giggling but ais keeps it together for the both of them.)
if there's an opportunity to introduce them to princess / whoever else, he will! like look at this sweet girl, you don't have to be scared. you wanna try getting her to sit and roll around?
babysits if needed, takes them out for the day (if only to keep them away from the seaspring). they get some food and he comes up with exaggerated stories for each shop the kid points out
mc's kid who's old enough for ais to teach them some self defense after they walk in on him taking care of injuries from a bar fight. mc who walks in on them and goes ?!?!?!
mc vents about their parenting troubles, and ais isn't sure if his leadership advice/experience is totally applicable to taking care of a child, but surely some of it is? he tries to help anyway
i can see their kid opening up to ais about things that worry them tbh. he's got that vibe. depending on what it is, ais might suggest to mc something they should do, or try to help himself
similar to vere, he likes mc and their child but he wants them to think about what's best for them—if that includes him in the picture. like yes he'll do his best, but he can't blame them if things don't work out. honestly he might try to cut things off firstdjdjshd
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slytherizz · 9 months
In The Shadow of Us - Sebastian Sallow x Female!MC/Reader
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a/n Scene from Chapter 11 of 'ItSoU' commissioned from the incredibly talented @diligentcranberry as a Christmas present to myself - It's so pretty I still cannot stop staring at my traumatised darlings. I never really shared much of my long fics on Tumblr besides the first chapters so here's some smut.
Chapter 11 Tags: Smut | Angst | Post-Azkaban!Seb | Enemies to Lovers | explicit sexual content | explicit language | forced proximity | Only One Bed (life sentence in Azkaban for me and my tropes)
You can read the complete fic on Ao3.
Chapter 11 under the cut...
The streets of Hogsmeade were deserted besides a small grey cat that scurried along the chimney stacks. Perhaps the return of Ashwinders to the area had scared most reasonable people to their beds. But neither she nor Sebastian had ever been reasonable people and they stood oddly calm in the night air outside the familiar tavern she'd apparated them to. 
“I don’t want to go back to Poppy’s - too dangerous. Harlow may be bold but even he’d think twice before darkening Sirona’s door,” she said with a tight smile. Sebastian recalled that first trip to Hogsmead and was pleased to know some things hadn't changed.   
She pushed through the heavy doors of the ancient pub. It was quiet. Where one would usually find patrons huddled in corners, playing cards over stiff drinks there were empty chairs. Where you'd see student that had sneaked out of the castle to drink and sing crude songs of their rival Quidditch teams until Sirona would shoo them out in the wee hours of the morning, there was silence. There would be no stumbling drunken feet of friends and young lovers up the long path to the castle castle tonight.
“Sirona?” she called and her voice echoed through the emptiness. The older witch appeared from behind the bar, her wand in hand as if she expected trouble to come knocking more than revelers these days.
“Oh, there’s a face I haven’t seen in a while. Hello, love-” her eyes landed on Sebastian with a look of surprise, but her eyes softened as she took him in. 
“Hello son, you look like you could use a drink,” she smiled. Sirona looked older, her hair peppered with grey around her temples the creases around her eyes more defined but her manner was familiar and Sebastian felt the tension leave his shoulders. 
Sirona like any good innkeeper, had that innate ability to sense your needs before you had a chance to voice them. With a flick of her wand two glasses of firewhiskey settled on the bar in front of her. Sebastian took a seat on the high stool and took a deep gulp from the glass relishing the burn as the amber liquid slipped down his throat. 
The witch slid into the space seat beside him and took a tentative sip from her own glass with a wince. She never had been able to handle her drink and he laughed slightly at her sour expression. 
"It's good to see you, Sirona," Sebastian said honestly. Sirona had always been kind to him. An aunt like figure to Sebastian and a shoulder to lean on more times than he’d care to remember. She'd seen him grow from a mischievous boy into a troubled young man, but unlike other she had never drawn back from Sebastian. Much like the pub itself Sirona was a constant pillar of support, always open when someone needed it most. 
Sirona poured herself her own glass, and topped up Sebastian's. She leaned back on against the counter on the opposite side of the bar her eye flicked between the two of them. 
"I won't ask exactly what event have led to you both being here tonight," she gestured between them amused "I know you can't tell me about your work dear, as much as I'd love to know the details - my guess it has something to do with Harlow."
"You're too perceptive for your own good, Sirona," the auror chuckled. "I promise, you'll be the first to know when this is all over."
"I hope so. Business has been dreadful, the inn is doing well but my bar sales..." she grimaced "Hogwarts is practically under lock down and even I'm beginning to miss the Gryffindor Quidditch team's terrible singing." 
"No one wants to be on the streets these days so most of my rooms are full. Unfortunatly, you'll have to share." The witch sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and looked at Sebastian nervously through her lashes. It wasn't like they had never slept together before. They had infact done a lot more together than sleep, it was almost amusing how this woman who had fought fully grown trolls at the tender age of fifteen, who had spent the last five years fighting dark wizards; yet Sebastian made her nervous and he luxuriated in the knowlege. He shrugged at her, as he schooled his features into an unreadable mask. Sirona's eyes flicked between them. 
The witch beside him stretched her arms as she yawned and wrinkled her nose at the dirt crusted under her fingernails. 
“It’s the usual place in the attic, dear. The bathrooms just down the hall,” Sirona smiled warmly at her. The witch finished the last dregs from the bottom of her glass, stifled a cough on her sleeve from the burn and slid off the stool to make her way upstairs. 
Sebastian tracked her movements across the bar before she slipped up the stairs. A knowing smiled tugged at the corner of Sirona’s mouth, her eyebrows quirked and he drowned the lump that formed in his throat with a deep swig from his glass.
“I must admit despite the circumstances - it's nice to see you both together again. You two were inseparable as teenagers and both so serious too. I guess with hindsight, I know why…" a sad smile deepened the creases around her eyes. 
"We bring out the worst in each other," he sighed with a shake of his head.
"I'm not so sure. Unfortunately, I think you both would be who you are no matter what. You both had to grow up far too fast, but I think you understand each other in a way others can't."
“Maybe we didn’t understand each other as well as you thought,” he grumbled. If she truly understood Sebastian wouldn't she have stood by his side after everything that happened but her words still rung in his mind -
I would care.
Sirona fixed him with an assessing eye, as if she was peeling him back. As if she could sense every hateful, lusty and confusing thought he’d had of the witch upstairs. Sebastian shifted uncomfortably under her gaze and she softened. 
"Not everyone gets a second chance at happiness, Sebastian. Don't waste yours."
Sirona said it like it was so simple. Like he could erase the last five years if he let himself. Coming from anyone else he would have hexed them. Sirona she met the world through the doors of this old pub, listened to everything from the lamenting of love sick teenager and world weary travelers who'd seen the darkest crevices of this world. He didn't know where his own problems fit in to that scale but he rolled it over in his mind.
A second chance. The words soothed his soul.
The summer at Poppy’s had done him good. Sebastian stared at his face no longer gaunt and hollow through the steamed up mirror of the small bathroom in the Three Broomsticks. If it wasn’t for the tattoos that covered his torso and crept up his neck he would barely think he’d been in Azkaban at all.
His clothes no longer hung off of him as he’d regained the strength and despite the nightmares that still haunted him nightly his eyes were no longer framed by dark bruises. The constellations of freckles that peppered his face and shoulder had returned in earnest, dark across his nose and cheeks. He adjusted his towel around his neck to cover the tattoo on his chest and placed his hand over the one on his neck.
This is who he would have been, if he’d never been to Azkaban.
He muttered a scourgify on his trousers before he pulled them on. Spells never made his clothes fully clean and not wanting to dirty himself further he left his dusty shirt in a the wicker laundry basket. Sebastian padded across the hall and hesitated in front of the door. He couldn't hear anything from beyond the door. 
With a long exhale he stilled his breath and rapped once on the door to announce his entrance.
She leaned against the windowsill her arms crossed over her thin nightdress. Her hair was loose from its braids and it fluttered in the warm summer breeze from the window. She watched the streets with a feline stillness, like an assassin on the roof alert and vigilant. Her eyes flicked up to meet his own as the door creaked, announcing his arrival. 
He clicked the door behind him but he could feel her eyes on him. Sebastian raised his eyebrows at her a small smile tugged at his lips at the way her eyes roamed over the bare expanse of his chest. The room seemed stiflingly small, the low vaulted ceiling left little space for more than the bed and a small nightstand. She was propped up on the windowsill, Sebastian leaned beside her and felt the warm air lick over his skin. 
She swallowed audibly and pulled her lower lip between her teeth. He see her from the corner of his eyes scan the bare expanse of his skin. 
"What do they mean?"
"You're an auror, I thought they would teach you this kind of thing?" Sebastian frowned. 
Sebastian moved in front of her her and caught her hand in his, admiring the way her chest swelled as she held in a tight breath. He brought her fingers to press into neck, his skin tingled under the featherlight touch.
“This is me. Prisoner identification number,” he supplied, as he turned so her fingers could glide down his spine "These mark each unforgivable curse, they found when the Wizengamot surveyed my wand."
Her nimble fingers traced each ugly black stain on his skin in turn. 
Crucio. Imperio. Avada Kadavra.
She lingered over each one, as if they were familiar like she knew they should decorate her own skin. 
Sebastian turned slowly back to face her and took her hand in his once again. Finally, he pressed her palm flat over the one on his chest. Directly over his heart. He knew she could feel how hard it pounded in his chest. Sebastian's face so close to hers, he could feel her stuttered breaths against his freckled cheeks.
"This is my sentence. Life In Azkaban." She sucked in a breath through her teeth. 
Sebastian didn’t want to explain the one on his wrist. The one he scratched at more fervently than the others. A particularly cruel form of punishment designed especially for him. When they peered into my mind, saw what tortured him most; It was always her. They’d inked her name in their ancient texts.
They stared into each other for what felt like an eternity. He waited for her to pull back, to recoil from him. Waited for his own body to do the same; to remember every aching moment of the past five years. But with her hand still pressed against his skin, her eyes boring into his own every rational thought burned away.
Sebastian wanted to be the version of him that stared back at him from the mirror. The one that did not bear the weight of the last five years. 
He let his lips ghost across hers.
Sebastian wondered if this was some new form of torture and this was some feverish fantasy of a man slowly dying in Azkaban. Or if they'd chained him to her on purpose, the only one who made him feel blood boiling hatred and blinding desire. A kaleidoscope of feelings, brutal, dirty and wonderful. To make him lose every rational thought in his body as her mere existence overwhelmed him before they ripped it away. 
She whimpered into the hairbreadth distance between his lips and hers. A pleasureful little sound that made some primal part of Sebastian practically purr with need. With one hand still pressed to his chest her other to wrapped around his neck to roughly pull his lips to hers in a feverish kiss.
Sebastian’s hands fisted into her hair, drawing her into him. The taste of her, the feel of her pressed against him made him feel like the world tipped on its axis. He nipped needily at her bottom lip and she gasped, granting him access to flick his tongue between her now parted lips.
She kissed him back feverishly, her own tongue collided with his own. He knew no one had touched her like this and it was like they’d both been starving. Her lips hungry against his own.
But he needed more.
In his desperation to feel as much of her as he could, hold her to him so she couldn't be stolen from his grasp Sebastian maneuverer her back until she collided with the wall. He pressed the entirety of himself against her, shamelessly dragging his hands along her curves.
He knew he was being rougher than he’d ever been as his hands groped every inch of her. But he was a man starved of touch for so long and he clung to her as if his very life depended on it. She seemed to crave that hardness as much as he did, as she ground her core against him where his leg had nestled between her thighs. Her fingers clung to his shoulders; her nails decorated half-moons amongst the splattered freckles. He hissed with delight at the pleasureful pain, as it broke through the numbness he’d felt for so long.
He grasped her chin to access her neck, to trail fire down her skin as he nipped at her thundering pulse. His teeth grazing every inch of her throat.
Sebastian snaked down the dips of her curves, to pinch and knead at her sides through the fabric as he worked his way to the hem of her nightdress. He slipped under her skirt to squeeze her backside and he savoured the vibrations in her throat against his lips from the groan that escaped her lips.
With how soft her skin was against his calloused hands he wanted – no needed to feel more of it.
She groaned in protest at the loss of his lips as he pulled the offending garment over her head. As if to stop their passions for even for a second would stifle the flames.
Sebastian stopped his assault on her skin to drink her in. His hands swept over the curves, fuller than he remembered, over the puckered skin of faded battle scars. In the soft lamp light, her hair unbound and wild, her lips swollen and her chest heaving she looked fucking exquisite.
She pulled him back into her roughly, her teeth knocked against his as her tongue delved into his mouth once more. Her fingers entwined in his chestnut hair, he shuddered as her nails scratched against his scalp. Sebastian hands resumed their assault, exploring ever dip and curve of her exposed flesh he’d devoured with his eyes. Intoxicated by the way her nipples pebbled as he grasped her breasts in his calloused hands. He captured the needy mewls that escaped her as he rolled them between his fingertips.
Sebastian trailed his hand between the peaks and down her stomach. His fingers grazed the sensitive spot between her thighs through the lace of her knickers. He chuckled against her lips as he slid his hand beneath the already damp material. Her folds were already slick and needy. Her lips didn’t say it, but her wetness told him she craved him as much as he did her. He stroked tantalising circles the small bundle of nerves, savouring every moan and whimper against his lips. He could feel her heart hammer in her chest. She ground her hips against his fingers as her eyes fluttered closed as a waves of pleasure crashed over her.
“Look at me,” he commanded. Her eyes snapped open to meet his own, she looked at him through hooded eyes “I want you to know it’s me - Who does this to you. Makes you feel like this.”
Her lips were parted as if she was going to respond but any words died on her lips as he slid a finger inside of her. Sebastian crooked his finger to find that spot inside of her that made her knees buckle. Her head lolled back against the wall with a throaty cry, barely held up by her weaked legs but her eyes never left his. He nipped at her throat approvingly.
Sebastian was achingly hard and strained against his trousers. He relished the friction of where his cock was rutted against her thigh. The scent of her own arousal coupled with the feel of his own was a heady concoction. He wanted to feel her climax under the entirety of him not just his fingers.
He withdrew sharply from her; a groan escaped her at the loss but Sebastian was quick. He unbuckled his belt and tore the leather from around his hips. His hands groped her perfect backside, as he lifted her up. She yelped in surprise, but her thighs instinctively squeezed round his middle. She kissed across his freckled face, and nipped at his earlobe as he carried her.  
Sebastian flung her onto the mattress and it creaked under her weight. He shoved off his trousers and underwear in one swift motion. His hard cock arching proudly, relieved to finally be released from the confines of his trousers. He prowled up the bed towards her and she lifted her hips so he could peel her knickers down her legs.
He ran his hands along her shapely calves and trailed his mouth along her stomach. He took her nipple in his mouth; he flicked his tongue over the bud whilst his hand re-found the bundle of nerves at her core. He circled it twice before teased two fingers into her entrance, she groaned and rutted her hips shamelessly against his fingers. She wanted him, her kiss swollen lips wouldn’t say it, but her body couldn’t lie.
She clasped at his freckled cheeks and pulled his lips to hers again. He growled with satisfaction as moved her legs apart expectantly. Caged under the full weight of him she wanted to feel all of him, between her legs.  
Sebastian aligned himself with her entrance and paused to savour the lusty look in her eyes. Sprawled out below him, bare and wild like a nymph from some Greek tragedy that would surely be his undoing. They would be each others undoing. 
She wouldn’t say it, but he knew he needed to hear it from her swollen lips. 
“Beg me for it,” he growled low in her ear, his nose burrowed into her tangled hair.
“W-What?” she stammered. Her pupils were blown wide, and he savoured the mix of confusion and lust that swam in her eyes. He knew she wanted him. He could feel it between her thighs. But he wanted her to proclaim it, to know he wasn’t mad to think this was something she didn't just want but needed; just desperately as he did. 
“I said - Beg. Me.”
“Please-” she murmured as her hips inched towards him.   
“You can do better than that,” he purred, as he teased his hardened length across her folds once more making her groan.
They both knew this was insane. But if he was going to succumb to complete blinding madness, throw all rationale away; then she was coming down with him.
“I want you- I need you inside me. Sebastian, please,” her fingers scratched across his freckled shoulders in a desperate attempt to pull him inside of her.
Sebastian practically purred with delight to hear her beg for the man she’d condemned. Satisfied he sheathed the entirety of himself inside of her with one strong thrust. Her eyes rolled back and her eyelashes fluttered as she arched her back as he filled her. The feel of her pulsing heat around him almost sent him immediately over the edge. He released a groan of his own, low, and deep.
This was not the tender explorative touches of teenagers it had once been.
With every deliberate thrust into her, he drew incomprehensible moans and pleas to deities from her lips. Her hips bucked to meet each stroke as she writhed under him. Her calloused fingers mapped his skin, over each tattoo along his spine. Each one a mark of the sordid past they shared. She traced every freckle in every impossible spot no one had seen but her. The sensation of each featherlight touch and rough scratch sent shivers cascading through him.
Sebastian’s mouth fixed on her neck, leaving red welts where he sucked at the skin like he could replicate the branding of her that marked his own skin. To claim what had always been his.
As he ground his hips against her and she arched her back in approval, Sebastian wrapped his arm through the vacant space below her. He hauled her up to leave more bites along her chest. His other hand fisted possessively into her hair as if he despite the impossibility he could be closer to her. Each frantic thrust brought incoherent curses and praise from her lips. He felt dizzy with how her hips jerked demanding as much of him as she could, with how perfectly he fit inside her even after all this time.
Her nimble fingers pushed his still wet hair from where it had dropped into his eyes. She pressed her lips to his to absorb the curses and moans he hadn’t even realised were spilling out of his own mouth.  
Sebastian caught her trembling leg behind her knee in a bruising grip to hitch it up. To roughly plunge himself deeper inside of her, she released a strangled cry of approval. Her legs were strong from years of fighting, but he admired the valleys and dips he created in the soft skin of her thighs with his fingers. Her breathing hitched becoming more frantic as the angle pushed her to new heights of bliss. Every rasped moan spurred the motion of his hips as he eagerly chased the sounds only he could draw from her.
He could feel her body begin to tighten and pulse around him in a way that was maddening. Sebastian was desperate to feel her peak, but his body had a mind of its own as he thrust into her desperately, he knew his own release build deep in his gut. The last coherent part of his brain not overtaken by an animalistic need guided his hand down her stomach to stroke her clit. The overwhelming sensation of his cock and his fingers had her keening and stuttering as she began to crest her peak.  
“Say my name,” his voice no more than growl, as he struggled to hold back his own release.
Amongst the other senseless words that escaped her she cried his name. Loud and desperate from her swollen lips; an intoxicating sirens call, he would follow willingly to a watery grave. She hauled him down to bring his full weight on top of her as she climaxed. The way she said his name, even when she was near delirious, practically vibrating as she rode her orgasm.
To know he was the one who made he feel like this. The only one who could make her skin feel like it was on fire. The only mans name she’d ever cried when her earth shattered.
He slammed into her hard and fast prolonging that feeling of ecstasy for as long as long as his own frenzy would allow. But the feeling of her trembling release, and the continued raspy gasps of his name made his hips faulter. His teeth bit into her shoulder to muffle her own name that slipped from his lips in a guttural moan as he released inside her.
Sebastian’s chest heaved as his heart rattled against his ribcage, as he came down from his own earth-shattering bliss. They stayed like that for a while, his head pressed into the crook of her neck, still inside her to the hilt. Every inch of his skin where they were connected felt like it was on fire.
He didn’t kiss her again.
Sebastian rolled off of her, and she whimpered slightly at the loss of him inside her. They lay there together, sheets tangled around their limbs their minds fogged from their shared ecstasy.
Her mallowsweet scent was on the sheets, on his skin; it soaked into Sebastian’s mind. It silenced intrusive questions that simmered in his mind about what they’d just done. He knew they would come; he’d have to face them eventually but for now he wanted to pretend things were different.
So, for the first time in years - Sebastian slept and didn’t dream.
Sebastian woke as the dawn light streamed through the curtains. Golden hues illuminated the witch still curled beside him. The sheets tangled around her doing little to hide the curve of her hips, her hair fanned out around her like a halo.
He groaned and rubbed his eyes. His brain felt loud as too many questions bubbled to the surface and made his head spin.
She stirred slightly when the mattress dipped as he climbed out of bed, but she buried her head back into the pillow. Sebastian released a relieved breath he didn’t realise he was holding. He needed to clear his head before he was ready to face her. He pulled on spare clothes from the nightstand Sirona had left out for him and slipped out the door.
It was the crack of dawn and Hogsmead was still very much asleep. He walked the empty cobble streets and tried to make sense of the complicated cocktail of emotions that bubbled in his chest. Sebastian seemed to be existing in a plane somewhere between self-loathing and infuriating yearning. 
Sebastian didn’t know what this meant for him, let alone for her. For them.
Could a version of them even exist anymore? Sebastian wondered if he even wanted it to. As much as he wanted to pretend the past five years hadn't happened they had and like a self fulfilling prophecy she had gotten under his skin, clouded all rational thoughts and distracted him from his mission once more. 
He’d began his slow plod back to the Three Broomsticks, resigned to the fact that he must face her eventually. He hadn't quite decided whether he wanted to pretend it had never happened or make her scream his name a hundred more times when a figure stepped into his path.
Sebastian froze, his hand instinctively reached for his wand. He cursed himself for being so wrapped up in thoughts of her that he’d left it in his old clothes. He squared his shoulders and met the amused stare of the stocky man in front of him.
“No need for dramatics, Sallow. I’m not here to hurt you,” chuckled Harlow. Sebastian should be shocked a wanted man like Harlow would appear so brazenly in the streets of Hogsmead. Maybe his own actions had last night had tapped him out and nothing could suprise him more than himself.
Much like Sebastian, months on the outside had brought a fullness back to Harlow’s face. Although no longer hollow cheeked his fine clothes did little to hide the ancient letters branded across his neck. But perhaps Harlow wasn’t trying to hide them, didn’t feel them burn into his skin as Sebastian did.
“Some how I find that hard to believe,” Sebastian ground out through clenched teeth. If it wasn’t for the knowledge that the auror would probably have to scrape what was left of Sebastian off the cobbled streets he would have launched himself at Harlow and tried to rip him apart with his bare hands.
“Come on now mate, we’re friends, aren’t we? Besides - I owe you, Sallow. With all our little chats, you’re the one who gave me my grand idea,” Harlow said with palms to the sky. His open face and arms mimicked the posture of a pious man of the cloth so at odds with the man Sebastian knew him to be.  
Sebastian’s felt the bile rise in his throat. What idea had he given him?
“I was thinking too small. Blackmail, bribery - why do all of that when I could be Minister of Magic? Wielder of dark ancient powers. Get revenge on the girl who locked us both away. Who could stand in my way? You understand don’t you, what it’s like to have that kind of power at your fingertips. What it would feel like to make them pay. Clever I admit, earning her trust before stabbing her in the back,” Harlow cast a wry eye over the collection of bruises that had formed below Sebastian’s jaw, and he chuckled. “She is a pretty little thing I admit. Don’t blame you for wanting to fuck her first.”
“You can’t get to the repositories. The goblins tried, it’s pointless-” Sebastian began. 
“I don’t need those repositories; I already have enough from what the goblins took to fix this,” his yellowed teeth broke into a wide smile, as he presented the pieces of the broken relic from the catacomb. That’s what Bettie had been desperately clutching to her chest “Then I can take her power for myself.”
The relic.
The one that could control the dead, dark magic and grant you any impossible desire if you paid it in blood. A man like Harlow would not be far pressed to provide it with a dark sacrifice it demanded. 
Sebastian felt a blood grow cold in his veins. Sebastian had spilled his secrets to the man beyond the wall and now they were all going to pay for it.
“I’ll see you round mate. Give her one for me will you,” Harlow winked. He whistled as he strode off through the vacant streets leaving Sebastian alone.
Sebastian stumbled back to the pub in a daze. His mind raced so fast he felt like it couldn’t remember how to breath and choked the air out of his lungs. Sebastian pushed into the attic room, desperate to feel his wand between his fingers, find the safety in his own magic.
The witch lifted her head woken from her slumber by his heavy footsteps. She greeted him with a sleepy smile.
No soft smiles could shake the panic from Sebastian’s bones. His jaw was clenched, shoulders stiff and his knuckles white where the ligaments in his hand strained against the door handle.
How can he tell her he’s the reason Harlow was after her ancient power. That he, however unwillingly, had given the man who’d designed his sisters pain all the tools he needed to spread it like a unstoppable poison.
This was his fault. He wondered if the world had always been right and Sebastian Sallow truly was cursed.  
She looked wounded at the frown that twisted his face and she drew the sheets tighter around herself protectively. Sebastian knows what this must look like. Like he must regret their night together. That last night was just one moment of madness.
She’ll think last night was a mistake eventually so why not cut to the chase. Save himself the pain of thinking he could be anything but cursed.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an asexual MC
~ this is by no means my personal experience, but after several requests and some wonderful people helping me research, here we are! Hope you enjoy :) - brainrot ~
NOTE: being asexual and being aromantic are two distinct experiences. these headcanons are for an asexual MC, if I write for an aromantic MC, that will be in its own post so it's properly covered ^.^
This reflects on his own unfortunate dating history, but he's really not used to starting romantic relationships off of something that doesn't involve a physical connection. He's a little confused
He's not stupid, he can tell you two have something special going on, but you don't seem especially interested in taking things to the bedroom and he's not sure what to make of it
Do you just find him physically repulsive, but mentally stimulating? Is it the eyepatch? Because he can lose the eyepatch -
Genuinely relieved once you explain, because it lets him know what your boundaries are and how best he can work towards something real with you without pushing you into something you don't want
If you enjoy steamier things when it's part of you two connecting and expressing your feelings, he's still quick to initiate
He's very understanding when you're not in the mood or up for anything steamy, but it's equally important to him to hear that you still want to spend time loving him, even if it's not in that way
If you don't want to do anything steamy at all, he'll want you to give him clear boundaries so he doesn't accidentally overstep
In the end, his relationship with you is based on your mutual commitment to taking care of each other. That's not changing
This is ... complicated for them
Don't get him wrong. He loves you, completely and unconditionally, and he would never, ever want you to feel forced. He's just happy he gets a second shot at life with you
At the same time, they have the easiest time expressing their love for you through their physicality
He says "I love you" out loud maybe once a fortnight - but he says it a thousand times daily with gentle touches, kisses brushed to your neck in passing, and casually intimate moments
So realizing as they cared for you that you had no interest in the ultimate physical act of love required a bit of a mental reset
Honestly, he's scared of not being able to love you the way you deserve, and of not feeling loved in return (he'll find it's not true)
If you enjoy steamier things as part of an emotional connection, they are all on board. They're always clear about being open to fun times, but they'll leave it to you to actually initiate stuff
If you don't want to do anything of that nature, he'll avoid the conversation at first but ultimately want to talk to you about what physical affection you are open to. Kisses? Cuddles? Handholding?
Their joy is in your joy. If they can feel you breathing, they're happy
Oh. Oh dear, she's gone about wooing you quite the wrong way
Her first instinct on hearing your explanation is to apologize. Her approach to courtship tends to be very sensual, and the thought of you not enjoying such things didn't cross her mind
She's going to want to clear a few things up, too - she knows she took a steamy approach, but she genuinely enjoys you for who you are, regardless of what you are or aren't open to
That said, please sit down and talk to her right away about what your boundaries, preferences, and comfort zones are, because she doesn't want to take any chances on miscommunication
Thankfully, spoiling you doesn't require any physical contact at all
If you're open to fun times as part of a special connection, she's very careful to establish a balanced power dynamic in that area. (Unless you'd still like her to take control :P)
She'll initiate sometimes, but it's always preceded with her asking what mood you're in and if you're in the headspace for it
If you'd rather keep things completely innocent, she'll want detailed boundaries for what physical affection is and isn't okay
She doesn't love you for your body. She loves you for your strength, and your faith in her. Give her that, and she'll give you everything
Okay. Sounds good
This is accompanied with a heavy blush because it means you're referencing *adult* things, but he's really not that bothered
If he has any relational issues with it, it would only be after you've been together long enough that he would feel comfortable sharing his body with you if it were an option
Then he might take it into his head that this is your way of saying you don't trust him not to hurt you, or that you find his scars ugly
Obviously, this is not true, and all it takes to prove otherwise is not wincing when you see him or shying away when he gets close
If you enjoy less innocent things when it's a way of being close and enjoying each other, then he's down for that too. He doesn't really get "in the mood" unless you put him in the mood, so there's that
There might be a lot of missed opportunities until one or both of you learns to initiate without worrying about pressuring each other
If you don't like steamy things at all, cool. He likes how relatively uncomplicated that makes the physical side of your relationship, especially when he's still got a complicated view of his body
He's learning to love gentle, safe touch, though, so if things like cuddles and cheek kisses are your jam, then please. Have at it
Huh. She's pretty sure she's heard of this before, but she's never navigated a relationship where that was something to keep in mind. Tell her more!
She feels the most free to discuss it casually/joke around about it. Gets completely into the garlic bread stereotype and will laughingly bake you some if it's something you like eating
If anything, learning about this makes her feel even more secure in her relationship with you. It tells her all over again that you chose her for who she is, and not some other motivation
That said, she does have needs of her own, and feels just as free talking to you about how she goes about satisfying them solo as long as that's not something you're disgusted hearing about
If you enjoy steamy things with her as part of your connection, she'll go out of her way to really emphasize what the act means with you instead of getting lost in the moment
She'll bring it up fairly often, usually as part of a list of options to do together: do you want normal cuddles, or special cuddles?
If it's something you don't want anything to do with, she's likely to ask you lots of questions about it simply because she's a curious person. You're her partner in crime! That's all that really matters
He's about as confused by someone who wants a relationship without adult special fun time as he is confused by people who like to listen to music without dancing along
Don't you feel like you're missing out? Isn't that the whole point of being in a relationship with someone? (spoiler alert: it's not. that's the trauma and lack of self awareness talking)
When he first learns this about you as he gets to know you, he ends up assuming it means that you just don't do romance at all
And then, as his own feelings for you grow and he learns what it means to trust someone enough to be vulnerable around them, he comes to realize that relationships can be so much more than that
If you enjoy adult stuff when it's part of a bigger context, he ends up having to learn how to engage in intimacy that isn't just a greedy scramble to satisfy physical desires
You have a standing invitation to his body, and he'll bring it up frequently, but he finds way more satisfaction in the quiet security of being held by someone he loves, who loves him back
If you're not into it at all, he'll need a solid explanation of what's on and off the table and why before he learns what to and not to initiate. He wants to love you and be loved. That's all
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cozage · 11 months
hiii!! i love you’re writing sm, been following you for awhile but haven’t sent in a request before!!
i’ve been craving for some sanji angst as a treat… i was thinking a scenario where the mc and sanji fall in love but can’t be together due to various reasons (like them being on different crews & can’t seeeach other enough, etc). i want LONGING i want PAIN i want STAR-CROSSED LOVERS… if you want to write it ofc :)
remember to take breaks and stay hydrated and healthy !! take care <3
Hi! I need a few more days to recoup, but Monday I’ll be back with TDR. Here’s another small thing I wrote while I’ve been away.
This is going to be fun four-part mini series 💕 Here's part one!
Characters: female reader x Sanji CW: none Word Count:1k
He came into your life like a knight in shining armor. 
Not that you needed one. But it was certainly nice to have. 
You had been shopping for your crew, trying to find the correct ingredients to prepare some of your best dishes. You never knew what the New World had in store, so it was best to stock up when you got the chance. 
And then a group of men shoved you to the ground, demanding your money and your possessions. 
You were just about to teach them a lesson when a blonde-haired man roundhouse kicked them all at once, instantly knocking them unconscious. 
“Are you okay, my lady?” He asked, extending a hand out to you. 
“Yes, thank you.” Normally you wouldn’t have taken a stranger's offer to help you up, but his blue eyes only showed kindness in them. 
As you stood to your feet and brushed yourself off, the man instantly began picking up your scattered belongings. 
“That’s okay, I can pick them up.”
“Nonsense.” He smiled at you, holding out your basket with all of your things neatly packed inside. “A lady shouldn’t have to pick up things off the ground.”
You ignored his chivalry. “Is there anything I can do to repay you for helping me out with those thugs? I have money-“
“I will not take money from a lady,” the blonde said, a smirk on his face. “But I would like a date.”
Oh he was bold. Very bold. You weren’t sure how you felt about it, but he had piqued your interest. 
“Very well,” you smiled, trying to ignore the blush rushing to your cheeks. “Take me on the best date you possibly can, er-“
“Sanji,” he said quickly. “My name is Sanji.”
You introduced yourself as well, and then he led you off away from the marketplace and toward the coast. 
You were a bit delusional, letting a strange man take you on a date. Perhaps you had hit your head when you were pushed down. It was about the only explanation for doing this. You were normally so cautious, especially when it came to pirate ports on the Grand Line.
“What are you thinking about, my dear?” His question jerked you from your thoughts. 
“Honestly?” You chuckled. “I’m thinking how insane it is that I’m going off alone with some stranger. You could kill me and nobody would even know I was gone.”
“Sure that’s not true,” Sanji said, scowling. “You have to have someone who cares about you.”
You shrugged. “My crew is all I’ve got.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You’re a pirate?”
You gave him a teasing smirk. “Does that scare you?”
“Not at all,” he hummed. “It must be quite the life.”
“It’s a good life. Better than I had before.” You instantly regretted your words. You shouldn’t have given him a reason to pry. 
But he didn’t ask any further questions, thankfully. The two of you arrived at the coast just in time to see the sun begin to sink behind the waves. 
“Unfortunately I don’t have much time to make your date perfect. I’m afraid we’ll have to settle for a sunset on the beach.” Sanji sounded disappointed, but you appreciated something simple. 
“You shouldn’t try too hard on the first date anyway. You can’t show all your cards at once,” you said in a joking tone. It’s not like you’d get another date with him. You’d be gone by sunrise. 
“What is your dream date?” Sanji asked. “For next time.”
You laughed at his joke now, but you thought long and hard about your answer. You couldn’t be this vulnerable with your crew. It was nice to have someone who wanted to hear your opinion on things. 
“This is pretty close,” you admitted. “A sunset on the beach. I would just have to add a bottle of wine.”
Sanji raised a curly eyebrow at you. “That can’t be all.”
You sighed. It wasn’t. 
“Flowers,” you said. “I’d like a guy to bring me flowers. Oh! And have somebody cook for me for once. And…” you bit your lip, embarrassed to say the next part. But Sanji’s encouraging gaze pushed you on. 
“I really want to go dancing.  Even if it’s just a dance with street music. It’s silly, I know-”
“It’s not silly, mon cherie.”  His eyes were aglow listening to you speak, and you felt like for the first time in your life, you had finally been heard. 
You smiled back at him and returned your gaze to the sunset, silently watching it sink beneath the sea. 
“Are you a cook?” Sanji finally asked. “You said earlier you wanted someone to cook for you.”
Your face scrunched at his question. “I’m not very good, but my crew mates don’t complain too much.”
“I’m sure you’re amazing,” Sanji said. “I’ll cook for you every day, if you want.”
You wanted to stay with him. You wanted to ask him to join your crew, but your captain was strict on who he let in. You couldn’t even extend the offer to this amazing man in front of you. You’d have to break his heart instead. 
“I can’t stay here, Sanji,” you finally whispered. “I’ll be gone by morning.”
Sanji grabbed your hand and held them tightly. He didn’t look sad though. He looked hopeful. 
“Our paths will cross again,” he promised. 
“I hope the fates allow that to happen.”
And with a quick kiss on the cheek, you left him on the beach, hoping that somehow, he was right. 
You missed him desperately. You thought about him constantly. Every time you landed on an island, a piece of you searched for his blonde hair and blue eyes. You knew you wouldn’t find him, but you still had to search. 
“Are you okay?” your captain, Berk, finally asked you. “You’ve been different recently.”
“I’m fine,” you said. “I just made a connection with one of the locals on an island recently. I kind of miss him, that’s all.”
Berk raised his eyebrow at you at the mention of you missing another person who wasn’t on the crew, and you could see his body tense. 
“Come on girl.” He gave a nervous laugh. “You know we’re the only family you’ve got.”
You gave a sad smile and turned back to the meal you were preparing. “I know, Berk. I know.”
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
imagine the boys with an mc that they've never seen sick bc the mc got a really good immune system and then one day the mc is just sick in bed, all loopy, partially not understanding whats going on. So basically an mc that never gets sick but when they do its badddd.
-- Cove is PANICKING.
-- If you're still living at home, then he's going to your moms, his mom, his dad, just trying to figure out what to do.
Cove: Is it "feed a cold, starve a fever"? Why would we starve MC? How high does their temperature need to be before we take them to the doctor? Do we need to go to the emergency room?
-- But honestly, if you're living together, he's doing all that too. He's on google, checking your symptoms like once an hour. Will get soup delivered, he doesn't know how to make it (and he's not going to starve you, that's crazy).
-- By the way, none of the boys are going to keep their distance to avoid getting it lol, they'd all be in way too deep.
-- If you don't understand what's going on, he's going to think that's scary and he'll be tempted to take you to the hospital because you are precious to him. Will definitely call a nurse line or do a telehealth appointment, will also not leave your side until you're more coherent.
-- Tries to be strong for you but cries when you're sleeping because he's scared and he doesn't want you feeling this bad.
-- Derek was built for this though.
-- He's worried, of course, but he's a lot more composed. And he'll know how to make soup.
-- Will also know everything else on how best to treat you. He'll make sure you stay hydrated, will help you to the bathroom. Like he's gently wiping the sweat from your forehead or the snot from your nose lol, you will never have a better nurse in your life.
-- He'll talk to you and try to make you feel better even if you're loopy.
You: I don't ... I need to go to work ... the zebras ... *flails*
Derek: Shhh, honey, the zebras are fine, take another zip of water for me and try to rest.
-- He won't sleep until you're better.
-- Baxter though lol
-- It's not that he doesn't care, ok, he definitely does. He cares so much. He's going to call in at work so he can stay home and tend to you, he might even let you wear some of his fancy pajamas as a little treat.
-- But if you don't understand what's happening, then he's going to have fun with that.
You, a full grown adult with a full time job: If I don't finish my homework for math then I'm gonna flunk and I'll have to repeat the grade ...
Baxter, solemnly: That's terrible, dear.
-- He might go too far, but if he does then he'll feel bad enough to tell you when you get better to you can hang it over his head.
-- He will prepare a broth for you. He seems like a broth guy.
-- Will also lay in bed with you all day, having fun with your loopiness but also keeping an eye on you. Because as much as everyone calls Cove clingy, if he gets you back after the wedding in Step 4, then I hope you are ready for how hard he's going to attach himself to you.
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Yandere!Solomon x Princess!reader/MC (GN) - Royal au
Summary: When you found out that your parents were planning to marry you off to some foreign noble your first reaction was to talk to your friend and families mage, Solomon, but maybe that wasn't the best choice...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Arranged marriage, Lucifer Slander (I had to do it to em), drugging (kinda), talk about murder, imprisonment (also kinda), I do not condone this, this is all fantasy
Day 8 of my Yandere Writetober and I've stayed strong so far and written something every day, I hope I'll keep the energy. I could use some help for tomorrow with 'bounce' though, honestly, I have no idea what to write for that
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Ever since you were a little child, your parents had instilled in you that eavesdropping was wrong and not very royal. It was one of the many things that were not appropriate for the children of the country's ruler. You've spent many nights listening to your tutors go on and on about etiquette and manners and behaviour, etc., etc., etc.
This was the reason that when you heard the sound of your parents talking coming through a slight opening of your father's study, your first instinct was to change directions and leave them to it. Then you heard your name. You were still a young adult- barely not a child anymore - so obviously your curiosity won over. Silently walking over to the wall near the door, you pressed your back against it and tried to tune into their conversation.
"Are you sure? Duke Lucifer isn't known to be very kind, it is said that he only wishes for an heir and nothing else. What about Prince Michael?"
"No, the celestial kingdom has no interest in an alliance whatsoever, they see themselves as mightier than anyone else."
"I assume that disqualifies Marquis Simeon as well," you heard your mother sigh - what were they talking about? Alliances? Heirs? The names of the foreign nobles were familiar to you, but that did not give you much context.
"Duke Lucifer - as cruel as he may be - is the highest ranking noble under King Diavolo, his kingdom is looking for alleys in their rivalry with Celestia. This is our chance to finally rise in the world," your father stated with this hunger for power in his voice that scared you whenever you heard it. "Think about it dear, Y/N isn't our firstborn, their older brother will take the throne, so marrying them off to Duke Lucifer and extending our reach in the world will help us more than having them here ever would."
Your hand flew up to cover your mouth in shock. This couldn't be real, couldn't be true- as a child, your parents had told you about how marrying each other for love was very important to them when they were your age, so you always assumed the same would be true for you. Surely your mother was opposed, right? no way she'd let you - her youngest child - get married off to some cruel Nobel that you had never even seen before and who was probably twice your age.
"You're right, if that's what's best for our family," your mother spoke, completely making you freeze. How was it the best for your family when it meant you'd get carted off to a foreign noble? Did you really mean that little to them?
You hadn't even noticed the salty streaks running down your cheeks, burning on your skin, nor did you notice your feet gaining a life of their own as you walked through the castle.
Only when you stood before the painting of your great-grandfather, which hid the secret entrance to one of the castle's towers did you realize where you were headed. Solomon's chambers.
Solomon had been the student of your family's mage up until the old man had taken his last breath and Solomon took over the position. Some thought him to be unqualified, after all, he was just a few years older than you, but you knew how powerful he was. You really thought that there was nothing he couldn't do. Ever since the two of you had met as children he'd shown you his magic, cheered you up whenever you were sad and helped you in every crisis - no matter how small.
When your pet had been attacked by a wild animal, he'd been the one to bring it back to life and heal its injuries, when a foreign spy had tried to take your life, he'd blown him off you in a magical explosion (not harming a single hair on your head) and turned him to dust in a single moment, even when you had realized that your dress was the wrong colour at an important banquet had he been the one to change it with a single swipe of his hand.
So it made sense that your subconscious mind immediately sent you to him when you realized your peril. After all, he'd promised you that he'd always find a solution, no matter what problem plagued you. Entering the secret passage, you quickly tried to wipe away your tears, not wanting to seem even weaker than you knew you would in just a few seconds, but it was hopeless. Solomon was always able to look right through you.
As you walked into the main room of his chambers, you felt a nice sort of comfort engulf you. The messy shelves and desks and even chairs which were filled with all sorts of magical gadgets and books and bottles of mysterious liquids were so familiar to you and yet they fascinated you anew every single time you visited. As if feeling your presence, Solomon came from out from one of the adjacent rooms the second you crossed the threshold.
"Your royal highness, it's a pleasure to have you as always," he smiled at you as he walked closer, his happy expression quickly turning into a frown once he noticed the redness of your cheeks - an unmistakable sign that you had cried.
"What's wrong?" he asked as he led you to a chair that was kept free of any junk just for the occasion of your visit. You fell into the seat and could almost feel your tears coming back.
"You know what, I'll go make you a tea with calming herbs, then you can tell me what troubles you," he said softly, waiting for a second as if hesitant to leave you alone, before leaving for only a minute before returning with a steaming mug that he put on a small table beside you.
"Now, tell me what happened MC." Usually, Solomon only called you by your official title, claiming that as your servant it was only appropriate, no matter how often you asked him to call you by your name like the friend he was. So, the fact that he called you MC, showed you that he was serious, that he was listening to you as your childhood friend Solomon and not as the court's mage.
"I-I overheard my parents, they- They are marrying me off. I don't know when or how, but... I'll get sent off to Devildom to be married to some Duke there. I'm just an end to a means for them..."
"What? No! They can't do that, that's not how- that's just not okay," Solomon exclaimed angrily, rage filling his eyes. He seemed even more enraged by it than you.
"It's horrible, but... I have no choice, do I? As a royal, I mean. I'm not the firstborn, I would have never become the next monarch anyways so maybe I was just idiotic to believe that I could live my life normally," you sighed, trying to stay calm, trying to be the bigger person as you were always taught.
"No! I can't them marry you off, I'm the one who-" Solomon raged on, running his hand through his hair as he stalked around the room, stopping himself in the middle of the sentence and before you could ask what he meant, he was kneeling on the floor before you, holding your hands. "What if there was a choice, what if I had a way out?"
Your eyes widened, but you trusted Solomon entirely, so you considered it honestly.
"I mean, if there is a way out, then yes. I want out. I don't want to be married off." You noded your head in excitement and Solomon sprang up again, telling you that he'd be back in a second and to wait for him.
You enjoyed the cup of tea he had prepared that was now a nice, drinkable temperature. Solomon always made the very best tea. Whenever you visited him and he prepared it for you, you felt so weightless, so free of worry, that you now tended to crave it whenever you were stressed or exhausted which also meant your visits to Solomon increased, not that either of you complained.
"Here it is, the way out," Solomon came back with a vile of turquoise liquid that he carefully held towards you. "Just a bit of this and this arranged marriage will never happen, in fact - this will allow you to marry for love."
"Really? That sounds amazing, almost too good to be true honestly," you let out a breathy laugh, for the first time ever feeling a little bit of doubt.
"Do you trust me?" Solomon asked you with his soft eyes and obviously, you did, so without thinking much, you took the vial, uncorked it and - after taking a deep breath to gather your nerves - took a swig of it. The liquid tasted a bit like what the local physician made you whenever you fell ill, the taste of strong herbs and flowers.
Just as the vial was emptied and you swallowed it all down, you suddenly felt a tingling throughout your entire body. And then you became really dizzy like the world around you was being shaken, but you were static.
"I-I don't feel very well, I think something is wrong," you managed to get out as the world around you seemed to be completely disconnected from you.
"Shhhh, it's okay, don't worry, I'm here. I'll take care of you now, my love," Solomon's whisper was the last thing you heard before you were engulfed by something unearthly...
Solomon walked into his bedroom, his one free hand swinging through the air as he conjured up something new to add to the interior. A box made of glass filled with moss and other plants was the perfect place for his beloved - at least until he had prepared everything. Until everything was perfect for the two of them to have their happily ever after together, no way in hell would he let some Devildom Noble take away his one true love, not over his dead body.
He walked towards the enclosure and lifted the lid, carefully setting down the toad he had held with the other. The toad seemed to look at him with those Y/E/C eyes that were more human than animal filled with contempt.
"I know my love, you don't understand it yet, but I promise you will soon, the two of us were meant for each other after all and as soon as I've taken care of that wannabe fiance of yours I'll show you just how much you mean to me, how much I'll soon mean to you," he closed the lid and watched as you hopped into an area of the enclosure that was filled with more plants to hide from him. "It's okay, I don't blame you. This is all your parent's fault, isn't it? Maybe once I've taken care of that damned duke, I should take care of them as well, after all your siblings might be more... open to my suggestions about your future, unlike that fool of a king."
Your croke of protest echoed through the room as Solomon made his way to leave to find out just who exactly he was planning to kill in the neighbouring kingdom.
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legacyshenanigans · 4 months
4, 11, 12 for Volo?
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
He was definitely a part of something that changed him, yes. The night his father forced him to use crucio on Ominis when they were children. He didn't want to, and it was an incredibly traumatic night for everyone involved, especially Ominis, of course, but also for Volo having been the one who had to do it. Marvolo doesn't have many regrets, but that's one of them. Ominis will bring it up if they have a bad argument, knowing full well how badly it affects Marvolo, even though they have spoken at length about what happened that night.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Honestly? Falling in love with MC terrified him more than any fight or bad situation he'd EVER been in before. Love didn't come easy to Marvolo, and it showed. When he realised his feelings, it scared him to the core because it was new and strange. It made his heartbeat, It took over his mind completely, like she was using Imperio on him without having to even lift her wand. And that, to him, was the most terrifying of things.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
His developed and later relationship with MC is something he holds dear to him. Though their sex life is rather filthy, there are times when they just hold each other. The first time they just lay in bed together, and it was all gentle touches, soft kisses, whispered pillow talk of affection, and love, and then going on to actually "Make soft, caring love" which was VERY new to him in a GENUINE way, was probably the time he'd been at his most calm, he felt almost tranquil and at ease, no other thoughts, nothing weighing him down, just peace.
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venusimi · 1 year
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Too much labour
> "It's not an act of love if you make her." Labour - Paris Paloma > MC x Barbatos, MC x random dude > WARNINGS: Major injuries, blood, physical/verbal abuse, scars, and talks/mentions about death/murder, threats, implied attempted murder, attempted SA, degradation, sexism, implied alcohol abuse, implied cheating, and gore
"You're such an incompetent fool! A whore with no brain! Women should've stayed in the kitchen..." He told you. The pain is there somewhere in your heart. How can one say such horrid things to a person? It's so awful... Not even the demons you know would call you that.
Now you're far. Very far. Maybe too far... The seven brothers had known your history with you current husband, you're not surprised. Not in the least. You were in a land where demons lived. This is also where they are born, isn't that weird?
"Mc." Barbatos talks in a low, and soft tone. You look over to him, your eyes devoid of any form of life. You were alive but it didn't seem like it in the demon's eyes.
You were silent, "Barbatos?"
The balcony was large, too large, you think but who were you to have an opinion? You're just a woman after all. Women don't get to have a choice without being reduced into a baby machine or even a servant.
Barbatos speaks to you so gently, no one has ever done that to you. "You must rest now, lord Diavolo would be upset if you stay up too late."
You want to say something to ease the butler's worry, but you were afraid to get hurt. You were killed once. Very recently actually... That's why you live in lord Diavolo's castle now. You needed space from the brothers. It was simply too much memories, they don't mean to but the fear lingered until eventually you had to beg Diavolo to take you back into the palace where you're safer.
He took your silence as a permission to speak further, "It's cold in Devildom. It's odd, isn't it? Humans have always been talking about how hell is a hot and fiery place so I'm sure the cold is weird." He walks closer to you, this time he is looking at the everlasting darkness.
You're still quiet.
"What's on your mind? You can trust me."
You weren't shocked. Barbatos was always like this, so kind and gentle. Not once has he scared you out of your mind, so you tell him whatever was on your mind.
"I don't want to go back home." You were leaving in a week.
Barbatos smiles his usual smile, "You don't have to-"
"No! I have to go home. If I don't..." Your voice trembles and your eyes become distant with an agonizing fear. You fear what he would do to you, and you hated that weakness.
Barbatos didn't speak, "We'll protect you. I'll protect you." He places his hands on his chest and bows, he could not bring himself to touch you and you could not bear the feeling of being touched. Not right now.
You felt a sense of relief, but not entirely. How sure were you that they'll always come? They're busy demons... They have responsibilities too.
You could not bring yourself to relax, not when your paradise is coming to an end. Barbatos–sensing that you have yet to relax–he takes out his hands, "Would it put you at ease if we make a pact?" His smile looked hopeful, but that's probably just you.
"A pact... That's a big deal Barbatos!" Catching you off guard helped you feel a bit more at ease.
"Is that a no?"
You were quiet...
You could barely move, every movement was painful. It felt like death. Maybe it is honestly.
Your hands trembled, you felt blood drip from your head and from your nose. Some old scars had reopened, and a few new scars littered the ones that didn't.
You were bruised everywhere.
You feel your body grow cold, the trembling is worst now if that were even possible.
"My dear..."
You had attempted to run from him by smashing a bottle on his head and beating him with the bat he used to beat you senseless, but alas, you fell and he was able to catch up. You felt something more than fear. If there was a word for it, it would be that one.
You tried to push yourself away from him, "How dare you do that to me!? You think you could just run away after that? I'll fucking kill you!"
"Don't touch me asshole!" You yell.
He grinned, it looked so cruel. "You think now that you have these tattoos you can boss me around? I'm the man of the house you damn bitch."
"You can't touch me! I won't let you!" Your eyes are met with clothes and undergarments that aren't yours. You felt fury like never before, wrath that was impossible to feel. You felt your pact mark with Satan burn agonizingly.
"You think you can kill me? I'll destroy you! I'll make your life a living hell you asshole!" Your eyes glows green and you felt someone there but you knew it was just the pact doing it's job.
The anger you felt was something beyond you could comprehend, it was terrifying. No. It wasn't.
He laughs, "You'll regret doing this."
Suddenly, it disappears. His bravery took you out of your trance.
"Wh-what are you doing? G-get away!"
He gets closer, "Shut up! You've said enough."
"No! NO!"
It was everywhere....
There was so much.
Did you do it?
It can't be... You felt something burn, surely it wasn't you?
You open your eyes, and to your surprise, you weren't at your home. Nay, you weren't on earth at all.
You were in the palace.
"Yes, it's just me." Your eyes scanned the room, it really was just you two.
You were silent.
"Mc, you're okay now. You're safe. You're not dreaming either." You notice the small bloodstains on his clothing, maybe it wasn't you...
You're okay now. Right?
"It's okay. You'll be okay..." He whispers to you, you didn't notice how tight you clung to the demon.
You were okay...
You're fine.
And you'll be okay.
"No! NO!"
Barbatos stood in the middle of the room, and he notices that the man had lost his head.
His limbs had exploded and there was no sign of another being in the room other than blood, organs, and a few incoherent body parts.
Gore isn't uncommon for Barbatos, but what terrified him was the unrecognizable rage in your eyes.
The satisfaction behind your eyes despite your lack of clothes.
For a moment, he wondered if you were even Lilith's descendant.
An angel...
Not anymore.
The multiple pacts from many powerful demons had rendered your remaining humanity.
Or is it pent up anger?
"Mc. Let's go home."
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heyyyharry · 2 years
Deep End - Chapter 17: Die for Me
...in which Ezi feels betrayed, and Harry just wants to help.
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
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A/N: Starting my new job tomorrow, kinda nervous but excited!!! Enjoy this chapter. New update next week :)
A million thoughts ran through Harry’s mind when Maggie took him to her home. It was an old block of flats near Shadwell station. Hers was the door numbered 27 on the ground floor.
“I hope she’s awake now,” Maggie said as she unlocked the door. There was light coming out of the room at the end of the hallway, and Maggie beckoned Harry to follow. The flat was cold and wet, with muddy boot prints on the wooden floor, but it didn’t make any difference since both Harry and Maggie were soaked from the rain anyway.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Maggie said as she entered the room. “Harry is here to see you, dear.”
When Harry stepped in, Ezi’s blue eyes pinned him to the spot. She was sitting on the bed in Maggie’s funky rainbow t-shirt; her forehead and arms were bruised. Maggie had told Harry that Ezi had fallen from the bridge, and honestly, he had imagined worse, so this was quite a big relief. He did wonder how Maggie had managed to dive in and save her, but that was a question for later.
“Hi, Ezi. How are you feeling?” There was no response or reaction, so he continued, “I was very worried when I heard. I’m glad you’re safe now.”
Still nothing. Just two hollowed eyes staring at him like they didn’t speak the same language.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Maggie said.
It was then that Ezi spoke. "Get out. No, not you, Maggie. You can stay. I don't want him here."
Harry's gaze jumped to Maggie, who was now half a step out of the door. She slowly looked up, eyes locked with his.
He didn't know what he was expecting, for her to say something, maybe? He wished she would defend him and try to convince Ezi to just hear him out. But Maggie only stared back, helpless, as if saying, 'Maybe you should go.'
But you fucking asked me to come here, Harry wanted to say, but he clenched his fists and took a deep breath.
Ezi still refused to meet his eyes. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and an agonising look on her face. It was at this moment that Harry thought about her falling into the dark water, her struggling to swim, drowning and helpless against the currents for the first time in her life. She must have been so scared. He wished he'd been there. He would have jumped in and tried to save her.
"What did I say?" she snapped. "Get the hell out or I'll start screaming and the neighbours will come. Maybe they'll even call the police." She whipped her head to Maggie with a threatening glare. "You wouldn't want the police to knock on your door, right?"
Maggie tugged gently at Harry's soaked sleeve. "M-Maybe you should go outside for a bit."
But Harry was impatient. He shrugged off Maggie and strode over to the bed, and Ezi recoiled and gripped the duvet tightly to her chest, an alarmed look on her face as he sat down on the edge of it and reached for her. She didn't think he meant any harm, did she?
"Hey, listen." Carefully, he placed his hand on her knee and felt her stiffen against his touch. He hated this. What had he done? "Ezi, please hear me out."
"I've heard enough," she hissed. "My sister tried to kill me, my queendom is in danger, and now I can't go home. Are you happy now?"
"Of course not. How could you say that?"
"Harry, maybe you should go.”
Maggie’s attempt to intervene was ignored.
"When Maggie told me what happened to you, I was so scared I'd lose you. Why do you think I came?"
"You came because you feel guilty." The words came out of Ezi’s mouth so fast that Harry believed she'd spent this whole time thinking of the reason why. "You want me to forgive you for the horrible things you said so you could move on. Well, guess what? I'm not a person, remember? I don't feel, and therefore, I have no sympathy for you.” There was a pause, and then, the worst thing she could possibly say to him, "You will never get my forgiveness, Harry." Her voice was shaking, her lashes wet. "I can't believe for a second...I was willing to die for you."
When coming here, Harry had prepared himself to get yelled at or have stuff thrown at him depending on how well Ezi was, but to hear her say she would never forgive him left him completely numb. His hand fell back onto his lap, and he sat there, watching her turn her back to him and yank the duvet up to her neck. As she pretended to fall back to sleep, he got up and quietly left the room.
“Hope you like herbal tea. I don’t really drink tea.”
“Thank you.”
Maggie placed the steaming cup down on the table, and Harry instantly warmed his hands on it. The kitchen was just as cold as the rest of the flat, and while waiting for the water to boil, Harry had taken some time to observe. Everything here seemed clean and tiny but didn’t really feel like it. He paid attention specifically to the seashells collection on top of the fridge and the dead flowers, which had sat in that dusty vase for so long that they’d turned black. Since this building was so close to the tube station, you could hear the train from the distance.
“It gets quieter after midnight,” Maggie said as she sat down in front of Harry with her own cup of tea. Harry’s cup was plain white, but hers was shaped like a fox.
Harry blew into his cup and took a sip. “So, how did you manage to find Ezi? Did she tell you she was going to the bridge?”
“Not at all. I followed her there because I assumed that would be the place she would meet the Sea Queen.”
Harry froze while Maggie just calmly took a sip of her steaming tea.
“What…did you just say?” he asked.
The steam fogged up her glasses, so she took them off, folded them, and set them down on the table. Without them, her blue eyes were more vivid than usual, almost resembling Ezi’s. The colour of the sea.
Chills rushed down Harry’s spine and he swallowed thickly. “You know what she is?”
“Harry, darling,” Maggie said. “I am what she is.”
“You’re…a siren?”
“Well, I used to be. Decades ago. My sister killed the man I loved. He was a fisherman. I was supposed to become the next Sea Queen, but my sister had always been jealous of me. She knew I was in love with a fisherman, so she murdered him and ate his heart. But then she suddenly possessed power so strong that she could raise the ocean and drown an entire island. She turned me into a human and forced me to live eternity in this world while she told everyone that I had been killed by my lover. And I must tell you this, immortality is overrated. People mourn and forget about you, and you have to watch every single person you know pass away.”
That was too much for Harry to take. He could feel the pounding of his heart inside his own head. After a moment of silence, he managed to ask, “Have you told Ezi?”
“Yes. She was more shocked than you, actually. But deep down, she knows I’m someone she can trust. I think we established this mutual understanding from the moment we first met. After all, we both share royal blood. One Queen would recognise the other.”
“Does that mean she’s gonna be trapped here for eternity as well?”
“Unlikely. I think her sister took the pig’s heart, thinking it was your heart, and attempted to kill her, but failed.”
“We have to do something.”
“We are no match for the Sea Queen. It’s Ezi who has to stand up for herself.”
“I don’t want her to end up like you.” The words flew out before Harry could stop himself, causing Maggie to stare at him, wide-eyed. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant,” he stuttered. “But Ezi is a good person. Not that I’m saying you’re not, but Ezi never really wants to be Queen. She just wants to make her mother proud. She just wants to be loved like any of us in this godforsaken world. She belongs here with me. She deserves to have a normal life here with a family that appreciates her, and if those creatures believe she’s dead, then we cannot allow her to face them.”
“Those creatures are her family.”
“By blood, not by choice.” Harry clenched his fist so he wouldn’t slam it on the table. “I’m not letting her go back to the ocean after what they put her through.”
Maggie broke into laughter as she slowly shook her head. “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about, child? When they realise the heart they have is not yours, they will come back for you. The Sea Queen would do anything for your heart. Now you may say you don’t care, that you will gladly die for your damsel in distress or whatever, but what you’re thinking right now isn’t heroic; it’s foolish. This is not your fight, Harry. If the Sea Queen got your heart, she would wipe out humankind.”
“So you’re saying I have no choice but to lose Ezi?”
Maggie reached across the table to hold his trembling hand as she looked into his eyes. For a moment, they shared a sense of understanding. “If you care about Ezi, you must stay back and let her fight her own battle.”
Harry picked up his cup of tea and sipped away in silence. Then, he asked, “Did you turn back into a siren to save Ezi from the river?”
Maggie smiled. “No. I’m just a really good swimmer.”
Harry woke up to find Ezi staring at him. He was sitting in the armchair facing her bed, unsure how or how long ago he’d fallen asleep, but it seemed like she had been awake for a while; she’d read a big chunk of the book lying open and face down on her lap.
“You know, you talk in your sleep,” she said suddenly, breaking the nerve-wracking silence between them. Harry didn’t expect her to acknowledge his existence after her tantrum earlier, so he really didn’t know what that observation was supposed to mean.
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked, combing his fingers through his messy hair.
“No, it’s just gibberish, really. But you seemed frightened.”
He had a good reason to be. Although he didn’t quite remember the specifics, he’d had a short nightmare about falling into the ocean, and he’d just kept falling and falling. There had been flashes of a half-fish, half-human creature, and the stench of blood was alarmingly vivid. When the claws ripped his chest open, the last thing he saw was Ezi’s face, his blood dripping from her fangs.
“It’s alright,” he said. “I’m alright.”
Ezi only nodded. This eerie nonchalance wasn’t like her at all, and he kind of wished she would start yelling at him again. Instead, she flipped the duvet to the side, revealing her broken ankle, which had been bandaged by Maggie. Speaking of Maggie, where the hell was that woman? She had told Harry to watch Ezi as she went out to get groceries, so she should be home by now.
“Would you mind helping me out of bed? I want a bath,” Ezi said.
Harry was frozen in shock for a second, then he snapped out of it and quickly got up from the chair to help her. She could barely walk, so she had her arm around his neck and held onto him as she limped to the bathroom. He would offer to carry her, but he wasn’t sure if they were cool enough for that yet; she couldn’t have forgiven him after one short nap.
He drew the bath with extra hot water, just the way she liked it, and waited for her to strip off her clothes so he could settle her into the bath. She lay there, her bandaged ankle resting on the edge of the tub, looking relaxed as if she’d just finished her 9-to-5 and not survived from attempted murder by her own sister. After his conversation with Maggie, Harry knew Ezi couldn’t have that simple life, but he couldn’t help but fantasise about one for them.
“If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen. Just call.” Harry turned to leave, but Ezi stopped him.
“Wait. Can you stay here with me?”
He stared at her. “You want me to stay?”
“Yeah, to make sure I don’t fall asleep. I don’t want my bandage wet.”
“Okay. I’ll stay then.” He came to sit on the floor beside the tub, elbow resting on the edge, head against his knuckles. Steam curled up from the water as she soaked her entire body in, only leaving her head above the surface. They sat in silence, listening to the dripping of the sink. Harry had so much to say, yet he didn’t want to give her a reason to dismiss him. Maybe she’d thought it through and changed her mind about him. Letting him stay here with her could be her way of showing forgiveness.
“When you said I wasn’t a person,” she spoke suddenly yet quietly, “was there any part of you that meant it?”
He nervously wet his lip. “To say no would be a lie. So yes, only at that moment, though,” he sighed. “It was like…oh, I think I’m in love with this girl, but now I find out she’s been plotting to murder me this whole time, so maybe none of it was real.”
Ezi nodded once. “Fair enough.”
Her response made him chuckle. “You know, you sound very British now.”
“Guess I’m easily influenced,” she said, giggling a little. It felt good to hear her laugh again.
“But I’m very sorry about the things I said out of anger. I didn’t mean them.”
“That’s okay. I know you didn’t. I guess I was being a little bit harsh, too. I just...well, it was a lot. Feeling betrayed by you and then my sister also betrayed me, and I..."
She left the sentence unfinished. Silence seeped back in as Harry watched her stare intensely at her broken ankle.
“Why didn't you believe me when I said I loved you?”
His question caught her by surprise, and her brows furrowed thoughtfully. “Why do you believe you love me? I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but as you said, love is a complicated thing. It’s not one emotion. You can’t possibly know what love feels like.”
“Yeah, well…I don’t know. But I miss you when you’re not around. I get happy when you are. I think about you in the middle of the day. And I’ve been having these scenarios of you, me, and Chilli just having a normal life together, away from the fame and your murderous family. I know I’m just a useless human. I don't have magical powers, nor am I the ruler of a kingdom, but I want to protect you and keep you safe. If that's not love, it's something very close.”
“Well...I wouldn’t know.”
“I think you do, Ezi,” Harry said. “When was the moment you realised you couldn’t kill me?”
“This may sound silly, but I think it was bedtime, and you were reading to me and Chilli, and you were so tired that you stumbled over your words.”
“You didn’t want to kill me because I couldn’t read properly?”
She rolled her eyes at the joke. “It was when I realised I didn’t want to be Queen or my mother’s puppet. I just wanted to be in bed with you and the cat after a long day and listen to bedtime stories.”
When she placed her hand on top of his, Harry squeezed it tight and brought it to his lips.
“Harry!” Maggie’s shout made Harry jump. He told Ezi that he would be right back and hurried to the hallway to see what Maggie needed. But Maggie had brought another guest home with her.
“This handsome boy saw me at the station, and I told him about Ezi so he wanted to come check on her,” Maggie said as she unzipped her boots. Meanwhile, Dawson stood there holding two grocery bags and gave Harry a tight-lipped smile.
Maggie headed to the kitchen, and the men followed. Watching Dawson put away the groceries, Harry couldn’t even act like he wasn’t upset. He came to stand beside Maggie by the table. “You told him about Ezi?”
“He’s her friend, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, but not every friend of hers needs to know.”
“Harry, I’m literally right here. I can hear you.”
“Yeah, I know, Dawson. You shouldn’t even be here.”
Eyes narrowed, Maggie flicked her finger between them. “I sense some tension here. Is there any rivalry backstory that I need to know?”
“No,” Harry and Dawson said at the same time, but it was obvious in the death stare they’d been giving each other. What was Dawson doing here anyway? Harry thought that it was clear that Ezi wasn’t interested in him. Why was he so persistent? Ezi probably didn’t even want to see hi—
Harry’s jaw dropped when Ezi – now with clothes on and her hair in a towel – limped into the kitchen to embrace Dawson. Okay, rude. What about their romantic moment in the bathroom?
“I’m so sorry for running away without an explanation,” Ezi said, eyes squeezed shut, still holding Dawson like he was a lifeboat in the middle of the storm. Harry tried to act unbothered, but it did make his skin crawl.
“It’s okay. I’m glad that you’re okay now. Maggie told me about your car crash.”
“Car crash?” Ezi blinked at Dawson, then whipped her head to Maggie and Harry. “You lied to him?”
“Well, I…I didn’t know if he knew…”
“He doesn’t,” Harry told Maggie.
Ezi let out and sigh and took Dawson’s hands. “I can’t keep lying to my friends, and I think you of all people should know the truth.”
“Erm, Ezi?” Harry spoke, but Ezi ignored him and told Dawson to take a seat, then sat down beside him. Harry opened his mouth but Maggie shushed him so Ezi could talk.
There was no way this was a good idea. Dawson would think Ezi was wrong in the head for admitting that she was actually a mythical creature. He wouldn’t believe her, but on second thought, maybe that would be for the best. If Dawson didn’t believe Ezi, he would leave, and Harry wouldn’t have to worry about him anymo—
“I believe you.”
“What?” Harry gasped, causing all heads to turn to him. Quickly, he sat down at the table across from his cousin. “You believe that she’s a siren? Really?”
“Be fucking for real. You’re only saying that because you’re a simp.”
“Harry!” Ezi gasped, but Harry hadn’t said anything he didn’t mean.
“He probably thinks you’re crazy, Ezi. He doesn’t actually believe this without proof.”
“Well, I’ve spent enough time with her to know that she’s not just odd because she’s American, Harry. And to be honest, her being a siren is better than her being American.”
“Thank you, Dawson.”
“Absolutely ridiculous,” Harry hissed as he slumped back into his chair, arms crossed like an angry child.
Ezi sighed. “Guys, can you let me talk to Harry for a sec?”
“Yeah, sure, Dawson, come. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions about us,” Maggie said as she pulled Dawson up by his arm.
“Us? Wait, so you’re also a siren???” Dawson said before his voice faded into the hallway.
Now alone with Harry, Ezi’s smile was gone. “What the hell? Why were you acting like a dick?”
Harry leaned across the table so he could whisper angrily to her so the other two couldn’t hear. “Because you didn’t need to drag my cousin into this. He doesn’t have to be involved.”
“I’m tired of lying,” Ezi said. “And who cares if he knows? It’s not gonna change anything.”
Harry let out an exaggerated exhale as he threw his hands in the air. “Because he’s going to want to help, and if he dies, my mother will kill me. Maggie and I are enough help around here.”
“Who says any of you is gonna help me?” Ezi scoffed. “Tomorrow, I will come up with a plan and confront my mother on my own. I just don’t want to leave this world without telling the truth. I owe it to everyone here.”
“Wow, you’re so fucking strong and independent, aren’t you? You have to do everything on your own. I swear to God, Ezi, for fucking once, let other people help.”
Her eyes went wide with feigned shock. “Oh, what are you gonna do? You’re gonna punch my mother in the face when she shows up to rip out your heart? I think you humans underestimate how easily we can—"
“Listen," he cut her off, "when you told me you were willing to die for me, I told myself that I would not let that happen again. We’ll come up with something, but I want to help. After all, I will be her new target when she finds out the heart Koa brought to her isn’t real. Also, how did you manage to get a pig’s heart??? You know what? It doesn’t matter. What’s important is that I need to be there with you, and you can't get rid of me."
Worry edged into Ezi’s expression. “How do I know you won't abandon me again?"
"You need to trust me this time."
"Trust should be earned, not given."
"I'll earn it then. Just...don't push me away."
Ezi's expression immediately softened, and Harry knew he had said the right thing. Even though he wasn't sure if he was forgiven or not, it was reassuring to know she still wanted to give him another chance.
"I gotta go check on Dawson and make sure Maggie hasn’t traumatised him.”
Ezi pushed herself up from her chair, and Harry quickly got up to help her. “You know, if push comes to shove, we should sacrifice Dawson.”
With her arm around his neck, she shot him a glare. “Harry.”
“Sorry, sorry, just a thought,” he said, grinning.
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This feels sad honestly
The fact that Mono,the MC of Little Nightmares 2, became the villain that has been chasing him the entire game,Thin Man is like saying "You eventually became the monster you killed" or "As a child,you hate the monster,As an adult,you are the monster"
It's interesting the music perfectly captures the scary atmosphere:
It started sounding like a lullaby when Mono is a child,it felt innocent at first,then it slowly became dark,the feelings that's chill your spine,Mono is growing up so he lost the innocence of a child. At the end,it just feels bleak,it feels empty as if this isn't a child who's naive. He became a man, he's not the little boy who's scared of the monster anymore,he is the monster now
I gotta say the song describes how cruel and hard it is growing up as a child,it ain't pretty,it ain't light. It's not a process you can turn back,once you began there's no way back
I'm starting to feel like Little Nightmares is just an exaggerated lense of a child towards the real world,well we are playing as a child ingame. The dystopian environment doesn't help,but it does make sense
Mono was just a normal child having a hard time growing up and after he was left by his dear friend, he became a bitter lonely man
Thin Man may have just been chasing Mono so as to prevent "himself" from making the same mistake: befriending someone who'll leave him anyway, it's like how one wants to change the mistake of the past. It sounds selfish, but it makes sense,we all want to turn back time to fix our mistakes. But Thin Man was unsuccessful showing that once you did it, you can't turn your head back
Or simply he just want to kill his child self bcuz sometimes we feel that we were such a mistake as a child,so we want to erase it and vice versa Mono wanted to kill his adult self bcuz this isn't who he is, this "monster" isn't him so it's not wrong to kill him right?
After all the past is what makes the future,so even if Thin Man dies, Mono still lives. But it's interesting that without Mono, there's no Thin Man. So yeah you can say Thin Man was trying to erase himself in the worst way possible,by putting it all on himself I have a feeling that he blames everything on himself after enduring so much tragedies
It's like one big circle you can't escape,even if you tried to change the past,you cannot change the inevitable which is growing up
I just love how Little Nightmares have a great metaphor to the modern life,everything in the game feels surreal but similar bcuz you can see these things in real life:
-> Modern city, TVs,the villains are adults who have normal jobs like chefs,janitor,teacher,doctor,how modernity has made human so pale, they're so comfortable with the modern world,they became indifferent to others, since the comforts are already enough for them to live, why care of others?
The real world is no dream, it's a realistic nightmare, since the children are likely orphans,we can tell they are trying hard to survive in a cruel lonely world that doesn't treat them kindly I wouldn't be suprised if this is an approach on how actual orphans survive in the real world
That's why it's called Little Nightmares,the nightmares are the little things we see in real life. It may sounds simple but not so simple,cuz well the little things here can be the bare necessities to survive
If we go with all this I said,then it means the children were struggling so hard to even see another day,when they grow up,they just can't stop doing that, surviving while keeping themselves safe even if it costs them a happy emotional life. Which is the reality of some well when life dealt you the worst hand at birth,you probably won't have it easy even when you're adult and you're secure since you never know what'll happen when you let your guard down eventually they became like the "scary adults"
Yeah it's fucking sucks growing up,when puberty hit,we all understand 😭
That probably is the metaphor/meaning behind little nightmares. The song is truly sad, especially the way Mono just looks around and then sits quietly, upset and scared. The way the music still holds that melody, but it becomes heavier and angry, more distorted. Mono gains power as the Thin Man, but loses all of his innocence, perfectly mirroring what Little Nightmares is about. I really hope we see more of him in the future 😭😭
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
I Wish You All The Best (Mason Deaver)
If someone knows how I can stop sobbing after this please let me know
I don't even know how to be funny about this. This is just such a great sweet necessary book and my fingers are freezing and oh dear lord I might need a tissue.
Okay. So. Were do I begging.
This book is a lot of things, but the one that hit me the most is that it's real. Every single piece of it. And it's mc is one of the most real ones I've ever read.
Ben. God, Ben. I related with them for a lot of reasons, but strangely, being queer wasn't the main one. Their struggle with anxiety, depression, panic attacks. Their way of isolating themself when they feel down. Even their way to see the world. The fear of therapy. The "how can I be proud of something if all I can see are the things I did wrong". I could stay the whole day talking about how the character construction is close to perfection, but I was serious with the freezing fingers so, I'll just keep going.
As a queer person, there's nothing that scares me the most that a bad coming out. So the very first chapter was one of the hardest things I've to read in my life.
I liked the way Deaver handled the relationship of Ben with their parents. The way it says It's okay to hate your parents for hurting you It's okay if you can't hate them It's okay if you still love them It's okay if you don't. I think that's a big message that we need to hear more. We as a society have the tendency of shamming having a bad relationship with your parents, and honestly, that has to stop. Parents are people too. People hurt you, sometimes in ways you can't recover and unforgivable. And if you think that cutting such a toxic relationship is the best for you, it's okay to do it. Hear me on this: it's okay.
"Now I know for certain. They don’t deserve my love. And I sure as hell don’t need theirs"
I can't even start to explain why I love Ben's relationship with Nathan Allan so much. It was so sweet and soft and above all, genuine. Their friendship, the pinning, the crush, and the small glimpses we have of their future in the epilogue. It's so. Damn. Sweet.
"When I’m with him, it already feels like I’m out, that he knows. Because he makes me feel more like myself than anyone I’ve ever known."
And Nathan calling Ben his person just as I call my someones that way I-
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your-garden-rose · 2 years
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Taglist : @crystal-yukio , @ruler-of-hades , @onigirinchanowo , @ellie3467 , @k1ngan0n , @demon-tears , @heizis , @soggywafle , @nukilol , @happy-smiley , @obeyme-stuff , @tonedeafbard2 , @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk , @syke-1-7-3-8-ay, @hornyf0ckers , @the-horroredits-home , @obeymediasimp , @celestialbluebed
I’m sorry if i didn’t tag anyone, or if I’m not able to tag them <33
TW: Violence, Minor cusses, if I left anything let me know please <33
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Ch 5: Shut it.
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Ever since Cecilia’s birthday, any respect for the brothers, the royals, and even the angels and the Solomon was gone. No one even bothered to hide their disdain for them as they all ignored them and carried on with their day. The boys on the other hand? Miserable. To hear those very words come out of your mouth as you looked down at them with a burning hatred made them flinch just by remembering it. Cecilia on the other hand, was still shameless as ever, as she continuously acted scared around you. It was really pathetic, to even breathe in their general direction, as you simply chose to be with Lamia, and Mephistopheles and enjoy their company. One fine day you were hanging out with Mephistopheles when suddenly you were yanked into an empty classroom. You clutched your head in pain as you groaned and looked around you. Your vision was still hazy as you heard the door being locked. “What the fuck..” you muttered as you got up, trying to process everything as someone muttered “look what you’ve done, scumbag. You’ve hurt them again.” Scowled Asmodeus. You immediately realised the situation as your face darkened. “What the hell were you all thinking?!” You yelled at them as they flinched at your harsh tone. “D-Darling, we’re sorry-“ “Can you shut it already?” You stated as you raised your hand at Asmodeus. “Mc! Are you okay? Did Mammon hurt you-“ “Honestly you’re more annoying than Mammon, Simeon. Please keep quiet.” He immediately shut his mouth, he honestly looked more pathetic. “So. What was I dragged in here for? I thought you guys didn’t want to associate yourselves with someone like me?” You asked mockingly, as you eyed Lucifer. “Mc..” “stop being fucking slow and answer me, surely you did not drag me into a fucking classroom and lock the door just to act pathetic, right?” “We want to apologise.” “Oh? The Lucifer wants to apologise? Damn.” You chuckled as you sat yourself on a desk. “Well? You gonna waste my time or gonna apologise?” He immediately flinched as he started, “I’m sorry, I’m extremely sorry Mc, I shouldn’t have believed Cecilia, I shouldn’t have abused you I shouldn’t have embarrassed you, I’m-“ “Dude, you sound so fucking desperate right now. Are you actually Lucifer?” “Mc, dear, please, hear us out” pleaded Asmodeus as you immediately scowled back at him. “And why is that? You all seriously expect me to hear you out after what you’ve done? Just how fucking entitled are you all ?”
It was then the prince, he kneeled in front of you as he looked at your eyes. “Hmm? What sort of display of shame is this? Do you have something useless to say?” He immediately took your hands in his as he stated. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the way I treated you, the way we treated you. If this has hurt you in anyway I’ll take responsibility Mc, please don’t leave us, nothing will be the way it was before without you. Please, I’ll take the appropriate punishment and I’ll suffer for what I’ve done, but please just-“ it was then you yanked your hand out of his and slapped him across the face. The prince only looked more and more dejected as he knew he deserved it. He stopped Barbatos from helping him as he chose to bear your full wrath, “You have no right to talk.” You stated as you grabbed his hair. “You have no idea, NO absolute idea how I felt from the beginning. YOU kidnapped me from MY normal life. I never asked for this” you then turned your attention to the butler as you walked towards him, your wrath now radiating through out the room. “You.” You stated as you walked towards him with your fists clenched “you knew. Didn’t you? You knew this was going to happen. You still let this happen. You never cared. You are just like the pathetic lot behind you.” You stated as you slapped him across the face. He said nothing. “Atleast they had the decency to apologise. But you? Nothing.” “Mc darling I-“ he was interrupted with another slap. “You do not talk until I fucking ask you to. Am I understood” silence. “Did you not hear what I fucking said? You fucking demon?” “I understand Mc.” “I hate you. I hate the fact that I trusted you. And you? You aren’t sorry for what you did to me, aren’t you? You’re only sorry for the situation. Not me. It was never me, wasn’t it? You all never cared. I was just a pesky human you all were ordered to look after. Wasn’t I?” Everyone’s eyes widened as Mammon spoke up “Mc it’s not what you think-“ “then? Go on, explain. I’d love to hear what you have to say, Mammon” You stated. It was then for the first time Mammon noticed how tired you were, tired enough to not feel anything. Everyone then noticed how far they had gone. Luke then made his way to you. His small hands trembling as he held your big ones “Mc I-I’m-“ he stopped when he noticed you didn’t hold his hands like you used to your hand was dangling as your face held nothing. He wanted to cry as he knew, he too, was one of the reasons you were like this. “Im sorry.” “Don’t apologise.” “Huh?” He looked surprised as he looked up at you. “Don’t look at me like that. You’re just a kid, you did what your guardian did, it’s natural. Besides, you didn’t do anything wrong, you just wanted to spend time with Cecilia.” You stated as you removed his hands from yours gently “I don’t want to hear anything more. I need time to process this. Please, let me be.” You stated, as everyone suppressed the urge to hold you. To see you so broken, and to know, that they were the cause of this, oh god they wanted to cry. “I understand. This won’t be easy, take all the time you need Mc.” “Shut it.” And with that you immediately ignored everyone as you ran back to the nearest restroom as you cried locking yourself in the closest stall.
Will you ever forgive them for what they did? Did they even deserve it?
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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Taglist: @dabiscrustyfeet , @cupsof-tea
TW: minor cusses, mentions of abuse, please let me know if I missed anything else 💖
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Diavolo just stared at you in confusion. Your cold expression, your entire demeanour and act confused and scared him. Had he done something wrong? From the looks of it he thought yes. He cleared his throat and spoke shakily “Ah Mc! Is something wrong dear? Are the brothers bothering you-“ you raised a hand and spoke coldly. “No.” “Pardon?” Both the prince and Alya stared at you in shock. “YOU listen and I talk here. Diavolo. I don’t think you deserve to talk to me. Not after what you have done.” The prince and his butler were both shocked. In 2 years of your stay here never had you talked to them this way. They were terrified as they could feel your wrath bubbling up. “Ah Mc, I’ll go get you some tea, you do look tense after all-“ “I do not need your stupid tea, Barbatos.” He stopped and stared at you in visible shock. You merely took a seat, crossed your legs and stared at him. “Take a seat, you all. We are going to have a long chat after all.” You gave a tight smile which only scared them more. “Now. I’m here to ask you to send me back to the human world.” “I’m afraid I can’t do that Mc.” You raised an eyebrow and spoke with a seemingly sweet yet mocking tone. “Oh? Why may I ask?” “We still need you here Mc. You were the one who helped us and we can’t let you go that easily-“ “if I was the one who helped you, why did you neglect and ignore me. My lord?” Your aura became more sinister by the second. “You know what is going on in the house of lamentation don’t you?” The prince felt a bead of cold sweat fall down his face. He looked guilty. “Yet you let them ignore me, you let them abuse and neglect me.” “I’m sorry Mc please-“ “no. I will not tolerate this treatment anymore. I expect you to send me back to the human realm. I’m not asking this time. I’m telling you. My lord.” You spoke while your smile dropped. He tried convincing you to stay but you never listened. You sat there with a stone cold face while he tried to convince you to stay. Finally when he noticed you wouldn’t budge he sighed and asked Barbatos to open a portal to the human realm. “Do you wish to take your items and belongings, Mc?” “No. I do not wish to have anything that reminds me of you all. Honestly, I’m glad Alya came to the Devildom. It’s because of them I found out how low you can actually go. I regret ever spending, sorry, wasting my time on you all. And Alya?” They looked at you with wide eyes . Were they happy that you were finally leaving the toxic atmosphere ? Yes but they would also miss you terribly. Who knows when they would see you again. They listened attentively to every word you said that moment. You gave them a gentle smile “take care of yourself, okay? And don’t let them use you like they used me. Okay?” Alya nodded and gave you one final hug as they watched you leave to your new life in the human world. Alya then turned to the prince and his butler “congratulations” they clapped at the distressed state of the royals faces. “How do you manage to do it my lord? You managed to drive away the one person who actually cared enough for you. Wonderful indeed!” They clapped and walked off not without giving one final glare at their faces. That’s when the royals knew, they had fucked up. Badly.
From the moment Alya reached home they refused to acknowledge the brothers presence near them. The brothers tried again and again to talk to Alya. To get some sort of attention from them but nothing worked. It was then on one day they managed to get Alya’s attention. But in the worst way possible. It was at dinner. The table was unusually quiet mainly because of your absence. Normally your presence provided a sense of comfort to the brothers. But it had been a month and none of the brothers and the angels had seen you. The royals became closed off and reserved. The guilt of their actions weighing too much on their shoulders. Asmo suddenly spoke up “has anyone seen Mc? I mean not to be that guy but isn’t it rude to skip dinners especially when Lucifer put a rule on this very matter?” He sneered at the mention of your name. Lucifer rubbed his temples and spoke through gritted teeth.”Asmodeus, we do not need to mention their name now. Not at a joyous occasion.” He then looked at Alya with a soft expression “right Alya?” However Alya was having none of it. They merely rolled their eyes at him and continued eating. “Alya darling, don’t you think it’s rude to act like that hmm~” “ugh gross Asmodeus.” They muttered and ate ignoring all the brothers shocked faces. “What’s gotten into you recently, human?” Belphegor asked Alya and tried to hold their hand but instead Alya smacked it away. “You all are disgusting.” They sneered “Alya. Cut your act right now.” “And why should I? Didn’t you all treat Mc like this when they were living here?” Alya asked coldly. Their faces paled. “You all treated them like shit, abused them, neglected them, pointed out all their flaws and insecurities, called them a disgrace, a failure when infact Mc is not a disgrace. You all are.” “Honestly it’s a surprise to me seeing you all drive away the one person who cared for you no matter how you treated them. I was the one to dry their tears, to comfort them when they were feeling down. You all are pathetic excuses of demons. Especially you Lucifer.” They pointed a finger at Lucifer who looked visibly schocked at their words and with that they walked up to their room leaving behind the shocked brothers. Who would’ve guessed that a measly human would talk to them like this. “Mc would have never done this….” Muttered leviathan which only made the brothers regret their actions more. They went too far and now here they are. Do you even want to be near them now? Little did they know that this interaction would only be the start of the worst days of the brothers.
The following months Alya ignored everyone and never talked or initiated everything. Infact they only became more closed off and cold to everyone but they always cracked a smile everytime you called them. The brothers started to miss your presence. They missed the way you used to march up to them just to get their attention, everything you did for them just felt so genuine and natural. But they knew that they had lost you due to their blind obsession and excitement over the new student Alya. That’s when all the things they told you, the abuse, the neglect started catching up to them. They started experiencing all the things you went through as if it was their own memories. That’s when they started going back to how they were before you came. Lucifer was extra harsh on Mammon and punished him for the smallest of things, Mammon started to fall back into excessive gambling as a way to cope with his brothers bullying and your loss. Leviathan started coming out less and less and started spending more time staring at your oc and your save files that he oh so graciously erased all because Alya wanted to play. Satan found it harder to control his rage and lashed out at anyone or anything because of your absence. Beezlebub couldn’t control his appetite as well as he could when you were there. He devoured everything the moment it was even before him. Belphegor started having nightmares and everytime he tried to dream of you he only saw you staring at him with hatred and anger in your eyes. He missed the way your fingers ran through his hair everytime you soothed him when he was having a nightmare. It was pathetic. They all felt so horrible after treating you, the human that fixed their family, did so much for them, badly…over another human. That disgusted them as much as it should have. Everytime they tried to ask of the prince about your disappearance, the prince would merely say “they’re happier now. Let them be. It’s not like they would want to be anywhere near us after what we did.” They stopped asking the prince after that but still could never get over what they did. They continued to suffer without you and their lives only got worse. However it was one fateful day that would answer all their prayers and answers… the day that they found you.
Alya was walking down the stairs of the House of Lamentation when they were talking to you on her human world phone and that’s when they heard your joyful laughter coming from it as you were telling her about your day and your whereabouts and how you and your friends were having fun in a human world mall shopping. Never had you laughed this much in front of them. Your laughter put them at ease as they had heard your voice for the first time in months. Seems like you were happy without them. But even though they heard your voice they still needed to see you, to be near you. And they were willing to do anything to have you as happy as you were in your element next to them. They all tried to convince the prince but he denied everytime they asked. Ultimately after constant begging from the brothers, the royals side, he finally agreed to take them to where you lived currently. The brothers, the royals , and the angels and the sorcerer found themselves at a human world mall that you always used to gush about to them. That memory warmed their hearts and that’s when they all heard your melodious laughter coming from a cafe nearby. They watched as you laughed at your friends making jokes. You truly were happier without them huh… they continued to stare at you not minding the weird looks they got from people not only because of their clothing but the way they stared at you but it didn’t matter to them as they finally got to witness you at your full glory. It was then they decided to approach you to settle things out. You felt a tap at your shoulders. Thinking it was the waiter you turned around and smiled but it quickly disappeared as you saw…. them.
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Hear me out hear me out, Fyodor!MC
Or like a Eren!Mc from attack on Titan because lord knows season 4 Eren was wild.
Dorm leaders with a Fyodor!MC
warning(s): mentions of blood and murder/killing
notes: •honestly, fyodor will probably do the same thing he did in bsd to nrc bc look at them
•I'll write for eren!mc later! (but pls remind me i might forget LMFOAOA)
Showing a calm and confident personality most of the time, you don't appear to fear your enemies, boasting enough courage to let yourself be captured by them.
Despite being extremely arrogant, you're a straightforward and intelligent individual with a truly sinister personality.
Referring to yourself as carrying out the lord’s will and always talks about the sinful nature of man.
well at least u didn't break any rules?
hehe but u did broke the law /TRUTH
will lecture u abt laws and rules and how it's important once he found out
dont know how since you're literally so secretive but
lets say he did
while he is horrified at what you did, he still can't just let it go that u broke some laws for the sake of "purifying the world or smth"
like there's surely some ways to purify people without having to break some laws
ur path as a priest era ig???
other than that, he likes how perfect is ur grade
and the way you play the cello
sometimes he asked for u to play it as a way to relax
it works btw‼️
he might also snatch ur hand out of ur mouth everytime u tried to bite ur thumb until it bleeds
he would scold u while he patches u up
u give him the chills
and he's pissed about it
like some anemic herbivore is making his skin crawl??? what kind of pussy is he
may or may not saw ur ability😅😥
like u using ur ability on one of the dorm residents bc they tried smth with u
so u use ur ability on them and now everyone is scared
(fyodor's ability is called "crime and punishment", was not described yet but it was hinted that it can kill someone with a touch and is not restricted to skin-to-skin contact)
idk how the hell u got away with that but uh
lets just hope the school was fast enough to whip out some magic that can help the student before u got expelled
probably made the whole savanaclaw respect and fear u in a day
probably kins each other LMFOAOAOA
well in a way???
this mc will surely fit well in octavinelle PLSS
is azul gonna be an ace(bsd) kinnie? he sure was
well thank god someone was there to stop u
or else azul will be hanging onto dear life /JOKE
(if u don't know what does that mean, then go see bsd season 3 episode 29. i totally didn't memorize the episode bc i keep rewatching it)
probably tried to hire u to play ur cello in monstro lounge
he genuinely can't tell what are u thinking bro
like he could stalk u around and he still wouldn't be able to tell what are u thinking
esp since you're either really calm and scary or just scarily weird????
aha u kind of scare him
jamil probably doesn't trust u around him
i mean nobody trust u but
but jamil is esp on his guard
kalim is gonna get near u? u have jamil going 😡 at the back
(hes not mad at u btw, he's just staring to make sure u don't do anything)
pulled u up one time and u almost fall over
bc you're anemic get it
standing up too fast is gonna make u go through war and kalim will probably not get a hint
jamil have to tell him btw
and explain everything
kalim is a little more careful now
just a little tho
since if he forgor forgot, he'll do it again
ur talent in playing the cello bro
would u like to join his club?🌹
u like people with good complexion so
so u def like vil
well in terms of appearance
we dont know abt personality yet
vil however? what does he thinks of u?
"pls fix ur appearance🕴😡"
ur hair is messy, ur posture is bad and u always bite ur thumb that causes it to bleed
he pulled ur thumb out of ur mouth every single time you tried to bite on it
and then proceeded to scold you about it
and then fix ur thumb if its bleeding
might even paint it
yassification of fyodor mc?💅
he really likes it when u play the cello honestly
like u finally look the slightest bit pleasing while playing that thing congrats omg😍
u scare him on god
on the great sevens**
and the fact that you're not even a copy of kalim, cater or rook and u still scare him???
you know it's bad
well you're good at hacking and he probably does too so
so u guys might can bond from that??
i mean if you're not being usual ol' u, he can deal with u
but once u started going on abt the sin of mankind and how they should be punished?
he just
stayed in the corner and never come out
other than that, he's ok with ur company!!
you mind ur own business + he minds his own business
knows he's malleus draconia when u first met
decided to just play along with him
you're an interesting one, he must say
you always talked about how much sinful the people in this school are or just people in general and how you're going to purify them all
he thinks its light magic and go "idk how u ended up here🤗"
he's wrong btw💀
yknow that thing fyodor said? "together, u and i will cover this land with the blood of the sinners"
yeah u prolly said that to him or he overheard u said that to someone
literally him: 😃😮😶😥
you're amusing but
but murder??? war??? no thanks<3
but he really enjoys it when u played the cello!!
you're really good at it bro
he might have to hire u
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bl0ssomized · 3 years
Hello Naaaeeee
If you'd like to do this request of mine, may I ask for fluff headcanons in which gn!reader (they can be another NRC student or the mc, whatever you see fit :]) who is crushing on Sebek leaves a love letter for him in Diasomnia's lounge but had forgotten to sign their name on it? How would Sebek react to seeing the letter? Would he assume it's for his waka-sama and give it to him, or would he read it?
Cucumber man needs some loving ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
“... For me?”
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Pairings: Sebek Zigvolt x (gn!)reader
Warnings: fluff (HC), MC!reader (only mentioned once)
« always praising his master, but who's gonna praise him? »
Author's note: "hihi dear ♡ I had a lot of fun thinking about the possibilities for this one, thanks for requesting this! I'm more than happy to provide cucumber man content~ (though I'm sorry for the somewhat rushed ending TvT) "
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It was just another regular day in diasomnia. Sebek had just returned from his club activities with silver, who instantly went to his bedroom as he felt himself growing drowsy. Sebek, however, stayed in the lounge for a little longer. He was waiting for Malleus and Lilia to arrive.
As he looked around the lounge, he suddenly noticed a letter on one of the tables. Now Sebek is a good mannered little boy, so he wouldn't open the letter instantly to read it, instead waiting for his dorm leader and vice, hoping they’d know more about it.
“oya? What's that?"
As if on cue, Lilia appeared behind him, nearly scaring the crocodile man to death but that's not imported rn, with malleus by his side
"Lilia-sama, waka-sama, do you by any chance know whom this letter belongs to?" He'd say, showing his seniors the letter he had found
M: “hm.. I don't. Maybe we should ask arou—"
L: “one way you find out!” aaaand he snatched the letter out of sebek's hand.
Great move Lilia. Just great.
Sebek was about to ask whether he should deliver it to the person it belonged to when lilia let out a looooong whistle, sending teasing looks to sebek over the paper
Malleus who had been reading along over lilia's head shoulder could only stare. Stare and blink. And seeing the great malleus like that honestly frightened Sebek
When asking what was wrong, he only got a chuckle out of Lilia, who surprisingly returned the letter
"I think you'll have to read for yourself"
Oh well, what's the worst that could happen?
.. Wait. Does that say "dear Sebek"????
Idk what about you but I've never seen a red cucumber in my entire life
Though Lilia and malleus got the joy of seeing one at that moment
Many thoughts were racing through his mind, but he couldn't help but think of one particular question
"... Who wrote this?"
The three of them would examine the whole paper, but no trace of a signature was to be found. And to sebek's disappointments, Lilia said he was unable to identify the handwriting.
In the end they concluded it must be some secret admirer, which somehow managed to creep little cucumber out as well as make him feel dizzy with hidden excitement
Poor little thing had to excuse himself out of the room to avoid Lilia's teasing ("awwww the little one is growing up!" "Come on now, don't forget to invite me to the wedding huh" "don't forget me either", malleus said to which sebek responded with "I WOULD NEVER FORGET TO INVITE YOU WAKA-SAMA!!!!" please send help)
This incident would plague Sebek for months, he couldn't help but keep thinking about the letter, the things that were written and more important, who wrote it
And although Sebek had no clue, that didn't stop from hoping...
"What if.. Just what if it's from them"
Bonus (after sebek leaves the lounge):
M: "... You noticed it's from the perfect right?"
L: "of course"
M: "are we telling him?"
L: "of course not"
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