#I HAD NIGHTMARES FROM THE MR BEAN MOVIE !!!! kids are just like that !!
promptcorner · 6 months
Okay dudes, queens, mortals, and gods— hear me out.
I had a dream many months ago on a Thursday and by golly it put me in a tizzy.
The dream was a fusion between DC, DP, and Roald Dahl’s The Witches, specifically the 1990 movie with Mr. bean.
In it Damian (15), Danny (15), and Grandma Mason (???) were placed into a dreamscape/vision by the spirits of all the children the Witches had killed— and a third party— to warn them of their newest scheme.
We all know Manbat, right? Good, because the Witches took inspiration from the serum but made it less monstrous and created Formula 86 out of it. Their plan is similar to the movies and books, just buy candy stores and turn all the kids into rodents— except they turn into a different species of bat instead.
Danny, Damian, and Grandma Mason work together to stop the threat with a few twists and turns along the way. And yes, the boys get turned into bats.
Along with that, Tim and Tucker become coffee buddies and discover a big coffee syrup manufacturer may have more secrets then what they let on.
Also Sam, Jazz, and some of the batgirls uncover a mysterious set of giant figures wondering about at night. All the while, Sam and Grandma Mason talk magic.
All these stories connected into one another and it’s been in my mind for months. I’ve been struggling to write this. It’s chaos incarcerate, and that Death by Coffee Post and little blurb I posted after it are from this puzzle of a wip. I’ve been calling it, ‘The Witches did What?’
Here is the unedited summary I have written for it:
Danny and Damian share a mysterious vision/ dream that quickly turns into a nightmare. With both too many and not enough clues to make sense of the horrors that lied before them, they tried their best to navigate it before they ran into a danger neither of them were familiar with. That is, until they find Sam’s grandmother in the dream too. With the promises of an explanation and guidance, the three make plans to meet again in the waking world.
Little did the two boys realize just what type of trouble they’ve uncovered, wether it be on purpose or not. A type of trouble with a sizzling hatred unlike any hatred felt by either the living, or the dead. A sizzling, burning hatred towards children, and apparently… Teenagers aren’t excluded from it. They may have grandma and their various abilities…
But will it be enough to fight against The Grand High Witch?
If anyone is interested in hearing more, let me know. I have like, around forty something pages written out at this point, but I’m not confident in the beginning part of the story. The pacing needs work. But I do have a full chapter.
I guess this is a call for help? Ehh?
I don’t know, I just live here.
Thanks for listening to me rant about a fic idea at the very least!
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
ngl the parents clutching pearls about huggy wuggy are funny as hell trying to pretend that oh it’s the evil internet’s fault for letting their kids be exposed to horror with cute aesthetics like oh that damn night freddy and them momos making my kid too scared to sleep
as if their generation didn’t grow up seeing absolutely fucked puppets on tv and fucking mr blobby and the yearly child trauma ritual of forcing kids to sit in the lap of some dude in a very disheveled and shoddy easter bunny suit
#like don’t get me wrong i get that the scale of the impact & ease of access to scary content that looks like kids content is different#but like. putting the blame for its existence on the internet as if that hasn’t just… been a part of human culture since forever#i mean ffs fairy tales are the Ultimate form of content geared towards kids#and the OG ones from balls centuries ago were all about like. murder and death and r*pe and whatnot#heehee hoohoo hansel and gretel two little kids who love candy :) THEY WILL GET EATEN ALIVE good night baby !!!!#it’s just always been a thing so#instead of blaming the internet for having content that has existed for All of human history#how about you blame yourself for not monitoring what kind of content your kid gets exposed to#how about you blame yourself for just dropping your kid in front of an ipad for hours on end without offering other forms of entertainment#how about sitting your kid down to explain to them what horror is and what fiction is#look i don’t get it either i don’t get why horror and gore is something that’s made to be compatible with children audiences#but the fact is. it exists and it always has and some kids do genuinely love it in the same way an adult would love horror movies#and ! even if you shelter your kid from all of it ! kids have nightmares and get scared of fucking anything !#I HAD NIGHTMARES FROM THE MR BEAN MOVIE !!!! kids are just like that !!#you can not prevent your child from being scared#all you can do is comfort them when they do and help them feel safe again#it’s not the video game dev’s fault it’s not the plush manufacturer’s fault it’s just#a thing that is bound to happen eventually.#but don’t get mad that it does happen if -you- haven’t put in the effort to try to prevent it#you can’t just let your kid watch anything on youtube and then be mad they watched something you don’t like#if you’d checked with them or ! prepared your own playlist of stuff you deem acceptable or w/e#them you’d have nothing to complain about
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siriustreasure · 2 years
We need a part 2 for corpse husband if you were his daughter 😌🫣
being corpse husband’s daughter would include (part 2):
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a/n: {find part 1 here} ty for asking, hope you like these follow up ones :’)! it just occurred to me that some people have followed me for stuff for specific people so if you’d like to be tagged in all fics/headcanons for corpse (or anybody else) just let me know! <3 once again, these assume y/n’s mother isn’t involved because single papa corpse owns my heart :’)
warnings: swearing, references to insomia, chronic illnesses, food, very tiny tangent about squid game (no spoilers/violence, just used like one sentence gi-hun’s ex-wife said as an example for something), possibly (probably) rambling
corpse would 1000000% get a tattoo that relates to you in some way. wait imagine if he got a small tattoo of your favourite stuffed animal/toy as a kid which still holds a special place in your gear as an adult. like do you still drag it everywhere you go? probably not, but are they the only stuffie that still has bed privileges? yes. do you still hug them after a bad day? yes. and corpse has to immortalise that because 1) it’s precious and 2) he’d miss his bub. and if you wanted to he’s totally be down to get matching tattoos.
if you haven’t been blessed with this mental image, allow me: corpse husband aka ultimate e-boy aka mr choke me like you hate me, in a beautiful pink tutu, maybe some fairy wings and a tiara, sat a table way too small for him, surrounded by a dozen stuffies.
he’d probably give you a very basic, general rundown/explanation of chronic illnesses - like y’know when disney tries to teach kids something serious and they use metaphors/fairly simple terms? (i’m imagining reader is like a toddler) he’d do something like that so if he had a flare up or something, you wouldn’t get scared or panicked and if he said he couldn’t play with you one day, you’d be far less likely to throw a tantrum.
midnight feasts, midnight movie marathons, midnight everything if you wake up from a nightmare/just aren’t tired? yes. just yes. he has difficulty sleeping most of the time so it wouldn’t be like your fault - like y’know typically if you woke someone up (they might not say it but) they’d probably be like “i just want to sleep, please :’(”. especially if we’re taking about an energetic lil demon bean, which we are. anyways, what i’m trying to say is, ‘cos corpse struggles with sleeping anyway, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal :).
the fridge would be covered and i mean COVERED with your drawings/paintings/etc. there would probably be a couple that were a joint effort - maybe there’d be a finger painting with both of your prints. or one with your tiny handprint next next to his??? stopppp. this actually isn’t fair.
he’d probably have a lil picture of you or maybe a lil gift from you (like maybe you found a stone you thought was pretty at the park or something and gave it to him 🥺) incorporated in his gaming setup.
imagine the hand pics with the stone. omg proud, grateful papa. you know they’d have the cheesiest captions ever too, because he’d be a dad and there’s a brand to follow. duh. imagine corpse’s dad jokes-
you’d probably have a ‘just in case’ bag prepared in case he had to be hospitalised. you’d have packed it together so anything and everything you thought was important, even a bunch of sticker sheets, was put in. i’d riot if there wasn’t a plushie that’d been sprayed w/ his cologne to help w/ missing him. and it’d be a fuckin’ amogus plushie. bye.
he’d probably move into a bigger place w/ a garden and you best believe he’d go all out and spend way too much money turning the garden into a mini park to compensate for the lack of park trips. private park is better anyway, no need to share :).
y’know when kids find out their parents actually have names that aren’t just “mummy” - ssh i’m british/“daddy”/etc? imagine thinking his name was actually corpse husband for a while, like at least a couple of months for funsies. ok so i know i said you’d be homeschooled and i still stand by that but just imagine this ok; idk about y’all but when i was little, like 7ish maybe, our teachers made us write the envelope for our school reports so just imagine you addressing it to corpse husband and the teacher is like “huh?????” (i feel like it’d be funnier if they had no clue who corpse was). they’d definitely talk about that in the staff room at lunch. and you get really defensive about it so they don’t change it and you take it home and corpse is like a mix of 🤨 and 🥹 “thank you, sweetheart”. wheezes for like an hour straight. low-key starts stressing out about that revealing his identity - wait noOoOoOOO. totally shows rae, karl, tina and sykkuno. posts a picture of it on twitter w/ the address covered obviously.
swearing would be allowed once he considered you ‘old enough’ so like mid-late teens.
some qualities (positive + negative because corpse is human even though he’d still be the perfect papa) i think you could exhibit due to his parenting w/ brief reasons: independence + self sufficiency - any symptom flare ups (as discussed earlier), massive empathy - corpse seems to have a massive empathy as is + unsurprisingly children of individuals w/ chronic illnesses tend to be more empathetic, self awareness - sort of the same thing, i imagine corpse is pretty self aware. i don’t think you’d be the best conversationalist but you also wouldn’t be the worst - socialising mostly with corpse and the amigops due to homeschooling/etc.
if there were to ever be a successful real-life example of the ‘spoilt sweet’ trope, it’d be you.
another image for your head: corpse crouching by your bed, chin on the mattress, (y’know that pose?? i don’t really know how to describe it welp) as he gently shakes you awake. ft. a mandatory boop on the nose, of course.
y’know some parents are like “ew, no, they’ll make a habit out of it” cough cough ga-yeong’s mother in squid game - side note, i’m sorry but that pissed me off so much. she was sleeping, he was going to carry her one time. a habit isn’t going to form because of one time >:(. aNyWaYs corpse couldn’t care less about that, you could totally make a habit out of (mostly) anything. if you feel safer sleeping in his bed, fine. if you want a hug, fine. if you want to be carried, fine.
you’d always be (mostly) in charge of the day’s itinerary like obviously if there was an appointment or corpse had some errands, those wouldn’t be cancelled but for the most part it’d be up to you. even with homeschooling stuff, he’d let you pick what order to do things in etc.
i saw this tiktok about how these parents dealt w/ their kids tantrums and they’d basically made the kid his own little space with some activities (i think, at least partially, based on morals? i don’t remember exactly) and a lot of sensory based items like colourful lights etc and the idea was that when the kid was upset, they could go there to like reflect and calm down instead of just sitting angrily on the stairs, staring at a blank wall. i feel like corpse’s parenting would give off those vibes (like just very wholesome and mindful of the kid) but i don’t think it’d come naturally, he’d literally like see a tiktok and be like “yes”.
i think there was another one that was about letting kids decide to give people hugs too like y’know grandparents/family friends/whatever usually just hug the kid or the kid will be pressured into hugging them even if they don’t want to and it seems like such a small thing but like once you’ve thought about it, it’s like why can’t a kid decide not to hug someone, y’know?
the amigops et al (and others) replace your grandparents.
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jjuzoir · 3 years
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Sakusa Kiyoomi Relationship HC’s
Word Count: 1396
A/N: woof woof i’m the ceo of soft content bitches ❕ one of my biggest pet peeves with sakusa’s fanon is ppl forgetting he’s literally... just super fcking dramatic like he could be a theater kid if he wanted to /hj so i wanted to try writing him as a soft still dramatic boifie is it probably ooc? yeah... do i give a fuck? no.
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- Unlike popular belief, Kiyo isn’t going to cry if you hold his hand. If anything, it’s one of the few displays of affection that truly gets him blushing a bright pink.
- He does get kind of annoyed if you hug him or do anything that requires too much physical contact too suddenly, give him a little warning or ask him; He’ll almost always say yes, unless he’s sweaty from practice.
- As long as you’re both clean and sanitized, he’s willing to indulge you.
- He’s not super big on PDA but he’ll always have an arm thrown around your shoulders or wrapper around your waist.
- A big fan of subtle matching accessories, he’ll probably buy you matching key rings and phone cases. Don’t make fun of him though, he’ll get embarrassed and kind of uncomfortable; it’s one of his Love Languages afterall.
- He likes seeing you wearing his clothes, he’ll have a few things he exclusively has just for you but he also has some he’d rather not share. The latter category is mostly dress shirts, formal wear, anything that might stain easily or you’d need in fancy situations, but things like extra t-shirts or hoodies are as much his as yours (just tell him you’re taking anything and make sure you wash it before giving it back).
- Sakusa has a sensitive nose so he loves the way you sometimes smell like him, even if it’s just a little bit, when you wear his jackets or hoodies he likes knowing you’re going to smell like him for the day.
- He really likes indoor dates, from staying inside with you at home or going to museums or stores. He tends to favors the dates where you’ll choose things for each other, he takes getting you gifts super seriously and will spend hours making sure what he’s getting you is up to his standards.
- Talking about gifts, he’ll treasure anything you give him. His favorite gift you ever got him was a cologne, it was one he’d mentioned in passing to you because it was meant to be softer on the nose, and for his birthday you ended up getting him that and a clock.
- The fact you thought about him and listened to what he’d said made him very happy. He knows he’s often seen as intimidating and sarcastic, people tend to take what he says wrong or way too literally/liberally.
- Sakusa isn’t afraid of being blunt with you, he doesn’t like sugar coating his words and you’re no exception, he tries being more kind with his word choice but at the end of the day he won’t hesitate saying what’s on his mind.
- So whenever he compliments you, keep in mind he absolutely means it and he won’t hesitate to repeat it (unless you ask him to do so too much, he’ll get blushy and annoyed).
- He really wants to get a dog with you. Not any dog though, he wants a big dog he can take on walks and running with him, probably wants a siberian husky, would name him Mr Clean.
- Is the type of guy who’ll be like “the dog sleeps on its bed” but you’ll find him with said dog cuddling together under a blanket after a hard day. Sakusa is in love with Clean, he’d die for him, he even calls him your son.
- Got him little paw-gloves for when he’s cleaning the floor and he’s got chemicals around him so his paw beans don’t get irritated.
- An underrated comedy master, Iwaizumi says he has the sense of humor Atsumu wishes he had. He doesn’t even think twice before speaking with his teammates which leads to ridiculously funny exchanges, the best part is that he doesn’t seem to understand that he’s being hilarious so his face quite literally stays the same.
- Before dating you, his room was kind of boring (read: that one Haikyuu manga cover Furadate made for Christmas), black covers, white walls, etc., basically a minimalist nightmare but when you started dating he kind of got into keeping knick knacks that remind him of you or from dates with you, he has a few of your things laying around too. It’s still clean, he’d rather die than have a messy or dirty room, but it’s got more personality.
-  Has an extra MSBY jersey for you and his homescreen is a picture of you wearing it next to him; he’s whipped for you. He won’t let anyone unlock his phone because of it, one time Komori almost saw it and he had a mini-heart attack.
- Has you saved as “[Name] 💖” and gets super annoyed when anyone (Atsumu) teases him about it.
- He likes the intimacy of waking up together and performing a morning routine with you. Seeing you standing in the mirror brushing your teeth while chatting about your day or while you do your skincare routines.
- He's better at holding phone calls with you rather than texting - he can be kind of dry and he knows it, he’s also busy often which leads to many gaps between the responses; it’s a mess. So he’d rather call you, that way he can also make his tone/intentions known easier! the
- Not big on pet names for you, the most he’d do is “honey” or “dear”, he’d rather call you by your name or a nickname.
- On the other hand, he’s a big softy for the pet names you have for him; he’ll act like he hates them, especially if you call him out in public, but in private he gets blushy and his voice softens when he talks to you afterwards.
- Matching masks are a staple in your relationship, he’s always on the lookout for them just in case. When he’s abroad he’ll bring you a bag full of them, and they’re not the unfiltered ones, he makes sure absolutely nothing can get through them because he’s not about to have either you or him breathe in germs and risk getting sick.
- Health is his number one priority for both you and him.
- The type to call you when he’s away to rant about the silliest things, he’ll see something that annoys you and he’ll just think about how you’d never do him like that and how you’d be just as annoyed.
- When you two get a shared bed he’ll ask for the side closest to the window, he doesn’t care if it ends up being the right side or the left side; he likes being able to leave the window slightly open as to keep the air in the room clean and he doesn’t want you to get cold.
- Kiyoomi is really thoughtful, he knows he can be picky and particular so he wants to make it up to you by keeping you in mind to make sure you’re also comfortable.
- Arguments are rare because of this, he knows when to compromise - so if his partner can’t it’s a really big no for him and would lead to a very short relationship - but he also wants you to know he’s not a pushover and he also needs you to compromise as well.
- Likes intertwining your pinkies together when you’re walking down the street, it’s not super noticeable to others but he’s still holding you tightly in his own way.
- I said it before but Kiyoomi isn’t against holding you as long as you’re clean (as in; took a bath, clothes are washed, etc.)! He likes being able to hold you tightly during movies, just being there with you is soothing to him.
- Very dramatic when it comes to important dates and anniversaries, he acts like he’s cool with it as if he hadn’t spent a week planning the bouquet of flowers he has in his locker alongside a handwritten note he has his mom check just in case he made a mistake. In that way, he kind of expects you to take it seriously too and would get kind of disappointed if you didn’t remeber or give him something; it could be a hand gel and he’d treasure it though.
- Overall, Sakusa tends to be a surprisingly soft boyfriend - he has his quirks, much like anyone does but as long as you respect them you won’t have any problems down the road. He’s a thoughtful lover, he takes pride in knowing you well and taking care of you.
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guacam011y · 3 years
So I’m still processing everything but holy shite that ep was wild...
So sit-com wise, it seems they were referencing Malcolm in the Middle as the twins broke the fourth wall and talked to the audience, like Malcolm did
However, the theme song has told the viewer to stop questioning the reality of Westview - which could be a little reference to Mystery Science Theatre 3000? - When Pietro first shows up in the title sequence, along with his name title card, the lyrics say “Though there may be no way of knowing who’s come to play” - Istg, I do not trust Pietro
Vision says to Wanda that he had to wear his Halloween costume because there were no other clothes in his closet, Wanda is trying to move the plot along and forcing Vision to play along
Evan Peters’ ‘Mom’ tattoo is shown, which is a tattoo he actually has in real life ! But could this stand for ‘Multiverse of Madness’ or some other red herring?
Pietro mentions to Wanda that if he had found ‘Shangri-La’ he wouldn’t want to leave either - Shangri-La is a real place on Earth-616 that was founded by a version of Vision
Tommy refers to Pietro’s speed as ‘kickass’ and then Wanda repeats that, saying ‘kickass’ again - Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Evan Peters (both versions of QuickSilver) were in Kick-Ass together
The ad for this episode was freaky af - the character on the beach who starved and decomposed could be a little nod to Indiana Jones, where a Nazi’s face melts in - and it could also be reference to Wanda being all alone and struggling to process her grief. The shark in the ad could also be Nightmare or Mephisto or just someone more powerful than Wanda offering her a new beginning with Vision or trapped her in some way - and is feeding off her magic? The flavour of the yoghurt is strawberry flavoured and strawberry’s are red on the outside and pink-ish on the inside - much like Wanda’s og costume and her magic being red 👀
Pietro and Wanda talk about their Sokovian accents at a point in the episode and how neither have them anymore. Wanda’s, as we know, has disappeared over the course of the MCU movies and Pietro’s just doesn’t exist - another nice little nod to Peter Maximoff from the fox X-Men films? Also, Pietro states that “I’m just trying to do my part, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the Rugrats (a 90’s cartoon 👀) and ultimately give you grief.” - in reference to the grief part, could Pietro be killed off again? Stir up trouble with the rugrats, being possible shards of the demon Mephisto’s soul, could this be Mephisto trying to influence them on a deeper level? It’s also many many common sitcom clichès
Pietro talks about how “I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason at all” - nice little nod to how Pietro was killed off unnecessarily and how we as a fandom still talk about how regular bullets shouldn’t have killed him
Herb is dressed as Frankenstein’s monster - Dr. Frankenstein created his monster and soon lost control over him, and he was created using electricity or lightning - much like Vision was created and brought to life by Thor using Mjolnïr to bring lightning down to his incubator thingy majig. Could this also be a reference to either Wanda slowly losing control over Westview or someone else controlling Wanda/controlling the citizens of Westview - we saw in episode 3 that Agnes told Herb to be quiet as it seemed he was about to spill the beans 👀
Vision goes towards Ellis avenue and is at a ‘crossroads’ of sorts - in folklore, crossroads are often used to speak to or summon the devil and are also used when an important character is making a decision that could change everything. He spots some citizens repeating certain actions and/or just standing completely still, could these be npc’s (non playable characters)? And now that the barrier of the Hex has spread, will those citizens now start to move? 👀 Also I know that all stop signs look like it, but the stop sign is also a red hexagon 🛑
Darcy scrolls through Hayward’s computer files and goes past a file called “Project C4-113” - it could reference Avengers Issue #113 in which Wanda and Vision both appear on the cover and she says she’s going to make the world pay for Vision’s death. There’s also another file called “Project M5-247” which could be a nod to Avengers Issue #247, which shows the origin of the Eternals and in the same vein, Scarlet Witch and Vision trying to help Captain Marvel. And when Darcy emails Hayward’s cataract plans, you can see the names of “James Alexander and James Gadd” - James Alexander is a visual effects producer on Wandavision and James Gadd works on post production at Marvel
Also: Agnes pulls as Mrs Hart and repeats the same phrase over and over again
After Wanda blasts Pietro, you can see on a fake grave stone the name of “Janell Sammelman”, Janell is a first assistant director on Wandavision
When Wanda moves Westview to save Vision, she turns S.W.O.R.D and it’s agents into clowns + a circus - I just love that the agents turned into clowns 😂 but there is a nice little plot line in the comics where Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Hawkeye join the circus - and this COULD be stretch, but earlier in the episode there is the number #22 which could be Avengers Issue #22, which is the Issue that they join the circus
As soon as Vision was brought back into Westview, he was healed - which means if he was to exit again, he probably wouldn’t survive 😭
The episode title is ‘All-New Halloween Spooktackular!” - which “All-New” is a designation that is often used on covers for comic books. And the first issue of the second The Vision and the Scarlet Witch series takes place on Halloween night - but the events in this comics didn’t influence this episode’s plot
Pietro points out that he has the “XY chromosome” - X for X-Men? Plus there’s the X gene 😂
He mentions “Uncle Peter to the rescue” - Peter is the name of Quicksilver from the Fox X-Men Franchise
Pietro and Tommy quote the movie Top Gun (1986) by saying “I fell the need, the need for speed”
Wanda almost seems hesitant to trust this version of Pietro (rightfully so, in my opinion) and is wary of him being around Tommy and Billy
Pietro says some very Mephisto/Nightmare-like things this episode - “Unleash hell, demon spawn!”, “The kids need a father figure”, “Damnit, if Westview isn’t charming as Hell...” - And if Pietro isn’t Mephisto/Nightmare, it HAS to be Agnes or her other half Ralph and Pietro is probably Ralph tbh...or could Pietro just be a scapegoat and Hayward is Ralph? 👀
The theatre in town, which is playing the Incredibles and The Parent Trap, is called the Coronet. There’s a classic poem called “The Coronet” written by Andrew MARVELL (Marvell, is also the true name of the first incarnation of Captain Marvel in the comics) and is about a guy who knows that the sins of mankind led to the death of Christ. He attempts to create a new crown for Christ’s head in an attempt to atone, but finds that there is sin in the crown as well, as the devil is within the crown and therefore he may achieve glory and success with his new creation 👀
Hayward’s confidential project “Cataract” included experimenting on Vision’s body, as was revealed by Darcy (my wife 💙 and Monica is also my wife 💚 and so is Wanda 💛, I just love women, you know? 😂). A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that leads to a decrease in vision - is Hayward trying to weaponise Vision? Or maybe even trying to bring Ultron back? Or do what Tony wanted to do in the first place, and make a suit of armour that’s around the world? Either way, it’s for nefarious purposes
Who is Monica’s guy? Jimmy and Monica are off to meet him - could it be Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic)? Or could it be Victor Von Doom (Dr Doom)? Could it be Hank McCoy (Beast)? Or even Adam Brashear (Blue Marvel)? Or if it is a woman, could it be the Skrull daughter of Talos that Monica befriended at the end of Captain Marvel? Could it be Abigail Brand (A major character in recent S.W.O.R.D comics and an Alpha Flight Member)? Or even Toni Ho (Iron Patriot, and could she be introduced to help lay the ground work for my other queen, Riri Williams/Iron Heart?)? Or could it even be Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)?
In the background of the episode we see a number of children and adults dressed up as many different characters, which includes: Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat, Jason Voorhees, with a sweater striped like Freddy Krueger’s and even a kid that looks dressed in an off-brand Charizard costume 😂 Pokèmon has always been popular, but saw an increase during the 90’s
Pietro and the kids are drinking “Kane Cola” which could be a reference to the 90’s drinks “Jolt Cola” or even “Surge” - it could also, with all the X-Men Easter eggs, be a reference to Garrison Kane, who was a member of Cable’s mercenary team “Six Pack” and is sometimes also known as ‘Weapon X’
The kid that Wanda mentions having a “skin thing” in the orphanage - could that be a reference to her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants co-worker Toad? Or maybe even Mystique? Maybe Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)?
One of the houses has a sign up that says ‘Macabre Mansion’ - another possible reference to House of M?
During a flashback, it’s shown that the twins are playing Dance Dance Revolution, which came out in 1999. Also this might be a stretch, but the boys have a dog plushie in their room the right - which is coloured red and black - could this be a reference to Dogpool? 😂
I love this show 🤣💙
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
So about that Radio Rebel AU... 👀
I’m oddly excited about this one. I love the concept of this movie, it’s so interesting.
Radio Rebel AU
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Racetrack Higgins — Tara Adams
Rafaela — Stacy DeBane
Spot Conlon — Gavin
Albert DaSilva — Audrey Sharma
Obadiah Weisel — Principal Moreno
Jack Kelly — DJ Cami Q
Coffee Bean — Kim
Hot Shot — Gabe
JoJo De La Guerra — Larry
Buttons — Barry
Alright so…
Antonio Higgins never claimed to be outgoing. He never wanted to be popular or even really put himself out there. What he knew he was, was shy. Well, if having severe social anxiety meant being shy, then, yeah… that’s what he was. People terrified him and the mere thought of talking to some of them could send him into a full blown anxiety attack.
Therapy had helped once. But he didn’t go anymore. High school kept him pretty busy. Not to mention his ride had gotten busy with someone else. Walking was just too much. He just didn’t care enough. He would shut himself in his room for the rest of his life and never come out.
That is, until he found out he’d be getting a new stepdad. And that came with a new stepbrother.
Everything happened so fast and Race couldn’t keep up. His step brother was some radio host who loved attention and parties. Race knew he’d been the popular kid in school who played sports and got any date he wanted.
Jack was so open with people.
Race wasn’t.
When Jack starts coming around more, Race finds himself getting jealous of how easily Jack connects with people. Jack puts himself out there in everything he does. He’s a radio host, he’s got a lot of friends. He’s a singer and a songwriter and he plays guitar and he plays sports and everybody loves him. Even Race’s own mother who seems to like having Jack around more than him.
Eventually, when Race and Jack are forced to hang out a bit, Jack tells Race that he didn’t always used to be so outgoing, that he had to work up to it. He hadn’t had the easiest childhood. He tells Race a bit about it, being the more talkative one of the two of them. He admits that his father hadn’t always necessarily been the most loving, affectionate guy. He admits to Race that his dad was a drunk and that he used to get so out of it that he’d beat him. With the bruises and the scars, Jack never wanted anyone to notice. But after his dad got help, straightened himself out and took himself and his son to therapy and worked hard for years and years and still tried to make it up to him, Jack found himself wanting to allow himself to let more people into his life.
He wanted to finally be heard when he struggled through forgiving his dad.
So he started his own mini radio show. He was in high school when it all started.
Without any prompting, Jack pulls out a laptop and shows Race how he did it. He shows him how cool it is to put on his own show and then he stops because he knows he’s rambling. He tells Race that the show really did help him grow, though and make friends and be a part of society.
Eventually, Jack’s dad went back to work at a radio station that he’d run before and he brought Jack on as a host. His radio host name is Jay K and his show focuses a lot on how to stay positive even when bad things are going on in the world or in people’s lives specifically.
Race listened to his show every day that it’s on. But he doesn’t tell Jack that. Jack’s a cool college guy. He’s just his awkward step brother who has trouble getting out two words to someone and whose mother has to order food for him whenever they go out to eat.
But something about Jack’s show makes him want his own.
So he makes one. And he calls it Radio Rebel.
He locks himself in his room and puts on some headphones and just… starts talking.
And people listen.
They like his taste in music and what he has to say about the world they live in, the awful truths of high school and he asks why it has to be that way, why kids are supposed to respect adults who talk down to them and don’t care what’s going on in their lives. He challenges the rules that they’re being told and the things they’re being taught and the biases that people have and how teachers play favorites.
And the best part of all of it? No one knows it’s him.
Radio Rebel is a mystery.
He has one friend at school. Albert DaSilva. Albert broke into his shell and is the only person Race ever talks to really. Albert is constantly trying to help Race overcome his fears of talking to people. Eventually, he even tricks Race into taking drama with him.
The first day of classes, Race knows he made a mistake, if it’s not the participation grade that’s introduced to him it’s the fact that the guy he’s had a crush on since the sixth grade is in that class for his art credit and the girl who’s been making everyone’s life hell since forever is also there with her ever present sidekick.
The first day of class, the first day, and Race gets picked on by the teacher to write down a scene suggestion. He freezes in front of the class, his hand shaking as he tries to function like a normal person.
See, when he was young, his father died. His father had been the person he looked up to above all else. He was so happy all the time, even when he got sick. After that, it was like a little part of Race died with him and he just never knew how to communicate his feelings anymore. He didn’t know how to function in society because he spent most of his time as a child at his dying father’s bedside instead of out with children his own age.
At least, that’s what he thinks.
Even as he’s clearly terrified, Rafaela, a walking nightmare, decides that this is the perfect time to make fun of him. So Race, still trembling, tries to go back to his seat, knocking down the popular girl’s books and then he tries to pick them up, only hitting his head beneath her desk.
He looked up to find Spot staring at him. Spot Conlon, the hottest boy Race had ever known, was staring at him like he was some kind of freak. So Race ran, hiding in the bathroom completely humiliated.
He tries to calm himself down with some music. Though he still won’t admit it, his step brother’s music really does help him relax. He listens to it when he feels alone.
But in the hallway on his way to his next class, his principal, the ever irritating Mr. Wiesel, or, as Race likes to silently call him, Weasel, confiscates his third pair of headphones this semester, leaving Race to muddle through until he can go home and anonymously let his frustrations out with a microphone, some music and a voice scrambler. He plays one of Jack’s songs on the radio that day.
In the middle of his show, Race is jamming out to his song choice while he’s waiting to go back on when a knock comes at his door.
It’s his stepdad.
Race doesn’t hate the guy, he just barely knows him. They’re practically strangers living under the same roof. But, wanting to form a bond with his new step son, the man asks Race is he’d ever heard of someone called Radio Rebel, stating that the kid was some kind of local sensation and suggesting they listen to him together. Race tries to get rid of him, but doesn’t wanna be rude so he ends up giving in and continuing his show with the man in the room.
He’s terrified of what’s going to happen. His stepdad, however, offers him a job. He doesn’t wait for an answer before telling Race that he’s hired. That’s when Race is even more terrified.
It’s announced the next day that Radio Rebel is going to be on WORLD FM (i don’t know what it stands for). Race is horrified. And it doesn’t help that he has to blow off Albert in order to keep his identity a secret. His best friend is starting to get frustrated and Race knows it won’t be long before he’s had enough.
A couple days later, Race finds out that he will have to perform a Shakespeare scene in front of his whole class with two partners. Rafaela and Spot. Because of course it would be them
On Race’s first day at the studio, his step dad tries to give him a tour of the place only to lose him. Race runs off and tries to find an empty room to have a panic attack in. He only ends up finding Jack in the kitchen. Jack immediately greets him and tells him how happy he is that he tried to put himself out there and he’d tell Race how much he liked his show and how it encouraged so many people to just be themselves and have fun. But Jack turns around for one second to finish pouring himself some coffee, only to turn around and have the room be seemingly empty.
Having been on the verge of a breakdown for days, Race is hiding between the wall and the refrigerator, unable to barely breathe. When Jack finally finds him, he starts rambling, not knowing what to do or say. He tells Jack how scared he is and how different it is to go from pretending no one’s listening to knowing that everyone is.
Eventually, Jack coaxes him out of his hiding spot and gives him a soda, sitting him down and telling him that everybody gets nervous. Even him. He tells Race that it doesn’t help to feed into it and continue telling himself how scared he is, but instead use the adrenaline to hype himself up.
Race actually benefits from the talk and thanks Jack. Jack just tells him that’s what brothers are for before going to show him the ropes. He gives Race a small tour of his live room and explains to him how everything works and lets Race get in a practice run. It doesn’t go extremely well. But Jack just tells him he’ll be great, just like he was when he was alone, and then he’d tell Race that he had fifteen second before he was live and he’d go into the next room to watch and listen and help if Race needed it. Race shuts himself in the room, trying to pretend he’s alone before his show starts up.
He falls back into an easy rhythm.
His show is an immediate hit.
At the end of his show, he talks about the hierarchy of high school and how it’s all a bunch of crap. How differences shouldn’t be outlined as a bad thing and everyone should just learn how to accept each other. Then he asks every listener to wear red the next day, just to show that they were all equal.
He shows up to find a sea of red at school the next day. People were listening.
Albert is still mad at him.
Race tries to just continue on but after having to rehearse his scene with Spot and Rafaela, he just feels overwhelmed and practically begs Albert to talk to him again. When Albert still tries to refuse, he pulls him into an empty hallway and finally tells his best friend that he’s the guy everybody loves so much. Albert almost doesn’t believe him but eventually just kind of hugs him and tells him how proud of him he is.
After school, Race agrees to rehearse the scene with Spot and Rafaela and after being berated a bit by Rafaela, Spot encourages Race to stand up for himself and push back against Rafe, who’s acting as their director.
Race finally admits that in this scene of Romeo and Juliet, the audience would only get real emotion from them if they were closer. Spot is Mercutio and Race is Romeo.
Race has adored Spot for so long. He was always just so genuine and yeah, he was a tough guy, originally from Brooklyn, who plays sports and works out, but he was also in a band. He played guitar.
And after this particular rehearsal, he accidentally leaves behind a demo of his band. And Race picks it up.
Race uses it on his show later as he encourages everybody who’s listening to just get up and dance at eight o’clock tomorrow and just go crazy. Jack and Race dance to it in the studio and Race’s stepdad gets a small video of it, loving how well his boys are getting along now. This is the most of the real Race either of them have ever truly seen.
The next morning, when a full on dance part breaks out, Race gets to dance with Spot for a split second before Rafaela joins in with her weird, jerky movements just to get on his nerves. It’s only moments later that Radio Rebel is threatened by the principal to turn himself in now.  
The principal is not happy with the encouragement from this mystery person to disobey school policy and dance instead of focus on classes and work. He then states that anyone caught listening to Radio Rebel during school hours will be expelled.
But that only gives Race an idea.
He runs to Jack who he feels more comfortable with now than he’s sure he’d ever felt with anyone before and asks him for a favor.
The next day at lunch, Jack shows up with a WORLD FM van and gives the kids a special lunchtime dance party, making sure he’s right on the border of city property as a recording of Race tells everybody that they were taking lunchtime back and making it theirs again.
Weasel is not happy and gets it in his head that the minute he finds out who Radio Rebel is, he will be expelling them.
Later that night, after Jack’s show, Race stays to watch Jack record a new song he’d written with a small team of people. Race is a little nervous still, but feels comfortable enough with Jack there. Jack is singing and playing guitar for this new track (Burnout. A song Jeremy Jordan did in fact write) that Race sort of inspired him to write after opening up to him and telling him about his crush and how he doesn’t know how to talk to him. But while trying to record, something just sounds wrong and Race offhandedly points out that he needs a bottom harmony. So Jack tells him to get into the booth and grab a microphone.
And they record a song together.
The next night, Jack lets him play it on his show.
Jack can see Race starting to open up and gain confidence and just be himself. And he’s so happy for him.
A couple days later, Albert pulls Race into the janitor’s closet to tell him the news. Radio Rebels was nominated for Prom King. Race is immediately terrified and starts having a panic attack as he says he has to stop doing the show because no one can know who he is. Albert calms him down and drives him to the studio where they park three blocks away and wear hoodies and sunglasses to try and hide their faces.
Race finally shows Albert where the magic happens and introduces him to another one of his favorite radio hosts, Jay K.
Just before his show starts, Race’s stepdad makes an appearance, telling him that they have to cancel the show. Outraged by this sudden turn of events, Race asks the man why and he explains that Principal Wiesel just called and that if he finds out who Radio Rebel is, he’ll be expelled and that he’s Race’s stepdad first.
Race just says no. He says that he didn’t come this far to get shut down and he didn’t bend the rules just to be cornered by some lonely, bored old man (Weasel). And his stepdad says that’s the most he’d ever heard Race speak, not Radio Rebel, and that he’s on in fifteen.  
He turns back to Jack who gives him a thumbs up and a grin.
That night, Race asks people to share their fears, to stop being afraid of admitting they’re afraid. He gets calls immediately.
The last call he takes is from Spot. He tells Race that he’s afraid to do his own thing. See, his band used to be made up of his best friends but they only want to make loud, superficial music while Spot wants to make something real. Race admits he was terrified to do his own thing too. He looks at Jack as he said he had somebody who believed in him and told him that if he wanted to, he could make a real difference. And then he’d tell Spot that he believed in him and could do the same.
When Race gets home that night, his mother is waiting up for him, waiting to tell him how proud she is of him and how he inspires people to be themselves and that she knows he’s teaching himself some things along the way too.
The next day, however, the school gets some disastrous news. Weasel is cancelling the prom until Radio Rebel reveals themselves.
Race is devastated. He knows people are gonna destroy him for this.
Sure enough, he’s greeted with an angry mob on his way to the studio. He tried to blend in. Jack meets him at the front doors, trying to figure out a way to get him inside without anyone noticing. So, he pulls a hood over his head and starts running to draw away the crowd while Race and Albert sneak inside.
Eventually, once Jack gets back in the show starts. And it’s brutal.
Race gets through several calls of people yelling at him and calling him names and telling him how much they hate him and Jack can see Race start to shake. So the second they take a music break, Jack goes in and hugs him. It’s the first time in a long time Race can remember being held like this. He cries a bit and tells Jack he’s gonna come clean and Jack discourages that, telling his little brother how backwards this all was.
And that gives Race an idea.
On his way out of the building, the mob is still there, so they ask some guy dressed as a sandwich to distract the crowd while they get away. And he does.
The next morning, WORLD FM hijacks the high schools PA system and announces that WORLD FM will be throwing the school a Morp instead of a Prom. Race recorded himself saying that a Morp was a celebration and encouraged people to come as they are. No limos, no hundred dollar dresses or suits, just a party that celebrates them.
And everyone loves it.
Except for Rafaela, of course. Race teasingly encourages her to call in and tell Radio Rebel her frustrations about the prom court. Later that night, on Race’s show, he talks about prom court, giving Rafe the suspicion that it’s been him all along. So Rafaela decides to find a way to prove it and get Race expelled.
She invites the whole school to a party at her house during Radio Rebels broadcast. Whoever doesn’t show up is the person they’re looking for.
Only… Race shows up.
At the studio, Jack and Race’s mom are going crazy trying to figure out the recordings they made of Race and are trying to navigate a call with Rafaela who calls in only screwing up a line and trying to push her off the phone. Race then finally calls in and tells Jack to patch him into the show. Jack does and Race has to run around Rafaela’s house to hide from her while he takes her phone call.
Race finds her room and remembers that when they were young, Rafe used to dress up in dresses and tiaras at school. Race used to be so jealous of how comfortable she was just being herself. Race tells her that when she walks in before he runs out to find Albert.
A few minutes later, Rafaela sends out her best friend Coffee Bean to “deliver a pizza” to WORLD FM. To end this once and for all. Coffee Bean ends up recording Jack and Race’s mom talking about how far Race had come and how proud they were of him. She also gets a bit of Jack talking about his own past. She feels bad, knowing that Jay K had such a traumatic past. He always kept it a mystery to his listeners. But that’s not as important as finally busting Race.
A few days later is the day of their drama scene presentation. Rafaela tricks Race into following her into the janitor's closet before she locks him in there. He knows Spot will hate him if he misses their scene and he also knows that he hates small spaces.
He calls Jack to beg for help and Jack literally runs to him and gets him out while people are still in class. He calms Race down enough for Race to try and get through the day.
But Rafaela finds Race right after school. She plays the recording, telling him that she knows who he is. Race tries to explain that that doesn’t prove anything but Rafe threatens to forward it to the whole school. Race can’t have that happened, not only to keep his identity safe but also to protect the secrets of his step brother and his step dad from getting out. If people found out the guy who ran WORLD FM was a former alcoholic who used to beat his son, that wouldn’t be good. Race knew that. So he does what Rafaela tells him to do and tells the whole school to vote Rafaela for Morp Queen.
Albert however, after talking to Race and finding out what happened, tells Spot the story of him getting locked in the closet.
Spot confronts Rafaela who he was supposed to be going to morp with and immediately breaks it off, telling her that he’ll be going alone.
The next night is morp. Jack is DJing and Spot’s band has a small time slot. But that’s not what has everyone hyped.
No, what has everyone hyped is that they know who’s gonna be crowned prom king.
Jack announces it. It’s Radio Rebel.
Race panics for a moment before he realizes that he can’t keep hiding. He finds a mic backstage and starts talking, telling everyone how scared he was and how this was all even scarier. He reveals that he didn’t know he could feel so much like himself until now. Then he walks out onstage and reveals himself.
Weasel laughs from the crowd as people cheer. He grabs the mic and tells Race that he’s expelled in front of the whole school and Jack stands protectively in front of him, ready to give Weasel a piece of his mind before Albert shouts out that he’s Radio Rebel. Spot follows suit. And suddenly, the whole crowd is admitting to being Radio Rebel.
So Weasel backs down.
And then Spot gets up on stage to sing a song dedicated to a boy that isn’t afraid to ask a dancing sandwich for help. After this, he reveals to Race that he’s always been afraid to be himself and asks Race to help him do just that, asking him to dance and kissing him in front of the crowd.
And Race thinks just maybe he’s not afraid anymore.
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Peter was scared
@keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars asked:  Ohhhh can you do one for the line: “Peter was scared.”?? Please?? Congratulations on 300 followers hon, you’re amazing!
Thank you so much! Here’s your story ❤️💙❤️
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300 Follower Celebration!
Irondad Taglist: @phahbiyah @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @clevermuffinalmondpeach
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Peter was scared. Not quite like “crushed by a building” scared, or “I have a history test tomorrow” scared, or even “maybe that wasn’t the best decision” scared, but a bit of all three and then some, mixing around in his stomach with all the terrified nausea in there. 
And all just because he would be spending the weekend at the Avengers Compound for the first time. Well, that wasn’t the only reason, but he didn’t want to think about the other one yet. Aunt May was going to be out of town for a few days, and as soon as Peter had casually mentioned this to his mentor Tony Stark, Tony had all but insisted that he stay at the compound until she got back. 
So here he was, sitting the backseat of a car headed for Upstate New York. And wishing more than anything that he wasn’t. 
Alright, maybe not more than anything, Peter reasoned, watching the world outside flash by. I do wish I was bulletproof. What’s the point of superpowers without bullet-immunity? Or at least a way to make it really easy to avoid it. Like superspeed. But it’s fine, I can stick to walls and have super strength. Basically really stubborn wallpaper.
Peter spent the rest of the ride thinking about nothing in particular until he saw the large white building looming on the horizon, and he felt his stomach do a nervous backflip and his heart start to pound. And it only got worse when he saw Tony waiting for him, his hands shoved in his pockets and a smirk on his face. 
“Hey there Underoos!” he said as Peter got out, lugging his backpack and a duffel bag with his clothes and toothbrush.
“Hey Mr. Stark!” Peter said, doing his best to mask the anxiety making him want to grimace rather than grin. Tony didn’t seem to notice, and Peter breathed a mental sigh of relief.
“Here lemme help you with that.” Tony held out a hand to take Peter’s backpack, but Peter held it just out of his reach. 
“You sure?” he said with a smirk, knowing Tony would take the bait. “It’s really heavy.” As he suspected, Tony rolled his eyes and gave him an exasperated glare. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that. Gimme,” he said, making grabby-hands at the strap of Peter’s backpack. Peter slid it off his shoulder and held it out to Tony. As soon as he let it go Tony had to scramble to keep it from hitting the pavement, ending up with both arms wrapped around his backpack. 
“Jesus--What the hell is in this thing!?” he said, struggling to get one of the straps over his shoulder. “Did you bring some tech in here with you or something?”
“Nope, that’s just my computer and my homework. And it’s actually a bit lighter than usual, I took out all my chemistry and calculus homework since I did it already,” Peter said. The look on Tony’s face made him burst into laughter, easing the knot of anxiety in his chest a bit. 
“Jeez, how do normal, non-spider kids do this?” he muttered as they made their way to the front doors, hunching over slightly, and almost making Peter feel bad for not carrying it himself. Almost. He was literally asking for it. 
“Well it definitely wasn’t a fun time back when I was a string bean with asthma. I had to use my inhaler any time I had to walk more than a block with that thing. Aunt May used to meet me outside our apartment building so she could carry it up the steps for me,” Peter said with a laugh, opening the door and holding it, letting Tony walk through and promptly drop the backpack on the nearest chair. When he stood up straight again Peter heard his back crack and giggled at the frown on Tony’s face. 
“That’s it. I’m making a drone to carry your stuff for you. Cuz that--” he pointed to the offending bag, “--is bullshit.”
“I have super strength, it’s not really heavy anymore,” Peter said with another snort of laughter. “It would be better to somehow convince my teachers I don’t really need five hours of homework every night.”
“Friday, remind me to figure out how much money it would take for a teacher to be bribed into giving less homework,” Tony said as they walked to the elevator. 
“Done Boss. Would you like to put in an order for pizza to be delivered for dinner?”
“You know me so well, Fri.”
The rest of the day passed pretty well, and Peter was distracted from his lingering worries by the gadgets in Tony’s lab and by the pizza and movies they watched together. But when Tony looked at his watch and told Peter he had to go to bed, he felt his heart sink. 
“Wh--It’s not that late--”
“It’s ten o’clock kid, and even superteens need sleep. Plus I think your Aunt would kill me if I let you stay up any longer,” Tony said, picking up the empty pizza boxes and putting them in the trash before switching off the TV. 
“Well, she doesn’t have to know--”
“As tempting as that is, you really should sleep. Believe me kid, you need rest to function, and I don’t wanna have to deal with a grumpy spider in the morning,” he said with a kindhearted smile. 
Peter barely had the willpower to make himself smile back. Tony gave him a hug before sending him off to his room. Peter got changed into his pajamas, feeling dread rise in his throat like bile with each passing second. He cracked open his door before shutting off the light, taking a small comfort in the fact that Tony would be staying up a little longer. He climbed into bed and did his best to fall asleep before the light in the hall went out. 
Peter’s eyes opened without his permission. He’d been asleep, and then quite suddenly, he wasn’t. But the effect of waking up was almost instantaneous. 
He couldn’t even see his blankets in front of his face, the darkness was so thick. It was surrounding his arms like heavy ink, filling his lungs with black ashes and crushing him, crushing him like a ton of concrete. He tried to calm himself, to ground himself with something, but he couldn’t see, and the panic was making his fingers feel numb, and seemed to stuff his ears with cotton. 
He threw himself out of bed, stumbling and feeling his bedside table for his phone, but when he couldn’t find it he felt the walls for a light switch. He wanted to cry when he finally felt his fingers graze the small switch, and he flicked it on. 
Nothing happened. 
“No, no no no no--” Peter whimpered, flicking it up and down and up and down, before feeling for the door still resting ajar. He stumbled into the hallway, and even though the windows provided a tiny amount of light, it was too cloudy outside to help much at all. Peter tried the hall lights, then the kitchen, then the living room, feeling tears tumble down his face as they all gave the same, terrifying result as the one in his room. 
“Please, please please please work, please--”
Peter jumped so hard he almost crushed the switch he was frantically flicking. He turned, and there was Tony, his arc reactor glowing bright through his thin pajama shirt, providing the light Peter had been desperately looking for. Peter had to stop himself from flinging his arms around his mentor. 
“Wh-Why don’t any of the lights work?” Peter said, his voice trembling from fear and tears. 
“There was a storm--the thunder really didn’t wake you? It knocked out the power,” Tony said. 
“N-No, I… I have really loud neighbors.” Peter sniffed, wiping his eyes. “I-I’m s-sorry I woke you up. I d-didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine, I was just in my room reading anyway--Woah, wait are you crying?” Tony said as he came close enough for his metal heart to light up Peter’s face. Peter started wiping the tears away more quickly, ducking his face a little. 
“Oh, uh, no it’s ok, I’m--”
“Oh Peter,” Tony said softly, laying a hand on Peter’s cheek and wiping a stray tear from his eye. “What happened? Did you have a nightmare?”
“N-no,” Peter said, feeling his face grow hot. 
“Are you sick? Are you hungry? Did you get hurt out on patrol? Peter you gotta tell me when these things happen--”
“No, no no no, it’s not anything like that,” Peter said. “It’s just… it’s stupid. It’s really really stupid.”
“Hey, don’t talk like that,” Tony said gently, pushing curls out of Peter’s shining eyes. “Whatever it is, it scared you, and you don’t have to be ashamed of being scared. Just tell me what happened kiddo.”
Peter ducked his head and squeezed his eyes shut, wringing his hands for a few seconds before he spoke. 
“I-I’m scared of the dark!” he blurted. “I-I woke up and the light in the hall was off and it was so dark it-it felt like I was suffocating, and I couldn’t even see my blankets or find my phone and then the lights wouldn’t work and--” Peter broke off with a sob, burying his face in his hands. “It didn’t used to be like this! I used to be able to sleep fine! But now whenever I’m in the dark by myself I feel like there’s something crushing me, like I’m being buried alive by a bunch of concrete and bricks and dust--”
Peter started crying even harder now, the tears falling so fast and his chest growing far too tight to speak any more. Luckily, it seems he didn’t have to, because Tony circled his arms around him, pulling him tightly to his chest so that Peter's head laid right beside his arc reactor. He ran his fingers through Peter’s hair while his other hand rubbed his back as Peter slowly regained composure. When his sobs had reduced to small hiccups and sniffs, Tony spoke. 
“There you go. You’re all spent huh? I haven’t seen you cry like that in a little while,” he murmured, starting to slowly rock them both side to side. 
“I--I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
“Shhh, it’s okay. I don’t care about the crying, it’s okay to cry, remember? And it’s not stupid to be scared of the dark. You’ve been through a lot Pete, and you’re still just a kid. It makes sense that you’re scared of the dark. It’s okay to be scared,” he said, still speaking in that soft, calm voice that made Peter’s shoulders relax. 
“It’s just… kind of annoying,” Peter mumbled. “I know I’m safe, but when I wake up in the middle of the night like that I’m all like, disoriented and freaking out and too tired to get my thoughts in a logical row.”
“What do you usually do when this happens? Does your Aunt know about this?”
“Aunt-Aunt May knows, and I… I, um…” Peter trailed off, feeling his face turn bright red. Tony chuckled, causing Peter’s head to shake slightly on his chest. 
“I won’t judge you kiddo. Just tell me,” he said. Peter bit his lip and avoided Tony’s eyes. 
“I um… I have a nightlight,” he said. “It uh… it looks like your arc reactor.”
“Does it now? So even little toddler Peter liked Iron Man, did he?”
“No--I mean yeah, I did when I was little too, but um, my nightlight from when I was little broke a long time ago. Aunt May bought that for me after the first time I freaked out in the middle of the night,” Peter said. 
“Huh. Why the Iron Man light?”
“It’s not an Iron Man light. It’s a Mr. Stark light,” Peter said. Tony had to think about what he was saying for a moment before he got it.
“Ohhh, I’m your nightlight?”
“I… I keep you safe? I stop the uh, the crushing feeling?”
“So, why didn’t you bring your, heh, your Mr. Stark light with you? Did you forget it?”
“No, I just… I didn’t want you to make fun of me,” Peter mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Oh kid… I’m sorry,” Tony said, resting his chin on Peter’s head. 
“Huh? For what?” Peter said, opening his eyes in surprise when Tony hugged him a little closer.
“I clearly haven’t done a great job of making sure you know I wouldn’t make fun of you for something like that. I would never make fun of your fears kiddo, even if I did think they were silly. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear earlier,” Tony said. 
“Oh. Um, it’s alright, it’s fine,” Peter said, not entirely sure what else to say, and absentmindedly tracing his finger around the edge of Tony’s heart. 
“Heh, it’s not really, but I see what you’re trying to say,” Tony said with a small smile. “Well, since we can’t exactly go out and get your Mr. Stark light right now, why don’t you have the real thing for tonight?”
Peter blinked, then lifted his head off Tony’s chest, staring up at him in confusion. 
“What do you mean?”
“You want to sleep in my room tonight kiddo? I’ll be your light, I’ll make sure the dark doesn’t get you,” Tony said.
“A-Are you sure? I don’t wanna intrude or--”
“I’m offering, Spiderling, it’s not intruding if I offer.”
After a moment Peter smiled and nodded, and the two headed to Tony’s room. Tony was sure to grab Peter an extra blanket to help with his thermoregulation, and then they both slid under the covers. 
“Goodnight kiddo,” Tony said, being sure his arc reactor wasn’t hidden beneath the covers. 
“‘Night Mr. Stark,” Peter said with a yawn. “Thanks for being my nightlight.”
Tony smiled, warmth growing in his chest. 
“Of course Peter. If there was only one thing I could use this heart for, I’d want it to always be your light in the dark.”
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whumphoarder · 4 years
Summary: While Peter is visiting Tony and Morgan at the lake house for a long weekend, the six-year-old manages to accidentally break his nose. Unfortunately, Spider-Man's super-healing decides to go on holiday the same weekend that he does.
Word count: 3,877
Genre: Fluffy illness/injury, whump, hurt/comfort, humor
A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and @sallyidss for beta-reading and to @awesomesockes for plot, summary, and title ideas <3
Link to read on Ao3
“So”—Tony snaps the single use ice pack to activate the chemicals and gives it a few shakes as he moves back over to the kitchen table—“which one of you is going to explain what happened here?”
Morgan shakes her head gravely side to side. “Peter didn’t catch the beans...”
“Well, to be fair,” Peter points out, his voice significantly more nasally than usual due to the wad of paper towels he’s pressing to his heavily bleeding nose, “you didn’t really warn me you were about to chuck a can of beans at my head.”
“But I did!” the six-year-old defends. “I said, ‘I’ll throw down the supplies.’”
“Supplies for what?” Tony questions. He passes Peter the ice pack, earning a grunt of thanks.
“For the mission,” Morgan explains as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us ‘cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space.”
“She’d been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse,” Peter goes on, “so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. Which, y’know, was fine for the stuffed animals and the walkie-talkies and the plastic lightsabers”—he gingerly touches the ice to his nose—“just not for a sixteen-ounce can of refried pintos.”
(Tony winces in sympathy.)
Morgan lets out an exasperated exhale. “Well, we had to bring something to eat—it’s a long way to Pluto.”  
Huffing out a laugh, Tony shakes his head slowly. “I guess it’s hardly Peter’s first experience getting injured before a mission officially even begins...” he muses. He grins at the teenager. “Remember when you tripped off the quinjet ramp and sprained your ankle two minutes after we landed?”
Peter rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed. “That was one time, Mr. Stark.”
“Memorable though,” Tony quips. He gestures to the kid’s messy face and sighs. “Alright, let’s see the damage.”
Reluctantly, Peter pulls the paper towels away and fresh blood starts to trickle down. There’s a cut at the bridge of his nose and it’s rapidly swelling, a dark bruise already starting to form under his eye.
Tony prods carefully at the break, making Peter wince. “Well, it’s definitely broken,” he reports after a moment, “but it seems pretty well-aligned at least. Nothing to reset.”
Peter lets out a short, breathy laugh. “Probably because it was already a little crooked from the last time I broke it. Guess she knocked it back.”
“So… I made it better?” Morgan asks hopefully.
Tony turns in his daughter’s direction. “Oh no, don’t you start thinking you’re off the hook here, Little Miss Budding Plastic Surgeon,” he says, holding up a stern finger. “You still need to be more careful where you’re chucking your beans.”
Peter snorts, then instantly seems to regret that as he groans and adjusts the ice pack on his face.
Morgan’s expression sobers and she drops her gaze down to her feet. “I just thought he would catch it. He always catches stuff when I throw it to him…”
Her comment gives Tony pause. Now that he thinks about it, it’s not the first time since Peter arrived at the lake house for their long weekend that the kid has seemed rather sluggish and off his game. He’d dozed through most of the drive over on Friday afternoon and then slept in until almost noon the next day. Even now, he can see the dark circles under Peter’s eyes and the pallor to his cheeks that can’t be completely explained by his current blood loss.
“It’s okay, Mo,” Peter reassures her with a small smile. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. It’ll be all better by morning, okay?”
Morgan perks up at that, so Tony pushes aside the twinge of worry in his gut. After all, Peter’s been taking seventeen credit hours at MIT this semester, not to mention his Boston vigilante activities and the additional part-time lab assistant gig he’s picked up; that’s enough to make anyone run a little ragged.
“Why don’t you two just watch a movie or something?” Tony suggests. “Give Peter’s nose a little time to sort itself out.”
Morgan and Peter agree, so Tony rustles up some of Peter’s super-strength painkillers and sets the kids up in the living room with some weird movie that Morgan inexplicably loves about a talking parrot whose biggest goal in life is to see the sun rise over the Grand Canyon. Before they even hit the fifteen minute mark, from out of the corner of his eye, Tony sees the ice pack slide down Peter’s face as the boy drifts off.
The combination of pain pills and the usual post-injury recovery time knocks Peter out and he sleeps straight through the rest of the movie. He’s still a little groggy and disoriented when Tony wakes him for dinner, but years of mentoring a reckless teenage superhero have taught the man that this is all par for the course.
Given that the pork chops Pepper left for them to reheat (before heading to her sister’s house for the weekend) require a bit more chewing than Peter’s face is up for at the moment, Tony whips the kid up a smoothie to drink instead.
Peter peers warily into the glass Tony hands him, swirling the green contents around. “What’s in here?”
Tony shrugs. “Whatever I found in the fridge. Blueberries, yogurt, scoop of protein powder, a banana, some spinach…”
“Ew, why would you drink spinach?” Morgan interrupts, her nose wrinkling up in disgust. “That’s gross.”
“Says the girl who put mayonnaise on her graham crackers last week,” Tony points out.
“It was good!” she defends.
Peter takes a cautious sip of the drink. He looks contemplative for second, then must have decided that he approves of the flavor because he just shrugs and proceeds to down about half the glass in a few gulps.
Morgan makes a dramatic gagging noise. Tony rolls his eyes and flicks her arm playfully.
“It’s actually really good,” Peter admits, lowering the cup back down. “Been awhile since I’ve had real vegetables.”
“Ugh, lucky,” Morgan groans as Tony adds a few pieces of asparagus to the little girl’s plate. “They’re the worst. Except for artichokes—those are good.”
“You like artichokes?” Peter questions.
“Uh huh.” She grins. “And turnips!”
“Well, Gerald likes turnips,” Tony clarifies, “and Morgan likes feeding them to him.”
This comment inspires Morgan to launch into a long-winded explanation of all the things she’s ever seen Gerald eat—from grass, to broccoli stalks, to a weird-looking bug—and which of those were his favorites. Peter nods along to her rambling, but seems far less engaged than usual and doesn’t even react when she mentions Gerald’s favorite type of cookie is double stuffed Oreo.
(Tony, on the other hand, interrupts at that point with a stern lecture for the six-year-old on what she can and cannot feed the alpaca moving forward.)
Once dinner is over, they all migrate back to the living room. Morgan wants to play Uno, and Peter obliges for a while, but his overall lack of focus persists.
“Peeeterrrr,” Morgan whines for the third time, poking his arm to snap him out of his daze. “It’s your turn again. You gotta draw two.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Peter takes two cards from the deck and adds them to his hand before reaching up to rub tiredly at his temples.
Tony’s brow furrows. “Headache?”
“Yeah, kinda,” Peter admits. “It’s not bad, just like… there.”
“Hm.” Tony nods. Turning to Morgan he says, “What do you say we finish this game up tomorrow?” Morgan’s face screws up and she looks like she’s about to protest before he adds, “Pretty sure there are some fudge-pops left in the freezer. I won’t tell Mommy if you don’t.”
Morgan drops her cards with an excited whoop and jumps up to run to the kitchen.
Tony gets to his feet to follow her. He glances back at Peter, who has sunk into the cushions with a relieved sigh. “Fudge-pop?” he offers.
Peter makes a non-committal noise in his throat. “I dunno. Think I might just head to bed.”
Tony glances at his watch. It’s just shy of eight o’clock—even Morgan doesn’t usually go to bed for another half hour. He knows Peter’s healing always takes a lot out of him, but he’s seen the kid looking less drowsy and out of it after getting slammed into the airport tarmac in Germany and cracking three ribs than he does at the moment. “Think you might be coming down with something?” he asks.
Peter shrugs once more, prompting Tony to press his hand to the kid’s forehead. He definitely isn’t detecting a fever—if anything, Peter’s skin is a little cold.
“What’s not feeling good?” Tony clarifies. “Head? Stomach? Throat?”
Peter hesitates a second. “Just… just my head I guess.” He sighs. “I think I’m just tired. Haven’t really been sleeping that great lately,” he confesses.
Tony’s forehead creases in concern. “Kid, you know May and I talked to you about overloading yourself your first year at school.”
“No, I go to bed,” Peter clarifies, “I just don’t always, like, sleep.”
“Why?” Tony’s frown deepens. “Are you having nightmares, or…?”
“No…” Peter exhales deeply, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that. I just can’t always, like, settle down? I don’t know—it’s really not that bad,” he quickly backtracks. “I think I just need a good night’s sleep. I’ll be better tomorrow.”
(Like an idiot, Tony believes him.)
“Alright, well, sleep well kid,” he says as Peter shuffles off to the guest room.
“Okay, so... this is a little weird,” Peter says as he enters the kitchen the next morning.
Tony glances up and blinks at the sight of Peter’s very swollen and now darkly bruised nose and cheekbone. He sets down the bowl of waffle batter he’s been whisking and moves over to get a closer look.
“What the hell, kid?” Tony mutters under his breath, running his fingertips carefully over the still-clearly-broken bone. “You once healed from a compound fracture overnight.” He pauses a beat. “Of your femur.”
“Eh...” Peter shrugs tiredly. “Super-healing isn’t really a science, is it?”
“Well it’s certainly not an art,” Tony retorts. He gestures to the kid’s nose. “Unless this is your Black-and-Blue Period, Picasso.”
Peter groans, sinking down onto one of the kitchen chairs. “That was almost as painful as my face,” he complains.
It’s clear the kid meant it as a joke, but that admission does nothing to alleviate Tony’s concern. He finds Peter a fresh ice pack and doses him out another painkiller before resuming making breakfast.
Somehow even a second night of sleep doesn’t seem to have restored much of the kid’s energy. Peter sits hunched forward with one elbow on the table to hold the ice to his face and has his phone resting in his lap. He scrolls idly through it, looking like he might nod off any second.
After a few minutes, the backdoor to the kitchen swings open and Morgan re-enters with pieces of hay still stuck to her boots.
“I gave Gerald two turnips,” she announces. “And he hummed at me and then he tried to steal my hat but I got it back ‘cept for the fuzzy thing.” She points at the red knit hat on her head, which is missing a pom-pom.
Tony groans as he ladles more waffle batter onto the iron. “He didn’t swallow it, did he? Because if that vet has to come out here one more time, I swear—”
“Peter!” Morgan blurts, suddenly noticing the boy at the table. He startles and looks up from his lap as the six-year-old runs over to him. “Your face looks so bad!”
Tony clears his throat. “Uh, Morgan, we don’t—”
“So, so, so, so bad,” she emphasizes, as tears well up in her eyes. She throws her arms around his waist. “I’m really r-really sorry!” she cries. “I didn’t m-mean to hit you with the beans!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Mo,” Peter assures, wrapping her in his arms. “It’s gonna heal really soon, okay? I’m a spider, remember? I always heal fast.”
“But sp-spiders don...don’t heal fast!” Morgan sobs into his chest. “You can squish ‘em re-really easy and they d-die if it gets too c-cold or if they get sprayed with bug killing stuff, an-and…”
Peter glances up and shoots his mentor a look of utter helplessness.
In return, Tony shrugs his shoulders in an exaggerated fashion. “Don’t look at me, kid. I’ve been wondering the same thing since we met.”
Still holding the crying child, Peter rolls his eyes at him.
“Kidding, kidding...” Tony says under his breath. He abandons the waffle iron and heads over to gather the sobbing six-year-old up into his arms. “Morgan, sweetheart, listen to me,” he says as he rubs her back gently. “Peter isn’t really a spider, okay? He’s actually more of a mutant.”
(Morgan only cries harder at that.)
Peter huffs out a short laugh and leans back against the chair. “Doing great, Mr. Stark.”
“...And because he’s a mutant,” Tony plows right along, “his DNA is different from ours and that’s why he usually heals freaky fast,” he explains over her tears as she buries her face in his shoulder. “Except it’s just being a little slow today, so we’re gonna just let him rest and eat some good food and that should help fix him up, okay?”
She hiccups a few times. “So he ju...just needs some w-waffles?” she manages to get out.
That jogs Tony’s memory. He spins around to see that the iron is still very much on and the waffle is starting to burn, smoke wafting up around the edges. “Ah shit,” he mutters.
“It’s okay, I got it,” Peter says, pushing himself quickly up from his seat. But the moment he gets to his feet, he staggers sideways and grips the table, his face draining of color.
“Pete?” Tony goes to set the still-sniffling six-year-old back down, but before he’s able to get her feet on the floor, Peter’s knees give out.
Tony curses and shoots a hand out just a second too late as Peter crumples first to his knees and then to the ground, landing directly on his already-injured face.
Morgan’s eyes go wide. “Daddy!” she shrieks.
Tony plops her down abruptly. “Go unplug the waffle maker, okay?” he instructs her as he drops to his knees next to Peter. He figures the last thing they need to add to the chaos is a smoke alarm.
Eyes still locked on the scene before her, Morgan nods and runs over to the counter to unplug the device. Meanwhile, Tony rolls Peter over onto his back and instantly grimaces at the sight. Besides the deathly pallor, the kid’s broken nose is definitely crooked now and fresh blood is streaming down.
“Is he… dead?” Morgan asks, horrified.
“No, no, of course not...” Tony presses two fingers to the pulse point in the boy’s neck, relieved to feel a strong, albeit fast, beat. “He just fainted—he’ll be fine,” he says, shaking the unconscious boy’s shoulder. 
“He looks dead,” Morgan whispers, still staring.
“Yeah, but he’s not,” Tony says firmly. Not wanting the blood to run down Peter’s throat, he continues to roll the kid over until he’s on his side in a sort of modified recovery position. “Pete, c’mon, this isn’t a good look,” he mutters, tapping Peter’s cheek. “We’re all getting enough trauma therapy as it is…”
Finally, the kid’s eyelids start fluttering open. “There you go, that’s it,” Tony praises when Peter blinks up at him. “You back with us yet?”
Peter groans and lets his eyes close again. “Do I ‘ave to be?”
“Yes,” Tony says curtly. He starts shaking Peter’s shoulder again, though gentler now. “I need to know how I’m taking you to Bruce—car or ambulance?”
“Ugh… How ‘bout neither?” Peter mumbles. He lifts a hand up tiredly to wipe a bit of blood off his upper lip. “‘M alright. Just got a lil’ dizzy…”
“Nope.” Worry is quickly taking over Tony, though it comes out in the form of briskness. “You’ve got sixty seconds to get off the floor or I’m choosing for you,” he declares, already pulling out his phone.
Morgan’s voice comes out small and quavering. “Peter...?”
Ultimately, that sound is what it takes to make Peter move. With Tony’s support, he pushes himself up and sits there for a moment, blinking wearily as blood trickles down from his nose. Tony sends Morgan to fetch a box of tissues and a clean shirt for Peter, then loads them both into the car for a little field trip.
“Anemia?” Peter repeats, incredulous.
The kid is sitting on an exam table at the SHIELD Medical base, his recently-reset nose now splinted. Meanwhile, Morgan sits in the chair beside Tony, entertaining herself with a handful of wooden tongue depressors and a roll of medical tape.
Bruce adjusts his glasses as he scans the results from Peter’s blood panel on his tablet. “Yeah, that’s what the tests are showing. Basically, it means that your body isn’t getting enough iron to produce hemoglobin, so it can’t carry oxygen effectively. This results in fatigue, lightheadedness, insomnia, headaches, shortness of breath, and—apparently in your case—a reduced healing factor.”
“But how did I get anemia?” Peter balks. “I’m Spider-Man.”
“Well, there are a few possible causes,” Bruce explains, “but based on several nutrient deficiencies I’m seeing in your bloodwork, my best guess is from your diet.”
“Ah.” A look of understanding flickers across Peter’s face for a second. “Yeah, okay, that checks out...” he mumbles.
“Wait, how exactly does that ‘check out’?” Tony asks.
Peter shrugs. “Well, I just… haven’t been eating the best food lately.”
Tony raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean? Doesn’t MIT’s cafeteria serve a pretty decent spread?”
“Uh, yeah, I think so,” Peter allows. He rubs a hand at the back of his neck awkwardly. “I just haven’t been really… uh, going there?”
Tony blinks at him. “Why the hell not?”
“That’s Mommy’s word,” Morgan pipes up without looking up from the two wooden sticks she’s connecting together with tape.
“I just don’t have a lot of time between my classes and job and stuff, and the cafeteria is all the way across campus,” Peter explains. “So I mostly just eat my own food.”
“Which would be…?” Bruce asks.
Peter hesitates. “Ramen,” he says after a moment. “The chicken flavor one.”
“Hm, okay…” Bruce nods, jotting this down on his tablet. “Not really the most nutritious option, but definitely a college staple. What else?”
Dropping his gaze to his lap, Peter starts picking at a piece of fuzz on his sweatshirt. “Uh… sometimes I get the beef one?”
Tony blinks at him. “Beef ramen?”
“I tried the lime chili shrimp one once. Not a fan.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Tony blinks again. “Peter, I’m paying for you to have three square meals a day at that college—not three styrofoam cups of dehydrated noodles.”
“I also eat granola bars,” Peter says. “And bagels.” He starts ticking foods off on his fingers. “Microwave burritos, yogurt, uh.... those little frozen chicken taquito thingies? But like, only if my roommate isn’t using the freezer for his weird cult ritual stuff. That’s why I usually stick to the soup.”
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose and heaves out a sigh. “Jesus take the wheel…”
“Oh! I had an apple last week!” Peter throws in.
Bruce runs a hand through his own hair, exhaling a carefully measured breath. “Okay, Peter, you know that you have an enhanced metabolism, right? That means you need to eat significantly more food than the average person.”
“Right, and I do!” Peter nods. “I always make sure I get enough calories.”
“And that’s good,” Bruce says, “but you also need to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients. Calories are just a part of that. With your unusual physiology, it’s especially important that you’re getting all the required vitamins and minerals to support the rapid regeneration of your cells, and a diet of cup noodles and bagels—”
“And frozen burritos,” Peter interrupts.
“—is simply not nutritionally dense enough for you,” Bruce finishes. “Not by a long shot.”
There’s a beat.
“What does ‘nu-tri-tion-al-ly dense’ mean?” Morgan asks. Her tongue depressor creation has folded over itself and vaguely resembles a collapsed bridge now.
“It means Peter needs to eat more vegetables,” Tony butts in. “Just like you and Gerald.”
She sticks out her tongue. “Gross.”
“Alright, we’re gonna start you on some iron supplements,” Bruce addresses Peter. “But it might take a couple weeks to get your levels back up enough to reverse the anemia. I’m also going to give you a list of foods high in iron—things like dark leafy greens, broccoli, dried fruit, nuts, red meat, kidney beans—”
“NO BEANS,” the other three all declare in unison.
After hauling the kids back to the lake house, Tony sets Peter and Morgan up on the couch with another movie (Pirates of the Caribbean this time) and heads to the kitchen to fix them all some lunch. Potatoes and turnips are both high in iron, so he cooks and mashes up a big potful with some milk, butter, and salt, figuring that would be easy to chew without hurting the kid’s face too much. He scoops some into a bowl for Peter and then whips up another green smoothie for him to drink, as well as sandwiches for himself and Morgan. Once everything is ready, he piles it all onto a tray and heads back.
As he approaches the living room, Tony can already hear Morgan’s voice floating towards him in the falsetto stage-whisper she always uses when she’s voicing make-believe characters.
“Help me! Help me!” she cries. “Oh no, I’m falling!”
Tony stops in the room’s threshold to watch. The movie is still playing in the background, but neither kid seems to be watching. Instead, Peter is lying on his back on the sofa with his eyes closed, giggling quietly while Morgan kneels on the floor in front of the cushions, dancing a single M&M around the edges of the boy’s open mouth.
Suddenly, she drops the candy into his mouth with a dramatic gasp. “Noooo… the king has fallen into the pit! The anemia monster got him!” she cries.
“The anemia monster?” Tony asks in amusement.
Peter’s eyes snap open. “Uh, we were just playing a game.”
Morgan turns back to look at her dad, grinning. “Chocolate is on the list Uncle Bruce gave him!” she says, waving the piece of paper in Tony’s direction.
“Pretty sure that says dark chocolate,” Tony says, eyes narrowing at them as he crosses the room. “Not leftover M&Ms from the Christmas stash.”
Morgan’s face falls. “Aw…”
Tony sets the tray of food down on the coffee table. “Don't worry, kids,” he says, passing Peter the kale and fruit-rich protein smoothie. “Iron Man to the rescue.”
Link to all my fics
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dxc-95 · 4 years
Lately I’ve been watching VeggieTales, both ones I had seen as a kid (King George and the Ducky, The Toy That Saved Christmas, and Larry Boy and the Fib from Outer Space; I also had the PC game, Veggie Tales: The Mystery of Veggie Island) Mostly because Saberspark posted his long-awaited video on VeggieTales, including how it started and fell apart. I’ve been searching for and watching the ones I find interesting on YouTube (sucks that most of them are marked “Kid Friendly”, thus disabling the comments; I like to see people discussing the episodes)
The most recent one I finished was “Esther... the Girl Who Became Queen”. Her [Esther’s] character design is interesting, from her whited and irised eyes (which apparently became the norm when VeggieTales went to Netflix; I’ve seen the pics and... not a fan -_-) to her hair, which apparently was such a nightmare to animate, they never used her again. But with VeggieTales apparently being made again, with some of the original people behind it, and being closer to its original forms, I wonder if she’d be used again, since CGI tech has come so far and made things easier.
But what I wanted to talk about was how adorable the “movie” was (can you call them movies? They’re half-an-hour, as the theme song explains, but this was more of a special) Mostly coming from the king, Xerxes, played by Mr. Nezzer. I’m actually gonna talk about him for a minute. I was pretty much today years old, give or take a few days, when I found out he was not a pickle, as kid!me thought he was, but was actually a zucchini. Beyond that though, from what I’ve seen of VeggieTales as a kid, he usually played a bad guy (Toy That Saved X-Mas, and Veggie Isle) This was one of the first episodes I say (after Lord of the Beans) where he was a good guy.
Speaking of, I don’t know if enough people talk about how charming and adorable his character, King Xerxes was :3 Heck, from the beginning when Haman kicked out the queen, instead of Xerxes advocating for her banishment, thus making it seem like he ordered it, he instead asked if that wasn’t too harsh. This pretty much tells us this was Haman’s idea. Heck, Haman seemed to be pulling the strings (I won’t try to go movie-analyst on this, I promise XD)
In any case, even though the episode didn’t have much romance, if any at all (the only mention of Esther and Xerxes being married was the “head chef” mentioning that every newly-wed needed a cake) you could tell he was smitten with Esther after hearing her sing. And after she had warned him about the trap. And when he was sitting on his throne, wondering if she would like him; wondering if, were he a guy who cleaned after the camels, or a lawyer (XD) if she would like him. It was just so cute! X3 Not to mention SPOILER ALERT! how angry he was when it was revealed Haman tricked him into signing a law that would send Esther and her family to the Island of Perpetual Tickling (this show sometimes XD) I know him calling her “his queen” was basically on the tin, it being her title, but I could see him calling her that as a pet name.
Like I said, the episode doesn’t make a big deal out of them being in a romantic relationship, outside of the comment about him being a newly-wed (not to mention she becomes his queen) but the substance is still absolutely adorable. I think it also helps that Mr. Nezzer, as a whole, is a big guy with an Oogie Boogie-esque voice (NEVER put that together until I saw someone point it out; have I mentioned I can be kinda dense at times? XD) which makes him quite endearing when he’s not being a jerk. I’ll bet if the episode was made into a movie, or at least a longer special, it would have focused more on their relationship, even if it was portrayed as a friendship (I don’t see VeggieTales focusing on romance; they’re not super overtly-Christian, but regardless)
Anyway, I just wanted to talk about that because I don’t see a lot of people talking about that aspect of the movie; mostly just Esther (which isn’t a bad thing; like I mentioned, her design is quite interesting) and the story as a whole. I just found it really cute myself.
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cowlovely · 5 years
The Losers Club + Maine
i feel like as a mainer, it's my obligation to make this post, so here i am
disclaimer: for the purposes of this post I’m pretending that none of the losers left derry until graduating high school because the alternative makes me sad
* to start this off, in case you were wondering, yes it was extremely unnerving to watch it (2017) the first time. the foliage/town layout etc. looks exactly like where i live
* you can bet your ass at least one of them works at a local convenience store or grocery store as a teenager, probably Wallgreen’s or Cumberland Farms (my bet's on Richie)
* this means that summer is a fucking nightmare what with all the tourists from Massachusetts and Quebec (affectionately called "massholes" and "queebs")
* the movie did not exaggerate swearing. i'm sure it's like that in other places too, but mainers swear a LOT. especially teens. we're very liberal with our f-bombs
* halloween does sometimes get snowed out here. We have snow on halloween more often than on christmas
* one unrealistic thing about IT (seems kind of stupid to nitpick a supernatural horror movie but I’m going to anyway): the kids didn't complain about humidity a single time. The average mainer complains about this ten times basically every day of summer
* this is just occurring to me now but?? bev living in an apartment building is kinda weird.....we have apartments, but usually in very small house sized residences, not huge ones like we see in the movie (but derry is bigger than the town I live in so idk)
* bill’s stutter would absolutely get worse during the fall/winter (it gets cold as fuck where I live, and Derry is way farther north)
* The beach is fun, but the water is not. The water is fucking ice cold. We get a weird warm current once every like. 15 years
* stan, excitedly calling bill: bill!! this [book/movie/show/whatever] takes place in maine!!!
* bill: I k-know. The others a-already all c-c-called me
* ^ this was literally everyone at my school when once upon a time was really popular
* I'd like to formally apologize to mike for the amount of white people in maine (if any of you were watching the movie like “why is everyone white” the answer is that maine is 94% white people and i wish i was joking)
* mike, stepping outside in the middle of winter: oh! it's not that cold today!
* mike's grandfather: it's -3 degrees mike (yes this is a real interaction I’ve had)
* at LEAST one of the kids turns out to be a stoner like....there's one in almost every friend group here
* i can confidently say that one of the kids has ruined some piece of clothing with tree sap
* eddie is really twitchy during the spring cause that's when everyone starts freaking out about ticks
* ben, his first winter there: im so excited for it to snow!!
* all the other losers, dead inside:
* there are just. so many antique shops. like at least one or two per town
* so much camo. so. so much. you can pretty much guarantee that every asshole boy in high school wears camo and hunts with his dad
* you either love moxie and whoopie pies, or you hate them. end of story. there's no in between (the kids are very divided on this, blood has been spilled)
* 99% of kids/teens in maine own something by L.L. Bean, but don't remember buying it (not a single kid in chapter one had an L.L. Bean backpack??? that’s bullshit Mr. Muschietti)
* richie at ben's house for the first time, practically choking: oh god that's definitely not real maple syrup
* If you don’t know what that means, you’re definitely not from New England
* Wicked is an adjective in maine, and the kids use it ALL the time (i.e. wicked cold, wicked good, etc). The fact that this is in the book and not in any of the adaptations is a hate crime
* The kids, every time they walk by an old building: it's haunted
* Honestly? Any time they walk by any building. Everything in Maine is haunted and everybody knows it
* Someone over the internet, to one of the losers: is there internet in maine?? (this legitimately happened to my brother and I will never stop thinking about it)
* Fluff is the SHIT (the rest of the kids nearly had an aneurism when they found out that ben had never had any)
* I know they have it in more places now, but until like the 90s/early 200s it was only in New England and like. I think a few states in the midwest
* The squirrels are sometimes violent and will occasionally throw pine cones at you. and they hit HARD
* I don’t know if this is just a southern maine thing or if it goes for the whole state but the fucking chapter eleven furniture ad. I don’t know if there’s a video of it somewhere but literally everyone here makes fun of it. I have no idea when they started playing it, but according to my parents it was before I was born
* billboards are illegal in maine!! this doesn’t really have that much significance to the losers but i thought it might be a helpful note for those of you who write fics
* Bill goes (or maybe used to go? you tend to do it more when you’re younger) fishing with his dad. Don’t know why, I’m just feelin it
* At least three of the losers took french in high school, it’s the one that makes the most sense practically (I’m thinking eddie, mike, and ben)
* Richie absolutely took spanish. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about this but he did
* I love the idea of Stan taking latin, but I know a lot of high schools probably don’t offer that (mine did, but they also have greek and arabic so clearly they’re an outlier)
* Central maine is mostly trees, so there’s a sort of divide between southern and northern maine. This is probably why the politics are so different between the two (some people up in the most northern part of the state wear confederate flags like what the fuck is that about)
* Someone please write or draw anything that includes the losers apple picking. I know that’s not unique to maine (duh), but it is REALLY big here
* I genuinely don’t know how much of this is common knowledge because I’ve never left new england
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thesoundofnat · 5 years
After the second or third snap
Tony/Pepper, Peter, Morgan, Rhodey, Harley, Nebula, aka his family
Summary: Tony wakes up after the second or third snap and finds himself with a prosthetic arm and four kids.
A/N: A super self-indulgent post Endgame fix it fic where that one thing didn’t happen and Tony suddenly has four kids. Enjoy!
Warnings: Endgame spoilers, nightmares, hints at trauma and PTSD.
Words: 2 258
So you’d saved the universe, almost died, gotten resurrected and were now living your life with a mechanic arm like some sort of Winter Soldier 2.0 and also found yourself with four children instead of the one you’d had before? Yeah, Tony had had a busy year.
He’d woken up at the hospital a week after the snap. The second snap, that is. Or was it the third? The one that had fixed it all, anyway.
(He still couldn’t believe it had worked.)
No one was leaving him out of their sight and apparently hadn’t since he’d ended up there. He wasn’t complaining, though. He had a hard time believing they were real and that this wasn’t an elaborate prank Thanos was pulling off. Despite being dead. They were telling him he was dead. That Tony’s snap had killed him, or whatever being turned to dust meant.
“Can you stand?”
Tony wanted to roll his eyes so badly, but truth be told he wasn’t entirely sure he could. He looked at Rhodey for a moment, unblinking, jaw working. Rhodey got the hint and took a step closer, letting Tony hold onto him as he slowly moved off the hospital bed, the two of them pulling him upright. His body would most likely never be the same again. He could probably use his prosthetic arm just as well as he’d used his flesh one - once he’d figured out all the quirks because it wasn’t as easy as it looked - but the rest?
He groaned, every muscle straining, screaming, as he and Rhodey put more and more weight onto his legs. They’d been doing this for the past week, slowly testing his body and preparing it for the eventual separation from the bed. Tony was weak, but he was getting restless. Needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
“Don’t overwork yourself, Tones,” Rhodey said, a gentle reprimand. They all knew Tony would break his own legs in an attempt to seem strong enough to leave.
He deflated, suddenly falling back onto the mattress. “Shit.”
“You shouldn’t even be alive and you’re mad your body hasn’t recovered in a month?”
“God, I hate it when you’re right.”
Rhodey let out a laugh. He’d been doing that more often recently.
The door pushed open slowly, a face peeking in. “Mr Stark?”
They all ignored the heart monitor acting up. It always did that when Peter walked into the room; his mere presence always a surprise. His existence still not something Tony was used to. Could barely believe.
Tony sent him a tired smile. “School let you out early?”
“It’s Saturday,” he said and opened the door fully to pull a dimpled Morgan in with him.
It still got to him, seeing his kids together, after thinking he’d never be able to introduce them. It still made him tear up so violently he sometimes actually shed tears. No one - but Morgan - ever commented on that either.
“Hi, kiddo,” he said as she bounced over, careful not to touch him like she’d been instructed. God, Tony couldn’t wait to hug her so tightly they became one. “Did you have fun with Peter?”
She nodded. “Uh huh.”
“What did you do?”
“Got ice cream.”
“Ice cream, huh.” He ran his palm over her cheek. “He’s a nice babysitter.”
He also had nightmares, but Tony only found that out several months later.
Peter had stayed over so many times after Tony was able to go back home that they installed a whole new room for him.
“That way you won’t have to fight everyone over the couch,” Tony had said and used all his strength to punch him lightly on the shoulder.
Peter had been beaming for days.
On most nights, Tony slept well, if only because he was constantly exhausted. But on the occasional restless neverending turning and tossing fest, he would wander the house just to remind himself of the people who occupied it. Remind himself that they were all there, safe, asleep.
It was a night like such that he first heard Peter crying.
He paused, ears straining, practically pushing himself against Peter’s door in order to hear him better. It wasn’t necessary. It was the type of sobbing that you couldn’t really muffle.
He entered, panicked. “Pete.”
Peter untangled from the heap beneath the covers. “Tony.”
“Kid, what’s wrong?”
Peter wore his emotions on his sleeve. Tony had always admired that about him, but he’d never seen him break down like this before. Not even his panicked rambling before the snap was on this level of hysteria.
Tony held him as he cried that night. Reassured him that everything was fine and he was here and Tony was here and everyone was all right. In the end he almost believed it himself.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said once he was calm, his breathing regular.
“Don’t,” Tony said, running his thumb over Peter’s cheek to wipe the tears away. “Don’t apologize for feeling.”
“I don’t really feel as if I have the right to feel like this.”
“Stop that.”
“You’re here, right? You made it. We’re all back. I don’t know why I’m so-”
Peter leaned forward, pressing his face into Tony’s chest. “I’m sorry.”
Tony wrapped his arms around him. “Please stop.” Stop repeating the last sentence you’d said before vanishing. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Morgan found them like that, eyes blinking in a way that told him the noise had woken her up. “Daddy?”
Peter tried to push away from Tony’s embrace, something he often did whenever Morgan was around. Assuring her he wasn’t stealing her father.
Tony almost rolled his eyes. “Come here, bean,” he said, opening one of his arms to let her crawl into the hug. “There’s plenty of space.”
He noticed Morgan seemed much more attached to him now after his hospital stay. Every morning she would wrap her hand around the fingers of his uninjured hand, hold them for a moment, before allowing him to continue making breakfast. As if she, too, needed to remind herself that he was real. That little mind and heart of hers. They were bigger than all of them.
“I can’t regret anything that’s happened,” he told Pepper one evening, the two of them curled up on the couch, alone for once thanks to Happy taking Morgan to the movies. “Not when it brought her to us.”
Pepper hummed, her fingers in his hair in that soothing manner of hers. “I know what you mean.” A pause, and, “I’m happy you can finally have some peace of mind, now that they’re all back.”
He squeezed her. “On a scale of one to ten, how angry are you at me for doing the snap?”
Her lips twitched. “I would’ve been angrier had you not survived.”
“Well, I’m glad I’m around to face it then.”
She laughed. He laughed. The topic slowly getting easier to talk about, as did everything.
Pepper kissed his prosthetic knuckles and said, “So when are we inviting Nebula over for dinner again?”
Nebula. Tony had been worried that they would only remind each other of the time stuck in space, starving and hopeless, but they didn’t. In fact, he felt even more protective of her once they were on Earth. She’d been one of the few people who semi regularly visited him after Morgan was born. She respected his choice to lead a quiet life and never asked anything of him. Rhodey had once called her his second daughter, which was ridiculous but… well, he couldn’t deny it. She was in such obvious need of a good parental figure, after everything.
“You don’t have to adopt everyone, you know,” Pepper had once said, but there was no malice in her voice. Only fond amusement.
“I know,” he’d replied, bouncing one year old Morgan in his lap. “But I know all too well what it means to not have that kind of support in your life.”
That had been the last time Pepper had brought it up.
Nebula told him she wasn’t on Earth when he called, but that she’d come over as soon as she was back. Tony asked her to be careful, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re such a dad,” Peter told him, having been sitting quietly on the couch doing homework during Tony’s call.
Tony snorted, giving him a poke to the ribs. “I’ve never heard you complain.”
Peter grinned. “Oh, I’m sure I’ve complained. Remember the baby monitor?”
“I don’t regret that one a bit.”
“Of course not, pops.”
When Tony had nightmares, he dreamt of Peter and Morgan and Pepper being torn to pieces. Not dust. Pieces. The time Harley appeared in one of those dreams, was the first time he called him in five years. He’d tried to, after the first snap, but he’d been one of the victims. His world felt so small after everything, and he had a hard time imagining people having lives outside of his bubble. People being back when he couldn’t see them.
Harley told him he’d heard Tony had saved everyone, after he’d returned. He was about Peter’s age now, both of them teens even though they should’ve been in their 20s by now.
“You wanna come over?” Tony asked. “Or can I come see you?”
“I’ll come over. Old men like you shouldn’t travel.”
Harley was laughing on the other end, and Tony felt his heart soar. He’d missed their phone calls.
No one questioned Tony flying a kid they’d never met over. They’d heard of him, of course, but Tony had a feeling he could bring just about anyone to the lakehouse and no one would say a word. Saving the world - and almost dying - had its perks.
“Peter offered you to have his room for the weekend,” Tony said.
Harley, taller than Tony now that bastard, put his bag down. “Is Peter your son?”
“Something like that. But don’t you worry.” Tony nudged him in the ribs. “You were my first born pain in the ass.”
Morgan adored him, just like she’d adored Peter and Nebula. They all had an obvious soft spot for her too, but Harley fell in love. For two whole days, he wouldn’t stop carrying her. Tony jokingly asked if he was gonna try to sneak her into his bag before leaving.
“Don’t tempt me,” Harley had said, giving Morgan a squeeze.
His weekend turned into a week, which just so happened to be the same week Nebula was coming over. Suddenly their lakehouse felt a bit smaller, but his heart so much fuller.
“I can sleep with Harley and Nebula can have Peter’s room and Peter can sleep with you,” Morgan was saying, and Tony had to laugh at Peter’s scandalized face as he said, “The couch works just fine, really.”
They compromised. Morgan slept with him and Pepper, Nebula got Morgan’s room and Harley stayed in Peter’s while Peter took the couch, stating that he could just go home but chose to stay, therefore he wasn’t forced to sleep on the couch.
Despite all the love in the house, Tony had a nightmare that night. He woke up trembling, heart beating so wildly that he was scared he was dying. He wasn’t dying. Not anymore. He was merely reliving it; dying.
He rolled over to find Pepper and Morgan asleep, breathing calmly. Unaware of his breaking heart. He watched them for a moment, willing the sight to fix it, before he left the bed, left the room, and let his feet steer him to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water, he walked to the living room and watched Peter sleep, mumbling something, but it didn’t seem to be because of a nightmare. Tony hadn’t caught him crying again, but he knew it didn’t mean he never did. He himself was a living example of people not always noticing when you were cracking.
He took a sip of his water and moved on, toward the room were Harley was sleeping. He stopped before the door, listening. Opening it just a crack to find him curled up, back toward him, but breathing deeply enough that Tony knew he was asleep. He had no idea how Harley actually felt. If the snap had been traumatic. If he felt like he’d missed out on things. They hadn’t talked about it. Maybe they had to.
Another sip. He closed the door.
It took him longer to enter Nebula’s room. He felt that, out of everyone, she was the most likely one to be lying awake, thinking and overthinking. Maybe that was why he should enter. Give her some sense of peace in not being alone in that.
He cracked the door open, sticking his head in. She’d never looked so calm as she currently did. Her ever present frown all smoothed out, her mouth half open. Tony left immediately. Couldn’t bare the thought of accidentally waking her.
He took another sip and by the time he re-entered the kitchen his water was gone. He felt better. His heart felt more whole.
He was aware it would always be like this, but for once his reality was enough to make it worth it. He had his wife, best friends, and four kids. He’d saved the world for them and was grateful for it every single day. Life after the second or third snap was more than he could’ve asked for, really.
He went back to bed, Morgan claiming his prosthetic arm immediately.
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alexandralyman · 5 years
Could you write a one shot where Ethier killian or emma has to sing to one another because they have a nightmare? I have been trying to find a fic like this but I cant😞 Just a suggestion :)
Hey @liftinglovley - you sent me this a while ago and I finally sat down and wrote it out. I knew the song I wanted to use - a personal Disney fave that I think is underrated compared to the more famous ones but it perfect as a CS song - it just took some time to figure out the rest. What I came up with was this, 3,900 words, mostly of canon compliant, domestic CS.
Set at some point after 7x02 and before the finale, rated PG
Also posted on ff.net here as part of my Every Page series of one-shots
                                          candle on the water
Minnesota, 1991Children’s Group Home
“She’s faking it.”
Emma looked over Mrs. Cooper’s shoulder at Kayla, leaning against the doorway with her a sour look on her face. The thermometer jammed uncomfortably in Emma’s mouth kept her from sticking her tongue out at the other girl, Kayla had been nothing but a bitch since Emma had arrived at the group home and here she was again, sticking her nose in where it didn’t belong.
“Kayla, you’re going to miss the bus,” Mrs. Cooper said without turning around, one hand pressed to Emma’s forehead. She took the thermometer and squinted at it, while Kayla craned her neck and tried to get a look at the number on the little screen. Emma hunched forward, the scratchy, donated pajamas were making her back itch again and felt damp and gross after a night of tossing and turning and barely making it to the bathroom down the hall before she threw up that morning.
“You’ve got a bit of a fever honey, it’s probably best if you stay home from school today.”
“What?” Kayle screeched, dropping her faux-fur backpack on the floor with a thump. “No way! If she’s sick then so am I, she probably gave it to me and I should get to stay home from school too!”
“That’s enough!” Mrs. Cooper snapped, getting up off of Emma’s bed and turning around to shoo Kayle out of the room. “You already skipped twice last week and now I’ve got to set up another meeting with your principal and your social worker to discuss your attendance issues, you are not sick and you are going to school today, young lady!”
Emma felt too crappy to tell Mrs. Cooper that Kayla had actually skipped school three times last week, not two, and had gone to the mall with two older boys to shoplift cassettes from the music store and had hidden them under her mattress. Besides, Emma wasn’t a snitch, even if Kayla deserved to be hauled off to juvie, snitches got their ass beat and their stuff messed with. Still, she smiled as Kayla angrily snatched up her backpack and went stomping down the stairs, followed a minute later by the loud slam of the front door. Mrs. Cooper sighed at the sound, shaking her head. Emma almost felt sorry for her, but she knew by now that the woman would probably be gone in a few months anyway and a new housemother would come in and change all the rules again, no one ever stayed for long working at the group home and there was no point in feeling bad for any of them. Even the nice ones.
Especially the nice ones, cause it always hurt the most when they left.
Mrs. Cooper was one of the okay ones. She told Emma that she had a lot of work to do and would be in her office most of the day, but Emma could watch TV if she wanted instead of having to stay in bed, as long as she didn’t make too much noise. Emma dug out her baby blanket from her own hiding place and brought it down with her to the TV room, since she knew it would be safe with all of the other kids at school until three. The older kids usually hogged the remote and never let anyone else pick what show to watch, so Emma didn’t even care that the saltines Mrs. Cooper brought from the locked pantry to help settle her stomach were the lame store-brand kind that always broke when you tried to take them out of the package and tasted like cardboard. She clutched the remote tight on her lap all through The Price is Right and when it was over and some dumb soap opera started she started flicking through all the channels, careful to keep the volume down so that Mrs. Cooper wouldn’t get all mad and make her go back to bed. Boring news shows, and even more boring M*A*S*H rerun, that was playing on two different channels for some reason, an infomercial for a cooking thing that could make breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, and she changed channels again because the grilled cheese sandwich the lady was making in it looked good and was making her hungry. She wished the VCR wasn’t broken again or that they got one of the cool channels like MTV, burrowing a bit more into her blanket.
“And now back to the KSTP afternoon movie, Pete’s Dragon.”
Emma watched as the TV screen was filled with a little, old-fashioned looking town next to the ocean. She sort of knew this movie, it was one of those old Disney ones that had real people and cartoons all mixed together, like Mary Poppins. The older kids would call it a baby movie, especially Kayla, who hid makeup she wasn’t supposed to be wearing in her backpack, but the older kids and Kayla were all at school and Emma could watch whatever she wanted to without anyone making fun of her.
She leaned her head against one of the cushions as the movie played on. Pete was a boy, an orphan about the same age as her, but he had a dragon named Elliott who helped him escape from the bad people who’d bought him and together they made their way to the small town by the ocean. They met a lady named Nora, whose boyfriend died in a shipwreck, and her dad the lighthouse-keeper, and all the other townspeople, living happily with them until the bad people showed up and tried to capture Elliott. He got away, and used his breath to relight the fire at the top of the lighthouse after it went out, saving the life of Nora’s boyfriend, who wasn’t dead, he just had amnesia and forgot her until he got better and had come back on another ship. They invited Pete to stay and join their family, and he said goodbye Elliott, who flew away to look for another kid like Pete to help.
There was also a *lot* of singing. Emma didn’t like to sing, not anymore.
It was kind of a baby movie. Orphans like Pete didn’t just find new families like that. They ended up in foster care and their chances of adoption went down the older they got. The social workers called it statistics, Emma knew it meant that there wasn’t a happy, ready-made family out there waiting for her, or Kayla, or any of the other older kids. In real life Nora and her boyfriend would just have their own baby. And dragons definitely weren’t real.
The songs were okay though, and her favourite was the one Nora sang while looking out over the ocean from the lighthouse balcony when she was missing her boyfriend, even though it was the slow one.
“I’ll be your candle on the water,My love for you will always burn.I know you’re lost, and drifting,But the clouds are lifting.
Don’t give up, you have somewhere to turn.”
Some Years LaterStorybrooke, Maine.
“How’s the morning sickness today, sweetheart?”
Emma held the phone to her ear with her shoulder, reaching up for the box of saltines in the cupboard.
“More like Killian-tired-to-bring-fresh-mackerel-in-the-house-sickness today,” she said to her mother with a wince. “The smell was just….ugh.”
Snow laughed softly. “Oh, I remember that. I had to bolt from a ball once when I was pregnant with you and they were passing around caviar hor d'oeuvres, your poor father found me throwing up in a decorative urn out on the balcony.”
“Yeah, pregnancy and fish just don’t seem to mix. Which is a little awkward when you’re married to a man who views it as an essential food group.”
“Guess it runs in the family,” Snow said, and Emma could practically see her mother’s smile even over the phone. “You do kind of have my chin.”
She started to nibble on one of the saltines while Snow chatted on, hoping Killian would be back soon with the ginger ale he’d gone out to get after discovering they were all out while she was puking her guts up in the bathroom. He felt terrible about the whole mackerel incident, quickly apologizing to both her and the baby for upsetting them before slamming the lid back on the cooler and taking it out onto the porch. Emma loved that he was teaching her little brother how to fish, but maybe the rather pungent fruits of their labour could stay on the Jolly Roger and out of her kitchen for right now.
“Oh! Before I forget, I got a letter from Ruby, after the baby shower she and Dorothy are going to finally take that road trip out to Kansas that they keep talking about before they go back to Oz.”
It was a little odd that the guest list for Emma’s upcoming baby shower included both the actual Wicked Witch of the West and Dorothy, but such was life in the small town of Storybrooke Maine, where almost everyone was a fairytale character, including Emma’s own husband and the father of her unborn child, the fearsome Captain Hook himself.
A very sheepish Captain Hook, when he returned home from the grocery store toting a reusable shopping bag stuffed with ginger ale, another box of saltines, the good kind and not the lame store brand that always broke as soon you tried to take one out of the sleeve and tasted like cardboard, a bouquet of roses and a scented candle.
Two scented candles.
Three scented candles.
Candles kept appearing from the bag until over half a dozen jars were crowded together on the kitchen table, cinnamon stick, eucalyptus, bayberry, fresh linen. Emma rested a hand on the swell of her stomach and raised an eyebrow at Killian, noting how the tips of his ears had gone red.
“I thought a candle might help if there was any lingering odor from the mackerel, but I wasn’t sure if there were any other scents you and the bean were particularly sensitive to right now so I thought I should get a backup, just in case, but then what if you didn’t like that one either so I procured a backup for the backup, and then-”
“A backup for that one too?” Emma finished, trying not to laugh.
“Aye, well. It seemed like a good idea at the market.”
She’d used Febreeze and a bit of magic to get rid of the icky fish smell once she’d come out of the bathroom, but she appreciated the effort nonetheless and she shuffled forward to wrap her arms around his neck while he shifted his hips to make room for the baby between them. Pregnancy was hard, and exhausting, she wasn’t seventeen this time around and morning sickness had teamed up with midnight heartburn to seriously kick her ass, but she had Killian and her parents and half the town on speed dial, ready to drop everything and come to the Saviour’s aid.
It had taken her years to find the home Neal had once talked about, and almost as long to accept that Storybrooke was, in fact, that place, but now that she had it was like a cloud had lifted and while her life would never be simple, she wasn’t living it alone.
They had takeout from Granny’s for dinner instead of fresh-caught mackerel - grilled cheese, with a side of sauerkraut, because Emma had a craving for it and Killian knew better than to ask why the smell of fish made her throw up but fermented cabbage was OK - and finished the movie she’d fallen asleep halfway through the night before. After their wedding, once things had finally quieted down in Storybrooke (not that they were ever completely calm in a town where Moby Dick might surface in the harbour on a random Sunday and a pair of actual dragons lived in a house down the street and threw weekly barbecues that had a tendency to set neighbouring cars on fire) they’d finally had time for what Henry dubbed Operation Pop Culture, a.k.a getting Killian more familiar with The Land Without Magic. Specifically, the movies, TV shows, books and music that everyone with curse memories was already aware of and even though Henry was off on his own adventure now, they still made time at least once a week to keep the operation going in his honour.
Star Wars. Back to the Future. Indiana Jones. Harry Potter. They made their way through several TV shows on Netflix and watched the animated Disney classics. Which was…interesting, to actually sit down and rewatch them all now that she knew the real stories behind the catchy songs and all the happily ever afters. They’d taken a bit of a break after Peter Pan, for obvious reasons, and Emma was sure watching it had been a huge mistake, but Killian said he wanted to see her frame of reference for all the people that now made up their family and friends, to understand why she had such a hard time reconciling that Mary Margaret and David really were Snow White and Prince Charming at first, or that magic was actually real.
It had been more difficult for the both of them than she’d expected, but just like letting her son follow his own path, sometimes difficult was necessary.
Now they were in the midst of what Emma described to Henry during their enchanted mirror Skype sessions as, “Disney Movies Starring People We Don’t Know and Aren’t Related To (We Think)” that had started after a bout of magic gone wrong had resulted in Killian and David switching bodies, literally on a Friday too, so naturally they had to watch Freaky Friday once the spell was undone and everyone was thankfully back where they belonged, which wasn’t Killian-in-David’s-body sleeping on their couch and David-in-Killian’s accidentally scratching the shit out of everything in the farmhouse with the hook until Snow finally took it away in exasperation.
Mary Poppins. Honey I Shrunk the Kids. The Parent Trap and Herbie the Love Bug (like with Freaky Friday, the originals only, not the Lindsay Lohan remakes) Pete’s Dragon. Escape to Witch Mountain. Emma had seen some of them before, some were new to her, and the easy, family-friendly movies with simple plots and happy endings were just the thing to relax with in the evenings, especially with their own family expanding literally day by day.
By the time David Freeman made it back to 1978 and his parents and brother after travelling through time in Flight of the Navigator, Emma was stifling her yawns, her head pillowed on Killian’s chest and his fingers playing gently with her hair. She was already in her pajamas, or more accurately, his, since the waistband on the flannel pants was still stretchy enough for her stomach and his T-shirts fit much better than hers right now, plus they were all soft and comfy. The baby was already asleep and Emma wasn’t that far behind, Killian took care of locking up and turning off the lights while she made her way upstairs and drowsily brushed her teeth.
“Goodnight, my love,” he said once they were settled in bed, spooned up behind her with his strong thighs warm against the backs of hers, bracing her against any possible storm brewing on the horizon, even if it was just midnight heartburn again. His hand drifted down to her stomach, as it did every night. “Goodnight, little bean.”
Ever since the pregnancy tracking app on her phone had compared the size of their then eight week old embryo to a jelly bean, Killian had called the baby their own magic bean and even though he or she (they were keeping it a surprise) was now supposedly the size of a papaya according to that same app, the “little bean” nickname had stuck.
“Night, Killian. Love you too.”
She was up again around two, thankfully not because of heartburn, but she needed to pee and she was hungry. Emma went downstairs after she’d used the bathroom, leaving Killian to sleep while she rooted around for something to nosh on. The house was dark, shadowed, the half-finished nursery stacked with boxes and Henry’s old room still had comic books on the shelves and photos tacked around the mirror.
Her children, both were with her in some ways, and absent in others.
The overhead light was too bright to deal with in the middle of the night so she flicked her fingers absently at one of the candles and it flared to life in an echo of the magic flaring under her skin. It illuminated just enough so she didn’t trip over the rolled-up bottoms of Killian’s pj pants or stub her toe on any of the kitchen chairs. She wasn’t sure which one it was exactly, but the smell was nice.
Emma started humming under her breath while she debated between what was left of the sauerkraut or throwing some poptarts in the toaster when a noise from upstairs made her freeze. A faint thump, and then another, and then a loud cry that had magic bursting alongside the adrenaline that flooded her when she heard her husband scream. Without thinking about it she teleported herself upstairs and as the smoke cleared she saw he was sitting up in bed, pillows thrown to the floor and the hook clutched in his hand. He had a more modern brace to attach it to now instead of the old contraption of leather straps and buckles, but he didn’t sleep with it on and it was usually left on the nightstand next to the phone charger. His phone was providing the bit of light in the room, Emma could see the picture of herself that he had set as his lockscreen smiling at her and then it turned off and the room was plunged into darkness, but not before she caught a glimpse of Killian’s face, eyes wide and terrified.
His voice wavered and cracked while she climbed onto the bed, a bit awkwardly thanks to the extra weight she was carrying, plucking the hook from his unresisting fingers and setting it aside. He curled into her helplessly and she felt that his skin was damp, clammy, as if he’d just had a fever, but of course that wasn’t what it was.
A shaky nod that she felt rather than saw, and a wave of her hand and a wish for light brought up the candle from the kitchen, it appeared on her dresser still lit and filled the room with a soft glow. It wasn’t the first time that one of them had had a bad dream, leaving the past and all its scars was still a bit of an ongoing project that, like the nursery, they were working on together.
“What was it this time?” Emma asked, although she had a good idea when his hand instantly found her stomach. After a beat Killian confirmed her suspicion with a single word, “Pan.”
Sometimes it was the Underworld, sometimes it was being the Dark One, sometimes it was something older, like his brother, or his father, but ever since the pregnancy test had turned positive Killian’s nightmares tended to revolve around Peter Pan.
“He came for our little bean through the window…and I couldn’t…Emma, I couldn’t stop him.”
Emma saw that the window had been left open a crack and the curtains were fluttering in the breeze, a small, simple thing, unless you were Captain Hook and your wife was pregnant with your child.
Killian Jones sagged into her side, his arms around her waist and his head on her chest. Peter Pan was dead, the Lost Boys had all grown up and that story was over. Emma dreamed about him too, sometimes, just like she also dreamed about the Underworld and her time as the Dark One as Killian did, and like him she also had her own old traumas making a reappearance. Getting arrested for something and having to give birth in shackles again, or having to leave Killian behind as she and their little bean were forced to leave Storybrooke and forgetting him as soon as she crossed the town line.
Weekly sessions with Archie helped, but in the middle of the night when it was just the two of them they didn’t talk much about the dreams themselves, they just held each other and found other ways to take shelter from storms made of memories and regrets.
She held Killian and hummed to him under her breath, softly at first, the same tune she’d once hummed into a cassette recorder as a forgotten child living in a shitty group home in Minnesota. The song was still in her heart and she drew on it again, but it wasn’t for herself this time, it was for her sailor, lost at sea and seeking his way back home.
“I’ll be your candle on the waterMy love for you will always burnI know you’re lost and driftingBut the clouds are lifting
Don’t give up, you have somewhere to turn.”
The flame flickered and bounced, light spilling across the bed as Killian’s shoulders started to relax and the lingering tension from his nightmare drained away while Emma sang a song she hadn’t quite remembered and never really forgotten.
“A cold and friendless tide has found you,Don’t let the stormy darkness pull you down.I’ll paint a ray of hope around you,Circling in the air, lighted by a prayer.
“I’ll be your candle on the water,This flame inside of me will grow.Keep holding on, you’ll make it,Here’s my hand, so take it.
Look for me reaching out to show,As sure as rivers flow,
Killian joined in on the final verse, his forehead resting against hers as the magic that bound them let them share the song and their voices mixed together in a promise to each other and to their little bean, held between them and loved, so loved already.
I’ll never let you go,I’ll never let you go,ll never let you go.”
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starker-stories · 4 years
An Accord (WIS), Chapter 1
I’ll be re-creating my individual chapter posts for An Accord over here on the blog that replaces starkerstories. Until I hit the current chapter, I’ll be posting daily. They’ll have links to both tumblr and AO3 chapter links. I’m sorry if that bothers people who’ve seen this all before in the tag. I’m content to leave all my other fic as AO3 only, but this is my current favorite child, so I’m spoiling it rotten.
This fic is on a weekly update schedule. Hopefully every Friday. More chapters may appear sooner if the writing is going well. Because I have 0 self-control.
For those of you awaiting chapter 10... Have a nice little re-read while the author recovers from losing all his blogs and a short hospital stay. I’m fine now. I’m back to writing. Me and thestarkerisobvious are getting the next book of Messages ready to go for Sunday Feb 23rd. Then it’s back to working on Accord Ch10 for me.
Tumblr Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13 AO3 Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13
Because this is for the MCU Kink Bingo, my usual posting format is different for this first chapter.
Title: An Accord Link: AO3 Square Filled: Clothed Sex (begins in ch6) Ship: WinterIronSpider Rating: E Major Tags: Underage Word Count: full fic will be approx. 35k Created for: @mcukinkbingo​​ Fic Summary:  “That’s the thing about forgiveness, Sergeant Barnes,” Peter said, putting a light kiss on Tony’s temple. “It’s given, not earned.”
Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Cheating, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Domestic Nightmare Tony Stark, Reconciliation, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, WinterIronSpider, Happy Ending, Clothed Sex, Domesticity, Peter Parker is legal age in the state of New York, College Student Peter Parker, Takes place about 2 years after Civil War. Closeted Character
Summary:  “You got a spare room up there, Stark? There isn’t room for me, Steve, and his self-righteousness in his bed.”  ——————————————————————————————
Chapter 1:  A Pretty Piece of Tail
“Let FRIDAY answer it,” Peter said muzzily, curling up tighter into Tony’s side. But Tony’s side wasn’t there anymore.
Tony was already half out of the bed. “That’s the penthouse buzzer, babe.”
“I know what it is. Come back to bed.”
“Yeah?” Tony said loudly as he pulled on his dressing gown. “Who is it?” FRIDAY relayed his voice down through the intercom.
“You got a spare room up there, Stark? There isn’t room for me, Steve, and his self-righteousness in his bed.”
“Barnes‽” Tony’s eyes went wide. He tried to stifle a giggle and failed.
“Stark?” Bucky sounded unsure, given the sound he just heard.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s me. Let him up, Fri.”
“No,” Peter said, stumbling out of the bedroom, his sleep pants only half pulled on straight, one hip bone jutting prominently out of the waistband. “No late night Avengers, Tony. I am not pretending to sleep in the guest room again.”
Tony caught Peter around the waist and settled him into his lap on the sofa. “I promised you that would never happen again. It’s not an Avenger, it’s Barnes.”
“What‽” Peter nearly jumped off of Tony’s lap, but Tony held him there.
“Let’s hear him out. This sounds good.”
The elevator disgorged Barnes with his standard Army issue (circa 1945, courtesy of the surplus store, circa 2018) duffel slung over his shoulder. He took in the scene on the sofa and shrugged, dropping his pack.
“So?” Tony asked. “It had to be pretty good to think you’d be more welcome here than there.”
Bucky flung himself into a chair that was at an angle to the sofa. “Might as well try here. Can’t get any colder than over there.”
“I thought you and Captain Rogers were…” Peter started.
“What the hell happened? He damn near killed me in your defense,” Tony said, a little more bitterly than he’d intended.
“Yeah, well, sorry. Information was kinda light on the ground back then and I’d only been me for a little while.”
“Wakanda get rid of the other guy?” Tony asked skeptically.
Bucky nodded. “I wouldn’t have left otherwise. I won’t put anyone in danger,” he said quietly.
“But you and Cap…” Peter tried to ask again.
“Found out that the ‘end of the line’ is the dotted line on which I signed the Accords yesterday afternoon.”
“Where is he, are they, were you, whatever,” Tony said with an eyeroll.
“Not here,” Bucky said. “If you taking me in is reliant on me telling you where they are…”
“Sit your ass back down,” Tony said. “I honestly couldn’t give a fuck where they are. I just want to make sure they’re not anywhere around here thinking about starting shit up again.”
“Sorry,” Bucky said again. “That was all my fault.”
“Yeah, no. You’re a pretty piece of tail…”
Peter leaned back and looked at Tony’s face with shock at both the assessment and the term.
Tony ignored him, well, almost ignored him. A little smirk might’ve crept out. “…and I can see why Steve chased you down, but Steve refused to sign before he knew where you were.”
“The ‘tail’ isn’t pretty enough apparently,” Bucky said. “I thought the reason you guys fell out was over me.”
“Nope. You’re the reason I won’t take him back into the fold.” Tony shrugged. “That’s not it, either. You…” Tony breathed in slowly, deeply, and his eyes closed a moment. Peter’s hand slipped around his shoulder and rubbed small circles at the base of his neck. After a moment, Tony opened his eyes. “You weren’t you. Cap? He has no excuse for lying to me.” He ran his hand over Peter’s thigh, soothing himself with the soft fabric and the solidness of the boy he loved underneath it. “You get to walk through that door and be heard. He doesn’t.”
“Thank you,” Bucky said. “I don’t deserve it.”
“That’s the thing about forgiveness, Sergeant Barnes,” Peter said, putting a light kiss on Tony’s temple. “It’s given, not earned.”
“Listen to the teenager who thinks he’s wiser than the old men in the room,” Tony said, smiling, teasing.
“Yes, listen to the teenager in the room who knows he’s wiser than the old men in the room. God!” Peter rolled his eyes.
Bucky chuckled. “He looks like you when he does that.”
“I do not!”
Tony laughed. “Yes you do. I told you you did. Now we have outside confirmation! So there!”
Peter ducked his head. “You don’t disapprove?”
“Of you and Stark?” Bucky asked. Peter nodded. “First, it’s not my life. I don’t get to approve or disapprove. Second, I’d be a fuckin’ hypocrite if I said anything about a kid getting his first experiences with someone older,” he added with a knowing wink.
“Oh my god! It’s not like that!” Peter said.
“It’s not? Oh. Sorry.” Bucky shrugged. “It was for me and Mrs. Goldstein in 23A. Lasted about three months until she said I was getting ‘clingy’.” He grinned. “Long enough for me to learn what I needed to. But she wasn’t quite as old as he is. And she still had her looks.”
Peter looked worried that Tony might take offense. He seemed to be considering it. But then he laughed. “Oh god, I bet Rogers loves your sense of humor.”
“A long, long time ago he did. Lost that fondness even before he went into the ice,” Bucky said, a little sadly.
“More wisdom from the teenager?” Peter offered. “Like I tell Tony. Going back never works. Only forward.”
“You gave me something to go forward to, baby,” Tony said, squeezing his arm around Peter’s waist. “But the kid’s right. Even if he hadn’t been there, it would’ve been nothing but bad news if I’d chased after Pepper yet again.” He sighed. “Letting go is hard, when someone’s become a habit.”
Bucky nodded. “It’s… I didn’t think it would be the same. It wasn’t even the same when it was. But… he’s,” Bucky sighed, “changed.”
“Look, it’s late. I don’t know where you came in from, but it’s late here and if you’re jetlagged, you need to get on East Coast time.” Tony kissed Peter on the cheek. “Let me get Barnes settled and I’ll be in in a few.”
“Okay Tony.” Peter turned to Bucky. “I’m glad you’re not upset about us.”
“No problem kid.”
“Ugh, another one to call me that,” Peter muttered as he padded off to Tony’s bedroom.
“Thanks for the room, Stark,” Bucky said when Tony showed him to the largest of the guest rooms.
“You’re going to be sharing a roof with me, it’s Tony.”
“Bucky,” he said, reaching out to shake Tony’s hand.
Tony took it. “You grandfathers with your odd rituals,” he laughed.
“Go fuck your child bride, Tony. I’m tired.” Bucky said grinning as he shut the door.
“Who would’ve thought?” Peter asked when Tony slid back under the covers with him.
“That Rogers would be unlivable with?” Tony raised his hand.
“Yeah, but Cap tore everything apart for him!”
“That’s a nice love story, babe, but Rogers tore everything apart for himself. Every single thing he did since…” Tony shook his head and gave a half-shrug. “Ever, has been for no one but himself.” He scoffed. “And he calls me a walking ego. Who’s stuck around to hold together Fury’s boy band with string and bailing wire while Rogers fucks off to god only knows where?” He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. It’s too late to fight the aftermath of Cap’s latest disaster. C’mere.” He smiled at Peter and held his arms wide.
“Dear god, pretty, you cook!” Tony said, stumbling out of the bedroom in nothing but boxers, scrubbing at his face. “Don’t touch the coffee!”
Tony ran to close the distance and grabbed the bag of beans out of Bucky’s hand. He ground them and started a pot of drip brewing. That was for Peter. Who no matter how hard Tony tried, was still a philistine when it came to coffee. Then he dug the good stuff out of the cabinet and started making his espresso. “Good coffee’s a little more difficult than boiling grounds with eggshells, pretty.” Peter emerged from the hallway, almost sleepwalking. “Mornin’ beautiful,” Tony said, planting a kiss on the top of Peter’s rumpled curls.
“You didn’t cook,” Peter said to Tony. He sniffed the air, his eyes still mostly unopened, as he sat at the counter.
“That would be me,” Bucky said, putting a plate in front of Peter at the kitchen stool.
“Are you complaining about my culinary expertise?” Tony said, miffed.
“Not at all, Tony. I’m sure you and May will open your own restaurant any day now.
“Shut up and drink your coffee flavored milk syrup.” Tony sat a mug in front of Peter.
Peter opened one eye fully and looked back and forth between the two men. “One to feed me food, one to feed me caffeine… I could grow to like this arrangement,” he said teasingly.
“There isn’t enough coffee in that to count as caffeine,” Tony said as he prepared his second espresso shot of the morning. “Want some?” he asked, taking a second cup of the shelf and putting it under the spout next to his.
“Italian coffee? Yes please.”
Food and drink arranged, the three of them spread out at the counter. Peter on one side of Tony, Bucky on the other.
Peter finished first. He put his plate in the sink. “He cooks, he can stay.”
Tony got up, glared at Peter as he very pointedly put his plate in the dishwasher. “He cooks like that every day, he can’t stay. I have a heart condition. That much bacon will kill me.”
Peter laughed and grabbed another piece. “I have no idea how long spiders live, so I’ll eat all of yours.” He stopped suddenly. “Oh fuck.”
“Spider’s out of the bag now, kid,” Tony said.
“You didn’t hear that, right?” Peter asked, ducking his head.
Bucky got up and added his plate to the sink, earning himself a glare that matched the one Tony gave Peter. “Hear what? That you’re Spider-Man? Been knowing that, kid. All the rogues do.”
“Oh god,” Peter said in a small voice.
“It’s okay, Pete,” Tony said, putting his hand on Peter’s shoulder. “They’re off the reservation, but they’re still Avengers. No one will tell.”
“Tony’s right. Your secret’s safe.”
“I’ve got class until four thirty today. It’s the stupid senior requirement for my early entrant program.”
“I’m sorry, kid. I got you into Columbia early. Got you into 200s in chemistry, but the state of New York requirements, those I couldn’t get you out of.”
“It’s okay, Tony,” Peter said, giving the man a kiss. “I just get bored.”
Tony turned back to the kitchen once the elevator door shut behind Peter. “Does no one know how to wash a dish in this place?”
Bucky plopped on the sofa. “I cooked, someone else cleans.”
Tony flung a dishcloth at his head. Bucky flung it back and Tony loaded the dishwasher. “So, you wanna tell me what happened?” he asked.
Bucky sighed and turned sideways, looking over the back of the sofa into the kitchen. “There’s dissension in the ranks of the rogues. Ever since Vision took up with Wanda. And no, I won’t tell you where they are.”
“Didn’t ask.”
“They’re leaning toward coming in and signing. Natalia too. Barton’s missing and presumed back with his family thanks to Fury. So that left Scott, Sam, Steve, and me. Scott’s taking the government’s deal of house arrest so he can be with his daughter. Steve thought he had me and Sam solidly behind him still. I signed yesterday afternoon with stipulations.”
“What stipulations?” Tony asked, sitting at the other end of the sofa.
“Better than I deserved.”
“What were they?”
“Regular psych evals, check-ins, and clearing by the doctors in Wakanda.”
Bucky winced. “A full debrief by Ross.”
“I said — no.”
“It was part of the agreement I signed,” Bucky explained.
“And, I said, no,” Tony repeated. “If you’re brought in as an Avenger your debrief can be handled by Fury. I can track his secrets. Everett Ross? I can track him, but he’s a fuckin’ weasel. Fury’s an honorable man. Mostly. What’s in that pretty head,” Tony pointed at Bucky, “does not go any farther than Avengers HQ.”
“I signed, Tony.”
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t be debriefed, I’m just proposing an amendment as to who should do the debriefing.” He stood and patted Bucky’s metal arm. “And by ‘proposing’, I mean ‘demanding’.” He took out his phone and headed back to his room.
Bucky followed. “I didn’t try to hide when I came here. They’ll come to get me.”
Tony scoffed. “Let them try.”
Bucky looked about to object again.
Tony stopped him. “Do you know what I used to make for a living?” Bucky nodded. “And what opened up about three hundred feet above us?” Another nod. “Do you really think I would park this ass, of which I am inordinately fond, in just another shiny New York skyscraper?” Bucky’s eyes widened. “Let. Them. Try.” Tony smiled as he went to shut his bedroom door. “Go watch a movie or two. This might take awhile.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
How do you feel about full length beards? I’m not into a lot of facial hair. I like some scruff, but that’s it. Have you ever been to a circus? Yeah, once. I was naive and didn’t know about the abuse that went on at the time. Do you know anyone who’s gone to a Fat Camp? No. Do you use Facebook IM everyday? No. I don’t even remember the last time I used it. How many surveys have you done already today? This is my first.
What’s the WORST show on Adult Swim? I don’t care for the Adult Swim shows. Family Guy and American Dad is okay, but after that it gets too stupid and weird for me. Sorry. Like once I saw this show, Mr. Pickles, and uh... wtf. The episode I saw was very disturbing. I don’t get the appeal of Rick and Morty at all. And why the hell is Mike Tyson Mysteries a thing? That’s just to name a few. I see previews of other shows and I just... wow. Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? No. Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? Not maliciously or because they thought it was horrible and wanted to embarrass me, but yeah. My mom has posted photos where she didn’t see anything wrong and she thinks I looked fine, but I was like EW NO take that down it’s hideous. I reallyyyy don’t like photos of me taken by someone else. I have to take my own photos if I’m going to take one at all because I know the angles and lighting and can add a filter. Plus, I can take a ton before finally settling on one. If someone else takes the photo and they want to post it, I have to approve. Which grade in school was the most fun for you? I enjoyed elementary and middle school. High school had its ups and downs, but there were parts I liked. I liked the last 2 years the best. Which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? I wouldn’t want another pet right now to be honest. We have our doggo and one suits our family best right now. Does drama seem to follow you everywhere you go? No, thankfully. I have other issues I struggle with, but not drama. Do you ever just want to go away to a new place where no one knows you? I don’t live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I was never Miss Popularity, so apart from family and a few other people, not a lot of people know me. However, I do want move away to a new place. My family and I have wanted to for a long time, we just haven’t been able to. A change of environment and scenery would be really nice. You’re ordering a pizza, you can have any kind of toppings, what are they? I’m a simple gal, I just like white sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, and crumbled meatballs with pesto drizzled on top. Do you hit ‘quiet’ or ‘ignore’ on your cell? Which one usually? Nah. If my phone rings and I don’t want to answer it, I just let it ring. Do you ever regret giving your number to people? I have before with some people. Have you ever been told that you’re afraid of your own shadow? Haha yeah. Have you ever tried Gouda cheese? Nope. Does/did your high school have pop machines? No. They decided to remove them the year I entered high school, which I was mad about. Do you use a public computer, or do you have your own? I have my own laptop. Do you ever find it odd how you type LOL when you’re not really laughing? >> No, because I understand that its function has moved far beyond representing actual laughing-out-loud. <<< Yeah. I remember discussing that in a class once. Have you ever gambled? A couple times. Not my thing. Although, what really made my experience unenjoyable wasn’t so much the gambling, it was that the casinos I’ve been to allow smoking and I don’t do well with cigarette smoke. At all. It gives me a killer headache, makes my heart rate go up, and makes me feel dizzy and sick. It’s awful. The smell in the casinos was too overbearing for me, so I spent very little time inside. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? I really don’t want to work retail. And that’s not shade toward retail workers AT ALL. I salute you, honestly. You deal with a lot of shit. What’s the shortest you would ever cut your hair? I had a “bob” for a few years. Do you listen to any deathcore? No. Do you subscribe to any teen magazines? Which ones? No. I’m also 30 years old. Do you know someone who never smiles? Never? No. Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable at work? I’ve never had a job. Do you still watch South Park? I never did. I mean, I’ve seen bits here and there before because my brother used to watch it, but I was never into it myself. Tell me one movie you’ve seen recently that sucked: My mom, brother, and I recently watched this movie on Netflix called, The Platform. It had potential and was interesting at first, but the ending was just... no. It seemed abrupt and I was just really confused. Have you ever carved something into a dinner booth somewhere? No. When’s the last time you were carded at a bar? When I last went to the bar, which was almost 10 years ago. Do you smoke little cigars? Have you ever tried them? Nooo. You’re babysitting, what do you expect per hour for pay? Pfft, no I’m not babysitting. What’s the last thing you returned at a store? I very rarely return things so I have no idea. It’s been a long time. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? I don’t even recall the last time I petted a cat. Do you still look at clouds and make shapes of them? I haven’t in a long time. If you had to dye your hair for one year, what color would you pick? I already do, I dye it red. Who’s got your heart? Me. What’s your television addiction? I have several shows that I’m into. Have you ever stringed green beans before? No. What do you do to make yourself more relaxed when you’re nervous? It’s hard to calm myself when I’m anxious, but I try to distract by talking to someone, listening to ASMR, watching TV or something on YouTube, or reading.  Do you cook? If so, what’s the last thing you made? The only thing I cook is ramen. Oh wait actually I made a grilled cheese sandwich the other day. ha.  Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? Yeah, a few things. How do you usually spend your Saturdays? I spend all my days and nights the same, really. Do you make your own jewelry or clothing? Last year I briefly got into making beaded bracelets. I made a few. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? I do the same things everyday whether I’m bored or not: spend time on my social medias, watch YouTube, read, watch TV, scroll through Tumblr, do surveys, just lie there.... ha. Somedays just feel like they’re dragging and going by extra slow and the things I listed above that I like doing just don’t cut it so I just lie there mindlessly watching TV or go to sleep. Do you use drawing to describe what you’re feeling? No. Do you like the smell of new school supplies? As a kid I did. Like getting a new box of crayons. Do you give everything you do 100%? No. I certainly haven’t with life... Do you shop at any independent music stores? No. I don’t shop at any music stores. How do you feel about mainstream music? I like a lot of it.
What song lyrics describe your mood at the moment? *shrug* Do you have healthy eating habits? No. My eating habits are messed up. I have issues with appetite and other issues.
If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be? A dog. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about? I do the knock on wood thing, but it’s just out of habit, really. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? There’s so many places I’d like to visit. What food disgusts you the most? I don’t do seafood at all. What is your favorite thing to cook? Ramen. One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark? I wouldn’t want to get lost anywhere in the dark. :O Are you claustrophobic? Yes. What is your worst flaw? Oh where to start. One thing that always creeps you out? ALL bugs. What is your biggest fear? Losing loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just wasting away... If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind? I don’t believe in reincarnation. Ideal way you’d like to die? Obviously painlessly, but jeez. If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick? I like living with my family. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? Uh, a lot of things. Your favorite kind of dog? I love doggos, but I definitely have a special thing for Labs and German Shepherds. Do you have any scars? If so, how many? I have a lot of scars. I’m not going to count them. What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark? I don’t watch them in the dark. Unless I’m at the theater, obviously. I love scary movies, though. Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? Cremated. What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic? Coffee and Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks. That’s also coffee, but you know what I mean. I don’t have a favorite alcoholic drink, I don’t drink. What is your favorite food around the holidays? I love either ham or turkey depending on the holiday and mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, and rolls. Easiest way to scare you? I’m such a jumpy, easily scarable (it’s a word, shh) person so you could really just say hi and I’ll jump. haha. Like my back faces my bedroom door and if I don’t hear anyone coming in or they just poke their head in to say something I’ll jump. lmao. Tell me one of your biggest secrets? Nah. What was your last nightmare about? It’s been awhile since I’ve had one, thankfully.
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elizabeth-234 · 5 years
Whumtober 2019
Day Two: Explosion
Hi Friends! Happy October!
Day One: Shaky Hands
Summary: Tony Stark rushes to see Penny after an accident happens on a field trip.
He pushed his way through the crowds of people, his eyes bypassing the faces of the parents who stood around the room. The thought that he didn’t belong wormed its way into his mind, itching and begging for attention like a bad rash. It didn’t matter if he belonged or not now. She was his kid whether the others thought so; whether his mind accepted it or not. He had bore their gazes and whispers enough in the past year. He would do it forever and be grateful for each and every judgmental glance. As long as she was okay.
He muttered apologies under his breath as he wound his way to the front. The cold tile stung his left foot. The foot that was slipperless. There was no time to be embarrassed that he was in pajamas or that one foot was completely bare. The call came at three a.m. and Tony was stumbling down the hall before he hung up.
A bombing. Words he never in his worst nightmares expected to hear but nonetheless what the man with an infuriatingly calm voice told him over the phone. There was a bombing and to please make your way calmly to the following address. To hell with that, he thought. Tony stumbled from bed, throwing on his robe, and ran out of the Tower using his suit to get there as fast as possible.
She was supposed to be on a field trip. It was a sleepover or something where they got to camp at the top floor of The Hive. He hadn’t paid attention to the specifics when Penny told him about it, only that it was for a Decathlon teambuilding and now he was regretting it. He remembered her saying something about Flash not being there because he got suspended for… something. He should have paid more attention. Tony did remember that May was chaperoning so that she could finally see Penny compete. He remembered the way a smile lit up her face when she told him how excited May was to get off work and spend time with her.
It was set to be a quiet weekend for him. Tony tinkered in the lab but didn’t get much done. Truth be told he missed his little intern’s voice filling the lab. The cold walls didn’t seem so barren when she was there. He stopped himself from texting her but she sent him photos and updates of how everything was going. There were photos of Penny pretending to fall over the balcony and ones of her and Ned playing on their old Nintendos DS. They made him smile until they stopped. Tony assumed they just went to bed for the night. That was until the phone call came in.
Tony’s hands shook as he approached the woman who looked to be in charge. He noticed the clipboard in her arms and how people stood apart from her but circled the woman as if they were waiting for something. There were deep circles under her eyes and Tony swallowed at the dullness of them.
“Name?” His voice failed him at the quiet tone in her voice. It was so similar to the one over the phone that Tony had to take a moment. He detected an acceptance in her voice. There was no question of why or who’s child it was just that he was there. They both knew that no one would voluntarily come forward if they weren’t supposed to be there.  
His heart tightened.
“Penny. Penny Parker.” He got out. “And May Parker.”
She flipped through the papers and he was dismayed to see so many names on the list. Her eyes met his for a moment before returning to the clipboard.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” She began and Tony felt his back stiffen. His mind jumped to a thousand worse conclusions and yet nothing was as terrible as what she told him. “Mrs. Parker didn’t make it. Ms. Parker is in room 220. You need to take the elevator to the second floor and the nurse there can tell you of Ms. Parker’s condition.”
Tony stood there for a moment staring at the woman whose name he never asked. Her eyes softened as she looked at him but then hardened as she nodded to someone behind him. The urgent glances to his back set him to motion and he moved away from the line that formed behind him.
May was gone. May was gone.
Did Penny know? This would kill her.
A million images flashed through his mind of the two women that had barreled into his life. Mother and daughter had a bond that, only on bad days, he would admit that he was jealous of. It made him miss his own mom.
Tony recruited the girl but they were the ones who took him into their lives; adopted him into the family, if you will. First was the casual way they would tell him he was always welcome. Then somehow they would go see movies together, analyzing and debating them the whole way home. The thing that hooked him forever was the weekly dinners. Tony found himself roped into it, trapped when May found out he would be alone for the weekend. He showed up way to nervous for what it was and brought an over the top gift basket and the fanciest bottle of wine.  
He could remember the way May’s eyes widened at the gift before hugging him tightly. Over the course of the spaghetti that tasted just like his grandmas, May continued to utter her praise and Tony shifted in his seat with guilt. Truth be told he made Happy get the wine and basket. After that first time Tony took the time to learn which wines May liked best. He even learned how to make some bean appetizer he remembered Pepper making once. Both May and Penny liked it and it became a regular dish at their dinners.
She welcomed him with open arms and a never-ending supply of hugs into their own fractured family. She gave him a family at a low point in his life and now she was gone.  
The elevator doors opened and he walked toward the nurse. The tall man was busy talking to someone in front of him so Tony had a moment to stop. He thought back to what the lady with the clipboard said, “Can tell you Ms. Parker’s condition.” That meant that Penny was hurt. May was gone and Penny was hurt.
His heart constricted tighter.
“Name?” The nurse said and Tony felt the sudden urge to scream come over him. She wasn’t just a name! These people were so much more than a name on the list. As soon as the rage swept through him it quieted down and Tony was left numb. It was useless. The nurse knew that undoubtedly better than he did and it would cause more time to elapse before seeing Penny. He repeated her name and ignored the searing pain it caused him. It was inconsequential. He had to see Penny.
“Room 220. She’s stable and resting now.” Tony nodded and walked down the hall the nurse had pointed at.
He stood outside of her room listening to all the people rushing around trying to find their own loved ones. His hand reached to hold the knob and he noticed his fingers trembling against the metal.
The light from the hallway invaded the room and cast shadows onto the form lying under the pressed white sheets. She looked so small, he thought. Her head sunk into the limp pillows and if Tony didn’t know any better he would have said she was just sleeping. He moved from the doorway into the room and fell into the chair beside the bed. Up close Tony could see she wasn’t just sleeping. There was no ‘just’ about it. There were scraps etched into her face. Small bruises painted down her neck and continued under the covers where he couldn’t see.
“Oh, God.” He whispered as he took in the dark circles, the cast of her arm, and the way her chest was raising and falling to fast. A frown marred her face in the sleep Tony was sure wasn’t restful.
He closed his eyes to cage the tears hoping to escape their confines. His hand found hers, eyes narrowing when he felt the plastic encasing her hand. Her fingers twitched and he grasped them in spite of the cast digging into his hand, maybe because of it.
“I’m here, Penny.” He said. “It may not be much but I’m here.”
She didn’t reply, not that he expected her too, but he squeezed her hand a little tighter hoping she could feel he was there if she couldn’t hear him.
Nurses came and went checking on their patient but he stayed like a faithful dog. When it was time to change her bandages Tony was sequestered to the hall. He leaned against the wall and listened to the other people talk about what happened.
As he was sitting there revenge plots and plans for new weapons spun through his mind but ‘gas explosion’ was not the target he had pictured. One of the mothers wept into her sleeve as she explained what had happened. Tony’s head hit the wall as he stared up at the ceiling.
A simple gas explosion. Although when he thought about it there was nothing simple to it. There was no reason for it. The gas was sightless, tasteless, and something, they were still investigating, set it off creating an impact that took the lives of ten students and four adults. A freak accident that happened to coincide with the Midtown Decathlon field trip and created a chain reaction at 2:17 a.m. that would change the lives of many.
What could you even think about that? Tony was finding it impossible to think coherently at all. He sat there, one foot freezing against the tile and listened to the tears around him.
The nurse called him back into the room. Penny’s eyes were open but didn’t move from the ceiling above her. Tony pulled up the chair someone moved while he was gone and sat next to her. Their breathing mingled at two different rhythms and Tony sped his up to match hers.
He knew he had to tell her what happened to her aunt but he couldn’t bring himself to break the silence. His chest seized at the thought of disrupting the last minute of peace she might have but deep down Tony knew that her peace was already plucked away.
“May died.” She said, clinical and low. It reminded him of the resigned tone of the lady downstairs and how there was a heaviness in the way she asked for a name.
“I’m so sorry, Penny.” He said knowing that the sentiment would never be enough but not knowing what else to say. She continued to stare at the ceiling and Tony wondered if she was angry with him. Angry the he hadn’t been able to save her.
“I keep thinking I should have been able to smell the gas or run fast enough to get everyone out of the building but I knew I couldn’t. Of all the powers in the world, I get the ones that couldn’t help.” Her voice so cold before became passionate with hate. Tony could hear the venom in her voice over what she thought she lacked.
“They came too late for Ben and weren’t enough for…” She paused to swallow. “For May.”
He stayed silent but noticed that she was squeezing her hands so tight that her knuckles were turning white around her cast. He reached forward and gently put his hand over hers. Tony watched as her eyes fell from the ceiling and landed on his hand. Slowly she moved and clasped their hands together. Large tears welled in the corners of her eyes. They sparkled as they rolled down her cheeks and when she finally spoke it was hoarse like she had been screaming.
“I miss her so much, Mr. Stark.”
He thought back to when his own parents passed. He hadn’t spoken of it to many people but that didn’t stop them from talking about it to him. Their words were rooted from a good place but it mostly left Tony numb. They all said things like his parents wouldn’t want him to be sad or that they were in a better place now. They were useless words that Tony took at face value at the time. He thought that the deep well that was carved into him at their passing was not sadness but selfishness because of their words. So he pushed it down. He did anything he could to try and fill it so he could ‘live his life the way they would have wanted’.
What he knew now was that no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t live the life they wanted because they weren’t there with him. He knew that the well wasn’t selfish but natural to grief and he never wanted Penny to feel like she should hide away. That she shouldn’t feel anything because other people were uncomfortable with loss.
“Good.” He said and her eyes widened at his solemn tone. “I want you to miss her. So much. I want you to think about her whenever you miss her, whenever you want. I want you to love her so much it hurts and when the time comes I want you to talk about her. When something reminds you of her or when you wished you could tell her something. Penny, I …” He stopped when her hand tightened around his.
“Thank you and thank you for being here, Mr. Stark.” He looked into her eyes and saw sorrow that shouldn’t ever appear in one so young, in one so good. It was the same thing he saw in the mirror too many times to count.
“I know this isn’t what you need to hear right now but I’m here for you. No matter what I’ll be here.”
“That’s exactly what I needed to hear.” She blinked slowly, her eyes ladened with exhaustion.
“I love you, Penny.” Her breathing slowed and again he matched his to hers.
“I love you too, Mr. Stark.” She said with closed eyes. His thumb rubbed back and forth against her knuckles.
Tony stayed in his chair the rest of the night and days after until the kid was discharged. They drove in silence back to the Tower, Tony’s head filled with thoughts on the unpredictable nature of life.
Three years ago this tiny slip of a girl flipped onto his radar. He thought of how she was at first. The awkward way in which she would ask an endless amount of questions, her hero worship often making her stumble over words and blush like a tomato. Once that ship had sailed nothing could stop her mouth, though she still blushed when she spoke too fast.
He thought about the way she talked about being Spidergirl. The way her face would light up with pride when she helped someone, even if it was just crossing the street. Tony remembered the different smiles she had given him through their time together. The first one when she saw him sitting on her couch with May. The one where her lips curled up at the ends when she was trying not to laugh and the one he would give anything to see again. It would infect her whole face, radiating through her eyes and warm his very heart to see it.  
Their mentorship to friendship happened so naturally. Well, as naturally as two superheroes becoming friends could be. Then his adoption into the Parker family occurred. He brought the wine and they brought more than enough love to smother him. Tony was sure he got the better deal out of the arrangement. He smiled as he thought about how May would find the most obscure board games and they would sit for hours trying to figure out how to play. How she took hours off to come see Penny at the lab and how her hugs reminded him so much of his moms.  
He glanced down at the sleeping girl. Her head rested on the door of his car and the hum lulled her into a fitful sleep. Carefully he opened the door and scooped her out. Her head rolled onto his shoulder; thankfully her cuts were already healing.
Tony walked them through the Tower and to her room. There were no noisy adults there. No one to make him feel like he didn’t belong, but with Penny in his arms he knew that he would always belong.
Thank you! 
Taglist (send me an ask if you want to be added!): @verdonafrost
Day Three: Delirium
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Since we're talking about human face family, how about Francis and Arthur's relationship? How do they make time to spend together when they're schedule is filled with child care, and how do they spend time together when they have it?
Overall, their relationship is rather stable and healthy! They have their rough patches and there are a lot of small bickering matches sprinkled in throughout the week. Their styles of parenting clash sometimes and then they’ll fight when the kids are asleep or when they think they’re asleep at least. Francis will minimize issues like ‘He isn’t doing that bad in the class, you didn’t need to scold him like that!’ ‘Francis! A D+ in math isnt good! He needs to be putting more effort in!’ ‘I had bad grades in math and I turned out just fine!’ ‘Just because you did terribly in that class doesn’t mean that our kids should be allowed to slack off!’
When it comes to their job, I usually put Francis in an occupation where he can be social and have flexible hours, like a job in design or cooking, and Arthur is almost always a writer when I write him, it just happens and I know how paintfully unoriginal that is lmao. But because of their flexible hours, they have a lot of time together during the week! Sometimes they have time to themselves when the kids are at school where hey can binge tv shows together or just sleep cause being parents of young, rowdy kids can be oh-so tiring! It’s far harder for them to get time to themselves at night because the kids are always in and out of bed or having nightmares or they’re sick. So say bye bye to your sex life Mr and Mr Kirkland-Bonnefoy cause that isn’t gonna be a thing until the kids are in high school at least
When they have a weekend to themselves (aka kicking the kids over to Grandma Kirkland’s for the weekend) or while the kids are at soccer camp or something of the sort, Francis and Arthur have the oooortunity to lounge around and do things that they did before they had kids. They can go out to a gay bar and party if they want to and they don’t have to worry about being hung over in the morning cause the kids won’t be there to shriek and make their headaches worse. They can go to an R rated movie if they so please and they can go to a fancy restaurant without ordering chicken nuggets. They may also just get hammered at home, do the do and sleep until 3pm because they’re that drained. It depends on how the week went and how rowdy the boys were. Cause if they were bouncing off the walls all week, Arthur and Francis will undoubtably need to chug a bottle of wine/whiskey together
They put a lot of trust into eachother and they really do love eachother so very much. When Francis gets home from work the first thing he does is hug and kiss his husband and tell him that he missed him and he’s never lying when he says that! He misses his family while he’s at work! And Arthut always seeks him out to hug and absorb his warmth and love because working from home with the boys having nerf gun battles is tiring
They tag-team parent a lot. Arthur will scold and Francis will be there to wipe tears away and make sure the boys clean up or do whatever chore they had to do as a punishment. Francis makes dinner and Arthur is there to make sure the boys aren’t feeding their beans to the dogs under the table. Arthur does the laundry and Francis is there to separate the clothes and make sure the boys put them away instead of chucking them on the floor to pile up next to the closet. They support eachother for the most part when it comes to parenting even though there are times when they don’t agree with what the other is doing, that’s when they have to step out and discuss with eachother FIRST and then go back
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