#I can't stop it even though I know I wasn't an asshole at the time
himbosandhardwear · 3 months
Eddie scans the room, looking for who or what he's not sure, just keeping his eyes peeled for something interesting. It's Saturday night, a packed house, some of the usual suspects but some new faces too.
One in particular stands out, especially considering his Sears Catalog attire and artfully tousled hair.
There's something about his loose body language that draws Eddie's eye. He's out of place but he doesn't act out of place. Eddie can respect it.
Unfortunately, when their eyes meet, he gets a kicked gut reaction that makes it clear this guy is off limits. The guy looks away immediately, probably thinks Eddie is more likely to pickpocket him than buy him a drink. Oh well. No great loss, he didn't come to get laid anyway.
He makes his way to the bar, gets a shot of Jack and a Miller Lite and waits. Teddy will probably show up before too long, maybe they can bar hop. He sips his beer and looks around some more, noting the older Mexican lady who runs the flower stand on the corner. You wouldn't guess it just by looking at her but she can drink anyone in the place under the table. He should really get her name.
Sears Catalog has moved to a table on the right side of the room, standing with a presumed girlfriend. Their heads are bent close together. He looks up and catches Eddie staring. They both look away again. He's really gotta stop doing that before he gets hate-crimed. It's a known problem, his type being untouchable preppy boys. He's sure if a shrink studied him, they would say it was because he didn't think he was worthy of love, or some shit, but he can't help it. The straighter, the meaner, the cleaner cut, the more Eddie falls all over himself. It’s a miracle he ever gets laid. Thankfully there’s always closet cases. He swore to himself he wasn't going to do that anymore though, he needs to have some self-respect, not let asshole jocks use him and drop him the second an emotion is displayed.
“That outfit is hideous.”
Eddie jolts in his seat. He finds Sears Catalog smirking at him like what he's said is the height of wit.
Eddie wastes no time pouring the rest of his beer over the guy's head.
He stares back at Eddie in shock, almost hurt. Fuck him. He doesn't care, he's not letting some dumbass gymrat hone his bullying skills on him. Not today.
The guy's girlfriend jogs over with a handful of napkins, which is when Eddie splits.
“I told you not to use that line!” He hears her exclaim. Eddie stops in his tracks.
“But…but...he didn't even let me get to the good part,” Sears laments. Eddie can't turn back around, he's frozen in place.
“Yeah, dingus, because it's a stupid fucking line. I'm sorry you had to find out like this but not every guy who makes eye contact with you wants to fuck you.”
“I know that! I just thought… I don't know. Let's just get out of here.”
He sounds so defeated. Eddie did that. He assumed the worst and reacted accordingly. Like an asshole. Like a bully.
They're halfway to the door when Eddie's feet unstick themselves from the floor. He rushes to intercept.
“What was the rest of the line?” He shouts.
Sears turns, eyes wide, unsure.
His…friend? Looks Eddie over, unimpressed. “What's it to you?”
He winces. “Just…uh…I guess I thought you should know, some of the guys who make eye contact do want to fuck you, they're just too stupid to realize they're being hit on.”
Sears and Mean Friend make their own eye contact. Mostly ‘Beat it' and ‘Are you serious?’ and ‘Yes, oh my god, please go.’
Eddie respects their bond.
Once Mean Friend has sufficiently rolled her eyes and threatened Eddie with bodily harm should anything worse than beer befall her friend, she stalks off into the night.
“You should take it off.”
“Huh?” Eddie responds, stupidly.
Sears smiles. “That's the rest of the line. ‘Your outfit is hideous. You should take it off.’”
Fuck, it really is a terrible line. Something a middle aged creep would use. If he'd waited long enough to hear it the first time it would've made him laugh though, which would have broken the ice.
“Awful. Zero out of ten,” he says while grinning. “Looks like you already offended one guy.” He looks at Sears’ wet shirt, appreciating his own handiwork.
“I'll keep workshopping.” His hand comes up slowly, like Eddie might react badly again. “Steve.”
It's his honor and privilege to clasp Steve's hand in his own.
“Eddie. And can I say, your outfit looks great. It would look better on my floor.”
Steve practically twinkles at him. “Stop, I'm already a sure thing.”
He uses the hand still in his grasp to pull Eddie forward and smash their lips together.
When their grandkids ask how they got together, Eddie is going to have to lie.
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lore-smaus · 12 days
«I DON'T SPEAK TACO BELL» FT. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Shoko, Choso, Toji, Sukuna.
Summary: You so casually yell at them in Spanish and they have no clue how to act.
Tags: crackhead energy, cursing duh, translation for the one who can't understand duh!, freaky characters, this one is slightly connected to some smau lore lmao
A/N: Im done here. I had too much fun making this @saintkaylaa
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Gojo Satoru:
“A ver, pendejito, tu te crees que soy una de tus amiguitas o que? A mi no me vengas con eso otra vez o te voy a dar un cantaso que vas a ver a Geto!" (lets see, dumbass. You think im one of your little friends? Dont come at me with that ever again or ill hit you so hard you'll see Geto!)
To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was beyond that point.
He knew you spoke Spanish, hell, he's seen you speak it. However, no matter how many times he listens to it, it will never not surprise him how fluently and easy you spoke it.
He apologized, even though he didn't understand anything, and made sure to not get on your nerves ever again. He was scared shitless.
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Geto Suguru
Logically, he wasn't afraid of anything! Truly. Well, that was until you heard the girls referring to your non sorcerer family as monkeys. You sat them down, belt in hand and started shouting at them.
"Es que como se te ocurre! Monos?! A MI familia?! No no, es que tu eres imbécil! Y enfrente de las nenas!?" (What were you thinking! Monkeys?! MY family?! No no, you're an asshole! In front of the girls too!?)
The girls looked sheepishly at Geto, however, Geto had his eyes closed, almost praying, barely making noises. It wasn't his first time being shouted at in Spanish, however, it was the first time actually looking at you grabbing a belt. And with the way you talked about how your parents hit you when you were young with it? Oh yeah, he didn't even wanna move. So the girls, following the example, stayed still.
Rest assured, that day, Geto discovered he had ONE fear: you.
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Nanami Kento
"Ruega a Dios que ese imbécil no se cruce en mi camino porque es que lo exorciso yo misma" (Pray to God so that imbecil don't cross paths with me because I'll exorcise him myself)
Truly, while Shoko attended Nanami, she could almost hear his heart palpitations because the way you fumed and complained, even pointing at him to reprimand him for his carelessness he was rather excited.
He knew you spoke and he tried his best to learn spanish however, he noticed that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to understand it. So he stayed silent during your 'lecture'. However, in his mind, he was trying to figure out what were you saying.
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Shoko Ieiri
“Me importa un carajo que te ayude a quitar estrés, o sueltas el jodio cigarrillo o yo te voy a dar una razón para estresarte." (I don't give a fuck if it helps you destress, you either let go of the god-damned cigarette or ill give you a reason to be stressed)
She didn't know if she should be turned on or scared. Maybe both.
"yo... Umm? No hablar?" She tried to speak the very little spanish she knew, however, that only helped to confuse you. When she finally let go (and stopped on the cigarette) you sighed heavily.
"Your spanish is shit"
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Choso Kamo
Poor guy. He doesn't even know what you're saying. You weren't mad, just... Disappointed.
"Es que como se te ocurre? Es que de verdad, amor, no puedes hacer eso!" (What were you thinking. Truly, love, you can't do that!)
Not long ago, he had learned he was lactose intolerant and you were behind the bathroom door lecturing him, plugging your nose while doing so. He was struggling, both physically and mentally. You sounded funny but the ache on his stomach didn't let him laugh.
"Y es que si hubiera sido un poco. Pero nooooo, tu jartaste un tazon mantecado entero!" (And if it was just a little bit. But nooooo, you ate a whole bowl of ice cream!)
Its alright tho, he learned his lesson:(
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Toji Fushiguro
"O te mueves o te muevo. Avanza y largate antes que yo misma decida romperte la cara" (move or ill move you. Hurry up and scatter before i break your face myself)
If you guys weren't bloody, sweaty and tired, he'd kiss you and fuck you full of his cock. But his tiredness told him he didn't have the strength to even get hard.
You'll just have to wait when he gets his rest and shower to show you how turn on he gets when you threaten him in a language he doesn't even understand.
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Sukuna Ryomen
"Si te lo tengo que decir una vez más te voy a cortar los huevos. Si dejas que otra zorra se te acerque quedas soltero" (if i need to repeat this again I'll cut your dick off. You let another whore get close to you you'll be single)
You ever seen a cat widening his eyes? Yep, that's him. Looking around with a scowl on his face and looking straight and Urame for a translation, quickly. Not getting any, since they didn't know either.
However, the fire in your tone, the sass on your movements and the way you sounded threatening and serious makes him think that you truly are fit to be the queen of curses.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 3 months
what if the batkids decided at the same time to bring their partners to the Manor and they argue about it?
[i can't stop writing long scenes]
scenario 1:
Duke has his arm wrapped around Izzy's waist as they make their way to the movie room.
Duke: Have you decided which movie you want to watch tonight?
Izzy, grins: The Notebook?
Duke, opening the door of the room, chuckles: But we've just watched that two weeks ago. Besides, Dick and Jason love that film, I've watched it a lot of times by now.
Izzy, turns the switch on to illuminate the room: What's the harm in rewatching-
they stop in their tracks as Steph and Cass enter the room from the other entrance of the movie room.
Steph giggles and leans towards Cass' face to kiss her. they don't even notice that the room is now bright with the lights on.
Duke, clears his throat loudly: Uh. Just to let you know, there are other people in the room.
Izzy: Sorry! We didn't mean to interrupt.
Steph and Cass, still holding each other, look at Duke and Izzy at the other side of the room.
Cass waves to them.
Steph: What are you two doing in here?
Duke: To watch a movie? Clearly.
Steph: But we started an hour ago.
Duke: I don't see a sign in the door that says it's occupied though.
Duke has really been hanging too, too much with Damian and Jason.
Cass, covers Steph's mouth before she speaks more: Maybe we can watch together.
Izzy, smiles: What were you guys watching earlier?
Steph and Duke, say at the same time: But this was supposed to be a date!
then Steph and Duke glare at each other, suddenly arguing over random things.
Cass shakes her head and leads Izzy outside the room so they can get some food from the kitchen.
scenario 2:
Dick continues to lead Wally to the private pool that was just newly built.
they just came home from a mission and some dip in warm water under the bright stars sounds so good right now.
by the time they both strip down to their boxers, Dick is a giggling mess as Wally bridal carries him on the stairs down to the water.
Wally, still carrying Dick on his arms, backing both of them on the pool wall: Have I told you today how beautiful you are?
Dick, blushes, wrapping his arms on Wally's neck: You always remind me. But tell me again-
then out of nowhere, someone shouts, "KABOOOOOM!" and a large splash of water hit both of them.
Dick, rubs the water off his eyes: What the actual fu-
and it's Roy from across the side of the pool, leaning against the wall with a smug grin on his face. on his side is Jason with the same kind of smile.
Roy, brings Jason closer to him: Oh, isn't it my two best friends of all time?
Jason, laughs: Ocupado, Dickface. Sorry.
he wasn't sorry at all.
Dick, groans, coming down from Wally's arms: You lied, Jay! You said you were out of town.
Jason, shrugs: Plans change, Dick.
Wally, rubs Dick's arm soothingly: A little warning next time, guys?
Roy, grins: Not our forte.
Dick, grumbles: You guys are assholes. Go to another area or something, I don't care.
Jason: I'm sorry, what was that, Dick?
Dick: Asshole, I said go to another area. Period.
Jason: Why you-
then the two brothers are moving forward towards each other on the water, aiming for a fight of sorts. one minute, Jason has Dick under the water and the next, it's Dick chasing Jason in the water like ducklings. like birds.
Wally hides Dick's escrima sticks, while Roy hides Jason's guns. just in case the fight escalates.
scenario 3:
Roy, whines: Jaaaaaybird, can we sleep now?
Jason: I said give me a minute, Roy. I need to grab a book.
Roy leans his weight on Jason, closing his eyes.
Jason: And I'm not carrying you, idiot.
although, he wraps his arm on Roy's waist, supporting him as they walk to the Manor library.
Jason, opens the door: Give me a few, kay? Then we can- WHAT THE SHIT?
Roy feels more awake than awhile ago as they both stare at Kon, shirtless on the couch and his hair a mess.
Jason: Clone, what are you doing here????
Kon, flushes, embarrassed: I... I... Um.
then Tim appears from behind the couch too, his hair also a mess, but thankfully his clothes still on. or else Jason would have threw up on the floor.
Roy just has a grin on his face the entire time, amused.
Tim, grins: Hey, guys.
Jason, pinches the bridge of his nose: I swear, Timmy, I fucking swear, if you and clone boy don't fucking take your hormones upstairs to your own room, I will-
Tim: You will what, Jay? I mean... You don't own this place. Doesn't mean you spend most of your time here, it's yours.
Jason: I never said I owned this! I just fucking said, don't do funny business on the library couch.
Tim, scoffs: As if you don't do funny business here.
Roy, grins even widely: The boy's got a point, Jaybird.
Jason, now even more upset: Go, go upstairs!
Tim: But-
Jason: Now, Tim!
Tim: You're not my mom!
Jason: And you're not being responsible!
Tim: As if you're any better!
then the two boys continue to argue, leaving Roy and Kon to shrug and make their own conversation by the door.
Roy: Hey, kid. How's the Young Justice?
Kon, smiles: Pretty good. How's the Outlaws?
Damian and Jon are in the game room, playing some Mario Kart when they hear voices outside the room.
Steph: We were here first!
Dick: I thought I told everyone in the groupchat that me and Wally will be having the Game Room.
Jason: I already called dibs in the room.
Duke: I arrived earlier than any of you, so technically, me and Izzy get to use it first.
Tim: Hey, I never had the Game Room this week!
Cass, suggests: Can we just all share it?
Damian, opens the door, annoyed: Will everyone just keep their mouths closed? I have settled in the room already.
as the batkids continue to make their points, Jon exits the room and flies to the main living room where the rest of the partners are talking.
Jon, settles beside Kon: I guess this is a regular occurance.
Roy, chuckles: You have no idea, kid.
Wally: As long as I can remember, yes.
Kon: You'll get used to it, little brother.
Izzy: With a house so big, they still argue on who gets a room first.
Izzy, sees the Monopoly game under the coffee table, smiling: Anyone up for Monopoly?
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sunderwight · 9 months
Bingqiu AU where SY and LBH grow up as childhood friends (idk maybe they're both at QJP but Shen Jiu is less of an asshole, or maybe SY transmigrates into Random Village Bully Child No.3 when Binghe's mom is still alive -- or both) and there's none of the tension of the idea of "one day Luo Binghe is going to rip my limbs off" for Shen Yuan.
So he and LBH can just be bros! Fantastic! Shen Yuan has never had a little brother before but he's had a little sister, he knows how to do this. Just spoil the cute kid rotten!
It's only fair compensation for how many terrible things LBH is gonna have to endure on the road to ruling the world, after all. SY also feels more freedom to change minor aspects of the plot around, too, like maybe he'll stop Liu Qingge from dying, definitely he can help LBH get a better start to his cultivation journey, and maybe the abyss and xin mo thing doesn't really need to happen...?
The list of things SY considers meddling with ends up including wives.
Like really, come on now, Luo Binghe may be a stallion protagonist but there's no need for that many women. Especially when at least half of them are just increasingly cheap copies of the other half, and that's being generous about it. Some of PIDW Binghe's wives were, frankly, horrible people. And if he's being honest about it, it wasn't fair of Binghe himself to take on that many either. Even if anyone would naturally give their left arm to be the protagonist's wife, after a certain point Binghe just can't spend that much time actually with them! And then he can't form the kinds of deep and meaningful bonds which might actually help heal his trauma!
SY's not looking to interfere too much, of course. Ning Yingying is not his favorite wife, but she's fine. She causes trouble but it isn't on purpose, and she's genuinely sweet and willing to befriend Binghe before he's anything special (although even now, it's obvious Binghe is special). Ning Yingying can stay.
And of course, so can Best Wife Liu Mingyan.
But Sha Hualing? Well, she offers some political advantages, and as the demon wives go she's not the worst. She's kind of iconic and was very popular, but Shen Yuan thinks the harem could do without her scheming and malicious attitude towards the other wives. The cost of harmony was too high for the political bonuses offered, especially when Binghe might as well just take her ancestral lands by force and be done with it. He's going to advise against that match.
And the Qin sisters. Sure there's the legendary threesome, but Wanrong's dead weight and it never struck SY quite right how Qin Wanyue pressured Luo Binghe into sex. The threesome wasn't even good anyway.
Better Qin Wanyue than the Little Palace Mistress on that front, though. But aish, that's complicated, the Palace Mistress is even more politically vital to securing HHP than Sha Hualing is for her father's kingdom, and almost as bad for the peace and harmony of the harem. Ultimately SY will leave it up to Binghe, but if Binghe asks, he's going to advise against the Huan Hua wives too.
With thoughts like this in mind, SY starts talking to Binghe about how to establish a household, what to look for in a spouse (or twenty), and other topics of that nature. What sort of household Luo Binghe ought to strive to have, and what sorts of standards he should himself to. Also while of course assuring him that Shen Yuan isn't interested in women. Lest he worry that Shen Yuan might be trying to steal any of the wives from him, at any point. He's not competition!
SY: I am helping to pave the way for Binghe to have better marital relationships! I am the best big brother slash best buddy ever! don't worry, no matter what happens to Binghe, this gege will be your no.1 cheerleader forever!
LBH: is he saying I should get a palace if I want to marry him? well... that sounds reasonable. ok, I will do it! (•̀ ω •́)✧
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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nìfnu [nɪ.ˈfnu] adv. silently
Anonymous Request: Can I have a story where it’s Ao’nung x Metkayina Reader who’s deaf and a sweetheart. When the Sullys arrive she doesn’t really interact with them so when they see Ao’nung being kind and protective towards her it they feel confused? Just pure fluff.
Lo'ak leans over and nudges his older sister, Kiri, forcefully on the arm.
"Ouch!" she yelps. "What, Lo'ak?"
He points, and she follows the line from his finger. It leads her eyes to Ao'nung, just a few paces down the beach from them, and he's with a Metkayina girl that Kiri doesn't recognize. She's tall, nearly as tall as Ao'nung, with her long hair pulled back into one large, thick braid. She wears a thin, shiny net over her shoulders, and Kiri notes how pretty it is. It glimmers in the sun. Kiri also notes how, even though Ao'nung and this girl are above walker, they are using the hand-speak to communicate.
"That girl. Neteyam tried to talk to her earlier, but she ignored him. And there she is, being so nice to Ao'nung. Who's an asshole."
Kiri elbows her sibling. "To you, he is. He looks like he's being perfectly friendly to that girl. And, I mean, she's very pretty."
"Why are they using the hand speak? They're not in the water."
Kiri shrugs. "How should I know? Stop elbowing me when you want something, Lo'ak. It hurts."
He groans and rolls his eyes, and turns his attention back to Ao'nung and the girl who rejected Neteyam.
"How are they adjusting?" I sign to Ao'nung, who shrugs and rolls his eyes. It's no secret that he resents having to teach the newcomers their ways, but I think it's nice. Ao'nung needs to humble himself sometimes, be more like his kind little sister.
"They are slow," Ao'nung signs in return. "I don't want to teach them. It's a waste of my time."
I reach out, pushing on his arm a little. "They seem sweet to me, especially the little one. Try to have patience with them. I would offer to help, but they don't know how to talk to me."
"Yet," he replies, and I smile.
Neteyam asks Tsireya about the girl, Y/N, the next day. He's noticed that she only uses hand-speak as well, and wonders.
"She can't hear," Tsireya says. "She's only spoken that way her whole life."
Neteyam could smack himself. He'd taken her silence as harsh rejection, when really, she just wasn't able to respond to him.
"Oh!" he exclaims. "She's, uh, really beautiful."
Tsireya laughs and smiles. "She is, but I wouldn't trouble yourself. Ao'nung has been in love with her for years." She throws a glance to her brother over her shoulder, but he's too busy making fun of Lo'ak to hear.
"Ao'nung?" Neteyam replies hardly, and Tsireya laughs even harder.
"I know. He has a soft spot for her, and her for him. If you want to compete, you'll have to learn hand-speak."
Neteyam shakes his head. She's beautiful, but not worth getting in a fight with the chief's son over. He'll just have to admire her from afar.
Though I can't speak, I am very proficient in reading lips. This helps me observe conversations from far away; as long as I have a clear view of someone's face, I can usually figure out what they're saying.
"Ao'nung has been in love with her for years."
That's what Tsireya said, and though she was smiling, it didn't seem as if she was joking. I dropped the plate of fruit I was carrying when she said it.
Is it true? Has Ao'nung been in love with me, and I haven't noticed?
Fruit is scattered all around my feet, and I bend over to begin gathering it again, every interaction I've had with Ao'nung recently playing over in my mind. If Tsireya is right, maybe I have been blind.
Ao'nung has always been kind, and patient and gentle with me. I knew he wasn't like that with many people, but I thought it was most likely out of pity for my condition - not out of love of affection.
A hand reaches out, picking up fruit and dropping it into my basket, and I look up to see Ao'nung himself.
Feeling flustered, I stand up, kicking the fruit basket once again, undoing all my work.
"Are you okay?" Ao'nung signs. I tuck my hair behind my ears, feeling a little speechless. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
"Tsireya," I sign, "she told the new boy, the oldest one, that you are in love with me. Is she just teasing him, because he thinks I'm pretty?"
"He said he thinks you're pretty?" Ao'nung signs back, quickly and furiously, glancing over his shoulder at where his sister still sits with the newcomers.
I shove his shoulder. "Yes! Answer my question."
"Well... come with me." Ao'nung reaches out, grabbing my hand and therefore silencing me, and pulls me away from the beach. We move through many huts, past the fires, and to the edge of the beach, where the sparse forest and rocks begin. Here, we are alone.
"Ao'nung!" I exclaim, breathless. "What's going on?"
He rubs his forehead. "I had a plan, to tell you. It wasn't going to be like this. I'm going to kill Tsireya."
I stand, silent, waiting for him to finish. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my palms are shaking; I'm not sure I could speak, even if I wanted to.
"For a long time, I have loved you, Y/N. I have tried to be more... understanding, and gentle, the way you deserve. But it's hard for me. I wanted to be better, before I told you. Before I asked you to be my mate."
Unable to control myself, I gasp, and bring my hands up to my mouth.
Me, the mate to the next Olo'eyktan? It's unimaginable.
"Your parents approve the match?" I ask.
Ao'nung smiles at me softly. "Of course. When I told them how much I love you, they couldn't object. They believe you will make a wonderful Tsahik, because you are so kind and understanding. My mother will teach you everything you need to know - if you want."
That thought alone is a little overwhelming, since Ronal can be so intimidating, but I also imagine she can be a good teacher.
And really, that doesn't matter. What matters is the way I feel when I'm with Ao'nung; special, adored, loved, doted upon. I feel safe with Ao'nung. I feel seen and most importantly, heard.
"I would be proud to be your mate, Ao'nung. So proud. Of course, I love you."
The smile that spreads across his face transforms Ao'nung from the sullen, anxious, grouchy man most have come to know him as. It turns him into the carefree, light and happy man he is when the two of us are together.
I am proud to make him smile like that. I promise myself then, to make him smile like that every day, for the rest of our lives.
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tldrthor · 30 days
The Princess (and the chaos she brings with her) - steve rogers x fem!reader (1/?)
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Summary: when Thor asked the avengers to guard a dear friend of his, they didn't think twice before saying yes. What they didn't know was that said friend is the princess of one of the nine realms, and a lost love of one Captain Rogers.
Part 1 // I thought you were dead // word count: 3.5k
"(y/n), you have to eject, right now!" Steve screamed over the torrents of wind whistling through the ship. Schmidt was dead, gone. So was the tesseract. But it wasn't over yet. "I have to put her in the water!"
The girl behind him widened her eyes, battling against the elements to reach him. "There's no world in which I let you do that, Captain!"
"I'm not asking for permission!"
"Well then, I guess we go down together!" She painstakingly made her way to him, every step a feat of strength. Her previously neatly pinned curls no longer even resembled what they once were as her hair whipped around her face.
As Steve turned to face her, she somehow still looked angelic. He felt that right now, she was more heavenly than ever. He couldn't let her die with him.
"Buckle in." He commanded, as they began their quick descent. He looked at her, the first woman who had ever made him feel seen, the only person he had ever met who was as crazy as he was.
As the ice flew closer, he turned and placed a hand tenderly on her face. Tears welled in his eyes as his mind wandered to the future they could've had. God, they could have been amazing.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." He whispered. She could only just hear it, even though they were right next to each other.
He pulled the yellow ejection lever on the seat she had just buckled herself into, watching as her eyes widened. "No! Steve, no!" She lifted her hands to stop him, to jam the lever, anything to stay with him. She wasn't quick enough.
Steve closed his eyes as her seat was ejected, hearing her scream his name. There was no world where he allowed her to go down with him, and he trusted that wherever she ended up, Stark and Peggy would find her. He hoped they would be able to find him, too.
He hadn't prayed in a long time, but as he went down, he bargained with God for her safety.
"It is my honour to introduce the new and improved Captain America and the Howling Commandos exhibit, in honour of the 100th birthday of Captain Steven Grant Rogers." The crowd clapped as the senator stepped off the podium, motioning for Steve to take the mic. Bucky and Sam laughed at how uncomfortable the Captain was as he stood thanking everyone for an exhibit he never wanted. All part of the job, he supposed.
After the handshakes, and the photo ops, and the autographs and the meet and greets, the boys finally got relative peace to wander around the new exhibition.
"I can't believe you used to wear these stupid suits." Sam laughed, standing in front of the main exhibit. Bucky sighed, budging Sam's shoulder. "Says the asshole who wears a bird suit to fight." He retorts.
Steve laughed at his friends antics, but walked away when he noticed an addition to the exhibit he hadn't seen before. He stared, wide eyed at the name in front of him.
Steve found himself drinking in every inch of the gorgeous photo underneath the text, her bright smile and barely visible freckles. The lighting highlighted the different hues in her immaculately pinned hair. She looked just like an angel, as she always did in real life.
Steve looked down, forlorn eyes investigating very few artefacts in the glass exhibit. Her folded uniform, found in her room after the plane went down. The blush lipstick you wore every day. Finally, an object that Steve didn't recognise. A golden ring, encrusted in unidentified jewels and a family crest no one knew. He frowned.
He had known her only a short few months, but he regretted never asking about her family. And now, it would haunt him that he never did until his last breath.
"They never found her, huh?" Bucky placed his covered hand on Steve's shoulder, a sadness tinged in his voice. He had only met (y/n) briefly, but he knew even then that Steve's heart rested in the palm of that woman's hand.
He had asked about her, once, but the look on Steve's face when her name was mentioned told him everything he needed to know.
"No. Howard searched for years, found nothing. Turned out that she had lied on her intake forms for the SSR, too. We don't even know if (y/n) was really her name." He took a beat. "We have no idea if she survived or not."
Steve didn't have to make the subtext clear, Bucky knew he worried that he had killed her by ejecting her from that plane. Bucky also knew there was no sense in trying to tell him she would have died either way, that the ice would've killed her.
"You okay?" Bucky asked, after another few moments of silence.
Steve nodded, looking at the photo. "I'm glad she's remembered. I just wish I didn't have so many unanswered questions."
"So," Tony started. "Thor is arriving with the guest of honour later today, who we have agreed to protect here for the meantime. We don't have a lot of background for this one. The dark elves are the ones we're protecting her against, but Thor said threat could come from many areas. Do we have any questions?"
The team looked nothing short of bored. Well, most of them. Cap always had the good grace to sit up and look interested. Scott was straight up asleep.
"Is she important? How long will she be staying with us?" Steve asked.
"No idea, and uh, no idea. Anything else?"
"Is she single?" Sam asked, earning a laugh from some of the others. Steve shook his head disapprovingly, but smiled at his friend's levity.
As Steve stood up to go back to training, FRIDAY sounded around the room. "Excuse me everyone, my satellites have detected a bifrost signal heading for the compound imminently."
"Speak of the devil!" Tony clapped his hands as everyone headed out to the bifrost landing site (something that had been instituted after Tony's lawn got scorched one too many times).
Bucky smacked Scott upside the head to wake him up with a jolt. "Oh, where are you guys going?" He called behind them, jogging to catch up. Steve waited behind from him, laughing at his groggy friend.
A bright light connected with the grass just beside the landing site. Tony's hands covered his eyes as he mouthed are you fucking kidding me. When the light cleared, Thor stood tall in his usual armour.
"My friends!" His voice boomed, "I present to you, my fellow avengers, the honourable princess of Alfheim, jewel of the Alfar and ambassador to Asgard." Thor's voice boomed through the halls of the compound. "This is my friend, (y/n)."
Beside Thor stood a girl. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with a heavenly stature. She looked like she could have been carved from marble by the hands of God himself.
A light Asgardian pink dress was covered by a golden chest-plate which fit her body like it had been moulded just for her. It was covered in intricate etchings of suns and stars, which caught the light and shone brilliantly. She wore golden jewellery, which was nothing like the avengers had ever seen. Golden ear cuffs covered her pointed ears, with her long hair pulled into an up-do, emphasising the golden, bejewelled tiara on her head.
"Princess?" Sam squeaked. Wanda smacked him, with a look that screamed don't embarrass us.
Tony tilted his head in confusion at the guest, who he could almost swear he recognised from somewhere. "Thor, you did not inform us that we were looking after the ruler of a planet. We would have been more prepared."
"I am not ruler yet, Mr. Stark." The girl cast her eyes up at Tony, as she smiled sweetly. Her voice was honey smooth, and anyone who heard it felt themselves being charmed by it. "I have heard much about you all from Thor."
"Should we bow?" Bruce whispered to Tony, who shrugged his shoulders. Thankfully, (y/n) took the lead and shook each of their hands.
She looked around at each of the gathered avengers. Thor made his introductions to the rest of the group. "Where are the others?" Thor enquired.
"Here!" Steve smiled at the site of his old friend, his view of the princess obscured by the large man. Bucky and Scott tagged behind him, also happily greeting Thor.
"Captain, it is very good to see you. Please, let me introduce you to the Princess (y/n)." Thor stepped aside to introduce them, but his eyebrows knitted together in confusion when neither of them moved, almost frozen in place.
"Uh... hi." Scott side-stepped the Captain and caught the eye of their guest. "My name's Scott Lang."
The girl tore her eyes away from the captain, unsure really on what to do. But her training kicked in, knowing that being rude was one of the worst sins a princess could commit. "Hello, Mr. Lang. I am (y/n)."
"Holy shit." Bucky breathed out.
The rest of the avengers watched the rather silent exchange with confusion. It was very unlike Steve to get so tongue-tied, and he would never be so rude as to not introduce himself.
"Captain Rogers..." The girl spoke first, confusing them further. "I believed you dead." Tears had welled in her eyes, intriguing the observing crowd even more.
"I thought you were dead." He breathed. "What... what is going on?"
Bucky interjected. "Um, hi. I'm Bucky, we met briefly in '45."
She smiled softly at him, but her eyes betrayed her confusion. "Sergeant Barnes, of course! Didn't you... also die?"
"Yeah, we've all got a lot of explaining to do." Bucky laughed as the absurdity of the situation caught up to him.
Thor's eyes darted between his friend and the captain. When Thor asked the avengers to guard her from the war on Alfheim, he knew some hijinks would ensue. This is not what he expected. He knew you had spent some time on Midgard before and when you returned you were emotionally distraught. He had simply figured the war you had fought with the Midgardians had taken it's toll.
He eyed both the Captain and you, suspiciously. You were his dear friend, but you had never talked to him about any mortal love.
"So, Princess. You've been here before." Tony enquired.
The Princess licked her lips nervously, glancing at Steve, who had barely moved a muscle, his eyebrows furrowed. "Yes, Mr. Stark. I spent some time here during the second world war. I left Midgard when Johann Schmidt was defeated, and haven't returned since."
"Tell us about your world, Princess. I've never heard of it before." Natasha, the red-head in the corner, asked the guest.
"You have heard of it before." The princess smiled, explaining. "I believe we are now known as a fantasy character here - you call us elves." She pointed to her pointed ears as each avenger clung to her words.
Thor smiled at his Midgardian friends' curiosity.
"The Alfar still live amongst you, they are simply unseen. I believe you may know Tolkien?" At the mention of the author's name, everyone's ears pricked. "He was one of my father's greatest friends and many of his book settings were inspired by Alfheim."
"What!" Scott exclaimed. "That's insane."
"Really, Ant Man?" Bucky responded, pointing out that they were all ridiculous, when you thought about it. The world was crazy now.
The princess chuckled, and rose from her seat at the conference table. "Thank you very much for your hospitality, Avengers. I would quite like to rest in my chambers, if you would be so gracious to allow me."
"Um, yeah... consider yourself allowed." Tony stumbled over his words. Very unusual for him, and it did not go unnoticed by the others. "Dinner is at seven."
"Thank you, Mr. Stark. Captain Rogers," She addressed the Captain, who looked up quickly. His face was pale, and he nervously twiddled his thumbs. "Would you be so kind as to show me my rooms?"
He popped up, almost comedically fast. "Yes. Yeah, sure. Um, this way." He walked out quickly, darting his eyes back to make sure the princess was following him.
She followed, gracefully. Her skirts fanned out behind her as she walked. The avengers in the room could scarcely take their eyes off her as she faded from sight.
As soon as the door closed behind them, the room devolved into chaos. People shouting theories and questions left, right and centre. Mostly, everyone was just bewildered. Bucky and Thor discussed how they had both known the couple separately, and whether each had talked about the other.
Natasha watched as Tony sat quietly on his tablet for a few seconds, searching for something she could only assume was relevant to the discussion at hand.
"Bucky, what's the deal there?" Clint asked.
He was interrupted by Tony. "Aha!" Stark called, silencing the room. "I knew I recognised her from somewhere."
He projected a photograph to the wall, and the avengers gasped.
The photograph consisted of Steve and Bucky front and centre. Bucky had his left arm wrapped lazily around Tony's dad, Howard. And Steve was looking directly at the girl next to him, holding her to him by the waist. It was the princess. The gaze he looked at her with... it was like nothing they had ever seen from him.
"They didn't just know each other, they were in love." Bucky replied to Clint's question, a hint of sadness underneath his words.
(Y/n) followed Steve along the large corridors of the compound, her smaller legs working double time to match his long strides. They walked in silence, for the most part. It wasn't the comfortable kind.
"Captain." She spoke first, again. As she called for him, he stopped walking abruptly, turning slowly. He met her gaze and then cast his eye down.
"(y/n)... I mean, um, Princess." He responded.
"(y/n) is sufficient." She whispered, almost guiltily. "I can't believe you're alive..."
"I can't believe you're alive," He retorted. "I searched for you, when I woke up. They couldn't find any records of you other than your enlistment form, and they found you had lied. People think you're just a ghost story..."
He took a breath. "I can't believe you're here and... an alien princess?"
"I know it's hard to believe, I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you back then." She laughed. "When I found that you and Sergeant Barnes were dead, I couldn't face being here anymore... I returned to Alfheim."
As she thought back on it, a tear sprung to her eye. On seeing her reaction, Steve couldn't help himself but place a friendly hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles. She briefly froze at the contact, but quickly, she moved her own hand down his arm until she was holding onto his hand with both of hers.
So much went unsaid, but the contact confirmed what they had both most desperately wanted to know. Would it be the same?
"If I had known that you and Sergeant Barnes were alive, Captain..." She admitted. "I would have returned in an instant, I give you my word."
He smiled, rubbing a thumb over the back of her hand. A red blush hugged her cheeks as he did so.
It was typical of him that he couldn't concentrate on the moment, "Why are you here?" He asked. "What are we protecting you from?"
She sighed. "The Svartalfar, or the dark elves. You may know them - they attacked Thor in the Midgardian city of London some years ago now." He nodded in recognition.
"They are determined to conquer Alfheim, and have set their sights on my family. They have already managed to get close to killing me."
She pushed the collar of her dress down, showing a large, angry, red scar just above her collarbone. His hands flew up to trace the scar. She gulped at the close contact, her eyes meeting his.
His expression gave away his concern, knowing that Thor had suggested she was in a lot of danger. "Don't worry, Princess. You're safe here." He smiled, softly. "We'll protect you with everything we've got."
"Thank you, Captain."
"It's just Steve." He unhooked their hands, and gave her his arm. She linked her arm in his, and he resumed wandering down the halls to her rooms. "Do you have any bags?"
"No, I fled to Asgard with nothing when I needed healing. The Asgardians were kind enough to offer many gorgeous clothes for me to bring, but I figured they were a bit conspicuous."
Steve laughed, "Yeah, they might be."
They walked for a little while longer, before Steve entered a room to the side. It was rather basic compared to what she was used to, but it would more than suffice for the meantime.
"This is your room." He stood by the door as she entered. "I'm just down the hall if you need anything. I'll get Tony to send you some less conspicuous clothes. See you at dinner."
"Thank you, Steven." He laughed at her inability to be too informal with him. He nodded at her, and turned to walk down the hall to his room.
As he entered, the photograph of her from the Smithsonian caught his eye from the nightstand. He picked it up, tracing her features with his finger - unable to stop the smile spreading across his face. Who would've thought? Not only was his girl alive, she was also alien royalty. Sometimes, just sometimes, he adored his strange, strange world.
"Sir," The agent walked into the dark room with purpose in her every step. "The Princess has been spotted."
The man in the chair looked up at the mention of his target. "Show me" he ordered. He watched as agent transferred the images on her tablet to the big screen, showing grainy, far away surveillance of the avengers compound.
As low quality as the image was, the woman arriving with Thor in the distinctive Alfar dress and armour was certainly the princess.
"Oh, my dear..." The man's deep voice dragged out. "You have walked right into our sights."
a/n: let me know what you think! if you can't tell, this is basically the set up for a longer series... i'm really excited to explore this character and get deeper into the relationships!
i've never really written in the third person POV before, so let me know if it's something you like or not, and i can switch for the next part.
please like/reblog if you enjoy! let me know if you would like to be tagged in the next part <3
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lillithsalvatore · 1 month
million dollar man
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pairing: royal!jacaerys velaryon x fem!reader
summary: the price of loving a million dollar man, a prince
warning: modern royal au!, mention of cheating, angst, minor dni, cursing, asshole jace (?), cried. like and reblog are appreciated!! my 1st imagine, please be nice!!
"Did you fuck her, Jace? Answer me!" you demanded your soon-to-be-husband, your voice trembling with anger as you stared at Jace, eyes burning with rage. In your hand was a newspaper from a well-known publication, which you held up in front of him. A news about him with his 'childhood bestfriend'
When Jace finally confessed, nearly shouting, "Once, just once, and I fucking regreted it" your heart tightened. His admission felt like a powerful blow to the trust and pride you had invested in him. Your anger intensified, but beneath it all, a deep sadness began to take hold of your mind.
"Once?" You gave a bitter smile. "Even once is fucking enough to destroy everything we had, Jace."
Jace looked at you with regretful eyes, but that only made you feel more exhausted. "Do you know? I trusted you more than I trusted myself. And you betrayed that trust for a moment of weakness."
"Y/n…" Jace began, trying to approach you, but you raised your hand to stop him.
"Don't!" you choked out, but your voice remained firm. "Don't make this worse Jace”
You took a deep breath, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. "I loved you sincerely, but love cannot continue when trust has been shattered."
Finally, you turned away, heading toward the door,
"I hope you never make anyone else feel the way I did."
Jace stood there, frozen, feeling the pain in every word you spoke. He realized that you were not just angry about the betrayal, but also about feeling disregarded, pushed aside in a relationship where you had poured all your heart and soul.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, —" Jace said, his voice trembling, but you couldn't bear to hear any more. Apologies at this point only deepened the pain.
"Don't apologize, Jace," you replied, your voice breaking with sobs. "Sorry doesn't change anything. You chose her over me, It's always been her, Jace."
You could feel Jace's hand still holding yours, but now, that warmth no longer provided the comfort it once did. Instead, it only reminded you of the times he wasn't there for you, when he chose to protect someone else over you.
“Please don’t do this, please let me fix it” He begged
"I tried so hard, Jace. I gave you everything I had, but you chose her, even if you didn't realize it," you said, your voice now filled with nothing but exhaustion and despair.
Jace didn't know what to do, what to say to fix his mistake. He could feel everything between you falling apart, piece by piece, with no way to put it back together.
"Y/n, I—" Jace started, but you interrupted him, pulling your hand out of his grasp.
"I can't stay here anymore, Jace. I can't keep going like this. I guess that's the price of loving a million dollar man."
"And I giving this ring back to you, I hope you'll find someone who deserve it" You turned away, moving towards the door, trying to leave this suffocating space before your heart completely shattered.
Before opening the door, you looked back at Jace one last time, hoping he would understand what you couldn't put into words: that you had loved him deeply, but you couldn't stay with someone who no longer belonged to you.
And then, you walked out of the apartment. As the door closed behind you, you felt a profound sadness but also a sense of relief, as if a great burden had been lifted. The tears had dried up, leaving a void in your heart, but it was a necessary emptiness, allowing you to move forward, to find yourself again and rebuild your life from the ruins.
And though the pain was immense, you knew you had done the right thing. You chose yourself
Jace might realize his mistake, but it was too late. The love and trust you had given him were no longer intact. Now, you had to seek happiness for yourself, a happiness unbound by emotional scars.
And so, you moved on, looking toward the future, knowing you deserved a true love, a love that would never betray you.
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
jade tries to get his pearl PTM to join mountain lovers club, and tries to appear all suave and cool but instead floyd ruins it
"i found these beautiful mushrooms in the forest, would you like to join me, i'll need a hand collecting them for my terrarium"
"yeah maybe after jade will put you in a terrarium, shrimpy"
to get revenge jade helps riddle hide from floyd and these antics continue, until riddle and yuu are found at the same time drinking tea in the heartslaybul garden and the twins make a truce instead of ruining it more
Jade and Floyd do love each other dearly, they're brothers after all, twins at that! And family is the most important thing!
However they also fucking hate each other in a way that only two close siblings could. They can also plan each other's murders in a way that isn't concerning because they are siblings.
But murder is illegal, being annoying isn't though! A skill that both are excellent at.
So Jade is happy to tip Riddle of everytime Floyd is on his way. Though he's not his keeper, he knows his brother like no one else, and almost has a sixth sense of where he is.
“Hey Jade, where's my Goldfishie?” Floyd had a pout as he looked around the classroom. He'd just seen Bluebottle walk out, so he knew that Jade was meeting with him and Shrimpy for his potions project.
“Oh, Riddle left already.” Jade was peacefully cleaning up his notes, tucking loose papers into his folder and closing his notebook. “He was in quite a rush when I mentioned that you'd planned on stopping by.”
Floyd's head snapped over to his brother, eye twitching at Jade's self satisfying smirk.
“...And why'd ya do that?”
Jade cleaned up the rest of the table, tucking his items under his arm. As he towards the door, he passed by his brother, leaning in and giving Floyd a rare, evil grin.
“Oh, fuck you asshole, that's how you wanna play it huh?” Floyd hissed, jabbing a finger into Jade's chest. “Too can play at that.”
And thus, led to just about a week of the twins sabotaging each other's attempts to get closer to their desired mates.
Jade had been overly 'helpful' with Riddle, tipping him off to an incoming Floyd or coming over to 'talk' with his brother, giving Riddle a moment to escape. He'd even gotten Tony involved, though the little sharkmer wasn't privy as to why Jade had asked him to hang out with Floyd more often.
In Floyd's case, he'd taken time out of his day to interrupt any private moments between you and Jade. Floyd was delighted in talking up a storm with you, slipping in little insults at his brother while at it, much to your confusion. In retaliation to getting others involved in their spat, Floyd decided to bring along Wynfred, which got Jade immensely irked.
It's not until the two are walking within the rose maze, searching for both of their mates, that they finally come to an understanding.
“I haven't seen my Goldfishie all week, and it's your fault!”
“I could say the same to you, every time I manage to get a moment's of peace between us, you come and disrupt the entire thing.”
“That's not the same! You still get to see them, I haven't even managed to take a look at his red hair all week! I'm gonna forget what the color looks like Jade! I'm gonna forget unless I see Goldfishie right now!
“Hmph, I hardly doubt that'll happen. Speaking of, where are our mates?” Jade sighed, peaking around the corner to see a dead end. “They said that the two were having tea in the maze, but I can't even hear their voices.”
Floyd paused, taking a moment to go on his toes and peer over the hedged.
“Hmm...I can't tell, Goldfishie has this rose perfume, but everything around here smells like roses.”
Floyd wrinkled his nose before moving to look at the other hedge, as Jade looked down the other pathway, huffing at the unending paths and walls.
“Oh! I see them!” Jade turned back around to see Floyd halfway over the wall, hissing as he dug his palm into a thorn. “Ow! Geez, stupid flowers.”
Hopping off with a 'hup!', Floyd jogged down the path past Jade, a blissful smile on his face.
“I'm coming Goldfishe~” Jade followed after, snorting at the giggles leaving his brother's mouth.
Jade smiled, despite himself. It was always nice to see his twin happy. He used to make fun of his enamor for Riddle, but after you came around, he's begun to understand why Floyd was the way he was around Riddle.
Floyd stopped, peeking over the corner with a grin, which promptly disappeared. Jade furrowed his brows, speeding over to sneak a look at what made Floyd upset, though it really could be anything.
Though, he had to give Floyd credit, he could see why he was upset.
You sat next to Riddle in a small clearing with a table set, drinking tea and chattering. Based on how Riddle was smiling and laughing, Floyd was probably jealous.
“...not fair.”
Jade looked at Floyd and tilted his head. “Hmm?”
“Is not fair, why does Shrimpy get to make him laugh?” Floyd's frown grew as he pouted. “He never wants to laugh with me!”
Looking back at the pair, Jade felt his chest tighten at the scene. You looked so carefree and bright, like the sun shining through the waves. Floyd was right, it was unfair that you two never shared these sides of you with them.
“You're right, it's quite unfair. Why don't we go and try to get those cute reactions ourselves? I'll make sure Riddle doesn't run off, and you'll do the same with my pearl.”
Floyd grinned, giggling as and offered a hand.
“A truce?”
“A truce.”
The two shook on it emerging from their hiding spot and, rather loudly mind you, announcing:
“Oh Goldfishie~/My Pearl!”
If you were to ask the students of Heartslabyul, they'd say that yours and Riddle's screams of terror could be heard from all over the dorm.
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could you do a request of Buggy (opla) falling for Luffy’s older sister? (Adopted or blood relation, doesn’t matter) like he takes her hostage but she doesn’t seem to mind. She know she can escape at any time, but keep annoying buggy to a point where… he doesn’t see her as a hostage anymore, more like treasure? And she starts to maybe feel something for the clown?
You Started It (Buggy The Clown x Reader)
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a/n: how did i know the first request will be about the clown lmao. i took some liberties when writing this but i hope you still like it <3
Warnings: Buggy Being Kind Of An Asshole, Captivity, Some Suggestive Themes
Summary: Poking the bear isn't the wisest things you could be doing in your particular situation.
Part 2.
You've memorized every nook and cranny of your shoes. The time you've spent in containment has really opened your eyes, when it comes to how little you actually knew about the clothes you were wearing. For example, your right shoe was slightly bigger, molded by your foot. You must be putting more weight onto your right leg, when standing. The hem of your shorts is made with a very close cross stitch, making them slightly sturdier and thicker. Right where the material folds, just above your knee, you've managed to pick out a small hole, the strings of abused material hung sadly and tickled your skin.
There wasn't really much to do, while being kept in a cage, in the backstage of a circus which belonged to the infamous Buggy the Clown. Well, except studying the stains on your shoes and waiting for the Captain to visit you, which he did quite frequently.
"Entertainment purposes" is the reason he declared, when you've asked him why on earth is he keeping you locked up in a hanging cage. But you weren't so easily fooled. You knew from the start, that the role he has envisioned for you to play, was that of a Hostage and Bait. So, inevitably, when your younger brother and his merry band of misfits come to save you, he'd be able to even out the score. Which was a shitty plan, in your opinion.
They've kicked his ass before, they can do it once again.
So, that's why you're here, feet dangling above the floor, as you hum to yourself. Anything to pass the time. That is, until you hear the door to the backstage open, and a familiar tone of voice calls out.
Really, how did he even expect you to stay in the dark about his plan, while calling you like this? The man was clearly insane.
Buggy the Clown stands before you, makeup disheveled as always, with his Captain's hat abandoned in favor of a striped bandana. He's excited, which is evident, by the way he can't seem to stop moving, jumping from one leg to the other, hands fidgeting at his sides.
"How are you feeling, my dear Hostage?" he asks with fake concern, and just as your mouth opens to answer, he interrupts "Ah, never mind that, I don't care."
You don't even try to hide the annoyed expression on your face.
"You can sing" he states matter-of-factly, pointing a finger right at you.
"Can you dance though?"
"Barely as well."
He hums in thought, pacing the floor in front of your cage. Finally, he stops, looking at you with his head tilted to the side. His eyes rake over your body, and it brings a sudden wave of discomfort to your bones.
"You'll be performing in our next act."
Again, his tone leaves no space for an argument. Still, you were never an agreeable person, smiles were more of your brother's thing. So, you straighten out as much as the cage allows you and cross your arms in front of your chest.
"Do whatever you like, my brother will get me out of here before you can say Welcome to my big show".
"Welcome to my big show" he says immediately, then, raises his finger, as if he's waiting for the entire crew of Strawhats to fall from the sky.
They don't, obviously, and he gives you a pointed look, to which you respond with a roll of your eyes.
"Besides" he turns around and opens one of the chests laid out on the table "Aren't you a bit old to dote on your younger brother so much?"
The question genuinely offends you, and as he pulls out another bandana, this one red, covered entirely with big white polka dots, your eyes glimmer with venom.
"Aren't you a bit old to play dress up?"
He turns in a blink of an eye, and with terror mixed with disgust you watch his hands detach from his body, slamming into the cage. The force of impact sends it flying right into the nearby wall, the back of your head smacks against the metal bars. The swinging of the cage coupled with the stars erupting before your eyelids from the impact make you feel dizzy.
Then, Buggy takes a step towards the cage, connecting his hands with the rest of his body, and your prison stops swinging in an instant.
"I should kill you for that" he says lowly, his blue eyes bearing into your face.
"You started it" you choke out an accusation, trying very hard not to vomit.
He stays completely quiet, just watching you for a long while, his hands slowly loose tension. Then, as if his rage has entirely dissolved, he smiles, teeth completely exposed, as his cheeks crease. God, you'd do such a better job at his make-up, given the chance.
"You're funny, Hostage" he shakes his head, and suddenly, for some unknown reason, it downs upon you, just how close to you, he's standing.
"Sing for me some more" he says.
And then, his hands push back with sufficient force to send your cage flying again. You groan at the movement, another wave of nausea almost making you loose your breakfast. When you finally have the perfect, biting comeback, he's already gone, the door slamming after him. You're alone again.
A sigh escapes your lips, as you press your forehead to the cold metal of the cage. You've already memorized all the details of your own clothes, and the room was too dark to see anything more. So, you start observing the cage. The way the light shifts up and down on the bars, the way the brown paint seems to peel away under your thighs. Then, you look up, towards the place where all the bars have been stuck together.
And then your eyebrows furrow. Because just above the ceiling of the cage, you can see something poking out. Something roughly the size of a fist and colored a pale, fleshy color. You raise yourself slightly in your seat, to get a better look, and immediately regret doing so.
It's an ear. His ear. Detached and placed right on top of the cage. That's how he knows about your singing, the bastard.
An idea brews in your brain, mischief spilling out of your growing smirk. You pull yourself up, until you can reach the top of the cage. Your arm is just slender enough to slip past the bars, and your fingers brush against the cold flesh of the ear. Before Buggy, wherever he is, can react, you snatch the ear from the top of the cage, keeping a tight grip, as it starts to jump in your hand.
Then, you take a deep breath, place the ear close to your lips… And give the most blood-curling, shrill scream you could muster.
Immediately, you hear a string of curses coming your way, and a second later Buggy bursts into the room, a murderous expression on his face. You open your hand, and the ear nearly bursts out of your fingers, flying back to it's owner like some sort of deformed beetle. The sight, for some reason, is so incredibly funny, you can't help but choke out a little giggle. Which soon becomes a quite big giggle, which in turn morphs into a full blown laughter.
You can't see the Captain through the tears of laughter forming in your eyes, so when he knocks on the metal bars of your cage, you nearly choke from surprise. He's looking at you strangely. Not quite as angry as before, but there is something else lurking behind his eyes. As if he's enveloped deeply in his thoughts, but at the same time completely present and focused on you. Your laughter dies down in an instantly, and you reach up to wipe your tears, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"I've captured myself a comedian, huh?" the man leans closer to the bars of the cage, placing his forehead against them and looking at you from below "You trying to take my place as the funniest person in the circus? Hm, Hostage?"
You risk a smirk, leaning down towards him. He watches your movements with a curious expression, eyes darting all over your face.
"Yeah" you whisper "So, you better watch your back."
At that, he smiles one of his brilliantly wide smiles. This one however, seems the most honest out of every one you've seen up to this point. You try not to linger too much at the way his eyes seem to shine in the dimly lit room. Or how the stubble on his face makes his features sharper. Or even on the way his arms flex as he leans against the cage. And definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, you're not focusing on the fact, that he's standing nestled right between your dangling legs.
So, before your brain conjures up any unwanted ideas, you clear your throat again and straighten up. Buggy notices the shift in your posture, but doesn't move, instead it seems as if a lightbulb has literally appeared beside his head. Desperate to change the subject, which hasn't been even brought up yet, you wave your hand in the general direction of his ear.
"Your ability is pretty useful" you try to sound as neutral, as humanly possible.
"Oh?" he tilts his head back and gives you a suspicious look.
"Yeah, that eavesdropping thing was really cool… And slightly disgusting" your nose scrunches "But mostly cool."
He hums low in his throat, his hands slowly letting go of your cage. Still, he remains standing between your legs, your knee brushing against his prominent hip bones.
"Are there" you swallow "Any limits to this ability?"
Now, his eyebrows jump straight under his bandana, and you definitely do not like the slow smirk filling his features.
"I mean, like, can you detach your nose? Or um… I don't know, your fingernails?"
Finally he steps back, stretching his arms to the side, as if he's giving you a show, and in a way, he does. There are muscles, hidden under those circus clothes. His exposed forearms are nicely shaped, with thick veins running the length of them. You really don't mean to ogle the man, but fuck, he is handsome. In an "insane-sadistic-clown-who-is-also-a-pirate-for-some-reason" way.
"I can detach every single part of my body with no effort" he says, his smile growing.
Before you could really think about your actions, your gaze falls downward, right to his belt keeping his trousers up. Mortified, that your brain would even go there, you tear your eyes up, and with a horrified expression, look upon a face full of excitement.
Then, Buggy raises his hands to his heart, feigning a scandalized expression, which would've been funny, if you weren't currently blushing in the lovely shade of a ripe beetroot.
"I'm sorry… that's not… I didn't" your words come out a jumbled mess, and Buggy wheezes out a laugh.
"Oh would you look at that" he puts his hands behind his back, as he slowly starts to stalk towards your confinement "You know, with how sheltered your little brother is, I didn't expect you to be such a dirty pervert."
You choke on air, arms flailing inside the cage, as you genuinely are at a loss for words, You can feel your face grow impossibly hot, the heat spreading all the way to the tops of your ears. The Clown still advances, until his face is pushed right between the bars of the cage, a smile on his lips and a glint in his eye. You don't know what to do with yourself, as the man continues to laugh at your outrage.
Finally, his right hand flies from behind his back and stops right above his head. Then, as if making a show specially for you out of his unusual abilities, he lets his pointer finger remove itself from the hand. Involuntarily, you make a face, and try to push yourself as far into the cage, as humanly possible. Which, given the size of your prison, does practically nothing. The finger aims straight at your nose and presses it with slightly more force, than a friendly "boop" would.
"You started it" he throws your own words back at you, and watches your dumbfounded expression with a smile and a giggle.
Finally, he steps back, all his body parts in place, and you can breathe again at last. Then, with a flourish, he bows down before the cage, before giving you a slightly unbalanced twirl. At that, you can't help but smile, almost fondly. He's not so bad, when he isn't actively trying to murder you and your friends.
"Anyways, get ready, your grand performance is in a week" he concludes, and you sigh deeply.
So he hasn't let this one go.
No matter. A week from now, you'll be out of this place. The thought fills you with joy, and strangely, with some sort of melancholy, which you have to jot down as nausea, just to protect your own mental health.
"Hostage" the man says, as a goodbye, bowing once again, this time with fewer theatrics, and begins to walk back towards the door. "Captain" you respond in kind, inclining your head slightly.
He stops in his tracks, back turned to you, before slowly, twisting his body, to look you in the face. He wants to say something, his mouth opens and closes, and anticipation floods your stomach. But then, his lips pull back into one more smile, more reserved, more private. Now, in this rare moment of tranquility, he looks truly handsome, and your heart jumps to your throat at the realization. He gives you one last look, shakes his head at the floor, and exits with a soft click of the door.
You're, once again, left alone with your mismatched shoes and the hole in your shorts. This time, however, your head is filled with tender thoughts, one that could keep you company, until another visit befalls you.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #47
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15.1k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Okay, can you stop sulking already?" You finally break off the silence, not knowing whether you should laugh or be tired by Jungkook's visibly tensed behavior.
It's been only five minutes since you came home, just having enough time to take off your shoes before Jungkook has walked into the bedroom with long strides as you've followed him, just to find him unbuttoning his shirt with quick and frustrated movements.
"I am not sulking," he mutters, annoyance thick in his tone as you snort and take off your blazer before it's tossed onto his bed. You want to tell him the opposite, but five seconds later and Jungkook finally bursts. "Can you believe him? What an asshole!"
Your eyes widen as he turns around, a half of the buttons already unbuttoned exposing his chest but you refrain from eyeing him.
"Who does he think he is? Honestly, I can't believe how calm you're about it!" he exclaims, showing confusion on his face as you snort again.
"Please," you sit on the edge of his bed. "Man like Yoongi can't piss me off, I'm used to his antics."
"That's exactly it, you shouldn't be used to it, Y/N," he points out, voice slightly raised but not at you. He is just frustrated and you understand him. Yoongi has made you feel so many emotions close to irritation and anger, so you can relate to current Jungkook's state.
"Trust me, I wanted to strangle him," you inform him with a chuckle, standing up to stand in front of him, hands placed on his warm chest, a fabric separating you from the direct contact with it. "Why are you getting so worked up over this, anyway? I mean, I was mad too but I think Benjamin got the message. Plus, thanks for the whole boyfriend thing." you tease him and he just gives you an annoyed roll of his eyes, but the corner of his lips lifts up.
"You were visibly uncomfortable, I had to do something."
"You definitely did something," you hum, hands moving directly onto his warm chest as you rub it softly.
"I'm serious," Jungkook mutters, "It was either the boyfriend thing or directly telling him to fuck off."
You laugh at that, throwing your head back as you stare at Jungkook's eyes, the prominent scowl catching your attention. "That wouldn't be a good idea, I mean telling him to fuck off... besides, we have enough experience to the whole fake dating thing, huh?"
This time it's Jungkook who snorts at your joke, "Stop joking, I am mad."
"Why? Fuck him."
"Who exactly?"
"Both of them," you shrug, earning a chuckle from him. "Not gonna lie, I did feel bad a little bit about lying to him but it's still better than directly explaining to him I'm not interested. He wasn't completely vocal about it, but it was more than obvious. You know? It was such a bad situation. Though, I don't understand why Yoongi decided to butt in at that exact moment... I honestly don't know what that man thought."
"Maybe he has a crush on you too," Jungkook suggests, watching your expression as you bulge your eyes out before you start laughing as if he told you the biggest joke. He stares wide eyed, confused and not understanding what's so funny about it.
To him, it would make sense.
"Yeah, I think he's the least common person to have a crush on me."
"Why not? Didn't you hook up with him before?"
Your face freezes for a second, your mouth closing slowly as you seem genuinely taken back at the sudden call out by Jungkook. Can you even call it that? It's not like he made it up or something.
"Well--but we both were drinking and he made it clear he's not interested," you manage to say, "I--no, he definitely doesn't have a crush on me, Kook. I would know."
"Yeah, just like you're aware of all the male stares you get on the streets?" Jungkook scoffs jokingly, staring knowingly at you as you gape at him.
He has always been telling you men turn around to take a look at you, which in fact you think he's exaggerating. Yes, you're aware of some of them doing that but that's definitely in scenarios when you look your best, going out and most men are like that. They stare at every woman.
"That's different," you argue, sliding your hands off his chest as you cross your arms over your chest. "I see Yoongi every day, well, five days out of the week. He can be an asshole, but he's not that bad, which is not the point right now, but he really is not interested in me."
"Yeah, just interested enough to fuck you before."
"Jungkook!" you exclaim, but he only just shrugs as he's trying to prove his point. His voice is nowhere near shaming or angry, he's saying it completely normally with a light tone. "You're wrong in that though. He didn't fuck me."
A confusion makes it on his face and he grimaces, looking confused as ever. "You told me you hooked up."
"Well, yeah, but you cut me off before I could explain," you tell him in thought, lips frowning at the argument that had taken place while you went ice-skating. "We didn't have sex."
Jungkook just stares, clearly shocked by the sudden information and he has no idea how to react, but a weird grimace crosses on his features that it almost makes you laugh. "Do I even wanna know what you did with that asshole?" he mutters, causing you to chuckle as you shrug.
"Nothing dramatic," you wave him off, "I just gave him a handjob and he ate me out. End of the story,"
Now he fully makes a disgusted grimace that makes you laugh, ignoring as you slap him on his buffed chest in disbelief. "Stop!"
"What?" Jungkook exclaims, bursting in laughter as he scrunches his nose and makes a gagging sound.
"You're such a child!" you scold him, laughing with him as you slap him again but this time he catches your wrists and holds them. It lasts only a moment as he suddenly lets you go but not before he pokes you in your ribs, the annoying action you both often do to each other.
It causes you to curse at him, pouting right after as he cackles.
"Anyway, we got drunk and I was a horny mess. I guess he was too and it happened. But I didn't fuck him."
"Thank god," Jungkook mutters and you kick him in the shin, not too violently of course as you sit back on his bed again. "Why were you a horny mess?" he suddenly asks confusingly, causing you to snort.
"Do you need a reason to be a horny mess? Don't you guys wake up with a hard dick just like that?" you ask unbothered, leaning back on your elbows as Jungkook purses his lips. "But to be completely honest... it was when you got back with Kiko and I had no one to have sex with,"
Jungkook's eyes almost bulge as he stares at you surprised, but that only lasts for a second as his lips curve in a smirk and he joins you on his bed, laying down on his side as he plops onto his elbow and holds his head, making himself comfortable.
"Oh god," you roll your eyes, "Don't look so smug, you moron."
Jungkook laughs, eyes crinkling to show how pleased he is by your confession, enjoying every bit of this while you already know what's about to happen. He never misses any opportunity to not only boost his ego, but to tease you whenever he can.
"So you missed me?"
"No, I missed your dick," you correct him, laughing when his face drops and he's obviously joking because even his corners of lips start to twitch as he fights back his own laughter. "It was a tough time, okay?" you exclaim dramatically, causing him to finally laugh.
"Well, you've got my dick now," he tells you lightly and amusingly, causing you to roll your eyes again as you dramatically sigh. "I didn't know you missed it though."
"Oh, get over yourself!" you exclaim, Jungkook smirking immediately as you shake your head with a grin on your lips before you shrug. "Come on, it doesn't take a genius to know I enjoyed us having sex."
"You're right," Jungkook hums, your heart jumping at his deep and raspy voice in thought but at the same time it doesn't sound too different than usual.
You feel your face getting hot and it definitely has something to do with the fact Jungkook doesn't sound as if you just told him something new. He obviously acknowledges the fact you enjoyed and enjoy having sex with him. Although, you've never talked about it before and you don't think you're planning to confess how nobody has ever made feel sex so good, it's more than obvious you both enjoy having sex together. Jungkook has no reason to think the opposite.
"I enjoy having sex with you too," Jungkook admits casually, your head almost cracking how fast you snap it towards him, eyes watching him as he shamelessly stares at you as if he just made a very casual confession.
You search his face, wondering if he can see how much his words affect you once again. If he has any clue about the excitement bubbling in the pit of your stomach. And it seems as if your eyes have their mind of their own because you eye him, letting his entire figure sink in as he lays on his side with his head propped up, looking like a freaking model from a magazine despite he had spent hours on a party.
From head to toe, Jungkook could be considered as a human being that is engraved by Gods themselves and it's unfair how breathtaking he looks while doing a bare minimum. But that's nothing new and you should've gotten used to it by now, still remembering the first time you met him. He obviously looked different and younger those years ago, wasn't so muscular and big back then, but looking good enough to make you slightly nervous to be in the company of such a handsome guy.
Gawking at Jungkook, he absolutely enjoys the attention you're giving him but doesn't really do much, he just lays there watching you with his full attention. Trying to break it off, you gasp and frown at Jungkook when you notice another feature of his that is hard to miss.
"Is your dick seriously hard right now?" you scold him, not hiding your disbelief and grin as you shake your head at him. Unbelievable.
He looks down at his crotch, looking back at you with a grin as he shamelessly and cockily shrugs. "You talking about my dick gets me going."
"Oh, shut up," you tell him, sitting straight as you push his shoulder, causing him to budge a little as he laughs.
Watching you standing up, you start to gather your things which are just your pajamas as you salute to Jungkook.
"Where are you going?" he exclaims childishly, causing you to laugh as you don't even look across your shoulder to give him a look.
"Taking a shower, don't you dare to sneak on me." you tell him, hearing him scoff loudly.
"You did it to me!" he shouts as you're already in your bathroom, still hearing him perfectly as you take out your make-up bag from the bathroom counter and pull out make-up removal pads, along with other products you need to take it off.
"What about me? I am hard!"
You snicker, wondering if it doesn't bother him if any of his neighbors could hear him – no matter how big Jungkook's apartment is, you really doubt it is soundproof from his loud voice.
"Take care of it, bunny!" you yell back, amusement more than clear in your voice as Jungkook scoffs once again causing you to giggle to yourself.
"Okay, I'm gonna rub myself one out! Don't come in here anytime soon!" he yells, informing you as you facepalm yourself, laughing.
"Ew! Gross!"
"Man gotta help himself!" You can't with this man, that's for sure.
"Help yourself, champ. You got it!" you yell encouragingly, bursting in laughter when you hear Jungkook gasp in disbelief as he's silently laughing to himself.
"I thought you missed my dick!" he whines loudly.
The only response he gets is the clear sound of you shutting the bathroom door, your giggles heard until a running water replaces them.
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"Honestly, you're just too dramatic," you say, chewing on the tangerine you peeled for yourself while face-timing Taehyung.
It's not rare for him to call you, but it's been a while since the two of you talked just like that and considering Taehyung's complaints, it's more than clear he called you to vent. You've nothing better to do anyway, it's Sunday and you've been enjoying the weekend just by sorting out your things, watching movies and cooking for you and Jungkook, who's been busy this whole weekend.
Working the whole Saturday and coming home at night just to spend his Sunday locked in his office, editing the set of photos that need to be done by the end of the week – which is today, makes you feel bad for Jungkook. He had barely any time to eat and if it weren't for your annoying pestering, you're not sure if he'd even eaten lunch.
It's close to the evening, the sun is slowly setting as you're sitting in the kitchen with your phone propped against the fruit ball, facing Taehyung who's laying on his couch with chest bare, a sight you're familiar with. The man loves to be half-naked when he's home.
"He bailed on me!" Taehyung exclaims, showing his annoyance at absent Jimin who's not here to stand up for himself and you take it as your responsibility to do so.
"He's sick, Tae," you deadpan, peeling another tangerine while Taehyung loudly sighs. "He's allowed to be sick, of course he doesn't feel like hanging out."
"He was fine yesterday when I talked to him!"
You raise your brow at him, stopping your task for a second to find him pucker his lips as you sigh. "You guys are like a married couple, honestly."
"Ah, like you're the one to talk!" he says right away, scoffing at you as you give him a glare.
"Plus, didn't you say you spontaneously wanted to hang out? Not everyone is free all the time, Tae. Not even Jimin."
He knows you've a point, you can see it in the way he looks away for a moment and is too stunned for words. That's until another deep sigh makes it past his lips.
"Fuck, I know... I'm just so fucking bored. Zuri bailed on me too and I've got nothing to do." Taehyung whines like a little child he sometimes is, too dramatic for his own good and you snicker, already recognizing the look of boredom he sports.
"Who the fuck is Zuri?" you ask, brows furrowed in confusion as a smirk makes its way on his lips at the mention of a woman.
"Ah, this hot chick I hooked up a few times. We were supposed to meet today but she canceled on me," Taehyung frowns, being reminded that he's been bailed by two people today.
For some reason, you do feel bad for him though. He's a social butterfly and although he has his days when he just wants to do his own thing that doesn't require another person, you know he quickly grows bored being by himself.
"Who even cancels on The Kim Taehyung?"
You snort, giggling as you shake your head at your friend. "Jimin and Zara, apparently."
"It's Zuri," Taehyung corrects you, "Don't worry about it, I couldn't get her name right the first time too."
And that makes you laugh, Taehyung joining you as he finds the memory of him forgetting the name of a woman he hooked up hilarious. Zuri wouldn't find it hilarious for sure, you actually feel sorry for her but at the same time, she probably knew what she's getting herself into considering Taehyung is very upfront with his potential hook-ups. Yes, he likes to fool around but he's not a douchebag that treats women like trash. At the same time, you're sure he has managed to break a few hearts as someone liked him too much to understand he's not interested in a relationship.
"I'm sure she loved that you couldn't remember her name right," you tell him with a full mouth, ignoring the grimace he gives you to annoy you. "Is it really hard to remember a name of someone you're about to have a sex with?"
"If you're wasted like I was then yes," Taehyung deadpans, making you giggle again.
"You're unbelievable, my friend." you tell him, conversation flowing to another direction as you joke around and talk for a few more minutes until you bid goodbye.
You still have to go grocery shopping considering you gave up on it yesterday, too comfortable on Jungkook's couch with a stomach full while binge-watching The Hunger Games.
Cleaning up your mess, you walk up to Jungkook's office and knock on the door, barely waiting for any response before you slowly push the door open. It's not surprising to find him the same way you did around lunch time. Sitting behind his desk, eyes big staring at the screen as the clicking sounds of his mouse resounds while he doesn't even spare you a glance.
Walking up to him and standing behind him, you lean down to admire the photos he has taken and is now editing in Photoshop. It never amazes you to see how talented he is and it's actually rare for you to catch him working on this stuff, since he usually used to work when he was alone. This is his work-time, so he obviously wasn't editing or working on anything while you hung out.
But as you take the picture he's editing into the sight, your heart clenches at the pregnant woman who's holding her big belly. The colors are vibrant, looking pretty and alive as her soft pink dress makes a great contrast with other colors and her skin tone.
You know Jungkook works on different kinds of photos, whether it's a family portrait, weddings or photoshoots, he's very versatile with his skills and offers of service. Now that you think about it, you remember him mentioning a couple of times he has done a pregnancy photoshoot, but it's not something he does very often.
So to see the woman smiling happily at her belly, the growing child inside her, actually makes your heart crack at the thought of Jungkook photographing this and now having to edit it. Maybe he doesn't think about it too much, he's great at hiding his emotions when it comes to something so heartbreaking that he has experienced. And once again, history is here to haunt him and a painful reminder of what could've been is right in front of his eyes.
If Jungkook notices your lack of verbal response, he focuses on the picture instead as he skillfully sharpens and improves the colors again.
Sighing, you sneak your arms around his neck and down his chest, resting your chin against the top of his head. You're leaning against the back of his chair, staring at the picture.
"When did you take this?" you ask him quietly, hearing him clear his throat as he continues with his work.
"Two weeks ago?" he answers unsurely, not really showing any kind of emotion which makes you dubious if he's fine or only acting like he is in front of you.
"Are you okay with taking pictures like this?" you ask carefully, knowing it's a touchy subject and the curiosity in you once again wins. It's not even about curiosity but more about your own worry about Jungkook's well-being.
Obviously, he's in control of what job he's taking and if he didn't want to take this kind of photoshoot, he had every right now to agree to this. In the worst case, he could've cancelled if this was booked way before he discovered Kiko's lie. But knowing Jungkook, he's not the type to cancel on anything and to be fair, you'd be proud of him for not letting it affect his work. On another hand, you don't see a problem even if he did cancel it – if it meant it helps him and he needs more time to heal.
"It's my job, Y/N," he points out quietly, giving you a little signal that maybe he's not completely fine with it as he looks. You've known him for years, so you know the lack of emotion in his voice is him hiding it.
Sighing, you don't mean to pry any more and you're slowly sliding your arms up, just to be stopped by Jungkook's quiet voice.
"It wasn't exactly easy because thoughts kept coming to my mind whether I wanted it or not... but I was focusing on my work, so I tried to block them, you know?"
You straighten, coming to his desk to face him as he slightly pushes the chair away to give you more space while you lean against the wooden desk.
"But I'm fine, really. I can't break down at every sight of a pregnant woman or something. I do feel sad because like I said, it makes me think of questions like what if... but I'm gonna live." he assures you, giving you a soft smile as you react the same before you give him a gentle nod.
"I need you to live, who's gonna be my best friend?" you joke, trying to lighten up the mood.
Hair put in a man-bun while you're sure the hair tie in his hair is yours, you watch as his features relax and he gives you an amused grin showing the set of his front teeth. Despite the fact he has been locked in his office the entire day and wearing one of his lazy home outfits – which is similar to yours; a pair of sweatpants and a random shirt – he looks slightly tired from staring into the computer screen for hours but still handsome as ever.
"Oh, get out," he scoffs but laughs with you, "Who were you talking to? I heard you laughing." he asks, changing the topic as you chuckle at the instant memory of Taehyung and his dramatic call.
"Taehyung. Apparently Jimin and one of his hook-ups bailed on him, so he's been feeling... offended, petty? You know him," you laugh and Jungkook nods, chuckling at Taehyung as well. "I'm going to the groceries, you want something?"
Jungkook looks surprised as he thinks. "Oh, shit. We were supposed to go yesterday, weren't we?"
"Nah, it's fine. You were working and I was too lazy to go," you shrug, "The fridge isn't empty, I'm sure there is enough food to cook something for tomorrow but I've been craving some snacks, so I'm gonna get them." you explain.
"Snacks? There is a whole cupboard full of snacks." Jungkook reminds you, although you feel the need to correct him that the cupboard is no longer totally full – thanks to his midnight visits to eat some snacks in the middle of the night, despite his current "diet" as he likes to whine about.
"My period is coming, I need different snacks." you tell him, his brows shooting up as he chuckles and nods in understanding.
"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks, leaning comfortably against his chair as you shake your head.
To be completely fair, you hate having to go grocery shopping alone but that's exactly what you were doing back when you were living alone because there was no other choice. Well, it's not like you can't do it. You're an adult but you prefer to go with someone else. But Jungkook is working and you're completely fine with going by yourself.
"Nah, it's fine. You should finish this, so you can finally rest." you remind him as he playfully rolls his eyes at you.
"Are you taking a car?"
"No, I think I'm just gonna walk there. It's not that far away and I've been sitting on my ass the whole weekend." you explain to him as he frowns a little.
"It's about to get dark," he informs you as if you didn't know and it makes you chuckle. "I'm going with you. We can take my car and buy groceries for the next week while we're there." he tells you, already reaching for the mouse to click off his opened tabs.
"You sure? You're working."
"This was my final picture anyway. I'm done," he informs you, saving the pictures and files as he finally turns off the computer. "Let me just grab my wallet and keys, and we can go."
You nod, both of you scurrying out of his office to get your things before you get into Jungkook's car as he drives you to the nearby store.
It's weird to be thinking this, but it actually feels therapeutic to just go and shop, even though Jungkook has been tossing so many unnecessary items you definitely don't need. So you remind him of his diet but he only acts as if he hasn't heard you, ignoring you which makes you laugh.
You push the cart through different aisles, mostly stopping in the candy and snacks section so you can finally decide what your heart – or more like stomach – desires for, while Jungkook disappears somewhere to grab some of his needed groceries. By the time you're done, your cart is somehow almost full but that's only because you've bought more meat, vegetables, fruit and more basic food that it's needed.
Both busy standing in line and then putting your items onto the conveyor belt, you're both in your own thoughts until it's your turn. Just as you're about to greet a young cashier that looks to be your age, your eyes meet but that's until Jungkook tosses something else onto the belt. You and her both look at the sudden item being tossed, your cheeks flaming hot when you notice it's a package of condoms. The girl looks behind you, your own eyes following the vision as you're met with unbothered looking Jungkook who gives you a shrug.
"We ran out,"
Oh god. Turning around, you feel your cheeks hot as the woman looks just as shy as a quiet greeting leaves past her lips and so does yours. You quickly move to put scanned groceries back to your cart as Jungkook can't help but have the time of his life looking at your flustered and evidently shy face.
Giving him glare amuses him even more, no matter how inconspicuously you're trying to do it with your head facing downwards only for your eyes to glare up at him. But the overly confident and amused man has the audacity to actually send you a wink, completely distracting you until you realize he's paying with his card all your groceries. You haven't separated it, since most food you'll share but you were planning on paying for it. You'll just send him money later.
"Have a good evening," The cashier politely says, cheeks red as she realizes how it sounds and her wide eyes look at Jungkook, thankfully not staring at you.
But Jungkook isn't affected at all, raising the corner of his lips up. "We will," he tells her with a completely amused tone while you wish for the floor to swallow you whole. "Have a lovely evening." And he takes the receipt from her hands, bowing slightly towards her as the woman is too stunned to speak and barely manages to bid the last goodbye.
You're rushing out of the shop, smacking Jungkook in the arm as soon as you're out while he cackles at your flustered face.
"Condoms, really?" you scold him once you stop at the truck of his car, he opens it with his keys still in the pocket of his jacket.
"What? We need them, we really ran out," he laughs and you shake your head at him, grinning at the absurd situation. You did run out, since the last time you had sex Jungkook used the last condom – it's hazy but you do remember him tossing away the empty box. "Come on, it's a completely normal thing!" Jungkook exclaims, laughing as you start laughing.
"No, I know," you tell him, both of you putting your groceries in his truck. "The poor woman is probably traumatized because of you."
"Oh, please, she most likely has sex too," Jungkook tells you, scoffing amusingly.
"It was about your behavior later, you moron and you know it," you scold him, causing him to laugh as he doesn't hide it and shrugs with a grin. "You made her flustered."
"I have that effect on women," Jungkook muses, pursing his lips cockily as you roll your eyes, both of you bursting in laughter again.
"Sure, Jeon, whatever helps you sleep at night." you sing out to him, pushing the cart to take it back to its designated place while Jungkook shoots you a playful grin, closing the trunk as he gets inside the car waiting for you to join him.
The rest of the evening is spent nice, maybe not how Jungkook made fun of and insinuated to the poor cashier. None of you actually make a move to have sex once you get home and take care of the groceries. You both relax while binge-watching 'You', Jungkook urging you to go to sleep once your head keeps falling and eyes can no longer stay open. So you take a shower, accepting the warmth and softness of Jungkook's bed right after, waiting for him to join you after his shower.
And once he does, the two of you fall asleep in a comfortable darkness and silence, enjoying the few hours until your alarms wake you up in the morning.
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If you had to name one person that you truly don't understand, you'd know right away who that person is. A man with sharp eyes, usually a stone cold expression that has made you believe he's not as bad as he represents himself but then he reminds you that he's not just a man of those features. It's a man who has invoked a new profound ability to irritate you to the core.
Monday is just like any other Monday at work – everyone has jumped straight into their responsibilities and daily tasks, although the party that happened on Friday is still merely discussed amongst the staff.
Despite your nonchalant and cold attitude you've been giving to Yoongi today, the day isn't as bad since you're absorbed in your own work. To be completely exact, you're not even sure if you're giving any attitude to him since you've been ignoring him whenever he was in the same room but it's not like he's been asking for your attention. But at least, you used to spare him a glance or a brief nod in greeting which definitely isn't happening today.
And you've no idea if it's for your current and today's attitude towards him, or if he can still remember the look of disappointment you gave him as him and Jungkook almost went for each other's necks – you've no idea what makes him approach you first.
Because Yoongi never approaches someone first, not if it's work related which you're sure this is not.
"Can we talk?" He approaches you all of a sudden and you hold yourself back from flinching at the sudden voice next to you, not expecting anyone to approach you just like that.
To be fair, you haven't even noticed him since your eyes have been locked onto your phone – using your break to drink tea and drive away the short-lasting boredom for a moment.
You let your eyes set on him briefly, sparing him a glance as you're staying leaned against the counter in the break-room.
"I'm on my break," you murmur, pettily staring back into your phone but not before you take a small spit of your tea, setting the cup beside you as the man in front of you sets a burning gaze at you.
"I can see that," he mutters back smartly, causing even more annoyance to bubble inside of you. "I'm using my own break to talk to you, so you could show some gratitude."
At this, you scoff loudly and your ignoring facade breaks just like that. "You're a real asshole, you know that?"
"Tell me something you haven't told me yet," he tells you, shrugging as you scoff again, avoiding his sharp eyes in fear otherwise you're going to jump on him and strangle him to death. "I'm here to apologize."
And you laugh, bitterly and amusingly at the same time as you laugh in his face which makes him frown and takes a lot of control not to just turn around and leave.
You really are pissing him off and you don't probably even realize it. And maybe he's not the most self-reflective person, he knows he wasn't completely good to you. And he hates that he actually feels guilty and it's your stupid face you made on Friday before you left.
"Min Yoongi and apologizing?" you scoff, "That's hard to believe." you tell him honestly, still sounding bitter but you eye him suspiciously. Well, Yoongi can't blame you for being suspicious when it comes to something as an apology from him.
"Well, then believe it," he mutters, not hiding his annoyance but he has never done that when it comes to you, nor anyone else.
You stay quiet, raising your brow at him as he expects any response from you to help him, but he doesn't get it which makes him let out an annoyed huff.
"I'm sorry for how I acted on Friday." he says bluntly and almost robotically, so emotionless that it actually makes you burst into laughter.
"You're so shitty at apologizing. Have you ever apologized before?" you ask, met with a glare in return.
"For your information yes, very rarely and a long time ago but yes," He rolls his eyes, "So, I apologized. Bye."
"Wait," you call out to him as he's about to turn around, staring at him in disbelief. "That's it? I apologized and bye? Don't you have anything more to say?" You know you're pushing your luck but a simple sorry doesn't cut it for how he acted.
"What do you want me to say?" he sighs, "Sorry I was an asshole. Good?"
"Well, perhaps you could start with why you are sorry. And not just because you are an asshole, because we all know that."
"God, how does he put up with you?" he murmurs under his nose, causing you to glare at him as you put your phone next to your cup just to cross your arms over your chest.
He hesitates, staring at you instead but is met with another raise of your brow as you wait expectantly. Sighing both in defeat and annoyance, he rubs his skin behind his ear as he smacks his lips.
"I shouldn't have interfered into your business with Benjamin and your boyfriend,"
Ignoring the way he calls Jungkook your boyfriend, mocking you, you keep glaring at him.
"I took it too far."
"Why did you do it though?" you ask him, still eyeing him as if he should burst in laughter and tell you he's joking. You'd like to think you know him to some extent, and you do. But it's hard to detect whether he's really sincere or playing some tricks on you.
But the sight of him shifting on his spot, visibly looking uncomfortably as discomfort is visible on his scrunched and frowned features, makes you think that he might be sincere after all.
"Why did you butt in just to call me out? You knew Benjamin was interested in me, yet you told him about Jungkook which okay, I have no idea how that came up in your conversation with him but fine... it happened and you didn't exactly lie to him,"
You know it would be a douche move to tell him that he didn't have to tell him about Jungkook. If he was on your side, he could've just stayed quiet and not assure Benjamin Jungkook is only your friend. But it's stupid because he didn't lie, something you did. You and Yoongi aren't friends, yet he knows some things about your life that strangers shouldn't know – but it's your own fault for being open to him because despite his annoying personality, some things aren't that hard to tell him.
You guess it's more about the fact he should've been on your side, or at least something you'd appreciate about him if he did that. But he didn't. In a way, you feel slightly betrayed but can you be surprised? Like you said, you and him aren't friends.
"But you still decided to stick your nose and make Benjamin think as if he has a chance. I lied and I feel fucking guilty about it, but it was the better way to not hurt him."
"Or it was a better way for you so you didn't have to confront him and make yourself uncomfortable," Yoongi tells you, your mouth hanging open because you feel absolutely called out.
And you feel even more guilty than ever when you realize that he's right. You didn't exactly decide to lie to Benjamin just for your sake, so he's wrong about that. You lied for your and Benjamin's sake and Jungkook helped you with it.
Benjamin might not be a completely bad person, but the way he looked at you when Jungkook was next to you and the tone he talked with – it's something that made you extremely uncomfortable. Something Jungkook noticed that night and decided to pretend to be your boyfriend for your own sake.
"I'm not perfect, Yoongi," you remind him through your clenched teeth, "I did it for both my and his sake. It still doesn't excuse you for butting in and acting like an idiot. Is it really that fun to annoy me? Do you really hate me that much?"
Yoongi opens his mouth, a little perplexed by the sudden questions thrown at him. "I don't hate you, Y/N."
"Well, you sure make it seem like that," you scoff, "Couldn't you just mind your business? I just don't understand why you did that."
"Because I'm an asshole," he tells you honestly, "I really was bored and I didn't know what harm I'd cause."
"You're unbelievable. You never know, Yoongi," you tell him angrily, not hiding your disappointment. "I know we aren't friends but I was at least expecting you to have my back." you scoff at yourself.
Maybe you're making this more dramatic than it has to be. You didn't even know how much this whole thing upsets you and that you actually were expecting him to have your back, not until now.
"You women are dramatic, just another reminder why I'd rather deal with guys," Yoongi comments, making you look at him furiously as the corners of his mouth twitch but he controls himself, sighing. "Like I said, I crossed a line and I'm sorry for that. You're right, it wasn't my business and if Benjamin made you feel uncomfortable, you did what you thought is right,"
You stare at him.
"I still think you should've been upfront with him. You shouldn't care about others feelings too much, be more honest because than it'll backfire at you,"
Did he just give you advice? 
It's funny how you've been told you're honest your whole life. And you are. You know you're straight-forward, honest and blunt. But it does not always apply to every situation and it really depends on that situation you're in. For example, you really wanted to spare Benjamin's feelings because he has never openly said he likes you or anything like that. If he did, you'd be honest with him and tell him politely you're not interested. You wouldn't have to lie to him.
"So now that's done, my business here is finished." Yoongi says, smacking his hands together as he gives you a tight smile and turns around without another word.
You stand there speechless, staring in disbelief as his figure slowly disappears among the group of people who enter the break-room. Shaking yourself out of your stunned state, you finish your tea quickly and go back to work.
It's around lunch time, too consumed with your work and not feeling hungry at all, that you stay behind and work on some calls that need to be made when you see Yoongi again. You're surprised he's still lingering there considering most people from this department went out for lunch. But his sharp and expressionless face is not the first thing you see and it is not an indication of him still being in the building.
It's the paper bag with a croissant in it being tossed onto your desk that makes you jump, rushing to apologize to the woman who's on the phone with you that sounds concerned on the other line. Looking at Yoongi, you see him briefly giving you a look – noticing he's wearing a jacket that means he was outside and came back just now.
The woman's voice is just an empty sound you can't concentrate on, not as you watch Yoongi giving you no other reaction as he drags his feet to his desk, holding his own paper bag from the bakery nearby. For the rest of the day, he doesn't spare you a glance but you're not innocent either because you never thank him for the croissant he bought you. You didn't ask for it but you still appreciate it.
None of you mention it but that's how things are with you. Some things are better left unsaid – at least that's how things are better with Yoongi.
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When you come home after a long day, the apartment is quiet and for a moment you think Jungkook is working outside again, but that's soon to be proved wrong when you hear sounds coming from his office. The door stays closed and you tell yourself you're going to wait for him to come outside to ask him if he wants the take-away tonight. You're too tired to cook tonight, plus you feel the sudden pressure in your lower back and stomach from time to time, knowing it's just a matter of time before the first round of cramps will make themselves known.
You could just go there and knock, ask him if he wants something to eat since there's nothing cooked and you'd like to eat something before you fall into your state of pain and uncomfortable period symptoms. But you decide to wait a little bit longer, hearing voices which makes you wonder if he's calling with someone. Plus, whenever he has his office door closed you don't like to interrupt him because even if he never said anything about it, you know he closes the door to have privacy and time to work.
So in the meantime, you take a warm shower and make yourself an alchemilla tea after you change into more comfortable clothes. You wait a few minutes, texting with Jimin for a minute as you ask him if he's alright since Taehyung told you he's apparently sick. He doesn't give you too many details, just says he must have caught a cold but it's nothing serious, he's still going to work like any other adult person that's scared to take a sick leave.
Your stomach grumbles a little, notifying you of hunger considering you haven't eaten much today and you weren't exactly hungry, until now. Seeing Jungkook has been locked in his office ever since you came, you decide to knock on his door after all.
Fist in the air to knock and brows furrow, you hear another voice that definitely isn't coming from the phone and you realize Jungkook has someone in there. It is weird because he has never mentioned anything about visitors but you don't pay too much attention to it, since he can invite whoever he wants to his home. You just wonder how you could have not noticed the extra pair of shoes in the entry that doesn't belong to you or Jungkook.
Knocking, you hear Jungkook let out a response with a short "Yeah?" causing you to open the door to find two pairs of eyes already staring at you. Even through your confusion at the sight of another woman sitting right next to Jungkook behind his desk, you greet both of them as they greet you back.
"Hey, how is it going?" you ask, smiling at the young woman that seems to be familiar but there is barely enough time for you to think about when you have seen her before.
"Good, I'm just showing Ester my recent works," Jungkook answers happily, grinning at Ester who gives him a shy smile and seems to be a little surprised by your sudden appearance. "Oh, you met her before, you remember? In the club?"
Ah, that's where you know her from. She's the woman Taehyung was trying to introduce to Jungkook which turned out to actually happen. According to the words he said to you that night, he just wanted Jungkook to meet someone and talk to someone new.
Turns out they have more in common since she's a photographer too, which would probably explain why she's here and they're both looking at Jungkook's work on his computer.
"Ah, yes, hi! It's good to see you again," you tell her with a smile, still unsure of her presence but you have no reason to be impolite.
She's pretty just like you remember her being that night. Well, she definitely wears less make-up and you get to see her features more clearly, since you're out of the darkness of the club where you saw her the last time. The same could be said to you because even if you weren't putting the best effort in your appearance that night, your face is make-up free and you are wearing baggy clothes right now. Still, she definitely looks more presentable than you at the moment.
"Y/N, right?" she asks and you nod, "It's good to see you again." she says back, returning the polite smile as you look back at Jungkook which catches his attention since you're reminded why you're here.
"I was just about to order some food, I'm not in the mood to cook tonight. Do you guys want something?" you ask, well both of them since Ester is here and it would be impolite not to include her.
It seems like Jungkook took care of her since there's a bowl of snacks on the desk and he must've offered her a drink too. Your can of sprite to be exact but it's not like it matters.
"Oh, no, thank you! I'm leaving actually," Ester informs you, glancing at Jungkook as they look at each other until he glances back at you.
"Sure, I'll just have the same you order for yourself," Jungkook tells you, "Thanks."
You nod, feeling like it's a fried wings type of night knowing what order Jungkook would choose anyway. You excuse yourself, giving them one final smile before you close the door and leave them up to their business.
By the time you order the food and make yourself comfortable on Jungkook's couch, cuddled up with a blanket that's wrapped around your body, the door of Jungkook's office opens.
"...like I said, it's nothing to be stressed about. I've seen your work and I wouldn't recommend you if I didn't believe in you. You'll do great..." You hear Jungkook, Ester nodding at him with a smile that shows gratitude.
She bids you a goodbye once she notices you on the couch and the sounds coming from the television. You sit upright, waving at her and saying goodbye to her, ignoring the sharp pain in your lower stomach. You hear their muffled voices for a minute or two until the front door is closed.
Pressing the heating pad on your stomach, you pray the food delivery will arrive soon so you can at least eat something before you go to sleep. Jungkook's feet paddle against the floor as he joins, the space next to you bending slightly under his bed.
"Did you order the food?" he asks lightly, checking what you're watching just to find you're binge-watching Harry Potter again which makes him mentally chuckle.
"Yeah, it should be here soon," you answer, voice muffled by the blanket as Jungkook frowns, noticing your state.
"You okay?"
"I just got my period," you tell him, glancing at him just to not be able to hold back the pout that makes it onto your lips.
"Aw," Jungkook lets out, "Did you take something?"
"Yeah, it got too uncomfortable," you answer, "Sometimes it's manageable but there is a month when it gets too much."
Jungkook nods, staring at you in a pity wishing he could do something for you but he knows there's nothing much he can do. So he just cuddles to you, slightly frightened you'll tell him to fuck off considering women are unpredictable when on their period, joining your warm space under the blanket.
He kisses you into your hair, hand placed over your stomach to already find the heating pad there.
"Do you need anything?" he asks, causing you to shake your head.
"No, thanks," you tell him quietly, "I already made myself a tea, took a painkiller and have my heating pad," you inform him which makes him nod. "But you could rub my tummy, if you're so willing to help." you tell him with a giggle across your shoulder which makes him laugh.
Never misses an opportunity for some good rubbing, Jungkook thinks as he shakes his head at you with a grin plastered on his lips, hand already pushing the heating pad away to caress your aching lower stomach.
You hum comfortably, the painkiller already starting to work as the intervals of your cramps mitigate slowly.
"How was your day?" Jungkook asks quietly beside you, head resting against one of the cushions as he watches the movie with you.
"You're not going to believe it but Yoongi actually apologized to me today," you share the news excitedly with him, Jungkook rolling his eyes at the mention of the annoying man just right when you lay on your back, motioning for Jungkook to continue with his caressing. "And he bought me a croissant for lunch."
"You didn't eat lunch?" Jungkook frowns, your turn to roll your eyes at him.
"Wasn't hungry that much," you mutter, feeling as if you're about to get scolded by your parents but Jungkook just sighs. "Anyways, he did apologize in his style but I was so shocked that he did."
"He had a reason to apologize," Jungkook says and you nod, shrugging.
"Yeah, well, he never apologizes so I guess that's why I was so shocked."
"What a lovely man..." Jungkook says sarcastically, causing you to smack your lips as you raise your brow at him.
So you share everything that's been said between you and him, not forgetting to point out he actually admitted that it wasn't any of his business and that he crossed a line. Jungkook just nods, not really giving you any verbal response even though the clear annoyance of topic 'Yoongi' is very much visible. Ending this topic of conversation, you ask him about his day and even though you don't voice it out, Jungkook sees your curiosity of Ester's sudden presence in his home.
"I was editing the entire day, made some bookings and things like that," Jungkook tells you, "I invited Ester because... you remember when I told you about Junho offering me the job?"
You nod.
"Yeah, well he was looking for another person and Ester came to my mind. We followed each other the night we met at the club. She finished college two years ago and has been trying to start her own business, but she's still pretty new at it but she's really good at what she's doing. I get the feeling she's very insecure about her work and it's sad because she really is talented. So I asked her if she would be interested in working with me on the project in your company. She's been struggling financially as well, from what I've understood and I know how hard it is to start. I had no one to explain things to me or help me, it sucks when you have no one. So I offered to help." Jungkook explains, telling you how the two of them actually met again.
"That's sweet of you, Kook," you tell him genuinely, smiling at your friend that just shrugs as if it was nothing. "Show me her Insta." you propose, so he momentarily stops rubbing your stomach to pull out the phone out of his pants.
With one hand, he opens the app and hands you the phone to check her account.
There aren't that many pictures of her, most of them just of nature and animals but there are some people that look like her friends. In one or two she's in them as well but there are no solo shots of her, which to be honest you'd expect the opposite because she looks photogenic.
"Wow, she really is good." you hum as Jungkook silently agrees, tossing his phone next to him once you hand him the device.
"We just showed more of our stuff to each other and I kinda explained to her what the project is about, what her role is going to be in it. I mean, Junho said he'll tell me more details soon so it's not like I know everything about it."
"Yeah, there isn't much information or further details yet. At least nothing you already don't know," you inform him, knowing the further details should be discussed this week. "I'll look into it tomorrow, it's supposed to happen in two months and we don't have much time to organize everything."
All of you in the company have to make sure everything is planned and settled. Two months might seem like a long time but it really is not. You have to have everything planned for the next big meeting which should happen with Mr. Huang who's going to be present through a video call, so you can present it to him and make sure everything is up to date.
Glancing at Jungkook, you find him staring at you with a mischievous smirk which makes you laugh in confusion.
"What are you staring at?"
"You're kinda hot when you talk business,"
You burst in laughter, ignoring the little butterflies his compliment caused.
"Shut up," you scold him, interrupted with a buzzing notification from your phone. "The food's here."
But Jungkook is already standing up, getting the food and coming back quickly with the delicious smell of fried wings and fries which makes you almost moan. You dig right in, stuffing your face until you're too full to continue but Jungkook assures you he'll gladly finish the food.
When you mention and tease him about his diet, all he gives you in response is a great view of his tattooed middle finger.
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You can't believe your desperation.
With the absence of Jungkook for the past couple of days, the only time you got to properly talk to him were the evenings whenever you'd watch a one episode of some show, you realize that you got slightly needy.
Maybe it's the fact that Jungkook has been barely home, working on his own projects to the point he couldn't join you in mini-golfing with Jimin and Taehyung last weekend, which was the only time you've hung out ever since you moved into Jungkook's place. It's not his fault and you completely understand that.
If he's home, he's usually back in his office working again and you could clearly see how exhausted and busy he has been. Work isn't the only thing that occupies his free time. He makes sure to go to the gym to keep himself sane, which you understand, because you've your own routine to do whenever you come back home after a busy day. A lot less productive than Jungkook working out for two full hours.
You still have time to talk about your day but the true absence which makes you desperate is Jungkook's touch. It sounds silly and you think of it this way because you're not ready to have sex every day. But you're not going to lie – your period ended and you kind of expected something to happen, whether it was a way to make each other feel good after an exhausting day or just simply using the fact you're hooking up.
The truth is that nothing happened which again, you actually understand because Jungkook seems to be too busy and his head is in other places.
You obviously couldn't have sex while you were on your period, at least it's not something you wanted to brought up to the table. But after your period ended, things just stayed the same. Busy and absent.
It's got to be your hormones, you're sure of it. Because at first you were fine with not having sex at every opportunity, even if there weren't that many to begin with.
But Jungkook would just do his own thing and so would you. Sleeping next to him being shirtless definitely hasn't been helping. Or the sight of him coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped lowly on his hips.
Anyway, the lack of Jungkook's touch or him showing any interest in you made you want to stomp like a little kid. It's true Jungkook is usually the one to initiate sex or anything intimate. The only time you actually initiated something was when you were tipsy.
Shortly said, you grew tired after a week of nothing happening and it's been only recently that you've started to feel sexually frustrated. And the memories of Jungkook innocently brushing his hand past your lower back in the mornings whenever you'd meet in the kitchen before your work has definitely sparked the flame of desperation and horniness. Or the fresh scent of him whenever he'd come out of the shower, hair still wet and skin glistening.... Fuck.
You've heard him playing a video game when you brought him the cinnamon rolls you've baked today – a poor attempt at trying to distract yourself. Honestly, it's not that dramatic but he's not working anymore and you kind of salivate at the thought of his dick. Plus, the last time you had sex was when you were attending your company's party together – the simply memory of that is giving you butterflies.
Walking into his office and being met with gun shooting sounds, you find him in the same position as you've last seen him with the only difference of an empty plate on the desk.
Shamelessly, you stand behind his chair and sneak your arms down his chest, chin resting on top of his head as you stare at the game. He barely pays you attention, cursing under his breath when he misses the shot but shows his great gaming skills when he manages to kill the other character.
His hair smells nice of his shampoo, looking fluffy and wild considering there's no hair-tie that holds it in place this time. His chest feels hard under your touch, your hands itching to touch him some more but clearly, your presence isn't important right now because Jungkook's big eyes stay glued on the screen.
"Kook," you whine, "How long are you going to play this game?"
"Why?" Jungkook murmurs, cursing right before a triumphal "Ha!" startles you.
"I'm bored," you tell him, standing straight as you keep your arms next to your body, slowly walking around the chair to lean against his desk to face him.
But no response is heard from the man in front of you, who's too immersed in that stupid game of his which makes you purse your lips in annoyance. He's making this very hard and while you're trying to do things in a subtle way, you're not sure how long you'll be capable of doing that.
You groan silently, poking your head in Jungkook's direction which makes him frown. "Y/N!" he scolds you loudly, whining when you're covering most of his screen.
"Jungkook we've barely been hanging out lately," you whine, fully realizing you sound like a bratty child but who cares. Jungkook clearly doesn't as he hums, making you wonder if he's even listening to you. "Can we hang out?"
"What do you want to do?" he asks mindlessly, pressing the keyboard's button repeatedly.
"I don't know...." you mutter, pouting as you slightly rock on your heels, whining loudly when Jungkook totally ignores you once again.
So you stand in front of him, earning a fit of complaints right away. This way Jungkook finally looks at you, frowning with a pout on his own lips before he grabs your waist and tries to pull you away. "It's the final round! Babe, come on! I'm gonna do everything you want later, just let me finish this!" he says too quickly, probably not even realizing what the stupid petname caused to your burning flame of desire between your thighs.
Sighing, you move to let him finish the stupid game while the loud sigh of relief resounds from him once he notices he luckily hasn't been killed yet.
So you stand there, looking grumpy as ever while you listen to constant keyboard smashing and clicking caused by Jungkook's quick fingers.
Three minutes later, when you're debating to leave because this is ridiculous, Jungkook finally smacks his hands in one quick and hard clap, showing his smug joy of winning. He leans back against the chair, stretching his neck before he finally gives you the attention you've been desperately trying to get.
"What's up?"
You scoff, laughing at the absurdity of this situation.
That catches Jungkook's attention and his eyes slightly widen in surprise and confusion, hands reaching for your hips as he brings you closer to him and you let him. Pulling you to his lap, you sit on his thighs with heart picking up pace with each second you're closer to him.
"Is there a reason why you're being this needy?" he chuckles, cocking his head to the side slightly.
You're not sure what possesses you but suddenly his gaze seems too much, so you lean your head against the crook of his neck, using the fact he can't see your face this way.
"I'm just bored," you murmur, feeling his hand on your hip as he squeezes it.
You don't see him poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek, a knowing smirk on his lips as he hums against you. You're never this needy and you wouldn't come here just because you're bored. You'd scold him or do anything else rather than having that look in your eyes. You probably don't know how easy it is to read you.
Jungkook didn't realize the reason for you coming here, not until you just stood by with a weird look on your face, clearly preventing yourself from either saying or doing something. So he has taken the chance to touch you and bring you closer to him. And what did you do? Listened to him like an obeyed puppy and that's when he knew.
"Just bored, huh?" Jungkook chuckles again, trying his best not to laugh at the way you cling to him like a little child, sitting on his lap like it's the best place to sit in. "You sure there's nothing else?"
And that's when you groan, throwing your head back for a dramatic moment which causes Jungkook to laugh while his hand caresses your hip. "You know..." you simply tell him, causing him to snort.
"Of course, I know. It's not hard to tell you're horny,"
"Jungkook!" you whine, hiding your face into the crook of his face embarrassingly while he enjoys the embarrassment you're currently experiencing.
"What? Just say you want sex, babe, it's not a crime." he teases you, causing you to groan in response.
"Don't say it like that," you mutter, "It's the stupid hormones."
Jungkook hums in response, giving the side of your ass a small smack. "Okay, let me just play one round and I'll take care of you."
Face flushed, you groan both in annoyance and embarrassment. "Seriously? You've been playing this for hours."
"Let's not be dramatic, it's barely been an hour," Jungkook rolls his eyes playfully at you, "You gotta be patient."
"You're doing this on purpose," you comment, huffing a little. "Is game seriously more important than sex with me?"
Jungkook cackles, "God, you're so needy," he murmurs cheekily, "Of course it's not, but I want to play this final round. So be a good girl, either sit on my lap and watch or wait for me in the bedroom."
Ignoring the urge to press your thighs together, you wonder what possessed Jungkook to say things like this because that's certainly another side of Jungkook.
"Jeon, I'm so wet, you've no idea." you admit desperately, placing a kiss on his jaw as you slowly start kissing his neck – your secret weapon to make him pay more attention to you. He sits there, letting you kiss and occasionally suck onto his skin, not too much though since you don't want to leave any marks.
For a moment you actually feel bad considering now Jungkook finally has free time to do something for himself, other than hitting the gym and other things he does to occupy himself. But just like Jungkook called you, you're being needy and probably selfish as well because you don't care about his stupid game. And as you sneak your hand between your bodies, locating his crotch idea you make sure to squeeze the soft bulge that's in his sweatpants. Fuck, this man isn't wearing anything underneath and you quickly have to catch yourself from moaning out loud.
"Now you're playing dirty," Jungkook groans, letting you rub his bulge as you smirk against his neck.
"If you don't want me, it's okay just tell me." you murmur, stopping your movements for a second since you had the courage to even say out loud the possibility of him not wanting to have sex with you right now. Which surely would be okay because he's allowed not to want sex whenever you want and vice versa – you'd be just fucking embarassed if that's the case right now since you've stooped low by clearly showing him your neediness.
"You crazy?" Jungkook chuckles, "I always want you."
And he's not lying because his dick in your hold hardens even through the thin material of his sweatpants.
"Then fuck me, do something." you whine, ignoring how much wet it feels between your thighs by his shameless confession.
You're not sure if he really means it or said it just for your sake – but it doesn't matter. He's clearly getting hard.
"You know what?" Jungkook hums in a low tone, "Go grab a condom from my nightstand," he tells you, giving your ass another smack as you straighten, sparkles of excitement in your eyes as you meet his gaze.
He hides a grin, licking his bottom lip as his gaze momentarily falls onto your lips.
"Bring the toy as well."
You freeze, staring at him with wide eyes before you look around confusingly.
Yes, since there's not many of your things at your own apartment – you obviously took the box with the sex toy in it as well. You certainly weren't planning to leave it for the woman that's about to move in there. Not that Jungkook gave you a choice since he told you to not forget to bring it as well – which you would even without him telling you but the fact he reminded you of it made you feel even more excited.
"Bring it... here?"
"Just do as I say," Jungkook tells you, grinning when he notices you rolling your eyes at him but you obey.
Standing up, you walk out of the office to his bedroom, quickly opening the new package of condoms before you take out the single foil. Glancing at the box that's placed in the corner of the room, you bite your lower lip before you quickly pull out the sex toy too. You're not sure what Jungkook is planning but you trust him, knowing it'll be worth it. He hasn't fucked you in his office yet, so maybe that's what he wants right now. Although, you don't exactly understand where exactly he wants to have sex since there's still a bunch of your boxes and a disassembled bed taking most of the space.
Not burdening your mind with it, you quickly grab the things and make your way over there. Jungkook is already setting the new game for him and you stare, giving him a look as he motions you with his head to come closer. You do, setting things down to his desk as he sits back onto his chair again, eyeing you up and down.
You certainly don't look too attractive. Wearing leggings and one of his baggy shirts you found laying on the washing machine in the bathroom the other day, you can't say you look your hottest at the moment.
"Take off your leggings and panties," he tells you casually, causing you to almost choke as you look at him dumbfounded, but he cocks his brow at you in challenge.
"Just do it," he cuts you off, motioning with his hand for you to get to it.
You hate how many butterflies and sparks it gives you.
So you listen to him, taking off your clothes just like he told you to with his eyes on you the entire time. Panties and leggings tossed on the ground, you reach for your shirt but he cuts you off with a raspy tone.
"Leave the shirt on,"
Giving him a look, he ignores it and cocks his head at his evident growing bulge that makes you swallow dryly.
"Pull me out,"
You hesitate for a second but drop onto your knees the next one, already hooking your fingers under the hem of his sweatpants as he helps you to take it off. His hardening cock almost slaps you in the face as it stands upright, still slightly growing and hardening as you lick your lips unknowingly.
You're about to touch it, wanting to taste him again because it's been a while since you had him in your mouth, but Jungkook cuts you off before you can even get close to him.
"Stand up,"
You do, still watching him attentively while trying to figure out what's his plan.
"Get the condom,"
Your hands move embarrassingly too quickly, already ripping open the foil package as you're about to hand it to Jungkook, just for him to tell you to put it on. He notices the surprise flashing on your face but you're already moving to obey him, slowly and carefully sliding the condom down his length.
"Is it good?" you ask unsurely as Jungkook has watched the whole process of you putting it on.
He grabs his length, causing you to stand upright while the wetness is starting to become too uncomfortable to you. Watching him giving himself a few testing tugs makes you bite onto your lip harshly, shamelessly salivating at the sight even when Jungkook looks up at you finding you ogling him.
"Turn around and bend over,"
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You do without any words, waiting for him to stand up or do something but surprisingly he stays in his spot, barely moving. You're about to look back at him to voice out your confusion when you suddenly feel his two fingers between your thighs, rubbing your pussy which makes you whimper.
"Fuck, you really are wet," Jungkook says in amazement, rubbing your clit and folds for a good minute as you grind into his hand.
The second he pulls away you're ready to cry out, eager for him to continue because you get a feeling you'd be able to cum just by him rubbing you. That's how desperate you are.
But before you could make any sound of disapproval, Jungkook licks his two fingers by putting them into his mouth, just in the right time for you to see as you look across your shoulder.
And then he puts them out, wiping the saliva onto his shirt as he pats his lap.
"Come sit on it," He wants you, what? Before you can properly show your shock, he's gently grabbing you by your hips and pulling you into his lap. "Come on," he prompts you with a light but raspy tone.
Glancing again across your shoulder to make sure this position could actually work, you find Jungkook gripping his length with one hand while the other stays on your hip, gently guiding you onto his lap.
The moment you feel his tip grazing over your hole, you gasp and press your thighs together. You still don't fully sit on him, hands gripping the arm rests of his chair to keep yourself balanced. The position will clearly make it harder for him to enter you and as if Jungkook could hear your thoughts, his deep and raspy voice reaches your ears.
"Spread your legs a little,"
It's kind of an awkward position with your ass in the air and legs slightly spread, you don't get the time to dwell on how it must look because Jungkook pushes his tip inside of you, making you gasp in an instant. Brows pinched together, you almost fall back on him at the pressure of his length slowly entering you. When Jungkook's tip is safely inside of you, spreading you for his hard cock, his hand reaches between your thighs as he locates your clit, giving it a few slow circles to help you relax.
Hand on your hip slowly pulling you down on his lap, you also put some pressure as you carefully start sitting down on him, moaning when you can feel him inside of you as he stretches you. Your wetness provides enough lube not to make this unnecessarily painful and even though the stretch is tight and it burns, you love every second of it. You hear Jungkook sigh in pleasure once you press your thighs together like before. He feels your walls tightening but he mostly focuses on you, making sure this position isn't hurting you. He hasn't stretched you out after all and there has not been any foreplay. Just you and your needy cunt.
Moments later and you finally fully sit down, whimpering when your ass meets his pubic bone as his length is fully nestled inside of you. Your back automatically meets his chest, head thrown back as you're trying to make yourself relax but it's hard when your walls clench around him, trying to get used to him inside of you.
"You did great," he mutters, lips placed on your temple for a short second. "Now sit back and wait."
Eyes instantly open, you're met with a sight of the ceiling before you tilt your head towards him, already finding him staring back at the computer screen as he pushes the chair closer to the desk.
"What?" you mutter in confusion, still trying to get out of your already fucked out state.
"You heard me," he tells you, barely giving you a glance as he starts a new game causing your jaw to drop in disbelief. "Have you ever heard of cockwarming?"
"You can't be serious," you scoff.
Of course, you know what that is. You did wonder about it before but it has never been on your mind with Jungkook. Not with him when whenever you were about to had sex, you were too eager to feel him. You just don't think you're the right person for this since you lack patience. Cockwarming sounds like a torture.
"It's a compromise," he tells you, trying to hide the amused tilt to his tone.
You're speechless, trying to wrap your head around what is happening as Jungkook happily goes back to his game as the sounds of it start to play from the speakers.
"Jungkook," you whine not even a minute later, finally feeling the familiar burn of pleasure that comes back and is nowhere near satisfied.
You need at least some kind of friction. You clench around his length unwillingly, your body asking for more as your name leaves Jungkook's mouth in a low and warning tone.
"I can't do this, don't do this to me." you whine, throwing your head back again to lean it against his shoulder as he quietly chuckles under his breath. This bastard...
"Spread your legs you brat," Jungkook tells you through his clenched teeth, hands still skillfully playing the game as he shoots other players. You do as you're told, spreading your legs. "Now bring them up."
Ah... you know what he means, so you bring your legs up which isn't completely comfortable either since your muscles protest a little bit – you, doing the bare minimum for your body in the form of basic stretching or exercising.
The cold air hits your crotch right away and you shiver, not because of the sudden breeze but the fact you're stuffed full with Jungkook's cock. Your knees hinder a little bit since his arms are outstretched to play with the keyboard and mouse, but somehow it's not as bad and he is able to play even with your knees up.
Jungkook continues to play the game as if none of this is happening in the first place, making you mentally scoff in disbelief at this man and his self restraint. His hands are busy, not where you want them to be for sure, so there's not a chance he'll do anything at this point.
So you clench around him, grinding your hips a little which earns you a disapproving grunt in return.
"Kook," you moan, shamelessly grinding with his cock inside of you because you definitely won't just sit there and go through this torture.
"Grab the toy," he orders all of a sudden, causing you to stop your shameless grinding as you glance at the toy. "Do it." he says with a firm tone when you take a moment to react.
Thinking he has a plan, you listen to him and grab the sex toy he has so kindly gifted you. To be honest, whenever you'd use it alone it didn't bring you such pleasure as you wanted. But when you use it with Jungkook, that's a whole nother story.
You're not sure what to do with it, having a tight grip of the cock-shaped toy makes your cheeks feel hot for some reason. But luckily, Jungkook is here to guide you.
"Turn it on,"
"Turn it on?"
"For fucks sake, just do it babe," Jungkook grumbles through clenched teeth, your heart picking up its pace at the word again.
You turn it on, the sex toy coming to life as it starts vibrating in your hand. Your whole hand buzzes and your face gets flushed, your eyes glancing at Jungkook's side profile as you find him staring at the screen with a clenched jaw.
He takes his chances, pulling his left hand off the keyboard just to adjust and make you grip the sex toy the opposite way. He leads your hand between your legs, pressing the buzzing and vibrating device against your clit which makes you arch your back immediately, a loud gasp resounding from your open mouth.
"Fuck, holy shit this feels good," you gasp, Jungkook's hand leaving yours as you want nothing but whine at the loss of touch. It's funny because his cock is still inside of you, fully erected and ready, but you still yearn for more touch. Somehow, it feels like he's not touching you enough.
"Yeah?" Jungkook asks breathlessly, feeling you repeatedly clench as the toy brings you another wave of pleasure. "Make yourself cum then."
And you do because this is the only way to do that for now. Your body moves naturally, still looking for some kind of friction as you grind, wanting to feel Jungkook's cock moving, but you're immediately scolded and warned by Jungkook. He really expects you to just sit on his cock?
You're beyond annoyed and frustrated, hating how restricted you currently feel but weirdly enough, the whole situation is so fucking hot and something you've never done or experienced before. And the fact that Jungkook looks so hot and he barely does anything. You imagine how your connection must look right now and you wish Jungkook had a mirror nearby, so you could see it with your own eyes. You're so full of him, desperate for him to thrust inside you like he always does. Desperate for him to deliver a few slaps on your ass, gripping your hips tightly as you can hear the sinful sounds of your body meeting his one.
You really like to torture yourself but the simple thoughts that can be also considered as memories make you feel even more hot, your whole body already burning with desire. You wish you wouldn't be gripping the armrest with your right hand, so you could grab your breast and squeeze it like Jungkook does. But you're too scared to move much, scared to lose the unbelievable pleasure that flows through your whole body.
You circle the toy against your clit, moaning a set of curses while Jungkook's breath gets hitched every now and then but besides that, he barely reacts.
Growing more desperate, you feel the familiar knot that suddenly snaps and before you know it, you're already cumming around Jungkook's cock with the sex toy still pressed against your swollen clit. Riding yourself off the orgasm, the toy slips from your hand and hits the floor with an audible thud, your whole body relaxing as it keeps clenching around Jungkook's cock for a few more moments until you're completely satisfied.
Too fucked out, you flinch once Jungkook abandons the game and sneaks his hand between your thighs to rub his fingers over your pussy, right around where he's nestled inside you to find you swollen and wet.
"Fuck," he simply mutters, rubbing you as you whimper and moan at the same time.
"I can't believe you just made me do that," you admit breathlessly, tilting your head towards Jungkook as he looks at you with a smirk, moisturizing his bottom lip with a tip of his tongue.
He shifts on his spot, his length poking you on a weird spot inside you that makes you whimper.
"Sorry," he apologizes right away, patting your sides to get you off him. He helps you, holding you by your hips as you're trying to stand up on your wobbly legs.
Using his desk for support, you lean against it as you face Jungkook, noticing how wet and coated the condom is with your cum.
"What a mess," Jungkook teases, glancing up at you with mischievous eyes but your eyes are too focused on the treasure between his legs.
Dropping down on your knees, ignoring how they hurt from the impact, you give Jungkook a glance and cock your head towards him.
"Take the condom off," you tell him, watching how dark his eyes suddenly turn as he understands you immediately.
He does slide it off, debating for a second where to put it and you snort, causing him to roll his eyes at you before he tosses it carelessly on the ground, but not before he rolls it over so the wet part is inside. He wipes the wet fingers against his shirt just as you settle more comfortably between his legs and wrap your hand around him.
He sighs in content, leaning his head back as he lets you do your own thing.
You lick him, kiss his tip, suck on it as you truly cherish the pleasure you're giving him. He groans here and there, making soft but audible sounds which makes you satisfied because Jungkook isn't the type to scream his lungs out. He sounds so hot with the deep and raspy groans, occasional sighs as he lets you unknowingly know that you're doing a good job.
He's in his own world, grunting once you finally wrap your mouth around him and try to take as much as you can of his hard length. You dribble down his length, your saliva sliding down the hard and veiny skin, down to his balls. You suck him off, growing accustomed to a one rhythm while your other hand pressed against his balls, rubbing them which makes him almost shoot out of his place.
You've never been so bold with anyone but Jungkook always livens up another version of you. Version that even you didn't know about. Or maybe it's the fact how comfortable you feel to do all of these things with him.
You've noticed how Jungkook likes to be touched there, it's like his breaking point in every blowjob and you're happy, mentally cheering, at your own discovery.
Even though it has never been your favorite sexual act to do, Jungkook kind of changed that. You never liked to have a mouth full of dick, choking yourself for some air with a need to gag. In your teenage years, close to adult years, you always wondered how it'll feel like and to some extent, you never understood what's so special about it.
Yes, you still don't like to gag feeling like you'll throw up any second because – who likes that? But there's a certain kind of pleasure in giving pleasure to your partner. You also once thought the penis has to be the ugliest human and male part. But now you're salivating just at the sight of Jungkook's one.
You can't give Jungkook all the credit. Even when you started dating Haechan, you obviously experimented a lot because then you were very inexperienced. Your interest in blowjobs and different sexual acts grew. But only Jungkook sparked a new rush of interest. And maybe that's why he's so irresistible, maybe that's why you're willing to play with fire if it means having a mindblowing sex life.
"You close?" you ask breathlessly, a trail of saliva connecting you to his cock as he breathes out at the sight. His tensed thighs and rushed breaths give you a clue he might be.
"Yeah, shit," he answers, watching you through the hooded eyes. "Where can I cum?"
"Whenever you want," you answer immediately, Jungkook biting harshly onto his lower lip as he quickly searches your face while your hand works on his length, pumping it and squeezing it.
"Fuck, take your shirt off," he demands, your eyes widening a little as they spark with a new found interest.
Jungkook's tone is urged and rushed, causing you to act quickly as you momentarily let go of his cock and pull the shirt over your head, exposing your naked breasts to him.
"Fuck, you're a goddess," Jungkook curses, your whole chest and stomach clenching with butterflies and you can't help but smile at the praise and compliment.
And then your lips curl into a tiny smirk, your mouth sucking on his tip that makes him groan loudly, head thrown back once again with his eyes shut. You bop your head again, trying to take all of him which is almost impossible but you still try your best, always retrieving when you feel as gagging.
"Gonna cum on your tits, okay?" Jungkook manages to let out, voice groggy and you hum a soft "Mhm" around him, and he swears he's about to see stars.
A few more pumps and seconds of the warmness of your mouth, he informs you he's cumming so you pull away, his hand replacing yours as he quickly jerks himself off. You watch with dark but attentive eyes that makes Jungkook think how cute you look, kneeling on the floor completely naked waiting for him to paint your skin with his cum. And that's his breaking point, his cum shooting straight onto your chest, some of it getting on your neck.
The warm white liquid paints your skin, his hand working on his length as he jerks himself through the orgasm. A small amount still spurts out of his tip but in a slower manner, coating your nipples as his cum drips down your chest.
You look down at it, breath hitching at the sight of his cum on your skin. Fuck, this is so hot. But then Jungkook does something that makes you salivate. He takes his dick and guides it towards your chest, smearing the cum over your breasts as his cock starts softening. Once he's done he looks smug as fuck, smirking with hooded eyes and hair falling into his face.
You stand up, just for Jungkook catching you and pulling you towards him. He pushes you closer to him causing you to bend down slightly as you're baffled about what he is about to do. But then he licks a long stripe between the valley of your breasts, tasting his own cum. And as he pulls away, he gives you a cocky grin which makes your breath hitch.
Next second you know, his hands are on your ass cheeks as he spreads them open, chuckling a little at your completely speechless expression. And then, delivering a gentle slap to one of your ass cheeks, he licks his wet lips.
"You already know what to do."
Turning on your heel, you rush to the bathroom to take a shower to clean off Jungkook's drying cum. Little do you know Jungkook watches you as you walk out of his bathroom, biting into his lip at the sight of your naked figure.
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3rachasdomesticbanana · 6 months
The Bet | Bang Chan
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•Synopsis: After losing a bet with your boyfriend, your penalty is to do whatever he says that night. But what sort of penalty does he have in mind in the middle of a nightclub and why are crotchless panties involved?
Who would've thought losing a bet would be so much fun?
•Pairing: au Bang Chan x Female Reader
•Content Includes: Heavy smut, Established relationship, Public unprotected sex, slight Restricted movement, Soft Dom Chan, Minimal fluff, Crowded area
an: edited but might still contain some errors
Want more smut? Follow the banana 🍌
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“Remember the bet, baby girl.”
Your boyfriend Chan whispers in your ear making you shiver.
You're innocently sitting on his lap in the VIP section of an upscale nightclub somewhere in downtown DC. The club pulses with energy as the heavy bass reverberates through the sleek, dimly-lit space. The air is infused with the scent of expensive perfumes and colognes, mingling with the subtle aroma of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
Smooth leather couches, separated by a red velvet rope line the perimeter of the dance floor, offering cozy spots for groups like our own to relax and chat amidst the excitement. The group of friends you two came with, move with confidence on the dance floor in front of you bathed in hues of deep purples and blues. Hip-hop, EDM, and R&B classics fill every corner of the room. You nod at your boyfriend's words believing he wouldn't go through with the penalty of the bet you lost against him.
Why you bet him that you could deep throat him without gagging wasn't the smartest thing you've done. Chan is far too thick and lengthy to take every inch without gagging even a little when he hits the back of your throat with the swollen head of his cock. Now you wait in a short black leather pleated skirt with a pair of crotchless panties underneath waiting for his command. With every drum his finger plays on your hips you feel your body respond to him. Little touches here and there make you fully aware of all the places his hands and fingers linger on your body. From your back, through the exposed slit down your blouse to your navel. He touches every bit of flesh he can without the movements looking indecent.
There's possibly over a hundred people inside the club and that's just on the floor you're on, there's two other floors below you. You feel certain Chan won't do anything too drastic around all of these people, that he just wants to tease you and keep you on your toes. Though with this man you've been with for years now, you can't ever put anything past him. He's capable of doing so many things others would never dream of doing. If he wants something then nothing will stop him from his goal. It was that way when you met through your boyfriend at the time. He was a toxic asshole and Chris knew he could treat you a thousand times better than he ever could. So he proved it to you every chance he got. Won your heart and eventually your mind, body and soul. You've been happy ever since. Everyday was an adventure with him, full of spontaneity for you, yet carefully thought out in his mind.
So when you feel him lower the zipper of his designer black ripped jeans you're not really surprised. You aren't prepared for him to wrap his arms around your midsection though. In one quick move he pulls you back against his chest and you yelp in surprise. The movement frees his cock from the opening in the front of his boxers. It springs up and out, resting against your ass. Your eyes go wide, your mouth agape and you're at a loss for words. It would take one shift from you for him to slip between your thighs or inside of you. As if he can read your mind, Chan settles his palm flat on your thigh with just enough pressure for you to understand him without words. Doesn't stop him from whispering in your ear though, knowing how his breath on your neck will affect you.
“Don't move baby. Not until I say so. This is a penalty remember… not a reward.” He smirks, proud of himself for this brilliant idea.
Chan is loving this little game of his and he wants to drag it out for as long as he can but the feel of your soft supple ass flushed against his hard length makes him feel like a mad man. He wants to ram himself inside of your sweet slippery walls and plow himself into you until you're creaming all over his cock and dripping down to his balls. He flexes the stiff muscle and grins wickedly when you groan softly. How long can he repeat that move until he feels it inch further and further away from where it rests? until it plops into your needy cunt? He wonders to himself. Maybe if he calculates it right he can make it so his cock doesn't find its way inside of you just yet. He'd love to fuck your thighs for a little bit. Feel you squeeze him with those thick fleshy thighs that he loves.
While you're sitting as still as possible forcing yourself to look as if nothing is wrong, Chan plots behind and underneath you for more ways to tease you like this. Momentarily you're both pulled out of your inner thoughts and intimate bubble when a couple of your friends come over to the table to hydrate and to get you two onto the floor to join them dancing.
“Come on bestie dance with us! Hannie keeps stepping on my feet.” Your best friend exclaims setting down her drink and side eyeing her boyfriend.
“Hey hey that wasn't my fault Minho bumped into me. I'm being framed.” Han puts his hands up in surrender.
You're laughing at the couples playful bickering in front of you but you can feel Chan’s erection twitch again as your laughter rocks your body.
“You two go ahead, you know Chan and I like vibing and watching you guys have fun. We'll join you before the night's over.” You smile in their direction and Chan's does it again.
This time flexing his cock three times making it bounce under you until it slips through your thighs briefly brushing past your clit. Your eyes go wide and you gasp. Very quickly you pretend to sneeze covering your mouth with your hands.
“Bless you baby.” Chan says and you can hear the smile. “Why don't you two show us exactly how to have fun yeah? See if we can compete with you guys later.” He adds over your shoulder and whatever Han sees on his buddies face he's taking your friends hand and pulling her away from the lush VIP area.
He chuckles watching the pair disappear into the crowd and pushes up off the couch as if he's trying to get comfortable but the move only rubs your aching clit with the side of his stiffness. Every vein and ridge brushes the nub making you squeeze your legs together which is exactly what he wanted.
He groans softly before he whispers in your ear, “No moving remember?” and you groan in frustration.
“Please Channie. I'm so wet can't you feel how bad I need you?” You whine, turning your head to look at him.
His coffee colored eyes glitter when they find yours. His full lush lips part and he runs his tongue over them. When you bite down on your own lip you feel him again and you know he's just being stubborn in not giving in and filling you up.
“Because you said please. Slowly scoot up forward to grab your drink off the table and then back down.” He instructs and you nod turning back around.
Your drink, a mix of pineapple and cranberry juice sits in front of you on the oval glass table with beads of condensation dripping down the sides. Stretching your arm out, you slowly inch forward feeling Chan sliding down between your folds becoming slick with your juices. Your hand makes contact with the glass and when you slowly move back to how you were you feel him stretching your cunt wide each inch you push back onto him. The sensation is heavenly and you want to take your time. To enjoy the feeling of him finally inside of you but Chan is an inpatient man and he’s gripping your hips, pulling you back with such force that your drink splashes over the surface and onto the floor. You inhale sharply clutching the glass tighter than you normally would on a normal night out.
If you thought the feeling of Chan inside of you was heavenly, he'll describe it as exquisitely delectable. God he loves it when he bottoms out inside of you, loves it when you take all of him so well. He'll push himself even further though there's no where left for him to go just to hear you whimper the way you are now.
“Shhhh baby, that's it. Fuck. Now no moving no matter what. Good.”
You feel his cock pulsating inside you and keeping a neutral face has never been more difficult than now. If you two weren't surrounded by at least a hundred people right now your ass would be bouncing up and down on him until he was shooting and filling you up but instead you sit still, following his directions and sporting a very natural blush that no makeup brand could ever replicate.
How long could you both sit here like this without needing to cum? How could he even control himself to not thrust. Damn it… he feels too good and you need some stimulation so you ignore what he's told you to do and begin rocking back and forth nodding your head like you're doing nothing more than enjoying the song that the DJ plays. It's enough to make you cum right there but Chan's strong hands stops you with a groan sucking in air between his teeth.
“Hey hey hey.” He says softly. “You were being such a good girl.” His voice his husky and low, it makes your muscles clench around him and when he groans again it does nothing to stop the need you feel.
“Channie.” You whine, not caring about your dignity. “I can't do this. It's too much I need you to fuck me.” You admit squeezing your legs and in the process, squeezing his cock with your cunt.
He curses under his breath fanning your hair at the nape of your neck making you shiver. It's unintentional, completely innocent but you shivering pulls a instinctive thrust from Chan. When you moan he does it again and you have to remember that you're not alone when the urge to arch your back and grind your way into a climax tries to take over. Chan is fighting a battle that he feels he may lose because you just feel too good wrapped around him. Even if you don't move, all you have to do is bear hug his cock and he'll lose his sanity, his composer and unravel.
He didn't think he'd be the one suffering right along with you. As someone who thinks everything through he didn't think of this part. Now he's fighting his compulsions and the impulse to fuck you hard and rough even with an audience. When he makes any sort of sound it only turns you on even more and he knows your walls can't help but clench in response. The way your pussy swallows him up, contracting around him like it's trying to milk him has his brain going fuzzy.
“Fuck, y/n baby. I'm so glad this pussy is mine. If I fucked you right now could you control yourself baby? Or would everyone know that I'm deep inside of you giving you all eight inches of my cock? Hm?” Chan growls gritting his teeth digging his fingertips into your skin.
“Mm- I… I can try baby. I can't make any promises. You've got me too worked up. Please just fuck me though. I don't want to wait until we're home and I definitely don't want you to stop.” You reply sounding breathless as if you two had already been going at it.
“If we're doing this you have to keep still, no moving yeah? You do exactly what I say. If not then we're stopping. This is so we don't get caught okay?”
You nod looking straight ahead, focusing your eyes on the lighting fixtures that hang from the ceiling. They cast subtle patterns on the walls, adding to the ambiance around the club. Occasionally, bursts of colored light sweep across the room, adding to the atmosphere and hypnotizing you when you feel Chan start to move. He's squeezing his legs together like you were doing and bounces his legs to the beat of the song. Each squeeze and bounce creates a tiny thrust, his cock, barely moving in and out but it feels so good you almost close your eyes.
“Dance with me baby. Tap your foot. Fuck- mnh squeeze my cock with your pussy.”
You don't need to be told twice you do as asked without hesitation and the added movement on your part increases the thrusts. He's able to pull out of your cunt further, before snapping back up into you. The music is your focus though you don't hear what's playing, you keep the rhythm Chan has, nodding your head and keeping your breathing even. It's not easy, there's moments where you let slip a moan or a gasp that gets drowned out by the bumping bass. Even Chan can't control the raw uncontrolled sounds that escape him each time your pelvic muscles grip him.
Luckily for you two all your friends are still on the dancefloor but for how long? That thought is all too apparent to Chan and he cannot have anyone interrupting this. It feels too good to stop; he'd be liable to burn the place down in a fit of rage if he was forced to pull out of you before creaming your pussy, breeding you just how you both love. Heads will roll if he doesn't get to finish you both off.
“Need… mmm. Shit baby girl, I need you to cum q- quick can you do that for me?” He asks, his voice strains and his hands snake around your abdomen wrapping you in his arms. You nod in response. It's all you can do, you're afraid that if you try to utter a single word you won't be able to stop the noises that will spill from your lips.
“Good girl, now squeeze me and rock your body to the beat like you were doing before.” He steals your drink from your hand and brings it up to his lips nonchalantly but you hear his moans when you tighten your muscles.
Chan is close; he just needs you to reach your peak so that he can spill himself inside of your greedy cunt. So with his free hand he gently presses his palm down on your stomach just below your belly button. The pressure makes your legs shake and you stutter with your rocking but you find the rhythm again with ease, grateful that the song is a fast paced one.
With his cock throbbing inside of you and the rocking motion of your hips, Chan is now grunting behind you, quietly praising you behind the glass of your drink.
“Oh fuck baby, keep going. Mhm you're close now aren't you y/n? Yeah, I can feel it. So gorgeous when you cum. I can just imagine how you look right now, flushed cheeks, lips parted wanting to scream my name.” He grunts and adds more pressure to your abdomen and bucks his hips once and fast.
He's right you are close and you're more than certain that you're making a mess of the front of his jeans. Neither of you care, your impending shared orgasm on the forefront of your minds. With every rock of your hips you feel Chan's cock bump against that sweet spot nestled deep inside of you that only he can reach. Your walls quiver and you bite down hard on your bottom lip. Your brows crinkle together, making you look angry while you fail to look like nothing is happening other than a happy couple enjoying the music the DJ provides. Behind you Chan is struggling but not for long. With a popping sound, your bottom lip springs out from your teeth and you're gasping like you can't get enough air into your lungs.
“Chan… fuck.” You gasp and that's all that he needs to hear. He understands exactly what you mean.
“Yes…” He hisses, pushing his pelvis hard against you. “That's my girl. Oh fuck,” He gasps along with you. “Cum all over me y/n.” Chan mutters cumming inside of you, shooting hard and deep while the walls of your cunt throb with your own release.
With your movements slightly restricted to stay unnoticed, the orgasm is unlike any others that Chan has coaxed from you. It’s as if you've been plunged into an icy lake and the suddenness takes your breath away. Your body is on pins and needles and fucking hell does it feel unbelievable for both you and Chan. Your cunt devours every bit of his seed, still hungry for more. You're shaking all over and it takes Chan’s strong arms hugging you to slow down your breathing and your body to relax.
“Fuck.” You whisper and he chuckles.
“Mhm, I can't wait to get you home y/n. Hope you've got nothing planned tomorrow. I don't think you'll be able to walk when I'm done with you baby.” He informs you and your pussy reacts clamping down around his slowly softening cock.
“Oh, is someone already ready for another round?”
“Another round? Hell yeah bro let's end the night with a fucking bang!” Felix cheers from seemingly out of nowhere, pulling you and Chan back to the now. The shy giggles you two let out leave everyone confused as they join the table one by one.
After ordering another round for the group you both excuse yourselves and as descritley as possible separate from each other without anyone noticing. The whole way to the restroom laughter erupts from you and Chan.
“I can't believe we did that!” Chan shouts over the music and pulls you into his arms. His lips land on yours kissing you until your head is spinning.
“Keep that up Mr. Bang and I'm pulling you into the bathroom with me.” You scold him playfully. He calls your bluff, kissing you again and grabbing your ass for good measure.
“Go on, I'll be waiting beautiful.” he nods in the direction of the restroom doors.
Once cleaned up you and Chan rejoin your friends. Finally making it to the dancefloor, you dance an entirely different dance than before. Your body still feels lit up and the craving you have for your boyfriend still remains. You'll hold him to his promise when you get home but the one thing you love about him is that he always stays true to his word. You know he'll deliver, he's all action as well as words. Who would've thought losing a bet could be so much fun?
(tag test)
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ghostofhyuck · 6 months
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NCT Dream when you caught them cheating.
AN: Remember that this is a work of fiction and does NOT reflect the people mentioned. Also this is a college au so that it makes so much sense for them to be assholes, lol. (Let's not tolerate cheating!!! Some of these are emotional cheating, still considered cheating tho.) Mentions of insecurities and trust issues by the way. 
Mark Lee ; Met up with his ex-girlfriend.
You're still insecure about his ex-girlfriend and Mark knows that. So when your friends saw him on a coffee shop with her, they immediately confronted him and told you. Privately, you asked him about it, but he couldn't give you a straight answer. He wasn't looking at you properly and was being defensive. You can see tears in his eyes, but you know that there's a reason why he met up with her. Your thoughts are still clouded with your emotions, so you walked away, asking Mark to give you space. 
Huang Renjun ; Saw him holding hands with his 'girl best friend.'
You always have doubts with Renjun's girl best friend. When you first met her, she seems sweet but was a bit clingy to Renjun. So when you saw them together, holding hands, you feel weirded about it. Later on, you opened it up to Renjun and he becomes defensive about his best friend, and he told you that you're overeacting. You tried to defend yourself and wonder why your boyfriend is on his best friend's side. The argument stopped when Renjun walked away first, leaving you there to cry. 
Lee Jeno ; Found out that he slept with another girl.
It was his friend who told you about it. Your heart starting to beat fast and your hands became shaky when you saw the text. When you asked Jeno about it, the first thing he said was sorry. And it broke your heart because it was true that he slept with someone. You tried to be rational, even though your chest is starting to feel tight. His explanation was shallow, and he kept on apologizing to you numerous times, but you couldn't look at him the same way anymore. "I think we should break-up." 
Lee Donghyuck ; Drunk-called his ex-girlfriend.
Last night you had doubts because Haechan wasn't replying to your text when he said he's going out to party with his friends. Now a text from his ex-girlfriend popped on your messages. She explained it like as if she was girl's girl but you know that she's half-bragging at you that Haechan called him saying that he still loves her. So when you confronted Haechan about it, he'll be shocked, explaining that he was drunk and he thought that he was calling you. But you've passed the "I'm drunk" excuse, you called it off with him and while he was trying to win you back, you know that you can't trust him anymore.
Na Jaemin ; Drunk-kissed a stranger.
You saw it. You witnessed it, and you can't believe that you put so much trust on Jaemin. You saw how eager that kiss was and how he smiled at the stranger when the kiss broke. You felt your tears flowing and at that moment, Jaemin saw you. He was able to follow you when you walked out of the club, trying to explain to you what you just saw but you're not taking any of his bullshit. "Stop trying to make excuse about it Jaemin, I saw what I saw." you said with a gritted teeth. "Let's just break-up." 
Zhong Chenle ; Flirting with strangers in a club.
You two had a small argument before going to a club with your friends. You tried to loosen up but you didn't expect that Chenle would go around tables flirting with other girls. You felt your chest tightening at the sight of your boyfriend laughing with other girls while you two are not okay. You walked-out of the club, not even saying goodbye to your friends. You tried to wipe the tears away, typing "Have fun there because we're done," to Chenle before going home. The next day, he sent you tons of messages trying to explain himself but you don't want to believe him anymore. 
Park Jisung ; Has been venting to his 'girl best friend' instead to you.
Lately Jisung has been so distant with you and you tried to understand him given that college is really hectic. But when you found yourself in the middle of him having a conversation with his girl best friend and she slipped something out that you don't know, you started to have doubts. You confronted Jisung about it and while he explained that he doesn't want to burden you with his worries, you felt as if he doesn't trust you enough. You two ended up having an argument about it, making Jisung walk away. "Go! Go to your best friend and tell her that we had a fight! Might as well date her while you're at it!" you shouted even though tears are streaming from your eyes. 
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rocketbirdie · 2 months
YOU. You are correct about Cloud Strife. Everything you say about him is CORRECT
Hi I'm going to use your ask as an opportunity to go on an unhinged tangent about him below the cut.
I believe that EVERYTHING about Cloud Strife as a character makes total sense once you realize: it's autism.
Here's a character whose entire arc revolves around the erosion of his identity and his desperate attempts to adhere to an ideal image, at the expense of his own wellbeing; and how self acceptance is the thing that brings him back from the edge of despair.
Youtube theorycrafters waste hours of their lives trying to piece together Cloud's psyche, when the answer is just... autism. It really is that simple. I will die on this goddamn hill.
In Trace of Two Pasts, we learn that even as a toddler, Cloud really was just... like that. Unemotive and awkward. And the entire lifestream sequence in the OG shows us a young Cloud who behaves in baffling ways. Tifa and her friends invited Cloud into their group, but he rejected their friendship while simultaneously harboring a seething jealousy. How the heck does that work, huh?
Viewing this through the Autism Lens™️, his approach make way more sense. Fearing his own inability to read and reciprocate their intentions, he pushes them away, and the resulting loneliness crushes him. He mistakes that loneliness for anger. He turns that anger outwards and gets into fights. Because the other kids don't understand him, Cloud sees them as stupid and immature. It's the perfect recipe for disastrous distrust. The tragic result is that, when Tifa gets into her accident, Cloud is immediately blamed by kids AND adults. He's seen as inherently dangerous and unpredictable, even though he did nothing wrong. It's like they were already looking for the perfect excuse to hate him.
The worst part is, because he struggles to articulate his own thoughts and feelings, he starts to just... accept what other people say about him. He's a pain in the ass. He's a selfish brat. He could try being a bit nicer. Any attempt that he makes to argue, backfires and proves their points even more. He's being childish. He needs to get his shit together. Nothing's ever good enough for him. He stops fighting it and lets people drag him around and violate his boundaries, because no matter how loud he yells or how intelligently he argues, nothing he says ever reaches their ears. He trims away more and more of himself to try and appease others and nurse the constant emotional pain. (And that's not even addressing the entire traumatic *waves hands* everything that he's gone through by the time he reaches Midgar! That would have to be its own tangent lol.)
It's hard to watch as a player; the secondhand embarrassment of Cloud's social blunders is immense. Some people don't like Cloud as a video game protagonist, which is perfectly valid. But a lot of times, they justify their opinion by perpetuating the same damaging language. He's an asshole, he's a weirdo, he hates people. The irony would be hilarious if it wasn't so frustrating. I know Cloud is just a fictional character, he doesn't need to be defended from harsh criticisms. But I can't help but wonder what these players think about the "weird people-hating assholes" that they meet in real life.
It also makes me wonder if they were even paying attention. I think the games make it pretty damn obvious what's going on. He's an asshole because other characters treat him like one before they even get to know him. He hates people because he doesn't understand them, and they don't even try to understand him. He's a weirdo because he has a strange way of showing how deeply he loves and cares, and he's afraid that his love will be misinterpreted like every other emotion he's ever dared to show.
The autism is everywhere. It permeates his entire being. It's in his silly responses when he takes things too literally. It's in his painfully practical way with words. It's in the stiff expressionless look and the flat tone of voice. It's in him constantly adjusting his gloves, shifting his weight, looking down at his feet. It's in his questionable idea of what you're supposed to do with your body at a yoga session. It's in the half a dozen flustered high fives, it's in the motion sickness. It's in the contagious eagerness with his special interests in SOLDIER and materia and chocobos.
It's in the moments where the facade crumbles and we get to see the real Cloud, the one that Aerith knew was in there— the one that Tifa finds in the lifestream— the one that Zack gave his life for— the Cloud that cherishes the whole world. He's got so much of everything inside of his heart, and he doesn't know how to get it out. You'd be a weird asshole about it, too.
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aajxs · 1 year
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meant to be , s.g
synopsis - the one where you're in love and satoru doesn't realize until it's too late.
pairings - satoru gojo x fem!reader
contents - ANGST!!! , gojo is an asshole and y/n is too sweet for her own good , mentions of injuries and blood , major character death , prob ooc gojo
w/c - 1.8k
a/n - I got lazy asf at the end and didn't know how to finish this and I just needed it out of my drafts lol. this is kinda buns but I hope you enjoy it anyways!!
masterlist , part two .
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There wasn't supposed to be any grade one curses on your mission. You were supposed to get in, exorcise the few grade three curses, and get out. 'You're strong, stronger than most, so why couldn't you beat them?' You thought to yourself as your back pressed into the concrete wall behind you. You had been sitting here for awhile, and the curses were long gone. You had beaten them up pretty badly, but you just weren't strong enough.
'Satoru could beat them, though. He's stronger than you ever will be.' Said that tiny voice in the back of your head, reminding you over and over again of your weakness.
You kept telling yourself that someone would come for you. Someone would realize you hadn't been at the school in awhile. Someone would come and find you. Maybe it was the false hope that was keeping you alive, maybe it was something else, you weren't sure. You were surprised you hadn't bled to death yet. It felt as if you had been staring aimlessly at the ground for days, yet it had probably only been an hour since the curses left you to die.
You felt a presence somewhere in the building and went to get up. Due to your weakened state you were unsure if it was a curse or another jujutsu sorcerer. You had one hand holding your bloody side, and another hand on the wall in a lousy attempt to get yourself off the cold ground. You cursed under your breath as you pushed yourself off the wall, forcing yourself to walk towards the suspicious presence. Your vision was blurry, you were bleeding from multiple places, and needless to say, you were going to need a new uniform if you even got out of here.
Your day was completely and utterly ruined. 'Not that it was going well in the first place.' You thought as you recalled the encounter you had with Satoru just a few hours prior to your mission.
"'Toru–" You happily began, but you were instantly cut off. "Don't call me that." Satoru irritatedly uttered as the two of you walked side by side through the halls. "Gosh, who pissed in your cereal?" You joked, letting out a small laugh as you purposely bumped shoulders with Gojo, making him give you an annoyed glance.
"Anyways, Satoru, I was wondering if you wanted to-" You began again, "No." He cut you off, quickening his pace. "I didn't even get to finish..?" You awkwardly said, your smile starting to disappear from your face. "Y/N, just leave me alone, I can't deal with you today." Satoru said, making you slow your steps. "What?" You frowned, "But we haven't talked all day?" You sadly uttered, bumping shoulders with him again, this time a bit softer.
He brushed you off his shoulder, "We don't have to talk every day." He said, obviously becoming irritated. "But we're best friends, why wouldn't we..?" You trailed off, confusion and sadness washing over you. When he didn't reply, you went to bump his shoulder again, but you were stopped by his infinity. "Why's your infinity on? You never have it up around me." Your frown deepened at the action. Did he really not want you around him that badly?
"I don't like you touching me Y/N, just go somewhere, I'm not in the mood for you right now." Satoru quietly said, "So you have to be in a certain mood to be a good friend?" You asked, growing more upset by the second, "You could just tell me that you're not feeling well and you don't want to talk right now, you don't have to be an asshole about it." You said, stopping in your tracks.
"I'm not feeling well and I don't want to talk to you right now." He said, his words laced with a mix of irritation and sarcasm. "Satoru if you don't want me around you just say that!" You said, making him abruptly turn to look at you. "I don't want you around me! Is it that hard to give me a little bit of space?! You're always right next to me, always bothering me to hang out with you!" Satoru snapped, "Well, did it ever occur to you that I don't want to hang out with you?! That I don't want to talk to you!?" He said, the hands that were once shoved into his pockets now balled up into fists.
Your lips parted in shock, and you stared at him for a few moments. "I didn't realize that was how you felt." You murmured, "I just-" Your voice cracked slightly, "Nevermind, 'm sorry I said anything." You apologized, attempting to blink back the tears that were forming in your eyes. Your shoulders lightly shook as you walked away, and you prayed he didn't notice your sobs. You didn't know why it hurt so much, it wasn't like it was the first time Satoru had said something along those lines to you.
You don't remember much after that, aside from the fact that you eyes still hurt from crying and Satoru didn't even try to make sure you were alright. On your way out you saw him playing around with Suguru and Shoko.
You let out a few more curse words before making your way towards the nearest wall. There was no use in checking out whatever or whoever had entered the building, you were going to die anyways. You knew your time would come eventually, but now? You're barely seventeen.
You leaned against the wall for a moment before giving in and sliding down the wall to the ground, your blood leaving a few marks along the way. You had barely felt any of your wounds due to shock, but now that the exhaustion was finally hitting you, your body started to hurt even worse than it had ten minutes ago. It wouldn't be long until you passed out from blood loss and finally met your end, you at least wish you could've gone out in a cool way.
You couldn't help the small cries you let out as you sat there, aching against a cold cement wall in an abandoned building. You're gonna die alone in some random, dirty building. You thought as your warm tears made their way down your battered cheeks. You heard the sound of rushed footsteps, and your immediate reaction was placing a hand over your mouth in a lousy attempt to quiet your sobs.
Your ears were ringing and everything around you was muffled, so you couldn't tell if what was approaching was far away or close to you. Your vision was blurred, and the tears only made it worse. In other words, you could barely see or hear a thing.
A hand abruptly grabbing your shoulder snapped you out of your own thoughts and triggered your fight or flight sense, aptly choosing fight. The hand that was once covering your mouth now clenched and pulled back into a weak fist. "It's me! Y/N, it's me!" A familiar voice said, making you slowly put your fist down.
You went back to your original position against the wall. Your eyes were droopy and you felt like you were going to fall asleep. "No– Y/N, stay awake!" The person said as they took your practically limp body into their arms. A hand reached to your face and began shakily wiping your tears, whispering curses under their breath as they cradled you.
"Satoru.." You mumbled, a weak smile appearing on your face. He perked up at your words, the hand that was wiping your tears now cupping your face. "Yes, it's me- Satoru, your Satoru!" Your Satoru. How you longed for those words to come out of his mouth for years. You know that's not what he means, though. You know he'll never be yours.
"Thought you didn't like me anymore, 'Toru..?" You weakly asked, tears still streaming down your face. "Fuck— I didn't mean that, you know I could never dislike you Y/N." He said, anxiety lacing his words. Your half-lidded eyes gazed at him with nothing but adoration, they always have. "I don't think 'm gonna make it, 'Toru." You tiredly said, offering him another weak grin.
"Don't say that! You can't leave," Satoru said, "You're important to me." A small frown appeared on his face as you let out a dry laugh. How could you be laughing at a time like this? "I don't get it," You began, "You've always said I'm important to you-" You cut yourself off with a cough, pain shooting throughout your entire body. "-But you always make me feel like 'm not worth your time." You said, blinking a few times to try and keep yourself awake.
"C'mon Y/N, none of that matters now," He said, his tone getting a bit louder, "Stop fucking talking and stay awake for me." Satoru pleaded, lightly tapping your face. If he could take back everything he ever did wrong to you, he would. "Satoru?" You asked, your voice cracked, the lump in your throat only growing with the pain in your body.
"I wanna go home, 'Toru." You cried, weakly gripping Satorus uniform. "You will go home. We jus' gotta wait for Kiyotaka to get here, 'nd we'll go home." He said before throwing his head back and biting his lip harshly, blinking back his tears.
Your side was throbbing, every other wound on your body was stinging. You looked sickly and if anybody saw you they'd assume you were a zombie. You and Satoru both knew that you couldn't live through this. "'Toru—" You began, a small hiccup erupting from your throat. "I love you, y'know that, right?" You uttered, licking your lips out of habit.
"I love you too," He admitted back, his cerulean eyes glossed over. "You're not allowed to die on me, Y/N." He frowned, his voice shaking and cracking every few words.
"I have one last request before I go–" You started, biting your lip when Satoru cut you off, "You're not leaving, don't say that!" He harshly said, his grip on your body tightening. "I'm weak, Satoru." You admit as you reach up to cup his face. He's not wearing those stupid glasses. You thought as you caressed his face gently, a smile appearing on your tear stained, battered face.
"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are, 'Toru?" You say, not failing to catch him off guard even in your last moments. He gives you a nod as he takes one of his hands and places it over your own. "Can you kiss me on the forehead? Like you always do?" You question as you blink away a few tears.
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, his lips staying for a few moments, before hugging your body closer to him and tucking your head under his own. "Maybe in another life, I can be what you always wanted.." You mutter before closing your eyes. He could feel your body still, and finally let a couple tears run down his face.
It was never meant to be.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 month
One of those Days
It's been one of those days for you and you'd love nothing more than a cuddle from your boyfriend Eddie. Except he's away on a trip with his uncle Wayne and won't be back until the next day..
Soft ,protective Eddie, shitty boss, mentions period pains and fluffy/comfort.
Dedicated to anyone who's just having one of those days. Eddie hugs for all of you 🥰
You were so tired. It has just been one of those days and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and not face the world for a few hours.
Work was long and tiring, you were sore and halfway through your period. It made you feel exhausted, snappy and every part of your body ached.
And you missed Eddie so much.
Eddie was away fishing with his uncle Wayne, it was something the two of them had done together since he was a young boy, Wayne loved fishing and Eddie...well it wasn't really his thing but he loved spending time with his uncle.
He had been gone since yesterday and you dearly missed him and Wayne but filled your time hanging with friends and with work and trying to keep your bad periods cramps and aches to a minimum; that had yet to happen.
There was an intense pressure in your head that had been building all day to an almighty headache. All you could think about was your bed and staying in it until Monday. The thought of indulging in some ice cream and your favourite movies was also appealing.
Today was meant to be your day off but your asshole of a boss had no one else to cover the shift and repeatedly called you until you came in to cover the hours.
As soon as you were able to you'd be looking for a new job, this kinda thing had been happening far too often and your boss still treated you pretty badly.
That could wait for a couple of days as soon as you got home later that day you barely had the energy to shower and pretty much just pulled on your comfiest pjs and climbed into bed.
You'd love to be wrapped up in Eddie's arms right now. He always had a way of making you feel better, the two of you were so in sync with each other's emotions that it was easy to know what the other needed right away.
It's with those thoughts that you fall into a deep slumber.
It's dark in your room when you wake up, your headache has dulled slightly but you're left with that groggy, gross feeling of sleeping far too long.
Wait a minute. You pause as you smell Eddie's cologne and notice that Eddie's arms are wrapped around you. You blink sleepily, thinking it's maybe this a dream. "Eds?" he smiles and kisses your forehead.
Okay so not a dream.
"Hey beautiful" he draws you closer to him and elation fills you that he's really here.
"Hi, I thought you weren't back until tomorrow" you kiss him happily and he returns eagerly, kissing you until you're both breathless.
"We finished up early and uh I kinda drove uncle Wayne crazy because I was missing you so much" you melt at his sweetness and burrow yourself in his arms.
"Are you still feeling shitty sweetheart?" He asks as he strokes your hair, you nod still burying your head into his chest and feel content to lie there for a little while.
"Mmm, work was horrendous too. Jake called me in, and wouldn't stop until I covered the shift even though I told him I was feeling awful" Eddie growls and you hear him muttering under his breath at what he'd like to do to your boss, it makes you smile.
"No you can't kick his ass babe" you giggle while trying to tell him off. It never works, he pouts and looks at you all sorrowful brown eyes and faux innocence.
"Not even a little bit? It will make you feel better" you hide your smile and shake your head.
"Not even a tiny bit. Hopper wouldn't be able to let that slide" he's still pouty but cheers up immediately, then proceeds to look offended once he notices that you're not in his arms and he makes grabby hands at you.
"Princess, I was liking that cuddle" you immediately settle back in his arms and feel content for this first time all day.
"Did you drive uncle Wayne crazy with Dio and Metallica then?" you ask and he smirks impishly at this, he's had this master plan to get Wayne to listen and possibly even like one of his favourite bands.
"He ended up liking Black Sabbath. I told you there was hope for the old man yet" he looks so proud of himself but the expression vanishes when he looks at you, instead now he looks worried.
"Okay, first things first my lovely maiden, we are having a shower and then some of uncle Wayne's delicious mac and cheese yes?"
Exactly one hour later you're back in bed with Eddie having had the loveliest shower, Eddie had taken to washing your hair, usually you did it for him but he insisted that tonight he was looking after you.
"Gotta make sure my princess is pampered so you feel better baby"
Now you were having some delicious Mac and cheese while Eddie was telling you about the massive fish he managed to catch.
"I swear sweetheart it was half the size of me. The little shit bit my finger though and went back in the water, shit I fell in after it and almost ruined my vest, wayne thought it was hilarious"
"Poor baby" you soothe. You're perfectly happy listening to Eddie's adventures in fishing. Tucked up in his arms and paying him rapt attention.
Turns out today wasn't such a shitty day after all.
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entirelysein-e · 1 month
『 Red Wine Supernova 』
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☼ synopsis: What happens when your best friend finds out that none of your partners pleased you yet? Will he be the one to give you your first orgasm?
☼ character: Kiryu
☼ wc: 3,3k
☼ cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, fingering, oral (reader receiving), squirting, overstimulation, consent checks, friends to lovers, hinted that more will happen
☼ notes: a big thank you to @suyacho and @kenpachisbrat for enabling my latenight thots 🥹🫶
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It wasn't unusual for you to show up at Kiryu's place on a friday night, a small bag hanging on one shoulder as you held your favorite takeout in your hands, eagerly waiting for your pink-haired friend to open the front door so game night could finally start. Ever since you've become close to Kiryu, fridays were reserved for gaming nights where you would hang out at his home, bodies sunken deep into the cutely shaped bean bags in the middle of the room while eating whatever your heart desired. Both of you enjoyed this time together, playing silly games on various consoles or simply hanging out together to your heart's content. You would gossip a lot, latest dates, partners - just the average bestie talks.
At least that's how things were until you got together with your latest boyfriend, who didn't like just how close the two of you were, constantly assuming that you're cheating on him. While it did hurt Kiryu when you said you can't come by anymore, he understood, not wanting to be the reason your relationship fails - but when you texted him that you're coming over, baring the news of the breakup, his heart did skip a little beat and perhaps your now ex boyfriend was correct and Kiryu did see you more as a friend but it not like you'd ever know, right?
The door soon swung open to reveal a very happy Kiryu, looking excited to finally have gaming night with you again.
"Come in, don't be shy you know the way!" He almost dragged you inside, shooing you towards his oddly cute room you came to love and adore. You were barely able to sit down on your favorite beanbag when he already sat on his, your controller held out for you to take.
"I figure you don't want to talk about him?" He asked kindly, not pushing the subject. You've never mentioned him much to your friend, fearing it might be considered "tmi" even though you knew that this never existed with Kiryu.
"Nothing worth mentioning, really," you mumbled. The reasons for the breakup have piled up over time, but the main reason must have been the way he never cared about your needs in every department of the relationship. Not once did he stop to consider your feelings - not even when you were intimate.
"He said eating a woman out is weird and 'unsanitary'" you said out loud, not an ounce of shame coming over you upon realizing that you were thinking out loud and Kiryu could only gasp.
"So he never...?" He asked almost too respectful and you shook your head.
"He didn't want to 'waste time' on foreplay either since 'lube is a thing'" you continued, making little quotes in the air whenever you repeated that asshole's words.
The game was long forgotten by the both of you, your little guys, just hopping up and down to the Temple grounds soundtrack of Tekken.
You didn't know you were rambling at this point, embarrassment slipping through every crack of your being when you confessed to your best friend that no man could ever make you feel good in bed. When your rambles came to a stop for you to take a deep breath, you registered Kiryu's small giggle, wondering just how long you were carrying that around with you instead of talking about it.
"What's so funny about that?!" You snapped at him in a defensive manner, which made him wipe a fake tear.
"Nothing, nothing" he reassured you teasingly before taking a breath to compose himself.
"It just shows what an asshole that guy was. Small dick, eh?" He asked amused, already having suspected that your ex wasn't the most secure person given you were no longer allowed to see your best friend. A laugh burst out of you, which relieved Kiryu visibly - the crease between your brows disappearing and getting replaced by little wrinkles around your eyes. He loved how sincere your laugh seemed, reaching all the way to your beautiful eyes and - he's been staring for a little too long. Fuck.
Your boisterous laugh slowly died down and left you gulping under the intense stare of your best friend. Were his eyes always this green? You wondered as you found yourself getting lost in them until they seemed to change. Kiryu's pupils dilated upon the shift of air around you two - a friendly hangout to play games suddenly felt different, an unfamiliar feeling spreading and making it hard to breathe for the both of you.
"You know, I could show you," he offered, his voice hushed as if he's speaking to himself.
"Show me what?" You asked naive and your face started to get hot, fearing that you knew exactly what he meant.
"How good it can feel to be with a guy," Kiryu confirmed your fear and you immediately shook your head, only to break the intense eye contact you two were still holding. Anxiously, you fidgeted with your fingers in your lap, picking up the controller just to hold onto something.
"We can't. You're my best friend." Your words sounded defeated, as if your friendship would stop you from anything, but Kiryu let go of a breath he was holding, a small chuckle escaping in the process.
"And? Nothing has to change about that. It would just be two friends having some fun," he reassured you, not trying to push you into it and you actually considered his words.
"I couldn't act like it never happened. I'm not the friends with benefits type," a sadness underlined your words, but Kiryu leaned closer and when you didn't bother to move away, he looked up at you with these damn shiny puppy eyes.
- GAME OVER - the loud announcement coming from the TV startled both of you out of whatever trance you were in before laughing it off.
"If you promise not to tease me about it... we can maybe... you know, a little. Not all the way," you talked around it, not wanting to say it out loud because that would make it too real and weird.
The pink-haired man didn't need to be told twice, positioning himself right before the game destroyed the mood - face just inches from yours.
"You sure?" He asked and his tongue darted out to wet his lips a little as he waited for a reply, which came in the form of a small nod.
"If you change your mind, just speak up, yeah?" His voice was soft like honey now and his pupils dilated once again.
It felt weird letting yourself go like that with your friend, but your body screamed for him, a yearning that has been buried all these years, but the feeling seemed to be mutual. Soft hands cupped your cheeks where one of his thumbs rubbed over the apple of your cheeks, a sly smile etched onto his lips.
"You know, I've wanted to kiss you for a while already," he mused and leaned in without further warning. Kiryu trusted you to speak up or to push him away if you happened to change your mind, but you kissed him back the moment his lips connected with yours.
It felt like a little firework setting off in both of you as the kiss dragged on, the taste of his strawberry chapstick long gone as your tongues danced around each other, wrestling for dominance, which you gladly granted him. Despite the desperation behind the kiss, it was sweet and sensual, his hands roaming your body while staying respectful. Only when your hands started to wander further down his abs to play with the material of his belt did his hand came to hold yours firmly yet gently.
"No, don't. It's about you," he mumbled breathless as he pulled away from the kiss. The effect you had on him was visible, but he didn't care, wanting to put the focus on you.
"But-" you wanted to protest and he kissed you again just so you wouldn't continue your sentence of how he should also feel pleasure.
"It's enough for me, trust me," he reassured you as his kisses traveled down your neck until he nibbled on your sensitive spot just to suck on your soft skin.
You were lost in how good he made you feel just by kissing you already, not wanting to argue about pleasing him and being selfish for once in your life.
"May I?" His voice was barely above a whisper, and you felt his breath against your ear, which made you shudder. Soft hands rested just under the hem of your shirt, waiting for permission to rake over your skin without fabric between the two of you this time and you nodded before kissing him again.
Kiryu's warm hands slipped under your shirt and caressed your skin, goosebumps forming where he touched you, but his gentle touches always stopped right under your chest, wanting to respect you and your body. It drove you insane to the point where you took your own shirt off, needing his hands on your chest right this second or you would combust.
"Should I take it off?" Honeyed words against your skin as he kissed your neck once again, a single finger slipping under the strap of your bra, teasing your shoulder and you could only nod before a desperate "yes, please" slipped out of your lips.
Kiryu didn't need to be told twice, slipping the bra strap he was playing with down your shoulder, small kisses following its trail before one hand unclasped your bra behind your back. The heat was rising up your cheeks when he got rid of your bra so quickly, arms crossing over your chest in an effort to hide, which made him halt right away.
"Changed your mind?" He asked curious, no hint of anger in his voice and you shook your head.
"No, it's just- you make me feel so good it's ugh... embarrassing," you admitted out loud, your whole body burning hot from embarrassment, but your best friend could only chuckle in response, kissing each hand the moment you dropped them from your chest.
Yes, he wanted you - badly. But you were so much more to him than just your body. It was everything he dreamed about countless times before - better even and he needed you to understand that making you feel good is pleasuring him too. Soft kisses trailed up each arm until he was leaving open-mouthed kisses along your collarbones, your heart almost beating out of your chest and you let yourself sink into the beanbag beneath your body.
"Please," you whispered, unsure what you were asking for, but you needed him to do something, anything really.
Kiryu understood your empty plea and kissed the supple flesh of your chest until his lips wrapped around one nipple, a blissed sigh slipping from his lips and erecting goosebumps all over your skin. He could do this all day, mindlessly sucking on your nipples, tongue swirling over them as his fingers played with the other so neither boob felt neglected. You started to get vocal at this point, soft sighs and mewls slipping from you and you could feel him smirk against your tits.
"You're so responsive for me... feeling so good just from this?" He asked teasingly and used his teeth to gently tug on the nipple he was previously sucking on.
All you could think of at this point was his face between your thighs and the way his skilled mouth would feel against your neglected little pussy. Unbeknownst to you, you were rubbing your thighs together at the thought, but the pink-haired man noticed right away, his heart swelling at how good he makes you feel.
"Want me to move this further down, eh?" He asked with such a dirty smirk on his face that you wanted to hide, but all you could do was nod shamefully.
"Just lay back and let me make you feel good, princess," he cooed as his hands worked on your pants before pulling them off in just one move.
His fingers traced back up your legs and raked over your thighs ever so gently, which made you spread your legs for him so willingly. Slender fingers continued their path until one single digit ran over your soaked panties, humming when he felt your sticky, wet essence completely soiling your underwear.
"Did any other guy get you this worked up before?" He asked, almost cocky, but you know he needed to hear that he's the first to make you lose your mind like this.
Wordlessly, you shook your head as the embarrassment set in once again under his intense gaze, but his lips curled up to a sweet smile.
"Then I won't make you wait too long, hm?" He asked sickenly sweet before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties, eyes searching for any hesitation on your face, but you willingly lifted your hips, allowing him to take them off by offering yourself like that.
Kiryu peeled your panties off your legs slowly, the fabric sticking to your pussy and forming little strings of your slick when he pulled them off, a small chuckle falling from his lips once again when he sees just how wet you are from his caress. Once you were entirely naked, he pushed your knees towards your chest to take a closer look at the cute little pussy he gets to play with, arguably his new favorite thing to play with.
"Y-you don't have to," Your voice ripped him out of his thoughts and he looked up at you like a kicked puppy.
"But I want to... or have you changed your mind?" He asked concerned at the sudden change, but you shook your head again, trying to gather a clear thought before answering him.
"You hesitated," you eventually pointed out and he smiled softly, his pink hair swinging as he shook his head no.
"I was admiring that sweet pussy of yours and thought about what a shame it is that no one ever tasted it before," he answered amused yet honest and you sunk further in the beanbag, his words making you shy away but your pussy clenched, desperate to be touched.
Only when you told him that you wanted him to go on, he kissed your thighs down to your mound before holding eye contact. Once your eyes were on his, his thumbs came down to part your folds and his tongue dragged through them in a long lick only to circle around your bundle of nerves just like he did with your nipples moments before. The feeling caused you to moan and arch your back for him, one hand flying down to hold onto his soft hair, not wanting him to stop. Hot air flushed over your glistening cunt when he chuckled at the desperation, but his ministrations never stopped. Kiryu's tongue continued to play with your pussy, swirling it over your clit or spelling his name onto it with the tip of his tongue to claim you in a sick way, to make you his, hoping to burn his name into you so no other man can make you feel this good.
After just mere minutes, he had you close to the edge, the knot almost snapping and your hand tangling in his hair to gently pull on it.
"Let go for me, it's okay," he whispered against your drenched folds, tongue dipping into your entrance to taste more of your sweet juices before he continued to lap at your sensitive clit the way you liked it.
Hearing him so eager for your release made you relax and give into the pleasure until the knot inside of you exploded, a sweet moan of his name ringing through his room, yet his tongue never slowed down to help you prolong the orgasm. Only when you started pushing his head away, far too sensitive for a second orgasm did he pull away. Your juices were clinging to his chin when he gave you the sweetest smile.
"Was it as good as you expected?" He asked sincerely and licked your slick off his lips.
Breathless, you nodded, unable to form even a single thought at how good he just made you feel. Seeing your pussy clench around nothing but air made him pity your sweet little cunt, so he brought a finger up to circle around your entrance, which made you whine out, eagerly nodding.
"So eager for more..." he teased, but wondered just how neglected your pussy might have felt after no one bothered to give it the attention it deserved for, lord knows, how long.
His finger slipped in with ease from his wet you still were and his tongue returned to lap at your clit - much slower this time, but it felt so much more intense when his finger massaged your sweet spot now too.
"I'll do this until you tell me to stop," his words come out quiet against your slick folds and he closes his eyes in pure bliss upon feeling you clench around a single finger. The room filled with your sinful cries of pleasure once again when he curled two fingers into your g-spot while his lips caused enough suction on your clit to make you lose your mind entirely now.
Kiryu's pants grew tighter the closer you got and when the squelching noises alongside your whines of his name were all he could hear, it became almost impossible to not cum untouched, a damp spot of pre-cum forming in his boxers, yet he'd never ask you to return the favor - simply palming himself over his pants to your sweet sounds.
Your high approached once again and Kiryu stopped himself from his own release to focus on yours fully, fingers massaging that one spot that had you curling your toes as his tongue relentlessly dragged the letters of his name onto your overly sensitive bundle of nerves. His free arm held your legs down, pushing them down to your chest some more until you were almost screaming in ecstasy. A clear stream of liquid poured from your cunt as your walls clenched around his fingers before they slipped out to rub your clit, helping you ride out yet another orgasm until you lay there panting heavily. Kiryu rested his head against one of your thighs after he lowered your legs slowly, his pants drenched in his own release just from witnessing yours.
Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought that you could squirt from a man playing with your pussy but Kiryu only started, eager to make you lose your mind with the way he has you like putty in his hands, the lines of friendship and more slowly blurring.
“You're so good for me,” his praise was gentle as his hand cupped your cheek, his eyes full with adoration when he looked down on you - perhaps you should have confessed your feelings for the pink-haired man long ago since they were obviously returned by him. But right now you didn't want to think about the conversation that sure would follow, you just wanted to be selfish a little while longer when he so badly wanted to make you feel good. Another time you would surely be allowed to return the favor...
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Networks: @pixelcafe-network @interstellar-inn @houseofsolisoccasum
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