#I have two ways of dealing with awful news: writing and sleep
yandere-kokeshi · 7 months
How would TF141+Konig,Nikolai react if their reader drunk and told them about how reader family used to sold reader at brotherel.
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about prostitution, mention of trauma, and foreshadowing on murdering. 
A/N: Definitely took my time writing this, so I hope you enjoy it!
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Captain “Price” John:
Whiplashes at you, nearly breaking his neck as he places his cold-glass down on the table. 
“Sorry, what?” 
He’s pissed. He cannot fathom why anyone could possibly do something so awful to his sweet darling, but he’s heartbroken, too. His heart shatters when you explain it, going into detail of what happened. And soon, John’s hands find themselves on yours within a heartbeat, thumbs grazing over your knuckles, and squeezes them occasionally. 
If you blow it off, saying it’s no biggie, John gets angrier. It’s not fine, and his tone is firm, and large hands that’s on top of yours aren’t letting go. And soon, he softens — bringing you into his lap, kissing the crown of your head. Hands running up and down your back, whispering to you of how special you are. 
And soon enough, later that night when you’re sleeping, his mind is wide-awake and angered. Wondering if your family is worthwhile to get a visit, teach ‘em a lesson or two.
From now on, John is so gentle with you; checking in with you first and won’t push you for anything. He even suggests therapy, or perhaps couple-therapy, to help you in some way. He wants you to know he’s here for you, as that’s all you have. 
Your parents are nowhere to be seen. The news has reported them missing, and it���s weird that John had come home after an hour when their bodies had been found, right? 
Simon “Ghost” Riley:
Whiplashes so hard, his neck popped as he looked at you. The cheap beer that you and him were drinking is set down, the loud clanking making the silence even louder, and his brown-doe eyes are staring at you. 
“You bein’ serious?”
Simon is fuming, absolutely seething with rage at how they used and hurt you. And he’s extremely tempted to find all of them and break every single bone in their miserable body. How on the earth could they hurt and betray you, you, the literal light in his life like that? 
“Love, you can’t jus’ drop a bomb like that and expect me to be all natural with it,” His tone seethed. He tries to soften it, he really does, but his rage with what you’ve just told him is starting to seep through the built-in cracks. And it’s clearly showing his not-so pretty side. 
But as soon as he sees your face, his heart re-breaks all over again. And within seconds, he pulls you into his arms, whispering sweet words of love and promises of safety; kissing every part he can reach until you tell him to stop.
If you haven’t already cut ties with your family, Simon immediately does it for you — anger shown and his tone sharp. He removes them from any way possible of how they could connect to you, even going as far to put a restraining order against them. But, if they decide to be snide, and try to take you back? Simon is more than happy to use his physical strength to scare them away. 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick:
He laughs uncomfortably, before he really thinks and chews on the words a little more. His eyebrows crease against each other, fingers tightening around the beer bottle, as he looks at you very concerned. 
“Wait– what was that?” 
Kyle watches you go on, rambling about it as if it’s not a big deal, and he’s in pure shock. He’s not sure if you’re putting a brave face on, or if it’s the alcohol, but either way, it’s making him mad. His hands are shaking, his heart thundering in his chest, mind going a mile a minute, trying to understand the concept, but he can’t seem to get past the anger part. 
“Baby… when did this happen?” he generally questions, uncomfortably shifting in his seat as he looks for something in you. He’s worrying. Wonder what it’s done to you, someone he loves so deeply, and he can’t fathom the idea that something so horrific happened to you. 
Within seconds, he apologizes. Brown eyes looking at yours, barely forming tears. He’s pulling you into a tight hug, holding you deeply, and finding a way to blame himself. If he’d known you sooner, maybe it wouldn’t have happened. He could’ve protected you. 
But, that doesn’t help the situation — so he focuses on you, helping you through things and ensuring you’ll be safe. Because you’ll always be with him. 
Kyle tries to help you in every shape and form, making sure your boundaries are set and that he follows them knee-deep. And that, of course, your family doesn’t come near you. If they try to push through the cracks, he’s immediately acting viciously. And it’s not pretty.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish:
He chokes on his drink, coughing up a storm. Hitting him like a ton of bricks, and somehow, you look at him like he’s the one who said some type of sex joke at the wrong time. 
“I– beg your pardon?” 
He’s right in the same area with Ghost, furious in many aspects. His face shows it. His body language, and thick voice. When you’re describing the multiple incidents, it just makes him want to track down your family and rip them in two. 
Comfort is immediately given, Johnny’s arms find yours within seconds, and you’re brought into a cuddle session — one where he kisses every part, and promises that you’ll never have to face them again. He looks at you, blue eyes just admiring you before kissing your cheek, “Nobody will hurt ya’ again, swear on my and ma’s life, sweets.”
And he goes with it. Days pass, and he’s still thinking about it. He sees you so strongly, and how you’re able to go about your day and act as if it’s normal; his heart beats faster at your sewn thoughts of even crying. 
Without saying, Johnny despises your family. A bitter emotion that can be easily shown if you bring them up into a conversation. His hands crunch in remembrance of their scared face, and you won’t be seeing them anymore. You can’t. 
He just looks at you, seemingly going deeper into your soul. Which, of course, creeps you out. König watches you explain, with a flushed look, and he’s tasting iron in his mouth from how hard he’s biting his cheek. 
“Hase, what’d you say?” 
He just keeps staring at you. And he doesn’t want you to think he’s angry at you, because he’s not — never in a million years, but it’s devastating to him. How could someone, a family that you’re supposed to trust, do that to you? 
“König?” your voice brings him out of his deep thoughts, bloody thoughts, and he just looks at you before bringing you into his chest; a man, so large and beefy, has a voice so little and fragile, that you could barely hear it. He sighs, “Why did you hide it? I’d much rather you talk to me, okay?” 
He’s obviously affected, but not as much as you are. He’s in a state of disbelief, and the fact you just blurted it out, whilst in a vulnerable state, makes him sick.
He’s unbelievably more clingy the next few days, ensuring you know your own worth and how strong you are. Everywhere you go, he’s touching you — smoothing the wrinkles in your clothes as his hands crawl underneath the fabric. Kissing you and nearly suffocating you with his weight. 
As for your family, he ignores and diverts the questions of them into a different conversation. He doesn’t want to scare you, but with the things he’s done, König is certain you’d be smart to connect the dots. 
Not a single laugh, or fun look comes from Nikolai. He’s immediately concerned, the shot glass being put down as he really looks at you, biting his lip. 
“Think that’s enough alcohol, Lyubimyy. Why don’t we head to bed, hm?”
He doesn’t necessarily react — but more so tries to make you sidetrack so you two can focus on something else. Until, the next morning, is where he re-brings it up and asks. He’s concerned, dark eyes showing sadness that’s covered by anger. But your feelings matter. They will always come first. And when he sees your reaction, Nikolai quickly understands, “We can talk whenever you’re ready, mkay lovey?” 
Nikolai comforts you with the best of his abilities, ensuring that you’re not a burden. You’re the complete opposite, and you’re so strong. His hugs become deeper, kisses become longer and more intimate. 
And the gifts he brings home, even to the grocery store, are enormous. His sly smile as he carries them in definitely takes your head off some things, no? 
Your parents are immediately cut out of your life. Nikolai has secrets of his own, and once in a while, he has to take out the dirty trash, right? Before he leaves for the day, a mission needed for Laswell, he promises to be back before 5 PM; and he does, arriving all giddy and flirty. But his hands seem a bit too warm, a bit odd. 
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The Colosseum
I started writing this and have no idea how to finish it or where to take it from here. I had an idea but lost it halfway through 😅
Valerie had had it with all of the ghosts in Amity. She could hardly sleep, was missing schools as a result because she was either too exhausted to stay awake long enough in class, or another ghost attack was forcing her to miss the entire period to go deal with that day’s trouble maker. Almost every part of her body hurt in one way or another. Bruises that should have faded by now but haven’t because every day she was out collecting more. She couldn’t blame Phantom either. He seemed just as tired and beat up as she was even with his healing factor.
With the number of ghost attacks having nearly tripled in frequency, they’d both come to the mutual decision that working together would be the best course of action to deal with the constant onslaught. And reluctantly, Val had to admit that Phantom might not be as bad she first assumed. She hadn’t anticipated actually getting along with the ghost as well as she had been. Much less the realisation that they could almost be considered…fiends now. Maybe. She refused to laugh at his god awful puns though, he didn’t need anymore encouragement.
But even with Phantom’s help, she was so tired. So, so, so very tired. And so one could say Valerie was well within her rights to say that this situation, was just more bullshit she didn’t need right now.
She had been trying to cram for the next upcoming test when there was a sudden flash of light, so bright it was blinding and she had to shield her eyes with her arms from the fear that this light might burn through her eyelids. Her body tingled, and she felt something wash over her. When the light subsided, just as quickly as it had appeared, she slowly opened her eyes.
“Where the hell am I?”
She was in a colosseum. The stone of the structure was a deep purple with intricate glimmering gold details carved into the walls and pilasters. There was a magic in the air that felt different to the sensation she would get in the Ghost Zone. The sky above was pitch black with more stars than Val had ever seen visible in Amity, and two moons.
So, not Earth then, she concluded.
“Hey Red, where are we?” Valerie spun around to see Phantom floating over to her, his eyes scanning the area around them. Then Val looked down at herself to see that she was in her Red Huntress suit. She couldn’t remember putting it on. Maybe that was what the full body sensation from earlier was about.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Val checked herself over, making sure she had all of her weapons on her should she need them. When she was satisfied she did, she put her hands on her hips and let her gaze wander over the arena.
“I don’t think we’re on Earth anymore,” Phantom muttered as he took in the sky above them. For a split second Val swore she saw his freckles glow a soft green as he was taking in the stars above them.
“We should start looking for a way out of here, or at least figure where here is,” Valerie had just turned to start walking when the ground rumbled and shook, “What-”
Another blinding flash of light appeared behind them. And once again, it had vanished just as quickly as it had appeared.
“What the hell was that?” A new voice asked from behind them.
Val and Phantom turned in unison to stare at the group in front of them. All of them were dressed in some sort of hero ensemble. It seemed the voice had come from a man donning a brown leather jacket over an armoured suit with a red bat symbol across his chest, an assortment of guns and other weaponry strapped to his body, and most notably a red helmet. He and the rest of his group seemed to be taking in their surroundings the same way Val and Phantom.
“Who are you? Were you the ones who summoned us?” Came a new voice, from a young man (or was he a teenager?) dressed in black leggings with a red tunic, utility belt, and a chest harness connecting to the symbol on the centre, a black cowl and a cape. In his hands was a bo staff. He and the others had all dropped into combat ready stances the moment they became aware that they weren’t the only people in the colosseum.
And from here I couldn’t figure out how to continue
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schoenpepper · 2 months
Isekai'd Chronicles 2
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Intro: Heartslabyul in an isekai AU.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, almost falling in Riddle's part, mentions of poisoning in Trey's part, also a little suggestive on Trey's, just a bit
A/N: I'm happy the previous parts seem well liked. I'm currently working on the endings, but it might take a while, so please remain patient. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!
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Your childhood friends leave a year earlier than you do for the magic school, but it's fine. That means you have one more year to prepare yourself before going to the battlefield, which may or may not be your deathbed. After all these years, you've finally become an accomplished heir! You even dabble in a little bit of swordsmanship in your spare time, and your father tells you you'll make for an excellent knight should you wish for it. Maybe you would have taken up his offer if you were still that same person from years ago, but now you want to face your fate head-on! In any case, Jamil and Kalim were still waiting for you in the magic school, and you just can't let them down. Your first day there is a mess, though.
It's a boarding school with dormitories for all sorts of races, and with one wrong turn after the other, you find yourself stepping off a cloud and plummeting to your doom. You're caught in the air by magic, safely levitated back up to the cloud by a red-headed angel who scolded you to Heaven and back for being reckless, as well as going to the angels' dormitories when you're very clearly human.
Congratulations! You've met Riddle Rosehearts, the heir of the Saintess of Heaven!
He collars you with his signature magic, telling you to deal with it because it was obviously your fault for trespassing. And it is, but you didn't even know how you got up there! Apologies leave your lips and you promise, you're very sincere. It was an honest mistake. You were just human after all. Surely, being the smart and awesome and cool angel he is, he wouldn't hold it against you? His forgiveness comes at the price of one (1) strawberry tart. The next day, you come by his dorm, on purpose this time, and tell him that you even brought nice lemon tea as proof that you were super duper really sorry. The collar comes off.
Now, you're not stupid. Riddle isn't good news because he's a capture target, you know? But your new friends, Ace and Deuce (who are in no way related to the original game), are also angels! And you see Riddle more often than you would have liked, but he's... not terrible, actually. He's a stickler for the rules, but you find that bribing him with sweets is an easy way to get a more lenient sentence. He's kind and smart, and you find yourself asking for his help for certain subjects when Jamil was way too busy looking after Kalim (and the rest of the human dormitory). When you start to think of him as a sort of friend, he confides that his upbringing was a bit too tough, even for Heaven, and that he's now scared of breaking the rules his mother had set in fear of losing it all.
And you sigh. You can be friends with him, probably. He's okay. Then, that's another male lead who might not kill you.
Your fingers gently trace the pure white feathers that grew on his wings. "Your wings are so beautiful, Riddle senpai." You praise happily, pulling off dirt and hair from little nooks and crannies.
"Um, thank you, I suppose." Your hand reaches the tip of his wing, brushing against a bent feather.
"Can I pull off the damaged feathers?"
Riddle nods, and you take it as your cue to snap off the pretty thing and hold it out next to him. "Can I keep it? It'll make for a cute necklace, I think."
Riddle pauses, his face turning as red as his hair. You feel like you've offended him somehow, but he nods again, looking away. "...It's yours, then, if you want it."
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You really need a break. All you've done recently is study! And as you face the two sleeping idiots with their heads buried under books, you decide to go and raid the angel dormitory's kitchen. Anyway, if Riddle found out someone ate his pastries, you could just say that you were never there in the first place! Yes, yes, as slithery as a snake, invisible like a middle child.
You tiptoe your way down the stairs and thank the literal Heavens that the angels' dorm had a strict curfew, so no one can even catch you in the act.
Ha, sike.
The lights are on, and it smells like paradise, if paradise were in the form of chocolate chip cookies. There's a tall, green-haired angel with glasses and a cheesy 'Kiss the Cook' apron, and he gives you a mischievous grin and a cookie to buy your silence. You chew on the delicious treat with your eyes closed and think that it's just to die for. No, really, because the person who gave you the cookie is none other than Trey Clover. And in the otome game, the villain died via poisoning on this to-be-archbishop's route. So be a smart cookie, turn tail, and run. You should do that. Right. But when he mumbles something about there being chocolate mousse and banana pudding in the fridge that might also buy your silence, you agree to his terms and gorge yourself on desserts while seated on the counter, your legs swinging while you chat with him. He's stress baking, he says, because third-year assignments have been piling up, and you learn that he's learned how to bake and make treats from his grandfather, who'd learned how to do it from some human.
Your frequent study sessions with the ADeuce combo are punctuated with you sneaking off in the middle of the night and eating whatever Trey's making. You feel a little guilty, just enough to offer to help, and you feel so honored when he buys you your own little 'Kiss the Cook' apron as a gift. You two start to bake together sometimes after class, and he's very enjoyable company. He's really nice, and he makes unfunny dad jokes while he tells you about random things that happened in his day, and you rant his ear off about your troublesome duo as well as your thoughts of getting a cat. You think he's a really sweet guy, and it's not long before you take out the journal of otome game things you've been keeping since you were three, just to cross his name out like the other ones.
Trey is safe. He's a fun older brother kind of guy, responsible, and mature. He wouldn't poison you if he got himself a significant other. Then there's only ten more guys to avoid. Good job, you!
Trey laughs as another handful of flour makes its way onto his face, and he easily repays the favor by smearing cream onto yours.
"Stop! I give, I give!" You surrender in fits of giggles, now finding yourself in between him and the counter. The laughter dies down, but his signature smirk is there. "Don't you give up just a bit too easily? You started it, after all." He teases, caging you in with his arms.
"Please, it's a strategic retreat."
"Is that so?"
There's a few seconds of silence as he stares into your eyes. You move slyly to swipe a dab of flour from the counter, gently tapping it onto his nose. "I won, senpai."
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hii could you do a fake dating trope with Percy?
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pairing: percy jackson x unclaimed!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, like one mention of the giggidy + really shitty family members making comments abt weight.
a/n: it actually took me a good three seconds to decide to write this. i love love LOVE the fake dating trope omg. so yes please! im also going on a break tonight and i wanted to post something before i left hence why this is hc and not a fic <33
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you had approached percy with the deal of fake dating first
he was convinced you were playing a joke on him and had declined but when you had actually given him a list of pros and cons he was swayed
he agrees really quickly - a little too quickly
when the camp had found out you were dating nobody was shocked cause they'd all been shipping you for years
percy would show up at your cabin every morning to walk you to breakfast no matter what
you would hang out more and more eventually just spending all your free time together
convincing the camp you were dating insisted of hands in back pockets of jeans, random hugs (which you've become quite a fan of), little notes left in each others cabins, and cheek kisses.
you had a "date day" every saturday
that is percy's favourite day of the week.
a whole day hanging out with you? hell yeah
when percy invited you home for the holiday's you agreed but warned him he might have to meet your own family
he agreed and assured you its fine
sally loves you.
like she thinks of you as her daughter and welcomes you with warm hugs and food
when your family demands asks to meet percy you both dress nicely and you brace yourself for an awful night
your family is appalling to you but adoring to percy
they make comments all night "oh, so are you two fucking or what?"
"nope just dating," percy reassures wrapping an arm around you.
he snaps when one of your aunts make a comment about you eating.
"are you sure you wanna eat that y/n? you'll get even more fat."
"shut the fuck up! she has literally eaten nothing all day one fucking cracker isn't going to change that."
he practically drags you out of the house flipping off your family members when the follow you both out.
tears sting at your eyes when you realise how much that meant to you
to cheer you up percy takes you for ice-cream (and you both get double scoops thank you very much) and back home to sally
sally who was warned by percy when you left your house that y/n was in need of some cheering up blue cookies style
you curl up on the couch together and spend the night watching trashy movies and gossiping like teenage girls with sally
percy works up the courage to kiss you the day before you go back to camp on one of your scheduled "date days"
you instantly kiss him back
sally was one hundred percent being told about this from both of you
when you do arrive back percy turns to you and asks why you needed to start fake dating before the holidays
you smile and reveal that you actually didn't need to and you had written it down on your pros and cons list but percy had just started acting boyfriendy
later on that day you realise that somewhere along the way you and percy stopped 'fake dating' and just started acting like yourselves with each other
coincidentally technically 'dating' before you even knew it
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a/n pt2: i was so sleep deprived when writing this, so sorry if its crap. i'll be reappearing in a few days after my break (hopefully with two new fics: midnight troubles pt3 and the percy x popstar au)
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planetmimi · 8 months
decode - cl16
context: charles leclerc x black!fem!oc, some smau (cause i love those doooown)
faceclaim: @balialdn on insta
cw: none
summary: after a five-month social media break, artist Ahvi finally comes back to social media. her comeback is in the midst of dating rumors swirling around her and two of her...friends.
Italic = flashback
feedback is appreciated, this is my first one so please be nice
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya and 8.473.875 others
ahvi: my french is getting better, might use it in this project…maybe? (be calm yall)
f1lover: CHARLES WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! welcome back queen (im trying to be calm, i think i might actually explode from happiness)!!!
username74: oh look the whore is back
username54: awww we all hoped you would never come back
username12: no fr! when her contract ran out i thought that we were finally done with her
lewishamilton: new music, maybe?
ahvi: maybe… if you get me paddock passes
lewishamilton: ask your boyfriend...maybe
ahvi: blocked, reported and banned from listening to my music cause OMG?! i just got back too?! like please ntm on me
charles_leclerc: teaching you french has been quite the challenge, i would like some type of credit please
ahvi: if you podium i'll think about it
charles_leclerc: and if i get P1 i want a song written for me and to be in the music video
ahvi: *gasps in étonnement* thats asking for a lot, P1 twice this season and you've got yourself a deal
username67: you should have never come back nobody wants to hear your shitty music
stanningahvi: the fact that it’s been damn near two years without any new music… and a year since we've last seen you👁️👄👁️
lew_max.444: no cause if this is a trick…imma do something heinous
ahvi: is this a threat ? cause it’s kinda feeling like a threat
ahvi4f1: i mean…we can make it one if you want us to 🤷🏾‍♀️
zendaya: as your bestfriend i have to let you know, if you don’t drop this, i will do so for you (i will leak it)❤️
ahvi: sounds like less work for me tbh 🤷🏽‍♀️
zendaya: alright yall secret project dropping next month at 4 pm PST
ahvi: ouuu d*sney dupe 🤭
tomholland2013: please, don’t check your messages mate
zendaya: don’t listen to him. go check your messages babe. go ahead.
liked by: zendaya, tomholland2013 and 45.856 others
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liked by: lewishamilton, sza and 5.946.087 others
ahvi: why didn't y'all tell me Australia is so hot ?? oh wait.. thats just me sorry y'all
landonorris : FIRST !
ahvi: 15th actually
landonorris : ......... you think you're so funny huh
ahvisdrafts: i mean she is actually a full time stand up comedian, part time singer-songwriter.
ahvi: you get it
username2: so, you and whats his face broke up and now you're going between F1 drivers?
f1grids: wow, never expected an A lister to become a grid groupie
girly2pop: are you ready to write a song for that man?
ahvi: stooop. shhhhhh. if no one mentions it EVER AGAIN i won’t have to do it
normani: tea is she's actually written like six of em already
georgerussell63: why is it always me?!
username29: girl we've heard the rumors about you getting around miss paddock princess
username : never would i have expected ahvi to become as close as she is with the f1 grid…like i didn't even know she knew what f1 was
username9: shes sleeping her way through it lol
username: girl you need to back up off charles
username6: no for real...going to australia three weeks before race week? way to scream desperate
Over the last year Ahvi has become somewhat of a hermit, between rumors swirling of a potential relationship between her and Charles, and her break up with her ex-friend becoming known to the public. All of this buzz around her name has generated a lot of hate, whether it be from her ex-friend's fans, Charles fans or her own haters. For the last year Ahvi has just been the internet's punching bag, despite not being active on the internet.
In the year she took away from social media a lot happened, a lot changed. Before she started her break, she was just off a stadium world tour, about to drop her first proper album. She felt on top of the world, until one day, with only three months left in her tour. Just before her second day at Wembly Stadium, when she fainted during soundcheck and was sent to the hospital.
- a year ago -
Her heartbeats so loud she almost can't hear what the nurse in front of her is saying. The nurse smiles lightly "I know this is probably very shocking, so I will give you some time, but your options are a bit limited with how far along you are." Ahvi nods, trying to process the words that were said to her, "I just- I'm sorry, I know I've made you say it to me a hundred times over but just...one more time and can I see the results."
"Don't worry, this is a common response in this situation," the nurse says as she hands over the blood test results. Ahvi looks at the blood test results, there it is, in black and white, "your HCG levels are higher than normal," the nurse points to her HCG results. Aleyah's eyes follow the nurse's finger, "Your results put you at being 17 weeks pregnant." There's that word again, pregnant, the one part of this she can't wrap her head around. As the nurse was talking to her an ultrasound tech brought in an ultrasound machine.
Ahvi tries her best to truly listen and absorb what the nurses are telling her as she lifts her shirt up to start the ultrasound. When the ultrasound tech brings the wand to where the gel was put a fast heartbeat fills the room and tears swell in the young singers eyes.
The 22-year-old looks at the ultrasound screen, a small incredulous whisper tumbles from her lips, "what the fuck."
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cinnbar-bun · 8 months
hi hi this has to be my favorite one piece writing blog, seriously ur writing makes me so happy 😭🖤
not sure if i can request multiple characters but do you mind if i can get general sfw/nsfw headcanons for jinbe and brook?
sorry i really like weird old men (again love your writing and i hope you have a very nice day!!!!!)
A/n: Aw thank you sweetheart. Please enjoy this~! Also, sorry for not posting for a bit, I’ve been exhausted from work and lost some motivation to write oneshots :( but I just love Brook so much so I had to do this.
Brook + Jinbei General SFW + NSFW HCs
Note: separate relationships, reader is GN, smut headcanons inside. Fluffy mmm.
Word Count: 874
Brook, ever the performer, loves waking you up or lulling you to sleep with his music. Heck, he’ll even burst out into song throughout the day for you if you wish. He’s your 24/7 skeletal radio.
Sometimes he also does freestyle music and makes up lyrics and beats on the spot about whatever you’re doing or how he feels. They’re usually cheesy and not all that serious, but they never fail to lift your spirits up.
Brook likes to be dramatic in your presence to get some attention from you. Sometimes he’s like a spoiled baby but he can’t help it- you’re too amazing!! And he loves you so much!!
If you’re ever feeling too hot, Brook will always put a hand to your head or elsewhere to help you cool down with his devil fruit powers. He’s your not so little walking ice pack.
Brook, while eccentric, is still an old man at heart so he often likes to treat you and spoil you the old-fashioned way. Kneeling on the main deck as you’re on the top deck while he performs you sweet sonnets and ballads he made just for you. Always wanting to keep an arm around your waist. Walking on the street side of the sidewalk. Buying you flowers at any given moment.
He’s a charming gentleman, and it’s very clear when it comes to you.
That being said, he can still be a pervert and it’s full force for you.
He goes gaga over your body! Literally loses his soul when he even gets a peek of you because ??? Hello??? You’re beautiful??
Beyond just sexually, he adores your body. It’s hard for him to explain the feeling but ever since he’s become just a pile of bones, he’s found a greater appreciation for the human body.
When he’s in bed with you, he wants to explore every inch and crevice of your body. Don’t get shy on him now, it’s not like he even has eyes to stare at you, YOHOHOHO!
Kidding, but really, when you two are getting intimate, he focuses on you and your reactions a great deal. He can’t have sex with you the way a human would, so most of his pleasure is derived from your enjoyment- yeah, he’s still got it.
His phalanges are god tier, argue with the wall!!!
Local dad-friend to the crew, loyal husband to you. You might not even be married but you might as well be, that’s just how sweet he is.
He really likes trying new things with you. Even something as small as a new ice cream flavor makes him happy. It’s rather silly and mundane, but something about doing it with you makes it feel wonderful.
“‘Cereal milk’…? There’s really a flavor for that?!”
And alongside new things, he likes to make traditions for the two of you. He’s a very sentimental man, so it can end up being something like eating that one specific dish you two had on your first date, or having a spot on the ship to sit and cuddle.
Jinbei makes sure you get a healthy amount of fruit in you. He will be casually leaving you a plate of freshly cut fruits and a glass of water beside you. He’s not letting you devoid yourself of essential nutrients and hydration. Will force feed you if necessary.
Okay this is just my headcanon but he’s got old man eyes so if something is in smaller fonts he squints and holds the page up to his face to try and read it. It isn’t until you offer to just read it for him that he FINALLY gives in and has you read it for him.
He’s got a great laugh. A hearty, jovial laugh that anyone in the crew can hear from miles away. Honestly, your jokes might not even be that good, but to him, it’s hilarious. Just being so carefree and funny like this is special to him. Your jokes and funny faces seriously make his day, so please never feel embarrassed to tell him one.
I don’t have a segue for this. He is just a big boy.
And yeah, he knows that he’s huge, which is why he takes extra care to make sure you’re properly stretched and ready to take him.
He never really put too much thought into his body beyond his strength, but he has to admit, he loves when you shower attention and compliment his body. Especially in the bedroom, his face just warms up and he gets a bit prideful. It gets him going knowing his body turns you on so much.
Gentle giant. He’s not going to go feral on you, especially not during the first few times you two lay together. He may consider that sort of thing later, alongside many safety measures.
He does enjoy doggy, but also, he finds it so sexy when you ride him. Forward or reverse, it doesn’t matter. It’s also a pretty good compromise because he can let you set a pace while joining with you to get it “rougher” if you so wish.
Lots and lots of praise from Jinbei, all whispered lovingly into your ear as he’s pounding into you <3
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twistedlovelines · 16 days
Fem Riddle... Oh the potential for angst is so delicious it makes me salivate
Riddle lived her whole life trying to be the best she can do that she can get a husband that's worth joining families with. Being the only rosehearts child and a daughter her parents told her that she'll be keeping her name when she marries, which lessens the number of potential suitors.
Her first exposure to sapphic relationships was when she was sneaking into the bakery and saw two women on a date kiss. She thought she felt shock and disgust at the display but as she becomes older she realises it was awe and jealousy.
As she started attending night raven college she'd notice other girls on campus acting more lovey than platonic towards eachother. Every time she saw any public displays of affection she'd turn red and run the other way.
Her mind always goes back to the lecture her mother gave her when she noticed her staring at a girl for too long. She's the heir of Rosehearts, her duty is to her house. Not for silly flings with college girls she'll never see after graduation.
That mantra always eased her mind. Until a ln otherworldly prefect enters her life. She hates her. What is wrong with that one? Why can't she dismiss the way she feels about them like she always did? She hates her.
Riddle had not known peace of mind since she met her. Studying has become more difficult, that's how hard it has become.
She figured it out when she was lecturing the prefect for sitting in her seat one day. No one else was in the room, all other seats were empty. But what did the prefect decide to say?
"you can always sit on my face, a two for one deal if you will. You'll have your seat and I'll shut up."
Riddle is shellshocked, absolutely flabbergasted. What is wrong with the prefect???? Only later that night does she realise that would've accepted the prefects offer. With glee, even.
She can't tell anyone, not even her childhood friend. No one will believe her! The prefect is normally so reserved that she almost thought she hallucinated their words.
For now though she'll repeat them in her mind and use her hands and imagination.
(oh riddle the moment you learn what comphet is it's over for you 🥰)
🔱 consider: singing Good Luck Babe by Chappel Roan in the shower after this happens <3 something about the nonchalant, utterly comfortable prefect bothers her so much...the way your mere touch seemed to crack the glass closet she had been contained in, a small chip rapidly spreading, ravenous until the constraints shatter, glass laying at her feet, reflecting only herself....
i want to write a full fic on this and flesh it out because i do quite like this idea, but i hope you enjoy this small snippet of it for now <33
(fem! riddle x fem! reader)
When you had abruptly transferred to NRC, the headmaster decided it'd be best to select Riddle as your roommate- after all, she was courteous, was a stellar student, and would serve as a good influence on you! What better way to acclimate you to your (ethically run, soundly funded) new campus than letting one of the top students be your guide? You could practically hear him preen at his own words.
Nonetheless, Riddle was a good roommate. She went to bed at 10:15 P.M. sharp every night (except for Fridays and Sundays, in which she would sleep at 10:45 P.M.), was organized, didn't hog the shower for inordinate amounts of time, and would even offer to assist you if you seemed to struggle in a subject.
Yet this tidied, perfectly drawn together image she had only made you curious. She didn't have a boyfriend (and had asserted that her ideal husband would be of respectable status, honor, and career) when you had asked if she had one in mind. Her reactions to the notion of traditional romance seemed...scripted. Unfeeling.
You didn't press her much after that. Despite her near-aversion to romance, you often noticed her eyes drifting towards it, pulled in by some magnetic force. Interestingly enough, though, she seemed to only pay attention to women. Women who held hands. Who kissed each other on the cheek before parting to their respective classes, who shared a strawberry sundae when the weather got too hot.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Sixteen — Season Two
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character called Enzo, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. To the readers who supported a new season of this fanfic, my heartfelt thanks. I will be writing more chapters like this one or even shorter, as long as you continue to engage and enjoy what I'm writing. Let me know what you think of the new chapter, and happy reading to all of you ❤
chapter fifteen chapter seventeen
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Sleeping next to Pedro has been one of the best things in the world. It's even hard for you to go to work every day since Pascal returned from filming. You’re actually savoring your last moments with Pascal, as in a few hours, he’ll be heading to another state to film a guest appearance on a TV series.
"And if we just stay like this for the rest of the week…" Pascal murmurs with his eyes still closed, and you smile. For you, a lifetime like this would be heaven on earth.
"Your suggestion forgets that we both have important professional commitments. But the thought of spending more time with you is tempting. How about dinner tonight?" you say as you try to muster the strength to get up.
"If you finally let me do the cooking. I swear I've been practicing a lot for my role in that culinary show. You'll see, I'll be the best cook on that show," Pascal says as he gets up to go to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. You start getting things ready for breakfast.
"You know they're not actually going to force you to cook, right? But I totally support you making our food. In fact, I'm all for you cooking here," you say loudly enough for Pascal to hear. You can hear his laughter from the kitchen as you finish making pancakes for the two of you to enjoy.
"Of course I know they're not going to make me cook, but I want to know what I'll be doing even if it's for the cameras," he says while still in the shower. The sound of the running water makes it difficult for you to hear him clearly.
You prepare the entire breakfast while waiting for Pedro to finish his shower, playing the song "Cheek to Cheek" and swaying gently to the music. You don't even notice when Pedro approaches, taking you by the waist and dancing with you. You lean your face against Pascal's, and in silence, you both dance while the breakfast cools on the table.
"I want this every day," Pedro whispers near your ear, making you shiver as you hear his voice so close and feel his beard lightly brushing against your neck.
"I thought we had already made it clear that we can't abandon our professional lives to live in a bubble of love, Mr. Pascal," you say, looking him in the eyes, and then he gives you a kiss on the lips. A sweet and passionate kiss.
"I'm actually talking about making our life as a couple something more official. You know, like in a marriage proposal, for example," Pascal catches you off guard, causing you to stop dancing and stare at him until you figure out if he's serious.
"Would that be your indirect way of asking me to marry you?" You ask, feeling a bit embarrassed. It would be crazy to believe that he would want to marry you, right?
"I'm asking you to become an official part of my life. Maybe that involves a church and a priest or a simple ceremony. But yes, indirectly, I'm asking if you would like to marry me." He asks so casually that it startles you. He even laughs a little at your reaction. But you can't believe what's happening.
"Are you aware that our wedding means dealing with the media going crazy because of you and my mother freaking out because of me, right? Just letting you know it's not going to be easy." You say, finding it even funny how he doesn't seem worried at all.
"I'm fully aware of what our marriage would entail, but have you ever stopped to think that we would be husband and wife? That officially, every day we're not working, we'll be coming home to each other? To me, it sounds like a win-win situation." Pedro says, kissing the corner of your mouth and smiling. His positivity is enviable.
"Don't you think it would be rushing things? We've only been in a real relationship for a few months…" You try to think of other reasons why this might be a bad idea, but nothing else comes to mind.
"So now that you're done being pessimistic, do you want to tell me if you're going to marry me or not?" Pedro asks in a playful tone, and you look at him with half-closed eyes, but then laugh and kiss him.
"I'll marry you. But on the condition that you're the one who tells my mom," you say between kisses, and Pascal smiles. You can't believe you're going to become Mrs. Pascal.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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lupunsus · 2 years
i want to write fluff. i (you people) need to remember the good sides of this au (non-existent) because yanderes can be nice (questionable)
Anyway, amputated mouse reader with Al-Haitham and Kaveh bc i finished the story quest, and they're literally fucking each other every other day istg
based on genshin hybrid au idea by @cinnamonest
while writing this, it was pure fluff... but my demons whispered in my ear, so there's nsfw in it. im sorry, but my resolve is weak against poly relationship with Kaveh and Al-Haitham.
warning: masturbation, the hybrid is actually the pervert in this one, a bit of angst bc hybrid thinks they aren't good enough to be sandwiched between two hot men despite being loved lots but they want their pp even though they know nothing about having sex with a human
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Kaveh is too kind, really.
If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have had such a warm and loving home that cared deeply for you. Having the part of your leg below the knee taken away by bad people with awful traps was sad, but Kaveh and his partner, Al-Haitham, made sure to make you forget about that problem!
Of course, sometimes they argued about things relating to you.
"You claim to be so smart, but what's smart about giving them a pegleg?!" Kaveh glared at Al-Haitham while holding you in his arm. The other held out the object, dropping it in front of the gray-haired man. It was cute to see you hobble around at first. But then you fell over, and tears started to form in your eyes. You were so adorable!! But also, you should never be in pain while under the care of Kaveh and Al-Haitham!! You were fine, just a small bruise, but being the overreacting person he is, Kaveh had to make a big deal out of it.
To others, it would seem like he was making the situation sound worse than it is, but Al-Haitham is just like him. He's just a quiet worrier.
"I suppose I should readjust some things. If I were to buy some parts–"
"Peglegs are unnecessary when we can just carry [Name] around!"
"But then they'd have to crawl around the house if we aren't home."
"We'll put soft rugs down!!"
It's a good thing Dori resides in Sumeru. Her nose can smell potential customers all the way to the desert, but the biggest spenders are always Akademiya students. So when it comes to needing supplies for hybrids, Dori's the one to go to!
But that's a lot of soft rugs. What are you raising? A baby? It's okay. Dori won't ask, just hand over the mora. Thank you~
If anyone were to see Al-Haitham and Kaveh while they lugged a load of rugs to their place, they'd assume Kaveh was getting help with a new project. Nobody knows about the lucky little mouse waiting inside, as the rugs are for them. "Thank you masters! [Name] likes a lot!!" The texture was indeed fluffy and soft. One could wrap themselves up and sleep inside of one. That's how cozy it felt.
It's a shame that the pegleg would sit in storage to collect dust. Maybe one day it'll have its use.
Days when Kaveh is out and Al-Haitham is home are the best days. Why? The two of you do absolutely nothing. You make yourself comfy on top of him and take a nice long nap. Sometimes Al-Haitham will read to you, teaching you some words and whatnot. His voice is nice, however, so most of the time, he looks down to see you drooling all over his chest while deep in slumber. It's the main reason why he stopped wearing shirts during those times. Too much of a hassle to wash them. Kaveh doesn't complain, even doing the same.
Both of their chests make for good pillows, and their skin is always so warm. You definitely start drooling more when you're sleeping on them.
Kaveh is fun to be around, too!
He's made some toys for you to play with, but he doesn't mention how Al-Haitham helped. You didn't ask, so technically, he isn't lying to you. Do you know those cat wheels? Kind of big, enough for a human, maybe if they were to crouch down. Anyway, Kaveh made that for you! A nice little wheel to run to your little heart's content. It's super cute seeing you use it, especially when you get tired.
You just lay there in a puddle of exhaustion, and he takes the opportunity to scratch and nuzzle his face in your tummy. If you're ticklish, you try to push him off, but you're too tired to do so. Kaveh rewards you with treats and stuff to chew on, so it balances itself out. Plus, his belly rubs feel good.
Honestly, living with them makes you forget that you're missing half of your leg.
You're a bit clumsy, especially when both of them are busy. During those times, they tend to leave a lot of things laying about. Books, well mainly stacks of books, but there's also occasionally some other stuff. And with how often Kaveh and Al-Haitham redecorate the place, things that are usually in a position you're used to are inevitably moved, and objects put in hard to reach places.
So when you trip or hurt yourself because of it, it's hard not to let a few tears fall. Would it be easier if you had two healthy legs? Of course, it'd be easier to balance yourself with two legs instead of one and a half. These negative thoughts start to spiral until you think about how useless you are to your masters.
All hybrids in shelters know that their purpose is to serve and please their masters. You weren't a stranger to the knowledge, even hearing of how if the hybrid is good, they'll be treated the same and even receive assistance during their... spring season.
But you're damaged goods! Unused, but still damaged! You require more care than the average hybrid, needing special attention and accommodations because of your small size. Neither of the men touched you in that way. Instead, they gave you space and sometimes left the house.
You could smell their scents on each other.
Why were you even here if they had each other to pleasure? You were grateful to even have such a nice home, but what were you to them? A pet? Or worse... an experiment? You've heard stories of fellow rodents being used for tests and experiments. They weren't harmed, but they weren't as loved as other hybrids in homes.
Ah, maybe you were a charity case.
A poor little mouse with half a leg missing. Nobody would want them as caring for them is so expensive, and you'd need to rearrange furniture and make the entire place practically baby proof. Perhaps you were a child to them. But you're definitely past that age! And what will happen to you if they do manage to conceive one? It's unheard-of for a male hybrid to get pregnant, but there are rare cases of it happening. Some can happen with the intervention of researchers, but only psychopaths (Dottore) would experiment with that.
Well, whatever. You're exhausted after overthinking and making yourself insecure and depressed.
The two men you loved with your entire being said they would be out late, but were they just having fun without you? Ah, you already told yourself to stop assuming things and thinking negatively, but it was hard. You wanted to be with them, too! Even during those times... There was only one thing that could help clear away these negative thoughts.
That's right. Stealing.
Borrowing would be a better word. You always put their clothes back! ...With the dirty clothes. Kaveh would be confused, not recalling wearing some of them, but blamed it on the alcohol. Al-Haitham made Kaveh do laundry, so he never spoke about it. He did express his impatience at how Kaveh takes forever to wash clothes, but that was it. They wouldn't think that their precious little mouse was to blame for the misunderstanding and confusion.
You'll never know it, but they think you're incapable of doing anything without them. Of course, you get exercise from your wheel, but they still feed, bathe, and clothe you (you're mainly naked unless they have guests over) with their own hands. The only things you should be doing without them are running on the wheel and chewing on your toys.
Going back to your session of "borrowing," it was usually something you did during the day when they were out, but since they're out late, you figured stealing more clothes of theirs again wouldn't get you caught. If they were doing what you thought they were doing, the two of them would get back home when the sun started rising.
So, you had plenty of time to make a nest in your hidden corner and masturbate while being surrounded by their scent.
It was really well hidden! Plus, you still had some clothes from earlier today, so the nest would just be cozier, and the smell of them would be even stronger. There really was nothing better than burying your face in their clothes while getting yourself off. It only helped to fuel your dirty desires.
Would they take you at the same time? You were confident that you stretched yourself to take both of them (you are definitely not), even using 3 fingers instead of 2! Surely, they'll both fit. But would they take turns instead? Impossible. They bicker so often that you think one of them will get impatient. And then there comes with that thing humans do. Kissing? You've only ever received forehead kisses from Kaveh, but you wanted more than that. Both men thought they were secret in kissing each other, and even if they weren't, they explained it as a way to share energy even if they both were out of breath afterward.
That was what you wanted. You wanted to give all your energy to them. To be drained until there was nothing left to give, even if they were insistent and shared with you their energy just so they could take it back.
"M-Masters...!" It was a relief that you came before your arm became weak. For some reason, you could only bring yourself to cum twice before your wrist felt numb. Maybe you needed to exercise more, you didn't know. You were still sensitive, so you opted to grind against their clothes to reach another high.
On any other day, you'd feel horrible for getting the clothes of your Masters dirty with your essence (or, as you like to call it, your love for them), but you were upset for always being left out! And they'd always tease you too. Going around the house topless. You have to hold back from pouncing on them and rubbing your nipples against theirs. You've done it before when sleeping on Al-Haitham's chest, but that time was an accident. It felt really good, though...
And the material of their clothes rubbing against them now felt incredible, but you really wanted to feel their hands and bodies against them. To have them pinched and squeezed even though no milk would come out. You heard hybrids can lactate if their nipples are squeezed and sucked periodically, so maybe if you play with them every day, you can give them a nice surprise.
Milk is delicious, after all!
Bringing yourself to the edge for the sixth time, you collasped onto the nest, exhausted from grinding against clothes. At most, you could only last three rounds, but this is an improvement! Humans generally go for seven rounds, so you are really close! But you're so tired... do humans really do it so many times? Their stamina sure is amazing.
You had time before your masters came back, so a nap wouldn't hurt. Plus, you were very hidden in this corner! Even if you overslept, they wouldn't be able to find you. You even threw a blanket over pillows on the couch just in case :) You've seen Kaveh do it, so it'll definitely trick them into thinking you're asleep.
It truly is unfortunate that you think you could outsmart two Akademiya graduates.
Al-Haitham is used to Kaveh's tricks, so he immediately knows you're hiding. You haven't figured out how to unlock the door, and there's even another few locks that you can't reach even if you manage to figure it out. Windows are too complicated to unlock for you, too. It's while he's narrowing down possibilities that Kaveh is calling out for you, thinking you were playing hide and seek, but fell asleep while waiting for them.
Kaveh thinks it's adorable and fun to look for the obvious tail sticking out from behind something. It isn't until Al-Haitham notices some of their clothes sticking out from underneath a table in the corner that he knows where you are and what you've been doing. How could he not? You practically begged them and threw a fit just to keep the table in its spot. It wasn't really hidden, but nobody would notice if someone or something were under it.
Calling over his partner, they looked to see you slumbering on top of their clothes, using their shirts as blankets. It would've been a cutely innocent sight if not for the fact you hadn't cleaned yourself up. "They've used more clothes than usual, but their heat is 3 weeks away.." Al-Haitham gently rubbed the inside of your thigh, causing your body to shift. Kaveh moved some of the shirts aside to see your reddened nipples perked up. He wanted to pinch them, but he settled on flicking one, smiling when you mumbled incoherently and squirmed a bit in your sleep. "Maybe they missed us~ We were out longer this time."
"Because someone can't play cards."
"I'd like to see you beat Cyno in less than 7 rounds!"
Realizing his mistake, both men looked towards you as you shifted. "Masters...." Nuzzling your face into their clothes, you let out a content sigh as their comforting smell seemed to be stronger than usual as if they were beside you.
"My skill is not provoking him. You'd have lost in 4 rounds if you had drank alcohol." This time, Kaveh chose to glare at Al-Haitham. The reason he didn't drink tonight was so that he'd be sober enough to remember being welcomed home by someone much cuter and nicer than the Acting Grand Scribe. But seeing you curled up in a nest of their clothes is definitely better.
Al-Haitham only sighed at the sight. "They took the pants I was going to wear tomorrow this time. I'll have to start hiding clothes I need."
"Wait, you knew they were the reason our clothes ended up in the laundry so often?" Al-Haitham only gave Kaveh a look that screamed, "Was it not obvious?" before rearranging the clothes to cover your entire body so you wouldn't get cold. If you weren't peacefully sleeping right in front of them, Kaveh would have yelled some very mean things at Al-Haitham. But that could wait for another day.
After all, they've left their cute little mouse waiting too long.
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alevicke · 9 months
Hi there! Can you do the continuation on The Pregnancy from TADC? I'm curious what Jax would be during the process and to his kids, you can do one by one! I don't mind,just don't pressure and get creative! Stay hydrated and happy!
Jax x pregnant!reader
I’m just going to do the pregnancy in general for now because I’m hella exhausted lately I’m so sorry ;^; I’ll write soon about them with their kids though! Don’t worry ^^ I’m just super slow as well, sorry D: Also only Jax, because this took so long
First part of this:
NSFW headcanons would make this way too long so I didn’t include them D: They aren’t too different from normal NSFW HCs if I’m honest
TW: No beta-read! Sorry! Some slight NSFW HCs, petnames 
After the great news, Jax needed a few days to adjust to everything. He didn’t think this could be possible so he was… Panicking a bit whenever the conversation was raised.
As said, at the very beginning when you started having morning sickness, two things happen. Jax laughs at you and then throws up after seeing you do it. 
It takes him days to finally get used to the situation AND more to be useful for you because he would still feel nauseous seeing you in that situation and would often gag while trying to hold your hair
But hey, he’s… He’s trying his best…
You also feel a lot more tired than usual in this first period so Jax stays by your side a lot. He isn’t really the most useful but he’s around I guess. You don’t really do that much in the circus anyways
Also expect him to throw a tantrum if Caine dares to make any single adventure that is slightly physical. He won’t say he’s protecting you but he will complain in all ways possible that he can imagine to make Caine change the adventure or cancel it if there is even the minimum chance of hurting you in any way or shape.
For everyone it is pretty obvious that the reason he’s doing this is to protect you but no one dares to say a thing because if they do, he gets pissed off and makes everyone's life a living nightmare. You being pregnant ain’t stopping him from being the asshole everyone knows. 
Your mood was already starting to become a roller coaster so Jax started being a bit more careful after the first few times he upsetted you. He continues teasing you and joking but not as much as before because to be honest, he doesn’t want to deal with you mad at him at this important time of your relationship, Don’t blame him too much because he still upsets you a lot of times, he’s kinda awful controlling himself when it comes to jokes and teasing.
He doesn’t want to pressure you but he is worried when you start rejecting the food. Sure, you didn’t really need it. But deep down he was scared the baby could need it
But turns out you just started disliking a lot of the normal food there and started having some weird craves. That was definitely the thing he liked to annoy you with the most. You eating the most bizarre foods you could think of was amusing to him. 
You realized since the first week that Jax started sleeping and cuddling with you letting his hand rest on top of your tummy. He kinda does this unconsciously but likes to do it to feel closer to the baby.
For the first months you both decided to stay quiet about the news. Pregnancy has higher risk to go bad in the very first months and you kinda don’t want everyone talking about your relationship and pregnancy, but rather keep it private for both of you
This basically causes everyone to be confused by the sudden change in Jax’s behavior. No one understood why he was being so overprotective of you suddenly when he used to be the first one making you pranks.
By the third month you both already feel good enough to tell everyone the news and suddenly everything clicks. You were successful hiding it from everyone.
As the second trimester comes, your sickness starts to fade away which is a relief to both of you. Waking up a lot of mornings to throw up was kinda annoying for both. Worse to you of course. But Jax wasn’t a huge fan of standing half asleep next to you in the bathroom holding your hair while you puked the awful 3D looking peas from last night. 
Something Jax realizes way too fcking fast is that your breast grows and believe me, this motherfcker is going to celebrate it. He’s just testing if they are good enough for the baby he’ll say. He’s just sacrificing himself for the baby by burying his face against both of your boobs.. Yep, sweet nice protective dad and nothing else. 
By the fourth month your belly finally starts to grow. And so do some of your insecurities. 
And hear me out
Jax ain’t the best when it comes to talking about feelings. But he’s being 100% honest when he says he sees you as beautiful and hot as the first day. He ain’t joking. You won’t see his libido going down so you can trust his word. He’s as horny as the first day and won’t doubt a second to get between your legs if you’re up to it. 
But Jax also notices that you’re out of breath quicker and sometimes you feel dizzy so he’s always next to you to hold you and teasy you how he’s so handsome he makes you lose contact with reality and makes you dizzy. He won’t let you fall but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to annoy you, as always. 
You also start to feel the very first movements of the baby and Jax gets pissed off that you get to feel them but the baby NEVER moves when he’s touching your belly. 
“Hey, pipsqueaks? Daddy’s here, come on”. He’ll gently poke your belly but nah. Not working. But it’s still amusing to see him get jealous of something like that. 
By month 6, sometimes you have cramps which is your body preparing everything for the baby’s arrival. These are completely normal. But here is the thing. None of you have a medic to tell you this. And Caine has no information about pregnancies so both of you are on your own
And Jax is scared
Whenever he sees you complaining about the cramps he is internally panicking about you having the baby so soon or something going wrong. 
This fear continues for quite some time until the conversation appears with Ragatha. While she isn't a mother, she did know a bit about pregnancy and childbirth because she liked knowing that information in case she became a mother one day. She’s the one who tells you this is completely normal and unless something else comes with those cramps and they are painless, you’re both fine.
That doesn’t really calm Jax completely. He spends some nights looking at the ceiling in complete horror scared that something might happen to you and the baby. He often spends nights without sleeping worried about bringing a life to that world. But when he sees you next to him, those fears fade away. As long as you both are together, he is sure everything will be ok
As the third trimester arrives, things get more serious.Your belly is growing a lot and you both need to prepare for what’s coming. Jax seems to be a lot more nervous. He hides it pretty well for everyone else but you can notice he’s in constant panic worried something might happen and always checking on you by being by your side or around. Not that he’s controlling you, he’s checking that everything is going ok without actually saying it out loud. 
At this point, you have catched Jax several times during the night caressing your belly or softly murmuring to the baby. You know he can be an asshole when you point something out to him so you let him do it faking you’re asleep. This is probably the cutest thing you have ever seen Jax doing. You can feel in his voice how happy he is to be able to have a baby with you despite the initial panic. 
Caine helped you both to set a room for the baby, but Jax insisted for the baby to sleep in the same room as you both for at least the first days. He doesn’t like the idea of letting the baby alone even if your rooms are connected by one door. He barely sleeps so he likes the idea of being able to see the baby while being in bed and resting. 
The room is decorated in a kind of neutral theme because, being honest, neither of you know the sex of the baby and neither of you actually cares too much. As long as they are healthy it’ll be fine. You don’t even know if you’re having a baby, a bunny or whatever can come out in this digital world. 
Fun fact. You once had a bad cramp during dinner. Jax panicked and threw everything to the ground to prepare the table for you to have the fcking baby there. Everyone was in tears laughing but after Jax basically tied Gangle to a ball and threw her around the circus, no one really dared to make fun of him anymore  about that situation but you. Still, everyone considers it peak comedy to see Jax in panic throwing everything to the ground while Caine screamt about Bubble’s food being thrown. 
The last months Jax spends a lot of time cuddling with you with his head glued to your tummy. He smiles like an idiot whenever he feels the baby moving and talks to them even more often. 
“Hey Peepsqueak, time is running out, is time to get out of the bed”, “Tiny pea, excited to see your amazing daddy?”
You thought the pet names he used to use on you were silly and sometimes stupid, but damn, now hearing the ones he was using for the baby you consider yourself lucky to be honest. It was still adorable though! And funny. 
As the time for the birth was arriving, Jax became even more annoying to the rest. He was stressed and anxious and everyone could realize that. But he was also more demanding to Caine. Caine kept doing whatever Jax asked because it kept him distracted without annoying the rest of the circus and what he was asking for were not bad things.
He asked to decorate with you the baby’s room so he asked for a lot of plushies and stuff bunny related. I mean, you had no problem with it and it was suitable for a kid, all super adorable. So why not. And Caine thought the same and seeing you smile for the baby’s clothes was enough for him to be convinced so he spent a lot of days with you two creating clothes for the new member about to join the circus. Caine of course was so excited for something like that happening in his circus!
As your first cramps for childbirth started, you saw Jax look at you with eyes wide open.
This became too long and I’m kinda exhausted to do the childbirth here sorry !
Lil fic:
You laid down in the bed, tirelessly while softly yawning under Jax’s eyes. He was next to you with his head resting in his hand while looking at you. He knew you had one of those awful nights again. 
After 8 months of pregnancy, reaching the due date, your belly was already big enough to cause you problems sleeping. Your little one was also moving a lot of times so that didn’t help either. But it was fun for Jax to see the little kicks every now and then. His laugh didn’t make it worth it but it helped (a bit). He always had a dork smile, looking all silly and dreamy whenever you two were alone in the room hanging out till the time came. 
You already had everything prepared for the moment to come so you both just had to… Wait
Another sleepless night? - Jax questioned with his eyes locked on you. You knew he was worried, but his cheeky grin would fake anyone but you.
I’m afraid so. Our little one ain’t that small anymore. And he’s becoming really active lately
Yeah, no doubt he just wants to see his daddy already - he softly chuckled while putting his hand on your tummy. - Peepsqueak, when you coming out? 
You smiled as Jax talked to the belly, but his smile grew wider as he could feel the baby moving. 
I think they already have a favorite parent! - He looked at you with a mischievous smile, you knew he was teasing, but it worked every single time
Hey, no. Shut up. I’m the one carrying them. They just move because they want to kick you - you smiled proudly while he chuckled
He leaned closer to you and put the side of his head against your tummy. He closed his eyes peacefully in the embrace as you hugged him. He just wanted to cuddle with you.
So, are we going to name them Jack? 
Your expression was the only answer he needed while he chuckled.
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
hey girlie,
you're literally the best thing that happened to this fandom, ilysm, never stop writing, mwah
i had a headcanon idea/au idea from the op poster of fwb!ghost
so this is in the timeline of where you and simon have had this arrangement for a while and he's already fully aware he is down bad for you. i'm talking you're his everything, he won't love again, if not you then no one type of endgame. this means he is not seeing anyone else, everyone is turned down. you, unknowingly feel the same way but you're dealing with the exact opposite way. you're dating around, trying to find anyone who could mimic if not a sliver of what you're feeling for simon. you land on dating this dude who is... mediocre at best.
you break things off with simon, both of you leaving heartbroken but simon still remains your friend.
he's nice, but he isn't simon. he's good, but he isn't simon. you get him to meet the 141 who are possibly more surprised that you're dating anyone than you were. (what you don't know is that everyone knew you and simon were a 'thing' they were just waiting for the two of you to get your head out of your ass. price was the only one who knew because, for the first time, simon came heartbroken, searching for comfort from the only person he could think of. it was a rough night)
"this is james," you introduce him awkwardly and it doesn't get better from there. james isn't rude but he tries to match up to the guys which doesn't work. he brushes you off and simon keeps glaring at him like james was the sole reason for this evening being a shitshow (he is correct)
on your way to your apartment, james is standoffish and rude. he keeps mentioning the fact that you work with only guys, that he shouldn't allow that as a boyfriend, blahblah whatever. it turns into an argument and it doesn't get better.
to establish his masculinity (his words) he becomes rude and even misogynistic at times. he picks at your outfits, your cooking, baking, you name it he was an asshole about it. you complain to the guys and each time are met with a stern "leave him". which yes you should, but who would be left?
simon hates james with a burning passion. it wasn't even so much so that you were dating someone else, it was the fact that james treated you like trash when you were meant to be treated like gold, the finest treasures in the whole world. he scowled whenever he was mentioned and you two would often argue about your relationship. it goes as far as the two of you not talking to each other for over two weeks.
it isn't until you find out james is cheating that you break things off with him. he was going behind your back with multiple women and his flimsy excuse was that "you didn't have time for him and you cheated with the 141 anyway". you cried and threw him out, breaking up with him then and there. it was messy and bad, and you have never felt more awful. you and simon weren't even on speaking terms and yet you needed him.
you called him sobbing and you've never seen him come as fast as he did. you're pretty sure he broke speeding limits to get to you. you cried into his arms, telling him the whole story finishing it with the fact that you were never good enough. simon tries to tell you otherwise but through some miscommunication, you're arguing again and you're telling him you're unlovable until simon just shouts
"for fucks sake i love you, you idiot!"
silence. just pure silence until you throw yourself on him, kissing him deeply.
anyway, thank you for reading, hope it wasn't all that long, i just love ghost and angst a lot <3
🤍🩶🤍 *mwah smooch smooch* back to you. tysm for the love and support. that made my day, even though seeing “hey girlie” made me nervous at first LOL 🤍🩶🤍
we have a new character to the fwb!ghost timeline, and i hate him (in a good way). is it bad that i want ghost to beat him to a pulp in a back alley? just me? is this thing on?
you’re in simon’s bed that night, peacefully sleeping. all while he’s driving home with bruised knuckles. he gets home and climbs into bed with you, and you unintentionally wake up…
steamy things happen… and you notice his knuckles in the heat of the moment, but are quickly distracted by simon’s overwhelming intimacy; before you can connect the dots. he always has new bruises, new injuries — it comes with the job.
it’s sick of you to be even more aroused, watching those large, bruised hands squeezing and claiming your flesh.
and deep down, a part of you knows…
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kakujis · 11 months
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geto vers | baji vers
synopsis: when your husband and best friend are targeted by a hitman, the aftermath leaves you in shock. but suguru has always instilled one line into you: forever has no meaning unless you're in it.
warnings: gn!reader, vampire!suguru, vampire!choso, vampire!satoru, hitman!toji, character death ( + resurrection), depictions of blood and violence, almost blind devotion, a bit angsty but also fluffy.. but also not really? idk what to tag this as LOL, canon divergent (gojo n geto are attacked much later in life), you have no clue they’re sorcerers 👍, swearing, sfw, if choso is ooc im so sorry idk barely anything about/cldnt get a read on his character from one episode djknj
ft + wc: vampire!suguru x reader, 3.2k
tags: @enchantedforest-network, @em1e (u guys should totally read em's necromancy fic btw)
a/n: hi! idk wtf this is, this is just how i deal with chara death i think? this idea came to me when i realized i was writing two fics about dealing with grief (baji fans are u here ?) and wrote nearly 2k for both in one sitting haha. anyways, i feel like atp i'm edda from ffxiv coded except suguru is 1000x better than avere. if you'd like to listen to her theme, it's here. thank u to wallaby for proofreading!
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there is something about the morning light, filtered through the white blinds that you’ve forgotten so many times to replace, that feels just like a hug. it’s this light that kisses your eyelids and pulls you out of bed faster than your mother on a school morning. 
you’ll yawn, then stretch, pulling your arms up and over your head arching your back as you do. then you’ll get up, set up a pot of coffee before heading off to brush your teeth and wash your face. and you’ll pretend that you don’t see the eyes, red and shimmering, from the shadows in your closet.  
“go to bed suguru,” you sigh, before lightly pressing onto your puncture marks, hissing when they’re still tender. “it’s morning.” 
“i could fix that… if you’d let me.” he responds, the hinges of your door creaking ever so slightly before you gasp and rush to close them before the light bleeds in. 
“don’t!” you snap, hand trembling, “don’t… you dare.” 
you crouch down, before slotting your pinky into the smallest slit you can with the door still providing adequate coverage. before long, his cold finger entangles with yours and you smile. 
“by the way babe, when are we moving?” he jokes and when your eyes finally adjust to the dark, you can see him stretch his limbs, hands entangling with your hanging clothing. “it’s pretty cramped in here not gonna lie.” 
“well… i put in that application a few weeks ago and they did get back to me… so soon. we just need to go through the final steps.” you reply, fighting the urge to crawl into that small space with him and sleep the day off. 
when it comes to suguru, you’d do anything and everything, from the hairs on your head to the tips of your toes, you pledged yourself to him fully. 
“gonna go to work?” he asks and you nod, albeit with a pout. he snickers when he sees your expression, “aw, don’t cry. i’ll be right here.” 
you bite your lip, trying your best not to draw blood because you know. you know that suguru will always be right there, whenever you need him. 
you made sure of it. 
his name was choso. you remember the night you met him after a round of drinks at the bar. he was nice, if not a bit quiet, and loved to talk about his siblings. suguru and satoru talked aimlessly with shoko while you made new friends. it was a fun little past time. 
you don’t remember how you left the bar or how he even convinced you to follow him out. your mind muggy as you followed him, like a moth to a flame, down a back alley before you finally snapped to your senses and shoved him off before he could make a move. it wasn’t until you saw the razor sharp pearly whites of his teeth that you stopped. 
you asked him what he was, but he simply shrugged, asking, “have you ever dreamt about being saved from someone or something?” 
you nodded, of course you did. everyone has. 
“then that’s me. something you can dream about.”
it was a cryptic message, but a message you got nonetheless. choso was not of the day, flourishing under the midnight sky. but for some reason, he wasn’t necessarily scary. in the small amount of time you had spent, he seemed to listen to you and your woes. gotten to know a little bit of your family history, and perhaps decided you would do better with his. 
you remember hearing suguru’s panic laced voice calling out for you and you spun around to call back out. turning back, choso was gone. with a hand placed on your shoulder you were pulled into a tight embrace. 
“where were you?” suguru asks, nearly crushing you in the heat of his body, “almost lost my mind trying to find you.” he glances behind you, eyes scanning the alleyway in search of something or someone. 
“honestly… i don’t even know how i got out here,” you mumbled into his shoulder, hands trailing the familiar sensation of his clothing. “can we go home?” 
“yeah, i’ll just let gojo-“ 
“no!” you exclaimed, the uneasiness in your stomach now palpable, as you balled your fists into the fabric of his shirt, “let’s go now, please.” 
he blinks, before nodding, “okay, yeah, okay. let’s go home.” he presses a kiss to your forehead, almost like a seal of protection, before he’s throwing his arm around you and walking you home. 
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you don’t ever recall meeting toji fushiguro. it was just another night out underneath flickering street lights, outside the same bar where you met choso, the street familiar yet empty. your husband smoked into the evening air, the scent wafting over and tickling your nose. 
“no offense, satoru, but i didn’t listen to a single thing you just said.” he stated, lips curled up into a smirk with the cigarette dangling between his fingers. 
“good,” satoru snorts, before glancing at you, “i wasn’t asking for their opinion anyway.” 
you feign ignorance, perking up and asking, “hm? what were we talking about?” 
“man the two of you are so fucking annoying.” he whines, head hung back as you both laugh. 
“care for a third opinion?” a voice asks and you gasp, jumping back. 
the man was tall, handsome, with dark hair and a scar on his lip, wearing a simple outfit of a tee and sweatpants. he seemed otherworldly as well, just like choso. maybe, it was the aura he exuded, more like the lack of, but it set your hairs up on end. 
suguru was quick to pull you behind him as your fingers instantly grabbed onto his shirt. 
“don’t really care for a stranger’s opinion,” satoru drawls, glancing over the tips of his sunglasses. but you can read his body easily, a culmination of friendship over the years. it was screaming: danger. 
“c’mon, don’t be like that. why don’t we introduce ourselves then? i’m toji.” he said, sticking his hand out for a handshake. but neither satoru nor suguru moved to grab it, instead they tensed, waiting. 
“suguru.” satoru whispered, a command with only one word. he understood exactly what it meant. you don’t remember suguru being able to run so fast, the force from his pull almost knocking the air out of you. nor do you remember satoru being able to fight so efficiently. 
you do remember suguru hiding you away and making you wait, even when you tried to hold onto him, he assured you it’d be fine and made you wait. but seconds ticked into minutes, long, monotonous minutes that made the pit of uneasiness in your stomach bloom into a festering bouquet of chrysanthemums. 
“suguru?” you called, stepping out into the dreary moonlight. no response. 
“satoru?” you tried again, quietly walking back towards the area they were in originally. it’s strange how quickly the night changes, how suddenly the flickering street lights aren’t an annoyance but one of your only sources of comfort, as if the dark can swallow you. 
“suguru,” you call out again, voice teetering on a breakdown and eyes scanning the desolate street.  “please res-“ 
you stop suddenly, the sickening squelch of something warm pooling beneath your feet halts you. you feel sick as you start to take in shallow breaths, eyes following the stream of ichor until it reaches its source.
you remember dragging his lifeless body down that familiar back alley. knowing that anyone would be able to see that trail of blood and find you. the darkness of that alley covered you, looming over you like a guardian, while the scent of trash almost, almost, covered the sharp tinge of iron that permeated the air.  
you propped suguru up against the wall as best you could, your body still thrumming with adrenaline. “just gimme a sec, okay?” you mumbled through tears, knowing that he couldn’t hear you. “i’ll figure it out, just like you always do.” 
you’re not sure why you were compelled to scream out that name, but maybe it was because in your dreams, he appeared when you least expected him too. 
“choso!” you screamed, waiting for a brief moment before you filled your lungs with air once more and tried again. “choso!” 
still nothing. 
and when nothingness almost consumed you, taking you into it’s ghostly clutches, you felt it: the sudden heaviness in the air. 
you feel like you screamed for hours, the name tumbling off your tongue and into the moonlit air like a siren song. just a little less pretty. in reality, it was probably only a few minutes before the brunette arrived, dark rimmed eyes and all. your new guardian “angel”. 
“he looks pretty bad if you ask me.” he started, already crouching down to your level, before reaching up to brush the red coated strands away from suguru’s face. “looks pretty dead.” 
“fix it.” you whispered, continuing even after choso shot you a look. “fucking fix him.” 
“what makes you think i can do that?” 
and in that moment, you feel compelled to tell him about the dreams that you’ve been having lately. the ones where he’s in them, beckoning you to stay under his protection. call for me and i’ll be there. 
but you keep it simple, too pressed for time. “you’re in my dreams, right?” you answer. 
he’s quiet, face softening as he mulls over your words. “good to know.” his eyes wander over to the crimson trail, that bleeds from the streetlamps to your waiting spot. “he’ll probably find you.” 
“toji?” you ask and he nods, “i don’t even know why he’s after us.” 
“he’s not after you, he’s after him.” he says, cupping suguru’s face, dribbles of blood falling from his mouth, and you twitch, almost reaching out to snatch his hand away, “he’s never liked sorcerers.” 
“sorcery…?” you mumble, glancing once more at your lifeless husband. 
but you’ve never heard that word, believing that magic cannot exist, that what you saw could not be explained so easily. there is no magic, only reality, and what is this but such painful, excruciating reality that sucks the air from your lungs and the color from your eyes.
choso dodges the question, “well then. let’s get out of here.” before he places a palm on the back of your neck, sending you back off to dream. 
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there’s a voice that pulls him out of the light. low and drumming, it snaps him back into the present and out of his stupor. he sits up, scrambling to make sense of just where he is and who is talking to him. the bed he’s in is similar to a hospital bed, although the white sheets are now stained red. 
“… stay out of the sunlight, feed only when you’re hungry, animal blood counts, it just doesn’t taste that good,” choso continues listing things off, not taking into the account the shock etched so firmly into suguru’s face. “you can feed on them and if they ever wanna turn, let me know, i’ll teach you how to do it.” 
suguru whips his head around, spotting you sitting in a chair with blood covered and bruised knees, the sweat and tears now dried on your face. you glance up at him, giving a little wave and a tired smile. he notes the dried blood that seems to be caked even under your fingers. 
“what the fuck did you do to them?” 
“you mean, what did i do to you?” the brunette retorts. “you wanted to stay together, right? now you can.” he answers, crossing his arms and leaning back against his desk. but suguru’s not sure if he’s asking him or you, the one who smells so much sharper and sweeter than he remembers. you also smell of blood. so much blood that he can hear it coursing through you with each thump of your heartbeat. 
and like a moth to a flame, you stand on wobbly knees, the pads of your feet hitting the floor in sluggish steps as you pad over and throw yourself onto your lover. 
“don’t be mad at me,” you whisper, your eyelids fluttering as you try to fight back your tears. “i thought i could figure things out like you always do… because i always rely on you, right? i was too scared to be alone.” 
he’s so cold now and you’re so unbearably warm, the perfect juxtaposition of your souls. although he doesn’t need to, he takes a deep breath, before pulling you into his embrace. 
“you’re cold, sugu.” you mumble, yet you press harder, deeper into his embrace. 
“is that a turn off?” he jokes because he can’t be mad at you, not now and not ever. and any fragments of anger always dissipate like a puff of smoke. you giggle, before finally giving in and crying, digging your nails into his stiff skin. you cry until you can’t anymore, going limp and falling asleep in his arms. 
suguru’s gaze shifts upwards, as he holds you protectively, one arm wrapped firmly around your lower back, the other on the back of your head, fingers laced in your hair. 
“so, no introductions?” he asks, trying to be friendly, although the intonation in his voice betrays him. it’s first time meeting such a strange man, who can blame him? 
certainly not choso, who responds in turn, “my bad. you can call me choso. i fixed you up on their behalf.” 
“and satoru?” he asks, scanning the room to see if he can find the familiar white tufts of hair. 
“is fine,” choso replies, before jutting a finger out towards you, “they made sure to cover all the bases.” 
suguru shifts you in his hold, pressing a kiss to your forehead, that familiar seal of protection once again placed within your being. but also, as thanks for trying to keep everyone safe.
“then, where is he?” he asks while the other sighs and points over to another bed in the corner. dark eyes follow and the familiar tufts of silver hair peek immediately confirm it’s satoru. 
“he’s gonna wake up soon too. i’ll fill him in on the details.” before suguru can reply he’s cut off, “you should go soon, before the sun rises.” 
“am i actually a vampire?” 
“vampire, dracula, nosferatu, the undead. you can choose whatever you want.” 
“… i see.” he pauses, glancing back at satoru’s sleeping form before deciding he’ll be fine on his own. “we’ll be going then. …thanks.” 
he places his feet on the floor, still wearing his shoes from earlier and starts to walk off, cradling you in his arms. 
“when you feed, geto, don’t overdo it. or they will die.” 
he stops mid-step, gripping you tighter in his embrace, his brow furrowed, before finally walking off. 
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you really should’ve taken a photo for satoru of the realtor’s perplexed expression when only you showed up to a three bedroom home, insistent on your need for space. 
when you do get that house, situated so nicely in the countryside, away from the buzz of the city, you think about what life would be like if you changed. if you no longer saw the sunlight. but you shake your head, pressing your fingers up to your neck once more, rubbing over the now scabbing indentations. 
you know suguru can’t feast on you forever as your body ages and his does not. but the thought of him feeding on someone else makes your stomach turn. 
“woow,” satoru hums, breaking you out of your trance as he takes in the new home, “not bad! not bad at all.” 
you smile, “thanks, satoru. i wanted to make sure you had your own space too.” 
“whats the third room for?” he asks, peeking his head in as he saunters around the new home. 
“office space.” you reply, “remember i work from home?” 
he nods, replying, “ooh, makes sense,” before he’s suddenly in front of you. his once crystalline blue eyes, now a deep crimson. “can i get a quick snack? i’m hungry.” 
“always so insatiable, satoru.” you tsk, rolling your eyes, but hold up your wrist anyway.
“not my fault you just so happen to be the best tasting human around.” he says, smiling against the thin skin of your wrist. 
luckily for you, he’s fast, the pain is almost nonexistent beyond the prick of his fangs but you still shut your eyes, waiting for it to be over. and when it’s over, gojo thanks you for the meal with a large bow before leaving to settle in his room. 
it’s so different from suguru who plans out the days that he’ll feed, keeping you in his clutches for what seems like hours as he sips away at your blood, making sure to maximize the experience.
the blood loss always makes you so dizzy, dizzy and pliant. he likes to watch over you afterwards, splayed against the sheets, fingertips running over your veins as if he’s painting over them in hues of ice. 
in your half-conscious state you never notice the furrow of his brow as he contemplates turning you every single time. you won’t last forever, too fragile, too soft, too alive. and suguru believes that forever only exists if you are in it as well. he asks you one night, while the house is almost too still, if you’d stay with him forever. 
“… of course…” you murmur, head dazed and body heavy, “always, sugu.” 
“even if you lose yourself?” 
“i can’t… lose myself if i’m with you.” you smile contently, reaching out to him with one shaky hand. 
“then how would you feel…” he asks, fingertips snaking up the veins of your neck, “if i turned you?” you shiver under his touch, eyelids fluttering not only at the sensation but also the low timbre of his voice. 
“turn me?” you mumble, pressing your hand against his, encouraging him to continue carressing your skin, “like… choso did with you?” 
he grins, albeit a small one and nods. hand now exploring the curves of your face, “just like that.” and while his hand is ice cold, it sears your skin with his touch, a testament to how deeply you’ve fallen. 
you pout, finally relaying your fears, “won’t you feed on others though?” 
“you want me to starve?” he jokes, still running his touch over you. 
“let’s go vegan.” you hum, your consciousness starting to drift until the thrum of his fingers. 
with your eyes closed you don’t catch the expression on his face, but you catch his laugh, drifting down into your ear. “i don’t know if that’s how it works, honey.” 
“animals...” you mumble, breaths becoming deeper with each passing second. “like humans… but diet… is how choso… explained it right?” 
he smiles, letting you fall deep into sleep. he keeps his hand intertwined with yours, knowing that even in dreams you hold onto him as if you were awake. he thinks you look so beautiful in the moonlight, better even than the moon or the stars themselves. 
and he is so sure, that forever cannot exist, if you’re not in it. 
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udretlnea · 1 year
The Interesting Inazumans
Prompt: Inspired by this post
A/N: I love writing shenanigans. Also, happy birthday to me AND I’m quite excited to play Honkai Star Rail; I meant to have this up earlier, but I lost motivation 75% of the way through and that was quite annoying to deal with. Furthermore, this is more or less set-up for what I have planned next. Nothing too exciting I’m afraid, but think of it this way: if I kept writing exciting action scenes, then it would slowly lose its charm. Thus, it’s better to space things apart to keep things interesting. (By the time of writing this, my birthday will have passed.)
Words: 1386
Part two to, “An Idealized Image”.
Tags: @iruiji , @kamiyadidi
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Kamisato Ayaka stood on the sidelines watching Yoimiya and Itto with confusion and interest; Kuki Shinobu merely looked down in shame, a hand covering her eyes. Heizou was standing on the side as well, looking at the beetle battle with interest and a hint of amusement. Gorou and Kirara were barking and hissing at each other, respectively; Kokomi tried to calm him down to little effect. 
The scene was pure chaos. Truly, this was an embarrassment to your pride as the Divine Overseer; nothing could make you feel worse.
Two weeks since your arrival
It hasn’t even been a month, yet you are beginning to get accustomed to your new life as “Divine Overseer”. You were resting on your bed, recovering from your sword training with Ei.
Let’s recap: After waking up in Chinju Forest and observing your appearance, you walked all the way to Inazuma City; when your stomach growled, you grabbed the first edible thing you saw which just so happened to look like raspberry, but yellow. Nobody paid attention to you when you arrived; the ones that did notice usually stared for a little and then went about their day. That suited you just fine since you couldn’t come up with a backstory to save your life.
You wandered around the city, eventually making your way to the Statue of the Omnipresent God. You felt drawn towards it, like something was calling to you something deep inside of you.
Then, Kujou Sara appeared behind you before you could get a chance to examine it further. With how much you suspiciously resembled a divine being you were brought into Tenshukaku. After answering some rather fascinating questions thank goodness they spoke something similar to English because you were dead if they spoke Japanese about a being called the Primordial One and passing a blood test you still remember the awe you felt when you bled silver instead of dark red you automatically were given a room in Tenshukaku.
The news spread like wildfire until even those from Watatsumi came to profess their faith and wishes. At first you felt unworthy of such a title, and who could blame you? You were some no-name nobody who appeared out of nowhere; not that you weren’t ungrateful for this cover, but still, if they ever found out the truth they’d probably have your head. Best to keep it to yourself for now. 
According to your individual research, this “divine overseer” was charged with making preperations for the return of some being called the Primordial One; they sounded quite important from the title alone. You weren’t terribly worried, not when you had an entire nation to assist you in this endeavor.
You adjusted to this sudden schedule rather quickly, in no small part thanks to Kujou Kamaji being assigned to help ease you into this…fascinating position. You were given a routine to follow: Calligraphy in the morning, bow training with Sara in the afternoon, and learning how to wield a sword with Ei at night. You didn’t know why you had to wield a weapon, let alone know how to fight with one, but any knowledge is useful and who wouldn’t want to know how to wield two weapons?
Your eyes began to feel heavy, and before long you drifted off to sleep.
Okay, the domain’s ready. Dropping it in 3…2…1…now.
Hey, update. Apparently Honkai Star Rail’s releasing later today. We’re not gonna finish in time.
…Okay. That’s bad, but we do have a protocol for that.
Understood. I’ll execute it now.
The next afternoon, you found yourself sipping tea with Ei. Normally, you would be practicing shooting a bow with Sara, but the entirety of the Shogunate seems to have been gaslit by the sudden appearance of a new domain. It just appeared near Tatarasuna in Kannazuka Island. With it being so close to Kujou Encampment, Sara was the first to be informed and quickly led an investigation of the area.
All of this, Ei told you as she poured another cup for you, was because all of Narukami had dreamt the same thing last night: A dream involving you.
“Oh…I see. Did they say if they remembered any details?” You press gently, but Ei shook her head.
“Nothing clear. However, Kujou Kamaji has stated that the only consistent thing each person remembers is of a person whom they recall has hair as white as snow and yellow pupils…”
“I see…” You finish your tea rather quickly, earning a mean look from Ei. You set your cup down and cross your arms. “Then…I suppose there’s only one thing left to do.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Which is?”
“To take control of the situation, gather members for an exploration team, and then plan for the exploration itself,” you casually stated. You stood up from the mat and walked towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Ei asked. You heard a mixture of concern and confusion in her voice, despite her attempt at hiding it. You turned your head to address her.
“Huh? I thought my plan would have informed you? I’m going to go find some willing volunteers to explore the domain.”
It took an additional amount of time than you would’ve liked because Ei argued it, “wasn’t the Overseer’s duty to attend to such trivial matters when she could get a servant to do it”. Some back-and-forth banter later and a compromise was reached: gather some of Inazuma’s Vision holders plus some adventurers from the Guild to create an exploration team with.
A couple days later, the meeting was held inside Tenshukaku in the main room where the Shogun usually resided; Ei went to the Grand Narukami Shrine to speak with Miko, but she reassured you she wouldn’t take long.
Something you kept telling yourself even as Arataki “Numero Uno” Itto gave a come-at-me gesture to Naganohara Yoimiya; the two engaged in an Onikabuto battle then and there to decide who would accompany you, which begged the question why did they have Onikabuto with them?
Meanwhile, Kamisato Ayaka stood on the sidelines watching in confusion and interest; Kuki Shinobu merely looked down in shame, a hand covering her eyes. Heizou was standing some way off, looking at the beetle battle with interest and a hint of amusement. Gorou and Kirara were barking and hissing at each other, respectively; Kokomi tried to calm him down to little effect. 
The scene was pure chaos. Truly, this was an embarrassment to your pride as the Divine Overseer; nothing could make you feel more ashamed.
And then the doors opened. Almost comically, everybody paused to see who had arrived. They were basked in the light so only their silhouettes showed; then they casually strode forth, revealing a blonde female with a flower in her hair and a white haired…fairy(?).
“Uhh, Paimon’s confused. What’s going on here?” asked the white-haired fairy. She looked at each and every Vision holder. “Why are you all acting so out of character?”
“If you ask me, this bonehead over here is acting like himself.” Shinobu crossed her arms and glared at the oni. 
“Oh! Lu-Lumine! What an unexpected surprise!” Kamisato Ayaka put a hand on her chest. “It’s been so long since we’ve last seen each other…”
Lumine? You mean the same Lumine that managed to defeat a dragon, help stop a god that could command the ocean, and abolish the Vision Hunt Decree? You think to yourself with a growing sense of horror. Oh great, they’re definitely gonna judge me harshly. Somebody kill me now.
“Hello Ayaka. It’s nice to see you too,” she said plainly yet with a friendly tone. Then she put a hand to her chin. “But Paimon’s right. What happened here?”
“Well…you see, we all arrived here when the Divine Overseer put out a request to help with this Domain…” Yoimiya began.
By the time Yoimiya finished the explanation, everyone had cleaned up their act and was now kneeling on the tatami mats; they faced you with a neutral expression as if they hadn’t engaged in shenanigans earlier. The firework girl took a spot next to Kamisato Ayaka. Lumine stood in the back, and Paimon floated beside her. 
At last, you can get to building a team. You pray that nothing bad would happen.
Excellent. I think we can let it go here. Come on. It’s starting soon.
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boydepartment · 1 year
hii i’m here to make a request (omg i definitely didn’t tell u i was doing this)
could you write something about boyfriend hyunnie just comforting the reader when they can’t sleep, just lots of fluff and sleepy hyun maybe idk HAHA 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank u ily <33
authors note: heheheheh ily soooooo much I got this
Kiss Me- Sixpence None The Richer
wc: 500
warnings: none
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You found yourself once again tossing and turning, it started to become a normal occurrence lately with Hyunjin always getting back late from work. It wasn’t his fault and you’d never blame him, let alone tell your boyfriend about your sleeping problems coming up again. He’s known a little bit about it in the past but you’ve never made it a big deal.
Hyunjin was always very doting; you’re his world, so you telling him would make him feel bad. That would make you feel worst and-
Ugh… You flipped again and this position was somehow even worse than the last 50 positions you sprawled yourself out in. Taking a deep breath you looked at the time, squinting in the moonlit room at the old fashioned alarm clock. The little hands telling you it was 12:32, obviously am.
You sat up and took in your surroundings, your eyes were well adjusted to the dark by now due to trying to fall asleep for the past hour and a half. Taking a deep breath you stood up and walked to the living room. Flipping on the lights you screamed seeing a tall figure just standing there.
“BABY IT’S ME IT’S ME!” Your boyfriend practically hunched over and walked quickly towards you. He felt awful for coming home late again AND scaring the love of his life. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you and slightly moved both of you back and forth.
“Oh! I DIDNT know you were home!” You spoke now melting into his touch. Your heart rate calming down at the sight of him. He wasn’t touchy with a lot of other people, but with you. Sometimes you’d have to pry him off.
“Chan let us out early.” He mumbled and nuzzled his head in your shoulder, “did I wake you?”
You shook your head no, “I’ve been up… I couldn’t sleep, I’m sorry.”
Hyunjin looked up from your shoulder, “baby why’re you apologizing? There’s nothing to apologize for.” He kissed around your face, trying to make you feel better.
You shrugged and looked away from him, you felt guilty for not telling him how much you haven’t been able to sleep. Hyunjin’s hand went to yours and he softly squeezed.
“Are your sleeping problems coming up again?”
You looked up at him somewhat in shock, “what do you mean?”
Hyunjin’s eyes softened, “when we first started dating and you mentioned your sleeping issues briefly, I took note of that. I also researched and maybe I asked your mom.”
Your eyes went from shock to pure adoration, “you asked my mom about it?”
“Well duh obviously if you have a problem I’m gonna ask about it.” He huffed and looked away, seemingly embarrassed. You let out a small laugh and put your hands on his face.
“You’re so sweet.”
He looked at you, melting instantly. You two always had that effect on eachother.
Any embarrassment he had went away. The only thing in Hyunjin’s eyes was love and care for you.
“I got you a couple things actually.” Hyunjin walked to his bag and pulled out a new blanket and a new book to read, “I wanted to make up for some of the late nights recently. Well and now scaring you really bad when I came home.”
You smiled and practically jumped in his arms, “thank you, this means a lot to me… you’re the best…”
Hyunjin let out a giggle and held you even with the stuff in his hands, “I know. Best boyfriend of the universe award goes to me!”
You pulled away and gave him a look which made him giggle even more.
“Let me shower and get ready for bed and I’ll join you.” He said softly, giving you a kiss on the head, and walking to the bathroom.
You made your way back to the bed and got under the covers with your new blanket, of course. Soon enough you heard the hairdryer stop and your boyfriend was skipping to the bed to join you.
Hyunjin was definitely SKIPPING too, you could hear it in his footsteps and it made you giggle slightly. He curled up next to you and put his hand on your waist.
“Flip over I want to talk.” He whined, you did so and looked at him.
Hyunjin was truly one of a kind. His eyes looked so pretty whenever he looked at you.
“Hi.” You smiled up at him, the bed wasn’t uncomfortable anymore with your other half laying in it with you.
“Hi.” He kept staring at you.
You helped pull the covers over him better.
Hyunjin smiled at you, “when you have trouble sleeping I read online that reading an actual paper book helps. And I bought teas a couple weeks ago that could help too.”
“You really did your research huh?” You yawned and stretched as much as you could with him engulfing you.
“Of course I did my research. I love you and want you to be healthy.” Hyunjin let out a yawn after you.
“I love you too… Can you tell me about your day?” You asked, laying your head on him more.
Hyunjin nodded, “yeah I can… so…”
As Hyunjin went on about his day, you felt your eyes become heavy. Although when he mentioned Jisung totally eating shit while walking down the hall, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. As he talked his thumb would softly rub your eyebrow, the comforting action made you even more sleepy. You felt yourself feeling as light as a feather as you drifted off to dreamland.
“Goodnight my darling.”
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ryusuisloveinterest · 8 months
Can you write a head-canon where Stanley Snyder and y/n go on a mission, and y/n has a panic attack, so Stanley has to calm her down. one-shot that shows how different characters from Dr stone would react to y/n having a panic attack. Lol thanks!!! 😁
hello beautiful! Ngl I kinda got confused on what you wanted me to write so I wrote a scenario on Stanley helping you through a panic attack so I hope that works lol. If you want other characters or you want me to rewrite it please send another request. Thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy!💖
Stanley helping you with a panic attack 💕
Taken before Kingdom of Science came to America 
There were a couple of people who were trying to rebel against Xeno, so you and Stanley were sent to deal with them. The two of you have been having trouble with your relationship lately, between him constantly working with Xeno and barely paying attention to you to the differences in views between you two. As you walked together there was an awkward silence only you seemed to mind. “What are we gonna do when we find the rebels?” You ask even though you know the answer. “Kill them probably.” You look down, disappointed and disgusted. As if he could sense your change in mood, Stanley says, “Maybe would could just take some captive…” You sigh. At least he’s trying to be better.
You both approach the rebel camp. You look around and see so many familiar faces. The woman who helped you sew the outfits for everyone. The man who dreamed of being one of the best guitarist there ever was. Even the old lady who would do her best to remember her old baking recipes from the past. Your memories sink in. You really don’t want to do this. “Keep your guard up. I taught them basic self defense so they should be a decent fight.” You can’t respond to that. These are people you know and some you can even call friends. You can’t fight them! You won’t! Your heart begins to race. You start to sweat. You lean against a tree for support. You can’t catch your breath. Damnit why is this happening now!? You can’t breathe. Try to think how can you control your breathing? “(Y/n)?” Why is Stanley spinning? You thought he was attacking. Should you be attacking? Come on- “(y/n)!” Stanley rushes over to you. With his shout the rebels scatter away. “(Y/n) speak to me what’s wrong?” “Pa-i can’t- Sta- tack-“ He takes one of your hands and places it on his chest. “Do you feel my breath? Try to follow its rhythm.” He inhales then exhales at a calm pace. He does it again and again and again. Over a few minutes, you start to breathe normally again. The world isn’t spinning anymore, all you focus on now is the man you love. “Wait…Stanley I’m sorry I didn’t mean to let them get aw-“ “Why didn’t you tell me?” You have him a confused look. “Tell you what?” He tries to calm himself before he speaks, not wanting to upset you. “Your attacks. Why didn’t you ever tell me about your attacks?” You look away from him, not able to handle his anger and disappointment. You didn’t know why to be honest. You and Stanley have shared everything together. “I…because… I just feel like I couldn’t…” Now this is shocking news to him. You thought he would be offended or even angry, but the look in his eyes only showed guilt. Has he really made you feel so alone? He cups your face and makes you look at him. “(Y/n), I…I’m so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like you can’t talk to me. I’m always here for you! I- what can I do? How can i make you trust me again?” His reaction really shocked you. You’ve never seen Stanley cry yet you’re watching him tear up. You’ve never seen him struggle yet he looks so desperate right now. “Please (y/n), whatever you need to get off your chest please tell me…” With a deep breath you tell him everything; how you feel like he doesn’t see you, the way he is able to strike down anyone without blinking an eye, even how you miss him holding you in his arms while you both fall to sleep. He’s quiet for a moment, then he kisses you on the forehead. “Thank you for telling me this, I’ll be better I promise. You’re my number one (y/n) always remember that.” He helps you off the ground and gestures for you to hold his arm. When you take it you feel like you did when you first met him, connected. “I love you Stanley…” you mutter under your breath. “And I love you more.”
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lutiaslayton · 10 months
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
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── London・Present
* Reunion
After Janice’s voice faded away, I remained pensive for a while.
Three years ago.
The moment I met her, I was left in awe.
She was a beautiful woman, much older than me…
But at that time, was it Melina that left such a big impression on me?
Or was it Janice…?
This is one of the puzzles that I have yet to solve.
This had been my first adventure with the professor, and it was a very special one for me.
‘Mr Future Gentleman’
I thought I had just heard her voice again.
“Look, Luke.”
The professor’s voice brought me back to myself. He had two tickets to the ‘Eternal Kingdom’ opera in hand.
It really was just like that time from three years ago.
Though of course, the name of the venue on the ticket was not the ‘Crown Petone’ this time.
Mr Whistler’s face came to my mind.
According to Inspector Grosky, he sometimes plays the piano in prison, bringing tears to the eyes of his fellow inmates.
I heard through the grapevine that Captain O’Donnell and Mr Marco Brock have hit it off since the incident, and often travel together.
Amelia is currently studying abroad at a foreign university.
The letter I received the other day said that she was still very grateful that the professor and I had attended her grandfather’s funeral.
Nina sometimes comes to visit us here, at Gressenheller. She has a very good memory and studies very hard, and I think she might be admitted to college before me…
But I won’t lose to her. Look out for the Future Gentleman and puzzle master, Nina!
Oh, that’s right, Mr Starbuck and Mrs Raidley had their wedding just the other day. The gossip magazines made it a really big deal.
And I’m currently reading Annie Dretche’s latest mystery. I’m so excited, I can’t stop reading it!
Annie once told me that she has been writing mysteries much faster than before for the sake of Mr Bargland. That way, he would have something to read while he spends his spare time at the hospital…
And then…
There was a knock at the door. Who could it be? Perhaps a client for some new exciting mystery to solve.
The professor and I got up from our chairs at the same time and headed for the entrance.
But as soon as I opened the door, my heart skipped a beat.
I was dazzled by her smile. It looked just like the one I had seen three years ago…
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 ⇚       ↛
And this completes the fan-translation of the official Eternal Diva novel, everyone! Man, this sure was something. A lot of work, a lot of tears and sweat, a lot of good surprises. Who knows what the future has in store for us now!
...Hm? What's that? Another novel? Let's see...We've seen a lot of blue lately, perhaps a change of colour would do us all some good. How about green? Green sounds nice, right?
Yup. Illusory Forest it is, baby. See y'all next week for a brand new adventure, and one that most of you never have gotten to experience before at that 👀
Oh, also, I'm just going to say before we let Ambrosia go back to its eternal sleep: this thing has followed me up until the very end of my PhD. I defended my thesis, like. TODAY. Just A FEW HOURS AGO.
At the exact time this post is coming out, I am likely going to still be stuck at the lab managing the mini-quiches for the party or something of the like, hahaha. So... yeah, I guess I'm a doctor now? In theoretical chemistry, that is. Yay? Yeah, let's go with yay :D
(and I hope that future me won't happen to be told a random "actually no ur work sucks you failed lol" on that very day and the party prevents me from editing this post in order to bring the bad news, that'd be awkward lmao)
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