#I know a lot about the science behind ice and the cold now
into-the-feniverse · 1 year
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Fen Quirk Analysis: Brought to you by Izuku Midoriya 🧊
Most of this info is already documented in her ref sheets, and she has a pretty general run-of-the-mill “ice” quirk, but thought it’d be fun to illustrate and get into the science of it all
More elaboration (& rambling) under the cut:
Fen’s quirk works by allowing her to extract the heat of whatever it is she’s touching, which often produces frost as a byproduct of the rapidly cooling surface temperature in relation to the air. Her fingers/hands act as conduits, allowing for the heat energy to transfer through her. As a side effect, while actively using her quirk those points of contact heat up/become hot to the touch, but only for however long she’s using her quirk for.
The heat she extracts travels through her body and gradually loses energy (due to her own internal temperature running fairly low) then gets released back into the air. However some of her own body heat also gets lost in the process, virtually making her into something like a heat vacuum.
The rate at which she cools also affects the effects of her quirk, in that the more rapidly she cools something, the hotter her contact points become and the more body heat she loses, putting her at high risk for frostbite and hypothermia. The temperature discrepancy also just causes general (to severe) discomfort.
Her quirk isn’t as effective in drier environments, as lower moisture content means less frost generation.
So ironically her quirk isn’t so much “frost” as it is heat transfer 🤔 and really frost is just a (very common) byproduct of her quirk lol
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matramancer · 23 days
Hoshina Soshiro with a Shinobu like! reader🦋
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🦋Synopsis: Amongst the 3rd Division Officers lies one of the JAKDF's most unique fighter's--a swordswoman who fights kaiju with poison.
mitsuri! reader
🦋Tags: shinobu! reader, kny crossover, friends to pining, hoshina soshiro x reader, mostly fluff with slight angst in beginning and end, fem! reader, no beta we die like kanae
“If my combat level was just a bit higher, could I have killed that kaiju?”
That was the thought that rang through your head for years, from the moment you held your dying sister in your hands, to the times where you found yourself alone in your research lab, craning a vial of poison between your fingers.
The world’s first anti-kaiju poison.
You really didn’t know how exactly you qualified enough for the Defense Force. When you enrolled with your sister, you figured that she’d be the only one eligible to enter. Your body was smaller, and your combat power was low. You could barely wield a gun properly.
But throughout your weaknesses lies your hidden strength. You were exceptionally intelligent, using your ingenuity to focus your energy on other aspects of yourself you were keen on.
Despite your blatant hatred of them, you studied kaiju immensely, and turned to insects amongst other creatures as a base of study. Many, many kaiju shared similarities with a common animal counterpart. Science never lied, and if there was one way you could make up for your lack of manpower, it was your understanding. There were things you could do.
Your captain started to notice how intuitive you were–eventually landing you a spot in the research team. 
You were content on not being dispatched or not being in the front lines as much, taking the opportunity you had gratefully nonetheless. You were still part of the action, and you got to observe specimens more closely. You even made friends with another officer, Hoshina Soshiro.
Hoshina and you had a unique bond, one riddled with understanding and mutual respect. Hell, the two of you go back a long way–you were actually batchmates. He was there when you got frustrated over your low combat scores after your shooting assessment, your older sister sporting a much kinder smile in contrast to your fuming face. 
(He’s a bit reminded of himself and his brother)
He understands that feeling of being underestimated, of being swept under the rug. He knows most about how your small size can get under your skin. He shares that frustration of not being enough, not with a gun. Not with what the Defense Force expects of the two of you. 
The two of you became fast comrades in arms, as you came to understand Hoshina’s own battles throughout his entire life. You encouraged each other to move forward, even vouching for his swordsmanship.
Similarly, if it weren’t for Hoshina noticing how nimble and swift you were, you probably wouldn’t have believed in your abilities a lot sooner. Although your combat level for shooting was low, you were definitely exceptional in terms of maneuvers. 
Though Hoshina pushed himself to further be recognized for his talents and exceptional skill, something you actively encouraged, you initially stood in the backlines with your much smaller role. You were content with being behind your sister and everyone else, even as you secretly envied them. Feeling so much envy over how much bigger and stronger everyone’s backs were as they moved forward, that it made your chest hurt sometimes. 
But when you lost your sister, everything changed.
Hoshina saw how it broke you. You were always quite temperamental–brash to him, even. Always so hot headed in contrast to your sister. But now, your anger has gone cold. Your hatred for kaiju turned into prickling ice, and on the times Hoshina caught you slipping off your facade, your immense hatred was so strong that the veins in your face seemed close to popping.
your resolve changed. You were to fight, to put your life on the line in any way you could. You threw yourself in your research, and for a certain period of time, only Hoshina was able to get through to you.
Then, one day, you emerged from your lab with something that could change the world..
You held in your hands the world’s first lethal anti kaiju poison. And you had every intention to test it out yourself. You had thrown yourself into the field, implementing an entirely new outlet of kaiju extermination all by yourself. For that, you were admirable.
And as kaiju poison was still a very new and experimental invention—your invention—you were the only front liner allowed to wield it.
You spent a great deal of time honing your skills with Hoshina–if you were to fight on the frontlines with this poison as your main weapon, then you were going to do it right. With half the physical strength your fellow officers had, you’d train four times as hard to make up for it. And if there was no stopping you, then Hoshina swore that he’d be there every step of the way, just as you did for him.
Your style of fighting was unique amongst the Defense Force, your high agility and field expertise a key cornerstone in your combat style. Where your combat level in gunmanship was low, similar to Hoshina, you held potential with swordsmanship. 
Although you were aggrieved over your physique yet again being a hindrance (you just couldn’t compare your swinging strength to Hoshina’s), you were particularly adept in delivering forward thrusts and piercing motions. Perfect for injecting poison.
It fits you, Hoshina notes. You were never one for brute force.
The man always had a kick seeing the flabbergasted faces of the new recruits during their first time seeing you on the field. It’s something he looks forward to with a certain pride.
Afterall, you‘ve been with each other since the very beginning. When the Defense Force told you both to just quit. When the both of you just kept biting back, fighting for a spot to prove your existence. When you looked at him with so much pride in your eyes, congratulating him for securing his spot as vice captain. When he attached himself to your hip even in your lab, up until being the person standing right next to you when you received honors as well as your promotion.
Though you and Hoshina fought valiantly for your own battles, the other was always there to push the other forward when things felt too stifling.
So he couldn’t help but burst out the biggest smiles whenever he hears that you’re joining the frontlines on a mission with him again—this time, it would be your first mission with the newbies.
It was a silent night before a swarm of spider-like yoju invaded a part of the city, opting for an immediate dispatch of the 3rd Division. Whilst Captain Ashiro was to deal with the Honju, the many, many hordes of yoju required quite a bit of manpower in the frontlines due to its sheer numbers.
That was how Reno and Iharu found themselves cornered, the spider yoju proving to be a much trickier threat than expected. The darkness proved to be another hurdle—it made the dark colored yoju harder to spot. If they didn’t act fast, the swarm would overtake them…
“Iharu! I’ll fire rounds and give you cover! You hurry and call backup!” Reno keeps his shots steady, keeping the horde at bay.
Iharu immediately quips back, firing his own gun. “Hah?! No way am I leaving you—ugh!” He winces, narrowly dodging an attack. Things weren’t looking good, the swarm was imminent.
“—Oh my, so you’re the one who’s been firing freeze rounds.”
The two boys froze, goosebumps forming on Reno's skin in particular as the boy felt a sudden presence already by his side. Who— when did you—?!
With as little as a blink of an eye passing, the two boys watched with wide eyes as you nimbly dodged a group of spiders heading your way, as if you fluttered through the air.
Flabbergasted, Reno and Iharu watched as you made it through the infested street in record time, not letting a single yoju touch you. “So fast!”
“Heads up boys,” Hoshina chuckles, speaking into the comms. You had made it to Ichikawa’s position. “Watch your superior closely.”
You stayed so calm and collected, even when the situation seemed dire. Your presence on the battlefield was admirable. “Yoju behavior confirmed. Despite resembling arachnids, every cluster consists of a head yoju similar to the behavior of social insects.” You calmly spoke into your comms, withdrawing your sword. “Prioritize on taking out the mother.”
Reno couldn’t help but marvel at your sword—it was in a shape that he’d never seen before. Were you like the vice captain? But there was no way you could slash through anything with that…
Iharu’s eyes widened as a stray spider tried to sneak up behind you, promptly yelling at you. “WATCH OUT!”
Mid sentence, Iharu realizes that you had already lept to the air once again, and in the blink of an eye with unfathomable speed, you shifted through the yoju, leaving stinging pierces through the hoard. 
“Butterfly Dance: Caprice.”
The two boys watched on in awe. It all happened so fast—but wait, none of the kaiju’s bodies or limbs seem severed?
It was silent, Reno and Iharu still catching their breaths as they scanned the vicinity. The kaiju were intact, but they weren’t moving. “Eliminating a kaiju doesn’t necessarily mean shooting or slashing it down.”
Your voice dropped to a sudden chill. “…Because there are swordswomen like me who use poison.”
As you finished your sentence, the two boys watched in awe as all of the yoju you hit crumbled to the ground, writhing in pain as their bodies shriveled. Then, they all dropped dead. The danger zone had been cleared.
Reno and Iharu watched as you spun your sword in circles, cleaning off the blood from the yoju before moving to face them. “Defense Force Division 3 Head of Research—(L/N) (Y/N),” you smiled, finally introducing yourself. “It’s nice to meet you, new recruits.”
You earned a place for yourself right alongside Hoshina as another remarkable swordsman in the 3rd Division. Your contributions to kaiju warfare were not only quickly making waves, but beckoning your presence in the field of bioweapons. 
To be frank, it was a bit daunting, but if it gave you any chance to get closer to vanquishing the kaiju, you’d keep working hard.
Nowadays, only Hoshina knows of your prior disposition before your jovial, more easygoing front today. How you had morphed a new smile and attitude, akin to your sister’s. According to Hoshina, although your face was tranquil and soft, your eyes held full bloodlust, a desire of vengeance. A show of your actual temperament.
The only person you’ve really let your guard down around since losing your sister was him and him alone. He’s your closest confidant. 
In addition to being the head of research, you oversaw the medical bay of the 3rd Division sometimes. After all, you did also carry medical expertise.
Perhaps the motivation behind that was from your sense of responsibility, as well as this small tug in your head that tells you to take good care of the division Hoshina was entrusted with.
Despite your kindhearted demeanor however, everyone knows not to trifle with you, especially when it comes to medical manners. No one under the 3rd Division has ever “forced themselves” to train before being fully healed ever since you started overseeing them.
Mina Ashiro herself testified to it. “Never again,” she states, not after experiencing your temper.
Well, whatever keeps the division healthy!
Hoshina enjoys crashing into your lab from time to time. He’s your most frequent visitor, to the point where you have a mug and some throw pillows on the couch reserved for him. He was like a cat going in and out.
“(Y/N)~” “Everywhere I go, I hear his voice.” “Oi, I’m right here.”
"..." When he feels your aura darken, he immediately shuts up and sits politely.
“(Y/N)~~ let’s go outside and train.” “It’s raining.” “Then let’s train inside.” 
No matter how naggy and clingy he became however, you always keep him close. Because that’s how he shows how he cares. 
“I know you’re there–” You don’t turn around from your seat, before a cold sensation on your cheek elicits a gasp out your mouth and forces you to turn back. You’re met with a bag filled with some warm takeout, and two cans of coffee.
Balancing everything on his hands was Hoshina Soshiro, grinning all the while. Your expression softens. “--Soshiro.”
“Missed you at lunch,” he starts. “Pity. All the new recruits were asking about you. guess I have you all to myself right now though.” You don’t know if he’s joking or not, but his tone shifted a bit into territory that felt more intimate.
These were really small efforts from Hoshina that you knew all too well, making sure you didn’t hole yourself up in your lab. And you always appreciate him and all he's done. 
Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. You meeting Kafka as Kaiju No. 8 did NOT go smoothly.
Your strong hatred for kaiju ran deep, and Hoshina knew that. Your entire life’s work revolved around that. So when the entire debacle with Kafka happened while you were off base during the attack, Hoshina mentally prepared himself for the havoc that was to come.
The definition of “Don’t freak out when I tell you, but……”
Spoiler, of course you found out. And quick. You were the 3rd Division’s head of research who specialized in kaijus–of course you would know. In fact, On your rush to the 3rd Division’s base, you were immediately ushered to study him in captivity. 
Like that was a good impression you’d give to someone who developed the world’s first and most lethal kaiju poison!
“(Y/N),” Hoshina calls out to you, throwing formalities aside. His eyes shifted to your hands, seeing your knuckles grow white, veins visible. “I know what you’re thinking.”
Calm down. “--Soshiro.” You replied, coldly. Hoshina holds a breath at that. He knew you would let your logic and rational thought prevail, but the hatred in you ran so deep, you could slip into a near constant state of anger if you let it get to you.
A new sensation enters your hand. It’s Soshiro’s, you realize, tugging on your own as if to ground you. He hopes it helps bring you back to reality. “I’m here–the 3rd Division is. We all wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t on our side. He saved us, (Y/N).” His gaze and yours meet. “He saved me.”
Luckily (and very thankfully, Hoshina would add on), you grew to become more understanding of Kafka’s disposition, and set aside your antagonistic views as you slowly opened your heart. You even properly thanked him for protecting the 3rd Division.
In fact, you’re quite compassionate with the man now. You check up on Kafka as often as you could, even providing him the fastest updates of any developments you had on his case. He’s also a great talker, you note, and the two of you even start doing catch up sessions over whatever recent developments have happened over tea whenever it was time for his check ups. 
Hoshina feels a bit jealous that he’s no longer the only token visitor of your lab, not that he’ll ever admit it.
With the stakes of no. 9 rising, you knew that the situation would only get more and more dire. You’ve been getting busier days both in and out of the lab, studying samples of the recent high magnitude specimens and observing any abnormalities in kaiju behavior. 
The hypothesis and predictions you’ve marked up however, don’t sound an ounce reassuring. A high class disaster seemed imminent, and when the time comes, you fear that your poison might not be enough.
Not with your sword alone, at least.
On one particular late night in your lab, you glance towards Hoshina. For once, the two of you were silent. You had finished for the night, whilst Hoshina probably popped in to check on you after a midnight session of image training. No kaiju attacks, no sirens, just the night sky ever present through your large windows. “Soshiro,” your voice immediately catches his attention, his full focus now on you.  “Could you promise me something?” 
“Should there be a kaiju–a strong one, and we aren’t able to defeat it,” his eyes widened, the grin on his face gone. “Could you finish the job?”
You let your words stay in the air, your eyes long downturned to the research papers on your desk. You escaped his distraught gaze, attempting to focus on the reports strewn about before they fly out of your vision, Soshiro’s entire being clouding your senses in their place.
The sight of his deep maroon irises caught your breath, and you quickly realized that Soshiro is being completely serious with you right now. He let out a silent plea, with both his eyes and his soul. “Please. Please don’t say that with that face.”
That night, as he held you close, you’re both reminded of the bond that ran tight between the two of you, a bond so strong after everything that you’ve been through together. Something that was forged through pain and joy alike. An innate force that was proof of how the two of you had become so important to each other. It spoke of the same thing,
“I can’t afford to lose you/I can’t afford to lose you too.”
A/N: Whew... thank you to those who enjoyed my mitsuri post !!!! mitsuri and shinobu are my absolute favs in kny, and it was rlly fun to write them into kaiju no. 8--i'd love to do more in the future.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 46
Back to the 1980s! Fun fun fun. Or not, because it's now 1983 and we're watching a Mark Gatiss episode set on a Soviet nuclear sub, which is. Well. Not fun. He's a very boring writer. Lots of stereotypes in both plot and set pieces, and a general feel that he'd have made a very good writer in the 1960s. WITH THAT SAID THOUGH I remember absolutely hating this episode at the time, but on a rewatch, I'm delighted to say it's actually very solidly just below average.
So, Matt Smith and Clara again - ironically, in the air date order we've only skipped backwards by one. Here, they land on said Soviet sub in the middle of the Cold War. Because this is a Gatiss episode, every single person on it is a white man, because aliens and time travel are fine, but women would be Pushing It. Fun fact! This is the first time since 1978 where the only woman is the companion. Two of these white men, in accordance with the laws of Films About Russian Submarines During The Cold War, are at loggerheads because one wants to blow up America and the other thinks nuking the planet is Bad, Actually. Oddly, even this tension feels like a shoehorned-in stereotype, given that the nasty one dies like a third of the way in, but whatever.
ANYWAY the nuclear sub has found what they think is a mammoth in some ice, and Cold War nuclear subs are famous for wanting to advance the plight of natural history museums, so they have it on board. Unfortunately, some science-hating one-scene character decides that thawing out a dead mammoth carcass to continue decomposing in an enclosed submarine is a fantastic idea, and so thaws it with... well, a blowtorch, somehow. This reveals that the mammoth is not a mammoth! It's an Ice Warrior! We've met their queen. It immediately chokes out and kills the idiot with the blow torch.
(Another Fun Fact! This is the first televised Ice Warrior story to feature no Ice Warriors played by actors from Trinidad.)
Meanwhile, Clara and the Doctor arrive and nearly get arrested, then in a scene that belongs in a mildly tedious 1950s it's-behind-you farce, the Ice Warrior turns up on the bridge. It gets assaulted by the nasty Russian who wants to nuke America. This then sets off the premise of the episode, which is that there is an Ice Warrior on a stricken nuclear sub that wants to wipe out humanity because Martian honour means "Attack one, attack all" - as multiple characters stress multiple times, because the Nasty Russian attacked it, the Ice Warrior now gets to kill everyone. "You attacked me," insists the Ice Warrior at one point.
Which is very interesting, given that the first scene of this damned Ice Warrior was of him attacking stupid blowtorch boy.
Obviously, this is just resolved by convincing the Ice Warrior not to kill everyone, and then an Ice Warrior ship turns up and takes it away, presumably back to the queen and that one human guy on Mars. Would he still be alive? Can't remember the year we saw him, now.
SO! What's plot relevant?
Well, this is clearly early Clara - it's her first trip, possibly? We find out about the TARDIS' translation circuits again, which she didn't know about. She gets to have her first Companion Does a Thing scene, I presume (first from her perspective, anyway), but is in fact utterly fucking useless in it, because it's written by Mark Gatiss. Her only actual function in this story is to remind the Ice Warrior that he has a dead daughter, because she is the Only Woman in this story (seriously why did the Ice Warrior have to be male as well? That would have at least HELPED.) Also we find out about the HADS for the first time! If the Doctor leaves it on, the TARDIS just gtfo if it senses danger. Cool. Oh, and another extraordinarily tedious Moffat-era "You are a soldier, Doctor... Another soldier can always tell..." moment.
Otherwise... yeah I think that's it.
Let's update the board!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact). Is this the Flux?
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again. NOPE, back to not working.)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?) She’s deffo pregnant and the baby becomes River, but why inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri (Not anymore, somehow)
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not? Yeah, must be, he couldn’t possibly remember being plastic otherwise
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?  A psychic midwife says she’s just normal human
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years? Since Roman times, it seems
How does the Doctor survive River? He doesn’t, apparently
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead? Is it because of River as an astronaut?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
Why is the beautiful geode woman stealing people into a Passenger form?
River says she’ll die one day when the Doctor doesn’t remember her, let’s hope she doesn’t mean it
Why doesn’t the TARDIS like Clara?
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akehoshimystar · 1 month
Kiho's Personal Story
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Roka: To this wonderful night... Cheers!!
Kiho: Cheers.
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Roka: Mika!
Takeru: Sure, sure.
Roka: Fufu... Fufufu.
Kiho: Oh.
Roka: Zzzzz…..
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Takeru & Kiho: ……..
After saying a toast for countless times, Roka slumped against the counter with a smile on his face. I looked at him for a few seconds. I caught sight of Mika behind the counter, and we both laughed and said, “Good work”.
Takeru: As always, the way he fell asleep is just like a baby. He was noisy until the very end.
Kiho: I thought he’d ask for another round of fortune telling. He ran out of energy now.
Takeru: Seems like he played putter golf with Shinobu and others on the rooftop during the day. He must have been pretty tired from the start.
Kiho: The rooftop here?
Takeru: Yeah. He bought a toy set from somewhere, and was playing in the office at first, but Ai-chan kicked him out.
Kiho: Must have been tough for Ai.
I took the glass, which is now filled with nothing but ice, from Roka’s hand and handed it to Mika.
Takeru: Thanks. What about you, Kiho?
Kiho: I don’t mind if we call it a day now…... But let’s see…. Can I have just one more drink?
Takeru: Of course. I’m about to start cleaning up now, but don't worry about me. Just take your time and drink.
Mika gracefully poured me some Ginjo and began closing up the bar as previously declared. As I watched him while enjoying my last drink of the day… I heard a muffled voice next to me.
Roka: ...I’ve come up with a great idea...
Kiho: What is it?
Roka: Nagashi somen for Christmas.
Kiho: We already did that last year. Water got all over the floor and Urara scolded us like we have just killed someone. We learned it hard way, didn’t we?
Roka: Fufu... Nghnnnn...
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Takeru: Seriously, you’re way too sociable. Why bother replying when he’s already in his dreamworld?
Kiho: To my surprise, he can remember things when I ask him later. Maybe his brain is still up and awake.
Takeru: Even if that's the case, when I see you two together, I still feel strange.
Kiho: What’s strange about it?
Takeru: Who would have thought that you two would become such good friends for this long?
I gulped down the chilled sake in my mouth. And laughed lightly at what Mika said while he was polishing the sink.
Kiho: Mika, didn’t you say the same thing in the past?
Takeru: Oh, really? Well, I've been thinking about it for quite some time now.
I do understand why Roka is attached to Kiho, but Kiho also accepted him and that's why we’re where we are now.
I can’t guess at all what would lead you guys to this point.
Kiho: Accept him? I don't mean to act like I was playing hard-to-get.
Takeru: I think it's difficult for you not to act that way when that’s what you are. Well, not that I care.
Back then… Kyoya, Sei, Shizuka, Mao... Not sure if I should say this, but didn’t Kiho like hanging out with that kind of people?
Kiho: Interesting conclusion you’ve reached there. Well, if I were to sit next to someone on a long trip, I'd prefer someone among that list.
Takeru: I know right. In fact, I've never seen Kiho close the distance with someone crazy like Roka. That's why I find it very strange.
Even if he was one-sidedly attached to you and you found him annoying, you could have dealt with him however you wanted, but you didn't.
Kiho: Dealing with him?
Takeru: Smiling while giving him a cold shoulder. You're good at that, aren’t you?
Kiho: Oh. Now you’re slandering me.
Takeru: Who said I did? I don't think you have to worry about it, though.
Kiho: Haha.
I see... So that's how Mika sees us.
Then, I could say the same. The fact that Roka got attached to me is certainly strange.
Takeru: Maybe it’s not rocket science at all. Perhaps, it’s simply admiration.
Because Kiho has a lot of things that Roka doesn't have and wants.
Kiho: ...I'd be honored if that's the case.
Takeru: It's like crying for the moon. I think it's more or less a feeling that arises when people interact with each other.
Well, it's not every day that you find someone as dynamic as Roka. “A calm, intelligent leader who is respected by everyone”
Kiho: Haha. I feel bad for Roka, but I can't imagine that at all.
Takeru: I kind of agree. However, if I have such a dynamic idiot close by….
I might be able to think it's silly to worry about such trivial things like having high expectations or wishing for things that will never come true.
Kiho: …….
He makes me think that everyone can want what they want, step forward, reach out and grab it. I think anyone with self-strict personality would feel comfortable around Roka. There's a level of force and carefree attitude that allows you to surrender yourself to him.
Takeru: Unexpectedly, he can save the day.
Looking at Mika, who suddenly stopped and looked at Roka with gentle eyes, I thought to myself he is also one of the people Roka has "forgiven".
Kiho: (Crying for the moon, huh?)
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Kiho: ......It hurts.
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Takeru: Huh?
Kiho: Ah... Sorry. I’m just talking nonsense. My head just hurt for a moment.
Takeru: Oh no, are you okay? You still have that migraine after all.
Kiho: No, I probably just drank too much and got a little carried away today.
Thanks for the drink. I'll take Roka home.
Takeru: Just sit down for a bit. I'll call Shinobu now.
Today he went to the dormitory to clean Shizuka's house. After that, he would be drinking with Soyogu and others, but I think they should start talking about leaving now.
If he comes over here and I tell him he can take a taxi home with Roka, he’ll be happy to come and pick him up for sure.
Kiho: He’s drunk as a skunk and a bit of a pain right now, are you sure?
Takeru: That kid is probably drunk too. Here! Drink this and wait.
Kiho: Thank you.
After quickly handing me a glass of water, Mika went down to the staff room.
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Kiho: (.…I ended up making him worried. I should have made a different excuse.)
(I can't think straight at all. I'm really a little drunk tonight.)
Roka: …….
Kiho: ……
I stared at the back of Roka’s head, motionless and as quiet as a dead body. I vaguely thought that it's been a long time seeing that his hair has gotten this long. I couldn’t really remember how short his hair was when we first met.
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Roka: Hey, Misumi. I'm thinking of growing my hair out too, is that okay?
Why? There's only one reason. I want to be cool like you!
Not just as a host. As a human being, too.
Kiho: (.….Idiot.)
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He has had something special from the beginning, but only he himself doesn’t know its value. Without realizing it, he chased after someone else, harboring unnecessary admiration. He's stupidly pure, he tries his best, and he loves people. There’s just no way anyone can hate him. He's the kind of person who is destined to be loved.
Kiho: It's not that I didn't reject him. I just couldn't, Mika.
I murmured the words I hadn't said earlier to the empty counter. I could see it from the moment we first met. If I had negative feelings about “this”, it would be the end. So I accepted him, and I won't reject him even in the future. If no one can see your true feelings, it's the same as not being there.
Kiho: (That's why….. You'll probably never know for the rest of your life.)
I reached out for the card I'd put aside in the corner. And flipped it over and saw what’s on it. I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh, which made Roka flinched. I find a tip of his hair swaying like a tail annoying for some reason, so I chuckled.
Kiho: Get up. Time to head home, Roka.
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…….If I hate you, I’ll be swept away for sure.
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
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chapter twenty three - selfish
frank castle x fem! reader
warnings: canon typical violence, graphic description of injuries and general gross stuff, needles?, bobby bein a bit of. a creep again ugh.
a/n: there is so much happening in this chapter. please god make it make sense.
[series masterlist] [previous chapter]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Wake up.” A hand slaps you across the face, and you squint as your eyes manage to open. “There you go.”
You were still here. It had to of been… hours now. That’s what it feels like. Really, it feels like you’d never left. Everything’s the same, and you feel just as small. Just as alone as you always did. Except for him, leaning over you, observing your every movement. You tried to open your mouth, but your jaw was so stiff it felt wired shut.
“I’ve got a lot more work to get done before you leave me again. You with me now?” He says, grimy hands dragging along the inside of your wrist. It’s only as you look down, feeling the urge to tear that hand from his arm, that you see the IV stuck in your vein. Blood. He was taking your blood. He turns his attention back to a small screen. “Such a beautiful signal you get here. See this? Your father would love to see these numbers.”
“Shut your… fucking…” Exhaustion burns through you, eating at every nerve and cell, screaming at you to drift off into that dark bliss. If you closed your eyes, you could see him. Maybe he’d show up on the water bed again. You don’t know why that memory, of all the ones you had, came to you, but you’d cling to it anyways.
“Shh. Save your energy. Can’t have you dying on me.” He pours something down your throat, and you cough and splutter for a few minutes before anything goes down. You hate that it helps. It’s water. You want to throw it up out of spite, but your body hauls it in before you get the chance.
He’s no longer wearing the gas mask, and the air tastes clean apart from the metallic tang of blood still settled in your mouth. Your feet were bare, and the floor underneath was ice cold. You tried to lift them up, but the metal cuffs around your ankles didn’t let you.
“Never worked for three years, yet you still try it every time. You think I would ever let you go now? Over something as silly as reinforced cuffs?” Bobby hums, pressing his hand into the needle under your skin as his touch grazes over it. You wince, yanking away as much as you can. “I’ve had a lot of time to practise. To perfect keeping someone like you in containment. Keep you hidden.”
“What are you…talking about?” You manage with the water now settling in your stomach. Keep you hidden. How could you ever be more isolated than you were here?
“You may have been my first— and a special one at that, but you were not the first.” He takes the needle out of your skin with faux sensitivity. Like he almost cares if it cuts you now. “It’s a changing world out there. Super Soldiers, Gods raining from the sky… money can buy most things, but it hasn’t been able to buy me enough strength. Until now.”
He stands, walking around and grabbing the back of your chair. He drags you to the left, where you can see down the hallway. The door to the stairs you climbed down was wide open now, and a man was standing at the end of the hall.
“You see, I was investing in the wrong things. Training, guns… you name it. Until your father showed me the error of my ways. Science is where the real strength is.” Bobby crouches behind you, his hands holding your shoulders too tightly. “Of course, it’s been harder to master since your father passed. I haven’t been able to make the change permanent as he did— but I believe Ive found a way to increase its potency. Did you study much science with your father?”
The memory of him makes you want to cry. You wish you just had more time with him— you were going to fade away here and all his memory would go with you. You never even got the chance to tell Sam about him—
“Answer me.” He shoves your head forward, pain shooting up the back of your neck. You grit out a ‘no’ and he sighs. “No matter. Your father perfected the formula for your cell chemicals to shift and heal over. Only, the replenishment of those chemicals in other bodies is a little harder to grasp. Making it specifically for your DNA, and as much as I would love to have a million versions of you to play with, I need it to work for everyone.”
He brings over a bag of your blood, and clicks his fingers. The man at the end of the hallway moves toward you, standing at the entrance of the cell.
“Now, if my theory is correct…” He hooks up the IV again, but instead of attaching a new bag to your arm, he leaves it attached to your blood bag, and then stabs the man in front of you right in the divot of his elbow with the needle. “Even though we want to heal bones and organs, the most important part is the platelets and plasma. Tell me, sunshine, where is it that you find those?”
“Blood.” You spit, feeling some of your own drip down your chin.
“Good. Very good.” You both watch as the blood starts to disappear from the bag, going straight into the man’s veins. “This isn’t so bad, is it? Almost easy, I would say. You just have to listen, and do as your told.”
You recognise him— one of the men who used to stand outside your cell on days you needed to be guarded. Never speaking to you. Kicking your food through the gap in the wall. He looks almost asleep, and you think he might be under the effect of that gas from before— eyes half lidded and his knees weak.
“So, giving someone the proteins from your enhanced blood, theoretically, of course, should aid in the enhanced healing. Mix that with the incredible red and white blood cell counts you show, and you can create a virtually unstoppable force. For however long the shot of blood stays in his system. I had some stored from our previous years, but I have a feeling it’s effects will be more… productive, with a fresh supply.” The bag is half empty when he rips the IV out. The man doesn’t flinch, but now his eyes are wide and his knuckles white with how hard he’s fisting them at his sides. It’s almost like he’s hyped up on adrenaline, pupils dilated and staring at you. He takes a step forward, and you think Bobby is going to let him beat you to death. Instead, he pulls out a gun and shoves it into the man’s direction.
“Take this.” He says, and he does it immediately. “You see, the fresher the protein, the faster the recovery time. The guys downstairs, they have your blood in their system, and boy— does it make them pack a punch. But, their system doesn’t regenerate as easily. Some of that blood is months old—years. They die easier. Today, we’re going to see if your dear old dad was onto something. Getting blood straight from the source. It’s why I need you around. Might even let you test one out yourself like old times… but enough talk; back to our test.”
Bobby stands, walking around from behind you and controls the man’s movements, positioning him however he pleases. The man is obedient, moving without resistance, his eyes stilling on yours.
“Shoot yourself in the head.” He commands, and then the man clicks the safety off the gun and pulls the trigger.
You don’t make a sound, but you feel the hot splash of his blood across your face and arms, and then the dead weight of his body as he falls forward into your lap. A tear falls down your cheek, not in sympathy, but just pure shock.
You do scream now, because the man who’s brains paint the wall behind you stands up, pushing himself off you with ease. He sways slightly, like he’s drunk, and then blinks a couple times before returning to normal. He’s not hazed anymore— and even though his blood was still dripping down your face, still hot… he turns his head to Bobby, and the bullet wound is completely healed. Gasping for air, your head spins to Bobby, who was grinning.
“What the fuck have you done?!”
“I made him perfect! Like you!” He takes the gun from the man’s hands, who was still staring at you. “It worked even faster than I thought. Fresh is better, as they say.”
He hooks you up to another IV before you’ve come back to yourself, not even feeling the prick of the needle as the clear tube near your head turns a dark red. He was taking more…
“You—“ He snaps to the swaying man, who breaks his gaze from you. “Load these syringes and take them down. I want as many of them filled in the next twenty minutes. Don’t worry if she passes out… she’s a resilient one.”
The man moves quickly, opening a briefcase filled with long silver tubes, all ending in sharp points. He empties the rest of the first bag into three of the needles, then waits for the next to be filled. Everything gets fuzzy as he takes the next bag down and attaches another, and your hands go numb. You stare at them, making sure they’re still there. Bobby grabs your jaw, pulling you to face him.
“It’s good to have you back. I have to admit I had missed your… presence. My offer still stands, you know. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can work together. Build our own—“ All you can conjure up is the energy to spit in his face. He growls, grabbing you harder. “Fine. Have it your way. Once I’ve taken care of your little toy downstairs, I’ll be back. And I won’t be so withholding this time.”
More blood leaves your body, and you watch him walk away. You were losing so much so fast, you know you were about to pass out again, and you should be worried about that, but all you can manage to hold on to is the fact that Frank was somewhere here, and you couldn’t get to him.
It has to have been hours. Maybe even days. You have no idea. You hate it. You always lost time down here.
Your heart was as icy as the ground under your toes, and about as cracked and stained as the patch you were sitting over. The man next to you continued to sort through vials and tubes, and you drifted back to that sweet darkness, Franks voice nearly calling you if you dove in to it hard enough.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“That all you got?! Fucking puss—“ He’s cut off by another groan. His own, but he hardly recognises it by how high pitched it is. Another fist flies at his face, and he can feel the bone crack. He tenses, preparing for the next hit.
He needs to stay awake. He needs to stay awake enough to get to you. He saw everything— that whole fucking display, and even if he didn’t get any sound or words, the minute that piece of shit laid a hand on you, Frank snapped out of his haze. Doesn’t matter how much of his blood and guts covered the floor, he would drag his shattered leg behind him if he had to. He’d get to you.
Antagonising these guys in here had been easier than he thought. At first they were in some kind of trance, but when the loud bang of Bobby’s shotgun went off, the bullet just missing him— taunting him, they snapped. Now, it’s been…he’s got no idea how long, but they have to get tired soon. Get a little slower, get distracted, and then Frank will make his move. Maybe he’ll just get numb. He knows he’s cracked ribs, every time he breathes in something sharp stabs his side. He has to keep going.
Breathing in, the men surround him— and even Frank turns his head when there’s a knock at the door.
The guy who walks in is covered in blood, and he’s holding a briefcase. It’s the same one he thinks he saw when he was watching you, but his eyes are so blown up that he could be seeing things.
“Boss wants these distributed.” He says, and the three men hover around him as he unlocks it. They’re whispering something, and seemingly forget about Frank for a second.
Their mistake.
He’s slowly but surely working himself free, knowing he’s going to have to dislocate his thumbs to get out. He’s fought with worse injuries, but with how much blood he’s lost, he needs something. An edge. Something that will just get him out of this room. He knows there’s guns outside, and the slick of his blood makes it easier to slide out. He just needs one damn thing to go his way today…
“Is that really it?” One of the men hold up a needle. It’s bright red, with the biggest point Franks ever seen on the end.
“What’d you expect?”
“Hulk had green blood. Something like that, I guess.” Another man says off handedly, never looking back at him, and fuck— they were asking for it now. Franks right hand tugs at the cuff, and he squeezes his eyes shut, biting down on his lip so hard it bleeds. Not that he’ll be able to tell what’s bleeding anymore. Bone pops as he tugs the rest of the way, in one sharp movement he’s got a free hand.
He doesn’t wait.
Whatever’s in that syringe is important. Important enough that the guy who shot himself in the head got back up and walked down four flights of stairs. It does… well, Frank doesn’t know what the fuck if does, but if it heals a bullet to the head, Franks betting on the fact it’ll be enough to get him out of this room.
He lunges, throwing his body toward the syringe dangling in the man’s hand. The briefcase splatters on the ground and a multitude of curses ring through the room. One breaks, another falls right next to Franks head. He turns, only to see it kicked away. He pops his left hand out of the cuff in the shuffle, hoping they don’t notice it’s free.
“I thought he’d be better. Look at him.” They peer down at him on the floor, still cuffed by his feet, and from their view, still one hand, too. It’s why they don’t realise him reaching behind, grabbing two sharp points and dragging them over.
“Guess he’s past his prime. Clean this up, and don’t finish him off just yet. Boss wants round two.” The men laugh, turning their backs for a final time.
Frank stabs himself in the back with two needles. He feels it instantly— like the time he got shot up with adrenaline. Everything is turned to ten, and he groans and thrashes on the floor. The men turn around to look at him just in time to see his two free hands, but by then it’s too late.
Frank’s broken the chain on his legs, one giant whack of it against the concrete sending the links off in shattered pieces. He rolls, not feeling any pain on his sides. He stands, easily. Way too easily. He should be hunched over, fighting for consciousness.
He’s never felt fucking better.
He lands a punch on the advancing man, the one who broke his ribs. He grabs him by the head, feeling his skull bone crack under his grip.
He doesn’t have time to think about it, because the next ones already coming. He throws himself at him, tackling him to the floor. He beats him— over and over, so hard his hands meet concrete after three blows. He went through him.
One man’s on his back, arm around his throat, and he easily rips him over his head. These guys were fucking nothing now. He felt like he’d been shocked by some kind of electricity, except this was the kind that felt fucking amazing. He belted the man in front of him, then slammed his head into the wall. Blood and brain covered the only clean part of the room, and one man was left.
The man who shot himself.
“Stop! Wait!” The man says, holding the briefcase up. “I can tell you what he’s doing. Where she is!” Frank takes a few breaths, not even feeling winded.
“You work for him?” The man nods. “Where?”
“S-security.” Frank towers over him, and he goes for the handle of the door, but Franks too fast. So fucking fast he doesn’t register that he’s got the guys hand tight in a fist until he hears him scream.
“You know she was down there? All that time, huh?” The man looks up, wide eyed. Frank cracks the bones in his hands.
“Fuck! Yes— yes, we knew but I swear—“ Frank doesn’t care what the rest of the sentence is, because he picks up the briefcase, and uses the end of it to cave his head in.
He keeps hold of the case as he kicks the door down, swiping the shot gun Bobby abandoned. Then he takes a chance, testing his durability, and jumps over the railing of the two story platform.
After the beating he received, he should be struggling to even walk— but he lands it easily. He doesn’t even have that kink in his neck from this morning. Spent so much time staring down at you sleeping next to him. Not even that. No blood coming from anywhere, and he could see for fucking miles in front of him. No swollen eyes.
He was healed. Completely. Strong, too. Stronger than he fucking should be. He doesn’t know how long he’s got, but he knows he’s not wasting another second of not having you safe. He takes the stairs up four at a time, never needing to catch his breath.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Frank’s arm was around you, holding you tighter than you could ever remember. You weren’t shivering anymore, the effects of the ice cold water long forgotten the minute he pulled you to him under the covers.
It was nearly morning, and you were still hazed with sleep. The embarrassment and pain can’t reach you here, not when you are so close to drifting off. Another few hours of sleep would do you good. Just letting your eyes flutter closed. You blame it on this nearly-asleep-half-conscious state that you turn over, seeking more of the warmth his skin offers. He tenses next to you, feeling you shift, before accepting the new position and letting your limbs tangle with his own. 
It’s about as safe as you have ever felt. Frank on all sides, something that should make you feel boxed in. He’d let you go with one word, but you can trust him not to. You don’t want him to. Frank’s arms tighten around you as you settle your head just below his, nose brushing against his collarbone.
“You okay?” His voice rumbled through your head, all the way down to your toes. You didn’t answer, wanting to linger in this state a little longer. Your breathing was even, and you all but melted into him with one last, long sigh. “What the hell are you doin’ to me, huh?”
His lips touched your forehead before one hand tangled in your hair. He doesn't brush past this time. This time, it’s purposeful and practically permanent. He scorches your skin, kissing you softly, right on the little scar above your eyebrow.
You feel him tug you closer, your leg nearly on top of him now. You can hear his heartbeat in your ear, racing when your hand slowly brushes up his side, stopping under your head. Then it slows, and he kisses you one last time before you’re asleep again…
You can hear something. Maybe. Theres a beeping sound coming from the monitor, but that’s not what it is. This place echos everything. The walls nearly savour the sounds, sending them back to you so loud, that if you close your eyes you could swear it was happening right next to you. This is different, though. 
It’s screaming. Someone screaming.
You force your head up, slowly blinking your eyes. There’s spots in your vision, but you can see people. People, flying around the tight space of the corridor. Flying… you swear they were moving through the air, limbs whacking around in un-natural directions. Something loud cracked, and then a loud, male groan. Almost a scream, but this wasn’t in fear, or pain. Someone was coming, and they weren’t stopping until they got through.
You only knew one person who would fight for you like that, but as much as you tried to fight against it, sleep dragged you down into the dark. This time, Frank was getting further away, and you weren’t so sure you could pull yourself back up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was pitch black, but all Frank could see was red. Dark, thick red, blood that can only be from deep, hidden parts of the body. Blood gets thicker the further in you go, and Frank was tearing right to the centre.
He found more men on the stairs, using the shotgun and the pulsing strength scorching through his body to take them out. He admitted it felt good— fucking easy, tearing through these guys. They had the higher ground but he had every advantage. He couldn’t help but feel like something was off about it, though. He has no idea what he gave himself, it just had to be enough to get to you.
When he finally makes it up to the door, he’s sprinting. More faces blur past his hands and bullets, but he can only focus on one. You, your head down, eyes closed. He throws someone with one arm as far as he can manage, and he doesn’t see the guy get back up. He’s still looking for Bobby, but all that was on the back burner now. Now, all he could focus on was you.
The bodies stop dropping, and he realises there’s no more coming. No more footsteps as he reaches the door to your cell, no more gun shots. Not even a breath that wasn’t his own.
You weren’t breathing.
He drops the case he’s still managed to hold, ignoring the slow beeping of the monitor. He rips at the handcuffs, but even with all this stuff in his body he can’t manage it.
“Come on. Hey! Come on, wake up…baby, fucking wake up.” He could hear the horse crack of his voice and he was pulling so fucking hard and it wasn’t enough. He’s shaking you by the shoulders, then he looks down, seeing the snapped locks of the briefcase.
There’s still four or five syringes in there. He doesn’t know what it does— he can hardly tell if he’s gonna live when this feeling dies down. He’s still staring at them, though. Reaching for one.
He could do it. It brought him back, healed whatever those assholes did… and your a hell of a lot stronger than he is. He needs it to work. He needs you to open your fucking eyes, but is it worth the risk? Was it worth it if it backfired? Was he that selfish, that he’d take the risk— the risk of you dying because of what he did, just so he wouldn’t have to live without you? He’d take you down with him if he did this— fuck knows what Bobby put in these things. It could be anything. But he couldn’t let you die in this room. Couldn’t let you go.
Frank Castle knows he’s selfish, but it’s like his body has already made up its mind. His hand is fisting on of the vials, hovering over your thigh. The beeping’s getting slower, and you twitch in his hold, the last signs of life fading from you. For a second, he thinks he shouldn’t do it. That he shouldn’t take you down with him any further than he’s already done. But he can’t see you die. He couldn’t.
“Please. Just— need this to work. Please.” He drops his head and plunges the needle into your thigh without another thought. Almost instantly, your eyes crack open and your heaving air back into your deprived lungs. Frank holds you upright, trying to make sure you don’t fall backwards, but he can’t see past the tears forming in his eyes.
He doesn’t remember the last time he cried like this— like a knife was tearing it’s way through his chest, nearing his throat and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop it. He didn’t want to stop it because you were fucking here— covered in blood and dirt but breathing. He chose right. Did right by you, for fucking once. Looking around the room terrified, you say a word, and he feels like the luckiest guy in the world because the first thing you think to say is his name.
“Frank!” You scratch out, shoulders still heaving with the effort of taking in air. “Frank— we have… you have to get me… please I can’t be in here anymore—“
“Shh. Shh— you’re okay. I’m gonna get you out, just like I promised, yeah?” You stop spinning your head around and stop your thrashing when your eyes meet his. He feels your hand go to lift up and touch him but you can’t move. “Fucking hell. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“You’re crying.” You say softly, and Frank shakes his head, laughing out of pure exhaustion.
“Yeah, I am.” Your head tilts, and fuck— he can’t help it. He shuffles closer, holding your head in his hands. You look wrong in his hold, like something precious and way too expensive, something he’d never earn the value of in his lifetime. You press into his touch, and he just can’t let you go.
“You came.” Wet tears stream down your face, and he wipes them away with his thumbs. “I thought you were— I thought you might not make it here.”
“I promised.” It’s all he has time for right now. He has a hostage he needs to fuck up. “Where’d he go.”
You flick your head down in the direction of where he came.
“He has the keys. You gotta— once I’m out I can help you.” You blink a few times, and it looks like your seeing his face for the first time. “You… how did you get out?”
“He’s got these guys— strong, like you, nearly beat the shit out of me. Injected myself with that.” He looks over at the briefcase. “Never felt better.”
“You aren’t hurt.” You say, and it should be a good thing, but Frank starts to worry because you look uneasy.
“Not anymore. You know what it is?”
“Yeah.” That fact that you don’t say it right away makes Frank think he doesn’t want to know.
“I gave it to you, too.” You shake your head, and his worries evaporate. A simple move from you, and he’s easy. Fuck— he was glad you were here.
“It’s fine. It won’t kill us. You need to go. Get the keys, get me out. Bring him with you.” Frank nods, taking another second to look at you. Just making sure— your eyes were wide, a little fearful but alive and bright. Open. Skin was warm. You were okay. “I don’t want to be here anymore. Please.”
Something crashes behind Frank, and he turns and leaves before saying another word. He was going to drag that cunt back here kicking and screaming. He had to be alive— but Frank has learned a thousand ways to make a man wish he wasn’t.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Six minutes.
You counted it.
It took Frank six minutes to track down the country’s biggest gang leader, the man who has evaded the FBI and CIA for years, the man who had built an entire, intricate network of tunnels and bunkers to avoid being caught. Without his men, that Frank also took down, it took him six minutes to beat him bloody and drag him back to you.
You used to be so afraid of him. He was the man who haunted your nightmares, a face you’d see every time you closed you eyes. Almost a bogeyman. Seeing him here, on his knees, eyes swollen shut while Frank rips the keys out of his back pocket… it’s surreal almost.
“You w—“ Frank kicks him in the stomach, whatever words he was going to say lost in the burst pain. While he falls to the ground, breathing slow, Frank unlocks the handcuffs and you stand way too fast. Your first steps are the three that gets you out of this fucking room.
Frank sees you bolt outside, back pressed against the opposite wall. Then he turns, punching Bobby in the face before grabbing him by the leg and dragging him out and down the hallway. He’s groaning in pain, trying to say something but Frank just keeps dragging him. You walk behind, a sick enjoyment bubbling through you at the sight of him so… weak.
“How are we getting him up the stairs like this?” You ask once you’ve stopped at the base of the giant staircase. It must of taken you an hour to come down here, and your head was still a little fuzzy from the blood loss. Your own blood doesn’t heal you as well— fucking figures.
Frank doesn’t say anything, just starts dragging him up the stairs like a sack of flour. His head bangs against the first step, and Bobby shouts and wails like a kid. Similar to how you would of screamed for him to stop when he cut you open—
“Frank.” You say, and he stops. You look down at the man, wondering what Frank did to him in those six minutes in the dark that made him look so deformed. His arm was broken, the strange angle it was at made it obvious. One of his eyes was less bruised than the other, and he used it to lookright at you.
Maybe he thought you’d tell Frank to stop. That you’d taken pity on him. That you’d feel sorry for the way he looks. He’s still staring at you when you see a small flash of his teeth, something that could be a smile if he wasn’t missing so many teeth. You let him hold the hope for just a second.
“Make sure he’s still alive when we get to the top.” Frank huffs, like it’s an imposition, and you walk ahead, letting the pained cries of the man behind you bounce off the echoed walls. He deserved to feel what it was like to have hope it would stop, only for it to never end.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you finally reach the outside of the building, Bobby has passed out from the pain four times. You counted. It won’t be enough. You had twelve years of that shit. This was mild— you had a thousand days like this. It should be therapeutic to see him miserable and begging but all it does is make you angry.
Frank throws him in the back seat of the car, using rope and the seatbelts to tie him down so he can’t move. Then he ties something around his mouth, saying something to him you can’t hear. When you get back in the car, Franks hands are stained with blood.
“I’m hungry. You hungry?” He asks loudly after a moment of silence, his hands so tight on the steering wheel you can see his forearms start to shake. “Fuck. I could sprint a mile right now.”
“You feel okay? Good?” You weren’t a hundred percent sure about the effects your blood could have on him— or, the concentrated version of your blood.
“Fuckin’ fantastic. Don’t know what was in that stuff, but I haven’t run it out yet.” You can tell he feels uneasy about it, but the rush is almost overwhelming, even if he has burnt through some of it.
“It’ll be a while before it’s out of your blood system.”
“Yeah? How you know that?” His head moves a little too fast, and you wonder weather that’s how fast you move. If you look this… creepy, really. It’s fucking creepy.
“Because it’s my blood. It’ll pass through in a while, you just have to wait. He— Bobby said it wasn’t permanent.” At the mention of his name he stirs in the back and Frank reaches around, punching him in the gut while keeping his eyes on the road. “Maybe I should drive.”
“I’m good. Tell me about it— the blood shit. Help me focus.” Hoping to calm him down, you spill every little remnant of information you can remember. It’s technical, trying to explain how the plasma in your blood can be modified to heal bones and gunshot wounds, but he listens. “So why’d it work on you? If it’s your own?”
“It’s more concentrated. Based around the healing parts of my blood. He must of found a way to extract only the parts that make me strong. I lost a shit tonne of blood back there, so maybe the shot kicked my own healing back into gear.” You flick your eyes back to where Bobby is passed out again, his blood staining the seat. “I doubt I’d get it even if he explained it himself, but it’s a version of what they did to me. Only lasts a little while, but it makes you stronger. Faster. Heals you more easily. And apparently makes you jumpy as fuck.”
“I ain’t jumpy.” He grumbles, the sound sounding so much like Frank that you settle back a little, relaxing at it. “When you were in there… I uh— saw what that guy did in front of you. That kind of thing would be… if Madani found out about that, or any of those guys at the CIA. What your blood can do…”
“I know.” They’d want it. It was the edge they have been looking for. Like Bobby said, America had been fighting Gods and Super-humans for years, and they wanted something of their own. You, or your blood, would be it.
“Don’t say anything about it. Far as they know, we were in and out.” Frank looks in the review mirror, gaze hard as he checks Bobby’s positioning.
“He might say something. What if they ask him about it?”
“Can’t talk without a tongue.” You look at him, trying to figure out if he’s joking or not. He looks serious. Very, very serious. “What?”
“You— nothing. I just want to go home.” You breathe heavily, your eyes shutting for a second. Everything hurts, and your body isn’t healing as fast as Franks did with the lack of blood in your system. Now you know why you didn’t heal fast after you were shot. You must of lost too much in the water.
“You mean back to New York, yeah?” When he says it, the words confuse you. Of course you’d be going back to New York. You don’t have anywhere… well, you don’t have anywhere. You don’t have a place, now you think about it. The only house you ever lived in is owned by someone else, but that hasn’t been home for a while.
When you said you wanted to go home, what you really meant was you wanted out of this car. You wanted to go back to somewhere warm, and safe, and somewhere you didn’t have to think about any of this. The only place you’ve ever really been able to do that, have any of that is when you were with Frank.
“Sure.” Is all you managed.
“Sure? What’s that mean?” He turns the car a little too hard, and Bobby whacks against something in the back.
“It means that— well, I don’t exactly have a place there, do I? I mean, I know Matt said we could stay until—“
“We’re not doin’ that again.”
“I didn’t think it was all bad.” You say absently, but Franks eyes catch yours in the mirror and his hands grip the wheel even tighter. “But I don’t have a house.”
“Stay with me.” Even after everything you’d done with him, been through with him, he still managed to catch you by surprise.
“Really? You’d want me to live with you?”
“Why? You got a bunch of cats you need to move in or something? You snore?” You don’t want to smile, not with who’s behind you, but he’s impossible not to smile around. “Course I do.”
“Gotta dump the baggage first.” Frank grumbles something under his breath at your words, then turns the car again, too hard. Even you struggle to stay upright. He’s still fighting off the rush of energy he’s feeling running through his veins. “Maybe we should call someone. Go to a doctor, or call Curtis. You’re still jumpy.”
One of his hand’s dropped from the wheel, and after he checked the rear view mirror one more time, confirming Bobby was passed out, his hand landed on your thigh. He did this a lot while he drove, his hand nearly covering the entirety of your thigh. Fingers absently wandering, like he had all the time in the world to tease you, even if he didn’t mean it. This time, he definitely did. His thumb was drawing circles on your skin, his palm slowly dragging the rest of his fingers up.
“Just got to work it out of my system, yeah?” You swallowed, the simmer of heat in your stomach bursting into flames at the horse growl of his voice. He dipped his hand over further, the sensitive skin of your inner thigh twitching in anticipation. You weren’t sure if it was because he was half high on…you, or what he exactly was planning to do, but as his hand gripped you tighter making you jolt in your seat, you sat a little wider. Giving him access. He swore under his breath.
“Yeah. Maybe you should g-go on that run. Work out or something.” He smirked, and held his hand there while you held your breath. He was toying with you, fucking with you, for sure… was he really going to…here? The tip of his fingers were so close, and you were practically sweating now, heart thumping in your ears.
“I think I got a better idea.” He looked at you quickly, his eyes nearly completely black, pupils blown out. Your eyes squeezed shut, at his mercy completely.
Then, his hand slid down slowly, resting where it usually did when he drove. Much lower, and much further away from where you fucking need him right now. When you open your eyes again he’s still smirking, a smart ass look on his face like he knows how worked up he just got you, even when he’s the one with all the extra energy.
All of a sudden, like Frank often encouraged in you, you forgot about everything else except how long this car ride was. You said you wanted to get home, but the more you thought about it, it was less about a destination and more about him. Home.
[next chapter]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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simonambroise · 1 year
Happy world building Wednesday. What lands, kingdoms, cities, dimensions, etc. are available in your work? Which are your favorites and why? - Desmond💘
You may think, Simon, surely you will share more things from Captain of the Blue Opal? You know, the book six people are invested in, five of which know where you sleep at night?
To that I say nay. Today we shall speak of Paladin of Three, my second born child- I mean novel. The one I haven't been talking about yet.
The continent of Vestera has been splintered into pieces ever since the first rock floated down from the origin of it all. The sea sort of goes in one direction, like a really big river. How does this work scientifically??? Idk, its fantasy. There are dragons. Do you know dragons work? No? Suck it up and deal.
There are five distinct biomes, each of which has it unique advantages and disadvantages. At the beginning of the story, the world lis divided like this:
To the North, we have Echima- a land of ice and snow, factories and concrete. Cliche? Yes. They're the most technologically advanced, featuring steam engines and steam ships, early robots and whatnot. They're way behind us, meaning our reality, but they're fighting a handful of unarmed people with kitchen knives. Not the most efficient weapon, but legions better than nothing.
To the East, we have Quell. Named for its founder by the same name, Quell boasts the best sailors and the most powerful navy. Due to the way the sea flows, Vestera is consistently being worn away at; but only on one side. The resulting sediments find their way to Quell's beaches, where the water deposits them. Surprise, the sea flowing in one direction actually affects the climate and geography!!!! I'm a nerd, I know (got a 95 on my earth science regents).
To the South, we have Soulwood. The climate is fair, never too hot or too cold, through they do live in a swamp, meaning its quite humid. They're the magic folks, the scholars and wizards and whatnot. The entire area is full of magic, ancient trees and odd creatures.
To the West we have Ashing, a mountainous region broken up by the occasional valley. It is, purely geographically speaking, shrinking due to the one way ocean wearing away at their side of the continent. As a result of this, the entire west coast is a cliff, making trading via water nigh impossible. They live underneath the earth in caves, possessing the greatest network of tunnels and the best forge in Vestera.
Then, finally, we have Tenpertios, the central region, and the only one that can produce crops on a scale to feed the continent. Nicknamed the "Breadbasket of Vestera" this country is relied on quite heavily, though the royal family of Tenpertios has significantly less power than the other Lords. The reason why is plot-relevant history ;)
My book series is dimension traveling lesbians, so there's a lot of dimensions. I chose POT cause its the one I'm working on right now, but the one I'm most excited for is the third book, The Honest Traitors. Its a superhero novel but fruity. I genuinely had the most fun writing the plot for that one, ngl. But if I were to go into detail of every dimension in every book, we'd be here forever. And I don't have enough time, unfortunately :(
In Paladin of Three, my favorite is Soulwood. I must admit, I'm a sucker for magic swamps/forests.
Without getting too far into the weeds of economics, diplomatic relations and trading routes, Soulwood is an equal to Echima in physical power, despite the fact they are ideologically opposed and have different methods of maintaining that power. Quell is a trading hub, built on commerce and as a result, is very economically powerful. Ashing isn't as powerful outright, but they've got a chokehold on metals and semi-precious stones needed for both technology and spell components, on top of the precious metals for coins.
Tenpertios, despite being the main food source of the entire continent, is constantly undermined by the other countries, once again for plot relevant reasons.
Uhhhhhhh yeah hold on I should check if I actually answered the prompt or if I've strayed from the path given to me.
Yep, prompt answered. Cool. Yeah, here you go. Took me a while to write haha :)
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Best Beating Heart
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I is for Ice Skating
Joel makes your dreams come true in a post-apocalyptic world. 
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: None. This is just some good Joel fluff. Because we need it. 
“Here looks like a good place to stop,” Joel says to you and the rest of the crew following along behind him. “Take a few moments, catch your breath. We have more ground to cover.” His eyes flick to you for a sliver of a second, and you smile just as he turns to walk away. 
He enters the abandoned library, leaving you and the rest of the patrol out in the snow. It’s not unusual for Joel to be quiet and standoffish. It’s not like he’s a jerk or anything, but he likes to keep to himself. He’s friendly when he has to be and social when the situation calls for it. But mostly, Joel’s a loner. 
That doesn’t bother you. In fact, it’s one of the things you like about him. He looks scary and intimidating, but you know he’s actually a total softie. You have Ellie to thank for that. She never shuts up about him. Not that you mind. You like hearing her stories about the older man. 
“You gonna follow him?” 
Speaking of the devil, Ellie pops up by your side, amused grin on her face. She knows about your fascination with Joel. You think everyone does, except Joel. 
It’s your fault. You’re not exactly subtle. Like right now, for instance, you can’t tear your eyes away from the double doors he disappeared behind. 
“No,” you scoff, brushing her off awkwardly. “Why would I do that? You’re being weird. Shut up.” 
“Yeah, okay,” the teenager snorts and heads off towards the rest of the group, leaving you alone. You frown at the library before making the decision to join Ellie. Joel needs some alone time. You don’t want to bother him. 
Your boots crunch in the snow as you walk the small trail to the frozen creek. Flakes continue to fall in a light dusting, sprinkling over your hair and face. It’s been a brutal winter with storms continuously rolling in and temperatures well below freezing. But work calls. And today is a group patrol. So it’s not as awful. 
“You totally love him,” Ellie chimes in as you catch up with her. You roll your eyes and shove her off the path into the snow. She curses at you, but you’re already gone, running down the snowy pathway. 
When you catch up with the others, you see they’re all huddled in a group, keeping warm and taking turns talking about what they miss most from their “past life.” It’s their way of keeping their minds off the biting cold. You kind of like hearing about everyone’s past and the things they were into. It shows a lot about who they were before life turned them rigid. 
Ellie, having grown up in the apocalypse, skips her turn, much to her chagrin. So your friend Ivan begins to talk about school field trips. Like you, he was still young when the cordyceps hit. All of his memories are of being a goofy kid. When he talks about his third grade class going on a field trip to the science center, you can picture it. You had the exact same energy for those outings. 
The excitement the night before, laying out your clothes so you’d be ready in the morning. The fun lunches your parents used to pack and the cash they gave you for souvenirs. Missing an entire day of school to learn about one subject, but having fun anyway because you were with your friends and you didn’t have to be stuck in class. Those were the days. 
Ivan continues to talk, and you continue to recall small pieces of your memories. You don’t realize you and Ellie aren’t alone anymore. It’s when Ellie kicks your foot that you snap out of your haze and look over to see that Joel has joined you. 
You give him a small smile and a wave. But all he does is nod his head and stand back, away from everyone else. He’s happy to just listen in. 
“Your turn,” Ivan states, saying your name and pointing at you. 
Put on the spot, you say the first thing that comes to mind. “Ice skating.” 
“Seriously?” Ellie chimes in, intrigued by your answer. “You know how to skate?” 
“I used to compete,” you tell her with a smile. “I was a kid, obviously, but I was pretty good. And I liked it. I felt like a princess,” you admit. 
“That’s so cool,” she says, clearly impressed by your hidden talent. You have to confess, you’re not surprised. You used to get that reaction a lot. People always seem mystified by the fact that you skated at an expert level. Especially when you were only seven years old. 
“I think that’s the thing I miss most,” you say to the rest of the group, glancing over at Joel to gauge his reaction. His face is unreadable, but you like to think he’s listening to you. “It could be the weather,” you add, holding your hand up to the sky. “Winter always reminds me of competition. But, I don’t know, skating is graceful. It’s peaceful. I never felt happier than when I was on the ice, floating around in my sparkly outfits, feeling the rhythm of the music. I’d give anything for just one more glide around the ice.” 
“That sounds really nice,” Ellie tells you with a warm smile. She turns to Joel, the man still stoic where he stands. “Have you ever been ice skating, Joel?” 
For the first time since he joined you all, he shows some emotion, breathing out a soft laugh. Instead of looking at Ellie, he looks at you, and you feel your heart flutter at the light swimming in his hazel eyes. “I took Sarah a few times,” he says, eyes darting away from you. “She hated it. But that’s because she kept falling. I’m pretty sure my laughing at her didn’t help,” he chuckles. 
“Joel!” Ellie tsks, smacking the man on the arm. “That’s so rude.” 
“Nah,” you join in, shaking your head as you laugh. “I used to make fun of my friends, too. Man, it would be so fucking funny to watch them flail around before eating shit. Like newborn deer trying to walk. Hilarious.” 
“Wow,” Ellie scoffs, but it’s not her reaction you focus on. From the corner of your eye, you see Joel smiling, a real smile, teeth and all. It’s so damn beautiful. 
You’re staring. You know you’re staring. Everyone around you fucking knows you’re staring. But you can’t help yourself. 
And Joel notices. You think you can see his face heat up with a blush, but you can’t be certain. But he does hold your gaze for a second longer than he usually does. It’s such a small action, but it feels intimate. 
“We should get movin’ again,'' Joel says as he clears his throat, his eyes dropping to his snowy boots. “If we leave now, we can make it home before the storm starts.” 
Short-lived and simple, but that moment with Joel is something you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Who knows if you’ll ever have another interaction like that with him? Next to you, you hear Ellie giggle. You can’t avoid her. 
“You so love him,” she teases, making kissy faces mocking you. “And don’t even tell me you don’t. I see those hearts in your eyes.” 
“Whatever,” you stick your tongue out like a child. “Just get a move on, kid.” 
Up ahead, Joel listens in on you and Ellie. He feels bad, invading your conversation like that, but he can’t help it. Truthfully, Joel likes you. He’s liked you since you arrived in Jackson last year. He hasn’t done anything about it because he sees himself as a boring old man. And you’re only in your twenties. What would you want with him?  
But that doesn’t stop him from keeping you close. When there’s an opening for his patrol, he insists you be his partner. That way he can keep you safe. And he always insists you’re in his trainings. That way he can assure you’re prepared to the best of your ability. When there’s group outings, he asks you to come along “for Ellie’s sake.” Because she likes you. Trusts you. Really, he just wants you around. Always. 
And it’s just easier for him to hide behind excuses. 
But what Joel doesn’t know is that you have the biggest crush on him, too. You’re first in line when he needs a partner for patrol. You sign up for his trainings as soon as the list goes up. And when there are group outings, you’re out the door ready to go before he even asks. 
Ellie knows about your weird crush. And she knows that Joel’s into you, too. She laughs at how clueless you both are. She has a time limit before she’ll step in and play matchmaker. And watching your shy smiles and small waves today is only pushing her closer to the edge. 
“Tommy!” Joel finds his brother the next day, enthusiastically pitching him a grand idea. “You know that empty lot by the playground?” He doesn’t wait for Tommy to answer before delving into his thoughts. “It’s not being used for anything, is it? Because I know the perfect way to utilize that space. I think it’s something everyone will really enjoy.” 
The younger brother pauses for a few seconds, not used to seeing Joel so animated and excited about something. He only has to think for a brief minute before realizing the true nature behind Joel’s intentions. “It’s for that girl, isn’t it?” 
Joel frowns, his rare cheery disposition fading away. He’s being too obvious. But how? He didn’t even give any details! 
“I, uh, I don’t know what you mean?” He mutters with a pout. 
“Yeah, you do,” Tommy chuckles, but he doesn’t push it anymore. He notices Joel’s hesitation and feels guilty for teasing him. Even though it’s a little deserved. It’s about time the older man acted on his feelings. “What do you have in mind, big brother?” 
“Okay,” Joel’s smile returns. “I need some PVC, some plastic lining,” he begins listing the building materials he’ll need, hoping Tommy will know where to find them. Or that he’ll know someone who can help. “Tarp,” he mumbles, counting on his fingers. “And, well, water.” 
“Interesting,” Tommy muses. “Yeah, I know where we can get some of that. May I ask what you’re planning?” 
“You may not,” Joel counters, thanking his brother for the help and disappearing. He’s secretive, but Tommy laughs. Joel has a good heart. He’s always had a good heart. It’s a relief to see him thriving again. 
Over the next few days, Joel works tirelessly on his secret project. Ellie constantly pesters him about it, but he doesn’t reveal any details. She has a pretty good idea of what he’s doing, but she doesn’t ruin the surprise, knowing how excited he is. 
On Monday, she checks in, asking Joel if he needs any help. He tells her to go away. On Tuesday, she pokes by again but is turned away by Jesse and Dina, saying they have it under control. By Wednesday, Ellie is annoyed. She threatens Joel, warning him that she’ll tell you what he’s up to if he doesn’t let her help. 
But by Thursday, he’s done. And after letting Ellie in, she’s so excited she can’t stand it. She tells Joel she’s leaving. She’ll be hanging out with Cat for the rest of the day. So she’ll be out of his hair. He tells her it’s unnecessary, but deep down, he’s thankful. He’s so worried about the big reveal. He just wants it all to go smoothly. 
So on your next patrol with Joel, one where it’s only the two of you because Tommy kindly backed out, he spends the whole shift feeling jittery. He had a whole big speech planned, but then you showed up at his house this morning, and all that preparedness went out the window. Just seeing your face, red from the cold, turned his brain to mush. 
You have such a strange effect on him. You’re dangerous, and you don’t even know it. It’s a curse, really. But you’re just so cute and you’re funny. And you make even his darkest days bright just by giving him one smile. 
“Joel? You okay?” You break the silence that’s fallen between you two. He’s been looking off in the distance for a while now, and you’re a bit concerned. 
“Huh?” He mumbles, coming back down to Earth. He observes your worried face and realizes how aloof he’s been during most of your ride. “Sorry, darlin’, guess I spaced out.” 
Darlin’. The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily that you wonder if he’s that smooth with other girls. Or if he’s been holding that in for you. It’s the first time he’s ever called you that. But it feels so right. It feels…good. You want to hear it again. You want him to say it to you, exclusively. 
“Something on your mind?” You ask, holding back your squeals. His handsome face beams into a beautiful smile that melts your insides. 
“Yeah, actually,” he admits as you approach the walls of Jackson. “I have something I want to show you, if you’re not busy?” 
“For you?” You tease. “I have all the time in the world.” 
Joel can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but he doesn’t care. He takes your word for it. The gates open, welcoming you home. You dismount from your horses, and Joel quickly takes your hand. The touch shocks you, literally, the static hitting you both. But you know it’s more than that. 
He excitedly drags you to the playground area, and you watch as the kids engage in a snowball fight. You think it’s nice that behind these walls, kids can still be kids and enjoy those little luxuries. You kind of wish you still had some of that inspiring youth left in your heart. 
You feel a tug on your hand and pull yourself away from the adventures of the kids. You follow Joel past the slides and around the fence until you reach what used to be just a grassy field. Your jaw drops, however, when you see that patch of grass gone and replaced with…a rink. 
An ice rink. 
“That day when we were all on patrol,” Joel starts, reaching into a bag beside the rink. “You shared your story. And the look on your face…” He pulls out a pair of old ice skates, worn and dirty, but still in decent shape. “I had to guess your size,” he says as he hands them to you. 
Your heart explodes at the gesture, different emotions coming over you all at once. You’re going to overflow with actual tears if you don’t get it under control. “Joel, I can’t believe this,” you whimper as you grab the skates. They’re perfect. 
“It’s nothing,” he shrugs, but you don’t miss the small smile that pulls at the corner of his lips. 
“You built me an ice skating rink,” you say in disbelief. That is so not nothing. 
“It was easy, I just had to get a few supplies, and it didn’t take long,” he mumbles. “I had some help.” 
“You built me a rink,” you say again, trying to emphasize just how special this is. 
“I liked doing it,” he shrugs. “It was a fun project.” 
“Joel, you built me an ice skating rink,” you declare with finality in your voice. 
That’s when he finally looks at you, loving eyes boring into yours. “You deserve it,” he whispers. 
“No one has ever done anything this thoughtful for me before,” your voice cracks as you speak. You can’t believe Joel did all this. He’s playing it off like it’s no big deal, but it is. It means everything to you. 
Joel grunts and he looks down at his handy work. He looks sad, almost. Like he’s given up or something. “I just want you to be happy,” he sighs. 
And it’s the softest sound you’ve ever heard. His brave admission is what does it for you. You can’t lie anymore. Fuck, Ellie is right. You love him. 
You take two strides to where he stands, grab his perfect face in your hands, and kiss him deeply. The second your lips touch, you know there’s no turning back. His moves are tender, lips soft and slow as he kisses you back. It’s such a delicate feeling. You look at a man like Joel and expect a roughness that rivals that of the outside world. But he’s touching your face like you’re this fragile figure and he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
“Why? What?” He stutters as you pull away from him. He misses your lips already, desperate to feel them again, a little rougher this time. 
You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck. “I wanted to. I have for a while,” you murmur, standing on your tiptoes to brush your nose against his. Your eyes blink up at him and he swoons. 
His lips claim yours again, kissing you harder this time as his hands tangle in your hair. The amount of times he’s imagined this is unhealthy. And his imagination is pitiful compared to the real thing. Your kiss tastes sweet, like candy, and your warm breath tickles his face as you exhale through your nose. He loves you. He loves you so much. 
“Darlin’, I…” Joel speaks, but you stop him, kissing him again. Just as he wraps his arms around you, you break the kiss and cuddle into him. 
“I know,” you say, “I love you, too.” 
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Joel Miller Taglist: @swtaura - @chxpsi - @extraneous-trip - @cerebellam - @tiredbeebo
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moemammon · 4 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
"Ready are you? What knows you of ready?" Mike spoke in a voice that was supposed be Yoda's.
Mike had been showing her his room; he was now showing her all of his toys. El gave him strange looks at his unusual voice. He continues in his normal voice.
"His name is Yoda. He can use the Force to move things with his mind, like this." Mike then quickly shoves all of the toys off the table.
Eleven looks around and all sorts of items she had never seen before on Mike's dresser. Mike, had now moved on to his favorite dinosaur toy.
"This is my dinosaur, Rory. Look, he has a speaker in his mouth so he can roar." He turns to show her, only to realize she was now by his dresser and was looking closely at everything in curiosity. He put down Rory and joined her.
Eleven took note of all the things before her; what appeared to be a shiny gold woman with wings and many other figurines like it that stood on wooden platforms.
"Oh, these are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third. Mr. Clarke said it was totally political."
El smiled at one of the trophies that read HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM PROBLEM SOLVING CHAMPIONS, next to it a picture with five kids all holding a large trophy. El recognized everyone. She smiled when she saw the only friend of Mike's that offered to help her; Y/n. He was standing in the middle, one hand holding the trophy, the other one was behind a smiling boy, two of his fingers sticking up making it look like the other boy had bunny ears.
El's smile fell when it dawned on her that she recognized the boy. She gasped silently, her mouth agape. Mike took note of this and watched her carefully as she slowly brought her finger to the picture. Mike watched as finger landed on his missing friend.
He looked back at her in shock. "You know Will?" She didn't say anything, her mouth still open and a very concerned look on her face.
"Did you see him? Last night? On the road?"
Before she could say anything, the loud noise of halting vehicle broke the silence. Mike quickly ran to his window in a panic, his mom was pulling up the driveway.
He ran back over to El.
"We gotta go."
He grabs her hand, yanks open his bedroom door, and drags her down the steps. He halts at the landing of stairs, staring in horror as his mom is at the front door, closing it behind her. Her youngest, Holly was in her arms, and so was her groceries. Before she could see anything, Mike ran back upstairs with El, as quickly and quietly as possible.
Karen Wheeler stopped in her tracks when she thought she heard someone upstairs.
"Ted? Is that you?" She calls out.
"Just me mom!" Mike yelled out frantically as he ran through the hallway.
"Mike? What are you doing home?"
"One second!" He brought El back into his room and lead her to his closet, not before closing his bedroom door.
"In here. I'll be right back, okay?" Mike instructed, slightly out of breath.
El stood rooted in place, fear in her eyes.
But Mike was frantic. "Please, you have to get in, or my mom, she'll find you. Do you understand?" El only looked at the closet, then back at Mike.
"I won't tell her about you. I promise."
"Promise?" She asked, clearly confused.
"It means something that you can't break. Ever." He explained quickly.
"Michael?" Mike's mom could be heard from downstairs.
They both looked to the door, then back at each other. "Please?" Mike pleaded.
El looks between Mike and the closet, unsure before walking inside, and turning to Mike. He quickly closed the door and she began to back up further into the closet, panic setting in.
Eleven struggles to break free from the men's hold as they carry her by her arms down, back into the room.
Sobs racked her body as she uses all her strength to turn and look back at Papa.
"Papa!" He steps out into the hallway and remains standing, doing nothing to help her, yet she still calls for him.
"Papa! No!" She screams her throat raw and her legs never stop kicking.
They round the corner and at the end of the short hallway lays the dreaded room. The cold unwelcoming florescent light floods from the open door. Her resistance becomes stronger and more violent.
"No! No! No!"
Her screams become incoherent when the two men chuck her to the ground, she scrambles to feet in an attempt to stop the copper door from closing. Alas, she is too late for the steel door had slammed shut before her.
"Papa!" She yelled, slamming her palms against the cold copper.
"Papa!" She tries banging her fists, but to no avail.
"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Her screams turn to sobs.
She backs away from the door and retreats to the corner of the very small room where she tucked herself away. Her heart sinks to the floor with her, unable to do anything but curl up in a ball on the ice cold tile.
"Papa." She whimpers quietly.
Eleven backs up until her back hit the wall and she slides down till she is sitting on Mike's floor. She hugs her knees to her chest and allows her sobs to come.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I just... I don't feel good." Mike was sat, hands folded together on his couch with his mother. He was giving her a false excuse of why he was at home during a school day.
"I woke up and my head, it really hurt bad, and my throat was all scratchy, and I wanted to tell you, but the last Tim's I told you I was sick you made me go to school anyway, and-"
"I'm not mad at you."
Mike was surprised to hear this from his mother.
"No, of course not." She adjusted herself so that she was closer to her son, grabbed his hand in her's and sighed.
"All this that's been going on with Will, I can't imagine what it's been like for you."
Mike looks down to his lap, taking it in. No one had asked how he was doing with his best friend missing. It was hard. The whole party was worried. He never considered that and it was... refreshing to hear that his mother understood. He looked back at his mother as she continued.
"I just... I want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. I'm here for you. Okay?"
He nods his head. They both look up when they hear a soft thud from upstairs.
"Is there someone else here?" She asks.
Michael considers what his mom just told him. "No."
"Huh. Weird. Hey by the way, did you do something to my plant out front? It looks amazing!"
"Oh, that? Um, well, no that was Y/n."
"Really? Wow! That's incredible, he needs to tell me his secret. I could really use his help! Say, speaking of Y/n," she nudged her son, a teasing smirk on her face. "Anything going on between you two? Do you like him? Does he like you?" She asked, getting more excited with each question.
Mike's face scrunched up. "Ugh! Mom! He's just a friend! He's, like... my brother! How many times do I have to say that?" He whines.
"You're right, you're right! I'm sorry, my bad." She throws her hands up in surrender. "It's just... you two would be so cute toge-"
Mike stands up from the couch quickly. "Mom!" He interrupts, then sighs. "Thank you for understanding and letting me stay home, it means a lot, really. But I should probably go upstairs now and lay down, okay? Okay. Bye."
He runs upstairs before she can respond, leaving her sitting on the couch, in confusion.
"...Okay," she says to no one in particular.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Lucas, Dustin and I were biked to Mike's house to meet him there. Once we arrived, he quickly rushed us up to his room. El was sitting on Mike's bed, a blanket on her legs. I remain standing next to everyone else but I give El a smile and a wave. She timidly smiles and waves back.
"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas argued.
"Just listen to me." Mike began.
"You are out of your mind!"
"She knows about Will."
My head snaps up at the mention of him. "What?" I quickly look to El and then back at Mike, my eyes wide.
"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Dustin asks for me.
Mike took a few steps towards his dresser and picked up the picture of all five of us at the science fair.
"She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell."
"You could tell?"
"Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place that Will disappeared?"
"That is weird." Dustin agreed.
I turned and slowly walked over to El, cautiously taking a seat next to her, but still giving her enough space. "Is that true?" I ask in a gentle whisper. She looked me in the eye and gulped, and ever so slightly nodded her head 'yes'.
I chuckle in disbelief and look at the boys hopefully.
"And she said bad people are after her. I think that maybe these bad people are the same ones who took Will."
"Guys, think about it. I think he's right. I think she might know what happened to him." I speak up, hope in my voice.
"Then why doesn't she tell us?"
"Well, maybe she's scared of you two!" I accuse.
"Why should she be scared? I'm tired of this." He walks straight over to her and starts raising his voice.
"Do you know where he is?"
"Lucas..." I warn, my hands subconsciously ball into a fist in anger.
Suddenly he grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her and begins yelling in her face. "Do you know where Will is?"
"LUCAS!" I bark. Standing up immediately, I rip his arms of her, she's cowering in fear. "Dammit man, get your hands off of her! And you wonder why she's scared," I scoffed, crossing my arms.
"She should be scared! If you know where he is, tell us!" She doesn't say anything and she bites her lip trying not to cry. "Lucas! Listen to me. I know you're scared and worried about Will, okay? We all are, but we have to be patient okay? She's scared, she's lost, she probably doesn't know who to trust, we just need to be kind to her alright?" I plead.
"Ya know what? No. There's no time. This is nuts. We have to take her to your mom." He says turning back to Mike.
"No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger." Mike argues.
For the first time in a while, Dustin spoke up, his voice soft.
"What kind of danger?"
"Her name is Eleven?" Lucas asks.
"El for short." Mike corrected casually.
"Mike, what kind of danger?" Lucas pressed, his voice grew significantly louder.
"Danger danger," Mike yelled back.
I look around, breathing heavily as I take everything in. Mike puts his hand up to my brother's forehead in the shape of a gun. Then the same to Lucas. Lucas swats away Mike's hand almost immediately.
Lucas begins to panic. "No, no, no! We're going back to plan A. We're telling your mom."
I try to grab his arm as he stomps towards the door, but he shoves my hand away. He rips open the door, only for the door to be slammed shut all on it's own, making everything around the room shake. We all stare at the door in confusion. He tries it again, but the door continues to slam shut. Then, we all see the lock turn by itself.
'Okay, well... I know I didn't imagine that.'
Simultaneously, we all turn to El to find her standing, blood dripping from her nose giving Lucas quite possibly the sharpest glare I have ever seen.
"No." She states firmly. It's enough to send a chill down my spine.
It's silent for a few moments and I breathe out a shocked chuckle. "That... was the coolest thing I have ever seen."
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 16
The Darkling x Reader
'It's work-related Baghra, I'm not here because I miss you'
'Then get to it.' She snapped and walked around you, settling in her seat by the fire.
'How is Alina getting along?'
'Like a wounded animal' You sighed. As much as you hated the woman, she had a knack for training Grisha and always succeeded so this wasn't good.
'How bad is it?'
'She can't light a doorway on her own without Aleksander clutching her wrist.'
'Surely she's not that weak. Maybe you're just losing your touch'
'Get out.' She snapped.
'The Fete is 2 weeks away, it would do you well to make sure she doesn't embarrass herself' You let a subtle threat slip into your words but in reality, you couldn't touch Baghra, Aleksander forbade it himself.
'Or else what? You'll wrap my own shadows around my neck and wring me to death?'
'Foolish girl. You have a pretty face but deep down you are uglier than the Black Heretic himself.' Baghra always seemed to have a paramount of new insult ready to throw your way.
'Well isn't it lucky that I share a bed with him'
'You are absurd'
'Only the best of us are.' With that, you left the blistering heat and made your way back into the palace, your mind drifting back to your first ever encounter with Baghra.
'You'll train with Baghra' General Kirigan said as you awkwardly stood in your lavish suite, feeling the ill-fitting Tidemaker kefta weighing heavily on your shoulders.
'I can fight already there's no need' You didn't want to be here, you wanted to go back to your regiment in the First-Army and sleep on an uncomfortable cot surrounded by your friends. The Palace reminded you too much of your old family home to the point of it making you uneasy.
'Not that kind of training' As handsome as the General was, you didn't let yourself succumb to his looks or that faint smile, even if it did erupt small butterflies in your body. Don't trust him.
'Do I have to wear this coat?' It was the first time you'd put it on and although it was very well made, you didn't think it suited you.
'That's your uniform from now on I'm afraid.' He gestured to his own black kefta. It was magnificent.
At the time, you hadn't yet known you could possess more than one Grisha power, but that was about to change really soon as he led you down the narrow steps leading to a hut.
It was nestled deep in the Palace gardens, and you longed for the same privacy. It wasn't anything like the Little Palace with its dull exterior and homely interior. But the heat, oh the heat, it was scalding. You fiddled with the kefta belt and buttons, tugging the thick coat off of you as you looked around, awaiting the woman the General referred to as Baghra.
'Hello?' You folded the blue coat over the back of a chair, feeling too awkward to sit down.
'You must be the Elemental, child you stick out like a sore thumb' An old woman appeared in the doorway. Her hair was graying and her clothes looked worn.
'An- wha- elemental?' You tested the words on your tongue, were you not a Grisha?
'Sit.' You did as you were told as she sat opposite you, leaning forward and having a good look at you.
'I've only ever met one of you, you're very rare'
'What am I' The urgency in your voice was strong.
'You take powers from other Grisha. You don't have any of your own.'
'So I'm not a Grisha. Why am I here then?' You scoffed.
'Just because you can't conjure up on your own doesn't mean you are not Grisha'
'I don't want to be here.'
'You've made that quite obvious.'
The room stilled as you thought about which questions to ask next.
'Is it hereditary?'
'Most likely. One doesn't don't know they are an Elemental until they touch a Grisha who is conjuring, hence why you're so rare. There's no test for it.'
'I don't fit in'
'No. You don't.' At least the old woman agreed. 'But don't let that be the reason you flock to change. There are those out there that would kill to have you in their ranks.' She eyed you again, a hidden meaning in her words that you couldn't decipher.
'I can be more than just a Tidemaker?'
'You can be much more, but only if you know how to control it.' She gripped your wrist suddenly, and a weird feeling spread through you, much like the one when General Kirigan touched you. It was like a rush of calm and surety.
'You have potential, a lot of it.'
'How are you going to train me if you've only ever known one of me?' You didn't mean to sound as harsh as you did, but you were growing impatient.
'Grisha science is simple child, even for those who come from Merzost.'
'Maybe in due time, Y/N. Maybe then I'll explain.'
She never explained it, never mentioned it to Aleksander, never taught you properly. She held you back constantly and consistently. It was only when you left and almost died did you learn the true reason behind your kind and it still made you apprehensive.
You had yet to dabble in Merzost yourself even though your whole being came from it. You had felt drawn to it sure, but you understood that there was always a price to pay. Like Aleksander with the Fold, or Ilya when he created the amplifiers. You weren't willing to satisfy that silent thirst just yet if it meant sacrificing something dear to you.
The Palace was swimming in life right now despite the brutally cold air. The children had just finished school for the day and were running around playing in the snow while the Summoners were practicing on their grounds. It was nice to hear their laughs and content conversations, a stark contrast to the life you led a mere month ago.
The Little Palace wasn't perfect, but it was the sanctuary Grisha needed and you took pride in the fact that you helped achieve that. Aleksander may have done the bulk of the work, but you put blood, sweat and tears into ensuring that all kinds of Grisha felt safe in Ravka.
You watched as the young Tidemakers used all their might to break through the thick layers of ice on the lake. They worked in unison and in silence as the water shot up and behaved as if it were their puppet and they controlled the strings.
'Reminiscing?' Aleksander appeared at your side in his dramatic black cape.
'When I first came to the Palace, I truly thought I would be stuck as a Tidemaker forever' You laughed at your childish insolence.
'What's so wrong with being a Tidemaker?'
'Hmmm, maybe the fact that East Ravka is land-locked?'
'We have a lake' He pointed out with an amused grin. 'How is Alina?' He changed the topic.
'Your mother is doubtful'
'Isn't she always' His eyebrow raised in a sign of annoyance.
'Claims Alina cannot do anything without an amplifier by her side.'
'She's holding back.'
'Alina or Baghra?'
'Both.' You turned away from him, returning your gaze to the Tidemakers.
'You think she's up to something?'
'When is she not up to something, I fear your return has made her antsy.' You couldn't help but let out a giggle.
'Baghra is unnerved by me, my life goal is complete.'
'She thinks you corrupt me.'
'Does she know it is the other way around?' You mused and took hold of his hand, the action hidden behind his cape.
'I'm offended Ms.Y/L/N. I was under the impression we are both as bad as the other.' He squeezed your hand back, the cool silver ring pressing against your skin. You shivered, cursing yourself for not bringing a cape.
'I think I have to go back in' You said as you watched your breath leave in a cloud of fog.
'I think that's best.' He gave your hand one last tight squeeze and let go, leaving a brief kiss against your temple. You watched the elegant sway of the black material as he made his way to Baghra's hut.
You ran back to the warmth of the indoors and requested a food tray be brought back to your chambers while you dealt with stationing new Grisha around the camps. It was tedious and boring but once you got this done, the rest of the day was yours to do whatever you wished. The library was calling your name, but so was the banya. You had spent so much time in the Little Palace covered in mounds of work you completely forgot to enjoy yourself.
As you signed the last station order, you leaned back into your chair with a sigh and sipped the rest of the kvas in your glass. It wasn't even dinner time yet but you found yourself stifling a yawn. Your mind wandered to Aleksander for the umpteenth time that day. Why did he go to Baghra?
His steps were loud as he descended the stairs into the main part of the hut. Baghra was still sitting in her chair from her previous talk with Y/N when she heard the door squeal open.
'Mother.' His voice echoed throughout the small building alongside the crackling of the fire.
'Have you come to ask about your Sun-Summoner? if so then the Witch has already beat you to it'
'Don't call her that, she's your Deputy now'
'I will call that brat whatever I please.'
'Baghra, I am warning you.' He didn't care for her petty games.
'Do you not see her for what she is Aleksander? She hasn't changed. You cannot go back from the atrocities she has committed.'
'Have you forgotten who I am, who we are?' He spat through his teeth.
'But you have a cause Aleksander, she craves power for the simple reason of it being addictive.'
Baghra had tried to reason with her son countless times about the girl. She pleaded with him when he'd first given himself to her, she's a monster, she will ruin you.
'I have shown you so much mercy Mother, am I not kind enough to you? Must you curse the woman I love?'
'Love is foolish my son and it never got you anywhere. She is trouble, let her go.'
'You would be an amazing court jester' He laughed and sat down beside her leaning in closer 'I am an arm's length away from finding the stag and when I do, the sun-summoner will be at our disposal and Ravka will be ours.'
'The stag is fictional. A myth. You are wasting your time.'
'If a Sun-Summoner walks amongst us, a magical stag isn't in the least a doubtful tale.'
'I'll believe it when I see it. Besides, your biggest worry right now is getting rid of the plague that haunts this Palace.'
'And what would that be, do enlighten me, mother.'
'The woman who came in here earlier bragging about sharing your bed.' Aleksander's heart leaped in his chest. She wasn't ashamed to admit it.
He leaned in closer to his mother, taking her worn hand into his.
'I suggest you find a way to get over your hatred for Y/N before it's too late. Nobody disrespects the Queen and gets away with it'
He got up and made his way to the door, ignoring the look of fury on his mother's face. He was too far away to hear her whisper;
'My boy, you will never get either of those things as long as I live.'
Part 17
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @lifeisingrey @edithsvoice
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: “i'll make sure never to leave you alone.” 
♡ pairing: Baron Zemo x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “you know I’m just a flight away, if you wanted you could take a private plane, los kilometros estamos conectando y me prendes aunque no me estes tocando.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / for OBVIOUS reasons, heavy spoiler warning if you are not watching or are planning on watching Falcon and the Winter Soldier. this is kind of based on episodes three and four. 
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“we might need to call an old friend of mine for help,” Sam told both Bucky and Zemo. Bucky gave him a look of confusion, “she’s a friend of my sisters. before the blip and all that, she was a working college student. she’s really good at being a decoy for things,” Sam explained. 
Bucky sighed, not knowing whether to agree with this or not. Zemo had no say in the matter as he was on a very strict leash with Sam so he didn’t bother to say much. 
“well, what are we waiting for? if we need to be in Madripoor soon, I think it’s best we get ahead of the game before it gets any later than it already is,” Bucky stated as Sam agreed. 
Zemo had been ‘kind’ enough to fly them back to where you currently stayed at. 
the four of them touched down in Wisconsin in the later part of the morning. the wind was blowing briskly through the air as they all groaned about the slight cold. Sam was never the one to like the cold in the first place, Bucky for obvious reasons despised the winter climate, and Zemo found the Wisconsin farm scenery to be eye-catching. 
“wait, how is she going to help us again?” Zemo asked as Sam put the information of your current house into the GPS. “she’s worked a lot with computers. she became friends with Sarah while she went to school in Louisiana. I think she could be of help considering she’d blend in with the younger crowd without us seeming suspicious,” Sam went into detail.
both Bucky and Zemo were confused on the entire situation but followed Sam’s lead regardless. they ended up in a small town a few hours out of where the plane touched down. your house was surrounded by a bunch of farm land and from the looks of it, you kept up with outside work. 
“with her knowledge in computers and being able to blend in with the crowd, she could gather information that neither three of us could get.” Zemo looked up to Sam, “I know Madripoor better than anyone. what gives you the implication that I can’t get the information myself?” he asked.
Sam waved him off as they got to your doorstep. your house looked cozy in comparison to how you lived before the blip. he knocked on the door softly, stepping back almost immediately. it took you a while to answer it but as they heard footsteps, they heard a ‘who is it?’ from the other side of the door. 
“it’s Sam.” 
you jumped back in surprise. you weren’t expecting to have Sam of all people knocking on your door at this hour. Sarah hadn’t told you that he was even going to come and see you. 
“Sam? James?” you asked, immediately playing with the skin on your fingers out of nervousness, “is something wrong? I wasn’t expecting you, nevertheless James here,” you continued as you let them inside. you looked at the third person, confused on who they were, “uh, may I ask who you are?” you questioned. 
“that’s Zemo but that isn’t important. we need you for something we’re working on,” you sighed in defeat. 
your life pre-blip was as normal as it could possibly be but after the blip, you lost your boyfriend at the time and your family dynamic had completely changed. you were no longer as close with your siblings, you were really never close with your dad to begin with, and your mom was just trying to fit back in as normally as possible without freaking out that something would happen to any of your siblings or yourself. 
“there’s a group of people who re-created the super soldier serum and we need help finding out who did it and why,” you immediately whipped your head up to look at Sam, “as in the thing that created Winter Soldier here and Steve?” you exclaimed, a sense of panic coming out as you spoke. 
Sam nodded, trying to calm you down before you could deny him all together, “since you still look kind of young and you were getting your degree in computer science, I was hoping you could come with us to Madripoor and scope out the scene while we talk to some people,” he explained. 
“Sam, I never even finished my degree. the blip happened before I could graduate and post blip, I haven’t touched a computer to that extent,” you replied. Bucky put his hand on your shoulder, “we really need you. you’re not someone who would catch attention easily and whatever you do remember could still help us in the long run,” he interjected. 
as Zemo watched both Bucky and Sam try to persuade you, he could tell you weren’t falling for it but now that he was standing in your kitchen, he could see the pictures of you and your family and probably some friends on your fridge door. 
“can I talk to her?” Zemo asked Bucky softly. Bucky gave him a look, almost as if what he said was disgraceful to hear, “why?” he asked back. Zemo pointed to the pictures on the fridge, “because I know how it is to lose family.” 
Bucky whispered to Sam about what Zemo had told him and while Sam wanted to refuse, while you were gone making coffee for them, Sam ultimately let him. “do not blow this for us. you’re on thin ice and if you screw us up, you’ll be back in that German prison cell before you could say your name,” Zemo put his hands up in defeat as he slowly walked into the kitchen. 
“need help with that coffee?” Zemo asked. you turned around, shaking your head no as you looked through the cabinets, “no, I’m okay. thanks for asking. I just need to find the coffee before meeting you three out there again,” you replied. 
Zemo reached into the pouch inside his jacket and pulled out a brown bag, “coffee from Germany. it’s the best you’ll get,” he said as you grabbed the bag and opened it up. the strong smell of coffee hit your nose as you coughed from it, “where did you get this?” you asked. 
Zemo laughed, shaking it off, “I’m a Baron, ( your name ). my family has a lot of things,” you nodded, not quite understanding what he meant by that but agreeing regardless, “listen, I know you’re hesitant on going with us to Madripoor but we really need your help. you’d be doing the world a favor by it,” he elaborated. 
you remained silent for a moment, “what has the world done for me? I lost my boyfriend, the guy I thought I was going to be with forever. my family and I don’t even talk to each other anymore so why should I help it out?” you responded, not caring if Sam or Bucky heard. Zemo put his hand on your cheek before sighing, “I lost my family in Sokovia. I know what that feels like more than anyone in the world and look at me now,” he replied. 
Sam and Bucky looked at each other nervously as they watched you try and contain your tears. they couldn’t exactly tell what Zemo was telling you but they could sense you were actually debating the idea now.
“did you ever move on? how did you move on is what I should be asking,” you asked quietly. Zemo stayed silent for a moment, not knowing whether he should answer genuinely or not, “being alone for as long as I was makes you come to terms with a lot of things,” he replied. 
you gulped, trying to push down whatever tears wanted to come out. 
“I think I’m over what happened pre-blip but I guess what’s stopping me from fully moving on is that we’ll never be the people we were before hand. what would I get out of helping all of you again?” you asked Zemo, now blushing at how close you were with him, “finding out where the serum is coming from and possibly having peace of mind,” he replied. 
you put the cups down and walked back into the living room, “you both owe me something. I don’t know what it is yet but you do,” you told Sam as he and Bucky sighed in relief, “give me a few minutes to gather my things,” you told them before heading upstairs. 
“what did you tell her?” Bucky asked as Zemo watched you walk upstairs with an almost mesmerized look, “nothing any of you would understand,” he responded before sitting down on the worn out couch. 
all of you touched down in Madripoor hours later. you had chugged back to melatonin gummies and passed out the entire flight back to Madripoor. you weren’t exactly a fan of planes so to be inside of one for hours made you extremely nervous. 
you were sent off to get some information while they went off in their own direction to get something else they needed. you were told to get back to them before dusk so after you got the bits of information they needed, you met them back at the car. 
“your name is now Noel, you’re a friend of ours and that’s all you need to know,” Zemo said as he handed you a fake id. you took it as Zemo relied Sam’s fake information to him, laughing at the nickname he was given, “high-town is beautiful,” you whispered to Zemo. he nodded in agreement, “indeed. we should visit it again,” he replied. 
as all of you arrived to the club/bar, you heard the music blaring from outside and figured this is what Sam meant when he said you’d blend in with the crowd. you sighed before plastering a smile on your face and dancing your way inside. 
“we should get some drinks,” Zemo told all of you. you nodded as you followed him to the bar. the small altercation between the bartender and Sam had you clenching your eyes shut as he cut up the snake, “please, that’s so disgusting,” you said, trying not to gag. 
Zemo could see the uncomfortable look on your face and unknowingly hid you behind him. he knew that small protective feeling from anywhere. the last time he had that feeling was with his wife. Zemo didn’t want you to see anything that made you mildly uncomfortable. 
within a few seconds, Zemo had shielded you immediately as an altercation brokeout with Bucky and a few others. you looked at Sam and Zemo in fright as Zemo made sure to keep you safe while Sam apologized for it. he knew you weren’t even mildly used to these kinds of scenes and if he was being honest, he knew in a way this could be traumatizing you. 
“Selby is ready to see you now,” you heard someone say. you followed behind Sam and Zemo as he had Bucky right next to him. as all of you walked inside the room, you could see the woman immediately look at Bucky and you a bit more interestingly. 
“you know you can’t just walk in here and demand to see me,” she said to Zemo. he nodded as Selby looked to Sam before giving him a backhanded compliment, “and can I ask who that is?” Selby asked as she pointed to you. 
you stood stiff as a board as Sam tried to speak up but was interrupted almost immediately by Zemo, “my wife,” he said, now more softly as he touched your had. Selby chuckled, “you wouldn’t want to make a trade for her, would you?” Selby asked. 
Sam immediately went on the defense as Zemo denied it, making sure you weren’t in her plane view anymore. Sam made sure that you were okay before returning back to the conversation at hand and within a few mere seconds, the once calm conversation turned deadly as Sam’s phone had went off and caused the domino affect to follow. Selby was now dead and all of your phones pinged off with money now on your heads for killing Selby.
“see! this why I didn’t want to do this!” you screamed to them as you chucked your heels to the side and slipping on your trusty Crocs that you had put inside of you bag, “now you’ve dragged me into things I have no idea about,” you continued to scream as you followed Zemo out the door. 
he could tell you were on the verge of a panic attack as all of you ran in separate directions. Sam had given you a gun to protect yourself with. you weren’t the one to use a gun for anything so to even be carrying it around terrified the shit out of you. 
you could tell that if you didn’t even cause a commotion to get the people to disperse, you’d be dead in a few minutes. you shot at the air, hoping no one got hurt in the process as everyone ducked for cover. you let out a shout as the bullets rang off into the air, making you drop the gun as soon as your rounds were finished. 
all of you landed in some alley as you stood up against the building, trying to catch your breaths in the process. Zemo immediately asked if you were okay and reassured you that you were no longer in harm. you were safe....for the moment; however, he knew that wouldn’t last as long as he’d hope as he knew that you were now apart of their vigilante group whether you wanted to be or not. 
after you met the infamous Sharon Carter, she had brought all of you to her place. she could sense that you did not belong in the group as she noticed how panicked you were by the entire situation. you hadn’t said a word after introducing yourself to her and frankly, she was concerned for you. 
“I have clothes upstairs you could change into. I get the feeling you aren’t in the mood to party so you could stay on the second level until it ends.” 
you thanked her, grabbing your bag and walking up the stairs. you landed inside of a room as the clothes were inside of the closet. you quickly slipped on the athleisure wear and sat on the bed, trying to calm yourself down from the previous events. 
“you okay?” you heard Zemo say from the door. you didn’t respond as you remained looking at your shaky hands, “hey,” he whispered, bending down on one knee looking at you. 
“do I look okay?” you replied a bit hastily, “I have money on my head for something I didn’t even do. I’m a criminal now, Zemo. I had no intentions of ever becoming what I am now. I just don’t understand why any of you would do this to someone who was still recovering from the blip!” you exclaimed as tears ran down your face. 
Zemo sighed, seeing the look of hurt, distrust, and panic all over your face. he had no idea you’d be this upset with the entire situation but seeing as you looked at the text that had your face with the wanted sign over it, he could tell you were realizing the severity of the situation. 
“what do I even tell my mom? my siblings?” you asked, “they have no idea of any of this and now I’m some criminal with a target over my head.” Zemo grabbed your hand and rubbed it softly with his thumb, “I know and after all of this is over, you’ll be free to do whatever you want. you just have to stick through this. we need you here,” he replied. 
you growled, “and what do I get out of it? trauma? therapy again?” you retorted. Zemo shook his head as you unknowingly slipped to his side and cried to his shoulder, “possibly but at least you’ll have people by your side this time. I’ll make sure you’ll never have to be by yourself again,” he said. 
you looked at him through tear stained eyes and nodded as he brought you in for an embrace. you were comforted by the cologne he was wearing as he sang softly in your ear. it sounded like some lullaby you would’ve heard as a kid. 
“promise?” you asked him. Zemo nodded, bending down to give you a kiss. you quickly reciprocated the kiss and had Zemo hold you close as the two of you remained kissing each other, “promise,” he murmured against your lips. 
from the crack of the door, Sam and Bucky wanted to interrupt you in order to kill Zemo for even thinking of kissing you but from down the hall, Sharon warned that it wasn’t any of their business to do such a thing.
Sam knew that he had all the consequences falling on him if something happened to you and being that you were now a wanted woman for the killing of Selby, the very least he could do is let you have this with Zemo. he might’ve hated his guts like it was nobodies business but for the time being, you were calm and not trying to kill him or Bucky. 
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 6
Request: Yes or No
I don't know shit about science and it's pretty obvious lmao. Filler chapter
You opened the cold water bottle, shoulders slumping in relief as you drank the water. Dr. Cho approached you with a smile, holding a clipboard.
"I wish Dr. Banner were here to see this." She said, a sad look crossing over her features. Everyone was worried about him. Hulk and Bruce barely ever worked together.
"I have a theory that you won't age naturally." Dr. Cho said, placing her clipboard down. Your brows furrowed, glancing at the clipboard.
"It's just a theory for now. As you get older, your powers will grow. When you were a child, could you control roots?" Dr. Cho asked, picking up a notebook and clicking a pen.
"Uhm.. I healed a cat with a broken leg and never did it again." You told her, watching her nod and write on the paper.
"What happened when you did it?"
You frowned, hearing the pained mews coming from the small cat. It was still young, most likely an juvenile. You sat down beside the cat, reaching out and gently stroking its head. You looked at its broken leg, reaching out and hovering over the leg. You felt a tingling sensation, seeing the grass lean towards the leg and slowly turn brown. Your head tilted, the sound of the cats mews slowly stopped. You watched it stand and sniff its leg, turning to you and purring softly.
"If the grass turned brown.. It could've been dying. It means you healed the cat by taking the life of the grass." Dr. Cho said, continuing to write.
"Will I be able to do it again?" You asked, head tilting. Dr. Cho nodded, looking up at you. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, glancing at the clipboard.
"How did you control the roots?"
"They were a fear reaction. I used them everytime I got scared.. It happened so much that I guess I eventually got control of them." You answered, looking down at the root bracelets. Dr. Cho nodded, tapping the pen against the notebook.
"Being able to open the ground.. That might've been an adrenaline rush reaction." Dr. Cho said, writing down a note on the clipboard.
"Extra training for the adrenaline?"
"Yes." Dr. Cho chuckled as you groaned, shoulders slumping. She licked her lips, clearing her throat.
"I also wonder if your powers extend past plants and Earth. Water, fire, and air are all natural things. With water comes ice, with air comes storms, with fire comes lava. The possibilities are endless." There was wonder and excitement in her eyes.
"So, you're saying (Y/N) is gonna be the next Avatar?" You turned towards Sam, chuckling softly.
"Hey, bird boy." You greeted, giving him a smile. Sam took a seat beside you on the bed, watching Dr. Cho. She was called somewhere else, giving a small nod before walking away.
"Guess we should start officially calling you Mother Nature." Sam said, grinning as he bumped his shoulder with yours.
"If what the doc said was true.. You're gonna be powerful as fuck." Sam pointed out, noticing your nervousness.
"Yeah.. I just.. Could I handle that?"
"(Y/N), you were literally on a floating rock fighting a robot army. You're more than ready. Plus, I'll be here to help and so will your girlfriend."
"Wanda is not my girlfriend, Sam." You huffed lightly, looking away from him. Sam hummed, nodding slowly. You slid off the bed, looking at him.
"Wanna help me try out some powers?" You asked. Sam nodded, following you out of the room and the new facility.
"Let's try out this idea I have."
"I don't like your ideas, Sam." You watched him with a small frown. Sam simply chuckled in return, justifying your concern.
"Oh." You said softly, watching him pick up a rock. Sam's grin widened as he tossed the rock and caught it. He suddenly threw it, hitting your stomach. It didn't hurt but it still caught you off guard.
"Expect the unexpected, (Y/N)!" Sam called, collecting more rocks and throwing them. You dodged some, getting hit by others. You huffed, thrusting your hand forward and feeling a gust of wind go by. Your eyes widened, watching Sam fly back. You laughed, jogging over to him. Sam groaned, sitting up.
"Not what I had in mind."
"Expect the unexpected, Sam." You chuckled, helping him up. Sam dusted off his back and legs, rubbing his back.
"How'd you do that?"
"No clue but it'll probably take ages for me to do it again." You sighed, looking back at the facility. You noticed Wanda exiting, using her powers to fly over.
"What are you boys up to?" Wanda questioned, noticing Sam rubbing his back.
"Testing some things out." You answered, patting Sam's shoulder. Wanda cocked a brow, unconvinced.
"(Y/N) can control.. The wind, I guess." Sam told her, straightening his back and wincing.
"Felt like I got bodyslammed by Dwayne Johnson." Sam breathed out, touching his chest. You let out a soft laugh, smiling softly.
"Sorry, Sam. You're a great target though." You shrugged lightly, earning a glare from him. Wanda looked down at the scattered rocks, brows furrowing.
"Sam definitely bullied kids during dodgeball." You crossed your arms, hearing him snicker.
"Dodgeball was the only time you could hit another student on purpose and not get in trouble." Sam said, picking up the rocks and looking them over.
"Wanna give it another go, Aang?" Sam asked, quirking a brow. You nodded, watching him hum and back up a few feet.
"Why don't you search for that sensation you get with roots? Focus on the rocks and look for it." Wanda advised, backing away so she wouldn't accidentally get hit. Sam licked his lips, tossing the rocks again. You focused on them, dodging them out of instinct. You held your hands up infront of you, swallowing before you felt it. You clenched your fist, watching the rock stop midair. Sam grinned and clapped.
"I see you, Aang!"
"Shut up, Sam." You laughed, reaching out with your other hand and letting the rock drop. You held the rock, looking it over.
"How the hell am I supposed to focus on air? It's all around us. I was able to focus on objects but.." You sighed, looking at the two.
"This is an accomplishment, (N/N)." Wanda pointed out, gently grabbing your arm. "Don't sulk over things you haven't even tried out yet."
"Yeah, Negative Nancy." Sam walked towards you, smiling as he pointed at the rock.
"You made this freeze in the air. How many people on this Earth can do that?" Sam cocked a brow. You bit back a smile, nodding. You licked your lips, looking back down at the rocks on the ground. You unclenched your hands, staring down at the rocks until they began to levitate. A small giggle left you as you watched them rise up.
"The kids are gonna freak out when they find out." You whispered, suddenly moving your hand forward and watching the rocks fly into the forested area.
"I should probably let Dr. Cho know about the new discoveries." You said, giving them a smile. Wanda hummed.
"I'll go with you." She offered. You nodded, glancing at Sam who gave you a knowing look. You scoffed softly and turned away from him, heading back. Wanda walked along beside you.
"I never properly thanked you for.. For everything. You helped a lot back when.." Wanda trailed off, swallowing. You nodded in understanding. The wound was still fresh.
"Anytime, Wanda." You said softly, offering a small smile. Wanda returned it, looking forward. She cleared her throat, fiddling with her fingers.
"I was wondering if you'd like to.. Have coffee sometime?" Wanda asked. You tilted your head, brows furrowing as you looked at her.
"We always have coffee together, Wanda."
"Yes, but.." Wanda licked her lips, avoiding your gaze as she thought about her next words.
"I believe Wanda is trying to ask you out on a date, (Y/N)." You both flinched at the sound of Visions' voice, turning to face him.
"My apologies." He said, giving a small nod. His gaze flickered between you and Wanda, though it lingered on Wanda longer. You cleared your throat, glancing at a flushed Wanda.
"Uhm, thank you, Vis."
"I couldn't help but notice what you did with the rocks. Is it something new?" Vision asked curiously. You nodded.
"Yeah, uhm.. Dr. Cho had some theories and I was trying them out. She believes there's a lot more to my powers than controling trees." You explained. Vision hummed.
"Fascinating." Vision mumbled, nodding. "That would make you an elemental, correct?"
"Yeah.." You slowly nodded, surprised the term hadn't come to mind sooner.
"Well, good luck." Vision gave a polite smile, walking towards the doors and phasing through them.
"He's gonna give someone a heart attack one of these days." You breathed out. Wanda chuckled.
"He means well." She looked at you, smiling. You nodded, opened the door and letting Wanda walk in first. You entered and searched for Dr. Cho, finding her and telling her about the new ability. After she walked away, you turned towards Wanda.
"We can have coffee tomorrow."
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bimsha · 3 years
Break The Rules (Kazutora x Reader)
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(Kazutora Hanemiya x Reader)
Kazutora Hanemiya doesn’t like school. Like, no offense but sometimes he just needs a break from all the studies and the teachers who pile up an assignment after an assignment. He sighed, walking through the familiar stairs. After an hour-long lecture from their English teacher, he will never be ready for the Science period next. He walked up the familiar staircase. Sometimes, it was his happy place: the place where he will be when things get rough. Sometimes, when he just needed a break, he would go up the stairs and open the door to the cozy rooftop. The wind brushing through his hair. He just enjoyed the silence, the peace. He readjusted his bag and slung it over one of his shoulders reaching to the cold, metal doorknob. He was about to twist it to the side and escape to the warm summer breeze when his ears caught the sound of a guitar. Hanemiya stopped, tilting his head to the side, wondering.
To begin with, he ignored the sound, thinking it was all in his head. That’s when a tune started to catch his years. A soothing tune: slow and deep. It was somewhat confusing not knowing what he would meet from the other side of the door. Hanemiya wrapped one of his hands around the black stripe of his backpack and opened the door. It was all the same, just as he left yesterday evening. The summer breeze kissed his skin as he walked out. The bench in front of him was occupied. He had seen her before. A glimpse or two when they passed the hall. That was it. He didn’t know her name and he didn’t mind that either. It was a big school, you are not bound to learn anyone’s names after all. The girl didn’t look up when he stepped to the rooftop. Her eyes were focused on the guitar. Her finger smoothly plucked each string with ease producing the same lyrical, melodic music he heard before.
“Nice tune,” He said, unable to handle the silence only broken by the sound of the melody. She looked up, her dark eyes surprised by his sudden words. That’s when Hanemiya realized she had not even heard him enter. Quite the prey for a serial killer.
She narrowed her eyes, placing the guitar on her lap, “You’re skipping classes.”
No Hi. No, Who are you? Just stating facts. Hanemiya shrugged, “I can say the same for you.”
She rolled her eyes, readjusting the guitar, “I have music now. The teacher is absent. I’m practicing on my own.”
“Such a nerd” The male muttered under his breath, taking a seat beside her.
She didn’t react, instead, she ran her smooth fingers across the guitar strings. It was like she was creating her own magic with music. Hanemiya watches for few long seconds: “You know, your music is pretty good.”
She looked surprised, “Uh, thanks?”
He shrugged, leaning back. “It’s not that surprising to hear. I bet you get that all the time.”
She gave him a sideways glance, “Not really, you sure you aren’t going to get in trouble because of skipping class?”
She was trying to change the subject, Hanemiya realized. But he didn’t say anything. He, out of all people, knew that sometimes people needed a break. “I am trouble, girl.” He smirked.
She rolled her eyes, “Well, I guess I have heard about your troubles a lot” She said, making air quotes.
Hanemiya grinned, “Glad to know I’m pretty popular, Uhm…” He grimaced, she knows his name but he doesn’t.
“Y/n” She simply replied. Just as if someone who’s used to be forgotten. Like someone who didn’t care about being forgotten.
“Right,” Hanemiya said, rubbing his hands together.
“I don’t make trouble, so people don’t know me,” She said, standing up. Hanemiya raised an eyebrow as she opened her black guitar case and carefully placed the instrument inside. He watched her moves, carefully. From her care for the guitar, it was evident how much she loved music.
“Once in a while, everyone needs to be in trouble.” He said. He didn’t know why he felt that but today he didn’t feel like going back to classes at all. “Without that, life gets boring”
She slung the strap over her shoulder, “I’m the kind who lives a boring life. Excuse me.”
“Wanna break the rules with me? For today?”
She turned in surprise. Her eyes widen, her fingers tightly wrapped around the black strap. “Huh?”
He gave her a sheepish grin, pushing back one of his stray bangs from his face. “You don’t look like you want to go back at all. You can use a little excitement.”
She looked as if she’d reject and Hanemiya wouldn’t have been surprised. They barely knew each other and never have talked before. But something about her made him feel different. It was almost sad that she didn’t have any excitement, hope in those beautiful eyes. She is missing out on the best things in life. “I don’t trust you” She boldly stated, “But yeah, I don’t want to go back.”
A smile crept upon his lips, “Wanna go?”
She nodded hesitantly, “I hope we don’t end up in jail” She murmured. Hanemiya grinned, walking out of the rooftop with her.
“Honestly, I hope so too”
He looked over his shoulder to see whether his statement has shaken her. But her face betrayed no emotion except for the same plain look. He was going to put light into those eyes today. Sneaking out of school was not the hard part. Hanemiya had done it countless times. You just need to know the right hallways and turn from the right corners. Soon, both of them were standing outside of the school, facing the clear view of the road and Hanemiya started leading her to the alley beside.
Each step was conscious. You were ready to flee at any given moment as you followed him towards the alley. In the school, Hansemiya didn't have the best reputation, but there were worse guys, and all you wanted to do today was escape. On other days, you might’ve even rejected if he asked to snitch school and go out during school hours. But lately, you haven’t felt anything. Your only friend was your guitar and your music. You could use something else to drown your thoughts. Hanemiya told you to wait by as he walked deeper into the street. His figure losing in the shadows of the dark alley. You waited, looking around. The main street was nearly empty. All the people were working, all the students studying inside schools. You stared at a nearby stray puppy limping through the road when you heard the sound.
It was a surprise that caught your heart in a storm. There he was, in front of you with a black motorbike, designed thoroughly with dragon stickers. Honestly, you didn’t know much about them but the motorbike looked pretty cool. Hanemiya had changed his school uniform with a black jacket. He tossed you a helmet and grinned, “Let’s escape”
You looked at it unsurely, “You ain’t gonna wear one? Do you have the license for that thing? Are you going to kidnap me?”
He rolled his eyes, “I don’t kidnap girls in broad daylight. C’mon, who do you think I am?”
“A stranger” You replied putting on the helmet and tightening the strap making sure you won’t bust your head if you get into an accident. Looking at his balance and the familiarity he had, like the motorbike was his second personality, you didn’t doubt his skill to ride it.
“Don’t worry, get on. This buddy is my best friend” He said, giving you a sheepish look, patting the seat of the bike.
Something clicked inside your heart. You didn’t remember how many times you have called your guitar your best friend. For the first time, you looked at him a bit more closely. He doesn’t seem to be a person with many friends and behind the excitement of his eyes, there was a hint of sadness. It was barely there, but it existed. You got on behind him and held onto his jacket as he raced through the streets of Shibuya. The trees, cars, people passed you by a blur. Like a watercolor painting ruined by water. Still, there was a beauty in it. Ruined and broken things always had this beauty to them. You just had to look a little bit harder, you just have to be more careful and vigilant. Hanemiya took a sharp turn, breaking your thoughts. You yelped in surprise, holding onto him tightly as you closed your eyes. You could hear his chuckle at your surprise. “You know what is the best feeling in Biking?”
“What is it?” You raised your voice a little because you had to cut through the wind to speak to him.
“It’s escape, Y/n. When I bike, I feel free. No one can touch me. Everyone just passes by me so fast. Sometimes, I feel like I’m escaping to another universe. Just me, the wind and the sound of my friend. It’s a different feeling” Hanemiya tilted his head slightly, taking another turn. “And today, there’s another person sharing my universe, that’s you”
You could feel your cheeks heat up. It should be the rush of wind, you thought as he spoke again, “Quick advice, don’t close your eyes. Open them wide and see. This is freedom!” He yelled the last part, breaking into a peal of soft laughter.
You decided to give it a try. You sat up a little straighter still holding on tight for him. You tipped your chin back slightly, feeling the wind cutting through your face, the harsh wind was comfortable in a unique way. You stared at the blue sky, painted with white tufts of clouds. Everything seems to pass you by, just as he said. It felt like escape, freedom. “This is awesome” You blurted out, leaning against his back, talking against his ear that he might actually hear.
He nodded, “Told you so!”
When he finally stopped beside the grassy plain of the river, you felt a little at loss. You were almost at a zone while you were on that bike. It was like suddenly, all the thoughts inside your mind disappeared leaving you floating in your own dream world. A place where you felt belong. He parked his motorbike and told you to wait. Surely, a lot of waiting, you thought. You sat down by the grass, placing your guitar beside you, waiting for this boy who appeared into your life out of nowhere. “I’m back!” He chirped, jumping behind you.
You turned to see him, holding on two popsicles and the ever-growing grin on his face. “Summer is the time for ice cream,” He said, handing you one.
You unwrapped it and tasted the chocolate and the minty flavour. He was not eating it smoothly, or correctly, you noticed as you looked at him in surprise. He was practically chewing down the popsicle. You cringed, “How are you even-”
He turned with a quizzical look, “Oh, I like the ice cream cold?”
You blinked, “What are your grades? Honestly? Ice cream is supposed to be cold. That’s why you call it ice cream.”
He juts out his bottom lip, “I was just trying to give you a reason.”
You hummed, “Do you often do this? Skip school I mean.”
Hanemiya put away the wrapped and laid down on the river bank, shielding his eyes from the direct sunlight on his face. “When I think it’s too much to handle, I do”
You looked at him. His sandy eyes looked distant. Pale skin shadowed with the silhouette of his own hand. You saw it again, the lingering sadness like chains he could not escape. You wondered the reason behind that. Just maybe, there was no reason at all. It’s just the way it is. We’re all a little sad and broken. Even though others expect us to be perfect, we just can’t and that’s the truth for everyone. “Don’t you ever feel lonely? You’re alone when you’re riding, no one in your little universe. It’s just you.”
He turned to look at you, “Sometimes, but I liked loneliness. When I’m with myself, no one can hurt me. I like it.”
“And you hate it too” Your reply was instant. He blinked in surprise, then a small smile drew out of his lips. You understood it: the nature of loneliness.
“Yeah, I hate it too” His voice was open than before. It was like the boy beside you was starting to open up slowly. He knew she understood and she knew he did too. “I’ve shown you my freedom” He propped himself on elbows, “Can you show me yours?”
It took you a second to realize he was looking at the guitar case resting beside you. You ran your hand through the smooth black fabric before deciding, it was only fair you show your freedom too. You put down the wrapper and carefully took out the guitar. Your finger idly running through the strings, embracing the melodies and the beauty of the sound. Almost magical to your ears. It had always been like this. When you held your guitar, you’re in your own little world. A parallel universe you made for yourself just as Hanemiya said. Your fingers ran through the strings with great familiarity. The melody was soothing for your ears. Your music spoke the words you couldn’t say. It was your outlet. Your way of telling the world that you’re lonely. There’s no beauty in sadness. That’s why your melodies always spoke the plain truth. The truth to your heart, to your soul. “Miya,” You said, turning to him after you finish one song. “This is my freedom. My way of escape.”
He nodded, “I like the nickname”
You flushed, “I’m sorry! I didn’t realize-”
He shook his head hushing you, “You were in the zone. Your music, it’s so beautiful Y/n. I love how it speaks raw and plain truth.” He turned to the river flowing in front of you, “And your eyes shine when you play. Like you have found the excitement” He smiled, “Your happy place”
The smile on your face was effortless, “Like you with your bike.”
“You know it!”
You two shared your ideas and talked with each other. You found comfort in his words as you had never found before. You had never known what it felt like to meet a person who understands. Understand the chaos in your soul. The deepness in your mind. You started to play another song. This time, the melody was a bit hype, because you’re happy. He dropped his head into your shoulder, relaxing. You stopped playing for a minute, unsure of your next move when he sleepily murmured, “Keep playing.”
So, you did. You didn’t know what this was. A boy sleeping beside you, soothed by your music. A boy who understood you’re not perfect and not supposed to be. A boy who showed you his world while you showed him yours. You didn’t know what to call this feeling, so you played it on the guitar. The feeling of butterflies. The feeling of belonging.
After few hours, you two finally decided it was time to leave. There was something you were holding back, the reason for you to be so down the whole day. “Y/n?” He asked, seeing you spacing out. “Are you okay?”
“It’s my birthday, you know” You weren’t looking at his face. You were staring at the river. There was a reason you loved rivers, no matter the challenges they never stop. “No one remembered. I didn’t expect them to. It would be nice if someone did” You scratched the back of your head, “Sorry, that was dumb”
You heard his footsteps before you saw his face right in front of you. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?”
You shrugged, “You used to be a stranger a few seconds ago”
He took a step back and pulled out his wallet, surprising you. He frowned, his face drawing into a deeply thinking expression. “Oi,” You said, “What’s that look for?”
He pouted, “It’s just I don’t have enough money to buy you anything.” He looks as if the gods have decided to send him to hell.
“I don’t need anything” You flushed, “I just told you because-”
He cut you off, wrapping one of his arms around you pulling you into a tight hug. You stiffened for a moment, before finally hugging back, pressing your face onto his leather jacket. “There’s something I can still give you” His voice was muffled. The two of you pulled away and stared at each other for a second. You didn’t guess his next action. Didn’t see it coming either. He brushed his lips against your own. The tiniest speck. The softest intimacy. “Happy Birthday, Y/n. Next year, I’m gonna make it special, I promise”
You closed your eyes for a second, “So, you’re going to kidnap me next year too?”
Hanemiya ruffled your hair, “Yeah, I’m gonna kidnap you from the rooftop next year too.”
You didn’t know why, but you trusted him when he said he’ll remember. “I’ll be waiting.”
“For a hot biker to kidnap you? Geez, Y/n, your imagination is sure wild” He teased, laughing.
“Not just any biker, the dork named Miya is the only one” You shot back, it was his time to flush.
“I didn’t know you had it in you,” He said, exaggerating his surprise as he clutched his heart dramatically.
“I always had it in me, the other people were not keen enough to draw out this side.” You flipped your hair, imitating his dramatic actions.
“What is this? A teen drama?” He huffed, slipping his hand to yours. His long slender fingers fitting right in yours. You both stared at the river for one last time before getting on the bike.
You never held someone so close in your life. It was like no one understood you, and never accepted you for who you are. You were insecure about your flaws, about those imperfections. But he made you feel right. He made you realize it’s okay to be imperfect. He found the meaning behind your music and saw right through you. Kazutora Hanemiya: a boy who knew about the art of loneliness. Who went behind the things he loved to make himself feel something. The only person who understood you. Walking with him, your hands intertwined. You realized how lucky you stumbled into him. How lucky you agreed to break the rules with him. Every second, every minute was worth it.
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Happy Birthday to one of the loveliest people in the whole world! I love you Oya! Have a great birthday sweetheart! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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sonderwalker · 3 years
back with another meta post, this time about Tatooine.
so I saw a post from @misskirby about tatooine’s climate, and I am having thoughts again and so now we are going to try and apply science (again) to star wars hopefully this isn’t as long as the coruscant meta
basically, the post talked about Tatooine’s climate, which I’m going to talk about in a lot more depth here and draw from legends + use some science
so, in legends, Tatooine is a tropical planet, with lots of water (which is where the canyons on the planet come from) but due to wars and climate change it’s become a desert and all of the water has evaporated into space from the fighting.
There’s an inherent problem with that which is that there’s no way that the water would have evaporated, leaving the rest of the atmosphere behind as is. If we go with this original legends explanation, Tatooine should still be a tropical planet.
A while ago, I did some quick math for how much water the planet has, assuming that 1% of the water on the planet is drinkable and there is enough for the human population on the planet. So then, this means that most of the water on the planet is underground, in hard to access spots.
What does this mean about the planet’s climate though?
Tatooine is a desert. like a hot as hell desert. The planet has two suns. It is hot.
But, in the post, someone brings up the fact that deserts are cool at night! Deserts on earth cool off at night- and not all of them do. It entirely depends on the location of the desert- which is brought up in the post as well. Not all deserts cool off at night, some deserts are hot all year round. some places on earth are just hot all year round.
but what about a desert that has two suns?
Tatooine’s suns can be classified as yellow and red dwarfs. yellow ones are like the sun- and red ones are smaller and less stable. they give off a lot of harmful radiation, which means Tatooine has to have a really strong electromagnetic sphere. Which implies the planet has a very large and very active core made out of iron.
but, both of these stars give off heat, so would Tatooine cool off at night?
a day on Tatooine is 34 hours long, and if we assume that for 34 hours, 17 of those hours are spent with some kind of sun exposure, then the surface of the planet is probably reaching temperatures upwards of 45 degrees C, or 113F. Rocks loose heat quicker than water does, but if the rocks are that hot (if not hotter), then how quickly are they losing heat?
the most common mineral that sand is made out of is quartz- which has a pretty low thermal conductivity rate. this means it heats up quickly and loses heat quickly, and allows for heat to pass through quickly. (thermal conductivity is 1.4 W/m °C)
if there’s water under all of that rock, and the water is being heated by the rock, then we can assume some of the heat is being trapped under the surface. Also, since Tatooine has to have an active core in order to keep the planet habitable because of the radiation, the planet itself is going to generate a good amount of heat!
there’s also the fact that Tatooine has an atmosphere that is also trapping in some of the heat the planet recieves, and the planet is receiving more heat than Earth does because there are two stars.
Speaking of stars, red dwarf stars have temperatures around 3,500C and yellow dwarfs get up to around 5,500C, but Tatooine is receiving both of these energy sources at once, meaning that the planet doesn’t get much of a chance to really cool off.
Basically with all of these things combined, Tatooine doesn’t really get very cold at night. It becomes cooler, but not cold. But because of the immense amount of heat coming from the host stars, in combination with the heat that the atmosphere is trapping, and heat that water under the surface is trapping (which was several million liters according to my calculations), and heat the planet produces in geological activity, it’s just hot.
all the time.
additionally, if there isn’t a whole lot of wind that partciuclar night, and the air is super clear, the planet might not really cool off at all, depending on what region you’re in.
Although I would think that at night it would go from being unbearable and deadly to just warm, so again, still a large temperature difference, because I’m talking about a difference of like 15C but still
I think though, if you were at the poles, in the parts that were not exposed to sunlight for any length of time, you might get freezing temperatures, and maybe even ice in permanently shadowed regions.
This post turned into more of a ramble, so let me know if you’d like to see some of the math I was talking about!
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
Curing a Rainy Day
A sort of five times Star Trek gen fic for your viewing pleasure. I mentioned I would write it but please be aware that I wrote this on my phone late at night and I has no beta. Typos and mistakes will be found. 🤣
Word Count: 2,166
Leonard McCoy wasn’t a huge touchy-feely type of man. Well, that’s what he really wants folks to think anyway. He was a doctor and that meant it was his oath-bound duty to cure what ails his patients. Whether it was from a physical malady or an emotional one. The first time he initiated his “Rainy Day Cure” --title courtesy of his daughter-- to one of the command crew he was surprised that it was Sulu of all people. If Len were being honest he thought it would have been Jim. Sure he had hugged the kid in the past but he always let Jim be the one to initiate contact. The reason why is complicated and a story for another time. 
When he found him the young pilot was huddled alone in Observation Room Five, his shoulders hunched, his down so his eyes were hidden and mind lightyears away. Leonard had a feeling he knew where. The chaos after Khan and Marcus had caused a lot of damage, and not all of it was physical. They were all still healing even a year later. They had left Kronos not three hours ago and according to the mission report, Sulu’s younger sister was…
Not who she claimed to be. ‘Yuki,’ McCoy recalled her name lamely as he made his way loudly over to the depressed man.
She revealed that she worked for Section 31 and was determined to fix the Federation the right way. Though the term “Right way” is skewed for many folks. War was almost started, again and the Enterprise had to stop it, again. Section 31 now had the last little pebble of Red Matter and was holding it like a…” Nuclear deterrent” as the old saying goes. 
Shaking his head Leonard pushed recent events to the back of his mind and continued on his own mission. Plopping down on the couch that faced the giant window of stars, McCoy leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees. 
He didn’t offer his apologies or sympathies, he knew Sulu didn’t want them. So they sat in silence. Sulu just shook his head and looked up at the doctor with confusion and betrayal in his eyes. “I don’t - I” he stopped swallowing and the helmsman looked so young Leonard didn’t even think about it until after he had already done it. 
He wrapped an arm over Hikaru’s shoulder and squeezed. Sulu stilled for a moment before relaxing and saying what needed to be said, a weight slowly lifting off his shoulders and his chest. 
Leonard and Scotty were both having a terrible terrible time. The cold sucked in Leonard’s opinion and being trapped on an ice ball of a planet only confirmed his feelings. Looking over at the Enterprises Chief Engineer, Leonard had a feeling that he wasn’t alone in his thoughts and feelings. 
The Scot was curled into a tight ball up against the last running console the entire ‘Fleet base had. He was shivering and muttering to himself, glaring at the distress signal he had rigged up. There was nothing they could do but wait. Rubbing his hands together to warm them Leonard moved toward the console and slid down to the floor next to Scotty. Touching shoulders with Scotty, McCoy tucked his hands under his arms and sighed. There was nothing he could really say to ease the engineer’s anxiety -- which stemmed from Delta Vega no doubt --  so he simply let his presence be enough. 
Scotty glanced at Leonard to see that he was looking back at him with calm understanding. Grunting Scotty curled himself closer to the CMO and let the man wrap an arm around his shoulders. They didn’t speak a word and only moved when they heard the sounds of the rescue party on the other side of the sealed doors. 
Pavel Chekov was the youngest of the command crew, so he was automatically protected and treated like the youngest sibling of a giant family. The navigator understood that his friends didn’t mean to and that it was just sometimes a reflex but he was getting damn tired of it. Today was his birthday, he had finally turned twenty! Chekov was so pleased to find that after the incident with Khan he was being treated like he should. There was one person who always treated him like he was young and precious. 
Pavel found that he didn’t mind so much. Doctor McCoy treated almost everyone that way -- even though he wasn’t that much older than the rest of them --  in an almost fatherly manner. A true caretaker. Chekov allowed the behavior from no one but McCoy. 
Leonard walked into “Rec Room Two” taking in the crowd with a softening scowl. A small wrapped parcel gripped in his hand. He looked down at the present, weighing it in his hands carefully.  With a sigh, McCoy strode through the room looking for the birthday boy. Jim waved at him wildly from the other side of the room a huge grin on his face. Narrowing his eyes, Leonard saw that his captain wasn’t in fact drunk at all. Grunting in approval he smiled at Chekov who was hurrying over to greet him. 
“Happy Birthday Pavel,” 
Chekov grinned and his eyes widened at the present presented to him. Leonard gestured for him to open it and the young man did excitedly. The wrapping paper littered the floor a long black box in its place. Slowly opening the box the navigator knocked a silver antique pocket knife into his hands. Examining it closely he looked up at McCoy in confusion. 
Leonard shifted nervously on his feet. Clearing his throat he pulled out a similar from his belt. “My daddy gave me this one to match his when I turned twenty. I know your pa wasn’t around as you grew up and so I thought…” his sentence fell into silence. For once Leonard McCoy was at a loss for words. Pavel quickly wiped a stray tear from his eye and grinned at his friend holding onto the gift tightly. 
“Thank you doctor!” he said gratefully and Leonard understood that it was for more than just a knife. A small smile graced the CMO’s lips and pulled the kid in for a hug. 
With anyone else, Pavel would have been annoyed. This was an exception. 
Leonard was tired. He longed for his bed but as he looked around at all of the injured crew he pushed the longing away. There was no time for it. Rubbing the blurry fatigue from his eyes he pushed on. Triage, surgery, aftercare. He really didn’t truly stop to breathe until the middle of gamma shift when the ship was sleepy and quiet. The only noise was the soft beeps and whistles of monitors. His nurses quietly whispering and working. 
Christine hours ago told him to stop worrying and to go to bed already but something in him just couldn’t. Blinking dumbly down at the PADD in his hands he sighed and signed off on the next round of Spock’s antibiotics. During the Enterprises most recent scuffle the bridge took a hit and the science station exploded sending the first officer flying, earning him a ticket to medical. 
After the fight was over and things had only calmed down to a trickle of wounded instead of a flash flood, Nyota Uhura breezed through sickbay’s doors. She waited patiently and even helped where she could. When Spock came out of surgery and was placed in a private room she immediately went to his side and hasn’t moved an inch since. Jim would have been right beside her if he could afford to. But it appears the admiralty wanted words and had kept him busy since. McCoy had barely just convinced him to get some sleep saying that he would call if anything changes. 
That was three hours ago. 
Leonard walked -- though Nyota would say shuffled -- into Spock’s room, his eyes going straight to the monitors above the bed. The half Vulcan was resting peacefully. McCoy knew it was only a matter of time before he woke and would go into a healing trance. Something that should be monitored anyway. Leonard quietly wondered who he would grant the opportunity to slap Spock awake this time…
The sound of his name made the CMO snap his head in Uhura’s direction. Her eyes were fire, filled with frustration, exhaustion, and worry. McCoy winced, “Sorry Nyota, guess my mind wandered a bit,” he said somewhat sheepishly. Her expression softened a flash of guilt passing through her features. 
“You need more rest. You’re going to run yourself into the ground at this rate,” she scolded half-heartedly. McCoy gave her a small smile and a shrug, 
"I'll rest when I'm not needed." He whispered and badly covered up a yawn. The hidden meaning behind his words wasn't lost on the linguist though. She pressed her lips into a tight line deciding not to comment. Instead, she rested her gaze on Spock once more her hand inches away from his. 
So deep in thought, Nyota hadn't even realized that McCoy had left and come back, a tray with a couple of hypos in his always unwavering hands. Catching her eyes he gave her another encouraging smile. He took care to tell her everything he was doing and how it would help keep infection away. Leonard knew he didn't have to explain but he felt it necessary to fill the quiet with "Illogical chatter" as Spock would surely call it. 
Uhura was so tired and so frazzled that she was startled to find the CMO crouching in front of her with concern all over his face. "You need to get some rest Nyota. I can have a cot brought in if you'd like…" 
Uhura, let a few tears fall before she bottled it up again. She shook her head wiping her face, "I'm alright Leo. Everything is just catching up to me…" she mumbled with a watery chuckle. Leonard snorted at the nickname she had given him, 
"Just let me know darlin' " 
And without truly thinking about it he pulled her into a hug. It only took Uhura a second to process what was happening before she wrapped her arms around him tightly. A genuine smile breaking across her face. The first time in hours she felt content, safe, and able to truly breathe. 
James T. Kirk was a touchy-feely type of man. Leonard supposed it may be from a less than stellar childhood. So whenever Jim would pull him into a one-armed hug or slapped his back or even leaned up against him, McCoy would let him. He would definitely bitch but only half-heartedly, Leonard needed to keep up appearances after all. 
So when they found Jim partially dead, hanging from his wrists in a cave all smirks and charm…
Well, no one batted an eye when -- after he made sure that the man would live -- Leonard pulled his best friend in for a hug. Jim just laughed, laid an arm over McCoy's shoulder, and leaned into the hug. 
"I only had to get tortured and offered to an alien God for you to hug me. Good to know," 
"Shut up Kid," 
No one ever thought the words McCoy, Spock, and hug would ever be uttered but stranger things have happened on the Enterprise. 
No stranger than an alien device that turned back time. In a physical sense anyway. Leonard looked down at his adolescent hands and sighed with a heavy eye roll. "Not this again," he grumbled with a shudder. 
Looking around the room he saw Jim shouting at Mudd who had bought the alien weapon and decided to point it at him and Spock. McCoy tilted his head, his eyes going comically wide. 
Where was the green-blooded rugrat? Leonard looked around and sighed in relief at the sight of the first officer. He was hidden under a rickety wooden table. Crouching down Leonard gave Spock a small smile, he waved and gestured for the Vulcan to come closer. Apparently the younger you go the further your mind goes with it. Spock had a mentality of a...of well, a toddler. He couldn't have been more than two. 
Spock stared at Leonard intensely before darting out and crashing into his legs. McCoy stumbled a little before he got his footing. Spock looked up at him with wide scared eyes, tears threatening to fall. 'Must have gotten all Vucan-y at four or five,' Leonard thought as he picked up his friend. 
Leonard pulled Spock close, hugging him to his chest whispering softly. Spock seemed confused for only a moment before he buried his head into the young CMO's neck. 
Jim of course saw it all and later under the threat of meeting his end via an airlock kept his mouth firmly shut. The only thing the Starship Captain said -- which everyone agreed-- Doctor Leonard McCoy could absolutely cure a rainy day. 
@lauraaan182, @chickadee-djarin, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234, @sayuri9908,
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cathrrrine · 3 years
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
Cold, unforgiving metal met the tender skin of my arm as I blocked his punch. That's going to leave a bruise. His blows were getting stronger, faster. He was testing my skills, they wanted to see how far I could be pushed. Although I wasn't far from the edge, I wasn't going to let myself fail today either.
"Focus!" He yelled.
I grimaced, ducking under his arm and landing a punch to his gut. Rookie move, but it was all I had at that moment. He grabbed my arm, quick as lightning, and dragged me by the chin so he could look me in the eye. My fists were still clenched but the exhaustion was starting to take a toll on me. I panted heavily as I tried to mask how drained I was.
With my arm still in his grasp, he said, "Who are you fighting for?"
It was almost a mantra that I was forced to reiterate every single time I fucked up. "Hydra."
He said it again, louder this time, his grip on my hand growing tighter. He could break my wrist if I didn't deliver. Hell, he could break every single limb I had. I couldn't fail.
"Hydra!" I scoffed. I belonged to them. I had to die for them. Hydra ran through my blood, and if it was ever spilled one day, it would be justified in their name.
That's what they told me.
Who was I to question them? I was nothing but a vessel, a weapon for these people. If I failed to deliver what was asked of me, I'd be killed. How ironic was that? To kill or be killed.
I hated it.
As soon as he let my arm go, I thrusted the top of my head into his face. I heard what sounded like his nose breaking and true enough, as I regained my balance and faced him, I found him wiping blood from his nose with the heel of his hand. It was satisfying, to say the least, to see that I finally made a dent.
"Perfect." He nodded.
God, it wasn't over yet.
He pulled his knives out of the holsters he wore, spinning them in the air and catching them both flawlessly. It was his signature trick. Honestly, I thought it was a bit too dramatic. But what can I say? Hydra loves their drama.
"Pay attention." He pointed the tip of the knife towards me. "Or you'll bleed."
He pounced, spinning his knives like they were toys and not murder weapons. He thrusted his right knife in the vague direction of my shoulder, I took a half-step back and circled around so I was behind him. It only took a second for him to whip around again, but I expected that move. So, I threw my leg up as soon as he did and I kicked the weapon out of his grip.
The knife spun around threateningly in the air before falling onto the concrete across the room with a thump. He didn't seem to pay any mind to his fallen weapon. That's when I remembered he had another. He twirled it around his fingers before gripping the handle and thrusting his right arm with full force, the gears of his metal arm whirring as he did so.
I thought I had it. I jumped back so he wouldn't catch my rib, but he was quick to calculate my movements. I should have known.
The pain was searing.
Blood oozed out of the newly-made wound on my calf, the knife buried to the hilt. I screamed uncontrollably as the pain of it kicked in, my body going limp immediately.
"That's enough, soldat."
Tears were falling down my face against my will. You know how sometimes your body does things you don't want it to do? I know, logically, tears were just how your body reacted to certain things. For example, being stabbed in the goddamn calf. But I knew, despite literal fucking science, the people around me took it as a sign of weakness. That's how messed up in the head they are.
But I wasn't weak. I just got through 2 hours of intensive training with the Winter Soldier while they just watched.
I'd like to see the lot of you fight him and manage to not get killed.
One of the medics went over to my side and helped me up. The Winter Soldier stepped aside and watched me with disdainful eyes. I knew I disappointed him. That alone could have fucked up my assessment. How did I not see it coming? How did I miscalculate that movement?
The Commander leaned in to talk to him as he watched me limp away. I made eye contact with both of them. The Commander's lips were moving but I couldn't make out a word of what he was saying.
Through pain-ridden eyes and a half-delirious mind, I could almost make sense of what the conversation was about.
Next thing I know, I was being treated by Dr. Nolan in the Medical Room. I don't think I processed anything yet. My brain felt numb. My eyes were glued to the knife — now on a metal tray — that I failed to dodge.
My mind flickered through all the different scenarios that I could have went with. I was beyond frustrated with myself and with my complete and utter failure. What were they going to do with me now? They couldn't really kill me...could they?
My mind reeled back to the conversation I saw that the Soldier and the Commander had earlier. What were they talking about? Did they finally decide what to do with me? The defective agent?
I wasn't perfect. I tried to be, but I wasn't. Somehow I always found myself disagreeing with their rules and their missions, even if I carried them out anyway. Although, sometimes I couldn't help but protest. I had to. Even if the consequences would hurt me. If they knew that I'd gone against more than just a few of their regulations, there's no doubt I'd be dead within the minute.
Footsteps came through the corridor, yet I didn't even think to look up.
"Your mission." The familiar faded black of a case file was thrown into my lap carelessly, the papers crinkling in protest as it landed. I looked up to see an annoyed expression that was attached to the face of one of the high-ranking agents.
"Mission? I thought I failed the assessment." My thumbs flicked through the papers almost automatically, scanning through the details quickly. I didn't miss the red stamp on the front. This wasn't just any mission.
He–David, I think–shrugged, "The Commander asked me to hand this to you. You're leaving in an hour."
I was...thrilled and appalled at the same time. The whole point of the assessment was for them to see that I was worthy enough to be placed on important missions like these. If they trusted me with it, that means I succeeded.
"In an hour?" Dr. Nolan chipped in. "She hasn't fully recovered from her stab wound yet. You need at least two to three weeks of rest."
The red star-shaped stamp looked even more brighter in that moment, even if the room was poorly lit. "I've had worse. I can survive a limp."
"You won't even be able to walk." He raised an eyebrow at me in disagreement. Somewhere deep down, I knew I should listen to him. I wasn't in the best shape for a fight, let alone a mission like this one.
David huffed, "Orders are orders."
Then my brain clicked back into place. David was right. I nodded once. "I'll be at the hangar in 30 minutes."
"You better gear up by then. They wont wait up for you."
Dr. Nolan sighed and shook his head before wrapping my leg up with bandage. "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Snow was blowing in my face. The cold seeped through my coat, prickling my skin like tiny little needles made of ice.
"Any minute now." He spoke through the earpiece.
We were supposed to ambush a S.H.I.E.L.D operation that was a threat to Hydra. I wasn't entirely sure why I was sent along with the Winter Soldier, but I wasn't in the place to argue. Not when I just barely survived the assessment.
"Get in position." I crouched down, trying to smother a whimper that threatened to escape my throat. My calf was burning, but that wasn't a priority right now. Everything was always burning somehow, and I learned to ignore it overtime. I scanned the area through the scope of my sniper rifle. As soon as a car came into view, I steadied my hand on the trigger.
Four continuous shots for each tire. Every single one blew out and the car spun out of control, spinning from left to right. It was a narrow road, the plan was bound to work to our liking. After a few nasty turns, the car swerved off the cliff, leaving nothing but dust and debris in it's place.
"They're not dead yet. Keep an eye out."
It was quicker than I expected, but I spotted two figures climbing out of the wreck after a while. Their movements were slow and staggered, but alive nonetheless.
"Target acquired."
I watched through the scope as he stepped out of his position in the shadows. One of the figures moved in front of the other, shielding them with their own body. I knew it was useless. He'd kill them both anyway.
A single shot rang out. I could picture the bullet going through one body to the other. They both dropped to the ground, dead.
"Target eliminated."
He didn't say a word. I didn't hear the usual rustle of his movements through the earpiece. Silence engulfed me. Usually, I wouldn't be so unnerved. He was always silent. But this time it felt...strange. I stayed where I was, unmoving. Something in my head told me I shouldn't move, shouldn't speak.
It seemed too easy.
I don't know what it was, but I didn't take my eyes off him. Something about this whole thing seemed...off. He could have completed this mission alone.
Why did they ask me to go with him?
He turned away from the bodies and faced me. I gulped, hands trembling as I held my rifle reluctantly. What was he doing?
"Sir?" I managed to say. Everything was telling me to RUN. NOW.
Slowly, he raised his gun and pointed it towards me.
My whole body trembled at the sight before me.
"Take the girl on your next mission. I need you to take her out. She's a threat to us, soldier. She's defective. Eliminate her. "
I was right.
Bang! The sound of a gunshot snapped me back to reality. It was real. They wanted to kill me. The Winter Soldier was standing ten feet away from me with a gun in his hand, ready to kill. To eliminate the threat.
Out of reflex, I pulled the trigger of my rifle that was pointed to his head, only to find it empty.
Four bullets. They only gave me four bullets and nothing more.
Without thinking, I ran. I dropped the rifle and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I heard another gunshot, closer this time. That's when I started to feel a strange sort of stinging at the back of my leg. The pressure felt strenuous as I continued to sprint in the snow.
Oh, God...Dr. Nolan was right.
I could feel the pain taking over once more as my stitches started to pop. Warm, thick liquid ran down my leg and seeped through the pants of my uniform as the wound on my calf bled out. Between the stinging cold and the stinging pain, I was starting to feel hopeless. I couldn't possibly go against him.
Closer this time. I was running blindly into a vast, wide-open landscape of infinite snow. Not only that, but I was also leaving behind a trail of blood behind me. Deep scarlet upon stark white. What a contrast. Was this Hansel and Gretel or some shit?
"You cannot run forever." His voice was crisp, threatening. I couldn't take the fear that ran cold through me. If I stopped running now, I wouldn't ever get up again. He was the embodiment of fear, and he was chasing me.
I tore off my earpiece and threw it behind me. How could I have been so foolish today? Of course they sent him out here to kill me.
All along I thought I was playing the part perfectly. But, maybe I didn't hide my doubts of Hydra as well as I thought I had. Did they find out about everything I've failed to do?
How could I have killed those innocent children? How could I have murdered that innocent family? Or that innocent man who just so happened to stumble across a Hydra operation?
I was fine with the blood and the gore. I was used to that. The only thing that never sat right with me was when the innocent had to be slaughtered. The first time I went through with it, they haunted my dreams. Their animalistic cries for mercy, their howls of pain...I couldn't live with myself.
They were right. I was defective. I didn't have the makings of a Hydra agent. I wasn't as ruthless as I should be.
I ran and ran, hoping that he was far behind me. The snow was getting thicker by the minute, it was getting harder for me to see and to navigate.
I ran until my aching feet hit the pavement of a road that led to a small village. It looked homely, with houses and shops lined up along the road. Lanterns hung from roof to roof, providing light in the heavy snowfall. If I didn't know any better, I'd try to hide there. But I knew he would only tear it apart and kill everyone on sight just to eliminate me.
Then I sensed footsteps behind me. There was no time to think. It was my only option.
I sneaked through the worn paths of the area, trying my best to lay low. It didn't help that I was sporting a mean limp and bleeding all over the place. People saw me and they avoided me. I started to wonder why I thought heading here would help me. I scanned the area for anything, anything that would help. A weapon, a car, a spot that I could take shelter in...
Then, out of nowhere, I bumped into a woman.
I held onto her arms as I tried to keep us both from falling. The woman was wearing a niqab. Her piercing green eyes looked right at me, distracting me from my original plan for a moment.
"Are you alright?" She asked, gently.
I must have looked horrible. Sweaty and bloody with panicked eyes. I didn't notice that her arms were still locked on mine, keeping me upright.
That's when I felt it, the surge of energy suddenly coursing through me. It was a peculiar sensation, but I welcomed it. Her green eyes widened. I knew she felt it too.
"You're-" she gasped, trying to pull away from me. I held onto her tighter, not wanting to let go just yet.
"Please." I begged. "It won't hurt."
I had to go before he came.
I heard gunshots behind me. I couldn't let him get to me, not when I just found the key to my escape.
"Who are you?" The woman whispered, struggling against me.
"Someone you’ll help escape death." I looked into her eyes, trying to let her see how desperate I was. I didn't want to take anything else from her but this.
Her eyes jumped from mine to behind me, before flickering back to look at me again. "You're like me, aren't you?"
"You don't need to do anything." I assured her. "I just need to leave."
It took a second of hesitation for her, but slowly, she nodded. She opened her mouth to say something, but I never heard what it was. Because that's when the screaming erupted.
I closed my eyes and teleported myself the fuck out of there.
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