#I love them both but she melts my heart particularly
rosesareredrosa · 2 months
Too Hot to Cuddle
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Theo Nott x fem reader
Summary: Theo just wants to cuddle but its just too hot to cuddle isn't it? based on this ask by anon thank you <333
Authors note: I made smth up with the enchanted ice water bottle
Word count: around 930 words
Hogwarts in the summer was a different kind of magical. The castle grounds buzzed with the sounds of nature, and the sun cast a golden hue over everything it touched. But inside the castle walls, the stone corridors retained the heat, making it almost unbearable. For Theodore Nott and Y/N, it was too hot to cuddle.
Theo and Y/N had been best friends since their first year, and as they grew older, their friendship had blossomed into something deeper. Summer had a way of intensifying feelings, and for Theo, the heat only seemed to make him clingier.
One particularly scorching afternoon, Theo found Y/N sprawled on a blanket under the shade of a large oak tree by the Black Lake. She was fanning herself with an old Herbology textbook, her face flushed and damp. Theo approached, carrying a basket of cold pumpkin juice and a couple of enchanted ice-cold water bottles.
“Hey, bella,” he greeted with a warm smile. “Thought you might need something to cool down.”
Y/N looked up, gratefully accepting a bottle of water. “You’re a lifesaver, Theo. It’s unbearably hot today.”
Theo sat down beside her, his body already seeking closeness. He draped his arm over her shoulders and leaned in, trying to snuggle closer. “You know, amore, it would be perfect if we cuddled right now.”
Y/N laughed softly, but she couldn’t hide the slight discomfort. “Theo, as much as I love you, it’s too hot for cuddling. I’m practically melting.”
Theo’s eyes widened in mock sadness. “But we’re like the perfect pair, bella. Just imagine how amazing it would be if we were cuddling right now.”
Y/N shifted, trying to avoid his warm embrace. “I don’t know, Theo. I’m already so hot—I don’t think I could handle it.”
Theo gave her a pleading look, his bottom lip jutting out in a way that made it hard for Y/N to resist. “Just a little cuddle, please? I promise I won’t complain if you get too hot. I’ll even fan you with this book.”
Y/N shook her head, trying to hold back a smile. “You’re relentless. I’m serious, it’s too warm.”
Theo sighed dramatically, nuzzling his face into her neck. “But you’re so irresistible, dolcezza. I can’t help it. I just want to hold you close.”
Y/N tried to ignore the pleasant shivers running down her spine from his touch. “Theo, I really can’t handle the heat.”
Theo’s face lit up with a sudden idea. “How about this? If you let me cuddle with you, I’ll share my enchanted ice-cold water bottle. It’ll keep us cool, I swear.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself. “You really think that will make a difference?”
Theo nodded eagerly, his arms tightening around her in a playful, affectionate squeeze. “Absolutely. And if you get too warm, I’ll cool you down with my magic ice-cold touch. Deal?”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm. “You’re incorrigible, Theo.”
“Is that a yes?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with hope.
Y/N sighed, a smile tugging at her lips. “Alright, alright. Just for a bit. But if I start to overheat, you’re on your own.”
Theo’s face lit up with triumph as he pulled her into a snug embrace. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close while she settled against him. He conjured a few fluffy pillows and arranged them around them, making their makeshift nest as cozy as possible.
“There,” Theo said, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Y/N’s head. “Now we’re both cool and comfortable.”
Y/N snuggled into him, feeling the coolness of the enchanted water bottle against her back. The combination of Theo’s warmth and the cool air created a perfect balance. She sighed contentedly, feeling a sense of peace.
“This actually isn’t so bad,” Y/N admitted, resting her head against Theo’s chest.
Theo’s heart soared at her admission. “I told you, amore mio. Sometimes, the best moments come when you least expect them.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with affection. “You’re pretty amazing, Theo.”
“And you’re my everything,” he replied softly. He gently brushed a stray hair from her face, his touch tender.
They spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other’s arms, their laughter mingling with the soft rustling of the leaves outside. The room they had found was a sanctuary from the heat, but it was Theo’s persistent love and warmth that truly made it special.
As the night drew on, Theo held Y/N close, occasionally pressing soft kisses to her forehead and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Despite the heat outside, inside their little haven, they were perfectly content.
In that cozy embrace, surrounded by magic and love, Y/N realized that even on the hottest days, Theo’s affection made everything feel just right.
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86espresso · 4 months
can I get the "too much communication" with jack?
I think that's what your last post was for 😭
shut up (with affection!) | jh86
sum: in which jack likes to hear himself talk
prompt: too much communication (💀)
warnings: smut, angst, fluff ☺️ use of y/n :/ ,use of she/her pronouns for reader, short
wc: 908
a/n: help yes, im sorry i wasn’t clear with what i wanted but if you haven’t noticed im pretty small on hockeyblr 😔 so i didn’t think anyone would actually ask but omg so happy you did ❤️ also not sure why im seeing this decades later.
LIGHT shone through the curtains in Y/N’s bedroom, though that wasn’t what woke her up.
An arm was slung across her waist, legs were tangled with hers, a face was buried in the crevice of her neck, and soft lips were moving up and down her shoulder. She felt something go off in her stomach. She could get used to this.
“Awake, angel?” Jack’s rough morning voice reached Y/N’s ears and could’ve just melted right then. He had been with her for close to ten months now; meaning they had practically moved in with eachother, she was at every home game, he was at every soccer match, she had a drawer at his, he had a toothbrush at hers. They were slowly intertwining in each other’s lives and neither of them wanted to stop anytime soon.
And then he started.
The endless rambling that half annoyed, half endeared Y/N.
“Wait no- I mean that I should use a different word instead of pretty because you’re so many things and you like when i use long words, don’t you ? I should-”
“Jack, my love, slow down,” Y/N says, facing him and cupping his cheek. His hair is tousled, eyes droopy, bottom lip jutted out, and brows furrowed. He’s shirtless and the sunlight bathes him in a soft golden light. Her heart skips a beat as she assures him that complimenting her in any way would melt her even if it was the same thing, every day, for the rest of their lives.
The room was dark and hot and the bed rocked with Jack’s movements. He had one hand loose around Y/N’s throat and the other supporting her leg that was thrown over his shoulder.
It was all going fine until
“Y’know what Trev told me the other day.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. What the fuck???
His hair was falling in his eyes and a thin sheet of sweat covered his body. He looked so good and was doing so well.
“Jack? What-” she stopped short when he thrusted particularly roughly making her jaw drop and her eyes roll to the back of her head. Jack wasn’t phased though.
“He- told me how-oh fuck I’m so close, baby-” Y/N quickly shut him up by yanking his mouth down to hers. She really didn’t want to hear how fucking Zegras did whatever in her current position.
Y/N stood off to the side as Jack abruptly wraps up the post game interview after giving curt responses. She raised her eyebrows; normally it could get hard to not make him overshare.
Jack had already showered and changed into a delicious suit that was for sure coming off as soon as they got home.
“Hi, angel.” Y/N got on her tip toes to press a soft kiss against Jack’s lips. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. “Hey.”
It was short and quiet and so unlike Jack (even after a loss) and she hated it.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Y/N reached forward to cup his cheek and lightly caresses it with her thumb. He leans against her hand and his eyes droop.
“Nothin’, sweets. Just tired.” Y/N knew there had to be more, she could tell by the way his fingers were fiddling with eachother and the almost unnoticeable clinch of his eyebrows.
“C’mon, baby, talk to me,” Y/N softly murmurs, Jack’s new behavior doesn’t feel natural at all. He was so full of energy all the time (definitely because of the three hour naps) that she didn’t even have to match it if she was tired; he had enough for both of them.
“D’you-,” he pauses and steps back, removing his arms from her and running a quick hand through his hair. “Do you think I talk too much? Or I over share? Does it bother you?” His brows furrow deeper and Y/N’s heart stutters. She understood why he got so closed off all of a sudden. Her tough, strong boyfriend had such a sweet heart she could cry.
“Oh hon, well yes you do but it’s never bothered me. I actually really love it. You’re able to talk so much all the time and there’s nothing I love more than the sound of your voice.” Y/N watches as Jack’s expression softens. She steps closer and weaves her arms around him from the inside of his suit jacket.
“I love that you’re so expressive. I love how you just say anything no matter, I love how-” Y/N pauses. The three words dancing on the tip of her tongue, waiting and anticipating. She takes a deep breath and sneaks a glance at Jack, who had the hint of a smile that reached his eyes.
“I love you.”
He goes limp in her arms.
“Y/N I-”
“One second. Let me finish.” Y/N steps back and fully looks into his eyes. “And I know you love me too. You know why, angel? Because you tell me every single day. Every sweet nothing, all the random babbling about how I’m so sweet to you at any given time, gave me enough courage to say it right now.”
Jack looked like he could cry; Y/N didn’t get the chance to see it though, because of the soul crushing hug he just pulled her into.
“I love you so much more.”
“I might get dry as fuck during sex though.”
“Yeah? Wanna take me up on that?”
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surielstea · 7 months
Friends Don’t Kiss
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x fem!reader
Summary: Azriel and reader refuse to accept their feelings so Mor and Cassian interfere.
Warnings: Fluff | Slight Angst | Suggestive
5.3k words
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The storm outside my large window rattles me awake. I jolt upward at the next clap of thunder, rain sputtering down onto the glass wall so harsh it was as if it might shatter.
My heartbeat picks up as the wind howls intensely on the outside of my walls. I slip from my sheets and walk over to the window, pulling the curtains closed. I jump again when another thunder strike booms, the sound reminding me of an unfortunate event that happened as a child, I could still remember the fear on my mother's face as she anxiously peered out her window whenever a storm rolled in. I didn't know why she was so scared then, but now that I've reached adulthood I realized— the uncertainty of it, the wildness that could kill anyone I love based on a whim, and I'd be able to do nothing about it.
I tremble, deciding sleep would be impossible with how fast my mind was racing. I walk over to my bedroom door, deciding to fetch a glass of water to calm my nerves. But when I open the door I'm met with a figure on the other side, preparing to knock. "Azriel," I begin looking up at him with creased brows. "Hey, you alright?" He asks. He was one of the only people who knew about my fear of storms like these, likely because he was the one I went to when feeling particularly scared.
"I'm fine I just—" My breath hitched as another strike of thunder snapped and a shudder racks through me, my body passive as I wrapped my arms around Azriel's torso and held him close, praying to the mother he'd hold me back. Of course, he does. One of his hands comes to my back while the other weaves into my hair.
"You're okay. Everything's okay." He reassures, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of my head. Another boom and I squeeze him tighter, as if he might disappear from my grasp. "Why don't you come to my room tonight?" He offers and I nod into his chest. He slowly detaches from the hug and I do the same, his fingers finding mine and intertwining them as he pulls me out from the doorway of my bedroom and across the hall.
His room was much larger, as well as his bed— made to fit Illyrian wings. I invite myself onto his mattress, sinking into the plush blankets. I slip beneath them as Azriel slides onto his side of the bed, his arm curling around me before tugging me right into him. I flip around to face him, our legs intertwined and our chests flushed against each other.
"Thank you, Az," I mumble, his hand brushing up my waist to cup my cheek. "You don't have to thank me." He shakes his head. Another crack outside the window but I don't jump, not while in his arms. "Go to sleep, I'll be here if you wake up alright?" He reassured, his tone light. I nod and he kisses the top of my forehead before wrapping both of his arms around me and tucking me into his chest.
I release a soft sigh as I allow myself to melt into his warmth, his chin propped atop my head as I cuddle into him. My heart rate was still rapid but now for an entirely different reason. I hoped he couldn't hear it, or that he'd blame it on the thunder. The last thing I needed at the moment was for him to find out I loved him just as much as I hated storms.
I shift as a certain weight lifts from my torso, and then a familiar warmth disappears and I shiver from the newfound cold. I flip over with an incoherent mumble, reaching to the side of me but not finding Azriel's bare torso, instead my hand comes in contact with a soft pillow. "Good morning, love." A familiar voice hums and I squint my eyes open, spotting Azriel beside the bed staring down at me with a gentle smile on his lips.
"Hi," I mumble tiredly, rubbing at my eyes. I looked to the window where only a sliver of sun was rising over the horizon. "Too early," I grumble, pulling the blankets up to my shoulders. "Come back to bed." I lift the blankets for him, inviting him back into the warm embrace of his mattress but he only chuckles. "I've got a mission." He hums, reaching over and brushing a strand of hair behind my pointed ear. I grab his gloved hand and intertwine our fingers. "Where?" I glance up at him and then down to the mesmerizing siphon on the back of his palm. "Spring court, another meeting with Eris." He sighed and I nodded, tracing my finger around the cobalt gem. "Be safe." I slip my hand from his. "I'll still be in bed when you return." I hum with a cheeky smile and he frowns.
"No goodbye kiss then?" He tilts his head I scoff and gaze up at him, only to realize he's staring straight at me without so much as a hint of amusement on his face. "Oh, you're serious?" I arch a brow. "What if a beast attacks me on my way back?" He gasps theatrically and I roll my eyes before reaching up and grabbing him by the collar, tugging him down. "Shut up you drama queen." I giggle before placing a kiss on the corner of his lips— much closer than I aimed for but my delirium due to exhaustion seemed to take control. "I'll see you when you get home," I murmur as I back away and lie my head back down. "Right, home." He nods, slightly stunned before backing away towards the door.
I flip around to avoid watching him leave and wait until I hear the door click shut. Only then do I allow myself to let out a long sigh, then scream into the pillows, cheeks heating as I curse myself for kissing so damned close to his lips. Azriel and I have been giving each other kisses on the cheek since we were little but this— this was different.
"It was my first time going out with a female and yes, it was just Rita's— but I don't know, I got nervous." Mor ranted as she told me about her date with Emerie. "Mor, there's no need to stress. Emerie is one of the sweetest people I know, I doubt you scared her off." I reassure. "Really?" She looked to me hopelessly and I gave her a soft smile. "I guarantee she hasn't shut up about it all training. I could ask Nesta for the details if you'd like?" I arch a brow. "No!" Mor's palms come down onto the counter with urgency and I startle. She quickly retracts her hands and crosses her arms. "Sorry, just tense about all this." She muttered. I wave her off. "But enough about my love life; I heard you woke up in Azriel's bed this morning?" A knowing grin etched across her dazzling features and I flush. "It wasn't like that." I shake my head, looking down at the sketch in my notepad, we were making a list of where Mor could take Emerie on their next date but I got distracted and started doodling while she told me about her first date.
"If it's not like that, then why are you drawing him over and over again?" Mor leans over to peer down at the paper. My eyes snap down and I notice how all of the portraits were in fact of Azriel. Every single one. Gods, I was embarrassing.
I tore the paper from the notepad and crumpled it up before tossing it in the trash. "Hey! Those were good." Mor pouts. "Those looked nothing like him." I cross my arms.
I've tried to draw Azriel a multitude of times, but something was always off. How do you draw someone so perfect? It seemed utterly impossible. I couldn't even get his eyes right. His perfect hazel eyes—"Hey," Mor snaps her fingers in front of my face and I jump, looking up at her. "You're daydreaming again." She hums and I roll my eyes, closing my sketchbook and placing my pencil down. "Tell me about him." She props her elbows onto the counter and leans into her hands. "I know you want to." She gives me a smirk and she wasn't wrong.
"There's nothing to tell," I say evasively, if I talk about him I face my desires and I wasn't interested in taking my feelings for Azriel anywhere past a crush.
"Oh please, you guys have been ogling at each other since before our hundreds," She looks at me pointedly and I shrug. "I can't understand why you don't just confess," She slides into the barstool next to me. "He doesn't see me like that," I mutter and she deadpans, wondering if I was serious or not. "Don't be ridiculous, it's obvious from the way he looks at you." She hums and I perk up. "How does he look at me?" My eyebrows twitch together.
"Like you're everything." She smiles, leaning back into her chair. "No. We're just friends." I wave her off. "I'm not ruining a friendship because of the way he looks at me." I mock and she groans, flopping onto the counter dramatically. "Just confess already, what's the worst that'll happen?" She sighs.
"He’s so repulsed by even the idea that he never speaks to me again, instead he goes to Rhys and manages to get me kicked out of Velaris where I'll never be able to see any of you ever again." I rant in an all too quick tone. Mor just marvels at me. "You've thought a lot about this," She whistled lowly and I nodded. "I would've confessed a long time ago if I thought it a good idea," I murmur and her eyes widen with a new plan. "What if you don't have to confess." She sits up. "I already don't." I stare at her blankly. "But what if we can get him to confess." She raises her brows tauntingly.
"That won't work." I scoff. She gives me a dedicated smile. "Azriel is the most protective male I know, even more so than Rhys, if you tell him you take an interest in someone he'll have to confess." She reasons. "No, he'll say he's happy for me while he's drowning in his own self-pity," I argue and she clamps her mouth shut because she knows I'm right. "What if it's someone he doesn't like?" She arches a brow and I sit up, intrigued. "When Nesta danced with Eris, Cassian was ready to rip his head off." Mor hums. "You want me to make him jealous by talking about Eris?" I look at her with creased brows. "That's exactly what I want." Mor hums. I look to Feyre who's sat at the couch, staring at me like this is the best entertainment she's gotten in weeks.
"Fine," I hum and Mor squeals while Feyre claps her hands excitedly. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"C'mon Az, of course she likes you back." Cassian grumbles during the journey back to the House of Mist. Azriel could've winnowed them but thought it'd be nice to fly with his brother. He wouldn't have taken Cassian up on the offer if he knew he'd start interrogating him.
"I already told you, I'm not talking about this with you." Azriel reminded and Cassian dramatically groaned. "Well, I'm talking to you." Cassian defended. "I think you should confess—" Cassian begins before getting gusted with a particularly strong wind from the flap of a wing, Azriel leaving him in the dust as he shot forward.
"Gods, you're childish," Cassian grumbled before quickly catching up with his brother.
"Avoiding your problems won't help you!" Cassian called and the shadow singer didn't so much as glance at him. "I'm just saying you ought to confess before she gets swooped up by someone else," Cassian explains and Azriel's wings stutter at the idea.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The shadow singer's head whipped towards his brother, who only shrugged. "She'll get bored if you keep dragging her on like this." Cassian hummed like he knew all the answers to the universe. "No one is going to swoop her up." Azriel scoffed but held some determination in his tone, like this is now his mission. "Sure they won't." Cassian droned before dipping down towards the House.
"Do you think someone will?" Azriel chased him, quick to follow the male. "If I say yes will you be that someone?" Cassian presumes and Azriel pales, sealing his lips. Their conversation is cut short as Cassian dives down and lands on the platform of House of Mist. Azriel quickly follows to do the same.
I was in the dining room with Nesta, the both of us reading our separate books as we sat in front of our untouched plates. The two Illyrians came into the room with a volume I hadn't expected. Nesta rolled her eyes and continued flipping through her book while I marked my page and shut the novel, my eyes going over to the blue-siphoned male.
"Hey," I smile at both of them but only Cassian replies with his greeting. "I made dinner, it's on the counter," I say and Cassian swiveled on his heel and beelined for the kitchen. "You're a savior," The lord of bloodshed voiced as he passed by you, then Nesta, and kissed her on the crown of her head.
Azriel approached me, bending down and placing a kiss on my cheek. I smile and look up at him as he analyzes the book in my lap.
"Another romance?" He arches a brow, I shrug innocently. "It's more than just a romance," I argue and he shakes his head lightly. "You're right, it's also pure smut." Azriel hummed as he flipped through the pages and I slammed down the cover onto the table, Nesta made a hum of amusement but didn't say anything. "You could learn a lot from these books," I say matter-of-factly and he looked at me curiously, standing to his full height over me. I blink up at him as he leans his hip on the high table and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Like how to get a girlfriend." I intone and he rolls his eyes with a scoff. "Or how to correctly pleasure a female," I add and he arches a brow at me, Illyrian pride coursing through him. "You think I don't know how to pleasure a female?" Azriel said coolly, Nesta nearly spat out her water. "I think you're cocky for a fumbling bat." I quip and a vicious smile curves his lips before he leans down and kisses my jaw. "I better get to reading then." He purrs deathly close to my ear before leaving the room.
Nesta looked at me wide-eyed like I'd gone insane. "Have you two fucked?" She whispers as soon as he leaves the room and I shake my head no, a pink tinge staining my cheeks.
"Not yet." Nesta chuckled as she fanned herself with her book dramatically. I giggled and dug into my meal. "How's training been going?" I ask and she sets her book down, deciding to pick up her fork as well. "It'd be better if Emerie would shut up about Mor for five seconds," Nesta grumbled as she stabbed a piece of meat particularly hard. "Why did we think it'd be a good idea to set them up?" She sighed and I smiled, happy that the two girls were equally obsessed with each other.
"I miss you guys," I frown. "I should start coming to training again." I mutter and she gives me a small smile. "I'd like that."
Azriel didn't come to dinner, perhaps made himself a plate then did find a Sellyn Drake novel to read. Knowing the bastard, I knew he would. Cassian however did come trudging in with a giant plate filled with the food I made, some of his favorites. Every bite had him groaning, Nesta kicking him beneath the table at the excessive noise so I took that as my queue to leave.
I collected my dishes and dumped them into the sink before padding down the hall and breezing by Azriel's room, peaking my head in but he wasn't to be found.
"Snooping?" A voice makes me jump and I whirl around to face the quiet spymaster. "Stop doing that." I place a hand on my rapid heartbeat and he smiles at me proudly. "It scares you, every time." He brushes past me into his room and I follow. "And it stopped being funny the first time," I grumble, closing the door of his bedroom behind me.
He took a seat at his desk, most likely to finish up some paperwork so I slid into his bed, looking out at the window as I picked at my nails, watching the flow of the sidra from so many feet above. Lying on my stomach and swaying my feet back and forth with a soft hum, shadows swirling around me to the tune.
I spot the pleasure hall along the river bank, its dark lights beaming its sign. "I want to go to Rita's" I mutter and he turns in his stool to look at me. "Whys that?" He asks and I flip onto my back, sitting up to face him. "I want to have fun." I shrug. Was I seriously going to try and get him to confess now? "Fun," He verbalizes like he's never heard the word before. "I haven't been with a male in a while, Az." I sigh. A long while.
"Well, none of those guys are worth your time." Azriel hummed, turning back around and returning to his work. "Then who is?" I prod, hoping he'd say him, praying he'd just admit how he felt. "I don't know, someone of higher propriety." He shrugs, I get up from the bed and walk over to his deskside.
What I was about to say next would end our friendship, for the worse or the better. "Someone like Eris?" I ask, hoping he couldn't hear how fast my heart rate was picking up. His writing halts and he freezes.
"What?" He looks up at me with pure confusion.
"Eris has a higher propriety, and he's more than interested." I hum. "Are you?" His brows crease. "Interested?" He adds and I smirk. "Would that bother you?" I tilt my head. "No, I just— I think you could find better people to kiss." He evaded and I suppressed a sigh. Why couldn't he confess, just say what he truly wants? He couldn't seem to read my hypocritical thoughts.
"I'm sorry Az I'll make sure to come to you before dropping my panties" I joke but he seems to take it all too personally. "that's not what I meant. I just—" He cuts himself off from saying something he'd regret. "You just what?" I narrow my eyes at him. He looks at me with tight lips like he knows what I'm trying to do. "Spit it out." I prompt with a taunting smile.
"I just don't want you crawling back to me when he's done using you." He finally admitted and my smile faltered.
"Crawling back to you? What am I some kind of burden?" I scoffed at him, I wasn't acting anymore. "No, love I didn't mean it like that—" He reaches for my wrist but I jolt back. "How else could you have meant it?" I mutter, my brows tense as my eyes begin to burn with tears. "I just don't want you to get hurt by someone you think loves you." He tries to explain.
"Too late," I murmur before exiting his room and going right into my room, he chases after me but I slam my door closed, shutting him out.
I lean back against my door, a shaky sigh racking through me as I wait for his footsteps to recede to his room. He doesn't take long, cursing himself before leaving the hall and slamming his own door shut. I release a soft breath and drag my feet to my bed, plopping down onto the mattress in defeat.
Sleep didn't come easy that night, silent tears slipped down my cheeks and I didn't bother wiping them away, just let them drip down onto my pillow. I don't want you crawling back to me. A shudder runs through me at the voice in my head and I tuck tighter into a ball, pulling the blankets up to my shoulders. And even if I was mad at him, I couldn't help but wish I was in his warm bed instead of my cold one.
The next few days were quiet. I hadn't realized how much Azriel was weaved into my daily routine until I started going out of my way to avoid him. Luckily he left for a mission halfway through the afternoon, which relieved me. Still, it felt wrong not to wish him good luck with a kiss on the cheek, not to even spare him a glance as he left.
I haven't stopped thinking about what he said, a different emotion consuming me each time I thought about it again. Usually, it was anger, but sometimes remorse for even pushing his buttons in the first place. I don't even want Eris yet I knew it'd make him mad, I wanted to see him jealous, anything to show that he wanted me and that this wasn't one-sided. I suppose I got what I wanted in the end.
It was sunset now and all I've done today was read through an entire novel to distract myself from my real issues. So I sat on my bed and watched through my windows, the wind howled as clouds rolled over the stars. I suppressed a sigh as I realized a storm would be coming tonight. Azriel isn't home yet, and as much as I wanted to avoid him, I also found myself hoping he got back before it started to rain.
I shifted up to my pillows, perhaps I could find sleep before the thunder began, hoping I would dream through it, I pulled the blankets up to my neck and allowed my bones to sink into the mattress. No tears came tonight but I wasn't hurt by Azriel's words any longer, just mourning the loss of his conversation, his touch, or even his presence at all.
I managed to slip into a light slumber, exhausted from all too much thinking.
Thunder boomed and I jerked upright, my fingers clenching the sheets as my breath began to quicken. Another ear-shrieking crack. I shudder, holding back a gasp and clasping my shaky hand over my mouth. I close my eyes and pray for the storm to go away. Another flash of light outside my window and I'm quick to press my palms to my ears, it does little to shut out the noise but at least I knew it was coming.
I wasn't going to be able to sleep now that I'd already gotten a few hours. I hoped Azriel got home safely, that he didn't get stranded halfway through the storm and had to seek shelter in an unknown court. I wished he was at my door, that he'd be there ready to comfort me if I needed him. But I knew better than to have false hope.
The whole point of all this was to avoid ruining our friendship, but now I'm sitting here with my hands to my ears and a broken friendship.
I perk up, the realization hits that there was no point in avoiding my feelings and that our friendship was already ruined. If we're going to never speak to each other again I'd rather know than stay in the dark.
Before I can talk myself out of it I slip from my sheets, jumping slightly as another loud crash sounds outside my window. I get to the door but as soon as my hand rests on the handle a knock sounds, a specific knock I recognize as only one person. I freeze. Dread fills me. I understood I was just on the way to see him but now he was outside my door and suddenly I was thinking again, talking myself out of opening this door.
I contemplate my options, fingers pressed to my lips as I remain utterly quiet. A loud crack has a small gasp leaving my lips and there's no way he didn't hear it. So I'm forced to open the door. I don't dwell on my choices and quickly swing the door open, looking up at him and clenching the hem of my nightgown in my fist, fiddling with it in anxiety.
His brows are drawn and his lips seem to be in a permanent frown, bags under his eyes as evidence of his lack of sleep. "I'm sorry." He says through a breath he seemed to be holding. "What I said was inexcusable, I just was so upset at the thought of you being with someone else." He admits, then suddenly clamps his mouth shut like even he didn't expect himself to say that."No, I'm sorry." I shake my head. His brows knit together in confusion.
"What could you be sorry for?" He frowns. "I don't want Eris I just, I was trying to make you jealous," I confess. His eyes soften, and then he releases a light, solemn chuckle. "I'm sorry for something else too," I fiddle with the doorknob and he tilts his head inquisitively. "What's that?" He asks. I rise onto my toes and cup his jaw before pressing my lips to his. I backed away as quickly as I came. He blinks at me, utterly shocked.
"Sorry for not doing that sooner." I profess and then his gaze turns into something much softer. He steps forward, past the threshold of my room, his large hands coming to my neck and waist as he pulls me towards him, his lips catching mine and I melt into him.
The kiss is everything I dreamed of like electric shocks running from the tips of my fingers to my toes. He leaned down, kissing me deeper, he needed more. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him impossibly closer. He smiles against my lips at the action and I can't help but mirror the expression.
"Fuck, I missed you." He hummed and I giggled, pecking his lips between words, just because I could.
"I missed you too." I grin wildly, then jolt when a bolt of thunder strikes down. His arms wrap around me tighter and I press my chest to his, the warmth more comforting than anything else. "Want to sleep in my room tonight?" He arches a brow and I smile up at him, then nod with a bright expression. He mirrors my features, his dimples creasing his cheeks and I marvel at the sight. He picks me up from under my thighs and my legs wrap around his torso.
I peck a line of kisses up his jaw as he carries me through the hallway and into his room, leaning back against it to shut it. I hum mindlessly before kissing his lips again, drunk on the taste of them. Wanting to do it all the time now that I had the option. I backed away, looking at him as he stared at me in an utter daze, a soft smile on his face as he observed my every move. "You're so pretty." I admire, brushing a finger across his cheekbone. "I was just thinking the same thing about you." He looks into my eyes and I flush, then his eyes flick back down to my lips and I take the hint, coming closer and resting my mouth against his once more, slotting to him like two ends of a puzzle, savoring the feel as he filled every empty pit and crevice of desperation inside of me.
I awoke with bleary vision, squinting my eyes open and resting them upon the sunrise outside. Dawn creeps over the mountains in pink and purple hues. A weight rests along my waist, tugging me closer unconsciously until I'm pressed up against a familiar chest. I smile wildly as I remember the events of last night and flip around to look up at a half-awake Azriel.
"Morning, love." He hums, I've heard the deep tone of his morning voice hundreds of times before but none of those compared to this moment. "G'morning." I look up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning forward, and pressing a gentle kiss to his sensuous lips. "I could get used to this." He mumbled and I backed away with a chuckle, snuggling into his chest and releasing a soft sigh.
He rolls over onto his back, his wings adjusting beneath me as he pulls me up on top of his chest. "Do you have any missions today?" I ask him, propping my head up on his sternum as he looks down at me through his lashes. "My schedule is clear." He informs, fingers tracing up and down from my waist to my hips, spanning the distance with his large scarred hands.
"Just for me?" I teased with a head tilt and he nodded. "Just for you." He confirms before I settle my lips back onto his, gods I couldn't get enough of how perfect it felt like we were two sides of a magnet meant to be pressed together, couldn’t be torn apart without the utmost force.
The door to the bedroom opens and shadows swirl around us. "Hey Az do you—" Cassian begins as he invites himself into the room. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock Cassian!" Azriel shouted at his brother, throwing a pillow at him. The general caught it with ease, his eyes practically glowing with excitement.
"I'm not sorry." Cassian proudly shakes his head. "We could've been fucking." Azriel mutters sourly, his wings coming to wrap around me. I was only in my nightgown, nothing Cass hadn't seen before but now that Azriel had the right to be overprotective he was going to use it.
"You say that like we didn't use to fuck different girls in the same room when we were in Windhaven." Cassian reminds him pointedly, another pillow is thrown at him and I giggle because this time it actually hits him.
"What do you want?" Azriel demands, eager to return to kissing. "Do you have any bandaids? I have a paper cut." He held up his pinky which had a small nick in it. I tilt my head at him, confused as to how some of the greatest warriors couldn't lay a finger on him yet here he stood defeated by a paper cut.
"In the bathroom cabinet under the sink." Azriel waves him off, shadows guiding the male to the door as he flips the both of us over, his hips coming to rest between my thighs, his head stuffed into my chest. "Have fun you two!" Cassian calls and I snicker as shadows slam the door closed on him.
"Bastard," Azriel grumbles into my breasts and I look down at him with an amused look. My hands go into his hair, pulling his head back to look at me. His hands trace incoherent shapes on my thighs, his gaze catching mine. "What are we?" He asks and I grin down at him. "Friends." I taunt.
"Friends don't kiss." He shakes his head, leaning down and pressing his lips onto mine.
"I'm only kidding." My hands come up to his cheeks, thumbs rubbing his sharp cheekbones as he stills a mere centimeter away. "I've been reading those romance books," He admits. "Oh really?" I arch a brow and he nods. "I think I learned how to get a girlfriend." He admits and I smile at the recall. "Did you learn how to properly pleasure a female too?" I taunt, coiling my fingers in his hair as he watches me attentively before replying, "Would you like to find out?"
Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glam-targaryen @going-through-shit @fauxdette @impossibelle @amara-moonlight @webecheesy-blog @sarawritestories
@lees-chaotic-brain @mell-bell
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wileys-russo · 9 months
love love LOVE your mary & Delilah fics! was wondering if you could do one where little delilah is brought to a match and she sees mary interacting with young fans who are about her age and gets a little jealous and clingy because that’s HER MAMA
part of the a date to remember universe
my mama II m.earps x reader
"okay which one lilah? purple, black or green?" you questioned, holding up the choices and doing a little dance making your daughter giggle. "i wanna dress myself today please." she informed crossing her arms over her chest with a determined nod.
"okay baby. but its cold, so dress warm!" you chuckled, hanging the jumpers back up and moving to sit down. "no mummy, by myself!" she pointed to the door and hurried over, pushing at your legs.
"okay okay! god i thought i'd get a few more years before i got kicked out of your room, this hurts lilah." you gasped dramatically as she shoved you from her room, only met with a door slammed in your face.
"was that-" you turned around and nodded to your wife. "she wants to dress herself today." you informed with a chuckle, moving into your wifes waiting arms which wrapped around you.
"we've told her she isn't allowed to grow up right?" "nearly every day since was born my love, she just does not want to listen."
"delilah grace earps are you done now?" you called out with a sigh, leaning against the wall by her door which you'd tried to open several times only met with a yell and it pushed closed again, your daughter firmly stating she wasn't ready and you weren't allowed to see until she was.
mary had already been picked up as to not be late for warm ups and you shook your head as you checked the time again already knowing the two of you would be stuck in traffic and miss kick off if you didn't leave soon.
"okay lilah we have to go, i'm coming in." you warned, though before you could even grab the handle the door it flew open and a bundle of colour and blonde hair came tumbling out.
"do you like it!" your daughter beamed, bouncing happily as you bit your bottom lip taking in her choice of outfit.
she had on a pair of black and white light up custom trainers alessia had gotten her for her birthday, pale yellow nike joggers with a pair of green man united kit shorts over the top. on her top half she on a bright purple hoodie with an orange lionesses jersey that was far too big for her with toone on the back and a bright red man united beanie on her head, with its matching scarf tied around her hips like a makeshift belt.
"well...i'm not going to lose you in the crowd, thats for certain." you smiled, knowing no matter what you said or tried there wasn't a chance you'd be getting your daughter changed without a fight and missing the game.
"you don't wanna wear mama's jersey lilah?" you tried, knowing your wife would kick off and ella would be absolutely insufferable in your daughters current choice. "nope! aunty el was sad last time i saw her so i thought this would make her happy, cause you and mama always say orange is a happy colour!" she grinned and your heart melted.
the last time she had seen her favourite aunt and godmother was after a particularly rowdy team night out where both had wound up crashing the night at your place, mary their designated driver and apparently a key influence in just how many shots they'd downed which you'd told her off for afterwards.
the two had wound up crying crocodile tears as mary and you both disallowed them to see delilah, trying to remind it was hours after her bedtime and the two of them were very drunk. which had in turn woken your daughter who'd come to investigate, not understanding why she wasn't allowed to say hello to either of her favourite people.
mary had practically needed to sit on top of both your adopted daughters to stop them racing after you, reminding them over and over that your four year old didn't need to see them in their current intoxicated state and they could see her in the morning.
"we do say that don't we." you agreed with her words, shaking your head in amusement but giving in, not wanting to squash the independence you and mary were trying to instill in her.
"at least you listened about the cold and did lots of layers babe, now time to go!"
you sent polite smiles to the strange looks you received walking your daughter through old trafford, meeting up with marys mum and wordlessly shaking your head at her questioning stare as she scooped up her granddaughter and the three of you made your way to your seats.
normally marys siblings and father would be in attendance but all had fallen ill with a stomach bug so you laughed at the way your mother in law was so relieved to be surrounded by 'healthy non whinging human beings'.
"do you like my outfit nanna?" your daughter chirped for the third time in the hour as you waved to your wife who was very clearly looking around stressed that she'd not spotted you, sighing in relief once she had.
"don't ask!" you mouthed to her perplexed look toward your daughter stood up in your lap furiously waving her and her team mates down. "els!" you cupped your hands over your mouth to gain the midfielders attention as she began to walk off the pitch after warm ups.
maya heard you and grinned before tapping ellas shoulder and gesturing toward you as you spun delilah around to show her last name plastered on your daughters back as her face lit up and you laughed as she raced right over to jump on your wifes back and no doubt lay into her about it.
now delilah was older she'd become a different sort of handful to take to marys games. gone were the earmuffs, dummy and baby blanket she'd needed to settle previously, where she'd often sleep the whole way through happily budled up in someones arms.
nowadays as your mothers both liked to remind you two she was just like you and mary had been as kids, a little unstoppable bundle of energy who often required distraction or bribery of some sort to sit still for prolonged periods of time.
which is how you found yourself racing off midway through the first half to sort out some food, having left in such a rush you'd completely forgotten the bag of snacks and toys you normally carted along with you whenever you left the house with delilah in tow.
thankfully with her grandma more than happy to listen to her chatter and answer her millions of questions you made it through the entire match without a single issue.
the problems started when the game finished and julie had needed to rush off to get back to the family, catching mary quickly before ducking off and leaving you and delilah to patiently wait your turn.
it would seem patience today though was not on delilahs agenda.
"i wanna see mama now!" the girl whined, wriggling furiously to try and yank her hand out of your grip as you sighed and took a deep breath. "mama's just saying hi to some people first baby, thats part of her work!" you tried to explain, even offering her an ice cream as a last minute ditch to distract her but it was to no use.
not even alessia could capture her attention for more than a few minutes as your daughter grew more and more fussy and inpatient the more time passed.
"go! it'll be fine." you forced a smile toward your wifes team mates who'd all taken turns trying to distract delilah as the two of you stood in the tunnel, mary signing autographs and taking photos with a larger crowd than normal.
"wanna go kick a ball tiny?" millie offered in a last ditch effort and that seemed to work as your daughter nodded eagerly and latched onto the taller girls leg, her giggles echoing around as millie zoomed off back onto the pitch.
you kept her in sight as you followed after them, hanging on the sidelines and waving to a few fans who called out your name, mary glancing over apologetically as you sent her a smile and a nod assuring it was fine.
but that tiny lapse in attention was all it took for delilah to break away from millie, maya and ella, sprinting off toward mary who had her back turned and ignoring the older girls calls after her which gained your focus back toward them.
intercepting her you scooped delilah up into your arms and sat her on your hip. "no! i wanna see mama!” you winced as she smacked your chest a few times and pushed away ella who'd appeared to try and help, and you could tell from the wobble of her bottom lip that she was a few moments away from a meltdown.
"hey lilah, look at me please." you dropped to your knees and stood her on her feet, your hands on her shoulders stopping her from running off. "we don't hit people, okay? i know you're having some really big feelings and you miss mama but-" you started, yelping as your daughter suddenly scratched at your hand, racing away toward mary.
"delilah grace!" you called after her, mary looking up a second too late as her daughter barreled into her. "my mama! mine!" she snarled at a young girl who mary was trying to take a picture with as the keeper quickly picked her up and apologised to the fan and her dad right as delilah started to scream.
apologizing to the crowd still awaiting her attention mary hurried back toward you, the two of you falling into step as you made your way into the tunnel and down the hall toward the change rooms. "lilah baby-" you started as her screams turned into sobs and she buried her face in marys neck.
"no, get off!" the girl snapped again scratching your hand as you inhaled sharply and paused, catching your wifes eye who nodded in understanding as you stayed outside and she dissapeared into the change rooms to try and calm your daughter down.
"hey, you alright?" you glanced up to meet concerned blue eyes and nodded, exhaling deeply as the taller girl pulled you into a hug. "thanks less." you mumbled as she rubbed your back, assuring over and over that you were the best mum ever.
promising her you were okay but that you'd need a raincheck on dinner plans you all had tonight both her and ella gave you another long hug and headed off to see their families.
with another deep breath you headed into the change rooms, only a few of the girls remaining as you spotted mary by her cubby. you caught her eye again and raised an eyebrow as she nodded, your daughter still tightly wrapped around her.
"lilah what do we need to say to mummy please?" mary started quietly, bouncing her knee up and down gently to gain your daughters attention as she pulled her head out of marys neck.
"im very sorry for scratching and yelling mummy." the girl apologised softly, climbing off marys lap and moving into yours, warmth flooding your body as she hugged you tightly and you kissed the top of her head.
you melted even further as your daughter grabbed your hand, carefully kissing over where she'd scratched you before clambering right back into marys lap.
"i'll shower at home, or else little miss is gonna wind up soaked." mary chuckled, gesturing to the way your daughter clung onto her like a monkey, refusing to loosen her grip as you took your wifes bag for her and the three of you waved goodbye to the few girls left and headed for the carpark.
"mama in the back with me!" delilah ordered with a frown once you reached the car, mary having gained a lift with alessia this morning meaning she at least didn't need to drive herself back.
"okay baby, just this once." mary gave in clearly picking up that delilah was being abnormally clingy after seeing her interacting with other kids, something the two of you would need to speak with her about another time.
and for the rest of that night it was the same story, your daughter refusing not to have some part of her in contact with mary at all times. so much so that she'd stayed in the bathroom while your wife showered, insisting you sit with her as well as she held marys hand through the shower door making you smile in amusement.
"my mama." was all that seemed to be repeated, the possessiveness also something new but a conversation for another day as mary waved off your concerns, too thrilled with having your daughters full focus and attention all night.
"oh for god sakes." you'd chuckled later that night at the sight before you. your wife having spent an abnormal amount of time putting delilah to bed you'd wandered up to check in, only to find her dead asleep in the tiny single bed belonging to your daughter, long limbs hanging off the sides with delilah curled into her still very much so awake.
"sh! mama is very tired mummy." delilah warned as you entered the room. "you should be asleep little miss, not mama!" you reminded quietly as she gave you a cheeky smile looking far too much like her other mother and held up the book which was previously laid open on marys chest.
"one more story, please?"
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sunnie-writes · 1 year
kiss marks !!
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pairing: wally darling x reader !!
genre: fluff, friends to lovers.
tw: stimming(?), mentions of intense staring.
plot: julie convinces reader to try makeup for fun, and then end up leaving a certain yellow fellow easily flustered by this.
pronouns: they/them, makeup has no gender !!
sunnie, talk that talk: AAAAAAAH MY FIRST WELCOME HOME FIC !! i seriously hope you guys enjoy it <33 feel free to give any constructive criticism if needed !!
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"trust me, you'll look delightful!!" julie happily said.
you could only smile at her antics. in this situation, you were being julie's test doll as she tried different makeup looks on you. after some time though, she decided to set on a particularly chic look on you, smokey eyes and cherry red lipstick. not only that, she made you dress up in clothes that fit the makeup more, saying something about "fitting the dark fancy look".
"aaaand done!!" julie placed down the lipstick, "oh. my. gosh!! you look absolutely stunning!!"
"do i? where is the mirror??" you asked, going directly to your reflection.
you could agree, that looked absolutely great on you, maybe you should try different styles for often. only with julie around, though.
"you look like a hollywood star, or maybe one of those crazy rich people on tv shows!!" she stimmed, flapping her hands nonstop.
"thank you, i... liked this." the praise made you shy.
"oh, we need to go now!! poppy is holding a friend gathering tonight in her backyard!!" julie smiled while catching your hand to hold hers.
you both left the girl's house and began walking towards poppy's. on the way, you thought about what could the neighbors say, maybe even a certain yellow artist would notice and think of you as something more.
truth be told, you had a huuuuuge crush in wally darling, the artist in your lovely tiny neighborhood. nobody could blame you, those half lidded eyes with a cat-like smirk surely would make more than just you fall completely down the stairs of love.
as you two finally arrived, you could see everyone eventually get into your point of view. the food table was full of delicious looking meals, and not to mention how everyone was dressed in different outfits from their usual daytime clothing, opting for a more formal look even.
"oh? julie and y/n arrived!!" barbaby exclaimed, "how are you doing, lady and--"
everyone immediately looked in your direction, julie hugged your arm on your side and giggled. heat started pooling in your cheeks as each of their eyes seemed to get wider at your presence. sally was the first to break the silence.
"oh my, y/n looks amazing!!"
barbaby whistled, "julie sure did a great job, you look stunning."
you chuckle as more praises pour in. unfortunately, it seems like the reason you got overly dressed up hasn't shown up yet. moving to the table, you get yourself a nice glass of grape juice while looking over to the gateway incase wally randomly pops out of the air.
looks like your prayers were answered, you hear poppy scream like a mother seeing her son in graduation clothing, "wally!! you're finally here!!"
you look over to him, your cheeks heating up immediately and heart beating a bit more fast. standing in a blue tuxedo with a red tie was wally, with his pompadour still up and his mesmerizing eyes. you swallow the air as to control yourself.
"ha ha, hello everyone." his voice still sounds as calm and relaxed as ever, which doesn't help at all with your flustered state.
"let me guess, you're late because you were working on your pompadour?" frank sarcastically spoke.
"oh, you guessed it. nice one, ha ha!" wally just laughed before looking around him, "all of you look amaziiiiiiiingggg..." his words slurred down as his eyes stopped at you.
you could feel his eyes burning through your skin. if you were made of wax, you would've melted already. his stare was everywhere, your clothing, your hair before finally stopping at your face, meeting your gaze.
"oh my..." wally had his mouth wide opened.
"hehe, surprised?" barnaby questioned his friend with a knowing face.
"y/n decided to let me do their makeup and choose their outfit today, don't they look amazing?!" julie exclaimed happily.
snapping out of his thoughts, wally answered.
"yea, of course." he smirked as usual while looking in your eyes, "what a sight for sore eyes."
you blushed before thanking him, earning another one of his half lidded eyes stare. wally made his way to you, holding one of your hands and planting a kiss on the back of your palm.
"oh my, what a gentleman we have here." you chuckled, trying to play cool.
it seemed to work, his usual yellow cheeks earned a light red shade. liking his reaction, you decided to be a bit more bold, planting a kiss on his cheek before walking away to julie, leaving a flustered wally holding where your lips once were.
"ooh, what was that?? you looked so... powerful!!" she jumped up and down.
"w- well i mean, two can play this game, right?" your tongue failed you, making you stutter and julie giggle at that.
"hehe, sly y/n!! i like this side of you, makes you look all cool and mysterious!" she striked a pose with finger guns, you laughed at that.
suddenly, sally walked right behind julie, waving at her and stopping in front of you, motioning for you to get close.
"i don't mean to gossip, but wally can't keep his eyes off of you!" the sunshine whispered.
you looked over your shoulder, making eye contact with that smug stare of his. you could feel him scanning your face, which was obviously making him more flustered since he couldn't stop staring so much.
seeing the romantic tension in the air, julie and sally looked at each other before walking together to the opposite side that you were, starting a conversation with eddie and frank. wally, seeing this opportunity, approached you with confident steps.
"so, mx. l/n, what made you dress up so... differently?" he asked.
"oh, you know darling, just for the friend gathering." you took use of his last name, obviously causing a reaction as he noticed what you did.
"ha ha, clever as ever, i see."
"thank you. any other question?" you smugly smiled at him while screeching on the inside.
"hmm, do you wanna take a walk with me, we can take a look at the stars maybe."
you were jumping up and down inside your head, "of course, lead the way."
you walked by his side, interlocking your arms together. his shoulders relaxed and he widened his eyes before walking out of the gateway with you by his side.
you gotta' give him credits, the sky looked absolutely beautiful that night.
"the stars look beautiful tonight." you spoke, eyes shining like the billions of lights above you two.
"not so beautiful as someone i know." wally was obviously hinting at you, but you decided to play his game.
"oh really? who?" you jokingly questioned.
"you know who." he responded, you tilted your head in a provocative manner, "you, of course."
"quite the romantic you are." you leaned closer to him, making his cheeks get brighter, "any other reason of why you wanted to take me out in this particular night?"
he looked to the side before staring right back at you.
"there is another reason." he released your arm and got in one knee, "you see, i have something to confess to you. y/n l/n, ever since you moved in here, i was never able to take my eyes off of you. even as you walked by and just laughed with our friends, i could always find my gaze stuck upon your figure. i thought i was able to keep my feelings hidden for you, each and all of my pining could be hidden as i fell more deeper for you. but today, you showed up in a way that i can't explain, blessing my eyes and enchanting this puppet's heart right into your palm." your heart was beating so fast, eyes almost watering before you calmed down, cheeks reddening at the sight of his moonlit self, "so i beg and ask of you, would you wanna give this artist a chance and become his one and only muse?"
you were speechless, only nodding your head before he got up and you threw yourself at him, kissing his face and leaving multiple lipstick marks. cheeks, forehead, the space where his nose would be, and finally, his lips.
you were so happy, couldn't contain yourself from leaving him absolutely breathless.
"of course, i do." you chuckled while he tried to recompose himself, only to be stared at by heart eyes and a loving sigh.
"give a man a warning before you rock his world like that." he laughed quietly.
you held his face on your palms, and it felt like you were holding the world, feeling confidence wash over you as you traced your eyes towards the marks you left on him.
"WOOOO-HOOOO!! GO Y/N!!!!" you heard someone scream.
looking over your shoulder, you were met with all of your friends watching you guys from afar. eddie and frank holding hands while eddie laughed and his boyfriend just slightly smiled, julie jumping up and down while stimming alongside sally who was shining even more brightly, howdy chuckling while clapping all of his four hands, barnaby clapping while howling happily and poppy stared with watered eyes like a proud mother.
well, at least you two didn't need to spend the rest of the night explaining how you and wally darling became a couple.
and with that, you gave him another peck on the lips, before pulling him to all of your friends, while he lovingly stared at you, his for now and forever number one muse.
"dearest, you're the absolute most."
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sunnie, talk that talk: HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!! I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS OMG SUFNEJFJSJDJS n e ways, byeeee dear reader, ily mwah /p
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silverstar70 · 3 months
Fandom: Criminal minds Character: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Author's note: English isn't my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
Summary: Y/N had a stressfull day at work and just wanna go back home to her husband.
Warnings: 🔞‼️estabilished relationship, smut, vaginal sex, consensual sex, praise kink, orgasm control, oral sex, cute moments, fluff
Words count: 6,999k Hope you like it and let me know what you think! Enjoy it!
Rough day
5:30pm. Her shift was coming to an end, and she couldn’t wait. The office buzzed with activity as Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N navigated her way through the crowded halls. The stress of the day clung to her like a second skin. She had just finished a particularly heated argument with her commanding officer and felt on the brink of exhaustion.
As she rounded the corner, she ran into her colleague, Lieutenant Commander Sarah Hayes. Sarah took one look at Y/N's face and frowned.
"Y/N, you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.
Y/N forced a weak smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Just one of those days, Sarah."
Sarah placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Do you want to grab a coffee and talk about it?"
Y/N shook her head, the weight of the day's events pressing down harder. "Thanks, but I just wanna go home to my husband."
Sarah nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. "I get it. Go on, get out of here. You need a break."
Grateful for her friend's understanding, Y/N gave Sarah's hand a squeeze before heading towards the exit. The drive home was long, it took her more than an hour and her mind was solely focused on the thought of Aaron and coming back to him.
The sound of the engine purring beneath her was almost hypnotic, but the tension in her shoulders refused to dissipate. Y/N steered her car into the driveway, her heart heavy from a particularly grueling day. Her thoughts raced back to the string of meetings, the impossible deadlines, and the argument with her commanding officer that still left a bitter taste in her mouth.
As she turned off the ignition and rested her forehead against the steering wheel, a deep sigh escaped her lips. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, and the only solace she could think of was the man waiting inside.
Pushing open the door, she trudged up to the front door, her movements slow and deliberate. The moment she stepped inside, the familiar scent of home—fresh linen and a hint of Aaron's cologne—washed over her. She closed her eyes, taking it in.
"Y/N?" Aaron's voice called from the living room; a note of concern woven through it. He appeared in the hallway, his face softening the moment he saw her as he noticed the fatigue etched on her face. "Hey, honey."
She managed a weak smile. "Hi."
He crossed the distance between them in a few strides, pulling her into his arms. The warmth and strength of his embrace immediately began to melt her stress away. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.
"Rough day?" he asked, his voice a soothing murmur.
"You have no idea," she mumbled against his shirt.
He kissed the top of her head. "You're home now. Let's get you out of that uniform and into something more comfortable."
With a nod, she let him guide her upstairs and Aaron's presence already working to dissolve the day's stress. In their bedroom, he helped her out of her stiff uniform, his hands gentle and caring. She changed into her favorite pair of sweats and one of Aaron's t-shirts, feeling a little lighter with each passing second.
When they went back downstairs, Aaron had already prepared a simple but delicious dinner. The table was set with candles, casting a warm glow over the room. Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude and love.
"Where's Jack?" she asked as they settled down at the table.
"He's at JJ's for a sleepover," Aaron said, pouring them both a glass of wine. "So, we have the whole night to ourselves."
She took a sip of her wine, the rich flavor spreading warmth through her chest. "Thank you, Aaron. This is exactly what I needed."
They ate slowly, savoring the meal and each other's company. Hotch listened intently as she recounted her day, offering understanding nods and comforting words. The tension continued to ebb away, replaced by the peace that only him could bring her.
After dinner, they settled into the couch, the warmth of his embrace began to soothe Y/N's frayed nerves. He picked a light-hearted romantic comedy, hoping to lift her spirits. As the movie started, Y/N found herself more interested in the feel of Hotch's heartbeat against her cheek than the dialogue on the screen.
"You want to talk about what happened today?" Hotch asked softly, running his fingers through her hair.
Y/N sighed, snuggling closer. "It was just one of those days where everything that could go wrong did. Meetings that went nowhere, deadlines pushed up, and a disagreement with my CO that left a bad taste in my mouth."
He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help?"
She closed her eyes, savoring his touch. "Not really. But being here with you makes it better."
His hand continued its gentle strokes through her hair. "That's what I'm here for, sweetheart."
A comfortable silence enveloped them as the movie played on. Y/N's eyes grew heavy, the events of the day catching up to her, but she felt a sense of peace she hadn’t felt all day. The rhythmic sound of Hotch's breathing was a lullaby, and soon she dozed off, safe in his arms.
She woke sometime later, the room dark except for the flickering light from the TV. He was still beside her, his arms protectively around her.
"Hey," she murmured, looking up at him.
"Hey," he replied, his voice soft and soothing. "You fell asleep."
"Sorry," she said, though she wasn’t really. She could feel the knots in her muscles unwinding. "I must have been more tired than I thought."
"It's okay," Aaron reassured her. "You needed the rest."
As the movie ended and the credits rolled, Hotch glanced down at Y/N, who was barely keeping her eyes open. He gently brushed a kiss against her temple. "How about we do something extra relaxing before bed?" he suggested.
Y/N looked up at him, curiosity and fatigue mingling in her eyes. "What do you have in mind?"
"How about a nice, relaxing bath?" He proposed, a soft smile playing on his lips.
Y/N's eyes brightened a little at the idea. "That sounds perfect."
Aaron helped her up from the couch, and they made their way to the bathroom. The large tub was one of her favorite features of their home, and tonight, it seemed especially inviting. He turned on the tap, adjusting the temperature until it was just right. He added a generous amount of lavender-scented bubble bath, and soon the room was filled with the calming aroma.
As the tub filled, Aaron lit a few candles around the bathroom, their soft glow creating a romantic atmosphere. Y/N watched him, her heart swelling with love and appreciation for the care he always showed her.
Once the bath was ready, Hotch helped Y/N undress, his touch was gentle and tender. He discarded his own clothes and then, hand in hand, they stepped into the warm, fragrant water. Y/N sighed deeply as she sank into the tub, the tension in her muscles slowly melting away.
Aaron settled in behind her, and she leaned back against his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as the warm water enveloped them.
"This is exactly what I needed," Y/N murmured, closing her eyes and letting the warmth and the lavender scent envelop her senses.
Aaron kissed her shoulder, his lips lingering on her skin. "I'm glad. You deserve to relax."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds the gentle lapping of the water and their slow, synchronized breathing. Aaron's hands moved in slow, soothing circles over her shoulders and back, massaging away the last remnants of tension.
"Thank you for this," Y/N said softly, turning her head slightly to catch his gaze.
"Anything for you," Aaron replied, his eyes filled with love and tenderness.
They stayed in the bath until the water began to cool, the stress of the day long forgotten. Finally, Aaron helped her out of the tub, wrapping her in a soft, fluffy towel. He dried himself off quickly and then took her hand, leading her to the bedroom where they both slipped into their PJ’s.
Y/N reached into Aaron's drawer and pulled out one of his favorite t-shirts. It was soft and worn, the fabric infused with his comforting scent. She slipped it over her head, the hem falling to mid-thigh, and then put on some panties.
Aaron, meanwhile, pulled on a fresh t-shirt and a pair of boxers, glancing over at Y/N with a fond smile. "You look good in my shirt," he said, his eyes warm with affection.
Y/N grinned, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I like wearing your clothes. It makes me feel close to you."
Aaron hugged her back, his hands resting on her hips. "I like you wearing my clothes too."
They climbed into bed, the cool sheets a welcome contrast to the warmth of their bodies. Under the covers, they found each other again, tangling their limbs together as they settled in. Aaron wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
The room was dark and quiet, the only sounds were their soft breathing. Aaron's hand found its way to her back, tracing soothing patterns that lulled her into a deeper state of relaxation. The troubles of her day seemed distant, replaced by the warmth and love that filled their home. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt completely at ease for the first time that day.
The next morning, Y/N awoke to the gentle rays of the early morning sun filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. She felt Aaron's warmth behind her, his arm draped over her waist, holding her close. As she slowly opened her eyes, she smiled at the feeling of his breathing against her neck.
Aaron stirred behind her, his eyes fluttering open. He smiled sleepily at her sight and left a soft kiss on her naked shoulder. "Good morning, beautiful." he murmured, his voice rough with sleep.
"Good morning," Y/N replied, her voice soft and tender as she turned to face him. She reached up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead before snuggling into him
He wrapped her in his arms, caressing her arm and kissed her forehead. "Did you sleep well?"
"Better than I have in a long time," Y/N said, snuggling closer. "Thanks to you."
“I’m glad.”
They lay there for a few moments, savoring the quiet intimacy of the early morning. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, the only sounds their breathing and the distant chirping of birds outside.
Y/N looked up to him as he leaned in to kiss her softly, his lips warm and gentle against hers. "I could stay like this forever," he whispered, his breath mingling with hers.
"Me too," Y/N replied, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest.
They snuggled closer, their bodies fitting perfectly together. Aaron's hand moved in slow, soothing circles on her back, and Y/N closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of being so close to him.
"I love you," Aaron said quietly, his voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too," Y/N replied, her voice barely more than a breath. After a few more minutes of blissful silence, Aaron's stomach growled, breaking it and made Y/N laugh. "Guess it's time for breakfast," she said, still chuckling.
“How about pancakes?" Aaron suggested, his eyes lighting up. "With all the fixings—blueberries, whipped cream, and maybe even some chocolate chips."
Y/N laughed softly, her heart light. "That sounds perfect."
With a shared sense of contentment, they reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and Aaron got out of bed. "I'll take care of it. You stay here and relax."
"No, let me help," Y/N protested, but Aaron was already out of bed, pulling on a t-shirt.
"I've got it," he insisted, leaning down to kiss her softly. "You stay put.”
Y/N watched him leave the room, feeling a rush of affection and gratitude for the man who always seemed to know exactly what she needed. She enjoyed a few more minutes in their comfortable bed, already missing the presence of her husband before wrapping herself in a robe and making her way to the bathroom to freshen up.
By the time she joined Aaron in the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, adding to the cozy atmosphere. Aaron was at the stove, flipping pancakes with a practiced ease. He looked up as she entered, his smile warm and welcoming.
"Take a seat," he said, nodding towards the table. "Breakfast will be ready in just a minute."
Y/N poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down, savoring the aroma. She took a sip, feeling the warmth spread through her, and watched Aaron work. He moved with a confidence and grace that never failed to impress her.
Soon, he was placing a plate in front of her, piled high with pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate chips, bacon, and fresh fruit. "Bon appétit," he said, sitting down across from her with his own plate.
"This looks amazing," Y/N said, her mouth watering. "Thank you, honey."
"Anything for you," he replied, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand.
They ate leisurely, talking and laughing about lighter topics, leaving the stress of yesterday behind. Y/N felt a profound sense of gratitude for these moments of normalcy and love, which Aaron always seemed to cultivate.
"I love mornings like this," Y/N said, smiling as she sprinkled chocolate chips into the batter Aaron was stirring. "Just us, at home, enjoying each other's company."
"Me too," Aaron agreed, his eyes warm as he looked at her.
After breakfast, they moved seamlessly into their routine of cleaning up. Hotch insisted on washing the dishes while Y/N dried them and put them away. It was a familiar and comforting rhythm, one that they had established early on in their relationship.
As he stood at the sink with his biceps perfectly hugged by the t-shirt and hands immersed in soapy water, Y/N watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of affection. She loved seeing him in these simple, everyday moments, where the stresses of their demanding jobs seemed far away.
Unable to resist, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her cheek against his back. Aaron paused, a smile spreading across his face as he felt her embrace.
"Hey there," he said softly, continuing to rinse a plate.
"Hey," Y/N replied, her voice muffled slightly by his shirt. "Just wanted to hug my husband."
Hotch chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through his body and into hers. "I never mind that," he said, setting the plate in the dish rack. He turned slightly, careful not to splash her with water. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better," Y/N murmured, tightening her hold on him. "Thanks to you."
Aaron turned off the faucet and dried his hands on a nearby towel before turning around to face her. He placed his hands on her hips, looking down at her with a tender expression. "I'm glad to hear that. You know I'm always here for you."
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and love. "I know. And I appreciate it more than I can say."
He leaned down, capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When they broke apart, Aaron rested his forehead against hers, his hands gently caressing her sides. "How about we take a walk after this? Get some fresh air?"
"I'd love that," Y/N agreed, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. "A walk sounds perfect."
They finished the dishes together, the simple chore made enjoyable by their shared laughter and easy conversation. Once the kitchen was clean, they grabbed their jackets, put some pants on and headed outside.
The morning air was crisp and refreshing, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility of the neighborhood. The sun was just beginning to rise higher in the sky, casting a golden light over everything.
As they strolled, they talked about their plans for the week, their steps perfectly in sync. Aaron occasionally pointed out small details along the way—a blooming flower, a bird singing in a tree—that made Y/N appreciate the beauty of the world around them.
After a while, they found a quiet bench in a nearby park and sat down, still holding hands. Y/N leaned her head on Aaron's shoulder, feeling completely content.
"I love here." she said softly, her eyes closed as she savored the peace and quiet.
"Me too." Aaron replied, kissing the top of her head.
They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's company and the serene surroundings. The worries of their demanding jobs seemed far away, replaced by the warmth of their love and the simplicity of just being together.
Eventually, they stood and made their way back home where they slipped out of their jackets and settled onto the couch, enjoying the peaceful Sunday morning. The sun was streaming through the windows, casting a warm glow over them. Y/N found herself feeling more relaxed and connected to Hotch than she had in weeks. The tension and stress of her work seemed like a distant memory in the presence of her loving husband.
"You know," Aaron said, his voice dropping to a low murmur as he looked into her eyes, "we still have the whole day to ourselves."
"We do, don't we?" she replied looking up at him with a smirk, her voice taking on a sultry edge.
A spark of something more than just comfort and relaxation flickered in Y/N's eyes. His eyes meeting hers with a knowing smile, when a surge of affection and desire for him rushed through her body and soon she straddler him, anticipating his intentions. His hands instinctively went to her hips, steadying her as she settled herself.
"I think we could make the most of it," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.
Y/N's heart quickened as she felt the familiar rush of desire. She leaned in, her lips brushing softly against his, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss. Aaron's hands roamed over her back, pulling her against him as the kiss intensified and their tongues danced together, exploring and teasing.
They broke apart just long enough to catch their breath, their foreheads resting together. "Here?" Y/N suggested, her voice barely more than a breathless whisper.
Aaron nodded, his eyes dark with desire. "Definitely."
Y/N shifted slightly, pressing herself against him, feeling the hardness of his arousal through the thin fabric of his boxers. Aaron groaned softly, his hands moving under the hem of his t-shirt she wore, his fingers brushing against her bare skin, sending shivers down her spine.
His hands finding their way to her waist. "You’re so beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky.
Y/N smiled, her hands slipping under his shirt, feeling the hard muscles of his abdomen. "And you, my love, are perfect."
Aaron gently brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, his eyes filled with adoration and desire. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too." she replied, capturing his lips again in a kiss that spoke of her deep love and desire for him, while her fingers threading through his hair, tugging gently.
As their kisses grew more intense, Aaron's hands roomed through her body, caressing her back, sliding over her hips, and then moving to cup her breasts through the fabric of his t-shirt. Y/N moaned softly, arching her back to press herself more firmly against his touch.
Their movements became more urgent, their need for each other overwhelming. In a swift move he got rid of the t-shirt, exposing her chest to the warm air of the room and to him. Aaron looked at her amazed by her beauty.
"Beautiful." he breathed, his hands tracing the curves of her body.
Y/N responded by tugging at his shirt, pulling it over his head and revealing his toned chest. She pressed herself against him and moved her hips on him, drawing another low groan from his lips as his hands gripping her hips.
Aaron's hands slid down to her thighs, his touch both gentle and possessive. He guided her movements, their bodies moving in perfect sync. The friction between them was electric, each touch and caress stoking the fire that burned between them.
Y/N's breath hitched as she felt the heat building between them, her hands gripping Aaron's shoulders for support. She reached down between them as her fingers deftly slipping under the waistband of his's boxers. Feeling his arousal, hard and ready, she smirked, and her touch elicited a deep groan from him. She wrapped her hand around him, stroking him slowly, feeling the heat and the pulse of his need.
"God, Y/N." he murmured, his eyes locked onto hers, his gaze filled with an intensity that took her breath away. "I need you."
"Then take me," she whispered back, her voice husky with desire.
With a swift, practiced motion, Hotch lifted her just enough to slide her panties to the side, his fingers brushing against her most sensitive areas, eliciting a gasp from her lips. His boxers were the only barrier between them but quickly freeing himself, she positioned him at her entrance, and with a shared look of intense desire, he slowly guided her down onto him.
His hands gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he fought to control himself. The feeling of being filled by him, of their bodies joining so intimately, was almost overwhelming. Y/N's head fell back, a moan escaping her lips as she sank fully onto him, taking a moment to adjust.
"Aaron," she breathed, her voice filled with a mix of love and longing.
Y/N begun to move, slowly at first, savoring the sensation of their bodies joined so intimately. Each movement, each thrust, was a testament to their deep love and desire for each other. Hotch’s eyes were locked on hers, his expression a mix of love, lust, and awe.
"You feel so good," she whispered, her voice trembling with the intensity of her emotions.
"So do you," Aaron replied, his voice strained with need. "So perfect."
Their pace quickened, the intensity growing with each thrust. Aaron’s hands traveled along her body, caressing her back, her breasts and her thighs. Y/N’s nails dug into his shoulders as she rode him, her movements growing more desperate.
The room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking—their gasps, their moans, the slick, rhythmic sound of their bodies coming together. Y/N felt the pressure building inside her, a tight coil of pleasure that threatened to snap at any moment.
"Aaron," she gasped, her voice breaking. "I’m so close."
He groaned, his hands gripping her hips even tighter, guiding her movements. "Come for me, Y/N. Let go."
She cried out his name as the orgasm ripped through her, her body trembling with the force of it. Y/N rested her forehead against Aaron’s, her breath still coming in ragged gasps.
Aaron gently stroked Y/N’s back, his fingers tracing soothing patterns. “That was incredible,” he murmured, his voice filled with admiration and love.
Y/N lifted her head slightly to look into his eyes, her lips curving into a satisfied smile. “It really was,” she agreed, her fingers brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. “I don’t want this moment to end.”
Aaron’s eyes darkened, as he growled with a rough voice in need. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet.”
A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. “How about we move this to the bedroom?” she suggested.
Aaron smiled. “That sounds like a good idea.”
With a low growl, he lifted her effortlessly, carrying her towards their bedroom. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist to hold onto him tightly as he quickened his way to the bedroom. Once inside, Aaron gently laid Y/N in the middle of the bed and climbed over her. his lips crashing against hers in a hungry, desperate kiss. The urgency in their movements spoke volumes, each touch, each caress igniting the flames of desire even further.
Aaron's hands roamed her body, finding all the places he knew so well, drawing soft moans from her lips. He took his time, exploring every inch of her, savoring the way she responded to his touch. He kissed his way down her neck, across her collarbone, and down to her breasts, his mouth and hands working in tandem to drive her wild. Sucking and licking her nipples, making her squirm under him.
"Please, Aaron," she gasped, her hands gripping his shoulders.
He didn't need any further encouragement. He moved lower, his kisses leaving a trail of fire down her abdomen. When he reached the edge of her panties, he looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire. With a slow, deliberate motion, he removed her panties, leaving her completely bare beneath him. He took a moment to admire her, as his gazed roamed over her hungrily and his own desire was clear on him.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."
Then, with a growl of need, he covered her body with his, their skin touching everywhere. He leaned down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, his tongues tangling hers. Y/N moaned softly into the kiss, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, desperate for more of him.
While kissing her like his life depended on it, his fingertips started tracing soft patterns along her right side. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down Y/N's spine. Y/N's breath hitched as his hands moved to her breasts, his touch sending bolts of pleasure shooting through her body. She arched into his touch, silently begging for more.
Getting the message, he leaned down, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth, his tongue flicking over it in slow, tantalizing circles. Y/N's back arched and a low moan escaping her lips as pleasure washed over her.
"God, Aaron," she gasped, her hands gripping the sheets beneath her. "That feels so good."
Aaron hummed against her skin, the vibrations sending shivers down her spine. He continued to lavish attention on her breasts. Hotch’s kisses moved lower, trailing down her neck, her chest, and her stomach, making her gasp with pleasure.
When he reached the apex of her thighs, he paused, looking up at her with a mischievous smile. “I want to taste you,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.
"Please." she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
With a hungry growl, he climbed out of the bed and slipped out of his boxers, making clear that he needed her as much as she needed him. Hotch positioning himself between her legs and Y/N spread herself open for him, her body aching with anticipation.
Without a word, he lowered himself between her legs, his mouth attached to her clit, making her gasped in surprise. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he was savoring her Y/N cried out as he teased her with his tongue, tracing slow circles around her throbbing clit.
“Oh God, Aaron!” she moaned loudly, as she rocked her hips against his mouth. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
Aaron grinned against her, the vibrations of his laughter sending waves of pleasure crashing over her. He continued to devour her with the only intent to drive her closer to the edge with his tongue.
Y/N felt the jolt of pleasure rush through her, her body on the brink of release. But just as she felt herself on the verge of exploding, Aaron pulled back, denying her the release she was desperately craving.
She whimpered in frustration, her hips bucking against his hand as she chased the elusive peak. "Please," she begged, her voice hoarse with need. "I need to cum, Aaron, please."
But Hotch only smiled, enjoying the view with a mischievous smile on his face. "Not yet, baby," he murmured, his breath hot against her skin. "I want to make you wait; make you beg for it."
Y/N moaned at his words, her body trembling with anticipation. She knew that Aaron was teasing her, edging her towards ecstasy with a torturous slowness that drove her wild with desire and made her beg for more. She loved how well he knew her body and how to make her feel good.
"Please, Hotch." she whimpered in a desperate plea. "I need to cum, please let me cum."
Hotch’s grin widened, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Not yet, baby," he said, his voice low and husky. "But soon. I promise."
With that, he returned to work on her, his tongue and fingers working in tandem to drive her to the brink of madness as her inner muscles clenched around him. Y/N writhed beneath him, her body aching with need as she teetered on the edge of release.
"Please," she begged, her voice raw with desperation. "I can't take it anymore, Aaron, please let me cum."
Aaron’s smile softened, his eyes filled with love and desire as he looked down at her. "Okay, baby," he said softly, his voice a tender caress. "Cum for me."
And with those words, Y/N finally let go, her body convulsing with pleasure as she shattered into a million pieces and left her breathless. Aaron held her through it, his hands gentle and soothing.
"That's it," Aaron said, his voice filled with satisfaction as he continued to taste her, drawing out every last bit of her release. "Good girl."
When she finally came down from her high, Aaron kissed his way back up her body, his eyes filled with love and satisfaction. He positioned himself over her, his arousal pressing against her entrance, ready and eager.
Y/N was still trembling when Aaron moved up her body, his mouth capturing hers in a deep, passionate kiss. She could taste herself on his lips, the intimate act only fueling her desire for him. With the little strength she had left, she grabbed his head between her hands and pushed him more down on her.
“Are you ready for me?” he asked softly, his eyes searching hers for any hesitation.
“Yes,” Y/N whispered against his lips, making him smile. "I need you inside me."
Hotch didn’t waste another moment and with a hand he positioned himself at her entrance, his eyes locked with hers and with a deep and slow push he was inside her. They moaned in unison at the sensation, lost in each other’s gaze, as jolts of pleasure rushed along their bodies. Pausing for a moment to enjoy the feeling of being joined so intimately.
“You feel so good,” Aaron murmured, his voice a mix of awe and need. He began to move slowly, each thrust deep and deliberate, his hands gripping her hips.
Y/N wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, her own movements meeting his. “Oh, Aaron,” she moaned, her head falling back against the pillows. “Yes, just like that.”
Their rhythm was slow and tender, each movement a testament to their love and connection. Aaron’s hands traveled down her body, caressing her breasts, tickling her sides as his touch was sending shivers of pleasure through her.
“I’m close,” Y/N gasped, her nails digging into his back, her body arching towards him. “Aaron, I’m so close.”
“Cum with me,” Aaron urged, his pace quickening as his own release was building. “Let go, Y/N. Cum with me.”
Their movements grew more frantic, their bodies desperate for release. With a final, deep thrust, they both found their climax, their cries of pleasure mingling in the air. Aaron held Y/N tightly as they rode out the waves of their shared orgasm, their bodies trembling with the force of it.
When they finally came down, spent and breathless, Hotch collapsed beside her, pulling her into his arms. They lay there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, their hearts pounding in sync and their bodies tangled together, basking in the afterglow. Aaron's fingers traced lazy patterns on her back, his touch gentle and loving.
"I needed that," Y/N said softly, her voice filled with contentment.
Aaron smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "So did I."
After a much needed nap, Aaron and Y/N awoke in each other's arms, feeling blissfully content. As the afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky and the soft light of the evening filtered through the curtains, Aaron and Y/N remained ensconced in the warmth of their bed, savoring the intimacy they had shared.
Aaron smiled down at Y/N, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "You okay?" he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, stretching languidly. "Better than okay," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and satisfaction. "I'm perfect."
They shared a tender kiss. Aaron shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at Y/N. "You know, we still have the whole evening ahead of us," he said, a playful glint in his eyes.
Y/N laughed softly, tracing a finger along his jawline. "What do you have in mind?"
"How about a quiet dinner at home?" Aaron suggested. "We can cook together, something simple and comforting. And then maybe we can open a bottle of wine."
"That sounds perfect," Y/N agreed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. They reluctantly pulled themselves out of bed, the cool air a stark contrast to the warmth they'd shared under the covers.
They made their way to the kitchen, still wrapped in the comfortable intimacy of the day. Aaron started rummaging through the fridge, pulling out ingredients for a simple pasta dish.
"I'll manage the pasta if you chop the vegetables," he suggested, handing her a knife and a cutting board.
"Deal," Y/N agreed, taking her place beside him at the counter. As they worked, the comfortable rhythm of their companionship returned, filled with light-hearted banter and laughter.
They continued cooking, the kitchen filled with the delicious aromas of garlic and fresh herbs. At one point, Y/N reached up to grab a can of tomatoes from a high shelf, only to have Aaron sneak up behind her, his hands resting on her hips. "Need a hand?" he asked, his breath warm against her ear.
She smiled, leaning back into him for a moment. "I've got it," she replied, but she didn't move away, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed against hers.
Hotch pressed a kiss to the side of her neck before stepping back. As the food simmered, he retrieved the bottle of wine from the pantry and poured them each a glass, handing one to Y/N with a smile.
"To us," he said, raising his glass.
"To us," Y/N echoed, clinking her glass against his.
They sipped the wine, savoring the rich, velvety flavor. The pasta was done within five minutes, and soon they were sitting at the table, enjoying the fruits of their labor. They ate in a comfortable silence, exchanging loving and proud gazes.
After dinner, they moved to the living room, bringing the remaining wine with them. They settled on the couch, Y/N nestled against his side. The candles they had lit earlier cast a soft, flickering light, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.
Hotch wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "This has been a perfect day," he said softly, kissing her temple.
"It really has," Y/N agreed, turning her head to capture his lips in a gentle kiss. "Thank you for making me feel so loved and cared for."
"You do the same for me, every day," Aaron replied, his eyes filled with love.
They sat sipping their wine and enjoying each other's presence. As the evening wore on, the wine and the warmth of their love began to lull them into a state of peaceful contentment.
Eventually, Aaron shifted, placing his empty glass on the coffee table. "Ready for bed?" he asked, his voice soft and inviting.
Y/N nodded, setting her glass down as well. "Yes, let's go to bed."
They made their way back upstairs, hand in hand. In their bedroom, they changed into their pajamas, the familiar routine grounding them in the love and intimacy they had shared throughout the day.
Under the covers, they found each other again, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Hotch wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her close, letting her rest the head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
"Goodnight, honey." she murmured, her voice filled with love and contentment.
"Goodnight, baby." he replied, kissing her softly. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said, her voice barely more than a breath.
As they drifted off to sleep, the events of the day played through Y/N's mind, filling her with a deep sense of peace and happiness. She knew that she could always count on Hotch, no matter what. And with that comforting thought, she slipped into a peaceful sleep, content and secure in the arms of the man she loved.
The following morning, Y/N awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. She felt Aaron's warm presence beside her, his arm draped protectively over her waist. She turned slightly to face him, smiling at the peaceful expression on his face as he slept.
Feeling a surge of affection, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Aaron stirred, his eyes fluttering open and smiled sleepily at her. "Good morning, handsome." Y/N said, drawing soft patterns on his chest. "Did you sleep well?"
"G’morning, baby." he murmured, his voice husky with sleep, pulling her closer. "I slept very well."
They lay there for a few more moments, savoring the quiet intimacy of the early morning. Eventually, the responsibilities of the day began to creep in. Y/N sighed softly, knowing she had to get ready for work.
"I wish we could stay like this all day," she said, her voice tinged with longing.
"Me too," Aaron agreed. "But duty calls."
With a reluctant sigh, they got out of bed and began their morning routine. Once they made their way downstairs, they decided to make breakfast together. As they moved around the kitchen, their movements were a bit slower than usual, a lingering reminder of their previous night's activities.
Aaron couldn't help but tease Y/N. "You're walking a bit funny this morning, sweetheart." he said with a playful grin.
Y/N rolled her eyes, swatting him lightly with a dish towel. "And whose fault is that, Mr. Hotchner?" she retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Aaron chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I plead guilty," he said, reaching out to pull her into a playful embrace. "But you can't deny it was worth it."
Y/N laughed, leaning into his embrace. "Last night was worth every sore muscle." she agreed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
As they continued to cook, the kitchen filled with the delicious aroma of eggs and bacon. Hotch turned to Y/N, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Should I be prepared for the Navy to come after me for incapacitating one of their best lieutenants?”
Y/N snorted with laughter, shaking her head. “I think they’ll understand.”
His’s smile widened. “Good to know.”  He said, glancing over at her with a mischievous grin, "And if anyone asks why we're both moving a bit slower today, we can always say it's because we had a very intense workout."
Y/N snorted, her laughter ringing through the kitchen. "Yeah, right. An intense workout indeed."
Once breakfast was ready, they sat down at the table, their plates filled with eggs, fruit, and toast. They ate together, savoring the simple pleasure of a shared meal and the silence of the house.
As they finished eating, they cleaned up together, washing dishes and wiping down counters with practiced efficiency and went preparing for the day. After taking a quick shower together, Y/N slipped into her navy uniform while Hotch dressed in his suit, ready to face another day at the BAU.
They walked to the door and right before going out, Hotch wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her into a tight hug. He pressed a soft kiss on top of her head as she leaned into his embrace, resting her head against his chest.
"Remember, if you need anything today, just call me," he said, his voice filled with concern.
"I will," Y/N promised, leaning up to kiss him. " And same goes for you.”
"I know." Aaron replied, kissing her back. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said, giving him one last smile before heading out the door.
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: Matt Rempe x fem! reader
word count: 0.8k
requested? yes - Hi! Hope you have a good week! I really love your work! My request; what about Quinn, Bedard, Rempe, Bordeleau, Matthews (& anyone else you fancy) with reader (either dating, friends, or siblings) who is having a bad day or something along those lines (reader is in needs of hugs & cuddles)?
warnings: use of y/n.
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In the bustling realm of professional ice hockey, where adrenaline meets the cold bite of competition, few stories captivate fans more than that of a rookie rising to prominence. Matt Rempe, a fresh face on the roster of the legendary New York Rangers, embodies this tale of determination, skill, and heart. But beyond the rinks and cheering crowds lies a quieter narrative, one of love, support, and comfort shared between Matt and his girlfriend Y/N.
As Matt's career soared, Y/N remained his steadfast anchor through the highs and lows. Yet, even the most resilient souls face days heavy with burdens, and one particular evening found Y/N battling the weight of a particularly trying day. The stress of work, combined with personal struggles, cast a shadow over her usual effervescent spirit.
It was amidst this backdrop of emotional turbulence that Matt returned home from practice, his mind still buzzing with the intensity of the ice. Stepping into their shared apartment, he sensed the heaviness in the air, the subtle shift in Y/N's demeanor. Without a word, he closed the door behind him and crossed the room to where she sat, a silent sentinel amidst a sea of thoughts.
"Matty..." Y/N's voice wavered, laden with the weight of unspoken troubles.
Matt knelt before her, his eyes gentle yet probing. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his hand reaching out to brush away a stray lock of hair from her face.
Y/N sighed, the dam of her emotions threatening to break. "It's just been... one of those days, you know? Everything feels like it's going wrong," she confessed, her gaze seeking solace in his steady presence.
Matt's heart clenched at the sight of her vulnerability, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Rising to his feet, he extended a hand to her. "Come here," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm against the turmoil of her mind.
With a hesitant nod, Y/N accepted his offer, allowing him to draw her into his embrace. In the shelter of his arms, she found refuge from the storm raging within, the warmth of his touch chasing away the chill of uncertainty.
As Y/N leaned into Matt's embrace, she could feel the tension slowly melting away, replaced by a sense of peace and security that only he could provide. His arms enveloped her with a strength that was both comforting and reassuring, anchoring her to the present moment amidst the chaos of her thoughts.
With her head nestled against his chest, Y/N could hear the steady rhythm of Matt's heartbeat, a steady cadence that echoed the promise of his unwavering support. Each beat seemed to whisper words of solace, soothing her troubled mind with its gentle melody.
Matt's fingers traced soothing circles along her back, his touch a gentle caress that seemed to chase away the shadows lurking in the corners of her consciousness. In that moment, there was no need for words—his presence alone was enough to dispel the lingering doubts and fears that had plagued her throughout the day.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, time seemed to stand still, cocooning them in a bubble of tranquility amidst the chaos of the world outside. For in that fleeting moment, all that mattered was the love they shared, a bond forged in the crucible of life's trials and tribulations.
With a soft sigh, Y/N felt the last remnants of tension slip away, replaced by a sense of serenity that washed over her like a gentle tide. In Matt's arms, she found the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that she was not alone.
"You don't have to carry this alone," he whispered, his words a gentle reminder of their shared journey. "I'm here for you, always."
Matt's voice was a soft murmur, his words a gentle reassurance that washed over Y/N like a soothing balm. She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability.
"I know," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "And I'm so grateful for you."
Matt's expression softened, his gaze filled with an understanding that went beyond mere words. He brushed a tender kiss against her forehead, a silent affirmation of his love and support.
"Whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'm here," he said, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions.
Y/N nodded, the weight of her troubles still heavy upon her shoulders, but somehow lighter now, knowing that she didn't have to face them alone. With Matt by her side, she felt a renewed sense of strength and courage, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.
Matt simply smiled, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love for her. And in that moment, as they stood together in the quiet sanctuary of their love, Y/N knew that no matter what life threw their way, as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.
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chris-hallelujah · 14 days
PopStar!Reader x BF!Matt head cannons
Word Count: 460 words (super short I'm sorry!!)
A/N: I have seen the pop star!reader concept floating around a good bit lately, but all ideas are my own and I do not consent to anyone posting this on another platform. Go check out @sleepysturn for her singer!reader content <3
-- Billie
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Matt who is dating pop star reader and...
Attends almost every one of your concerts.
Matt definitely attends all of your California and New England shows. He also is at any other show he can make work with his schedule. There is nothing he loves more than watching you shine on stage doing what you love. He also will throw out t shirts and merch into the crowd before you go on stage.
Wants all the focus on you.
Since you and Matt started dating, it was bound to happen that there would be overlap with your fan bases. It isn't uncommon for fans to be watching and recording him at your concerts. He has been recorded multiple times waving to fans and pointing to you on stage, "Don't look at me, look at her! She's doing so good!"
Protects you from paparazzi.
Matt knows how overwhelming the paparazzi can be. He always has your hand or has his arm around you as you weave your way through the flashing cameras (think Taylor and Travis). He'll use his jacket to block their shots or flip them off to give them shots they can't use on days that you feel particularly overwhelmed. You used to walk around with security all of the time, but now you have Matt.
Is in your top Spotify listeners.
Matt's Spotify wrapped is literally just your songs over and over. He always has your music on in the background. He plays your music when he streams so more people can hear you. And for the songs you wrote for him??? Forget about it, he can't get enough of it. Chris and Nick love your music too but even if they didn't they would know all of the words from Matt playing it so much.
Supports you like nobody else.
Matt can often be seen wearing your merch. When you're up for an award, Matt is constantly sharing the voting link to get people to support you. You're in the peak of your career and he couldn't be more proud of you.
Is amazed by your song writing process.
You and Matt are both creative in different ways. He, obviously, flourishes in the environment of content creation, but isn't musical. You on the other hand, are not as good at coming up with video ideas, but you play multiple instruments. Matt will sit and watch you write new songs, absolutely enchanted by how you do it with such ease. Without you knowing, he will record as you work through different lyrics and rhythms. He also loves when you ask for his opinion. He knows how important your music is to you and the fact that you trust him enough to ask for his thoughts melts his heart.
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mistkissedmoon · 3 months
Say "Habibi"
@inverted-typo You wanted a fluffy story and this was the best I could do, so I hope you like it.
Damian curled his arm around his baby protectively as he made his way past the lobby of Wayne Enterprises. He’d been constantly offended by too many employees trying to touch the precious bundle curled close to his chest already and he wasn’t going to keep Raven waiting so strangers could look and coo their fill. If she was already waiting for them outside, Damian was determined to wrap her up in his coat and drive her and their little love home, where it was warmer and would bring a rosy glow to her cheeks.
Their child had been wonderfully cooperative in giving Raven a break, looking around curiously and babbling happily from the safety of his chest while he did paperwork and other mindless tasks. The warm weight was wonderfully comforting and, not for the first time, Damian thanked whatever higher power had allowed their child to inherit Raven’s gentle temperament. He had imagined their first child would scream in insult whenever parted from their mother, but to his surprise, and Raven’s gentle amusement, their child was dissatisfied most being parted from him.
Her adorable scowls and wails melted his heart and he had assured Raven that the childcare facilities in Wayne Enterprises were more than sufficient to allow him to take their little love along a short workday.
It had been an unproductive day, as though his baby had been good-humored, there had been no end to the parade of visitors looking for any excuse to “drop by” his office. Damian caught the eye of one particularly bothersome man who had made several visits and overstayed to tell him advice “parent to parent” and grimaced, making no attempt to hide his distaste. This man was the last person he wanted to see. Or second last - Drake had also made several visits when he realized how many people would take his visits as permission to follow him and take pictures - and how this bothered his brother. 
“Habibi!” Raven’s welcome voice broke his thoughts and he turned to her, beaming. 
“Beloved!” Damian hurried over to her. “Belabed!” His baby squeaked, catching sight of her. Raven brushed her hand over both their faces and Damian trapped it in his own, kissing her knuckles.
“Your fingers are cold, beloved. I’ll turn up the heat in the car.” He put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her to where his car was parked. Raven rolled her eyes teasingly, happily accustomed to him doting on her. He liked that look on her, smiling and accepting what was her due instead of trying to be as small and unbothersome as possible. 
“You know, our daughter has been calling me ‘beloved’ as often as she calls me ‘mama’.” Damian snuck a look at her and saw her smiling softly. Warmth swelled in his chest at the sight and his lips tugged upwards, helpless as always at the sight of her. “I wonder if she thinks it’s my name.” Raven continued.
Damian hummed thoughtfully while he opened the car door and gently guided her inside. She sighed in relief at being off her feet and reached out to strap their baby in. 
He got in and drove, turning the heat up high. It was unacceptable for either member of his precious family to shiver while he could warm them. He could feel Raven smile at the back of his head and suppressed another smile. Even where he couldn’t see her, she influenced his mood. He missed having her tucked into his side already, where he could hold her hand and look at her expressions.
The snores of their baby were a lovely sound to listen to as he drove home, and when they arrived Raven was half asleep as well. 
“Beloved.” Damian gently roused her. “We’re home. Are you too tired to walk?”
“No, I can manage.” Raven mumbled groggily, stumbling to her feet and yawning while he picked up their snoring child. He guided them both inside and to the bedroom. A nap before dinner would restore both their spirits.
The empath sighed in pleasure as she slipped underneath the thick quilt, wriggling until she was comfortable and looking at him expectantly. He smiled helplessly again, slipping a blanket over their daughter in her crib, changing quickly and curling around her small frame.
“Beloved, what would you like to eat today? We still have some pork belly left.” Damian mused. Raven snuggled closer until he could feel her mouth move as she spoke. “We have some soup left too.” She murmured. “And we can make garlic bread.”
“Whatever you wish, beloved.” Damian dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
A gurgle from their slowly waking baby prompted both of them to look at her. “She really does call me beloved, even when we’re alone, you know.” She said sleepily. “Does she have a nickname for you, too?”
Damian pulled the quilt to cover her shoulder and rubbed her shoulders, sighing. “She may have one. It’s hard to tell which babbles are words right now.”
Raven rolled onto her back, her eyes sparkling. Her hair was splayed around her head, so dark it looked like ink on his sheets. “If she learnt it from hearing you call me beloved so often, perhaps she’d call you names I call you. Darling?” She mused. They looked towards their content daughter for a reaction, but she only looked back at them. “Sweetheart? Habibi?”
“Habeebee!” Their daughter squealed, looking at Damian. Raven laughed, looking at Damian in delight. 
Her lips, her cheeks, her eyes. She looked like she was glowing, so bright and happy it hurt to look at her. Damian wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, and how much he loved her, but it was hard to breathe looking at her, let alone talking to her, and he wouldn’t take his eyes off her for anything. He swallowed thickly.
Kissing her would mean only being able to see a part of her expression, but he’d be able to feel her smiling against his mouth. While he tried to decide what to do, he kissed her knuckles again instead. Her smile widened, and he drank in the sight greedily. Unable to resist her, Damian captured her lips with a long kiss. 
It worked out wonderfully, as Raven was even more beautiful when she had been kissed breathless. And yet, Damian was finally able to breathe. He wondered if he had caught his breath by stealing hers. “You look so beautiful tonight, beloved.” Damian caught her jaw and guided her into another deep kiss. 
It was a wonderful thought, that their daughter would remind Raven of his love whenever she called for her mother with the names he'd taught her. Just as lovely as being reminded of her love whenever their baby called for him.
“Belobed!” Their daughter demanded as they broke apart. He missed her lips for a moment before she burst into laughter and his lips curved up. He’d cook dinner later - right now, he wanted to see how many endearments he could teach their baby, and coax another laugh, another smile, another kiss from his wife.
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bizbat · 1 year
Individual Batfam x Reader
~ Reader is implied to be under 6 feet but appearance and gender are otherwise not mentioned
~ Mature content lightly alluded to for Bruce and Jason's parts but nothing explicit
~ Including: Bruce, Dick, Cass, Jason, Steph and Tim (in order)
~ You can find more of my works here
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♡ Bruce ♡
To be kissed ~ The neck
He loves to be kissed on his neck, just beneath his ear. To him it just feels so intimate, the fact that he has to trust you enough to let you get close enough, to be comfortable enough to let his guard down and let you love him, just makes his heart ache in the most bittersweet way. It makes him feel safe, but he can't help but be reminded that those quiet moments are only temporary. :(
To kiss ~ The shoulders/lower back
Bruce love those quiet moments where maybe he can get a shower with you at night, or he can spend a bit of extra time with you before he has to leave for work in the morning or do some investigating. He likes to wrap his arms around you just press his lips to your skin, especially if you lean into his touch. He likes to hold you will his lips pressed against you, so that they're just barely there.
♡ Dick ♡
To be kissed ~ The chest
Dick likes to lay down on his back with you draped over his chest. You can both be doing different things, maybe he's on his phone and you're watching tv, doesn't matter. He melts when he can feel you press a kiss into his chest, right over his heart. It draws his attention right away.
To kiss ~ The top of your head/face
After you kiss his chest and go back to whatever you were doing, he just stares at you amused for a second. He'll laugh and press a light kiss to the top of your head.
If you go meet him at the door when he gets back from work he'll grab your face and press kisses all over it. He'll squish your cheeks before letting you flicking on the tv and plopping down on the couch and letting you lay on his chest, repeating the cycle.
♡ Cass ♡
To be kissed ~ The face
Cass likes to be kissed anywhere on her face, but if she had to pick a favorite it would probably be a three way tie between the tip of her nose, her eyelids, and her forehead. It makes her feel like every part of her is really loved and adored. She's a big fan of affection but is unused to it, having only started to receive it recently.
To kiss ~ The face
The same way she likes to feel like every tiny part of her is loved, she wants you to feel the same. I imagine different parts of the face mean different things between the two of you. A kiss to the forehead is a bit somber, maybe after a particularly rough night of crime fighting, the tip of the nose is a bit playful, when the two of you go out on a date or, the eyelids if one of you is taking a nap or if you're resting your head in her lap.
♡ Jason ♡
To be kissed ~ The cheek
Jason likes to receive a kiss on the cheek as you're on your way out. The domesticity of such a small action makes his heart melt. It may not seem like a lot, but the fact that you remember to do it makes him feel so important. It's more than something you check off on a list every morning, it's an integral part of both of your routines. Missing it can result in both of you having shitty days.
To kiss ~ The wrist/ankle
He likes to grab your wrist and gently pull it to his mouth. Could be for anything, at any time, at any place. In the morning, in the evening, at home, at the grocery store. Anything, anywhere, anytime. It's his way of showing that you're his.
The ankle, on the other hand, is reserved exclusively for the more. . . exciting parts of your day. He'll have your ankles perched to his shoulders and press a sweet kiss to them all while he maintains eye contact.
♡ Steph ♡
To be kissed ~ The head
She loves it when yall are cuddling and you just press your lips to her hairline. If you give her a kiss on her forehead before heading out she will actually melt. She, just like Jason, LOVES those small moments of domesticity that make everything feel normal.
To kiss ~ The palm
To Steph, there is no truer show of commitment than a kiss to the palm. To her it means you hold her heart in your hand, that she's willing to give you her everything. It's secretly her being the most open she'll ever be willing to be with people. To let her guard down and show that she trusts you.
♡ Tim ♡
To kiss ~ The Cheek
Maybe not his favorite, but definitely the most common place for him to kiss you. Like Bruce, he doesn't always have a lot of free time, despite trying his hardest, so he usually just kisses you wherever is most convenient. That usually happens to be your cheek, which, to be fair, he's not upset about. He loves your cheeks, he loves how soft they are, how nice the feel in his hands when he holds your face, etc.
To be kissed ~ The Neck
The boy's busy, most of his time he's hunched over in a gaming chair, deeply involved in a case he has yet to solve. If you just come up behind him, wrap your arms around his shoulders, and press a kiss to the nape of his neck, he will actually love you forever. He knows he should try to give you more time, but the fact that you're so understanding makes his heart melt.
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charlessmiths-wife · 1 month
having donna brain rot so like…. have some headcannons if you want x these are mostly hcs of what I think a relationship would be like with her but there’s also some general ones in there!
CW!! brief mentions of PTSD/discussions of poor mental health
-> i think my personal take on Donna is that she’s very quiet/introverted at first, but the more comfortable she becomes around you the more she opens up. i see her as the silent but thoughtful type. she’s got a lot of care for those who mean a lot to her (so you!) but around those who she doesn’t like or isn’t as comfortable around this angel is absolutely silent. plenty of thoughts about how annoying they are, but they’re very rarely vocalised.
-> on that note, Donna hates meetings of the lords.
-> it’s not that Donna has awful relationships with the other lords of the village, I actually do believe they are relatively close in spite of the fact she prefers her isolation
-> it’s more so… meetings often showcase a lot of strong personalities… which lead to arguments (particularly Heisenberg and Alcina based arguments - this is affectionate bc I love them both x) that just stress Donna out.
-> i think (given how long Donna lived on her on with just Angie and the dolls for company) Donna didn’t really have anyone to open up to regarding past traumas or any issues that troubled her.
-> so when she first met you, and saw how much you cared about her… and how much you listened… she couldn’t believe it
-> literally.
-> I have a hc that shortly after coming clean to you about her feelings for you and beginning to grow closer to you, Donna… had something of an argument with you
-> she legitimately believed you were too good to be true. and you were some sort of cruel manipulation tactic sent by like Miranda or something to butter her up for some kind of scheme.
-> once you reassured her your feelings for her were genuine and you truly cared for her simply because you loved her… she broke down sobbing.
-> it broke your heart to see her believe so genuinely she didn’t deserve you. but that day did prove to be crucial in not only you guys’ relationship, but also Donna’s life.
-> not only did you manage to encourage Donna to seek help for her mental health struggles- but you also encouraged her to open up more to you.
-> and she does! she does both! and babygirl comes on leaps and bounds!
-> Donna’s past experiences will always be with her, but you managed to show her she’s deserving and worthy of a brighter future.
-> I like to imagine you guys love baking together, particularly Donna. She finds it relaxing.
-> and she’s AMAZING at it. and cooking.
-> omfg Donna is incredible at cooking.
-> she loves to make Italian dishes for you. and she gets Angie to help.
-> Just imagine walking into the kitchen to find Donna absolutely MASTERING the art of hand making your favourite meal… meanwhile Angies running around the kitchen wearing a small chefs hat and apron (that Donna made) waving a wooden spoon around as if it’s a weapon.
-> You and Donna do have to wrestle the spoon off of her later that night.
-> I also think Donna really likes music!
-> she owns an old record player, sometimes she’ll play a record for the pair of you and ask you to dance. you always say yes, how could you say no to someone so cute?
-> she’s actually a very talented person. you’re always reminding her of this, because sometimes she forgets.
-> the woman literally has an ear for good music, can bake, cook, CRAFT, sew, garden, write….
-> I also (for some reason) think she has some secret talent at chess. Like, she’s untouchable when it comes to that game. You don’t know how, but she wins every time, it’s entertaining to watch but it does mean board game nights aren’t really overly competitive x
-> her love language is absolutely words of affirmation.
-> please tell her how much you care about her, and how good you think she is. she will melt.
-> i actually think her default form of giving love language is a mixture of physical touch and gift giving.
-> she mightn’t always know how to tell you how much she loves you verbally, but she’ll write it in a poem and gift it to you or she’ll make you a gift or maybe even softly stroke your back in the mornings and it’ll all be clear
-> you never have to doubt how much she cares about you.
-> loves cutesy nicknames. call her ‘my love’ or ‘darling’ and watch her MELT.
-> (has a soft spot for the nickname ‘princess’.)
-> you and her are just so sickeningly sweet when you’re together.
-> you can spend entire days with each other in peaceful silence. just lying in each others arms and occasionally whispering how much you love each other, softly pressing kisses to each others lips cheeks and forehead. really anywhere you can.
-> Angie will roll her eyes and pretend to be ‘sick’ but she’s secretly over the moon. she’s never seen Donna so happy and confident in herself than when she found you.
-> it makes her happy to see. it’s what Donna deserves <3
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Silly cross guild stuff but focused on my main man, my boy, my blue wet rat blorbo-
Mihawk is absolutely OFFENDED to be a father. He never asked for the parent life, the parent life crashed into his island against his will TWICE and now he can't escape.
Zoro will not admit to it, but it's there. They're both emotionally stoic, but they Understand. They have the vibe. They know. They know each other knows. They know the other knows they know. It's A Thing.
Perona is Mihawk's little girl and she's his goth princess. The parental vibe is there, no doubt about that, they both know (mostly), but their differences in personality often result in fights.
Luckily, Mihawk winds up falling in with an equally flashy and equally emotional person as his daughter.
Perona and Buggy get on like a house on fire.
They can and WILL make it everyone's problem.
At first, there are some points of contention - Buggy's not one for goth looks (#trauma), and Perona doesn't find clowns particularly cute. They very quickly find a comfortable middle ground, where Buggy spoils her rotten with different styles and spa days while Perona helps him experiment with different outfits and aesthetics. It's so sweet, it's so cute, Croc+Hawk are suffering so much cuteness aggression. It's great.
A lot of evenings will find the two dark haired warlords retiring for the evening to find Buggy, Alvida, Perona (maybe Uta too bc I love her), all of them having a spa night. They have masks, nail polish, he's doing Perona's hair and Alvida is doing Uta's nails while the songstress is painting the mace wielder's toes. It's domestic and silly and sweet.
Buggy also really adores doing makeup and hair. It's a crossover from his adoration of performances and performing arts. He helps out when they do ACTUAL performances too, be it Big Top Centric or on Karai Bari, landlocked.
Perona and Uta are his favorite little practice dummies, and Alvida can even be persuaded with wine, hot gossip and praise to do the same.
Perona personally ADORES the basket weaved braids he does for her, suble little flicks of flashy eyeliner that adds a slight touch of a carnival/clownery vibe to her makeup.
Uta is torn between most split styles and this crisscross looping braid Buggy does which turns her hair into a pepperminty-wonderland. ((Also she has been debating bleaching/lightening her red, dying her white.... pink and blue are such comfy colors to her now...........))
It's especially adorable when Buggy teaches them some tips and tricks that transfer from performance to fighting, and they eventually even have a shared performance, hair done the same, makeup complementary but individualistic. It makes hearts MELT because the girls are simply SO HAPPY, Buggy is absolutely VIBRATING in joy.
The day they realize that, by their powers combined, they may even be able to rope Mihawk into it, too..... well.
That's a story for another time, huh?
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miyosei · 1 year
premise. i assign them a oneus song based on what it’s like when they love you — ft. clorinde, lyney, navia, neuvillette
reader is gn, lowercase, written before the release of clorinde / navia / neuvillette, you don’t need to know oneus to understand ( but if you do please be my friend )
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CLORINDE. champion duelist
you and i are in different conditions, it’s tiring approaching you cold — fragile
it’s almost frustrating—how incompatible you are, how suffocating the atmosphere is when she’s in the same room as you, how stiff the conversations feel when you force yourself to be cordial.
not to the fault of her, or even you for that matter. you are just so inexplicably difficult to grasp, like a sword just out of her reach and so close to the tips of her fingers.
but clorinde is an unstoppable force and is stubborn to a fault. and you are a cannon made of glass.
or maybe, you are the moon, pulling her in during the high tides and letting go once the sun begins to rise. a secret kept behind closed doors only when there are no prying eyes—the people of fontaine are notoriously known for their love of gossip.
maybe the truth isn’t that you aren’t incompatible, just opposite forces that are too powerful for their own good. because when she isn’t trailing behind your respective god or walking beside the chief justice, you find that clorinde the person and clorinde the champion duelist are rather different from each other. and much to your chagrin, just clorinde is regrettably more pleasant than you’ve led yourself to believe.
clorinde cannot afford to be emotional. it is nonnegotiable, a fundamental pillar that comes with her occupation—the one she swore her life to until her final breath.
still, she can’t help but want to be closer to you. stealing glances every so often during court trials, lingering near your home for just a second too long when she passes by on her patrols, stopping her hands from reaching out to you during the rare instances where you happen to cross paths.
clorinde has fought many battles and has come out of that same arena unscathed without a single imperfection on her skin. but when you stand before her face to face glaring daggers into her head with eyes that have long since put her in her grave, clorinde thinks this is one fight she does not know how to win.
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LYNEY. spectacle of phantasmagoria
the long awaited curtains finally open, and the lights shine only on you — stand by
for lyney, it comes as easily as setting a stage. and luckily for him, he has had years of experience of entertainment to last him the next lifetime.
adjust the lights, load the sparklers, make sure all the props are perfectly prepared—because it has to be perfect, or it is not worth calling a show at all.
it has to be perfect because you’re sitting there in the center of his world, and he cannot handle the thought of disappointing you when your eyes twinkle and you have a smile that makes his heart flutter out of his chest. truly, he thinks you’ve been the one charming him and not the other way around.
and it’s your seat, nobody else’s. he’ll throw a fit if anyone else gets assigned that spot in the opera, lynette has seen it turn out so one too many times.
when did he become so lovesick, lyney tries to pinpoint where it started. it’s difficult to gauge, because even in his deepest memories, you were always there. in every corner of his heart, in all the gaps of his fingers. it all reminds him of you. the street performers sing choirs of love that make his heart melt, trinkets on display he wonder if you would like, desserts through the windows that he would love to try with you.
( correction: desserts that lyney would love to see you try. not because he particularly dislikes sweets, but because he fears his heart may just go into overdrive if exposed to both the melting flavors and your hypnotizing light. )
“how horrible, i’ve been ruined!” he falls dramatically into the cushions of his bed, face first into the pillows as lynette sits idly beside him with a cup of tea. the extravagant display is only two stops short of the truth. one that lyney is reluctant to accept for a number of regrettably selfish reasons.
the first: he buried the dull and boring pieces of himself and locked them away for no one else to see in favor of his charismatic prestige. it would not come so easily to let that go.
the second, and the more daunting: if he suddenly peeled back the facade, would you still love him? would you think him undesirable and remove yourself from his life? no, that would be just awful, he can’t have that happen.
of course, you’ve never had any explicit expectations for him. and of course, lyney doesn’t know if you love him. but he, as every other lovesick loser, truly hopes you do. because he isn’t sure if he can keep denying himself any longer.
but alas, he’s out of time—the stage lights flash and the curtains are drawn open. and lyney, of course, enters with the same dramatic flair. his eyes instantly find yours in the crowd. you’re in your spot, like you always are. your smile makes his chest pound, like it always does.
oh, he can only hope for you to stay once the show ends.
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NAVIA. demoiselle of the spina di rosula
it’s like i’m crooked in front of you, my head is spinning round and round — zigzag
the world is moving so quickly, and navia can’t seem to see even two steps in front of her. the last she remembered, you were in front of her with a devilish grin. when she blinked, you were out of sight like she was never speaking to you in the first place.
oh, this is so embarrasing. spina di rosula’s big boss caught in a lovestruck daze, all because of an outsider with a pretty smile. melus asks if she’s feeling unwell when her faces runs red—to which navia only responds with a slam to the door of her private headquarters.
it’s all so black and white when it comes to you, like tunnel vision focusing only on the destination. as if you were the one thing she was looking for this entire time.
would you like this dress? or perhaps a matching suit would be better? would it be too over the top to get custom made matching outfits?
“demoiselle, it’s just a small banquet.”
navia almost has the nerve to look shocked. just a small banquet? impossible, nothing is small when it comes to you. everything has to be perfect. because you’re the greatest partner she’s ever had, her closest companion, her number one. of course it has to be perfect. how ridiculous people must be to think it otherwise.
regardless, it’s no secret to anyone that the two of you are most comfortable around each other. behind the flamboyant mask and an outfit with far too many buttons, your laughter rings through the open air and reaches her like a gust of wind—brushing past her hair and leaving her paused and dizzy.
this is absurd, is she tipsy? no—no, she is most definitely sober. sober and flustered and definitely staring far too obviously for her liking. but, if that sparkle in your eyes was any indication, then you didn’t seem to mind it much at all.
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NEUVILLETTE. ordainer of inexorable judgement
i was always there just out of your orbit, if only i could tell you i love you — halley’s comet
‘when it rains in fontaine, the hydro dragon is in mourn.’
common knowledge to the people who hailed from the land of justice. and if that is to be treated as fact, then the emotional equivalent of the unforgiving weather must be grief.
but nothing has gone wrong in neuvillette’s life to warrant such a visceral reaction. surely, something is different, but each knob belongs to a door that does not open. an unusual—if not cruel—predicament.
the first time he saw you, it was raining. back then, you didn’t have any coverage and instead stood soaked down to the laces of your boots. what were you thinking about, he wonders. what are you thinking about now, where are you now?
in the moment, he thought you strange for standing out in the worst storm of the season. now, he likens that scene to a better time—cast in the shadow of your light when you turn with a bright grin and ask just what ‘monsieur neuvillette’ is doing out in the pouring rain.
he blinked, almost caught off guard. shouldn’t he be the one asking you that? there is no one else out in the city besides the two of you. any well-minded fontainian would know better than to frolic in the puddles and kick up water in the streets.
but neuvillette, while he does not know why, knows that you are a flame that cannot be doused.
you, always just out of reach from his fingertips when he opens himself with outstretched hands and eyes that don’t quite match his face. you, a searing comet that cuts through the sky without a second to spare, a trail of stardust left in your wake.
and if you were willing to wait for him, just this once. he would come to you open armed with his vulnerability exposed.
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don’t talk to me about how lyney’s is so much longer than everyone else’s … i don’t know what happened also if you see me come back to this post to add the images don’t pay it any mind zzzz
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shierak-inavva · 4 months
I genuinely shipped Remy x Rogue from the series and some moments in the comics.
Erik x Rogue just happened to be another pairing I later shipped in addition bc I was fascinated by all of their interactions in the comics.
I knew Remy x Rogue were THE pairing though, so I left it at that.
Then ‘97 happened.
I love Remy and him with Rogue to bits…
but my heart has been beating SO ARDENTLY from all of the moments with Erik x Rogue.
I haven’t been so passionate about a non-status quo pairing since X-Men: Evolution (Cyclops x Rogue 😅), and my heart just ACHES so much for Rogueneto to have a canon happy ending since the comics keep fumbling that up.
anon, man, i get you. i’m new to this fandom entirely but i’m not particularly a fan of the rogue/gambit relationship from what i’ve seen of it—but then rogue/magneto is way more geared towards my personal tastes anyways.
i actually got into '97 BECAUSE i learned about the rogue/magneto relationship and i was so intrigued by the idea of it (my only knowledge at that time of these two characters was ian mckellan and anna paquin and i thought 'well god that's wild as hell i gotta see this' and then BOOM magneto was out here lookin like THAT and of course i got hooked are you KIDDING me) and i was instantly drawn to the dynamic between them and the intrigue of their relationship. getting to see them coming together at the end of episode 2 like that was...well, it cemented the whole thing for me, the girl who no one can touch and who can't touch anyone else, who craves physical intimacy and connection, finally having someone who can touch and be touched by her?? oh my god. the way she melted when he touched her hand, i'm still just unwell over it.
(also scott/rogue in evolution was super cute potentially so you're so real for that fr)
but i think what really draws me to them as a ship is how intensely and deeply their relationship goes in the comics. these are two people who forged a bond with each other that's lasted for years--even when they've been apart or with other people (gambit, for instance) they're still orbiting each other. rogue is always the one person to trust erik, to believe she can still appeal to him or that he can be reasoned with and erik is always there when and if rogue needs help, needs him. PERSONALLY i think that they've fallen together and apart in the comics like they have because they're both so similar and and both so self-sacrificing that they're willing to give up their own happiness together to try and make others happy, to meet outside expectations, and because i think they're both afraid of actually accepting happiness together. rogue is also, i think, not prepared for the kind of relationship/life that erik is offering her. he's intense, and his life is intense, and honestly if she were to choose to be with him it would mean accepting power and accepting the love of someone who wants to help her grow and evolve and be powerful because he sees potential in her and views her not just as a lover but as a partner and an equal. and for someone as powerful as magneto to see you as an equal....i mean i'm sure yall can do the math there.
i'd love to see them both fully embrace a relationship and a life together, but i know that's probably not gonna come together in the comics for us 😮‍💨 at least certainly not any time soon; but the relationship we've been getting bits and pieces of in '97 has the potential to be something really interesting and really satisfying, so i'm hoping they do more with it moving forward !!
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have any fic recommendations?
I just read Intricate Rituals by zade (AO3)/@racetrackthehiggins because it was recently rec'd to me (E, Complete, 11/11). I asked the people for something very sad but with a happy ending and the people delivered. I ate this up and read it basically in a single sitting if you don't include the time I took to go do my job for two hours lol. This hit every single spot in terms of very heartbreaking relationship dynamic that I was looking for. I love earnest but confused Steve who's just in love but scared to tell it until he literally can't keep it in anymore and a scared Eddie who lashes out and hurts Steve when he's honest and then deeply regrets it. That's what I care abt... morning, noon, and night, I care about her. She is who I want, that is where my loyalties lie. Definitely mind the tags on this one though!
I love love love Trouble Looks Good on You by indelicate (AO3)/@steddielations. (E, WIP, 2/4) I love the dynamic between Eddie and Steve here and I absolutely adore the way they flirt here. 10/10 flirting !! Also, if you love this then definitely check out Melt Me on Your Tongue (E, Complete, 1/1). Steve taking care of Eddie and both of them loving it. Both of these make me go 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I really love you looking at me, looking at you by emryses (AO3)/@emryses (M, Complete, 10/10). Very much in the same vein as Intricate Rituals, with a heartbreaking FWB-type relationship where Steve is clearly falling in love and Eddie breaks his heart because he's scared. So good.
Anything by Adure (AO3)/@toburnup, but particularly is your light on? (E, WIP, 12/16) which spans years of Eddie and Steve's relationship and is in progress right now (recently updated!). Another heartbreaking slowburn FWB situation for the boys (are we sensing a theme here yet??). Lots of internalized homophobia/self-policing in this one, so mind that, but so worth the read and so insanely well-written, it makes me jealous to read it. I also really particularly love throw me one (E, Complete, 5/5)!
Looks like we're in for nasty weather (E, Complete, 10/10) by prufrocks (AO3)/@geddyqueer is so so so so so so so so so s ooo cute. So cute!!!! Modern!AU where Steve is training to be a park ranger, Eddie can talk to ghosts, Robin hosts a monster podcast, and there's something spooky in the woods. :) :) :) :) Very fun and did I mention cute?
The Sad Steddie Scenario by @steddierthings. Steve and Eddie suffer a misunderstanding and Eddie is... harsh. I am (very very very) patiently! waiting for more more more of this. I love this. It's so good.
wonderin' where i am, lost without you by @outpastthebrakers was rec'd to me when I asked for something sad but with a happy ending. Definitely hit the spot! Eddie forgets Steve's birthday and has to deal with the consequences. Very sad and then very sweet <3
I loooooooove reputation by theamazingbard (AO3)/@theamazingbard (E, Complete, 2/2). Steve learns that Eddie is perhaps even more promiscuous than himself and doesn't know what to do with that information. I love me some idiots-to-lovers. That is my all-time favorite trope. They can have each other but they're just so stupid. It's very fun.
Please read off the beaten path by pukner (AO3)/@pukner (E, Complete, 6/6). You have to. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them (acab tho). Steve is aware of and secure with his sexuality and recognizes that Eddie is flagging. However!!!!!! Eddie is flagging accidentally. He is not aware of his sexuality!!! And then he is scared and accidentally hurts Steve. Which, as we've established, is my favorite dynamic. And I love the fandom reversal of "Steve is aware, it's Eddie who isn't!!!!!" Sooo good, soooo cute. Steve is just so adorable in this and I love him and cherish him deeply.
I asked for sad fic recs last week and was rec'd Stevie's Time Loop by stevesbipanic (AO3)/@stevesbipanic (M, Complete, 2/2), which I have not had the chance to read yet, but I am confident I'll really enjoy it!!!!
I was also rec'd The Man That I Could Be by ohstars (AO3) (ohstars autocorrected to oysters, stop it I am SCREAMING lol)/@oh-stars (E, Complete, 26/26), which I'm currently reading right now and really enjoying. I'm on chapter 5!!! We could read it together. Book club.
Also, you should read sorry about the blood in your mouth (I wish it was mine) 🙃
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mmani-e · 8 months
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Another post! This time featuring what the antagonists for my AU might look like. While Akane and Nekomaru are locked in the rest is up to changes in the future. Kyoko and Celestia were put on a poll but the results I believe I didn't set up properly, so now I'm amending that somewhat. I drew both sets in these sketches, and when enough time has passed I'll set up another poll, properly this time on strawpoll.
As for some design explanations and lore you can check under the cut :)
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Kyoko and Makoto I believe are pretty straightforward here, I gave Kyoko a neckerchief that goes pretty far down to give her that sort of upper class educated look, while Makoto I gave a smart little jacket. There's only so far you can go with the normal boy, but I also made his hair fluffier and nicer. His ahoge is there but it's normally combed back, and only springs to full life when he's in murder mode.
Kyoko joined her dad in leaving the tradition of detective work behind and entered the business world where she used her analytical mind to be the best damn stock investor in the world, while definitely something she excels at it's not something she finds particularly fulfilling.
Makoto is a wholesome, normal dude who loves writing books about wholesome stories with good endings, while his family was and still is normal, he was captured once by unscrupulous scientists wanting to explore Despair and its mysterious qualities. Makoto never gave in, but in his suffering developed an alter ego who was grimly invested in justice above all else.
Sparkling Justice is a night haunter, who exclusively goes around killing murderers and evildoers against Makoto's wishes. Choosing to right any injustice he sees in the world, allowing for happy endings for the victims, surely?
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I went hard with celes and hifumi a long time ago in previous designs, so here they are with similar designs as I gave them before. Hifumi wears a suit vest, and a button-up underneath while still keeping his bag... which may or may not be more than just a simple bag...
Celestia was born a normal kid and absolutely hated that life, so when a relative of hers from Europe visited she begged them and her family to go with them and she did. She grew up exploring Europe, and would propose money-making schemes to her family abroad and would eventually be able to fund the glamorous lifestyle she always thought she deserved.
Hifumi is just a writer-focused version of himself, though with a particular love for action-romance novels and fiction rather than strictly heart-melting novels like Touko. He's a sweet boy but very weird and horny for Celestia, so he's completely useless around her. He's basically a tool... just like...
ROBO-JUSTICE is a serial killer known for their modus operandi of targeting particularly attractive and very mean women with hammers or blunt force trauma. This alter was formed after one particularly awful night of bullying resulting in Hifumi getting thrown into an abandoned industrial park and nearly dying from exposure to wires and sharp metal. Despite this though, it is almost entirely subservient to Celestia whenever it surfaces from Hifumi's mind.
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Akane and Nekomaru I've already drawn before, but I think it'd be nice to give some of the backstory I've planned for them.
Akane is a well-meaning, brash, and reckless person whose freakish natural strength pairs with a luck that does everything except help her directly. Random and unpredictable, Akane desperately tries everything she can to get into extremely unpredictable and dangerous situation for her luck to grace those around her with the best outcome from her misfortune, even if it means hurting a lot of people in the process.
Nekomaru was inspired by the nonstop hard work he saw the nurses had to do when they were treating his heart condition. So inspired that he made it his solemn vow to join them whatever it took, leading him to become the ultimate nurse. He would, however, be the first of his classmates to fall to the despair of the mastermind, as his well-meaning nature drew him into a trap he could not predict.
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For Rantaro and Tenko I took inspiration from M. Bison(Dictator) and Criss Angel specifically. These are the most experimental designs I have as you can tell, but I plan on working on them a lot.
Tenko's story involves her becoming the head of her little "dojo" and straight up turning it into a cult, with her as the ultimate supreme leader and the greatest fighter in the world.
Rantaro started off doing magic for her sisters, and got so good at making them happy that one of them introduced his magic act to the world through sites like youtube, causing him to become a sensation drooled over by millions of girls around the world.
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