#I should dress up as a witness for Halloween and go trick-or-treating… using an old service bag as a candy basket
I’ve never dressed up for Halloween before in my life. Tomorrow there’s a parade at the school I work for. It’s dinosaur time. 🦖 rawr
I’m also going to wear a handmade superhero costume for the time before the parade; because I can — fuck you Jehovah — that’s why. Since age fifteen, I’ve devoted all my time and energy to coming up with subtle costumes for the purpose of scaring away householders from this cult; so I’m allowed to dress up as something silly that doesn’t deal me 10,000x psychic damage when I look in the mirror, goddammit.
I am going to walk with the children and it will be FUN. I will distribute CANDY and eat PIZZA and watch GOD-DISHONORING MOVIES and worship SATAN in my CHUNKY DINO COSTUME.
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sunphroggy · 3 years
have you ever seen the best movie of all time aka Hocus Pocus? (if you haven't I rlly suggest you do it's *chefs kiss*) Well, what if I- *dsmp-ifyies another piece of media*
*ahem* So, on October 31st, 1693, Technoblade witnesses his sister being whisked away into the woods by three witches (aka the dream team) who want to absorb her youth and regain their own through the power of a potion they brew.
Being the big brother he is, Technoblade rushes into the woods to confront the witches but is too late and is transformed into an immortal pig forced to live with his guilt for not saving his sister.
Dream, George and Sapnap are arrested and sentence them to death for the murder of Technoblade and his sister but before their execution, Dream casts a spell that will resurrect the three of them when there is a full moon on All Hallows Eve and a foolish child lights a cursed candle.
Flash forward, modern day, Halloween. The Watson Family have moved to Salem and Wilbur, the eldest son, is having trouble settling in. After a fight with his father, Phil, Wilbur is being forced to take his younger brother Tommy trick-or-treating and the two brothers sneak into the Witches Cottage which has now been turned into a museum.
The cottage is typical. Lots of cobweds, smells bad. Oh, and there's a candle on display in the middle of the room with a sign that says DANGER ABSOLUTELY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU LIGHT THIS CANDLE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY DO NOT LIGHT THIS CANDLE I'M LITERALLY BEGGING YOU.
So naturally Wilbur lights it.
And this inadvertently resurrects century old witches who want revenge on the town for killing them. Oh and they also want to eat children's souls. And gosh by luck should have it, there's a blonde child right there waiting for them.
After setting off the sprinklers, saving Tommy and stealing a weird looking spell book, Wilbur gets the fuck out of there only to find a pig who can apparently talk and uses that ability to call Wilbur a complete fucking idiot for lighting that candle, he goes by the name Techno.
Techno leads the brothers to an old cemetery because Dream, George and Sapnap cannot step foot on hallowed ground. Here, he shows them the grave of his sister and a man named Sam, who used to aid the witches back in the day but betrayed them and was consequently killed by Dream and had his mouth sewn shut so he couldn't tell their secrets, even in death. He tells them of his life, of what happened to him and his sister and the curse he is under and he warns Wilbur to protect Tommy at all costs because you don't know how much someone means to you until theyre gone.
Techno informs them that the witches spell only lasts on Halloween, and unless they suck the soul out of at least one child they will turn to dust when the sun rises.
Meanwhile, the Dream Team try to adjust to the modern world, resulting in some shenanigans as they though some child dressed as a devil was Satan Himself and that a road was just a very deep black river.
(Dream, standing just at the line where grass becomes tarmac: what the fuck is this??
George: Looks like a river, a really deep river
Dream: How can we be sure?
Sapnap: *literally just standing there*
They push Sapnap onto the road, resulting is lots of screaming and claims that he can't swim and that he's going to drown. Only for him to realises he's still just standing there.)
Anyway. Eventually, they catch up to out ragtag band of hero's, and Dream raises the dead body of Sam to chase them on foot where they cannot step.
After a close chase with Zombie Sam, Wilbur decides to be a responsible big brother and go find his parents who are attending a big Halloween party at City Hall. Tommy tells him he's being stupid and they can take on the witches - or, as he cleverly calls them, the bitches - all by themselves. But, nonetheless, the brothers plus a talking pig make it to City Hall. Unfortunately, so do the Dream Team.
(This scene is my favourite part of the actual movie and perhaps its just because I Put a Spell on You is my favourite song but anyways-)
Wilbur, unsuccessfully, tries to convince his father and the towns folk that the witches are back but Dream preforms an absolutely stellar performance of I Put a Spell on You (with George and Sapnap as back ups, of course) and all the partygoers are enchanting to dance until they day.
Running out of options, the trio run to the high school where Tommy has the bright idea to burn them alive. And it works! Using Tommy they lure Dream, George and Sapnap into the kiln and set the bitches ablaze. Woo! Day saved!
Or so they think.
Thinking that the danger has passed, Wilbur studies through the pages of the spellbook to find away to reverse the curse on Techno and turn him back to human, unknowning that the spellbook alerts the witches of their whereabouts and the Dream Team track them down, kidnapping Tommy and taking back the spellbook in the process.
Flying above town Sapnap casts a spell over the town which lures all the children in town towards the cottage.
Frantic, Wilbur and Techno plot a way to retrieve Tommy - because Phil is going to put him six feet under if he comes home from being enchanted at that party to find that Tommy has been taken and killed by a trio of century old witches. Using car headlights, they manage to convince the Dream Team that sunrise comes an hour early and in their panic, Wilbur grabs Tommy just before the witches can suck the rest of his soul and escapes back to the cemetery to wait out until sunrise but they are ambushed by Sam, who uses a sharp piece of glass to cut the stitches on his mouth and then yell the head off Dream.
The witches attack, and Dream attempts to use the last bit of potion to suck the rest of Tommy's soul but Techno snatches it off him and gives it to Wilbur. In an attempt to save his brother, Wilbur drinks the potion so the witches have to take him instead of Tommy which Dream is more than happy to do if it means he gets to live.
But just as Wilbur is about to die, Tommy screaming in the background as he fends off Sapnap and George, the sun rises causing Dream to fall onto the hallowed ground of the cemetery and turn into a stone statue, while George and Sapnap get caught in the light and disintegrate into dust.
With the witches gone, the curse that has been held over Techno for centuries has been lifted and his pig body dies, leaving the spirit of the man he once was to be reunited with his sister in the afterlife. Sam returns to his grave, now able to rest in peace.
The partygoers awake from their enchantment, completely unaware of anything that transpired. The children of the town return to their beds.
And Wilbur burns the spellbook with the same lighter he used to light the candle that started this whole thing, then he and Tommy walk home.
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Sugar and Spooks (But Mostly Just Sugar)
It's Grimmtober 2021!
Day 1: Candy
“Hey, honey, what’re you...” Henry stops his sentence short, making eye contact with Sabrina, mid-bite of her chocolate bar.
The slightly unhinged look in his eldest daughter’s eyes might have clued him in on the situation because he very quickly reassessed the situation.
“Alright. Great talk, honey, see you soon.”
or, Sabrina Grimm isn't a big fan of Halloween, but that doesn't apply to the sugary treats the holiday is known for.
Note: It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything for the Sisters Grimm so bear with me, please! It’s also been QUITE a while since I’ve shared any of my work with the public, much less Tumblr, so that’ll be fun.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Sisters Grimm and I'm not MB. Just a fan partaking in a fandom even for Halloween :)
Some notes about this series: All the stories take place in no particular order of timeline. We’ll see about that though. It depends on how long I manage to keep this up. Not exactly canon-compliant since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read the scripture, y’know?
So yeah, Briar’s alive (and whoever else I need for the purposes of the plot, I guess). Okay, I’ve kept you along for long enough, enjoy the first prompt!
Sabrina Grimm was not a big fan of Halloween.
Maybe she was, once upon a time, before losing her parents to a cult led by her long-lost grandmother’s magical mirror.
But the Sabrina who dressed up as the Sugar Plum Princess to go trick-or-treating around Manhattan would be very disappointed indeed at the Sabrina who grimaced at the thought of parading around in a silly costume and begging people for candy.
Which is precisely what Sabrina Grimm was doing as her younger sister begged her to take her trick-or-treating later that week.
“Please Sabrina?” Daphne begged, hands clasped together and face on the verge of breaking out into a pout. “Red and I’ve been working all month to figure out the optimus path for trick-or-treating!”
This, Sabrina knows, is very true. She’s had to chaperone a few late-afternoon adventures as the two girls timed each other on how fast they could run through the block to yield the most candy. But trailing behind her little sister and Red on the way home from school is very different from being forced to go trick-or-treating. Besides, she had plans.
“First of all Daphne, it’s optimal . And second of all, isn’t dressing up in Ferryport Landing pointless when half the people here look like they regularly shop at Spirit Halloween?” Heck, most of the people in the town have about a million variations of their likenesses up for sale in party stores around the country.
“But mom won’t let us out later unless we get someone older. She and Basil Jr. are just going to kill the mood if we have to stop before 5 pm!” Oh boy, here come the puppy eyes…
“He’s too old and grumpy for Halloween.”
“And I’m not grumpy enough for you? Uh, how about Uncle Jake?”
“Already asked him. He said he’s going to a party with Briar. And something about a Monster Mash.”
“Granny? Canis? Snow? Charming?? ” Sabrina was running out of options at this point.
“Granny’s got some errands to run and Mr. Canis is going with her. If Snow takes us she won’t be there to give out giant chocolate bars, and If we ask Charming, then Snow won’t be able to convince him to give out his giant stash of imported fancy chocolate.” As Daphne counted off the options with her fingers, Sabrina felt her chance at a peaceful evening slip through her fingers.
Well… almost.
“What about Puck?” As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Sabrina felt the soft halo of victory engulf her.
Fairy Boy was (more or less) the perfect candidate for Daphne and Red’s shenanigans— with the added bonus of keeping the trickster king from pulling any pranks on her in the spirit of the season.
With a quick shout of “You lucked out this time, Sabrina!” Daphne shot up the stairs in search of Puck. Presumably to work out a costume for him. There’s no chance that Puck will be able to say no to the opportunity to possibly pull a boatload of pranks on the houses that give out crappy candy.
Sabrina thinks that she’ll probably regret this decision by the end of the night on the 31st, but she’s mostly thinking about how nice it’ll be not to have to deal with Daphne on a sugar high on Halloween night.
And that’s exactly what she finds herself doing on the evening of the 31st. Not dealing with a hyperactive little sister or a prankster fairy boy with access to a million pounds of sugar. Sabrina’s confident she could probably handle Red, but she’s also never seen the Everafter girl eat a pixie stick.
None of that matters at this current moment, however, because by some stroke of luck, Sabrina is the only person currently in the Grimm household.
After double-checking that Elvis and her dad were actually out on their walk and that Puck wasn’t hiding behind any doors with an unpleasant surprise waiting for her, Sabrina let out a breath of relief.
Setting up the TV to one of the more classic seasonal reruns, Sabrina makes her way into the kitchen to retrieve her secret stash of candy. On the very bottom section of the higher shelf, out of reach of Daphne, and low enough to escape the direct view of Puck sits an inconspicuous box of generic raisin bran cereal.
Moving the box of cereal to the side reveals a second box of the same generic cereal box— gotta be careful in case her mom or dad suddenly crave a healthy dose of cereal for breakfast, right?
Again, moving that box of cereal to the side, right there . A box of plain, steel-cut oats remains the gateway between Sabrina and her secret candy stash.
Taking the box of oats with her back to the living room with the television, Sabrina spares one last cursory glance around the room to make sure there were no witnesses to her mini escapades.
The first treat of the night: a peanut butter cup.
Sabrina makes it through half the movie (and most of the peanut butter cups) before she switches to the next delicacy: a decent-sized milk chocolate bar.
As she’s about to take a big bite out of the bar, however, she hears the front door open.
Sabrina freezes, eyes wide as she realizes she’s probably been caught, and now Daphne and Puck are going to eat all her candy, and just after she’d saved up all the candy over the past couple of weeks. All that sneaking just for—.
“Hey, honey, what’re you...” Henry stops his sentence short, making eye contact with Sabrina, mid-bite of her chocolate bar.
The slightly unhinged look in his eldest daughter’s eyes might have clued him in on the situation because he very quickly reassessed the situation.
“Honestly, sweetie, I totally get it. I think Elvis and I should take an extended walk today, hm, Elvis?” The great Dane barked his agreement. “Okay, so we’ll be heading out. Maybe we’ll catch your mother and brother on the way and we’ll pick up some dinner from the diner?”
“Alright. Great talk, honey, see you soon.”
And with that, Sabrina Grimm was once again alone in the house, free to stuff her face with discounted Halloween chocolate to her heart’s content.
Gummy bears, jelly beans, Twix bars, gumdrops, even a couple of pieces of candy corn met their demise as Sabrina continued on with the movie just as before.
Candy after candy succumbed to Sabrina’s sweet tooth binge until a decent dent had been made into the stash. As the credits rolled on the cheesy horror film, Sabrina gathered up the wrappers and candy boxes and cleaned up any remaining crumbs on the couch to dispose of the evidence.
Replacing the box of oats behind the cereal boxes in the cabinet, Sabrina silently pats herself on the back for her sneakiness. Just in time, too, as she can hear the sounds of the other kids stomping around by the entrance.
“Sabrina! We’re back!” Daphne calls from beyond the kitchen door.
“Yeah, Grimm! And we’re not sharing our candy with you!”
“...I’ll share with you, Sabrina..” Red’s voice rings, softer than the other two.
As Sabrina walks back into the living room, she sees that the three trick-or-treaters have already begun trading their candy from their trek around Ferryport Landing. True to Daphne’s word, there looked to be a couple of full-sized candy bars, probably from Snow.
The older Grimm sister sits on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief that she hadn’t been caught. Her stash was safe— at least for today. She snags a Kit Kat and listens to the three (mostly Daphne) catch her up to speed on everything she missed when the trio had taken off earlier that afternoon.
“So actually, Puck had to do a little convincing for Charming to hand over some of his fancy candy but thankfully...”
So Sabrina Grimm isn’t the biggest fan of Halloween, but she does see the appeal of candy.
And that's a wrap for day 1! I know, cutting it super close to the deadline! I can't believe I got Ao3, Tumblr, AND FFN
Speaking of ffn, you can find me at LavenderMoonRose on fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own
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Annual Halloween Imagine: Hopper freaking out over your costume length
Day : 1 Of the annual halloween Imagine!
Warnings: mention of sex.
Did I proof read?: One day I will! That’s not today !
After A year of sneaking around, and having a secret relationship with the chief of police. It all came into Light three months ago when He asked you too move in with him.
Everyone in town now steals a glance at you both. Between the fact you are a raise of Sunshine always smiling nad happy and you were now dating the Town drunkin Grump who was always cranky. Or the fact that your Father is the Pastor and you were always the good girl who helps out at church, and volunteer in the elementary school, or the retirement home. Or the Bigger reason being your much younger then the chief of police. Some debut was between 15-20 years age different. (But really it was ten)
Eleven was out with her friends experiencing her first Trick or Treat. Since meeting her you both instantly clicked. Hopper was a great Dad but you were extremely thankful that you were there for Eleven when she needs too have “the talk” you can do it vs Hopper. Those you were equally curious how he would do it. But she had you. And you loved her. Hopper had the night off, you however promised too attend the Halloween Ball at the retirement home. The party should. Be over by eight. But still you had too get dressed up.
You decided too wear a witches outfit. Using a old black tulle skirt you had with a simple black t-shirt that you twisted on the bottom too give it you some shape. And a cheap witches hat. You weren’t going too go full warts and crooked nose. You were a simple witch. The problem wit dating Hopper was that he got jealous easily. You understood. You were younger and guys do check you out and are extra friendly. But you never paid them attention you had Hopper. And you didn’t want anyone else. Plus him being jealous was a turn on.
Why? You aren’t sure. But it is what it is.
Hopper was sitting in his lazy chair watching the Frankenstein movie as he had a bowl of popcorn he wasn’t thrilled about having the night too himself. He hated it. He even tried too convince Eleven too Stay home but you hit him on his broad shoulders and send her off.
Standing in your shared bedroom you looked at yourself. Hooper didn’t dictated what you wore- he loved whatever you wore. But today. Today! Was halloween and after working on the police force and having too deal with drunkin fools and the endless calls from the bar from idiots hitting on girls and getting too far.
Hopper only request for tonight was that your skirt was at least three inches below your knees. A Simple request which you happily agreed with mainly because you were going too ask him too join your family thanksgiving and bring Eleven which you Knew wasn’t going too go well. Your Papa hated Hoppers, and Hooper wasn’t a huge a huge fan of your Dad.
But you also wanted too tease him a bit So you hiked up your skirt up rolling up the top of your skirt too be just above your knees. With your mid drift showing you weren’t “scandalous” Most girls your age wear Less cloths. But from your background this was “scandalous” but Hopper has broken you out of your shell two years ago. You would NEVER wear something like this! But now you had confidence now. And it was all because of that big goof ball in the lazy chair. Getting out of the bedroom you were fixing your earrings as you grabbed your purse as you looked up at Hoper he was looking at the tv as you grinned. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.if that’s the case you’ll hike your skirt up even higher when you get home.
You were just about out the door when you called out too Hopper saying a quick bye and I love you. Hopper grumbled after taking a sip of his beer as he glanced over seeing you. “HEY! Hey! Three Inch Minimum!” He dashed towards you, but you were already out the door he caught you on the front porch as he spoke, ‘Hey! We had a deal missy!”
Hopper swooped over picking you up with ease and flinging you over his shoulder. You gasped at the swift movement as he marched back into the house . He plopped you down onto your feet once in the house as he looked at you stern. You couldn’t help but have a huge smile on his face. Seeing him all annoyed over your skirt. Seeing your smile only annoyed him more. The Chief huffed crossing his arms, ‘we had a deal Sweetheart.”
Nodding your head weakly you rolled your shoulders, “you know- I t bought about it more and I didn’t think it was Right for you too dictates what I wear.”
He crossed his arms tighter too himself as you reached over giving in on the teasing as you reached over kissing him softly. “Oh Jim Hopper you are So easy!” He didn’t budge as you gave him a quick kiss pulling away fixing your skirt.
“you think that’s funny Missy?” He’s work voice the voice that drove you crazy! When you first officially meet Him you were well- in school. But when you both started hanging out (almost. A year and a half ago now!) he used that deep heavy tone with you. When he was trying too give you a lecture about your tailgate light being busted. Now seeing him. He spoke “I’ll just have too teach you a lesson Miss.” You laughed as you spoke, ‘no! no! I’ll be late for the Ball Jim!”
You ran around the lazy boy laughing as he quickly caught you and kissed your neck quickly pulling you close too him as he caressed your thigh.
“think you need too be punished missy.”
“Sir. Yes sir!” He grinned kissing your neck as he turned you around too face him as he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried yu too the bedroom.
You completely Lost track of the time so when your phone rang yu reached over Jim grabbing he cord phone as you spoke out breathlessly. “Hello?”
“Y/N? You alright you never showed up too the ball?”
Looking over Hopper realizing you not only were late. But Missed it completely. “Oh Shit! Sorry Margie! I- I- Fell asleep!”
“Oh that’s alright Child- I’ll see you next week for Bingo.”
“okay I’m sorry Bye..”
Hanging up the phone Jim chuckled as you hit his shoulder, “Not funny.”
“Yes it is- it’s your own fault.”
“Ha-ha. Jokes on you mister- you and Eleven are joining me for thanksgiving with my family this year.”
And just like that. He was grumpy again
Happy halloween
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notveryglittery · 5 years
star light, star bright
it’s @blinksinbewilderment‘s birthday!!! you know what she likes a lot? romantic analogical and brotherly prinxiety :) it’s a quick little bulletfic with lots of extra bonus background ships. i really treasure our friendship, blink, i hope you have a day that shines as brightly as you do, and that you feel as much happiness as i do whenever i get to talk to you <3!! 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
brotherly prinxiety 
big bro ro 
virgil goes to roman for advice on how to ask out his long-time crush logan
roman initially teases him relentlessly because anyone with eyes can see logan has liked virgil back for at least three quarters of that long-time 
when roman realizes the two are in fact blind pining oblivious dummies, he jumps at the chance to help this ship sail as smoothly as it can from where it’s been docked for far too long 
roman is obviously a Professional Matchmaker - look, his name is in the word “romance”
(never mind the fact that patton is the one who swept roman off his feet with a romantic declaration at the top of a ferris wheel underneath a bright full moon)
(they’ve definitely let roman live this down. absolutely no one brings it up at every given opportunity)
so roman teaches virgil all of the important things to woo one’s true love (“he isn’t my true love,” virgil gripes, hoping roman doesn’t notice how hard he blushes. roman notices.) this includes: practicing of poetic confessions, the perfect combination of flowers in bouquets, romcom movie marathons. 
to virgil’s mortification, roman invites patton to one of their lessons. to virgil’s further humiliation, patton’s brother declan tags along, and it turns out virgil’s to practice his confession on declan because he’s got that same dry wit and humor as logan, and surely he can offer the best reactions. 
(declan thinks this is very stupid but he and virgil are also kind of frenemies and so declan will take any blackmail he can get his hands on) 
it goes about as well as you think it would 
meanwhile, one logan sanders is trying to smother himself with a pillow
“babe, you of all people should know how physically impossible it is to do that” 
logan throws the pillow at his queer platonic partner 
by some miracle, remy dodges it and manages not to spill a single drop of his starbucks 
so as we all know, logan has been pining for virgil for quite a few years now, and as we also all know, he is a blind oblivious dummie 
remy is surprised his ears haven’t fallen off yet with how much logan gushes about virgil
it would be cute if it hadn’t gotten really old like a year and a half ago
(okay, it’s still pretty cute but remy thinks a lot of things about logan are cute) (like, hello, the utter look of concentration on his face when he’s deciding which tie matches his outfit best?)
remy wants logan as happy as he can be, of course, but virgil is… well, remy and virgil kind of had some issues sophomore year that they never really resolved.
it doesn’t really interfere with their relationship now given the dynamic of their friend group. they kinda tolerate each other. but remy’s gotta give virgil the Talk - you know the one, “you so much as even think about hurting logan and they’ll never find your body” 
remy and roman definitely haven’t been texting each other updates over the months, why would you even insinuate something so devious 
after many shenanigans and montages of:
roman helping bolster virgil’s confidence
big bro ro helps virgil to perfect all the makeup tricks he’s learned on his own over the years. virgil understands now just how good winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man can make you feel. 
he really does get better with pick up lines and flirting; he stumbles sometimes but it feels effortless and that’s the important part.
declan jokingly threatening to steal logan away if virgil didn’t get on with it
while virgil knows declan’s aroace ass would never, virgil does not know that logan likes him back, and so this still seems like an entirely plausible thing to worry and stress about 
sometimes, declan drapes himself over logan and heckles him into a debate; partially to see virgil get all flustered over logan all worked up, partially to encourage virgil to hurry up already, wouldn’t he like to be in logan’s space like this?
remy dropping hints around virgil about logan’s newest interests
virgil and logan might be close friends who have been mutually pining over each other for years, but there’s still things they don’t tell each other, or don’t get the chance to share. if remy happens to let slip that logan wants desperately to visit the new exhibit at the observatory, well, that’s neither here nor there.
and he does give virgil the Talk, a few nights before the plan is set into motion. in the same go, they mostly remedy their past issues. by the end of it, virgil wonders how it’s possible for someone to be so threatening while using pet names like “babe,” “sweetie,” and “honey” every other sentence. 
eventually, virgil is deemed Ready. it is Time. 
halloween is virgil’s favorite holiday and because logan loves virgil, he also loves halloween. sure, all the sweets are a health hazard, and trick-or-treating really isn’t the safest tradition, and ghosts do not exist - but virgil glows during this season. he adds autumnal colors to his wardrobe and it really is not fair how good he looks in oranges, and browns, and deep greens. 
(in case we aren’t all on the same page yet, logan is Very Very Gay.)
everyone is at remy’s house. it’s definitely one of the biggest homes in their small town and so this is where a lot of the holiday parties tend to take place. the dormir family is also generally just really well liked. which means more people than invited show up but if anyone knows how to throw and manage a party, it’s remy. 
anyway the plan is that virgil and logan finally get together at this party so that they can finally go trick or treating with the gang in matching costumes 
it is so lame and virgil would rather forsake trick or treating completely but also he may or may not have been planning couple’s costumes for like four years now
everything is going really well! 
roman and patton are social butterflies, flitting from the dance floor to the kitchen to the backyard. they’re dressed up as she-ra and perfuma, respectively. roman’s even threaded led lights into the underskirt and cape so that he’s actually glowing. patton’s flowers aren’t just a crown atop his head, they twist and weave along his arms, around his torso, and down his legs.
remy wears the same thing every year to the party: pajamas and a ridiculous pair of slippers. he saves the extravagant costumes for halloween night. he truly is a spectacular host, making sure drinks and snacks are restocked, that nothing’s being broken, and checking in on those who don’t handle the crowds too well. 
logan’s dressed in a very impressive le petit prince costume - it’s so good, it might as well be a full on cosplay. (virgil definitely isn’t swooning, what?) logan sticks close to the edges of rooms, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. 
(in, for example, virgil’s arms, on the dance floor, swaying to a slow song.)
virgil is dressed as jack skellington and declan in a creepily accurate oogie boogie - everywhere he goes, plastic insects fall out of his costume. patton’s shrieks of terror at seeing the fake spiders keeps startling the party guests. 
eventually - totally not by plan or anything - logan and virgil end up in the backyard together, on the old wooden swing bench on the porch. it’s nearing midnight and the crickets are chirping and there’s an owl hooting nearby somewhere. the moon is obscured on this cloudy night. 
virgil thinks it’s perfectly spooky and atmospheric 
logan doesn’t need to see the stars in the sky when they’re sparkling so brightly in virgil’s eyes
logan’s feet barely reach the floor and so virgil uses his heel to push them back and forth. thankfully, both of their costumes keep them warm enough in the chilly fall weather. (though they, of course, could always do to be a little bit warmer.) 
virgil’s breathing is measured and it’s super obvious he’s counting them in his head. logan scoots closer and lays a hand over virgil’s. his breath hitches.
“there is something i would like to tell you,” logan begins. 
the record scratch in virgil’s head sounds loud enough that everyone at the party should be able to hear it
“for the… last couple of years, i have harb-” 
“hold on,” virgil interrupts, loud and sudden. “hold - wait a seco - there’s no way you’re -” 
logan normally finds all manners of virgil’s speech patterns endearing but right about now, logan has a finite amount of courage and it is quickly running out
“- going to tell me right now-”
“of course i love you.” 
virgil’s jaw promptly snaps shut 
(he’s been working so hard on this and all this time??????) 
virgil isn’t really aware of the high-pitched noise he’s making until logan reaches out and firmly presses a hand over his mouth. 
“it is my fault that you have not known it all the while,”
(and the way logan says it, like a treasured line from a fairytale. virgil’s sure he’d recognize it if he could think at all.)
“i understand if you do not reciprocate these feelings and i apologize if i have made you uncomfortable with my confession,” logan is saying now while virgil’s still working on rebooting. logan lowers his hand. “i hope that this will not negatively impact our friendship. i care deeply for you and-” 
virgil’s systems spark back to life and he interrupts again, this time with a short bark of laughter. 
“l, oh my god, no offense, but i’ve been building up to this night for months and you just-” he has to pause to stifle his laughter. he’s equal parts giddy because logan likes him back and frustrated because logan’s liked him back for years and neither of them had done anything about it until now.
logan looks confused. 
virgil wants nothing more than to kiss him. 
“i’m in love with you” bulldozes over his brain-to-mouth filter instead
logan looks confused, elated, overwhelmed, stunning, he blushes so prettily, virgil thinks, and all of his practice must pay off, because the next move he makes is easy. 
at some point, they’d turned towards each other. virgil’s hand cups logan’s face. leaning closer, virgil’s gaze lowers to logan’s lips, and then back up. who knew eye contact alone could be this electrifying?
“can i kiss you?” virgil murmurs. 
“i can’t think of anything i’d like more,” logan responds. 
(back in the house, declan grumpily shoves a twenty dollar bill into roman’s hands.)
a week and a half later will find virgil and logan in matching costumes. for their shared interest in astronomy, they’ve lowkey always been called the “starlight gays” amongst their friends, and their costumes certainly help solidify it. 
logan is wearing dark jeans and a navy button down. with roman’s help, he’s lit up like the night sky; led lights form constellations that, if asked, logan will explain in a heart beat. from his shoulders trails a glittering black cape that catches the light just right (it’s impractical for trick or treating but the way virgil keeps wrapping himself up in it, snuggling close to logan’s side… well)
virgil’s the opposite in whites and greys, though he’s glowing as well, a near match to the full moon in the sky. he seems exceptionally pleased with the makeup he’s done for the costume, silver and blue and sparkling. 
(they look like they should be at a con, honestly, instead of out for one night collecting candy, but it’s cute, and that’s all that matters) 
and of course, they live happily ever after
(with only the slightest of teasing for the rest of their lives about their slow burn romance) 
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Valtoria Haunting
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***Spoiler for ‘Why me?’ Series ***
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @drakexnadira
Dressed up to ‘trick or treat’ they stepped out of the Duchy. It was ice cold even for the end of October, as if all the heat had been drained away- it felt more like they were in Lythikos.
Arianna and Jackson Walker were worn out from trick or treating under the supervision of their parents and Uncle. Maxwell coughed over dramatically, preparing to become the greatest story teller that Cordonia will have heard of.
“Beware of the ghosts of the two previous Queens, Uncle Leo and Uncle Liam’s moms. They will lurk in the grounds of every Duchy in Cordonia- wanting revenge on all those people who did them wrong.” Maxwell said whilst shining the torch under his chin- providing a spooky expression.
“Max don’t scare them! They are only ten.” Riley pleaded. Maxwell shrugged his shoulders, ignoring his ‘sisters’ words.
“They adore luring young children. It was once said, that they haunted the palace grounds too. Dragging Uncle Leo and Uncle Liam into the palace maze.” Drake shook his head, he knew that it was in fact he and Maxwell that did that. Arsehole- not the ‘fun Uncle’ he thought.
“They only come out to play on Halloween. It is said that King Constantine’s evil spirit also joins in. You know, your home was empty and abandoned for decades before Uncle Liam made your Mom and Dad a Duchess and Duke.....” Arianna and Jackson’s eyes widened, whilst their Uncle burst out laughing.
“Enough Beaumont!” Drake snapped. “Watch ya backs kids. I love you both. Tis, Halloween, the night when spirits come alivvveee...”
The Valtorian grounds were eerie as they arrived back home- the trees stood dormant, their branches hung low. Fog like a thick white blanket, was drifting past them stroking their skin. Uncle Max had ‘shit up’ the young twins up, but they had both recovered from their initial shock. Thinking nothing of it the adults made their way into the Duchy. The twins separated heading to their rooms, surrounded by candy that they had collected. Getting dressed into their pajamas, that had been on the radiators- their bodies soon warmed up as Riley and Drake kissed each of their children goodnight and tucked them in bed.
The twins were both startled by a large bang and both had awoken, scrutinising their rooms- Jackson snuck into Arianna’s room. Both deciding to investigate the Duchy- they decided to go to the basement. A place their parents had advised them to never visit. The dark and shadowy corridors provided an eerie and cold atmosphere. The lights flickered chaotically, as if a poltergeist was flicking the switches up and down instead of it being a poor electricity supply. The cobwebs hung from the ceilings surrounded by the dust in the abandoned basement. The windows were mainly boarded up- during the day, the suns rays would struggle sneaking through into the dark and gloomy room. Arianna stopped walking, standing frozen- panic began to kick in- as she brushed past the cold mouldy wall which made her shiver. Jackson sniggered at his sister’s petrified expression.
“Oooo a ghost!” He teased his sister, making her jump as he impersonated a ghost that you would see on an episode of Scooby Doo.
“Shut up Jack! We should go back.” Her nails were now non existent.
“Don’t believe Uncle Max- ghosts don’t exist. You’re such a wimp!”
The doors banged before abruptly shutting. The wind that wanted nothing more than to announce its arrival- petrified the two youngsters. Turning around, both trembling- both their complexions turned whiter than snow. Jackson caught a glimpse of the murky shadow ambling from the direction of the wall that was approximately only a few feet away. Squinting their eyes, the familiar figure led them to escape the damp basement holding their hands, to rescue them. Leading them to safety. They both felt safe with this familiar touch.
The woman’s voice was a startling scream- that echoed throughout the Duchy. Checking on the family she noticed the children had disappeared- becoming anxious, the windows and doors had been boarded up with nowhere to escape. It was deja vu all over again.
“Arianna? Jackson? Where are you?” The creaking floorboards, created a slight bit of noise- otherwise the Duchy was silent. As if they were in a morgue.
Drake woke up, still ready to throttle Maxwell for his behaviour. Riley was on the toilet, ever since she had become pregnant again, she was forever in the bathroom- it became more of a bedroom to her.
Walking to the children’s rooms, he wanted to make sure that they were alright after they were both slightly spooked due to their irresponsible Uncle. Panic began to run through his veins- neither of the twins were in their room.
Heading towards the playroom, opening the door silently- he jumped out of his skin. Seeing the figure in front of him- the blonde hair, the now out of fashion clothes. He believed it was one of his daughters many pot dolls- Bertrand and Maxwell had made her fall in love with dolls, she was wrapped around their little fingers. Personally he couldn’t see the attraction, they slightly freaked him out. Shaking his head, he knew the twins wouldn’t play hide and seek at this time.
As he exited the room, the woman followed- holding a photo in one hand of the young prince who was now the King and an antique goblet in the other hand.
Arianna and Jackson ran through the Duchy, attempting to find their way with no light- their father had left them. They didn’t believe he was like their Uncle Max - a wind up merchant. He was usually protective, a marshmallow, he loved them- he wouldn’t let any harm come to them. Neither could breathe, it felt as if someone was choking them, blocking their airways. Their heartbeats were rapidly increasing- wishing their Dad would return to them and save them again. No one was there, they continued to run through the dark corridors as if their life depended on it- seeing figures in the shadows they just believed their imagination was playing tricks with them. It was Halloween after all.
“Kids there you are!” Drake looked furious but also relieved that they were safe. Pulling them both into a tight hug- he loved his children to the moon and back. His strong arms, always made them feel safe.
“You can sleep with us tonight. I will be having words with Uncle Max tomorrow!”
“You left us!” Jackson spat. Drake looked at his children bewildered.
“The door shut in the basement, and you helped us out daddy. Then you left us.” Cupping his daughters cheeks, he saw fear and disappointment in her baby blues.
“Baby, I haven’t been to the basement. I’ve been to both of your rooms and then the playroom. Your doll scared me Ari. Was that a trick for me? Or was Uncle Max up to his old tricks again? Because you surely made me jump.” Arianna and Jackson looked at each other confused, their breathing began to increase again.
“I don’t have any dolls in the playroom, Daddy.” She whimpered, beginning to shake. Drake explained that he was silly to forget that her dolls weren’t stored there anymore- even though he still believed they were. He was now as spooked as his two children but didn’t want to admit it- picking both his children up, he carried them to his bedroom holding them protectively. Riley looked concerned, as they all got into bed next to her. The two children snuggled in between their parents, and feel asleep immediately.
“Drake we need words with Max. He’s obviously scared them.” She kissed the two of them, then rubbed her growing bump.
“Ri, Valtoria is haunted.” Riley laughed uncontrollably, trying to control herself before needing to go to the toilet again. Her eyes fixated on his, she immediately saw fear in them- witnessing goosebumps form on his arms. Riley was now hoping that this was some kind of sick joke or prank that Maxwell had got him included in.
“Give up. You’re as bad as Max. Who could possibly haunt Valtoria?”
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nananaptime · 5 years
Inner Child
For the October prompt on Astro Amino
Trick or treating with one or all Astro member
Masterlist Rules
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1 489
Summary: Myungjun is dead set on making you have fun while trick-or-treating
It came down with a crash and before you knew it, you were standing in a sea of candy, all because Myungjun managed to trip over the many Halloween decorations which were lying all over the place. In his hands, he had been holding a big plastic bowl, filled to the brim with candy of all sorts, which now decorated the floor more than the decorations did. He looked at me with big eyes, shocked at the fall he had taken, before laughing at the whole incident like a maniac. I didn’t want to laugh, I wanted to scold him for being clumsy enough to cause more cleaning for us, but his laughter was contagious and soon enough, I found myself laughing along with him, a smile on my face which wasn’t there before.
“You knew I was extremely clumsy even before you agreed to this, so don’t you dare whine!” he managed to get out between deep breaths as we calmed down from our giggle fit. Grabbing the bowl, he pulled it towards himself and started cleaning up the candy and putting it where it belonged, all the while having the biggest smile ever plastered on his face.
“At least I know Dongmin won’t eat this, or drop it, when we’re out and acting like we’re twelve again.” He gasped at my choice of words, playfully offended at the obvious diss I threw towards the act of trick-or-treating.
“At least I still have my inner child, yours grew up too early.” With a teasing glare thrown my way, he continued the task and after a couple of minutes, all the candy was back in the bowl, safely placed on the living room table. “Don’t worry though, we’ll bring her back to her childhood days as well. Since you will be doing this with me, I’ll make sure you’ll have the time of your life.
“Is that a promise?”
“If I don’t live up to it, I’ll let you steal as many hoodies as you want from me.” I laughed at that.
“I do that anyway.”
“Yeah, but if you win, you won’t hear me complain about it.” I thought for a bit before deciding that getting rid of Myungjun’s whining every time I borrowed his clothes would be worth it. So, I offered him my hand and we shook on it.
Dongmin and Moonbin arrived as Myungjun was looking for our costumes, excited to be the one to hand out candy to the cute little kids that would be stopping by. By then I had managed to get as many Halloween decorations up as I could; there were spider webs with spiders on them in every corner, pumpkin heads and skeletons in the front garden and creepy stickers on the windows. Hopefully, the children would find our house scary enough to come and ring the doorbell.
The boys sat down on the couch, one already eating the popcorn and the other looking through various horror movies available on Netflix, as Myungjun emerged from the bedroom, already donning full makeup and holding up a dress similar to the one from Corpse Bride. I mentally facepalmed as I realised he was supposed to be Victor Van Dort.
“I should’ve known you would go for cheesy costumes.”
“Oh, come on! This is both cute and slightly scary, just like you.” Then, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before ushering me towards the bedroom, wanting to get going as soon as possible. After giving a small but affectionate sigh, I got changed into the costume, deciding to not let him take charge regarding the costumed next year. The makeup took much longer than changing into the costume did and once I was done, Myungjun had been waiting for at least half an hour.
“Finally, my corpse bride has arrived!” He enveloped me in a hug before giving me a big kiss on the cheek, pulling away with a “Muah!”. Moonbin cringed until he fell off the couch, whining about the affection he was witnessing. Dongmin just laughed at his reaction before telling us to get going before families ran out of candy to give, this conclusion being based on the fact that the bowl placed on the table contained a lot less candy than before I entered the bedroom. Myungjun didn’t waste a second before ushering me towards the hallway and finally, out the door.
It was pretty cold outside, considering it was the end of October and snow had already started falling from the sky. The dress I was wearing had short sleeves, which was just my luck as I got cold easily. However, it became evident that Myungjun planned that part of our activity all along, as he, not shortly after leaving the house, shrugged off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. Once the realisation hit me, I gave him a small glare before smiling and leaning my head against his shoulder for a second, enjoying the newfound warmth his jacket provided.
The first house we arrived at was one belonging to an elderly couple, whom smiled fondly at us and commented how some people never lose the heart of a child, before dropping some chocolate candies in our small bags. As they closed the door, Myungjun turned to me with a smirk on his face as he made a point of reminding me how important it is to keep your inner child. I just rolled my eyes at him before making my way to the next house.
“Hey, we should make this into a competition!” I stopped at his suggestion, thinking that it might make this evening somewhat more exciting, and so, I turned around and gestured to him to elaborate. “The one who receives the most candies wins the favour of the other one for an entire week. I looked at him for a while, trying to figure out if he was being serious or not, once I decided that the lack of laughter was a sign of seriousness, I agreed to the terms.
The rest of the evening consisted of us trying to cover the other in front of residents of the homes we visited as well as trying to steal the others candy from the bags, only to be caught by the owner of the bag. Laughter was a common occurrence as competitiveness clouded our minds and made us both into children. The sight of us might have spooked some small trick-or-treaters who we encountered as we made our way from house to house, which resulted in a variety of sour expressions from parents who wanted to be anywhere but out on the street this evening. We couldn’t care less about the adult minds who condemned us for our behaviour, our motivation was too strong for that and once we entered the state of eight-year-olds.
We were met by shocked expressions as we stumbled back into the house, giggling and falling over each other’s feet. We may or may not have eaten way too much candy during our spooky activity.
“What, how… are you okay?” Dongmin had to wait for a long time before we managed to give him an answer due to the laughing fits which didn’t seem to cease. As we tried explaining how that much candy at the same time was a bad idea, I noticed the bowl on the table still contained some. Moonbin noticed my stare and before I knew it, he had darted across the table and grabbed it in his arms, protecting it like it was his baby.
“I think you’ve had enough sugar for one night.” With that, he stood up and headed for the kitchen to hide the candy until the next morning. While he was busy doing that, Dongmin gently took the bags from us, which still contained some sweets, and told us to go change into something more comfortable before joining them for some more horror movies. Once inside our bedroom once again, I turned to Myungjun who had already started wiping away the makeup from his face with baby wipes.
“So, who won?” I asked, trying to remember who had the most candy before we started eating it. Myungjun shrugged.
“I don’t know, we were too into it to notice the number of sweets we each had.” He then looked at me with mischief in his eyes. “But I do know that I won something tonight.” I looked at him, confused as to what he was talking about. “We brought your inner child to the surface, and she’s okay with me whining every time you steal one of my hoodies.”
The laughter spilling from his lips were replaced with a shriek as I launched one of our pillows at him.
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epickendall · 5 years
The Summer of Del'goxoth part 14
Two days later it is Summerween in Gravity Falls, and the town is at full swing as the town has Halloween decreation at homes, business, and other buildings. Kids, teens, adults, and elderly were dress in customs ranging from monsters to superheroes to fairy tales characters, and already people are pulling pranks on this night. In Danny home, Danny is in his room changing into his custom as he dresses as a Vampire Danny wore red gothic glasses, grey makeup, another blonde wig with some grey streaks in it, a black top hat, Black velvet coat has attached bat-style cape, grey vest, black Faux leather boot, and black pants. Danny looked at himself the bedroom mirror see how he looked in his custom.
"I look pretty good in this custom," Danny thought, and he turns to Cujo who was asleep in the middle of Danny bed "what you think boy?"
Cujo wakes from his sleep and looks at Danny and barks happily.
"Glad you like it I was a bit worry for a moment that I almost looked dress up as Vlad,"
Cujo growls at the name Vlad.
"Don't worry Cujo that fruit loop is far from earth to hurt anyone no more,"
Danny pets Cujo who became happy again. Danny grabs his phone and a shiny ruby cane as he about to leave his bedroom Danny turns to Cujo "stay here boy unless I need to okay,"
The dog barks and get's back to his sleep, Danny goes downstairs to see Washington filling a large bowl of candy, but Washington is in a sour mood.
"What wrong Washington not into the Summerween?" said Danny
"No, I'm not Danny I have to buy tons of candy for a holiday that suppose to be in October instead of in the Summer then I have to give candy to a bunch of kids I don't know,"
"Lighten up Washington there might be a hot single mom for you when you give candy out,"
"Don't get my hopes kid. Anyway, what are you doing for tonight,"
"Wendy and I are going to see this movie that a couple of people are playing on a projector in the Circle park,"
"Hm, so this a date then?"
Danny blushes "no we are just hanging out that all Washington,"
"Sure it is Danny just tell me when you two have a private moment," Washington laughs, and Danny as checks are deep red.
Then the doorbell ring Washington goes to with carrying the bowl full of candy in one hand Washington opens the door and see who on the other side.
"Danny Wendy is here," said Washington
Danny goes to the front door to see Wendy in here werewolf custom Wendy wore a bloody black shoes, a black, and orange flannel shirt and tight black pants that both looked torn, Wendy had orange fur around her custom, and she wore orange werewolf ears and tail she looked like a person turning into a werewolf.
"Woah, Wendy your costume looked great," said Danny
"So does your Danny but I don't we can be friends seeing how Vampires and Werewolves don't like each other," said Wendy
"But I think can make a friendship out of it put aside the hatred of two species do you agree,"
"I agree with that,"
"See you later, Washington," Danny and Wendy leave Danny home.
"Danny, you better get back here before one!" Washington shouted as he sees a group of ten-year-old girl dress Disney princess custom "here comes the little devils," Washington said to himself
Danny and Wendy go to Circle park to watch a movie called "Supervamp" the film is about a vampire dress in a superhero outfit killing his bullies from high school after the movie was Danny and Wendy got nothing else to do for the night.
"So what else you want to do Danny?" said Wendy
"I don't know Wendy how about we go trick and treating?" said Danny
"Nah we're too old for that," then Wendy phone buzzed she pulls out to find a text message, and she smiles, "I think I found something we can do,"
"That would be?"
"A got a text message about a party that is happening at this guy Marcus house from Pacifica we should definitely go,"
"I'll go, it would be nice to go to a party with everyone not coming up to me for every second of a party,"
"To Marcus house,"
Danny and Wendy go to Marcus house, which is a tan two-story house the party is raging on with the music blasting out from every corner of the house. Wendy and Danny walk into the house to see teenagers their age still dress in customs as well the party had strobe lights, a bucket full of candy, a two cooler filled with soft drinks and beer, and DJ set in the living room. Danny and Wendy get into the party they dance to the music, eating candy from the bowl, watch two jocks dress in gladiator customs play beer pong, and play Mortal Kombat upstairs in the game room. Later at the party, Wendy had to go outside of the party to talk to a friend on the phone and Danny sits on couch drinking sprite then he sees Pacifica dress up as the wicked witch from the west with the black witch clothes and green makeup on her face and hands she sits down next to Danny.
"Hey River enjoying the party?" said Pacifica
"Yes, I am this is the best party I have been to in a while,"
"That's good since not every town does Halloween twice a year,"
"Yeah, you guys love Halloween that much to do it twice a year,"
"Well, we do live in this weird little town,"
"Weird and awesome at the same time,"
Pacifica laughs at Danny last comment "River I gotta ask you since your a guy,"
"How do guys act when they like a girl,"
"Pacifica do you have a crush on someone?" Danny could tell Pacifica blush even under the green makeup
"Don't tell anyone River but yes I do like this dork how come visit Gravity falls in the summer I'm trying to tell him that I like-like him I wonder if he likes me back,"
Pacifica reminds Danny how Sam feels about Danny back where they were fourteen so Danny uses it to tell Pacifica "if the guy tries to impress you or could not stop thinking about you without blushing then he likes you, Pacifica,"
Pacifica smile bright "thanks for the advice River,"
"No problem Pacifica,"
At the backyard, Wendy is talking to an old friend on the phone whom she wishes was she and her twin brother was here to hang out with Danny.
"Mable hows you and Dipper road trip?" said Wendy
"It's wild! Wendy, we had to outrun crazy bikers, our dad rode a bull, Dipper learned to play the bass, I beat a Germany guy at foosball to get our car back and our mom knockout a bear with a cricket bat,"
"Heh, it seems you guys always run into a new adventure everywhere you guys go,"
"Must be in our DNA anyway enough about me what you Wendy how is it going in Gravity falls,"
"It's going great actual meant this cool guy his name is River,"
"Really! What is he like?"
"He's fun to hang out with he funny and.."
"It sounds like in love with him Wendy," Mable interrupts
Wendy blushes "No I'm not Mable we are just friends,"
"It does not sound like it to me, Wendy... Oh crap! I gotta go, Wendy, my dad is freaking out about something about the car, and also I can't wait to see your new boyfriend," Mable hangs up.
"Oh boy just wait until they find out that River is actual Danny Fenton/Phantom when he gets out of Witness protection," Wendy thought then suddenly feel worried about Danny leaving Gravity falls "why do I feel that way if Danny leaves?"
"Hey, Wendy,"
Wendy turns around to see Danny holding a cola for her Danny's hands the soda to Wendy.
"What's on your mind, Wendy?"
"It's just that well" Wendy sits down on the back step "I wondering if we could still be friends if you leave Gravity falls after your done with Witness protection,"
"Of course we still friend Wendy,"
"Really what about all your ghost business back in Amity park?"
"I can find a way to come here and hang out with you if it wasn't for you Wendy I would be totally bored and alone here,"
Wendy smile "I hope we can still be friends after the summer,"
Danny ghost sense comes out of nowhere; Logan comes out of the ground he snatches Wendy from the doorstep and flies her in the air Danny quickly turn into his ghost form and then become invisible and chase after Logan.
In the air, Wendy struggles to get out of Logan grip "let go of me you ugly ghost,"
"Ugly I'm Logan Hall I was voted sexy men two years running,"
"I don't care put me down," Wendy hits him in the head not affecting him.
"Settle down I'll let go once I take down that ghost boy," Logan looked behind him to see an invisible Danny "and speaking of which,"
Down below at the Mystery Shack Stan was about to scare a bunch kids in a clown mask when he looks up to see Wendy trying to get out Logan grip "Bro we got emergency," Said Stan going back inside
Danny and Logan fly all over in the sky Danny almost grabbed Wendy from Logan before Logan shot a bright light blinding Danny as he only grabbed a torn fabric from Wendy costume then Logan sucker punch Danny. After Danny could see again, he lost Logan and Wendy,"
"Shit how I am going to find them now," Danny looked at the torn fabric and came up with an idea.
Later down the ground in the forest, Danny has the Fenton thermos with one hand, and the other is Cujo on a leash.
Danny bends down and holds the fabric up to Cujo nose "okay boy help me find Wendy," Cujo sniffs the material he runs to the scent of Wendy Danny hold the leash tightly "Hang on Wendy we're coming,"
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bonesforhomedecore · 6 years
Fun Sized
Hi there friends. This is my story for the @stevetony-halloween-exchange for @temporary-teddycup , who requested to be surprised! So with that, I present to you…
Fun Sized!
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE HE IS?!” came a shout from down the hall.
Nick Fury was truly living up to his name. He was absolutely furious. The Avengers had been called out to deal with a bit of a Loki situation in Central Park. The fight was normal, the takedown was normal, the retrieval with both Avengers and SHIELD agents… a fucking disaster. It was like a Coca-Cola truck ran head first into a Mentos truck. It was an unbelievable mess.
Some of the Avengers had been bickering back and forth about something trivial and for some reason, that set Loki off. So, like the trickster he was, Loki decided that if the Avengers were going to act like children, then they should become children.
Which brought Fury and Coulson to this moment. Loki had fled the scene soon after he turned all 6 Avengers into children and now they were stuck with a whole bunch of kids at various ages. That was why Fury was so angry with the poor agent who had to report that information.  As for the miniaturized Avengers, most of them were crying or angry. They were confused and scared and both Fury and Coulson were at their wit's end. Neither really knew what to do with kids and dealing with 5 of them with varying emotions was not their forte.
The only kidvenger that was silent was Tony. He just sat in the chair Coulson set him on and didn’t make a sound or move a muscle. It would be more worrying if Fury and Phil weren’t trying so hard to calm down the others.
2 hours, some snacks, and a Disney movie later, Nick and Phil had managed to calm the kids down enough to talk to them. The introduced themselves first. Neither wanted to freak the kids out by thinking they’d been kidnapped. They come up with the lie that there was a big accident and that they were there to help them. It was close to the truth but they left out all the important stuff. They started with Steve. He told them that he was 10 years old and that he liked baseball. He also asked if his mom was alright. Phil had to lie about that.
Next, they talked to Thor who said he was also 10 (or the Asgardian equivalent) He asked about his little brother and if he could have more crackers. Thor hadn’t really changed much from adult to child. He still liked food and believed that his little brother was good and pure.
After Thor, they talked to Clint, who told them he was 8. The little boy was a bit jumpy but was enthusiastic as he asked every question he could think of. He was talkative and just about lost it when he saw a person walking their dog outside when he looked out the window.
Natasha was more reserved. In the little English she knew, she was able to tell the agents that she was 7. Coulson and Fury changed to speaking in Russian to her so that she would understand what was going on.
Bruce was almost as silent as little Tony. He flinched a bit when Nick and Phil got close but warmed up after a while. Bruce said that he was 8 and that he wanted to be a scientist when he grew up. He didn’t ask about his parents or about going home like Steve and Thor did. Fury and Coulson understood why. Most of the Avengers had had really rough childhoods.
Next, they tried to talk to Tony. When Phil first looked at him he noticed that he was small. Very small. If Coulson had to guess how old he was he would have said that Tony was around 2-3 years old. He was also very thin and had a few marks on his hands. They weren’t sure if they were from the battle with Loki or not.
“Hi there, your name’s Tony, right?” asked Phil as he got down to eye level with the tiny Avenger. Tony nodded his head and looked down at his hands.
“Can you tell me how old you are?”
Tony once again didn’t talk. He just held up 5 fingers. That honestly surprised both agents. Tony was so small, how on earth could he be 5 years old. He honestly looked like he was 2-3.        
Fury and Coulson got them all checked out at medical before taking them back to the tower. After the examination, they had a few answers and care instructions to go off of. Phil was glad that Loki’s magic didn’t take away the serum in Steve’s body, or else they would be dealing with one sick little boy. Like Steve, the others were healthy. Natasha was a few pounds underweight but would be fine with some food in her belly. Tony was the one they were concerned with. Tony was extremely underweight for a 5-year-old. He was small, malnourished, and extremely quiet. It made the adults a little uncomfortable.
Once they got back to the tower, Fury elected to make lunch while Coulson got the kidvengers dressed in the clothes that some poor agents had been forced to go get. The older kids had fun trying on clothes and making jokes with each other. Even Natasha, who didn’t really understand English was giggling with the boys. Tony stayed silent as Phil helped him get dressed. He went and sat in the corner once he was all dressed. It made Phil worried. Soon enough Fury, who was trying his best not to look like a perpetually angry pirate, called the kids in for some lunch. The older kids started eating right away. Tony, on the other hand, needed some convincing.    
“Tony, would you like a sandwich?” asked Fury as he kneeled down next to the little boy on the floor. Tony just shook his head.
“No, only good boys get food. I’m a bad boy.” Stated Tony like it was a well-known fact. It just made Phil and Fury’s hearts sink. How could Howard do this to his own kid?
“Tony, your parents told you to listen to what grown-ups say, yes?” asked Phil. Tony nodded. “Well, we’re saying that it’s ok to eat something.” Tony nodded and reached for one of the cheese sandwiches on the table.
“Alright kids, Director Fury and I need to have a grown-up conversation. Can you guys all stay at the table?” asked Phil. The kids all nodded and the adults left the room. There were enough older kids to help out and JARVIS was keeping an eye on things.
“Well… this sucks.” Muttered Phil once he and Fury were by themselves.
“I agree. We’ve got SHIELDS best scientists working on a fix. It would be nice if he had Banner and Stark working on this as well but that’s not going to happen. This is going to take a while.” Huffed out, Fury. This whole situation was frustrating.
“We could use this as a good thing.” Fury looked at Phil with skepticism.
“Fury, this could be the only chance for some of them to have a normal childhood. Not one full of pain and hunger and neglect. Hell, I think Thor is the only one out of them that had any semblance of a normal childhood out of all of them. You saw them, Tony especially. I’m worried about them. They need some time to just be kids.” Argues Phil. Fury nodded. The man had a point. These kids needed a reason to smile.
“What do you have in mind Agent?”
“Well, Halloween is coming up. Why don’t I take them trick or treating? They get to dress up and eat candy. That’s enough to make any kid smile for a bit.”
With that, they put operation “Make the Kidvengers smile” to action. Phil stayed at the tower with the kids while Fury and some other agents were in and out. They weren’t actually that hard to take care of. Steve and Thor were more self-sufficient due to their age. Bruce, Clint, and Natasha got along well enough. Natasha was even starting to pick up some English. Not a whole lot, but a little bit.
Again, Tony was another story. It didn’t take the adults long to figure out that Tony didn’t really know how to play. The kid could build circuit boards like a champ but if you presented him with a stuffed animal he didn’t know what to do with it. Thank God for Steve. He’d been pretty much glued to Tony’s side after he eavesdropped on one of the adult's conversations. Steve took it as his personal responsibility to teach the younger boy how to play with toys. They started out easy with building blocks. Tony liked those. They would build giant structures with complex systems. Whenever Steve told Tony he’d done a good job, the kid would smile. It made Phil happy.
When Phil told the kids that they would be going trick or treating he was met with excitement and questions. Phil had to explain to Thor and Natasha what Halloween was, but once he did they were just as excited as the others. Tony seemed indifferent when he was told they would be going out.
“We’re going trick or treating Tony! Are you excited?” asked Steve as he sat on the floor next to Tony.
“Only good boys get to go trick or treating. I’m bad so I have to stay in my room all right.” Said Tony. It made Phil’s heartbreak even more and it made Steve confused.
“You’re not a bad boy Tony. You’re not bad so you get to go trick or treating with me, alright.” Steve had really taken up a protective role for the youngest Avenger. It made Phil happy to see that little Tony had people looking out for him now.
Tony had shown so far to be very good at listening and following orders, something his adult self-struggled with probably due to a combination of Howard and Stane. So, after a quick supper on October 31, he was right there with the other kidvengers getting dressed in their costumes.
Thor was the first one to finish getting dressed. He came racing out of his room screaming about honour and glory while laughing and smiling. Thor was dressed up as a knight from one of the old fairy tales that Phil would read them all before bed. Clint and Natasha were next. It seemed like little Clint had an affinity for birds at a young age because he was dressed up as a hawk. Natasha was dressed up as a dragon. She and Thor got into a little play fight in the costumes. Bruce, ever the little scientist, was dressed up as Albert Einstein complete with a tiny lab coat. Steve and Tony were the last ones to finish getting ready. Steve came out dressed like a secret agent. The kid was hooked on spy movies ever since Phil let him and Thor watch Mission Impossible one night when the younger kids had gone to bed. Tony looked downright adorable in his costume. He was dressed up in a little grey bunny costume with floppy ears. It was the warmest costume Phil could find and he didn’t regret choosing it. Baby Tony just looked too adorable. He made sure to get some pictures to show Stark once he was turned back into an adult.
After taking some pictures and sending them to Fury for the use in future Avengers related pranks, Phil got all 6 kids buckled up in the SHIELD issued van he was given. This probably wasn’t the intended use for the van, but it worked for what was needed. Phil drove for a while until they were in the suburban areas of Upstate New York. Phil specifically chose the rich neighbourhoods there because, as a kid, he knew that rich people gave out the best candy on Halloween. Full sized candy bars, cans of soda, candy apples, you name it. Phil knew the kidvengers would like that.
Phil parked the van next to a well-lit park in an upscale neighbourhood and got all the kids out. Each kidvenger was armed with a large sack covered in pumpkins and bats. The ideal weapon for candy hunting. The sacks had each kidvengers name on it to avoid confusion once they got back to the tower with their haul.
Once they got to where the houses were the kidvengers were bubbling with excitement. Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha ran a bit ahead so they could start going up to the houses. Steve stayed behind a bit. The older boy made sure to hold Tony’s hand so he wouldn’t get lost or hurt. Because Tony was so small, he had some problems getting up some of the stairs outside of peoples houses. Steve helped the smaller boy up with a smile each time he stumbled.
Phil smiled as he watched the kidvengers make their way from house to house. All of them were laughing and sharing smiles. It made Phil’s heart soar with the fact that he could give them all this happy memory. Thor was running and playing with Bruce, Clint and Natasha were trading candies, and Tony and Steve were stuck together like glue as they made their way around the block collecting candy. Little Tony smiled the whole time.
After a few hours of trick or treating, Phil noticed that the kidvengers were starting to slow down a bit. It was time to go home. With each kid laden down with candy (Phil had to help carry Tony and Bruce’s bags), they made their way back to the van and drove to the tower.
When they got back everyone went to their own part of the room and dumped out their candy. The sheer amount of full-sized candy bars and cans of soda were astounding. Going to a rich neighbourhood was a good call. Phil just knew that he would have to be the responsible adult and stop them from eating too much candy.
Phil took a moment to just sit down for a minute. Despite being a senior agent, chasing after a whole bunch of kids was enough to make anyone tired. After a few minutes, he heard the pitter patter of feet and he looked up to see Tony standing next to him holding a Hershey bar.
“You didn’t get any candy, Mr. Coulson. You can have this one.” Said Tony in a tiny voice. It made Phil’s heart melt. Even little Tony liked giving gifts even if big Tony had a more snarky and deflective way of doing it.
“Thank you, Tony. That’s very thoughtful of you.” Tony smiled and ran back to play with Steve. Phil just shook his head and smiled. He was glad that the kidvengers were happy. Their plan had worked.  
That night each kidvenger went to bed with happy smiles and sugar-filled dreams.
A few weeks later, when Loki had resurfaced and decided to re-age the Avengers, which he treated like the biggest inconvenience to himself in the universe, the bonds they formed while children stayed. They worked better as a team, they had more team bonding activities. It was amazing. And, if Steve and Tony were becoming more of an item by the day, well, nobody argued with that.    
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50 things to be thankful for in 2018
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There's no denying 2018 has absolutely tested our patience, but it turns out the year hasn't been complete trash.
Beyond some of the most important aspects of life like your loved ones and your health, 2018 has truly given us a lot of good. From social justice initiatives like Time's Up and March for Our Lives, to pop culture masterpieces like Queer Eye, Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again, and "thank u, next," the year had its share of hopeful, joyous, entertaining, and positive moments.
So when times get tough and it feels like there's not much to be happy about in the world, here are 50 things to be thankful for.
SEE ALSO: The internet's best tips for how to be kind on World Kindness Day
1. Time's Up launched. 2018 started off strong with a group of more than 300 women in the entertainment industry coming together to form Time's Up — an initiative dedicated to standing up against sexual harassment.
I stand with women across every industry to say #TIMESUP on abuse, harassment, marginalization and underrepresentation. ⁰@TIMESUPNOW https://t.co/4zd5g2ByU0 pic.twitter.com/0h8ojLOq9U
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) January 1, 2018
2. Laverne Cox made history on the cover of Cosmo. In January, actress and producer Laverne Cox also made history as the first ever trans covergirl for Cosmopolitan Magazine. Cox graced the cover of Cosmo South Africa's February issue.
3. The Fab Five came into our lives. It may feel like Jonathan Van Ness, Tan France, Karamo Brown, Bobby Berk, and Antoni Porowski have been inspiring us all to eat, dress, groom, self-love, and decorate to the best of our abilities for a lifetime, but Netflix's Queer Eye reboot only premiered in Feb. 2018.
4. Drake's "God's Plan" music video. Remember pre-Meek Mill beef when Drake gave away nearly one million dollars and filmed himself doing all those good deeds like paying for people's groceries? That was nice!
5. The Parkland teens. Though 2018 was full of an unfathomable amount of tragedy and gun violence,  the year also inspired a heartwarming amount of youth activism in America. After the deadly Parkland shooting in February, a group of teen survivors from the Florida high school shooting has consistently stood up to government officials and publicly advocated for gun control.
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Parkland teens at March For Our lives rally.
This year alone they've formed March for Our Lives, led school walkouts, inspired others (both young and old) to register to vote and protest gun violence, and even inspired the Obama's to write a heartfelt entry in the Time 100 issue.
6. Mirai Nagasu landed a triple axel. The Winter Olympics also took place this year! There were many standout moments but Mirai Nagasu absolutely slayed, making history by becoming the first U.S. woman to land a triple axel in the Winter Olympics. Thankful we got to witness this moment.
7. Black Panther came out. We were truly blessed this year by the arrival of the record-breaking Marvel's cinematic masterpiece, Black Panther, and the talented actors, fierce as hell soundtrack, and on-screen representation it brought to our world.
8. Jordan Peele's Oscar win. Speaking of movies, Peele's film Get Out won "Best Original Screenplay" this year, making him the first black screenwriter to receive the award.
9. The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate wait is almost over. The highly anticipated video game is set to come out for Nintendo Switch on Dec. 7.
10. Beto O'Rourke. 2018 was the year of Beto, burgers, and a Beyoncé midterms endorsement.
We just want to say thank you to everyone who made this possible. Everyone who made us feel hopeful, everyone who inspired us. Everyone who became the most amazing campaign we could have ever hoped to belong to. Grateful that we got to do this with you. We love you. Goodnight! pic.twitter.com/1j6JnhtP0f
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) November 7, 2018
11. A Quiet Place. John Krasinski directed and starred in a horror film alongside his IRL wife that was so quiet and terrifying people were too nervous to eat snacks in theaters. What a time to be alive.
12. Kendrick Lamar won a Pulitzer. Remember when the rapper was awarded the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in Music for his fourth studio album, DAMN? Hell yeah!
13. Beyoncé at Coachella. Beychella was THIS YEAR. We knew she would slay but nothing prepared us for the sheer magnitude of her powerhouse performance, or Destiny's Child, or the movement she inspired.
14. The Royal Wedding. When the world needed a distraction from the bad and an escape from reality, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were there for us. And for that we thank them.
15. Brooklyn Nine-Nine was saved. For several terrible, horrible, no good, very bad hours Brooklyn Nine-Nine was cancelled. But thankfully, after a whole lot of love from fans, NBC picked it up for a sixth season.
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Image: fox
16. Won't You Be My Neighbor reminded us of Mr. Rogers' magic. We needed a heavy dose of Fred Rogers' pure and wholesome goodness to get us through the year and this film did just the trick.
17. Ava DuVernay made history. DuVernay's adaptation of A Wrinkle In Time led her to become the first black woman to direct a film that grossed more than $100 million at the box office.
18. The world is finally taking action against plastic pollution. Plastic straw bans are spreading across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Businesses like McDonald's and Starbucks are even getting on board the movement. 
19. We still have dogs. No matter how bad things get we still have furry companions to turn to, and play with, and occasionally throw cheese on.
20. Eighth Grade filled us with middle school anxiety. Bo Burnham's Eighth Grade reminded adults how stressful growing up can be and gave teens an emotional look at middle school through a more relatable lens.
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Image: a24
21. Crazy Rich Asians was a smashing success. The film dominated box office sales and served as an important milestone for Asian representation in American pop culture. And guess what? It's getting a sequel.
22. Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again! Love. Pregnancy. Death. Flashbacks. Dancing. Singing. Abba. Meryl. Cher. Andy García. Help!
23. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. 2018 has seen the rise (Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin) and fall (Ariana and Pete) of celebrity relationships. But through the ups and downs of the year Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra's love never seemed to waiver. We're thankful this nice, soon-to-be-wed couple is here to restore our faith in love.
24. LeBron James opened up a school. The NBA star opened his "I Promise" school in Akron, Ohio, to give 240 third and fourth grade students a life-changing educational opportunity.
25. To All The Boys I've Loved Before captured our hearts. Netflix introduced the world to the film adaptation of Jenny Han's young adult book and after Peter Kavinsky's "woah woah woah," our hearts will never be the same. Not to mention it inspired dozens of Lara Jean Halloween costumes.
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Image: netflix
26. That quirky, super high-maintenance cat was adopted. Remember Bruno, the thicc, polydactyl cat that Wright Way Rescue Animal Shelter in Morton Grove, Illinois, was trying to find a home? He found one :').
27. A sixgill shark was discovered. This is cool because most sharks have five gills. It's also a reminder that we should be thankful for oceanographers, researchers, and all those who explore the our vast and mysterious oceans.
28. India strikes down gay sex ban. On Sept. 6, members of India's Supreme Court unanimously voted to make the landmark ruling that eliminates the ban on consensual gay sex.
29. Moth memes lit up our lives. The year was filled with good memes but those moth/lamp memes? Pure joy.
30. Amy Sherman-Palladino and all those Emmys. Amy Sherman-Palladino has always been genius. Gilmore Girls? Bun Heads? Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life? It's about time she's properly celebrated, so we're thankful The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel won four Emmys. We are also thankful for her husband, Dan Palladino.
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Image: Rich Fury/Getty Images
31. Twitter did one good thing. We have no edit button and there's still bots and harassment a-plenty, but at the very least, Twitter brought back the chronological timeline.
32. Gritty came into our lives. Can anyone even remember a world without the Philadelphia Flyers' new hairy orange mascot?
33. The Office is back ... sort of. While fans of the NBC comedy are still holding out hope for a revival, 2018 treated those nostalgic for the days of Dunder Mifflin to a charming off-broadway musical.
34. Speaking of The Office — be thankful for Steve Carell. He stars with Timothée Chalamet and Amy Ryan (Holly Flax) in Beautiful Boy. He's got Welcome to Marwen coming out, which looks, uh interesting. He's on SNL. And he's making his triumphant return to television!
35. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper gave us life. A Star Is Born came out this year, along with a kickass soundtrack and some perfect memes. We will never be the same.
36. Fat Bear Week ran our lives for 7 days. Much love to all the fat bears out there who distracted us for an entire week just by living their lives. 
37. This throwback baked potato costume. Halloween costumes are great but this throwback baked potato get-up really made us smile.
38. Thankful for the hot duck in Central Park. We thought we lost him, but he's back again. <3
39. We have a new anthem: "Party For One." How did Carly Rae Jepsen know we were in desperate need of a song to dance in our underwear and eat a large pizza alone to? And the music video! UGH!
40. And there's no musical praise without discussing Ariana Grande. The warrior of 2018, Ariana Grande, has given fans so much love, inspiration, and hope throughout the year. Not to mention, the ultimate independent BOP: "thank u, next."
i’m so ..... fuckin ..... grateful
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) November 11, 2018
41. BDE came to be. Speaking adjacently of Pete Davidson, for better or worse 2018 also gave us Big Dick Energy and that's something we'll never forget.
42. Netflix still delivers. Netflix has an entertaining social media presence and continues to create quality original shows and movies.
43. There was an increase in voter turnout. 2018 proved Americans are standing up for what they believe in and exercising their right to vote. Voter turnout for midterm elections reached a 50-year high, and young people voted at historic rates.
44. Midterm results showed a refreshing amount of diversity. It was a night of historic firsts — from over 100 women elected to Congress (the highest number ever) to wins for the LGBTQ community and more.
45. The Detective Pikachu trailer looks delightful. Another cute as hell movie to look forward to? Yes please.
46. Cher's Twitter is hilarious. Twitter is sometime awful but not Cher's account. That's always good.
47. All of the books. The world has so many books just waiting to be read — books for when you're mad at the patriarchy, books for hikers, books all about pride. And some great books written this year.
48. All of the great TV shows. Streaming aside, there are dozens of phenomenal shows airing on television this year, like Superstore, The Good Place, This Is Us, Killing Eve, and more.
49. Sports are still a thing! We've got football, we've got soccer, we've got basketball, baseball, hockey, and so many more. Sports bring people together!
50. All the people working to keep others safe, informed, and up-to-date with the news. It's been a tough year for news, mass shootings, and natural disasters, which is why we're thankful for all the hard working journalists, reporters, news anchors, first responders, weather forecasters, and hurricane scientists.
So remember: No matter how bad things may seem there are always some bright spots in the world.
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes history as she becomes the youngest woman ever in Congress
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benvizy · 6 years
Everyone’s a Mirror
「Poignant Self-Reflection in David Sedaris’ Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim」
When I was growing up, I often fought with my brother.  He was three years younger than me, and I would often notice him making the same “mistakes” I thought I had made when I was going through his stage in life.  At one point, during a moment of clarity, I realized that my annoyance at him, in addition to annoyance I felt toward many others, stemmed from irritation at my own historical tendency to exhibit the same qualities.
This theme was featured prominently in David Sedaris’ Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, the first essay collection of his I have read.  I’ve been meaning to get to him a while, and after blazing through this collection in the span of three days, I will certainly return.  I totally get the appeal—Sedaris stays consciously aware that many of the faults he finds in others and in the world are reflected in himself, and he uses his wit to point out universal truths through sharp self-criticism.
I.  The Self
Sedaris starts the book with a piece that is almost completely self-critical, “Us and Them”.  At ten years old, Sedaris is asked for candy by trick-or-treating neighbors one day after Halloween.  Unprepared for belated candy-grubbers, the matron of the Sedaris household asks that her children go choose a piece of candy from their own collection.  Unable to choose, Sedaris begins to shove his face with his own candy as fast as he can, just so the neighbors don’t make off with what he himself had ‘earned’.  
After entering his room, Sedaris’ mother asks him to take a long look at himself.  He doesn't want to, but it’s hard not to see what he describes as “a boy, sitting on a bed, his mouth smeared with chocolate.  He’s a human being, but also he’s a pig, surrounded by trash and gorging himself so that others may be denied” (12).  His motives and thought processes are clearly outlined in the piece.  By the end, I could understand exactly why he did what he did.  But his actions, once examined, are clearly irrational.  This example of understandably committing irrational actions, though immediately concerning Sedaris himself, opens the door to the reader’s own honest self-criticism.
II.  Other People
In other stories, Sedaris mentions his desire to critique others.  In “Put a Lid on It,” for example, he describes his sister’s dirty habits—clutter all over her apartment, a floor stripped of any tile or linoleum—and his horror at her living in such a state.  At one point in the story, she tries to show him her paintings, but his mind is still on cleaning up for her.  He observes this reaction, thinking, “she’d wanted to show me her artwork—something that truly interests her, something she’s good at—and instead, like my father, I’m suggesting she become an entirely different person” (202).  Though his intentions were purely to improve her lifestyle, he realizes that he is assuming what the best lifestyle for her is.
This perspective is extremely potent, considering the sister’s habits would be off-putting to the majority of us.  I certainly think many of my messier friends would benefit from a bit of organization in their lives.  On the other hand, as Sedaris muses, “I can’t seem to fathom that the things important to me are not important to other people as well” (202).  Though he wants to help his sister, he reflects that sometimes it just isn’t useful to do so.  In fact, it can come at the expense of a relationship.  Once again, he leads the reader into a situation where he or she may be tempted to act the same way, then reflects on how this reaction could be problematic in its own right.
III.  Society
In other sections, Sedaris zooms out entirely and begins to critique society—once again, however, his righteous irritation is nicely balanced with self-inspection.  In “Chicken in the Henhouse,” for example, Sedaris reflects on his life after the Catholic Church Sex Scandal broke in a big way.  He remembers hearing people criticize homosexuals in particular, as though they were all pedophiles.  As a homosexual himself, Sedaris helps a boy carry coffee to his parents to prove he can still be an upstanding member of society.
It’s a noble goal—Sedaris wants to disprove a harmful and growing stereotype about gay men.  Once he gets in the elevator, however, he begins to get sweaty and uncomfortable, and starts to reflect on how he appears to others.  He then begins to reflect on his entire motivation:  “yes, I am a homosexual; yes, I am soaking wet…but still I can safely see a ten-year-old back to his room.  It bothered me that I needed to prove something this elementary” (223).  Instead of using his platform to offer another scathing polemic at society, he once again brings up understandable irritation, an understandable reaction, and then a poignant reflection on the actual benefit of that reaction.  His quest for righteousness, though relatable, ends up seeming relatively futile and petty.  It brings to mind a deeper question—should we care what others say at all?  Is it worth anyone’s effort to “prove” themselves to others?
Through criticizing both the situation and his reaction to the situation, Sedaris provides one of the most honest accounts I’ve ever read of life.  It’s draining to read someone’s laundry list of grievances toward the world.  It’s sad (and somewhat suspect) to read a wholly self-deprecating perspective.  Sedaris balances both—yes, there are problems with other people.  Yes, there are problems in the world.  How we react to those problems, however, is rarely perfect.  By holding a mirror up to himself, Sedaris helped me think of how to do the same.  Now I think about criticizing myself—and I love myself way more than I love you. ;)
Source:  Sedaris, David.  Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.  New York, NY: Back Bay Books, 2005.  Print.
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More Trick than Treat
Batfam Halloween Content War Day 2 is Celebration! I always think of trick-or-treat as a celebration and here we have some characters celebrating their own wit as well. Our batfam members today include Dick, Damian, and Alfred with special guests Wally, Irey, and Jai West, Roy and Lian Harper, and Jon Kent! (Shout out to @super-batgirl who helped me come up with Jai, Jon, and Damian’s costumes) Words: 1,105 Rating: G Gen AO3
Dick was beginning to seriously regret his life choices. Not the whole hero thing, never that, but rather his choice in friends. And more specifically inviting some of said friends and their kids to go trick-or-treating with him and Damian at the mansions in Gotham’s Bristol neighborhood. When Alfred had discovered that he’d invited Roy and Lian and Wally and the twins to come trick-or-treating the butler had insisted on talking Clark and Lois (mostly Lois) into letting Jon tag along. Dick didn’t mind the kids, if he was being honest he was excited to be going trick-or-treating with them and had even dressed up for it. Wally and Roy were the problem.
“Seriously? What are you even supposed to be?” Wally laughed at Dick’s costume.
He looked down at himself, Dick thought that the impression he was doing of Hal was pretty spot on. Bruce laughed at it. Even Alfred cracked a smile when he saw the Green Lantern shirt, bomber jacket, and aviators. “What’s wrong with it?” He asked with a frown.
“You look like a Top Gun reject, man,” Roy informed him.
Dick glared at him until he couldn’t help but laugh. He was almost doubled over as he tried to tell them, “I’m supposed to be Hal.”
Wally and Roy both lost it at that. “So I was right! A Top Gun reject!” Roy managed to say when he caught his breath, forcing the three of them into another round of cackling.
“What’s so funny?” Lian asked as she skipped down the steps. She had used Cass’s room to put on her Pink Power Ranger costume.
“Your Uncle Dick’s costume is, Squeaker,” Roy told her, handing over a plastic pumpkin for her candy.
“He’s obviously Uncle Hal. What’s more ridiculous is yours! You’re old! And you’re being Archie Andrews for Halloween! That’s just ridiculous Daddy.” Lian crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, her mask still perched on the top of her head.
Dick tried not to laugh, covering his growing smile with his fist. Wally couldn’t cover as well and ended up snorting at Lian’s sass and the look of offense on Roy’s face.
“You’re not one to talk Dad!” Irey called down from where she stood above them on the second-floor landing, looking right at home in the huge old house with her Ghostbuster jumpsuit, pack, and goggles. Dick was pretty sure those were her Impulse goggles but who was going to notice that in Gotham. “I mean Hercules? Really?”
“It’s a classic!” Wally yelled back at his daughter. Dick could feel his shoulders shaking as he tried not to laugh.
Irey wrinkled her nose and leaned over the railing. “You’re pretty much wearing a dress.”
“It’s a toga! I have shorts on!” Wally cried, arms flailing and nearly taking out one of Alfred’s favorite vases.
“God I hope so,” Roy said, looking at the other redhead with wide eyes.
Wally glared at Roy before turning to Dick and pouting. He just held his hands up in a placating gesture to his friend. “Look man, karma.”
“Well if the point of this holiday is to wear the most ridiculous attire possible then I feel that I am certainly in the lead with West here and Kent tying for second,” Damian grumbled, appearing at Dick’s elbow.
“Aw, c’mon Lil D! Woody is a classic costume! And with Jon being Buzz you two look great. You’ll get all the candy,” Dick tried to assure him. However, it only earned a nose wrinkle and trademark -tt- from Damian.
“He’s right y’know,” Irey called down. She turned to yell back down the hallway. “Jai! Would you hurry up! This jumpsuit is getting hot and everyone else is ready!”
“I’m comin’! Jeez!” Jai said before appearing next to his sister. “See? I’m Captain America and I can block out the haters with my shield.” Jai proceeded to hold up said shield and use it to keep Irey from his view the entire time he walked down the stairs.
“Wooooow. Want some ice for that burn?” Lian giggled, staring at her friend who was still standing slack-jawed on the landing.
“I feel like I’m missing something?” Jon asked as he was lead into the foyer by Alfred.
Damian gave a smirk to his friend. “That would be a brain, Kent. Maybe you should have dressed as the Scarecrow from Oz?”
“And we’re done with the insults!” Dick called, grabbing Damian by the back of the vest and patting Jon on the head. Well, top of his helmet. “You kids want candy, I want to not be endangering secret identities when things get out of hand so from now on if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.”
“So that means Daddy can’t talk,” Lian said dryly, pulling her mask over her face.
There was shocked silence from the assembled heroes. Alfred cleared his throat before speaking. “If I may say so myself, sick burn Miss Harper.”
Dick sputtered at Alfred, blinking rapidly as his brain tried to process the butler’s words. Damian was moving his mouth but no words came out as he looked between Dick and Alfred. Jon had to cover his mouth with his glove-clad hands, but even that didn’t prevent the occasional giggle from escaping. Wally and the twins all had identical expressions of glee. Lian’s face couldn’t be seen but Dick just knew from her posture that she had a smug smirk as Roy appeared to be frozen with a wide-mouthed expression. For his part, Alfred looked completely indifferent from before; the only difference was the look of polite befuddlement he wore as a mask of innocence.
Lian skipped over to Alfred, holding up a hand. Alfred responded by lightly smacking it in a high-five, prompting Lian to begin jumping up and down. She singsonged as she ran around the foyer saying, “I won! I won! Best burn of Halloween goes to meee!”
As she passed in front of him Roy managed to move again and placed a restraining hand on her head. “And that’s enough. Out. Go. Get candy to celebrate. Just don’t talk to me anymore. You’re officially Uncle Dick’s problem now.”
Dick smiled and held out his hand to Lian. “C’mon kiddo. You and the twins roasting your dads is something I needed after dealing with them my whole life. I’m more than happy to sugar you all up and send you back home if they’re gonna stay here and pout.” With that he led the small group of kids out the door and into the night. Roy and Wally yelling behind him.
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glowrioustrash · 7 years
Glowrious Masterlist
Mox goes to the mall with his girlfriend but quickly grows bored. Luckily, they have a game they play sometimes where they try to embarrass each other in public. Hello my lovely followers. I thought it was about time I pulled together a masterlist of everything I’ve churned out to date. All warnings are posted if you click through to the fic.
October 29 - Wow, I really haven’t updated this in a long ass time... Added Well That’s Embarrassing under Dean/Mox Novemver 5 - Added the Halloween “choose your own adventure” Trick or Treat
If there is anything you don’t see but would like to, let me know. All prompt lists I’ve previously reblogged can be found here. As of now, all requests and prompts are open.
*Indicates Smut
The “Broken” Series
Broken Bonds*  Kara Bowers x Baron Corbin; Kara Bowers x Roman Reigns In a world where everyone has a soulbond, an inexplicable force that connects you to your soulmate, Kara Bowers is an outcast. No soulbond, no soulmate, no future. She accepts that until a lone wolf worms his way into her life. Bit by bit, Baron makes her open up and see that she doesn’t need a soulmate to have a future. As it tends to happen though, just as she gets comfortable with the hand she’s dealt, the universe throws a Samoan wrench into the machine.
Choose Your Own Adventure fics
Trick or Treat one of: unnamed OC x Jon Moxley; unnamed OC x Adam Page Halloween themed choose your own adventure - the selection chooses which wrestler is the OC’s boyfriend
Baron Corbin
Probably Ohio Prompt: “No, no, you do NOT want me navigating. I’ll accidentally drive us off a cliff.” 
Someday | Today Someday Prompt:  “All I wanted was to be someone’s favorite person.” Today Summary: It should be your wedding anniversary, but it’s been over a year since the divorce. You plan on spending it alone, but Baron has other plans.
Wellness Violation The result of your wellness test doesn’t go as you planned. What will Baron think when he finds out?
Corey Graves
Blue and Gold Prompt: “It’s kinda hard to focus when your boobs are staring me directly in the face.” and “If you’re done checking me out, we still have work to do.”
Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley
A Night Off Dean gives his wife a much needed night off, leading to the first time he’s had to watch the baby alone.
Big Brother Ten times Keah Reigns needed her big brother, and one time she didn’t.
Candy Stealing Ghost Halloween Prompt: “Who ate all my candy?!!”
The Chainsaw Conundrum Halloween Prompt: “Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters.” “You’re going to horrify them!” “It’ll build character.”
In Flames After walking away from a nasty fight, Dean comes home to find you burning things in the back yard.
It Ain’t Me (Mox) Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning? It ain’t me. (Inspired by It Ain’t Me by Selena Gomez)
New Rules | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Series Completed Elena’s boyfriend left her for another woman, but she’s doing just fine… isn’t she? Her friend Dean has some thoughts about it.
There Are Worse Things I Could Do Prompt: “Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
The Old Apartment Broke into the old apartment / This is where we used to live / Broken glass, broke and hungry / Broken hearts and broken bones / This is where we used to live
Pre-Corrupted* Halloween Prompt: “I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind”
Well That’s Embarrassing (Mox) Mox goes to the mall with his girlfriend but quickly grows bored. Luckily, they have a game they play sometimes where they try to embarrass each other in public.
Blue Whales You should be almost ready to leave for the Hall of Fame ceremony but instead you’ve locked yourself in the hotel bathroom. The dress was great when you tried it on weeks ago, but today all you see is a giant pregnant lady in the mirror.
Finn Balor
Alone Finn’s girlfriend surprises him on the road, but she’s the one who really gets the surprise. 
Roman Reigns
Lost on the Dance Floor Prompt:  “Wanna see how far my six inch heel can go up your ass?”
Sami Zayn
Birthday Delivery With Sami being on the road so much, he has to get creative when important dates come up. He finds a way to surprise his girlfriend, Hannah, on her birthday. 
Caught Red Handed* Sami is home after a long tour and he and his girlfriend are going to make up for the time apart. Birthday fic for Emi!
King Size Bars Halloween Prompt: “I know the neighborhood by heart, which also means I know exactly which houses give out the King Size bars.”
Out of Order (Prologue) | 1 Series on Hiatus Caitlyn is in denial big time, but she can only ignore the skipped period and morning sickness for so long. Sooner or later, she’s going to have to face the facts. Caitlyn reflects on how she got to this point. 
Stranger One word prompt: “Stranger.” Sami and his wife try to teach their daughter about “stranger danger.”
“Us” Situation Prompt:  “Lets have a baby.”
Seth Rollins
Don’t Go Out There Halloween Prompt: “Don’t go out there. Especially once the sun goes down.” “Why not?” “You don’t wanna know.” and “I just found out my best friend and love of my life isn’t human and you’re criticizing me for being shocked?!” Vampire!Seth
Find Your Way Back Seth has been gone so long but I keep my eyes on the horizon, hoping for his return. White Walker!Seth
Haunted Halloween Prompt: “I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
Nightmare Slayer Prompt: “I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you.” and “I can’t sleep, can I lay with you?” Also, from prompter: “Fluffy Reader wakes up from a terrible nightmare and goes to the only person she feel safe enough wit, an deeply buried feelings get revealed between them…?”
Waiting Prompt: “I feel like I can’t breathe.” and “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
Drabbles From the “fictional fic title” meme:
The Seventeenth Coffee with Roman Reigns
Ready When You Are with an unspecified male superstar
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The Gradence Trick or Treat Halloween Fest prompts are out! See the ‘Treat’ prompts under the cut (and read the claiming guidelines here):
Anonymous prompters submitted:
Prompt: Slutty halloween costumes = roleplay opportunity
Squicks: none
Max Rating: NC17
Claim number to submit: Treat 1 (1 claim)
Prompt: AU where one of the boys is a Halloween spirit/King of the pumpkin patch, and meets the other under creepy, Halloween-esque circumstances - in a mist-filled graveyard, an haunted house, some old forest. He may want to strike a bargain, or crave company (in any form you’d like), or simply decide to play a bit with this mortal - until they fall in love, of course.
Squicks: PWP
Maximum Rating: R
Claim number to submit: Treat 2 (2 claims)
Mod note: all spots for this prompt now filled! We won’t be accepting any further claims on this prompt. Thank-you. :)
Prompt: The magical world does Halloween in style (pumpkins, parties, costumes, etc), because what better way to blend in? Graves discovers that Credence has never experienced the holiday, so he whisks him away to the Graves country estate where his family comes together for the weekend to celebrate. Up to the author whether they bring Modesty with them or if she’s bonding with her new family elsewhere or any other option. The getting-together/confessing their feelings trope would be lovely, but pre-slash or established relationship is also great if the writer so decides.
Squicks: No prejudice or disapproval from the Graves family about Credence, please and thanks. No victim-blaming also. No enslaved house elves.
Maximum Rating: Anything is fine
Claim number to submit: Treat 3 (0 claims)
Prompt: Should Percival be Antony or Julius Caesar to Credence’s Cleopatra? Alternately, Credence is Antony.
Squick: none
Max Rating: M
Claim number to submit: Treat 4 (1 claim)
Prompt: Credence in a kitty costume. That’s it that’s the prompt
Squicks: Painplay, abuse within the pairing
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Treat 5 (0 claims)
Prompt: Modern AU. Credence takes Modesty trick or treating, and Mr. Graves’ house is the one with the full size candy bars. Credence comes back later after he takes Modesty home.
Squicks: no calling Graves “daddy”
Maximum Rating: Hard R.
Claim number to submit: Treat 6 (0 claims)
@accio-toffy​ submitted:
Prompt: On the midnight of October 30-31 the gate between all times opens. Ghosts pour out, skeletons come to life, witches dance under the moon and sometimes people stumble into wrong timelines. When Credence Barebone watches Halloween celebrations out of a small church window in 1920, he becomes a witness to appearance of a man in strange clothes and a glowing device in his hand, which he seems to be talking to.
They have one day to build trust, friendship and love; and when the clock strikes again at midnight of the Halloween eve, they must find a way for one to enter 2020 or another to stay in 1920.
(Magic can be preserved, tooth-rotting fluff, romance and even silliness is highly encouraged).
Squicks: Please no angst (or minor), no explicit child abuse, no daddy kink, no mpreg, no underage. If you are writing explicit, please no actual penetration (aka no anal).
Maximum Rating: anything from Teen to Explicit works just fine
Claim number to submit: Treat 7 (0 claims)
@chryselephantinechaos submitted:
Modern AU, w magic—Percival doesn’t care about Halloween, but this is Credence’s first Halloween, so he invites him over to watch movies, eat way too much candy to find out what Credence likes, and hide from trick-or-treaters. Percival goes All Out with decorating, and even rents a ghost for the day.
Squicks: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Max Rating: absolutely anything
Claim number to submit: Treat 8 (1 claim)
@clockhearted-crocodile submitted:
Prompt: Credence has never been allowed to take part in Halloween before (a pagan festival *gasp*) so living with Mr. Graves is the first time he’s experienced Halloween, and not just Halloween but WIZARDING Halloween.
Squicks: Not really any.
Maximum Rating: Any rating’s good.
Claim number to submit: Treat 9 (0 claims)
Prompt: It’s MACUSA’s annual Halloween ball. All these government officials get to dress up as whatever they really want to be, just for a night; there some pirates there, a few angels, even a couple of convincingly imitated no-maj celebrities. But Credence arrives dressed in the uniform of a junior Auror, and Percival feels a sudden conflict between wanting Credence to stay safe and out of the ranks, and really liking the idea of Credence working under him (in more ways than one …)
Squicks: Nothing to speak of.
Maximum Rating: Any rating.
Claim number to submit: Treat 10 (0 claims)
@meremeduse​ submitted:
Prompt: Credence takes his little sister trick-or-treating and she insists on going to the scariest house/apartment/whatever in the area — which everyone knows is haunted and satanists sacrificed a baby there thirty years ago or whatever. He doesn’t want to refuse her, so he knocks on the door… And it opens to Percival Graves.
Squicks: No bodily fluids, unless it’s like… spit. Keep it cute!
Maximum Rating: PG-13, maybe a soft R
Claim number to submit: Treat 11 (1 claim)
@nettlekettle​ submitted:
Prompt: Credence has a long-term crush on Graves which he believes is unrequited (spoiler, it’s not!). On Hallowe'en night, Credence and Queenie (and others if you like!) play lots of traditional divination games (if you google there are lots of historical games such as peeling apples and divining your true love from the shape of the peel - or just poke me and I’ll send some links!). Every single game they play gives one result - Graves is Credence’s true love / future husband. Graves himself confirms that the games aren’t wrong!
Squicks: Credence under 21 years of age, self-harm, any mentions of hanging, mpreg or ABO.
Maximum Rating: G to Mature? So nothing NC-17. :)
Claim number to submit: Treat 12 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
Prompt: Lantern carving! Pie baking!
I thought I’d submit something simple and visual which might be fun for both artists and writers, so - Credence carving a pumpkin! If you like, he could bake the pumpkin guts into a delicious pie (perhaps with help from Queenie and/or Jacob)! :)
Squicks: Hmm. Anyone eating raw pumpkin? That seems inadvisable! :P
Maximum Rating: G.
Claim number to submit: Treat 13 (1 claim)
Prompt: “Witches and devils are abroad this night!!!”
Set prior to the events of the film, Credence is still stuck with the Second Salemers, but has developed a bond with real!Graves (your choice of what stage the relationship is at). On Hallowe'en night, Mary Lou is shouting and shouting about how “witches and devils are abroad on Hallow’s Eve!” and how they must all stay in the church praying. Credence is scared to go outside but also terribly excited to sneak out and join Mr Graves, who takes him to see all the joys of the holiday (perhaps all the big Hallowe'en window displays!)
Squicks: Credence under age 19/20ish, anything resembling non-con, suicide (enacted or mentioned), hanging or hangman’s nooses, self-harm, sexual abuse, unexpected use of sex-toys (!)
Maximum Rating: G to NC-17.
Claim number to submit: Treat 14 (0 claims)
@shamelessstudentsdream​ submitted:
Prompt: Coffee Shop AU (maybe Credence working for Jacob? Percival healing and trying something a tad less stressful for a time?). Cutesy Halloween atmosphere. Golden leaves, oversized sweaters, carved pumpkins and all that jazz.
Squicks: PWP
Maximum Rating: M
Claim number to submit: Treat 15 (2 claims)
@soughs​ submitted:
Prompt: Setting up to writer. Percival hates Halloween with all of his grumpy heart. The children are too loud and he can’t enjoy his evening in peace. When someone knocks on his door - knocks, not ring - despite the clear “no candies” sign, he’s pissed off. Little does he know that the young man in front of his house is no lost tourist but a leannán sí determined to find a human lover to run away from the fairy kingdom - only a kiss of love can keep Credence on earth.
Squicks: I’d prefer a happy ending.
Maximum Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Claim number to submit: Treat 16 (2 claims)
@sozdanie-gryazi-eternal submitted:
Prompt: Photographer Credence and Rockstar Graves: thats it thats all i got.
squicks: fisting? i guess
maximum rating: nc-17
i already made a graphic but so far have had nada luck. PLEASE BE INSPIRED ANYONE?
Your mods encourage ‘halloweening this up’ ;)
Claim number to submit: Treat 17 (1 claim)
@unicornmagic​ submitted:
Prompt: Graves takes Credence out of the city for broom-riding lessons. At night. Bonus points for: moonlit autumn countryside, haystacks, sly (or not so sly) dick jokes.
Squicks: Noncon, abuse, pain, blood, a general absence of fun
Maximum Rating: PG-13
Claim number to submit: Treat 18 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
@weconqueratdawn​ submitted:
Prompt: Modern trick or treat AU - Credence takes his little sisters trick or treating, so they pay a visit to the handsome man who lives on their street - Mr Graves. It’s the first time they’ve really spoken and he makes Credence nervous - Mr Graves notices his interest and invites him back later :) Bonus - some kind of a first time sexual experience for Credence.
Squicks: I’m fairly hard to outright squick - I loathe anything to do with feet though lol
Maximum Rating: NC-17 / Explicit.
Claim number to submit: Treat 19 (1 claim)
Your mod @gothyringwald would humbly like to add:
Prompt: It’s Credence’s first time celebrating Halloween and he eats too much candy.
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: T
Claim number to submit: Treat 20 (0 claims)
Prompt: Credence and Graves meet at a Halloween midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Credence is a Rocky Horror virgin (you can decide if he’s any other kind of virgin, too) and Graves is a member of the shadowcast (preferably Eddie, please) who takes pity on (and takes a fancy to) him when he’s brought up onstage.
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Claim number to submit: Treat 21 (0 claims)
Prompt: Graves is a vampire who hates Halloween (it’s just so commercial). Credence hates Halloween because no one ever invites him to their parties. Somehow, they meet (on Halloween, obviously).
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Claim number to submit: Treat 22 (1 claim)
Prompt: COUPLES COSTUMES! (i.e. Graves and Credence dress in co-ordinating costumes as a couple).
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: T
Claim number to submit: Treat 23 (2 claims)
Prompt: Warm Bodies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warm_Bodies_(film)) AU
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Claim number to submit: Treat 24 (1 claim)
Your other mod @graves-expectations would humbly like to add:
Prompt: who remembers that episode of Buffy (Season 2 Episode 6, as it happens, named ‘Halloween’ :D) where the gang buy costumes from one particular shop on Halloween and then take on the traits of that costume? Credence and/or Graves end up in a cursed costume or something and then suddenly become that costume until someone can break the spell. Go nuts with who what where when and why :D
Squicks: underage, watersports/scat, endings that are not HAPPY >:(
Maximum Rating: whatever your heart desires
Claim number to submit: Treat 25 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
Prompt: Penelope AU! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penelope_(2006_film)) Graves is cursed with a pig’s nose and the curse will only be broken if ‘one of his own kind’ learns to love him. Credence is the man who stumbles into the bachelor interviews by mistake… (just gimme that Halloween party at the end! <3)
Squicks: underage, watersports/scat, endings that are not HAPPY >:(
Maximum Rating: whatever your heart desires
Claim number to submit: Treat 26 (0 claims)
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gudlyf · 5 years
Hallowhen [Short Story]
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(Edited photo by Brandon Warren)
Something I’ve been wanting to do since the first @thenosleeppodcast live tour is write something the voice actors would read on-stage. I’m told the following story might be making its way around the 2019 tour, though I won’t know for sure until it hits Boston in October. If you’re hearing this elsewhere, please let me know!
I had this idea of someone knocking on a door for Halloween, only it not being Halloween. The original idea was quite different than this, but when I thought of something that might do well as a live reading, this is what I came up with.
I still think I should tighten up the idea some day. I saw comments that I may have spoon-fed the twist a bit too much toward the end. I get it: I’m a wordy sumbitch at times. Most times? It’s how I roll.
Bill left the den air conditioner on again. I’m sure I will never understand why that man insists it be as cold as an icebox on the North Pole every blessed moment in this house. And my lord is it noisy. The quiet night air is just fine without it this time of year, so off it goes. Well. He will just have to settle with being a tad “stuffy,” as I seem to recall him putting himself. Better stuffy than catching your death, I say. 
It’s just as well, with him busying himself with lord-knows-what in the cellar again while I’m left to my lonesome upstairs. 
Lonesome. I can’t say why, but I feel as though I should be saddened by the thought. I love Bill dearly and all, but the man can be quite nonsensical at times. Most times, that I can recall, I say. An enigma, he is. Never can understand him. 
There is what sounds to be a light knock on the porch door. At first I think the sound to be Bill again, messing with his doo-dads and what-nots in that hellish place down below. But sure as snowflakes, there it is again. A light tap-tapping sound, just outside. 
I think to myself, “what an odd hour for a visitor.” Here, at the end of this farm road that’s sure to be a clear half-mile long. A neighbor, perhaps? I hope they’re alright. It is quite late. 
Bill usually likes to answer to visitors these days, so I wait for him to head on up. But again the knocking, and I’d say with a fair level of some insistence for an answer now. 
Oh, to Hell with Bill. I call out, “Coming!” As the the last knock falls. Though the porch light is on, its door is without windows, so I cannot see who might be outside. I think to open it before my wits overcome me. 
“Who is it?” I ask. It seems a dog’s age before there’s a reply. “T- Trick. Or. T- Treat.” I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh, and I shake my head in sheer disappointment in myself for having not known what day it was. Of all the blessed days of the year, how could I have forgotten that today was Halloween? 
I’ve had no time for decorations! No candy! Why, no costume of my own! How could Bill have not reminded me? That scoundrel of a man. 
Without further hesitation, I pull the door open to its widest. There on the front porch is a solitary figure: a child, who couldn’t be but ten. A little girl, or so I believe, as her costume is by far and wide one to behold. 
“T- Trick-”
“Oh, would you look at you!” I exclaim. “That is a scary costume you have there. So ... gruesome!” 
And indeed it is gruesome. Delightfully so. While she wears an adorable blue fairytale-like dress with a white smock, it is near-fully soiled by soot and costume blood. The mask she wears is indeed a terrifying sight, the appearance of what was once a beautiful girl, now a ruin of flesh and bone so much as to be unrecognizable. There is only but one eye I can see, precariously dangling from what appears to be fine thread. Only half of what would be gorgeous locks of golden hair cover her head, the rest a mass of reddened scalp beneath exposed skull. An elaborate piece that, I must say, I do admire. 
“Tr-” Her speech is but a gurgle, what with all the flesh parts of her mask covering her mouth. 
“It’s a wonder you can speak! Tell me, did your folks help you put that together? Your mum?” 
At this she falls silent. Her breath ragged. Only her empty bag hangs open before her. It, too, as soiled as her garb. 
“OhMyGoodness. I’m so embarrassed. Sorry, my ... mind is not so sharp these days. I don’t have any-” 
But I do. I do, and I may just about jump for joy if I could at the recollection. I hold out a finger of wait to the girl and rush back inside. 
Bill has forever had a sweet tooth. I and his dentures could not forget this unfortunate fact. Reaching the kitchen, I open his cabinet nearly clear off its hinges and reach inside. A Hershey’s chocolate bar. It’s the only one left, with two squares already taken. I suppose I will just fault Bill for not thinking so clearly himself, in that it is he who’d kept his own stock so light and will now have to go without. 
I arrive back to the porch. The girl remains, seemingly swaying to an unsung song, patiently awaiting her bounty. Her costume, it appears, has gotten the best of the remains of her dress, it now more red than not. 
“Here we are. I’m so sorry, it’s ... opened. My husband has a way with candy, I guess you could say. Hope you don’t mind.” 
I place Bill’s last bit of indulgence into the girl’s bag, careful as I can not to have it covered in the mess that continues to issue from her mask. 
“M...M...” She speaks, but for the life of me I can’t make sense of what she is trying to say. But there ... is something ... 
“Where did you come from, dear? Where are your folks?”
Again, there is ... something.
My mind. God damn, my mind.
“Have I ... seen you around before, sweetie?” I’m not sure what I’ve done to cause it, but she turns and walks away. Down the porch steps. Down the pebbled driveway. Out into the night; a night cold enough to bring my own breath to a fog before me. Much too cold for air conditioning, and far too dark for a little girl to rightfully be traveling in alone. I motion to call out. I stop something that compels me to run off after her. If there is nothing else I know, it is that my frail, God-forsaken legs would not carry me far, least of all down the stairs. 
Just as I close the door, Bill is in the kitchen. He’d come up and I hadn’t noticed. 
At first I don’t answer. There is something within me that has something to say yet ... it just will not come. Something.
“Irene. Did you eat my Hershey’s?”
“No, Bill. I ... Bill, why didn’t you tell me it was Halloween?”
“Halloween! Halloween! You didn’t ... you didn’t think to remind me it was Halloween!” 
“Halloween? Well what gave you that idea?”
“There was ...”
Bill’s concerned. He has that face again. He doesn’t care about the chocolate anymore and comes into the living room, pulls me into his big arms. He smells like the old boxes of things we store our photographs and memories in. Sometimes the entire house smells like him. Sometimes — like now — I think I like it. 
“Honey. Honey. Halloween. I know. Your favorite ... holiday, you used to call it. Used to wonder why the station didn’t give me the day off.” 
“It ... was my favorite day, wasn’t it?” I say. And then I remember. “It is my favorite day.” 
He laughs a little, like he’s remembering something too. “You could say that, yep. Used to have this whole place decked out in spiderwebs. Had me play scary music from the stereo. Lord knows nobody came up to this neck of the woods for candy, but that didn’t stop you.” 
He laughs again, but it seems different now. “You used to dress up to scare the Devil himself, I swear. Last time ... Lord, it was so long ago. I think I recall you and Bonnie dressed up as fairytale characters. You were ... Oh! You were The Mad Hatter, only with his head cut off. You held a bloody melon with a hat in your hands! You were mad, alright! But not Bonnie, she-”
His hug gets tight. It feels good, but I know there’s something not quite right.
“Yeah,” he says, and swallows hard in my ear. “She ... she just wanted to be Alice in Wonderland. Nothing scary. Just ... so pretty.” 
“Who’s Bonnie?”
Bill pulls away and hides his face from me, wiping cellar grime from his face and eyes. 
“Our girl, Irene. Our Bonnie. After all these years, I still miss her. It’s why I’m downstairs all the time. Looking at the old pictures we have of her. And today ... today, of course ...”
He laughs, sounding a bit more like himself. “Today she would have been forty years old. Her birthday. Forty, can you believe that? Christ, are we old.” 
He holds me again. “Twenty-nine years. I thought I’d lost you both.” He lets me go and starts into the den. I still can make no sense on what he’s going on about. 
“Y’Know, there aren’t a whole lotta blessings I can come up with these days, but there are three in particular that help me sleep at night.” 
“What’s that?” I ask.
“Well. One — and sorry to have to admit this — that the accident made you unable to ever drive again. And two, that ... horrible thing you went through the last time you drove ... with Bonnie ... it did something to your mind where you can’t remember what happened to our little girl. Sometimes I envy you of that. And I thank God you’re mostly okay.” 
Little girl. Bonnie. I feel at any moment my Bill is going to hop right into the Halloween spirit unlike he’d ever done and tell me this is all some scary story — some awful, awful nightmare of a story — and that Halloween is as special of a time to him as it’s ever been to me. 
“And the third?” I ask. “What’s that?”
He presses the button on the air conditioner, and the silence of the night is as gone as my recollection of why we are having such an odd conversation in the first place. 
“Air conditioning. Sweet, sweet AC. My god, is it stuffy. It’s the middle of July, Irene.”
0 notes
modronlotus · 7 years
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I need to get something off my chest.
I've been thinking about how my family officially found out (well, somewhat) about my practice and it's clinging to me. All of the emotions are latched on to me.
I've been wanting to tell you guys about what happened. That way you can learn from my experience. Because I'm honestly no different than any of you who haven't officially said your spirituality out loud. 
So let's get this going:
First I want to say I don't officially know what I am. 
I know my beliefs; I love the idea as everything is energy and manipulating it creates magic. That belief is reinforced every time I do a tarot reading or practice with my pendulum. I believe in the power of chakras, meditation, and balancing your body. I believe in your right to choose what you want out of your practice and not dictate what others should and shouldn't do. I like the ideas of Buddhism and reaching a state of enlightenment. I'm an eceltic cottage witch who likes tarot, green tarot, everything that has to do with Taurus, and five-hour baths.
But I don't know what I am religiously.
I don't dabble with deities, although I have thought of working with Hecate, Chang-E, or Nox.
But I don't know what I am religiously.
This is completely the opposite of how I grew up. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I was even an Unbaptized Publisher (which is pretty much a fancy title for nothing) when I was nine. 
But I remember a few things being wrong with that belief system. And I remember having a hard time with the smallest things growing up this way:
I wasn't allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. It was considered worshiping an idol. I had a teacher who refused to believe this and gave me the hardest time about it.
I remember sitting in class reading a "Young People Ask" book. Its a publication that's supposed to help explain puberty and going to school among those who aren't Witnesses to teens. There was a picture of a girl and boy kissing in a car. My grandmother came to school and whooped me because the teacher (same one as I previously mentioned) told her I was sneak reading it and being disgusting with the pictures.
I wasn't allowed to watch Scooby Doo, Harry Potter, or anything to do with ghosts, witches, demons, or anything magic. That's So Raven was off limits, especially.
I remember having a hard time explaining after Christmas break that I didn't have a Christmas. My grandparents did celebrate their wedding anniversary around that time and everyone received gifts from that, but no Christmas.
I wasn't allowed to go to Halloween parties or participate in them in school. I went trick or treating once when I was four or five; I was Blossom from PowerPuff Girls.
Birthdays aren't celebrated at all, as the two birthdays mentioned in the New Testament of Jehovah's Witnesses had someone killed. I kind of know how old my mother is and I definitely don't know how old my grandmother is because of this. It's awkward telling that to people.
I remember hearing a talk at a convention once when I had a crush on a boy who wasn't in "The Truth". We were in fourth grade, he was the son of the Vice-Principal, and was incredibly smart and sweet. A good kid. But that doesn't matter to Witnesses; you're not allowed to marry or date anyone outside of "The Truth". I remember crying my heart out during the meeting, my grandmother holding my head to her side to keep me quiet. I never told her why I was upset.
You see, growing up a Witness wasn't that bad. I didn't go anywhere really and stayed home, but I just was used to it. We weren't supposed to have friends outside the Kingdom Hall anyway.
But the problem was I felt dirty being there. I felt like an outsider. I remember looking at the two other people there that were my age and thinking about how different we were. I didn't want to be a missionary. I didn't want to give talks. I didn't want to go out in Field Service and go door-to-door. I didn't want to sit in that meeting three times a week; I constantly got in trouble for falling asleep. 
The biggest wakeup call I had was when my mother tried to kill herself. I was nine, my sister was a few months old, and my mother had just gotten back into the congregation. 
I still went to meetings with my grandmother, did everything the same, but didn't say anything about my mother. You see, my family doesn't like to talk about anything negative. Depression is a bad topic. Leaving the Kingdom Hall was worse.
My mother wasn't ever the same after that, but that's an entirely different discussion. But she plays apart in this story:
My mother has always prided herself on being "a friend to the friendless". She wears everything she does with a badge, even if it's not good. Like going to jail, being in a mental institution, or leaving her kids. She tries to make it sound like an amazing experience for her to have. 
She has friends upon friends who are some of the lowest individuals you can think of. Thieves, drunks, druggies, etc. She helps them anyway. She considers herself their friend.
I never saw it that way. I just laid in my room, quietly cried and blasted music with a million candles lit. I read books I personally bought, like Vampire Diaries or Wolf at the Door. I loved Twilight, I'm not ashamed of it. It was an escape, especially with vampires.
One day, I received a gift from an ex-boyfriend: a pentacle necklace. I thought it was beautiful. I didn't have an association with the symbol, I just thought it was gorgeous.
I wore it everyday. My grandmother saw it, called me a demon lover and possessed, and my mother had me throw away all the books I bought. Over sixty. Twilight was spared because I was letting someone borrow them at the time and I told my mother I'd give them to him. His dog tore them to pieces. 
Now, even though my family doesn't talk about and tends to forget negative things, if it's something bad that they don't like they'll never forget. Like me getting that necklace.
In December of 2015 I got married. We didn't have the money for a big ceremony, but we did our best. Bought a cake, made reservations for 15 people at a local Chinese place, and had a handfastening ceremony in the park. I made my dress from red velvet and leftover white fur from a Christmas show I was working on in college. My husband wore his interview clothes and a new cardigan. It was perfect for us.
Now, my husband wanted us to get married in winter. He hates the heat and I love the cooler time of year anyway. He chose December 21st for the first day of winter. Coincidentally that's also the winter solstice.
I got call after call, even the morning of the wedding, from my grandmother and mother about how I was being sneakily Pagan behind their back. They tried to back out of coming a good dozen times, but showed up anyway. They were the only ones from my side that did, along with my sister and my cousins under the age of seven.
I won't go into details, but my mother pretty much ruined my wedding day for my husband. I knew something bad was going to happen; I even asked my tarot cards the night before how it would go. It didn't end well.
They didnt know it, but the week before my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our daughter. I sent a letter to my mom, tried clearing the air, but before the baby was even mentioned I was pretty much disowned.
However, now that my daughter's here, my family felt a sense of entitlement. They wanted to see her. Everyone does when there's a baby. But dealing with birth and postpartum issues, I didn't want that.
So I decided a few weeks ago to call my mother and explain that I wasn't comfortable with the demanding nature of everything around my daughter. I'm still not. But she's my daughter, my decision.
She understood that, in her talking-over-me way.
Then I decided now was the time to tell her about my tarot business.
This is why: we're moving back up to where she lives soon. With how nosy everyone is, they were going to find out anyway. It's better to give a warning to avoid bigger issues down the line.
Plus my mother has a track record with hiding things like this from my grandmother. You know, to help me out and cause less drama. She'd do the same thing here, right?
She called me a demon, again. Didn't understand why I wanted to tell her about my business, about my spirituality. The same woman who says she'll always be there for my daughter in one sentence and then demonizes me, literally, in the next. And then she brought up my wedding day, saying I lied about getting married on the first day of winter. 
How am I supposed to take that? I'm expected to lay down, agree, say I'm sorry, and forget about it. I'm expected to let her berate me and then demand to be near my child. I'm expected to agree to being a liar when I'm not.
So I cut her off. Her and everyone else.
I've dealt with the abuse my entire life. I've dealt with the toxicity my entire life. But this conversation, this hypocrisy, is not happening to my child. I don't want her to feel support and love and then complete dismissal from a family that's been there her whole life. 
Not ever.
I wanted to share this because it's a constant conversation in the magical community about whether to stay quiet about your practice or expose it. 
I do agree with some teachings; that you need to be like the Earth; silent and speaking when it's necessary.
I agree with keeping your craft from those who would cause harm or problems.
But I also believe in putting your foot down and nipping problems in the bud.
Should I have said anything? I think so. It was going to happen sooner or later.
I was tired of the constant battle over child care and if my business really matters and when I was going to make something of myself.
I was tired of not feeling any support.
I was tired of being told I was loved by the people who said they only cared about my baby.
I was tired of my husband being excluded from everything, and in turn me.
I was tired of being seen as less than a person by the people who raised me.
And I was tired of constantly being told, "You can always go to the Kingdom Hall".
No. I can't. And I won't.
I took some to sit down and talk with Karyn from The Lost Lemurian about my experience with coming out of the broom closet.
We also talked about how difficult it is to have an ongoing practice while living at home with religious restriction.
Take a look at our conversation here; lots of tips and tricks are given for practicing in everyday subtle ways.
Bit of a personal post today, but I hope I was able to help you in some way. Talking about your spirituality is such a sensitive topic. I just wanted to be open and honest with you guys about my own.
I also want to say if you guys ever need someone to rant to about things like this, feel free to email me. I'll listen. I'll help in any way I can. No matter what you believe, I promise that.
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