#I was cleaning my desk to make room for drawing etc
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 3 months
Can I make a very NSFW request? Severus x reader fem. Ever since Severus and Y/N had sex for the first time, Severus feels a lot of sexual desire, and he likes to have his girlfriend moaning for him all the free time they have.
"Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"—Severus
Addicted to My Girl ~Severus Snape xFem Reader
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Summary— Established Relationship, ever since Severus first heard Reader properly moan, he can’t get enough of her. He now lives to draw those sinful sounds from her. Smut ensues. Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! Thanks for the request! Yes, I absolutely would love to write this for you. Thank you for your detailed explanation. I sincerely hope you Enjoy this! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt— "Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, fingering, sex, p in v, implied clit stimulation, overstimulation, light praise, pet names, voice/moan kink, honeymoon phase, established relationship, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
From the second that Severus had heard an unbridled moan erupt from your throat and vibrate through your entire body for the first time, the man was hooked. Owned. Addicted. Powerless. At your mercy.
You were spread out on top of his desk. Your legs wide and Severus planted in the middle of them. Clothes were discarded all across the room. It was heated and passionate. You had both finally snapped, not even making it to the bedroom.
Marks were littered across the neck and chest, but Severus’ tongue was not working away at something else. You gasped and your hand jumped into his head of hair, as the man’s tongue went feral on your cunt.
“OhhHhHh Sevvvvv—!!”
Before you could stop it, your sinfully loud moan tore through all the fibers of your being. Severus stopped at that, looking up at you dumbfounded.
Severus now spent all of his waking hours, that weren’t taken up by his classes, coaxing more heavenly sounds from your lips.
His sex drive, while he had always had one, had fucking skyrocketed since that first night, when you and Severus had first had sex. He couldn’t get you off his mind. Hell, he spent most of his time alone just getting himself off to the thought of you.
Severus stole you away every second he could get you. When you both had free blocks, the man was guaranteed to be teasing you or already in between your legs in some capacity.
Severus was extra lucky today, because it was Friday night, and neither of you had anything planned after your last class in the afternoon. So Severus thought you’d both skip the great hall dinner, after all, the man had the perfect dinner in front of him already…
It wasn’t even dark out yet, and Severus already had you in his lap as he sat in his office desk chair. The man’s fingers had simply slipped under your garments and past your knickers, sliding in and out of your cunt with ease. Your eyes rolled back as you held onto your man for dear life as he bounced you up and down on his fingers.
“S-sev… I’m going to… OhhHhH Sevvv…!” You moaned lewdly, nuzzling your face into the crook of Severus’ neck as you moaned out.
Severus eyes darkened further at your beautiful, addictive sounds.
“That’s it, my love… Cum on my fingers… Again…” Severus told you in his destructively low and sultry, sexy tone.
You held nothing back, crashing over the edge for the second time in the last 40 minutes, having already cum once in Severus’ lap from mere clit stimulation. You let out another sinful moan as you reached ecstasy, biting into your man’s neck to manage the overwhelming pleasure.
Severus fingered you through your high with ease, knowing just the right way to bring you down from your climax, while keeping you buzzing for more.
The man then gently removed his fingers from your dripping cunt, licking his digits clean, before he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your shared bedroom. He laid you on the bed, where you instinctively began to curl up with a yawn. But Severus chuckled, crawling up on top of you, beginning to remove his and your clothing. You giggled and let him help you with objection on your end.
“Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs” he cooed lustfully, coming up to your face and giving you a cheeky kiss on the lips, as he spread out your naked form across the bed.
You gasped as you felt Severus’ dick grinding against your dripping core. You immediately grabbed any and all of his exposed skin, pulling his body against yours and moaning once more.
“Tsk tsk tsk, not so fast, my love… Want a proper taste of you first…” Severus hummed, getting off of you to your dismay, and lowering himself down the bed so that his mouth was level with the cunt.
Your hand found purchase again in his hair as the man’s mouth began to devour your precious pussy. His tongue glided in and out of your core with ease, lapping up all your juices and using his own spit as even more lubricant. You threw your head back and let out a groan, as his tongue worked your centre.
“F-fuck Sevvviiiii—” you choked out, pulling tightly on his hair, as Severus buried his face in your cunt and pressed his nose against your clit while his mouth continued to work its wonders on your cunt.
Severus groaned in delight at your sounds, struggling with the urge to take you right there. But he took a deep breath and simply fucked you harder, knowing the wait would be well worth it. His tone continued to swirl its way through your folds, alternating between stimulating your clit and your entrance. And as soon as you tugged at his locks hard enough a gave him a desperate mewl of need, his tongue sunk into your core.
“Christ Severus Yesssssss…!!” You moaned, your back arching and toes curling into his touch.
The man worked you up with precise skill, having paid intense attention to exactly what made your eyes roll back. The pad of his thumb began to roll your clit, making your knees wobble and pulling another string of whimper and groans from your lips. By the time you reached your third edge, you were a begging mess.
“Please please Sevvv Oh God please—!”
Severus happily hummed into your cunt, “Cum for me, my Darling…”
Your third orgasm rocked over you like a fucking tsunami, feeling like every single one of your nerves were on fire as a hot, white pleasure took over your entire body. You sparked underneath your man’s hold, but he never relented, continuing to tongue fuck you through your high.
By the end of your climax, your vision was a little blurry and you were shaking.
“Still want more…?” Severus’ voice gently asked, as he came up from in between your thighs.
“Mhmmmmm yessss, give it to me Sev…” you mumbled, with a drunken nod.
With a smirk, Severus lined himself up with your dripping heat. You held onto the man in a vice grip as he sunk down into you. And the man nearly came right there from the sinful moan that spilled from your lips… Bloody Hell, he would be chasing those pretty noises of yours for the rest to his life.
Severus Snape Masterlist
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belladonna-moon · 1 year
☽ Closet Witch Tips ☾
Hi, everyone! I spent years living as a closet witch and wishing I had more freedom to practice. Nowadays my living situation is different which allows me to do things I couldn’t before, but I know that there are many witches out there who are still struggling with this so I decided to share some tips on how to practice in the broom closet
Keep in mind these are all suggestions, you don’t need to have an altar, a book of shadows, practice divination, etc if you don’t want to
(Disclaimer: you don’t need an altar to practice, but in case you still desire to have one)
Inside a jewelry box
Shoe box
Tin can
In a video game such as animal crossing, the sims, minecraft, etc
The #SelfCare app has a little altar in which you can decorate with crystals, herbs and tarot cards
Notebook (then add the items by drawing them or maybe making collages)
Make/buy a little terrarium (artificial or real)
I’ve heard of people using plant vases as altars as well
(In case you can’t buy tarot decks/runes/etc)
Make your own tarot cards/oracle cards (it can be a little tiring but it’s what I did when I couldn’t buy my own)
Use playing cards as minor arcanas to read tarot
Pendulums (doesn’t have to be an actual crystal pendulum as you see on witchy stores, anything on a string will do)
Make runes out of seashells, rocks, clay, etc
Flip a coin for yes and no questions
Give dice divination a try
Deity Worship/Work
Wear jewelry that reminds you of them (ex: sun necklace for apollo, moon ring for artemis, etc)
Wear their associated colors
Practice devotional acts such as reading about them, praying, drawing something for them, writing them a letter, something related to your deity’s domains
Keep a notebook in which you can write their myths/domains/associations/etc or write prayers/poems, make drawings of things they like, etc
Keep a small altar
Watch movies that remind you of them
Play video games associated with their domains
Study something they have domain over
Make them a playlist
Make them a pinterest board
Make a devotional blog
Light a candle in their honor (it’s ok if you can only use LED candles)
Keep something associated with them on your desk/shelf
Keep a crystal associated with them near you
Get a small statuette/toy of one of their sacred animals to represent them (on your shelf/desk, on a small altar if you have one, etc)
Make a little deity jar and keep it near you
Have a devotional plant for them
Spend time in nature in their honor
Take care of yourself
Book of Shadows
Notes app
Google docs or google keep
Tumblr blog (either private or public, up to you)
Somewhere on your phone/computer
Simple Practices
Enchant your jewelry with intention
Use color correspondence in your clothes/makeup
Open your windows to cleanse your room
Keep crystals around you
Physically clean your space
Take showers/baths with the intention of cleansing yourself
Try practicing some kitchen magic if you cook
Enchant your food/drink
Make sigils
Keep plants in your space associated with your intention (ex: protection, creativity, etc)
Keep in mind that you’re not any less of a witch for not being able to do certain things, your practice is still valid
☽ Feel free to reblog with more tips! ☾
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alwaysonthemend · 10 days
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Author’s Note: This fic is in response to this lovely ask and from @jakeyt and her sinfully lovely little blurb as well. I loved writing this. The way I would pay all the money in my bank account to be able to make Jake Kiszka whimper… Ah well, a girl can dream. 
Content Warnings: Fem!reader, smut, unprotected p in v sex, dirty talk, dom!Jake & sub!reader (briefly), sub!Jake & dom!reader, overstimulation, cum play, name calling (whore, slut, etc), hickeys, biting. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI
Word Count: 3.5k
O how the mighty have fallen. 
For Jake Kiszka, being a famous rockstar has its perks – money, traveling, thousands of adoring fans screaming his name, not to mention getting to do what he loves for a living surrounded by his brothers… all the things that you know Jake is thankful for. He’s told you countless times how lucky he feels, how humbled he is by the band’s success and by how much their fans support and love them.  
But there’s one thing that comes with the job that Jake absolutely despises...
It’s not often that he has to do it – all the contract signing and label nonsense that comes along with being famous. But whenever he does have to do it… well, it always leaves him in a sour mood. 
And that’s exactly what he’s upstairs at his desk doing right now as you grow more and more bored by the second. You’d already cleaned up from the meal you’d shared a few hours before, you’d dusted, swept the floor, and re-arranged the ridiculous number of throw blankets that you and Jake have somehow managed to acquire over the years. But still… Jake is busy. So busy, in fact, that he’d declined your earlier offer of a special dessert after dinner, claiming that this paperwork just had to get done tonight. 
But you’re tired of waiting. 
Deciding that enough is enough, you ascend the stairs to your shared bedroom where you know Jake is currently hunched over the desk in the corner as he reads through all the musical industry jargon that’s nearly impossible to understand. You quietly enter the room, bare feet welcoming the softness of your carpeted bedroom floor as you creep up behind him. 
“Still at it, huh?”
Jake startles, whipping his head around to glance at you over his shoulder before turning back around. 
“Yep.” He mumbles, a fingertip tracing down the page in front of him. 
“Sure is taking a while.” You walk closer to him, hovering over his shoulder to glance down at the papers in front of him. 
Jake only hums in response, flipping a page over. 
“Any idea when you’ll be done?” You ask, lips hovering so, so close to the sensitive skin of his neck – the spot right behind his ear that you know drives him crazy. 
“Sooner if you let me work in peace.” The words are accompanied by a huff – not quite annoyed but definitely not pleased with your interruption. 
“Touchy.” You tell him, earning yourself a sharp glance from the corner of his eye. 
Realizing that you’re not going to get anything from him with just words, you decide it’s time to up your game a little bit. Dropping to your knees next to his chair, you glance up at him through your lashes. The movement finally seems to draw his full attention as he swivels in his chair to look at you in confusion. 
His jaw clenches as he fully takes in the position that you’ve placed yourself in. Success. 
“Y/n. What are you doing?” 
“Waiting patiently and quietly,” you say with a little shrug, doing your best to play innocent, “for you to be finished.” 
His eyes narrow, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. 
“Sure you are.” He says, voice a little lower and his eyes dilating. You know now that you’ve got him hook, line, and sinker. “Definitely not trying to tease me at all?”
“I’m not teasing.” You tilt your head, spreading your thighs a little bit. “Is me sitting here bothering you?”
Jake grins a little, spreading his own legs as he keeps his dark eyes fixed on you. 
“Just giving me a few, very unhelpful and entirely too distracting ideas.” 
Oh you’ve really got him now. You know that there’s no way in hell that he’ll go back to whatever he was working on before. His hips shift in his seat, the light gray material of his pants allowing you to see as his length begins to harden – twitching and straining beneath the fabric. 
“What sort of ideas?” You ask him, heat flooding to your core at the sight of his very obvious desire. 
Instead of answering, Jake reaches down and grips your jaw in his calloused hand – his thumb coming up to drag along your bottom lip. You bite back a moan as his hips shift again and his breathing catches a little, betraying just how badly he wants you. 
“Thinking about your big cock in my mouth?” 
The bluntness of your question clearly takes him off guard as his lips part in a barely there moan. But then his grin widens, eyes sparkling wickedly. 
“Something like that.” He murmurs, chest rising and falling quickly. “You know I love it when you talk filthy.” 
You nod, reaching upwards to place your hands on his knees and pushing to spread his legs wider. You scoot forward, placing yourself even closer to where you know he wants you. But you don’t move, hands staying resolutely on his knees. 
“Do you want me to stop, Jakey?” You ask, already knowing his answer. “Don’t wanna distract you...”
“No.” The word is more like a growl and his grip on your jaw tightens. His hips rock forward again, as if needing relief so badly that the little friction his pants provide is better than what you’re refusing to give him. “You know good and well what I want, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.” You smile up at him as you finally move to unzip his pants. He lifts his hips, allowing you to pull them fully down, leaving him in his boxers now. His cocks strains against them – his precum already leaving a dark spot on the fabric. 
“Fuck.” He groans as you finally press your palm to his length, rubbing him through the fabric slowly. His cock throbs in answer and you can’t help but laugh a little at his desperation. 
“Feel good?” You ask teasingly, rubbing your middle and pointer finger along his head in slow circles. The muscles in his thighs tense as he lets out a breath. 
“Yeah.” You slide your hand back downwards, massaging his balls through his boxers and making him groan again. “Such a fucking tease.”
You laugh lightly, pulling your hand away from him completely and he whines a little in protest. 
“I would never.” You answer, tugging his boxers down and finally setting his aching cock free. The skin is red from rubbing against the fabric and he twitches a little as the cool air hits him. 
You rise up fully, bracing both hands on the tops of his thighs before sinking your mouth down around him completely. 
“Oh.” He says through a moan, his right hand coming up to tangle in your hair as you swallow around him. “Fuckin’ hell.” 
You rise up a little, keeping your lips wrapped around his head and suckling a little bit, closing your eyes and moaning around him. It does the trick and suddenly he’s thrusting upwards the best he can, fingers tightening in your hair as you allow him to fuck into your mouth like you know he’s been thinking about doing since you first sat down at his feet. 
“Bet you’ve been waiting for this all day.” He says through clenched teeth, eyes rolling back as you moan around him again. “Just waiting to let me fuck your pretty mouth, haven’t you?”
You nod the best you can, gagging a little as the velvety head of his cock nudges the back of your throat mercilessly. Your fingers dig into his thighs as he gets a little rougher, his composure cracking completely as he nears his release. Clearly he’s been just as worked up as you’ve been these past few hours. 
His groans begin to grow even louder so you pull off him with a ‘pop’ and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Y/n, fuck.” He protests, glaring down at you the way he always does when you push him too far. “I was so close.”
“I know.” You say with a shrug, backing up a little bit. You know you’re toeing the line – getting dangerously close to pushing him too far and earning yourself a delicious punishment. But you don’t want to back down. “But you have work to do.” A nod to the papers laying abandoned on the desk. 
Jake growls, fisting his hands in your hair and tugging so that your head falls back, exposing your throat as he leans in close. 
“Don’t,” he says darkly, lips hovering just above yours, “be a brat. Or I’ll have to punish you.”
You lean upwards as much as you can with the tight grip he has on your hair and swipe your tongue across his bottom lip and then drag it across his jaw slowly, leaving a trail of saliva smeared across his beautiful face. Jake’s nostrils flare as you pull away, fire lighting in his eyes.
Without warning, Jake stands quickly and yanks on your hair, pulling you to your feet roughly. 
“Get on the fucking bed. Lose the clothes.” 
You hastily rip your tank top and shorts off, tossing them to the floor before climbing onto the bed, completely bare before him. Jake yanks his own shirt off, revealing himself fully to you as well before instantly pinning you to the mattress beneath him. 
“What, my dearest, sweetest, little angel,” he teases, “has gotten into you tonight, hm? Why are you being such a little slut?”
You relax your thighs on either side of him and roll your hips up into him, rubbing your slick folds against his aching cock. He groans then, his hand coming down to press heavily against your lower stomach to stop you from moving. 
“Were you feeling ignored?” His tone is sickly sweet, mocking and husky as you writhe beneath him. “Is that it, baby?”
“Yes.” You answer him breathlessly. “Wanted your cock so bad.”
“Oh, yeah? Such a desperate whore that you couldn’t wait just a little bit longer for me to be done? Couldn't- fuck!” 
You cut him off, scissoring your legs and throwing your bodyweight with them as you flip Jake completely into his back, You settle on top of him, straddling him and using your body to pin him for once. 
“You were taking too long.” You tell him, loving the way his mouth has dropped open in complete shock at you challenging him like this. “And you talk too much.”
“You’re asking for it, angel.” He warns darkly, but the flush on his chest and the way his cock keeps twitching betrays how the roles reversing has affected him. 
“Am I?” You ask, sliding your wet pussy along his length where it rests against his stomach. “I think you like this too much to do anything about it…” You place both palms on his stomach for leverage, relishing in the softness of him as you continue to slide up and down on his hard cock. 
His hands come up and grip your hips harshly, his eyes fluttering shut as he guides your hips over him faster. 
“Bloody hell, where has this been hiding?” He asks through gritted teeth. 
“Fuck, I dunno. You made me wait for too long.” You answer, struggling to get the words out thanks to the way his shaft is rubbing against your swollen clit – the feeling made even better thanks to his precum and your wetness mixing together. 
“Ride me, angel.” He begs, fingers digging into your hips so harshly you know it’s gonna leave bruises. “Wanna see you bouncing on my cock.”
“Fuck.” You whine, rising up a little bit as he fists his dick, helping to guide himself into you as you slowly sink down onto him. 
You both cry out loudly, the stretch of him nearly overwhelming. 
“Jake.” You whimper. “Oh my God.”
“So fuckin’ tight.” 
You start to bounce, tossing your hair over your shoulder and keeping your palms on his abdomen. Jake thrusts up to meet you, sweat dripping down his temples.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last long like this.” His voice sounds just as wrecked as he looks, his cock already twitching and pulsing inside you. You’re teasing from earlier has clearly done a number on him but you’re right behind him too.
With his eyes rolled back into his head and his creamy skin shiny and flushed, he looks like the picture of sin. His throat bobs, looking all too bite-able. His hair is splayed out on the pillow beneath his head like a halo — though you're entirely certain that no angel would want anything to do with you and him right now. A fallen angel then, you think to yourself, lost in the throes of pleasure.
Overcome by the sight of him beneath you like this, by the sounds of pleasure that tumble from his lips with each roll of your hips, you lean downwards and attach your mouth to the column of his throat. Then, almost without thinking, your teeth graze the sensitive skin and Jake jolts beneath you, a loud moan escaping him as you bite down — pinching his skin with your teeth. You soothe the spot with a pass of your tongue, moving downwards a little to suck a purple mark onto his skin.
"Do that again." His voice sounds so unlike himself — needy and desperate. "Mark me." It's not a request — but a whiny, broken prayer.
There's no denying him now as you graze your lips over to the other side of his neck, sucking another bruise there. You can feel his cock pulse as you do so and his breathing quickens even more.
"So pretty, Jakey."
He whimpers in answer, plush lips dropping open and tiny little grunts and moans leaving them with every thrust of his hips.
His cock feels so good inside of you, the ridges and veins brushing against your walls in a delicious drag and the blunt head hitting against your sweet spot with each rise and fall of your hips. He's driving into you recklessly, coaxing you closer and closer and closer to your release. Your thighs begin to burn but you can't stop. You won't stop.
“Jake, ‘m gonna cum! Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” 
“Yeah. Fucking do it, angel. Oh fuck!”
Suddenly his thumb is circling your clit and then your orgasm is crashing through you. Your walls clench around him as you cry out his name – the burn in your thighs fading into nothing as you continue to ride him through your release. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jake is right behind you, thrusting up helplessly as he finishes, painting your walls with his release. 
As your mind finally begins to return, as the waves of pleasure dissipate at last, you’re hit with a wonderfully devilish idea. You’ve gotten away with more than you ever have before tonight and… what’s one more thing, really? 
You pull off Jake, climbing off to the side of his body. His eyes are closed, his face the picture of bliss. Giving him no warning, you wrap your hand around his spent cock. Jake's body convulses, eyes snapping open as he whines. Loudly. 
“Y/n!” He cries out your name as you jerk him roughly, his poor cock valiantly beginning to harden again as you work your palm over him, yours and his releases making it slick and easy. “God.”
“Give me one more, Jakey.” You murmur, unable to tear your gaze away from him. He writhes, hands falling to his sides and fisting the sheets into his hands, fingers turning white where his rings dig into his skin. 
“I can’t!” He cries out, head thrashing. “Fuck, it’s too much.” 
He sounds so desperate, so broken and it sends a thrill through you. Oh how the mighty has fallen at last.
“Poor baby.” You tease. “Getting a taste of your own medicine, yeah?” 
He whimpers in answer, body going taut as pleasure finally begins to overtake him again. He really is tasting his own medicine – experiencing first hand the sinful agony that he loves to inflict upon you. It’s always you. 
But not tonight. No, he’s been flying too close to the sun for a long, long time and tonight he’s finally paying the price for it. 
“Give me another one, baby.” You murmur, eyeing the way his hair sticks to the side of his face and his neck with sweat. “Show me how much you love me. Show me that you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” He says through a moan, body beginning to tremble. “Only yours. Fuck!”
“Yeah, you are. You’re mine.” 
His body goes completely rigid, muscles so tense you’re almost afraid he might hurt himself. 
“Holy shit! Oh God, I’m gonna- fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“That’s it, baby. That’s right. Being such a good boy.”
That does it. Jake’s whole body convulses, his eyes rolling back in his head as hot cum explodes from him. He screams – a sound so beautiful and full of pleasure that you’ve never heard from him before. You work him through it, watching as he completely succumbs to it all, chanting your name the whole way through. 
Finally, his body relaxes slightly and he whimpers so you let go of him and reach up to swipe his hair from his forehead. You can feel his racing heartbeat as you place your hand on his chest, hoping to try and help him settle a little. Those gorgeous eyes of his finally blink open to look at you and a tired, satiated smile spreads across his lips. 
“Okay?” You ask, trying to hold back your own grin after seeing such a display from him. 
“Jesus. I think so.” He shifts a little, grimacing at the feeling of his cum drying on his stomach and chest. “Sticky.” He adds with a little pout. 
You roll your eyes playfully and rise to grab his boxers off the floor and wipe him clean, carefully avoiding his abused cock where it lays spent against his thigh. 
“That was fucking hot.” You tell him, settling down next to him in the bed. The lights are still on but neither of you seem to have the energy to get up and turn them off quite yet. 
“Yeah.” He breathes out, laughing a little, “I think my soul left my body there for a minute.”
“Would do again, then?” You ask, grinning a little at him. 
He grins back. 
“Oh, fuck yes. I didn’t know you had that in you… taking control like that.”
You turn on your side to face him and press a little kiss to his lips.
“Me neither.”
 After a long moment of comfortable, exhausted silence you ask, suddenly a little worried, “That paperwork didn’t actually have to be done by tonight, right?”
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
intimacy alphabet - b.s.
Brennan Sorrengail x reader words: 1.4k-ish 🏷: NSFW. all of it. I tried to keep this gender neutral again and I think I succeeded? mentions of penetrative sex, oral, fingering, soft d/s dynamics, the usual stuff. It took me a while to figure him out, but I think I'm onto something here. lemme know -- always down to discuss my main man. some more spicy bren coming soon, hehe
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he's a very responsible and caring guy -- he’s making sure you’re okay, mending any bruises or soreness he might have caused and cleaning the both of you up, giving you soft affirmations and I-love-you’s all the while, especially if he was rough with you. helps get you dressed in clean clothes and then it’s cuddle time. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his hands — because you like them so much, and because you make the prettiest sounds when he touches you.
your hips — he loves grabbing them to pull you closer, digging his fingers into the softness there when he’s fucking you, kissing them before he goes down on you…
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he likes to cum inside of you a little more than he should. he’s still in denial about what that means, though. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he’s thought about messing around with you in the assembly room, and he really likes that idea, but he has a reputation to maintain, and it would probably make his work a lot more difficult— he already has a hard enough time getting work done in his office, his mind often wandering to the things you’ve done in there.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
you’ve had plenty of practice with each other over the years. he absolutely knows what he’s doing. he’s not a naive college kid anymore, he’s a man, and he fucks like it. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
bending you over the desk in his office and giving it to you nice and deep and a little rough, your cheek smushed into the tabletop and your nails digging into the wood — if you mess up the papers or scratch the desk, he can just mend it back, anyway. and of course he’s putting up a sound shield, so you don’t need to muffle those cute little whimpers while he uses you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s pretty serious but he loves to tease. likes watching you squirm and drawing things out until you beg.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
very clean guy. he’s doing some routine maintenance. and yes, it does.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he’s a very caring and giving person, and that definitely extends into the bedroom. he can be incredibly tender and romantic with you if the mood is right, but sometimes you both want things to be a little rougher, and he’s very good at that too. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t see him handling things himself very often. if he feels the need, he’s finding you for help — or calling you into his office, where you’re going to take care of it together. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
re: the above,,, he has a mild free-use kink… he loves the idea of either one of you dropping everything to please the other whenever they ask. it’s usually him asking, but it goes both ways — if you walk into his office and tell him you need him, he’s putting down the paperwork and strategy plans and getting on his knees for you without hesitation.
mild authority kink (more on that later). 
dare I say a tiny bit of an innocence kink? especially if you’re younger than him… I wanna write an age gap fic for him so bad ughhh 😩
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
we’ve established that the office is at the top of the list along with your bedroom, and the attached bathroom (over the counter in front of the mirror, in the shower…) not really anywhere else.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
bat your eyelashes at him and call him Lieutenant Colonel in that sweet, innocent  voice and there’s a very good chance that you’re going to be face-down, ass-up in the next ten minutes.
also, if either of you had to be away from the other for more than two days, the moment you’re reunited + the revolution business is handled and you’re behind closed doors, you’re fucking.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he doesn’t want to seriously hurt you or cause you pain. he knows that he can mend any injury, but he’d really rather not have to in the first place.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he will never ever refuse head from you. he fucking loves it. it’s the ultimate stress reliever for him. holds your hair back for you and tells you what a good girl/boy you are, how pretty you look on your knees for him.
happy to return the favor, and really good at it, too. he purposely keeps his hair just long enough for you to tug on when he’s making you feel good.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can do both, and does them well. fast and rough when he’s mad / jealous or if you’re being a brat, slow and deep and loving when you’re reunited after being apart, after a near-death experience, or whenever either of you needs a little extra TLC. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they happen quite often, but they’re never quick enough — you always end up late to whatever you have to do afterward. the other assembly members know not to go to his office to find him if he’s late for a meeting. he’ll get there when he gets there; right now he has very important things to handle.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
there was more experimenting when you were younger, and still figuring things out. you know what you like now, but you still manage to surprise each other every now and then. he’s learned a lot from your romance novels, especially the pages you’ve bookmarked and the things you’ve highlighted etc etc.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
his stamina is pretty high. he fucks. he can go an easy 2-3 rounds every time, but you don’t feel the need to go all night anymore. however, if you make a joke about him getting old, etc., he’s going to have to prove to you that he still has it, and fuck you until you cry / apologize.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I could see modern!Bren liking to use a vibe / etc on you, but I don’t think such a thing exists in FW. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he loves to tease, namely pretending to not understand your vague pleas for him to touch you, etc. or making you repeat yourself when you’re struggling to form words because he’s making you feel good. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s usually not too loud, mostly just some soft panting / groaning / praise. cannot shut the fuck up when you go down on him though. sounds really pretty when he cums. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
loves loves loves making out with you. he could do it for hours, if you both weren’t so needy / constantly under time pressure being revolution leaders. it’s just so nice to sit in his lap and kiss him, holding each other close and letting your worries and stress disappear for a while. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s built so nicely. he’s strong and muscular, but still a little soft and perfect to cuddle with. has a fair few scars on his body, including one over his heart from the arrow that nearly killed him in the battle of Aretia. you kiss it every time you see it, as a reminder of how glad you are that he’s still here with you. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty high, but you certainly aren’t complaining.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if you’re in bed, then pretty quickly after cleanup etc. if you’re anywhere else, he’ll usually have it in him to either make the hike upstairs to your room, or to go about your day after a few minutes of cuddles. 
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isaut · 3 months
let the light in // lover you should’ve come over // my love is mine all mine // etc etc etc rex is in love with you and learning to be human you have to trust me
you have an amalgamation of friends that you’ve picked up through your eclectic life. you tether them all together with sundays— brunch that rolls into tapas. there’s one who studies marine biology, and another who draws caricatures in the tourist district. there’s one, however, who is most like you, with a penchant to avoid the digital.
she’s got these old cameras that click and churn when the photos are taken. she clicks away on these sundays, capturing moments on film.
rex doesn’t think he belongs here. but you had been so shy asking him to come— any sunday that he could make work. had played with the tips of your hair and refused to look at his hologram.
“smile!” instructs your friend, with a grin plastered across her face. with a platter of freshly cooked artichokes and mustard in your hands and halfway out onto the patio, you turn and give her a smile.
“thank you!” she chirps. the photo slides out of the camera, and she deposits it on the table.
it happens again, when you decide the only place to sit is in rex’s lap. he’s in a discussion with your marine biologist friend, talking about coral reefs and sharks.
“i need a kiss for my kissing wall,” your friend says, camera in hand.
“take two,” you tell her, tucking your hair behind your ears as to not obstruct your face. “hey, handsome.”
rex’s attention never left you. his hand rubs up and down your back.
“un bisous?” you ask, hand resting on his chest.
you meet each other in the middle. there’s a click, and then a flash of white. rex’s hand comes to cup your jaw, fingers sliding through your hair. you bring your hand up to rest on his wrist, feeling a hardness build in your throat. there’s another click, another flash of white.
you pull away slowly. you can still taste rex on your tongue— him and light beer and artichokes. his hand stays on your jaw and you press it more firmly against you, smushing your cheek.
“i already miss you,” you whisper.
“that’s my line,” rex says, just as soft.
you clean in the morning. the drunkest of your friends spend the night, on couches and in loveseats and on makeshift beds on the floor. rex pauses at the table, filled with polaroids from the night prior.
he holds the one of you, with the dish in your hands, between his fingers.
“take it.” it’s your friend. rex looks over at her. “i have enough photos of her. take it.”
“thanks,” rex says.
“take this one too,” she says, plucking the one of the kiss, where it’s deepening. “it’s too romantic for my wall.”
rex holds both polaroids in his bunk. the ship hums silently around him. he doesn’t quite know what to do with them. he’s lucky enough to have a room— albeit small— to himself. the mirror has no frame to tuck the photos in like yours done back home.
there’s a notch on his data pad. he decides you can go there, so he can flip the device over and look at you.
the kiss, however, needs a special place. for now, it sits on the small desk.
he falls asleep with both of them on the bed beside his pillow.
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gottagetback2u · 4 months
these are all specific stores!!! most of these are american stores (i think?) so sorry if they are unfamiliar!! i may or may not have worked at these places before…
what do u mean when u tell me lee know has never stepped foot inside a bath and body works before?? HE IS MADE FOR IT OMG. the apron tied around his waist, his pretty visuals literally drawing customers in. people would actually take the scent testers from him. imagine asking for recommendations and him leading u around the store, calling out scents by name and their “floral, dark, clean” notes. his favorite scent is definitely a spring scent like book loft or a classic like crisp morning air. ALSO imagine his shy, working voice when asking people for their rewards number and then going to the back, rolling his eyes and immediately complaining. made for the job. he’s perfect.
chan and felix are also great fits! they would definitely be a lil too knowledgeable (thanks to sisters and genuine interest). imagine asking for recommendations for scents and felix whips out gingham gorgeous (aka one of the strongest, clean scent with floral). my wonderful body care men :’]
let’s be honest. changbin in an apron. that’s it.
u mean to tell me these nerds wouldn’t apply for barnes & noble at least four times? (honestly, it seems like they’re always hiring then never hire lmao)
hyunjin definitely likes the “quiet” vibe of the workplace. it’s definitely not always quiet, but being surrounded by books and drawing when he has no customers at the help desk is nice. he likes roaming around and looking at new journals, stationary, popular authors, etc. he doesn’t always read, but if the book seems popular enough he will get it to try it out! also, hyunjin dressed as a nerd with his eyebrow piercing and dyed hair. sHEEESSHH that’s the death of me.
ur probably wondering why seungmin isn’t the first name. he is literally the member that ppl said his room was “boring” bc of all the books and that he probably studies for fun. BUT, i don’t think he would necessarily like it as a job? he likes to keep his interests and hobbies to himself, so constantly recommending books or seeing others buy an author he absolutely hated might not be his favorite. although, some days he walks in and is GRATEFUL that he chose this over any other mall job. some days it’s his escape. bookworm 4L.
han as a target worker is literally canon at this point. lets be honest, he would be a perfect fit. he would wear the same red zip up jacket ever shift, no matter is he’s doing shipment orders or register. mans just wants to be comfy and make money. but in all seriousness!! he likes the people he works with and enjoys how organized everything is. less to get confused and overwhelmed by.
u could find jeongin either at target or ur local grocery store. he just fits the grocery store worker vibe so well. don’t know how to explain.
changbin in a target is something i never thought about but it would work so well? imagine him at the customer service desk asking for ur card information for a refund. like how does it seem so normal???
first person i thought of for best buy. changbin. he just seems like such a lil dork when thinking about it?? ur telling me he wouldn’t giggle and act flustered when u thought the iphone 15 and 15 max were the same thing? he would. u know he would.
felix just works and we all know it. his mom definitely made him apply bc of his love for PCs and he kinda just got the job. loves doing tech things!! (but hates how rude some of the customers are :[)
for those who don’t know, tilly’s is kinda like an alternative skater/surfer clothing store! like beach clothes for skaters… if that makes sense…
from past experience of working here, chan just fits the manager role so well. diligent when working and so nice?? customers never feel overlooked when talking to him, all workers respect and like him, and he does amazing at his job! another thing that fits him so well is how tired he is :(( tillys puts their managers to workkk i am telling u.
jeongin would feel a lil outcasted when working here, cuz he never expected to work at a mall store??, but he likes it pretty much. he likes being on fitting room duty the most bc he could be on his phone most of the time. but he would DREAD if he was called to be on register bc he always forgets to take the security tags off.
han would fit right in. a lil… too good. he’s there for that employee discount and the limited nike clothes that get put out. would always want to be on register so time goes by faster. once again, he’s there for that check.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Oooh thank you! Like last time, i will be doing my next most popular creeps!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Homicidal Liu
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His room is on the second floor, and is the fourth door to your right
His door has fake vines on it, just to give it some ~spice~
His bed is on the left side of his room, its queen sized and he makes it every morning
He has light green bedsheets, pillows with white pillowcases, and a brown comforter
His room is a mix of cottagecore and dark academia
He doesnt have a nightstand, so he puts everything on his desk
Laptop, tablet, hairspray, medications, etc
He has a very big bookcase, where he stores all of his books, trinkets and plants
He has a lot of plants btw
Total plant guy
He picked up taking care of plants after reading that surrounding yourself with life can help with depression, and after a while he just enjoyed having plants
He has a lot of succulents bc those are his favorite, but he also has a lot of flowers, most of which, are kept on his window sill
He also likes candles, so his room and clothes typically smells very good
He likes candles that smell clean
Like fresh linen, cotton, daisies, etc
This being said, he usually smells the best
He has a tv mounted on his wall in front of his bed, but he doesn't use it much because he usually spends his time reading
He also has a 3ds, which he usually carries with him for when he gets bored on missions
His favorite game to play is cooking mama
He has fairy lights strung across his ceiling, jeff makes fun of him for it but he refuses to take them down
He doesnt have many stuffed animals, as that could trigger a little to the front of the headspace, but he does have 2 or 3 teddy bears he keeps stashed in his closet just in case a little is pushed to front, and needs something for comfort
Speaking of his alters, he tries not to have many things in his room that triggers disassociation or switching
He tries to keep his room as "his space", and his alters have other places in the manor they can go to feel comfortable and happy
His room is very tidy, the occassional dirty dish sitting on his desk
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His room is located on the third floor, and is the second door on the left
His door has a bunch of stickers on it, most are from the children of the manor, so he has a lot of dinosaurs and unicorns, but occasionally someone like BEN or clockwork will come along and slap a sticker on there
He enjoys the stickers, he thinks they give his room some character
His room is fairly plain, not many decorations as he doesn't spend much time in his room
His bed has plain white sheets and pillows, and a black comforter
He has a rug on his floor, it is just a basic black rug
He also has fairy lights
He has an acoustic guitar, and occassionally plays with Natalie
His desk has his meds, laptop, and iconic hoodie on it
His room probably smells like a mix of cologne and cigarettes
He doesnt really smoke himself, but when he's hanging out with Tim, Tim usually smokes
He has a small couch in his room, placed next to his bed with a few small pillows and a blanket on it
His tv is on the wall in front of his bed
He absolutely has those fake wisteria things on his ceiling above his bed
He has a minifridge next to his bed where he keeps mainly drinks
He also has a framed picture of him and masky sitting on top of the minifridge
He has a few pictures of his friends here and there, and also hangs up drawings the children make for him
He also has a doll on his desk, it is the doll he uses when he plays with sally
He is very protective of the children, as he wishes he could have his own someday, but knows that will likely never happen
His room is also pretty clean, the worst of it being a few dirty clothes here and there
Killian Lynch
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His room is on the third floor, and is the fourth door on the left
He doesn't have any decorations on his door, just the bronze plate with his name on it
He has a queen sized bed, and it is a bit higher than most beds
His bed also has a canopy, the curtains being a deep purple
He has black pillows, purple sheets and a black comforter
His main light is a black chandelier, it is almost never on though
He has blackout curtains, allowing no light
He does, however, have LED lights that are almost always on the magenta setting
He has a candle obsession, but not scented candles, he's obbsessed with pillar candles and taper candles
He has so many taper candle holders and snuffers
More often than not, he has almost all of his candles lit
He also has a lot of books, but keeps them in a stack on the floor of his room
I feel like hed also enjoy the fake vines
He has them all over his walls
His room probably smells like incense, as well as his clothes
His desk is probably the best organized in the entire house
He has so many things on his desk, but because he keeps it so organized, it doesn't look like much
I can see him being an enjoyer of literature, often writing in notebooks he finds about his theories about different books he's read
His room is spotless almost all the time
Julius the dressmaker
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His room in on the third floor, and is the fourth door to your right
His door is very decorated, having a wide array of colors, paintings he's painted over, pictures, scraps of fabric, etc
The second you walk in his door, you are hit in the face with all of the things he keeps in his room
I definitely see him as being a maximalist
His room is cluttered and messy, you can barely even see his bed over it all
His bed, isnt even really a bed either
He keeps his spare fabrics, threads, etc on his bed
Definetly not as bad as Jeff's room, but yk
I feel like he would have a lot of leopard print
His walls would also be very much covered in wallpaper, posters, fabrics, sketches for things he wants to sew, etc
His room probably smells like fruity perfume
Def not clean but at least it's not as bad as Jeff's
Jane the killer
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Her room is on the third floor on the first door to your right
Her door has been painted a dark purple
Her room is very gothic
Her bed sits on the wall right in front of her door, and like Killian, she has a slightly higher up bed, with a canopy
Her curtains, however, are very sheer, and they are black
Her entire bed spread is black as well
Her walls have been painted purple
She almost always has a speaker playing music, it really sets the vibe for her room
She is also obsessed with pillar candles, and always has them lit
She has blackout curtains so that the sunlight doesn't ruin the vibe
Instead of using her closet, she has a very victorian-esque wardorbe
Her closet is instead used for the things she collects, such as original victorian clothing, artwork, etc
Speaking of artwork, she has a lot of victorian artwork on her walls
Most are just reprints as she obviously can't afford the real things
Her room is very clean, and always smells like her perfume
She has two nightstands on either side of her bed and she keeps her prosthetic, meds, phone, etc on them
She also has 2 pet rats
They are both boys, and she's named them Lucifer and Aristole
She treats those rats so well they are her sons <33
Jason the Toymaker
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Jason has no need to sleep, being a ghostly entity of unkown sorts
So instead, he's transformed his room into his workshop
He is located in the attic, along with Lj and Candypop
The attic has been separated into 4 main rooms
A room for Lj, a room for Candypop, a room for Jason, and a bathroom they all share
So when you walk into Jason's room, it appears as if no one has ever lived there
The entire place is covered in dust, and smells of old lady perfume
The entire room is surrounded by huge shelves, where hundreds of dolls sit
In the middle of the room, is Jason's sewing machine and a basket where he keeps all of his materials
There is a small wardrobe with a built in mirror where Jason keeps things such as his clothes, his perfume, his makeup, etc
And the only light source is an old window with old blinds, that looks as if they could fall apart any minute
Despite the downright gloomy vibe to the place, Jason thrives in this environment
Surrounded by his dolls and with nothing but his sewing machine to distract him, he finds he gets some of his best work done here!
He also has some doodles the children have made pinned to his wardrobe, each doodle detailing different outfits they want made for their games of dressup
And who better he to make such outfits?
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Ehi, would you write something with Danny ric with him being married to a tattoo artist and having a kid and one day he/she asks for a tattoo and Danny and reader decide to set a super serious session for the kid and they all get tattooed with the temporary tattoos (the ones you make with water etc)? I don’t know if I explained myself well but thank you anyways. I love your work
Note: Funny thing, I received this request on a tattoo studio. I went with my aunt because she got tattooed. (I'm jealous) // another thing, there is going to be a cute moment on the handsome artist with uncle Danny and tattoos
You looked up from the drawing in front of you.
"Yes honey"
Daniel was also there, you two shared a big room at home, it was your office and drawing studio.
"When are you old enough to get a tattoo?"
Alex asking about tattoos was something usual. He loved your work and was your biggest fan, just as Daniel's. He was a curious boy and was super interested on his parents jobs.
"Um... You have to be overage. So... 18 at least."
"If your dad sign the permission even before" Daniel said from his desk with a cheeky smile.
"Like now?" Alex asked climbing on your lap.
"No honey, not now"
"Well, because it's a really important decision. They last forever. And it hurts."
"It hurts?"
"When I use the needle, it pooks your skin and feels like a scratch."
He frown and looked down at the drawing in front of you.
"I want tattoos. I like dad's flower"
Daniel smiled and got up, walking closer to you. He knelt in front of you and your boy.
"The rose?"
"No. The one you have on your knee. It's super cool"
Daniel smiled.
You kissed Alex head. There was an idea floating in your mind. On your studio, you had this temporary tattoos for kids that looked completely real. You hadn't tried them on Alex because he had never asked for one.
"You can get one when mum and I think you are old enough, okay?" Danny said touching his cute cheeks.
"Alex, baby. Go please and bring my pencil case from the living room. I need it."
"Yes, mum"
He ran out of the room.
"Listen. I have the temporary tattoos."
Daniel smiled.
"We could give him the whole experience."
His smile grew even more.
"Mhm. I will check for flowers, but I'm almost sure of it"
Daniel cupped your cheeks and kissed you. "The best mum in the world."
"Here you have mum!"
"Thank you, honey. You are the best"
He sat back on your lap.
"Actually... There is a way kids can get tattoos."
Alex looked up with bright eyes.
"Well, I have this super cool stickers on the studio. You wet them and then put it on the skin, and bam! Tattoo. It fades in some days, but we can go and get another one if you like them."
"Yes! Can I get one?!"
"Do you want Mum to give you an appointment?"
"Pretty please!"
You couldn't say no to your big brown eyed kid.
"Of course baby. Do you want to go today?"
"You don't work on Sundays, mum"
"I can make an exception for my special boy"
"Like when you gave Dad a tattoo on Christmas"
"Just like that"
So you three got into the car and drive to your studio. Alex was sitting in the back with Dad, singing their favorite songs out lout and super excited.
You were completely serious about this, you would give the kid the whole experience. You cleaned the bed and hygenized the whole thing.
"Okay, sit here, Sir"
You were on your stool and patted the bed.
"Dad, help"
"Of course, buddy."
Daniel helped Alex to hop on the bed, with his little feet hanging and swinging.
"Okay, these are the designs we have. All of the flowers I have looked just for you. You can choose whatever you like the most"
Alex was so excited and Danny had the biggest smile.
"I like the blue one. And this one for dad, and this for mum" He set three similar flowers in front of you. "So we can match, because when I get old and Dad signs the permission we all three will get matching tattoos."
You smiled at your kid. He was an angel.
"You are best, Alex" Danny said kissing his temple.
Alex smiled.
"Okay, let's start."
So there you were, being the best professional tattoo artist, drawing the lines so you could put the tattoo on him perfectly, straight and in the middle, right above his knee.
"So... Are you nervous?" You asked.
"A bit. It's my first" He answered with a smile.
Danny had to bite his lip to not laugh.
"Well, sir, let me tell you that these are a bit addictive."
You pressed the paper on his skin and then a wet cloth.
"When you try something and then you want a lot more and can't stop having it" Danny explained.
"Like grandma's cookies?"
"Damn right, buddy"
You looked at Daniel with a crooked eyebrow. He chuckled.
"No bad words, dad"
"Fuck, I'm sorry"
"Dad!" Alex was laughing so hard, sitting next to his dad and patiently waiting for the tattoo to stick on his skin.
"Okay, I think that's it"
You Pulled the wet towel and the paper and Alex gasped. It was amazing, it had come out perfect and you were so satisfied. The boy was so happy and looked at Danny waiting for his reaction.
"Alex, let me tell you that you are the coolest guy in the family now. It's amazing buddy. I love it so much"
Then Alex looked at you.
"Thank you mum, you are the best tattoo artist in the whole world." He jumped and hugged you and you kissed his cheek. Danny took a photo where the boy's tattoo could be seen.
"It's so nice, you look super good on it"
"Now yours! Can I?"
He started first with Danny, who choose to get it in his arm, close to Love. Alex was such a professional, he had seen your work so many times and he learned fast.
"Wow, you are super talented, Alex"
"Do you love it, Dad?"
"I love it, Alex. C'mon, give mum hers"
It was your turn to sit on the bed. Danny sat on the stool and Alex on his legs right in front of you. You chose your leg, right under your leg.
"Mummy, you are on the other side now"
"Let's see if she is as good as a client as an artist."
"I'm sure she is. It's mum" Alex said as if it was the most obvious thing. You smiled looking down at your boys as the two of them worked on your tattoo. You were getting ideas and you would talk to Danny later.
"And... voila!"
"Yes! Look mum! It's so pretty on you"
"Thank you very much, honey. I love it so so much." You kissed his cheeks and Danny his head.
"Okay. You know what?" Danny asked tickling Alex. "Let's go and eat outside, okay?"
"Or pizza?" Daniel suggested.
"No, burgers"
"Burgers then. Go and pick your stuff, little man"
When Alex left, Both of you got up.
"Do you want me to tattoo it?"
"Can we get them but for real?"
YOu both talked at the same time, which made you laugh.
"Fine, that's a yes, I suppose" You said giggling as he hugged your waist. "When?"
"When do you have some free time?"
"Next week? Let's let this one fade a bit. I will get them ready"
"Love you"
The next week you both have gotten the tattoos Alex chose for you permanently tattooed on your skin, which made the boy so happy and proud.
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gubbles-owo · 7 months
the oc ask meme,,, urchin, mantis,,
13 & 19 for both,,,, please,,
13. How do they deal with pain (physical or emotional)? Oh Mantis can take one hell of a beating, physically. She may stand at a breathtakingly steep... 152cm tall (on her toes), but true to her real life animal counterpart (the mantis shrimp!), she packs one hell of a punch. Doesn't bruise easily. The real hard hits will still get through to her though. Tries to act all tough but you can clearly see through the act. "Yeah, I'm fine!! ow fuck shit ouch Never felt better!! >:D" Emotional pain... similar response. Seems fairly resilient, but she's not very good at hiding it when something's wrong. Either she'll deny it, or downplay its effects, only admitting with a strong enough confrontation, or an emotional pain too great to bear. Takes a lot to break her. Urchin on the other hand... ho boy. So physical pain. Fun fact, Urchin is ✨ chronically ill! ✨ Just imagine like, hundreds of thousands of little spines all over your body that you can retract at will. Now imagine you don't have much direct control over them, and instead seem to be a more reactionary response of the automatic nervous system-- at least to the best of your knowledge. Now imagine all those little spines are ever so slightly misaligned with where they're supposed to come out! Congratulations, u experience chronic debilitating pain!! So yeah, given the magnitude and agonizing breadth to which their illness pans out, Urchin has some incredible fuckin' pain tolerance. Winces, deals with it in the ways they've learned how to over the years, though it ultimately results in them not getting around much. Mostly solitude, sedentary. Not out of choice, of course. They're afraid of getting too close to anyone else, physically or emotionally, and accidentally harming them with their own stupid sickly spines. Additional pain-- that is, from outside the body-- tends to throw them off kilter, upset the ANS, and resultingly make the internal pain worse. Fun! As for emotional pain... ouhhf... let's just say Urchin has a lot of baggage, and lots of alone time to ruminate on it all :3c 19. How do they connect with the people around them? Love language, how they offer comfort, etc.
Mantis (similarly to Cuttle) loves meeting new folks, but is probably not quiiite as charismatic. Her love language is typically intense/loud, but it can take more subtle forms as well. For example, Shrimps loves challenging those she loves, both in friendly competition and in their own assumptions, in the interest of spurring some sort of growth or new perspective. She will (lightly (for a mantis shrimp)) punch ur shoulder and u will like it. Contrast that with the little things... like, okay, let's not mince words here: Mantis can be absolutely oblivious. Many things tend to sail clean over her head. No thoughts, head empty. However! She will notice little things about you. Your shuffles and posture adjustments. The way you fidget with certain objects. The one or two particular photos or memorabilia tacked to your bedroom wall. Small things that often draw your attention or otherwise indicate where your mind might be at. And often she'll make lil gestures that demonstrate such fine observations. Like "Hey Urchin, I notice you kinda nervously tap your keyboard when you're at your desk, so here's a matching keycap that i affixed to a lil box, so you have something to keep in your pocket when you're elsewhere!" I wonder how she got so selectively observan- autism its definitely the autism On the other hand, Urchin... has an extremely difficult time figuring out just how to connect with those around them. Can I hide in my room? No, we're out of the apartment. Can I run off to some other room where I can close a door, or get some space to myself? No, s-so I really have to stand here around these other people? ...shit. Um. How do interact. Is my presence bothering them. What if I say something rude or insensitive. What if they bring up something upsetting or triggering. How do I get out of here. Fuck. It's no secret that Urchin does not hold themselves in very high regard, so how is it that someone else could love them? They must be manipulating someone in order for them to express such feelings... right? Throughout their life, their presence has ranged from passive lack-of-existence to "burden". They do not know how to properly express love. They do not know how to give comfort. They don't know how to interact with anyone without believing they are causing harm in some way. So how the hell do they communicate with another person when they're slapped in the same room together? Simple: avoidance, social awkwardness, and constant self-doubt. Hope this helps!! :3c
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pandor-pandorkful · 5 months
I got my bedroom desk cleared off and moved into the living room yesterday! That was the easy part, as mentioned before it's literally just a board. XD A nice finished plank, tho!
The folding table I thought might work ended up being too short, but I had a brainwave: the sewing table folds out. So I folded out the sewing table's extension and laid my board across it! The extension is wedged in the corner of the room, providing a bit of stability, and I'm not going to be putting heavy items on this desk anyway. Just my monitor, drawing tablet and etc. Actual pc tower stays on the bookcase next to the desk.
Now the difficult part begins: clearing off my old computer desk and clearing a path to my room...
Thankfully the latter will be a lot easier due to all the grief-fueled tidying I've been doing hahaha....
I figure it's still grief-cleaning, sometimes it feels great and just for me like when I have sudden inspiration of how to rearrange things in an even more aesthetic way. But sometimes it's just anxious pecking away at the mess, and I feel keenly aware that like it or not, the cleaning process is made so much easier by not having Simon yowling at me for attention the entire time.
Those thoughts make me feel guilty and sad, I miss his yowling so much. But it was very exhausting on my adhd brain whenever I was trying to focus on a task...
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progressivemother · 2 years
Decluttering my home
I have been watching a lot of decluttering and frugal videos. I have been adding the tips from these to the rules I already use.
Decluttering is key right now. My house in general is clean and I don't have a lot of clutter. I did not know this until I started decluttering. But I have come to realize that I can still further minimize so that I am not as overwhelmed and it has helped a lot. I feel much more accomplished.
I am far from done but I have gotten a lot done. I am minimizing to the point that a room should only take five minutes to clean up and twenty minutes at most to vacuum, mop, dust, etc.
Here are a few tips on decluttering:
1. Start small. The process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small. Pick one area in your home that you would like to simplify. A desk drawer, a cabinet, your purse, a bookshelf, or a toy bucket. Make three piles; keep, donate, and trash.
2. Buy less. Do not buy things you don't need and avoid temptation. A simple rule is to wait three days. If you want the item after three days, then you can consider buying it.
3. Use what you have. Use what you have before buying more items. Food, makeup, toiletries, etc. Make sure you go through things before buying more.
4. Make sure counters, stove, tables, and floors stay clean. No matter how clean and organized a house is if these areas aren’t clear it makes the room feel cluttered. When simplifying your home, make it a point to keep your surfaces as clean as possible.
5. Borrow before buying. If you can borrow or rent an item that you will probably only use once or twice, do that rather than buy something that will only take up more space.
6. If you Don’t Use it, Lose it. For example, clothes. As women, we tend to have clothes that we think we will wear but we don't actually wear. This was what it was for me. I have come to realize that I prefer comfortable clothes over fancy. So I got rid of all of the clothes I knew I would never wear even if I really wanted them.
7. Clean Out Spaces Routinely. When it comes to keeping up on decluttering, it's easier to do a weekly or monthly organization and decluttering. I do it monthly.
8. Keep one memory box per person. Create a memory box for each person and only keep what is most important to you. My daughter prefers her drawings and art for hers. Each kid gets special stuffed animals. I only have some items from my grandmother.
9. Keep a give away box. Keep a box in your closets and in rooms where you can put items that you no longer want or need that you can donate later.
10. Clean spaces routinely. For me, I have a daily task list, a weekly task list, and a monthly task list. These are all only cleaning tasks. It works well with keeping the home as clean as possible and doing it little by little is much easier than you would think.
11. Create a weekly task list. For me, once a week on Thursday is the day I get all of my errands done, meal plan, order groceries, do the budgeting, and plan the rest of my week until the next Thursday.
Here are a few tips on living frugally:
1. Have a no buy month. Only buy essentials for a month. I like doing this after the holidays in May. The large holidays are over and it is before the kids' birthdays.
2. Shop second hand. I tend to only buy through a thrift store. It is better for the planet and better for my wallet. If I cannot find something similar to what I want, then maybe I would buy it new. But it is rare.
3. Scrounge for dinner or do a leftover night. I usually do a leftover night but if there are not any leftovers left, then I will find a way to cook something up with what I have around.
4. Cut your own hair. I have always cut my own hair. There are many tutorials on how to do this on YouTube if you need to use one. It is a big help financially.
5. Cut on guilty pleasures. Mine was ice coffee. I was buying it every day. I decided to cut it down to only once a week. It has actually saved me over a hundred dollars a month.
6. Cut on consumption of meat. Yes, I know a lot of people like their meat. My husband is included in this. But we understand that it tends to cost more than other items and have cut it down from every night to a few times a week. It has saved us around $80 a month. It's not a lot but it goes toward something we can use it for.
7. Track your spending and check your bank account on a regular basis. Doing this can actually help you understand where a lot of your money is going and it can help create a habit of spending less.
8. Plan your meals and stick to them. This saves a lot of money. I create a list for a month and that is what we eat. I do not deviate unless I absolutely have to. For example, if the stores are out of the products I want.
Well, that is a a lot but it really does help. I feel less stressed trying to do things last minute and I have less in the house to clean up or deal with. You can transform your home and life into a haven with a little effort. I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
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raphael-angele · 2 years
Wholesome Things Damian Does for his Family (+the Titans)
Movie! Titans
I made a post on my other account once saying Damian is very fond of gardening and has a mini garden on the Kent Farm. Well, on their anniversary, Damian would make bouquets for his grandparents and leave them on their graves. He would use amaryllis and stock flowers for Martha and statice and Queen Anne's Lace for Thomas. He leaves them at dawn before the sun even rises and stays there until it does. Bruce doesn't know who leaves the flowers there, thinking maybe it's Alfred.
He does the same thing to Terra. Whenever Terra's death anniversary comes along, he sneaks out before the sun rises and goes to her grave. He gives her white lilies and yellow daffodils. And he just spends the rest of the day with her on her grave, as if talking to her. The titans would come and visit them but he doesn't leave until 12 am.
He made Jon a new jacket. One time while they were on patrol, Jon got into an accident and tore his jacket and it's practically unfixable. Jon was really sad so Damian took it upon himself to make him a new one. He left it on his bed a few days later after school.
He makes baked goods for them. It doesn't matter whether or not his school is having a bake sale. He will make them all cookies of different flavors, brownies, butterscotches, cupcakes, muffins, etc. He didn't just learn baking from Alfred, he also learned it from Jaime. One day, he'll be making something and he'll give the first one to one of them to see if they like it. He'd be giving it to them with his arms raised to them and say, "Eat".
Whenever he's at the Tower and he makes breakfast for the team, he makes a vegan substitute for Garfield. Like, if he's making sausages, he also makes one for him made out of plant based ingredients. And Garfield doesn't bother asking him if it's vegan or not anymore cuz he got so used to it.
In one of my previous posts, I said that Raven has a slight OC disorder. And because of this, everytime the team goes for an outing or a meal outside, Damian always wipes and cleans the seats and tables and arranges the place mats and the condiments.
Damian always tries to find time to spend with Dick. Whether it's training or just hanging on the ceiling with aero silks. Dick likes it when they do that since not a lot of the family has an acrobat's advantage.
Damian polishes and fixes Jason's guns for him. One day, he goes into Jay's room to look for a book and sees one of his guns is on the desk and is disassembled. He looks closer and sees that there's something jammed in one of the parts. He then proceeds to fix it, polish them and reassemble it. He now does this whenever he wants to. Jason still doesn't know.
He has one particular weapon that is dedicated to all of his brother's weapons. It may not be engineeringly possible but still. Two swords that both have guns as handles (Like Blake Belladonna's). It can turn into double sided swords by the end of the hilt (magnets maybe). When in double sided mode, the handle can extend and the blades can curve to turn the weapon into double sided scythes. I'm thinking of adding an electrocution function whenever the fingerprints don't match Damian's.
He makes painting or drawings of them. When he's bored, he makes them drawings of themselves at that very moment. Damian once snuck into Dick's room and looked for a picture of him and his parents. When he did, he took a picture of it and made a painting of it for Dick's birthday. Needless to say, Dick cried.
He catsits for Selina. Whenever Selina has an emergency trip and has to leave for a few days, she calls up Damian to watch over her cats. Sometimes, he takes Alfred with him. Damian follows Selina's rule book very carefully. He doesn't accept payment but Selina still pays him.
Damian once stole Jason's copy of The Seven Husbands of Evenlyn Hugo and got it signed by TJR in an event where Raven went to. Jason was pissed when he found his book missing. When Damian gave it back, Jason's first instinct was to kill him. But when he looked at the front, he was just speechless and awkwardly hugged his little brother.
Damian buys Tim Death Wish coffee beans. Raven and Damian's definition of a hang out, is teleporting from one country to another. Most of the time, they go to New Zealand, Iceland or anywhere peaceful. But some times, they go to sightseeing in random places. Damian often asks her to take them to New York so he can buy Death Wish Coffee. He then gives them to Tim when he comes home.
Small headcanon that Damian is the only one who can beat Raven at chess and Raven is the only one who can beat Damian at poker. Chess is one of their bonding strategies and coping strategies when they're fighting. And I imagine that it's basically the only thing Damian had in common with someone the first time he came to the tower. Raven losing chess for the first time was really surprising to the lot of them cuz she's basically unbeatable. Same goes for Damian in poker, considering Raven was raised by Constantine.
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How do you handle writer's block!?!? I do technical writing here and there and I am completely blocked. I cannot get past it and my deadline is Monday,8a.
here are my go-tos:
walk away. do something mundane like vacuuming, fold the laundry, mow the lawn, clean the carpets, etc. often if my brain is focusing on that boring stuff, it starts to wander by itself. combine with lo-fi music designed to make you focus (check this or this on youtube, or if you like chill gaming music, i like this nintendo channel)
shower. idk what it is, but a hot shower unlocks the most random parts of my mind
do something else that's creative like drawing or cooking. i find it works my brain and means i can think about what i need to subconsciously
read. sometimes the simplest answer is the most effective, and reading something other than what you're writing gives your noggin a shake
try writing using another medium. if you're typing, change to a pen and paper, even if it's only to make notes.
also, try changing your writing spot - i often move from my desk to my armchair in my office, and some books just come out faster in the living room. if you're normal and don't have a 2.4kg laptop like me, try heading to a coffee shop or a cafe for lunch
it's really difficult and sometimes focusing on the deadline is the worst thing you can do and blocks you up more. try walking away completely for a bit. a break can be just as valuable as knuckling down. hope that helps, and good luck with the deadline!!!
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rachymarie · 5 months
Just had a thought of how proud I should be and how it's really no small feat what I've managed to get done the past year or so.
I used to struggle to get onto doing anything, to the point where I had a crumpled clean fitted sheet sitting on my desk for 2+ months because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was having to talk to my psychologist at the time about it for ages. I guess it might have been a form of catatonia.
But last year I started up a to do lists system that I was kinda excelling at for what I go through.
And in the short time so far this year, I have managed to start drawing again. Just baby steps. Admittedly I haven't done actual art (as in on paper) in maybe years, sadly. And I came from being scared of my art, art in general, making new art etc, including a delusion that caused me to snap bits off one of my sculptures.
As much as people like to accuse me of "doing nothing" "just being lazy" (do y'all on the nd/mental illness spectrums get that too cos I swear it's a thing), I have navigated living with untreatable symptoms, all the while everybody looking at what I do or dont get done and assuming they would do it better in my shoes. I didn't miss my own brother's wedding ceremony for fun lol, I was just in a breakdown/meltdown/hyperventilating whatever term you wanna call it.
Back to the positive, the only thing is that I am just having a hard time getting back into keeping up my to do lists system as I foolishly kept adding random notes and "musings" into my To do notes folder in Notes, so that I now have to sort out to get back down to my buried last To do notes detailing where I was up to and what to do next on decluttering/sorting out my room
In other words I'm spiraling out of productivity where my To do list tasks are concerned because My To do notes have gotten buried with musings notes and so it's taking me a hot minute to figure out where i was up to
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nancypullen · 1 year
It’s been a lovely couple of days and that’s mostly due to being able to play in the dirt.  It’s hard for me to remember that we’re not on Tennessee time anymore and I can’t rush the planting and blooming schedule.  If I’m being honest, I tried to rush it in Tennessee too and I was always the lady running out in a nightgown to cover tender plants to protect them from a late spring frost.  Having said all that, I’m ready.  Seeds have been sown, shrubs planted, soil prepared for bedding plants, and I’ve got an itchy trowel hand.  I need some red vinca and everything else will fall into place.  Send a wish into the universe that my Zinnia seeds all pop up.  They’ve never failed me in the past but I’m having to learn about new dirt.  In Tennessee I had to learn all sorts of tricks for growing things in clay. Now I have sandier soil.  Clay holds moisture, sand does not. The flowers beds I don’t worry about, I’ve added plenty of good soil and nutrients to those. Crossing my fingers that everything bursts into bloom and makes us the prettiest house on the street.  I love this time of year, all of the planning and hoping and little victories - that’s good for my soul.
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Aside from playing in the dirt, I’ve been painting again. I picked up a very ugly cupboard at auction for two dollars.
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It’s heavy and solid, so the bones are good.  I don’t know why they’d put a pressed wood top on such a sturdy cabinet, but it’s fine for my purposes.  I may have to cut a little strip of trim for the front, but that’s easy enough. A little wood glue and you’re in business. Anyway, I cleaned her off and removed that ugly hardware.
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Bet I could make some witchy Halloween jewelry out of those.
I’ll be using this for extra storage in my craft room and probably sitting my Cricut on top of it.  Since it’s going in that room, I decided to use the leftover paint from my desk rather than buy new.  I had plenty, why spend more?
I got the first coat on and let it dry.
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I went back and touched up spots that I missed and then let it dry. Today I put on the second coat, let it dry, and attached new hardware.
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Much better.
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Two bucks for the cabinet, some paint that I already had, and just under ten dollars for the handles. Twelve dollars total for some pretty craft storage is a WIN!  It still seems a bit plain to me and you know I like lots of foo-foo and fuss.  I may have to add some roses.  I’m definitely adding roses. Speaking of roses, it’s almost KENTUCKY DERBY TIME!  I look forward to the run for the roses every spring.  I’ve spent the last few weeks tracking horses, checking points, reading lineage charts, and still making my pick based on names and silks.  Although there are gray horses (my favorite!) in this year’s race, I’ve actually picked a bay.  I’m going with Practical Move.  The name reminds me of Practical Magic (a favorite movie),and the trainer and the owners have great backstories.  I’ll probably regret it. Practical Move is the youngest horse in the field, his jockey is 0 for 1 in the derby, his trainer is 0 for 2, but this horse has never finished out of the top three. Dare I hope?  Right now I think his odds are 14-1 which isn’t bad at all.  Could be worse.  They’ll draw for post position on May 1st and that can hurt the chances of even the best horse.  I think the smart money is on Forte, there’s a lot of fuss over him and he’s been winning, winning, and winning.  I just don’t get a good vibe. How many times have we seen the favorite fail to cross the finish line first?  Plenty.  I may eat these words on May 6th, but I gotta’ go with my gut.  If I don’t, then I have to do math (points, odds,etc) and I’ll do just about anything to avoid math. Besides, who can resist a horse whose parents are named Practical Joke and Ack Naughty?  Not me.
Alright, bringing this nonsense to a close.  The mister is upstairs on a Zoom photography club meeting, so I’m going to go soak in a bubble bath and read for a while. Fresh air and turning the dirt makes me tired.  Maybe it’s the pasta dish I made for dinner.  We rarely eat pasta and now I remember why.  It’s heavy in the tummy.  Definitely having salads for dinner tomorrow. That’s all from me. Go have a lovely evening. Have a treat, watch your favorite show, lose yourself in a wonderful book, or just sit outside and count stars. Feed your soul something good. Sending out lots of love tonight, enough for everyone. Getcha’ some. Stay safe, stay well, XOXO, Nancy
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