#I’m going to make an effort to post more of my other boys I’ve been neglecting them😭
zappedbyzabka · 6 months
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Good God...
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liberifatalis · 9 months
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I don’t know how long this was in my inbox for, I’m assuming it’s been here for like 3 years so I’m SO sorry anon lol. I’ve been going through writers block for like years at this point and I still struggle with it. 
BUT recently I’ve gotten back intowriting kinda, and since I’ve been writing a Sephiroth fic I thought I’d finally start writing headcanons again. The FF7 writing community outside of in-game ships is dry as fuck right now, especially the headcanon/reader-insert side of fandom, so hopefully you’ll enjoy this if you’re still out there anon! I apologise again TTTT
This is a mix of SFW and NSFW headcanons as it’s been a while since I’ve posted any headcanons, and my view on Sephiroth has sort of changed since the last time I posted headcanons for him, so it might be different to my previous interpretations. But I have included more spicy headcanons, so hopefully you'll enjoy!
I would like to add that while these are my own interpretations of Sephiroth, I have also been influenced by many other interpretations/headcanons of him as well! Most of these aren’t adding anything original at all, and I’d say a lot of blogs on here say about the same kind of thing in regards to him. So if anyone disagrees, that’s okay! This is all interpretation and I’m just mainly having fun.
SFW and non-SFW below All headcanons are of CrisisCore!Sephiroth
DISCLAIMER: long post below, lots of text.
I know he’s like…technically half alien, and that’s a big reason as to why he’s always felt and kind of behaved differently, but to me, he’s very very neurodivergent coded. I don’t want to use a specific label, but he’s absolutely neurodivergent to me. He’s always felt like an outcast, he stands out, he holds himself differently, he’s aloof, stoic, doesn’t really know how to say things without coming off as intense and kinda intimidating. He barely socialises with anyone other than his friends because he doesn’t really know how to. He never seeks out friendship with anyone, and he became friends with Genesis and Angeal originally because of proximity. I’m not saying the friendship wasn’t genuine, it was and he cared for them, but he’ll never be the first to initiate a friendship or anything like that – the fact that Genesis and Angeal were in SOLDIER, therefore in proximity to Sephiroth, is what sparked the friendship. He would have never been like “hey bro, let’s be buddies”. It was more like, he had to see these people regularly, so he had no choice but to socialise with them, and then he ended up finding out that they weren’t too bad and he enjoyed their company, and friendship and a deeper bond formed after that. 
He struggles to relate to people, but grows very attached to people he can relate to. Whether that’s being an orphan, being an outcast, shared hobbies,  ANYTHING. If he can find anything to relate to someone, something you can share, it sparks his interest (platonically) and will make him feel slightlyyyy more at ease around you and want to get to know you more.
A lot of people headcanon him with anxiety or PTSD, and I completely agree. He’s very neurotic. But I think that’s quite obvious if you consider his past and how he was raised. No one could come out of that completely mentally healthy and sane. He’s prone to insomnia, night terrors, panic attacks, but it’s never shown to anyone but him. In canon, we can see that he’s almost always composed and professional, and he is constantly putting in effort to maintain that demeanor. 
Has no identity outside of SOLDIER/Shinra. Him being neurodivergent also makes him struggle a lot more with this, so he’s kind of internalised being a SOLDIER and it completely defines him. Poor boy is lost.
He likes people (platonically and/or romantically) that can “keep up with him.” Zack, Genesis and Angeal were his only friends, and it makes sense. They can, at least somewhat, keep up with him. He likes a slight challenge (physically and mentally), someone that can keep his brain moving. I think he’d be amused by someone who was a bit hot-headed or blunt, as well.
Very dry sense of humour, as we see in canon. A lot of the time people can’t tell he’s joking unless they’re close with him. 
Very very intelligent and academic. Loves to read. Lil nerd. Will read encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauruses, history books, articles, textbooks, science books, anything non-fiction. Not only does it calm his brain and his neuroticism, but he is genuinely interested in anything where he can gain knowledge. Knowledge is power, and he needs to feel powerful. He is a fast reader too, able to finish an average 500 page book in under 6 hours.
Only listens to classical music. Literally does not understand anything else. There can’t be any vocals, just instruments. 
Horrible at expressing himself honestly and genuinely, and spontaneously. Everything is carefully thought out and spoken bluntly, as if he’s reading from a textbook. He will literally stand there silently, eyes narrowed in deep thought, for a minute if he needs that time to think of a reply, because he’s not one to fumble over words. If he’s with someone (a friend or partner) who will give him the space and patience to speak openly and awkwardly, it will still take him time to be completely vulnerable. A partner who is open and vulnerable and doesn’t shy away from being a little awkward with their feelings will involuntarily demonstrate vulnerability for him, and give him an opportunity to try it for himself, and he’ll kind of learn from them.
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^^^ Adding on to this point, there are so many scenes in my rough drafts of Flood & Flame where Sephiroth and reader are literally standing there staring at each other like this gif, and mulling over what they should say LMAO. A lot of these scenes made the cut, too. Just two neurodivergent folk falling in love, nothing else to see here!
Takes ages for him to get comfortable with someone and trust them. The process is easier if, as mentioned before, he can relate to you in any way, if you’re open with him first, or if you’re in proximity. Eg, if you work in Shinra or SOLDIER, you mention your mum died, you say you like swords, you mention you like combat, etc etc. It can be something so small, but because he’s neurodivergent and has felt alone his whole life, he’ll latch on to it and that will be the starting point of the friendship/relationship developing. He needs an opportunity to get  closer to you, or else it will be difficult and near impossible.
He needs to feel in control or else he’ll spiral. I don’t mean in a toxic way, as in “you’re my friend/partner so you can never look at anyone and can’t have friends and blah blah blah”, I mean it as in he needs to constantly upkeep his professional demeanour and look like he has his shit together, even if he hasn’t slept for two days and has barely eaten and has been having panic attacks. He will slip, sometimes, maybe being a bit more snarky or moody than usual, or saying/revealing something he didn’t mean to, but ultimately he has control over every facet of his being. This makes him a very intentional person, too. He means everything he says, and sticks to his word. 
He loves routine, it keeps him grounded. But this means that he dislikes change and has a hard time dealing with it. It can be as little as Shinra changing the ingredients to his shampoo and conditioner, or to what happened to Genesis and Angeal in Crisis Core – change on any scale is overwhelming to Sephiroth.
Definitely not a love at first sight kind of guy. Even if you’re like, strikingly beautiful, everyone just is when he first meets them. You’re just a person (and this isn’t in a condescending way lol) like everyone else. He could only develop romantic feelings and love for someone after getting to know them. Then he starts to see you as beautiful and so much more. It’s really sweet.
If he ever developed feelings for anyone, he wouldn’t even know he was developing feelings for a good chunk of it lol. He’d think he was just fascinated by them. Eventually he’d realise, oh shit, do I…love this person? He’d start catching on once he starts thinking of them more often and seeking out their company, and eventually when he had the impulsive urge to kiss them, he’d realise he was in too deep.
Touch starved and also kind of touch repulsed. He’s a contradiction sometimes, and it confuses him.  He’s more touch starved than he is touch repulsed, but when you haven’t had ANY physical affection all your life, and all you know is war and death and being tested on, you of course are going to go into a bit of a shock if anyone touches you. He’s used to combat, to having his guard up and being skeptical. So if you happen to brush your shoulder accidentally against his, or your hand accidentally touches his, it sends a wave of electricity throughout his entire body, almost burning him on the inside. He wants to reach out, but he stops himself. Unsure why he wants to, why he likes it, and Sephiroth not knowing something means not having the upper hand and not having control, and that makes him disgusted and disappointed in himself. 
Physical affection (platonic, romantic, sexual) will take time. He needs to let his guard down to accept it and embrace it. If he trusts you, it will be easier, but still tedious. Once he gets there, even just by a little bit, you’ll see him start to initiate affection, and then once he is fully comfortable being with you, he is obsessed with it. He is always wanting to be in your presence, just like a cat. Even if you’re not doing anything, just being able to see you and be near you is enough and what he needs; this is partly to do with wanting to know you’re safe and worrying that something is going to happen, that something is going to change and he’ll lose everything. Like I said, he needs to be in control, and if he’s around, he can stop something from going wrong.
He comes to love physical affection, it is so so calming to him and comforting. Loves to hold you and smother you. Loves to smell your hair or the soap you used in the shower, he just loves the presence and feeling of you. Eventually he is very clingy and touchy with physical affection, and it’s one way he shows his complete love and devotion. Is a big fan of cuddling (he never calls it that though) and holding your hands–kissing your knuckles and the back of your hand, lightly caressing and dragging his fingers over all the lines and landscape of your hands. Also really loves resting his forehead against yours.
Due to his upbringing and the way he is, love is all-consuming for him. He loves to the point of obsession and even possibly madness. It takes over him. He would happily let it consume him like a wildfire. He would kill for it. I don’t mean this is an inherently toxic way either, BUT this can become very destructive, and if he happens to be so very unlucky and ends up with a person who doesn’t have good intentions, then it could definitely be a bad thing and end up destructive. Now, in the fanfic/fiction side of things, this is obviously very compelling and fascinating to read, and a love like what I described is quite romantic if it’s in a genuine, passionate and non-toxic way. But I just wanted to add that disclaimer that it can become quite the opposite of romantic and be destructive if it’s not a relationship that is trying to be healthy and trying to grow. I don’t mean it in the way that Sephiroth will become abusive, I just mean that he is obsessive naturally, and that can turn out to be a positive or a negative, depending on the situation. He can be a flame that is burnt out, or a flame that burns others. 
He’s a virgin. I said this before and I stand by it. Has never kissed anyone, has never been touched–the man hasn’t even been hugged, damn it! 
I do think, realistically, if I wanted to be 100000% accurate, I’d consider him asexual and aromantic, especially after Crisis Core timeline, and if you wanted to see him as some narcissistic, entitled, eldritch-horror sort of villain, which he very much is tbh. BUT he is half-human (to me), and I don’t think it’s far-fetched at all to believe he has urges like everyone else. So, for me, I see it the same way as I do with how he’d fall in love with someone. I don’t think he could ever be sexually/physically attracted to someone unless he was close with them and trusted them. Once he develops feelings for you, then he’d start to immediately be sexually attracted to you. Before all that, you were just another person, you just are–your body is a body, it is functioning, it just is. But then, when he has feelings for you (and as I mentioned before, he doesn’t even understand until much later that he has feelings for you), suddenly your body…it takes his breath away. Your shoulders. Your chest. Your everything; it paralyses him, almost. You are a walking goddess/god to him, so beautiful and bright he is transfixed and can’t look anywhere but at you. Your face looks like it was sculpted by an artist that was gifted with magic from the Cetra. A rare beauty, one that he cannot put into words as it is a beauty so special and intricate that no human words can do any justice. When you look up at him, smile at him, he loses sense of time and place, nothing else exists outside of the small moment you are sharing, and he only sees you. The man is a poet at heart.
Since he is a virgin, and is so damn enthralled by you, he doesn’t really know how to act lol. He looks confident and like he’s in control, but he’s not, especially the first time you do anything. The first time you kiss, you’ll have to lean in first, or give him a sign you’re wanting him to kiss you. Honestly, you’ll probably have to tell him it’s okay to kiss you. It’s just a soft, chaste kiss at first. He’s never done this, remember. But like everything, he’s highly skilled and intelligent, and kissing is natural, so once he’s confident again it doesn’t take him long to get the hang of things. 
He has many kinds of kisses. Soft ones that last long without breaking away, reminders that he’s there and he isn’t going anywhere. Other kisses that are quick, multiple long pecks, that are to tell you you’re beautiful and he’s thinking of you and he’s grateful. Then there are the passionate ones, the ones where he throws in every desire and intense feeling he can’t ever comprehend or describe, where he’s losing himself in you–kissing you as if it’s all he knows, changing the rhythm and speed because he’s in the moment. It’s as if he can’t get any closer to you/can’t get enough. Sephiroth’s passionate kisses are exactly how he is–intense, skillful, intentional, and overwhelming. He kisses with the same skill and intent he uses to wield Masamune. 
Sexually repressed boy. Sex is extremely vulnerable, and he doesn’t understand or know how to express his sexuality. At first he’s afraid he’s going to hurt you. 
The first time he has sex, he is in awe and is so curious. He focuses more on you, ignoring himself, wanting to know every contour of your body. His hands are all over, eyes focused on you, trying to gauge every reaction so he can store it in his memory. He always cares more about your pleasure than his own, and he is genuinely turned on when you are. He is slow and gentle, taking his time, and he needs your instructions to figure out what to do. 
Once he is familiar with your body, and his own, he’s literally insatiable. He needs you, every day. And since he’s SOLDIER and not completely human, the man has stamina. Jesus christ. He could go for multiple rounds and he’s good to go even after he came. He knows he’s built differently though, like a fucking tank, and unless you’re into overstimulation, he’s perfectly happy with whatever you want. 
I think a relationship with Sephiroth, that eventually includes sex, will include a lot of exploration for you both. But especially with Sephiroth. He’s never been this vulnerable and open before, never really understood his sexuality and urges and was kind of disgusted in them. But I think he’d discover a lot about himself, and it surprises him just how much desire he really has.
Sex with Sephiroth is not just fucking. It can’t be. He couldn’t have sex with someone he didn’t trust and have strong feelings for. Sex is an act of love, an act of devotion and adoration, an opportunity to tell you without words just how much he’d do for you and how deeply he loves you. Just like when he kisses you, it’s like he can’t get close enough, and even though you’re pressed against each other he still needs to be closer. 
He really loves the feeling of your bare chest against his. It almost makes him primal. 
I think he’d be really into edging, and he’d have a praise kink. He’d want to be worshiped but would also be worshiping you. It would be two people literally feeding each other’s egos lmao. I also think, considering how much control and power he does truly have, he’d also be happy to relinquish it from time to time, and enjoy a partner who’s a bit domineering and bossy, and one that takes control. So if you want to push him down on the bed, ravish him and boss him around, and ride him till the sun sets, he’ll be more than delighted. 
Loves giving head. Yes, everyone likes receiving it, but when he gives head, it’s like he’ll never be able to do it again. He goes down on you as if it’s his last day on the planet. Absolutely devours you like Shinra has ordered him to. His tongue and jaw never get tired, by the way. 
Not very loud but he does get more vocal the more you have sex. Grunts a lot and has a very deep, guttural moan. 
He’s very attuned to the senses. Sound, smell, and touch turn him on so much, and have a significant effect on him. The sound of your voice can send him into a frenzied state, and even if it’s the middle of the day and he happens to smell your perfume or scent on his sheets or his clothes, he starts to go crazy. 
More often than not he has to tie up his hair every time you have sex or he goes down on you. It always gets in the way, and you do NOT want to find a long strand of his hair in between anywhere. 
I can’t decide on whether he has super sperm due to Jenova’s genes or if he’s infertile. Like it’s either one or the other to me and I feel like both make sense, but still can’t quite decide on one. He’d either be the type to have sperm so strong that even birth control couldn’t stop them, or he’d be infertile and no scientific method whatsoever could help. Who knows honestly.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
fandom thoughts & are cpfs really gonna get banned from yibo related comment sections? 📝
i may regret publishing this cause it will, like it always does, attract the wrong sort but whatever. i don’t really care. for someone who has been here for a good number of years, i have really learned to pick my battles especially fandom-wise. i can tell you that every week, there will always be some kind of trouble going on with fans and you will be exhausted if you obsess over each one of them. i have said before that if there is anything that will drive me out of stanning the boys, it’s the toxic fandom — so that’s why i mostly steer clear. hence, having this small space for myself on tumblr.
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the fandom disagreements, whether that’s within cpfs, so/o vs cpfs, so/o vs other so/os and we somehow get dragged is always gonna be there. and it’s not really unique to our fandom. the question tho is why you are here? is it to participate in fan wars or to consume content related to xz and wyb? is it to be famous and get followers? etc personally, i’m here for xz and wyb. the active fandom is a bonus. there are so many things i love about the cpf community, but my priority will always be xz and wyb + their career. i mostly get involved if the issue makes it on HS and if it’s to amplify something positive within the fandom.
lately, i’ve mildly spoke up about people accusing cpfs of buying likes cause it was all bs.
which leads us to the next topic of being banned..
i guess this is a “hot topic” in other platforms that love drama.
so for the past days, including weibo night, cpfs have been commenting en masse in comments section. for example, with yibo’s weibo night post and ybo’s recent post about bystander ep photos. what you will notice is the use of ❤️💛 💚 to highlight that we are cpfs. the same thing is done in xz & xzs post. the only reason why we are more visible in the top comments of yibo posts is because motos are disorganized. i said what i said. i see efforts for their coordination but cpfs are just more organized when it comes to doing likes and votes. xfx are so much better than us on this tho. they have lots of professional fans. omg i’m gonna get dragged for being a xfx lol but it’s the truth.
you must notice that the friction between cpfs and motos have been happening for a while now. going as far back as SDC 5 finals ( even before that actually ) and so on. this is why i’m not surprised that this stunt from cpfs triggered them again. ⚠️
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the short answer is, no one is getting banned. what they can do tho, and that includes YBO is to report these comments as spam. and if you look at it, they do look like spam posts. if a user gets reported multiple times, then that is when the ban comes in. i don’t think they will be spending money on censoring certain emojis tho. i tried right now and you can still send it.
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i have seen some conversations on wb among cpf, that the comments should not be like this. it should really be actual comments on what is being shared. that we should not include xz’s name or face. that’s what i like about the fandom, cause we can admit if we do something wrong or if we need to improve in some aspects. we don’t blame other people, which is what other fandoms love to do btw. it’s all they can do. lol.
and it doesn’t help that in yuehua’s recent post regarding yibo’s lawsuits, the top comment is about demanding to control the comments section of yibo related posts. so of course they will look into that. sadly, the group that the company will always appease are the solo fans. it is what it is.
so that’s basically what the issue is about.
i’m actually just observing at this point but it’s not where my focus is. i am personally excited about saturday and seeing captain yibo 💥 plus i have other interests and things happening irl. this is why i don’t get people who seem to only be in fandom to start fights or obsess over cpfs. can’t relate.
i’m not saying that we should ignore everything and pretend that things are perfect. the point is, do not obsess over every fandom drama. also, look at things from cpf side before so/os. people usually come to me, sending me things that so/os say and my question is why the hell are you reading their posts? why are you in there? let’s stay on our lane. they are so/os, of course they will be biased. and don’t expect me to be always up in arms about stuff like this. my energy for over reacting is primarily for cpns and not fandom wars & drama.
lastly, being a cpf is not for the glass hearted. if you are weak-willed, this is is not for you. or maybe it is and this is the fandom that will build you up. i hope more and more people will find that perfect balance in participating in this fandom. that we set and implement boundaries — i know it’s especially hard for the new ones — when you are bombarded with the negativity. it’s not all that. there is so much more positive things to gain in being a cpf if you know where to look 🫶🏼
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nicomoon69 · 2 months
I’ve made up so much Bernard lore in my head so I’m just going to dump it here
so post Louis Grieve in my head Bernard transferred to an all boys boarding school his junior year (someone suggested Brentwood so I’m gonna go w that). his parents sent him there as a bit of a last ditch effort to straighten him out, get up his grades and push him out of his silly habits. this also included them making him buzz off his hair since they deemed his old hair unprofessional.
all of it was a huge blow to Bernard’s already fragile mental health and self esteem so at Brentwood he was kind of a mess. he wasn’t exactly a bad student but the people around him considered him even more of an outsider than he was before at Louis Grieve.
eventually Bernard did find himself with a small group of friends (might further develop them as ocs??) who were much like him outsiders. one of said friends also being the first time he fooled around with a guy, which led to several more though none of it was ever serious.
there was lots of denial at first but by the time his time at Brentwood ended Bernard had accepted himself as queer.
he applied for a few colleges, some outside of Gotham but he ended up settling for GU bc part of his couldnt handle leaving his city behind. he chose a double major because he thought that would make his parents most proud and bc biology and physics were the only subjects he enjoyed.
despite everything seemingly going well for Bernard he felt an emptiness that nothing could fix, that is until he found the Children of Dionysus. despite knowing the risks of joining a cult he did. he was in the cult for roughly eight months before he got kidnapped to get sacrificed.
that was a rough version of what happened in my head. I have some more details that I couldn’t fit smoothly into that word vomit so here’s some more
Bernard came out to his parents his first semester, which they took pretty badly and led him to getting kicked out and having to couch surf for a bit before landing on the apartment he was living in during TD:R.
to keep himself afloat with no support from his parents Bernard worked two jobs, one at a diner around the corner of his apartment and the other at a coffee shop closer to GU.
at Brentwood Bernard did a lot of experimental stuff with his appearance ranging from spiking his hair after it had grown out a bit to getting his ears pierced multiple times. a tongue piercing came along somewhere in his time at the cult and Bernard genuinely doesn’t remember getting it.
during junior and senior year Bernard joined the basketball team. he was surprisingly good considering he had never showed any interest in the sport and wasn’t particularly athletic before then. basketball somehow also led him to training himself in martial arts.
since I do hc the Children of Dionysus to have some more Dionysian practices I think Bernard developed both a distaste for wine and eating raw meat (omophagia).
Bernard has been refusing to get drastic hair cuts after the buzz cut and is unlikely to get one any time soon. he’s been taking kitchen scissors to his hair and freestyling it if he feels it needs more shape.
though he’s been out for a while Bernard hasn’t actually dated anyone long term before Tim. most people he’s been with were flings or were blocked after a few dates.
the way Bernard got into contact with the cult is through one of his high school classmates, who he’d seen talk about the ways that joining it had improved their life and how they were much more enlightened. he due to his circumstances was an easy victim after his initial skepticism
there’s just a lot of permanent scarring due to the cult, but Bernard doesn’t bother covering them up with make up or clothes. at least not post getting rescued.
Bernard actually goes to therapy after the cult and was also diagnosed with autism (let me project a teeny bit). it helped him make more sense of his life and gave him more direction.
his cooking passion came from his early childhood, being dimmed out in middle school and only returning after high school. he mostly enjoys writing his own recipes and experimenting with taste. there was ofc the added challenge of budget, but it was one of the few things that made him happy.
his conspiracy theorist side mostly calmed down until he was thrust back into it when he started dating Tim. this was due to odd behavior from Tim and until Bernard found out he was RR (which really didn’t take that long) he was balls deep on conspiracy blogs and threads. he didn’t really quite after putting the RR pieces together though, bc he enjoyed being able to subtly help Tim with his cases.
due to the two jobs and double major previously mentioned Bernard has a terrible sleeping schedule. he regularly stays up past three only to have a morning shift that starts at seven.
gonna quite rambling for now lol, might edit this post to add more in the morning but I’m sick of typing. sorry if it’s a lot, I just think abt him a lot……. yea..
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Hi Fen!!! Popping in to ask what you think the moon boys’ hobbies would be (if they weren’t so busy moon knighting). (For Steven, I feel like studying ancient Egypt is more like a passion, so like what else do you think he’d be into?)
K. Love you! Byeeeee.
IDJIDHVDHFH Oh my gosh, I love this ask so much! Thank you so, so, SO much for sending it! ❤️(ILY!) Did I think about this at work for a good 1 and 30 mins instead of working on a spreadsheet? No, of course not, I would never do that… 👀
I have narrowed it down to one each to save everyone from seeing my absolute madness.
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Moon Knight Boys Headcanons & Hobbies
Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: Swearing
Steven: Cooking
Okay, here me out. So, I’ve seen opposite ends of opinion on this one (both are valid) but I’m going with Steven is a very good cook, and he likes cooking. 
He’s been vegan for a while and it’s only in the last couple of years that food places have really been trying with vegan and vegetarian options that aren’t salad… bread… (chips if you’re lucky) So, I think he enjoys making lots of different recipes. 
It started out with him just making vegan ones and then, over time, became him changing other recipes to make them vegan and coming up with his own. 
Absolute master at vegan cakes, no one can ever tell the difference, and, in fact, a lot of people compliment him on ‘the best cake they’ve ever had’, ‘so light and fluffy? How do you do it?’ “Well, that’s the secret, innit?” (whisk the aquafaba like your life depends on it and sweet potato) 
Steven is absolutely horrified by the food Marc makes himself. (Plain chicken, rice, spinach) 
“Where are the flavours Marc? At least some herbs? Spices for fuck’s sake? I can’t believe you’re eating plain steamed chicken?” (He doesn’t even care that it’s meat, it's just the lack of flavour.)
“It’s boiled chicken actually.”
Steven loses his goddamn mind. 
“I don’t care what bloody macronutrient you are monitoring, you are not eating that.”
It’s not that Marc can’t cook, he just doesn’t see the reason to put the effort in when it’s just for himself (doesn’t feel like he deserves it.)
Steven grumbles to himself and refuses to let Marc cook his own dinner if he can help it. “If you’re going to eat meat, at least treat it with respect, yeah? Bring out the flavour?” He usually preps something for Marc, so he can cook it quickly when he’s hungry. 
Makes so many cakes and pastries for Jake. Leaves them in boxes with ‘Jake :)’ written on a post stick note on the top. Jake is always so touched and surprised when he does. They have taken to playing a little game where sometimes the food is vegan and sometimes it’s not and Jake has to guess. He’s more accurate than most people, but it still only averages around 70% right. (69% if we’re being exact, and Marc is sure Jake’s messing with the correct statistics on purpose.)
Marc: Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football
Literally takes it so seriously. Has spreadsheets filled with information and pours over every single statistic like it holds the answers to the universe. It only got more intense when he found a forum for people with the same interest and he literally will spend hours talking online about it.
“It’s not about getting the best players, it’s about making the best team.”
Jake has joked that he puts Steven and his love for history to shame and if those spreadsheets weren’t saved on the computer Marc would have boxes and boxes and folders upon folders of printed out info and then there would be zero space in the flat. 
When Marc annoys Steven, Steven tells him to “go play with your pretend american cricket and american rugby” to piss him off. 
(Marc retaliates by incorrectly pronouncing UK places. 
“Steven, maybe we should take a trip to Ed-in-b-row” 
“It’s Ed-in-bruh.” 
“How about Sus-SEX or Es-SEX?” 
“It’s Sus-SIX and Es-SIX.” 
“I do love Green-WITCH at this time of year.” 
“IT’S GREN-ITCH! Jake, you're from New York, how is Greenwich pronounced?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” 
“Ha! That’s because he agrees with me!”
When things get really heated, Marc threatens to make a cup of tea in the microwave. Steven says he doesn’t care because he makes coffee in the microwave all the time and it’s fine. Jake puts an end to it by saying hot chocolate tastes best with water and then laughing when both Marc and Steven gang up on him. 
“I cannot believe you think that mate.”
“You know how many different types of milk there are?”
“Absolutely disgusting.”
“Cow, goat, soya, almond, coconut, literally any of them instead.”)
Jake: Knitting
Wanted something to keep his hands busy, that he could pick up and put down, and that he could take in his cab when he was stationary and waiting for fares. 
Took to it a lot quicker than he thought it would, and can just zone out and knit. It helps keep him grounded. 
He feels like he has spent a lot of his time destroying and there is something so satisfying about being able to create. 
Once he mastered the stitch he quickly moved onto making clothes. Before Marc and Steven knew about him he used to knit jumpers for Steven and hide them in the wardrobe. 
Jake makes Marc a cartoony style baseball jumper that he also loves, and a thick cardigan for Steven that is covered in hieroglyphics (he spends months researching the language to get it to make some sense, and works in a dig at Khonshu in there and has Steven crying with laughter.) 
When they know about him Steven excitedly requests the “most garish and over the top Hanukkah jumper anyone has ever seen!” Jake does his best, presenting it to Steven (and trying to hide how nervous he feels) Steven loves it and refuses to take it off all winter. 
Most people think Jake has a stern glare when he wants, but you can never be sure if he’s planning your destruction or trying to work out how many balls of wool it would take to make someone your size a jumper.
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @welcometostayingawake @mbakubabe @solobagginses @melodygatesauthor @romanarose @pimosworld @jake-g-lockley
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christinesficrecs · 8 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good!! Do you know of any fics that are similar to Weave Soft Spells Over My Sight by AgnesBlue? I loved how kinda weird Derek was in it
I love Bby!Derek!! In his defense being a teenage werewolf is hard! This post may have gotten away from me, hopefully it's weird enough. 😉
Weave Soft Spells Over My Sight by AgnesBlue | 51.4K
Derek had blossomed steadily over the past year, growing into his ears and turning even more handsome, if that were possible. But instead of going out and melting the panties off the girls, suddenly he was coming to Stiles all bashed in, demanding that he patch him up like Stiles was some freelance nurse. It was a familiar pattern by now.
Mischief Inc. by MereLoup | 17.2K
Stiles has a thing for the hot teenager who keeps coming into his tattoo shop.
Multidisciplinary Studies by DevilDoll | 51.3K
Stiles is a slightly-older-and-very-sexy librarian and Derek has a thirst for knowledge.
The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob | 47.8K
In which Derek is an adolescent werewolf with a penchant for chocolate bunnies, and instead of the dream summer of lazing around the house playing video games and nibbling on his hoarded supply of easter candy his mother makes him get a job.
In which Stiles is a showoff jock with a broken arm and an embarrassing crush who can no longer push the lawn mower around the yard.
Now as Ever (All That Is and Has Been) by venis_envy | 52.2K | Explicit
Stiles can't remember what happened to rearrange the time-space continuum, or how he ended up being pulled into the past. All he knows is that he's there now, in 2003 Beacon Hills, with a teenage werewolf and a possibly-crazy veterinarian as his only allies.
I Want To Say Yes, Sir | 8.8K | Explicit
“I’ve got a 17 year old boy in the back of my car and I’m running him up to the station.” His dad sighs.
“Oooo is he cute?” Stiles asks jokingly.
Stiles can practically hear his Dad’s eye roll. He can hear the Sheriff shift as he turns around to look at the boy in the back. “Hey my son wants to know if you’re cute.”
He hears the boy on the other end go after a second of hesitation, “I want to say yes, sir.”
His Dad just cracks up laughing.
One Dollar Yoda by exclamation | 10.7K | Mature
Stiles is an unbonded spark, so he’s been dealing with courting alphas since he was ten. It’s gotten a lot worse since he turned sixteen. Some are assholes, some are nice, but Stiles hasn’t wanted to spend the rest of his life bound to any of them.
When Derek Hale shows up at his school, Stiles expects him to be just another asshole alpha attempting to buy him with expensive gifts. But Derek Hale puts no effort whatsoever into his courtship gifts. Stiles ought to be offended but instead he finds it refreshing.
This Time With Feeling by Crimson1 | 36.1K | Explicit
"Derek Hale, if you refuse to learn from your past…then you will be doomed to repeat it." In which Derek is turned into a 16-year-old and has to stay with Stiles until they figure out how to turn him back. Eventual slash and smut, set post season 2, semi-AU.
I stopped believing in happy endings by otatop | 8.5K
Derek was prepared to have his heart broken for just one evening with Stiles. He knew what he was getting himself into
(He had no idea what he was getting himself into)
It’s Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles | 11K
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands.
“We should?”
“But… Do you even care about photography?”
“Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
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iwantasquaresbar · 1 month
Buddie rambling and speculation (don’t like don’t read :))
I’ve got extreme buddie brain rot, and before this most recent episode I was genuinely like 80% convinced we were gonna get buddie endgame. I always thought it was going to take a while like end of season 8 or in season 9. But I think like every one else that last episode just baffled me. It’s so strange I mean we will see I guess where things are going to go it doesn’t completely change what I think might happen but boy does it confuse me.
Because to me Buck is primed and ready, like he’s ready for a serious relationship, he’s worked out his sexuality and yeah he’s with Tommy at the moment and is happy. Which I’m enjoying he should be able to have a sweet romance. However to me it always seemed like they were intentionally leaving little cracks in their relationship and those cracks if torn open always lead right to Eddie or Buddie. I’m aware I’m delusional. But like 7x04 I feel like we all know Buck was jealous of both Tommy and Eddie. Like that peacocking in gym was not for Tommy, but I do genuinely believe he wanted Tommys attention too. They also spend that whole episode drawing attention to the similarities between Eddie and Tommy. Then Eddie turns up on the date and in my opinion Buck wouldn’t have done the whole hype straight routine if it had been any other character (also don’t love Tommys closet joke or his leaving but also he should be able to protect his own peace).
Then arguably the most intriguing to me is the costumes at the beginning of 7x06 like I agree it’s not that big of a deal that Tommys not in a costume if he’s on call but what is a big deal is having Buck bring it up. Because idk about anyone else i wouldn’t have realised Tommy wasn’t wearing a costume if it wasn’t brought up, and like it would be so easy to put him in a patterned shirt or have a cute moment where buck makes fun of him not being dressed up then like give him some like fun 80s glasses or some shit like that could’ve been a cute moment but no they had Buck be a little disappointed and Tommy act nonchalant. Then they follow it up with a scene where Eddie is the only one interested in bucks plans for a bachelor party and then he suggests matching costumes for them. Like ik im crazy but im not that crazy right like ik that scene is probably more to do with showing that they don’t know each that well yet and they’re learning and how tommy makes an effort to come but like i just don’t know why we got that parallel. Sorry this little thing just drives me insane.
Anyway the point of this post is I believe Buck is ready for buddie like the door is closed because he’s dating someone else but it’s not locked and it’s easy to open up. But Eddie he has so much work to do he needs to properly grieve Shannon and realise he doesn’t need to replace her for his or Chris’s sake. Then maybe he can face that he might not be as straight as he originally thought.
Basically i still definitely believe buddie can happen and be endgame i think they’ve set a good foundation especially on bucks part but Eddie has a long way to go and it’s gonna take time. I think the writers are keeping there options open and we won’t really get an idea if anything will happen between them until probably like end of season 8
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I’m this anon who asked about radical feminist/trans debates. I appreciate your response and those of your commenters, particularly @elfwreck who described a long evolution of discourse that I’ve missed. I’ve not been intentionally dense…just a woman and working mother who’s been busy as hell for about the last 15 years and focused on getting through the day. I’ve always supported gay rights, never gave it a second thought. With my kids older and more time on my hands, I started exploring fanfic and have been drawn in. One thing led to another and I find myself down tumblr rabbit holes with women raising questions about girls sports and the dangers of HRT for teens and whether lesbians are allowed to not like dicks, with responses that generally amount to “die terf”. I start researching online and find academic papers and news articles, but find essentially a similar message to you and your commenters: “radical feminists are obviously wrong and not to be taken seriously”. No addressing the questions I’ve seen raised. I get the point—one side is indefensible and I missed the boat on seeing the discussion play out many years ago. I suppose I was looking for a short cut through social media which feels silly in retrospect. Regardless, the radical feminists are out there making intellectual arguments across social media on a range of topics, including men in general, misogyny, porn, prostitution. In all likelihood the post that first pulled me in to their viewpoints related to the imbalance between women and their husbands with respect to child raising, housework, and expressing anger over daily aggravations, which rang completely true to my personal experience and that of other women I know. Likely why I now find myself caught up in fanfic escapism. Anyhow, I’ll dig in deeper to academic literature on the intersection of women’s rights, gay rights, and trans rights because I finding myself caring to know this history now.
It happens.
A lot of the roots of current feminist debate are in the Feminist Sex Wars of the 80s. Those were about differing ideas around protecting women and the implications of pornography.
(TBH, part of how very old arguments are able to rear their ugly heads again is that this shit is old enough that the youth weren't born yet during those debates.)
While not about trans stuff per se, some of the ideas about embattled women whose territory is being encroached on link back to there. The "argument", to the extent that the anti-trans side has one, tends to be about defending women's spaces. Many of these arguments are coming from a place of genuine fear. (Maybe not realistic fear, but I believe them that they're traumatized and reacting accordingly.) Some, however, are malicious indoctrination.
There have been efforts (sometimes admitted to publicly, often not) to literally infiltrate young lefty spaces with this kind of rhetoric. It's the queer and female youth version of gamer boys getting indoctrinated by the alt right. So people on my blog have very limited patience for anything that gives this shit the time of day.
I don't think there's a particularly good shortcut since it's the culmination of decades of fighting.
But where I'd start would be by saying that a lot of the arguments sound good on the surface but boil down to "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" traps.
If someone on social media is still hung up on "But BDSM is abuse! A woman cannot meaningfully consent because [bullshit we fought about in the 80s]", we have nothing to say to each other.
The anti-kink and anti-trusting people when they say they consent attitudes tend to go hand-in-hand with suspicion of trans people and refusal to let people define their own identities.
Misogyny and unfair work distributions are absolutely real, but there's a certain "war on women" rhetoric that's about as legit as the "war on Christmas".
The "other" side agrees about a lot of the basics, like the fact that a lot of dudes really need to hold up their end of relationships better when both partners work and nobody should be solely in charge of the house.
But some feminist classic like the comic You should've asked is not on "The Feminist Side" as opposed to "The Trans Side". Regular feminism doesn't take issue with trans people. Lots of regular feminism accepts that women are kinky and horny and like impure things.
These feminist basics are often used as a strawman ("Our opponents disagree with this basic idea they clearly do not actually disagree with!") and as camouflage for much stupider ideas, like the notion that trans women would choose to be a demographic that gets murdered in bathrooms a lot. It's not cis women who are in danger from trans women! That's complete horseshit.
A lot of the talk of embattled lesbian space actually means "Oh no, some butches came out as trans men eventually, and we have to acknowledge bisexual women now".
Re the HRT thing... Yes, there are dangers to prescribing kids and teens hormones. A family should go into the process with a clear understanding of the effects on bone density and such. These risks can be managed the same as menopausal women manage bone density risks. These are not horrific and unknown problems: they're commonplace medical issues we've dealt with before in other contexts. They don't have to be a big deal unless a kid has some pre-existing bone disorder or something.
The part the transphobes don't tell you is that the biggest danger to trans teens is suicide.
Depending on which study you look at, something like 80% of trans youth have serious suicidal thoughts and maybe half make an actual attempt. Lots of teens have issues, but these rates are staggeringly higher than for cis peers, even cis gay peers who also tend to have higher rates than cis het teens.
Forcing someone to go through the body horror of the wrong puberty is... well... not great for their mental health. So a lot of medical professionals are understandably eager to treat kids and teens early because of the huge lasting mental toll. Taking hormones early can also result in an adult body that passes better. And perhaps people shouldn't have to pass as cis to be treated how they want to be treated, but we live in the real world.
Some people do start treatment and then regret it. That's reality. But it's a small percentage, and the issue is often that they're nonbinary and weren't presented with any options other than cis of their assigned sex at birth or transsexual in the 90s sense where you want the full top and bottom surgeries and you're still very binary. I know people who've detransitioned to a degree, but they're not like "Ah yes, I was 100% cis and a fool!" There was generally something going on, just something harder to pin down.
(In fact, most of the "evidence" of people regretting transition are from contexts where the only way to socially transition and get your government ID changed and so on was to do the full medical transition. The regretters would most likely have preferred something in the middle but were not allowed access to what they needed by punitive laws.)
A bunch of alarmist dickheads want to tell you that trans youth don't know their own minds and that everything will be safer and healthier if they just wait to get treatment. In most cases, this is completely untrue.
There used to be far more psychiatric roadblocks to getting physical medical treatment. What the haters want is for these to return. But they didn't deter trans people back then, and they're not going to now.
Re the dicks thing... People roll their eyes because it's such an old canard. Nobody thinks lesbians should be required to like dicks. Nobody thinks lesbians should be required to date trans women either.
But lots of trans women get bottom surgery and don't even have a penis. In any case, whether they get surgery or not, reducing them to a body part is the kind of bio-essentialist nonsense feminism normally strives to debunk.
These arguments boil down to "Have penis, will rape".
Re sports... Trans women don't end up being the issue. In practice, when there's a lot of scrutiny, what happens is that black cis women are seen as literally not female enough and racist shitheads demand that their hormone levels be tested and they be branded Not Female for testosterone levels or something.
Whatever this kind of regulation is intended to do, in practice, it establishes a correct way to be female, and that way is to have a body that conforms to a particular "feminine", white beauty standard.
The athletes who end up being attacked are sometimes intersex, which they may not even have known. Sometimes, they're just taller and stronger than other women. Often, they don't look normative enough to a bunch of creeps because they're too black.
The assholes cover it up with a good line of patter, but that's where this ends: treating black women like freaks.
The bottom line is that anti-trans supposed feminists try to pretend they speak for feminists in general and that there are two major sides locked in conflict.
In fact, they're fringe weirdos who've gained new prominence, particularly in the UK with the backing of JKR, and the rest of the feminists are over here going "This shit again? Jesus!"
I don't waste time debating their "intellectual" arguments on social media for the same reason I don't debate eugenics-preaching racists or fundie religious nuts.
Hence the lack of good resources on "both sides".
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slithergaunt · 1 year
Gimme your hands
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I’ve made this tweet, or some version of it, at least half a dozen times during conversation with others. If you aren’t familiar with the actual scene itself in a while, or haven’t seen Jaws (ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME? GO WATCH JAWS) you can find it on youtube as I did as the “gimme your hands” scene.
For those without time, Quint (played masterfully by Robert Shaw) is FINALLY being hired to go out and kill the shark that the mayor and town have been reluctant to actually acknowledge until now. However Hooper (played also wonderfully by Richard Dreyfuss) is a marine biologist or something and wants to come along too, and bring his fancy equipment.
Quint demands to feel Hooper’s hands, and the audience already knows Hooper not going to enjoy this. While squeezing squeezing the fuck out of Hooper’s hands to wound his masculinity, Quint claims Hooper’s fancy 2,000 nets and gadgets will be worth nothing against the shark they face. Then claiming his wealthy idle upbringing make him too weak to participate, leading to “You’ve got ‘city hands’ Mr. Hooper. Been countin’ money all your life..”
This is like mid-argument in the conversation, but the moment tells you EXACTLY the type of person Quint believes he is. Working man, man’s man, had to sweat and bleed in the mud for every dollar he’s made in his life. And Hooper is the soft little wimpy man from the city, the city man, bestowed with wealth, never done “an honest day’s work” in his life, weak and idle with all his fancy toys.
In the past century, we artists have been softer people. We’ve always been considered, and often felt, weaker in our trade. Not a “real job” kind of thing. Layabouts who don’t go out and actually “work”. For over the past century, we’ve been Hooper in this scene getting our hands crushed. I know I have.
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But then, these techbros came along, with their AI generated art. I almost refuse to call it AI art, because that’s not what it is. It’s Mass Non-Consensual Online Image Combination Generated Media. MNCOICGM, rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it. But let’s humor them. Here they come with their new toys, their new gadgets, that allow them to do art purely by typing on a keyboard.
I’m not even gonna post examples of what they spurt out. The equivalent of using the Doordash app to order from 20 different restaurants, having a robotic arm put the contents into a blender for you, baking it, and declaring yourself a chef. And I know what you’re thinking, techbro “there’s SO MUCH MORE to the process than that!” and you’re correct! That IS a gross over-simplification of how much work is done FOR YOU while all you did was type.... a prompt
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So now suddenly artists all over the world, even kindergartners with crayons have put in more work and effort than them. Suddenly we’re the one’s who’ve been putting in the hours, busting our backs, sweating in the mines, and have knowledge and skill sets (they could totally go learn too if you wanted btw) that make us seem like the grizzled workers who had to learn everything the hard way, over years of toil.
And someone has replaced us as Hooper. The rich boy with all his fancy toys and gadgets his dad bought him, who’s never worked a day in his life, and just sits around thinking he can use his new gadget to make things that look just as good as ours (by secretly feeding millions of our images into his gadget).
We never ever IMAGINED the day would come, but the artists of the world, of all mediums, finally have someone to say “Gimme your hands” to, and pettily emasculate by crushing their hands.
My main decree has always been: AI artists, it doesn’t matter how good the programs get, it doesn’t matter what results it produces, no matter how real or how “cool” you’re able to make it look. You typed a prompt, your machine used our shit to do it. I can now FINALLY embody the spirit of my coal-mining forefathers, and call you a pansy who’s never worked a day in his life, and I’ll keep doing it forever.
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astarionsilverbough · 5 months
okay my loves.
big update.
firstly, i want to thank all of you for all the support you’ve given me and tlogm. NO, it’s not being canceled or deleted or put on hold! I’m going to be moving to an every other week drop. this fic is TOO dear to me to give up on, so don’t worry your pretty heads about that.
but on to personal news: post breakup, i have realized i myself am romantically monogamous. we do a lot of strange things to hold onto what is familiar to us, i think; change and possible loss are scary things to face, but after moving through this breakup…. i know what i want more than ever.
that being said, our boys are still going to be falling all over each other. i love writing them, i love the way they’re all falling in love, it’s fun and fictional and i’m realizing i can actually be monogamous myself whilst also enjoying non-monogamy in fiction. strange, how two things can be true, right?
beyond that: i’m very happy to announce that after ten arduous years of running away from not only myself but my story, i am going to be reworking and delving into the world of the novel i self-published ten years ago. it’s grown up with me, and i’m tired of running. it is called the hellstrider trilogy, and is a novel series about killing the christian god. very queer, very trans, very angry. if you love my raphael, you’re going to LOVE my darling dominic.
these past three weeks have been very hard for me, personally. i’ve realized how fucking lonely i’ve been and how much i’ve neglected myself in favor of taking care of everyone around me. i became a bit boy obsessed, i will admit; i’m a devastatingly hopeless romantic and i want so badly to be loved like a hozier song - to be loved the way halsin loves astarion, the way gale does raphael.
i’ve always been punished in love, probably because i’ve always been so desperate for it i accept the bare minimum of fondness and call it love. but it wasn’t. i didn’t love myself enough to realize that i’ve never been loved the way i want or deserve - the way fifteen year old me always dreamed of.
but i’m going to wait. i’m… content to wait, i think. i’m still very sad and very lonely - but i’m ready to make the effort not to be.
i cannot express enough gratitude to all of you. your support has been my guiding light through all of this. i love you all so so very much. thank you, thank you, thank you.
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
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I’ve got you
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The boys helping you through a panic attack
characters; Xiao, Albedo, Kaeya (separate), gn reader
cw/tw; descriptions of anxiety attacks, crying, hurt/comfort, reader is hinted to be smaller than Kaeya, very light cursing, let me know if I missed anything
word count; 2k+ (500 for each segment)
notes; Yeah, another vent post, this one’s probably more intense so please read at your own risk. I’m not sure what else there is to say, so if you’re going through something similar, it will pass and things will be okay one day. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself to keep myself going. Maybe it’ll help you - I hope it does anyway. These are all techniques I’ve practised, and also have been told that work.
Reblogs are highly appreciated since they boost interaction, as well as comments. Enjoy :)
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Somethings wrong.
You can feel it. Every bone in your body felt frozen in fear. The muscles in your stomach contract painfully, your throat begins to feel restricted, the sensation similar to a merciless hand around your neck. You can hear a voice - it sounds like you, muttering something.
Make it stop.
Make what stop, exactly? You weren’t quite sure. You didn’t know, you just wanted it to be over.
What was wrong with you? Everything was fine up until a few moments ago. Trembling legs crashed against the ground, your hands reaching out to steady yourself so you didn’t fall face first into the floor. Every time you took a breath, a sharp spike of pain stabbed through your chest. This was impossible. You couldn’t stop this, couldn’t do it, your efforts were not enough. Nothing you did was ever fucking good enough.
The taste of bile began to rise in your throat - no, please don’t throw up, you begged yourself. “Stop, stop, please just…”
Please just stop making me feel so bad
Again, you pleaded to yourself. Why did you have to be this way - have to tear yourself apart, bring yourself to the edge of oblivion, over what? In this state, you couldn’t even remember. Your mind was hazy, the only thing you were sure of was things did not feel right at all.
At some point, you must’ve cried out his name, because the adeptus had appeared in a cloud of darkened teal smoke right beside you. When he heard you in such distress, he was sure you were being attacked, which was exactly why he had his mask on. But what he found, however, was an arguably worse situation.
“Y/N…” He murmured, hands hovering over your form, hesitant to touch you. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel worse with unwanted contact.
“Xiao…” You whined pathetically, a strangled sob ripping its way out of your throat painfully. Your head raised to look at him through your unshed tears. A mask that struck fear into the heart of others only soothed your own. He was here, he was really here. You went to say his name again but all that came out of your mouth was a slur of unintelligible sounds. Before he could ask what was wrong, you let your heavy body crash into his own, burying your face in his chest.
Finally, his hands touched you, cradling your body close to his own. “I’m… I’m here. It’s okay.” He whispered soothingly as his mask dematerialised, his lips pressing against the top of your head. He wasn’t familiar with comforting mortals, but if he had learned anything from the way you had treated him when he was suffering from his karmic debt, it was that when you had held him - things felt like they were going to be okay.
“Can’t… Breathe…” He heard you, just barely.
Now he really didn’t know what to do. Slowly, he gently grabbed one of your hands and set it down firmly on his chest, just as you had done once before when his own lungs felt like they were burning from the inside.
“Follow my lead…” His chest rose up as he took a deep breath, and after a moment, yours did too.
“Good. Hold it.” another moment.
“Out.” He exhaled through his mouth, in sync with you.
“Again.” And so you did. Once, twice, as many times as it took until it felt like the pressure finally lessened enough to say his name.
“Xiao… I’m okay now.”
“Do you want me to let go then?” You shook your head, clinging onto him tighter. He seemed to get the message from the way he held closer to him.
“What was it this time?” His hand slowly began to move on your back, rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
“Don’t know… Just felt bad.” He hummed in response, nodding his head slowly. You let out a heavy sigh, thankful that he didn’t fire 20 questions at you. You really didn’t have the energy to explain. Thankfully, it seemed like he understood. “Thank you…”
“Mhm. Just rest.”
“Yeah. I love you.” You mumbled tiredly, your face nuzzling against the crook of his neck. You missed the way his sharp eyes softened at the sight of you hiding yourself away from the world in his embrace.
“… I love you too.”
When the young man strided into your shared home, he found it odd that you weren’t waiting for him in the living room. Or the kitchen. Or anywhere downstairs for the matter. Maybe you had gone to bed?
“Y/N?” He called up to you as he slid off his boots, only to flinch away from his footwear when he heard a crash from your room. He called out your name again, this time much more frantically. Grasping at his sword by his side, he kicked the door to your room open, prepared for whatever was inside. He didn’t see you at first, only the scattered items on the floor that belonged on your desk. Sheathing his sword, he cautiously took a few steps inside the room. A quiet sniffle alerted him to your presence, his gaze following the whimper that followed. There you were, cowering under your desk with your head in your hands, clutching onto your hair tightly.
“Oh, sweetheart…” Your lover sighed, dropping to his knees in front of you, holding his arms open wide. “Come here…” He invited you, just in case you didn’t feel like being touched. But unfortunately you felt like you were glued in place, your body refusing to move on its own. So instead, you looked up at him pleadingly, shakily opening your own arms. Thankfully you didn’t need to explain since he was already scooping you up from the ground, holding you bridal style. “It’s okay, it’s okay…” He cooed quietly as he sat himself down on the corner of the bed, settling you down on his lap. “What’s wrong, what happened?” He kept his voice soft, gentle enough to not feel like a threat when you were obviously feeling so vulnerable. You shook your head. You didn’t know, everything just felt wrong. When you didn’t answer, he simply sighed quietly, thinking of what to do. It wasn’t often you got this way, but it was more than enough times to have at least a clue on how to help.
“Darling, can you close your eyes for me?” Confused, you did so. “Imagine you’re lying on a beach…” He began, raising his hand to rest on top of your head, running his fingers through your hair soothingly. “The sun is warm, the ocean spray next to you is refreshing against your skin. In your left hand, there’s a drink, and in your right is my hand.” With this, he slid his hand into your right one, intertwining your fingers. “What do you feel like drinking?” He asked quietly, watching as your face scrunched in concentration as you tried to visualise everything he was telling you.
“…Lemonade?” You asked quietly.
“Mhm, alright then. Personally, I would’ve chosen wine, but lemonade it is.” You both chuckled quietly, your harsh breathing beginning to even out. “This beach is our paradise. Nothing can hurt you here, not while I’m right next to you. You are always here, on this beach. All you have to do is close your eyes. Do you understand?” Somehow, even when your mind seemed filled with background noise, you understood. A happy place, filled with happy things, with your favourite person - while you were focusing on that, nothing else seemed to matter.
“Good. Now… Let’s go fix you that lemonade, shall we? I’m not exactly as good as my brother, but I hope it’ll suffice.” You felt your lips curl up at that, and at the way his lips pressed against your cheek.
The chief alchemist was too busy for you. At least, that’s what you thought. So you weren’t expecting him to be opening the door the second you went down to the ground.
“Y/N, I heard something- Oh.” He cut himself off when he saw you looking up at him with a tear stained face. If he was affected by the way you seemed to be cowering away from him so he couldn’t see how much of a mess you were, he didn’t give anything away. That is, until he spoke.
“May I hold you?” He asked before he made a move. You nodded slowly, and only then did he lower himself to your level, gathering you up in his arms. His arms slotted around you perfectly, almost like a missing puzzle piece, someone made just to fit together with you.
“You’re shaking. What happened?” He questioned, his hand cradling the back of your head carefully, occasionally stroking your hair with his slender fingers.
“I don’t know… I don’t know.”
“Sh…” He hushed you softly, aware if you carried on you would simply work yourself up to the state you were in before again. “It’s alright… I’ve got you.” You crumbled at his words, a small whimper escaping your throat as you held onto him tighter.
“Y/N… I need to ask you to do something. It’ll help, I promise.” He spoke after a moment after you hadn’t calmed down from whatever had caused this in the first place. You nodded, trusting whatever he had in mind. “What are five things you can see?” His calm demeanour told you there was no need to rush.
“Um…” You glanced over at the wall. “Your drawing of me.” An anniversary gift, you recalled. “My bed… My pillow… My desk, and… You.”
“Good. Four things you can feel.” Again, there wasn’t any urgency to tell him your findings.
“The ground, my clothes, my blanket, your coat.”
“You’re doing well. Three things you can hear now.” He noticed the difference in the way you were speaking, how your voice was slowly gaining clarity.
“Your voice, your heartbeat, the birds outside.” Really, all you could focus on was the man in front of you.
“Two things you can smell.”
“You… Specifically… The melting snow on your clothes and chalk.”
“And what can you taste right now?” He murmured quietly against your ear, and you so desperately wanted to say him, but maybe kissing him while you were like this wasn’t such a good idea.
“Blood.” You mumbled, only now noticing how raw the inside of your cheek felt from gnawing at it.
“You’ve stopped shaking.” He noted with a soft smile, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before moving his lips to your forehead. “I’m proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Perhaps.” He hummed thoughtfully, but you knew he was teasing by the growing smirk on his lips before he shook his head. “No. You did that yourself. You could’ve simply not listened to me and refused my help. But you didn’t. I only guided you, and you did the rest.”
His words made your own bashful smile appear on your lips, leaning into his touch when one of his hands cupped your cheek. “The taste of blood isn’t exactly pleasant, why don’t I cook your favourite and stay with you tonight?” He suggested, taking your hand in his own to help you stand.
“Yes, please.”
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trudemaethien · 8 months
OK I had to do it again because I got a ship I really want to see you give a try if possible:
The Ship: Wolffe/Mereel Words: content, education, combination & absent
this is not really shippy buuuut …lol you’ll see why. srynotsry (i should maybe update my post to say i dont write wolffe ships, like at all hides chaula in my pocket)
“Oh no,” Fox said under his breath, and then louder, “Go home, Mereel, you’re drunk.”
“Am not,” the clone disputed, and to Wolffe’s judgement he didn’t seem that intoxicated, just a bit manic.
Fox sighed and murmured to Wolffe, “This Null just finally figured out it’s okay to like boys. Clone boys, particularly. I’ve been keeping it out of Skirata’s ears, but kark, he makes me so tired.”
“He behaving himself?” Wolffe murmured back.
“Mostly,” Fox shrugged wearily.
“Who’s your friend, Fox?” Mereel said with a leer at Wolffe. Fox opened his mouth to fend off the undesirable advances for Wolffe as he’d done so many times before for his reticent brother, when Wolffe held up a hand to halt him.
“I’m Commander Wolffe,” he introduced himself with his customary dignified reserve, and held out his hand. Fox leaned back and kept his mouth shut.
Mereel took Wolffe’s hand and held onto it instead of just clasping it. “Bet I could make you howl, my good man,” he said provocatively, trying to tug Wolffe towards him. He succeeded in maneuvering the two of them closer, but only because he moved himself.
“I’ve never heard that one before,” Wolffe said with heavy sarcasm, subtly leaning back by straightening his already proper posture to something so rigidly immaculate, he could be the illustrated standard in the regulations.
Mereel smirked anyway. “Well, how about it?” he asked with what he probably thought was a winning smile.
Wolffe cocked his head. “I’m going to assume you weren’t decanted a mannerless cur, and your abysmal knowledge of etiquette is a combination of an absent father, a lack of education, a minimum of discipline, and a complete misunderstanding of the concept of subtlety; and that is a generous assumption on my part. If I were so inclined, I could write you up for several things, soliciting not the least.”
The meaning of the rebuff was penetrating Mereel’s skull in real time, and wide-eyed, he tried to step back, but Wolffe still had him by the hand and now he was the one prolonging the contact.
“I won’t, because I prefer to conduct my own correction in a more direct manner. I gave no indication I would be interested in your intentions, and in fact, if you’d been paying attention, you would have seen indications that I was not. It’s not due to your pick-up approach or technique that I am calling you to task, though those could bear significant improvement, but the fact that I was uninterested and you failed to notice.“
Mereel had dropped his eyes guiltily and stopped actively trying to escape Wolffe’s grasp.
“Furthermore, just because you’ve figured out what gets you going does not make you a Force-blessed gift to mankind, and not everyone is going to fall at your feet just because you smile charmingly.” Wolffe paused a beat, “What will make you a Force-blessed gift to someone or other is not so superficial, and it will take time and self-reflection and honest effort, to determine. No amount of shallow hookups are going to fill the metaphorical hole inside you.”
“Wow.” the pushy Null was still looking at him with wonderment and desire in his eyes. “I am…absurdly turned on by being chewed out.”
Wolffe’s lips thinned.
“—Sir, sorry, sir,” Mereel added with a bit of genuine respect.
“I’m still not interested,” Wolffe said shortly. “In general, in anything sexual or romantic. Glad I could assist you in your kink discovery though, trooper.” His tone was very dry. “Please remove yourself from my presence, now.”
Mereel nodded and beat a hasty exit, and Wolffe called after him, “Try pulling someone who will take you properly in hand!”
“Aww,” Fox cooed, “you’re such a soft touch, Wolffe. I hope you know how much inadvertent innuendo you dropped on that poor kid.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Smack Down 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51601057
i also owe you a last line or two… *checks notes* —three!! ahahaha it has been waaay too long
welp. the wips are going nowhere, so i think ill just post this and put those IOUs back on the list 😅
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newpathwrites · 16 days
In honor of pride month and in an effort to promote queer rep in fandom, I'm going to post a few of the queerest excerpts from my fics throughout the month.
Here I give you:
Din coming out to Omera in my mandomera fic A New Creed. Din is also demi in this fic which is hinted at here, as well.
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“You’re thinking loudly, love.  Anything you’d like to share?”
He looked at her strangely then, almost like he was nervous - a rare state for him.  “Uhhh… there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you… but I wasn’t sure if…”  He paused as if gathering his wits and then pressed on with a bit more confidence.  “I told Jai that I’d never had feelings for anyone else before you… but it’s not true.”
Omera wasn’t exactly surprised by this information, though it was unexpected.  Sure, Din had always insinuated that he’d not had any other romantic relationships in his life, but they hadn’t met until they were already middle aged with a lifetime of prior experiences under their belts.  Of course there were probably others.  Omera had a husband in her past who she had loved dearly, and she’d told Din quite a lot about him.  Why would Din be so nervous about sharing this with her?
“He was my best friend… as a child on Aq Vetina…”
If Omera was shocked to learn that Din had once loved a boy, she didn’t show it.  She simply smiled at him warmly as she so often did when he shared something new about himself.  “Tell me about him.”
And so he told her everything he could remember. 
He and the boy next door had become fast friends when their mothers started a communal garden on the patch of land between their two homes, and they quickly grew attached.  And though it was the innocent kind of love typical of youth, it was very much real.  The two boys spoke often of getting married one day and tending a garden of their own.  Had they both survived the attack on their settlement, maybe they would have done just that.  Din would never know.
As Din got older and never developed such feelings for anyone else, he wondered if this Mandalorian version of himself simply wasn’t built for romantic relationships… or if maybe that boy was meant to be the one great love of his life… and that Din’s only chance at happiness died with him on Aq Vetina.
It was cathartic, really, to speak out loud what this boy had meant to him after so many years holding him only in memory - and to know that his wife understood and accepted it so tacitly… that was liberating.  He’d kept this from her for so long.
His fingers slipped through her hair as he spoke, lips brushing the top of her head.  “I never looked at anyone that same way again until you.”  It had happened slowly as they’d become closer, and it had taken him by surprise when it finally manifested itself in his conscious awareness.  He hadn’t thought he was capable of falling in love again. 
“Well, I’m glad you did,” Omera replied softly.  “Do you think about him a lot?”
Din nodded, a sad smile turning somewhat brighter.  “Winta reminds me of him sometimes… with her well-intentioned schemes… spreading joy and happiness everywhere she goes…. He was like that, too.”
“Thank you for telling me about him, sweetheart.  I know it’s hard for you to talk about your childhood.”  
He kissed the top of her head in response, and she hugged him tighter.   “You make it easier.”
“Can I ask you something personal?”  She lifted herself off his torso and swiveled to face him as he gestured for her to continue with that trademark tilt of his head.  “So have you been intimate with both women and men?”
There it was again - the fear .  She could see it in his face, but he’d already decided to tell her everything it seemed.  “Yes… I don’t have a gender preference… on the very rare occasions I indulged, anyway.”  He met her eyes before adding cautiously, “Does that bother you?”
She reassured him gently with a hand to his heart and a soft smile.  “How could I not love something that’s part of who you are?”
All of his fears dissolved in that moment.  Dank farrik , this woman never ceased to amaze him.  “I’m honestly not sure why you love me in the first place… but I thank the Maker for it daily.”
Omera leaned forward to kiss him softly.  “You don’t ever have to be afraid to talk to me… about anything .”
“I know,” he replied quietly.  “I love you, Omera.  Thank you… for being you.”
“I love you, too, Din - every part.  Don’t ever doubt it.”
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girly-blogging · 2 years
here are my favorite daemon/rhaenyra fanfics:
i can always update this post since there’re a lot of new stories being written everyday and the shipp just became popular so it’s not like i’ve read a lot of stuff
i can make other lists since there are a lot of good stories i’ve read from other fandons specially marvel, dc and harry potter fics
Don’t Blame Me, Love Made Me Crazy
The Realm answers to Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra answers to Daemon
An Early Allies!AU
rating: mature
chapters: 10/30
I love this one because rhaenyra is always gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing.
Of Dragons and Eggs
Caraxes knew his human better than he knew anyone else and when it came to the matter of his silver haired rider finding a mate, naturally he knew which lady his human had his heart set on. So why was it that his human didn't seem to acknowledge the truth that was as clear as day?
Prompt: Daemyra from the dragons' point of view.
rating: gen
chapters: 1/1
a bit of crack and fluff is always good for the heart.
“Do you normally snog your friends?”
“Do you normally snog your nieces?”
One strange night throws Rhaenyra’s relationship with her ersatz uncle off-kilter. A modern AU.
rating: explicit
chapters: 6/6
I’m not much of a modern au reader but i really like this one
Dust on a Sunbeam
“We are the fire and the blood— it has never been our way to go quietly when there is passion burning through our veins. You have chosen each other, and tied my hands while doing so.”
Rhaenrya and Daemon have cemented their relationship in a way that even the crown cannot undo. A HOTD AU.
rating: explicit
chapters: 7/?
this is really cute
Glory and Gore
Set at the beginning of Episode 3, the situation in the Step Stones is dire and yet Viserys refuses to send aid to Daemon's forces. When Rhaenyra hears how her father is more determined to teach Daemon a lesson then ensure that he comes home safe to her, she flies off to join her uncle's war effort.
On those bloodied beaches, Rhaenyra proves herself to be a strong, capable leader worthy of the Iron Throne, cementing her inheritance. However, she also finds herself increasingly drawn into her uncle's orbit, sparking the beginnings of something that could be her salvation, or her downfall.
rating: explicit
chapters: 4/?
rhaenyra is such a girlboss i love this story
Reborn in Fire
After dying in dragon fire by the maw of her brothers dragon, Rhaenyra wakes up the day of her mothers death. Armed with foreknowledge of all the catastrophes to come, can she redirect the course of fate to one where she gets all she wants?
rating: not rated
chapters: 11/?
i love this one so much can barely wait for the next chapters
Make me your wife
Since she was small, the princess has been wont to ask him the same question - whether as a childish demand, a youthful jest, a plea for protection or a romantic notion – but those words take on a different shine when spoken at her own wedding celebrations to another man.
Or, the five times Rhaenyra asks Daemon to be her husband, and the one time he asks her to be his wife.
rating: mature
chapters: 1/1
i love 5+1 fics so much
the home we built (for them)
Daemon is trying to get Rhaenyra’s boys to like him as they blend their families
rating: teen and up
chapters: 1/1
domestic daemyra and their kids? count me in!!
"The babe is still much smaller than they should be, Princess," he says. "And your last birth was not an easy one."
"I do not have to be reminded of that," she remarks sharply. "I was the one pushing him out.”
Daemon smirks.
“The Maester means well, wife.” His hand runs down her arm, soothing. “We shall have to be extra careful with your health this time.”
Or: scenes from a marriage and the family it built. Contains book spoilers, although I don't know if the show will follow every plot point.
rating: explicit
chapters: 1/1
this is a bit sad but i loved it
Something So Good, So Pure
Laenor Velaryon passed out drunk on his wedding night, but that’s not to say Rhaenyra Targaryen spent her wedding night alone. Nine months after being married, she gives birth to a daughter with silvery blonde hair and lilac eyes, forever changing the history of House Targaryen.
rating: mature
chapters: 14/?
this is definitely one of my favorite fics, the author really understands the asoiaf universe and i just love seeing all targaryens being a family
got any recommendations? send me!!
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a-little-lostecho · 2 years
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Riddle Rosehearts, a Royal student from Wonderland and the next in line to be the future Queen of Hearts. He upholds his family’s duty with the expected strictness of all the Queens before him.
“The fact that people are ever insinuating the idea of going against our predetermined destinies is absolute madness! I swear on my destiny that I will not stop until all the rule breakers are put back in their places.”
Parent(s): The Queen and King of Hearts
Parent’s Story: Alice in Wonderland
Roommate: Azul Ashengrotto. He’s certainly not the worst roommate out of everyone in school… but still. That guy is shady.
Secret Heart’s Desire: ….I’d like to eat things and do things with friends more often.
My “Magic” Touch: My Unique Magic allows me to “Behead” anyone who breaks the rules and block off their magic. It’s rather useful when dealing with all the troublemakers in this school.
Storybook Romance: Romance? Perish the thought. My school work and circulars keep me busy enough as is. Not to mention the troublesome ‘Rebel Uprising’…. Besides… I’ll be married off once the next destined King of Hearts is found, so why does it matter what I want?
“Oh Curses!” Moment: When dealing with… certain troublemakers… it’s difficult to keep my cool. Thankfully I have my friends to help me cool off when I begin to loose my head..
Favorite Subject: Royal Student Council. However Debate is another close contender. Planning things out to better the whole student body is good practice for when I’m to become the next Queen of Hearts.
Least Favorite Subject: General Villainy. I find it rather insulting that people believe I’m a villain. Perhaps if people actually put effort into following the rules then there wouldn’t need to be so many beheadings.
Best Friends Forever After: Trey, Che’nya, and I have known each other since we were little although our relationship hasn’t always been this close… I’m just grateful we get to be together now and partake in the same destiny.
PHEW if you read this far, thank you! Searching everything up took a while but i think it was worth it for the look! For a more in-depth explanation,
welcome to the first post (of hopefully many) for the TWST X EAH AU! I’ve seen a handful of fics where they put the eah girls into twisted wonderland but never one in reverse, which is what i’m here to do today! I’m hoping to make this a bigger thing with ALL the twst cast, y’ hear me? ALL of them, including the RSA boys because eah is a school that houses all; villains, heros, royals, rebels, and everything in between! I don’t wanna do all the info dumping rn because i still have to work out some kinks in the story (and i have no idea how to actually format things into posts so any help on that end would be much appreciated) so follow for more!
I’m incredibly hexited ;) about this project so i hope you all look forward to it too!
p.s. also perhaps help w au/crossover name ideas? i want smth a bit more striking than just twst x eah au but might keep that if it makes life easier for people to find it perhaps
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
the likelihood of characters dying in chain of thorns
this is just my personal opinions based off of my interpretations of the characters and the current content we have in the shadowhunters universe. this is an incredibly long post cause i never shut up so i'm putting everything under the cut!
james: 1/10
highly highly unlikely that he will perish cause someone has to carry on the herondale name
but honestly who knows at this point
like i would be genuinely shocked if he died
and incredibly confused cause someone has to go on to produce heirs that will lead to jace 
cause the lost herondale is a whole different thing 
cordelia: 1/10
also highly unlikely cause it’s almost certain that she’s the person who produces the herondale heirs
cause her and james are already married and i have confidence they’re going to get their shit together 
lucie: 1/10
again pretty sure she’s the one who’s going to be producing blackthorn heirs and we know there are many more blackthorns to come
also i just don’t know what could kill lucie herondale 
but yeah pretty sure she’s safe
matthew: 9/10
listen this man is not making it out of this series alive i’m almost sure of it
he has all the makings of a tragic hero
i feel like there isn’t enough time to give him the healing/redemption arc that he needs so i feel like he’s just going to sacrifice himself 
and it’s going to be horrible and i’m going to cry for a minimum of 8-10 business days
but i just feel so strongly that this is where his arc is headed 
thomas: 6/10
not sure about this one honestly
i’ve always been a little scared for thomas since the fake family tree said he died young (and yes i know it’s not correct but there has to be some reason why that’s listed as his death date even if it’s not when he actually died)
i hope cassie wouldn’t do that to sophie and gideon since she already killed barbara but who knows
there are other male lightwoods so he doesn’t need to live in order to carry on the family name
also i wouldn’t want him to be the one to carry on the family name cause him and alastair need to get together
but i’m worried about him cause i definitely think he’s in danger 
i also will cry for a minimum of 8-10 business days if he dies 
alastair: 5/10
again we’re not sure
honestly my confidence in his survival hinges entirely on the gender of the baby carstairs 
cause if the baby is a boy then there’s a male carstairs to carry on the name 
cause obviously there’s more since emma exists 
but also if the baby is a boy then there is a much higher chance of alastair dying
cause like matthew i think he has the potential to be a tragic hero and sacrifice himself 
i’m hoping his arc will not end like that cause i think there’s enough time in chain of thorns to wrap it up but i am still scared for the fate of my son 
best case scenario him and thomas run away together at the end of chain of thorns 
christopher: 2/10
i’m almost certain he’s okay cause i’m pretty sure he’s the one that carries on the lightwood name 
but also there are two other male lightwoods in this book who have the potential to carry on the name 
but i’m pretty sure he’s gonna be good 
if he dies i think it would be mostly for shock value and cassie doesn’t do that often and normally only once or maybe twice in a series which i think she already did with barbara and elias 
so yeah we’re pretty sure he’s safe 
grace: 2/10
again according to the family tree she marries christopher and they make lightwood babies together 
also i don’t think killing her off would make much narrative sense
cause she was kind of a pseudo antagonist and i think killing her off would be a cheap ending for her
again it would probably be for shock value but i just don’t really see it happening 
anna: 8/10
yeah she’s in danger 
very concerned that snippet that’s like “all that effort to convince you i wasn’t in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms” is gonna be her at ariadne (kamala? i’m not sure what we’re calling her sorry)
i’m not sure how cassie could wrap up her character in a satisfying way in chain of thorns so i’m worried she’s just gonna kill her 
again it could be a kind of tragic hero moment where like she’s been selfish for so long and then she sacrifices herself for the people she loves 
but i hope she doesn’t die cause i love her 
ariadne/kamala: 4/10
honestly i have no idea but i’m pretty sure she’s gonna be okay
cassie mentioned something about how she’s going to pick a new name for herself by the end of the book and that doesn’t make it sound like she’s gonna get killed off
but cassie is also the queen of misdirection 
so who knows
but again i think if she killed her off it would just be for shock value and it would be kinda cheap after everything she’s gone through 
jesse: 1/10
honestly i’m the most confident about him which is ironic considering he’s spent the last two books being dead
but he’s currently the only blackthorn that could carry on the name and there’s a lot of blackthorns later
but it would feel really cheap to spend so much time focusing on bringing him back to life only to kill him in the next book 
so yeah i’m almost positive he’s gonna be fine 
charles: 3/10
god i wish i could say with confidence that he’s gonna die but i really don’t think he is
i think he’s gonna find some woman who’s dumb enough to marry him and then he’s gonna be a miserable asshole for the rest of his life and help carry on the fairchild name 
cause we know someone does 
and i seriously doubt it’s going to be matthew 
so unfortunately i think he’s probably going to stay alive
but there’s always a chance so who knows 
feel free to comment/send me asks/message me about your thoughts on my predictions or any predictions of your own or just literally anything about this series cause i am desperate to talk about it
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