#I'm a lonely lesbian ok
s4ndg3m · 4 months
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hear me out on scag x split guys. they both start with "s" it's practically canon.
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tag game
tagged by @brassm thank you, friend! <3
three ships: buddie, tarlos, henren <3 (I could list so many more than three but I'll keep it my current top 3 hehe)
first ever ship: part of me wants to not say it and make y'all dig through my blog to find where i've talked about it before but klaine
last song: unthinkable by cloudy june
last movie: .... pitch perfect 2 lol
currently reading: haven't started it yet but Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
currently watching: 9-1-1 (with the girl I'm borrowing the above book from <3) and Bones (by myself)
currently consuming: coffee :))
currently craving: sushi, like always
I'm supposed to tag 9 people, but y'all know I just tag whoever I don't feel anxious about tagging (hehe), and I know I've done a tag game similar to this one before so if you've already done this, no worries ofc!
@the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @lilbuddie @ajunerose @two-cut-lines @mooshkat @menace-behaviour and anyone else who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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host-gone-gay · 2 years
It has come to my attention that I currently lack queer friends so if you're queer and ready to deal with my bullshittery and complete tomfoolery, DMS are open .
Please be respectful, I will not tolerate any form of toxicity and you'll be instantly blocked and reported.
This has been an important message.
Good luck. (With dealing with my ass lol)
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aingeal98 · 8 months
Will never get over how hilarious the accidental lesbian coding of the koncass "romance" arc was in Batgirl. Like Cass had a 'friend break up' with Steph and immediately the very next issue began observing couples on the street and thinking more about romantic love and whether she should try it and started asking questions and realised that most men were gross actually but Superboy seems kind of OK so she should do the whole kissing and dating thing now right? So she goes all the way to Kansas to try it out and then they fight a rock monster and she's like "Hang on a second I think I'm just lonely and looking for a friend since I lost Steph. I don't think I have any romantic feelings for you at all actually." and they agree to be friends and it's a happy ending and she doesn't for one second analyze the fact that losing her relationship with Stephanie made her want to replace it with a romantic partner.
And then when Steph dies Cass monologues to us about what the funeral was like and says how Steph was her first friend while everyone else is more like family and "Stephanie was... I uh. I can't talk about her now. Is that normal?" (which yes is perfectly normal grief but also the confusion about what exactly separates Steph from the rest of the batfamily and makes her Cass's "first friend" is Something). She then goes on to fantasize twice about Steph swooping in to save her and carrying her away from danger while she's dying. The second time Steph literally bridal carries her in her arms.
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Cass will ignore all of this of course and then go on to pat herself on the back when a normal civilian man asks her out for coffee. She declines obviously because she's too busy superheroing but the fact that he asked means she's getting an A+ in the social skills submodule of Romance. She never needs to say yes to any of these of course just the fact that they like her means she's doing a good job and that's all she needs! Anyways time to stare into Steph's eyes and analyze every aspect of what she sees there. As besties.
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bitterkarella · 2 days
Midnight Pals: Sssspace Ssstory 2
JK Rowling: i don't need you lot! Rowling: i don't need any of you! Rowling: i'm gonna go over to sspace coven to tell my new sstory! Barker: yeah have fun with that Rowling: I will!! Barker: they're all a bunch of nerds over there! Poe: now clive that's not very fair Barker: she's gonna find it out soon enough
[meanwhile, at space coven] JK Rowling: hello children Jules Verne: welcome, JK Rowling! I've been informed that you're the first woman ever to write science fiction Verne: so we're proud to make you a member of our very select group Verne: welcome to super friends!!!
Verne: i am called Ham because I enjoy ham radio Verne: [pointing to HG Wells] this is email Verne: [pointing to Isaac Asimov] cosine Verne: [pointing to Robert Heinlein] report card Verne: [pointing to Frank Herbert] mescaline Verne: [pointing to Mary Shelley] and Mary
HG Wells: [arriving in a steam-powered dirigible] excelsior, fellow space-ka-teers! HG Wells: it is I, HG Wells, chrononaut extradinaire! Wells: i am simply a-quiver to hear some new story and- Wells: oh crap, the gears fell off my top hat Jules Verne: don't worry, my good man, you can borrow some of mine!
Rowling: ok sso here'ss my futurisstic sstory Verne: whoa you can't start a story like that! Rowling: oh? oh right, ssorry Rowling: i meant 'ssubmitted for the approval of sspace coven, i call-' Verne: no i mean you're not wearing any goggles Wells: every super friend must wear at least 3 pairs of goggles at all times Verne: it's the law!
Verne: won't you enjoy some of our "mind control cookies" ho ho ho Rowling: what Verne: oh i'm sorry are you not familiar with the music of dr steel??? Verne: he's ONLY our favorite musician Rowling: Verne: OMG you've GOT to listen to People of Earth Verne: it's SO funny Verne: we're all members of the army of toy soldiers Rowling:
Verne: [playing Dr Steel album] haha ok so this is my favorite part coming up HG Wells: are you playing dr steel? turn that hack off! Rowling: oh thank god Wells: you should be playing Aurelio Voltaire!
Verne: Dr steel! Wells: Voltaire! Verne: Dr steel! Wells: Voltaire! Rowling: I've been insspired Rowling: my next book is going to be a manifessto against the FuMP
Rowling: today i have an exciting new story for you! Rowling: those plebss over at midnight society couldn't appreciate this Rowling: FUTURISTIC story! Rowling: i think you sci fi people will really get this Wells: huzzah! Verne: huzzah!
Rowling: okay so Rowling: just imagine Rowling: a future world where a totalitarian government made up of blue-haired spoonies and their antifa goon squad Rowling: have made it illegal to be cis Rowling: one lone heroic terf is fighting for her right to be a gold star lesbian
Rowling: sssee, in the future, an evil coalition of trans autistic fat people Rowling: force innocent lesbians to put pronouns in their bios Rowling: or get sent to the woke gulag! Rowling: where they're forced to apologize for their privilege! HG Wells: i didn't understand any of that
Wells: i don't understand any of that Verne: me neither Robert Heinlein: me neither Heinlein: except that one bit about a lesbian being involved Heinlein: i did understand that word Heinlein: and frankly i think i would like to hear more about lesbians
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splinkoplinko · 22 days
I'm gonna share some Guilty Gear LGBTQ+ "headcanons" that are most likely canon. Most of these go off of the idea that Elphelt's Magnum Wedding Instakill (MW) doesn't override sexuality.
Despite my claims of these being most likely canon, most things here are not directly confirmed by Daisuke Ishiwatari, ArcSystem Works, or any other individuals involved with the making of these characters or the Guilty Gear franchise and the following should still be taken as headcanon as these are my readings of certain things I've found in the games. You have been advised.
May - Bisexual, possibly confused lesbian - She does, in fact, fall in love with Elphelt here, but has a thing for Johnny, possibly. The thing with Johnny is that she might not actually have a crush on him. From my own experiences, it's possible that May could be overly obsessed with Johnny, and may be misunderstanding her obsession and hyper fixation on him as a romantic interest in him. This idea also makes the whole Johnny and May thing less creepy as Johnny is her dad, and, I believe is supported by one of MW lines being "C-Could this be romance?! Oh my gosh!" implying that how she feels for Elphelt during Magnum Wedding is different from how she feels for Johnny, possibly even completely redefining romance for her, which is pretty huge for someone who's been seemingly romantically attracted to someone for years.
Millia - Bisexual, possible preference for women - She 100% had romantic and sexual feelings for Zato, which he manipulated prior to his death. Because of the sexual manipulation from Zato, it seems that she is not keen on being involved with a man again in any way. However, in MW, she falls in love with Elphelt, even going as far as to say "Have I chosen the yuri route..?" This doesn't really explain the "preference to women" part of this idea, but another quote of Millia's is "This is a whole new world...!" which, at least to me, shows that she experiences romance with a woman in a much more positive way than with a man.
Elphelt - Pansexual - When MW is used against herself, Elphelt says "I-I'll just take anyone...?" So like, yeah. Also she fell in love with herself, that's pretty gay.
Baiken - Bisexual - I'm pretty sure that she and Anji are confirmed to be a thing? I could 100% be wrong on that. However, when Baiken gets hit with MW, she falls in love with Elphelt. Despite that, she seems very reluctant, which could be shown as rejection (which I'll get to because it DOES happen), but I interpret this instead as denial of her feelings. This is further emphasized by her character, being a cold, lone wolf type of person. This can be seen in her platonic relationships as well, in which, only really accepting the company of Anji (possibly not platonic) and Delilah with Delilah being her latest friendship. The idea of her being in denial is in the line, "Won't work. Try to fall for someone el...?!" which, in my interpretation, means that she doesn't believe she's good enough, but is cut off by the sheer amount of love she's feeling from MW.
Jam - Bisexual - She wants to hire "cute boys" (boys she's attracted to) like Ky Kiske to work at her diner. In both Jam's Story ending 1 and Bridget's story ending 1 of Accent Core Plus, Jam actually hires Bridget to work at the diner. While Bridget identified as male then, she now identifies as female, though, that might not mean much. What means much more is her MW line, "Cute girl maybe ok, too." which implies that "cute girls" (GIRLS she's attracted to) would be hired as well.
Jack-O' - Bisexual - Is Aria, wife of Sol Badguy. They're also together in the ending of Strive. Reason that she's bisexual is because she refers to her and Elphelt as a couple in her MW line "Birth of a new-age couple?!" so that's pretty cut and dry.
Kum - Lesbian - When hit with MW, she falls in love with Elphelt as shown by the line, "Romance filter severely damaged!" meaning that, well, romance. Duh. I say lesbian specifically because, to my knowledge, she doesn't show attraction to any men, really just Elphelt, if anything were to come out where she shows attraction to a man or if I missed something that does the same, then I'd say she's bisexual. But for now, she's lesbian.
Venom - Gay - Now for the part that proves that MW doesn't override sexuality and that all of the above characters are attracted to women. Venom is canonically gay, this isn't a headcanon, this is just outright confirmed. However, it's important to note that Venom resists the romantic nature of MW as shown by his lines, "My loyalty cannot be broken!" "You cannot tempt me!" and last, but not least, "Lord ZATOOOO!" The fact that Venom, who in canon is exclusively attracted to men, does not fall in love with Elphelt in MW, means that the above characters DO fall in love with Elphelt and ARE attracted to women.
Bedman - Aroace - Completely rejects the concept of being in love ("Damn witch! You cannot take my heart from me!" "Are you trying to corrupt me?) when hit with MW, and, in one line, exclaims, "You cannot replace Delilah!" which is just comparing the effects of MW to his only other relationship, which is platonic, which is with his sister, which makes me feel like it's not at all romantic or sexual to him in any way.
Ramlethal - Aroace - At first, I thought she could be lesbian, but one of my friends who knows a lot more about GG lore and Ramlethal in specific than me argued that she's Aroace, citing one of her taunts in Strive that implies she has no concept of romance and that it's kinda gross to her. He also said that her saying "Is this my true self?" is about her experiencing human emotions, which she doesn't believe she can do (at least during Xrd's story mode). He, however, did say that as her concept and expression of human emotions develops, things could change, and she may end up developing romantic feelings, but that is not definite. As of right now, Ramlethal is aroace, at least in my books.
Testament - Nonbinary with attraction to men - I don't know if Testament has any attraction to women, but I read their intro lines in Strive with Johnny as them being a thing, as Johnny offers to go out to eat after their fight in one line. Testament is confirmed to be nonbinary though.
Johnny - Bi or Pansexual, though could still be straight? - This one veers much more into headcanon territory, but it's possible that Johnny could be bisexual or pansexual as he may in a situationship with Testament, as I mentioned just above. Testament does, however, present more femme than masc, and does use feminine pronouns alongside gender neutral and masculine pronouns, so it's possible that Johnny simply counts Testament as a woman and is still straight.
Bridget - Sapphic transgender woman - Bridget is a trans woman in canon, however, it's not confirmed if she is attracted to men, women, neither, or both. However, Daisuke once made some very interesting art where May is gripping Bridget's butt pretty strong (which is really just more evidence for May being sapphic), but Bridget doesn't seem troubled by it or anything soooo. Also, of the 2 characters that have special lines when defeated by Bridget in Strive, May gets 2 lines while Bridget herself only gets 1, no one else has a special line at this time.
I-no - Pansexual - Pretty sure she'll top anyone, even people who claim to be tops. This is basically just a headcanon, but apparently she teases both men and women when defeating them, soooo.
These characters are, in my opinion, heterosexual despite this being contested in some smaller aspects of the community.
Sin - When hit with MW, one of Sin's lines is, "Farewell... virginity..." so yeah, he's straight. Idk, could be bi, but I see no evidence for that. Most people say he's aroace because he's so young, childish, and dumb, but Dizzy fell for Ky around the same age soooo...
Dizzy - When hit with MW, it feels like she's rejecting Elphelt, much like Venom and Bedman, saying "I'm married!" "I'm sorry, I can't!" "I-I have a son..." much less like a denial of feelings similar to that of Baiken. I don't think her sexuality is contested as much as Sin's is, but I still feel like this is worth mentioning.
yeah i think that's it really
If you have any other pieces of evidence for OR AGAINST my ideas and evidence, then please share!!! I am open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism :3!!!
Reminder that MOST of these aren't technically confirmed to be canon, so take these as head canons if anything, not cold, hard facts!! And please, do not be rude about these either.
Also, do not deny ACTUAL canon (Venom being gay, Bridget being a transwoman, and Testament being nonbinary) as that is not cool and disrespectful to the ideas of Daisuke himself!!!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a great day ^^!!!!!
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing (till now), just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 856,327 others
starmanblack shades
yourusername cigarette*
starmanblack ok duolingo
yourusername smash tbh
starmanblack not you copying my comment
yourusername i don't have the rizz it takes to come up with something original
starmanblack ain't no way you just said that
prongsyboy stop stealing people's glasses 😤
starmanblack never
vance_emm i'm like ragingly gay but you're kinda cute
starmanblack this is why you're my favourite lesbian
mmmckinnon TRAITOR
mmmckinnon it's not too late to delete this
starmanblack get out of my comment section
user828181 address the rumours sirius
user000423 run me over with your car i promise i'll pay for the damages 🙏
user999653 i'm perfect wife material, just saying
user424227 y'all realise that he's less likely to address the rumours if we keep being annoying 💀
user209996 nah fr he's gonna start hating us all
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❤ liked by starmanblack, prongsyboy, pandorasbox and 899,997 others
yourusername never would have though that my shows in dublin would be the craziest ones out of all but you guys actually delivered and i couldn't be happier! 💕 these past three nights were absolutely insane and i can't wait to be back (and i may or may not have already booked a few venues 😩) PLUS someone got proposed AND I DIDN'T EVEN SEE 😭 so if any of you beautiful people who were there have the video my dms are open for business lmao 🙏💞
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack apparently the proposal happened right next to me 💀
starmanblack my guitar ate as always
yourusername she's even signed 😱
starmanblack slay 😝
yourusername GO TO SLEEP OMG
starmanblack say it to my face 😤
xeno_lovegood i had so much fun
yourusername i'm smiling so hard rn
pete__ sirius is a certified simp because how do you miss a proposal that's happening next to you?
mmmckinnon it's because he's both sirius and a simp petey
prongsyboy sirius doing sirius things 🤣
user552520 dunno bout y'all but i got my confirmation tonight
user843632 i'm so lonely the proposal made me cry
user439546 love me some sappy shit fr
user674848 this was un fucking real no joke
user200017 learn to read between the lines lol
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, bellatrixieb, cissy_blck and 901,077 others
yourusername date night ⭐
starmanblack pretty dress
yourusername why thank you
starmanblack my stomach feels funny from all that wine
yourusername my precious toilet 😭
marymacdonald gorgeous!!!
yourusername i was impersonating you
ev.rosier am i about to get fired?
yourusername of course not, you're my second favourite person
starmanblack i'm first
pandorasbox my friends are all so beautiful 🥺
yourusername us hot people stick together 😌
pandorasbox ONG
user329295 sirius is so lucky
user400128 i've never been more jealous of a man
user883265 mother is mothering
user306084 THE STAR
user243123 if this is another sike istg
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❤ liked by mmmckinnon, ev.rosier, casmeadowes and 916,222 others
starmanblack platonic snog
yourusername people just don't appreciate friendships nowadays 🙄
starmanblack it's just so so sad 😣
yourusername i have better photos of us 👹
starmanblack strongly disagree
yourusername you don't wanna make this a competition
marymacdonald my mum said friends don't do that
starmanblack mama macdonald may be onto something
r.a.black affection 🤮
starmanblack i thought you unfollowed me?
r.a.black i did but i like lurking around here
starmanblack fan behaviour
rjlupin best friend things
rjlupin you were supposed to play along
user500447 you still need therapy
user432777 AIN'T NO WAY
user718710 I DIED DEAD.
user138282 are you still alive?
user907015 NO
user882446 this and platonic don't go together sirius 🙄
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❤ liked by walburgablack, cissy_blck, bellatrixieb and 933,052
yourusername pda is afraid of him
starmanblack FINE you have better photos
yourusername see? that wasn't so hard to admit!
starmanblack i actually won in life
yourusername damn right you did
starmanblack celeb_gossip losing their minds rn
yourusername the kettle is B R E W I N G 🥵🫖🤩👀😳☕😝😻
yourusername well you're the favourite child...
lily_evans kinda illegal how you're both so hot
casmeadowes i've been saying!!!
cissy_blck REG'S SISTER IN LAW 😭
bellatrixieb he's one lucky man
r.a.black lucky isn't exactly the right word but okay
user292920 swifities can't relate
user993929 narcissa is so real LMFAOOO
user032386 THAT SHOULD BE ME (idk which person i want to be more)
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by cissy_blck, luciussy, bartyyy and 942,773 others
yourusername happy birthday to this idiot who i unfortunately love very much 💕
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack tragic how i love you back
yourusername absolutely
starmanblack rizz god since 12
yourusername are you still 12?
lily_evans got me tearing up over here
yourusername awwww 🥺
rjlupin you should have used that one photo where he was on the potty
rjlupin denying it would have worked yk
casmeadowes i woke up to this 💀
starmanblack good
mmmckinnon mondays.
user939355 THE CAT
user019661 i'm making this my profile picture
user763772 tell him i said happy birthday
user195666 imagine having someone say they love you so publicly ha ha ha ha ha
user244488 fuck being single fr
yourusername added to their story
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remember-digimon · 4 months
Since it's pride month and I'm a lonely queer person I decided to do a quick rundown of my hc for the DigiDestined's identities. This is disregarding the epilogue bc to heck with that let these kids be queer in peace
Now I don't like to discuss the sexuality of young children purely bc they are children and I am an adult and that's weird so I'm basing this on what little knowledge I have of them in Tri alongside what I know from 01. This is them as adults ok? ok here we go
(also um. I'm a dumb millennial that lives in a corn field so uh. If I get something wrong please correct me orz)
Tai: bisexual. As if there was any other answer. Something about him just gives off 'bisexual guy' vibes. Maybe because I think he'd be a total golden retriever boyfriend and those types are usually bi
Sora: non-binary. Her upbringing kind of forced her into being feminine when she really just doesn't want to participate in gender at all
Matt: I'm gonna say pansexual bc to him it literally does not matter. He likes who he likes. Also demisexual and possibly demiromantic. He has to have a strong connection for feelings to develop
Izzy: Ace all day babyyyy. To him, sex is for making babies, but not in a religious way. He isn't sex-repulsed, it's just not a priority
Joe: the cis-hetero ally of the group. You know he's the designated driver to all the Pride events
Mimi: LESBIAN LESBIAN LESBIAN She's a high femme lesbian and she likes other femmes, butches, chapstick lesbians, just WOMEN. and she beats up TERFs bc trans women are women DUH
TK: doesn't wanna put a label on it right now, man, he's into what he's into and he'll figure it out later, my guy. A few months later he realizes he's bi and has to call Matt at 3am bc he's having a crisis, he got an iced latte that day and the male barista smiled at him and now he's having his first Gay Panic
Kari: also bi, the Kamiya family makes bi people like they have a quota to meet. She hooked up with Yolei once and it was fun. Now they listen to Chappell Roan together ❤️
Davis: the hyperactive gay guy of the found family. Falls in love at least once a month. Is terrible at hitting on guys but they always think it's endearing
Yolei: trans girl, lesbian. The others will line up to absolutely obliterate any transphobes that give her problems. She wants an idyllic lesbian romance with absolutely no children
Cody: aro/ace and unbothered by everyone else's romantic life. Don't bring the 'Tai and Matt used to make out all the time in high school' gossip to Cody, he literally does not care lol
Ken: he is gay and hopelessly in love with Davis. He sighs dreamily as Davis tries to do parkour and smacks into the ground like a wad of wet paper
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bitchyfoxymama · 1 year
My Sweet Helaena - Helaena x F!Reader
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Warning: SMUT, fingering (fem), lesbians
A/n: I love helaena so much my baby deserved so much better
“My lady?” you gently knock on the princesses bed chamber door, “Ser Cole said you called for me?” 
“Hmm yes, would you like to join me for tea?” she asks as she smiles up at you, “the children are currently with their septa, and I feel quite lonely” 
Princess Helaena Targaryen, the soft spoken and Alicent’s only daughter. You were chosen as her lady in waiting when she was a child, you both bonded over your love for the peculiar. You loved the bugs and creatures she would show you and she, unknown to you, had fallen in love with you. 
“I would quite fancy tea with you my lady,” you respond as you walk over here at the table and sit. ‘She's glowing’ you think to yourself. 
“Thank you, Lady Y/n,” she gently smiles at you, “I do believe the mother and the maiden blessed you with beauty as well,” she grabs your hand squeezing gently. You blush at the comment. 
You know you have feelings for the princess but those were not proper in the eyes of the people as well as her being married and the queen of the realm. 
“I do enjoy our time here alone,” Helaena says after some time, “I-Theres been something i've wanted to tell you but it may seem improper,” 
“Whatever it is my lady, I'm sure it's ok,” you say gently, placing your cup of tea down onto the table once more. 
You watch as she gets up from her place and walks towards you. She stops in front of you and you look at her through your lashes. She leans forward and places her soft lips on yours. You are shocked at first which makes her pull away. 
“Oh, Im-Im sorry, i don't know what came over me-” she is then cut off by your own lips on hers. 
You sit on her bed, both of you nude. Your left leg is under her lifted right one and your right leg is over her left, your lips are on one another. Hunger is the only word to describe the feeling of her pulling you closer to her, you have one hand on her breast while your free one is buried deep in her wet cunt. She got a hand against your throat lazily wrapped around it while her other hand is holding the back of your head, fingers scrunched in your locks. 
"Oh, fuck" she moans out into your mouth as she moves the hand holding your neck to your own cunt, rubbing circles against your clit, causing you to lean your forehead against hers. 
The bottom of your palm continues to bump against her own clit deliciously.
"Does my beautiful-my beautiful princess wish to cum upon my fingers?" You say into her ear just before moving your lips to her neck.
"Yes, oh Gods yes" her eyes close tightly as she feels herself get closer to her sweet release. You feel her clench around your fingers, which in turn triggers your own orgasm. 
“Fuck!” you moan out as you pull her on top of you, your peaked nipples rubbing against hers as you move your fingers from her cunt and rub you essence soaked fingers over her clit causing her to moan out your name soaking your thigh as you gently move her to grind herself against you, lengthening her own orgasm. 
“I love you,” she cries out as she puts her lips back against yours, holding your face with one hand while her other is at the side of your face. Your lips move in sync until you've both calmed down from your euphoric highs. 
“I love you too, Helaena,” you smile as you pull away from her. You rub both of your thumbs across her cheeks, “I will always love you, my Queen”. 
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briarmae · 2 months
My family seems to be OK with my asexuality. They don't understand it, but they tolerate it. They seem to draw the line at aromantic, though. Suddenly, my mom is cool with me being a lesbian. Now that I identify more as aromantic. 🤣
Allonormativity is making them think I'll end up lonely if I don't have a companion.
Well, I identify as ace-demi-aro-lesbian or something, so I COULD end up with a romantic partner or a queer platonic partner. Honestly, I'm not worried about it.
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shinmelodia · 1 year
Love & Process: blue (2002)
Hello to everyone reading, and welcome to a highly belated attempt to squeeze some of my thoughts and emotions through some semblance of a creative process and onto a page. Today, I want to introduce this blog by talking about a lovely film, blue (2002), directed by Hiroshi Ando and based on a manga by Kiriko Nananan.
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Since I'm still somewhat new at diving into live action film, especially, like, uh, Japanese indie film, its helping to start with the yuri genre. Because like practically any other woman on this site, I quite enjoy lesbians. blue's manga original offers something of an alternative to the yuri norm, though, and the film follows suit. Both are definitely examples of the Japanese filmmaking trend I've heard of called "mumblecore," (or maybe mumble-komi for the manga equivalent) that most people know through the likes of Inio Asano's early work. Like Solanin or Girl on the Shore, blue is shoegazey, quiet, and contemplative, adorned with moments of subtle physical intimacy, layered emotion, and stunningly beautiful compositions of daily life.
My metric for these kinds of slow mood pieces, which I've previously tended to watch at random whenever the mood struck me, is that if my barely-medicated ADHD brain can even finish them, there's clearly something special going on. blue passed with flying colors; yeah, ok, it took two sittings, but I spent all of both enraptured, immersed, and invested in the mono no aware of silent, fragile love and messy asymmetry that formed this movie's emotional palette. blue is about love, of course, but its also about process and expression, both emotional and creative, and how processing things, artistically, verbally, non-verbally--is often required of real, human love.
In being about this, I think it did things for me that a lot of yuri often doesn't and gently hit me in a place that I really needed to be hit. So, let me get into it. This is going to be...very personal, and also obviously spoil the details of the film, if you care about that, although I'm sure there will be plenty of depth left in the text that I leave untouched. Whether you read it or not, I'll be happy I made it. Oh, and sorry if I come off as really New for being so struck by themes and aesthetics that are probably sort of standard for this type of film. I can't help what I feel like writing about, though.
Kirishima Kayako lives in a small town by the sea, one much like dozens of other anonymous, disaster-prone exurban towns in Japan at the turn of the millennium. She rides the bus to her girls' high school every day, where she eats lunch with her friends and tries her best to learn something in class. Really, though, she's aimless, quiet, lonely, and introspective. She's trying, but its rare for others to be able to tell. She's also in love with her classmate, Endou Masami. When she confesses at the end of the first act, on a windy beach against the vastness of the ocean, Endou responds that she's glad, and the two become our lesbians for the movie. Kayako falls to her knees and cries in relief. Masami is different from the others--she sees how hard Kayako tried. Does that mean she loves her back, though?
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Endou Masami has cool passions and interests; she collects American CDs, which she expertly critiques and describes while lending to friends. The mere view of her vibing to her American alt-rock while smoking a cigarette in front of her apartment window is album-cover worthy in itself. Kayako feels the same way: one of the most intimately gay scenes of the pre-confession portion of the film is when Masami lights a cigarette and asks if Kayako is shocked. The quiet girl declares without hesitation, "No, I'm admiring the way you lit the match."
The whole early film is such a delectable, lonely vibe. The slowly intertwining couple's solidifying dynamic is the kind that forms between an emotionally complex introvert and the perhaps even more unknowable yet somehow more confident object of their affection. The two are classmates, (there's no classic yuri kouhais and senpais here) but for the early part of the film we are seeing things from Kayako's perspective and Masami seems unmistakably older in spirit. There's something about the dense emotions conveyed in her gazes at her new girlfriend, the almost world-weary tinge of recklessness in her distant grins. She talks about music Kayako's never heard of and lends out books with Romantic-era paintings that she has well-formed thoughts on. Kayako even openly admits that if she could, she would want to be Masami.
I think we've all loved a girl like that.
It's a pretty typical experience in middle school or high school, for really anyone lonely who loves women, to be drawn to these sorts of sad, beautiful, oh-so-seemingly-complex femmes. I guess straight men have a similar thing going on with the whole Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype, but for us women (or, women-to-be, at the time, I guess), the phenomenon of these people to us often involves a sort of existential jealousy. I'm not sure what is so alluring to other people about the sense that the object of their love has Something Going On that they are working through, or a vast and complicated life beyond the scope of one's understanding, but it me it always felt like something I was missing out on for myself. Obviously, a lot of their experiences and interests must be interesting and fun and super cool, you think, but even what pain you think they convey must be somehow more edifying than yours.
For me, the edifying aspect was the mere fact of femininity itself. The idea of a girl who has deep and Real emotions, who feels Real love and Real sadness and can actually express that in how she looks, beautiful and imperfect, always threw into stark contrast my own inability to express myself comparably. I was depressed, I was growing up, and I felt things, too, but, as someone who everyone thought was a straight boy and who was too scared to admit to being otherwise, I lacked that sort of beauty, that means of expressing what was inside me through fashion, makeup, book or music knowledge or taste. Or at least I thought I did. Thus, my own emotions must have also meant less. So, I ignored them and belittled them, and entire years passed before I processed a thing correctly. I always wanted to be some other girl. That was the only thing that would fix me.
I assume that the teen (and, uh, sometimes beyond) existential pining experienced by some other people in real life usually lacks the fun bonus that mine had of a screaming void where my femininity should have been, but I'm not sure how much this actually matters to the crux of the kind of experience I'm talking about. That some kind of void is there is all that matters, really, and its there for Kayako in her relationship with Masami at the beginning of the film. She has nothing, Masami is everything, and just being close to her is enough, for now. Just being noticed, just sharing something with her, is all Kayako feels like she can ask for.
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Of course, this incomplete way of seeing love can't last, which brings us to the next part of the film, which starts when the two are hanging out and Masami reveals through a guarded, distant grin that she had an abortion a while ago. This isn't something that shocks Kayako or is really meant to shock the audience, and it isn't the big moment where she forced to reconsider her feelings. Rather, she asks how it went, and Masami responds honestly. She mentions she felt horrible the next day and had to be picked up by ambulance from the nurse's office, prompting Kayako to recall silently what to us was the film's first scene, a view from her window during class of an anonymous ambulance, sirens turned off, discreetly rescuing a student.
That she had this ambiguously traumatic, and at least unpleasant and potentially taboo experience is something that could have made Masami feel even older to Kayako, her pain even more distant and obscure. It certainly already is a way that Masami herself feels distant from others. Yet, by considering her own special, observant view of the ambulance back when it happened, it becomes one that Kayako can in some small way assertively share with her. Rather than continuing to put her lover's experiences on a pedestal, Kayako in this scene makes a silent decision to turn a blossoming mutual acceptance simply that they happened into a moment of true intimacy between the two, a sleepover punctuated by smirking kisses and satisfied cuddles initiated by each of them for the other. Despite her remarks that Kayako is weird for unhesitatingly wanting to stay with her, its an intimacy that Masami is happy to accept. This is all an important turning point in Kayako's development because she begins to choose insight, closeness, and assertion over the distant admiration that trapped her earlier.
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As we go on, we'll start seeing how blue's gentle impact comes from the way it doesn't glorify or sugarcoat that earlier kind of unhealthy and immature dynamic. Instead it subverts it by giving Masami depth and Kayako agency, before reaching an endpoint that reflects on how the dehumanization of that kind of depressed, pining relationship can be overcome. In that sense, blue is a yuri romance mostly about the couple coming to accept their own and each other's humanity and capacity for expression. Like any good mumble movie, its full of long silences and almost unrealistically hesitant dialog, and doesn't give any explicit internal monologues like a lot of manga do. The world of this movie is one where expression is an uphill battle, something that has to be worked towards and struggled through. It's the world that Kayako and Masami share, in their own separate ways. And that's why its such a triumph to watch Kayako finally find her voice, her passion, and her process, which all starts in this scene.
First, though, it's time to learn about the Something that Masami has Going On.
Things begin when Kayako is still sleeping. Masami gets a call on her house phone that she doesn't answer, but that sends her into a silent spiral of emotional dread. She spends the next day at school in the nurse's office, refusing to tell Kayako what's going on and confiding only in her friend Nakano. Then, when summer break comes along, she disappears, leaving Kayako alone at home, pouring silently over the book of still life oil paintings that Masami lent her.
It ends up being Nakano who tells Kayako why she left. It's the story Masami didn't tell about the source of her abortion: an adult, married man whom she had a relationship with and eventually a pregnancy from. She got things taken care of without telling him, alerted her parents and tried never to see the rotten salaryman again. That is, until he called. He wasn't getting along with his wife anymore, apparently, and she had some sort of attachment to him that made her come running back. Her taste in music originally came from him, after all. It seems that, for the time being, her devotion to this mysterious, abusive man is going to perpetuate a brutal cycle: she'll keep hurting both Kayako and herself all at once.
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What really destroys Kayako and her relationship, though, is that she lies about it. When she comes home after some predictably rough interactions with this guy, she tells her supposed girlfriend that she was enjoying a vacation with friends, and even gives her some grapes, supposedly grown in the prefecture she was hanging out in, as a twisted souvenir. The more assertive Kayako enforces her boundaries without hesitation, though, in equally as blunt a tone as she complimented her love, as when she told her she wanted to stay with her, all those nights ago. "Why are you lying to me?" Its with that same grin, now tinged with emotionally oblivious deception, that Masami dares to at first first feign ignorance.
"Eh?" Her smile is shallower than its ever been.
So Kayako walks away.
Their dynamic has now become worse than just immature; it's entirely toxic. From an outside perspective, Kayako is working on her shortcomings, while Masami refuses to reconcile her past. This kind of toxicity, though, is sadly just as common in high school (and even sometimes middle school) as is the kind of misunderstanding, lonely pining I talked about earlier, just usually among different sorts of people. Appropriately, its often even that exact kind of beautiful, hurting, mature femme (in the eyes of disastrous, moody lesbians like Kayako) who is going through that sort of pain. Its that mysterious and tragic byproduct of compulsory heterosexuality that causes a lot of girls to seek validation in the love of an older man, and that I imagine becomes a sort of addiction to that validation that only masquerades as love. Hell, Masami attributes much of what made her seem so interesting on the surface, her love of music, to this guy. She feels like she'd be nothing without him, and the way Kayako praised her, at least in the way she interpreted it, did nothing to dispel this fear. Which I think is really why she decided to go back, even though it would mean betraying the very girl whose love provided her an escape from it all.
Its an ugly truth, and its one that yuri media usually shies away from portraying, but it is explored with refreshing frankness and resolved with astounding maturity by the end of blue. And I think its the source material's status as "alternative" (I guess in Japanese parlance, Garo-inspired) manga, not to mention the movie's simply as an independent film, that allows it to break with genre limitations in this way. There's been tons of writing done on how yuri definitely presents a fantasy of the sapphic experience. Mainstream yuri's origins in Class-S still to this day often cause it to portray romances between women as fundamentally different, and inherently more pure, than those involving men, trapping them in a bubble of unassailable innocence. While that kind of makes sense and seems extremely cool to those of us who celebrate having little interest in moids or whatever, it also has the effect of sugarcoating and sometimes even outright obscuring what real women, even (and sometimes especially) sapphic ones, go through.
There's already a decent amount of yuri, especially among those aimed at older demographics and those where its more of a secondary genre, that do deal with compulsory heterosexuality and the experiences that come with it. What are much rarer are yuri series where one of the lover's flaws more resemble Masami's than Kayako's. Not enough that I've read at least is willing to make its relationships messy, or have one of its leads just do straight up bad things like self-destructive cheating and lying.
Because, really, its the same as what Kayako went through, isn't it? The lonely longing for something more that feels like it can only be cleansed by denying oneself all one has and betting it all on being close to someone else. The only difference between the two's actions is temperament and perhaps socialization--one sought it from a cooler woman, the other from an older man. And somewhere out of sight, that sad, irresponsible, fucked-up adult was probably hopelessly lonely, too, just like Kayako had to accept Masami was. Maybe disaster lesbians, disaster bisexuals(?), and yes, disaster straights aren't so different after all.
Well, other than that Kayako has worked to process her feelings, while Masami went and ruined her relationship over them. That's an important difference. Still, though, even Kayako has some work to do about how she feels about all of this. Masami's pedestal has been smashed, whether she likes it or not, and now she's lonelier than ever. So where does this vampiric cycle of taking from others end? What substance can replace loneliness in this ouroboros of etropic emotional alchemy?
Kayako doesn't touch the grapes. Instead, she silently processes things, lies on the floor listening to the cicadas scream in the garden. The grapes go rotten, and her brother throws them out. She sulks for a while.
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Then, she starts painting. A still life of grapes, inspired by the books that Masami lent her. At first, her drawing is lousy, as the school fine arts instructor later tells her, but the colors are gorgeous. The deep purples of the fruits are expertly layered to capture light and tell a story, one deeper than the instructor could possibly imagine. It's the story not only of the transformation of a relationship, but of the growth of one of its participants. As the hot, still air of the coastal Japanese summer cloys around her lonesome final vacation of high school, Kayako finally salvages a passion to call her own out of a floundering relationship. When school starts again and she picks up art classes, going to Tokyo for uni, a dream that was previously held only by Masami, starts to be within her reach. She has a future, an interest, and a way to process all has happened to her.
And then comes the time for Masami to try and return. She proves unwilling to address all that happened before, instead trying to kiss Kayako after school in the art room. Her undeserved attempt at intimacy is rejected with a shove, but so too is her self-pity that causes her to instantly run away. There's more that needs to be said that simply "I'm a terrible person." Kayako pursues her into the town's small shopping district as night begins to fall and neon crackles to life against a cool late summer night. Now the emotional climax of the movie begins.
First, Kayako starts talking. She tells Masami about the painting, about her summer, about how lonely she was without her, about all the places she wanted to go with her. She talks about how happy she was at the same time that she found something she wanted to do without her. This approach is new for her. She's never so far relied on words so heavily to express her emotions. When Masami points this out, Kayako says:
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This is how she's choosing to process things for the time being. At first, it was being silent to carefully consider her emotions. Now, its speaking up to keep them focused on what she really wants.
Then, its Masami's turn, for the first time, to tell the truth. By now they're away from the small cluster of lights, staring out at the blackness of the beach where they first got together. Masami broke up with the guy, she says. But she also asserts that she came to his emotional aid to begin with because she felt his need for help was more important than anything else to her. She couldn't tell her girlfriend this before, because doing so would mean telling a truth she didn't think Kayako could bear to hear: that he meant more to Masami than she did.
Kayako already knows this, of course. And by speaking up to quell her justified anger, by weaving words like the deft strokes of honest color on the tip of a paintbrush, she's gotten herself to a point where she can accept it, too.
I mean, think about it. Masami is broke now; Kayako needed to buy her a sandwich so she wouldn't be hungry on their impromptu date. Her sabotaging drive to be validated and her inability to accept love from the girl willing to give it has, by all accounts, ruined her life for the time being and harmed those around her. Even though she broke up with the guy out of necessity, or out of some fleeting impulse to run back to Kayako, she still feels like nothing without him. As she says to Kayako later, now the envy runs in reverse--Kayako is passionate about painting now, while Masami will still amount to nothing. Despite it all, though, Kayako is willing to love her. She's called Masami out on what she needs to be, then decided to stay nonetheless.
"I always come second. You broke up with him, so the number one spot is vacant. When someone else comes, you'll put him there...
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For most of my life, I believed that artistic expression was primarily the product of unrestrained, innate, and self-indulgent passion. I thought it was just something people either have or don't have, and that when they do, its something that can drive them to great heights of accomplishment and happiness otherwise impossible for humans to reach. It was mostly Japanese otaku media that instilled this into me, I think. I grew up exposed to a dizzying array of diverse and often miraculous artistic products that captured my imagination in ways the safe output of my own boring, monolithic home empire never did, and most of them were made by people who literally poured their lives into working on them. From Eiichro Oda's future-destroying, decades-long devotion to making One Piece to Kentaro Miura giving his life to practically paint the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel in pen on page after double-page spread in Berserk, to all of the hyper-passionate, universe-shattering early works of Hideaki Anno and his animator cohorts, I thought that I lived in a world of weird and wonderful treats whose cooks had the work ethic of demigods and the talent to match.
And even on the lower levels of the medium, among fan artists, cosplayers, writers, posters, historians, I felt surrounded by people who lived and breathed impossible passion, whose lives must have been defined by a kind of information processing my brain simply wasn't capable of. They had some ability to inhale the miraculous vapors of an abundant artistic landscape and spew out works of their own that further decorated the texture of a fleeting age of impossible marvels. And all that time, there I was, left on the sidelines, interested in many things but passionate about none, and lacking the motivation to really work to pursue anything at all. It was (and, honestly, still is) a state of existential discomfort similar to that sort of lonely-girl-pining, but doubtlessly far larger in scale. Some people had passion, while I had nothing to show for all my years of being alive. For fuck's sake, there was so much stuff out there, and I barely could muster the motivation to even read any of it most of the time.
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After a while, I started to feel like I was simply broken, like I was an empty person that didn't belong in the very world I loved living in. And while I think this might be a niche outlook and insecurity (although one represented, to my profound gratitude, in Masami), I think it's also how a lot of people think about love. Love is often portrayed as a feeling sparked entirely of instinct, one that, when a person truly feels it, will never cause them to make any mistakes or do anything fucked up to those they care about. Something that will drive those bolstered by it to impossible heights, improve lives beyond the sorrow and loneliness to which they are otherwise condemned. But, as Kayako learned and as Masami and I are having to find out, that isn't really the whole story.
Expression is love. Love is process. Therefore, expression is also the labor of putting love through a process, of rigorously trying to get your ass in a seat and put in the steps of putting your feelings into form. As this is required of art, so is it required of relationships. And so the two are a cycle. Creation requires emotions to process; relationships require emotions to be processed. And the love that creation inspires feeds itself into the love for others that inspires the emotion to fuel more creation. A Labor of Love. Again, I know I'm New.
But this is what Kayako has been working up to all movie long, first with her silence, then with some words, then with the labor of painting, the iteration of getting better, then with more words again. She has found a slow cycle that is elevating her above her loneliness, a cycle that Masami helped create, and is welcome within, but that can, if need be, exist without her.
Love, labor, process. Expression, creation, process. Creating, processing, choosing...in the end, to do it all again. To stay with what--and who--you have labored to love. And that is the choice Kayako has made.
I have not yet answered what, after thinking and writing about this movie for days on end, might be the substance that can replace loneliness as fuel for the alchemical cycle of emotional taking and giving. By the end of the lovers' reunion, sitting by the road under the slowly-illuminating blue of a haphazardly-clouded dawn sky, Masami doesn't feel like she has an answer, either. She feels small and hollow, manipulative and weak. She's jealous of the coping strategy her own girlfriend has developed to deal with the effects of her bad behavior. So, in the end, what is she? What is there even left for Kayako to love?
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I'll be honest, this feeling is so fucking real I get perilously teary every time I think about it. Because, for as much as I mused about Kayako's feelings resonating with me as a former and sometimes girl-piner, when it comes to my current relationship at age 22, it's Masami in whom I see myself most clearly and brutally. It's hard not to when she is the only representation in romance, let alone in yuri, I have seen so far who is as much of a fucking brat as I am at times. Whose tendency to sabotage her own relationship makes it so asymmetric that what her girlfriend feels appears almost one-sided, but whose love is real all the same. If she lacks process, talent, maturity, mystique, if no one is ever going to be good enough for her, then what at all does she have left?
The answer to all of this is the thing that lies at the core of her being, that makes her who she is. The source of her potential to express herself, the starting point of a process yet to fully begin. It's hard to see, but it's there. Its what makes her Endou Masami. And its what Kirishima Kayako loves the most.
It's color. It's the thing at the core of creation that can't be described with words, that forms the motivation for any process. Its the vivid purple of a painted grape whose intentional creation transcends deception and nurtures discovery. It's the blue of a dawning sky whose light guides two girls in messy, lopsided love back into each other's arms. It's Kirishima Kayako. It's Endou Masami. It's what everyone has, and it's all anyone has.
It's the source of love, its process, and its object.
Eventually, Kayako has to leave for Tokyo. That's the decision that's best for her, and its a decision that, for the time being, will leave Masami behind in the countryside, hard at work on the process of learning to love herself. At the end of the film, she sends Kayako one final piece of proof of who she is. It's a painting of sorts, recorded on VHS, composed not of oil but of compressed light and sound. Stylistically, as the camera zooms in, it begins to resemble less Renoir and more Rothko: at first, its the beach, then, simply the point of the horizon, the area where the sea and sky meet. Its raw, not quite processed, pure color, vibrant blue, filtered and compressed into chunky, washed-out 800x600.
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By way of description, "this is all I can do."
For years, I've struggled to believe that my emotions, hindered by depression and self-sabotage, have any value at all. As someone for whom love, passion, and expression have always felt difficult, even putting my thoughts down on a page, let alone drawing, painting, composing, or directing, has always seemed impossible. Recently, though, I've grown a lot. I've found the beginnings of a process learned to accept its existence. Both this process, and all the loves that go along with it, are often uncomfortable. They are painful and brutal and blissful things into which to pour the labors of communication and the torments of understanding. I've learned to process discomfort for the sake of creation, to create for the sake of love. It sounds cheesy, but again, I can't help what I wanted to write about.
I hope you'll join me as I find more new things and tough feelings I love to process on this account. There's so much more I'd love to say about blue, just for starters. I could talk about my undying appreciation for the work of Mikako Ishikawa, or how the shots in this movie are so gorgeous and evocative that I'd seen many of them before in "Japan in the 00s" vibes compilations.
But, until then, this is all I can do.
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 2
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Hoboy these boys are all in over their heads in various ways and to various degrees. Add in some Real World-style confessional action and the mess is MESSING. This entire episode is just this gif:
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Here's this week's rankings, with last week's rankings in parentheses
🔺1. Ray (3)
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Some kind of friendship can start from having sex.
I knew all it would take was some time and a little bit of lore and Ray was gonna shoot up the rankings for me, and so said so done. The lonely little rich boy with the dead mom, the lack of self-esteem and the alcohol problem...yep yep yep, all seems right on time. The way those strippers sniffed him out and swarmed him...they know money when they see it. Sipping from that flask in the early daylight OK I SEE WHAT IS UP. Becoming a bugaboo to the first person to take any interest...yup this all tracks. Topping the toxique roster this week.
🔺2. Mew (5)
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But I think I figured out your weakness now. Me.
This kid is so smug, he really thinks he's smart, he thinks he's in control. He really, truly thinks he can domesticate that alley cat. Trying to turn a hoe into a housewife for real. He's playing a game with Top, and he knows Top knows what the game is, but he's still confident he can win. Tale as old as time.
🔺3. Boston (4)
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At least I beat Mew at this...You know no one can beat me at this kind of thing.
The jealousy radiating in WAVES off Boston this episode...OOF. Is this even about Top, or is this about beating Mew? Bit of both perhaps? This kind of love/hate friendship is SO REAL. Boston's probably felt like he was losing to Mew the entire time they've known each other. A 'friendship' built on longevity and resentment? Delicious.
🔻4. Sand (2)
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I can be your friend. You don’t have to hire me.
Listen, when Sand asked that girl to come see his plants because he doesn't have a cat I cackled. He's like 'we both know what this is, does the excuse even matter?' and I loved it so hard. And then Ray begs a little and he tells homegirl to kick rocks and I--sir, down horrendous ALREADY?! That thousand yard stare in the confessional when he says you gotta be careful not to catch feelings fucking a friend? He knows he's screwed and he's still going in because he can't help himself, the softhearted fuck.
🔻5. Nick (1)
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We’ve slept together many times. So what is this? What are we to each other?
OH NICK NICK NICK BABYGIRL. Nick took the mightiest fall this week in the rankings, because he has no game AT ALL. He had one move and he used it, and now he's just down the rabbit hole, just dickmatized. This is exactly what I wanted, but it's in the in between stage now before he gets truly desperate, when I'm sure he'll be back to reclaim his top spot.
🔺6. Cheum (and April) (7)
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It's a blessing to have a lover who gets along with your friends.
THE LESBIANS ARE HERE and it seems will be providing the stability to everybody else's full-tilt boogie, but appearances can be deceiving. Listen, if Jojo and Ninew throw in some lesbian drama in this mix I may expire. In case you don't know, there is NOTHING like lesbian drama. Otherwise, Cheum being Top's biggest cheerleader is totally gonna come back and bite.
🔻7. Top (6)
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Whenever I take aim, I never miss.
I dunno why Top is always near the bottom of the rankings because he's probably the biggest mess of them all, but I think it's because he is the most aware of what's playing off here and therefore the least in danger. Everybody else is working with either limited information or a misunderstanding of self, but Top knows EXACTLY who he is and what he wants, and he's clocked everybody else in this little group too. And I'm not sure I believe a single word that comes out of his mouth as a result.
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I have an MFA in writing, 5 years of therapy, and far too much time. buckle up for my analysis of Gayloy from burning shores
Ok the MFA is coming in 3 weeks, but WHOO BOY i have thoughts.
Click below for spoilers. DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU FINISH.
As a bi woman who writes lesbians professionally, I want it known that I was 1000% on board with them as a couple, and cleared literal days of my schedule to play it and confirm.
And I still don't think Aloy is ready for romance. I think The Kiss is the least plausible, and least enjoyable, of the three endings.
Let's dive into why.
It starts at childhood, as always.
Aloy has grown up an outcast. She relied on herself and Rost--and then Rost died, and it was just her. Every single chance she's had, she's rebuked romance. She wrote it off as "I'm saving the world" or "I just don't know how people work yet," but the reality is that she doesn't know HOW to rely on people.
Vulnerability is a learned skill.
I'll say it again. VULNERABILITY is a LEARNED skill.
Some people, those with healthy households, learn this skill early on, and practice it often. Those are the people we see giving everything of themselves to someone they love. They feel deeply, empathize well, and have happy relationships.
And then there's people like Aloy. Someone who was shown love from one person--and a whole lotta hate from the rest of them. Someone who grew up being told that she couldn't rely on a tribe--because if she failed the Proving, there wouldn't BE a tribe to rely on. Rost hoped for the best... and prepared her for the worst.
Then she dove into the world at large, and was presented time and time again with romance opportunities. The Sun King is the biggest one--obviously his infatuation ran deep, but of course it would, finding the one person in a whole kingdom who'd challenge him. She turned him down, and in her mind, she probably reasoned it away in a neat little box.
"I'm not like the other suitors he's met. He only likes me because I'm different."
This can be true.
"But he doesn't know who I really am."
This can be true--but it's also a defense mechanism. A barrier Aloy placed to protect herself from rejection. Because if she convinces herself these people don't really know her, it's easy for her to keep them at arm's length.
Easy to be the lone warrior.
We see the same kind of thing with Varl, hoping to follow her into the wilds. With Erend, so excited to see her, so irritated she doesn't reciprocate. Kotollo viewed her admirably, although I think his personality is a bit too subservient to truly challenge Aloy (essentially his commander) into the growth she needs.
Man after man demonstrated their affection, and she held them all at arm's length. For the good of the world, right?
So, okay. She's a lesbian--or at the very least, bi or pan. We can reason away the men, certainly, but she uses the same techniques with the women. Talanah, our fan favorite, was truly a perfect match for Aloy. Strong, resilient, excellent fighter. They progressed in the same way Seyka did--and yet, Talanah was deep in the throes of another man.
Which was probably a huge fucking relief to Aloy. Because if Talanah was after a guy... then she wasn't an option for Aloy.
Which means Aloy didn't have to do any intensive introspection to discover why they might be a good match.
She could wave Talanah away, and feel absolutely no remorse or grief when Talanah returned home. In fact, Aloy might have even left that experience feeling satisfied that she helped a friend--and be utterly oblivious to the chemistry they could have had.
This is how avoidant people--those who haven't learned to trust, to rely on others, to show vulnerability--experience the world.
And this is somewhat devastating, because Talanah's quest came at the exact time that Varl was teaching Aloy how to empathize, lean on people, be vulnerable for the first time in her life. Aloy didn't have to do it alone--and if Talanah had been in a position to receive it, I think they could have had a spectacular romance.
But it didn't happen.
So, we move on.
Aloy loses Varl, learns to lean on her friends, learns to let people in. This alone is spectacular character growth--but it's easy to have friends. Humans crave it. We need companionship, so once Varl laid the groundwork, Aloy was able to embrace this.
We don't see her embracing romance.
Until Seyka.
This is where the potential had me--and the execution lost me.
Because Seyka is presented as this fantastic option for Aloy--and the starving, desperate fanbase standing behind her. From the first interaction, I had high hopes. When Aloy says, "you must be confused," and Seyka basically responds with "confused about why you'd FLY towards that TOWER OF DEATH, maybe," I was ready for someone who challenges Aloy.
I wanted a love interest who was more competent than Aloy in some ways. I actually liked Varl in that way, before he found Zo: the fact that he challenged Aloy to push her own comfort level in order to embrace others was a great complement to Aloy's abrasive nature.
Seyka, while fantastic, almost feels like an Aloy clone.
They're both competent, capable, and closed-off. They're both hiding secrets to spare the others' feelings--when in reality, they're sparing themselves from tough conversations.
Because that's what Aloy, at least, has been trained to do. Bear the burden alone to spare the others. Fight the machine alone to keep the others safe. She protects fiercely, which means that she never has to be the one experiencing loss.
How convenient. >.>
I love the idea of Seyka. I can't wait to see where fanon takes her personality. But right now, with just the DLC content, it feels like she's the caricature of a romantic interest for Aloy. The perfect girl--in theory. But not when you consider psychology.
There was a huge missed opportunity when Aloy finally revealed Nemesis's existence, in my opinion. Aloy protected Seyka from this Big, Dangerous News to help her morale--and to keep from ruining what they've developed with something possibly devastating.
She finally told Seyka... and Seyka responded by literally fleeing the room in horror.
I get that everyone needs time to process these things. But in my mind, all that reaffirmed for Aloy is, "My instincts were right. I can't rely on others with this Big, Dangerous News. They can't handle it. So, I have to handle it for them."
There was SUCH an opportunity there. A chance for Aloy to tell her, and for Seyka to contemplate it for a moment, smile, and say, "I'm glad you told me. Let's tackle it together."
Something to show Aloy, in that concrete moment, that this is a person she can rely on.
That is what would have made Seyka great, to me.
Everything that followed after is a series of insta-love, in my opinion. Aloy looks at Seyka with near-literal hearts in her eyes, but it didn't feel earned. By the end, I don't feel like Seyka did anything unique that Aloy's friends in Forbidden West hadn't already done to her at some point: rescue her, adventure with her, stop a massive scheme with her.
Seyka, in my mind, doesn't currently have enough personality of her own to stand out. She's just another soldier in Aloy's army.
There will be [straight] people angry at the LGBT+ rep here, and I don't even feel that our community can argue it. As far as lesbian rep goes, that was not a great example of a natural romance. It felt forced for most of that DLC.
But that romance could be great. And that's where I love that the developers added options other than the kiss. As much as I loved the idea of them kissing, I still don't buy it with the scenes we were given.
Seyka latched onto Aloy because Aloy treated her with admiration at a time when Seyka's tribe nearly disowned her. Fair. I believe Seyka might truly be in love with Aloy.
But Aloy herself? There's no way in hell she'd be diving into a romantic relationship after one single adventure with this girl--even one as sweeping as this. Aloy doesn't know who Seyka is. Aloy hasn't seen Seyka in a relaxed setting--only one where she's panicking for her tribe, her sister, and the future. And Aloy's brain will be too logic-entrenched to succumb to emotional impulse alone.
Because that's the interesting thing about avoidant people. They rely on themselves, and their logic. That's what's kept them alive until this point. If Aloy showed vulnerability in the past, she put herself at risk in every sense of the word.
Even Seyka wouldn't be enough to break that barrier right away.
But I do think she could try in the sequel, and that's why I'm thrilled for this character. Someone the developers can truly use to force Aloy to grow emotionally.
To do that, though, the developers will have to dive into Seyka, and show me why she's the person for Aloy. What about her history makes her The Candidate? It can't just be that she's "an inspiration." I need more than that. I need to see Seyka in a relationship, coaxing Aloy through the moments of panic and shattering the barriers Aloy erects out of fear, under the guise of "logic."
Show me that, and I'm on board with a kiss.
Until then, I'll go write some fanfiction.
An avoidant working through her own shit.
Thank you very much for attending my TED Talk.
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mindshelter · 6 months
ron marz (for the uninitiated, the man behind quite literally fridging women in fiction) and his work on green lantern is such a roller coaster. he joined dc comics around 1993, contributed scripts to gl corps quarterly, and a year later, put out green lantern (1990) #48 and the rest of the emerald twilight saga as, like. what. the second or third thing he did since onboarding? they sat him down and went look, ron. green lantern needs a fresh face. you up for it? and ron said, ok. hal is god now. here's a guy named kyle. he's irish and a bit of a tool at the moment but he'll make the role his own. i'm going to kill his girlfriend and then he'll move to new york to be lonely. his landlord will bear witness to all his girl troubles and his neighbours are lesbians. #ally
nowadays he's still writing here and there, but it also seems to really like being in the mountains and taking pictures of ice.
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aingeal98 · 4 months
Part of me is really glad Kon was Cass's chosen male "love interest" in her batgirl series because pre black and red T-shirt Kon was just. Impossible to take seriously more than half the time. Like his solo series had some interesting stuff to say but when it came to everything else it's like the writers thought "OK how do we write the most stereotypical goofy and obnoxious teen boy" and they turned the dial so far up it became camp. I simply cannot take his and Cass's romance seriously because I can't take Kon seriously. He's trying to perform heterosexuality so hard and Cass having just discovered this as a thing is probably the only girl on the planet who could buy it. There's not a single moment where I'm like "Oh yeah she's definitely into him." but there are so many moments where I'm like "They're both trying SO hard and it's so funny because neither of them are normal in anyway and also she's clearly a lesbian."
Like if they'd gotten an actual male love interest for Cass that felt like someone she was actually into then I'd very easily see her as bisexual but the fact that she chose to "date" Kon-El, most over the top straight boy parody 8 years running, AND they decided to stay friends at the end because she realized she wasn't into the romance she was just lonely after her very intense "friend break up" with Steph? She's a lesbian your honour.
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sirclitoressa · 1 year
Gwendoline Christie Meme Masterpost
Tumblr media
since this is my fixation now, and there are definitely more coming. most of these have 6ish pics but i have named each after one in its set. i am very meticulous in my choices (very arbitrary and just sitting here chuckling) <3 enjoy!
ps if you aren't looking for something specific, i tag them all #shitpost
Lucifer Morningstar
born to die world is a fuck
blood orange
mazikeen is a simp
semper ubi sub ubi
weird kinks
right in front of my salad,,,
mouse peepee
move im gay
original sin
i eated god
gay sex
nullae puellae?
devils doorbell
i love lucy
Larissa Weems
larissa is a menace
valentino bag....will to live?
road work ahead
im feel so normal
poor little meow meow
are straight people ok
eldritch rage
you...don't do that?
behold my balls
what i dont have tumblr
live laugh lonely larissa
particularly skanky
they don't know i'm a lesbian
wednesday miscalculates
lavender oat milk latte
um well im british
charge ur vibrator larissa
beep beep bitch im gay
Jane Murdstone
in a way that matters
gay sex you say?
hate crimes
Jan Stevens
im ovulating
Captain Phasma
star sign
Miranda Hilmarson
germanic warrior with helmet
uppy mommy
explain yuri to larissa (larissa, lucifer, jan stevens)
misc part 1 part 2 (lucifer, jan stevens, larissa)
no thoughts head empty (larissa, lucifer, jane murdstone, miranda hilmarson)
i camt read (larissa + lucifer)
safety first (larissa x lucifer)
ever since i was a little girl
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