#It was a different universe joker
noxcheshire · 4 months
I just think
It’d be really neat if Danny looked more like Martha Wayne than Thomas Wayne.
I love the Danny Fenton looks like Thomas Wayne or Danny Fenton is Thomas Wayne reincarnated — but the BEAUTY of Martha??
Of Alfred interacting for under five minutes with Danny, dabbing his eyes and going, “That is indeed Martha,” I WANT IT. I want Martha who was spunky and sassy and wanted to do good for her town the same way Danny wants to do good for Amity Park.
I want Martha who loved to take Bruce and the family out to star gaze because her baby had never seen the stars before, and the way his eyes light up like a mini galaxy takes her breathe away the same way that Danny feels when he turns his head up to the sky yearning for something he knew loved but doesn’t know what.
I want Martha who would literally find trouble in a paper bag because she can’t help her curiosity the same way Danny can’t help tripping over his own ghostly tail and making a mess of things before he figures things out.
I want Martha who would fight men who thought they held power, going absolutely feral from stress the same way Danny does when he’s tired of not being able to do his homework or pick up a vacuum against the wall to clean because ghosts.
I want Martha who loved the pearl necklace that Bruce had picked out for her birthday, and Danny reaches towards his neck and startles when his fingers only touch skin when he is certain there was something supposed to be there. I want Danny whose eyes linger on whites and pearls when he passes by open window stores in the mall, fingers itching to flick a nail against the smooth surfaces.
I want Martha who died bleeding underneath the hand of a gun, hoping to everything above that her boy would be safe, and Danny whose body burns at merely looking at the makeshift guns his parents create in the lab, his heart pounding desperately with a yearning to save there was someone she wanted to save the ghosts.
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tofuingho · 1 year
What if Danny and Jason met in the infinite realms when Jason was dead and started a relationship?
Jason gets brought back to life, with or without memories of what happened while he was dead, and Danny has no idea where he's gone.
Jason is going through his whole training for vengeance thing. Danny is searching high and low, calling on all of the ancients and all of his rouges, doing whatever it takes to get his boyfriend back.
Jason meets up with the Bats. Does his whole 'kill Joker if you actually care about me' thing. Heads in a duffle bag and what have you. Danny still can't find Jason, but is starting to figure out that Jason was Robin. Like, actually Robin and just a concept spirit like Clockwork.
Jason starts making amends with the Batfam, but his "pit madness" is still a massive issue. Tucker and Sam help Danny figure out that Robin was Jason Todd and he lived in Gotham.
Jason wakes up one morning and feels like crap. He keeps having random sharp pains in his chest. He goes to the Batcave to get Alfred to check him out. Danny gets to Gotham and starts searching for Jason when he senses something odd. It's like someone is calling out to him, so he follows the feeling.
Danny arrives just in time to see Jason "giving birth" to their child.
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shewhowillrise · 5 months
AU where Bruce is dead, Jason is Batman, and Tim becomes his Robin. Joker kidnaps Tim and makes him Joker Junior and after Tim kills Joker, before sumcombing to his injuries of the torture.Jason vows no more partners. No More Robins.
Then gets transported to a Good Dad Fanon Bruce and Batfam universe (where Jason has stayed dead) He’s always avoiding Tim. He’s hanging out with Dick and Damian and Duke and Steph, but when Tim shows up, he clams up.
Tim confronts him, Jason breaks down. Because if he got used to having Tim around, inevitably when he gets back to his home universe, he’s going to feel the loss all over again.
There is no Damian or Duke in his universe to miss. Dick is still swinging on ropes with his parents, and Steph is a normal college girl.
All Jason sees when he looks at this Tim, is what he failed to save.
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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Jason really crashed an aircraft with himself still in it in order to save others not once but twice.
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
we as a fandom don't talk enough about how alejandro literally hypnotised owen. i know it was sort of ignored post ex-files but it was. a thing that happened.
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gh0stieink · 3 months
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ladymariayuri · 10 months
My proudest moment of hard work paying off is still my friend calling my monster hunter character a faggot cuz he couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a man or a woman when I went into the character creation screen with explicit intent to cause this problem because I thought it would be kinda funny
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oifaaa · 2 years
When was Jason a catholic in the comics?
In the flashpoint universe Jason is a Catholic priest but I feel like it was done more to be like the polar opposite of Jason from main Canon then an actual comment on Jasons religion
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aureliacetinn · 6 months
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Differently designed: Barbra gordon as Chariot
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Elseworld Gotham knight:
Chariot Combat is based on the idea her chair is
Her transport
Her weapon
Her symbol of justice
Chariot uses wayne tech inspired by batwing armour as well as the batmobile and nightwings bike to protect gotham.
The chair has 2 modes: pursuit and combat
Pursuit mode is inspired by racing wheelchairs as seen below. Transferring powerful jolts of kinetic and electric energy stored in her gloves(Gloves designs inspired by wheelchair racing gloves), Chariot can achieve high speeds by simply pushing her chair in either mode.
360 grapple hooks and projectile shooters.
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The 3rd wheel is based on existing collapsable wheel prototypes, and stores underneath her chair's seat when not in use. When shifting into pursuit mode, the 3rd wheel extends to the front of her chair, while her seat adjusts to a racing position. Her seat tilts forward while her non-functioning legs are tucked and held underneath, giving her more control while allowing more energy with each push.
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Chair mounted grappling hooks allow Barbara to handle anything from gaps to sharp turns, to elevation. While not used in pursuit mode,
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the smaller rear support wheels are able to quickly disperse smoke pellets from behind. The chair also has electrified panels similar to the batmobile, along with a reinforced front cover for protection, but also a clear view of the targeting and computer system. For chariot pursuit mode allows her to travel farther faster and even take out vehicles. We went through many designs before we were happy, integrating ideas from paraplegic designs adapted for motorbikes and racing cars and speaking to people who have made such things and own personal experience with adaptations..
Combat mode is more similar in design to rugby and basketball chairs; The combat mode uses the concealed 3rd wheel to help with rotation and can adjust its size to help with more precise movements. The same weapons available in pursuit mode also exist here in combat mode.
In addition, the armour is more compacted and focused on protecting and securing Chariot while still allowing her to use her signature new weapons the dual staffs.
For any wondering how you fight in a chair, I recommend googling wheelchair boxers, breakdancers, and fencers. Along with my personal experience, I can tell you although it's harder to hit someone in the face you are still dangerous and capable if you know how to fight.
Now onto to chariots outfit and design herself.
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(barba outfit showing a purple with yellow hue highlight race suit with better                  placed weapon and bataragns and showing her now atrophied legs and her helmet having the kind of bat ears her cape and the like and her weapon that comes out of gloves.)
Barbra Gordon has SCI a spinal cord injury not much other detail is explained, though it seems she did not develop lose of movement in her other nerves across her body which can often occur. So, going on this I was disappointed with oracle design, as she would develop loss of muscle in her legs and her body shape would change, so I implemented that design as shown.
Onto her gadgets she has her utility belt heavily kept loose but connected to prevent nerve compression and clots inside she has all standard gadgets, her thigh holsters are for her batarangs places there so in either chair form she can fire easily. Now on to the gloves the main charge literally, the can be used as a stun as a way to overcharge the chair and opponents, it also is where her extendable and eject-able polearm lies allow her to reach anyone she needs, there are also gas pellets able to be projected and even batarangs if she so chooses.
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(Gauntlet have bat spikes arms but also show that they reveal pole-weapon but also function as projectile)
Cape wise you need to have a cape, but we kept it short and simple hardens as she rides to protect her back literally.
All in all, I feel this design keeps her connection to the bat family while also being more as to what a paraplegic hero needs. Also, I'd like to point out, while Barbara was Oracle, her chair design was terrible for her spinal injury.  Without a strap belt, she would be constantly falling out of that chair. I  DO understand the reason why chairs can be hard but it still vexes me. Most of us can agree that Barbara was thrown in the fridge during the Killing Joke, an issue that persists in comics. Even so, I feel how her character was handled afterward, confining her to the “wheelchair-bound hacker” was an even bigger waste!
We could have had a disabled icon, something you rarely see, a tech-heavy hero with endless creativity, and just maybe Barbra could have had a real story and a real fight, not just slight moments till she was suddenly fixed. Which by the way is quite offensive. But I know DC the universe reboots and status quos maintained, which is why I offer an Elseworlds alternative.
The only comic I could find was the oracle code by Marieke Nijkamp which was an Elseworlds story, I liked it for showing that disabled people are forgotten and the medical world still has a very eugenics view still of disability. However, she still only became Oracle, and she wasn’t connected to batman at all. Then there was her choosing to stay inside her world and not be in the outside world which is a shame. So many of us disabled people are trapped inside, and it feels like a missed opportunity to not show her in the outside world striding along with her friends. But, she wasn’t fridged though that was a nice change.
What I'm trying to say with all this is: We had a chance a real chance to have a hero in the mainstream that still fought alongside DC's greatest heroes and wasn’t relegated to behind the scenes, or something to be pitied. Now I know some people loved it, and I'm not saying if a disabled person felt inspired by Oracle that’s bad, she isn’t. I'm just trying to explain that we are forgotten, and media has yet to reflect us positively, being productive members of society. Barbara as Oracle brings this point home to me and it’s a shame. So many times, I have felt offended by Barbara's treatment and characterization, only finding enjoyment in the shorts birds of prey run. But even then, I still felt her seen as inspiration porn when used, instead of a real person.  Of course, I understand why the decision was made, why would an able-bodied creator think this? Especially with the reason, it happened was to do a joker story. I get it, that’s why we made this, there are other options there are different designs we can do, and we hope this shows you how awesome we can be with just a different perspective.
Theses opinions are my own and since this was a big load of work id like to thank @gaminghippy for his help especially with chariots outfit, support and input into mechanical designs crow, cj, vinnie, sassie and slug and the disabled community whom I spoke to for research. But there are 2 I want to specially thank @mgiht_be_evil for been my co designer and who edited this speech minus here I may do all the art, but this never would have happened without you none of this series would. And, to my amar who is the one whose always deemed our disabilities as superhuman. All opinions are mine and my teams we bare no hate just alternatives.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
Wild to me that people don't understand how adaptation works. if a thing doesn't exist in the adaptation it doesn't exist in the adaptation. 'how can you ignore that this character-' stop. stop. it's a different character.
this happens so much with like. MCU stuff. 'this is so out of character Peter Parker would never-' no. Comics Peter Parker would never. but for comics Peter Parker becoming a hired gun for Tony Stark was uhhhhh the culmination of a heel turn and not his fucking origin story so I think. they may be different characters.
'how can you just ignore that this character went through [comics canon thing]' they didn't. They Did Not. the comics version of them did. if there's no evidence in the film version that they did, then the film version did not. it's not part of the text. often it directly contradicts the text.
this connects to that ask to Neil Gaiman a while ago that got up my nose that asked which of the comics or the TV show are the Real Sandman Canon and it's like. those are two different entities. they might be in metatextual conversation with each other but they're different texts and the characters in them are different characters. this isn't hard.
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ylimemariee · 8 months
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet
I've trusted lies and trusted men
Broke down and put myself back together again
Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters
Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger
I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers
And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors
"Come on, little lady, give us a smile"
No, I ain't got nothin' to smile about
I got no one to smile for, I waited a while for
A moment to say I don't owe you a DAMN THING.
-nightmare by Halsey
Part two coming…
This song was an inspiration to my recent poetry. Ties to the Joker + my personal life
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arielmagicesi · 1 year
hey, do you want to lose money AND your will to live all for the opportunity to make very little money doing a job that everyone warns you will sap you of your will to live? try applying for teacher certification oh my GOD
#i feel like the world's rudest idiot because i finally went full 'i want to speak to your manager' on the njedcert people#because i had no other options!!!!!#and after a while of trying i got a phone call from an extremely nice woman (apparently the only reasonable person who works there)#who was so helpful and nice and finally told me all the information i should have been given 3 months ago#i guess if i wasn't dealing with [redacted family emergency things]#and if i had a degree in the NJEdCert Portal from Bureaucratic Bullshit University#then all of this would have been sooo obvious and i wouldn't have needed to call and email everybody on earth#begging them to explain things to me#but like. it is weird how confusing it is! it is weird how much effort i had to put in!#i'm a young millennial! i should not have had this much trouble navigating this online portal or whatever the fuck!#THERE IS A TEACHER SHORTAGE. THIS SHOULDN'T REQUIRE THE TWELVE LABORS OF HERCULES TO FIGURE OUT#aaaaahhhhh it's fine it's FINE!!! it's fine#i spent so much money and screamed a lot. not at the people working there. just during my nightmares#but it's fine. i can finally get the certification to do the unpaid student teaching so i can maybe later get a different certification#to do the paid teaching. which i'm sure will pay so so great#and so equivalent to the effort i put in and the way i'll be treated at that job#the new jersey education system is lucky that teaching is my 1 passion and that i'm really good at it and that i love it#because otherwise i would've given up and become the joker by now#written by me
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orcelito · 1 year
Not sure how I feel about persona 5 x.
Like a: it being a mobile game means I won't be able to play it bc I got No room on my phone lmao
But b: I'm just like. Why. Why? If the setup is the exact same as persona 5, then Why tell the story again? Get a different mascot, a different white girl, a different school uniform of checkered pants... lecherous teacher?? Exact same mechanics??? Literally what is the point of this?
I do enjoy the velvet room concept & the protagonist's design, but everything about this just feels... pointlessly redundant. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but it feels like the sort of spin off of the likes of Trinity Soul. Just riding off the original's popularity, but doing Nothing new with it.
I'd love to be proven wrong! But also just. Why.
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someoneimsure · 2 years
Is it okay if people who like the joker/batjokes follow you/interact with you as long as we don’t reblog stuff you reblog with tags that pertain to joker/batjokes? Totally fine if u don’t allow it whatsoever it’s just unclear to me where you stand and I don’t want to intrude on your boundaries or make you uncomfortable in anyway
Thank you for being so respectful! It's 100% okay to follow me and like something that I do not like. And it’s totally okay to tag the hell out of that post as long as you’re checking the OP’s tags.
I try not to talk about or rant about anything that I really really hate because I don't wanna shit on other people's preferences. We're all here to have a good time, and if you're okay with following my blog even though I occasionally use the Anti Joker tag, that's 100% okay with me! <3
Everyone is welcome to follow me no matter what their preferences. Just know that I do not like The Joker. <3
(Note: I also use the Anti Supermartian tag for YJTV so this applies to that as well. I use these tags to say I want the ship/character to die in canon not because I have anything against the people who are Pro Supermartian and Pro Joker, though now I realize how that comes across. Antis/purity culture fucking sucks. I will switch over to 'Death to Joker' and 'Supermartian Divorce' tags because I think those communicate my intention better.)
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
hello and welcome to my novel idea: comic book heroes killing people is always wrong and never fixes anything!
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starlooove · 2 years
Media literacy is so dead just saw someone say that they hate that ppl “always go back to” Barbara’s attack from the joker when talking about her character
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