#Merlin’s beard these two are a mess
*Harry and Theodore sitting through a DADA class with a competent Professor who teaches and doesn’t cast unforgivables on students*
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*Professor Merrythought showing a genuine interest in her students’ futures*
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*Professor Merrythought personally offering Harry practical advice to problems*
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36 notes · View notes
theealbatross · 3 months
marry me (s.s.)
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Plot | The 3 times Sebastian thought about marrying you and the 1 time he asked.
Tags | miscommunication, mentions of murder and poisonings, fluff, implied smut, dangerous idiots in love, fluff, 6k-ish words
A/N: sorry this took so long i went on a vacation! One of the funniest line about Ominis locking the two of them up was written by @/shinzhon in our discord server!
Series Masterlist - the rest of the chapters here
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“Seriously Sebastian, how many times has it been this month?”
“It’s not my fault this time, I swear!”
“So, you slipped and somehow ended up in the Restricted Section? Is there some secret passage I hadn’t known about? Care to share to the class?” Ominis pinned him with a look and despite knowing his friend was blind Sebastian still raised his hands in surrender. Ominis sighed, there was no point really. When he had agreed to be friends with the troublesome boy in their first year he had signed up for this. It’s his fault for not seeing the mischievousness in those innocent brown eyes.
“I’m surprised,” Ominis continued as he started the trek back to their common room, the painful small talks he had with the headmaster in order to prevent anything getting sent to Solomon already fading as he got further away from the office. He could only imagine the absolute hell the old man would’ve sent their way if he had heard of his rendezvous in the Restricted Section. “It just isn’t like you.”
Sebastian scoffed, “To be in the Restricted Section? Where have you been the past year?”
“No, you idiot,” he hissed. “It isn’t like you to be caught.”
The falter in Sebastian’s steps had him raising an eyebrow, neck snapping back in accusation. “I’ve been caught once,” Sebastian reminded him quickly of the time Scribner first put the anti-Alohamora charm in the doors of the Restricted Section.
"I'm not finished," He’s hiding something. “It isn’t like you to be caught twice.”
He stopped on his track at the sound of Sebastian’s wince. “Okay, don’t be mad –”
“Oh no.”
“The new fifth-year needed some help to get in the restricted section because – well, I actually can’t tell you, she made me swear – and it’s bigger than the both of us and it was going so well! But Peeves caught just as we were about to –”
“Honestly, Sebastian, enough!”
He didn’t need to hear any of this.
Sebastian was right. Whatever great big mess that new kid was in the middle of was bigger than the both of them. And he has had more than enough on his plate trying to keep his friend out of trouble without the additional presence of another mysterious adrenaline junkie being thrown in the mix – one who was worryingly a magnet for big trouble. It was no wonder Sebastian was transfixed; he was looking at the damn mirror.
“Whatever fascination you have with that girl ends now,” It doesn’t escape him how much he sounded like a father getting in-between two lovers. He would’ve laughed in incredulity at the current situation he had found himself in if he wasn’t so bloody frustrated. “You get in enough trouble on your own, she doesn’t need to be sucking you up in her own problems.”
Sebastian makes a sound that doesn’t sound like a ‘yes, Ominis’ and the blond’s blood vessels nearly pop. He cannot believe this.
“Come on, it wasn’t like that. Honestly, she was brilliant! You should’ve been there; she took to the Disillusionment spell so quick that if we hadn’t let out guard down, we –”
“Oh, Merlin’s Beard, why don’t you marry the damn girl and the both of you leave me out of your tomfooleries!”
That would be ideal, he thinks. In a perfect world, he’s going to lock the two of them in a room and eat the key. There he would have no daily nuisances, won’t have to worry about sneaky Slytherins and the explosion of troubles they bring with them, and won’t need to suffer through Headmaster Black’s presence to get them out of it. A thankless job that brought nothing but headaches.
It was only when he was out of his blissful reverie that he realized his headache had stopped walking behind him seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
“Sebastian … “
The other boy audibly flinched, his breath now irregular, and Ominis will bet all the galleons in the Gaunt’s vault that if he could see his old friend’s face would be as red as a Gryffindor’s arse right now.
He could almost cry, his palms producing embarrassing cold sweats at the absolute worst-case scenario unfolding in front of his unseeing eyes. “Please – I am begging you – not this one.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Oh no, no, no.
Suddenly, the prospect of Sebastian and this troublemaker getting together was not that idyllic. In quick successions, all possible worst-case scenario popped in Ominis head. Sebastian was bad enough, if he had someone who was equally as reckless and rash as him it would be something out of his worst nightmare.
Ominis is a good person. This can’t be happening to him.
“Sebastian, listen to me –”
With only a breeze as his answer Sebastian skipped right past Ominis and up the grand staircase. Ominis could feel the heat of his face. “No time to talk. Got somewhere to be –”
“Sebastian, no!”
Why must it keep happening to him?
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Sebastian was pretty sure the house in Feldcroft has not heard Anne’s laughter in a long, long time. Yet, here you were, huddled together with his sister, whispering giggle-worthy stories about him no doubt by the way your gaze kept fluttering back to him, and lifting the dreadful ooze that has monopolized the small space since his sister’s illness.
“Nice girl,” He had nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized his uncle had been sitting on the spare bed hidden by a curtain.
“Y-Yeah,” Merlin’s beard you even got his unpleasant uncle’s favor in such a short time – a miracle worker, truly. “She’s … quite something.”
Talking to him has always been awkward.
Even before Anne had gotten sick, he found it difficult to converse with the man who looked too much but was simultaneously nothing like his gentle, kind father. And maybe it was also the childish insistence that if he had let the man into his heart, he would betray his parents – his father – that he just couldn’t let him in. It would feel too much like replacing him so he just opted in letting Solomon linger at the precipice of his life and the man was more than happy to do so.
After all, if Solomon was nothing like his father, Sebastian was everything that reminded Solomon of his dead brother. And those were holes none of them could fill for each other.
“You know, your mother was the same,” Sebastian’s eyebrows raised, never hearing Solomon talk about her till now. “When she was a 7th year I was just starting in Hogwarts and let me tell you, I had little hope for that brother of mine of ever getting her attention.”
His uncle continued to stare at you like he was seeing a ghost – the good kind – not the kind he sees when he looks at him. “She was brilliant, loved by even the firmest professors. And was always willing to hold out a helping hand, even to lost first years whose ass of a brother left to go fend for himself in the confusing moving stairs of Hogwarts.”
Even Sebastian let out a chuckle at that ridiculous image. Sometimes he forgets that even his old uncle had once been a child. The thought is uncomfortable, especially looking at the man he is now. “I always told him he was out of his mind for courting your mother but did my crazy brother listen? Absolutely not.”
Where was he going with this?
Sebastian returned his eyes back to you.
Brilliant, admirable, courageous you.
With your bright smile that feeds his ego by always shining brighter with him. The recklessness that never fails to infuriate and impress on his last nerves. The kindness you innately had in you that makes him want to wrap you up in the finest silk then lock you up in an impenetrable room so nobody else may ever touch it – so nobody else may have you.
That would be best, he thinks.
“It would seem even that insanity he had passed on to you.”
Sebastian’s eyes widened, forcing himself to take slow, deep breaths so all his blood doesn’t go to his face, unable to look at the older man. “It’s not like that,” he cleared his throat, now unable to look at you. “We’re … friends.”
“A good … companionship is built upon friendship,” Sebastian’s head whipped to this uncle as if to say ‘how would you know?’ but his uncle just grunted, shrugging before standing up to busy himself in the kitchen, calling you out to assist and telling Anne to take her medicine.
A good companionship. He knows it’s a bit too early but the thought of it wasn’t as horrifying as he thought it would be. The budding interest he had in his new friend was pushed and shoved into the deepest nook of his brain – he had more pressing things to tend to, one that was more important than discerning why he could recognize the sound of her laughter in the middle of dinner in the Great Hall.
But if he really thinks about it, takes a moment to breathe and considers it … it would be nice. She’s had research interest but with her grades and skill being a renowned curse-breaker or even an auror isn’t out of the question. If he works hard, he knows he’d be able to keep up and support her and Anne – maybe even set up an apartment in the city, they can just visit his sister when they have the chance.
Of course,he will try to encourage her to settle back down in Feldcroft if Anne still lives here but Irondale is quite beautiful too, a good place to practice flying when they have a family, let his children experience a true childhood surrounded by peace and quiet – two kids would be nice. Twins run in the family so maybe he could convince her for another one if their first pair are of the same gender. He would really like a daughter who looks just like --
 “I like her.”
“Bloody hell!” Sebastian jumped when he realized his twin sister was now right in front of him while he was deep in his embarrassing delusions. (When did the members of his family become so sneaky?) She grinned at him as if she knew exactly what had him so distracted. To avoid her piercing stare, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he guided her in the little nook of her bedroom where all the vials full of her medicines were stored.
“I knew you would. ‘s why I brought her here.”
“Oh?” Anne nonchalantly drank a disgusting-looking fluid in one gulp. “So, it wasn’t cause you wanted to monopolize her and get ahead of your competition back at Hogwarts?”
Sebastian gawked, his entire body heating up from the accusation. “What – no, it’s not – I thought she would cheer you up!”
He quickly took a quick peek at the corner, relieved that you were too busy charming his uncle off to hear such absurd allegations against him. He wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression of him at all. After all, for how wondrous those visions are, he puts your friendship on a pedestal above anything else.
He thinks he’ll be more than content to be just your friend. Maybe.
“How gracious of you, brother,” Anne smirked, in this light it was almost like the old Anne.
Sebastian smirked at her, masking indifference, “I try.”
He should’ve known. Anne would be the one who might just see through all of him, even the things he likes to keep from his head. Even his most impossible dreams of cozy cottages and soft days.
“Sebastian!” The twins straightened up at your voice, both felt like they had been caught red-handed as you cheerfully rounded the corner. “Oh, was I interrupting –”
“No, not at all!” Anne pushed Sebastian firmly, making him stumble and catch himself just as he was about to crash into you. The proximity forces him to stare as your eyes crinkled when you smiled. He stops breathing.
You’ll look dazzling in white; he thinks.
“Your uncle told me your neighbor had some mint in their garden, said you could help me find it? It would go well with the juice.”
Sebastian’s eyes fell to your lips as you spoke before physically ripping his eyes out to look at your eyes, nodding, as his brain tried to keep up between his imagination and the reality of your face in front of his.  You grinned, already walking towards the door. He lets out a breath, the faint traces of your perfume that he gave you wafting an enchanting trail that kept his gaze on your retreating back.
“Get on with it,” Anne pushed him again and this time he gave her his deadliest glare as he followed after you. “You can’t hide her in Feldcroft forever.”
“Zip it.”
Solomon stood next to Anne as they stared at the two sweethearts in their own worlds as they made an adventure out of the small trip. Anne couldn’t help but giggle when Sebastian tripped because he was too busy looking at you instead of the road.
“Are men always this stubborn and stupid?”
“No,” Solomon grumbled, heart aching fondly when in a blink he could almost see a different mirage of figures that were both familiar and strangers at the same time. “He’s just his father’s son.”
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“It’s over.”
Sebastian turned his head, straying his eyes away from the night sky framed by the room’s glass ceiling to look at you.  “It’s over.”
The two of you lay down on the floor of the room of requirement, sneaking away from the graduation party to spend the last moments of your life as a student in Hogwarts together. It wasn’t intentional, you had sneaked out for a proper goodbye to the sentient room and thanked it for everything it had provided for you but, like always, Sebastian had gotten ahold of your sneaking form before you could take two steps away from his side.
Sebastian can see that the inevitability of it all is making you emotional, a Hogwarts-shaped hole already forming in the crevices of your heart. The thought of no longer having this haven to escape the world's cruel realities makes him sigh.
“I’m terrified,” your whispered confession surprised him.
His gallant darling? Scared?
“What for?”
You smiled at him sheepishly. “It feels stupid but … I’m scared of things changing. I feel like that little girl again – 15 years old and alone in this great, big world I was thrust into.” Sebastian noticed a shudder crawl over your body. “And this time I won’t have a cheeky Slytherin lad to show me around.”
Sebastian frowned, unsure if he was more disappointed at you for thinking you would lose him that easily or at himself for not nailing that the two of you were tethered forevermore in that bright head of yours.
Instead, he took your shaking hands that you tried to hide and held on to it tight.
You smiled up at him. “Promise to stay in touch?”
He could almost scoff at such an understatement of a request. Do you know I’m never letting you go?
“You’re not getting away from me that easily,” he grinned, hoping to charm the rest of your remnant fears away. “I expect weekly letters while I’m away from training.”
You scrunched your nose, which he thinks is just adorable “What? So you can brag to your fellow trainees you have a lovesick lady waiting for you at home?”
He laughed at that, eyes crinkling and heart racing, “Maybe I should keep a photo of you plastered on my wall then, really commit to the part. A pretty face like you on my walls should make me the envy of my entire group.”
Her laugh came out nervous, her grip on his hands tightened. She’s still scared.
If only he had been sorted in Gryffindor maybe then he would’ve been daring enough to say something. To fall to his knees in this room and let his forehead kiss the ground and beg you to stay with him, run away with him, marry him. To let him spend the rest of his lowly life making sure you will never be lonely again.
But the fates were cruel and for all his pretense of confidence, the gods’ honest truth is he is a coward. A coward with no prospects.
If he wants your hand he needs to prepare, to follow the plan he had mapped out since the night he had realized he would very much like to spend the rest of his life with you or die trying. He might not be worth anything for now but he’ll make himself enough.  He just needs to hold on … just two more years – it’s all he asks.
Just two years for him to establish himself, to become someone, to earn the right to ask you. He knows it will be hard, you’ll be engrossed in your own research and won’t be able to see him as he trains to be an auror. And there was always a risk of you meeting someone else but he’s already made Poppy swear to report everything to him while she accompanies you in your travels, a contingency plan for any hurdle that may put a wrench in his plans.
If all of this fails then so be it, but he won’t lose you from a lack of planning or trying.
“Why are you looking at me like that?
He didn’t realize he was staring at you while his thoughts ran wild. The dark of your eyes reflected the ceilings you had charmed with the sky of the Forbidden Forest. The dim hue of the room made you look ethereal, like a forest fairy sent to lead him to a beautiful doom. He’d follow you anywhere.
Is it too soon to tell you I love you?
Is it too late?
“Have I ever told you that you’re the only one I need?” Sebastian suddenly whispered, vulnerable.
It’s the closest thing he’ll allow himself to say for now, placating the intensity of his need to be close to you by properly laying on his side and pressing a firm hand on your cheeks as you followed his lead, your own loosely dangling on his waist.
“Don’t you think Ominis will be quite offended by that?” you teased, your fingers tracing patterns on his spine.
He couldn’t help but match your grin, “He’ll live.”
“Sebastian,” your words quiet but he moved his hand at the back of your head to pull you in closer, muffling your following words on his chest. “Promise me nothing will change?”
Sebastian’s hold on you tensed, pressing the gentlest kiss at the top of your head to silence his protests.
No, he wants to scream. Everything has to change.
He’ll change everything for you.
“I promise,” he lies.
He’s no Gryffindor, after all.
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[ 5 years later ]
“I almost fucking killed you!”
You rolled your eyes, which was a bad idea considering the curse that malfunctioned in Gringott’s brought upon a gaggle of Inferis along with a mutated one that grew about ten feet tall. Before it could lunge straight at your head, Sebastian – Merlin’s beard, he was still as handsome as the day you had left Hogwarts – pulled you into him before casting a Protego followed by a Confringo, blasting the undead’s arm away.
Still his favorite after all these years.
“What? You become a bigshot Auror and forget my face?!”
With an Incendio, the rest of the Inferis were now weakened enough that Sebastian was able to finish them all in one go (bloody hell!). Giving you time to gather yourself and lash out a heavy burst of ancient magic to take care of the giant Inferi once and for all.
You wobbled from the effort but firm hands and a chest caught you. When you looked up you were greeted by a cantankerous Sebastian covered in dust and dirt.
“As if I could see your face in those ridiculous glasses you’re wearing. Is that a lizard’s eye?”
You pulled on the offending thing, turning and standing on your tiptoes to put it on him, then he could see that it helps with seeing the traps laid out around the vault. “Satisfied your inquiries, Mr. Auror?”
He pushed the glasses to the top of his head, still looking down at you with a suspicious glare. Damn him and damn the entire male race for their inability to stop growing their limbs. “I should have you arrested. Illegally breaking into Gringots? What were you thinking?”
“Please, any curse-breaker you sent this way would’ve been eaten by that curse, I barely got out with my life if not for my ancient magic.”
Sebastian’s eyebrows twitched in the familiar way when he wasn’t particularly fond of you – which usually only happens when you throw yourself in danger … like today. Old habits die hard.
“I –”
“Save it,” he raised a palm. You sucked your lips into a thin line comically – it has been half a decade since you last saw him after all, you’re not entirely quite sure If this Sebastian in front of you would hesitate in throwing his prodigal best friend into the cold stone walls of a ministry ordained prison. “You owe me.”
Before he could, you fired off a blast of ancient magic behind him, crushing the lone Inferi that was bidding its time under a rock. You smirked. “Are we even now?”
“Not even fucking close,” His face was blank, unamused. Sebastian’s patience has never been the longest but this is one of the few times his ire was aimed at you, the novelty of it would make you blush if you weren’t so guilty. “Where have you been?”
This time it was your smile that fell, eyes dropping with it in shame. Straight to it, huh.
“Sebastian … I left a lett –“
“A letter! You call that a letter?!” He guffawed, turning his back on you and started pacing just at the ledge that led to a very, very, long fall to the bottom of Gringotts. Your fingers twitched to reach out for him but you had a feeling he wasn’t particularly interested in getting mothered right now as he spiraled out the words you’re sure he had surely been holding the past years. “My dearest friend, one who fights trolls for practice and is the most wanted woman of all dark wizards in the country disappears without a trace even when I spent an entire year searching for her –”
He looked for you?
“—but oh no! All is well Sebastian, she left you a bloody note!”
You felt like a reprimanded toddler but maybe (just maybe) you deserved it. “It wasn’t my finest moment.”
Something in your words snapped the last of Sebastian’s nerve. The gall of you – to stand here like it was nothing. The days he had spent tracking you, dreading the moment he would be greeted by your corpse.
How dare you leave? How dare you leave him? Of all the people in this world you were the one who was supposed to stay on his side.
‘I’ll be back. I promise. I just need time’
He marched to where you were standing, cupping both of your shoulders so you can look at him. “I will be given an explanation.”
Instead, your eyes fell on his left hand. He followed your line of sight, the gold band around his finger making all your cruelest nightmares come true.
How did it come to this? You scoured your memories of your entire friendship – how had the two of you come from being unable to keep a single secret from each other to strangers that have too many unspoken grievances in between them?
Was this inevitable?
Finally, you gathered your strength. He did deserve the truth from you of all people. And you could truly never keep a secret from Sebastian even now – which is also why you left. The shame, the unjustified anger, the hurt in your chest when you looked at him – you couldn’t handle it.
“I … I heard from Leander.”
His frown deepened. What does Leander have anything to do with this?
“I was going to visit you on the last weekend of your training. Then Leander caught me in town and he said … he said that after you had finished your auror training you were planning to propose, that you were already looking for a ring.”
He is going to kill that orange blabbermouth fuc –
“I couldn’t – surely, you couldn’t be that daft. I … I loved you, Sebastian! And I know I’m your friend and I should’ve been there for you. And I really am – I am happy for you,” you took his hand, your gentle touch shakily running through the gold band around his ring finger as you tried to hold back the tears. It felt like it was mocking you, like it could burn a mark on your skin. “If anyone deserves to build a family it would be you. I just … in that moment I couldn’t be happy for you. I needed to remove myself from the situation and I couldn’t say goodbye – you wouldn’t have let me! I panicked and I was hurt and … I really am sorry. I’m so sorry, Sebastian.”
As humiliating as it was to say all the hurt that you were carrying with you as you traveled the world to escape your love for him it did make you feel lighter. Were you a coward? Maybe so. But you will not shame your past self for what she did out of hurt and fear. It was painful but necessary.
It wasn’t until Sebastian was cupping your face and wiping your cheeks with his thumb that you realized you had been crying.
“Darling, who did you think the ring was for?”
You blinked, “What?”
You could tell he was trying to lengthen his patience with you, clearly as he was the more emotionally stable one at the moment even though it looked like he was at the precipice of choking you. "Have I ever told you that I was courting anyone?”
The conversation was taking a turn you weren't expecting. “N-No, but Leander and Everett used to keep teasing you about the Ministry girls that was always at your tail so I just assumed …”
He raised his eyebrows, holding onto your cheeks tighter so you had to look at him. For the first time in your entire friendship, you couldn’t read him at all. “I assumed you became interested in one of them.”
He sighed, “No, sweetheart. I did not become interested in any of them.”
You frowned, still feeling the cold ring on your cheek. “Then who did you marry?”
“I’m … not married.” This time it was him who seemed to blush, actually breaking eye contact to chuckle. When he looked back at you it was like you were getting a peek of the boyish Sebastian you once knew. “I would have been if the beautiful witch I had been chasing did not disappear on me right when I was about to propose.”
His words sunk into you like molasses, the wrinkle in between your eyebrows disappearing as your eyes widened in realization. Surely, he doesn’t mean –
“I just wore it since I would’ve been wearing it either way if someone had said yes. And it’s a more effective way to ward off any hopefuls. A little white lie to cover up my bruised heart and spare their egos”
“Wait, wait –“you tried to push him away but one of his arms just wrapped around your back, pushing your chest to his. He wasn’t going to let you get away this time, if he has to cast a binding spell on you without your knowledge then so be it.
The past five years had been torture enough.
“I guess it’s what I deserved. Letting the love of my life wait around just because my pride wanted me to earn the right to ask for her hand. The Hero of Hogwarts, the brightest witch of our age – surely, I couldn’t just ask her, could I?”
The abundance of information threatened to drown your head in. Pieces of the grand puzzle that never seemed to fit right clicking and clacking in your head as you slowly pieced together the blanks in the history of your relationship because you didn’t bother to ask and he didn’t bother to say anything.
He means you right? He was going to propose to you? The bloody ring you’ve been having nightmares about was for you?!
But he had never … I mean sure you flirted here and there but it was nothing … official. No words were ever shared, no announcements, nor formality.
It was all very … murky and ambiguous.
“Hey, back to me, darling,” he gently pressed his thumb that was still holding on to your cheek. “I swear even when we’re together it’s like you’re still running away.” As if suddenly lost in thought himself he murmured, “Should I charm a chain on you, after all?”
You blinked and the dark glint in his eyes that you had only seen in his darkest moments in your fifth year disappeared, now replaced with a small cheeky smile.
“Sebastian, the ring was it – surely it wasn’t –”
“For you?” He was so close now that you could count all the freckles in his face, his lips running through your cheeks, even pressing a kiss on your temple. “Then riddle me this, my love – if not for you then who else would it be for? Hmm? Who else would I be begging to be my wife if not my most treasured friend? The one person who stood beside me through it all?”
Another kiss on your cheeks. “The only light in my life?”
The underside of your jaw. “The beautiful witch who had rudely stolen my heart when we were children then had the nerve to run away with it just as I was able to gather all the courage I had to ask for hers in return?”
He moved both of his hands to wrap around your waist, pulling and pulling and pulling as if he wanted to meld the two of you together. “Who else but you? There was and would’ve been nobody else but you.”
A shadow of a kiss at the edge of your lips. “You’re the only woman I have ever loved.”
Your heart threatens to explode.
“And you’re the only one I will ever love,” he whispered, but the quiet of the caves of Gringotts made his voice echo inside your overheating skull.
You had been aware of Sebastian’s charms when you were younger but now that he was using his pretty face and raspy voice at its full extent while professing his love for you in the murky caves of Gringotts and pieces of Inferi corpses scattered on the ground – you could almost feel your brain malfunctioning.
“I had resigned myself to a life of isolation if you had never come back,” he declared. “But you did. Why?”
He was not going to accept anything less than the truth. The intensity behind his eyes, the grip he has around you was so firm you were almost hanging off the ground. The unbearable weight of your guilt for almost driving this man to insanity even if it had not been your intention had you letting go of your defenses.
“Because I missed you,” you admitted, eyes looking straight at him to finally bare your soul. “And I couldn’t find anything the world could offer that could compare to you. Even if we just remained friends I –”
His chuckle cut you off.
“We could never just be friends,” he whispered, you couldn’t agree more. “We were never just friends. Darling, I’m not a religious man but if soulmates are real then yours and mine have always been tied to each other. And if whatever god is up there was cruel enough not to have done that then I would’ve knotted it myself.”
You giggle through your tears – you had played out so many fantasies of Sebastian’s confessions and yet now that you were living your wildest dreams it felt like your heart was trying to escape your chest.
“If you hadn’t come back, it would’ve done nothing short of killing me, you have to know that,” a ragged breath escapes him as if the mere memory of your escape were enough to cause him physical pain. “Because I love you and I have always loved you even back when I didn’t know what love is. Even when love was a mere flutter in my chest every time I looked at you. Even when I was a fool in a path to destruction I … I have always, always loved you.”
You nodded, almost gasping at the intensity of his words. “I love you too, Sebastian. So much. I would’ve always come back. I couldn’t – I would’ve honestly poisoned your wife if you had married another.”
A laugh exploded out of his mouth at your sudden proclamation, echoing through the eerie corners of the caves. “And I had more than enough daydreams of torturing any lovers you might’ve taken in your travels.” The sickly-sweet tone that contrasted such horrid words had you giggling.
“Think we should stick to each other then?” You roped an arm around his neck, letting him carry your dead weight. “Spare some poor suckers from poisons and murders.”
He grinned, leaning in closer and closer, “You always had been the one with bright ideas.”
You smiled just as he finally pressed his lips into yours. Even your wildest dream couldn’t compare to this. Sebastian’s greedy grip on your waist, his familiar scent, his taste – him. It wasn’t perfect – a bit too rough, too needy yet somehow never enough – it was better, a perfect amalgamation of your entire relationship.
“Marry me,” he commanded in between kisses, too desperate to separate from you for more than a second. “Tell me you’ll have me.”
“You’re mine,” You gasp when he suddenly turned you around and pressed you on the jagged wall of the cave. “Always been mine.”
You’ve never not been mine.
Suddenly, Sebastian ended your kisses, a whine slipping out of your throat which he placated with a quick peck before he haphazardly pulled a necklace of some kind around his neck, snapping it to let the pendant fall into his palms.
Only it wasn’t a pendant. It was a ring. The ring.
“Oh my, Sebastian,” your vision blurs with tears as he gently takes your shaking hand, slipping the beautiful jewelry on your ring finger where it shall sit forever. “It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to marry you.”
He groaned, pressing his forehead to your temple as you continued to admire the ring on your finger.
“You keep buttering me up like this and I’ll have to kidnap the first priest I see when we get out of here.”
“I wouldn’t object to that, we’ve never been one for propriety.”
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“I can’t believe we had our first kiss in Gringott’s of all places,” he muttered, the vibration of his voice tickling your chest as he buries his face in it.
“That wasn’t my first kiss.”
That had his head snapping, eyes murderous at your words. "What?”
“It wasn’t yours either.”
You nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact as he tries to scour through his memories.
“Remember our fight in the Room of Requirement? About the Triwizards game?”
He winced. “I’d rather not remember that.”
You shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
You settled back, knowing him well enough to know his mind was rapidly working through his memories to figure out the cryptic declaration you had confessed.
It had been frustrating when you had remembered such important event days after it happened. All it had taken was a faint whiff of Sebastian’s shampoo in your pillow in the room of requirement before you were shooting up in your bed at the memories trickling in your brain as you tried to figure out if it had been one of your more apparent daydreams only to scream when you had realized it had happened and the two of you completely forgot about it.
You had become wary of Sebastian then, staring and studying his face at any hint that he also had the luck of remembering such bold confessions from you. You aren’t sure if you were more relieved or disappointed when he showed no inkling of gaining the curse of such knowledge like you.
But at your sudden engagement to him, you believe you have suffered enough of such vexations alone. You are to be married after all which means the two of you shall share every burden from now on -- even the most embarrassing and frustrating ones.
Sebastian’s muscles locked, pushing himself up to cage you in bed as his frantic eyes widened.
You grin. He remembers.
“No fucking way.”
“Yes way.”
He slumps back down in your chest, groaning. “Are you sure you're okay with marrying a bloody idiot?”
Your body shakes with laughter. “Lucky for you, idiots are just my type.”
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wingedhallows · 8 months
"i'm older than you think." ; sirius black
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pairing: sirius x reader | 1k words plot: Sirius is taken aback that you're actually older than you look. prompt: "I'm older than you think." authors note: just a little something that came to me some nights ago.
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The Black’s family home was lively, more than what you expected. Two redheads rushed past you as you brought a hand through your hair. The strong wind had messed with it. 
“Get back here you two!” a woman, also with red hair, yelled after them.
“Oh, hello, dear.” she spoke, her voice gentler.”Hello.” You answered. “Y/N, there you are.” Tonks' voice came from behind the red headed woman. A small smile spread on your face as your friend approached. “For a moment I thought you wouldn’t come, come on.” 
She engulfed you in a hug and rubbed your back in a comforting manner. With an iron grip, she dragged you into the kitchen. “I didn’t know we would have another guest, here, let me fetch another set for you.” The woman chuckled as she pushed past you two. “No need-”Don’t try, that’s Molly Weasly, just eat.” Tonks laughed as she pulled you through the door.
Around the big kitchen table sat a few more red heads, some teenagers and adults.
“Everyone, this is Y/N L/N. She’s one of the greatest Aurors I know and hopefully, after tonight, a member of the Order.” Tonks announced, a comforting hand on your shoulder as she pushed you towards the table. A man, curly hair framing his handsome bearded face and a sly smile beaming towards you, held his hand out for you to take. 
"Sirius Black, the owner of this lovely house. I’m glad a more beautiful person is joining us. Nice to meet you, love.” He spoke before he kissed your hand with a grin on his face. A certain heat crept onto your cheeks as you shot him a grin yourself.
“Nice to meet you as well, Mr. Black. This house is indeed very lovely, so bright and colorful.” You chuckled. His eyebrows shot up and a laugh escaped his mouth. 
“And she’s got humor, merlin.”
“Holy, get a room.” Tonks spat with widened eyes. She grabbed your arm and pushed you down onto a chair. “Here you go.” Molly grabbed your shoulder and placed a bowl of food in front of you. Without another word of refusal you ate what Molly had given you. You didn’t miss the many times Sirius had glanced your way.
After the meeting and your agreement to join the Order and help Harry Potter, Sirius’ godson, to help defeat Lord Voldemort, Remus Lupin had asked for another drink and you agreed to stay. Harry and his friends had gone upstairs an hour ago claiming to go to bed, though you believed otherwise. Sirius had seated himself across from you.
“So, you’re an Auror?” with a sip from your cup you nodded. “I became one right after graduation, I’ve been one ever since.” You shot him a smile and reached for your pack of cigarettes. 
With a small smile on your face you held out the pack for him. “Want one?” he shot you a smile and nodded his head. “I’d love one.” you chuckled. After lighting your stick you leaned over the table to light his. His eyes widened as you came closer as expected.
“As an Auror, you must be in grave danger.” He spoke. It was only you two, the others were immersed in their own conversations.
“It’s always dangerous, feels nearer than it did last time though.” His eyebrows furrowed and he chuckled as he blew some more smoke from his lips. You did the same. “Last time?” you nodded and took another sip from your cup.
“The first war?” You tried, he didn’t get it though.
“What would you know of the first war? You’re barely an adult, we all know Tonks’ hardly one.” He stomped out his cigarette and without a warning a laugh escaped you. “Oh, merlin.” You heaved, wiping the non existing tears.
“What’s so funny?” he spoke, a unsure smirk on his face. “Mr. Black-” you had to laugh again.  “This is truly hilarious.” you paused
“I’m older than you think.” you took a sip from your cup and a big smile spread on your face once again. 
“What?” he managed to say, the cup of firewhiskey in front of him long forgotten. You lit yourself another cigarette and gave him a smile.
“We went to Hogwarts around the same time, I think.” you paused and his eyebrows furrowed once again. “You were a fourth or fifth year. I mean who could ever forget the great and mighty Marauders?” His mouth had opened in disbelief.
“I’m almost ten years older than your cousin.” you whispered.
“So-”Yes, I’m almost as old as you, so.” He shook his head and stood from the table. With his cup in hand he made his way next to you.
“Well, forgive me, darling. You look hardly a day over twenty.” You had to laugh again and shook your head.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Black.” he clasped your hand in his and gave you another smile. “Please call me Sirius, love.” you nodded and took another sip of your drink.
“And since the Firewhiskey is slowly loosening my tongue, I believe that I do not feel ashamed to say that I'm slowly starting to fancy you, Y/N.” you stopped yourself from laughing and nodded at him.
“I’m afraid, me too.” A wide smile spread on his face as he came close.
“Good, then I get to do this.” with a hand on your cheek he came closer. His warm lips connected with yours and with almost rehearsed movements you kissed. Your hand found the back of his head, the other sat on his neck.
 “Ew, you two.” Tonks spat and Remus had to laugh at the sight of you two.
“Definitely hardly an adult.” Sirius chuckled.
You two were out of breath as you rested your head in the crook of his neck with a grin on your face.
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jmscornerlibrary · 2 months
Snape's Search History - Part One
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So this has been requested by quite a few people, now. For those who hadn't seen my previous headcanon post: here it is. I will try and tag all those who have expressed interest in the comments.
In short: After stealing Snape's phone and looking through his saddening search history, the trio come up with a plan to make Snape happy. This is how it unfolds, for the Potions Master has little idea what to make of it.
Enjoy and do reblog to inform the others!!
Part One.
All was still in the empty Transfiguration classroom. The dust lay undisturbed and thick upon the solid desks, which in turn were standing silent and endeavouring in their fortitude of unuse. The chalkboard looked dejected, the forgotten endeavours of clearing it of writing still visible in ashy smudges across the charcoal surface. And it would have probably stayed like that for another decade or two if the door wasn’t flung open and three small figures stumbled from behind it, making enough noise for the dust to twitch into the air again. A ‘quick, quick!’ was spat out by one of the disturbers accompanied by a few hisses of urge, then a scrabble as the doorknob was found and the door was pushed.
The dust jumped up from the desk as the door slammed shut and settled back upon it once more as Harry, Ron and Hermoine stood, panting, in front of it. 
After a short moment, Ron pushed himself from the door. His face broke out in a wide grin.
“Blimmin’ heck, that was a mess!” He laughed and dusted his hands. “He’ll be looking for it, now, I bet.”
“But we’ve got it!” Harry grasped the trophy tight, as though he was afraid that it would slip from him, back to its owner. “Let’s do it quick, before someone else comes to find us and sees us.”
Hermoine said nothing, but she was far from calm herself - in fact, she was inches from jumping down on the spot and breaking out into a mad giggle. The latter she repressed with difficulty as they all stormed to the nearest table, swept off the perplexed dust from it with their sleeves, then laid out the shiny, sleek device upon its surface.
The device was a phone. It wasn’t any old phone, either, for if it was perhaps only a few of the more eccentric would deem it a subject of interest. This was a working phone, one which withstood any feuds between its power and the magic sparking and fizzing, though quiet and invisible, in the air; even better yet - this phone belonged to a certain man whom the three giggling and bending over its shiny, black surface, hated with a vengeance. This phone belonged to the Potion’s Master: Severus Snape.
“Go on, Hermione.” Ron slid the phone over to the small witch with bushy brown hair. “You said you knew the password.”
Hermione nodded, growing solemn at the task at hand, shoved her brown mane out of her eyes and bent over the screen, which grew illuminated at the touch of a button.
“Merlin’s beard, what my dad would give to be in our place,” Ron breathed, as Hermoine tapped out some letters and numbers with her forefingers. “A fellytone, and a working one too-”
“It’s called a telephone, Ron,” Harry corrected, though he could barely breathe as he watched Hermione’s fingers working. “Ha, I cannot believe we’ve actually managed to do this. Fred and George are nothing compared to us, now.”
“I’d love to see their faces,” Ron whispered, almost wriggling with glee. “And I’m the one who fished it out of his pocket! Now, all we need to do is-”
“Got it.” Hermione smiled as the screen changed, displaying buttons with different icons upon a plain, dark backdrop. “Now, if I remember correctly, it's called explorer…”
“Why aren’t we doing this in the common room, again?” Ron continued. “I know Percy’s a prefect, but even he wouldn’t-”
“Because, Ron,” Hermoine began as she chose the right button, “we have no idea what Snape actually keeps or searches for on this phone. If it’s all weird, we’d be too embarrassed to even attempt showing it to them. Plus,” she added, when Ron opened his mouth to interject, “it’s not like we’re going to cast it out of the window as soon as we’re done. It’s not magic - at least I don’t think it is - and it won’t just disappear or fly out to find Snape. We can show the rest of our classmates later.”
Ron opened his mouth again, but then understood the sense of this and closed it. 
“There it is,” Harry said, as Hermione searched for the right option. “History. Oh, boy, this is gonna be good. If he’s not cleared it.”
Ron rubbed his hands and rocked on the balls of his feet as he leaned on the table. “Yeah, as ‘Mione said, I bet it's all weird. Let's see what’s first.”
Dangling hair and breathing mingled and hovered inches from the square surface as all three leaned in to see. However, there was hardly any giggling, after they all read the first position on the records of what, precisely, the Potion’s Master searched for whenever he had a spare moment. In fact, there was none at all, and the glee was slowly replaced with something that none of them had been expecting.
Hermoine’s eyes dulled and eyebrows furrowed as she read the first position aloud.
“... ‘How to be more approachable’.”
There was a rather awkward pause. Hermione made a rather sad ‘oh’ sound. Ron shifted slightly.
“That’s kind-of sad, to be honest,” he finally managed, frowning.
“Scroll down, Hermione,” Harry waved aside the tension and leaned forward again. “That’s only the first position. Perhaps he’s had a change of heart.”
“And the most recent,” Hermione murmured, but she scrolled down obediently. 
“Yeah, I bet it’s all weird further down,” Ron muttered, but they were all disproved again. Their childish glee was completely reduced to something rather prickly and uncomfortable as Hermione ploughed through the searches:
“...Where can happiness be obtained…” 
“...How to tolerate children…” 
“...Patience, tips...”
“...Wholesome fiction with happy ending… stories with happy ending… which sad books to avoid… books to make one’s soul happy…”
And then:
“...Fast, effective…”
Here, Hermione paused and bit her lip, her eyes sparkling strangely, her brow now heavy. Harry glanced at her, then finished for her.
“Fast, effective headache relief.” He straightened and shifted from foot to foot, then looked at Ron for some sort of inspiration to dilute the thickness of the air. “Did you know Snape gets headaches, Ron?”
“Nope,” Ron offered, looking rather ashamed of himself and his gloating, the tips of his ears pink. “I didn’t think so. I mean, it makes sense though, doesn’t it…?”
“I feel terrible,” Hermione whispered, balling her fists.
“Yeah, we should probably put it back,” Ron said, though he didn’t look as enthusiastic about slipping the phone back into the Potion Master’s pocket than he did about proudly obtaining it. “Should we just leave it on his desk when he’s not in the classroom?”
“And how are we going to do that?” Harry asked, frowning. “We can’t go running around the dungeons. The Slytherin common rooms are there.”
Hermione sniffed, then rolled her eyes, pushing the phone away from her. “You have an invisibility cloak, Harry. This shouldn’t be too much of an issue.”
“Oh, yeah.”
They stood there for another few seconds, before Harry reached out and hesitantly pocketed the phone. “Let’s get back to the common rooms. We don’t need to mention this to anybody.”
“No, we don’t.” Ron said sadly, recalling his former words of potential victory over Fred and George and how they just went down the drain. “Never mind. Let’s just go.”
The dust was rather glad to be free of them, and so was the classroom. Only the desks, however, were rather miserable that they once again stood alone in their fortitude of unuse, unnoticed, only there to be berated and slandered by the students. Just like, as the trio would soon deduce, Severus Snape, the Potion’s Master, was.
A week passed. The phone was returned back to Snape’s desk without much ado. After that, it was unmentioned, and whenever it was glimpsed, three pairs of eyes were averted to the candles or windows, and most certainly not to each other, no words about it leaving their mouths, though they most certainly bounced around in their brains, though some were more cluttered than the others’.
It was through Harry’s mouth that the uncomfortable topic surfaced and it did so on a Saturday evening, in the library, when the day was slowly coming to an end and the sun was sinking slowly outside the mullioned windows. Ron was scowling at his Transfiguration homework, when Harry shot out a sigh through his nose and put down his quill.
“Listen, guys,” he started, nudging Hermione, who didn’t look as though she had heard him and just kept right on scribbling, her nose nearly touching the parchment. “I’ve been thinking… Hey, Hermione, are you listening?”
“Shush.” Hermoine glared at him, then shot a pointed glance at Madam Pince. “We’ll get kicked out.”
Ron’s scowl didn’t shift and was merely re-directed at its favourite subject of complaint with large front teeth and a vehement urge to stuff her head with new fragments of knowledge. 
“Not if we keep our voices down,” he said, potting his quill too. “Talk, Harry.”
Harry opened his mouth mainly to play on Hermione’s nerves than to follow through on his plans, when his mind did a detour to the wisdom of him touching on such a sensitive topic in a public place.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” he said with a nod. “Not because this is the library. We need to speak about… you know what.”
This was of enough weight for Hermione’s quill to stop moving. She shot him a glance, then met eyes with Ron and sighed.
“Yes,” she whispered. “We can’t speak about this here. To be honest, I’ve been meaning to speak about this to you both too.”
They latched up their bags, grabbed their stationary, then swiftly exited the library, tripping over Harry and Ron’s untied shoelaces. Hermoine grabbed them by their bags when they turned the corridor towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.
“The common room’s full,” she hissed. “We should go outside. We won’t be overheard there.”
“Hermoine’s right,” Harry said, nudging Ron. “Let’s go.”
They turned around, then began slowly walking down towards the main gates. They all kept silent, their eyes trained mainly to the floor, sometimes only looking up to meander around the other students milling around the corridor. It was probably why they didn’t notice the ominous figure walking towards them until they had all but face-planted themselves into its black robes.
Hermione was the first to look up and stick out her arms to halt the other two, her eyes sharpening after she was prodded out of her thoughts by this slightly unwelcome reality. Harry and Ron had similarly dumb expressions as they blinked up at her, then at what was in front of them.
Professor Snape’s voice was as restricted to nothing but cold disdain as usual, and the black of both his clothes and expression matched this regularity. 
“Where are we going?”
Harry opened his mouth, but Hermione beat him to it.
“Outside for a moment, Professor Snape.”
Harry paused, then nodded along with Ron, trying to appear as though they weren’t hiding anything at all. The Potion’s Master observed them for a moment or two longer, before lowering eyebrows and, as it seemed, his guard.
“I suggest you look where you’re going,” was all he said, before drawing his cape about him and turning to pass them. But he didn’t manage to pass them, when Hermoine opened her mouth and after drawing a deep breath, emitted a string of words strung upon the same one:
“I hope you have a good night, Professor Snape.”
It was quite uncanny, really, how all three males looked at her with the same degree of incredulity and astonishment upon their faces, apparently forgetting things like enmity and dislike. It was enough to make poor Hermione flush a deep red and her words to run away from her before she could properly filter them through her teeth and tongue.
“Just being polite, is all,” she muttered, before she tugged on Harry and Ron’s sleeves sharply. “Come on, let’s go.”
She dragged them off with enough force for Snape’s surprise to cool off and his usual stone face return as he watched them stagger, though that was only visible to Harry and Ron for a few seconds before the vehement grip on their arms prevented them from turning back around, in case they both got whiplash. 
“Are you mental? What was that?” Ron hissed at her, when they rounded a corner, then he did a double take when he fixed his eyes on her features. “Blimey, Hermione, you’ve gone absolutely scarlet.”
“You’ve gone redder than his hair,” Harry commented, though with a hint of admiration in his tone as he stared.
“Oh, shut up,” Hermione muttered, then dragged them through the main door, into the cool of the evening. “Never mind that. Let’s talk about the subject at hand. And don’t tell me you’ve not been thinking about doing something similar to what I did.”
She glared at Ron and Harry, still flushed. They both pulled faces back, but they dropped their gaze after a few seconds as they trudged through the foliage.
“Alright, maybe,” Ron muttered under his breath, when they reached the black lake. “But it was nowhere near to what you just did.”
“What precisely did I just do?” Hermione snapped. “I was just being polite.”
“You were sucking up to him-”
“No I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were.” Ron put on a high-pitched voice. “I hope you have a wonderful night, Professor Snape-”
“Oh, shut up!” She stamped her foot. “You act as though you’re entirely ignorant. You were there when we looked at his history. You saw it. And if complaining and arguing about this is the best you can do, then I pity you, Ronald Weasley!”
“Alright,” Harry cut in, weakly. “That’s not what we came here to do. Let’s just get it over and done with before curfew.”
Hermione glared at Ron once more before settling down. Both folded their arms and stared at the lake. Harry pursed his lips, for it was much harder to project his thoughts than he thought it would be, now that they were actually all together for that purpose alone.
“I think Hermione’s right,” he began, when Hermione was no longer red. “It would be wrong to keep at… you know.”
Ron snorted. “Being mad at Snape for picking on us for no reason?”
“He picks on everyone.” Hermione said, her eyes narrowed. “We’re no exception. Well, perhaps Harry is, but then you did get off to the wrong start at the beginning of the year.”
“No he didn’t,” said Ron.
“He was talking back to him,” she argued. “And it was the first interaction they had. No wonder Snape hates Harry.”
“And you,” Ron said pointedly. “You’re pretty much every teacher’s pet but his, and do you know why? Because he’s an-”
“Can you two not?” Harry snapped. “Can you two calm down? Please? This is serious.”
The arguing pair scowled at one another and resumed evaporating the lake with their glares.
“So,” Harry said, once enough silence had passed, “I think we ought to… you know, help him a bit. Be, erm, nicer.”
Ron turned and creased his forehead, but Hermione nodded, solemnly.
“We ought to,” she said, softly. “I told you, I was thinking about it. It’s all about perspective, really.”
“Yes,” she said. “Think about it from Snape’s perspective. Do you reckon he has a lot of friends?”
Ron scoffed. “Don’t make me laugh. Who would want to be friends with him? ‘Course he hasn’t.”
“Precisely,” she said, though she looked at him reproachfully. “You’re teaching over five-hundred children Potions, all of whom, if I may add, are intent on either not listening, not doing homework, or just being downright rude. Yes, Ron, I know he’s like that too, and perhaps he does deserve it, and if we didn’t know better, we’d be justified in biting back. The point is, he’s clearly sad. He looks it. He looks downright miserable all the time.”
“You’re blowing this over.”
“Oh, am I?” Hermione said. “Tell me one time in which you saw him smile. And I don’t mean meanly. I mean happily. Have you ever heard him laugh? Because I haven’t.”
Ron sucked on his lips, looking torn. Harry listened, looking solemn.
“I haven’t either,” he said, quietly. “At first, I thought like Ron does, but… I’ve lived with the Dursleys my whole life. They’ve held grudges for no reason, for a long time, and it's tiring to be the person receiving them and keeping them up.”
Hermione looked at him with eyes lined with admiration. She nodded.
“Exactly, Harry. We could just be the reason for somebody’s… well, perhaps not happiness, but… tolerance.”
“And how are we going to do that?” Ron asked, still looking begrudging, but not unwilling. “By saying good morning and good night?”
“We could,” Harry said thoughtfully. “That wouldn’t be going over the top, or anything.”
Hermione must have thought about this more carefully than both of them put together, because she started counting out everything they could do upon her fingers as she spoke.
“Not just that,” she began. “We could do everything which is expected of us, for starters. Like doing homework on time, doing it correctly, not just so that it's done and boxed off without thought, the right parchment length, perhaps more… I know, we could get the older students to check it for us, so that we know we’ve done it right… then, we could actually listen in lessons and excel…”
Ron was frowning as she spoke. Even Harry was getting slightly doubtful they would ever manage such a feat. 
“...Do extra work. If you don’t want to, Ron, then we could do something outside of lessons. Not necessarily work.”
“Then what?” Harry asked. “Like what?”
“We could… you know.” Hermione’s face became slightly pink again. “We could find out when his birthday is.”
“That’s going too far,” said Ron, firmly, looking slightly agonised. “Imagine his face… oh, no, I couldn’t.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Hermione agreed. “But then, I don’t know what else to do.”
“That sounds like a pretty good start to me,” Harry said. “Let’s start with lessons, Hermione, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll think of something else.”
Hermione’s face lit up, and for a moment both boys were afraid that she’d hug them.
“Great!” She grinned, then began walking towards the castle. “We have Potions on Monday, and homework due. Let’s get this done now! There’s still time. Alicia Spinnet’s good at potions - she’ll be able to point us in the right direction.”
Harry and Ron turned from the lake and began to follow Hermione as she marched towards the castle with an enigmatical spring in her step.
“I don’t know about you,” said Ron, as she talked on, “but I’ve got a weird feeling this is going to end up in a mess.”
“We’ve been in loads already,” Harry said, though there was something uneasy in his chest too, “so it won’t really make a difference. But Hermione’s got a point,” he added, after they reached the steps to the castle gate, “it must be annoying, being Snape. And, as we all know, doing homework properly’s always a good start to everything.”
“That’s utter garbage.”
“Yeah,” Harry said, grinning. “I’m quoting Hermione. She does it like she can’t live without it. And, from a teacher’s point of view, less marking seems like a good thing, at least to me.”
So the endeavours began, though they didn’t hold out to be as constant a flourish and blaze as Hermione made it out to be. Especially not after she insisted that they do twice the usual length as some form of surprise. 
“I’m not doing that,” Ron complained, throwing himself back in his chair and folding his arms. “I’ve got enough work as it is. And I’ve already done it to the best possible standard. Even you’ve said it's not bad, Hermione.”
“It looks decent,” she said, unrolling her homework, which made both Harry and Ron’s pale in comparison. “But if we’re going to show that we’re not hostile any more, we ought to try harder.”
So the homework was done somewhat begrudgingly and everything seemed to be going to plan, before Sunday evening. More precisely, the free afternoon of Harry and Ron was disturbed by Hermione suddenly coming in through the portrait hole, clutching something behind her back, then moving swiftly towards them and sitting at the table at which they were currently playing wizard’s chess.
“I’ve got something,” she said, slightly flushed. “You’re not going to believe what I made in the girls’ bathroom.”
The game was paused and the boys looked suspicious as they turned to look at her.
“The girls’ bathroom?” Ron repeated bluntly. “What have you been making in the girls bathroom, Hermione, that could make you go so bloody pink?”
They both looked blank as she withdrew a hand from behind her back and placed its contents upon the surface of the table with a rather proud flourish. It was a glass bottle, the sort which looked rather like a cuboid, stoppered with a round cork. It was filled with a light blue liquid, which seemed to glow faintly as it rested within its cool, glass confines. 
“That doesn’t look innocent,” Harry commented, knocking over Ron’s bishop. “What is it, Hermione?”
“It’s a headache draught,” she said proudly. “I found the recipe in one of the books in the library.”
Ron pushed his lips out as he stared at it, then picked it up.
“How d’you know he’ll know this is a headache draught, Hermione?”
“I reckon he’d know, since he’s the Potion’s Master.”
“But doesn’t that mean he’s fully capable of making these himself?” Harry asked. “It’s not like it would be a problem for him.”
“Yes, Harry,” Hermione said slightly impatiently, taking back the bottle from Ron, “but the thing is that some people, men especially, simply don’t bother with taking care of themselves. That’s what my mum once said, and I’ve observed it since. I have a good reason to suspect that Snape isn’t the sort to ensure his health is top-notch.”
“I wouldn’t care if I was him,” Ron agreed. “What’s there to live for, for him? If I had to teach a bunch of snotty kids Potions everyday, I’d probably kill myself.”
There was a bit of an awkward pause - Harry had begun to nod, but lost the ability to move his head as he caught the disapproval in Hermione’s eyes.
“I mean,” Ron corrected himself, “you’re probably right, anyway. How long did it take you to make this?” “An hour,” she replied, “but that was because I messed up the first one. I added a bat-wing too many, so I had to pour that down the sink. Anyway.” She sat up straight again, folding her hands on the table neatly. “It said that half this bottle is to be drunk with fluid twice daily. So we need to make this once a day.”
“We’re going to run out of ingredients within a week,” Harry commented. 
“Not unless we take a little too many during Potions,” Hermione said coolly. “It’s a basic potion, using basic ingredients. Nothing Snape doesn’t have in his cupboard.”
“That would be stealing, though,” Ron said. 
“No it wouldn’t, though, since we are giving it back to him in the form of self-help,” Harry replied. “And you are going to be making it every day, Hermione?” 
In response, Hermoine thrust her hands into her pockets and produced another six vials, placing them with a clink, clink, clink upon the table, neatly. The boys looked at her with varying degrees of astonishment and admiration as she lined the bottles up.
“When these run out,” was the nonchalant reply, though the pink returned to Hermione’s cheeks as it was spoken, “I will do so. Unless you’d like to help me make them.”
“I think I’m good,” Ron said. “You can take all the credit if you want, Hermione - I’ll be happy with just doing extra work.”
“Great,” Hermione replied, ignoring the slight annoyance tinging the last two words spoken. “Then we will start from tomorrow.”
As all three of the enlightened Gryffindors lined up outside the dungeon’s classroom on a Monday morning, all three could feel their hearts beating somewhere in their stomach. Hermione, as usually was the case when feverish with excitement or trepidation, wouldn’t stop talking, even for the danger of any nerves exploding in her counterparts.
“Remember what I mentioned yesterday,” she whispered with obstinance, leaning in so that she wouldn’t be overheard. “If anything happens, try not to shout, don’t argue, just try to be as polite as you can. Yes, even if it isn’t your fault, Ron,” she added, cutting off Ron’s indignant reply. “Just try to be as good-willed as possible.”
A drawling voice cut off this heartfelt advice.
“What are you three whispering about?” Draco Malfoy called from the front of the line. “You must be conspiring, since you’re standing so close to each other. Or are you just trying to kiss Potter, Granger?”
Hermione straightened, Ron scowled, Harry opened his mouth to retort, but they never got to, since the former turned around and raised her eyebrows.
“I hope you’re not jealous,” she replied, coolly, “because that would be gross.”
Malfoy scoffed. “Jealous? Of kissing you? Bleh.” He made a show of shuddering, then nudged Crabbe and Goyle, standing beside him. “Imagine kissing someone with teeth like that. They're absolutely massive. It would be like trying to kiss a beaver.”
Hermione’s lips turned down; Ron flushed a fiery red and took a step forward, but Hermione grabbed his shoulders before his clenched fist could go into swing.
“Snape will invite us in any second,” she hissed. “Don’t be provoked, Ron.”
“Yeah, don’t listen to him,” Harry said, shooting a look of hatred towards the blonde, pinched-featured boy guffawing. “He’s just being an idiot. It’s his natural state, he can’t help it.”
At that moment, the doors to the classroom creaked open, and they all began to file into their places. Harry and Ron began to meander towards the back of the classroom to their usual spot, but Hermione knocked on their arms and pointed towards the front row instead.
“Oh no,” Ron moaned, looking fearful, “no, not the front desks, Hermione…”
“Shut up, Ron,” was all she said before she dragged them towards the ominous front desks, just (oh, horror!) in front of the black board. They ignored the strange looks they received from the others around them and instead focused on unpacking all of their things needed for the lesson.
It seemed that they were all off for a good start, when Harry opened his bag, rummaged around in it for a moment, then looked stricken.
“What is it?” Hermione hissed, noticing, as she laid out her stationary geometrically on the desk. “Did you forget your homework?”
“No, I’ve forgotten to bring my Potions book,” he replied, turning his bag upside down. “Oh, great…”
“Silence,” Snape called from behind his desk, watching them with a distasteful look on his pale face. “Sit down.”
They all sat and slid their bags off the desk. Harry hoped nothing amiss would be noticed and instead of wriggling around nervously, he tried to listen carefully as the lesson began. Of course, Hermione had made the effort of ensuring that she was sitting between him and Ron, so that they wouldn’t give into temptations and burst into conversation with one another during inappropriate times.
Snape’s eyes darted towards them in a rather suspicious nature as the lesson began, as though he was expecting something dishonest at the least from this sudden change of seating and eagerness. However, the three looked back with innocent eyes, which, in turn, made the Potions Master’s eyes narrower, before he turned to write upon the chalkboard.
“You will be working in pairs,” he said, once all the instructions had been written and the sleeping draught introduced, “I expect this to be done and detailed on parchment by the end of the lesson.”
The vehemence with which Hermione threw herself into the task was quite unsettling, at least for the other two. However, since there were three of them, either Harry or Ron was going to have to go and work with another, and since neither of them wanted to be parted from Hermione (who, as usual, looked as though she knew exactly what she was doing) there was a little bit of dithering done. 
“Ron, why don’t you go and work with Neville?” Hermione suggested, as Harry slid over to her and almost grasped her arm as though to claim her for the lesson.
Ron looked stricken. 
“Are you mad?” he hissed, as discreetly as he could. “We’ll blow up the classroom!”
Hermione sighed. “No, you won’t-”
“Yes we will! It’s already happened twice before!”
However, Snape intervened before anything could be decided. They flinched, feeling the cold of his shadow and turned to see him standing behind them with his arms folded and his eyes still narrowed.
“Well?” He looked at the dithering three, from bushy brown hair to green eyes to freckles on nose. “This doesn’t look like a pair, to me.”
Harry shot a look at Ron; Ron glowered and made no move to move away. Hermione looked desperate.
“I’ll work with Neville,” she said, making them both shoot her panicked looks instead. “You two work together.”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” Snape said coolly, his eyes darting back and forth between them. “Potter, move your things to Longbottom’s desk. Weasley, you will work with Granger.”
Harry was about to open his mouth to protest, when Hermione stood on his foot and he ended up shutting it and nodding instead.
“Yes, sir,” he said, though sounding  slightly dispirited, then obediently gathered up his things and went to sit with Neville, whose round eyes didn’t leave Snape for the entirety of the time. He laid out all of his things, trying not to look at Ron, who looked rather smug at the change of circumstances, then looked up to find Snape’s eyes narrowed more still as they swept over the things he laid out on the desk.
“Where is your textbook, Potter?” Snape asked softly, his arms folded about him, looking much displeased. “Did you perhaps think that the presence of the scar on your forehead makes you unobliged to bring it? Or perhaps you think you know what to do already, without the book’s aid?”
Malfoy, who was working with Goyle to their left, snorted and nudged his crony. Harry remembered Hermione’s words and swallowed down his words, which were far too red and sharp for the plan they were trying so hard to execute.
“I apologise, sir,” he said, managing to sound relatively polite and stop himself from glowering at the same time, then took a deep breath. “I must have left it in the library yesterday. It’s my fault entirely.”
Neville stared at him. So did Snape. Harry turned to the former.
“Can I share your potions book today, Neville?”
“Sure,” Neville stammered out, then slid it over to him. “Here… here you go.”
“Thank you.” He turned to look back at Snape, who was looking incredulous at the least, almost nervous at the fact that he wasn’t firing a projectile of arrogance back at him. “Sorry to be an inconvenience, sir.”
At this, Snape actually took a small step back, twitching his cape around himself as though putting up a shield of defence, his eyebrows unbending themselves and creeping slowly upwards. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Hermione shoot him a huge grin and give him a very big thumbs-up. Ron looked torn between cringing and clapping, but ended up nodding in approval.
Snape must have been so thrown off-balance by this alarming bout of humility on Harry’s part, that didn’t even give him a reply. He just slid away from their desk with a last thorough look at him, probably deciding he was under the influence of some spell and not being worthy of both his time or his nerves.
“Nice job, Harry,” Hermione said to him over her bubbling cauldron. “See, you can keep your cool if you want to.”
“I nearly didn’t,” Harry replied with a grin, feeling some odd sense of pride from this accomplishment. “But tell me, Hermione, how are you going to put that vial on his desk?”
“Oh, I’ve got that all figured out,” she said rather breezily, dropping powdered porcupine spine into her mixture. “I’ll leave my book here, then come and get it during break, while he’s gone to the staffroom. Or perhaps I’ll just do it when his back is turned. I’ll manage somehow.”
With that Harry couldn’t argue, so he turned back to his potion and met with Neville’s intrigued face.
“What are you up to?” he asked quietly, as they cut and measured. Harry thought there wasn’t any point in elaborating, so he just said:
“We’re trying to be nice to Snape.”
“Nice to Snape?” Neville repeated, pausing with his cutting knife hovering above his cutting board. “Why’s that?”
Harry shrugged, stirring his potion the way it said on the chalkboard. “Nothing much. Thought we’d have some fun and do some good, you know, Neville?”
Neville didn’t look as though he understood, but then he shrugged and nodded.
“That’s… nice,” he murmured thoughtfully, then nothing more was said on the matter, though he didn’t look quite as uneasy as he did before. In fact, he looked slightly impressed.
Everything would have ended nicely and according to plan if Harry and Neville weren’t stationed at that particular desk. Their sleeping draught was slowly turning a bright-purple colour, as was Hermione and Ron’s (when Harry glanced over), when suddenly there was a sound of splashing and Harry was slapped in the face with several globs of his concoction; someone had thrown something into their cauldron.
Goyle was grinning. Malfoy sniggered, then moved a few steps back to his desk.
“Looked like it needed more bat-wing, Potter.” He shrugged. “You’re welcome.”
Harry stepped forward and was about to tell him exactly what he thought of him with his fists, when Neville poked him frantically and said, “Look!”
He turned back just as the huge, purple bubble swelling out of the rim of his cauldron popped; there was a sound like a giant slug being squelched and Neville and Harry were drenched from head to toe in sticky goo. 
There was a gasp, silence, then a few pounding footsteps, rustling of fabric and Snape stood before them with his eyes black and his mouth sneering.
“You idiots,” he began, whipping out his wand as their cauldron gave another sickening squelch and more gunk splattered out. “Did you not read the instructions? Can you two even read?”
“It wasn’t our fault, Professor,” Neville stammered, wiping gunk off his face, looking worriedly at his ruined robes. “Malfoy threw a bat wing into our cauldron. It was coming along so well, too…”
Snape’s eyes flickered to Malfoy, who pulled a face which was obviously meant to look innocent, then back to Harry, who had taken off his glasses and was frowning as he tried to remove the sludge from their surface so he could actually see.
“That’s right, Professor,” he managed, frowning. “We’d followed your instructions, this time.”
From the corner of his eye Harry saw the shape of Hermione draw something out from her pocket, nip backwards a few steps and discreetly place it on Snape’s desk.
Snape didn’t notice anything, still looking furious. He looked at the purple gunk disdainfully, waved his wand, vanishing it off them and the table.
“Five points from Slytherin,” he snapped at Malfoy, then turned to Neville and Harry. “And five from Gryffindor, for the disturbance.”
This was horribly unfair and normally, Harry would have exclaimed and let him know that it was just so, but Harry had a certain mindset now along with Hermione making frantic motions at him from behind Snape’s back, and so he didn’t say a word as he put his glasses back on and stared at him.
“I apologise for the inconvenience, sir.” He pursed his mouth and shot a look at Malfoy, who’s grin wasn’t as prominent, now that he had been put in his place. “Thank you for cleaning the mess up for us.”
This time, Snape certainly looked baffled. He even looked displeased, his lip curling downwards, though Harry had a feeling it was because he had no idea what was going on, rather than him being disgusted at the good upbringing he was no doubt convinced Harry didn’t have. Ron stifled a snigger with his hands. Hermione smiled.
“Yes,” Neville piped up, surprising all of them, as he examined his clean robes. “Thanks for the help, sir.”
Snape stared at him, then shot a glance at Harry, then made a sound similar to an incredulous scoff and waved his hand for the rest to get on with working. The babble of chatter slowly resumed, as did the clinking of vials and hushed muttering of the flames beneath the cauldrons.
Harry watched Snape walk back to his desk with his eyes still narrowed, sit down, apparently lost in thought, then actually look at his desk and pause.
Hermione’s eyes shot a discreet look at the Potions Master and the corner of her mouth couldn’t restrain itself from twitching upwards as Snape picked up the headache draught in two fingers (it was very clearly labelled in block writing, so that it was unable to tell who had written it) and read the label. The trio watched his eyes grow wide as his eyes scanned over it - he was astonished! - then flash upwards with suspicion.
Hermione had already averted her eyes with Ron, pretending to be reading a passage in the book together, and Harry managed to do the same very shortly after, so Snape simply scoured the room and found no potential gifters in any of the gathered. He looked back down to the little blue bottle. He uncorked it, brought it up to his nose hesitantly (probably expecting a lungful of poisonous fumes, Harry thought), then with the same expression lowered it, corked it and carefully placed it back down on his desk.
Like Hermione, Harry couldn’t keep himself from smiling as he watched the Potions Master’s reaction. Snape looked blankly at the vial for a second longer, then a strange expression of bewilderment came over him: he dragged a hand down his face, pinched the bridge of his nose and began to massage his eyes. He looked impressively beaten. More befuddled than Harry had ever seen him, which was strange, for this was nothing but an apparent act of thoughtfulness - it was as though he had no idea how to react to it!
As the class began to unroll their parchments to copy down the writing on the blackboard and add notes, Snape’s eyes kept shooting reluctant glances towards the strange present on his desk. Once or twice he even picked it up with a strange look of calm and intrigue on his face to study it.
Harry couldn’t sit still, and from the looks of it, neither could Hermione and Ron. Ron kept snickering to himself; Hermione was pink with pleasure and often joined him in his quiet outbursts of laughter. Before the lesson was out, all three were in such high spirits that Neville looked unsettled, because whenever he caught their eye they beamed at him richly, then went back to their work smiling.
“Homework,” Snape called at the end of their lesson, back to his dark mood and expression. “I want you to place it on the front table as you walk out. Now, go.”
Harry withdrew his homework from his bag - this, he hadn’t forgotten since Hermione had checked both their bags thrice - along with Hermione and Ron. They packed up, put on their bags, then approached the desk together. All three parchments were unmistakably longer than anybody else’s and almost rolled off the table as they placed them on the pile. 
When they turned to Snape, his face was made of marble.
“See you later, sir,” Ron began. “Good lesson.”
“Have a good rest of your day, Professor Snape,” Hermione added.
“Thanks again for your help, Professor,” Harry finished with a polite nod, then turned and walked out.
As soon as they were out in the corridor and the door was shut, they all burst out, clutched at one another in excitement, hissing out observations and whispering:
“Blimey, did you see his face?” Ron chortled, punching Harry in the arm. “He was absolutely gob-smacked.”
“I bet he feels bad about taking points off you, now,” Hermione added, her teeth gleaming as she grinned. “But listen. In a sense, this is completely worth it.”
“Yeah, we couldn’t get him so out of it any other way if we tried,” Ron added with vehemence. “We’re closer to getting him to quit his job by being decent to him than by being awful. Did you see his face when he picked up Hermione’s vial?”
He pulled a face of bewilderment, doing such a good impression that they all burst out laughing as they rounded the corner, running straight into Professor McGonagall who raised an eyebrow at this buzzing of laughter and jovial mood which they were exhibiting.
“Good morning,” she said to them, clearly looking for an explanation which, unfortunately for her, she wasn’t going to get, for her recipients were having far too much fun in their enigmatical benevolence to provide it to her.
“Good morning, Professor McGonagall,” Hermione sang as they walked past. “You look really nice today!”
“Yeah, enjoy the nice weather, Professor,” Harry added, “while it lasts!”
“Have a good morning,” Ron added as they got out of earshot, then waved and turned back around.
Minerva McGonagall stared after them with her lips pursed, wondering whether to follow them to check whether any charms had been cast on them to put them in such a cheerful spell or to pen this strange enthusiasm as the aftereffect of something ridiculous. The former seemed most likely to be the case, since they had just come out of Potions, and as far as everybody was aware - unless something catastrophic had happened which had temporarily rendered the Potions Master a fool in their eyes - it wasn’t exactly their favourite lesson for obvious reasons.
She made up her mind a moment later, and after twitching the quill she was holding in two fingers, she directed her footsteps towards the dungeons and the Potion’s classroom to find out more about the state of affairs.
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Liner and Lip gloss
"Pads sit still I'm going to mess up." Remus tried to keep his hand steady
"Alright, sorry, just excited for the ball."
"Who'd ya ask anyways?"
"No one yet."
"Pads the ball is in two hours."
"I'm aware."
"You aren't hot enough to get a girl in two hours."
"Piss off. "
"Don't think I will Siri."
"Oh fuck you."
"What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you from down there."
"Mangez de la merde et mourez."
"Really? You can't think of a single creative thing to say so you start speaking in French."
"You have to agree it's hot."
"Who's been lying to you?"
"How dare you, anyways I know who I'm asking, just hoping they'll say yes."
"Good luck with that, they probably already have a date you know, most people plan ahead."
"Who are you going with?"
"I'm not going."
"What! Why? Moony please it'll be fun, James and I are pranking all the Slytherins."
"Nope, can't be bothered. Anyways I don't have a date."
"I'm sure plenty of girls would go with you, you're hot."
"Don't want to lie to them."
"You have to like someone, just hope they don't have a date and ask her out."
"Pads... can I tell you something..?"
"Are you alright?"
"I-I'm gay." Sirius pulled him into a hug,
"Thank you for telling me."
"You're not mad...?"
"Why would I be mad Moony?"
"My dad kicked me out when I told him."
"Shit- I'm so sorry."
"He hated me anyways, just the final nail in the coffin. It's fine, I survived, anyways turn around I'm braiding your hair."
"Moons, can you help me ask this person?"
"Are you sure they don't have a date?"
"Certain now,"
"Okay...? How do I help exactly?"
"Say yes."
"Remus will you go to the ball with me?"
"...no shit Sherlock."
"Prongs, are you okay?"
"Now that I don't have to listen to Sirius planning how to ask you out every single quidditch practice yes."
"It wasn't ev-"
"Yes, yes it was. I have them a written down, extreme detail, with the date because I knew you would say this."
A lil wolfstar cuz I've been wanting to write about these two dorks for last three years
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desideriumwriter · 3 months
Could you write something about Hufflepuff reader studying late in the library and she realizes she has to get back to her common room before curfew. As she’s walking back Fred finds her, walks her back to her common room while flirting and talking about random things. Just something sweet and cute. Thanks love 💗💗💗
this is suchhhhh an adorable idea!! a fun one to write too! tysm for the request!! <3
wc: 1.4k
f.w. masterlist | navi
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The sun was still in the sky when you entered the library to study peacefully. Various classes had slapped you with an array of tests planned this week and you felt like a bundle of nerves.
So, you chose somewhere you knew there’d be no disturbances or noise to pull your attention from your books.
The sun had completely set now, the sky outside was black. You were probably one of the only people left in the library.
It was just you, several textbooks, notes sprawled across the desk you were sitting at, and the sound of the clock ticking.
You let out a heavy breath and flipped the page of your Potions textbook. Before beginning to read over the next section, you took a look at the clock on the wall.
9:47 PM.
You had less than fifteen minutes before curfew. Maybe you could finish this next page, maybe you could start heading back to your common room.
The walk back wasn’t terribly far, but you should probably start going now if you wanted to get there before the curfew bell rang.
Rubbing your eyes and gathering your things, you quietly began on your path back to your common room.
Turning the corner down one corridor, you ended up a bit behind a tall, ginger-haired, Gryffindor boy.
It didn’t take long for him to realize you were there, he looked behind him, looked back, then did a double take.
“Merlin, you scared me. I didn’t even notice you were behind me.” He halted.
“I know you.” You stopped and narrowed your eyes at the freckled boy.
“Me?” He pointed at himself, you nodded. “Is that a good thing?” He took a few tiny slow steps towards you.
“You're the one who set off all those fireworks off on the train home last year.” You stated, Fred winced.
Maybe it wasn’t a good thing. Most kids found that end of the year prank funny, until the express was stopped for nearly an hour.
“I’m one half of it.” Fred said, tilting his head to the side. “I’ve got a brother. We er…set them off together.” He explained when he noticed your puzzled staring.
He watched nervously as your face lit up in realization.
“The twins!” You pointed, “You both tried to put your names in the Goblet the other week!”
“Oh no, you heard about that too?” He let out a nervous laugh, hoping you wouldn't see the blush seeping across his cheeks.
Fred didn’t understand why he felt so flustered, he thought the incident was hilarious himself. But you were a stranger, a pretty stranger too.
“I witnessed it.” You tried to bite back any more laughter. “You had quite a mighty beard there.”
“Reckon it was better than Dumbledore's?” He brushed his fingers through his long hair.
“I’ll say you’ll be able to pull it off when you're a hundred years old.” You shrugged. “I’m assuming you’re Fred?” You guessed as you two began to walk side by side.
“I’m George.” He lied, no matter how many times he’s done it, he’s never got tired of pretending to be his twin just to mess with people. You nodded embarrassedly and looked at the ground, a twinge of guilt suddenly hit him.
“I’m kidding. I’m not George. I don’t know why I said that.” He stammered and shook his head, “You were right the first time. I am Fred.” You glanced back at him and gave him the sweetest smile. He felt like he could melt right into the floor.
“Well then, Fred, where are you coming back from?” You lifted your chin at him in a playful manner.
“Detention with Filch.” He sighed, you grimaced.
“Uck. Did they punish you because you tried to outsmart the age line?”
“Oh no, no. Being stuck in those stiff hospital beds felt like a punishment itself.” He scoffed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Anyways, I got caught trying to steal ingredients from Madam Pomfreys cabinets.”
“Oh?” You let out a breathy chuckle.
And what about you? Where are you coming back from
“Just the library, I have a test in Potions tomorrow. I decided I should just try and cram in whatever knowledge I could.” You cringed at the way you began to ramble. While pushing open one of the kitchen doors it was impossible to miss Freds large frame moving in front of you to hold it open for you.
“Shouldn’t you be getting back to the Gryffindor tower?” You said half-jokingly as you walked into the kitchen.
“I wanted to steal a pastry from here before I went there. Shouldn’t you be getting back to yours?” He poked.
“I am, I’ve been on my way back to the basement this entire time.” You crossed your arms playfully. His smile dropped and his brows knit together.
“Basement? Your dorm is in the basement?” Fred’s face scrunched up. You just let out a small mhm and nodded, pointing to the entrance hidden behind a stack of barrels at the end of the room.
He had to tilt his head a bit to the side to see the round door hiding behind the pile of wooden barrels.
“Seems a bit crummy to put a common room down there.” Fred said flatly, yet still looking displeased at the fact your dorms would be where the dungeons also are.
“I think it’s the coziest place in the entire castle.” You shrugged; Fred let out a small noise of disagreement.
“Eh, the Gryffindor tower is the coziest. We can put Hufflepuff as a not-very-close second, yeah?” He grinned at you.
“I say you’re wrong on that.” You hummed as you tried to bite back your smile, you failed.
“Yeah? You can come see for yourself! I’ll let you have a visit and see how wrong you are!” He teased, nudging at you with a playful sparkle in his eyes. You could feel your face heat up at how his voice sounded so much flirtier than a second ago. You just prayed he wouldn’t see it. To prevent him from seeing you in your blushing state, you swiftly stepped up to the barrels.
“Er, you should probably stand back a bit.” You pointed, Freds brows knit together in confusion as he looked at the ground and back up at you.
“It…sprays you if you get the code wrong, and there's already been a few times where I’ve messed up the pattern.” You explained, Fred only nodded and took a few steps back.
You tapped the barrels in the correct rhythm and stepped back once the door began to open slowly.
From the glimpse Fred got of the Hufflepuff common room, maybe you were right. The uncountable number of plants and warm glow of the room made it look like one of the most comforting places he’s ever seen.
“It was really nice talking to you.” You told Fred as you stepped inside. “Goodnight.”
"You said you had a test in potions tomorrow, right?" Fred pipped; you stopped the door from closing with your hand.
"Yeah, we have to make a certain one by memory."
“Perfect, I've got just the thing…” He said as he dug into one of his robe pockets. “If you're not sure you made yours correctly, try and sprinkle some of this in. It’ll help.” He pulled out an extremely small sack, filled with sparkly purple powder and dropped it into your hand.
“It won’t make my cauldron explode?” You teased, knowing of him and his twins' history of blowing up the school toilets.
“No, I wouldn’t do that to you. I promise.” Even with that little smile on his face, you could tell he was actually being truthful.
“Awesome, thanks.” You grinned again, looking down and beginning to move away from the door.
Fred called out your name one more time, blocking the door from closing with his foot.
“I’ll probably be back here tomorrow night, if you’d like to chat some more?” His voice had gotten so quiet, there was a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I’d really like that.” There you went again, with that sickeningly sweet smile. “‘Night, Fred.”
“‘Night.” Fred left the kitchen with a stomach full of fluttering butterflies and a grin on his face. He didn’t even bother to steal any pastries on the way out, he was too busy being excited for tomorrow night.
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tell me what you thought!
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Tom Riddle x reader - The bet.
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Modernish? Au? one of those -son of Voldemort Tom's that has Mattheo as a brother n stuffs like that-none of thats important to the fic i just wanted to put that up so them having phones makes sense, also they have charmed phones so they work within hogwarts. :p
starts off with texts messages --(two dashes) with italics for (y/n) and -(one dash) and bold for Tom.
It was a stupid bet, one that Tom was already regretting even thought it hadn't started yet. it all started with his girlfriend (y/n) being cheeky while she was supposed to be in class and asking for a bloody abs picture from him while he was trying to study.
--hey tommy~?
Tom didn't know why he didn't put on the 'do not disturb' feature on when he was studying, because (y/n) always bugged him when he studied. he picked up his phone that had vibrated when he got a text and saw what his girlfriend texted him, he quickly sent a reply back and then set his phone back down.
-What is it this time (y/n)? -Did you get detention, again? -I'm not getting you out of it this time.
(y/n) replied quickly, which told Tom she wasnt paying attention at all while she was supposed to be in charms class.
--nooo that was one time tommy --okay maybe two times --okay three....five times --whatevs thats not what im texting u for --do you think you could to me a favors? ill return it?
Now Tom was, slightly(emphasis on slightly) intrigued, sighing as he picked his phone back up after reading the texts as they came in and messing (y/n) back.
-What is it (y/n)?
(y/n) replied almost instantly, which made Tom annoyed because merlin's beard she was in class!!
--ab pic? plssss???
-...Are you actually serious?? Did you just text me to ask me for an ab picture?
--yes. pls? ill send something back? pls? pls pls pls? all the other girls get ab pics from their boys? and you've got a baaaady bb~
-(y/n) I'm busy.
--does that mean 'im busy so ill send one later' orrrrr
Tom sighed, setting his phone down, willing himself back to studying, but curiosity had him picking his phone back up and typing a response.
-Why do you even want an ab pic?
-That's not an answer (y/n).
--plllllllls tommy? ill send you something back i stg
Tom's interest was once again piqued, his brow raising. she would...send something back?
-And I'm supposed to take your word for that?
Tom scrambled to catch his phone when another message was sent from his girlfriend, except it wasn't a text, it was a photo. Of her in nothing but his jumper, sitting in front of mirror, the jumper pulled up above her chest to show off her body that got him feeling feral, her face just barely obscured in the photo-but he could see her tantalizing smirk that always had him going nuts.
He quickly got a handle on his phone and texted (y/n) back with a clench in his jaw.
-CHRIST (y/n)!!! -You're in class!!!
--and you, aren't~! --enjoy bb~ now about that ab pic?
He was blushing for sure, his face hot and red and he felt his trousers get tight. He shuffled in his seat, running his hand through his hair. He thought about it for a hot moment before he groaned and stood up, going into his bathroom and turning the light on.
He texted (y/n) one last time before pulling his button-up off and snapping a picture of his upper body. He wasn't really built like Draco or his brother Mattheo was, he wasn't a quidditch player, but he did have defined muscles and (y/n) liked them, so that was fine.
-ffs fine. -photo sent.
Tumblr media
Tom let out a soft snort, leaning against the wall of his bathroom, holding his shirt in his hand as he looked down at (y/n)'s message. Yep, she was happy. he looked back at the photo she had sent him and swallowed, the flush in his face returning as a spark went down his spine, looking at the way her chest was pushed out, her breasts soft and round and such a perfect size for him. her thighs looked bloody gorgeous as well, he wanted to sink his teeth into them again, seeing in the picture some of his previous marks on her skin.
"Fuck," Tom muttered, his head hitting the wall as he closed his eyes and tipped his head back, his hand falling to smack against his thigh. This girl was going to be the death of him.
he got another message and if he wasn't already flustered, he sure was now because he pulled his phone up so quick. yeah-(y/n) was going to be the death of him.
--thnk u bb~ i can just imagine ur face rn, all red n flustered~ --🥰😂
Tom huffed, rolling his eyes, throwing his shirt onto the sink counter and messaging his girlfriend back(honestly how he had even gotten one was a mystery to not just him, but to all his little 'friend' group.)
-You're a menace. -Your imagination does too many favors for you.
i mean, she was right-his face was all flushed and he definitely was flustered, plus he had a bloody hard on thanks to that hoodie picture; but did she need to know that? Nope.
--oh LOADS --like imagining what you would sound like whimpering for me --thats always a good daydream for me 😈🥵🤪
Tom flushed again, puffing his cheeks too. Whimper? Him? Never.
-I Don't whimper. Not for anyone. -Not even you.
Tom huffed through his nose, his cheeks flushing still as his own imagination began to wander off. but he was brought back to reality when he got another message from (y/n).
--wanna bet? 😈
Oh Fuck.
"Fuck," Tom muttered under his breath, ignoring the way his fingers twitched for a moment as he thought of a response. She was riling up intentionally, he knew that, she wanted to see what he would do-how he would respond to her challenge.
--scared Riddle?
-Don't do the fucking 'scared potter' thing on me.
--its working isnt it? i know how you tick bb~ ur just scared i'll make u whimper and i'll make you lose control~
-Shut the fuck up.
--oh swearing now are we? you are flustered
He was, his face was red now and his leg was bouncing, somehow even harder imagining (y/n) doing her absolute best to make him whimper.
--so --wanna bet?
Tom took a long deep breath, running his hand through his hand and then down his face. would he regret this? probably.
Fuck it.
-fine. you're on. what do you wanna bet?
he could feel the feral grin through the phone screen.
--i get five minutes to try and make you whimper, i can do whatever i need to do, if you dont whimper-moaning and other shit you usually do is fine im not cruel bb-in those five minutes you cannnnnn, idk, do whatever you want to me?
Now that was enticing.
-What do you get if you do make me whimper? Which wont happen of course.
--you gotta be REALLY vocal next time we do it. i wanna hear allll the sounds you can make, whimpers, moans, grunts, ANYTHING.
Tom flushed, really? All she wanted was for him to be a bit more...vocal during sex? weirdo.
--im UR weirdo.
Damn straight. Tom thought about it for a long moment and then groaned. Ffffine. fucking fine.
-Fine. Bet.
Tom let out a long sigh, checking the time. it was still another half hour before (y/n) was done with classes for the day, but he suspected she was going to be heading straight to him as soon as she was done-when she was all excited like this-she wouldn't let go of her 'mission' until she got it done.
And this time-her mission was making him whimper. Well, he would make sure she wouldn't hear a single peep out of him this time.
He put his shirt back on and tucked it back into his pants, sighing when he saw he still had a hard on and simply ignored it, going back to his desk and going back to studying-he needed to get this done before (y/n) relentlessly distracted him later.
His timer went off exactly 30 minutes later and he sighed, pushing away from his desk, setting down his quill. Right on the dot-he got a text from (y/n) and he glanced at it with flushed ears.
Yep. He knew it. He began mentally preparing himself for whatever sensual onslaught (y/n) had planned for him, crossing his leg over the other as stared at his almost finished essay, before he could think too much on it-the door to his room opened and in stepped in his girlfriend, looking positively giddy.
Oh boy, he was in trouble.
He stared at her as she locked the door behind her and walked right over to him, huffing a bit when she swung her leg over his lap and sat right down, her arms resting over his shoulder as she leaned in close, grinning like a cat that caught her prey.
"Ready to whimper for me baby?" (y/n) cooed and Tom rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms and resting his hand's on her thighs.
"You wont hear a thing," Tom muttered, keeping his voice monotone and his eyes cold, but (y/n) could see the warmth they had for her, and only her. (y/n) grinned and got right to work, cradling his jaw in both hands and pressing her lips to hiss in a passionate and hungry kiss, quickly heating things up as her tongue licked his bottom lip and then pushed into his mouth.
Tom's breath caught in his chest for a split second, his eyes snapping closed as his grip on her thighs tightened, holding back a groan that wanted to escape as (y/n) practically devoured his lips. 'fuck' he thought, this was going to be harder than he thought.
(y/n) kept kissing him in a way that made him breathless and her hips began to grind down against him-making him gasp a bit as he felt her brush against his bulge that had quickly grown the moment (y/n) had stepped into the room. "(y/n)," Tom hissed quietly, his lips, swollen and shiny with spit, parted as (y/n) pulled away and went down to his jaw, nipping and kissing his skin.
She kept moving her hips down into his and he felt his resolve slowly start to crumble as her lips explored his neck, the sensation of her nibbling, biting down, and sucking all over his neck drove him nearly mad. He couldn't help but groan as he tilted his head back, exposing his neck for her.
(y/n) grinned against his neck, licking up the side and trying to find his sweet spot, anything to make him break. "Gonna whimper for me yet?" she asked sweetly, whispering into his ear and kissing the spot behind it.
"Not a chance." Tom said, every word a struggle to get out, his eyes still closed as (y/n) chuckled and went back to his neck, grazing her teeth and tongue against every spot she could-searching for that one spot that would make him break.
"Guess I'll hav'ta try harder then," she whispered, latching onto the slope of his neck where it met his shoulder as one of her hands went between them and Tom let out a choked groan, his face rising with heat as he heard and felt her undoing his belt and pulling his shirt out of his trousers.
"Don't you dare," Tom warned, but if only so he didn't lose this bet. He knew if (y/n) started touching him, his resistance would quickly fall. She was too good at this. (y/n) smirked against his neck and shimmied his trousers and boxers down-Tom's breath caught and his back arched a bit as (y/n)'s soft fingers wrapped around his aching cock, pre-cum leaking from the tip.
His hips jolted up and then back as her hand began to move, up and down the shaft of his cock, the feeling of her hand driving him mad as the sound of it made it harder to focus on not making those sounds (y/n) so desperately wanted to hear.
"(y/n)," he hissed out, his jaw dropping open as he panted, his breath shuddering with each stroke of his cock and graze of her teeth on his neck. He jolted again when she found the sweet spot on his neck and heat grew in his core as her teeth and tongue lavished that spot with attention while her hand stroked him with increasing intensity, making it harder and harder for him to keep his resolve.
(y/n) shuffled just a bit closer on his lap, his cock pressed against her clothed belly and adding more friction as she moved her hips with her hand, his pre-cum smearing against her skin and clothes.
Tom felt his control falter further as he felt (y/n)'s mouth and her hand work together over his neck and cock. His resolve was broken and he was lost in sensation. A single sound came forth before he could stop it, a hoarse whimper leaving his lips.
(y/n) grinned against his skin, kissing his sweet spot before she pulled back just a bit-her hand continuing to go as she rut her stomach against his cock-feeling him dripping helplessly against her hand and clothes, soaking her shirt in his fluids.
"aww baby, you whimpered," (y/n) cooed-and just then-the five minute timer (y/n) had sneakily set up went off-he had just missed the mark-if he had just lasted another few seconds, he would've won. but he had lost-(y/n) made him whimper.
"Sh-shut-" he let out another hoarse whimper, his breath catching as (y/n) pressed his cock against her belly. "Wh-whatever just-fuck-don't-mmfh- don't tell-tell, shit, tell anyone." Tom commanded, his vision blurry when he looked at (y/n), who was grinning like a bloody basilisk.
"Oh don't worry darling, this is for me and me alone." (y/n)purred, kissing him deeply again, her chest pressed against his as her hand practically fucked his cock, giving him just the right grip as more embarrassing sounds pushed forth from his throat, whimpering into (y/n)'s mouth as she kissed him.
He felt the heat in his core start to spread, his breath and heart going rapid as his head started to fog over with unrelenting pleasure. "shit-(y/n)-FUCK-don't stop-don't stop-don't stop-" Tom babbled as his eyes snapped shut, his head going back as well as (y/n) made out with his jaw and neck, leaving more and more marks on his pale skin as her hand kept going, and going, and going, faster and faster, squeezing a bit whenever she got to the tip-pushing more pre-cum from him until-
Tom's muscles tensed, He gripped the plush of (y/n)'s thighs, his teeth clenching as he felt a tingling throughout his body. His eyes remained shut, although he could still see the world around him somehow.
Then, an intense feeling of warmth started at his core and spread out throughout his entire body. His muscles trembled and shook as he felt pleasure like he hadn't felt before.
A deep moan escaped his lips.
Cum soaked (y/n)'s hand and shirt, some arching over and landing on Tom's belly and thighs while (y/n) began to slowly calm down, her eyes locked onto Tom's bright red face as he let out those little sounds she had been so patiently waiting to hear from him.
"Ahhn, hahh-fuckin hell-" Tom groaned, shuddering as his orgasm washed over him. He whimpered a bit when (y/n)'s hand slightly pushed him into 'too much' territory and he shakily grabbed her wrist that was slick with his cum. "Fuck." he sighed, his body slumping in his desk chair as (y/n) sat triumphantly on his lap, giggling away while he caught his breath.
When his vision finally cleared and he caught his breath, he saw his all too proud of herself girlfriend grinning at him, cum soaking her shirt and her hand covered in it as well, his softened cock just inches away from her hand.
"I hate you," Tom grumbled, his eyes fluttering closed when (y/n) laughed and pecked his lips.
"No you don't~ also i knew you'd sound adorable whimpering, wanna do it for me again?"
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Another silly microfic I wrote cuz I’m boreddddd
“Ugh.” said Evan disgusted as he glared at Remus Lupin and Sirius Black making out in the middle of the hallway. “They’re so disgusting,” said Barty rolling his eyes.
“GET A BLOODY ROOM!” Evan yelled as they walked past them.
“You know they can’t do it in their dorm room right? And that means that they can’t get a room.”
“Huh? Why?” asked Evan turning his head to look at Barty questioningly.
“Potter is busy in their dorm shagging someone and he would actually be dead if Sirius found out.”
“How do you know that he’s shagging someone in their dorm room?”
“I don’t see Reg here.” he said shrugging. “What about you? Do you see him?”
Evan shook his head. “No…”
“Wait. Don’t change the subject.” Evan said fiercely.
“I’m not. I swear.” He threw his hands in the air like someone was holding a gun to his head.
“Oh you totally are, you piece of shit.”
“Okay, then tell me how Potter shagging someone in his dorm and Reg not being here are con-“ He saw Evan’s face going completely white like Dumbledore’s beard. He wanted to take a mental picture of his expression. It was hilarious. “Oh…” he said as the realisation hit him.
“Why didn’t he tell me?”
“I don’t know man, he actually didn’t tell me either. I walked in on them-“
“Okay. Ew, no details please.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
They walked through the halls in silence. Until Barty suggested something.
“Do you want to listen to them?”
“Are you fucking crazy?” Evan snapped at him.
“Oh come on, it will be fun, I promise.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
Barty smirked. They made their way to the Gryffindor entrance and snuck in as the entrance was still open, after some Gryffindor students just entered.
They made their way to Potter’s dorm room. Evan put his ear on the door, trying to hear them. Barty did the same.
“Do you hear it?” Evan whispered.
“Hear what?” He whisper yelled.
“The noise of the bed shaking.”
Barty listened more carefully now and holy shit! He could hear the fucking bed shaking. Evan chuckled as they continued to listen.
“What in the name of Merlin are you two doing here?” Pandora suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They both jumped, surprised and shocked.
“Wh- what? Nothing.” said Evan.
“What are you doing here?” Barty hissed at her.
“I gave the notes I took at herbology to Lily because she couldn’t make it to class today. You still didn’t answer my question.” She raised an eyebrow at them as she crossed her arms.
“Well what do you want us to say? ‘We’re listening to our best friend getting shagged by stupid strut king Pottah’.”
Pandora looked at them in suspicion. Then her gaze softened and she smiled.
“Well, make some room for me then. I’m not missing this. Our best friend getting shagged by the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Hah. Who would’ve thought.”
She put her ear on the door to listen too. They listened for a few minutes till they heard someone moan something in French.
“That’s hot.” said Pandora.
“That’s your best friend, Pandora.” said Evan.
“I’m just checking on my best friend because I am concerned. He might get hurt. You never know” she said with a puppy face.
“Oh fuck off.” Evan chuckled.
The three of them lost balance as the door they were leaning on suddenly opened.
“Oh shit,” said Evan, almost falling.
Barty and Pandora couldn’t save themselves and fell on the floor, right on their stomachs. “Ouch,” he muttered. Barty looked up to see Regulus glaring at them.
“Seriously?” he asked them.
“You know it’s not what you think, we were just checking on you.”
“Yeah since you’re on your period, I thought you’d like some cookies.” said Pandora as she stood up and lifted the snack she had in her hands suggestively.
“He’s on his period?!” Evan and Barty asked at the same time, looking at each other with an amused expression.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Dude I bet the bed is a fucking mess right now.”
“Like a crimson river or something. The poor bed.” Evan said as he laughed.
“The crimson night sky, a painting made by Regulus Arcturus Black.” Barty said laughing his ass off.
Regulus looked so pissed.
“We will talk about this later.” He said angrily as he walked off. The three of them continued laughing. James looked rather confused. He wasn’t really used to their weird shit yet. But he also looked kinda flustered because they all knew what they’ve been doing in the room.
Barty knew Regulus would be mad at them when they returned to their dorm but now he was just enjoying the funny moment with his friends. Yes it was kind of offensive and mean but hilarious at the same time. And yes he will apologise to Reg but take every chance he gets to rub it in his face.
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highmarc · 2 years
Big family – big problems with (f)MC
For Liz. My friend who requested it a week ago (or so). I'm sorry if I got your idea wrong. Sebastian and Ominis here.
3 kids – I see a boy and two girls (Yes, I’m tumblr version of Sybill Trelawney).
The two girls are constantly fighting, while their brother mimics their father (you know in which way).
MC and Sebastian are too busy working. Complete chaos type of family.
First daughter: It’s mine!
Second daughter: No, daddy gave it to me!
First daughter: No, you stupid sleazeball head!
*the sound of a book being ripped in half*
Second daughter: Look what you’ve done! Stupid-
*the fighting between the two starts*
Sebastian walks in, yawning, with five o’clock shadow and red-eyed.
Sebastian: These two will be the death of me…
The girls pay zero attention to their dad.
And that’s why the only way to calm them down is levioso.
Sebastian: Now what is this about? *points at the book*
First daughter: It was her! She took the book from my table!
Second daughter: No, it wasn’t me!
Their brother walks in, holding a single page from the very book which now lied ripped apart.
Son: Daad. Daaad? *sees the mess and smiles*
Sebastian: Weren’t you the one looking after them?
Son: I-
Sebastian: What?
*hides the page behind his back*
Sebastian: Accio page! *takes the page and looks through it* Those are not the spells for a second year, you know.
Son: But daaad!
Sebastian: Now be off to your room. We’ll talk later.
Later that day.
Sebastian: These children are giving me migraines.
MC: *giggles* Says Sebastian Sallow, a family man.
Sebastian: These two are always fighting over anything – books, toys, sweets. And our precious boy is quite something, too. Looking through a 6th year spellbook and nearly blowing the house up, because “I thought it was perfectly safe!”.
MC: Mhm. He reminds me if someone I know.
Sebastian: That Weasley? Garreth?
MC: No. He is just like you. The spitting image. In every aspect.
Sebastian: Noo, I wasn’t like this. Ever.
MC: Oh but of course. Wait until he learns of the restricted sect-
Sebastian: Merlin’s beard. Can we homeschool him?  
MC: Sebastian, no.
I think he would make a perfect stay-at-home dad. MC would be that workaholic mom.
4 kids (3 boys and a girl) would keep him busy for sure.
Ominis: *finally decides to take a break*
Daughter: Daddy, daaad! *runs screaming*
Ominis: What is it? *legit scared*
Daughter: There’s a talking snake in our garden!
Ominis: *shakes his head* Sunshine, snakes don’t talk.
Daughter: This one does! It says there are rats in the cellar.
Ominis: What?
Daughter: And it asked if it could eat them.
Ominis: How polite of it.
Daughter: Is it a snake prince? Can I bring him home?
Ominis: No, you can’t. It can be dangerous.
Daughter: But it’s a talking snake!
Ominis: Snakes don’t talk-
Daughter: He heard that too! *points at her brother*
Ominis: *sighs* Where was that snake? Let’s pay it a visit.
Later that evening.  
Ominis: Darling?
MC: Mm?
Ominis: Our children have brought a snake to their room.
MC: They wha-
Ominis: I know. They think I didn’t notice.
MC: Shall I talk to them or-
Ominis: No, no. It’s harmless. It considers our little one.. a friend. That is a part I’m wary of.
MC: I don’t know what to say.
Ominis: I’m shocked too. I thought this wouldn’t pass down to them. How careless of me.
MC: Are you going to tell them about you-know-what?
Ominis: Not now. Maybe later. Later later. Perhaps when they finish school?
MC: You think they won’t find something out on their own?
Ominis: I don’t know.
MC: Did they choose a name for their… friend?
Ominis: You won’t believe how hilarious it is.
MC: Surprise me then.
Ominis: She named it Daisy.
How they reacted each time a child of their was born
First one:
I what? I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER??? *goes ferally happy*  
Second one:
Sebastian: Oh, I guess Sebastian Juniour is going to have a company?
MC: Sebastian, no.
Sebastian: Sebastian yes!
Third one:
Sebastian: As if those two weren’t enough *tired as hell* Maybe it’s time to stop…
MC: Yes, I think so. *tired as hell too*
First one:
Oh, I’m going to be a father? Pulling my leg again, aren’t you? *laughs it off and thinks of it as a joke*
Ominis: Is it a girl?
MC: No, Ominis. A baby boy that is.
Ominis: All right, what are the casual boy names? I guess I’ll have to name you Sebastian.
MC: As if having one Sebastian in your life wasn’t enough. *giggles*
Second one:
Ominis: It is a girl?
MC: Twin boys.
Ominis: WHA- *faints*
Third one:
Ominis: Is it a girl?
MC: It is.
Ominis: *grabs the baby* CAN I NAME HER NOCT-
MC: Ominis, no.
Ominis: *sad face*
MC: Argh. As a middle name – maybe.
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narukoibito · 2 years
Please: The first time A is drunk (before they begin to date B) They absent-mindedly confess
Apologies for the late response! I ended up writing over 1.5k for this prompt. Hope that makes up for the delay. 💛
When the Morning Comes
AO3 | FF.net
Summary: Harry has a little too much to drink.
The cheers from the crowd were deafening as Ginny climbed up the stairs toward the center stage. All the lights were blinding, but she could imagine her family in the crowd, her mum wiping her eyes and her brothers cheering. Her heart clamored in her chest as she approached Gwenog Jones and her razor-sharp grin.
Ginny’s eyes slid to the Rookie of the Year award in Gwenog’s outstretched hands, pride pulsing through her veins. She was just about to touch the gleaming trophy when the cheers melted into shouts as Ron leapt onto the stage, a crazed look in his eyes. He slapped the award out of Gwenog’s hands as he shouted incoherently.
“What are you doing?” she cried.
Instead of answering, Ron lurked toward her. The crazed look in his eyes made her jerk backwards only to realize she was falling. 
Ginny jolted with a gasp.The shouting continued to ring in her ears as she stared up into the darkness. It took a moment to realize she had not only been dreaming, but also that the sounds were, in fact, real. 
What in Merlin’s beard was Ron doing?
Pickles, Demelza’s cat, mewed mournfully as Ginny rose from the bed. She should have known that her first opportunity to escape from the Burrow to cat sit for Demelza, Ron would find a way to ruin it. Months living at home–all she had wanted was one weekend. One. Pulling on her robe, swearing in a way that would undoubtedly make the twins proud, she tramped down the stairs. 
“Ginny!” Ron bellowed.
Her Saturday was not off to the best start. 
The incessant banging stopped when she swung the door open. Choice curse words on the tip of her tongue, she stilled, taking in the scene. Her eyes slid to her brother. "What did you do?"
"Me? What did I do?" Ron spluttered, indignant as he sagged under Harry's weight, his best mate's arm hanging over his shoulder. 
From where he had his face pressed into Ron’s side, Harry erupted into giggles. The way his wire glasses were awkwardly pushed against his face couldn't possibly be comfortable, but you wouldn't know based on his wide grin.
Ginny gave Ron a pointed look. “Why did you show up here?”
Ron grimaced. 
“Hermione warned you not to try them, didn’t she?” Ginny asked in a flat voice. 
Harry seemed to perk up, looking around as if trying to locate where her voice came from. When his eyes landed on her, he lit up. “Gin!”
In no way did her stomach flutter at his childish excitement. That would be ridiculous because she was long over Harry Potter—had been since fourth year. So the fact that he was stupidly happy to see her did not add to his charm.
“Ron, it’s Ginny!” Harry moved toward her and promptly tripped. 
She lurched forward, but Ron yelped and caught Harry before he fell on his face. 
Ron grunted. “Help?"
If it weren’t for Harry potentially hurting himself, she would likely have left Ron to clean up his mess. Instead, she took Harry’s other arm, the two of them stumbling as Harry dragged his feet.
His proximity was completely fine. Not a problem in the least. She was only feeling flushed because of carrying half his weight. It had nothing to do with the arm looped over her shoulder, his side pressed right up against hers, or how Harry's face was close enough to her face that she could smell the alcohol on his breath.
Obviously, the sparks in her stomach were from irritation.
Or so she told herself.
"Why is Harry in such a state when you're fine?" she muttered as they trudged through the family room.
"George had these new magical cocktails he wanted us to try. I’m fine, but Harry seems a bit worse for wear. Giggly and affectionate."
“Ginnyyyy.” Harry seemed amused by her name and giggled, his voice tickling her ear. She shuddered, goosebumps erupting where the ghost of his breath had brushed against her skin.
This was fine.
He tilted toward ever so forward, close enough that if he moved closer his lips just might brush against her neck. 
 Absolutely fine.
“I love you.”
Ginny’s heart stopped. 
“Don’t worry,” Ron said, not sounding the least perturbed by his best mate’s sudden declaration, and blissfully unaware of how hard Ginny was willing her heartbeat to beat again. “He seems quite keen on telling everyone that, don’t you, Harry?”
“Ron! Ron!" Harry turned toward him with urgency. "You're my best mate, Ron. You and Hermione—everything you’ve done for me—I love you…I lovvvve...”
“Yes, yes, mate.” Ron patted Harry’s back. "Don't forget about the gallon you owe me."
"Fleecing him in this state?" Ginny rolled her eyes.
"Is Hermione here? I love Hermione too...not like that though, Ronnnnnn, Ron Ron, Ron-Won, Won-Won!" Harry dissolved into singing.
"He's going to be in a world of pain tomorrow." Ron shook his head. 
“Might deserve it,” Ginny muttered. For nearly giving her a heart attack. 
“He’s been a bit brooding lately. More so than usual,” Ron said. He seemed struck by a sudden thought. “Maybe I can help.”
He unhooked Harry's arm and deposited said arm on Ginny's other shoulder. She tottered backwards as Harry naturally leaned further onto her.
"Wait—what are you—"
"I’mma make him a sobering potion!”
“Ron—you git!" She buckled under the additional weight. "Don’t—”
But Ron was already bounding off to the kitchen. “I’m his best friend! He’s suffered enough, don’t you reckon?”
Merlin, that cocktail must have some sort of delayed reaction.
“This isn’t my kitchen!” she tried to remind him. The only response was a disconcertingly loud clang.
Fuck, Demenza would kill her if Ron made a mess. Say goodbye to any chance of a repeat weekend escape. Ginny started toward his direction, but Harry didn’t seem interested in letting her go. With Ron no longer holding him up, he had taken to draping himself over her.
"Ginnnnny," Harry said again in a way that made her chest tighten. He now had her head awkwardly tucked under his chin. "You're short.”
She glared daggers at his chest. "You're lucky you're drunk."
She felt him hum in agreement or pleasure or both. “It’s nice.”
"Maybe for you. Come on, you big loaf." Ginny dragged him forward, staggering left and right under his weight. Their lumbering journey was punctured by his giggles.
She meant to ease him onto the couch, but his leg caught hers and they both tumbled onto the couch in a mess of limbs. “Oof!”
Her head spun for a moment before she realized they were tangled together. The blood rushed to her face.
Ginny was not thinking of his weight over her, pinning her against the bed–couch, against the couch.
It helped that his elbow was digging into her side. 
“Harry,” she complained.
He peered down at her through his crooked glasses. His cheeks were flushed a rosy hue, stretched by a stupid smile. There was always something about him that made her insides go soft, and the way he was looking at her did nothing to help.
Seeing him so disarmed was dangerous.
"I, I suppose I should go help Ron before he poisons you." She shifted, but Harry held onto her. 
Merlin, for someone so inebriated, he sure had a tight grip.
"Don't go," he pleaded in such a petulant way that she couldn't help but laugh.
"Fine, fine," she acquiesced, settling back. 
Damn that residual weakness for him. She had gotten over him ages ago. They’d become friends, close friends during the latter Hogwarts years, and even were now, several months since she finished her schooling. All the recent get-togethers were fine. Friendly. She’d be lying if she hadn’t missed him.
He let out a long, seemingly satisfied sigh before pressing his nose against the crook of her neck. Her heart drummed against her chest, but thankfully he was too gone to notice.
Was he—was he sniffing her?
"Harry?" Her voice hitched slightly.
"You smell like Ginny flowers.”
“What are Ginny flowers?”
He frowned. “That’s what I want to know. They smell good, like summer. Like sunshine, and Quidditch, and…Ginny.”
"I’ll take that as a compliment.”.
"I love them," Harry murmured into her skin. “I love…I love you.”
She closed her eyes. God, was he trying to kill her?
"Yes, yes." Ginny sighed, patting his messy mop of hair in defeat.
It was really nice that he included her in his list of "loved" ones. It was great that he thought so highly of her, that they were now such good friends. She knew she should be happy, and she was, truly. She was perfectly happy with their friendship.
Except. Except this was Harry.
Unable to help herself, she leaned into his embrace, a nostalgic longing swelling inside her. At least there was no way he would remember this.
He had gone quiet long enough that she had wondered if he had drifted off when he murmured something against her.
"What was that?"
"I love you," he whispered again. It was pitiful how much her heart responded to the words.
"Harry." She started pulling away in self-preservation. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.
"I mean it," Harry breathed. Eyes heavy-lidded, he looked at her with such seeming yearning she forgot how to breathe. "I fancy you, Ginny. I love you love you."
Her heart was wildly tumbling out of her chest.
Harry fancied her? He was actually in love with her?
"You what? Since when?"
“Since stupid Dean,” he said, glowering at the name.
“Dean? Since then? All this time? Why didn’t you say anything?”
He groaned, dropping his head back against her shoulder. "Well, there was the whole Voldemort thing, an’ now you’re too 'mazing..."
Ginny couldn’t even begin to process this.
"Can't work up the nerve to tell you. Thought maybe I'd get a drink and do it tonight..."
He didn't seem to realize he was actually confessing because he curled up against her in apparent contentment.
"That's why you got sloshed?"
"How'd that go for you?" 
"Eh, still scary," he said, his face scrunching up. "What if you say no?"
She was over Harry. 
Wasn’t she?
"What if I don't?" Her fingers gently threaded through his hair. 
"It'd be too good to be true,” he murmured, his voice tinged with wonder. A shiver ran through her.
“Mmm?” He grew softer with sleep.
“Promise me you'll try?"
"Ok, but only because it's you..." He yawned and burrowed in closer. "Maybe… t'morrow..."
Ginny smiled into his hair.
Well, maybe tomorrow won’t be so bad after all.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 3 months
The theory of blow magic - We tell no one - 4/9
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Character mentioned here belongs to: @that-scouse-wizard
Warning: minor sexual references (nothing major)
Before leaving on a business trip I leave you with the last part for the HPHL kids. We shall continue this adventure with the HPHM cast next.
Reuben had always known Leila to be every bit as stubborn as he was at times, however he had never seen her mischievous side blow out of proportions. Certain things were reserved for him, but he apparently managed to make her so mad that she decided the best way to handle things was to prank the entire school.
He should have been studying yet he found himself unable to concentrate. Not until he managed to properly speak to her, but every time he managed to catch a glimpse of her light colored hair, she would avoid being caught, taunting him with every chance she got.
He kept telling himself that he would eventually catch her at breakfast, but she had a partner in crime to deliver her food without her having to join the students, unless him and his team were off to an early morning practice run. And every time he asked about her, everyone told him he just missed her. He was adamant then that she was playing with him.
To make matters worse every time he heard the term “blow magic” he would feel his body temperature rise. But when he heard the outlandish things people believed it actually was and saw some of the pages with his own two eyes, he knew she was downright livid.
He needed to find her and find her fast before there was actually a book out there dedicated to him.
Stopping in his tracks, Reuben blinked a few times “Merlin’s beard please tell me she didn’t actually write a book.”
After what felt like an eternity later, he finally spotted her in the courtyard, talking to some students, holding a piece of paper in her hand as she rambled on about a curse and how she might never get to leave the school if she does not assemble the entirety of “The theory of blow magic”. The students in front of her, although taller in comparison to her small frame, despite them not even being in year seven, looked positively terrified of hearing about this new unknown curse.
“Shouldn’t the professors call upon a curse breaker?”
“And do what exactly?” Leila waved around the paper “This is magic far older than the useless wand waving we perform here.”
Crossing his hands in front of his chest, Reuben cocked a brow as he stepped behind her “I would like to hear more about this older magic.”
He could have sworn she chuckled before turning to him, a mischievous glint playing in her eyes “Very old indeed and rare. I heard someone cursed the pages by using blood magic.”
Giving the students behind her a stern look, he gently pulled Leila further away from earshot “A word? Now.” This time he was certain she chuckled as she let him take her on a walk across the terrain “You did not curse some pages by using blood magic, did you Lei?”
“And if I did?” she asked stopping abruptly.
“I told you I’m sorry, I panicked in the moment.”
Flipping her hair over her shoulders, she scoffed “An understatement.” Pointing a sharp fingernail towards his chest, her pointy teeth showed as she spoke looking up at him “I was locked in the equipment wardrobe for two hours while you were doing a poor job at lying, trying to come up with the new Blow Technique. A very stinky equipment wardrobe.” 
Sighing, Reuben visibly winced. He knew that sneaking Leila in the Ravenclaw Quidditch tent was always a risk but ever since he became captain of the team so many hours were spent in there that at one point it felt almost as the most natural place to sit and make out. However, they weren’t even doing that when they almost got caught, if only. That way they might have not gotten in the mess they were in since they would have been somewhat more silent.
They were actually talking about Leila’s powers, specifically blood magic when they were overheard and he panicked, pushing her in the wardrobe, locking her inside. Thankfully the team mate that followed just around the corner understood “blow magic” which resulted in a false strategy after some not very convincing words from Reuben that he misunderstood and he never used the word magic. Furthermore, apparently he now talked to himself in different voices when trying to come up with a new play.
“Did you really use your magic to curse some pages?”
“Yes, and believe me they will continue to appear every year for all the seven year students. Who knows how long the magic will last.” She innocently added although she clearly knew exactly how much.
“Blow magic?”
“Yes, the best kind of magic there is, one you will not partake in until I am done being mad.”
Reuben blinked, the gears in his mind turning, his eyes following her suggestive ones “Oh! OH!”
“Have fun studying.” Passing him, she smirked, leaving her boyfriend all alone with his fantasies.
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sunnyrealist · 8 months
🌶️ Chapter 28: Stress Relief 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian's partner on assignment for the Kelpies gang attempted to drown a child to entice his mother to give up a Time Turner (a new invention) hidden in their home. Sebastian took the Time Turner from her and was able to save the boy just in the nick of time. Sebastian was reprimanded by Mr. Rees Cuddy, the leader of the Kelpies, for doing so, but he was also rewarded for delivering the Time Turner. Sebastian is now going to be put in charge of safeguarding the Time Turner until the Kelpies have figured out how it works and how exactly they will use it. His mind is reeling with this information, along with processing the events that led to acquiring the magical item. This chapter takes place the following day after work when Kate and Sebastian get to see each other again.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI! This chapter features rough doggy-style sex, including very light choking.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Any feedback is appreciated. A comment, like, or Kudos would make my day!
Chapter 28: Stress Relief
When Kate arrives home from work on Wednesday, she shuts the door, walks into her bedroom, picks up one of her pillows, and screams into it.
It had quite possibly been one of the worst days she had ever had in the Hogwarts library.
Pretty much everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong.
She flops onto her bed, clutches a pillow, assumes the fetal position, and begins to cry.
She is sniffling into a handkerchief when she hears a knock on the door and then the most welcome voice in the entire world.
“Kate?” Sebastian calls. “Are you home?”
“Yes,” she responds loudly. “I’m in the bedroom.”
He enters the room with a huge bouquet of sunflowers, a huge smile on his face, but it drops almost immediately when he sees her tear-stained face. 
“Merlin’s beard,” he gasps. “What’s wrong?”
He leaves the bouquet on her dresser, then sits next to her on the bed and takes her hands, his face filled with concern.
“Everything at work,” she replied somberly. “Terrible day.”
Sebastian rubs her hands soothingly. “I’m so sorry, my love. What happened? Do you want to tell me about it?”
“Agnes announced that she is definitely not retiring this year. I caught two Gryffindors literally having sex against a bookshelf. 14-year-olds. 14-year-olds!” She paused. “I’ve never dealt with more messes in my entire career at Hogwarts. It’s like a storm came upon the library and scattered books everywhere. The students aren’t cleaning up after themselves since they know the school year is over. Plus, I found at least twenty books incorrectly shelved in the wrong sections.” 
Sebastian is about to say something until she continues.
“Peeves was shouting in the library, causing a ruckus. I caught a Slytherin trying to sneak into the Restricted Section without permission - and then he acted like I am the most strict librarian in the world! I made a jam sandwich for lunch and spilled it all over my white shirt. That was an easy fix but still just another thing that went wrong. None of my student assistants helped with anything today - apparently they were too keen to gossip instead of work. They’re just done. And Matilda Weasley informed me we were getting an influx of cursed magical artifacts to store in the Restricted Section, which of course are dangerous as hell to work with. I told her I was too nervous to catalog them, and she seemed quite disappointed in me.” She sighs dramatically.
Sebastian begins to run his hand through her hair soothingly. “My poor, sweet sun. Well… I brought you sunflowers. I thought they might make you think of how close you are to your summer holiday. Now it’s clear you need them more than ever to cheer up. What else can I do for my darling?”
“Please help me relieve stress. I don’t want to cook. I don’t want to do anything or think about anything,” Kate begs. “I’m so glad you are here, Sebastian. I need you.”
He pulls her to him, holding her close. “I’m here. Let it out. I’ll take care of you tonight.”
Sebastian spends some time thinking about what he might do to help her calm down.
After a few minutes, he claps his hands together and says, “Alright. Here’s the plan. I am going to cook dinner for us both. We’re going to drink some good wine and enjoy some dessert. I’m going to draw a nice, warm bubble bath for you, and then we’ll read in bed until… Wait, am I staying over tonight? I forgot to ask, but I brought a bag along just in case.” He waves his hands around. “No pressure - I don’t want you to stress over it at all.”
“Gods, that sounds perfect, and yes, you’re staying over. I demand it,” she replies quite seriously.
“Of course - your wish is my command, princess.” He chuckles.
This wasn’t how Sebastian envisioned the evening going, but he’s happy to help her. Any time spent with her is better than the alternative.
“Seb… one more thing that might help,” she says hesitantly, putting her hand on his arm. “I need you to fuck me. Hard. Really hard. No holding back.”
Sebastian’s eyes grow wide, and he grins wickedly. “Oh, yeah? I can manage that.”
Kate screams as he pushes into her in one fell swoop, his hands gripping her hips tight as he takes her from behind. “Seb!!!”
His eyes practically roll back into his head at how tight and wet she is for him. “Oh, Merlin, Kate… feels… so good.”
Sebastian begins to stroke, not starting off slow. Soon, he’s practically leaving her body and thrusting completely in, taking her roughly. His fingernails dig into her skin as she cries out over and over again. The sounds of their bodies slapping together provide a rhythm to their moans.
After a while, he presses his chest to her back and reaches around her to squeeze her breasts tight. Continuing to rut into her, he pinches her nipples harshly, and she wails. 
“Don’t stop - don’t stop!” she begs. “Sebastian, don’t stop - please!”
“I won’t. You’re just going to have to take it,” he growls. “I need this, too.”
Sebastian’s hand slowly makes its way to her collarbone, his fingers spreading wide and closing around her neck. He squeezes - not too hard, just testing the waters, as she gasps in surprise. Deciding not to push his luck, he straightens back up, grabbing handfuls of her hair and pulling it back.
“Fuck!” he shouts out. “I’m close.”
Kate is so pleased she is actually drooling. “Mmmm…. Nnnnghhh……”
Sebastian slams into her harder, his tip kissing her cervix repeatedly. She begins to scream, and then he feels her inner walls closing around him. She’s coming. 
Finally letting go, he groans, pushing as deep inside her as possible. He knows he is going to release a huge load of cum into her. His movements become erratic, and then, he explodes.
“Kate… Kate…” he moans, staying deep inside her and moving his hips back and forth slowly until he is positive he has spilled all of his seed.
Sebastian collapses onto Kate’s back, kissing her hair and her shoulders repeatedly as he catches his breath.
“Was… was that how you wanted it, sweetheart?” he asked.
“Fuck… yes. Exactly what I needed, my moon.”
He rolls over, not wanting to crush her completely under his weight. He cups her cheek and kisses her lips deeply, then directs her to lay on his chest.
“Me, too, my sun. Me, too. Gods, I needed that. You’re not the only one who has had a bad time at work lately.”
That night, after relaxing, they both fall asleep soundly, wrapped in each other’s arms. Neither of them stirs at all until morning, when they inevitably realize how much of a challenge it is to get up together to an alarm and say goodbye quickly.
Fortunately for Sebastian, Kate never notices him chugging Wiggenweld potion that morning and walking with a slight limp from the horse bite. He wouldn’t have a clue of how to explain his bad day after hearing about hers. She’s not ready.
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fire-hashira · 10 months
Grindelwald x Dumbledore x Male!Reader
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now this AU, Grindelwald is a divination professor in Hogwarts, cause I thought it be fun to write with.
Now a little background on the oc, Professor Aquamarine Phantomhive teaches astrology, a half-blood wizard and in a platonic relationship with Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the three tease each other so much that everyone is trying to figure our how close they are, everyone's favorite teachers (Dumbledore is fun, Grindelwald is a troublemaker, and Phantomhive gossips with the students
"Oh for goodness sake Gellert, if you make ONE more dumb reading" "You'll what? hm? what" Gellert smirked at Aquamarine before being flicked in the forehead, Grindelwald made a prediction that Aqua would collide in water, only to be soaked an hour later as Grindelwald used a spell to make rain, they were always like this, messing around with each other day in and day out.
As the two have their petty little spat in the teacher's lounge, Dumbledore walks in, seeing the two he sighs with a smile and pushes the two away from each other as he tries not to laugh "ok, who started i- wait Aqua why are you we-" Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald with a small laugh as he placed his hands on his hips "are you serious, by Merlin's beard Gellert wha-" Grindelwald couldn't help but laugh at Dumbledore's reaction, Aqua couldn't help but laugh with him which confused Dumbledore before realizing "oh you two!!"
"he fell for it!! oh my goodness he fell for it!!" Aqua giggled like a madman as Grindelwald chuckled with Aqua, Dumbledore couldn't believe the two, playfully whacking them with a rolled up paper he smiled "you two are such children" Grindelwald shrugged as he throws a towel at Aqua while grinning "but you love us" Aqua smiled as he made finger hearts "we're the loves of your life!!"
Dumbledore couldn't help but love them more, despite them being dramatic and chaotic, he loved both men "yes, I love you both"
its short but its my best!
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gauntsgirl · 1 year
𝟎𝟑 | 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬)
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❝𝐇𝐞𝐲. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, ❞
A little study session with Ominis in anticipation of your midterms. How delightful you lucky duck.
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➸ Wuh oh, it's time for your midterms and you've completely forgotten to revise charms
➸ You were too busy getting into trouble with tunnels and tapestry with Sebastian that you haven't had time to focus and forgot that one integral thing
➸ You beg Ominis to help you revise for it
➸  He rolls his eyes, "Oh of course y/n, in between messing around with Sebastian you failed to prepare for your exams. And I'm expected to help you out of this? Oh Merlin's beard, okay fine just get off the ground! People are watching," 
➸ You made a vow to yourself that you'd bake him something for his troubles
➸ And so there you guys went. You went into a little study table in the library, isolated from the rest of the library and enclosed in bookshelves 
➸ "Stop. I can feel you looking at the restricted section. Focus y/n."
➸ He'd bring his own work but he'd be on top of it already and instead, would focus on helping you.
➸ He wants to be useful!
➸ And any excuse to lean closer to you and impress you ;)
➸ Whenever you'd get stuck on something he'd always be there to help you
➸ And then when you're just revising these little flashcards (THAT HE MADE AND LENT TO YOU 💗) he'd be focused really hard on his work. Like, jaw tightened, wand in hand and fully immersed. 
➸ You for sure would be sneaking glances while you're working
➸ "I can very much feel your stares y/n. This wand is quite helpful like that. Come on now, do you need me to quiz you?" 
➸ He acts all cool about it but he's internally very flattered.
➸ You're just confused how he can even do that. Second fic where he's been able to feel your looks and just, HOW
➸ You actually find yourself getting really good with the work and definitions.
➸ Ominis's teaches you good tips and mnemonics to help you remember things. It's very helpful!
 ➸ You'd have a couple of gummy worms shared between you two for productivity boosts.
➸ "Okay, if you get this question right, you can have the final red gummy, Nis, if not then I get it," you bet.
➸ He gets the question right.
➸ Like 200 word, short response answers with APA referencing and everything.
➸ But then you make a bet for the last gummy in the bag and he asks you a question
➸ You do really well on it! His help has totally paid off
➸ If you get a question wrong he wouldn't get mad. Even if he'd repeatedly told you how to do it, he'd just target it from a different angle until you get it. He's so soft. 
➸ He's very smart fr
➸ And if you are as well, you'd definitely have little competitions. Academic rival-friends esque.
➸ If you're not as smart, he'd definitely help you to get your targetted grades in each class.
➸ You'd go and absolutely ace that charms exam
➸ He'd be SO PROUD and excited for you when you showed him
➸ You were stoked at the grade, highest in the class
➸ "We should definitely do this more often," you'd say
➸ And he'd agree
➸ It became a little thing with you two, study dates when you had assignments
➸ It was soothing to have help and a calming presence nearby
➸ You would both help each other with work and quiz each other
➸ You guys would definitely score super high on the O.W.L.S
➸ And for this study session, you had remembered to bake him little chocolate filled pastries for the help
➸ Sebastian was so jealous
➸ "Bas, you would get distracted immediately and then teach her how to cheat and telepathically relay messages," Ominis would roll his eyes.
➸ But Ominis was so grateful for the baking
➸ Like he'd be full on flushed when you gave it to him
➸ Packaged all cutely and all
➸ You just smiled and waved by, knowing you and Natty and Poppy spent all night perfecting it
➸ "She's cooking to thank her boyfriend for helping her study," Natty would say to Poppy and she'd giggle and shoot you a knowing look while you stumble to say you guys weren't dating.
➸ "Not yettt," Poppy would coo
➸ "Oh my God," you'd say to them
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➸ Oooh, hot take, rainy day study scenario.
➸ (I was meant to end the fic just before but I had a thought)
➸ The rain is pattering heavily, thrashing through the window and reverberating across the thin acacia of the library. You and Ominis decide to go up to your dorm since everyone was coming into the library because of the rain and you guys couldn't focus.
➸ You bring him up the stairs with the loop hole you guys had found (plot armour coming in clutch)
➸ It would be so calming, you're both on opposing sides of the table. You have a shared dorm with Poppy/Natty/some nice Slytherin girl/some nice Ravenclaw girl and they weren't there at the moment.
➸ It would be a bit cold so you'd excuse yourself to go make something warm for the two of you
➸ Ominis would be panicking because he's in a girl's dorm
➸ He'd sent Sebastian an owl "Help, I seem to find myself in one of the girl's dormitories."
➸ Sebastian would immediately send one back, "BRO WHAT HOW"
➸ And Ominis would hide that letter as soon as you walked back in
➸ You made sweet, hot chocolates with cream in a steaming mug
➸ You set them both on the table and get back to work
➸ Just imagine, holding that warm mug of sweet hot chocolate, being super productive on your assignment and having Ominis on the other side of you
➸ He'd love the hot chocolate and you guys would have a super nice evening
➸ Eventually, you'd both done enough revision that you just sat by the hanging of the window and looked outside and sipped the chocolate whilst conversing
➸ It's just a vibe to study with him
"What's with all those owls outside? Good gosh, I've counted it coming here like 20 times. Are those for you Omnis?"
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🌙 thank you for reading!
and follow for more 💞 (everything is cross-posted on my wattpad first, check my bio to find it!)
I have gotten so many likes and support on this here and I am truly appreciative <3
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desideriumwriter · 9 days
Anyone But You | Chapter 11
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Chapter Summary: It's now Fred's turn to hold a grudge against you, you try to smooth over things with him by returning something of his. After unexpected events unfold at the third task, you get comforted by the last person you'd want to be comforted by. You think.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers + hurt/comfort
Content Warnings - reader is in denial once again, canon character death, grief, crying, this one is just a mess of emotions yall
Word Count - 4.5k
A/N: supriseee, this is why i changed the dates of the tasks, buckle up. this one is...a lot. sorry.
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Fred hadn’t made any contact with you since your outburst at the Ball.
He paid you no mind when he walked past you the next day to board the Hogwarts Express. He never sent any owls like he usually did over the remainder of winter break. He nor George bothered you anymore in potions. During the second task of the tournament, Fred stood as far away as he could from you on the wooden dock.
It had been almost two months since you lost it at him and the most he did was glance in your direction and shove past you once in the hallway.
Yet, there were still constant reminders of him and you lingering around.
God, you were infuriated when you saw a photo of Fred and you had made it onto Rita Skeeter's section in the Daily Prophet.
“That bitch is a bloody liar!” You exclaimed as you looked at the newspaper.
Of course, her photographer had to get a photo at the exact moment you smiled and let out a small laugh instead of when you stood up and began shouting at him.
Now that seemingly innocent split second of a moment between Fred and you was playing on a loop in a heart shaped frame.
“Woah! Language!” Cedric was shocked yet amused by your outburst.
“Young love? This is what you call young love?” You mocked, pointing at the photo of Fred and you, “How’d she even get in? I can’t believe it!”
“Maybe it’s a sign.” Cedric shrugged, laying down on the stone bench.
“A sign for what? That Rita Skeeter has no idea what the hell she’s talking about?” You went on as Cedric closed his eyes and sighed. “I mean, come on. I smile at him for three seconds and all of the sudden I’m in love?”
“Merlin's beard, just put us all out of our misery and admit it already.“ Cedric let out a dramatic groan, rubbing his face.
“Admit what?”
"Admit you have feelings for him."
"Only the worst ones." You whacked him with the newspaper. “Besides, I already told you what happened. I’m sure he hates me now too.”
“I’m sure he’s just heartbroken. The first stage is denial.” Cedric commented, earning him a disagreeing head shake from you. “You know, some time in the future you’re gonna look back and think: Damn, Cedric was right, I am in love with Fred Weasley, I’m just too stubborn to admit it.” He teased in a high pitched voice. You hit him again.
“Shove off, just tell me how your date went with Cho.”
It seemed like no matter what you did, you couldn’t escape Fred.
Even with Angelina and Katie refusing to bring them up, even with Fred or George no longer bothering you, even with Fred literally hating you now, you couldn’t escape him.
Like when you opened your dresser doors, looking for your missing glove, only to find Fred’s hat he gave to you at the first task.
You didn’t realize you still had it, you didn’t realize you never gave it back.
He never asked for it back.
The guilt was settling in.
He never asked for it back though. He could’ve taken it back after the first task was over, or the next day, or really any other time. But he didn’t. He let you keep it. All this time has passed and he let you keep it. Why?
Fuck, you felt like you were going insane. You had to talk to someone about this.
“Cedric! Cedric!” You called out, running up to him in the empty courtyard. You were quite lucky to find him alone these days, he usually was always walking in a group of his supporters. “I need your help! I really need your help!” Cedric acknowledged you, but he didn’t stop walking.
“I’m not sure if I can help you right now, I promised to meet Cho at the pitch in like ten minutes-”
“Your snogging sesh with her can wait!” Cedric goggled at you for a second, continuing to walk.
“It’s urgent! It’s about Fred!” You grabbed onto his arm, pulling him to stop.
“Oh my- When is it not?” He groaned, his face scrunched up and scowling.
“I’m thinking about apologizing to him.” You blurted out, Cedric's face dropped into a serious stare, he paused for a moment before speaking.
“To Fred? Are you serious?” You nodded, still straight faced. “You are?” He asked again, looking at you like you were speaking another language.
“Yes! I have a plan! Hey- what’s so funny about that?” Cedric began to let out small laughs, now you were scowling.
“Oh I’m sorry, I just, you’re so deep in denial.” He said through chuckles, he actually found this humorous. “I’ve been waiting forever for this, I cannot wait til i see you two walking hand in hand in the hallways after this!” You gaped and gave him a shove.
“Hey! I still hate him! I absolutely do! I just…feel bad.” He raised his brows at you in disbelief, giving you a look that said Really? That's it?
“I’m scared that it could end badly if it doesn’t work out.” You admitted, shamefully looking down.
“End badly? Oh please, you already hate each other. How much worse could it get?”
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Worse, it turns out.
You had a plan. The next time you saw Fred by himself. You would stop him, return his beanie back, and apologize. And, you would make it clear that you weren’t friends, that you still found him bloody annoying. You just didn’t want anything of his in your space.
Maybe it wasn’t the best plan, or the best way to apologize. It was also a bit weird carrying around his beanie in your bag everywhere you went. But, you didn’t know how much longer you could go having his belongings in your presence.
You didn’t know how much longer you could go with him ignoring your presence instead of bothering it.
You were able to stop him after you caught him wandering down an empty hallway. Honestly, you wanted to hide behind a pillar and let him walk past without noticing you. But, he couldn’t avoid you forever, neither could you.
“Fred?” You stepped out of your hiding place, he saw you but he didn’t show you any acknowledgement, continuing to walk with a stone cold expression.
“Fred, wait.” You called out, following after him, “Can you just stop avoiding me for a second?” You exclaimed. He drug his feet along the ground as he stopped, turning to you with his arms crossed.
“Stop avoiding you? Reckon that’s what you begged me to do the last time we talked.” He spat out, shaking his head.
“I didn’t beg-” You bit your tongue. Now's not the time for your defensiveness. This is not the time for an argument.
You reminded yourself that and took a deep breath and swallowing your anger. Fred let out a breath of annoyance as you composed yourself.
“I’m not here to apologize.” You blurted out, your plan was now abandoned. Fred's face scrunched up for a second in confusion, you rummaged through your bag hanging from your shoulder, “I’d just thought you’d want this back.” You pulled out his hat, holding it up in between the two of you, your eyes on the ground.
Though you didn’t dare to look straight at him, you could see his posture soften in your peripheral vision. Wanting to get this over with you shook it at him, signaling for him to take it.
“You didn’t have to stop me out here, you should’ve just left this on my bed or something..” He trailed off as he reached out one arm, keeping the other tucked around him as he snatched the hat from you awkwardly.
Both of you stood there in silence for a moment, Fred looking at his returned hat, you adjusting the strap on your bag.
“Uh, cheers.” He gave you a tight lipped smile, turning and walking back to his original direction.
Okay, maybe it hadn’t gotten worse than it already was between you two, but it was sure as hell awkward now.
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“So you didn’t do what you said you were going to do?” Cedric stared at you, expressionless.
“I didn’t say I was going to do it, I said I was thinking about it.” You shrugged. Cedric fully sat up in a swift manner, jaw ajar and eyes narrowed as he stared.
“You said you had a plan!” He then cried out. Oh, so he was listening and not just laughing at you earlier.
“To give him his hat back! Not beg for forgiveness.” You huffed, slouching against the tree. “Besides, he never begged for mine all those times.”
Always a battle between you two, Cedric wanted to say, but he knew that’d only tick you off more.
“Yeah? And what’d he do instead?” Cedric questioned, it made you feel suspicious about what he had to say.
“He’d just go back to annoying me.” You shrugged, a bit hesitant since you could see the cogs turning in his head.
“So why don’t you?” Cedric suggested, “Why don’t you go and bother him like he always did to you?”
You opened your mouth, stammered out something unintelligible, and closed it. You had hit a wall, all this time you’ve worried about when Fred would acknowledge your presence, you weren’t doing anything to get him to acknowledge it.
You can’t say Cedric’s got a point. You won’t admit to that.
“Because I’m happy he doesn’t bother me anymore, I’m not going to put an end to that! I enjoy him leaving me alone!” You crossed your arms, putting up your wall of defense.
“No you don’t.” Cedric let out a breath through his nose, his face was stoic, unamused.
“I do!”
“You’ve complained about it a million times since he has!” He exclaimed. “Oh, Fred did this! Fred said that! Fred bothered me in class! Fred pissed me off a the ball! Fred won’t talk to me! Fred doesn’t like me!” He mimicked, gesturing wildly with his hands.
Fine, maybe you had mentioned how Fred was now avoiding you in the past two months. Maybe those mentions of it spiraled into rants, rants that Cedric had to listen all about.
You just shook your head doubtingly, Cedric sighed and moved over. He slapped a hand on your shoulder.
“I’ve only seen people care this much about another person, about what they’re doing, what they’re saying, unless they loved them.” He grabbed onto both shoulders, holding on in the way coaches do when giving their players a pep talk.
“I have been your bestfriend for six years now.” He shook you slightly with each word, putting an euphemism on them. “And I have never, never, seen you care so much about another person. Maybe, you should think about that.” He gave a sympathetic smile, the silence letting his words sink in.
Nope. You weren’t going to let it.
“Piss off! I am not in love with him!” You wriggled out of his grasp. Cedric grumbled.
“You should think about it!” He repeated, putting his hands up in defense.
The bell rung for the next class. Cedric stood up, giving you a brotherly pat on the shoulder.
“Tell me how it goes, when you're stuck with him in the Gryffindor section of the pitch.”
“Tell me how winning feels, I’ll let you rub it in my face. Good luck Ced.” You smiled.
“Good luck, Y/N.”
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The third task began at dusk, the sun beginning to set and casting a golden glow on everything.
Now it was pitch black outside, Fleur had been pulled out early, and it felt like there were no signs of the task being won by the other three anytime soon. Your leg bounced wildly up and down in anticipation. Angelina and Katie noticed, you could see them staring in the corner of your eye.
“Something feels wrong, it’s been nearly three hours.” You spoke out, resting your head in hand.
“It’s a twenty-foot-tall maze, it’s gonna take a while for them to figure it out. Especially with your thick headed loverboy.” Fred blurted out, voice laced with mockery. You hated it, you were only stuck near him because Angelina and Katie were.
“Will you stop calling him that? You don’t have to be so rude all the time.” You said, exasperated already.
“That’s rich coming from you.” Fred muttered as he eyed you.
“It is a giant maze with whatever is in there. It might take a while.” Angelina said in a nicer way than Fred, budding into your and his blooming debacle.
“I know, I’m just worried that something might go wrong. Like, what if something messes up?” You gestured, biting your nail.
“He’s made it out of the past two just fine, I’m sure he’ll make it out of this one charming as ever.” Fred blurted, earning pointed glances from Angelina and Katie.
You tried to ignore your anxieties, trying to focus on whatever Katie and Angelina were chatting about. But your eyes kept darting back to Fleur on the sidelines, and Freds shitty attitude towards you wasn’t helping. Godric, is this how he felt all the times you’ve been pissy to him?
She looked terrified when she got pulled out, the tear stains on her face were obvious. You could see her rambling to the teachers about something, causing some of them to blink and give each other concerned glances.
She had seen something.
“What’d you think happened to her?” Katie took a look at Fleur, who was now surrounded by a group of girls clearly trying to comfort her.
“Don’t know. Maybe it was just too much for her.” Angelina shrugged, letting out a disappointed breath.
“She looks horrified.” You thought out loud. Eyes now locked on Fleurs face.
“I would be too. Battling dragons? Having to swim in the black lake? Going through a dark maze in the cold? Seeing all that, I’m a bit glad my name wasn’t picked.” Angelina muttered, leaning back.
“You’d have to pay me more than a thousand galleons and a dumb cup to get me to swim with ze Grindylows.” Katie nudged, mimicking Fleurs accent, earning a small breathy laugh out of Angelina and you.
Awhile after Fleurs return, a loud whoosh was heard, you got a glimpse of Cedric and Harry falling into the ground together.
The entire stadium shot up from their seats, including you. There was an uproar of cheer and the band playing the classic march.
“Did you see? It’s Harry and Cedric! They got back at the same time!” Angelina shouted, still clapping.
“Oh don’t tell me it’s gonna be another tie!” Katie groaned out. Fred and George pushed past the three of you, already excitedly running down to the field. Angelina grabbed onto your and Katie’s hands, creating a chain to follow them.
By the time you were hopping down onto the grass, a harrowing scream came from Fleur, she cupped a hand over her mouth and looked away.
Before you got to the front of the already forming crowd around the two champions, you could tell something was off.
None of Cedrics friends were cheering, neither were Harrys. Even the twins were dead still and staring.
As you got closer to the front of everyone, the music stopped and the noise of the crowd died down. Going from cheers to concerned whispers. You could hear the sobs of someone.
“No! He’s back! He’s back!” It was Harry. His voice was hoarse and heavy.
Pushing your way between the twins, now standing in front of them, you could see what was going on.
“He’s dead!” Harry cried, clutching onto Cedric’s limp body when the teachers tried to pull him off.
Time felt slow, stopped, frozen. You didn’t cry, you didn’t scream, all you did was stare. Feet stuck to the ground, and it felt like the only thing you could do was watch with wide, terrified, and glossy eyes as Harry grasped onto your bestfriends body, sobbing over him.
“Diggory's dead!” A horrified voice from the stands yelled, causing the entire pitch to fill with gasps and more whispers.
Soon the sight took hold of you. The scratches and blood smudged around Cedric’s pale face, his wide open yet lifeless eyes, his body having no reaction to being shook and held onto.
He was dead. Cedric Diggory was dead. The boy you grew up with, the boy who you saw as blood, the boy who was your bestfriend, was dead.
Taking in a shaky breath and blinking away the tears that had formed in your eyes, you attempted to step back, stumbling a bit and bumping into Fred’s chest.
“Oh shit,” Fred looked down at you, noticing the stray tears that had fallen from your eyes, “Oh shit, don’t look. Don’t look.” He grabbed onto you. You unconsciously yet willingly turned your body to his, allowing him to wrap his arms around you, attempting to prevent you from staring at the sight in front of you any longer.
“Don’t look.” He repeated.
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Everything after the night of the third task felt foggy. It was a blur. Hell, it was a blur since then.
Classes were canceled for the next few days. Most days blended into each other, even when classes resumed normally. It was all foggy.
Most days you weren’t focused on anything. Stuck in a weird state of dissociation. Everything felt static.
You didn't remember a word Dumbledore said at Cedric’s memorial in the Great Hall. You didn’t cry with the others, you just sat and stared.
Even though you were usually in a daze, you still noticed things. You heard what people would talk about. You had ears, you could still hear.
“I’m worried about her. I haven’t seen her cry or…do anything really.” Katie whispered to Katie once you got up from the table.
“I know. I mean, we all have our own ways of grieving, maybe this is just hers?” Angelina leaned over.
Of course your friends tried to talk to you, not about what happened. But have regular chats, though you didn’t add much to the conversation, single worded responses or a short sentence.
On the nights you couldn’t sleep, you sat in the common room. Usually staying there until you went back to your bed, staying awake and sleep deprived the next day until you fell asleep where you were sitting in the common room.
“Hold on, shhh.” Fred stopped George as they snuck back into the common room, returning from another late night run to Zonkos. Fred pointed you to, knocked out on the leather chair.
“Should we wake her up?” George whispered, looking over at your curled up position and closed eyes.
“No, let her sleep, she needs it. I don’t think I’ve seen her actually go to bed in days.”
You noticed the faces you got from others when you walked by.
Pitiful glances. Sympathetic smiles. Apologetic looks. You noticed it all. You hated it. You hated being reminded of it. You hated feeling this way.
A shell of yourself is what you felt like. When you walked through the halls you felt like you carried the same presence as one of the ghosts in the castle.
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It’s been nearly two weeks since Cedric passed and you still found yourself doing things you normally did with Cedric.
Stopping in the hallway after McGonagall's class in hopes to talk with him before he went in. Skimming your eyes around the Hufflepuff table looking for him. Waiting in the Courtyard after the school day for him to stop by and chat.
It was strange. It was like your brain hadn’t processed that he was gone.
You often wandered around, going on walks to clear your mind, even though it never worked. You found new places to sit and hide at.
Tonight, it was the Astronomy Tower. Rarely anyone came up there this late, the cool wind on your face helped ground you, and you had a pretty damn good view of the starry sky. You’d get in trouble if you were caught out here, especially with the strict rules they enforced for the rest of the year after what happened at the tournament.
You sat against the planet structure in the middle of the tower, your back against the hard marble while you brought your legs up to your chest, resting your head on your knees and wrapping your arms around yourself.
Swaying yourself gently side to side, you stared at the sky, almost not catching the quick footsteps coming up the stairwell.
Fred appeared.
Fuck. Why is he here?
“Hey.” He greeted quietly, putting his hands in his front pockets once he felt the cold air hit them. “It’s pretty cold out here.”
You stared at him for a second, a bit confused on many things. He gave you an awkward smile.
“So, what’re you up to?” He rocked back and forth on his heels.
“Why are you here Fred?” You unraveled from your position. Your tone wasn’t mean, it wasn’t snarky or sarcastic, it was sad. Defeated. Fred noticed.
“I was looking for you.” He unraveled, “I was worried. Katie told me you weren’t in your bed or the common room. Her and Angelina were freaking out looking for you, they thought you might’ve…done something.” He mumbled the last few words.
You only stared at him for a few seconds through lidded eyes, an unamused look on your face.
“I'm not up here to throw myself off the astronomy tower, if that’s what you assumed.” You muttered, turning your gaze back to in front of you.
“No! No! Not at all! I didn’t assume that.” Fred squeaked, trying to defend himself, “I was just a bit concerned, is all.”
“Since when do you care?” You muttered, only paying attention to his last sentence. Fred spent the last two months hating you, but oh, now your bestfriend is dead and of course he feels guilty for being so mean.
“I just…I’m worr- a lot of us are worried about you.”
“You should be worried about Cho, I know I am. She’s doing worse than me.” You huffed, you weren’t trying to sound mean, you were telling the truth. You knew Cedric's death was tearing the poor girl apart, she was his girlfriend for Godrics sake.
“Yeah, she’s driving herself mad.” Fred tried to joke as he looked down, but failed. “She’s worried about you too though.” He said softly. You let out a small hum, picking at your pajama pants.
The both of you stayed there for a good few seconds, maybe a minute, silent and awkwardly keeping your eyes away from each other.
You took in a sharp breath, breaking the silence.
“I don’t know what to do.” You looked over to him, “What am I supposed to do? With everything?” Your voice cracked a tiny bit and it made you cringe. Did Fred know how to handle grief? Probably not, but he knew what you were asking.
“I don’t know.” Fred's voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. You clenched your jaw to try and keep from crying.
Giving him a nod and tight-lipped smile at his response, you bit the inside of your cheek and turned your head away when a few stray tears fell.
This is the first time you’ve cried since Cedric’s death.
It was horrible. You hated that you were crying, and that Fred was there to see you so vulnerable, or that he was talking to you, but you didn’t think it mattered during that moment, you just needed comfort. You would really take any comfort too at this point.
“Can I sit?” He nodded to the empty spot next to you.
“I don’t care anymore.” You shook your head and shrugged weakly.
Fred walked over and sat a comfortable yet close distance next to you, his long legs bending at the knees.
“Can I ask you a question?” Fred played with a loose thread on his sweater, likely knitted by his mum.
“Sure.” You didn’t have the energy in you to say no, or be snippy towards him, you felt exhausted.
“Were you in love with Cedric?” Fred looked at you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed, a small bit of hope bloomed in Fred’s chest, he’d gotten a classic reaction out of you. You hadn’t become a shell of yourself, you were still you.
“No.” You let out a small, humorless laugh. “I know everyone thinks that. But I wasn’t. He was a brother more than anything.” Fred wanted to let you know not everyone thought that, mainly just him, he was just curious.
“He was too in love with himself,” You joked, “Always so cocky.” Fred noticed the way the ends of your mouth slightly curled up as you shook your head.
“Yeah? I always knew he was too thick headed for his own good. He’d probably use the reflection of the cup as a mirror.” He breathed out, a lighthearted attempt to make you laugh. It worked, somewhat. A slight smile appeared on your face as you let out small bits of laughter.
“I’m serious, Lee told me that he caught him posing in the sink mirrors in the prefects bathroom!” Fred began to laugh with you, as you laughed even harder, your body bending forward a bit due to it.
This is the first time he’s ever made you laugh.
His laughter was mostly confused. He was puzzled at how you could find that to be this funny, until your weak chuckles turned into strong sobs. You broke. Crying into your hands.
Fred wasn’t sure what to do at this moment. His way of comforting was humor, and it worked, but not the way he expected it to. So, he just hugged you, he actually hugged you.
He closed the small gap between your bodies and wrapped two long arms around you. And you let him. You didn’t hug him back, you just sobbed, letting your heavy limbs fall and lean yourself into him.
He had one arm wrapped around you, holding you tightly while the other was brushing his hand over your hair.
It was strange, you didn’t care that Fred Weasley was hugging you, holding you. You didn’t try to shove him off, or break out of his grasp, you were too exhausted to protest.
Instead, you shifted into a position where you could grasp onto him, you wrapped your arms around his lanky torso, crying into his chest, letting out heavy sobs that wracked your entire body.
You said his name through a sharp breath, Fred cupped your face with both hands as you brought your head up to look at him.
“Fred, I’m sorry.” You broke down again, “I’m so sorry.” You said through sobs.
“Shh, it’s alright. Save all that for later. It’s alright.” He shushed you, pulling you back into your cradling position again.
If you told yourself from just a few months ago that this was happening. You would’ve never believed it. You would’ve never thought it’d be a real moment between you two.
But tonight, it was, it was real, it was happening, you were crying on the top of the astronomy tower while Fred Weasley, out of all people, held you.
You tried to apologize, and you sobbed into his chest while Fred Weasley, raked his fingers through your hair and held you.
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
Can we have a peek?
of course!!!!! how about an extra long one?
“What’re you blathering on about Rhiannon for?” Ron pressed once Clarence Pritchard was out of earshot. “You’ve got the guy unconscious down the hall-”
“Won’t know that until he wakes up,” Harry insisted, weaving through the cubicles in the direction of Robards’ office.
Ron glanced at Harry sharply. “You don’t think it’s him?”
“I don’t know.” He hated those damned three words. “But even if it is, don’t you want to know why?”
Scowling, Ron’s mouth pressed into a thin line. “I just want them to quit messing with my sister.”
Harry supposed he could understand that too.
Robards stood just outside his office door next to a tense looking administrator. Just past them, a pensive sat on the desk. It was smaller and less ornate than the one in the Headmaster’s office at Hogwarts, but the same silvery substance sparkled and shimmered in the basin.
“When submitting documentation, a memory can only be used as evidence if it is corroborated by two individual parties. These forms,” she handed over four scrolls of parchment. “Must be completed by said parties and-”
“Yes,” Robards interjected, swiping the paperwork from her outstretched hands. “I’m well aware of the procedures.”
The administrator pursed her lips but didn’t comment further. Apparently her proclivity for rules and regulations didn’t supersede arguing with the Head Auror. She pulled in a composing sigh and finished, “Please return pensive three to Administrative Services by five o’clock this evening.”
Robards waved her off with a derisive scowl and turned his attention to Ron and Harry.
“Weasley,” he warned. “I’ve told you six times to go home. You’re not on duty and I’m not paying you overtime for coming in on a Saturday.”
Ron didn’t waver. “Understood. I’d still like to hang around, if it’s all the same to you, sir.”
“It isn’t,” Robards grumbled, but seemingly recognized Ron as lost cause. “But go hang around somewhere else-”
Ron chewed on his cheek, clearly trying to find a work around to such a direct order. However, when no obvious solution presented itself he muttered, “I’ll be in holding.”
“Oi-” Robards called after him. “Do not, under any circumstances, engage with that suspect.”
Ron turned and gave Robards a lazy salute then disappeared into the hall.
“Merlin’s fucking beard,” Robards led the way into his office and shut the door behind Harry. “Between the two of you, I should apply for early retirement.”
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