#Near Disney attractions
rentbyhost · 1 year
Stunning 4 Bedroom Townhome for Rent in Kissimmee, Florida
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chocosvt · 1 year
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purplehalnw · 2 months
So, I finally watched Deadpool and Wolverine.
Of course, I knew the moment this movie was announced that there would be shipping and I was fully prepared to join in. And yep I definitely ship Wade and Logan. Near the end of the movie when they were sitting on the bench? I was completely feeling it, I was practically begging for them to kiss or something even though I knew it wouldn't happen.
And you know I'm glad they left it a little ambiguous as to whether Wade and Vanessa would get back together. Again I know him and Wolvie are never going to happen, but hey at least that ending is making it easier for me to pretend.
Also, I know one problem with the Deadpool movies in general that I've seen other people mention is that Deadpool's sexuality is mostly treated as a joke. Like we'll get several scenes of him flirting with men (and I'm pretty sure it's only men if not mostly men) that we're clearly supposed to laugh at but the only time we'll show him in a serious relationship is with a woman.
But I will say that at least it's clear that Wade is actually attracted to men. Like he's not flirting with men just because he likes to mess with people and he thinks it's funny (even though that is part of it), he genuinely thinks these guys are hot. Like Wade in that scene when Wolverine's shirt gets burned off? The man is down bad.
Does it still kind of suck that we're supposed to laugh at Wade being attracted to and willing to have sex with men? Yeah, and I do want them to give Wade a boyfriend (or hell maybe even just bring in an ex boyfriend) but hey this is the MCU, this is fucking Disney, there's no way in hell they'll do that. So, honestly? I'll just take what I can get.
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chevelleneech · 1 month
An unnecessary, yet slightly serious post about Wade being horny.
Wade was so horny for men in Deadpool & Wolverine, that after a third watch, I do not see where anyone is getting the idea that he’s dude-bro coded.
The first movie, I could see it, and it’s mainly because his visible discomfort with being pegged put a sort of buffer over any and all gay jokes Wade makes. Not all queer men like being penetrated, and I would assume Wade doesn’t like it in the comics either, but due to his pansexuality being so thinly alluded to in the first one, I can see why the takeaway would be “He’s a funny yet gross guy who likes making sex jokes no matter what it implies about his own sexuality.”
However, in the sequel, it is shown Wade is attracted to Colossus like three times. He grabs his ass twice, Vanessa (in his subconscious) tells him not to fuck him, and he mimes “scissoring” to him — although in the an extended deleted scene, he also mimes “sword fighting”.
In this third movie though, Wade is kind of like, very much so horny for multiple men.
He assumes the TVA agents are male strippers and says he will be kissing them. He moans, groans, and ogles Cavillerine before calling him, “the full package”. He then damn near creams himself over who he assumes to be Steve Rogers, and physically wraps his arms around him unprovoked. Another near-orgasmic moment for him was when Logan tells him to shut the fuck up. After that, he repeatedly calls Gambit attractive, and lastly, Wade is literally in the process of dying for what he thinks is the final time, and still he ogles a sweaty man.
So even without the Honda Oddessy fight… Wade’s only exhibits of sexual desire were for men. He wanted Vanessa back, and he’s obviously attracted to her, but that wasn’t the focal point of this movie regarding their relationship this time around. He wanted her back on an emotional level more than anything else, and while I’m very well aware Disney is never going to actually buckle down on a version of Wade whom is expressly queer, I do think anyone who left this movie with the opinion that Wade Wilson only likes women for real, were not paying an ounce of attention.
There’s only so many times a man can call other men attractive, salivate over their bodies, and literally tells folks he’s not a natural bottom (a term not at all used in reference to cis het sex) or that he wants to kiss men, and have it not be because he’s into men. Wade is definitely into men in the movies as of this movie, it’s just also a fact that such truth will never be explicitly said on screen.
Sure, Ryan said Wade is fluid and has chemistry with everyone, but that’s really just a great cop-out answer. He’s not lying, but he’s also not being upfront. Because Wade isn’t somewhat fluid and easy to have chemistry with. He’s queer. Pansexual to be exact, and I think at the very least the movies should be allowed to say that. He doesn’t have to kiss a man or date one for that to be true.
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seaslugfanclub · 9 months
Yayyyy, asks are open! So anyways, I remember in the favorite villain request that Jafar mentioned about helping Reader with unsavory guests, can we get a scenario of Reader dealing with those kinds of guests? You can use any villains you’d like lol
Losers, Creeps, and Weirdos
TW: Creepy park guest being gross!
It was a good day. Pleasant temperatures, manageable crowds, and full staff. (Y/N) thought that it’d be one of those rare occasions where they’d be able to go home early.
Of course, the universe has a cruel sense of humor.
It was halfway through (Y/N)’s shift, and they’d been scheduled to walk around Magic Kingdom, helping guests with directions and keeping a general eye on things. And from afar everything seemed normal, a couple Disney characters walking around and interacting with guests, but (Y/N) noticed after a while that a lone male park guest was constantly trailing behind Princess Aurora.
(Y/N) tried to brush it off at first, thinking that the guy was a little socially inept, just wanting an autograph. But the way the man was just… looking at the increasingly uncomfortable princess made (Y/N) feel nauseated. It was when the man got Aurora near a park bench somewhat out of sight that (Y/N) began to speed walk towards the two. (Y/N) got there right when the man began to reach his hand out towards the girl, Aurora looking near to tears.
(Y/N) immediately got between the two, making sure Princess Aurora was out of sight behind them as the man looked shocked. And that was the moment the scene began.
“I’m telling you now, man. If you don’t back off right now I’m going to call park security. I swear to god I’ll do it.”
“Are you serious right now!? It’s just a park attraction, your acting like it’s a real person!”
The man was incessant, unable to just walk away. His face was red and (Y/N) was slowly reaching towards their walkie talkie, ready to call security.
“I’m not going to stay here and teach you the basics of human decency, she is a 16 year old girl. Either you leave yourself or by force.” (Y/N) remained stone-faced, arms still protecting Aurora behind them, who was now clinging to their tennis shirt.
“Wha- do you know how expensive it is to get into here!? JUST LET ME-“ He started to move towards (Y/N), about to grab them when a slender hand stopped him.
“-excuse yourself from the premises and never return.. Yes, I do believe that’s the best course of action.”
(Y/N) and Aurora turned towards Jafar, who had his scepter raised and the man’s hand in a vice like grip. The cobra scepter gleamed red as the man’s face went slack, eyes becoming a cloudy red.
“yeah… i should… i should leave…” the man slurred, Jafar letting go of the unnamed guests hand as he began to walk away, his movement’s unnaturally stiff, only for Jafar to grasp the man’s shoulders again, his face twisted in disgust.
“Oh, and while you’re at it, why don’t you take a quick dip in the lake? I’m sure Medusas crocodiles would… appreciate the company.” He crooned as he lightly shoved the man away, for good this time.
The group watched as the man lumbered off, disappearing into the crowd. After a beat of silence Jafar turned around to the shocked (Y/N) and Princess Aurora.
“And I think that we should report this to management, don’t you think (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) straightened out a bit, nodding in agreement, “Yeah… let’s go”
Upper management was naturally disturbed at the days events, taking aside everyone to get their own accounts of the story. After a report was filed, and both park security and police set off to find the man, the group was dismissed.
Princess Aurora was taken off the schedule for the next few days, and a one of (Y/N)’s colleagues was called to chaperone the princess back to where all the “Good Guys” resided. But not before giving a tearful ‘thank you’ and a quick peck on (Y/N)’s cheek as gratitude. Princess Aurora, bless her heart, even gave Jafar a timid yet heartfelt thanks, before departing with the park attendant. (Y/N) and Jafar now alone in the empty workroom.
“I can’t believe it…What you did today was..nice.” (Y/N) looked up at Jafar in awe, a crooked smile stretching across their face.
Jafar shuddered, waving his hand in dismissal, “Oh please, you know better. I was simply going about by business when I saw that… altercation. I couldn’t have such troglodyte ruin a peaceful day for me. You know as well as I do that the only ones that can bother you are us.”
“I know, but you could’ve found another park staff to help, instead you went out of your way to help us. Thank you.” (Y/N) chuckled, laughing even more at Jafar’s disgusted expression.
“Yes, yes, I’m amazing. Just don’t go blabbering about this to the others, Allah knows what’s going to happen to my reputation when that princess inevitably tells her little friends about today’s events. Ugh- I’m never going to live down..” He muttered under his breath, rubbing the space between his eyes.
(Y/N) hummed, dusting themselves off as they began to leave,
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I owe you one, Jafar— oh!”
Before Jafar could react, (Y/N) spun around- reached up and kissed the ex-viziers cheek,
“-As an extension of my gratitude. See ya!” They whispered, before quickly pulling back and rushing out of the room, leaving the flustered sorcerer behind, gently touching his cheek.
“Hmm… mabye it wouldn’t hurt to help them more often…”
Hope you enjoyed! I hope I wrote Jafar not too OOC 😅 It’s a shame that a lot of people forget that virtually all the Disney Princesses are children, the amount of mature content I’ve seen of them is super uncomfortable.
Oh, and the other Villians totally caught wind of what Jafar did, now they’re all ragging on him.
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A Promise is Timeless
Chapter One: Prologue
Word Count: 1,405/8,505 characters
Reading Time: 5 minutes, 7 seconds
Speaking Time: 7 minutes, 49 seconds
*July 17th, 1955*
The grand opening of Disneyland had drawn crowds from far and wide, and amidst the festivities, the infamous Captain Hook found himself reflecting on the surreal nature of it all. As he stood near the Sleeping Beauty Castle: a beacon of Walt Disney's imagination turned reality, Hook's thoughts were interrupted by the approach of the man himself—Walt Disney.
"Walt," Hook greeted with a respectful nod, adjusting his hat as he acknowledged the visionary responsible for bringing so much magic to life.
Walt Disney smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with pride and exhaustion. "Captain Hook," he replied, extending a hand. "Quite a day, isn't it? How are you finding the park?"
Hook hesitated, momentarily taken aback by the genuine interest in Walt's voice, and gently shakes the king’s hand. "It's... quite something," he admitted gruffly, his gaze sweeping over the bustling crowds and meticulously crafted attractions.
Walt chuckled, sensing Hook's mixed feelings. "I imagine it must be strange for you," he remarked, his tone gentle yet probing. "Seeing your world, your story, come to life in such a way."
Hook shifted uncomfortably, the weight of Walt's words sinking in. "Aye, strange indeed," he conceded, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "To think we villains, born of ink and imagination, now walk among your guests."
Walt nodded thoughtfully. "You're a part of our stories now, Captain Hook," he said earnestly. "And this park is for everyone—heroes, villains, and everything in between. It's about bringing joy and wonder to all who visit."
Hook glanced down at the pocket watch hanging from his coat, a gift from Walt himself symbolizing their shared commitment to storytelling and imagination. "Thank you, Walt," he murmured sincerely. "For this park, for believing in us villains, and for making dreams a reality."
Walt smiled warmly, his fatigue momentarily lifted by Hook's gratitude. "It's my pleasure, Captain. Disneyland is for dreamers of all kinds, and you, my friend, are most welcome here."
As they stood together, watching families embark on their own adventures through the enchanted lands of Disneyland, Hook felt a sense of belonging he hadn't expected. In that moment, amidst the magic and the memories, he understood that Walt Disney's dream was indeed a powerful one—one that bridged the gap between fantasy and reality, bringing joy and inspiration to generations to come.
As Captain Hook and Walt Disney continued their conversation amidst the grandeur of Disneyland's opening day, a sudden cough interrupted Walt's silence. Hook, ever observant despite his pirate demeanor, turned to the visionary with concern etched on his face.
"Walt," Hook said gruffly, motioning towards a nearby bench. "Perhaps we should sit down for a moment."
Walt nodded gratefully, accepting Hook's gesture and easing himself onto the bench. His usual vigor seemed momentarily subdued, replaced by a hint of fatigue and vulnerability.
"I'm fine, Hook, I’m fine," Walt reassured, though his voice betrayed a touch of uncertainty as he rubs his neck. "Just a tickle in my throat. Lillian has been after me to cut back on the smoking."
Hook raised an eyebrow, settling beside Walt with a nod of understanding. "Aye, even kings must heed the concerns of their queens," he remarked, though his tone softened with genuine concern. "You've been pushing yourself hard, Walt. The park, the films, everything."
Walt sighed, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It's all worth it, Hook. To see this dream come true," he replied, gesturing towards the joyful chaos unfolding around them. "But perhaps Lillian is right. I ought to take better care."
Hook nodded in agreement, casting a thoughtful glance at the bustling park. "Aye, Walt. You've created something extraordinary here. Take the time to enjoy it."
Walt chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "You're right, Hook. We should all take a moment to appreciate the magic."
As they sat together, a quiet camaraderie formed between them—two men from different worlds, united by a shared vision and a mutual respect for the power of imagination. In that brief respite, amidst the whirlwind of Disneyland's opening day, Hook realized the depth of Walt Disney's passion and the impact of his dream on everyone who crossed its threshold.
And as the sounds of laughter and adventure echoed around them, Hook knew that this day would forever be etched in the annals of history—a testament to Walt Disney's unwavering belief in the power of dreams and the enduring legacy of Disneyland.
The afternoon sun cast a golden hue over Disneyland, Walt Disney's words carried a weight that Hook couldn't ignore. The conversation had taken a solemn turn, and Hook sensed the gravity of Walt's behavior.
"Hook," Walt began, his voice earnest and tinged with a hint of urgency. "Promise me something."
Hook nodded attentively, his gaze steady as he awaited Walt's words.
"When I'm gone," Walt continued, his eyes searching Hook's face for reassurance, "promise me you'll protect the villains. Maleficent, Queen Grimhilde, all of them. They're part of our stories, our world. Promise me you'll keep them safe."
Hook felt a lump form in his throat, understanding the trust and responsibility Walt was placing upon him. "I promise," Hook replied solemnly, his voice unwavering despite the emotions stirring within him. "With my life, I'll protect them. And the ones I love will guide me in that duty."
Walt nodded, a sense of relief washing over his features. "Thank you, Hook," he said gratefully. "I know I can trust you. You understand what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself."
Hook nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting towards the bustling crowds and the gleaming spires of the park. "Aye, Walt. This place is more than just bricks and mortar. It's a beacon of imagination, of dreams realized."
Walt smiled, a fatherly warmth in his eyes. "And you, Hook, are a part of that magic now. Never forget that."
As they sat in companionable silence, surrounded by the laughter and wonder of Disneyland's first guests, Hook felt a profound sense of purpose settle upon him. Walt Disney's dream had become his responsibility—a promise to safeguard the villains and preserve the stories that defined them.
And as the day continued to unfold, Hook knew that this pledge would endure long after the crowds had gone and the park lights dimmed—a testament to the enduring power of Walt Disney's vision and the bond forged between a visionary and a pirate.
*Present Time*
Captain Hook walked through the bustling streets of Disneytopia, his steps heavy with emotion as he recalled the memories of Walt and Lillian Disney. Their presence, once so vibrant and inspiring, now lingered in the shadows of the park they had built together. Tears threatened to spill from Hook's eyes, a rare display of emotion from the hardened pirate.
Gently, Hook retrieved the pocket watch from his coat, the familiar weight comforting in his hand. With a flick of his hook, he opened it, revealing two sides of significance. On one side, a locket held a precious picture of Walt and Lillian Disney, captured in a moment of joy and unity. Hook stared at the photograph, memories of their conversations and shared dreams flooding his mind.
"And now they're gone," Hook murmured quietly to himself, his voice betraying a mixture of sadness and reverence. "Their legacy lives on, but they are gone."
Turning the watch over, Hook noted the frozen time: 7:53. A poignant reminder of the moment frozen in time, just as Walt and Lillian would forever remain in the hearts and memories of those they touched.
"The sons carry on," Hook whispered softly, his eyes tracing the engraved initials on the watch; J.H&W.D. "Mickey and Oswald. The legacy of dreams and magic."
As he closed the pocket watch, Hook felt a renewed sense of purpose. His promise to Walt Disney, to protect the villains and uphold the spirit of imagination, burned brighter than ever. With a determined stride, Hook continued through the park’s mimic, where laughter and joy mingled with the echoes of a timeless dream—one that had shaped not only a company but a world of enchantment.
And as he walked, the pocket watch nestled close to his heart, Captain Hook knew that Walt and Lillian Disney's legacy would endure, carried forward by the magic they had created and the promise he had made.
Chapter Two release date: August. More information on this AU lore will be explained in the next chapter. Hope you like this segment and hope to see you next month!
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bumblesimagines · 9 months
how do you like your eggs?
i'll make us breakfast.
Love Quinn
i'll make us breakfast.
how do you like your eggs?
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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There were always unspoken rules in the workplace that everyone tended to follow. Be kind to customers even if they walk in with only 2 minutes left to spare before closing time; Don't trust your coworkers wholeheartedly even if you speak to them on a near day-to-day basis; The customer is nearly never right but pretend they are unless you want to be written up; Don't fuck your boss even if she's got the prettiest hazel eyes ever seen on a woman and the charm of a Disney princess. 
The rules had been relatively easy to follow at Anavrin the first few weeks. Most of the bitchiest customers (Y/N) dealt with were easily managed by stroking their egos and making them feel completely in the right, even if they demanded to be given a milkshake without any actual milk despite milkshakes not being on the menu to begin with. Anavrin attracted the most annoying types of Los Angeles locals and worse tourists. But the paycheck and exchanging gossip in the break room with Calvin made things worthwhile. 
Until the Quinns returned from some time away with their family and he became a dot on Love Quinn's radar. And boy, was she hard to escape once her sights set on someone.
It started innocent enough. She joked and teased and bantered. She batted her eyelashes and gave that signature Love Quinn smile where she showed off all her pearly whites and her eyes crinkled with pure joy. Her fingers would brush against his, subtle enough to be seen as accidental until it happened far too often. She'd place her hand on his shoulder and press close against his arm to show him something, even going as far as to lean her head against him and gaze up at him through her lashes sometimes. And Christ, some divine being had certainly blessed her with the best of luck because she seemingly appeared out of thin air wherever he went. Or maybe he was just predictable, he wasn't fully sure.
Then came the time when Love wanted to figure out his 'perfect bite.' The perfect meal that would consistently taste heavenly no matter how many times one ate it. (Y/N) had begrudgingly gone along after some begging and heartstring-tugging puppy eyes but he would've been lying if part of him hadn't been curious about Love and how far she'd go with her not-so-subtle flirting. As he ended up learning, his curiosity and her flirting would lead them back to her place where they'd share a glass of wine and spend a long night in her bed.
He stared up at the tall ceiling and felt the sunshine pouring in from the equally tall windows. Everything about Love's home felt big and fancy. From her king-sized bed to the fact she had a walk-in closet and a bathroom the size of a bedroom. With her down-to-earth sweet personality, it was easy to forget her parents were wealthy business owners. He couldn't help but wonder how things would be at the store with the strictly platonic boss-employee relationship shattered into pieces. (Y/N) doubted she'd fire him or make his life worse now that she got what she wanted. Maybe she'd move on to someone else and things would settle back to normalcy.
"Morning, sunshine." She called out from the bathroom doorway and he craned his neck to look at her properly. His eyes immediately fell on the familiar shirt she wore, the only thing she wore, and he raised a brow. Her smile turned cheeky and she pushed herself away from the door, closing the distance and climbing into bed as he sat up against the headboard. Love settled down nicely on his lap and placed her hands on his cheeks before closing that distance as well and kissing him. She tasted of mint and mouthwash. 
"Didn't mean to sleep in." He spoke against her lips, feeling and hearing her chuckle. 
"It's okay, (Y/N). I would've let you sleep in until four if you wanted to." Love cooed warmly and pecked the tip of his nose. Everything felt rather... domestic for a simple one-night stand. "Now that you're up, I'll make us breakfast. How do you like your eggs? Boiled? Fried? Omelet? Scrambled? Or do you want, like, pancakes?" 
"How about... I use the bathroom and we figure that out in the kitchen?" He offered and she smiled again, nodding so eagerly her bun nearly came loose. 
"And then.... maybe we could talk about us?" She asked softly and tilted her head, her sweet hazel eyes making it hard to say anything but yes.
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theediviners · 2 years
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖘 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖘
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Collaborative reading between @astrodoll2 @neptunianspell and @daarlingdatura We are currently looking for a 4th collaborator, so reach out if you're interested.
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PILE ONE @daarlingdatura What made your Future Spouse/Partner realize they were attracted to you? It’s really clear to me with the way the 6 of pentacles popped up 2 times that the way you would make them want to be generous with you would be part of the reason they realize they’re attracted to you. 3 6 cards popped up in total actually, and the number 6 is ruled by venus. You could be someone who is very giving and sweet. I’m getting like disney princess energy- but not really?? Idk why I thought of the movie suckerpunch lol. Like, disney but make it edgy. There is a theme of not exactly purity, but a desire for purity in this pile. Purity & Balance. I feel that you would make this person feel very relaxed & calm & this would really bring a strong sense of peace to them. You would make them feel like all of their “childlike” expressions, passions, dreams, and desires are safe with you. Like someone who will hold them and love them and nurture them. This could be a person who has mommy issues to be honest. I also feel like your loving & nurturing energy would highlight their emotional shortcomings- but they would be receptive to changing? Like they would realize they’ve never wanted to change for someone before. They would also realize they are willing to fight for you and the connection between you two. I see that this person would see you as a prize or someone they want to care for. I do kind of sense there could be some level of imbalance when it comes to nurturing/caring here. So it’s important for you to have boundaries and not give more than you receive. This applies to other relationships as well. Respect your energy!
What drew them to you to begin with? This might sound weird but they could feel unsettled by your presence. LOL, like… the 7 of swords rx & the knight of swords with the 4 of swords rx popped out. It seems like they wouldn’t be able to read you very well and it could cause them to fixate on you somewhat. They could feel like you have some kind of secret & they could be extremely curious about it. I feel like they would desire to know more about your personal- and possibly family life? I heard something about dispelling rumors, like perhaps they would hear some kind of rumor about you or your family & they would be interested in discovering whether or not it’s accurate. I do sense that this person might see you as naive-  but a lot of the assumptions they may have about you are actually more true about them? They will feel drawn to you because you are witty & intelligent. You’re not easy to bribe or to get talking, and you know how to be cold especially when it comes to romantic encounters. Or alternatively you can accidentally be very cold towards others & it will make them see you as mysterious rather than awkward/anxious. I keep thinking of Black Magic Woman by Santana. That song could describe how you make them feel. I’m honestly feeling very emotional writing this reading out like tears are coming to my eyes. This person could feel very entranced by you- I don’t think all of the people who pick this pile are prone to playing games… however, some of you may be prone to mind-games and this would really turn this person on or make them feel near-obsessive about you.
Nonetheless, even if it’s not intentional you will come off as very mysterious and alluring to this person and I think you as an individual will be like a complete and total mindfuck to them.
PILE TWO @neptunianspell
What made your Future Spouse/Partner realize they were attracted to you?
what made your person realize they are in love with you is how well you get each other. it is deeper than mere shared interests or opinions, it's a soul connection that is rarely seen in relationships. when you are in a group with other people, you already know what the other is going to say before they even get a chance to open up their mouth. you could disagree on certain things and yet, it is not hard to see the world through the other's perspective. i think it's a precious aspect for them. throughout their life, feeling misunserstood was a reoccuring thing that left them with a desire to find that one soul that gets theirs. when you met them and, in spite of the interactions being small, you kept remembering all the important parts they'd talk about. it really made joy bloom in their hearts.
we live in a world where betrayal is nothing more than just a moment we all go through and get over it as if it's irrelevant. for them, connections are a sacred element of life that shouldn't be taken for granted and every person in one's circle should be treated with respect. they can't comprehend the lightweightness with which they flow through relationships. but you? you are different. you share the same loyalty that makes you so special and kind hearted and while some had taken it for granted, you learned to cherish it together. they fell in love when they realize you are what they've been looking for in terms of love. it's not something superficial or "i am choosing you because you are the closest thing to my type". it's as if the universe stole their desires and out of it, grew their soulmate, a person to spend their life with.
around the time their feelings came to the surface, many aspects of their life were turning negative and disappointment became a friend. friends turned their backs to them, showed their true faces. coworkers relied on them too much. darkness was all around and you became the sunshine that cracked the clouds.
What drew them to you to begin with?
there isn't a specific thing about you that caught their eye but every part that comes together to form you. at first, it was your physical appearance. i got the queen of wands in my spread and couldn't help but think your radiance of your smile bewitched them. your eyes in particular seem to be beautiful too. do not worry as they aren't neither a creep or a superficial person but damn, they love how you look. when you first met, you made them into a teenager whose mind is flooded with attraction and can't control themselves. also, how you smell? you could have a perfume that fits your body chemistry and whenever you pass someone, you leave a trail behind that they can hardly forget. after speaking with you more, they realized your personality is more beautiful than your physical appearance.
another thing that stood out was your humour. you might not consider yourself particularly funny but to them, your jokes can light up a room. they view you as this charismatic individual with so much love to give and oh my, did they want to be on the receiving end! they appear to be quite mature so before they fully register how they feel about someone, they need to take into account all aspects. seeing you so full of qualities and enchanting traits made their heart skip a beat. even if your mere presence was enough to get them nervous, getting lost in your spell felt sweet, as if falling asleep on a pile of clouds.
What made them attracted to you
First thing I heard was your generosity even when you don’t have much to give, it’s interesting I pulled out an oracle for what made them attracted and “complicated” came out, I feel like there were a lot of losses in the past, ups and downs, I think it took a lot of to get to where you guys are now, I feel like this is an attraction that built over time, ofc they found you physically attractive but the attraction comes mostly from the hurt, everything you guys may have been through together or separately is what they think has made you closer, but I still see a lack of stability physically or financially, this relationship may be impulsive and not thoroughly thought through, there’s a need to walk away the impulsive actions you make when you’re bored or in the need of change, there’s a lot of emotional attachment to one another, this is definitely someone from your past or a person you have history with, maybe you can’t stay away for long or when you do reconnect it’s like all the sparks come back, this person is attracted to your willingness to overcome any obstacles in the relationship. I think there may be a warning to be careful of someone taking advantage of this generosity or your constant forgiveness. I do see they knew or know they want to marry you, because I do seem them viewing your as a wife and with a family, they may view you as very nurturing which is also very attractive to them, you’re the light that guides them out of difficult times, I feel like when they’re depressed you help them find new routes and directions to take or you’re the direction want to lead towards after any loss, “all routes lead back to you” is what I heard there’s alot of passion but I need to implement more stability and focus on the long term goals. They feel very content with you and they may love the way you communicate. It feels like a destined connection.
What drew them to you
They knew from the jump they wanted you, I think when they saw you for the first time they instantly knew they wanted to ask you out, though they were afraid of being rejected by you because you seemed like you had a lot of options in love, Im getting the feeling again that this is a past connection and even if it’s not one you know now it may be someone you meet in the future who you’ll be on and off with or there will be a separation at one point before it leads to this deep commitment and marriage. After you separate they will want to jump right back in because they will be hit with what it feels like to lose you and they can’t bear it, there might’ve been sketchy things that happened in the past but they’ll want to change for you and you’ll know this is the person if they actually do change it’s not gonna be someone who just gives you hope that they will, they will stalk you alot on social media to see how you’re doing and if youre missing them too, they feel guided by their intuition to have a new beginning with you and will want closure/forgiveness for the past, there may have been a big tower moment and conflict that leaves you confused and want to hold your cards close to your chest because you’re not sure if you can trust this person again but they will show you they are trustworthy with their ACTIONS. But what draws them to you if your optimist attitude, you’re contentment with whatever you’re handed in life, your healing nature, and the way you don’t lose your childlike energy even when burdened with responsibilities. Also for the oracle of what drew them to you was movement in rv which makes sense with what I was saying above of them wanting to come in after this separation and the stagnation or no contact is what made them realize how much they want to be with you ofc it’s up to you to take this person back. And idk why there is a message from your guides about a new beginning in career or needing to focus more on your path and individuality alongside this relationship, don’t lose yourself, tap in a receive the messages they’re trying to send you.
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The Florist & the Baker (Florist!Nanami x Fem!Black!Baker!Reader 18+ One Shot) 
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Pairing: Kento Nanami x Black!Fem!Reader (Meet Cute/Slow Burn)
Synopsis: In which you get a storyline straight out of a meet-cute romcom when Nanami, the quiet and stoic yet handsome florist who only comes into your bakery for coffee, asks you out on a date. 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Non-Curse AU; Friends to Lovers; Slow Burn; Meet Cute; Cheesy, Fluffy Romance; Soft Dom!Nanami; Romantic; Public Sex; First Date Sex; 69ing; Nanami is an Eater; Big Dick; Facefucking; Missionary + Doggystyle; Cumshot; Creampie; Aftercare
Writer's Note: Nanami is WHIPPED in this one shot man. Like WHEN WILL THIS BE ME??? I’ve been having a brain rot over the concept of florist!Nanamj lately. It’s such a cute trend & I had to write some fluffy, Hallmark romance shit for it 😩 This one is also inspired by Nanami x Tiana (the Disney princess). It’s such a random ship but it’s so CUTE!! Go check them out!! -Jazz
It was a cool, rainy March morning when you met him for the first time. 
Your bakery, best known for its pastries and catering, always opens at 9 AM on weekdays to serve the sleepy-eyed crowd hurrying off to work or classes in the morning. You thought that day was no different. At the time, you were the only one working that morning when the bell above the door rang. 
So you turned around in your work uniform of sneakers and an apron over a warm sweater and jeans. “Good morning!” you chirped in your usual bright tone of voice. “Welcome to…”
The rest of your rehearsed sentence fell short when the man stopped to rub his boots against the rug near the door and take the wet hat off of his head. 
He was tall and extremely handsome like he just stepped out of a GQ Magazine to personally greet you. Under his hat laid a face card that could envy millions of men: a sharp jaw and cheekbones; a blonde undercut that somehow made him look older; brown eyes that twinged with annoyance before he looked at you, his expression softening somewhat. You had never seen a man so fine. 
He put up a finger and pressed the Bluetooth earpiece in his left ear that you didn’t notice. “Pardon?” he asked, scowling at you. “Sorry, I was on the phone. Could you repeat that please?” 
And his voice! It was so deep and soothing. You could listen to him read a storybook or your bakery menu in that voice. Usually, you don’t thirst after customers, but you could admire them in secret, right?
Realizing that he’s waiting for an answer, you pretend to cough to stall yourself and act like you weren’t checking out the guy in the expensive wool coat standing behind the counter.  
“U-Uh, I was just welcoming you to Sweet Treats,” you quickly reply. “Can I interest you in our seasonal line of cookies and beverages for the spring?” You nod at the menu sitting at the end of the counter among a glass display of flower-shaped cookies. “I recommend the lavender latte if you want something refreshing.” 
The man’s face twitched a bit, his brows narrowing at the menu. “Um, no thank you. I don’t do too many sweets, especially in the morning.” He cleared his throat, his eyes skidding from yours for a moment as if he was too anxious to look at you. 
“Can’t argue with that,” you giggled. “How can I help you today, sir?” The man looked up at the menu overhead before choosing a medium-sized latte and the breakfast sandwich on a croissant with egg white and pepperjack cheese, hold the bacon. “Excellent choice, sir!” you commented. “Our breakfast croissant is one of our most popular choices. That’ll be $11.09, please.” 
He slipped his wallet out and you watched curiously as he took a gold card out. American Express. ‘Oh, he must have money,’ you thought, oozing with attraction for him instantly. 
You took the card and thanked him before swiping it. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a card that looks like this before,” you chuckled. “It’s so heavy yet lightweight at the same time!” You read his name on the card: Nanami Kento. 
“Well, when you’re working the demanding job I do and own your own apartment, you need a card like that,” he wryly joked. “Everything I buy with it I pay it at the end of every month.” 
“I’ve never heard of such a card!” you said in awe. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that you do, sir?” The man gave you a funny look as if you just asked him if he was pregnant. “Um…I’m a florist,” he answered. “Sorry, I’m just not used to people asking me what I do. Conversation is scarce out there.” 
You hummed in agreement, handing him back his card. “I completely agree, but sometimes, it’s nice to just talk to someone.” He reached out to take the card, his fingers brushing yours as he did. His fingers are long and calloused. Maybe he played piano? The idea made your stomach flip excitedly for some reason. 
You coaxed him to have a seat and wait while you got his order together, brewing the coffee before getting his premade sandwich out of the kitchen fridge to toast.
As you did so, you heard him on the phone again, sounding irritated and frustrated with his coworker on the other line. So you did something to cheer him up: without him looking, you snuck a daisy-shaped sugar cookie into his to-go bag and then called his name from the desk. “Nanami!” you called, smiling at him. 
His head shot toward you and he got up, walking ever so elegantly toward you in his red bottom shoes. He took the bag from you, thanking you. “Sorry, but I don’t remember telling you my name,” he said. Fear struck you at first, thinking you offended him, but then you see a playful glint in his eye. 
“That’s because you didn’t,” you giggled sheepishly. “I forgot to ask, so I may have peeked at your Amex card. Please come again, sir.”
Nanami’s orgasmic eyes looked into yours for a moment, his handsome face making it so hard to concentrate. “Nanami,” he corrected you. “Thank you, Ms. L/N.”
As he turned around to leave with his breakfast, you pulled a face, wondering how he knew your name…and then you remembered your name tag and squeezed your thighs together. “Come again soon!” you called as he walked out into the rain, putting his hat back on his head. 
The rest of the day was filled with thoughts of Nanami. While unbeknownst to you, Nanami’s head swam with tortuous images of the pretty baker with the beautiful skin, gorgeous smile, warm personality, and hip-hugging jeans as he ate his daisy-shaped cookie, shivering in delight at the taste. 
Since that day, he has come in often. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes on his lunch break, but he always orders a coffee and you always sneak something sweet as a pick-me-up in his bag. Sometimes he leaves and sometimes he sits to sip on his coffee, only chomping down on your pick-me-up once he leaves. 
One day, a month later on a beautiful April day, he comes in during a lunch break when you and Yuki and Mai, your coworkers and friends, are taking care of the lunch rush crowd while Todo, Megumi, and Yuji work in the kitchen. 
Yuki ogles him as he walks in, extremely obvious and not trying to hide it from behind the counter. “Damn, he’s fine,” she whispers. “Who the fuck is that?” Mai walks past her with a tray of eclairs to replace beneath the glass displays. “Y/N’s very loyal customer,” she giggles. “He’s been in here almost every day to see her.” 
You are busy washing glasses when you see Nanami and you give him a nod and a smile, acknowledging his presence. He nods back, patiently waiting while you set up. “Really?!” Yuki gasps, gaping at you. “Y/N, how come you never told me you have a boyfriend now?” 
The kitchen doors open, signaling the arrival of one of the boys. “Who’s got a boyfriend?” Yuji curiously asks. “Here’s the fresh batch of peach cobblers you needed, Y/N.” You look down at the delicious pastries. “Thank you, Yuji, and no, I don’t have a boyfriend. He just comes in here often because he enjoys the coffee and ambiance!” 
You glare at Yuki who gives you a knowing look, her lips pursed. “Mmm, I bet it’s the ambiance, alright,” she purrs, bumping her hip with yours as she walks by to tend to the coffee machine. 
Then Nanami comes walking up while the girls giggle among themselves. You quickly straighten up and smile at the blonde. “Nanami, it’s good to see you again! What can I get you today?” 
The stoic blonde gives you another nod of acknowledgment, his coat open today to reveal his suit and tie. “You as well, Ms. L/N,” he says in his smooth-like-butter voice. “Just the usual, please. I have a meeting so I have to hurry back.” He checks his watch, looking quite pensive. 
“Sure thing,” you say and begin to fix up his pastry while you give Yuki his drink order. While you do s, Mai walks past you, her apron replaced with a gorgeous red top and jeans, and gives you a kiss on the cheek. “Headin’ out for the lunch date, hon? Just be careful, okay?”
The black-haired beauty turns and smiles at you. “Gotchu!” she calls. But then she pauses for a moment and smiles at Nanami. “Nice to meet you. I’m Mai, Y/N’s friend.” 
You could choke her as you watch Nanami’s ears turn red. With a giggle and a wink your way, she goes skipping out the door into the wonderful spring air. You sigh, busying yourself with heating up his sandwich. Nanami stands by the counter, the silence filled with the whistle of the latte maker and the hum of the microwave. 
He suddenly clears his throat, earning your attention. “Nice day for a date, I suppose,” he awkwardly says. He’s trying hard to make conversation. You giggle to yourself at his adorable awkwardness. “Agreed, but my date will probably be with my dog later. It’ll be beautiful weather for a walk.” 
The ding of the bell above the door rings, signaling the arrival of another customer. You look at Yuki and give her a wink, hurrying to finish making Nanami’s drink while she takes care of the customer. “So there are no suitable bachelors lined up for you right now?”
Nanami curiously asks. You blink at him, shocked by the question. Quickly, he tries to backtrack. “I apologize if that’s too personal.” 
“No, you’re fine!” you hurriedly reply. “At least you’re not asking me what time I get off…which yes, that has happened before many times.” But if Nanami were to ask you this, you can’t say you’d say no. “Dating just isn’t in the cards for me right now with running a business and all.” 
Nanami nods, watching your hands move as you maneuver the foam machine for the top of the latte. “What about you?” you quip, smiling at him. “I’m sure a guy as handsome as you has a girl on his arm.”
You expect Nanami to laugh at this, but he doesn’t. Instead, his frown deepens and you feel like offing yourself. “I-I’m sorry,” you gasp. “That was so inappropriate to say.” 
“Don’t apologize,” he interrupts you. “That’s very sweet of you.” A light, pink blush lightly coats his cheeks, making your heart flutter. “And no dating for me either, I’m afraid. My life is just too busy and demanding for such.”
He pauses as if thinking and his eyes flick down to your hands. “But if anyone deserves a nice date in such nice weather, I’m sure everyone in here would agree that it’s you.” 
You stop and stare at him for a moment, shocked by his sweet words and game. You damn near burn his sandwich from spacing out because of his words, so much so that Yuki has to turn off the microwave because you don’t hear it beeping. You don’t know why Nanami’s compliment stuns you so much. It’s just a compliment! 
And then you realize it’s because of how genuine it is. You can tell he means it. You can’t deny the way it affects you as you finish his order. Your hands shake as you wrap up his sandwich and secretly place a sun-shaped sugar cookie into his to-go bag.
You give him a smile that you hope doesn’t wobble as you pass him his order. “Have a nice day, Nanami,” you softly say. 
He takes the coffee and bag, his hands lightly brushing against yours. You feel something explode within you from even the slightest touch of your fingers. You search his face, wondering if he felt it too. “Kento,” he corrects you. “You as well, Ms. L/N.”
You nearly melt beneath his gaze. “Y/N,” you correct him. 
He gives you a small smile before heading off to work, taking the intoxicating scent of his cologne and your head with him. Yuki is the one who brings you back down to earth, carrying two iced coffees. “Oooh, that was sexy to watch,” she giggles. “Y/N, your man is such a man.” 
“He’s not my man,” you grumble, glaring at her. “Quiet and take the drinks to my customers, please.” She just laughs, skipping away while you attempt to gather yourself. 
Yuki’s joke unfortunately sticks: “Your man is here, Y/N.” This is what your coworkers began telling you and teasing you with once Nanami started showing up more frequently. He sometimes shows up on his lunch, chatting with people on the phone about orders from his florist shop, but it’s mostly in the mornings on the way to work. 
And every single time, you hope that he asks you out. But he never does. But even so, you look forward to seeing him again. So when Yuki, your fellow coworker, and co-baker says it again–“Your man is here again, Y/N”–you turn towards her and react like she just told you that there is a hundred-dollar bill under your shoe or like you’ve got a great ass. The blonde woman smirks from the side counter where she is fixing the pastry displays, not even looking up when the bell above the front door rings. 
It is a beautiful day in May, blue skies and sunshine with a pleasant 70-degree breeze. You were happy to start your day this morning because of the weather, but now, it just got even better. Nanami has ditched his coat for a simple yet sexy blue button-down, his zany tie, and slacks. 
He looks much better than you in your flour-dusted apron after baking bread before the store opened this morning. “Hi, Kento!” you chirp. “Oh, is this a friend of yours?”
Behind him, he not only carries his briefcase but also an equally handsome, tall man with snow-white hair, blue eyes, and a kind of swagger you know has people’s undies dropping for him. The opposite of Nanami, it appears. Nanami looks like he dreaded you asking. “Unfortunately,” he sighs. 
The white-haired stranger moves beside Nanami and puts a hand out for a shake. “Hello, miss,” he greets. “Gojo Satoru, pleased to meet you. I’m a longtime friend of Kento’s. We go waaaaay back.” You look at Nanami who looks like he wants to die. “Nice to meet you,” you laugh, shaking Gojo’s hand. 
Gojo gives you another Colgate smile. “Kenny has told me so much about you, you know,” he teasingly says, earning a death stare from Nanami. “Oops, shouldn’t have said that! Here, Ken, you take it from here. That cobbler has my name on it.” He strides over to the glass display of pastries and baked goods, leaving you both alone. 
Nanami gives you an apologetic look but you giggle it off. “So how’s it going today? Can I get you anything?” You mentally prepare to get his usual order ready, but he shakes his head and fixes his tie, looking nervous for some reason. “Uh…it’s going well and no, I’m in a hurry, but…I wanted to give you these.” 
He then slowly takes his arm from behind his back and reveals a bouquet of the most beautiful and bright red, yellow, and pink tulips you’ve ever seen wrapped in paper. For you.
“Oh!” you gasp, placing a hand on your heart. “Oh.” He hands them to you over the counter, much to the prying eyes of your friends and other customers in the bakery. 
“They’re from my shop,” he explains despite you not even asking. “I wasn’t aware what color you liked, but I figured bright ones couldn’t hurt.”
He gives you a sheepish, nervous smile which is quite a sight from such a stoic and calm man. You gently stroke one of the tulips’ soft petals and inhale the sweet perfume of them. You can’t remember the last time a man surprised you with anything, let alone flowers. 
You are touched and absolutely floored for him. “I love them, Kento,” you whisper. “Thank you.” You give him a smile which he crookedly returns. “You’re welcome…and I also wanted to ask you something.” 
“Okay,” you say because what the fuck else can you say? He leans over the counter, giving you a whiff of his cologne. It has you thinking about him doing very naughty things with you over the counter. “I know you said before that your life makes dating hard and whatnot, and I’ll completely understand if you say no, but…my friend recently mentioned to me that I shouldn’t let good things pass me by, so…” 
His eyes shift to Gojo who is sipping on a lavender iced latte and giving him a thumbs up, not even trying to act like he isn’t listening. The florist turns back to you, his cheeks pink. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to have dinner with me one day?” It’s meant to be a statement, but it comes out as a question. 
You stand there stunned for a moment, your brain moving slowly. You’ve been waiting for so long for him to ask you out and now he is! Nanami takes your silence for a no and visibly withers. “Forget what I said,” he sighs. “Please. That was so stupid of me. I’m so–” 
“Nanami, I’d love to,” you quickly reply, breaking out into a huge, dumb smile that hurts your cheeks. “Is Friday night okay? I get off at 7 PM.” The florist looks shocked and then his face softens with relief and happiness. “Friday at 7 sounds perfect.” 
Your stomach flutters with butterflies as you stare at him, clutching his flowers close to your chest. “Did ya ask her yet, Nanami?!” Gojo shouts from the other side of the room. 
Nanami sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, I have to go take him out back and shoot him. Is it okay if I call the bakery?” You giggle at his joke but then give him a crooked smile, staring at him beneath your lashes. “It would….but I think having my number would be better, don’t you?” 
The florist stares at you, shaken by the flirty little line you threw. But it works! You end up getting Nanami’s number instead and putting a little flower next to his contact.
Just so he doesn’t waste your or your staff’s time, Nanami orders an iced latte and gives you a bashful smile when you take it from him. “I’ll see you Friday then.” You nod and watch him leave with Gojo. Mai comes up behind you along with Yuki, both girls having watched everything go down from behind you. “Smooth, Y/N,” Mai whispers. “Very smooth.” 
For the rest of the week, you anticipate Friday night for your date with Nanami. You plan your outfit according to the weather, shave your legs and kitty beforehand, and smile at your tulips every morning when you wake up, reminded every morning of what is to come. But then you get a cold. Spring is good for most things, but immunity? Fuck no. 
You go in on Friday morning anyway, snotting, sneezing, and your voice scratchy. Yuki and Mai scold you two hours into your shift, snatching your apron from you. “For God’s sake, Y/N, just go home!” Mai snaps. You sound awful! We can handle the bakery without you for a few days until you get better.”
Yuki nods, helping you get into your jacket and passing you an extra box of tissues for the road. “And no sucking faces with the hot blonde man till you get rid of this cold.” 
So you go home and immediately hit Nanami up while lounging on your couch in your sweats and slippers, your nose stinging from blowing it so much and your throat congested. This is the first time you’re calling him and you feel nervous. Your heart pounds with every ring from the other line, but when he finally picks up, you just about melt. 
“Hello?” He asks, his deep, silky voice filling your ear. “Hi, Nanami, it’s me,” you say, cringing at your sick voice. “I’m so sorry to do this, but you think we can take a rain check on that date? I’m sick.” 
“Of course,” he says, sounding concerned. “Just remember to eat and rest up, okay? I recommend lots of herbal tea too.” You feel your heart burst at his advice and worry for you. “You would recommend that,” you giggle, crossing your ankles on the couch. “Any ones I can use for medicine?” 
Nanami is happy to tell you. “I don’t think you’d need it, but honeysuckle flowers work for coughs and sore throats.” You nod and lay your head back against the couch, listening to him, falling in love with his voice. “Tell me more,” you whisper. “I-If you’re not busy.” 
His light chuckle makes you throb between your legs. For the next twenty minutes before he’s forced to leave due to his duties, he tells you all about plants and flowers which somehow leads to you talking about your favorite things to do, hobbies, foods, etc.
When you finally hang up for the day, all you want is to talk to him again, so you hurry to get better. Nanami checks on you every single day which only makes your attraction to him grow. 
When you return back to work a week later, finally free of your cold, you’re welcomed with big hugs and a gift package complete with a coffee mug, fuzzy socks, tea bags, chocolates, and a gift card to your favorite store. “It was my idea!” Todo proudly says. 
“Mine too, you big bitch!” Yuji snaps. 
“I bought the gift card since these two were broke,” Megumi says. 
You laugh at the boys, hugging each of them. “That’s so sweet, guys,” you coo, hugging the gift package close to you. You begin to walk to the back to set your things down in the employee lounge, but you stop. There, on the counter, sits a bouquet of beautiful, vibrant azalea flowers. 
You walk up to the flowers, your heart skipping a beat. “Did you guys get these too?” you ask, pointing at the gorgeous flowers. Yuki shakes her head, much to your relief and joy. “No, these were delivered this morning. There was no ID; just a tag that said ‘The Greenhouse on the Hill’.”
Nanami’s flower shop. 
You break into the biggest smile you have ever made. That afternoon when you return home with your gorgeous flowers, you set them on the kitchen counter and hit Nanami up, already anticipating the sound of his silky, sexy voice.
Four rings go by before he actually answers. “Yes?” he asks, sounding somewhat irked. Your stomach drops at his shortness. “Hi, Nanami…is this a bad time?” 
“Shit,” he sighs apologetically. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t even look at your contact. The shop has been so busy with Mother’s Day coming up and all of these fucking spring weddings, excuse me language.” 
“I get it,” you giggle, leaning against the counter. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss though.” And it’s fucking hot. “I got your flowers today. Thank you.” 
“I’m just glad they came on time,” he says, relieved. “I was so sure they’d get there later in the week…and you’re welcome. I was hoping it’d make up for us missing our date.” 
You gently fiddle with one of the flower petals, biting your bottom lip. “I also wanted to call you about that,” you shyly begin. “Since we didn’t go on our date and I’m still building up my immune system since my cold, why don’t I invite you over to my shop and I can cook you something?” 
Nanami is quiet for a moment and you begin to think that you may have suggested something dumb. “You haven’t been to my shop yet,” he states.
Not waiting for an answer, he continues: “Instead of me coming there, why don’t you come here and I can cook you dinner? As you said, it’d be better to stay away from other people since you’re building your immune system back up and…” He stops abruptly. “Sorry,” he chuckles sheepishly. “I’m rambling.” 
“It’s okay,” you giggle despite him blushing on the other line. You are just as bashful, feeling warm all over at the thought of Nanami cooking for you and visiting his shop. “I like that idea, Nanami. I’m good with this Friday night if that works for you.” 
“Perfect,” he sighs. “I’ll pick you up at the bakery at 7.” You hang up and giddily fix yourself some wine, unwinding after a day of business. 
As the week goes on, you wait impatiently for Friday to make its appearance. When it finally does, you hurriedly change in the bathroom at work, do your makeup, and slip into a sundress that makes your skin pop, flats, and a jacket for the pleasant May air. When you step out, Mai and Yuki gape at you. 
“Oooh, you look so good, Y/N!” Yuki exclaims. “Blondie ain’t gonna know what hit him! He’ll be dying to eat you instead of–” 
“Hush!” you bark. “This is our first date, Yuki. I don’t do that on the first date.” You turn away to apply some more lipgloss to your lips, making your lips look extra plump and appetizing. 
“Ugh, not that shit!” Mai huffs, giving you a sharp look. “If you two like each other and are attracted to one another, who cares?! You should see the way he looks at you, Y/N! It’s like he’d bend you over the counter and fuck you if we weren’t here.” She gives your ass a squeeze in your sundress. 
“I’m shutting this convo down now,” you firmly say, batting her hand away. “Nanami and I like each other, yes, but we’re taking it slow. I wanna get to know him until we–” 
A knock on the door cuts you off and you turn, finding Nanami standing there. The girls laugh among each other as you race to the door. “Both of you, shut up!” you hiss before opening the door. Your date looks absolutely fuck worthy in a black polo shirt, tan slacks, and dress shoes. Very casual yet still sexy. “Hi, Nanami!” you chirp. “M’ready now.” 
“Have fun, you two!” Yuki shouts once you fetch your work bag. “Y/N, be home before dark, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You ignore her and leave with Nanami, stepping out into the warm air. Nanami looks adoringly at you under the street lamps. “You look really nice,” he shyly says. You let the compliment wash over you, flattered. “It’s only a short walk from here,” he says. “Just follow me.” 
Greenhouse on the Hill really is a short walk from your bakery. You can’t believe you’ve never seen him around before with how close your places of business are. It is a quaint little white store with planted flowers blooming along its windows and along the steps you walk up with Nanami. In the back is a greenhouse to which he leads you to. He takes a ring of keys out and unlocks the door before flicking on the light. 
Your eyes widen at the dozens of flowers, plants, and herbs surrounding the large glass greenhouse. You step into the warm, toasty greenhouse, smiling from ear to ear. “Wow, Nanami!” you gasp in awe. “This is beautiful! You planted all of these yourself?” 
The florist closes the door and steps beside you, trying to hide his prideful smile. ”From scratch. I can give you a tour if you want.” He offers you his elbow and you waste no time taking it, his cologne making you dizzy. “Please,” you reply, soft and breathless from him being so close. 
For the next twenty minutes, Nanami introduces you to his many flowers and plants, telling you which ones are meant for which holidays and occasions; what colors go best with certain bouquets; what flowers match certain personalities, etc. You try to listen and learn, but you’re so wrapped up in how sexy his voice is that you find yourself thinking of other things. 
When he finally realizes how long he’s been talking for and blushes as bright as the roses you stop in front of. “Sorry,” he sighs. “I’m rambling again.” You shake your head, gently stroking his arm. “Don’t be sorry. I like listening to you speak. You’re so passionate about this and it’s obviously something you love.” 
Nanami’s gaze shifts and the way he looks at you now feels intimate and tender. It fills you with tingles all the way down to your toes. “What?” You exhale. He looks as if he wants to say something, but he decides not to. “Nothing,” he says. “We should eat before the food wastes. I have wine too.” 
He has you wait while he goes back to the shop and comes back minutes later with a blanket that he lays on the floor and a picnic basket. Inside lies two wine glasses, a chilled wine bottle, rice balls, homemade salad, and for dessert, one of your famous crème brûlées from your bakery. “I came in early before you got there,” Nanami explains as you gape down at the cake. “I wanted to surprise you.” 
You swear you could kiss him. 
The dinner is straight out of a Disney movie. The food is delicious, the wine is refreshing and loosens you both up, and the conversation is even better. You and Nanami sit next to each other on the blanket, shoes off and completely at ease. You chat about your likes and dislikes; your favorite movies and most embarrassing moments. You find that Nanami is very funny is an unintentional way and whenever you joke, you find yourself falling in love with his laugh. 
By the time you get to dessert, half of the wine is gone and you’re ready to jump him every time he dips his spoon into the sweet French dessert and wraps his lips around it to slurp up the treat. Once he finishes, he sits back and exhales, full. “Wow,” he sighs. “That has to be the best creme brûlée I have ever had. You have quite the gift, Y/N.” 
You make a noise between a grunt and a laugh, modest and shy from such a compliment. “You don’t think so?” he asks, looking honestly hurt by the idea. “You should. You make people happy with what you make them, even if it’s just a simple coffee. You put such love into your business and it shows. Your personality makes it even better. I would bet people keep coming back for that…such as me.” 
His eyes are tender and genuine, his smile even more so. You finally cannot fight off the effects of him or the wine anymore and move in closer to him. He watches you, not moving a muscle as you strip off your jacket to reveal the spaghetti straps and your bare shoulders underneath. “Kento,” you softly say. “I really want you to kiss me.” 
The florist scoots closer to you until your knees are touching. “And I really want to kiss you,” he replies. His eyes flicker to your mouth, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he gulps.
“So do it,” you whisper, barely speaking; just exhaling. And then, finally, his lips find yours. 
His kiss is just as magical, careful, and sweet as he is. He lets you take most of the lead, his hands settling respectfully on your waist. But you want more. Need more. So you make it known by placing a hand on his cheek and deepening the kiss, leading to a full-on passionate, heated makeout session that has your head spinning and toes curling. 
Nanami’s lips leave yours to plant feverish kisses on your neck and throat. You tilt your head back, welcoming the kisses and embracing him as you do. He does the same to you, your smaller body encased in his bigger, more muscular one. It feels good—so good that you can quickly feel your panties becoming uncomfortably wet. “Kento,” you whine. 
He gets the message and kisses up to your ear. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do,” he whispers. “I won’t go any further than you want me to. Just tell me what you want, sweetheart.” His teeth lightly nibble at your ear, drawing a soft whine out of you. 
“I want you,” you moan. “I want you to fuck me right here.” He pulls away, shocked at the dirty request coming out of you. You place a hand on his thigh, squeezing it gently. “Please,” you add, batting your lashes at him. 
Nanami places a hand on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your bottom lip. “How can I refuse a thing as pretty as you?” He asks himself. You nearly suck him off right there and then. 
Minutes later after agonizing foreplay, your spell works on Nanami and you find yourself out of your clothes and only in your panties with the handsome florist on top of you. His soft lips are attached to your nipples, sucking gently yet eagerly at the hardened, brown peaks while you moan and writhe beneath his touch.
His hands idly play with your sides while yours are sunk in his scalp. “Mmm, Nanami,” you moan, your fingers in his blonde hair. “That feels so good. I should’ve known a florist would be so good with his hands, but his mouth too?” 
Nanami loves how you sound moaning his name. You can tell by the hard-on you feel pressing against your inner thigh protruding from his slacks. He removes his lips from your nipple, greedy eyes staring up into yours. “You haven’t seen how good I can be yet,” he growls into your ear. “But only if that’s what you want.” 
You already know what he wants and you can’t express him how much you want more with your words. You hope your body––your hard nipples, labored breath, and wet pussy pressing against his thigh––say what you can’t. 
“Is that what you want?” you softly ask. The blonde shocks you by taking your hand and boldly placing it on his hard dick. You softly gasp at how big he feels in your hand, the shaft thick and pulsing in your palm. “What do you think?” He whispers, obvious, molten lust in his eyes. 
That is all you need to hear. Immediately, you grab him and kiss him passionately, emitting porn-worthy moans from his lips that travel into yours. I want your clothes off too,” you softly exhale, earning an agreeable groan from the blonde. Your hands yank and snatch at his clothes, helping him out of his shirt and pants. You work together to strip him, laughing as you do and sharing heated kisses. 
Nanami is truly a sight to behold naked. He is a beefcake but he isn’t a gym rat. His arms are big and toned, perfect for wrapping you up in. His pectorals are juicy and squeezeable, sinewy with a sexy cluster of blonde chest hair that matches his toned lower stomach that you want to lick and kiss. You do so, kissing up his luscious physique while he gives you encouraging moans and sighs like a touch-starved man. 
His lower half is just as impressive: a firm ass, toned thighs and legs that could crush some skulls, and a V-line that traces down to the promised land. You ogle at his hard cock print in his briefs, your hand moving to grab it. Nanami’s bottom lip catches between his teeth, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your warm hand on his shaft. 
“I want somethin’ else to,” you whisper. He raises a questionable brow. “Can we 69?” You suggest, running one hand up his chest while the other palms his dick. The florist opens his eyes and gives you a shocked look like you suggested you do some crazy BDSM shit on the first date. 
Before you can take a breath, Nanami is lying down on his back and gripping your hips to force you on top of him. You squeal with laughter, delighted by his eagerness and his strength. “I’ll take that as a yes!” You laugh as you place your hands on his chest and situate yourself. 
You look back at him, finding his lustful eyes peering up at you from behind. “I’m not much of a man of words as I’m sure you know, darling,” he says. “I’m better with actions.” He then pulls your panties to the side and proceeds to slurp you up like you’re the first meal he’s had all day. 
“Oh, Kento, fuck!” You moan, unable to hold anything back. You grind your ass back into him as his lips and tongue dance across your clit and sodden wet pussy, taking his time getting to know you. “I thought you said you wanted to 69,” he murmurs, his voice slightly muffled by your cunt. 
His cock switches impatiently in his briefs and you giggle.  “Yes, sir,” you hum, already working to push his briefs down his waist. His cock pops out from its trap and gently slaps against his stomach, hard, thick, and veiny. You could stare at it all night, but all you want to do now is touch and taste it. So you wrap your hands around his shaft and stroke, pump, slurp, and spit to your heart’s content. 
Nanami grinds his hips up into your touch as you pump him in time with your mouth, enveloping him with your lips and tongue. You encourage him to do so, moaning out tiny “mmm-hmm”s while you eagerly bob your head, sending vibrations throughout his shaft that travel up his body. “Shit, darling,” he gasps. “That feels fuckin’ amazing.” 
Hearing him be so vulgar makes you gush into his mouth, excited by this calm man losing his shit for you. You don’t blame him. Seeing your pretty nails and brown skin contrast with his complexion while your fingers stretch around his cock shiny with your spit is doing things to you too. “Yeah?” You coo. “You like fuckin’ my throat, baby boy?” 
You put it on him once again, gagging all over his dick much to his enjoyment. “God!” he gasps, his toes curling and his hands gripping your ass. “That’s just not fair.”
He lets his actions elaborate on that instead of his words, going back to slurping down your pussy and distracting you from your work. Feeling your body shake and shudder makes him chuckle, proud of his skills. 
After a couple of minutes of enjoying this position, Nanami gladly spending time between your soft thighs and you giving him as much neck as he can take, you finally can’t take anymore of it. You throw in the towel and look back at him, mouth coated in spit. “I need you, Kento,” you whine. “I need you to fuck me please!” 
You feel his cock twitch at your plea. He doesn’t hesitant to remove himself from your pussy, instead giving you all of his attention. “How do you want it, darling?” he asks. “I’ll give it to you however you want.” 
You choose to be on your back first. Nanami obliges and helps you off of him to lay on the blanket. You wrap your arms around him, kissing him as he hikes your legs up around his waist. And gently, gently, places himself inside of you. The tiny act of his head sliding inside of you is enough to emit a gasp from the both of you. His eyes meet yours, concern in them. 
Though it is a stretch after not being with anyone for a while, it feels good and you let him know by grinding your hips up into him. His handsome face screws up like he’s in pain, his lips parting on a silent moan. “More,” you whisper. “Give me more, Kento.” 
How can he possibly deny you? Placing his hands on either side of you, he leans down onto his elbows and begins to slowly rock his hips into you, driving his cock into you inch by inch. He keeps his eyes locked on yours as you take him, watching you react to his thick cock filling you up. “Look at me,” he demands. “Look at me while I fuck you.” 
You do so, forcing yourself to keep your eyes on him despite the blinding pleasure you feel when he really begins to fuck you. He grips your hips to bring you closer to him as he drives himself into you, plunging his cock in and out, in and out. Moans and gasps leave your lips, your nails digging into his shoulders and your heels pressed into his ass. 
The more he fucks you, the more your pussy gushes for him. He must feel what you’re feeling too because his hips begin to stutter and his cock grows harder inside of you. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he huffs, his last threads of self-control leaving him. “But I can’t help but want to fuck you harder. You look too goddamn perfect bouncing on my cock like this.” 
The use of those lewd, filthy words coming from calm, cool and collected Nanami nearly has you gushing. “Do it then,” you urge. “Be rough with me, Kento. It’s okay.” You smile up at him, cupping his handsome face in your hands. “I trust you.” 
That’s enough to break him. Pressing a fierce kiss to your lips, he looks you dead in the eyes and slowly, agonizingly rolls his hips down into yours. “Tell me how you want it,” he growls against your lips. “Tell me how you want me to take this pussy.” 
You tell him just that and he gently pulls out of you before helping you onto your wobbly hands and knees. “Face down, baby,” he orders, his voice sending shivers down your spine. “I want you exactly like this.” You do as he desires, pressing your face against the blanket while your ass is tooted up in the air. 
Nanami doesn’t hesitant to slide home inside you once more and grips your hips as he begins to nail your shit…and I mean, nail it. The man hits that spot again and again, sending you careening into bliss over and over again, your pussy gushing and shuddering around his merciless, thick cock. 
“God, Kento, yes!” You whine. “Yes, give it to me just like that! Fuck yes, yes, yes!” Your moans mix with his, bouncing off of the greenhouse walls and creating a symphony of pleasure that only the flowers and plants are privy to. 
“You like it like this, darling?” He pants from behind you. “You like gettin’ fucked just like this?” You nod wordlessly into the blanket, your hands gripping the fabric while he uses your ass as leverage to pull himself forward again and again, pistoning himself inside you. You’ve never been fucked like this before: so eagerly and greedily. He needs this just as much as you do. 
The fact that he wants you just as much as you want him just about makes you break. You can feel that knot in your core about to snap, your pussy shuddering and fluttering around his pistoning cock. “N-Nanami,” you whimper. “Baby, I’m gonna cum soon. Y-You’ve gotta slow down!” 
“Why?” Nanami pants. “Why slow down when I’m about to make such a pretty pussy cum all over me?” He does slow down enough to lean down to whisper in your ear. “I want you close to him,” he coos, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear. “I want to feel you when you cum.” 
You smile, delirious with the pleasure but coherent enough to want the same thing. He pulls you flush against him, his front against your back, and begins to fuck you from behind again. His moans and grunts fill your ear while yours bounce off the walls the more intensely he fucks you, one hand on your breast and the other on your ass. “Play with that clit,” he demands. “I want you to cum with me.” 
You whimper and whine as you do as he says, your fingers frantically rubbing your clit in time with his pounding. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to rise along with his. Your mouth falls open and you toss your head back, thrown into the throes of pleasure. “Kento!” You moan. “Fuck, I’m cumming!” 
“Me too,” he grunts, gripping you as close to him as you possibly can be. “Cum with me, darling! Give it to me!”
The desperate grunt he lets out as his own end nears throws you over the edge. You loop an arm back around his neck to pull him closer as you finally cum all over his cock. His own orgasm is triggered and he cums right after you, his body tensing as his orgasm zips through him. 
Moans of your release mingle in the air as you both climax, but then are silenced as you share a heated, passionate kiss with tongues included. Your pussy spasms against his cock, twitching and gripping him tightly until your orgasm finally fades, leaving you with a satisfied, beaming grin on your face. 
Once your high fades, Nanami pulls out of you with a soft moan, releases you, and slowly lays beside you on the blanket. You cradle one another, arms and legs loosely tangled with one another as you stare up at the glass greenhouse ceiling. You look up at Nanami, your eyes drinking in his body coated in sweat and the afterglow. 
You just had sex with a man on the first date. You find yourself not regretting it at all. Nanami, catching you looking at him, turns to you and gives you a crooked smile. 
“What a way to end a first date,” he breathlessly chuckles. 
You take his hand in yours and press a kiss to his knuckles. “And start many more,” you add, smiling up at him. The smile he gives you is one that makes you so happy that you met him and he presses a soft kiss to your hand as well. “Definitely.” 
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It’s my blog I get to choose the brainrot!!!
Anyway. Theme park au.
Ghost doesn’t know how his brother managed to convince him to come with them to the park. It’s everything he fucking hates: loud, crowded, overwhelming, expensive. The works. The only thing that makes it marginally worth dealing with is the look on Joseph’s face when he looks around at the scenery. And he does have to admit, the attention to detail with the settings is pretty impressive. He doesn’t go on any of the rides, and suffers in silence with the stupid ear headband that Beth forces on him (the giggle he gets is well worth the indignity). Overall, it’s not the best time but it’s not the worst.
At least, until Joseph goes missing in the post-parade crowd. Ghost prides himself on his cool head and his preparedness, but the sheer density of the mass of people combined with the sensory overload and the flood of adrenaline from realizing his nephew isn’t next to him is enough to send him into a near panic attack. Tommy isn’t much better, but at least Beth has her wits about her to make a plan
The three Rileys split up to cover more ground, and Ghost heads to the sci-fi area of the park to look for Joseph. His lungs are caught in a vice, his brain is soup, and he’s freaking the fuck out. The only good thing is that it seems like this area is less crowded.
His heart stops when he hears a shout of “Uncle Simon!” And the relief that floods him is almost enough to send him to his knees. He runs for his nephew, whose face is blotchy and red from tears but smiling so brightly at the sight of Ghost. (Ghost is sure his face isn’t much better, but thankfully his black medical mask is still in place.)
He’s doubly thankful for the mask when Joseph points to someone behind him and chirps “Mr. Soap helped me!” He’s sure he’s tomato fucking red when he catches sight of the man standing there, ridiculous mohawk and brilliant blue eyes and all, waving awkwardly.
Mr Soap introduces himself as John MacTavish, and Ghost never stood a goddamn chance.
Perhaps there’s something to that slogan after all…
Some notes:
- soap is a ride engineer/mechanic who was there to fix one of the downed attractions and just happened to be at the right place at the right time. He also helps with the effects for some of the nighttime shows (and might give some hints to his new favorite guests about the best seats in the house)
- Gaz is a face character because that man gives Disney prince energy and I will take no criticism
- price works security with Nikolai
- laswell runs guest relations and doesn’t take any shit from any of the guests
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Here it is! My archive of over 100 images related to the soon-to-be-extinct Dinosaur/Countdown to Extinction attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom. I understand that they may not be the highest quality, and that there are some near-duplicates, but hopefully fans of the ride and fellow bloggers will find these helpful for remembering and digitally preserving their favorite attraction. I did try to get some things I thought might otherwise not be recorded, like floor/ceiling/wall textures and switchback dividers--I know from experience that "mundane" things like that are often overlooked.
The photos are all from June 2023, taken by me.
If you use any of these, please credit me--and let me know! I'd love to see if these were helpful. I'm also happy to answer any questions.
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teecupangel · 11 months
I saw the Capybara ask and I was wondering if we could have Desmond who hangs out with potentially(?) dangerous animals and his ancestors just seeing him fine and not hurt while there is an obvious dead animal a few feet away from them
The Desmond becomes a Capybara idea for those interested.
I'm going to assume you meant that Desmond isn't an animal in this one but a Disney Princess that attracts dangerous animals XD
“Altaïr! Altaïr!”
Altaïr rushed out of his office at the sound of Kadar’s panicking, almost hitting the younger Al-Sayf when he opened the door quickly.
Thankfully, Kadar’s reactions have been honed by years of training, saving him from being smacked on the face.
“What’s wrong?” Altaïr asked quickly, coming off as rude but Kadar panicking only meant it was urgent.
“There’s a pack of wild wolves!” Kadar had to pause to catch his breathing, “They surrounded Desmond-”
“Altaïr!” Kadar shouted as Altaïr leaped out of the window, fear gripping his heart as he remembered this was the fourth floor.
Whether it was luck or Altaïr knew a wagon of hay would cushion his fall, Kadar wasn’t sure.
He was sure that wagon wasn’t there this morning.
Yet he could not do anything because Altaïr shouted at him, “Get backup!”
Altaïr was already running out of the fortress, not hearing Kadar shout back, “How many?!”
Desmond had always shone bright in his Eagle Vision, a swirl of gold and blue that was both vibrant and calming at the same time.
Contrasting descriptions but the most accurate Altaïr could be.
That was why it was easy for him to find Desmond, just outskirt of Masyaf, near one of the ruins that used to be a gate or an archway of some kind.
… Sitting on a rock as he cradled a white rabbit in his arms.
“Oh, hey, Altaïr.” Desmond greeted with a smile when Altaïr approached him.
Altaïr nodded at him as he greeted back, “Desmond.”
His eyes remained transfixed at the mangled remains of wolves a few feet away with Desmond’s dog, a dog named Connor, sniffing at them and dragging them to form what seemed to be… a line?
Even the bear cub that Desmond had found one day, a cub named Ezio, was helping the dog drag the bodies.
“Are you alright?” Altaïr asked instead as he prioritized.
… and ignored the weirdness that is Desmond’s ‘friends’.
“Oh, I’m okay.” Desmond grinned as he showed Altaïr the rabbit in his arms, “Oh, this is Jack.”
Altaïr stared at the rabbit with its bloodshot red eyes and…
Its white fur drenched in blood.
Making Altaïr wonder…
If this rabbit was not shivering because of fear but because of…
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theolivebranchreview · 4 months
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My Love Letter to 2000s Network Television
by @arianna_mitchell
As I sit in my cramped apartment, surrounded by the unbridled chaos of unpaid bills, constantly checking my phone to see if “Julia,” the latest messy situation I’ve gotten myself into, has answered any of my embarrassingly numerous consecutive texts, I find myself yearning for an escape. But rather than confront these absolutely terrifying facts of life head-on, I’ve discovered a foolproof method of avoidance: rewatching my favorite early 2000s TV shows.
In times of stress and uncertainty (how badly would you beat me up if I still called these times “unprecedented”?), there’s something incredibly therapeutic about immersing yourself in the familiar comfort of old TV shows. It’s like slipping into your favorite worn-out sweatshirt that you stole from your ex whose last name you’re not actually sure you remember and feeling instantly at ease. These shows, with their dated fashion trends, now-vintage pop culture references, and occasional sprinkles of racism and misogyny that makes your skill crawl, provide a much-needed escape from the pressures of modern life.
But it’s not just about escapism. Rewatching these early 2000s gems is a form of self-care, a way to reconnect with a simpler time and a more carefree version of ourselves. And dude, if you do it right, it’s so much cheaper than therapy. I mean still go to therapy. But if you play your cards right, you can watch damn near 10,000 hours of television for nearly nothing. I’m still using my roommate’s Disney+ account and I haven’t lived with them for almost two years. But it’s okay because they’re on my Hulu (well actually my parents’ Hulu but you get the idea). As we follow the trials and tribulations of our favorite characters, we find solace in their struggles and triumphs. We’re reminded that, no matter how overwhelming life may seem, we’ve overcome challenges before and will continue to do so.
In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, these shows offer a sense of stability and familiarity. We know every plot twist, every punchline, and every heartfelt moment. I am so tried of surprises, you have no idea. Well of course you do. You’re a human being living in this god awful year 202_. There’s a certain comfort in that predictability, in knowing that, no matter what happens in our own lives, these characters will always be there, frozen in time, ready to welcome us back with open arms. Sure, sometimes they might be poorly written, poorly filmed, and poorly acted, but I’ll be damned if they aren’t the one constant in my life. And let’s be real, sometimes it’s just nice to watch gorgeous people whose lives are even more of a shit show than your own. Sure, I may be drowning in student loan debt that I haven’t paid in seven months (seriously…is the government going to say anything about that or am I like…good?) and questioning every life choice I’ve ever made, but at least I’m not Marissa Cooper, who seems to attract drama like shit attracts paperclips, or whatever the expression is.
So, as I navigate the stresses of being an actual independent human being out in the world– the impending sense of doom that comes with each new political headline that I try to ignore, the constant pressure from every single direction to have it all figured out, and the nagging feeling that everyone else is more successful than me (seriously, do you guys have like 40 hours in the day, what the hell is going on?) – I find solace in the healing power of nostalgia television. And with that, I press play on another episode of Gilmore Girls, ready to lose myself in the fast-talking, coffee-fueled world of Stars Hollow. Because sometimes, the best therapy is the kind that comes with a side of pop culture references and a heaping dose of early 2000s fashion. And did I mention it’s free? (If you steal it)
So here are some recommendations if you’re unsure of what to (re)watch.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Slaying My Real-Life Demons
When the weight of the navigating the post(?)-pandemic dating scene gets to be too much (and let’s be real, it was pretty terrible long before the world broke), I turn to the ultimate demon-slaying hero, Buffy Summers. As I watch her navigate the perils of high school cliques, teenage romance, and the occasional apocalypse, my own problems seem to fade into the background. Sure, I may be casually drowning in capitalist sludge but at least I’m not tasked with saving the world from literal demons and vampires. And can you believe she did it while wearing low-rise jeans? I swear to God if those actually make a comeback, you will be hearing from the lawyer that I definitely have.
There’s something oddly comforting about watching Buffy and her friends face the end of the world on a weekly basis. It puts things into perspective, you know? Like, sure, I may have paid my rent late four months in a row. It’s not because I didn’t have the money, I literally just forgot. Sorry, Jeff, I just don’t think about you that way. But hey, at least I’m not having to sacrifice my love life for the greater good of humanity. And yeah, I went on three tinder dates this month just because I didn’t feel like cooking and wanted a free meal (but I didn’t sleep with them so it’s not sex work and even if it was, there’s not a damn thing wrong with that, you fascist), but at least I’m not having to balance homework with slaying vampires and preventing the apocalypse.
Buffy’s world may be filled with darkness and danger, but there’s a certain comfort in knowing that no matter how bleak things seem, she and her friends will always find a way to save the day. And if Buffy can do it while rocking some seriously questionable ’90s fashion choices (my lawyer is on standby, kids), then surely I can find a way to navigate the challenges of adulthood without completely losing my mind (though I make no promises when it comes to the questionable fashion choices).
Gilmore Girls: A Caffeinated Escape
Picture this: it’s 2 AM, and I’m elbow-deep in a pint of over-priced, freezer burnt Ben & Jerry’s that I bought from the bodega, scrutinizing how I managed to screw up yet another potential relationship. Enter Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, the fast-talking, coffee-chugging duo who make even the most stressful situations seem manageable with their quick wit and obscure references. They are not perfect, they are not always helpful, they are definitely not real, but they are always there to talk me through a difficult situation. As I watch them navigate the ups and downs of life in Stars Hollow, I can’t help but feel a sense of comfort wash over me. Sure, my problems may not involve a love triangle with a diner owner and a coffee shop entrepreneur, but the Gilmores remind me that no matter how much life (or love) throws at you, there’s always room for a good laugh and a cup (or seven) of coffee.
Screw it. Speaking of love, let’s talk about my latest romantic endeavor, shall we? Enter “Julia,” the girl who I’ve been texting on and off for the past three weeks, analyzing every emoji and exclamation point like it’s the goddamn Da Vinci Code. I know, I know, I’m bordering on being about as clingy as Kirk when he’s trying to win over Lulu, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for a girl with big brown eyes who laughs at my jokes and shares my love of obscure ’90s bands (even if she thinks Hootie and the Blowfish is obscure, bless her heart).
But here’s the thing: watching Lorelai and Rory navigate their own romantic ups and downs reminds me that I’m not alone in my struggles. Lorelai may have a thing for emotionally unavailable men (looking at you, Christopher), and Rory may have a habit of falling for guys who are all wrong for her (ahem, Logan), but they never let their relationship drama define them (looking at you, girl avoiding eye contact in the mirror). They pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and move on to the next adventure, whether it’s opening a new inn or running for student body president.
So, when I find myself obsessing over whether or not to double-triple-quadruple-text Julia (because apparently, I’ve regressed to my teenage self), I channel my inner Lorelai and remind myself that there’s more to life than waiting for a text back. I’ve got dreams to chase, coffee to drink, and a whole world of pop culture references to explore. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll find my own Luke Danes, a partner who appreciates my quirks and keeps me grounded (and caffeinated). But until then, I’ve got the Gilmore girls to keep me company, and honestly, I couldn’t ask for better role models.
Where’s My Central Perk?
When the daily grind of life starts to wear me down, and I find myself longing for the simpler times of coffee shop hangouts and rent-controlled apartments, I turn to my old friends from Central Perk. Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe have been there for me through thick and thin, offering a much-needed escape from the harsh realities of the modern world.
But as I sit here, alone in my apartment with only my cats as the only real constant in my life, I can’t help but feel a sense of bitterness toward the corporate greed and capitalistic systems that have fostered a generation of lonely, disconnected individuals. The world of Friends, with its tight-knit community and affordable living situations, feels more and more like a distant fantasy with each passing year.
In a society that prioritizes profit over people, the concept of “third spaces” – those beloved hangouts like Central Perk – is becoming increasingly rare. We paved paradise and put up a Santander. Coffee shops and cafes are being replaced by banks, soulless chains, or empty storefronts always promising development, while local bars and restaurants are being priced out by skyrocketing rents. The places where we once gathered to forge connections and build communities are disappearing, leaving us with fewer opportunities to connect with others.
And let’s not forget the ever-increasing cost of living, which has created a generation of transient twenty-somethings, constantly on the move in search of affordable housing and stable job opportunities. How are we supposed to build lasting friendships when we’re always saying goodbye? Frankly, I’ve just stopped trying.
It’s no wonder that so many of us turn to TV shows like Friends for comfort and escapism. In a world where genuine human connection feels increasingly out of reach, we seek solace in the familiar faces and laugh tracks of our favorite sitcoms. We long for the kind of deep, meaningful friendships that the show depicts, even as we recognize how unrealistic they may be.
But here’s the thing: we can’t let the pursuit of profit continue to erode the very things that make us human. We need to fight back against the systems that prioritize money over people, and work to create a world where genuine connection and community are valued above all else.
Maybe that means supporting local businesses and fighting for affordable housing. Maybe it means creating our own “third spaces,” even if they look different from the ones we see on TV. Or maybe it just means reaching out to the people in our lives, and reminding them that they matter to us, no matter how far apart we may be.
Because at the end of the day, that’s what Friends is really about: the power of human connection, and the way it can help us weather even the toughest of times. And in a world that seems hellbent on keeping us apart, that message feels more important than ever.
So here I am, a single woman sitting alone in her apartment, watching TV with her cats. But I know that I’m not really alone, because I have the love and support of the people who matter most to me. I have my friends from college, I have my friends online, I have this little column that I contribute to whenever I feel like so I can at least feel like an old man yelling at a cloud. And that’s something that no amount of corporate greed or capitalistic bullshit can ever take away.
As I sit here, surrounded by the comforting glow of my laptop screen, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the early 2000s TV shows that have been my constant companions through the ups and downs of adulthood. In a world that often feels cold, unforgiving, and increasingly isolated, these nostalgic gems have provided me with a much-needed escape and a reminder of the power of human connection.
From the demon-slaying heroics of Buffy to the quick-witted banter of the Gilmore Girls, these shows have taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and the importance of chasing your dreams. They’ve been there for me through breakups, job losses, and countless other challenges, offering a comforting sense of familiarity and a reminder that I’m not alone in my struggles.
But more than that, these shows have served as a catalyst for self-reflection and growth. They’ve inspired me to be braver, kinder, and more authentic in my own life, even when the world around me seems to be crumbling. They’ve reminded me that it’s okay to make mistakes, to be vulnerable, and to lean on the people who matter most.
So, to all the early 2000s TV shows that have been my rock through the turbulent waters of adulthood, I say thank you. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, and the countless hours of comfort and companionship. Thank you for reminding me that, no matter how bleak things may seem, there’s always hope to be found in the power of storytelling and human connection.
And to all my fellow twenty-somethings out there, navigating the challenges of adulthood in an increasingly uncertain world, I say this: keep holding on to the things that bring you joy, the things that remind you of who you are and what you stand for. Whether it’s a beloved TV show, a cherished friendship, or a secret dream that keeps you going, hold onto it with all your might. Because in the end, it’s those things – the things that make us feel seen, heard, and understood – that will carry us through even the darkest of times.
So go ahead, press play on that next episode of Buffy or Gilmore Girls. Let yourself get lost in the familiar comfort of Stars Hollow or Sunnydale. And remember, no matter how lost or alone you may feel, you’ve got a whole gang of early 2000s TV friends waiting to welcome you back with open arms (and maybe even a few outdated pop culture references). Trust me, it’s the best therapy money can’t buy.
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Are you a horrible person for sympathizing with Belos a little and maybe wanting for him to get a redemption in like a well written au (I know it's dang near impossible in canon) because you like him as a villain and maybe you think he's attractive and you like him like him a lot. This is cringe, I know.
Fandom has this horrific trend of equating the type of media you enjoy/the characters you like to morality. No, you are not a terrible person for sympathizing with the main villain, you are not a terrible person for wishing things had been different.
You cannot condone the actions of a fictional character because they are just tools to tell a story. What makes you a terrible person is harassing real people for liking a fictional character.
Are people terrible for dressing up as Darth Vader or the Joker despite all of the destruction and countless lives they have taken? Is Disney evil for hiring actors to dress as Gaston and having them entertain children?
You know how many fan fics/fan art exist showing Anakin as a good dad to Luke and Leia? It's normal to sympathize with villains because it shows empathy and that the story impacted you in a way that made you see the inherent tragedy and how it could have been avoided.
It's also okay to just enjoy villains being villains because of their design, acting, campiness, or because they're really engaging. There's a reason Disney villains are so popular; they provide a cathartic release where people can enjoy an evil character because it's all fiction. It has no effect on the real world.
Modern fandom has this puritanical streak dressed in social justice language when at its heart, it's just bullying (and it seems to be nearly always kids' shows fandoms, I don't see this mindset in media aimed at adults).
The fact that you can't enjoy a goddamn fictional character without questioning your own morality is wicked and anyone who makes you feel that way is an asshole.
Go and sympathize with the Evil Puritan. Write that AU fic. Your favorite shows and characters are supposed to bring you joy. Be cringe. Be free.
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angrelysimpping · 9 months
what would briar bailey eden and remy do if they found a fairy pc
oh my god SO
Contents: bodily harm; farm shit; Eden being the fucker we all know and love; dubcon; probably noncon tbh
standard "Fairy"
oh so little
fuck it, they don't care, not really
just wants to figure out how to make money off the situation
otherwise, they couldn't give a shit
are there more of these fuckers? do they have to, like, call pest control or something?
oh interesting
they're sure they can use you in the brothel
surely there's some perverts out there willing to pay a pretty penny to see something like you, maybe even try to fuck something like you
and you're oh so tiny, can you really fight anyone off?
don't think they're not above clipping your wings
rip fairy pc
threatens to clip your wings a lot, will do it
this fucker will rip your wings off if you keep leaving them
doesn't like you leaving the cabin, like, at all
will okay you going into the clearing around their cabin after a while but keeps an eye on you
has to really like you to even bother with keeping you, tbh
a lot of work goes into keeping your tiny ass safe and Eden has a lot on their plate already
Alex's Farm
the fuck is this?
they're going to have their men target you during raids
crush you literally
also tries to make money off you
you produce fairy dust like tinker bell from the disney version of peter pan? prepared to get shaken up every night
tries to cow-ify you
fairy cow, cute
would like to keep you in like, a jar on their person, i think?
show you off, yknow?
this could be my wishful thinking, though
def has Harper look over you
keeps you quarantined for a while from the other farm goers, just in case
also a wing clipper
Riding School
no, they're not teaching you???
go away????
you're gonna get crushed and they're not dealing with that mess
The Fae
can't lie
can't touch iron
shouldn't accept their gifts
doesn't like being told "thank you"
name stealer
oh, they do not wanna get near you
tries not to interact with you as much as possible
wears iron
fuck you
they don't want to deal with fae contracts and they're doing their best not to
but, well, they will if they can make a good bit of money off it
but they're not enjoying it for a single second
tbh, i think they'd like it
they like trying to outwit you, make loopholes for themself
wants you to work at the brothel, of course
pretty thing like you, you'll attract crowds
doesn't mind too much if you trick customers but don't drag them and the brothel into it
you make a contract with a customer? you take their name? well, that's on them
don't steal their money tho
knows a good deal about the fae
careful around you, wears iron for a long time until they trust you
this does not stop them from fucking you, btw. iron chain across their neck burning against your skin as it hangs down while Eden is on top of you, iron rings stinging against your thighs where their fingers squeeze
keeps iron across the doors and windows until they trust you, too
also knows a bunch about the fae
Alex, Eden, and Remy know the most about the fae, i think
not in that order
Eden and Remy might be tied, but maybe Eden a little over Remy
then Alex
(maybe Sydney after that, from reading purely though, they don't believe any of it)
Alex's Farm
oh, fuck you
hates having to deal with you
doesn't want to even talk to you
again, has their men target you during raids
they want you out of the picture, asap
breaking in cattle speed run
don't fucking talk to them
will lose their shit if you escape
wears iron
has iron around your stall
so pleased if you become an obedient beastie
your milk is so sweet, so thick and creamy
the best of the best
might keep you extra close to them, just in case
Riding School
wants to refuse service
can't figure out a polite way to do so
lets you in as a student but tries to keep their interactions with you to an absolute minimum
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
Trying to ruin your state’s largest employer and biggest tourist attraction is…an interesting strategy, for sure.
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