#Okay I can't stop cackling
viscountessevie · 2 years
I would like everyone, who has followed me on the crazy writing journey with Something There, to know that for this line and metaphor (dialogue written by the genius Trivia @hptriviachamp ):
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I am going back to reading the original Adam and Eve story so I can perfect the metaphor (as hot as it is I'm not married to the last line) - I am definitely going to hell for this and I'm fairly certain my man JC has atoned for this sin. For that I am eternally grateful, amen to him.
(And yes the Ungodly line is 10/10 inspired by Oliver Jackson Cohen saying it as William Weightman in Emily and we're reclaiming it as a hot line!)
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shinobus-left-eye · 3 months
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we yumejoshi are having a field day with this event huh
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hairmetal666 · 6 months
Steve who goes on a Bake Off type show after Robin, Dustin, and Max set him up as a contestant. He doesn't want to, doesn't think baking or cooking should be stressful, but he's been wallowing since his knee surgery took him out of work and basketball, since his divorce.
His first day on set, he's totally gobsmacked by the sexy host with all the tattoos and long, curly hair. Just, cannot take his eyes off the guy, blushing and stammering whenever he comes around to do interviews, obviously can't stop starring.
After the first day, where he manages to stay comfortably in the middle of the pack, he calls Robin to complain about what a mess he becomes around this gorgeous dude.
Her response is to cackle and say, "Steve! How do you not know who Eddie Munson is? Oh my god, you're a disaster."
Turns out, Eddie Munson is the lead singer of Dustin's favorite band, Corroded Coffin, and also pretty well-known for his dnd YouTube channel. He's been a host on the show for years, only Steve doesn't really pay attention when the others watch it and didn't know.
Eddie, for his part, is losing his mind. He'd known about the beautiful contestant for this season, former college basketball superstar turned coach, having a hell of a shitty year after dislocating his kneecap in a charity game. Eddie--foolishly, it turns out--thought he wouldn't be as attractive in person. He also expected Steve to be terrible and egotistical, a jock through and through.
So, when Steve Harrington walks into the tent in a short-sleeved polo and obviously ironed jeans and is still drop-dead gorgeous, he's fucking flabbergasted. And then Steve has the audacity to be nice? Kind and thoughtful and running to help other bakers when he still has work to do himself? He also blushes so pretty, high across his nose and cheeks, and god does hewant to be the reason Steve blushes like that.
Eddie is beside himself.
Leading up to the second week, Steve schools himself into being calm around Eddie. He can't afford to lose his cool like that every time the host is around. Except, this week Eddie flirts with him shamelessly. Winks at him, leans into space, calls him "m'lord" with this deeply resonant voice that makes Steve want to drop to his knees. Steve doesn't mean to, not really, but he flirts right back, feeding Eddie tidbits of his bakes and looking for any excuse to touch him.
Steve does well for the first half of episodes. He never wins the technical or star baker, but he's regularly within the top contestants. On episode five, though, something is off. He's distracted, forgetful, doesn't leave enough time for his custard to set in the signature. Eddie asks if he's okay, but Steve shrugs and smiles, says "off my game today."
But then, in the technical, he curdles his buttercream more than once, and his genoise sponge burns. Eddie watches as Steve folds his arms above his head and disappears from view. He doesn't hesitate, he sprints from his interview, falling to his knees in front of the contestant.
"Stevie, sweetheart, what's going on?"
"I get migraines," Steve whispers. Trails of wet streak down his cheeks. "I've felt one coming all morning, been trying to stave it off but--"
"Okay, okay," Eddie shakes out his hands. "You can sit out this challenge, yeah? Or take this weekend off. It happens. You'll come back next week--"
"I don't want to stop." More tears fall from his eyes.
"What do you need?"
Steve shakes his head, wry little smile pulling at his lips. "Time to breathe."
Eddie glances up, eyes catching on the camera crew hovering in front of them. He throws both middle fingers up and says, in the most reasonable and even tone, "fuck!" Everyone in the tent looks at him, but he doesn't stop. "Shit!" "Bitch!" Motherfucker!" He goes on and on, saying the filthiest series of things he can think of. The camera crew steps away, another contestant brings Steve a glass of water, and Eddie sits with him.
The other host announces that there are thirty minutes remaining in the challenge.
"Well. That's that, then," Steve says. He stands, patting the naked skin of Eddie's knee where it shows through the rip in his jeans as he goes.
"Wait, what do you mean?"
"Out of time, no cake, no buttercream."
Eddie hops to his feet. "You're going to let that stop you?"
"Well." Steve laughs. "Can't serve this." He gestures to his discarded bowls of frosting, his burnt cake.
"You have time to make another buttercream."
Steve raises an eyebrow. "Sure, but not the cake."
"Cut the burnt off. Cover it in the buttercream. Easy peasy."
"Okay..." Steve stares at his station. "Okay, that could work. It won't be pretty, but--"
Eddie, knowing he's no longer needed, steps away, and Steve gets to work.
Steve tells Robin all about it and, as soon as he gets home from the taping and she's immediately like, "Eddie Munson, huh?"
He shoots her a look. "It's nothing."
"Yeah, him leaping over a table to check on you is surely nothing."
"Robin," he warns.
"Eddie would never want a guy like me."
She laughs but quickly grows sober. "Steve. Of course he would. He likes you."
"It's nothing, really." He walks towards the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner?"
Eddie experiences the same harassment from his band members and their manager.
"You're gonna ask Harrington out, right?" Gareth asks.
"That would be a little bit of a professional conflict of interest," he deadpans. He doesn't look up from his guitar.
A puffed Cheeto smacks him square in the forehead. "Hey!" He shrieks.
"He means once the season is done, Edward," Chrissy says.
He wipes the cheese dust from his forehead. "Not a good enough reason to call me Edward. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's straight."
Jeff guffaws. "C'mon, dude. No way. He's so into you he might as well have a neon sign."
"He divorced a woman."
"That doesn't mean anything, and you know it," Chrissy says.
Eddie rolls his eyes. "I may be considering asking him out. Maybe."
Everyone cheers. More Cheetos hit him in the face.
To Steve's great surprise, he makes it to the finals. Not just makes it, he gets a star baker, gets first in the semi-final technical. He's baking in the final and might have a fucking chance.
It's with great surprise, once it's all said and done, that he hears his name announced as the winner. He doesn't have much time to process it, because Eddie is striding towards him. He's not carrying the cake stand trophy or flowers, it's just Eddie.
Eddie who stops in front of him, eyes shining. Eddie who leans in and whispers, "I knew you could do it, baby, I'm so proud of you." Eddie who twines his fingers through Steve's hair, pulling him into a soft, sweet kiss.
The internet explodes as the season airs. Everyone is obsessed with Steve and Eddie. They have fics on ao3, a dedicated tumblr community, edits, playlists, gif sets, a ship name all dedicated to them. The fandom grows after episode 5 airs. Not all the footage makes it, thanks to Eddie, but they still witness him tenderly taking care of Steve and directing the cameras away. Fans start scouring their social medias, looking for any hint of their relationship status; even beg them in comments and DMs to reveal if it was just a showmance.
Eddie and Steve, however, are happy in the quiet little world the carved out for themselves after filming. They aren't ready to reveal anything, even hints, whether or not the show would let them.
Then, the final airs and the kiss is revealed to the world. The ending title cards show a picture of Steve with the rest of the season's bakers and the caption, "Steve threw a party for the other bakers..."
The picture then changes to one of he and Eddie, arms wrapped around each other. This caption says: "...at the home he shares with his boyfriend Eddie."
That night, in bed, Steve says, "I'm really glad Robin and the kids made me go on the show. But do you think it's bad that the thing I'm happiest about, way more than winning, is that I met you?"
Eddie places a slow circle of kisses in the dip of Steve's lower back. "Sweetheart, I'd be disappointed if you said anything else. Now, hush, I have a baking champion to congratulate."
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moonlitnyx · 6 months
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Your boyfriend absolutely spoils you. But hey, whats so wrong with that?
content. TOTALLY SFW, fluff, there isn't any nsfw i did a pun in the title (do u get it) reader could be seen as yuu
notes. Reader is so lucky to get spoiled i wanna get spoiled not fair not fair-also, new fic layout!! Hope u like it...also I listened to MAGNOLIA by Gang of Youths while writing this and bro its such a good song stfu
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Leona leans back on the carseat, arm resting on the back of your seat as he lets out a sigh as you show him your newest haul that you had gotten from the store using his credit card, mind you. You grin toothily, the backseat of his car filled with an astronomical amount of bags that make even him rethink his decisions.
"At this rate, you just might make a prince of Sunset Savannah go bankrupt." He eyes you wearily. "How does someone like you need all of this stuff?" He says the words without malice-no, instead filled with pure confusion.
"Ohhhh c'mon, you're a prince! You should know a lil' luxury is essential for happiness in life!" You exclaim, and Leona looks at you with skepticism.
He shakes his head, amused. "Okay, okay. Stop lookin' at me with those eyes or I might just buy you a whole mall next." He grins, sharp canines poking out.
"OMG, maybe I can do your hair now that I got new hair products!"
"Don't push it," He drawls. "I haven't forgotten the last time you 'did my hair' and I ended up with pigtails."
"Not my fault you looked so cute with pigtails! Look I even have it on my phones home screen-"
"My love, I would buy you the world if it meant seeing you grin like that."
He smiles as he places the delicate chain on your neck, paired with a pendant of a wilted rose studded with rubies and emeralds. He had meticulously picked it, he had told you with a small, almost shy smile.
"You shouldn't have, Malleus." You ears are red, flustered just thinking about how adorably sweet Malleus is. "You keep getting me things that I don't even have time to give you a thank you gift."
"Nothing is more precious a gift than your happiness," He murmurs, planting a chaste kiss on your temple. You giggle at his words.
"Your such a sap. Sometimes your a full 180 when your talking with Leona," You say, amused.
"Kingscholar is a brat." His green eyes are filled with annoyance at the thought of Leona, and you snicker.
"Maybe he thinks the same 'bout you." You nudge him with your elbow, and he looks utterly exasperated. "C'mon, lets go get ice cream!"
Malleus' mood instantaneously lightens. "Ice cream?" His voice is filled with a childish excitement, and you nod, a grin plastered on your face.
"It'll be my treat, this time."
"Liebling, please buy at least something." Vil frowns as he stares at your hands, which, too his dismay, don't hold any shopping bags, not even food.
"I don't need anything, plus I feel guilty that I'm leeching off of you." You shrug, and Vil's purple eyes are filled with concern before he scoffs.
"Mein Liebling," my darling, "You're not "leeching off" of me." He lets out a soft smile, and pinches your cheek, which leads you to let out an indignant "ow!" and a cackle from Vil.
"What's the point of being successful if I can't spoil you?" He clicks his tongue, before glaring at you. You know he's just upset that you're thinking bad about yourself, and it made your heart skip a beat. Most thought that Vil Schoenheit was a stuck-up, rude, controlling snob, but really he just was showing his care for those he loved.
"'m sorry, Vil." You let out a smile, and Vil sighs in relief. "But, if you''re going to spoil me, then I get the right to spoil you too!"
"If you must," Vil waves his hand. "Whatever makes you happy."
Deuce knows that he can't compare much with his friends and seniors when it comes to education or being rich, but Deuce knows that he doesn't need to be rich to spoil you.
It's the small acts, him giving you half of his lunch when you cant afford one yourself, helping you study while also horribly struggling himself, giving you small gifts that remind him of you.
Today was like any other, with both you and Deuce banging your heads on the table as you study for Trein's newest test.
"You're a real one, Deuce." Your voice is muffled as you rest your forehead on the wooden table. "When I asked Ace for help he sad that his tutor fee's were "twenty dollars an hour"! He's such a scam," you grumble.
Deuce looks up, a smile on his face. "No problem. I thought it would be cool if we both got A's and showed off to Ace." You laugh at that.
You nod. "Let's wipe that smirk off Ace's face!"
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©moonlitnyx. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 18 days
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okayyyy so here is something short n shitty on these new pics that my brain whipped up! tell me if you like this!
words: 1.3k~ish
warnings: flirting, fluff.
You loved coming out to this little nook to capture scenes of the city on canvas. Today felt especially inspiring with the beautiful spring weather.
You begin laying out your brushes and squeezing out vibrant shades of paint onto your palette. Losing yourself in the simple motions, you barely notice the passersby around you. That is, until a very familiar voice pipes up from behind.
"Excuse me, miss? Your paintings are absolutely lovely."
You freeze, brush hovering in the air. No, it couldn't be... Slowly, you turn around and your jaw drops. There, flashing his signature dimpled grin, stands Harry Styles himself. Your ultimate celebrity crush in the flesh, mere feet away.
"H-Harry? Harry Styles?" you stammer out, eyes wide.
He chuckles softly. "The one and only. I'm out on a morning stroll and I couldn't help but stop to admire your work. You've got a brilliant talent there."
Your cheeks flush bright pink. "Oh my gosh, thank you! You're—you're really here. I can't believe it!" 
Trying not to completely fangirl and scare him off, you take a deep breath to collect yourself. Harry Styles is complimenting your art. This is actually happening.
"Sorry, I'm just—wow, I'm such a huge fan of yours. Your music means so much to me."
He smiles warmly. "I'm glad you enjoy it, love. Say, would you maybe be interested in doing a little commission for me? Painting my portrait?"
You nearly drop your palette right then and there. "You want me to paint you? Like, really?"
"If you're up for it, yeah! I'd be honoured."
Nodding fervently, you scramble to set up a fresh canvas on your easel. "Yes, absolutely! I'd love to! Just...just tell me how you'd like to pose." 
As Harry arranges himself into a relaxed seated position, you take a moment to study his striking features. From the soft chestnut curls framing his face to those entrancing emerald eyes, he is perfect subject material. Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest.
"Okay, perfect, just like that. Stay right there and I'll get started!"
You take a steadying breath before putting brush to canvas, carefully mapping out Harry's form in broad strokes. The two of you fall into an easy back-and-forth conversation as you work, chatting about everything from his latest album to your shared hometown.
"I've gotta say, your Cheshire accent is pretty damn charming," Harry remarks at one point with a playful wink.
You giggle shyly. "Why thank you, kind sir. Yours isn't too bad either."
Harry throws back his head with a deep, raspy chuckle that has your toes curling in your shoes. "Is that so, darling? Well in that case..." He leans in close enough for you to smell his intoxicating cologne, voice lowering to a sultry murmur. "Perhaps later you'll allow me to read you a bedtime story?"
"Harry!" you gasp in flustered exasperation, half-heartedly swatting his arm as he cackles victoriously. The two of you are so caught up in your playful banter that you barely notice the small crowd starting to gather, whispering and snapping photos as word spreads that the one and only Harry Styles is getting his portrait done.
Harry waves jovially at his fans but remains focused on you, keeping up the easy banter.
"How's it looking over there, Picasso? Doing me justice?"
Glancing up, you smirk. "Well, it's hard to improve upon perfection, but I'm giving it my best shot."
He smiles, and swears he felt his heart skip a beat at your words. "Such flattery! And here I thought you were just a pretty face with those big doe eyes."
You roll said eyes dramatically as your cheeks flush. "Oh, stop trying to put me off, you flirt!"
Over the next little while, you alternate between studying Harry's striking features with lazer-like intensity and flushing furiously whenever he catches you staring. At one point, he pointedly clears his throat.
"You know, most artists usually start on the face when doing portraits," he remarks with a teasing lilt.
Cheeks flaming again, you force your gaze away from the rippling muscles of his forearms where you'd been fixated like a teenager. "Hush you, I'm simply taking my time with the background work first."
"If you say so," he chuckles but obediently returns to stillness, allowing you to slowly build up brushstrokes on the canvas.
Time seems to fly by as your brush strokes bring Harry's image vibrantly to life on the canvas. The swarm of onlookers grows steadily bigger, phones clicking away to document the scene. Several times you have to politely ask people not to get too close and obstruct your view.
With one last few delicate strokes to bring out the shine in Harry's eyes, you finally lean back with a satisfied smile.
"Well, Mr. Styles...what do you think?"
Harry rises from his pose and steps over to admire your handiwork, lips parting in an impressed grin.
"Wow...Y/N, this is incredible! You captured me perfectly!"
You beam proudly, butterflies erupting in your stomach at his praise. "I had some pretty gorgeous subject matter to work with."
Chuckling, Harry carefully plucks the canvas from the easel. "You've definitely earned your payment and then some. Name your price, love."
After some back-and-forth haggling that has the crowd laughing, Harry hands over a generous sum of cash and pulls you in for a warm hug.
"Truly, thank you for this. I'll cherish it forever!"
You bite your lip shyly as he pulls away. "You're more than welcome. Can't say I mind immortalizing that handsome face on canvas."
Harry tosses you one last wink before turning to greet his clamoring fans, the sea of people quickly engulfing him and carrying him off down the street.
As he's shuffled away, Harry feels a pang of disappointment that he didn't get a chance to ask for your number or make plans to see you again. He spent the whole time shamelessly flirting and getting flustered by your adorable blushes and quips. Now he may never get the opportunity to take you out on an actual date.
Once he's finally escorted into his awaiting car, Harry lets out a frustrated huff and runs a hand through his tousled hair. He'd been so wrapped up in your captivating presence that he didn't even think to get your contact information before being mobbed. Rookie mistake.
"Stupid, stupid," he mutters under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Just as he's resigning himself to having let a potential connection slip through his fingers, something catches Harry's eye. He glances down at the canvas you had been painting him on, safely tucked onto the seat beside him, and a slow smile spreads across his face.
There, just peeking out from the backside wrapped around the frame, is a scribbled set of numbers. Hurriedly, Harry flips over the painting to inspect further. He lets out a delighted laugh at what he finds.
It's a phone number! Trailing below it in your handwriting are the words "In case you need your portrait updated ;) -Y/N"
feedback | masterlist |
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli
@tchlamqtsgf @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely
@whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @harryhitties
@mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @chesthairrry
@becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy @storyschanging   @selluequestrian @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Okay, so maybe giving his calling card to a kid was a bad idea. He sees that now. Unfortunately, it's too late to take it back. On the bright side, the kid wasn't going to be able to figure out who he is yet based solely on a summoning circle. In the pitch black void of things, Danny can sense the card and the person who's holding it.
Maybe if he leaves Fawcett fast enough he can keep plausible deniability because there's no way that the tiny homeless kid he just met is Captain Marvel. Nope, no way. Not his circus, not his monkeys. He's leaving now.
"What happened to you?" Deadman had an insufferable grin on his face. Did he have the House drop him in Gotham? Danny wouldn't put it past him.
"Don't wanna talk about it."
"Where ya going?"
"To the basement."
Was the other ghost always this annoying? "Because leaving was a terrible idea. I'm going to go hide in the basement until the day I fully die."
"Aw," Deadman tried to pout, but he failed and started to cackle. "Don't be like that. Did you not enjoy your trip to Gotham?"
Danny was a lot of things. Violent usually didn't make it onto that list. However, he was willing to make an assumption. "So it was your fault."
Another cackle. "Don't be like that! You've never been to Gotham before. You can't tell me you at least didn't have fun."
They were at the basement stairs now. "For your information, I have been to Gotham. I didn't get to do much exploring this time because Batman and his gaggle of sidekicks surrounded me!"
"You've been to Gotham?"
"Not important."
"Oh?" The glee on the full ghost's face made Danny uneasy. "I sense a story behind that."
Oh, no. "No. I'm not telling you." He marched past and down the stairs, not bothering to unlock or open the door.
"Why not?"
"Because I said 'no'."
"Party pooper." he huffed. "You know I'm just going to keep asking, right?"
A sigh. "I'm not gonna cave. No."
"Ah, but you will!" That was the confidence of a ghost who knew he was right. Danny did not like how that bodes for him. "You, my friend, are a younger sibling. I am also a younger sibling."
Shit. "That....That means nothing. My answer will stay 'no'."
Deadman had the gall to chuckle darkly. "We'll see." Then, he disappeared.
Danny didn't sigh because he doesn't need to breathe. He was not going to tell what happened because what happens in Gotham stays in Gotham. It's a rule of thumb that people don't cross. Besides, Deadman doesn't know that Danny's actually the middle sibling. Dani, introduced to his parents soon after he'd told them he was a Halfa, was the embodiment of younger sibling because he had once been the embodiment of younger sibling.
"Please get Deadman to stop!" Danny begged Zatanna three weeks later. Maybe he'd overestimated himself a little bit.
The sorcerer raised an eyebrow as she looked up from the book she'd been reading. Something on runes? "What's he doing this time?"
"He won't stop asking me to tell him about my first trip to Gotham."
"You've been to Gotham?"
Danny groaned into the throw pillow he was clutching. "Yes. Please make him stop!"
"Sorry, hun," she focused back on her book, "But I can't see him."
"Oh. I forgot about that."
"Why don't you just tell him?"
Danny shot up, appalled by the very idea. "It's a matter of principle!" he exclaimed, "I am both the older and younger sibling: The middle child. If I give in, I'll have failed! I can't do that. Do you want me to fail?!"
"Okay, okay, geez!" she surrendered, "Don't gotta be so overdramatic about it."
"I'm not being overdramatic! I'm being just dramatic enough!"
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, kid."
"I'm not a kid!"
"You look like one."
"Yeah, but I'm not! I'm-"
"King of the Infinite Realms," Constantine interrupted, "We know."
"Then don't call me a kid."
"Yeah, yeah, kid,"
"I'm not-!"
"Look, we can have this argument all day and we'll still end in a tie. I've got a case in San Francisco near Titan's Tower. Raven's coming along. Do you want to come with?"
"Don't you normally work solo?" Danny asked. Zatanna still hadn't looked back up from her book and he was pretty sure she'd tuned them out.
"Is that a 'no'?"
"No! No, I'll come with." Maybe having Constantine with him will deter the JL from hounding him. What do they even want with him? If they're upset that he died at fourteen, he's gonna scream.
The Brit smirked. "You sound almost desperate to get out."
"Shut up and let's go."
"Alright, alright."
Part 3 Part 5
Tag List: @zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders
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bbyjackie · 1 year
relationship headcanons with one piece feat: luffy, zoro, kid, law
warnings: fluff
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(header by Loni)
𝙇𝙐𝙁𝙁𝙔 has a constant need to be around you. he follows you around absentmindedly everywhere like a puppy, sometimes it can be a bit of a nuisance.
"y/n it was so funny! usopp's hand was just stuck in the pipe and he was screaming for like an hour 'til franky saw him!" luffy cackled, a gummy grin etched onto his features as you felt your finger grow numb by the second. "hm, i bet.." you let out a light hearted scoff, trying to pull your hand back. it felt like with each tug of your hand, instead of loosening the grasp luffy had, it only made his arm stretch further. "but luf, i need you to let go off my finger!" you groaned under your breath as you felt your back grow sore from the odd angle. you were shrimping with your spine feeling like it was bent to a full right angle just trying to pull away from the - sorry, your rubber boy as he made very clear. you couldn't see him but you could already envision his dopey smile turn into a massive pout. "ehh? why do i need to let go?" "because if you don't want me to become an usopp and start screaming you're gonna have to let go sweetie!" "i dont see why i have to.." "luf as much as i love you, i'm not taking a shit with your hand snaked through the door like that."
we all know 𝙕𝙊𝙍𝙊 has the worst sense of direction, but it always becomes comedy, especially when you're mid argument with him.
"stop being so dramatic!" zoro groans as his fist pounds against the wooden door of your bedroom. "come on out y/n!", he waited for a moment only to be met with silence. you had turned away from him mid workout after he told you that he doesn't need someone to smother him like an over obsessive mother. you must be pissed. not that it's your fault, he shouldn't have turned you away, you were just worried for him. letting go of his pride, zoro's hand loosens as he purses his lips and thinks for a moment, "hey, 'em sorry, i shouldn't have said that." again, there is just utter silence. feeling dejected, zoro turns his back just to see you with an amused smirk and hands crossed against your chest and usopp giving him the most massive side eye from around the corner of the hallway. "that's great and all that you apologised marimo," you giggled, usopp jumps in, "dude, that's the utility closet."
𝙆𝙄𝘿 is always in stage one: denial. every time anyone brings up the fact that he is utterly whipped for you, his face blows red and he gets soo mad. but the thing is, he secretly keeps small trinkets of yours just so he can feel closer to you.
kid was busy at work with a screwdriver in one hand and the other keeping this small steel mechanism as still as he could. his crimson red eyes staring down intensely at the work on his bench. every time he gets concentrated like this, you could almost see the vertex of his tongue poking through the corner of his red-stained lips. "kid!" you shouted, scampering around the room, as you finally landed behind him, hands secured on either side of his broad shoulders. "hah?" kid gruffed, head leaning backwards, hitting against your chest as he looked up from his desk, "what?" "have you seen my bracelet?" you pouted, tilting your head slightly to the side as you noticed from your peripheral that the arm that was not mechanical twitch slightly. "i can't find it.." kid immediately scoffs, turning his head back down to his work. "no how would i know where it is!" "hmm okay, just asking.." when kid finally leaves his workbench, killer glances at him from the side of the kitchen. "y/n was looking for their bracelet." "yeah i know." "did you find it?" "why the hell would i know where it is?" "so the silver bracelet with a pink bunny pendant on your wrist is 100% yours?" "shut up - yeah it is mine so what!" "okay sanrio girl calm down."
𝙇𝘼𝙒 has to remind himself that he loves you dearly. you're the first person to make him feel this way. so when you're absolutely eating it up in the middle of his study with ice spice blaring through the den den mushi, he tries his best to live laugh love.
"HE SAYS THAT I'M WHAT?!" you shout, hand gripping the makeshift pen mic up to penguin as law tries his best to concentrate on the med book he has in his hand. he swears to himself that next time he'll never let you in this room again. "GOOD ENOUGH, GRABBIN' MY DUH' DUH' DUH'" penguin answers, nodding along as bepo stands utterly in the corner with the den den mushi in his hands. "THINK 'BOUT SHIT THAT I SHOULDN'T HAVE!" before you can really show your shit, law immediately shambles you guys out of the room. "law, i'm sorry!!" you plead from outside his room as the boys stand awkwardly behind you, ice spice still playing yet way quieter than before from bepo's hands. "c'mon!!" law swears he loves you, but if he hears another t-that boy's a liar! that boy's a liar! he's going to rip his ears off.
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hoony2k · 3 months
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It's supposed to be a simple task, film another challenge but...why does does his body feel numb, hands shake like jelly and heart beats like crazy?
GENRE: fluff, angst
WORD COUNT: 2k total
NOTE: hii! It's finally here after eons! I'm finally satisfied with it, this was so fun to write. My favourite is hee's part <3 hope it lived up to your expectations, sorry for the wait. Enjoy :)
Requested. Masterlist
Part 4 of idol!enha x idol! Series
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One look and he knows what the heart wants.
Spring wedding, open area near sea, 3-tier vanilla and chocolate cake-
Heeseung’s always been a man who follows his plan so as he approaches, he begins to slow his walk and make himself as charismatic as possible. He pretends he doesn’t want to giggle as he observes how you quickly check him out. Barely noticeable, so swift that one blink and someone would miss it. Thankfully Heeseung was looking, waiting for your reaction. Your expression remains neutral, pretend to be busy fixing your belt.
Heeseung smiles like he’s won the lottery. Of course, it’d be more fun if you pretend you’re uninterested.
After a greeting that shouldn’t be so casual but is, Heeseung’s heart swells with pride seeing how you’re not backing down, keeping up the act but giving him an opening, letting the bait flutter near him but not too close.
“Do you want to rehearse?”, he asks. You barely glance at him and look at his manager but he knows who you’re speaking to. “I was thinking we’d do it in one take”. He shrugs his shoulders. You’re so close that his coat brushes your bare shoulder. You don’t take a step back. Neither does he.
The manager gives the two of you a confused look. “If we take the perfect first take, sure”.
You shine a million-watt smile at her, lips pink with glitter and gloss stretch to show off your teeth. Then, you turn to Heeseung and straighten your shoulders, trying to appear taller than you are yet you still crane your neck to look at him. Your pretty smile is gone but your eyes speak to him instead, daring and bold.
"Are you ready?"
Good thing Heeseung has always loved a good challenge.
★ JAY:
He doesn't think too much about it, it's just a small challenge, greet the person, teach them the dance, bonus points if they already know it and then actually film it and leave. He came mentally prepared to follow the same protocol he usually did when they filmed with female idols.
Although he did not expect to be swept off his feet the moment he heard your laughter as he turned and entered the hall where it was to take place.
Definity is mentally unprepared to see someone so ethereal that for a solid second, he has to pause his walk. His legs seem to be glued to the floor. All he can think of is how he needs to impress you on the first encounter, he has to make sure you keep thinking about him the way he knows he won’t be able to stop replaying your laughter in his head.
However, it's the first time Jay ever felt like this, he’s not sure how to approach it. His hands shake not because he's going on stage for the first time. The tip of his ears feel red and not because he's eaten spicy fried chicken. His tongue feels heavy, his mind scattered with nervousness and not because he's mentally unprepared. He knows what to do- film a challenge of his comeback song, the song and dance steps that have been engraved in his mind.
But when you look at him with those sweet welcoming eyes, Jay knows he’s gone. He stands next to you while his manager speaks but ahh!! he thinks of how he needs your number to be able to feel like he’s crossed the distance between you two.
You turn to address him but he interrupts you with a greeting, voice wavering.
There’s a pause, and confusion in the air but thankfully before it could get any awkward, you cackle and everything is okay again. You stretch a hand out and when Jay encloses it, he can't help but compare the difference in size.
You give him a teasing smile, “how are you?”
He’s not making it out alive.
he's not someone that actively watches performances of other groups online but he read up on your profile before meeting you.
Jake knows the image the site uploaded doesn't do you justice because it didn't capture the mole on your face, the delicate curve of your eye or the puzzled look in your eyes as you nod in the conversation.
He's able to recognise his feelings immediately, they're too dangerous. Alarms are blaring in his head and he needs to bottle this up before it fizzes out and he has to explore the sensation in his fingertips.
So that's what he does, he greets you with a big jake sim smile and asks about your day and if you ate.
Your eyes crinkle in glee and thankfully you respond with the same joy as him. Though he ignores how you sound even better in real life. His brain tells him award show performances will never be the same again- he needs to experience you singing live. But before that, he needs to film the challenge.
His manager asks him if he's ready, the unsaid "You good?" is loud for Jake but he replies with another smile. Larger and more confident. He tells himself he won't lose himself in the act- he can't risk it.
Then, he chooses to surprise his manager and himself but moving his entire body towards you and addressing you "Let's do our best!"
You clap in agreement, more motivated than before and Jake almost feels bad. You give him a bright thumbs up and tell him you look forward to his comeback, how sweet venom raised the bar for you. These aren't empty words, he sees the glimmer in your eyes.
Jake fears that he might have been too convincing with his friendly act and now you'll look for him in the halls the way he will try not to do the same.
The challenge is filmed smoothly and time passes by far too quickly much to his distaste. If it was up to him, he'd freeze this moment. Get himself stuck in a time loop with you so he could have eternity to soak in your presence, your confidence, your being.
But it's not up to Jake, it never has and right now he hasn't reached his peak. There are other precious people tied to his career, he tells his heart. It's better if he leaves the interaction here, in the past, ignoring the what-ifs and focusing on how to politely say goodbye and good luck. Focus on how to keep you at a safe distance in the future and ignore the guilt he feels.
Sunghoon is aware of the effect he has on people. He’s learned to grow accustomed to how people stutter and can’t hold eye contact with him but he’s never been the one who goes weak in the knees- until today.
It’s supposed to be a simple, quick challenge filming, except it’s everything but that because one looks at you and he can’t stop replaying your shy laugh in his head. He’s rendered speechless. He offers you a ‘hello” nod that he hopes you don’t find disrespectful in your first encounter. He prays it isn’t the last. It’s as if fate brought karma upon him for accidentally leading people on. You don’t even look at him while the manager speaks and he can feel his heart twist.
Sunghoon has never wanted someone to glance at him so badly, so desperately.
“I can teach you”, is what he says, so slowly that his voice catches you off guard. You look bashful again, embarrassed almost and he regrets speaking. Do you like his voice? It didn’t crack even once.
You scratch your cheek, “There’s just one move I’m confused about”. Sunghoon can’t help the huge smile that escapes him. “Want to go over it together before we practise?”
He steps a foot closer, everything is beginning to blur, he can’t hear the murmurs of the nearby conversations, he can’t see anyone but you, not even the managers. Your perfume smells so soft, he wants to drown in it. it’s just you and the confidence in your eyes.
You give him a firm nod and Sunghoon knows the ambiguity behind it.
“Sure, why not?”, you say intending to prolong the meeting.
This time when he smiles, it’s not at your response but at the future he knows you see with him.
He's genuinely so so excited to be here and film another challenge, he loves doing challenges and meeting potential friends. However, when you enter the room, he flashes a knowing smile. there’s a friend to lovers already in the works in his mind.
Sunoo is so bubbly throughout the filming, that it makes you wonder if his cheerful comments are subtly patronizing you. Remembering the first couple of steps isn’t a hard task but he compliments you as if you can solo the whole dance. After you get used to his presence and comments, only then do you realise that there is not a hint of malice or ill intent behind his words and actions, he genuinely wants you to feel comfortable and elt down your guard.
It’s a sweet gesture, one that you’re not accustomed to which is why Sunoo is so careful to not say anything that could be misinterpreted. He tells himself he only feels like he has to protect you because he wants to befriend you.
does he find you pretty? Sure, you’re an idol you’re bound to be pretty. It’s not that big of a deal but as soon as the atmosphere turns warm, with you and the manager exchanging jokes like old friends, he can’t help but wonder if he wants to be friends…or if is there something more his heart wants.
He knows he won’t be satisfied by the line between friends but the ambuity he feels doesn’t scare him. It makes him wonder what the future may hold for you. If you will invite him to film with him. It would be good PR and marketing, it would be something fans would want after seeing you dance to sweet venom. It would be something Sunoo would love- to meet you again. On camera, off camera, it didn’t matter.
But he won’t ponder on the what ifs, he won’t let himself second guess his actions when he asks for your number, and he won’t think if you find him charming as you type in your number. He’ll let the relationship take its natural course and hopefully begin something romantic with you.
he’s gone a good couple of years locking his heart away, never letting it think too much while he gazes at idols performing. He doesn’t let himself think about other idols unless it’s with a sense of inspiration or admiration. He almost perfected rejecting affection but all his hard work goes down the drain when he sees you.
You’re not even doing anything unusual, just talking to him like any decent person would. You ask him about his day and then drop a “let's work hard!” with a thumbs up and immediately fail at the first take.
It shouldn’t be so endearing watching you practise the same step over again and again but he can hear his heart rattle the cage.
“Put less pressure in the swing”, he advises and has to stop himself from holding your arm mid-dance. He clenches his fist instead and lets a dimple show. You glance at your arm and then back at him.
“I didn’t think about that”, you confess, a bit appalled, “Is that how you do it?”
The question makes him pause and wonder if it is how they all do it. He thinks of Ni-ki and then himself and gives a firm nod, but you don’t seem satisfied, the furrow in your delicate brows doesn’t leave. So you do something that shatters Jungwon’s world, breaks the cage he sweat blood and tears to build- heart leaping out of his mouth.
“I mean, is that how you do it? I want to match my style with yours”.
He blinks once, then twice. The tips of his ears burn red and he stutters for a coherent response. He’s completely forgotten his dance style at the sudden spotlight. The light you’re giving him.
“I guess, I could teach you how I do it”, he laughs unsure at your determined expression. It makes his heart soften.
He knows he can’t afford to start anything less than platonic with you, but thinking about you can’t hurt right?
★ NI-KI:
Ni-ki knows what respect feels like, how the feeling slowly spreads in his chest when he watches his seniors perform. It feels like everything but this. It doesn’t blossom slowly, it doesn’t make him feel jittery all over, it doesn’t distract him from his work to focus on how cute your freckles are or how there’s a hair strand that’s slipped out of your braid. He shouldn’t fix it, should he?
All he knows is that your attention on him will settle whatever he's feeling. Whenever you turn to him with your dazzling smile and sparkly makeup, Ni-ki feels like he can breathe again.
So, he begins to speak and speak and speak until the manager asks him if he wants to practice the dance instead.
You chirp in and agree, somehow you seem comfortable with him and he hasn’t even complimented you yet. All he talked about was how he loved your comeback. He feels his chest swell with pride when he realizes you’ve become more confident and assured when you mimic his teaching. Ni-ki thrives on how well you’re responding to his subtle attempts to appear cool so you can compliment him.
But when you do say “You make the hook look so easy”, fingers pinched and head moving along the beat, Ni-ki is rendered speechless. He was focused on wanting you to compliment him so bad that he had no idea how to react if you did.
Now, he lets his neck flush red and stutters his words, “It’s not that hard”.  It isn’t when that’s what he’s been practicing for months but you haven’t!
The potential misunderstanding grabs him by the throat and he splutters, hands waving to console himself rather than you- you don’t look offended or upset.
 You stare up at him with soft eyes yet Ni-ki has never felt so small.
“I didn’t mind anything”, you comfort him and he notices how your arm jerks upwards to pat him but halts midway, hesitant. Ni-ki lets out a breath to rewire his nerves.
He nods at you, gaining fortitude by the minute but in these moments of hesitancy where he almost touches your hand to fix its position or when you bite back another compliment, he genuinely believes that he’s not the only one with wobbly legs. 
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Thank you for reading!
All rights belong to me. Please do not copy/translate/edit.
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starrystevie · 11 months
rating: mature; 18+ only | cross posted on ao3 here
"truth or dare?"
steve's looking at eddie expectantly while he waits for his answer, his eyes wide and cheeks pushed up from the grin pulling at his lips. he's shirtless from past dares and eddie's trying hard to not look at the hair covering his chest, to not look at the way his scars have faded into a pretty dusty pink, to not look at the flexed muscles in his arm from where it's slung over the back of the couch and he's definitely not looking at the way the movement pulls his pec up.
they aren't high enough for this, not drunk enough for it either, but he feels intoxicated. maybe that's just what being around steve harrington at 2am does to him. it makes him stupid.
steve's grin grows wide enough to challenge even the cheshire cat and eddie knows that truth was the wrong choice. see? stupid.
the hand on the back of the couch tightens and eddie can feel the way it pulls the cushion under his back, the fabric creasing against his shoulder blade. steve's leaning in a tiny bit closer, same wild grin on his face, and eddie feels himself stop breathing. he tries to remain calm, tries to keep an even expression on his face, but when steve harrington is in his presence, it's harder than it seems.
"okay... truth," steve's close enough that eddie can see the specks of green in his eyes and he tries to focus on that instead of how he can almost feel breaths that aren't his own on his lips.
"what's your biggest turn on?"
whatever breath eddie attempts to suck in gets stuck in his throat and turns into a cough forcing steve to pull away cackling. he isn't in eddie's face anymore but he can still feel him, can still sense the barely there exhale on his face, can still only see steve green behind his eyelids.
"what the fuck, dude?!" is all he can get out. his palms are sweaty so he rubs them furiously over his jeans, scowling at his fingers when they get stuck in the small rips.
steve is laughing at the other end of the couch but his arm is still settled over the back of it, creating the most delicious tension on his chest. he looks broad like this, broader than eddie's really ever seen him. and with his hand across the couch and his legs opened just slightly and his bare chest on display and his bright white teeth glinting in the dim moonlight he looks-
he's hot.
he looks like the old steve, all cock-sure and suave, like he knows he can get absolutely whatever he wants. it does eddie's head in. is he what steve wants? is he why steve looks like he could jump on anything and everything that came his way? is he why steve thought he could ask him about his turn ons as easy as if he was asking about the weather?
"i don't have-"
"oh bullshit," steve says with a flick of his free hand. "everyone has one, man. what gets you all hot and bothered?"
eddie tilts his head up with a scoff. "why do you want to know?"
"consider it your average every day bonding." he says it like it's obvious, like all guys do when they sit around and play sleepover games like they're kids again is talk about what they like in bed.
but eddie's drunk on steve in 2am moonlight and can't help himself for giving him everything.
"i like dirty talk."
he'd always give steve everything.
steve's grin shifts into something borderline feral that has eddie vibrating under his skin. he moves his hips and settles back into the arm of the couch, leveling eddie with his gaze. his eyes are heavy when they look at him and eddie feels glued to the spot.
"oh yeah?" steve's inflection sounds exactly like what eddie craves for and he's afraid that he's shown all his cards already if steve was able to pick up on it that fast. "like what?"
he rolls his eyes if only so that he can take them away from watching steve's muscles contorting as he shifts on the couch. it's not hard to get eddie in the mood, that's the embarrassing thing. his limited experience before he learned about alternate dimensions and things living under hawkins didn't exactly help his case. he didn't exactly have guys throwing themselves at him as a social pariah covered in still healing scars, either.
so steve looking at him with those eyes and that grin and without a shirt for god's sake? not helpful.
"i don't know, i just-" his mind supplies images that gets his cock stirring. a certain king of hawkins under him or on top of him or right behind him whispering things in his ear that he had never really thought about before.
"-i just like hearing the effect i have on them, i guess."
and then without warning steve is moving. he's up on his hands and knees and is leaning into eddie's personal space again, his face close enough to eddie's that he can see that damn green in his eyes again.
there's still a bit of space between then but not nearly enough that eddie isn't effected by it. steve's pinkie is brushing his thigh and his cock that was already interested just thinking about the sounds steve could make is stirring even more awake under his gaze.
"you like hearing you're doing good?" steve questions. eddie sighs. "you like all the moans and stuff?"
all eddie can do is nod, afraid that if he speaks that he'll do something embarrassing like say he wants to pull whatever sound out of steve that he'd let him. suddenly, steve's pulling away minutely to get his mouth close to eddie's ear, breath coming out in puffs against his skin.
"oh fuck," steve huffs out, voice pitched high and dainty. feminine. "oh, oh eddie, it's so good."
eddie grips his hands onto his knees like they're the only thing keeping here on planet earth as steve moans in his ear. his cock is starting to grow, whatever blood that was left in his head heading south fast and it's leaving him dizzy. from up close, he's sure steve can see what he's doing if he was to look down. he's wearing sweatpants that don't exactly hide anything, after all.
the sounds steve are making are all light and pretty like he's going off of his own experience and eddie has the fleeting thought that it's what girls sound like under him. that some girl has been pressing up close to steve's chest and had her pretty pink lips up close to his ear as he fucked her into the mattress. but oh, if eddie had the courage he'd tell him. tell him that he doesn't want to hear some girl, some stranger.
he wants to hear steve.
"you gonna take care of that?" steve's voice is back to somewhat normal, a bit raspy and deep, and it floods through eddie's veins like molten lava. he doesn't remember closing his eyes but he peels them open and turns his head to look at steve. he follows his gaze and sees that they're both looking at how turned on eddie is. he doesn't have enough blood left in his cheeks to blush but he would if he could.
"steve, that's wei-"
a hand wrapping over his knee stops him mid sentence. "not weird. do it. i want you to."
eddie gulps even though his throat feels drier than it's ever been. steve's fingers tighten and he jerks his chin up to urge him on and fuck, he knew he'd always give steve whatever he wanted.
"can you just," eddie sucks a breath in through his teeth as he drops his hand to his waistband, fingers teasing under the fabric. "sound like you, please?"
the silence feels palpable. he can feel every place that his clothes are touching him, every place that steve is touching him, every place his breath has fallen on him that evening. he has half a mind to take it back and tell him he was joking, to pretend like he's some girl again and eddie could get off on that, too. he could at least try, especially if it was steve.
but then- "eddie, fuck."
steve's mouth is close to his ear again, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear as he groans into it. his voice is pitched deep but it's definitely undeniably steve. he shifts onto his knees so he can drape his arm behind eddie once more. not touching, but there and as eddie's hand slips under the fabric to grip at his cock, they both let out a sigh.
"yeah, there you go. gonna touch yourself for me, hmm?"
"shit," eddie groans out as his hand trails over his weeping cock. he brings his thumb up to gather a bit of the precome that's dribbled out of the top and rubs it between his fingers before gliding them down his length. steve's panting these little sounds into his ear that mirror eddie's own moans. when he sighs, steve sighs, when he whines, steve whines.
it's like he's touching himself to get steve off, too, and isn't that something to think about? them laying side by side with each other's dicks in their hands, stroking just how the other likes to get them off. he'd watch steve's face, speed up when his eyes open and slow down when he's close. he'd buck his hips into steve's steady grip, swallow the moans he pulls out of him so they echo through his body. it'd be heaven on a mattress or hardwood floor or ratty couch in a ratty trailer.
"got me all hard in my jeans, eddie." steve breathes out and eddie can't see is he's lying or not but it sounds true and eddie briefly wonders if steve should go into porn with those acting skills. "the way you look with your hand in your pants, jesus, it's a sin. all flushed and hot and, god-"
if steve keeps it up, eddie is going to be done way faster than he wants to be. his hand speeds up when steve lets out a particularly loud moan in his ear and then there's a brush of denim against his arm and wow, steve was in fact not lying. his hips keep jumping up to get pressure against eddie's forearm and the long line of steve's cock is teasing him.
"steve," he whines out, "are you..."
"of course i am," he laughs against eddie's ear before sneaking a tiny kiss to his temple. "you're so fucking hot, dude. been wanting to do this for too long. too long, oh my god."
his hand that was on eddie thigh moves up to unbutton his pants and slides under his own waistband and eddie takes a moment to slow his strokes as he looks up at steve. he looks like a greek god in grungy trailer lighting, chest shimmering with sweat and puffing with heavy breaths. he's grinning down at eddie and he feels like he could float away.
"think i'm hot, stevie?" he says on a shuddering breath as he hits a spot on his cock that he immediately goes to find again. steve smirks before his eyes roll back as he gets a hand on his own dick.
"so hot, so fucking-"
he's cut off by a moan and eddie sends up a silent thank you to the universe that they have the trailer to themselves for the next few days because eddie needs to pull more of those out of him. he needs steve on his back and on his cock and in his mouth and on his fingers and every which way he'll let him have him if it means he gets to hear more of that.
"gonna get my mouth on you soon enough, gotta know what you taste like. gonna get you down my fucking throat..."
steve's brought his mouth back down to eddie's ear and is grunting like he's running the race of a lifetime while he tells eddie what he wants to do him. says truths of his own outside of the now forgotten game, secrets laced with some of the most romantic things eddie's ever been told. tells him how pretty he is, how good he is, how he's imagining eddie's fingers on his cock and on his skin and how he's close, close, close.
knowing he's effecting steve this much, knowing he has this hold on him that he thought was one sided, knowing that he's racing through steve's veins like he's racing through eddie's, it's too much.
"i'm... fuck- i'm gonna," eddie's hand speeds up and the hand on the back of the couch comes up to tangle in his hair. there's a pressure pulling him back until he's looking at the ceiling for a second until all he can see is steve and the flecks of green he's come to love.
"it's okay, i've got you, come on. let me just-"
their first kiss is shared on a ratty couch in a ratty trailer with their hands in their pants and come covering their fingers. eddie's mouth is open enough that he's moaning into steve's and the hand on the back of his head is twitching while he comes. they pull apart enough that eddie can hear what they sound like as they work through their orgasms together, can hear what steve sounds like as he works himself down.
he's going to get that on a record someday, he tells himself. it'll go platinum.
and just as quick as it started, it's over. only this time steve's snuggling up next to him and using his clean hand to stroke over the exposed skin on eddie's stomach instead of returning to the opposite end of the couch. their chests are heaving as they try and regain their composure and it feels like bliss until steve laughs.
it's like an ice bucket being poured over him and he wishes he didn't love hearing steve so much because he's afraid that the laugh will haunt his memories for ages to come. steve must feel him freeze up because the hand on his stomach circles around his waist and pulls him even closer so he can nuzzle his face into eddie's chest. it starts to settle the nerves that had wound themselves around his insides.
"i don't know if you could tell," he starts, voice muffled against eddie's flannel. "but i've been wanting to do that, this, for ages."
eddie snorts. "you've wanted to make me jizz in my pants for ages? really? low standards even for you."
steve snorts out a laugh in return. "no, you idiot. i've wanted to be able to do this for ages."
he tilts his head up and places a featherlight kiss to eddie's lips. it's soft, it's sweet, it's the opposite of everything that happened not two minutes prior. eddie feels a smile tugging at his mouth and pulls back to see steve smiling, too.
"does this mean..."
there's no words, no definition that eddie can put to the events of the night that don't sound silly or juvenile. but then he sees steve settle back down, pressing a kiss to right over his heart before laying his head down where it was.
"... that we're doing that again? absolutely. just maybe in a bed next time."
and maybe they don't need a label. maybe all they need is laying on a couch with come cooling in their pants and echoes of what just happened bouncing off the trailer walls. maybe all they need is a promise of later sealed with a kiss and their heartbeats in synch.
and maybe, just maybe, they'll play truth or dare again.
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vecnuthy · 11 months
Steddie first kiss scenario
Accident: mistaken identity due to Steve being absolutely hammered | wc 893 |
Two hours into a Harrington house party, Eddie was getting near the end of his inventory and his social battery. The cup of punch-colored alcohol he'd been nursing had kept him nice and fuzzy for a while, but with the end in sight, he dumped the rest down the kitchen sink, tossed the cup in the trash, then turned, opting to walk out the back yard rather than navigate through the packed house.
But his progress was stopped in an empty hall by the man of the house himself, Steve Harrington.
A very drunk Steve Harrington, at that, considering the extra droop of his pretty eyes, lazy smile, overly loose movements, and the way he crashed into Eddie, pinning him against a small table, slurring loudly, "Nance! There'y'are."
He looked and smelled absolutely sloshed as he swayed further into Eddie's space.
"Steve, wha-"
"Been loogin for y' everywhere."
Before Eddie could even do anything, Steve's hands were buried in his curls and pulling him in until their lips met and - wow, that was definitely Steve Harrington's rum-soaked tongue in his mouth, making his stomach swoop, the heat from Steve's flushed face igniting a fire that tore across Eddie's skin, burning faster with every movement of Steve's lips. Lips that were soft, unlike the fingers curling, pulling Eddie's roots enough to make Eddie's hips press into Steve's, make him want to moa-
"You taste different. Like smoke and.....and peaches, hv'you been smoking?!" He frowned and shook his head. "S'not good for you."
He paused in thought as Eddie's heart hammered in his chest, mouth and scalp tingling from Steve's onslaught. His brain refused to make sense of anything happening. Were he not half propped up by the table against the wall and Steve's hold, Eddie would probably be on the floor.
"Wanna smoke now, achlly," Steve said as he put enough space between them to pat at his pockets before realizing with a laugh, "Oh wai', you've got 'em!"
He started patting at the pockets of a very shell-shocked Eddie as he continued to ramble, "And peashes. Where'd you ge' peashes? Y'llergic to the fuzz. You 'idn't eat that, d'you?"
Steve patted a little too far over the front of his jeans, making Eddie, honestly on the verge of blacking out, yelp. Steve giggled out, "Ticklish," then added, "You're taller," before pouting, "Ugh, your pockets 'r so full. When d'you put jeans on?" Steve let out a frustrated whine before huffing, "God, I can't find'em, just - "
Steve paused then smiled like he remembered the secret of life, and muttered, "You've got the smoke."
And just like that, Eddie's face was smooshed between Steve's hands, breath barely ghosting over Eddie's lips before he breathed Eddie in, eyes closed, probably imagining nicotine flooding his system.
Eddie would make a run for it if he were able to move, but he couldn't will his body to do anything but buzz from shock yet sing for Steve's touch.
Steve opened his eyes, and he took a long, glazed-over look at Eddie's face, settling on his lips.
"You kind of look different. Your lips....they're bigger." His eyes closed slowly then grew comically large. "D'you eat the fuzz, Nance?!" Steve panicked, then looked Eddie in the eyes again, and took a shuddering breath. "Your eyes, though, they....th' look, look kinda brown like -" Steve's face softened "- like his."
To Eddie's immense horror, a very confused Barbara Holland had appeared behind Steve.
"Barrrb! Hey, guess what? Nance's been smoking!" he giggled.
"What?" Barb's eyes flicked back and forth between a very panicked, frozen Eddie.
"She tastes like smoke! Nancy Wheeler, smoking!" He cackled gleefully, but made it known that he was proud of her by turning back to Eddie and slurring, "You're so cool, 's like it's Halloween. Dressed up like Munson? Y' look so cool, baby." And he swooped in and kissed Eddie one more time.
"Okay, Steve!" Barb shrieked and pulled him away. "Let's get you some water!" She shot Eddie a wide-eyed questioning look and steered a stumbling Steve toward the kitchen.
"He's so wasted, he thought I was Nancy!" Eddie rushed out quietly, which made Barb snort.
Eddie's face burned, numb to everything except where Steve had touched him. Which was kind of everywhere, actually, so he felt on fire. "And it happened before I could even- I didn't know what to d-"
"Eddie!" She cut off his rambling, then sighed. "Don't worry, you're fine. You're fine. Understand?" She was waiting for a response.
Eddie, head still swimming, nodded cautiously.
"Good," she said, letting some of her tension melt away, which Eddie tried to copy. "Doubt he'll remember any of it, anyway. I know I don't want to."
Eddie winced at that.
"No, it's not you, it's just-" she huffed then shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Drive safe, Eddie."
And just like that, she was gone.
Eddie followed suit with Steve's voice echoing in his head, an overlapping manic cacophony of
"Your lips....they're bigger."
"Your eyes, though, they....th' look, look kinda brown like...like his."
"Dressed up like Munson? Y' look so cool, baby."
Two kisses because Steve thought Eddie was his girl.
And her best friend had seen the second.
Actual fucking kisses because Steve thought he was his.
Thought Eddie was his.
Said he tasted like smoke and peaches.
Eddie drove home in a daze.
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ebodebo · 6 months
summary: basically ghost and the reader are in a no-strings-attached, friends-with-benefits, type of situation, but the reader wants it to be a real relationship. ghost says no and the reader is like okay that's fine byeeee and the reader flirts with a guy at a bar and ghost gets just a little bit jealous.
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x f!reader
a/n: listen, i know..tale as old as time, but if it ain't broke don't fix it! also this is longer than i intended it to be, but i hope you like it regardless! anyways, feel free to send asks!
word count: 2.3k+
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Bang Bang Bar
Ghost and you were laying in his bed, your leg draped over his, as you drew circles with your pointer finger on his bare chest.
"What're you thinkin' about?" He uttered, his voice sounding deep and grave. "Nothing." You quickly reply. He cocks his brow at your hasty reply and wraps his hands around your waist, and pulls you onto him, so you are straddling his torso.
"What's goin' on?" He asks softly. 
You tug your bottom lip with your top teeth. "I was thinking.." You pause before continuing. "I don't want to do this anymore." 
He tilts his head slightly. "Do what?"
"This." You gesture to both of your naked bodies. "Well..wait..not the sex part. I want to do that again." Ghost lets out a gruff laugh. "I mean, I don't want it to be casual." You declare in an earnest tone. "I want us to be a thing."
"We agreed on-" Ghost begins.
"I know what we agreed on." You breathe out. "I was just kind of hoping the sentients have changed?" Your curious eyes stare at him.
He lets out a breath before talking. "I told you. I don't date." Ghost says.
"I know, but don't all guys say that?" You remark.
"I'm serious. I don't."
"Even if-."
"No." He interrupts, his voice sounding rougher than usual. "I don't date." He continues. "This is all I can offer you." 
You stare at him briefly before slowly scooting yourself off his torso and moving to get off the bed, grabbing your clothes that lay on the floor. "I understand that you don't want a relationship." You slide your jeans on. "But, I can't keep pretending that’s what I want too."
You reach for your shoes and begin putting them on. As you look up, Ghost's gaze meets yours. "What?" You question. He shakes his head and diverts his attention from you.
Once you slide your shoes on, you walk over to the door and say goodbye to Ghost and to that mess of a situation. 
❀・。.。* ❀ *。.。·* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *。.
It had been about a week since you had essentially ended your "situation-thing" with Ghost. Not seeing him often felt weird, but you knew you couldn't keep pretending you didn't have genuine feelings for him. 
You were in the break room, preparing a fresh cup of coffee.
"Jesus. You're the reason we never have any sugar." Gaz scrutinizes as he strolls over to you. 
"Don't be mean, Gaz." You laugh as his eyes widen at the six empty sugar packets beside your cup.
"I'm being honest." His eyes continue to stare at the packets. "That is an insane amount of sugar."
"I've seen how much creamer you put in yours." You raise your brow. He throws his hands up. "You got me there." You smile and stir your coffee.
"Also, the guys and I are going to that bar downtown tonight. Would you want to come?" He questions as he grabs a mug from the cabinet above your head.
"The one with the stupid name?" You giggle as you take a sip of the hot liquid. 
He rolls his eyes. "Hey, take that back. It is not stupid." He states, his face plastered with seriousness. 
"For Godsake, it's called Bang Bang Bar." You cackle as you continue. "It sounds like a strip club, not a bar."
"Will you please just come? I hate going with Soap and Ghost alone." He grabs the coffee and fills up his mug. "Soap makes fun of me for my drink order, and Ghost makes no effort to stop him." 
You pause your drinking, trying not to sound too intrigued. "Ghost is going?" Gaz walks over to the fridge and grabs the creamer. "Ya." You chew your lip, trying to ease your thoughts. "What about Price?" You try to change subjects. "No. Price said he had paperwork to do. I swear that man is a workaholic." You smile. 
You were going to say no to his offer, but you decided you needed to get out of your head, even if it's just for a bit. "I suppose I can grace you boys with my presence." He chuckles as he pours his creamer. 
"Don't be too flattered. I want to see you in that short black dress you wear." He jokes. You lightly hit his bicep causing him to spill some creamer. "Hey, You made me spill creamer." He dramatically whines. 
"You didn't need it all anyways." You cheekily smile as you grab your mug and head towards the door, leaving Gaz to clean up the spilled creamer. 
❀・。.。* ❀ *。.。·* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *。.
You felt the cold air brush your legs, lifting your dress slightly as you stepped outside of your car to head towards the bar. You walked down the paved sidewalk and eventually saw the flashy sign with the bar's name in the middle. You rolled your eyes as you pushed the door open.
The bar was more packed than usual, but after scanning the area for a minute, you spotted Gaz, flailing his arms at you. You stepped through a cluster of people and made your way to the guys, Ghost nowhere to be seen.
"Hey." Gaz and Soap say simultaneously as you sit next to Gaz in the booth. You can't explain why but you feel disappointed that Ghost isn't there. You shouldn't, but you do. 
"What do you want to drink?" Soap questions, breaking your train of thought. "Uh..just a beer is fine. Thanks." You lightly smile. 
After Soap grabs you a beer, you all make light conversation. Although, you mind still wonders where Ghost is. Your question is answered shortly as you see him enter through the front door and wander to your booth. Your eyes lock briefly before he directs his attention to Soap and Gaz.
"Glad you could make it." Gaz proclaims, and Soap pats Ghost on the shoulder. "Hey, Ghost." You mutter to Ghost. He looks over at you and nods to you.
The light conversation continues, mostly between Soap and Gaz. You are trying your best not to look at Ghost, and you sense he is doing the same. You feel awkwardness wash over you for the millionth time that week. "I'll be right back." You say as you stand up from the booth heading towards the bar. 
You order yourself another drink, something to ease the nerves running through your veins. "Nice choice." You hear a male voice approach you. You look up to see an attractive man standing near you. "Mind if I sit?" You nod to him. "So, why is someone as pretty as you sitting by yourself?" You lightly laugh at his corny line. "I'm here with friends." You reach for your drink. 
"Oh. Sad to hear that." He whispers. "Why's that?" You cock your head. "I suppose you can't leave your friends for too long. I would like to continue this." He smiles. "They can keep themselves company for a bit." You smile back, bringing your drink to your lips.
You chat with the mystery man for a little bit, after texting Gaz, telling him you were, in fact, not kidnapped and just chatting with a guy. During the conversation, you realize you both have things in common, and it doesn't hurt he's pretty nice to look at. 
As you were talking, laughing, and shamelessly flirting with the man, he noticed a strand of your hair fall in front of your eyes. He gently raised his hand to brush the strand out of your face. Your face pinkens at his actions. "You are so beautiful." He whispers. 
Although he was spewing such kind words, your attention drifts to your phone. A new message has popped up. It's from Ghost.
Ghost: Come outside.
"I'm sorry. Could you excuse me for a second?" You quickly ask. "Sure. I'll be here." You stand up from the bar and reach the front door, pushing it open.
You are immediately met with the cold air. You don't see him right when you step out, so you go around the corner to the little alleyway and see him leaning against the brick of the building, smoking. "What's going on?" You question as you prop yourself on the same wall. 
He remains silent. His eyes wander down your body, taking in the tight dress that hugs your figure. "Ghost." He snaps his head up to meet your eyes. 
"He's not your usual type." He mutters. You give him a confused expression. "What?" You say as your head tilts to the side. "That guy at the bar." He takes a puff of his cigarette. "He's not what you usually go for."
"Why do you care?" You accuse. "I don't." He insists. "Then why are you so interested in my boyfriend?" Ghost's head instantaneously lifts, his eyes narrowing. "Boyfriend?" You stare back at him. "No. I was just...I don't know why I said that." He releases a deep breath. "Thank Christ." He takes a final drag of the cigarette before throwing it on the ground.
Now, you are the one narrowing your eyes at him. "Why do you say that?" Your eyes widen. "Were you jealous?"
"No." He speedily says.
"I think you were."
"I was not jealous."
"Fine then. Since you have nothing important to talk about, I think I'll just go back-" He instantly grabs your waist and guides you onto the wall so his body is pressing against yours. Your breath hitches at his actions. 
You both stand there in silence, your breathing becoming increasingly faster. "What are you doing?" You finally whisper. 
He remains silent and positions his face closer to you so your lips are only mere inches away. He sees the heat flicker between your eyes and roughly presses his lips into yours as one of his hands comes to grasp your hair, which elicits a moan from you, causing him to groan. 
His other hand slips to cup your ass, pressing your body closer to his so you feel his hardening cock. You pull back slightly, and his mouth instantly connects with your neck. "Tell me." You mumble through breaths. "Tell you what?" He mutters into your neck as he leaves sloppy, wet kisses on you. "Tell me you were jealous." You finally say.
"Of course, I was fucking jealous." He grits, as he drags his tongue across your jaw. "So, you only want me when someone else does?" You whisper. He quickly drops both of his hands and steps away. "Is that what you think?" You shift nervously. "What else am I supposed to think? I mean, you haven't talked to me in a week, and the one time you do is because I was with another guy."
"I thought.." He wipes his hand across his face. "I thought you deserved better than me. That's why I said no." He confesses. "You're fucking perfect. Too perfect for me." He whispers. "It killed me not to talk to you, but I just thought it would.." You step closer to him. "Thought it would what?" He looks up at you. "I thought it would force me to get over you." 
"Did it work?" You murmur. "No." He says. "I could never get over you." Sincerity coated his voice. You step towards him and gently grab his hand. "Sorry, I'm just a fucking idiot." He pauses as he rubs the palm of your hand with his finger. "I understand if you don't want-" You catch him by surprise when you smash your lips onto his, your fingers thread through his light hair, slightly tugging on it. 
"I'll forgive your idiocy.." You pant in between kisses. "If you make me come.."
"I've made you come five times in one night. This is no.."
"Out here."
His eyes slightly widen as he brings one of his hands to tug on your hair, causing a quiet moan to escape. "You minx." He replies.
In hindsight, this was quite a secluded alleyway, but it was still out in the open, meaning if anyone decided to turn the corner, they would see you both.
Ghost brings his hand, which isn't in your hair, to your breast, gently massaging and palming it, causing you to whine into his mouth. He slipped his other hand under your short dress so that he could graze your wet cunt through your underwear.
You rocked yourself on his fingers, seeking more friction. "More." You plead. "Ya?" He questions, his voice dripping with arousal. You nod your head quickly as he slips one finger under your panties. "Better.." He connects his lips with yours as he pushes a single finger into you. "Christ, you're so fuckin' tight.." He whispers into your mouth.
"I can't fit anymore." You moan as he begins sliding his middle finger into you.
"We'll make em' fit." He manages to fit the two fingers in you and begins pumping in and out of you. "Fuck, Ghost." You whimper, as he grazes your clit. "You feel so fuckin' good, baby.." He grunts out as his fingers move in and out, faster and faster.
You can feel yourself tightening, signaling your peak nearing. "Ghost...I...Fuck I'm so close." He drags his other hand up your dress so he can graze your bare nipple. "I can feel you tightening..." He slightly rolls your nipple in between his fingers. "Come." He commands.
That one motion causes you to climax. Your legs are shaking, and your pulse is racing. He holds you up by your waist until your orgasm subsides. 
He cheekily smiles as he brings his fingers covered in your arousal to his mouth and sucks them clean. "Am I forgiven now?"
"I guess.." You continue. "Although I feel like it took you a little long to get me to come.." He chuckles. "Next time, I'll get three in you."
You laugh as you check your phone. "Fuck. The guys called me so many times. They must think something bad happened. We should probably leave." Ghost nods as you both walk down the alleyway.
"You think we should tell em'." Ghost chirps.
"Tell them what?" You question.
"That we're a thing now." He turns his head to face you as his lip curves slightly.
"Are we? Since when?” You cock your head.
"Since now." He grabs your hand and interlocks your fingers as you turn the corner out of the alleyway. 
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
taglist: @yuenity @fivenightsatnattys @callsign-artemis @minihotdog @theloneshadow24 @harpsinfinity @bleached-punk
also let's pretend mystery bar guy found a nice lady and they lived happily ever after in alaska or something.
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yourfatherlucifer · 7 months
ATZ 9th Member Shenanigans
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poly!teez x male!member!reader
warnings: slight polyamory, crack ateez, funny shit.
au: none
genre: fluff
wc: 438
@choism @k-hotchoisan @asherthehimbo @wooyoungqueen @mjyungi @yunho-mp3 @staytinyville @dinossaurz @sanspuppet @emtrades22
nets: @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @kflixnet @pirateeznet @wonderlandnet
let me know if you'd like to be added to the permanent tag list!~ PLEASE REBLOG
"Wooyoung!" You shouted, your hands balling into a fist, "I swear to god, if you left your dirty dishes in the sink, again, I am going to choke you."
You threw the sponge into the sink, before making your way to the man.
"And I swear, if you say you don't remember if it was you or not," you held your finger up in his face, "I will get Hongjoong."
Wooyoung's eyes widened, "Okay, okay! It was me, I'm sorry!" He set down his phone and scurried to the sink.
Did he really think you forgot about the time he confessed to being the one to leave his ramyeon dishes in the sink?
Jongho stared at the scene and laughed, but you quickly glared at him, "This isn't even my dorm, Jongho. Don't even start with me."
"San, stop moving." You whined into his chest, "I can't, Wooyoung keeps kicking me in the butt." He whined back.
Hongjoong burst into the room, "What are you three still doing in bed? Get up! We have practice in twenty!"
Wooyoung sat up from behind San and threw a pillow at Hongjoong's head, "Hush!"
You reached behind San and pulled Wooyoung's ear, "Be nice! He's still your elder!"
Hongjoong laughed and walked up to you on the bed, "Thanks, but you gotta get up too." He kissed your cheek.
San whined, "Where's my kiss, Hongjoong?"
"You disgust me."
Everyone laid on the dance practice room floor, breaths heaving out of all nine men's chests. You had rolled onto your stomach, your shirt riding up. Wooyoung giggled as he stood up, taking his plan in action, everyone but you stared at him in confusion.
He quickly runs over and plops onto your back, his witch-like cackle fills your ears, "Hi, Y/N!" He giggles.
You grunted and whined, "Youngie!"
San followed after, landing on top of Wooyoung, then Seonghwa, then Yunho, then everyone else followed. A dogpile of eight men were on you, everyone laughing as they crushed you.
"You guys are killing me!"
"Y/N, could you stand closer to Mingi?" The director shouted out.
Your eyebrow twitched in irritation, "Gladly, sir!" Anything to get away from Jongho poking your ass, you were tempted to hit him in the balls like San did to him before you guys performed once before.
Jongho was stifling his giggles, not wanting to mess up the MV shoot. When the director called for a break, you turned to face him, but he'd already ran off. Whatever, you'll just sneak into his room tonight and push him off his bed.
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norrisleclercf1 · 7 months
what about something about streetRacer! Lando x shy!reader 🤭🤭
A/N: The perfect thing to get me out of my slump
Everyone knew who Lando was, it was hard not too.
Lando Norris was the well-known, graphic designer major at your university. He wasn't known for his major, on the contrary he was known for the McLaren he'd drive in. Lando was known for being this cocky, yet shy boy.
You didn't know much of him, just his car and that he'd come to class exhausted and still make these amazing grades. He was in one of your undergrade classes, sitting behind you with his friend Max and Carlos you tried hard not to listen to the hushed argument.
"Dude, it's dangerous, not tonight." Carlos hisses, accent thick. The familiar scuff of Max has you turning slightly but you quickly turn back around when you catch Max's burning blue eyes. "Who cares, Lando can handle it. He's not a kid." Max snarls, tired of Carlos acting like the older brother.
You stop listening to them when Lando hisses at them to be quiet and you feel their eyes on you. "Will the two of you shut the fuck up," The rest of the class is spent in silence. "Um, hey," Zipping up your bag you look up seeing Lando in front of you.
Eyes drift over him taking in his black jeans and shirt, with his black hoodie and matching black jacket yet it has a bright orange M on it. "Yes?" Trying to stay calm and not let your anxiety get the better of you.
"I need to make up some assignments, and the professor said your the one to go to for help. Mind if you help me?" Lando fixes his bag, looking everywhere but you. "Aren't you top of our class?" It's a dumb thing to say, and you knew it the moment it left your mouth. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't need to help," Lando bites.
Blinking, he takes a deep breathe rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I know I'm top of the class, but I need help with this new topic. Can you help or not?" What do you say? Normally you'd say yes to any of the students, but Lando has your shields raising. "Yes, but I can only do tonight."
Lando groans, which has you raising an eyebrow. "I can't do nights," He wasn't even offering you an excuse. "Well, it's only nights or nothing. I'm sorry," Lando cringes seeing the way you start to shy away.
" No, no, it's okay. Um, listen can we do it maybe tomorrow night?" You think over your schedule and nod your head. "Sure,"
Walking through the town at night was peaceful. It was a college town and so the streets felt safe lined with people everywhere as they partied.
Holding your bag filled with books, you sigh taking in the crisp winter air as you step off going to walk. Only the sound of sirens and roaring engines has you screaming as a car comes to a screeching stop.
Gasping for air, you lock eyes with the driver and see Lando. "Lando?" "Y/n?" The both of you shocked to see each other. "Fuck, get her!" "What?" Two strong hands pull you and shove you into the car throwing your bag at you as Lando doesn't think twice and tears off.
"I was just kidnapped." You gasp, and freeze seeing Carlos in the passenger side and Max right beside you. "Okay, let me out." Full on panic setting in as the siren's sound from behind. "Told you, knew she'd freak." Max grumbles and without a second thought you swing your bag of books right into him.
"Who wouldn't? I'm normal!" You scream trying your best to calm down. "Y/n, baby, just breathe okay. You're not in any danger. Fuck, I'm so sorry, you should be at home! Studying! Why the fuck are you here?" Lando hits the steering wheel, Max and Carlos sharing a look.
"Well, I'm sorry that I wanted some NEW BOOKS! What the fuck are you doing RUNNING FROM THE FUCKING COPS?" Max smirks, "Knew she had a bit of a bite, tell him off." Max cackles, until you turn that glare onto him.
"You," "Oi, can you save this until we're back at our place?" Carlos sighs, as you kick Lando's seat. "Hey, you should be home!" He snaps, anger in his eyes. "What are you, my father?" You snark back.
"No, but I'm sure he'd like for you to call him," "MAX!" Carlos and Lando yell at the same time, as the Dutch boy groans rolling his eyes. Lando drives, perfectly, easily losing the cops with no issue.
"What the hell was this? Honestly, who are you 3?" You whisper, the car comes to a slow rumble as they pull up to their well known house. "Agh shit, Charles is home." Carlos groans, which has the other 2 groaning.
"Okay, bye!" Jumping out of the car quickly you try to make a break for, but Lando grabs you. "Let me go, please." The adrenaline wearing off and replaced with anxiety. "Y/n, please. I'm sorry, fuck are you okay?" Noticing the way you're shaking. "Just cold," Lando doesn't think twice as he rips his jacket off and quickly covers you.
"I street race," He whispers, busy with making sure the jacket was tight. "That's illegal." He rolls his eyes, but a smile plays on his lips. "I know, that's what makes it fun." He steps back, but still holds your hand. "You weren't supposed to be involved." He breathes, a cloud of smoke passing between you two.
"You almost hit me," "I wouldn't have, really good driver." Silence fills the space between you two as you try to figure out what to say now. "See you tomorrow night?" "What?" Lando smiles, zipping up the jacket now. "For our studying tomorrow? I can bring food?" "Oh, oh yeah. Yep, okay, bye!" You cringe as you quickly walk away leaving the boys holwing with laughter as Lando curses them.
"You fucker, ask her on a proper date next time!" Max howls, but it stops when their door is thrown open. "Again! YOU RAN FROM THE COPS AGAIN!" "Oh come on Charles," Max whines.
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thepastdied · 1 year
Can't Shake This Feeling
You and Eddie are friends.
Not best friends, but pretty close. Mainly because he acts awkward and hyper around you due to that massive crush he has. He's afraid to be around you alone, so more often than not you are always with the rest of the gang when you hang out.
When he finally confesses his feelings for you he is all breathless and stuttering. Both of you stand in the hallway of Steve's home while everyone else loudly laughed in the kitchen, cackling over something Robin said. Eddie couldn't even hear all the noise, though. His voice is a little shaky and he looks like he wants to cry.
He just keeps rambling on and on about how he knows you're stressed with life at the moment, but he wants to be there and help you through it. And he wants to watch movies and play dnd and go on night drives with you.
And he won't shut up about how he thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen, and that he knows you think of him as a friend but just had to let you know he is head over heels for you.
You keep interupting him by calling his name- "Eddie..", but to no avail get him to shut up for even a second.
His hands are motioning all around as he spirals, and words begin to morph together to the point he is just incoherently babbling.
"Eddie!" You raise your voice, and he finally stops. His hands hanging in mid-air and mouth agape.
You bite your lips to refrain from smiling and you huff out a laugh. His hands fall to his sides in defeat making a loud slap sound, supposedly taking that as a rejection.
"Okay.. I get it, I'm the weirdo -" He starts. But you step forward and grab his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks and watching as his eyes widen.
You can feel his face warm up under your palms as you smile and shake your head, looking into his eyes fondly.
"Eddie Munson.. you are just too cute." You shake his head gently as you spoke.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"So.. a cute weirdo, then?" He whispers as his body goes slack, shoulders slumping downward.
You giggle and silently nod your head before sliding your hands down to his shoulders and pulling him down so you can kiss his cheek.
"How about we talk about how much we are crushing on eachother over milkshakes..?" You tilt your head as he blushes even more and turns his head to try and hide his face with his hair.
"I mean, sure." He shrugs and mumbles as he shyly scratches the back of his neck.
You step away from him and walk toward the front door.
"Cool, let's go. I'm dying to tell you how much I like you." You smirk as you open the door.
Eddie grins ear to ear and claps his hands behind his back, bouncing on his feet like a little kid before running past you out the front door and to his van.
He flung the passenger door open for you.
"My lady.." He bows and sweeps a hand toward the seat.
And that is how you started dating Eddie Munson.
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
"Ego", The Final Boss
Olivia (she prefers to be called Liv) has been on quite the spiritual journey for a couple of years. She was born and raised Catholic, then as a teen she decided to leave the church because it didn't resonate with her. She went through a law of attraction phase, followed by law of assumption, and finally, she found non dualism from a few Twitter and Tumblr accounts.
The message, from what she gathered, was that she needed to fully drop the ego in order to realize her true self/true nature and to experience whatever she wanted. She even read a few books where realized masters have spoken about their own personal journeys of dropping ego and how life is generally more peaceful for them now that they've done so.
Now, Liv is one with a troubled past. She would give anything to become an entirely different person with no childhood trauma, and just a happy life all around. She meditated every single day, practiced "sitting in silence", and tried her hardest to detach from her "ego."
She stopped enjoying her usual hobbies out of fear of identifying too much with the character. She would go out of her way to correct thoughts that she felt were "too related to being the person." Needless to say, her mental health began to go downhill very fast.
One of her best friends, Marcus, decided to check up on her one day through face-time. "Hey sis! How have you been?! Haven't seen you in a while."
"Hey..." Liv answered. "I'm not doing all that great to be honest."
"Yeah I figured that. That's why I reached out to you," Marcus stated. "I'm worried about you. It seems like you barely leave the house. Everytime myself or anyone else tries to make plans with you, you either cancel last minute or come up with some bogus excuse as to why you can't come out."
Liv had to laugh because everything he said was true. "So I'm guessing you didn't believe the story about my pet rabbit dying."
Marcus cackled. "GIRL. I've known you for years and not once have you ever had a pet rabbit. Stop playing."
"Okay let me tell you what's really going on with me," Liv began, "So a few months ago I found this 'spiritual practice' called Non Dualism, and the premise of it is you need to 'let go of ego' in order to realize your true nature as God, or Awareness, whatever you want to call it. Also you get to experience whatever you want."
"So this is the reason why you've stopped enjoying your usual hobbies, and why you've stopped having a social life?" Marcus inquired. "I'm going to be honest here. As your friend, I feel like I owe it to you to tell you the Truth even if it isn't what you want to hear. I don't think that this 'practice' has helped you one bit. Either you have misinterpreted the message, or these people are spreading misinformation. Never at any point should you sacrifice your mental health for the sake of 'becoming enlightened.'"
"I don't know what else to do," Liv started to cry a little. "I just want to become a different person living a life full of happiness, one without trauma and constant reminders of my horrible past. I hate being this broken person!"
"It's okay hun, I totally understand," Marcus consoled her. "I can help you. You remember my family guru right? She hates being called that, but I don't know how else to refer to her. Her name is Sage. My family has gone to her for spiritual advice and healing for years."
"Yes, I remember her! Didn't she help your mom heal her lower back pain?" Liv asked excitedly.
"She sure did. I can give you her number if you want!"
After Liv ended her face-time call with Marcus, he gave her Sage's number. She immediately reached out to her to schedule a day where they can meet up.
- -
One day, Liv arrived at a beautiful park to discover Sage already sitting on one of the benches waiting. "Hi! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Marcus' friend Liv."
"Yes! Hi Liv, it's nice to see you again," Sage reached out and gave Liv a warm hug. "Now what can I help you with?"
Liv sat down next to Sage. "Well, I discovered Non dualism a few months ago, and I'm not sure if I misunderstood the message or not, but I thought you had to let go of ego in order to realize your true nature as awareness. And after you realize this, you can experience whatever you want. So long story short, I stopped enjoying life because I thought I had to do that in order to be enlightened."
Sage hesitated for a moment, and then smiled. "Think about it this way.. if it's true that our true nature is awareness, or God, whatever label you put on it, why would you have to go through these unnecessary steps in order to 'become' it? If that's what you already are in the first place?"
Liv opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. Maybe Sage had a point.
"Here are my thoughts. If anyone is telling you to 'drop the ego', it's bullshit," Sage chuckled. "The point of Non Dualism is realizing that you were always awareness. You were always the awareness behind everything that seems to appear. The ever-stretching, limitless silence that can take on the form of anything. The ego is just a thought. The idea that you are not already fully realized is also just a thought. In reality, there's no ego or person here to let go of. No person here who needs to become 'fully realized.' Just drop the idea that you are a limited human that has to become something, and you'll be golden."
Liv's jaw dropped to the ground. "You're telling me it was THAT SIMPLE THIS ENTIRE TIME?"
Sage laughed heartily. "Yes it is. Why do you think it took masters like Lester or Sri Nisgardatta months or YEARS to 'realize Self?' because they spent so much time trying to get rid of an ego that doesn't exist!"
Liv let out a sigh of relief. "So there really is nothing to do. I can't believe I exerted all that effort for nothing. I do have one more question, how can I experience whatever I want knowing I'm awareness? I want to be a completely different person with a different past."
"The person you think you are now, and the one you want to be are both illusions. You, as awareness, can 'choose' either one like a costume. Everytime you think about this ideal version of you, you've already experienced it," Sage grinned.
Suddenly a wave of emotions flooded through Liv, a mixture of relief and happiness. She felt the urge to give Sage a tight hug. "Thank you so much for helping me today."
"You're so welcome, sweetie."
Good for Liv, she has finally accepted her omnipotence and freedom to experience anything!
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cupid-styles · 8 months
touch me here (sugar daddy h)
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the final fall/halloween-themed blurb !!!! thank you so much to everyone who read, reblogged, liked etc etc etc any of the writing I put out this month. it was definitely a challenge to post twice a week but I'm so happy to be rounding it out with this reader's choice blurb :))))
in which mia and harry celebrate halloween at a sex club, things get spicy, and harry realizes something big
word count: 2.1k
content warnings: smut (exhibitionism, dirty talk, cum play, voyeurism, daddy kink, a tiny bit of degradation and impact play if you squint, description of facials/multiple partners in a mmf threesome)
masterlist | talk to me
fall/halloween blurb masterlist
. . .
"You wanna go where?"
In Harry's classic, slightly annoying way, he lets out a cackle before taking a sip of his wine. Mia's jaw is still slack, a look of confusion and shock clearly etched on her face. She's not sure why her boyfriend isn't more surprised that his suggestion elicited this type of reaction, but part of her assumes he's just messing with her for his own weird entertainment.
"A sex club," he shrugs nonchalantly, and Mia wishes he would spill his wine on the crisp button down he wore to work today, "I've gone a couple of times and I like it. They're throwing some sort of Halloween event, figured it could be fun."
"You've gone?" 
He nods, "Yeah, before we met, of course. There's no pressure, it's all anonymous. Since we don't have any plans for Halloween—"
"I told you Rena is throwing a party—"
"And I'm not going to a student-thrown party," he says through furrowed brows as Mia's shoulders deflate, "This could be something fun. Different."
She worries her bottom lip between her teeth as she attempts to conceptualize it, but she doesn't know the first thing about sex clubs, so it's difficult to even imagine what it would be like. Harry can tell her anxiety is quickly growing so he sets his glass down on the coffee table and places his hand on her thigh, giving it a small squeeze.
"We don't have to, baby. It was just an idea. No pressure."
"I just... what is it like?" she asks softly, and his eyes widen slightly at her piqued interest.
"It's intense, but also laidback if that makes sense," he says, his throat bobbing as he swallows, "You can watch or you can partake, or you can just sit and talk to people. You get a wristband if you're not interested in chatting with strangers or joining certain... situations. So, we would both wear them since we'd go together."
She nods, and he continues when she doesn't outwardly reject the idea.
"There's lockers when you come in so you can lock your phone up, so no one will ever be able to take pictures or videos or anything," he murmurs, moving his hand up to her hip, "It's... my experiences have all been very good."
Mia rolls her lips into her mouth, her core fluttering as she thinks about what Harry might have done at this mysterious club. She knows he would tell her if she asked, but she imagines him pressed between bodies, kisses sloppy with spit, him being the mean dominant she adores him to be — all as people watch on, wishing they could be lucky enough to touch him. It makes her skin pebble with goosebumps, a shudder traveling down her spine. 
"Yeah, okay," she says breathily, and Harry takes notice of the way she's squeezing her thighs together, "We can do that."
. . .
Mia thinks she may ask Harry to dress up as a greaser once a week.
She can't stop grazing over the sharpness of his jawline and his newly colored hair (courtesy of some messy temporary black dye that will surely take him weeks to rinse out of his shower). His biceps are bulging beneath the formfitting tank top he's wearing, forcing her to take another sip of her Halloween-themed drink so she didn't say something stupid about how hot he looks. 
Much to Mia's surprise, the sex club she and Harry went to tonight is actually... nice. She knew he would never attend, let alone take her somewhere, unsafe or gross, but in her mind, she built it up to be more akin to a strip club of some sorts. This is anything but — they signed in at the front, provided official identification to ensure they weren't minors or had criminal backgrounds, and even had to have STI testing done within the week to prove they were both clean. After that, they locked up their phones and any other technology they had on their persons; Mia swallowing nervously when she realized this was technically when she was supposed to take off her clothes to reveal the costume — or lack thereof, really — she wore tonight.
She didn't give Harry much an inkling prior to getting here, instead just telling him that she had everything figured out. In reality, once they decided on their Halloween plans, she took to Pinterest to find costumes she could wear a set of lingerie for, eventually settling on some sort of sexy bat. It was a poor excuse for Halloween, but Harry's jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she disrobed, revealing a velvet black bodysuit, a leather harness strapped over her torso, and a lacy collar around her neck to resemble bat ears.
"You're going to fucking kill me," he muttered, pushing her up against the cool lockers, his thumbs digging into her hipbones, "Or you just want me to kill every person who looks at you in there."
She'd just smirked cheekily and slipped out of his grasp. 
Which, all of that being said, is how they ended up here. 
They both wore red bracelets around their wrists, signifying that they're not open to anyone else joining. They hadn't really discussed what their plans were for the night, instead just agreeing that they'd do whatever made them most comfortable, even if that meant just renting a room upstairs to be in private. However, Mia didn't expect to sit on the sidelines next to Harry, his hand wrapped protectively over her stocking-clad thigh, as they watch a beautiful blonde girl deep throat two guys.
"Are you doing alright?" Harry asks, his voice barely above a whisper, "I know it's intense. We can leave at any time."
Instead, she just nods, her bottom lip tucked under her teeth. "No, I... I like it. I'm okay."
He smirks, his fingers dancing along the inside of her thigh. "Is this turning you on, sweetheart?"
Again, she nods, her eyes glued to the slight bulge in the girl's throat from sucking one of the men off.
"Do you want to go upstairs so I can touch this pretty pussy?"
Mia swallows and tears her gaze away from the show in front of them. She wraps her hand around his wrist and gently pushes it closer to her core, panting slightly as she watches the cogs turn in his brain.
"You want me to touch you here?" he asks through raised eyebrows, "Are y'sure baby? There's no pressure just because other people are doing that."
He's right, there's a few other couplings and trios on the side also watching, touching themselves or the people they're with. Realistically, though, it's the only reason why she feels comfortable enough to request this from him, knowing that she likely won't be the object of anyone's affection.
"If you want to," she breathes out, "We can go upstairs if you'd prefer— I'm fine with whatever."
Harry chuckles. "I'm perfectly okay with showing off daddy's sweet pussy knowing that no one else can get a taste."
She shudders at that, her eyes fluttering closed as he uses featherlight strokes to brush over the covered clit. 
"But you know the safe word, hm?" he asks, pressing a kiss to her temple, "Any time, we're done."
"Yes, daddy."
He lets out a groan and gently pulls her into his lap, spreading her thighs over his own. He makes quick work to push her bodysuit out of the way, revealing her glistening lips to the room, her hole already pulsating just at the thought of being so open. She can feel his erection pressing into her back, wanting nothing more to twist her body around so she can bounce on his cock, but the thought is too nerve-wracking for her to take action.
She sighs out in relief when he begins to run his fingertips over her clit, lulling her head back against his shoulder. He smiles gently and kisses her hair, his chest vibrating as he speaks lowly into her ear. 
"Do you like watching them?" 
She nods, biting her lip. "She's pretty."
"Yeah?" he smirks, "Do you like being watched?"
"'s fun. Like knowing people can see." she murmurs. He winds his other arm around her waist and tugs at the harness around her chest, a gasp leaving her mouth. 
"I like this. Did you wear it for them or for me?"
"You, daddy."
Harry hums and moves his hand up to her mouth, plucking at her bottom lip. She gets the hint immediately and unhinges her jaw, allowing him to sink his thumb inside. She sucks greedily and he pushes a finger into her pulsating hole, the sound of her moan muffled. 
"There you go, baby," he grunts as she grinds her hips lightly, the friction going straight to his plumping length. "Just take it like the good girl you are, hm?"
Her walls clench around his finger, the praise going straight to her pussy. With a smirk, he begins to thumb at her clit, rubbing small circles into the bundle of nerves. 
"Fuck," she whimpers. He's pumping steadily and she swears she can feel her arousal dripping down to Harry's pants as she watches one of the men finish on the blonde girl's face. With her eyes flutter back open, streaks of cum dripping over the apples of her cheeks and down to her mouth, Mia gasps. Harry realizes it at the same time, her hips stalling — the main event of the show, the girl in the middle of the room, is staring straight at them.
He knows being directly under the gaze of someone may make her uncomfortable so he pauses, giving her the opportunity to murmur out her safe word. He's half expecting her to, but instead, she grinds down against his cock, hand wrapped around his wrist to tug at her harness again. 
"Keep going."
The girl's eyes are still on Mia as she takes to working on the other man's length, cum still dripping down her features. He glances down to look at her, and he smirks devilishly when he sees that she's gazing right back at her. 
"You like her watching you?" Harry asks, dipping down to take her earlobe between his teeth. She nods eagerly and he pushes a second finger inside, her eyes rolling back slightly.
"Naughty fuckin' girl," he mutters, "She's staring at your pretty little pussy, baby. Watching it gush around my fingers."
"Oh my god."
Her limbs are jelly under his touch, the dirty phrases he's whispering into her ear just pushing her further and further to the end of her rope. It's all so much, but she loves it — loves the way he knows how to wind her body up perfectly, two fingers knuckle deep with his thumb pressing circles into her sensitive clit, murmuring reminders to keep looking at the girl so she watches her come.
When the second man explodes into her mouth, drips of cum from both loads drooling out the sides of her mouth, it's what finally sends Mia over the edge. Her legs shake and her walls throb as Harry works her through her orgasm, a look of pride painted over his features as he watches her.
"There's my pretty girl," he purrs, the squelching between her legs making Mia tremble, "Came all over daddy's fingers like the little slut you are, hm? Open up, want you to taste yourself."
Through hazy eyes, she does as she's told, dropping her mouth open so he can shove his fingers inside. She sucks eagerly despite her tired demeanor, licking off every drop of her arousal. Harry smirks and kisses her temple, using his other hand to brush her hair behind her back. 
"Good girl. Did so good for me."
She smiles lazily up at him and his smirk morphs to a grin as she presses a soft kiss to his lips. 
"That was fun." she mumbles against him. He nods, running his fingertips down her spine comfortingly. "Can I do you now?"
He chuckles lightly at her enthusiasm, "Think we've given people enough of a show tonight, sweetheart. Kinda wanna just take you home and soak in the bath."
Her eyes light up at that and it makes Harry's heart squeeze inside his chest. 
"Course," he answers easily, "Even bought us a Halloween-themed bath bomb. Figured it would be fun to try."
"You're perfect." Mia murmurs between kisses to each of his cheeks, a laugh reverberating from his chest.
"I just made you cum in a sex club and that's what makes me perfect?"
"Mhm," she nods, fixing her bodysuit so her bottom half is covered back up. She carefully gets off of Harry's lap and steps in front of him, reaching out for his hands. "C'mon, I miss the heated floors in your bathroom."
Harry cackles loudly at that and follows her into the locker room, where they grab their phones and Mia puts her dress back on, covering the lingerie she'd worn for the night.
He won't tell her tonight, not wanting to fog the existing intimacy of the evening, but he knows for a fact as they wait for an Uber outside the club, bundled up together while she babbles on about how much she loves his heated floors: He's undoubtedly in love with the girl wrapped up in his arms.
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