#Resident Culture Brewing
byroniuspunk · 1 year
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Matter of Principle + Juneteenth x Pride at Resident Culture
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hunny-pp · 2 months
[basically a more elaborate version of my twt thread on this]
I don't think I'm the first or only person to say this, but I do think Gallagher is v likely a memory zone meme
EDIT: heres pt 1.2 with additional evidence
Sunday deduces that Gallagher is an amalgamation of fifty-one Family members, who he's inherited physical traits from to create the appearance he has now.
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Gallagher alludes in his own story that he may not be human
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In short, Memory Zone Memes are amalgamations of multiple fragments of the Memory Zone, all have reflections of different memories, cognitions and emotions.
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A meme in definition is when something, usually ideas, culture or behaviour is passed to another person through imitation or non-genetic means.
It makes sense for Gallagher, as he mimicked the physical traits of Family members without taking them or that trait away - these NPCs are very much fine and you can interact with them. It's more like a copy-paste onto himself.
Other little details include: -This could change in the future depending on if we get any fire units, but for Gallagher specifically, he takes the Raging Heart materials - which is harvested from a Memory Zone Meme-type enemy. This one's a bit of a stretch but it fits nonetheless
-His signature colour is magenta - shown in his clothing, his marketing materials and in the VFX of his attacks, his claw and his brew. This colour is specifically his and not something he had inherited from someone else.
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Memory Zone Memes, especially "Something Upon Death" have stark magenta/purple/pink eyes and cores. When seen from afar or at least in a general sense, the shades are similar enough
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-The writing style of Gallagher's stories feel strange, like different aspects of Gallagher's personality and life are on the outside looking in. Akin to a reflective surface giving off different reflections from different angles of the same subject. It adds to the idea that there are multiple aspects and fragments within Gallagher all looking within each other.
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Mixology and The Dreamjolt Hostelry:
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Gallagher's main interest outside of work is mixology. Like any culinary craft, there's an inherent science behind it, and it takes a lot of work and knowledge to craft well constructed cocktails and drinks. Symbolically, mixology complements Gallagher, as he himself is a combination of a diverse range of people. When you view these inherited traits isolated, you know they come from someone real - but when put together, they form One Complete Gallagher - cohesive and seamless.
While you can say the same for different branches of culinary arts, mixology in particular symbolically represents Gallagher the most. This is just from a layman's perspective but when I view the same with cocktails - from a general inspection it's one cohesive drink even if from taste or watching the process, I know it's all made with different components.
Notably, when Gallagher talks about mixing drinks, he describes it as akin to combining different emotions, experiences and memories into a singular cocktail and it's reflective of both customer and bartender's own current state of being.
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His philosophy on mixology links back to the concept of Memory Zone Memes, manifestations of fragmented memories, emotions and cognitions nestled into a vessel.
The reason why I bring up the Dreamjolt Hostelry is because of the Vignettes in a Cup event (spoilers for it). It's not explicit in his stories or voicelines, but going by the Trailblaze quest, it's implied that the Dreamjolt Hostelry is the lounge/bar he regulars for a drink or to hone his craft as he's v friendly and familiar to Siobhan and is seen in the 2.1 trailer to be serving a Dreamjolt Domescreen (whether it's Lady or not doesn't matter).
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Dreamjolt Hostelry is in the sealed off dreamscape Reverie, where the corrupted Dreamjolt Troupe monsters and Memory Zone Memes reside. Notably, where you encounter Something Unto Death in key moments of the story.
I'd like to believe Gallagher is very comfortable with the company of monsters, going by the fact that he himself is non-human.
In Vignettes in a Cup, Siobhan explains that the reason why she mixes drinks for the Dreamjolt Troupe monsters is that it helps regulate their emotions - since the dreamscape is falling apart and in turn they have become unstable.
Gallagher himself in one of his idle animations drinks an unknown concoction from his hipflask once his scar starts acting up - in which it settles back down. It's hard to discern in this point in time how long this has been going for, but as a non-human entity (meme or not), the dreamscape's decay is also likely affecting Gallagher and thus he has to regulate himself.
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Why Do The Heathen Rage?: In the mission "Why Do The Heathen Rage?" we learn a lot of the Watchmaker's secret history as well as a general run through of Gallagher's own personal story.
First off, a lot of Penacony's trailblaze mission titles are references to songs, literature and media relevant to the themes of Penacony and/or by American classical authors or poets (ie Heaven is a Place on Earth, Cat Among Pigeons, The Tell-Tale Heart).
Why Do The Heathen Rage is both based on Psalm 2.1 Old Testament, but also it's a fragment of an unfinished novel by Flannery O'Connor. Fragment of a novel -> Gallagher is made of fragments of different people -> Memory Zone Memes are fragments of (I'm booed off the stage for being a broken record).
The story tells of a man called Walter Tilman who lives on his family's farm. There he starts to write letters to different people - particularly to Oona Gibbs, a black civil rights activist. However, he writes to her under the guise of a black man, and writes with the intention of testing the commitment and integrity of her beliefs.
Going with what we know in hindsight, Gallagher is masquerading around as a human, likely as a Memory Zone Meme as we've realised hopefully by now that they're the monsters most likely to pull something of Gallagher's calibre off.
This is all I'm gonna talk about from "Why Do The Heathen Rage" mainly because my additional theories are based off leaks and are more speculative.
Bonus section: "Something Unto Death" When it comes to Gallagher's connection to the Memory Zone Meme "Something Unto Death", a lot comes from his many symbols of death. This is just a bit of a bonus since we're talking about Gallagher likely being a Memory Zone Meme, we might as well address the elephant in the room as well.
For brevity, we'll call the little guy "Death Meme". Death Meme is a Memory Zone Meme created from the Dreamscape's fear of death and murder as "death" shouldn't be something that can happen in the dreamscape.
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Gallagher has a FUCK ton of symbolism and nods to death. The most striking is that Gallagher's iconic "I'm Thirteen", which is the number for the Major Arcana "Death". (For additional reference I also think Thirteen could be the amount of Amber Eras he's lived in, or that he's at least 1300 years old. Also since he has a lot of dog theming, 13 dog years in human years is around 60-80 depending on the dog's size).
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Additionally, thirteen is a common number to represent bad omens and misfortune - namely the well known Friday the 13th superstition, amongst other things.
When Gallagher makes you a drink, no matter what choices you make - the cocktail will have a memento mori/death/morbidly themed name and he will accompany most of them with a sardonic toast.
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Gallagher's eidolons are names of different cocktails which fit his mixology theme. However, Corpse Reviver, Last Word, Death in the Afternoon and Blood and Sand are all death centric names, as if he couldn't get edgier enough.
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There's also the call into question his playstyle, where he's a much more aggressive battle healer than the likes of Luocha and is the first abundance character to provide debuffs on the enemy, and derives healing through damaging opponents.
Conclusion: If you've read this far then I'm assuming you're as normal about Gallagher as I am. But yeah, there is so much to him I haven't touched on, his connections to the Enigmata, my continuation on this theory based on leaks and his shared past with Mikhail, what I think he'll do in the plot moving forward. This patch and its characters are themed around hiding secrets and that there's more than meets the eye. Gallagher in particular has proved to be the most mysterious of the trio, as while we've gotten a clear enough picture of both Acheron and Aventurine but there's still enough intrigue to keep them going, Gallagher's just given me more questions than answers man.
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lingerina · 8 months
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 // day six
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PROMPT ➛ aphrodisiac PAIRING ➛ g!p fallen angel!ningning x fem!reader WORD COUNT ➛ 1.1k words WARNINGS ➛ overstimulation, squirting, mating press, creampie SYNOPSIS ➛ after losing her wings, she falls prey to one of the seven sins: lust.
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One mistake cost Yizhou her space in heaven.
It cost her connection to her loved ones and her life as she once knew. To look up at them and their ivory angel wings as they shouted for her brought her pain, and it would only hurt more when she looked over the scars on her back in the mirror where her own wings used to be. She would attempt to flutter them out of habit, only to find the barest flex of her upper back and stillness.
Life on Earth is nothing like her old home. The culture is diverse, as she has observed from dwelling amongst the continents. As beautiful as some parts are, Earth is still a dirty and dangerous place to trek. She’s barely assimilating into her mortal life, but her roommate is making it a little more peaceful to stay alive.
You are her peace, her mentor, her pillar. You are more than just her roommate.
But Yizhou still possesses some attributes of an immortal. Notably her strength and stamina when it comes to fulfilling her needs. Ever since losing her wings, she has rapidly succumbed to one of the seven sins–lust. 
She finds it in multiple women, using them thoroughly like ragdolls. Despite that, she still remains ravenous. Running through them is not enough. She needs more. Only now does she realize that the solution to her burning lust may just be the very pillar of support and tranquility that’s been living with her.
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From the moment you sit next to her on the couch, Yizhou has her eyes on you like a hawk.
You enjoy tea, and she enjoys brewing it for you. Everyday is a new flavor. A new element. She had just brewed you one of your favorites: lychee jasmine with edible pearlescent glitter. 
You are familiar with the taste: the subtle sweetness, the floral notes, and the aroma of fruit as it hits your tongue. What you’re unfamiliar with is the fiery heat that swiftly overcomes you.
Unlike the warmth that hugs you like a weighted blanket, you’re struck with unbearable heat that runs through your veins and rushes down to your core. Tea has never given you this much discomfort. You have to set it back down on the coffee table and slouch back with a deep breath, unaware of the smug grin that’s marring your roommate’s pretty face.
The effects of the aphrodisiac are setting in much quicker than Yizhou had anticipated, and it’s beautiful to witness.
The change of expression on your face, your frequent fidgeting and shifting, your legs crossing and uncrossing. Your nipples are prominent through your thin, white tee, and she’s blessed to live with someone who is comfortable wandering around the residence with no pants. She’s even luckier that you’re wearing gray panties because she catches a glimpse of how wet you are in the midst of you crossing your legs again.
You sit like that for a minute as whatever trashy reality show playing on the TV has your attention.
And it’s a minute too long for Yizhou, who can’t hide her boner.
A pair of hands forcing your thighs open startles you out of your trance. Yizhou sinks to the floor, settles between your legs, and peers up at you with a smile after peeking at your crotch. “Something bothering you, darling?”
You swallow, not knowing what to do when her fingers press down on your clothed folds. The subtle pressure highlights just how soaked your panties are, and it’s embarrassing. You have never been so desperate for release. It’s gnawing at you, urging you to run to your room and seek relief with your toys.
But your roommate beats you to it.
She peels your soaked panties to the side, and you’re horrified to discover the thick threads of arousal separating the fabric from your skin. How could you have gotten so wet—so worked up—over nothing?
You shudder, your mouth falling open to a low moan as she dips two fingers in and shoves them knuckle deep inside you. Slow and steady pumps are blowing your mind, curling your fingers into a tight grip on the pleather cushion beneath you for security. You have never pictured being so intimate and filthy with Yizhou, but she is all that you have.
You need her.
You need her.
And she has always needed you.
As soon as her name comes out of your mouth, it flips a switch in her.
And she goes into overdrive.
You can’t get enough.
Yizhou has brought you to the moon and back, to heaven and hell and back, an obscene amount of times that you can’t count. The cushions beneath you are slick from the ample orgasms that she’s given you, yet she still has the stamina to fuck you again.
You’re flat on your back, completely used to her advantage and littered with marks and bruises courtesy of her mouth and grip. Your legs are pushed up against your chest, Yizhou’s hands on the back of your thighs pinning them up and practically folding you in half as her cock abuses your sensitive cunt for the nth time.
There is no end to your desire. Every release has you yearning for more, and the pain that should come with constant fucking has never aroused. You have never experienced this sensation before. One that burns so brightly in the pit of your stomach. You only know that no one can put the flames out except for her, and her cock is all that you need.
“So pretty,” she grunts between gritted teeth as she watches your eyes slowly roll back once more. “So fucked out. Because of me.”
Your slick walls close in around her but her powerful hips push through, coaxing broken cries and hitched breaths out of you. The resistance hints at another impending orgasm. 
To be able to bring you to this many new heights inflates her pride, fueling her strength to dismantle you all over again, and the room echoes with your cries as you fall victim to another climax. It spills like a broken dam, coating her cock in your arousal. Watching your pussy going through the rounds of assault from her veiny girth, but still accommodate her so well, triggers her own ecstasy.
She bottoms out, burying herself deep inside you. Her whiny moans mesh with throaty grunts as she draws back, then shoves back in, flooding your walls further with her release. She has fucked your brains out as she had promised because you can do no more than to lay there and be a vessel for her cum. 
The effects of the aphrodisiac have finally worn off because you swiftly doze off after she pulls out of you.
Finally, you’ve reached your ending point.
And finally, she can lay her unending lust to rest.
You needed her.
And she has always needed you.
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sonicasura · 1 month
Transformers: Village
An idea that has been brewing in my head for quite awhile now. When you consider how long the Autobot/Decepticon War, Functionalist system that led to it, or similar detrimental events, there are plenty of Cybertronians who probably hightailed it outta there. Civilians and neutral bots that wanted nothing to do with either circumstances at the time.
What if a good majority ended up on Earth before both factions did? First contact being made between these groups of the respective species than someone Autobot or Decepticon affiliated. Well, here is one such outcome.
A village being formed between both civilizations in secret from the outside. Humans, Cybertronians and a few other species live together under various rules that is fair for all. Everyone sharing their culture, history, architecture, games or stories from time to time.
The next door neighbor invited to this week's barbecue could be a regular civilian, brilliant scientist, philosopher to even ex soldier. A human trading Energon they found to their Combiner companion in exchange for help with farmwork. Or a Minicon teaching a mixed species class.
These being some of the possible interactions between villagers. It is normal for a small community to become so tight knit that everyone is quick to be on the same page with certain information. Most common news can be about Cybertron and world events or the rare interspecies couple announcement.
A hidden cultural hotpot where Cybertronians can live peacefully away from the troubles they left behind. That is until the war or high profile individuals(Animated/Earthspark) are roaming around Earth. Both sides would be treated with sheer distaste to even hatred depending on the residents in question.
A revelation that will hit very hard for the Autobot/Decepticon that accidentally stumbled upon this hidden village. Even moreso if one resident was someone close to the bot in particular. Nothing says the worse reunion than your sibling aiming their cannon at your helm.
A hidden village could open up a lot of avenues upon closer inspection. Home vs Heritage elements between residents and outsiders. A deeper dive into worldbuilding between two or more different species. Plus the fact it's a possibility in almost any Transformers continuity.
I have a few ideas about this but what do you guys think?
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@witchofthesouls @lets-try-some-writing @justanotherperson1
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tansyuduri · 24 days
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E4
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We're on THE POISONED CHALICE
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OKAY so @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile our resident Old English expert explained to me something really interesting. the spell used by Nimueh draws its power from the Spear-Danes, the semi pagan culture featured in Beowulf (Who had their own lake lady in Grendel's mother who was likely a priestess of the old religion And linguisticly called Disir) There is more though The first lines of the spell also seem to be Nimue saying she owes her magic to the spear Danes (that Grendel the monster in Beowolf ate) At this point I'm wondering if its meant to establish she is saying HEY MY SPELLS ARE PAGEN This will not be the only Beowulf reference in this episode. (Its never referenced or quoted after this episode) I'm wondering if the translators threw this in as a joke or easter egg Or in my freind's words "fuck it. lets canonize Beowulf in this universe real fast" (Okay I just discovered one of their choices I'll talk about later and HOLY FREAKING SHIT)
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Mercia is traditionally thought of as a kingdom formed during the anglo-saxon settlement of Britain (Which occurs post Merlin acoirding to Merlin having saxons of enemies in later seasons) The historic king Arthur if he existed was said to have fought against the anglo saxons but this is just a footnote as we are focusing on Merlin Universe) HOWEVER a 13th century text says "“Pagans came from Germany and occupied East Anglia, that is, the country of the East Angles; and some of them invaded Mercia, and waged war against the British.” 
British here being Original pre-saxon inhabitents. SO it is possible that a Mercia existed before The Anglo-Saxons. This could also be the Historian using the name he knows. Bayard is not a recorded later King of Mercia either so good choice in name if we want him to be a Britonic king from a Mercia founded before the Anglo-Saxons apear. Fun fact Mercia also resisted leaving paganism longer than any other Anglo-Saxon kingdom! BUT Anyway in Merlin Mercia is a thing, Its ruled by Bayard, and its color is blue. It would be in the midlands of England most likely.
Also he was at war with Camalot, but now is not. I wonder if that has to do with Uther having not inherited but taking over the kingdom! Uther: The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and the beginning of a new friendship between our peoples
I also think Uther as a peacemaker is interesting, especially as we see this more than once. It might be why some people view him as "A good king."
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So this at first glance SEEMS like it hints more toward paganism. Beltane is a Gaelic May Day festival. But its renamed version May Day was not exactly Christianized. See most other big Gaelic festivals (usually religious) Were kinda taken over by Christianity when it came. Yule became Christmas Samhain became All Saints Day (All Hollows Eve) ETC. Beltane was also celebrated in some places ALONG with Christianity until the 1800s. (Scotland did this specifically) In modern times Beltane is VERY Pagan. And it is very possible this hints further toward the Camalot is pagan or just nonreligious side of the entire debate. (Despite people using words like god or hell.) But it's not quite as conclusive as many other type of references would be.
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(For context despite it saying we've Arthur here is talking about Merlin, who just announced his cup was poisoned, exclusively which is interesting!) See slow gin is a type of alcohol made with juniper berries and blackthorn fruits. It was traditionally brewed (With a lot of home brewing) in October and November and used as a warming drink in the depths of winter. AS you can tell this episode does not take place in winter. I think there are two possibilities for Arthur picking this drink specifically to mention despite that. The first is that as a prince perhaps the drink is available to him year round if he wants it and he doesn't know that is not true of most people yet. The second is he is so panicked at the prospect of the trouble Merlin is in his mind latched on to the first drink that popped into it.
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Okay, so Mort means death in Latin. And the ending suffix here Usually makes the word an adjective from proper or place names BUT often appears in flower naming. So basically this plant is named The "Death Flower" Flower or "Capital D Deathly" Flower
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Gaius: it can only be found in the caves deep beneeth the forest of Baloch The flower grows on the roots of the Mortaeus tree.
Uh okay. THERE IS SOME SHIT GOING DOWN with this plant. First of all, flowers growing from the roots of a tree is just weird. flowers are basically there to attract things to pollinate a plant usualy. If a tree has flowers they do not grow from the roots. Second of all its kinda weird for flowers or trees to grow in DEEP caves. Sunlight cannot read them there. I would give it a pass if it did not say deep because if there were cracks in the ceiling of the cave that could put light though. It does kinda explain why they can ONLY be found there though. If its so odd and specialized it might be the only place it can grow.
This flower is either innately magical in some odd way or does not conform to evolution. So at this point I am pretty sure it was bred/engineered/magiced into being but some sorcerer. Likely specifically for poisoning people. and that person wanted to limit the people who knew of it and thus kept it in once set of caves. BUT SOMHOW news got out about it. Ok so I also looked up Baloch. In Welsh it can mean dig or sorry. In Irish it means boy and in scottish the same thing. So no info to be gleaned from that
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Gauis: A cockatrice-- it guards the forest. Its venom is extremely potent, a single drop would mean certain death. OK first of all I'm doubling down on there being some past sorcerer, Because they were FOR SURE using these as guard dogs. Second of all I LOVE Merlin paying fast and loose with magical creatures from folklore because I can too in my fics A Cockatrice in folklore was a monster created when a toad or snake egg was hatched beneath a chicken. It could kill with a look, or a breath, or a touch, and was basically a two-legged dragonish creature with a rooster head. In the Merlin world it is very diferant. We'll see one soon! "Few who have crossed the mountains of Isgard in search of the Moraeus flower have made it back alive." Yeah can't find any meaning behind the name Isgard! BUT HAVE I MENTIONED I THINK A SORCER ONCE LIVED IN THE CAVES/FOREST.
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Okay I think this is a reference to the actual historical job of taster. Basically important people (ESP royalty) would hire someone to taste all their food before thay ate it. That way if it was poisoned the taster would die instead of them. It was viewed as a pretty plum gig because poisoning didn't often happen (ESP if people knew there was a taster) and the taster got to eat REALLY good food and get paid for it. I think its also an interesting character detail that while this kinda implies that Uther might have someone (At least for his private food and not banquets) We see multiple times that Arthur in fact does NOT. It is quite possible he managed to put his foot down and get out of this somehow because he believes it to be wrong. Which not gonna lie is a very Arthur thing to do.
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(Context: Arthur talking about how Gaius said they can save Merlin if they get the leaf so it is not a fools errand) Waiiit is this trying to imply that Gaius was the one who brought up the idea that one could use the old religion to give Uther a son? I mean we knew he was the messenger. but HOLY SHIT. And if that is true, Uther somhow forgave him? Why would Uther forgive him? The only thing I can think is if Gaius talked about how magic had tricked him and gave Uther something else to blame. This is all conjecture though. Uther could be referring on how Gaius is close to Merlin or something else. It just feels like it might be a nod at what all went down around Arthur's birth.
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Okay so this is Merlin quoting Beowolf here. A Poem that is yet to be written down but might have had some oral tradition and actually takes place at the traditional time Arthur is said to have lived. Merlin is basically talking about how Arthur/Beowolf is endowed with honnor. This happens right after Arthur decides to ride out to save Merlin.
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Magic Rule Established: Potions/Poisons can be more potent if magic is used in their preperation
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Okay MORE Beowolf
Merlin says Arthurs name then basically talks about a young man doing good deeds.
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Playing hard and fast as I said. LOOK Dinosaur!
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Okay so more Beowolf At this point I am 99.99% sure the people hired to write the spells at the time where having the time of their life. Let me explain
This line talks about gifts of treasure (the light) he conjuress to help Arthur. Fine. BUT then it mentions Arthur being under his father's protection. Expect Merlinto protectg him. The spell writers used a freaking old english poem to let Merlin call himself Arthur's "daddy" I am not sure what I am expected to do with this knowledge. (It might have been chosen so they could use the next line of the spell but THEY DID NOT HAVE TO DO THIS) The next line (Which is actually also the next line in the poem) says something about how so that when Arthur is older his companions can stand with him when war comes.
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Okay so yeah turns out there is no tree or roots. I'm chalking this up to he said she said. STILL GOING WITH THE SORCERER.
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OKAY so it a potion is made using magic the antidote may ALSO need magic
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Oh look our first hint Merlin is immortal. I find his brand of immortality intersting. HE CAN DIE he just comes back after a bit.
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wanderingsorcerer · 11 months
Spectral Whispers: Exploring the Enigmatic Realm of Celtic Faeries with W.S.
The ethereal world of Celtic faeries, where tales of magic and wonder entwine with the whispers of the wind, guiding us through enchanted forests and across shimmering meadows. So, brew a cup of tea, settle in, and let us unveil the captivating allure of Celtic faerie folklore.
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Firstly while I will be using the term Fairies in this article for continuity, the Irish refrain from calling them the Fae or Fairies and Prefer to call them " The Good People' or " The Little People". The Fairies of the Emerald Isles were said to reside in a parallel universe to that of the mundane world.
Usually stated to be underground, the realm of the Fairies is said to be mostly invisible to human eyes. These are unlike the Fairies found within the writings of Disney and Modern Pop Culture. They are of a darker brood, Still Majestic and Beautiful, even downright awe inspiring. But many are said to be dangerous and uncaring for the mortals they Encounter in these folk tales.
So Let us go over some of the most well known Irish Fairies in celtic Folklore
The Who's Who of Tír na nÓg
There are hundreds of stories of faeries which stem from ireland, and while we won't go into every single one, here are some of my favorite honorable mentions from Ireland's beautiful folklore
Pooka: The Changer Of Forms
Commonly Referred to as Puca, it is a type of shape shifter in Irish Folklore which takes the shape of Animals or Humans. Commonly seen with forms similar to cats and horses, it was seen as unwise to anger these fae. Depending on the Area of Ireland, they are seen as either helpful, or as embodiments of chaos.
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Dullahan: The Headless
The Dullahan is a malevolent harbinger of death. It is said to be the embodiment of Crom Dubh, a fertility god who demanded blood sacrifice in the form of decapitation.
This aspect of Irish folklore has been incorporated into American folkloric traditions as well, specifically in the stories of the Headless Horseman. His stateside debut was in Washington Irving's 1849 short story " The legend of sleepy hollow" while inspired by the original Irish works, The headless horseman has become an American Halloween staple.
Giving nightmares to children for decades since its release :)
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Changelings: Stealer of babes
A fairy that was left in place of a human child or baby who had been stolen by the fairies. The baby was to live amongst the humans as they raised the other in the fae realm. The stories differ depending on the situation, it was often used to explain away different developmental delays, or even unexplainable deaths of their small children.
Humans would often leave these babies out in the woods to parish if they believed they were changelings, to them they hoped by leaving them the faeries would take the trade and give them their baby back.
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Banshees: Screams Of Warning
a female spirit who wails outside a home to warn of the imminent death of a family member. The scream is also known as "caoine," which literally translates to "keening". She has also been called woman of the mound as in many of the stories she stands outside the homes and cry's from the fairy Mounds.
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Leprechaun: Punishers Of Greed
a type of fairy that is often depicted as a tiny, bearded man wearing an emerald ensemble. Leprechauns are said to live in remote places and make shoes and brogues. They are solitary by nature and are a symbol of what happens when you let your greed win. Quit literally the Folly of the Get Rich Quick Mentality Of Many Humans.
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These are but a small sample of the many fairies found throughout Irish and Celtic Folklore, These specifically can trace their origins back to The Tuatha De Danann or fairy nobility. Also seen as Gods and Demons depending on the era. As well as the original inhabitants of Ireland who only Tolerate our existence so long as we don't disturb the places and sacred sites they hold dear.
Faeries impact on Modern Day
All over Ireland, farmers have left portions of their land, in the form of Ring Forts untouched for centuries. These are believed to be the homes of the fairies and are overgrown with shrubs and bush. But farmers would rather see this resource go to waste than risk incurring the wrath of the fairies, which can result in anything from crop failure to DEATH.
This a recurring theme you will see throughout Irish history a respect for the property owned by the Fae and a rightful fear at the consequences of disturbing sacred ground.
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How to not Piss Off The Fae
Folk Practices to appease fairies or at the very least keep you on their good side include Offerings of sweets and goods in which holds value to the person leaving the offering, back in the day it was things like this
Milk or cream
I hope you enjoyed learning about the faeries of Celtic Folklore with me today, remember to stay curious my friends.
Thank you for sitting down and having Tea with me on the Other side of the Great Divide
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chernabogs · 1 year
Meet the (grand)parent
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Requested by @pyroxeene [first request wah!!]
Pair: Malleus & GN!Reader (no pronouns used, second person; reader is a Fae who resided in a human settlement in BV)
Summary: You're set to meet the Queen of Briar Valley, much to your pending anxiety. Isn't it fortunate that you have such a considerate partner [and 1 stressed out valet] by your side?
WC: 2.5k
There’s a sense of trepidation in the air. Anyone can see it in the way that your foot bounces ever so slightly on the ground, and how your gaze darts around the room, as though anticipating something dire to happen. With each shift in your chair and each sigh that slips past your lips, the looming sense of anxiety grows—and it’s beginning to get to the Malleus, too. 
“You’ll put a hole through the floor at this rate,” he finally says, his voice unusually calm for the storm that’s currently brewing. You look over at him as he speaks, a flash of confusion on your face, and he points wordlessly at your bouncing leg. You sigh and force it to stop. 
“I don’t think I’d be able to afford those repairs.”
Despite the nerves, you retain a wry sense of humor about the situation as you go back to looking around the room. It’s a lobby of sorts; a buffer between the hallway and the Queen’s Study, which sits beyond an impressive mahogany door on the far wall. With its dark red walls, wooden flooring, and impressive display of artifacts that look like they date well past your years, it almost feels like you’re in more of a museum than a palace. 
Malleus sighs himself as he leans back against his seat, his chin tilting back to stare at the ceiling in thought. You glance back his way and note that his brow is furrowed, as though something is troubling him deeply. Something probably is; after all, you doubt he’s brought many partners into the Palace to meet his family. 
Truthfully, you’re thankful that it’s just the Queen you’re meeting—if you had to meet all the Senate as well, you would have dug your heels into the ground outside of those palace gates and refused to budge, no matter how hard Malleus pulled on your arm. As someone who grew up in a human village rather than a Fae one, you still find it jarring just how different the two cultures are. Whereas one comment may be seen as a joke in the human village, it may be taken as a grave offense to a Fae. Because of this, your involvement with the Crown Prince feels more like walking on a tightrope in a storm than an amicable relationship. 
“I could just fake sick,” you finally say, leaning towards him a little with a grimace. “If I make myself look queasy enough, the servants will probably usher me out anyway. They seem itching to do so.” 
Malleus scoffs softly before looking towards you, one dark brow raising in skepticism. “She’ll know you’re faking it, and then I’ll need to justify why my partner falsified an illness to bail on our first meeting. Would you really make me go through that?” 
His expression shifts to a playfully hurt one as you roll your eyes and sink back into your seat again. “No, but that doesn’t mean I’m liking this. I feel like if I move too fast someone's going to try and curse me. It’s quite jarring.” 
“Well if someone curses you, I’ll simply curse them back.” Malleus reaches out to lightly pat your hand—perhaps out of comfort, perhaps out of sympathy—before withdrawing again. You miss his touch; ever since you came into the Palace, it feels like he’s been self-aware of how often he’s grabbing your hand, or touching your arm, or standing too close to you. You understand that he has an appearance to uphold, but still… It feels quite grim. 
You’re both soon broken from your thoughts at the sound of the door to the Queen’s Study opening. A tall, lanky man dressed in impeccable attire steps out. He fixes you both with a look before closing the door behind him an steadily approaching. Malleus rises from his seat and you follow suit, using his actions as a guidance of your own as the man pauses before bending in a low bow. 
“Your Highness, and esteemed guest. Her Majesty is presently occupied with another matter, and has sent me to share her apologies for the delay. May I get you any refreshments as you wait?” 
Malleus blinks once before sitting back down which causes you to, once again, follow his actions. “Vuldar… do you know how much longer it will take?” 
The man—Vuldar—straightens back up again. He looks slightly ruffled—his collar slightly askew, his brow furrowed deeply—and you're getting a sense that the man may be a bit stressed. “Her Majesty informed me it will be within the hour, although she cannot provide a specific time.”
“Then yes, bring refreshments.” Malleus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, an action you’ve come to learn he does whenever he’s feeling frustrated. Vuldar nods quickly before turning and departing from the room, leaving both of you alone once more. 
“An hour…” Malleus grumbles, casting a glance to the window on your left. You can see that the clouds are parting over the Valley, giving you a clear view of the many forests and hills that surround the palace, as well as the impressive peaks of the mountains beyond. He taps his fingers restlessly on the armchair. “I apologize, dearest. I didn’t expect it to drag out like this.” 
“Well, it’s hard to remain on schedule when you’re ruling a nation.” You offer him a sympathetic smile, which seems to ease him as he realizes you’re not too bothered by the wait. As he turns back to focusing on the world outside, you take a moment to carefully reflect on the situation you’re in right now. 
Perhaps you can call it in over your head. Certainly, some would. Certainly, the members of the Senate would. Old money begets old money, and you’re the farthest Malleus could find from such a category. A common Fae, born to common-folk, with no affiliation to the current court or the old High Courts the Draconia’s descended from. The woven tale of your affair with one of the most powerful men in the nation was a complex one that, if it succeeded, would most likely be on-par with the likes of other forbidden loves of the ages. A Prince and a Pauper; a nation's makeshift Saint and a forgotten footnote. You can’t help but hiss between your teeth a little at the thought, which draws Malleus’ attention back your way. 
“What troubles you now?” He asks, both eyebrows now raised in interest. It’s your turn to tap your fingers on your armchair in unrest. 
“Are we sure this is the right idea? I mean, taking me to meet your family… are we sure we’re there just yet?” You glance his way, hoping to portray your thoughts right, only to see a calm, blank look in return. 
“Are you experiencing doubt?” He asks. In a way, you are; how can one live up to a person that an entire nation practically worships? Their golden son? The hope for their future? You knew that being by his side was committing yourself to a lifetime of scrutinizing looks and whispered conversations wherever you passed. Winning both man and Fae was a battle that no one—not even the Night King’s of old—had won.
“I’m experiencing concern, not doubt,” you counter, biting your lip as you do so. Malleus hums and nods in understanding at the change of phrasing. 
“Concern… yes. I suppose there is much to be concerned about.” He taps a finger to his lips before shifting to face you more directly. “Do you feel like you’re not good enough to be here? That you’re not up to par to meet the Queen?”
“Yes,” you counter, frowning. Malleus nods slowly as his eyes narrow. You can see the thoughts spinning in that mind of his and you remain quiet, allowing him to form the a coherent train before he continues. 
“My father was a commoner, you know.” 
It’s not a sentence you expected him to say, and it takes you aback as you look at him. Your expression must’ve spoken your thoughts quite clearly, because it makes a smile spread across his face and a chuckle escape from his lips. 
“Yes, my mother raised hell in the courts when she decided he’d be the one she’d marry. According to Lilia, who goaded her on about it, there were many instances where nobles tried to buy her off, to persuade her that a future queen would not benefit from marrying a man who spent his days strumming a lyre and singing in pubs—us Fae have a weakness for musicians, you know. Even my grandmother was convinced that she was simply going through a phase that she’d get out of soon enough.”
“But she didn’t?” You ask, your own lips pulling into a grin. 
“Well, I’m here, am I not? It was a hard fought battle, but my mother was more stubborn than my grandmother—a trait she inherited from my grandfather, I dare say—and she eventually outlasted everyone in the court. Their marriage was a happy one, right up until the end.” Malleus sat back again and sighed. “This is not my grandmother’s first encounter with one of her own looking to have a commoner as a partner, nor is it the court’s. If anything, I think you may be far more qualified than my father ever was for this.” 
You chuckle at the image Malleus paints. His mother, squaring against her mother and an entire court, with Malleus’ father standing slightly behind her as though she was his own personal shield. You can see that Malleus inherited both her tenacity and her stubbornness—as well as his father’s musical traits. You feel his hand lightly rest on yours again, and sigh in relief. 
Perhaps this will be okay, after all. 
Sometimes, overconfidence can only take you so far. Vuldar brings you refreshments and vanishes again. You and Malleus carry on conversation after conversation; about the ongoing of the Valley, about NRC, about what you’ve both been up to in your free time. Soon enough, the study door opens once more, and Vuldar appears again with his usual stoic look. 
“Your highness, esteemed guest. If you’re ready, you may enter.”
And just like that, you feel your stomach drop once more. You look to Malleus, who offers you a light touch of reassurance on your arm, before you’re both rising and entering the Queen’s Study. It’s only when you’re in does the reality of this really start to hit you, and you don’t even register Vuldar closing the door in your wake. When Malleus drops to a low bow, you follow suit without even looking at the Queen first. 
There’s a moment of drawn out silence as you stare at the carpeted floor, only your breathing and that of Malleus’ audible in the room. Finally, a calm, commanding voice speaks from somewhere in front of you. 
“Rise, and be seated, both of you.” 
You straighten up and follow her directions, and it’s only when you’re seated do you finally raise your gaze to look her way. 
Queen Maleficia is someone that you can immediately tell is related to Malleus. They share similar electric green eyes and dark hair—although you do see streaks of silver in hers. They have the same horns, and the same porcelain skin as well. The only telltale difference between them is that Queen Maleficia’s markings on her forehead are displayed, whereas Malleus stubbornly keeps his hidden by his bangs. When her gaze meets yours, you feel a jolt of anxiety race through you. 
It feels as though she’s observing you, as well. 
“Well.” She finally says, looking from you and back towards Malleus. You feel your shoulders relax as you’re unburdened from that stare. “I must apologize for the delay; as you know, the Senate can be quite… needy in their reports.” 
“Lord Voss?” Malleus hums, and his grandmother cracks a small smile—an expression that seems to instantly make her more comfortable to be around. 
“Lord Voss.” 
“As expected. Fortunately, we didn’t mind the wait too much, did we?” Malleus looks your way, and you realize this is his method of integrating you into the conversation. You clear your throat and offer Queen Maleficia a nod. 
“Not at all. The refreshments and the room were quite nice.” 
Your answer seems to please her as she gives a small hum in response. “Good, good. Now, it’s to my understanding you grew up in one of the human villages in Briar Valley, yes?” 
You nod slightly. “Yes; I was born in one, and I’ve lived there since. It fits me well enough that I see no reason to leave.” 
“And how do you find the human villages? Are they quite adequate? Do you find that you have enough amenities to get you by?” Queen Maleficia fixes you with an interested look, and you’re beginning to feel that this isn’t just trying to learn more about you; if anything, it feels like she’s collecting information about the status of her nation. You suppose a Queen never stops her work. However, Malleus certainly does, and he politely clears his throat to interject. 
“Grandmother,” he says, his voice low with a hint. He raises an eyebrow at her. “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
Queen Maleficia flashes him an innocent look as she leans back in her seat. “What, dearest? I was just curious. Your partner may have a diverse perspective that I don’t get to hear too often.” 
You tune in on the word choice of partner, and send Malleus a slightly wide-eyed look. For some reason, something seems significant that his Grandmother chose that versus something like ‘commoner’, or ‘friend’. Malleus seems to tune in as well as a slow, slightly satisfied grin tugs on the edge of his lips. 
“Well, perhaps you can speak with my partner further about that over a meal. We just wanted to come and greet you, after all. To show you that we have arrived safe and well.” 
Queen Maleficia hums again as she glances towards you. “Tell me—are you a musician, by chance? Or a bard?” 
Confusion flashes through you at this. “A bard…?”
“We did not meet in a pub, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Malleus counters, pinching the bridge of his nose again. Queen Maleficia chuckles and raises a hand. 
“Calm down, dear. It already happened once—I just wanted to ensure it wasn’t happening again. I will gladly join you both for dinner, if you’ll have me. It will be interesting to hear your perspective on Briar Valley from the viewpoint of someone closely affiliated with our human residents.” 
She gives you a smile that’s both amicable and polite, and you find yourself relaxing further. Between that and the banter she had with Malleus, you’re coming to see that she’s not just the Queen—she’s also a grandmother, and a very sly one at that. Malleus nods politely before standing and gesturing for you to do so. 
“Then we look forward to it. But please, don’t just speak about politics the entire night—you are meeting my partner, not a future advisor.”
“Oh, but the opportunity for both is always there,” Queen Maleficia counters, her grin now becoming more coy as she offers you both a wave. “I will see you tonight. For now, I must return to my… babysitting duties, it seems.” 
You chuckle a little at the realization she means the Senate and, with the feeling of Malleus’ hand resting on your lower back, you depart—looking quite forward to your dinner tonight, despite everything.
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oharabunny · 8 months
Happy Autumn Moon Festival ☾ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
Disclaimer: I was given to write this fic by @kairiscorner for an anon (I am @hisachuu). I'm Chinese-American, so I write from the perspective of one and my own personal experiences! Also, this is a reupload because I was unsure if anyone could see my reblog. Warning: Miguel x GN!Reader // Reader is Chinese-American // Fuckboy Miguel if you squint (but more like a flirt) // Shy!Reader
Word Count: 2229
Summary: Imagine sharing mooncake with Miguel under the moonlight
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
It was that time of the year again. You made sure to google around September so you never miss the date since it always changed every year according to the lunar calendar, even if the date was usually towards the end of the month. The Autumn Moon or Mid-Autumn Festival. You were disheartened when Miguel assigned you yet another hard anomaly mission for the 4th time in a row with him that you just finished, without so much of a proper break. It was a blessing and a curse. It meant he had immense amount of trust in you along with great approval. (Something you secretly craved) But it was beginning to take a toll on you, as you were beginning to miss your family. You won't be home to celebrate with them with all the work that you do for the Spider Society.
For Miguel.
You were in the middle of your thoughts when you were approached by some of the other Chinese and Chinese-American Spider variants who came up to ask your plans for the holiday. You all chatted for awhile and some were discussing how they were part of the Mid-Autumn Festival like lion dancing or helping their family's vendor in their home universes. Some variants were still teenagers who were volunteers to guide the traffic. Some of the older variants shared their homemade mooncake and gifted you some snacks.
That gave you an idea.
If you couldn't go home to spend the holiday with your family, then you could bring the holiday to Miguel. It's not like he knew about the Mid-Autumn Festival, so perhaps a fun cultural exchange could eliviate some of the stress you were put on.
You told Lyla you would be right back, and quickly left HQ for Nueva York's Chinatown to pick up your favorite brand and type of mooncake: the traditional one with lotus paste with salted duck yolk...though you also picked up a box without the yolk just in case Miguel didn't like it, and also another box of assorted flavored snow skin mooncakes from the freezer section if he just couldn't handle traditional mooncakes as well. You decided to go with your favorite to stay true to yourself since it wasn’t economic to buy all three boxes. You left the other two back on the shelf before checking out.
You also picked up jasmine green tea (your personal favorite) on the way. You went into the cafeteria, and asked the kitchen crew to let you brew the tea, which they happily allowed. You gave them one of the mooncakes you bought (a box has 4 mooncakes typically), and taught them what it was and what it was for. Safe to say they were not the biggest fans, but that was no surprise to you. You were used to it, but there was only one person's opinion you cared about.
Your heart skipped a beat in anticipation and nervousness of what he would think of the mooncake. Would he like it? Hate it? Would he even care?
You slowly approached Miguel's office where his super high platform resided in. To no one's surprise, he was up there working for who knows what, for who knows how long. Almost as he anticipated for your return, he turned around, and cocked an eyebrow at the bag of the metal tin box and thermos you were carrying.
"What's all this?" Miguel lowered his platform quickly for you, which he rarely did for anyone. But for you, he made an exception.
"Ah, well I got us some mooncakes and tea, for you know, the Mid-Autumn Festival." You motioned the bag and thermos at him. "It's today. If you have time, that is." You broke eye contact with him, a habit of yours when you weren't sure about something.
Luckily for you, Miguel was receptive to your emotions and habits from working with you all the time. Overworking you was his way of making you spend more time with him, which is how he picked up your subtle mannerisms. Not that you knew, of course. Your compliant and people-pleasing nature didn't question it, to his delight. Now you were standing before him all fidgety and nervous while holding a bunch of things that you were trying to share with him.
How cute. Miguel mused. "Sure, I have time."
Miguel was not a tea and cakes type of guy, but again, for you, he'll try anything once.
"How about we go on the roof? The moon is said to be at the fullest and brightest tonight."
"Of course."
You two swung and zipped through the halls of HQ, and reached for the top of the building. You set your thermos and bag down on the floor of the roof. Miguel closely followed and watched you as you sat down and took out the tin box, and noticed the intricate details that were painted and embossed on the lid. As you were about to open them, Miguel pointed at the female figure from the design.
"Who's she? And that rabbit."
Your eyes beamed in excitement the moment he asked. You were afraid he was only going along with you for your sake. (He was interested in anything about you.)
"She's the moon goddess, Chang'e, who's famous for stealing her husband's elixir of immortality. Her husband, Houyi, was an archer that was rewarded the elixir by the gods for his services. She escaped to the moon, stayed there, and became its goddess. The moon is said to be the fullest and brightest according to the lunar calendar today which is why she is always referenced for the Mid-Autumn Festival." You explained as much as you could remember from stories you were taught in Chinese language school. You pointed at the rabbit. "And that lil bunny there is always with her because Chinese people think the moon crater looks like a bunny pounding more of the elixir of immortality! So it's like it's always with her."
You looked up at Miguel who was looking straight at you with soft brown eyes as he leaned his weight extremely close to you. He wore a soft smile from listening to you, making your heart flutter and temperature rise on your cheeks.
"You look so lovely under the moonlight." His eyes were half-lidded looking down on you. "Looks like you're stealing something from me too."
He was leaning dangerously close as his lips ghosted yours. You could feel every fiber of your muscles in your entire body tensing up and heat reverberating. Your breath hitched, but before anything else could happen, you panicked and looked down at the mooncake tin beside you.
"U-Um let me cut you your share." You said awkwardly. You didn't even notice Miguel pouting in disappointment.
You opened up the tin box. Miguel frowned and crossed his arms. He looked at the opened tin and noticed a missing mooncake. "You shared them with someone else, first? Guess I'm really not that special to you."
"I-I didn't mean to! I just had to brew some tea at the cafeteria and I wanted to thank the kitchen crew." You explained hurriedly like you were in trouble.
"I'm just teasing." Miguel chuckled and squeezed your arm for reassurance. He moved on and noticed something. "They're much smaller than I thought they'd be. Are they mini cakes?" He tilted his head to the side in curiosity, examining all lines, shapes, and characters of the design on the mooncakes.
"No, they're meant to be this size. The cakes are super dense." You had cut up the mooncake into 4 pieces. You held up the plastic tray it came in for Miguel. "Here. It has a salted egg yolk, and the filling is lotus paste. It's sweet and salty, and also my favorite!"
He took a piece of his share and you watched tentatively, unsure of his reaction. His eyes widened, but not in shock, rather in delight. He nodded in approval. He followed with a small smile.
"That was actually really good. I won't lie, I thought the salted egg yolk was weird at first, but it actually works to balance out the intense sweetness of the mooncake." He paused. "Could I get some tea though?" He pointed at the thermos.
"Oh, yeah, of course!"
You quickly pour him the tea into the lid of the thermos that also served as a cup. The tea was still warm as steam was coming off of the cup. You gently blew on the cup before handing it to Miguel. He immediately sipped the tea. He had let the tea sit in his mouth before swallowing to taste the tea.
"Think this might be my favorite tea. The light floral flavor helps neutralize the stickiness and sugar of the mooncake." He noted.
You couldn't be more happy to hear his compliments and analysis. Your need for his validation and approval was more than satisfied at this point.
"It's a bit rare for someone who never grew up on them to like these traditional mooncakes." You reminisced a bit on your childhood growing up. Even the other Chinese kids didn't always liked traditional Chinese food.
"Well I'm just cultured like that." Miguel dramatically flipped his hair, being the cheeky guy he was. "I have good taste."
You giggled. "Yes you really do!" You paused for a second. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." He replied softly, a tone he almost never used with anyone.
"What did you celebrate usually at home?" You could feel yourself regretting to ask due to his past, but you couldn't help wanting to reminisce with him and learn more about him.
"Well, growing up, we celebrated the usual holidays like Christmas and Halloween. Although for Mexican holidays, usually just Cinco de Mayo." Miguel looked away to the moon. You too gazed upon the lunar plane, mezmerized by its soft light as Miguel's voice carried you away. "And you know, my Gabi, she used to make sure I celebrated every holiday she liked with her. Christmas was her favorite. She loved getting presents, playing games, and making cookies for Santa."
You looked back at Miguel. His face was stoic, but you knew better. A war of emotions dazzled in his chocolate brown eyes against the moonlight. You took a deep breath. "She and I have in common then, I love Christmas. It's the best holiday for families. My family usually celebrates major Chinese and American holidays with a good feast. I always pitched in activity ideas for them or else we'd do nothing else but eat eat eat."
"You and Gabi would get along. She had quite the creative and active mind, like you." Miguel snuck a compliment in.
"I would have loved to meet her." Your heart ached for him. "I can never understand the pain and loss that you feel, but I do miss my family a lot too."
Miguel looked down, and then back up into your eyes. "I'm sorry, I know I've been overworking you. Had I known today's a holiday for you, I would've given you a break."
"It's alright. As long as you let me go home at some point." You fiddled with your fingers, unsure of what to say next. "I'm grateful to be here...it's just...I want to see my family more."
He nodded to that. "I can give you the week off, but can I ask something of you first?"
"Of course! I'll do anything!" You jumped up in people-pleasing mode.
Miguel felt some heat when you said that, but held up his composure to ask: "Can I kiss you?"
You were taken aback by the absurdity, but you weren't opposed to it. Unlike before, your nerves couldn't get the best of you this time. "Y-Yes. I'd like that very much." Blush and heat formed on your face. This couldn't be happening right now. You thought you blew it earlier.
With definitive confidence from you, Miguel shifted closer to you and guided his hands so that one was on your hip and the other guiding itself up to cup your cheek. He lingered to gently rub his thumb on your cheek before lightly pinching it.
"Ah! What are you doing?"
"Your cheeks remind me of a lil bunny rabbit. You're too cute." He said before silencing you with his mouth. He was holding you like a flower, as if he was so afraid to crush you in his strength. His kiss was firm yet soft, as if he was kissing his spouse. His body began to hover and push against you until he was on top of you. He nipped your lip teasingly, and pecked your lips. He peppered little kisses all over your face before giving your forehead one final kiss. He pressed his forehead against your own.
"You're wonderful. You know that? I appreciate with all that you've done for me and for all of us. Don't overextend yourself more than you have to. Don't be afraid to tell me no." Miguel spoke barely a whisper. "I...care about you."
You could melt into a puddle and ascend to heaven right now. Everything in your mind was being scrambled like a stir fry. Words could not even begin to form in your mind to explain how you feel. Your tummy was in knots while butterflies were threatening to spill out. You could've sworn the moon became brighter than before. You could almost hear someone urging you to go to him. As if in sync, the two of you leaned in and sealed another kiss under the moonlight.
"Me too."
a/n: How do you feel about this format? I want to switch it up for the style of my new blog. I kept the old fics from the main blog the same format for consistency sake.
  ◌                             ◌                                       ◌                                                        ‧₊ :・゚彡       ◌                 ☽︎       ◌             ◌                                 ✩彡 ・゚ :                                                                      ◌                                        ◌ ◌                                                  ♡                                         (_(\      /)_/)                                         (      )    (      )                                      ૮/ʚɞ  |ა ૮|  ʚɞ\ა                                       ( ◌    |      |     ◌ )
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How are dorms different? Pupils take the same lessons, so why is it so important? Maybe it was stated in the beginning but…
Oooh, thank you for the super interesting topic of discussion! 👀
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To begin with, there are superficial differences such as valuing a certain trait or looking up to a specific figure in the Great Seven over the others. (For example, students of Scarabia revere the Sorcerer of the Sands, who was known for his mindfulness it seems that the students try to uphold that mindful spirit.) Let's also keep in mind that each dorm itself is a unique setting with its own vibes and history! Additionally, we know of a few traits that dorm members generally share or talents that students of a particular dorm have:
Heartslabyul has nothing of note that I can recall 😅
Savanaclaw tends to have athletic students. Because of this, they dominate in sporting events and competitions.
Octavinelle and Scarabia are said to have very intelligent students; they are often competing with each other for the top marks. Scarabia's students tend to excel in astrology.
Pomefiore produces students that are skilled in curses and potion-making; one of the requirements to become Pomefiore's dorm leader is brewing a potent poison. Generally, Pomefiore students put forth considerable effort to maintain their looks and their manners.
Ignihyde's students tend to be introverted and geeky; they also work well with technology.
Diasomnia usually receives the magical all-rounders or those particularly gifted with magic. However, their students also tend to be extremely arrogant and think of themselves as better than students of the other dorms.
Beyond the details I just listed, I don't think the dorms are honestly that different (based on the information we have right now). The short and simple (and meta) answer to your question would be that the dorms exist because "it makes the game easier to market". Breaking a large cast into smaller groups with easily identifiable traits and color coding makes the characters stick in the mind better. (The almost immediate cultural association with a certain popular magic school with dorms that are heavily centered around certain traits is also sure to draw comparisons, and thus make TWST blow up by that association and word of mouth.)
Buuut that’s not a very exciting response, now is it? 🤔 Well, here’s my take (I’m basing this on my understanding of how public and private high schools, as well as some colleges/institutions of higher learning operate):
It’s not unusual for a boarding school like Night Raven College to have several different dormitories to house their students. Dorms are usually overseen by an RA (Resident Assistants), someone who also lives in said dorm and manages issues contained within it. The purpose of a dormitory is just to house students while they study, so technically it’s just... a glorified living space. Dorms in real life often aren’t often as segmented and defined by traits as NRC’s are; they’re usually named after some rich person that offered a sizable donation to the school or some important alumnus (though there ARE some dorms specifically for students of a similar major or broad organization to live together). In NRC’s case, the dorms are based on important figures: the Great Seven. It just so happens that the Great Seven are associated with certain traits, and so those trickled down into each dorm, as each was modelled after one member of the Seven. And, of course, the RA equivalent at NRC is the title of dorm leader.
From what I understand of NRC’s history, Pomefiore is considered the oldest dorm; this would imply that NRC did not start with seven dorms, because otherwise they would all be roughly the same in age. The logical sequence of events (to me) is that NRC was originally just a single dorm (Pomefiore), but as it grew over the years and gained prestige for itself, it had to expand to new dorms just to deal with the growing student population--and since Pomefiore honored the Beautiful Queen, why not look to the other six of the Seven for the other dorms? ... Then NRC probably capped off its enrollment so it could focus on educating the students their staff could handle.
Then we need to consider that the dorms may have formed over time just because... well, have you SEEN how NRC students behave? They’ll throw fists at a moment’s notice. Grouping them up by similar traits may help to alleviate the fights that break out on campus; when you’re part of a group and living with like-minded individuals, it can minimize conflicts (but unfortunately, it has the potential side effect of isolating students from those with different views than them, which is probably why they continue to have mixed classes to up the exposure).
With the practicality of dorms sorted out, let’s now look to how the dorms may impact the students’ academic and professional lives.
I noticed that the Anon mentioned, “Pupils take the same lessons, so why [are dorms] so important?” That’s an interesting question to pose because we actually don’t know a ton about NRC’s curriculum or their tracks of study 🤔 I’m guessing that this conclusion was reached because the gameplay of TWST (Alchemy, Flying, Magic History) has mixed classes, but I believe that the gameplay is not reflective of the classes the characters actually take because it would contradict the lore given to us elsewhere. For example, in the ongoing Glorious Masquerade event, it is said that second years taking Magic History learn about the Just Judge (which explains why the first years are not familiar with him yet). It is also said (this time in the main story) that first year classes focus on theory rather than doing actual magic, which is reserved for later years. I’m sure there are a lot more examples I could think of, but these two alone effectively illustrate why it wouldn’t make sense to toss students of different grade levels into most of the same classes.
It hasn’t been confirmed whether all pupils take the exact same coursework; in fact, I’d actually argue the opposite is true. I believe that there is a set of “base” or foundational coursework (like Magic History, Alchemy, and Flying) that every student is required to take to graduate; these subjects would be like the equivalent of math, English, history, and science in the real world. These would be “on level” (ie everyone in the same year takes the same class). However, just like in the real world, I think that every student has the opportunity to customize their track via electives so they can pursue their specific interests after high school. These are the classes that would be mixed, as there are instances (irl) of accelerated younger students having already met the prerequisites for more advanced classes. A notable example of a NRC elective is Poison Making, which appears to be an upper level Potionology course; in Cater’s Lab Wear vignettes, it is revealed that Cater, Vil, and Lilia are enrolled in it. Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles is another major example, as it seems to be an elective that students can take to prepare them for making their own meals and taking care of their nutritional needs after graduation.
Typically, the way you choose electives is broken down into different priorities. Older students and students in honors programs tend to get first pick over younger students (who still need to complete prerequisite courses) and non-honors students (who usually have less rigorous coursework). Additionally (in the case of colleges and universities), priority for certain classes may be given to students of a particular major. As an example, life science courses like biology and anatomy and physiology may have more slots for premed majors and other majors directly related to the life sciences before like... a journalism major may have a chance for the same courses. This is because it’s more important for students of certain majors to get their requires coursework done other students interested in taking a course due to individual interest.
“... Okay, that’s all fine and dandy, but what does this have to do with the importance of the dorms?”
Weeell... If we consider all of the previously discussed information as a whole, isn’t it possible that the dorms could actually factor into the students’ future prospects??
Like... think about it.
Each dorm is already designed from the get-go to focus on specific traits and skills, such that is it easy to immediately identify what the strengths of a person may be based SOLELY on glancing at the armband color they have. Then add in how electives are chosen. If you’re already sorting the students into dorms that define what their strengths may be, wouldn’t it make sense to give those students... priority for classes which will further improve those strengths (ie give a Pomefiore student, already presumed to be skilled in potions-making, priority for the Poisons Making elective course)?
And what about their mandatory fourth year internships? I’m assuming the hiring companies will want the best people for the jobs, but it may be difficult for them to parse through so many resumes. They could very well use dorms to help filter through applications, as some dorms are more well-versed in some subjects over others. (I realize that this disregards individual differences and sounds unfair on paper, but this is, unfortunately, sometimes the reality of the job hunt process.) Alternatively, NRC could use the specific traits each dorm boasts to help “sell” their students to employers for internship opportunities (ie NRC to a potion making company: “Pomefiore’s students are skilled at making potions, just like the Beautiful Queen!”).
Finally, let’s talk connections. If dormitories really do play a role in future prospects as I just described, then it means each dorm has a whole network of alumni in fields of specialization which can perpetuate the cycle. Picture a Pomefiore NRC graduate that goes on to start their own Magic Pharmaceuticals company, then their alma mater contacts them to ask about sending some interns their way. The graduate is more likely to say yes, and even more so to students of their same old dorm because the Pomefiore graduate already has established loyalty to said dorm.
Anyway...! I know that was a lot to take in, but I hope I was able to explain my thoughts well enough 😅 I kind of got excited when I saw this ask, so my fingers were struggling to properly type out all the speculation and ideas I had running around in my brain.
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skyeblue8 · 6 months
Alrighty, thank you for letting me share this stuff! Fair warning though, this is a stupid long ramble.
The title of this little rewrite project is currently Halfway Hell. Our star is Reagan Morgenstern, daughter to one of the most powerful and influential men, who lives in the lap of luxury, wealth, and privilege. However, her cozy life is changed forever the morning after her 21st birthday, when she is woken by a group of seven horrific and grotesque beasts. Her father, Solas, reveals to her a dark secret; He is not human, but rather a powerful sorcerer as old as humanity. Long ago, he and a group of wizards and witches were banished from their home world in the stars to be imprisoned in the Earth’s flaming core for the rest of time. Before they were banished however, Solas and his six siblings used their remaining magic to curse the first vestiges of humanity; The more wicked, despicable, and sinful they were when they were alive, the more monstrous, deadly, and magically potent their souls would be reborn as Solas’ unholy army. Utilizing the damned and tortured souls’ as magic replenishes, the Seven Siblings of Sin were able to breach their flaming prison, and now, Solas, The Dark King, believes the time for his forces of darkness to conquer all three realms is growing near, and when that time does, Reagan will be leading the charge alongside him as his Dark Princess. So to prepare, Reagan is shipped off to the many parts of the world where her father’s siblings reside, to learn to weaponize the magical properties of the six souls spiritually chained to her. But as Reagan spends more time with her ensnared entourage, a conflict begins to brew within herself: Should she follow her family destiny of rulership over all that is known? Or will the suffering and maybe-not-so-awful souls enslaved to her convince Reagan to turn a new leaf?
Ok so that’s basically the plot, I’ve also got a design for Reagan, who is my stand in for Charlie. It is a bit old which is why she’s called Piper on it, but I am planning to give her a slight makeover digitally. I’ve also got a bio for her but that’s also old and really long so I’ll be tweaking that. (btw solas is the stand in for Lucifer, he’s not meant to be Stolas, they’re entirely different characters here, I’m just using the name Solas for reasons including it sounds like Soulless and I think that’s good for your main villain)
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Basically, I’m making this rewrite mostly out of spite for all the wasted potential of hazbin/helluva, and all the stupid choices that were made that completely butchered what could’ve been two great adult animation shows. I’ll take the characters from both Hazbin and Helluva and change them to suit this new narrative, while sort combining both of their plots into one(a group of morally ambiguous non human entities do some fucked up shit on Earth, while also growing from hating each other into a found family and trying to save themselves and others like them from their eternal suffering) However, instead of directly using actual Christian demonic/religious figures and stories, I’m using those texts, mostly The Testament of Solomon, as inspiration for the characters, story, and world of Halfway Hell (example; Heaven and Hell are not the traditional Heaven and Hell we know in Christianity, though the parallels with fallen angels and the seven deadly sins and Armageddon are there) So no actual names of demons and angels will be dropped, my characters will just resemble them. I don’t want to offend people and their beliefs by using these names in vain because religion is important to a lot of people, and it’s a nuanced topic that has made people do good and bad things in the name religion ever since, well, the beginning. Plus, I feel like it could make room for more diverse creature designs if I don’t make them explicitly demons or other similar concepts from different cultures such as yokai. They’re meant to be moreso ghosts and monsters in a generic sense, just ones that were originally humans and sprout from a burning land. I want this to be fantasy oriented with all the magic and creature designs I’m planning, while also having a core general theme of change, and a more specific theme of how we can make the changes we want to our lives, and why we make those changes, unlike Hazbin where it’s all about redemption for now. The best way I can describe what I want Halfway Hell to feel like is if The Owl House was written like Bojack Horseman, basically a dramedy with fantasy elements. Originally I was gonna make this even more like Bojack Horseman in terms of realism and tone down the religious influences even more, with purely human characters, an ordinary Earth setting, and it was gonna be called Seven Swinging Souls but dammit, I like fantasy stuff and I wanna draw fantasy stuff. 
And that’s pretty much what I have so far. I’m thinking once I develop more ideas and make plenty of art for it, I’ll make a new account dedicated to Halfway Hell and maybe one day make a comic series out of it. No promises at all, I’m still suffering through college and this is mostly a creative outlet but who knows. Let me know your thoughts, thank you for reading all of this nonsense!
Honestly, after looking over the whole summary of the rewrite, I think this is a really solid re-imagining of Hazbin. Actually, I think it's more than that.
Now, I will make note of how much it deviates from the original concept in the fact that it takes away from the idea of a traditional Hellish afterlife, as well as the whole thing concepts we've been introduced to since everything's on Earth, I guess, but, it's because of those differences that I think it would work brilliantly as its own piece of written work as I think it would give it more credibility for being an outstandingly well-written, original project without having the association of Hazbin Hotel as I feel that would discredit it both to those who have problems with Hazbin/Helluva Boss' writing and those who are so loyal to it that they may want partial credit for Viv.
Now, for a bit of warning, I am often extremely picky and skeptical of all new shows, stories, written works, and series I first encounter, regardless of how well-recieved they are – and that's not usually a matter of one’s storytelling ability so much as my general pickiness. With that being said, I'm deeply interested in the potential this concept could have and how you can make it your own. Good luck in college! Idk what that's like yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough. And excellent work, here!
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aikoiya · 6 months
LoZ - Kakariko Food Culture
Ya'll, I have a frankly dumb amount of recipe ideas for the Wild Series.
Part of it has to do with the idea that, in Link's house, he could cook more complex recipes, including 2nd Tier Ingredients. Which are ingredients made of other basic ingredients. A number of these 2nd Tier Ingredients could be used to substitute multiple base ingredients in a recipe, thus giving you more room to work with.
He'd also be able to cook in bulk, which is something I feel like is holding the cooking system in the Wild Series back.
Another idea I had was that the more you cook, the better you get at it, thus the more ingredients you can use in a recipe.
So, Link would start with only being able to use 5 at a time, but the amount can increase up to 6, then 7-8. Then, maybe even 10.
The list itself isn't complete in any capacity.
Affects & Recipes beginning with a * indicates that it is already in the games in one way or another.
※ Will be beside things that were planned to be part of the official series at one point, but for whatever reason, were cut.
Some 2nd Tier Ingredients use the same ingredients, but the end result depends on which kitchen utensil is used to make it. For instance, Pastry Dough & Soup Stock are both made with the same basic ingredients, but you get Pastry Dough using a Rolling Pin & Soup Stock using a Pot. In this way, it would sort of soft block certain recipes behind a specific kitchen utensil.
Kitchen Items:
Cooking Pot, Rolling Pin, Mortar & Pestle (later upgraded to a Spice Grinder), White Frying Pan, Brewing Keg, Brick Oven, Saucepan, Cheesecloth, Hōchō-Kaku (A full Sheikah knife set in a knife block), Makisu (a sushi mat), Oil Distillery, Fermentation Jar, & Frost Box (basically a fridge/freezer that uses Ice Runes).
Gathering these things also has another affect. They improve the quality & effectiveness of your final dish, as well as increase the likelihood of getting cooking crits.
For more information on the ingredients I'm using, go here: New Ingredients List & 2nd Tier Ingredients.
For quick travel, go to LoZ Cultural Masterlist. You'll find other recipe lists there under the Food section.
List of Effects:
Aerodynamic - Sky Dive Control Up.
Amorous - Aphrodisiac. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This is mostly for flavor & wouldn't actually do anything in a game setting. Though, it specifically only activates when a sufficient level of dopamine & norepinephrine is found in the body, it can likewise be cured when a sufficient enough supply of oxytocin is introduced into the bloodstream or by simply avoiding those who cause such reactions until the Amorous food has made its way out of their system. So, it only takes effect if in the presence of someone you legit are attracted to & are in love with, which is why Link wouldn't be affected. He's Zelda's & it'd only work on him in her presence. It also doesn't work on anyone who hasn't finished puberty. It's also known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
Battle Ready - Hearty, Enduring, & Mighty all in one. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places.)
*Biting - Cold Weather Attack.
*Dark/Warding - Gloom Resistance.
- Depths Stride - Dark/Warding & Glow at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of the Depths.)
Dawing/Dusky - Twilight Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Moonlight Scimitars, knives, sickles, & scythes by generating a crepuscular razor, thus dealing twilight damage. Mirror Sheilds are also more effective. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Silver Lizalfos Horns deal thrice as much damage as normal. Twilight also deals extra damage to undead enemies & Poes, this sets the spirit trapped inside free & results in a Poe Soul. Twilight damage is also noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Twilight purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
Dreamy - Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (More for story flavor as somnolents just make you sorta sleepy &, thus, won't just knock Link out cold. Actual gameplay uses would only be included when you use Fuse Weapon to attach the item to an arrow or other weapon, which I'm saying concentrates & amplifies the effects, which allows you to knock enemies out cold. Without the Fuse Weapon rune, you'd need to make a concentrated sleep extract to apply to the arrow/weapon tip by hand. By default, Dreamy items don't work against boss or mini-boss enemies. However, if you go to sleep in a bed within an hour of being affected by Dreamy, you'll get bonuses when you wake up.)
- Potent Dreamy - Powerful Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Unlike Dreamy, Potent Dreamy will absolutely knock Link the fuck out. It's basically a tranquilizer. Note that only the scent of a Mawkap will wake him up afterwards.)
Eclating/Glaring - Light Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting light thus dealing light damage. Light-based weapons such as the White Sword of the Sky, the Master Sword, the Sword of the Six Sages, the Bow of Light, & other such weapons deal triple damage. However, damage dealt from using a Light Weapon fused with a Light Dragon part is quadrupled. Light attacks also deal extra damage to dark enemies. Light damage is noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Light purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
*Electro - Shock Resistance.
*Enduring - Adds Stamina.
*Energizing - Restores Stamina.
*Fireproof - Fire Resistance.
Fortune - Great Deal. Briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things.
Freezeproof - Freeze Resistance.
Frost Guard - Spicy, Freezeproof, Biting, & Snowdrift at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Hebra & Ealiyah Town.)
Gills - Breathe Water.
*Glow - Glow.
*Hasty - Speed Up.
- Sanddrift - Sand Mobility Up.
- Snowdrift - Snow Mobility Up.
*Hearty - 1-5 Extra Hearts.
Hydrating - Keep Wet Longer. Once Hydrating reaches level 3, you stay wet twice as long. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This effect is most useful for Zora. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
Hydrophilic - Gills & Rapid at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Zora. Also pairs swimingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Icy/Chilly - Heat Resistance.
Lava Guard - Fireproof & Rapid. Allows to swim in lava. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Gorons & Mogma of Gorondia.)
Lightningproof - Nullifies Lightning.
- Lightning Guard - Lightningproof & Stormy/Charged at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Faron, Ordona, & the Gerudo Desert.)
*Mighty - Attack Up.
Photosynthesis - Sunny & Recovery at once. Allows you to slowly recover hearts over time so long as you're in direct sunlight or under a Lightroot, even if those hearts are effected by Gloom. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Mogma.)
※Puissant - Allows one to jump twice. (Turns out that a Twice Jump cooking effect was cut from the final TotK game. So, you gotta know that I'll be effing with that!)
Pyrophilic - Flameproof & Scorching at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Eldin & Gorondia.)
*Rapid - Swim Speed Up.
Reforge - Repairs Shield, but must be applied directly.
- Auto Reforge - Automatically repairs Shield upon breaking.
Revitalizing - Hearty & Enduring at once. (This effect isn't normally natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places.)
Revival - Revives after death with 8 hearts. (Only Fairies & recipes that require Fairies have this effect. Don't worry, no Fairies are harmed during this process. The only thing used is the Fairies' dust.)
- Full Revival - Revives after death with full ♡s +1-10 extra ♡s. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places. If you get a crit while cooking, you'll also get up to 10 extra hearts as well.)
Riptide - Water Spear/Blade Attack Up. (Doubles spear & blade damage by generating a pressurized stream of water, thus dealing water damage. Spears fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns do triple. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Scorching - Heat Weather Attack.
*Sneaky - Stealth Up.
- Shadow Sneak - Dark/Warding & Sneaky at once. Stealth increases even more in darkness. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Kakariko.)
*Spicy - Cold Resistance.
*Sticky - Grip Up.
*Stormy/Charged - Stormy Weather Attack.
*Sunny - Heals Gloom Damage.
Sun Guard - Chilly, Hydrating, Scorching, & Sanddrift at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Gerudo Desert.)
Tenebrating - Dark Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Gloom weaponry, sickles, & scythes by generating a vicious dark force thus dealing dark or shadow damage. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with dark monster parts triples the damage dealt.)
*Tough - Defence Up.
Toxic - Inflicts Poison. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Note that certain Toxic ingredients can be prepared specially to be made edible or to make things like medicines.)
Vitality - Temporary Stamina Use Reduction.
- Max Vitality - Max Energizing & Stamina can be used freely for a certain amount of time. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs.)
Windshear = Wind Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting wind, thus dealing wind damage.)
Special Attention: Whenever a recipe says "Any Butter," just assume that that also includes Browned Butter. Likewise, whenever a specific type of butter, such as Ordon Butter or Lon Lon Butter, is called for, that also includes their Browned variants.
The reason for this is because Browned Butter is just an overall improvement on regular butter & can be used in damn near anything. From savory, to sweet, to vegetables.
It's just a simple way to elevate your cooking.
Of course, there is also an in-game reason. The better quality the ingredients you use, the better the results you get from the final product with a higher chance of getting crits.
Also, unless certain ingredients are specifically listed in the name, many ingredients can be substituted for another one from the same category or sub-category. The ingredients listed here are just how the specific settlement makes it.
Kakariko is a Sheikah settlement in West Necluda.
High Spirits Produce sells 12 Swift Carrots, 3 Fortified Pumpkins, 5 Bird Eggs, 5 Goat Butter. In AoC, they sell 10 Swift Carrots, 10 Fortified Pumpkins, 5 Bird Eggs, 5 Goat Butter, & 5 Cane Sugar.
The Sheikah cultivate Swift Carrots, Fortified Pumpkins, Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky; basically a Soybean mixed with an Edamame), Kakariko Adzuki, Shadow Yams (Dark/Warding), Freshwater Cucumbers (Rapid & Hydrating), Kakariko Plums (Sneaky & Hydrating), & Snowdrift Buckwheat (Snowdrift). Not to mention the Cucoos having a little Hideaway nearby where you can find plenty of eggs.
You can find Sanke Carp in Lantern Lake.
Silent Shrooms, Blue Nightshades, & Ironshrooms can be found out & about.
You can also find Sneaky River Snails & even some Water Cabbages (Gills & Hydrating) in some of their patties & Rushrooms on the sheer cliffaces nearby. Maybe 3 Hylian Tomato (Hydrating) plants & 1 or 2 Apple trees.
There are Hearty Truffles, Silent Shrooms, & Fairies in the Kakariko Village Cave. And a couple of Brightcaps grow in the Kakariko Village Well.
Then, there is the Satori Trees in the Zora's Domain, which gives them relatively easy access to Satori Cherries (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossoms (Hasty & Amorous), & Endura Carrots in the spring.
Kakariko Plums are a famous staple of the village & the village is close enough to Lanayru Bay that they have relatively ready access to Frostclaw Lobsters (Biting), Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & other such Necluda Oceanic delicacies as Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky), Venin Pufferfish (Toxic), Statictail (Electro), Endura Tuna (Enduring), Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky), Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), & other Necludic fish. As well as having access to Hearty Roe (Hearty) due to the Endura Tuna.
An Oxen Shark (Mighty) will even wander through occasionally. However, due to this being an infrequent thing, the Sheikah still haven't perfected the cooking of shark the way they have in Lurelin. There have also been Lynelfish (Toxic) showing up in the bay, which is concerning as they are a very invasive species.
There are also Fleetstream Eels (Rapid) from nearby rivers.
You can also find Dreamdrop (Dreamy; basically loquats) bushes growing wild in the mountains, which Everlost Silkworms (Glow) live in, giving the Sheikah access to silk. Those silkworms eventually turn into Everlost Moths (Glow), which are an important creature for the Sheikah due to their association with spirits. You can harvest fruit & leaves from these Dreamdrop bushes. There's also Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality) growing all over the mountains around there too. Which is good for business, because kudzu roots make the highest quality starch in Hyrule.
There are also Hyrule Bass & Staminoka Bass in the nearby Telta Lake.
And while not native to Kakariko, some Sheikah farmers have begun cultivating Hydromelons (Hydrating 2) as many in the village quite enjoy the flavor. They have since mutated into Moonblessed Melons (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2).
Plus, they have strong trade agreements with the fishing villages of Hyrule, meaning they have access to a lot of the various other fish around the country.
The Sheikah actually have a secret Shōyu that they've had fermenting for over a century. The aroma is super intense, but the flavor is deep & rich, like something between a sauce & chocolate. It's super nutty. They use it to make a tea that is drunk before especially important meals as it's supposed to open up your palette & detox your gut.
- Locally Made 2nd Tier Ingredients:
Apple Jam = Any Apple, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Tomato Jam (Hydrating) = Hylian Tomato, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Moonmelon Jelly (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Courser Honey, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Kakariko Jelly (Sneaky) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Dreamdrop Marmalade (Sunny & Dreamy) = Dreamdrop (Dreamy), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Sundelion, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Satori Jelly (Hasty & Hydrating) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
Mochiko = Hylian Rice. - A type of rice flour.
Sobako (Snowdrift) = Snowdrift Buckwheat (Snowdrift). - Buckwheat flour. Can also be used in place of other flours.
- Rice Bread = Mochiko, any Milk, & Rock Salt. - First invented by a Sheikah & Gerudo couple, the 2 having bonded over their mutual love of food & baking. Considered a 2nd Tier Ingredient due to its use in making sandwiches. Pairs well with soups & stews. Called Shokupan in Kakariko.
- Milk Bread = Bread Mix, any Milk, Cane Sugar, Heavy Cream, & Courser Honey.
- Soba Bread (Stormy 2) = Sobako (Snowdrift), Baking Buddy (Stormy), Rock Salt, & Buttermilk (Stormy). - Considered a 2nd Tier Ingredient due to its use in making sandwiches. Pairs well with soups & stews.
Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating) = Kakariko Adzuki, Splash Fruit, Cane Sugar, & Rock Salt. - Used to make wagashi.
- Taidai Karaan (Lightningproof) = Farore Hazelnut (Lightningproof), Kakariko Adzuki, Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & any Rum (optional). - A chunky sweet bean paste made from hazelnuts. Perfect for desserts.
Vinegar = Any Apple/Dreamdrop (Dreamy)/Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating)/Hylian Rice/Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding). - Made from alcohol from fermented plant foods, then exposed to oxygen, then fermented again.
*Oil Jar = Any Plant. - Aguacaté are especially good for making oil.
Porridge Base = Hylian Rice, any Milk/Broth, & Rock Salt (optional). - Whether the Porridge is sweet or savory depends on the liquids you cook the rice in.
Baking Buddy (Sneaky & Hydrating) = Bird Egg, any Apple/Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating) & Rock Salt. - Basically just baking soda & baking powder.
Kuzudenpun (Vitality) = Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality). - Starch made from the roots of kudzu. The highest quality starch in Hyrule.
Egg Noodles = Tabantha Wheat, Rock Salt, & Bird Egg.
- Rice Noodles = Hylian Rice & Salt.
- Kudzu Noodles (Vitality & Hydrating) = Kuzudenpun (Vitality), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), & Splash Fruit. - Noodles made from Kudzu starch. Doesn't have much flavor, but has a silky-smooth texture. Commonly used in sweet deserts.
- Soba Noodles (Snowdrift) = Tabantha Wheat, Sobako (Snowdrift), & Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - The Buckwheat is mostly only grown in fall & winter, so it's typically a cold weather ingredient. Has a nutty flavor.
- Ramen Noodles (Mighty & Hydrating) = Mochiko, Rock Salt, Masa (Mighty), Bird Egg, & Kansui (Stormy/Windshear & Hydrating).
- Rice Dumpling Dough = Mochiko, Rock Salt, & Oil Jar.
Fried Rice Base (Energizing/Enduring) = Hylian Rice, Bird Egg, Rock Salt, any Carrot, Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), & Stambulb. - Endura Carrots are best because they don't clash with the Stambulbs. However, because neither are the focus of the ingredient, it does make it so figuring out which affect is kept is a coin toss.
Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - A savory dipping sauce best paired with fish. The Sheikah just call it Shōyu. Just soy sauce.
Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - Soy milk.
- Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky) & Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky).
Sly Miso (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Rock Salt, & any Mushroom. - A sort of brown soy paste made using a Fermentation Jar. A super food that is known to be very healthy. Especially good in soups.
Kansui (Stormy/Windshear & Hydrating) = Baking Buddy & Shock Fruit/Windfall Lime (Windshear & Hydrating). - Primarily used to make ramen noodles.
Mayonnaise = Any Egg, Rock Salt, & Oil Jar. - Originally made in Ordon.
- Spicy Mayo (Spicy) = Mayonnaise, Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, Cane Sugar, Stambulb, Shock Fruit, & Oil Jar.
Seeker Tamari (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Rock Salt, Hylian Rice, & Silent Shroom.
Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding) = Shadowfolk Shochu (Dark/Warding), Mochiko, & a Mushroom.
Unagi Sauce (Shadow Sneak 2) = Seeker Tamari (Sneaky), Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding).
Shadowsneak Hoisin (Shadow Sneak) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Hylian Rice, Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, Stambulb, Vinegar, & Spicy Pepper.
Gomi Togarashi (Spicy) = Spicy Pepper, Akkala Cinnamon (Hasty), Swampland Celery/Windblade Leek (Windshear)/Heartichoke (Hearty), Barricade Cloves (Tough), & Thunder Button (Stormy). - Just five spice.
Ume Marinade (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Courser Honey, Stambulb, Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky), & Cane Sugar.
Dashi =  Any Saltwater Fish & Necludic Seaweed (Gills)/Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating), any Mushroom (optional), any Shrimp (optional), Kakariko Adzuki (optional), & Sheikah Edadaizu (optional; Sneaky). - Used in making Sheikah-style soups. Depending on the type of flavor you want, you can use a variety of different ingredients, but saltwater fish & Necludic Seaweed/Water Cabbage are required.
Narutomaki = Any White Fish, any Seafood, Rock Salt, any Egg, & Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding). - Little cakes made from minced fish. Typically used in soups.
Takoyaki Sauce (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, & Hylian Tomato.
Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Sheikah Sake (optional; Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), any Mushroom (Silent Shroom recommended for greatest effect), & Dashi. - A Kakariko noodle soup base.
Tempura Batter (Spicy) = Tabantha Wheat, Tundra Potato (Spicy), & any Egg.
Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Vinegar (Hylian Rice), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), Cane Sugar, Dashi, & Citrus Zest (Lurelin Orange & Shock Fruit).
- Recipes:
*Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin (Tough 1-2 - 2:10 & 3-7♡) = Fortified Pumpkin, any Meat, & Armoranth. - 'This hollow, meat-filled pumpkin is a local specialty of Kakariko Village.'
*Mushroom Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 4:00 & 3♡) = Silent Shroom, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Veggie Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 9:00 & 2♡) = Blue Nightshade, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Seafood Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 4:00 & 4♡) = Stealthfin Trout, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Meaty Rice Balls (Rapid 1 - 4-8♡) = Red Meat, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
Yaki Onigiri (Shadow Sneak) = Any Rice Ball, Oil Jar, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Cane Sugar. - Combine the soy sauce, mirin, & sugar for the glaze. Then fry the Onigiri in a Frying Pan until lightly Browned before brushing the glaze onto both sides. Then, return to the pan & fry until both sides are crispy.
*Sundelion Porridge (Sunny - +5💖 & 3♡) = Sundelion, Courser Honey, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it as Taiyōyuri Okayu.
- Tea Porridge (Energizing - ) = Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Courser Honey, & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it a Ocha Okayu.
- Plum Porridge (Sneaky) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), Courser Honey, & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it a Ume Okayu.
- Fish Porridge = Porridge Base (using Broth; bone is best), Stambulb, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), any Egg, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & any White Fish. - This version of the dish is more heavily spiced than it is in Ordon.
- Medicinal Porridge = Deadly Mandrake (Toxic), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Hoy Mustard (Spicy), Sauerkraut (Gills & Hydrating), Hearty Radish (Hearty), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Broth, & Porridge Base. - A very nourishing, medicinal porridge.
Shrimp Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Shrimp, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried shrimp.
- Crab Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Crab, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried crab meat.
- Lobster Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Lobster, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried lobster.
- Vegetable Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Vegetable (Fleet-Lotus Seeds or Freshwater Cucumber recommended), Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried veggies.
- Mushroom Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Mushroom, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried mushrooms.
- Crustacean Tempura Feast (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Shrimp, any Crab, any Lobster, any Vegetable (Fleet-Lotus Seeds or Freshwater Cucumber recommended), any Mushroom, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - A veritable feast of fried seafood.
Deep-Fried Dolphinfish (Shadow Sneak) = Swiftcurrent Dolphinfish (Rapid), Oil Jar, Tempura Batter (Spicy) or Dashi, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Rock Salt. - Dolphinfish is best deep fried. The Sheikah refer to this dish as Hayai-Nagare Shīra no Tō-Age, but Faronites have their own recipe for it that they call Māmā-Kahe Mahi-Mahi Palai.
Sheikazushi (Sneaky 2-3 - 8:00 & 5♡) = Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Stealthfin Trout, Silent Shroom, Blue Nightshade, & Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky). - A sort of Sheikah seafood platter. Is often served in celebration of a Sheikah completing their training, typically after said Sheikah has had their ears pierced.
- Unagi Nigiri = Hylian Rice, any Eel, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & Unagi Sauce (Sneaky). - Slices of seared BBQ Eel on top of formed rice & tied with nori.
- Kaikōmutsu Nigiri = Marine Trench Perch (Gills), Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - The fish is known for its velvety richness.
Toge Uni Nigiri = Barbed Urchin (Toxic), Rock Salt, Cane Sugar, Vinegar (Hylian Rice), Oil Jar (Vegetable), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (Sunny). - While briny, Uni is also sweet.
- Necluda Sashimi = Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky)/Endura Tuna (Enduring)/Statictail (Electro), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Thin slices of fish arranged artfully upon a plate & served without rice. Any combination of the abovementioned fish will work. Can even use all of the fish to increase the amount of hearts recovered from the dish. Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Tora Saba Sashimi = Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Shock Fruit, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Tōsokurui Sashimi = Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky)/Abyssal Squid (Dark/Warding), Rock Salt, Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Hearty Radish, Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Baradai Sashimi (Stormy & Amorous) = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty & Amorous), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak), & Shock Fruit. - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Seiteki Buri Sashimi (Electro) = Statictail (Electro), Windblade Leek (Windsheer), Oil Jar, & Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Doku-Fugu Usuzakuri = Venin Puffer (Toxic), Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Rock Salt (optional). - For those who want to live dangerously. Puffer is commonly eaten by Sheikah who've gotten to a specific level in toxin immunization. The meat is sliced thinly & arranged into an artful lotus shape.
-- Rainerukasago Usuzakuri = Lynelfish (Toxic), Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Rock Salt (optional). - Not nearly as dangerous as Puffer so long as you're careful not to get stuck while preparing it, but delicious all the same. Without seasoning, the white meat is firm & flaky with a mild flavor.
--- Rainerukasagozushi = Lynelfish (Toxic), Tidal Grapes (Riptide), Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Rock Salt. - Not nearly as dangerous as Puffer, but delicious all the same. Without seasoning, the meat is firm with a mild flavor. This delicate-tasting fish is served over Tidal Grapes hidden inside rice. The salty-sweet taste of the Tidal Grapes complements the flavor well.
- Sheikah Temaki = Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky)/Endura Tuna (Enduring)/Hearty Salmon (Hearty)/Statictail (Electro)/Tigerstripe Mackerel (Mighty)/any Crab/any Shrimp, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Hylain Tomato/Stambulb/any Mushroom, Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating), Lon Lon Cream Cheese (optional), & Aguacaté (optional; Rapid). - These small rolls have nori on the outside with rice & other ingredients on the inside. It's recommended that you only use one of the abovementioned fish.
- Spicy Sheikahmaki = Endura Tuna (Enduring)/any Crab/any Shrimp, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Hylain Tomato/Stambulb/any Mushroom, Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating), Spicy Mayo (Spicy), & Aguacaté (optional; Rapid). - These small rolls have nori on the outside with rice & other ingredients on the inside. Typically comes in spicy tuna & crab. It's recommended that you only use one of the abovementioned fish.
- Kani to Sake Futomaki = Any Crab, Hylian Rice, any Salmon, Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Aguacaté (Rapid), any Veggie, Spicy Mayo (Spicy), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - A giant roll stuffed with crabmeat & salmon sashimi. Gives a bunch of hearts.
- Zephos Chirashizushi = Hylian Rice, Necluda Sashimi, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Bird Egg, any Carrot/Hylian Tomato/any Mushroom/Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), & Hearty Roe (Hearty). - A seasoned rice bowl topped with slices of fish, vegetables, & roe.
- Tempura Sushi = Any Shrimp, Tempura Batter, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - Fried shrimp on rice.
- Keatonzushi (Sneaky 2) = Hylian Rice, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), & Oil Jar. - A fried tofu dish. Said to be the Keaton's favorite treat. Often made in the fall for Sheikioku.
- Sky Sashimi Set = Solarscale Bream (Sunny), High-Flying Fish (Aerodynamic), Stratusailfish (Windshear), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - A very new dish only recently created after the Sky Islands first appeared. The ingredients are hard to get, but worth the effort. - Inspired by Fantasy Life's Sky Sashimi Set.
- Fancy Sashimi Set = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty), Iridescent Berata (Glow), Legendfish (Mighty), Hearty Salmon, Hearty Roe (Hearty), Hylian Loach (Gills), Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - An extremely fancy & expensive Sashimi Set, using only the highest-quality ingredients. While the overall flavor is mild, it's also extremely complex with definite umami. The various different light tastes are somehow able to melt together while also remaining distinct. - Inspired by Fantasy Life's Fancy Sashimi Set.
Nikogori = Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin (Lynel Hoof), any Fish, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3). - A jellified fish broth. Basically fish aspic. A Knoutfish (Hydrating) would actually be ideal for this recipe. Using Gelatin results in a higher quality Nikogori.
Seiteki Buri Daikon (Electro) = Statictail (Electro), Hearty Radish, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Cane Sugar. - A wintertime dish. It's important to simmer it in the broth for 25 minutes.
Miso Salmon = Any Salmon, Sly Miso (Sneaky), Courser Honey, Vinegar (using Hylian Rice), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Cane Sugar (optional), Oil Jar (optional), Windblade Leek (optional; Windshear), & Huakiao Spice. - This glazed fish is wonderful when paired with Hylian Rice. First, pat the Salmon dry, then whisk together all the other ingredients (except the leeks) in a bowl to make a marinade. Brush half the marinade over the fish. Let sit for 15 minutes, then bake at 400° F for 7 minutes. Brush more marinade, then keep baking until cooked. Around 6-8 minutes. Finally, place on a place & garnish with leeks.
Nabemono (Sneaky 3) = Any Vegetable, any Meat, any Seafood, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & any Noodles. - Kakariko's take on the Hot Pot.
Doku-Fugu-Kimo (Toxic) = Venin Pufferfish (Toxic). - The liver is thought to be the tastiest part of the Puffer, but it is also the most poisonous. Only chefs with the registered knowhow in the preparation of Puffer are allowed to make it &, even then, only Sheikah who've mastered toxin immunization training & have the tattoo to prove it are allowed to eat it.
Savory Chimaki (Sneaky 3) = Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Baking Buddy (Sneaky), Oil Jar, & Red Meat (Pork). - Triangular sticky rice dumplings filled with savory fillings that are cooked by boiling or steaming. They are typically steamed in Lotus, Corn, Banana or Ginger leaves. Learned from the Sheikah, they have become a Gerudàn & Faron festival treat. Called Ladhahï Rāzxï by Gerudo & Ono Laikimahu by Lurelinites.
Chashu (Shadow Sneak 3) = Red Meat (Pork), Courser Honey, Shadowsneak Hoisin (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Gomi Togarashi, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Sheikah Sake (Sneaky). - A type of sweet, sticky barbequed meat with a lot of umami.
Toryufu Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Striploin), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), Starlight Rosemary (Glow), Charred Pepper (Spicy), & Hearty Truffle. - Grilled meat filet topped with Hearty Truffle. Perfect flavor pairing.
- Hoy Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Sirloin), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), & Hoy Mustard Seeds (Spicy). - Grilled marbled sirloin topped with Hoy Mustard Seeds. Really elevates the dish & cuts through the fat just a bit.
- Ganbari Yakiniku (Shadow Sneak) = Red Meat (Beef; Ribeye), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), Stambulb, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky; made specifically using Stambulb & Apple). - Grilled ribeye topped with Stambulb chips & Sheikah Shōyu. This one's a bit chewier, but the flavor just keeps going.
- Ume Yakiniku (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Red Meat (Beef), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), & Ume Marinade (Sneaky 2). - Traditionally made using the Yukinoyono Niku method, where the meat is transferred back & forth from grill to Ice Fruit, making the meat very tender. The most soft & tender of Sheikah-style barbeque, by far.
- Aino San-Sō Niku (Sneaky 2) = Red Meat (Beef; Tri-Tip), Hearty Truffle, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Stambulb, Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Starlight Rosemary (Glow). - A grilled tri-tip soaked in a Truffle San-Sō juice, then after being cooked, is cut extremely thinly & placed into a pile. The extremely chewy texture of the tri-tip balances out the wonderful flavor profile. Many say that it tastes like love. Either way, it'll certainly send you on a ride.
- Kakumaku Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Hanger Steak), any Apple, Stambulb, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Spicy Pepper, & Aguacaté (Rapid). - A cut of diaphragm meat, otherwise known as hanger steak. Often said to be the best cut of meat. It's marinated in a blend of apple juice, Aguacaté oil, soy sauce, Stambulb, & Spicy Pepper.
Kani no Marine = Brighteye Crab, Rock Salt, Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Raw Brighteye Crab marinated in a spicy, fermented soy sauce.
Takoyaki = Bird Egg, Tabantha Wheat, Dashi, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Takoyaki Sauce, Spicy Mayo (optional; Spicy), & Oil Jar. - Little fried octopus balls!
Kimchi (Spicy) = Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating), Rock Salt, Mochiko, Cane Sugar or Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), any Radish, Swift Carrot, Gomi Togarashi (with Windblade Leek, plus Gleam Ginger), & Stambulb. - Pickle & let ferment.
Necludic Tokoroten (Gills) = Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - Jellified seaweed.
Kamameshi (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Hylian Rice, any Carrot, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), any Meat or Seafood or Fruit or Nut. - A mixed rice dish cooked in an iron pot.
Nanbanzuke = Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), Tundra Potato (Spicy), Stambulb, any Carrot, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Vinegar (made with Hylian Rice), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Spicy Pepper, & Oil Jar. - Fish marinated & fried in vinegar sauce & vegetables.
*Pumpkin Soup (Tough 1 - 5:20 & 4♡) = Fortified Pumpkin, Armoranth, & Creamy Soup Stock. - 'Simply simmer a pumpkin to make this dish. A favorite in Kakariko Village.'
*Carrot Stew (Hasty 1 - 5:40 & 4♡) = Swift Carrot, Swift Violet, & Creamy Soup Stock. -
Spicy Shrimp Soup (Spicy 2) = Spicy Pepper, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), any Shrimp, any Herb, Gomi Togarashi (Spicy), & Soup Stock.
Spicy Kimchi Stew (Spicy 2 & Hydrating) = Red Meat (Pork), Stambulb, Kimchi (Spicy), Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Rock Salt, Huakiao Spice (Spicy), any Radish, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & Creamy Soup Stock.
Nikujaga (Shadow Sneak 3) = Red Meat, Tundra Potato (Spicy), Stambulb, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Kudzu Noodles, any Carrot, & Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - A Sheikah-style meat & potato stew. This Stew was adapted from Hebran cooking.
Kake Udon = Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Gomi Togarashi. - A noodley soup where simplicity shines.
- Creamy Uni Udon = Barbed Urchin (Toxic), Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), any Mushroom, any Butter, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), Stambulb, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - A mild, delicate-tasting noodle dish with a creamy texture.
- Keaton Udon = Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), Keatonzushi (Sneaky), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Narutomaki, & Windblade Leek (Windshear). - This soup is thought to be favored by the Keaton.
Chawanmushi (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Egg, any Shrimp, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), any Shrimp/Poultry, & any Carrot. - Steamed egg custard appetizer.
Yume no Ochazuke (Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Hylian Rice, Dashi, Kakariko Plum (optional; Sneaky), Windblade Leek (optional; Windshear), any Sashimi (optional), & Hearty Roe (optional; Hearty). - A soup featuring rice steeped in tea & topped with savory ingredients.
Poultry Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Zonai Corn (Mighty), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Bird Meat, & any Mushroom.
- Meat Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), any Meat, & any Mushroom.
- Shrimp Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), any Shrimp, & any Mushroom.
- Crab Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), any Crab, Citrus Zest (Windfall Lime & Shock Fruit), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Stambulb, & Gleam Ginger (Sunny). -
- Poultry Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Bird Meat (Cucco), Red Meat (Pork), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Zonai Corn (Mighty). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. The cucco meat & pork bone broth pair very well together.
- Shōyu Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Red Meat (Pork), Chashu (Shadow Sneak 3), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. This version has a soy sauce-based flavor that pairs well with the Chashu pork.
- Miso Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Sly Miso (Sneaky), Bird Meat (Cucco), Oil Jar, Spicy Pepper, Charred Pepper (Scorching), Zonai Corn (Mighty), & Windblade Leek (Windshear). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. This version has a more spicy kick to it.
Koibito Ushio-Jiru (Hearty 3 & Amorous 3) = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty & Amorous), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Rock Salt, Stambulb, Hearty Radish, Lovely Rose (Hearty & Amorous), & Sweetheart Orchid (Hearty & Amorous). - Lurelin has their own iteration of the soup called Ipo Holika Saimin.
Fukahire Sūpu = Oxen Shark Fin (Mighty), Poultry (Whole Cucco recommended), Red Meat, Bird Egg, any Mushroom (Hearty Truffle recommended for taste), Zonai Corn (Mighty), & Oil Jar. - This soup uses the filaments of a boiled down, dried shark's fin as noodles & a mainly poultry-based broth with a little bit of red meat to flavor. (Note that while you can use any kind of poultry, that Whole Cucco gets the best results as it gives a very rich, delicious broth.) DO NOT use the water you boiled the fin in! Remember to strain & skim the poultry broth until clear & uniform, but you'll be returning the poultry meat to the soup later. Add the broken up poultry & mushrooms to the broth. Later, add beaten egg yolks & cornstarch. Once done, ladle the soup over the shark fin filaments in a bowl. Finally, sprinkle a dash of sesame seed oil onto the soup. - Note that while the soup is delicious, Shark Fin actually doesn't have any flavor to it. The fin is really bland & the cartilage is an interesting texture. See, the fin is supposed to complement the broth itself. As such, it's really just a means to use up all the pieces of the shark so it didn't die for nothing. Last thing we want is food waste. On a side-note: Shark Meat is actually fantastic.
Fukahone Shuon Sūpu = Oxen Shark Bone (Mighty), Red Meat, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, Swampland Celery, Rock Salt, & Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding). -
- Desserts:
Rice Cake = Mochiko & Cane Sugar. - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
Agekiji = Cane Sugar, Oil Jar, Baking Buddy, any Butter, any Milk, & Mochiko. - Sugar-covered donuts that originated in Kakariko. Often given to customers as before dinner snacks.
Dango (Hydrating) = Mochiko, Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), & Silent Princess (Amorous). - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
- Chuchu Dango = Boiled Chuchu Jelly, Mochiko, Cane Sugar, & any 2 Plants. - A treat made with ChuChu Jelly. The bitter coating & sweet filling of this unusual snack is often enjoyed by the Sheikah Tribe during the Hanami Festival. Based on the Second Wind mod.
- Sheiki Dango (Tough & Amorous) = Mochiko, Silent Princess (Amorous), Cane Sugar, & Fortified Pumpkin. - Usually eaten during the Sheikioku Festival in fall.
Kakariko Mochi (Sneaky & Hydrating 4) = Mochiko, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating). - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
- Lavender Mochi (Rapid 2 & Hydrating 3) = Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Courser Honey. - The Mochi dough is a lovely shade of light purple that young women very much like. But inside is a sweet bean paste made with honey.
- Yam Mochi (Dark/Warding & Hydrating 3) = Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - The sweet Yams used to make it has caused the dough to turn a very fetching shade of deep purple.
- Kuzumochi (Vitality) = Kuzudenpun (Vitality), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), & Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - A wagashi made of Kudzu starch instead of rice flour.
- Satorimochi (Hasty 2 & Amorous) = Mochiko, Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossom (Hasty & Amorous), & Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - Usually eaten during the Hanami Festival in spring.
- Karina Daifuku (Vitality & Amorous) = Karina Fragria (Amorous), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), Mochiko, Cane Sugar, & Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - A wagashi typically gifted to a significant other on Bonds Day.
- Sheimono Daifuku (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 5) = Mochiko, Moonmelon Jelly (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Cane Sugar, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Soleda Cream (Sunny). - A favored Sheikioku wagashi. These cute little rice cakes are a refreshing shade of green that matches their taste. A very recent culinary creation. Sheimono being the Sheikah word for Moonblessed Melon, meaning "moon gift."
Sheikkei = Mochiko, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Fleet-Lotus Seeds/Bird Egg/Chickaloo Tree Nut. - Also called Mooncakes. Usually eaten during the Sheikioku Festival in fall. - Based on IRL festival pastry Yuèbǐng (Chinese) or Geppei (Japanese).
Zenzai = Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, & any Milk. - A sort of sweet bean dessert soup.
Ringo to Yamaimo no Kuzuni = Any Apple, Kudzudenpun (Vitality), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Cinnamon Sugar (Hasty), & any Rum. - Apples & sweet potatoes simmered with kudzu starch.
Sweet Chimaki = Hylian Rice, any Kakariko Fruit, Cane Sugar, Baking Buddy (Sneaky), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Oil Jar, & Courser Honey. - Triangular sticky rice dumplings filled with sweet fillings that are cooked by boiling or steaming. They are typically steamed in Lotus, Corn, Banana or Ginger leaves. Learned from the Sheikah, they have become a Gerudàn & Faron festival treat. Called Xōkàr Rāzxï by Gerudo & Momona Laikimahu by Lurelinites.
Taiyaki = Mochiko, any Butter, Sugar Cane, any Milk, Courser Honey, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Oil Jar. - A fried, fish-shaped pastry.
Yam Pie = Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Bird Egg, any Milk, Cane Sugar, & Courser Honey. - While it's called a pie, it really isn't.
Fruit Sandwiches = Milk Bread, Whipped Cream (uses Gelatin), & any Fruit. - A nice summer treat.
MoonMelon Bread (Dawning/Dusky) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Mochiko, any Milk, any Mushroom, Rock Salt, any Egg, any Butter, Oil Jar, Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), & Cane Sugar. - First invented by a Sheikah & Gerudo couple, the 2 having bonded over their mutual love of food & baking. Has a wonderful, crispy, cookie-like crust. Made in an attempt to merge Gerudo flavor into the bread. Called Shei'okurimonopan (精贈り物パン) by Sheikah. - While relatively new, has become a beloved part of Sheikioku Festival fair.
Pumpkin Pie (Tough 1 - 5:20 & 3♡) = Fortified Pumpkin & Pastry Dough (Tabantha Wheat, any Butter, & Rock Salt). - 'The intense sweetness of Pumpkins makes this dessert popular among children.'
Moonmelon Cream Cake (Dawning/Dusky or Stormy/Charged 2) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Shock Fruit (Juice), Cane Sugar, Gelatin, Shock Cream (Stormy), & Castella Cake. - Starts with a base of Castella Cake, then combine the Shock juice, Cane Sugar, Gelatin, & Moonmelon puree to make a creme fraiche that you layer on top of the Castella Cake. Cool until solid, then cut & serve.
Honey Moonmelon Cake (Energizing & Hydrating) = Cake Mix, Courser Honey, any Egg, any Milk, Heavy Cream, Cane Sugar, & Moonblessed Melon (Dusky). - This dessert has thin layers of honey cake with thick layers of cream & chunks of Moonblessed Melon between.
- Drinks:
Honeymilk (Energizing - ) = Courser Honey, any Milk, & Akkala Cinnamon (optional; Hasty). - This simple, yet comforting drink originates in Ordon, but is now enjoyed Hyrule over. A favorite for children everywhere.
Dreamy Herb Tea (Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy) a/o Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid & Dreamy), Korok Frond, & Courser Honey (optional). - A somnolent tea that cures poison as you sleep. Referred to as Yume no Yōna Yakusōcha (夢のような薬草茶) by the Sheikah.
Sundelion Tea (Sunny - +3💖) = Sundelion, Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), & Courser Honey (optional). - A gentle & comforting tea with a warm, pleasant flavor that's easy on the tummy. Good way to stay hydrated when you have tummy troubles. Referred to as Taiyōyuri Ocha (太陽百合お茶) by the Sheikah. Use Dreamdrop Leaves at night for pleasant dreams.
Sheicha = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid), Sundelion, Spirit Iris (Toxic), & Goldenmerry (Sunny). - Sheikah training their Mind's Eye would often consume this before meditation.
Gyūnyūcha Kōfī (Dreamy) = Zonai Cafégranos (Energizing), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Korok Frond, any Milk, Cane Sugar, Courser Honey, & Akkala Cinnamon (Hasty). - A type of milk tea coffee.
Shōyucha (Sneaky & Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy) & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Used to open up your palate & cleanse your gut before a meal. Has a very natural umami flavor.
- Brewing:
Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky 2 & Hydrating) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), Cane Sugar, Hylian Rice, & Silent Shroom. - An alcohol made in Kakariko from plums. Typically drunk during Kakariko's Hanami Festival. The Silent Shroom is meant to act as the koji that the Japanese use to make their alcohols. Koji being a sort of fungal yeast.
Shadowfolk Shochu (Dark/Warding) = Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Hylian Rice, Cane Sugar, & Tabantha Wheat.
Sheikah Sake (Sneaky) = Hylian Rice & Silent Shroom or Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - A very basic, but classic style of wine. Most common Sheikah imbibement.
Kuzu Sake = Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality), Kuzudenpun (Vitality), & Cane Sugar. - A kudzu blossom wine.
- Satori Sake (Hasty 2 & Hydrating) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Hylian Rice, & Rushroom. - Made every spring when the Satori Trees bear fruit. It is then drunk along with Umeshu during the Hanami Festival. The best yield is offered up to Satori as thanks for allowing them to use his trees' cherries. The Rushroom is meant to act as the koji that the Japanese use to make their alcohols. Koji being a sort of fungal yeast.
Satora Kirakira (Hasty 3 & Amorous) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossom (Hasty & Amorous), Cane Sugar, & Rushroom. - A sugar spirit liqueur infused with Satora blossoms & Satori Cherries. This gives it a delicate, fruity sweetness with notes of Sundelion & Lovely Rose. Has an aroma of Satori Cherries & Karina Fragria with subtle hints of Lovely Rose. Much like Satori Sake, the best yield of Satora Kirakira is also served up to Satori during the Hanami Festival. However, the rest is kept in reserve for next year's Bondsday or is otherwise served during weddings.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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byroniuspunk · 4 months
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Bourbon Barrel Aged Bananas Foster Stout
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obiancadenise · 1 year
Typica Coffee: A Taste of Tradition in Calamba
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Calamba, Philippines is home to a hidden treasure for coffee connoisseurs: Typica Coffee. Typica Coffee, with its long history and dedication to quality, is an enduring classic in an age of fleeting coffee fads.
The Typica coffee plant, originally from Ethiopia, is the inspiration for the coffee sold under the brand name Typica Coffee. The coffeehouse takes great satisfaction in selecting only the highest-quality Typica beans, guaranteeing that each cup of coffee served there is the product of painstaking farming and skilled preparation. The freshly roasted coffee scent greets you as soon as you walk in, promising a one-of-a-kind coffee experience.
Typica Coffee stands out not just for its quality standards but also for its efforts to preserve the local coffee culture. Calamba's rich coffee history may be experienced by both residents and tourists at the local community coffee shop. Every trip to Typica Coffee, whether it's just for a cup of their distinctive Typica blend or to pick the brains of their well-versed baristas, is a chance to learn more about coffee, its history, and its place in the local community.
The craft of brewing coffee is taken very seriously at Typica Coffee. Each cup is expertly brewed to bring forth the entire range of the Typica beans' tastes and aromas. The expert baristas at Typica Coffee can make you anything from a traditional espresso to a silky cappuccino or a refreshing iced coffee. Modernized with antique coffee artifacts provide a warm and genuine atmosphere at this coffee sanctuary.
Typica Coffee in Calamba is a living example of the timeless appeal of tradition in a world where coffee fashions change as quickly as the seasons. Here, the pace of life is more relaxed, and the purest kind of coffee is lauded. If you happen to be in Calamba, don't miss the chance to visit Typica Coffee and explore the layered history and enticing scents of coffee.
Facebook: Typica Coffee - Calamba Instagram: @typicacoffee.calamba
Disclaimer: All pictures shown are mine and self photograph
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starforger · 11 months
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Looking for Contact: Maha Lucrette | Mateus
Tentatively putting some feelers out there for potential RP. I'm kinda shy and anxious in general, but I love writing Maha and I tend to get into a groove with her. I'm currently in the GMT +9 timezone, typically more active in the morning over the evening, weekday over weekend, but it varies. I prefer to RP in game over other mediums like tumblr or discord- I just like having the visuals around (and don't like giving out my discord to people I'm not familiar with.)
Some things to note:
- I am an adult and open to RPing dark/horror themes, all that is good with me. My only hard nos are extremely detailed torture/gore scenes and sexual violence. - On that note, I am not looking for anything sexual or even romantic. Flirting is NBD, but it wont go anywhere with my character. - When RPing, I try really hard to focus on my partner(s), especially if there are a lot of people around, but chances are I might miss your post anyway, so just give me a gentle nudge if I'm slow to respond. - I am not looking for a free company. However, if you've got an RP linkshell, I'd love to be a part of it (provided it fits the scope of my character!) - Adventure and exploration RPs are my favorites. Maha's not a traditional Keeper, and is somewhat well-traveled, so she is up for a good variety of things! - I am often a package deal with Lithen, so if you get Maha, you'll probably get her too (should time allow it!)
Here's some details about Maha that might help you approach her!
- Maha was born in the Shroud to a nomadic clan of Lyehga keepers. Though her clan moved around a lot, chances are they met with others in passing. They also attended yearly meets to discuss hunting grounds, news, and trade with other clans. Maha left her own clan at the ripe age of thirteen, and has not traveled with them since. But she might have met with other young keepers at the time, or even the adults. She was an odd child, fond of collecting weird, dead things from the forest that might have shocked or disturbed other kids. - Maha hopped ships to Thavnair to escape the Coeurlclaws murderous intent, following a nasty incident that took place back when she was still involved with them. She was taken in by an alchemist who had recently lost his own family, and trained in the ways of Hannish alchemy. She grew up in relative comfort in Radz-at-Han, and had most likely crossed paths with residents and visitors of the splendorous city during those days. Though she picked up a few new hobbies, she was most recognizable for her unique blends and tinctures, surviving off the knowledge gained from her days with her clan. - Ten-some odd years later, Maha finally returns to Aldenard and obtains permissions to open a small potions stall in Ul'dah's Sapphire Avenue. Her shop was usually open during later hours, from afternoon to midnight, and featured brews unique to keeper culture and tradition. She spent a couple years in Ul'dah, earning her keep before finally moving on. She was no doubt a common sight in Sapphire Avenue, as well as near the Goldsmith's, Weaver's, and Alchemist's guilds. - To this day, Maha lives in the Twelveswood, in a remote sanctuary in the forest she has made all her own. Her treehouse is warded against ne'er-do-wells with psychedelic, gaseous traps- only the worthy are given the correct directions to her home. She lives here in defiance of both the Coeurlclaws and her birth clan, proving that she can withstand the demands of the forest by her own merit. Those given proper directions to her home may find a shelter from the wilds, a den of rest and relaxation, as well as a store of curios and potions to strengthen the mind and body. - However, Maha is not limited solely to her corner of the wood. She travels every now and again, and can be sighted all over Eorzea, mainly visiting cities for local fare, attending parties thrown to the public, and vacationing with her wife, Lithen. Her hobbies vary wildly- she even did a brief stint as a performer for a couple of venues, before she decided she wanted to do something else with her time. She also really loves the Gold Saucer. There are a number of possibilities in which one could have encountered Maha in the wild.
It probably goes without saying that this post is subject to change pending character development, or if I remembered something I've forgotten, or w/e. If ever you're not sure about some detail about Maha, feel free to ask! I know we're all anxious creatures that just want to write stories with each other, and I am no different. If you're interested in setting something up, you can contact me here on tumblr, or in game (I'm Maha Lucrette on Mateus/Crystal DC.)
Thanks for reading!
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boundlss · 2 days
Part 1 of a hopefully pretty extensive series of posts detailing the world in which my homebrew DND campaign is set! This one will probably just be the basics and listing important locations / setup things ... Anyway, I know people don't often read longer posts about things that aren't relevant to them, but I like talking about things!
Imiray is an isolated planar world that was originally created as a "gift" for the Old Gods who won their way out of the infinite layers of the Abyss. Steeped intrinsically in magic of Celestial and Abyssal influence, Imiray exists as one of many interconnected planar spheres in the complicated web of worlds given to Abyssal creatures powerful enough to become Gods.
It is, however, unique in that the Gods who won the world no longer rule over it---instead, Imiray boasts a much less stronger pantheon of twelve deities who preside over the land and the people in it.
The world, largely run by humanoids, is divided into six major geopolitical players. Each of these nations has their identity represented in the form of a dragon or dragon-like creature, though the identity of any people can manifest itself physically like this.
AIVA. Once a large and sprawling nation with beautiful land and prosperous people. Because of a calamity that happened a century ago, though, most of the land was rendered untreadable, and infected with a vicious disease known only as The Fading, which rendered people both physical and mental ghosts of themselves at its worst. Shaken by the calamity, most of the remaining population of Aiva crammed southward into its capital city of Aerath, securing the help and support of the nearby Avariel Elves on their floating islands and the Tritons and Sea Elves who lived just off its coast.
EPHELION. A cold dictatorship where research and progress are valued above all else. In the past, they tended to favor those with innate or learned arcane prowess, but recent developments in technological advancements have changed the focus of their culture at large to be focused on "improving the ordinary human"---though there are large swathes of the common people who disagree with this. Their calamity-causing attack on Aiva in the past has taught others not to mess with them, but they continue to relentlessly pursue advancements in competition with their tense political ally, Oskolda.
OSKOLDA. A sprawling desert whose civilizations have largely migrated underground, mutating due to the influence of the sprawling underdark. Only its capital city remains on the surface, a strange and vibrant cacophony of light and noise from the surface-dwellers who consider themselves the last true Oskoldans and sell their souls for a chance to stay on top even despite the strange and unnatural heat. Their charming and benevolent God offers protection to the surface's residents if they can only pay the right price---and if not, hopeful survivors will always have a chance to try their luck.
VASKAL. The most newly formed nation from a revolution against Oskolda. The residents of Vaskal are secretive, owing in part to the strange crystal relics that were erected there in a past conflict between gods that seem to ward off every school of magic. The hierarchy of Vaskal is slow to trust, and its still-reigning Queen forbids the use or word of these anti-magic crystals to reach further than the borders of Vaskal. Most passing through would be forgiven for mistaking Vaskal as entirely empty, but the people who walk through the shadows have their own clandestine technological empire brewing under the surface.
MIRI. A nation very few enter and even fewer leave. No one outside knows what goes on in Miri, only that control of its government was seized five hundred years ago by a laughing God who bent the nation to its whims. Rather than the semi-tropical paradise it once was, Miri is a microcosm of the Feywild contained neatly within the country's borders, owing to the Archfey on the throne. Those born there are unable to leave, and the Mischief-Maker who calls himself Queen sees to the personal extermination of nonbelievers.
HANAZIRA. Formally known as the Free People of Hanazira, they are a collection of nations who formed an alliance to better stand up against global powers such as Ephelion. Outsiders criticize Hanazira for its roots sunk deep into traditional ways of living, but Hanazirans adapt what the rest of the world creates to suit their own needs. However, their way of life has been steadily more endangered by a strange chasm in the ground housing what they refer to as The Beast, which haunts the minds and torments the souls of anyone who steps near---and its influence is beginning to spread.
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banapsha · 3 months
Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Crafting the Ultimate Character Profile 101
Welcome, fellow storytellers and aspiring novelists! So, what's up? You have made a decision to grace the world of literature with your masterpiece, and now you're faced with that super challenging task of creating characters.
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Fear not, my friend! I've got you covered with the ultimate guide to help you try to somehow navigate through the crazy labyrinth of character development. Buckle up, grab your much-needed favorite coffee(s) or energy drink(s), and let's dive into the truly intricate world of character creation!!
Basic Stats: Because It's Not Just Name, Rank, and Serial Number
Let's kick off with the basics, shall we? Name, role, sex, gender, age (because apparently, age is super crucial), race, ethnicity, culture – basically, the whole shebang. Don't forget to throw in some physical appearance details like height, body type, and whether they've got a face that could launch a thousand ships! Oh, and where are they from? No, not just their current residence, but the place they call home sweet home. Are they living large, scraping by, or just coasting through life? You, the creator, must have all deets!
Relationships: It's Not Just Complicated Facebook
Now, let's spill the tea on relationships. Family dynamics? Check ✓. Friends? Double check ✓. What's the deal with their family? Are they besties or mortal enemies? And don't skimp out on the juicy details – you (don't we all?) want to know about the love life, dating disasters, and whether they've ever had their heart broken. What's their love language? Because, you know, sometimes words of affirmation are all the jazz! Mainly focus on the MC's Relationship Drama because this is what drives your story forward. Dive deeply into the MC's relationships with others. Describe them in a few words, spill the tea on complicated conflicts, reveal their secrets, and dish out the juicy details on how they met. How will their relationships evolve as the story unfolds? And why? It's like a soap opera, but with even more character development.
Sexy Stuff: Attraction, Baby!
Let's talk sexy stuff – because it's more important than you think. Orientation, specific attractions (we're talking eyes, abs, feet…? 🤨🫥 and everything in between), and the nitty-gritty of their romantic escapades. Get those butterflies fluttering for sure!
Skills: Move Over, Jack of All Trades
Skills time! What are they good at? Did they master the art of ninja kicks through schooling or on the mean streets? Occupation, hobbies – spill it all out. You want to know what makes them a pro, or at least a decently good amateur.
Personality and Character: More Than Just Introvert vs. Extrovert
Time to psychoanalyze your character. Introvert, extrovert, ambivert – you need to know where they fall on the social spectrum. What are their strengths, weaknesses, fatal flaws, and personality types? Any internal conflicts brewing? Goals, dreams, fears, insecurities – lay it all out. And what's their go-to attire? Are they rocking the latest fashion or stuck in a time warp? And why?
Keys to Good Characters: Makes 'em Active, Not Couch Potatoes
Remember, we're crafting active characters who actually participate in the making of the story, rather than passive observers who just let the story happen to them. They should be the ones driving the story, not just tag along for the ride. Remember to give them fatal flaws, internal conflicts, and clear goals – the holy trinity of compelling characters!
Don't Stop Here: Keep the Creative Juices Flowing. Have fun with it. There is a lot more. Write useless facts about your characters, because the more you know them the better. Get into their heads and just rip 'em apart!
And there you have it – a roadmap to crafting characters that like kind of jump off the page,… sort of. Bonus tips: Write in the first person, spill the all-important details in detail, and be very intentional with your (aka your character's) choices. Don't be very afraid to tweak this template to fit your kind of story, and organize it efficiently based on all your narrative needs.
Go forth, my fellow wordsmiths, and create characters that will live rent-free in your readers' heads. Happy writing!
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