#Roy Snart
motionpicturelover · 5 months
"Bedknobs and Broomsticks" (1971) - Robert Stephenson
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Films I've watched in 2024 (34/?)
My absolute favourite of all the Disney live action films!
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ulrichgebert · 4 months
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Als Gedenkfilm für den nun auch verstorbenen Sherman-Brother Richard M. schauten wir einmal mehr das eigenwillige 2. Weltkriegs-Nazinvasionsbekämpfung-durch-Hexerei-Spektakel mit Zaubertricks und Unterwasseraufnahmen namens Bedknobs and Broomsticks, für das und insbesonders seine Hauptdarstellerin wir eine gewisse Schwäche haben, obwohl es wirklich nicht besonders sinnvoll ist und man an manchen Stellen (beispielsweise nach "Portobello Road", einer Tanznummer, die gefühte 10 Minuten lang wiederholt, daß man dort alles mögliche kaufen kann) schon fragen kann, wie diese Nummer jetzt die Handlung voranbrachte....
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With a party happening in Gotham, Wally is feeling a little left out.
And confused. So very confused.
Social Media Masterlist
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thefastestqueeralive · 10 months
Flash Rogues Advent - Day 9
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I headcanon that the Rogues go on a nice little winter retreat each year, so here is Lisa teaching most of them how to ice skate, while James starts a snowball fight with Sam and Len
Thank you @tricksterrune for organising this wonderful advent calendar!
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tricksterrune · 10 months
FlashRoguesAdvent Calendar: Day 4
(I switched with @nogloryart don't be confused)
Fic: Worth it
Author: tricksterrune/therune (AO3 upload later)
Fandom: Flash Rogues
Rating: G
Warnings: none
To say that Gambi was about to make a killing was a slight understatement. The Rogues were valued customers, not just for their vast quantities in cash, absolute discretion and willingness to do some favors now and then. He plainly liked them. Some of his fondest memories were the poker games in his backroom while he sat out individual rounds to sew, little Tony was treated good-naturedly as a good luck token and inevitably the people who had run out of money first (usually Mark and Roy) or were banned for cheating (Digger, Piper and James, if James was in a mood to get caught) would keep him company.
But the cash absolutely was a great bonus and when Mick asked him first for a winter outfit, he thought nothing of it – he adapted Len’s measurements and added orange stripes for good measure.
Everyone knew that Mick was not fond of the cold.
Then Mark came and asked for something cold-resistant, yet stylish. Still, that man was subjected to (or rather subjected himself) to extreme temperatures and it made sense to have a suit particularly suited to blizzard conditions. He made that one with green lightning bolts and only let go of it when he made the man promise to tell him if he was planning on creating a sudden snowstorm in Central. Again.
Gambi counted the bills and was content.
His suspicons were not only raised, they shot up like a rocket when Digger asked for something snow-proof. Sure, he claimed that as an Aussie he was unused to the Midwestern climate, but he’d been living there for years and had, like Gambi, been witness to not one but two of Mark’s impromptu blizzards. Nevertheless, he made a suit for Digger, but adjusted the price. Mamma Gambi hadn’t raised an idiot and he felt vindicated when Roy and Sam came by almost at the same time. He was arguing with Sam over the color choices (Gambi usually offered no input when it came to their ‘business’ outfits, that was their prerogative, but this could be a lucrative venue and he didn’t want his potential advertisement walking around like a color clashing nightmare) when Roy came in. Both men grimaced when they saw each other. They offered polite if incredibly stilted conversation, sizing each other up like a pack of hyenas. Sam couldn’t leave early enough and now Gambi only had to listen to Roy’s fake excuse for needing a snowsuit before agreeing to make him one.
Piper and James came into the store together. If Gambi hadn’t known before that something was in the works, he would have then. Both were wired, their jerky movements speaking of too little sleep and too much caffeine. Piper gave him a line about needing a suit for a potential ski trip to Aspen, yet insisted on having a stocking cap like his usual suit, only warmer. James only gave him a knowing look, he wasn’t even going to pretend that he wasn’t planning something. Gambi left Piper in the corner, scribbling an equation on a take out menu he’d taken from his pocket.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” he asked James.
James merely gave him a wide grin and a cheerful “nope” before asking for some discreet modifications to his gaudy suit. (Gambi had never bothered to advice him on color choices, it was beyond pointless).
They left, James steering Piper by holding onto his elbow and pulling him away from other people and a lamp post, both chatting eagerly and bursting out into giggles.
Only Lisa and Roscoe were missing but Gambi didn’t know if they were going to show. Roscoe sometimes rejected their more juvenile schemes on principle and Lisa declined to join pure ‘boys’ club’ activities. But they both arrived together, one looking more determined than the other. Both were fiercely competitive and Gambi didn’t know which one was worse in that regard than the other.
He only nodded when they ordered their respective snow suits. Roscoe insisted on maximum flexibility and Lisa unhindered access to her skates. Usually that spelled a special heist of some kind, but then they’d all be ordering together.
This was something else.
The clearing was pristine, snow completely untouched. They stepped out of the mirror portal, only to immediately sink knee deep into the fine white powder.
“Breathe it in, that’s what air is supposed to smell like,” Mick invited them and eagerly drew air into his lungs.
“The world lost a fine lumberjack when you decided to become a criminal,” Lisa mocked.
“I would rock the hell out of flannel, jeans and an ax,” he replied.
“I think the rugged outdoors look was more Len’s preference,” Roscoe began, “he surely smells like-”
Len stepped on his foot and they began shoving each other like a pair of overgrown toddlers.
“Gents, are we bickering or are we battling?” Digger broke them up.
“Battle!” Mark shouted and repeated it until most of them had joined his chant.
Roy walked a circle in the middle of the clearing and drew 5 lines outward in equal distances. “Directions are clear!” he announced.
He used a stick the draw numbers from 1 until 5 next to the lines.
Mark produced a die from his pocket but before he could roll it Digger snatched it up.
“Just to make sure it’s not been tampered with,” he declared grinning, drew a thick brochure from his pocket and rolled the die on it a few times.
Sam hemmed and hawed. “The 4 came up three times,” he complained.
“That’s how probability works,” Piper started to launch into a rant but was stopped when Mick picked up the die and just bellowed “Len, we’re up,” and rolled a 4. Both walked to their number.
“That’s not fair,” Sam started to comment when Mark snatched back his die and rolled it. “1! Yes! Roy, let’s go!”
The others followed suit and soon were standing at their numbers.
“At the first signal, run. And at the second…..hunt!” Roy reminded them, a bit too eagerly. He took out a whistle and blew into it once.
All of the Rogues took off in their directions, cackling and then shushing each other in equal measures.
While each team had their strategy, Mark and Roy almost immediately halted and began forming snowballs.
“3 more minutes,” Roy reminded his team mate as they piled their snowballs higher and higher.
However, not even a full minutes later, another whistle sounded twice.
“They’re cheating!” Roy huffed indignantly, “that’s not my signal.”
“We’re planning on cheating too,” Mark reminded him and swung the wand as snow began to fall. Roy grinned.
Len and Mick sat in a small tent they had erected in record time.
Mick passed him a steaming thermos mug.
“Here’s to waiting it out and dealing with the remainder only,” Len toasted and both clinked their mugs together.
Digger was finished with setting up his traps when Sam pulled a rope tight shortly above the floor and covered it with snow. “That’s not a proper trip wire,” he complained but Sam shrugged him off. “What’s good enough for Empire strikes back, is good enough for me.”
Lisa hadn’t waited for the second signal, she’d veered off to the left after maybe 5 minutes, eager to hunt down their neighbors. Roscoe had no choice but to follow.
James had won over Piper a tad too easily when he had first proposed his idea. It was about creativity, one could hardly call that cheating he had reasoned. And so Piper had constructed both a silence generator and a sonic shovel. Unheard he’d dug an impressive hole. James had given him a white tarp that by all means shouldn’t have fit into his suit and gone to work on forming snowballs in duck shape. He could have bought one of those in a shop, but then the ducks wouldn’t be over a foot tall.
In the end, the confrontations proved to be short if sometimes a bit brutal.
Lisa tackled her brother into the snow before he had a chance to put down his mug, but even Roscoe and his impressive shoulder width were no match for Mick’s strength and he sat on him until Roscoe gave up. Then, again a cheating move, Lisa and Mick decided to team up and let their former team mates behind.
Roscoe told Len that alcohol in freezing temperatures was a bad idea but when Len had asked if that means that he didn’t want some, he shut up and accepted his mug.
Roy and Mark thought the cover of a localized snow cloud would protect them but ran afoul of the traps by Sam and Digger. They however, couldn’t enjoy their victory as Lisa and Mick ambushed them now that they had run out of traps.
Lisa followed the trail of snow ducks, marvelling at their increasing size. She saw too late that one of the ducks turned its head as she passed it. James dragged her into the ground and covered her in snow. Mick had heard that commotion and ran over. James immediately took off, Mick hot in pursuit. Scooping the snow off of her, Lisa noticed something and shouted for Mick to wait but it was too late.
Mick fell into the hole that James had run across unharmed.
“You idiot! Didn’t you notice that he walked in the snow, not above it? Of course he was planning something!”
James’ victory however was short lived, as Piper played a note on his whistle and all the snow of the tree he’d hidden under fell in a single second.
Wet, cold, snow in unusual places, they all walked back to the clearing.
Begrudgingly Lisa shoved a small plastic figurine of a yeti at Piper.
“I’ll get you for this next year,” she promised before hitting him on the shoulder as she went into the portal.
“I’m not sure this victory was worth it,” Mark told him as he went in.
On the other side a roaring fire greeted them, several bottles of punch and an entire pallet of ginger bread and cookies. They settled down, each boasting about their strategy, their actions and what they’d learned. As they passed round the mugs and plates of cookies, Piper smiled. Absolutely worth it.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
It always hits different. When a character who is extremely capable and always seems to know what they're doing, just starts sobbing when they see their big brother/sister. Breaking down in their sibling's arms and crying because they can't trust anyone else to understand them or have their back. The only time they get to be the baby brother/sister.
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purplecyborgnewt · 11 months
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reverseflashes · 5 months
Hi can I just drop my fan script here I’m curious about folk’s takes
Of course!!!!
Roy/Roscoe and Lisa/Evan?? This is definitely unique! I'd also love to check this out later. Thank you for sending me this!!!!!
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Fic Recs! DC:
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice, The Flash (Comics) (note: this section is combined with Halbarry fics), Miscellaneous 
Character/Character = Romantic Relationship
character & Character = Platonic Relationship
MCD = major character death 
GDOV = graphic depiction of violence 
Fics under cut
Young Justice: 
“In Case of Emergency” by Deranged Black Kitten - Fanfic.net, one-shot (though its really long), Roy Harper & Dick Grayson & Wally West, teen and up audiences.
It had started as a joke, contingency plans made for various hypothetical circumstances, but then the world falls under mind-control, their mentors turning against them, and those rules made up in jest become something to survive by.
“A Flashlight to See in the Dark” by Kazyre - Ao3, 21/? chapters, unfinished, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen.
When Iris dies suddenly, leaving Barry to raise their three-year-old nephew by himself, Hal Jordan steps up to help out his best friend. Years pass, friendship grows into something much more, and somehow the three of them become a family. Story will span Wally's life from age three all the way to the formation of the Team - will be mostly humor and fluff.
Justice League & Justice League Unlimited:
“Remembering normal” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Teen And Up Audiences.
“Batman’s satellite cameras had clocked the Flash at an average of four point five six seconds per cycle. Four point five six seconds. To circumnavigate the entire globe. John can see why everyone freaked.” [Oneshot, spoilers for “Divided We Fall”].
“Conspiracies” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Don Hall, Wally West & Vic Sage, general audience.
There’s a new rule in the League that The Question and Flash aren’t allowed to be alone together on the same mission. Post "Divided We Fall". Oneshot. Flash, Question, Dove.
“Mask” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera Hol, general audience.
Her real name is Shayera Hol. That much is true, at least
“Keeping Your Appointments” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally West, MCD (non-graphic and doesn’t happen within the story), general audience.
bruce wayne is known for his impeccable sense of timing. death, however, runs by his own clock/on anniversaries
“Pretzels, trust and evil twins” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally west, drabble, general audience.
flash is impulsive and lively, it's his nature. it's not something batman holds against him, rather, it is something he tries to protect./drabble, relationship study via Crisis on Two Earths.
“Homework” by onlyanorthernsong - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, general audience.
Wally has homework due tomorrow. He, Gl, and Bats are on monitoring duty. Oneshot.
“Angle Of Death” by xffan-2000 - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera & The League, general audiences. 
A drabble series. It's an unspoken truth that Shayera is the resident killer in the League...
“Atomic Time” by Constance Eilonwy - Fanfic.net, one shot, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Wally West & The League, general audiences.
Bruce is only thinking of the good of the team. Really.
“A Hero’s Heart” by Everhere - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Shayera Hol, CW: Alzheimer Disease, general audiences.
Years in the future, Wally has contracted Alzheimer's Disease, and the only person he still remembers is Shayera.
“These Small Hours (Still Remain)” by CluelessKitten - Ao3, two chapters, completed, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, Diana Prince & Wally West, general audiences. 
"Do I want to know?" Diana asked.
And Superman, who could hear more clearly than the rest of them, shook his head. "Nope."
Behind her, J'onn said, probably to Flash, "I do not understand why we had to do this in front of a burning warehouse."
“Sharing Food is a Human Friendship Ritual” by those_painted_wings - Ao3, one-shot, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, general audiences. 
After the events of the Justice League animated episode Warworld, Flash notices J’onn being even more reserved than usual.
“Snapshot Collection” by Belphegor - Ao3, 8/12 chapters, on-going, Linda Park / Wally West, The League, general audiences.
Snapshot: 1. A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a sudden moment of opportunity. 2. A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time.
08 - When Batman hears that a member of Flash’s “Rogue Gallery” was killed, he shows up in Central to check on the kid.
“Walking on the Moon” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, James Jesse & Wally West, CW: mental health issues, teen and up audiences. 
The Trickster was sitting on the top of a building, thinking of trying out his air-walker shoes for the first time. And then the Flash stopped by for a chat.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Wife” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues & Wally West, Wally West & Snart’s Wife, general audiences. 
Sure, being the wife of a supervillain was supposed to have perks, but having his colleagues show up on your doorstep with grim faces and bad news was not one of them. When the Flash - of all people - did, it was a nasty surprise. DCAU Rogues.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Territorial” by KingWatney - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues, general audiences. 
When Flash is away, the Rogues step up to defend Central City. Because we can't have a bunch of outsiders wrecking the shopping mall, can we?
“You Ain’t Nothing But Gone” by Thistlerose - Ao3, one-shot, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, John Stewart & Wally West, general audiences.
Set during Part 2 of "Starcrossed." Wally tries to reach out to Green Lantern.
“Practice” by Tomboy13 - fanfic.net, nine chapters, completed, Wally West & Kara Danvers & Don Hall, teen and up audiences.
First JLU fic. A mistake puts Flash's life on the line. Now the others must make things right, before Cadmus gets a hold of him. NEW CHAPTER UP!
“Onions and Cakes” by Alba Aulbath - fanfic.net, five chapters, completed, Wally West & Vic Sage, Wally West & J’onn j’onzz, teen and up audiences.  
When the League grew in size after the Thanagar invasion, the Flash took a temporary leave. Which might prove to be a mistake if the Question has anything to say about it.
“Gut Feeling” by Super Chocolate Bear - Fanfic.net, ten chapters, completed, Wally West & Carter Hall, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, Teen and up audiences.
Dark events start unfolding in Central City, and Flash is the prime suspect. Just how far will blind faith and friendship go?
“Ouch” by Onlyanorthernsong - fanfic.net, four chapters, completed, Wally West & The League, Wally West & Lex Luthor, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally Wst & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, general audiences. 
He gave a sharp, uneasy sigh. "I don't know who I am, but apparently, I hang out covered in blood in tight spaces with a mask on. What kind of a freak am I, seriously!"
“Perceptions of non gods” by SmallInsect - fanfic.net, JLU cast, MCD, GDOV (?), Justice Lords Universe, general audiences. 
A year after the death of President Luthor, revolution rises against the Justice Lords. [A oneshot of many ficlets. Set in the Lords Universe. Spoilers for A Better World.]
The Flash (comics) / Halbarry: 
“Radio Free Keystone” by Liviapenn - Ao3, one-shot, Hartely Rathaway & Barry Allen, Hartley Rathaway / Earl Povich, MCD, teen and up audiences. 
When Superman died, it happened on Main Street in Metropolis, live and in color, from five different angles, on five hundred different channels. There was nothing like that for the Flash. He just... disappeared.
“Rewind, Press Play” by TheObsidianSun12 - Ao3, four chapters, completed, Barry Allen & Hal Jordan, Barry Allen & Jay Garrick, Barry Allen & The League, teen and up audiences.
The Justice League. Protectors of Earth, they have beat back invasion after invasion without fail. Even the mighty Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips, fell to them on their first attempt. How, you may ask? Well, all it takes is one speedster to turn back the clock and transform a devastating loss into a victory. But while the rest of the League isn’t aware of their world-ending defeats, the Flash remembers each and every one in vivid detail. He may be the fastest man alive, but there are some things even he can’t outrun.
“with shortness of breath (you explained the infinite)” by LostOnMyRoad - Ao3, 1/2 chapters, unfinished (on-going?), Barry Allen & The Justice League, Barry Allen & Leonard Snart, general audiences.
“Daydreaming, Flash?” someone asks. He turns to see Superman watching him intently. The man may be built like a Greek God, but he’s got an inside like marshmallows. He smiles, shaking his head. “Just thinking,” he grins. The shadow of the Speed-Force wavers in the corner of his vision. “Think we could convince Bats to get us an official Justice League minivan?”
Superman sighs. “I suppose you’re calling shotgun?”
Barry grins.
Barry struggles to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to effectively disappear while simultaneously trying not to let anyone know about said disappearance.
(It starts, like it often does, with the dreams.
Fire and heat, over and over again every night until Barry starts taking a bottle of sleeping pills before going to bed, in the hopes of staving off the visions for a few seconds, maybe a minute, when he’s sleeping.
The Speedforce has always been rather volatile, but never like this.)
“Acrophobia” by Orphan_Account - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
Barry becomes a blue lantern, and Hal is thrilled at the fact that they can fly together. But Barry's been avoiding doing just that, and Hal wants to know why.
“fooled around and fell in love” by finalfrontierpioneer - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
The first time is an accident. The other times after that? Not at all accidental.
Or: Hal starts calling Barry pet names and finds that he doesn't actually want to stop.
Or: Instead of revealing Barry's civilian identity to Batman and Superman, Hal calls him "babe." And then proceeds to call him a lot of other things.
“I died a sinner, you died a saint (a look from you and i would fall from grace)” by DynamicDuo (XylB) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Halbarry, teen and up audiences. 
Will-they-won't-they-should-they-shouldn't-they, could-they-would-they-will-they, the five times Hal and Barry almost and the one time they did.
It goes like this: Hal can't stop looking in broken mirrors, and Barry can't stop with the what-ifs, and together they can overcome death but somehow intimacy draws them up short.
(5+1 fic!)
“Yellow Butterflies” by ChocolateTeapots - ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan & Thaal Sinestro, teen and up audiences.
Much as Hal doesn’t want to admit it, Sinestro’s right. Barry does represent Hal’s fears, though not in the way Sinestro means.
From his smile, Sinestro’s unconcerned with the distinction.
“I Second That Emotion” by CapedCommissioner (smittenbritain) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, teen and up audiences. 
Hal’s report is simple. The Guardians tried to make some upgrades to the Central Power Battery, and they went awry. All Green Lanterns are, currently, at the mercy of their emotions - ones that are, in fact, amplified by that fuck-up with the Power Battery, and perfectly visible through the rings.
Barry decides to keep him company while he's under lockdown, and Hal's ring decides to force his heart onto his sleeve.
“Five Times Hal Complains and One He Shuts The Hell Up” - ChocolateTeapots - ao3, 9 chapters, completed, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen, Hal Jordan & Oliver Queen, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan & Dinah Lance, Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen, teen and up audiences. 
The world’s ridiculous, and Hal’s going to tell Barry all about it. Oh, and hopefully they'll get together at some point.
It’s not like Hal really has a plan, but that's never stopped him before. Let the whining and dining commence!
“Split” by Wolfsbanesparks - Ao3, 43/50 chapters, on-going, Billy Batson & Captain Marvel, Billy Batson & The League, Billy Batson & Damian Wayne & Jon Kent, Captain Marvel & The League, teen and up audiences. 
After a fight with Black Adam goes horribly wrong, Billy Batson and Captain Marvel are forced to navigate the world as two beings instead of one. But such a separation comes at a cost and they must race against the clock to fix what's happened to them before it's too late.
Unfortunately the Justice League is all too eager to help their trusted colleague and his 'son'.
“Small Favors” by susiecarter - Ao3, one-shot, Bruce Wayne / Clark Kent, teen and up audiences. 
Bruce doesn't exactly intend to start doing nice things for Clark. But once he has, he can't stop—and maybe Clark doesn't want him to try.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Thawne/Iris West Characters: Eddie Thawne, Iris West, Barry Allen, Leonard Snart, Cisco Ramon, Hartley Rathaway, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Caitlin Snow, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Roy Bivolo Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Inspired by the House on Haunted Hill, Flirting, Artistic License - Medicine, Pre-Relationship Series: Part 3 of Party to Death Summary:
Eddie Thawne didn't necessarily need the money, but it'd make putting his cousin Malcolm through college a lot easier. Especially since Malcolm's father, Eobard, disappeared several years ago.
And Eddie wouldn't have thought Eobard had anything to do with the strange events unfolding in the Regents Park house until a photo of his missing uncle showed up in Harrison Wells things...
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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DC Social Media Part 6
Mother’s Day Edition
Sometimes a Mom is the one who found you in a spaceship in a cornfield and raised you up big and strong. Sometimes a Mom is the one who held you while you were scared and alone on the worst day of your life. Sometimes they’re a big brother who will do anything for you, or the old butler who will always chase away the nightmares with warm mugs of tea and kisses on the forehead.
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dweemeister · 2 years
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You must face the age of not believing Doubting everything you ever knew Until at last you start believing There's something wonderful in you
Dame Angela Lansbury, who died at her home today in Los Angeles at the age of 96, is perhaps best known today as Jessica Fletcher in the acclaimed TV series Murder, She Wrote and in the Broadway stage plays and musicals in significant parts that Hollywood never gave her. But well before that, the Irish-British transplant to America (she and her family left Britain at the height of Nazi Germany’s bombing campaign of her home nation) made her career as mostly a character actress during the Golden Age of Hollywood. She may not have been a major star billed at the top of marquees and movie posters during her time while contracted to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), but she would come to be a recognizable figure to audiences of multiple generations – whether she might be playing a tough saloon owner with a belter of a singing voice, a schoolteacher just making ends meet, Elvis’ mother (despite a nine-year age difference), princesses and queens, the amoral and scheming wife of a political candidate, an emotionally manipulative mother, or a teapot matriarch.
She stepped onto a movie soundstage for the first time at seventeen years of age, while making Gaslight (1944) for MGM. Because she was still technically a minor, she had to be accompanied by a social worker while working on set. Despite this, director George Cukor and her co-stars (including Ingrid Bergman) treated her as equals, all of them recognizing right away her professionality and acting ability. Perhaps producers and studio executives might not have done the same, saddling her so often with character roles, but Lansbury – by all accounts – extended that same kindness Cukor and Bergman afforded to her to so many others over the decades, leaving a legacy that goes beyond whatever personal disappointments she may have had over the more considerable roles she never got to play.
Her distinction as Hollywood royalty came later in life, as our connections of Hollywood’s Golden Age are almost all gone.
Nine of the films Angela Lansbury appeared in follow (left-right, descending):
Gaslight (1944) – directed by George Cukor; also starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, and Dame May Whitty
The Harvey Girls (1946) – directed by George Sidney; also starring Judy Garland, John Hodiak, Ray Bolger, Preston Foster, Virginia O’Brien, Kenny Baker, Marjorie Main, Chill Wills, Selena Royle, and Cyd Charisse
The Three Musketeers (1949) – directed by George Sidney; also starring Lana Turner, Gene Kelly, June Allyson, Van Heflin, Frank Morgan, and Vincent Price
The Court Jester (1955) – directed by Melvin Frank and Norman Panama; also starring Danny Kaye, Glynis Johns, Basil Rathbone, and Cecil Parker
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) – directed by John Frankenheimer; also starring Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, and Janet Leigh
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) – directed by Robert Stevenson and Ward Kimball; also starring David Tomlinson, Roddy McDowall, Sam Jaffe, John Ericson, Cindy O’Callaghan, Ian Weighill, and Roy Snart
Death on the Nile (1978) – directed by John Guillermin; also starring Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Lois Chiles, Bette Davis, Mia Farrow, Jon Finch, Olivia Hussey, I.S. Johar, George Kennedy, Simon MacCorkindale, David Niven, Maggie Smith, and Jack Warden
Beauty and the Beast (1991) – directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise; also starring Paige O’Hara, Robby Benson, Richard White, Jerry Orbach, David Ogden Stiers, Rex Everhart, Jesse Corti, and Bradley Pierce
Mary Poppins Returns (2018) – directed by Rob Marshall; also starring Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw, Emily Mortimer, Pixie Davies, Nathanael Saleh, Joel Dawson, Julie Walters, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, David Warner, and Dick Van Dyke
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tricksterrune · 2 years
Incorrect Rogues Quotes
Roy: I’ll add on to your “a” to make “at”.
Digger: Okay, I’ll add on to your “at” to make “rat”.
Roscoe: I will add on to your “rat” to make “biostratigraphic”.
Len: [flips the table]
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longitudinalwaveme · 11 months
The Flash Rogues/Hunger Games Crossover That No One Knew They Wanted!
In a fit of insanity, I have decided to write a Hunger Games fanfiction that features the Flash characters as if they were a part of the Hunger Games universe.
Here are the characters who are going to appear in this bizarro version of the 56th Annual Hunger Games. Flash characters will be italicized
Capitol Residents 
President Coriolanus Snow (obviously) 
Caesar Flickerman (again, this is a given) 
Paul Gambi: District 6 Stylist. (He's the Rogues' tailor in the Flash comics, after all.)
Dexter Miles: District 6 Escort. (This somehow seemed appropriate.)
District 1 Residents 
Osgood Rathaway: Mayor of District 1 
Rachel Rathaway: Osgood’s wife 
Hartley Rathaway: Male Tribute, age 12. Osgood and Rachel’s son. 
Sapphire Steele: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 2 Residents 
Aurelius Stone: Male Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
Claudia Remington: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 3 Residents 
Giovanni Giuseppi: Male Tribute, age 13. 
Mindy Hong: Female Tribute, age 13. 
District 4 Residents 
Mags Flanagan: Winner of the 11th Hunger Games, mentor to Digger.
George “Digger” Harkness: Male Tribute, age 16 (Volunteer) 
Azure O’Rourke: Female Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer)
District 5 Residents Roscoe Dillon: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Mayella Day: Female Tribute, age 17. 
District 6 Residents 
Fred Chyre: Mayor of District 6
Larry Snart: Former Peacekeeper. Father to Len and Lisa. 
Jay Garrick: Victor of the 15th Hunger Games; only living victor from District 6. Mentor to Len and Lisa. 
Leonard Snart: Male Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer). Narrates half the story.
Lisa Snart: Female Tribute, age 12. Narrates the other half of the story.
Roy Bivolo: Age 12. Reaped for the Games; Len takes his place when he volunteers. 
District 7 Residents 
Pine Rookwood: Male Tribute, age 16. 
Sierra Fox: Female Tribute, age 17.
District 8 Residents 
Richard Swift: Victor of the 17th annual Hunger Games. Mentor to Sam Scudder.
Sam Scudder: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Martha Scudder: Sam’s mom. (This one is a Flash OC.)
Bobbi Weaver: Female Tribute, age 16. 
District 9 Residents 
Marco Mardon: Male Tribute, age 16. (Volunteer) 
Claudio Mardon: Marco’s older brother, age 17. Reaped for the Games; Marco takes his place when he volunteers. 
Isabela Daniels: Female Tribute, age 15. 
District 10 Residents 
Mick Rory: Male Tribute, age 18. 
Iris West: Female Tribute, age 17. 
Barry Allen: Iris' boyfriend, age 17.
District 11 Residents 
Jennifer Conners: Female Tribute, age 15. (Another Flash OC of mine.)
Thomas Henry: Male Tribute, age 17. 
District 12 Residents 
Albert Desmond: Male Tribute, age 17. 
Rita Jones: Albert’s girlfriend, age 17. 
Lilybet Thompson: Female Tribute, age 14.
The first chapter of the story, Cold Fire, has been posted on AAO3 if you're interested.
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dc-polls · 6 months
The DC Body Swap Brawl
Body Swaps, Teams & Brawl Bracket
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Team rosters below!
Team 1
Bart Allen (Impulse) in the body of Sir Justin (Shining Knight)
Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) in the body of Vykin the Black
The Joker in the body of Barda Free (Big Barda)
Team 2
Bruce Wayne (Batman) in the body of Bart Allen (Impulse)
Lightray in the body of Lex Luthor
Mark Moonrider in the body of Lightray
Team 3
Greg Saunders (Vigilante) in the body of Jo Mullein (Green Lantern)
Lex Luthor in the body of Ernst (The Brain)
Sir Justin (Shining Knight) in the body of Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man)
Team 4
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn) in the body of Jason Blood (Etrigan)
Talia al Ghul in the body of Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Tim Drake (Red Robin) in the body of Big Bear
Team 5
Barda Free (Big Barda) in the body of Clark Kent (Superman)
Jason Todd (Red Hood) in the body of Serifan
Vykin the Black in the body of Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Team 6
Kon-El/Conner Kent (Superboy) in the body of Cliff Steele (Robotman)
Serifan in the body of Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
Wally West (The Flash) in the body of Tim Drake (Red Robin)
Team 7
Beautiful Dreamer in the body of Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Jason Blood (Etrigan) in the body of Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow) in the body of Hank Hall (Hawk)
Team 8
Big Bear in the body of Beautiful Dreamer
Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man) in the body of Jon Kent (Superboy)
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) in the body of Garth (Tempest/Aqualad)
Team 9
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) in the body of Dawn Granger (Dove)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing/Robin) in the body of Scott Free (Mister Miracle)
Scott Free (Mister Miracle) in the body of Cassandra Cain (Batgirl/Black Bat)
Team 10
Cliff Steele (Robotman) in the body of Dick Grayson (Nightwing/Robin)
Guy Gardner (Green Lantern) in the body of Greg Saunders (Vigilante)
Klarion Bleak (Klarion the Witchboy) in the body of Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Team 11
Duke Thomas (The Signal) in the body of The Joker
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) in the body of Kon-El/Conner Kent (Superboy)
The Black Racer in the body of Zatanna Zatara
Team 12
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) in the body of The Black Racer
Hank Hall (Hawk) in the body of Klarion Bleak (Klarion the Witchboy)
Orion in the body of Talia al Ghul
Team 13
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl/Black Bat) in the body of Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle) in the body of Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)
Jo Mullein (Green Lantern) in the body of Duke Thomas (The Signal)
Team 14
Dawn Granger (Dove) in the body of Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
Ernst (The Brain) in the body of Wally West (The Flash)
Zatanna Zatara in the body of Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Team 15
Clark Kent (Superman) in the body of Ace the Bat-Hound
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael) in the body of Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific)
Jon Kent (Superboy) in the body of Billy Batson (Captain Marvel)
Team 16
Ace the Bat-Hound in the body of Mark Moonrider
Garth (Tempest/Aqualad) in the body of Orion
Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific) in the body of Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
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