#Ruggie Bucci
rizdoodls · 6 days
I like Savanaclaw.⛓🐺⛓
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rose-heartzz · 4 months
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8-xnny · 16 days
a summery of Twst pretty much
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Twisted wonderland mafia au? (Good luck while running away from mafia)
Introduction or something like that
Part 0.5 , part 1 , part 2 , part 3
Notes: If you liked it let me knew. I maybe do this an au.
Warnings: gn reader , be aware of my bad English, not really mentioned yandere traits
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You looked at the time, you could only catch up with all of them if you started now. You were supposed to notify seven executives for the monthly meeting that evening.
Night Raven organization, also known as Night Raven mafia, one of the biggest organizations of the underground led by seven executives and boss Crowley. The organization was divided into seven divisions. Each department was managed by their own directors.
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As you said, the Night Raven organization had seven divisions and directors. The first of these was the Heartslabyul division, which was responsible for the torture and the organization of the mafia . The head of this department was one of the executives , Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle was a perfect fit for management. Strict, harsh, cruel. He showed no mercy towards those who broke the rules and traitors' heads.
Trey Clover is Riddle's right-hand man, his most trusted man. He was loved by all for his calm fatherly demeanor. No one who saw him walking down the street would believe that he was in the mafia, especially in the torture division Heartslabyul.
Cater Diamond was an entertaining type with his cheerful and fun personality. Although taking pictures and listening to music were among his hobbies, torturing traitors was the activity that amused him the most.
Ace Trappola is rookie of the year. He was a newcomer to the mafia. Even though he was 'good' at his job (the sadistic guy just likes to torture people so he's good at his job), this kid was really good at getting in trouble and getting others in trouble too. You don't remember how many times you rescued him from Riddle.
Deuce Spade rookie 2 . He joined the mafia at the same time as Ace . How come you didn't understand this kid in the mafia especially the torture division heartslabbyul?! He wasn’t really well versed in his business, but the boy really had a great respect for Riddle and Trey.
You knocked on the open door. Ignoring the tied mens staring at you with pity-eyed eyes on the ground, “Sorry for interrupting . I didn’t thought you would be in the middle of your work. Is Riddle-san here?" . “Oh Y/n-chan what a pleasant surprise. Sorry, I'm a little dirty,” Cater said with a smile. His white shirt was visibly soiled with the blood of those mens. "These?" ' you asked, pointing at the mens with your eyes. “They're not people to worry too much about. Just a few traitors, that's all." ' Trey said, appearing behind you.
"You're looking for Riddle, right? Those rookies, Ace and Deuce, seem to be in trouble again. They're in his office with Riddle right now. They are waiting to be saved by a savior angel.”
You laughed at what Trey said, but you should meet the other executives. “I'm sorry, but I don't think I can save them this time. I need to talk to other executives as well.”
"I see, it's for the monthly meeting, right?"
"Yes. I think Riddle has already prepared all the paperwork for the meeting.”
“You know him very well.”
“The meeting is in the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm . I texted him but you remind him anyway. Then goodbye.”
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The second division was Savanaclaw, which fought the power of the mafia and other organizations when necessary.
Leona Kingscholar is one of seven executives and head of this department. Usually he slept somewhere, unless he had any duties. His right-hand man, Ruggie, often took care of the documents he needed to deal with as a executive . You were one of the few people who knew how cunning Leona was, even though he was the power of the mafia, you knew very well how he analyzed his enemy and planned strategies before the battles.
Ruggie Bucci , Leona's right-hand man. Despite his weak appearance compared to the other members of Savanaclaw, he is respected by the members. He would take care of the department more than Leona. In wars, he usually stayed in the back line and took care of post-war cleaning. He was more concerned with the documents Leona had to deal with.
Jack Howl is a rookie who just joined Savanaclaw. With his strong build, he quickly adapted to Savanaclaw. Despite his stern appearance, Jack was very polite. Because of his character, Jack was among the people you couldn't understand why he joined the mafia. What was someone like him, who was boiling with a sense of justice, doing in the mafia?
The phone was busy for the tenth time. But you knew him, after a while he was going to get angry and answer, and he finally answered your call.
“Hi Leona-san this is Y/n speaking. How are you sir."
“Damn! What do you want, herbivore!” Leona shouted. There were shouts and gunfire from behind. Looks like he was in a fight again.
“Excuse me for bothering you in the middle of your work, but I was supposed to inform you that you have to come to the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm for the monthly meeting. The boss wants all seven of the seven executives.”
No response, just shouting.
“Y/n-shii this is Ruggie. Leona-san is busy right now but he heard you. Don't worry, I'll bring him to the meeting. But in return for this favor buy me a meal.”
“Thank you Ruggie-san. I’m counting on you ."
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The third division was Octavinelle, which controlled the money flow of the mafia . At the head of this department was Azul Ashengrotto, one of the seven managers.
Azul Ashengrotto was the type of person who could bargain with the devil with his quick wit. In addition to being a well-known businessman in the business world, he was also a well-known casino owner in the underground world. Usually, those in financial difficulties would be deceived by his smile and beggar and borrow money from him and then become his slaves because they could not pay the debt.
Jade and Floyd Leech are twins who Azul trusts more than anyone else, often doing the dirty work. They had jobs such as finding those who did not pay their debts and threatening them. Floyd was the emotional, active of the twins. He liked to play with things that caught his attention. His twin, Jade, was the same as his brother , both in appearance and character. The only difference was that unlike Floyd, Jade was calmer.
You opened the door and entered the stylish bar. Although it was noon, the bar, which was always crowded with customers, was empty.
“Oh the shrimpy has arrived~” Floyd jumped at you.
“Hello Y/n, how can we help you at the Mounstro Lounge?” Jade greeted.
“Hi Jade and Floyd. I came to see Azul-san. Are they here?"
“Ah Azul is currently meeting with an important client. Would you like something to drink while you wait?" Jade handed the menu.
"No thanks. If it's going to take a long time, I'll go. I was going to tell him to be in the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm for the monthly meeting.”
“I thought you came because you needed money.” said a familiar voice.
“Azul-san,” you greeted Azul.
"You're done early," said Jade.
“Then, as I said, please come to the meeting tonight, Azul-san.” You got up.
“Eh~ shrimpy are you leaving already?” Floyd whined.
“I have a lot of work to do so I have to go.”
“See you then Y/n. Remember, whenever you need money, come.” said Azul.
“I don't think such a day will come. Even if I need money, Azul-san is the last person I would borrow money from.” You said and left.
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The fourth division Scarabia was concerned with the external relations of the mafia with other organizations, high-ranking persons, etc. The head of this department was Kalim Al-Asim from the famous Al-Asim family.
Kalim Al-Asim, the cheerful head of the Scarabia department. Unlike other executives , Kalim was a kind, naive, sweet person. He treated his subordinates more like a friend than a manager. Sometimes you would forget that he was the executive of one of the most dangerous underground organizations. Apart from looking so naive, Kalim was pretty good at his job. His attitude towards people made many people like him, even though Jamil was the one who handling matters such as politics etc.
Jamil Viper is the director behind the shadows and Kalim's 'best friend'. He was the complete opposite of Kalim with his quiet, calm and cunning personality. Although Kalim got along well with people, Jamil usually made the deals. Jamil was the one mostly (almost entirely) take care of the department. Many people even call him the real director or the executive in the shadows for this reason.
“Some coffee?” You handed the man with his head buried in the documents a cup of coffee.
"It'll be fine," said the man with tired eyes.
“Looks like Kalim has left most of the work to you again, Jamil.”
"Why did you come ? Or is there another task or something? I swear, if the number of documents I have to deal with increases, I will throw myself from the highest floor of this building.”
You chuckled at his words.
“All executives should be in the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm this evening for the monthly meeting.”
“Monthly meeting… Yes, I remember. Out of all the work, I forgot for a second. Okay, don't worry, I'll inform Kalim about the meeting."
"Okay then I'm leaving. Don’t work too much, it’s not good for your health ."
“If you don't want me to get too tired, you can do these things for me Y/n.”
“Sorry, next time, bye” you waved your hand from behind the door.
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Fifth division , the mafia’s assassin department Pomefiore. This department consisted of specially trained assassins who committed the perfect murder without leaving any evidence. At the head of the department was Vil Schoenheit ,one of the most famous assassins of the underworld and also one of the seven executives.
Vil Schoenheit , the best assassin of the underworld. Because he kills his targets with poison, he is nicknamed as the Poison Apple. He is known as a tough and strict person as a executive. He wants his subordinates to show their best. He dislikes being told about the Rival mafia’s assassin as well as his ex-partner Neige LeBlanche from whom he used to be trained by the same teacher.
Rook Hunt Vil's right-hand man, nicknamed Hunter. A lunatic who says death is when people are most beautiful. Unlike Vil, he likes to play with his prey. He talks endlessly about how sweet the way his prey escapes him seems to him.
Epel Felmier Pomifiore's rookie. The poor boy had only wanted to join Savanaclaw, but Vil had taken him in, claiming he saw potential. Unlike the other members of Pormifiore, Epel was a noisy, uncontrollable person. That's why you still didn't understand what kind of potential Vil saw in him.
“Oh Y/n welcome, I didn't expect to see you.” ' Rook called out. He and Epel were outside for target practice.
“Yes, I came to meet with Vil-san. Is he in his room?"
“Oh yes, he just got back from his Duty. Right now he’s probably busy with his skincare routine."
"I understand. What are you doing ?" you asked.
"Oh, I took little Epel with me on my last mission, but he's still not good at using weapons, so we were practicing target practice with him."
“How many times have I said I don't want to be a Pomefiore assassin. Let me go to Savanaclaw." whined Epel.
This rug of his made you laugh.
“If Vil-san sees potential in you, there must be something in you. I have to go now, I have to meet with Vil-san.”
You knocked on the door, when the answer came, you entered. Vil was lying on the bed with a clay mask on his face, filing his nails. When you entered, he stopped and looked at you.
"You look wonderful as always, sir." You greeted him.
“And You look awful as always, Potato. Why did you come ?"
You smiled.
“Please come to the main headquarters meeting room for the Monthly meeting tonight at 8 pm. The boss wants all executives to be there.”
“Agh! Was it today. OK, is there anything else I should know ?"
“No, sir. Then with your permission"
As you were about to leave, you stopped at Vil's call.
“Potato, I will be free this week. I need to take care of your situation. You really have to take care of yourself a little bit.”
“Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I will contact you when I am free.”
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The sixth department was Ignihyde, this department was the source of information for the mafia as well as producing state-of-the-art weapons and vehicles with great engineers. At the head of the department was Idia Shroud, one of the seven executives.
Idia Shroud , the mysterious director of the Ignihyde department even his subordinates in his department almost never saw his face . Although he was known as a genius, the nerdy genius Idia would never leave his room (aside from the urging of his brother and you) and would work all day with new weapons or stuff . He would even forgot his daily basis so you had to call him every day to remind him.
You suddenly opened the door, only computer light illuminating the dark room. You entered the room, ignoring the owner.
“Ahh Y/n-shii stop!” ' the blue-haired man pleaded.
You opened the curtains.
“Agh sunshine!”
“You are overreacting , you played video games all night again. Your eyes are purple from lack of sleep. You haven't even eaten. What am I going to do with you, Idia-san.”
Idia averted his eyes like a child scolded by their mother.
“I made you dinner. Don't forget to eat it or I’ll be really pissed off . If I didn't had any work , I'd stay and feed you with my own hands, but - whatever. Come to the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm this evening. For the monthly meeting, the boss wants all the executives.”
“Do I have to come? Can I talk through the tablet? I can right? “
You raised one of your eyebrows as meaning to say was it even a question . Upon your gaze, Idia clung to your leg and began to whine.
“Y/n-shii please I don’t want to come. You can't leave me alone in the same room with those horrible mens."
You ran your hands through your hair.
“Idia-san please let go of my leg. I still have a lot of work to get done. Have your dinner and come to the meeting tonight. Then with your permission-”
“I don't allow it!”
“I said it because of politeness.” You finally saved your leg and left.
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Finally, Diasomnia, even you didn't know what this department was in charge of. All you knew was that only the most talented, powerful people could get in. In other words, it could be called the special department of the mafia.
Malleus Draconia is the heir to the famous Draconia family and also the head of Diasomnia, one of the seven executives of the Night Raven mafia. Even though you were friends with him, you didn't know much about him. He was just a mysterious and kind man.
Lilia Vanrogue is a jovial, playful Diasomnia member. He may be the mafia member with the most gossip about him. According to some rumors, he was a former government agent, according to others he was a former mercenary who fought on the battlefields but who knows what was real ,only God knew.
Silver was a mysterious type like the other Diansomnia members, not much was known about him. He was a quiet man, spending most of his time sleeping. On rare occasions you've seen him train with Sebek or Lilia. He was a really great fighter.
Sebek Zigvolt a Diasomnia member who is the complete opposite of Silver. Although he was often with Silver, he was the complete opposite of him. Every time he saw him he was baffled by Silver that he should be a suitable subordinate to Malleus.
“Hello Y/n.” You reflexively drew your gun at the sudden sound you heard.
“Oh your reflexes are pretty good.” Seeing that the voice was owned by Lilia, a member of Diasomnia with short black-purple hair, you relaxed and put your gun down.
“Lilia-san you scared me.”
“Oh really ,” Lilia chuckled.
"If you're looking for Malleus, he's having tea in his study."
"Thank you sir."
Malleus told you to enter before you even knocked on the door. When you walked in, you saw Malleus drinking tea by the window. While drinking tea he was watching Sebek and Silver, who were training outside.
“Malleus-san , good day sir.” You greeted him.
“Good day to you too Y/n.” said Malleus gently.
“I'm disturbing you, but I came to inform you that the monthly meeting will be in the main headquarters meeting room at 8 pm this evening. The boss wants all seven executives to be there.”
“I know Y/n. Would you like to join me while drinking tea? There are also cookies you like.”
As expected of Malleus Draconia, he already knew everything.
“I am sorry sir but I must decline your invitation. But I'll be happy to have tea with you another time."
Malleus smiled. "I understand"
“Then with your permission, sir” and you left.
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Everything was ok. The documents were lined up in order, the food and drinks that each executive liked were prepared. One hour left until the meeting. You took a deep breath as you got everything done on time.
“Good job again as always Y/n.”
Divus Crewel , a former mafia executive. He had quit running a long time ago, but was still training newcomers to the mafia. He used to be your teacher.
"I heard you're leaving the mafia."
Your eyes got huge with what he said.
“Don't worry no one knows but me, but I don't think it will take them long to find out huh. “
“You are right sir,” you said shamefaced.
“Before you came, these seven brats were always arguing. Not a single day in the mafia would go smoothly, but after you came, at least the departmental fights within the mafia were over. “
You were silent, not knowing what to say.
“Y/n you have to be very careful ,those seven are not the ones who will just accept the fact you’re leaving the mafia. The more you run, the more they will find you. You know right ? They're not the seven executives of Night Raven for nothing."
"Yes sir."
“Then there is nothing to do. I hope you live a peaceful life after the mafia.”
“Thanks sensei”
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
hi, can i ask for a part two for this with Floyd,Azul,Riddle,Malleus and Ruggie please?
If u accept request rn?
Don't Deny It Babe~ Part 2
warnings: semi-proof read Berry: I didn't think that the previous post would gain a 2nd part so thank you for the chance! as always, enjoy! <3
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"W-wait, are you sure?" Riddle would have a brief mental pause. He'd then have that cute pouty expression when he's embarrassed thus furthering your point. *cue his blush*
Riddle would be a bashful and stuttering mess especially if he's present or within earshot of you talking about his 'cute' qualities to others. He has a reputation of being the strict dorm leader after all!
There would be times that you'd find this young gent to be quiet and a lil timid as you continue to ramble on cuz slowly overtime he'd like this approachable view that you see in him.
Eventually, He'd slowly accept your image of him but I'd imagine you would catch him puffing up his chest as he tries to make himself more refined in the mirror. (Why do I lowkey see him getting "manly" advice from Trey and Cater?) Antics aside, he'd get all warm and fuzzy thinking about your comments, putting a very soft smile to his face whenever he thinks about it <3
If there's anyone who doubts your views, He'd simply watch you debate or argue from afar cuz he enjoys seeing you be so passionate even if the topic is about him. If the others laugh or starts making fun of either you or him tho ...just remember, he IS watching *looks to Ace*
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"Uh...what?" Ruggie's ears flattened at the comment. "You think I'm CUTE?" he spoke with wide eyes. I feel like this wouldn't be the first time this hyena was called that compliment. Most likely his grandma. Meemaw Bucchi: *pinches his cheeks* awww you look so cute all dressed up in that uniform!
He'd be the type to ask you the why's, when's, and how's or just whatever type of reasoning you've had to decided out of all descriptions, you chose 'cute' for a guy like him. I see him also being the type to check himself out in front of mirror but in a very confused state.
He'd at first don't want ANY of the Savanaclaw guys hear about this. (he might as well be chopped meat if Leona ever got a word of this) So the moment he'd sense that you're about to go in one your tangents about him, he'd start messing with ya like tickling or hell even spinning you around just to whisk the two of you away from curious eyes and ears.
But I supposed overtime, this hyena beastman would be curious enough to try and use his this 'cute' side to soften people up for opportunities. (Outside of campus most likely) Of course he'd first test it out on you and often times you'd let him cuz after all, who couldn't say no to such a face?
But here's the thing, you're definitely not safe from HIM calling you cute and all~ Imagine he'd playfully steal your pen or something after class and as you try to grab for it he'd give a fleeting peck on the cheek. "Oh would you look at that." He chuckled. "Guess we're both the cute ones now eh (Y/N)~?" goodluck
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"eh...HEH?" He stammered. He tries a little too hard to regain his composure afterwards but you'd know that your comments shot through to his classy exterior. Now you're left with a blushing and babbling octo-man.
Similar to Ruggie, our boi also has a lot of questions but the key difference is that he deals with them...internally. You, along with the rest of Octavinelle and even Jamil would notice his scrunched up face at random points throughout the day. A million and one questions running through his mind on why you'd think of him like that.
It was already too late for him because he already overheard you talking about this with the leech twins. He might as well evaporate at that point. You know the gif of the dog smiling while the room is on fire and saying 'This is fine'? That's our boi Azul right there
It takes a while for him to open up to the idea. He takes baby steps by also teasing you and showing you his perceived 'cute' side to you in private just to entertain you and see his precious pearl smile.
Overtime, he'd enjoy it and thinks it's also the best thing ever to rub it in people's face as you talk their ear off especially Jamil. "My precious pearl that is (Y/N) lovingly proclaims that I am the cute one, so that is now law."
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"Hmm...You mean" Floyd tilt his head to the side. "Koebi-chan thinks I'm...cute?" He mostly says this out loud to confirm it to himself. After a few seconds he smiles gleefully towards you. Get ready for a wild ride (Y/N)!
Every time he thinks about it or you'd say it again. He'd chuckle and spin you around like as if there weren't any other people around. THAT'S how happy he is. His classmates and the rest of his dorm would find it a lil terrifying seeing this man just humming, kicking his feet in glee during class or in the lounge repeating the words "They think I'm cute~ my Koebi-chan thinks I'm cute~"
I could see him sometimes using this as an excuse to skip his shift at the lounge. Poor Azul cutting his lifespan in half every time he heard Floyd utter the words "Because Koebi-chan said so, wouldn't want to ruin a cute face like mine from all the stress. Maybe you should try it sometime Azul~"
You guys probably already see this one coming but he would be the scary shadow looming over you as you explain your side that your boyfriend is in indeed the cute one out of the two of y'all. 'You dare say otherwise to my (Y/N)?'
Threats aside, I know that Floyd genuinely does love it when you call him cute. I also know that he's clever enough that people would find him scary due to his height and his personality so he lowkey gets all soft when it comes to you, acting all bashfully as he hugs with all the adoration he has for you <3
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"Could you please repeat what you've just told me?" He'd ask. "You find me...cute, Child of Man?" Genuinely surprised and has the shooketh or cute dumb-founded expression we all know and love.
This dark Fae overall finds it amusing, chuckles to himself from thinking about it from time to time. The memory of you semi-debating to him, that he, one of the most strongest and formiddable mages in Twisted Wonderland, is adorable.
Diasomnia or just the entirety of NRC is often concerned and question about your state of mind but then you'd shoo them off or rather, they 'unexpectedly have a change of heart and mind' and totally not from the dark aura with horns behind you.
He likes watching you debate about it especially if its his family in Diasomnia (looking at you Sebek) He thinks that when you're like this, he finds it sweet and endearing to defend your case about your judgement of him.
As the mischievous Fae that he often is, I see him doing small tests for you, showing off terrifying magical shi like shaking the ground beneath you, skies littered with thunder and lightning or hell surrounding you in a circle of green flames all to see if you still call him cute afterwards. (GG Night Raven College )
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krolik-wilk · 5 months
Heartslabyul memes
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Savanaclaw memes
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murmurmm00mm · 10 months
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describe yourself in twst characters!!!!
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candiebear · 1 year
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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY LEONAA ❤️ i did this really cool art collab where i did a sketch, @ktii-oo lined everything, and @qwakque colored
we did this for a twst birthday event 10/10 love the twst community IN FACT one of the leona cosplayers did a 10 pull for me and got me birthday jacket leona in 30 pulls THANK YOU <3333
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edit: wrong screenshot lol
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basuralindo · 7 months
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nemisisnemi · 3 months
another sneak peek? yes.
fun fact: this is my first time drawing ruggie
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this is another sneak peek at a piece im doing for the @princes-uprising zine!
holy fuck why did no one tell me how pretty his eyes were and how lovely it is to draw them??? I WAS MISSING OUT
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eatcandlewax · 2 years
here's ur food kids
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rizdoodls · 3 months
Pépito's doodles
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09232003 · 1 year
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NRC Cringe comp pt. 2!! If you see this, maybe add your favorite twst memes!!
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8-xnny · 3 months
I made a new TWST acc and replaying book 2 made me remember how much I hated ruggie and Leona in the beginning 😭
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boomtastics · 2 years
Is this how you challenge me!?
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Character(s) | Savanaclaw
Type | Headcannons + Drabble
Oh no! You left your stuff animal at his room before you left for a trip!
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Leona kingscholar !
What is that?
Why is there a bunny pillow thing on his bed?
Well atleast it soft that's what
And it smells like you...
! A cute ping comes from his phone, normally he would ignore it but it was the special one. "Hey leooooo, sooooooo funny story I accidentally left my son in ur room so could you like be a good dad and take care of him? THANKS BYEE MWAH MWAH LOVE U <3"
........You're fucking stupid.
Hes ONLY taking care of this stupid rabbit cuz it's yours that the ONLY reason. Sure hun
Ruggie Bucchi !
Oh! His beautiful bed and he's finally laying in it at a normal time! What the fuck.
Well atleast it's soft and easy to snuggle with while you're away
A catchy but annoying jingle comes from his NON EXISTENT ass. Answering the call, before he could talk he was shouted at by the other person. "HI RUGS SO I LEFT MY KID IN YOUR ROOM AND I CANT PICK THEM UP CUZ YOU KNOW I'M AWAY AND- JADE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Anyway could you just watch over them? Ok thanks you're the best!!! Bye love you!!!". As the ended he just stared into space.
You better be paying him.
Jack Howl !
working hard to keep them mucles 💪!
Going back to his room cuz he forgot a change of clothes 😱
..what is that? He doesn't remember his siblings getting it for him?
It's covered in your scent... must be yours then
Grabing his phone and going to his contact, finding you was easy; Like it was mucle memory.
"Hey, did you leave your plush in my room?" It didn't take long for you to text back.
"MY SON'S IN UR ROOM??? I've literally been looking for him everywhere! I thought some1 took him or he was sold! Could u take care of him? He's in ur room anyways"
Yeah sure, why should he be ashamed? It's yours and you asked him to take care of him. He's just being a good partner
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AHAHA did this on a time crunch ty savana 4 only having 3 main members 🙏
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
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Playlist screens are back and are here to celebrate over 800+ followers in the past year! Go to my page to see the specials. The Follower Event will be from March 1-25, 2023. Come celebrate with me!
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Leona Kingscholar
"Nice try but two can play this game. Nah don't be modest I know you're a goddess, so let's be honest." - Okay so I've been replaying this song nonstop when I first heard it on Tiktok and I'd like to believe that this upbeat tune fits this lazy lion. The title says itself that I see Leona as a warrior of the mind, sure he's strong but its cleverness is what makes him a scary opponent.
Ruggie Bucchi
"Don't wanna live as an unsung melody." - Ruggie was raised in poverty, barely getting the necessities so when he enrolled to prolific NRC, he took this chance to have fun but most importantly work hard so that he along with the people back home won't struggle. He wants to live out most of his time in school with as many opportunities as he can be a part of.
Jack Howl
"Until the referee rings the bell, until both your eyes start to swell, until the crowd goes home. What we gon' do y'all?" - Jack is often times stubborn as the rest of his dorm mates, he doesn't want to give up especially if its something he believes in. Even when he's struggling, he wants to carry on because that's how devoted he is to prove himself and to honor his close friends.
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