#S.M.A.R.T goals
agirlwithglam · 4 months
S.M.A.R.T goals:
How to set and achieve your goals
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What does SMART stand for?
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S - specific. don't just set vague goals like "i wanna get fit" or "i wanna get abs". how are you gonna know when/ where to start? if you want to get fit: your goal could be "go to the gym for 30 mins everyday" or "i want to run 5k in under 30 mins". whatever works for you. some other examples: -> if your big goal is to get high marks on your next test: your "mini" goals/ steps should be to study everyday for at least 30-60mins. -> if your big goal is to get money/ become rich: your steps/ mini goals should be to save $___ daily first. and also figure out a way you can make a mini business/ get a job.
M - measurable. make sure that your goals are measurable- meaning that you should be able to track them. some examples: -> if your goal is to read more: then create or find a habit tracker or something so everyday when you read, you can mark it down for that day. ! recommended resource: James Clear's habit tracker journal- you can find it on amazon.
A - Achievable keep your goals realistic and attainable. if you know you dont have the time/ energy to read a whole book in 1 week, dont do it- otherwise you'll get easily discouraged. the goldilocks principle: don't make it too easy, where it doesn't give you a challenge, but don't make it too hard either, otherwise you'll get easily discouraged.
R - Relevant basically a WHY. why do you want/ need to accomplish this goal? have a motivation which drives you. make sure your goal is relevant to you in some sort of way. example: -> if you want to learn a language such as spanish, why do you wanna learn it? because you want to travel to Spain one day? to be able to communicate with someone? even if the purpose is as simple as "wanting to be bilingual cus it makes me feel cool and impressive" - if that motivates you, then go ahead!
T - time bound your goals need to have some sort of deadline or urgency attached to it- otherwise you could take all the time you want to start and procrastinate as much as you want. having a deadline for the goal will motivate you to take action sooner, than later.
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how to use SMART goals effectively:
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decide on the goal. (something that you actually need/ want to accomplish.)
break it down into smaller steps. (very small. so small that you can start working on whatever it is NOW.) you want to get high marks on your test? lets break it down. study 30 mins everyday -> walk to desk -> get material out -> identify what you need to study -> find your weaker topics & write it out -> create a planner or smth -> start studying. // need help? find videos online, go thru material again, find study tips, etc.
write them down. (helps you stay accountable. also people who write their goals down are 42% more likely to achieve them than people who don't write it down.)
create an action plan. (relates to the 2nd point. outline the necessary steps to take, identify resources, set milestones, plan for potential obstacles.)
monitor and evaluate progress. (regularly review your goals, mistakes, and progress. what could you do better to be more efficient and quicker? how can you learn from your mistakes?)
stay committed and flexible. (you really need to be committed to achieve the goals, you shouldn't just start off super excited, doing great in the first week then slacking off. you've made a commitment to YOURSELF. respect yourself enough to stick to it! but also be flexible with your goals. if you're reeeallyy not able to do it one day, plan to do a bit more the next day. stay focussed and don't get discouraged by setbacks.)
celebrate achievements. (recognise when you've hit a major milestone, and celebrate it! this helps you maintain motivation and a sense of accomplishment. and reward yourself!!)
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random additional tips:
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visualisation. (such a strong form of manifestation. everyday visualise yourself with your goals, feeling all the emotions and thoughts that come with it! visualisation can also really boost your motivation and drive to achieve it.)
PRIORITIES. (remember that also, all goals aren't equally important. prioritise the ones that really matter. this doesn't mean that you can't focus on the other goals, just make sure the ones that need more attention, get more attention.)
positive language. (use kind and encouraging words towards yourself. know and understand that you are that girl who can achieve ANYTHING she sets her mind to.)
seek support. (ask friends and family or a mentor for help. if you want, be careful tho, share your goals with them to help you stay accountable. and if you know a person who's achieved your goals, GET ADVICE FROM THEM! where better to get advice from than someone who's been through what you're going through?)
stay organised. (self explanatory. just stay organised. messy space = messy mind. clean space = clean mind.)
maintain balance. (of course your goals are important, but so is the age you're currently at. especially if you're a teenage, DONT WASTE THESE YEARS!! get out of the house! make friends! go to parties! LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST. also make sure that you get the adequate rest needed!)
write about your journey. (write about the struggles, the obstacles, how you overcame them, insights you got on this journey, etc. trust me, it'll be so interesting and helpful to read when you're older.)
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wisterianwoman · 4 months
Under the Mask: The Reality of Being 'High-Functioning'
"High functioning" just means you're really great at hiding when you're struggling. Let's talk more in-depth about what that means, how to cope, and fighting the stigma.
“High functioning” just means you’re really great at hiding when you’re struggling. Let’s talk more in-depth about what that means, how to cope, and fighting the stigma. on the surface… I had straight A’s in second grade when my dad was deported. Fourth grade, too, when he died. I graduated high school two months after I found out I was being cheated on by my first love. I bought a brand new…
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4usuccesshabits · 3 months
No profession is as demanding as nursing. To this end, one should constantly develop, progress, and strive for self-improvement. SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – are very important instruments that can help nurses in their professional development, increasing their practical skills, and raising their professional positions. 
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boycannibal · 8 months
goals for tomorrow
eat some ice cream
message my friend abt our meeting
do something with my hands like cutting paper or picking up some things in my room
work on my animation project should i feel so inclined
try on some cute outfits should i feel so inclined
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sproutedlavender · 9 months
Goal Setting for the New Year: Set Goals That Stick
The new year is right around the corner which means family, celebration and most importantly, new year’s resolutions.
The energy of the new year provides us with a fresh slate to dream up and set goals towards the best versions of ourselves. From healthier eating and weight loss to new skills and better habits, there are an infinite number of possibilities for setting goals for the new year.
Everyone does well at the beginning of the new year, which is filled with motivation and determination, but as the year progresses, many find their resolutions have become a forgotten thought, collecting dust in the back of their minds until the next new year cycles back around.
If this is you, you’re definitely not alone, but you can do better and you know it.
The old way isn’t working anymore and you need something to help you stay on track with your resolutions. You need to set goals that stick and this post will show you how to do just that. 
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anxiousbutblessed · 1 year
This Is How To Be Happy When You're Broke
Who says happiness needs to come with a price tag? Check out our latest blog post for 7 tips on how to be happy, even when your bank account is feeling the pinch.
Be sure to share or save this post via Pinterest. I went my whole life thinking that a college degree meant financial stability. Yet I joined the 53% of college graduates that never get a job or are employed in a job that doesn’t require a degree. The job hunt was like searching for a needle in a haystack, despite my valiant efforts and freshly-minted graduate degree. After a year of grinding…
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beegalactica · 8 months
How to set S.M.A.R.T goals
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Well, January's almost over... Have you abandoned your New Year's resolutions yet? Did you give up trying to work out for an hour every day yet? It's never too late to start fresh and a new hour, day, week, or month could be the chance to hit that restart you need.
It's great to be ambitious, but a hint of realism can make our goals more achievable.
S - Specific
What exactly do you want to accomplish? Why do you want to accomplish this? Get into the smallest details about what it is you actually want. Don't just say you want to 'glow up', what does this actually mean for you?
M - Measurable
How are you going to accomplish it? Break this big goal into little steps. If you want to 'get clear skin', how will you do this? Will you make sure you drink your water every day? Will you develop a skincare routine that you stick to?
A - Achievable
Is this something you can actually get done? Is this something possible for you? There is no limit in life, but if you make a goal that you don't believe you can actually achieve, you're setting yourself up to fail because your own belief is not there. Pick a goal and commit to it. Commit to the idea of yourself being able to succeed in whatever it is.
R - Relevant
Is this goal in line with your greater ambitions? Is this something that will help you become the best version of yourself? How will achieving this thing benefit you? Do you believe it is the best thing for you? If so, why?
T - Timely
How long do you think this will take you? How long do you want this to take you? Do you have the time to dedicate to accomplishing this goal? If not, are you prepared to make time to spend working towards your goal?
How I set S.M.A.R.T goals
Let's use the example of my Tumblr. At the start of the year, I decided that I wanted to start a blog. I didn't just write 'start a Tumblr blog' in my 2024 planner and leave it there, I wanted to 'start a Tumblr blog AND grow it consistently', but even this wasn't all. I didn't set a goal to reach x number of followers by the end of the year, but my main goal was to post consistently every week. I set myself the goal of posting at least once a week, instead of trying to post 5x a week because realistically, I know how busy things can get. I knew that starting this blog would help me improve my own discipline, and also allow me to help others, thus making me a better, more committed person. I was prepared to dedicate an hour of my time every week to sit down and just write. I've done this so far in January and hope to continue this for the rest of the year.
Instead of just setting goals in your head, try to put exactly what you want to accomplish into words somewhere for you to look back for motivation, but also to have as a plan of action to get it done.
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chongoblog · 2 years
SPECIFIC - While "blowing up" isn't specific, the act of pretending you don't know nobody is a very specific goal
MEASURABLE - When you blow up, you blow up. You can easily measure your popularity.
ATTAINABLE - When you've got teeth like that, blowing up and acting like you don't know nobody is nearly inevitable.
RELEVANT - Your goal is to be higher than everyone who ever doubted you. To blow up and then assert your authority by acting like you don't know nobody fits perfectly in line
TIME-BASED - Not as applicable since this is your MAIN goal, so we can assume it's in the timeframe of "before you die"
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 2 months
In a meeting where they are talking about S.M.A.R.T. Goals and it reminds me of how much I hate them and that I’m making a sheet for myself about making goals/intentions that are the very opposite vibe. Just inviting more unmeasurable wants and desires into my heart and giving them no time limit ❤️ peace and love on the planet earth
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exquisiteelifee · 11 months
Ways To Heal Financial Trauma
1. Talk about it.
2. Pray to God for guidance.
3. Write forgiveness letters.
4. Educate Yourself.
5. Write down your financial goals & your money visions (S.M.A.R.T goals)
Also, just remember money is out here, heal the blockages that are causing your ability to receive.
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agirlwithglam · 6 months
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The Vanilla Library 🐩
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˗ˏˋ꒰⚡️꒱ Self improvement:
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene — part 1 & part 2
dont let your past affect your future
create a new identity
how to be smart (from pinterest)
Hard work?? At least do work!
Recommends: BLOSSLY
May ins & outs
Chapter 5: May
Chapter 6: June
prioritising: how to prioritise + use it effectively to take over your life.
How to achieve your goals using: S.M.A.R.T goals.
Create a life worth living
weltschmerz: the depression that arises from comparing the world as it is to a hypothetical idealised world.
how to do things when you dont feel like doing them (ask)
Cry about it, then come back stronger
how to stop sulking over your life and stop struggling with embodying your dream self (ask)
˗ˏˋ꒰📚꒱ Studying & academia:
How to be more educated
(ask) how to work hard + actually study
Motivation: things to like about these subjects
How to be the it girl in school
recommended study video for upcoming exams
100/100 grades on exams (affirmations)
How to ACE your exams!!
Question bank study method
˗ˏˋ꒰🎀꒱ girly things
Teenage guide to a HOT GIRL SUMMER
Elegance & grace (how to be elegant)
Forgiveness to others
Shadow work journalling prompts
unique compliments to give people
GIRL TALK #1: friends & feeling left out
GIRL TALK #2: dealing with hate + not caring about what others think of you.
˗ˏˋ꒰🍒꒱ confidence & self love:
A guide to self love and confidence
"ohmygod shes perfect" they're obsessed with you. affirmations!
I am worthy.. affirmations
how to stop giving people your time, attention and energy.
How to be a girlboss 101 (social edition)
How to not compare yourself and feel fulfilled without needing anyone’s validation. (Ask)
attractive confidence affirmations.
but honey, what about you? : loving yourself
How to stop being so obsessed with them!
U miss me? No duh
Hot girl things
hot girl things- socialising edition.
Thewizardliz: what to do if someone is making you feel insecure
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish is the best thing i did.
The It Girl Lifestyle Guide
The It Girl Confidence Guide
˗ˏˋ꒰🍒꒱ socialising
EASTER HOLIDAY CHALLENGE- socialising edition!
Conversation tips + how to be funny
How to be a good conversationalist
˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 ꒱ Quotes + moodboards:
Gina linetti quotes
elle woods quotes
Yoda quote
Lavender haze, Taylor Swift quote
I forgot that you existed, Taylor Swift quote
Moodboard #1 - academic weapon
Moodboard #2 - orange/ vanilla girl academia
Moodboard #3 - spring/ morning inspired
Moodboard #4 - spring inspired
Moodboard #5 - pink academia
Moodboard #6 - barbie inspired!!
Moodboard #7 - Elle woods inspired
Moodboard #8 - academia & Elle woods inspired + QUOTE
Moodboard #9 - Blair Waldorf inspired + QUOTE abt how ur just better
Moodboard #10 - healthy lifestyle pink inspired + QUOTE for if you’re going thru a hard time
Moodboard #11 - queen energy inspired + QUOTE on being a queen
Moodboard #12 - pink outfit inspired
moodboard #13 - pink productivity inspired
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ahb-writes · 2 years
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How to Finish a Novel: 10 Ways to Follow Through
Make time to write
Create a story plan (outline)
Write to S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based)
Have a system in place to silence doubt
Get a writing buddy
Avoid comparing yourself to others
Use your writing time effectively
Avoid perfectionism (the first draft is for you)
Prepare for the middle slump
Want to finish your book
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How to set realistic and attainable goals for yourself using the Be S.M.A.R.T. system
Be specific about the goals you wish to achieve. We are more likely to accomplish our goals when they are specific rather than vague.
Create goals for yourself and measure your progress. This helps you stay disciplined and motivated. It’s important to take a look at how far we’ve made it because sometimes we overlook and dismiss our own progress. Cheer yourself on like you would a friend.
Set attainable goals yourself, meaning that the goal is within your grasp and achievable by you given your current situation. This allows you to sustain your efforts and resist the urge to “give in.” Lofty goals may only serve to let you down.
Ask yourself: Why are you setting this goal? This reiterates the previous point. In order for you to successfully achieve your goals, you must be realistic about what you can accomplish and why you desire to accomplish it.
It helps to give ourselves a time frame, even a loose one, when working to achieve a goal. This keeps us on track and focused, and makes the goal tangible. Don’t rush yourself but don’t give yourself an eternity, either.
🤍Tips and tricks🤍
✅Write down your goals. Studies show that we are far more likely to complete a goal when we write it down or make a list. Do yourself a favor and write down your goals!
✅Create a journal for your goals. This will help you follow the SMART system.
✅Start with small goals and as you overcome those hurdles, you will be more equipped to take on bigger goals. It’s like warming up before a big race— you gotta practice first and stretch out your legs.
✅Consider what resources you have available to you and what your limits are. Remember, there will be factors out of your control.
✅Tell a friend. Share your fears and concerns but also your progress and your victories. Keep them in the loop as you work toward your goal. We are more likely to achieve goals when we tell people about them and receive support.
Setbacks do not erase your progress! Repeat that back to yourself.
Feeling overwhelmed? That’s okay and totally normal. Break down your goal into mini-goals that all lead to the big goal. Day by day, step by step, you will achieve it.
Take a breath, take a break, and remember that tomorrow will grant you a fresh start.
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youngadulthacks · 10 months
Whenever you sent goals, make sure they're S.M.A.R.T goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
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hotchfiles · 2 months
so fucking funny how Hotch offered to do long distance with Beth and was like "I'll be there every chance I get" like babe you're barely there for your own son and he lives in your house, let's set S.M.A.R.T goals here
LMAO STOPPPSKALKAKKKAKSS i try to give him the benefit of the doubt that we dont actually see how much he spends with jack, one of the things it makes me sad actually, i wish we had for hotch what s16(?) gave jj and her kids, so we could actually see it, you know?
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anxiousbutblessed · 2 years
What The Heck Are S.M.A.R.T. Goals? The Powerful Secret To You Achieving Your Desires In 2023
Since we're in the New Year we know that many of us are thinking about ways to improve ourselves and our lives. If you want to increase the likelihood that you'll accomplish your goals this year. Check out our blog on S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Wow Happy 2023! Can you believe it? We feel like we’ve been trapped in some weird time machine or maybe an airplane (that was a terrible Manifest joke). As we kick off a new year, I’m sure you, like us, have a ton of goals and aspirations you want to accomplish. It’s totally normal to want to better ourselves and improve our lives, but actually achieving those goals can be tough. That’s where…
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