#Sid why would you put your mouth guard there
nestingfoxx · 10 months
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But wait there’s more
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hells-wells · 2 years
Don't blame The Movies 10
The Killers pattern isn't making sense to you, what's the missing piece of the puzzle?
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Pairings////////// Billy X Reader, Billy X Stu X Reader///////////----------///// Warnings---------//////////// Gaslighting, teen smoking, Ghostface shenanigans
Skipping class wasn’t the biggest worry you had right now, sneaking out to the back of the school, you needed a breather, Standing in the shade, lighting a cigarette you were lost in thought and didn’t hear the footsteps quickly approaching.
“Y/n? It’s Y/n, right?” You recognized her voice from Top Story, you never missed an episode “Kenny, roll, NOW!”
You let out an annoyed sigh and turned to see Gale Weathers.
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“Gale Weathers here, and I Have Y/n Y/l/n, the first survivor from these gruesome attacks. Y/n, would you like to share your experience with us?” Clicking her fingers to draw the man’s attention.
You let out a small groan.
If she wasn't such a pain I would almost admire her.
Exhaling “Not really.” turning to leave Gale follows you.
“You know, it could help put a stop to this!” 
“Ah-huh, just like your coverage on Maureen’s murder helped Sid?” You replied dryly, turning to meet her gaze. 
Catching Gale off guard, her tone betrayed her smile “It’s my job to report the news, especially when there’s an innocent man in prison.” 
Raising an eyebrow “You’re so sure about that?”
“I am, he’s never changed his story, not a single word.” She confidently counted.
“Maybe he’s a natural liar, you reported on similar cases a few months ago.”
“You watch my show?” Her smile grew as she eyed you.
“For the antichrist of Journalism, your show is surprisingly good… At times.” 
“You people make me sick!” Himbry’s angry voice yelled out, you both looked taken aback to see him speed walking towards you, you quickly dropped the cigarette and stepped on it “You know damn well you’re not supposed to be here.”
Gale gritted her teeth, obviously struggling to suppress her anger “I wasn’t aware that included the parking lot.” 
He stood next to you, dropping a hand on your shoulder “Are you alright Y/n?” You nodded, watching them closely. 
Gale cut in “We were just leaving, Y/n, here.” Gale handed you her card “In case you change your mind, my cell is on the back.” You watched as she and her poor cameraman practically ran out of the parking lot.
I have a feeling that poor bastard doesn’t get paid nearly enough.
“Y/n, come with me,” Himbry complained the entire way back to his office about reporters, seeing more classmates running around, he included your generation in that rant. You spotted Stu and Tatum at her locker, locking eyes he mouthed “Are you ok?” You shrugged. It wasn’t a lie, for all you knew you were about to be suspended. 
“Please, sit.” Doing as you were told, you sat there silently “With everything going on, you’re not in trouble.” Himbry gently stroked your chin, instantly making you feel uncombable “But if I catch you smoking on school grounds again.” He gently warned.
You nodded “I won’t do it again.”
He nodded “Ok, the reason you’re here is that-”
The office door opened and you turned to see Miss Nancy, she made her way over to you both.
“Were you waiting long?” Her eyes darted between you and Mr Himbry.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?” Her kind gaze fell on you.
“Why do I feel like I’m in an intervention?” You watched them both.
Miss Nancy smiled warmly, “Funny, no, we wanted to check in with you.” She took a seat facing you, Himbry followed her and pulled out a chair, sitting next to her. “We know your home life is… Isn’t the best, is your mother home?” Miss Nancy asked gently, leaning forward she placed a hand on top of yours.
“She’s back.” All this contact made you slightly uncomfortable as you weren’t used to it. 
“That’s good, I was worried about you being alone”
“I’m used to it.”
She nodded “Mmm but you shouldn’t have to be. I was curious if she hadn’t come home, what would you have done?”
You thought for a moment “Probably stay with Billy or Stu, I didn’t give it much thought.”
Miss Nancy looked at Mr Himbry before turning back, facing you “You’ve known them for a while?” Mr Himbry suddenly asked.
You were growing annoyed “Yeah since we were about five.”
“An-and you’ve had sleepovers before?” Himbry seemed embarrassed to ask, his face grew flustered.
“Yeah… I’m pretty close to both families.”
“I’m going to cut to the chase Y/n, we don’t think you should spend so much time with him, I get it, he’s a friend but”
You cut her off. “He didn’t do it.”
She looked at you with sad eyes “Yes, but we as adults see things that you might not. We just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“I appreciate everyone’s concern but I trust him with my life.” Shaking her grip, you quickly made your way to the door and left.
Opening your locker lost in thought, your cell phone made you jump “Hello?”
“Y/n.” That same sinister voice answered with a small chuckle. 
You shakily looked around you, hoping to see your friends, someone but the hallways were empty “What do you want?”
His voice purred “We never did finish our game.”
Instinctively grabbing your still tender throat “Fuck off.”
“I’ll see you soon Y/n, I’m counting down the hours.” Before he could continue you hung up, slammed the locker door shut and ran. Speed Walking down the hallway you ran into a flustered Sidney “Sorry” her breathing was erratic “Are you ok?!”
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Her eyes darted behind her before grabbing your hand and continuing to run outside “He’s here, I swear he’s here!”
Dread started to overwhelm you “Wait, what?!”
“The killer, he attacked me in the girl's bathroom!”
Fear started to sink in.
She led you out the front of the school, and you spotted Dewey, tugging on her hand, Sid followed your gaze “Dewey’s over there!” 
Both of you ran towards his friendly smile “Shouldn’t you girls be in class?”
Sidney frantically replied, “The killer’s here!”
Dewey looked between you both “Are you sure?”
“He attacked me in the girl’s bathroom!” She was growing more upset, turning to look at you for help “I-i ran and found Y/n”
“It’s true, he called me before I ran into Sid.” Their shocked faces turned to you.
Dewey called for backup, and led you both to Himbry’s office, after telling you both to stay here he went to check with backup, Himbry was outside his office door talking to Burke.
Sidney turned to you “Why didn’t you mention the call?” her voice was filled with doubt.
“And when would I have? He could have chased us down.”
She nodded, taking it in “What did he say?” her voice was barely above a whisper. 
You leaned in closer “Just being a dick. Something about finishing our game, I hung up on him before it went on longer.”
“Why is the killer targeting us?’
The question hung in the air, why? It had to be something… First, Casey and Steve, you were attacked and then Sid, it wasn’t adding up. 
Himbry and Burke decided due to the attack on Sid and your phone call it was best to place a curfew and suspend school for a few days. You weren’t convinced that her attack wasn’t one of the many arseholes dressed up, a prank went wrong but with no one coming forward, you couldn’t decide. Himbry let the teachers inform each class, Miss Nancy came with you to have a cigarette. Given what happened she allowed you to go out the back by the field. The side of the bleachers stood next to the bushes, using them to keep hidden.
“You know those things'll kill ya?” She mocked.
You couldn’t help but laugh “More or less than there being a killer on the loose?”
“Touche” She sat down with you on the cold steel “While we’re here, I’m sorry if we upset you before.”
Looking over at her “It’s fine, but why the sudden worry?.” taking a long drag you avoided eye contact.
“Look, it’s not just because of what I saw the other day.” she took a deep breath “Both of them have always been very attached to you and very protective of you… If I’m being honest I see them around with girlfriends and as far as I can tell you’ve always been just friends?”
“We… Have.”
“If they were really your friends they wouldn’t put you in that bad situation. That’s all I wanted to say earlier.” 
There was silence for a moment while you took everything in. 
“Y/n, I know this isn’t my place but I don’t think you have someone at home that see’s what’s wrong… You need to be careful with everything that’s happening.” You nodded “And be careful of who you trust.”
A cracking sound broke the silence, and you noticed a dark shadow moving quickly further into the bushes, Miss Nancy suddenly jumped up, her eyes glued to the bushes “Di-did you see that?!” Her eyes were glued to where the dark shadow was.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Demon or Human?
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Demon (Fem!)Reader
Summary: A foreign invader comes into Castle Dimitrescu just as you were settling in with your new family. However, how far would you be willing to go to protect your newfound home and your newfound love?
Warning: Game spoilers (I’ll try to keep those at a minimum), Blood, Slight G0R3, uncontrollable demon rage, fluff at the end
A/N: In light of some Resident Evil Village spoilers... Let’s just say I WILL NOT HAVE IT! So, I guess this is another entry to my The Demon Amongst Vampires series! R is My Character: Hydrangea Dragonfold
1 Year..
You’ve been inhabiting Castle Dimitrescu for one year. Alcina had been able to persuade Mother Miranda to keep you in her care instead of letting you be hunted for sport. You’d probably survive it anyway, with your demon abilities. 
“I have to go to a meeting,” Alcina announces to you and her daughters, “Apparently Mother Miranda has found a foreigner man-thing in our village grounds.”
“A man?!” Daniela squeals of excitement
"A new plaything?!” Cassandra asks
“You must bring him here at once mother,” Bela says
She looks at her three children, almost looking like she is tired of their pleas. However, she recomposes herself
“I will have to persuade Mother Miranda as best as I can,” Alcina says, “I appoint Hydrangea on watch. Bela is in charge.”
You leave your mouth agape, hearing your name after while of Bela calling you “micul meu demon” or everyone else calling you demon.
“But mother-” Cassandra interrupts
“Why can’t it be either one of us?” Daniela motions to her and Cassandra
“Because I’m the oldest,” Bela flaunts her ‘eldest sibling title’
“There will be no complaints my daughters,” Alcina says, “Guard the castle well Hydrangea.”
“Of course My lady,” you say out of respect
“You have permission to call me Alcina Hydrangea,” She smiles
Alcina makes her exit. 
“I get the first bite on the man thing,” Daniela blurts out
“Not if I catch him first,” Cassandra interrupts
“Enough!” Both you and Bela scream
Your blue flames ignite slightly, almost setting the table on fire. However, you compose yourself. Thus, your flames ‘dieing’.
“We will wait for your mother to return,” You sigh, “Gosh you two are rowdy. No wonder why Bela is in charge.”
You ignite your flames once you stand, heading off towards the staircase. However, Bela follows you. You didn’t notice her presence until she grabs your wrist and pulls you into a room.
“Bela love what are you doing?” You ask
You try to get her to let go of you however, you stop fighting her as she doesn’t reply to you but only snakes her arms around your midsection, taking in your warmth that you were producing. Not only from your natural body heat, but your demon form as well. You were also sure that she was also listening to your racing heartbeat. The one thing you feared was giving too much heat, too much to the point where Bela and possibly everyone else you’ve come to love and care about they turn to ash because of your carelessness of your flames. 
“I... Love, I have to leave,” You sigh, placing your hand on her head and the other on her waist 
“No you don’t,” She counter argues
“I do my love,” You say, looking down at her, “I have to keep you three safe.”
“And you think we can’t protect ourselves?!” Bela asks
“That is not what I meant love,” You say, “It’s just... It’s just I’m not over what happened last time... If I hadn’t come when I did, you would have died... I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for that. I’d die if anything happened to you.”
Bela’s grip on you only tightens when you finish your sad ramble. This gets you in tears. You really couldn’t imagine the rest of your life without her.
“You’d die... For me?” She asks
“Of course I would love,” You smile, swooping her into your arms
Fortunately, your blue flames weren’t ignited enough to accidentally burn her. Your foreheads touch as you give her a kiss
“This is so much better,” Bela sighs in relief
“It really is,” You smile, “Thank you Bela.”
She kisses your forehead. You lay your head against her shoulder, hoping you could just stay like that for a little bit longer.
“Bela?” You ask, breaking the silence
“What is it my love?” She asks
“If this man... If this man scurries around the castle and hurts any of you,” You start, “What if I lose control of my demon form and I no longer see the human in me?”
“Simple, I‘ll get you out,” She answers
“What if you can’t?” You ask, worried now, “What if I’m the one who ends up hurting you?”
“Can you promise me one thing then?” She asks
You nod.
“The don’t use your full demon form,” She requests, “If you’re worried about hurting us, don’t use it. Should you though, I will pull you out.”
You had wished you were able to stay like that forever. However, you knew you had to begin your task. You and Bela give each other one last kiss before departing each others’ presence and embrace. Bela goes back down to the foyer to meet her sisters once more.
“You two okay?” Daniela asks, breaking the silence
“We are fine Daniela,” Bela answers
“Then when will the both of you just shut up and get married?!” Cassandra asks, clearly teasing Bela now
 “We are not-we don’t plan on that yet,” Bela says, “It’s never come up when we talk and we don’t need to yet.”
“Sure,” Daniela teases
As you were scouting the grounds of the castle, you already see Alcina returning to the castle.
“My lady!” You call out, “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?”
“Mother Miranda gave that man-thing to Heisenberg, of course I’m upset!” She groans in frustration, “I need a drink.”
You follow her back into the castle where her daughters immediately stand to greet her.
“Where’s the male foreigner?” Bela asks
“Mother Miranda gave him to Heisenberg that fool,” She groans
You all watch her walk up the stairs and disappear into the castle. You four seat back down into the couch, Bela leaning into your embrace. 
“How was scouting O-great demon king?” Daniela teases
“It was fine Dani,” you chuckle, “Are you just going to continuously make nicknames for me Dani?”
She nods as she leans back into the chair. However, before any of you could converse on, you could hear footsteps. You motion for the girls to stop talking.
“You guys hear that too?” You whisper
You motion for the three of them to follow you and once you get to the grand entrance of the castle, you see a man. 
“Looking for Rose?” Daniela calls out to him, taunting him
The three of them begin forming into their fly swarm and move toward him. You make the decision to tell Alcina herself that a man has entered the castle. 
“My lady, there is a man in the castle,” You sigh, “Your daughters are on the case. I’m not sure who he is- oh, speak of the devil, here they are.”
You hear the doors burst open along with struggled grunts. You look over and notice Cassandra and Bela dragging him in.
“Mother, I bring you fresh prey,” She says, trying to take the credit
“Oh, you are so kind to me daughters,” Alcina smiles, her daughters letting a slight giggle out of their mouths, “Now, let’s take a look at him.”
She stands up and faces him, “Well, well, Ethan Winters. You’ve escaped my little brothers’ idiot games did you? Let’s see how special you are.”
You watch Bela, Daniela and Alcina taste his blood. You stand next to Cassandra as you watch.
“Hey-Hey you, help me out!” Ethan pleas at you
You turn to look at him for a second. You feel your human willing to help him however, you end up turning your back to him, not willing to help him. If anything, you also hated men. 
“Starting to go a little stale,” Alcina says, “But, I must inform Mother Miranda. Later, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up.”
You watch again as Bela and Daniela hook his hands and Cassandra hoists him up. You hear him groan in pain as you all begin making your exit.
“Hey... Hey you!” He again calls for you, “Help me... Please...”
You stop in your tracks and look up at him. You only let out a low chuckle as Bela gently grabs your wrist and pulls you out from the room.
As you were finishing something with Cassandra you suddenly hear Bela’s grunts.
“Hey, I gotta go,” You say out of the blue
You follow Bela’s voice, rushing even further when you could hear her voice getting louder and louder.
“Bela! Bela!” You call out for her
You pass through the kitchen and notice Bela on top of Ethan. However, she doesn’t notice how he’s aiming his gun. Only you had noticed.
“Bela! The windows!” You scream, “He’s gonna shoot the windows!”
Believing that she didn’t hear you, you ignite your flames even more so than earlier. But, it’s concentrated to your palms. You begin melting the bars that had separated from you reaching Bela. However, just before the glass had gave way to the heavy damage, the bars melted enough for you to burst through. You hear Bela’s pained scream as the glass gave way to the heavy damage. 
“You- stupid man-thing!” Bela screams
You only pictured how she was the last time she was out in the cold. You let out an ear-piercing roar as you forcefully push Ethan out of the way to get to Bela. Igniting your flames ever so slightly, you pick Bela up and begin warming her up with your flames and your natural body heat. You go back into the dungeons and place her down gently, hoping you had warmed her enough.
“Are you okay?!” You ask, tears welling into your eyes
“I am now love,” She smiles, caressing your cheek
“Go!” You say, “Get your sisters an get somewhere safe! He knows! I’ll come find you.”
You watch Bela disappear into the dungeons, hopefully back into the castle to warn her sisters. You go back to where Ethan had shot the window. He was hoping you’d feel pain with the cold however, when you emerged from the cold wind, you came out, unphased.
“What the HELL ARE YOU?!” Ethan asks
“The one who will kill you,” You growl, taking in the cold, “My blood’s boiling...”
Your blue flame continue to ignite more than usual and you pounce onto him, snarling in his face. He tries to use his shotgun on you and he manages to graze the side of your head. He manages to wriggle himself out of your grip and shoots at you again, this time, in the shoulder. 
“Stay down kid,” He says mercilessly and runs into the direction you came
“Get back here you coward!” You scream, trying to stand
As your body began regenerating, you continuously crawled in the direction he was going in, beginning to track his scent. It was difficult as you were in the room where the wines are created. However, it didn’t stop you from continuing on the path. When you fully regenerated your shoulder, you get up nd try to track his scent as best as you could. However, when you only got back into the castle.
“Bela!” you call
You felt a hand on your wrist as you begin getting pulled into a room. A feeling of relief washes over you as you hug Bela tightly. You look over her shoulder and only see Cassandra with her.
“Where’s Daniela?” You ask, in a panicked state
“She ran off, hoping to take down the man herself,” Cassandra sighs
You hear the door burst open and it’s Alcina.
“That man will pay for what he’s done,” She growls, “My daughter are you hurt?”
“I was but- thanks to Hydrangea,” Bela sighs in relief, leaning into your shoulder to warm up some more
“Where’s Daniela?” Alcina asks
“She went to the library to take down the man mother, we tried to stop her,” Cassandra sighs
“You two stay with Hydrangea until I return with his head and Daniela,” Alcina orders before leaving again
She makes her leave. The three of you sit on the couch, Cassandra and Bela huddling against you for warmth. However, Bela practically seating herself into your lap.
“Do you have to be such a hog of the human furnace?” Cassandra looks at her older sister in annoyance
“I’m her girlfriend so buzz off,” Bela says
“She may be your girlfriend but I need some warmth too,” Cassandra growls
You could hear Daniela’s pained grunts and screaming. You stand up and place Bela down onto the couch next to her sister. You flick your finger and a small flame goes into the fire place, igniting the firewood.
“Alcina hasn’t found her yet,” You say, “I’ll go get Daniela the both of you stay here okay?”
Once you left the room you break into a run towards the library. You break through the door just as Ethan begins opening the roof to let in the cold air again.
“STOP!” You scream, grabbing onto Daniela
Sorry Bela... I have to do this... To protect all of you. You four accepted me almost instantly... I have to protect my home. I’m not letting anyone die here! The only one dying is him....
The ground around you became engulfed in blue flames, surrounding both you and Daniela
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[A/n: not my gif]
“I got you Dani,” You say, the last time you heard your own voice
You look at Ethan completely deranged, more than Cassandra could ever look deranged at one of her “pets”. Ethan begins to walk backward however, tripping over an object.
“Let’s talk about this kid!” Ethan pleas, “From one human to another-”
“I’m not a human!” You spat, your demon voice overtaking your real voice, “I’m a demon! I protect my home and everyone in it!”
You let go of Daniela and leave her on the floor for Alcina to check on her. You throw Ethan out of the library. Alcina takes Daniela to where her other two daughters were. You throw him down a set of stairs. Coincidentally where Bela had opened the door.
You stand at the top of the stairs, looking down at Ethan, “You’ve overstayed your welcome... Time to say goodnight.”
“No-No please I beg you please I just wanted to find my daughter!” He screams
“All of this? For a child who isn’t even here?!” You mock him, “Your little baby could even be dead for all I care!”
Ethan draws his gun and pulls the trigger as a last resort to get you to stand down. However, you slice his arm off. You could hear his screams of pain as you now stand over him.
From the other room, Bela, Daniela, Alcina and Cassandra watch as you begin devouring his flesh. You stop after two bites out of his flesh you turn to the four women. Unable to feel your human, instead feeling your demon take full control over your body, you charge at Cassandra, Daniela, Alcina, even Bela. Alcina, being the protective mother she is, stands in front of her daughters, ready to slaughter you so if you lay a finger on her daughters like this. However, Bela runs past the three.
“Bela, get back here!” Alcina yells
Before you could lay a finger on them, Bela throws her arms around you, holding onto you tightly. As you flail your arms about, Bela still held onto you
“It’s me,” Bela says, calmly, “It’s okay now... I’m right here. Come back to me...”
You finally stopped flailing, your blue flames dissipating and your demon eye slits turning back into their round pupils.
“Be..la?” You call 
You gently place your hand on her head and the other around her. You sink into her touch and fall to your knees, Bela following your movements.
“It’s okay now,” She coos, “I’ve got you love. I’ve got you.”
You choke on your sobs as you hold onto Bela for dear life, sobbing into her shoulder.
“Bela did manage to get you out after all?” Alcina admires her oldest daughter, “And I thought I was going to have to kill her.”
Alcina sips her wine.
“Mother!” Bela growls
“I need to protect my prides and joys,” Alcina states
Bela was sitting in your lap as Daniela is huddled against your side and Cassandra on the floor facing you, Bela and Daniela.
“Do you really have to hog to the human furnace Bela? I’m the one who almost died,” Daniela growls
“She’s my girlfriend,” Bela draws the ‘girlfriend’ card for the millionth time
“How long do you intend on pulling that card against us Bela?” Cassandra asks
“As long as I want,” She smiles down at you
You smile back up at her, “Daniela, I also warmed you up in almost an instant with that amount of flames I emitted earlier. Did that not help?”
“Oh it did,” She smiles
“Then you don’t need to be complaining,” Bela scoffs
“By the way, I am digging the new look on you Hydrangea,” Cassandra says, smiling at you
Black horns with bright blue accents had remained from your blue flame horns or at least under them and a tail remained.
“Do you now Cass?” You smile, “I do too.”
Your tail unconsciously wraps itself around Bela’s waist. You could feel Bela’s fingertips playing with the fluff end of your tail, making your cheeks flush a faint pink.
“Awwww micul meu demon is blushing,” Bela teases
“Ssshut it,” You hiss
You weren’t sure how well you were going to do with that man-thing called Ethan Winters roaming around the castle. However, this was your home. You went to great lengths to protect it. Especially your new family and your girlfriend. Even if you would lose your human, you had Bela. You trust her enough to bring you back, should you lose sight of that human in you.
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harrylilies · 4 years
The Royal Series | Pt. VI
The Royal Series Masterlist
"What do you mean I have to take him with me? I'm going on a two- day trip with my friends." You asked your grandmother in shock.
"Which is why it's the perfect way to get to know each other. I know you don't like following the formal way so do it your way." She told you before sipping her tea.
You laughed in disbelief, shaking your head before looking at your grandpapa, Prince Philip, "Please say something."
"Darling," Prince Philip sighed before looking at his wife. "You know how Y/N hardly gets to go on vacation with her friends and this seems like a duty."
You motioned with your hands at him as you looked at her, mouthing an "Exactly.”
"Fred is 26, he will fit in with Y/N and her group of friends."
"Why are you doing this?" You whispered, leaning back on your chair in defeat.
She put her hand on top of yours, looking at you with soft eyes. "It's for the best. For you."
You shook your head, "This isn't what I want. It’s what the government wants. What you think is best."
"It's what you need." She finished for you before standing up, making you stand. "Amsterdam is an exotic place. I expect you to not do anything you might regret, sweetheart." She told you before looking down at one of her corgis, Willow.
"Oh, can I hold Fred's hand? Maybe steal a kiss or two." You said sarcastically, knowing well that you were pushing her buttons, something that made Prince Philip snicker under his breath.
"Y/N," she looked at you, "As long as it's nothing that can be held against you, harm you or downgrade you, you're free to do anything you please."
"Free," you chuckled before nodding. "Yes, Ma'am."
After she left the room, you were left with your granpapa who instantly approached you and put his arm around your shoulders, his sympathetic eyes looking at you. "But you have fun on your trip. I'm sure Fred isn't half bad."
"I know he isn't, Papa." You sigh, feeling him squeeze your shoulder. "I feel so pressured."
"Everything will be alright, darling. You just have fun for me, will you?”
"How was your nap?" You asked Fred politely as you and your friends sat, having breakfast in the hotel.
"Very satisfying," he chuckled, pouring himself a cup of tea. "What about you?"
"Haven't really slept. Nia and I decided to play monopoly instead." You chuckled, adjusting your jacket.
"Hear it from us first, Princess Y/N of the UK breaks royal rule and plays Monopoly. Scandalous!" Fred said in a dramatic reporter voice, making you laugh.
"Come on, you must have broken a lot of rules before."
He nodded, "I don't really go by the rules." He shrugged before chuckling, “Except for that necklace I gifted you, I’m sorry. That was my mother’s doing.”
"How scandalous and vulgar." You joked, putting a hand on your heart dramatically.
"Your Royal Highnesses are needed in our conversation." Your friend, Nia, joked. You and Fred looked at her together, "We were saying we should go canal cruising right away. Although I'm scared to shit."
"Why? Not a fan of water?" Fred asked her.
Nia shook her head, laughing. "I'm a terrible swimmer. Can't rescue myself if I ever fall."
"It's true. She swims like a sad cat." Eddie joked, laughing more when Nia swatted his arm.
"It's alright, we'll all be together so I doubt you won't get rescued if you fall." Fred smiled, putting his loosely crossed arms on the table.
"Are you saying we can fall off?" Emma asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Fred instantly straightened his posture and shook his head, looking back and forth between Nia and Emma. "I didn't mean that. Not that way."
Emma laughed, "I'm just joking."
"Oh." He chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck.
"Well, it's comforting knowing that we have a professional swimmer with us. Very assuring." Trevor said before putting his fork down, "Because Y/N here, said she was skipping on this activity."
They all nodded, knowing what you already told them. You gave them a sheepish smile, shrugging, "Sorry."
"Don't apologize. You fucking better make use of these 4 hours we're gone in." Nia pointed at you.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Also send us pictures." Farrah said, elbowing you.
"You're all embarrassing."
"Do I look bizarre?" You ask one of your personal guards, Andrew, motioning to yourself. You had a "Treat People With Kindness" black hoodie, the hood covering your head, black trousers and your black vans on. You had your sunnies on, opting to not get recognized.
Andrew shook his head, "You don't, Your Highness. I don't believe people would notice."
"Told you to call me Y/N, Andy." You chuckled, taking your phone out.
"It's a habit." Your other guard, Sid, said.
You chuckled again as you texted the one person whom you were impatiently waiting for.
I'm outside x
Almost instantly, you received a reply.
I'll let Jeffery come and get you x
You waited for about 3 minutes before the black door in front of you opened and out came a grinning Jeff. "Your Highness, good to see you again."
You smiled, "Just Y/N. And thank you, Jeffrey. It's good to see you, too."
"Just Jeff." He corrected you teasingly as you walked inside and backstage. "Harry has been all over the place since we knew you're coming. Doesn't shut up about you. Don’t tell him I said that though."
You felt your cheeks heat up, only giggling in response. You stopped in front of a brown door that had "DRESSING ROOM" beside it.
"He's inside." Jeff said, knocking. "Harry?"
"Come inside!"
You grinned, glancing at your guards who chuckled and took a step back. "We'll wait here." Sid said.
Jeff opened the door for you, motioning for you to go inside.
You took off your sunnies, holding them in your hands instead as your eyes fell on the man in ruffles in front of you who was looking down, his head snapping up once he noticed your presence.
"Y/N," Harry breathed out softly as his face broke into a grin, taking long strides towards you before wrapping his arms around you, his head buried in your neck as he brought your body closer to his. "I missed you."
Your arms around his shoulders squeezed him tighter, closing your eyes as you let his warmth engulf you. "I missed you, too, H."
At the nickname, Harry felt himself smile. He pulled back, his hands moving to your face as he softly and so gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. "H, huh?"
You let out a small nervous chuckle, shrugging as you wrapped your arms around his torso and looked up at him. "It slipped."
"I love it." He confessed quietly.
Your hands moved to his arms that were covered by the silky shirt, feeling so soothing and satisfying under your fingers as you looked at him. "This is the part when you kiss me." You teased him, feeling your faces get closer.
"And this is when you kiss me back."
If you could describe Harry's lips against yours, you'd use the word "melting.”
Melting was what you felt, slowly letting the feeling of his lips on yours let you loose. Melting went your worries and everything around. Melting went all the judgement and overthinking. Harry's lips absolutely melted you.
Pulling away with a smack and smiles, Harry pecked your lips once again softly. "You have very kissable lips."
"Yeah?" You looked up at him.
"Yeah." Harry confirmed, leaning down to steal one more soft and quick kiss.
"I like the ruffles." You said, running your hands through them.
"Jeff says I look like I came from the wrong era." Harry said, looking down at himself.
You laughed, shaking your head. "You look just fine. I told you that you would."
"’Nough about me. Nice sweatshirt." Harry's lips turned to a smug smirk, looking down at you wearing his own merch. "I was so nervous that I got Farrah's address wrong and it wouldn't be delivered there though."
"I told you I can get it online."
"And I told you to consider it as a gift." Harry shrugged. "Can you help me with my hair? It won't-" Harry patted his head, looking up, "It won't sit."
You laughed, taking a hold of his wrist to get it away from his head.
"Sit down." You urged him to the vanity chair, him sitting and giving you a wide toothed comb. You began to softly comb it, enjoying how luscious and soft in felt. "So, are you coming tonight?"
Harry looked at you through the mirror, his eyes focused on how concentrated you looked as you combed his hair gently with a faint smile on his face. "Do you think your friends will like me?"
"You already liked Farrah as far as I know and she liked you. My friends are fun to be around, promise." You nodded, glancing at him through the mirror before looking at his hair.
"What were their names again?"
"Eddie, Nia, Trev and Emma." You replied instantly before your move hitched, pursing your lips. "And-and Fred." "Fred?" Harry repeated, "Don't remember a Fred in the text you sent me a couple of days ago."*
"Yeah, he's just," You gulped, shrugging your shoulders. "He's just a friend of ours that joined last minute."
Harry nodded, his index and thumb moving to graze his bottom lip; something you picked on was a habit of his when he felt nervous or in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" You asked gently, putting the comb down before softly beginning to run your fingers through his hair to fluff it.
Harry sat up straight, lacing his fingers together in his lap as you both looked at each other through the vanity mirror. "You know I don't consider you a fling, don't you?"
"Uh," your eyes moved to look at his hair again instead of him, shaking your head slightly. "I didn't actually."
"So you," Harry paused, stopping your hands from moving by grabbing them and putting them around his shoulders instead. "You think you're a fling?"
You shrugged, feeling his thumbs gently stroke your knuckles. "I don't know, I-" You stopped, "I don't really know what do you consider me, Harry. Whether you see this going anywhere or you're scared. Or if you feel like I'm too much to handle or not. I don't know if you think this is worth it. Or if-if you just think this is adventurous and risky, gives you that thrilling feeling. It happened to me right after uni and I think I stopped understanding people's intentions ever since. When it comes to that I mean." You confessed, giving him a pursed smile after you finished as you looked back at him. "I don't have history, Harry. I don't-" You paused, shaking your head as you let out a low laugh, "I don't know."
"Y/N," Harry said softly, holding your hand and moving you till you were in front of him, letting you stand between his legs as he looked up at you.
His hands moved to hold your waist, looking up at you as you rested your hands on his shoulders. "Then I will tell you what you don't know. What you should know is that I like you. I really do. I don't care about your status or if you have guards around you all the time. Fuck it, I don't even care if I have to wait for you for three hours outside your flat and behind bushes because your grandmother isn't with us being together. I," Harry chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, "Call me a sap, a total cliché tosser but I have never felt like this about anyone before, Y/N. So here I am, an hour before my show begins, with everyone outside and the world oblivious to me having Her Highness Princess Y/N of the United Kingdom in my hold and me only caring about everything that you wish you can show to everyone, including your family, and about being there when you try new takeout," he chuckled,
"And what I'm trying to ask you is, do you want us to be-" Harry stood up, towering over you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
And there you stood; oblivious to his heartbeats that Sarah could probably use instead of her drums, his body hot and his nerves feeling as though they were about to get wrecked.
"Do you want us to be together? Exclusive?" Harry asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
You let out a small laugh of shock, looking up at him before raising your eyebrows. "Are you serious?"
"Dead serious." He nodded.
Instantly, your hands cupped his cheeks and you brought your lips to his in a deep, strong kiss, tilting his head slightly to feel all of it before pulling away. "Are you sure?"
"I can't stop," Harry said, almost heaving, "I can't stop thinking about you," he pecked your lips, "Kissing you," he kissed you again. "Knowing that you're mine. That I'm yours. I can't fucking stop thinking about it, Y/N.” His hands were than tangled in your hair after dropping your hood, his eyes looking into yours. "Fuck," He licked his lips, glancing at yours before looking back into your eyes. "What have you done to me, you minx?”
You giggled, "I haven't done," You shook your head. "Anything.”
"Lies." He joked with a smile drawn on his face.
"Think I just became your girlfriend."
At the confirmation, Harry only pressed his lips to yours.
"What do you mean you didn't tell him about Fred?" Emma asked as you sat on her bed in the hotel, watching as she towel-dried her hair.
"I mean I didn't tell him about Fred. I told him that he's our friend."
"Why did you do that? You're together now, Y/N. He should know." Nia said, plopping beside you on the bed.
"What do I say?!" You groaned, "Hey Harry, by the way, I'm somewhat arranged to marry Prince Fred by my grandmother and the government. Hope it's alright." You sarcastically said.
"Okay, I don't think she should tell him." Nia said, looking at your other friends. You chuckled, shaking your head at how easily convinced she was.
"It sounds bad," Farrah said before turning to look at you as she fixed her hijab, "But put yourself in his shoes. What if he knows about it later when it's already too messy?"
"I won't let it reach that. I'm going to do something about it." You said, glancing at your friends. "It's not like I'm going to allow that marriage."
"Still." Nia said before she popped her newly red-coloured lips.
"If I really did put myself in his shoes and I know that the woman I'm with is basically arranged to marry someone else, I'll probably run off because what's the point of fighting against the queen and the country’s fucking government? I’ll be done for." You opened your arms questioningly.
"Didn't you say that he told you he doesn't care if he hides behind the bushes because your grandma doesn't support you?" Farrah asked, pointing her mascara at you. You nodded. "Then there you have it. A keeper."
You sighed, about to drop on your back when Nia's hand on your back stopped you. "You ironed that suit. Don't mess it up because your life is fucked up."
"Wise words." You mumbled, sitting up. You nodded, standing up and looking at them. "Alright I'll tell him,"
"Yes." They all breathed out, nodding.
"When it's the right time." You continued, hearing them groan in response. "We've just got together today!"
"Look, baby," Emma approached you, putting her hand on your shoulder, "We'll be here for you whenever you decide to do whatever you want. You're a grown woman and you handle complicated shit everyday in your life. We trust you, okay?"
You smiled, nodding. "Thank you, Em."
"I second Em."
"Third her." Farrah smiled at you, blowing you an exaggerated kiss.
"That jumpsuit looks good on you, by the way."
"Speaking of looking good," Nia began, standing up and scrunching her curly hair as she looked in the mirror. "Fred isn't half bad. He's decent."
You, Emma and Farrah looked at each other with surprised smirks before looking at Nia who noticed the change in the room, looking back at you. "What?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" Emma challenger her teasingly.
"Like I just told you I want to shove my tongue down his throat." Nia replied.
"Your words, not ours." You teased her, laughing when she gave you a "come on!"
You raised your hands up in surrender, "Just think I should let you know that I'm a taken woman and as far as I know, he's single."
"You three," Nia pointed at you, raising her eyebrows, "Are shit, do you know that?"
"Come on, it's almost 7. We better leave." Farrah said, checking her phone.
Meeting with the guys in the lobby and getting into the cars, you all drove towards the restaurant which Eddie told you was one of the best. Harry had texted you prior, telling you that he was almost there.
"Better early or I won't get the friends approval." He had texted.
Walking behind Trevor who turned to look at you over his shoulder, "Can I give him the if-you-hurt-her-I-hurt-you talk?"
"Absolutely not." You scolded him under your breath before chuckling.
"Geez, fine. Guess I'll stick to the embarrassing stories."
"Trev-" Trevor speeded off while snickering, letting you stop behind Fred.
"You look nice, Y/N." Fred smiled softly at you.
"Thank you, Fred. So do you." You smiled back, nodding your head.
"I was uh," he cleared his throat, looking behind you for a second. "I was meaning to ask you about something."
You nodded, urging him to. "Sure, what is it?"
"Is Nia-" He looked behind you again before lowering his head and voice, "Is she seeing anyone?"
Not knowing how to contain the grin, you glanced behind you at her before looking back at Fred. "She isn't actually. Want me to put in a good word for you?"
"No, no, I-" He shook his head instantly before looking down at you, "Would you? Would you do that?"
You hummed, nodding. "Of course."
He nodded, "Yeah, that would be-that would be nice."
You chuckled before nodding at him and looking in front of you, grinning when your eyes fell on the one person you absolutely wanted to kiss.
"Come on. Let's meet that boyfriend of yours." Emma whispered in your ear as you all walked towards the table where Harry stood, his hands behind his back and a welcoming smile on his face.
You were almost standing in line, watching your friends greet Harry who was grinning, shaking everyone's hand.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Harry." Emma smiled at him before sitting down; not before looking at you and giving you a discreet “ok” hand sign and a thumb up.
You approached him, smiling when he quickly leaned in, greeting you with a peck on your lips. "You look incredible." He whispered.
"You look handsome, too." You replied. Harry pulled your seat out for you, making you sit near him as he sat at the head of the table, you sitting on the first chair to his left.
"Y/N told me you went on a canal cruise, how was it?" Harry asked, smiling as his hand rested on your knee.
And so, the conversation started flowing naturally and easily, filled with laughter and playful banter.
"I saw the video, that one you posted on your Instagram story," Eddie pointed at you before looking back at Harry, "You're bloody talented, mate."
"Right? You have amazing vocals, Harry." Farrah agreed.
You smiled as you looked at Harry, seeing his cheeks slightly turn to faded pink, making you put your hand on his on your knee. "You should hear him live. It's exactly like the studio version." You told them.
"Hey! We should definitely go once." Emma suggested, looking around at everyone on the table who agreed.
"You're welcome to any time." Harry politely said with a sheepish smile.
"Any time isn't convenient to these two royal highnesses." Trevor motioned with his hand at you and Fred, making your smile falter slightly.
Harry's eyebrows raised before looking at Fred, "Oh, excuse me. I wasn't aware that you were-."
You looked down, your ears almost perked at the conversation as the girls eyed you. Fred chuckled, nodding. "Eh, piss off,” he joked, “It doesn't matter. I'm probably going to give it up as soon as I can."
"Oh," Harry almost absentmindedly began rubbing your knee with his thumb, affectionately. "But why? If I may ask so."
"Y/N can tell you about it or she probably already did. Expectations, force, control, all that. No offense to you, darl," Fred looked at you for a second before looking back at Harry. "It's the whole marriage thing that tipped me off." "Marriage?" Harry asked confusingly, seeming interested in the talk.
"You know what? I think royal talk is the last thing we need right now," Nia interrupted them, you releasing a breath. "Harry, where's your next show?"
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 6
Word Count: 3,708
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning and Pens
Notes: So I decided to concentrate on this story a little more than my other ones, since we are now in the conference finals. So my two other stories will sit on the backburner for a bit. Don’t worry they will be back and I still work on them from time to time. But for now please enoy this one...haha As always feedback is welcome! Happy Reading!
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It seemed like every time you saw one of the players in the lobby, you were trying to determine if they were the one that sent you the cryptic text message. Cross-referencing the information that you had on the players didn't help as you didn't have most of their phone numbers in the hotel computer system. Two days later and you were no closer to finding out who sent it then you were the day you got it. "I don't know Car, it's putting me on edge," you told your best friend over coffee out in the courtyard.
"Does it matter? It's not like you've had a horrible time with any of them. Or have you?" Carly's eyes got wide at just the thought.
 "Of course, not."
 "Well then no harm, no foul right?" She shrugged and took a sip of her drink. "You need to have some fun. You've been so wound tight over this, I doubt you've gotten off in the last forty-eight hours." You literally almost spit your iced coffee out of your mouth. "What? Have you? You haven't told me about anything since the Sid thing, and that was almost three days ago if you consider that was the night before."
 "I don't tell you everything you know." You countered once you'd regained your composure.
 "Look getting off by your own hand over the phone with Tyler, does not count. And don't try to tell me that didn't happen." Carly tapped the side of her cup waiting for you to answer but then decided to keep going. "I mean he did buy you those shoes, the man had to get something in return. Not to mention, you were flushed when you came back down to the lobby."
 "Oh my god, shut up!" Well if she had just experienced what you did, she would've been hot and bothered as well. "And it wasn't my own hand," you hissed back.
 "OH! Do tell?"
 "What are we telling?" Brayden Point asked as he sat down beside Carly and now it was she who was blushing and not you.
 "Just talking about the schedule," you said in hopes to cover.
 "Please (Y/N), it's not like Brayden doesn't know about your little sexcapades." The fact that you were trying to think of several ways to murder your best friend with a cup of coffee, should've been evident with the look you gave her. "He was playing strip poker with us," Carly added by way of excuse. "I was just saying she's tense and that she needs to get some."
 "Oh if that's all, there are about a dozen guys within earshot willing to help you out with that you know." He said looking around the courtyard to see who was there. "In fact…"
 "Don't you dare." Your teeth were clenched as you sternly chided Point. "Just because you two are fucking like rabbits every spare moment doesn't mean that I need to."
 "I'm just saying, pick one of these guys and they'll literally be putty in your hands. You don't know how many of them are sexually frustrated." This wasn't a revelation by any means out of Brayden's mouth. You'd seen the looks even from guys that shouldn't be giving them. Why you'd let the text message bother you so much you didn't know, but you needed to get out of this conversation that was for sure.
 "Yeah, yeah, I know." You told them both. "You two enjoy your….break. I expect you'll be back working in say…an hour Car?"
 Brayden checked his watch then quickly got up, grabbing Carly by the hand. "An hour…yep, I'll have her back by then."  The two left and you just sat there chuckling to yourself as you sipped on your iced latte macchiato. Scrolling through your phone, you weren't surprised to get a text message from Tyler. He'd pretty much messaged you all the time and of course, you'd enjoyed another night of fun over FaceTime as well. Which Carly knew nothing about thankfully. You flicked over to messages to see what Tyler had to say today.
 Tyler: Hey Babygirl! How's bubble life today?
 (Y/N): Just enjoying some sunshine at the moment. How about you?
 Tyler: Just missing you. When can we FaceTime again?
 (Y/N): Are you missing me or just horny?
 Tyler: Can't I just want to talk to you? I miss you.
 Why did Tyler have to say things like that? He was a natural flirt but lately, he'd been taking your whole friends with benefits things and pushing it to the border. The only thing you could do is try and guard your heart for he wasn't the relationship type of guy.
 (Y/N): You can, I just know you 😉
 Tyler: Sometimes I wonder if you do…
 (Y/N): What does that mean?
 Tyler: ….
 Tyler: Nothing…
 Tyler: Can we talk soon though?
 (Y/N): Yes, you have a game tonight, right?
 Tyler: Yes
 (Y/N): Well I'll be watching and cheering for you.
 Tyler:  ❤
 (Y/N): I'll call you tomorrow
 Tyler: Promise?
 (Y/N): Yes ❤
 Tyler: Good, miss you 😘
 "Boo," you heard from behind you as someone jabbed your ribs. Quickly you closed your phone not knowing who just made you jump out of your seat.
 "Tom, you scared the shit out me." Tom Wilson scooted in the seat beside you, even though there were empty ones where you wouldn't be on top of one another.
 "I'd say I'm sorry, but um not. You're cute when you're flustered like this."
 "I'm not flustered," you insisted even as your heart still wasn't beating properly.
 "Mmmhmm, well you were certainly lost in thought. What's so interesting on that phone?" He tried to grab it away from you, but you were faster.
 "Business, which you don't need to see."
 "Oh, thought you might be reading over a certain text." He had a wicked gleam in his eye and suddenly you knew that he was the one who you'd been wondering about for the last two days.
 "And what text would that be? I don't think I've gotten anything in important."
 "Aww, come on (Y/N), don't play hard to get. You know I haven't forgotten that you still owe me that kiss?" Wilson nudged you and gave you a little wink.
 "And what have you come to collect it now? Out here where everyone can see us? Because I clearly remember you saying something about not wanting to do it with a pair of eyes watching?" You weren't opposed to kissing Tom, in fact, quite the opposite. He was handsome and perfectly chiseled in all the right places. Though you wouldn't mind getting his shirt off of him and checking out his abs. Tyler had the perfect six-pack abs, but you had a feeling Wilson could give him a run for his money.
 "I'm not collecting it now, just thought maybe I could set up a little date to collect later tonight?"
 "You don't have a game or anything?" You knew he didn't, but you also didn't want to seem overly eager at him coming to your suite.
 "Not until Monday, so my night is pretty free."
 "I suppose we could work something out." You glanced down at the calendar on your phone, already knowing that you were free. "Anytime after eight should be good." You were actually free before that, but he didn't need to know that.
 "Fine, then I'll see you at eight and be prepared for the night of your life."
 "Someone's awful confident." You told him as he strolled away.
 "With good reason," he mouthed back before heading back inside. God, he could be so cocky at times. You really needed to get back inside and make sure things were running smoothly, now that the bubble had been more open you had not only your teams there but the others as well, as they were allowed to use all the amenities the hotel had to offer which were quite a lot. Walking back inside the hotel, it was hard not to notice there were players everywhere. It occurred to you then, that you had a type, and that type just happened to be every man walking around in your building. Each day it got harder and harder to concentrate on actually working, but that's what you did the rest of the day, finally calling it a night around seven.
 You headed up to your suite, grabbed something quick to eat, then waited for Tom to show up. Eight o'clock came and went and still the handsome winger didn't show up. You were beginning to think that Tom just liked to play games and you weren't in the mood for them tonight for, despite your protests, Carly was right; you were in the mood for a little fun. When ten o'clock rolled around you completely gave up on him coming and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. At least Tom's absence let you keep your word to Tyler as you were able to catch his game. Unfortunately, he didn't quite play as well as you knew that he wanted too.
 You were just about asleep when you heard a loud knock at the door, so throwing on your robe, you padded down the stairs to answer it. The clock on your phone told you it was just past eleven. When you opened the door and Tom was standing there you weren't really surprised. "I'm sorry but the offer expired about three hours ago." You told him before going to shut the door.
 "Babe, don't be like that," he said jamming his foot in the door so that you couldn't close it. "Sorry I'm late but it couldn't be helped."
 With a roll of your eyes, you stepped aside to let him in, though you weren't entirely sure if you were letting him stay or not. "You have two minutes before I throw you out of my room."
 "Don't be like that. I had to watch film and then the guys got to talking. I couldn't just get up and tell them I was coming up here." He made a move to run his hand down your silk-clad shoulder but you brushed him off. "If I would've done that, you'd have bigger problems then me being late as every freaking player would be at your door."
 He had a point, as so far none of your escapades had gotten out, at least to your knowledge. "Do you want a drink?"
 "Would love one." He followed you over to the fully stocked bar.  Grabbing the bourbon off the shelf, you poured yourself a dram on the rocks, while cocking an eye at him for his choice. "Make it two, though I'd prefer it neat." Sliding the glass over to him, you took a small sip, letting the liquor warm you up, not only to the night air but also to the man in your room. "So, does this mean you aren't mad anymore?"
 "I was never mad, Tom. I'm just not a person to be kept waiting. There are plenty of men in this hotel in case you haven't noticed."
 "Look I get it, you didn't have to wait for me, but I'm glad you did." You let his hand grab your waist and pull you toward him. It drifted lower to the swell of your ass and suddenly the liquor wasn't the only thing making the room hot. "Do I still get that kissed I'm owed, or are you saving it for someone else?"
 You pretended to mull it over in your mind. To say that you hadn't thought about it, since that first night would've been a complete lie. "What do you say we play for it?" This all started with a game of pool; it might as well end there.
 "Ok so I win and I still get the kiss." He stated and you nodded your agreement.
 "And if I win, I get to choose if you do or don't." If he could play nice then maybe you'd let him have a prize at the end, but if not, you could send him on his way.
 The confidence in his gaze wasn't lost on you as he agreed to the terms. You racked up the balls then let him break. As a striped ball went in, he claimed those, leaving you with the solids to clear off the table. When it came time for your first shot, you took the opportunity to stick your ass out just a little more tempting him for making you wait for him. His hand went to caress the silk, yet you straightened. "Tsk, tsk, you haven't won yet," you chided him then bent back down to take your shot, which went in. You sunk the next two as well and you could see that he'd underestimated you.
 "I see how it is," he remarked lining up for his next attempt. "You try to act all cute and innocent when this is really your game and you're making me pay." His ball traveled across the table, going down in the corner pocket. The two of you were pretty evenly matched in this game it would come down to the end to see who would be crowned the victor. Though until that time, you took a minute to appreciate his fine form. Long lean muscles that stretched across the fabric of his shirt made your mouth water. He bent over the table, just as you did, giving you a nice view of his firm bottom. All in all, Tom Wilson was a perfect specimen of the male form, that was for sure, and as the game went on you wondered if what was underneath his clothing was just as flawless.
 When it was finally your turn, you didn't miss the opportunity to turn him on as much as he did you. Your robe, now draped seductively off your shoulder, giving him a chance to ogle over your breasts. As you looked across the table you couldn't help but notice the distinct bulge in his pants and you bit down on your lip as you took the shot. There were a few shots left on the table, as you made your way over to take a sip of your drink, letting your hand ghost along his thigh as you reached over for it. You heard his sharp intake of breath, then felt his hand skim over your hip. "What if I declared you the winner right now?" He asked, his hand now rubbing circles on your skin and you could feel yourself getting damp.
 "Hmm," you hummed your response, your body already deciding to give in to him. His hand moved the tie of your belt where you felt him fiddling with the fabric there before he undid the knot. "How about we call it a tie?"
 His eyebrows raised at your words and you could tell he was intrigued, but he didn't know if he should proceed or not. "If that means we both win, I'm all for that." You took that last step, so that you were fully between his spread legs on the barstool that he occupied, before leaning down and covering your mouth with his. He abandoned his drink so that his hand could sneak inside your robe and caress the silk chemise you wore. Your tongues tangled with each other as the kiss grew hot and heavy. Tom clearly knew how to kiss, as your brain started to get fuzzy and lose all train of thought. The cue stick landed on the marble floor with a thud and then you heard it roll away as it dropped out of your hands so that you could thread your hands threw his hair. Tom stood then, walking you both backward until you bumped against the pool table. His hands that had been on your hips moments ago, now trailed up your sides to your shoulders where he pushed the sleeves of the robe off and it fell to the ground. Breaking the kiss, his mouth traveled southward, down your neck to your collarbone, where he sucked tenderly at the skin there. Your head fell back giving him great access, as you moaned out in pleasure. This is exactly what you wanted and needed, to feel someone's lips against your skin. Why you'd denied yourself this pleasure over the last couple days you didn't know.
 The strap of your left chemise fell off, exposing your breast yet still covering the nipple. Tom's hand came up to cup it then, his lips ghosting ever so softly, till he revealed the peak and then took it inside his mouth. He tweaked and nibbled there, then lifted you up on the table, scrunching your chemise up at the same time. He tugged you close to the edge, spreading your legs before dropping down to his knees. "No panties?" He questioned and you simply shrugged. It wasn't like you expected him to come knocking at your door or anyone for that matter. It was just a preference you had when you slept. He licked between your folds then, tasting your essence before slipping a finger inside you. You wanted more of his tongue for that one little lick just wasn't enough but he didn't give it to you. Instead, his finger worked in and out of you. It was nice but it would never be enough to get you off.
 When he added a second you moaned your approval hoping for more, but still, it was lackluster. He kissed your inner thigh, your stomach, everywhere but your clit, which was seeking attention. "More," you urged and he took that as a cue to thrust his fingers in and out of you faster. It wasn't enough yet you could see the eagerness in his eyes. How could someone so skilled with kissing not use those lips to pleasure your pussy. Skating your hand down your body, you found your clit and started to rub, but he nudged your fingers aside. You whimpered and he took that as a good sign as his fingers started to slow. The man obviously wasn't used to taking cues from women for you felt his fingers slide out of you thinking you'd cum. Short of coming out and telling him to suck on your clit, which you were pretty close to doing, you were sure you weren't going to get off. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position, backing him off at the same time. Maybe he was better with his dick then he was his mouth.
 You switched positions, him now leaning against the pool table and you kneeling in front of him. You reached up and yanked his bottoms down, setting his cock free. It was average in size and you brought it to your lips, where you dropped little kisses all around the head and shaft, before opening your mouth and sucking it inside. Tom's hands pulled your hair back so he could see you sucking on his cock. "So pretty," he murmured as you swallowed most of him in your mouth. As you took him out, you pressed your tongue along the underside of his dick. It was a move that drove him wild as the hand that was in your hair now urged you back onto his member. You hollowed out your cheeks sucking more and more of him inside, as his hips started to flex into you. He held your head still as he fucked your face. When he hit the back of your throat you gagged and coughed. This only spurred him on more as once again he was thrusting into your mouth. Your hands snuck down to squeeze his balls. It sent Tom over the edge, and you felt his hot cum hit the back of your throat. You swallowed the sticky substance down, though if given a choice you would've rather not. "That was so fuck hot," Tom said as he helped you to your feet. "Your mouth is amazing." You would've like to return the compliment but it wasn't possible. There was always hope that the sex would be better, well that was until, he said, "You wore me out, woman. I'm exhausted." Really? So, he gets to cum and you don't. Where was the fairness in that? He reached for his shorts and pulled them back on. So that was that then.
 You grabbed your robe off the floor and put it on, then walked him to the door. No reason for him to stick around when you needed to head back upstairs and get yourself off.  "Well…" you started and weren't really sure what else to say. "It's been…interesting." That was at least one way to put your evening with Tom.
 "Yeah, we'll have to do it again sometime." He said then kissed you. All you could think of was, why couldn't he have used those techniques on your pussy.
 Once the two of you broke apart, you bid him goodnight shutting the door behind. Was it bad to hope that the Capitals got knocked out in the first round? You supposed as long as you kept that thought to yourself it wasn't. By the time you dragged yourself upstairs you ended up just falling asleep, you already knew that tomorrow you were going to be having more fun with Tyler on the phone and well even though it was a vibrator, it was a lot more fun than anything you'd experienced with Tom that night.
 Morning came and you went about your normal routine.  Again, the hotel was crowded as it seemed more players from the other hotel were coming over. There was a ton of interaction between all the guys and for the most part it seemed friendly. You were just about to grab a quick bite for dinner when Logan came up and grabbed you. "There's a fight in the lobby. You've gotta come quick." With all of his false alarms recently, you were reluctant to believe him, but since you were only a room away you hurriedly followed him to the lobby. Unfortunately for you, Logan had been telling the truth as you saw fists start to fly.  
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Et Tu - Riku x Reader
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Hi all! Been a hot minute, but have a Valentine’s Day fic! I mulled over a lot of different ideas (including cliff diving) before I finally came down to this. And yes, I’m aware the title is a bit convoluted. 
And thanks again for the request Xeha-non, I too have been all over Riku for the last few weeks. 
              Jamming along to the song on my phone, I prance around the kitchen, collecting items to throw in the bag on the table. I’m making a mess of my house but I couldn’t care less, a beaming grin on my face as I toss the marshmallows in after the chocolate.
              Today is Valentine’s Day; more importantly, it’s the first Valentine’s Day I’ll have with my boyfriend since his crazy adventures ended a few months ago. I didn’t beat myself up or hold his past absences against him—it was just another day to me. But this year, oh, I’m so excited for this year. I’ve been happily hopping around my home all day, trying anything and everything to make the time pass.
              The sun is hanging low in the sky by the time there’s a knock at my door. Thank goodness I’m not strong enough to tear the door off its hinges as I rip it open to lunge at the man on the other side. Laughing, he spins me around before setting me back on my feet.
              “Excited, huh?” he greets, pressing a peck to my forehead.
              “I get to spend Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend! You have no idea!” I say, bouncing on my toes.
              “Considering the number of texts I’ve gotten today, I think I have a decent idea.” I jut my tongue out at him. His cheeky demeanor slides into something softer, scattering the butterflies in my chest that always bustle in his presence. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
              “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I return.
              The ensuing kiss is gentle, just like Riku himself—when he’s not picking on me. It lingers just long enough to spread a rash of goosebumps and send the butterflies soaring. It leaves me indescribably happy, even when it ends.
              “So, are you ready to go?” he asks.
              The question breaks the serenity, sending the giddiness back into full swing. Scurrying back into the house, I scoop up the bag. “Yep! You got your swimming shorts?”
              “Perfect!” The door slams behind me. “Let’s go!”
              We make our way to the small island where we set up a little camp on the beach just out of reach of the water. Because the sun is starting to set, the place is quiet and empty; even those wretched birds have vacated for the day—it’s perfect.
              Splashing, swimming, floating: water occupies our time as the sun says its last goodbye with the vanishing sunrays. I hold onto Riku as he keeps us afloat, looking to the violet sky where the first stars are beginning to peak through.
              “When I moved here, I didn’t think I’d like island life,” I hum.
              “I used to hate it here,” he says just as thoughtfully. “But you really start to miss the place you call home when you manage to escape it all. Especially when you find out there are people waiting for you to get back.”
              I realize he’s talking about me and my stomach flips. Nevertheless, I grin and pinch at his vulnerable cheeks. “Aww, sweetheart, you missed me?”
              Riku suddenly stands; I hadn’t realized we drifted so close to shore. My arms wrap around his neck as he lifts me from the water.
              That sneaky simper stops my heart. “Of course I missed you, babe.”
              And with that, he throws me out into deeper water.
              Clawing my way back to the surface, I chase after the boy. I am in no way an actual threat but he humors me in running away. Somehow it all ends with me clinging to his back while Riku treks back onto the sand.
              “Alright, I’m sorry,” he gives. “Can you get off now?”
              “Mmm, no.” I press a kiss to his cheek.
              “So if I just fall backwards?”
              Riku leans backwards. Panicking, I cling tighter and brace for impact but, just before he falls, he steps back to catch himself.
              “Yeah?” he goads.
              With a huff, I let go. “Fine.”
              Ruining my fun as usual, Riku helps me get a fire going in the pit and settled into the sand. Right as I’m about to break out the sweets, he holds his fist out.
              I eye him for a moment, growing suspicious. “What is that?”
              Green eyes roll. “Just take it.”
              “Rikuuu! I told you not to get me anything,” I complain.
              “Oh come on. You planned this,” he retorts.
              “Yeah, but I planned this for both of us.”
              “Are you being ungrateful?”
              My mouth clamps shut as I scowl. Knowing he’s got me, Riku smirks and takes my hand to drop something metal in it. I stare down at the trinket. At the end of a silver chain hangs a gleaming, purple charm with an emblem inside. There’s a vague feeling in the back of my head that I’ve seen this emblem before.
              “I hope it looks alright. I didn’t really get to pick what it looked like,” he says.
              “What do you mean?”
              Riku taps the trinket. When it suddenly lights up, I nearly drop the thing. Light grows and expands until, like a balloon, it bursts. My jaw drops. Fluttering rapidly in the air is a round, fluffy bat creature with a big grin. I watch it flap its way to Riku, where it rests on his shoulder.
              When I finally get my voice back, I shout, “What the hell is that?!”
              “This is my Dream Eater,” he explains. His fingers scritch at its chin like a cat and the thing practically melts. Meanwhile, all I can do is stare at him like he’s insane. “Uh, they usually live in the Realm of Sleep, eating nightmares. He helped me through my Mark of Mastery exam. You can pet him; he doesn’t bite…hard.”
              I glare but Riku insistently waves me closer. It takes a little bit of courage before I finally reach up to rest my hand between the creature’s large ears. It leans against my palm, practically purring.
              “Aww!” The way the Dream Eater coos and bats his eyes makes my heart soft. “So why is he here?”
              “Because I want him to watch over you.”
              “Things are different now, but I still can’t guarantee I’ll be around all the time, so I want him to stick around and watch over you; that’s why I asked Yen Sid for a charm that would bring him to our Realm.” A hand under the Dream Eater’s feet moves him from Riku’s shoulder to mine. He gives me a look full of soft adoration. “You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, right?”
              My ears are burning but I refuse to let him see me fluster. “So you gave me a babysitter for Valentine’s Day? Thanks,” I deadpan. It turns to giggling as the bat fluffs and nuzzles against my face.
              “More like a guard dog,” Riku replies. “Plus he makes a pretty unique pet.”
              “Giving me a pet without asking—so irresponsible,” I tease. “What’s his name?”
              He shrugs. “Doesn’t have one. When I got him, I was kinda busy with other things.”
              “Well that’s just a shame. Isn’t that right?” I coo at the bat. He cheerfully squeaks. Honestly, he’s so cute I could just squish his face all day. “Isn’t that right, Ceasar.”
              “Yeah. I like Ceasar. And I can’t just run around yelling ‘hey you bat!’”
              “Fair enough.” A beautiful shade of pink tints his cheeks as he asks, “What you smiling about?”
              I lean into the fluffy boy. “Thank you, Riku. I love him.”
              That shade darkens. “Good.”
              “Alright!” I announce, changing the subject and pouncing for my bag. “Now, I have been looking forward to this all week!”
              My boyfriend chuckles. “You mean mauling me in the ocean wasn’t the main attraction?”
              “No no no. That was fun and all but tonight’s main attraction—until you brough Ceasar—is smores!” I toss him the box of graham crackers.
              Ceasar dances in the sand, looking surprisingly excited for a creature that’s probably never had a smore.
              “Oh I see now: today’s just an excuse for you to eat sweets,” Riku says.
              I shove his shoulder. “Come on! When’s the last time you had a smore?” I jam a marshmallow onto a stick for roasting.
              Riku scratches at the back of his head. “I dunno. Maybe when I was a kid?”
              “He says as if he’s an adult,” I mock.
              A finger prods my cheek. “I’m more mature than you are.”
              “I can be mature when I have to be.” I lean away from the poke. “You, on the other hand, seem to need a lesson on acting like the kid you are.”
              His indignation is clear. “What’s that mean?”
              “It means stop acting like you’re not a kid.”
              “Hey, I’m a keyblade master.”
              “I’m sorry, Mr. Keyblade Master—you’re still not eighteen. You still got a few months for that. And I know for a fact that you’re not above being childish.”
              “Oh yeah? Like when?”
              “Like throwing me in the water. Like that time you stole my ice cream and made me get another. Like that time you hid in my closet to scare the ever-living hell out of me!”
              “I forgot about that,” he snickers.
              “I know we’re kinda out here on our own, but we’re kids. We’re big kids, but we’re still kids; so I know it wouldn’t kill you to act like it more often.”
              His laugh dies down. “Sorry. I guess all this keyblade business kinda gets to me sometimes.”
              There it is: the seriousness that plagues him even in his brightest moments. His face downcast and all light gone from his eyes—it’s like he’s reliving one of those terrible memories. We’ve been having fun these last few months since he got back, but there’s no denying that he went through hell. He laughed and smiled and teased me, but I could always sense a weary darkness deep in him.
              I sigh. “I know. And that’s why you have me. I may not be a fighter but…” Looking him in the eye, I use Riku’s own words, “You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, right?”
              He stares, awestruck, a second blush overtaking his face. Normally, I would’ve taken a jab at his moment of weakness, but this time, I simply return my attention to the marshmallow.
              It’s on fire.
              “SHITSHITSHIT! DAMMIT!” I jam the flaming chunk of charcoal into the ground and shovel sand onto it to put it out. “Aww!”
              A new kind of laughter, something pure and light, rings through the air. I look back at my boyfriend and, this time, it’s my turn to blush. For once, the darkness is gone—this is pure happiness and it makes for the perfect Valentine’s Day.
              I grin. “What are you laughing at?! That one was for you!”
              “I know you struggle with a lot of things, but I didn’t think roasting marshmallows would be one of them.”
              “Shut up! You can make your own smore!” I retort, pulling the stick from the sand to throw at him.
              The projectile bounces off his arm and the young man retaliates by pulling me into his lap by the arm. His strength makes escape impossible and I break into a giggling mess at the mercy of his peppered kisses. His victory ends with a much more loving kiss against my cheek.
              “I love you,” he murmurs.
              The confession ignites a fire in my chest. Only hiding my face against Ceasar, hopping into my lap to join the cuddling, can save me from the embarrassing blush.
              “I love you too,” I utter meekly.
              One last kiss meets the top of my head before Riku reaches for the marshmallows. “Now let me show you how to actually roast a marshmallow.”
              Rolling my eyes, I play with Ceasar’s wings. “He’s so mean, isn’t he, Ceasar.” The bat happily squeaks. “That’s right.”
              “You know he’s only kissing up to you so he can have a smore, right?”
              I gasp, holding the Dream Eater at arm’s length. “Ceasar! You would betray me for a smore?!”
              Happy cheep.
              “Pretty sure he’d sell us all out for a piece of cake,” says Riku, offering the bat a chocolate that instantly disappears.
              “You traitor!”
              Ceasar’s grin never falters. “Squeak!”
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justice4harwin · 4 years
All Too Well
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Summary: Johnny Lawrence was a troubled guy, very few people could get him to let his guard down.
Series if one shots telling the story of the one girl who made him happy.
Part 1: Johnny takes Noelia home to meet his mom.
Late April/Early May 1983
Johnny would never admit it out loud, but he was nervous the first time he bought Noelia home to meet his mom. He had picked her up from home, since she still didn’t have a license and her parents needed the car to go to work anyways, and kept his eyes on the road for most of the trip.
He should've said something. Like how pretty she looked in her pale pink dress, or how nice her hair looked that day (not that it ever looked anything but). Instead, all he managed was a curt “Hey” and he pressed on the gas immediately, not even giving her time to put on her seatbelt. 
She had an attractive lemon pie in her lap, zealously cradled in her hands. It looked good. It looked so damn good, but he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth, afraid that his voice would shake.
“Do you mind if I switch stations?” she asked, to which he shrugged, and didn’t even complain when that pop shit began to stink his car. He made a face though, and she giggled. He cracked a small smile of his own, and the tension seemed to ease.
When they pulled up to his house, she paled, eyeing the place up and down.
“Uh,...wow.” she mumbled, so soft he almost didn’t catch it. She began to fidget in her seat. “Nice place.”
“Thanks.” he replied, lamely.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, neither really knowing how to proceed. He knew he should get out of the car, open the door for her and hold the pie so she could get out, but it was like his ass was glued to the leather seat, as if Duth had finally taken revenge from the time he and Jimmy made him get stuck to his bike seat.
“Johnny, are you sure this is a good idea?”
He turned. Noe was already looking at him, the green flecks in her eyes standing out in an almost unnatural way, as usual. It was hard to focus with eyes like those.
“This.” her eyes deviated to the house for a fraction of a second before returning to him. “I don’t think your mom will like me. This is,...I don’t,...” she sighed and uttered something to herself he didn’t understand. “Look, I don’t belong in places like these, unless I’m the help, that is.” the last part came out low and sardonic, but he wasn’t that dumbstruck by her hotness to not catch it.
“Hey, no, c’mon, Noe, don’t say that.” he smiled in what he hoped was an encouraging manner, but her skeptical face told him of the results. “My mom’s been begging me to bring you home.” that wasn’t a lie. Laura had taken to ask every morning if that day was the day she’d meet the lucky girl who put a smile on her boy’s face. He wished she had relented a little, especially the particular day when Jimmy had stayed overnight. The guys still made fun of him. “Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about.” Except his asshole stepfather, but mom had promised he’d be nice. She always kept her promises, but Sid was known for not giving a shit about anything. He knew Laura would forgive him. “Especially with that pie you got.” he reached down to try and lift the lid in the hopes of snatching a few berries, but Noelia’s hand slapped his away. He chuckled and nodded towards the house. “C’mon, I promise it’ll go well. Besides, I already met your folks, so it’s only fair you meet mine.”
Her relenting smile was all the answer he needed, so he got out of his firebird and quickly made his way to the other side, opening the door and accepting the plate she handed him.
She got out a little awkwardly and ran her hands over the skirt of the dress and her fingers through her hair. That last part was to no avail; it was always tangled.
He handed back the plate and closed the door, turning back to the house. To hide his trembling hands, he put one in his pocket and the other on Noe’s back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a curtain moving and held in a snort.
He let her walk in first, and barely closed the door when his mom appeared in the foyer, her blond hair flowing in soft waves, her long, flowery dress making her look like she was gliding rather than walking. She was smiling from her to ear, her blue eyes shining as she looked from her son to Noelia and back, taking in the scene as if it were a miracle come true or something.
He felt Noe tense up, and he softly squeezed her waist.
“Hey mom,” he cleared his throat and quickly hid his other hand again. “This is Noelia. Noe, this is mom, Laura.”
Laura clapped her hands together and put them against her cheek, positively delighted.
“Oh, I’m so happy to finally meet you, dear.” she stepped in front of Noe, who looked like a terrified deer, and proceeded to hug her gently.  “I’ve been dying to meet you, but I see why Johnny wanted to keep you for himself.”
Noe chuckled ungainly.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mrs Lawrence.” she offered her the pie. “I hope you like lemon pie.”
“Oh, dear, you shouldn’t have.” she accepted the dessert and motioned towards the dining room. “It looks so good; where did you buy it?”
“I-I made it, ma’am.”
Laura’s eyes widened slightly.
“Well, now I’m even more excited to try it. Rosa? Could you put this in the fridge, please?”
The table had already been set up for four people, and the first course was being laid out. He knew they were almost late, but that was because someone, ehem, decided to change outfits six times. He had a feeling Noe had just been stalling.
She was looking around the place, the further they advanced the more she pressed herself to his side. He had some idea as to what she was thinking. The place was bigger than her parent’s apartament in Reseda.
He pulled the chair back for her and gently back in before taking his seat to her right. Across from the table, he saw his mother hiding a grin behind a glass of wine.
The seat at the head of the table remained empty, and something told Johnny that Sid would be making an entrance, as usual.
Laura didn’t even look in that direction, placing her forearms on the edge of the table and looking at Noelia.
“So, tell me dear, you moved here about a year ago, right?”
How did she even knew that? Probably Ali or one of her friends.
“Yes, ma’am. My parents and I used to live in Wisconsin.”
“Oh please, call me Laura, dear.” she waved a hand to rest importance to the matter. “And how are you liking it so far?”
“It’s great not having winter anymore.”
His mom kept firing questions, but Johnny relaxed, and little by little, so did Noe. His mom didn’t have a mean bone to her, and her curiosity was starkly genuine. As the minutes passed between them, everyone seemed to forget about Sid’s tardiness. Johnny bent his leg, placing his foot on the seat and an arm around Noe’s chair, joining the conversation here and there. He kept playing with her locks, gently pulling at them here and there, waiting for her to turn with a fake annoyed expression only to play the fool.
Noe was just telling his mom about her singing lessons when they heard the front door slam shut. His girl was the only one to jump, startled, while everyone else remained impassive, having grown too used to Sid’s antics long ago.
He strode into the room, already complaining. Johnny was quick to sit properly, Noe turning to him when she felt the absence of his touch.
“I fired that jackass today. I had it with him!” he was saying, his obnoxiously loud voice not relenting even as he sat.
“Who, honey?” Laura was the only one whose mood didn’t seem too tainted by his presence.
“Barney!” he gave her a look Johnny didn’t appreciate, as if his mom were stupid for not guessing who he was talking about. Right, cause usually, Sid didn’t have anything bad to say about anyone, especially his employees. 
“Oh, and what did he do?”
“The ungrateful bastard had the audacity to come ask me to reconsider his 'paternity leave'.”
Laura hesitated for a moment before forcing a smile onto her face.
“I’m sure you did the right thing.” Sid opened his mouth to keep going, but she cleared her throat and diverted her eyes towards him and Noe, who stared at his stepfather with her mouth slightly agape. “Honey, this is Noelia, Johnny’s girlfriend.”
“Uh. So she is real after all, eh?” he asked, looking her up and down. The cobra didn’t like that at all, so he leaned forward as casually as he could, hiding her at least partially. Sid’s eyes settled on him then. “Or did you have to pay her, boy?”
“Sid.” Laura sighed.
Johnny clenched his jaw.
“I didn’t.”
“Maybe not to come over tonight, but-”
“Oh, look! Dinner is ready.”
Rosa served them the first course as quietly and as quickly as she could, retreating back into the kitchen before Sid found a reason to yell at her as well.
They ate in silence for a few minutes, the teens keeping their eyes mostly on the plate in front of them.
As the main course was served, Laura spoke again.
“Honey, did I tell you that Noelia bought us dessert?” she smiled brightly at the girl, her approval too obvious. “She made it herself, and I’m sure it tastes as good as it looks.”
“Remember Bobby’s birthday, ma? Noe made his cake.”
Laura’s mouth hung open.
“Why, yes! It was simply divine. All those details! And so delicious!” she turned to Noe, beaming. “I didn’t know you made that as well.”
She nodded, returning her smile.
“Yeah; I like making birthday cakes, and Bobby’s mom couldn’t find someone on such short notice, so I offered.”
“Well, it was the talk of the party. It absolutely outshined the birthday boy.”
Noe chuckled as she reached for the glass. His mom wasn’t lying: that cake was the most delicious crap Johnny ever had. It had been a pity that she hadn’t made it to the party, but his boys made sure to let her know how well liked it had been, in great detail.
“So, I take it you like cooking as well as singing?”
Noe nodded more enthusiastically, and the blond teen smiled at her infectious mood.
“Yes! I love it! I was thinking of going to culinary school after I graduate. I thought about being a baker, but I think I’d prefer to be a chef.”
“Or you could be both?” Laura suggested. “Why limit yourself, dear?”
Sid snorted, and Johnny’s mood was ruined again.
“You want your son to marry a cook?” he asked his wife, pointing at him with his knife. He snorted again. “Like it’s not bad enough she’s a-”
“Watch it.” he warned, tense.
“-a gold digging, illegal mexican-”
“I’m from Winsconsin.”
“Watch it, man!”
"Mom's Italian though…"
“-She also wants to 'work' in a kitchen.” he said it while doing air quotes. “As if serving someone else wasn’t denigrating enough.”
“C’mon, Sid.” Laura threw her napkin on the table, seeming tired of his crap. “Just stop it, please?”
“Why?! You know it’s the truth! Just look at your son?”
“Hey! Enough!”
“He’s a pathetic little loser. You think a hot piece of ass like that would go out with him for his personality?” he said the last word in a flamboyant way as he leaned over to her. 
“Of course I do! Johnny’s a lovely boy.”
“He’s a loser! A good for nothing,...”
Sid and his mom kept on going back and forth, but Johnny didn’t listen anymore. Out of instinct, he reached to his left for his walkman and found Noe’s leg instead. Before he could retreat his hand, she had grabbed it with both of hers, holding his in a tight but comforting grip.
They kept staring at the windows in front of them. This was why he was so nervous. It wasn’t about his mom; he knew she’d love Noe, it was because of that asshole she married.
He just wanted a quiet night with his two favourite girls, as stupid as that sounded. He should’ve known it wouldn’t be a regular night in the Weinberg house if Sid didn’t throw himself into a monologue about how great it was that Johnny wasn’t his kid.
Rosa picked up the plates silently and quickly, but gave the young couple a sympathetic glance.
“Johnny, sweetie, why don’t you give Noelia a tour of the house?” 
“Oh, great! Show her where the safe box is while you’re at it! Hell, I’ll just give her the code!”
The blond stood, not wasting time and pulling Noe up with him rather harshly. She kept her mouth shut as he led her out of the dining room and of the house all together.
He hurried to his car and opened the door for her, closing it with much more strength than he meant. He got into the driver's seat as well, Sid’s screaming muffled now, and turned on the engine.
He carelessly pulled out of the driveway and into the street, driving off with no real destination in mind.
Noe said nothing for several minutes, and neither did he.
Suddenly he jumped, almost losing control of the wheel, but didn’t react further as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry.”
He scoffed.
“Why’re you apologizing? He’s the one being a dickhead.”
“I know.” she pressed her lips into a thin line. “None of what he said it’s true, Johnny.”
He stopped at a red light and looked at her worried face, relaxing just a tiny bit.
“I know that, babe. Don’t worry. Sid hates everyone, and everyone hates him back, so he hates them even more and wants to make them as miserable as he is.”
“No, shit.” she chuckled. “I really liked your mom though.”
That lifted his spirits.
“She liked you too.”
“You think?” she sounded so hopeful.
“I know.”
He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.
“Where are we going?”
“The guys said they’d be at the arcade. We could join them if you want?”
“So long as you buy me dinner, I’m sold.”
He was getting quite hungry as well.
“The usual?”
She smiled and nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
He would never hear the end of it if his friends saw him at the moment.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Kairi Prompt
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This happens during Kairi’s exam, where Aqua was trying to prepare her but suddenly, a new enemy began to threaten some uncharted worlds.
Worried this could mean something bad is happening with darkness again, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus go to investigate through the door to darkness, while Roxas, Axel, and Xion state they’ll try looking around in the world of light.
Kairi wants to journey too, but wonders if she should go alone...
Thinking this may be from the data world, Mickey can’t abandon his research, and Goofy and Donald are sent there.
Kairi... is once again alone.
She hadn’t really snuck onto the gummi ship, she just wandered into it and no one seemed to notice.
She wondered if she should talk to Master Yen Sid... but something told her she already knew what to do.
She continued to walk over to the main chair of the ship... in the middle and in front of the other two.
She placed a loosely-bundled fist up to her chest, looking down a moment. “Why... am I here?”
She could feel something... calling... and closed her eyes.
“Sora... you’re with me, right? Hehe, I should have known.” She smiled and lowered her hand down, looking more determinedly towards the windows of the gummi ship. “If you heard what was going on, you wouldn’t just sit back and wait... for someone else to direct your course... would you?”
She tilted her head, under the impression that maybe if his voice couldn’t reach her where he was... that her voice still could.
“Right, let’s do this! Together!” She summoned her keyblade, pointing it out as it began to glow at it’s tip, and the gummi ship began to activate.
“Ohh!” Startled by the sudden wind, Queen Minnie and Daisy turned to see it floating up and a lighted beam shoot out from it. “Could it be..?” Minnie had to wonder a moment, “No, it’s Kairi! Kairi..!” She waved, joyfully wishing her off.
“Your majesty!” Daisy reached up and dropped her hand, “Should you really be so relaxed right now? She’s going off on her own!”
“I know,” Minnie smiled to her, then gently placed her hand on Daisy’s which had lowered her arm from sending Kairi off on her way. “Isn’t it exciting?”
Daisy looked amazed, her beak opening to say something, before shaking her head and smiling politely to her. She let her arms drop and remain poised in the front of her, down and over one another, “You’re right... It is...” She looked up with hope in her eyes and faith that Kairi was ready, and that she may find something the others couldn’t.
“Besides,” Minnie began, still watching the gummi ship take off in a large burst that rippled the wind back and made the two girls brace themselves. “Hmhm, she’s never alone.” Minnie placed her hands together, as though saying a silent prayer, and then with a touch of magic, her fingertips started glowing and gathering light around them.
“Ah! Your highness!” Daisy seemed to recognize this power. “A-are you sure!?”
“I’m very certain... Kairi may not need it, but I’d feel awfully worried if I didn’t at least give her a... oh, a pick-me-up! That’s a fun thing to call it!” she giggled once more in her glee and raised one hand away from the other, shooting a star up into the sky that trailed after Kairi.
“A royal blessing...” Daisy commented, and lowered her head in respects. “Ohh... without that blessing though, who’s going to guard you?”
She seemed to be hinting at the magic being somewhat a shield of somekind, but it wasn’t certain.
Minnie turned around and winked to her, and stated, “I’ll be alright! I’ve got Mickey home at last. Though he’s hard at work, I don’t want to seem like I’m slacking either.” and again, her eyes turned back to where the gummi ship was far out of sight now... the shooting-star’s trial of stardust was all that twinkled to show which way it had headed. “It’s up to Kairi and the lingering spirit of Sora’s presence in her heart to carry out the rest.” She nodded with certainty. “And if anyone can teach Kairi what she needs before taking the mark of mastery, it’s definitely going to be from a journey with Sora.” She amused over the idea, “What a lovely date they’ll have!” She covered her mouth and closed her eyes, realizing she was being a bit nosy, and turned around to think her mischievously charming thoughts to herself. “Come along now, Daisy. Let’s tell Mickey what we’ve done...”
“Y-yes, your majesty.” Daisy sighed, walking after her, “Oh bother... Do we have to take the stairs?”
Kairi went to many Disney worlds that Sora and the gang haven’t ventured to before, previously. However, many of the characters seemed to know Sora, or at least, friends of Sora by some degree.
Kairi also came back to other worlds he had visited, finding that their stories were far from over, and there was--in fact--something influencing darkness and evil in the worlds... it strengthened their foes or new ones...
For example, Kairi learned from Merida that one decides their own fate, whether it’s by their hand or some magic, you always can choose your fate... if you’re brave enough to seize it.
“This time...” She watched the ghostly wisps beckoning her to where the bears were fighting. She summoned her keyblade, gripping it strongly as though with an iron fist, “I’ll decide where my fate starts.” she took off, ready to help Merida and her mother.
In Dumbo, Kairi realized that it wasn’t her keyblade, her own personal strength, or even her friends that necessarily gave her all the power she ever needed. It was also faith in herself, what she already had, that would bring her the greatest powers yet to come.
“And you gave him that faith to fly, didn’t you?” She looked at the little mouse as it took off it’s ring-master hat and bowed to her. “And Dumbo...” She giggled, “It was never the feather that you wielded. It’s power was always your own... I think I understand now.” She looked over at her keyblade, “All my strength... or at least, the strength that I’ve always had... I’ve just yet to realize it.” She smiled, finding some confidence in herself. “I bet that’s how Sora and Riku once felt... I thought, if I could be a Keyblade Master, maybe... I don’t know,” She lowered the keyblade, looking back to the little elephant and it’s mouse friend. “I still gain so much strength from their faith in me... but I see now that I need faith in myself, my own abilities, to really succeed at being my own kind of keyblade wielder... Thank you for that, both of you.” Dumbo wiggled his ears, elated to have helped as she had also helped them so much. “Now, let’s make sure your mother’s okay.” Dumbo jumped around in a cycle, full of glee at that idea, and took off as the little mouse gripped it’s hat, ran in the air a moment, before darting after him.
“Heheh... Well, I be done seen about everything.” She laughed to herself, and for a second, her heart took her to a moment long ago lived... where Sora and Riku were laughing beside her on the dock back in Destiny Island. Riku swung a hand into Sora’s face and he tried to fight back, causing the two to tumble into the sea...
“Sora... Riku...” She gripped her heart again, “...I will join you, once I’m ready. You don’t have to worry about this world anymore... I’ve got it covered.” She nodded with a sincere wish that they could trust her with this task, and continued her journey to find the mysterious force causing so much problems.
In Lady and the Tramp, she followed a puppy with a dog muzzle on it’s mouth. Later, she helped a stray into the zoo to help follow the other dog, and watched as the two seemed to have gotten separated by the dark-influencer. They seemed to be asking her to help them escape the dog-catcher, and did so.
“These... interesting dogs... are mine, sir!” she stood between him and the two, what appeared to be in love, dogs as the dog-catcher waddled his way up to her in a goofy manner. She stood her ground though, as he commented back, “Their be laws in this fine city, Miss! Put a collar and leash’em! Or they’re heading straight to the pound!” He wiggled his finger up above her, but Kairi just sweetly nodded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Hmph!” He stomped away, and Kairi narrowed her eyes and turned to whisper back at the dogs.
“I’ve faced scarier things than him!” She joked, as the dogs yipped in thanks. “Now, you two should get out of here... I don’t know if you belong to anyone... but I can see now that you belong with each other.”
They both snuggled up in their iconic hug, and looked back to Kairi. “What a fine lady you have there.” Kairi smiled, remembering how she had offered Kairi her paw in greeting.
Lady barked with approval. “Oh? Is that... That’s your name, right?” She nodded, “I could feel it... in my heart.” She looked to the other dog. “Keep her out of trouble... ya here?”
Tramp also barked in agreement.
“...Take care of each other...” As they took off, Kairi couldn’t help but think of Sora. “...I’ll keep you safe... Sora.” She decided this world still had a mystery to solve, and continued on.
Later, She found that a Lion knew Sora, and that his daughter had gone missing. Stopping some feuding prides, she learned a valuable lesson about not judging by one’s past... She may had been sent to Destiny Island against her will, used for a terrible fate in summoning the true Kingdom Hearts, “But love find’s a way!” She knew that to be true, “And I’ll find my way!” She prepared to fight the Lioness of the Shadow lands, and finally met the misty dark presence...
“Who are you? Why are you causing so much chaos in these worlds?” She demanded to know, but it took off, and she hurriedly followed it in the gummi ship.
Pocahontas had the last key she needed to fully unlock her true potential. The dark influencer was giving strength to the fear in both people’s hearts, and while Pocahontas raced to save the man she loved, Kairi returned to grandmother willow, asking sincerely how to help.
“Listen... with your heart... you will understand~” Grandmother Willow sang, but Kairi couldn’t just sit and mediate.
“There’s a war, Grandmother Willow! And I don’t have a compass to point my way like Pocahontas does! Please, I’m begging you, why can’t I summon my keyblade here? I must help them!”
“Let it break... upon you like... the waves upon the sand~” She kept singing, as Kairi was panting from her long journey through the woods filled with the dark-influencers presence and creations, having their contentions manifest as new dark creatures she had never seen before.
“My... heart... waves... sand?” She spoke through her heavy breathing, and taking a deep breath to try and calm herself, she looked within...
Her heart seemed to open up, and she was standing before Sora... upon the stainglass of her story.
“I don’t understand,” She admitted, gesturing to him while his face looked sorrowful at her plight. “I know you can’t answer me... but you can hear me, right?” she was holding back tears, and then... withdrew her hand to crunch her torso in and shake her angered fist. “I don’t know how I lost the power to summon my keyblade... I don’t understand why! In such a critical moment where I’m needed... it’s never been this bad in the other worlds, I’ve always found some sort of solution, but the settlers won’t listen to me! I don’t have Kiara to help me reason with them, and faith in myself isn’t going to help John Smith escape execution! They’re all too afraid of each other for me to get through to them over bravery alone! I don’t know... I don’t know what to do!” She gripped her head, still struggling to not cry.
“Sora... how have you been able to go through so many worlds... face so many challenges that a keyblade can’t always solve? I don’t understand... I’ve tried everything within my power, but a man’s going to die and I can’t just sit by and watch it play out!” she fell to her knees, “Sora! Sora, just take over! I don’t know what to do anymore! They need you! Not me... I’m still too weak! I... I can’t pass my training...”
As she shook her head, she revealed the true fear that had lingered in her heart.
“I... Don’t know if I can live up to the expectations you and Riku gave to these people... to their worlds... I... I’m just me.”
Feeling a bit hopeless, she finally saw Sora’s form move.
It advanced towards her before he dropped to a knee and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“So... you’ll help me?” She looked up into his eyes.
He squinted his eyes slightly, looking into each one of hers.
“...Listen... with your heart...” she scrunched her face up to avoid crying, and placed her hand by her heart again. “And you will understand...”
The setting suddenly changed to Destiny Island, and Sora was a child...
She had gotten Riku and Sora out of the water, and began actively teasing them about not fighting so much, “If you’re real friends, you should treat each other with a lot less rough-housing! Though, it was pretty funny.”
“Give us a break, Kairi...” Sora scratched his head, looking apologetic.
“It’s a boy thing.” Riku hooked his arm around Sora’s head, and pulled him over to him as Sora struggled.
“R-right... hey, Riku!”
Kairi giggled, “I guess... if you really fought, I’d have to pull you out before you drowned yourself.” She knew they had a rivalry, but put her hands behind her back. “Alright, that does it!”
The two boys looked to her new declaration, seeing as her voice had pepped up quite a bit.
“From now on, I’ll make sure you two don’t fight..! Or bicker behind my back...” She grinned then, “Cause you’re not gonna leave my sights!”
“H-hey!” The two didn’t really complain, but they refused to rough-house since she would intersect herself, saying that if they were gonna fight, they’d have to contend with her too.
“...I’m...” Kairi opened her eyes, looking up at Grandmother Willow. “I’ve always been a mediator... I’m not meant to just be a fighter!”
“Go, my child! Your course is set, and the compass of your heart spins and guides you!” The wind rustled by fiercely and Kairi felt a surge of power come upon her.
She turned as the large sails of the mistaken clouds of the sky lightly glided behind her.
“You know your path, now, Kairi! Take it!” Leaves of differing color spun around Kairi as her hair beat against the wind, the light sparkles suddenly trailed down her arm with the leaves and Kairi summoned a different keyblade...
She raced through the forest, and as Pocahontas cried out, “Stop!” She threw her keyblade up to the chief’s staff.
He was a powerful man, and for a moment, Kairi saw in her mind’s eye the glitching reality of Xenanort, then back to the chief.
She continued to strain, letting Pocahontas speak, and hearing for the first time... the words that no one uttered, but that were meant by their hearts.
She spoke them after her, and from what she learned at Pride Rock, taught the same lessons. “We are one... all of us!”
She knew what Simba had meant when he sang to Kiara now... and what Kiara learned after her journey. “Can I also... trust in my own heart?” She felt Sora’s light, and knew that she could.
“Can you trust yours?” Kairi lowered her keyblade... and the chief looked settled. “We don’t need to fight.”
However, she did finally confront the Dark-Influencer, realizing he was the lingering will of the dark-side of Kingdom Hearts...
“You... You just aren’t completed. But your hatred... all the loathing of the heart, it’s insecurities that we all felt during that battle at the keyblade graveyard...” she took a deep breath, “Now, I will set free those awful feelings... and the last of the lingering feelings we’ve had then... will finally come to an end!”
She fought with everything she had, as it morphed and changed into many of the silhouettes of her friends, their fear that she thought Sora had defeated... but it was exactly Sora’s lingering heart within her that had guided her to the Dark-Influencer.
As she fought it, it would shift at intervals between her friends and allies, even the foes and their lingering spites or sorrows... but then...
After defeating the dark silhouette of Master Aqua, the dark silhouette transformed into a figure looking like Sora...
It staggered, before regaining slowly itself into a powerful stance.
It swiped out the kingdom blade and began powering up.
“Sora... this is it, isn’t it?” She saw a light begin to shine from her heart. “You trust me and only me to defeat the last of your fear from this world... the last thing holding everyone back from living at peace again, right?”
She also threw her new keyblade up to the sky, then slowly lowered it to have a crown appear below her.
“Sora... if I can... please... lend me your strength!” she felt a surge of power, light shining from the crown as the shooting star spiraled down to the crown and filled it with magnificent power, granting a keyhole to appear.
“Ah..!” not sure what it was, but knowing it was going to temporarily grant her some help, she trusted that if she unlocked this... Sora might be given a second chance to aid her. She stepped back, flying slightly in an arch before unlocking it, having the shooting-star’s dust fly out and glitter against a new form...
A light-figure of Sora slowly arose from a kneeling position... the same that he had when she was in her heart... he reached up and grabbed her hand to help her glide back down safely...
“Sora..?” She held his hand a moment... and it squeezed it.
She nodded to it, not knowing quite how this magic worked, but knowing she could fight with him against this powerful foe just like beforehand... when he had gathered the petals of her crystal lotus heart and they fought the greatest evil together.
This... was truly like before, but the foe was now their own emotions... having gathered under Kingdom Hearts... and having the last of it’s power leak life into them...
She looked to the dark figure, “You’re no longer a part of us!” she swiped her hand out, as the Lighted Sora silhouette got into battle position, letting go of her hand as a one-sided wing appeared on both their shoulders, matching the other.
“I will act as the light from my friends! This is where Kingdom Hearts ends, for good!”
With their hearts as one... they beated the lighted wings once behind them to propel them forward, holding their keyblades back to attack the last of the darkness that still plagued this world...
Like the fight between the nobodies, darkness, and her friends, the light... she would not let this end... with savage emotions.
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years
“In and Out the Exits and Entrances”
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A/N: Supposedly inspired by the above quote but… I overdid the concept. Damn. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be cute tsundere fluff all the way thru. What happened? Can’t believe my MayaKuro (Maya x Claudine) debut ended up like this. Pre-relationship stuff. Credits to @quotemadness​ and the original quote source. I always find their quotes so prompt-worthy.
~Shintori Khazumi
“In and Out the Exits and Entrances”
“I wish you’d find the exit out of my head.” Claudine grunted to herself as she fell face-first onto her large bed, exhausted from yet another spat with the insufferable woman whose name she would not mention. Why? She didn’t need another reason to think about her right now. 
She’d rather forget her all together, if anything.
Yes. Forget. Erase everything that had to do with her existence in the plane that was Saijou Claudine’s mind. Blot out any and all evidences, any trace, every step the brunette trekked along the paths of Claudine’s thoughts. Destroy all tracks for any train of Maya-related thought-
“GAH!” And here she said she wouldn’t put a name to the face that plagued her every night, who visited her dreams both in broad daylight and under the soft rays of the moon.
She cursed her feeble mental defenses, pounding a fist into her fluffed pillows before flipping herself over to lay on her back. It shouldn’t be such a big deal, really. Why was she so irritated today? It wasn’t like they never fought. On the contrary, no day would pass where they wouldn’t bicker.
So what was the big deal?
Why was Claudine so… infuriated? Vexed? Exasperated? What term would fit the bill to her feelings as of the moment. Was this frustration at the fact that-
Ah. Yes, maybe that was it.
Claudine was frustrated with Maya. Tendou Maya, who so strong and confident, so prideful, poised and elegant- yes, the perfect top star was… just suddenly not. And for what reason? Her ever good-for-nothing parents who Claudine couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to like. That was probably the one role she would fail at acting out.
Yes, that was it. Not pain or worry or anything… right.
“Damn you, you insufferable- nggh!” As Claudine continued to grumble and groan as she rolled along her massive mattress, memories of earlier in the day intruded her thinking space.
The 99th class was gathered in one of the practice rooms, everyone throwing their all into one-upping one another… at uno. Yes, they had settled for a quick round of cards after a particularly intense rehearsal for their new play that was showing in a mere two days.
It wasn’t a particularly grand production, and it certainly wasn’t well-known enough that they would expect a humungous audience. Maybe with a bit of advertising, they’d be able to gather a decent crowd, and each member of the team had built enough rapport with audiences that they expected to see a few familiar, regular faces attending.
Still, it was something they chose together as a class after having fallen in love with the story of a young lady who was cursed to go blind in seven days, and she decided she wanted to see everything in the world before that happened, and as she began her journey out of town, she met various people along the way- one of which was an adventure, volunteering to be her guide, who she would fall desperately in love with but never see again. A young soul who was cursed to only exist if they could be “seen”.
Right away, they were captivated by this and unanimously agreed upon it as their next project.
Everyone was excited for it; they were raring to go. Claudine had snatched the leading role as the blind young lady and she couldn’t be more thrilled. And maybe, somewhere deep down, her heart was also thrilled that cast opposite her as the love interest, was no other than Tendou Maya.
The infuriating woman, obviously, threw her a smirk in the most infuriating away she knew how. And she clearly knew she was pushing all the right buttons for Claudine to react to her… infuriating-ness... if that was ever a word.
All was normal, all was good.
Then it wasn’t.
Barging into today’s practice, through the wooden doors that could have broke from the sheer force with which they had hit the wall, was Tendou Maya’s father. Claudine would have applauded his dedication to acting, perfectly imitating a red chili, face scarlet with rage and fuming a few degrees, making the room they were all in, rise in temperature. She would have had he not marched straight up to Maya and landed a resounding smack across her face.
Claudine’s blood ran cold in contrast to the scalding gaze she threw at the elder Tendou. “Excu-“ Before she could move to her rival’s side and interrogate the sudden intrusion, the man began yelling.
“THIS is what you’re ignoring all my calls for the past week for? Slacking off and wasting your time and potential with silly games and silly girls, and useless productions!”
Claudine seethed. Her eyes travelling down Maya’s frame as the girl had her back to her. Her gaze found Maya’s tightly clenched hands- nails buried so deep they could draw blood. She wanted to reach out and ease the grip of the taller girl, wanting to bring her comfort, but at this moment, it was as if there was this wall that prevented anyone from stepping in to the father-daughter’s space.
“I texted you to come home right away. I told you, you were to meet some distinguished guests and perform for them. I told you to practice at home and prepare! DO YOU WANT TO SHAME THE PARENTS WHO GAVE EVERYTHING FOR YOU?!” His hand had lifted, and Claudine felt her body shift forward, mind telling her to block the blow.
Someone was faster, however. Nana had already caught the man by the hand, and even he was surprised at the strength that he couldn’t seem to overpower.
“Excuse me, not to sound rude, but are you allowed to be in here sir?” She asked with a bone-chilling smile.
“Even if you are a parent, it’s disrespectful to just barge into school grounds and intimidate students, visiting without prior notice.” Junna piped up from beside her. “We could inform a teacher and have personnel remove you for harassing students.”
“I’m her father.” The man breathed through gritted teeth, gesturing with his thumb to the girl who had yet to release a single word from her tightly pursed lips. Her head had been down the entire time since he hit her, and she had not moved an inch from her spot.
“Well, you sure don’t act like one.” Hikari remarked, not even sparing the man a glance.
“Why I-“
“Excuse me, the students have reported an incident, and I’m here to confirm.” Sakuragi-sensei entered the room, and the students felt relief flood their system, some tension fading away from their mentor’s presence. Behind her was a security guard and they could see Mr Tendou’s frame turn rigid as he coughed into his palm, regaining professional composure, before standing up in a confident posture.
“Ah, yes, sorry. No, it’s nothing. I’m here to speak to my daughter, that is all. Her… companions seemed to have the wrong idea.”
“Did we now…” Futaba slapped a hand over Kaoruko’s mouth before things turned worse.
“Even so, we have protocol, sir.” Sakuragi-sensei returned the professionalism, smiling as she led the man out. “We can discuss this further in the office with your daughter.”
“Maya. Come.” The man commanded, and Claudine flinched. What was he calling for? A dog? This was his daughter.
“…nt to…” The room’s occupants heard the soft mumble.
“What was that?” The anger seemed to be returning to Mr. Tendou’s voice as he took a step towards Maya’s direction.
“I-I…I don’t… I don’t want to!”
“Mr. Tendou.” Sakuragi-sensei’s voice was firm, and the girls could never be more thankful for the strength their teacher displayed in moments like this where they needed her the most. “We’ll have the talk in my office.” She turned to the unfamiliar young lady in the middle of the room. Unfamiliar, not in the sense that they didn’t know who she was, but they could barely recognize her as she was. “Maya?”
Her invitation was gentle and kind, offering an option that Maya could say no, and not go with them, and that would be fine. She nodded her head, however, and Claudine had just enough time to react and grab the taller girl’s arm, all actions out of her control as her tongue slipped and she pleaded with a weakness she loathed,
“Don’t go.”
Maya laid her hand over Claudine’s, warm. She gave her a smile, and for a moment, Claudine’s heavy heart lifted, before her smile fell.
Maya went.
After that, the group of friends were only left with a message of a verdict and no sight of one Tendou Maya.
The top star was to go home with her father tonight, no questions asked. It had been her decision- or so Sensei had told them.
“It obviously isn’t.” Claudine sighed against the pillow she now found herself tightly embracing.
She lay on her bed in silence, feeling her head pound, heart heavy. It was so quiet in the dorm today. She could hear the fast ticking of a clock in her room. She could hear the footsteps of whoever was padding down the hall, possibly about to pass by her room.
It was nine pm, Claudine had checked the time. Maya should have been long gone by now-
A knock came on her door.
“Saijou-san?” The door opened the tiniest crack.
Should have, is certainly the right way to say it.
“What in the world are you doing here, Tendou Maya?” Claudine wanted to sound irritated, or her usual tone of annoyance, but somehow it came off as a gentle whisper- so soft, Maya could have missed it.
But she didn’t.
“I… may have ran back.”
“ALL THE WAY FROM YOUR HOUSE?!” Claudine could see a bit of dirt and tatter all over Maya’s wear, and she could see small beads of sweat on her brow.
“No, just the road. I-“ she swallowed a breath, “I told my father I didn’t want to go… He…” Her eyes flitted towards Claudine’s bed, and she finally realized that the other girl must be incredibly exhausted, so she led the way as they say side-by-side on the soft cushion.
Maya didn’t continue right away, but that was fine. Claudine was content on letting her take her time. She could tell her when she was ready. Claudine may not have been able to support Maya through actions or words earlier, but she sure as hell could do it through listening to her every worry and being by her side (forever, if possible) if that would help.
In Maya’s eyes, it was everything she ever really needed.
“I… those… my father. Well, you know how he said he messaged a week ago about having “distinguished guests” over.” She spoke with air quotes, and Claudine couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her face at the sheer cuteness of this creature before her.
She nodded as if to say, ‘go on’.
Maya smiled in appreciation at the lent ear. “Well, I am aware that what he means by that is that they are the families of potential suitors- or well, no, not suitors. Potential… marriage partners, you could say.”
Something didn’t feel right in Claudine’s chest. It felt constricted, and her throat ran dry as she nodded another response instead of speaking.
“Well, yes that, and I suppose to once more parade me like the trophy I am.”
Claudine frowned at those words. Finding her voice, she spoke with conviction. “You are wonderful, you are amazing, but you are not a display for their entertainment.”
Maya genuinely smiled at that, fingers tentatively reaching out to touch Claudine’s. The French girl made a small jump, but then relaxed, fingers intertwining with Maya’s as if it were the most natural course of action. She felt Maya squeeze her thanks, and she squeezed back.
There was always this warmth with Maya, a feeling she couldn’t quite name. It had planted itself in Claudine’s heart for quite some time and had only grown, having no plans of leaving, taking no steps towards the exit. It wasn’t just friendship; she knew that for certain. It wasn’t a negative feeling at all, either. She only ever felt this way around Maya.
Wait. Her thoughts were getting distracted again. She internally sighed.
“Continue?” She offered her ear once more, certain that her constant partner had more to tell.
“Ah, yes. Well.” She cleared her throat. “No one would fancy that. Being…yes. That. Um.” Was it always this hard to form words? Maya thought. “I- he, we talked. And. I-“ She could usually speak her mind so confidently, unabashed and eloquent. As of now, she was reduced to a bumbling pile of fool.
But Claudine never saw her that way. “Take your time.” She whispered, squeezing Maya’s hand once more, red eyes offering mental solace to Maya. “Take your time.”
Maya nodded, breathing in and out. “Long story short, I told him, I finally told him with enough conviction that… I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to be his trophy, I didn’t want to be his shadow, I didn’t want to be his little doll or mascot, or toy or tool; I-“ She grinned, turning to face Claudine fully with a blinding smile. “I don’t want to be married off to whatever buffoon he chooses, who has clearly just the same amount of toxic ego as him. I can only imagine the people he currently associates with and favors.” Maya shook her head in disgust.
Claudine simply ran her thumb over the back of Maya’s hand, humming in reply.
“He wasn’t always like that.” The way Maya said that broke the child actress’ heart for the umpteenth time that day. “He used to be so much more than… whatever remains of him now.”
Claudine could only go on with her nonverbal responses, continuing to play with Maya’s hand in an effort to send her comfort. The latter appreciated it greatly.
“He was a better man… you know?”
Claudine offered the back of Maya’s hand a kiss, barely missing the blush that was quick to come and go on her face. “I know. Where would such a wonderfully, captivatingly, infuriatingly, charming lady such as yourself come from, otherwise?”
This time, Maya did blush.
The silent awkwardness made Claudine follow suit.
They sat there in discomfort as time passed before Maya broke the tension with a gentle tone.
“Ma Claudine.” That one phrase sent the said girl’s soul soaring. Maya shifted closer to her, blush still apparent on her face as she leaned over to lay her head on Claudine’s shoulder. “Don’t you want to know why I don’t want to get married to anyone my father chooses?”
“Aside from the fact that they might as well be narcissistic, idiotic pricks?” Maya burst into a sweet laughter at that, giving Claudine the sudden urge to embrace her and pray to hear that sound forever and ever-
These thoughts really, never taking a break.
Wiping a happy tear from her eye, the brunette responded, “Aside from that, yes.”.
“I-“ Claudine chanced a glance at the girl resting on her shoulder before staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t really know. Maybe you have someone e-else in mind?” Curse her stuttering. What was that all about?
“Oh! As expected of Saijou-san. How bright~.” Maya teased, and though her voice was playful, Claudine couldn’t find it in herself to play along. She didn’t like the sudden need to pull away and put distance between herself and Maya at this knowledge that the other actually had someone she liked. “Yes, this person seriously plagues my mind. At the start, I may have found it the slightest bit annoying.”
“Oh yeah?” Claudine knew her voice held that tinge of anger that wasn’t her usual schtick. This, she knew, was laced with hurt and a jealousy towards someone she probably had never met before. It made her feel pathetic. She pulled her hand away from Maya, extracting her whole body, stunning the said girl before she regained her composure, shocking Claudine with her next action.
Arms on either side of her head, Claudine was successfully pinned down by one Tendou Maya, eyes screaming an emotion that felt familiar, yet not to Claudine at the same time.
“Yeah.” Claudine could feel the ghost of Maya’s breath at their proximity. She swallowed.
“Well, lucky them, huh. Snagging the oh-so-great Tendou Maya.” Claudine made for a break once more, only to have her exit blocked as Maya now held her hands, lacing their fingers once more as she held Claudine in place, bent over her.
“Yes, I would hope they do feel lucky. After all, my father told me if I really wanted to do what I wanted, to marry whoever I wanted, to live as I pleased; If I wanted to prove that I could make it on my own, with my own efforts, without the name of my parents, or their backing…” She leaned down just another inch closer.
Far too close in Claudine’s honest opinion.
Maya continued. “He said I could start by walking all the way back here without calling for help, a ride, or anything.” She chuckled. “That sadistic ass even rode alongside me just to make sure. I’m glad I made it. I’d do it again if this is all it took to shut him up.”
Maya was so close now, her forehead bumping Claudine’s. The blonde could only stare mesmerized by those determined eyes.
“Gosh, and to think it’s partially just for that one infuriating person.”
So the infuriating person could find someone else infuriating huh?
“Yes, I can.” Maya laughed.
Ah, so Claudine had spoken that aloud.
“Yes, you did.”
Claudine rolled her eyes. “Well I apologize for that if it happened to offend you. Not that I haven’t said it before.”
“I’m used to it, I would say.”
“It would do you good. What if the person you like finds you infuriating as well one day?”
Maya’s laughter could only grow as she nuzzled her nose against Claudine’s.
“Ma Claudine, how can you be so dense? Ah certainly the person who plagues my thoughts makes it difficult for me to control myself, to bear my emotions and my musings, and all of those above. Really,” Maya brought a hand to cup Claudine’s face gingerly. “I think of you so much I wish you’d return the sentiment. Otherwise, I wish you’d find the exit out of my head-”
Claudine felt her breath stall in her lungs.
“…And find the entrance to my heart instead.”
That certainly did her in, the damage to her heart so great no coherent thought or word could hope to be formed as Claudine could only manage to splutter out noises as her face burned with emotion.
Well, she probably didn’t need her lips to speak anymore anyway, not when they were now occupied with reciprocating the tender embrace of Tendou Maya’s.
If Claudine could combust… oh, but she probably already did.
She had wormed her way in through the entrance to Maya’s heart, and she supposed it wasn’t so bad if she never found the exit.
 A/N: I appreciate any and all feedback!
Sudden spur of the moment to write this so I sped through it in under 2 hours. Ciao!
~Shintori Khazumi
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 9
Kurt was only out for about 15 minutes but that was long enough for Tarren and Fin to get him to the back on one of the spare cots. The gaang besides Iroh and Jee stayed to see how things went down, all gathered in the room reading maps and planning their trip while Lily paced back and forth muttering to herself before she threw her hands in the air
"Why wouldnt he tell us!?" She shouted
"I dont know Lily" Tarren said while he dabbed a cold towel on Kurt's forhead
"I mean, he could see the scars the three of us share! Why... why wouldnt he say anything!?"
"I'm sure he had a good reason Lily, I mean, how did you guys even know you had a third soulmate?" Katara asked with a small tilt to her head.
The duo both placed their hands to their chests instinctively. "Well, we didn't always know, but one day we both collapsed in the middle of a shift,"
[Flashback when? Flashback now!]
"Of course Miss Jin, Grey with honey and two sugars at 3 pm sharp just like every other Friday" Lily smiled while handing the girl her cup of tea she made for her at the exact same time every single friday evening. Jin was a favorite.
"How are you and Tarren?" Jin asked with a smile which made Lily blush
"Hah. We're doing alr-" suddenly Lily lost her breath from a blunt pain in her chest. "Tarren" she wheeled out just before letting out a yelp and clutching her chest "Tarren!"
"Lily!" Tarren's voice called out from the other sid of the Library followed by the sound of scrolls falling to the ground
The two scrambled to eachother with Jin following Lily and Fin rushing out from the back with paperwork to see what was happening. The pair crashed into eachother and held onto the others arms "what happened?" Lily cried out "whats going on. It burns, oh Gods it burns Tarren"
"I- I dont know" Tarren when to unclip his uniform, shucking off the top shirt before ripping the underdress to reveal painful bubbling skin in the shape of a hand and spreading across his chest and up to his neck down past where he managed to rip down to.
"There's a third" Jin said with a gasp
"Whoever they are theyre in trouble" Fin said bluntly while turning to Jin "Jin do you mind running to get the medic? I have to stay with them and they can't move" he gestured to their shivering crying forms.
"Are they dying?" Lily managed to wheeze out between sobs of pain
"No, this isnt direct, its just an- oh right" he nearly forgot that Lily watched her parents killed in a similar way "Lily, trust me, the third in the trio is not dying, they're being hurt, but they aren't dying"
Lily nodded, the pain lasted for a good 20 minutes before slowly dying down and feeling like it was being treated on all ends.
[Flashback over]
Katara gave a small frown "I wonder what happened to him"
"Ill tell you if you help me sit up" Kurt said with a small cough. Sokka who had been sitting near him but was lost in a map with Zuko looked up
"Oh, the munchkin awakens!"
"The... what?" Kurt laughed out
"Ignore him, he's stupid sometimes" Katara said as she helped Kurt sit up and put a pillow behind his back. "How did you get burned if you dont mind me asking?
Kurt gave a sigh and looked to Sokka and Zuko "well, honestly its probably a similar story to mr princey over there"
Zuko tensed "how do you know who I am... and you don't know how I got this"
"I do" Aang said with his hand raised "well, kinda, I think it was your da- mphf!" Zuko shut Aang up with his hands on his mouth
"Shut up, now is not about me or how I got my scar, its about short stack over there"
"Shortstack!? Okay, now that was just rude. But I got this burn from my dad, he wasn't great and had no position to even justify his abuse against me and my mom." He brought his hand to his necklace with a small frown
"He caught me hanging out by a small pond with an earth boy named Haru and was convinced I was a traitor for doing so. He lectured be when he got me home by slamming me against the door and burning me"
he looked up to Tarren and Lily "I didn't tell you, and I always hid my scar because I'm scared hes going to find me again, after he left for the war my mom fell ill and died, so I ran away to my Pappy and he's sick right now so I don't know how long I have with his protection." He gave a sigh "I dont want him to find me and know that you two are my soulmates because he'll hurt you to get to me. And I cant let you get hurt..."
Lily put her hand on her chest with a frown "I'm sorry Kurt, I had no idea. But now that we know I hope you understand we won't let anyone hurt you or us."
"And that includes me" Fin said from the doorway "you've got two master earthbenders and a vigilante assassin on your side now"
"Woah, woah, vigilante assassin?" Toph piped up "Lily is an assassin!? That's so cool!" She marched right up to her and jabbed her finger in her direction "I dont know you too much but I do know that I like you!"
Lily flushed a bright red and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly "hah, thanks? Wait are you a beifong?"
"Sure am!"
"I didnt know the beifongs had a daughter, let alone a daughter teaching the avatar earthbending" Lily said with a smile
"Yeah, well they didn't think I was strong enough because I cant read" Toph gave a shrug
"I could teach you sometime" Lily offered
"Im blind missy" Toph said with a cackle
"I know" Lily giggled "We have Braille books, I can teach you to read braille if you want to"
"Instead of ink on the pages there are raised dots in patterns to make the letters, numbers and words, Fin and his wife managed to invent it ten years ago because Fin's best friend is blind and he wanted to send him letters, but it isn't too popular yet sadly"
Toph stood there for a moment before saying anything "wait... are you telling me there's a way I can read?"
"Yeah! Its more commonly on paper but Tarren and Fin use earthbending to write it out much faster on stone tablets, its much less wasteful. But for nonbenders like myself thats not really an option, so I write with the paper and the pressing tools."
Sokka piped into the conversation with a quick jump to his feet "can you teach me too? I want to know how to write in a way that she can read" he had a determined look on his face and sound in his voice that caught everyone off guard
"I... didnt realize you cared?" Katara said with a confused look
"Of course I care Katara! I probably care too much sometimes, I care about every single one of you," he looked around "did... did you really think I didnt care?"
Aang looked at Katara and then at Sokka "she probably only thought that because you show care differently than her, I know you care, I mean you've managed to keep us all together and solve our problems, youre a uh... solve it kinda care... if thats a type"
Everyone looked at Aang befote Lily gave a small laugh "you sound like Fin, he's really caring for sure but you have to understand him to notice his love language." Lily paused "but teaching you both will take a while, even just teaching Toph here, who I assume has never been taught anything about letters and words on pages. I'm guessing you lot are traveling to stop the war?"
"You bet!" Aang said with a cheeky grin
"Well you could easily travel with them and teach them all, you and Tarren both" Kurt suggested
"Im not going anywhere without you" Lily said whil jabbing a finger towards him and leaning down close to him "I promised to protect you, and I will"
"Then how about you all come with us! We can all learn braille! I mean I'm already teaching Aang waterbending, Toph is teaching Aang earthbending. And hopefully Zuko and Iroh will teach him firebending so a new writing language should be good for all of us!" Katara said with excitement clear in her voice
It only took a bit of convincing to have Kurt join but it took a good 20 minutes worth of convincing Fin to let Tarren and Lily travel around while Fin ran the library with the help of Jin who stepped up to take over the pairs roles in the library.
But before leaving Lily showed Sokka the braille pressing tools so he could get a quick idea of the way they worked before packing up a good amount of paper and tools so she could teach them. On the road. Tarren would help Toph with hers for stone given they're both earthbenders.
Once they started packing up their own belongings Toph walked into Lily's room with a small knock "hey, you almost ready petty steps?"
"Pretty steps? Uh, yeah I just have to find a good place to put this" she moved her hand a bit with a wooden mask facing up
"What is that?"
"Its my assassin mask, its got a white base, think warm wind. Two black marks, think of cold night ponds stretching from the side tips of her nose, above the brow bone and getting much thicker before going up and becoming two horns. The eye holes and the lips are both dark red, think of the warmth of a summer evening sunset."
Toph stood in the doorway "I didnt need the description but that kind of makes colors interesting"
The two laughed at the bluntness but then Lily shrugged "I guess your right, I didnt need to describe it, but I wanted to anyways" she held the mask for a second before packing it away "it's from my sisters favorite spirit fable. 'Lady of the sunset pond' she had my mama read it to us every night" Lily reached to her necklace and held the roght ash stone.
"Sounds like they hold a special place to you"
"Yeah, they do"
"What happened to them?" Toph asked while leaning against the wall
"We don't have the time to unwrap another story today" Lily gave a small laugh while she set her bag down "besides I need to change before we go, can't leave in a work uniform you know, not really meant for traveling" she moved towards Toph and gave a small bow "thank you for accepting to learn braille from me"
Toph smiled shortly but then punched Lily's arm earning a confused 'ow' to which she responded "thats how I show affection"
"Ah, thats an interesting way to show it" Lily laughed "now I best be getting changed, mind stepping out? I know you see with earthbending, I've seen Tarren train without sight before so I can recognize it"
Toph laughed and stepped out "whatever Pretty steps"
Once everyone was changed and packed they all let on loading up Appa and preparing to fly to the next place. The ragtag group of 4 traumatized kids was suddenly a ragtag group of 8 traumatized kids and 2 wise old men traveling on a flying bison with a small mischievous lemur. What a busy two days huh?
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Psst...if you’re still doing the Valentine meme, can I have one for Eugene Sledge? I am So Soft for him. (Also, I wanna thank you for doing so many of these! You always put such thought and care into each boy, and you’re doing it for free!! We don’t deserve you).
valentines day alphabet  ( no longer accepting )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Softly. Eugene’s affection is a tender thing, never performative, very private. When he cares for someone, he shows it in little smiles and private jokes; letting his guard down in their presence, able to lean back and read a book or doze off without an ounce of self-consciousness; sharing things with them, like interesting book passages or science facts, and trusting that they’ll care. His affection is understated, but it’s very comfortable, very peaceful.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Gardening was one of his mother’s pet hobbies, and Eugene took a special interest when he was little. He always loved flowers, all those bright colors and blooming life that rang in the springtime...  while he’s no expert in gardening himself, he learned enough from his mother that he could raise a potted plant easily, and has a special fondness for them. He’ll show up with a carefully curated bouquet to any event, or surprise his mother with them just because he was passing by the flower shop  ---  and you bet he helped the florist pick them out.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He’s not a big fan... but he’ll never say no to Hersheys kisses.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Not for a first date, because he wouldn’t want his love interest to think he’s a nerd...  but somewhere further along in the relationship, he’d love to go to a science museum. Maybe the best one in Alabama, which would require a bit of a trip  ---  another thing he’d like, Eugene really enjoys car rides, especially when he’s the one driving  ---  but he’d have an amazing time. His partner might have to work to keep his attention on them instead of the exhibits, but seeing Eugene enthusiastic and in his element is a treat. He’s more interested in biology, but he’d also like to go to a planetarium; how often does a date take you across the universe?
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
He’s so weird. Even when prepared for a hug, he’s never quite ready, so he tenses up for the first few seconds before kind of melting into it. He doesn’t give out hugs that often, but they’re very soft, almost like he isn’t sure of himself and doesn’t want to impose; he’s self-conscious about his own hugs, but lowkey likes them from others if he’s in the right mood. (If he’s in the wrong mood...  he will fall out of his chair to dodge a hug.)
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oh, don’t worry, he doesn’t! Ever. Like, he might physically hurt himself if he really tried to get a date. Eugene...  isn’t smooth, and he’s aware of it. He’d choke on a pick-up line before it could leave his mouth. Instead, he’s just...  himself around people, maybe a bit nervous and flushed around someone he finds attractive. Please don’t assume this man has game.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He’s a perfectionist about giving gifts. Lots of thought goes into them, and he’s very determined to get the right thing. He’s been this way ever since he was little (it was torment for his parents, trying to find gifts for Sid’s birthday every year when Eugene just didn’t approve of anything); gifts matter, and the right one goes a long way. He’ll spend an hour just brainstorming the perfect gift, and then a whole afternoon hunting it down, if the person means enough to him. Usually he gets it right.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Slow. Regardless of any past traumas, Eugene has always been cautious giving his heart away. What else could be more personal, more meaningful, than loving someone? It’s never quick for Eugene; he needs to see a lot of them, to truly get to know them, before he can trust his heart to love.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
It doesn’t come easily to him. He prefers to whisper it, tender and genuine, in intimate moments; he utters it like a prayer against his partner’s lips, or while gazing into their eyes. Eugene will never shout it for the world to hear, but he’s always so effortlessly comfortable and affectionate with his partner in public that, to anyone paying attention, his body language practically screams it.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
He...  would deny it. He’s not the jealous type, he’d claim, and he isn’t  ---  except for the occasional pangs if he sees someone lavishing a bit too much affection on his partner. He won’t make a big deal out of it, but he might invent a reason to insert himself into the situation or wrap an arm around his partner’s waist and steal them away, while casting a not-as-subtle-as-he-thinks glower at the offending person. Jealous!Sledge is a cryptid, and very amusing.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Eugene kisses like he’s drowning. It’s very intimate, almost ravenous in his earnestness; he needs from his partner immediately, needs the reassurance and affection only their lips can provide, and he’s willing to sacrifice his self-control in search of it. His hands don’t tend to stray from their back, but he’s not above cupping their face, simply holding them close to him. He gasps against their lips in between kisses, allowing only a breath before going back for more. While he can be a soft kisser in the right mood, the majority of his kisses tend to be intense and earnest.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Eugene cares deeply for his family, even if their relationship isn’t always easy; he recognizes how fortunate he was to grow up in a home knowing he was deeply, unconditionally loved. He’ll also always have a special place in his heart for Sid, his oldest and truest friend; he loves his dog; he loves some long-dead authors, just because he admires their work so much. Eugene doesn’t naturally open himself up to loving many people, because it’s a very personal thing for him. Love grows within him slowly.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
He’s got a special fondness for moonlight; it always leaves him in a more thoughtful, more sensual frame of mind. That said, he’s painfully not a night owl, and anytime around midnight he starts getting very sleepy, so he’s got a short window to get that romancing done.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
...  not very naughty. He isn’t adventurous, is the thing, and would probably need some convincing before trying out anything wild with his partner. Eugene isn’t a prude, but he also isn’t experienced, and has no confidence in what he’s doing. He’s going completely off instinct, and would need some encouragement (possibly some guidance) from his partner before finding in rhythm. Once he does, that same heated fervor from his kisses takes over. He’s driven by instinct, touching and exploring wherever he dares, almost enjoying the liberty of bushing respectable boundaries. He’s most sensitive at his thighs and hips; when his partner touches there, he shivers, and should their mouth stray there, he’d moan like a harlot.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
He’s a reader. A writer. A thinker. Words have always been something he dealt in easily  ---  never to the point of being pretentious, but the ability to express himself through speech and pen has always been something he valued.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Eugene would prefer someone intellectual, or at least someone smart; he’d like it if they had a passion for classics, for old places and things. Sharing interests is something he thinks is necessary in a relationship, but honestly, it really isn’t. Eugene needs (even if he won’t admit it): a partner capable of being strong when he isn’t, someone who’ll look after him without leaving him feeling condescended to, someone interested in him and willing to share parts of themselves with him. Someone dependable, who’s willing to take things slow. Someone with light in their eyes, and a smile that lights up the room. Someone intuitive, who understands what he means even if he doesn’t say it outright. Ideally, someone who likes music, but also doesn’t mind the quiet.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
He’d ask under the right circumstances, when the moment felt absolutely right  ---  for both of them, his partner especially. Eugene would probably feel around his partner for a few months, dropping hints and testing the waters to discern if they’re in a place to get married as well. Only when he feels truly sure does he pull out a ring over dinner, a sweet  (thought out for hours, twelve previous drafts thrown away) speech on his lips and hope in his eyes.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s a cynic who’d enjoy the change to be romantic if it ever came his way. Sledge has a very strong capacity for romance  ---  he could be an absolute dream date  ---  but it needs to be tapped into. He’s not wide-eyed and idealistic naturally.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
...  we’re not going to say Sid, because he swears to this day that he never had a crush on Sid, they were just friends, he never had a hero-worshipping thing for Sid, really  ---  let’s say Mary. Everyone in their school was a little in love with Mary Houston, but she never had eyes for Eugene.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
...  no. He doesn’t. Maybe at one point, before he truly understood what love is, and how easily it can be snuffed out...  but now, he just believes you’re lucky if you’re able to love one person in your lifetime. It’s not “true”; nothing is that permanent, nothing can be trusted that much.  (lol rip sledge’s innocence)
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
By life? Yeah. It’s being held together with superglue and duct tape at this point.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
His parents always plan a big date every year, so Eugene’s had a good example. Given the opportunity, he’d like to romance a partner on the Day of Love, instead of sitting home alone eating cookies in the parlor. 
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
...  well, he figures, at some point, if only to set his parents’ minds at ease. It’s not something Eugene particularly looks forward to until it happens; he doesn’t feel the urge to get married, nor that he’d be an exceptional husband. When he finds the right person, though, his mind starts to change. It would take a while before he’s ready to commit thoroughly, ready to trust in the possibility of a happy ending...  but he’d like to.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He sometimes does, just to be cheeky. They’re mostly ones he grew up hearing from his parents, like “darling” or “dearest”; he steals “my angel” from his father and adopts it for himself, just because he always loved how romantic it sounded as a child.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
If someone is threatening someone he cares about, Eugene takes a turn very quickly; he goes from friendly and unassuming to steely-eyed killer without missing a beat. You would not look at him and think “this man could kick someone’s ass”; you’d be wrong. If the situation calls for it, and he’s got the incentive  ---  i.e. people he loves in danger  ---  Eugene does not come to play around. He will diffuse the situation with a few very calm, very scary words...  and hopefully it won’t need to escalate further.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Hah! Oh my god, don’t ask him that, he doesn’t like it. (This V-Card is in no hurry to get punched. God help him.)
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Twenty-Seven
Table of Content or Part Twenty-Six
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): Language, Hints at drug use
A/N: This wasn't the entire chapter, however tumblr's being weird and won't even let me create a new draft right now let alone let me upload a 4,044 worded text post so I'll upload the second part of this asap (probably tomorrow of they get their shit fixed on here) and there will be another update Friday. Have a good night:)
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor
I smooth my wavey hair down, taking the last giant velcrow roller out before putting my lipstick on and leaving the bathroom, looking for the car keys, unable to find them.
"Nikki, babe, where are the keys?" I call to him, looking in the kitchen and living room, heading to our bedroom.
He's passed out from a night of partying, Robbin still asleep on the floor.
"Baby." I lightly pat Nikki's face, not having the time to patiently shake him awake.
He groans, scrunching his face and rubbing his eyes.
"What is it?" He asks me, exhausted.
"Where are the car keys?"
"Mine or your's?" He questions, blinking at me to clear the sleep from his eyes.
"Your's. I can't drive mine until we get the driver's side window fixed, remember?"
"What? What happened to it?" He sits up and I raise my brows.
"Uh, well, you put your fist through it?" I remind him and he exhales.
"Oh...yeah." He replies. "They're in my pants pocket."
I don't give him time to reach for them himself.
My hand is in his pants pocket, grabbing his keys and pulling them out.
"Bye, love y-love, I'll see you when I get back." I stutter to cover my slip up, cutting myself off immediately before I can say, "love you", even though I've never called Nikki "love" before.
He doesn't notice it.
"See you when you get back." He mumbles once he's laying back down.
I slip my kitten heels on and head out.
"I love you" was one of the biggest Elephants in the room between Nikki and I.
We should have said it and we knew that, but we just didn't say it.
At first I was waiting for him to say it, then he never did...so I just decided it was something we wouldn't do.
Love's an action instead of an emotion, anyway, so I didn't think it was a big deal that neither of us had heard it from the other because we showed each other we loved each other in other ways...until we didn't anymore...and started keeping score, measuring who was winning by who was hurting who more, instead of trying to be better to each other.
I had to face that ugly reality when we were both screaming "I hate you" with Fred and Doc trying to break up one of our argument-turned-near-fist fights backstage at the last North American show of "Girls, Girls, Girls."
That was the night I got pregnant with my first son, Monroe, and the man barking about how much he hated me, isn't the father.
It's safe to say I won.
My heels click down the concrete stairs of the church as I walk to Nikki's black corvette after service is over, furrowing my brows the closer I get, seeing a white slip of paper tucked under the windsheild wiper.
I pluck the paper off and see it's a ticket for $350.00 with "BROKEN TAIL LIGHT" marked on it.
"My tail light isn't broken." I argue to myself, stepping around the back.
The entire left side set of lights are busted with signs of swapped paint where someone hit the car with their's and I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.
I stand and stare at the paper, then the busted light, tears oncoming the more I look at it.
Nikki is going to kill me.
I hear a car pull up behind me and park on the curb of the street but I don't pay any attention, too busy figuring out how to explain this.
"Hey, uh, Vivian?"
I turn to see Duff, wiping my eyes quickly.
"Duff?" I'm caught off guard by my recently new friend. "I've told you just call me 'Viv'." I tell him, sniffling and he furrows his brows, stopping in front of me where I'm now standing by the driver's door of the corvette.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." It's an obvious lie, a pathetic squeak leaving me.
"What's up?" He asks me and I lick my lips and sigh out.
"It's stupid." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
"What happened?"
I just hand him the ticket and he takes in a sharp breath, his brows shooting up.
"Jeezus." He lets out. "You just got this?"
"Yes." My voice cracks and he looks at me with sympathetic eyes.
"Viv, c'mon, it's not that bad. It'll be alright." He tries to reassure me.
"Oh, no, no, no...that's not all." I say, walking to the back and he follows me, not hiding the gasp that leaves his lips. Nikki is going to kill me."
There's a silent pause as I rest against the back of the corevette, crossing my arms, trying to figure out how I'm going to present the $350.00 ticket to my husband.
Duff leans against it beside me, avoiding the broken bits, thinking for a second, too, before reaching into his jacket pocket.
"Here." He grabs my hand, putting a wad of cash into it and I look at him, confused. "For the ticket." He explains and I shake my head.
"N-No. I can't take this from you, you need it." I argue, wiping more tears.
He goes to say something but I cut him short. "If you say that you don't need it, I'm going to hit you. You live in your car, Duff. You've been talking about getting a new place and this is part of the rent for an apartment." I point out, handing the cash back to him.
"Whatever you say." He shrugs, putting it back in his jacket.
We sit for a moment longer before he nudges me with his elbow.
"You hungry?" He asks and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Stop offering to spend your money on me." I chuckle and he smiles.
"Actually, I know a place the both of us can eat and it would only cost the price of one beer." He tells me and I raise my brows.
It was the first of many Sunday lunches at this hotel a few blocks away that offered an "all you can eat" buffet if you just buy a bottle of beer.
I listen as Duff goes on about possible members of the potential band he wants to be a part of.
A drummer named Steven, who has a lot of extra drums in his kit than what's needed but he's a hell of a drummer.
A Johnny Thunders look alike-that isn't that great on a guitar but makes it sound cool anyway-that goes by the name Izzy.
And a kind of weird kid that apparantly has massive hair and is super shy but speaks a billion words a minute through his guitar: Slash.
"And Slash and Steven are buddies, but I don't know if they've ever met Izzy or not." He tells me, sipping the beer neither of us were carded for, even though we're only twenty.
"What style of singer do you have in mind?" I ask, taking a bite out of my mozerella stick.
"Someone who gets the punk scene, but not necessarily a punk singer." He tells me and I wrinkle my nose. "Don't do that." He points at me, knowing exactly what I'm about to say.
"Don't say it like that." He laughs. "You don't like it because you don't understand it."
"I understand it and I respect it, I just don't..." I try to choose my words. "...I like some of it, but most of it I don't really care for."
"How the hell do you survive not liking punk? It's the biggest 'fuck you' to societal standards." He defends the genre.
"I like the Ramones, The Stooges, the New York Dolls." I tell him, even though they were all acquired tastes because I have to listen to them so much due to Nikki.
"What about The Sex Pistols?" Duff suggests.
"I did, until Sid killed Nancy." I shrug.
"Oh, c'mon, Viv, you really believe that propaganda bullshit made up by the conservative media to further their anti-punk/rock agenda and get a good check? He did not kill her." He argues.
"They'd been binging on all kinds of drugs for weeks. I'm not saying he meant to, maybe he was hallucinating and genuinely didn't realize it was her until it was too late, but he did it." I state.
"Oh, okay, so it was the body guard?"
"I think it was a double suicide attempt." He explains and I lean back. "His just didn't work."
"If it was a double suicide, why didn't he just use the knife she used and bleed to death like she did?" I question.
"Maybe he didn't want to be stabbed."
"If he was going to die, what would it matter?" I ask and he shakes his head a little with a small grin pulling at his lips.
"Hi, my name is Vivian Estine Sixx and I can argue with a brick wall for five hours straight." He mocks me and I cut my eyes at him.
We just stare at each other, and he attempts to take another drink of his beer while we have our staring contest, and the both of us crack up simultaneously, and he sprays beer through his lips and nose, further egging my laughter on.
I get home around four in the afternoon after spending three hours talking to Duff, and my stomach's sore from laughing so much.
"Viv?" Nikki calls from the bathroom and I walk in to see him teasing his hair.
He's shirtless, his black jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped, exposing some of his pubic hair and I lick my lips.
"Did you have fun?" He asks in a teasing tone, referring to the oh-so-wild church service I attend as much as I can, and I roll my eyes and lean against the sink beside him, crossing my arms.
"Yes, I did." I reply, not able to meet his eyes because I'm too focused on his exposed skin.
"What took you so long to get back?" He asks next.
I know, I know, "if it was innocent then there should be nothing to hide and you should be able to tell him you were with another man."
It wasn't Tommy, Mick, Robbin or Vince, and he never met Duff.
He didn't trust men he'd never met around me.
So if I would have told him, I would have never heard the end of it.
"Long sermon." I lie, and he looks at me and furrows his brows.
"Have you been crying? Your mascara's smudged." He tells me, his thumb swiping right under my bottom lash line to wipe away dried mascara and I'm suddenly hit with the realization that I have a $350.00 ticket.
"It was a good sermon." I say.
He finishes his hair, turning to look at me.
"Me and the guys are going to the Rainbow tonight." He tells me. "You're comin', right?"
"Yes." I nod, grinning.
"Good. I gotta go get the oil changed and I'll be back to pick you up." He steps out of the bathroom to go get dressed and I follow him.
Once he's got his t-shirt that has "FUCK" written across the front, he's pulling his jacket and boots on.
When he's gotten his boots on, he stands up from the matress of our bed, and I grab at the top of his jeans, pulling him closer to me, standing on my tip toes to press my lips to his.
He kisses me, his hands holding at either side of my jaw.
When we pull away, he smiles, kissing my cheek before grabbing his keys and leaving.
The second he's gone I'm darting to my purse, attempting to find the ticket, praying I didn't leave it in the car.
Once I see it's not in my purse, I let out a deep breath and worry that I've lost it.
"Damnit." I mumble, trying to remember the last place I had it. "The church parkinglot with Duff but..." I trail off, thinking of the possibility of it being left in the parkinglot and I groan out.
There's no way it's still there if that's where it got left.
I decide to figure it out later and go wash away my worn off makeup before reapplying it and changing clothes, waiting for Nikki to get back.
I'm finishing putting on ruby red lipstick when I hear the front door slam and I tense up and put the cap back on the tube before peeking my head out the door and seeing Nikki put his keys and a piece of paper on the counter, frustration taking a stance in his movements.
Pretending nothing's wrong, I walk out of the bathroom and across the floor to our bedroom to grab my purse and put my heels on.
Once they're on, I walk back into the kitchen smile at him.
"C'mon, babe." I nudge him as I walk past him to get to the door.
He grabs my arm, though, causing me to stop and he pulls me back, pushing me against the counter, trapping me when he puts his hands on the counter on either side of me and his face is centimeters from mine.
"You wouldn't know anything about the completely shattered tail light on my car, would you?" He asks me calmly.
"No?" I lie, trying to seem confused, but it's clear he's not buying it.
"Are you sure?"
He just stares at me and I slide my hands up and down his arms, smiling nervously.
"Can we go, now?" I ask, kissing his cheek.
"I spent $100.00 to get it fixed today." He explains. "Did you back into something or did someone hit the car?"
"I told you I didn't even know about it, babe." I argue calmly. "Can we leave and just go back and forth about this later? We're gonna be late."
He gives me one last stare before sighing out, letting me go and I make sure to beat him to the car by several strides, frantically searching for the ticket when I get in, not finding it, before he gets in beside me.
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Dual Dreams - A Sora, Donald, and Goofy Fic
Part two of what I wrote for Sora’s birthday.
Summary: For Sora's birthday--years after the Master of Masters is defeated--Sora, Donald, and Goofy decide to go on a fun adventure... but only to get pulled into a new plot, dealing with dreams. The antagonist has to do with dreams, as does all the worlds: first world is Inception, though it's not a one-to-one copy of the film.
Dual Dreams Sora’s PoV "You know... despite all the journeys we went on, we never did one for just fun," Donald was telling Sora now, as he examined the sword that Master Yen Sid said had said he should try. But with the way his eyes kept darting back towards “Save the Queen”, Sora couldn’t help thinking that Donald was going to stay with his beloved wand in the end. "That's a good point!" Goofy chirped, as he scarfed down his hot cocoa and then some chocolate cake as fast as he could—nearly knocking over the pastry that the Master had put on his table in such a decorative way. And Sora wondered if Goofy was trying to get both chocolate flavors in his mouth around the same time. Maybe they tasted good together? "Sora, what do you say to us doing that for your birthday?!" Sora considered this offer for a moment as he drummed his fingers on his right leg. He was trying to make this birthday perfect, despite some dreams he'd been having lately… and it had been ages since he'd paled around with these buds of his. Sora nodded his head almost instantly. "Sure! Sounds good to me!" And he let his hand fall atop the other two’s, as they yelled out their standard “All-for-one and one-for-all!” And they boarded the gummi ship for a long journey… but only to be spit out of it before they reached their intended destination, and instead ended up in some strange location. "So, what's this world we're at this time?" Sora asked as he got to his feet and saw a strange mirror standing before him (wait. Hadn’t he done this kind of thing before? And even though he barely touched it with the tips of his fingers, it shattered into a million pieces as if it had never been there to begin with. Sora could have been wrong about this… but this place was very dream-like to him, and already it was worrying him that he had gotten off track already somehow—as he had during his Mark of Mastery exam—and that it would lead to the trapped girl he didn’t know how to feel about, who he was having so many dreams about lately… They weren’t romantic dreams, or anything like that—no, Kairi was the love of Sora’s life and always would be—but rather like a poor soul was reaching out to him for help… but he didn’t know if he should give it or not, because he also got the sense that she was evil. And here Sora had partly come on this adventure to try and avoid all of this anguish! "I don't know," Donald quacked, bringing Sora’s thoughts back to the present, as he led them to a sinking bridge that looked more like it belonged in Shinjuku, than in the way this place had just looked: as if it were a part of La Cité des Cloches. "But it reminds me of an animation I once saw!" "It reminds me... of dreams I’ve had," Sora said, as he remembered how he’d dreamt about falling through his shattering heart platform, among other things "Gawrsh," said Goofy, as he pointed out a man and girl, who were suddenly before them. "Why don't we go talk to that man with the nametag 'Cobb'? The last place we went to on our final quest had ‘cobs’. It can't be a coincidence! That seemed like a large leap in logic to Sora, but since Goofy was, perhaps, wiser than any of them, he thought he'd hear him out. The trio walked over to this Cobb person... and Donald and Goofy received odd looks from the new people on the scene almost immediately. "Who are you?" the woman with the curling brown hair and sharp honey- colored eyes asked Sora and his friends as she seemed to deeply analyze them. "Cobb… are these three part of one of the dream levels?" "Dream levels?!" both Donald and Goofy choked out at the same time, as they gave each other a look before then sending Sora one—clearly worried that he was falling into the depth again. And their concern for him touched his heart. "Do ya mean we're too deep in some place, and there's no hope of resurfacin’?" Goofy asked sadly, as he bowed his head and his ears sagged (Sora's heart went out to him). Meanwhile, Donald was tapping his foot impatiently and muttering something under his breath, that Sora heard—and when the brunet's eyes filled up with wonder and he gasped at the duck's genius, he realized he was right--"I bet this is one of those worlds where they think things happen in the mind and not the heart!" "…Look... as great as all this is. I got to find Mal- I mean finish this mission," said Cobb. But his assistant was already looking at the man incredulously as his first words seemed to catch up with her. "Your thinking about your wife is going to jeopardize us all!' And though Sora really had no idea what was going on here—as per most of his world visits, really—he could understand how the girl could be right. He, after all, had allowed his feelings for Naminé to endanger Donald, Goofy, and himself. And even possibly Naminé herself. So, Ariadne, as Sora would later learn her name was, was right. But he also understood how love made you do crazy things. Sora wasn't in love with Naminé anymore—and really, he never had been. It had always been Kairi for him. And he'd certainly done more than enough mad things for her—but still. "No, she won't, Ariadne. I'll make sure she stays in limbo but doesn't pull us into it. And if these guys are really here to help us—sent by Saito—we'll see if they can help out Arthur give the kick to the others with no gravity. Come on!" So with that, Sora, Donald, and Goofy found themselves following their new friends and getting a bit of a summary of what was going on. It seemed they'd all been right in assuming they were in some sort of dream thing. And Donald had been correct in thinking that this world dealt moreso in minds, than in hearts. Some rich man called “Saito”,  wanted the heir to his rival company to dissolve it. And Cobb, Ariadne, and some others, had been sent here to implant the idea into the heir, Fischer’s, head. They had kidnapped the man... and somehow linked up all of their minds together, to try and access Fischer’s subconscious. But since even in dreams, you were always somewhat aware and would fight to protect yourself and your secrets, they needed to go into the deepest level of Fischer’s mind in order to get the idea to hold. But the team needed someone to monitor them on each dream level, so they'd be able to “kick” awake, those who were in much deeper. But in the area where an “Arthur” was on guard, it seemed like he really needed help! And as the group went back to the level of the dream this “Arthur” was on—the third one, maybe?—Sora found himself wondering why he, Donald, and Goofy were here. Every world he had gone to during his previous destiny had happened for a reason—Kingdom Hearts had made sure of that—so Sora tried to guess why he was in this sharply decorated hotel space now... as they fought both “dream security” and Heartless. The only thing he could figure, was if he was meant to find that, perhaps insane, purple-haired-girl from his dreams, and this would somehow lead him there. But that wasn’t important right now! What was important was defeating these Heartless, as always. Sora was surrounded by Soldiers, Neoshadows, and Wizards! And Neoshadows were bad enough on their own... but when you added in Wizards' tough magic and Soldiers headbutting you, it made an already bad day much worse. And ugh! He felt out of practice in using the Keyblade, too. Maybe he’d spent too much time being lazy with Kairi and Riku lately! "Graviga!" Donald yelled—in seeming to have noticed that Sora was faltering—and he succeeded in defeating most of the Wizards, thankfully. And Sora just had to give a few of the ones that had been struck by Donald’s magic, and that hadn’t disappeared yet, one more hit before they were also gone for good. And later, Sora would be glad Donald had dispatched those Heartless so easily. Because they were some of the most skilled magical users, after all, and magic was connected to the mind... which was where dreams were stored. At least here. So, Sora didn't know what kind of damage they could have created, if Donald hadn't prevented it. But Goofy wasn't to be upstaged in all of this! When he seemed to note that the tall, dark man in the tux was getting distracted in worrying about Ariadne right now, Goofy defeated all the Heartless around him with a well-placed Goofy Tornado—and also knocked out some “guards”—and then told Arthur in a very intelligent way, "Gawrsh, Mister Arthur... I know ya like Ariadne, and are worried about her for tha’ there reason. In fact, it's like my little Maxie with his first crush! There wasn’t anythin’ he wouldn't do for Roxanne... But if you can't rely on yourself in danger, rely on your friends. Alright?!" Arthur seemed... a bit uncomfortable with Goofy standing close to him and telling him this, as he blinked his eyes open and closed a few times—what was with some of the worlds’ denizens acting so uncertain around Donald and Goofy? Sora didn't get it—but clearly listened to his words. Arthur regained his focus and did a pretty good job of defeating some more Heartless that showed up, just by punching them. Ariadne whistled. When it seemed like he’d finally gotten it back under control, the trio went with Cobb and Ariadne to the next dream level... which seemed to be an icy hill with a hospital at the bottom of it: which was probably where the most vulnerable part of Fischer’s mind was at, if Sora had to guess. Aaaaaaaand Sora and his friends were getting shot at from it. And Sora deflected each one of them with a sigh—as he had Xigbar’s arrows during the Keyblade War—as Donald used Thunder magic to try and keep them at bay, and Goofy tried to block them with his shield. Meanwhile, Cobb and Ariadne—and someone named Eames, Sora was learning now—were trying to reach the hospital while they were covered by Sora, Donald, and Goofy, and the snow was only a gentle pat on them, instead of the tornado it could be. Truthfully? Sora really hated guns and bullets, and he was starting to regret that he’d unwittingly signed up to spend his birthday around them. He had first been introduced to them through Clayton trying to kill the gorillas. And thinking of what would have been unnecessary deaths upon innocents, made Sora think that if it started to get too much for Donald and Goofy… he would jump out into the open, to try and better defend them. But fortunately, he didn’t need to. Cobb, Ariadne, and Eames came back with glowing faces—making it seem like they’d accomplished their task—and all firepower had stopped. "Alright. You guys go back to the surface, I’m going to look for Sait- Mal." It was Cobb who had said this, of course, as the famous Mal appeared on the scene... somehow having Fischer on her, and stabbing him before everyone’s very eyes… Making Sora tear up and almost feel like he was going to be sick. And what was worse, was that Sora got the sense that the girl he was dreaming about was a lot like this, too! “Are they dead?” Donald whined. And it sounded like he was also about to cry, perhaps in imagining Daisy as the one being stabbed instead of Fischer. As it stood… this trio was just so done with death. “No. Taken into the deepest part of dreams, where you can forget you’re doing that there: limbo. But I can save him and Saito,” Cobb explained, just as Sora muttered how Mal looked like the girl he’d been dreaming about, because he seemed unable to stop himself. And at that, Goofy frowned slightly—as he tried to get his feet out of the snow—and gave Sora a lecture. "Sora… if this is somethin’ like one of Xehanort's plots, let us know! …It's always when ya keep info to yourself, that ya become lost!" And even while Sora tried to focus on the bad right now—as Mal despaired that Cobb had forgotten her and didn’t want her anymore, as she turned the tundra to island: to limbo, apparently—he thought his heart might soar, in knowing just how much Donald and Goofy cared about him. And then everyone was falling into this last dream level, so there was nothing of the ice from before above them and so that they were trapped. ... The island that Sora, Donald, Goofy, Cobb, Ariadne, and Eames were on, wasn't like Destiny Islands to Sora. It was like if Destiny Islands was... colder—and wasn't a burg of light—and had much darker terrain. And the place was literally colder, too… The Keyblade wielder knew it was silly to think this—because he'd yet to be near an ice burg, or anything like it—but in his imaginings, Sora thought this must have been what a body of water in the arctic must look like. The water here was such a white-ish blue, too, and didn't look like it would change at all... and Sora missed seeing water reflect the yellow or pink of the sun. Ariadne—though she did look angry for her part—didn't start yelling at Cobb for leading them here by being unable to let go of Mal, like Sora thought she would. Instead, she—and Eames, for he was motioning with his hands for Mal to go to Cobb and talk and work it out—just implored to Mal, "If you're from a part of Cobb that actually loves him... or if you think you can imagine what the real Mal felt for him, please let him go." Huh. Mal was from a part of Cobb’s head that had tried to recreate his loved one? Well, if that didn’t remind Sora of his unintentionally creating Xion, he didn’t know what did. But it was like the other story he was in now, too… of- of Alma, Sora had to admit. Because as he understood from his dreams… an entire group of people had been put into her special mind and forced to believe they were in reality. Could that have been happening here, too? Even more than what this group had thought they’d tampered with? "And you let us go too, Alma... if you're there, and somewhat controlling Mal here." Alma was the girl that Sora had been seeing in his dreams—or so he thought; the audio was sometimes hard to hear—and he was starting to gather that she had some sort of the same manipulative powers as Naminé… And lo and behold, Alma made an appearance through Mal. And while Sora thought that she might look at him angrily, for destroying her plans—or at least try to—she actually seemed uncertain at first. But after she didn't seem to know what to do with herself, she then looked mad... and then had Mal come flying Sora's way as she did... but Sora had still seen the look that had said it all. "Alma- no, Clancy. I think that’s the name you prefer? I can help you!" But it was too late. The violet-haired-girl—purple. Oh, how that made Sora think of his love, Kairi—was already gone (and Sora could only hope she'd found her Donavan, Perry, Miss Sayee, or even Shari. Hadn't he dreamed of them, too?), and Sora was now in some sort of building with his friends, that was being torn apart. Eames and Ariadne had at least found Fischer, it seemed, and Eames attempted to jump out of the building to wake up—or Sora presumed—and take Eames with him, but he missed his hand as he was going out of the building. Any of the rest of them would have to jump out with Fischer soon, then… if Cobb ever got over his guilt at seeing “Mal’s ghost” here, so they could join Eames. "Cobb!" Ariadne begged with more desperation in her voice than Sora had ever heard from anyone before. "We managed to do what we set out to! Let's get out of here! Now! You can see your kids again! Think about them! Because if you don't act now, you'll be trapped here forever!" Sora was about to step in and tell Cobb to take it from him: it wasn't a good thing to chase dreams, but before he could Donald was quacking and ruining the moment! "Who's Alma, Sora? Another girl who you like?" "No. She's not, Donald," Sora said deadpan, while Goofy laughed, despite everything. "She's a girl who's trying to hurt us, I think. Jeez! I have my head in the game, alright?" And just as Sora and Donald were arguing, Cobb seemed to arrive at the point Sora and Ariadne (and Donald and Goofy, of course) had wanted him to, without any more help from them... which was good, because maybe this meant it would finally sink into him—it was himself deciding all this—and he could let go of all the pain. Hopefully… "You're not her. You're not Mal. You're the best I could come up with, but with all the facets of her... I couldn't even come close. You're a poor imitation, and I’m sorry that I made you this and you can’t be more than that… But I'll leave this poor imitation behind to see our real kids, if I got any of Mal right in you… that should make you happy." Mal's face then was only upset for a second, Sora thought, before it gave way to happiness before she disappeared. And if they had been in a tornado before, they certainly were in one now as the "creator of this world" vanished. "Cobb," Ariadne said surprisingly brokenly, as Sora had thought that Cobb had finally arrived at the right place. But Ariadne was motioning to Sora, Donald, and Goofy that they should say something to him, too, so maybe not... "You have to come now." "I- I will," he promised, as he knelt at the ground where Mal had just been. And with that, Sora was starting to doubt his intentions, too. “Are you sure?” both Donald and Goofy demanded at the same time, as they stepped closer to him. "I- I promise!" Cobb said with much more urgency this time, as he held up a dreidel. How peculiar... "I have my totem." And Ariadne nodded with a small smile, kicked Fischer out of the building, and purposefully fell backwards out of the stories high skyscraper herself. And Sora, Donald, and Goofy—in assuming she had a better idea on how to escape this dream than they did—followed suit. The trio came out of the last dream—limbo—first, and then they were at the snowy hospital… the hotel… and finally on that highway once more. But though Sora, Donald, Goofy saw the rest of the group getting pulled up even higher than that, they didn’t move that way themselves. So Sora could only hope that the team would be okay... And then- then Sora, Goofy, and Donald were somehow in the office of someone who seemed to hate his job? Which should have been fine, but... "I have a bad feeling about this, guys..." Sora muttered, as an equally scared Donald and Goofy put reassuring hands upon Sora’s shoulders. And somewhere out there, a “manipulative girl” laughed.
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madlori · 5 years
Unveiled - Chapter 8
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Epilogue
by MadLori Word Count: 2300 Fandom: Men’s Hockey RPF Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Rating: NC-17 (like, heed this, please) Tags: Arranged Marriage, Modern Royalty AU, Mpreg, Not Omegaverse, No Consent Issues, Veiled Sex, Weird Traditions, Don’t Think Too Hard, Handwavey Biology
NOTE: I posted chapter 7 earlier today - be sure you’ve caught up before moving on to this one.
Definitely yes sex in this one.
Read it on AO3
“How is your better half today?” Sasha asked, bringing Zhenya’s morning tea to his office. “Everyone’s been fretting about it.”
“He seemed much perkier this morning, actually. The doctor says it’s unpredictable, and that it comes and goes, but for a week now since the Judge’s dinner, it’s been more come and less go. I’m hopeful he will improve.”
Sasha nodded. “You sure have been talking a lot of walks,” he said, setting the tea and toast on Zhenya’s desk.
“Walks down by the athletic fields.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Not a thing. If you weren’t looking for a certain guard out sparring with his comrades, there’d be even less wrong with that.”
“I’m not...looking for him.”
“No, you’re just frequently placing yourself in areas where you think he might be found.”
“That isn’t the same thing.”
“So if I were to tell you that just now I saw him and the other guards heading down there with their sparring gear, you’d say thank you, Sasha, that’s so interesting, and go back to reading the paper, right?”
Zhenya sat up straight, unable to keep himself from reacting. “Uh...yes. Of course.” He sat back, picking up the paper again.
Sasha laughed. “You asshole. Go. Better hurry.”
Zhenya hurried to his quarters and threw on exercise clothes, telling himself he was just going for a run, and made a beeline for the athletic fields. The Consort’s guards were there, but he was almost too late -- they were gathering up their gear. Sidney was among them, sweaty from his exertion and looking like a god.  “Good morning, Your Royal Highness,” Fleury said, bowing.
“Good morning, Fleury. I’d hoped to get in some sparring practice myself, but I see I’m too late.”
Every one of the guards’ heads swiveled to look at Sidney. Nobody was fooled. Sidney’s eyebrow arched. “I could stay behind; I’m not on duty until this afternoon.”
“Well, there you go,” Fleury said, a bemused look on his face. “Come on, boys, Sid’s teaching private lessons.” They all trooped back up the hill, leaving them alone on the pitch.
Zhenya just stood there, feeling tongue-tied. Now that it was just him and Sidney, he didn’t know what to say, especially after their last conversation had ended so awkwardly. “I haven’t seen you around recently,” he said.
“It’s a big palace. His Highness has been sick, we’ve all been running errands for him. I spent a whole day scouring the city for this one brand of ginger ale he wanted.”
“He seemed much improved this morning.”
“Yeah, I think so, too. He said he was feeling pretty...spry.”
“I’m glad. Thank you for your efforts.”
Sidney shrugged. “I do what I can to help.” He tossed Zhenya a quarterstaff. “Let’s go, then. You wanted to spar.”
Zhenya took the staff, his least proficient skill. Sidney came at him, and he countered; for a few moments the only sound was their staffs striking each other. “I thought you might have been avoiding me,” Zhenya finally said, stepping back to catch his breath.
“Why would I do that?” Sidney said.
“After...what I said in the stable, the last time.”
“What kind of man would I be if I punished my friend for acting honorably?”
“So we are friends, then.”
Sidney stepped toward him, lifting his staff. “You were the one who said we might not be.”
Zhenya sighed. “I just -- I need to keep it straight in my head.”
“What’s to keep straight? You’re allowed to have friends.”
“I know. But you…” Zhenya stepped back and out of the spar. “Surely you know that I value you as a friend.”
“But you want more.”
“I can’t have more.”
Sidney planted his staff and leaned on it, sweat glistening at his temples and a flush of exertion staining his cheeks and making his full lips even redder than usual. “Zhenya, you’re the crown Prince. I’m a guard, and a temporary one at that. Whatever association you and I have is entirely up to you. You have your husband, who you are bound to by honor and the law. And then there’s me.” He grabbed his staff and came at him again.
“You know what it is that brings me to you,” Zhenya growled, low, striking faster and faster. Sidney’s breath sped up as he countered, their feet dancing on the grass.
Sidney shook his head. “Same thing that’s brought people sniffing around my door since I was sixteen years old,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact.
Zhenya stepped back. “You think that’s it? Your pretty face and your body?”
Sidney crowded up close, swung his staff, feinted and struck Zhenya behind his knees, knocking him onto his back. He crouched over him, staff planted next to his ear. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he said, his voice low and electric. Zhenya felt the jolt all the way up his spine.
“If I wanted an easy encounter, I could go out and have one. You don’t have the only good ass in this city,” Zhenya bit out.
Sidney cocked his head and smirked. “I beg your pardon. It’s a great ass.”
Zhenya burst to his feet, pushing Sidney back so he landed on the ass in question. “What are you trying to do here?” he said, looming over him. “I came out here to apologize.”
“And you have. I accept.”
“So what is this?”
For the first time, Sidney looked unsure of himself. “I...I don’t know. I'm as confused as you are, Zhenya. I never meant...things got out of hand. This was not the plan,” he said, this last bit said under his breath.
“Look,” Zhenya said, taking a step back. “Yes, I’m attracted to you, all right? But I also like you, I’ve liked you from the first. And I know I’m not...it wouldn’t be…” He broke off and ran a hand through his sweaty hair. “I met my husband the day I married him. I’ve still never heard his voice or seen his face. I wouldn’t be the first embargoed prince to have…”
“A bit on the side?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Might as well have.”
“I didn’t expect any of this, either. My husband, he’s...not what I thought he’d be. Even through the embargo, I feel like I see him.”
The eyebrow again. “Oh you do, do you?”
“I don’t expect you to understand. I always hoped that maybe someday, I’d grow to be fond of him.”
“But ‘someday’ came faster than you expected, right? You’re already fond of him.”
“I feel obligated to him in a way I didn’t think I would.” He took a deep breath, then held out a hand to help Sidney to his feet, then pull him near. “You’re right,” he said, low. “I do want you. I want you so badly I can’t think straight from it sometimes.” Sidney was looking up at him with those wide, pretty eyes, his hard pulse visible in his throat. Zhenya ached for him, the ache made sharper with the knowledge that he couldn’t have him. “But he doesn’t deserve that.”
Sidney made a half-choked noise deep in his throat, then nodded, cutting his eyes down to the ground. “No, he doesn’t.” He shook his head, a wry smile curling his lips. “Ironic, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
“You saying no is making me want you more.” He squeezed Zhenya’s hand and let it go, took the staff from him and walked quickly away.
Zhenya stood there for a few moments and debated going after him, but in the end he just trudged back to the palace, an untidy mix of relief and disappointment coursing through his veins.
It was later than his usual bedtime when Zhenya retired after dinner with his parents and his brother, who was visiting from the mountainside holy retreat where he lived. He’d taken a new name, Victor, as his monastic name and Zhenya was still getting used to it. Victor hadn’t been present at the wedding but was thrilled to learn he was to be an uncle, throwing his arms around Zhenya and crying with joy. It was a warm and happy evening, and he was in a good mood as he entered the room he shared with his consort.
A mood that only improved when he discovered what awaited him there. The lights were dim, candles had been lit, and his consort had attractively arranged himself on their large bed, deliciously nude save for his veils. Zhenya stopped short just inside the door, soaking in this welcome. He shut the door and approached, smiling widely. He gestured to everything, including the consort himself, pressing his hands to his heart to indicate his deep approval of all of it.
The consort knelt up on the bed, touched his stomach and gave a thumbs-up, then flexed playfully, which Zhenya took to mean that he was feeling better and healthy. Zhenya reached out and touched his veiled cheek, then pointed to the bathroom. The consort nodded and resumed his reclining pose on the bed, a hand slung over his hip, making Zhenya want to be quick about it.
He stripped and took a fast shower, his cock fattening with the thought that he might be getting sex tonight for the first time in well over a week. That wasn’t a long time, but after the frequent couplings of their first few weeks together, it felt like an eternity.
When he returned to the bed, his consort’s hands were eager on his body, laying him out and stroking him. He shimmied down Zhenya’s chest and got his mouth on him fact, with a practiced shifting of his veils. Zhenya groaned -- they’d both grown a little lax with nonverbal sex noises, despite the embargo -- and rested his hand on the back of the consort’s head. No sooner was he fully hard than the consort pulled away. He straddled Zhenya’s hips on his knees and shuffled closer, his own hard cock jutting towards him; Zhenya put a hand on it, wondering what this man had in store for him tonight.
He didn’t have to wait long to find out. The consort picked up one of his hands and guided it around to his ass, pushing Zhenya’s fingers between his cheeks...Zhenya’s eyes widened as he realized that his husband had obviously prepared himself ahead of time. His asshole was slick with lube; Zhenya’s fingers slid in with little to no resistance. The consort reached under the pillow and pulled out the lube; he handed it to Zhenya, then turned and faced away from him. He got on all fours and spread his thighs, presenting his ass; Zhenya’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. The consort turned his head to look over his shoulder at him, as if to ask what Zhenya was waiting for.
He scrambled to his knees, uncapping the lube…but first, this ass deserved to be worshiped. He bent low and kissed the flesh, leaving quick bites all over the smooth skin, his hands kneading it. He bent and swiped his tongue up his husband’s center, drawing shudders and growls from him. Lubing his fingers, he slid three into him, twisting and crooking them to find just the right spot. The consort’s back arched and he writhed in pleasure, his hands fisting in the bedsheets and his chest heaving. He reached back and grabbed Zhenya’s hip, yanking him close. Zhenya grinned; evidently someone was impatient tonight.
Zhenya lubed his cock -- he wasn’t sure he’d ever been this hard in his life -- and seated it against his consort’s asshole. He gripped his hips and pushed forward; the consort’s head sagged down and he pressed back against him, taking more of Zhenya’s cock into his body. Zhenya’s cock was not small, and he knew to take this slowly, but his consort had other ideas. Before Zhenya could inch forward, he pushed back hard, and Zhenya slid all the way inside him. He gasped and clutched the consort’s hips, his groin pressed against the man’s ass. The consort was making a barely-there whine in the back of his throat, his pelvis shifting as he seated Zhenya’s cock deep inside him...and then he pulled off and thrust back, obviously ready. Zhenya made a few experimental thrusts; God, he felt amazing, hot and tight and so responsive, always wanting more. He grasped the consort’s veiled shoulder with one hand and his hip in the other and fucked him, as hard and fast as the consort was demanding with every movement of his body against Zhenya’s.
He shifted his angle a little until he found the right one to drive his consort mad. He knew it when he hit the spot; the consort’s whole body jerked and shuddered. Zhenya slid one hand beneath him to stroke his mate’s cock; he found it hard and leaking already. His hand was batted away and a quick thumbs-down popped up; evidently, his mate didn’t like to be jerked off while getting fucked. Zhenya wanted him to come, though, and wondered if they could manage that without either of them touching the consort’s cock. 
He needn’t have worried about it. After a few minutes his husband’s body went taut, and he came without his cock being touched at all. Zhenya didn’t know whether to be amazed at his consort, or at himself, but he didn’t have much time to debate because after a few more strokes he was coming, too. He allowed himself a cry of ecstasy as he spilled into his consort’s body. Zhenya sagged against the consort’s back, breathing hard, his cock softening inside him. The consort reached back to cup the back of Zhenya’s neck; Zhenya dared to shift the veils just enough to bare a little bit of his shoulder and kiss it reverently, his mind clear of anything -- of anyone -- but this.
Next Chapter
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ariahearthockey · 5 years
Thank You For The Chirps
I thought this article about Sid rewarding someone from behind the enemy line because of good chirps was really cute and I just had to write a oneshot about it.
Alright, here goes. 
So, it happened like this.
Geno was a simple man. All he ever wanted was to have a chance to watch his favourite team play live. When his friend Gonch came to him with tickets to the Rangers’ game that Wednesday, he was just short of offering his first child to the devil before he convinced his manager to let him have the day off.
The thing was, as much as he loves the Rangers, he shares the same amount but of dislikes to the team that they’re playing against. Which was why he came prepared, lodging all his chirping materials in the brain while waiting for an opportune time to unleash them. But of course, his main target was none other than the captain who everyone loves to hate, nicknamed The Creature, The Crybaby, The Cindy Crosby. Well, you get the idea. Let’s just say that the captain was not someone who is very popular in the MSG.
In truth, he had nothing personal against the team. But there was just something about the thirty-something captain which awakens his irrational side. One thing he couldn’t comprehend was how well-built the said captain is. Some may argue that the captain is far from perfect but being bottom-heavy and the super strong upper body, it was as though the Hockey God above had paid a little extra attention while creating this creature, pun intended. And his face? For fuck’s sake, no one who is as good as he is in hockey should be allowed to be so easy on the eyes. Irrational, but that was how he felt majority of the time.
Well, he kept telling himself that the reason of his irrational behaviour was due to the fact that the captain had robbed his home country of not only the World Cup but also the Olympics. Multiple times.
So, when the whistle was blown not even three minutes in, his heart started to race, and he conveniently blamed it on the latter.
Fuck yeah. That’s a fucking penalty.
The next sequence of events unfold pretty quickly—the linesman put up his hand, the game came to a halt and a player skated across the rink towards the penalty box like a sulking child. But through his eyes, it felt like everything has slowed down quite a bit—like a scene out of a James Bond movie but with mouth guard and chunky hockey gears instead of tux and stirred vodka martini.
Wait. He—he’s coming to the box. Holy fu—
He sat up straight the same time Sidney Crosby waddled into the box. The game resumed with the first power play of the night but he no longer pays any attention to it. It took him a while to snap out of it, ignoring his thumping heart and scrambled to think of something clever to say.
“Hey, Crosby.”
No reaction. From where he was seated, he was certain that whatever insult he throws can be heard loud and clear from the penalty box, and with the materials he has, he wanted to make sure Sidney Crosby hears him.
Maybe I’m saying it too softly?
“Hey, Crosby!” He spotted the slightest turn of Sidney Crosby’s head towards him, then he grinned. “Where your Calder Trophy? I’m ask for friend!”
Once he has started, he was on a roll. It was as though he had opened up the floodgates of chirps, all custom-designed for the one and only Sidney Crosby.
“Hey, Crosby! Gatorade want tough guy for ads but Justin Bieber say ‘no’, so they settled for you!”
“Hey, Crosby! Your team have more cups if have better support cast, you know?”
“Hey, Crosby! You number three tough guy in Canada, behind Celine Dion and Avril Lavigne!”
The longer he went on, the more creative his chirps got, and louder. He was so loud that even the officials in the box with Sidney Crosby laughed. The chirps were mostly just trash talk, but he won’t say anything that would cross the line. His aim was to be witty and funny, and judging from roaring laughter in his section, he would say that his aims hit the bullseye every single time.
Towards the end of the two minutes, he was pretty drunk on the satisfaction from being able to chirp so well, in English no less. He couldn’t wait to tell Gonch and his friends that he has done their favourite team justice, and that their most ‘hated’ player had fallen prey to his mighty chirps. That was until the most ‘hated’ player turned around and squirted his water bottle through the crack in the glass before skating back out into the ice.
His heart began to pump harder. His brain was working overtime to make sense of what just happened. He simply refused to think that Sidney Crosby had just done the one most significant tradition in hockey world at him. The same one when a player wants to express their affection or respect. And everybody knows how superstitious Sidney Crosby is when it comes to the damn game.
This time, it took him a little longer to recover. And when he finally did, he had to keep his blushing at bay. He forced himself to get his head back in the game but his eyes kept going back to the number ‘87’ on the back of white, yellow and black jersey, tearing through the ice the entire night.
When the last buzzer went off, he was quite upset for his team for losing 7-2. But more importantly, he was upset that Sidney Crosby never got into the box again for the rest of the game. Come to think of it, having Sidney Crosby as his personal chirping target was far more entertaining than the game itself. An acquired taste but it was definitely addictive.
However, his brooding was cut short when he got distracted by a man in the Pens’ track suit making his way from the bench across the ice, over to him, and with a stick in his hand. Curiosity filled him as he waited to see which lucky fan will be getting a souvenir tonight. A small group of the Pens fans quickly gathered at the rink side. All of them are waving enthusiastically at the man, trying to grab the stick over the glass. One young boy, not more than ten years old by the looks of it was front and center from it all.
He’s going to remember this forever, lucky bugger.
Then he heard something. “No, this is for you.”
It didn’t take long to realize the man was pointing at his direction. Like a walking and talking cliche, he looked behind him to see if the man was actually pointing at him. But the man made eye contact with him stubbornly until he gave in and stumbled down clumsily to the front. The crowd which has congregated at the front slowly dispersed as he reached out and grabbed the stick. If not for the adrenaline coursing through his veins right then, he would have seen all the dirty looks from the fans who just had their dream snatched away by a dude donning a Rangers jersey.
As he stood there inspecting the stick, he contemplated about a couple of thinks. Do I really want this? What did they do to this stick before giving it to me? Then he saw the scribbles on the blade—a message from the gifter. His first reaction was to bring it closer to his chest, a quick reflex to shield it away from any prying eyes. Why? He’s not so sure himself. There wasn’t a lot of people left in his section anyway.
A silvery ‘GOOD CHIRPS. TAKE IT EASY ON ME NEXT TIME!’ spread across the blade followed by an autograph. It doesn’t take a genius to know who wrote it. He hoped his face wasn’t betraying too much of what he was actually feeling. He wouldn’t have been able to live it down if his friend caught wind of just how giddy he felt on the inside. Truth be told, he didn’t have many cool things happened in his life and this would be right at the top by a long shot.
Now that just complicated things for him. It was making it harder to hate the guy. Someone of his stature who does something like this would earn Geno’s respect any day of the week. It was a classy act.
Without a hint of hesitation, he sped his way to the back of the arena where the loading dock was, and sure enough, a small crowd had already gathered outside of the barricaded area. Like them, he was hoping to catch a glimpse of the away team before they board their bus. He didn’t know how long he’s stood there before the door opened and the players came out single file, all changed into their formal suits and ties. When he finally spotted him, rather than pushing himself to the front, he went with something that he thought would grab attention more effectively.
“Hey, Crosby!” And it worked. Who would have thought it was so easy?
Sidney Crosby looked up and scanned the crowd, and finally landed on him.
“Hey, Crosby! Just want say, thank you!”
Sidney Crosby held his stare for a bit before a couple of his teammates—Kessel and Letang nudged their elbows at him and grinned as they walked passed. Sidney Crosby shoved his teammates away playfully as Geno watched, quite puzzled at the exchange. But that was before Sidney Crosby gestured for him to come over. He was over to the other side of the barricade in shorter than ten seconds—pushing and shoving and apologizing along the way. Once there, he followed Sidney Crosby to the other side of the bus where it was much quieter and had more privacy. For a few seconds it was just the two of them staring at each other, not saying a word. The atmosphere was getting a little uncomfortable and awkward when Sidney Crosby broke the tension by chuckling lightly to himself.
“Uhm, so. Nice chirps. They had me laughing a bit.”
Without wanting to sound like a total loser, he replied, “Oh, glad you think so. I’m try very hard.”
“Yeah. They were pretty good. I mean—I don’t think I’ve heard them before. So, uhm—yeah.”
You’re welcome was what he had wanted to say. But instead, he was distracted—this time by the way Sidney Crosby was looking at him, like he was checking him out.
“Uhm, so. Rangers, huh?”
Oh, okay. So, Sidney Crosby wants to make small talk. “Yes, yes. Favourite team. Way better than the Pens for sure.”
That earned him a small laugh from Sidney Crosby. Not something he’s heard often but it was as good as it get.
“But hey, despite all your chirping, we still won tonight, eh? Do you need a recap of the final score?”
At this point, all Geno could think about was where the conversation was headed. “Maybe my chirps too funny. Rangers distracted because laughing too hard.”
“Yeah, maybe. Or maybe you’re my lucky charm.” Sidney Crosby quipped with a tight smile on the corner of his lips.
Geno hadn’t noticed it until now, but Sidney Crosby has really beautiful lips. And eyes. He can’t stop looking at them. Then, he felt the atmosphere changed again, like a switch being flicked on. That’s when his brain connected the dots. Is he—is Sidney Crosby flirting with me?
“Hey, uhm—I was wondering. Our flight tomorrow doesn’t leave until noon. Do you wanna—I don’t know—grab a coffee or something?”
The question was fairly simple and straight forward but for some reason, it proved to be quite confusing for Geno. Ironically, he had lost for words and the prolonged silence had sparked the blush on Sidney Crosby’s cheeks. Again, he hadn’t noticed it until now that Sidney Crosby had such high cheek bones.
“Oh. Oh my gosh. I’m—I’m so sorry. I must have read this all wrong. Your girlfriend is probably waiting for you at home, and I’m just—”
“No, no, no. I’m no girlfriend.” Geno quickly clarified. And to make sure his message got across loud and clear he added, “I’m uh—no boyfriend too?”
That last part came out more like a question but that seemed to be enough to snuff some of the doubts.
“Give me phone.” He demanded.
Sidney Crosby was a little sceptical as first, but reached for his phone in his pocket after a short deliberation. Geno quickly punched his number and then saved it before returning the phone back into Sidney Crosby’s warm hand.
“Call tomorrow. I bring you to best coffee shop.”
The moment was interrupted when some noise coming from the inside of the bus startled them. They looked up and saw a some of the baby Pens watching them like a hawk through the window, giggling like a bunch of adolescent young boys watching something inappropriate on TV.
“Hey, Kessel! Is late. Hot dogs all sold out!” Geno quipped at Phil Kessel when he spotted him at the back.
Phil snickered and retreated before he quipped back. “Heard that one before. Try again, chirpy boy.”
He chuckled as Sidney hit the side of the bus as a warning for his teammates to behave. Just like magic, all of them settled back down to their seat and left them alone.
Sidney looked down at his phone, then said, “Geno, huh?”
He mocked a shrugged. “Yeah. Is nickname. Better for you because you bad at Russian names.”
“Hey! I’m actua—”
“Calm down. I’m just joke.”
Sidney look at his phone again and then back at him, with a smile that he had never seen anywhere before. He can’t help but reciprocate.
“So, I’ll call you tomorrow?”
“Yes, for coffee.”
“And Geno?”
“Thank you for the chirps.”
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misstring · 5 years
Kaboom! pt1/2 (Tim Drake x Reader fanfiction)
Reader Gender: Female
Warning: Violence, Kidnapping, Violence, Bombs
Synopsis:Kaboom goes the bomb. But that's not all. There are people out to get the CEO of Wayne Enterprises but they don't do their research and have no clue that Timothy Drake is the CEO. Also, there are mentions and descriptions of violence but I already said that.
10 seconds left. My mind racing, my heart pumping, and my hands shaking. Adrenaline shoots through my body, while I try to find a solution. I fumble around as I hear laughing around me.
5 seconds and I still haven’t broken through the cage. It was right in front of me. Barely outside my reach. Infuriated, I scream out as I try once more in reaching for the bomb. My finger brushes against the side but without anything to hook onto, I could not pull it in any closer.
3 seconds. Time started to move slowly as I had no other choice but to accept it. I take a weighted container containing my will and the memory chip from my video camera and chuck it as far as I can, hoping that it is out of the blast range.
2. I sit down, wanting my last moments to be in peace, at least.
1. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in.
“Kaboom!” Tim shouts as the screen flashes white then to the familiar static.
“Tim!” I yelled as I rip off the VR set. “What the heck? You told me I would have my utility belt in it!”
“Did I?” Tim questions, laughing as he resets the program.
“Do you want proof?” I ask, taking a seat next to him, as I start to pull up the security footage from the gym.
“No, no. I remember,” Tim says, still laughing as though it was the funniest thing he has ever experienced in his life. “But,” he composes himself, “for the gala. You won’t have the belt. You’re wearing a dress that won’t have pockets.”
“Pockets?” I incredulously ask. “You’re talking as though women clothing ever had pockets in the first place.” I stretch my back, leaning my head back onto the chair.
Tim gets up from his chair, “You aren’t going to do anything about it?” 
I smirk as I already had plans for revolutionizing women clothing.
“Oh, I see. You already have something planned.” Tim says smiling.
As silence falls in the room, I take the time to admire his chiseled countenance. His face gets closer and I feel something warm on my forehead.
Tim turns to leave as I realized what he did. “Wait!” I say as I try to get out of the chair in such haste that the surprised floor gave out from under me and the chair followed me to the ground.
“I hope you don’t have too many problems with editing the security footage so Big Bats doesn’t find out.” Tim says not even looking behind him, knowing full well of what happened behind him. “See you in a bit.”
“Tim,” I whine out, as he leaves me alone in the batcave. I sigh and turn back to the computer and quickly clip the piece of video out and seamlessly edit in a video of us two sitting at the computer for a couple more seconds before Tim gets up to leave. I save the file, leaving no other traces, on my flash drive.
Finished with my work, I leave the computer on standby as I leave the cave.
It was unusually quiet in the manor. Not one single person walking down any of the halls, at least from what I observed. I walked quickly to the guest room, not wanting to stay within the abnormal halls for any longer.
After a couple hours of trying to get my outfit together. I walk out of my room and find the halls to be lively once more. Damian was grumbling under his breath as Bruce confiscated all of the visible weapons from him. Dick was making sure not a single hair on his head would go out of place, even after a couple of flips, which he did in the middle of the hall. Alfred was on the phone with someone, making sure all of the preparations were made. And Tim? Tim was perfect. His tense expression relaxed as soon as he took a deep breath in and calmed himself down. From the way his hands shook a little, it was more than obvious that he had one, or two too many cups of coffee.
“Mr. Wayne,” I say, but because he was preoccupied with scolding Damian, he didn’t respond. “Mr. Wayne,” I repeat to no response. “Bruce,” I switch, hoping to catch him off guard.
Tim notices and signs to call him ‘dad’.
I smile and comply. “Dad,” I call out.
He immediately looks over and asks, “What is it?” not even questioning the fact that I called him dad.
“What is this gala really about?” I ask.
“Social responsibilities. And to show the new Wayne technologies that would improve Gotham,” his mind starts to catch up and his eyes widen, “Did you just call me dad?”
“Yes. Do you mind? I will stop if you do.” I put on an innocent smile.
“No. No. I don’t mind. After all, you are basically part of the family after joining us in the vigilante work.” He goes back to scolding Damian before I could say more.
Alfred ends his call. He and Bruce looks at each other, synchronized and Alfred nods. “The cars are ready. There may be attempt of assassination along the way.” Alfred says before giving each of us a communication earpiece that was hardly noticeable to anyone not looking for it. “I will be giving updates as you go.”
“Thanks Alfred.” Bruce then turns to us, “Alright kids; Damian with me and Dick, Tim, and (Y/n) in the other car. Jason will be attending the gala as a security guard because he is still ‘dead’. Any questions? None? Let us go.”
“Are Babs, Steph, and Cass going to be there too?” I ask, not wanting to be the only girl going.
“Barbra and Stephanie are covering patrol for tonight and Cassandra is still in Hong Kong,” Tim says as we start walking down the steps. “I’ll be besides you the whole night. There will be nothing to worry about.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Dick says as he gets into the passenger seat next to the driver.
I slide in next to Tim in the back. 
“What do you mean?” Tim questions.
I giggle as I realize what Dick was implying. Tim looks at me quizzically. I start laughing and motion that I’ll tell him later.
Tim nods and looks back to the front and pulls out his phone.
I take out mine out as well to find that Tim was texting me.
Tim: You look great in that dress.
Me: Thanks, handsome!
Tim: What was Dick on about?
Me: With that amount of caffeine, and what caffeine does…
Tim: What? What do you mean?
Me: Boy, you’re going to end up having to use the restroom sooner or later. Caffeine does that. I thought you knew already.
Tim stays quiet and puts his phone down as he looks out the window. I hear a soft ‘idiot’ under his breath.
“(Y/n), that dress looks great on you,” Dick says, breaking the silence in the car.
“Thank you! And you’re always looking dashing in a suit,” I say earning a light laugh from him.
“Are you sure you want to say that in front of your boyfriend?” Dick asks while lightly chuckling.
I resist the urge to turn my head towards Tim. “What do you mean?” I force out, as calmly as I could.
“Aren’t you two going out?” Dick questions.
I blindly text Tim.
Me: Sid u rell him?
“No!” Tim yells out, scaring me and making me toss my phone up into the air. “Sorry, (Y/n). Are you alright?”
I nod as I try to calm down my heart. My mind racing with questions and trying to figure out if there was anything obvious we did that may have clued him in.
“Why do you think that?” Tim asks in a much calmer voice.
“Oh, it was just (Y/n) seemed more comfortable with you and visa versa.”
I internally sigh and Tim answers, “She’s one of my best friends.”
“Ahem,” Alfred says from the earpiece. “There is an unknown vehicle that has been following for a while. It seems as though they have guns and are not afraid to shoot.”
“Which car?” Bruce asks.
“Master Dick’s,” he says.
The air in the car tenses up as we all go into alert and prepare for gunfire. 
“I recommend evasive maneuver 4, as there is some space between the vehicles.”
The driver nods and cuts in front of the car next to us, causing the car’s driver to flip us off, mouths moving, presumably shouting profanities at us. But that didn’t matter to the driver as he swerves into a right turn and then another left, weaving in and out of cars making another left and another right.
“The car crashed into an automated street cleaner,” Alfred announces and we all visibly relaxed.
“We are almost there,” the driver says.
I tuck my tools back into my dress, making sure it wasn’t noticeable and I turn to Tim to see him fix his tie and jacket again. The driver safely gets us to the location of the gala and Alfred warns us about potential snipers. We prepare ourselves before heading out behind Bruce and Damian onto the carpet. Cameras were already flashing and I was glad for the sunglasses. Reporters tried to get past the guards as they shoved mics in our direction. When they failed to get through, per normal, they resorted to shouting questions above the camera shutters and each other. Their individual voices were lost within each other but the sound was overwhelming. Bruce smiles through the whole thing and so does Dick and Tim. Damian keeps a straight face as I tried to keep calm through the entire walk. Hoping the cameras didn’t catch my clenched jaw as I closed my eyes and allowed Tim to guide me to the door where we stood for a bit as the paparazzi and newspaper photographers took more pictures.
I tried to crack a smile. Opening my eyes to a red laser on Tim’s chest.
I pull Tim towards me as the reporters simultaneously gasped with the sound of the bullet hitting the carpet. 
“Did it hit you?” I entreated while looking for any blood or wounds. I hit press the button of the communicator, “There’s someone at a building that would be in view of the entrance. Judging from the angle the bullet that hit the stairs, it seems to be from the 24th story of the skeleton of a building. There aren’t any cameras in the building itself but there are definitely cameras around the building. Bold of them to use one of my buildings.” I whisper just loud enough for the mic to catch my voice.
“Understood,” Alfred confirms.
Tim stands up straight and looks at the bullet hole in the carpet before addressing the news reporters with a light-hearted joke about almost dying. Bruce just gives him a stern look and we all enter the building.
In the lobby, the security guards check our ID’s and biometrics for identification. We were also subjected to go through metal detectors. Because most of us were using Faraday lined bags or pockets to hold our weapons, nothing was caught.
After checking in our overcoats, we went up to the floor of the gala.
As soon as we entered, people by the door stopped talking and looked over, smiling as they realized it was Bruce Wayne and his entourage of children and wards. People swarmed around and Tim put on his acting smile, as do the rest of us, except Damian; Damian kept a straight face.
It was going to be a long night.
“Please welcome Bruce Wayne,” the announcer announced jovially. 
I hear a small gag that was buried among the applause and I look behind me to see Jason. I give him a small wave with a smile. He nods back and I turn back to Bruce’s monologue.
The lights flicker and people start to whisper. Tim grabs my hand and I felt Damian tense up. Dick stayed calm, but upon closer inspection, he had his hand in his pocket reaching for something.
“Is there anything wrong?” I hear through the earpiece. 
“Nothing is showing up on the computer.” Alfred responds. “I will be inspecting it, immediately.”
Tim tightens his grip as he shifts in his seat. I excuse myself from the table to go use the restroom. I know I should stay, but without proper access to the weapons, I felt more vulnerable. I whisper to Tim about where I was going and get up to leave.
As I enter the restroom, the lights completely black out and I go into a stall and lock it while getting out soporific darts for protection. My glasses switch to night vision mode and I cautiously make it out of the stall.
“(Y/n), where are you?” Jason says outside of the restroom door.
“Here,” I say as I emerge from the restroom, still prepared to attack when given a means to attack. 
Jason sighs in relief as soon as he sees me and offers me his arm. I loop my arm through his and he escorts me back to where the rest of the Waynes were. Tim comes up to me and brings me into a tight hug as Jason goes back to his position.
The emergency generators finally kick in and the room lights up in an eerie yellow hue. Security guards file in and an announcement is made to calm people down. But not knowing what happened was causing more panic. Tim holds my hand and I also grip his hand as tightly as I could.
People break in through the windows. All chaos ensues.
I try and move to help the people near the windows but Tim tugs at my arm, stopping me from going any further. I stay next to him but as one of the intruders took the mic, my blood went cold.
“Ah, ah. Is this working?”
One of the guards signal for the mic to be cut off.
“I would like to say a couple of words. All we want is Ti–” the mic cuts off with a loud screech. I wince at the sound as do many others around us.
“Oh! You just made a bad mistake!” He shouts once the sound subsides. He gestures to the other people and two of them grab someone from the crowd and he points a gun to her head.
“All we want is Tim Drake! Is Tim Drake here?” He shouts.
Unfortunately for him, not many people know that Tim Drake is attending. Fortunately for us, Tim is going to be safe. I take my hand out of Tim’s grip and smile before walking up to the front, towards the stage.
“He was unable to attend today as he had an emergency business meeting in Hong Kong. I was to speak in his stead.” I say when I reach within hearing distance of the man. “Let the poor woman go.”
He starts laughing and says, “Okay, okay. I never expected someone to come so willingly.” He looks over to the captors and says, “Release her and detain her.”
The captors shove the woman down the stage and I catch her before she falls and ask if she was alright. She was terrified and shaken. She nodded and hurried to her business group.
They shove my arms roughly up my back and tied it with something. Pain shoots up my arm as they tie is tightly. Something cold is pressed up against my back.
He laughs again and shouts, “You are all free to go! Interfere with our exit and she is dead.”
“Wait! I’m Tim Drake!” Tim shouts.
He looks at me, but I put on a confused face.
“Is this true?” he growls.
“(Y/n), what are you doing?” Jason asks through the earpiece.
I shake my head. “Tim’s in Hong Kong. Ignore him.”
One of the other people cocks a gun and points it at Tim. All I see is Damian tackling Tim down as the gun goes off. During my stunned silence, the one moment I lost my guard, I was knocked out.
——--To be continued...
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