#Steel Crime Family AU
hunterbinx · 5 months
In a happier universe:
Annie: *wrestling with Mick who is twice her size*
Mick: *loosing to Annie*
Sasha: *throwing darts at Benzaiten*
Ben: *standing in front of a collage of their enemies and seeing how fast he can get out of the way of the darts*
Buddy: *standing off to the side with Vespa, Jet, Rita, Peter, and Slideboi*
Buddy: Who is in charge here???
Juno: *walks in through the door wearing a cool ass trench coat and sunglasses with grocery bags full of snacks and a cup of iced coffee in hand*
Juno: Sup Fuckers
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asexualsoup · 2 years
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Part 2 of the Steel/Citadel mashup. Ask and ye shall receive.
Also, Carriage!Ruby 7 might be my new favorite thing. 
[ID: A series of five fan art drawings of characters from The Penumbra Podcast, in color. The first is a drawing of Buddy Aurinko, Vespa Ilkay, and Jet Sequliak dressed in medieval-inspired outfits. The second image is a solo Jet, wearing leather armor and gripping the sword on his hip. The third image is a solo Buddy, smiling as she pulls up the skirt of her dress to reveal a hidden blade. The fourth image is a solo Vespa, wearing a cloak and crouched low to the ground. And the final image is a sketch of a green medieval carriage with a pair of eyes at the front and a small flag at the back that reads “Ruby 7.” A silhouetted Peter Nureyev and Juno Steel approach it. 
Nureyev’s speech bubble says: “It’s the greatest getaway carriage in the Northern Wilds, Juno!” 
Juno’s speech bubble says: “Nureyev... It doesn’t even have a horse!!!” 
End ID] 
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joona-fandom-mars · 9 months
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Happy Juno Steel’s birthday! I give you Pokémon au where Benzaiten is still alive and they do killer double battles together.
They were given a gastly (Juno’s) and cleffa (Ben’s) when they were pretty young and so they have a super close bond with them. Their cleffa and gastly evolve at a similar time and down the road Ben and Juno plan to evolve them again (Juno would trade Ben haunter so he evolves to Gengar, then they trade back. And at a similar time Ben would give Clefairy a moon stone). But if I wanted to be tragic like the canon, Ben could’ve died before they could go through with that plan. And both Juno and haunter are to upset to through with the plan for YEARS. Maybe Juno keeps the moon stone on a necklace or something. Maybe Juno takes in Ben’s Pokémon after he dies? Maybe part of Juno’s healing that happens after season two is finally evolving haunter and clefairy. Anyways, for now I’ll just keep thinking about how they’d kill it at double battles
Also added the Pokémon teams of the rest of the Carte Blanche crew + Ben because I love them!! Gonna explain the teams because I’m insane
Haunter - starter and is like the other side of the same coin with Ben’s clefairy (especially when they evolve into Gengar and Clefable)
Muk - Martian sewers
Trubbish - was trying so hard to find a weird bunny Pokémon to be Small Fry and if you squint hard enough that’s basically trubbish
Banette - Puppet Pokémon for when he was being puppeted by Ramses O’Flaherty
Clefairy - starter, same coin blah blah
Steenee, Aromatisse, and Oricorio - Dance Pokémon for the ballet dancer! (Bonus points for Oricorio in its Sensu style because Benzaiten is a Japanese goddess and Sensu dance is from Japan)
Rotom - Her ace because she uses it to hack into electronics
Morpeko - electric Pokémon that needs stacks to stay happy? Come on that’s SO Rita
Dedenne and Swirlix - Cuties she shares snacks with
Bewear and Electivire - she calls them the muscle but electivire accidentally knocked out some bug Pokémon from stepping on it and cried for a week and Bewear is to lazy to help with anything
Absol - Angel of Brahma. Do I need to say more
Unfezant, Thievul, and Liepard - these bitches be wearing masks and will steal your goods while your not looking
Zoroark - Can transform into literally anything
Delphox - Buddy’s ace because DUH fire fox that’s so her!
Ninetales, Arcanine, Quilava, and Talonflame - Buddy is obvi a fire type trainer
Altaria - Fire type trainer with the exception of shiny Altaria because they are to elegant not to give Buddy and they’re shiny because it fits her color palette better. And Buddy is just enough extra to have a shiny
Optional, Beautifly - Buddy could replace one of her fire types with Beautifly and then Vespa could have Dustox so then it’s like butterfly and moth wives and also sun and moon wives (their last names mean sun (Aurinko) and moon (Ilkay)
Beedrill - Vespa means wasp and beedrill is basically a wasp
Ariados, Toxicroak, Yanmega, Barraskewda, and Bisharp - all of them a fast, pointy, and look like you can find them in a swamp, except for bisharp which is just fast and pointy
Revavroom - the man LOVES cars. Plus revavroom can be something adjacent to the Ruby 7 (maybe Juno starts taking care of it after Carte Blanche crew splits up)
Mamoswine, Magnezone, Blastoise, and Rhyhorm - beefy guys that feel like Jet to me
YEAHEAYEAY anyways INFODUMP OVER, if you read all of this you get a medal 🏅. Congrats. May do side characters and villains at some point, but for now this is all you get :P
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fauvester · 2 years
i love ur garashir children so dearly and i am so so grateful that peepaw war crimes died in the dominion camp. Imagine.
God could you IMAGINE
I do love the idea of 'Tain survives, has to pull a Garak and pretend to be a harmless old man even though EVERYONE knows who he is and what he's done'. Like ohhhh building a secret fleet to annihilate the dominion? Couldn't be little old me. Smiling and menacing. Wardrobe unchanged. Garak and Bashir supremely uncomfortable.
But also, Young Elim finds out who he is and promptly turns around and punches him in the crotch so hard he gets a heart attack and dies instantly
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Ties That Bind
Strings of Fate alt pov. (Soulmate!AU) Or, Jason Todd's soulmates see the very best in him, even if he doesn't see it in himself. ~3.3k words
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When Bruce Wayne meets Jason Todd, he's wearing enough Kevlar to stop a small missile. The kid in the red hoodie is hardly his first soulmate, but he is the first to steal the tires off the batmobile.
He wavers at the sight. The kid's clearly too small for his age. Bruce is already mentally setting aside a trust fund for him, considering what favors he can call in to get the kid into Gotham Prep.
The dark blue string that glows between them makes something in him soften, even if he should know better. His attention trails between the new string, the boy, and the other, more frayed string that leads to his eldest son.
He wonders vaguely if this string will fray, too. (It will do worse. It will grey and vanish, and Bruce Wayne Batman will fail another soulmate)
He opens his mouth to speak, to ask why he's out here, if he has some place to go, if his family knows he's here, but the sound of metal clings through the alley, and the kid runs.
It won't be hard, for Batman to catch up to him.
It will be hard to earn Jason Todd's trust.
It won't be hard when a new Robin flies by his side.
It won't be hard to smile, to laugh, to see hope and light in Gotham.
It won't be hard at all, to see the best in his son, to see all the good that makes up Jason Todd.
It will be hard to hold his son in his arms. It will be harder to know he's failed him.
It will be impossible, as the years pass, to not flinch every time he looks down at his index finger and sees an empty space where a string should be.
Alfred Pennyworth has gained and lost many strings in his life. He cherishes the ones that shine, neatly tied around his arms and fingers.
He meets his second grandson in the batcave.
The boy is flighty, untrusting, and Alfred loves him all the more for it. It takes sheer patience, good books, and many plates of cookies to earn Jason Todd's reluctant trust. Alfred's proud to be one of the few people who can say Jason is relaxed in their presence.
He's proud as he watches Jason save lives, study, laugh, and bring joy. Joy. He brings it to so many people, even people who aren't his soulmate, without asking for any return.
Yes, Alfred Pennyworth is proud. He's proud, even as he watches the blue string fray and fade. He's proud as they lower a small casket into the ground.
He's still proud, when no one sees the tears that spill when he makes a recipe that used to have a second set of hands helping.
Barbara Gordan is Batgirl. She's quick on her feet, stronger than people give her credit for, and just as smart as any other vigilante out there. So, she's not surprised to see a purple string appear between her and the newest Robin.
He's small, but fast and doesn't show an ounce of fear even as she pulls him out of the way of a bullet. Her heart melts a little when he smiles at her, gap toothed and bright, and she can't help but smile back.
She may miss the practiced partnership she had with Dick, but Jason makes a home for himself in her life. Batgirl watches Robin's back, and he's just as loyal and selfless in return.
Barbara knows he's destined for great things. She can see it in the way he takes time to talk to the citizens of crime alley, to pet and feed the strays that hide from most people.
It's why she sobs when the purple string breaks. It's why she steels herself to be better, to try harder, to never let another Robin be without a Batgirl.
(She will fail at this. It will plague her. She will become stronger, better, and anything she needs to be)
Dick Grayson is not impressed by the boy wearing his colors. He's tiny, and his cape seems to swallow him whole. But he did manage to land silently next to him on the roof overlooking Penguins' latest operation.
Dick's not exactly sure why the kids here, he definitely didn't tell anyone he was going to be in Gotham. But, if the blue string glowing between them is anything to go by, they were gonna meet eventually.
He didn't mean to make a face at the new Robin, really, he just wasn't ready to meet him.
He wanted to be in and out of Gotham, not trying to deal with another soulmate he never asked for. Not while the name Nightwing is still new and the blue suit doesn't quite feel right sometimes.
Jason doesn't know any of this. (Yes, he knows the kids' names. Yes, he's been keeping tabs on Bruce.) So, Dick Grayson steadies himself and invites the kid to team up.
Robin Jason fights well, knows when to duck and when to fight dirty. Nightwing leaves Gotham feeling lighter and heavier all at once.
He'll visit his brother(?) a few weeks later, they'll get ice cream and show off to each other and it'll be nice. Jason will hand off a bag full of Alfred's cooking, and a plate of cookies he shyly admits he helped make.
Dick silently promises to be better to the kid who wears his family's colors.
He never gets the chance. Jason is dead and buried by the time he returns to Earth with the Titans. Another soulmate dies in the colors meant to spread joy and hope. (This will change him forever)
Talia al Ghul did not expect a blue string to bind her to Jason Todd. She plans for nearly everything, expects the worst, and hopes for the best.
So, when she found her Beloved's son wandering in a daze, she should have been prepared for the shimmering, ocean blue string to tie itself to her left index finger when he looked at her.
(She wasn't, and she'll stare between Jason's string, and the one on her right index finger leading to her other son for an entire night)
Thalia will take him back to Nanda Parbat, out of duty, out of hope that if she can help Jason, it will bring Bruce back to her, and out of love. The boy follows her– the string– like it's the only thing that matters.
She will never admit it, but it will break her heart. She chances the Lazarus Pit, it helps and hurts him all at once. He no longer follows her around. He trains until there's hardly a soul in the League he can not beat.
Talia watches her son become aimless, restless, and tormented by the past. She hopes with all that she has, and introduces him to Damian.
She knows a blue string forms between them when Jason flinches. He leaves in the night, and takes a part of her with him.
She understands why. It doesn't stop her from tracking him from afar until he finds himself in Gotham again, parading around under the name of his killer. Her beloved will understand soon enough, and she hopes her son will find a home again.
Batman meets Red Hood on a crumbling roof in Crime Alley. The crime lord has been a thorn in his and the GCPDs side for months. He sees the glimmer of a string start to form, but doesn't get to process it before Red Hood is unloading a clip at him.
He dives out of the way, and by the time he comes out of his roll, Red Hood is gone. Batman checks for the new string. But there isn't one, no new line leading from him to a soulmate. He checks again.
Bruce Wayne loses all the air in his lungs when he realizes what has changed. It doesn't make sense. It can't be possible. But there's no lying when it comes to strings. Jason Todd is Red Hood. And for once, Batman doesn't have a plan.
Tim Drake knows soulmates are precious. Each string he's gained is worth cherishing. Each string he's lost is a scar. (He traces where they used to be when he can't sleep)
Tim Drake knows who Red Hood is. Was it a surprise? Sure, it can only mean good things for his family, even if Red Hood is running the majority of crime in Gotham. Jason was the light of Gotham, after all.
He believes that with his whole heart. Which is why he's cautiously excited when a royal blue string ties from his wrist to Red Hood.
It's also why he laughs when Jason Todd breaks half the bones in his body. He's dealt with worse, and he breaks a few of Red Hood's bones in return.
Tim is still laughing when Red Hood stumbles away and leaves. It's kind of funny, he's lost almost all of his best friends, and now he has a brother who hates him. But it's not all bad, he decides, the tracker he managed to get into Jason's jacket will be plenty useful.
Dick Grayson finds Jason Todd by his favorite gargoyle. It's the only thing still familiar about him. But as the string reforms between him, something in his soul slots into place. He sits next to him and talks.
He's not exactly sure what he talks about, but he talks and talks until he's not sure what to say and then talks some more. Jason never answers, but he doesn't leave either. It's enough, it's a start, and he tells his little brother to visit Alfred some time when he goes to leave.
(Red Hood will show up in Blüdhaven later that month. They will work a case together, it will be sloppy and then won't know each other's blind spots. Dick hasn't had so much fun in years)
Alfred Pennyworth is making tea in the kitchen of Wayne Manor when his second grandson nearly gives him a heart attack. One moment, he's alone, and the next, the man who used to be Gotham's biggest crime lord is standing five feet away.
They don't talk much, but Jason still remembers how to make his favorite cup of tea. Alfreds packs up enough food to feed him for a week, and makes him promise to at least call once a month.
Alfred is proud to say he gets a call once a week, and a time to meet out in the city once a month. He's even prouder to say his grandson has grown and learned and thrived.
Barbara Gordan is Oracle, and she's damn good at what she does. She's working intel for the Birds of Prey when the motion sensors around the clock tower go off.
She turns just in time to see the purple string form between her and Red Hood. He takes off his helmet. She appreciates that.
He looks lost for words. She feels lost for words. But she finds them anyway. She tells him it's good to see him, and it really is. She's been keeping tabs on him, knows what he's trying to do, trying to be. He hesitantly tells her he's going to be out of Gotham for a while.
Oracle hands him a comlink before he leaves. She tells him it's her own personal line, not connected at all to The Bat. She tells him to keep in touch. (She knows he'll listen)
Both versions of The Outlaws adore Jason Todd. Arsenal and Starfire, Artemis and Bizzaro, all find good in the purple string that ties them to Red Hood. The team isn't a magical fix all, and sometimes what they do isn't right, but it's theirs.
It's theirs, and they have each other even when it seems like there's nothing else. There's a comfort in that, a comfort in the steady glow of the purple string. There's a comfort in knowing their soulmate would take on the world at their side.
Spoiler knows she shouldn't be in Crime Alley, knows that the newly returned Red Hood doesn't appreciate Bats in his territory. But she's not a Bat, so she thinks she's earned an exception. And if she's being honest, she could use someone to talk to.
Her other soulmates, the other vigilantes, well, there's been a distance between her and them since her return. So, yeah, maybe she's a little lonely and a little hurt, and maybe she's willing to risk getting shot over the chance Red Hood is one of her soulmates. (And that he'll understand)
She's optimistic when a purple string forms between them, but less so when he tells her to leave. Stephanie's never been good at following directions, so she stays. He doesn't shoot her, which she takes as permission to come back again.
And she does. She comes back again and again. She brings him coffee. After a few times, he actually takes his helmet off to drink it. Jason's a good listener, and she really doesn't mean to spill her sob story about dying and knowing what it's like to reform a string.
She knows he's dealt with enough of that. But he doesn't make fun of her, doesn't tell her to get over herself. He just pats her shoulder when she goes to leave that night. (She cries when the news reports on Red Hood delivering Black Mask to prison only two days later)
Cassandra Cain is skilled and very good at what she does. She knows this, and she's proud of it. She smiles behind her mask when she makes her new brother jolt in surprise.
If anything, he should have been paying more attention to the thugs around him; she'd taken out more than half of them before he realized she was there.
She pokes at the string connecting them, incredibly pleased it's the color she wanted it to be. She pats her little brother's arm and leaves the scene, her night is hardly over after all.
Cass doesn't need to ask for his address, she already knows it. So, she happily makes herself at home on his couch at least once a week. He puts on movies for them to watch, even though she can tell he's not exactly sure what to do with her.
She calls him 'baby brother', and he learns how to make her favorite treats in return. She likes that he bends down so she can ruffle his hair, and makes a note of how he leans into the touch. Her soulmate definitely needs more hugs.
Damian Wayne can handle himself. He's Robin. He's an Al Ghul. He's the blood son of the Bat. So he doesn't need his soulmate's help. But his mother always told him Todd is skilled. Todd has a bleeding heart for everyone. He can use that.
He's definitely not trying to work up the courage to enter Red Hood's territory, when the person in question jumps down next to him. Huh. He didn't sense him coming. Maybe he's lost more blood than he's thought.
"Mother told me to seek you if I ever needed anything," Damian tells him, and bites back a wince. Those aren't the words he wanted. He sounds like a child and he doesn't need anything from Jason Todd.
Todd is quiet for a moment, and Damian expects to be turned away. But he's not, he's led to a safehouse instead. He's able to patch his wounds up without Todd noticing, and the next night, he goes into battle with a brother at his side. (They fight like they've been spent years at each other's sides)
Duke Thomas has heard all the stories about Jason Todd. He's curious, sue him, so he seeks out Red Hood just after the sun starts to set. Duke nods like he expected it to happen when he sees the blue string that ties around his forearm. (He wasn't sure it would, but it's a shiny, good color)
Red Hood eyes him, or at least Duke assumes he does. It's kind of hard to tell with the helmet. "Do you need something," Jason asks.
Duke doesn't actually have a plan past this. But he's Signal, and he's great at thinking on his feet, so he asks Jason if he's ever had the chili dogs a couple blocks away.
He's surprised when Jason says no, and he's even more surprised when they end up eating half of food carts' chili dogs.
It ends up being fun, taking down some thugs trying to rob a bank, with Red Hood fighting alongside him. Duke throws out a few jokes, and he manages to make Jason laugh. (He will brag about it to the rest of his soulmates later)
Duke grins when he gets handed a number at the end of the night. He's proud and only a little smug to have seemingly impressed his newest brother. (He will also brag about this)
You were not anticipating getting mugged tonight. Yes, it's always a possibility in Gotham. But you were careful, the street you were on had working lights! So it's annoying when a group of men try to get you to hand over your things.
You're relieved when Red Hood drops down from seemingly out of nowhere to take them out. But you're not completely sure what to feel when a red string ties itself to your pinkie and leads right to him.
He doesn't seem to know what to feel either, because you're just staring at each other in silence on an empty street. It makes you a little braver to see him as knocked off center as you are, at least you think that's what he's feeling.
It's hard to tell when he hasn't moved, and his helmet is dipped down to get a better look at you. So, you break the silence and tell him your name.
His helmet snaps up, "What?"
Oh. Maybe he wasn't looking at you. You tentatively repeat your name, and for a second dread pools in your gut. What if he wants nothing to do with you? What if he leaves?
Soulmates not wanting each other are rare, but not exactly unheard of. You step towards him, ready to plead your case on giving you a chance.
"Red Hood," he supplies, cutting you off before you can speak. It's entirely unhelpful. You know who he is. You think this is his way of keeping the distance.
But, it's not. That thought barely gets to form before Red Hood offers to walk you home.
He keeps coming back, keeps hovering on your fire escape until you start to invite him inside. And soon enough, Jason Todd becomes a part of everything in your life.
He's sweet, kind, and so, so careful. He tugs your string when he's late to come home, a reassurance. He barely leaves your side, the first time you meet his sister.
Your soulmate is good. He makes you happy. You so badly want to be good to him, to make him happy too. You think you do, at least sometimes.
He smiled when you offered to watch his brother's dog, kissed you senseless the first time you made his grandfather's cookies.
You're not there, when Bruce Wayne offers his son a velvet box, a ring passed down from Wayne to Wayne nestled inside. You're asleep, curled into his side when he vows to be brave for you.
But you're there and wide awake when Jason Todd pulls the box from his jacket and drops down to one knee. You're there when he smiles nervously at you, tells you he's never been good at this kind of thing, at anything, really. But you make him feel like he is.
He tells you he loves you. He tells you he doesn't need a red string to know you're his soulmate. He asks you to marry him.
You say yes while peppering his face with kisses. You're giddy, when he slides the ring onto your finger, his smile matching yours.
He kisses you, again and again, and the glowing red string that ties you together seems to sing.
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So here is another DPXDC crossover idea nice-ish pariah dark au pariah dark dad au pariah dark x clockwork gender-fluid Danny au ghost prince Danny au Danny x Damien Danny steeling lost artifacts from places so that they don’t get into the wrong hands and Gotham has a bunch
Danny has taken up the job of helping get lost artifacts from the zone back to the infinite realms and giving items lost the zone back to the families of those that lost them Danny is having fun evading the superheroes
Damien is having fun trying to catch the thief that was stealing supposedly cursed artifacts and is surprised when he finally corners the thief that it is a someone his own age and is even more surprised when the thief disappears the literally second he turns his back
Let's see what prompt I can come up with. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Chase Me, Catch Me, Will You Love Me?
When he was a child he dreamed of going to space being able to chase the vastness of stars.
After his accident that was a dream he had to give up, after that his life became too busy to really think about it.
Gaining powers
Fighting ghosts each day
Trying to do her best in school
Realizing her gender
Evading and escaping his parents
He needed a break but not because of this
This being his parents finding out about them being Phantom and not taking it well.
'Not taking it well' was an understatement.
She fled to the Infinity Realms towards ClockWork. CW felt more like his dad than Jack had for a long while now. He was a bit suspicious when CW told him that the Zone had decided to rehabilitate Pariah Dark but so far he had been staying in line if a bit of a harsh grump and maybe a future parental figure with how he and CW seemed to look at each other when they thought the other wasn't paying attention.
But on the other hand she was thankful he was still king and not Danny, wow had that been a shock to her finding out he was almost king before he was even an adult, he was still titled prince but at least he wasn't the one in charge of everything.
Speaking of being in charge of things, they as a prince still had duties to fulfill, ClockPa had decided it was best for his growth that she return to Earth but not the same one where he would be in danger, no instead it was an Earth with multiple heroes and magic and even aliens!!!
The only thing he had to do was find haunted or ecto powered objects and either return them to their rightful owner or have it put somewhere secure.
"This is going to be so much fun!"
Damian had a new rogue, they called themselves Phantom and their crimes resembled greatly of Catwoman's only with seemingly spiritual centered objects.
He had already faced the teasing of all his siblings about how he was resembling father
...and as much as he hated agreeing with them, after almost a year of constantly fighting, chasing, bantering and most recently actually getting to talking he had learned that they were very close in age and had a lot of similar interest they could talk about together with for hours if given the chance.
Soon their dynamic slowly began shifting without either realizing it,
And well who knows what the future holds for them but until then,
The chase continues.
Hope you liked it Anon
Just an Idea
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [9] - Engagement
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: A marriage decision leads to an honest conversation about expectations.
Word Count: 2700
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, drinking. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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For a couple of seconds, he gawked at you in complete silence before he managed to pull himself together.
“You—you’re saying yes?”
“I’m saying yes.”
“Please don’t ask me again because I have this feeling that I’ll change my mind if I think about it longer than a second,” you stated and he nodded fervently.
“Right,” he said. “Sure, I…wow. Okay, we’re—we’re getting married then.”
“Don’t say that either, I am not ready to hear it out loud,” you said with a sigh but before he could answer, a soft voice reached you both.
He closed his eyes shut for a moment as he scrunched up his face and you turned your head to look at the top of the stairs where a pretty girl in an oversized shirt –his shirt, if you had to guess— was leaning to the steel handrail.
“Hi,” she said. “Um, who are you?”
“His fiancée,” you stated, trying your hardest to ignore the pang of jealousy in your stomach and her eyes widened.
“Oh I didn’t—I didn’t know—”
“Neither did I when I woke up today,” you said with a click of your tongue. “Can you leave us please?”
“Sure!” she said as she rushed back to what you could only assume was the bedroom and Bucky shot you an apologetic look.
“Charm I’m sorry, if I knew…”
You walked past him, looking around the huge living room. Even you had to admit it looked incredibly beautiful and sleek, and the clear view of the city that you could see from the floor-to-ceiling windows was absolutely breathtaking. It was exactly what you would come up with if someone asked you what Bucky's apartment would look like; luxurious yet dark.
It didn’t mean you would tell him that though.
“I’m not moving in here by the way, this place is a dump,” you forced yourself to say, “If I wanted industrial interior, I’d buy myself a factory.”
“Right, sure—”
“That could be a fun project though,” you muttered more to yourself as the girl appeared at the top of the stairs again, and rushed downstairs, grabbing her coat off the rack.
“Sorry again,” she said without looking you in the eye and walked out of the apartment, and you heaved a deep sigh.
“None of this will be happening from now on by the way,” Bucky said in a haste and you rolled your eyes, then turned around to look at him.
“I don’t care about you enough to have that conversation with you,” you said. “I don’t give a fuck who you fuck, but you’re not going to make me look like an idiot in front of other people so when it inevitably happens, you’ll keep it a secret.”
“You don’t have to worry about that at all,” he said, his voice firm and you crossed your arms.
“So then,” you said. “I feel like we should both talk about the conditions before taking it to the families and the lawyers and everything.”
“I’m good with your conditions,” he said and you shot him a glare.
“You don’t even know my conditions.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
You kept your eyes on him, a slight frown pulling your brows together before you took a deep breath and took off your coat to throw it over the couch.
“Either way, I think we should talk about it,” you insisted and leaned on your hip. “So do you have actual booze in here or are you going to pull out a homemade barrel or something?”
He smiled slightly.
“Take a seat sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll bring the wine.”
“And put a shirt on!” you said as you made your way to the table, ignoring the way your heart skipped a beat. “This is a business deal, honestly. There has to be a dress code.”
When Bucky came to the table, he did in fact have his shirt on and he was carrying a bottle of wine with two glasses. He filled one and handed it to you, then filled his own and sat down. You took a sip, pleasantly surprised at the taste and lowered your glass, leaning back.
“Alright,” he said. “Tell me your conditions.”
You swirled the wine in your glass, deep in thought.
“Well first of all, we need to have a time table,” you said. “I don’t want to stay married to you for the rest of my life, and I’m pretty sure you share the sentiment.”
A small smile twitched the corners of his lips but he didn’t comment on it.
“But we can’t get a divorce as soon as I take over because that will lead to a lot of questions and I won’t have the time for distractions, the taking over process is chaotic enough,” you said. “I can’t be making any mistakes, especially considering I already have a rival.”
“Calling Ian a rival makes him sound more important than he actually is,” Bucky commented. “But I agree. We already know some of the families can disagree with this idea.”
“Stark?” you asked and he nodded.
“At least,” he said. “We have Steve and Sam’s support, my family and your family of course, but the rest…”
“You think Romanoff would disagree?”
Bucky thought for a moment.
“Probably, but I can talk to Nat I think,” he said. “She’d hear me out.”
“Barton is not going to do anything Nat disagrees with,” he said. “If we have Nat, we have Clint.”
“So that leaves us Stark,” you said, pursing your lips. “Who talks to him, you or me?”
He shot you an apologetic look.
“I mean we may try to sell it as love but at the end of the day, everyone will think about the business side of things,” he said. “It could be better if your father talked to him actually. He already dislikes me enough, and we’re changing the power balance in the city by doing this.”
“Alright,” you said. “My dad could do that.”
“I want your word that I will be included in everything,” you said. “None of the bullshit the earlier generation pulled. I will be in every meeting and I will be included in every single decision.”
He nodded. “Yeah, figured as much.”
“I mean it Bucky,” you said, looking him in the eye. “We will be equals completely.”
“We will be,” he assured you. “I swear on my honor.”
“And I’m not changing my surname.”
He threw his head back. “Charm…”
“Out of question.”
“Charm if I’m going to get you into those meetings, you need to have my surname,” he insisted. “You know the rules. We need to give them an actual reason if you can’t be there as an heir.”
You thought for a moment and cleared your throat.
“Hyphenated it is,” you said. “I’ll keep mine and add yours.”
“It’d be better if—”
“I can’t take over my father’s territory if my last name is Barnes,” you pointed out. “I’ll use both, it’s fine.”
Bucky thought for a moment, then licked his lips and shrugged his shoulders.
“Fine,” he grumbled even though his tone signaled it was anything but fine. You sipped your wine, leaning back.
“Goes without saying that we won’t have any children in the meantime so should we even talk about it?”
“I think we should,” Bucky said, a small smile curling his lips. “Just in case.”
“Just in case?” you repeated and he rolled his eyes.
“It’ll be on the prenup just like everything else,” he reminded you. “And our families will see those prenups, so it’d be better if we covered it beforehand.”
You huffed out and waved a dismissive hand.
“Fine,” you said. “The usual, right? The first born is the heir…”
“The second born is the spare, yeah,” Bucky said. “Although, if you’re keeping your surname…”
“Our children would as well,” you finished his sentence for him and let out a dry laugh. “So then, is the firstborn yours or mine?”
“Maybe it’ll be twins,” he joked and you shook your head.
“We’ll say that the firstborn rules both until the second born is ready, and then divide my territory and yours accordingly,” you said and Bucky raised his brows.
“But until then, both territories?” he asked. “That’s a lot of pressure to put on one person.”
“That person doesn’t exist and will not exist,” you reminded him. “It’s just gonna be a hypothetical article in the prenup, that’s it.”
“And if we want a divorce—”
“When we have a divorce,” you corrected him and Bucky hummed.
“Any specific reque—”
“The weekend house,” you cut him off and he let out a small laugh.
“How long have you had your eye on it?”
“Oh, so long,” you said with a grin. “It’s really pretty.”
Bucky held up his hands, gesturing surrender. “It’s yours then."
“I mean I know I can’t just get it without giving something in return so how about you? What do you want in the divorce?”
You blinked a couple of times, gawking at him.
“You want nothing?” you asked him. “Bullshit. Say your price.”
“I don’t need anything.”
“You’re going to get me in the business and help me take over and you want nothing?” you insisted. “No fucking way. What is your game here?”
“I don’t have any.”
“Why are you doing this then?” you asked with a frown. “Seriously. What’s in it for you?”
“My reasons are my own.”
“But I do have one request now that you mention it,” he said and you nodded your head.
“Yeah tell me. What is it?”
“Throughout the time we stay married,” he said, taking a sip of his wine. “No sleeping with other people.”
“…I’m not going to sleep with you,” you managed to say after a pause and he shrugged his shoulders.
“We’re going into war with an outsider while pushing you to the top,” he said. “Any kind of issue in our marriage, including a whisper of a rumor could work against that. We need to present a united front to all the other families and our people. Can’t fight a war on that many fronts, you know that.”
As much as you hated to admit, as it turned out, Bucky was actually smart when it came to how things worked in business. You nibbled on your lip, trying to put your thoughts in order before sticking your nose in the air.
“That’s a two-way street,” you told him. “If I’m behaving like the perfect wife, you’re going to behave like the perfect husband.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Bucky, I’m serious,” you said, looking him in the eye. “Don’t go behind my back and make me kill your mistresses.”
“Don’t go behind my back and make me kill your boyfriends,” he replied and you took a deep breath, then downed your wine and stretched out your hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” you said and he chuckled, then reached out to take your hand into his, sending a pleasant warmth from your hand to your whole body.
“Likewise,” he said, his voice soft. “Let’s make you the queen, princess.”
 You and Bucky decided to tell your family about your decision that weekend at their favorite restaurant. It would at least give you some time to get your story straight and you figured it would play into the lie; that you and Bucky had something for each other all along and once you got together you didn’t want to lose any time to get married.
Of course your closest friends were going to know about it, it would be impossible to keep it from Becca, Sarah, Steve and Sam because they’d had the first row to every single fight whenever you were within each other’s sight not to mention heard about how much you two disliked each other for years now.
But as far as anyone else was concerned, it was the happy ending to a decade long crush on both parts.
That night, you decided to stay in a hotel until the weekend. Not only did you not want to talk to Ian or your father, but it would also work in your favor; it was Bucky’s favorite hotel, it was in his territory and he would make sure to stay with you in the honeymoon suit every night until the weekend so you were pretty sure the rumors would reach your families way before you told them.
Your bodyguards were still on your father’s payroll after all.
You sipped your champagne, your feet propped up on the small coffee table across from the couch you were sitting on, the fluffy bathrobe wrapped tight around your body as you changed the channel on the TV but the knock on the door made you turn your head. Heaving a sigh, you pushed yourself off the bed and went to the door, then put a bright smile on your face and swung open the door.
“Finally!” you exclaimed, then gasped at the huge bouquet of roses Bucky was holding. “Oh my God!”
“Hi beautiful,” Bucky said with a smirk and you stole a look at both your father’s and Bucky’s men in the hallway, then turned to him.
“You shouldn’t have!” you giggled as you grabbed his arm to pull him into the suit, and closed the door behind him.
“Flowers are a nice touch,” you commented, the lovesick smile disappearing from your lips even if your heart did a happy flip and Bucky winked at you.
“I’m glad you like them,” he said as you took them from him, then walked to the open kitchen to pour water into the empty wine decanter before putting the flowers into it.
He leaned back to the kitchen island. “Did you talk to Becca yet?”
“Tomorrow,” you said. “I slept the whole day away today, barely did anything. Must be the stress after yesterday.”  
“Is she serious with that girl by the way?” Bucky asked you. “Leila?”
“I’m not going to tell you anything about Becca.”
He tilted his head. “You and I are going to get married—”
“And she’s my best friend so she’s still above you on my loyalty list,” you pointed out. “Marriage is one thing, friendship is another.”
“Should I at least threaten the girl so that she doesn’t break her heart?” Bucky asked and you rolled your eyes.
“No, Leila is a sweetheart,” you said as you walked past him, then threw yourself on the couch to grab the remote. He followed you and rested his hands on the back of the couch you were sitting on, the closeness of his body making your stomach do a pleasant flip for some reason.
“So what are we watching?”
“We are not watching anything,” you said, trying to focus on the screen. “I’m watching The Bachelor.”
He let out a groan. “Seriously?”
“There’s another TV upstairs, go watch whatever you want to watch there,” you said, grabbing your champagne glass again and tilted your head back so that you could look at him, and Bucky shot you a mischievous grin.
“Marriage requires quality time together, Charm.”
“Who told you that lie?” you asked, turning your glances to the TV and he chuckled.
“Steve sent me an article about it today when I told him the news.”
“Not Sam?”
“No, Sam sent me the address of a great psychiatrist,” he said. “For couples therapy and marriage counseling.”   
“That’s much more useful than an article,” you pointed out and he squeezed at your shoulder making your heart skip a beat.
“I’m going to take a shower,” he said as he walked to the hanging stairs and someone knocked on the door, making you frown and look at Bucky over your shoulder.
“Room service,” Bucky answered before you could ask. “I already know your favorite so I ordered for both of us.”
“How do you know my favorite?”  
“I pay attention,” he said as he started climbing the stairs, unbuttoning his shirt. “Don’t open the door yet though, will you? Wouldn’t want my men to think I last five minutes.”
“I’m sure that would be an improvement for you,” you said with a scoff and he tsk tsked.
“If you want to see just how wrong you are, all you gotta do is ask nicely princess.”
“That will never happen!” you called out and slipped a little on the couch when you heard him close the bathroom door, then heaved a sigh.  
“Great,” you muttered to yourself as the water started running. “My honeymoon should be so much fun.”
Chapter 10
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c-rose2081 · 1 month
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CharmingHearts Mafia AU thoughts?
Red is a common street thief struggling to make ends meet. With her Mom gone and money running thin, she gets a bit too bold thieving from the patrons of elite Charmington Hotel and Casino. It was only a matter of time before she got caught. Red thinks her life is over, but someone else has been paying attention to her exploits—someone who can make her dreams of wealth and luxury come true in exchange for her specific set of skills.
Unfortunately, that someone happens to be the Princess of the Charming Family Crime Syndicate, Chloe. A girl who’s not only hands-on in running her corner of the family business, but whose lush and lavish contracts (laid in steel and sealed in blood) are almost never worth the price.
Lowkey might actually write this one as a long form story? mafia AU’s are overdone but they’re also a classic, and I love the idea of a very powerful and dangerous Chloe pulling Red around (since Songbirds was the opposite).
If anyone has any title suggestions I’m all ears, I couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t stupid sounding lol.
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peskellence · 1 month
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Rule Of Nines
New Order
Explicit content, Graphic Violence (18+)
Pairing: Reed900
Tags: AU, Multi-Chapter, Lovers to Enemies, Kidnapping, Crime and Violence, Oral, Anal, Dom/ Sub, Toxic Relationships
Previous Chapter
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: In a world where loyalty is currency and compromise is weakness, Gavin Reed, a ruthless mobster, lives by his own rules. When an old enemy resurfaces with a deadly demand, his life is thrown into chaos-as his trusted second-in-command, Nines, is put to the ultimate test of allegiance. Will he stay committed to Gavin, or will the loyal guard dog begin to stray? (Human Mob!AU)
Warnings: Major Character Death (before events of the story), Graphic Violence, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Dubcon and Noncon
Tag List: @sweeteatercat @wedonthaveawhile @ladyj-pl @tentoriumcerebelli @negative-citadel @faxaway @moriahadi424 @unicorn4genocide @cptjh-arts
♡If you would like to be added to the tag list for future projects, please let me know♡
There had been a hit on one of the Delray warehouses. All contact had been lost with the guards stationed there, and family members sent to investigate had soon become unreachable too. Following an extended period of silence, Nines took matters into his own hands, proceeding to the location himself.
Upon entering the space, the halogen bulbs of the loading bay failed to activate. It was dark outside, the lack of windows only exacerbating the vacuous black. The scent in the air was oppressively potent, clogging his nostrils. 
Gunpowder and blood.
He already knew what they were about to discover as their torches were raised and the first beam of light sliced through the darkness.
Bodies lay strewn across the ground amidst a series of overturned crates, gutted of their contents. The hollowed-out panels proudly presented, with some of the lesser goods strewn haphazardly on the floor. Fairly innocuous, given the extensive stockpile of munitions that had once been contained.
Either the culprits had left in a hurry, their infiltration discovered sooner than anticipated, or they simply took what they’d wanted—the surplus serving to send a message, a brazen exhibition of dominance. Mockery.  
A disrespect which ignited a flame in his gut as Nines bent down to inspect the bullet punched neatly between the eyes of Meyer. Vacant pits that bore up at the ceiling—ashen and lifeless. 
He stayed there for a moment, running a hand through the crimson streaks blossoming from his wound. Connor stood close, glancing down at the body, watching as mislaid life seeped through the cracks of his brother's fingers. While nothing was said, there was a distinct air of sorrow in the way he bowed his head. A show of silent respect and gratitude. 
Vincenzo was more vocal in his discontent, knocking one of the smaller crates with the end of a steel-capped boot, propelling it across the room. “Christ, what a mess. Who’d you think is behind this shitshow?”
It was difficult to say. Most gangs in Detroit, as well as wider Michigan, knew better than to cross Nines. He ran a decidedly more ruthless operation than Reed, seldom opting to take prisoners. The repercussions of such a stunt were well understood, with even the most hardened criminals knowing better than to provoke him. 
This had to be the work of a fledgling organisation, unaware of their precarious position in the hierarchy. Men filled with bravado and confidence that hadn’t yet been beaten out of them.
Nines would be more than happy to serve them this well-earned lesson in humility.
“He’s still warm,” he said plainly, standing from his crouched position. “Scope the area, I suspect we have company. I'd like to have a discussion with them, should they be man enough to show themselves.”
The words served as instructions to the family but also a pointed appeal to any rodents cowering in the shadows. Goading their movement, on the presumption they would act in the same callous abandon that had been demonstrated up until now. Compromise their own position, saving him the trouble of doing so.
His ploy worked flawlessly—as a sudden, flurried rustling broke through the stillness. 
The attention of all family members was drawn in unison. Arcs of light snapped to the source, casting a spotlight on the nearby debris. Then the noise grew louder, more frantic, signalling the creature was preparing to flee. 
Finally, they broke from their hiding place, a blur of frenetic movement tenuously resembling a person. As they darted through the sparse cover, Vincenzo raised his pistol, bellowing out a sharp deterrent: 
"Don't move, you piece of shit!"
The figure refused to comply.
A warning shot was then fired at the nearby wall, just barely missing their shoulder. As the bullet skimmed past, a curse echoed through the warehouse, and heavy footfalls momentarily faltered. Floyd and Rooney closed in, restraining the stranger before they could regain their bearings.
“Let me go, you fucking assholes !”
Nines felt shards of ice permeate his veins as matched fractals stabbed their way through his eardrums. Because the sound was not strange at all—but cruelly familiar. 
The same harsh, biting octaves that had relentlessly haunted his consciousness. Poisoning his every thought and memory like a fatal disease that refused to be cured.
The cold beneath his skin was quashed as the man came into view, face partially obscured by tousled brown hair—but still recognisable. His stocky body thrashed and writhed against the grip of his captors, confirming to Nines that this was real.
“Well, would you look at that?” As though further confirmation was required, Rooney grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling back and presenting Nines with the snarling visage he had hoped to never see again. “You've got a lotta fucking nerve, Reed, showing yourself ‘round here.”
Really, this could have been predicted. It wasn't so hard to believe that he would have had some involvement in this. 
There had been rumours of his re-emergence. Ascending from the gutters in order to align himself with a group of freshly rallied degenerates. Charged to a particularly repugnant beast whose name Nines made no effort to learn. 
All he knew was he was similar to DeLuca, without any of the duplicitous charm or cunning. Making enemies left, right and centre in a constant bid for more . The sort who indulged in everything to excess—be it food, drugs, or sex. Although he doubted the latter was something claimed freely; more likely bartered for.
Despite this gluttonous sphere of influence, Gavin looked frustratingly good. Healthy. As though he'd been thriving under the new regime. 
He’d gained weight since the last Nines saw him, a far cry from the skeletal bundle left beaten and bloodied in his basement. New clothes, a clean shave, coupled with a potent reek of aftershave that could be smelled from several paces back.
Amidst the rising swell of revulsion, there was curiosity. Whatever Gavin was doing to win the favour of his newfound associates, it was working. This, in turn, raised the question of what that might be. 
What exactly could warrant such preferential treatment, given the man's contemptuous reputation and lack of social delicacy—
“Eat shit and die.” 
As though to illustrate the point, Gavin swung his legs back and began kicking at Rooney's thigh, flailing and screeching like a madman. This was before he abandoned the effort in favour of an even less dignified lunge. Aiming for his forearm, attempting to sink teeth into flesh. 
As his neck arched, veins bulging from the added exertion, the marks became visible. Some were old and fading, while others were tellingly fresh—patterned in red and purple buds all across his skin.
Revelation struck hard, bringing with it a staunch clarity. It seemed the man’s newest keeper was having to do far less bartering than anticipated in satisfying his physical needs. 
As Gavin accepted he would not be able to brute force his way out of the situation, his demeanour shifted. Much less hostile, although it was clearly a farce. He was simply waiting for the right moment, biding time until a distraction emerged. 
“Good to know you dipshits still can't secure a perimeter to save your lives.” He gestured to the pronounced sea of death surrounding him, snickering cruelly. 
His attention then passed the living occupants, disdainful glare returned with matched abhorrence. It was clear just how desperately the men wished to execute their own justice. Extinguish the spite and overconfidence gleaming in his eyes.
Then focus shifted to Connor, and the sickening display intensified. Murky green turned bright in awe like a child opening presents on Christmas morning. The corners of snarling lips were all but pinned to his ears in an uncomfortably large, twisted grin. 
“Holy-fucking-shit...” He whistled softly, speaking in a slow, mocking simper. “Loving the eyepatch, Connie, very stylish.” 
It was Connor who came close to faltering first, succumbing to lethal temptation. His gun was raised, safety removed, as he trained the barrel on the man taunting him. He was unable to hold the weapon still—shaking with anger, compounded by the persistent tremors that already blighted his muscles.
Despite extensive physiotherapy, he had never fully adjusted to his new left-handed grip, nor the loss of his depth perception.
"I guess I have you to thank for it.” The words were seethed, with bitterness spat from every syllable. “Maybe I should return the favour. What do you think?” 
Gavin was less than fazed by the threat. Taut lips puckered into a kiss as he shamelessly fluttered his lashes. A man with his head on the chopping block, all but begging for the blade to drop.
“I'll pass, don't think ‘pirate’ is really my style.” The sarcastic expression morphed into a commiserate pout as he clicked his tongue in feigned sympathy. “I’d say ‘sexy pirate’, but let's be real. You look like someone was roasting a marshmallow and forgot to take it off the fire.” 
Connor tensed, his finger poised on the trigger. Twitching reflexively as it threatened to pull, shattering the man and his self-satisfaction into a thousand scattered pieces. 
Nines shared in this burgeoning bloodlust but understood allowing the man to escape so quickly would be a kindness undeserved. With tenuously held composure, he applied gentle pressure to the barrel of the pistol, angling it down. 
“Let me handle this.”
His brother looked at him, lips parted, poised on the brink of protest. The rest of the family was equally stunned, as Nines seemingly denied his sibling a golden opportunity for vengeance.
What they couldn't see were the wheels of cognition beginning to turn, spurring with them sadistic machinations. Nines offered assurance to Connor in the form of a subtle nod, a gesture he knew would be understood.
A promise that this wasn't the betrayal it appeared to be, and that the situation was under control. 
Gavin would not be permitted to slip through the cracks of his judgment a second time. He would know precisely the damning mistake he'd made in coming here. 
With the siblings distracted, at least as perceptible from the outside, the captive seized his opportunity. Vying for escape a second time, he successfully clamped down onto the taut flex of Rooney's bicep. The man howled in pain, arm reeling back, as Floyd moved instinctively to assist. 
Dropping to the floor, he swiftly clambered to his feet and sprinted across the warehouse. Pressing a hand to an overturned crate and vaulting himself over before emerging between opposing trails of wreckage.
Guns clicked in unison—an orchestra of impatience—until Nines conducted their restraint, raising his hand before bringing it down in a decisive sweep.
“Don't shoot.”
He watched carefully, observing as Gavin darted and weaved through the obstacles, his confidence mounting with each maneuver. What proceeded was inevitable, shameful in its predictability, as he craned back to mock his would-be pursuers, offering a pointed flourish of his middle finger.
Nines could feel the bemused huff pressing at his lips as he subsequently failed to notice the large metal beam entering his path. He struck it cleanly,  tumbling to the side, landing in a heap on the gnarled concrete.
His head ricocheted off the ground, snapping back unnaturally before flopping limply to its original position. The man groaned, lying sprawled and stunned, incapable of movement.
Nines closed in swiftly, making his way through the chicanes of debris until he was standing by his side. Nudging Gavin's limp form with the tip of his shoe, he mimicked the condescension of his previous tuts. 
“You know, you really ought to watch where you’re going.”
He then kicked against the sensitive junction between his shoulder and neck—hard—rendering the already debilitated man entirely tranquilised. 
By the time Gavin woke up, Nines had gone to extensive measures to ensure he wouldn’t run again. Instructing his subordinates to secure their catch with heavy-duty fastenings before transporting him to a secure location outside the city border. 
It was on a need-to-know basis where they were headed, with provisions made to ensure the captive would not secure membership to this club. 
Nines watched with clinical detachment as his senses returned. Draws of breath fluttering against the inside of a burlap sack, mingled with pained murmurs until his body seized and the fluttered movements steadily ramped in pace.
Pulling material into the heaving gape of his mouth, he struggled against the restraints. Thrashing wildly in a vain attempt to rock the chair he’d been anchored to. Cries of protest were muffled but nowhere near enough to prevent a profound auditory assault.
Nines took little note, pacing evenly around the chair—a wolf circling its prey. He relished the signs of struggle, the mounting desperation that emerged from an inability to anticipate strikes.  
Despite all the bravado and rage, every footstep was matched with a flinch. Gavin was scared—a primal fear, an innate drive for self-preservation, that was completely unavoidable.
For Nines, it was euphoric. The sense of control that came from watching him reel and squirm, with little that could be done to mask it. He paused in place, calmly removing the rope that bound the sack to his neck before tugging it away. 
Gavin's jaw was forced closed by the clawing grip of his hand, and he was left with no option but to face his captor. He glared up at him, squinting through the sudden onslaught of light as Nines cooly addressed him:
“It's been a long time.”
A grumbled response rumbled from within clenched bone and muscle, sounding indistinguishably similar to “Not long enough.”
"I was surprised when your bloated corpse didn't wash up in a river somewhere. Your father made more enemies than allies, and you've certainly never been popular.”
His chin was released, as Nines opted instead to burrow fingers into his dress shirt, rumpling the gaudy silk as he yanked him close. In the new proximity, he was rudely accosted by a heavy whiff of aftershave. 
It had been bad enough from a distance, but now, the stench was overwhelming. Nauseatingly rich, clinging to him like a second skin. Powerful citruses mingled with a sickly, cloying musk that Nines struggled to place.
“DeLuca was far from the only person who wanted you dead. I wonder what you did to convince your new ‘friend’ to offer protection.”
He already knew, just wished to hear it from Gavin's mouth. To draw the shameful confession from his lips. Ones that formed a humourless smirk as he sharply replied:
"I'm just that fucking charming.”
The grip on his collar was abandoned, gliding down silky trails of fabric before reaching Gavin's hand. With precision, he seized one of his fingers, twisting back until it was strained at an increasingly grotesque angle. His captive hissed, attempting to pull away but being stopped by the hold of his restraints.
"Tell me, how long did you last on the streets before you got down on your knees for the first man who’d have you?" 
He pulled back, further still, until the tip drew close to the knuckle. "How many times have you let him fuck you? Heaving up and down, grunting and straining to keep it hard as his disgusting body drips with sweat—”
"I don't kiss and tell.”
One of the bones reached the limit of its flexibility, snapping in two. "Was it worth it, Gavin? Losing me? Losing everything?”
The mangled digit twitched and spasmed, then stilled, as did the man attached. He gritted his teeth, clenched so tight they also threatened to shatter before they were bared in another hideous grin. 
He wouldn't be willing to succumb so easily, falter to such paltry torture. Nines would have to escalate matters if he wished to secure the desired result. 
The middle finger was clenched next, a known favourite amongst the appendages. “Answer me.”
"I don't have to answer shit.” Gavin's body shook, a combination of defiant chuckles and involuntary trembles. “What about you, Nines? You found someone else to stick it in, or is it all about the hookers these days?”
It was Nines’ turn to fall silent. His hold on the digit tensed, tightening substantially but failing to execute decisive action. 
“You ever think about me when you're pumping their guts?” Another goading flutter of lashes, as though the mockery wasn't already transparent. "Such a shame you kicked me out; we could have been so beautiful together. Had a spring wedding, settled down in the suburbs, maybe adopted some kids—" 
"Stop talking.”
"Did you ever think about it, huh? Us, having a future together?”
The carefully planned finesse of his torment was swiftly forgotten. Nines struck Gavin in the chest. A show of raw, primitive brutality. Fist propelling into ribs that broke with sickening cracks against his knuckles.
The way his skin and bones yielded obediently to the impact, moulding to the shape of his hand, felt almost intimate. This was only exacerbated by the winded gasp which passed his lips as the man buckled over. 
Because it had always been this way, hadn't it? 
It had never been about love or appreciation or even the most meagre pursuit of shared satisfaction. It had always been about control, the desire to take , claiming exactly what they wanted from one another, and omitting anything else. 
Gavin tilted his head to the side, hawking a wad of spit to the floor below. The impact had caused some form of concealed damage, evident in the slither of blood curling its way through the puddle, catching the lights above.
What followed had not been part of the plan. 
Nines had intended to bring Gavin here in order to rectify mistakes. Beat the man to the point of submission, inflicting physical torment comparable to what his brother had been forced to endure one year prior. Leave him for dead, as he’d done to Connor.  
But as Gavin looked at him—blood streaking down his chin, eyes ablaze with provocation—it triggered another, more dormant instinct. Beyond the desire for revenge. 
Because the current arrangement was familiar, starkly resemblant to the warped closeness they had once shared. It was something Nines could only go so far to remove himself from, its heavy hand having been paramount in shaping his identity. Sadistic desire, ingrained as deeply into his psyche as the need to breathe, conditioned by almost a decade of ritual.
Nines had lost his composure, strands of hair tumbling loose from neatly gelled coils. They descended his face like tangled vines. He felt equally discordant, gripped by insanity that only the monster in front of him inspired.
He didn't think, couldn't think, as he lunged for Gavin a second time. This time, capturing his waist with the bruising grip of his thighs. Grabbing his chin, he wiped away the lingering crimson with his thumb and leaned close to growl a demand against the shell of his ear. 
"I said shut your fucking mouth.”
The response came in a broken wheeze, rumbled through a shattered chest. Barely intelligible, yet maintaining a pronounced degree of obstinance. “Make me.”
Nines took this as an invitation, falling prey as he sank deep into temptation.
The kiss was crushing—bruising—not allowing for any protest. The territorial hold on Gavin’s jaw had formed into an iron lock grip, ensuring he couldn't pull away. 
Nines wanted to rip him apart. Tear to ribbons the visage of the man who had come so close to taking everything.
With each movement, he sought to channel this hatred, poised on the tip of a tongue shoved forcefully down his throat. He wanted to show Gavin just how weak he was. Remind him of all the mercies granted up until now and how they formed no indication of power or influence.
Nines had spared him because he wanted to. He was in control, having granted the man an opportunity to escape on one basic stipulation that he couldn't show the decency
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lincolndjarin · 6 months
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socials, etc. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ao3 ☆ insta ☆ kofi mdni, my entire blog is 18+ please read all tags and warnings, dddne fics are tagged accordingly follow @lincolndjarinnotifs for fic updates
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navigation :
I - series, completed & ongoing
II - one off's
III - drabbles
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I - series (in order of release)
Best Kept Secret [ completed series ] .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 195k words
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bodyguard!Din Djarin x princess!reader
summary : Married off to a prince on a planet that you hate? New husband doesn't know you, and doesn't want to know you? New husband gifts you a personal Mandalorian body guard as a wedding present? Mandalorian is a wiseass who won't leave you alone? Lucky you.
tags: : enemies to friends to lovers, arranged marriage, forbidden love, smut, angst, canon-typical violence, eventual happy ending
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Oh Honey [ completed series] .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 56k words
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monster!Joel Miller x mortician!reader
summary : you’ve been given a gift. a fresh start in a brand new place, the sleepy little town of Honey, WV. a distant aunt has passed away and left you a little plot of land and her camper, the stars must be aligning for you because the local mortician is looking for an assistant and you’re desperate for the work experience. your new employer even offers to set you up with her brother-in-law! things are looking up, you’ve got a brand new home, a new town, a hot date, (and thanks to a series of bear attacks that started immediately after your arrival) you have more than enough work to keep you busy!
tags: : horror/mystery, angst, monster fucker, soulmates au, graphic descriptions of violence, body horror, gore
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Every Now and Then [ ongoing series]
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Joel Miller x f!reader
summary : Joel Miller destroyed you. He loved you, then he left, leaving you in the New York City, QZ. But he's a good southern gentleman, so of course he didn't leave you without a reminder of the time you spent together. Four years later you're living in Jackson, in a lovely little ranch house. (With your reminder.) The last person you want to see is Joel Miller, unfortunately you've never been particularly lucky.
tags: : angst, toxic relationships, unplanned pregnancy, possessive behavior, healing, extremely complicated relationships
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Sparrow's Spectacles [ ongoing anthology ]
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summary : a series of horror one shots based around different pedro characters. be warned, the dead doves are going to be remarkably inedible. installments will be tagged accordingly, all stories will be 18+ and dddne.
tags: : dead dove do not eat, horror, dub/noncon
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Venus [ coming soon ]
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Din Djarin x cyborg!reader
summary : this may be your only chance to explore the galaxy, even if you aren't fond of the man who's been tasked with protecting you. leaving your chosen family of a crime lord and a master assassin to join a stranger on his run down razor crest. you've been guaranteed safe passage to any planet you can dream of, all you have to do is watch his kid while he's working. it wouldn't be that bad of a gig if it weren't for your arm. and your leg. and your stomach. turns out the man eternally covered in steel loathes the fact that parts of you are made of metal. one ship, one bunk, one green baby, and a man who refuses to see you as anything other than a monster. what could go wrong?
tags: : enemies to lovers, slow burn, the razor crest lives, canon typical violence, eventual smut
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II - one off's (in order alphabetically)
A Little Mishap [francisco morales x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, bondage
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Bound in Beskar [din djarin x f!reader]
tags : armorer!mando, dom/sub vibes, pwp, blacksmith bondage
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Constructive Criticisms [javier peña x f!reader]
tags : virginity loss, fluff, mutual masturbation
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the Dragonfly & the Moon [joel miller x f!witch!reader]
tags : ritualistic sex, knife play, blood
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More & More & More [jack daniels x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, bondage
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My Sister Lives in the Attic [joel miller x f!reader]
tags : grief, angst, child loss
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My Way [oberyn martell x wife!reader]
tags : married fluff, pegging
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Not So Secret Santa [javier peña x f!coworker!reader]
tags : enemies to lovers, semi-public sex, christmas
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Pretty in Pink [joel miller x f!reader]
tags : fluff, breeding kink, lingerie
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Ride Cowgirl! [jack daniels x f!reader]
tags : unprotected sex, bondage
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Sweet Boy [din djarin x gn!reader]
tags : sub!din, pegging
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the Thing That Gives [ezra x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, tentacles
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III - drabbles (under 1k words)
sub!din x f!reader
dieter bravo x f!reader
comandante veracruz x f!reader
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tossawary · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot about DCU stuff and Ace Attorney thoughts got mixed in by accident, because it's got a lot of the same themed, colorful character designs and silly pun names. So, of course, I started immediately daydreaming about a DCU-style Superhero AU for Ace Attorney. (I often do not fully control what I think about.)
And then I was like, "I think I just finally have to play Ace Attorney at this point, before I get stuck in a weird daydream loop because I don't know enough about the plot to worldbuild properly. I will let this be the final push to just start these games."
Based on my extremely limited knowledge (I have only actually played 2 episodes of the first game), here are my Superhero AU thoughts so far. I don't like 1-1 character role match-ups in general when I fuse worlds, so none of these AA characters are fully aligned with any particular DCU character.
Phoenix Wright would make a good speedster, I think. This is partially because of the spiky hair, but also because there's a terrible irony to being the fastest man in the world who keeps being too late to stop certain tragedies. It also suits the way he's apparently never properly prepared for anything but also quickly manages to pull through. He's probably still a defense attorney in his civilian identity. (In accordance with later games, he has to stop being a superhero for several years when he's framed for a crime.)
Besides Phoenix's mentor Mia, who is also both a superhero and a lawyer, ordinary civilian Larry Butz is the only person who initially knows that Phoenix has superpowers. He honestly hasn't told anyone Phoenix's secret identity! But Larry also somehow gets into more scrapes and "damsel in distress" situations than Lois Lane and he's not even an investigative reporter.
Mia Fey, Maya Fey, and Pearl Fey have a Shazam situation, I think, in which they transform into a "Mystic Champion" magically empowered by the ghosts of their ancestors. Like a Shazam & Danny Phantom fusion. Mia Fey was the first in her family to become a publicly known superhero. A lot of people don't know that it's not the original Mystic Champion (same face and same superpowered form as Mia, which breaks Phoenix's heart a little every time) until Maya or Pearl transforms back into a regular girl after the fight is over.
I think Miles Edgeworth is a Batman type hero, but one still partially ensnared by Manfred von Karma, who is his Ra's al Ghul. (This makes Franziska into Talia, but there is definitely nothing romantic there.) Maybe he does have superpowers of some kind, maybe not, and he could still potentially be a prosecutor. He doesn't have a Brucie persona, though. Phoenix is not impressed by Edgeworth's harsh and even cruel approach to vigilante work. (Steel Samurai was Miles' Gray Ghost or Zorro hero inspiration, I'm guessing.)
Gumshoe is Miles' Commissioner Gordon figure and doesn't know his secret identity yet. He's either going to learn in the middle of a really bad situation or he's just going to straight-up figure it out himself one day and scare the hell out of Miles.
I'm still thinking about characters like Kristoph and Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice, and Trucy Wright, but I don't know enough about them to fully flesh these thoughts out yet. I think the Gavins would make good Kryptonian equivalents (a cold and calculating Superman and a rockstar Supergirl), Apollo might make a good Wonder Girl equivalent (his bracelet becomes a Lasso of Truth) as the lost son of an Amazon, and Trucy would obviously be fun as a Zatanna type of hero.
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ashesoriley · 23 days
Mistborn Arcane au
So Vi would be a mistborn who snapped the day her parents were killed
She was taken in by Vander, former skaa resistance leader and proficient pewter arm
The other kids are other mistlings who go out on raids and leave Powder/Jinx behind because she isn't metal born
Then when shit hits the fan and her family is dead she's picked up by a prominent Steel Inquisitor
In the background Jayce and Viktor are having a Vin Elend sorta thing. Jayce as a noble man tinkerer and Viktor as his skaa partner in crime.
Jinx is made into a full Steel Inquisitor with a lot more spikes than generally given,and that combined with the trauma gives her less than stable mental health.
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quaranmine · 10 months
ranking fire lookouts i visited last week
i didn't expect to see like...any on this trip. most of them snuck up on me LOL and yet we were able to find FIVE of them! who knew all I had to do was go to national forests in a different state? here there are ranked from highest to lowest
1. The Probable Federal Crime
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this one was the coolest! i climbed this one! It's 100 ft with a 7'x7' cab up top. It was in service until 1987 but it still serves as a radio repeater. There are several buildings at the bottom, one of which clearly had the sound of machinery behind the door. It had signs of recent maintenance even though it has been decomissioned. It had spectacular views, with no towns or human settlements visible in any direction:
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2. Rich Mountain Lookout
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I could have broken into this one but I did not. I withheld my desire to commit a crime. My dad mocked me for not crawling under the fence LOL. This one has a proper catwalk and was possibly a live-in one. A whole family lived here in the 20s when it was first built, but this version is a replacement from the 50s, so I have no idea what it looked like before them. It is approximately the height AND style I have been imagining in my AU so I was delighted to see it. It is slightly taller than the one in the Firewatch game, but a remarkably similar design other than being steel instead of wood.
3. Devil's Knob Lookout
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Not in good repair at all. Missing the ladder at the bottom and the final flight of stairs. We saw two deer. My dad climbed it anyway because he's an idiot
4. The Occupied State One
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we spotted this one from the main road and turned down the next side road to hunt it down. We ended up driving along the wildest road of FANCY vacation houses, mostly still under construction. A few of these houses had the steepest driveways I've ever encountered in my entire life. Eventually we found the correct turn off for the lookout, drove straight past the no trespassing sign with confidence, only to immediately turn around because there was a guy there despite it being the holiday. Later I learned this is one of the few still in operation in the state. Unsure why it might be manned in November since there is a lower risk of wildfire in fall/winter, but it is in operation so maybe that guy was working.
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the tire shop pulled this out of our tire the next day after we went poking around the vacation home construction site. miraculously this did not ruin the tire and they didn't charge us for a patch!
5. Supposed Former State Forestry Lookout
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This one has basically no workspace up top and I'm interested (mildly suspicious) of its history since it seemed out of the ordinary. Clearly it was used as an observation tower but as a regular, everyday job? unclear
Also, I had to break into this one too. I jumped the fence. This was because the quarter-fed turnstile did not work. It was $1 per person but we put $4 into it and it only started turning once. Then it stopped turning immediately and briefly trapped me in the middle of that metal cage. Fortunately it turns freely in the opposite direction so I could escape and was not, in fact, trapped forever in its bars. Although the moment it stopped did put the fear of God in me a little before I realize I could still get out. Thus I did not feel bad for climbing the fence. We actually overpaid.
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devil's head lookout, you are still #1 in my heart
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no-spices-just-pisces · 9 months
Foxes Gang Au part 1
The Foxes, Ravens and Trojans were rival gangs on the Palmetto territory
The Trojans came to an begrudging peace with the other two gangs as long as blood wasn’t spilled
They were the ones that wanted to do their business without being at each other’s throats, thanks to their leader Jeremy Knox, whose ever present smile had a subtle treat to it only the trained eye could notice
The Foxes and Ravens were notorious for their rivalry, no peace would ever be settled between them
The Ravens won in numbers and resources but the Foxes won in heart and ambition
Even with so little members, they fought like they had everything to lose, they were a family, pulling each other to the top
The tension between them was always well known on the streets of Palmetto
Dan Wilds, leader of thee Foxes cared about her members like her own blood, always putting their safety first over money
Riko Moriyama, leader of the Ravens, was the exact opposite, sacrificing and torturing recruits left and right for the sake of profit and his own personal satisfaction
Their bad blood only increased as Riko’s second in comand, Kevin Day left the Raven and joined the Foxes after Riko left him broken handed on the streets after a job went wrong
Still, the Ravens took offense as if the Foxes stole their property from then, and war started
The first move was when Fox member Seth Gordon was shot in the chest in the middle of the day by a Raven
The second move was when Seth’s girlfriend, Allison stabbed the Raven in the chest 17 times
Foxes were restricted from walking Palmetto’s streets alone from then on
The Trojans made their statement of neutrality known, but there were whispers stating that they would take the Foxes’s side if things went too far
No one would have thought that the factor that would settle the war between the two gangs would come in the form of a 5 feet 3 redhead with attitude problems
Nathaniel Wesninski grew up around violence, being thought from an way too early age that his he would grow up to inherit his father’s crime empire and rule over Baltimore with a hand of steel
His mother didn’t want that future for him, so she ran away with him in the middle of the night when he was 11
They had been on the run for 8 years until their father had caught up with them and took away the only person who ever cared about him
He managed to escape his father a second time, but barely
Without his mother his life didn’t look like it was going to last much longer, his father would eventually catch up to him again
Nathaniel, now under the identity of Neil Josten, ran to Palmetto, the last place he had been with his mother before they ran away, remembering the power that place held, hoping he could find someone more powerful than his father to either protect him or kill him first
His salvation came in the face of Ichirou Moriyama, who didn’t take Neil under his protection because of his heart, but in need of a mean to tighten the leash he had on his younger brother
Riko had too much power in Palmetto, being given that territory by their father, since he could never interfere in their business
Neil, being recognized by Ichirou, was sent in the heart of the gangs’ war to survey everything happening and report back
This was against everything his mother had wanted for him, but this offered him protection against his father, so it worked
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enquire · 28 days
Legacy and Tragedy (background story 1?)
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I think it's time to talk about what the deal is with Saber and his dad.
This little backstory is going to be a smidge more dark for the my little horse show alright.
It's fineee, ok, ponies die in MLP.
To be honest it's not that bad. I mean it could be worse like uh... certain things that happen in the original dra canon.. ehem anyway this may be a little out of left field but bear with me here. I felt Saber needed a backstory of somewhat equal weight for it to still feel like it's him, and fit in the way I want it to...
ANYWAY I am rambling about my dra pony au again so buckle in.
Ever since he could remember, Saber Frost knew who he was supposed to be. Being raised by his father Cold Steel, his life was surrounded by the Equestrian Guard since he was just a foal. He watched his father rise through the ranks, until he held the title of Captain of the Equestrian Guard.
They were different from Day and Night Guard; ever servants of the royal family. Instead of performing meaningless ceremonial duties, and being easily swept aside by almost any threat, the Equestrian Guard actually protect and serve everypony.
That's what Saber had always been told, and believed. He strove to follow in his father's hoofsteps and become the kind of pony who saved lives, and kept everyone safe. The kind of pony who ensured justice was done.
Cold Steel taught him everything he knew. How to defend himself. How to track down missing ponies. The proper way to care for your gear, and the best methods of investigating crime scenes. How to subdue criminals. How to prioritize during an emergency. How to make necessary sacrifices.
Everything Saber understood about the world, he saw through the same lens. And so, he, and his best friend, a unicorn named Keen Blaze, vowed to become heroes together.
Saber and Keen rose quickly through the ranks. Though Keen was always a few steps ahead, Saber was proud of his accomplishments. Even if his father was disappointed when Keen gained the rank of Lieutenant instead, Saber wasn't competitive. Maybe, part of him preferred to stay in Keen's shadow, where the pressure was less. Supporting his friend, and protecting each other.
But safety never truly lasts. This is a lesson Saber thought he had already learned. It had been drilled into him ever since he was a foal. The reality was, he had never truly known it. Until the day changelings descended down upon Canterlot, taking the castle and incapacitating the Royal Guard.
Spies had already infiltrated the Equestrian Guard, claiming their headquarters and taking several of their own as captives, including Keen Blaze. When the Captain of the Equestrian Guard realized what had happened, it was far too late to recover lost ground.
Changelings swarmed the city, attacking civilian and soldier alike. The princesses were nowhere to be seen. It seemed as though the few brigades of the Equestrian Guard still standing were the only thing left between Canterlot and annihilation. And if Canterlot fell, the rest of Equestria could, too.
So, he came up with a plan to destroy their own headquarters. Doing so would take out the great number of changelings using it as a base of operations and remove access to the catacombs below, stopping the invading army from escaping underground.
Two birds, one stone.
But when he gave the order, Captain Steel was met with resistance for perhaps the first time. Many of the ponies under his leadership had qualms about the hostages still trapped inside, most of whom were sworn members of the Guard, just like them. Companions, and friends.
Cold Steel pointed out that they could very well be changelings, disguised in order to prevent retaliation. And that if not, their comrades' sacrifice would protect the safety of Canterlot and ensure the changeling menace was driven back before the worst came to pass.
But hesitation was natural, wasn't it? Nopony spoke. Until Saber, seeing his father without support, came forward and stood by his words.
After that, more ponies fell in beside him. A tide shifting in favor of the Captain and his plan.
Saber was among the unicorns whose magic took the building down. When it was done, at first, the guard was triumphant. Black, broken carapaces and shattered bug wings signaled their success. The bugs still left alive fled to the other side of the city, leaving the district quiet at last.
But not al the bodies left in the rubble belonged to changelings. The captured ponies had not been fake. Saber was the first to spot burned, brown fur. He forced the wreckage aside, but it was too late. Keen was already dead.
The cheers faded as more and more comrades were found broken and lifeless in the remains. And before the guard could recover enough to take back the rest of Canterlot, a wave of magic exploded from the palace, expelling the invading changelings and rendering the sacrifices made completely, utterly, pointless.
Saber kept staring, half expecting the body of his friend to be wreathed in green flame. For the corpse of a changeling to be revealed instead. But when the bugs were purged from Canterlot, Keen's body remained there, untouched.
Even as several years passed, part of Saber was left behind in that moment. Nightmares and shadows, ever present, almost cemented in his mind by the familiar parapets and streets of Canterlot. And echoing in his father's cold voice and stony expression.
Perhaps that is why Saber chose to leave Canterlot, going over his father's head by giving in to his friends' advice to request reassignment. To a small town Thrift, and two friends he had yet to meet, called home.
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here's an alternate untinted version for color reasons
It was fun getting to write down some of the deeper lore for this silly little au... I will likely do more of this sort of thing in the future. Hope anyone who read all that enjoyed it. I might actually write some stories too, who knows.
p.s. If you're curious, Steel left the kirin village (or some other kirin location) a long time ago. Probably because he had a difference of opinion with them, or didn't have any interest in being 'silenced.'
Saber was born in Canterlot, so he doesn't remember the village or have a connection to his heritage. His mother (an unnamed unicorn) isn't around anymore, and Steel raised Saber by himself.
p.p.s. I uh kinda forgot to mention this but I am working from the idea that there are three factions going on, two of which are Celestia and Luna's respective royal guards, and the other which takes on the role local authorities, militia, etc would fill. Kinda how the Wonderbolts are essentially an air force. The Equestrian Guard might have its headquarters in Canterlot, but it's based throughout Equestria. The Day/Night Guards (who let's face it, are indeed often kind of useless and largely ceremonial) are not Equestria's army, internal security force, or anything; that's where the Equestrian Guard comes in.
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jonmyblaze · 11 months
Bette Kane rights AU
You know I'm sick and tired of people disrespecting Bette. She is the first bat girl!
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To have this idea work, let's say Barbara Gordon was in college while dick was still in high school (she had a bachelor in her first appearance)
Katherine Kane and Bette Kane were a mother and daughter duo Kathrines after her husband Bob finger was killed.
(for clarification official family tree)
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Weare getting rid of Nathan replaced him with Bob finger
(And for convenience)
Catherine kane - finger ,and now Bob finger are the parents of bette)
Katherine devoted her life to fighting crime in Gotham City after bobs death
Her greving daughter joined her
Oh she was planning on making her own identity but then some guy named Batman appeared and katherine decided to play along with that marketing gimmick.
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Her daughter Bette was the first to discover her identity , her nephew Bruce Wayne and his adopted son were the second.
She was born the youngest in the Kane family
And this is how it originally stood, it was Batman Robin Bat-girl and batwoman.
Then Batgirl came onto the scene because the college student Barbara Gordon didn't hear of bat- girl and both were too stubborn to surrender the title of 1st
Eventually bette became flamebird with dick being nightwing, because Jason took the Robin mantle from dick Just as much as Barbara did for bette.
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Being the bat of Titans east while dick grayson was Titans west.
Then Kate replaced her aunt katherine after she was killed by Ra's al ghul.
And now Bette is an orphan too. But she is an adult
She is healthy and has a community of people who are or have experiences with being an orphan
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( this i not intended to bash Babs but let's be fair I felt if both are existing in continuity it would seem rude for a college student to steel their gimmick from a child/ teen )
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