#Stephanie is in a hole of no sleep
lgg5989 · 2 years
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been updating much as of late. Work really picked up and my boyfriend and I got a puppy who needs to go out several times a night so my writing time has been significantly cut down.
I hope to try and get back to writing soon! Maybe hit me up with some inspiration if anyone feels like it?
This is my Loony Luna!
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princemonday · 2 years
fuck you stephanie meyer your content is ass but also thank you i guess for being the reason for one of the best soundtracks ever
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miryum · 2 months
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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Richard Grayson was surveying his detectives, assessing whether or not they were ready.
Cassandra Cain was glaring at her computer, angrily typing away. Dick had to get someone to fix her computer a week ago and he really didn’t want a repeat. But, seeing as she had yet to punch a hole through the screen, Dick was satisfied. Status: Ready.
Stephanie Brown was in the kitchen, humming to herself as she lathered peanut butter onto some bread. Dick couldn’t see the beginning of a toaster fire, so he moved onto his next detective. Status: Ready.
Timothy Drake’s eyes never left his computer as he chugged his fourth cup of coffee. Dick made a mental note to cut him off. Luckily, Tim had gotten a full four hours of sleep last night, so he shouldn’t pass out. Status: Ready.
Damian al Ghul technically wasn’t part of the precinct, but he was a loose cannon nonetheless. From Damian’s phone, Dick could faintly hear the sound of a dog’s bark, and based on the slight upturn of the boy’s lips, Dick guessed that he was enamoured by animal videos. At least he wasn’t causing chaos. Yet. Status: Ready.
Jason Todd was finishing some reports Dick had assigned him, but his eyes kept flickering to the unfinished book on his desk. In the past, Dick had to confiscate books and lock them in his desk drawer to keep Jason focused on his work. Somehow, however, the boy had found a new book, or roped Cass into helping him steal it from Dick’s desk. For now, though, he was occupied with his work. Status: Ready.
And then there was one. Y/n L/n. Dick sighed heavily, preparing himself for the shenanigans she would surely have gotten herself into. Dick’s gaze swept to the desk opposite Jason’s but… Y/n was sitting in her seat, cataloguing evidence. Dick’s mouth fell open. It was a miracle! What did he do to deserve this?! And on today of all days! Dick was silently celebrating when Y/n’s phone chimed and she peeked at it, a grin instantly coming to her face. She slowly turned her head to meet Damian’s Cheshire smile from behind his phone screen. 
“Are you sure?” Y/n asked. Damian nodded. Dick whimpered, pleading to his gods that whatever they were planning would come to a halt. The new Captain was due any moment and he couldn’t risk things not going perfectly. “Terrific,” Y/n cackled. 
Gotham had been gloomy that day, as it always was, but the dark sky was instantly forgotten as the elevator door hissed open and out stepped Captain Wayne. He was greeted by Y/n blasting Hello - I just came to say Hello sung by Lady Aqua on her small, Bluetooth speaker.
“Hello!” Y/n called to the emerging Captain, “And welcome to the sixty-sixth precinct in Gotham! Or as I like to call it, one six away from Hell and the devil herself.” She sang along with the track, “I just came to say hello! Steph! Now!”
Stephanie threw her hand up and let pieces of confetti fall to the floor. “I’ll clean it up later!” she shouted to Dick over the music.
Dick cradled his face in his hands. Captain Wayne did not seem pleased. Dick sighed before plastering on his award-winning smile and striding up to his new Captain. “Captain Wayne. I’m Sergeant Grayson. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us.”
Captain Wayne held a hand up and Dick slowly closed his mouth, his unshaken hand dropping to his side. “I am your new commanding officer, Captain Bruce Wayne. Sergeant Grayson? A word.”
“Of course,” he nodded, following Captain Wayne into the man’s new office. Dick shot Y/n a warning glare just as the music changed to Classic by MKTO. She bopped her head song to the beat, giving her superior a thumbs-up.
Damian didn’t look up as Captain Wayne marched by. After the door clicked shut, the civilian administrator muttered, “anyone else get a gay vibe?”
Y/n slowly turned the music down until it was a hush in the background. She hummed along before stating, “he and I are gonna be besties!” Steph cringed and Jason huffed a laugh.
“Sergeant Grayson,” Captain Wayne stood stoically, gazing out at his new team. “We served together in the fifteenth. How have you been?”
“Good, good. My wife and I just had twin baby girls.” Dick pulled out his wallet to show a family photo with him and Kori cuddling two little girls and grinning at the camera. 
“Adorable,” Captain Wayne barely glanced at the picture. “Tell me about your detective squad.”
“Okay.” Dick turned to stare out the office window with his senior officer. “Damian is our civilian administrator. He… has opinions and can rudely say them at inappropriate times, but the few times he does his job, he’s incredibly good at it. He grew up with L/n and that’s mainly how he got the job. He’s putting himself through law school and is surprisingly top of his class.”
“Damian, I need you to catalogue these files for me,” Cass said.
Damian held up a finger, typing away on his phone.
“Damian,” Cass repeated. 
“Hold on. I need to send a scathing email to my professor.”
Cass hummed and said, “fair. Take your time.”
“Cass is tough, fair, and impossible to read. Her specialty is silence, both in the field and in the precinct.” Dick exhaled, nodding towards the woman’s desk. “She’s brilliant and somewhat terrifying, but we all know she loves us.”
“How long has she been sitting there?” Y/n whispered.
“It’s been eight minutes and thirty one seconds,” Tim said, fixated on his watch.
“Damn,” Steph murmured. “What’s her record?”
“Eleven minutes and fifteen seconds,” Y/n answered automatically. They were all carefully watching Cass who was scowling at the wall. 
“Alright, everyone!” Dick barged into the briefing room and the three detectives cried out in protest. “First order of-”
“Dick! Shut up!” Y/n shushed him. “You’re disturbing Cass! This could be a new record.”
“Wait wait!” Stephanie slapped Y/n’s arm. “She’s still in the zone!”
Y/n gasped. “You got lucky, Grayson.”
“Stephanie is our optimistic cinnamon roll.” Dick beamed and gestured to Steph who was faithfully sweeping up the confetti. “She’s super dedicated to her job and no one can stay mad at her. She’d do anything for this precinct, as we would her.”
“Hey, Tim? Tiiiiiiim… Timmy!” Steph tapped his desk. “That’s your eighth cup of coffee.”
“It’s decaf!” Tim protested.
“No, it’s not. I watched you make it.” Jason pipped up. 
“You’re not helping!” Tim glared across the bullpen. Steph clicked her tongue accusingly, pointing at Jason to help prove her point.
“Fine.” Tim dumped his coffee in the trash. Steph ruffled Tim’s hair before bouncing back to her desk. 
“Tim is a coffee addict. He may be the most academically gifted on the team, except when it comes to his sleep schedule. He’s dreamed about being a police officer his entire life and his face when he made detective… you should’ve seen him.” Dick chuckled, shaking his head.
After Steph walked away, Tim fished his coffee out of the trash and quickly chugged it. Jason frowned at him disapprovingly.
“Jason grew up on the streets. He had a… bad home life and was surrounded by gangs as a kid. He was sure he would end up behind bars instead of putting others behind them. An older officer, Alfred, picked him up off the streets. Jason pulled himself up from his bootstraps and is now here. Contrary to his large, tank-like frame, he's just a kid who loves Jane Austen.”
“There’s a perp running around,” Dick said in the briefing room. “Who keeps breaking into people’s houses and stealing oddly specific items. Certain books, a vase, even a pillow-”
“It's a crazy ex-girlfriend,” Jason called out. 
“The owners of the apartments all just got out of a relationship. The ex is stealing things that were meaningful from the relationship,” Jason explained. “The timeline adds up too. The robberies had time in between them for a relationship to grow and foster- a year or two apart.”
“Like your sex life,” Y/n snickered, high-fiving Cass.
“And Detective L/n?”
Dick shook his head, smiling softly against his will. “Y/n is my best detective. She’s always wanted to be the good guy and solve the hardest challenges. The only challenge she hasn’t overcome is how to grow up.”
“Well put,” Wayne raised an eyebrow. 
“Thank you!” Dick mentally patted himself on the back. “I’ve spent a lot of therapy time talking about her. But you can’t tell her that. She already has a big ego.”
“I’ll need a list of your employees and anyone who has a key-”
Crash! Bang-bang!
“Really?” Jason turned to Y/n who was messing with a mini electric keyboard. “What are you? Twelve?”
In response, Y/n hit a button and a fart noise filled the air. “And I’d like to apologise for my partner,” Jason rolled his eyes. “Her parents didn’t give her enough attention.”
Y/n loudly asked, “if I solve this case, can I get this for free?”
“If you solve this case, I’ll buy it for you,” Jason deadpanned. 
“Yay! We’re looking for a perp with a buzz cut (ew, by the way) and a dragon tattoo on his left forearm.” Y/n stuck her tongue out at Jason. The man just frowned in question. “I have a confidential informant.” Y/n’s voice turned low and menacing. “He spent years in this place, slowly losing his sense of self. Watching, learning, listening… WE HAD A SPY ON THE INSIDE! HERCULES MUFFIN MAN!” Y/n proudly held up a small, fuzzy teddy bear. “Did I forget to mention he’s a nanny cam?” She turned Hercules Muffin Man around to show a camera implanted into his head. Her phone showed a grainy video of a guy breaking into the electronic store. “Oops!” She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. “Guess I get a piano for my desk.”
“You’re dismissed,” Wayne nodded to Dick who saluted. “Please ask Damian to join me.”
“Yes, boss?” A minute later, Damian stood in the doorway.
“Close the door behind you,” Wayne instructed. “Tell me about L/n.”
“Y/n? I’m assuming you’re inquiring about personal details because I’m sure Richard gave you the professional. Y/n’s in love with Jason.” He shrugged, staring at his new boss with a look that asked Is that what you wanted to know?
“Oh.” Wayne didn’t know what else to say other than, “Does he like her back?” He cleared his throat. 
“I don’t know,” Damian muttered. “I know my best friend, but I know shit about Jason.” Captain Wayne took a breath and excused Damian with a wave of his hand. He rubbed his temples, wondering what he had done to deserve the DA assigned him this precinct.
Bruce set up a photo of him and Clark as Rasputin blared on Y/n’s speakers.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 3 months
So I know Damian having magic is something that’s more a fun little tease, that is occasionally a minor plot point. Like him using a rituals and stuff to trap villains.
But genuinely I think it would be hilarious if Damian ‘born and raised in a supernatural cult’ Al Ghul just pulled up in Gotham knowing magic.
His arrival was already chaotic as hell, now imagine him using obscure ass spells that have probably fallen out of existence since Ra’s or hell Mother Soul was around.
Even funnier still if it took the Batfam like an embarrassingly long time to figure it out. Like yes they are the greatest detectives on the planet, but they’re also oblivious as hell and Damian getting into various shenanigans trying to keep the magic thing hidden is absolutely hilarious to me.
Dick and Alfred would figure it out first, because they’re living one on one with the kid for about a year.
It was probably some big dramatic moment, where Dick was like dying and Damian who had spent a year with him at this point decided he’d sooner risk being kicked out rather than let his big brother die.
So he brings him back and it takes Dick a moment since he’s still processing the near death experience, but eventually he gets to sit down with Damian and talk about why he didn’t say something sooner. Which leads to a very hurt/comfort moment where he assures Damian he’ll always belong and other sentimental shit.
Stephanie’s next, mostly because she spends the most times with Damian outside of Dick and also cause I love their relationship.
They’re probably arguing over something incredibly stupid and petty that Damian is taking way too seriously and Steph is pushing just for the funnsies and in a moment of vindictive pettiness (and the memory of Mara doing something very similar to him when they were in the league) he just shoots a spell at her.
It isn’t anything harmful. Probably something that gives her a really bad hair day for the next week, but Stephanie is very much stunned. Damian too, because he didn’t really expect this to be the way he revealed the whole magic thing.
But it turns out Steph is just extremely excited. Henceforth Damian is recruited when she needs to get up to some shit or prank the rest of her siblings without their knowledge.
The team was scary before, but with Steph now having unsupervised access to magic and firmly reassuring Damian that when it comes to Bruce all bets are off, things get infinitely worse.
Tim comes after and honestly he’s a little annoyed it took him this long.
He’s suspected for ages, but between cases and hanging out with the his team he’s never been able to lay down the foundations of his research.
However after witnessing Damian perform a move not humanly possible while out on patrol his interest is once again peaked which leads him down a 3 day rabbit hole about the league and magic and a bunch of other bullshit that probably ends with him on the most wanted list in 31 states.
His investigation is brought to a head however when one day completely stumped for answers he just approaches Damian. Exhausted and burned out and is like “do you have magic”.
And Damian who hasn’t been actively hiding his abilities in about a year now is like. “Yes”.
At which point Tim nods, gives him a thumbs up, and proceeds to pass out.
Of course it takes Bruce the longest, because that man is constantly running on 3 hours sleep and several cups of red bull. Damian is now doing nothing to hide his abilities and with his fathers lack of a reaction it seems like everyone’s on board, however unbeknownst to him the rest of the batfam is trying to very gently nudge their father along to the realisation that his son can indeed use magic.
Dick goes on about how strange it is that Damian can just appear from the shadows and why do you suppose that is?
And Bruce nods proudly and is just like “he’s a very talented boy isn’t he”.
Steph pranks him, using very obviously supernatural means and when questioned just says Damian helped her, which Bruce takes as them both acquiring supernatural artefacts via dubious methods.
This leads to him and Damian having a sit down, during which both of them are experiencing two very different conversations as consequence of Bruce’s attempt to gentle parent his way through this. He tries to explain to his son that some things can be very dangerous if not handled with proper care and he doesn’t want him to get hurt and whoever was giving him such dangerous things should be made known and Damian is wondering why his father thinks he’s doing drugs.
Tim pulls out a whiteboard and a pen and gives him a 3 hours rant on why his son could possibly have magic and Bruce, equally as exhausted as his son, but still trying to listen and support his hobbies (however strange they are) just nods, like that’s nice honey.
It all comes to a head one random day when Damian just floats a coffee mug across the table. And Bruce kinda stares between it and his son blinking and his eyes very suddenly widen with realisation.
He later calls Talia asking why she didn’t tell him and also requesting some manuals on how to deal with a child and their weirdly ominous/sentient magical powers.
By the time Duke rolls around it’s common knowledge and he’s pretty happy to bond with Damian over weird superpower stuff. It’s also nice to train against someone who you can’t instantly obliterate via weird light manipulating techniques so that is very much appreciated.
And for anyone wondering Cass and Jason have both lived in the league and were well aware of the Al Ghuls magical practicing tendencies. Jason tutored under Talia for a little while in fact and they’ve both been placing bets on how long it would take the rest of their family to find out.
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Down the rabbit hole (dp x dc)
"Shit, shit, shit," Danny mumbled to himself as he frantically looked around to see if anybody had noticed the glowing green portal that had opened up underneath the giant overpass.
As he desperately tried to pull the dimensional hole closed, he couldn't help but curse his lack of sleep. If he hadn't gone to sleep so late because of the Doom event that was taking place on his server, he would've woken up in time for him to get to the airport to take his flight connection back to Amity.
Instead, he had woken up so late, his only chance of getting there on time was flying himself as Phantom. Apparently, a lack of sleep meant his control on his powers got a little wonky and he'd ended up face planting right into the overpass and through some sort of unlucky coincidence, as he instinctively grappled to catch himself from falling, he'd inadvertently clawed a rift right through to the ghost zone. Truly, this was the worst timing to discover what would otherwise be a very cool new power.
Danny grabbed at his hair desperately, as he walked to and fro, while still floating a few centimetres off the floor. On one hand, leaving an open portal to the ghost zone would be terribly irresponsible. On the other, he knew from experience these types of portals never lasted long by themselves, at most a quarter of an hour. But that was a quarter of an hour he did not have.
What to do, what to do? If he missed his plane, Jazz was going to kill him. Danny bit at his lips as he looked around to the deserted area. The chance of somebody finding the portal in the next ten minutes were astronomically low. Maybe if he put up a sign or something...
Looking around, Danny spotted an old piece of cardboard, just large enough to cover the portal. With a last look around, Danny got a sharpie from his bag.
Stephanie was about to turn in for the night. She grappled towards the Dini bridge, where she'd gone a few times to catch the first rays of light touching on the city. It usually made for a nice ending to some of her long nights, and Stephanie was due for a nice pick-me-up.
As she got there, she noticed a new feature that hadn't been there before. About five meters off the ground, there was a piece of cardboard, nailed to the bridge with what looked like a metal ruler. Stephanie squinted. In black sharpie, in an uneven calligraphy was written the following: "DANGER! PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION. DO NOT REMOVE"
Curiosity piqued, she shot a line up at the railing of the bridge, before starting to reel herself in until she was hanging in front of the cardboard. Attaching the line to her belt to free her hands, Stephanie grabbed the bottom of the cardboard and lifted it up. Her eyes widened as she came face-to-face with a whirling green portal.
"Ok," she whispered to herself a little bit uncertainly. "Guess the sign wasn't lying."
She was about to flip the cardboard back down and call Oracle for some backup, when the foothold she was using to push herself off the wall shifted and Stephanie felt herself swing right into the green gaping maw. With a cut-off scream she fell right into it, though luckily her grapple line was still tense and solidly anchored to the bridge's railing.
If Stephanie had been a bit luckier, this would have been an easy fix, as she would have swung right back out thanks to her momentum and the anchor up above.
Unfortunately, at this precise moment, the portal ran out of time, and closed just behind Stephanie, leaving behind a few strands of blonde hair, a cut grapple line and a hanging piece of cardboard behind with its ominous message on it.
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vee-crytraps · 5 months
Kiss Me More | Ch 5 | {Krimson}
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Chapter Summary: 🔞 You and Tim have an impromptu sleepover.
{Trigger warning/Themes Masterlist}
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Shame burned in Tim’s chest as his hand crept low, to the waistband of his sweatpants. 
His own lips parted, a barely audible shudder passing through him as he wrapped his fingers around his cock. He was way beyond half mast, the thing twitching at the faintest graze of his own touch like some kind of fucking beast. He sure felt like one, as he began to stroke himself underneath the blanket. The one he was sharing with you.
You were fast asleep. Your brow was furrowed, and your lips were parted- glistening with the moisturizer you’d rubbed onto them after carefully removing your gala makeup. His sheets, slung low around your waist, did nothing to hide the rise and fall of your chest under the thin cotton of your nightgown. The little bow above the top button had come undone due to your earlier tossing, giving him the barest hint of your cleavage from here.
Somehow, that wasn’t the worst thing. At least, not as bad as the way your hand had found purchase right above his heart, the heat of your palm seeping through the fabric of his t-shirt. Every now and again, you hand would move or your fingers would twitch- drawing him further and further away from his approaching sleep. This late in the night, there was only one surefire way to end his body’s reaction to your very existence.
He tried to think of anything else. Anyone else. Stephanie. Bernard. Kon-El, for fucks sake- but the near inaudible hum you let out in your sleep sent a jolt through him, a shock that course-corrected his desire straight back towards you.
It was ironic, really- only hours ago he’d been moments away from passing out into his tomato bisque, and now that he was in bed, sleep refused to come. And to be honest, it was all your fault.
He had grown so used to your usual gala wardrobe- the ankle length dresses, doll like lace and silky frills. Every year, Bruce’s refusal to let you express your developing personality (and body) had become more obvious. And therefore, more hilarious. Tim hadn’t left the house with the rest of you that night, having to get changed in the executive bathroom attached to his office at WayneTech in order to arrive with everyone else. He’d been looking forward to seeing you there, most likely trying to glare a hole into Bruce’s head in between the flashes of red carpet cameras, dressed like an American Girl Doll.
What he hadn’t been expecting was a dress that had fit you like a skin. The hem fluttering with every step around your designer shoes- with an actual fucking heel in lieu of the usual flats and frills that made you look like Gotham’s own Shirley Temple.
You were far from the young girl who had bugged him to help you decorate your science fair volcanos, and nothing had done more to announce that, than the mere sight of you in that gorgeous fucking dress. You looked so…grown. Elegant. He found himself thinking that he’d have killed to see the red of your lipstick staining a ring around his flushed cock, or the fluttering of your fake lashes as he would pound you over the marble counter in the powder room- your delightfully mature dress pushed up around your waist.
Lost in his fantasy, the movement of his hand sped up, making him groan as he imagined how your breath would hitch. Just for him.
“Tim?” You called, disoriented as you began to stir. You hadn’t even bothered to open your eyes yet, your brow still furrowed as you sleepily continued. “Are you beating off right now?”
Tim freezes, his hero instincts going right out the fucking window as fear grips his heart. He’s hard as steel and halfway there, and his brain is absolutely refusing to work as his cock twitches for the lost friction. 
“..Yes.” He admits, because what was he going to do? Lie, with an 8 inch boner literally pitching a tent beneath the thin sheet you shared? You might be sleepy, but you weren’t stupid.
Still, he tries to tamp the orgasm roiling in his belly with thoughts of the violence he was planning to inflict on Jason for causing this little bunking situation in the first place.
Why his older brother decided to pass out face first into your bed was anyone’s guess, but the members of the house just credited his confusion to the drinking contest he’d gotten into with the mayor’s eldest son. All of the linens in the guest rooms had been taken away for their usual mass-laundering, and Bruce would rather burn the manor down than let you sleep on the couch, so now you were here. In bed with Tim.
“Sorry, I just…I can’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you by getting out of bed so-“ Tim started, the walls of reality creeping in.
Despite his apology, he was expecting you to freak out, cringe, or at the very least laugh. He was expecting anything but the way you blinked awake, sitting up to rest against the antique headboard while you waited for your vision to adjust to the dark. He looks up at you from where he still lays on his back. You lick your lips in thought, your voice coming out in a sleepy rasp.
“…Can I watch?”
The silence is deafening. Tim was sure it was, despite not being able to hear anything but the sound of every ounce of blood in his body rushing south. You don’t stutter, you don’t apologize or try to suggest that you hadn’t understood what you were asking for. You just…waited. You waited, and you looked at him with such patience.
Needless to say, it left him a little speechless.
Somehow, he managed to find his voice but could only rasp out your name. Tim moved the sheets down just enough to free his aching cock, giving you a full view. Shifting, he sat up beside you, the wooden headboard cool against his back even though his shirt. He turned his gaze away as he resumed fisting his flushed erection, unable to look at you. How could he? This was against everything he believed in, up to and including the concept of letting his dick do the thinking for him. And just as he was about to come up with a way to shut this situation down before it escalated, you leaned over and spat on the head of his cock.
“Jesus fuck!” Tim cursed, his back arching at the warmth and wetness that mixed with his pre. Despite his shock, he continued to pump himself, wetting his cock with your spit. The back of his head knocked lightly against the headboard, his chest rising and falling both from the pleasure of beating off and your vulgar participation.
His eyes screw shut, breath hitching as he feels your head on his tense shoulder.
“What’re you thinking about?” You mumble curiously, watching him as he worked. Your fingers played with the fabric of his t-shirt, your thighs pressed together as you felt yourself beginning to grow wet between them.
“Right now?” He starts breathlessly. “How completely unhinged you are.”
It makes you laugh, but he’s not saying no, and you’re not saying no, and none of you are doing anything to untangle yourselves from this situation.
“Before,” Tim mumbled, continuing. “How your tits looked in that dress.”
Much like your time with Dick, you hadn’t been expecting the kinds of words Tim adopted when his eyes were glazed over with an unfamiliar desire. His measured breathing and broken groans are all the motivation you need to shimmy the hem of your nightgown up, just to dip your fingers beneath the waistband of your underwear.
“Did you wear those to the gala?” Tim asks, his gaze dropping to where your fingers stroked your throbbing clit.
“No,” You breathed honestly, reaching down just a bit more to cover your fingers with your own wetness. “I wore a thong. Panty lines.”
“Shit,” he panted. The small amount of moonlight that dipped into the room reflected off of your hair, your shoulders- and somewhat onto the wetness on your fingers as you worked them in and out of your body. His hand slowed a little to match your tempo. He groans out your name, his gaze turning to your face. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,”
“Mm, Tim…” You whimper as you curl your fingers into yourself. They’re not nearly as skilled or long as Dick’s, but you know you can get off without prodding the exact same spots he’d been able to reach within you. 
“You sound pretty too,” Tim huffed, trying to ignore the coiling in his abdomen. He was determined to make you come first, but he had started a bit before you. And with the intention of being purely mechanical. Now, it was far more than some quick stress relief. His shoulders tense further as he groans your name, just about to spill over the edge when you replace his hand with your own. He wants to admonish you for breaking your unspoken no-touching rule, but instead leans into the way you stroke him. Your hand is warm, fingers still covered in your own slick and spreading it onto him.
Leaning your head into his shoulder, you angle it so that you can still watch the work of your hand as he slings an arm around you. Burying his face against your hair, Tim inhales the scent of your shampoo, too close to his climax to worry about just how much he’d been wanting to do that.
Tim manages to choke out a desperate “Coming-“ muffled by your hair before he’s absolutely unloading all over your soft hand. Everything about you is soft- your palms, your skin, the slope of your shoulders and the fullness of your lips. 
For several moments, after the high of the act begins to clear, you both begin to wonder what to do. You’re sitting there, his nose brushing your temple and your hand covered in his cum. You move first, releasing his softening dick just before he removes his arm from around you.
Tim reaches over to his nightstand, grabbing a tissue to clean off your fingers as if you were a cat with paint on your paws. Neither of you know how to put words to what had happened, your hearts still racing. He refuses to do nothing, knowing that the wrong thing to do would be to spurn you or ignore what had just happened. So he brushes your hair away from your face, and presses his lips to your forehead.
And the very second you lean into it, allowing yourself to melt in his arms, he does that stupid big brother thing- where he ruins the moment by toppling onto you with his dead weight. 
“God, you’re such a freakkkkk.” You whine, playfully attempting to push him off as he begins to pepper your face in kisses. You squirm in his arms, but can’t beat back the grin that breaks out as he pulls you down into the bed.
“I know,” Tim snorts, keeping you trapped between him and the mattress. He rests his head against your clothed chest, the drooping of his eyelids heralding sleep. You were still worked up, and despite your newfound proclivities, you’re still polite. And you selflessly withhold a plea for release. Tim closes his eyes and you decide to give up entirely, hoping this is one of those times you’d be able to will away your arousal.
“Want me to eat you out?” 
His voice cuts through the quiet of the room after he lets you suffer in silence for about ten minutes. His voice is clear as a bell, free from the grogginess of sleep. How on earth was it possible for him to find a way to be annoying about getting you off?
“Oh, thank fuck.” You sigh, your hand sliding into his hair to help guide him downwards. 
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No Flowers On My Bones - 2
Content Warning: character death mention, grief, poor self image, poorly translated Polish, Ted being Ted
Steph hadn’t been able to sleep. Believe her, she wanted to. She tried. Really, she did. But tomorrow came, and left sleep behind. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot, having been awake the whole night. She sat on the Spankoffski’s couch, knees curled into her chest. They’d let her stay over more often than not after everything. She didn’t want to be alone in fhe manor more than necessary. Being the gentleman he was, Peter had opted to sleep on the couch, but Stephanie refused. She knew that she wanted some time to process, and she wanted Pete to be comfortable.
Her hair was disheveled, and she wore no makeup for once. She wore a pair of pajama shorts and one of Pete’s old t-shirts from a summer camp he got sent to. It was a hideous thing, bright blue with black lettering reading “Virginity Rocks.”
In her mind’s eye, Steph thought she looked like a dumpster fire.
She sure as hell felt like one.
Her mind had plagued her with unending memories of her dad. Both when he was alive, and memories from that night. She wondered, could things have gone differently? Could he have still been here if she hadn’t ran?
Was this her fault?
Who was she kidding, it had to be her fault. Her fault for going along with Chastity’s plan, her fault for asking Pete to go to Pasqualli’s, her fault to ask him to cheat on that test…
But she didn’t regret Peter. No, in her eyes he was the one good thing to come out of this.
But Steph didn’t deserve Pete. That’s what she genuinely believed. She’d cost him a normal life, she’d cost him his two best friends. Even now, she couldn’t imagine how he could love her after everything. But he did.
The words had been quietly exchanged after Richie’s funeral. Pete had broken before they got to the car, crying. It had broken Steph’s heart. She held him close, comforting him, letting him let out his emotions. His eyes had been puffy and red, and his face was caked with salty tears. Steph did her best to soothe him and dry his eyes, cooing soft reassurances at him. She took his glasses off so they wouldn’t get smushed, and placed them on her head, pushed up so she could still see.
After hesitating for a bit, Steph had pulled Peter down so she could kiss his forehead, and gently held him. Pete had pressed his face into Steph’s shoulder, his hands on her waist.
That was when he’d uttered the words, “….I love you…”
“I love you too, Petey….” she had whispered back.
And she had meant it.
Steph stared off, eyes practically burrowing holes into the coffee table. Yeah, Pete loved her, but he shouldn’t. Not after everything.
Peter stumbled downstairs with a yawn, his hair a mess. He wore a goofy pair of Star Wars pajama bottoms, and an old navy blue tanktop. If it were any other time, Steph would have quietly admired the fact that he was kind of jacked, but she barely even registered his presence.
And Peter took no offense to this. One glance at her showed him that she wasn’t in great shape. And he didn’t blame her. No, Pete had been an itter trainwreck after Ruth and Richie’s funerals. If he was being honest, he still wasn’t okay. He got a pot of coffee started for his family and Steph. His blood sugar was okay for now, so he’d wait to make his hot chocolate.
Instead, as the coffee pot started going, he moved to the couch, settling beside Steph. She started slightly, snapped out of her thoughts. Pete gave her that awkward, sweet smile of his and held out his arm to offer her a hug.
The corner of Steph’s lips quirked up slightly.
She slowly nestled herself into Pete’s side, letting him wrap his arms around her. Steph draped her legs over Pete’s lap, and rested her cheek against his shoulder. His thumbs rubbed small circles into her skin, and he sighed as he placed his chin on the top of her head.
“…You didn’t sleep, did you.”
“I didn’t either, after Ruth and Richie’s funerals.”
Steph pressed a small kiss to Pete’s shoulder.
“I feel gross, Pete.”
“You look beautiful though.”
“Sure don’t feel like it.”
Peter pulled back a smidge, moving to cup Steph’s cheek in his palm. He ran his thumb along her cheekbone, and looked her in the eyes.
“Maybe you don’t feel like it, but I’m looking at the prettiest girl in all of Hatchetfield,” he murmured, softly.
Steph’s heart melted a little bit, his words filling her head with cotton.
Peter pressed a kiss to her cheek before moving her to snuggle into him once more. She relaxed a bit, enjoying the moment.
That is, until Ted came down the stairs with a big yawn, shirtless and hairy as ever.
“Mornin’ lovebirds,” he greeted, scratching his chest as he headed into the kitchen to get himself some coffee.
Pete cringed. “Dude. Put on a shirt, nobody wants to see that,” he said, moving a hand to dramatically cover Steph’s eyes.
Steph giggled as she heard Ted scoff and pour himself some coffee.
“I think several of the fine ladies of Hatchetfield would have to disagree with you there, kiddo,” Ted shot back. “Jesteś po prostu zazdrosny, że nie masz tak seksownego ciała.”
“Theodore jesteś odpychający.”
“Guys, I don’t speak Polish stop it,” Steph said, lightheartedly as she removed Peter’s hand from her eyes.
Pete stifled a laugh.
“Stephanie, if we’re switchin’ languages like that, it means you don’t need to know,” Ted said, shooting a cryptic smirk at Pete.
Soon, Pete’s mom and dad came downstairs, and the house was bustling with life as the two went about making breakfast. Peter never let go of her, encouraging her to be a part of the conversation.
It was foreign to her, having such a lively home.
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Dick couldn’t do this. It was like all the guilt from not being there for Jason had flooded back up and was drowning him. Dick had forgotten what Jason’s full smile looked like. Jason hadn’t smiled like how he smiled at Cass since he’d gotten back. 
Dick was so lost in thought, he almost didn’t notice Damian sitting under the sink. He was out of his Robin uniform, but for some reason he was wearing Jason’s leather jacket.
“You ok, Damian?”
Damian crossed his arms, which was probably meant to showcase indifference, but if anything it made him look smaller. Especially with the leather jacket that was swamping him. “Tt, of course.” Damian rolled out from under the sink and went to leave. But not before wrapping his arms around Dick in an embrace, “Not because I need one, but because you look like you do.”
And then Damian left. 
Dick would figure out what was bugging Damian, just later. Because he needed to collect himself. Dick had seen the way Bruce had froze when Oracle had told them Jason had been reverted to his 15 year old self. Dick was probably going to have to do a good amount of interacting with Jason, because Bruce was sure as hell going to be burying himself in Batman until Jason was an adult again. Dick had never been the best brother to Jason, but now he could try to do better. And it’ll be easier with everyone. Jason has always been Alfred’s favorite, he’d warmed up to Cass basically instantly, Duke has always been easy to get along with, Stephanie and Jason were basically the same person, Dick could bribe Damian to be nicer, and Tim… well maybe if they just never mentioned the Robin thing they’d be fine. 
Yeah. This is all gonna be fine. 
He opened the door to find Cass, Duke and Steph in a heated whisper conversation that abruptly stopped when he opened the door.
Cass just wordlessly engulfed him in a hug, and then Stephanie and Duke followed. 
“He’s so tiny.” Duke mumbled. 
Jason was shorter and lighter than Damian who was currently 3 years younger than Jason. So yeah, Jason was small. It was actually a lot more shocking when he turned up the same height as Bruce. 
Steph pulled away from the group hug, “Alright, what are we gonna do?”
“What do you mean what are we gonna do? Bruce and Tim will figure out how to reverse this. We’ll help if they let us.”
“First of all, Tim’s sleeping, for the first time in probably a couple days, so we’re not gonna wake him up. Second, I was talking about what we're gonna do with Jason, and third, Bruce is probably gonna be… Bruce… right?”
Dick nodded, “Just treat Jason normally.” he paused, because the way they treated Jason “I put 12 heads in a duffle bag and became a drug lord” Todd was distant at best.  “Treat him how you would treat a 15 year old. Not how you would treat 20 year old Jason.”
The three of them nodded as the motor of the Batcycle echoed through the cave.
Let the show begin.
Jason was currently swaddled in his Wonder Woman blanket getting his blood drawn. Alfred had already taken his height and weight, which according to Alfred, was the same as the one from five years ago. He also noted that Jason’s eyes were more green than blue, which apparently happened to him over time with age or something. Which doesn’t really make sense because if he was de-aged then wouldn’t his eyes be the same color? Then again, he still has the white streak in his hair and that’s just hair dye. And he still has a bunch of scars that he doesn’t know where they're from. So who knows how this de-aging thing works.
Alfred took the needle out and placed a bandaid on the hole. “I am going to give this to Master Bruce. Why don’t you head off to–”
“Wait, Bruce is here?” Jason tugged down his sleeve and wrapped the blanket tighter “I’ll come too.”
Alfred looked like he was going to stop him, but didn’t.
Bruce was at the Batcomputer, still in his cowl, and it looked like he was plugging in a red helmet– oh wait, that was Jason’s red helmet– into the computer.
He walked up behind the chair, and looked at the footage that was being played on the screen. It was the same alley Jason was in when he woke up. There was a lady with a giant glowing stick– scepter, who was shooting bolts of magic at the camera. Then a spell hit the Camera directly filling the screen with static.
“Ahh, so we’re dealing with a magician. I dunno about you, Old Man, but I think I have enough sparkle in me to take this lady down.”
If Jason didn’t know any better, he’d say that Bruce was startled at the sound of his voice, but Batman is never surprised. 
But he didn’t turn to face Jason. He didn’t even give him a grunt of acknowledgement.
“Uh, Bruce–”
“Todd!” It was the sound of emo Robin’s voice coming from the stairs. Though the kid was no longer wearing the Robin uniform. He was actually wearing the jacket that Jason had on earlier. “I, urm, require your assistance. With… feeding Batcow. And maybe you could meet Goliath.”
“We have cows ?” Jason was about to jump at the chance to help feed the cow and Goliath, who was probably another cow, but then he realized that he kinda had a mini magical mess revolving around him, “Um, I’m not sure if Bruce’ll need me–”
Dick’s face looked between a proud father and like a sudden realization came over him,“Go ahead Jason. We’ll call you if we need you.” And Jason wasn’t dumb. He could read inbetween the lines, and those invisible lines were saying, get the fuck out, the adults are speaking.  
So Jason shrugged and skipped to the stairs. Now that Jason could see the kid without the domino mask, he looked familiar, in a way Jason couldn’t put a finger on. “Alright, let's see those cows.”
“Actually, it’s cow , singular. Goliath is a Dragon-Bat.” Yeah, the kid looked a lot like an old picture of Bruce. Except with tanner skin and green eyes, but a part of Jason knew that wasn’t why.
“Excuse me, a what now?”
“A Dragon-Bat. Get with the program, Akhi.”
And just like that, a flood of memories with a kid around four or five drawing a bat in front of him. A kid leaning against him with a fire going in a pit. A kid a few paces behind a woman. 
Jason blinked, “You’re Talia’s kid.” Jason looked at the kid as he froze, “Damian.” 
There was a moment where Jason could see the longing in Damian’s face, before it was painted over with a look of apathy,  as he opened up the back door. “You should not have been able to remember that.”
The locations in the memories were clearly of the League of Assassins, so maybe they wiped his memory. Which sounds truly invasive, but that’s a thought for another time. Jason nudged Damian’s shoulder with his own, “I’m proud of you.” 
“Do not patronize me, Todd.” Maybe it was just cold out, but Jason could swear he saw a dusting of red at the tips of Damians ears. 
“I might not remember much of anything, but I still feel proud.” Jason put a hand to his chest, because even though he barely knew the kid, he still felt it. 
Damian paused at the barn doors, “You were the first person to show me kindness. Though, I didn’t really understand it back then. I didn’t even realize it was you until–”
“You were little, I don’t blame you.” Jason shrugged. They entered the barn and low and behold, there was a cow. With a spot on its face that kinda looked like a mask. “So, what’s the story? How’d we get a cow? Did Alfred and Martha Kent make some sort of barter?” They often exchanged cookies for pies, so it wasn’t too unreasonable.
Damian went to a stack of hay, “No. We rescued her from a slaughterhouse that was infecting the animals with diseases.” Damian recounted the mission as they both moved stacks of hay to feed to Batcow, until there was a chime from Damian’s phone. “That should be enough for now. We’re wanted back in the cave.”
They were opening the clock entrance when Jason finally stated, “We didn’t actually have to feed the cow. They just didn’t want me there, right?” It was the middle of the night.
Damian started down the stairs,  “Tt, Father just needed a moment to process. You would too if your adult son was suddenly twelve again.”
“I’m fifteen, first off, and second, I suddenly have four more siblings, and he’s the one that needs to process? He must be getting really old.”
Damian dryly smiled, “Something like that. And five.”
“Five siblings. Well, technically, Brown hasn’t been adopted by father, but she’s at the manor to the point where I think we should get a restraining order.”
Who’s Brown?
“Hey!” Steph shouted from the main area of the batcave, “I heard that, brat! You guys love having me around.”
Oh, right, Damian for some reason only calls people by their last name.
 Damian jumped the rest of the way down, “No we do not, you dreadful shrew.”
“Your face is a dreadful shrew.”
“Alright, Master Damian, Miss Stephanie, we do have some work that needs to be done.”
There was a T-chart on the batcomputer screen. one column labeled “Jason 15: 6 years ago” and the other one labeled “Jason 15: now” Under the columns was his height, weight, hair color, eye color, skin color. That stuff. They were playing spot the difference.
“I, uh, I have a buncha scars I don’t recognize.” and suddenly all eyes were on Jason, “I mean, you guys are tryna, ya know.” he gestured to the screen, “Right?”
Duke was the first one to recover, “Yeah, we’re trying to see what’s different. So far it’s just your hair and eyes.” 
Dick’s hand flew up to rub the back of his neck, “Would you mind showing us?”
Jason looked around the room. He barely knew four of the seven people in the room. He was barely comfortable with Dick seeing him without a shirt, much less people who he met an hour ago. And, yeah, they were his siblings, but that doesn’t mean he was currently super comfortable around them.
There was the sound of rustling, and Damian came back to the table with a sheet of paper and a pencil. Then he quickly sketched something, flipped the paper, and sketched something similar. Damian slid the paper over to Jason. 
It was a drawing of a body, the front was on one side and the back was on the other. It was also really good for something sketched in under a minute. “Holy crow, kid, you’re a prodigy.”
“Tt, it’s hardly my best. Though, this way you can show us without actually showing us.”
Jason plucked the cup of highlighters and colored pens off the desk and got to work. Red were the scars he didn’t remember and Blue were the ones he did. And areas he highlighted yellow were healed burns he didn’t remember and blue highlighter were the burns he remembered getting.
Jason really hoped someone knew where he got some of his scars and burns because he had a lot. Which, yeah, they were vigilantes, some of them didn’t really look like scars he’d get in a fight. He placed the sheet in front of Bruce, who still was barely looking at him. Who still had his cowl on. 
“Did I–” Get hurt? Get kidnapped? Get tortured? No, that wasn’t the right way to phrase it, he huffed, because Bruce still wasn’t looking at him. Jason swiveled the chair so that they were facing each other and gently pulled the cowl back. 
Bruce looked a lot older. He had gray hair, and the creases between his forehead were a lot deeper. Bruce's blue eyes were more gray and somber, like the past seven years had put him through hell and back.  “Did something… happen?”
Bruce took in a deep, finally taking in Jason’s face. “I think it’s past your bedtime.”
“Bruce, I don’t have a bedtime.” Jason crossed his arms, “Don’t’cha think I deserve to know? It’s my life .”
Bruce just put his cowl back on and turned back to the computer. 
“Ya know what? Don’t cross off alternate dimensions just yet, because my Bruce would at least look at me.” And Jason stormed up the stairs.
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 9 months
Went to buy a dildo but got fucked instead
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Hello everyone,
I already have several dildos but I wanted a really big black one. On the way home from work, there is a sex store that I usually go to. There is a parking lot with a section of it blocked off from view of the street by another building. The day when I decided to get my big black dildo there was a homeless man in the section that was blocked off, presumably sleeping. I walked in, grabbed the dildo, some lube, and some cheap slutty outfits and left. When I got to the parking lot I heard the homeless guy yell at me, “Hey is that dildo for you or for your girlfriend?”
I said, “of course it’s for me!, i like men, im not a dike!”
He proceeded to yell back at me, “that’s pretty big!”
I yelled back, “I know, but my holes can handle it!”
I walked over to the guy to show him how big it was, this is a 10 inch dildo as wide as my arm, and he was surprised.
Frankly I'm always horny, and I was already thinking about using it as soon as I got home, and I was feeling slutty as all hell.
“Do you want to help me break it in?”
“Of course!” The homeless guy said.
I started opening the box and taking off my panties from under my skirt. I rubbed some lube on it and bent over doggy style next to the dude. I could hear the dude moaning and breathing heavy just touching me. My heart started to pound as I anticipated which hole he was going to choose.
  He started rubbing the tip on my soaking wet pussy, but then worked the dildo into my ass, he got the whole head in me. He started slow and then started ramming the dildo into my ass. After a couple minutes he stops and I could tell he was rubbing his cock. I turn around and I see his pants are fully off and his hard cock is out.  I looked at him and he looked at me. His dick wasn’t very big, but it was hard as steel nonetheless. He smelled horrible but I was already dick drunk from what he did to me so I started sucking. I wasn’t very good at giving him a blowjob because he smelled and tasted horrible, so he quickly turned me around and started fucking me in the ass. He was fucking me senseless. You could tell that he hadn’t gotten his nut off in a while. It felt like his cock kept getting bigger and bigger as he fucked me. After fucking me for 20 mins I felt him starting to slow with longer strokes. He fell onto the pavement and said to me “ride me,” so I stuck his cock back inside my ass and started squatting on his cock. After a couple mins I turned around so he could see my ass and kept riding him like that. Within 30 second of me doing that he moaned louder and louder until he grabbed my hips and made me sit balls deep on his cock. He came and came inside my thirsty body. After that, my cunt was so fkn deprived that I laid back, spead my legs wide open and forced that big black dildo into my pussy.
I slammed it in and out fiercely, until I orgasmed and squirted all over the guy, and the pavement.
I put on my panties, grabbed my dildo and drove off.
One of the nastiest things I have done (in awhile).
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
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lemonberry-soda · 11 months
This might be one of those "putting too much thought into some basic blue curtains" situations, but I've been thinking about it a lot. Enjoy the following sleep-deprived ramble (and continuing ramble in the tags)
I feel like the line "and if I finally break the rules, I will know of my world, I'm the ruler" means so much. We only ever hear it twice ("cool as I think I am," and "dirty dudes must die"), even though the first part ("If I can finally be cool I will know that I'm not a loser") is played numerous times, and has a LOT of importance placed on it. Dirty Dudes is obvious by explaining how Grace is falling to what she would consider satanism in the name of God, but I personally see the first usage as kind of meta. Peter is singing the song about him and Stephanie, right? Well, in the other two Hatchetfield musicals, there are both couples that slowly fall in love over the course of the runtime. And you know what? They all die at the end. Hatchetfield dies at the end. It's because the Lords didn't know the main characters personally, or else weren't asked, and they were on the bad guy's side.
The Lords in Black are very much the bad guys. They feed from people's wants and their desperation to reach fulfillment (filling the holes), and actively cause destruction to cause more want and desperation. So "breaking the rules" by making them join the good guys side, just for once, causes the nerds to be known and protected so long as they pay the price. And they do. And that's why Nerdy Prudes has a good-ish ending. The second final song "The Best of You," as weird as it is, is entirely focused on Pete and Steph, who broke the rules by not dying, and became the "Rulers," homecoming king and queen, as a result (I know it wasn't explicitly stated they were king and queen but it wasn't a plot point at all so let me pretend lol).
So basically if Grace Chastity weren't there, they would have failed and Hatchetfield would have died again.
EDIT while listening to the music again I found another half-sung form of the lyric in "cool as I think I am (reprise)" that mashes the two verses together ("If I can finally break the rules, I will know that you have to do it"). This still goes with my thought process though since it's literally during the point where the normal rules of the couple dying are broken. They are literally breaking the rule where they had to sacrifice themselves. Thanks Max thanks Grace you saved the world from a disaster you caused <3
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
JaySteph Dating Alphabet Headcanons
I used @/imagine-mcu's alphabet prompts
Join the JaySteph Server ao3
A - Asking out: It starts as ‘just friends’ hangouts during or after patrol, but one day after Jason orders her usual order and brings it to her because she was busy with an assignment  Steph asks if they’ve become dates. Jason says no, if they were dating, she’d know. He then asks her out on a proper date.
B - Being best friends: They get along like a house on fire. They have regular competitions to see who can sass Bruce more and cause a headache first.
C - Celebrating their birthdays: Steph loves birthdays, whether they’re hers or someone else’s. Jason doesn’t quite see the appeal but reciprocates by making Steph breakfast in bed and planning a date she’ll love. With Steph’s love for both birthdays and Jason, she celebrates Jason’s birthday and a day she picked as his resurrection day, to remind him how much he means to her and how happy she is that he’s alive.
D - Double dating!: JaySteph are so busy with the rest of their lives, both as civilians and vigilantes, that when they can be alone they prefer to have a private date, but sometimes they’ll join a friend on a double date.
E - Eating dinner: Jason cooks, Steph eats. Alfred often sends leftovers from Family Dinners for when they’re too busy to cook, or they take out food from their favourite holes-in-the wall. Steph has her favourite Indian place on speed dial and Jason has an in with his favourite Chinese restaurant. His usual will be ready in ten minutes.
F - Flirting: They are insufferable flirts in public, simply because it weirds out the rest of the Bats. In private, they keep it much more low-key.
G - Getting protective: Jason and Steph are both extremely protective of the other. They know they can hold their own, but if they can help the other, they will.
H - Hugging: Their hugs usually happen in the wee hours of the morning. Jason had a nightmare and Steph wakes up to hug him until he can try to sleep again. Steph had a stress-fueled cry on Jason’s shoulder about balancing school and vigilantism, and he didn’t let her go until she was almost asleep. Their hugs are always warm, solid, and grounding.
I - Inviting to team up/join their organisation of heroes: Steph is an honourary Outlaw and gets along great with all Outlaws, present and former.
J - Joking around: When they’re in public, Jason and Stephanie are usually acting; Jason prefers the grouchy, snarky act while Steph favours the put-together happy mask. When they’re together, they’re just Jason and Steph. They don’t joke as much as they do in-mask (vigilante or civilian), though they have plenty of light-hearted moments.
K - Kissing: JaySteph are constantly kissing. Little pecks before patrol; longer kisses to reassure themselves that they’re both okay after a dangerous operation; slow, sleepy kisses in the morning; hot and heavy makeouts against a wall during a slow patrol…
L - Lounging around on a lazy day: The days when they both have nothing to do and nowhere to go are few and far between, but they make the most of it. Sleeping in if possible, curling up and reading together, maybe having a playful spar? They also enjoy playing civilian and doing domestic stuff like shopping and cooking together.
M - Making breakfast: Usually Jason is up first, either from nightmares or because Steph likes to sleep in as much as possible. On the rare occasions Steph is up first, she likes to race the clock and see if she can get it made and possibly to him in bed before he is up.
N - Netflix and chilling: There’s not a lot of time to Netflix and Chill when you’re heading out on patrol in the evening, so if they do have time, it’s usually in the morning or early afternoon.
O - Overcoming a fear: They’re both terrified of the other leaving like they were nothing. After the first big fight, when Jason showed back up at Steph’s door and they worked it out like adults, Steph cried for half an hour. Jason was worried she’d either not answer the door or answer it to say they were done. He cried a little bit too.
P - Partying: Steph wants a full university experience so she’ll attend one or two parties a semester, with Jason accompanying to keep an eye on the happenings and make sure nothing non-Red-Hood-approved occurs.
Q - Quarrelling: They usually clash over their different reactions and outlooks on subjects that touch their trauma, as the heightened emotions make it more difficult to detach and consider things logically and from the other’s POV. Once they’ve calmed down (and maybe had a talk with their therapist(s)), they’re quick to try to understand and support the other and fix the issue if possible.
R - Rescuing: They’re both vigilantes. Most of their rescuing comes in the form of creating an excuse to drag the other away from family dinner or one of Bruce’s lectures.
S - Sleeping over: At the beginning of their romantic relationship, they both had their own apartments/safehouses and usually crashed at whoever’s was closer. Later on, they got a centrally located apartment, btu of course they have safehouses scattered around with both of their stuff in each other’s. Su casa es mi casa and all that.
T - Taking care when sick: It’s usually Steph sick because Jason has an enhanced immune system from the Pit. He is the best nurse she could ask for, making tea and chicken soup and reading to her if he can.
U - Using technology: They prefer face-to-face when possible, but they also have a regular string of text messages as well, usually memes and a way to subtly joke about Bruce when he’s in front of them (not that they have anything against needling Bruce to his face but sometimes subtlety is better, such as when he doesn’t yet know about a prank).
V - Vexing each other: One thing Steph does that Jason hates & just doesn’t understand is how much hair she sheds down the shower drain and how often he has to clean them out. Steph hates how much Jason relies on the Pit’s enhanced healing factor and himself to protect her. She doesn’t mind the protecting part, just that he does it at his own expense, saying better him than her because she would take twice as long to heal.
W - Waking up to: In the beginning of their romantic relationship, and even in their platonic relationship, one would wake up to the other crawling into their bed because they had a nightmare.
Y- Yelling at each other (for the angst!): Again, it’s usually because one of them was in danger and did something reckless. When they’re truly mad, Steph goes quiet and Jason leaves until he’s cooled off so he doesn’t make things worse.
Z - Zoo date!: Of course they can’t have a normal date. Damian comes along and demands to make sure all the animals are being taken care of properly. JaySteph love the little gremlin though and have mentally adopted him.
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dstryvampres · 3 months
Question Time
Answer the questions and tag 9 people!
Thank you for the tag @futurefamousdeadmusician
Color: purple :3
Last Song: kids of the black hole by the adolescence
Currently Reading: the sleeping car porter by stephanie mayr
Currently Watching: mob psycho 100(rewatch)
Currently Craving: gong cha boba
Coffee or Tea: COFFEE
No pressure tag: honestly do it if you want :) bc i have like two people to tag LOL @paradiseprincesss @xanaxiii
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 6 months
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who are you?
call me wizard!
i go by she/her pronouns.
i live in the mariana trench. if you wanna visit pls make sure you have the correct equipment i am not responsible for any harm or injury
this blog is for me to infodump about my interests and talk about my passions and thoughts! dw it doesnt bite :D
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
what things do you like?
dancing with the fae, singing with the sirens, swimming with the ones down below, stargazing with myself, writing about realms beyond, sketching all that i see, summoning those above, coding the divine (HTML, PHP, now learning CSS!)
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fun facts
im not aesthetic at all im trying so hard to make this look good rn send help
im super girly :D
im not a picky eater, but put figs in front of me and i will explode
i love stuffed toys, figurines, and those of the like!! i still sleep with a plushie akajjshsh (its a whale plushie i love it sm)
i collect stationary. i dont use any of it
im thinking of opening a neocities but i dont know enough CSS to do that hhhh
im in a MASSIVE book slump rn 🙏im trying to get back into it thoo
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i don't live in the USA nor Europe. my timezone is in IST, so please be patient when you interact with my posts! i may stay up late on weekends tho ;D
i do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, TERFs, etc. on my blog. if you are an NSFW blog, you will be blocked.
i am a minor. please refrain from sending suggestive/graphic/violent asks.
on the other hand, please feel free to tag me in tag games!!
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some other stuff!
my favorite songs: reincarnation apple by pinnochio-p, non-breath oblige by pinnochio-p, god-ish by pinnochio-p, odo by ado, dramaturgy by eve, konoyo loading... by REOL, no title by REOL, wozwald by nilfruits, CH4NGE by giga-p, soleil soleil by pomme, hole-dwelling by kikuo, matryoshka by hachi
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my favorite books: the midnight library by matt haig, klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro, and tons more!
what i'm reading: once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber!
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my favorite shows: puella magi madoka magica, sailor moon, arcane, dungeon meshi
indie shows i like: the amazing digital circus, hazbin hotel, port by the sea (pilot stage), lackadaisy (pilot stage), ramshackle (pilot stage)
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beneath the waves, within this soul: book 1 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
The Abyss consumes. It gives no mercy for those damned.
The dark is home for Ourra, a trench-dweller with plans of chaos. Haunted by his mistakes, he yearns to make all well again.
Atticus, a lost soul with nothing to lose, enters the Abyss to save those he loves; for a price, of course.
So, what will it be? Love, or the pain of a man turned evil?
Progress: outlining the third draft since the second was too wobbly
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on this sunset shall i sing: book 2 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
Having magic beyond the set boundaries of the realm you live in means high expectations. And when you break those expectations, it isn't pretty.
Now, the Impyreum is stuck in a state of chaos and darkness: who's to blame?! No, no, no, Apollo did not drown the Sun. That's what he said, anyway!
The First Protector sets sail for the seas to search for the missing fragments along with the smartest, dedicated, and the top investigators and strategists. Apollo is invited, and nobody really likes him for a while.
Where's the Sun? Will the light ever come back?
Progress: Nope. Nothing. I haven't even decided the team-
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Dive in!!! It'll be fun!!
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dorkiedoodle · 3 months
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I recently wrote a short scene for my favorite couple 😊💙, so I decided to add some art to it.
You can find the scene below, I can't promise it'll be any good or that it'll make sense without context, but my friends enjoyed it :DDD, so why not?
The moon had barely reached its peak in the night sky when the three friends shot awake from their sleep in Icy’s cold house. With heavy breathing, they all looked around in panic to get their bearings. Though they’ve gotten used to the crazy situation they found themselves in by now, waking up from the Omnidream had remained just as jarring as the first time.
Icy sighed loudly, brushing her bangs out of her face, “ Coming back from there is never going to not be horrible… ”, the short woman complained to herself.
Stephanie clutching onto her chest tightly took a deep breath and slowly exhaled in an effort to calm herself down. “ Is it… Is it over? ”, the universal asked with uncertainty in her voice.
Ember, who had always taken their returns from the Omnidream the best of the whole trio simply chuckled the shock off, “ It better be, “ she spoke, slowly picking herself off the ground, “ because I’m running dry on secrets. ”
Unlike her Omnidream, the room they had gone to rest in was quiet, the shallow breaths of her friends and the whistling of the wind through the holes in the roof being the only things breaking the deathly silence. On one hand, the peace and calm of the room was a welcome escape from the emotional overload of facing one’s deepest desires, but on the other hand, the silence made it hard not to think about what they had just gone through.
Ember walked to the window through the darkened room, nearly stepping on Icy along the way, who made sure to return this transgression with a myriad of curses. After wiping the layer of dust off the lightly cracked glass she peered outside, taking a look at the night sky.
“ It’s still early.. ” Ember noted, ” Looks like we didn’t spend much time in there. “
“ Well, it sure felt like an eternity… ” Icy retorted, also picking herself off the ground, “ You’ve got problems, girl. ”
Ember frowned at this, putting her hands on her hips as she turned to face the shorter woman, “ Well, I take offense to that! I’d like to see how little problems you have, miss Dilapidated House. ”
“ I never said I didn’t have problems. ” Icy admitted, she walked over to where Ember was standing to also take a glance at the moon.  “ Oh, I’ve got problems, believe me. Like this back ache that’s killing me right now. ”
“ Oh, toughen up,  ” Ember replied, punching Icy with moderate strength in the shoulder. “ If you cared about your back you’d get more furniture. ”
Icy, who had almost been knocked to the ground by Ember’s playful hit, gave the taller elemental her deadliest glare. “ I wouldn’t be sleeping on the ground if you didn’t just barge into my house the other day, you know. ”
But just as the two women were about to get into another one of their little arguments, they were interrupted by Stephanie also standing up and dusting herself off.
“ I think… I think I’ll go to sleep… ” she announced quietly.
The two women turned to her in surprise.
“ Are you sure? ” Ember asked, “ It’s still pretty early.  ”
“ We could start a fire outside and still chat. ” Icy offered gently, “ I’m sure there’s something we can cook around here.. ”
The universal opened her mouth as if to say something, but no words escaped her lips. After a second of hesitation she bowed her head and turned around, leaving the room without saying a thing.
Ember and Icy simply blinked in confusion at this, it wasn’t normal for Steph to be this quiet. The fire elemental took a step forward to go after her little sister, but she felt herself being stopped with a cold hand gripping her arm.
“ Just let her rest. ” Icy said as Ember whipped her head back to look at her. “ A lot has happened, give her some time to process. ”
As much as she hated to admit it, Icy was probably right. Though she really wanted to chase after her, explain everything, and apologise profusely, it was probably better to give Stephanie space for now.
Icy let go off Ember’s arm. Silence hushed over the room once more…  Again with this silence…The thoughts just kept rushing back, especially now that they were alone. Gazing at Icy’s moonlit face, Ember couldn’t help but think of that last fight… Her eyes kept trailing down the features of Icy’s face, from her piercing bright eyes all the way down to her lips, those cold but surprisingly soft lips… And with nothing to distract her thoughts,her head replayed the moment Aphrodite kissed Icy, the exact instant playing on loop over and over and over again.
Though she knew Aphrodite was just a construct of her mind, though she knew she wasn’t real, she still felt this anger and envy in her heart at the sight, she could feel her fists clench, she just wanted to punch Aphrodite all over again. It all just made her long for that time so long ago… That time when they-
“ You still wanna make some food? ”, Icy asked, breaking Ember out of thought and disrupting the silence.
Ember blinked for a moment, trying not to let any of what she was thinking show on her face.  “Oh… Yeah, I’d like that a lot. “, she replied.
“ Cool, you’re cooking then! ” Icy chuckled to herself as she quickly dashed out of the room to make sure Ember couldn’t protest.
She now stood there alone, completely stunned at what had happened. Taking another glance out the window, she could already see Icy sitting by the fire pit outside, waiting for Ember to do all the work. How did she even get there so fast? The tall woman laughed heartily, she had to admit, there was never a dull moment with that one…
“ I guess I better get to it then… “ She smiled to herself as she made her way into the kitchen.
Rummaging through all the cabinets proved to be incredibly disappointing: besides the dust, cobwebs, spiders, and some spices, she was able to only scrounge up a few veggies of questionable freshness. They could roast them up pretty easily, it wasn’t exciting, but it would do for now.
“ Note to self, buy more ingredients for Icy at the market tomorrow… ” Ember whispered to herself as she grabbed a pot, a chopping board, and some tableware before heading outside.
The air was refreshingly cold, it was a needed break from Aphrodite’s fire in the Omnidream. Ember walked over to the fire pit where Icy was already kicking her feet impatiently. Setting all her tools on a nearby tree stump, Ember got to work preparing the fire, chopping the ingredients, mixing all the spices and leaving them in the pot hanging above the flame to roast. She sat down next to Icy, who had not spoken a word this whole time.
Though she was kicking her feet, it was still obvious she was also lost in thought, much like Ember earlier… Did the silence get to her too? Could she perhaps be thinking about the same thing? Ember felt a pit in her stomach… She had only thought about her perspective of that moment in the heat of the situation, but it had only now occurred to her that she didn’t check with Icy about what happened…
Ember tapped her knee repeatedly with her fingers in an effort to ease the sudden nervousness. Gazing into the dancing flame she wondered if she should even bring this up now or if just like Steph, she should give Icy space. And perhaps she could wait to talk about it later, but the idea that she could’ve made someone so important to her uncomfortable just wouldn’t let her rest.
“ So… About earlier… ” Ember began the conversation, grasping tightly at the knees of her trousers. “ I’m sorry if that was weird or it made you uncomfortable…”
Icy looked around, gazing at the moon, the fire, and then at Ember. “ A moonlight night… A kiss…A  fire… A talk… I’d be getting deja vu if the order wasn’t all mixed up” she joked at the displeasure of the other woman.
“ I’m being serious…” Ember protested, “ What happened was… Not okay. I hope you know I wouldn’t just kiss you without getting your permission. I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. ” she explained herself nervously.
“ I wasn’t uncomfortable… ” Icy replied, gazing into Ember’s eyes. Though her cheeks were always somewhat red, Ember could’ve sworn they had shifted to a more intense shade. “ It’s not the first time we’ve kissed… “
Ember felt a lump in the back of her throat as Icy brought up their first kiss… “ Yeah, but… We had both agreed to it that night…”
“ But this time it wasn’t you… Well, it was you… It was a part of you, but not you at the same time… Like, it was something deeply suppressed and grown out of proportion- “ Icy explained, wildly waving her hands around as she was trying to piece her thoughts together. However, she gave up mid-thought and turned to Ember with defeat in her eyes. “ Does that make sense? ”, she asked.
“ I guess… I’m glad you see it that way. ”Ember replied, studying Icy’s expression.
Though she said she wasn’t uncomfortable, there was still something about the way she was looking at her, the way her cheeks turned red when she brought the subject up.
Ember inhaled and exhaled, her nervous grip growing tighter, “ I can tell you’re feeling conflicted about something… You know, you can tell me anything, I won’t judg-  ”
“ It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. ” Icy interrupted Ember, “ That’s the problem…”
Ember felt her face become warm,” What do you mean? ” She asked, confused.
“ It’s just that it’s been 6 years…” Icy sighed as her voice began to shake lightly, ”  It’s been 6 years since we lost Ash… Since anyone’s been affectionate with me.  ” she confessed, dropping her usual rough exterior as her face turned an even brighter shade of red. “ It’s not the kiss that made me uncomfortable, it’s the fact that I was okay with it, that I was ready for it.. ”
Ember looked at the girl compassionately. A part of her felt like she was going to explode, the implication of what she said made her heart beat faster than it ever had before. But the other part of her nearly felt her heart drop… She didn’t think of how this must’ve made her feel like considering she was probably still in mourning… And now her selfish  inner desires brought all those feelings to the surface…
“ I said I would never move on from him…I’m trying not to think about it… ” Icy continued, brushing her fingers through her long ponytail nervously. “ But now it feels like we have to figure out what this means… And that’s so serious, so quickly… It’s like we have to talk about-”
“ Talk about how great this dinner is going to be. ” Ember interrupted the other woman, standing up to check on the food.
Icy stared at her with confusion, “  You can’t go back on what we saw in there, you know… I know you love me… Shouldn’t we talk about what that means? Talk about what the kiss meant? “
Ember tossed the veggies in the pot around as she thought about how to respond. Resting the pot back into its place above the flame, she returned to her seat next to Icy and gently grabbed her cold hands.
“ That would make me very happy… ” Ember admitted, looking at their hands. 
Her larger hands were completely embracing Icy’s, softly rubbing them with her thumbs, almost as if she was trying to warm them, despite knowing that was a futile effort. They were hands that she wanted to hold for a long time… Hands that she wanted to hold for the rest of her life… Hands that were not hers to hold… Not yet.
 “ But would it make you happy right now? “ she asked, gazing back into Icy’s eyes. “ If it causes you distress, we don’t have to talk about anything, alright? ”
“ But-  ” Icy tried to speak, but Ember squeezed her hands tighter to let her know it was okay.
“ Now you know that I love you… As a rival, as a friend, as anything we may or may not ever be… As long as you’re still in my life, I’ll be happy. ” she professed with a soft smile.
A somber expression washed over Icy’s face upon hearing that… A rollercoaster of confusion, of guilt, of fear… Expressions completely unusual to her. Only the goddesses could know what was going on through her mind at that moment, but soon this rollercoaster of feelings brought a small smile onto her lips as she finally returned Ember’s gaze.
It’s been so long since the last time she’s seen a real smile from her.
The two sat there together quietly for what felt like hours as the cool wind blew through their hair.  Though she couldn’t bring herself to say the words “ Thank you”, Ember could still tell that Icy was grateful. It was something she could read from the look in her eyes after all these years. The future was still uncertain, but Ember could feel a weight lift of her shoulders that she never even realised was there. She could breathe easy knowing her feelings were out in the open.
“ …Ember? ” Icy broke her silence at last after many minutes.
“ Y-yes? “ Ember quickly replied, still bearing a reassuring smile on her face.
“ I think the food is burning… ” Icy commented as she pointed towards the fire.
A big cloud of smoke was rising from the pot as an unpleasant stench of burnt food attacked both the women’s sense of smell. Ember in an instant jumped from her seat to try salvage as much as possible. When she sat back down with two plates in her hands, neither of them could even tell anymore what veggies they even roasted, they were all completely charred.
Both of them hesitantly took a bite from the dark cubes of what used to be vegetables… One bite was all it took to realise it was a pointless endeavour. Feeling defeated, the two women decided that it might be better to just go to bed instead.
“ If this is how you show all your girlfriends love, I hope we never have that talk… ” Icy teased.
“ You know how to ruin a moment, don’t you? ” Ember sighed as they both walked inside.
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Library of Ashes
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason takes an interest in the family business (Gotham’s oldest library) when he stumbles upon a secret collection of journals, photo albums, and a book written by his mother.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Lonnie Machin, Original Character(s)
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Library AU, No Capes AU, World Travel, Jason Todd-centric, Third Person POV, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd Has Issues, Angst, Mystery, Mentioned Catherine Todd, Mentioned Willis Todd, Mentioned Sheila Haywood, Claustrophobic Jason Todd
Chapter Six: Speakeasy
That night, Jason dreamt of Sanaa. He dreamt of her hands on his chest. Sweating under the moonlight as he stifled his moans. Their chemistry was so strong that they didn’t pass the back patio. A massive wave washed over them, and Jason woke up with a hand on the front of his shorts and a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. He shuddered and cursed. “Naa, please,” Jason muttered as he slipped his shorts off and walked them to the hamper. 
Music was the only thing that comforted him. The silence was an unbearable curse. He showered, dressed, and made breakfast in the dark. 
The music he picked for the day was sad. His heart needed to grieve. Sanaa sowed the seeds of dance and music into his soul. It kept him alive. He emailed everyone their tasks for the day while he ate. His head throbbed. Tim replied almost immediately. Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, leaning into the pressure building behind his eyes. “For fuck’s sake,” Jason whispered. He shut the laptop and called Tim on the landline. 
“Hello?” Tim answered on the first ring. “What about the book  donation box and the shipment of new—?”
“Yes… All of that is important, but I’ve got a headache. Can we do small talk first?” Jason mumbled. 
“Good morning,” Tim replied, “You okay?” 
“I’m not… How are you?” Jason asked. 
Tim cleared his throat. “Um… I—. I’m fine. Do you want to talk about—?”
“No. I just figured I’d be honest. It’s nice to know you’re doing alright. Why are you awake so early?” Jason asked. 
“Couldn’t sleep. I just—. I wasn’t trying to replace you—.” 
“I know. I don’t hate you. I never did… I resented you for a while because we’re so different, but I never hated you. I want you to work with me for the next couple of days,” Jason stated, “And if you can do a coffee run and bring some aspirin that’d be great, too.”
“Anything specific?” Tim questioned. 
“Three shots of espresso and maybe chocolate… I don’t know. I don’t really care,” Jason replied. Tim hung up, leaving Jason to his thoughts. 
When Tim arrived, Jason took an aspirin and started sipping his coffee. “Jason, what are we gonna do about the book donation box and the new shipment of classics?” Tim questioned. 
“Dick’s on the donation box. I’ve got Barbara and Stephanie on classics,” Jason answered as he dug through another set of diaries and journals. “Some of these should be turned in to the police. I think I’ll make a police pile.”
“I heard you were engaged,” Tim whispered. 
“I was. She passed away,” Jason explained. Tim frowned.
“Do you have any pictures of her?” Tim questioned. Jason smiled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket to show Tim. He showed Tim a picture of Sanaa with her best friend.
“My fiance, Sanaa, is the one on the right. The other one is her best friend, Margaret,” Jason explained before swiping to the next picture. Jason had his arms wrapped around her shoulders and chest, resting his chin atop her head as they smiled for the camera. “I look at these pictures all the time. I look at them all the time.” 
“You never would’ve come home, huh?” Tim asked. 
Jason shook his head. “I don’t think I would’ve,” Jason answered. 
“Do you think you’ll leave again once you can?” Tim questioned in reply. 
Jason softened. It didn’t seem like Tim had a strong opinion either way. “I might… Why? Are you thinking about getting out of town?” Jason smiled. 
“Listen, if you know a good place, I’m all ears,” Tim joked. 
“Costa Rica is nice. You could probably use the sun,” Jason teased. 
Tim rolled his eyes as he laughed. “How many places have you been to?” Tim questioned. 
“Fifteen,” Jason replied as he squinted at a map in one of the journals. “See anything interesting over there?” 
“Yeah… A very detailed diary entry about a sexual encounter with a younger man,” Tim replied. Jason leaned forward. 
“How much younger?” Jason asked. 
“She’s sixty-three. He’s forty-five,” Tim replied, “ And she’s limber .” 
Jason shook his head and laughed. “Next entry?” Jason asked.
“Same guy, different day… Yeah, I should not be reading this,” Tim replied as he set it aside. 
For the next two hours, it was like that. Jason studied the book of building plans for the library, and Tim made a run for lunch. He didn’t say anything about it, figuring that the plans were incorrect. He wanted to look into it, but he refused to look crazy in front of Tim or anyone else if his hunch was wrong. Even after their shift at the library ended, Jason walked around the building, searching for made-up rooms. What he thought to be made-up. 
Jason’s floor had four apartment-style living spaces. He lived in the biggest apartment, and the other three were otherwise unoccupied. Sometimes, Bruce’s friends would visit and stay in the smaller ones, but they usually used those rooms for storage. According to the plans, one of the apartments had a bedroom with a false wall in the closet. He used one of the hallway keys at the furthest apartment on the left to enter. 
The closet wall felt hollow when he knocked on it, but it didn’t turn with a simple push. Jason stepped back, taking a deep breath before putting his back into it. The wall gave, and Jason almost fell to the ground on the other side of the wall. It was a beautiful setup. The back edge of the apartment had a second elevator beside the bar, and Jason picked up a glass decanter, removing the stopper as he smelled the orange peels in the curaçao. It was an older bottle. He set it on the counter, and he took the elevator down to a secret basement. Jason looked around until he found the bookcase by a large, carved table. Gotham Secret Library. Stacks of books were left dusty and untouched. Handbound books. Books with hand-painted marbled edges. Books with resin, dried flower covers. It was a gorgeous library for the creative people of Gotham. 
And then Jason realized a set of problems. Who would Jason share his secret with? And how long would it take to go through the secret library on his own? The most recent items came from around the nineties. After hours of sifting through the books on the table, Jason stumbled across family court papers with his name and his parents’ names. And his grandparents’ names. Julia and George Haywood. People he never knew existed. And their address. An address that he knew well. He must’ve passed by their house a million times growing up. It made his stomach sick. He wondered if things would’ve been different if they raised him. He wondered if they loved him. 
But his thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. “Hey, Tim,” Jason whispered.
“Where are you?” Tim questioned. “I went back to your apartment to get the box for the police, and you weren’t there.”
“Oh, I went to pick up my prescription,” Jason lied. He couldn’t tell the truth. Not yet, anyway. Maybe this secret was meant to be his and his alone.
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
dc characters as quotes from "bnha-more-like-bnh-gay" tumbler user's mental breakdown
damian: it’s fine, my mom just wants me dead I guess lol
beast boy: I don’t need therapy, I have humor 😎
impuls: it’s chill, we’re Gucci
*narrator voice* they were decidedly not chill or Gucci
tim or jason after an anxiety atack: I’m just a ball of,,,,, bleh
dick robin: in theory,, I am funny; but in practice? in practice, I am fucking hilarious
jon constantine: 🎶crying myself to sleep and pretending I don’t exist. This is a myth, and time is just a metaphor🎶
tim: aaaaaand time to write my feelings out in vent fanfiction. Yeehaw motherfuckers, it’s time to cry
jason: my trauma really just pulled up in a Tesla and told me to ‘get in, you sack of shit’
bruce: I swear to whatever, if I don’t finish this homework right now, I will vanish from existence. I’ll just,, poof. Bye bye, dad. No more bruce, just. Disappear, in my little, disappointment. hole
cyborg: I want to edit my life
beast boy on 5 hour energy: so, thanks to doctor who, we know that if you touch your past self, bad things happen. But we don’t know to what extent this is. If you touch something your past self has touched, will bad things happen because you touched the dead skin cells of your past self?
green lantern(hal): I wish I was puppy living lavish lifestyle
steph, for some reason?!: *messes up saying something* yup, good job, steph. Thank you, stephany, I try my best! And yet you’re still a failure. Hahah that’s not funny, that’s just mean 🥲
flash: why do school work when you can just freak out over not doing school work and sit there having a panic attack? Ahahahahah, oh god, someone please kill me
tim: I haven’t slept in so long, and it’s great because my brain is numb and the world is fuzzy. But I’m like, really smart, it doesn’t matter that I fell down the stairs today- it probably didn’t help that I haven’t eaten or drank anything for the last 19 hours, so I’m also really fucking stupid, but in a genius type way-
tarra or supergirl: because I am a ✨material girl✨ I will blow my bank account on stuffed animals, as this is the only way I receive serotonin
manhunter: I haven’t had a hug in years, and you know what? That’s okay. Normalize being touch starved. It’s okay, you depraved freak. There is nothing- there is very little… it’s okay to have things wrong with you. You’re not killing people, you’re fine.
raven and jason: I love this book more than I love myself-which I will admit, is not hard-but still. That should count for something
tim: I have not slept in 53 hours, and you know what? That’s okay. Normalize being unhinged. The dissociation bean juice (coffee) might only make me more tired, but it’s as bitter as my soul, and I feel alive and dead at the same time: the duality of man. How iconic of me
super boy: I just spent three hours staring at a blank page because my writer’s block is stronger than All Might, but you know what? That’s okay. Because I have memes to carry me through the day. When in doubt, meme it out
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