#TW starvation
intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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Famine is in Gaza because the IOF has been and is starving Palestinian people. 13 children...and the state of Northern Gaza is just beyond horrifying -this terrorizing occupation must end. This doesn't just stop at a ceasefire. The IOF must be held accountable for their war crimes.
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bambiraptorx · 3 months
Rise au with the whole 'Draxum kidnaps a turtle for nefarious and evil purposes' trope except the gargoyles are super not into it and actively trying to free said turtle
Like maybe they aren't super obviously going against it or anything (especially given the premise of their boss kidnapping a whole ass child and presumably more or less torturing them, he's probably not a guy you necessarily want to confront directly) but they are distinctly not playing along.
Cause the thing is, they've canonically been lying to him since the day he hired them and he presumably never figured that out (he probably would not have kept them around if he had) and they're kinda known for being 'stupid' and messing stuff up, so it wouldn't be all that hard for them to just. Do that on purpose.
For example: Draxum tells them to stop feeding the whichever turtle it is so that he can starve into compliance. A few days later he's like "damn why isn't starving them working" and the gargoyles are just like "oh we were supposed to be doing that? we forgor oopsie :("
or like
Draxum asks them to watch the turtle overnight, and the next morning they're like "oh did you mean keep them in the cage overnight? Cause we just let them out. Yeah for a stretch, a quick little run. Btw you're paying us overtime for that right?"
Draxum's like "well go find them you buffoons" and they're like "okay fine", and then come back half an hour later and are like "good news we figured out how to find the kid fast! we called yokai CPS :)"
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electrozeistyking · 6 months
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More facts on the Rare Bites AU: these little guys are about this small when nori attempts to help their fellow disassembly drones. i feel like they (along with many other disassemblers their age) would not have been able to “get at nori” or any of the extra oil she might’ve brought with her. the adults are definitely way too big and wouldn’t have carried if they accidentally trampled on them.
it didn't used to be this way, but it was unfortunately hard for their parents to put up with extra mouths to feed when they're also starving. they were all vaguely aware of each others existences before shit hit the fan. for some reason, after the whole nori thing, their parents collectively decided they wanted more oil and tried to kill their offspring.
due to their size, the trio banded together and hid in some small alcove the bigger disassemblers wouldn't have access to (being an incredibly deep hole in a wall somewhere that their tiny, scrawny bodies could fit inside). and they've basically been their own little family ever since.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
in a post about how everyone might react if Bruce dies in sever the blight, you also said that Bruce had like the most expensive (?) body to keep. Could you please explain what that means?
Love your fics and your writing here!
Thank you so much! Happy to talk about this. TW for discussions of weight/weight loss/calories below.
It's no secret on here that I'm into weightlifting and have therefore done a bit of research into optimizing nutrition for muscle growth and weight loss. When you push aside the bro science and bad cooking, it's actually very interesting. Anyway --
I said that Bruce's body was the most "expensive" calorically for several reasons.
1) he's carrying around a ton of extra muscle. Muscle costs a lot of calories to put on (eating more, etc) and to maintain (eating enough to fuel what muscles you currently have).
2) he's taller and arguably has a higher TDEE than anyone else in the group. TDEE is total daily energy expenditure -- how many calories your body burns in one day. In that fic, he was about the same height as Jason, but carrying around more muscle mass per inch of height than Jason was. Meaning despite being the same height, despite both of them being "big", Bruce's body took more energy to maintain than Jason's.
And 3) while this is more of me hypothesizing, TDEE can be affected by long term training/rest cycles, so my hypothesis was even at rest, Bruce's body was burning more calories than anyone else's, since it was so used to being trained + fed optimally. So it also lost that muscle the fastest, shedding excess weight as soon as it wasn't needed to be more efficient.
All of these combined means two things: 1) Bruce was right, and he was probably the best person to limit food intake, because he actually has excess muscle to lose before you have to worry about the serious effects of starvation. And 2) it was probably very very difficult to watch someone as big and strong as Bruce drop muscle mass that quickly.
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whump-mania · 1 month
Can I request about Whumper who left Whumpee for a week to make him lack of human contact?
Whumper idly checked their calendar. Huh. Seven days already? They were sure it had been less. But hey, Whumpee DID beg to be left alone, so Whumper was sure a week of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation let them learn their lesson.
Whumper strolled down to the basement and smirked when they heard whimpering from below. They must have heard the footsteps. Whumper made a note to buy better earplugs.
When they opened the door, Whumpee was a beautiful sight. Bound, gagged, shaking, probably in pain. They noticed the plate of food from the first day was empty, after being vehemently refused the first time. Whumper imagined what it must have looked like when Whumpee tried to eat it through the gag. Hilarious.
Whumper knelt down next to Whumpee and tested them. They slowly ran a finger down their back. But oh, how that must have felt for Whumpee. Their back twitched violently at the feeling, a loud whimper ripping from their throat. Whumper huffed out a laugh. Poor thing.
They took the earplugs out, removed the gag, and finally took away the blindfold. Whumpee was an absolute mess. Their trembling form was a stark contrast from the fiery attitude from a week ago.
“Are you ready to listen?” Whumper asked calmly. “The better you are, the more contact I’ll give you. Doesn’t that sound nice?” They trailed another finger down Whumpee’s arm.
Whumpee wasted no time in nodding, leaning into the small touch they were awarded. “Yes. Yes, please, I’m sorry.” Their voice was raspy and grating. Oh well, Whumper would fix that.
“Good. Very good,” Whumper caressed Whumpee’s face this time, with a full palm. Whumpee practically melted. “Let me get you some water.”
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flightyalrighty · 3 months
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Render commission for @calculuscacophony!
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teal-fiend · 2 months
adopting a scrawny, erratic pred, Who doesn't know how to go about catching prey, but who needs to start soon because normal food isn't filling them up like it used to
feeding them prey. helping them push aside their moral qualms, and teaching them how to hunt
watching as their ribs fill in, and their figure become more pronounced and defined as they gain some muscle from being an active hunter. and they develop a plumper belly from all the prey they were able to catch.
they're more chilled out now that they aren't starving. what you might have thought was a naturally uptight and irritated personality, was really a chronically hungry pred. but now that they knew how to be sated, they were much more relaxed
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cheesecakethots · 1 year
Hellooooo, good morning from my side of the world. I saw a post about regretful yanderes, so can I please get a regretful yandere ask for the hxh adult trio with Feitan pleaaaaseeeeee🥺🥺. Ignore if it's too much trouble.
From your one and only crazy chicken 🐔🐔
ok i kinda struggle with hxh trio having regret because like. they don’t seem the type to. kinda?
below the cut: hisoka (very short), chrollo, Illumi, feitan
hisoka. 0 regret. horrific man. will not ever feel bad about whatever he does to you.
chrollo and illumi are a little bit tricky for me.
chrollo keeps up with the gentleman act, but has zero regret in taking you away. his punishments are also very thought out and planned, so i don’t think he’d come to regret them, as in his eyes you truly deserved what was coming to you. i can see him feeling some ounce of regret when you push him too far and the act drops; he might lash out and leave you with at most a broken wrist. he’d feel bad if you started going quiet after that, but mostly because he enjoys talking to you so much.
but i also think that something in the heart he thought he didn’t have starts aching at the sight of you crying. i imagine this in a scenario where you’ve been with him for a while now, and you haven’t been lashing out or trying to escape. he’s usually very in tune with your emotions, but for a split second when he looks up from his book to see you silently crying he feels his eyes widen, and breathing halt. the feeling in his chest is probably the closest thing he can have to actual regret.
illumi is similar in the fact that his punishments are very thought out, however i see them also being much more extreme. with chrollo if you run you get a condescending caress of your cheek before being knocked out and carried back. with illumi you could end up with two broken ankles. he’ll get some form of silent pleasure at carrying you around everywhere and having you rely on him entirely, so don’t give him the opportunity to do so.
illumi doesn’t like seeing you sad though. when he stalked you for like… two days before just taking you for himself, he felt something in his chest grow warm at watching you interact with things that made you happy (not people, though. that made him feel a little bit sickly.) seeing you play with a stray cat on your way home from work had him thinking that you would be a good mother. the next morning you woke up in the zoldyck estate, so… yeah.
you might become quiet the more time you spend with him, thinking that maybe that’s what he wants of you. he’ll regret if he makes you feel like that - like chrollo, he’s also hooked on the sound of your voice. he’s just a lot less obvious about it.
similarly to chrollo i imagine he doesn’t like seeing you cry. you’re his wife, you should be happy. it kinda depends on why you’re crying though. if it’s because of him he’s probably already convinced that he’s done nothing wrong and that you should get over it. if it’s his family, he’ll probably have a talk to them to see what happened. if it’s anyone else he’s seeing red. quite literally too; whoever it is will be drained of all blood they have available.
now. feitan. hrm.
as far as i’ve seen of him feitan seems to be one of the worst yans you could be stuck with. is mad at you for the fact that he’s in love. has considered many times just killing you so he can be rid of all of these feelings but every time he just can’t bring himself to, and it makes him more mad.
definitely sadistic. he doesn’t care to explain to you why you’ve made him mad sometimes, and it’ll be hard to know if you have because he’s always mad. the only time you see him content is when he’s come back from torturing someone (and also when he watches you sleep but you don’t need to know that.)
being with him is like walking on thin ice while wearing a suit made out of molten lava.
his punishments will hurt. bad. expect a lot of bruises or broken bones, and he’s pretty fast to dish them out. he actively enjoys seeing you cry, so that isn’t going to help with anything.
but. i can actually feeling some sort of regret at times. very VERY rarely, though.
one time he locked you in the basement for a couple of days, forgetting that you needed food and water to quite literally survive. you couldn’t really focus on much when he came back, but you could swear you saw actual panic in his expression.
he never apologises for things like that, but you’ll find yourself warm in bed, some microwaveable meal you enjoy on the table next to you, as well as maybe a book or game you used to go on about. it’s pretty much the only form of regret you’ll get from him, but you’ll take it over anything else.
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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I shared an image of Yazan a few days ago. He was severely emaciated. Only to find out he passed away recently. The IOF has been systemically genociding and starving Palestinian people, and the world should never stop talking about this. This little child suffered right until the end of his life, and I don't want anyone to forget nor forgive settler-colonial Israel for this. The IOF may pay for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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very-uncorrect · 7 months
I love how Tails is a little bit chubby because it shows how Sonic was so determined to care for him when he took him in, he saw how thin and frail this toddler was and was like not on my watch I'm gonna learn how to cook for you
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electrozeistyking · 6 months
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Hello, welcome to The Rare Bites AU! I was going to draw J and V, but my eagerness to show this to you was far too strong. Here's some notes on it:
-the disassembly drones are pretty much starving and scrawny. uzi hates that her colony basically lied to these guys because they're only attacking because they're desperate to feed. she's like "DAMN WE'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKING LIARS HUH."
-j, n and v are some of the rare few disassembly drones that reached close to adulthood. they're all shaky and weak by this point, but still strong enough to take down a worker if they absolutely pushed themselves to do it. their population has been shrinking for years, due to starvation, overheating and killing their own young.
-"And our parents are leaving these fuckers to starve over one stupid deal they failed to uphold and won't even tell us about?! Like, come on! If these guys were human, they'd be all bony and shit! That's gross! What the fuck is wrong with us?!"
-n unwittingly reveals how bad their situation is by announcing that j and v might kill him in order to feed themselves when they find out he's had more than enough to drink (uzi's like "damn" and gives him some extra oil canisters. the workers have enough as is, so she doesn't bat an eye over having to give any up to disassembly drones).
-because these three don't really have a major reason to hate each other, i like to imagine that n, j and v basically fell asleep in a very shaky cuddle pile in order to feel less alone in this cruel world, and eventually begin to include uzi. at that point, they feel safer and start gaining weight and showing their true personalities. :3
-long story short, they start off in a bad place but then everything gets better because of uzi's input. :3
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Hi! I read sever the blight and was wondering, How do you think the boys would react to Bruce death?
Thanks for reading! I think they would blame themselves, mostly. Either for not seeing what Bruce was trying to keep from them, or for seeing it and allowing it to happen anyway.
I think, eventually, a kind of pragmatism would emerge from the grief. Bruce was right to ration the way he did — he had the most muscle to lose and still be semi-functional. He also has the most “expensive” body to maintain, in terms of calories (other than maybe Jason).
There might even be a phase where they blame Clark, who has full knowledge of and was a witness to Bruce’s starvation. But he’d blame himself forever, and I don’t think they would want to add to that.
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loonybun · 7 months
since i just answered an ask abt cannibalism on one of my oc blogs, i bring to you one of my favorite underused and yet so so so fucked up tropes: forced cannibalism. specifically used on a whumpee who’s been starved for days. you see the vision right
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phlurrii · 7 months
Infection AUs on insta be like
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Phase 4-
Will attack you
Jokes on them, I made my horror synergy stone concepts months before the infection craze XD
Also I’m tagging the tw shit out of this for folks, so if I catch those same folks crying about it I can’t help you ;U
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ao3sbatfamily · 3 months
'Our Bodies & Other Fine Machines' by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
Author: @sunflowersandink
“I’m not drugged, I’m not poisoned, I haven’t been exposed to any toxins, I’m not sick, I didn’t hit my head,” he rattles off, agitation and emotions he doesn’t even know how to name swelling sharply in his throat. “I’m just -” his voice cracks and breaks, and he has to blink back tears, the final nail in his coffin of humiliation.
“I’m just really hungry.”
The room falls silent, and he buries his face in his hands, scrubbing at his eyes with his palms so he doesn’t have to see their expressions.
“I had - noticed, that you’ve been losing weight recently,” Bruce says, sounding stilted.
Dick scoffs. “Yeah, I think we all noticed,” he mumbles, but Bruce continues as though there’d been no interruption.
“Is there a reason you haven’t been eating enough?”
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From my reincarnated sukuna's s/o drabble
Tw pregnancy (reader has sukuna's kid), death of unborn child, mentions of starvation
Seeing all these fics were suku tries to impregnate us made me think....
What if at that time reader was like pregnant when they died? Like even after sukuna's sealment urame tries to save sukuna's s/o and unborn child but the moment he finds them its too late, both them and the baby are already to gone to save. They find their body in a cell outside the villages, already thin and dry(???) from starvation, since that was the only way for the socerers/ villagers get rid of them.
But years later reader's reincarnated and so is the unborn kid, the lil one being reader's younger sibiling now, but after they encounter sukuna the lil one's hair starts to change color by the few weeks...from its original color to a pinkish color
Ya'll see where im going with this?
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