#Taking A Break Actually Helps and Medication Actually Helps (that one was obvious). and You Gain Wisdom And Especially _Are Able To Implemen
neverendingford · 4 months
#tag talk#just realized the intense depression and associated anger issues and intrusive violent thoughts are prolly related to the Lamictal I starte#I was like “I don't think I need this don't think it'll help but I'll try it for science” because I'll try anything once#and uhhh. I went to go to bed and realized there was a bowl with food tucked into my bed covers.#laundry all over is one thing. that's kind of normal. but food in my bed is massive warning bells so I was like uh oh that's real depressio#so anyway i messaged my dr like hey I think these meds are making me feel so fucking lethargic and despondent and also I want to kill peopl#because I would just stop taking them but I'm willing to see what she thinks.#also my current psychiatrist is really great and I like her a lot idk if I already talked about her but she's really cool.#the first one I got was an absolute dick and was passive aggressive towards me and also straight up lied in her notes about me?#said that I had said I'm not sexually active and like. bitch where did I ever say that ever that's literally untrue and you wrote it down.#like. I don't think medical professionals are supposed to lie about you actually that's kind of a big problem#also she was like “I'm not seeing adhd here at all” and wanted to do a full on adhd diagnosis before trying any meds for it#whereas my new person was just like “oh you don't have to talk about being adhd it's pretty obvious to me” and I was like kissing you kissi#ng you kissing you kissing you kissing y#but yeah. I don't think I want to keep taking these meds and I think I'm just gonna take the meds I have to today not the short term ones#some days I just don't need my adhd meds or I would rather feel my normal relatively unproductive self.#still gonna take the ssri and estrogen obvs cause those need to keep up levels in my body and also duh I wanna keep my E levels up#but the others nah my body is super sensitive to meds (or any substances tbh) so I need a break from them today I feel really unbalanced#I did have my gf deadass ask me “should I be worried?” when I mentioned the violent intrusive thoughts and I was like no no no no it's fine#because like. I've never genuinely hurt someone fully impulsively like that. it's all thoughts it's all in the head#I'm not gonna kidnap and murder and dissect anyone it's just theoretical situations my brain likes to fuck me up with.#but it does kinda suck to have people around you inherently mistrust you because of how your brain works.#my brother told me a while back that he locks his door at night because he's worried about me and you do know how fucking hurtful that is?#the person you trust enough to move out and move in with is afraid of you enough to lock their door at night.#not like that would stop me if I genuinely did try to hurt him obviously. interior door locks are a joke.#but like... that someone would hear you talk about intrusive thoughts and genuinely think you capable of them to some extent.#idk that hurts a lot.#I wish I weren't like this.
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
Okay but I need yall to help me figure out the character(s) for the following scenario:
Imagine a romantic yandere falling for reader, and ofc reader isn't in love with yandere for obvious reasons like red flags. Maybe they did try dating, Yandere is a charmer, comes from a rich family, he's smart and hardworking and oh so head over heels in love with you. He's always taking you out on best dates, HAS to get you the largest fucking bouquets (excellent taste in flowers) and buys you expensive but well thought out gifts.
But for whatever reason, things dont work out and you break things off hastily and most likely over the phone before leaving the country. And yandere just- breaksdown. I mean my man does not have a good mental health as is, but you leaving, actually leaving him just breaks him down and he has a full blown panic attack.
I'm talking about yandere falling to his knees, clutching his chest and gasping for air, tears streaming down his face as he screams your name like a mad man. His family, they love him, they adore their son/brother/grandchild sm, it pains them to see him in such a miserable state. Yandere man is so delirious that he has to be sedated, tranquillised by medical professionals because he's just losing his fucking mind, babbling your name over and over again like a mad man. His condition only worsens as time passes, and so his family decides to take drastic measures because they can't see their beloved son/brother/grandkid so fucking dead and depressed and a shell of a once bright man. They love him so much, they only want ti see him happy, so they use their money and influence to track you down and try to convince you to return and take yandere back. When you refuse, they take the high way and force you to come with them, dragging you kicking and screaming to their private jet and fly all the way home, where yandere is.
You're in a dishevelled state, tears running down your cheeks as you struggle to free yourself from their grasps as they take you to yandere. And when yandere sees you... for the first time in months, his family sees the light return in his eyes as the yandere reaches out for you, scared that you're just his mind playing tricks. When he finally touches you, he is immeadiately pulling you into a hug, arms tightening around your body like a gilded cage as he cries into your shoulder and thanks his family for bringing you back. His family only smiles with tears in their eyes as they lock the door behind them when they leave, so that you don't go running away. Meanwhile, yandere has pulled you into his lap and he's looking at you with such sad eyes, staring at each feature of yours over and over again as if to memorise it all again. He can't help the tears that continue to slip out of his eyes, maybe he's crying that you're finally here, or maybe he's crying for all the time that's been lost when you weren't here. You fall asleep soon due to exhaustion, but yandere doesn't sleep a wink that night because he continues to stare at you and play with your hair very gently, finally closing his eyes when morning comes and he wraps his arms around you and traps your legs with his.
By now, you guys realise that the yandere's family is not only yandere for their son/brother/grandson but also for you. They are yandede for you too, but they're not allowing you to leave them or their son or even make him unhappy ever again. Some members are willing to let all you "tantrums" slide, while others are not so kind. BUT one thing is for sure, you're ALWAYS safe with yandere s/o, no matter what.
Now, for the characters I've had in kind for this scenario are:
Halim Mehmet Shah and the Shah Family (my ocs)
Dabi/Shotou and Todoroki clan (I am the OG creator of Yandere Todoroki Clan)
I wanna say Naoya or Toji but the Zenin clan hates them both....
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd and Batfam
What do you guys think?
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Mood board for this scenario^^^(I love Pinterest)
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tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow
#setting everything up for filming to begin on tuesday#holy shit it’s been so long since i made movies and i’m feeling so healthy and good about it because i took a year long break from everythin#g for my health and before that i’d been in the throes of intense burnout for like… two consecutive years almost?#so i had to just.#stop.#everything.#and i got diagnosed and got meds for my adhd and yes up until very recently i had overwhelming anxiety about if i’d ever make movies again b#ecause it had been so long and i was still scared even though i felt better and what’s most heartbreaking but in kind of a positive way was#that all this time i’d still had that passion and desire and love and yearning for this. it never left that deep inside me place where it ha#d buried itself over four years ago when i’d realized this is the thing i want to do.#fun fact this was…#the first thing in my whole life that i Knew i wanted to do.#i hadn’t had genuine motivation towards anything in my life before.#my point is that only in the beginning of the month i was grieving not knowing if i’d lost this forever even though i knew i felt better.#but then my favorite director friend texted me the literal morning after my breakdown knowing nothing and was like hey do u wanna do costume#assistant stuff or props master stuff in my thesis film and. that was it. this magical sign from the universe that it was indeed not lost an#d that it was time to get back. and i did. and the fucking AMOUNT of wisdom and calm and just. improvement that happened inside me during my#break… it’s like……….#it’s crazy.#Taking A Break Actually Helps and Medication Actually Helps (that one was obvious). and You Gain Wisdom And Especially _Are Able To Implemen#t It_ after tough times and some of it is like… it feels like it just Happened inside me more than it feels like i’d knowingly mulled everyt#hing over uknow?#idfk. cool n fun.#it talks#janna’s film school diaries
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kings-wifey · 28 days
One Piece men taking care of you while you're sick ❤️
(I have a sore throat right now so I desperately need someone to take care of me-)
Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law.
word count: 677
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"I told you that this would happen!" He growled, incredibly irritated with you for having gone against his words as he idly played with your hair, his signature stone-cold resting face had practically pierced the air, making things rather silent.
He was sat next to your bedside, having had to give up training today as Chopper was out foraging for medical supplies and ingredients due to Luffy having eaten a whole container of flavoured vitamins because "they tasted good", of course he didn't actually mind taking care of you it was just that your stubbornness really pissed him off at times.
"I swear, once your ass is better I'm going to break you."
"Hm... in what way?" You teased him, a cocky smirk on your red sickly face, earning you a groan and a rough poke.
"You cocky little..."
"Open wide my darling," He spoke softly, spoon feeding you soup like an infant, his voice was a tad bit raw due to him crying since he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world for allowing his baby to get sick. His guilt stemmed from his mother's passing as a child, the gnawing feeling that he could've done something if he was stronger or actually knew how to care for someone at the time having scarred him, which of course wasn't his fault whatsoever but he'd never accept that nor forgive himself for not being able to take away his mother's pain.
He did not care what so ever that you could get him sick, you were his baby and you needed care! He watched with a soft smile as he saw you slowly eating the soup by each spoonful, admiring the way your soft lips wrapped around the spoon.
"What? Wish this was your dick?" You teased, mumbling slightly as you ate. You chuckled at the way he gasped and blushed as his hand attempted to hide the growing evidence of his arousal.
"Babe you sound like Dadan-" Ace wheezes as he teases you, causing him to receive a slap from Marco who was monitoring your temperature. "Shut it. She needs to rest." He scolds your boyfriend sternly before stepping outside to dig through the ship's storage for more herbs, Ace takes the opportunity to climb into the infirmary bed with you and wrap his arms around you like a toddler cuddling their favourite toy.
The truth was, although he did try to hide it, he was horrified of you suddenly becoming seriously ill. He loved you a lot, it was just that he loved your pout and you whines of annoyance almost as much, which was why he'd always tease and poke fun at you affectionately because that alongside touch was love language.
"Don't you dare get sick again... shorty."
"Alright that's it, no more sex for you for a week after this."
"What?! No I was kidding pleaseee!"
Beep beep beep! The thermometer beeped to signal that it was ready to display your temperature.
"Hm. Thirty-eight point five. You're running a slight fever." Law stated bluntly as he examined the thermometer carefully before he set it aside and got up, he walked over to his medicine cabinet and dug through it for a few moments before he examined a packet and took it.
He closed the cabinet before he made his way over to you, handing you the packet of antibiotics with his endearingly cold hands.
"Take two twice every morning and night, it should help to resolve it as well as soothe the irritation somewhat." He spoke with a stern tone, despite the fact that it was incredibly obvious that he was a tad bit worried about your sickness developing into something harder to manage and cure, but he shoved those thoughts away and focused on being the confident doctor that you needed right now and not some sappy worried man.
"Do I take them with water or...?" You teased as you gave him a suggestive smirk, earning a heavy sigh in response.
"... Yes water you horny brat."
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Thank you for reading! I know this isn't much for my first post and I do feel very lazy and like this isn't good enough, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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Okay so I just noticed something and I'm going feral, feral I tell you.
This is going to be a really, really long one with a lot of picures and I'm honestly not sure if I saw something completely obvious that everybody immediately got whilst watching^^° or if I found something here.
Nonetheless strap in in this essay I will...
So in Cap's flashback he enters the room and looks around clearly looking for someone and when he spots Havers he gets this relieved, smitten "omg I found you/you're here and alive" expression in His face
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And Havers who spots him out of the corner of his eyes gets all wide eyed
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and turns himself towards Cap with this tiny little smile and he looks so fond at him and also as if he's internally screaming (also in an "omg you made it I'm seeing you again" way)
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And then Cap walks in his direction but then bumps into Cartwright and they start talking and Cap who seems to be on good terms with him smiles back at Cartwright and seems super happy and giddy (because Havers is alive and in the same room and they will reconnect in a few moments)
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And then Havers watches them like this
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and starts to turn back towards his colleagues with this almost jealous/shooting daggers look.
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and then he makes the face on the left and looks so spaced out, a bit resigned, disappointed and hurt. And then he does his thing again like in Redding Weddy where he presses his lips together and forces a smile (this time tiny smile) with a tense jaw to regain control over his emotions, to put on a stiff upper lip. But look at his eyes the man is clearly hurt (heartbroken) about something
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and at first I did not really get what was going on but then it clicked.
You ever had that moment when someone is waving to you that you don't know and you're like do they mean me? and you wave back but then realise they were waving at the person behind you? It's like that just with "in front" instead of "behind"
Because when Cap's eyes fall on Havers look who's standing in front of him in the Captain's line of sight
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Yep it's fucking Cartwright. And when Havers has his little "I turn to you moment" Cartwright is also walking towards Cap in the frame
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So from the camera angle and they way it's shot we see them bump into each other but do not see if Havers actually saw it ; what he definetely sees is them turning towards each other, though.
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and in the next frame Cartwright takes a step to his right and we see them standing like this
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So it's a line and Havers is basically looking at Cartwright's back so when Cap lifts his finger to indicate that he wants to go over to Havers, it's probably not visible to Havers because
first of all we can't see Havers anymore in the background when the camera focuses on Cartwrights face. And secondly from the shot of Cap pointing it becomes apparent that Cartwright's body is blocking Havers's view of that.
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So but what am I actually getting at?
OMG I think Havers thought for a bit that Cap didn't want to reconnect with him (or wasn't there because of him) but with (because of) Cartwright!!
Because what he's seeing is Cap entering the room looking for someone, their eyes meet Cap takes a few steps staring happily in his direction. But then some guy walks to Cap in front of Havers who he realises is in Cap's direct line of sight. Then the two of them start talking and Cap looks so happy whilst talking to this other guy! And then we see Havers's heart break! And how he struggles to collect himself and hide that!
He probably thought Captain moved on, that he no longer has the same feelings for Havers, that maybe he has affections for Cartwright. Or at least that Cap prefers o talk to Cartwright instead of him.
So and then when Havers runs to his aid he turns to the next person, who happens to be Cartwright and yells "Well fetch a medic!", he sounds soooo angry. I can think of a few explanations here tbh from "why aren't you helping him?" to "what have you done to him?!" to "oh it's you I can't stand you since 5 minutes ago get out off my sight!" maybe it's neither, maybe its all of them or a mixture. Who knows.
However we're not finished here because guess what
When Cap says "I'm sorry I had to find you" this is Havers reaction.
He looks legitimately surprised in an "who, me?" kind of way (and /or his "omg is this happening now" kind of way just like back in RW) but also worried about Cap and his Adam's apple does the bobbing thing it does when he's nervous or emotional.
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But then Cap's words seem to sink in and he's now clearly emotional. Not just worried but also look how softly he gazes as Cap and tries o smile at him whilst clearly being distraught.
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And then the realisation hits him about what exactly is happening right now. That Cap indeed was there because of him and that he is now dying in front of him and that there's probably not much time left. And that's even before Cap tries to confess his feelings and Havers confirms that he knows about them.
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And it's all just so absolutely fucking heartbreaking.
Just realised that this would also explain why Havers didn't walk over to Cap and just interrupted the conversation with Cartwright or joined in. Because he thought that Cap was there because of/ wanted to talk to Cartwright and Anthony was heartbroken about that ;_;
Btw also a little thing that's interesting to note in this regard: before the older soldier walks over to C&C we can see Havers in the background just constantly looking at them from the distance. Maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's yearning, maybe it's both.
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Yeah so that's that. Safe to say I as always have a lot of opinions and emotions about these two. Curious to know what you guys thought was going on there with Havers .
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
Another very late sequel, for this post:
M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
- to set the scene -
You learned very early on to suppress your affectionate impulses. As much as you love to spoil your loved ones with hugs and cuddles and homemade food and random gifts and helping them with tasks and clearing your schedule for them and complimenting them at every turn and maybe writing them a loving note or two in their lunch - you know better. You don't care to scare off new friends with that kind of intensity, and the few you've shown that side to who said they were okay with it usually ended up using you.
Nobody you know now would call you unfriendly, but you never initiate touch or ask for too much, and you certainly don't bombard them with gifts or compliments or acts of service or undividided attention.
But now, you're in a secure relationship with someone who adores you, who put their life on the line with you, who opened up their heart to you, who wants to build a future with you. You want to smother them with affection, and for the first time, you don't have to hold back.
You are about to rock their world.
One of the most affection desperate people you'll ever know. He's plenty familiar with driving people off by being or demanding too much
You've been the first person to accept all he offers you and hold onto him in return
Sure you're a little aloof sometimes, but he's happy just to be allowed to love you without the fear of pushing you away
And then a week or so after defeating the Devil, it was like a switch in your brain flipped and you sent him straight to heaven
Having you regularly remind him to eat, with food you made with your own hands?
Hearing your little affirming compliments multiple times a day??
Waking up to freshly cleaned clothes and a soft eyepatch that doesn't hurt his scalp???
When he made it to work one day to find a little love note tucked into his medical kit he nearly swooned on the spot
He doesn't know where all this has been hiding but he's not complaining. He will accept it all with outstretched arms
They left for trips so often that you learned not to get too attached so as not to cause unnecessary pain
Here's the obvious: so did he. He traded half his heart and only left to avoid hurting you
Every new liberty you take in loving them will be their cue to stop holding back as well
It's going to be insufferably fluffy for everyone around you until you get it out of your systems and learn to act normal again
If you wake him up with breakfast he'll surprise you on your break with lunch
If you hug them just because they were standing there, they are kissing you all over
Compliment wars that only get cheesier and more suggestive until you're both flustered
Close the shop for a few days so you can travel with him and he'll be your devoted shop assistant for the next week
Bring them something you saw in the marketplace and they'll appear a few days later with a bagful of trinkets
So, so, so many "I love you"s, because now you can both finally say it
She is not used to receiving affection. At all
She always interpreted her family's gestures as insults, there was no love in her marriage, and she hasn't been with anyone since
You, though, she loves to spoil you
And now - apparently - you love to spoil her
You drive her to distraction. Tell her she's the best on her way out the door and it'll power her through a whole morning of meetings
If you have a visiting Prakran teach you how to make spiced swordfish the right way she might actually cry
You pop into a meeting to drop off a love note before you go into town and kiss her cheek on the way out? She'll smile all day
Clear your evening for her and give her your undivided attention while she tells you about her ideas and plans? She's swooning
She's never been a hoarder but for you she is. She has shelves in her tower now where she stores all of your notes and gifts
Every time you show her your affection she lights up with surprise and delight. She can do anything with your love supporting her
You have to start slowly. For his sake
He's not used to a gentle world. Or gentle people. Or affection in general
He did not know the concept of emotional safety until you held him in your arms, and it both melted and terrified him
Loves it when you bring or make him food. Growing up without it makes it infinitely precious to him, especially from you
If he comes home to a clean space (floor, dishes, laundry, etc) he'll be silent and still for the next few minutes, just taking it in
Write him a list of all the things you like about him and watch his ears burn. He will make a waterproof pouch for said list and carry it everywhere
Show interest in the things he cares about and he'll melt. Help with the chickens. Play with Inanna. He can't look away
One loving glance from you and his heart will sprout wings and fly out of his chest
Seeing the way you love so freely is reminding him how to love in return - you, the world, other people, and even himself
She loves so freely, she's a little shocked when it starts to show how much you've been holding back
Her no-holds-barred approach to affection is all you need to lose your inhibitions
She makes breakfast. You pack lunch
You kiss her on your way out. She surprise tackles you with a hug when you return
You get Mazelinka to teach you some classic Nevivon foods. She smuggles you the Palace's finest dishes
You make her a magic charm. She takes you on a wild adventure to make use of it
You write her a love letter. She sends you her favorite poetry excerpts
Clear your afternoon to spend time with her and she'll take you on a spontaneous date
She's got a strong competitive streak too, so anything you do for her will be heaped back on you tenfold. If she doesn't have the skillset required she'll stuff you with pastries
Every day she writes down all the ways you showed her love. It's her favorite book, and it keeps her going no matter the obstacles
He's had it all already. Worship, adoration, flowery praise, luxurious gifts stacked to the ceiling, the best cuisine ...
But he's never had it from you. And he's never received affection from someone who meant it and didn't try to hide it
You don't compose symphonies for him. But you'll sing to him if he's scared
You don't give him the finest furs and silks. But you bring him trinkets that remind you of him in the most delightfully specific ways
You're not an internationally acclaimed chef. But you cook breakfast for him when he wants to sleep in
You don't wait on him hand and foot, but you polish his sword and cuirass
You don't heap praises on him like he's a god. But you know him, you see the good in him, and when you tell him you love him, he can trust you to mean it
You don't flinch when he looks at you or reaches for you. You meet his gaze with the patience that made him a better man and hold him every night. Oh, he adores you
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maximoffcarter · 11 days
It'll be okay.
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader.
Warnings: Mentions of COVID.
Summary: Emily Prentiss was known to always taking care of her team, taking full responsibility of everything, taking the blame, making sure they were okay, etc. But, it was true that she never let anyone know the hard time she was having, that was until y/n entered her life.
A/n: This was requested by anon, and gotta say I dunno if this is even good but I wrote what I felt was right. It’s angst with comfort and fluff😌 I added some backstory cause why nooooot? I mostly based this on the first episode, and maybe after the season ends, I'll do a better one, but I believe this was good enough for now haha. Our baby really does need some comfort and a goddamn break🥹 I also did not proof read this, I never do until it's too late haha, so my apologies. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
COVID had definitely taken a toll on the BAU, not only had the world stopped but a lot of things had happened then. People died, people left, the world entirely changed, and there was no stopping, no one could actually stop it. Emily Prentiss had tried to make it work, to make things a little easier as she tried to focus on her job every single day, drowning in paperwork, zoom meetings, not being able to freely do what they were so used on doing, it had been a hard year. Not only that, but the fact that her breakup had been so messy, but that was the least of all the other things she was going through. Emily thought it couldn’t have gone worse, but then y/n was very present in her life. It was funny the day where it all had gone down.
It was the end of the most painful and difficult year, 2021 was about to arrive, just a week for the so awaited new year. And it so happened that on Christmas day, Emily had gotten COVID. She was in complete denial of being sick, more so because she needed to work, and she also had nothing to help her with the undeniable symptoms; the unbearable headache and body ache, the obvious fever, the terrible cold that her body felt, the stupid and annoying coughing and the stupid stuffed nose. Yes, there was no denial she was sick, but of course she wouldn’t admit how bad it was. But that didn’t stop y/n from going into action and deciding to go to Emily. Emily had been on the phone with her a few hours earlier, and when y/n noticed how bad this had gotten, she couldn’t stop herself from getting everything she needed and off to Emily’s house she was.
“What…on earth are you doing h-here.” Emily was interrupted with a cough, her hand soon landing on her chest as she felt the horrible pain as she coughed.
“I’m here to take care of you. Go to the living room, need to keep our distance.” Y/n said softly as she adjusted her face mask, getting a bottle of spray out.
Emily furrowed her brows but went ahead to the living room, soon enough grabbing a face mask and turning back to look at y/n. “I’m fine, you don’t have to stay here.”
“Oh, but I do. We’re close to get the vaccine, I cannot have you stopping at the hospital just because you were too stubborn to accept that you’re really sick.” Y/n sprayed the whole area where Emily had just been, and then turned to look at her with a raised brow. “Okay, here’s what we’ll do. You stay in your room, I’ll sleep on the couch, you can only use your room and bathroom. I’ll be bringing you food and medication, already talked to a doctor. If we don’t see any progress, we’ll have to go to the hospital, which I hope, you’ll cooperate, Prentiss.”
Emily just stared at her, a bit surprised on how y/n had become so bossy, but she also couldn’t blame her, knowing perfectly well that she’d probably die on her own. “Got it. I will.”
Y/n nodded. “Good, now I’ll go disinfect your room first. You stay here while I do that, no touching anything anymore. Though, I will clean here too.”
Emily couldn’t help the small smile that spread through her face as she nodded, thankful that the face mask was covering it. “Got it boss.”
Y/n grinned softly as she nodded. “Good, I’ll be right back. Bed stuff?”
“Closet, second drawer, and the blankets are on top.”
Emily would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy to have y/n here. Ever since y/n joined the team, somehow, they had become inseparable, even if she tried to get her to work with the whole team, before she even thought about it, she was already saying that y/n would go with her, and of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Tara, JJ and Penelope, but they never mentioned anything, even more when Emily ended up with a boyfriend. That of course till this day, Emily thought so much about how she had forced herself to actually like someone just so she wouldn’t feel so alone. But the one person she had actually wanted…had been y/n. And now having her here, willing to take care of her even if she knew there was a risk that she could get sick, it was everything for Emily.
Emily slowly opened her eyes as she heard her door opening. She looked up and smiled softly as she noticed y/n walking in with a tray of food. “Hey. Did I sleep a lot?”
Y/n looked at Emily and smiled, carefully putting the tray of food on the nightstand. “For like an hour and a half. It’s good that you’re sleeping.” She grabbed the thermometer and placed it on Emily’s forehead. She sighed relieved and offered a small smile. “It’s coming down, finally.”
Emily smiled. “And the headache is not as bad.”
“No, Prentiss. I will not leave, it’s good you’re getting better but no way I’m leaving in the next few days.” Y/n raised her brow as she placed back the thermometer in its place.
“I was not going to say anything about that.” Emily chuckled softly. “Just…thank you.” She smiled softly as she sat on her bed.
Y/n nodded softly. “You welcome.” She smiled as she looked at Emily. “So…I ordered some groceries for tomorrow, we’ll have our own Christmas celebration.”
Emily’s heart stopped for a moment, her eyes widening. “Oh my…tomorrow is Christmas! Y/n, you shouldn’t be here. I’m sure you have-“
“Ah, stop.” Y/n grinned softly. “I have nothing to do, and I wouldn’t want to spend my Christmas any differently. What better way to celebrate it than with a sick Emily Prentiss? Such a great gift.” She chuckled softly as she grabbed the tray and placed it on Emily’s legs.
Emily’s heart swelled as she stared at y/n, a small smile on her face. “If you say so.”
“I do say so.” Y/n smiled softly. “Eat that, I’ll bring your medication.”
Emily watched her leave and her smile widened even more. All these years, she had been taking care of herself, not letting anyone in because she knew how that’d end up. She had never liked to be taken care of, but she loved to make sure that her loved ones were always good taken care of. So now, y/n doing all of this…it made her realize that maybe, just maybe…she did feel the same way.
Emily groaned softly as she stretched, slowly opening her eyes to the sound of a groan and then a small whisper. As she looked up, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, she furrowed her brows as she noticed y/n moving a small table and placing it in the middle of the door. She tilted her head in curiosity as a small, silly smile spread across her face. “What are you doing?”
Y/n looked up at Emily and smiled, her cheeks turning slightly red. “Oh uh…moving a table?”
“And…leaving it right in the middle of the door?” Emily raised her brow.
“Okay don’t laugh but…I thought this could be a way for us to have Christmas lunch together.”
Emily’s face softened as she stared at her, her cheeks turning red and not for the fever. She grinned softly. “Charming.”
“I tend to be.” Y/n grinned softly. “Grab your chair and I’ll bring the food.”
Emily smiled softly and did just as she was told, grabbing the chair that was just might the closet and sitting down in front of the table. She smiled softly as y/n came back with a chair for herself and started brought Emily her plate already with food and her drink. They ate together and right after they talked about everything but work, laughing as they told old stories about themselves and even some stories with the team. Y/n was fascinated just listening to Emily talk, loving that she had chosen the idea of spending Christmas with her, and that Emily had allowed her to take care of her. As for Emily, even if she was tired, she was enjoying every moment she was spending with y/n. As she watched her talk, she kept wondering in her mind if she was right or she was wrong about her suspicions, smiling softly without even noticing.
Y/n furrowed her brows and tilted her head as she stared at Emily. “What?” She hugged a chuckle.
“What?” Emily snapped out of her trance. “Oh! No, nothing. I’m sorry.”
Y/n chuckled. “You should get back to bed and sleep, I’ll clean up and wake you up for your pills.”
“Wait!” Emily coughed, grabbing her glass of water, and taking a deep breath afterwards. “I uh…have a question.”
Emily took a deep breath, feeling her body still pretty much aching and getting all warm. “Why are you doing this?”
Y/n furrowed her brows again. “I…because I didn’t want you to be alone, Em.”
“Is that the only reason?” Emily raised her brow, a small smile on her face.
Y/n tilted her head as she smiled shyly, looking down at her glass. “Well…I don’t wanna get fired after what I have to say.”
“Which is?”
“You’re a profiler, Em. Isn’t it obvious?” Y/n blushed slightly as she looked back at her. “I…care a lot about you. Which means…that I like you…a lot.” She whispered softly as she nibbled on her lip.
Emily smiled softly as she nodded, tilting her head. “And you’re also a profiler, y/n. Isn’t it obvious?”
Y/n’s eyes widened slightly as she stared at Emily. “Wait…are you serious?”
“If I wasn’t sick and this table wasn’t in the middle of us, I’d be kissing you right now.” Emily smirked softly.
Y/n’s lips parted slightly as she stared at Emily, a soft smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Is the fever making you talk?”
Emily laughed softly, coughing afterwards, and placing her hand on her chest. “No, no…I’m…I’m serious.” She smiled.
“We’re gonna check back once you’re not sick.” Y/n grinned. “But for now…this could be considered our first date.”
“And I’d like to take you in a second date…next year.” Emily joking as she grinned.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “You’re so funny, Prentiss. But I accept.” She smiled softly.
Emily laughed softly as she nodded, feeling her heart beating faster as y/n kept staring at her with that beautiful smile on her face. After all, there was something good out of this pandemic.
It wasn’t new that y/n saw Emily drowning in work, not after all the changed that the BAU had over the years. Having JJ back had at least eased things, but Rossi losing his wife, not having Penelope around, a whole new case that fell into their lap, Bailey not helping at all, Emily was losing her mind. But once she had most of her team back, including Penelope, things didn’t seem to be so bad…until they were, again. Y/n always had her eyes on Emily, the entire time, they both had promised that their relationship wouldn’t interfere with work, it wouldn’t change the way they worked, and it also wouldn’t stop them, meaning that things would stay just like they were before. Of course, the team was now aware of their relationship, and they were happy that at least, there was something to look forward to -Penelope joking that she was already planning the wedding…they believed she was joking-.
But once the whole ‘Gold Star’ started, y/n noticed how Emily just kept getting home late, trying to drown herself in work and compensate for what had happened. She had tried her best to be there for her and let Emily know that it had not been her fault, and that she had done what she and the team had thought was right. Emily tried to hide everything that she was feeling to not let y/n and the team figure out that she was having a hard time, but y/n knew better, she could now see through Emily, but she also knew not to push her. Even if it killed her to know that Emily was having a hard time.
“Hey, so where’s Emily? Thought she’d be here.” JJ snapped y/n out of her trance, making her look up at her while JJ offered a small smile.
“Oh…she had uh…she had something to do.” Y/n tried her best to smile but they knew better.
“Work, huh? She feels…guilty about Bailey?” Tara asked as she turned to look at y/n.
Y/n sighed softly as she nodded. “I don’t know what to do.”
“We know Emily. There’s not much we can do if she doesn’t want to talk.” Tara said softly as she placed her hand on y/n’s shoulder.
“But I’m her girlfriend. I mean…I should at least…I don’t know. Try harder?” Y/n shrugged. “I just want Emily to know that I’m here…”
JJ sighed softly. “Well, I’m sure she knows, she’s just…trying to deal with her stuff.”
Y/n nodded softly as she looked back at JJ, smiling softly. She felt her phone vibrating and got it out of her pocket, furrowing her brows as she saw Emily’s text. Soon enough she was saying goodbye to everyone and then heading back to the office. It felt a little weird to be here so late, the whole office was silent and almost dark, Emily’s office was the only one that had its light on. Y/n took a deep breath as she noticed Emily walking around her office and then stopping by the window. She wanted to support her in every possible way, but she was also afraid that Emily was overworking herself and that didn’t sit right with her. She slowly walked to Emily’s office and leaned against the doorframe, trying her best to smile as Emily turned to look at her.
“Hey you.” Y/n smiled softly.
Emily offered a smile in return. “I’m sorry I made you leave Penelope’s birthday.”
“I was going to anyway.” Y/n shrugged. “What’s going on?”
Emily sighed softly. “We need to talk.”
Y/n felt her heart drop for a moment as she stared at Emily. She could only nod, not trusting her voice as she felt her body slightly trembling as she waited for Emily to say anything at all, but instead, she walked to y/n, grabbed her hand, and kissed it softly, offering a smile as she pulled y/n with her. Soon enough, they were on the ceiling, Emily had sat down and had pulled out a box of cigarettes, catching y/n off guard for a moment, but also keeping in mind how incredibly hot it was to see her smoke. Seriously, y/n…not the time. She crossed her arms and listened to everything Emily had to say, and again, she felt helpless as she listened to Emily, wanting nothing more than to be able to fix all this with a snap of her finger and be able to take Emily anywhere so she could relax.
“Well, you’ve been doing your homework.” Y/n teased as she walked closer to Emily and grabbed the cigarette putting it in her mouth before she returned it to Emily.
Emily scoffed. “Well…we need to get to the end of this.”
Y/n nodded, sighing softly, and looked away for a moment. “So…you think he’s government trained or something?”
“He’s definitely too proficient to be self-taught.”
“And that’s why they’re keeping it a secret.” Y/n tilted her head as she looked back at Emily. “I know that you’ve been overprotective after what happened…but we need to let the team know about this. You know that working together, we’ll get it done.”
Emily sighed softly as she nodded. “I know.” She nibbled on her lip for a moment as she looked at y/n. “Baby…I need you to promise me that whatever we do here, I need you to be safe. We see what he does…what has happened so far. I cannot…” her voice cracked for a moment, looking down at the floor as she put back the cigarette in her mouth.
Y/n sighed softly as she walked to Emily, positioning herself in between her legs and placing her hands on her cheeks, tilting her head up so their eyes locked. “I will promise you that if you promise me the same.” She smiled softly. “Em, I need you to take a break too. You’ve barely been home, you’ve barely been sleeping. I will make the promise if you promise me you’ll also take care of yourself.”
Emily took a deep breath, moving her free hand to y/n’s hips, offering a small smile. “Alright. I will.”
Y/n smiled softly as she leaned down to kiss Emily’s forehead. “You’re stubborn, Prentiss. If I don’t take care of you, you won’t.”
“That’s why I have you. Couldn’t have it any other way.” Emily chuckled softly, leaning up slightly to kiss her lips while she put out the cigarette.
Y/n smiled against her lips. “I know I should be forbidding you from smoking but…did you know you look extremely hot smoking?”
Emily chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “No but thank you.” She grinned.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and then leaned down to kiss her lips again. “Let’s go call Garcia.”
Y/n could only stare at Emily while everyone else talking, giving their thoughts about the video they had just watched. she couldn’t really concentrate on what they were even talking about, part of her was trying to comprehend everything, work with them, say anything at all, but her mind was entirely focused on Emily. The moment Rossi and Emily had walked into the office, she could tell that there was something wrong with Emily; the way she stared at them, the way she talked, her eyes seemed…lost. She tried to keep up with everything, every now and then feeling JJ’s eyes on her, even Tara’s, but her eyes were only focused on Emily.
“Em?” Y/n asked softly as they all left the room, walking to Emily and taking her hand. “Are you alright?”
Emily looked back at her and furrowed her brows. “Yes. Why are you asking?”
Y/n tilted her head slightly as she raised her brow. “That was not nothing. What you and Rossi saw…and you…you don’t look okay.”
Emily shrugged. “It’s part of the job, isn’t it?”
Y/n sighed softly. “Emily, I-“
“Right now, we need to focus on this case. We might have something important here. I know I promised, but we also promised we wouldn’t change the way we work here. Right now, we’re at work, and we need to focus on that.” Emily said softly but firmly, not wanting to sound rude or harsh, but the way she looked at y/n, with stress and frustration, made y/n’s insides turn.
Y/n nodded softly as she let go of Emily’s hand. “Right.”
Emily only nodded before she left, leaving y/n standing there, not knowing what to do or say. She knew working together wouldn’t be the easiest thing ever, but she couldn’t help it, and Emily couldn’t blame her for worrying. Y/n had stayed behind with JJ at the office, she had tried to brush it off and focus on their main task. But again, once they came back, y/n noticed it again, she noticed the way Emily rubbed her temple and went straight to her office. She didn’t say anything, she stayed with JJ as she let Emily have a minute. She was right, they had made it clear things wouldn’t change, and so far, it had worked out, and she was not about to stress Emily more.
Y/n closed the door behind her and sighed softly as she locked it, standing there staring at it as she took a deep breath before she turned to walk to their room. Emily was already sitting on the bed, taking off her shoes. Y/n said nothing, walking to the bed and also sitting down and doing the same as Emily. Silence surrounded them for a moment for a while, y/n knew it was stupid that Emily’s words had hit her the way they did, but she couldn’t help it, she knew that if it was the other way around, Emily wouldn’t drop it until y/n accepted that Emily was right, but in this case, which was not even an option.
But then she heard a soft groan coming from Emily, and as she turned, she noticed Emily’s head in her hands, and y/n was back to feeling worried. She stood up slowly and walked around the bed, kneeling right in front of Emily, and positioning herself in between her legs, her hands on top of Emily’s as she leaned her head against Emily’s.
“Em…” Y/n whispered softly.
“I’m exhausted.” Emily breathed out, her voice cracking slightly. “I don’t know what’s going on, nothing seems right, everything seems to be against us, to be against me. It’s like they want me to resign so badly, they want…they want the BAU to disappear. I don’t know what they want from me, I cannot just drop this, not after everything we’ve been through.” She said quietly as she felt her eyes getting teary, not being able to look up at y/n. “They’re making us get involved with a fucking serial killer. What has gotten into their minds?! What are they hiding?!”
Y/n wrapped her arms around her, only being able to hold Emily tightly as she started sobbing. Emily knew that she was overworking herself, that she was doing too much, she was obsessing too much, but there was no chance to back down, she couldn’t just let it happen, she couldn’t let them win. But she felt so…heavy. Everything hurt, her head felt like exploding, her chest felt heavy, she had felt the usual anxiety creep in her body, she felt worse than she had years ago. She sobbed quietly as she felt y/n tightening her embrace, Emily suddenly wrapping her arms around y/n’s neck, feeling bad for the weird position they were in, but needing y/n to hold her so badly, she’d worry about the position later.
“I can’t just drop this.” Emily whispered as she buried her face on y/n’s neck, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I know. And we won’t drop it. I’ll be by your side.” Y/n whispered softly.
“I’m sorry I’m so stubborn…”
Y/n shook her head, smiling softly as she turned to kiss the side of her head. “But you’re mine. You can be as stubborn as you want.”
Emily chuckled softly as she pulled away, looking into y/n’s eyes. “I’m sorry that I’ve been drowning myself in this case.”
Y/n sighed softly. “I don’t blame you, Emily.” She rubbed Emily’s back softly as she leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I just don’t want you falling sick for so much stress. I don’t want you to get stuck in this to the point where you can’t notice that you’re putting everything and you’re putting yourself in danger.” She said softly as she looked into Emily’s eyes. “I’m just worried about you.”
Emily nodded as she let out a shaky breath. “I know. I won’t keep anything else from you, I promise. And…I’ll come to you when it’s too much.”
Y/n nodded as she smiled. “Em…baby, look at me.” She ran her fingers through her hair as Emily locked her eyes on hers. “I’m here for you, no matter what. The good and the bad, you’re not a burden to me, okay? I love you. And you’re not alone.”
Emily’s eyes filled with tears as her face softened, her body slightly trembling as she finally gave up and let tiredness take over her. She took a deep shaky breath, nodding her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Y/n rapidly wrapped her into another tight hug, letting Emily bury her face on her neck and sob as much as she needed. They stayed like that for a while, y/n rubbing her back and whispering sweet nothings while Emily cried. It was becoming too much, and Emily knew this wasn’t even the half of it and there was so much more to come, but for now, for now she had y/n, she was present in this moment. Y/n gave her the space to break and make her feel like she deserved to have this sort of moment even if they still made her feel weak, but she knew her lover would never judge her, not like she had been judged before. After a moment, she finally felt like she had gotten everything out, slowly moving back but resting her forehead against y/n’s, not wanting to be away.
“Thank you…” Emily whispered softly.
“Why are you thanking me?”
“Because you always take care of me even if you don’t have to.” Emily smiled through her tears.
Y/n smiled softly pulling away just enough to wipe her tears and stroke her cheek. “And I’ll be here to do it over and over again. If I risked my life with COVID, why not now?” She grinned a little.
Emily rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, it kept you in my apartment for a whole month. Not my fault you were so eager to kiss me.” She teased back.
Y/n gasped softly. “In my defense, you were supposed to be out of risk, and also, I couldn’t help it when I had you right in front of me. We had become girlfriends, and I hadn’t even kissed you yet.”
“That’s true.” Emily chuckled softly as she leaned in and kissed her forehead. “And I got to take care of you.”
Y/n nodded. “We’ve got each other’s back. You take care of me, and I take care of you.” She smiled softly.
Emily smiled and nodded softly. “Yes.” She rested her forehead against y/n’s once again. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Y/n smiled softly and sighed softly as she closed her eyes for a moment. After a while, she moved to kiss Emily’s nose and offer another smile. “C’mon, let’s take a bath together. I’ll bring some wine and snacks.”
Emily smiled softly and nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
Y/n nodded before she got up, but as she was about to leave, Emily pulled her back to her, making her turn back to Emily who was now standing. “Yes?”
Emily smiled softly as she shook her head. “Nothing.” She placed her hand on y/n’s neck and brought their lips together into a tender kiss. “I love you.” She whispered softly against her lips.
Y/n giggled. “I love you too.” She whispered back and kissed her lips one more time before she walked out of the room.
Emily knew there was still a very long way, she had no idea what they were getting into, a lot of stress was coming their way, but she knew that as soon as she walked into their house, she’d be able to leave that stress behind at least for a while. This little bubble they had created for themselves was everything to Emily, and what got her to keep going. And that was all she needed.
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buckyarchives · 1 year
Metal Arms and Short Skirts | Bucky Barnes [2.]
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summary: waltzing in as the new head of the Avenger's medical division, impressing everyone, and... scaring Bucky with your incredibly short skirts. while bucky's having a hard time looking at his arm as anything other than a deadly weapon, you're more than happy to help him.
words: 4.3K
warnings; creepy men (+bucky fending them off) slight body dysphoria on buckys end
author note : HI I KNOW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UP LIKE & DAYS AGO... aib came out and ive been hyperfixaed on that and my brother got frostbite so wump wump was at the hospital on chrimis. i have mixed feelings on this chapter, but i hope you enjoy. and im still taking request.
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Bucky wasn't going to pretend to be completely oblivious and say he wasn't finding every and any excuse to visit you. Whether it be a tear in his muscle or the sound of the metal whizzing sounding off, something bucky would have ignored with absolutely no thought. Bucky maintained a comfortable distance between you two, physically and emotionally, staying at arm's length. But something about today seemed to be different. 
Bucky shifted nervously in his seat, he watched your stride around your lab. You finally got your own area after 2 weeks of staying at the compound. It almost put Tony's lab to shame, it was huge and decked out with technology far too advanced for bucky to even understand. 
Today, You wore a black bustier that seemed to shape your form, thick and sturdy paneling sewn into the shirt, if that is what you can even call it. The neck hung low, low enough to leave very little to the imagination. Bucky practically had to tear his eyes away from your neckline when he first walked into the lab.
Bucky's excuse today was a deep cut on the side of Bucky's flesh bicep. Coming back from a quick and easy mission, but Clint needed to watch his arrows since one slit past bucky’s arm on the way to the actual enemy behind him. Bucky had a sneaky guess it was on purpose. 
You gathered the plaster and made your way back to bucky, footsteps echoing as you walked. A sigh escaped your lips, but bucky only caught a small smile. “You know, bucky. You can't come in here every time you have a small cut.”
“Isn't that what you're being paid for?” bucky snarked back, watching your hands as they gently grabbed at his lower arm. Your touch was always so delicate, like you were going to break him rather than heal. 
“Ha, ha.” you mocked. “I could have been making some ground-breaking discovery or invention before you walked in.”
Bucky's eyebrow quirked up eagerly. “Were you?”
A closed-mouthed hum escaped your lips. Your all too perfect pedicured hand wrapped the white bandage around bucky's arm, he was just watching your face as you worked. Couldn’t– wouldn't tear his eyes away. 
“Not really, just researching some stuff about scarring and skin stuff,” you spoke, dumbing it down for bucky. 
During bucky's visit, he’d always ask about everything, trying to catch up with the technology of the 21st century, or maybe just to hear your voice. He didn't understand half the things you spoke about, though he never mentioned it, but you figured it out soon enough and started to simplify it the best you could.
“Helen has some idea about how to better rid of scars.” your hand smoothed against his bicep as you finished, and your touch sent a good burn through him. Giving him a warm smile like you always did when you finished.
Bucky's eyes glanced down to his left shoulder for a moment, the ugly scarring that single-handedly destroyed most of his bodily confidence. The permanent mark of what Hydra did to him as they chopped it off and made him part machine. Bucky scoffed to cover up the obvious self-depreciation in his voice, “need a test subject?”
You flinched at his words, surprised, being taken aback by his response. Only then when you looked him up and down, settling on his clothes shoulder, your face fell and a sympathetic look flashed. It was covered by his tanktop but you knew what was under there, you'd seen the photos, you'd seen him. 
You sat back down on your little rolly stool. “I'm surprised you’d suggest that, based on your history, I'd expect you to not be so keen on being poked and prodded.”
Memories flashed Hydra's methods at tearing his humanity, mind, and body apart, all those experiments. But they quickly subdued, how could bucky think of something so cruel when you stat right in front of him, which in bucky's opinion, is perfection. 
“I think I'd be okay with it if it was you.” bucky said quietly, honestly– a confession even. 
A fond smile rose to your face, one you quickly bit back. Narrow eyes met him when you tilted your head slightly, shying away. “Good to know you trust me.”
“But–” you sighed, “I'm going to have to decline, Bucky. For now, you'll have to live with what your shoulder looks like. Sorry.”
Bucky dramatically groaned, trying to mask the obvious pain and disappointment he actually felt. “You're killing me, doll.”
Your ears warmed at the nickname. Averting your eyes for a moment from shyness. You knew bucky despised the scarring that painted his left shoulder, the one that connected the man to metal. You could only lend him some comfort in the situation, no amount of medical technology right now could completely ease his worries.
His head perked up, a hum escaped his lips as he put all his attention on you.
“You wanna see something really cool?” you smirked.
Bucky noticed the slight smirk tugging at your lips, he could only react by biting back a smile of his own. “Sure, doll.”
You leaned down to the hem of your right pant leg, slowly hiking up the baggy jeans that hung low on your waist. Slowly revealing a large and messy scar on your kneecap, nothing as bad as bucky's many scars that littered his body. But something definitely bad happened for you to have that, even fully healed now.
“When I was a kid, I used to skate a lot.” you started, bucky's eyes bouched back up to your face. “I got on a gravel road and fell down and my knee landed right on a huge sharp rock and just logged itself right into my knee.”
You laughed looking back on the memory. “Hurt like hell for 14-year-old me and I had to get so many stitched, it was the worst.” a cheeky smile grew as you spoke through a laugh. “Especially for my dream of becoming a knee model.”
Bucky laughed with you as you dropped your pant leg, sitting back up to look at bucky. Bucky didn't say anything and hung his head low when a silence grew in the lab, only the sound of lab tech whizzing in the background. Bucky mostly just wanted to bask at this moment with you, letting himself enjoy the light-hearted nature of your conversations. The way you and he feel warm inside, lighter than ever.
You smacked your lips as you rose from your seat. Bucky's eyes begrudgingly followed you, “you have to learn to love every part of yourself, despite the bad memories. Because it makes you…”
Stopping in your place, turning to him as your eyes traveled up and down his body, the gesture weirdly didn’t make bucky cringe and crawl into himself the way most gazes did. 
“... you.” you smiled again and bucky felt dizzy. “And I think you're pretty cool.”
You turned away to continue whatever you were doing. Bucky muttered your statement under his breath, loud enough for him to hear it again but quiet enough so you wouldn't.
Bucky rose from his place on the workbench, after many visits he practically claimed this spot. As it sat right in the middle of your lab. Despite everything inside of him wanting to stay near you and soak up your presence. He headed for the door.
“Thanks, doc,” Bucky called out.
“Anytime, bucky. I'll be here when you come in with another excuse to see me,” you spoke coyly. Bucky's eyes widened and warmth crept up to his face. 
He sputters for words to save his pride, stumbling over his poor excuse of an explanation. “Maybe I just wanna see your cool outfits.” bucky's face scrunched up, cringing at his own pathetic words. He wondered what the 40s version of himself would say now, probably something sly and confident that’d knock you off your feet.
“Whatever you say, Mr. Barnes.”
“Bucky.” he corrected, again. But maybe it was just an excuse to linger longer at your door.
You smiled at him and repeated, “bucky.”
“You're going on a date with her.” 
Bucky's eyes widened, his head snapping towards Natasha. “I’m what?”
A frustrated groan leaves Natasha's lips as she shifts in her uncomfy office seat. Half of the Avengers team sat in an office going over a mission coming up, but - like most things - it turned into them talking about anything but that, and successfully annoying the hell out of Steve. 
“I set you up on a date with her.” Natasha spoke, referring to you. “I cannot keep watching you get beat up during missions just so you can see her, so you're going on a date.”
Bucky was dumbfounded, to say the least, lost for words as he stared at the woman in front of him. “Why would I go on a date with her?”
Over the past week or two, Bucky began to deny his fondness towards you when you interrupted a meeting to talk to Tony, or popped into the common rooms to talk about new tech, or how you practically strutted through the compound like you own the place. 
or when you slowly build up bucky’s confidence without either or you realizing it. 
Always in short skirts, or colorful and dramatic tops, and in heels or boots that echo loudly throughout the halls. Bucky denies the way his eyes drag along your figure, always lingering on your face longer than he needs to, the way if you look close enough, Bucky's eyes light up a little when you enter the room. Bucky denies it, but he can't fake it.
And Natasha clocked that quickly. 
“the way you look at her tells me you want to,” Natasha spoke coyly. She always read bucky better than anyone else in the room— similar background and all. a defeated groan comes from bucky in return, followed by a slightly pouted lip. Natasha gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder
A scoff was heard from the other side of the table. “Is the cyborg cable of feelings?” Tony snarked, his head down looking at a sheet of paper. Chewing slightly at a pen. 
“Ha. ha. Very funny.” Bucky mocked. “How do you even know she wants to go on a date with me? I can’t imagine she agreed to this?”
self-consciousness slowly crept up bucky's spine, he can’t face rejection if he denies, denies, and denies.
Natasha went to speak but Tony Stark does what he does best and interrupts her. With a hefty laugh coming up from his chest, he dropped the pen and papers down on the table. Leaning forward to face bucky. “Are you kidding me? You’re like a wet dream to her, always injured and part robot. Hits all of her boxes''
“I'm surprised she hasn’t mounted yo-”
“Okay Tony, I think that's enough talking.” Steve interrupted before he could finish his sentence. Tony’s comment earned a choked laugh from both Natasha and Sam.
“Anyways.” Natasha continued. “I know because she already agreed to it. Everything is already set up.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, hoping his hair covers his growing red ears. Steve spoke up, “Just give it a chance buck. You might enjoy it.” oh steve, hopeful as ever.
“I’m sure you'll enjoy it, it’s very much your style,” Natasha spoke, her infamous smirk growing on her face. 
“That scares me.” 
Turns out Natasha was right, it is very much Bucky's style. Natasha had planned (with the help of Steve, because of-fucking-course) a date at a fancy, old-style diner, and every Saturday night they clear the floor and play some old music for some swing dancing. Just bucky’s style, he knows this was Steve’s idea. more than sure after years of watching plenty of girls swoon over Bucky with just one twirl and one short dance, Steve would think this is right up his alley. And it was.
Now Bucky stands outside a busy and bustling diner, upbeat 40s music echoing to the streets. Flowers in hand and a nice black collared shirt under a vintage jacket (it was from the museum and Steve name-dropped at least 12 times to get it back), waiting patiently for you to arrive. Bucky fiddled with his hands a little, his eyes kept darting to his watch— is he too early? When are you arriving? Bucky’s now convinced you wouldn’t show up. Because who would honestly want to go on a date with h–
“James!” a cheery voice broke through his very self-deprecating thoughts. Bucky turned around and swore his heart stopped beating, just for it to speed up even faster when his sights landed on you.
You wore the same boots that caught Wanda's eyes in the common room that quiet day. His eyes followed up your legs, past your thighs as he saw the dress you wore. It was stripped and sparkly, bucky would see the shine from down the street. It felt like you wore the entire rainbow and more as every stripe was painted differently. It was sleeveless and high-necked. And of course, very short.
An excited smile greeted him as you waved your hand. Your pace sped up as Bucky met you, he wondered how you didn't trip in those high heels constantly.
 “Hi,” Bucky said, wanting to hit himself for how awkward he sounded. 
“Sorry for being late, I didn't mean to make you wait.” you stood before him, and he noticed your makeup. You painted your lips with a darker shade than usual and you had little shiny gems glued around your eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it, I just got here too,” Bucky spoke softly, bringing the flowers up to you. “For you.”
Your eyes instantly lit up at the sight, taking the bouquet from him “thank you! you didn't need to get these for me, James.”
 Bucky's heart fluttered slightly at the name, it was rare for people to use his first name nowadays. You brought the flowers to your nose, smelling them with a blissful look on your face. Laughing to yourself.
“What's so funny?” the super-soldier asked.
“Oh no, it’s nothing.” you looked back down at the flower. “I don’t think anyone has ever gotten me flowers before.”
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, “really?”
“Mhmm.” you rocked back and forth on your heels, “thank you for being the first.”
You smiled warmly up at Bucky as you did so often, but the aura of everything made it so much more this time.
“Let's head in?” Bucky cocked his head towards the diner. 
Nodding, “yes, please.” you threaded along, catching Bucky off guard when you swiftly grabbed ahold of his hand. Your fingers wrapped around his flesh hand, the warmth made Bucky feel funny in his stomach. Yeah, Bucky might have a crush on you.
You lead him into the diner, confident in your walk like usual. Your eyes spotted an empty seat and the both of you settled yourselves in a booth. You make quick eye contact and Bucky's mouth gaped like he's going to say something but is stopped when the waiter comes up. The waiter looks like she blends in with the scenery, with pinned-up hair and a bright red lip. She asks for your order and you both get water, and a milkshake. 
“I can imagine why Natasha picked this place out of everything,” you say, eyes off into the distance, Bucky follows your gaze and sees the dance floor of people together with large smiles. “Though, I don't know how to dance.”
Bucky's lip quirks up slightly, “I can teach you.”
“Perfect, let’s go then.” your smile widely, and your already getting up, standing next to bucky's seat and holding a hand out. Bucky’s surprised by your sudden willingness but despite the nervousness in his stomach - he takes your hand. 
Bucky may have been nervous standing outside the diner. May have been nervous as he greeted and met you outside. May have been nervous as you led him inside and watched you from across the table. But once he stepped out onto the swing floor, the soft sound of 40s music playing in the background. The sweet-talking James Buchanan – that seemed to flirt with every girl that met him – came back from the dead, and he had his arm around your waist in no time.
You noticed the sudden confidence and glint in his eyes suddenly, reaching up to grab his neck. Bucky held you at your waist, then he noticed the gold chain hung around your hips. His fingers grazed over them for a moment before they rested at the smallest part of your waist.
Your wide eyes met his and bucky swore for a moment, he couldn't breathe. “How was the mission?”
A groan escaped Bucky's mouth, playfully he rolled his eyes. Trying to sound annoyed, but his smile said otherwise. “Oh god, I don't wanna talk about work.”
Bucky’s hands stayed planted on your waist. You smiled as you continued to sway together along to the soft jazz in the background. You tugged nervously at your lip, “you know, I was getting worried when I heard you guys weren’t getting back on time.”
“You worry about me?” Bucky was stunned, an unfamiliar warmth shot through him as you averted your gaze. He took one hand to pull at your chin, so you were looking at him. Your mouth gaped open for a moment and your brain studdered before you just shrugged in response, a slight nod.
The familiar sound of the music speeding up, the upbeat sound of Harry James filled Bucky’s ears and for a moment Bucky was in the 40s again with a girl in his arms ready to be shipped out to war. A sentimental smile grew on his face.
“You ready to learn how to dance.” Bucky beamed down at you and before you could even respond, Bucky pushed your body away from him abruptly. Just to grab your hand before you could fall, twirling you around and back close to his chest. 
It all happened so fast and you yelped once your back hit his chest. His arm wrapped across your body and held your hand. You breathed and smiled widely. “I might step on your toes.
“I can handle it, doll.”
A few songs later and a couple of toes crushed, followed by a slew of apologies from you. You and Bucky ended up breathing heavily and slightly sweaty from dancing. Bucky swung you around like you weighed nothing - which to him - you probably did. Lots of music ranging from the 40s to 60s played throughout the diner, to which Bucky snarks at the fact he didn’t recognize the songs, always followed by light laughter.
The dancing came to a slow, but you two remained on the floor still. It was getting late and you hadn’t even eaten yet and most couples and groups of friends had gone back to their seats. You swayed comfortably in Bucky's arms still, your head laid on his chest listening to the soft beat of his heartbeat. 
Bucky Barnes is a more than qualified trained assassin with heightened senses. He's very aware of his surroundings at all times, so when he notices the man peering at your thighs and ass, his eyes narrow toward the man. A glimpse of the winter soldier showed, but the creep didn't seem to pay any attention to Bucky's gaze.
Every so politely, Bucky attempted to tug at your dress without it seeming like he was trying to grope you. Also, swiftly and smoothly twirling you around so the man's gaze would be fixed on bucky's broad shoulders. Effectively protecting you from perverted stares as his body towards over you.
You noticed the way Bucky's body stiffened when he spun you, looking up at him once again. “You okay?”
Bucky nodded and gave you a reassuring squeeze around your waist. “Let’s head back? I'm hungry.”
You agreed quickly and grabbed Bucky's hand, pulling him off the dance floor and guiding him back to the table where your two drinks sat warm now. You slid into the booth with a large exhale, sitting across from Bucky. The waiter decked out in 40s apparel and took your orders, your food coming in no time. It was a poor excuse for dinner per se, only ordering fries and cheese curds to simply snack on. 
“You make a good dance partner.” Bucky mutters, mouth muffled with fries. 
Buckys recoils in embarrassment and covers his mouth, face tinted red from dancing. He swallows and lowers his hand. “sorry.”
“Thank you.” you sigh, pushing your food away from you. “You did most of the work, but I'd like to keep practicing.”
Bucky stopped, and looked at you as you stared intently into him. Bucky flustered mix. 
“Are you gonna keep blushing or accept my offer on a second date.” you shoot back and Bucky feels the air leave his lungs. His ears are definitely burning red.
“I'm not bushing? What are you talking about? This is me worn out from all the dancing.`` Bucky plays dumb, throwing a fry into the basket between the two of you. Slowly pulling out his billfold from his jeans.
Your eyes roll dramatically, as a scoff escapes your lips. “Yeah, okay. Super soldier.” 
Bucky narrows his eye’s toward you, a grin plastered on his face. “I'd love to go on a second date.”
You bite back a grin. “Ready?” you asked, bucky puts down the money to pay and nodded. Bucky gives you a boyish smile that you'd only recognized from old war photos. It warms you to the core, leaving you flustered. He grabs at your hand as you let him drag you out of the diner, a secure arm around your waist.
The light breeze of new york hit both of you, your hands instantly going up to your arms to warm yourself. Bucky notices all too quickly and instantly wraps his jacket around you. 
“Oh, thank you. Are you cold?” you ask, seemingly genuinely worried.
“Doll.” he stares down at you, and bucky speaks like the answer is obvious, which– it kinda is. “I hiked through Siberia in less.” 
“Whatever.” you scoff and roll your eyes, tugging the jacket closer around your body. the corners of your mouth slowly creeping up.
The faint scent of bucky comes off of it, sandalwood and pine mostly. You're used to the smell when he's not coming into your lab sweaty or bloody from missions and workouts. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, filtered out by the busy city around you.
“So… I’ll see you tomorrow?” you speak awkwardly, unsure of where to go from here.
“Yep, tomorrow.” Bucky strings on the word, are also awkward. 
You could cut the tension with a knife.
“Or…” your voice raises a few octaves as you turn on your heels to face him, barely a foot between the two of you.  
Bucky's eyebrow quirks up, “Or?” 
“Or you could come back to my very, very nice and cozy apartment that isn't full of agents and superhumans.”
You flashed your best and greatest grin toward Bucky, and the way you were looking at him made Bucky want to crumble beneath his knees. You shouldn't have this effect on him, his heart tugged towards you in a weird, mysterious way that Bucky wasn't familiar with yet. He wasn't going to lie and say it didn’t stress him out a tiny bit.
Bucky let out a heavy, pained exhale and stepped a little closer to you. “Not tonight, doll. sorry.”
“It's okay.” your face dropped slightly, but then you looked up at him and a flash of something came across your feature and soon a smirk was replaced. “Then let me have this.”
Bucky was cut off by your warm hands cupping his face and lips as he received the most gentle kiss he's ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Initial shock ran through his body at the suddenness, and just as he accepted the feeling and went to melt into the kiss— you pulled away. Bucky felt so cold without you against him, he hated feeling cold.
“Wait, no.” he eagerly grabbed your face to pull you back in. Bucky didn't care if he sounded needy, because he did need this. noticing a glimpse of your more than satisfied grin before he shut his eyes and let himself feel your touch.
It was like you were meant for bucky, the perfect puzzle piece as your lips molded against each other. Slow and passionate, his hand ghosted above your waist before he pulled you full against his body. If it wasn't for your wedged heels, Bucky wasn't sure if you'd even reach his lips with the way you stood on your toes. 
Pulling away, Bucky felt dizzy, like he was drunk off of you. He swears he saw stars in your eyes, the street lights reflecting off your irises. Soft laughter came from you, you bowed your head as bucky stared at you. Practically mesmerized. 
To you, Bucky looked like he was in some sort of shock. Which wouldn’t be too far from the truth, which scared you slightly.
“Everything okay? Did I do something wrong?” you asked innocently, a pang of worry laced your tone.
Bucky frantically shook his head, “no, no– god no. just not used to that.”
“I mean.” Bucky thought for a moment, collecting his mind. “Being kissed. I've always been the one to initiate.”
You smiled sweetly, seeing hints of a flustered, young boyish version of Bucky. One that he, and everyone else swore was long gone. You had always thought otherwise, and tonight proves you right.
“I hope it wasn’t too jarring for you.” you nervously chuckled. 
“It was perfect.”
tag list;@matchat3a @sebsgirl71479 @heavenswrld @ivywasmaroon
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Nurse Y/n
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Doctor Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Nurse Y/n Rating - Flirty Word Count - 1413
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I finished up work with a patient on the ward and I noticed Captain Gains arrived at the door, I tried not to let panic rise to my face given Fagin was upstairs in my room counting out the score from our last venture. But I did my best to merely act normal as he came through with his usual sit, cane and chipper smile.
"Mr Dawkins," he said,
"Doctor Dawkins," I corrected, 
"A quiet word?" 
"Trouble with the prostate?" I joked,
"If you could be so kind doctor," He glared,
"Yes course," I nodded, 
He led me to the stock room where he sat his book and pen, "Do sit down, doctor."
I sat down trying not to look sheepish, and the more I did the more I wondered if it was actually possible. Silence sat between us for a moment and I felt as If I wanted to break it, "What uhh... what is this concerning?" 
He didn't answer at first taking the time to fully extend his tongue from his mouth and lick the tip of his pen before he began his notes. "Nothing to worry about Doctor Dawkins, just a formality during our investigation," 
"What investigation?" I asked, 
"I am sure you have heard about these... dreadful atrocities in port victory." 
I relaxed a little, "Yes, of course. Been the talk of the town," I nodded, "Wretched, horrendous, accidents." 
"Apparently not." he said, "After much investigation, we have determined these... atrocities were not accidents,"
"Not- not accidents?" 
"No, we have determined in our investigation... that these were not accidents,"
"Ohh goodness..." 
"And we have determined they are likely the work... of a serial killer."
"oh... I see..." I nodded, "What... does that have to do with... our conversation today?"
"It is very obvious the body's damage was caused by someone with... medical knowledge." 
"Are you implying-"
"I am not implying anything doctor Dawkins," he said, "Merely asking questions,"
"Yes.. of course,"
"You wouldn't happen to have noticed any medical equipment going missing of late?"
"No, no, nothing of note."
"I see... you and Doctor Sneed are our two residents? there isn't another doctor lingering about?"
"No, Myself, Doctor Sneed and Prof. That's all," I explained,
"I see," He made a note, "Have you noticed any other changes in staff?"
"Ohh uhhh a couple of nurses retired last month and we brought in replacements,"
"Well, nothing to worry about there then. Would you be able to tell me where you were on the evening of the 17th?"
"Here." I answered, "Caring for my patients," I lied even though I was defiantly not here, I think on the 17th I was either down the cat and bagpipes stealing Darius' watch or possibly across town stealing Mrs Asterlynn's diamond necklace, 
"Yes... and various nurses and patients could collaborate on that,"
"Uhhh..." I scrambled, "Unfortunately the patients from then have all passed on," 
"Pity, your nurses then?" he asked, "I'm sure one of your nurses would be able to confirm your presence that evening," 
"Hetty, my head nurse would yes." I nodded hoping to god he wouldn't call my bluff because she was currently mad at me and I got the feeling she was at the right level of throwing me under the carriage mad, 
"I see... you're head nurse," He chuckled, "any others know you were here?"
"...ughhh... Yes." I lied, "The uhhh the new nurse." I said, as it suddenly hit me that the new nurse who works down in the morgue with Tim, the little one, always has pigtails, she had a day off on the 17th so she wouldn't know I wasn't here, "yes, the new nurse, she was at my side helping me all night, I was showing her the hospital and such," 
"I see, you don't mind I ask her of course. For the records." 
"...No, no of course not," I lied, 
"Good take me to her then," He said as he got up, 
I nodded and led him down the corridor trying to think of what the hell I was gonna do, why did I say that, why didn't I have a plan, what nurse could stand me enough not to get me hung, I couldn't ask hetty she's mad, and I already called her my head nurse so he's met her before... I saw the new nurse, the one who had the day so coming up from the morgue in her usual nurse's dress, with her hair in sweet pigtail braids, well I hope to god she plays along. "Nurse," I spoke up as I don't know her name yet...
She stopped and seemed puzzled as to why I was talking to her, "Yes Doctor Dawkins?"   
"Captain Gaines just wanted a word with you," I said, "About the 17th, when we were working... on the ward... together... all night..." 
She looked at Captain Gaines and then at me for a second seeming confused, "I'm sorry the 17th?"
"Yes, you know nurse when you and I were working on the ward together all night, and I showed you around, we cared for patients, did some paperwork..." I lied giving her a rather pleading look almost begging her to play along, 
"Oh, yes the 17th. of course." She nodded and I relaxed, "Yes of course what did you wish to ask me about Captain?" 
"You can confirm Doctor Dawkins was here in the hospital that night?"
She glanced at me and we shared a look, "Yes I can,"
"Yes Captain I swear on my life," she said putting her hand to her chest, "Doctor Dawkins was ever so kind to me, I only just started and he took the time that evening to give me a tour and run me through some procedures. Letting me shadow him for the evening,"
"And he didn't leave your sight all evening?"
"No Captain, we worked on the patients together until dawn," She smiled, 
"Yes we did, yes... never left my sight did you?" I asked,
"No, absolutely not," She smiled,
"And would there be other nurses that could confirm this?" He asked,
Ohh shit- "Ughhh well..."
"Well unfortunately," she said, "Most of our lovely nurses had already taken to bed given such a busy day, the few who were still working, I am sorry Captain but we were so busy popping around the hospital we don't recall any names of nurses still awake and I doubt they would remember us was given how short a time we were in one place," 
"Right," he made his notes,
Hum... damn she's good, I glanced over at her and she gave me an innocent little smile, 
"I see, it's interesting who you two were working all evening, together, and yet not a single other nurse or patient can confirm such information," 
"Well, admittedly a lot of our work was... down in the morgue." I lied,
"Yes, down in the morgue popping up for other business of course," she smiled,
"So you were alone, in the morgue together?" he asked,
"Yes..." I nodded,
"And what work were you doing, exactly? For the records?"
"I believe that is our business Captain," she smiled her hands slipping around my arm, 
I looked down at her a little confused about what she was doing but as she laid her head on my shoulder it clicked... oohhh... she's going that angle with it... smart. Certainly explains us being alone together. 
"I see. Thank you. Any other questions I'll be sure to ask," He nodded folding up his notebook and heading away, 
As soon as he was gone I let out a sigh, "Thank you, nurse,"
"You're welcome," she smiled, "Figured you were in a spot of bother," 
"Yeah think I was for a second..." I sighed, 
"What did he want?"
"I think... he thinks I have something to do with the deaths in town,"
"I see... do you?"
"No! Of course not!" I protested, "I was just out doing... other business,"
"Understandable then," she nodded,
"What about you?"
"You were gone then?"
"I was,"
"Do you... have anything to do with his?"
"Doctor Dawkins how are you insinuating such a thing," she faked protested, "No no, I had... other business too,"
"I see," I nodded, "You uhh you don't have to hold my arm anymore you know,"
"I know," she shrugged, "you're kinda comfy," 
"ohhh ughh thanks," I blushed a little, "you uhhh you're... kinda cute." 
"Thank you," she giggled, "Well if you need a cover story again, you know where to find me, Doctor Dawkins," she smiled as she tapped my arm and headed off down the hall,
"Ughh yeah, wait! Ughh what's your name again?"
"Y/n!" She yelled back before turning the corner, 
"Hu... Nurse Y/n," I smiled a little before I headed up to my room. 
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minihotdog · 8 months
Stay a Wee Longer
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Pairing: Soap x Medic!OC (Sergeant Lynn)
Summary: Soap ends up needing to be stitched up and is happy that the person doing it is so purdy
a/n: I actually like this fic ngl
c/w: poor understanding of medicine and the medical field, blood, wounds, mentions of dropping babies, saying too damn much while high off pain meds, a cutie patootie so cute it makes me wanna explode, too much smiling.
Word Count: 1k
You raced down the hallways of the small med bay alongside the medic you were turning over as he filled you in on the current influx of patients.
“We just got a wave of task force in the bay. You know what that means.” Reed sings at the end of his statement. 
“Trouble.” Your words are dry, already exhausted from imagining the day ahead. “Yes, ma’am!” He exclaims in agreement.
When the task force was back in town it meant everyone had their work cut out for them. All sorts of injuries would come through, many needing immediate care.
“Your first patient is Sergeant Mactavish. Ooooh, he’s cute.” Reed gasps, peaking at the patient chart before handing the clipboard to you. “You should really make a move.”
“What’s wrong with him?” You ignore his remark. 
Reed rolls his eyes at your attempt to deflect. 
“Laceration, Left pectoral muscle. Bleeding is minimal, large improvement from earlier.”
“Yeah, rog.” 
“If you don’t make a move on him then I will. Give me his file back.” He says while faking taking the clipboard from you desperately.
“Reed! I swear!” You finally break, smirking at your friend. He laughs before you both head in opposite directions.
You reach an unmarked door, a room reserved for more secretive guests. You knock before entering and greet an apprentice cleaning up a mess of bloody gauze.
“Thank you, I’ll take it from here.”
The apprentice nods and leaves. You feel a pair of eyes on you while taking another peek at the patient’s chart before speaking. 
“Hello, Sergeant Mactavish, how are you this morning?” You brace for a sarcastic or angry response only to be met with a genuine “Oh, I'm quite lovely.”
Your eyes dart from the chart to him in surprise. His baby blues staring back at you. You’d ask patients how they were, even when they were obviously in pain, it allowed you to gauge how well they may cooperate during the treatment. Usually, the response would be along the lines of “fuck off” or “what do you think?” Yet here he sat with a slight smile tugging at one side of his lips and a dazed look.
“What’s yer name, bonnie?” His eyes were tired, dark circles clung to them as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. 
“I’m Sergeant Lynn. I’ll be tending to you today.” 
He gives you a proper smile, his eyes nearly closing in the process,
“Good tae meet ye, Sergeant Lynn.”
You notice the scar on his chin and recall his lengthy medical history in the chart,
“You sure do get hurt a lot, don’t you?”
He continues grinning, “Aye, I’m awfully good at that.”
You take a seat on the rolling chair next to the hospital bed where he lies. Your eyes give him a once over looking for any other obvious injuries. He’s lying shirtless, his camo pants splotched with blood here and there. He has a small patch of chest hair and a Scottish flag tattooed over his heart, and old scars litter his torso and arms. Your cheeks felt warm at the sight of his physique, it was obvious that this man loved the gym as much as life itself.
You mentally tell yourself to keep it together as you put your gloves on and begin removing the bloody bandage placed on his chest to help stop any bleeding he still had. His wound still oozes out a slow stream of blood traveling down his chest and slowing at his abdomen. You wipe up the blood with gauze, feeling his muscles contract under your touch. He doesn’t seem to care that he’s bleeding, his gaze fixated on you.
“I’m happy yer the one lookin’  after me today.”
“Oh yeah, why’s that?” You glance up at him quickly before continuing to examine the wound and its depth.
“Yer the most beautiful woman I’ve set eyes on in a long time. And I’m no sayin’ that ‘cause I’ve been starin’ at ma teammate’s ugly mug fir months.” His words occasionally blend together in a messy slur.
You felt a little embarrassed by his compliment. It wasn’t the most appropriate time for you to be receiving one. He was bleeding, wounded, and your eyes trying so desperately to not gawk at his bare chest or stare back into his captivating eyes.
“Thank you, sergeant. I assume the pain medication you’ve been given is working well.”
“Ye assumed correctly, but I still hae some discomfort.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, I’ll up the dose for you.” You quickly reach over him turning a dial on his dropper, the liquid beginning to drop more frequently. Soap notices your sweet-smelling perfume at the brief proximity and he lets his head drop back on the bed, eyes shut trying to savor it. The cool liquid entering his arm through an IV causes him to sigh and you assume he’s feeling the effects of the medication a little more, relaxing even further into the bed but once again he looks at you, this time with the softest eyes making your heart jump at the sight.
“Could you state your name and date of birth for me? Gotta ask before I do anything.”
“As ye wish. John Mactavish, January 12, 1996.”
You thank him quietly and continue trying to clean his wound and stop the little bleeding that is still present.
“A winter baby, huh? I heard they’re the happiest little things.”
“Aye? Where did ye hear that?”
You toss the used gauze into a small bin on your work table. “It’s an old wives tale.” Your lips form a downturned smile. “I used to deliver babies. The old midwives always had the darndest things to say.”
He chuckles sweetly, “Ah wonder if it’s true.”
“Me too. Unfortunately. I only saw the babies when they were born. Never got the chance to catch up.” You find yourself chuckling alongside him. You were certain a tint of pink had found its place on your cheeks. 
“It must be a wonderful experience tae see the birth o’ a wean.”
You pause looking up at him with your eyebrows raised. He recognizes the look he gets almost daily from his teammates and translates, “A baby.”
You grab your suture and begin stitching the wound shut.
“It is. Sometimes it feels like a game of Russian Roulette, sometimes you get an easy delivery.” Your lip twitches downward, “Other times it all goes to shit. You don’t know what to expect, but with time it becomes a sixth sense.” You dab his wound with some gauze before continuing. “Most people don’t realize how hard birth actually is, or the risks. People think it’s easy because you might have the organs for it, but it often doesn’t go as planned.”
He listens to you attentively, his eyes go from the ceiling to you and back to the ceiling.
“Why did ye leave that work? Ye sound passionate.”
“Well, you can only drop so many babies before they send you running for the hills.” You joke, hoping he picks up on it instead of believing you were some serial baby dropper. His laughter fills the small room, the sound almost boyish but laced with the deep bass of his voice. You can tell he probably needed a laugh after the pain he’d endured. 
“Ye hae a great sense o’ humour, sergeant.” His laughter dies down and he looks at you for the thousandth time. “Seriously, why did ye stop?”
You sigh, “I wanted a little more… Pizzazz?” The word sounded more like a question, you weren’t sure if it truly explained how you felt.
“…Pizzazz?” He repeats with a snicker falling from his lips. He tilts his head at you, his eyebrows raised in amusement. You look up at him with a spark in your eye that he can’t explain. “I wanted more chaos, more variety, heart-pounding work.”
“Hmm.” In a way he understood.
“When I woke up this morning, I had no idea what I’d be doing. Here I am stitching up a handsome Scotsman and tomorrow…” You shrug, “Maybe a rookie will come in with their fingers in an ice chest after a Roman candle fight. Who knows?”
He chortles, partially from you calling him handsome and from remembering his days of being a mentor to the rookies of his old unit before the SAS and Task Force. He’d received countless phone calls in the dead of night being informed that his troops were out raising hell. A rookie’s life was hell, but without responsibility, the blame would fall on whatever poor soul was listed as their supervisor. 
“That mean ye work well under stress?”
“Something like that.” Your words trail off focusing a little harder on the intricate parts of the stitch. “What made you want your crazy-ass job?”
“The adrenaline is mental, but I get tae do something rewardin’. I’m proud tae protect folk, even frae dangers they dinnae know exist.” He hisses slightly at the end of his sentence. You stop, waiting for him to recuperate. He gives you a reassuring look before you continue. “What made ye wan’ tae be a medic?”
“I like helping people, even if they fight back half the time.” You go quiet for a few seconds. “Also, some rotten girl I went to school with said she wanted to be one as well and I said I could do it better.”
“Haha, ye seem like the competitive type.” His tongue darts out to wet his chapped lips. Your eyes retreat back to his chest, and you chew on your lip trying to calm yourself. 
“I’m sure ye’d kick her arse at this a thoosand times o’er. I can see ye pit a lot o’ love intae yer work.”
“I do what I can.” You wink at him playfully. It was now his turn to blush, he was thankful that the scruff he’d grown the last two days was there to camouflage it. Cannae let a bonnie lassie see ye like this, John
“Alright, Sergeant Mactavish. You’re all stitched up and ready to go. Please take it easy until it heals. And please no Roman candle fights.” You warn while placing your tools on the small table to your side. 
He laughs heartily, “Thae days are long behind me.”
“I’ll have an apprentice come to take out your IV and if you have an escort you can leave immediately.”
“Thank ye. I suppose it’s better tae be safe than sorry. Even though I reckon I could handle it.” His large hand comes up to scratch his scruff. His bicep contracts in what he thinks is a natural movement. You mentally roll your eyes at his innocent peacocking. If he hadn’t been so delightful, you’d have written him off as another sweet-talking womanizer you’d encountered from the special forces. 
“Maybe you would manage just fine but every precaution comes about because the unthinkable has happened.” You clean up your station, disposing of your gloves. 
“Do you need anything before I leave?”
“Tae be honest, I’d like if ye stayed a wee bit longer and humored a poor injured man.”
You shake your head at him with a smirk. Your pager cuts you off before you have a chance to respond. “I’d love to stay but I have to run.” You take out a notepad, scribble on it and hand it to him. Your soft hands graze his calloused ones. “Here you go, darlin’.” You shoot him a smile and he gladly returns one before you scurry off leaving him alone in the room. He looks at the piece of paper realizing you’d given him your phone number. A big smile spreads on his face, red finally peeking out from behind his facial hair. Oh, Johnny lad ye hae ootwitted yersel!
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Transmasc Sanji coming out to the gang and of course everyone is incredibly supportive. Chopper even manages to get him the One Piece equivalent of testosterone (may be actual testosterone but also I feel in a world where there’s a viral illness that gets you all boobed up there may be funnier options). Hurrah!
…. Except hat Sanji is afraid of needles and his T-shot is absolute agony for him every time. He can’t do it himself. The only people he trusts with it are Chopper, Nami and Robin. Until one day Usopp asks him if he can try it, because those three are currently otherwise occupied and Sanji has been kind of moping about it all day. Sanji agrees thinking it will be hell and prepares himself to constantly tell Usopp “NOT THERE!” “Make it quick!” “Please for the love of god don’t hit anything important I don’t want- …. What are you doing?”
He locks eyes with Usopp whose tongue is poking out, a pen in his hand, drawing on his leg. “Taking aim.” Sanji looks down at himself to see the bullseye painted onto his thigh. “What-“ The sniper pulls down his goggles with a comically serious expression “Target locked.” “Pff.” “Three. Two. One.” It still startles Sanji despite his laughter, but the needle pierces his skin like butter. Usopp forgoes the theatrics for a second to make sure he does the rest of the injection correctly, just like he had watched Chopper do it a hundred times before. When he pulls back his expression remains dead serious. “Target eliminated.” And that’s when Sanji breaks out into hysterical laughter “God! GOD that’s so stupid!” He needs a minute to calm himself down again, looking at his friends beaming face, happy that it all went down so smoothly. “Thank you…” “What can I say?” Usopp responds, twirling the needle between his fingers and making show out of blowing imaginary smoke from its tip “I’m an expert marksman.”
I've always loved the headcanon of Sanji being scared of needles because of Germa's experiments,,, And this is just so sweet. He finally gets to be himself around his family!! And he's thrilled and so so grateful that Chopper and the others are willing to help him go through this. But of course, the fear of needles doesn't go away easily.
Not that he actually tells people about it. He only says he trusts Chopper and the girls more when it comes to gentle, medical stuff and he doesn't want the clumsy idiots in his crew to get near him with something sharp. Which is, you know, perfectly understandable. So nobody thinks twice about it.
But Usopp knows. Usopp knows because he has seen Sanji close his eyes tightly while doing this, whether it's with the girls or Chopper. He has seen him shaking before getting into the sickbay. He has seen Sanji sighing deeply, trying to calm himself down minutes prior. He has noticed him being a bit too emotionally exhausted after doing it. Usopp knows exactly what fear feels like, so he knows Sanji is scared.
So when nobody else is free to help him, Usopp asks. He knows he won't let the others do it (for obvious reasons) and he's tired of hearing Sanji complain and also feels a bit sad and guilty seeing him like that. The whole thing about Usopp being all dramatic and theatrical about it is so perfect for them. Usopp acts silly to distract him and Sanji used to think those things were stupid and for kids. But-- There's just something about Usopp here.
He's doing this act for him. Because he knows he's scared and he cares and he's being oh so gently with him. Besides, he's so close to him, too. Sanji starts to wonder if he has ever been so close to him before and why the hell he looks so pretty now. Not even with the girls and Chopper he gets so distracted. So much that the whole thing happens quickly. Painless. And it's so damn dumb that Sanji can't help but laugh.
So between Sanji's laugh being the only noise around and startling Usopp with a new feeling inside of him, and Sanji realizing he has never been more comfortable and happy around another person... A new relationship blossoms. So I guess Sanji will be the one asking Usopp for help with his T-shot more frequently now.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
Would you be willing to talk a little more on what you mean about us society not really being an individualistic one, rather a massified one? I guess I interpreted that as being a comment on how people flippantly refer to a society such as the us as being individualistic but I guess greater scrutiny breaks that down when you realise the amount of struggle that comes from not meeting the status quo ideal (and being deemed useful), and that really the power of being an 'individual' is given only to a select few. But I find this interesting because a lot of my leftie friends (and I have also been guilty of this and not previously realised) will definitely be like oh the UK is a super individualistic society when we're maybe really trying to make a point about something else ... Anyway, am I barking up the right tree at all and do you have any wider thoughts on the difference between those two ideas (often conflated) you'd be happy to share? Is the idea of the individual still helpful in terms of understanding the mythos of the US and also the UK in using it as a powerful idea larping at meritocracy at least in contrast to actual senses of community...
oh this is just something that irritates me in a lot of left and left-adjacent discourse—the slippage from a correct observation that capitalism denies us a lot of social support and connection, to the unfounded and frankly reactionary assertion that it in some way values or respects individuality or individuals' autonomy. i think this plagues a lot of discussions of 'egotism' & so forth. in truth i don't think we're facing some kind of epidemic of self-centredness or 'narcissism' (lmao) or whatever—i think , again, it's an economic context that is structured around the construct of the individual, and that's alienating and harmful. but at the same time—and particularly since the increasing use of population management, social statistics, state medical authority &c from the 18th century onward—we are also in an economic context that treats the population as a mass to be controlled and surveilled (hence 'massifying'—sorry to borrow an ugly term from an ugly foucault translation) & it's unhelpful to characterise this as any kind of genuine attention to individuality or the autonomous ego. it is certainly true that esp neoliberal discourse relies on the invocation of the self-sufficient individual (talking esp here about the post reaganite/thatcherite US/UK) but it's overly credulous to extrapolate from this that like, austerity politics actually has any interest in protecting individual rights, desires, &c. actually the entire 'individual rights' paradigm is kind of irksome imo because it presents the 'right' as something calcified and possessed by the individual rather than a social relation arising from a social context—but even leaving this aside for a second, like, it is just not viable to argue that the US or UK (to take the obvious examples again) genuinely are protecting or valuing individuals in any way lmao. like, what part of cutting benefits, extending work hours, breaking labour power, &c does that? ultimately i don't usually find "individualism" a particularly helpful schema for political / economic analysis. i think it's often a confusion of a few different things: a purely rhetorical analysis of reactionary liberal claims; a response to alienation that should be analysed as materially grounded; an openly reactionary response to a perceived loss of power for social institutions like the church or the family, &c.
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cerastes · 11 months
Arknights God, how do I use Reed the Flame Shadow? I got her and I've leveled her but I think I'm missing something, because it doesn't seem like I'm doing the damage she's supposed to be doing.
So step one is that we need to stop with the Arknights God thing because I'm flattered that you and others have a high opinion of my gameplay advice but it also makes me look like a narcissistic jackass. I appreciate the compliment and I'm happy my advice helps, but to everyone not familiar with the whole "I like to play a heel clown character on my blog for funsies with my friends" will think I'm actually addicted to the scent of my flatulence and the rhythm of my own words. It makes answering these a tad awkward.
Step two is understanding that Reed' skill selection, and which skill is the correct answer to any given issue, has a lot of factors going for it, more than the majority of Operators. If you use Cantabile, for example, you know that both of her skills are bangers, and while they have their respective jobs, they are not hard-slotted into these. Reed's S2 and S3 are similar in this regard. You'll be ignoring S1.
Before we get into that, though, here's some fundamentals about the Flame Shadow: You position them differently from other Medics and most other units. A good Reed tile is one where she has both enemies and allies in her range, so, if you placing her at a front, you'll want her to be a bit behind, but not fully behind, your line of engagement. She needs to be able to attack in order to heal, and her allies need to be in her range in order to get healed. This may sound obvious, but it needs to be taken into account. She's not a Marksman or a Medic, she's her own beast. Another thing that needs to be taken into account is that her healing comes specifically from dealing HP damage to enemies, not barriers. Greytails and the Rat King, for example, have shields that must be broken with Arts damage before exposing the succulent flesh within, right? Well, until the shield breaks, Reed is not giving anyone any succor and they might in fact just explode because while she's dealing damage to their shields, it doesn't count as valid damage for her healing. Keep this in mind so you don't run out of sustain while fighting shielded enemies, since shielded enemies tend to also have high attack. The Final Reed Essential regards her Cinders (AKA Firebrand), which she always has a chance to apply with her attacks and skills (with S3 guaranteeing it): The way it works is that, if an attack would apply Cinder, it applies it before the attack resolves, meaning, the Arts Fragility will be in effect and that attack will already be dealing 30%(32% with Potentials) extra damage off rip. Or, in other words, you don't have to apply Cinder and then start capitalizing on it on the next attack. Arts Fragility, by the way, stacks multiplicatively with Fragile, and they count as different debuffs, despite the similarity in name.
You made it past the tutorial, now let's tackle 1-1:
S2, or as Harvard scholars call it, the Spitroast, is a damn strong skill. For the purposes of this post, I'll be using the M3 versions of the skills. Spitroast grants two allies, with Melee tile priority, 3 fireballs that'll deal 240% of Reed's Attack as damage to enemies they touch every 1.5 seconds, with this 1.5 second timer applying only for each unique target. The fireballs do in fact have a hitbox, so if there's enemies on either side of the fireball unit, you'll trigger two fireballs at once, one for the enemy on one side, and another for the other. Each fireball then takes 1.5 seconds to refresh (they'll look darkened around the Operator) and once they are a vibrant orange again, it means they are ready to explode again. Each time these fireballs deal damage, they'll heal their Operators as per Reed's trait (so 120% of her Attack), and each fireball has a chance to inflict Cinder as per any of Reed's attacks. You can test this yourself by putting fireballs on Operators so they hit enemies outside her attack range, and you'll see that they do in fact also have a chance to inflict Cinder. Be mindful that the fireball's instance of damage counts as a Reed instance of damage! This means that for the purposes of Counter effects, it is Reed that's the source of the damage, so for Spike Chests, Reed WILL receive the reflected damage, and for The Last Knight, Reed WILL freeze if the fireballs hit him, etc etc. The lane-holding application of this skill is that you can grant your cornerstone immense Arts damage and healing independent of everything else they have going for themselves, including through Status effects like Freeze or Stun, as the fireballs are independent entities separate from the Operator. So if Mudrock gets stunned by Nervous Impairment and has sweet dreams of beautiful rocks that go on adventures with her, she's not completely helpless, as the fireballs will keep shredding enemies while she's in dreamland. This actually leads us to the next point: Fireballs cannot be placed on Summons, so if you had dreams of making the sickest Stainless turret surrounded by industrial flames or picturesque mindblasts about Ling's Great Thunderer's surrounded by godly plumes of cleansing conflagration, well, stop being silly and come back to reality, also rent and student debts are due. Fireballs can be placed on 'Enmity' Operators, such as Musha (ie. Akafuyu) and Juggernauts (ie. Mudrock), but they won't receive the healing from each of their hits, as the healing is mechanically counted as direct healing, thus, they may not benefit from it. Well, at least they can always take a whiff of Lena's wonderful fragrances instead. With all this in mind, we get to the Spitroast part of the Spitroast: If you jail an enemy (sandwiching them between two Operators) and use Reed's S2 to give them her mighty balls, now that enemy is getting assblasted by both sets of balls, so a whooping 480% of Reed's attack as damage, which in turn is very likely to diagnose them with Cinder due to how many times they'll be taking Reed damage, so that final damage is now also increased by another fat 30%, in addition to being inflicted with Cinder's ATK -20%, so your engager is safer as well, on top of being healed a lot. So, in practice, let's say your trusted Specter the Unchained is currently blocking Yamcha Jesselton, and as they are engaged in mortal combat, you then deploy Skadi S2 on top of Jesselton as well. But this is all within Reed's range, so you use her S2 and now the shark and the orca also have fireballs around them that further obliterate Jesselton, and he can't even damage Specter in a way that matters because 1) she leveled HP and 2) she's getting an absolutely unholy amount of healing from Reed's hot balls, so, in short, he'll never have another birthday. This MELTS bosses, but obviously, it's a rather expensive endeavor, necessitating 3 deployment slots dedicated to the bit. But no one said being funny was cheap, and end of the day, it's funny seeing bosses melting down to nothing under what's practically two fire buzzsaws.
Ideal Operators for these strats involve your prim and proper engager, someone tough that can take a hit and also hit hard, like either Specter or Skadi S3, but you can also make this engager a dedicated tough slab of meat like Hoshiguma, and your drop-in assassin with huge damage, like Texas the Omertosa, Surtr S3 (two girls that will appreciate the Arts Fragility Reed can inflict!), Skadi S2, Nearl the Radiant Knight S2, et al. 'Enmity' Operators work as well but you'll not be received the healing, just keep that in mind, but they work splendid as well. Once again, Arts Fragility stacks multiplicatively with Fragile, so break out the ol' Suzuran S3 or, if the boss can be Frozen, Gnosis S3 for some more immensely violent peacekeeping.
That was a lot, but trust me, it becomes second nature once you see it in action once, it just clicks and now you know exactly how to roast that spit.
Woah, look at all the progress we made, it's time to start 8-12:
So, S3, the big flashy and fun explosions that scream "I'm a healer, but," in big red flaming text. This skill does a fair amount of things, actually! First of all, Reed will have multitarget attacks, two per attack, and her attacks during S3 will always 100% of the time inflict Cinder, so that +60% ATK buff she's getting is actually bigger than that, given that she'll always have her final damage increased by 30% Arts Fragility on top of that. What's more, Cinder's CANNOT expire for as long as the skill is active, and now have the additional effect of inflicting a Damage Over Time effect that deals 60% of Reed's Attack as Arts damage (so, again, amplified by Arts Fragility). And, of course, as we all know and love, if an enemy dies while having the Cinder's effect during the skill duration, they explode for 140% damage in a 1.7 tile radius, and enemies damaged by these explosions, you guessed it, also become inflicted with Cinder.
That's a lot going on, but it's also pretty self-explanatory once you lay it out like that. Ace detectives might have gleaned something from this river of letters: Cinder is a very strong effect. Cinder lets you deal more damage, take less damage, and receive more healing, since Reed's healing is based on damage dealt. S3 takes Cinder to the next level: Guaranteed proc, now with a DoT, and will never expire until the end of the skill. Not only that, but the multitarget makes it easier to inflict more and more enemies with Cinder, it's truly a fire gone out of control, for the enemy, anyways. S3 lends itself to mob control and killing large crowds of enemies with the power of friendship, but do not neglect its utility in engaging with troublesome elites and bosses! While S2 is her premiere boss-killing tool, it required set-up, deployment slots and tiles you might not necessarily have in high-end content, and in these situations where the boss isn't the only issue, but you also have to deal with an overall dangerous map that's threatening as a whole, S3 may just be the perfect tool to have a more balanced and yet still very potent approach.
This is what makes the Flame Shadow such a fun unit! Your skills are not really locked by circumstance, and they can be used with several different objectives and goals in mind, depending on what the rest of your team is and who your enemy or what the challenge of the map is. With her incredible adaptability and wide array of applications, Reed the Flame Shadow absolutely shines and can be a core part of any team.
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atlas-likes-writing · 23 days
June of Doom Day One - "Help Me."
Characters: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Clark Kent/Superman, Alfred Pennyworth, Ra's Al-Ghul (mentioned), Tim Drake/Red Robin, Damian Wayne/Robin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Summary: Bruce has always been stubborn, much to the dismay of those around him. It's only when he has no other option that he actually decides to ask for assistance.
Word count: 1603
Tags: Light angst, light gore, injuries, depictions/recountance of injuries and violence, medicine/medical terminology.
Author's Note: In comparison to other angst fics I've written, this one is incredibly tame. Call it the calm before the storm for this challenge lol. Enjoy! As always, feel free to like, comment, and reblog. It helps me out a bunch.
Masterlist | Day Two
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The Dark Knight is revered across the world as being untouchable. Unbeatable. The stuff of legend that you tell your kids about so they will behave. “You better be good, or the Batman will come and get you in the night!” It works a treat. There are some people in the world who don’t even think He exists. They believe it’s clever CGI or paid trauma actors or a talented cosplayer (as to what they’re cosplaying is up for debate, for obvious reasons). Like on of those fake movies where people on social media work together in their thousands to gaslight people into thinking they exist when they don’t. It’s not true, of course. Batman is as human as any other person on Earth (except for the large variety of aliens that also call Earth home, but that’s another thing to ignore). He is human. He has skin and lungs and teeth and a tongue; and with such things comes vulnerability. The Dark Knight is not untouchable, and he certainly isn’t unbeatable. 
Especially considering the state he is currently in. 
It is well-known throughout the hero community that Ra’s Al-Ghul is not a man to be messed with. Whenever his name pops up on mission briefs it is always given to the more capable heroes in the Watchtower. Usually the Big Three: Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, and today was no different. When the small-time hero of somewhere unimportant came shuffling over to his office to timidly poke his head through the door, Batman was surprisingly quite understanding. 
“That must have been a formatting error. I’ll handle it, don’t worry. Ra’s Al-Ghul isn’t a villain for the regular hero. Thank you for bringing this to me, Jerry.” 
How on earth he knew the man’s name was between him and the gods. He scampered off and out of Batman’s office before he got the chance to ask, his own fear getting the best of him. How heroic. 
Now, while Bruce is clutching his side and using his cape as an impromptu bandage across his torso, he wishes that Clark and Diana were not on their respective breaks. 
“The kids are on school break. I’m going to take them to visit Ma and Pa for the weekend. Shout if you need me, Bruce.” 
“My sisters in Themyscira have requested my presence for a ceremony of some kind. It is apparently important, so I will be back in about a week.” 
He can’t blame them, of course. Superhero work is tough, and everyone is in need of a break now and again. Jon and Kon are important to Clark, as are his own children to Bruce, so he understands. And the surprise birthday party for Diana has been in the works for months. Being the only naturally born Themysciran, it is a ceremony worth celebrating for the Amazons, so Bruce can’t fault them either. He just wishes their departures could have been spaced out a little more so he wouldn’t have to deal with Ra’s alone. 
Now, in the middle of god-knows-where in some North African country, he is alone. Crippled by some sort of Lazarus Pit magic that was blasted across his thigh and various sword-related wounds dotted around his torso and legs. He’s been in worse situations, but he’s also certainly been in better as well. With Alfred piloting the Batwing from the safety of the Batcave, he’s got about four hours until it arrives, and he can be brought back to his own domain. Back to safety. He hesitates at the idea of calling for help from Clark. The man has his own priorities, and it’s been an incessantly long time since he’s had time alone with his family without the stress of hero work. 
However, some priorities overrule others. 
“Clark, help me,” he whispers, voice cracking and hoarse after hours of fighting and sustaining injuries. As he treks away from the arena where Ra’s and Bruce fought (some secluded spot in the middle of a dessert - Bruce would personally guess Ethiopia due to the landmarks surrounding him, but he has been wrong before and wouldn’t be surprised if he was at this moment as well) and with the fact that Ra’s has been defeated in mind and handed into the local authority, he pushes forward. Every step through sand dunes feels as if he’s walking through treacle, and he can’t help but struggle with his own body as he reaches the crest of a particularly large mountain of sand. In the distance, the sparkling lights of a large city twinkle at him with the promise of assistance, but he highly doubts he’ll get there before he collapses to dehydration or his injuries. He’s already exhausted the little water he had in his utility belt and the bandages in it have already been used to patch up wounds of the highest severity. The strange green magic that Ra’s used on him made the material of his trousers stick to his left leg painfully, so he had to cut the cotton-Kevlar material off.  
So, there he is: trudging in the middle of some desert in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night - dehydrated, injured, and miserable with his incoming support not available for another several hours and half of his costume in disrepair. He can’t help feeling a little irritable towards his comrades for this, even if he is completely aware that it isn’t their fault. He was the one who deemed it too dangerous for his children to come with him to combat the Demon’s Head and made the incredibly intelligent decision to go alone. Even Alfred had urged him to go with one of his more mature children, but his fear of losing them after what happened to Jason put the rational part of his brain on autopilot in favour of the worried parent in him to disagree with every alternative. He can just hope that either his family or Clark finds him before it’s too late. 
That’s the last thought he has before he collapses, face first, into the sand. 
He’s in and out of consciousness for a long time. When he’s got half a mind to take in his surroundings, Bruce notices that he is travelling. Rapidly. When he blinks, he’s in a vehicle, then lying down on something, then surrounded by darkness. He hears voices too, but they’re often mixed and warped together until he can’t discern whose is whose. Eventually, the soft timbre of Alfred reaches him, followed by the worried voice of his eldest son. It’s then when he realises he’s back in the Batcave and safe, so he closes his eyes again and stays like that for a while; not particularly in the mood for waking up. 
When he properly regains consciousness, he’s met with a pounding headache and a sharp ache overwhelming his legs and chest. Bruce opens his eyes and is immediately blinded by the bright LED of a medical light glaring down on him. He squints into it and brings his arm up to cover his eyes with a groan, and the room, which he didn’t realise was occupied by others, suddenly went silent.  
“Bruce? You’re awake!” That was the voice of his third son. 
“It was about time, Father. How was Grandfather?” That was his youngest. 
“Stop pestering him! Let him get his bearings before you overwhelm him with questions.” His eldest daughter. 
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t overwhelm me with questions at all. At least, not yet,” Bruce grumbles, attempting to sit up without triggering a massive headache and failing miserably. He slumps back on the hospital cot, closing his eyes. He feels a cool and damp fabric being placed on his forehead, realising that Alfred is busy doing his medical ministrations as he always does. 
“You gave us quite the scare, Master Bruce. I hope this acts as a lesson to not fight the League of Assassins without correct backup,” the butler states. Bruce sighs, the act causing pain to shoot through his ribcage. Ah, so he broke them.  
“I won, didn’t I?” he states, attempting humour. The joke falls flat in the now silent room and the man represses the urge to sigh a second time. 
“We all know that’s not the point here, Bruce.” His eldest son, Dick, steps forward and stands next to the cot where his father lies. “You gave Clark quite the scare.” 
That’s what gets Bruce to open his eyes. 
“He’s here?” 
“He’s upstairs in the Manor. He wanted to give you space.” 
He can’t suppress the sigh this time and it turns into a wince. 
“Damn it. Can you bring him down here? I want to apologise for keeping him from his family.” 
“Visiting hours are closed for a few hours,” Alfred states bluntly and shoots a poignant glare behind him at the several others in the room. They all look away, shuffling around awkwardly. “Unfortunately, your stubbornness is apparently hereditary.” He turns to face them all. “Children, Master Bruce is awake. You can come back later when he’s in a better state of mind and body.” As if on cue, Bruce groans in pain after a failed attempt to move his legs into a more comfortable position. 
“Right- yeah. Sorry, Alf. We’ll go.” Dick begins to turn away but stops himself halfway to the door. Once the others have left, he gives a meaningful look to his father.  
“Stop thinking you have to do everything alone, Bruce. You have friends. Act like it.” 
With that, he leaves, leaving the Dark Knight in the care of his butler and his own thoughts.
Will be posted on Ao3 later on :)
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gingiesworld · 11 months
At My Worst
Chapter Three
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Leigh Shaw x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Slight Smut. Reader has a penis
Taglist: @username22345
Things had been going really well for Leigh and Y/N, the two had never been happier. Even work had seemed to be a breeze. Especially on days like Y/N was having today. Running out to the wreck yard to break up a fight.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Y/N yelled as they had their baton at the ready. Another guard joining them in breaking it up. Knocking the inmates to the ground. Y/N struggled to keep one on the ground as he head butted them square in the nose. "Fuck." Y/N groaned as they fell back. Soon finding the strength in the adrenaline to take him down once more. Holding his head against the gravel. "24 hours in the can!! Does anyone else want to join him?!!!" They yelled as another two guards came and took the two inmates to solitary.
"Go see the nurse and head home." Governor Spencer told them as they nodded, heading straight to medical for a check up.
"It's not broken." She told them as she checked. "But you will have some bruising and just let me stitch this up." She concentrated on the small cut before finishing cleaning it. "I hear you have a special someone." She teased them as they chuckled. "Tom keeps on saying how you actually have a heart."
"Of course he does." Y/N chuckled as they stood up. "But I do have a special someone. She makes me happy."
"You look like you're in love." She smiled at them as they nodded.
"I am falling in love with her." They confessed. "I just wish I knew how to tell her."
"Just say it." She told them as she wrote an email to the Governor. "I'm sure she will say it back."
"I hope she will." Y/N whispered as they left. Heading straight to the Guards quarters and grabbing their stuff from their locker. Y/N went home with a huge smile on their face, getting in the shower and dressed before they headed back out since it was mid afternoon. Knowing full well that Leigh would be at Beautiful Beast.
Heading inside of the small establishment, they leaned against the door as they watched her teach a class. The sweat and concentration on her face as she helped guide the movements of anyone who needed a little extra guidance.
"It's creepy to stare." Jules whispered behind them making them jump slightly, laughing loudly before Y/N turned to face her chuckling themselves. Her expression soon turned to one of concern. "What happened?"
"Just an accident at work." They shrugged with a smile. "It looks worse than it is."
"That job of yours is dangerous." Jules stated as she led Y/N to wait with her at the counter. Throwing some towels their way to help folding.
"In a way, every job is dangerous." They corrected her. "Just because all risk factors aren't obvious doesn't mean it isn't dangerous."
"You work in a prison." She whispered. "You could get killed any day."
"I have worked there for a few years now. I know the inmates pretty well and we have some sort of understanding." Y/N told her as she shook her head. "Meaning they know that I am top dog around their and my bark can be worse than my bite."
"You're weird." Jules chuckled as Y/N nodded.
"And I am proud of it." The two laughed, not really seeing Leigh's class leave.
"I see you're making a slave out of my Y/N." Leigh's voice sounded from behind the two
"It appears you now belong to her." Jules whispered as Y/N nodded.
"And it appears you have yet to answer her." Y/N responded in the same tone.
"Y/N is merely helping me." Jules stated as the two turned to face her.
"What happened?" Leigh gasped as she saw Y/N's face.
"It's nothing really." Y/N shrugged it off as Leigh gripped their jaw. "The doc already checked it out and it's just a little bruised and cut. Nothing more."
"Well, I am done for the day." Leigh stated as she grabbed the towel from Y/N and threw it at Jules. "So come on. I want to spend time with My Y/N." She spoke, mostly directed at Jules as she just shook her head with a chuckle.
The two made their way to Y/N's car as Leigh got a ride in with Jules. Leigh already turning on the radio to her favourite station as Y/N started to drive.
"I need a shower." Leigh groaned as Y/N hummed in agreement.
"And I will need to clean my seat." They stated as Leigh looked at them confused. "You're sweating all over the leather." Leigh hit their arm as they just laughed at her expression.
"You're mean." She pouted as Y/N chuckled, taking her hand in theirs, kissing her knuckles as they drove. "Come on." Leigh told them as she got out of the car as soon as they parked in front of her home. They followed her with a smile as she let them inside. "My mom is out and Jules is at the studio so it's just us." Leigh told them as she led them to her bedroom.
"Ok." Y/N was nervous all of a sudden as she sat them on the edge of her bed. Although they have been together for a couple of months, they have yet to be intimate. Y/N watched as Leigh grabbed her things before she disappeared into the bathroom. While the shower was running, Y/N found Leigh's old year book. Smiling as they read through all of the kind words people had written. Only to be shocked when they saw writing so familiar.
I know we haven't really crossed paths but I'm sure you would have been one hell of a friend to have, and I'm sorry for never really being a friend.
"What are you reading?" Leigh asked as she came out of the bathroom, her hair down and damp. Climbing beside Y/N on her bed.
"Your yearbook." Y/N stated. "We were in the same school year."
"What?" She questioned as she examined the book. "This is so strange." She whispered as they nodded.
"All of this time we were so close yet so far apart." Y/N stated as she turned to face them. A teasing smile on her face before she started to flick through the pages until she found what she was looking for as she rose from the bed.
"Some say I won't amount to anything. I say I will amount to what I want out of life." She read from the book. "Y/N Y/L/N."
"No." They shook their head as they stood up fast, Leigh was ready for them to start chasing her around the room. Until Y/N tackled her to the bed, hovering above her.
"You have always been cheesy." She whispered from beneath them. Her heart pounding in her chest as Y/N gazed into her eyes.
"You love it." They stated huskily as Leigh just exhaled as Y/N's hand went to her cheek. "I love you." They whispered as Leigh just closed the gap. Kissing them passionately as she wrapped her legs around them. Their tongues dancing together as their hips rolled against the other. As soon as Leigh moaned at the friction, Y/N halted their movements. "I'm sorry." They pulled away as Leigh shook her head. Sitting up as Y/N moved from above her.
"Don't be." Leigh told them as she shook her head.
"I want our first time together to be special Leigh." They told her honestly. "I want to treat you the way you deserve because." They sighed as she held their hand.
"Y/N, I love that you want to make it special. I love that you want to treat me like the queen I know I am not." Leigh started as Y/N gazed in her eyes. "And I love you Y/N. I really do. I believe that if we ever became friends in school, we probably would have went to prom together because I would have wanted nothing more, but we have a second chance to do things right. And just being here with you feels right." Y/N kissed her softly before resting their forehead on hers.
"You have no idea how much you have saved me Leigh." They whispered. "You're my saving grace." She just kissed them once more before they both settled on her bed. Becoming a mess of limbs as the kiss grew more and more intense by the passing second. Giving in to the temptation of passion. Getting lost in the moment and forgetting about the world passing by.
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tigertofu · 11 months
Hello! Hope you are doing well! Super cool that you’re taking requests now, I have a prompt if you’d like to use it :)
Trevor as a dad! Could be headcannons about how he is as a father, how he acts during the 9 months, how he is during delivery, finding out reader is pregnant, etc. Excited to see your take on this scenario!
im doing well and i hope u are too <33 !! and ty for the request ! i've actually never thought much abt what trev would be like as a dad 🤔 so this was fun to come up with X))
pairing: fem reader/Trevor
summary: headcanon list of how Trevor would be during his partner's pregnancy and how he would be with a baby.
cw's: mentions of sex
wordcount: 1,174
• when you first tell him that you’re pregnant, he’ll be completely dumbfounded (despite his dislike for condoms and tendency to fuck rough enough to sometimes break condoms, anyways). he’s always thought he’d make an incredible father, but once he finds out that he’s actually going to be one? utter shock. it’s a good shock, though, and once it wears off he’ll give you the biggest bear hug ever, pick you up, spin you around, and absolutely cover you in manic kisses.
• he’ll watch you like a fucking hawk throughout the whole pregnancy. he won’t let you go out in public unless he’s with you, “just in case” (if you ask him, “in case of what?” he’ll ominously say “in case of anything” as if it’s obvious what he’s referring to).
• get ready to be completely smothered with attention and over–protectiveness. tensions may sometimes rise. you’ll be stressed about the whole growing another human inside of you thing, and he’ll be constantly on high–alert for anything/one that may do you harm, so he will get unfairly snippy with you more than once.
• he has good intentions though, and he’ll use every ounce of self–restraint to prevent these little tiffs from devolving into full–blown arguments because he’ll understand that stress is bad for the baby. despite all this, he may inadvertently do some things that aren’t conducive to a healthy pregnancy. like trying to light up a cigarette or his pipe while you’re sitting right next to him. remind him it’s bad for the baby enough times and he’ll start to remember to step outside to smoke, though. 
• he’ll be unable to keep his hands off you during the pregnancy. every single day, he’ll take a moment to press an ear against your stomach, trying to listen for a heartbeat or feel the baby moving around. he might get impatient over this when it doesn’t happen as soon as he expects. but once he does finally hear or feel it for the first time, he’ll (loudly and kinda pathetically but still adorably) cry of happiness.
• sex will be even more frequent than it was pre–pregnancy, if you’re up for it.
• constant handholding while in public together will become a must. he’ll want everyone to know that you’re his and that it’s his baby you’re carrying. just knowing that you two will soon be a little family of three will make him insanely proud. he’ll be sure to mention that you’re expecting every single chance he gets, to literally anybody you interact with, no matter how irrelevant/inappropriate it is to any given conversation.  
• the day of the delivery can go either one of two ways. if you go to a hospital, things might get a bit not–great. he’ll stay glued to your side and regard any poor nurse or doctor who comes into the room with a scowl and intense suspicion. he’ll demand an excruciatingly in–depth explanation of every single procedure they do on you. fights with healthcare professionals may or may not happen. if they do, he’ll probably get carted out by security (after a struggle that may or may not result in the costs of broken medical equipment getting added on to your final bill). then somehow sneak his way back into your room not an hour later. don’t worry, they’ll eventually give up on trying to throw him out.
• things will probably be a lot easier if you have a homebirth with the help of a midwife (depending on the patience of the midwife and whether or not Trevor decides to tidy up his place before the delivery.)
• wherever you have the baby, he’ll insist on being involved throughout the entire birth. you can hold his hand and squeeze as hard as you want to. he’ll constantly give you words of encouragement.
• if you let him, he will also take interest in (closely) watching the actual moment of birth itself. he obviously isn’t squeamish, and he’ll insist on his face being the first thing the baby sees as it enters the world so that he can “imprint on them and they'll know who their dad is” (try to tell him you don’t think that’s how it works and he’ll vehemently disagree.)
• while you’re recovering from the birth, he’ll dote on you 24/7. he’ll ask you a million times per day if there’s anything, anything at all, he can do or get for you and the baby. most of his time will be spent right by your side, but he may sometimes get extremely irritated by the baby’s frequent crying. he’ll take a moment to have some alone time outside when this happens, probably just to pace around and punch a tree or an unlucky passerby, though. then it’s right back to snuggling and fawning over the baby once he’s blown off some steam.
• no matter what the baby’s sex is, he’ll ask if you can name it Trevor Jr. he’ll let the naming be ultimately up to you, though.
• limiting the amount of time the baby is left alone with him will directly increase their chance of surviving past infancy. not because Trevor would ever do anything harmful to them on purpose, but because he isn’t the most well-versed in what objects/food/substances are appropriate or not for a baby to interact with. he’ll try feeding them solid food the day after they're born; probably meat of some kind so they’ll “grow big and strong.”
• if you decide to breastfeed, expect him to over–eagerly and constantly ask if he can help with pumping or if you want a breast massage. he will also definitely ask, at least once, if he “can have a taste.”
• he’ll absolutely love to spend time with the baby, when he’s in the right mood, which will be more often than not. he’ll lay down and have them sleep on his chest. he’ll intensely stare at them while they sleep with an expression that looks like something halfway between mild disbelief and annoyance. but he’s really just in awe that you and him have made an entire other human being together. he’ll love to let them hold onto his fingers with that, like, automatic grabby fist that babies do. 
• he’ll talk to the baby a lot. Trevor loves to talk about himself, and now that he has someone who can’t tell him to shut up, or tell him that he’s fucking insane, or question whether or not his stories are real? perfect. he won’t talk to them like they’re a baby; he’ll treat them as if they understand every word he’s saying. definitely for the best that they actually won’t though because he’ll recount some very gorey stories about his past escapades.
• however, he’ll also frequently tell them that they are the most badass, most handsome/beautiful, smartest, strongest baby ever. he'll constantly give them kisses and gently poke at their chubby cheeks. despite all his shortcomings, he’ll be a very loving and protective father.
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