#The Writers College
vrouopgenade · 8 months
Soms in Engels ...
Skryf, skryf, skryf
As woorde soos boskraaie in al wat boom is kom sit en raas hoe moet ek dan anders maak as om saam te praat? View this post on Instagram A post shared by THE WRITERS COLLEGE (@the_writers_college)
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joytri · 6 months
A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.
Robert Frost
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academic-vampire · 6 months
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ℑ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔱𝔢𝔵𝔱𝔟𝔬𝔬𝔨𝔰…
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
i don’t want a ‘career’ ! i want to write sexy fanfiction for my internet friends <3
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sourlove · 5 months
I love the jock so far!! He's really cute, but I wonder how he'd react to the reader getting into a college far away and was planning on breaking up before they moved? :0
He doesn't take it very well. It took him a long time to understand what you meant. You wanted to go to college? Great! But why do you want to break up? Do you not love him anymore? Did he do something? He could change! He can become anything you like! As long as you don't leave him.
You don't seem to understand how seriously Lucas felt about it even when he kept banging on your front door, never going home, come rain or sun. He begged you to not leave him, to tell him what he did wrong, so he can fix it.
You had no choice but to let him in after your neighbors expressed concern. Lucas immediately crumbled into your arms, crying. You had never seen him so distraught. It wasn't until he told you he would kill himself that it clicked in your head. Something was seriously wrong.
But Lucas doesn't care. He doesn't care if you're angry at him or if everyone is telling him to relax. All he wants is to know you're not actually breaking up with him. It was just a misunderstanding. You would never leave him. You would always love him, just like you said right?
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journalette · 6 months
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Currently working on an essay on Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction".
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Warming Up The New Client
Fred Weasley x Reader
Sum: Was another one of those little bets you and Fred did. You lost, but you are kinda the biggest winner between the two of you. Especially when one of the Weasley’s business partners come in to discuss important things. Let’s see if he can keep his head straight
Warnings: 18+, cock warming, blow jobs, semi public, kinda cracky because not everything needs to be a porno you gotta laugh, accidental choking, worried boyfriend because whoops this has become a sitcom, after care. Lowkey tho any fic you’ll read from me will have it, unless stated otherwise. HEALTHY AND REALISTIC SEX
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“MR WEATHERBIRD! What are you doing here?!” Fred would panic, as he would force his chair to push into the desk. Was followed by a thump, as your body hit the back of the desk. Hardly any space for you, and his legs, in the confined space.
Why were you under his desk, and between his legs? Well you lost a bet. Was a harmless one. Just those lazy Mondays, at the shop, where you both needed something to help stimulate the day. A bet where it didn’t matter who won or loss, because there weren’t really any losers when the fun is the game.
Your prize for losing was to give the winner a blow job. Nothing too crazy. That is until unaware company arrived. That being a man that the Weasley twins were meant to do business with. Seems like George must have missed the man. Well, he arrived via fire place. George wouldn’t have seen him arrive, unless in the office with you two.
“Is now a bad time, Mr. Weasley? I figured Mondays would work best for you. Tis a joke shop, after all. The slowest day of the week, as your largest income bracket is through the school children. A Monday morning felt the most reliable to arrive.” Damn his logic, that was what Fred thought. He had a point.
“No no! It’s fine, you are right. Just surprise, that’s all. Take a seat. Let’s talk!” He would grin his award winning smile, as you remained stuck in your hiding place. Left with a choice to make. Stop what you are doing, or see how far you could push the button. Well, you married a Weasley. What’s a little bit of risk?
“Wonderful. We have much to discuss.” Boy was this going to be boring. You knew it, Fred knew it, but hey. You are certainly going to make it more enjoyable. Or worse. Either way, it’s gonna be fun.
As the older gentlemen began his garble, you were busy with your own garbling. Letting his cock press into your cheek, as you tried to find a way to move your head. You didn’t want to just keep thumping your head on the wood. That’s not fun at all.
You were shifting your head all over the place, as you tried to get comfortable. Made for your boyfriend to struggle with paying attention to the boring work jargon his business partner was making. Was certainly difficult to make sure he looked like he was listening, and not currently getting sucked off. Certainly difficult indeed, when those freckled cheeks of his were rosey.
“You seem a bit warm, Mr. Weasley. Are you feeling well?” The older gentlemen would ask Fred. Ever the charismatic man he was, he was oh so quick to think on the fly. Lie out of every situation. Such a charming gift to have.
“Fever fudge. You know how my brother and I are. We always self test our products. That way if anyone gets hurt, it’s us. We only ever field test with mostly our siblings. We know how they would react to what we make, but not to strangers. No. We don’t act like it, but we try and keep things safe.” That seemed to win over Mr. Weatherbird. Charmed the man as much as he could charm a gaggle of girls in a quidditch stand.
The devil on your shoulder was going to be the death of you, and him, with what it was whispering to you. Wanting to try and make his facade crack somehow. Just a little bit. Enough to make him sweat under the pressure. Just a little bit. You don’t want to actually put him at risk of anything, but gambling is gambling. Win big, or die trying.
As you finally managed to force Fred’s chair back, you could properly move your head. Made him need to sit awkwardly, to not make it appear that he was pushed back. Didn’t want the man to get suspicious. Seems he wasn’t, as he was busy with papers. Gave Fred time to look down, and see your devious face. Stuffed with his cock. Was so arrousing, you could feel his cock twitch on your tongue. With fresh flavor for you to enjoy.
He would shoot you a glare, only for the man to look back up. Forced him to meet the clients eyes, as to try and act as chill as possible. Never did he think he would want to do paper work right now. Anything to not just cum down your throat. George was the moaner, not him. But you were seeing if they were identical in a few other ways.
That was until Mr. Weatherbird started to lean over the desk. Just trying to be polite, and show him something on the papers. Had Fred quickly slam himself back under the desk. Forced you to take his cock all the way down your throat, and gag on it. Had you cross eyed, and trying so damn hard to not gurgle on it. Guess you weren’t quite enough.
“What was that noise-?” “What noise?” “Sounded like someone was choking….” Fred, ever quick, was able to come up with the perfect lie. A lie melted in truth, to keep the seal on the little secret at hand closed.
“We have a product here called puking pasties. A pastry used to help kids throw up. For one reason or another. Not to mention we have many things that stink so bad you wish to obliviate yourself from the memory. Just kids being kids. George has it under control.” He would brush off the worry, as you tried to find your ability to breathe again.
Was rather difficult, as you were now trapped entirely under the desk this time. How your head was pressed against the desk, and held no way to move your head. Just gagging around his cock, with drool soaking all over your clothes.
The more you tried to steady yourself, the more his cock twitched in your mouth. Feeling your tongue trying to adjust itself. How your throat kept clenching and your lips desperate to move.
Before you could make any other noises, he was quick to wave his wand. Had his gramophone kick to life, and play that loud swing music those twins loved. Nothing like some big band to liven up the scene. Along with hide more of your gagging, and sputtering, in the hopes to finish this meeting.
“That’s better. Now, as we were saying-“ The droning was starting to get to him. All his mind could think about you was choking on his cock. Had him aroused, but also very worried he was hurting you. It’s not hot if it’s not consented on. Was an accident, yes, but he loves you and wants you safe. He had to figure out how to get you out of there, before things get worse.
“Say uh. Mr. Weatherbird, um-“ Wow was it getting harder to talk. Wasn’t helping that you were still scrambling. Your hands reaching into his lap, to try and push him back some. When trying to reach the front of his chair, you got a full grab of your favorite stress toy instead. Had his eyes go cross, for a moment, as he had to bite his lip. Trying so hard, but he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Oh, I know it’s alot. You are so new to this world of business. I respect it. You two are stars, I can see it. I’ll do my best to help guide you both. You two are already doing so wonderful. Truly business savvy. Your parents must be so proud. Here, I’ll leave these papers for you and your twin to discuss over. Just send an Owl if you have any questions.” He gave a tip of his hat to Fred, as Fred himself did his best to give a flustered nod.
Mr. Weatherbird would give a wave goodbye, and vanished through the fireplace. As soon as he did, Fred pushed himself back. Made for a rather pornographic sight, and sound, as he popped his cock out of your mouth.
You were just covered in your own drool. Face more flustered than his own, with your lips swollen from being stretched for so long. How you were panting hard from the stress of the scene. It was all too much. You were just so perfect in his view. He just had to add to it.
He barely had time to close your eyes, as he leaned back. His cock just spilling his cum all across your face. Across your drool stained chest. You were just covered in so much. You were surprised he even had so much in him. Guess this was some life or death edging, so to speak.
With your breath caught, it was his turn to pant. Just leaning back in his office chair. His body slack, as he was seeing stars. That release was so needed, and so intense. He swore he pulled his back out from it.
“That could have gone better…Or worse. Depends on if we look at this from a positive view or not.” You would joke, as he gave a dry laugh. Happy to know you were ok. You knew he was worried, you could just tell. There was something sweet about it. That even with such heat of the moment he was looking out for you.
You would let him collect himself, as a cleaning charm solved all your problems. You also were polite to help out his dick away for him. After care goes both ways, after all. When he would come back to reality he would take care of you. You knew that. Until then, you’ll make sure he is cared for to.
Once he had his time to no longer sweat himself a new pool, he would pull you into his lap. Just cuddling you. A means of apology, without saying it. You knew he was trying to not have you humiliated. It wasn’t intentional in any way. The way you would play with his hair conveyed it. Both of you using your own silent little love language.
“So….Whens your next meeting?” The fact you asked that made his head spin. You wanted to do that again? That risk? The choking? The fear? The adrenaline? The insanity of it all?
“…….Thursday, after lunch….” He’s a Weasley. They were all adrenaline junkies. That’s just one of the many things that made you love him. Love him, kiss him, and bump your noses together. His adorable bird nose, with yours.
“You are such a minx, and I LOVE it.”
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lizaisdrawing · 1 month
I accidentally deleted an ask I had plan to answer 😭 so I’ll paraphrase it
“Where does Wallaces inspiration for Welcome Home come from?”
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Wallace inspiration for welcome home came from a variety of things. I guess you could say it started in the beginning when he first got into art. He just loved taking objects, insects and people and creating his own little spin on them. During his college years (he was studying to be a teacher) while working in a daycare facility, it really helped him understand what children took a liking too, as well as few things they could learn lol which made him start contemplating about creating a show. He already had concept material based on his past works.
But ofc he didn’t do it all alone,It really helped that kids loved sitting around Wallace and create short stories with eachother that helped inspire some eps :) as well as his friends getting into silly shenanigans and the support of his grandparents. Last but not least, we can’t forget that whenever Wallace has some new inspiration for eps ideas, he calls up Sylvia! I shared a lil more info than required lol
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melancolielitteraire · 3 months
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A big home where every thought echoes. Outside the window there’s only a rustle of wind. And in the room, just tapping of keys and peeping eye of the sun. Read a book, write a book. Disappear in the plot, merge with the character, weave the stories. Become part of a unique world three hundred pages long. To live a little life that like a sculptor creates you. It becomes your foundation. Forever.
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secretidentie · 1 month
Bruce finally feels settled in his role as batman. Dick just went to college, the Justice league is doing well and he's got a new Robin. So he decides it's finally time he made his parents proud and finish medical school (and totally not because he wants to be in college at the same time as dick, that's ridiculous Alfred).
Obviously since he's the prince of Gotham he can't really go to Gotham U without being recognized or harassed and since he owns half the buildings he knows he won't be treated fairly so he decides to study in Metropolis.
This is how he ends up in a communication and ethics elective class with a Clark kent, a journalist for the daily planet who is getting his PhD. They slowly develop from strangers to study buddies and maybe even more while Bruce balances academic pressure, with being batman and a dad to dick 2.0 jason.
As the year goes on and he has to deal with assignments, group projects, literal teenagers and not always being perfect Clark's apartment slowly becomes a safe space as he learns to ask for help and accept change.
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Hi there, Jana! Can you please make general scenario and dialogue prompts for grad students? Thank you and keep up the awesome work! ✨✨✨
Hi there :)
I actually had to look up if I'm correct about what a grad student is (not what we call it, my experience is from Germany), but I actually was one not long ago, so here we go:
Grad Students Prompts
Starting to feel really at home in the library
Going so far as to call one desk their own and they can't work if it's not there
Having smaller classes than before and also fewer people they have to interact with
Which also means that they can't easily avoid some people anymore
Getting very familiar with the professors
Figuring uni life out without partying every weekend, like they used to during their Bachelor's
Realising that this is it, after this they really have to figure this whole life thing out
"I skimmed through it. I haven't read through a reading assignment since first week of college."
"I need a place in the library far away from you. Because I actually have to hand this in today and if you're next to me, I won't get anything done."
"So what are you going to do after this?" "Please don't ever ask me that again."
"Should I write my thesis about something that interests me or something that could actually get me a job?"
"I'm kinda ready to leave all these assignments behind. Even if it means I have to work full time."
"I'm going to graduate this year. Or next year. I haven't decided yet. Depends on my willingness to actually write this thesis."
- Jana
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sushistyless · 27 days
Kisses in kiwi flavour.
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just some early morning love between Y/N and H.
1.2k (blurb). My masterlist!
“Mhm,” Harry grumbles sleepily as he wraps his tatted arms around Y/N’s waist, encasing her with his strong chest. His arrival in their tiny kitchen (but cozy— they’d add) catches her by surprise, a breathy laugh leaving her lips. She melts into his touch, liking the pattern his fingers make as they skate on the bare skin that’s revealed from the way he rucks her (well, previously his) shirt.
“What’s m’precious doing up so early?” He bends down some, the raspy notes of his voice resonating against her neck, and the feel of his lips curving against the canvas of her skin as he speaks slowly.
Y/N breathes in deeply, a smile blooming on her face from his words alone. She flips a pancake, noticing how the golden brown colour on it has spread evenly, and plops it over onto the ceramic plate kept on the side. She nestles further into him as she does so, and Harry’s hold on her tightens, his face now buried in the crook of her neck as he inhales her scent— rosemary and… cinnamon? — revelling in the knowledge that he now has her full attention.
“She’s making pancakes for you. She’s amazing actually.”
Harry grins hazily at her response, kissing her neck and skating his palms gently along her soft waist before giving her love handles a little squeeze. “Don’t doubt that. My dodo is amazing.”
Y/N bites her lip in efforts to stifle her own fluttering laugh, cushioning her head back on his bicep, and leaning back into him. She twists her head to look up at him, fondly gazing over his features while he continues to talk in the drawly velvety voice of his, “But as wonderful as tha’ is, she left me without m’cuddles this morning.” He pouts, giving her puppy dog eyes that are way too easy to fall for, Y/N thinks. “And I need m’girl to give me my daily dose of cuddles t’function.”
He was such a dodo too.
“Oh no,” Y/N gasps dramatically, “How will you live now? I’m getting worked up just thinking about it—” She pretends to faint on his arm, animatedly throwing a hand over her heart and closing her eyes.
“Hey,” Harry warns, the muscles in his cheek resisting the usual urge to twitch into a grin, “She should know that I have her in my arms— in m’clutches— right this second.”
Y/N blows a raspberry, not giving much regard to the threat, instead fanning her hands in front of her face, “Yeah, yeah, right. Like tha—" Her sentence is cut short however, when Harry’s hands move to tickle her sides. A bubble of chirpy laughter immediately bubble out of her system, as she curls into herself as a built in mechanism.
“H-Harry!” She squirms in his embrace, laughs pouring out her lungs, grappling to hold onto his wrists which is almost impossible considering his tactful tickle skills. And even when she does manage to get a hold of him, he’s way too strong for her to move especially when she’s already in an annoyingly compromised situation. “
“Yeah?” He beams, deep dimples making little craters in his cheeks, “Don’t worry now. Her laughs have resurrected me.” His fingers continue to squiggle around her sides until his arms wrap around her form completely, fully holding her to him.
He decides to relieve her by planting a big smooch on her cheek, and there’s quiet in the room from her breathing finally slowing down, heavy pants and little laughs leaving her lips as she calms down. Her fingers move to thread around with Harry’s, a pulse in his grip as she does so.
“Boo you, H,” she beams, panting out, “Absolute meanie.” She shakes her head, eyes betraying her quest to stay unaffected as if they remain with a blushy, joyful little twinkle in her crinkled eyes.
Harry only stares back at her, the biggest smile pulling on his lips. He watches the sparkle in her eyes, happiness cradling his heart at the fact that he could be the cause of that.
“I wanna kiss you, now.” Harry whispers and flips her to face him completely, entranced by the sight of his idiot. His lover. His dodo.
“Yeah?” she counters, slowly pushing herself up to sit on the now empty, slightly flour-y counter. Harry catches on and guides her by the hips, assisting her.
That’s when she pops a piece of kiwi from the bowl on the counter into her mouth.
A glint in her eyes is next slowly, and before he knows it, she’s chewing on it.
“Aish. Too bad. Toooo, too bad.” She lets out a soft giggle as she chews, hand covering her mouth, “Such deprivation this is for you. How can you kiss me, when I-I’m eating, Hm?”
“Oh, no.” He smirks at her, “S’bad manners to talk while eating.” He brushes a strand of hair out of his face, his teasing and banter with her mischievous, actions tender. He scrunches his nose some, “Guess it’s time for me to break a rule too, then.”
He moves forward and nudges his nose with hers, and Y/N helps, giggling softly as she pulls back, chewing with her mouth still covered by her hand, a bit of the kiwi juice trickling down her lips. “H! Oh my god, you are—"
“— much less clumsy than you? Yeah, you messy girl. I am.” He grins showing his usual dimples, eyes far too busy twinkling into taking her features as he brings up his thumb and carefully swipes away the little bit of kiwi juice trickling down her chin.
Y/N giggles softly, with a shy glow in her eyes as he does so, finishing her bite. Just as she’s done, in a moment of bold mischief she tries to reach for the bowl again.
“Ah, ah— ahh. Nope.” Harry’s hand immediately reaches for her, pulling it back, a lopsided smile tugging on his lips. “You menace.”
“Oh, I’m the menace?”
“‘Course you are. You’re dodging m’kisses.”
“I’m eating, H! I-" she bubbles out in a laugh, cut off by him.
“Is it ‘cause I ate that last donut you wanted yesterday?” He now pouts, his hold on her tightening as he bends a bit and nudges her nose with his. “Aw, and now you’re upset, Hm?”
She pouts a bit herself, laughing breathily, as she noses back at his nose, eyes closed. “See? You’re so mean. You’re not even sorry about it.”
“‘M such a meanie,” Harry says with a little smile, his eyes fluttering shut as he rests his forehead against hers.
Y/N finally leans in and kisses him, eyes closed too, as the soft touch of her hands behind his neck send tingles down his spine. Supple lips locked in a sweet dance with hers, harry deepens the kiss, tilting his jaw and pulling her flush against his chest, strong arms tightening against her soft frame.
He pulls away barely, eyes full of tender affection as he looks at her own irises, filled with a shy, excited tinge.
He whispers soft, eyelashes fluttering close to hers in a butterfly kiss, “Mmh. Y’taste like Kiwi.”
She kisses him back, barely able to contain her own shy little smile, “And you owe me a donut.”
ah, thank you so much for reading!! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and liking! 🤍
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joytri · 11 months
I was never really insane except on occasions where my heart was touched.
Edgar Allan Poe
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academic-vampire · 1 day
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𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔭𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
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swords-and-starlight · 10 months
i feel the need to remind everyone that Damen’s literally one of the smartest and most well-educated characters in the series. He’s extremely well-read and knowledgeable about military tactics and strategy, which if you didn’t know also includes a huge depth of history knowledge, and his talent comes from both education and years of experience. He’s smart enough to know geography and terrain information of an area he hasn’t needed to have information on in seven years, and even then, the lands they are talking about were in mainland Vere, not Delpha, so his studies were his own initiative. he has favorite poems! HE ENJOYED DEBATING OBSCURE PHILOSOPHY WITH HESTON!!! like y’all Damen is just as intelligent as Laurent, it’s just that Laurent’s intelligence is about manipulation and chess and Damen’s just a nerd.
(also people are gonna be coming for me for this one but i think Damen likes books and libraries a lot more than Laurent ever did)
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xoxo-seline-solier · 28 days
In the stillness of this ghostly town, I linger,
As shadows of friends fade, their laughter a whisper.
They journey forth, to gilded halls and ivy towers,
While I remain, tethered to the mundane hours.
Suitcases brim with dreams, hearts aglow,
They ascend to realms where knowledge flows.
I, an anchor, watch their ships set sail,
Jealousy’s green tendrils weave a mournful tale.
Oh, the ache of stasis, the bitter tether,
As I yearn for wings in this leaden weather.
Yet in this solitude, I’ll carve my fate,
In the quiet, I’ll find my own gilded gate.
It will just have to wait.
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