#This is about daddy issues
respectthepetty · 1 year
Daddy Issues in Naughty Babe
I cannot express enough how much I love every single thing that Naughty Babe is doing.
It constantly emphasizes loving our friends as much as we love our romantic partners, and now this entire episode was about being a good father and wanting better for your son. We see the difference between wanting a better life through money versus wanting a better life through love, and we see the difference between wanting your son to be better than you versus wanting your son to do better than you.
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Yi's dad, Makorn, openly adores Diao, which is why Diao willingly confessed to his plan to ruin the wedding, yet Makorn told Diao regardless of what happens, Diao is family.
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And we got to see that even though Makorn is tough on Yi, it's because he doesn't want his son to be him. Makorn told his son that his wife and Yi's mother left him because he was a cold man and tells Yi to express his feelings for Diao. He tells his son it's okay to cry.
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So even though Makorn could not comfort Yi as a child even when Yi called out to him, he encouraged his son to express his feelings, which is something Makorn himself struggles to do.
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Yi wants to be his dad. He wants to be strong and protective. He was reckless once, and it destroyed people's lives, so now he is controlling not only of others, but himself and his emotions. So he leaves his bedroom and has a panic attack in the living room without seeking any form of comfort. His father told him he could cry, but his father also showed him that nobody would be there to comfort him even if he asked.
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Then Diao walks in, sits down next to Yi, and wipes his tears away. And Yi allows it.
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This is why Makorn loves Diao. Makorn knows that even though he wants better for his son, he is to blame for Yi's callousness. Diao is good for him. Diao is is the remedy to a cold heart, and Makorn never wanted that for his son in the first place.
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When Yi snaps on the phone, Makorn tells him to listen to Diao instead.
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When Yi is ready to kill Diao's family, Makorn tells him he did not raise him to be violent the way he is.
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He doesn't want his son to be better than him. He wants his son to DO better than him. He wants his son to have the love he was incapable of giving him.
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And Diao can give him that.
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Makorn continuously warns Diao that Yi is hard to love, yet Diao consistently responds that Yi deserves his love regardless of how difficult it is.
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Because Diao only wanted love from his father.
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His father, Sattha, tells him that he wanted a better life for Diao which is why he has done all he has including sending Diao to the UK.
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Yet Diao confronts him with the fact that Sattha also greatly benefited from Diao's predicament, so if Sattha has anything to apologize for, it's that he basically exchanged his child for a better life.
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Every time Yi has stumbled, Makorn has been there to scorn him and threaten him, but he has been there. He cannot express his love, but he does express his support, even if it is abrasive. He tells Diao and Aon, the bodyguard, to look out for his son. He cares deeply even if he cannot show it.
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Yet Diao literally stumbles in front of his father, and his father doesn't even try to reach out to help because up until this point, Sattha has only financially helped his child through the contract with the Chens but never physically. He doesn't support Diao. He doesn't physically care for him. Because he thought he didn't need to if Diao was financially well off.
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Neither Yi nor Diao know what love looks like, but are trying despite their upbringings. Yi tried being controlling and protective because that is what he knew were ways to show love. Diao tried to be obedient because that is what he believed would get him love. Now both are seeing what the love they want actually looks like.
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For Diao, it is someone who tells him he loves him. It is someone who allows him to make his own choices. For Yi, it is someone who comforts him when he cries. It is someone who protects him when he feels weak. And for both, it is someone who is their safe place, their home.
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Because home is always been rough for both. When Diao called his father at home, his father was short and distant. Yi's father always summons him home because he wants to talk to Yi (aka lecture him).
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Makorn wants his son to do better than he did and encourages his son, in his aggressive way, to love better than he did. Sattha wants his to son to be better than he was and made every move to guarantee that. Makorn wants his son to marry for love. Sattha wants his son to marry for money.
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Sattha wanted his son to be better than him and didn't give Diao an option. Makorn wanted his his son to do better than him and has given him nothing but (harsh) support.
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Both boys have issues that make it difficult for them to trust how they are loved.
But they trust their friends. They trust each other.
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And they trust one of their fathers.
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Congratulations, Makorn, on being an issue, but ceaselessly trying to help your SONS solve their issues.
look at me appreciating a character's father instead of telling the character to kill him. *growth*
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varpusvaras · 9 days
I think that instead of being super apprehensive about Jason and him dating Roy, Oliver should take one look at him and then one look at Bruce and go oh, I'm about to be so annoying.
Oliver starts being so nice to Jason. So nice. Inviting him to family dinners. Giving him both his hero communications and personal phone number and telling him to call whenever he needs something. He gives him new tech and keeps updating his weapons and armor. He helps with missions and clean up and says nothing if Jason is a little rough, apart from patting him on the back and saying good job. He starts keeping his picture inside his wallet and has other pictures of Jason, Roy and Lian framed in the house and tells everyone about him. He starts calling him son-in-law first and then just son and then calls him a Harper and eventually a Queen.
At first it was just to annoy Bruce, but after the first time he tells Jason that he did a good job and Jason starts to tear up a little, Oliver goes oh no, oh I'm actually doing this now. This my boy now. I don't care if he and Roy break up or something, this is my boy now.
Bruce still thinks he's just doing it for the sole purpose of pissing him off, though, and he is so fucking mad. The Justice League meetings have turned into a Cold War zone.
Bruce starts to being so nice to Jason as well, forcing himself to ignore some of the more outrageous things Jason does, and Jason is so, so fucking confused.
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fishtrift · 7 months
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he knows
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lilacs-stash · 1 year
In my I don't give a fuck era. It still hurts. But I don't care that it hurts
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Overindulgent father Astarion who tells his children they’re allergic to any kind of jewellery that isn’t made of the highest grade Dwarven crafted gold. 
It’s not even because Astarion might have a certain aversion to silver, no, he just raises his children to have standards, thank you very much. 
And it doesn’t end with shiny things, oh no… 
The Ancunín brood is known to be dressed in perfectly woven cotton, silk and soft leather clothes, no matter the occasion.
They’re seen playing with expensive toys, reading artfully illustrated books that certainly belong behind thick glass, not in children’s sticky hands. 
There’s even talk that one of the children is not as naturally inclined to music as his parents claim him to be, surely his lyre must be enchanted—the instrument certainly looks extravagant enough! 
And then there’s always this air of effortless haughtiness surrounding the Ancunín children whenever their nannies and servants are parading them through town as if they were perfect little dolls; objects to show off the wealth their parents acquired in quite the mysterious ways. 
So, it’s no secret that Astarion and Tav are pampering their children—some might say they’re even spoiling them rotten. 
And maybe they are, especially Astarion.
But he doesn’t see why he should raise them any other way, nor does he want to.  
When it comes to his children, Astarion has his own standards, and as long as Tav agrees with him nothing really matters. 
Because, these people, they don’t know anything about the Ancuníns. 
They don’t know that it’s not unusual for Astarion to wash out dirt and mud and strawberry stains from comically small finery, leaving behind only the memories of a day spent playing in the garden, chasing after ducks, picking flowers, lazing in the sun…
That any holes and tears the children’s clothes might suffer are quickly mended, making them look as good as new in no time. 
Nor do they know that Astarion doesn’t mind fashioning a brand new dress to match that of a favourite doll, either. Or to embroider a pretty vest with the likeness of that stray cat the children seem to adore, although their father would rather they don’t touch the mangy animal. 
No, those people know nothing at all...
“Not tired!” Astarion’s youngest cries; the vehement denial of her father’s earlier accusation is cut short by a telltale yawn.
The room still smells of fragrant lavender oil and peaches even when the bath water has already grown tepid, just one or two degrees above what Astarion would consider too cold to be enjoyable. 
Amused, he raises an eyebrow at the protesting toddler before he lifts her out of the copper bathtub with little effort. 
By now, he knows every step of this game.
“Tut-tut, my dear child, what did mama and I say?” Astarion kneels, quickly wrapping a soft towel around the child to keep her warm. “We only tell lies outside of this house.”
Unfazed by her father’s gentle scolding, the girl crosses her arms that haven’t yet lost their puppy fat across her chest, reminding Astarion a little too much of a very displeased Tav. 
Suppressing a sigh, he leans back to consider the pouting child, wondering what could possibly be upsetting her this time—the list is growing longer by the day, after all. 
“What’s the matter, dear?” Astarion asks gently, hoping it’s something easily fixable as it’s growing rather late. 
“Want apple!”
Decades ago, Astarion might’ve rolled his eyes—he knows exactly which stupid apple the child wants, it’s been haunting him all day—but once he started to treat his children’s problems as if they were his own, his life has grown somewhat easier. 
“Why, let’s get an apple on our way to bed, then. Would that be alright, Your Highness?” 
The girl promptly nods her head, allowing Astarion to pat her hair dry before dressing her in a clean night dress. 
She rests her cheek against her father’s shoulder as he carries her first to the kitchen to grab a fragrant apple and a knife, then to her bedroom where they settle on the cosy window seat, just like they do every night.
Soft moonlight is pouring through the windows; the child giggles at the way the knife’s blade is catching the silver light as Astarion peels and cuts the apple into even pieces.
“Here you go,” he finally says, giving the slice of apple one last examining look before surrendering it to the impatient little hands reaching for it. “A sweet treat for my little sweet. Doesn’t it taste so much better when we don’t eat it off the floor, darling?” And when it’s not crawling with ants…
The appeased toddler nibbles at the juicy fruit as Astarion carefully combs through her still-damp curls. 
Her hair’s getting long, he notices, knowing that taking care of it will become more time-consuming each day. 
Once, Astarion would’ve thought this task tedious, brushing out hair that’s not his own, oiling and braiding it for no other reason than knowing his children enjoy him doing it. 
But that’s why he loves doing it in the first place, he supposes.
Astarion can tell by his toddler’s heartbeat that sleep is about to claim her. 
The half-eaten slice of apple is still clutched in her little fist as he cradles the child to his chest, slowly rising from the window seat to put her to bed. 
He’s just about to lay the child down that the fruit drops to the floor, his daughter’s tiny hand clutching at his shirt instead.
“Thank you, papa,” she mumbles, more asleep than awake.
Astarion pauses.
He breathes in the clean, yet unique scent of the little girl that is forever engraved in his brain, the same way he knows under which exact constellation she was born. When she took her first steps, what her first word was. Soon, he will have to memorise her favourite colour, and what she likes to eat when dirty apples won’t be that appealing anymore. 
By now, Astarion knows this game by heart, knows that with every year that passes, he has something new to learn about his children.
And sometimes he wonders what it’s like to grow up with clean bed sheets and full bellies. Sleep filled with naught but warmth and happy memories. Ever open doors and tears that are dried by tender kisses. Living in a house where mistakes and anger are welcomed, safe. 
He wonders what it’s like for his children to know that their father’s love comes without conditions. Not now and not ever. 
Sitting down on the bed, Astarion holds his youngest a little closer to his chest, unwilling to let go of her, yet. 
He’s often accused of spoiling his children when most people can only just grasp the very surface of his love for them, the bare minimum of what he feels for his one and only, precious family. 
These baseless accusations are as unimportant to Astarion as the people voicing them.
He’s raising his children to have standards, wants them to take their father’s love for granted, to accept nothing less but pure devotion.
It’s the only way Astarion knows how to love them, the only way that comes most naturally to him. 
Astarion looks down at his little girl, now fast asleep, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. 
After all these years—all these children—he’s still in awe watching them sleep in his arms as if no harm in the world could ever befall them.
And it won’t—not if Astarion can help it. 
“No, thank you, my heart,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against the crown of the toddler’s head. 
When it comes to his children, Astarion holds himself to the highest standard.
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greencharisard · 7 months
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I've been a "No ships for Alastor" person for the longest time bc I couldn't see him with anyone, but then episode 5 happened and Radioapple has taken over my life. I'm also not a big fan of making fankids/nextgens for my ships bc I don't like the idea that every couple needs a child (plus most of the ships that I like I just can't see dealing with kids)... Howeverrrrr the entirety of this ship is these two goobers trying to out-dad each other, so I just,,, created a child concept... for fun...
Yeah it didn't remain just "for fun" for long lmao, say hi to Cider.
Premise: Lucifer and Alastor both made their own little versions of each other, so they can take their anger out on them, Charlie finds out, the above interaction happens, BOOM! Congratulations you goobers you now have a child.
Charlie is absolutely extatic about her new little brother, Lucifer is shocked at first but comes around quickly, Alastor... Alastor takes a while to warm up to the idea, but Cider's cuteness slowly wins him over. He 100% tries to hide it tho.
Over these two, my god, I can't y'all, this show has me in a chokehold but these two goobers expecially.
Hazbin Hotel by to Vivziepop
art and character by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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duckysprouts · 1 year
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a lot of problems would’ve been avoided if cps existed in the got verse
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wigglebox · 3 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 21; Most faithful mirror
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
The interaction we saw between Buck and Tommy was so critical in highlighting the healthiness and stability of their relationship.
Not only did Tommy recognize that Buck wasn’t okay and that he was trying to deflect with humour, he actively made space for Buck to express his emotions and talk about what was bothering him.
When Buck shared anecdotes about his family and his team, Tommy reciprocated and opened up about his own issues with his father.
Tommy actively acknowledged that he was a worse version of himself under Captain Gerrard (showing that he’s not trying to sanitize or hide his past from Buck).
Tommy is matching Buck pace for pace in this relationship, and that’s so important.
The bar may seem low, but we’ve never seen this level of equality before with Buck’s partners, not truly. Buck is always the one giving parts of himself away, the one deflecting and masking himself with humour and self-deprecation. Tommy doesn’t let that happen.
More importantly, he lets Buck dictate when he’s ready for the conversation to move on. The moment Buck turns the conversation in a flirty direction by asking about Daddy Issues, Tommy immediately notes the change of tone and rises to meet it, giving us an absolute sniper of a line “God I hope so.”
These two are in lockstep with each other. They’re still in the early stages of their relationship and getting to know each other, but the way they’re going about it is so incredibly healthy. They’re going slow, getting to know each other, and building up the anticipation with each date and moment spent together. They’re creating something special here. Something meant to last.
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smexydilflover · 2 months
Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy is unfortunately the hottest human man I be ever seen.
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emiliagrant · 4 months
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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dogearedheart · 7 months
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they are all the same btw
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poppy-metal · 4 months
just thought of being scumbag patricks pretty little girlfriend and saying you love him mid-stroke and he groans, puts a hand over your mouth because you dont mean that shit - he's gonna pretend he didn't hear it, cause hes bad for you and you falling in love with him would be fucking awful for you both - doesn't stop him from fucking you deeper though, immediately after you say it. like the words have a lasso affect and his hips crash into yours, not parting this time, just grinding his cock inside - way more intimate than he usually allows. biting his palm, wrestling your mouth from under his palm in defiance like the brat you are so you can pant and whine another breathless "i love you - i love -" he fucks you harder until the words fade out into moans. acting like his balls aren't twitching to unload inside you the moment you said those words, like its just to shut you up, the desperate slam of his hips, and not like the confession means anything.
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soft-cryptids · 2 years
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They are just so father & daughter, your honor. 
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tojisun · 1 year
established simon (ghost) riley x fem reader; eventual john price x fem reader; hinted t141 x fem reader
!! suggestive - minors dni; hints of d/s; 944 words
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johnny almost falls from his seat as he sees who’s closing in. 
he smacks kyle’s thigh, the younger man hissing in anger before following johnny’s jutted finger, only for his own jaw to fall open in surprise when he finally sees what’s got johnny’s face spasming. john sighs through his nose before twisting, tipping his boonie just a little bit to clear his vantage. 
ah, he thinks, his own heart lodging itself in his throat. no wonder.
simon finally made it, the tall man weaving his way around the crowd and sidestepping strangers with passion. price knows it’s less about his aversion to being touched by strangers and more about securing the package cradled gently in his toned arms – you.
you’re not tiny by normal standards, john could tell, but beside ghost, you look a whole lot smaller. you’re dressed in a frilly pink dress, looking too prim and too proper for the establishment. for the man holding you.
john has to briefly turn his eyes away, licking the back of his teeth as a spike of hunger seizes him whole. 
you and ghost finally make it to the group, and they all watch, with little shame, as ghost claims the seat they’ve saved for him before pulling you into his lap. you follow with a fond huff, using simon’s shoulder to steady yourself as you wiggle around to find a comfortable position. 
all throughout, simon’s hands are firmly on you, touching and guiding, but also marking and claiming. john thinks it’s also a reminder to the squad: she’s mine.
john nurses his whiskey, swallowing down the alcohol to quench his thirst. 
then, you finally look at them, beautiful doe eyes blinking up at them with curiosity and interest.
fuck, you’re too goddamn beautiful.
“hey there, little lass,” johnny greets first, his pale cheeks tinged with the slightest pink, and his arm out for you to shake. they all watch as you do just that, tender hand and dewy skin meeting scarred and battle-worn ones. 
the contrast has john gripping his glass of whiskey, and, unwittingly, a brief thought flashes through his mind: how beautiful you would look being corrupted by them all.
as he shots the rest of his alcohol, his eyes accidentally meet simon’s.
john expected anger or even a flash of betrayal, instead, all he sees is the way simon’s eyes are heavy with thinly-veiled interest.
“hello,” your reply breaks the eye contact and both men shift to look at you. you introduce yourself, and john mouths your name to himself, testing the way it rolls off his tongue. 
kyle hums from beside johnny, extending his hand out next with a charming smile. you smile back at him, still looking like a perfect picture of a good and proper girl. not even the way that you’re sat on the lap of a man whose face is fully obscured by a plain balaclava could alter the way you are all dolled up and darling for them all.
“cap’n?” kyle’s voice pierces through his thoughts and john blinks back into reality before instantly turning his eyes to their guest. 
don’t mind the fact that it had been kyle who asked for him – john is already giving you his full attention. 
“hey there, sweet girl,” john’s voice is a purr – a sure gamble – and he watches the way you freeze, your eyes going wide as you clock in the desire coating his words.
johnny and kyle straighten up from their seats, their lips pinched together as their eyes flick between their captain and their lieutenant. 
but ghost doesn’t do anything.
instead, they watch as simon’s hand snakes up to your throat from where it rested on your stomach. the glide was slow, deliberately putting on a show, and they watched with rapt attention as simon gently squeezed your throat – the action not made to hurt but to ground you.
simon uses this hold to tug you closer to him until his lips are hovering over your ear. 
“c’mon, love,” simon’s voice rumbles within the startling silence that has overtaken their little group. “what do good girls say?”
you lick your lips and their eyes zone in on the little sliver of your tongue, their chests constricting when they finally register your blown up eyes, your pupils eating up the colours of your irises. 
“hello, sir,” you finally murmur, your voice breathy and light as you turn to john. 
john pretends that he doesn’t understand why the mere mention of his title slipping from your pouty lips had set his nerves on fire.
“yeah,” he hears himself say. “would never tire hearin’ you callin’ me sir, that’s for sure sweetheart.”
johnny chokes from somewhere beside him but he doesn’t pay it any mind because simon looks at him, contemplative, before giving a short nod.
it’s all john needs before he reaches out and brushes your hair away from your face. you’re still staring at him with wide eyes, your breaths passing between your pearly teeth and glossy lips, and john ducks down just enough that only you and simon could hear.
“tell me to stop now, little one.”
your resounding whine and the soft shake of your head gives john the answer he needs.
but simon clicks his tongue. “use y’r words, love.”
“don’t,” you begin, sighing in quiet pleasure when simon’s other hand travels down your skirt, his warm palm rubbing along the expanse of your thigh. “don’t stop. please, sir.”
both john and simon rumble in elation at your response. at your beautiful docility. at how proper and good a girl you truly are. 
and now, you could be john’s girl too. 
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asoftepiloguemylove · 8 months
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Chen Chen Poplar Street // pinterest // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Janet Fitch // Taylor Swift seven // @girltwinkabigail // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Mitski Class of 2013 // Taylor Swift You're On Your Own, Kid // Margaret Atwood Selected Poems: 1965-1975 (via @freshberries) // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Salman Rushdie East, West // Emily Palermo // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Desireé Dallagiacomo Sink
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