#Tim Peake
adrianl4u · 2 months
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Italy from space! Photo by Tim Peake, astronaut from UK
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florencenotthecity · 2 months
Sometimes I remember that a person has been chased around the International Space Station before by a man in a gorilla suit at least once and giggle slightly
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124daisies · 10 months
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Tim Peake posing with his new motorbike, 2021
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stylexshweta · 1 year
Tim Peake: Space science should trump space tourism
Tim Peake is a British astronaut and a passionate advocate for space science. He believes that the importance of space science should not be overshadowed by the growing trend of space tourism.
While space tourism is an exciting and novel concept, Peake argues that its primary purpose is to provide entertainment for the wealthy, rather than to advance scientific understanding. In contrast, space science aims to answer fundamental questions about our universe, improve our technology, and provide valuable insights into our planet and its future.
Peake's own experiences as an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS) have shown him the incredible potential of space science. During his time on the ISS, he conducted experiments on behalf of various organizations, including the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency. These experiments covered a wide range of topics, such as biology, physics, and meteorology, and have already yielded important findings that can be used to improve life on Earth.
Peake believes that space science should continue to be a priority for governments and private organizations. By investing in space science, we can gain a better understanding of our planet, explore new technologies and capabilities, and make important discoveries that could improve life on Earth. Space tourism, on the other hand, should be viewed as a secondary objective, something that can be pursued once the primary goal of advancing space science has been achieved.
In conclusion, Tim Peake's message is clear: space science should take precedence over space tourism. While there is no doubt that space tourism is an exciting prospect, we should not lose sight of the immense potential of space science to benefit humanity in countless ways. By prioritizing space science, we can ensure that we continue to explore the universe in a responsible and sustainable way, for the benefit of all.
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ashoss · 6 months
Tim & Cass if you're still taking art requests! My favorite brains & brawn duo, although neither is lacking either.
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they got each other in their bat-mite meal :D
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blairwitchbaby · 10 days
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Sleepy Hollow
1999, Tim Burton
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
Red Tornado: You are all insane and I want to study you under a microscope so I’m your babysitter now
Superboy: Hey what the fuck
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timdrakeslawyer · 2 months
if you hate them you will d!3 and go to hell
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(superman/batman #5)
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water1oggedcorpse · 2 months
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This could be us but
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fuumiku · 6 months
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Sweet & salty can be a good mix! Idk about syrup in sandwiches though… 
It’s bicorn day!!!
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anthyies · 1 year
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young justice will just do this
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based-bobcat · 3 months
Remember when Batman used to solve regular murders? Remember when Batman was fallible and could be beaten by a gunshot?
DC's writers don't.
I don't know if it's because writers only really write for trades more, but ever since new 52 every writer wants to be the O'Neil/Morrison and make it more epic than the last. I've lost count how many fucking times Gotham has been taken over and/or destroyed these last 5 years, but the fact that I lost count says something. There have been no civilian characters introduced since Tamaki's promising, but kind of mediocre, go at TEC.
They take his money away 'to go back to his roots' (laughable as Bruce has never been without his fortune), and sure you finally get him interacting with regular joes again, only for it not even mattering since he's gotten gear stashed everywhere anyway, not to mention that the next writer to throw it all into the garbage like a meal they don't like.
They reveal Batman's identity as if they're handing out pamphlets for a local political party; Including to Gordon, to Penguin, to Harvey Dent, to fucking Joker, but there is no consequence to that since Bruce's out-of-mask life isn't even a thing that exists anymore. When was the last time he interacted with someone who didn't end up clashing with/meeting with Batman? I sure as fuck can't remember it.
I had hope for Zdarsky's run, since his Daredevil run was a nice street-level romp. (At the beginning anyway, christ did he lose the plot in the end) but he writes stuff like;
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That's just sad. Joker and Batman are not Gods or powerful beings like Clark or J'onn.
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Th-they're just normal men.
And at the same time you have more and more influences that come from Wayne Family Adventures, which I like don't get me wrong, but these watered down fanficified versions of the Batfam is not what I want to read about when I open up a comic book. Just try reading Taylor's Nightwing without falling asleep and you'll get me.
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I like these kinds of things as fan-art or fun covers, but not in my mainline comics.
The Batfamily used to be made up of people with the same goals, but with different approaches, ideals and moral boundaries. Which caused a lot of friction. (Barb and Bruce really, REALLY did not like each other during the early 2000s and that's putting it mildly. And they were co-parenting a suicidal gremlin at that time) They all respected each other, sure, but I can't see any of the family even slightly considering moving in with Bruce. Especially Dick, Barbara and Steph.
All this to say that I'm a boomer and miss the old days.
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betterthanbatman1 · 9 months
Tim after having 3 hours of sleep, wordlessly entering a room and handing Dick a paper covered with sketches: These are all the faces I can see hiding in my carpet :)
Dick looking at the sketches with absolute horror: oh…
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fumifooms · 3 months
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feelingbatty · 2 years
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idk if this is going to make sense to anyone except me but this is the easiest way to describe the difference between jason and tim’s characters
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