#Why must I always be spurned?! :(
anti-shakespeare · 6 months
I cannot romance Hytham? Jail for Ubisoft! Jail for a 1000 years!
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boldlygoingtohell · 10 months
In a weird way, as a Jew, I can kinda take Normal Antisemitism™️.
I mean, I understand where right-wing racists are coming from when it comes to their antisemitism. At the end of the day, theirs just comes from fear, replacement theory, etc… It’s easily identifiable. 2+2=4. Yea its shitty, but I see how they got from A to B and it’s a straight line.
But left-wing antisemitism?? Like, how does that happen? I thought the left was about supporting minority groups, encouraging them to speak and be heard. But all I’m seeing from leftists these days (I myself being super fucking liberal, left, etc…) is just waves and waves of antisemitism. And yes it has to do with Israel, but these people are incapable of criticizing the Israeli government without going “all Jews are responsible!” in the process. It's infuriating.
Are all the the world’s Jews, millions of which live OUTSIDE of Israel, now responsible for Israel’s actions? I'M a stupid American! I’ve never even BEEN to Israel, much less know the intricate details of a geo-political conflict whose complexities go willfully unlearned by armchair activists in favor of yelling in all caps for 140 characters.
But what really gets me, and I mean REALLY get me about the whole situation, is the hypocrisy.
Remember how awful it was when we saw waves of Islamophobic hate crimes after 9/11, American Muslims with no ties to al-Qaeda being targeted for the faith those terrorists claimed to represent?
Or do you remember standing against the wave of anti-Asian hate crimes that was spurned on by COVID falsehoods? The “China virus” as Trump so eloquently put it? You remember being pissed about that, not blaming Asian Americans but standing with them against hate?
And hell, I’ve heard there has been a rash of Islamophobic attacks again because of the Israeli-Gaza conflict. That’s fucking awful, and I will stand against that bull shit because it does not belong here, end of story.
But now there are also antisemitic attacks, hate crimes, being perpetrated around the world. And who are the perpetrators now? The left that stood against everything else. There's no widespread ally-ship for Jews like me. There's no sweeping social media campaign, no catchy hashtag, no ice bucket challenge.
Why am I allowed to be condemned for what a country on the other side of the world is doing, when I have nothing to do with it? Why can I have the finger pointed at me when I don’t want the fighting in the first place? Why must Jews be allowed to be the target of this ire when it's already been decided that other ethnicities/religions don't deserve it either?
Now, I am PROUD to be Jewish; it is my culture, in my heritage, in my literal blood. It is in my genetics, my bones, my spoken language, it is in the holidays I celebrate, the philosophies I live by.
But it is also in the generational trauma of my mother insisting I have a passport as a young child, not because we were traveling, but in case we had to flee. It is in her inherent distrust of the government; a card-carrying Democrat all her life, she would always remind me, "if you don't think the government can't turn on you, you're kidding yourself." It is her constant reminders that as a Jew, our assimilation is conditional, our acceptance is political. I felt these, but never as strongly as she did. Not until now.
I am third generation American, and yet I feel like an outsider in the only country I have ever known. People who I thought understood, who were my friends, who marched with me against the injustices of the world, are now calling after Jews to answer for Israel's actions.
I say I don't want the violence to persist and I'm told that I'm, "one of the good ones". I'm told hurt Israelis don't deserve sympathy because, "all Jews are rich anyway, right? Who cares." I tell them my fears about the rising antisemitism and wearing my star of david necklace out. I'm told, "it doesn't matter, you're white anyway."
For the first time in my life, the racists aren't just some crazy KKK members. They're not just Nazis marching around with beer bellies and ill fitting helmets. It's not just some screeching street preacher who claims I'm going to hell after he caught the glint off my star of david necklace. If needs be, I can kick and punch my way out of those. They're just idiots. Isolated, concentrated incidents. It'd be a good story to tell at a bar the next day though a gap-toothed smile and a sling on my shoulder.
But now, both sides are coming after me and my people. Now, it's not just idiots who have all of their views backwards; it's people I thought I could trust to have my back, to go down swinging with me against those Nazis. Right. Left. It's everywhere. There's no escape.
It's coming from all sides. It's coming from social media platforms, from dinners with friends, from posters on street lamps.
I live in one of the safest, most Jewish neighborhoods in America, and for the first time in my life I am truly scared.
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129 for Switcheroo!
Eddie gapes at him.
“You retired?” He asks. 
“Yes,” Ramon replies.
“Yes, Edmundo. Willingly.”
Eddie huffs out a heavy breath.
“Well,” he says after a moment. “I’m sure you must be going crazy.”
“It just happened. Two weeks ago,” his father explains. “And now I’m here.”
Now he’s here. He almost died. Eddie almost died. The world almost ended, and Ramon Diaz decided, hey, time to retire and try to fix things with his son. Eddie doesn’t know what to think. Part of him is moved, honestly. The part that always sought his father’s approval. That tried so hard to be the boy he wanted him to be. That then, spurned, tried to be anything but that man. That lost little kid in him wants to take this at face value. The father in him? Less happy. The son says, finally. The father says, how could you ever have waited this long? 
“Please, son,” Ramon replies when Eddie is silent for too long. “All I’m looking for is a chance not to miss any more of your life. Or my grandson’s.”
This last comment lights a fire in Eddie. 
“But you would have never known Christopher at all,” Eddie accuses. “If I hadn’t run into my son, a total stranger, in a grocery store, none of us would have ever known him. And that was a choice.” 
“I know, I don’t deserve-”
“Do you?” Eddie cuts him off. “Do you have any idea? Because you missed most of your own kids’ lives, so I can see why it wouldn’t seem like a big deal.”
Ramon flinches. But he takes a steeling breath and looks Eddie in the eye. 
“I… I have an excuse for one, but not the other.”
Eddie tightens his jaw and waits. Fine. He’ll listen. But he’s not going to pretend he’s happy about it.
Another deep breath from Ramon. 
“For Christopher… It’s going to sound like a lie, but really, I didn’t have the same information.”
“What do you mean?” Eddie asks. 
“I… I didn’t… I supported your mother, you know? That’s what you do when you’re married.” 
Eddie tightens his mouth. He doesn’t need a lecture on duty. 
“But I was away on business, she got the call from Shannon. When she heard about the baby. By the time she got back, all I heard was that Shannon girl got pregnant. Moved on from Eddie fast. I didn’t question it.”
Eddie can actually believe this, which  is the problem. It might be easier to know how to feel about it if he thought his dad was lying. He could just stay angry. It’s easier to just stay angry. 
“Okay,” Eddie replies cautiously. “I can see that.” 
“I should have behaved much differently when I found out the truth,” Ramon continues. “I shouldn’t have backed her up. I love your mother, but she was wrong in what she did. I know that. I’m sorry.”
Eddie swallows. The admission has more impact than he would have thought. 
“Thank you,” Eddie says. “I appreciate you saying that.”
If he expects Eddie to apologize in return, for sending them away, for preventing them access to Chris, he won’t, though. He was right to do that. He knows that. 
“I don’t have an excuse for not being there for you growing up,” Ramon says. “Or for the way I reacted when you came out to us. All I can say is that I felt… I felt like there was a certain way to do things right, and was very scared of veering off course. I’m sorry.”
Eddie’s throat feels very tight. He doesn’t really know how to reply. He knows the compulsion his father is talking about. Knows what it feels like to walk away from it. He knows it’s something he inherited. Did it just take Ramon decades longer to turn his back on it? Or is this all a charade? 
“Thank you,” Eddie says again, voice hoarse.
“If there is anything I can do to make it better between us, please tell me, Eddie,” Ramon practically begs. “I’m just looking for a chance.”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Um… I want… I want to give you a chance, I think. I just… Honestly, Dad, I don’t know how. I don’t know how to trust you.”
Ramon’s eyes flicker down to the table. He nods shallowly.
“I suppose that’s fair.”
The thing is, though… Eddie doesn’t want to be angry. He’d love for this not to be a gaping wound in him. He’s never wanted to hate them. He has always loved them, and found himself missing being loved in return. He doesn’t want to set refusal to forgive as an example to his son, in case god forbid he ever fucks up so badly it’s a question. Not that he would ever fuck up quite like his parents have. Never. 
Eddie would like time and space to process this a bit better than he can right now. But that’s not the scenario he’s presented with. His father has come to apologize and ask if there’s any chance to move forward. Without his mother. Something Eddie wouldn’t have, in a million years, anticipated. So… So, it’s an opportunity. One to accept cautiously. One to measure the benefits and the risks of analytically, rather than from a place of anger. He can do that. 
“I’m open to figuring it out,” Eddie says finally. 
Ramon looks back up at him, hopeful. 
“You are?”
Eddie nods. “It’s… It’ll take me time.”
Ramon sighs, relieved. “Thank you, Eddie. I understand.”
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simlit · 3 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // sixty-five
| @catamano
next / previous / beginning
EIRA: I hate to see him like that. He and I haven’t always gotten on, but… I just can’t imagine having so little family and watching it fall away like that. ELION: We could still find his sister alive. EIRA: Even if she is alive, it must be torture for him. I’ve been lucky. And maybe I’ve taken that for granted. I could have died out there in the cold, but the Witchers who took me in chose to love me. They chose to care. Even now, they’d do anything to see me safe. And I’ve spurned them at every opportunity. ELION: Why did you come here? EIRA: I guess it’s not as obvious as I think. I was chasing this… stupid idea. Not a dream, but maybe some endless nightmare. I thought that if I could become a full-fledged Witcher like my… like the ones who saved me. Then maybe I was worthy of really being theirs. Even if I’m not. ELION: It’s no easy feat to become a true Witcher. EIRA: Yes, I know that. But every day I’m not it’s a reminder I’m nothing like them. ELION: Family is hardly just about blood. Do you think they would rather you risk your life, just to call yourself one of them, than to have you alive and well and still beside them? EIRA: No… I don’t think that. And I wanted it anyways. ELION: Hm. Well, the heart wants what it wants, I suppose. Who am I to tell you otherwise? Except that I’ve never been much of a gambler. I prefer when I know the odds are stacked in my favor. If there’s any chance that you lose more than what you’d gain… then I’d say it’s not a game worth playing. EIRA: I shouldn’t have to hear that from you. From him… Anyone. But I never questioned it. Not for a moment. Until I came here. ELION: Then I’m so very glad that you did.
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danibee33 · 10 months
Part II of undercover!Ghost🩶
{Part I}
cw: nsfw at the end, no explicit smut, just Ghost on his knees for reader (he’s a giver what can i say)
• You still don’t, or can’t, open your eyes- even when Ghost tilts your chin up and you can see the dim light shining behind your eyelids. Call it spite or possibly just a deeply rooted indignation that you’ve always possessed according to your father, but we won’t get into that now.
• But you just couldn’t. For the first time, you had no intention of giving him exactly what he wanted-
• “Why now?” You ask, pulling his hands away from your face. And you’re sure you look so silly, a grown woman refusing to just open her eyes and look at the face that’s plagued your thoughts ceaselessly; but he.. is just so fucking frustrating.
• You try to turn away but that only spurns him on, wrapping his hand around your elbow- you find yourself pressed against the door, a small grunt parting your lips, one he’s more than happy to swallow in a kiss.
• And it’s far too easy to melt into him again, let his hands touch you in ways you hadn’t let anyone touch you before-
• “No, no. Don’t- do that.”, you grind out the words, pushing him back once again, or well, trying to. You’re strong, but it doesn’t do much to the solid fucking wall of muscle that doesn’t want or care to move,
• “We’re not doing this. You do not get to treat me like I barely exist and then change your mind all of a sudden when you see me in a tight dress and heels-“, you shake your head as you continue, “you don’t want me.. you want this.”
• Internally, you’re bashing your head against the wall, because why the fuck can’t you stop talking?! He’s just a guy! A man- a very tall, inhumanly strong, muscular man, who looks at you like a little gnat he can’t quite get rid of.. but has been kissing you and holding you like you meant something to him. Like this wasn’t the first time he had thought about a moment like this-
• “And that would be fine.. if you weren’t.. fucking, ugh! You!”
• Your face is clasped between his hands again, thick fingers threading through your hair, and his voice calm and low- which simultaneously soothes your nerves and lights them on fire all at once, “You’re insufferable- the way you talk to us, the way you look at us, the way you just fuckin’ walked in and managed to worm your way under everyone’s skin-“
• He watches your eyebrows knit together in confusion and anger, you’re holding back so much, he can practically feel the potential energy radiating all around you- yours and his mixing together into something deliciously volatile,
•“Your existence is probably the only goddamn thing I can’t ignore, Hel.”
• Your face softens in a way he couldn’t have predicted, in a way that causes his chest to tighten and his breath to come a little shorter.
• “You do so much for us.. just because you want to, because you like seein’ people you care for happy. You don’t make any sense to me-“
• You hang on to his every word, to the rasp in his accent, and the way he holds you,
• “People aren’t just kind without wanting somethin’ in return. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out what you want.”
• Without thought, your eyes shoot open, a whole argument just waiting at the tip of your tongue-
• He thinks you want something from them? From him? That you were only kind to the Captain, and Gaz, and Soap because you wanted something in return? What you really wanted in this moment is to shake his big, stupid shoulders, and ask him how for someone so smart and perceptive, he could be such a raging idiot-
• But you do none of those things.
• No, instead of screaming or pushing him away, cursing him out, giving him a whole piece of your mind- you stand there, speechless and wide eyed because there he was. Lieutenant Simon Riley.
• You remember thinking at one time that he must be hideous or grotesque, something to match his boorish personality- but quickly swept the idea to the side. It was childish, and you had been angry with him, you’re sure. You know Soap and the others had seen his face before, but they never gave you even a crumb of detail- so, you’re mind filled in all the gaps, constructing a face around the deep amber eyes.
• And now, all of that work.. is useless. Because he’s everything you thought he might be, and nothing like it, at the same time. His brows are a bit darker than his hair, not too thick, but enough to balance the bit of scruff that covers his lower cheeks and jaw line- scars cut this way and that, some thick, others smaller, neater. One cuts right through his bottom lip, deforming it slightly- and another, deeper one across the bridge of his nose, which looks just a bit off, broken and reset incorrectly, you assume.
• He’s handsome, not in a movie star or even conventional way- but more than that, you think. Maybe it has to do with his flaws, has to do with the soft angles of his features, harsh only because of the way he’s used to constantly wearing a slight grimace.
• You reach up, leaning into him fully as you pull his lips against yours- something odd and warm burning through you, making your head spin when he reciprocates the kiss with no hesitation. If anything, it feels all the more frenzied now, like he had half expected you to run out of the room the moment you saw his face.
• “I don’t want anything from you, you fucking idiot.” You breathe out, the words and your voice mixing with the soft sounds of your tongues and mouths searching for more, your bodies yearning for more.
• Which is how you end up across the room, sat atop the beautiful, vintage oak desk, your dress hiked up around waist, watching the formidable Ghost take a knee in front of you, “Fuckin’ hell.. are you tryin’ to kill me?”
• “Don’t give me those eyes. You can’t wear underwear in a dress like this, I didn’t do it for you..”
• His eyes are inky and half lidded as he looks up, asking permission, begging for it without a single word.
• You try to shift forward, searching for friction but finding none against the smooth surface under you- only feeling the terrible dampness that’s made your thighs sticky. And all it takes is a breathy little whimper from you, his name whispered on your lips for him to move.
• He has your thigh settled over his shoulder and his face buried between your legs before the small yelp can escape- one hand smacking over your mouth and the other immediately grabbing his hair, “Jesus, Ghost- ah- fuck.”
• You hear and feel him breathe you in before a deep growl reverberates through his chest, wrapping a big hand over the thigh on his shoulder, and pushing the other open farther- another quiet groan leaving him when he finally sees what a mess you are.
• The first long stripe he makes with his tongue feels like a warning, the wet heat of him lapping at you has your cunt clenching vainly around nothing, an ache you’re not sure you had ever felt blooming deeper than you thought you possible.
• With that one taste, you’re suddenly jerked forward, your ass coming to rest right at the very edge- it forces you to prop one hand out behind you now, shakily leaning your weight into it as he begins to devour you.
• Which there’s no better word for it, he licks and nips, alternating between savoring you, eyes darting up to watch your head loll back and your chest heave before he suckles harshly at your clit- your poor little bundle of nerves already puffy and swollen, overly sensitive to his ministrations-
• “Oh, god- Simon, wait- wait-“ you swear you had only just begun to feel the pressure spooling low in your tummy before it implodes suddenly and violently.
• The radiating pleasure causes your legs to tremble and your breaths to come out as little more than pathetic pants- your fingers clutching at a handful of his hair so hard you’re surprised you hadn’t pulled it out by now.
• But he doesn’t seem to mind, his tongue still totally fixated on your weeping cunt, but instead of working feverishly, he’s back to lapping up your juices- humming into your center as he rubs his palm back and forth over the goosepimpled skin of your thigh. It’s a myriad of sensations, all of them lulling you even further the warmth of your high-
• “Been awhile, sweet girl? Or are you that responsive for everyone?” Ghost chuckles, flattening his tongue over your folds one more time before tearing himself away, unabashedly admiring his handiwork.
• You really do try to give your best glare when you manage to summon enough energy to look down at him, but it melts away at the sight of his lips pulled into a boyish grin, glistening and flushed a deep shade of pink. That’s how you watch him kiss your inner thigh, his eyes steady on yours even when he pauses to leave a little mark behind.
• “Very funny..” You bite back, a crimson blush coloring your neck and cheeks at the idea of telling him the truth-
• Thankfully, he doesn’t give time to dwell on it, standing to his full height, he gently lifts you off the desk- holding you close as he readjusts your gown to cover your lower half, though the fabric does little to fix the uncomfortable wetness that only seems to be growing.
• And the kiss he gives you afterward certainly does absolutely nothing to quell your arousal- because it’s slow and wonderful and you can’t help but to whimper at the taste of your own musk on his tongue,
• “C’mon, love.” He sweetly urges, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip before taking your hand, “before they send the whole bloody Calvary to get us.”
• You replace your ear piece with shaky fingers, thoroughly thrown off your game and glad to be going back to base- a bit of distance could do you both some good, couldn’t it? Though, he doesn’t seem to have the same sentiment, holding you closer than before until you step out into the courtyard- where you both know Johnny is still perched somewhere high above.
• “Bleedin’ Jesus, about damn time- boss is right pissed with ye for going dark like that.” Soap’s voice through comms gives you something to anchor yourself to, aside from Ghost’s lingering touch.
• He heckles you for a while longer, up until you’re in climbing into the back seat, settling yourself as much as you could- forever grateful for the darkness that envelopes you both.
• And as much as you want to stay away from him, give him space- you still find your head leaned against his broad shoulder, reveling in his immense size and warmth,
• “You did so good, Hel.”
• “Hm.. You weren’t so bad yourself, Ghost.”
+++++ bonus scene 🫢 ++++++
• Ghost had walked with you back to your rooms, not entirely unaware of the turmoil that had bloomed in your mind and refused to leave. He knew you were being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal, and he had wanted to say something, he wanted you to invite him inside, he wanted, wanted to talk to you, wanted something more than the quiet you were giving him- though he would gladly take whatever you gave him at this point.
• But, that’s not what happened. You only looked up at him with those big, bright eyes- and apologized.
• He tried to ask you why you would ever be sorry, tried to ask what you were sorry for, because he would be lying if he didn’t feel some pang of insecurity- but this wasn’t about him, and he was wise enough to see that.
• So, he let you plant a chaste kiss on his cheek, let you close the door before tugging the balaclava he had been clinging to and stalking off down the hall.
• “Simon! Hey.. where’s our lil’ LT?” Johnny had stuck his head out of the lounge doorway, a bag of crisps in hand.
• All Ghost could do is shrug, backpedaling to follow after Soap, and snagging a beer from the fridge,
• “In her room. Any news about the phone?”
• They go back and forth for while, though somehow, the conversation keeps circling back to you.
• “She’s a good one..” Johnny says between sips of beer, “Y’know what she told me one time? It was that night we all went out!” He claps a big hand down on Simon’s knee, his laughter loud and full of fondness over the memory- “We were right pissed, eh?”
• Yes, Ghost remembers that night, remembers watching you and Johnny play pool against Price and Garrick- even when you lost, you had the biggest smile on your face as you bought everyone a round.
• He remembers how you tried to help Soap up to the lounge, but you both ended up on the floor in a fit of annoying giggles-
• “I asked her, why she never went on dates, never brought a guy around- not even friends. And she said she’s never had a relationship, never been with a man, never been with anyone.”
• Ghost thinks in that moment it would be better if Johnny had just shot him point blank in the chest with how tightly his lungs contract, his grip on the near empty amber bottle growing so tight he thought he could hear the glass want to give under the pressure.
• Soap is none the wiser to his friend’s downward spiral, still chattering in that lighthearted way of his,
• “Said she never had time for it! Can ye believe that shite? Maybe I should be more like her- might not still be a sergeant if I were..”
• He goes on, but the words fade away, lost in the sound of blood rushing through Simon’s ears.
• You were right, he is a fucking idiot.
>>> [part iii]
OHHH NO. If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions🥲
I’m already thinking about part 3. But, hey! Thank you for supporting my insatiable brain worm, this fandom is my home away from home at this point. ♥️
and @ajadell, your comment was all I needed to keep this going 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(Inspired by this song)
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sansacherie · 5 months
An alternative version of the script for The Green Council
(One month after the departure of Rhaenyra’s departure from court.
From above, we see Viserys in his bed.  It is a miracle that he is still here, but it is a wretched existence.  There are no traces of the jovial king that we were introduced to. 
 We sense death.)
Alicent comes into view.   We see the shadows under her eyes as she lifts the cup gently to Viserys’ lips.  When he finishes, she puts it aside.
I’m sorry.
Pity and confusion war on Alicent’s face, as she ceases her stroking of Viserys’ hand.
For what, my king?
You wanted to know… if I still believe.
Don’t you remember?
(Viserys’ voice is desperate.  Every word is a struggle.
Understanding shadows Alicent’s face, as she remembers a long-forgotten memory.)
It was a long time ago.
I know. You were a girl.
I wouldn’t say that husband.  I was carrying our daughter, then.  Helaena.
Rhaenyra and Daemon returned to Dragonstone a moon ago.
Forgive me.
(We see that Alicent’s thoughts are not with her husband.)
 (We cut to Alicent in her bedchambers later, after being awoken by Talya.)
Are you sure?
(She looks shocked.)
With his own eyes, Your Grace.
(Alicent sniffs as she hurries out of bed.)
Stay here. Tell, tell no one.
Help me dress.
(The camera focuses on Talya’s face, who smirks as Alicent turns away.)
(The Hand’s apartments)
Who knows?
(He is staring into the fireplace.)
Just Talya.  Some of the servants.
I was with him, last night.
It’s a mercy.
(Otto locks eyes with Alicent.)
Did he say anything?
(There is a silence.  Alicent looks torn.
Then she shakes her head.)
Nothing of importance.
(Small Council)
What is it that could not have waited an hour?
Was Dorne invaded?
(He looks pleased at his own joke.)
The King is dead.
(Otto’s voice cuts like a knife.
Tyland’s smile drops.)
May the gods give him rest.
But now we must prepare.
Indeed.  The Silent Sisters must be sent for, and if I dispatch one of my swiftest ravens now, it should reach the Princess of Dragonstone before midday-
All needs must wait until the matter of succession is settled.
The matter of succession IS settled.
(His eyes blaze.)
Is it?
(He smirks)
The Iron Throne by rights must pass to His Grace’s eldest trueborn son.
Am I to understand that you are plotting to replace the King’s chosen heir with an imposter?
(He looks around in disgust)
His firstborn son is hardly an imposter.
He did not choose his daughter. He spurned his brother. He said as much to me years ago. Or does that little detail inconvienance your outrage?
And do we not remember the scandal when they wed? Even His Grace was most wroth with their audacity.
Hundreds of lords and landed knights swore fealty to the Princess.
That was some twenty years ago.  Many of them are now dead. Would their kin do the same now, while Viserys had three living sons?
If they are honorable men! This is usurpation.
(He slams a fist on the table.)
Words have meaning, my lord.  Prince Aegon cannot usurp his own birthright anymore than you or I can pluck a star out of the heavens.
(Otto speaks soothingly)
We ARE honorable men, Lord Lyman.  That is why King Aegon will give Princess Rhaenyra a path to peace, with generous terms.
Of course, generosity always has its limits.
No. No.
Lord Lyman, please…
(Beesbury rises to stand)
The King was well last night, by all accounts.
Which of us are you accusing of regicide?
Whenever it was one of you, or all of you, I care not.
I will have no part in your schemes.
You call it a scheme to defend my children? My sons challenge Rhaenyra, simply by living and breathing.  Even Helaena and her little ones will never be safe.
I do not believe Rhaenyra to have the cruelty of Daemon, but I do not believe that she will temper his cruelty with mercy if it comes to it.
(Her voice is dangerous.)
It would break Viserys’ heart to see you think so little of his daughter.
(He turns to leave-)
Sit down!
(There is a struggle. A crack.  Blood.
Alicent gasps.)
Seven hells.
(GRAND MAESTER ORWYLE checks Lyman’s pulse.)
Let us have Lord Beesbury removed.
No. The door remains shut until we finish our business.
We must determine our allies now, should Princess Rhaenyra refuse our terms.
She is currently in confinement on Dragonstone, so we have an advantage.
Perhaps she will die in childbirth.
(Alicent, still shaken from Beesbury’s death, looks appalled at such a blithe comment.)
My lord.  That is still the King’s daughter you speak of.
(Wlyde looks suitably chastened)
Time is of the essence.  Ser Criston, gather your men and assume the custody of any Blacks that remain at court.  Do them no harm unless they resist.  Those who swear fealty to King Aegon will live.
And those who do not?
Are traitors and shall die a traitor’s death.
(Alicent’s apartments.  Helaena is there, sewing.  She smiles at her children, Princess Jaehaera and Princess Jaehaerys who play happily on the floor.
Alicent rushes in.)
Where is Aegon?
N-not here.  Nor in my bed.  Feel free to search beneath the blankets.
(Helaena looks annoyed.)
(Alicent sits down beside Helaena, who moves away.  Alicent, used to Helaena’s sensitivities, takes no notice.)
Your father….
(Helaena is odd, but she is not stupid.)
Not long.
I don’t know why I’m surprised.  He was sick.
Oh, my dearest love.
(To Alicent’s shock, Helaena squeezes her mother’s hand, then drops it.  She avoids Alicent’s eyes, and turns to look at her twins, who continue to play on obliviously.)
(Aemond walks in)
So. Is Aegon king, or is the cunt queen now?
Where’s the Prince?
Forgive me, Lord Hand. I do not know.
(He looks flustered.)
But you’re sworn to protect him.
He exploits his authority to order me away, and then he evades me, my Lord.
I believe he may have left the Keep secretly, gone into the city.
I-I think he has a mistress.
Find him.  Take only your twin and remove your white cloaks.
Prince Aegon’s not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace.
Your father has sent Ser Erryk into the city to find him.
Ser Erryk is just one man. Ser Criston, you must go as well.
Everything you feel for me… as your Queen.
(They are so close, they could kiss.)
I will not fail you.
I’ll come with you.
That would not be my desire, Aemond.
If anything has befallen-
Cole needs me Mother.
Ser Erryk isn’t the only one familiar with Aegon’s doings.
(Aemond’s voice is almost gentle.)
Aegon brought me to the Street of Silk on my fourteenth-name day.
It was his duty, he said, to ensure I was as learned as he was.
I don’t follow.
“Time to get it wet.”
(Cole grimaces.)
Every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence.
(He knocks on a door.  It is opened by an attractive woman in her mid forties.)
Sometime last night, we… lost our drinking companion.
Knowing that he has been, in the past, a patron of your fine establishment, we thought to inquire here as to his whereabouts.
Describe him.
That is a delicate matter.
You see, the man we seek is the young Prince Aegon.
I may trust, I hope, in the discretion of your trade.
The Prince is not here.
I wish you luck, good Ser.
Perhaps when you find him, he can return here with your friend.
How you’ve grown.
(Aemond looks uncomfortable.)
You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra.
Now pledge them to the rightful King.
I must confer with my house on this matter.
You’ll not leave this room without declaring your intention.
I am no oathbreaker.  I will not bend the knee.
Anyone else?
House Fell… keeps its sworn oath to the Princess.
Very well.
(They are dragged out.  The rest kneel.)
Long live the King.
Your brother could be anywhere.
He could be in the hands of mercenaries, on a ship to Yi Ti.
He could be dead.
Let us hope not, for your mother’s sake.
How old are they?
(He looks ill.)
About ten years, I’d think.
They have them grow their nails and file their teeth.
Makes them more formidable.
Has Prince Aegon ever visited here?
A few.  He found it amusing.
Do you now see what he is?
 Here I am, trawling the city, ever the good soldier in search of a wastrel who’s never taken half an interest in his birthright.
‘Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy, it is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world.
It is I who should be…
 I know what it is to toil for what is freely given to others.
Aegon is unfit to rule.
You forget yourself. It is not your place to say such things.
Have you no mind of your own, brother?
(Hilly, approaches them. She is nineteen to twenty years of age.)
I can take you to Prince Aegon… for a price.
(She smiles confidently.)
Deliver him, and we’ll consider your price.
(We are in a manse.  Aegon lies asleep in bed, having just enjoyed a good fuck.  His paramour, Mya, lies asleep besides him, her breasts exposed.
Ser Erryk shakes him awake and averts his eyes from Mya’s figure.)
Get up.
 Halt! Hold the gate!
(horse neighs)
Unhand me!
He was fleeing from the gate.
 Do you know who I am?
A friend to the Princess, I’d wager.
What say you?
The Lord Confessor presumes.
I have no love for the Princess.
And where were you going then with such urgency?
Let the King’s Justice take him.
 Let go of me!
No! This is not right!
(Rhaenys’ apartments)
I will do you the considerable courtesy of assuming there is a good reason for the outrage of my treatment this morning.
My sincerest regrets for the lack of ceremony.
The King.
And you are usurping the throne.
(Rhaenys scoffs.)
Viserys’ firstborn son is no usurper.
Believe it or no, it is of no consequence.
Aegon will be king.
I came here to ask for your support.
Well, I must credit you for your boldness.
House Velaryon has long allied itself with the Princess Rhaenyra and what has it gained you?
Your daughter dead… alone in Pentos.
Your son cuckolded.
Rhaenyra’s heirs are none of yours.
It is your husband who grasps so heedlessly for the throne.
And even he has abandoned you: gone these six long years to fight a desperate battle, returning grievously, if not mortally, wounded, leaving the Lady of Driftmark to chart her course alone.
(Rhaenys grits teeth.)
The word of my house is not fickle.
(Alicent smiles sadly.)
Princess Rhaenys, I was fond of my husband, but I will speak the truth we both know.
You were robbed at that council.
I little thought to hear those words from you.
Viserys was the child of a second son, but you… The Iron Throne was yours by blood and by temperament.
Viserys would’ve lived his days a country lord, content to hunt and study his histories, but… here we are.
So while we may not rule, but we may guide the men who do.
Gently… away from violence and sure destruction and instead toward peace.
Is it in the name of peace that you’ve imprisoned me?
And what of my dragon?
If we are overmatched, Rhaenyra will be tempted to strike, and war will ensue.
Without your dragon, she may be persuaded to negotiate.
A true queen counts the cost to her people.
If it’s Driftmark you want, you shall have it for you and your granddaughters to pass on as you see fit.
You are wiser than I believed you to be, Alicent Hightower.
And yet you toil still in service to men.
Your father, your husband, your son.
You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison.
Have you never imagined yourself… on the Iron Throne?
(Alicent looks incredulous.
Heavy silence.
I do not need to imagine myself on the Iron Throne, Princess, when I can stand beside it.
I’ll leave you with your thoughts. May the Crone guide you to wisdom.
We have relied on one another these many years.
And now it is the good of the family that we both desire.
If I had known that Viserys would…
The Princess would not have lived long after Aegon was born.
That said, I would have been too reluctant, daughter.
Reluctance to murder is not a weakness!
We will send terms.  True terms, such that she may accept without shame.
My husband would have desired this mercy be shown to his daughter.
Your husband?
Or you,  his daughter’s childhood companion?
I have been a mother longer than I was her childhood companion.
My son will be anointed tomorrow at dawn.
The whole of King’s Landing must witness his ascent.
He will assume authority. There will be no more dithering.
My son will take the crown of his namesake, the Conqueror, and carry Blackfyre, his sword.
Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen.
You look so much like your mother in certain lights.
I don’t remember the sound of her voice anymore.
Your Grace.
(Alicent looks exhausted.)
The hour is late, Lord Larys.
I’ve found out something that you should know.
Have you asked yourself, I wonder… how it is… that your father found Aegon first?
There is a web of spies at work in the Red Keep.
Along its threads travels news of all our doings.
Your father knows this, but has left it in place.
More than once, it has proved advantageous to those willing to… feed the weaver.
(Alicent looks perturbed by this revelation.)
And this weaver watches me?
One of the little spiders is your lady-in-waiting.
Talya? But she-she has been faithful-
(Larys shakes his head.)
Only to herself.
(Alicent chokes back rage.)
I will have her head.
Of course.  But there are more like her.  Even  I do not know their number.
There is one way to destroy his advantage.
It must be taken out at the head.
When the Queen dies, the bees fly without purpose.
Begging your pardon for the turn of phrase, Your Grace.
I assume this task falls within your expertise.
If you wish it, it will be done.
(Royal carriage.  We hear the bell tolling, shouts of people outside.
Aegon is dressed in kingly raiment, looking severely disgruntled.)
My father never wanted this.
He had 20 years to name me heir and he never did.
Steadfastly, he upheld Rhaenyra’s claim.
And I have no taste for duty.
No. You do not.
But your father was weak.
(Aegon snorts in agreement.)
He refused to see the truth.
Do not play the fool, Aegon.   Rhaenyra will never sit the throne safely while you and your brothers live.
If you love them, you will take the throne.
(The camera focuses on Aegon’s face, who has tears in his eyes now.   Alicent crushes her annoyance at them.)
Do you love me?
(Alicent looks taken aback at his question.  Then she smiles.)
I love the very bones of you, you imbecile.
People of Kingslanding… today is the saddest of days.
Our beloved King is dead.
But it is also the most joyous of days….for he leaves a son.
Guards! Out of the way!
It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city… a new day for our realm.
A new king… to lead us.
May the Warrior give him courage.
May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield.
May the Father defend him in his need.
May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom.
The Crown of the Conqueror passed down through the generations.
(He places the crown on Aegon’s head.
Beside him, Alicent places a crown upon Helaena’s head.)
My queen.
Let the Seven bear witness:
Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne.
Aegon the king!  Hail Aegon!
(Above the cheers, we hear a dragon’s roar.
It is not Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, or Vaghar.
It is Meleys.)
(We cut to Rhaenys flying away on Meleys, music swelling.)
I wanted to write a version of a script where the Greens aren't perfect heroes but they're not used as props for Rhaenyra's existence
On the other hand we have Aemond calling Rhaenyra a cunt, Otto admitting that he likely would have killed Rhaenyra if he could predict that Viserys wouldn't change the succession, Aegon still taking his brother to a brothel so he can be "learned" and finding child fighting pits amusing.
Alicent Hightower has the energy of episode 6 and episode 7. As @agentrouka-blog said once in a reply to an ask, a desire for peace coming from a place of genuine enmity is more meaningful.
Aegon II is not a rapist (so no Dyana) but he's not a stellar person either, considering that he has visited the child fighting pits a couple times.
Alicent is not S'A.
Major changes were Alicent not misinterpreting Viserys words, the Green Council where they go more in depth about the Greens motivations for taking the throne, Alicent not tolerating Rhaenys bs' speech, no Mysaria (although her presence is felt), Alicent deciding to behead Talya for her betrayal (this was a deleted scene), no Aegon chase scene. Alicent explaining to Aegon why he needs to be king
"I love the bones of you, you imbecile." Is a mixture of the show line + Olivia Cooke commentary on her character's thoughts during that scene.
No Rhaenys dragon nonsense, however it is made clear to the audience that she has escaped.
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lunarflux · 3 months
my dark companion (2/9)
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aemond targaryen x fem!reader
genre—smut, dark romance song inspo—bad omens - death of peace of mind, billie eilish - my boy summary— Aemond indulges in his twisted desires with a woman who knows his every need. They meet in secret, their passion driven by his anger and her willingness to submit to his painful advances. Aemond craves her, yet despises the intimacy that follows. He questions why she always returned to him, knowing that she did not love or care for him. The cycle of desire and anger persists, leaving him yearning for more, caught in a tormented state until their next encounter.
Adiel’s footsteps left marks in the dust-coated stone floor. Her steps, delicate and strategic, clicked down the hall and into a large room with only a table and chairs at the center. Her father, Drystan Tyrell of House Gardener, waited, standing at the head of the table. He did not appear to be satisfied with Adiel’s tendency to arrive late which she only did to bother him. She took a seat opposite him with yards of space in between.
“You’re late,” he sighed in frustration, “Again.”
“I thought it was only you who called me, father,” she chuckled, “Is a daughter not allowed to take her time?”
Drystan approached her and placed his hand on the table, leaning in so that the severity of his words may better sink in, “I was informed you denied Lord Lannister.”
“I did.”
“You cannot keep doing this, Adiel,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “You know this—”
“Forgive me for noticing that his loins swell at the sight of any woman,” Adiel sat back with a grin on her face, “I heard from the servants that he once approached Princess Rhaenyra. By now, he must be desperate. He’s weak, father. If I were to wed a Lannister, at least let it be a man with some dignity.”
“Dignity has nothing to do with it, you stupid girl!” Drystan’s eyes bulged at her harsh disinterest.
Adiel leaned forward, “Perhaps I should take on Ser Gawfrin.”
The game Adiel adored most was one that could be played only with words and was won with silence. She was quite good at it, and relished every time she was the victor. Once again, she left her father speechless at the mention of the knight who only days ago ripped through the town square in the name of justice. While others in the court cowered at the thought of bloodshed, she couldn’t help but smile at the knights as they entered the castle with crimson streaks decorating their armor.
Drystan stumbled backwards, “When I took you in, I swore to my brother that you would be in good hands. That includes marrying a man who is kind. Not one who finds sport in cruelty.”
Adiel cocked her head to the side.
He hardly ever mentioned his brother, her real father. Drystan was very much a father-like figure to her, but only in years. Had her foolish father not fallen during a tournament, she might have cared a little bit more. From that day on, Drystan whisked her away to King’s Landing against the wishes of their house and claimed that she was his child. She played along with the lie if only to torment him with the truth and all she could do to twist it.
“Then I suppose, I will not marry,” she declared, “I find no fault in that path.”
The alternative was one she did not prefer though it was not for the reason most would assume. To think it was to the streets or to the church where she would become a priestess—the thought alone made her cackle. She spared the church of her presence. Cruelty coated her skin, and she would only spurn a wildfire in the Lord’s house. That much she knew was beyond her wants.
“And besides,” Adiel rested her cheek against her hand, “A man’s cruelty is worthless to me. I would be a fool to wish for it in a husband.”
Drystan never understood her logic. She didn’t speak in riddles, but her tongue was laced with spite and cleverness, a trait she brought with her through adolescence.
“Physical cruelty is weakness,” she teased, “The mind can do more to wither a soul, and the damage lingers until death.”
“These games you play, Adiel, one day, they will deliver your demise.”
“And when that day comes, I welcome fate and all she has to offer me. It is but a game, father.”
“We cannot remain in King’s Landing unless we secure your place in society,” Drystan reasoned, “You will keep your black heart hidden until you secure a choice. And if you must choose, then I demand to know the man first. Let me judge his character. Let me do this much at least.”
Adiel raised an eyebrow and hummed a dreamy sigh, “Very well. I will choose wisely, father. Do not fret for me or my black heart. Only those with eyes open wide can see my wickedness for what it really is.”
Drystan shook his head, again tortured by Adiel’s mind games, “And what would that be?”
It was always when the door opened that her face switched. She would paint on the façade of an innocent maiden once more, to be kept out in the open until she was alone again. Drystan stood upright at the sight of the interruption, his upper lip stiffening.
“The truth,” she purred.
Ignoring her words, Drystan bowed his head, “My Prince.”
Adiel looked over her shoulder with a curt grin, and only one person could see it.
Aemond held the door open. He almost stood at attention, waiting. When Adiel stood, Aemond froze. She curtsied before meeting his eye, the faintest hint of a smirk on her lips before disappearing into a vacant expression. Drystan approached Aemond nervously as he let the door slam shut. It echoed throughout the room, and the three waited in silence before Drystan spoke.
“My apologies, Prince Aemond,” Drystan motioned over to Adiel who contained herself well, “My daughter and I were discussing a private matter.”
“There is no such thing as a private matter in the King’s home,” Aemond responded tersely, “Lord Tyrell, if you wish to keep secrets, I suggest you find residence elsewhere.”
Adiel kept her eyes forward as Aemond passed, barely brushing against her arm as he took the seat she occupied only minutes ago. He removed the small blade from his waist and firmly placed it into the table.
Drystan grabbed Adiel’s hand and ushered her forward. Before he could take hold of the brass knocker, the door opened again.
“Queen Alicent, forgive me, we did not mean to disturb you,” Drystan muttered with his head hung low. He nudged Adiel, and she curtsied once more.
“Lord Tyrell, Adiel,” Alicent attempted to hide her shock, “You are here early. I thought…” She leaned over to see the back of Aemond’s head, unresponsive and listening.
“It is my fault, my Queen,” Adiel smiled with a short nod, “My father and I were discussing the matter of whom I should be betrothed to. It was not a discussion easily had elsewhere.”
“Ah,” Alicent chuckled, “I see. And have you chosen someone?”
Aemond held his breath if only to better hear the conversation behind him. Whatever niceties his mother had to offer, he knew it would be enough to compel Adiel to speak more of what never came up when she was in his bed. News of a potential marriage made his stomach turn. To him, a marriage would mean nothing. He could still claim her if he wanted to. What poor sire would deny him of what he believed to be his?
No, he shook the thought. Adiel did not belong to him. After their last conversation, he now knew that it was only he who craved her. She craved something else, but it was nothing any other man could give her. All feel pain, but pain has its own taste. His, it seemed, was the sweet mead she thrived on.
His mother listed names, the names of men who did not deserve Aemond’s good favor. With each, he imagined what the man would look like standing beside Adiel. Holding her close, touching her face, tasting her until she twisted and coiled in delight. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Even the thought of her bare conjured up the sounds of her whimpers. Aemond swore he could hear her—the rhythmic pounding of his flesh against hers. Her slick wet drippings coating his fingers. The more he imagined, the harder he gripped the blade. Before long, it was warm, and it was the only thing keeping the furious twitch from disturbing his silence.
Adiel politely shook her head, “In time, I will find a good man, my Queen. I’m sure he is not far.” Drystan took her by the arm and led them away.
Aemond held the end of the blade, still standing tall. He twisted it until the wood splintered. “Lord Tyrell,” he called without turning.
“Yes, my Prince,” Drystan tugged Adiel back.
Aemond tapped his fingers on the table, creating a muted rhythm before he spoke again, “I wish you luck in your endeavors.” He rose, and his gaze landed on Adiel.
She did nothing, but he knew she heard it—the call. The urge pulsed, and it fractured in his throat. Alicent pulled the knife back, and placed it in his hands. The handle remained warm.
That night, Adiel came to him like a dream bathed in red. Aemond undressed her slowly and studied her—the many scars he gifted her and supple pink flesh between her legs, the way she trembled and gasped when he finally touched her. The moment she lay naked before him, the anger disappeared just as it always did. She begged and accepted the pain, his hand wrapped around her throat and his fingers buried deep inside her until she choked on her screams in ecstacy.
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By Fire, Sea and Blood
The untold tale of an approaching collapse
Act I Chapter thirteen: depths
Previous ///// next
Summary: Rhaenyra’s outburst had pushed away her eldest daughter, sending her off to wander, an action Daenerys has always claimed she was smart at doing. A curious thought lingered in everyone’s mind at her committal, what stupid thing must she have done that would leave her dead?
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Daenerys Velaryon (Strong! Oc)
WC: 5k+
Warnings: Child Violence, Child death, implied death.
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Aemond had left the hall seeing that his mother had left a while ago, seemingly distraught, his brother after downing all the wine he could pass through his gullet and entertaining every lord's assumptions was dragged back to his chambers, at his Grandsires command he would venture. And his sister, she had vanished, scurrying off to her chambers mere moments after the committal.
He had heard all of the guesses the nobles had made as they wondered what had become of her. Each one seeming more terrible than the last, but none was worse than the one that Aegon endlessly entertained.
He had said that she had longed to have a dragon and in her attempts to claim one, she was spurned.
Aemond refused to believe such a thing to be true, she was more Valyrian than her brothers and even they had -by some miracle- claimed dragons of their own. And he knows Daenerys, he recalls who she was at least, she was not stupid, she had warned him before of the danger of attempting to claim a dragon such as Vhagar, or any dragon for that matter.
‘No dragon is worth a life.’
He closed his eye as he heard her voice, still remembering their last exchange, the last words she had kindly spoken to him, the last time he had felt the warm embrace of her kindness.
Why did it have to be her?
He stopped in his tracks as he heard the frantic and distressed whispers coming from his sister's room.
He looked inside through the small crack, gasping as he saw her sat beneath the window sill, rocking back and forth as she held her head in her hands. Her fingers digging into her skull.
Aemond burst inside his voice gentle as he called out for his sister “Helaena?”
“This cannot be, this cannot be true,” she muttered, her eyes agape as she stared ahead of herself in terror.
He followed her gaze but saw nothing but an empty floor before him. He again moved closer his hands in front of him as though approaching a frightened animal “Helaena, sister, what is wrong?” he asked, as he slowly knelt beside her.
“The Darkness called, the tides have roared…” she trailed off, shaking her head as she whined out “where is she? How can this be?” she asked no one in particular, her kind and soft face ailed by fear “she can’t be gone, the branch… the branch of red.”
His brows knitted together, realising who she was talking about in between her ramblings.
He moved to rest his hand on her arm but she flinched away “this can’t be, This can’t be!” she wailed, the often melodic sound of her voice torn apart by her sobs and cries.
He pursed his lips, ignoring the stray tear that passed through the jagged scar across his cheek “Helaena… I’m sorry.”
“She will rise thrice more, she will rise and break away, she must, she has to, she needs to,” she muttered quickly, trying to deny what had happened only hours ago.
He looked over his shoulder, seeing his uncommonly dishevelled mother, wet patches staining her cheeks, likely the tears she could not wipe away. Her hair a mess down her shoulders, her hands tucked beneath her sleeves as she clasped them in front of her, the once shining star on her chest now seemed dull.
Alicent looked from him to the crying Helaena, her heart breaking all over again beneath the pressure of guilt.
“I tried… I tried to comfort her,” he told his mother, looking over her form worriedly “mother? Are you well?”
“I could not find rest, but I am well now,” she explained with a tight smile on her dry lips, not meeting her red eyes “Get your rest Aemond, I shall look after Helaena.”
Helaena shuddered, curling into herself further as she continued to mumble.
Aemond was reluctant to obey his mother, wanting to stay in case either of them needed him, but he would not disobey.
He gave her a nod, placing a quick kiss to Helaenas forehead and another upon his mothers as he walked her way before leaving for his chambers.
As he locked the door, he thought he would enjoy it, the silence, the sounds of the heavy rain hitting the stone outside. But he could only feel her absence, even greater than ever before.
He had long realised he was fool to think that he could ever forget her. He had missed her, he had missed her so terribly, he should have never had to lose her to gain his dragon. It is because of them that he had lost her that night, and now, forever. He still remembers his excitement afterwards, how eager he was to show her that he had done it, that he had succeeded, and she could as well. Instead, those fools had to make a fuss over the trivial matter and forced her to choose.
He refused to weep, and instead he basked in his loathing for them, streams of tears slipping down his hot cheeks.
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Two months ago…
Daenerys stepped out onto the familiar stoney field again, it had been a long time since she had been there. The sky was a hue of reds and purples as the sun began to peer up from beneath the horizon. Fiddling with the hilt of her fathers dagger strapped to her side clumsily with a piece of fabric, On a pleasant day she would have hopped about the chasms of steam, but today her heart was stricken with a dull sorrow and stinging betrayal.
Her mothers words rang uncomfortably within her mind, how hateful her voice had sounded towards father, how angry she was with Daenerys’s sorrow for him.
Daenerys could not control how long this grief had lasted, and how could she? Laenor was her beloved father, no amount of time was enough to grieve him correctly. It had been months but what had happened to him was still so clear in her mind.
Her hands clenched tightly around the dagger as she recalled his screams, halting in her tracks as she shivered in this humid atmosphere.
It had been months and she had yet to move on, why should she just because everyone else had?
���Mourn all you wish but this grief will not slow me down.’
Daenerys huffed kicking a small stone in her path before lifting the blue skirt of her dress to climb the wall of boulders before her.
What had she expected? Daenerys did not know how to grieve, she did not know how long it should last, but she knew that a few months was not enough.
She slid down the hill of boulders, wincing as she felt the stones dig into her skin.
She supposed slowness was not something to be proud of, slowness leaves one vulnerable, slowness leaves one weak. She frowned as she recalled how slow she was to see the truth behind Aemonds guise, how blind she was to his cruelty, her slowness and foolishness led to her dear brothers and beloved cousins getting hurt. Her slowness had allowed for her fathers murderer to get away.
Her face began to redden with anger and shame, her stubbornness fighting against admitting the truth, that her mother was right.
She gripped the daggers handle tightly, reminding herself there was no excuse to spit on someone's memory.
She lifted her saddened gaze up from the ground, stilling in her tracks as she saw three familiar figures sat behind a boulder that overlooked the dragon caves ahead.
It was Ellis, Baldwin and Alwyn, who were oddly paying no mind to the caves. Ellis glanced over her shoulder and noticed Daenerys standing afar, her lips curled upwards excitedly, rising from the ground catching the boy's attention.
Ellis waved at her “AY! YOU!”
Daenerys tensed as she saw them, it had been a long while since she had last encountered them, she was surprised they still remembered her. She slyly hid her dagger in between the layers of cloth wrapped around her hips, pulling short strands of hair in front of her face, hoping that her dress was dirty enough for them not to suspect anything.
She was surprised by the happy look on Ellis’s face, whose face was often sour. Ellis ushered her towards the overlook “the dragons haven’t come out yet, wait with us!” she invited.
Daenerys pondered the offer, but supposed there was nothing wrong with it, a nice distraction would serve her well, she had missed seeing the free dragons take to the sky without a care to bind them to the world.
She leaned against the rock, missing how the boys seemed to lean down, trying to catch a better glance of her shrouded face.
Mouse shook away his curiosity, his voice unsure and nervous as he asked her “what’s brought you here?”
Daenerys shrugged in answer, trying to buy herself some time to come up with an acceptable answer.
Ellis laid down closely beside her “you’ve been missing quite a while.”
“I was busy, I couldn’t come around,” she answered, trying to seem indifferent to their questions as she stared at the dark caves.
“Doing what?” Mouse continued to pry.
Ellis smirked, gesturing for him to stop “That don’t matter, we’re all here for the dragons, not each other’s business aren’t we…” she grimaced as she searched her mind for a name she had yet to be given “Nameless are you?”
Daenerys quickly answered “Rys.”
Ellis fell silent, seemingly annoyed, a chilling look flashing across her face as she mouthed a quiet ‘are you?’ her eyes skimming over what she could see of Daenerys’s face, but they lingered a moment too long on her shrouded eyes “let’s wait.”
Daenerys slightly frowned at her expression before looking back towards the caves.
Ellis gestured for Mouse to lay down beside her, while Baldwin went to lay closely beside Daenerys, who squirmed at the proximity but would not complain.
“Where’s Lory? And Bertie?” she asked.
Ellis shrugged, a pointed look on her face as she leaned her cheek against her hand, paying no mind to the caves but at the side of Daenerys’s face as she spat “too scared to come.”
Daenerys could feel Ellis’s hot breath brushing her cheek, bowing her head further down as she stared up at the caves from beneath her lashes “they seem to be taking a while,” she pointed out, trying to cut through this unnerving silence.
“Lets busy ourselves while we wait shall we?” Ellis asked, a forced note of jovialness laced within her voice “Us girls, I ‘eard much gossip these past few moons.”
Daenerys’s brows shot up “Gossip?”
Ellis's playfulness seemed to fall away, seemingly outraged. “Gossip is not a privilege that only belongs to them highborns.”
Daenerys turned to look at her, frantically denying “I never said it did.”
Ellis upper lip twitched before turning to look back at the cave again.
Daenerys’s eyes lingered on Ellis’s face, alarmed by the frustration, the anger, and the excitement that wrinkled her freckled face. Warily following her gaze and turning her attention back towards the caves
“Anyhow, let me go on, so… a merchant came from Driftmark months ago, told us of the son of the sea snake's murder, a terrible tragedy,” she told the girl who had already long known about this. A happiness seemed to whelm Ellis as she spoke that news.
‘Serves you well, the gods were bound to make you pay for taking what was mine,’ Ellis thought to herself, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lip.
Daenerys squirmed at the mention, not catching the satisfied smirk sweeping Ellis’s face. Her hand resting upon the bump where her fathers dagger was, stroking it comfortingly, an apology to her father for staying silent.
Mouse chimed in “i ‘eard he had his throat slashed at the festival!”
Baldwin argued loudly from beside Daenerys, shouting in her ear “stupid who ever told ya that,” he chided before giving his own account of events “The father struck him down, I heard he was a man of despicable nature.”
Ellis observed Daenerys again, to her dismay Daenerys had begun to exact restraint upon herself “You know… I heard, he was attacked within the walls of his own home.”
Daenerys tensed as she felt Baldwin press up against her side, grimacing at the smell of his breath.
“That he was forced into a fire,” she told “and when he was found he looked like a burnt pig.”
“How terrible it must have been for his family, to find him like that,” Mouse credulously pointed out, watching Ellis’s every move intently.
“Indeed… can only imagine… his daughter musta been devastated,” Ellis agreed, not a note of sympathy in her voice.
Daenerys froze at the mention.
“Daughter?” Baldwin scoffed, staring giddily at the frightened expression that began to grow on Daenerys’s face “I ‘eard she looked nothin like em, might be a distant relative,'' he laughed “a worlds distance.”
They all laughed while Daenerys remained quiet, tears beginning to swell within her eyes. Her shaking hand rested upon the handle of her fathers dagger, her lips twisting in shame, she could do nothing but listen to them insult him.
Ellis gestured for them to be quiet, inching closer towards Daenerys, her hot breath burning the flustered skin of Daenerys’s cheek “poor girl… I wish you had visited…” Daenerys refused to look her way “I would have given my condolence, and my shoulder for your pretty purple eyes to cry on…”
Daenerys’s eyes went wide, quickly moving to step away from them all, but she was too slow.
Ellis’s hand wrapped around her locks of hair, her grip tight around the strands. She tugged her head back revealing to them all the treasure Daenerys so desperately tried to keep hidden “Daenerys!”
Daenerys squealed in shock of the action, feeling Baldwin's hands tightly grasp her shoulder and arm as she began to thrash, trying to twist away from Ellis’s tight grasp.
Unbeknownst to her, in the midst of her frantic struggle, her hand had grasped the handle of her dagger and pulled it from its makeshift sheath, pushing its sharp blade across the nape of Baldwin's neck and cheek.
The brutish boy choked on a cry of pain, throwing her to the ground behind him as he reached to clasp at his neck, blood spurting from between his clasped fingers.
Daenerys looked on in horror, his blood splattered across her face and bleeding into her blue dress. She had not realised it was she that had done this, even though the blood was still warm against the cold steel of the dagger in her hand. Scraping her white knuckles against the scratchy ground as she scrambled back.
Alwyn cried out in horror as he saw his brother trying to catch the spurts of blood beginning to shoot out from in between his fingers “BALDWIN!”
Ellis was in disbelief of the sight, she looked away from Baldwin and towards the startled Daenerys.
Her anger boiled beneath her skin as her vision went red “YOU BASTARD!”
She tackled Daenerys to the ground, straddling her hips as she tried to keep her down, trapping Daenerys’s armed hand beneath her knee “MOUSE, GET OVER HERE! HELP ME!” her left hand curled tightly around Daenerys’s neck.
Alwyn was too busy trying to help his brother, cutting off a strip of cloth from his shirt and holding it to the pale boy's lacerated neck. He was petrified into silence, too focused on stopping the bleeding to notice his brother's eyes beginning to blankly stare up at the red sky, succumbing to the calmness that began to wrap snugly around him.
Daenerys’s free hand clawed at the one gripping her neck, fighting to pull it away, whimpering as she saw the wild look in the girl's eyes.
Ellis was mad with rage, nobles had cost her the life of her father and now they have taken the life of her friend.
She had grown sick of Daenerys’s feeble struggling, muttering to herself as she tried to keep her restrained “I’ve waited for this too long- GAH! STOP FIGHTING!” striking her across the face with a her balled fist.
The panicked Daenerys screamed in pain, fighting the daze as she began using her legs, feebly trying to pull them out from beneath Ellis.
She did not know what to do first, wasting her energy doing everything she could to get away. Her throat went raw as she cried out for help, whimpering and sobbing as Ellis began slamming her against the ground.
Dark spots began to grow across her vision, frightened when she began to lose sight of Ellis and what she was going to do next. She kept thrashing and clawing, doing everything she could to bore this predator and be set free, but Ellis had long had a hunger that had yet to be sated.
She winced as she felt her muscles begin to burn at every movement, she found herself struggling to battle with the exhaustion that began to settle upon her limbs, Her right hand going numb beneath Ellis’s knee.
Daenerys shook her head pleading to the girl above her “Please let me go, Please!” she tried to wriggle away only to be pulled back by the frustrated Ellis.
Ellis slammed her down one more time, needing her body to go limp, but her mind awake. She wanted Daenerys awake for everything she was about to do, reaching behind her as she patted her side, blindly searching for something, for she was too busy relishing in the terror within the poor girl's eyes.
Daenerys’s squinting eyes tried to see what she was reaching for. Whimpering as she saw the glinting flash of a knife.
Her hand tightened around her fathers dagger, desperately screaming “GET OFF!” As both of her knees beat against Ellis’s back. Ellis grunted as she was pushed forward, her knee sliding off Daenerys’s hand as she moved to try and pin down her legs “ALWYN!” she frustratedly cried out to him, frowning as she saw him try to haul his limp brother towards the village.
Daenerys was still trapped in the fear that shrouded her furiously beating heart but her mind had recognised her heart's efforts and was swift in its decision. She pulled her right arm from the ground and reared it up behind her before lodging her dagger into Ellis’s shoulder.
Ellis cried out, falling back, startled by the weapon protruding from her shoulder.
Daenerys heaved in a deep breath as she regained her freedom, crawling back away as she watched on in disbelief of her own actions as Ellis tried to drag out the knife painlessly, mumbling curses.
Her gaze flitted over towards the crying Alwyn, clutching his brother to his chest as he tried to drag him away, her eyes meeting Baldwins empty ones. Sniffling as she shook her head, thinking to herself that she could not have done this. Even though the coppery taste of his blood touching her tongue as she wiped her face with the back of her hand said otherwise.
She scrambled to her feet and ran the opposite direction, to her terrible misfortune, her feet had guided her towards the dragon caves.
Ellis dragged the knife out of her shoulder, a loud groan of frustration and annoyance passing her thin lips as her teeth shined bare out into the world, like a wolf flashing its teeth menacingly, a promise to its prey.
The sobbing Alwyn had failed to realise that his brother had already passed on, hooking his arms beneath Baldwins limp ones, attempting to drag him back “Ellis help me!” he cried out.
Ellis was staring at Daenerys as she ran, her breaths laboured with her hot anger, her hand tightly wrapped around the new dagger in her hand.
“Let ‘er go! She's dead anyway!” he told, pointing to the dragon caves Daenerys ran into.
Ellis did not see the danger, she only saw opportunity, she could trap Daenerys inside and have her way. A chance to have her wishes finally come to fruition were enough for her to chase after Daenerys into the dark caves “GET BACK HERE CRAVEN! FACE YOUR DOING! PAY FOR IT! PAY FOR WHAT YOU’VE TAKEN, WHAT YOU’VE DONE, BASTARD! DAENERYS!”
Daenerys flinched as she heard her roars echo out, nearly tripping over her own feet. Her eyes searching the illuminated walls, hoping that there would be somewhere to hide, to wait this out. She could not possibly go further in, for she knew such an action would not end well for her.
Her mind was so clouded by the will to survive, that she had not bothered to observe the insides of the caves. Had she been able to stop and truly take it all in, she would have noticed the scratch marks on the cave's ceiling, and how the stones that protruded from the ground, looked oddly similar to bones.
“BASTARD!” Ellis’s voice boomed into the cave again.
Daenerys began to choke loudly on the sobs that hit the back of her throat ‘shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!’ she told herself ‘This is all your fault, why did you leave, why did you go?’
Daenerys forced that thought away, she had not the time to think of culpability she needed to survive.
‘All because of a fight over a father that’s not even yours, Bastard.’
She could hear a hundred voices speak those words, none of them her own, had she focused just enough she could make out who each of them had belonged to.
She thought it was the dizziness beginning to catch up with her, the fuelling fear slowly seeping away, no longer numbing the pulsing ache radiating from the back of her head.
Her eyes went wide as she entered a large cavernous area within the cave system, looking up at the various holes above, bright streams of the sun's warm morning light seeping through them. A dark mound covered jagged rocks and moss deep within its centre.
She winced as she felt the rough texture of the ground, frowning at the warmth that seeped through her ruined flats. As she stepped forward she tensed upon hearing something crack beneath her foot.
Looking down her eyes went agape, bones old and new were scattered across the ground, all of various shapes and sizes. They had not belonged to animals, nor had she imagined them belonging to humans, no… they looked far too similar to the dragon diagrams and skulls she had seen within the red keep.
These were dragon bones. As her eyes followed the trail of them she saw how they surrounded the dark mound at the centre, shuddering as she saw it rumble and shake.
She was in the cannibals home, welcoming herself into his territory.
Echos of shouts began to dance about the cavernous area, irking the sleeping dragon making him stir and groan in his sleep.
She had imagined him to be so much bigger but he seemed so frail, she supposed it was difficult to sate a hunger of such unique appetite.
She moved closely about the walls, eyes plastered to the ground as she minded her step, a new burst of fear beginning to course within her.
Daenerys snapped to glance towards the tunnel she had come in from before looking at the stirring Cannibal, his snout dancing about as a familiar scent passed through its canals.
Daenerys began to move swiftly ‘don’t slow down, do not dare slow down.’
She stepped about the bones, accidentally kicking some as she moved towards another tunnel.
Her voice grew louder, for she had grown much closer.
The Cannibal had enough of this, groaning as he arose, dust and rock crumbling down from the ceiling as the foundations of the cave shook beneath his feet as he rested them on the ground. His green eyes were bright against his dark as coal skin, his mouth fell agape as he yawned revealing an array of yellowing and old teeth. He attempted to shake away the itching moss that had attached itself to his old skin, the shrivelled skin of his gullet swaying side to side as he moved.
Daenerys’s lips parted in disbelief of the sight before her.
The familiar fresh coppery scent of blood reached the cannibals senses, stilling its movements as he scanned his surroundings.
Daenerys knelt down behind a dragon's skull, whimpering fearfully as she heard his grumbles.
She slid down against the skull, realising how terrible a predicament she was in, which was all the fault of her foolishness again.
Mayhaps she could wait, mayhaps she could wait and flee when the right chance had offered itself. She had the patience to wait.
Soft, squeaking croaks caught her attention, interrupting her as she planned for a means of survival. The soft sound came from her left, crawling over to that side she peered to see the source, her eyes widening with worry as she saw a baby dragon, its small pink wing trapped beneath a cage of ribs.
It had curled into itself, hiding its small face as it whined beneath its free wing, awaiting its terrible fate.
Daenerys rested back behind the skull, closing her eyes as she heard him stir again, his wings encompassing the ceiling, covering the sources of light filtering through.
As the light within the cavern dimmed a stupid thought began to brew within Daenerys’s mind, for all she could hear now were the fearful whines of the poor dragon.
The sound had not escaped the Cannibals ears, his eyes darted about his surroundings as he searched, salivating as he waited for his hunger to finally be sated.
The cave was now dim enough, and Daenerys was sure he would not be able to see her. Despite every reasonable bit of her being telling her not to, she bolted from the ground towards the small dragon, falling to her knees beside it.
The dragon lifted its wing up from its head, a croak of surprise coming from the back of its throat as it jumped back, trying its best to squeak out a roar at Daenerys as she moved to lift the array of ribs from its wing.
She hushed the little beast, quietly pleading for it to be quiet as she tried to help.
It frantically tried to pull itself away from her, whining in embarrassment as it saw how pointless it's roars were.
She groaned, finally managing to lift and push away the bones from its wings.
The little dragon was surprised by the action, flapping its now freed but injured wing in the air before looking up at her curiously, Its ocean blue eyes meeting her lilac ones.
She tilted her head at the little dragon, her brows shooting up in surprise as it reflected her action.
The little dragon was soon overwhelmed by terror, her ocean blue eyes going wide as she glanced up at the shadow behind Daenerys before scurrying away into the small cave behind it, one not big enough for the cannibal to follow.
Daenerys gasped as she saw a shadow begin to grow from a figure above her, streams of light returning to the cavernous chamber. Slowly turning around to face the old beast behind her.
Her mouth fell ajar as she looked up, greeted by the sharp scowl that danced along the Cannibals mouth.
He was furious with her, she had entered his home, disturbed his slumber, and sent his meal scurrying away.
Daenerys gulped as she stared up at him, shrinking beneath his glowing green gaze cutting through its shadowed form. The light behind him frames him like a god of death, judging the worth of his victim.
As she heard him growl and huff at her a warning plume of smoke came through his snout she lifted her hand up “Lykiri Zaldrīzes!” she tried to assure.
The cannibal tilted his head at her, recognising those words, but seemingly enraged upon hearing them.
“Lykiri…” she repeated again in a shuddered mutter as she took cautious steps back as she saw his head rise above her
From the corners of his mouth, wisps of his green flame of legend danced about, an action he had assumed Daenerys would not have noticed… but she had.
She rushed back, quickly sliding into the small steep cave the little dragon had gone into, narrowly missing the flames that licked at the stone and passed through the tunnel.
As she slid down into its depths, she shielded her face as shards of sand and gravel scratched against her skin, tearing apart the heavy skirt of her dress.
The Cannibal roared out, trying all he could to shove his massive head into the small hole, biting and clawing at it. His actions did not serve to aid him but instead they had caused a cave in, large rocks coming down within the cave.
He grunted and growled, furious by the ease of their evading him. His attention was quickly again for a whiff of blood and lots of it hit his snout, the smell was faint before but now, it was so much stronger.
As he turned to find the source of the strong scent his eyes narrowed as he saw a girl holding to her chest a dagger as she looked up at the beast, gone was the fury in her eyes and instead all that existed was fear.
The ancient beast saw no child before him, he only saw a meal, big enough to sate him for the time being. As she bolted the opposite direction, rushing to leave the cave, both he and his flames were hot on her tracks.
Daenerys, whose eyes were screwed shut as she slid further down into the caves, waited for a sharp impact, only for the ground to disappear from beneath her as she fell down. As her eyes came open in shock, she gasped as she saw pools of glowing water.
She choked on the water that slipped past her lips, Her legs flailing, quickly moving to swim to the surface. Heaving in a deep breath as she looked at her surroundings.
The sound of crumbling alerted her and she glanced above her, her eyes widening as the glow of the water illuminated the approaching rocks.
She swam across the pool as swiftly as she could, panting as she narrowly avoided the downpour of stones. A wave arose from the disturbance to the normally calm waters, pushing Daenerys across the pool and upon solid stone.
She winced as the raw skin of her cheek scratched against the rough stone, shuddering as the cold latched onto her wet skin. She was spent, she had not even the strength to pull her legs out from the cold water.
She battled sleep's fuzzy embrace as her eyes began to flutter shut, for her mind still buzzed with a thousand thoughts.
Sleep had assured that she would not feel the dull pain pulsing from her muscles and the red marks blooming upon the skin of her cheek and neck, and no doubt her back as well. Sleep assured her that she would need not worry about the thoughts gnawing away at the edges of her mind, it’s distant voice urging her to succumb to a deserved rest.
Taglist: @takemetotheweirdness @grungegrrrl @paininmyasgard @deadunicorn159
132 notes · View notes
Love Song for a Vampire Pt.35
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Pairing(s):Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Warnings: none
Words: 2494
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28 Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33 Part 34 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39
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Seth was blowing up Leah's phone. He wanted her to go over to Sam's where all the witches were, mesmerizing the wolves with their magic. Actual, physical magic. Leah couldn't bring herself to answer them or head over. She feared if she saw Dieufel, someone would pick up on it that she had imprinted on him. It was annoying and she didn't need the other's sympathies for another wolf imprinting on a witch. The other pack members could still be caught murmuring about Jacob who had been kept from Evita.
Walking past her door, Sue Clearwater back tracks to peek into her daughter's room. "I thought you would be at Sam's. Seth couldn't stop talking about Evita's friends."
Leah scrunches up her nose like she'd smelled something terrible. If she were in her wolf form, her ears would have been pinned to the side of her head in irritation. That didn't translate to her human form. "I'll pass."
Sue stares at her in an attempt to read her. Leah hated that. Bad enough that everyone could hear her thoughts when she was a wolf. Like nothing was personal for her to keep to herself. "Are you okay? You've been cooped up in here all day. Sam doesn't need you on patrol?"
Not for the first time, Leah resented still living at home. Everyone was always in her business. All she wanted was peace and quiet and to be left alone. Honestly, she didn't know who was on patrol at the moment. After the fifth ring from Seth, Leah had shoved her phone underneath her pillow to muffle the noise. She could tell that her packmates must be squabbling to decide who would go out on guard and who would get to stay and watch Dieufel and his cousin make the wards. "I'm fine."
She doesn't buy that. Sue knew her kids. Maybe not as of late, but she knew when something was not right. Putting down the laundry basket she'd been transporting to her room, Sue enters Leah's room hesitantly. "I know I may not understand a lot of things concerning wolves and the pack, but I'm always here for you, Leah. Whether you want to talk or hang out-"
Her eyes flick up and Sue clips her sentence short. "I'm fine." Leah again repeated.
After a moment, Sue lets out a forlorn sigh and nods. "Okay. If you don't want my company then, maybe you should go over to the Black's instead of staying in here all day."
Sue purses her lips. "Jacob is having a tough time. He's been by himself since imprinting on Evita. Billy told me that even the Swan girl has stopped coming around to their house. He must have told her. He could use some company though."
That was the last thing Leah wanted to do. It would be the most pathetic hang out session. She didn't want to connect with him over this. Didn't want anyone to know. Especially not Jacob. He'd think they'd have some sort of camaraderie because of this shared experience. Leah just desired nothing more than to sweep this whole mess under the rug and forget about it. A few days ago, she'd had hope that maybe things were looking up for her. A tentative friendship sprung up between Leah and Evita that the she-wolf appreciated. Evita didn't pity her. Didn't even know what had happened between her, Sam and Emily. The girl was easy to talk to and was not spurned by Leah's surly attitude that was more or less her built in defense mechanism.
When Leah doesn't respond, she hears her mom sigh again before picking her laundry basket back up and continuing on her previous path to her room to sort through her clothes. Leah focuses on the sound of shuffling fabric being pulled out and the creaking of the whicker basket Sue liked to use. Leah huffs and leans back in her computer chair. Before Sue had come in, she'd been researching scholarships for college. Well, she'd been trying to but kept getting distracted by the ringing of her phone. College was the last thing on her mind, but it had taken her mind off of her supernatural life if only for a little bit.
Without thinking, Leah's hand pulls at the drawer in her desk and pulls out a picture that had been placed face down. A picture she hadn't looked at since Harry's death. Printed on the glossy paper was the smiling face of Harry, Seth and Leah. Father and son were decked out in fishing gear while Leah merely wore a baseball cap that once belonged to Harry. Grief that she had done been dealing well with bubbles in her chest to the point where she instantly throws the photo back into the drawer and slams it closed. Her skin trembled. Home wasn't safe for her either.
Having already been wearing her sneakers, Leah leaves the Clearwater household without another word.
She didn't like what she was about to do, but Leah couldn't help herself when she came upon Jacob Black's garage where she heard music streaming out of and the clanking of whatever metal he was tinkering with. His shirt was off, like many of the male wolves preferred, and Leah could see the muscles of his back move as he's elbow deep in the car's engine. At least Jacob was engulfed in a hobby. Leah didn't have many hobbies. Perhaps hiking and fishing, but there was little time nowadays for her to indulge in activities like that.
Sneakers scuffing against the pebbles that lead up to the entrance of his garage, Jacob's body freezes for a moment before he turned around and registered it was Leah. He arched an eyebrow, asking his question without having to open his mouth.
Heat floods her cheeks as she tells him the secret she was hiding from everyone. She just couldn't refrain the words spilling out of her mouth like a great force, unable to be pushed back in. Leah didn't intentionally go there to spill her guts out to Jacob Black but it happened anyway. There was no plugging it up. The dam was broken.
At her admissions, Jacob very slowly left his car to stand in front of her. He's unsure of what Leah needed in that moment. Not many people saw her this vulnerable, Leah made sure of that.
By the time she's done, her whole body is wracked with tremors. The hood to the car's engine was closed and both now had their butts pressing against it, facing out of the garage. Being soft like this had Leah's skin itching uncomfortably. "You probably think I'm pathetic."
"Pathetic? Why?"
Her face screws up in a scowl. "Because I am pathetic. Acting like this just because I. . . I imprinted." In frustration, her fingers card through her short, black hair. "And of course I had to imprint on a witch too."
"Well, technically he's not a witch. What's the guy version?" Jacob manages to pull a snort from Leah. "You know how imprinting works. It's out of our hands. We just drew the short straws. After this whole Volturi thing blows over we can tell them. For now we just have to be patient." He omits where he'd actually snapped at (y/n) the other day due to him being unable to control the hormones that imprinting caused to escalate. When he came down from the burst of aggression that seized him, Jacob accepted that he was in the wrong. Regretted yelling at one of his best friends.
"When have either of us been patient?" Leah scoffs and Jacob chuckles dryly. Certainly the most stubborn wolves in the entire pack.
Things had worked out for (y/n). She'd been lucky. Edward was with her now and they were exploring their new relationship and the dynamics it brought with it. And despite her frostiness toward the blood suckers, Leah was happy for her. They were pack-sisters after all. The only ones. Oddities among a pack full of guys. Somehow, she found it appropriate that their mates would be just as odd.
In her short life, luck had not been on Leah's side. Not with Sam, or her dad and possibly not even with Dieufel.
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Bella and Evita were holed up in Sam's living room even as the sun started to go down. They had to relocate in order for Dieufel to make the second ward. Finally, you were able to bear witness to their magic firsthand. According to Sam, even when Evita made the first ward, there had been a lot of ceremony that went along with it. Dieufel followed it to the exact detail. That same tangy scent of magic pulsates around you. His gaze was fixated on a river stone, smooth and weathered, cradled in the palm of his hand. Its surface seemed to pulse with an ancient rhythm, as if it held the whispered secrets of generations past. A small bowl of herbs are slowly catching ablaze in front of him. He hadn't even used a match to light it. Only a few words and the hovering of his hand had summoned the smallest of flames required. Each syllable he uttered seemed to invoke forgotten forces, calling upon the spirits that held sway over the elements. The room responded in kind. Shadows seemed to dance along the walls, and a gentle breeze, though the windows remained closed, ruffle at your hair and kiss your face. You felt a shiver of something profound – the thinning of the veil between the mundane and the mystical. As if the stone itself was awakening, attuning itself to the currents of magic being woven around it, in crumbles into dozens of small pieces until it was but swirling dust particles. Working with magic made Dieufel's veins glow from under his dark skin. Long rivers of light run up his arms and down his neck. The protective ward Dieufel was crafting was not merely a barrier, but a conduit for their intentions, a manifestation of their collective will that the Volturi will not come to harm anyone.
When it was all done, Dieufel places it in your hand. You didn't think it would be this small. Even for your naturally blazing skin, the ward sat hot in your palm. The emerald the color the ward possessed seemed to ebb and flow, shifting in intensity as if it were a living entity. Intricate designs, etched with the precision of magic itself, adorned the surface. Carved into the emerald-like material were patterns that seemed to dance and intertwine, an intricate tapestry of symbols representing protection and connection. Symbols pulsed softly, a rhythm in harmony with the heartbeat of the universe.
"Wow." You breath is shaky. Bella was right. This was. . . Your brain struggled to come up with the most fitting words to describe it, but there was nothing that would do the experience justice.
Dieufel collapses onto the couch and closes his eyes for a moment. Embry asked if he was okay and the warlock merely nods. "Yes. I'll need to take a breather."
Nadege cleans up after her cousin and begins to make her ward. The bowl that Dieufel had burned miscellaneous herbs was refreshed by Nadege's quick hands. She hummed as she reset everything.
The other boys pawed at you to see the ward and you pass it to them so they can gawk over it although Sam has to stress to them to handle it with the utmost care. Even Quil and Paul duck their heads down to examine it closer.
Evita emerges from the kitchen to check in on Dieufel. "Do you want me to make you a tonic?"
He chuckles and pats the top of her dark curls. "I'll be fine. No need for worries. How is your apranti(apprentice)?"
That drew up everyone's attention. Embry and Seth in particular straighten up and crane their heads to see around Evita and into the kitchen. They were interested in the training, but Evita was strict on having it be just her and Bella so she didn't feel flustered. One had to learn magic in comfort.
Admittedly, Evita was no teacher. She was still young and learning her own power. It wasn't a position for her to teach. Fundamentals of magic, maybe. But not hands on training. That required a more skilled mentor.
Nadege sets aside what she had been doing and hops up onto her feet. "Well, if you are not opposed and if you're feeling better, I can teach Bella."
From the couch, Dieufel scoffs "You just want to show off."
Well, she didn't disagree but ignored him as she hands Evita a box of matches and passes through everyone to go into the kitchen. You and Embry exchange looks and follow her. Paul stops the younger boys and shoos them away. They just wanted to follow after Nadege.
Bella sat at the kitchen table, loose sheets of paper were in front of her. You can see the scribbling of words and bullet notes. Her pen taps against her temple before she looks up to see the three new people in her presence. She sets down her pen and sits up in her seat. Nadege briefly met Bella before Evita dove in on the lessons. Nadege's smile is blinding and catches Bella off guard. The witch's dark hand picks up some of the notes that Bella and Evita had been working on. Her green eyes skim over the surface and nods.
"Good, she's covered the foundations." Her eyes dash as she reads the rest of it, getting a grasp of where Evita had left off. You and Embry have to get on your tippy toes in order to read over Nadege's shoulder. She was so tall!Bella's cheeks turn pink in front of the enigmatic Nadege who glances at a few more notes before pulling out a chair for herself.
Shyly, Bella's gaze flicks over to you and Embry. Quickly, you smile over at her and subtly nudge Embry in the side. He's fast to take the hint and moves back into the living room where the air has picked up once more in a magical buzz.
Vibrations coming from your back pocket notify you of a text from Edward. You grin and excuse yourself quietly to pop outside. The air sang in your ears as you make your way deeper into the woods. Edward met you half-way out of habit. His gold pools sparkle with anticipation. "What's it like?"
He wouldn't go inside of Sam's house as long as he knew Bella was there, not wanting to make this awkward for her. It itched at him though to get a visual of what witnessing real magic was like. Also he was curious as to how Bella would fit in with the witches. Stunned was an understatement to how he felt when he learned of Bella's magical potential.
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brawlite · 26 days
for your d/s pov poll, were you surprised by the results? what's your own opinion on it? did it end up helping you make your decision? (writing my own d/s fic and so curious about your thoughts)
[for anyone curious about the poll/results, here's the poll on tumblr and here it is on twitter]
painting rly broad strokes of my deeply unscientific poll, about 50% of people (slightly lower on tumblr than twit) preferred reading a fic from a sub's pov. a quarter(ish, slightly higher on twitter) preferred dom pov, and the rest had a nuanced answer they left in the comments.
one of the comments i did see often on both tumblr & twitter was some variation of "feels like there’s SO much more sub pov that dom pov is extra special to me" (this quote is from @windcalling, thank you, i loved the way you said this!!).
the overall results of the poll weren't surprising to me; i kind of assumed people would rather read sub pov, given anecdotal evidence from life and similar discussions/posts -- but the recurring comments about a non zero number of people enjoying dom pov because there were fewer fics of that nature/because it was more "unique"? that WAS surprising. and kind of refreshing! also, i guess i was a little surprised that the percentage of people who have an overall preference for dom pov was as high as it was, given my earlier lack of surprise over people preferring sub pov.
one of my other favorite comments, and one i really resonated with, was from @acinonyxian, who said "[...] but generally i want to be from the perspective of the person who is having the worse time/greater internal conflict/more potential for growth or change" which is -- honestly, exactly my preference for writing something: the pov whoever is having the worse time. conflict is fun & challenging to write.
on your question of my own opinion: on writing: personally, i find it easier to write sub pov, like a little cheat -- something about all of the reactions being right there and more obvious to the readier, and if they're having a bad time about it? so easy to wallow in and make the reader wallow in, too -- but more fun to write dom pov -- it's an observation of someone else's reactions. it's picking apart something from an outside, limited perspective. its about the satisfaction of completing a difficult puzzle, the reward of putting in a lot of effort and seeing it come to fruition -- and it's also about control. which is, you know, fun. on reading: yeah, i definitely have to go with whoever is having the worse time, & that is not always the sub pov character, though often is.
to be totally honest, it didn't really help me make my decision. i actually wanted to write the fic in question (eddie/tommy from 9-1-1), the one that spurned this poll, from tommy's pov, as the more dom character, but i also wanted to included a lot of eddie/buck pining, and that... wouldn't be possible if it wasn't from eddie's pov. so, alas, i had to ditch the idea of tommy salivating over eddie on his knees. sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. i guess. :/
(but the results did inspire me to write more of my d/s kniveswood fic from knives' dom pov, so it's not nothing! and, ngl, these results will probably also color my pov thoughts in the future, too -- i like writing dom pov and its nice hearing people enjoy reading it.)
best of luck with your d/s fic, anon! let me know what pov you end up going for, and why!! i'm curious!
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leonsliga · 4 months
Don't worry, I understand perfectly that you get emotional when your favourite player who you have a special connection with isn't nominated. Euros at home is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity for players and it sucks to be left out.
I just think that Leon's strength nowadays is being box to box midfielder who plays best in a defensive set-up, but not when you need your midfielder to quickly progress the ball up the pitch. When you look at who Nagelsmann nominated, it's clear he wants to play in a double pivot with Kroos/Pavlovic as an attacking midfielder and Gross/Andrich as a defensive midfielder. Leon is in an unfortunate position because he's jack of all trades, master of none type of midfielder right now. Tuchel choosing to start Pavlovic instead of Leon against Real Madrid, our most important game of the season, must have been the final nail in the coffin.
Leon isn't competing with Ilkay Gündogan for his spot. Gündogan will be playing in Thomas Müller's usual position as a #10.
I was surprised as well that Mats Hummels wasn't called up. I think the explanation was that Mats is too outspoken and wouldn't accept a back-up role. I've never played any sports professionally and I don't know how it is, but I think it it's possible that having too many leading players can be a bad thing. Too many cooks in the kitchen etc. Especially when a leading player is third choice in his position. Very unfortunate for Mats of course, he's had a very good season. And it must sting to watch Toni Kroos, Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer from 2014 all getting a callup. Mats is better than Schlotterbeck on paper but I think Nagelsmann thought that Schlotti will accept his role in the squad more easily and Schlotti is a defender for the future. He needs big tournament experience for 2026. Plus Dortmund has played a low block and counter attacking football most of the season which plays to Mats' strengths, but Nagelsmann is going for more attacking based set-up where speed is more important.
As for Manu, he's simply the GOAT and improves any team he plays for. I don't think anyone would deny his incredible mental resilience. But I do think that it gets a little silly when people start saying that he should spurn the dfb and Nagelsmann for not worshipping the ground he walks on and that Nagelsmann doesn't rate him when he clearly does. Nags wouldn't have patched up their relationship and called him up otherwise. Nagelsmann has said many times that Manu is the clear starter even tho Manu missed the march games with an injury and hasn't played in the dfb since dec 2022. Nobody else in the squad has been given that much leeway. I doubt Nagelsmann would have taken Manu's armband away, but because Hansi Flick already did then it would have been silly to reverse the decision so soon and basically say fuck you to Gündogan.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re the anon I sent an entire master’s dissertation to the other day 😂 if it’s you, welcome back! And thanks for reading all that omg 😅 I’m glad I didn’t scare you off too much lol.
You raise some excellent points as well. This is why I love footyblr, because we’ve all got different views and takes on news like this, and it’s interesting to hear everyone’s perspectives.
I definitely agree with you on Leon’s role these days. He functions best as he always has—as a box-to-box midfielder—but recently, thanks in large part to Bayern’s current structure under Tuchel, his duties lie more in assisting the defense and helping with the buildup than they do in the attacking third (though he still helps out there when needed). Personally, I think Nagelsmann’s aiming for a Kroos/Andrich midfield pivot with Groß and Pavlović in reserve, but we’ll have to keep an eye on what develops as the Euros draw nearer.
Personal emotions/vested interest aside, for as much as Leon’s greatest strength is his versatility, it’s also his biggest weakness right now, at least as far as Nagelsmann is concerned. After all, it can make him harder to pin down/lock into a role than most, as you suggested. When you can adapt to variety of positions, the issue becomes where you can play best, and I can definitely see how that’s become muddled to some extent recently.
With Leon’s jack-of-all-trades skill set, you could argue he was competing with a variety of players for his spot, depending on where and how Nagelsmann would’ve wanted to use him. That said, I think his stiffest competition was in Groß and Kroos (though I still disagree with excluding Leon, but I’m pretty sure you know that already lol 🤷‍♀️). I think when I discussed Gündogan recently on this blog with one of my mutuals, we were saying that it was impressive that Leon’s goal contributions rival his, considering that Leon operates more defensively these days, despite retaining his role as a CM.
Honestly, I’ve got no issues with Gündogan (I’m a little hung up on the captaincy thing, but I don’t blame him for that); I think my concern is with him assuming Thomas’s role as #10. I understand that Ilkay is the captain now and Thomas is getting older, but Thomas has proven, despite reduced playing time under Tuchel, that he’s still extremely valuable, especially when given the time and freedom to play his game. If I’m honest, it concerns me how quick Nagelsmann was to confirm he won’t be a starter, and it’s hard not to feel, at least to some extent, like he’s being paraded around as some sort of figurehead, even if he’ll still get some playing time. I don’t think that kind of treatment is fair to Thomas—not when he has so much left to offer the team on the pitch as well as off it.
I’m glad I’m not alone in being shocked Mats was left behind 😅 nothing against Koch, but I’m sorry; he’s not better than Hummels. Plain and simple. End of. I’m being a bit dramatic here, but Nagelsmann excluding Mats was genuinely one of the more questionable roster decisions I’ve seen in recent memory, even more baffling than Leon’s absence.
I see your point about Mats’s outspokenness; he certainly can be, but I feel like at least as far as the Euros have been concerned, he’s been fairly tight-lipped. I understand what you mean about the stubbornness as well, but I think at the end of the day, if it came down to him sacrificing a position in the starting XI for the benefit of the team, he would do it in a heartbeat. He’s a self-assured player, sure, but he’s not selfish. He’s a team player above everything.
As far as whether too many leading players can be a bad thing, like you, I haven’t played a sport professionally and can’t speak to that in any definitive way, but I’d imagine that while it can be a bad thing, it doesn’t have to be. In my mind, it comes down to the cohesion we spoke about in that previous ask. Take the 2014 World Cup, for example; the dfb had quite a few leading players at their disposal then, like Phillip Lahm, Miroslav Klose, Bastian Schweinsteiger, and Lukas Podolski (although his role was somewhat limited in the tournament itself, if I recall), to name a few. And that’s without even mentioning Manu, Mats, and Thomas, who, despite still being relatively young at the time, were already well-respected, well-established homegrown talents. I think, at the end of the day, it’s all about how everyone’s different leadership styles mesh with one another, along with how the players in their charge respond to them.
And ugh, it’s gotta feel like a gut punch for Mats, who can do little more than watch his 2014 teammates play in the Heim-EM without him. To some extent, I can put myself in Nagelsmann’s head on this one, even if I strongly disagree with him. As we’ve discussed, he values younger players and wants to develop them into replacements for some of Germany’s aging legends, which unfortunately includes our beloved Mats, despite him playing absolutely out of his mind lately. Do I completely agree with Nagelsmann’s decision to risk developing so many youth players during such a special, high-pressure Euros? No. Would I do things differently if I were in charge? Absolutely. But I’m not, and given that in most matches, Germany likely won’t be playing low like Dortmund and will operate more on the offensive, demanding a bit more speed in the process, I can understand to a degree why Nagelsmann made the calls he did—‘to a degree’ being the operative phrase here.
While speed isn’t exactly Mats’s strong suit, and his knack for long balls and well-timed tackles do favor a counter-attack, we’ve also seen the damage he can do in the attacking third, in spite of his comparatively slower speed—his magnificent header against PSG in the second leg of the UCL semifinal being the most recent example. It’s just that considering the form Mats is in, it seems foolish not to take him, even if he wouldn’t start under Nagelsmann’s current system. Practicing a degree of tactical flexibility and being willing to make adjustments based on the opposition you’re dealing with is important as a manager. With certain opponents, it’s better to lie in wait and go on the counterattack, and like you said, matches like these are right in Mats’s wheelhouse. Save him for them, and in all honesty, he and his body will probably thank you, given he is getting older.
Additionally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out how Nagelsmann decided to call four goalkeepers as opposed to fortifying what’s been a historically shaky defense (at least in recent years). Yes, he has a chance to fix this, as his current shortlist consists of 27 players as opposed to 26, but if the reports are to be believed (though I should note here I make it a rule of thumb to take bild’s reports with a grain of salt), all 4 goalkeeper spots are safe, which, when you have goalkeepers like Manu and Ter-Stegen in your ranks, seems completely excessive in my opinion.
And last but not least, since we’re now on the topic of goalkeepers, let’s talk Manu, because god knows I haven’t talked long enough at this point 😵😂
An anon of culture, I see! I totally agree that Manu’s the GOAT, but I think my opinions on him probably go without saying lmao. The fact that he’s been through as much as he has—Schalke turning its back on him, Bayern ultras initially rejecting him (see: the “koan neuer” incident), getting diagnosed with cancer, and enduring several potentially career-ending injuries, just to name a few—and has managed to rise above it all is truly inspiring.
I understand why it can seem silly at times when some of us Manu fan footyblrians say certain things about him and the dfb. But this is footyblr we’re talking about here; no one has ever accused us of being normal (and that goes for me too ofc; I’m certainly not normal, as I’m sure you can tell 😅). We’re all a little weird here (deeply affectionate). More often than not, it’s all stemming from a combination of frustration at the situation and feelings of protectiveness towards Manu. Hell, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve crossed the line between a simple parasocial relationship into hero worship a time or two. I think the important thing that we can all agree on is that it’s unequivocally good news that Manu and Nagelsmann have patched up their relationship and reconciled their differences. You make a good point about Hansi setting the precedent of Ilkay as captain as well, and you offer a good explanation of why Nagelsmann might be hesitant to reverse the decision so quickly. Still, I do think Manu’s got quite a bit of captain magic left in him, should he get the armband back one day 💫
If you read all this by the way, thanks 💜 I know it was a lot, and I appreciate it!
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Friday Everyone! Lets dive into our next ep.
1x05 'The Round-up'
Tim being excited about the round-up is actually pretty cute. He’s like a kid in a candy store. There’s an excited spark there it’s adorable. This clearly means a great deal to him. Shock surprise Tim Bradford is competitive. Who would've thunk?
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Lucy is about to see the extent Tim is willing to go in order to win this competition. She's about to see a side to Tim she hasn't experienced yet. First would be his incredibly competitive side. She's about to see how serious he takes this. Second is a side that shocks her. Him being super nice and flirty with someone. Her reaction to seeing this is priceless. She has no idea who this person is with Nell but its not Tim LOL
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Tim is giving it his all to Nell. Laying it on super thick. Lucy’s face as Tim flirts with her. I’m dying. She’s like who are you? And what have you done with Tim Bradford? Melissa's facial expression is killing me 😂 She must feel like she is on another planet while Tim works his magic.
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Naturally she was quick to be on his ass about keeping it fair. Never misses a beat with him. Cracks me up. Always ready to speak her mind with him, this time she backtracks wasn't worth it to hang out in the drunk tank haha He's ready to do anything and everything to win this whether she's on board or not.
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Even though she’s not supposed to be his ‘Pollyanna’ that doesn't stop her from bringing up Nell. She knows what he’s doing is wrong. Using his charm and good looks to get what he wants from her. He clearly thinks it’s harmless... Where she knows what he’s doing isn’t ok. She's doing more than just a 'Favor' Timothy and you know it.
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He's always so defensive when's she’s calling him on his shit. Lucy has his number and he's still not used to it. So naturally he shuts down the convo before it can go any further. Goes right back into hard ass T.O. mode. Its a default for him when he's not wanting to deal with something with her. That tough love coming out in lieu of continuing with Lucy's line of questioning.
I couldn't find a gif set of the DUI call they get. But its a good scene for them. You see Lucy questioning Tim and his motives. Their suspect has been impaled and bleeding out. Tim reading his rights just until he about passes out. He demands to get a blood sample before he's loaded into the ambulance. Tim claims to get him in a jail cell and not to lose evidence.
She is wondering if he was trying to get their suspects blood because they should or because it was good for their score. When the man was bleeding out in front of them. It clearly shakes her when he tells her their suspect doesn't get a pass just because he got a boo-boo. Then tells her to put their score on the board once they get the blood. Which is conflicting her further. She’s not sure why he’s pushing so hard to win this thing.
They go to lunch after where Nolan only serves to piss her off LOL She’s clearly grumpy in the shop after her lunch talk with Nolan. So Tim tries to engage her and talk about the DUI they had. Reminding her that what they did was the right thing. That its their job pretty or not. It's all about ‘maintaining perspective.’ Right before they get their next call about a armored truck being stolen.
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Her throwing his words right back at him shortly after they get this call is primo. I’ll always love how Lucy calls him on his crap no hesitation whatsoever. He tries to deter her with 'tough love' and all it does is spurn her on. I love their dynamic so much. She refuses to be anything but herself with him. Speaking her mind even when he clearly doesn't know what to do with it.
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Naturally he replies defensively cause he’s not used to a worthy opponent like her. She returns fire with him no matter what. That part of their relationship is so key to them. Her challenging him. There was an article where Eric said ‘Lucy returns fire with care. ‘ 100% what she does. She's not afraid to fight this man who's clearly made other rookies tremble. He’s definitely never experienced this with any other rookie.
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I love Talia and Angela rigging the competition for him. Their secret way of showing him they care, and know what this means to him. It's obvious to Lucy there is an emotional component to this for him. She just doesn't understand why. It's why she jumps in on the conversation.
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Lucy of course thinking it might be better for his healing to lose. Not be so caught up in this. She’s always looking from the perspective of how to help Tim. How she can best protect his emotional stability. To her makes more sense to have him let it go.
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Angela shuts it down with her reply. Lucy realizes this is cathartic for him whether he knows it or not. Then concedes to Angela’s point. Tim is clearly still a hot mess still when it comes to Isabel. To let him have one thing that doesn’t send him completely off the edge about her is huge. That look of realization is written all over Lucy's face. So she lets it go after that.
We get to the end and yay Tim and Lucy have “won” the competition. Tim owes Nell a drink. We do see Tim does grow in this ep. (Because of Lucy of course). Not that he is realizing that at this point. But he does realize she’s right and he’s been leading Nell on. Owns up to the hot mess he currently is and lets her know he’s married and it’s complicated. Her reply is hilarious ‘I don’t do complicated’ baha
Not really a lot of non chenford side notes for me in this one.
Just getting past the cringey post breakup stuff with Lucy and Nolan. Lucy nailed it at the beginning of the ep. ‘You were on the rebound from 20 year marriage this was never gonna last.’ Sure wasn’t one of many reasons it wasn’t going to.
Thank you all once again for the comments, likes and reblogs they do my heart wonders. Feel free to comment should you choose 😊 Do my best to get another ep or two done this weekend.
Till we meet again in 1x06 :)
Gif credit to the amazing blogs below.
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
It’s Always Been You (2.0)
It’s Always Been You
(Kyoya x male reader story)
2 3 4
Background Info: 
Here’s the main things about my y/n, first off his mom runs multiple casinos well known across Japan. Y/n is roughly 16-17, and lives alone. 
Chapter One -A New Host!-
  The marble walls shone and echo the steps of a particular brunette searching this seemingly endless high school. 
  After another failed attempt at finding a quiet place to study, it felt as if every room felt students doing everything except doing work, finding ways to waste the mounts of free time they possess.
  Finally, the now mildly annoyed brunette gets to a supposedly empty music room, having no other options left, they open the door.
They’re greeted by a burst of light accompanied with a rush of rose petals, and—
The brunette was greeted by the school's very own host club.
 “This is a host club?” The brown haired questioned
 Two ginger twins spoke ignoring the student. 
“Wow, it’s a boy!”
 “Hikaru, kaoru, I believe this young man is in the same class as you, isn’t he?” Kyoya asked, already knowing the answer.
 The twins thought a minute before dryly saying.
 “Yeah, but he’s shy. He doesn’t act very sociable, so we don’t know much about him.”
“Well that wasn’t very polite.”
 Kyoya ootori tilted his head studying the commor.
 “Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor student.” Finally giving attention to the now very confused student.
 Before he could even respond, a now very eager blonde speaks.
    “What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka! You're an exceptional honor student we’ve heard about.” 
 Haruhi, very uncomfortable with the spotlight on him asks.
  “How do you know my name?” 
 “Well how wouldn’t we know about you?” Y/n asked Haruhi, clearly not getting through to him.
  “Why, you're infamous, it’s not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy.”  
 He continues,
  “You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student Mr. Fujioka.” Kyoya spoke clearly, hitting a nerve with Haruhi, who was barely processing anything.
“Well uh, thank you I guess” Haruhi was slowly getting a migraine at this point.
 The spotlight shifts over to the blonde.
 “You're welcome. You're a hero to other poor people, Fujioka. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy.” He now just prancing around, akin to a peacock.
 “It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others." 
 “I think you're taking this ‘poor’ thing too far.” Haruhi gets frustrated with the group.
 Tamaki ignores the feedback and keeps going.
“Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn’t matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor man, to our world of beauty.” Clearly not getting a hint.
 “I’m outta here.” Haruhi started to back away from the intrusive host club. 
 Mitsukuni starts going towards the fleeting brunette.
“Hey! Come back here Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something. That’s so cool!”
 Haruhi rebuttals.
 “I’m not a hero. And who are you calling ‘Haru-chan’?!” Haruhi has started to reach his limit with these rich people.
 Tamaki starts talking.
 “I never would’ve imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay.” 
Y/n interjects.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Haruhi, who would rather be anywhere but here, asked.
 “Openly, what?”
Tamaki ignoring Haruhi for the third time starts.
 “So tell me what kind of guys are you into.” Invading the personal space of a very shaken Haruhi.
 “Do you like the strong, silent type? The boy Lolita?” He gestured to the duo.
“How about the mischievous type, maybe the space cadet or the cool type.” 
Y/n looks at Kyoya who’s writing in his sleek black notebook.
“Really space cadet? I don’t think I’m that bad at focusing.” Y/n who is now picking at his bitten nails.
“Really now, what’s the honor student's name?” Kyoya closed his book focusing on him now.
“….” Y/n looks off to the side racking his brain for anything.
“It’s Haruhi.” Kyoya said plainly.
Y/n went back to listening to Tamaki and Haruhi, quietly accepting defeat.
 “Uh… I, uh… it’s not like that, I was just looking for a quiet place to study.” Stammered getting backed into a va corner.
 Tamaki is still not getting the hint. And getting even closer to Haruhi.
“Or maybe… You’re into a guy like me. What do you say?” Scaring Haruhi.
 “Wait the vas-” before Y/n could finish, the elegant blue and white vase shattered by the brunette, despite his attempts of saving.
“Never mind..” Y/n mumbled before getting overlooked by the twins.
 “Aww..” the twins whined, now towering over the distressed honor student.
Y/n starts.
 “We were supposed to feature that renaissance vase in the school's upcoming auction.” 
Kaoru adds.
“Oh, now you’ve done it, commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen!”
 Haruhi, who is pale as a ghost, frantically runs the number through her head.
“Eight million yen!? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?”
“Uh I’m gonna have to pay you back…” defeat filling his entire body.
The twins adding salt to a wound, states.
“With what money? You can’t even afford a school uniform.”  Hitting the point home to an already stressed commoner.
“You're going to  end up paying us one way or another.” Y/n shrugs, thinking of other options.
“Well, what do you think we should do about this Tamaki?” Kyoya looked at Tamaki who is now dramatically sitting in a chair.
“There’s a famous saying you may have heard Fujioka, ‘when in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.’ Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means starting today, you’re the Host Club’s dog.”
Haruhi is now just a shell of a person, talking to himself over his current situation and comes of it.
Mitsukuni pokes Haruhi, no reaction.
“I think we killed him.” Y/n waves his hand over Haruhi’s blank face.
The next day….
   The sounds of chatter danced across the elegant walls, filled with girls who have too much time on their hands. And hosts who also have way too much time on their hands.
Tamaki is entertaining his usual customers, who are just hanging on to his every word. When a voice grabs his attention.
“May I have a word with you Tamaki?” Seika Ayanokoji spoke.
She continues. “I’ve recently heard the club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree.” She spoke with underlying bitterness.
 “I don’t know if I’d call him that.” Tamaki responded.
Haruhi walks in the bustling room with a paper bag. Along with y/n, helping carry the extra groceries.
“Speak of the devil!” Tamaki declared.
“Thanks for doing the shopping little piglet. Did you get everything on the list?” Tamaki Turing his full attention on the male.
“What? Piglet?” Haruhi questioned.
 Tamaki snatched the bag out of Haruhi’s hand before inspecting a brown container.
“Hey, wait a minute, what’s this?” Tamaki studies the container, puzzled by it.
“Just what it looks like. It’s coffee” Haruhi deadpanned.
An unbelieving Tamaki inspects the suspicious coffee before speaking again.
“I’ve never seen this brand before. Is this the kind that’s already ground?” 
“What do you mean? It’s instant coffee.” Haruhi is baffled by the lack of awareness coming from the blonde.
The girls who’ve been listening the entire time but in.
“It’s instant?” 
“Tamaki, it’s the kind you add hot water to powder.” Y/n explains, before Tamaki could say anything.
 “I didn't know there was such a thing” a girl said in shock. Another girl joins in.
 “So it is true then. Poor people don’t have enough time to grind their own coffee beans” said as if it was a revolutionary concept.
Kyoya appears out of the blue and adds his thoughts.
 “Commoners are pretty smart.” 
Twins join in the chaos taking the instant coffee in their own hands.
“Hundred grams for three-hundred yen.” 
 “That’s a lot less than what we normally pay.”
Haruhi, fed up with the commotion over coffee, takes the coffee back.
“I’ll go back and get something else. Excuse me for not buying you guys expensive coffee.” Frustration leaking with every word. 
 But before Haruhi could do so, Tamaki stood with dozens of other eyes peering at the coffee.
“No, I’ll keep it.” He said, causing a multitude of gasps from the guests.
“ I’m going to give it a try.” Causing more shock throughout the pretentious group.
   “I will drink this coffee!” He stood lifting the coffee in the air. An array of applause erupted at Tamaki's display of bravery.
A dumb founded Haruhi stood there as he was made to make ‘commoners coffee’ for everyone. 
“I’ll help yo-“ y/n gets talked over by a bitter redhead.
“Oh Tamaki, now you’re taking the joke too far. Your palette won’t be able to stomach that crap. You don’t have to drink it just because he bought it.”
Haruhi paused and looked at the girl. But the redhead continued.
“Sorry I’m just talking to myself.” She said staring daggers at him
“Haruhi!” Tamaki called. Causing Haruhi to rush over to the demand of the group.
After a few minutes multiple teacups are placed before Tamaki and the rest.
“Let the tasting begin!”
As girls spoke their concerns with this mysterious instant coffee, Tamaki quickly charmed the girls out of their fear.
After everyone went back to their usual duties, leaving Haruhi and y/n watching everyone do their job.
“Shouldn’t you be entertaining your guests.” Haruhi look to see the twins doing their typical routine.
“I don’t have a lot of guests so most of the time I just end up doing nothing ” Y/n answered.
Mitsukuni walks in with Mori behind him. Causing Haruhi a lot of confusion. 
“Is that boy really a third year student?” 
“Honey-senpai may seem young and childish, but he's a prodigy.” Y/n said. 
Causing Kyoya to come out of his place of hiding.
“And mori-senpai’s allure is his strong and silent disposition.” Kyoya added 
“Uh..” Haruhi is barely understanding anything.
Mitsukuni grabs Haruhi’s attention.
Causing Haruhi to yelp not expecting Honey-senpai.
“Hey Haru-chan, do you want to go and have some cake with me?” Honey asked, looking up at Haruhi.
“Thanks, but I don’t really like cake.” Haruhi stammered.
Honey holds up a pink fuzzy bunny up to Haruhi.
“Then how would you like to hold my bunny Usa-chan?” Honey gave the sweetest puppy eyes.
“I'm not into bunnies.” Haruhi politely declined.
“Are you saying you don’t like Usa-chan?” Honey looked as if he was about to cry.
“I- I guess he is kinda cute, huh?” 
The bunny gets shoved into Haruhi’s hands.
“Take care of him, okay?” Honey giggles before running off to cater to the guests.
Kyoya, without looking up from his book, starts talking again.
“You’ll notice that our club utilized each man’s unique characteristics to cater to the desire of the guests. Just so you know, Tamaki is number one around here, he's the king. His request rate is seventy percent.” 
“What’s this world coming to?” Haruhi exasperated.
Kyoya continues. 
 “And in order to pay back your eight million yen debt with us, you will act as the Ouran Host Club’s dog until you graduate.”
 “I’m sorry I mean errand boy, you can run away If you want Haruhi, but just so you know, my family employs a private police force of 100 officers. By the way, do you have a passport?” Kyoya looked up from his notebook.
Tamaki appears behind Haruhi,
“You're gonna have to work hard to pay off that debt. My little nerd~.” Tamaki cooed into Haruhi’s ear.
Haruhi understandably jumps up and backs away from the prince.
“Never do that again.” He said hyperventilating.
“Tamaki please don’t make me use a spray bottle again.” Y/n states pinching his eyes in frustration.
Tamaki once again ignores Y/n.
“You need a makeover or girls won’t ever look twice at you.”
 “Yeah well I’m not trying to get girls to look at me.” Haruhi argues with the dense blonde.
After Tamaki goes into a rant about how important it is to be a gentleman to the ladies and other nonsense, Haruhi speaks his reason why.
“ I just don’t think it’s that important.” Causing Tamaki to be more puzzled at the concept.
“Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean what really matters is what’s on the inside right? I don’t understand why you even have a host club like this.” Haruhi bluntly said, striking a nerve with Tamaki.
“Cruel reality isn’t it?” Tamaki asked.
After what felt like hours of a one sided debate, Haruhi finally stopped Tamaki.
“Oh did I strike a cord?” Tamaki smirked.
“Obnoxious!” Haruhi said, breaking the blondes heart.
Twins laughing came over to Haruhi.
“You’re a hero alright!” 
“ I’m sorry Senpai, but your lesson did strike a chord with me.” Haruhi politely explained. Causing Tamaki’s mood to boost up.
 “Really? It did? Let me show you more. My friend.” 
“He got over that quick.” 
“Boss?” The twins looked towards tamaki 
 “Call me king.” Tamaki corrected.
The twins carry on.
 “You can teach him the basics of hosting but.. he’s not going to get very far with the ladies if he doesn’t look the part you know. He’s not exactly host club material.” The twins proceeded to remove the honor students' glasses.
 Revealing a gorgeous face behind the specs.
“Hey! I need those. I used to have contacts but I lost them on the first day of school.” Haruhi explained but it came to deaf ears.
Tamaki snapped his fingers.
“Hikaru, Kaoru.”
“Got it!”
 The twins ran off while Tamaki sent out more orders.
“Kyoya, my hairstylist. Mori senpai, go to the eye doctor and get him contact lenses.”
As the others went off it left y/n and Honey-senpai left.
“What about us Tama-chan?” Honey asked innocently.
“Honey senpai.” Tamaki said.
“Yes sir!” Honey responded.
“You…go have some cake”
“Looks like it’s just me and you-…” y/n starts but honey-senpai is off sadly eating cat with Usa-chan.
“Never mind… I guess.”
The twins come back and throw Haruhi into a changing room along with the purple uniform. Causing the twins to get thrown out by Haruhi. 
 Everyone gathered around the changing room waiting with bated breath until-
“Um, senpai?”
“Aren’t you done changing yet?” Tamaki asked.
“Are you sure it’s really okay for me to keep this uniform?” Haruhi is fidgeting with the cuffs on his sleeves.
Tamaki rushes closer to Haruhi along with everyone else.
“Cute! You're as pretty as a girl! Adorable!” Tamaki said tears welled in his eyes.
“You think he knows?” Y/n questioned tilting his head towards Kyoya.
“Highly unlikely.” He said
“Haru-chan you look so cute!”
“If we had known that’s how you really look… we would’ve helped you way sooner.” The twins say, looking at the new Haruhi.
“Who knows, maybe he’ll draw in some new customers.” Kyoya chimes in.
“ You know, that’s just what I was thinking. Our errand boy is moving up in the ranks. Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your eight million debt!”
“A host?” Haruhi is shocked at what is happening.
Haruhi is now at a table surrounded by girls, getting asked a multitude of questions. At the start he stumbles through, really unsure of what to do. After a while Haruhi starts talking about his long gone mom, which causes the girls to grow emotional and become attached to the new host.
Tamaki is spying on Haruhi over the sofa blatantly ignoring his guests. 
“Why is he so popular?” Tamaki question.
“He’s a natural.” Kyoya calmly spoke.
“No training needed.” Y/n agreed.
“Unlike you y/n.” The twins teased.
“I wasn’t that bad on my first day!” Y/n argued. The twins have a knowing glance and started laughing.
A familiar voice breaks Tamaki’s attention.
“Have you forgotten about me?” Seika said, jealousy painted over her face.
Tamaki quickly regained composure, and responded.
“Oh, no. Sorry princess. I’m just a little concerned about our newest host.”
Her eyes narrow and look at the host.
“Well that’s obvious Tamaki. You sure have been keeping an eye on him.” Her tone grew more bitter.
“Of course I have to. I’m training him to be a gentleman like me!” He declares. 
 The other girls giggle and Tamaki calls over Haruhi.
Haruhi excuses himself and goes to Tamaki. 
“What’s up?”
“I'd like you to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Princess Ayanokoji.”
He gestures towards the girl.
“Miss, it's a pleasure to meet you.” He politely smiled.
Tamaki fussed over Haruhi again but this time refusing to let go despite the protests from the male.
 Causing Haruhi to call out for Mori-senpai’s help.
Mori rushes over to the two and swiftly lifts Haruhi away from Tamaki. Surprising Haruhi in the process.
 “Mori-senpai you really didn’t have to go that far.”
“Come on little one, let daddy give you a hug!” Tamaki is now back to babying Haruhi.
“I’ve already got a dad, I don't need another one!”
Later on the next day the club continues except now with the lack of Haruhi.
 And as you would expect Tamaki is worried, and asking all of the hosts on the whereabouts of him yet to no luck. 
 Finally he asked y/n.
“I believe he’s looking for his bag last time I checked.”
  Tamaki runs off to look for him.
Y/n look around the room for a host who isn’t busy. As luck would have it the twins were free.
“Hikaru, Karuo! Wanna play cards?” Y/n called out to the two.
 They walked over as Y/n set up the game.
“What do you want to bet with this time?” Y/n said finishing dealing the cards.
After a few rounds, the twins grew bored and ended up wandering off to do who knows what.
The end of the day comes and y/n packs up and starts to head home. But as y/n went by the crystal windows he saw Haruhi and Tamaki in the school pond drenched in water with Haruhi’s bag emptied across the water. He smiled and continues his walk.
 Haruhi is now stuck hosting with the redhead girl. The tension was deathly uncomfortable. It was clear to anyone they didn’t like each other.
Glass shattered along with screams.
“No, Haruhi! Leave me alone! Somebody help, he just attacked me!” She whined, causing the entire room to look at her and Haruhi who is now on top of her.
“Somebody do something! Teach this commoner a lesson!” She yells more.
The twins pour water on the two, shutting the princess up.
“Why did you do that? Do something, Tamaki, Haruhi just assaulted me!” She tried putting on the victim act.
“I’m disappointed in you. You threw his bag into the pound, didn’t you?” Tamaki said no longer having his usual cheerful smile.
She was taken aback and try to turn things around.
“You don’t know that. Do you have any proof I did?” She argued the act slowly slipping 
As he finally kicked her out permanently, the last people now in the room after all this was just the hosts.
  Tamaki turns to Haruhi who is still soaked in water.
“Hmmm.. now how am I going to punish you after all it is your fault. I got it! Your quota is now 1000!”
“Haruhi here kyoya helped me get another uniform” y/n hands Haruhi the bag. “Sorry it might not be your style but it's better than nothing!”
 Haruhi goes and changes to the new uniform.
Tamaki went off to bring Haruhi towels, clearing thinking this was a bright idea.
“Wait, should we send him to help Haruhi?” 
“He needs to find out one way or another.” 
“But I mean-“
Screams erupt from the other room, it seems like he found out.
Nothing Haruhi is saying is going through to Tamaki. But Tamaki flushes when he hears Haruhi compliment him.
Kyoya turns to y/n
“Now I may be wrong but I think we may be witnessing the beginning of love here.” 
 Y/n smiled.
“To be fair I think it started well before he found out.” 
Note: Hi I’m back from the dead!
Sorry for being gone for like a year but here we go
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youngpoetthomasthorne · 3 months
Goodness! Today was exciting! Today I sat with a different DM, a very lovely lady, I played with her last time, and she let me pick a "personality"!
It was a plastic gem-shaped trinket that was used to represent Thomoras on the board, I went with a periwinkle color. I'm planning on collecting a few more of these "personalities".
We went to a fae town in a swamp, tasked to defend the lovely Lady Harvest as she preformed a sacred ritual. Thomoras was head over heels for her! They even bought her a gift, some lovely shoes, and one of my teammates gave him a brooch that can turn into flowers, which Thomoras also offered her. She rejected the shoes, accepted the brooch, and informed Thomoras she's already involved with someone. Why must I always be spurned!
I offered the shoes to the teammate that gave me the brooch. She gladly accepted! They weren't Thomoras' size anyway.
I also got to show off my lovely dice bag today!
The worst part of the day was this one moment where I got a bit excited at something that was happening in the game, the table was staring at me a bit for my reaction. However when I explained I was just excited the DM did something really sweet! I don't wish to go into specifics, but it made me quite happy!
Oh, and at one point a bumblebee fell asleep in my lap!
Last time I was also informed that I was allowed to pick an uncommon item, to which I chose a staff of the python. I named my snake Slitherz the fourth. Don't ask me about his name, it came to me in a dream.
Quite literally. I dreamt I hae the body of a crab, and as I was walking across the beach, a snake walked- slithered, rather, up to me and introduced himself as Slitherz the fourth "with a zed". He was a lovely snake, we had a quick chat about the weather, and when he slithered off he said "Until monday, Thomoras!" and so I knew it must be.
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rubberduckyrye · 9 months
Gonna Gush about Genshin
One of my favourite things about Genshin really is that they took the chatacter that was Spurned from the world and said "Yeah. Even you can heal and be happy."
The reason why this is important to me is because often more than not you'll see a Narrative fuck a character up so badly, aka create a character thats been spurned by the world, and then give up on them. Like "They're too far gone, they can't be saved, theyre better off dead."
Which is so disheartening. Why must the people who have suffered the most be given up on? Is this really the only fate they can possibly have?
But Genshin took Scaramouche and knew he was hurt by the world. By a person who ruined his whole life. So ruined that he lashed out and wanted to reform the world because thats how badly he was hurt.
And they took this character and gently whispered "No, even you can find happiness. Even you deserve that much."
They gave Scaramouche Nahida. They gave him someone who would be their way to help him overcome his pain--even when the character himself wanted to end his fate in tragedy, the story said no. This is not what you deserve. You are not to be forgotten so easily.
While I have my reservations about the interlude quest, I always thought thst this aspect was so heartwarming. I always thought that the fact that the Wanderer took his past self and said "No. You're not unwanted. I'm here." Is a powerful message against the typical arc these kinds of characters go through.
And now, we see how far The Wanderer has come in just a year. He's (unintentionally) made friends who want to celebrate his birthday. He attracts animals and the aranara. He's still going to school.
He's moving forward--he's healing. And the man who hurt him before? Unless there's some weird shit in the narrative, Dottore doesn't even know Wanderer exists. Wanderer has the space and safety to heal, grow, and nature now.
He's free--and thats such a beautiful thing to see in a story.
Happy birthday, Wanderer. Thank you for being a symbol of hope for those who need to hear that with the right space, people, and time--that they, too, can be saved. That they, too, can find happiness and heal.
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rolloollor · 10 months
Do you have any headcanons for rollo and malleus?
I don't have a list prepared or anything, but I can ramble for a while. I'm guessing this refers to the game universe, so I'll focus on that. I'm also going to divide it into a few sections. To no one's surprise, it's very mallerollo centric.
While I think Rollo would dote on children, I also think that he might avoid them. Especially boys that remind him of Jehan. He may spurn them entirely just to avoid the potential loss. It could be why he isolates himself in general, both as a kind of self-inflicted punishment and as a way to protect himself. 
Rollo himself isn't lonely, though. He gets plenty of social interaction at school and even heads the student council. Sure, he isn't close to anyone, but some don't crave that. And people really seem to love him regardless. They simply aren't "good enough" for him, though. They're stupid, they're magic-drunk mages, they don't see the world as it is, unlike Rollo. But deep down, he must want someone to tell him that what happened to Jehan wasn't his fault well enough that he could believe them. His parents may have told him this, but he doesn't take them at their word. What do they know, they didn't see it happen. What does anyone know? But Malleus is such an authority on magic, he understands it better than most anyone alive. Maybe he's believable. Maybe.
As far as I recall, Malleus doesn't initially feel lonely in the story. He's very close to Lilia and decently close to Silver and Sebek. But the potential loss of Lilia is too much for him. He needs someone to cling to, someone he knows will be there for him. Part of him knows Lilia can't be this person--even when he was a child, Lilia would travel around and had things to do. And, more recently, he started raising Silver. The fact that Lilia is probably his favorite person, while Lilia (from Malleus' perspective) may not actually put Malleus "first," probably bothers him. I imagine it's something he's keenly aware of. Anyone that engages him romantically is taking a huge risk tbh.
Malleus wants someone he can rely on and, ideally, someone who loves him the most out of anyone else in their life. Rollo lost Jehan. He has little interest in his parents or his classmates. In the end, he's alone... like Malleus is afraid of being. But because he's alone, there's no one he can put above Malleus. Well, no one alive, anyway.
Rollo, naturally, is sexually repressed. He's the type that gets uncomfortable around naked statues and will cover artwork of topless ladies when they pop up in a history textbook. The moment he met Malleus, he lusted after him, but this manifested as disgust and anger since he couldn't (can't) admit it to himself. Plus there's a taboo element there. Not only are they both men, but Malleus is a fae and one of the most powerful mages alive. He practically is an embodiment of magic, something that Rollo sees as a temptation to weak-willed mages. And by framing him that way, he can't help but think of Malleus as enticing.
I have no doubt in my mind that Malleus was keenly interested in Rollo from the getgo, if only because of the fact that he represented the invitation and he was the host. When Rollo revealed his plan and opened up a fucking trap door beneath the NRC boys, that interest turned hostile. It slowly shifted to a sort of respect and a bit of fear over the course of the event. Because Rollo is the only human to challenge Malleus, he is the closest thing to an equal he might have that's around. For a man who has always had immense power, this intrigues him. Rollo is dangerous, therefore, he is interesting.
I'm pretty sure both are bi. If Rollo was a woman, Malleus would still be interested in him and Rollo would probably be extremely weird about a lady Malleus. I figure fae culture may be more lax about sexuality if the Lilia thing in chapter 7 is interpreted a certain way. As for Rollo, well, he seems to me like he would be swamped with temptations like all the time. He definitely categorizes women into either Madonnas or whores. Probably does it to men, too, regardless of whether or not they're actually virgins. VP is pure, ultimately nonsexual, and also not very interesting to Rollo, while Malleus is a terrible, awful whore mage he can't get out of his head.
Rollo enjoys being both the big and the little spoon. As the big spoon, he gets to bury his face in Malleus' hair and smell him. The only issue is watching out for those horns.
Malleus is more vanilla than Rollo, but he loves getting a reaction out of him, so he leans into whatever gets Rollo going.
Rollo specifically eats grapes with the seeds in them. If he's feeling adventurous, he'll eat green grapes for lunch, but he usually regrets doing so. Just isn't right.
Malleus likes to give gifts because it reminds him of how Lilia would always bring him back a souvenir from his travels (and convey that he was thinking of him).
Rollo sometimes eyes attractive people in public without realizing he's doing it. If Malleus catches him, he'll sulk for days.
Rollo is strict with himself because he has a feeling that he'll fall into excess. And he probably would. Sex, alcohol, whatever, but especially sex. But if he doesn't end up with Malleus, he'll eventually amass an unpleasantly large collection of nude magazines. He might even go cruising somewhere...
If there's a particular topic people want to hear me go on and on about, let me know. Headcanons is kind of broad so I'm not sure if this was the sort of thing you were looking for...
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